#i was so social today met with two friends separately to study and it was actually so fun
tenebris-lux · 1 year
Warning: this post talks about abuse related to ableism.
(Also, please note that as much as I like Jack Seward as a character, I’m about to rip into him. Strictly Seward stans, you may want to skip this.)
Today’s entry has the subtext: “Just in case ANYONE was in ANY doubt at all, let me spell it out: Dr. Jack Seward, Head of Carfax Asylum, is a complete and absolute, raging and abusive DICKHEAD to the patient R. M. Renfield.”
We see it all in action this time, the thing he alluded to in his very first entry:
“I questioned him more fully than I had ever done, with a view to making myself master of the facts of his hallucination. In my manner of doing it there was, I now see, something of cruelty. I seemed to wish to keep him to the point of his madness—a thing which I avoid with the patients as I would the mouth of hell.”
What that entry back then implied was that he didn’t even pick up on his own cruelty until he turned on his phonograph. Since then we’d seen separate instances of cruelty, suggesting the cat probably being the first instance of the questions meant “to keep him to the point of his madness.” But today, he wrenched and twisted that knife as brutally as he could, completely fucking Renfield up. He KNOWS it’s cruelty at this point and is doing it anyway. The useful information he obtained at the end wasn’t even what he was trying for.
Renfield is not a professional study to him, as much as Jack tells himself so—he’s a hobby.
“Later in the day he sent for me. Ordinarily I would not have come without special reason, but just at present I am so interested in him that I would gladly make an effort. Besides, I am glad to have anything to help pass the time. Harker is out, following up clues; and so are Lord Godalming and Quincey. Van Helsing sits in my study poring over the record prepared by the Harkers…”
And they’ve all agreed not to talk to Mina, so she’s out. So, he’s bored. Got nothing better to do than see what Renfield wants and maybe mess with him.
We had a break from that unpleasant side of him when he was focused on Lucy and Van Helsing, and when he met Mina. But did all that good stuff change anything about him? Not at all. Why would it? He sees a social gap between himself/his friends and a mentally ill inmate of his asylum. They’re two separate, unrelated things in his mind.
Again, I believe he would not think so well of Jonathan Harker if he had met him while Jonathan was still recovering. Even if he read the diary afterwards, there’s a strong chance he’d draw his own “professional” conclusions about Harker. Remember, he had said—
“After reading his account of it I was prepared to meet a good specimen of manhood, but hardly the quiet, business-like gentleman who came here to-day.”
He’s very judgmental. So if he had met “the quiet, business-like gentleman” before reading the diary or knowing anything of his past… the gentleman with the thousand-yard-stare who keeps getting shaken up by nightmares and possibly jumping at shadows … do you think Jack would’ve had the same respect we’ve seen him show Harker currently? If he read the diary afterwards, he’d most definitely think it all a hallucination. Which he might then rethink if he witnesses Vampire Lucy, but most likely not as an equal.
…….. Now THAT’S a frightening timeline….
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Meghan Markle is a fool who lacks real friends.
It is clear to me from this scripted reality tv show (designed to rehabilitate Meghan's image and reputation) that Meghan Markle remains a woman devoid of true friendship. Real Friends don't allow friends to go through life making a fool of themselves in front of the entire world.
The scripted commentary with Doria is a new low, and a stark reminder that Doria Ragland trained her daughter to view all relationships through a transactional lens.
"What are you getting in return?"
Meghan's high school was shocked to learn that Meghan's mother was black (they only met her father), yet this duo is attempting to surplant Thomas Markle's parenting with an absentee mother and some invisible (it takes a village) women who weren't worthy enough to accompany Doria to London for her daughter's "spectacle." In the end, Doria failed at her mission to offer the necessary "street credit" that Meghan so desperately needs to politically exploit the black community.
If anyone in the world needed to stop talking, it is Rachel Meghan Markle. It will never happen because she's a narcissist who lacks the discipline and self awareness to simply sit down and shut up. I truly feel sorry for any children. With Harry and Meghan as full or part-time parents, they have sadly been setup for serious emotional and psychological damage. Tragic.
With a personal mantra that is to always complain and over explain, there was no hope for Meghan as a working member of the BRF.
I only entertained a small dose of Meghan and her mom, and I'll attach clips in a separate rant, but suffice it to say that they were both insufferable. I now understand the reason Tom Bower felt the need to go on GB news in defense of Thomas Markle. Doria could have explained her ressons for abandoning Meghan, but none of these characters are interested in authenticity or humility. Doria nor Meghan will accept personal responsibility for their failures.
They say the narcissist is incapable of learning to remain quiet. While that might be true, her behavior does serve as a cautionary tale for us.
We know Meghan (and her teams) are obsessed with our criticism of her via social media. The best counsel I could find is found in a devotional taken from Proverbs 17:28.
Image and Reputation Repair:
"Improve your image and reputation today. Anyone can do it, even a fool. Cut your words in half – others will consider you a wise and knowledgeable person. What a proverb! Here is profound advice and a wise tip to quickly enhance what others think about you.
Hasty speech, unstudied speech, or much speech marks a fool. Closing your mouth and reducing your words will cause others to assume you are a wise and understanding person, even if you are a fool. God and King Solomon, both truly wise, guarantee it.
Speech reveals character (Pr 15:2; 29:11; Eccl 5:3; 10:12-14). Careful, deliberate, profitable, and proper speech marks a wise man. Hasty, impulsive, vain, and froward words mark a foolish and wicked man. A fool seldom says anything profitable or suitable (Eccl 10:3), but reducing his words will cause others to think he is careful and deliberate.
It is wise to see and hear well, but to say little. You learn by listening, not by talking. You should not talk until necessary or profitable. Others will assume your silence indicates careful observation and deep consideration of the topic and a deep search for the right thoughts and words before speaking. Has a wise reputation ever been so cheap? Never!
The tongue is dangerous and easily hurts others (Pr 10:19; 18:21; Jas 3:2-12), so wise men limit words to avoid sin (Pr 17:27; Job 13:5), and they study before speaking (Pr 15:28). It is better to be swift at hearing than at speaking (Jas 1:19-20). God gave you two ears but only one mouth. Cutting your words in half will then match your anatomy.
Ah, but the fire to speak burns in some men (Ps 39:1-3). They cannot quench this fire; they cannot reduce the heat; they cannot rule the impulse; they must talk, now! What a curse to have an unruly mouth and tell everyone within hearing distance that you are a fool. Close your mouth, and even though you truly are one, no one but you will know it."
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Famous leaders have revised it
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immamapletreekid · 2 years
ranpo in idv im not surviving this one
0 notes
jeonjeonggukenergy · 4 years
May 31
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summary ~ on the last day of your senior year living together, you're still fighting your feelings for your roommate jungkook. before you can fully move out and move on, he makes a pretty significant scheduling error. #and there was only one bed
genre ~ fluff, smut / roommate!au, college!au, bit of crack/fake texts
wordcount ~ 5k
warnings ~ smut (18+), blowjob (oral: m receiving), nipple play, marking, penetrative sex, cumplay (sort of oral: f receiving), jungkook just goes hard as expected BUT IT'S SOFT? this is just super cheesy and cute with some hopefully hot smut
a/n ~ surprise oneshot! and they were roommates? and there was only one bed? this is all my fave tropes wrapped into one, i had a ton of fun writing it and i hope yall enjoy :')
~ read on ao3 ~
You walked up to your apartment door just as a boy from the class below you walked out—with a wave, a "see ya, Jungkook!" and what appeared to be the last piece of your roommate's bedframe.
"You...sold...your bed?"
"Well, sort of. I borrowed it from that guy for the year while he was studying abroad. So now I'm giving it back to him. Since I'm staying in the city for my new job, though, I wish I could have just kept it. Now I have to actually buy one," Jungkook lamented.
"I mean, okay, but why didn't you just wait to give it back tomorrow when we move out?"
"What do you mean? Today's move-out day. I was just waiting for my brother to get off work to help get all my stuff out of here. I was kind of wondering why you hadn't packed up more, but you've always waited til the last minute to pack for things." Jungkook grinned, recalling your friend group’s spring break trip.
Momentarily distracted by his dig, you defended yourself quickly before returning to the subject. "Hey! At least I always get it done in the end. Better than packing too soon and accidentally giving away your bed a day early. Your new lease doesn't let you move in til the first day of June, right? It's May 31st."
Jungkook's pretty doe eyes went comically wide. "31st? There is no May 31st. It's June 1st. Because yesterday was May 30th. Right?"
"Oh my gosh. You're joking. You have to be joking," you tried not to laugh as you pulled up your Google calendar. "Here, look," you turned the phone around to him. "May 31st."
"Shit," he breathed, pushing the soft shock of hair back from his frozen face. "What did I do?"
You took your phone back, already distracted by your texts as you reassured him. "Don't worry, it’s funny but it's no big deal, I'm just messing with you. You can sleep on the couch for tonight, you'll be fine."
Jungkook grabbed your wrist, making you look up from your screen in surprise. In sitcom-esque slow motion, he swiveled his head sideways and you followed his gaze to the living room, realizing—
"The couch was his too. I gave it back."
"Oh my gosh," you muttered, shaking your head down with a smile. Feeling a little braver on your last full day as roommates, you finally gave Jungkook the warning that had almost slipped out plenty of times over the year. "Jungkookie...you're really lucky you're so cute. Otherwise you wouldn't get away with nearly as much as you do in life.”
"I..." Jungkook dropped your hand, grinning at the usual nickname but unsure how to take the half-compliment. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I forgot about a whole day, I usually double-check my calendar. I can just take the floor for tonight, I guess? I'll go unpack my blanket again. Sorry, I don't want to be an inconvenience."
"No, no," you cut him off—against your better judgment, but determined to ignore your superficial attraction to him to be a good friend and roommate. "Don't be ridiculous, just sleep in my bed. I mean, if that's okay with you of course. It'll definitely be more comfortable than the floor." He nodded rapidly, eyes still wide but mouth perfectly flatlined like an emoji. "Okay then. No worries. Let's eat, I got us takeout for our last night but it's getting cold."
At the mention of food, Jungkook made a beeline for the plastic bags hanging on your arm, and soon you were back to normal—well, sort of. Eating slightly reheated noodles on the living room floor instead of the couch, you giggled over one last Friday night K-drama episode together and reminisced over all the best memories from your year as roommates. You missed the coziness of your couch more than you thought you might, or maybe you just missed the snuggles you'd shared in its corner on countless nights like this one.
Jungkook had always been cutely touchy with his close friends, but it had taken a while for you two to get comfortable. You had to admit you'd gotten spooked when you first met him, disappearing behind your door after a quick "hi, nice to meet you!" and furiously texting your friend and former roommate Jin in distress. He hadn't warned you the new guy he'd found for your apartment was, in your own words, "stupid hot." Jin had laughed you off, saying it hadn't even occurred to him because he just saw his former soccer teammate "JK" as a kid. To be fair, it probably truly had slipped Jin's notice—he barely believed anyone who told him how objectively attractive he was. But Jin was a good enough friend to both you and Jungkook that he took charge of dissolving the initial tension, immediately bringing y'all over for a "double housewarming" dinner party at the cute new place he now shared with his fiancée. (Thank goodness he'd finally listened when you'd told him she found him attractive. Even if it cost you a roommate of two years, you'd happily take credit for that relationship.) That first invitation had felt suspiciously like a double date, but Jin's cooking and hosting skills broke the ice nicely enough. After that, it only took a few more dinners and video game nights to initiate you into their casual rhythm of hair ruffles and backhugs.
Currently, Jungkook had his arm around you to offer a neck rub while you rested your head on his shoulder, hoping he couldn't feel your pulse beneath his fingers. "Ah, you're going so hard," you half-protested.
"I always go this hard! You never complain," he shot back with a teasing grin.
"Nah, come on, you're gonna leave a mark or something. At least check," you lifted your head, sweeping your hair aside. "Is it all red like Jin always gets?" you joked.
Facing away, you had no way of seeing it, but Jungkook's face had gone red too. "Uh...no, it's fine, it's fine." He glanced back to the TV and turned it off, noticing the episode had ended. "Sorry though, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm gonna go shower and get ready for bed."
"Hey, no, it's okay!" You tugged on his shirt as he got up, wanting to reverse whatever you’d done to make him seem so uneasy. "I'm not actually hurt or mad at you or anything, I was just messing with you. Again." You smiled lightheartedly, and his face broke into a soft nose-scrunch at the reassurance.
"Okay, good. I was gonna shower anyway though—so uh, see you in bed I guess?"
"Yeah same, see you in bed," you laughed, trying to maintain the ease in your facial expression until the moment he left the room, upon which your internal monologue immediately turned into "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."
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You couldn't help thinking about Jungkook in the shower. And not even in the usual way that you couldn't help thinking about Jungkook, in the shower. As much as you hated to admit it, Jin was probably right about your feelings for your sweet, dorky roommate going beyond just physical attraction, or friendship. Jungkook was kind, respectful, smart, athletic, artistic, funny, really hot, and you already got along well enough to live together: he really was the ultimate boyfriend material. You were both pleasantly moderate introverts. He shared your same favorite dramas and brand of instant ramen. Even your parents loved him—wait, did they want you to date him too? A strict follower of every social rule that dictated not dating roommates, coworkers, best friends' exes, exes' best friends, etc., you had simply never allowed yourself to consider the possibility until now. You played back your conversations with Jin over the year and considered the sheer amount of the funny stories you told him, or situations where you asked for his advice, or surprises he'd helped you plan, or simply glowing, grinning descriptions of something new you'd noticed, that all ended up being about Jungkook. He'd never even had to bring him up. Damn Jin for being such a good listener.
Almost an hour later, when you were already in bed, Jungkook politely knocked on your door. He always took long showers, and tonight you couldn't decide whether you were thankful for the extra time to prepare yourself or even more stressed from the extra time to overthink.
"Come in," you called quietly. Jungkook shuffled into your room, toe-socked feet making their way to the side of the bed you'd rolled over to clear for him. Cautious, he climbed in, and you stayed safely facing away from each other for a while, winding down for the night on your phones like you both normally did in your separate rooms. So spaced out that you couldn't even detect Jungkook's additional body heat, you felt the chill of the air conditioning instead and kept adjusting the blankets to try and achieve maximum insulation.
Jungkook eventually spoke his first words since he'd entered. "Am I hogging the covers? I'm sorry."
"Oh no, you're totally fine, if anything I'm taking up more than you. I'm just always cold, so I usually sleep in, like, a three-layered burrito. But it's fine! Really, no worries."
To your surprise, Jungkook rolled over, propping his head up on an elbow to look at you. "Well...I...we could..." he started, swallowing when you turned to face him. "I mean, you could wear socks! Like I do!" He pulled a foot out from under the sheets and presented it to your face, cackling.
"I think the fuck not," you snorted, shoving the foot away and falling slightly on top of him as you both lost your balance in giggles. "You couldn't catch me dead in your weird-ass socks."
"That's the secret, though!" he insisted. "That's how I stay warm."
"You are warm," you realized. One of your hands had ended up on his chest, the other arm tucked in the side of his torso, and both were burning up. You supposed you'd settled into similar positions on the couch before but you'd never noticed just how much of a human furnace he was. Maybe it was because he hadn't been wearing his toe socks.
Neither of you said anything for a second. You could feel his heart beating at a slightly elevated but respectable rate, and while you wanted to pull away, if only to spare your own nerves, you also...didn't. You were too scared to stay like this, but too scared to move too. Jungkook seemed similarly stuck, blinking down at your hand on his chest, but eventually he unfroze to reach over it and drag you fully onto him by your shoulder. You simply let him handle you, not making any additional moves but silently enjoying the heat he seemed happy to provide. His hand spread over your back to press your torso to his, radiating heat through your thin t-shirt, and you suddenly grew self-conscious that you were braless. But of course you were, who wears a bra to bed? You were fine. This was fine.
"Are you okay? Is this warmer?" Jungkook asked, as gentle as his touch.
"Yeah! Yeah, this is fine," you responded, the answer muffled by your mouth's placement all too near to his neck. You could sense the heat coming off his skin from there too, but it contrasted with the mild coolness of his still-damp hair. It smelled faintly of floral shampoo, and the scent suddenly amplified all your nerves as the implications of how close he was hit you from head to toe. Even the soft fuzz of his socks brushed your bare legs, now intertwined with his. You weren't exactly small, but the warm solidity of Jungkook’s body under you made you feel fully enveloped by him. Though he'd shared a fair amount of skin with you through the course of your friendship, the intimacy of sharing your bed took every touch to another level, and being pressed so flush against him felt unbearable. You couldn't possibly process a whole year of pure pent-up physical attraction right now, much less any other feelings that may or may not have grown with it, especially when you knew he had no reason to feel anything back. And you were roommates. You just needed to sleep it off and then you could both move, and move on, in peace. Hopefully the odds of ever being stuck in a bed with Jungkook again would go way down after tonight.
Not bothering to get up and turn off the weak string of lights above your headboard, you just slowed your breathing and attempted to drift off to sleep. Pretending the deeper breaths weren't so you could get a better whiff of his soft, flowery hair, you laid still for several minutes, successfully ignoring your body's instinctual response.
Eventually, though, it became impossible to ignore his.
Jungkook wasn't that hard, okay. He wasn't a teenager; he thought he could control himself around you enough by now that he could just enjoy this last night without giving anything away. He almost felt bad when you invited him into your bed, sensing your reluctance and knowing it was his own fault that you'd had to offer in the first place. But he knew you wouldn't have asked if you weren't truly okay with it, and that confidence gave him the tiniest swell of hope that maybe you were a little bit more than okay. While Jin refused to give away any real insight into what you thought of him, he'd been teasing Jungkook for six months about his crush on you, eventually convincing him to try making your friendship into more once you both graduated and moved on to different roommates. He had just been planning to bring it up in a much better way than the semi that you could definitely feel against your thigh. You had both been silent about it for over five minutes, though, long enough that he could cross his fingers that you were already asleep. He probably didn't have to worry about a thing.
You had finally worked up the courage to stop pretending you’d fallen asleep. You felt him freeze up under you—the defined abs that covered his tiny waist tightening, solid chest muscles contracting, and his thighs tensing to trap yours between them, all at once. You froze too, attempting to speak again but no sound coming out.
"_____, guess what!" he blurted to cut you off. Which was good, because you had absolutely zero plans for what to say after that.
"It's after midnight," he said, jolting up to point to the digital clock on your side table. "It really is the first day of June now. So, according to the lease, we're officially no longer roommates. Crazy!"
"I mean...yeah," you affirmed, confused. "But also, we're literally sharing a bed right now. In the same room. So until that changes, I would probably still call us roommates." A little too amused by your own clapback, you raised your head to peek into his wide eyes and smiled, a big one that scrunched up your whole face.
And his dick twitched. Yeah, there was no way you could not notice that.
Before you could even finish your gasp, Jungkook spoke again. "I like you. I'm sorry. I like you. I didn't want to say anything while we were roommates because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, and I definitely didn't mean for this to happen, I'm sorry. You can totally not like me back and it's fine. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to tell you like this, I just...I like you. A lot."
Shocked into silence for a second, but galvanized by his unnecessary apology, you responded without thinking for once. "Don't say sorry. You don't need to apologize, it's okay. Oh my gosh, I had no idea. I really had no idea. I, uh, I think I like you too? Shit, okay, I thought you were really hot from, like, the day you moved in, and eventually it became more than that but I didn't want to make anything weird because, yeah, we’re roommates, so I pretty much tried to ignore it all year. But then Jin made me realize that you're basically all I think about—or talk to him about, shit, I must have been so annoying—"
"Jin? JIN?" Jungkook grabbed his phone from the side table and wasted no time in blasting off the last meme in his camera roll. You propped yourself up in his arms, both giggling at Jin's quick shot back.
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Looking at him now, a big cheesy smile on his face even as he stirred under you, still a little hard, you nodded as if fully understanding for the first time. "Yeah. I like you too."
As he set down his phone and brought his hand around your back again, his smile faded into a smirk. "Wow."
"Yeah...wow," you echoed, nervous and awkward again. You felt your face grow warmer as he looked slowly to your lips, then back up to meet your eyes.
"Can I kiss you?"
Blinking, you shifted your weight back down onto him, bringing your face close enough to hear his intake of breath as your hips brushed his dick. "Can you do more than that?"
"Fuck," he whispered. "Yes."
Jungkook snaked one arm down to your ass and one arm up your back to the nape of your neck, holding you close as he kissed you for the first time, fiercely. He didn't waste another minute hesitating now that he knew you had both wanted this for a year. Passionate but not aggressive, he teased the seam of your mouth with the tip of his tongue and you instantly opened for him, gliding your tongue over his smooth bottom lip as his flicked up to the sensitive roof of your mouth. Squeezing your ass to guide your hips down in small circles against him, he tensed his other hand slightly into your hair and you moaned at the competing sensations. Jungkook broke away to absorb every beautiful noise you made as he discovered you, heavy eyes finding yours before he rolled over to pin you to the bed and bury his face in your neck. He smiled into your skin when you moaned again from the satisfying pressure of his full body over you, and carefully rolled his hips into yours as he covered your jawline in tender kisses. One of your hands carved through his thick hair. As you dug the fingertips of your other hand into his prominent back muscles, you suddenly realized you were both still fully clothed and you really, really did not want him to be. Tugging his t-shirt over his head and throwing it aside, you paused before letting him do the same.
"Wait. Take off your socks. I can't believe I didn't make you do that before any of this. I really just almost had sex with someone wearing toe socks. Kill me," you whined over-dramatically.
"Come on, that would have been hilarious. What a first-time story!" Jungkook said earnestly. "Sure you don't want me to leave them on?"
"Please take them off. Please," you only half-jokingly begged.
"You wanna take 'em off for me?" he teased, wiggling a foot in front of you.
"Fine, whatever it takes!" You flung his sock across the room, reaching for his other foot below the covers to get rid of the other one.
He fell on top of you, giggling again, but as soon as you shut him up with your lips he snapped out of it, eagerly deepening the kiss while his warm hands traveled up under your shirt. Smoothing over the curves of your torso and reaching up to firmly grasp your breasts, he moaned into you and you whined back as his thumbs brushed your hardening nipples. He was incredibly physically precise, each movement graceful yet sharp and intentional. You felt deeply lucky to experience this dimension of him, the most perfect and natural expression of his contradictory nature. Equally loving, giving, overachieving, and sensual—with a side of weird socks and Gen Z meme literacy—that was your Jungkook.
"I can't believe this is happening," Jungkook murmured as he pulled your shirt over your head. "I can't believe I get to see you like this. You're so—ohhh." He trailed off, taking in the fully naked glory of your top half for the first time. His head immediately ducked to your chest, sucking dark bruises into the low-lit hollow of your breasts. You squirmed under his hold on the dip of your waist, whimpering, but the grip of your hands in his shiny black locks let him know you didn't really want him to stop. Grinding against his now rock-hard dick, you eventually couldn't take the friction anymore and reached down to try and pull off both of your pajama pants at the same time. Jungkook just laughed.
He paused to help you out, rolling off of you to take care of his own sweatpants, and you kicked off your pajama pants and underwear as Jungkook slowly let his erection spring free above his waistband. You'd never thought a dick could be pretty before, but it honestly made sense that his would be as perfect as the rest of his body. "Fuck," you swore softly, mouth watering. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at you, and you scrambled to lick the tip as if on instinct, eliciting a much more emphatic "Fuuuuuck!" from him. He spread his legs to let you crawl between them, holding tenuous eye contact as you smirked at his sensitivity. Teasing a single finger up his shaft, you followed its path with your tongue and he let out a deliciously high, shaky moan.
"Please," Jungkook choked out when you approached him, lips pursed. He praised you breathlessly as you tightened a hand around his length and began to sink down. "You feel so good already. Fuck." Closing your eyes, you hollowed your cheeks to accommodate his generous size and dipped your head, sucking him in as far as you could go. He was so responsive, you learned what he liked quickly, and savored each whimper as you stroked his balls gently or swirled your tongue over his slit. You licked all the way from his head to the base and he cried out. Bringing a hand to the back of your head, he didn't quite hold you down, leaving enough slack for you to move if you wanted to, but you submitted to his touch and stayed a second with nearly his whole length in your mouth. And then you swallowed.
"Stop! Stop, please, or I'll cum." He pulled you off by your hair, bringing your forehead to his as you realigned your bodies. "You're so good for me," he professed warmly. "I wanna be good for you."
"Then fuck me," you surprised him by answering bluntly. "Please, I want you so bad."
Jungkook groaned, arching his hips up against you and coating his dick in your wetness. Bringing himself back under control, he pinned you under his thighs and reached down to open you up with a finger. You felt so much more relaxed with him than you had with any previous boyfriend or hookup, and he slid into your entrance fairly easily. You moaned right away when he brushed his thumb over your clit, and he responded with a muttered "Fuck it, you’re so wet already," pulling his finger out and stroking it up your folds as he lined up.
"You're on the pill, right? For your periods," he confirmed.
"Yeah, of course. You really think I'd let you hit it raw otherwise?" you shot back teasingly, trying to hide how touched you were that he remembered from a few months ago, when he'd driven you to pick up your prescription since your car was in the shop. That was your Jungkook.
"No," he said sheepishly. "You're smart."
You smiled up at him fondly, ruffling his hair. "You're smart too. And sweet. And hot. And your dick is enormous. It's kind of unfair."
"Unfair!" he protested. "How can I be unfair when you're perfect?"
"Perfect? Shut up," you dismissed him. "Now I know you're lying. You cheeseball."
"I'm not lying! You're perfect for me."
"Oh, so you're just a hopeless romantic. Where did that come from? What am I getting into?" you fussed playfully.
"Okay, we can make fun of each other later, like always, but right now can I just get into you?" Jungkook pleaded, directing you back to the task at hand.
"Oh my gosh. I can't believe this, you're worse than Jin. That was actually pretty impressive—" Surprised, you half-laughed, half-admired his wordplay, but were silenced by both his lips and his first few inches gliding into you.
Not yet breaking your kiss, just absorbing your moans into his mouth as he stretched you out, Jungkook eased himself all the way in. He drank in every detail of your body's response to keep careful track of your comfort. You tilted your ass up against him, absorbing the fullness of his big dick immersed in your walls, and he froze. "Pretty impressive?" he whispered.
"Jungkook," you breathed back in pure pleasure, too overwhelmed to sass back.
"Can I move?" he asked sweetly.
"Fuck. Yes."
Jungkook's brows narrowed as his eyes turned darker, and he snapped his hips up into yours once, twice, before setting a fierce pace that had you crying out with each stroke. He hadn't lost touch on your clit the whole time, and he began to circle his fingers to pleasure you there too, building up an almost unbearable tension throughout your whole body.
"Fuck...fuck! Jungkook!" you chanted. His eyes overcame their fluttering to meet yours. Jungkook stilled, then ground down on you in one big, slow, circle, drinking in your blissed-out expression.
"Harder?" he whispered. Jungkook loved a challenge.
"Sure, harder. Why the fuck not," you keened, high-pitched and desperate. He could split you in half at this point, leave you unable to walk for days, and you'd love it.
Jungkook made a small, delighted noise at your eagerness, kissing you quickly before flipping you over and positioning you on all fours, sheathing himself in you again. He ran his hands along your torso to clutch your breasts from underneath, holding himself up against you with solely the strength of his thighs and his core. Pulsing his hips into you carefully, slowly, to let you get used to the deeper angle, his fingertips skimmed your nipples tantalizingly, warming you further. He dropped one hand to prop himself up and slowly traveled the other down to your center. The lustful, elated exhale you let out when he rubbed your clit made him snap his hips forward, tilting you into the bed before you could engage your thighs to push back against his. Your continuous moans encouraged him that you were enjoying this just as much as him, loving how he remained fully attentive to your pleasure while pounding into you to pursue his own high. He fucked you like a high-intensity workout, pushing his unreasonably built body to its limits of speed and strength. You couldn't help wishing you'd taken him up on more of his offers to hit the gym together, but he seemed to get off on your breathlessness, wanting to give you his all and push you past your limits too. His fingers working as quickly as his hips, heat swelled up inside you, and when you felt sure that the tension in your core was about to break, you turned your head to cry out to him.
"Jungkookie, Jungkook—nhngh, I'm gonna cum."
"Ahhhh," he moaned. "Me too, _____. You feel so amazing, ahh—you're so perfect for me." The praise warmed your heart and your core, and soon you came around him with a long, drawn-out whine. He fucked you deep through each spasm, sending you into hot, heady overstimulation as he shuddered and emptied himself into you. When you finally collapsed under him, legs sore and shaking, he pulled out of you gently and lowered his lips to your lower lips with great care. Jungkook meticulously kissed from your swollen clit to your entrance, soft as a whisper, and you breathed out in overwhelmed bliss as his tongue emerged to tenderly nudge every drop of his cum into your opening. The gesture of aftercare, just as soothing as it was inexplicably hot, bloomed an affection within you that almost made your heart hurt. You rolled over, stretching your legs out, and he looked up at you from between them. His hair was a beautifully sweaty mess, and he smiled in sweet satisfaction with your wetness adorning his chin. That was your Jungkook.
"Don't go anywhere," he said softly, kneading your thighs with his hands.
"Well, I have to do the whole pee-after-sex thing. But after that, where would I go? There's only one bed in this apartment now," you couldn't help teasing.
"Hey! If I hadn't given away my bed, none of this would have happened," he complained cutely, pulling himself up to big-spoon you. “Just stay with me.”
"I will. I know," you murmured back. "And I'm so happy you did." You shifted back, closer against him, and he buried his face in your neck.
"You know, I was gonna miss being roommates so much," he said thoughtfully. "But I'm so okay with not being your roommate now if I get to be your...your..." He grinned into your shoulder, suddenly too shy to say it.
You turned to face him, holding his pink cheeks in both of your hands and kissing his nose. Knowing this would be just the first intimate moment of many made you both flush with an easy, sweet joy.
"My Jungkook. You're my Jungkook."
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saturnsummer · 3 years
the fairytale she never had (will you believe again?)
when sol is invited to a wedding, sol doesn’t think her best friend would follow her. 
aka: solhwi attending a wedding
notes: it just struck me one day, and i really wanted them to see each other outside of the law school moments! while law school defines them, they are certainly people with social activities.
 i adapted this from a similar prompt i saw from a fic many years ago for a separate fandom, and i always wanted to write something similar. this was honestly not met to be multi-part, but i write too much anyways. so multi-part it will be.
 also, it might sound depressing in the initial part where sol is talking about the wedding invitation, but it gets explained later on. 
as always, enjoy! any grammar mistakes and all will be taken fully responsible by me!
ao3 link
words: 4135 words
I: 我愿变成童话里, 你爱的那个天使 (i am willing to be the angel of that fairytale you love)
--title inspired by fairytale (童话) by Michael Wong!--
Sol absolutely hates weddings. 
She hated the big social crowds, the way drunk men in tuxedos staggered around with women in one arm and a drink in another. She found no purpose in dressing in lavish gowns, then eating dinner for the next two hours without even feeling full. 
Sol couldn’t blame anyone but herself for this. She can’t help but remember her mother’s failed marriages. The way her biological father left them in the middle of the night, with all their hard earned savings. The way her stepfather, Byeol’s father, would come home drunk and violent towards her mother. It was a memory she couldn’t erase. More than a decade later, she still wakes up in a cold sweat, worrying for her mother and small Byeol’s life. 
She long ago gave up on the concept of love back then. She wasn’t opposed to anyone dating or talking about it, and she certainly didn’t mind short flings. But marriage? Eternal love? The fairytale that everyone hopes to achieve? Sol threw those ideas out of the window. 
So when Sol received a thick, cream-coloured card and envelope, embossed with rose gold foil and flowers, a pretty silver wax seal and her name written in careful strokes of a calligraphy brush, she was stumped. 
Her friend, Im Jiyoon, was getting married. Jiyoon was a good friend of Sol’s, and they occasionally met up for quick meals. Jiyoon was an accountant and climbing the ranks in her company. They lost contact for a period when Sol was in juvie, but they reconnected when Sol was just starting law school. It was only polite that Jiyoon extended invitations to her high school classmate. 
Sol had mixed feelings. The wedding was on a Friday night, which made things good since she didn’t have to wake up early, fitting her schedule properly. But she had nothing to wear. She could borrow a dress and shoes from Yeseul, but the last time she borrowed a shoe from Yeseul, she almost broke her ankle. And she had so much work to catch up on. Yet, not showing up felt rude of her. 
Jiyoon was nice, don’t get her wrong. She was smart, resourceful and lovely to be with in high school. Sol wanted nothing more than for her high school friend to marry the love of her life. But she hasn't been to such social events in years, and being so focussed on school, the legal clinic and contributing to her family, she found it difficult to understand why she needed to go, besides doing it out of courtesy. 
“What’s that?” A familiar voice pipes from behind, drawing her out of her thoughts. There’s the familiar shuffling of several pairs of feet as Sol turns her attention to the one who spoke. Behind her, was Han Joon Hwi with his bag just being set on the table. The rest of the group was just settling in for another study session.
“Ah, nothing important.” She monotonously says before sliding the card in her files. Joon Hwi’s hands catch the card before she can slide it fully and stop her from hiding it from him, or the rest of the group. The rest draw their attention to the expensive card and Sol only stays silent. 
“A wedding? Your friend’s?” Yeseul asks as she picks the card up with perfectly manicured fingers. Turning and feeling the thick paper between her fingers, Yeseul knew it was no cheap manufactured paper. This was expensive, premium, and each card looked handmade from the brush calligraphy. 
“Yeah. But I don’t think I’m going.” Sol says as Yeseul returns her the card and successfully stores it away in her bag. 
“Why not? Don’t you want to be there?” Joon Hwi asks, cocking his head to the side in utter confusion.
“There isn’t much point, is there? I have school and the legal clinic and things to revise for. And besides, I don't have anything to attend in. I just rather send her a gift and treat her a meal.” Sol simply explains. Everyone bombards her with more questions, but she diverts their attention to her paper and the cases they are reviewing today.
Joon Hwi, however, couldn’t get Sol’s reasoning out of his head. He knew Sol well enough to know how much she values her friends, and that she would be willing to drop everything for a friend. Her loyalty was unmatched. It didn’t make sense that she would be held back by her vanity or school work that caused her to not attend such a joyous occasion. 
When everyone is done reviewing the cases and the session ends, Sol is the only one who has her books and papers still scattered all over the table. She still has to review her notes and catch up on a few lectures before she can officially end her day. Joon Hwi was long done, but he stayed put, bringing out a past report he’s done and glancing through it, hopeful to catch any mistakes. The others have headed back or gone to the cafeteria for a meal. 
“Han Joon Hwi, you don’t have to stay for me, you know?” Sol says, her eyes not once looking up as she stays concentrated highlighting her book with a fluorescent orange highlight. She sticks it in her hair when she’s done, raising her head to meet Joon Hwi’s eyes. Joon Hwi only smiles, letting his eyes crinkle. 
“Why don’t you want to attend the wedding?” Joon Hwi asks, still smiling. Sol scoffs. 
“I already said. I’m too busy-” Sol is cut off by Joon Hwi with his teasing. 
“You sure? I think it’s about the groom, though.” Joon Hwi smiles brightly, earning an irritated series of clicks of her tongue from Sol, clearly successful in being teased.
“None of that sort! Who do you think I am, Han Joon Hwi?” Sol rebuts back, throwing her eraser across to him in annoyance.
 Joon Hwi catches it with a laugh, but doesn’t lose eye contact with Sol. A few moments of silence follow, as she looks at the file with the card. Slowly, she draws the card from her file, holding it carefully between her fingers. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to be there. I… it’s my first time going to such a social event in such a long time. And the last time I met Jiyoon was a year ago, back in our 1L.” She says softly, letting her fingers brush her calligraphed name.
“I just… rather not go, you know? Treat her to a nice meal somewhere, maybe a couple drinks. Besides, I’m sure she’s just doing it out of courtesy.” She lets out a light laugh. 
Joon Hwi’s heart softens. He’s witnessed Sol in her different elements. The courtroom, where she’s a powerful woman in command, dressed professionally in a suit and hair in a perfect ponytail. The day-to-day her, where she’s comfortably dressed in jeans and her tanned coat, hair in a bun and post it notes on her jacket. She was always so bold, so confident and so full of fire. It never occurred to him that she would be uncomfortable in social events. She was always the life during dinners, with Bokgi. She laughed loudly, engaged in conversations and seemed so comfortable. He remembers how she would help out the old halmeonis with her neighbourhood on some days when he sent her home, or the times she bought ice creams for Byeol’s classmates. She seemed so extroverted, yet so closed off. Eying her, Joon Hwi reaches out and clasps his hand over hers in an attempt to comfort. 
“I never went to school events, you know? Especially since juvie made me miss it. When I redid my high school year, I didn’t go too. There wasn’t much of a point, since I didn’t have a date or many friends to begin with. If it was Dan, she would have gone, being the popular girl she was back then.” Sol softly says, a small smile ghosting her face.
She remembers the day prom arrived for her school. She was expectant, hoping that the boy she liked would invite her. Or maybe the girls that she occasionally had lunch with will invite her to hang out. But all she got was a stone cold silence the weeks leading up to prom. When everyone buzzed on what they were wearing to prom night, she silently put on her headphones, drilling herself into her science assignments. Of course, she wouldn’t be invited.
She knew the rumours floating in school. How Dan was the perfect one, how she was the failed one. She knew everyone knew she went to juvie. She knows how the boys snicker at her when she walks past them, or how the girls gossip and whisper when she’s eating her lunch. Besides, it didn't help that she was poor. She can’t even afford a dress of her own, let alone go to the event.
Realising what she’s said, Sol quickly draws her hand away along with the card and slots it away in her file. 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to blabber on. You must think it’s stupid, I think so too. Anyways, do you have the notes Professor Kim...” Sol quickly apologises and diverts her attention to her notes. But Joon Hwi was no longer listening. He was shattered by how the woman sitting in front of him has never been treated like how she should be treated. It was no secret to Joon Hwi that he cared for his friends, but cared a little more for Sol. He was the one that left post-it notes on her table and pretended he didn't. She was the only one that he would let steal a mouth or two from his ramyeon. He could read her moods just from her eyes. He wonders sometimes, if he sees her more than a friend. 
He won’t hide that she’s beautiful. The way her eyes slant in an elegant fashion, her smooth, slightly tanned skin, and her winning smile that he always found his heart beating faster for. He loves the way she smiles at her extra pickles, the way her eyes light up when she sees Byeol, or the way she argues and practices. The tenacity and desire she has to improve inspires him to work as hard as her. 
This is why when Sol spilled the beans, he couldn't help but feel all sorts of emotions. Anger, towards the people in her school, for not realising such a wonderful student. Anger towards her for degrading herself. Sadness, for her not being able to experience such events. 
As Joon Hwi ended the session with her and returned to his room, he made a promise to Sol. He’s convinced it will work, and he begins planning in his head. 
He will show her the fairytale. 
A week passed. 
Sol had to give a reply in a few days and she has not figured out what to say. The wedding was in a month. She knew Jiyoon would be busy... Sol figures that she should just treat Jiyoon after her honeymoon, knowing how she would be away with her husband as newlyweds later on. 
“Still thinking about the wedding?” Joon Hwi nods at her, her head in her hands. Sol, looking defeated, nods. So much for trying to hide. They were at their pantry area of their dorms, Sol stirring her ramyeon, as Joon Hwi slurps his. It was 3am, and they just finished studying. The next day was a weekend, so it didn’t really matter if they slept late, since they got the privilege of sleeping in.
“What do I tell Jiyoon? I don’t want to sound rude.” Sol mumbles, lazily stirring her soggy noodles.
“Go to the wedding.” Joon Hwi says suddenly, continuously slurping. 
“Sol, how many weddings can you even go to in your life? Are you sure you want to miss this one? Besides, you said you haven’t been to social events. Don’t you want to experience it?” Joon Hwi says, adrenaline building in his voice. 
Sol falls silent. She can’t deny that she wants to experience the feeling of being dolled up, the fun that everyone talks about, and the enjoyment that everyone goes through. And Joon Hwi is right; she wants to celebrate with Jiyoon. But her fear of social events and the past was holding her back. 
Joon Hwi could tell the change in her eyes. He gives a sweet smile, knowing that he said enough to change her mind. 
“Joon Hwi, but what if she doesn’t even-” Sol begins doubting herself as she shoots off her doubts and worries. Joon Hwi calms her down with logical reasons, calming her nerves in between his mouths of ramyeon. 
“But... I’ll be alone there, right?” Sol asks, her voice so soft, Joon Hwi barely picks it up. Her ramyeon is still untouched, and the noodles have gotten soggy and cold. Sol is silent for a moment, as she realises how right she is, for once. It wasn’t like she could ask a date, she doesn’t even have one. And her friends from the study group were out of the question. They don’t even know Jiyoon. Joon Hwi quickly brings up his bowl to his face, hopefully covering it as he feels the heat rising to his face.
“I’ll be your plus-one.”
Sol’s eyes light up and her head rises. Did she hear that right? Han Joon Hwi, her plus-one? 
“Oh, no! No, I didn’t mean it like that! Joon Hwi, no, I can’t-” Sol can’t find the right words to say. He can't? He shouldn’t? He doesn't need to? Sol can’t deduce her own reasonings for this argument. She knows her roommate likes him, and she definitely doesn’t want to be the target of her roommate’s stares if she catches wind of this. Besides, Joon Hwi doesn’t like her. She knows, and she doesn’t want him to get any wrong ideas. He’s her best friend, and confidante. She knows, deep down, his heart is someone else's. 
“I want to.” 
Sol freezes as Joon Hwi finishes drinking his soup. Placing the bowl down, he does as best as he can to lock eyes with Sol seriously, showing her he wasn’t teasing. No, this was out of his sincere heart. He knows how nervous she gets in a new environment, and him being next to her was bound to calm her nerves just a little more.
Sol could see the genuine care and want in his eyes. She knows this isn’t one of his jokes or teases. For a split second, she catches herself thinking if he meant something more. That going as a date, was more than just keeping her company, but for something to develop… 
Her face is flushed red as she looks at her puffed noodles and lukewarm soup. She picks her chopsticks up but is stopped by Joon Hwi’s hand as he shifts the bowl toward him, away from her. 
“Get yourself a fresh one. This is the first meal all day, isn’t it?” Joon Hwi calls her out, covering her noodles. Sol wants to argue for her soggy noodles, but she falls silent knowing how he revealed her secret. She hasn’t eaten all day after running reports and studying. Grumbling, she does as instructed and boils another bowl of ramyeon. When she’s back at the table with a fresh, hot, spicy and red bowl, she dives into it, wondering how she managed to survive the whole day. 
Joon Hwi only gives a small smile looking at the girl slurping her noodles with delight and looking at her. Joon Hwi wasn’t lying. He did want to be her plus-one for the wedding. He knew that more than just being a comfort for Sol, he wanted to make this one day a day she could look back and smile at. That she could be pretty, relaxed and happy instead of stressing over her grades, exams and family. 
“Fine.” Sol says as she continues slurping the spicy noodles. She blesses the spiciness of the noodles, such that she could blame her pink blush on it. Joon Hwi, clearing the cold noodles and getting water for both of them tilts his head in confusion. 
“Come with me to the wedding, if you want to.” She mutters softly, almost shy to let him know. To hide her blush and hide her confusion, she lifts the still hot bowl to her face. She drinks the soup, but chokes on the spiciness. Joon Hwi lets out a light chuckle before passing her a bottle of cold water. Sol looks at him with narrowed eyes of annoyance, but graciously takes the water. 
As he watches Sol eat her first bowl, then a second, as Joon Hwi munches on some crackers, he only smiles and laughs at whatever Sol was complaining about her reports and her frustrations at her cases that she picked. He lets out comforting words, but is rebutted back with Sol saying he will never get it because he’s smart unlike her. 
As he went to bed that night, he only gave a giddy smile, burying his face in his sheets. He scored his point of taking Sol out on a date, and was already counting down. He officially succeeded in the first step of his plan. 
The rest of it required a little bit of help. But he knew who to ask. 
“Yeseul! What is it that you need to wake me up on a weekend? I was up until 4am last night!” Sol grumbles as she places her phone on speaker, rubbing her eyes. It was 8am, way too early for Sol to process any emergencies. Well, if it was Yeseul, she would do it any time. 
“Sorry, unnie. But it’s urgent. Could you meet me in 10 minutes at the lobby?” Yeseul’s bright voice echos. Sol notices her roomie’s bed made, pillows nicely fluffed and sheets tucked in neatly in pure perfection. She isn’t surprised, considering how she gets up early anyways.
“Fine.” Sol says and hangs up, getting a fresh change of clothes and heading to the bathroom to wash up. She throws on a hoodie, grabbing her only tanned ochre coat and grabs her bag, before jogging downstairs to the lobby. There, Yeseul is standing there, with a sling black bag and with one of the many nude heels she has, hair styled to perfection.
“Unnie!” Yeseul waves her hand over. Walking closer, Sol notices two other familiar friends behind as she scoffs. 
“Joonhwi? Bokgi? What are you doing here?” She asks, her hand playing with the strap of her bag unconsciously. She was surprised to see Joonhwi, but even more Bokgi, who usually spends mornings sleeping in. Joonhwi only gives his usual cheeky smile and drags a drowsy Bokgi with him out towards to the main entrance of the school. Dumbfounded, Yeseul takes this moment to link her arm with Sol’s as she leads her out and catch Sol up to their agenda today. 
“What?! You’re bringing me where?” Sol exclaims, her voice echoing throughout the lobby. Yeseul shushes her as she drags a shocked Sol out of school. Yeseul didn't need the whole school to know where Sol was going. 
“Unnie, please? You need a dress for the wedding, and don’t think you are going to go in one of mine or your old ones! Besides, you promised to go shopping with me one day, right?” Yeseul defends herself as Sol sighs. 
Yeseul wasn’t wrong. The wedding was just a week away and she had absolutely nothing to wear. She owned a couple pairs of flats, but they were so old, it would be embarrassing to attend with those. And her dresses were either too big or too small. She was so caught up with school after submitting her reply to Jiyoon, that she would have forgotten about the wedding if it wasn’t for the post-it on her bedside wall. 
“But...but...” Sol couldn’t find any reasons to counter. She knew Yeseul was right. Besides, it’s a weekend. And they had no upcoming tests or projects, so there was no harm in doing something besides studying in the copy room. She nods, defeated, earning a smile from Yeseul. 
“Wait, then why is Joonhwi and- Who’s car is that?!” Sol’s thoughts are cut off when she sees a familiar black sedan waiting by the entrance as Sol and Yeseul just exit. In the car, she manages to see a Joonhwi in the driver’s seat and Bokgi riding shotgun. 
“Yah! Han Joon Hwi! Isn’t this my roomie’s car?” She shouts as she strides a couple of steps when Joonhwi rolls the window down. 
“She loaned me the car for today. Don’t want you carrying so many things back from shopping today.” He replies curtly. Bokgi opens his passenger side door on the right.
“Noona, sit in front. I’m too tired to watch Joonhwi-hyung drive.” Bokgi mutters before he climbs into the backseat with Yeseul. Sol wordlessly settles into the seat next to Joonhwi, who only looks at her with a smile. Sol catches his odd looks and pauses.
“Ready for shopping?” He has his cheeky smile on again. Sol glares in annoyance before turning behind to Yeseul. 
“Did you make him drive?” Yeseul shakes her head and spills out her defensive explanation.
“Oppa called me up yesterday! He just said he needed my help to accompany you shopping for a dress!”
“Then, why is Bokgi here? Trying on dresses too?”
“Noona! I’m listening!” Joonhwi only laughs and shakes his head.
“He’s just accompanying me.” Joonhwi says as he begins to drive off. 
Well, Joonhwi wasn't lying. He waited till their quizzes and projects were over before executing this. He knew Sol was busy, and had waited for the busy season to pass before calling Yeseul. He explained that he knew Sol would not go shop for a dress, and he needs her help to accompany him and her. She willingly, too willingly, agreed. 
Next, he asked Sol B if he could borrow her car, knowing how Sol was not going to go home with just one dress and one pair of shoes when Yeseul was involved. Sol B was skeptical, but just passed the keys over to him. Besides, she was going to be in school studying all day; she didn’t need the car. Bokgi joined in, as Joonhwi couldn’t spend hours on end waiting for the ladies to shop. On further thought, Bokgi just might help him out with something. 
“I could go myself with Yeseul. You didn’t have to wake up for this.” Sol mutters just loud enough for him to hear, fiddling with her fingers. Joonhwi returns with a light scoff.
“As if you’ll do it.” Sol glares at him from the side and is ready to punch him, but retracts her hand, knowing she might literally kill everyone in the car. The ride from the school to the bustling heart of Seoul is a rough twenty minute ride. Bokgi takes this time to catch a wink and Sol does the same, but she can't seem to do it. 
Something about Joonhwi bringing her out to buy a dress specially made her heart flutter a bit more than usual. She knew that Joonhwi cared for her. The ways that he left rolls of gimbaps and energy drinks as opposed to coffee on her table during her tough days. The moments when he would offer his jacket as a pillow wordlessly when she wanted to rest her head after hours of studying. The unspoken synchronisation between them was just a showing of how they understood each other inside and out. 
Sol thought nothing of it. She knew him as long as she stepped into school when he saved her from Professor Yang. They spent almost everyday studying, having classes and eating together. After all, they are best friends, and don’t best friends do this? They look out for each other, right?
He is going to be my plus-one at Jiyoon’s wedding. He’s taking me to shop for a dress. 
Sol wonders, truly for the car ride as she stares outside at the blue skies and empty streets of Seoul, if Han Joonhwi meant more than friends to her. If… she wanted more. 
Deep down, she couldn’t deny hoping for more. She liked the way he looked at her, eyes crinkled and smiling in half moons, the sweet smile that she couldn’t help but return. She has never had many relationships, considering her experience in school and afterwards. She was just too busy; too focussed. Seeing how this man cared for her just made her feel so… special. 
She has never felt that way.
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pamgkrthwrites · 4 years
Erasermic x Reader Headcannons (ABO Addition)
So this is more of warm up, and some self love? I’ve been having some massive writers block and mental issues for the past 2 months and these idiots have been really helpful lately. ABO is also my favourite comfort au so
This also went on for a lot longer than I thought it would. Love how the tumblr mobile knew what tags I was going to use. You know you need help when tumblr knows you most used tags and your moved read tags.
The boys are both alphas and your an omega.
They met each other in High School, at UA to be on point.
Hizashi acts more of a social alpha but than a omega dominant. Meaning, from how social he is in situations he absolutely comes off as a alpha, but he isn’t a dominant person.
Shota acts more of a social omega but a alpha dominant. Meaning, he is shy which sometimes leads people to think he is an omega but he very dominant and usually overpowers his opponents.
They even each other out very well. They did get a couple of jokes regarding their relationship, “two omegas in a alpha trench coat”.
Everyone in their year knows about them, even you. You are in the general studies class.
You are a sweet little omega that everyone in the school has smelt your scent.
Because of that, you have gotten some courting s gifs from Alphas, Betas and Omegas.
You don’t like how mean some of the alphas have been, you don’t like how weak from the omegas are, and even though Betas do sit in that perfect stop you want, your second gender really wants a alpha.
It wasn’t until the sports festival where you met the two alphas for the first time.
At first, you thought Shota was a omega and Hizashi was a Alpha, but then you heard Shota growl at someone and releasing his alpha smell and Hizashi trying to calm him down.
Where they a Alpha and Omega couple or a Beta and Alpha couple? You didn’t know?
It wasn’t until you were in the break room when you were close to both of them and smelled they were both Alphas.
They weren’t like other Alphas. Together they were a strong alpha but separately they were alphas that were a little bit different.
You omega really loved them.
But you told them to hush, it wasn’t like they would like you anyway. They were male alpha loving male alpha(malma), why would they be interest in a omega like you?
Over a month you would watch them at the corner of your eye if you ever saw them. Usually in the food court or when school was over.
Your omega cried whenever you saw them together holding hands, laughing, hugging, anything. But you also loved seeing them in their raw forms.
It wasn’t until one day before school, a day and time you wouldn’t usually see them because of how early you came in did things start to change.
Your scent was usually a burning bitter in the mornings because of your home life, the reason why you got to school so early and left left school so late.
“Excuse me? Little Omega?” Said a concerned voiced, the owner out of your sight but you knew who the owner was.
Your turned your head to face them and saw Hizashi, with a concerned look on his face.
“Y-Yes? Can I help you with something Alpha Yamada?” You asked.
He looked a little taken back from you knowing his name but he brushed it off. “Are you okay? Your scent is a little...”
“Ah, right.” Your omega was happy that one of your alphas noticed you, but you felt kinda sick. You didn’t want others to know your issues, that’s why you hid away until first class started, so your scent could go down. “Just an augment at home this morning, nothing big.”
Hizashi could smell that was a lie. He had been noticing you for the last week now after Aizawa made note of you verbally. He had smelt you around before, your scent was very strong. He was surpised to hear that you hadn’t gotten an alpha yet. Apparently you had danced around getting a mate and gone on first dates with people but nothing ever passed a first date.
Even if Hizashi had Shota, he felt bad for you. From what he saw and heard, you were very kind to people, were possessive of your food, and stayed at school for very long hours.
Your scent was so sweet and bold during the day, yet in the morning like today it was burning of bitter? Something just didn’t feel right to him.
“If you ever need to hide away, Little Omega,” he said “you can hide away in my recording room here at school. There is a little listening booth there where you can charge you phone, snack, and even nap there. My boyfriend naps there sometimes when he gets overwhelmed.”
Your omega thumped over and over to your chest. Your alpha offered you a place where him and your other alpha stayed for a little bit?!
Hizashi smiled when he saw your eyes lit up. He noticed your scent changing dramatically from his words and his alpha was about to release a pure if he didn’t move away soon
“T-Thank you, Alpha Yamada!” You beamed up at him with a smile. “I- Ah, my name is Y/N L/N, it’s nice to make you acquaintance, Alpha Yamada!”
Hizashi couldn’t help but smile widely. Did he really make your day so much that your mood changed so drastically and so quickly?
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance too, Omega L/N.”
After you two finished talking, Yamada locked himself in a bathroom and just purred. God you were adorable. No wonder Shota noticed you so early, and no wonder so many people tried to be your mate.
And changing your mood too? Gosh that sent him to the moon and back in a heartbeat.
Hizashi grabbed his phone and started texting Shota so fast that if anyone walked in it would look like he was trying to finish an assignment on his phone last minute.
By the end of the day, you hadn’t gone to Hizashi recording room out of fear. Even though you were greatful for what he said to you, he still feared facing him.
You changed your shoes and were about to leave. You hated that you had to go back to that home. You couldn’t use the homework excuse this time as you finished it already.
“Oh look who it is, it’s Omega L/N!”
You stiffened. You hated this bastard less than your home but he was still annoying.
“Afternoon, Alpha Sensoji.” You said bitterly, trying to avoid eye contact.
He had been one of the Alphas that had tried to court you, but rejected because of how rude he was.
“You still haven’t gotten an Allha yet?” He poked.
“I’m not interested, Alpha Sensoji.” You started to walk away, but Sensoji was on your tail.
“Why dont you go out with me? You’ve gone out with a lot of different Alphas, Betas and Omegas. Why not me?!”
“Please leave me alone.”
He grabbed by your shoulders and spun you around.
“Why won’t you go on one date with me, Y/N.”
Panic started to erupt through out your body. You couldn’t help but chirped and shut your eyes.
“What? You think I’m threatening or something?”
“Leave the Omega alone, Sensoji.”
You opened your eyes and saw Shota standing off to the side of you two with Hizashi.
God you felt small and weak.
Sensoji let go of you and walked over to the two. You rebalanced yourself and watched as the two exchanged some words that you couldn’t hear.
Sensoji huffed and walked off, without looking at you.
Hizashi walked over to you. “You okay, Omega L/N? You looked rather scared there. Did he hurt you anywhere?”
As Hizashi was trying to calm you down you noticed Shota glaring Sensoji as he walked out of the gates.
“I- I am okay now, thank you Alpha Yamada.” You bowed your head. You looked over at Shota, getting attention as well. “T-Thank you Alpha Aizawa as well.” You bowed your head to him.
Shota blink at you. “How do you know my name?”
You stiffened. “I- Um, I noticed you both at the sports festival.”
The two grew quite. That didn’t really explain how you knew their names but it did mean they had caught your attention way before you caught theirs.
Aizawa has also been coming into school early and had been noticing your bitter scent every morning. By when school started you had a normal scent. He didn’t know how to approach you but he wanted to protect you.
Protecting you would be enough.
He knows Sensoji isn’t the person causing you bitter scent in the morning so it had to come from home.
After that event the two alphas started noticing you more and more. The day you did come I tothe recording booth was a fun day for them.
You just didn’t want one of your friends asking for a price of your food again but they saw it as time to get to know you.
Soon enough, you started coming everyday and started to talk toth every day.
You all exchanged numbers with each o the we and texted. You tried not to come off too keen but Hizashi had different plans. This man texted you so much. So, so much.
One day after a stressful morning you came into the booth and saw Shota already setting up blankets and pillows for you to nest in.
“I’ve noticed your scent is bad in the morning, so I brought in some stuff to help you out.”
Everything was scented by him and Hizashi, which made your heart fly.
You slowly started sharing food with them, and started opening up about your love life.
It took one after school time in the booth you started to think over your relationship with the two.
We’re you courting the two? We’re they courting you?
Once you realised that you may have been courting the couple you went into a panic.
You scent shift woke Shota up real fast.
“What’s wrong, Omega?” He asked.
“I- Mmmmmmmmm.” You thought it over. “I think I’m going to leave early today.” You said as you started getting up.
Aizawa started getting up as well. “Are you sure? I’ll walke down with you-“
“No no I’m fine. Just, got some stuff I need to do.”
He stood still as you gathered you things. “... I see... Bye then.”
“Bye, Alpha.”
You left in a hurry, leaving Shota’s Alpha whining. He got his phone.
“Hizashi, can we talk about Y/N?”
You didn’t talk to the two for a week. You let your parents yell and command you around from as early as you could leave school and as late it was okay for you to be. Though by the 3rd day you silbings started noticing something was off and somehow convinced you parents to lay off.
Hizashi and Shota kept texting you and you just ignored them.
Though it got a bit too much, and at lunch you started to head down to the room.
When you opened the door, Hizashi jumped you.
“Oh Omega we have been so worried! Did they hurt you? Did they take away your phone? Why have they been keeping you at that home for so long?”
You were shocked to smell the room was just filled with their worried scents.
“We were really close to just walking to your house and getting you out ourselves!”
That sent you worrying.
You sent out a calming scent out to calm them down. “Shh, it’s okay. I’m fine, I’m safe. I just, had a lot of homework that I was pushing off and I couldn’t do it here. They leave me alone if I can prove I’m doing homework.”
Hizashi wrapped his arms around you and resting his head into you neck glands. You tried not to stiffen by still sending out you scent and rubbing his head.
“I’m okay Alpha. I promise.”
Shota started at you from across the room.
“Alpha are you-“
Shota shot over, wrapping his arms around and drove his head in your other neck glands.
Your face flushed. “I-I’m sorry for worrying you two.”
The two started to purr from just smelling your scent, and started scenting you in return, causing your cheeks to burn from the blood rush.
“I- Mmmmmmm.” The two held you so close. You felt so loved and wanted. You wanted them to be your Alphas, and it felt like they were. You couldn’t push this off any longer. “I- Alphas? I- A-Are we courting?”
Shota stiffened but pushed his head more into your glands. Hizashi on the other hand kissed your glands, making your head to feel hot.
“Yeah, I think we are, Omega. Is that okay?”
Shota wasn’t going to say anything until you responded. He needed you to respond.
“Yes! Yes that is okay.” You brought them closer and shyly smiled. “It’s more than okay.”
Shota smiled, then licking your glands.
You chirped which caused him to chuckle.
“Our little omega.”
After that, you three were very open about your relationship. People were rather shocked that the “two omegas in a alpha trench coat” have a shared Omega.
Group couples were rare but not really frowned upon.
When you came home smiling in a daze and smelling like the two alphas who brought you home, the was stone quite.
If you had mates then your parents couldn’t control you(in their eyes). It closed some issues and opened a couple of others up.
However, it mostly meant that by the time you finished school, you happily moved in with your alphas. 
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Just A Bet (GeorgeNotFound)
pairing : georgenotfound / george x reader - dreamwastaken/dream / clay x reader
summary : you’re just a bet to him. that is, until he realizes that you’re someone with a title. he scrambles to pick up your broken pieces, but he doesn’t realise that he’s too late. (angst) (trigger warning) (happy ending)
a/n : here’s sorta a little AU for you guys, don’t take any of this seriously, some things in this are clearly made up. side note ; holy shit i have more than a 100 followers right now. thank you so so much. 
everyone has probably dreamt of being a princess, a real one. for example, when the movie ‘the princess diaries’ came out, people wanted to be mia thermopolis and rule genovia. 
sounds like a dream, that is, to be going to high school and have plenty of paparazzi’s chasing you, or to be able to be recognized everywhere. 
in reality, it is the complete opposite of living the dream. you could barely walk out without being recognized if you didn’t cover up your face in some way. you were restricted to do many things, even to just hang out with your friends to grab lunch. 
to other people, they might just tell you to suck it up, that in the end of the day, you’re royalty, and that these are only tiny problems. 
you agreed, sure. but you did want to smell the fresh flowers outside. you wanted to be able to get food from wherever, with whoever without people’s prying eyes. 
you just wanted freedom. 
to whom might be reading this might be confused. you’re a princess. just like the movie, yes. princess of saudi arabia, you are. 
you are fairly young, still in your twenties. most people your age are out having fun going on a girls night, or still studying for their degrees, or even working right now. 
but you were prohibited to leave the castle. you were told to leave on the queen’s orders, only during meal times.
some days, you really liked it, being a princess. if you weren’t being egoistical, you would say that your face really did suit the royal title. 
you didn’t have to leave your room to make stacks of money. but the problem with that was, what would you do with the money if you couldn’t leave the house?
so you went on the internet. you settled on the internet. with the queen’s permission, of course. 
sure, she can be strict like all the time, but she tried her best to give you your freedom. so she let you have social media accounts. you being you, the public immediately found your accounts. 
you couldn’t find new friends, they were too scared to come across you. so you just entertained yourself. 
this isn’t bragging, but a lot of people knew who you were, but that doesn’t mean everyone does.
since you barely had a childhood, with being born and raised royal, you entertained yourself watching minecraft youtubers. for some reason, it calmed you. 
dream team, as you called the group, caught your eye. you watched all of their videos, caught up with every single live streams of theirs, even followed their instagrams and twitters. 
one morning, when you woke up, you found your instagram notifications fuller than other days. you were fairly confused. that is, until you realised that the whole of dream team had followed you back. 
they definitely know who you are and what you do now, right? they have a large fanbase, surely, they would’ve told the boys. 
your followers, since seeing the boys follow you, have told you to start playing games. you didn’t disappoint them. you asked your parents if you could and they granted you permission to do whatever you wanted. 
they told you “this would entertain the public and love you even more.” and smiled at you. you thought maybe they hit themselves in the head today with the leniency they gave you. but you pushed that thought. maybe they thought you have grown old enough. 
valkyrae, a streamer on twitch had reached out to you after knowing about your gaming desires. she asked if you wanted to join her and her group to play among us together. 
you almost immediately agreed and the rest of her friends welcomed you in with opened arms. 
your mum gave you one condition, that you had to follow in order to film yourself playing games. that is, if you kept yourself poised and respectable. you agreed to her shenanigans and started to play with rae. 
playing with her meant that you met countless different content creators, such as corpse husband and pokimane. they all were super nice to you, even when you had told them that they didn’t have to be nice to you because of your title. 
soon you had found yourself in an amazing group of friends and you felt great about yourself. 
you and rae had sustained such amazing friendship that she had came over to your house multiple times for meals. 
you’d text her “come over to my house, let’s eat lunch.” 
and she’d reply with “your castle you mean?” she jokes around. 
your friendship was loved by many people out there. 
one thing you didn’t say was that not everyone was obligated to know who you are, which then happens to be funny to see when they did end up finding out who you are. 
just the fact that they show such shock to their faces, and the tone in their voice changes. 
“holy fuck, she’s royal.” toast says as he came back from googling your name to know more about how you came about in a game of among us. 
“i’m so sorry for the past rounds.” he apologizes for the time he accuses you for no reason.
“please treat me the same way you used to, i’m just y/n when i’m playing games, definitely not a princess.” you told him. 
you didn’t have a big ego, although your parents did. “they need to know that you’re important.” they told you, but it never stuck to you. you wanted to be respected as a person, for your personalities, not because of a stupid title you were born in. 
sykkuno, rae and you had decided to make an smp, where you three would start building things for fun and stream it. 
you three had enough fun until it got boring, for you to start asking your other friends to join. the first person you offered to tour your little world was corpse since you and him had clicked so well. 
because you started playing minecraft and streaming it, it got the attention of minecraft youtubers. and for some reason, the seventeen year old, tommyinnit had found you interesting enough to talk to you. 
with tommy being that close to you, you attracted tubbo and wilbur soot, as well.
“i am in a vc with a princess.” tommy had said on stream when you two decided to play minecraft along with tubbo and wilbur. 
sure, the teenage boy got a little annoying at times, but you found it entertaining and funny. of course, tommy being tommy, he’d ask slightly personal questions about how royalty works in saudi arabia. 
not that he knew how royalty works in general, anyways. 
“the queen is still my favourite woman, but you come in close second.” he told you once. you laughed at that. 
no big title could stop you from fangirling the moment the man, dream itself had sent you a donation, and then later sending you a direct message. 
“let’s play minecraft together soon, seen me your discord.” he dmed you one day. of course you complied. 
for some reason, you never had the chance to play with george, and you played minecraft with sapnap and dream separately, never together. not that you were complaining. 
you decided on a more chill and laid back stream on that specific day, not really feeling like going on a minecraft server or play among us with your bestfriends when you got a text from an unknown number. 
hey. they sent
who’s this? you sent a text back.
my bad, this is george. they sent a text back to you.
holy shit. why would george text you. sure, you have played minecraft and among us with him sometimes but he isn’t one to give out his number so this was weird to you. 
although you consider to be close to the entirety to the dream team, you often tried to avoid texting them, especially outside of streaming. you didn’t want it to be awkward or tense. 
surprisingly, as your conversation with george lengthened, it became less and less awkward. the more you two texted, the more you felt like you and him had been friends for the longest time. 
being the princess, raised in a castle meant that you didn’t really have a social life. other than being put together with some prince of another country in hopes you’ll fall in love with them or marry them, you haven’t really had a legitimate boyfriend. not even a crush. 
to you, the princes in the world can be arrogant, snobby. they act like they are the most important thing in the world, that if they walk in a restaurant, everyone was to drop all their work for other people to entertain them. 
sure, this could just be the way that they were raised, but you didn’t want that in a man, a husband. it wouldn’t kill to be a little humble. 
princes are also a bore. they live practically the same lifestyle as you. conversations were never interesting, always the usual. 
to summarise this, since you and george have been talking and texting, you had fallen for him. hard. and it seems like he’s feeling the same way, just that the both of you hadn’t really said anything. 
being really close friends with someone, more than one person, bestfriends, that is, meant that we had a group chat together. 
nothing constructive was ever said, only boys being boys. 
nick was the one to bring it up. and since he is the youngest, he sure does say some stupid things. 
dude, you should try to get in y/n’s pants. nick asked george in the groupchat.
there was a running joke between the nick and i. george lives under a rock, basically. when everyone was walking on eggshells around you, trying not to offend a princess, he never really cared. 
and that was when nick and i found out that george had no clue you held such a title on your pretty little head. 
you are a beautiful girl, no doubting that. i was sure that many people, even before you started streaming had a major crush on you. george definitely fits right in. he was practically vomiting hearts when he first saw you. 
it was meant to be funny. it was never meant to go this far. nick didn’t mean for his little bet to break a heart, let alone a princess. 
but he did. well, technically george did. he was so brutal with it. he toyed with your feelings, like he had no care in this world. 
no one would’ve guessed that the little cute, short george would do something as bad as he did. 
and now, no one can find you. no one. 
you were there, smiling in front of your camera one day and you were gone the other. just gone. no one knew where you went. 
granted, you are royal. it must not be hard to get people to hide you. but at the same time, you had major reporters trying to find you. and they couldn’t. what does that leave us? 
where did you go? 
come back. 
and although i know you want to hear this from george instead of his friends, you won’t. because he probably doesn’t.
we miss you. 
please just text us, we need to know you’re safe. 
you left. you had to. it had been extremely humiliating. 
you didn’t think someone as sweet as george would do that, it all happened so quick. 
you had flown to england to meet him. he encouraged you to. it felt amazing to leave your hometown, you’ve lived there all your life. you definitely needed to fresh air. 
it took a lot of convincing your parents to let you fly to england. without a doubt, you knew that the only way you’ll get to leave is if you had a guard with you. 
this isn’t that kind of cliche story, your guard could literally be your dad, get your head out of the gutter, you are utterly in love with george, and you were sure george knew that and that’s why he encouraged you to fly to him. 
the first couple of days were fun. he brought you to all over brighton for you to experience what it’s like in england. he told you he wanted you to get your first real experience as a tourist, and that was what he did. 
winding down for the night, you brought him to relax in your hotel suite. frankly, george was surprised that you could afford such a place. but he didn’t want to ask where you got the money from, he didn’t really care. 
all he wanted to do was to complete his dare. his ego was too big to lose this time. 
that night was when you decided to tell him about your feelings about him. you were pretty confident that it was going to go smooth sailing. just the way he treated you showed so much about his feelings. 
so you did, you told him. while you told him that you love him, more than friends love each other, he looked you in the eyes. you weren’t sure what that meant. 
but he smiled. or smirked, you weren’t sure. 
and he kissed you. and the night didn’t end with you just kissing. 
so you thought the night was amazing, that it couldn’t get any better than that. 
that was, until you woke up the next morning. 
you woke up, sun shining straight into your suite, curtains wide open. 
although you didn’t really feel the presence of another person in the room with you, you brushed it off. you felt like something was off, that something was missing. 
you rolled over in your hotel bed, to see if the british man was laying next to you. 
he wasn’t. in fact, he was not in the hotel room at all. you checked the bathroom, the small little living room in your suite. he was found nowhere. 
you tried to see if he had left traces of himself in your hotel room, a sign that he was indeed there and that you hadn’t been dreaming it all. 
but the pain between your legs caused by the brit told you that it was all not a dream. 
so you did what a logical person would, text him. maybe he left to get food. 
but you knew that wasn’t the case the moment you had unlocked your phone. 
texts flood in, your social media notifications seemed to not be stopping anytime soon. 
you opened your texts messages. a couple from your parents, a lot from rae, multiple from some minecraft youtubers who you called friends. 
besides your parents, they were asking if you were okay. they were telling you to stay safe and to lay off social media for a while. 
your parents were practically screaming at you through texts. they called you a disgrace, not an honour to the family. you didn’t understand where this was coming from. 
you opened twitter, knowing that it was going to be the easiest way for you to find out what had happened, and why were you involved in it. 
you were trending. number one worldwide. you clicked on your name. your phone left your hand, falling hard to your hotel floor with a loud thud as you covered your mouth with both your hands, crying. 
two pictures. two photos that said it all. 
first photo was of you in bed, obviously naked under the hotel duvet. you were still sleeping. there was light coming from the windows, that showed that it had barely been sunrise when it was taken. 
second photo was what hit you the hardest. you wanted the earth to swallow you from below. it was a photo of your back, very naked back. it was clear that it was a photo that had been taken during sex. 
and it was obvious who you had it with, because he was the one who posted it all over twitter. 
that was why he left, with no traces of him ever being in the hotel room. 
you weren’t sure what was his motive. but you sure did know that he had completely broke you. 
crying, you picked up your phone from the floor, calling rae. 
“oh my god, tell me you’re okay.” she was panicking on the phone.
“i need to leave.” you told her. you knew that she would immediately understand the severity of the four words you told her. 
since then, you never came back. to the eyes of public, it was as if you never even existed. you were gone. 
you moved with rae. 
she had to leave her roommates to settle in with you. her roommates weren’t mad at her for leaving them. they completely understood, you needed the help.
although her roommates wanted to help you, they couldn’t. you needed to have the least amount of people to be with you. 
it didn’t help that they were all content creators, too. 
rae told people that she moved because she wanted her own space, so that she can make better videos. when she announced she was moving, not one person speculated that you had been the reason of her move. 
you paid for the house, you needed to. you owed her. no matter the amount of times she told you that you owed her nothing, that she was just doing it because she loves you, you couldn’t let her pay for a single thing. 
you needed to up your security, too. so you two had decided to get a house that was pretty big, somewhere in the mountains, with top security, away from other people. 
your parents soon calmed down after that day. they told you to come back, the begged you to come back. but you told them that you needed the time alone at that moment, and assured them that you would be okay. 
so they did what parents would. they made sure you were well taken care of. they sent you massive amounts of money, sent your their trusted guards to stay around the house. 
they did this all for you without the knowledge of the public. 
your parents told reporters that you were well safe, and would not be in the public eye, not until you were ready. 
you helped rae film certain videos. well, not like there was anything good to do in the massive mansion, anyways. 
all your social media pages were still up, just not updated. you left everything. you had created a more private one, for your close and trusted friends to follow. 
and you thought that nothing could really top that eventful day in england. 
but it did. 
you’re sat on toilet in on of the bathrooms, rae rubbing your back.
pregnant. it was clearly written on the test.
no fucking way. 
in no ways were you ready to be a mother. 
as a little kid, you had dreamt of being a mum, alongside a successful man who took responsibility. 
you never would have seen yourself to be a mother alone, with the help of your bestfriend. 
you never thought that you would be a mother, whose dad is someone who clearly doesn’t want anything to do with you. 
rae stayed with you all the time. even through the gross vomit sessions in the morning, or all the time, in your case. 
but you were in no way shape or form ready for a child. you had to raise a child on your own. even the thought of that had emotionally drained you. 
weeks after you found out you were pregnant, you were significantly getting more moody, and rae knew that. 
she made sure you ate well, slept well and kept up with eating vitamins each day. that was until, you couldn’t take it all anymore. 
maybe it was the stress. well, it was the stress. 
you blamed it all on the emotional toll the pregnancy took on you. your body was practically screaming for help. help that you need, but you weren’t in the right head space to offer the help to yourself. 
it was a typically normal day for rae and you. besides rae screaming in her gaming room while streaming, it had been pretty quiet. 
you felt queasy, but you pushed it off. it was normal for you nowadays. everything almost made you throw up. the look of something, the smell. 
but on that day, it was a different type of feeling in your stomach.
one second, you were walking into the kitchen, trying to get some water, and the other, you were on the floor, in pain. 
you screamed. this was the worst type of pain you’ve felt in your life. you screamed for anyone who could hear you. you were sure that even rae’s stream could hear you, but you didn’t care. 
soon you heard multiple footsteps. one of your guards came to your aid before rae did. he supported your head on his lap, him sitting on the floor. 
he told the other guard who came soon after he did to call the ambulance. 
that was when you finally found out what was happening. 
“holy shit, she’s bleeding.” rae repeated to herself. 
you were bleeding? that wasn’t good, right? that meant bad things, doesn’t it?
you felt like you were floating, like your limbs were as light as a feather. that was because you were losing consciousness. 
you lost it. you lost it and found out it was a boy. 
now the two boys you love more than your life aren’t here with you, forever. 
you cried for weeks, rae next to you, making sure you were still alive and eating. she was the only one that stayed by your side in real life. sure, your online friends did care about you, but they just couldn’t be there with you. 
clay and nick had always been texting you, sometimes calling to try their luck, clay mostly. you knew they cared about you, and they wanted to make sure that you’re okay. but you felt embarrassed. you didn’t want to face anyone, even if people kept saying that you did nothing wrong. 
apparently rae’s stream heard your scream, and that was how rae found out that you were in danger. she couldn’t hear through her headphones, but her chat kept spamming her about it, and that raised alarms. 
they kept asking about the ‘mysterious girl screaming’ in rae’s stream. it was short lived, though. rae told them that she had a friend over and that they were injured, and that rested the chaos for a little. 
you were sure that some people knew you were living with her. most of them were almost like detectives, after all. 
you didn’t blame the stans. it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that you would live with her, anyways. 
since the awful day at the hospital, you have texted clay and nick. you wanted to tell them that you were okay, that you aren’t hurt, at least not physically anymore. 
it didn’t take you long to start calling clay daily again. other than rae, you didn’t really have anyone. so you told clay. 
it felt weird talking about a baby that used to be in you to someone whose bestfriend was the dad of. but he completely understood you. sure, he couldn’t say for experience, seeing as he clearly can’t get pregnant, but he supported you, made sure you let it all out to him. 
you and clay grew close, almost bestfriends. although you and nick were close, he’s still in college, and that meant that he usually didn’t have time to talk to you as much as clay did, and you didn’t blame him. school can be a pain in the ass.
but you still made sure to never keep nick in the dark. as much as clay is one of your bestfriends, so is nick. 
clay made sure never to talk about george to you, which deemed to be difficult since they had been friends for years. he had accidentally slipped his name out to you a couple times, but you were sure he didn’t meant to do that. 
other than the usual “george has been sleeping like a log” and “he slept through the smp war.” you hadn’t heard anything else about him, but it seemed like he was doing well. 
clay had told you about the bet. 
“nick brought it up, but we didn’t think he was actually going to go through with it.” the floridian said. 
you aren’t the type to hold grudges, not even if they did you really dirty, so you told clay that you were on the path of being fully healthy and that he didn’t need to apologise for his friend’s behaviour. 
“are you ever going to come back?” he asks you in a facetime call. you knew exactly what he was talking about. he wanted to know if you’d ever come back on the internet. 
you didn’t even know the answer yourself. you weren’t sure. so you told him that. 
“maybe, maybe not. who knows.” and that was months ago. 
you had plenty of time to heal, to get back on track. but nothing could top your pain of losing your child, that you never got to hold, to kiss, to spoil. 
telling your mother about the loss of your baby was the hardest. she is a traditional woman, always telling you to get married before bearing children, but that didn’t mean she didn’t love the baby you were carrying in you. 
she cried on the phone, sobbing, hiccupping. you wanted to hug her so bad, she even asked you when you’d come back, but you told her you needed time, but you’d be there soon. 
for some reason, although you got maximum hours of sleep each day, you still felt exhausted. you consulted a doctor, but he told you that it was normal since your body is still fragile, but the exhaustion never really went away as months go by. 
being bored at home, and hearing rae having fun made you feel lonely, it made you feel like you were left out. so you made the decision to come back. not to stream, but to appear in rae’s videos.
rae and the rest of the group welcomed you with open arms. they were caring and made sure you felt comfortable again, not stepping any boundaries. not that you cared, the public was bound to know everything soon enough. 
so you did that. 
you were playing proximity chat among us, with the usual people. at that point, you and the other nine people were still in the lobby, chatting, until corpse sounded out. 
“what have you been doing nowadays?” harmless question, in your opinion. 
you didn’t want to hide anything anymore, and rae knew what was about to happen.
“been having a lot of rest. doctor said that i’m still fragile.” you told corpse. 
“are you sick?” toast asks. some people would’ve been offended at that question, or take it the wrong way, but you didn’t. 
“actually, i suffered a miscarriage recently.” you told them honestly. 
there was no awkward silence. immediately, everyone started apologising, saying “sorry for your loss.” 
you brushed them off, telling them that it’s okay, that they didn’t offend you at all for asking that question. 
“feels good to get it out my chest.” you told them, laughing at the end of that sentence. 
“she hasn’t slept well at all, she really wanted to tell you guys.” rae told her
one by one, they all spoke to you, asked you if it was even okay that you all talked about it on streams. you told them that it had been your choice to tell people this way, and they had nothing to worry about. 
on the other hand, it was tough for george. not at first, though. he thought it was going to be easy, having sex with a pretty, virgin girl and ditch her alone in a country she she hasn’t personally been to.
but that changed the moment she disappeared. the guilt never really hit george until people started bashing him on the internet. 
at first, people were too focused on the girl. people discriminated you, called you a slut. they didn’t think that george was wrong at all, although he was the one who took the explicit photos and posted it. 
but then, people, mostly woman had started to realise indeed how messed up it was. 
george really couldn’t care that you “left.” but then people kept on commenting on his posts. specifically, they often left a comment saying “really bold of you to do that to a princess.”
at the start, he thought the comments meant that they couldn’t believe he did such terrible things to their princess, someone wholesome they cherished. he didn’t realise that his comments literally meant that you are a princess. 
so he googled it. he wanted to know why people kept calling you ‘princess’ or ‘next on the throne’. he was curious, and he wasn’t expecting it all to be real. 
when he googled your name, a huge google tab came out. 
princess of saudi arabia. 
this must be a typo, right? he couldn’t deny that you are indeed a pretty girl, he just couldn’t believe that he had done such things to someone so royal. 
he never even thought that one day, he would score to talk to celebrities, let alone be able to be in bed with an actual princess. 
so he doubted it. 
but then he kept looking. 
he looked at images of you. photos of you with a small tiara, next to what seemed to be the queen of saudi arabia, wearing a long, modest emerald gown. the photo was taken when the king had a birthday. 
picture after picture, he started to doubt his thoughts even more. 
he couldn’t lie, your face really fit the title. if he really thought about it, your existence screamed royalty. the way you spoke, your poise, the way you strut in a hallway and was able to wow a crowd without trying. 
george always assumed that people only stared at you in public because of how beautiful you are. he never really realised it all until now. 
usually, guys can be insecure when they hear rude comments about how a lanky man is able to get a beautiful, confident woman. but to george, he felt even more egoistical. he used you, truly like a trophy wife. 
that was until he really realised. 
now, he thinks that everything he did was just a plain asshole move, not saying it isn’t if he did it to any other normal girl.
“i fucking messed up” he thought to himself, reading press conferences about your princess title.
if he thought he messed up then, wait till he found out you were pregnant, and then later losing it. 
he felt like he was in a fever dream. it felt like a written book, not real life. 
he kept slapping himself, pinching himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. it all felt unreal. so many things were happening. 
now, he’s more concerned than guilty. he wanted to know if you’re okay. even he felt like he can’t cope with the information he was given, how would you feel?
furthermore, he kept reading theories that the scream in the background of valkyrae’s stream was yours. had you lost the baby there? had you lost his baby there?
he called clay and nick. he wanted to double check. it was all a lot to handle, knowing you’re a princess and a mother in the same week. 
nick screamed at him on discord for hours, literally. george knew clay was just as mad, just as disappointed. he just didn’t have the energy to say it all, even though all he wanted to do was fly to england and beat george up. 
although it took george a while to realise everything he did was messed up, he came to. and he really did want to contact you. but really, anyone in your position wouldn’t even glance at his name twice after what he did. 
he was happy that you were looking healthy on rae’s stream. although you weren’t really ready to stream on your own again and many people understood that, and never pushed you. 
but whenever he saw you sometimes on rae’s facecam, he could see that pain, deeply hidden in your eyes. you were trying to cover up the fact that you were still trying to heal. 
it was infuriating to see george not really giving a shit at first, and then changing to a new man. it took you to tell the world about your lost child for him to own up to his mistakes.
nick and i had been friends with him for years, it takes a lot to just dump a friend, a close one at that. so we did what we could, help him wake up from this “dream” he’s in. 
that didn’t mean we weren’t mad at him still. 
if he didn’t want to own up, i will. 
the subsequent years came by and went really quickly. people were starting to forget the drama that you and george were in. people soon became uninterested about it, but still stayed with you, encouraging you to heal slowly and take your time. 
that was what you liked about the internet. granted, some people can be mean, but the people who supported you were the ones that helped you keep going, helped you find a reason to wake up in the morning. 
no, you’d never forget that you lost a child, and you were reminded by the people on the internet who made it a pact to make sure george never forgot that too. 
george did end up talking to you a couple years ago. you accepted his apology, but not him. you were sure he only wanted to apologise after knowing that you were the next in the throne. 
speaking of throne, you were back in the castle. not permanently, but you visited often. you still lived with rae, and you had actually started streaming on your own again a few months before george reached out to you. 
clay and nick had been supportive of you since the start, still clearly apologetic even though you told him that you had forgotten about it and that it hadn’t even been their fault in the first place. 
but they were persistent, clay more than nick since nick was still very busy with college. you loved the two of them and considered them to be one of your best friends, aside from rae. 
it was difficult. i felt like i had no shame to just text her one day after being gone for so long. but i actually felt bad. i know it was a rocky start. 
i had been so focused on winning the bet and not wanting to be called a pussy from my friends that i disregarded you, your feelings.
i knew from the start that you had been a great girl. you were just so sweet to everyone you meet, even strangers. it warmed my heart, it made me feel safe to be around you all the time. 
not that i can say that right now anyways, i didn’t have the right at all, after what i did to you. 
i don’t know what love is, given the fact that multiple girls had left me before this. i asked myself often if what i felt for my exes were actually love, or had i just been desperate. 
but i felt like when i was with you, it had been love, or close enough. 
but i couldn’t just burst it out one day that i love you, we weren’t really even dating. 
given that you had been pure, prior to me, it was shocking to see you so open, so welcoming to me. it was like you had known me forever, that you trusted me. 
and i took advantage of that, and later i got the consequences. 
i suffered the consequences. i see him with you. and i see that you’re happier with him. if it was any other guy, i think it would hurt less. 
but it was my own best friend. it was clay. 
all the instagram photos you post, his face blurred or covered, or when he posts a photo of you, it all hurt. 
i started the fall for you, for your genuine heart, and when i finally decide to do something about it, someone else had done it before me. 
deep down, i knew that clay would’ve been the better choice for you anyway. but it still hurt me. hearing his voice coming from behind you when you stream without your facecam. 
everyone was so supportive of you and clay, they’re obviously happy that you found someone who treats you better, even i knew that.
i wished i hadn’t taken you for granted, i wish i hadn’t listened to the stupid voice in my head reminding that you were all just a bet, that i wouldn’t love you like you think i would. 
i felt left out. 
a while ago, you were in florida with nick and your boyfriend, clay. it stung to see nick and you streaming so happily, not remembering me. 
but i deserved it. and i knew you deserve to be happy, after everything i did to you.
but that didn’t compare to the pain i felt now, a year later, seeing photos of clay and you, his face turned from the camera, facing you. he was down on one knee, proposing. 
and although you were crying and your hands covered the bottom half of your face, i could see how happy you are, i could see the amount of love you held for clay. 
how i wish i had done things a little more differently. 
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jadelynlace · 3 years
Nightly Secrets / Ink Drinker Modern Vikings AU Request [Ivar x F!Reader]
catch up on the porno, I mean series, here.
requested by: @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom ♡ “sex in the dark/night”
author’s note: thanks to this post, and the notes that follow, you’ll all be subjected to the written requests. smut below the cut.
synopsis: Being caught never meant less.
*Note: This takes place in the timeline before you and Ivar are “out” as a couple.
Your flat was minutes away from the station, for better or worse. It typically lead to Hvitserk crashing there after a particularly grueling shift, or drinking troubles away after the same amount of crap. More than once he was already there when you got off, sometimes alone, raiding your fridge, telling you that you needed to grocery shop, and sometimes there was a certain brother in tow. A certain brother that you “hated”. The only thing you hated about Ivar was his inability to admit to wanting something more than a friends with benefits situation. It was late, like it had been for the past couple of hours and when your car rolled into it’s parking spot, to see Hvitserk’s in the adjacent one, Ivar’s mustang two spots over, you almost went back to the station. To a cot without the large tattooed furnace, one you would have to try to avoid throughout the timing they would be staying. Even if all you wanted was a god damn hug from him.
A case of beer was already gone, drowned and when you walked through the door Hvitserk spread he mouth into a wide smile, like a puppy who seemed to see the tearing of your shoe was not an issue. You flipped him off in response.
“Tough shift?” Ivar said before he could help himself.
“We got out asses kicked, and handed back to us in a blender,” You answered, grabbing a bottle of beer and the bottle of whiskey.
“Oh, good idea—shots,” Hvitserk said suddenly and you sucked the whiskey back against your uniform.
“No, this is mine.” You grumbled, sitting on the other side of the room.
“Fine,” He whined like a dog. “I have to take a leak anyways.” He announced, standing and off he went down the hall. You no sooner were through the living room, Ivar standing from his spot just to meet you in the limited time. Tongues down each other’s throats for too short of a second, encased in his arms as he barreled down against you tightly. 
“Missed you last night,” He whispered, sealing that with a kiss. 
“Missed you too,”
“Was it really a shit day?” He asked, thumb on your cheek as you both listened for the sounds of the toilet flushing. 
“Shit is an understatement,”
“We’ll fix it when Hvitserk falls asleep, yeah?” Ivar teased, lips back on yours, groan dancing from his through as you pulled against his shirt. The sounds from the bathroom became noticeable, and you bit down quickly on his bottom lip, separating suddenly and skirting back to the kitchen. 
“You’re both too drunk to drive,” You said, folding arms.
“Am not,” Hvitserk challenged back.
“You can have the couch or the bathtub, take a pick,” You said.
“Couch,” Hvitserk answered. “That leaves the bathtub for you, brother.”
“Or, an Uber,” He replied but he caught the way your eyes looked down, as if he just shattered your heart. “Or, the floor,” He added.
“I’ll leave the vanity light on in case you feel the overwhelming urge to puke,” You groaned, another flip of your middle finger and you set off back to your room. 
You kept the lights dim, television flickering on an even quieter volume, murder mystery playing as you went about winding down. Dressing in the loose clothes you’d rather wear, saving the undergarments in case Ivar decided to stay true to his promise. And even if he didn’t because he was already too drunk. You didn’t know which was better or worse.
Hvitserk was nearly comatose within minutes of his head hitting the couch, and Ivar watched for a steady half hour to make sure he was really as out as he looked. And then he was up, moving from his spot on the floor and slipping down the hallway to your room. You were on your stomach, thumbing through social media on your phone and you felt the bed dip, Ivar’s hands climb the backs of your thighs and settling over you.
“I can’t believe you’re still awake too,” You said to him, head turned slightly as you spoke. “With all that you drank.
“I’m not even drunk,” He hummed resting weight against you, pressing you into the mattress and you both sighed. “Ever time Hvitserk looked away I poured my whiskey in his glass.” Ivar said. You had to push your face into the pillow to catch your laughter.
“Turn the light off, Ivar, and come in here,” You whispered, feeling him move again, warmth leaving before darkness took over the room. The television switched off next, over head fan taking notice and buzzing through the room. Ivar went about closing you curtains and plugging in your phone as if it wasn’t a night out of the unordinary, and Hvitserk wasn’t passed out in your living room. You heard his jeans fall next, belt against the wood floor and then he was pulling his sweatshirt off and climbing next to you. “I want a hug,” You mumbled, crawling into his space as he settled with you among the duvet.
“You looked like I gutted you when I said I was going to get a ride home,” Ivar mumbled, hands curling around you as his face settled against your hair.
“Was it that obvious?” You asked back.
“Yeah, baby girl, it was—only to me though because I don’t even think Hvitserk knows his own name anymore,”
“I just don’t like the thought of you being here and I can’t even spend time with you like I’d like to. Fuck me, I sound like such a girl,” You whined, face against his bare chest and he only chuckled.
“I did kinda intend to fuck you, but you’ll have to be quiet.”
“I’ll have to be quiet? Ivar the whole complex can hear you when you come,” You teased, propping your head up against his chest. Through his eye roll, you took the liberty to crawl over him, straddling him against your bed and his hands latched to your hips immediately. “And, I’m not even wearing panties,” You smiled.
There was a flicker in his eyes that took your notice and he was pulling you then, filling the space between the two of you quickly as his mouth sought out yours. You felt the slip of his hands, sliding over the sleep shirt and into your hair, passing around and then back down as if he dared to leave no part of you untouched. For a brief second they stuck to your hips, rocking you against him ever so slowly and you only ground down on his pelvis in response. His cock hardening almost immediately as you let a soft moan slip between your mouths. Ivar’s hands finally stilled, spreading wide like a wingspan before latching around you, spinning both of your bodies until you were caged underneath him. Even with the room so dark, the light of the nightlight in the far outlet still danced over his cheek bones, catching with his eyes as his forehead stayed plastered against yours.
In a second he was moving, slipping back under the covers as he yanked your thighs to part for his own pleasure. The first flattening of his tongue through your folds was met with the slap of your hand over your mouth, Ivar’s snicker not too far behind before his voice was cut short by the wetness in your cunt. Tasting your juices on his lips as he slurped at you like a parched man, trying to hold your hips down but in your inability to be vocal you took that strain away with the wiggling of your lower half. You were moving too much for Ivar’s liking—how a client might fidget in the chair and it always peeved him, soured his mood and then Ivar was pulling back. Eye flicking up and set sternly as you looked back at him.
“Stop moving,” He grumbled, dipping his mouth back down over your clit, sucking slowly and you still couldn’t stay still. Ivar let out another low groan, peeling his mouth away, arousal around his lips, dripping to his chin as he bit down in the fleshy crevice of your thigh before climbing back up. You wanted to challenge him, a snarky reply right on your tongue but it was swallowed up by the gasp that rolled off instead, his fingers pushing into you as your head tipped back. Studying you, Ivar curled both digits, milking them against your walls as your breathing picked up, his free hand moving from your chest to wrap around your throat. Your mouth dropped open as he squeezed, womanhood squeezing him back and a breathless moan slipped from your mouth. He could hear how wet you were getting, soaking his hand the faster it moved and when he saw both of your hands hold his wrist to stay in place he knew you were about to tip. Through a final tightening of his grip you came around his fingers, back bending away from the mattress as your airways tightened, restricting any noise as Ivar only slowed his hand down to let you float back. As soon as his fingers left your throat his mouth was back over yours, climbing back over you and you wasted no time to grab at him, rolling his boxers down and his hand met yours at his middle. Pushing it away and grabbing his length to start pass your entrance. “Did you take your pill today?” He asks suddenly, his lips moved against yours as he speaks. Your answer doesn’t even get completely through your mouth before he starts sinking into you, spreading still quivering walls with his girth and he moans.
He moans and it’s no quieter than it ever had been before and when he rests completely swallowed up he stays still for a moment. Knowing that if he starts moving it’ll turn into a symphony of noises between the two of you and it’ll likely wake the passed out man down in the living room. Ivar’s forehead falls against yours and his lips still, savoring how you’re squeezing him and you can only giggle in response.
“You want to make noise, don’t you?” You whisper and from where he is you can feel him nod. 
“You feel too good,” He says in response and takes a languid roll of his hips to prove his point, pulling out barely and shoving back inside of you and you both gasp. Your nails digging along his back and the sear of the red streaks only turns him on more. Ivar’s hands take to the sheets again as he moves, timely pushing back into your with minimal force and even though there’s a worry in the air of being caught, he can’t rush. He needs to savor how you feel, and how you both feel connected and in the moment he does’t care if Hvitserk finds out. This matters too much to him to worry about his older brother’s pointless remarks and he wants to make you his so badly but he too scared you’ll deny him. And instead he shows you with his movements, his body against yours, making love although neither of you will admit to it. Finally his hands move, seeking out yours and it catches you by surprise when your fingers tangle too easily as he moves, his lips on yours and your end is rolling back to you again. 
There’s a movement in the sheets as one hand separates from yours, pushing your thigh up to flatten on the mattress and it sends him deeper, hitting that sweet spot inside of you and you’re done for. Pleasure takes to every pore and Ivar’s put his mouth over yours to swallow the sounds you make when you come for a second time, even as your lips stay motionless against his. Your walls tighten him like a vice as you shake in his grasp, his own end pulling from his shaft and coating you. And the moan he wants to let loose come out and a whispered groan, estranged noise as his body tenses; his back quivering as the muscles ripple and you’re pressed against the sheets even with no additional room to move. 
“Don’t move yet,” You whisper suddenly as the pleasure fills your eyes with a brief wave of tears and Ivar couldn’t move if his life depended on it. “I know we have to move but not—not yet,” 
“I’m not moving,” Ivar rasps against your skin, his nose bumping yours and trailing down your jaw. “I don’t give two fucks if Hvitserk sees us, that doesn’t matter to me anymore,” His voice comes against your ear, sealing that secret there with a kiss. And when he finally does pull away, Ivar only rolls off of you, landing back against the duvet and waisting no time to latch around you. 
“What about in the morning?” You peep softly, safely secured in his arms.
“That sounds like something we’ll have to worry about when it’s morning, baby,” Ivar’s voice comes from behind you, thickened with exhaustion and he’s finally feeling some evidence of sleep through his body. And you’re there with him to see him to it.
“You really don’t care, do you?” You ask and Ivar shakes his head against you.
“Not in the slightest. You’re mine, and nothing is going to change that,” Ivar says just as sleep claims him.
Ink Drinker Tags:
@smileysam13579 @dreamtherapy @heisentwerk @angelofthenightposts @ill-skillsgard @youaremyfamiliar @unbetaedimagines @kathryn-jane @readsalot73 @skrsgardspam @lihikainanea @queen-sarang  @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @walkxthexmoon @flowers-in-your-hayr @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @victoria-styles @quantumlocked310 @xbellaxcarolinax @mighty-ragnarssons @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @queen-of-upshur @nanahachikyuu @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @apenas-mais-uma-pessoa  @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing @theanxietyqueen17 @trip2themoon @tgrrose @ivarhoegh 
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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fear-before-valor · 3 years
AU Ficlet: Jim, who was raised by the Order from the age of five, attends Arcadia Oaks High, for his first day of human high school. Weird things happen in Arcadia, though, and his appearance seems to be one such weird thing to the residents in this small, strange town... 
Aka: How an Order-raised Jim met Toby and Claire
Words: 2939 II Warnings: none II ok to rb --
Jim dropped his backpack at the empty desk next to one Tobias Domzalski’s, one of the only people at school who’d been properly friendly to him so far. It was Jim’s first day of mortal high school, and he’d been vetted mercilessly by every student group but Tobias’s, though he was beginning to suspect that said group consisted of only Tobias.
Of course, Jim had been screening his peers right back, but it was still exhausting. He thought he’d been ready after the Order’s… extensive lessons on humanity, and how to fit in with the mortals like himself, but already, everything he’d done felt like it must have been a social faux pas of some kind.
Act quiet around the quiet kids? Then no one speaks, until the silence grows so long that it’s awkward, and starting up a conversation makes it feel painfully forced. So, okay, maybe find some louder kids and try to blend in with them. Except, they start to grow obnoxious, and at some point, the headache simply stops being worth it.
Jim wasn’t even going to dare try and bond with the overly studious; he wasn’t here to vie for valedictorian, nor was he all that interested in making grades that separated him from the pack. Not to mention, he much preferred whatever lessons the Order could teach him anyway. They were very practical things, going over philosophy, strategy, combat, computations. He was already conversational in Bellroc and Skrael’s original languages, and though he knew Spanish would be equally valuable, the Spanish teacher seemed… intense, in a way that Bellroc and Skrael, who could likewise be rigorous sometimes, were not.
In fact, the only class he was indeed eager to take was history—and, okay, perhaps physical education didn’t sound horrendous, so long as he was careful about holding back in certain areas—because while he could learn plenty of history from his very ancient guardians, to hear of human history from the mouths of humans, like himself… it sounded unique, in a way that he hoped was amenable, at the very least, if not genuinely interesting or entertaining.
As he sat down in the chair beside Tobias, the boy seemed to light up, beaming over at Jim, a reaction that he hadn’t expected from his peer. He’d thought he’d rather botched his first conversation with Tobias in homeroom that morning, as he hadn’t known anything about anything that Tobias had referenced (what on earth was Gun Robot?). But, evidently, he must have done something well—or at least, acceptably— because Tobias was leaning over and excitedly holding out his hand to show Jim something which clattered in his palm as he moved. Politely, Jim glanced over to see what it was, and—oh.
Oh no.
That was definitely the remains of a troll.
Tobias was holding out small, grey pebbles for him to see, on which Jim could just make out hints of tattoos that had been etched into the troll while they were alive.
Holding back his mild panic, he gave a tight smile and a nod, as his classmate diagnosed them incorrectly as gneiss—which, admittedly, Jim thought wasn’t a bad guess, really. It’s not like the other boy had any reason to think that the rocks he was holding were anything but an average metamorphic stone.
Tobias was looking to Jim for a response, though, so he opened his mouth to speak, breathing in—
Jim froze once more. The distinct tingle of magic had just washed over his senses, keen and undeniable, unlike anything else he’d felt that day.
It was raw, underdeveloped, not yet bolstered by the right teacher, but it was there, and it spoke in tones of purple, pulsing with potential.
Jim was no wizard himself, much preferring combat to the arcane arts, having not a strong penchant for it or its intricacies and delicate, temperamental nature, but even still, he’d been raised with the three most powerful magic-users in the known world. They’d taught him from youth how to recognize when magic was present, how to glean as many clues as he possibly could about it, or who might have cast it, might be walking in it, based on its style and scent, its intensity, or its intentionality. He wasn’t quite the best at sensing the finer details, nor could he find it when it was masked, but when it was open, unhidden, he could feel it like a mild electric shock that one might get when touching a door handle in dry weather; he could sense it like the faint scent of ozone during a storm, or like a prickle on the hairs on the back of his neck, when lightning was about to strike.
What’s going on? He thought, as he turned his head in the direction of the epicenter of the magic. First, there’s troll remains in the hands of a classmate with the same schedule as him, and then there’s—the girl, there. The girl with the blue streak in her hair.
The witch.
She’d caught him staring, as she set her books down on a desk in the front row, a couple columns over from his. Beside her plopped down two more girls—her friends, Jim noted, as they chattered familiarly, cheerfully.
The girl gave him an awkward smile, then, and Jim realized that he must have been staring for a few moments too long, so he rapidly flicked his eyes back to the surface of his own desk, trying not to think about the flush he could feel splash across the back of his neck, or the tips of his ears.
Tobias did not grant him such grace.
“Ooh,” he grinned, smug as a cat in a sunbeam. “That’s Claire Nuñez. President of the drama club, valedictorian candidate, great actress. She’s tied with Seamus Johnson and Shannon Longhannon for top of the class right now, I heard. She’s wicked smart, and—Jim?” Tobias huffed, “Are you paying attention to me?”
Jim’s eyes darted back to his new friend, from where they’d been briefly studying Claire Nuñez’s back, trying to get a more in-depth read on her arcana. He nodded distractedly. “Yeah, yeah, smart, a president; I heard you.”
Tobias sighed, shaking his head. “Jim.”
Jim raised an eyebrow, indicating that he was listening.
“She’s out of your league.” He deadpanned. “She’s super popular, and you’re, no offense, definitely not.”
Jim shot Tobias a confused look, brow furrowing. “What do you mean?”
The boy stared openly at Jim. “What do you mean, ‘what do you mean’? Do you really not— Oh my god.”
Jim blinked. “What?”
Tobias shook his head. “Jim, you’ve kinda… scared a lot of the people in our class today. They don’t know what to think about you. You’re like a giant question mark! No one even knows where you came from—”
“Ohio.” Jim recited his cover story, which Skrael had helped him pick the night previous. They’d chosen a city that started with a c… right. “Columbus, Ohio.”
Tobias shot him a deadpan look. “Okay, fine, Jim Lake from Columbus, Ohio. Why’d you suddenly move to Arcadia, then? Why not L.A.? Why not Burbank?”
Jim frowned. “Do you interrogate every newcomer like this? My parents got a good job opportunity here.” He held up one hand, “And before you ask—real estate.”
“Oh yeah? How come I haven’t seen them put up ads, then?” Tobias crossed his arms. “I’m just saying, dude; I think you’re cool, but you freak a lot of people out with that brooding, silent thing you do.”
Jim snorted. “I do what?”
“No, I don’t know—”
“You act, like, all silent and mysterious when people try to talk to you.” Tobias shrugged. “I don’t think it’s a bad thing, but some people don’t seem as ready to brush it off as me. I’m only telling you so that you can make more friends here.”
“Well, I have you, don’t I?” Jim’s head canted.
Tobias blinked, floundering at that. “Well—y…yeah, I guess so, but—”
“I mean, we are friends, aren’t we?”
It was Tobias’s turn to go a bit pink, shaking his head in bewilderment. “If you want, yeah, but—”
“Then there we go. I have a friend.” Jim smiled.
Tobias tried to protest, “But—” only to find himself cut off as Mr. Strickler strode into the classroom at that moment, placing a leather briefcase on his desk with a decisive thump. Cacophonous voices incrementally petered out, as attentive heads turned to the front of the classroom, where Mr. Strickler had pulled out a stack of syllabi, handing them to the student nearest the door, with the instructions to “take one and pass them,” spoken precisely to the class.
Tobias looked like he wanted to say something when Strickler turned his back to write his name on the chalkboard, but Jim shushed him from the corner of his mouth, opening a fresh, blank notebook as he did so. This was the only class he’d bothered to buy a separate notebook for, and, to be frank, was the only class he’d even intended to take notes in at all.
Tobias looked chagrined, but not angry, as he rolled his eyes and went to fetch a pencil from his own bag. Might as well have something to do with his idle hands for the next hour.
As his first day was winding to close, Jim had to admit, having a friend at school did end up making it a little easier.
The rest of his time there had passed largely unremarkably, since a rather thrilling start to the history curriculum. Jim’s hand had shot up just as much as the apparent reigning top of the sophomore class, one Miss Claire Nuñez’s, had— a fact which had, according to Tobias, already begun to percolate across campus.
The lesson had only briefly covered the basics of ancient Rome, going over a bit of easy, more widely known trivia, to see what the class already knew about their oncoming first unit, but, nonetheless, Jim had been eager to jump in, to talk almost directly to Mr. Strickler, going back and forth in the form of a discussion. He’d spoken quietly, quickly, and he’d felt the eyes of his peers glued to his desk, but had ignored the sensation altogether, in favor of listening to what his teacher had to say about aqueducts, instead.
When the hour had finally come to an end, in fact, he’d packed up slowly, most of his classmates abandoning the room as quickly as they could—the lunch period was about to begin—though Tobias was kind enough to wait for him. As such, Tobias was the only other person present to hear Mr. Strickler stop Jim after class, paying a brief compliment to his performance that day, and accompanying his words with a poster for the history club. Jim didn’t think his furtive smile had gone entirely missed by the teacher, but as they’d exited into the now mostly empty hallway, he forgot to worry about it further, as Tobias wasted no time in asking him how the heck his new friend knew so much about history already?
Jim had shrugged it off, saying that it was his favorite subject; and besides, didn’t Tobias— “Seriously, dude, it’s Toby, by the way”— know more about geology than anyone else in their class? The compliment had made Tobias—Toby— preen, and he’d promptly dropped the topic, instead launching into an enthusiastic lecture meant to coach Jim through the cafeteria process. Jim, who had tried to jump in to say that he’d heard this at orientation the week prior, but Toby had shot him an appalled look at that, swiftly informing him that orientation did nothing to help the social side of things. Sure, he knew the motions, but did he know how to do them without standing out in the crowd? Absolutely not—in fact, the thought was almost laughable, according to Toby.
So, Jim had grinned, followed Toby’s lead, and had just barely survived the ever-important lunch line waltz.
The rest of the day had passed mostly the same way, in the end. Toby, having warmed up to Jim, took him through the whole rest of the day, guiding him through the intricacies of Arcadia Oaks High, and by the time the final bell was ringing, Jim almost felt like a normal student. Some of his peers had even started waving to him in the hallways; he’d broken the ice, after all.
Well. He’d thought so, until Toby had said goodbye, peddling away on his bike toward home, leaving Jim alone in the courtyard by the bustling lockers, surrounded by students eager to either go home, as Toby had, or to dive into after-school clubs and sports.
Jim opted to take his time, though, to enjoy the Southern California sun, as he strolled casually across the campus, toward the front of the school grounds.
As he rounded the corner, though, intending to head toward the Arcadia Oaks sign, where he’d stop and shoot off a text to the Order that his first day had gone well, and that he’d be home soon, he felt a tap on his shoulder, instead, and heard a throat being cleared behind him.
He knew who it was before he even turned to face her; her magic had given her away as soon as she’d reached a hand for him.
Despite this, Jim whirled as if she’d caught him by surprise, schooling his features into something startled but friendly, relaxing his shoulders as a polite smile crossed his face, upon seeing her. “Oh, hey. Sorry, I wasn’t expecting—” he rethought his words, shaking his head. “Never mind. …It’s, ‘Claire,’ right?”
She nodded, returning his smile. “Yeah! And you’re ‘Jim Lake’, hm?”
Something about the way she asked that question sent up a warning bell in the back of Jim’s mind, but he tried not to look unsettled; it was probably just nerves.
“Yup; just Jim is fine, though.” He added with a casual laugh.
Claire tilted her head, continuing. “So, you’re quite the history buff, huh?”
Jim’s hands dropped to his pockets, as he glanced at his shoes, then back up to her. “Uh, yeah, I guess so.”
“You guess?” She teased. “You were on fire in class today.” She lifted her chin, to look at him head on. “Do I need to worry about you unseating me, Jim Lake from Columbus, Ohio?”
Jim snorted, shaking his head. “No, no; it’s not like that. History’s just a hobby.”
“Pretty intense hobby, if you know half as much as you seem like you do.” She raised an eyebrow at him.
Jim grinned. “Intense? Like being the president of drama club, the vice president of debate, and the supposed shoe-in for the lead in the play this fall?” he recited, much to Claire’s surprise, who shot him an impressed look.
“Huh. You sure do pay attention, don’t you?”
He glanced around, making it a leisurely movement, concealing the way he was searching for anyone who could overhear, before his eyes met hers again, as he said, “Only to certain people.”
Claire blinked, cheeks reddening, mistaking his meaning. “Oh, yeah? What kinds of people?”
Jim rolled the dice. “Well, people who seem nice, or kind, who I could make friends with. People who do things I wanna do, too, so I can have an ‘in’. Like clubs, and things.” he clarified.
“And, uh…” his voice grew hushed, “Magic-users in the human world.”
Claire’s face fell. “What was that last one?” Her nose scrunched with the skeptical look that overtook her features.
Jim’s eyes darted to look for an exit, realizing coldly—fearfully— that he had grossly miscalculated.
“Uh…” Stupid. He chided himself. Think of a lie before you go backing yourself into a corner. Skrael would be disappointed in him if he were here.
“Did you just say ‘the human world’ like you… aren’t human?” She stared at him suspiciously.
Jim blinked. “What? No. I’m human. Of course I’m human.” He gave a strained laugh. “What else would I be?”
“…Someone who thinks they aren’t?” Claire’s brow furrowed.
“It was a rhetor- well. I mean, I guess that’s true. But I’m not!” He smiled weakly, and then froze for a split-second, rapidly adding, “Someone who thinks they aren’t human! I know I’m human!”
Claire’s eyes shot to the street, where, to her poorly hidden relief, her dad had just pulled up to the curb, there to pick her up. “…Right. Well, Jim Lake from Cleveland, Ohio, my dad’s here, so I need to go, but this has been… interesting.”
Jim nodded rapidly, shooting her one more smile— a sheepish, apologetic one— as he gave her a shy wave. “…Yeah.”
Claire hoisted her backpack onto one shoulder, giving him a half-hearted wave back. “…Bye, Jim.”
“Bye, Claire.”
As she turned to leave, Jim frowned to himself. He wasn’t sure why, but something felt wrong. He supposed it could have been the awkward manner in which he’d acted, but in a flash, he decided that wanted to see her again, just in case that wasn’t it. He couldn’t be too careful.
So, before he missed his chance, he called after her retreating back, “See you around?”
Claire stopped, hand poised on the handle of the passenger side door, freezing there for a heart-pounding pause.
Then, she shot him a look over her shoulder, one of interest, meeting his eyes deliberately. Jim got the sense that he should heed it carefully.
“Yeah. See you around, Jim.”
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forever-rogue · 4 years
I would really love a super cute fic with Marcus Pike where it’s Y/N’s birthday and they celebrate! Marcus decides on getting her what she’s always wanted! A kitten! (It’s my birthday and I’m getting a cat in January) And then later on, Marcus maybe proposes to her and then they have passionate sex? I don’t know haha, just something super fluffly, but also super smutty. I love reading stuff like that and I honestly thought this would just be something super cute for the heartthrobs! Your work is simply amazing and I can’t imagine anyone else writing this. Thank you so much! ❤️
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Sorry for the delay! I hope you have/had a happy birthday and enjoy your new fur baby when you get them. This is soft, but as always, it does contain some smut at the end so 18+ only!
Marcus Pike x Fem!Reader; warnings: smut
Pedro Characters Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
As the sun filtered in through the sheer curtains, the room was doused in warm, golden light. Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you blinked away the bleariness and let your eyes adjust, fully ready to be greeted by your lover. Rolling onto your side to face him, a small sigh of disappointment escaped your lips as you realized that his side of the bed was empty. The sheets were cold, signaling that he had been gone for some time. You just hoped that he hadn’t somehow been called into work and dragged away from you. 
Slowly sitting up and stretching, you relished in the feel of your joints popping before sliding out from under the warm covers. Your feet slid into your slippers and you grabbed the nearest shirt you spied, which just happened to be Marcus’ as you walked out of the bedroom. As soon as you popped into the hallway, you were hit with the sound of cooking and rustling from the kitchen, accompanied by the delicious smell of what you were positive were bacon, pancakes, and coffee. A warmth settled over your heart as you realized that Marcus wasn’t gone at all, he was right there, at home, making breakfast for the two of you like he was keen on doing. 
You hastily padded along the hallway, ready to greet him and swallow him up with your love, but ever the FBI agent, he beat you to the punch. As you darted into the kitchen, he was standing there, a smile on his face and the biggest bouquet of tulips and daisies you had ever seen in his hands. 
“Happy birthday, honey,” he grinned at the shocked expression on your face as you stopped dead in your tracks, rendered speechless as you just stared at him with the sweetest smile he had ever seen. You slowly made your way over to him, your hands finding his face as you pressed your lips to his in a sweet, saccharine kiss, “everything okay?”
“Yeah,” you promised him, as you took the beautiful from him, admiring their sweet scent before putting them on display on the kitchen table. You sighed contentedly before going back to him and letting him wrap you up in a tight hug, “I just really, really love you.”
“I love you too, birthday girl,” he promised gently, “you have made me the happiest man and getting to spend my life with you is the best thing I could ever ask for.”
“Funny,” you teased as you reached up and carded a hair through his dark locks, “pretty sure I should be saying that to you.”
“It’s your birthday,” he reminded you with a soft kiss, which you chased with a few more of your own, “and we are focusing on you today.”
“We do that every day, Marcus Pike,” you giggled before burying your face into his chest, “you’re such a romantic. But I love it - love you - more than anything.”
“Mhmm,” he hummed in content before pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “now, let me finish breakfast so we can eat and then I have a surprise for you.”
“Another one?” you grinned at him, “the flowers are already more than enough, Marcus, really, and getting to spend the day with you.”
“Don’t you worry, honey,  I have a few surprises in store,” he tenderly traced your nose before giving it a gentle boop, which caused you to laugh at him, “now, go and sit down and I’ll get your coffee.”
“What if I want to help?” you playfully pouted at him as he steered you towards the countertop bar where you quickly hopped onto the stool, watching him with adoring eyes.
“Not allowed,” he insisted fervently, grabbing your favorite mug from the cabinet before preparing your coffee just how you liked, “you are not doing a thing today.”
“I love you,” you beamed at him, melting his heart as you were akin to a literal ray of sunshine in his heart.”
“I know,” he shot you a wink as he passed your mug.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Marcus,” you jokingly groaned at him, “don’t you think this is a little much?”
“Nope,” he said excitedly as he tugged on the back of the blindfold he had insisted on you wearing. You were in the passenger seat, completely in the dark, literally and metaphorically, as Marcus drove to your surprise destination. After breakfast, he had told you a few more details about the mysterious surprise, but you were just as confused then as you were now. As soon as he’d pulled out of the driveway, you’d tried to keep track of the turns to see if you could figure out where your destination was, or at least in what part of town you were. But Marcus was no fool and was quickly able to figure out what you were doing and made it a point to take a few extra turns here and there, “besides, we’re just about there.”
“A man of mystery,” you grinned as he reached for your hand with his free one, lacing your fingers together as he rested them on your thigh, “one of your many endearing qualities.”
“I think you’ll like it,” he insisted as he made a final turn and smoothly parked the car. You tried to listen to see if you could hear anything to give it away, but of course, there was nothing.
“Honestly, there are very few things that I wouldn’t love as long as you were involved,” you promised. He made a small sound of content as he reached up and slowly moved to undo your blindfold. You let it fall to your lap as you eagerly looked around and studied your surroundings. You noticed a few people coming and going with dogs and animals in carriers and it slowly set in, “Marcus...the shelter?”
“Yes,” he nodded excitedly, “surprise! I know we’ve talked about getting a cat and I just...I like the idea and I figured what better time than now? And if...if we ever want to start trying for a baby, we’d have some practice with a cat.”
“Really?” you asked with wide eyes as your heart melted at the sight of his pink tinged cheeks. He nodded as you leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips, “I’d love that. I’ve always wanted a kitty...this is...perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything better.”
“Good,” Marcus was relieved at your excitement. He was almost ready to go and spill the beans on the other part of his little birthday surprise, but luckily he was able to contain himself as his pocket suddenly felt weighed down, “come on, honey, let’s go and see if there’s a little one for us.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You strolled hand and hand with Marcus as you walked back through the area where they kept all the cats and kittens. Many of them, the ones that were social and friendly with others were allowed to roam the large rooms and play with the other cats and humans that had been cleared to come in, all in the hopes of finding their forever home. 
Many of them came up and greeted you and Marcus, purring as they wrapped around your legs and offered gentle meows. There were some older cats taking advantage of sunlight and lounging in the windows. There were so many little blurs running around, and so many people getting to know them. 
But as you went around and scratched the ears of one big, soft looking black cat, lying on his side, absorbing the golden sunlight. He looked at you with big, golden eyes, taking you in and Marcus in before keening into your touch and purring loudly. You grinned as he closed his eyes into content and nuzzled into your touch. 
“Nigel,” Marcus read off the little placard that was near him, “he’s nine, and he likes other animals. His owner surrendered him because he wasn’t able to properly care for him anymore.”
“Hi Nigel,” you said softly as you continued to pet him, “I’m sure you had to go through that. You deserve the best home…”
“You like him…” Marcus deduced as you nodded lightly, “it doesn’t matter that he’s older, he deserves a home too. Besides, he could still have a very long life ahead of him, and he seems to like us too.”
“He does,” you agreed as Nigel turned his attention to Marcus, meowing gently for such a big cat as he studied him with wide eyes, “what do you think Nigel? Would you like a new home?”
Before either of you could say or anything else, a small white and tan little blur hopped up on the cat tree next to Nigel, looking at the two of you with big, green eyes before sitting down. She was small, a kitten still you had no doubt, but had such a curious little face. You exchanged a look with Marcus as came closer, seeking your touch. Nigel observed the little intruder for a moment, and you swallowed nervously, wondering if these two would get along. The larger cat nuzzled against the little one, and curled around him while making a soft sound. It almost appeared that Nigel was protective over the little one, making sure she was safe and sound. 
You looked at Marcus, wondering what the two of you should do. He met your gaze with an excited expression on his face, as he used a hand to pet each cat. Both of them practically melted into his touch as they purred loudly. He looked back at you with a surprised little expression as he shrugged innocently. 
“I love them,” you grinned as the younger one turned to you and garnered your attention, “I know you said one cat...but what if...what if we got two? These two seem really attached…”
“It would be a shame to separate them,” he agreed as you both realized what was happening. You weren’t going to expand your family by just one little family member, you were getting two new friends.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“That was delicious,” you set your fork down as you swallowed the last bit of dessert - it was pie, homemade to all your preferences by Marcus. You’d insisted all day that it wasn’t necessary, especially after the day you’d had, but he was just as insistent, wanting to do all of this for you. Little did you know that there was still a big surprise coming your way, “is there anything you can’t do?”
“Hmmm,” he tapped his fingers against his chin thoughtfully for a moment before shaking his head, “no, I don’t think so.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re right,” you agreed as you moved to grab your empty plates to the kitchen to set them in the sink. Marcus beat you to the punch, taking everything from your hands as you playfully chided him with a kiss to his cheek. You sneaked a peek into the living room. Both Nigel and Alicia, as you learned her name was, were fast asleep on the back of the couch, wrapped up in soft, fuzzy blankets you’d gotten just for them. The excitement of the day and exploring their new home had tuckered them out; it was funny - they’d only been with you for a few hours, but they fit into your hearts and home like they had always been there, like they were meant to be there. 
“Honey? Can you come and help me real quick?” his voice sounded...different...was he nervous? You stood up and made your way back into the kitchen, hoping he was okay and nothing was wrong and - oh gods. A million different horrible things went through your mind as you picked up your pace and hoped that everything was alright. 
But as soon as you got into the kitchen, you stopped dead in your tracks as you found Marcus, on the floor on one knee, a soft grin on his face as he held open a small velvet box housing a gorgeous ring. Your hands went to your mouth as you realized exactly what was happening. Tears were already pricking at the back of your eyes as he looked up at you with a small smile. 
“Marcus,” his name was a soft, reverent thing spilling from your lips as he reached for you with his free hand, pulling you closer.
“Honey,” he looked at you, eyes wide and nervous as he searched for the right words. You held your hand tightly in his and he opened and closed his mouth a few times, seemingly rendered speechless, “I...umm, I had a whole speech planned, and I can’t - can’t seem to remember a word of it. I just….I love you so much, you have made me so happy, happier than I ever thought could be, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of life with you. You have made me the happiest man and if you should say yes, then you would make me the happiest husband. I...will you marry me?”
“Yes,” you breathed softly at him, as he pulled the ring out of the box and quickly slipped it onto your finger. He stood back up slowly and wrapped you up in his arms, peppering kisses along the side of your head before kissing your cheeks and lips as a few warm tears slid down your cheeks, “a million times yes, Marcus. I love you so, so much.”
“I love you,” he wiped away your tears, “happy birthday, honey.”
“This is the best birthday I could ever dream of,” you grinned at him, “thank you for this - everything, Marcus.”
You stared into those soft brown eyes, taking it all in as you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him with a gentle, but fierce intensity. Marcus wasted no time in picking you up, as your legs wrapped around his waist and his lips refused to move from your lips. 
He made quick work of carrying you back to the bedroom, your hands fumbling around with the buttons of his shirt as he kissed along your jaw and neck. He placed you gently on the bed before pulling off his shirt and following suit with his pants and boxers. You grinned up at him before he came over to you, slowly pushing your dress up, pausing for a moment to make sure you were okay with it, before carrying on and pulling it up and over your head, throwing it in the growing pile of clothing. 
"You are so beautiful," he whispered before nuzzling his nose against yours and offering you a small kiss. You sighed against him as his large, warm hands worked to unclasp your bra and slide it down your arms and into the pile. He kissed along your jaw and down your neck, taking his time in showering your body in saccharine, reverent kisses. 
"Marcus," his name never sounded more sweet than when it dripped from your mouth like golden honey. You raked your nails up and down his back as he continued to kiss you softly. You arched your hips into his, spurring him on as he reached for the waistband of your panties and tugged them down in one fluid motion, "I love you."
"I love you," he whispered before he slowly pushed into you, in no rush at all to reach a climax for either of you as he set a languidly and leisurely pace. 
His eyes were glued on yours the entire time, his expression soft as he watched your face shift into a look of pure bliss. You held him tightly against your body as you moved with him, relishing in the soft praise and words he whispered in your ear.
"Marcus," you whispered his name before carding a hand through his dark locks, "'m not gonna…"
"Let go honey," he swiped his nose against your collarbone before trailing kisses along the column of your throat, "its okay."
Almost as if he possessed a magic tongue, and you supposed he did in some ways, you came undone under him. Marcus was close behind, whispering your name softly, as the two of your reached your peaks. He rolled over, lying on his back as he pulled you on top of him, giving you lazy kisses, as you basked in the afterglow.
"Happy birthday, honey," he whispered as he touched your cheek, "I can't wait to call you my wife."
"I can't wait to call you my husband," you grinned at him, "you are everything, Marcus."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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flourgirl · 4 years
Heart Skips a Beat
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You work at a coffee shop on campus and develop a crush on the cute astrophysics major who studies there everyday.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Pure fluff. One curse word.
A/N: There WILL be a sequel to Even If It’s a Lie! Until then, here’s a little something to hold you guys over :-)
“I saw you on a Sunday in a café And all you did was look my way And my heart started to race And my hands started to shake” -Nervous, Shawn Mendes
3 p.m. had quickly become your favorite time of the day. Sure, you had already been working for half of your shift by then, but it was worth it. Because despite how tired you were from a full day of lectures, like clockwork, the cutest guy you had ever seen walked into the café to order a caramel latte and do his homework. 
You were a hopeless romantic. A homeschooled bookworm whose only experiences with romance were through the many YA novels you had read growing up. College was honestly your first experience with independence and having a social life outside of your mom, your cat, and your elderly neighbors, Brenda and Pat.
The first day he had come was at the beginning of the semester. You had just started working there to help cut the costs of tuition that your scholarships couldn’t cover. Even though you barely knew how to use the machines at that point, and it took you almost 20 minutes and one phone call to your shift manager to give him his order, he was still really nice to you about it.
By the end of the first week that he started hanging out here, you had memorized his order. For a stranger, there was a lot to like about him. He was super sweet and always dropped his spare change in the tip jar, a rare occurrence amongst struggling college students. He always greeted you by your name, which he only knew because of the tag on your uniform, but you didn’t care. You liked hearing him say it either way.
The more you learned about him, the bigger your crush grew. His name was Peter. Peter Parker, which matched him perfectly. He was an astrophysics major, and he was always busy. So what was he doing hanging out in the café where you worked? Sure, homework, but you had always preferred to go somewhere more quiet, like the library. Not some noisy little coffee shop in the middle of campus where everybody hung out after class.
In between making coffee orders for other customers, you would oftentimes steal glances at him. You thought about how soft his messy brown hair would feel between your fingers, or what it would be like to smell his fabric softener from closer than the width of the countertop that always separated the two of you.
But it was just a silly crush. When you thought about it, the two of you were virtually strangers. He had an entire life outside of the walls of the coffee shop, and he probably didn’t think about you other than when you were taking his order every day. Still, just when you thought about how weird it was to think about somebody you barely knew this much, Peter found ways to make you like him even more than you already did.
Every now and then, Peter wouldn’t show up, and you worried that maybe he had found another place to get coffee or came at another time because he didn’t want to see you anymore. You knew you were overthinking. There was no way that Peter was planning his entire schedule around you. You were just the coffee girl to him and nothing more.
Little did you know that on your days off, Peter was disappointed to find that someone else would be making his coffee that day. Sure, he started coming here to study because it was conveniently located across the street from the laboratory that he interned at, but it was more than that. He came to see you. To see your smile and the way your eyes lit up whenever he walked in. The way you still managed to look cute in the unflattering café uniform and how you didn’t even have to ask what his order was.
He had the biggest crush on you. The five minutes that he spent talking to you each day made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and he took comfort in the fact that maybe, just maybe, you felt the same way about him. But he didn't know what to say to you past small talk. He told Ned and MJ that he had been planning to ask you out for a while now, but every time he walked up to the register, he chickened out. You made him too nervous, and he knew that if he tried too hard, he’d start rambling about string theory or something and scare you away. 
Peter thought about what kind of person you were outside of these four walls. Were you dating anybody? What was your favorite subject? Did you like pineapple on your pizza? He wondered if you even noticed that he was gone every time his “internship” at Stark Industries dragged him away for days at a time. Probably not. He thought about what it would be like to walk you to wherever you went after your shift ended, to make sure you got there safely, but he always had to rush off to somewhere else before you had finished working.
You had started experimenting with leaving little designs on top of his coffee instead of just haphazardly pouring the milk in. At first, they were just sad little blobs, but then you graduated to vaguely leaf-like blobs, and you could now make something that was shaped like a turnip on top of his lattes. You had been working up the courage to leave little hearts, but every time you did, you swirled them away and served it to him without any design at all.
Your friends would lovingly describe you as a klutz. You were constantly tripping over nothing or knocking things over. There was even that one time you almost broke your leg trying to climb one of the supermarket shelves to reach your favorite brand of maple syrup. But out of all of your clumsy mishaps, none of them lived up to what had just happened.
You had sworn you had looked both ways before crossing the street. But when the barrage of car horns and tires screeching interrupted your favorite song, you saw your life flash before your eyes. That was, until, you were flying through the air. Looking at your savior, you were both starstruck and shocked to see Spiderman holding you tightly as he swung from building to building.
It felt like forever before your feet touched the ground and he let go of your waist, but when he did, you were a little disappointed. How did he even know to drop you off at this specific coffee shop? It was insane, but you felt like you knew him. You just couldn’t place why or how before he saluted you and swung away without a word. “Thank you!” you screamed into the sky, knowing he definitely couldn’t hear you over the hustle and bustle of the city.
Peter’s heart was about to burst out of his chest. That was way too close of a call. What if you found out that it was him? What would you think? But he knew that if he hadn’t saved you, he would never forgive himself. Sure, you might get free tuition like that rumor people always talked about in middle school, but you’d also have a ton of hospital bills to pay because Spiderman was a selfish idiot and let you get hit by a taxi.
Your head was still spinning from what had just happened. You quickly changed into your uniform and started your shift, giddy with excitement to tell Peter who you had met today. As 3 p.m. came and went and there were no signs of Peter, you started to accept that the only person you’d get to tell about today was your mom. Go figure, you thought. You finally had something interesting to say to him and he doesn’t show up.
Eventually, after many disappointing coffee orders later, it was time for you to go home and curl up to a cup of tea and watch the latest episode of the Great British Bake-Off. It was ironic, but your favorite contestant this season was Peter, and every week was more and more tense as you worried whether or not he’d make it to the next episode. Sure, he was really good at technicals, but sometimes the flavors of his signature bakes were off. And when was stupid Laura going to get eliminated?
You were so caught up in worrying about who would be going to the finals that you didn’t even notice the guy walking through the doors just as you were leaving the café, knocking you onto the ground. 
“OW!” you squeaked as you hit the tiled floor that your co-worker had just finished mopping.
“Shit, Y/N, I’m so sorry,” a familiar voice apologized from above you. You squinted up to see Peter’s brown eyes full of worry, and at that point, you couldn’t even tell that you were hurt anymore. 
He held out his hand for you to take and pulled you up as if you weighed nothing. Still a bit dizzy, you stumbled, and he wrapped his hand around your waist to keep you from falling again. That same familiar feeling you felt earlier that day was rushing back to you. 
“Hey, don’t worry. I’ve got you, Y/N,” he assured you, walking you over to a table to sit down. 
You laid your head down on the table, both embarrassed and woozy from having your crush knock you flat on your face because you were too busy thinking about a televised baking competition to watch where you were going.
“You know we’re closed, right,” you groaned, lifting your head to see him staring attentively at you.
“Yeah, I know,” he answered, laughing nervously and running his hands through his hair. You wished that you were the one doing that instead.
“Oh. Well, you can if you really want to,” he said, leaving you confused as to what on earth he was talking about. It wasn’t until a few moments later that you were ready to curl up into a ball and hide forever. Did you say that you wanted to touch his hair OUT LOUD? TO HIS FACE?
Your cheeks turned crimson and you buried your face in your arms again. “Peter, I’m okay. You can go now.” If he didn’t leave now, you’d probably die of embarrassment right in front of him.
“Y/N,” he started, running his thumb across your arm. “I don’t want to go. I… I came here to see you.”
Your head shot up and you stared at him in disbelief. “You know I’m not the only one here who knows how to make a caramel latte, right?”
“Mhmm,” he hummed, nodding his head with a soft smile. Even in the dim lighting of the café at night, his eyes sparkled. “I hope this is okay for me to say, but… Y/N. I like you. I like you a lot, and I don’t even like caramel lattes but by the time I realized that I would never get used to the taste, you were already making them without me even having to ask you to.”
“Oh,” you replied, instantly feeling good as new. “I, uh...I like you too.”
You watched as the smile that never failed to brighten your day returned to Peter’s face. “So... Do you—would you, maybe, like to go out with me sometime?”
“Yes!” you replied enthusiastically. Checking your phone, you realized just how long you two had been sitting down. “But we should probably go. The doors were supposed to be locked thirty minutes ago.”
You grabbed his hand, pulling him out the front doors of the coffee shop before scrambling to lock them. When you turned around, you were standing face to face with the guy you’d been crushing on for months. 
Right before Peter could lean in to kiss you, you remembered what you had been dying to tell him about all day. “I almost forgot. I met Spiderman today!”
Peter’s eyes widened. He had hoped you wouldn’t bring it up, but then again, he probably shouldn’t have come here in the hopes of seeing you tonight. Play it cool, Parker, he thought as the two of you walked towards the subway station.
“Oh. That’s really cool,” he said in a tone that was suspiciously underwhelmed. “How’d that happen?”
“Well, I was on the way to work and I guess I was listening to my music a little bit too loud,” you started. “And suddenly I hear all these cars honking at me and WHOOSH! I’m in Spiderman’s arms and he drops me off right in front of the coffee shop. I mean, how did he even know that that’s where I was supposed to be? It was incredible!”
Peter really liked listening to you talk. He liked the softness of your voice and how excited you sounded whenever you spoke to him. “Huh. Are you sure you have a crush on me and not on our friendly neighborhood Spiderboy?”
“Spiderman,” you corrected, intertwining your fingers with his. “And no. I like you and only you.”
Peter laughed, thinking about how mad you’d be when he finally let you in on his little secret. But for now, there was no Spiderman. It was just you and him, and that’s how he liked it.
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letterboxd · 3 years
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A Cinematic Outcoming.
From Istanbul to Chicago, and C.R.A.Z.Y. to Spirited Away, Letterboxd member, writer and film programmer Emre Eminoğlu explores the films that drove his gay awakening.
“I see it as my duty to never shut up about how representation matters.” —Emre Eminoğlu
I was one of the luckiest ones, yet I had no idea how lucky I was. Growing up in Istanbul, Turkey, a predominantly patriarchal, conservative and homophobic society, my luck was being born into an open-minded, secular and loving family.
In this bubble, I was isolated from the struggles of the majority of my people. I was not bullied at school by my peers, I was not forced into being someone else by my family. Yet I still had that voice in my head. As soon as I realized something could be different with me, I became my own bully and forcefully adopted a fictional persona: ‘exceptionally normal’.
Coming out was hard, but coming out to myself was harder. Although I was perfectly aware of my sexual identity, I could not come to terms with the possibility of being ‘abnormal’. Cue cinema. Watching films was a way of escape for high-school Emre—it still is—and it was inevitable that I would come across some LGBTQ+ films. I was not consciously in search of a ‘truth’ about myself but I started seeing my reflection in them, as they slowly disarmed the bully I involuntarily created.
Twenty years later, now, as a 34-year-old gay man professionally writing on cinema and television, I see it as my duty to never shut up about how representation matters. Streaming LGBTQ+ shows on various platforms, seeing widely released, mainstream LGBTQ+ films, listening to the music of openly LGBTQ+ stars, and hearing words of wisdom like “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?”, I am confident that the personal, inner bully that I created twenty years ago would not survive a week in today’s world.
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‘C.R.A.Z.Y.’ (2005)
Jean-Marc Vallée’s C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) was definitely not the first LGBTQ+ film I ever watched, but it was an invaluable juncture in my life. It was a hot summer in Istanbul, freshman year of college was over. One of my best friends, who had been accompanying me through most of my cinematic discoveries, told me about a French-Canadian film with this guy on the film poster with David Bowie makeup on his face. We headed to an independent theater in Kadıköy to see it.
Zachary Beaulieu was different. As the lone gay son in a family of five boys, he too was forcefully adopting a fictional persona, and his way of escape was music. He was constantly worried about how to be worthy of his parents’ love, how to realize their ideals of him, and how his difference and truth contradicted all of that. Zac’s 1960s basically mirrored my story in the 2000s. I perfectly muted the life-changing enlightenment I was going through and did not vocalize my inner screams.
In two hours, C.R.A.Z.Y. helped me realize my true self and admit my sexual identity after all those years. It was a personal threshold I had been longing to cross… but there was still a lot to go through.
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‘Les Amours Imaginaires’ (Heartbeats, 2010)
Liking someone, falling for someone, being loved, dating someone, sex, refusals, misinterpretations, heartbreaks, break-ups, bad sex. On the other side of the closet, I was being introduced to new, sometimes euphoric, sometimes gut-wrenching experiences. But coming out to my friends was still a challenge. I was feeling so lonely keeping all these wonderful and horrible experiences in my chest.
But I was not alone: LGBTQ+ films were my life’s understudy. The same heartbreaks, worries, and disappointments I was going through were right there on the silver screen. I took note as two best friends, Francis and Marie, fall for the same guy and navigate their friendship in Xavier Dolan’s Les Amours Imaginaires (Heartbeats, 2010). I studied how a popular student, Jarle, falls for the new guy in school, but cannot risk his reputation to be with him in Stian Kristiansen’s Mannen som Elsket Yngve (The Man Who Loved Yngve, 2008) and I watched as close friends Tobi and Achim become lovers, until one’s need to keep everything secret threatens to destroy the relationship in Marco Kreuzpaintner’s Sommersturm (Summer Storm, 2004).
Things were not always accessible via online platforms and the internet, so film festivals were often the only chance to see the latest independent and queer films. Two of the biggest film festivals in Istanbul, thankfully, had LGBTQ+-focused sections; !f’s Gökkuşağı (Rainbow) and Istanbul Film Festival’s Nerdesin aşkım? (Where are you, my love?) felt like home.
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‘Tomboy’ (2011)
Being the lone avid cinephile among my friends, I was used to seeing half of my festival picks alone. Even before coming out to myself, my hopes for a romantic relationship included, among other things, having a festival partner. When I, fortunately, found the one, I was delighted to have also found the perfect festival partner. Shortly after our first month together, the first film we saw at a film festival was Céline Sciamma’s Tomboy (2011).
Although I was a 24 year old cis man, I was more than able to empathize with the title character, a ten-year-old trans boy. With his family unaware of his true identity, Mickaël experiences the liberation of a fresh start when ‘mistaken’ for a boy after they move to a new neighborhood—finally able to introduce himself as Mickaël, not Laure.
Changing my career path, a new job in the creative industry, and a stable relationship had similar effects on me. I was still not completely out to my parents, or some of my friends, schoolmates, and acquaintances from my past, but I was freed of the obligation to explain anything to my new friends or colleagues. I would proudly introduce them to my boyfriend, or simply correct people by saying I was attracted to men during a conversation. The perfect festival partner turned out to be a perfect partner as well—over the past ten years, he has helped me grow and be proud of myself.
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‘Weekend’ (2011)
We moved in together in the fifth year of our relationship. Right above our bed hangs a poster of Andrew Haigh’s Weekend (2011). At the time we saw it, it was just another film that we watched together and liked—no significance, no symbolism. It is the story of two young men, Russell and Glen, who are fascinated by the connection they find between each other, and are surprised how their one-night-stand evolved into the perfect weekend. When Glen reveals that he will be leaving for another country the very next day, it only makes their connection stronger, and their time together more precious. Being a timid and socially anxious person, none of my romantic relationships or my friendships had formed this organically. Even my first date with my partner was a disaster. We built what we have now over time, slowly and patiently. I did not believe in ‘weekends’.
And yet, one summer night, we met a guy on Grindr, as we occasionally did. What we thought was just another one night stand was in fact a transformative experience for us both. Intense conversation, a triple connection, the drinks we enjoyed instead of hurrying to bed, and the passionate sex turned that casual one-night-stand into a magical reality for us. We realized that we still had feelings and instincts to discover in ourselves and in each other. Over a week-long, unexpected, unpredictable polyamorous fling, we learned to act as one instead of two—only to find out that he was leaving for another country the very next week. This was our ‘weekend’.
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‘Hamam’ (Steam: The Turkish Bath, 1997)
Thinking how LGBTQ+ films of other cultures and languages had played a significant role in some precious, threshold-crossing moments of my life, it was alienating not being able to feel embraced and represented openly in Turkish cinema. There were certainly multiple Turkish LGBTQ+ films or characters, but they were in films addressing more urgent issues—right to live, violence against LGBTQ+ individuals, honor murders, trans murders—rather than the nuanced experience of queer love.
Although I discovered it years after it was released, Italian-Turkish director Ferzan Özpetek’s Hamam (Steam: The Turkish Bath, 1997) was a mind-blowing experience for me. The relationship, and the sexual tension, between Francesco, the Italian heir to a building with a Turkish bath in it, and Mehmet, the young son of the family managing the compound, felt much closer to my story and my cultural, familial identity.
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Aşk, Büyü vs. (Love, Spells and All That, 2019)
Today, I am glad to see more and more filmmakers finding the courage to maintain the LGBTQ+ narrative in Turkish cinema, despite the oppressive, intolerant and exclusionary policies. Some are telling the youthful, urban stories I was longing for at the time: In Leyla Yılmaz’s Bilmemek (Not Knowing, 2019), Umut, a high-school athlete from a middle-class family in Istanbul, is bullied by his so-called modern and open-minded teammates after not replying to a query about whether he is gay or not. In Ümit Ünal’s Aşk, Büyü vs. (Love, Spells and All That, 2019), Eren and Reyhan, two adult women reunite in the magical atmosphere of The Princes’ Islands on the Istanbul coast, decades after they were forcefully separated by their parents.
The story of me coming out to myself all started with an urge to escape reality through cinema, and on the way, I found films that gave meaning to my muddled existence. When I saw Levan Akin’s And Then We Danced (2019), I smiled as I noticed the Spirited Away poster in Merab’s room; this minor detail another reminder that I was not alone. Merab, a gay dancer who is part of a very traditional and conservative Georgian dance company, was dealing with similar challenges in his life. He was trying to discover his true identity in a society that does not celebrate being different. He was too, finding an escape in cinema.
Coming out was hard. It still is. A recent Instagram post by the 27-year-old actor Connor Jessup, who came out as gay two years ago, reminded me coming out is not a single moment, but a never-ending process, a ‘becoming’. He writes, “When I first came out, a friend wrote to me and said, ‘Now you can really start coming out.’ Start? I thought. I just did it. But he was right. […] I’m going to keep trying. I’m going to keep looking.”
I keep trying, and looking. Learning about myself, my identity, my relationship. And LGBTQ+ films keep helping and inspiring me, just as they did in my journey to accept myself and become the person I am today. This is the power of cinema; unconsciously, you see your past, actuality and possibilities through the stories filmmakers tell. And I am so grateful to these filmmakers.
Related content
The Ten Greatest Turkish Films of All Time, according to the Turkish Film Critics’ Association
Emre’s Favorite LGBTQ+ Films: a personal top 50
Queer Films in Turkish Cinema—a list by Atakan
The Top 100 Turkish Movies of the 21st Century: Emre’s personal favorites
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rachaelswrites · 4 years
Party Time is Over
Noah Schnapp x Gyllenhaal!reader
You and Noah go to a party
Word Count: 2,247
A/N: I got a little carried but I really love this paring so please send in more ideas for them
Warnings: fluff, underage drinking/partying, brief mention of hickeys
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You and Noah rarely got time to yourselves, in between his and your dad’s filming schedule. This weekend was the one chance Noah was in town with no work responsibilities and you wanted to surprise him. He thought you were still in London with Jake, but his project finished early and you got home that weekend. You’re really close to Noah’s whole family and especially Chloe, his twin. You asked her for his flight information and met him at the airport Friday night. 
You were both extremely jet lagged and fell asleep as soon as you got into his bed. Chloe of course, saw and posted a picture of the two of you asleep. You and Noah didn’t post about your relationship often but when you did, fans went crazy. 
You woke with one of Noah’s arms around your waist and his other hand occupied with his phone, scrolling through TikTok. “Good morning,” you mumbled while kissing his cheek. 
“How’d you sleep?” 
“Good,” you said sitting up and stretching your arms, “Much better than in London. Try sharing a room with my dad,” 
“I can only imagine,”
“Sometimes I wonder if he stays up all night to make noise and make me miserable on purpose. Because if he is, its working,”
“I wouldn’t put it past him,” he replied, setting his phone down. He rolled over and sat so he was now facing you. He grabbed your hands and started pressing kisses to your knuckles, making you giggle, “So. What do you want to do today?” he asked. 
“I dunno. Just spend time with you. Dad has a new project soon so I want to be with you as much as I can,”
“We can stay in and watch movies. Finn told me about some good ones I think you’d like,”
“Ok sounds good,” you kissed him and got up from the bed, “Let me shower real quick and I’ll meet you on the couch,” 
You quickly showered and got ready. You changed into sweatpants and one of your favorite band tees, but as you were leaving Noah’s room, you spotted a hoodie that you wanted to steal. You slipped it on and made your way downstairs. Noah was wrapped in a blanket and was laying on his back. You walked over and laid down next him, placing your head on his chest and wrapping your arms around his torso. You looked at him, studying his face. 
“What’s up Y/n? You’re staring at me,”
“Sorry. You’re just really handsome,”
“I look dead. I literally woke up like thirty minutes ago,”
“Still a cutie,” you mumbled. 
“Aww. You two are so cute,” Chloe said from the kitchen. Noah stuck his tongue out at her which she responded with a middle finger. 
You slapped Noah’s chest playfully “Stop bickering and start the movie please,” 
“Fine,” he said going to Netflix, “I know you don’t like watching movies your dad is in, but this one is really good, according to Finn,” 
“No this one is fine. It’s actually my favorite of his,” you watched as he pushed play on Wildlife. You watched a few more movies until you got bored. You stood up from the couch and walked over to the window, “It’s nice out today. We should go out,” you turned and looked at your boyfriend, seeing his expression, “or we can stay if you want. I’m just bored,”
“No, it's fine. I know you have the attention span of a goldfish,”
“Hey! It's not my fault,” 
“I know. It’s one of the reasons I love you,” he said getting up and walking over to you. He hugged you from behind and kissed the side of your neck. 
“Mm hmm. Sure. I love you too,” You turned in his arms and kissed him. 
“I gotta go get ready. I’ll be down soon,” he said, pulling away. 
“M’kay,” you sat back down on the couch and waited. 
After ten minutes, you and him were walking hand and hand down the streets of New York. “Let’s go on the subway,”
“Why? Where are we going babe?” 
“Let’s go to my place. We can find something to do there,”
Noah nodded and you two caught a train and took your seats. You were on the other side of the city so the ride would take a while. Your phone started buzzing in the pocket of your sweatpants, so you fished it out and answered it.
“Hey honey I got a notification that you left Noah’s house and saw that you were moving. I was just wondering what you’re up to,” your dad said. 
“Oh yeah. Just on the subway,” 
“You’re on the subway by yourself? You know I don’t like you going there by yourself,” 
“I’m not by myself Dad, I’m with Noah. He’ll keep me safe. Right Noah?” you asked your boyfriend, he nodded. “He said he would. We’ll be fine,”
“Text me when you get off then,”
“Will do. Bye Dad,” 
“Bye Y/n,” he hung up and you and Noah continued your conversation. 
You got off at your stop and walked the few blocks to the apartment. You opened the door and greeted your dad, who was at the kitchen table reading. 
“Dad we’re going up to my room is that ok?” you asked.
“Yeah just keep the door open and hands to yourselves. I don’t need mini yous crawling around here anytime soon,” 
You rolled your eyes and went to your room, Noah following. You two just sat around lazily watching TV or scrolling through social media. Noah was sitting at your desk when his phone started ringing and he answered it. You were sitting on the floor by your bed and rolled over closer to him. “Hey what’s up man?” he asked. You tried to hear what the other person said but couldn’t make it out, “I would love to but I’m with Y/n today. I don’t know when we’ll see each other again,” he paused to listen to the other person, “I can ask her,” he lowered the phone and looked down at you.
“Do you want to go to a party later. Some of my friends are throwing one and they invited me. We don’t have to go if you don’t want to,”
“Are you kidding? Of course I want to go! For the past three weeks I have been stuck in London, spending the whole time in a theater or hotel room with my dad. Do you know how much I miss interacting with people my age!” you said, jumping up
“So is that a yes then?” he asked
“Duh,” you walked towards your closet to pick something out to wear. 
Noah turned back to the phone, “I guess we’ll be there at six,” he hung up and watched you, “What are you doing,” 
“Picking something out. I can’t wear this,” you gestured to your current outfit, “To a party. What do you think about this dress?” you held up a black mini dress, one you could find people wearing in a club, (nothing too revealing otherwise Jake would flip). Noah gave you a thumbs up and you changed in the bathroom. You came back out and looked for your favorite pair of heels. 
“You look good Y/n,” he said. 
You pulled on a pair of silver heels and responded, “Thank you. You do too,” he was wearing black jeans and a blue bomber jacket with a white shirt underneath. You grabbed a denim jacket to throw on over your dress. As you walked downstairs, you yelled to your dad, “We’re going out, I don’t know when we’ll be back,”
“Hang on. Where are you going?”
“To a party,”
“Be safe,” your dad said, pointing a finger at you, “No drugs and no drinking,”
“Ok I promise bye,” you waved to him and shut the door. That promise was not kept for long.
By Eleven, you were surprised you and Noah weren’t blacked out by now. You didn’t plan on drinking but it started with one drink, then two, and then too many more that you lost count. You only realized Chloe was there when she came over and pulled you from Noah. You and him had been dancing in the center of the room. His hands were on your waist and he was kissing all over your neck and collarbone, most likely leaving at least one mark you would find the next morning. 
“Chlo Chlo! What are you doing? M’dancing with Noah,” you slurred. 
“You’ve had too much to drink. Let me call your dad so he can come get you.”
You shook your head and tried to get away but she grabbed your hand, “Y/n come on, where’s your phone?” you pointed to the pocket of your jacket on the floor and she reached over and grabbed it. She saw you had several missed calls from Jake. Her grip on you loosened and you slipped away going to find Noah again. Chloe found you two again but this time you were making out. She separated you two again and led you to the doorway of the apartment you were in. “Your dad is here. Take your phone and jacket,”
She opened the door and walked you down to the lobby where your dad was. “Oh my God. Y/n what the hell?” he said putting his hands on your shoulders, “You smell like alcohol. How much do you drink?” 
“I didn’t drink anything Dad. I told you I wouldn’t,” you said, very clearly intoxicated.
“Y/n,” he warned, “Tell me how much you drank,” 
You started counting on your fingers but once you reached five and kept going, Jake had enough, “Ok I get it. Let’s get you home sweetheart. Can you walk?” 
You shook your head. Even if you could, you didn’t want to. You had discarded your shoes two hours ago but your feet still hurt. “Ok. I’ll carry you then,”  he helped you put your jacket back on and picked you up but was confused when you didn’t have shoes, “Where are your shoes?”
“I dunno,” you mumbled. Luckily, Chloe came back to the lobby with your shoes in hand. 
“She forgot her shoes. Thought she might want them,” 
“Thank you Chloe,” he took the shoes from her and carried you to the car. He set you in the backseat and tried to buckle you in but you kept slapping his hand, “Y/n stop. Let me put your seatbelt on,” 
You stopped attacking him and he got in the driver’s seat and drove back to the apartment.
You managed to walk to the elevator and inside the apartment before collapsing on the couch. “Dad can you get me some water?” 
“Sure,” he said from the kitchen. He filled up a glass and offered it to you. You swallowed it in one big gulp. 
“Do you want to change out of that dress. I can get you some stuff from your room,” 
You nodded and pulled a blanket over you. He came back carrying a t-shirt and shorts and tossed them at you, “Hey c’mon wake up.” 
You groaned and got up and trudged to the bathroom. You changed and walked back out and flopped on the couch. Jake picked up the dress you left on the bathroom floor and headed upstairs to his own room, “Goodnight Y/n, I love you,” but you didn’t hear him because you had already fallen asleep. 
You woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. The light from the kitchen was hurting your eyes and you felt a weight on your legs. You sat up squinting. You saw your dad using your legs as a laptop stand. Jake noticed, and looked at you, “Good morning sunshine,” he said cheerily. 
You groaned, his voice ringing in your ears, “Shhh. Stop yelling. You’re being too loud,” you whisper-shouted. 
“I'm not even yelling. I’m just talking,” he responded.
“Shhh. I have a headache,” you moved your finger to your lips.
“I figured you would. You partied hard last night. I left you some stuff in the bathroom,” 
You rolled off the couch and made your way to the bathroom. He left you a bottle of Advil and Gatorade. You took the pills and took a drink of Gatorade. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you looked awful. You looked like a train ran over you three times. Your shirt moved and exposed your collarbone. You caught a glance and gasped. There was a huge hickey left by Noah. You had no idea how to hide it from your dad.
You left the bathroom and went into your room, searching for something to use. You spotted the hoodie you stole from Noah the day before and slipped it on. You went into the living room to join your dad. “Why’d you put a jacket on?” he asked.
You shrugged sitting next to him and putting your head on his shoulder, “Just got cold,” 
“It’s not for hiding that giant hickey I hope. Cause I already saw that,” 
You shot up, “What! When?”
“Earlier this morning. I went to see if you were still alive, I saw it,” he explained, “Don’t feel bad. I’ve seen worse,”
“Eww,” you said, smacking his arm, “I didn’t need to hear that,”
“I’m joking. Just next time you go out, don’t get wasted. I love you, but next time Noah can take care of you,”
“Sounds good to me,”
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @teenage-incompetence
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Getting back at writing, is, well, hard. My grammar and vocabulary and basically everything is messed up so I apologize in advance for that. It's been, almost a year ever since my last written fic. That time I was still crazy with Kimetsu no Yaiba and the KyoTan ship. I'll post it some other time ^^.
Anyways, I present to you my attempt in making a plotted work from a random thought that came over me this morning.
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: Basically none. Except for some curse words.
UD 01/10/21: Cleaned and revised some parts! Tried my best, hope it was enough.
Of Ice and Blood
Part 1
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Quick backstory and some details I left out in the main work.
It was in summer, 28th of July, when Pearl Blackbell turned 19. She left her home and moved closer to the university she’ll be going to. She rented an apartment about five blocks from the school. Albeit small, it was cozy and proper, having what she needed: a kitchen, a decent-sized bedroom, a small living area with a worn but comfy couch, and a bathroom.
When she was younger, her parents started training her in martial arts and the use self-defense weapons. They needed to make sure she knew how to protect herself against assaulters and dangerous people, she was after all, their only child and baby girl . They want their daughter to be strong, both inside and outside, by the time she sets out on her own and leaves home.
Her favorite self-defense weapon was brass knuckles, despite her parents’ protests. She enjoys punching nasty people and feel the crunch of their bones beneath her fists, especially racists, sexists, bullies, and the lot. The main reason why she got into detention multiple times.
Painting it with a ruddy color, she keeps it in her person, no matter where she goes. She has two, one is for extreme situations, while the other has only two knuckles. It stills maximizes the damage dealt but it is relatively less dangerous than the full dusters. The second one is usually a spare, though she rarely uses it.
She also occasionally carries a pair of retractable nunchucks, which she designed to be hidden within her regular baggy clothes. Her father had trained her vigorously with them and she even bested him in a match before she left for the city.
Selkoth, the city of marvels.
Distant sounds of buzzing cars reached my ears as I opened my eyes and blinked away the sleepiness, the light shining from the spaces in my curtains rather helping, together with the warmth it brought to my chilled tawny skin.
[Start of the actual work]
I fully woke up as I registered the sound of my phone alarm, shortly getting up to prepare when I realized what day it was.
Monday, the first day of my college life.
I stepped into the bathroom and took a quick shower, knowing I bathed thoroughly last night to save some time today.
Time management is key.
I dried myself down, turned to my closet and started putting on the outfit I picked out the night before.
Prioritizing comfortability over appearance, I wore my favorite orange cotton shirt, my blackish-blue hoodie (that had been stained with blood some time ago, but don’t worry, I know how to clean out blood. Mama raised no fool.) over it, together with a pair of black skinny jeans. And of course, tight black sports bra and boxers, even mentioning my underwear yes?
I looked over to my mirror and it was—
Simple. And I loved it. The more simple it is the better.
'“Keep a low profile over there, sweetie. Don’t get into fights when you can help it okay??? We already taught you and prepared you to the best of our abilities. Promise to us that you’ll stay safe, and healthy. Okay? And don’t forget to call sometime.”' I sighed, remembering my mother’s words.
"Yes mama, I will.”
With a smile, I did my hair and went for a tight Dutch braid, it going down between my shoulder blades and ending a little above my waist. I ran to my kitchen to eat breakfast, satisfied with my look.
I eat fast okay
Backpack, check. White sneakers, check. Phone and keys, check. Airpods on, playlist shuffled, I bolted out of my apartment and jogged all 50 blocks to school.
Exercise is always important, and what other way to utilize time for exercising than to do it while heading to your destination, right?
I snickered.
As I made my way to the university, I saw bizarre creatures and monsters of different sizes, coexisting, and interacting with humans. Even so, I noticed other people’s disdain and bitterness towards them when I passed by. My nose is awfully sensitive to scents that sometimes the ones their body releases tells me what they feel at the moment. It’s all science, I guess. I was made extra susceptible to these, so I wear a mask everywhere and every time I go out just to partly block most of the smells.
My first day at a university open to everyone across the country gets my blood pumping with excitement. To think that I’m going to study at Ernestine State University, the Ernestine State University!
I first heard about the uni back when I was a child. News broke out about Victor Ernestine, committing suicide by driving his car off a cliff because he couldn’t accept that his daughter was one of the major leaders who made the unity of all people, of all races, possible.
Months after Mr. Ernestine died, all his properties and riches were passed down to her daughter, who took over as the new founder of the university and rebuilt it to accommodate everyone, no matter the size and shape.
The strictly all-human school, renovated, reshaped, and repurposed, was now the first university to open its gates to everyone in the country of Yundomia.
I’ve always yearned to get to know other species in this world. I didn’t get the chance previously because my parents sent me to an all-human, local high school. Which sucks. I hated how everyone had a certain hatred for the other races, especially orcs. They keep talking about how they are wild beasts and savages that aren’t meant to be in society.
They treated them like animals that are void of emotions and intelligence.
Come to think of it, I mostly fought with humans who were either racist, bullies, bastards trying to hit on me, or a mix of all of them together.
I chuckled, remembering how many times I got counseled on not punching people in the face.
High school was pure torture, being a human-exclusive campus making it worse, considering how everybody smells so horrible and the principal was an egoistic dumbass I was a hair away from gutting him. My poor nose.
But now I’m done with that! I’m starting anew in this school, in this city. Perhaps make some friends along the way.
Which is kinda problematic.
I’m not the social type. I tend to keep things to myself and hardly open up to anybody. I wanna make at least one friend that isn’t human! Or just, one good friend. I didn’t have or made any friends in the past since people tend to shun me out just because I can tell how they are feeling and find it creepy.
Or they’re afraid to get punched in the face.
Entering the campus gates was like stepping into another world. I was met with the sight of humans and monsters walking together and conversing! It was nice, and I don’t get to see this much often.
I walked around and took in the landscape of the campus. It was huge! And beautifully designed to have a great number of trees and plants, while also having space more than enough to accommodate every student going to their respective classrooms.
I was minding my own business and it was all serene, until some bastards pushed past through me and knocking me to the side. I stumbled but didn’t fall. I was gonna say something, but I shut my mouth. I didn’t want to cause any trouble on the first day for goodness’ sake. So I brushed it off and went straight to the gym for the orientation.
The orientation was, intriguing. The dean seems nice, though I couldn't smell him from where I sat. There's also a student council made up of both humans and monsters which is a good sign. The student council president was a Minotaur with a dark brown coat and horns curving front and pointing up. The vice-president was a male student who looked decent enough. The secretary was an elf. The treasurer, a dwarf. And the rest were humans. I couldn't scent any of them to tell me what they were feeling at the moment, but the Minotaur looked uncomfortable, his hands behind his back, body going stiff when they were introduced to the freshmen. There was a larger numbr of humans than monsters, which was expected. I also noticed how both were grouped, a white line in the middle of the gym separating us from them.
Maybe to avoid any misunderstandings?
We were informed that today will be for introductions to your classmates and subject teachers so there will be no lessons at all. Hooray!
I was walking to my first classroom when a damned familiar smell attacked my nose. I stopped to stand for a moment and adjusted my mask. I looked around to spot the one emitting it and of course, saw a human. He looked, well, the typical playboy cool boy who used too much body spray on himself.
Not wanting to stand there like an idiot and prolong my suffering, I speed walk to my classroom and planned to sit at the back hoping no one would notice or ask why I’m wearing a mask.
That's always what they ask first. Not my name or how I was doing.
I expected to find no one inside since it was still early, but I was startled to see a massive orc sitting at the back looking out at the window. He was wearing a dark gray knitted sweater that was hugging his hulking frame very…well. Along with what looked like thick cargo pants and black boots.
He turned to look at me when I let out a small yelp, greeting me with his piercing, blue eyes.
The orc had long, braided, jet-black locks. Two of them had distinct beads that trailed down from the side of his face and down to his chest, the rest of his hair behind him braided with intricacy and tied and ended halfway down his back.
I was pushed out of my trance when a person entered and crashed into me, swearing under my breath that it was intentional, nearly making me plant face-first on the trash bins if I hadn’t changed my footing at the last moment.
“Watch it, bitch, you’re gonna ruin my make-up,” she snapped.
Wow. She dared to call me that and not apologize like I’m the one who shoved her. Just wow. Usually at this point, I would have planted her face on the floor, but I stopped myself.
Low profile! Low profile Pearl! You’re in college now! You definitely don’t want to get suspended on the first fucking day of class now do you?? Keep it together.
Straightening up, I walked towards the back and sat beside the orc. Whose gaze fell on me, curious, when I wasn’t looking.
I made myself settled in my seat before the professor came in.
There were other races in my class. A blue tiefling sat three rows in front, wearing a casual outfit. A black-haired elf who looked and dressed clever, a row away. A cute pink pixie on my far right. A satyr wearing glasses, two seats in front of me, and a female lizardfolk a seat from of the pixie.
"Are you...alright?"
I almost jumped from my seat when the orc beside me spoke. I couldn’t help but admire how deep his voice was. I tried not to appear flustered, my mask helped with that.
The orc regarded me for a second before continuing.
“You were pushed earlier.”
Oh. He saw that?
“Oh, yeah, I’m okay.” I smiled at him. Then I remembered he can’t see my face. But I hoped the crinkling of my eyes gave it away.
“I’m Pearl, by the way.” I reached out my hand to him, socializing not my best suit but at least I tried.
He paused for a second before taking it into his bigger one, engulfing mine and shook it slowly. I was again, surprised by how gentle he was.
“Nice to meet you, Tai'chi.”
He lets go of my hand when the professor started talking up front.
“Nice to meet you too, Pearl."
Thoughts? I am wide open for constructive criticism :D
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Check pinned post for latest chapter updates💕
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kkgbutsane · 3 years
The First Day of School
It was a dewy morning. Not too hot, not too cold, far too humid. It was the usual for Hyakkou High School, where students came to learn and excel in their studies while maintaining good social relationships. The school was usually filled with many different students. Any stereotype you could think of, Hyakkou had it. 
The students usually had fun. The Principal was quite lax when it came to certain things. All he asked of the students was to respect each other and respect the building. And to keep their grades up of course. They would be failing as a school if the students weren’t receiving the proper education!
And this is where their story begins.
“Ack. Hey! Mary!” Ryota called out from behind the blonde, who was currently looking down on her phone. The boy ran up to his best friend, hooking his arm around the back of her neck to bring her into a headlock. “Hey! Don’t mess up my hair you dork!” Mary growled, trying to wrestle her way out of Ryota’s lock.
The two continued their conundrum until they reached the gates of the school, where Mary finally got a good grip and threw her friend over her shoulder, thus leading to him falling on his backpack. “Ow…,” he muttered, smiling like an idiot.
Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui had been friends since childhood. They were even neighbors, and she often came over to his house to play on his Wii with him. Their friendship had blossomed into a relationship.
Until they realized they were better off as best friends. In fact, after they had broken up and continued to be platonic, it seemed as though their friendship grew stronger.
“Hi guys!” The two heard a familiar voice, registering it as their other best friend, Yumeko Jabami. Yumeko had met them all in middle school, when she had moved here with her sister. The ravenette was one to take risks, and found pleasure in dangerous things. Of course, only in moderation. In reality, the only things she had taken much risk for was a move in a fighting game. Or a board game.
Her bubbly exterior was often in place of her mellow interior. She tended to keep to herself truly, unless with her friends.
“Yumeko!” Ryota yelled happily, jogging over and scooping the girl in a tight hug. Much to his delight, Yumeko returned the hug tenfold.
“ShiT, I can’t breaTHE-,” he barely managed, his face turning purple. He should have known, the girl was a strong hugger. “Oi, calm down you two, before I separate you guys for 10 minutes straight, and I know that will be a pain since you usually do homework together in the mornings,” Mary stated, crossing her arms. Yumeko finally relented, giving Ryota’s respiratory system some reprieve. Yumeko looked quite meek, but she could give hugs like no other.
“Mary!” Yumeko giggled, giving the blonde another one of her bone crushing hugs. “Sup, dumbass,” Mary replied, smiling softly at her friend’s gestures of affection. “Are you all ready for your first days of school!?” 
It was the start of junior year for the three, and boy were their classes packed. Ryota was taking a few classes on science and health, as well as a gym class to exercise and get fit. He wanted to be a firefighter, and such education was necessary to ensure he was a good candidate for the job.
“I have… Anatomy first period. Woohoo,” Mary sighed. She was actually quite excited, but decided not to show it in order to keep her cool exterior. The path she had chosen was Emergency Medical Services, and taking anatomy was the first step in her opinion.
“Oh? That’s so wonderful! I have Calculus for my first period. I wonder if Sayaka is going to be in that class!” Yumeko said eagerly. Sayaka was one of the other kids attending this school. The girl mainly kept to herself, but she had recently started acquainting herself with the ravenette.
“Gah! Sorry I’m late guys! I kinda missed my bus…” A ginger voice panted, revealed to be none other than Itsuki Sumeragi. The strawberry blonde had met the three last year when she was a sophomore. After transferring from a private school to Hyakkou, the tight-knit group had taken her in, welcoming her as one of their own. “Hey! I heard there’s gonna be a pair of new students! I hear they’re seniors,” Itsuki gossiped, taking out her Nintendo Switch and turning it on.
“Ooh, Smash? Let’s do this!” Ryota declared, taking his controller and setting it to his button map.
“So what about these new students? Do they seem weird or anything?” Mary inquired, picking her character, King K. Rool, and setting her button map. “Oh come on, why do you ALWAYS play heavies!?” Ryota complained, picking Marth as his character. “Because heavies are fucking goated, why else?” the blonde snarked back, a sly smirk on her face.
“I don’t know. But I heard they’re twins!” Itsuki giggled, sitting down to watch them play.
“Heya guys,” a shrill voice came out of nowhere. “You playin’ Smash? I’ll join!” it giggled. Runa had seemingly appeared out of nowhere in her oversized jacket. “Oh no…,” The entire group groaned.
“Runa, you’re cool and all, but whenever we play with you, you find a way to resize our assholes every match in different ways. I really don’t want to get 0-to-deathed consecutively while you stay on three stocks. Seriously, how the fuck do you even do it!?” Mary spoke, seemingly for the entire group. “I dunno, just practice TBH,” was all Runa said, picking up a controller. “And fuck you, I’m playing anyway.” 
The sound of groans could be heard around the courtyard after that statement.
Sayaka Igarashi, resident Valedictorian-to-be, had come over to the table with Midari Ikishima, who was dragging along a seemingly sleepy senior. “C’mon Yuriko. I know you have senioritis but our friends are here!” Midari grumbled, literally dragging Yuriko. Yuriko Nishinotounin had gotten a severe case of Senioritis, especially since most of her classes were a breeze this year. 
“Would you both calm down please!? They’re playing a game, and I’m trying to read!” Sayaka chided, mentally swearing at the rebel. “Chill out, Sayaka, Yuriko is already falling asleep on me and it’s not even 7:30!” Midari grumbled.
“I can’t wait for senior year to be over,” Yuriko yawned, sitting on the table everyone was at basically falling asleep.
“What the fu- NO!” Mary yelled, distracted by Yuriko long enough for Runa to get a move on her, resulting in her virtual demise. “Fuuuuck!” she sighed, hitting her head against the wooden table. “FUCK!” she repeated, after feeling the pain that came along with it. Ryota had already fallen out of the competition.
Please nerf Lucas.
Yumeko hummed happily to herself, reading some random tabloid article on her phone. As the bell rang, they all dispersed into their classes.
“See you guys later!” Ryota called, jogging over to the weight room for his first period.
The three girls had made their way over to the Portables, then separating into their classrooms. 
Sayaka practically dragged her two friends to their classes and then her own, all while keeping to the schedule. Anatomy was her first period, and she sat next to Mary. 
It wouldn’t be too bad of a year. Mary was a good student and wasn’t too hard to talk to. She just mostly liked to keep to herself.
“Good morning class! Welcome to Anatomy! You guys are obviously gonna be learning about the body, it’s functions, what is where and what goes where and woop dee dah, all the good stuff! Hopefully I can make learning about how food passes through the body actually entertaining for y’all, but first we have two new students with us today! They’ve recently transferred over, so let’s give ‘em a warm welcome to Hyakkou!” The teacher, Mrs. Murray, announced. She looked a bit older, with a tall figure and ginger hair in her face. Her glasses looked odd, but it added to her look.
People like Mrs. Murray because she was actually a good teacher. She cared about her students and actually helped them if they needed it.
“Ladies, if you would please introduce yourselves!” 
The entire class looked at the two, and for a moment they thought they saw double.
“Hello. My name is Kirari Momobami. I’m a senior here, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can get along,” The girl, now known as Kirari, had stated.
It seemed her sister’s turn was up next.
“Er.. I’m Ririka Momobami. We’re twins. I hope we can… have a good time!” Ririka muttered, almost too quietly for the class to hear.
Mrs. Murray smiled and beckoned them to take their seats.
Their seats were in front of both Sayaka and Mary, who seemed to be in a state of both ‘gay’ and ‘panic’.
The two twins looked vastly different, with Kirari’s hair done in twin loop braids and dressed in a rather classy manner, while Ririka’s hair was free to fall.
Did Ririka have a sweatshirt that had the Poggers Man on it?
Mary internally laughed at that. It was adorable.
When class had dispersed to work in groups, Mary and Sayaka had picked each other on instinct, then looking for two more partners to start their work on.
“Sayaka!” Mary whisper-yelled, a small blush on her face. She then gestured to her phone to text the girl.
Sayaka I: I am too. Which one are you gay for?
Mary S: Ririka.
Sayaka I: Oh. I like her too.
Mary glared at Sayaka for a moment.
Mary S: The one with the adorable hair and clothing?
The blonde mentally facepalmed, of course Sayaka would think that. No matter the twin.
Sayaka I: Yes. I love how her hair is done. Plus her shirt looks nice.
Mary S: Oh. So the one with the weird braids?
Sayaka I: Don’t call them weird.
Mary S: ok but dont worry cause im crushing on the other twin. I swear her sweatshirt is adorable.
Sayaka I: .
Sayaka I: poggers
Sayaka I: Be my guest.
The two had reluctantly come up to the twins.
“Hello! I am Sayaka Igarashi, and this is Mary Saotome. It seems you both don’t have another pair, so if you’d like, we can work with you,” Sayaka stated, trying to sound as polite as possible. Nothing could hide the blush on her face though.
“Sure, I would love to work with you both,” Kirari replied, a small smirk forming on her face.
Ririka just nodded with a small smile.
It was going to be a long year.
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lamptracker · 3 years
FIC: This Seat Taken? (Seo Changbin/Female Reader)
Literally the only reason I got this done was because I broke my toe and have an abundance of sitting-around time. So... yay, I suppose.
Title: This Seat Taken?
Pairing: Seo Changbin (Stray Kids)/Female Reader
Summary: The reader finds herself falling in love with her best friend Changbin.
Warnings: A few potty words but other than that, not much really.
Author’s Note(s): This takes place in a world where A. There have only ever been eight members of Stray Kids (we do not talk about the AT&T of people) and B. Minho’s cats live in the dorms with them. 
Which brings up two questions: Why don’t Minho’s cats live in the dorms? And have they fixed that stupid curtain yet??
As per tradition I tag @jisungiesbunnie​ I keep bringing this up in the Discord lol
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The very last thing you wanted was to be part of a cliche.
They were everywhere. The “enemies to lovers.” The old standby “oh my God, they were roommates.” The good old fashioned “best friends to lovers.”
You wanted absolutely no part of it.
So why were you in danger of falling prey to “best friends to lovers”?
And moreover, why were you falling hopelessly in love with Seo Changbin?
You met Seo Changbin at a very vulnerable time in your life.
You were sixteen years old, and it was your first day at your new high school. You knew absolutely nobody. And since you were the new kid in school, there wasn’t a soul that wanted anything to do with you. Nobody wanted to sit near you in class. Even the teachers didn’t call on you, which was super unfortunate since you totally knew the answer in your math class. That wouldn’t have stung so much if the kid she called on had gotten it right.
So, at lunch, you found a table in the far corner, nobody around for what seemed like miles. This is as good a spot as any, you thought as you settled in. 
You were partway through your cheese sandwich when you suddenly heard a deep voice say, “This seat taken?”
You looked up to find… a boy. He was short - not much taller than you were - but he had a lean yet muscular build and kind eyes.
“I don’t suppose so,” you muttered quietly.
The boy sat across the table from you. “I don’t recognize you,” he said. “Are you new?”
You nodded.
“Ah! Okay. Well, my name is Changbin, Seo Changbin?”
“(y/n),” you replied. “You’re the first person all day that’s actually said more than five words to me. And those five words have usually been get out of my way.”
Changbin scoffed. “That’s terrible. Look, some of these people can be real jerks, I-”
“Hey, Changbin! What’re you doing talking to that loser?”
The voice belonged to a boy who was in your social studies class, one who’d shoved you out of the way in the hallway to get to the lunchroom first.
“She’s not a loser, she’s just new. And she seems really nice. So if you can’t be nice to her, just go sit down.”
The boy rolled his eyes as he walked away. 
“Thank you,” you said shyly.
“No problem.” Changbin flashed you a lopsided grin; you couldn’t help giggling in response.
“I have a really hard time making friends,” you admitted. “And my family moves around for my dad’s job, that doesn’t help.”
“Well, I am honored to be your friend. I mean, if you’ll let me.”
You smiled warmly at him. “Of course.”
The two of you were thick as thieves after that. It wasn’t long before you were over at each others’ houses all the time - it got to the point where your mom was picking up Changbin’s favorites at the store - and texting each other constantly. You didn’t let a day go by without at least texting each other once. 
Even when you graduated from high school and went your separate ways - you went off to college, studying communications and mass marketing; he auditioned for a new K-Pop group that was forming - you made sure to talk every day.
You were there for each other when times were good - when you got accepted to your dream school, when Changbin was selected for Stray Kids. And when times were bad - Changbin was really down when Minho was eliminated, you’d had to have knee surgery right after you graduated college, and let’s not forget every failed girlfriend he’d had and every failed boyfriend you’d racked up.
He helped you find your job, too. You were six months out of college and still hadn’t found a job yet.
“I’m starting to think I majored in the wrong thing,” you lamented to Changbin over coffee one afternoon. “I loved my studies, but I just can’t seem to land even an interview. I thought communications was a growing industry, but…”
“I’m so sorry,” Changbin replied. “Let me see what I can do.”
“What you can do?” you echoed. “What can you do?”
“Give me a week,” he assured you. Shrugging, you turned back to your coffee.
“My mom wants me to join a temp agency,” you said. “If you can’t find something for me by this time next week, I’m going to.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Two days later, you’d gotten a call from an administrative assistant at JYPE. Your resume came across their desk, see, and looking over your credentials they thought you’d be perfect for a job that just opened up. Well, have you ever heard of the new group, Stray Kids? You’d be their assistant, pretty much. JYPE would book appearances and organize tours; you would be responsible for booking flights and hotels and meal reservations and whatnot. You would also live in the dorm with them - you’d get your own room, of course, far away from the rest of the guys (they’re all nice but Chan snores, a lot of them are talkers and Minho curses in his sleep). You might be asked to do a little light housekeeping, maybe cook on occas-
“I’ll take it!” you exclaimed. 
The assistant laughed. “You don’t even know how much we’re paying you.”
“Don’t care,” you replied. “I’ve been jobless for half a year, and I have student loans. I’ll take it.”
Later that afternoon, you were enjoying a cup of coffee at your favorite shop, looking over the email from JYPE detailing your contract.
“This seat taken?”
“Seo Changbin! You did it, you son of a bitch.”
“Did what?” Changbin sat across from you and took a sip of his coffee, thoroughly confused.
You chuckled. “JYPE called me today. I’m going to be Stray Kids’ official assistant. I’ll be booking flights and hotels for appearances and the tour, I’ll be living with you guys and-”
“What!” Changbin rose from his seat and ran around to your side of the table, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “That’s amazing! I thought they’d just get you a job in the office or answering fanmail or something, I wasn’t expecting that!” He pressed a quick kiss to the top of your head. “Okay, um. Fair bit of warning about the guys’ sleeping habits, uh-”
“They told me about a couple. Uh… Chan snores and Minho swears in his sleep.”
“Hyunjin and Jisung talk in their sleep,” Changbin added. “Felix always has to be hugging someone or something. Seungmin always, just, screams right as he falls asleep. Jeongin’s a sleepwalker, that’s super fun. We had to put like four locks on the door, we lock every other one because he just goes down the line and thinks he’s unlocking all of them. And-”
“You talk in your sleep too,” you finished. “Most of the time you’re looking for something or you’re lost, but I have definitely heard you do it.”
Changbin looked slightly wounded. “I was going to say I don’t think I do anything, but… okay, I guess.”
You laughed. “Hey, um, thanks. For helping me out. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.” He squeezed your shoulder again before sliding out of the booth.
Some people who fall hopelessly in love with their best friend will tell you they can’t pinpoint the exact reason why they fell in love. 
You can, though.
It was a year after you first moved into the dorm… and it was all Lee Minho’s fault.
You were going through the bedrooms, gathering up laundry.
“Just once,” you muttered to yourself, “if these morons could get their underpants in the vicinity of the hamper, I’d be happy.”
“They’re not mine.”
You jumped, nearly bonking the top of your head on the top bunk of one of the beds. “Damn it, Minho, you scared the crap out of me.”
Minho chuckled quietly. “Sorry. How’s it going?”
“Peachy. I’m so glad I went to college so I could clean up after a bunch of overgrown children.”
“Oh, come on. We’re not that bad, are we?”
You laughed. “No. I’m just… I guess I’m grouchy today, that’s all. Didn’t sleep well last night. I actually really do like this job, I’m grateful that Changbin helped me get it.”
Minho nodded slightly. “He's going out again tonight?”
“Yep. This girl he met at the grocery store, Ha-Rin? That might be right, I’m not sure. I can’t keep track anymore.”
“Wow,” Minho said. “He’s been really unlucky in the girls department lately, hasn’t he?”
“He really has, I don’t get it.”
“Do you think… do you think they’re jealous of you?”
You shrugged. “It’s possible. I’m a girl who lives with him and has been friends with him for years. Plus I am a snack.” You made a passing motion over your body. “Who wouldn’t be jealous of this?”
Minho laughed loudly. “I might be out of line here, and feel free to punch me for it, but… but do you ever get jealous of them?”
You wrinkled your nose in confusion. “What?”
“I mean, you guys have been friends since you were sixteen. You’ve never wondered what it was like to date him?”
You scoffed. “No! Absolutely not. He’s my best friend, that would be so weird. Like dating my brother or something, gross.”
Minho laughed again, raising his hands in a sort-of defensive gesture. “Okay! Sorry I brought it up.”
But that night, you had a weird dream. You were at your senior prom (in real life, you and Changbin had skipped it to have a Marvel movie marathon). You were wearing a beautiful royal blue dress, with sequins - not too many, just enough to make it classy. 
You were slow dancing with… someone. You couldn’t tell who. It was dark, and your arms were wrapped around their neck, your head nestled on their shoulder; their arms were wrapped firmly around your waist. 
“Close your eyes,” a soft, yet vaguely familiar voice whispered.
You did; the person holding you unwrapped one arm from your waist, tipped your chin up, and gently pressed their lips to yours. You quickly melted into the kiss, pressing yourself closer to them as the kiss deepened slightly.
The other person pulled away slowly; you opened your eyes…
...and found yourself staring at none other than Changbin.
You sat up with a start, and you were a side sleeper, so you nearly fell out of bed.
“God damn you, Minho,” you muttered as you pulled the blanket over your head. “I can’t tell him. I can never tell him. I don’t want to lose his friendship.”
So you made two solemn vows: You vowed to punch Lee Minho in the face the next time you saw him, and you vowed never to tell Changbin how you felt about him. 
You settled for giving Minho a dirty look over breakfast the next morning. As for the other thing, well...
Every time Changbin had a new girlfriend, your heart dropped ever-so-slightly in your chest. And always twice: Once, when he’d first start dating her; and once, when she broke up with him.
It was practically identical every single time: He would meet a girl. He would rush into the living room, a big smile plastered on his face, and exclaim: “I met the most amazing girl!” He would list off her qualities - pretty, smart, funny, ordered the same obscure thing from the Thai place that he liked, etc. They’d start dating. He’d come home after their third date and proclaim: “I think she might be The One, y’know? She’s - oh, wipe that look off your face, Lee Minho; I mean it this time.” Things would go really well for a brief amount of time. The longest was five months; the shortest, two weeks. 
And when it inevitably went south, that was practically identical every single time as well. He’d trudge through the door, kick off his shoes, slump down on the couch, and say: “Okay, Minho, you can say I told you so now.” 
Minho would always refrain, to his credit, except for when Changbin and Ha-Rin (the grocery store girl) broke up; he did not like Ha-Rin. That was a really long story. But let’s just say if cats think you’re evil, so will Minho; and his cats absolutely hated Ha-Rin. (Especially Dori, and Dori loves everybody.)
Anyway, after giving Minho the chance to gloat (which, as previously mentioned, he only did once), Changbin would give you a Look™ and you would follow him into your room. The other guys knew not to bother you in there, so it was a safe place. He’d slump down onto the bed and smile sadly at you while patting the space next to him.  
“This seat taken?” you’d ask, mimicking one of his favorite lines. He would shake his head ever-so-slightly. And you’d sit, and open your arms, and he’d fall into them, sobbing all the while.
Sometimes, he would tell you why they broke up with him. They were all terrible reasons, too: Just wanted to see what it was like to date an Idol. Wanted to make their ex jealous. Needed a date to this work/school/family thing. Just trying to get closer to Chan (twice), Hyunjin (four times), Jeongin (three times), Minho’s cats (once; that girl was weird). In at least one case, it was because of you. (That was why he and Ha-Rin broke up; he never told you that was why, but she did. Seems she made him choose between her or being friends with you and he picked you. Of course, you’d never tell him you knew.)
And every single time, your heart shattered right along with his, because you knew that you would never do this to him. So why didn’t he know that?
Those feelings only solidified the night you got dumped.
You had been dating Daeshim for roughly eight months or so. You’d met at the grocery store, and were immediately drawn to him. In hindsight, you admittedly pulled a Changbin: You fell for him, hard and fast. The two of you were practically inseparable. You’d kissed on the third date, he said “I love you” after a month, you were already making plans for you future house (try to find something within a few miles of the dorms), your wedding (he didn’t bat an eye when you said that instead of bridesmaids, you wanted your eight roommates to stand up with you), even your kids’ names (Nabi for a girl, Yu-jun for a boy). He not only wasn’t jealous of the fact that you lived with eight men, he embraced it. “They were here before I was,” he’d said, “so why would that bother me?”
Daeshim was your person.
Until… he wasn’t.
The guys were all at the studio, practicing choreography for their upcoming music video, so you were home alone. Perfect environment for wallowing.
You were on the couch, curled up in a giant blanket, sobbing so hard that at one point you were afraid you’d cry your brain right out of your nose. You were a hot mess - your hair was disheveled, your eyes and nose were red and puffy, your face was wet with tears and sweat and God knows what else. You did not look cute.
And, naturally, that was the moment Changbin came home.
“Oh, no, hey,” he said softly. “Did something happen with you and Daeshim?”
You nodded hastily.
“Want me to make the other guys go away for a bit?”
You shook your head. “They’re okay.”
“Well… do you want to go to your room? We can talk there.”
You sniffled as you reached for the box of tissues. “Okay.”
Changbin helped you off the couch and gingerly led you to your room as the other guys came spilling into the living room. Felix started to ask what was going on, but Changbin just shook his head and silently mouthed I’ll tell you later.
Changbin carefully helped you onto the bed. Reversing the roles slightly, you smiled sadly at him and patted the seat next to you.
Changbin couldn’t help but smile a small smile as he said, “This seat taken?” You shook your head; he settled down next to you. “Okay, what’s going on?”
You opened your mouth to tell him what had happened, but a loud sob came out instead.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” Changbin soothed as he wrapped his arms around you. “Take your time, tell me when you’re ready.”
You wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your head in his chest as a fresh wave of tears came. Changbin said nothing, just held you as you cried, occasionally rubbing soothing circles over your back.
Finally, you sat up and took a deep breath. “He cheated on me.”
Changbin raised an eyebrow. “He did what now?”
“I caught him,” you explained. “I went to the coffee shop down the street to get a drink and one of those croissants with the chocolate in the middle, you know? And I did a little work while I was there, too, figured it’d be nice to get out for a bit. Anyway, I walked out to come home and… and I saw them.”
“Oh, no.”
Just when you thought you had no tears left, an altogether new supply started welling up in your eyes. “He met someone at work,” you said. “They were put on a project together, they got to talking, one thing led to another. He says he loves me but he loved them too and he couldn’t choose. So… you know… I chose for him.”
“And this person still wants to date him?”
“Went back to the cafe to get my laptop charger, saw them kissing when I came back out.”
“Ugh. Wow, (y/n), I’m so sorry.”
You snorted as you tightened your grip around his waist, resting your head on his chest again. “Usually this is the other way around, I’m the one consoling you after a breakup. Must be nice for you to have the situation reversed for a switch.”
“Actually, it kills me to see you like this. You don’t deserve that, I mean nobody does, but especially you. You are amazing, you know that? You’re sweet, you’re one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, you’re completely hilarious. You’ve done two things that I thought were impossible, you can out-drink Jisung and you can out-weird Seungmin. And, do you even know how pretty you are? Daeshim fucked up, and royally at that. Any guy would be so lucky to have you.”
You couldn’t help but smile through your tears at his words. But, you knew they were just that: words. He didn’t really feel that way about you. He was just trying to make you feel better.
Or was he?
Nonetheless, he only liked you as a friend, as far as you knew, and he was just helping lift your spirits.
He was successful at that, but he was even more successful at making you fall even deeper in love with him. The feelings you thought you’d gotten rid of when you and Daeshim started dating not only resurfaced, but intensified.
You sighed deeply, finally allowing yourself to relax in Changbin’s arms. His grip was firm but not too tight, just enough to make you feel safe and protected. He didn’t say anything else, he just allowed you to relax; occasionally he’d give you a gentle squeeze. Before too long, you were dozing.
It was only slightly weird that it was one of the best nights of sleep you’d ever had.
You woke up late the next morning, alone, but there was a glass of juice and two muffins on the bedside table. Had to go to practice, the handwritten note under the glass read. Sorry I couldn’t be here to have breakfast with you, so I figured I’d at least feed you. They’re blueberry muffins, Felix baked them fresh this morning. Take the day off if you need to, I’ll explain everything if JYP asks. Please call if you need anything.
Love, Binnie
You smiled softly to yourself as you bit into one of the muffins. Changbin was so sweet, and wanted to make sure you were taken care of. Just like a good friend should.
You scoffed slightly. Friend. That was all he’d ever be. Better get used to it...
Not long after you and Daeshim broke up, Changbin started dating this girl he’d met… somewhere. You didn’t know. Or, honestly, care. But her name was Min Jee, and she was way different from the other girls he's dated. She was pretty for sure, but she was funny and sweet and everything Changbin had been looking for. (And Minho’s cats? Adored her.)
Plus, she didn’t seem to be threatened by you in the slightest, so that was a definite plus.
You tried so hard to be happy for them. You even went out for coffee with Min Jee a few times, just the two of you, while the guys were practicing. That whole funny and sweet thing was no act - she really was that nice and that hilarious. She was touched that you wanted to be your friend, and you could have been her best friend, except for the fact that you guys had one thing in common: You were both madly in love with her boyfriend.
Two months into their relationship, the dynamic changed. 
“You’re home early,” you said as Changbin gently closed the door behind him. “I didn’t expect you back until later, how’s Min Jee?”
“We broke up.” Changbin hung his keys by the door and started into the kitchen.
You sighed. “Oh, Binnie, again? I am so sorry this keeps happening to you.”
Changbin shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. If it’s not meant to be, it’s not meant to be, you know?”
For some reason - to this day, you have no idea why - but for some reason, this was the moment you finally snapped.
“You know, you go out with a lot of girls,” you started. “You always fall for them really quickly, and really hard. And you always end up single again after a few weeks. And it - you know what, Changbin? It breaks my heart, it really does. I thought Min Jee was different, but looks like I was wrong, you know? It absolutely breaks my heart to see this happen to you over and over and over again, because you deserve so much better than that. You deserve someone that truly loves you for who you are, not just because you’re an idol. You deserve someone who cares about you, who’s there for you when things are rough, who just… who loves you with every fiber of her being. I can almost guarantee that there’s not a single girl out there who can be even a fraction of those things, who can even come close to loving you as much as I do.”
Changbin’s eyes grew wide as your rant came to a close. He just stared at you for a moment, jaw slack, not saying a word…
...and that was the moment when your brain realized what your mouth had done.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
You know that thing you were never ever ever EVER going to tell him? That thing you were going to take to the grave with you?
Yeah, you just realized your greatest fear: You opened your mouth, and out it went. 
Look, brain, you said to yourself. You can beat me up in a minute, okay? For now, though…
“I have to get out of here,” you said. You turned around and ran out the door, not even bothering to pull it closed behind you. You ran out the front door of the dorms, down the street, to the park just at the end of the block. You didn’t stop running until you reached the small pond near the back of the park - not too many people knew about this pond. It was small and clean and had a bench off to one side of it, facing the water. 
Changbin found it one day, not long after he’d moved into the dorms. It was the perfect place to go to catch a breath of fresh air. He brought you here not long after you’d moved in; the two of you came here often to talk about things you didn’t want the other guys to overhear.
You slumped down on the bench, buried your head in your hands, and started sobbing.
Do your worst, brain, you said. I deserve it.
Of course you do, moron. How could you say that? How could you tell him you love him? There is no possible way he loves you back, you know that, right? You’re probably responsible for him being dumped so many times anyway, they’re all jealous of you. Even Min Jee, she didn’t REALLY like you. She was pretending, for his sake. He just hasn’t figured that out yet. You know what you just did, right? You ruined any chance of a romantic relationship with him, and not only that you’ve completely ruined your friendship. You are such a…
“This seat taken?”
You didn’t answer, instead you kept sobbing quietly into your hands. You thought that maybe if you ignored him, didn’t acknowledge his presence, he’d just… go away.
Weight settling onto the other end of the short bench told you that he did not just go away.
You heard Changbin heave a deep sigh before he started speaking. “Min Jee didn’t break up with me. I broke up with her. Uh, it was the most insane thing that set it off, too. Um, she was telling me all about her day. She always tells me all about her day. And she was telling me about her day, like she always does, and I caught myself thinking: Wow, I really do not care about this even a little bit.” Changbin chuckled quietly to himself before continuing. “I didn’t want to hear about her day. You know whose day I really wanted to hear about? Yours. Min Jee and I were together for two months and I was already tired of hearing about her day. I’ve talked to you every day since we were 16, and I never get tired of hearing about yours. Not even after you started living with us, and I got to see you every day. And I got to thinking: I have dated a lot of girls. But I think about them, even the ones I thought I loved, and I realize something: not one of them would have my back when things would be bad. When my anxiety is too high, none of them would have helped. When I felt like I had a bad performance, they’d just shrug and talk about themselves. Sure, they were pretty, and funny, and smart. But none of them cared about me the same way you do. Not even Min Jee.”
You raised your head, gently wiping your nose. “What are you trying to say, Changbin?”
Changbin gently grasped one of your hands in both of his. “I’m trying to say… I’m definitely saying that I love you too.”
Another tear slipped out of your eye as you stared at him. You tried to wrap your head around the ridiculousness of this situation:
Seo Changbin, the boy you loved and was sure did not love you back, just told you he loved you back.
Take THAT, brain.
“Um… really?” was all you could manage. 
Changbin smiled softly at you; your heart fluttered in your chest. “Really. And you… you really love me?”
“Yes.” You were taken aback a bit by how quickly and effortlessly you answered the question.
Changbin’s grip on your hand tightened ever-so-slightly. “Can I kiss you?” he asked, almost shyly.
“I’d really like that.”
He let go of your hand and cupped your cheeks in his hands, carefully wiping your tears away with the pads of his thumbs. He leaned in, licking his lips slightly before pressing them to yours.
You had dreamed of kissing him before. But even your dreams couldn’t have prepared you for the real thing, how wonderful and warm and sweet it was.
His lips were smooth and dry against yours; they parted slightly as one of his hands moved down to your waist. His other hand stayed cupped against your cheek, thumb lightly brushing your cheekbone. As the kiss deepened, you could feel him pour every emotion he’d been repressing - love, mostly, but also a sense of tenderness and longing - into it. 
Changbin broke the kiss, pulling back from you; he was smiling softly and looking at you as if you were the only other person on Earth.
Not even Daeshim had looked at you like that.
“Uh… wow,” you breathed. 
“Yeah,” he replied, “wow.”
You smiled back at him, resting a hand on his knee, and you leaned in to kiss him again when a sudden stiff breeze rustled through the surrounding trees. You shivered involuntarily.
“Cold?” he asked.
You nodded. “Can we go home?”
“Sure.” He stood first, gently pulling you to a standing position. You walked back to the dorms, hand-in-hand; before you left the park, he asked: “So, how was your day?”
You grinned as you told him all about your day. And he was smiling the entire time.
When the two of you got back to the dorms, it sure looked like you were alone. Changbin settled down on the couch; smiling up at you, he patted his lap.
“This seat taken?” you asked, a goofy grin plastered on his face. Changbin just raised an eyebrow as he grabbed you around the waist, pulling you into his lap. He lightly tickled your sides as you laughed, trying to settle into his lap but squirming instead.
“Okay, okay, I’ll be nice,” he said, gently kissing your cheek. “I’m so glad I finally get to hold you this way.”
“Me too.”
“You really weren’t going to say anything?”
“Were you?”
“Fair point, I guess… didn’t want to mess up the friendship either, huh?”
“You are correct, sir.”
A short pause, then: “Only one of them broke up with me because of you, you know.”
“Ha-Rin, yeah. She told me. That was totally unfair of her to make you choose.”
“She told you? She swore me to secrecy and then she told you?”
“Wanted to make me feel guilty, I suppose.” You shrugged. “Didn’t work, I hated her guts. I was never happy to see you get dumped, except when Ha-Rin dumped you.”
“Yeah, that was the only time Minho said I told you so, too.” Changbin chuckled, shaking his head. “You know what, though? None of that matters anymore, now that I’ve got you.”
You hummed happily, leaning back slightly in his arms. “You’re right. But I am dying to know what that one girl was thinking.”
“Which one?”
“Dating you to get closer to the cats?”
Changbin laughed. “Some things, you just never find out.” He nuzzled the side of your neck. “I love you, you know.”
“I love you too, Binnie.” You turned your head, letting his lips connect with yours. Just as the kiss was starting to deepen, you heard the unmistakable sound of someone clearing their throat.
You turned your head away… and there were Changbin’s seven band members, all arms crossed, staring down at you.
Changbin grinned sheepishly at them as you waved and said, “Hey, fellas.” Chan started to open his mouth, but you cut him off. “Since I know you guys, and I’m reasonably sure you guys had money riding on this situation, I’ll just settle the main bet and the prop bets. I told him first, extremely by accident but it was me. He broke up with Min Jee because he felt the same way, but that happened before I told him, not because of it. He kissed me first,  and… that should settle it, right?”
“Pay up, suckers.” Jeongin held out a hand as the other guys groaned and reached for their wallets.
“How did you know he was going to break it off with Min Jee but (y/n) would be the one to say it first?!” Jisung grumbled.
“I didn’t, I just guessed.” Jeongin shrugged. “Your money, sir?”
“Go buy yourself something nice,” Jisung said. “Anyway, now that that’s out of the way…I’m really happy for you guys, I really am. Even if you did cost me 20,000 won.”
The rest of the guys nodded in agreement, a few offering their congratulations.
“Look, we’ll leave you two kids alone, if that’s what you want?” Chan said, almost awkwardly.
“Nah, you guys have the living room.” You climbed out of Changbin’s lap, offering him your hand; he took it and you helped him stand. “We’ll just go make out in my room.”
Changbin laughed as you led him down the hallway. “Awfully presumptuous, aren’t we?”
“Look, I know what I want.” You pulled your door shut behind you. “And right now, I want to kiss you.” 
Changbin smiled as you sat down on your bed. “This seat taken?”
“Just get down here.” You pulled the front of his shirt; he fell onto the bed, hovering over you. 
“God, you’re amazing.” He leaned down, closing the gap between your mouths.
You cannot believe you were just never going to tell him how you felt. But now, as his hand slid up to your stomach, you are more than happy you did.
Was that a cliche? Of course it was. But a cliche was making you blissfully happy, so you didn’t seem to mind it so much.
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