#i was taking pizza out of the oven when listening to this and almost burned myself
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steddietogo · 2 years
Eddie finds Steve’s green sweatshirt one day after getting surprise dunked in the pool at Casa Harrington by his own sheep. It’s soft and worn like it was once Steve’s favorite thing to wear but now it lays forgotten at the back of his closet.
Eddie doesn’t think much about it, just picks it up and pulls it on. Its just him and Steve in the kitchen when he gets back. The others are arguing about which movie to put on while Steve heated up dinner for all of them like a dutiful housewife. The thought makes him laugh.
Steve turns around at the sound of his voice. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, just. You pretend to get mad when the kids call you mom but here you are, being all—” He waves his hands about trying to convey his point but Steve is already distracted.
“That sweatshirt,” Steve has a frown on his face, but it’s not exactly a bad one. Eddie wonders when he learned to read Steve like that.
He gives Steve a twirl. “Do I look good in it?” Steve smiles, doesn’t deny it.
“You know, I fought my first demogorgan in it,”
“Woah,” Eddie looks down at it, feeling something akin to wonder when he smooths his palms over the fabric.
“God, Harrington,” Eddie looks up grinning. “You gotta keep a priceless artefact like this safe,” Steve rolls his eyes and goes to pull the pizza out of the oven. He’s still smiling though.
Eddie follows, then plants his butt on the counter so he can see Steve’s face. “Is that why you don’t wear it anymore?”
Steve’s cheeks puff out like a chipmunk when he sighs heavily. Eddie has the sudden urge to pinch them.
“Kinda, at first,” He doesn’t look at Eddie when he speaks. “I don’t even know why I kept it, you know? I kinda just wanted to burn every evidence of that night,”
Eddie nods and goes to gather plates for everyone. He should say it. Steve trusted him enough to share, Eddie should too right? He hasn’t said it out loud. Not to Wayne, not to the upside down scientists approved therapist. But he could tell Steve. Steve gets it. And Eddie so badly wants to talk about it, maybe cry a little. Because out of all the things that had happened, this one really breaks his heart.
Eddie startles when a hand softly presses into the small of his back. “You okay there?” Steve has his head tilted to the side to see Eddie better and this time the frown on his face spells worry.
“I can’t play my guitar,” he blurts out. And the words rush out of him all at once. “I can’t do it, I mean I get nightmares and shit, you know. And sometimes my scars hurt so much at night that I can’t even sleep. But this one really takes the cake, like, I pick her up and my heart starts racing and I can’t breath—” It’s happening again. His chest tightens to the point that he struggles to draw in a breath and his vision blurs out as his eyes fill with tears and— oh god he’s going to die in Steve’s kitchen.
“No, Eddie you’re not going to die, I promise,” says a steady voice firm enough that he almost believes it. Then warm hands pull him into an even warmer body. Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, listens to Steve telling him how to breath and slowly, after a long while, the knot starts to loosen and breathing comes easier. Steve doesn’t stop running a soothing hand over his back as Eddie sags into him, suddenly winded. His fists are balled into Steve’s shirt like a scared little kid.
“Sorry,” Eddie mumbles when he’s gathered enough energy to start feeling embarrassed at how quickly he fell apart.
“Nothing to be sorry about, I swear, happens to the best of us,”
Eddie snorts, “Okay mom,” Steve swats at his arm. Eddie finally pulls away after a while. “Think I really needed that,”
“Hey, if you want, you can come over and trying playing over here?” Steve shrugs. “Maybe a change of location can help, I’ll even hold your hand through it,”
“How am I supposed to play if you’re holding my hand, dummy,” Eddie snarks, hiding his smile behind his hair. “But I’ll think about your offer,” There’s literally nothing to think about, what was he going to say, no? Steve’s answering look tells Eddie he knows too.
And if Eddie leans into Steve when he put his arm around Eddie in the sofa while sharing a blanket, well that’s his business.
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heartfeltcierra · 2 years
Dude where's my submarine? Part 2 of Isekaied Law X Female Reader
Part 1- Here Part 3- Here
AN- I'm working on the 3rd and final part currently, hopefully I'll have it up sometime next weekend!
Word count 3.5K
!!Dressrosa arc spoilers!!
Warnings/Content- Law almost burns your house down, Light cursing, Angst (Abandonment issues), Modern day content and references, Mentions of violence, Driving without a license (Guess who) , Mentions of suggestive music and suggestive content.
Enjoy ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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The smell of something burning jolted you from your peaceful dreams. Oh no. You jump up from the bed and run to the spare bedroom Law was in.
 “Law get up!” You slam the door open only to see the bed neatly made. He’s not here.
 “ROOM.” You faintly Law’s voice.“SHAMBLES.” In the blink of an eye you were in the smoke filled kitchen standing beside an irritated Law.
 “What happened?” There were a bunch of ingredients out on the countertops and a frying pan that had flames erupting from it. “OH HELL.” You grab the pan and run it over to your kitchen sink. More smoke fills the kitchen as the fire is doused by water. Crisis averted. “Law are you okay?” 
 “Yeah, but I can't say the same about the eggs." You could tell from his tone and flushed cheeks that he was embarrassed beyond belief. “I wanted to return the favor since you cooked for me last night, but…” He points over to your laptop that sat on the kitchen table. “I got carried away, I’m truly sorry Y/N.” 
 “Accidents happen, don’t worry about it. As long as you're okay.” You look at the pan and see no trace of egg, just a inciarated mass stuck to the bottom. “I can’t tell you how many times I’d put a pizza in the oven and forget about it. Needless to say, I've about burnt my house down plenty of times. Don’t sweat it.” Law seems grateful that you're not angry with him. “I’ll go out and get us something to make. I need to grab a few more things anyway since you’ll be here for a while!”
 “Mind if I go with you?”
 “Surel. I’ll go get ready and I’ll be right back down.”
 “What’s this?” Law points at your parked car.
 “It’s my ‘ship’ so to say. But it’s actually called a car!” You unlock the doors with the remote, causing the headlights to blink. “In this world there are plenty of things used for transportation.  We have trains that can go across the entire country, metros in the larger cities, and even airplanes that can take you just about anywhere in the world!”
 “Wow.” His lips were slightly parted in awe. “What’s its name?”
 “Umm.. The Honda civic?” Law does a few circles around the car, surveying the unfamiliar vessel. He’s so cute. “Wait until you see the inside!”  You get into the car followed by Law.
 “I won’t lie.” Law watches as you start the engine up.. “This is pretty cool.” 
 “It is. Not to mention it's also really good on gas and in this world that says a lot because gas prices are crazy expensive and-” You look over and see Law paying you zero attention. He was too busy playing with the AC buttons to listen to your economic rant.
 You drive down the road as Law plays with every button in the car. It was understandable, because if you ever ended up on his ship you’d explore it top to bottom. I’ve got an idea!
 “Let me show my favorite thing about the car.” You click the button that turns the radio on. The familiar upbeat pop song puts a smile on your face. “I love this song!” Word for word you sung the lyrics not caring one bit about the fact Law was right beside you. When the song ended you glance over at him to see his face was red all the way to the tips of his ears. “Law are you okay?”
 “Are lyrics like that normal?” Reality hit you. You had just sung a very suggestive and raunchy song right in front of him. You join him in blushing. I wonder what kind of face he’d make if I played WAP?
 “So this is It.” You lock your car door and point at the blue and beige building. “Walmart~This is where you can get just about anything. Food, clothes, hygiene products, gifts, you name it, they got it.”
 “Wow…” He let out a low whistle. You smile at his bewilderment and continue walking in.
 “If you're surprised now just wait until you see the insi--” Your words get stuck in your throat when a car starts to back up right in front of you. It was pulling out too fast for you to react.
 “Y/N!” It felt like your life flashed before your very eyes. The car was inches away from hitting you, but a pair of strong arms pulled you away before it could.
 “Watch where you're walking dumbasses!” The person in the car reaches a hand out to flip you and Law off before speeding away.
 “I’ll kill that bastard.” Law grits his teeth as he holds your trembling body closer to him. It took you a moment to process that you almost got killed. 
 “It’s okay Law.” You look up at him with watery eyes. “I’m a little shaken up, but I’m not hurt and killing people is very frowned upon here.” His grip on you loosens so you can pull back. You wipe the forming tears out of your eyes. “It would be pretty embarrassing for my death to have been in a Walmart parking lot, so thanks for saving me.” You joke, trying to lighten the mood.
 “I’m glad you're alright. Still…..” 
 “It's alright Law. Let’s go on in.” Trying to change the subject, you take a few steps forward but stop when an arm wraps around your back.
 “Stay close to me in case something like that happens again.” Law must have sensed your nervousness, the angry look was replaced by his signature smirk. “But if it does I can’t make any promises on whether or not I’ll let them live.”
 “This place really does have everything.” You watch as Law soaks in all of the surroundings.
 “It sure does.” You hum. “Feel free to grab whatever you want.”
 You and Law walk around without any rhyme or reason. From time to time he would stop to look at something. Your favorite thing so far is when he saw a one piece t-shirt. You could tell he was a little salty about him not being on it. 
 “Y/N.” Law leans down to grab your attention. “Why are people staring?” You look around the aisle and see that people were indeed fact staring and you knew why.
 “Your really handsome Law so of course people are going to stare.” Crap I said that outloud?
 “So you think I’m handsome Y/N?"
 “Was the shirtless figure and stories I've written about you not enough proof?” You playfully nudge your hip into his side.
 “Oh it was.” His eyes lock onto your blushing face. “But what makes you think they aren’t staring at you?” 
 “When I say this please know I’m not fishing for compliments. But for this world I’m nothing special.” You open one of the freezer section doors to retrieve a pint of ice cream. “I don't think I've mentioned, but the beauty standards in this world are quite high.”
 “Looks aren’t everything Y/N. But I think you're pretty. And weirdly charming.” The pint of ice cream in your hand almost falls into the floor. Law just called me pretty and (weirdly) charming?  “Plus you're a good person. Although I don’t know much about you yet, that much I can tell.” He grabs the ice cream from your hands and puts it in the cart.
 “Thanks.” You have to turn away to hide the giddy smile plastering your face.
 Little did you know Law could see your wide smile thanks to the reflection of the freezer's glass door. How cute
 The next morning
 You woke up on the couch with Law sitting on the other end. That’s right, we stayed up watching a medical drama. He was looking at  something on your laptop with an evil smirk. What did he find this time?
 “That’s a pretty sinister look you got going on Law?” You poke his leg with your foot to get his attention. He turns his head before spinning the screen towards you.
 “I could watch this all day.” You squint your eyes to read the video's title. ‘Doflamingo getting his ass kicked to dubstep music- 10 hour loop.’ “I wish it was me in all honesty, but I do enjoy seeing that bastard get his ass handed to him by Strawhat.”
 “I’m sure you do.” You refrain from laughing. It was hilarious seeing how satisfied he looked every time Luffy’s foot kicked the side of Doflamingo’s head. “Want to know something kind of funny Law?” He pauses the video and nods. “So there was an episode in the Dressrosa arc titled "Law Dies - Luffy's Raging Onslaught!”. When I saw the title I started balling my eyes out. I thought you were going to die.” It is funny to you now, but back then you were going through all the stages of grief at once.
 “I thought I was going to die back then too.” Law shuts the laptop and places it back on the coffee table. “But, I’m glad I didn’t. It’s not what he would have wanted.” 
 “You're talking about Cora, aren’t you?” Law nods. 
 “Yeah, I am.” A bittersweet smile forms on Law’s lips. “He was my savior. He got me out of a dark mindset. I owe everything to him.” He turns his head to face you. “Did you ever have anyone like that in your life?”
 “Well if I’m being honest.” Not one real person comes to mind. Everyone in your life has left or abandoned you. But there was still someone who got you through some hard times. “As odd as this may sound, It’s kinda you.” His eyes widened at your declaration. “You are my favorite character for a reason. There’s been many times I’ve had a bad day and seeing you would make me feel better. It's weird to explain but someone told me once that humans in my universe can’t tell the difference between real people and fictional people. Our brains process them as if they were real. So it’s probably the reason why…” 
 “Well I am real.” Law held his hand up. His words remind you that the character you adore is literally a few feet away from you in the flesh. You scooch over to him and bring your hand up to his. “See?” You smile feeling his warm hand against yours. “I may not be from this universe, but I’m still real and I will always be.” 
 “Yeah. You're right.” You pull your hand away and wipe a few tears from your eyes. 
 “Are you crying?” Law asked with concern in his voice.
 “Yeah, but I’m okay.” They weren't sad tears, they were more tears of relief and comfort than anything. “Fun fact about me, I cry easily.” You laugh and dry the rest of the tears off with your sleeve. “I’m sorry I dampened the mood, but I do have an idea to lighten it. And I think you’ll like it.”
 “What do you have in mind?”
 “I say me and you go out.” He shoots you a smirk as if to say ‘go on’. “Have you ever had hibachi?”
 Seeing how cute you look in the mirror brought a smile to your face. Since you were going out with Law you got a little dressed up for the occasion .You went with a (F/C) dress that compliments your body's shape and a cute pair of sandals. After one last glance over you walk downstairs to wait on Law.
 You walk to your front door only to see Law already dressed and waiting for you. He turns around to face you and Oh my God.. To say he looked good would be such an understatement. He wore the dark maroon button up you got him with the sleeves rolled up, exposing his arm tattoos. He also had on the jeans you secretly wanted to see him wear. They may look like a simple pair of black jeans, but the silver chains decorating his thighs made them stand out.
 “Are you ready to go?” Law waves his hand in front of your face in an attempt to snap you out of your trance.
 “Oh right.” Judging from the smirk on his face, he knew you were checking him out. It’s not my fault you look like a model. “Let’s go.” You grab your car keys and purse before heading out the door.
 “Here we are!” You got out of the car with Law and stood in front of the restaurant. “Are you ready?” 
 “Of course I am.” 
A few moments later…
 “Y/N why is the food on fire?!” Law leans back in his chair as if the flames were going to get him. I thought you were ready?
 “It’s okay Law.” You place your hand on his back. “I’ll protect you from the big bad onion volcano.”
 “Is he okay?” The hibachi chef laughs seeing how skittish Law was.
 “Yeah he's fine." You laugh and give Law a few pats on the back. "He acts like he’s not from this world or something.”
 “Here.” The chef held up the bottle filled with sake in front of Law. “A little something to calm your nerves.” He hesitates for a moment but opens, letting the chef send the sake right into his mouth. The chef stops once Law’s mouth is full and goes right back to cooking. His golden eyes stare into your soul as he swallows the liquid in one gulp. That was kinda hot. He wiggles his index finger, motioning you to lean closer to him.
 “I hope teasing me was worth it.” His voice was low in your ear. What does that mean? “And the sake in your world sucks.”
 You spend the rest of your (last) meal thinking just what diabolical thing Law was going to do to you. Is he going to chop my body up? Or maybe he’ll take my voice box? Or…
 “Y/N are you ready to go?” Law’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
 “Oh yeah.” You stood up with Law. “Thank you for the food, it was delicious!” 
 “You're welcome. I hope you and your boyfriend have a goodnight!” You and Law look at each with wide eyes, but neither you or him corrected the man.
 “So did you like the food?” You buckle up and turn the engine on. Please don’t kill me.
 “I did, but don’t think for a second that I forgot about you teasing me.” Your body freezes up at his words. I wonder what kind of flowers will be at my funeral?  “ROOM.” Your eyes slam shut. Goodbye cruel world..  “SHAMBLES.” You open your eyes to see you're still alive and intact, but you are now in the passenger seat. 
 “Law! You don’t know how to drive?” You panic seeing him put the car in drive. “That and you don’t have a driver's license? What if we get pulled over?” 
 “Sure I know how, I’ve watched you do it enough to figure it out.” Law gives the car a little gas. “And what’s the big deal of not having a license and getting pulled over?”
 “Umm I don’t know Law, maybe it’s the fact WE'D GET ARRESTED.” Your eyes watch his every move like a hawk. 
 “Have you forgotten I’m a pirate Y/N? Plus I have the advantage over everyone in this world.” He was right. No one could stop Law with his devil fruit power. “So relax. It will be okay.” You roll your eyes at his nonchalant attitude.
 “Fine. Just be careful.” Law smirks triumphantly and continues driving. Despite your initial fear, Law was actually a good driver. His movements were smooth and calculated, very fitting for his character. He was gentle with the brakes, (And unlike most drivers) he used the turn signals. You can’t help but be jealous seeing how he was a true natural.
 “Aren’t you going to sing?” Law gestures towards the radio. 
 “Do you want me to?” You raise your brow suspiciously.
 “Yeah I do. Maybe something different this time though.” He smirks remembering all the dirty words that came from your mouth the other day.
 “Sure, let me hook my phone up.” You plug your phone in and scroll through your playlist. A smile forms on your lips seeing the title of your favorite slow songs. The soft melody comes through the speakers as you sing. 
 In that moment Law didn’t care if you sounded like an angel that had freshly ascended from heaven or if you sounded like two pieces of metal grinding together. He was just happy to hear you doing something you enjoy. 
So she likes to sing?
 It had been a few days since you and Law went out. In that time you’ve grown more comfortable with each other. He’s opened up to you about things from his past, even telling you things that the show never went over. He also told you all the stories from his early years of being a pirate and how he met Bepo and the rest of the crew. With that being said you’ve also been spilling more details about yourself. Everything from embarrassing stories from your childhood, the questionable things you did as a teenager and even a few funny stories from your current adult life. 
  Despite all the fun your having, your heart hurts knowing you only have a little time left with Law.  Having him around reminded you how nice it was to have someone to talk to. But when he's gone… I need to live in the moment and quit thinking about what’s to come.
"You seem lost in thought Y/N." You turn your attention to Law who's sitting at the other end of the couch. "What's on your mind?" You.
"It's nothing." You lie and go back to scrolling through your phone.
"You really think I'm going to buy that?" Law made his way over to you and took your phone from your hands."Talk to me."
"Well." Your eyes stray away from his fierce gaze. "I was just thinking about how boring things are going to be when your gone."
"Way to kill the vibes Y/N." You laugh hearing Law copy your lingo. "But I've been thinking about some things myself."
"What's on the surgeon of deaths mind?"
“I do go back to my world in two days...” His tone turns serious. “And you’ll be alone again and the thought of that has been bothering me.” You frown. I know I will. “With that being said. I need you to promise me that you will go out and try to make some friends." His request floors you. The painful memories of people leaving you and abandoning you come flooding in, but a tattooed hand pulls you out before you can drown. "Things may not work out at first but keep trying. I'm sure there are people out there that are just as weird and dorky as you." Law teases to clear the building tension in the room.
 “Is there something wrong with me being weird and dorky?" You give Law a heavy dose of side eye.
"Actually." Law leans in a little closer to you ear. "I like it." You could feel his hot breath against the shell of your ear. "I like it alot." He blows into you ear causing you to jerk away from him.
You retreat to the far end of the couch while nervously watching him. "Are you done teasing me?" The devilish smirk on his face said it all. His tattooed hand grabs a pillow placing it next to him. "Law what are you doing?
"Whatever I want to." "ROOM." Dammit. "SHAMBLES." Your body takes the pillows spot next to Law. "Now." Your heart felt like it was going to leap from your chest as he lazily wraps a arm around your shoulders. "Do you think you can keep that promise?"
"Yeah, I will. But only if you stop teasing me." A satisfied hum comes from Law hearing your answer.
"Good. And in what way am I teasing you?" Law tries to sounds innocent knowing full well the affect he has on you. "Also you might want to breathe before you black out."
"My breathing is just fine. thank you." I need to calm down.
"Your a bad liar Y/N." You were about to defend yourself but every function in your body stopped working as his fingers ghost around to the side of your neck. "But this tells me everything I need to know." Two fingers tap over your pulse point. "Tachycardia is a very dangerous condition if left untreated, luckily for you I'm a Doctor~"
"Well Doctor, what is the cure for it?" You say sarcastically.
"ASMR videos of people cutting soap should do the trick. " He grabs the laptop from the coffee table and pulls up youtube. "Just so you know my medical expertise comes at a high cost and I expect you to pay in full." You roll your eyes and relax against his chest.
"Just bill my insurance."
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the-firebird69 · 11 days
We have a couple of comments one of them is the automobile program is moving along we started another project
++++parting out and it is beginning the formal beginning date is this Monday which is tomorrow. And we will announce it formally but there are several factories are going to open tomorrow and where bit behind an opening about the recycling group has been handling it this is a different form and we're going to have a rehab group for rehabilitating parts and engines and transmissions it is going to be magnificent. This is a very good idea it's a long time coming Tommy f is doing it to take over and he says who cares I need it now and everybody needs if they won't do it and I'm going to do it because it sounds like a good time and their son says as long as you're doing it and don't shoot me Kramer too you might as well find out if there any V12 in there or truck motors so he goes okay so he's looking and they're doing special and drag trucks so he's looking and he's finding stuff he's pulling it out and he's going nuts so good for him he's going to have two or three of those open and they're about 2 billion square feet each which is very big lantana I'm parting out the entire vehicle panels and everything and he says of course you can regulate the panels if you have too many to melt them down you make more panels and else that's an idea cuz it's already in the right metal and then paint Burns off or something it's true too so he's getting ready to do all of it and he's pretty excited and he likes it he thinks you're into it and our son says and daughter it's mission orientated. So he feels better about it. Now there's a lot of people who are looking at it by the way anything is a dummy and crazy but then he's he's going to whip it out I mean this is going to be fantastic you're not going to believe how many good parts will come out. She says to Tommy F he says Tommy f finally you're going to have a good part or two you said laughing and said that's stupid but it is. So you look at his parents as after this is through you going to be great at delivering Domino's he says why don't you shut up you idiot. No no I mean the pizza I mean the actual Pizza you know the round thing okay forget it. So it's a good joke but boy it's it's a nice time there's so many things that are not going right and finally someone figures it out oh we need bars so he's wondering what the guys here and he says is he the the good guy car Guy it's a kit car in the limbo the guy's already doing if you can stamp it on a metal in one piece and of the hood and everything you can almost stamp the hood and make it thinner and then like cut it out so he goes wow within microphone and you have really close I don't know if you can stamp something that shape up the side and it should bend up no then you'd have to stamp a different orientation so I guess you can stamp up in pieces and he got psyched and he said this is going to work cuz he can stamp those out with the leftovers when you recycle and become stronger and since I think you can do it in that sheet it says I know how to do it you take a sheet even a roll when she did a time and you put it in you'll see you need several lines of those and I wonder if you had like a pizza oven thing instead of heating it right there so be slowly heating it up and it'll be a better heat it was kind of how you do it but you're right a little longer and the reasoning is it would put in a lot more into the line so he's going to try that that's how you do it too we tried to tell them before and they didn't listen this would be great he's going to have the super hard thing and everything all ironed out so he knows what it's all about now and he's taking a loss and he says they're all crazy but he was too and they're going to go across there and the pseudo empire is going to pay unfortunately and that's what's going to happen so more shortly but this is good news
Thor Freya
I'm going to set one aside for you and one for her and he says terrific I'd be like a regular citizen and it's not true now so particular car and it was when the Malibu came back and he says number one they probably won't do it's kind of a missed number and they said there's a formula I heard it too so I'm going to go ahead and do that and it's probably for a certain level so I'm going to check it
Tommy f
We don't know which one and he's probably going to be the guy cuz nobody else to s*** and this is probably the car and believe it or not it's like an American frame it's not a rickshaw it's a car it's kind of beefy and it's kind of not and that's American and the top of it is Italian and it got carried through and it was started by Dave I got carried through and Tommy ended up becoming part of town or something and it's because of this particular cart that was very fast and very light it looked like a little like the one you picked out but that's at four Wheels but it's very nice and it's light of course it would be metal and it's a good idea so we are going to go ahead with it and it's going to be a nice fun car but really the ones they're thinking over the Malibu it's 300 horsepower and they have a limiter to keep it at it's around a hundred miles an hour with that kind of go like 120 so it seems like it could go real fast but it sounds real fast but they know how to remove the thing
Macs it's actually mechanical piece you have to replace yes
We're going ahead and we're going to make this happen this is wonderful
She finally figured it out and wow that's a while and he built the other one the Italian part so we're going to see if he's going to do it I appreciate it I'm going to start trying to figure out what color
They were thinking about this and it's awesome it's a real Lamborghini and it would be intense in front wheel drive you could drive around even up to Utah so a lot of people feed these lizards so they're not afraid of people but he's at the library it'd be nice and he says I could go to the casino and I look like a big shot and I park somewhere in back lol. But really you have to park separately where people tee them so I can certain part of the parking garage and there's no sign that says expensive cars but he says he's seen one and I can't believe it I got real mad he says in Sarasota now I'm seeing something it kind of pointed it out and he was really mad he said wait a minute and I suddenly remembered something that was where it was and a few people got mad no so I think it's great and he thinks it's awesome and weird it might actually be his first vehicle and that's strange. It was kind of a German American thing and it says that the Asian part of it would be there and it would be German Asian more so than American and I do understand what you're saying you can tell from that where is the Malibu is an All-American frame it wouldn't be german-american but you are a German so he thinks the first one is still the VW or something true and fast and furious seems to be the ones so we're going to check it out but this is probably one of them it's going to be great and he wants to do the kit
Tommy f they have him do the kit in this case it's an American sedan and it would be common and he says it would be the year that they changed it from a full size cuz that was what he suggested that's what I said but it's rather new it is around 2015 which is newer than most vehicles and they'd want him to dismantle it take the shell off and have him ride and what looks like an Italian so it makes sense if they were doing that
We do have cold like that and we might
After a while they're going to think we're doing something cuz nothing will come up out on Saturn and they probably will it won't be that long either probably a few months 5 months so we are going to go ahead and count on it
Thor Freya
He's always wanted one he's crazy about it he doesn't care if he drives it for a few days he wants to drive around and have fun with it and cruise and see me and pick me up in it and save that he has some kind of money and it is famous or something and I'll say I know I seen you before it'll be one of our dreams and on my own so I can see him later and say I'm famous too and he'd say you probably have more money than me and stare at me of course I know what that means so it's kind of like if he doesn't get any money we don't really go anywhere cuz I can't put them up because they'll kick him out right away. Don't handle so well and go fast and slow he likes doing that and be safer than most cars when it's metal it still has a roll cage and then closure and safety features as long as you put some in there and it would be awesome and he did the I think he bought it separate
He bought the two pieces separate and you put them together and that was Dave
Thor Freya
He bought them separate no he bought the carriage and he brought back and he had to put the top on that he made but he put it on there so might be like a speed shop or something like the one BG is doing and they're competing and it makes sense
Nuada Arrianna
We know it's Carly good and he's probably saying both because they're probably symbolic and we need it and we understand that Lambo would be a test and a precursor so I'm moving out right now
Savage we are Oppress
It is our car and that's the Lamborghini it's not the countach is the newer one and smaller it does fit on the Malibu chassis and it will go real fast and it probably makes sense to me first the second one makes sense too we had another car it was a bit faster so we do know why we are going to go ahead with this this is a great idea
Darth maul Darth talon
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williowdrake · 2 years
Strangers From The Past-3
Last time on Dragie and Kitty Adventures:
'Kitty waits until I feel comfortable to talk.' Dragie thinks as he partly listens to the sing song voice of Kitty's singing. 'Kitty sings well.'
As Dragie slowly begins to wake up he starts to realize that Kitty’s black colouring looks a bit more grey than normal. Almost as if Kitty is older than what he appears to be.
‘Is Kitty okay? Has he been eating properly? I live with Kitty, sleep in the same room yet this is the first time that I have seen this happen. What type of friend am I, if I had not seen Kitty get -’
A voice interrupts Dragie’s thinking. “It is not what you are thinking of Dragie, it is just flour. I had a bit of a disagreement with the new flour bag this morning. Darn thing would not open. It was like the flour had a vendetta against me.”
Dragie nods and thinks ‘How does Kitty do that? Read my mind as it were. Maybe Kitty can read my mind. I guess the best way to find out is think of something to definitely make Kitty reply to it. But the question would be what?”
Kitty begins to hum Without or Without you by U2. Dragie just sits and listens, a memory tugging at his groggy brain. A memory of a different place and time, a different body, and even of a different life.
A secret hidden within the lyrics, within the walls of the house. A secret that we all keep until we are fully awoken. Spiritually awoken most would say, but we know that it is so much more.
Kitty keeps singing any song that comes to mind.
“Hey Kitty..”
“Yes, Dragie?”
“I knew you from before? I knew you from the ocean as dark as the midnight sky on a new moon but as gentle as a feather landing on your shoulder. I knew you from a place where purple flowers blossomed on the edge of the water like a lifeline. I knew you a lot more than I know you now.”
Kitty just nods thinking. “I would not say that you know me less than from that time. We have changed over the years even when we wandered from each other.
Dragie just looks at Kitty startled at the honesty and the intense emotion radienting from Kitty’s words. ‘Did Kitty always know this? Why didn’t Kitty tell me?’
A timer goes off interrupting Dragie’s pondering brain, Kitty scrambles to pull out the eighteen inch pizza from the oven without singeing any little kitty hair around the heat.
Dragie’s mind runs a mile a minute ‘Protect Kitty. No burn. Protect Kitty. No burns.’ Dragie’s wings unfold as fast as lightning and flies towards Kitty in a speed so fast that no one would be able to see him. Dragie uses his tail oven mitt to help Kitty take the pizza out. The pizza begins to tip towards Kitty. At the very last moment Kitty uses a professional chef move to put the pizza back on the tray. “You okay Kitty?”
“Yes. I knew all those cooking shows and cooking classes would come in handy.”
“As long as you are okay, that is all that matters.”
Kitty nods and says, “breakfast is ready. Hot as it may be. It might be in our best interest if we let it cool off a bit.”
“But Kitty I am a dragon, I can handle the heat.”
“That may be so Dragie but do you remember the last time the cheese decided to test the theory of dragon’s heat level.”
* * *
Dragie grabs a slice of an eight cheese deep dish pizza and takes a bite. The pizza literally just came out of the oven so the cheese in all its melty goodness drips down Dragie’s chin and layers his mouth in boils the size of the biggest blueberry ever to be recorded. A small whimper escapes from Dragie’s throat. Kitty bolts into the kitchen, his very good hearing heard the sounds of his friend in pain. Kitty’s eyes adjust to the scene and rushes into action. The flashback curtain falls on Dragie and Kitty as Kitty hurries to help Dragie get rid of his boils ( or what we readers would call cheese bubbles).
* * *
“Yes. But I want-”
“No Dragie, I don’t want you to get hurt. We can let it cool. I did pick up some watermelon. Cut into cute little squares for a better eating experience.”
Dragie smiles then sits back at his spot at the table.
* * *
This adventure ends with Dragie beginning to realize that Kitty means a lot more to him than what he originally thought and us figuring out that Kitty was always the stranger from the past. Although Dragie and Kitty have known each other for a long time and will always be friends, even if there is more danger to face.
Author’s Note:
Sometimes a stranger is not a stranger anymore after you talk to them. Always proceed with caution when you first meet someone, not everyone is who they appear to be. Meet someone in a safe, public space if you are meeting someone for the first time. Never disclose personal information to people who seem sketchy or if you have a bad vibe from them. Above all else, remember your worth and remember that you are loved by people who would not like to see you get hurt. While this adventure was in sections, I wanted to not just leave you guys in suspense but also to understand the fear of someone who might not have been someone that Dragie or Kitty had known. There are many people in this story that will appear that are just strangers but since this is a story it is alright but someone in my life reminded me that some kids go on sites like these and reads these stories that make it seem like all strangers are fine to talk to and hang out with (without knowing them or telling someone where they are going or who they are hanging out with). I just wanted to give this warning to anyone who read this story and thinks that all stranger encounters will end up the same way this book makes it happen. There are many dangerous people out there and I just want everyone to stay safe and use precaution. "I may not know you but I love you." -V for Vendetta
Blessed Be
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deedoop · 2 years
Can you do another part to the littler mungrove thing?
Fuck. They were really doing this huh? Eddie honestly had no clue what they were getting into, just knew Billy's dad was a piece of shit, knew he had to help. He takes a deep breath, looking at the items he had bought from the thrift store. He'd never taken care of a kid before, let alone an adult regressed as a kid. He took a long deep breath. "Eddie Munson. You can fucking do this." He was terrified. Terrified of hurting Billy, terrified of fucking up, terrified of losing someone he loved.
Billy Hargrove in the meantime was just as nervous. He was supposed to already be on his way but here he was, sitting on his bed, absolutely paralyzed. He'd never..regressed with somebody before. Never let those emotions come out, never let his walls down like that in front of anyone but himself. What if he was too much? What if Eddie Munson love of his fucking life decided nope cant do this! It wouldnt be the first time someone abandoned him. It wouldnt be the first time someone gave up on him. His hands shook a bit as he moved the nightstand, there laid Mr. Snuffles, smushed a bit from being behind furniture. A rolling pit laid in his stomach. He didnt know if he could do this.
Eddie was starting to get nervous that Billy wasnt here yet. He shouldve been here a half hour ago. Did Neil get ahold of him? Did something happen? He was about to pick up the phone when the door to the trailer opened. "Shit babes youre late. I started thinkin' the worst." Eddie half laughed. Billy swallowed thickly, the bunny rabbit in his hand. "This..is Mr. Snuffles." He said slowly, tipping his toes into the water, afraid the water would burn. It was stifling hot in the trailer and Billy was thankful he wore his wife beater today, the anxiety only making him feel worse.
Eddie took a breath. So they were starting. He prayed to whatever God would listen that he didnt do anything to hurt Billy, that he could be good at this. "Well hi Mr. Snuffles. Im Eddie." He waved towards the stuffed animal. Billy almost immediately looked more comfortable. Eddie wasnt..weirded out, wasnt yelling at him. "I uh I got you a few things Billy. I got you uhh some crayons and a coloring book! Some puzzles and stuff." Billy's eyes looked so soft..softer than they were before. The tense muscles had relaxed. Billy who always had something or another in his mouth had his thumb, sucking on it lightly as he walked towards the toys. "Thank you Daddy." He mumbled around his thumb.
Eddie was relaxing himself. He hadnt utterly ruined anything and Billy seemed happy. Maybe he wouldnt be bad at this, maybe he could be everything Billy needed. His heart softened as Billy mumbled to the stuffed bunny in his hand. They had discussed deeply about what would be going on today, what to expect. Billy regressed to around five years old, he could be very scared of yelling, he might act out, never hit. Eddie had quite literally taken notes. He wanted this to be perfect, to be therapeutic. Billy was sitting on the floor of his living room, bouncing Mr. Snuffles up and down, a soft smile on his face. He felt absolutely safe around Eddie. Eddie who now was apparently Daddy.
Munson gently knelt down beside him, "I got pizza rolls in the oven, you wanna color?" He asked softly. Billy nodded quickly, "Yes please!" He had never known Billy to be polite. He was a loudmouth sharp tongued bastard most of the time. He chuckled and ruffled Billy's curls. "Alright baby boy." He gently placed the coloring book next to Mr. Snuffles. He had to get Billy a pacifier, it couldnt be good for his teeth to suck on his thumb. His heart warmed at the thought. Billy, sucking on a pacifier, happy and content.
They settled into their roles, Billy was coloring up a storm, not very talkative but he did keep humming some lullaby to himself and kissing Mr Snuffles on the head as he colored. Eddie had filled up a sippy cup with apple juice and sat it beside Billy who blinked softly a moment before taking it. The oven dinged, the pizza rolls were done. "Dinner is done Bills!" He called, keeping an eye on Billy as he opened up the oven door. The metal of the baking tray caught against his arm making him hiss, dropping the tray onto the floor. "Mother of fucking Christ!" He held onto his burn, "Fucksake. Fuck!" He looked back up from his wound. No Billy. Shit. Shit Shit. He looked around frantically before he heard telltale whimpers.
Billy had hidden himself behind the couch, curled up as tight as he could, rocking back and forth. All of Eddie's worst fears were coming true, that he would make Billy worse rather than better. He couldnt wallow in self pity now, there was a man he loved deep in headspace crying behind his couch. It didnt take a genius to realize why Billy's child mind was so scared of yelling, that only added onto the guilt. Munson took another long deep breath and gently crouched besides the couch. "Billy baby boy?" He said softly, not moving the couch, not wanting to corner him. "I hurt myself, its not your fault and I am not going to take it out on you." He wasnt sure if logic worked on children. He hoped it did. Billy cried harder. It didnt. "Billy baby?" He gently grabbed the fuzzy stuffed pig he had gotten for him. Eddie waved the piggy infront of the gap between couch and wall and make some terrible oinking noises.
"Hi Billy! Im uh..Im uhh Im Mr Oinks! Wont you please come out?" That drew out a laugh from Billy, the little one wiping his tears, wiping his eyes. Eddie smiled back, "I promise Bills. Not mad at ya, I did it all myself." Their was some movement, blonde curls and puffy eyes peeking above the couch and than Billy was climbing all the way back over it and running towards Eddie, hugging him. Eddie wrapped his arms around him, softly rubbing his back. "Im sorry I yelled Bills." He said quietly. Billy sniffled and nodded, "Its okay Daddy..can I have pizza rolls now?" And Eddie laughed, "Yeah baby you can have pizza rolls." This would be an adjustment, it would be a lot of talking about things, a lot of work but Eddie was excited. He was happy to help his boyfriend, happy to help him rid himself of Neil. They had each other and Eddie was never going to let Billy be hurt again.
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httpdabi · 3 years
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"Swallow it“
Step siblings, enemies, to lovers.
Word Count: 8.1k
Genre: romance, smut
Warnings: 18+, spit kink, public sex, creampie, unprotected sex, fingering, stepcest (THEY ARE NOT BLOOD RELATED)
,,Open your mouth’’ little Touya said, hiding the small piece of sweet chocolate behind his back happily. Tapping in one place as he waited excitedly. You did as he told hoping he won’t pull any of his stupid pranks. But somehow, you always end up doing what he wanted, trusting your Niichan.
You excitedly clapped your hands once you tasted the sweet taste of the chocolate, smile appearing on your face. ,, Don’t swallow it so fast’’ he said, a little bit disappointed that you didn’t enjoy the taste a bit longer, but it was already done. Chewing few times, you swallowed it.
At the age of 6, your father met Rei. Divorced mother, giving her best to raise her child as good as possible. It didn’t took them long to fall in love with each other, finding the comfort in each other. They both suffered the same way, so it was like a match made in heaven.
Once they married and Rei moved in with her son that was just one year older then you, your heart was almost blowing from all the happiness. You always wanted to have older brother to play with, to protect you and to love you. And Touya was all you wished for. Touya accepted you, not minding that you aren’t blood related. None of you didn’t mind it, since your parents taught you better.
,,Kids, dinner is ready’’ your stepmother said loud enough for you two to hear her. Annoyed that you have to stop the play, you and Touya made your way downstairs, Touya mumbling under his breath how he’s not even hungry.
Your smiled widely once you saw that Rei made your favorite dish, Lasagna. Jumping on the chair, you took the fork and waited for everyone to sit down so all of you could thank God for the dinner and finally eat.
,,Ahhh’’ Touya said, ready to feed you with your favorite dish. Opening your mouth you couldn’t wait to taste it finally, it was such a long time since you’ve ate it. Chewing it fast, you swallowed it in a second, making Touya roll his eyes on you ,, Don’t swallow it yet omg ‘’ he said frustrated with you, making your parents laugh finding it adorable how their kids get along.
,, He told me that I’m ugly Niichan’’ you cried out loud, feeling embarrassed and disappointed. It was your first crush, and yet he called you ugly in front of everyone in the class. You didn’t cry in front of them, but once you found yourself in front of your older brother, you couldn’t stop the small sobs coming from your mouth. You knew that kids were rude, but you still expected less.
,, You are the most beautiful girl in the whole world’’ he said angrily. How dare someone breaks his little sisters heart ? Even tho he was so mad he could burn everyone down, he calmed down, taking one small Schoko-Bon out of his pocket and unwrapping it.
,,Close your eyes’’ he said smiling, his hand on your head patting it slowly. You did as you were told, tears rolling down your cheeks. He didn’t even have to tell you what to do, you opened your mouth waiting for Touya’s surprise. Once he placed the sweet in your mouth, you started chewing it.
Touya’s blood was boiling, that’s not how you eat Schoko-Bon. If you weren’t so sad, he would definitely lecture you how you have to let it melt in your mouth to feel the beautiful sweet taste, but he simply let you have it your way.
,, Should I swallow it ?’’ You rubbed your eyes, cleaning the tears away. You hoped you ate it how he wants, but every time you eat something, you simply had to eat it fast.
,, Swallow it’’ Touya said. It was already too late, you’ve already destroyed the real pleasure the candy was offering you. You were so weird, he thought to himself.
It was midnight, when you tiptoed into Touya’s room, not being able to fall asleep. At your luck, Touya was still awake, playing with his Dragon your father bought him. He was happy that you were there, even tho you were a girl, he always loved to play with you.
,, Oh my god, yess, yess, yess. ‘’ you two heard Rei, giving each others confused looks. ,, Niichan, what is mommy doing?’’ you asked, petting his Dragon slowly.
,, She’s praying, obviously’’ your Niichan said proudly, telling you how it’s probably the best if you two pray too. Of course, once again you did as he told you, praying together with him.
At the age of 16, you found yourself having more friends then you expected. Even tho your parents were encouraging you to live a little, you loved more to spend your time with Niichan then with your friends. If you could, you would spend every minute, every second with him. Your lovely Niichan. If only he felt the same. You were sad when his friends would come over, and he would ignore you.
Once he finally called your name, even tho his friends were over, you almost died out of happiness. Making your way to his room happily, you hoped they will let you spend some time with them.
,, Sit here’’ Touya was tapping with his hand beside him. His friends sitting on the floor. You sat fast beside him, listening to your older brother not wanting to embarrass him in front of his friends.
,, Want something sweet ?’’ Touya asked, making you smile innocently. Once you closed your eyes and opened your mouth , you felt one long and sour Haribo in your mouth. It wasn’t so sour as it was supposed to be, but you still didn’t like the taste of it. Still, chewing it fast and swallowing it, making a weird face.
Touya and two other boys laughed, while Touya was petting your head. ,, Go do your homework, your Niichan will correct it later’’ he said smiling. Once you got out of the room, you could hear the boys laugh saying something about indirect kiss, which you didn’t understand.
,, IT’S HER FOULT TOO! ARE YOU BLIND ?? SHE WAS LEADING HIM ON ALL THE TIME’’ you heard your stepmom scream, not sure what was going on you just ignored them and made your way upstairs slowly.
,, YOU ARE INSANE, HOW DID SH-´´ your father was cut of in the middle of yelling. ,, CAN’T YOU SEE WHAT SHE’S WEARIGN? HOW SHE’S BEHAVING??’’ Rei screamed, loud steps coming your direction as you were about to knock at Touya’s door.
,, DON’T YOU DARE GET INSIDE THAT ROOM’’ Rei screamed. You didn’t understand what was going on. When you left home, everything was very normal, but just two hours later you faced the scary fight your parents prepared.
Their first and last fight. Since after that fight Rei packed her and Touya’s stuff leaving that same night. Looking at Touya, he just passed by you, afraid even to look at you, while his mother was pulling the sleeve of his sweather.
After that night you didn’t see Touya or Rei. Your father was trying to explain to you what happened that night, failing completely. Every night you would cry yourself to sleep, missing Touya. Every day your father would tell you tons of shit about Touya, saying how that boy was devil. How it’s much better it ended this way.
You remembered how your parents weren’t that happy as he was feeding you with the strawberry. Both of them looking at each other as if you did something so terrible.
As the years passed, instead of sadness, you felt so mad. You developed so much hate toward Touya. Why didn’t he contact you ? Not even once. You heard that he and Rei moved in other city shortly after the huge fight. No one told you directly, it was just a rumor for you. Sadly that rumor ended up being truth, since after that night every trace of him disappeared.
Every night you would check your phone, getting mad after seeing that he didn’t contact you, even tho it was so easily to. With instagram and facebook, it was so easy to contact anyone these days. Every time you saw a message or call from unknown number, your heart would go crazy only to find out it was a mistake and on the other line wasn’t him.
,,You have to keep your elbow up and don’t move your upper arm once you throw it’’ Shiggy told you calmly, trying to teach you how to throw that fucking dart. If someone told you that you will start hanging out with your ex brothers best friends, you wouldn’t believe them. Throwing the dart, it ended up at the end of the board, giving you no points.
,, She’ll never learn’’ Kai chuckled, wrapping his arm around your best friend Momo. Rolling your eyes, you wanted to prove yourself, throwing another one but missing again.
Shiggy’s cellphone started vibrating. Not paying any attention to it you just continued throwing the darts around uselessly, while he was facetiming someone. ,, Look who I’m hanging out with’’ he said, placing the phone in front of you, as his head popped beside your own with a big smile formed on his face. Once you moved your focus from the dartboard to his phone, you felt your heart sink, making you feel sick in your stomach.
,,Get that motherfucker out of my face’’ you hissed, pushing the phone away from you and throwing the darts with all the power your had, not giving a shit about the instruction Shiggy gave you few minutes ago. The fact that Touya was in contact with him almost made you throw up from all the anger. Shiggy froze in shock, not expecting that kind of reaction from you, fast moving away from you.
Years passed, and he never contacted you even once.
NASTY MOTHERFUCKER, you thought to yourself, biting your lip in anger.
After the call ended, none of them had courage to ask you what was that about, letting it go simply as that and never mentioning anything about it again. Not even Momo.
You were excited for your hard earned summer holidays. You didn’t plan much, but you were just happy that you could spend the time with your friends without stressing about work or anything.
,,What movie do you want to watch tonight ?’’ your father asked, placing the pizza you just bought in the oven, while you were preparing all the snacks.
,,Hmm..’’ you sighed, thinking. ,, Dumbo’’ you said happily. Momo always laughed at you for watching Disney movies. But in your defense, no one is too old for Disney. You just loved to cuddle yourself in blanket, with warm cocoa drink in your hand and watch some old Disney movie.
Your father laughed loudly once he saw you tearing up, then sobbing when those assholes started separating Dumbo’s mom from him. You were a crying mess every now and then.
,,So, do you have a boyfriend?’’ your father asked, trying to be a good father figure to you and open a conversation, telling you that he would love to meet your boyfriend in the future, only to push his lips into a think line once you told him that you don’t have one.
You laughed when he asked you if you are a lesbian, telling you how he would support you. ,, No dad, I’m not ‘’ you laughed out taking your phone and opening your Instagram feed.
,, Darling, you are really paying so much attention to that silly device ’’ he said. He was always against phones and almost any electronic, always telling you how was it when he was younger.
,, Dad, I want to delete all my social media so bad, but what the fuck am I gonna do ? Go for a walk?’’ you said, as you replied to a text from Momo.
,, Ah whatever, I’m gonna take a nap.’’ He said, standing up as he took the glasses from the table, making his way to the kitchen to clean them.
,,And I’m gonna make your wish come true, and go socialize with people’’ you said, helping him out with cleaning.
Since it was pretty warm, you wore your plaid skirt and simple white shirt. Hopping into your nike airforce, you took wallet and made your way out, to meet Momo in the café.
She wasn’t alone, of course. Shiggy and Kai were there as well, waving their hands at you, like you couldn’t see them. You loved the dull lightning of the café you spent so much time in. Greeting them all, you hopped in the armchair beside Shiggy, crossing your legs as you decided what you want to drink.
,, Dabi, my man’’ Kai said, standing up, hugging the man that just walked in. Still focused on the small menu with different kind of drinks. Looking up at the tattooed man, your felt your blood boiling as he offered you his hand. You just ignored him, acting as you still didn’t decide what to drink.
A knot formed in your throat, giving you the feeling if you say even one word, you will end up sobbing in front of them.
,, It was about time’’ Shiggy said not hiding his happiness, while all you wanted to do is vomit all over the table.
,, Yeah, I wanted to visit sooner, but I couldn’t’’ Touya said, as you played with your phone, trying to ignore his whole existence. In the moment the waiter asked you what you want to drink, you were too scared to say anything. Knowing that you were about to break down any time.
,, Hot chocolate please’’ you said quietly, smiling softly to the waiter you knew now for the ages. Standing up, you excused yourself and made your way to the toilet. Taking few deep breaths, you took a cigarette out of your bag and lit one in the toilet.
Trying to think about how much he hurt you. You made yourself believe that he doesn’t deserve your sadness. ,,Get your shit together’’ you said to yourself, inhaling the smoke of the cigarette deeply, before going back to your friends and that fucking asshole.
,, Hawks bought you a cake’’ Shiggy said, pointing at the cake beside the hot chocolate. You turned off cigarette and sat down, fixing your skirt.
Touya couldn’t keep his eyes of you, the fact that you were ignoring him was eating him alive. He didn’t give a fuck about all the questions coming from Shiggy’s mouth, all he wanted to do is talk with you. Looking you vacuuming the cake in front of you, he couldn’t help but smile.
,, I love youuu Hawks’’ You screamed, eyes closed and mouth full. ,, Taste’s good?’’ you heard his voice and you nodded happily to him, thankful that he noticed your fucked up mood.
,, How’s your mother ?’’ Kai asked, curious about Touya’s life.
,, Yes Touya, how’s your mother?’’ you gritted, finished the cake. If a stare could kill, Touya would be long dead by now. Momo looked at you confused by your sudden behavior.
,, She’s good. Always stressing me out’’ he laughed, taking a cigarette and lighting it up. You did the same thing as he did. Every word coming out of his mouth making you more angry if that was even possible.
,, I saw a photo of you two on your instagram, I’m glad she’s good’’ Shiggy said genuinely, being a good friend as always.
,, Yes Touya, I saw it too. I love the feed of your instagram. So aesthetic’’ you hissed puffing on your cigarette. At this point you didn’t care about the fact that you made the air hard to breath for everyone. They didn’t know what actually happened.
Touya’s eyes were getting darker with every word you spat, like he was getting mad about it. None of your friends dared to say anything, afraid that you’ll spill more oil onto the fire.
,, Anyway..’’ Shiggy broke the tension. ,, your username is so weird’’ he said, trying to find words that won’t make the situation worse, but failing miserably.
,, Such a weird username Niichan’’ you said, saying the last word thru your gritted teeth as you bit hard onto the straw, finishing your hot chocolate.
,, What’s your problem ?’’ Touya hissed, leaning over the table.
,,You are my problem, you tattooed piece of shit’’ You hissed, biting the straw even harder as you leaned over the table. Your behavior surprised him. He didn’t expect from you much after everything that happened. But what he didn’t expect at all, was the rude behavior you were giving him at the moment. You were always so sweet to him.
,, Guess you’ll have to deal with it then’’ he said. You wanted to wipe that fucking smirk from his face away. In your opinion, he was the one who was supposed to stay quiet. He was the one who didn’t bother to message you even once, he was the one who hurt you.
,, I dealt with your shit for a long time, so sell it to someone else’’ you said, as you placed the money on the table, getting ready to leave. Sure, you could sit there and argue with him till tomorrow, cursing him out and saying anything that got on your mind, but there was no need for it. He didn’t deserve even the bad words coming out of your mouth.
,,Ah come on guys, don’t fight’’ Shiggy said awkwardly, standing up once he realized that you were about to leave. You just ignored him, as you took your bag and made your way out.
,, Wait’’ you heard Shiggy’s voice once you got out. You didn’t want to turn around or stop, but of course he was fast enough to catch you. If he thought that there was even the smallest chance to change your mind, he was so wrong.
,,What ?’’ you snapped, still walking. You didn’t want to listen to anyone at all. Not even Shiggy, or Momo or anyone on this fucking world.
,,What was this all about? Don’t you think you’re overacting ?’’ he asked as he stopped you from walking. Your eyes widened at his words, almost shaking out of anger that he dared to say these word without thinking at all.
,,OVERACTING? WHO EVEN INVITED THAT MOTHERFUCKER’’ you yelled, ready to burn the whole place up.
,, We did, we thought you’ll be happy about it too’’ he said placing his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie. Happy? Happiness was the last thing you felt the moment you saw him.
,,Well, I’m not. Call me when he leaves’’ you said, leaving Shiggy all alone. Shiggy didn’t have his hopes high, but he still wanted to try to stop you from leaving.
Once you finally got home, you were glad that your father had change of plans. You were keeping your shit together, not wanting to wake him up. But once you found a small piece of paper on the kitchen counter saying that he’s out with his friend, watching some soccer game, you started crying. Loudly.
You wished he was dead.
How could he do this to you? Come back and act like you were someone he just met. You cried a lot because of him, but nothing could compare to tears that were rolling down your cheeks at the moment. You forced yourself to wash the make up of your face, before you found yourself buried into your pillow, sobbing into it.
The moment you heard the lock of the door and your father entering the house, you chocked your last cry, not wanting to worry him or to find out that Touya was back.
,, Did you fight with your friends?’’ Your father asked as he ate the eggs you prepared for him. Of course your father noticed the sudden change in your behavior. Of course he noticed that you didn’t leave the house last three days.
,, Yeah’’ you lied.
The three of them contacted you more times, begging you to meet them. Saying how you can simply ignore Touya and just meet them. It was easy for them to say something like that, since they didn’t know what happened. They didn’t know how much you suffered all these years.
When your father left for work, you found yourself alone once again. Since it was pretty early, you thought it would be alright if you go grab a coffee. As much as you remember, Hawks has morning shift on Friday, it wouldn’t harm you to chat with him a bit.
You wore your simple skirt, and choose a random baggy shirt, before you lazily made your way to the café.
Even tho the morning sun was really strong, the dark windows and the dull lights of your favorite café killed every sign of it. You loved the chilly and relaxing atmosphere of the café, and you loved that always the same people visited it.
,, What’s my favorite girl doing here so early’’ Hawks smiled, once he saw you sitting on the table he chills at when there aren’t many costumers. Somehow he always managed to figure out your feelings, trying to cheer you up with a cake or too much whipping cream on your hot chocolate.
,, Missed me a bit?’’ he joked as he prepared your favorite coffee for you. You just rolled your eyes lazily at him, as you took one cigarette and placed it between your lips.
,, You make the best coffee Hawks’’ you said honestly taking a sip of it. The too sweet taste of it made you close your sleepy eyes and enjoy it fully.
,, It’s because it’s made with love’’ he said as you cringed on his comment. You took the cellphone out of your bag and scrolled your Instagram feed, liking some photos of the strangers you follow.
While you were just scrolling thru your phone, and chatted with Hawks, every now and then he would sit down with you, you noticed the tall figure that entered the café. Eyes meeting with his, you broke the eye contact like it never happened.
He sat in the armchair on the other side of the room, facing you as Hawks made his way toward him happily.
Not paying any attention to him, you just tried to stay focused on your phone and the tasty coffee Hawks made for you. But you could feel him stare. You felt his eyes burn into you and once you looked up, you were right. Touya was simply sitting there, his head leaned back into the armchair as he looked at you shamelessly, not trying to hide it.
The whole time he sat there, he didn’t even touch his phone or coffee, totally focused on you. Not caring if he’s making you uncomfortable or anything like that. At one point you were done with his shit, you rolled your eyes and told Hawks that you will go out on the terrace. You didn’t really want to go out, but you wanted to avoid his stare in any way possible and going home wasn’t really a solution for you, since you would show him that he’s winning again.
You didn’t want to watch his face.
There were more people on the terrace, since everyone normal would like to enjoy the sun and beautiful weather. Greeting the people you knew, you sat under opened window where Hawks table was.
,,Want another iced coffee?’’ Hawks asked, his upper body peeking from the tall window. You nodded your head, as you placed your legs on the other empty chair, getting yourself comfortable and trying to ignore Touya’s presence.
,, How are you and I missed you is more appropriate way to greet someone you didn’t see for such a long time’’ you heard a deep voice you didn’t want to acknowledge. Looking on your phone and acting as you were actually busy with it.
,, Fuck off’’ you hissed, looking up at him when you realized that he isn’t leaving.
,, That’s not a nice way to talk to your Niichan’’ he said as he comfortably sat beside you. You were about to stand up and leave him, but a firm hand was on your tight putting you back into the chair.
,, You’re not going anywhere’’ he said, his hand still on your tight.
,, Would be much better if you just ignored my existence like you did all this years’’ you said, trying to push his hand away, only to end up failing. He got so much stronger over these years. Touya swallowed at your words, taking a deep breath not knowing what to say, as you tried to wiggle out of his grip once again.
,, Didn’t think you would hate me this much’’ He said as he took one cigarette and lit it up, doing it all with one hand, while his other hand was still making sure you won’t leave.
The message you’ve received from your father made you forget about the person sitting next to you for a second.
,, I don’t know what happened between you and your friends, but don’t let some silly reason break your friendship. You will regret it later. Say if you need some snacks, ly’’
He was right. Why would you ignore your friends just because this piece of shit came back after all those years.
He. Was. Not. Worth. It.
,, Move that dirty hand away from me before I break it ‘’ you hissed at him.
,,Ouch’’ he said sarcastically acting all hurt suddenly, placing the same hand over his heart. He was about to say something, but was stopped with Shiggy’s voice all of sudden.
,, Finally’’ he said hopping beside you two. You were about to leave, but your fathers words were in your mind.
You sat there quietly, answering to Shiggy’s question every now and then and ignoring Touya’s existence. Shiggy didn’t want to push you, so he just let you be, he was glad that you were with them at that moment.
,, We are going to Momo’s holiday cabin this evening. Come with us!’’ he said. Momo planned to visit you today and ask you, but since Shiggy already met you, he hoped luck will be on his side.
,, Sure. What time ?’’ you simply asked. Touya raised his eyebrows in surprise, while Shiggy gave you a high five happily.
,, We’ll pick you up at 17PM. OK?’’ he said and you just nodded in agreement. There’s no way you’ll let him ruin your summer holiday you were so looking forward to. You deserved to have some fun with your friends. Fuck that tattooed grinch.
Since a sleepover was planned, you packed your pajama, phone charger, hoodie and few things you needed into you bag. You sent a message to your father thanking him for his message, and saying that you will spend your night with them.
When they arrived, you saw that Momo was sitting next to the Kai who was driving. You were about to hop behind Kai, but Shiggy told you to move in the middle since you were the smallest one and don’t need much place as he and Dabi need.
Discrimination, you thought to yourself, as you sat in the middle. Trying to cuddle yourself to Shiggy and get away from Touya as much as possible. Acting like the smallest touch of him would actually kill you.
,, Can you move your fucking legs away, you are acting like you own this fucking car’’ you hissed pushing his long legs to the side with your knee.
,, Then sit in his fucking lap if I’m bothering you so much’’ Touya snapped back while taking even more place from you on purpose.
,, Who let this sidekick tag along anyway?’’ you said pushing his legs once more, making Momo laugh. Dabi found it cute how you weren’t even try to hide all the anger that was boiling in you and he only wanted to trigger you more if it was possible.
It was 8PM when you finally arrived. Maybe you could have arrived sooner, but every time Kai would speed up a bit, Momo would start to scream around how he drives like a maniac, and how he will get you all killed.
You were glad when you finally got out of the damned car. Stretching your body out, you took a deep breath. Making your way to the cabin, you placed your bag on the old couch once you got inside.
Not wasting any time, all of you started making plans. Momo and Kai prepared the dinner, while you were changing the sheets for everyone.
Shiggy and Dabi were preparing the table and everything that was on the terrace, like cleaning the chairs and everything else.
You sat on the swing seat, slowly moving with your legs while you waited for food to be ready. The smell of the food made you much hungrier then you expected, making you wish it will finally be done so you can dig in.
The evening was really beautiful. All of you were enjoying it to the fullest, talking about random things and choking on the food. The cold wine was also helping you all with the good atmosphere.
,, Yeah, Toga was always so sick’’ Shiggy clamed as he talked about the girl you all knew from your high school days. He talked about his experience, saying how she turned from such a cute girl into a crazy psycho, stalking him all the time.
,, She seems so cute tho’’ you said taking a sip. You never talked with her, but she looked too cute to be such a psycho.
,,Yeah right, if she had a chance, she would skin you alive’’ Kai said laughing a bit.
,,True, she couldn’t stand you at all. It was all Touya’s fault’’ Shiggy laughed, explaining to you how she had such a huge crush on Touya back then and how she couldn’t stand the fact that you were spending so much time with him.
,, We have a little problem’’ Momo said, coming back to the terrace. ,, We forgot the bag with the rest of the alcohol’’ she added, smiling awkwardly.
,,That’s fine, I’ll go buy us some wine or something’’ you said standing up. You wanted to take a walk anyway.
,,Shiggy get your ass up, you’re coming with me’’ you added as you pulled the sleeve of his hoodie a bit, making him whine loudly.
,,I’m coming with you’’ Touya said, grabbing your arm, not giving you a chance to protest normally. Your friends laughed loudly once they heard your loud curses coming from the inside.
,,Don’t be such a brat and just go, why are you making every single thing so complicated’’ Touya hissed as you were bragging how you won’t go then at all.
Rolling your eyes, you took your wallet and made your way out, speeding up as much as you could, trying to walk away from him.
Maybe it was the wine that was already in your blood, but as much as you tried, you couldn’t escape him at all.
,, Can’t you see that you ain’t fast at all’’ he said annoyed. You raised your eyebrows, ready to complain. You were pretty sure that you were fast as fuck there. At the end you finally gave up, deciding it would be the best to ignore him and deal with it.
,, How long will you keep this shit up?’’ he asked, walking lazily beside you. The fresh air was brushing your skin, as you hugged your wallet close to your chest, ignoring his words once again. When Touya realized that you won’t speak up, he rolled his eyes as he grabbed your arm and pulled you with him into the small alley, left from the sidewalk. Your eyes widened at the sudden change of his behavior.
,, You think you were the only one hurt ? ‘’ He said looking you in the eyes. ,, You think I didn’t want to contact you every day ?’’ he added while his grip got stronger.
,, Oh please, if you wanted you would have contacted me long time ago’’ you said, as you tried to pull your arm away from him.
,, You stupid little girl. There wasn’t a day I wasn’t thinking about you. Every time Shiggy sent me a picture of you, it was eating me alive’’ he said as his eyes were getting a shade darker.
,, I was going thru a fucking hell and you think I had it easy ?You think that you were the only one that suffered ? Doll, I was so in love with you that my mom found me a fucking therapist ‘’ he said not breaking the eye contact. You froze once he started saying all those words.
In love ?
,, You fucking drove me insane’’ he said, pushing you against the cold wall of the building. You couldn’t progress what was going on at all. You never knew that he had that kind of feelings for you. You never knew anything about it. You wanted to think about it, to try and figure out what happened back then. But you couldn’t. His face being so close to yours didn’t let you focus on anything else besides of him
,, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry that I couldn’t contact you. But I didn’t want to make things any worse for you’’ he said making you even more confused, unsure of what he meant with that.
,, But I’m back. Can’t you see ?’’ he said placing his forehead on yours. You could feel the pain in his voice. You didn’t know what happened back then, but at that very moment you decided to forgive him and purge all the terrible feelings that were choking you for such a long time now.
Once you two got back with more wine, your friends were surprised when they realized that you didn’t bark at him like you did just 20 minutes ago. They were surprised that instead of being all aggressive, you were trying to avoid eye contact with him, but none of them tried to question it.
It’s not that you were shy, but guilt was eating you alive at the moment. The fact that he went thru as much as you did or even worse, made you feel bad. But hearing him laugh at Shiggy’s jokes and thinking about how he’s here now, you decided to get drunk with them now and think about it later.
,, What took you so long that day anyway?’’ Shiggy asked you, as you guys talked about that one time when Shiggy and you visited your old friend and his girlfriend Melissa one year ago. Talking about how he accidentally came in her, and you had to go buy the DAY AFTER pills for her while she was bawling her eyes out thinking about of the risk that she might get pregnant.
,,Bitch, I didn’t know the city at all. How the fuck could I know where the pharmacy is ???’’ you raised your voice in defense. ,,Not even google maps could help me. How the fuck can I know what HEAD WEST IS ??? I’m not a fucking sea captain’’ you hissed making everyone around you laugh, as you mixed your fourth glass of wine with cola.
All of you laughed and talked about everything. Talking about intimate topics as much as about crazy ones. Kai talked about how he fall for Momo, when she liked his picture on Instagram from 2016. ,, You just didn’t look good in a while’’ Momo said, kissing him on the cheek with a huge grin on her face.
They were so cute.
First one to go to bed were Kai and Momo. The things were getting hotter between them with every new drink they had. Next one was Shiggy, saying he wanted to face time Melissa before bed, leaving you and Touya all by yourselves.
At first none of you talked, focused on the drinks you were too scared to say anything somehow. But you wanted to say so much to him, you really did.
,, So, how have you been?’’ he broke the silence, making you laugh at the random question he asked. The fuck with the formalities.
,, Oh shut the fuck up, don’t how have you been me’’ you choked out while drinking your drink, making him smile at how you were trying to break the tension.
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol, or if he was always like that, but he totally opened up, talking about his stupid therapy and about everything his mom was telling him on a daily basis. He was joking around about it, but it broke your heart when you learned about what he went thru.
You talked about all the anger you had for him, about how much you were waiting for him to contact you. You told him about your work, and about billion small and unimportant stories that he gladly listened to.
,,Yeah, I remember that day’’ you laughed as you remembered the day when Touya fed you with the sour candy in front of Shiggy and Kai. ,, But I don’t understand what you did with that candy ‘’ you said as you placed your glass in front of you.
,,I literally sucked it’’ he laughed out, making you roll your eyes at him.
,,Let’s go buy some candies’’ he said as he stood up. Tipsy like that, you clapped your hands and hopped up. Since the night air was getting a little colder, you wore your hoodie and followed Touya outside.
The two of you bought all possible sweets, happy that the shop was the one that was 24h a day opened. Once you got out of the store, you opened the pack of Schoko-Bons, immediately unwrapping one and eating it fast.
,,Oh my fucking God stop it’’ Touya hissed while smile was forming on his lips. ,, Open your mouth’’ he laughed as he grabbed the pack out of your hands. You laughed with him as the memories of you two were going thru your head.
Touya unwrapped the candy, as he explained to you how to eat it. Once he placed the candy between your lips he told you how you shouldn’t chew it at all, how you should just melt it down and enjoy the taste.
,, You are crazy, I don’t see anything special in this method of eating’’ you said trying not to laugh.
,, Sure, nothing is special to you if you can’t vacuum it in a second’’ he said as he ate one of the bon’s. He couldn’t keep his eyes of you, smiling as he watched you trying to melt the candy in your mouth. He missed you so much.
,, Wanna know a secret ?’’ he mumbled to you as you nodded your head in a second, curious what he will tell you. Ready for the tea.
,,Come here’’ he said, leading you to the small alley you were few hours ago in.
,, Wanna know what happened that day ?’’ he asked, smirk forming on his lips as you choked onto the candy not expecting him to start that topic at all. You nodded your head still, wanting to know what made your father and Rei break up in less then one day.
,, Rei caught me masturbating with your panties in my hand’’ he whispered to you, making sure only you heard it, even tho only the two of you were standing there. All alone.
,,Wha-‘’ you caught out in shock. You thought about many reasons of what could happened that day. But nothing dirty as that was on your mind. You immediately started laughing loudly imagining Rei’s reaction.
Thinking about it, you would lie if you said that the image of him masturbating with your panties in his hands didn’t turn you on. Maybe you would be freaked out if you found it out few years ago. But in the image you had in your head wasn’t Touya as your ex brother, it was the attractive tattooed Touya that was standing right in front of you.
He saw the little blush on your face, and immediately commanded you to close your eyes and open your mouth for him. Leaning on the cold wall slowly, you did as he told you.
He placed the small candy in your mouth again. You ate it your way, finding it funny how easily he gets frustrated over it. A quiet laugh escaped his lips, as he got a little closer to you.
You twitched once you felt his gentle hand around your neck, making you open your eyes immediately. ,, Close your eyes’’ he commended again, as his thumb was rubbing your neck gently. Touya told you again to open your mouth.
You smiled and opened your mouth, waiting for the sweet taste of the candy, totally ready to provoke him a little more.
You froze when you felt a warm and watery texture, instead of the sweet candy. Realizing that he literally spat in your mouth, you opened your eyes in shock. Touya tightened his hand around your neck, forcing you to close your eyes again.
,, Now, swallow it for your Niichan’’ he whispered in your ear, spitting loudly in your mouth again. You were surprised when you found yourself obediently swallowing it. The moment you swallowed it, he crashed his lips with yours, pulling you up in his arms with his free hand, only to smash you back against the wall again.
You could feel him smirk into the kiss when he realized that you didn’t hold back at all. Holding onto his arms and kissing him back. Every time his grip around your neck would get tighter, you would open your mouth without him telling you to do it as he would spit all over again.
,, Don’t swallow it yet’’ he said spitting again. ,, Your Niichan has to teach you how to enjoy things properly. ‘’ he added as his hand left your throat alone and made it’s way toward your clothed pussy. Pushing the shorts to the side and rubbing your clit gently.
Once you moaned, Touya spat into your mouth again, while sticking his one finger inside you, slowly pumping it in and out of you. You found yourself swallowing the saliva inside your mouth, a quite but now more clear moan escaping your lips.
Touya added his second finger in, as you started to breath more heavily because of his touch. Wrapping your legs around him, you threw your head back, leaning onto the wall more while his fingers were thrusting in and out faster and faster.
,, Oh my fucking god’’ you moaned out, while his fingers were doing wonders on you, rubbing your walls like no one ever did.
,, Oh, you wanna pray, I see’’ he said, making you laugh unlocking the memory from the past. You tried your best to get the closer you could to him, moving in his arms and trying to get off on his fingers.
,, Does my doll want to cum?’’ he asked, as he sped up turning you into a whiny mess. You wrapped your arms around him and burred your head into his neck, trying to hold your moans since you were in public. Once your orgasm hit you, you had to bite onto his shoulder to keep your moans down.
Touya once again grabbed your throat, and pushed your head against the wall. You whined at the sudden loss of his fingers. Taking his chance he spit into your mouth once more, and placed the two finger between your lips, making you taste yourself.
,,Suck’’ he said, playing with his saliva in your mouth. The fact that you were obeying to every word, was driving him crazy. All he could think of was fucking your brains out.
,, Swallow it doll.’’ He said, and you swallowed it gladly.
The way home felt like forever. The moment you entered the old cabin, you were again in his arms kissing him passionately. Both of you having trouble walking, too focused on each other, you didn’t give a shit if your friends were maybe awake.
Touya couldn’t keep his hands to himself, grabbing your ass while kissing you with desire. Once you finally got into the room prepared for him, he pulled your hoodie together with your shirt over your head and threw it on the floor. Grabbing your hair, he yanked you towards the bed, pushing you onto it and immediately hovering over you. He started kissing your neck and chest, leaving wet and sloppy love bites all over it. Grabbing both of your wrists into his one hand, he pinned them above your head, trying to give you biggest hickey on your neck for everyone to see.
He wanted everyone to know who you belong to.
,, Touya please’’ you beg. You wanted to feel every part of his body. You wanted to touch him, to feel him inside you.
Leaving your arms alone, he pulled your shorts and panties down, not being able to wait any longer. He wanted to tease you, to beg you for him more. But he couldn’t, he had to be inside you. He was waiting for this moment for too long. Without a warning he slammed into you. You were still wet from all the fingering, so he slid in without a problem, still stretching you out with his size making you moan in both pain and pleasure.
,, So tight for your Niichan’’ he breathed out, as he started to move in a steady pace. His hands on your hips now, holding you firmly in place. Every move was getting faster and stronger, making the bed shake and hit against the wall.
You were a moaning mess, hands grabbing onto the sheets as was fucking you hard. Rocking into you roughly as the bed shakes, you didn’t give a single fuck if your friends could hear you, moaning his name out loudly and shamelessly.
,,Touya, I’m so colse’’ you managed to say somehow, as he was kissing your neck roughly, his hips getting more erratic.
,, Cum. Cum all over my cock’’ he said as he started rubbing your clit roughly, while fucking you even harder. Closing your eyes, you moaned his name out loudly as you finally cum again.
,, Fuck’’ he breathed as your walls squeezed his dick. Closing his eyes, he started moving roughly reaching his own climax. His dick twitching and spilling all his seed inside of you.
Just when you thought that he was done, he flipped you over onto your stomach, and started roaming into you again. Grabbing your hair, he pulled your head back harshly as he abused your neck with his lips.
,, Touya, ahh, too much’’ you moaned as he pushed your head into his pillow.
,, You are taking it so good.’’ He moaned as he fucked you recklessly. At this point you were sure that your friends were awake listening to you two.
,, Such a good girl for Niichan’’ he said. Touya wasn’t turned on because he was fucking his ‘’EX sister’’. You two weren’t blood related anyway, but once he felt your walls tighten around his dick again, while you called him ‘’Niichan’’ he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
Fucking you thru your third orgasm, Touya pulled out of you, commanding you to get on your knees.
,, Open your mouth’’ he said, wanting to do something he always wished for. Stoking his dick, one look at you, with your mouth open and tongue out was enough for him to cum in your mouth.
,, Swallow it’’ he said, breathing deeply.
,,I already did’’ you said, as he pulled you up and kissed you passionately.
The next day, you didn’t know how to face your friends. Dabi was acting quite the opposite, looking at you proudly, yet so lovingly once you showed up in his shirt, with bruised neck. No words could describe how much he loved you, how much he was ready to fight for you.
Pulling you into a warm hug, he kissed you in front of everyone. He didn’t know how will he go against your dad and his mother. But in one thing he was sure, he will never let you go again.
You are his, and only his.
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omiscurls · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters as bed sharing AU’s
taken of pinterest!
characters in question: kiyoomi sakusa, miya atsumu, kenma kozume, suna rintaro, tobio kageyama, kuroo tetsuro, akaashi keiji
kiyoomi sakusa - the “you have too much nightmares, let me try this method on you”
When you look at Sakusa, you wouldn’t guess any of his weaknesses... well except for one maybe
He always speaks so confidently, if he doesn’t feel secure, he just doesn’t speak
So even if you’ve been their manager for... several years, you still know as much about this man’s weaker sides as if you met him yesterday, or even less. 
The surprise on your face when you binge watched a series at night, and you suddenly felt the scream definitely coming from outside your headphones was indescribable 
Was the room next to yours... Sakusa’s?
you thought nothing of it, but night after night, you heard a lot more, you heard crying, ventilating, calling out random names, and finally you decided that not only is this interrupting your sleep, it’s not healthy for the wing spiker either
come on, the next day is game day, he has to be on his best abilities 
nobody wants to deal with grumpy kiyoomi, nobody has the guts
so you remember a method your friend has told you about that their s/o uses on them 
it took a lot of courage, but there you are, about to knock on his door... 
Sakusa flinched hearing knocks on his door. That definitely wasn’t just a comeback from a dream. Someone’s knocking on his door. Was he being too loud? Did he wake someone up? He prays that it’s just someone wanting something, even if it’s around 2AM, and who on earth would want someone at 2AM. 
Normally he would’ve been pissed off, but now he wished for this scenario to come true. 
He put on a hoodie before opening the door, since it was cold outside the sheets, besides, who wants to see him in his underwear, right? Especially if it’s marvel themed-
The look on his face when he sees his crush on the other side of the door is priceless. He can practically feel his face going all red. 
“Can I help you?” he clears his throat and says lazily, pretending to be annoyed by the fact you allegedly woke him up, even though the tears still flow down his cheeks. 
“No, but I can help you” you say, just as embarrassed as he is, and it doesn’t help when he raises his eyebrows like that, so you quickly add “That is, if you like, please feel comfortable to tell me to piss off if I’m being too much, but I have a friend with a problem simmilar to yours and I just...”
“Okay, I’m listening” he interrupts, causing you to look up at him. 
When you explain the idea to him, he’s more than pessimistic, he’s laughing in your face, mumbling something about how he thanks you for your concern, but... 
You took the opportunity that you’re both sitting on his bed, and just lay on your back. 
“Come on, just try” 
“No!” he answers almost immediately, but, as he’s also a man of logic... 
He really has to be on his best tomorrow, and you’re his only hope at the moment. He reluctantly lays down next to you, and your hand guides his face near your neck. 
“Fine, but only so you stop with this idea already. It’s not gonna work.”
You’re both extremely out of your comfort zones, but you’re slowly adjusting. You feel him nuzzle closer, and your hair just instinctly lands in his hair, curling one little curl on your finger. 
His showergel smells amazing, by the way. It puts you to sleep instantly, but you know you can’t be the one to pass out first. After a while of silence, you ask him if his trial run has expired already, but there’s no response. His breath evens out, and you’re too afraid to stir away far enough to check if his eyes are closed. 
“Kiyoomi? Are you asleep?” you ask, but again, there’s no response. 
Oh well. 
The next morning he’s so embarrassed that the idiotic idea worked, he can’t even look you in the eyes at breakfast. 
atsumu miya as “you’ve been so dejected lately i feel too bad to leave you alone at night” 
He didn’t ask for this at all, but yet you ended up being his roommate. 
A roommate who was recently going through an extemely tough time. 
Seriously, even he feels bad seeing you all in tears all the time, mindless look and not paying attention to anything
Even though you weren’t each other’s favorite people in the world before, you ended up getting closer over the fact that he was the only one to see you at the worst moments
You hated that, but what can you do, there’s no safer place to cry in than your dorm
And even though he kinda made fun of it at first, the longer it kept going, the more concerned he’d get
It got to a point where he literally wouldn’t leave you alone 
While still pretending not to like you, of course
Have you eaten? Have you drank something? Have you even left your bed today? How long did you sleep last night? Not at all? You idiot, start taking care of yourself. 
You dumbass, you dummy, you moron, you absolute fricking mess
Some of your friends consider him your boyfriend, judging from the messages you get from him
“Dummy, there’s a granola bar in your bag, better eat it” “Hey idiot, I had to run to practice early today. Are you feeling less shitty than yesterday?” 
He noticed that, as it is logical, your mood proggressively gets worse as you get tired 
And that you actually learned how to cry without sobbing so you don’t wake him up, how thoughtful of you
Well your mistake, now you have an 80kg volleyball player over you. 
“Atsu, what’re you doing?” you ask in a tired voice, covering your face with a pillow. 
“You’re crying.” he states bluntly, staring at you like a four-year-old. 
“Observant, are we?”
“Hey. Dumbass. You didn’t cry for so long already, what happened?” he whispers, sitting by your side, and you can’t mumble words, feeling so ashamed you want to disappear. You fall on your back and pretend not to notice the question. 
He sighs audiably. 
“Alright then, just know you brought this on yourself” he states, and before you can ask why, he’s already laying beside you. 
“W-what’re you doing?” you scream-whisper, right into his blonde hair, and he shivers at the feeling. 
“I’m comforting you, isn’t it obvious, you moron?” he hisses. “Although, I can see my mistake now” he states, and you think he’s gonna go back to his own bed, but no, he grabs you by the waist and rolls over, so now you lay on top of him, flustered as ever, thankful for the light being off, at least he doesn’t see your tomato-like face. 
“But- Atsumu, please go to your own bed” you plea, but he shakes his head, eyes already closed. 
“Nu-uh” he answers “Yours is more comfy, anyway” he jokes, making you chuckle through the tears. 
He puts his hand on the back of your head and puts it on his chest. 
“Goodnight, dipshit” he whispers, and you manage to fall alseep listening to the steady beat of his heart. 
No tears, he’d feel them anyway. 
kenma kozume as “the heater broke and i’m cold as hell, can you come here?”
this should not have happened
the guy looks miserable
but, you see, he’s doesn’t have the biggest amount of muscles in his body, his not as ripped as his highschool friends
body fat? also no, he’s a skinny, fairly tall boy who gets cold really easily
for real, he’s wearing a hoodie at all times, and in winter, he looks like a shell of himself
so you’re over at Kuroo’s house on a New Year’s party
the party ended like an hour ago, everyone is asleep
(Lev’s gonna be so dead when Yaku wakes up and finds the tall guy’s head on his stomach) 
you’re almost sound asleep in Kuroo’s guest bedroom, so gracefully given to you by the host
the only other person in the room is Kenma, who originally slept in Kuroo’s room together with his best friend, but got annoyed by the weird questions him and Bokuto kept asking
so he asked you if he can sleep on the couch in the room 
why wouldn’t you say yes? 
earlier that night Kuroo burnt pizza in the oven, so you all opened almost every window in the house to get the smell to leave
and kinda forgot to close the ones in the bedrooms
but no worries, you have a radiator
why is the radiator set on the highest temperature and still stone cold? 
well, doesn’t matter, you can just wrap yourself in the heavy sheets
Kenma, on the other hand, only has a small blanket
And since it’s a party, he’s wearing a shirt, not a hoodie 
The boy’s freezing 
“Hey, are you asleep?” you hear a very quiet whisper coming from the couch. 
“Thought you’re here cause you couldn’t stand the chit-chat, Kenma?” you ask with a grin on your face. 
“Yeah, right. Sorry.” he mumbles and you hear him shift in his spot, visibly annoyed by the circummstances. There’s a moment of silence, in which he can feel his face almost burn down from embarrassment. 
Oh, my god, you sound like you’re annoyed with him here. Areyou? Come on, tell him you aren’t. He should just let you sleep. 
But does he really want to spend the rest of his night feeling his feet hurt from cold? Fuck, Kuroo, you and your stupid pizza. 
He gets up, tightly wrapped in his blanket, and checks the radiator. 
“It’s definitely broke” he sighs, touching the cold surface, and turns back to the couch, falling on it face down, letting out a groan. 
You giggle at his action, and he opens his eyes immediately, hearing the sound of your voice. 
“Kenma... I offered you the bed once already, it’s warmer” you start, but he raises his hand and shakes it in a disagreeing gesture. 
“No no, please, don’t worry” he mumbles against the couch, trying to ignore the, ironically, burning sensation in his legs. Is this a bedroom or is this Antarctica?
“Oh, come on” you say, opening the sheets. “We don’t want you to freeze, do we now?” 
Oh my god, what did you do. There’s so much thoughts racing through his mind right now. Should he do it? It sounds so nice... But should he really?
Fuck it, he thinks, you’re offering, he can’t turn down an offer from you. 
He lazily walks over to the bad and lays down next to you, at a reasonable distance, only to hear you laugh again. He spares you an annoyed glance, and you shake your head slightly, rolling over next to him, covering him with the sheets you have wrapped around yourself so tightly, and using his chest as a pillow. 
Hold on, that’s not what he signed up for. Why are you... How...? 
He hesitantly and gently puts his arm around you, relaxing his body, the scent of your shampoo making him slightly dizzy. 
Please don’t notice how fast his heart is racing. This is fine. It doesn’t mean anything, he can promise. 
rintaro suna as “hey dude, i hear cuddling helps you sleep, wanna try?”
the most chill person out there 
literally you would never have guessed how nervous he was before asking you 
it’s  just another week, another game and another hotel you are all staying in 
and fate is definitely on his side today, since his bedroom is literally next door to yours
he got to your door and left without doing anything about three times before he eventually decided to be a man and knock
has a master plan in his mind
he’s gonna show you a website with an article about how cuddling (allegedly) makes you sleep better 
and he’s just gonna be so causal about it 
he’s just gonna knock, put on an emotionless smirk and ask you, just like he always does
but here’s the think, he’s not so chill on the outside
“how should I call them? their name? a pet name? bro? no, too much” 
but, he does end up knocking 
“Hey, Y/N, what’s up?” you turn your head to the door to see a figure of Suna in only his underwear and an oversize t-shirt with the logo of some metal band. 
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” you ask, voice hoarse as you were already drifting off. 
“I read this super cool thing, wanna see?” he seems not to mind your comment, as he walks over to your bed and practically throws himself beside you, not minding you laying there, shoving his phone in your hands. 
“... help you fall asleep in just three minutes...” you’re mumbling under your breath as you read the headline. “Rin, this sounds so fake” you laugh, falling back on your pillows, as he sighs. 
“I wanna try, and it’s either you or Kita, and he gives me serial killer vibes” he mutters, earning yet another serie of laughter from you. 
But seeing the serious hint in his eyes, you lift your hands in surrendering gesture. 
“Go on with it, Mr Romantic” you state, watching in amusement as he groans at the comment and burries his face in your pillow. 
You’re sure this is him considering this mission a failed one and giving up, but then he looks up 
“Well, are you coming?” he asks completely serious, and you have nothing left to do than hug him and settle your face in the crook of his neck, not minding as his breathing lifts your hair from time to time and tingles your skin. 
Can someone feel your blush through their skin? You surely hope not. 
tobio kageyama as the almighty “the hotel room has only one king size bed and we need to share”
He never would’ve thought his teammates would betray him like this
What the hell do they mean there’s only two people rooms available and they’re all in pairs already
Honestly, primary school all over again
His perfectly happy to be sleeping alone, when he finds out you’re his roommate
this is fine tobio, don’t freak out
well he’s composed about it
a little bit of a “tch” and “well I guess there’s nothing we can do about it”
internally he’s a little girl now, but you never would’ve guessed judging by the annoyed grimace on his face
because how does it matter if you’re sleeping in the same room, it’s not like he was planning to run around naked, right?
it all changes once you press the card to open the room, and when he so gentleman-like lets you enter first, you find out there’s only one, big, king sized bed for couples exclusively
the only thing missing are rose petals and candles prepared for newlyweds
you try so so hard not to burst out laughing
when he enters, he becomes as white as the walls around
he can’t process this, what the fu-
bet he’s spending hours at the reception desk explaining it’s a huge mistake
unfortunately, these were the only rooms left, sorry not sorry, you’re sleeping together
and that brings you to the situation you’re in currently
He’s almost over the edge of making a wall of pillows between you two. You can’t help but feel a tiny bit offended by it, but you know he’s probably just super hyper embarrassed.
“Yama, who don’t you trust, me, or yourself?” you ask with a proud grin painting your lips as you sit on your side, sheets tucked around your waist, back rested on the wall behind you.
He gives you an annoyed glance, before answering:
“It’s not that”
Once he says that, he proceeds to somehow nestle himself in, but he looks like one of those dolls that come with a bedroom furnishing, almost lifeless, resting on his back with hands straight down his body, eyes fixed on the ceiling.
“Relax, will you?” you giggle “You have a game tomorrow, grumpy face”
He rolls his eyes.
You shake your head and turn off the light, mumbling a quiet goodnight, as you turn to your side and place a hand under your head, back facing Kageyama.
Well, this is gonna be a long night, or so you think, up until he falls asleep.
You can physically feel him move around, and you think that’s what’s keeping you awake.
It takes a while for you to realize the star valley ball player is getting unconsciously closer, up until you can feel his breath on your neck.
Ironically enough, it’s you who’s all stiff and nervous now, when suddenly you feel his arm go around your waist.
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me” you mutter, but he shifts dangerously when you speak, so you have to give up side commentary.
You decided to tease him just a bit. He’s the one who’s gonna be flustered when he wakes up, you’re on a winning side by being awake.
You smile to yourself before shifting your body closer to his. He sighs contently, almost making you laugh.
Oh how you want him to wake up and see already.
tetsuro kuroo as “we fell asleep on the couch together and now my hand is in your hair and you’re breathing directly on my neck”
you’re over studying, or just helping him with something
the point is, you were working all day
at some point he suggests getting pizza
hell yeah, pizza
you order a little bit too much of it, but since you both are suckers for pizza, nobody can back up first
and as you know, people tend to get sleepy after they eat too much
he has a wide couch, so you can both lay beside each other without having to lay ON each other
and as you tend to get a little bit sleepy, you both shift to lay down instead of sitting, still focused on the work, though 
you don’t know why, you don’t know how but it just happens that you fall asleep
you obviously don’t see what happens after that, but Kuroo notices you asleep when he asks you multiple questions and you repeatedly don’t answer, he got it like around question number 4
“Lazy much, huh, sleeping beauty?” he mutters to himself, but smiles unconsciously as he glances at your stoic face 
and as if that subconsciously impacted his brain, soon enough he can’t find it in himself to keep his eyes open as well. 
Kuroo wakes up to an annoying pain in his neck, causing him to hiss and automatically  want to place his hand on the place that ached. Whoops, did he fall asleep on the couch again? Oh well, didn’t he have work to do? 
He lifts his hand as he wanted to, but suddenly he feels something shift beneath it, and when he looks down to see you, with your head rested on his chest, breathing slowly, a peaceful smile on your face. 
Your legs are tangled with his in some unexplicable manner, and as the man of logic he so obviously is, he can’t even begin to understand how that happened. 
Especially why his hand feels so in place, holding you by the waist, closer to himself, and the other one lost somewhere in your hair. 
You shift your head slightly up, and sigh contently, now breathing directly on the exposed part of his neck. He somehow manages to not shiver at the tingling sensation, getting more and more flustered by the second. 
His heart rate inscreases drastically, making him realize he’s stressed like he’d never been before, as he tries to make up his mind about whether to wake you up, gently push you off and let you rest, or maybe stay in place. 
He feels attracted to the last one, but knows it’d only be unfair to you. 
But you could wake up if he moved you, and you had a long day, after all... 
Maybe he’s gonna let you stay there. Not for long, only five... more... minutes...
keiji akashi as “you’re staying over at my place, you take the bed, i’ll sleep on the floor. no, really, i’m comfortable on the floor. GEEZ FINE we’ll both take the bed, ya happy now?
You wanna know what got you in this situation huh
well, you were over for dinner, but it started raining really heavily 
like, really really heavily
and akaashi being the sweetheart that he is, can’t let you go home like that
it’s a long way to the train station, you’re gonna get sick, and what if there’s a traffic accident? he can’t have that
(he just wants to spend more time with you but shh about that) 
doesn’t matter how hard you try to convince him you’re gonna be fine. you’re staying and that’s final 
it’s cute, he’s cute when he’s worried 
well that brings you to where you are currently, already after your shower, dressed in one of akaashi’s t-shirts, oh this feels so couple-ish 
you wait for him to finish with his night time routine in his room, admiring all the posters and childhood pictures he has
he has the first ever selfie bokuto took with him framed 
when he comes back, that’s when the problems start
“Alright, well, let’s get some sleep, you can take my bed, and I’ll take the floor
And that’s what brings us to the guilt rising in your stomach as you settle in the guy’s sheets, inhaling the heavy scent of his shampoo from the pillow under your head. It’s his house, his bed, and yet he’s sleeping on the floor like some random guest. You’re the random guest here, you can’t help but feel like you’re crashing at his place against his will, and you’re making him uncomfortable.
“ ‘Kaashi?” you whisper, making his eyes open wide to see the dark ceiling of his room. There’s silence for a moment, and then he shifts to turn on the light once more.
“Yeah?” he sighs, bringing one hand up to his face to rub his eyes, unable to open them properly because of the sudden flush of light.
“Are you sure you don’t want to sleep on the bed?” you ask shyly, making him chuckle as he shakes his head.
“Yes, yes I’m sure. Goodnight” he states gently, turning on the light once again. This is gonna be a long night, he thinks.
You cannot catch your sleep. Damn it, damn your altruism and all that shit.
“Akaashi no, I can’t-“ you’re cut of by the sound of him laughing.
“Oh my god. Fine. If I move to the bed, will you sleep already?” he whines quietly, and seeing you nod in the dark, he gets up and picks up his pillow.
You get off the bed, wanting to swap places with him, but are held back by his hand.
“No, if you sleep on the floor, i won’t be able to close my eyes even for a second” he forbids gently, moving you back to where you were previously laying.
Oh boy, you both think, this is awkward, but the warmth of his body pressed next to yours makes it hard to be mad at him for stopping you from leaving.
This is gonna be a long night indeed.
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aiiwa · 4 years
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— iwaizumi hajime.
⤷ genre: college au - fluff / smut
⤷ warnings: cursing, mature content and themes, smut, oral (receiving and giving), unprotected sex
⤷ word count: 6.2k
— a/n: this was an anon request for a reader trying to sneak off away from iwa the morning after and he ain’t having none of that 😈
i had no intention of this being so long, but iwa just gets me going aight!!
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freshman year of college had given you many things.
an unrivalled expertise in procrastination - avoiding the overwhelming influx of assignments from your professors was second-nature at this point; party now, cry later, right? carpe fucking diem, no? either way, it had also given you a liver which begged for a glass of water, a drop even, anything but the wretched burn of vodka and the copious amounts of iced lattes at three in the morning. and deities forbid your mother ever finding out her daughter lived off of spicy instant ramen that somehow was always on sale at the campus convenience store. you even considered the discounted prices stemmed from the store owners taking pity on you each time you stood before them counting loose change.
yet freshman year of college had also given you a best friend in the form of matsukawa issei. and hanamaki takahiro, since they were a package deal of course. but mattsun had been presented to you on a silver platter.
butt ass naked, just like the day he was brought into this world.
arriving on campus a week before the start of the first semester, the last thing you expected to see was a hunched over figure, bare ass mooning right in front of you, banging on the fragile door of your dorm. shaking out of your stupor, you had all but cussed him out in the corridor, earning more unnecessary attention from other nosy students, before you dragged him by his arm into your room. in the flurry of your attempted rescue, he’d dropped the hand that was holding whatever sliver of dignity he had left. you had even failed to realise how this strange boy was almost a foot taller than you, and rather being eye-to-eye, it was rather eye-to-waist - and you had made the mistake of glancing lower.
“yeah lil’ big mattsun is a looker, right?” you prayed everyday to forget his first words to you. the prayers had yet to be answered, though your initial reaction had made it somewhat alright to think back on.
you had screamed bloody murder, sending mattsun into a frenzied panic, his own screams harmonising yours. then you had cried, furiously rubbing at your eyes, and sobbing about how your eyes would never be the same again. when he had reached out to comfort you, that’s when you turned on him, jumping upwards to swat at his bony shoulders. after he tumbled over your rug, the two of you halted, eyeing each other before laughing like maniacs.
he left your dorm that day, running off in your pink fluffy robe with plans to meet up later for dinner. when he introduced you to the pink-haired makki - the reason behind mattsun’s nudity at your door, though the specifics were lost - the three of you hit it off like a bunch of crazies.
most days were spent between your dorm and their shared apartment; stress eating over forgotten assignments, binging shitty reality tv shows - the bachelor was just hitting different this season - and pre-gaming a bit too hard before nights out.
it had confused you at first on how, as much as you were over at their apartment, you had yet to meet their other roommate. makki had told you he was a close friend from back home in miyagi, the serious type who spent most of his time training, studying or working; and it was mattsun who had said he was a total mom, “he’s our mommy,” were his exact words, adding to the list of things you wish you could forget.
it was probably around two months into the semester, when you’d finally met their elusive third roommate.
that night mattsun, makki and you were in a rare state of focus, working diligently on your own respective papers, when they’d nominated you to heat up some frozen pizza to snack on. which is how you found yourself, grumbling, bent at the waist to place the pizza in the oven; ignorant to the jingling of keys, and heavyset footsteps entering the kitchen.
“well this is something new to come home to.”
you jolted at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, whacking the side of your skull on the edge of the counter in a haste to stand up to your full height. you cursed loudly, hand pressed against the throbbing pain in your head as you turned to glare at the culprit. though that was cut short, alongside your breathing, by the sexiest man alive you had ever laid your eyes on, entering your personal space.
he towered over you, not in the same way as mattsun or makki, but what he lacked in height, he made up for in brawn. your eyes greedily traced his body; the steel gray gym shirt clung to him like a second skin, eight slight dips outlining his abs and his wide chest. broad shoulders blocked your view from everything irrelevant behind him, and you watched, almost in slow motion, as his biceps flexed under the tight confines of his shirt sleeves, to reach out and place his much larger hand over yours. you felt every fibre in your being going into overdrive under his unexpected touch, and all he was doing was checking over the swelled up island on your forehead.
“are you alright, y/n?” your ovaries were quaking at the deep rasp of his voice- and wait, he knows your name? “you are y/n, right?” he asked, reading the confusion on your face. you nodded absentmindedly, raising your gaze to meet his own.
you groaned inwardly - who gave this man the right to a sexy body and to look this fucking good? taking in the handsome features of his face; wild crop of dark chocolate hair, smooth tanned skin, highlighting the sharp cut of his jaw, and the attractive straight of his nose. his lips were pouty, eyes slanted under shaped brows, olive hues peeking past his long dark lashes to stare at you.
he moved his hand away from the top of yours, the added warmth missed already; and took your lack of reply as a sign to introduce himself and apologise.
“i’m mattsun and makki’s roommate, iwaizumi hajime. sorry for scaring you.”
you were ready to drag mattsun and makki to hell and back for hiding this fine man- no, greek fucking god, from you all this time. in an attempt to compose yourself and avoid anymore embarrassment, you smiled, dopily, releasing an airy laugh while waving off the apology.
“i’m l/n y/n.”
amusement shifted over his features, a smirk painting over his lips as his eyes creased on the sides. you had to hold on tightly to the reigns forbidding you from openly swooning.
“i know.” he chucked lowly.
you had never wanted the ground to swallow you whole as much as then. the heat you could feel radiating off your cheeks was a clear sign of how embarrassed you were, making a complete fool of yourself in front of the man you were borderline prepared to request to be your future baby daddy. so when mattsun strolled in, casually greeting iwa and poking at the bump on your forehead, you hadn’t been more grateful for your best friend.
too bad it wasn’t enough to avoid the wrath you unleashed on him and makki later on; a series of kicks to their sides, and their own personal hell of listening to how badly you wanted to be split open on his dick.
thinking you had scared away the gorgeous iwaizumi, you were ready to be avoided at all costs. yet surprisingly, after that night, he was suddenly everywhere.
he joined in on your hangouts with the boys. group study sessions where you usually did more foolery than studying? iwa was there to knock all of you into gear. late night fast food runs to satisfy your cravings? iwa was driving, kicking mattsun and makki to the back of his jeep when they’d try to steal your designated seat next to him. and the parties he used to avoid? there he was stuck in the chaos of it all, holding your drink and glaring at anyone who dared to approach the two of you.
of course, iwa’s sudden involvement in your life hadn’t gone unnoticed by mattsun and makki - the two of you becoming their favourite victims to tease. and when his threats and your fists were no longer able to get them off your backs, iwa had taken to spending time with you, without them.
you liked to call them not-dates, even though it was just to parry the feelings rapidly developing for him.
going to the coffee shop you two often frequented so he could buy your favourite drink while you ranted about your shitty group presentation, was a not-date. taking him to the drive-in godzilla screenings every friday for five weeks, because you knew they were his favourite movies, was a not-date. him making you dinner every other night because your mom found out about your insane intake of instant ramen and blasted you during a video call while he was over, was a not-date.
as expected after months of this going on, your two best friends constantly called you out for your not-dates being actual dates. even one of your classmates took to informing you each time your ‘body builder boyfriend’ was waiting outside for you. but ignorance was bliss, and you were sure iwa didn’t feel that way towards you. at least that was until the day you had met oikawa tooru.
you noticed that iwa had been more than a bit apprehensive, as each day passed bringing his best friend’s return to japan closer and closer, though he wouldn’t explain why. yet it seemed it was over nothing, since you and oikawa got along great, even if he did comment every other second on you and iwa’s closeness. meeting the pretty setter had been like placing the missing puzzle piece in the dynamic with your favourite boys.
after a loud lunch with the four boys, oikawa had pulled you in for a tight hug as iwa was about to drop you off to your afternoon class for that day.
“iwa-chan talks about you all the time, y/n-chan, but he’s a dum-dum so forgive him for being slow, alright!” he had whispered in your ear, before pulling away with a mischievous glint in his mocha coloured eyes. “iwa-chan you sly dog! keeping y/n all to yourself, hmm? maybe i should just take her back with me to argentina- wait, iwa-chan, i’m sorry! don’t chase me! gah!”
after that, you started to accept the fact that maybe what was once simply physical attraction, had turned into a deep affection for iwaizumi. the only issue was that, like oikawa said, iwa was a dum-dum, and he didn’t mention anything from what oikawa said that day or his extreme reaction to oikawa’s teasing. hell, you didn’t even know if he even realised that the way he treated you, which was very much a stark contrast to how he treated others, was him subconsciously wooing you.
so the not-dates continued, and you inevitably fell deeper and deeper for sweet, oblivious iwa.
the semesters flew by, it was finally the end of freshman year; exams completed, life instantly renewed, and you were ready to attend the shit show of an end-of-year finisher tonight. the plans were for you to drive over to the boys’ apartment, pre-game like never before, and then head off to the party. so you were surprised when your phone pinged with a string of messages from the group chat.
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stepping out of the elevator, the click clack of your laced-up stilettos echoed in the tiled corridor, as you made your way towards the boys’ apartment. the better part of you was suspicious of mattsun and makki’s sudden change of plans; though it was shot to the back of your mind as you raised a manicured hand to tap against their door.
shifting around a bit, you didn’t have to wait long before the door was yanked open.
“y/n.” iwa greeted you with a lopsided grin.
you couldn’t prevent the gasp that escaped your glossy lips at the sight of him.
an arm was held above his head, bicep flexing as his hand rested on top of the door frame, the other scratching the back of his thick neck. the rich scent of his cinnamon cologne, mixed with the musk of his aftershave wafted around you; as your eyes followed the droplet from his damp hair, sliding down the side of his jaw on to his bare shoulders. now, shirt-wearing iwa was incredible, with his collection of monotone coloured shirts that always seemed a size too small; but shirtless iwa? had you frothing at the mouth.
you dared your eyes to move lower, skirting over the delicious sight of his bare chest, and willing yourself to commit every stretch of him to memory. the taut muscles of his stomach tightened as you drank them in, the deep v indents cut around his hips, and your eyes followed over the fuzzy trail of dark hair that disappeared underneath the waistband of his jeans that sat dangerously low.
and while your mouth ran dry, you couldn’t say the same thing about the situation between your legs; pressing your thighs together to alleviate some of the pressure.
“iwa, uh...the boys...said to come over, change of plans.” was all you were able to choke out. physically you were standing before him, but mentally you were writhing under him.
“i know, they left a while ago.” he replied, the corner of his pretty mouth tugged upwards. “i’m almost ready to go, come inside.”
he already took up the entire space of the door frame, and when he only moved a bit to the side, you were forced to slip through the tiniest of gaps; shivering as your shoulder grazed against his own. standing in the middle of the hallway, you heard the soft click of the door closing, before iwa turned to face you.
you could feel the intoxicating heat radiating off his body spread across your own. the two of your were so close in each other’s space, chest to chest, and even in heels, you still only reached just under his jaw. when you glanced up to look at him, you swore you had caught his olive eyes lingering on the exposed skin of your breasts, before they moved to meet yours.
something different swirled in the depths of iwa’s eyes, something you had never witnessed before. something kin to a wolf staring at its lamb; a hunger so strong, so...fuck...
“you look beautiful, y/n.”
the compliment strikes you in surprise, feeling the flush rise up in your face, and the fluttering in your stomach. you could feel the pounding of your heart beat, drumming in your ears; watching his adam’s apple bob slowly, as he moved his hand to brush away the hair covering your neck. naturally you leaned into his touch.
“iwa…?” you whispered out to him in slight confusion.
“this dress on you...driving me crazy,” he starts, before cutting himself off with a groan. “sorry, y/n, i-i think i overstepped.” he tries to move his hand away from your neck, but you wrap your fingers around his wrist.
oikawa’s voice ran through your mind in a fleeting memory- ‘...forgive him for being slow, alright!’
“are you drunk, iwa?”
“what? no...i haven’t...i’m sober.”
“that’s good then.”
“y/n? good for what?”
“it’s good because then you can show me.” your fingers reach out to flitter over the ridges of his stomach. “won’t you show me how my dress drives you crazy, iwa?”
the surge of courage coursing through your veins, to be able to call him out like you had wanted to for months and seasons, was all it took for iwa to lose the composure he always kept up around you.
without hesitation, the big hand on your neck tugs you right into him; tits pushed together against his chest, as he dips his head to press his lips against yours.
the kiss is far from simple; there’s no room for it, months of pining won’t allow sweet and slow. your hand slides over his broad shoulder, to pull at the dark tufts at the nape of his neck; mouth slanting over his, tongues brushing against each other sensually. you explore his mouth, tasting him, while his hands squeeze over the curves of your body, eliciting a moan once he grabs at the fullness of your ass. you push up against him further, the hard tent in his pants straining against your belly.
“more, iwa, please...need more.” you pant against his lips.
“i got you baby, don’t worry.” he kisses you again, slower, with just as much passion. bending at the knees, and hiking the end of your dress up under your ass, he grabs at the silky underside of your thighs to lift you up into him - ankles locked at the bottom of his spine. he’s carrying you like nothing, and the amusing thought of his arms not only being for show flies through your head before you’re gasping.
the feeling of being pulled flush against him, the damp heat of your clothed pussy grinding against his bare stomach, has you keening for more. he groans loudly at the feeling of your slick coating his skin, and you jostle about as he begins walking through the hallway and towards his bedroom. as your sucking gently on his tongue, he carries you into his room, kicking the door closed behind him.
once his knees hit the edge of his mattress, he gently lowers you to lay down before him on your back. he hovers over you, the lewd swirling of your tongues has your head spinning before he moves from your mouth to latch onto your neck.
“ah, iwa- fuck,” you moan as his teeth grazed your sweet spot. he rolls his hips into you, spreading your legs to accommodate him more, while tugging at the ribbons of your heels. “what about...the party?”
sitting up from you, he grips your legs, sliding you right into him. through heavy lidded eyes, you watch as he takes in your disheveled appearance, a smirk taking over his features.
“fuck the party.” his large palms work the straps of your dress down, exposing your perfect tits; he groans at the sight, leaning down to take a pebbled nipple into his hot mouth. “this night is for me and you, baby.”
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you weren’t necessarily a morning person, so living in the dorms, had been a relatively easy decision to make. you had a room to yourself, away from trees allowing a nice view of the campus grounds, and subsequently circumventing the annoying chirping of nested birds. you even added blackout curtains to block out the morning sun.
so when you were woken up by the itching burn of the sunrise on your stomach and your ears ringing with incessant twittering, you groaned loudly.
burying your face deeper into the fluffy pillow under your head, you were squirming under the heavy weight resting over half your body; irritation growing with your inability to get comfortable. peeking an eye open, blinking away the sleep clouding your vision, you took in the sight of a sleeping iwaizumi snuggled between the valley of your breasts. as you became more aware of your body and its surroundings, you felt the panic settling in.
as if he could sense your consciousness, the arm wrapped around your waist gave you a squeeze as he mumbled incoherently. “mmm, baby...y/n...feels good…” his hand slid down the side of your thigh, goosebumps following his fingertips, before it rested on your inner thigh; and he was drifting back to sleep.
you had to shove your fist against your mouth to stop yourself from screaming.
part of you was in denial that last night had actually happened. you, l/n y/n, had spent the night with the iwaizumi hajime - man of your literal dreams, who you had fallen so deeply for. and you had spent it having sex.
raw. nasty. passionate. earth-shattering. sex.
“fuck.” you whispered to yourself. “how could i be so stupid?” you were cursing yourself internally, certain you had fucked up everything you had built in your friendship with iwa - there was honestly no coming back from what transpired between you two.
and with your fight-or-flight response triggered, there was only one thing for you to do right now - get the fuck out of there.
maneuvering your body from underneath iwa’s big arm, without waking him up was a feat in itself. doing so with the way your muscles ached with each motion was on another level. sliding one foot after the other out from under his charcoal bed sheets, you pushed yourself up to sit.
looking behind you at iwa’s sleeping figure, you felt yourself swooning. half lying on his side, with his cotton sheets draped over his waist, you couldn’t help but admire him. his mouth was slightly open, his big arms cuddling the pillow you were laying on, and the smooth skin of his tanned back were tainted with red, angry marks. gulping audibly, your eyes dragged down to the prominent outline of his half-hard cock.
pushing himself up by his forearms, the desperation swimming in his eyes was begging for your touch. you grazed your teeth across his chest, biting at his hardened nipples teasingly, before moving further down from his lap while your tongue drew circles around the dips of his taut abdomen.
“y/n, don’t tease me.”
you smirked at his order, sucking on his skin and pressing wet kisses on his hip bones, before leaning back. he watched you eagerly as your dainty fingers tugged at his belt buckle clumsily, lifting himself up he could slip out of his jeans.
“can’t wait to have your cock in my mouth.” you cooed, eyes starstruck at the tent in his boxer briefs, wet patch dampening at its peak. hooking your finger under the waistband, you hastily yanked the briefs down to free him, his hard cock slapping against his stomach. “fuck you’re so big, haji.”
he was easily the biggest you’ve seen, ever had the chance of pleasuring - so thick, so long, and so fucking beautiful.
you didn’t bother to dwell on the taste of his name on your lips, when you were too busy tasting the essence leaking from his angry, swollen tip. you could barely wrap your hands around the base of his cock, as you pressed a sweet kiss on the head, pre cum coating your lips, before taking it in your hot mouth, suckling gently.
the groan he releases is animalistic, and his hips buck upwards to shove his cock deeper in your mouth. pressing your hand at his navel to keep him steady, you continue sucking harshly, almost painfully, before lowering your head down. his cock slides down your throat, inch by inch, as tears prick at your eyes and you can feel your drool drop on the thumb massaging his balls. he blocked your airways, but fuck breathing when the look on his face when you take all of him in your mouth like a good girl is so, so perfect.
steadily bobbing your head, you feel every inch of him down your throat; tongue swirling around his length, and he twitches every time you trace the thick vein on the underside of his cock. you suck faster and harder as iwa reaches a hand out to feel around your throat.
“fuck, baby, i can feel me in your throat. so fucking good, just like that.” he hisses out, choking up when you begin to hum. “mmm fuck- ah, shit! gonna cum baby! fuck!”
yanking away your hand you hadn’t realised was brushing around your neck as the vision of him disappeared from your thoughts, you stood up, a bit unsteady on your feet at first. you could still taste him, as you ran your tongue over the hood of your mouth.
knowing you were getting distracted, you shook your head gently, pushing your hair away from your face. you needed your clothes, so glancing around, taking note of the strips of clothing scrambled in his room - your eyes caught the baby pink of your lace panties hanging from his bedside lamp.
one second you were swallowing his cock down your throat, and the next he had torn the rest of your dress off and had you laid out in front of him.
iwa made fast work in manhandling you the way he wanted. stretching his legs straight beside you, he pulled you right into him; you gasped as he lifted you up by your waist, practically folding you with the underside of your thighs tucked under the bulk of his arms, knees by your shoulders, and your lower back pressed right against his heaving chest. he was hunched over you, wrapping you fully in his embrace, while you were spread out right in his face.
“you soaked right through your pretty panties, baby.” leaning down, he presses his nose right into your clothed heat, making you squirm, as he breathes you in. “fuck, you smell so sweet, i wanna eat you up real good.”
“i-iwa.” you whined, staring at him through heavy-lidded eyes as you pressed the side of your face into the mattress.
“no, no baby. when we’re like this…” he starts, reaching a hand to tear the thin, and expensive, material right off of you. before you have a chance to complain, his hot breath blows on your drooling pussy, tight hole clenching around nothing in anticipation. “...you’ll say my name.”
“h-hajime, please, haji.” you beg, feeling embarrassed at how exposed you were. he could see everything, do anything to you as he pleased, and you would just let him. so when he presses his heavy tongue flat against your slit, licking all the way up to your throbbing clit; you can’t help but dig your finger nails into his toned calves beside you. “ah- yes! mmm...haji, oh-!”
sucking on your clit, he digs his fingers into your thighs, deeper and deeper in response to your whiny moans for more. he hums against you, mumbling about how sweet you taste, how much he can’t get enough of your flavour, and you can feel him getting hard again - grinding against your back. he slides his tongue between your folds, slurping you up so good, that it’s no surprise you’re teetered over the edge.
“haji! oh, oh fuck! ah yes!” the waves of you cumming hits hard as your pussy gushes all over the lower half of his face. “daddy! s-so good, f-fuck!”
still up in the clouds from your high, calling him daddy flies over your head, but isn’t missed by iwa. you watch, dazed, as he moves away from your pussy, a lewd string of silver connects his mouth to you, his chin glistening with your juices. reaching around your trembling thighs, his thumbs spread your lips so he can get an ever better view of your sopping cunt.
“i knew you’d be my good baby and say my name.” he grins, before leaning back down to you and delving his tongue right in your pussy, tongue-fucking you slowly and massaging your slick walls, his nose nudging your sensitive clit. “now come again in daddy’s mouth.”
heat pooled between your legs as you stretched, ignoring the iwa-sized hand prints painted purple across your thighs, while you thought about him and the magic his mouth performed. waddling to his side table - you examined the remnants of your panties; the pretty pink lace was all but shredded, and you hopelessly threw the material in the trash.
“fucking hell, iwa.” the glare you aimed his way, softened drastically as you took in his sleeping figure. sighing, you turn and spot what may be your dress halfway under his bed.
shuffling over, you crouch, the burn in your thighs making itself even more known and forcing your eyes to shut in a grimace.
the way iwa’s cock filled your little cunt felt while you rode him was incredible. nothing could ever compare to the way he was ruining you from the inside out, and you were sure nothing would ever come close. his big hands palmed your ass while you were bouncing up and down on his length, your belly jutting out every time he was sheathed inside you, your thighs tremored each time they slapped against his.
“fuck, daddy! feels...mmm…wanna cum, please!” your tongue was lolling out of your mouth, as fucked yourself on his cock, digging crescent moon shapes into his shoulder blades. one of his hands remained firmly on your ass, while fingers of the other reached around to pinch your clit.
with a scream you came undone, creaming all over his still-hard cock, and collapsing forward onto his sweaty chest. you whimpered, while he continued to fuck up into your used pussy. despite the tears threatening to fall down your flushed cheeks; you mewled for more.
“shh, baby,” iwa hummed into your neck, you could feel his grin against your skin, peppering kisses as you leaned into him. “daddy’s gonna make you feel even better.”
his thick arms wrapped almost painfully in a death grip around your exhausted body, as he locked his legs and angled himself into your pussy; fucking deep inside you, and hitting your cervix with each stroke. you came again, harder, legs quivering as your insides spasmed; this time joined by his orgasm, as the mixture of his cum was stuffed inside you.
your eyes shot open, breathing slightly laboured. it hadn’t even been a day, only mere hours, and the way iwa had taken over your mind was slowly driving you insane. dropping to your knees, you reached out to grab at your dress, having to slide the top half of your body under the bed.
that sound of iwa’s big hand slapping your ass while he pounded into you from behind, rung in your ears, but the sting and the pleasure was all your fucked out brain could comprehend. he was absolutely relentless with his too-big cock, tearing into you.
on all fours, you arched your back more to accommodate him. each thrust had him bottoming out in your already leaking pussy.
“fuck baby, just like that, mmm- push back into me.”
everything just felt too fucking good. the harsh pace of his strokes had you blabbering, moaning about how good he felt into the mattress.
“don’t stop! oh fuck, please don’t stop haji!”
but you felt his pace begin to slow just as you were about to climax, and when you tried to move back on him his grip on your waist tightened. with ease, he flipped you on your back, almost skewering you on his cock still inside you. hooking the backs of your knees over his elbows as he leaned over you, his full weight folding your body underneath him, as he wove his fingers with yours into the mattress above your head.
“look at my fat cock sliding into that sweet cunt, baby.” iwa grunts. his arms strained, holding his weight up from crushing you, as he teased your sloppy hole. “fuck, you take me so good, baby.”
you whimpered, looking at the connection between the two of you. with a roll of his hips, you watched as his cock slid into your silky walls, the lewd sound of you squelching with every stroke had you arching up, wanting him deeper in your tummy as you gushed around him.
unlike before when his thrusts were rough, filled with raw feral passion; it was now slow, sensual and so fucking sexy. and when you met his gaze, as he continued to grind into you, gripping your fingers tightly between his; it felt as though he was trying to tell you something.
that intense emotion swirling deep in his olive gaze was searing, burning through you from the inside out. everything unsaid between the two of you. but soon enough your orgasm hit you harder than ever, pleasure electric under your heated skin.
“haji, haji, haji- oh, fuck yes!” you chanted his name like a prayer.
“y/n, baby, fuck i love you-“ he moans out, strokes becoming sloppy. “wanted this...for so long- shit, i’m cumming baby!”
snatching your dress from under the bed, you sat on your knees at the foot of his bed, thinking over everything you just wanted to ignore for the time being. you almost wish you could forget he had told you he loved you. how could you possible believe those three words while he was at the pinnacle of his pleasure?
suddenly the shrill ringtone of iwa’s phone blasted next to him. scrambling to your feet, you snatched the phone; fingers mashing the screen to cut off the sound before he woke up.
“what?” you hissed, holding the phone to your ear as you glanced at iwa. you thanked whichever gods were watching over you that he was still fast asleep.
“oho? y/n-chan? is that you~?” nevermind, the gods were out for you.
“the one and only!” you winced at the smug teasing in his tone. “i was hoping to speak to iwa-chan, but i heard he was a naughty boy last night!”
“as in i literally heard him, and you, last night when i came back to the apartment!” oikawa recalls in a sing-song voice, rambling on about how he was here to surprise the two of you. “i always knew our dear iwa-chan had a daddy kink!”
placing the phone between your ear and your shoulder, you attempted to fit your dress over you, while oikawa continued on his spiel of how it took way too fucking long for the two of you to do something about the sexual tension. you had no chance to even peep a word in.
“damn baby, now this view i could definitely get used to.”
you almost shrieked, bumping into iwa’s naked body, and tripping over the dress  dropped around your ankles. you had no idea he’d woken up, sneaking right up behind you in all his naked fucking glory; forcing you to try your hardest not to eye his cock standing at full attention.
“is that iwa-chan?!” oikawa all but screams into the phone. iwa raises a questioning brow, hearing his best friend on the other line. “tell him to be good and wrap it up! no glove, no love!”
you had no business feeling embarrassed at the brat king’s words, while iwa snatched his phone away from you.
“too late for that, shittykawa.” oikawa’s screeches are the last thing you hear before iwa ends the call.
you almost dare to chuckle at the thought of oikawa’s reaction; but falter under iwa’s stare. it’s the same look he gives mattsun or makki when they’re in trouble, but it’s mixed in with the same scorching look from last night, and you shift on your feet nervously, wrapping your arms across your chest.
“going somewhere?” iwa gruffs out, the raspiness of his morning voice had you tugging your bottom lip between your teeth.
“um, home…?” the uncertainty was clear in your voice, especially as he scowled when you mentioned leaving. “iwa, i-”
“oh so it’s iwa now?” he cuts you off, taking a step closer into your space. “i liked it when you called me haji, though daddy follows closely after that.”
you gasp when a thick arm snakes around your waist, pulling you up against him. his other hand caresses your cheek so sweetly, before he grabs your jaw to tilt your face up to his, taking your lips with his own. the kiss is gentle, soft lips moving against your own as his tongue brushes yours sweetly. you’ve fully melted in his hold, eyes still closed when he breaks the kiss.
“i meant what i said last night, y/n.” he whispers against your mouth. “i love you.” your eyes shoot open, and you can feel your heart trying to beat itself out of your chest.
“i-i love you too.” you murmur back, and the smile he gives you has you ready to combust right before him. after all this time, a party had been the reason you finally admitted your feelings for him.
“now come back to bed.” you squeal as he lifts you up and over his shoulder, the grip he takes on your inner thigh is ticklish making you squirm about. “i’m gonna cuddle you back to sleep, and then when we wake up i’m gonna take you out on a date, okay baby?”
you giggle as he tosses you back on his fluffy mattress, dropping himself right on top of you and nuzzling his face into the dip between your neck and shoulder. running your hands softly over the muscled panes of his back, one reaches out to thread your fingers in the tufts of dark hair at his nape.
“okay, haji.”
freshman year had given you a lot of things, but iwaizumi hajime was the best thing yet. you couldn’t wait to see what sophomore year had in store for you.
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© 2020 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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petriquors · 3 years
— simmer (daichi x gn!reader)
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— pairing !! timeskip!daichi x gn!reader
— genre !! hurt/comfort
— word count !! 1.3k
— warnings !! allusions to depression (reader)
— author notes !! self-indulgent, food as a metaphor for mental health, garlic imagery, etc. this was originally hurt-no-comfort but then daichi told me otherwise.
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you always double the amount of garlic in any recipe even if it’s your first time making it. daichi stopped asking, “are you sure, love?” stopped joking, “are you fighting off vampires?”, and started coming to love the sweet-and-sour smell of garlic simmering in oil. nothing makes him hungrier, he realizes, and nothing makes him long for the tiny kitchen you share quite like this.
you call the steel garlic press he bought you your best friend. it’s a little thing, unassuming and free of cute patterns or animal shapes, but it does the job you need it to with comparable results. he saw the labor it took to mince the little cloves as you wielded your kitchen knife with a samurai’s precision. all it took for him to introduce you to the wonders of kitchen tools you previously disavowed (“why on earth would i buy a tool for just one thing?” you asked, with a look so incredulous that he almost believed you) was one slip of the knife, one tiny cut on your left ring finger, of all places. he knew he needed to protect you, but, damn it, someday you would need that finger for the ring he wanted to slide onto it.
he usually stays out of the kitchen, leaves it to you not because he’s afraid of you and your impeccable knifework (well, he was, when you diced a carrot with such horrifying speed that he could only think of the myth that ‘if you can bite a baby carrot, you can bite off a finger’). he leaves the kitchen, your domain, your temple, all to you because he loves watching you work and is afraid of himself, distracting you.
so instead, he’s made himself a little shrine to you at the kitchen island and found a priest’s chair in a barstool (which, to his credit, he spent months choosing one with the right amount of cushion and back support and everything). he watches, listens, smells, and feels with his heart baking in his chest.
his reverence makes him the first to notice when your temple walls begin to crumble. 
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your kitchen smells like nothing when he comes home late one night. now, daichi is not a stupid man; he feels no anger, knows not to ask about it in a patronizing ‘where’s dinner?’ sort of way. your choice to perform the labor of love that is preparing meals will always be exactly that: your choice. and he will always be grateful.
when you catch sight of him, you scramble out of bed the way that garlic skin skitters across the countertop. “pizza!” you shout, and he has to resist the urge to look around because, really, what’s going on?
“i meant to make pizza,” you clarify, already padding off to the kitchen. too quick. too jumpy. something is wrong, but he’s afraid to reach into the flame and let himself be burned. so, he lets you take the lead. “i have dough, and sauce, and cheese, and it’ll only be twelve minutes in the oven, so i waited for you. you don’t mind, love?”
daichi blinks a few times before meeting your worried eyes with a soft smile, because what else can he do? “that sounds perfect.”
you reach for the garlic press, and he hesitates before turning to take his shower, leaving the kitchen to you.
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“let’s get your favorite takeout,” you mumble one saturday night while scrolling through your phone, too lost in twitter threads to notice the crease in his brow. something about your voice sounds wrong to his ears, like a puppet copying you: the person who used to take saturday night to adorn your kitchen with pots and bowls and the fragrance of a new dinner idea born from your careful hands.
“sure,” he agrees because, in spite of the warning bells, he always trusts in your plan.
but, it’s edging close to 9 pm, and that’s long past any reasonable time for dinner. it feels stupid, now that he’s placing an order with the local ramen shop, that he let it go so long. you always have a plan. you know what to do. you’re strong, you can handle yourself. 
the bundle of blankets on top of your bed has him searching for the you that he knows while berating himself for not doing something about dinner sooner.
when the ramen finally arrives forty-five minutes later, it doesn’t have the acidic bite that he’s hoping for. emptying his bowl doesn’t fill him up, especially when you go to bed without finishing your food.
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the garlic press clatters to the counter, and daichi is at your side before you have time to flinch at the sound.
“it’s just,” you mumble, words floating out of your grasp like with wispy smoke of incense. “i just…”
he hushes you with a gentle breath slipped through teeth. kisses pepper the side of your head, but you barely feel them as you stare down at your hands, cold and pressed to the countertop, and a lump builds in your throat. you feel like a ghost watching your former self, like a pendulum clock trapped in a routine: back, forth, slice, lift. all that you love is too much, and you’re burning, desperate for it all to stop.
“how did it get this bad?” you choke out, unable to look at daichi, the man you hold above all other things in the world, who you can’t bear the sight of. because you failed him. he has relied on you for so long that when you feel yourself slipping, he comes down with you, and how could you ever forgive yourself for that?
“dunno,” he admits, gently, “but i’m here to help you if you want to come back to me.”
“why?” you gasp.
that’s the stupidest question he’s ever heard (and he’s heard many) but he doesn’t have the heart to tell you that. “because my love for you is endless, no matter what happens to you or what you need from me.”
your eyes go blurry and you bow your head in the most solemn apology you’ve ever given. you feel charred around the edges, darkened and twisted beyond recognition, beyond being desirable, like something that should be thrown away. you don’t remember how this started, why it’s become so much, but your brain, lungs, and heart are full of smoke and you can’t find your way through the fog.
you can’t find your way to him. so, he reaches out on his own, hand and heart outstretched for you to grab.
the dinner you tried to make gets pushed aside so he can pick you up and place you on the counter as delicately as he would handle the most beautiful strawberries at the market.
he grabs your cheeks, holds you, warms you from the outside in until your gooey center begins to solidify, come together into something recognizable. you sniffle, and he’s there, delighted as ever to see you in spite of the worry in his eyes. his fingers knead your cheeks like dough, bringing blood back to your face, feeling back to your skin, and you breathe.
you need him. he needs you. both of you realize this at the same time, and he rests his forehead against yours in an apology of his own.
“let me help,” he, uncertain, whispers for the first time since you began to share a kitchen. it isn’t his domain, nor his temple, but it is yours; and as your keeper and protector, he would learn to meet you where you need him if it keeps you out of the fire.
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suggestions open; reblogs appreciated !!
🔖: @charlie-jay @datingdonovan​ @therescrackinmytea​ @chi-anpan​ @hinatawa
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daveysmate · 2 years
𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Asher x Baabe (yes, i spell it with 2 a’s)
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: It’s date night and Asher and Baabe make (or at least attempt to make) pizza but end up slow dancing in the kitchen
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1082
𝗰𝘄: none :)
𝗮/𝗻: I was listening to If I give my heart to you while writing and I think that just made it better, it like completed the experience ya know? (here’s the link on ao3 if you want to read it there instead)
✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚゚: * ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ * *:・゚✧
Fridays were always date nights for Asher and Baabe. Each week they took turns deciding what they were going to do, this week was Asher’s turn to decide. He had just gotten home from the store where he had gotten the stuff they would need. As he began to get things out of the bags, Baabe got home from work. “Ash, I’m home,” they called out, “Hi, Baabe. I’m in the kitchen,” Baabe took off their shoes, left them by the door, and walked over to the kitchen to find Asher unbagging things, so they helped him. “What’s all this for?” they asked, “Date night,” he replied, excitedly. “Date night?” they asked, confused, “Well yeah, it’s my turn to choose what to do, and if you aren’t an option, then,” he left the sentence hanging and motioned to the food in the grocery bags. “Ash, you want us to cook? Don't you remember that you almost burned down the apartment once?” they asked chuckling, “I won’t mess it up, I promise. I already read the instructions and it’s not that hard,” he said trying to convince them, they smiled knowing that he was probably going to mess something up along the way or burn it but they weren’t going to burst his bubble by telling him that.
“Come here,” he said and wrapped one arm around their waist and the other cupped their cheek, pulling them in for a kiss. They tangled their fingers in his hair and kissed back. When they pulled away, they were both smiling, “Why don’t you go put on some more comfortable clothes, and then we can start,” he said, they responded with an “Ok,” and kissed him on the cheek before they left to go change. When they came back, Ash had already finished taking everything out of the bags.
“So what exactly are we making?” they asked “Pizza,” he replied, beaming. Baabe chuckled and shook their head, “Of course we are.” Ash smiled and began to walk them through the instructions, “Ok so first we need to add a tiny bit of sugar to the yeast and then add water to it. Then, we let it rest and we’re going to make the dough in a separate bowl and add the yeast to it, then we knead it, and let it rise. Meanwhile, we’re going to make the tomato sauce and then we put it all together and put it in the oven,” he said. Although, he was so excited that everything he said got jumbled together. But Baabe didn’t mind, if anything it just made them smile, they loved seeing him happy like this. They washed their hands, added some sugar and water to the yeast, and began to make the dough.
“I feel like we should put on music,” Baabe said, “Oh yeah, but it should be like old-timey music,” Ash suggested. Baabe took out their phone and looked through their playlists, “Frank Sinatra or Kitty Kallen?” Baabe asked, Ash thought about it for a little while, “Kitty Kallen,” he decided, and with that Baabe clicked on their playlist, turned up the volume on their phone, and left it on the counter. They continued to make the dough, added the yeast to it, and then made the sauce, Ash added the cheese and pepperoni on top of the pizza and threw it in the oven.
They were humming to the music and Ash was signing, when he stopped all of a sudden. “Come here,” he said and pulled them close to him “Dance with me,” he said softly, and it could’ve been their eyes playing tricks on them but Baabe could’ve sworn they saw him blush. He wrapped his arms around their waist and they put their head on his chest, they could listen to his steady heartbeat but they noticed that it started to quicken when they put their hands on his shoulders. They stayed like, that dancing to the music, neither of them said anything but they were both smiling, they were both so caught up in the moment that nothing seemed to matter right now.
They moved their head from Ash’s chest and he looked down at them, confused as to why they moved. But before he could ask why they moved, they leaned in to kiss him, he held them closer as he kissed back. When they pulled away, Baabe put their head on his chest again. “I love you, Asher,” they said. Asher could practically hear them smiling, but he also heard the sincerity in their voice which practically made him melt every time they told him they loved him, to know that it was true, that they felt that way about him, made him smile too. “I love you too, Baabe. So fucking much,” they smiled at his words and kept swaying to the music.
That is until something began to smell like it was burning. They pulled away from Asher, “Ash, what tray did you put the pizza on?” they questioned him, “The green one. Why?” he asked, confused. They shook their head and went to turn off the oven. “What are you doing?” Ash asked, still confused. “Asher, the green tray is made out of plastic. That’s why it smells like something’s burning. Because something is burning, the tray,” they said in disbelief. He let out a quiet, embarrassed, “Oh.” Baabe wanted to be upset with him for putting the tray in the oven, which made a mess and resulted in there being melted plastic all over the oven, but they couldn’t, not when he had that adorable confused-puppy look on his face. They softened and walked over to him, softly chuckling, “You’re a dork,” they said before cupping his cheeks and kissing him, he smiled and kissed them back. “I’m your dork,” he said in between kisses, causing them to smile.
“I’ll clean it up, you should call and order an actual pizza,” he said “Wait,” Baabe said and pulled him back into their arms, “We can worry about the mess later. For now, can we just keep dancing together? Please?” “Of course, Baabe,” he responded and they held each other, slow dancing to the music. Right now, neither of them were worried about the mess or the smell of burnt plastic, the only thing they cared about was being with each other, holding each other, and dancing. It was just them and If I give my heart to you playing in the background.
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angstyaches · 3 years
Ooooh you have a delicious writing style- it's so descriptive! I'm afraid I'm quite new so don't know your characters much yet, but if this scenario could fit I bet you'd write it amazingly! Perhaps Character A is down on their luck, longterm or short-term wise, and is walking through town, having not eaten since the morning prior. Suddenly a store window catches their eye, displaying all sorts of amazing baked goods or meat cuts, and they can't help but stare while their hunger pains have them wincing openly. Character B notices them staring before Character A even realises what they're doing.
Agh, what a beautiful prompt. I think this is actually the first hunger fic I've written on request, so thank you, anon! I hope it’s okay that I used fancy pizza; I really wanted to use Payton for this and pizza is one of the few foods they would genuinely go weak over.
Pre-Payton and Autumn Getting Together
CW: hunger, hunger pangs, stomach noises, mentions of character unable to afford (decent) food, stress, overwork (it's Payton, what did we expect?), food mention
Payton sighed as they felt the drizzle start to fall around them. They stepped under a deserted bus shelter and stared out, wondering if the rain was going to get worse before it cleared up.
It was a fitting end to the day – or rather, the week – they’d been having. They couldn’t wait to get home and take off the stifling shirt they’d worn to a job interview that morning and then worn all the way through their shift at the café. They just wanted soft clothes and their bed and maybe a podcast to fall asleep to.
It all seemed so far away still, their energy sapping by the second and leaving them stranded five minutes away from the tram stop. Their feet stopped moving, rooting them to the pale grey concrete.
A gorgeous smell turned their head. Frantic interview prep, snooty employers, and stuffy clothes all faded from Payton’s mind. They were stopped across the street from the city’s most expensive food store. Built into a complex from the late 1800s, it was the kind of place where a sandwich cost €12. The kind of place that sold imported goods and “foodstuffs”.
An elaborate window was positioned behind the delicatessen section of the shop, where a chef was artfully piecing together a pizza on top of a copper paddle while another sat in a brick oven. The smell of the crisping dough must have been piped out deliberately onto the street, to entice those with money to burn, and to tease those without.
Payton fell into the latter category lately. With all the time they’d been spending on interview prep and assignments, they’d been taking shorter shifts at the café. Rent was going to clean them out this month. Today’s shift hadn’t even been long enough to warrant a full lunch break; they’d only taken fifteen minutes, and had spent thirteen of them taking a nap at the break room table.
Only now did they feel the twists of hunger in their stomach, the shakiness in their legs. Payton didn’t even realise that they had edged closer to the bus stop so they could sit down on the bench, one hand resting on their belly. Their stomach hurt, and it really was no wonder when they thought about it.
The last thing they’d eaten had been a bowl of cereal at seven a.m., the same cereal they were planning to have for dinner when they got home.
Payton’s stomach groaned unhappily at the prospect, and Payton groaned too; I’m right there with you, they thought miserably, rubbing at their stomach and continuing to watch the pizza chef through the window.
They didn’t know how long they grimaced and gazed across the street before they were interrupted.
“Payton? Hi!”
Payton jumped, head snapping up to see who’d said their name, and their heart skipped a beat.
A navy polka-dot umbrella sat over her shoulder. She was wearing tight leggings and an oversized sweater, her shoulder-length hair thrown into a lazy side-bun. She was wearing no makeup and looked a little sweaty, like she was heading home from the gym or dance practice.
She was a sight to behold, as always, even as she fumbled with her umbrella.
“H-hey,” Payton stammered, stumbling to their feet and trying to appear as though they weren’t so light-headed they were seeing stars.
Autumn glanced across the street, her eyes lingering there for a moment. “Uh, you don’t take this bus, do you?”
“I – no,” Payton admitted, glancing at the timetable and list of stops. “I was just sitting. Long day. Spaced out a bit.”
“Yeah, I could see that,” Autumn said, glancing across the street again. She let out a little laugh, though she seemed to consider holding it in for a moment. “I thought you were going to start drooling.”
“The fancy pizzas.”
Payton’s heart dropped. Their face was feeling hot under their bangs. “Oh, I, uh, I didn’t even realise I was… staring.”
“Don’t be embarrassed! I watch them all the time when I’m waiting for the bus,” Autumn laughed.
Payton still blushed deeply, since they’d had no reason to sit down at the bus stop except to stare through the shop window. They were suddenly hyper-aware of their hand resting on their belly. They felt their stomach quiver under their palm, a low growl working its way through.
“You doing okay?” Autumn sat down on the bench, nodding for Payton to join her. She didn’t seem to hear the complaint from Payton’s belly. “Feels like forever since we last talked.”
“Y-yeah, sure does,” Payton half-laughed. Their shaky legs and dizzy head were thankful for the relief as they sank back down, leaving what they hoped was a healthy number of inches between the two of them. “I’ve been, um… I’m okay? I think. And – and you?”
“I’m actually… I’m great,” Autumn grinned, tucking some hair behind her ear. “I, um, I just found out today that I’m going to be Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors.”
“Are you serious?” Payton smiled, their mood genuinely lifting a bit at the sight of Autumn’s proud, shy little smile.
They often envied her for her absolute passion for musicals and acting, since they were failing so spectacularly at finding their place in the film world, but right then Payton was happy just knowing she was happy.
“Yeah! I still can’t really believe it.”
“I can.” Payton extended a long arm to pull Autumn towards them. “You’re brilliant.”
“Agh – ew, P, you don’t want to hug me!” she laughed, pulling her shoulders up tightly. “I’m all sweaty and damp!”
“I don’t care!” Payton wrapped their arms around her and pulled her close, so that their cheeks were just inches apart. “Your news deserves a hug.”
Autumn gave a deep, happy sigh as she leaned into the hug, probably unaware of the fact that the contact was setting Payton’s heart racing. It almost felt selfish, holding her like this when they were clearly getting more out of it than she was. They went to remove their arms from her, their chest fluttering as she buried her face deeper in their shoulder and kept her arms firmly around their waist.
It was lovely.
And yet, for the first time in a while, Payton felt a pang of loneliness, their core aching with the knowledge that they couldn’t hold her like this all the time. Deep in their bones, Payton wanted to kiss her hair, tickle her sides, and whisper happy little declarations of affection in her ear.
They didn’t whisper anything to her, though. They didn’t say anything as they held her. But their empty stomach was still twisting itself into shapes, and it clearly didn’t get the memo on holding Autumn quietly. A sharp growl had Payton wincing and trying to clear their throat (to cover up the noise) all in the same breath.
“Whoa, is that your stomach?” Autumn asked, lifting her head from Payton’s shoulder.
Payton’s body stiffened. “It… might be.”
“Are you okay? You must be starving.”
“I’m… Yeah.” Payton swallowed hard, letting a hand rest on their belly again.
Autumn moved back to give them some space. She was staring like she expected an explanation, eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed. Payton’s stomach rumbled under their hand again, bringing a twist of pain, and they didn’t know if they wanted to laugh or to cry.
“I guess I haven’t been taking care of myself too well.” They flinched again at the crack in their own voice.
Lifting her umbrella from where it had been resting against her leg, Autumn got to her feet. “Come on.”
Payton looked up at her, blinking behind their bangs. Exhaustion weighted them to the bench. “Come on where?”
A little hum escaped Autumn’s throat as she jerked her head. Her umbrella popped open and she stepped out of the bus shelter. The rain pattered against the fabric, a little heavier than it had been before.
“We’re gonna go eat pizza. Not – not there,” she clarified, gesturing towards the expensive deli. “I was thinking top floor of the Greene Centre. They sell by the slice and it’s super cheap.”
Payton swallowed again, guilt piling itself on top of the embarrassment. They felt as though they’d somehow coerced Autumn into offering to buy dinner, and the thought made them physically shudder. They got to their feet and moved a little closer to Autumn so she could hear them.
“I probably still can’t afford it,” they mumbled, staring at the ground.
“It’ll be my treat today, okay? You can pay me back by letting me ramble about my show.”
Payton gave her a shaky smile. “Are you sure?”
“Hundred percent.” That shy smile crossed Autumn’s face again. “It’s gonna sound weird, but when I found out I got the part… You were the first person I wanted to tell, Payton.”
“I... Really?” As they chewed their lip, a deep rumble came from Payton’s tummy. They frowned and folded their arms around it, noticing how Autumn's gaze drifted towards it too.
"Come on, I can't listen to your poor belly complain anymore." She lifted her umbrella a little higher with one hand – Payton was a few inches taller than her – and stuck out her elbow for Payton to link their arm through hers. “Shall we go?”
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: daddy’s first day [coward series au] Pairing: F!Reader x Miya Atsumu Genre: fluff, parents au, slice of life au Synopsis: In which Miya Atsumu takes charge of taking care of the kids for a day Warnings: none!
notes; you don’t need to read coward tbh to read this chapter, its just miya atsumu navigating his life as a daddy hshsshs [side stories are updated every friday] read the series here!  [ ss;; one, two, three, four ]
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“...Remember that Youta is allergic to shrimps and Yuuto’s got sensitive skin, I have all the medication in case anything happens and Yuuto has his soap in the bathroom in a separate container, just make sure that the water isn’t too cold nor too hot and remind him to wear sunscreen every two hours.” You explain, placing the last of your valuables in your bag “...I’m also on speed dial and you also have the number of their pediatricians on your number 2 speed dial, I also have the food in the tupperware prepared the night before-”
“Y/N, sweetheart, please calm down. I’m not going to kill our kids when you’re gone for the next nine hours.” he frowns at how distrusting you were towards him. okay, he admitted that he may have hated the boys at first but that was before. They were your kids now, that was totally different! They weren’t some random brats on the street! You should have a little faith in him!
“Atsumu, you almost burned down the house while making scrambled eggs.” You expressed, a glint of amusement on your eyes, “Would you like me to call ‘samu-san or Daiki-san?”
He scoffed at the mention of those two men, after ‘samu found out that he was actually an Uncle of those kids, he suddenly had a one hundred sixty degree change of attitude. Of course, Atsumu was happy that you guys got along and the kids seemed to start warming up to him but it seemed like you trusted ‘samu  more these days and that daiki too.
“Alright, just help them with their homework and heat up the food okay? I have everything prepared.” You leaned in to give him a quick peck on the temple before leaving. He watches you leave the house in a hurry for work with a frown on his lips.
Married life with you was easy, you were like a superwoman. A great mom, a great co-worker, even a greater wife. How come he couldn’t be as half as good as you? Like be a cool dad to your kids or something? He couldn’t even cook the damn eggs well and there you were, making some Michelin star cuisine while making your kids happy and content and your work life thriving.
“Oh,” Yuuto’s brow is scrunched together as he exits his shared room with his brother, see, that’s what he gets from the kids, awkwardness and insults (mostly insults,really), “You know ever since you came back, ‘kaasan’s always been busy and hasn’t been spending time with us.”
“Yeah.” Youta yawns, scratching his eyes as he exits the room, “You even make bad food, I think you should just keep playin’ volleyball or something.”
Atsumu feels a tick on his forehead, they were definitely his sons that’s for sure.
“I’m trying here.”
Yuuto stifles as chuckle at his father’s reply, wanting to comfort him, he told him a little fact that their ojisan told him recently, “Sure you are,  you’re doing a lot better than okaasan, Daiki-ojisan said okaasan didn’t know how to hold us until we were three or four.” the eight year old grinned.
Atsumu grabs a tupperware from the fridge that’s labelled ‘breakfast’ and proceeds to heat it up on the microwave, “I’m sure that’s a lie. Your okaasan seems to do very well now, it’s hard to imagine her messing up.”
He watches them eat their egg rolls and bacon, time flies quick these days. The boys were already eight years old and were getting more and more into volleyball. Youta exclaimed he wanted to be a pro like him while Yuuto wanted to be like you (although he still played volleyball a lot because he had the competitive streak thanks to his father)
“Can we invite Tobio-ojisan on our birthday?” Yuuto asks while Atsumu rolls his eyes, he can’t believe that this kid still idolized that idiot. He beated him thrice already! (okay, Tobio had beated him five times including high school nationals but still)
“Oh also, Shoyou-ojisan then we can play against them!” Youta grins, mouth stuffed with egg rolls. Atsumu grimaces at him then grabs a napkin to wipe off the rice on the side of his lip, “How are you guys not impressed by me?” their father grumbles.
“You’re our otosan.” Yuuto deadpanned.
“Yeah, we see you everyday.” Youta added.
After helping the kids out in the bath (especially Yuuto since apparently he needed a temp check for the water), he had them do their projects and assignments (you had a long list on what they should accomplish today and one of them was a science planetary object)
The thing is though, he wasn’t very good at that.
He ended up having ‘samu on speaker to help the kids as they choked on their laughter because their otosan still thought that Pluto was a planet.
It also didn’t help when their math assignments came up, oh boy, Youta had a problem with one number and when he tried to explain to Atsumu that there was a new way to solve that and that their sensei had told them to solve it that way, he got pissed, “I don’t know that way! Why would they change math?  MATH IS MATH!” He screeches at the notebook as if it had done something wrong to him.
Safe to say, Yuuto had a field day as he watched his otosan frustratingly solve the math problem whilst muttering something about how math was complicated and they didn’t need to change up the equations. Youta, on the other hand,  had to calm him down and tell him they could just use the old way to solve the problem.
“...I want pizza.”
“Your mom left us dinner.”
“It says here on the note that you have to bake it in the oven.” Yuuto reads out loud, “ ‘Samu-ojisan says that you shouldn’t touch an oven though.”
Atsumu feels like he’s aging quick because of these two kids, how is it that they were such angels to you but little devils towards him? “...when they’re angels, they’re Y/N’s kids but when they become devils, they’re yours.” ‘Samu jokes.
Ah, he felt his forehead tick on that statement. He had some pretty redeeming qualities that he passed on to his kids like his looks and skills in volleyball! 
“Otosan, I don’t think you should put the tupperware in the oven.”
“I know what I’m doing here.”
Clearly, he didn’t. He ended up melting the plastic tupperware and having to call for takeout right after. The three of them looked at the melted tupperware and the food spillage in the oven, “Okaasan really likes those tupperwares.” Youta points out.
“I’ll buy her ten new ones.” Atsumu grimaced at the food in the oven, he should clean that and get rid of all the evidence when you come home in an hour. In fact, he should just buy a new oven because he thinks the smell is permanent there, “Wanna watch a movie before you go to bed? I promise I’ll cover for you.”
“You just don’t want us to tell okaasan that you melted her tupperware.” Yuuto pointed out.
“Pffft…” Atsumu laughs, pretending to shake it off, “I would not.”
“Extra scoop of ice cream on Sunday.”
“Yeah!” Youta echoes.
Atsumu narrows his eyes, “Deal.”
They ended up sprawling on the couch after putting on their pajamas. The kids sip their milk next to him, after seeing Kageyama drinking loads of it, the boys decided that if a big boy like Kageyama Tobio could drink milk, they could to (Osamu crackles because they didn’t seem to listen to Atsumu lecturing them about the benefits of milk) Halfway through the movie, the kids fell asleep and the blonde feels his eyes shut soon after too. 
You come in quietly as you notice the quiet chatter of the TV and the figures of your three boys on the couch, all snuggled together. Your heart immediately softens as soon as you see the domestic scene in front of you. Something you probably never could imagine before, your boys. You take a picture before waking your husband up with a light kiss on the jaw, “You look like you had a fun day.” you mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
“I hate math assignments.” was all he could reply.
You silently chuckled as you picked up Youta, “I’ll put the kids to bed, mind running me a bath?”
“Can I join in?” Atsumu suddenly awakened as soon as he heard what you said, a smirk dancing on his lips, “Save water and all that?”
“Are you really going with me in the tub?” You narrowed your eyes, “Last time we did that together, we ended up having two kids.”
“What’s another two more?”
“Miya Atsumu.”
taglist [officially closed, if you guys want to be removed for the side stories, feel free to tell me hehe ilyasm and thank you once again, coward wouldn’t be possible without all you people + other readers]
@fortheloveofiwaizumi ;  @svtbitch  ; @kiyoomile ; @lovedanii​ ; @juno-multifandom​ ; @gyubit17​ ; @saeranoppa​ ; @nixxona​ ; @kyomihann​ @shorttstackk​ ; @intoomuchfandoms​ ; @yammmers​ ; @mx-minxx​ @itsmattsunshinehere​ ; @missingmystogan​ ; @volleybloop​ ; @imcravingyou​ ; @yams-wants-that-booty ; @liathachcapricious​ ; @pinknugget​ @seikamuzu​ ; @marigoldthoughts​ ; @sillykittt​ ; @baejinoffcl​ ; @alluring-akaashi​ ; @bnhasstuff​  ; @intheawks​ ; @bokuakadaily​ ; @agaassi​ ; @yams046​  ; @dope-squish ; @chrisrue15​ ; @vermillionwaves​ ; @demursv1ogs​ ; @just-snog-already ; @angmarwitch  ; @simpingonothers ; @woo-youngs ; @cowward ; @chaelysian ; @sempiternal-amour ; @jungshookmeup ; @jovialnoise ; @karlitabi-rrito ; @iwaizluv ; @sugarandsoft ; @tspice283 ; @ohshirabu ; @syzygymai ; @volleybloop ; @oikaw-ugh ; @pockytokyo ;  @differentballooncollection ;  @keniloveshaikyuu ; @turquoiselace ; @playboygeniusphilanthropist ;   @keijislut ; @notyourbitchboy​
@misosamu  @Etherynaw  @ryaaaax @allysasteaparty   @mikaashi  @brownie0food @ph10xy  @Chocolaterumble [hi, i can’t seem to tag u guys, i think you need to open your tags uwu]
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Persephone's Symphony | Night One | Persephone
Hey lovelies, here's the next part. It's a little longer-- I got carried which, if you know me and my work, tends to happen frequently. I do hope you all enjoy and thank you so much to everyone who has sent me kind words and thoughts and ahhhh thank you!! I am forever grateful. Now, without further adieu...
Synopsis: In which he is the bad one— the dangerous one, the clunky one, the one who only knows how to break things— and she is the good one— the fragile one, the soft one, the one who knows how to put things back together— and he has to keep her alive long enough for anyone else— anyone who can do more than kill— to save her like she deserves to be saved— to save her from him. There are no pomegranates, no three headed dogs, and no requirement to stay— that is, if they don’t count an assassin on the loose out for her neck. In that case, three days in a safe house doesn’t feel like a long time— just long enough for Persephone and Hades to remember why opposites attract.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader (third person)
Warnings: meh some angst, some talk of death-- the normal for this series
Word count: 5.2k (omg)
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The rest of the day goes smoothly. Well, as smoothly as a day can go when there’s someone out there trying to kill you. Maybe smooth is the wrong word. For dinner she pops a frozen pizza in the oven— she’s already used up her quota for homestyle cooking on the grilled cheese and, besides, Bucky doesn’t seem to mind. If he does then he doesn’t say anything about it, at least. He pounds back five slices— she really doubts he hates it that much. She eats three. Had it just been her she would have eaten one— maybe. She doesn’t have the energy these days to eat more than that. It’s a paradox, one that has her going to bed tired and waking up exhausted most days.
Something is different with him though. She wants to eat more because it means that she gets to sit a little longer at the creaky wooden table and pretend to be normal. She never thought feeling normal would mean eating cheap pizza with her bodyguard in a safe house but, well, they say normal is relative, right? Usually she eats in the dark, under the glow of whatever movie she deems fit to fill the silence that night. Sitting across from him makes her feel like she has some semblance of her old life back. Like she has a life at all— even if he’s being paid to sit there and listen to her prattle on about nothing.
After dinner is a little more awkward. She spends the next two hours milling about, pretending to read this book of dogs she had found earlier on the coffee table. She had always wanted a dog when she was younger, one of those huge great danes, charcoal black and big enough to snuggle with. The kind that would keep her safe and follow her everywhere she goes. There’s one just like she had always imagined on page one hundred and nine. Sleek and beautiful and huge. That’s probably why she keeps going back to the book.
All she really does is look at the pictures, not that she would tell him that. She can see him glancing at her every so often and she would like to keep her guise of being smart up for as long as possible. She wasn’t lying when she told him that she was the top of her class— she was, and valedictorian too. She is smart. Well, smart when it comes to technology at least. The rest is debatable. Her mother used to tell her that she’s book smart— that if she were kidnapped and dropped off in the middle of nowhere she would be screwed.
If only her mother could see her now— could see that she’s holding up.
You know, if holding up means wanting to scream and cry and throw this stupid Big Book of Dogs against the wall because she can’t scream and cry. She’s holding up on the outside— that’s what matters. If everyday is as bearable as this one then she’ll be able to do all three before she knows it. She’ll be able to sit in the dark, spoon in one hand, Chunky Monkey in the other, and throw whatever the fuck she wants at the wall. For now, though, she just has to look at the pictures of the great dane and swallow her screams like they’re ice cream.
Eventually she stands, shifting on her feet, trying not to cringe when the boards squeak under her. It doesn’t make his head turn and look at her— how can it when his stare has been burning into her since before she stood up? She doesn’t really know what to say— it’s nine-thirty and she could sit there for another two hours— two or three or seven, what’s the difference?— but there’s no point in pushing the inevitable. Eventually she is going to have to get ready for bed and then, by default, actually go to bed.
How is that going to work?
A picture of her laying next to him pops into her mind, one where her limbs are curled tight against her chest, her legs ramrod straight, afraid to even do so much as breathe. Not out of fear that he’d hurt her or anything like that, though. Out of fear that she’d embarrass herself is more accurate. That she would wake up— if she even slept at all— with her body sprawled on top of his like the protagonists in one of her cheesy, unrealistic rom-coms. This isn’t a movie— she doesn’t want it to be. If this is her life’s movie then she wants to have a word with the director. She wants out. This isn’t the script she agreed to.
She doesn’t know what to say so she doesn’t say anything, only gathers her bag from where she stashed it next to the couch. A threadbare messenger bag big enough for a few pairs of leggings, her older brother’s Dodgers t-shirt, and some toiletries. She slings it over her shoulder, acutely aware of the fact that his gaze never leaves her, watching as she straightens and turns, meeting his icy blue eyes without so much as a hint of shame forming in them. Why should he be ashamed? It’s his job— he’s being paid to stare. That’s what she tells herself. It doesn’t make her feel any less exposed— any less seen.
For a moment she just looks at him— like really, truly looks at him. Sure, she’s been with him for roughly twelve hours now. Theoretically she’s had plenty of time to look at him. And of course she has— there’s no way she could have avoided it even if she wanted to. She has looked at him just not like this. Not the details. The facts. That’s what this is— a fact finding mission. Yeah, that sounds right— that’s what she’ll say if he asks, at least.
She takes in his face first, craning her neck slightly to do so. Slightly means far enough that your head touches your shoulders now. She ticks things off in her head as goes— bronzed skin, strong jaw, straight nose. She finds it hard to believe that his nose has never been broken. She drops lower— pink lips, the bottom one fuller. She doesn’t linger there despite the ache that grows in her throat. When was the last time she kissed a man? Too long ago.
She continues on her mission before she has time to stop and think about what it means to stare at her bodyguard’s lips and think about kissing. Absolutely nothing good, that’s what. She tries to distract herself with his broad shoulders and the way his henley stretches at the seams, scrounging for any and every ounce of space. For a moment it works. She starts thinking about the kind of regime one would have to undergo in order to get to his size, then about where he has to buy his clothes, before finally landing on what it would feel like to slip her arms into his shirt and to be totally engulfed—
Nope— she flicks her eyes even further down, skimming over something that, though she’s been looking at it for the better half of all day, she still can’t wrap her head around. His hand. His metal hand. She can feel his stare turn to lead on her forehead— feel him waiting for her to ask.
She’s not going to.
Not because she doesn’t want to know the story. Of course she wants to know! Her whole life is— or at least was— technology. She wants to know why he needs it, who made it, what it’s made of, if it’s connected to his nervous system, if it’s— the idea is there. She’s curious— she’s a scientist. Just like it’s his job to keep her alive, it’s her job to be enthralled by innovation.
That doesn’t mean she’s going to ask though. She likes him too much to do that. He’s nice enough to her and he doesn’t treat her like the little orphan girl that everyone else does. He doesn’t tiptoe around her— not that he could. He’s too big for that. He just doesn’t treat her like a freak, so she won’t treat him like an experiment.
And, of course, he’s a human being not a machine. That’s probably more important. She likes him and he’s a human. Priorities or whatever.
She meets his gaze again, watching him watch her, her face setting on fire. “Bedtime?”
What the fuck is wrong with you, y/n?
He presses his lips together, holding her stare for a beat before shrugging his shoulders, giving the henley a run for its money. “Bedtime.”
She turns at that, scampering up the stairs, listening to the thumping of his boots against the hardwood. It’s not a race but it’s also not not a race— she wants to get to the bathroom before he can so she can lock the door. She needs five minutes. That’s it. Just five minutes. Maybe it is a race.
“Hey— shit— wait!” She doesn’t, she only pumps her legs harder, almost slipping as she bolts into the bathroom, slamming the door and clicking the lock shut.
He really thought she wasn’t going to try that, huh? She learned her lesson this afternoon— the man takes his job very seriously.
The knob jiggles and she sticks her tongue out at it, finally in a space where she can let her bones relax. For the first time all day it feels like her skin isn’t on fire. It’s weird— she almost misses it. The door handle jiggles harder. Almost.
Five minutes, that’s all she needs.
His voice cuts through the door and she almost groans out loud. “You know I’m supposed to—”
“I know—” she starts pulling things out of her bag, hastily dropping what she doesn’t need and gathering what she does onto the vinyl countertop, very much aware of the ticking clock— “but the window in here isn’t even big enough for me to crawl out of so I think I can brush my teeth, yeah?”
She can practically feel the stress rolling off him, seeping under the crack between the door and the tiled floor. Half of her feels guilty but the other half couldn’t care less— she’s a grown ass woman and she will use the toilet without help.
She hears him let out a loud sigh and practically jumps in excitement— she won. “Fine— you get ten minutes, got it? Ten minutes and then I break this door down.”
“Aye-aye, captain.” Thank gods he can’t see her right now or she would most definitely melt through the ground.
“You’re down to seven now.”
She shakes her head at her reflection, scrunching her nose and rolling her eyes at herself— “That’s fair.”
She hurries to slather some toothpaste on her brush, plopping it into her mouth as she shimmies out of her daytime leggings and into her nighttime ones. A fashion icon. She somehow also manages to take her dad’s hoodie off, avoiding the toothbrush and replacing the tank top underneath with a fresh one from her bag. Take that, Barnes.
She scrubs at her teeth, simultaneously digging through her pile of things for the deodorant she knows is in there. She finds it after a moment, rinsing her mouth and running the bar one too many times over her armpits— there’s absolutely no way she’s about to go into that bedroom with even the slight possibility of smelling bad. Especially when she still doesn’t know the sleeping arrangements.
She swipes her things back into her bag, shoving them in roughly, not noticing the hairbrush teetering precariously on the edge of the counter. It’s like it’s taunting her, just waiting to get her in trouble. That’s exactly what it does, too— just as her eyes meet the sinister blue plastic it’s too late, the brush already hurtling off the edge and crashing against the floor. Of course it has to hit the tiles head on and miss the hoodie by an inch. Time freezes for a moment when she hears the clang— well, there go the last three minutes of solitude.
She scrambles back just as the door slams open, fully expecting it but not any less startled, the area where the lock would be splintering into a million tiny pieces of wood— of dust— he pulverized the door! Her heart pounds furiously as Bucky surges forward, his jean clad legs pressing against her exposed shoulder, his body rigid as he does a full circle of the tiny bathroom, yanking back the shower curtain as if an assassin would really think that is the best hiding place. God she’s so fucking mortified.
He doesn’t move away from her when he finally looks down, his dark eyebrows drawn into a tight line, chest heaving so hard she wonders if the material is going to split right down the middle. His leg against her is hot, even through the material. Almost as hot as her face— face, neck, shoulders, toes.
“What happened?”
She meekly holds up the blue plastic brush, squeezing her eyes shut. “He just snuck up on me Bucky— I thought I was a goner.”
She cracks an eye open to his clenched jaw, his still heaving chest now much lower— closer. He takes the brush from her hand, setting it on the counter before offering his own hand— the flesh hand— out to her. She takes it, letting him effortlessly pull her body from the ground without so much as even a grunt. Before she knows it she’s eye level with the buttons on his shirt, leaning all the way back in order to meet his simmering crystal eyes.
“We’re not doing that again.” We’re. As in both of them— a team.
She tries to keep from trembling at his deep voice. It doesn’t work. He notices— of course he notices— and takes a step back. She doesn’t have the heart— or the gall— to tell him that she’s not shaking because she’s afraid of him.
“It was a hairbrush.” She sighs, curling her arms around her chest, suddenly feeling more exposed than ever under the surprisingly bright fluorescents.
Of course now, when she’s standing in a flimsy tank top, is the one time the lights aren’t dimmed.
He doesn’t back down, seething his words between his teeth. “This time— this time it was a hairbrush.”
She shakes her head, dropping her eyes and bending to scoop up her hoodie— she doesn’t want to see him angry at her. It makes her feel guilty; like her her chest is caving in on itself. She doesn’t need that on top of everything else.
“Fine, whatever.” She grabs her bag, brushing by him.
She knows that she’s being childish. She isn’t an idiot, contrary to what her mind likes to tell her. She’s just exhausted. Exhausted of having to always look over her shoulder, exhausted of wondering who’s going to die next— if she’s going to die next, exhausted of having to actively try to stay alive. She’s just exhausted in general. She doesn’t want to die but, gods, if she isn’t so damn tired of having to think about it. Aren’t you supposed to just live? Not think about living?
She pushes open the door to the bedroom, dumping her bag next to the cedar chest at the end of the bed, refusing to turn around when she hears his footsteps— much quieter than she’s yet to hear them— enter behind her. She crosses her arms again, digging her fingers into the flesh hard enough to give herself something to focus on other than how much she wants to rip every strand of hair from her head. Her eyes wander over the olive duvet, noting how the color makes the black iron frame pop in contrast. Maybe she should change up her bedroom back home.
She bites her lip— she’s stalling. It’s a queen sized bed, more than big enough for both of them. Maybe she should offer it to him. There’s barely any room on the floor to sprawl out, only a small space either next to the dresser beside the bed or in front of the chest. Either way he would probably have to lay as stiff as possible to avoid bumping his limbs. The right thing to do would be to offer it to him— to take the floor.
She listens as he takes a step, the air behind her shifting, and she tenses. “Look, I think we should talk—”
“Do you want the bed?” She tries to keep her tone balanced— to keep from hurling the words at him like daggers. Or like hair brushes.
“I’m serious, I’m sor—”
She whirls around, her hair flying around her face, features schooled but tone edging closer towards being unhinged— she just needs to sleep. “Do you want the bed?”
She doesn’t meet his eyes— she’s tired of that game, it's time to start a new one. This one’s called how long can y/n stare at the buttons on his henley until before she sets them on fire out of sheer willpower. His chest deflates, his hands twitching at his sides before curling and slipping behind his back. He’s looking at her— of course he is. It’s all he does. It’s his job.
“You take it.” He says it so quietly she barely hears it, his tone the picture of resignation. It doesn’t make her feel good— she didn’t think it would though.
His stare never leaves her. She’s still not looking at him but she can tell. It makes her skin burn from her ears all the way down to her chest, her skin prickling like she's being prodded by a thousand mini suns. She feels like she’s in the desert and she forgot to put sunscreen on. Is this what flowers feel like? Does the sun beat down so relentlessly on them that they feel like they’re being set on fire? As relentlessly as he watches her?
It’s his job, it’s his job, it’s his job.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
She lays in bed for three hours, eyes wide open and body pin straight. The room is pitch black, spare a hint of light pouring in from under the door. It shines a stripe onto the olive duvet, one that she just barely flicks her wrist back and forth through. Not enough to ruffle the loud blanket— which for the record crinkles louder than a chip bag when she moves even an inch underneath it— but enough to watch the light dance over her skin and keep her from going completely mad. She feels like a cat chasing a laser— entirely moronic but strangely entertained. Alas, all good things must come to an end.
By the time the fourth hour rolls around she is beyond restless. The strip of light got old a half hour ago— which, granted, kept her entertained for far longer than she would be willing to admit but still. Now she wants to move. She needs to move. If she were home she would still be awake. The digital clock beside the bed flashes one-thirty, scarlet red and glaring at her. It’s not even close to the ungodly hour in which she usually crawls into her bed, pulling the blanket over her head and praying for the sun to magically disappear. Not even close.
She can practically hear Lindsy Lohan calling her name— it’s Wednesday, y/n. On Wednesdays we wear pink. Yeah, she knows Lindsy! Unfortunately the big man on the floor doesn’t know that. Usually her Wednesday's aren’t so blocked— is it even Wednesday? It doesn’t matter. She just wants to watch Mean Girls now— with or without the Chunky Monkey.
She waits another ten minutes, mulling the idea over as the anticipation steadily grows in her stomach, churning her organs into soup over the idea of having to tiptoe past her sleeping bodyguard. She holds her breath a few times, making sure his breathing is even and calm. Making sure that he’s asleep. Each time his breaths are the same, gentle, even hiss of air. In, out, pause. In, out, pause. Over and over and over again. For a moment she debates staying and just listening to him breathe for the rest of the night. But no— that’s creepy and she’s sure that she can be in and out without him waking up in the hour and thirty-seven minutes it takes to watch the movie.
Yes she counted and every minute is worth the risk— she’s doing it!
She takes a deep breath, sliding as silently as she can under the covers. Each movement feels magnified— like someone is holding a microphone to her limbs. She just prays that the microphone isn’t connected to his ears. What are the odds that he’s a heavy sleeper? Nevermind, she doesn’t want to know.
After what feels like an eternity of inching her way to the edge of the bed her foot finally shoots over the edge, greeting the chilly air and sending a jolt racing up her spine. She’s really doing it. She slips the other out next, rising onto her elbows and holding the position. She can’t see her legs— hell, she can’t see her hand two feet in front of her face— but she can feel the space depleting as she slips off the mattress. Biting back a hiss as her toes brace against the hardwood, she just barely stops herself from hopping up and down. If she were home she would amp up the theatrics, maybe throw in a squeal for good measure— forget technology, being a drama queen is her true calling.
Just not when there’s a man who she needs to stay asleep laying a few feet away from her.
She shuffles blindly forward, trying to remember where she saw him lay down before she turned off the lamp. That was four hours ago though and she’s starting to think that all that time playing with the crack of light has fried her brain. She thinks he’s near the chest but she can’t be sure.
She could swear—she could drop the loudest f-bomb this planet has ever known. She would, too, if she knew it wouldn’t wake him up. All she wants to do is watch some petty, pretty girls fight over a mediocre brunette. Is that really too much to ask for?
No— the answer is no. So she does what any self respecting woman would do in that situation and she wings it. She guesses. That’s respectable, right? Right. She takes each step with care, searching for any warm spots that might give her a hint as to where he is, all the while chasing after that little crack of light like it’s heaven. Because that’s what it is— a haven from having to lay alone with her thoughts all night.
As was to be expected sooner rather than later, her toes brush against a rather hot patch of wood and she freezes. He’s here— somewhere— she just has no idea where here is. She squints, searching for even a hint of the man. When she comes away with nothing, the scream— the one that’s never quite gone, always just simmering in the back of her throat— surges. She has to swallow— swallow, gag, same thing— in order to keep from foiling her own plan.
She brushes her foot forward. Slowly. Painfully, excruciatingly slowly. When her toes brush against the folds of a blanket she gasps. It slips out before she can stop it and she plasters a hand over her mouth as soon as it happens, praying that it isn’t too late— that there’s still a chance she can make it.
She hears Bucky shift on the ground, holding her breath, her toes a mere foot away from the soldier. She counts in her head— one, two, three, oh fuck is he moving, four— before taking another step. Repeating the process, it takes four rounds of this little tip toe game until her hands finally land against the door frame, searching through the darkness until her fingers curl around the knob. Mean Girls here she comes.
“Where ya’ going?” Bucky’s voice cuts through the night easily, rich and deep and cruel.
There isn’t even a hint of sleep in his tone— he was awake the entire time. Her face flushes, her neck searing hot. She can almost hear her skin crackling where the straps of her tank top touch her. She should have known he wouldn’t be a deep sleeper— or sleeping at all, apparently. Damnit.
“I, ah, was just going to the bathroom?” Really? The bathroom?
She has never been so thankful for the dark than she is in this moment, if only because he can’t see the way she rolls her eyes at her own stupidity and scrunches her entire face up. She can’t scream— that idea’s already been scrapped— so it’s the next best thing. That doesn’t stop her throat from bubbling though, the frustration knocking on her windpipe like the friendly neighbour back for even more sugar.
“You’re a terrible liar, you know that?” She swears for a moment she can hear a hint of laughter in his voice, just enough to make the accusation bearable.
She whirls around, hands glued to her hips and trying not to slam her foot down like an insolent toddler. Something hot flares up in her chest— something which she hasn’t felt in ages. Anger. It makes her want to smack him. She wouldn’t, of course, but she wants to— she wants to wipe the smirk out of his words. She wants to more than she’s wanted to do anything in a very long time.
“What do you want me to say then, hmm?”
She can just make out the way Bucky pushes himself up, his shadowy figure now taking up more space. Taking up space in general— of course now she can see him. If she were closer to him she is sure his head would sit above her belly button, right under her brea— stop that, y/n!
“How ‘bout the truth?” God she can still hear that insufferable smirk.
“That was the truth.”
“It wasn’t.”
His breath comes in hot puffs against her stomach— he’s closer than she thought. She doesn’t realize her tank top has ridden up until his face is inches away from her exposed skin. She tries not to shudder as she yanks the material back down her abdomen. Traitorous body!
She wants to rip her hair out— again. “Yes, it was—”
He’s standing now, pushing his way towards her in the dark until she can feel the heat rolling off his body, face to face with a hulking chest. “Just tell me what you want so we can do it, alright?”
There it is again— we.
She can’t breathe. This seems to be becoming a trend— her not being able to breathe when he’s around her. This time it’s her fault though. She squishes her eyes closed, taking a moment to pull in some much needed air. It does little to help her— it smells like nutmeg and cinnamon. She has no idea how he manages to smell like a bakery— or how she hasn’t noticed until now, when she needs more than anything to pull away from the warmth and not fall deeper into it. Unprofessional, y/n— you’re supposed to be the grieving daughter.
She takes another moment, ignoring how he shifts on his feet, clearly becoming impatient, before finally whispering— “I wanted to watch a movie.”
A pause— a long one— before a soft ‘okay’.
For a moment she thinks she hears him wrong— no way the giant soldier is down for movie night with her. Shouldn’t he be telling her to go back to bed? Telling her that it isn’t in his job description to babysit her— to keep her entertained? Surely he doesn’t actually want to watch a movie.
“You don’t have to—”
“Actually, I do.” Oh yeah. He has to follow her wherever she goes. She almost forgot that she might die.
Die for what— wanting to watch a god damn movie?
“Forget it— it was stupid.”
She goes to brush past him, tucking her shoulders up and into her neck, trying to put some space between them as she tucks tail and slips back towards the bed. Talk about a busted ego.
A hand curls around her forearm, halting her retreat. “Let’s watch a movie— can’t sleep anyway.”
She swallows thickly. If she were to turn her cheek a few inches she is sure it would brush against his shoulder.
“Are you sure?”
“‘Course I am.”
She nods— she knows he can’t see her but she doesn’t trust her voice— and that’s how she ends up watching Mean Girls with a man large enough to rip her in half with his bare hands. A few times she glances over at him, searching through the glow of the TV to the other side of the supple leather couch where his gaze remains locked on the screen. She’s even sure she hears a few breathy laughs— like he’s trying not to laugh but he can’t help it.
The big bad bodyguard likes chick flicks.
About halfway through something unexpected happens— her eyelids begin to heavy. It’s stange, the clock on the wall reads only slightly past two in the morning. She never sleeps before six. Regardless, though, she curls her legs into her body, tucking them under the hoodie she had replaced before leaving the room. Her head slopes against the arm of the couch, eyes fluttering a few times before dropping shut. She’s not going to sleep, obviously— just resting her eyes.
She feels something heavy pool on her lap and the faintest wisps of fingers— some warm and some cold— adjusting the new weight. It brushes against her shin— a blanket. He put a blanket on her. She pulls it closer, dragging it over her cheek, trying her best to stave off the sleep tugging at her limbs. Maybe a conversation will help. There are a few things she’s been meaning to tell him.
“I didn’t mind it.” She whispers it but she’s sure he can hear her over the all but muted TV.
The couch cushions shift, sinking for a moment before stilling. She can picture him facing her now, his head tilted, blue eyes serious. Always on alert, always ready to defend.
“What?” He even sounds defensive— like he’s waiting for her to drop a bomb on him.
Silly man, can’t you see that she can barely even force the last word out of her mouth with how tired she is?
“Doll. I—” she yawns, pulling her limbs closer to her, tucking a hand under her head— “I didn’t mind it.”
He doesn’t say anything right away. If it were daytime she’s sure she would have cared but for now she’s okay not feeling any of the prescribed embarrassment.
She doesn’t say anything else, only snuggles deeper into the arm of the couch. It must be the exhaustion talking— that’s what she’ll tell herself tomorrow anyway when she’s forced to confront this conversation again. For now she just gives in, letting herself fall into the darkness without fear for what feels like the first time in months.
Tag List: @xhollycowx @remembered-license @dumble-daddy @hellotvshowtrash @thesummerbucky @elijahs-wife @cari1bunny @im-just-star-dust
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Conversation over pizza
Pairing: Ayna Seth x F!MC (Kennedy) Genre: Fluff Rating: T Word Count: 3k+ Notes: I got inspired by @samanthadalton and @iamsimpforpoppy talking about pizza and food one day. I know this might not be a pairing of your particular interest, but I tagged you to show my appreciation for the inspiration (if you’d like me to remove it, please just let me know!). Story is not reviewed because if I stop to review I’d never post anything. Enjoy.
“So, I decided what we can do as your introduction to fine cuisine. Pizza!”
The sound of Ayna’s excitement came all the way from the kitchen to find Kennedy comfortably nestled against the cushions in Ayna’s couch. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and for once Ayna wasn’t swamped in deadlines or planning for classes, so they had been spending the past few hours curled up cuddling and watching cheesy romcoms. It was the perfect setting for peace and relaxation, and Kennedy would have voted to glue herself to the couch and to her girlfriend had it not been for the sound of grumbling stomachs. They were only human, afterall, and humans do need to eat.
“Pizza? Ayna, thank you for believing in me, but there’s no way I can get making pizza from scratch right.” Kennedy moved to the kitchen counter, voice a little less enthusiastic than her girlfriend’s.
But Ayna wasn’t to be deterred. “This one you can,” she replied, showcasing a package of frosted premade pizza dough. “Making it from scratch can be a challenge, I’ll admit. That’s why we’re gonna skip the make your own dough step.”
“But then it won’t be ‘fine cuisine’. It will just be like making a sandwich.”
“Ok, one, don’t talk like you even make sandwiches. And two, try to have some faith in me. Let’s make our own fresh tomato sauce. It makes a world of difference.”
It was a few weeks back when Ayna promised to teach Kennedy how to cook, starting with something easy, of course. This deal was brought by after a nice surprise romantic dinner Ayna had prepared for them in celebration of going public and finally being free to properly date.
“I thought you didn’t cook.”
“Usually I don’t, but I can make an exception if I feel the circumstances are special enough.”
“No, I mean, you said sometimes coffee is all you have.”
Ayna chuckles lightheartedly. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I can’t cook, it means I unfortunately don’t have much time for it.”
“So, does that mean I’m special?” Kennedy can't help the fluttering of her heart and the wide grin from reaching her face at the thought of Ayna dedicating so much to their date.
“You’re the most special of circumstances," resting her hands on Kennedy's shoulders, Ayna gently coaxes the younger woman towards the dinner table. "Now come, before the food gets cold. I hope you enjoy it.”
Kennedy was surprised by how rich and flavorful it all tasted, and as the thick and sweet aroma filling the air lured her into a deep sense of comfort, she was amazed to keep discovering all these layers to her girlfriend.
She learned that cooking was soothing for Ayna, as it reminded the woman of her daadi, who used to say there could be no warmth of heart with an empty stomach. Kennedy was wooed through and through that night, and if cooking was an activity Ayna enjoyed, she wanted to be able to enjoy it with her. But the truth was she couldn't cook if her life dependend on it, so by the end of the night she made Ayna agree to teach her something someday.
"Why pizza? I thought we were going for something Indian."
"You're the one who said you wanted to start easy. Let's hold on the spices for now."
"Fine, I'll trust you. Teach me like I'm one of your French girls." Kennedy grinned, doing as close to a Kate Winslet impersonation as she managed.
"Preferably not naked, though," Ayna teased as she approached Kennedy with an apron, motioning for Kennedy to pass her head through it. "Tomato sauce sometimes gets a little explosive and I don't want you to get burned", she continued as she circled around Kennedy to fasten the straps behind her back.
As expected, Ayna was no less of a teacher in the kitchen than she was in the classroom. She calmly explained everything they were doing and why, from why they needed to boil water to peel off and seed the tomatoes, to how to properly cut them and remove their stem and core to make the process easier.
“We’ll just cook them for little while so the skin comes off easier.”
Once the tomatoes had been set in the boiling water, they moved onto all the other steps. "No respectable sauce lacks onion," Ayna explained, "but chopping them can be tricky. If you get too uncomfortable, tell me and I can do it by myself."
"No way, I'm having the full experience." Kennedy replied, although her eyes did make her almost regret her choice.
When the tomatoes cooked to the right point and they shocked them in iced water, Kennedy was almost amazed by how easily the skin came off.
“Nice trick,” she remarked, as she quickly took care of her task.
“Yeah it is. And it works with potatoes too.”
“You mean I don’t have to spend an hour peeling potatoes?”
“You mean you have peeled potatoes before?” Ayna raised her eyebrows in genuine curiosity.
“Mom tried taking cooking classes once and got me into it too. It didn’t go very well,” Kennedy grinned sheepishly.
“And how is it going now?”
“A lot better. It turns out I just had the wrong teacher,” this time Kennedy offered Ayna a wink and a huge smile, being then rewarded with a peck on the lips.
“Here, let’s sievel the seeds and dice them.”
When it came to dicing the tomatoes, Kennedy felt like she finally could use a more hands-on approach to compensate the fact she was losing some precious cuddling time, so she made sure Ayna would notice she was doing it the wrong way.
“You’re cutting them too big.”
"Oh no, silly me. Can you come over here and show me how to do it? I might do it better if you guide my hand,” Kennedy stated, feigning as much innocence as she could.
"You’re just baiting me."
"Is it working?"
Ayna came closer from behind and wrapped her arms around Kennedy, resting her hands atop the younger woman’s, guiding her movements gently. Kennedy took advantage of the moment as she could, leaning back and sinking further into Ayna’s embrace. She would definitely sign up for more cooking sessions if it involved this kind of teaching.
After many demonstrations more than it was actually necessary, Ayna rested her hands on Kennedy’s waist and moved her head to the side so her lips could softly brush against Kennedy’s ear, “Do you think you can get it right now?” She whispered.
“Y-yeah, I think,” Kennedy stuttered, tilting her head to the side to expose more of her neck.
Ayna nuzzled her nose into Kennedy’s neck for a few seconds before saying  “Good, let’s finish this.”
“Try hungry.”
With the ingredients now all set to go, they moved the chopped onions to a pot and let them fry for a little while. As Kennedy stirs the pot to keep the onions from burning, the sound of them sizzling mixed with its heavenly smell set such a mood of domesticity, Kennedy felt a weird sense of nostalgia for something she never really had.
“Hey, thank you for teaching me. This feels nice.”
“Of course,” Ayna smiled broadly, brushing a loose lock of Kennedy’s hair behind her ear fondly, because the truth was there was little Kennedy could ask of her that she wouldn’t give. “Here comes the tomatoes.”
A few minutes of simmering later and the sauce was ready and good to go, its bright red color contrasting with the paleness of the dough.
With Ayna’s guidance, Kennedy assembled the pizza with their homemade sauce, lots of cheese (the true secret was to use good cheese, Ayna had said) and fresh basil leaves for extra flavor, and they set it to the oven. All they had to do now was wait.
“Have you thought about what you’re gonna do now?” Ayna asked as she setted up the oven timer.
“Hmm, wait for it to bake so we can eat?”  
“I mean about Vancross. You came to help your mom with the Summit, didn’t you? To make allies?” She clarified, moving to help Kennedy out of her apron and taking her own off as well.
“Not just that. I came to study really.”
Once both were free of their aprons, Ayna started going about the kitchen, storing back everything they haven’t used. “Didn’t you tell me once you weren’t sure if going into politics was really what you wanted?”
“You remember that?” Kennedy asked surprised, the memory kind of distant. It was the first time they talked outside of the classroom.
“I remember everything about you.”
“Sappy.” It really was and Kennedy wouldn’t not remark on it, but on the inside she was very much melting. Ayna only smiled in return and raised her eyebrows, challenging Kennedy to not deviate from the subject. "But you're right. I came mostly because she wanted me to."
"Well, you seemed to thrive here, so I’m just curious as to how you feel about continuing your studies."
"I haven’t thought about it yet." Kennedy replied honestly, now sitting on a high stool by the kitchen counter, eyes fixed on Ayna, watching her move around.
"I think it suits you."
"You see me as a politician?"
"Not just in the sense you’re thinking. There’s a lot to this world that doesn’t involve you actually being a candidate and running for office." With a bottle of wine in each hand, Ayna showed both to Kennedy at the same time. "Red or white?"
"Hmm, white." To Kennedy's answer, Ayna just nodded and went for a corckscrew to open it.
"You know, I’ve been listening for so long how I should follow in my mom's footsteps that I guess I never really contemplated anything else."
"You do have a knack for making people feel at ease, and I’ve seen you do great at solving issues and leaving everyone involved satisfied. And you did great at avoiding conflict too." Ayna said as she approached with two glasses of wine, offering one to Kennedy. "Watching your debate was nice, it felt like you were in your element."
Kennedy took the offered glass and spent  a few seconds twirling the wine around it before sipping. "Yeah, I thought I’d be going through a minefield with that assignment, but working with Blaine was surprisingly easy and not that conflituous,” she said, reaching for and pulling Ayna closer to her, scooting backwards and giving Ayna more space to settle in the space between her legs.
“Hmpf, I’d rather not think of how exactly you avoided conflict with him.” Ayna retorted, gulping down a very big sip of her own glass of wine.
"What? You don’t like picturing me charming Blaine off?"
"Uh, no?" Ayna moved away swiftly, her demeanor challenging, as if saying “did you really just ask me that?”
“You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
“Is that why you love pushing my buttons?” Ayna asked narrowing her eyes.
“I mean, it can get pretty intense sometimes. Jealous you is hot,” Kennedy replied teasingly.
“So you really do just do it to get a rise out of me.” Annoyed, Ayna took a step back and started to fully distance herself from Kennedy’s reach.
“Hey, I’m sorry, ok?” Kennedy hurried to apologize, realizing she missed the mark on this one. “I didn’t mean to upset you,” she added, drawing Ayna back to her. To her relief, Ayna offered no resistance, and Kennedy took advantage of it wrapping her into her arms, guiding Ayna’s head to rest on her shoulder. “It was dumb of me, I’m sorry.”
“No, I am sorry. I’m not usually jealous like this, I just— oof,” Ayna shaked her head, sighing dramatically before settling back into the comfort of her girlfriend’s arms, “I’m not used to this feeling.”
“If it makes you feel better, I promise when we were working on that debate, we were really just working on the debate.”
“Really?” Ayna lifted her head up to look at Kennedy, her own eyes holding such a look of childlike hope Kennedy just found it damn adorable.
“Yes, I swear. By then, I was already completely charmed off by a certain TA. Getting you out of my head was no easy task.”
Ayna flashed a bright smile, cheeks flushing slightly as she lowered her gaze, feeling shy all of a sudden.
“See? You can’t smile like that and expect me to not think about that all day.” Kennedy exclaimed, gently lifting Ayna’s head back again  and leaning in for a kiss.
It was supposed to be a quick reaffirming kiss only, but Kennedy decided she had spent far too long of today already not kissing her girlfriend, so she jumped off the stool to be able do it properly. She placed one hand on Ayna’s lower back and the other at the back of her head, entangling her fingers into Ayna’s locks and bringing their bodies as close as possible.
“We’re digressing,” Ayna grinned through the kiss.
“I like this subject better.” Kennedy replied quickly, just as quickly diving in for another kiss, only to be met with a smirking and uncooperative Ayna. “Nice try, but I’m not about to let our pizza burn. And I know where this will lead us."
“Would that be so bad?”
“It would if we end up setting the apartment on fire.”
Kennedy was ready to retort, or whine, to be more specific, when the oven timer set off.  “Saved by the bell.”
To follow on the theme of having the full experience, Kennedy was the one to take the pizza out, with Ayna hovering around her fearful she would burn herself.
“Relax, I got this. Go sit by the table and let me pamper you for a little bit.”
Ayna complied, albeit reluctantly, and Kennedy did the best she could cutting and serving the pizza (it shouldn’t be that difficult, right?). The looks and smell of it were incredibly promising of a good meal. The bright yellow mixed with the few golden spots of over baked cheese coupled with the contrast given by the green leaves against the red sauce certainly provided a sight for hungry eyes, and the heavenly smell of any fresh off the oven pizza certainly didn’t hurt either.
“Whoa, this turned out to be really good,” Kennedy exclaimed in between bites, munching excitedly and occasionaly closing her eyes to further appreciate it, letting out satisfied little grunts. She would never have guessed pre made frozen dough could actually turn into a perfect crunchy crust.
With a hint of amusement at Kennedy's eagerness over pizza, Ayna teased, “You sound surprised."
“Well, yeah, it had me involved."
“Hey, don’t ditch your sous chef.” Ayna said, feigning indignation. Kennedy bends over in Ayna's direction, placing a quick chaste kiss on her cheek. "You're a really great cook. Thank you for this."
The rest of the dinner went by much in the same manner. Kennedy was reveling in the fact her audience wouldn't berate her for not being the image of the prim and proper lady, and at some point she may even have indulged in foregoing the silverware and going straight for the kill with her hands. Truth be told, Ayna was delighted by the sight, and vowed to always make sure Kennedy could be whoever she wanted to be with her.
Once they were belly filled and satisfied, they moved back to the living room, glasses of wine in hand, a recently new opened bottle resting on the coffee table. The reality of it was that none wished for their night to end just yet, and they talked about as many meaningless and trivial subjects as they could think of, conversation flowing freely. But by the time their second bottle was nearly done with, Kennedy noticed Ayna was getting more and more quiet, almost as if lost in thought.
"Penny for your thoughts?" She inquired softly, nudging Ayna lightly, trying to prompt the woman to share what had her suddenly silent.
"I was just thinking about what we were talking earlier."
"We talked about many things," Kennedy replied, leaving both their glasses on the coffee table and moving back to the couch. She sprawled herself on the lenght of it, resting her head on Ayna's lap. "What has gotten you so pensive?"
"You", Ayna stated matter of factly, adjusting herself so Kennedy could fit in better. She brought both her hands to Kennedy's hair, caressing it tenderly, before continuing. “And your mom. You don’t have to antagonize her to follow your own path but you don’t need to follow in her footsteps either."
Kennedy remained silent. She didn't know exactly what to answer to that, for one, and she was sure Ayna would have more to say. She limited herself to closing her eyes, enjoying the soothing feeling of Ayna's hands on her hair.
Taking Kennedy's silence as encouragement (or at least not discouragement), Ayna added, "Sure, you’ll always face some level of scrutiny and expectations, even when she steps down from office, but you can still make choices of your own. I’m sure your mom would be supportive and proud of you.”
“You sure about that? I doubt it sometimes.”
“She may come off as distant and nonchalant, but I think it’s just because she’s really busy. She really cares about you.”
“Yeah, I know this whole mess brought us closer, but sometimes I wonder why we drifted apart in the first place. I miss her.”
"You don’t have to miss her, she’s right there. And you don’t have to hinder your future because you decided to stick yourself with the rebel role. There’s nothing wrong with changing your mind."
“I love you so much, you know that?" Kennedy inquired, a glint of admiration in her eyes as she sits herself back up to place a kiss on Ayna's lips. She then moved to take one of Ayna's hand on hers, squeezing tightly. "You say the greatest things. And you’re right. I thought at some point about leaving just so I could go against her, but truth is I kind of enjoyed this year here”.
As Kennedy was about to drop Ayna's hand, the older woman just incresead her own hold, not letting Kennedy go. “Whatever you choose, I’m sure you’re gonna do great. You’re hard working and focused, you could make anything work. And I’ll be rooting for you every step of the way.”
“Even if it means I leave Vancross?” Kennedy tilted her head to the side, an expression of incredulity and maybe disbelief on her face.
“Why not? I want you to be happy. If you realize that’s what you want, go for it. I like believing we're strong enough to survive us not being so close together all the time.”
“I like believing that too.”
“In any case, I don't think I wish Vancross to be my endgame anymore.”
“No? But you love teaching?”
“I do. But Vancross is not the only educational institution in the world. I could finish my thesis here and leave, or I could leave and finish it somewhere else. Assuming I can have a nice recommendation from here that is.”
Kennedy's expression softened considerably after that, now holding as many emotions as the number of beats per minute her racing heart is doing. It was hope, delight, caring, love. "What are you really saying?"
"I'm saying I'll go wherever you will if you'll have me."
Goddamn. With that sentence Ayna managed to increase Kennedy’s heart rate by tenfold and the younger woman loved it. She realized she hasn’t been this excited and hopeful for the future in the longest while, and she was eager to show Ayna just how much. Smiling widely she wasted no time in straddling the TA’s lap, moving her hips against Ayna’s, just to make sure her point would come across perfectly. When she felt Ayna bringing her hands against her back, letting out a low, quiet moan, Kennedy leaned in.
"Can we go back to digressing now? There’s no more pizza left to burn."
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jordanstrophe · 4 years
Going Once, Going Twice, part 9
Prison Party, part 1
CW: Pet Whump, panic attacks, manhandling, separation anxiety, collared whumpee, implied abuse, scars, Whumpee offering themselves for punishment, begging, 
Peter really wanted to make pizza from scratch for dinner. Robert assured him it was okay to just order some, but he was determined. Master shouldn’t have to buy food, when he could make some for him! He pulled up a chair and sat for hours, watching the dough rise, only to burn the whole thing in the oven.  As Robert would try and throw it out, Peter would desperately try and salvage it. “No! It’s fine! You just have to get a butter knife and scrape the charcoal off!” He cried. “The whole thing is charcoal, hon.” Robert sighed. “No no! You have to dig in, like... Like mining gold!” He waved his butter knife around. “How is burned charcoal gold to you? You act like I don’t feed you decent food, child!” Robert complained, laughing. He pouted as he mercilessly dumped the burned pizza in the trash. “Trust me, it's not even healthy to eat it in that state. It’s okay, you can try again.” He encouraged, which he proceeded to do.
“Hey honey! Come sit down, I need to talk to you.” He smiled. Peter’s face froze, going visibly pale as he nervously held his hands to his chest. “I didn’t burn the forth one.” He muttered defensive.
“I know! It was perfect. You’re not in any trouble, come on now.” He coaxed him over. He trying to make himself look as small and innocent as possible. “I’m going out for the night, I may be awhile, but I’m going to have Luke come over to give you company, is that okay?” He asked. He hoped that would put his mind at ease, but he didn’t look any more comfortable than he did before, if anything, he looked even more distraught. 
“It's Just for a little while! Couple of hours.” He added. He could almost see Peter’s thoughts jostling his mind, his eyes darting back and forth, trembling slightly. “Can I go?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. Robert let out a small sigh, he looked so sweet and distraught, it was going to be hard to say no to those eyes. “No sweetheart, you don’t want to go where I’m going, I need you to stay here.” He smiled. 
Peter’s breathing spiked, he clutched the table tightly with both hands. “Why can’t I go? I’ll behave, I promise! You won’t hear a word from me, you won’t even know I’m there!” He pleaded. He was so scared of master leaving the house again.
“I know you would, but I don’t want to take you out like that. I want you to have fun and engage in something.” He sighed. Luke was already at the door knocking, as the panic was sealed. Before Robert could open the door, Peter grabbed his wrists, trying to pull him back. He knew he was being a terrible, disrespectful Pet, part of him wanted to be punished just so he at least knew right from wrong. 
“Please! Please don’t go! I’ll do whatever you want!” He pleaded. Robert took his wrist firmly, “Peter, I’ve already told you, you have to stay here. This is for your own good.” He said, putting just a slight tone of a command in his voice. He opened the door for Lukar, who greeted them with a smile. 
Peter looked at the ground sadly, his brow furrowed, before burying himself under Robert’s arm. “Peter, be nice, Luke is putting his own time aside for you.” He gave him a pat on the head, he felt pretty bad having to put his authorities tone in, but he had to learn soon, rather later. "I brought a board game!" Lukar cheered. "See? He brought a board game." Robert cheered, trying to make it sound really exciting. 
“Stay safe out there, okay?” Lukar said, he couldn’t help but to let concern leak into his tone. “Yeah, I will.” He smiled, unlatching Peter from his arm. “Be good.” He mouthed, before closing the door behind him. The house fell deathly silent, Peter looked from the door, to Lukar. “Where is he going?” He muttered. “He just has to pick something up, he’ll be fine.” He smiled. He tried to coax him to the table, but he wouldn’t budge. 
“He’s going to that party, isn’t he?” He asked, not peeling his eyes from the door. “How did y-... Don’t worry about it!” He tried to catch himself from conforming his suspicions, but it was already too late. He had pieced it together, and was now desperately trying to rip the door open. 
“Peter! Wait wait wait stop!” He cried, trying to pry him away from the locked door, but he caught on quickly how the latch worked and was able to unlock it. He squirmed out of Lukar’s grasp and bolted out of the house.
Robert had already started driving down the road, glancing in his side mirror, only to see Lukar and Peter outside in the yard, Luke trying to wrestle him to the ground before he ran out into the street. He slammed down on the breaks, ripping the car into reverse. Lukar had a hold on his arm as Peter surprisingly had some strength in his adrenal state.
Robert jumped out of the car, grabbing Peter off the ground and held him still. He was hyperventilating, trying to worm his way out of their grasp, desperately crying out. Robert pinned both arms to his side, holding him on the ground until he tired himself out. It took him a second to realize the person holding him was Robert, as he gasped, shoving his head into the crook of his neck and sobbed. 
“P-please d-don’t go th-there!” He sobbed, as Robert loosened his grip, pulling him into a gentle hug. He could feel his whole body shaking and trembling uncontrollably in his arms, as he carried him into the house. 
Robert sat him on the couch, cleaning his face from the dirt and tears with a tissue, gently rubbing his thumb up and down on his cheek as he cried and sobbed his heart out. He quieted down to soft whimpers and single tears. 
“Peter.” Robert said with a disappointed tone. He fell silent, as he shamefully looked up at him. “What you did was so dangerous and reckless, you could have gotten hurt, or killed. Not only did you disobey Luke, you disobeyed me.” He said. Peter lowered his, he slowly slunk off the couch onto his knees, Robert wasn’t sure what he was doing, until he offered his wrists up to him. He could see his wrists were covered in old scars, littering his palms. 
“I know... I’m sorry I just... I knew where you were going.” He whispered, pressing his forehead against Robert’s knee. “I was scared. What if you didn’t come home?!” He cried out, his arms were already exhausted, as he dropped them to cling to Robert's leg, who quickly scooped him up off the floor and sat next to him on the couch. He pulled him into a hug resting his chin on his head. “Luke, thank you for coming, you can head home now.” Robert motioned. He was a bit confused, but he nodded, slipping out the door. 
Robert took his chin, tilting his head up. “I appreciate that sweetheart, but I need to be able to not worry about you when I go out. “I’m not going to punish you, I’m not going to hurt you, but this can never happen again, do you understand?” He asked. He hoped he would get through to him now, if he did try something like this again, he wasn’t sure what he would actually do about it, maybe ground him in his room or something...
Peter nodded his head quickly, he was still burning with shame, but he wasn’t about to lose the only master he ever cared about. “Okay listen... You can come, but only-” “-THANK YOU! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!” He cried out. “But! You have to listen to me at all times, if I say stay by me, you stay by me. If I say to go to the car, you go straight to the car, do you understand?” Peter nodded his head enthusiastically. 
Robert took him to the sink to properly clean him up, gently washing his face off with a warm cloth, he seemed to enjoy it. He hadn’t really been outside since the first day, aside from just being tackled by Lukar. He nervously held onto Roberts arm, expecting to be put in the back of the car like last time, but he opened the front door for him. “Go on, it’s alright.” Robert smiled, taking his hand and helping him up.
The front seat was much more comfortable, it felt nice to have the whole to himself. “Alright kid.” Robert muttered, second attempt at getting out of the driveway. “Stay close to me at all times, If someone tries to talk to you, be polite, but I’m going to try and keep anyone off you.” Said Robert. “Yes Master.” He responded, curling up under the coat. The car fell silent, Robert too awkward to try and spike a conversation, Peter too shy and embarrassed to say anything.
“What’s you’re uhhh... Favorite color?” He asked. Peter perked up uncomfortably. “I... It’s, whatever you like, Master.” He muttered. He knew at least how this worked. He was whoever his master wanted him to be. “No no, I want your favorite color.” He chuckled. “I get one?” He asked. “Yes, you get a favorite color.” He thought for a hard moment, remembering all the paint colors he was given. He covered his mouth with the coat and whispered something inaudible. “What was that?” Robert asked.
“I like the blue one!” He slightly raised his voice, just enough to maybe be heard. He smiled, reaching over to ruffle his hair. The whole rest of the drive he quizzed him on his favorite things, making the ride a bit more tolerable. As surprisingly fun as it was, both men had a deep dark feeling, knowing their destination was a dark one. 
They pulled up to a massive gate to a mansion. Dozens of expensive cars all parked to the side, there was a small line at the house entrance of people trying to get in. “Remember..” Robert muttered. “Stay close to you, be polite.” Peter recited. “Good boy.” He smiled, helping him from the car. Peter huddled under his arm as they walked up the stairs in line. Most people were all paying attention to only themselves, doing last second touches to their pets either standing next to them, or kneeling. They were brushing their hair, straightening their close, some even putting makeup on theirs to cover their bruises. Robert was disgusted, only trying to block Peter’s vision from them as much as he could. 
They stepped up to the top step, there was a tall muscular man guarding the door, “Name.” He muttered, not bothering to look up. “Robert. Robert McAllen.” He said. The man glanced up awkwardly. “Mcallen?” He muttered to himself, he flipped through the clipboard. “I’m uh, I’m family.” He said. “I see that, you got a Pet?” He asked, glancing down at Peter, who had to force his every muscle to stay still and not hide. “Uh, yeah. I do,” He admitted. It felt wrong to call him that. “Look up at me.” The man snapped his fingers at Peter, as he jolted, immediately obeying. The man tsked, “He needs a collar.” He grumbled. “What? Why?” He asked, annoyed. “Why? Because he’s a Pet. It’s Pet owners 101. No collar, no entry.” He sighed. “I don’t have a collar...” Robert admitted. “That’s too bad. Next!” He called. “Wait! Wait... Come on man, I’m a McAllen, Nina and I are... This close.” He completely lied between his teeth, holding up a smidge with his fingers.
The man glanced around, before making eye contact with another guard, waving him over. “We got any spare collars?” He asked. The man nodded, before disappearing. '‘Wait, is that really necessary? He won’t leave my side the whole time.” He complained. “It’s mandatory.” He grumped. The other man returned with a small black collar, handing it to Robert. “This is ridiculous, I’ll be in and out in no time.” He protested. “Sir there are people waiting behind you, leash your Pet or leave.” He yelled. Robert was about to give him a real piece of his mind before Peter stopped him. “Master it’s okay! I’m used to it!” He admitted. 
That was true, he had a collar for the entirety with his old master, until he cut it off one day to sell him to the auction. It was an odd feeling, but he assumed master had just forgotten to give him one. He was enjoying not having one, no breathing restrictions, open and free, he tried not to mention it in case he only reminded master to get him one. “Are you sure?” Robert asked, as he nodded his head. He shakily took the collar from the man, Peter lifted his chin so he could easily fit it on. He clipped it as loosely as possible, several inches still slack as it set low on his collarbone. 
The man shrugged, stepping aside for them. “Try not to take it off.” He reminded, as they walked past. They came into a bright open room, dozens of people crowded around, tiled floors, waiters, everyone was dressed to impress, far over the top. 
Robert protectively held Peter close, glancing around trying to find Nina. But he knew even that was a challenge in itself. 
To be continued...
Tag list: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @moose-teeth @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @yet-another-heathen @sillypizzazineoperator @freefallingup13 @alien-octopus @unicornscotty @whumpzone  @penny-for-your-whump @girlwithnoballons242 @whumpingredroses  @rippedjeansandfadeddreams  @cupcakes-and-pain @thinkingofausername
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Thank you for reading!
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