#i was thinking amanda would probably do the same but what about when she’s talking about jyushi??????
akkivee · 6 months
i like the way rhyme anima made amanda communicate with us lol
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coraniaid · 6 months
You said a few days ago that you would have liked if season 7 went more in the direction of Help rather than the direction of the First. I know you're not a big fan of the First but I was wondering what you meant by that specifically, and what kind of direction you might have preferred season 7 go in overall?
I don’t have any good reason to think it actually happened, but I always get the impression from watching or thinking about Season 7 that the early plans for the season changed pretty significantly at some point after most of the first few episodes had already been written.  (Perhaps when they decided that it would also be the last season?  I’ve heard conflicting accounts of when that decision was made.)
If you go back and look at the then-contemporary discussions of the show, the whole season was initially marketed as something of a ‘year zero’: a return to the show’s high school era roots, to something much more upbeat than Season 6, to the original Scooby Gang as the focus of the show.  
And just to be clear, I rather like Season 6 – it doesn’t always work, and I think some of the subplots are pretty dreadfully executed, and sometimes I respect the episodes more than I enjoy watching them – but it inarguably has a clear vision for the story it’s trying to tell, one that builds on and recontextualizes what came before it.  But for the payoff for that season to land, we needed Season 7 to be different.  To be less cynical, more hopeful.  It needed to show us that Buffy was right to promise Dawn in Grave that things were going to get better.  
And that sort of reset is what we got … for about half a dozen episodes.  Then, of course, it goes rather horribly wrong.
I like Help in particular because it is, for me, the closest the show ever gets to delivering on that promise of a return to the high school era.  It’s not quite a regression or a soft reboot: Buffy is still an adult with a job, even if she’s suddenly unexpectedly back in high school.  Her more mundane responsibilities haven’t suddenly gone away. But now the job she has isn’t something she hates but has to do – it’s something that she actually has a calling for, almost literally, something that harks back to her getting the Class Protector award back in Season 3.   In Help Buffy’s inhabiting the same world she did in the first three seasons, she’s still trying to save people, but this time with a new, more experienced perspective. 
The episode feels very aware of the show’s history, too.  There are nods to Lie To Me (a teenager Buffy knows is going to die because of illness, not anything supernatural Buffy can stop) and Reptile Boy (the cult trying to sacrifice a teenage girl to a demon for material riches) and Beauty and the Beasts (with Buffy herself taking on the role of Mr Platt, worried that Mike is going to turn out to be another Pete), and of course the whole episode is a callback to Prophecy Girl.  Because Cassie – probably the show’s last great one-episode character (and yes, the actor comes back later but the person doesn’t) – isn’t just somebody Buffy is trying to save, she is Buffy: a Season 1 Buffy who struggles to make friends and has a supernatural gift she doesn’t like to talk about and knows she’s going to die heartbreakingly young.  I don’t think it’s merely chance that Cassie’s big speech to Buffy about her destiny (“You think I want this?  You think I don’t care?”) echoes Buffy’s own words to her mother in Becoming either (“You think I choose to be like this?”).
Plus, while the episode ties into the wider story arc – with Spike in the basement and hints that Principal Wood might be up to something and our first appearance of future Potential Amanda – the whole thing still tells a coherent, self-contained story.  It stands on its own right; it makes sense on its own terms.  it’s not just another installment in the long running saga of General Buffy and the friends she never talks to who later kick her out of the house she owns.
And I think there was a lot more ground there to explore, in the same vein as Help.  At least a full season’s worth.  There was so much more the show could have tried to do in terms of going back and revisiting some of the classic moments of the first three seasons from a more mature and more grown-up perspective, instead of summarily kicking Buffy out of her new job and then blowing the school up (again).  If this season is about the future – about new Slayers being called, one way or another – then what does that mean?  How else are Buffy and Willow and Xander engaged in the challenge of trying to pass on what they’ve learned about life on the Hellmouth to a new generation?  
At its best, Buffy has always been in conversation with its past, building on ideas that were touched on in one season and asking the audience to think about them again from a different angle.  And the beginning of Season 7 sets up the perfect stage to try to do more of that.
I’d have loved to have seen a whole season of Buffy trying to keep her students alive while also preparing them to go out and live in the world.  Of Dawn making new friends and finding value in being herself, not just the Slayer’s sister or the mystical Key.  Of Buffy and Willow and Xander really getting to know each other again, and having a chance to talk about everything that happened to them last year.  A whole season of, in a way, seeing the show from the very beginning, but this time from the perspective of people like Giles or Jenny or Joyce.
But instead we got a lot of boring wank about an impossibly old super-god who can’t actually touch anything (but one who Buffy would definitely let Dawn die to defeat because this godlike being is so much more impressive and scary than Glory, trust us guys, please, we swear) and her army of interchangeable and personality-free super vampires (and of course Caleb, who’s somehow even more mind-numbingly boring than they are).  Instead we get a second half of the season in which Andrew Wells has more screen time than Willow or Xander or Anya or Giles or Dawn.  Instead we get to wonder whether Giles is the First and try to pretend to care that Spike has been hypnotized.  Instead we get Lies My Parents Told Me.
Oh well.  At least Faith shows up near the end.
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Slashers with an airhead s/o part two
What inspired me to write this is me finding out almost 17 years into my life that New England is not a state. I've had so many airhead moments lately that I kind of needed to write this.
Includes: Jason Voorhees, The Grabber, Mark Hoffman and Amanda Young
Warnings: Talk of manipulation, mentions of kidnapping, slashers being a little mean at times, readers air headedness is played up a bit
Jason Voorhees
Y/n, he loves you so much, but he's also so worried to leave you alone in case you forget to turn off the oven and burn the cabin down. He knows you're not completely stupid but, you're a little dumb.
He gets frustrated sometimes when he has to explain to you for the third time that day how to hold something the right way while helping him with yard work.
Will have to write you lots of instructions on how to do things so you don't mess it up. He'll be more confident when he leaves you alone if you have a list of things to get done and how to do them.
He's not letting you leave the house alone. He's coming with you while you're going on your walks or doing tasks. He trusts you not to run he just doesn't trust that you won't try to pet a raccoon.
The Grabber
He's been stalking you for a bit before he actually kidnaps you and he's just so surprised at how air headed you are at times. He watched you pour yourself a glass and try to drink butter milk because you thought it was just normal milk but richer.
Actually kidnapping you is surprisingly easy. You ignore your instincts to run away from him and actually try to help him with whatever he's using to lure you in. Then it takes you a good few days to realize he's The Grabber if he doesn't outright tell you.
He knows you're not like super dumb but it's just enough that you won't notice him manipulating you into trusting him. He's a little shocked at how fast you'll warm up to him. Partly because he's the only human contact you've had in weeks, partly because you're just kinda dumb.
He feels like he's doing the right thing in a way by keeping you with him. He thinks that other people would try to hurt you or manipulate you if he wasn't "keeping you safe" even though he's doing the same thing.
Mark Hoffman
He gets annoyed very quickly with how air headed you are. He still loves you don't get me wrong, but after having a 10 minute talk with you about why you can't just adopt a random stray cat you found he needs a drink.
He'll lie to you at times if it's going to keep his identity as a jigsaw apprentice safe. He knows you won't really come up with that on your own unless he actually spells it out for you but he thinks it's just safer to say that he had to work late or something.
He's somewhat relived when he learns that you're not totally dumb. He'll listen to you talk about a topic you know a lot about because it makes him feel better about your intelligence
He'll be a little mean at times if he gets frustrated with you but the most he'll do is say you're pretty dumb or call you an airhead, he'll always apologize after however. But if anyone else is mean to you for being dumb he's not letting that slide.
Amanda Young
She's going to laugh at all of your airhead moments, but not in a mean way, in a 'that's adorable' kind of way. Like if you ask her where your sunglasses are and they're on the top of your head she'll laugh and tell you.
She's also not worried about you finding out that she's working for Jigsaw. She could legit come home covered in someone else's blood with a pig mask in hand and you'll think she was at a costume party.
She's going to keep you far away from Hoffman. She already hates him but she knows that he's going to be a real dick to you. But she'll probably introduce you to John on the condition that you don't get put into a trap because you're a little dumb.
She'll be more understanding than other people I think. You're not a harmful type of dumb you're just more of a "Why can't you just use vegetable oil for your car?" kind of dumb.
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japhan2024 · 6 months
Review of Smosh's Funeral Roast
I am harsh at times, but know it all comes from a place of love!
Spoilers under the cut
I live in Europe. This is relevant because of timezones: the funeral roast of Anthony Padilla was live at 6pm for them, meaning 3am for me. I am not the youthful insomniac I once was so I had to train my sleep schedule the entire week - otherwise I would miss it because I fell asleep. But I wanted to witness this live. I love smosh.
The trailer for this roast deserves an award: Ian and the cast have a movie night as suddenly the light turns blue and everyone but Ian freezes. He seems to know what's going on and discovers a zombie or ghost like Anthony levitating. The cast of the roast are all introduced and all play a gothic, churchy kind of character. See the full trailer here (it's currently at 666k views, how fun):
Around 1am I got impatient and decided not to wait for my alarm clock but to install myself on the couch, with a blanket and a scarf, and a hot cup of tea, god knows I would need it. I watched episodes of the Scott Pilgrim Netflix series to kill the time. The character Todd Ingram reminded me a lot of Anthony and I wonder whether Anthony has 'vegan superpowers' as well. Probably so.
Finally, the pre-show begins. This is pretty uneventful as they play a game and succesfully convince thousands of viewers to buy their tickets to the main show. I look at them. Everyone is gorgeous. But I can't look away from Ian and Anthony. And here is where I stray from actually reviewing the show to let my inner fangirl out: holy fuck they are hot. Me and my friends on tumblr have been making 'forgive me Father, for I have SINNED' jokes because his character, 'the pastor', just brings that out in people. We're not used to Ian in black, or in a robe, and he looks phenomenal. And then there is Anthony, clothed in a ridiculous Harry Styles-esque lace top with lace gloves, resting his head on Ian's shoulder. It's such a cute moment, Ian pushes him upright. He can be alive for a second before his funeral. My heart melts. Honerable mention: Courtney's bikini girl cleavage right behind Ian. The girls were ready to rock. Okay, okay, back to the review.
The room feels kind of small and a bit claustrophobic. The Smosh art dept. always steps up, so the stained glass "friendship never dies" high-five looks incredible, and the megachad-Anthony portrait hilarious. The casket is huge. But the props make the set look even smaller. I think the problem is the cameras. I realize how difficult camerawork is when you have multiple focus points to switch between, but next time they should do a lot of practice with this to streamline, to get everyone in the shot and better capture people's reactions to the roasts.
Ian walks in. He starts off with a bit about who Anthony is: a hot, hardworking guy with a big dick. Those are the main takeaways of his roasts.
Amanda is next. She looks beautiful but very wacky. Her deliverance and accent are stellar, though. She truly is top talent at Smosh. Her roasts are also some of the most scorching of the night. She doesn't shy away from calling out Anthony's past problematic behavior and less than stellar performance in the bedroom ("look it up!") She gets a round of applause and deservedly so.
Tommy follows with a kind of angry roast, and proceeds to read the will, from which nobody comes away unscathed. I feels like his words about Anthony supposedly hating the cast are a necessary evil. Just the same day Anthony posted his interview with Shayne on his personal channel. There we learned that Shayne didn't know before if Ian and Anthony actually had wanted to hire them. Anthony said they were very much involved, something I don't know whether to believe. As apparently, Ian never talked about it with Shayne either, for all those years. Shayne had also been very apprehensive when Anthony came back, not knowing what would happen and the first change was to boot the entire cast off the main channel. I feel like Tommy's roast puts the topic on the table and hopefully they will talk about it more until nobody has any doubt left.
Now I have to insert that one of my main critiques of the night is that lots of people both did a lot of obvious jokes (tattoos, leaving smosh, general appearance) and did not go hard enough. Anthony kind of has an awkward CEO vibe (he's not the ceo but still) about him that seems to make even the cast a bit wary of him. I had hoped for jokes about that.
Brandon Rogers is next and rightfully points out the lack of celebrities in the line-up. Doesn't Anthony have more friends who want to roast him? Either he doesn't or the rest of Smosh don't have access to them. Which is both fine, because it is a Smosh party after all.
Arasha comes in swinging with all kinds of Zoomer slang that I frankly don't understand but her deadpan delivery is like a breath of fresh air. She ends with a very nice message. That kind of undercuts her roasts though, I wish she would have been meaner.
Now it is time for the musical half-time show, which actually deserves its own review. Performed by Angela and Chanse, this is incredible. By far, the most professional part of the evening. These are no theater kids, as they still call themselves. These are Broadway acTORS! I was really taken away by their talent. Not only do they act, but they also sing amazingly? Did you hear Angela do screamo?! And Chanse's riffs? They pointedly mention the sexual tension between Ian and Anthony, both on- and off screen. This has been occupying my mind ever since. Wow, sorry I went fangirl-mode again. But the halftime show simply is that good. Keith makes an appearance at the end and brings the show back down to earth with his humor.
The biggest surprise guests are next in what I can only describe as Dan telling the horny tale of his years long obsession with Anthony, and the many, many times he unloaded on the 'sexy Anthony' calender (which is a real calender, I was there when it came out but was broke at the time, darnit). Dan and Phil have been shedding their PG personas on their own channels for a while now, but for those who don't watch them daily this December - they're doing gamingmas and it's chaos - it is shocking what X-rated stuff comes out of their mouths. Anthony is visibly taken aback. Good!
As the show progresses, Ian keeps moderating as the pastor. It is great to see him so in control and enjoying the roast of his best friend. The joke of Ian not being able to show his emotions comes up a lot, but today I see him mainly just having fun.
Of course, then there is Bikini Girl, whom I had high hopes for, maybe too high. She is hilarious, but nothing really stings. Courtney does also direct the whole show, so super kudos to her. I just don't think she has the best roasts. She is followed by Rhett and Link, who just do their regular thing. It is funny but not very original. You can only hear so many tattoo jokes before it gets old. We do see Link's bare torso, so a win for fangirls (gender neutral).
Then Shayne, or should I say the Chosen has his turn. He is absolutely in character and does great. I just don't know if the Chosen is the best person to deliver roasts. It feels more like a Shayne party than a roast of Anthony. Which enough people love all the same, I'm sure.
Angela is 'the vessel', a possessed girl, reading the roasts from the audience. These roasts are very mid (they should have included mine! /j), but her delivery is again stellar. Smosh is really lucky to have her.
And last but not least, Ian goes on a second roasting spree. Only, it isn't a roast? He just makes fun of Anthony’s baby picture and then proceeds to tell Anthony how grateful he is for him, how he's so glad they are friends again and that he loves him? Anthony is crying by this time, which makes the moment even more tender.
Of course, Anthony has to do a counter-roast. It is apparent that he is still affected by all the roasting or 'love-bombing' as Amanda calls it. And he's not as good at live comedy yet. Still, his jokes are funny and really in Anthony's own style. He concludes with Ian's quote of being happy to burn Smosh to the ground with him. I knew that quote would be ingrained in Anthony's mind. It was one of the sweetest things Ian had ever said to him, after all. Until Ian has now told him he loves him, of course.
And then it was 5 am. I got a healthy two hours of sleep in! I came away from this roast with a content smile and a full heart. This was well worth the ticket, the staying up late. I am happy to be a member and support them monthly, I've loved their humor even before they started their youtube channel. I love Smosh. I'm so happy that Anthony is back. Smosh is whole again. And it brings out that light in Ian's eyes. He is funny in an unhinged way again. I truly love Anthony and Ian and their dumb videos. I want them to continue to make them forever. These kinds of live shows are fun. But Ian and Anthony truly shine in their off the walls absurdist sketches.
Special shout-out to my bestie @only-frann who I could scream at this whole day.
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
We'll Be Fine
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Summary: You get nervous when you try to announce a big surprise to your friends with the help of your husband, Damien.
a/n: I've been watching Smosh a lot and decided to write about Damien cause i love him
You were all on set, getting ready for shooting the next episode for Eat it or Yeet it. You were a part of the cast, joining Smosh at the same time as Damien. Shayne could clearly see how both of you and his friend hit it off. So, Shayne became your personal cupid and set you guys up on your first date. You guys had amazing chemistry, and later became engaged in 2022.
Now you were pacing back and forth, fiddling with your fingers. You were currently hiding in the office as everyone was getting ready in the studio. You hear someone come out and see Damien.
He gives you a nervous smile as he races towards you.
"Hey, we're about to shoot soon. Everyone was wondering where you went." He says.
"I had to step for a second, I was getting nausaus." You said, rubbing your non existing bump.
Today was going to be a special episode as most of the cast members will be doing the episode, but also the announcement that you were pregnant.
You and Damian found out you were three months along when you went to the clinic. You two thought what would be a great way to tell your Smosh family of your news and you knew what to do. You called Garret in secret and helped you cook the whole menu, but catered the big bite.
Now, you felt like your insides were flipping around.
"Hey, don't worry! They're going to love it and they'll be happy for us." He says, hugging you.
You started tearing up and wiped your tears.
"You'd think the hormones would be coming later on." You said.
Damian chuckles and kisses your head.
"You're going to do amazing, We'll be fine. Ready?" He asks.
You nod your head and you two walk in hand to the shooting.
Everyone gets their mic and you talk amongst yourselves till they were ready to film. You take a deep breath and stared at the camera.
"Hey, y'all! Welcome to Eat it or Yeet it. I'm not your regular host as you can see here that Courtney here will be eating instead!"
Courtney waves at the camera eagerly. In order, she sat with Kimmy, Damian, Shayne, Jackie, Noah, Keith, Olivia, Angela, Chanse, Ian, Amanda, Spencer, and Tommy.
You were getting nervous as this was one of the biggest table yet.
"So, today we're doing something a bit different. Today, the contestants must figure out the theme before the big bite! Due to all of us being packed on this table, they must buzz their buzzer first to get the dish they want."
"Because this particular episode is very different from the last, I just know every dish will make us crap out our minds." Noah said.
"I don't why I'm even here, I purposely made sure I had my day off today." Shayne acclaimed.
Damien shares a nervous laugh but no one makes of it.
You then bring over the first dish covered and placed it in the middle of the table.
"Hope you guys are ready for our first dish!" You said, revealing a plate of what appeared to be dyed blue and pink deviled eggs.
Everyone gasps at how vibrant the color is, but you all started the countdown and Chanse buzzed first.
"I need to eat this now cause I can't eat whatever monstrosity there is next." Chanse exaggerated.
You all laugh and count down for him to eat it, and surprisingly he hums in delight.
"Not really a fan of eggs, but it tastes good!" He says.
"The dish is called blue and pink devil eggs! It is pickled egg filling and eggs that have food coloring!"
The next dish, you brought out pigs in a blanket with jelly filling and Kimmy buzzed it. She liked it as she was cheering, saying how it complements the salty taste.
Everyone tries guessing along the way, saying the theme is probably cartoon characters or something relating to their past try not to laugh bits. Oh, how they're all wrong.
Some dishes that you served was a casserole with marshmallows and chocolate but baby corn and baby carrots were buried underneath. Amanda got the dish and yeeted, not liking the combo.
Then the last dish before the big bite was lamb chops, and Shayne and Courtney tied buzzing. Once you all saw the footage again, Courtney was a second ahead by Shayne and got the dish.
The camera pans to Shayne as Courtney indulges on the lamb.
"I just- I'm just going to accept my defeat." Shayne said, as he looks like he's giving up.
Everyone aws as they know that Shayne always gets the worst dishes. You were kinda hoping that Shayne would get the last dish and you had something in mind.
"Okay, this one is a bit heavy so I need Damien to help me." You said since he ate one of the other dishes.
Damian looks up at you, surprised but he surpresses his joy as he follows you to the back.
"They're bringing in a live squid!" Ian screams and everyone shouts out what they think theyre bringing.
Soon, you two walk out with a white box, trying so hard not to smile so much.
"Ready Shayne?" You ask.
Shayne gives an exaggerated sigh and holds out a fork.
"Bring on the pirahna" Shayne says.
Damian places the box on the table in front of his friend and you count down, lifting up the top.
Shayne closes his eyes, thinking that it will jump out. But, he opens one eye and leans over. Both his eyes widen as he sees a cake, but more at what the cake was written with frosting.
"Shayne?" Jackie asks as she looks over his shoulder, reading the cake. She screams out loud and looks up at you and Damian, now close to each other.
"No, you're not!" She says, but smiling as her hands fly up to her cheeks.
Everyone gets up at their seats and look down to why they were acting weird, but saw the pastel rainbow cake with white frosting writing that read:
Baby Haas Coming Soon!
"You're pregnant?!" Kimmy and Courtney screamed.
You nod your head eagerly as Damien hugs you from behind.
"Yep! I'm three months along." You said.
Everyone cheered on and off camera. They all got up and hugged you and Damien, saying congrats.
Shayne was the only one who was in his seat, still shocked.
"Shayne buddy, you okay?" Damien asks, worried what his best friend would say.
He looks up with tears in his eyes.
"You guys are having a baby?" he asks.
Damien nods his head.
"Yeah, man. We are." Damien says, smiling as he finally gets to tell the news to his best friend.
Shayne gets out of his seat and hugs Damien, crying.
"I'm so happy for you two!" Shayne acclaims.
He looks at you and open his arms.
You join the hug and everyone joins in. Courtney turns to the camera.
"We're so happy for our friends starting their family. Like and subscribe and we'll see you all soon!" Courtney said.
You and Damien shared the cake with the cast and crew, as everyone can't wait to see your baby. You and Damien sat next to each other, cuddling on the office couch.
"You see? Everything turned out perfectly." Damien says.
You smile as you lean in and kiss him.
"I'm glad it's off my chest. I couldn't have done this without you." You said, beaming. As you try leaning in for another kiss, your friends disrupt you, fighting over who will be god parents.
Chaos ensued, but you knew you both wouldn’t have it any other way.
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gurugirl · 2 years
Tales From the Modern Incubus Part 8*
Summary: At church you have to face everyone's gossip when word spreads about you breaking up with Miguel for Harry, but then when you discover something perplexing about yourself it makes you feel powerful but it's got Harry feeling worried. 7.8k words
A/n: this is demon!Harry, with some dark content and there could be triggering topics. Please read warnings in the TFMI masterlist before continuing.
Warning: Smut (not sex), talk of religion, use of magic/spells
Character List
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Part 7*
Part 8*
Harry’s behavior was very odd when he showed up at the church unannounced. You were shocked he was there but it also made you feel super elated that he came to see you, so when you told him you were going to dinner with your parents and were about ready to leave you felt a little bad for him. Why had he come to the church to fill out the form when you’d already made plans to do so on Sunday? Maybe he just wanted to see you. So, that was the answer you went with.
That night, for the first time in nearly a week, you didn’t smell Harry. Perhaps having the window open helped. But you’d gotten used to the scent and sort of wished you could still smell him. You also found yourself unable to fall into any kind of deep sleep. You stared up at your ceiling and pondered various things. You briefly thought of Miguel and felt a bit of dread at seeing him at church the following morning but more than that, you were excited to see Harry.
At the same time, Harry was feeling quite sad. He missed your presence and now that he realized you were probably no longer affected by his spells he wouldn’t be having his normal evening stalker-sessions with you. It crushed him a little. He was looking forward to seeing you, even if you didn’t do much with your time. He was simply obsessed by your scent and your sweetness. It was worrying him too about what Danny had said. What if you were out of his league? What if once you realized your own power you no longer wanted Harry? Harry had never been a worrier, but he was officially worried.
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When you heard your parents moving about the house on Sunday morning you went through your basic routine of getting ready. You picked out a cute outfit that you thought Harry might like and you took care of your appearance, showering and shaving things you’d never considered shaving before Harry. But now that you two were an item, and he was seeing you naked, you wanted to look perfect for him, because you planned on letting him see you naked again, and again. You couldn’t help yourself around him. Your sexual urge was too strong. And you really didn’t feel as much guilt about it today for some reason. Every moment that passed you felt less guilt about what you were doing with Harry.
At the church building you grabbed a sign-up sheet for the conference for Harry and went into one of the small Sunday School rooms as usual, checked social media and then texted Harry.
To Harry: at the church already. see you soon!
You didn’t want to look at Instagram anymore. There was nothing going on and none of your friends had posted. You looked down at your phone when you heard a ding. But it wasn’t from Harry.
From Amanda: Miguel told everyone you broke up with him. Why didn’t you tell me? Is everything okay?
You sighed. You hadn’t told Amanda because you’d been so busy with Harry and you were really hesitant to tell her everything. Amanda was your best friend but you knew her well and she wouldn’t like to hear that you and Harry had been doing the things you were. She would probably freak out. Just like you would have if you’d heard the same of her – well you would have a week ago. But now that you’ve felt what it’s like to do such things with a boy, well, you can’t blame anyone for getting into those kinds of situations. It makes total sense to you now. But Amanda wouldn’t understand. She’d never even had a boyfriend, and as far as you knew she had never even masturbated before.
To Amanda: Yeah. I just don’t think I really had feelings for Miguel anymore. When you get here, don’t be shocked though. I’m kind of seeing Harry. Do you remember him from last week at lunch? Tall guy with dark hair? I can tell you more about it later. Sorry for not telling you. :-/
You knew she wasn’t going to like that. Everything that you’ve done over the last week is very out of character for you. You just feel so different. In fact, you suddenly feel like you shouldn’t care nor apologize for how you feel. You just want to be honest and open with everyone. You can’t of course, most people wouldn’t understand.
Your phone dinged again, this time it was Harry responding.
From Harry: on my way already
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When you saw him it was like he was glowing. Such a beautiful man. You took in his appearance and his confidence and you could melt from just the way he looked at you.
You both walked toward one another with small grins and he grasped your hand, “Hello beautiful.”
You chuckled, “You’re the beautiful one here.” You were happy and relieved to be back in his presence again.
After having Harry fill out the conference sign-up sheet and pay (in cash) you placed the paperwork and money in the office with a note to add Harry to the list of attendees. The church secretary would take care of it tomorrow.
You both sat together near the front and you spotted Sarah who was making her way to you and Harry with wide eyes and a look on her face that said she needed to speak with you. She slid in next to you and whispered, “I heard about you and Miguel. And now you’re with Harry? Amanda texted me to tell me you told her you’re seeing Harry.”
Of course everyone knows your business already. And Amanda never responded to your text but she reached out to Sarah to gossip? It kind of hurt your feelings in truth.
“Yes. I didn’t really like Miguel all that much. Like that. And I am dating Harry. It happened quick but I’ll tell you about it later.”
Harry could hear you and Sarah whispering to one another but pretended he couldn’t. He looked around the room and saw Miguel staring him down with Amanda seated right next to him. Harry drew his arm up behind you and put his hand on the back of your neck and smiled at Miguel with a nod and then turned to face the front. He could be such a dick sometimes.
Sarah leaned over and waved at Harry, “Good morning!” She smiled and then settled back into the pew and crossed her legs. Harry responded in kind and then leaned in to speak into your ear.
“Miguel and Amanda at 4 o’clock. Staring us down like we’re Satan.” Harry chuckled to himself at his joke, which wasn’t really much of a joke because Harry was in fact a demon, and you were, well, you might be a demon too.
You turned quickly and smiled and waved at the pair. They were both indeed already looking and Miguel did not return the wave to you, but at least Amanda did. You were a bit upset that your best friend was choosing to sit with the boy you broke up with in favor of sitting next to you. You’d confront her about this behavior. At least Sarah was sitting with you.
The next hour and a half dragged by. You weren’t in it at all. Everything was boring and the music was awful. You really just wanted to get out of there and go give Harry a proper blow job. One where you put more of him in your mouth. You kept thinking about it all morning. It didn’t help that the pants he was wearing were nicely fitted, which showed off his delicious-looking bulge. You blinked away the thoughts and tried to pay attention to your dad but you couldn’t think about anything other than what you and Harry might go do after service ended.
You crossed your leg toward Harry and kept yourself pressed against him as he kept his fingers at your neck, gently rubbing at the skin which in turn gave you goosebumps and a heart rush. Harry could tell you were distracted by him, which was exactly his goal. He didn’t need you listening to anymore of this rubbish. An utter waste of everyone’s time.
When the service was over everyone mingled about, making their normal plans for lunch and visiting friends. Sarah suggested going out to eat to you and Harry and you noticed that Amanda and Miguel were making no move to come to the three of you, instead they were speaking with a few other people.
Harry put his arm over your shoulder as you both stood near the end of the pew, “Don’t worry about them. If Amanda is your friend she’ll come around.” You looked up to your boyfriend and smiled. You just wanted to get out of there and take him somewhere or have him take you somewhere.
“Sarah? I think Harry and I are just gonna go. Feels weird being here and seeing how judgy Amanda is being. I’d rather not go out to lunch with her right now anyway.”
Harry smiled to himself at your words. He was a nervous when he came to see you. If he’s honest with himself he’d admit that Danny’s words shook him up and not being able to see you last night made him wonder if you’d even felt the same way about him anymore. He’s typically quite confident but his high opinion of himself wavered heavily not being able to see you or know what you were up to last night. And based on how quickly you seem to be changing, well, he just didn’t know.
Sarah said her goodbyes and you and Harry left the main room to leave. As you were nearing the front doors you heard your dad call your name. Both you and Harry turned to see him walking quickly to catch up to you.
“Y/n, I heard a rumor about you and it appears to be true.” He looks to Harry and silently examines his appearance and then looks back at you.
“What rumor, dad?” You were prepared for this. Sort of. You figured now that almost all of your friends knew that you’d broken up with Miguel, and it also seemed Amanda had told people that you were now dating Harry, so it just a matter of time before your parents would hear the news.
“Well, that you’d starting dating someone new. I didn’t even know that you and Miguel weren’t together anymore.” Your dad didn’t seem upset, but of course he wouldn’t act upset in his own church. He’d wait til later to show you his true colors.
Harry cleared his throat and put a hand out to greet your dad, “I’m Harry.” Your dad took Harry’s hand to shake, “It’s nice to meet you sir.” Harry was on his best behavior.
You dad nodded, “Likewise, Harry. I’m Enzo. Would like to sit down and talk with you at some point. Also, wanted to invite you to our conference that’s coming up this week.”
You spoke up quickly, “Oh yeah! He’s coming! He’s already signed up and paid.” You smiled brightly at your dad and he nodded as if impressed and then looked back to Harry.
“Good to hear. I’m glad you’ll be joining us, Harry. Maybe at the conference you and I will have some time to sit down and chat.”
After your dad finally said goodbye you rushed Harry out the doors, “Your car or mine?” You said looking up to him.
Harry saw your eagerness and it gave him relief. You were still excited about him and still wanted to be with him, it seemed. The edge of nerves and worry that he’d started off with when he saw you had all but disappeared.
“I can drive. Where to?” Harry reached for your hand and led you to his car.
When you were both inside and buckled in you turned to him, “I don’t know where to go. Is your house okay? Or are you hungry? We could go out to eat. Or eat at yours…” you really just wanted to be alone with Harry and explore more with him. Your hormones were suddenly in overdrive ever since he showed you what things could feel like. Harry’s house seemed like the obvious choice but you didn’t want him to think you were too desperate.
And Harry knew what you wanted. He could tell by your heart rate and your scent that you wanted more than to just eat food. He was happy to oblige. He felt the same after all.
“My house it is. I can make us something to eat there. Then we can just see where the day takes us?” He reached his hand out to cover your thigh as he drove out of the church parking lot.
You were a bit squirmy and turned on and Harry really hadn’t even done much, but you couldn’t help it. Because you knew Harry would want to fool around with you at his house. You were working yourself up all on your own. Harry needed really to do very little work. And he could tell too. Especially when you brought your hand to his thigh and began slowly moving it upward toward his crotch. You felt a little desperate to touch him again, even though you just did yesterday morning, it was all still so new to you and exciting.
“What’s this?” Harry grinned and looked down to where your hand was. Harry breathed out a small laugh from his nose but then when you silently placed your palm over his dick, his breath caught in his throat. You were quite bold weren’t you? He glanced at you quickly in confusion, the grin on his face gone. He was surprised by you. But you surprised him a lot since he’d met you. It was just another thing he loved about you. Well, love? Maybe not love… he couldn’t get that far ahead of himself…
“What? Is this a problem?” You gave him a firm squeeze and to your delight, he began to harden under your hand slowly. God you wanted to do things. You didn’t even know what things, just things. You’d try almost anything.
Harry coughed out a laugh in surprise at you. He licked his lips and looked at you as he shook his head, “God no. I like it when you touch me. I think I already told you this but you can touch me anywhere you want.”
Suddenly, you saw a commotion in the street and turned to see a ball bouncing over the curb and a young girl running after it into the street. Harry was still traveling at full speed and unaware of the moment because he was so distracted by you.
You felt a rush of adrenaline as you put your free hand up toward the windshield and shouted, “STOP!!” You squeezed your eyes closed just as Harry was getting too close to the girl and suddenly everything around you stopped. Silence and quiet filled the car. The radio was no longer playing and even the air around you was still.
You opened your eyes to see that the car was still on, the radio light was on, Harry was still looking at you with his mouth hung open in surprise at your bold move, and outside of the car the world was stopped. The little girl was still in front of Harry’s car but she was paused in motion. The ball had bounced up onto the curb out of the street but was hung in mid-air.
“Harry??” You removed your hand from over his crotch and unbuckled yourself. You didn’t know what was going on.
You shoved at Harry to get him to acknowledge you but he didn’t seem to be aware of what was happening around you. You looked back outside and opened the car door. Stepping out onto the pavement, you looked all around and everything was silent and still. A bird overhead was just hung in the air unmoving. Cars were stopped, people were like mannequins, the wind still.
After being momentarily dazed by what you saw around you, you quickly made your way to the front of the car and moved the little girl, with a bit of a struggle (it turns out a mid-motion, non-moving 70 lb body feels like moving a 200 lb body). When you had her on the grass and off the street you pulled the ball down to the grass next to the girl and then went back to Harry’s car.
Your anxiety was peaking. This was quite strange and you didn’t know what was happening but you knew you couldn’t let the girl get hit, were things to begin moving again.
Settled back into Harry’s car you tried snapping him out of it. But he stayed in the same position as where you left him. You took some deep breaths and tried to think. What could you do? How did this happen? Strange things had been happening to you since you met Harry, but nothing this obviously strange. You tried to rationalize about what had happened. What had occurred before everything stopped. Well, you shouted stop.
You laughed to yourself about the ridiculous thought that occurred to you, that maybe saying go would make things go again. But it wasn’t so ridiculous anymore, not after witnessing time literally being stopped at your word.
So, you said it, “Go!” And just like that, Harry’s vehicle was taking you down the street and he was still looking at you. He turned to look back at the road and you looked behind the car to see the little girl, safe in the grass.
“Harry. Did you see what just happened?” It was odd to you that he seemed to be unaware of the moment you’d just experienced.
“See what?” He looked down at his lap and noticed your hand was removed. He pouted.
“Uhhh… this is gonna make me sound like I’m nuts, but you gotta believe me…” you took a deep breath and Harry glanced at you before turning back to the road.
You continued, “There was a little girl in front of your car when you were looking at me back there and you almost hit her but I shouted stop – and literally, everything around us stopped. The car, you, the girl, the ball she was running after…” you paused and laughed. You sounded crazy.
You could see Harry’s expression was in a confused frown. He gave you a side glance and spoke, “I wasn’t aware of any of that. What happened when everything stopped?”
This was it. He was gonna break up with you now. He was too smart and levelheaded for something like this, “Well, I got out of the car and moved the girl and ball to the grass and then got back in the car and freaked out for a little bit before I said go and everything just started back up again. I don’t know. It’s so confusing. But it really happened. Um, like the radio paused and the bird in the sky, everything. I know I sound crazy, but I swear…” you put your face in your hands and closed your eyes. You truly did feel like you were losing your mind.
Harry put his hand back over your thigh and sighed, “I believe you.” You looked at Harry in shock. He believed you? But why? You saw him clench his jaw and swallow.
“Why? I wouldn’t believe me.” You spoke softly, feeling embarrassed and confused.
“Because it’s happened to me too. When I get you to my house we can talk a little about a few things and maybe make some sense of it all.”
When Harry pulled into his driveway, there was a brunette woman on his porch. She was pretty, wearing a nice outfit that fit her petite frame very well. Her lips were bright red and when you and Harry both got out of his car she was rushing toward Harry with a big smile.
You stood next to Harry and watched the woman approach, “Harry! I have something I need to speak with you about really quickly. I hope I’m not bothering you…” the woman looked at you and put her hand out, “I’m Tamie, Harry’s neighbor. We just had a thing happen in the neighborhood and I need to speak with him for a moment. Sorry about all this!”
You nodded and Harry squinted at this, Tamie.
“Here. Let yourself in. I’ll be right there.” Harry handed you his keys and you did as he said, but with some hesitancy. You didn’t understand why you couldn’t be present to hear what Tamie had to say about whatever happened in the neighborhood.
Once you were inside Tamie lowered her voice and grabbed Harry’s arm, turning him away from the house, “You cannot divulge anything to her until we find out more. She just stopped time and then restarted it, and she isn’t even trained to do it. She’s obviously very powerful and we need to keep this contained until we find out more. Once we know, we can go about letting her in on all of this, but it must done when the time is right. I know you want her to be able to make sense of what she just did, but you cannot go there with her yet.”
Harry sighed and looked up at the blue sky. Tamie was right, but Harry was not going to be able to keep things from you for much longer, “How much longer until you get the results.” Tamie shook her head and laughed in frustration, “Turns out there’s a bit of a backlog and this case just isn’t a priority. I think after this, though, we might be able to get some results faster. If she can simply speak the words stop and go and make time follow her order, all without being trained in honing the spell might I add, we might have a good reason to push this one forward. I’m going to go to Aim so he can petition to get this done faster and we can move forward. But please, hold off on telling her anything of significance.”
Harry nodded and Tamie left. He couldn’t believe what was happening. You were truly a conundrum to him and you were very powerful it seemed. He was more worried than ever now. It seemed you were growing more powerful by the minute and he had little control over you anymore.
As soon as you saw him come back in you stood from his couch, “What’s going on? Everything okay?” You were only a little worried about Tamie. You didn’t like that she was so pretty and his neighbor, but you weren’t too worried about neighborhood stuff. You were still trying to wrap your mind around what had happened in Harry’s car with the little girl.
“Oh, nothing important really. Some robberies in the area. She just wanted to let me know. But how are you? You okay after what just happened?” Harry knew he couldn’t avoid the issue with you, but maybe he could make something up to alleviate your worry for a bit.
“Uh… Kind of freaking out to be honest. I’ve never… I mean I don’t really know what happened. I just… you said it’s happened to you before?” You and Harry sat down on his couch and he slid his arm around your back so you were snugged into his side.
“Mmm… yeah. Once I was hiking in the mountains and a friend I had with me slipped and nearly fell off the side of the cliff. Somehow, time just stopped, and I was able to save him from falling to his death before time started back up again. It’s the strangest thing. Perhaps God is in on it somehow.” Harry hated stating that God would have anything to do with it. God didn’t care. But how else could he skirt the subject? With you wanting more answers he needed to lie. He couldn’t have you asking to many questions just yet.
You nodded and looked down at your lap for a moment before leaning your head onto Harry’s chest and sighing, “Yeah. Maybe that can explain it. It’s crazy. God really does work in mysterious ways.”
Harry couldn’t roll his eyes hard enough. He had to take a deep breath to compose himself, so he didn’t laugh at the irony. His story is true. He helped a human not fall to their death once on the side of a mountain. God did not. An incubus demon did. You’d soon find out about how apathetic God really is, he had a feeling. But for now, he needed to pacify your concerns in a way that made sense to you.
And you really didn’t feel like you had all the answers yet. Harry’s explanation about what happened to him was also very interesting. You’d never known anyone who had had such an encounter.
Being tucked into Harry’s side did help you to feel quite a lot better, though. You were still perplexed, but perhaps with time you’d understand more. Or maybe you were just going crazy.
“So, Tamie. She’s pretty. Do you see her often?” You wanted to pick a little. And the fact that you were told to come inside while they spoke had your interest piqued.
“Mmm… once in a while. She’s just a friendly neighbor. A little nosey. Kind of like neighborhood watch.” He looked down at you and smirked. Were you jealous?
“Okay. So she comes over to tell you all about neighborhood stuff?” You looked up at Harry and his gaze over your face made you warm again.
“Sometimes. Usually something like what just happened there, where she stands on my porch to talk to me. Why? Are you jealous my little lemon, love?” Harry could see you melting already. You were still so easy. A puzzle, yes, but easy to persuade and to turn on.
You smiled at the nickname. He called you that at the café once and you liked it. It was sweet and well, being called love by Harry was certainly something.
You laughed and grinned up at the handsome man, feeling somewhat less worried about time stopping and starting at your word (if that had happened to you a week ago you’d be in distress and checking yourself into the hospital).
“She’s pretty. I could see you wanting to date someone like her. And I’ve only just come along. Wasn’t sure if maybe there was some history there.” You bit your lip. You knew Harry was experienced. Just imagining him with another woman, having sex, made you feel upset in your tummy. But at the same time, imagining him having sex in general was kind of hot. You just knew he made whoever he’d been with feel good. He definitely made you feel good. And if you were to have sex with him at some point, well, you’d been imagining it quite a lot…
“She is pretty, but not nearly as pretty as you. You’re breathtaking and fascinating. I’m pretty gone for you, Y/n. So don’t worry about that. She and I have no history.”
His voice soothed you and when you felt his hand squeeze your side he lowered his lips to yours and you were gone. It was like a spark and a snap when your lips met.
You climbed into his lap, straddling him and continued your kisses to his lips and he indulged in you. Both your mouths moving together like you were made for one another. You had your hands in his hair and he had his on your bottom, pulling you down over him.
You heart was pounding, and you were horny. Officially you could say you were horny. Harry made you this way. Feeling his large, thick erection under you had you panting and rolling down over him to feel it against your clothed center. You were wearing a skirt again and so you adjusted the material as you kept your lips on Harry’s, pulling the skirt up so your panties were against the material over Harry’s zipper.
Harry’s own heart was pounding. You were the best kisser and the sweetest thing he’d ever met. He wanted you so badly. Wanted to really make you his.
Harry lowered his lips to your neck and sucked at the skin with purpose. You gasped at the feeling of the sting. Harry went to the other side and repeated, giving you two love marks. He couldn’t fuck you until you allowed it, but he could mark you up as a message to anyone that saw them.
“Harry, let’s go to your bed.” You panted out your words. He helped you off his lap and you both made your way to his bedroom quickly, where clothes were scattered in a trail behind you, before he pushed you into his bed.
Harry leaned over you and sucked at your bare nipples, hard pulls, making the flesh burn and ache. You watched him devour you and then you noticed the blueish splotches he was leaving behind. You breathed out a moan and wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him to you so you could have his lips back on yours.
Harry kissed you hard and held you down by your arms as you bucked your hips upward. You were both still wearing your underwear, but nothing else.
“Mmm… Harry… can I give you a blowjob?” Harry lifted his head to look at you. He didn’t know what had gotten into you, but you were very eager and cheeky today. First you suggested leaving alone with him after church, then you placed your hand over his crotch and now this?
“Not sure anyone could say no to that. Want me to lick you too? You can sit over my face like last time, just opposite direction so you can take me in your mouth.”
Your eyes widened and a big smile came across your face, “Like 69?” You had heard of this position before.
Harry chuckled at your excited expression, “Yes. Exactly. I forget that that’s what kids are calling it these days.”
You cocked your head at him in question, “Kids? You make it sound like you’re a grandpa.” You laughed.
Harry was in fact a grandpa. A great grandpa too. A great-great-grandpa, even. A great-great-great… well, I think the point has been made.  However, he figured it was best you didn’t know that about him quite yet.
Harry sat back and tucked his fingers into your panties and pulled them down your legs, keeping his eyes at your cunt. So pretty, so ready, so fragrant… He pulled his own underwear off and then laid on the bed. You positioned yourself over his face and tilted forward to put your hands on the bed next to Harry’s hips. Harry grabbed at your thighs and pulled you down to his mouth, attaching his lips to your pussy quickly and you felt your eyes flutter for a moment at the feel. When you’d settled your hips and found your balance you grasped your hand at the base of Harry’s long shaft, bringing him to your mouth and licking the tip. Harry’s mouth on you felt so good and slick. You were so drippy before he even put his lips on you, you just knew it was only going to get worse.
You wrapped your lips around Harry’s tip and brought him into your mouth a bit. Bobbing up and down as you ground your hips over Harry’s face, he felt good in your mouth, stretching your lips, with your jaw wide, along with his tongue gliding over your slit, giving you the shivers. This position felt so nice and you enjoyed the sensation of being eaten out while you took another inch or so of Harry into your mouth.
And Harry just loved tasting you and the way your body responded to him. Your little puffs of breath and muffled moans fed his ego. It meant he was doing a good job. Of course he was, he was good at this. But you were taking him further and further and seemed to be really hitting some good spots, sucking him in just right. He moaned into your cunt and licked you up with his tongue flat and took a breath before pressing his mouth back over your folds. His nose was right at your asshole and he was losing his mind. You smelled so fucking good. Every bit of you was delicious and sweet-smelling.  
You kept a hand stroking along Harry’s shaft as you continued working your jaw wider to take more of him. Soon, you had to remove your hand because you were getting him deeper into your mouth and even in your throat. The interesting thing was that you could feel him hit the back of your throat and you’d quickly pull back, fully expecting to be gagged but you didn’t. So you became a little braver and went further down. You felt his tip glide down your throat a bit and it felt funny and tickled, making you swallow around him and in turn Harry bucked up into your mouth, causing him to get deeper yet. You weren’t expecting it, but it wasn’t bad. You pulled off and took a deep breath of air and could see how shiny and pretty his cock was. A very pretty thing that you would like to have inside of your pussy soon. You knew he could make your first time feel good. You couldn’t stop thinking about it. As you lowered yourself down again, sucking your cheeks in as you went down you brought a hand over his balls. You’d wanted to touch them, and in this angle they were right in your sightline. You brushed your fingers over him and Harry gasped, stopping the movement of his lips on you.
“Fuck, Y/n. You’re really good at that. You sure you haven’t done this before?” He was breathless and you pulled your mouth off of him and noticed his dick twitching in your hand. It made you smile.
“Promise. You’re my first Harry. And I really like it,” You turned so you could see Harry. His face was shiny and he looked very content. “Your dick tastes really good to me. I didn’t know they tasted good. Can’t wait for your come.”
Harry’s jaw went slack and he twitched again at your words and when you took him in your mouth again you went nearly all the way down his whole shaft this time, you hands stroking over his balls again.
Harry attempted to lick over you and focus on your clit but the way you were sucking him off was so good, so precise, he was being tipped over quickly. He gasped as he licked and sucked over you but his orgasm was approaching fast and his focus on your cunt was getting interrupted by your natural skill.
You could tell Harry was feeling good. His whimpers and the way he had to keep stopping his motions. This was what you wanted. To make him feel good. Show him you could be so good for him, make him want to keep you around. You didn’t want him thinking about any woman he’d ever been with before you. All those women with more experience than you, you were determined to be better, the best. For him. You flattened your tongue along his shaft as you brought him deep into your mouth and down your throat until finally your nose hit the base and very top of his balls.
Harry knew it, with confidence, you weren’t a human. He’d never had a mortal take him all the way before. Never. In all of his time. But you had just had your nose buried into his balls. He groaned and began to quiver as he felt himself tighten at the impending orgasm. Your little squeezes and strokes over his balls, moans over his cock and the way you took him so deep, he was done for.
He tried to hold off, and it was embarrassing that you had him coming before he could make you come. Another first for him.
When you felt him pour into your mouth, you bobbed up and down and swallowed as much of him as you could. It tasted good. You loved his flavor. You continued sucking on him until he was done moaning and his hips were stilled. You didn’t mind having his cock all the way down your throat. Sure it blocked off some of your air, and it tickled you a bit, but it wasn’t as bad as you’d heard it described. In fact, you’d say it was fun and you’d do it again and again without question if you could draw that kind of response from Harry.
Harry was at the end of recovering from his sudden orgasm as he smacked your bottom with both palms. You jumped and laughed and turned to look at him.
“Lie down on your back. I’ll finish you off now.” Harry sat up as you moved off him. He was astonished at what you’d done to him. You put his head-game almost to shame and you were a newbie. He was coming as fast as a mortal man when you were involved. It was a tiny bit embarrassing.
When Harry settled in between your thighs you looked down at him with hungry eyes as you licked your lips, waiting for Harry to finish you off, as he put it.
Harry kept his eyes on your yours as he plunged two fingers into your entrance. Your lips parted and panted heavily at the feel.
“Feels good?” He began stroking your walls with the pads of his fingers.
You nodded, “Yeah…” you whined softly.
He moved his fingers in and out, curling them just right and kept watch of your features. He pulled his fingers out and then reinserted three. You kept nodding at him as you watched him fuck you with his fingers. It was so salacious, so dirty, the way his fingers were shiny and slippery with your arousal coating them, the noise that your pussy made when his fingers were being thrust into it, the small breaths and pant you both were releasing…
“Just imagine my cock doing this to you. Mmmm… it’ll feel so good, Y/n.” He placed his thumb over your clit and you breathed out a little moan.
“Yeah? See, I know what you like. I can take very good care you. I’ll make you come every time. And when you feel my cock inside of your little wet pussy, you’re gonna wonder why you waited so long. It’s gonna feel so fucking good. Having my mouth and my fingers on you feels good too, I know, but having me inside of you, our bodies connected, there’s nothing quite like it.” He dipped down to encase your clit with his mouth and sucked.
You keened and threw your head back into the pillow. Harry’s dirty words and the feel of his thick fingers inside of you and his mouth on you had your insides boiling. You grasped his hair and spread yourself further. He licked and slurped at you in diligent strokes, his fingers stretching you just a tiny bit, the third added enough girth to get the gist of what it might feel like to have a penis inside of you.
“Oh god… Harry, oooohhh…” your chest was rising and falling rapidly when Harry removed his mouth from you again and put his thumb over your clit, replacing his mouth.
“Want to hear you. Tell me how good it is, Y/n. I need to hear you say it. Tell I’m good for you, baby.” He licked back over you and watched your face as your moans just got louder.
“Fffuuck! So, good Harry! You’re so good for me!” You didn’t realize you’d said the word fuck when it came out. You were too lost in the feelings Harry was drawing out of you, both physical and emotional. It was a lot. You were feeling many things, but mostly you felt your orgasm driving through your body as Harry’s tongue flicked your clit.
With a sharp gasp you felt yourself come. Harry kept his fingers at work inside of you as his other hand held your hip and his tongue kept up the fast gliding over your clitoris.
You cried out his name and threw your head back. You could imagine what it might feel like to have him inside of you. You pulsed around Harry’s fingers imagining you were squeezing around his cock and he was filling you so full that you could feel every inch of him inside of you.
Just the image it created in your mind made everything feel so fiery. It crackled through your body and it made you feel powerful. Powerful. Like you could just speak the word stop and time would stop. You popped your eyes open and sat up, panting as Harry sat up and smirked at you. Your expression matched his but something else happened in that moment, besides your orgasm. Your sudden realization.
“It was me. I did it.” You looked at Harry with excitement.
He wasn’t quite following, “You did it? Like, you came?”
You shook your head and scooted back, “No! I mean, I made time stop and start again. All I had to do was say stop. I kind of want to do it again. Just to see.” You were still breathing hard.
Harry didn’t know what to do or say. He wasn’t allowed to let you in on anything important so he’d have to play dumb. But he also didn’t want you to be testing your powers and playing around without understanding how to control them. Things could go wrong easily.
“I mean, yeah, but if you do then I’m just gonna be sat here, dick out, while you get to have your way with me. What if I don’t trust you?” He thought maybe being funny about it would distract you a little. He hoped.
You laughed, “Are you worried I’m gonna mess with you? What if I just stop time around us? Like, somehow maybe if I hold onto you or something you’ll be with me and we’ll see it together. And, if it does affect you, I’ll just restart time again right away. Please Harry. I just wanna see.”
You were already feeling the rush that could be experienced when you felt your own powers, especially for the first time. It felt addicting and, well powerful. That feeling is unlike anything and it’s hard to beat. An orgasm is a great example of how utterly mind-blowing the feeling of power is.
Harry knew you weren’t going to listen to him. It didn’t matter what he said, and even if he told you what he knew, which he was directed to not do, you would probably still do it anyway. So, it was no use for him to tell you anything. Playing dumb for now was his best bet.
“Okay. Well, just be careful. It seems like playing with something that maybe we’re not meant to.” Harry had to try one last time, a hopeful plea of the possibility of danger or alluding to what you might think of as evil.
You clapped your hands together in a quick clap before reaching out to Harry and grabbing his hands, “Okay. Now, keep your eyes on mine. Let’s see if I can do it again but maybe this time you can see it with me. Here we go.” You took a deep breath and Harry did the same. He was nervous, he could admit that.
With your eyes on his light green ones and his hands in yours, you spoke to time, almost imagining it like it was its own being, “Stop!”
Harry blinked and you looked around the room. Nothing seemed different but you jumped off the bed and went to Harry’s window. He followed you, scrambling out of the bed behind you.
He peered over your head out the window and to his fucking astonishment, you’d stopped time again, but only now, you’d brought him with you. Without even being trained to do so. Harry wasn’t even sure he could bring someone with him were he to stop time. He might with a few tries. But you made it seem easy.
You turned around to Harry and hopped up and down, throwing your arms around neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Harry laughed into your mouth and you grabbed his hand and then pulled him with you to run down the stairs, through his living room and out his front door. You were both completely naked, still a bit wet even, pink faces and messed up hair, but you didn’t seem to care.
Harry didn’t mind, but he was, once again, surprised that you didn’t either.
“Harry! See?! I did this. Oh my god!!” You let go of Harry’s hand and you ran to the edge of the street. There were only a couple of people out in their yards but they were both stopped mid action. The exhaust from the vehicle that was down the street was even suspended in motion. You laughed and shouted down the street and Harry just watched as you exulted in the result of your newfound ability.
You turned and ran back to Harry and grabbed his hand, dragging him back inside and when Harry closed the door behind him you pushed him against the door and smashed your lips into his. Harry wrapped his arms around you and laughed as you kissed over his face and down his neck. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with you.
You tilted your head back to look at Harry, you practically looked deranged, and Harry loved it, “I think we should put it back now. I don’t want to mess up anything. Like, balance or something. But you believe me now.”
Harry pursed his lips and furrowed his brow, “I believed you the first time.”
You smiled and stood on your tip toes and kissed him again before taking his hands, “Keep looking into my eyes.” Harry kept his eyes on yours and you smiled, “Go!”
You looked around and then cracked the door open to peek out, the neighbor was back in motion, the car down the street was no longer in view. You closed the door and turned back to Harry  .
He was smiling at you and shaking his head. You were like a kid in a candy shop.
You did it. It wasn’t God. You never even called on him. This was yours. With a mischievous grin on your face you spoke, “I wonder what else I can do.”
Part 9
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
You should talk about the cutie mark crusaders and what you like about each of them!!!
oh I'd love to!! 🍎🌸🎀💛💗🔔🎶🛴🧡⚡
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I love how applejack gave them her old clubhouse to use and that it's located in sweet apple acres, I like the idea of applejack coming to check on them sometimes or maybe bringing them freshly baked cookies from time to time 🍪🧡 and how fun wouldn't it be to play together amongst all the apple trees (when they aren't busy crusading ofcourse! 😄)
the cmc in general: they turned something they were teased for and that used to weigh them down into something they could bond over and in turn made a life long friendship stronger than the toughest of diamonds 💎👑 later inspiring and helping others who are unsure of their destinies just as they were and I think that is so powerful! the episode call of the cutie is a great introduction that really leaves you wanting to see what they're going to do next and how they will achieve their goal 🧡💛💜
they're the sisters of rarity, rainbow dash and applejack! which makes for some great episodes featuring them all together. sleepless in ponyville, the cart before the ponies & campfire tales for example! spending so much time together would not only bring them closer with their sisters but it probably brought applejack, rarity and rainbow dash closer too, and I love that!
all of their songs are great! their voices blend together very nicely in my opinion. Amanda Renberg as Scootaloo, Linn Johnsson as Apple Bloom and Annelie Heed as Sweetie Belle all did a wonderful job voicing their characters in the iconic trio! (ofcourse this is from my perspective, and those are the swedish voices but the same can be said for the original english ones!😊) my personal favourites of the cmc songs are babs seed, hearts as strong as horses, find the purpose in your life and all of the songs in the crusaders of the lost mark (& they are all so fun to sing!) 🎵
favourite cmc episode: crusaders of the lost mark! all of their searching finally paying off, helping their bully to see her purpose and the fact that their special talent turns out to be helping others find/rediscover their own special talent is just PERFECT, we were all wondering how it would turn out right? and this was just better than every other potential outcome, they all belong together to help others find themselves, just as they did! 🥺😌🧡💜💛
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Apple bloom 🍎🌸: has my favourite colour scheme, she reminds me of apple flavoured candy, I'm also biased towards anything fruit themed! and I adore her bow!! 🍎💛🎀 I can relate to her fear of being alone the episode on your marks and also to how she's scared at one point that her family won't like her if she turns out to be different to them (when she's scared her cutie mark won't be apple related). and I love her relationship with her family, the end of family appreciation day and brotherhooves social just warms my heart! 💛🍎💚🥧 also I love the cupcake song scene where she's baking with pinkie and that she got interested in potions and magic after meeting zecora! (also the fact that she as a foal was the first to befriend zecora and not be so judgmental!!)
favourite apple bloom episode: (oh glitter all of these are so hard to pick!! 🤣 but I think cutie pox, somepony to watch over me or call of the cutie 🍎🌸💛🎀
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scootaloo⚡🛴🧡: I actually have only watched flight to the finish once because while it has been dubbed I somehow missed it (and can't find the whole episode in swedish, only the songs) but I have watched it on my latest rewatch (where I watched it in english :) and I love it so much, I'm not physically disabled myself, I am mentally disabled (though I feel really weird saying that for some reason) but I think scootaloo is a really great disabled character because being disabled is not her whole character, far from, and I think there should be more characters like her! I also think she's really funny, her scooter tricks are awesome and I adore her idolizing rainbow dash and wishing for her to be her sister and then in sleepless in ponyville when she's scared of rainbow dash not thinking she's cool enough then rainbow admits that she's scared sometimes too and that it doesn't make her weak and then she like adopts her as her sister and aaaaaaaahhh!!! I love found family story lines so much, also the episodes parental glideance in season 7 and the washouts in season 8 broke my heart and then put it back together! 😂🌈🧡⚡and I love how she stood up for herself and what she wants to her parents in the last crusade in season 9, people often disregard kids feelings because they're "just kids" and I think scootaloo is a really strong pony for doing what she did in that episode 🧡🛴
sweetie belle 🎶💗🔔: she's just precious! her singing voice is so beautiful and I like how she has a hard time speaking up and putting together words sometimes because I can relate and it's really funny! I love sisterhooves social and I laugh every time I watch that scene where she argues with rarity and comes to the conclusion that applejack should be rarity's sister so she can teach her how to be a good one 😂 oh or when apple bloom allows her to "borrow" applejack as a sister for "ONE DAY"-🍎🌸 to me she is a very caring pony and maybe the most relatable of the 3 to me personally (all though saying that I feel like I find all of them relatable but in different ways)
favourite scootaloo episode: flight to the finish, I think! 🏁🧡
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favourite sweetie belle episode: I want to say sisterhooves social but I also love for whom the sweetie belle toils 🔔💗🎶
so those are some of my thoughts on the cmc! thank you so much anon for making me write this and inspire me to draw the cutie mark crusaders, I love these little foals so much! 🥺😄💗🧡💛
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bi-bard · 2 years
Lovesick - Sonny Carisi Imagine (Law & Order: S.V.U)
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Title: Lovesick
Pairing: Sonny Carisi X Reader
Word Count: 1,088 words
Summary: Carisi offers (Y/n) some dating advice, which leads to Rollins offering (Y/n) an unrequested second opinion.
Author's Note: I'm a sucker for stupid shit like this.
I had been disconnected all day.
I was doing the work, getting the job done, but my mind felt like it was on a different planet.
I only started coming back to Earth when a cup of coffee was placed on my desk. I looked up to see Sonny standing next to my desk.
"Looked like you needed it," he shrugged.
"Thanks," I muttered, grabbing the cup. "You're right. Like always."
"Are you alright?"
"Got stood up," I replied. "Again."
"Same guy?"
I nodded.
Sonny and I had been close for a while. He was supportive, verging on protective. I assumed it was a thing he did with everyone. He was the one that I trusted with everything. I never trusted anyone with everything.
"Can I offer some unsolicited advice," he asked.
I nodded. Why the hell not? What's the worst that could happen? I don't take the advice? I get upset at what he says? It's Sonny. I knew that he meant well.
"I think you should drop this guy," he said. "He's not worth the effort. I mean, doubt the dinner would even be worth it."
I chuckled. He was probably right.
"Tell you what, I have an idea," he explained.
"Oh, that's dangerous."
"That was uncalled for."
"Sorry," I held my hands up for a moment. "Alright, what's your idea?"
"Tonight, after work, come over and I'll make you the best dinner you've ever had," he suggested.
"Are you sure?"
"I'd rather make sure you're getting decent food than think about you waiting for that idiot to call again."
I grinned. "Alright, fine. Impress me, Carisi."
"Always do," he called as he stepped away from my desk.
"Don't get ahead of yourself," I replied.
I looked back to the file in front of me, placing the coffee cup back next to me.
"And (Y/n) lights up again."
I jumped when I heard Amanda's voice in my ear.
She smirked at me.
"What's that look for," I asked.
"You and Carisi," she replied. "It's cute. You two talk and now, look at you. Like nothing upset you at all."
I rolled my eyes.
"And watching Carisi try to hide how jealous he is, is very fun," she shrugged.
"Jealous," I raised an eyebrow. "Sonny's a friend. He's worried about me. Doesn't want me stuck with an ass."
"And he offers to one-up your potential date because he's a good friend?"
I just shrugged, looking at the file again.
"(Y/n), my dear, I'm telling you this as a friend," Amanda squatted next to my chair. I looked at her as she looked around the room quickly. "He looks at you like a lovesick teenager."
"Oh, shut up."
"He is in love with you, (Y/n)."
"You're wrong, Amanda."
"Mmhmm, sure I am."
I rolled my eyes again, waiting for her to finally stand and start walking away.
I didn't want to believe her. At all.
I wanted to believe that Sonny and I were just friends.
It was easier that way. No annoying details to complicate things. No matter how I felt about him or how he felt about me. It would all be okay if we ignored it.
I met Sonny at the door that night and we walked out together.
When we got to his place, he was rambling about whatever he planned on making. I was just grinning and nodding along. I leaned on the counter as he went about his business, offering to help. He refused.
It all just felt so natural. Like we had done this a thousand times before and would do it a thousand times after this. Like the pieces were falling into place whether I was ready for them to or not.
"Can I just say, it's nice to have you around again," he said after a little while. He was at the stove.
"It's nice to be around again," I replied. "You make very good company."
"I would hope so," he chuckled. "Be disappointed if you only came over for my cooking."
I dragged out the word for a few seconds before Sonny nudged me with his elbow.
I watched him for a moment. Outside of work mode. Relaxed and in control. It was nice. I took a deep breath.
"Y'know, Rollins and I had an interesting chat today," I brought up. I wanted it to be casual. I wanted him to be comfortable denying what she had told me. "After you invited me over."
"What about? If you don't mind me asking."
"Well... mostly you... us really," I shrugged, standing up straight.
"What's she so worried about us for?"
He seemed to try to play it casually too, but I saw him tense a bit.
"She thought you were jealous of me trying to date," I forced a chuckle. Like I wasn't trying to pry at his thoughts.
When he didn't respond, I took a deep breath and pushed a little more.
"She seems to think you have feelings for me."
He glanced at me for a moment before going back to the pan. I was hoping that he would immediately deny it. Then, we could pretend this was a joke and I hadn't just outed the fact that I clearly had feelings for him too. But the silence felt like another can of worms.
Silent confirmation.
The worst kind of confirmation, in my opinion. Because it pushed me to do things that I would typically be terrified of doing.
He didn't speak. He didn't look up from the stove. He just clenched his jaw and focused on whatever he was doing.
"Look at me," I begged, reaching out to touch his forearm. "Please."
He finally relented, turning his head to face me. His jaw was still clenched. He looked embarrassed.
I leaned over and kissed him gently. Only a matter of seconds before I leaned back again. I grinned as I did, looking down at the floor for a moment.
"I... have feelings for you too," I said. "Just so you know."
"Good," he nodded. "Really good."
"I'd hope so."
There was a pause before Sonny spoke up again, "We are not telling Rollins that she is the reason this happened."
"Oh God, no, she'd never let us hear the end of it."
He chuckled as shook his head. I leaned forward and rested my head on his shoulder. I let my eyes close for a while.
Sonny was right.
This was much better than any other date I could've been dragged on that night.
Author's Note: I personally ship Carisi and Rollins, but Rollins was the only person I saw being even kinda likely to do this, so I had to work with it.
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tame-a-messenger · 4 months
I could see them not wanting to feed the shippers if this was the protocol with people that are shipped but that's literally not how they deal with things at all. like you said courtney and shayne have been in the thumbnails of almost every video they are together (and there was a point when things got really out of hand with the shippers, with stalking and stuff), ian and anthony are so shipped and all they do is embrace that, have fun with it without making fun of the fandom, amanda and angela also have quite the fan base and their videos together are always going up in quantity. their way of handling things never felt like "let's separate these people to not feed the shippers". most of the time it's the contrary, they lean into because they know that putting these people together, making jokes like the "my boyfriend" tag on ian in the who's slapped me with anthony, putting the shipps into thumbnails and more will get them views, will get engagement, will get people talking.
I feel like the fandom of smosh in general forget they are a whole ass company, a corporation. they goal is always to spread their content to the maximum amount of people they can get. and shipps do that perfectly. the fandom gets what they want and they get what they want, which is people watching it.
and also it's not like we are at the top of the fandoms in smosh. we are a small percentage here on tumblr for example. and we are not at all going as hard as others parts of the fandom go with their shipps. hell I don't even know if we can call ourselves shippers because we know they are not dating (some of us can feel some sparkles like myself but we are really good at being grounded in reality) what I feel like all of us that love them truly enjoy and connect it's their dynamic, the way they have such a specific relationship that we don't see between other cast members.
we are literally not asking or demanding them to date each other or to even hang out outside of work, we know they are closer with other people in the cast, we are literally just begging at this point to see them on videos together. that's all. we just want them playing games and bantering and having a gran old time with each other.
if and it's a big if, very unlikely I feel like, they are keeping them apart for shipping reasons then they really chose a very weird pairing to do that (now for some reason??) because we are not even a blimp in the ocean of all the "shipps" on smosh. and we are 100% definitely not the loudest ones.
I feel like we are a small group that reunites to talk quietly with their leader (you in this case)
you know that audio on tiktok that is a bunch of people talking loudly to each other and then there this one voice that says "it's entirely possible" in the middles of the chaos? that's us I feel like.
I think you made a LOT of really great points Anon. Some aren't totally true? I don't believe Smosh is a corporation? it says on their wiki they are an independent entity and a corporation is something bigger(?) I believe. (I don't totally know for sure though)
I would say that Smosh social team WOULD be and probably IS trying to push content to as many people as possible, but if we're being real, they suck ass at building hype and keeping the bit going. They get cold feet. There's SO MANY bits they kept going that weren't even good/not popular in the community.
True that they push shipping but we have to remember that Angela is a freelancer. if she felt uncomfortable (see the "I know Damien's" incident of 23') and asked not to push shipping for her and Damien I'm sure she could veto it, And obviously if Damien felt uncomfortable he'd get the same curtesy.
I really appreciated the long ask! I think a lot of it IS very pertinent to what's going on and how to think about it in reality, not get too in our heads about it and all that! so thank you!
For closing statements, (lol)
I think we've just been in a dry spell and that it'll clear up soon, and that I just am always going to be disappointed with the Smosh social team lol.
"I feel like we are a small group that reunites to talk quietly with their leader (you in this case)"
I shall not lead you astray my dears <3 (you guys are all awesome <3)
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johnnys-breastmilk · 5 months
Wally anon: Oh, we have the exact.same. mind fr. Even as someone who has been with the Screams my e n t i r e life & watches an insane amount of horror, Randy just has never. been that character for me. He serves his role well enough, is consistently written, & gets an iconic death, but he really outlived his usefulness in the OG as the franchise expanded beyond just. regular horror satire. 👀 kfhdhd I don't even take that much issue with 3. Like, is it the weakest of the initial installments? Yes. But I have very specific problems with it compared to a lot of the issues I see people have with it. 😶 Exactlyyyy. It naturally depends on the execution & how the individual Ghostfaces are planning attacks & all that, but Scream tends to have a great grasp on day vs night. 👍 Yuppp, you get it. The amount of stabs we physically see happening on him like fkdjfk soooo unserious.
And all from how good you're making him feel. 🫣 (No, please, let's get into it. Do tell who that is. 🤫) And you knowww his voice is gonna be hoarse after it from how much he was straining (it'll sound like it does when you fuck his throat). 😫
Oh, I'll bet a lot of gays can probably say the same thing. There have been a few "straight" guys who moved reallll weird around me when I think back on things. Oh, I'm sure it does, but you won't be able to feel anything after with how rough they're being with your hole. 🫠
Yesss, happy to hear 🫣 Then I guess my instincts were the correct ones with that one hitting me like it did. 🤭 (omg damn @ the times; I wish I were more of a ga(y)mer, but it's such an inconsistent thing for me @ only playing re2r & not re4r 💀)
Yessss. The writing was REALLY working overtime to sell the mystery element & pull the rug out from under you. 😭 I can not waitttt for what S2 gets into as an expansion on all of this cause I need all the lore & twists they got. 🙌 (Oh, this is making me think of some prime. angst fic potential based on everything we've discussed so far cause you knowww Wally would start getting in his feelings if you can't make enough time for him cause he's just so. needy & would think you don't need him the same way/like him anymore or w/e insecurity would find its way in his head when he's overthinking 😓) Cause he wants to be spit roasted by both of them. 🤭 (yupppp same, very much missed opportunity by completely forgetting he exists) Yessss, Amanda + the reveal that the entire.game. ALREADY happened + that SHE is gonna follow in John's footsteps is just 🥳🥳🥳 (ooh, so you like playing DBD, I guess I should've figured that but didn't consider it) fjdkdhd absolutely agreed on every point. If it tried to actually move the plot forward/elsewhere like Spiral, I'd like it more, but the fact it's a half-assed sorta kinda not completely prequel to pull a twist outta thin air just makes it so ❌️❌️❌️
Not talking about him not respecting boundaries when Emma was doing all that during truth or dare, not to mention the swimming, & acting like she was doing it all to entertain people later dkfhdk like okayyyy. (But, yup, this entire recent mindset people have where fictional characters - &, by extension, real people - can not ever have ANY faults or make mistakes is insaneeee to me cause it's like...I damn well know y'all. ain't perfect like y'all think y'all are, so maybe back off the judgement.) Yessss exactly. Emily & Kaitlyn supremacy fr 🙌🙌🙌 (Emma & Abby should've just been lesbians cause I literally. got those vibes in their intro scene & then was promptly disappointed when Nick came into the equation THEN got excited again with Dylan & Ryan; emotional whiplash I tell ya fkdhdl.) Oh, I absolutelyyy agree. The whole ~Laura rolls in, becomes the most important character, & Ryan tags along for finale purposes~ element is soooo weird to me cause her arrival is the inherent problem why so much of the rest of the cast are short-changed/go nowhere & yet the game acts like she needed. to be there. 💀 Yupppp. The lack of specification until. you're reading is by far the worst/most annoying version of that cause it's like, "Okay, not only did y'all not tag. but you completely left it out of the fic description as if you are just writing this for a house of your clones???"
Will do! 🙌 kfnfn I didn't even think of that @ leprechaun (although that does. bring some thoughts to mind about possible St. Patrick's Day fics for Milo's characters 🍀👀). Yupyupyup, you get it. 👍 You would not be able to pay attention at ALL. Just seeing it all jiggling around with every step he makes would be like 🥴
Very pleased to hear. 🫡
SO TRUE. I love 3 and how cheesy it is. some people say that it's the worst because of how silly it is, but it just makes it a fun watch. (and what they originally had planned for scream 3 was so bad. so, so bad. stu macher being revealed to be alive badd.... why does scream have a problem with sequels? each one is good on its own tbh, but together they're so dissonant it gives me whiplash on binges sskjdks) Yesss like in 5 when they attack the mf chief of police in broad daylight. It's insane!! Or how Wes gets killed inside with light pouring in. A good reminder that people break in all the time regardless of day/night. Super scary.
Yesss ugh he'll be going wild over all of it. Also, I didn't mean a person el oh el I meant men in general cumming sooo much. Like inhuman levels and painting the walls with a new finish skjsjd
Yeah straight guys are so weird... DLs are the worst type of "straight" guy. The lack of feeling down there from it would be craaazy but so, so good.
They're sosososo good I just wish my writing would click because I've been staring to my computer for half an hour and. nothing skjskjd. And don't worry, I'm an inconsistent gamer because of time and all. Most recently, I've played RE4r and Spider-Man 2.
The writing was just soooo good and it makes me so excited for the second season even more so. (you should totally send in some angst because I live for it just as much as fluff and smut🫣) Omg yes to the spit roasting, Tommy's a whore like me fr. Another I would have loved to see is Jason/Steve or at the very least Jason/Eddie (but Jason/Steve would've been interesting. Former Hawkins King versus the new one, maybe having Steve and Billy agree that he's a dick and teaching him a lesson slkdsdml) IT WAS SUCH A GOOD REVEAL AND SAW 3 MADE IT EVEN BETTER!! (Saw 3 haters can leave the chat, I may not like Jeff but I love the B story of the movie with Amanda and John and Jeff's wife) Yes ugh I love dbd because it's horror central. I have my issues with the game (like balancing, the devs being as dumb as bricks and feeling like we talk to a brick wall, the community being as horrible as it is.) But at its core, most of that is mostly avoidable and the game is just fun. I love knowing I can play as different killers or survivors from so many different legendary movies/tv shows (and I think I wrote a Danny Johnson fic earlier this year..)
Yesss ugh the hate Jacob gets is soooo annoying. Let him be a semi-problematic man whore in his crop top in peace!! Same with other characters that are problematic like Billy, for instance. He's obviously not a good person but people sit there and act like they haven't hurt someone else, and live their life completely like a virtuous, infallible person. Max and Laura were the weakest parts for me, I think the cop should have just killed them after he found them. The whole hostage part in the jail is soooo cliche and predictable (ntm overhearing crucial pieces of lore that makes the Hacketts look dumb for being so careless.) I like them but I found it so boring that they get the main stage after being absent for 70-80 percent of the game after the intro. Like Laura comes back in then they do a whole chapter flashback explaining everything, but it sucks. LMAO @ the clones because it's so true. While I do write my voice (the way I talk and think) into the reader I don't usually bother to write reader appearance aside from clothing/obvious accessories. I don't get why others can't do the same in the way of appearance.
St Patricks Day Milo fics sound interesting... so I'd love to hear what you have in mind for those🫣 And yesss ugh I'd be begging him to slam it down on the desk--either front or back--and mess up the note taking with something more worthwhile
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the-final-sif · 2 years
Hello! I recently came across your blog and love your take on things, mainly because they’re very level headed and thought out!
I was wondering, based on what we know, what do you think is going to happen with all of this? And if this has already been answered, you can just ignore this lol :)
Thank you! Trying my best to get a handle on things and help others do the same.
As for what I think is going to happen, there was an interesting discussion I had with @godzibane that I think covers a lot of what we could reasonably expect.
To summarize that post though, I think that the odds of Dream facing criminal charges are next to zero. Regardless of whether he's done anything Amanda said he did or not. Everything I've read says that Snapchat won't be able to retrieve any actual image/video files from Jan/feb at this point, and without those a charge/case is going to be next to impossible. So even if she was telling the truth, it would really only her word against Dream's, and that's not enough for a court case. Particularly not when her own credibility as a witness could be demolished by her behavior on twitter.
Now, if the allegations are false, Dream has one of the most straightforward defamation cases that I have ever seen. Like, to the point of comical. If she can't prove her case, she's defamed him. The more evidence Dream can provide that she's lying (snapchat metadata may serve him well here, depending on if they talked on there/what they discussed, he may be able to factually disprove her claims), the stronger his case gets. If Bee is telling the truth and is willing to help/testify under oath, then I'm really not sure how a good set of lawyers could fuck this case up. Like, this would be straight up two per se charges. He wouldn't even need to prove damages AFAIK.
Slander per se is defined as words that are slanderous in themselves without proof of actual damages. For example, if an utterance charges (a) the commission of a crime, (b) imputes some offensive or loathsome disease that would tend to deprive a person of society, (c) matters incompatible with business, trade, profession, or office, or (d) charges serious sexual misconduct. Restatement (Second) of Torts, Section 570 (1976).
Now, I think a lawsuit may end up getting filed here. Amanda did uh, well she doxxed herself. Which is. A really bad idea for all sorts of reasons. There's also at least one person that likely went to school with her (Bee) who would almost certainly be willing to disclose information about what school Amanda went to to lawyers to make contacting/serving her very easy.
If the allegations are false, a lawsuit also would be a way for Dream to add provable records to the public record where they become worth way more than "just trust me this is unaltered" so it'd be a good move both legally speaking and for PR.
I'm not convinced a case like this would go to trial. I mean, I do not know what sort of resources Amanda has. But lawyers are very expensive, and if Dream files in Florida instead of NJ which to my understanding would be possible, Amanda may then have to travel to Florida or hire a lawyer within Florida to defend her. If her claims are false, the sudden expenses may suddenly make holding onto those claims no longer worth it. In which case she would probably attempt to apologize/settle.
Now, to my understanding, while she could retract/apologize, Dream could still sue her if her claims are false. But I'm doubtful Dream would be interested in pursuing the case much further than getting an apology and some sort of settlement to send a message.
So, I think we will hopefully end up seeing some stuff from lawyers, although I'm hoping at least one of the involved parties mentions when things become a matter of public record, since it can be such a pain to track down court records w/o a docket number.
(also as a note I am not a lawyer, nor trained in anything to do with law, this is all from my personal understanding and could be incorrect in many different ways!)
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
GEMINI what are your thoughts on how the boy's parents would react to their kids?
like i think johnny would be happy but panicky at the same time, he's nervous for robby. he supports robby as well as he knows how, and prays that robby doesn't make the mistakes he did.
carmen and miguel's yaya would be SOOOO happy for him, and they're so supportive!! they're in utter shock (in the good way) when they find out that there's triplets on the way.
i don't know what to think about eli's parents or anything cause we only saw his mom Once. but i like to think he tells daniel and amanda, as well as johnny, and they're so so happy for him!! i think daniel and/or amanda came up the the terror twins title.
I love this and I've thought a lot about this since I got it.
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Johnny is low key a nervous wreck. He thinks he knows what he's talking about when it comes to being a dad, but he never had a good father figure in his entire life, so most of his principles come from TV and movies. Old TV and movies. So sometimes it's questionable. So he'll give advice and if Robby has to question that advice whatsoever, he usually does the opposite of that or gets a second opinion.
However, none of that has to do with Johnny's feelings about his granddaughter/grandchild (grandchildren). Somehow, "father" and "grandfather" get separated in his mind. So he doesn't think he needs the experience of being a father to be a good grandfather. He's a fun grandpa, but he's not the best when it comes to babysitting. He needs a supervisor if he's gonna watch the grand-babies tbh.
All that to say, yes, he's happy but worried, but tries to play it off. Like, he tries to ignore his worries when in front of Robby, but keeps himself up and night hoping Robby knows what he's doing because for the life of him, he doesn't.
Carmen and Rosa are so excited. They sit with Miguel and his wife for hours just talking about when Miguel was a baby and even when Rosa had Carmen. When it's announced that there's three, they are quiet for a moment and then they're cheering. The information takes a moment to sink in but they're so happy. More babies to love! They're also ready to go all hands on deck and be helpful.
We saw Rosa make Miguel a Halloween costume out of olf nedsheets, but I think for her great grandchildren, she'd save up to buy new fabric and yarn to make them little hays and baby blankets. Does to crochet or knot? I don't know, but I know she sews and there's a lot that can be done there. I just love that trope of someone (not necessarily a grandparent) making baby blankets. [Unrelated, but Moon gives me that give a lot.]
For the Moskowitz parents, they're hard to pinpoint. I have a solid headcanon for Eli's mom, but I flip-flop with his dad a lot. So for context, I think Eli's mom is supportive of her son, she gives him the means to do whatever he wants, but she's not really there or paying attention. She works and that keeps her undivided attention unless something is very obviously wrong, like her son crying. She probably freaked out about the forced shave because her son was assaulted, but Eli probably begged her to let it go and never named names. With his silence and shutting down, she dropped it in hopes that it would help him get back to himself. He also hid a lot of the stuff he did whilst in CK - the tattoos, the bad behavior, etc - so she probably thought for a while, he was well mannered and didn't have to worry about him.
As far as his dad goes, I think he's away a lot. Either in the office all day, 9 to 5 sort of thing, and only sees his son late at night or on the weekends, on the rare chance they're home at the same time. Eli wants a better relationship with his father but has stopped trying to achieve that and started reaching out to other father figures he could find; he did this with Johnny, Kreese and Daniel and relieved different things from them. Johnny gave him tough love, I can't think of the word but whatever the fuck Kreese did, and then Daniel gave him the opportunity to earn respect and gave it back to him. That's why I believe Daniel is the best sensei for Hawk because in the beginning, they were reaching out to each other but missing, but given the tools and lessons needed, Hawk was able to build bridges, earn Daniel's respect, and in turn respect Daniel for what he was offered.
With all that out of my system, Eli's parents are shocked, but supportive. I honestly see his dad being business-like and very analytical, but means well. So he asks the hard questions; are you sure your ready for this? What's your plan? How are you gonna support two babies? It comes off as lecture-y, but it's from hisnheart. He wants his son to succeed as a parent and that first means being a provider. His mom is ecstatic. She hugs him and his girlfriend (in my mind they got pregnant first, had the baby, then got married) (also Eli would be kind of sappy and want to include their kids in the wedding, I mean they're literally a living symbol of the love he has for his gf/wife) they're there for him, but he struggles to connect with them as parents/soon to be parents.
I like the idea of Eli going to Daniel and Amanda. He looks at them and sees two people who not only raised two pretty great kids, but made it. They have a business, they have theblife they wanted for themselves and their kids, they're happy with their family and each other. They support each other despite some of the crazy ass shit they do (for Daniel it's getting involved in the karate war, for Amanda it is all her hot headed reactions; they're perfect for each other and I love it [yes I'm over looking Amanda being done with the shit because it was pulling Daniel's attention away and blah blah blah, that was a bump in their marriage and those happen]) where was I? Oh yeah, Eli.
So he goes to them and asks for advice on stuff, especially when they find out about the twins. He's excited but nervous for twins. So he asks them how to go about having two kids and they offer him the best advice.
It was Daniel that said "two Hawks... that's almost a nightmare."
And Amanda said "watch them be terror twins."
I also like to think that, even though we know nothing about Demetri's home life, Eli would also look to his mom (I personally think Demetri lives with his single mom). Demetri and Eli are binary brothers, they had sleepovers, it was Demetri's mom he would have to wake up in the middle of the night because he wet the bed. Yes, I believe he'd go to all the parents he knows and use bits and pieces of what they all offer him to inform his future parents decisions.
Johnny is, well, Johnny. He's proud but terrified that his son, Miguel and Eli are going to be fathers. He's watched them all grow onto young men; give or take what time he spent with Robby. Actually no, when they decided they were gonna fix their relationship was a big step for them. With Miguel and Eli, he basically helped shape them into who they are today, or at least got them on that path. He's proud.
He also finds it very hilarious that they manage to knock up their ladies around the same time. He's also a dumbass and gives the guys credit for it, especially to Miguel and Eli for having triplets and twins even though that's not how it works exactly. You can't tell him any different though, he won't understand. I wouldn't waste the time or brain power trying to explain how someone gets pregnant with multiple, let alone the different between identical and fraternal.
This got super long, but I had a lot of thoughts lol 😅 anything I missed? Anything you wanna add?
I'd love to hear alternative thoughts or add on thoughts to what I have here.
I love these headcanons, baby headcanons are my jam.
Did this even make any sense? Lol
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
What slashers would be doing if they didn't kill people
I awhile ago saw someone else write this and I can't remember who it was if you know who it was please let me know so I can credit them. Anyway I've been thinking if slashers actually got the mental help they needed and or their families didn't abuse them what would they be doing now? So I came up with these silly little head cannons.
Includes: The Sinclair brothers, Baby Firefly, Nubbins and Bubba Sawyer, Jason Voorhees, Leslie Vernon
Warnings: Mentions of drugs in Amanda's section, talk of taxidermy in the Sawyer brothers section
Bo Sinclair
It's obvious he would still be working on cars. He'd probably have his own garage somewhere where he can listen to all the dad rock he wants to while he does whatever car people do.
Vincent Sinclair
Still making art. Probably making commisions off of his sculptures and stuff like that. Maybe does private lessons for people. I'm assuming he still wears some kind of face covering and can't really talk but he does know how to sign.
Lester Sinclar
Same as before. He still cleans up roadkill and has a great relationship with his brothers. Probably better off and I feel like he makes good money because I've heard people get payed 40$ a deer or 15$ an hour at least.
Baby Firefly
I said this before but probably a beautition. Like she went to cosmatoligy school and knows how to do hair and makeup really well. Maybe even knows how to do special effects makeup because she picked it up in her free time and might do it as a side job too.
Nubbins Saywer
Probably works with taxidermy or cleaning up roadkill. I still think he does have mental health issues but he can now probably afford to at least see a social worker about what he's dealing with and stuff.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba would be a tailor or work as a butcher. I could also see him being a farm hand on account of him living on a farm kinda and also being built like a tank. I am a firm believer that if Bubba wasn't raised in the Sawyer family and he got proper help for his mental health issues he wouldn't kill people.
Jason Voorhees
So I actually learned that the guy who played Jason in the reboot has alopecia and when he was growing up he saw young Jason as someone he could look up to. So this kinda furthered my headcanon that my mutual @chronic-boogara also talked about. If Jason didn't kill people he would work with other disabled children to help them learn and let them be seen as people who aren't monsters. I feel very strongly about this and I'm right about it.
Leslie Vernon
He would be an actor. Like a small time more low budget kinda movie actor or a local theater actor. I can see him slowly becoming more famous. Like he'd star in a lot of horror movies that only horror fans really know about and would go to cons and just be really into it and stuff.
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mejomonster · 1 year
I finished She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat:
I immediately want to read the manga, which may go further in plot than the show. The show was So good. So short, such an easy pace, you can easily watch when you have time the little 15 minute episodes. It's realistic while being gentle.
It really. Felt like a hug. Felt like a sanctuary. Felt like the two women's relationship, and you're taken to its comfortable loving space.
And I still think what I said earlier, perhaps even more so now. I wish I saw lots of elements of this in more media with women who love women. I know why I don't though: big companies want to make women who look conventionally hot to a broad audience so cue lots of makeup, being very skinny, fashionable often feminine clothing and makeup (which sometimes clash with the story like sets do sometimes just Too Polished for the place they're supposed to live/place characrer would shop at etc). It's not realistic, which is just a thing on shows sometimes. But it can get really... alienating? It can get to the point where like... I remember watching pretty little liars and...I've never been as skinny as any woman on that show, I never would be. I never would look as done up as them and live in big houses like them and never have... it didn't feel like Real People like me, it felt like a fun fantasy to watch at the most.
This show feels like life, feels like home. Again, Kasuga finally looks like someone I am, someone I could fall in love with in real life. And when I hear Yuki call her cute over and over? Women like Kasuga SHOULD be all over tv, not wearing makeup, in sweat shirts and pants, in simple ponytails, tall girls who will never be petite, tall girls who aren't skinny like a model, she's just very much like any girl you might walk next to at the supermarket! And she is cute! She is so lovable, and wonderful! And in this show the main woman Yuki looks at her in love, is constantly so happy because she knows Kasuga and Kasuga talks to her and Kasuga is just SO wonderful and amazing and sweet and beautiful in Yukis eyes. That element of the show alone felt wonderful to me. That for the first time since I think I ever watched any wlw story in a show or movie, that element felt realistic to me. (Oh But I'm a Cheerleader felt realistic to me in Other ways as my first wlw film and letting me know I COULD be loved, and Jennifer's Body depicted a realistic as fuck teen girl relationship that I imagine many relate to just not to the monster degree, but the actual styling of the films is still... Amanda Seyfried is utterly glam even styled plain Jane and you just accept that's how media is... thats "ordinary" to media. Not Kasuga. Who is still probably more model like than maybe an average woman, but at least they finally put someone a little less on the scale away-from-reality in front of my eyes you know?)
And by the end I think that's true of Yuki too. She's not a young woman. She's an adult working a job who's been pressured for being single her whole life. She's a woman with cooking as a hobby, and everyone assumes she does it to please a man or prep for a family: things she doesn't want. A lot of her experience feels extremely real, as a queer person. I remember being her age, girls asking who do you like in elementary, and feeling as awful as Yuki just standing there. I remember friends partnering off in high school, and not doing the same. I like that Yuki feels unique... in that I know people like her, but she's not a blueprint. She's not a pre written or pre assumed General path that perhaps outsides think we've gone on. She's not the: I knew as a teen, I came out, I feel pressure for x y z or I'm afraid of parents etc. While I love those stories too, because some of them can be relatable to some of us (the incredible story of two girls in love was very good for my heart when I was young). I like Yuki cause she's an Adult suddenly thinking about romance. An adult realizing she may be a lesbian, and exploring how lesbians live lives that make them happy. A lot of people don't realize until their adults, because society doesn't even give them awareness they can be anything but the majority (and lack of info and conservative environments etc can all increase this). I like it showing the education online and communities as helpful, it was for me in college and it is for people older. It's a nice thing. (I'm demi so I realize I'm biased but) I like that she didn't realize it until another person said she sounds in love, then she realized she is for the first time and explores it. I like that she gets to do this exploring as an adult: I think for some adults that exploring crushes is a first time, is a new journey when it seems others already are going through it and think it's easy, and I like Yuki showing us that. I loved again, that Yuki has her own hobbies and society pushes that into a heteronormative assumption about her... how many people have dealt with that, and that's a thing about our sexualities outside or dating. One can be single for ten years, but still your life may have some effect. In how people assume you do things for some gender you may not like. May choose hobbies for X when it doesn't factor in. May hit on you when you have no interest. I feel like Yukis experiences align with what a lot of queer people go through, people assuming they're straight and ignoring any other option as possible and making assumptions about them that are small (microagressions) but add up to pain over time. Her coworker assuming people could lime any gender was refreshing to her, to hear someone not assume things about her and was open to giving her the freedom to define and be her true self in their eyes was relieving.
Her seeing the Christmas couples pictures, and the lesbians in them. This tiny scene, but an example of why even "shallow" diversity marketing matters. Yeah, if I'm out and know myself and loud for a decade it probably isn't much to me. But when I was 12 I didn't even know anyone but straight people existed, it was all I saw, all I could saw (unless I found the one gay channel on cable that no one in my house watched so I didn't know existed yet). Like lol a yaoi manga some friend found was the first time any of us realized a person could date the same gender, and it seemed only in fiction could such a thing occur. I didnt know trans people existed until I saw a movie about a trans person and realized I felt like them nonstop. Like.. it's not much but when ypunger people grow up they saw their TV shows have a group of girls and some lesbians! Their games like The Last of Us Left Behind and Life is Strange had some recognition queer people exist. The ads on TV occasionally had a gay man or a lesbian. It was enough for THEM to know the world was broader than they'd otherwise think, that all of those were normal, and if they ever feel the same or have a friend who does now it will be another possible ordinary kind of person they understand! Ordinary thing. Seeing an ad for Yuki was her realizing dating her love, being with her love, is as normal as the straight people she felt isolated from her entire life. She can have her own life with Everything she wants in it, other women can. That's what diverse marketing does. A person who's never seen people like them feels seen and like they belong. People in general realize that there is a diversity of people and consider them all part of society, instead of having a narrower view of what's normal or not acceptable or not. (And god I could go into how... some very not good laws that limit what books say and what people can say around children so in public in general, can hurt all of this, can mean no lesbian in a cute couples ad, and therefore no lesbian teenager who realizes she's allowed to exist and there's people happy like her, no lesbian adult who realizes she can live a happy life and there's paths for her, no person in general who sees how so many diverse people are alike and all part of their world together... rather than a very small perception of what's normal versus what shouldn't exist... but if I delved into all that it'd get real heavy so back to show)
My point is
This show is a love letter to the ordinary life of queer women. To life generally. To liking who you are, and to others loving you for who you are. It feels like a warm embrace and I really recommend it.
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one0p1nk · 11 months
Hey! BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💞💕
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// goodness- that many people??? I don’t have the exact energy to make this a chain loop DJDMDNDN I won’t do this in order, because I love my moots equally :D Also, I have many other moots- so all I can do is mention the first 8 that I have first in mind oof- I simply have so many words to say to each of them because that would be fair and would make up the fact I’m not sending this to 8blogs/ih
if anyone else happen to send the same chain, I’ll just do a part two/hj So let’s see,,,
Yami, my lovely beloved Angelfish bestie artist partner-in-crime mafia world co-creator with silly but wonderful ideas of their OCs that I love to read about with a great passion <333/ih
Four, I will never forget the Floyd kinnie bestie that comes in and out every once in a while just to check on us- also threaten us with twst pics if we don’t take a break especially on Yami FJFJFJF I love you/p and your artistic skills and scrunkles you offer for us to cherish 🥺♥️
Nakki, the other Floyd kinnie/ih yet is the big bro I feel comfortable to talk with,,, Everything is just all fun and good vibes when we hang out and I hope that stays that way djdjjd <3🌸
Beth, she is such a sweetheart,,, I like helping her in Minecraft- having to talk to her about AUs and ships is soft vibes,,, She’s now our mafia group’s cookie supplier and I have no regrets about that/ih/pos 🥺💕
Klai, they always give me this mix of “hehe so silly and fun” and “oh gosh what to do with this problematic gremlin” Floyd kinnie djdjjddj- don’t blame me, nonetheless, ily/p bestie, even if it’ll take ages for me to comprehend certain parts of your humor- yet, they’re so understanding with my autistic tendencies everything doesn’t seem to be so awkward when talking with them 😭🥺✨/ih
Tae, they’re so nice to me and I’ll forgive their wrong-doings they ever have/ih(well I’m not sure about their spouse forgiving them tho/ih),,, one reason why they’re somehow in the mafia group (yeah Angelfish, we should start raising some standards for the growing group we have/ih) ily/p the same, and I’m hoping you’re always happy everyday <3
Kory, ily/p and your scrunkles (and you might be tired of the many times I keep apologizing for missing Law’s bandanna- the event was just life-changing and I took that personally since I adore him- 😔) Having talks with you about ships make me giggle like a dork you have no idea- well, you kinda do know in an extent I would lose track of time(adhd moment??? I probably have unfortunately/ih) you’re a wonderful peep I somehow ever met, idk if it was such a great coincidence that we happen to meet jfjfjfjf
Besides feeling so indebted to my bestie Mandi- I’m just sobbing softly the times she helped me while I was kinda having a boomer tech moment😭🥺😔/ih, especially when it comes to Ai voices,,, I always love hearing about Pearce 🥺💕🌸 as we share the same passion for his majestic chest fur✨/ih I love Amanda just the same- this strong woman is scary, not like this silly of a man like Laurence minds about that :D♥️/ih
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detectivejrdude583 · 1 year
Self defense
a rollisi family one shot
summery: Olivia, Sonny, and Amanda were not planning to spend their afternoon picking up their children from a holding cell- and yet, that's what they were doing.
words: 3735 rating: T
for the purpose of this chapter Noah and Jesse are the same age: 17, Billie is 14, and Rollisi baby-no-name is 9, but they don't appear in this chapter.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of non-consensual inappropriate touching, bullying, bruises, being arrested, asshole cops.
As soon as the phone started ringing Olivia knew who it was and what they wanted, she didn’t even check the caller ID before answering. “I’m going to assume you just got the same phone call as me”
“That I did” Amanda’s frustrated voice came from the other side of the line, along with the noise of her rustling around. “I’m heading over there now, bringing Sonny with me, but hopefully they don’t need a lawyer”
“They probably won’t, it sounded more like they were holding them to scare them” Olivia said standing in her office and gathering her things, it wasn’t how she planned to spend her afternoon, but the squad would survive without her for a little while.
“Look knowing our kids Jesse probably dragged him into something” Amanda said apologetically. Jesse was a good kid, but she was just like her mother- confrontational to say the least.
“Let’s wait and see what the officers have to say, and then we can figure out which of our children need to be killed”
“We’re going to die, this is the end, on my gravestone just put ‘death by mother’” Jesse stared at the wall in front of her shaking her head, accepting her fate.
“We’re not going to die we’re going to hope our parents give us enough time to explain before they ground us for life and leave us in a room with no a mattress and a bucket to pee in”
Noah was trying to keep his cool, he was rarely-if ever- at the receiving end of his mother’s wrath, but he had witnessed it more than once, and he did not want to know how his mother would react to this.
“I'm going to vouch for the both of you, hopefully save both of you from eternal punishment” Billie spun in the chair she had been placed in, she had insisted on coming along with her sister and Noah- her mother didn’t know that though, maybe the black eye would be a nice distraction.
“Thank you, Billie, but I don’t think you can save me from mom” Jesse said “I think I’ll take my chances with prison”
“First of all, you're not going to prison, that’s now how it works” Billie rolled her eyes at her sister’s dramatics “Second of all, you act like both of our parents are these terrifying beings”
“Well dad isn’t, but momma can be scary” Jesse said, much like Noah she had witnessed her mother’s anger, but it wasn’t directed towards her, she almost never got in trouble, and even when she did her mother managed to stay mostly calm and collected.
“It’s my mother we need to worry about,” Noah muttered, starting to realize the severity of the situation “Maybe we can talk them into letting us go and then our parents just won’t know”
“Noah, there is no world where that would work, first of all we’re minors so they can’t question us without a guardian present, and also they’ve already called them, my mom’s probably marching through the house like a mad woman” Jesse said picturing her mother trying to make arrangements for someone to pick up their little sister from school.
“You think they’ll give me as aspirin, my head hurts” Noah groaned, just wanted for this all to be over so he could go to sleep.
“Aren’t they supposed to provide medical care if we need it, pretend to pass out and we can sue them” Jesse figured that would get them out of the situation real’ quick.
“Stop conspiring against the cops” Billie said, despite being the youngest in the group she was currently the one holding it together.
Olivia, Amanda, and Sonny all arrived at the same time despite coming from different places, they really did not want to be picking their kids up from the police station in the middle of the day, but it was starting to look like that was how the afternoon was going to be going.
“Amanda, ya’ good?” Olivia said ducking her head to get a look at Amanda’s face.
“There’s a reasonable explanation for this right? My child didn’t just get herself arrested” Amanda said not even blinking.
“Well, she did get arrested, but there also might be a reasonable explanation. We both know our kids aren’t liars, so were going to talk to the arresting officers, and then we’re going to talk to our children, and we’ll go from there” truth be told Olivia wasn’t feeling much better than Amanda was.
Sonny was remaining mostly silent, he had very little idea what the situation really was- no one had much of an idea anyway.
Together they all made their way inside, they weren’t used to being on the parent side of the conversation, they were used to panicked and angry parents marching in and demanding to see their children, not being those parents.
Billie heard her parents before she saw them, and she saw Noah and Jesse visibly tense at their voices, but they seemed to be walking through a nearby hallway and not actually coming to where they were. “Y’all want me to get to the parents before they get to you?” Billie asked.
Noah and Jesse were in a holding cell, they weren’t going anywhere, but Billie was free to wander as she saw fit since someone had just dumped her in a chair with an ice pack and left her alone.
“If you can get to them, do it” Jesse said, maybe if her sister- who was probably the best person to explain what happened- was able to get the real story in her parents’ heads before the cops got in their version maybe things would go better for the rest of them.
“On it” Billie pushed herself up from the chair, a little dizzy since she hadn’t stop spinning since she sat down. she walked in the direction she heard her parents’ voices from, just hoping that she would be able to figure out where they actually were.
She found herself in a hallway with several interview rooms attached to it, and she just had to listen through each door until she found the one where she could hear the voice, she immediately knew was Olivia’s. She all but threw open the door, catching the attention of all the people in the room.
“Billie why are you- what happened to your face?” Amanda stood up from her chair, rushing over to Billie to get a good look at the bruise under her eye. “Who did this, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be at school”
“Um Mrs. Rollins if you could sit back down, I will explain” one of the officers said “And miss Rollins, if you can stay if it’s alright with your parents” the officer indicated Billie who did not wait for her parents’ permission before plopping herself down in her mother’s lap.
Amanda would tell her 14-year-old child to get out of her lap since she wasn’t a toddler, but the black eye was almost startling, and clearly fresh, so she didn’t bother just put her arms around her daughter’s waist.
“Right, back to what happened” the officer did not like that he was interrupted. “By the time we arrived it was 2 one 2, and from what we heard Jesse Rollins was the instigator, and Mr. Noah had come in later in the fight”
“Right, we get all that, but what was the fight actually about?” Olivia had asked that twice already, but it had yet to be answered.
“Now like I said previously, that is not important, what is important is that your children instigated a fight that caused 4- well 5- minors to be injured” The officer said avoiding the question.
“I can tell you what the fight was about” Billie said without hesitation, there was no reason her sister and Noah needed to be arrested and she was going to make that clear “They were defending me”
There was a silence for a couple of moments “Defending you against what?” Sonny finally asked, concern evident in his voice.
Billie sighed and felt her mother’s arms tighten around her “One of the senior boys was getting a little too grabby, Jesse told him if he touched me again, she’d break his nose”
“And he touched you again” Olivia finished for her, the anger on her face almost made Billie a little nervous, but it obviously wasn’t directed towards her.
“He did, and was apparently very protective of his nose” Billie explained “It got worse from there, at first it was just Jesse and the senior, but then one of his friends got involved and Jesse can take one, but taking two is a lot harder, but Noah ran over, and he is deceivingly strong”
All the adults’ eyes were now on the officer.
“That sounds like self-defense to me, if Billie would have a right to use physical force against the boy, then Jesse did as she was defending her” Sonny could go into the legal logistics of it if he needed to.
The officer looked almost like he had been caught “From the statements we took at the scene that is not what happened, you're really going to believe your teenager over an officer” that was the wrong thing to say.
“If you're implying that my child is a liar you may want to rethink your choices” Amanda’s voice dropped and Billie held back a smirk.
“I have it on video, my friend sent it to me” Billie pulled her phone out of her pocket, pulling up the video and playing it for everyone to see. It showed everything from Jesse threatening the boy to when the cops pulled out cuffs.
The officer paused, hesitating “And why does that not line up with the statements taken, how do I know that’s not staged”
Billie stared at him blankly for a few moments “Were you dropping on your head as a baby, your head is kinda lopsided”
“Billie” Sonny said with only the slightest bit of warning in his voice “And whose statements exactly were taken”
“Well Mr. Carisi, was it? what you have to understand is that we get called to fights between teenagers all the time, we can’t exactly talk to everyone there. We spoke to everyone directly involved in the fight who we thought would have information on who instigated”
“So, you spoke to the two boys Noah and Jesse were fighting” Olivia knew if she said it out load the officer would realize he had been caught.
“Well, I suppose. However, I used my judgement, the two boys looked rather puny to me, Mr. Porter Benson and Miss Rollins could easily overpower them”
They had all seen the video; the boys were not puny in the slightest.
“I'm going to assume our children will be released and no charges filed” Olivia said, she could not use her rank to get her child out of trouble, but she would use her rank to get a douche-bag cop to act right. “And I'm going to need the name of your captain”
“Well, we can’t just release your children like that” The officer started getting a little nervous.
“You can as you have clear evidence of it being in defense of themselves or someone else” Sonny said.
“Why didn’t someone come forward with the video before” the officer tried to get ahead of them.
“A minimum of 4 people tried to show it to you before you left, you refused to look at it, I actually have a video of that as well if you want to see it” Billie said with a smile, beginning to scroll on her phone.
“No, no, that’s alright” The officer rushed out “I will go see about getting your children released” he was clearly very eager to get out of the room as he all but ran.
The adults- and Billie were now alone in the interview room, sitting in silence, processing everything that went down.
“Is Jesse in trouble?’ Billie finally asked, tilting her head back till it was rested on her mother shoulder.
Sonny and Amanda looked at each other in silent agreement before Amanda answered, hooking her chin over Billie’s shoulder. “No, she’s not in trouble. We obviously don’t like that she was fighting, but I feel like it may be a touch hypocritical for us to punish her considering what me and dad used to both do for a living”
“Noah isn’t in trouble either, is it bad I'm a little proud of him” Olivia also wasn’t very happy that her child had gotten himself arrested, but the story made sense.
“I wasn’t going to say it out loud” Sonny said with the slightest hint of a smile on his face, he couldn’t help the little bit of pride that came along with Jesse protecting her little sister.
“Alright Billie up you go, we need to go get your sister and cousin out of jail” Amanda said tapping her hip for her to get out of her lap.
Jesse and Noah froze when they saw their parents approaching, along with one of the officers that had arrested them.
“Alright, you two are free to go” the officer said opening up the cell, Jesse and Noah looking at each other in surprise, they were not expecting to be released so soon- and Jesse had fully convinced herself she was going to be spending time in jail.
“Come on” Olivia hurried them out, they didn’t want to spend anymore time in the station.
They rushed out of the cell, behind handed back the things they had taken away from them. Neither of them wanted to speak, they would rather just wait to see what their parents had to say.
There were a few papers to sign, but after that they were on their way, with promises to expunge the arrests from both Jesse and Noah’s records, the two teens still staying silent.
Once they were outside, they paused by the cars, Noah and Jesse expecting the worst. Billie though was not finding it amusing- like the adults were see the terror on their child’s faces- “Can we go get lunch, I'm hungry and I left before lunch”
Once the silence was broken it would not be back for a while. Noah starting speaking rapidly trying to tell his mother what had happened, and Jesse, well Jesse promptly burst into tears, startling everyone.
“I'm so sorry, I didn’t mean to get arrested” she cried leaning against her mother “I'm a horrible person”
Amanda figured she should have expected that, this wasn’t unusual with Jesse, so she wrapped her arms around her. “It’s okay, you're not in trouble honey, Billie explained what happened, and showed us the video”
“Billie!” It was like Jesse had suddenly remembered she had a sister and she let go of her mother to pull her sister into a hug.
“You're getting snot on my shirt” Billie grimaced but allowed her sister to hug her- Jesse tended to get emotional after big things.
“Are we really not in trouble?” Noah asked his mom.
“No, Jesse was defending Billie and you were defending Jesse” Olivia said looking at the scene of Jesse holding her sister quite fondly.
Once Jesse had calmed down, they all went out to lunch, everyone a little frazzled by the day’s events, the teens had gotten a short speech about using physical force as a last resort, and to please not land themselves in jail, but that’s as far as the consequences went.
Now everyone was at their home, both the girls in their rooms working on homework that they had been sent since both of them missed a big chunk of the school day.
Amanda and Sonny were planning- along with Olivia- to go up to the school to take care of the suspension Noah and Jesse were both facing, along with making sure there were consequences for the boy who had touched Billie. As they were discussing it, Amanda realized something, but rewatched the video- which she had Billie send her- and after watching it through sped up several times Amanda drew an unfortunate conclusion. “Sonny”
“Billie isn’t in the fight, she’s not even the video after Jesse shoves her out of the way” Amanda furrowed her brow scrolling through the video for a third time to make sure she was right.
“Isn’t that a good thing” Sonny as confused as to why Amanda sounded so worried about it “You can hear her offscreen”
“I mean in theory it’s good, but you saw her eye, she didn’t have it this morning, and doesn’t have it at the start of this video, and there’s no footage of her getting hit”
Sonny waited a few moments before responding “So at some point between the fight starting and going to the station she got hit, but not in the fight”
“Billie! Get in here!” Amanda yelled knowing that as long as she didn’t have headphones in Billie would be able to hear her.
Only a few moments later Billie appeared in the doorway “Yes?”
“Come in and shut the door” Sonny instructed.
Billie knew that meant she was either in trouble or her parents wanted to have a serious discussion, and she couldn’t think of anything she had done wrong as of late- unless her parents found out she baked a cake in the middle of the night and currently had a cake container under her bed to eat on her own- but that wouldn’t warrant a door closed conversation. “Did I do something?”
“No, you did do anything” Amanda said indicating the couch that sat in their bedroom for Billie to sit, Sonny and Amanda moving to sit on the side of their bed so they were facing her. “We want to talk to you about the bruise on your face”
Billie’s eyes widened slightly, but she recovered quickly. “What about it, I don’t feel like this is the most shocking thing that’s happened today”
“Well, we’ve watched the video several times now, and there is no footage of you getting hit, you're not even in the fight” Amanda said.
“We just want to know what happened, we won’t be mad” Sonny assured her, he needed to know she was safe at school.
“It was- after the fight” Billie said hesitantly. “While Noah and Jesse were in the office”
“Okay, but what happened Billie, because that’s a pretty nasty bruise” Sonny said leaning forward a bit to get a better look.
“I was waiting outside the school, I know I should have gone back to class, but I knew of Jesse and Noah were going to have to go to the station then I was going to go with him. Someone was upset with me for being the cause of the whole fight, and they hit me, I'm fine though, they got one hit in and left me alone”
Amanda let out an intense sigh, this problem seemed to be a lot bigger than they thought “How long have you been having issues at school?”
“I mean, since the beginning of the year, it’s my first year of high school, I figured it would get better if I didn’t react, it’s not normally physical” Billie explained.
“Billie why didn’t you tell us, why didn’t you tell your teachers? We could have done something sooner” Sonny said.
“Well like I said I thought it would get better, it really isn’t that bad, things were just worse than normal today, the leader of the group was mad he got beat up by a girl”
“And that’s the boy who was touching you?” Amanda was angry, but was careful not to show it too much “Billie you know why can press charges, we him touching you on camera, I can make uncle Fin go and get him right now”
“No, I don’t want to press charges, it was nothing more than a few touches here and there, if it got any worse, I would tell you, I always push him away, and I kicked him in the balls once” Billie explained, she hated the look on her parents’ faces, it was an odd mix between anger and sympathy.
“You should have told us now Billie, not waited for things to get worse” Amanda said gently and scooted on the bed patting the spot between her and Sonny for Billie to sit. “Come here”
Billie sat in between her parents, resting her head on her mom’s shoulder, grabbing her dad’s arm, and pulling him into her side, feeling both her parents’ arms wrap around her. “I'm sorry I didn’t tell you”
“Oh, we’re not mad, we just want to make sure that you are and feel safe at school” Sonny whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Billie’s head feeling her burrow further into their hold.
“We’re going to talk to the school, and we’re going to get this taken care of, your aunt Liv can be very intimidating” Amanda said and ducked her head to see Billie’s, her words having generated a small smile on the young teens face.
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