#i was very confused before finding out there are secret tapes.
night-daily · 3 months
Third time's a charm | Peter Maximoff x fem! reader
summary: Two times where Peter tries to kiss you and one time when it finally happens.
warnings: not proof read, im sorry:(
a/n: i think i need a peter in my life
The first time, you and Peter were in the living room of Xavier's school, watching a movie. It was your regular movie night, you would sit together on the couch and eat popcorn and candy's that Peter stole it grabbed for you, “I…I wasn’t sure if you’d like this, so I just took all the flavours they had there” that was he said to you when it was your first movie night, he was pretty nervous because you asked him, of all the people in the mansion, you wanted to spend your free time with him. So that night he arrived with two bags full of candy's and since then it became a tradition.
The movie was playing on the tv in front of you but your focus wasn't in the movie, was on the guy sitting next to you. It wasn't a secret for anyone in the mansion that you were in love with Peter, except for him, of course. Sometimes it was hard for your friends to watch how hard you tried to flirt with him but he was so oblivious to your moves.
At night the mansion was cooler and you're already regretting you didn't bring your sweater with you cause now you're shaking like a chihuahua and you're pretty sure Peter had noticed.
Suddenly you felt a rush of air around you, did someone leave a window open?
But when you're about to stand up and check the windows, you've a blanket on you and Peter is looking at you with a frown on his face. “Next time tell me when you're cold 'cause I'm not the professor to read your mind” You feel your cheeks hot, embarrassed, “I just don't want you to get sick...” He mumbles, avoiding your eyes and missing the way your heart is beating faster at his words.
And feeling bold, you put your legs on top of his, this was very normal between you so he didn't flinch, but he did it when he felt your head on his shoulder, it felt... intimate. Your hair was brushing his neck and he wanted so bad to run his fingers through it.
But he was a little uncomfortable in this position, his arms were glued to his body, feeling the half of your body on one of his arms, it wasn't heavy but it wasn't comfortable either. So the only solution he came with, was to put his arm around you, resting it on your waist, sending chills on your spine.
Now it was comfortable, it was perfect. The way your bodies fitted so well made him think, why the hell we didn't this before?
“Peter” The way his name comes out of your mouth, it makes him go crazy, it's a feeling he'll never get tired of. Only if you knew you've him wrapped around your finger, you'll be together by now.
“Hmm?” He can't find his voice due your presence. You lifted your head a little to match his eyes. You're very close, so close that if he leans down his head like he's doing right now and if you stretch your neck like your doing now your lips would finally connect, he's getting closer and you can't wait any longer, you can feel it in the air, he want's this too, he wants you and—
“What are we watching?” Scott fucking Summers jumps from behind the couch sitting between you and Peter.
You sighs defeated, this was your karma for laughing at the kid who tripped in the fountain at the mall earlier?
“We're gonna watch the tape of your death” Scott frowned confused, “I've never heard of that movie before” The bowl of popcorn was stole it from your hands and he was ignoring Peter's angry glare.
“You're about to presence it” Scott dropped the bowl and ran off the stairs, running away from Peter who was chasing him without using his powers, the two of them running like childs, so yeah, this was your karma after all.
The second time
You're in Peter's room waiting for him, reading one of the comics he had lent you when you heard the door opens, finally, you thought.
“Hey you waited too much for me?” And there he was, his sweet smile that always seemed reserved just for you. Sweating was covering his face and a few scratches here and there. He was in a short mission and by the look in his face it wasn't that easy but nothing he couldn't handle. Peter had told you before “if i don't get some bruises, i'm a real hero?” of course you prefer it when he didn't hurted himself but you've had already that discussion with him about what makes you a hero and what doesn't but neither of you backed down so it was a tie, for now.
“I would wait for you all my life” It was cheesy but it was also true.
Making him blush wasn't easy but when it happens oh, you enjoyed the view. Before you can make fun of him, he speaks, “I'm gonna take a quick shower and then we can go to play games so get ready 'cause i'm gonna kick your ass” He stepped into the bathroom while you're standing outside so he can hear you.
You chuckled “Just like the last time when we played Ms pac-man and i broke your record? That's how you kick asses? No wonder why you suck at self defense”
“HEY” Even if you didn't seen him you're sure he was smiling just like you.
You waited a few minutes and he's done. He walks out of the bathroom with his new clothes on, the towel around his neck and a very wet hair.
“Why you never dry your hair?” And before he had the chance to respond, you took the towel around his neck, your arms stretching to his hair since he was a few centimeters taller than you.
Your moves were gently, soft and relaxing, no one has take care of him like you do. All of you were close to him, your body, your face, your lips.
“Stop moving Peter” If it wasn't for your warning, he wouldn't notice he has leaned into your arms thanks to the comfort you offer him, that's the effect you have on him and you don't seem to realize it.
He was staring at you, intensely, like memorizing every part of your face and you could feel it, his gaze was like fire and you could feel the burn on your cheeks. “So uhmm... can i wear one of your jackets? I could wear one of mines but yours are cozier” His eyes widened. His thoughts immediately picturing you with his jacket, and his heart jumps excitedly, a shy smile crossing his face.
But imagining you with his clothes, how they would look bigger in you, how his clothes would smell like you and how everybody would know you are his, fuck, fuck, fuck, why his pants suddenly feel tighter?
“Pete? Are you okay?” Your voice brings him back, realizing you're still holding the towel around his head, fuck fuck fuck, you're gonna find out about... his situation.
Thinking fast he took the towel from your hands and throw it at your face, not giving you a chance to ask him what's going on, he ran out of the mansion like his life depends on it.
“Isn't enough that she owns my heart but now she owns my.. head too?”
And when it finally happens
The next day after Peter throw you the towel, which wasn't very nice of him but it wasn't new coming from him, you had the strange feeling he was ignoring you.
Every time you walked at the same room as him, he would say some lame excuse and would be off before you can even blink. Also, he wasn't answering your calls or texts.
So you made your mission to trap Peter and asked him why the hell he was ignoring you.
“Oh no Scott, you ruined Peter's comic” Faking Jean voice wasn't so hard. Peter didn't come to the kitchen as you expected, so you tried one more time, “Oh my god, it was a limited edition—”
“You better run for your—” As soon as you heard his voice, you closed the door, using your body as a wall so he would need to face you to walk off.
Both of you knew he could easily ran and you wouldn't notice, but you got the feeling he wouldn't do it, again.
Peter's face was pale and surprised for falling so easily at your trap.
“Care to explain why you've been ignoring me?” He stayed silent and still, thinking in a way to get out.
“Did i say or did something to bother you?” Peter wasn't listening you, you sighed, “If you don't want me in your life anymore, at least have to guts to say it to my face” Your voice cracked, even when you tried to act though.
At the mention of you not being in his life, he finally looked at you, your fragile figure breaking his heart, he couldn't bare the thought of a life without you, what if you don't feel the same?
but what if she does?
“Goodbye, Peter” His head snapped. It was or never.
“I like you! That's why I've been acting weird, cause i don't wanna lose you” Your eyes widened, what did he say? “I know you might not feel the same but i can't hide it anymore” Shit, did he say he likes you? “B-But I understand if you don't want be friends after this and—”
Now you surprised him with how quickly you were standing in front of him. Grabbing him by his jacket, you pulled him close to you. “I can't believe you don't know i like your stupid, oblivious ass” You tiptoe to finally feel his lips against yours, “Are we about to kiss right now?” You groaned but a smile made his way on your face, “You're not serious” And before he can say something to ruin the moment, you cut him off with a kiss. A kiss full of sincere love, full of hope for a future where you are together and hopefully, he can feel how much you like him.
Unfortunately, none of you have some kind of breath power, so you have to break the kiss.
“So does this mean you feel the same or...?” “Oh my god”
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zxxccx · 13 days
The Nightmare Never Ends
This is a work of fiction. All characters are 18+. Contains male fart fetish, piss, and scat content. The scat is limited to the indicated section so that anyone can skip it if they want.
I ran home crying. It was almost the end of my senior year of high school and I just wanted the school year to be over already. I couldn't wait to go to college and get away from the jerks I grew up with. Especially Blake. He was a typical jock - Mr. Popular, captain of the lacrosse team, and all that. Teachers loved him and thought he could do no wrong. If they only knew.
Blake has been bullying me incessantly for years now and no one knew about it except him and his teammates. It's been really rough, but I guess I should count myself slightly lucky because it definitely could be worse. Since Blake didn't want to get caught, he mainly stuck to quick and undetectable bullying methods: things like wedgies, wet willies, titty twisters, and noogies. You would think that would make it more manageable - I never had to walk around with wet hair from a swirly or anything like that for example - but the sheer frequency of it all drove me insane. Not only that, but Blake's verbal taunts slowly ate away at my self esteem.
Despite the emotional strain, I did a good job of masking my emotions. I had to. One time I made the mistake of telling on Blake. He denied it and his teammates backed him up. Since he had such a good record, the teacher took his side and chided me for trying to spread rumors. After we left our meeting with the teacher, Blake dragged me to the locker room and gave me the worst wedgie I had ever gotten. It was a squeaky clean, and he kept it up for so long that he actually drew blood. You heard me correctly, my underwear sliced my taint and although the cut was small it did bleed a bit. Blake told me if I ever tried to tell on him again, he would repeat this process until he literally sliced me in half. I know that's probably not even possible, but the threat stuck. Blake was a lot stronger than me and could easily do some damage if he wanted to, so I kept my mouth shut from that day forward.
That is, until today. I thought I mostly had a handle on Blake's bullying, but today my worst nightmare came true. You see, I have chronic hyperosmia which means my nose is very sensitive to smells. I'm on medication to try to manage it, but it still really sucks. Fortunately (and somewhat surprisingly), none of Blake's bullying ever involved smells. I think he mainly preferred to do things that would leave lasting (but undetectable) marks. Smells eventually fade, but a good wedgie could make it so I wouldn't be able to sit comfortably for days. I felt so lucky that I was going to make it through high school without my biggest bully finding out about my condition.
Unfortunately, my luck just ran out. We were in the locker room before lacrosse practice and I was getting yet another wedgie. I was waiting for it to be over so that I could just go home, when one of Blake's teammates thought it would be funny to make me smell the inside of Blake's lacrosse cleats. I immediately started panicking and upon seeing my reaction, Blake gleefully agreed. I struggled as much as I could but it was no use. They put a piece of athletic tape over my mouth to keep me quiet and make sure I could only breathe through my nose. Then, my face was shoved into the opening of one of Blake's cleats. I held my breath for as long as I could, but the need to breathe was inevitable. I reluctantly took a sniff and immediately started convulsing. This was by far the worst thing I had ever smelled. I struggled so hard that Blake's teammates lost their grip on me. I ripped the tape off my mouth and immediately puked all over the locker room floor. Everyone stared at me horrified. I took advantage of the moment of confusion to run out of there as fast as I could. My secret was out and the school year wasn't over yet. I felt like the world was coming to an end. And so we're back to me running home crying…
I wanted to go right to bed, cry myself to sleep, and try to forget what happened. But my older brother Joe stopped me and asked what was wrong. Unfortunately, we lost our parents when we were young, so Joe was all I had. Since he was legally an adult at the time, he became my guardian. He worked part-time and, while we didn't have a lot, we had enough to get by. We never fully got along, he used to mess with me a lot before our parents died. But after the accident he mellowed out a bit and we at least tolerated each other. Anyway, I tried to tell him it was nothing, but he forced the truth out of me (he threatened to fart in my face if I didn't tell him and after what happened earlier that's the last thing I needed). He didn't really react at all when I told him about how Blake had been bullying me all these years or explained what happened today. After a brief moment, he told me that he'd take care of it and then let me continue on to my bedroom. I didn't really know what he meant by that, but after all I'd been through I was too exhausted to care. I ended up just collapsing in bed and falling asleep.
The next day at school, I was on edge and prepared for the worst. But it never came. In fact, it seemed like Blake and his friends were intentionally avoiding me. The day after that was the same. No encounters with Blake at all. Maybe my brother really did take care of things. Finally, Friday arrived and again I made it through the day without issue. After making it half a week without any bullying, I was finally starting to breathe easier. I went home excited to just chill in my room and play videogames. After about an hour, my brother called me down to the living room saying he needed my help with something. I got there to see him standing next to a weird chair that kind of looked like a toilet seat.
Me: “What's that?”
Joe: “It's called a rim seat.”
Me: “What's a rim seat?”
Joe laughed.
Joe: “You sit in it and someone lays down below you so they can lick your butt.”
Me: “Ewwww that's disgusting.”
Joe: “I need your help testing it.”
Me: “What? I'm not going to lick your butt!”
Joe: “Don't be stupid. Of course you're not going to actually use it. I just need you to help make sure the fit is right. You're a similar size to my girlfriend, so if you can fit in it then she’ll have no problem fitting.”
Me: “I don't know, this whole thing seems really weird.”
Joe: “Oh come on, it'll only take a few minutes and then you can go to your room and get back to jacking off or whatever.”
Me: “Hey, I wasn't jacking off!”
Joe: “I was kidding…Now are you gonna help me out or not?”
I reluctantly agreed. Joe had me lie down under the seat and then started adjusting the various straps. It was super weird. It was like I was looking up out of a toilet. It felt like Joe was adjusting the straps pretty tightly, but when I complained he assured me he was almost done and would release me soon. After what seemed like forever, he stood up.
Joe: “So, are you comfy?”
Me: “Not really. The straps are pretty tight.”
Joe: “Just want to make sure I'm testing the setup as realistically as possible. One more thing before I let you go.”
Joe left and then came back with a weird looking rubber ball that had straps on it.
Joe: “I wanna see how this fits in your mouth. Don't worry, I'll clean it before using it with my girlfriend.”
Me: “Uhh, that's okay. I don't really want that thing in my mouth.”
Joe: “Come on, this is the last thing and then you're done. Unless you wanna stay there all night.”
I definitely didn't want that so I relented. He put the weird thing in my mouth and tightened the straps. When he was done, I couldn't even breathe through my mouth. I tried to say something but all that came out were muffled groans. All of the sudden, the doorbell rang.
Joe: “Perfect timing!”
He left to get the door. I started freaking out. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. My brother came back a few minutes later but he wasn't alone. My eyes almost popped out when I saw he had Blake with him. Blake must have just worked out or something because he was drenched with sweat. They both grinned at me.
Blake: “Surprised to see me?”
I let out a series of muffled grunts. Surprised was an understatement.
Joe: “I guess I owe you a little explanation. After your little breakdown the other night, I reached out to Blake here. We got to talking and he told me more about the things he's been doing to you. The more he told me, the more I realized the whole thing is pretty fucking hilarious. It was nice to hear that someone's been putting my wimp of a little brother in his place. When we got to your little barfing incident, I explained to Blake all about your weird smell disorder. He was bummed that he hadn't heard about it sooner so that he could have taken advantage of it more. And that got me thinking, why don't we take advantage of it? Apparently, Blake has IBS and is lactose intolerant. That's a recipe for some really gnarly farts. So I thought it would be fun to have Blake sit on your face for the ENTIRE weekend and rip ass. Fortunately, Blake was nice enough to agree to give up his weekend just to entertain you. That's why you're strapped into a rim seat and can only breathe through your nose.”
Blake: “And as an extra gift for you, I haven't showered in three days and just got back from a nice long run.”
Joe: “Dude, that's nasty! I was wondering why you reek so much.”
They both laughed. I looked back at them horrified. I tried as hard as could to get a word out and reason with them, but it was no use.
Joe: “There's also gonna be some other changes around here. Starting now, you're officially done with your medications. No one wants to see you puke all over the place so you'll still be taking your anti-barf drug. I actually switched out your bottle for one with a higher dose after your incident with Blake the other day because clearly the dose you were on wasn't strong enough given how you wrecked the locker room floor. Aside from that though, nothing else. No more smell dampeners and no more anti-migraine pills. Blake is going to provide you with a lot new scents to sample, and you're going to show him some respect by fully experiencing those smells unrestricted.”
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. There's no way they could go through with this, it would be full on torture. I struggled against my bonds as hard as I could and tried to scream.
Joe: “Looks like someone's excited to get started! Ready to take a seat Blake?”
Blake: “Hell yeah, let's do this!”
Blake walked over to me and turned around. I continued to struggle but they both ignored me. Blake pulled down the back of his shorts and I got my first glimpse of his bare ass (he was wearing a jockstrap rather than boxers). It was pretty hairy and glistening with sweat.
Blake: “Welcome to your new life, bitch!”
And with that, Blake slammed his bare ass down onto my face. I was caught off guard by the force of it and ended up taking a huge breath in. I immediately felt like my entire body was on fire. It smelled like the entire concentrated essence of the locker room at school was being forced up my nose. I’d give anything to smell Blake's cleat again instead of this. I started crying and convulsing. Blake and my brother found this hilarious.
Blake: “Dude he fucking hates it!”
Joe: “Yeah he does! This is too perfect. Haven't even gotten to the worst of it yet.”
Blake: “Feels so weird to have him huffing my asshole.”
If only he knew. It was definitely 1000x worse on my end.
Joe: “Remember our agreement. You have to sit there without getting up until Monday morning. He's gotta spend 60 full hours in your ass.”
Blake: “Don't worry man. I'm not going anywhere. I got the TV and my phone to keep me occupied…and the comfiest seat in the house.”
Joe: “Sweet. I'm gonna go chill in my room then, but before I go, I gotta hear you fart.”
Blake: “Thought you'd never ask. Bombs away!”
It was one of the longest farts I ever heard. I lost count after 10 seconds. When I eventually had to breathe in, I immediately wished someone would just cut off my nose and put me out of my misery. It literally smelled like someone had shoved my head in the toilet of the world's dirtiest porta potty. I was sobbing at this point.
Joe: “That was awesome! I can't even begin to imagine how bad that smelled. Glad I'm not in his position. I’ll leave you to it now. If you need anything, just shoot me a text. Make sure to rip ass as much as possible. Wanna make sure he never forgets this experience.”
Blake: “With pleasure!”
Hours went by. I could no longer think straight. I still could not fathom how either of them could think this was okay. I heard my brother enter the room.
Joe: “I bought dinner!”
Blake: “Aww, Taco Bell! Sweet!”
I groaned. I know what Taco Bell means.
Blake: “That's right. You thought my farts were bad before, wait until after I get this into my system.”
Joe: “That's not all. I wanted to make sure our little friend here has the best night possible, so I got you an extra large milkshake for dessert.”
Blake: “Dude you're evil! That thing is gonna tear up my insides.”
Joe: “Let's hope so! I'll let you enjoy dinner. Have fun you two!”
I was shocked by how quickly Blake ate his dinner and downed his milkshake. It felt almost inuman. Whatever show he was watching must have been hilarious, because I could feel his butt shake on my face anytime he laughed. All of the sudden, I heard his stomach make a very concerning sound.
Blake: “Joe you gotta come down here.”
I heard my brother come down the stairs.
Joe: “What's up?”
Blake: “It's all hitting, this is gonna me massive.”
Joe: “Do it, I can't wait!”
Massive was an understatement. This lactose intolerant, IBS-fueled mega fart really pushed me to my limits. It felt like my entire skull was rattling. And the smell was indescribable. I felt like my nose was gonna melt off my face. Both of my torturers were beside themselves with laughter.
Joe: “That was the best thing I ever heard. And he had no choice but to take it all, what a loser!”
Once they composed themselves, they realized it was getting kind of late.
Blake: “So what are the sleeping arrangements? Think I might get cramps if I have to sit in this chair all night.”
Was I about to get a temporary reprieve? I definitely could use a break.
Joe: “Way ahead of you. Get up for a sec.”
He dragged something into to the room. It looked like a cot. I was confused where he was going with this until I saw that there was a hole cut through the cot, right at the part where a person's ass would be when they laid in it. He positioned the cot so the hole was over the rim seat.
Joe: “There, now he's all set to deal with your ass for the entire night. Probably not the most comfy thing, but it should work.”
Blake: “Yeah I guess. Not thrilled about this, but at least it'll suck more for him than it does for me.”
Joe: “That's the spirit!”
Blake got ready for bed. Then he got into the cot and positioned his butt through the hole. It actually worked better than I think we both thought it would. His butt sank through and made pretty firm contact with my face.
Blake: “Ya know, this isn't actually so bad. It's definitely not great, but knowing your face is in my ass makes it more bearable. Today's really been the best. Looking forward to more tomorrow. Just a heads up, I fart A LOT in my sleep, so you're in for a fun night…especially after that milkshake. And just for you, even though I'm not really cold, I'm using a blanket to ensure all the gas stays down there with you. Nighty night bitch.”
With one last horrible fart, Blake settled in. He wasn't kidding about his night gas either. It was rough. Any time I thought I was going to fall asleep and have a moment’s rest, a massive fart would blast me awake. This was by far the worst night of my life.
The cot had been moved away and Blake was sitting on my face again eating breakfast. Every so often, he would rip a fart just to “keep me in my place” as he would say. My anti-migraine medicine was now fully out of my system. Without it, intense smells gave me terrible headaches. As you can imagine given my current situation, my head was absolutely killing me. My brother must have been reading my mind. He entered the room and I felt him put something in my ears.
Blake: “Why are you putting AirPods in his ears?”
Joe: “He's off his anti-migraine medicine so I imagine his head must be killing him given what he's been dealing with from your ass. Figured it would be fun to blast some music in his ears, just to make sure he really suffers.”
Blake: “Wow you really are evil dude! You should totally do it though. I'll blast some gas to make it even worse.”
I wasn't even surprised at this point. It was clear both of these guys were complete sadists. As the music blared and the farts ripped, I felt like my head was actually going to explode. I prayed that I would pass out to get away from the pain, but unfortunately my prayers went unanswered.
[This section contains scat]
Saturday night. The halfway point of the weekend. My face had been planted in Blake's ass pretty much nonstop. My brother was sitting on the couch nearby and they were chatting. Blake's stomach made another weird noise.
Blake: “Whoa, think I'm gonna have to get up for a bit.”
Joe: “Hey dude, remember our deal…”
Blake: “Sorry, I gotta take a massive shit. I can sit on him again when I'm done.”
Joe: “Oh is that all? Just use him.”
Blake: “Are you serious?”
Joe: “Sure I am! Look at his position, he's basically a toilet.”
Blake: “You’re really not joking? That's crazy dude! This is gonna be awesome!”
Joe: “Glad to see you're on board. Let's get him ready so you can unload.”
Blake got off my face. My brother undid the straps and took my gag out of my mouth.
Me: “Please. Don't do this to me!”
Joe: “I don't think you're in any position to stop us.”
Me: “Please! Haven't I suffered enough?”
Joe: “The answer to that question will always be no.”
He pulled out another gag that looked like a metal ring.
Me: “Why? Why are you doing this to me?”
Joe: “Because you're a massive wimp and this is what wimps deserve.”
Blake: “And it's also a lot of fun.”
Joe: “Yeah that too. When Blake and I were planning for this, we decided you needed to be put in your place. Neither of us really like you, so we both agreed not to pull any punches. I could have gotten a cool brother who’s fun to hang out with. Instead I got you. In my mind, with each thing we subject you to, we're one step closer to making up for that injustice.”
Blake: “Face it bitch, you're right where you belong.”
Before I had a chance to say anything else, my brother secured the ring gag in place. After a little more taunting, Blake said he was about to burst so my brother told him to sit down and do his business. I expected him to place his asshole over my mouth, but instead he pulled his dick out and put in my mouth.
Blake: “Always gotta piss before I shit. You better swallow every last drop if you know what's good for you.”
His stream started strong. It was hard to keep up with it. The taste was acrid but I was expecting a lot worse. I didn't really even have time to process it though because I was so focused on swallowing - I didn't even want to know what would happen if I spilled a drop. He must have drank a lot since this went on for quite a while. Finally, the stream died down and he was done. He shook his dick over my mouth to make sure he got every last drop in.
Blake: “Okay, on to the main event.”
Joe: “This is gonna be so gross! I almost wanna leave the room but I have to see this happen to him.”
Blake slid forward and positioned his hole over my mouth. He started off by releasing a bunch of farts right onto my tongue. I gagged violently.
Blake: “If you think my farts taste bad, you're in for a rough surprise.”
After a few more farts, his asshole began to expand and a massive turd started making its way out. Blake kept pushing and soon it entered my mouth. It brushed against my tongue and the taste was worse than I could have ever imagined. I wasn't sure if I I'd actually be able to swallow it. As usual, Blake was one step ahead of me. Rather than breaking it off and letting it fall into my mouth, he just kept pushing out more of it. Soon it reached the back of my throat and yet it kept coming. My throat opened up and it started to slide down. Just when I thought I was going to lose the ability to breathe, it finally broke off. I was laying there with a massive shit log with one end wedged halfway down my throat and the other end sticking out of my mouth. My mind went completely numb and I wished I was dead. Blake got up for a sec to admire his work.
Blake: “Holy fuck that's so nasty! Almost makes me wanna puke.”
Joe: “Yeah it really is disgusting. I gotta get a picture of this though.”
He pulled out his phone and snapped a pic.
Blake: “That's a lot, he may have trouble swallowing it all.”
Joe: “One way to find out. You know what to do, swallow down Blake's gift.”
I tried to swallow but it was too much. I think Joe realized I needed to chew if I had any hope of swallowing this monster log so, after letting me know how much I'd regret it if I tried to spit it out, he unstrapped the ring gag and slowly slid out of my mouth over the turd. Since I had no other option, I bit the turd in half. The taste made me want to vomit, but unfortunately the anti-nausea medication was working all to well (Joe had slipped me another dose at breakfast time - it would have been great if he gave me food, but I digress). Slowly but surely, I was able to force the part of the turd that was stuck in my throat down the rest of the way. That just left the part that was still in my mouth. Hating myself every step of the way, I chewed up the disgusting log and finally swallowed it down.
I thought this ordeal was finally over, but Blake said that he still had more left in him. They didn't even bother with the ring gag this time - they knew I was broken. I opened my mouth when they ordered me to and then Blake sat right down on it. I guess that monster turd was it for his solid waste, because next Blake pushed out a whole mouthful of diarrhea. I didn't think anything could taste worse than the first log, but this proved me wrong. They made me swish it around and chew out all the chunks before swallowing it. It was absolutely awful. After 3 more mouthfuls of liquid shit, Blake was finally done. They made me lick Blake's asshole clean, but after what I had just been through that was a piece of cake. Once I finished with that, my brother put the ball gag back in my mouth (he made sure to let me know how sad he felt that he didn't also have to take a dump right now) and then they set up the cot again so Blake could get some sleep.
[End of scat]
Sunday was more of the same. They experimented with different foods to try to get Blake's gas to smell as bad as possible. It felt like time was crawling.
Finally, Monday morning came. I would finally be free from this hell. They couldn't keep me in here forever, Blake and I had to go to school. My brother walked in carrying my laptop. Why did he have that?
Joe: “Before we let you go, we have a little surprise for you. Another thing I learned from talking to Blake is that he's going to the same college as you. With that in mind, we thought of a way to make your college experience more fun.”
He turned my laptop towards me and I couldn't believe what I saw. Blake had sent me a request to be my roommate and they accepted it on my behalf. My brother motioned for Blake to sit on my face again so he did and then he immediately ripped a massive fart.
Joe: “That's it for the visuals so you may as well get comfy while we tell him about his new life. Here's how it's gonna be. From now on, you're on call to sniff Blake's farts whenever he wants. Furthermore, Blake is officially prohibited from using the toilets in school. When he has to go, he will text you and you will let him do his business in your mouth. If you fail either of those duties, we will start to involve the entire lacrosse team in the fun, and we know you don't want that. For college, as you saw, you and Blake are going to be roommates. You'll both be living in the athletic dorm, and fortunately one of my friends is an RA there. They will make sure to tailor your roommate agreement to ensure that you have to take as many of Blake's farts as possible along with whatever else comes out of his body. If you don't, you'll get kicked out of college. If that happens, we'll make you continue to live with Blake anyway and you can use your newfound free time to do extra chores and maybe even provide your services to the other athletes in the dorm. As you can see, not getting kicked out is in your best interest. In fact, your only way out of this situation is to do really well in college, get a good job, and move somewhere far away from us. Otherwise, you'll be stuck forever.”
They both grinned at me. I felt hopeless. I was stuck in a living nightmare with no escape.
Blake: “Don't worry bitch, your brother is gonna let me bring the rim seat to college with us. It'll be just like this weekend but on repeat. Hope you're excited, because the fun is never gonna end!”
He let out one last fart and, with that, they finally let me out and told me to get ready for school. I was starving since I hadn't eaten anything all weekend (well any food that is), but I didn't feel like eating right now. I forced myself to eat an apple just to have some food in my system. I went through the motions of getting ready for the day but my mind was elsewhere. I began to tear up as the full weight of dread for what lies ahead started to sink in…
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xagave · 1 year
pleasepleaseplease recommend some danphan fics!!
Sorry these are on ff.net I was into danphan before AO3 was really A Thing. Invisobang also just completed and a whole wack of new fics are also now out for your enjoyment so I suggest taking a look there too Lab Rat - Danny (as Phantom) is captured by his parents and vivisected in the lab. THE MOST iconic dp fic from this era of fandom and also the first dp fic I ever read which single-handedly got me into the fandom. I also recommend anything else by this author[sequel]
Pits - Danny is captured by Walker and thrown into the Pits to fight for his life. HANDS DOWN my all time favorite dp fic. I drew a bunch of fanart for it and never showed the author LMAO [sequel]
In The Way - A twisted tale of a summer spent all alone
Wondering - Danny's been captured and tortured by his parents, but he refuses to say a word until his psychiatrist starts connecting the dots. Can he risk keeping it a secret any longer?
Dreams of Light - A cute box ghost fic with a fun twist at the end
Phantom's Sketchbook - Mr. Lancer finds himself in an unparalleled situation, he has access to something which can give him incredible insight into the personal workings of Amity Park's local ghost teen hero, Danny Phantom
Masks - Lancer has had enough of his most enigmatic, frustrating student Daniel Fenton and forces him to stay in detention with him until Danny tells him The Truth. A story examining Danny's relationship with the human race. Another BIG FAVE of mine [sequel]
Darkness - Part 1 of Illuminations saga. [part 2][part 3][part 4] Maddie and Phantom are trapped in the dark and must work together to avoid dying. I don't remember much about this but I do remember it being super creepy and I bulldozed my way through all 4 parts so it must have been good lol
I'm Still Here - Danny's been locked away in a forgotten thermos, buried in the backyard for 70 years. When he's finally released, happy isn't the word he'd use to describe his new life
Real Life - A very creepy take on ghosts and the events of the show, where they're more inhuman, feral, and scary. I don't remember much about this but it's unfinished
Lopeholt - Valerie must survived the night in the third scariest place on earth. **VERY** creepy, I remember reading this in the dark and it gave me nightmares. Another top fave. I def recommend reading anything else by this author
Running to the Enemy's Arms - Danny runs away and ends up on the doorstep of the person who's dead last on his list of favorite people - Vlad. Danny/Vlad father son relationship. A fun and interesting view of what Danny's life would be like had he been the son Vlad always wanted. Incomplete but also another BIG FAVE of mine. Tolerate the first 1-2 chapters and the rest is golden
Checkmate - Vlad forces Danny to leave everything behind in order to save Jazz's life. But just when the billionaire believes to have won his chess game against his young rival, Danny makes a single unexpected move.
A Secret Uncovered - Danny's transformation is caught on tape and now the whole town knows who he is Photoshop - Dash and Kwan find an old class picture and start having a little too much fun on Photoshop. Will someone's secret be revealed?
Chained - It starts with a fire at the Guys in White headquarters, where a vengeful Valerie stumbles across an imprisoned Danny Phantom. It starts with injustice. But what happens when justice and revenge are confused for one another? Where does a hero end, and a villain begin?
Phantom of Truth - Locked away in a secret government lab with Phantom as her subject, nothing stands between Maddie and the truth… except, perhaps, herself [Sequel]
The Soul Sepulchre - Something foul is stirring in Amity Park and it all starts in the bowels of Amity Park's Museum of Natural History
Moral Code - Moral code says to never kill or capture a specimen that you did not weaken yourself. Maddie finds Danny Phantom wounded late at night after a hard battle. After she helps him, she finds there is more to him than she ever thought possible. Mother/son bonding
Connections - Maddie knows that the Booo-merang has keyed into Danny, for whatever reason, so what's she to think when she sees it collide with Phantom? [Sequel]
Isolated - It's just a wish that's been granted with the wrong twist, but for Danny, it's a nightmare that's become reality. He's stuck as Phantom, his family's hunting him, and everyone who can help him is gone
Little Earthquakes - They say that a man is defined by what he does when he thinks nobody's looking. Does the same hold true for ghosts?
Tortured Truth - Danny's parents discover that the ghost boy is half human. Now that they've captured Danny, will he submit to torture and reveal himself, or is the revelation just the beginning of their problems? [Sequel]
Estrelas - AU. Sam's attention is captured by a lonely ghost haunting her grandmother's attic…and discovering his secrets will take everything she has.
Criteria of Life - Every living thing must follow the Laws of Life; however, Maddie wonders if Phantom can somehow follow these laws as well. The fact that he is a ghost is putting a knick in her plans, but what if Phantom can follow the Laws of Life?
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rosemelon82 · 9 months
Light on Series: Sisyphus whump list (cn)
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I took over this list from @love-me-a-lotta-whump so go check out their awesome whump lists if you're looking for some good whumpy series to watch! ;)
After his daughter Duo Duo dies, Zhang Hai Feng quits his job as a police officer. However, he cannot continue his peaceful life for long because a serial murder case reveals new evidence about the accident that led to Duo Duo's death. Zhang Hai Feng pursues the serial murderer and dies with him. When he wakes up, he is back to the day before he dies and decides to make use of the wormhole to save Duo Duo. Eventually, he starts to unravel the deeply hidden secrets of the people around him and the web of conspiracy that was planted 20 years ago. (paraphrased from KissAsian)
Genre: Crime, Mystery, Sci-fi
Zhao Bin Bin played by Lu Han
Zhang Hai Feng played by Wang Qian Yuan
Other whumpees listed in orange
Zhao Bin Bin:
09:18 - 11:20 - in an interrogation room, interrogated, defiant
16:49 - 19:41 - in an interrogation room, stressed, crying, (flashback: panicked), manhandled, choked, coughing
21:20 - 22:37 - poisoned, chest pain, seizing, foaming at the mouth, rolled into the hospital, handcuffed to a stretcher, unconscious, still handcuffed to the stretcher, unconscious, dazed, weak
29:35 - 30:00 - headbutted (is that a word?), falls backwards, sort of falls of a building, dies
Zhang Hai Feng:
11:20 - 20:48 - depressed, drinking, angry, chokes someone, manhandled, taken away
28:00 - 30:00 - out of breath, dealing with a hostage situation that also includes a bomb, bluffing, shot at, shot in the chest, bomb explodes, dies
Zhao Bin Bin:
07:40 - 08:33 - chased
Fu Jialiang:
13:40 - end of episode - drugged, kidnapped, tied up and duct tape on his mouth, panicked, yelling, has a bomb strapped to him, taken away in an ambulance
Zhao Bin Bin:
16:45 - 20:19 - hit in the head, bleeding, still bloody, trying to find ths person he kidnapped
34:20 - end of episode - shot in the arm, taken away by the police, stumbling, manhandled by police, bloody hand, laid on a stretcher and put into ambulance, treated in the ambulance, in an explosion, dies
Zhang Hai Feng:
end of episode - dies in explosion
Zhang Hai Feng:
beginning of episode - wakes up hazy
(not related to whump but holy fuck this episode was crazy im- what the fuck?????)
Zhao Bin Bin:
throughout episode - interrogated multiple times, accused
end of episode - interrogated in an interrogation room
Lei Qiang:
18:07 - 20:14 - on the run, almost hit by a car, jumps off a roof, hurts leg, interrogated
07 & 08:
Zhao Bin Bin:
beginning of episode - shown beaten, glasses askew, bloody nose
Zhang Hai Feng:
end of episode - loss of loved ones, grieving
Liu Yuqi:
19:47 - 22:54 - stabbed, pushes the knife further in, death
Zhao Bin Bin:
end of episode - commits suicide?
Review of drama:
Quite interesting. I personally really like the inception style of the drama. It's a very mindfuck style drama and I like that. It's also interesting to see how the "timelines" or memory lines or whatever they are called differ when he makes different choices but still somehow relate to the main timeline. I recommend watching this drama if you prefer to be confused while watching but at the same time very intrigued by each episode. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for another whump list soon! (sorry to @love-me-a-lotta-whump for taking so long to do this)
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surely-galena · 8 months
The thing about there being five main members on the NXX Investigation Team is that they could all plausibly be on a Stellis version of Taskmaster. Here's how I think things would go:
[WC: 0.9K]
What they would be hilariously good at:
Luke: Any physical task. Whether it's kicking something, throwing something, or anything else that requires more physical effort. Plus, because he's a detective, I think he would also find the secret answers (e.g. the receipt in the series 11 "guess what's in the batter" task, "debajo de la mesa" in series 2, the light switch in the series 5 "paint a rainbow in the dark" task) but he'd only use them "correctly" half the time (e.g. the hose in series 15).
Artem: Thinking-based tasks and also putting in a lot of genuine effort. I think he'd be a lot like Joe Thomas in series 8 because spending over twenty minutes trying to erase an eraser while three other contestants find a quicker way to dispose of it seems like something Artem would do, and Artem would also know vaguely useful trivia things and be able to recite poetry unprompted.
Vyn: Processing the absurdity. I think he'd be like a much more deadpan version of Mike Wozniak in series 11, by which I mean he would do all of the tasks as if they are normal, everyday chores. Cover your lower half in biodegradable clingfilm and duct tape? Sure, whatever. Find out how many sides an object has while blindfolded and only using your face? Not surprising in the slightest.
Marius: Any art task. In fact, everyone should be afraid if they're going up against him in an art task. Because only the people closest to him know about his art skills, I think the audience would be fairly surprised to learn how proficient he actually is. He's going to impress them all!!
MC/Rosa: Anything to do with acting (based on her previous theater experience). This is because I would love for her to have some great stage moments (e.g. Susan Wokoma and the holding a pineapple vs. not holding a pineapple task in series 16, the bricks vs. balloons suitcase task in CoC2) and also a lot of fun with any film-based tasks.
What they would be hilariously bad at:
Luke: Processing the absurdity. I think Luke would be baffled by some of the most ridiculous tasks, and be even more confused if it's a food-based task (e.g. make the best edible dust, make an edible mask and then wear the edible mask). He'd manage to get things done, but he would be very confused throughout.
Artem: Any art task. He might be able to get away with some pieces by claiming they're abstract, but as a whole I think he would not do very well with drawing/painting things.
Vyn: Any mechanical task. Like, make a machine to do X thing? He's going to be stuck thinking for a bit and then resort to something really simple and unfortunately ineffective at the last second.
Marius: Being too eager to get started that he doesn't completely process the task and either a) gets disqualified for doing something the task had said not to do or b) gives himself a disadvantage for tasks that say "you have to use the first thing you touch to do the task". Sometimes, surprisingly, he makes do with the disadvantage. Other times (while he's doing terribly), he's giggling to himself over how he should have finished reading the task before selecting his chosen object.
MC/Rosa: Anything that requires too many things to happen at the same time. Like "make all these things pop very closely to each other" or "have all these things be done when the timer reaches zero". Even though she's used to having to do a lot at once, it's still very overwhelming when the combination of simultaneous tasks is utterly ridiculous.
Other thoughts:
Teams being divided by scheduling plausibly means that Artem and MC could be grouped together. Because everyone's schedules are flexible to a certain extent, I think I would make the teams Marius & Luke (because they already work well enough together, and because they would be entertainingly chaotic) and then Artem & MC & Vyn (which would make MC the peacemaker if Artem and Vyn start bickering about anything). This is also because I want Marius and Luke to have an "I'm Always Seeing You (Do Cool Stuff)" victory moment.
If we're picking from the existing ToT character lineup, I think Vincent would make for a fantastic Taskmaster's Assistant. His softer personality would make it so much more unexpected whenever he comes up with a good quip.
The person who puts the most effort into the prize tasks is Marius. It doesn't always work out for him, but he would totally steal from the Taskmaster / Taskmaster's Assistant or put together something really impressive just for the chance of getting five points.
I think each and every one of the NXX Investigation Team is fully capable of having at least one lateral thinking moment. Whether it works out or not, though, is probably a different story depending on the person.
You know the "find out what's in the case" task in CoC1? Vyn would solve the math problem to find the code. Artem would count the rice. MC would find the code on the other end of the table. Marius would guess what was inside the case correctly without opening it. And Luke would take a hammer and destroy the case, thus getting it open and effectively bypassing the code.
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Alright folks, I've taken up reading tma again (sorry for the delay, had a bunch of stuff to sort out before) and finally arrived at mag 60! Since I now have a faithful audience of one (1) person that I must disappoint, may I present:
The Magnus Archives but I'm halfway through season 2 (and the confusion somehow got worse)
The episodes are named "MAG[...]" and that's apparently because of "Magnus".
I know, that's pretty obvious. I'm dumb, ok?
There's Michael, he's tall, distorted and HANDsome and I love him.
He kidnaps people and talks about philosophy. What an icon. I'm gay
That (the kidnappings, not me being gay) really annoys the main character. I think he should take another cup of coffee and let Art be.
Speaking of our favourite jalapeno, he entered his paranoid era!
Babygirl is archiving all over the Magnus and spying on his colleagues. What a slay.
Scary Switcheroo Sasha is Not Happy At All about it.
Well, to be honest, nobody is. Except Martin. An absolute gem.
Simon Fairchild is everywhere who is that man is he dead is he God's servant did he write Ex Altiora?
Same for the Lukas did a guy named Lukas decide to make a plethora of children, give them all his name and raise them in the true ways of evil so that they can keep his legacy alive? Are these all clones determined to make our overpopulated planet experience loneliness?
These two names scare me more than my neighbour, which is impressive. My neighbour is very dreadful.
I can't even see an alliance between the both in my worst nightmares it would be so awful like- oh wait they did it. Nevermind.
Fairchild/ Lukas ship when?
Oh yeah funny thought since both Michael and the door are part of something bigger, does it mean that Helen became part of it too? Will we get Cool Technicolor Helen ?
I Do Not Understand the link between all of these. Is it a plot made by Jürgen Leitner to confuse me?
When does Elias Bouchard reveal his cover and accept his identity of secret weedsmoking hypervillain ?
Agnes the orphanage girl is sus, amirite?
So, yeah, season two started, even more spiders, ceaseless watching, meat, rot, insects, my unending love for Basira (my queen), and the boneturner guy who got a new job where he, well, turns bones. Fascinating!
It's behind you.
So? Anything to tell me that might be useful to know? Am I having any paranormal experience? Any tickets for the next Grifter's bone concert you're willing to share? Who the fuck is the clown grandpa and why does his memory seem to linger on the podcast like duct tape scars on thin paper?
Good luck answering these, you have an hour.
With love (and infinite hate for Jürgen Leitner),
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sintowinemily · 2 years
You're Somebody Else
Flashback: 20 February 1998
Summary: It's Katie's 18th birthday, but Spencer gets a present too.
Warnings: smut, virgin!Spencer, dirty talk, cursing, slight angst at the beginning, mutual pining, third person, abrupt ending.
Word Count: 3.2k
Find parts 1 & 2 here!
taglist: @honey-on-my-lips
Click here to be added to my taglist!
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Katie paced back and forth across her apartment. Today was her eighteenth birthday, which was meant to be a special day. And it would have been, if her mother hadn’t passed away just before Christmas, and if her best friend would answer the phone. She sighed and dialled Spencer’s number again. It went to voicemail, again.
“Hey, it’s me. Just wondering where you are, for the third time this evening. Call me back.”
She waited fifteen minutes and didn’t receive a call back, or an email. She tried again.
“Spencer – if you didn’t want to hang out, that’s fine. But at least call me and let me know. It’s the polite thing to do. Even your mom called me. Even your mom remembered it was my birthday. Jackson is at a stupid frat thing tonight and I really don’t want to be alone on my birthday. Call me.” Her voice was getting agitated. She was seldom annoyed with Spencer, their personalities moulded so perfectly together that there was rarely an opportunity for arguments. 
“Hello!” She heard a familiar voice bellow as her apartment door swung open, she spun around immediately. Now blissfully aware of the tears rolling down her face. “What’s wrong?”
“Where have you been Spencer?”
“I was at the store,” he held up two gift bags. “These are for you.”
“You’re an hour late.” 
“Yeah, I-uh, couldn’t get a cab.” She didn’t entirely believe him but didn’t want to argue. “I’m sorry I’m late, I just wanted to make your birthday special.” And just like that, she couldn’t help but return the wide smile he gave her.
“Don’t listen to your voicemails.” She warned as they sat together on the couch.
“Oh dear, you’re that annoyed with me, huh?”
“I was. You’re here now.”
“Where’s Jackson?”
“I don’t know.”
“What a great boyfriend.” He almost spits the last word out.
Katie can’t give a good reason for dating Jackson, he’s a sophomore majoring in communications at USC, and was a quarterback in High School. He’s the exact opposite of the type of guy she would see as her type – he looks like an Abercrombie and Fitch model, and he probably has never read a book unless he got class credits for it. But he told her that it's sexy how smart she is, and he held her hand when her mom died. And his frat brothers bring her booze when she hangs out at their place. A bottle of which, she stole for her evening with Spencer. 
“I know you don’t like him.”
“No, I don’t.”
“You can’t even give me a reason why.”
“I don’t think I need to.” He shrugs and notices her confused look. “You can’t give me a good reason not to hate him.” He isn’t wrong, “enough about him, open your present.”
She opens the giftbags, and as suspected they are filled with books and VHS tapes of old Russian movies the pair had been planning to watch, but for some reason are rarely shown in Californian theatres, and a silver bracelet with a heart charm, which looks expensive. She gives him a look, she doesn’t need to say thank you for the gifts, they don’t need words this pair. He smiles and shakes his hand, as if to tell her not to worry about it. She immediately puts it on. 
At the bottom of the bag is a card, which she rips open, as a card hoarder this is always her favourite gift to receive. Like her father, Spencer takes birthday cards very seriously. The front is a joke-card about the redistribution of wealth, he likes to joke that deep down, she’s a communist. She isn’t. But it’s what is written inside that makes her heart drop.
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)
Happy Birthday,
Love, Spencer. 
“Spencer.” She tries to say something, but she isn’t sure what to say. The poem is E.E. Cummings. She wonders if the verse he’s chosen is a message he hopes to get across, but she doesn’t get her hopes up. She has a boyfriend.
“I can give you a reason.”
“I can give you a reason not to be with Jackson.” Spencer can barely get the words out, and when he does they only muster a whisper. He can hear his heartbeat in his ears. He contemplates stating the obvious, that Jackson is awful, but he’s reminded of something. Something Mr Miller told him before he died. To be bold. To always be bold, and not to be afraid of a bad outcome, if the possible good outcome could be the best thing that could ever happen to you. Katie is the best thing to ever happen to Spencer, and he knows it. He also believes he isn’t good enough for her, and he knows there’s no way she’ll say it back. Jackson looks like a jacked-up football player, who doesn’t know his ass from his feet. Jackson is a jacked-up football player who doesn’t know his ass from his feet, but maybe that’s what Katie wants. Maybe that’s what Katie is attracted to. Not a skinny kid, who at eighteen hasn’t even had his first kiss. 
Katie had dragged him to a party the summer before, and Spencer knows he probably could have made out with a drunk sophomore. But he didn’t. Katie questioned him the whole way home why he didn’t make a move, he didn’t have the guts to tell her she was the reason why. 
“Go on.” She presses.
“I love you.”
“Yeah, Spencer, I know. I love you too.” This is something they say all the time, whenever they hang up the phone, or leave each other’s apartments. 
“No.” Be bold Spencer. “I’m in love with you. I have been for years, I just didn’t know that’s what it was. I’ve been so infatuated with you since we were kids. And I know that you’re my best friend, and I know you love Jackson. I don’t care if you don’t love me back, I just had to tell you. I had to be bold for once in my life because I never say how I feel or ask for what I want. I never do. But I am now. I am so irrevocably in love with you that it makes me feel sick. Your dad told me to be bold, so I’m being bold. I am in love with you, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop.” He feels like the oxygen has all but been taken from his lungs, he’s winded and out of breath and his cheeks have never felt this warm.
A long silence passes, and he’s sure he’s fucked up. She’ll probably never speak to him again.
“My dad?” Is all she replies.
“Yeah, your dad. He knew. He always knew I think.”
“I don’t love Jackson.” She sighs, an unrelated response, but one that makes Spencer hopeful.
“You don’t?”
“I only started dating him, because I thought it would make my feelings for you go away.”
“Your-your feelings for m-me?” Spencer stutters and raises an eyebrow, this seemed too good to be true. Katie shuffles closer to him on the couch, their thighs grazing one another. Spencer is desperately trying not to make it obvious that he’s holding his breath. She nods in response to his question, confirming what they now both knew to be true. Her hand moves to his thigh and feels the wind get knocked back out of his again, the reaction is a long sigh, a struggled, whimpering sound accompanies it. He’s immediately embarrassed but Katie doesn’t seem to notice.
“Do you know what I want for my birthday?”
“What?” His breathing is shaky, and he’s started to sweat – great. 
“I want you to kiss me, Spencer.”
“I’ve never-“
“I know,” she cuts him off. “But, I want to be the first girl you kiss.”
“I want you to be the last girl I kiss.” She giggles at how quickly he shoots back, his unwavering need for his affection to be known.
“Then do it.” She’s hesitant as well, if they do this, they’ll never be friends as they had been. This is a line that shouldn’t be crossed, but she really hopes he’ll cross it with her. She was going to break up with Jackson tomorrow anyway.
Spencer doesn’t move and she’s worried that this is a sign of rejection, that he isn’t ready for this, that now the option is in front of him, he won’t take it. But when she meets his eyes, she can tell he’s nervous, he doesn’t want to get this wrong. Her heart swells.
Instead, she leans forward, cupping his jaw in her hands and brushes her lips lightly over his, to give him room to back away if he changes his mind. The opposite happens, and the boy she’s known for six years, her best friend, lunges forward pushing his lips harshly against hers. She moans at the pressure, she’s kissed a few boys – but has never felt this. This desire for more passion. They continue like this for a few moments, before she runs her tongue over his bottom lip, begging for entrance, he obliges, and the passion increases. 
Spencer’s brain is in overload, he’s not quite sure how he got there, but he is acutely aware of how fantastic Mr Miller’s advice was. Be bold. So, Spencer moves his hands from where they were hovering lightly on Katie’s waist, grabs her thighs and pulls her onto his lap. She breaks the kiss away, and looks at him in shock, he isn’t quite sure why until he resurfaces from his heightened state and realises, his forming erection is pushing into her. 
“I’m sorry.” He tries to apologise, even though he’s just confessed how embarrassingly he is in love with her, he doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
“Why are you sorry?”
“Please don’t pretend to not know what I’m talking about.” He blushes, her pretend ignorance will only make this worse. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“You haven’t.” He is shocked by her reply and looks up to meet her eyes. What he sees shocks him, the darkness in her eyes and the smirk across her face. This is a side to Katie he has never seen before. “Spencer?”
“Have you ever touched yourself?”
“Ye-yes.” He stutters. What is happening.
“Have you ever thought of me?” She begins to lightly pull at the shorter hairs at the nape of his neck, he lets out a whimper which makes all the blood in her body run to her heat. “Be honest.”
“What did you think about?” She smiles when he doesn’t reply, he gives her a knowing look. “Do you want to know what I’ve thought about?”
At this point, Spencer is sure he’s being pranked. There’s no way Katie, who’s had one boyfriend or another for the last two years, has thought about him like this at all. “You’ve thought about it?”
“Specifically? I’ve thought about your hands.”
“My hands?” This is odd, this isn’t in any textbook Spencer had read. Katie leans down and presses a light kiss next to Spencer’s ear.
“Yes, your hands. Do you know how many times I’ve watched you turn pages of a book, or skim over pages with your fingers? Do you know how many times I’ve watched you play chess, or shuffled cards? Do you know how much that’s turned me on?” She whispers, in a voice he has never heard her use. The tent in his pants is getting almost unbearable, he’s throbbing at this point, and she hasn’t even touched him yet. His hands tighten their grip on her thighs, if he was conscious of this, he would have been worried about hurting her. He doesn’t reply. “Do you want to know what I have thought about your hands doing to me?”
He nods.
“I’ve thought about your hands running through my hair, holding my hips down and begging me to let you fuck me. I’ve thought about your hands inside of me, inside of me, inside my mouth.” She’s still whispering in his ear, so she can’t see how bites down on his lip to prevent the groan from escaping his lips. What he doesn’t know, is that his hips are about to buck upwards involuntarily. 
“Would you like that baby?”
Spencer has no idea who is on his lap right now, but she looks like Katie, and she sounds like Katie, and he has never been so turned on in his life. This is everything he’s thought about alone at night, but better. 
“Yes.” He nods and she pulls away to look at him. “Please.”
She smiles for a second before it drops from her face, and he worries he’s done something wrong. “Are you sure you want to do this?” She only now fully takes stock of the fact that Spencer is a virgin, and she worries that she’s said too much.
“God, more than anything.”
She smashes her lips back against his, no longer suppressing their desire, they both begin to devour one another. His hands have moved from her thighs to her ass, gaining confidence from the noises she makes as he roughly grabs her ass, he’s sure he’ll leave marks from his fingernails, but he doesn’t suppose she’ll mind. His cock is pushed into her hard now, she can feel the throbbing through her yoga pants, desperate for some friction she begins to rock her hips into him. The whimper that escapes Spencer’s lips is the only noise she could hear for the rest of his life; she’s so turned on that by now she doesn’t care about crossing any lines. She must have him. 
He pulls away from the kiss, and Katie’s worried that this was too much. Maybe he doesn’t want to go that far tonight.
“Can I take your clothes off?” Be bold Spencer, be bold.
“Thought you’d never ask.” She smiles and he gingerly begins to take the hem of her top in his fingers, playing with it a little before pulling it over her head. Spencer is a teenage boy, he’s seen porn – it wasn’t like he was getting much action elsewhere. But now, God, now he’s so grateful for his eidetic memory as he takes in her breasts which are bare and free. Her nipples are hard, and he so desperately wants to take them in his mouth. Spencer looks to the girl on his lap for approval and she gives a small nod, reaching down to palm his clothed erection. 
Spencer moans into her skin, his tongue swilling over her pebbled nipples, leaving little kisses over the peaks. His hands have moved up to her back, and she can feel the strap of his watch against her skin as he stretches out his hand over the base of her back. He’s pushing her closer towards him, nuzzling his face into her breasts, satisfied by the moans, and panting he can hear which tells him this feels good for her as well. 
Katie moves face down to his neck, leaving small kisses from his ear to his Adam’s apple, with each one she can hear his breathing quicken and the strain in his pants get worse.
“Uh-huh?” He eyes show his disappointment at being pulled away from her breasts, he had been suckling on her nipples intently for what seemed like forever and given the choice, he would never have stopped.
“Do you want me to help with that?”
“God, please.” He gasps in relief; she laughs at his response. The awkwardness had begun to dissipate, and after all their worrying this felt like truly the most natural thing in the world, the giggles and all.
“Okay, I’m gonna take your pants off. Alright?”
“Only if you take yours off too.” He smirks, cocky bastard.
She stands and they shimmy the rest of their clothes off, left in only their underwear. Spencer lies back down on the couch, stretched out and propping his head up on a pillow. He really hopes she resumes her place on top of him, and grins when she does. 
“What do you want?”
“I get to choose?”
“Anything for you.” She says, and begins to kiss down his chest, stopping when she can feel his breathing get faster when she reaches his naval.
“Fuck me, please.” He groans, “if you carry on like that I’ll finish too quickly.”
“Sure you’re okay with that? Not exactly the most romantic setting?” She looks up to glance around at her shitty apartment.
“As long as it’s you I really could not give a fuck.” This makes Katie laugh, Spencer never curses.
“Okay baby, okay.” She removes her underwear and Spencer can’t help but stare, he’s never seen a girl naked in person before. She removes his boxers and watches his cock spring free, now that was not something she had expected Spencer to be carrying around. He notices her staring, and his boldness withers, he becomes self-conscious again.
“Sorry, I know you’re probably used to better.”
“Spencer, you are more than fine. Trust me, much more.” She assures him, and he believes her. She wouldn’t lie to him, this gives him the boost of confidence to pull her body down, closer to him so their chests are aching against one another. She lines his head up her slit, letting her arousal coat him. Spencer has never felt anything like it, his groans cannot be muffled, and his hips are out of control, he needs her more than anything. She’s whispering in his ear praises that only make matters worse, he is putty in her hands, and he’s elated. 
She stops teasing him and lowers herself down onto him, both of them gasp as he enters her. Katie is slow, trying to adjust to him – Jackson is definitely nowhere near as big as Spencer. Spencer, well, he’s trying not to cum immediately. He knew sex was good, there was no way people made such a big deal about it if it wasn’t, but he didn’t know it could be like this. And she hadn’t even moved yet.
“Katie,” he whimpers, barely forming the word. “I need you to move.”
“Or what?” She teases, she’s ready to start but was waiting for a sign of approval from her best friend that this was definitely okay. 
“Katie, I will come right now if you don’t move. Please.” He begs, his whimpering, the begging. She’s never had to take control during sex before, and she likes it. She likes it because it’s Spencer and this isn’t pretend, he is this innocent and honest. She knows now just how far his worship of her goes, beyond friendship and academia, put the fact he is hers. Completely. 
She rocks her hips back and forth, quickening the pace and slamming her hips down onto his. With every move, Spencer is vocal – in fact, he’s loud. His whimpers are the most gorgeous sound she’s ever heard, and she refuses to shut her eyes even for a moment in case she misses a second of how his face moves and contorts with each motion. One hand is grasping at the cushion behind his head, the other is pulling her into him by her back. Wanting every piece of her. 
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confoundedpangolin · 1 year
What the fuck. I'm sorry, I don't understand why I never give myself time to process before getting in here and writing out posts, but Nikola? A plastic manikin from a seemingly random mall who stole a voicebox somehow just to talk? That's such an odd season protagonist, not that it's bad, it just leaves so many questions, like how she has sentenence, how she can even move her plastic limbs, if she's a soul trapped in s manikin or just genuinely alive. I think it's a sign of what to come, that fact she's a literal manikin is, I think, not do subtle symbolism that she working for something much more dangerous. And Mike or The Spiral, and Gertrude... was she that desperate? How did she figure out where to find the secret spiral of entities, how did she map the endless hallways to have an end? You can't exactly use trial and error, and she succeeded! She bound a primordial figure, something with the power to kill her and everyone around her, to an archival assistant that was eventually killed, and I hope The Spiral as well, though I doubt it can be killed. Breekon on Hope is proven to ship much more, quite a lot actually, and have connections to Nikola Orsinav's dad, I assume, the ringmaster. I actually think that the manikin is being possessed, since I don't get how having a plastic child would work. I think that, when the whole crew had to get off The Arctic while it disappeared, that it was going to the secret, hidden place where the patrons swirled... for some reason, I don't know what. I also think that one of the secret, hidden places that they got flung off to might be the staircase in the coffin, especially since Breekon and Hope delivered it. So, Helen Richardson, the one who vanished into the hallways, what is she now? She's not the sitter, she's not Helen, but she helps. She rescues Jon from death by Spiral or Circus, I assume she's truthful at least. Gertrude somehow stole a vital skin that would be worn by Nikola at the ritual, but that means the manikin is very important... maybe she's more powerful than I thought? She knows where Georgie lives, and I think Georgie will be bound to the Magnus Institute as well. That weird, loud, screeching sound, I think it means Nikola, or the Circus, or even the Stranger, because it appears when Nikola is there, and never anywhere else (I think) and it's not even the finale. I should've known that something big was coming after episode 100, completely full of random people giving (most likely) fake statements, but I didn't expect this! And why did Nikola think Jon is Elias? Can she not distinguish between two avatars of the Eye? An I just confused? I checked the credits, and Elias isn't even in this episode. I assume this is the same circus from Gertrude's tape, the one that makes weird amalgamations of human parts like messed up legos, in that case I think everyone is fucked completely. Maybe with those cool new eye powers Jon can persuasive essay the Stranger to death, ohhhh if this is only halfway through then the season finale is going to be fucking crazy... and there's two more after that.. aaaaaaaah noooo
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softheartedtyrant · 1 year
Yandere!Postman x Reader || Identity V ♡
tw: yandere, stalking, obsession and unhealthy behaviour in general, blood
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Victor is shy, really shy. Way too scared to actually approach whoever he is infatuated with, which in this case, is you. Him being mute makes his situation even more complicated. He has thought of slipping you notes to communicate with you, but when it comes to actually doing so, he just gets nervous and anxious. What if you don't end up liking him at all?
To solve his problem, he starts sending you letters, or rather, leaving them in places he is sure you will find them. Some of them will be right on your door's threshold, some of them will be on the chair that you usually sit down on for dinner, some of them will be laying on your favorite spot in the garden. Suddenly, no matter where you go, you find carefully sealed envelopes containing beautifully handwritten letters.
And oh, how sweet these letters are at first. They're full of innocent declarations of love, a pure puppy-like love, dedicated entirely to you. Sometimes you will even find love poems in them, or dried up flowers taped to the paper. Your secret admirer can't seem to get enough of you and the letters seem to become more and more day by day.
But the more letters you receive, the more frantic and creepy some of them get. Detailed descriptions of your morning routine, only intercepted by messy scribbles about how cute you look while going through your daily motions. Delusional writings about how your secret admirer wishes to marry you one day, about how they imagine you smiling at them while you two walk down the aisle. Endless pages with the phrase "I love you" written over and over until the words becomes illegible.
At this point, you probably start to throw away some of the letters. This is going way too far, you think, while you rip up some of the unhinged writings. Others you leave right where you find them, or crumble them up and toss them on the ground after skimming through them. You just hope that your secret admirer gets the message.
And after a while, you stop getting letters. You are relieved, but Victor is severely distressed. He just wanted to show you the extent of his love! How else was he supposed to do this? He didn't want to make you scared or unhappy, he just wanted to show you how much he really loves you! For quite some time, he would probably withdraw to his room just to daydream about you while hugging one of his pillows. Just to calm down.
Even to him, it is now clear that he needs to try a different approach. And so, he starts watching you from afar. Even more than before. He will now have his eyes on you all of the time. Victor blends into the environment very well, he is quiet, and his footsteps are almost silent. You won't even notice him peering at you from a window, or staring at you from behind a bookshelf.
All this is preparation for something else he has in mind. This time, he will confess to you properly. He will gift you the perfect love letter, one that you won't be able to refuse. He just has to figure out the perfect timing.
When you are approached by Victor, you don't really know what to expect. The postman has never really interacted with you before, not even in matches. You always assumed he didn't like you, or just avoided people in general, but as soon as he hands you a letter and a bouquet of roses, you are almost a hundred percent certain of who your past secret admirer was, or rather, is.
With shaky hands, you reluctanly open the envelope, only to be greeted by a confession of love, written entirely in blood. Your horror and confusion are evident, while Victor only stares at you with an inquiring look on his face. But you couldn't ever refuse an innocent smile like his, right?
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binch-i-might-be · 5 months
RAY hewwo i am. Planning on getting a tattoo (not now obviously but like when im in uni probably) what’s ur advice on Getting Stabbed with Ink
okay so like. first of all do your research!! if you already have a particular style in mind, find an artist who does a lot of that. look at their portfolio on instagram. see if they post healed tattoos too (if they Don't. well ask yourself why not!)
before your appointment EAT A GOOD MEAL. DRINK WOTER. tattoo artists do not enjoy when you pass out!!!! getting a tattoo is super upsetting to The Body because it's basically inflicting an injury, it fucks with your circulation a lot. tattoo artists will also offer you something to drink and sometimes even sweets to keep your blood sugar up during the appointment, and for the first time I would recommend taking them up on that because you don't know yet how your body will react.
also don't be afraid to ask for a break for any reason. a good artist will tell you this before they start too.
you will bleed btw. some artists have told me that first time clients are sometimes surprised about this. the bleeding will increase the farther you get into the tattoo too as your body becomes more pissed lol.
as they go, they'll wipe your tattoo down A Lot to get the excess ink and blood out of the way, and that shit really starts to hurt after some time! be prepared!
when the deed is done, they'll usually let the tattoo rest for a few minutes and then take some pics. and then they'll wrap it up!
now there's two (three?) options here. either they'll go old school and just wrap that thang in cling wrap and tape it in place, which is a lot of work for you, or they'll slap on second skin.
the cling wrap is in my experience not as common these days, but safer when you already know you could have an allergic reaction to second skin (bad!). you can leave that on for a couple hours, but then you'll have to take it off and gently clean the area under running warm (not hot) water, then maybe let it breathe a bit, but DEFINITELY wrap it back up. a fresh tattoo is an open wound, and you need to protect it from outside grime lol. you'll have to do that every couple hours for a few days. you will leak Tattoo Goop. you will most likely need to sleep on a towel. it's generally not too much fun but what can ya do!
second skin on the other hand is way easier. it's a sticky transparent foil they just put On There and then it stays On There for up to seven days (depends on the brand). you can shower with it on and everything. it'll fill up with Tattoo Goop but it's fine, it won't really bother you. it's best taken off under warm running water. sometimes it leaves a sticky residue but that'll fall off in time.
now for the secret third option, this has only happened to me once. the artist slapped a Thing that was basically a big fat menstrual pad on me and then wrapped me up in cling wrap. that thing absorbed the Tattoo Leakage for the first couple hours, but from then on, it was normal cling wrap business. I was very confused by this!
artists will give you instructions on aftercare and probably recommend some creams. basically just wash that thang with water (and unscented soap? I don't do that, just use water) and put some tattoo aftercare cream on top. thin layer, we don't want to smother it.
I usually do that for uhhh as long as it feels right basically lol. maybe a week or two after the second skin comes off? a tattoo will need about six to eight weeks to fully heal, but it doesn't need intensive care the entire time.
oh and there is an itchy stage. it will drive you insane <3
now for a more unfun addendum, the tattoo industry is RIFE with racism. some artists think they can't tattoo people who are not paper white because the colours won't show up properly. this is because they're bad artists and don't know what they're doing.
try to look for artists who do have darker skin tones in their portfolio so you can be sure they aren't cunts and won't fuck you over.
anyway I think that's all. hope this helped!
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regalityandcoffee · 1 year
Tutor Charlie Dempsey x Bimbo Reader headcanons (18+)
(because I deadass don't have the energy to write a whole fic rn)
Warnings: Long as fuck, Charlie being fucking weird and pervy, panty stealing, masturbation (you and him), praise kink, dumbifictation, general nonsense.
♡ He's very confused when you stand by his desk after trigonometry and ask to talk. He's seen you around on campus and even had a class with you last year but you've never really talked. You ran in different circles. Him with almost no one, and you with your other pretty ditzy friends, talking about make up and clothes or whatever you did. You always seemed nice though, he just never had a reason to start a conversation with you.
♡ His ears perked at the sound your pretty little voice asking to talk as he slung his bag over his shoulder to stand in front of you. He was a good foot taller than you, which gave him a decent view down your crop top. He stayed in listen, raising an eyebrow as you asked him for help with class. It was no secret he was a virtual genius, this was the third year in a row he'd been on the Dean's List and he intended to keep it that way.
♡ He walked down the hall with you, listening as you babbled about trying to keep up your grades in your classes. To his surprise, the only class you seemed to struggle with was trig. It was rather rude and presumptuous for him to assume less, but he couldn't help it. With the cute way you twirled your hair as you talked and the way you dressed you didn't seem like a straight A student. But you surprised him. He nods, promising to come over to your dorm after dinner and go over some notes the same night.
♥︎ You let out the cutest noise he's ever heard, hopping a little. He looked away, it taking everything in him not to watch your breasts as they bounced in your top. You write your dorm number down in purple glitter ink for him, and walk away to your next class. He went back to his room, spending the time before his work study job jerking off, imagining taking you under the stairs of the building your Trig class was in fucking you up against the wall.
♡ He didn't date often, he just never really had the time for it and starting new relationships were...difficult for him, to say the least. But he could at least fantasize, right? He cleans up and goes to work for his few hours, working at the circulation desk in the library.
♡ The time to go to your comes and he gathers his books. He heads to your dorm and finds your room with ease. For some reason you had your name in glitter letters on a paperboard taped to the door. He shakes his head and knocks. You open the door. You changed into a cute pink sweater and shorts. You tug his arm and pull him in, as cheery as ever. He notices the empty bed on the other side of the room. To his surprise (and pleasure) you didn't have a roomate, she transferred to a different school before the year began. Your room was as cute and frilly as he thought it'd be, with pink sheets and a bunch of stuffed animals on the bed and posters of pop stars he barely knew on the wall.
♡ He pulls up a chair from the other desk and takes out his notes and you too get to work. He watches as you wrinkle your nose cutely as you go over notes, biting the end of your pencil. He asks you to solve a problem and you get it right almost immediately.
♡ "Good girl." It slips out before he can stop himself. You didn't seem to mind, giggling at the little compliment. The sound of your laugh makes something twist deep in his gut. You kept working, picking up the text better than he expected. An alarm on your phone rings, and you run out to put your clothes in the dryer, squeaking that "you'll be back in a sec!". He's alone now, and as he leans back in his chair, something catches his eye...
♡ by the open closet, there's a pair of lacey pink panties laying by your clothes hamper, a pair you probably dropped while going to wash your other clothes. He picks them up, feeling the material in his hands. Fuck, did you really wear stuff like this? The thought of you pulling them up your soft thighs and over your plump ass made the heat in his cheeks rise. He raises them to his face to get a closer look. Before he can bring them up to his nose, the jingling of the door knob causes him to panic and shove them in his pocket as you come back in and sit down.
♥︎ He coughs, glad you didn't seem to noticed his flustered disposition. The evening continues, him complimenting you as you quickly catch on to his tutoring, before you both call it a night. He quickly makes it back to his dorm, covering his crotch with his messenger bag as subtle as he can as his erection grows. He locks the door behind him, dropping his bag to sit on the edge of his bed, freeing his cock from his pants to touch himself yet again. He takes the panties out of his pocket, shutting his eyes as he jerked himself off with them. It was wrong and gross and so wrong but fuck, all he cared about was imagining you down on his bed, your makeup smeared on his pillow as he pushed you down and pulled your panties to the side...
♥︎ When he cums he cums hard, panting as he makes a mess of your panties. He washes them, and the next session he sneaks them back in your drawer when you turn your back.
♡ Your study sessions continue, him helping you boost your grades as you two grow closer. He's become quiet fond of you, hanging out with you more regularly. Actually, a lot of your friends insist he has a crush on you, but that'd be dumb, right? So what he calls you doll and sweetie and a good girl and let's you sit on his lap to study, and brings you extra snacks and is always fixing your hair? And hangs around with you like your body guard? He's just sweet!
♡ But the more you think about it... you wouldn't mind if he did have a crush on you. His voice is so deep and nice, and you've seen him walk back to his dorm from working out at the gym. Underneath his usual sweaters and slacks was he was built. Just thinking about his muscles and the hair all over his body made you dizzy. And it didn't help that he had the prettiest eyes you've ever seen. Sometimes you got so distracted you couldn't focus on what he said while you studied or ate in the dining hall with him...
♥︎ Was it embarrassing and a little wrong that you couldn't help but get jealous of girls who flirted with him and touch yourself and hump your pillow at night, imagining yourself on his lap, his hands leaving bruises on your hips as he bounced you on his fat pretty cock? Yeah, but you couldn't help it. Charlie was hot, like, super hot. He was quiet and reserved and a bit strange,but you liked him a lot.
♡ Neither of you realize how badly you want the other, until one Friday night, when neither of you feel like studying. He suggest you watch a movie instead, and you agree, offering your bed to watch it on together. You find some random flick on your laptop and turn off the big light, turning your LED strip lights on instead, the room now lit by a pretty red hue. You moved aside your stuffies to give him room, and soon. You're watching a movie together.
♥︎ His hand slides up your thigh and up your skirt, and before you know it you're making out with him, and then your clothes are off, and you're gagging on his fingers as he makes your eyes roll back as you drooled and whined.
♥︎ From then on you're his, and he comes up with pretty unusual study methods for you two: sitting you on his lap and spanking your clit when you got a question wrong, reading your textbook from another class to you while you sat under his desk with his dick in your mouth and his hand in your hair.
♥︎You'd give him kisses when he got As and Bs as usual, and pumped his cock slow and sweet with your pretty manicured hand as he did his homework. Good grades on test for either of you meant you'd get fucked senseless and cuddled and kissed afterwards. You'd lay his head against your chest, playing with his hair while he played with your breasts.
♡ You sure as hell weren't the most conventional couple, but one thing was for sure... you two made the most perfect study partners.
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sunnyydayys · 7 months
Hello this is a short story I wrote in class! About a girl finding a secret in a library and the Bookkeeper didn’t want her to know. Enjoy!
Mr. Linden’s Library
He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late . . . In a little Library centered in the town. Books lined the walls with a strong old paper smell. The library was old and abnormal. The librarian kept to himself, only helping those who asked. He remained hushed behind his desk, reading. The books he read were always strange and never found among the shelfs.
A regular at this place was a younger woman who wanted to read every book in the library. She was ecstatic with a hop in every step walking into the big stained glass doors. She stepped into the cramped library looking for something new and exciting. She wanted a new genre to read, getting quite bored of the normal ones. Walking around the library she goes up to the librarian with his nose in a thick white leather book covered in dust. The writing on the cover was poorly taped over but symbols still showed through. She lightly tapped on a small bell on the counter and was met with an unsteady gaze. The younger woman overjoyed asked “What are you reading? It looks different.” as she gently leans over to see the text. The librarian quickly slammed the book shut and slid it under the desk. He was sweating profusely and broke eye contact. He looked back at the women and spoke with a very low voice, “It's nothing Just a book on . . . taxes, and there not for the public.” He sounded unsure. The young woman looked confused, “oh ok” she muttered and backed away thanking him anyway and went on her way to find something to read. Walking around the allies she looked up and down rows of books. She's read most of them. She wandered looking at the spines of the book whispering, “no. no. no.”
The man in the front, still embarrassed from before, had grown fond of the women but she must not know of the special books written. Grabbing the leather book and walking back to the very back corner out of sight opening a thick black curtain and shuffling in. Little did he know the young woman just so happened to walk by when he slightly opened the curtain. She caught a small glimpse of a book shelf and was overjoyed. She's never been back there, maybe something new is there. She walked over and gently popped her head in. The walls are lined with dusty bookshelves, with cobwebs and vines. The place seems magical. The books are all leather of two colors, Black and white. The man in the front is placing the book back on The shelf with the rest of the white leather books. The man relaxes and goes into a room on the side. The young woman slips in once he leaves. She wonders if all the books are books of taxes like he said or he was lying about how great they are. She makes her way over to the book he put back and snatches it from the shelf. She gently peels back the tape completely flummoxed. The symbols on the front spelled out, “Hailey Holloway. November 29th, 2002 - January 14th, 2053,” she mumbled, “thats my name and birthday. . .” Opening the book gently to the table of context. It reads, Past pages 1-186 and future pages 187- 400. Lightly flipping through the pages she starts seeing her childhood. Her mother and father while teaching her how to ride a bike. And the time on her 13th birthday getting the gift she wanted.
The man sitting in his chair in the small side room was thinking about the book. How he secretly loved her. Being a bookkeeper he gets to read all the documents on human life. Suddenly the room shutters. Being confused he sits up and starts for the door.
When the room began to shutter the young women reached the future page. A bright red page with gold letters saying the future begins. After flipping it butterflies swarm around the room and the book slowly gets darker. The young woman falls backward into the arms of the man. Looking down, shocked, he says louder than she has ever heard, “ What did you do! Those books are secret, it's my job to make sure no one can ever read them!” He takes a deep breath knowing what happens. She startled, speaks up and says, “What are those books! Why do you have that!” The bookkeeper looks away, going back to a lower voice, “ There documents of human life. . . I must tell you I'm not human, I'm a guardian of the books.” Completely horrified, she breaks free of his arms and drops to the floor. “What are you!” she says out of breath. He looks back and breathes in, “ I'm a reaper . . . and those are human documents, you weren't supposed to read those.” The room begins to shake again, knocking the man also to the floor. The book has become fully black as the butterflies swarm and pick up the young women dragging her as she thrashes across the floor. The bookkeeper watched in horror as he was losing someone he fell for. The room still shaking he reaches for her. Long vines reach from within the book. Dragging her towards it. The bookkeeper grabs her and tries to pull her back. But she's slowly dragged toward the book. A feather and ink begins to rewrite the future as the book becomes shorter to 186 pages. The young woman is lifted above the book as the man starts to get closer. The book tears the women in two as she screams in agony and is dropped to the floor, limp and unmoving. The book is opened to the last page. The page is black with a word in white saying End across the page. The book closes and the room is silent. The Bookkeeper has never felt this much human emotion. The word he thinks he's feeling is distressed, maybe even heart broken. He tried to warn her without giving it away. From across the room he spots a dagger.
Upon the screams the others in the library called the cops due to being scared. Searching every room head to toe they came across the thick black curtain. Opening it slowly the room was empty.. it looked untouched except two black books stacked on the floor and bodied side by side. The books were titled one, Hailey Holloway. November 29th, 2002 - March 12th, 2024 and the new one, Lucas Linden. February 27th, 1856 - March 12th, 2024.
The End
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parttimereporter · 7 months
Many of you stopped life this weekend to watch THE OCTPUS MURDERS on Netflix..
If you did, you may be like us and scratching your head about one particular part that included information about the Zapruder film and the JFK assassination.
In American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders, investigative journalist Cheri Seymour recalls being shown what she was told was the “real” Zapruder film, the footage of the 1963 assassination of John F. Kenney. In this version, the driver appears to be the shooter. However, Seymour suggests this was doctored in order to generate confusion and jeopardize her credibility. 
The incident unfolded when she went to visit Robert Booth Nichols, a man who claimed to have worked for the CIA. Michael Riconosciuto, one of Hansen and Casolaro’s main sources, said Nichols was “key to The Octopus,” but had warned not to speak to him, describing him as “absolutely scary.”
According to the account in the documentary, she went to visit Nichols at what she believes was a “safe house,” he started playing the Zapruder tape in slow motion. In this version, the driver took out a gun, turned around, and shot Kennedy. When she asked Nichols if it was a doctored tape, he reportedly replied, “This is the original one.”
The public supposedly saw the normal old regular one--you know, the one where the head goes back and to the left but the limo driver didn't do it.
But here was the thing.. In this moment of the documentary, they use a snippet of the Zapruder film in which the bottom of the trunk is missing, making the tree appear as if it’s floating. “He says, ‘This is the one that you’re seeing in the media and it’s been doctored.’ He looked very, very intently at me and he said, ‘Nothing is as it appears to be.’ That tape was the last thing he did before I left,” states Seymour. 
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Here is the problem for many who watched: They did not see a scene of Zapruder in which there was a floating tree...
So what gives?
We can collectively travel to REDDIT to see what the masses are saying about their experiences watching this..
There have been countless conspiracies about the Kennedy assassination in Dallas, even the limo driver did it theory. But the floating tree, to our knowledge, has not come up as a potential conspiracy theory at all since 1963..
This is a first--but again, is there even a floating tree. You can search up videos of the Zapruder film on Youtube, or just watch the movie JFK Where Oliver Stone has Kevin Costner say 'back and to the left' on repeat like a broken record. But either way, the challenge is there: Find the floating tree. We can't.
It also seems unfair to let the 'limo driver did it' theory out there without addressing it cohesively. The idea that William Greer did it seems more than far fetched.
Now, there was plenty of concern and anger over Greer on that day, and he eventually apologized to Jackie Kennedy.
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There was a public record of Greer being interviewed in 1983 about the assassination. "I was in the front seat, I was driving him when he was shot," former Secret Service Agent Bill Greer told WBTV in 1983.
"I looked over my shoulder and saw the blood coming down Governor Connaly's white shirt and I knew it was trouble," said Greer. "Kellerman yelled out we've been hit." Roy Kellerman was the other secret service agent who was in the front seat of the Kennedy car that day.
"I watched them massage his heart and I thought I saw movement, but there was no doubt he was dead," he recalled. "It didn't take long for the significance of what happened to sink in. It shook me up quite a bit."
Greer retired from the Secret Service just a few years after the assassination and moved to Waynesville, North Carolina. He had nightmares for a while and always thought about why it all happened.
"I think that's what gave me ulcers," he said in 1983.
But did he 'do it.' Probably not, folks.
You can find tons of websites about the JFK topic, but here is one where they try to track all of the potential whodunits.
But they point out that Greer's hands are on the steering wheel securely seconds before shots rang out.
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So .. anything is surely possible. In this world, it seems like the impossible is possible more often than not. However discernment is also necessary when contemplating things of this nature.
So floating trees and limo drivers doing it just seem difficult to conjure up.
However, what so many fail to mention or remember, number 5 from the Umbrella Academy was certainly behind the fence that same day fighting with his adult self over the briefcase to bring time back, or forward, in time with Luther. ...Ah ha, maybe THAT is why the tree temporarily floated. That't it!
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sira365 · 1 year
It Is Not Yet Life Day
characters: Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, the 501st Battalion, Obi-Wan Kenobi rating: General Audiences word count: 3.5k ao3 • star wars masterlist
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Summary: Anakin Skywalker has a problem. The Chosen One is obsessed with Life Day, maybe too obsessed. It is up to the 501st, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan to put a stop to the madness and protect their sanities.
A/N: Pure, unadulterated crack.
1: Misunderstandings and New Discoveries
The Resolute was used to being in the thick of battle. Anakin Skywalker’s personal flagship, the destroyer made sure to make a scene wherever it went. It was  hard for one to imagine peace and serenity aboard such a rambunctious ship, yet amidst a sleep cycle, the quiet humming of its hyperspace drive was the only sound to be heard.
On steel bunks bundled up in polyester blankets, the men of the 501st slept, lost in their dreamscapes. Little did they know, they’d never get to find out how their fantasies would end.
“ LAst LiFe DaY, I gAve you mY heArt! But tHe vEry next day, yoU gave it aWay! This yEAr, to saVe me from teaRS, I’ll giVe it to sOmeOne speCial!”  
Sharp, foreign, croaking startled the clones from their slumber. 
“Intruder!”  Fives whisper-shouted to his brothers, hand dipping beneath his mattress to find the secret blaster he stashed there. The other soldiers hopped off their beds, alert and ready  for action.
A sudden screech of clanking metal. The squawks grew louder. The intruder was getting closer. 
Light on his feet, Fives hopped off his bed and slunk to the durasteel door. He gestured for a soldier to call the captain. A few other men joined him at the door, back flat against the wall, waiting for Fives’ signal to charge out to accost the enemy. 
Fives slammed his fist onto the control panel, and the door slid open in a whir as prominent as the beating of his heart against his chest. Battle instincts kicking in, he executed a forward roll into the corridor, staying low to the ground, pulling up in one swift move to raise his arm, fingers ready on the trigger, to point his weapon at, at…
“General Skywalker? ” Fives exclaimed, so aghast he forgot to lower his blaster. In front of his eyes, Fives saw Anakin Skywalker balancing precariously on top of a metal stool, a roll of adhesive tape worn on his left wrist, two hands high above his head busy fixing what appeared to be sparkly green tinsel onto the monochrome walls of the Resolute’s hallways. His body swaying to the noise that was coming out of his mouth (Noise was the kindest word Fives could think of to describe what his dear General apparently considered to be singing).
Thankfully for Fives, the General stopped his caterwauling to turn his head to the squad of sleepwear-clad clones that had gathered in the corridor, all gaping at the confusing scene before them. 
Anakin dropped one end of the tinsel, freeing one hand to wave at the men, “Troopers! Hey! Did I wake you? Force, my bad. I-” He never got to finish his apology as the heavy stomps of running soldiers filled the other side of the hallway.
“Freeze! Drop your weapon!” Captain Rex stood firm and imposing across the corridor,  a team of clones in full armor anticipating a fight behind him.
“Hands in the air!” A blur of neon green, Ahsoka Tano ignited her lightsabers as she jumped down from a ceiling vent, landing on the ground in a defensive Jar’Kai stance. 
“I’m afraid you’ve been surrounded.” Next to Captain Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi gave a mocking nod in the intruder’s direction, his hand resting on his lightsaber hilt.
Gold-speckled tinsel tumbled and trailed further down the wall, its green trims bristling in the currents of recycled air. 
Anakin Skywalker faced his Captain, Padawan and former Master, empty hands both held up to convey he was not a threat, “Woah! Guys! It’s just me!”
“Master?” Ahsoka stumbled backwards upon hearing the familiar voice.
Captain Rex motioned at his men to put away their weapons.
Obi-Wan Kenobi threw an unamused look at his former Apprentice  who was staggering disgracefully on a stool. “Anakin, what on Coruscant are you do-” But then Obi-Wan really looked at his surroundings and the man in question . Walls lined with tinsel too shimmery for their own good, lurid ornaments dangling from Anakin’s utility belt, and was that glitter on his leather glove?
Then it hit him. It hit him harder than a speeder bike.
Oh no. Oh no no no. 
Month 12. It’s the first day of Month 12.
Captain Rex turned his gaze to General Kenobi, who suddenly seemed to have a thousand-yard stare in his eyes. 
The never-ending bells, and, and the colors, saturated, everywhere. The, the songs, and the singing, the god-awful singing. 
“Master, why are you hanging up tinsel everywhere? Life Day’s not here yet.” Ahsoka broke the silence in the corridor, snapping Obi-Wan back to the present.
“Anakin, you will put down that tinsel, now.” Obi-Wan commanded, cool and uncompromising. 
The Jedi didn’t even pretend to listen, focused on snagging a piece of tape with his front teeth while adjusting the droop of the tinsel to make it level with the others. 
Knowing he had, not for the first time, lost his past Padawan to the Life Day decorations, Obi-Wan let out a defeated sigh, resigning himself to the weeks to come. He knew they were going to be unpleasant .
“Ahsoka, why don’t you help me with these.” Anakin fiddled with the hooks on his belt, removing a string of bells and ornaments. The bells jingled as he handed them to Ahsoka.
“Master, don’t you think it’s a bit too early for Life Day decorations?” Ahsoka questioned, struggling to carry all the ornaments in her arms. 
“You still have much to learn, Ahsoka. Nothing is too early for Life Day.”
Ahsoka personally thought that decorations at the start of Month 12 were a bit excessive, but she was the Padawan learner, so there had to be some wisdom in her Master’s words. She hoped.
 “What do you want me to do with these?” Ahsoka inspected a metallic-red plastic sphere.
“Hang them,” he moved his right arm in one slow, dramatic sweep around himself, “everywhere .” 
From the other end of the hallway, Captain Rex and his men stared at their General. 
“Is General Skywalker alright sir?” Captain Rex quietly asked Obi-Wan.
“No, he is not.” Obi-Wan placed a frustrated hand on his forehead. Deciding he had witnessed Anakin’s spiral into holiday madness too many times before and could bear it no longer, he excused himself from the corridor and walked away.  
Having spent much time with his General as his first in command, Captain Rex thought he had a good idea of who General Skywalker was, but this was a side to him that he had never seen before.  Rex watched General Kenobi’s retreating figure. Surely, the Master Jedi was overreacting, or maybe he was just tired. He knew that Life Day wasn’t in three weeks, but some enthusiasm never hurt anyone.
 So, he let it be. 
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2: Waning Patience and Bright Ideas
Captain Rex had been mistaken, gravely mistaken. He felt bad for second guessing General Kenobi a week prior. Obi-Wan was right, Anakin Skywalker had lost it.
"ALL I WANT FOR LIFE DAY, ISSSS PADMEEEEEEEE!" The general sang (if you could call it that) to the tune blasting on max volume throughout the ship. The melody of the song was festive and ebullient, and Rex admitted it was a good song, a damn good one, but having been played on repeat for the last week straight due to Skywalker's tinkering with the destroyer's AV system, his opinion on the song had evidently soured. 
Improvise, adapt, overcome. Those were Rex's strong points, he was genetically engineered to be an adroit problem solver after all. Faced with the predicament of an overly-boisterous general, he found ear plugs to be a simple yet effective solution. His general could  get his Life Day music and singing out of his system, while he and his brothers got some uninterrupted peace. Frenzy and relative calm could coexist in perfect harmony. 
Or so he thought. 
He should have known from experience that General Skywalker's brand of chaos was not one easily contained.
“Captain, I can deal with the songs, I can bear with the singing, but I can’t do my job with, with these scattered all around med bay,” Kix, the 501st's resident medic held out a helpless palm, on top of which sat a miniature Kashyyyk evergreen figurine, pointy tip included, "General Skywalker's placed these death traps everywhere! I stepped on one while trying to get gauze from the storage room! Swear I could have died! They have to go!" 
Rex rubbed a tired finger over a wearier temple. Kix wasn't the first man to come knocking on his door with complaints about their recent work conditions. Even the droids had rolled over to his office in angry beeps, something about the general trying to reprogram their diode colors and flashing sequences, Rex wasn't entirely fluent in droid speak. He felt the beginning of a long headache start to form in his cranium. 
The captain sat down with a heavy thump, "Look Kix, I'll bring this up with the commander, but there's not much we can do right now. I'm sorry, vod."
Muttering a Mandalorian curse under his breath, Kix stormed to the door, punching the open button, letting the jingling chords they had grown too familiar with into the Captain's office. The two men groaned simultaneously at the sonic attack.
As the captain, Rex had the duty of not just overseeing his men, but also taking care of them, and right now, his brothers’ sanities were under threat. He took in a brave breath. General Skywalker must be stopped. The men were probably three more Life Day songs away from ejecting themselves out into hyperspace, force knew he was.
Plugging in his ear plugs with a newfound sense of determination, he marched out of his office and headed towards the commander’s quarters. Commander Tano could be their saviour in this lawlessness. He was aware of the general’s disdain for orders, and would likely heed no word from an authority figure, but surely, he’d listen to his Padawan’s concerns. 
Sensing the Captain outside her door through the force from her bunk, Ahsoka lazily swiped a few fingers through the air, sliding open her door to  reveal the figure of Captain Rex with his right arm raised, about to knock. Letting out an awkward cough, he stepped into her room while removing his ear plugs, wincing slightly at the few notes that were able to sneak in  before the door fully shut.
"Commander Tano, recent conditions on the ship have been detrimental to not only our men's performance, but also their well-being. I hope you can bring this up with the general, and come to some form of resolution." He reported, trying his hardest to hide exasperation and desperation from his voice.
Ahsoka completely understood where the men were coming from.  Her Master’s Life Day proclivities began to wear on her the moment he enlisted her into hanging up ornaments around the ship. She had broken down into a blubbering mess after putting up what she was certain was the five hundredth shiny bob. Where did her Master get that many decorations? And how the heck was he able to smuggle them onto the ship? How had they not known earlier?
Arms strained and completely fed up, she had gone to her grandmaster, hoping, praying, that he’d be able to put an end to her misery by reigning in his wayward former apprentice. Her pleas were not granted. Master Kenobi could not provide her with much help, occupied with rocking back and forth on the floor curled up in the foetal position. Ahsoka surmised that Master Kenobi was reliving the Month 12s’ past. 
“I’m sorry Rex, but Master Kenobi’s out of commission. I don’t think there’s much we can do to stop him,” she said, dejected, “I guess we’re just gonna have to cope with a sky high Skyguy for the coming weeks.”
Captain Rex dipped his head down in disappointment. He had hoped to hear something more optimistic. If even the Commander thought it impossible…
No. We can’t give up. We don’t give up.
Captain Rex’s persistence wasn’t ready to abandon this fight yet. They’d faced megalomaniac Sith Lords, overcome relentless droid wave attacks, there had to be something that could be done to end the terror of the General’s rampage to spread Life Day joy. 
An idea flashed across his mind. To make the droid army bleed ( figuratively ), blow up the droid factories. He tilted his head back up, a new fire alight in his eyes. 
“Maybe, we just have to be a little more,” he paused for emphasis, “ Aggressive. ”
Hearing a chance for action, the violence-prone Padawan’s montrals twitched in intrigue.
“I’m listening.”
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3: Confrontations and Happy Endings
Armed with a plan, a contingency, and a power-point presentation, the strong willed captain and the dedicated commander headed to General Kenobi’s quarters to convince him to join their scheme.  The Jedi Master sat in a corner of the room, hands wrapped around shaking knees bent up to his chest, most certainly wallowing in a hole of regret for not putting an end to Anakin’s Life Day habit while he was still young and malleable.  It took a bit more than a curt presentation to sway the man, but they did succeed. Fine Corellian whiskey on top of the General’s dresser was the final push needed for Obi-Wan to pledge himself to their plan of action.
Now, blood flowing with liquid courage, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi staggered ahead of Ahsoka, Rex and a small platoon of men.
“Where is he, Captain?” he belched.
Captain Rex scanned the information projected from his communicator, “Security footage shows he’s in the hangar, General.”
Obi-Wan lifted a wobbly arm, “To the hangar we go! This way, men!”
“Um, Master, you’re going down the wrong hallway.” Ahsoka pointed out.
“It’s not my fault I can’t think with all this blasted music blaring everywhere.” he drunkenly mumbled. 
While the music was certainly disruptive, Ahsoka couldn’t quite see how it would affect one’s ability to read direction signs printed out huge and bold. Reaching the conclusion that her grandmaster was too sloshed to navigate, Ahsoka grabbed the teetering Jedi by his arm and dragged him all the way to the destroyer’s hangar. 
"Everyone ready?" Ahsoka faced the men, fingers hovering above the door panel.
Ahsoka received a chorus of determined yeses and one incoherent one.
She entered in the key code, and the steel doors raised up. In the middle of the hangar was the general, engrossed in curling a garland around the nose of a Delta-17.  
The clones scurried into the hangar, and moved to surround the general, forming a circle around him and the starfighter.
The spur of activity seemed to sober up Obi-Wan a little. "Put down that garland, Anakin! It is not the Jedi way!" Obi-Wan yelled while trying to use the force to call Anakin's lightsaber to him. The manipulation was not entirely smooth, and the lightsaber jiggled in the air, the Jedi's powers clearly still impaired by alcohol. The fact that Obi-Wan was able to pull it off was more of a testament to how enthralled his former apprentice was in decorating rather than the Master's own innate talent.
Anakin turned around to look at the troopers. Starting to realize what was unfolding around him, he tightened his grip on the garland. 
He noticed the blasters (set to stun of course) being pointed at him by his own men, "What is the meaning of this?" 
“Master, we’re not here to hurt you. Please, just stop decorating.” Ahsoka pleaded. 
The General refused to budge.
Ahsoka sighed, she hoped it wouldn’t have had to come to this, but her Master’s stubbornness gave her no choice. Her heart twinged knowing that this was going to hurt him. Moving her arm, she tugged the garland towards herself using the force, catching it with her other hand. 
“NOOOOOOOO!” Anakin yelled, pained and outraged at the sudden loss of his decoration, “You will give me back that garland, Padawan!” 
Anakin made a leap towards Ahsoka, but his attempt at tackling his Padawan came short with Ahsoka simply taking a few steps to the left, evading his trajectory. The general hit the floor, sprawled out in a manner least dignifying. 
“Can’t you see, Master! You have been blinded by your unrestrained holiday lunacy!” Ahsoka cried out, shocked that she managed to escape her master’s grapple, Master Skywalker was not one to miss a target.
“I have failed you, Anakin. I was never able to teach you to control your Life Day passions.” Obi-Wan walked to where his former Apprentice lay. Anakin grunted in response, displeased.
 Passing Ahsoka, Obi-Wan took the garland from her hand, “It’s over, Anakin. I have the garland.” 
“Give that back, Obi-Wan!” Anakin jumped back up from the ground, a ball of fury. 
Obi-Wan lit up his lightsaber, its azure blue blade held dangerously close to the green garland. 
Fear and anger clouded Anakin’s eyes, he looked about ready to pounce on Obi-Wan and reclaim what was his.
Obi-Wan pushed his saber a few centimeters closer to the garland, narrowing his eyes at Anakin, “Don’t try it.”
Wanting to thrust Obi-Wan’s cruel blade away from his precious garland, Anakin shot his hand to his belt, grasping for his lightsaber, only to be met with despairing emptiness where his hilt usually resided. 
At the sight of black smoke effusing from its stray fringes, Anakin’s lips trembled. Lightsaberless and besieged by his men and Padawan, there was nothing Anakin Skywalker could do to turn this situation around.  Never in his life before had he felt so helpless, not even when Dooku cut off his arm.
“Shut down the AV system, Anakin, and I promise you your garland will be safe.” Obi-Wan bargained, moving his saber further away from it as a show of good faith.
Despite his plight, the Hero With No Fear refused to yield, resolve hard as ever. “Never!” he sneered. 
Obi-Wan, always the nimble negotiator, deemed it the appropriate time to take this parley to the next level, “You will turn off the music, Anakin, or I will tear down the tinsel.” 
Anakin’s face paled.
“ All of it. ” 
To add more weight to General Kenobi’s remark, Captain Rex took a purple string of tinsel out from his back pocket. He lifted it out slowly, making sure General Skywalker’s eyes followed every movement. Each end of the tinsel was clenched pertinaciously in his two fists. Staring straight at the general, he stretched out the tinsel a little, exerting just enough force for intimidation, but not enough to ruin the stricken Jedi. 
Emboldened by the Captain's display, Kix pushed his way to the front of the men and threw a Kashyyyk evergreen figurine onto the floor next to the general, aiming a blaster at it. 
“You menaces !” Anakin gasped.
A violet trimming fell off from the tinsel in Captain Rex's hands. It fluttered weakly through the air, frail and alone, isolated and torn from its home. Its soundless landing on the cold ground pushed Anakin over the edge. The mindless shedding of tinsel trimmings was too much for the general to stomach. 
Everyone stood in silence, giving General Skywalker a few minutes to process his loss. Only the blaring of Life Day music from overhead speakers was heard. 
Anakin gazed at those who had beat and bested him. His arm shook as he brought up his communicator, and his fingers quivered as he initiated the AV system’s shutdown. 
The troopers released sighs of relief upon hearing the music fade out. Obi-Wan’s blade collapsed back into its hilt, and he dropped the garland onto the floor. 
“There, I turned it off. Happy?” Anakin bitterly expressed. 
Returning his blaster to his holster, Kix unhooked a tranquilizer gun from his belt, handing it to Commander Tano. 
Ahsoka gladly accepted the tranquilizer, and pointed it at her Master apologetically, “Very, Master. This is gonna hurt a little, I’m sorry.” She aimed and pulled the trigger.
Anakin, still reeling from everything that had just transpired, didn’t notice the projectile fly towards him.
Zipping through the air, the dart hit the Jedi’s shoulder. For the second time today, Anakin Skywalker flopped onto the floor with an echoing thud.  The dart may be tiny, but it was potent, and the Jedi Knight was knocked out cold by the diazepam.
“Give me a hand here!” Kix waved a few clones over to help transfer the unconscious general to a stretcher. 
They carried him to his room, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan accompanying them. Together, they hoisted the general to his bed. The mattress gently creaked at the impact of body mass. 
Though he looked completely blissed out, Ahsoka still felt slightly bad for her Master. She hung a Life Day wreath around his neck, letting a piece of Life Day stay with him throughout his comatose state. 
They filed out of the general’s room. Obi-Wan stopped beside the electronic panel next to the door, inputting a locking sequence.
“You’re locking his door, General Kenobi?” Captain Rex quirked up an eyebrow, confused.
Obi-Wan was too focused to look up at the captain, diligently keying in the last numbers, “We’ll let him out on Life Day.”
“But that’s two weeks away, sir.” Captain Rex hurried to keep up with the Jedi, who had begun to walk down the corridor.
Obi-Wan stopped in his stride, and turned to smirk at the muddled captain, "Exactly."
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incarnateirony · 2 years
I do find it so very cute that 2po is pretending Dean's presence is just a WB or CW demand, and that 'more dean' would just be that
bruh the network draft had more dean. they were originally planning to have more dean. Not like a fuckload more but just some clips and snippets with his narration. The only reason THAT moved is because his hair and beard are all over the place from his other roles. From network to production, and from arenas to screen, and from creation to air, Dean's presence has ALREADY been considerably reduced. Jesus. Yeah. REDUCED NOT INCREASED. lmfao.
fuckin cope man. jesus. the. god it's hitting the point he seems to be hallucinating that if he speaks it loud enough, it'll come true. This isn't The Secret, pal.
I repeat: There is no one to demand jack schitt from Jensen Ackles right now. No matter what a very upset jared stan pretending he gives a FUCK about anyone else in tfw wants to claim as an ego salve.
So here's your ten bazillionth reminder.
Jensen already secured all necessary licensing for this. (and owns new characters/content)
Jensen already got everything greenlit (as an LGBT Scifi-Romance)
Zaslav cut red tape on creative executives after firing his board
WB's 3 tier reporting system is over under Zaslav
Creative Execs report directly to Zaslav, but only if he calls them because there's a problem with the numbers. If he calls, he wants you to answer. Because if he's calling, your numbers are wrong, and he's fixing it
otherwise, pop off, creatives
Zaslav will not interfere and is the only one at WB that can now. Roth made sure to advise him on the viability of the franchise and Jensen as a peak connected creative to the content.
Nexstar-CW doesn't fucking care. Miller and shit has no fucking opinion of TW or even SPN beyond general awareness. Again both he and Schwartz will continue to let the show go on as long as it pulls numbers and otherwise abides by primetime 18-49 S&P.
All around, all new leadership cares about is fucking money and numbers working out, and as long as the new show is doing that, it can go. The new show is already forming its own expectations. This isn't Pedowitz's CW or Sarnoff's WB. Nexstar ate CW. Discovery ate WB. WB-CW just became Discovery-Nexstar, and 2po is out here hallucinating some FUCKING universe where Mark Pedowitz is gonna pop out of a fucking genie bottle and go ALAKAZAMKAZOO MORE DEAN FOR YOU and that's it, that's why there'll be more dean.
fuckin no. jesus how is this man so easily fucking confused by BRAND LABELS. I swear I could hang a sign reading "giraffe" on a giraffe enclosure, walk out the giraffe, replace it with a gorilla and 2po would bitch until he passes out insisting the gorilla is a giraffe bc the front still says fucking giraffe.
my head hurts, what magical fairy dust is he imagining making this universe work for him now? The same one time traveled back a few years when international licensing was the entire CW game before we broke their fucking kneecaps to make it function like normal TV?
When there's more Dean, it's not because Ann Sarnoff manifests from the old-WB void to fucking "make" Dean do it. No old guard is coming back to "demand" SHIT.
When there's more Dean, it's because it was always meant to have more Dean, and increasingly so on the back end of the season and the resolutions itself.
Dean's resolution is itself fucking CRITICAL to this. I think this is a new conscious spin on his part. When the end comes he'll say, "THE NETWORK/STUDIO DEMANDED THIS!!! HOW AWFUL!! JENSEN LOVED THE FINALE!! HE HATES THIS DESTIEL!! HOW DARE THEY *MAKE* HIM DO THIS!! OMG."
Fucking no dude it's the fucking ending and always has been.
cope. And get off the internet, you goddamn doxxing, grifting asshole. or maybe the planet. And since I don't suggest self harm can you just fucking jettison yourself into space and stop bogging us down.
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ladymorghul · 1 year
I just saw those S2 leaks on Twitter and they're wild lmao, esp the Al*s part. I would've been willing to believe them honestly if they didn't include the thing about her killing Aegon on Maegor's order by changing her appearance…that alone would make her way too overpowered for a secondary character. That she may be much older is believable if there's magic involved.
Other than that I do tend to believe the part about her trying to seduce D*emon and maybe even sleeping with him because he'd be hallucinating Rh*enyra instead. There's also been confirmation that Emma was filming at the Harrenhal location and I think this gives some more credence to this rumor, which was also hinted in the book a bit. TB stans obviously believe Emma being there means D*emyra will take Harrenhal or will fight together in the Riverlands but I doubt it considering the audition tape which hinted at Daemon and his wife having a quarrel, with Al*s knowing it somehow (if the writers are going to involve Rh*enyra in some battle then Rook's Rest is the best option with Rhaenys sacrificing herself so she can escape).
Anyway, IMO whatever they're going to do with Al*s both sides will likely hate it: the blacks because of the D*emon thing as they would consider it cheating for some reason and the greens because the implications for her relationship with Aemond aren't so rosy and it won't be some tragic love story. Saw recently some greens coping by believing she was a spy for the greens the whole time and this is why Aemond spared her life, I mean if that's the case she was a shitty spy as she could've spied on D*emon when he occupied her castle and find out his plans before Aemond and Criston left King's Landing undefended. Ngl, this gives me "she's a powerful witch who can see the future yet she didn't see Aemond's death" vibes. I just can't see her as a green loyalist or a black one, if anything she's someone who's been doing her own thing the whole time: gaining power for herself. She has no reason to like any of the sides involved in this war, let alone fall in love with some psycho prince.
A thing I don't believe about those leaks however is Rh*eynra ordering B&C, it would be a departure from the book and I don't think the writers will be changing this about her character. This would only be believable if she orders the kidnapping of Jaehaerys but the whole thing goes wrong (or maybe because D*emon, without wife's knowledge, separately gave B&C the orders to kill and not to kidnap) and he gets killed. Also Corlys beating Aegon?? I don't know...Same for Blood beating Helaena. She didn't have any bruises in the photos we got from Spain, but maybe it was just a slap or he just didn't hit her face.
for alys, agree. i do not think she's on anyone's side but her own. imo interpretating her as a green loyalist is a big stretch, both book wise and from what rumours we he hear about the show. since she's a confusing character for many, i think that's why she's described for the show as "a healer with a secret". they just don't want to give very much away about where they'll take her character.
i do believe the leaks might be right about her age. while i do know that scenes read in audition don't have to be real scenes included in the show and sometimes are just written specifically for the audition, the whole "i'm not even a woman i'm an owl" or however the line went kind of gave me hints. honestly i don't remember the whole conversation but i do remember her taunting daemon which is why i also believe the leak that daemyra will be fighting a lot. at the end of the day even ryan said that the dark side of daemyra, or smth like that, will be further explored in s2 after the whole beef w the fans about daemon strangling rhaenyra.
however, as much as i want to see team black commit some crimes of their won so the people will temporarily leave my green mama and her kids alone, i also definitely do not believe rhaenyra will order b&c. i personally think luke's death isn't enough of a trigger for her to order something so heinous for jaehaerys of all the greens. i know there's the whole "he's the son of.." but i still don't think she's at that point in her journey so early. like you said, maybe if she didn't understand the deal she was striking, or giving a kidnapping order instead of murdering jaehaerys, but it's the part that makes me scratch my head the most. and the whole rhaenyra in king's landing doesn't make sense to me but idk i think the writers might want to give rhaenyra a more active role in the war altogether and not just on dragonback.
we shall see... those leaks might be partially true. we don't know. not until hotdleaks comes back from the war.
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