#i was woken up again this morning by water dripping on me
labradorite-princess · 4 months
I bitched so much I got what I wanted!
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lqvesoph · 6 months
She’s WHOSE daughter??? || LN4
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gif by @quadrantslandonorris
lando norris x webber!reader
summary: During a trip to Daniel’s farm house, you find an unexpected visitor standing in your best friend’s backyard
part 1 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
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Part 2
"So glad you could make it!", Danny called and wrapped you into a hug as soon as he opened the front door. "You know I love it here!", you laughed and stepped into his home in Perth, Australia.
It was Monday before the Australian Grand Prix and Daniel had invited you to spend a few days at his farm before flying across the country to Melbourne.
You spotted an unfamiliar pair of shoes next to Daniel‘s million others but didn’t think much of it. Maybe he bought another pair.
"Daniel, tell me again where the- oh hi", you heard a familiar british accent, one that you have missed over the last three long weeks since Bahrain and turned around to find a dripping wet and shirtless Lando in the glass door that led out to the backyard. His curls were dripping shining droplets of water onto his defined and tanned chest from which you couldn’t teat your eyes away.
"The towels are in the drawer, mate", Daniel spoke, snapping you out of your trance. "Thanks", Lando mumbled but didn’t move from his place.
You all stood there in silence for a few seconds before you cleared your throat. "I… uh- I-I‘ll go to my room", you stuttered, taking the suitcase and quickly making your way up the marble stairs.
"Why didn’t you tell me she was coming?", you heard Lando hiss. "Why would you have wanted me to?", Daniel asked nonchalant, and you knew you shouldn’t eavesdrop but you couldn’t help it, wanting to know Lando‘s response. "I- I don’t know", he stuttered defensively before tapping over to the drawer to get himself a towel.
Truth was, his small crush on you grew over the last couple of weeks. He followed your every move on Instagram and Twitter, even scrolling down to pictures from 2016, finding a few of you and baby Oscar during his Formula 3 career or little you in Daniel‘s Red Bull from 2017. He‘s probably memorized your highlights at this point.
Adding to that he asked Pietra for her advice on your best songs and your discography has been on repeat for three weeks straight.
You put your suitcase next to your bed and plopped down on it, only now noticing your racing heart.
During your deep dive through Lando’s Instagram account, you obviously had seen a few pictures of him shirtless, the one from Bahrain being the set of pictures you were hung up on the most, even saving one of them. But jeez… none of those pictures did the live picture justice!
You opened your eyes and took a deep breath before rummaging around your suitcase to find the black bikini you had packed for your trip.
You put it on and took your towel, phone and sunglasses and made your way downstairs. Lando and Daniel sat by the pool on two sun beds, playing some sort of card game. Both were shirtless and had matching bucket hats on their curls. You chuckled at the sight and placed your towel on the third sun bed.
Lando looked up from the game and subtly looked you over, his eyes lingering at your pushed up breast, that were barely covered by the tight black bikini top, a little longer than appropriate but you couldn’t find yourself caring. The opposite actually, the little hesitation brought a smirk to your face.
You lay down on your stomach on the sun bed and closed your eyes. "If I fall asleep, please put some sunscreen on my back in an hour or two", you mumbled, getting a hum from both boys next to you.
You couldn’t even begin to explain how much you have missed the Australian sun.
You didn’t even notice you fell asleep until you were woken up by a pair of warm hands rubbing your back. Guess the flight has been more exhausting than you thought.
You lifted your head up slightly, still a little dazed from the sleep. "Heyy, good morning", a soft british accent spoke over you.
Then you started noticing a few other things around you. For example your hair that was wrapped in a loose bun, one that you definitely didn’t do yourself.
"I put your hair up so it wouldn’t stick on the sunscreen", he said, almost as if he had read your thoughts. "Thanks", you mumbled, then you frowned. "How did you-"
"I have two younger sisters, so I know a little about hair styles", Lando chuckled and kneaded your shoulders while rubbing in the sunscreen. The small action made you groan a little. "Feels good", you muttered.
"I can tell", he spoke and you could hear the smirk on his face, so you kicked your leg up to hit his back. "Owh", he let out and broke out in laughter after. You couldn’t help but join in as well and pushed yourself up on your elbows to look around you.
You noticed the missing sunglasses on your face when squinting to see against the setting sun but quickly found them on the table next to you.
"Daniel is getting the grill ready and Heidi has just arrived a few minutes ago", Lando told you and you turned your head to meet his eyes. But got quickly distracted by his tanned chest. Your eyes flickering down and stayed there for a second longer than necessary, before looking back up into his green eyes and only now realizing how close your faces were to each other.
His gaze flickered down to your lips before finding your eyes again.
"Hey dipshit, dinner is almost ready!", Daniel called from the path between the pool section and the little hut with a fire place. "We’ll be there in a second!", Lando called back, not tearing his eyes away from yours.
Your eyes darted down to his plumb lips. "We probably should…", you whispered, letting your sentence uncompleted. Lando nodded but still kept his gaze you. "Yeah, we probably should", he agreed.
The two of you kept each other gaze for a few seconds longer before looking down at the same time and clearing your throats. You grabbed your black shorts and quickly put them over your bikini bottoms, feeling your heart beating fast in your chest and a small throbbing in your lower region. A quick stolen glance at Lando told you, your interaction also left its mark on him.
He cleared his throat another time before standing up and grabbing a baby blue loose dress shirt to put over his shoulders, leaving the buttons undone.
Together you made your way over to the fireplace, where you found Heidi and Daniel next to a bluetooth box that played relaxing music.
"Hey, honey!!", Heidi called and immediately came over to hug you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around the girl who has been like an older sister to you for the longest time.
"It’s so good to see you again!", she smiled and pushed a few strands of hair behind your ear. "Your hair has gotten so long!" You laughed and sat down at the set table.
Daniel looked at Lando with a knowing smirk, whereupon Lando rammed his elbow into the older guy’s ribs.
As the night came, the temperatures got chilly, even in Australia. You shivered a little even if the fire spent a little warmth.
"You cold?", Lando muttered, leaning over the armrest of his chair. You looked over at him, getting lost for a second in the way half of his face was light up by the fire light.
You hummed and wrapped your arms tighter around yourself.
"Take my hoodie", he suggested, pulling the lavender colored hoodie from his chair. "Thanks", you smiled.
From the corner of your eyes you saw how Daniel gave you a rather knowing glance but you chose to ignore it.
That was until he didn’t give you another option.
"Y/n, you wanna come and help me inside?", he asked but it sounded more like a demand. You nodded and stood up from your seat before following Daniel inside.
All while Lando’s eyes never left you.
Daniel was waiting for you by the kitchen counter. "What are you doing?", he wanted to know. You shrugged, knowing exactly what he was talking about.
"He’s cute", you simply replied.
"You know I love you like my little sister but Lando’s one of my best mates. And I already know that he’s got quite the crush on you, it’s fairly obvious so I gotta make sure that this is coming from your side as well and isn’t some sort of joke flirting", the australian explained.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. "It’s not, I really do think he’s cute", you nodded.
"Does he know who your dad is?", Daniel pressed further, knowing this was some sort of make-or-break question to you.
Given the history of boyfriends you’ve had and loads of your early ones, always dating you for your father, you’ve started to not tell people about your father. Not until you were sure, they were here for you.
Your silence gave Daniel his answer.
"If you like him, why didn’t you then?", he wanted to know. "Because I want to get to know him before! I met him once three weeks ago, do you expect me to just go like "Hi, I’m Y/n, nice to meet you. By the way I’m Mark Webber’s daughter"?? I haven’t exactly spent a lot of time with him", you muttered.
"Just… don’t lead him on. I haven’t seen him this nervous over a girl in a long time", Daniel sighed and opened his arms. "C’mere."
Even though the night got very late, you were up incredibly early the next day, still having to adjust to the eastern australian timezone.
As quietly as possible you walked down the stairs to the kitchen, wearing a pair of jogging shorts and Lando’s hoodie from the previous night which was incredibly comfortable and even smelled like him.
You grabbed yourself a glass of water and sat down crisscrossed on a patio chair.
The morning was still a little fresh, the sun just barely leaking out from the horizon.
"Bit early, isn’t it?", a british accent spoke from behind you. You smiled before turning around to meet Lando’s sleepy eyes.
He stood in the doorway, long gray joggers and a black hoodie, similar to the one you were wearing. His curls were a mess on top of his head as he ruffled through them.
"I could say the same to you", you countered, making the boy smile. "I couldn’t sleep, still adjusting to the timezone", he told you, sitting down on the chair next to you.
You nodded in agreement. "Me too."
For a moment you sat in silence, both looking at the sunrise in front of you.
"You wanna go for a walk at the beach?", Lando suggested after a few minutes, looking over at you.
You considered your options for a second but didn’t see a reason not to, so you nodded and stood up.
You put your glass on the table and your phone in the hoodie pocket.
Together you took the small path that directly led from Daniel’s backyard to the beach.
"Nice hoodie by the way", Lando smirked, tugging at your sleeves. "Thanks, some random guy gave it to me last night", you replied with a giggle. "And you just take stuff from random dudes?", Lando faked a shocked tone. "Nah, only if they are cute", you smiled, making Lando go a little shy as he looked down with a smile.
When the you reached the beach, you stopped in your tracks. Closing your eyes and enjoying the breeze of the ocean.
"I’ve missed this", you muttered, taking a deep breath before opening your eyes to find Lando looking at you. "Los Angeles just isn’t quite the same."
"You said you grew up between LA and Canberra", Lando stated, whereupon you nodded. "How did you meet Oscar then? Because as far as I know he’s spent most of his teens in England. Or Daniel, who’s from the other side of the country", he asked.
"Well, Daniel I met through Red Bull. My dad used to work for them", you replied, careful as not to reveal too much. "At base?"
"Something like this, yeah."
"He’s been like an older brother to me for the longest time but Oscar being closer to me in age, resulted in us turning out like twins", you chuckled.
Lando felt a sting of jealousy when you talked about his teammate like that, knowing he had close to zero rights to feel this way but still.
"Anyway, I met him in the paddock a few years ago and we’ve been friends ever since", you concluded.
"And you’ve been into racing because of your dad?", he asked. You nodded but didn’t clarify further but instead grabbed his hand and dragged him to the ocean.
"Cmon, let’s go in", you called. "Go in??", Lando protested but let you drag him closer to the water. "It’s Australia, it’s warm", you giggled and kicked off your shoes off your feet. You let go of Lando’s hand and entered the water ankle-deep.
You looked back to see Lando taking off his shoes as well as his hoodie, leaving him in a white shirt. Then he carefully tapped the water before walking to you.
"Nice, huh?", you smiled against the rising sun, closing your eyes for a second.
Cold water splashing your back made you scream and open them again. You turned around to find Lando with a devilish grin looking at you. "Lando!!", you called and splashed the water back at him.
In only a few seconds it turned into a water war, both your clothes turning darker from the water splashes on them. Your eyes stopped at Lando’s torso, the water turning his white shirt see through. And you weren’t ashamed to admit that his defined abs distracted you just more than a little bit.
Lando used your little moment of distraction to launch himself at you and throw both of you down into the water completely. You gasped for air, his arms still wrapped around your body and you hair falling in wet strands on your face.
"Idiot!", you called, pushing your hair back to see Lando grin at you. His adorable smile, paired with the wetness of his curls made you smile as well. You put your hand on his neck, slowly pulling him closer to you.
A drop of water falling from his opened lips, mesmerizing you completely. Lando’s eyes searched yours, asking for permission to go ahead. You glance back down to his lips before nodding slightly.
Only seconds later, his lips touched yours in a gentle kiss. Your fingers went through his wet hair and pulled at the end.
His lips on yours felt like fire, and you wanted more.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, his hand holding your thigh as his other squeezed your waist. His lips slowly traveled along your jaw, making you lean your head to the side to give him more space.
You let out a little moan when he gently sucked on the spot under your ear and felt his lips curl into a smirk. Lando pulled back to look at you, your fingers stroking his neck.
You giggled slightly and leaned your forehead against his, closing your eyes for a second.
This is what happiness feels like, you thought.
📍Perth, Australia
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tagged: landonorris, danielricciardo, heidiberger
yn.adams: Perth for the week
landonorris: Oh, what a pretty sunrise
> yn.adams: U think?
danielricciardo: When was that first picture taken???
> yn.adams: Today morning at about 5:30am while u were peacefully sleeping
> fan: Wait so if Daniel didn’t take that picture does that mean it was Lando???
oscarpiastri: 🤨
> fan: Oscar’s NOT a fan of this new friendship LMAO
fan: The boyfriend vibes are MAJOR on that last picture
fan: Since when are her and Lando friends???
fan: Okay but Yn and Lando would be crazy!!
> fan: I ship it, 100%
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📍Perth, Australia
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tagged: yn.adams
landonorris: She can sing and drive
yn.adams: 2:1 for me, u can only drive
> landonorris: 🥲
> fan: LMAOOO Yn roasting Lando hahahahh
oscarpiastri: yn.adams TEXT ME NOW!!
> fan: Poor guy’s feeling left out fr
fan: Is this a soft launch mr. norriz?
> fan: wdym "soft" HE TAGGED HER!!!
fan: The sunrise…
> fan: Nah u guys don’t understand the significance of that sunrise!!
fan: Lando and Yn posting pictures of sunrises… A picture of Yn that Daniel didn’t take…
> fan: New paddock couple alert??
fan: Lando letting someone else drive and playing passenger princess???
fan: Who even is she?
fan: Does she even know what F1 is?
> fan: LMAOO
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Please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist or text be if you want to be taken off x
@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungariann @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @sawendel @enjoymyloves @ricsaigaslec @ravenqueen27 @temqr1 @leclerc16s @theamazingsimplethings-blog @coldmuffinbanditshoe @hotchnisscm97 @moneymasnn @justme2042 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @pleasantducktimetravel @anthonykatebridgerton @lisannehus @hannahholland1811 @lighttsoutlewis @mydutchproblem @dan3avocado @alwaysclassyeagle @cocomiracle @allthisfortommy @soleilgrec @cheeryara-blog @person2345-blog @aquamariene-me @judespoision @sbgal @teti-menchon0604 @darleneslane @flower-name @mehrmonga @paolexsstuff @kiskso @honethatty12 @namgification @champagneproblems17 @meko-mt @scopeiguess @bwormie @d3kstar @c-losur3 @lupitakapro @endlesssummer10
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hopesworlld · 7 months
౨ৎ daddy's home, home for me
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౨ৎ 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 — step!dad anakin x fem!reader
౨ৎ 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 — your period sucks, but your stepdad anakin knows a way he can help you
౨ৎ 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 — 2k
౨ৎ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 — swearing, stepcest, power imbalance, swearing, smut ( thigh riding, daddy kink, mentions of blow jobs ), think that's all let me know if i missed anything !
౨ৎ 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘀 ! — on my period and wanna die so wrote this as a self indulgent need for comfort from daddy anakin
a pained hiss fell from your lips as you rolled over in bed, hand clutching your stomach as cramps racked your frame. you had come on the night before and had woken up feeling worse than the day before, your entire body felt stiff and achy, your back and uterus throbbing and you felt horribly nauseous. you hated it so much, tears welling in your eyes as you dragged yourself upwards grabbing the lukewarm water from your bedside table and taking a swig, gagging at the taste. you knew you would have to go downstairs, facing the trek from your bedroom to the kitchen to get supplies, you were desperate for some fresh water, medicine, and a hot water bottle but your body protested as you shoved the sheets off of your body, exposing yourself to the cool morning air. 
you shuddered against the cold, nipples hardening and goosebumps rising on your arms so you tugged a soft blanket around your shoulders and stood up wincing as pain shot up your spine, tears glistening in your eyes as you slowly headed out of your room, arms wrapped around your stomach. the house was silent so your mother and anakin must already be at work, you pouted at this, wishing your mother was here to look after you. you had always gotten bad periods from the day you had started as only a preteen, practically bedridden when it would hit with no serious explanation for it. so you wandered to the kitchen, immediately grabbing some pills from the medicine cabinet and pouring yourself a glass of water, you were trembling as you swallowed the pills, so exhausted and sore that you wanted to curl in a ball and never get up again. then you turned to the kettle ready to flick it on when you noticed you had forgotten your hot water bottle. 
“no,” you cried out, instantly tears dripping down your cheeks. you knew it was ridiculous to be crying over this, but when another cramp pulsed through your body you couldn’t help it, so that's where you stood, sobbing in the kitchen when another voice suddenly cut through the otherwise silent room. 
“hey sweetheart, i didn’t think you were gonna be up yet,” anakin’s cheery voice sang as he rounded the corner only to see you, body draped in a fluffy pink blanket with crystalline tears dripping down your rosy cheeks, “what happened, baby?” he gasped, crossing the room in a matter of seconds and cupping the base of your neck, tilting your face so that you were looking up at him with glossy doe eyes, “are you hurt? tell me what's going on,” he pleaded with you and another sob tore from your lips. 
“i left my hot water bottle upstairs,” you told him, shame coating your tone as you drag your fingers across your face to rid you of the sticky tears that stained your face, but a fresh round almost immediately replaced them. 
“oh, sweetheart,” anakin cooed, his voice impossibly soft as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a gentle embrace. you sank into it, snuggling into his big chest while he peppered the top of your head with kisses, “you come on, huh?” he asked you and you nodded against his chest. 
“i just feel like shit already and then i forgot my hot water bottle and i just…” you shook your head, shame-faced faced as you pulled away biting down on your bottom lip, “i’m sorry i’m being silly, i know it's not that big of a deal,” 
“don’t say that baby, you aren’t being silly, just feeling very sensitive right now aren’t you,” anakin said with a sympathetic smile, “why don’t you go get comfy and lay down on the sofa and i’ll grab your hot water bottle for you and make you some tea?” he offered and you melted, looking up at him with stars in your eyes. 
“really?” you all but sang and anakin’s face was so impossibly soft as he reached out and patted your cheek. 
“yes, baby, go on now,” he said and you did as you were told, hopping onto the sofa and burying yourself beneath your blanket, and flicking on the tv choosing to watch an old rerun of friends while you waited for anakin to come back, he took a few minutes, you heard him jog up the stairs and reappear a few moments later and head straight to the kitchen, the familiar hum of the kettle soothing you as your eyes fluttered shut. 
you had met anakin when you were sixteen, he had moved in that same year after only dating your mother for a couple weeks, you never really knew why they were together seeing as they hardly seemed to talk and anakin would spend most nights on the sofa instead of in bed with her, but you didn’t bring it up, your mothers silence in the house was enough to stop you. but you loved anakin, from the moment you had met him he couldn’t do enough for you, if it was help with homework, dropping you places to see your friends, taking you shopping or even braiding your hair, anakin was there. 
“hey, sweet girl, you still with me?” anakin’s soft voice broke you from your trail of thoughts, sluggishly opening your eyes and what a sight was held before you. anakin had your hot water bottle in one arm your teddy tucked beside it, a mug of tea in the other with a hoodie slung over his shoulder. “there are those pretty eyes,” he crooned, setting down the tea on the table, you flushed at his words, rosy cheeked as you blinked up at him.
“hi,” you say quietly, groaning when another jolt of pain scrambled your insides. 
“poor baby,” he said sadly, “here sit up for me okay sweet girl, gonna get you comfortable and then you can relax properly,” anakin told you, carefully you pushed yourself into a sitting position but reamined still, anakin peeled the blanket from your shoulders and instead pulled the hoodie over your head, you giggled when your head popped through hair clinging to your face and anakin smiled endearingly before helping you thread your arms through the fabric, it was one of his, you could tell by the smell, a mix of smoke, oil and sandalwood. 
“cute,” he remarked once you were comfortably within the oversized jumper. he then placed the hot waterbottle on your stomach, gently dipping it bellow the waist of your shorts so that it sat over your aching womb, you shuddered at the feeling of his cold fingers brushing against your sensitive skin. “okay, you can lie back now, baby,” he prompted grasping your shoulder and pushing you back into the crevice of the sofa and tucking your blanket around you before handing you your teddy. 
“thanks ani,” you said, “do you think you could stay with me for a bit,” you then asked tentatively, “you don’t have to if you are busy though,” you rushed out but anakin was already slipping down beside you, slinging an arm around your shoulder and pulling you to his chest. 
“i’ll stay as long as you need me too, baby,” he said pressing a kiss to your forehead and you sank into him, completely and utterly blissed as the medicine began to kick in with the help of the warmth of the hot waterbottle and anakin’s body against yours. 
you didn’t know when you fell asleep but when you awoke you were greeted with a sharp pain that swelled in your uterus and rippled along your entire spine, a gasp tore from your lips as you jolted upwards, clutching at your stomach, a soothing hand ran down your back, bringing you down slightly. 
“oh, sweetheart,” anakin murmured, “you’re okay,” he said bringing you back to him, you whimpered into his shoulder, fat tears streaming down your cheeks. 
“it really hurts, ani,” you cried. 
“i’m so sorry, sweet girl, wish i could make it go away,” he consoled you voice heavy, “here, let me rub your stomach for you okay, read that it helps,” he said, hand slipping to your lower stomach, gently massaging the throbbing pain, at first it seemed to hurt more and you jolted in his hold, but then suddenly the pressure began to unwind and a small breathy sigh fell from your lips. 
“oh,” you whispered, pressing your hips upwards accidentally pushing his fingers lower so that they brushed against your clit slightly, you gasped as anakin froze, “i’m sorry i…” you began to say, ready to scramble away from the man and shut yourself away in your bedroom, but anakin stopped you. 
“it’s okay, baby,” he said, though he sounded strained, a little distant, “i wanna help you, will you let me?” he asked you. 
“well, yes but ani i…” you began to say but anakin cut you off. 
“don’t panic, your body knows what you need, baby and i’m gonna give it to you, why don’t you come sit on my lap, pretty girl,” you blanched at him, stunned by his words, you and anakin had always been close, closer than most people were with their stepfathers you had observed, but what was he offering you right now? was it really what you thought it was? 
“ani, i don’t know if i should,” you mumbled bashfully and the man grinned widely. 
“it’s okay, baby, just wanna help you out, make you feel good,” he murmured, “will you let me?” and you knew you should say no, to call your mother and tell her what her husband was saying to you, but a sick feeling of need flooded your core, hot and intense, it pushed away the aching and replaced it with a new feeling of longing, and anakin, your anakin who held your hand when you went on walks, and played with your hair when you couldn’t sleep. you needed him. 
“please,” you said, words hardly ever a whisper and then anakin was tugging you up, you were airborne for just a moment before he seated you comfortably on his thigh. 
“i want you to ride my thigh, angel,” he told you, “take what you need, okay?” he said and your cheeks flammed red. 
“i’ve never…” you didn’t have to finish the sentence he already knew what you meant and a long groan fell from his lips. 
“that’s okay, baby, i’ll help you,” he said, big hands grasping your hips and rolling them over his thigh, the feeling was immediate, the delicious roll of fabric against your clothed clit instantly drew sounds from your lips, you had never felt anything like this before, your entire body singing as you rocked against his thigh, a fog dancing in your brain that made you feel dizzy. 
“ani, oh my god,” you gasped, consumed by unexpected pleasure that was setting alight in your veins. 
“feel good, sweet girl?” anakin asked you, watching your pretty face screw up with pleasure as he began to bounce his leg slightly. 
“so good,” you replied, beginning to roll your hips faster, though anakin’s hands remained in place, holding you seedy as you rocked against him, eyes falling shut. 
“such a good girl taking what you need, getting off on my thigh, fuck, you look so good right now,” he praised and you shuddered at his words, tension in your stomach growing tighter. 
“really?” you whispered, “feel gross,” you admitted. 
“look at me,baby,” anakin told you but you ignored him, “look at me,” he commanded, voice harsher this time and you couldn’t ignore it, you met his eyes, the pretty blue turned dark as he watched you pleasure yourself against him. 
“you are fucking gorgeous, angel, never seen anyone so beautiful,” he said, cupping your cheek and pulling you into a searing kiss, you gasped into it allowing anakin to slip his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch and crevice of your mouth. he locked you in that kiss, holding you in place as he began to bounce his leg faster. 
“ani,” you whimpered, his lips bruising against you.
“come on, baby, show daddy how good you are feeling,” he crooned, that name falling from his lips was utterly sinful, and it sent a heavy jolt straight down to your core. you jerked violently, clit throbbing as you ground down on him harder. 
“oh, ani, please,” you begged even though you weren't exactly sure what you wanted, you just needed him, everywhere. you longed to feel his fingers toying with your swollen clit, cock ramming into your sopping cunt.
“that’s it, baby, you close? i can feel you clenching around my thigh,” he said and you nodded sweat was pooling around your collarbones and beading around your hairline, you were so hot, addicted to this new feeling that had taken over the aches and pains that had haunted you before. clumsily you tugged at anakin’s hoodie, yanking it over your head and tossing it to the side, the tug of fabric lifting your top beneath flashing anakin a glance of your perky tits bouncing in time with his movements and he growled. “look at these pretty fucking things,” he hissed grabbing your tits with a harsh grip, rolling your nipples between his fingers. 
“daddy,” you cried at the stimulation and anakin grinned. 
“that’s it, baby, being so good for, daddy,” he told you, you could feel yourself growing close, that glowing fire in your stomach burning brighter. “want you to come for me, can you do that for me, pretty girl? show me that gorgeous face when you cum?”
“yes, yes gonna cum, please, please,” you begged, anakin moved his hands back down to your hips, dragging you along his thigh in such a manner that it drew a scream from you, the pressure of your clit against his jeans sending you spiraling. that coiling thing in your stomach bursting and you were gone, the world turned on its axis, crying out as you finally hit that peak you had been craving, you felt boneless, collapsing onto anakin’s waiting chest, he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close as you came down from the after shocks of your orgasm, he continued to bounce his thigh until you were sobbing. 
“you did so good for me, sweetheart, how you feeling?” he asked you gently. 
“so good,” you whispered, curling into him completely at ease. 
“yea? well anytime you need this i’m here for you okay, baby? always gonna take care of you,” he said tangling his hands into your hair, you let out a shaky breath. 
“just this… or can we do other things sometimes?” you questioned, shame coating your tone, desperate little girl begging to fuck her stepfather, what a cliche, anakin groaned at this, shifting his hips slightly and you felt it, his hard cock pressing against your stomach, your mouth watered. 
“oh, baby, we can do whatever you want,” he murmured, lips pressed to your ear. 
“anything?” you asked, hand drifting down to rest over his hard cock and anakin let out a shakey breath. 
“yes, but don’t worry about me right now, angel, want you to rest and feel better and then…” he trailed off a little unsurely tilting your head so that you would face him and he saw that look in your eyes, needy and desperate for him, “then you can have my cock anytime you want it, angel girl” you grinned at this. 
“okay,” you agreed, a heavy veil of tiredness falling over you, “daddy, kiss me,” you pleaded and anakin was more than happy to oblige to your plea, because this was anakin, the man who loved you entirely and gave you whatever your little heart desired, even himself. 
stepdad!anakin has my heart whoops, think i’m gonna have to write more of him,,,
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hiddenonyx · 2 months
Obey Me! Beach Day Headcanons
a/n: oops I fell off the face of the earth. I'm slowly working on stuff, trying to clean what shit I had started, before I work on other stuff, but here's a little something that I threw together. *this is mostly unedited so apologizes
Prompt: what each cast member does during a day trip to Diavolo's beach.
Lucifer - reclines on a sun-lounger in the shade with a tropical (alcoholic) drink and either reads, or sleeps. He was told to relax so he is - and he's not responsible for anything his brothers do, nor will he fix any problems that they inevitably cause.
Mammon - goes swimming and does a little bit of diving. Often gets roped into doing something on the beach - such as building sand castles, burying people, or some sport - or helping Asmo take photos.
Levi - either buries himself in the sand or goes swimming. If he decides to be buried, he's going to take a long nap - making up for all his lost sleep from late gaming nights and early mornings for conventions. If he's swimming, he's probably trying to spook people (mainly Mammon) by pulling at their legs.
Satan - likes to look for tide pools and see if he can't name everything in them, or he walks the shore line during low tide to see what turns up. He also tends to be the one asked to identify any weird creature anyone else finds. If he's not poking around tide pools, he's reading in the shade with a nice, easy drink.
Asmo - takes pictures. He takes pictures of everything - himself, his brothers outfits, food, drinks, the environment, you name it, he's probably already taken a photo of it. When he's forced to put the camera down, Asmo enjoys building sand castles or sitting on the shore line and letting the waves gently wash up against him.
Beel - does a bit of everything, almost. Tags along for swimming, and him and Belphie often accompany Satan on his walks to the tide pools. Beel also enjoys helping Asmo build sand castles and doesn't mind simply relaxing in the shade either. He's the one who offers to take care of Luke so Simeon can finally go drink relax.
Belphie - just sleep. Picks a nice shady hammock not far from where everyone is and just passes out. Though he is willing to be woken up for a poke around tide pools and the shoreline at low tide.
Diavolo - is very much like Beel, and does a bit of everything, though he does prefer activities involving water. Probably accidentally start a water fight, and then while he's dripping wet, go hug Lucifer who protests immensely because he didn't want to get wet at all.
Barbatos - stays exclusively in the shade. While he might be an aquatic demon, Barbatos is more used to the icy black depths of almost arctic water than warm tropical water. Man is sweating and counting down the minutes till they go home (there's still 5 hours to go). Despite being in the shade and wearing (and reapplying) the most sunscreen ends up being incredibly tan or sunburnt afterwards.
Simeon - supervises Luke for the most part. Helps him build sand castles, and holds his hand when the big waves come to the shore while they're walking. Picks up a few shells for Luke too , and when someone else (Beel) offers to take care of Luke so Simeon can relax a bit, he drinks almost as much liquor as Lucifer does.
Luke - is so excited that he doesn't even care if he's showing it. Tries everything minus actually swimming in the ocean (everyone agreed that that activity was probably a little too much and too dangerous for Luke). Even lets himself be buried in the sand. Ends up a little tan and maybe with a light sun burn, but can't wait to go again.
Solomon -ends up also in the shade, probably next to Barbatos so that they can be grumpy together. Didn't even bring anything to do because he knows he's going to sweat too much to really tinker on anything. Futility applies sunscreen knowing damn well he's going to walk away sunburnt regardless.
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ameliablakesblog · 1 year
Let Me Heal You- Lando Norris Smut
Lando Norris x Reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+, Masturbation, Oral (Female receiving) & Fingering
Summary: You've been horny all day telling everyone you've been feeling unwell. However, Lando knows how to heal you.
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Throughout the day, you had been dreaming of this shower.
When you had woken up that morning, fashionably late and extremely horny. You knew you didn’t have the time to jerk off before work. Instead, you dressed as quick as possible and counted down the hours until you could have a freezing cold shower.
You spent the day on edge. You had three meetings which you managed to force yourself through, although you barely paid attention through them all. The pulsing between your legs seemed to only get worse as the minutes went by. Everyone kept asking you if you were okay, you nodded to all of them; panting briefly. It was only Lando who seemed to watch you closely throughout the day- aware something was up with you.
You blamed him for waking up so horny. Your late night Tiktok scrolling had you watching the video of Lando in the ice bath at Singapore: more specifically, him whimpering as he dropped into the water. The video replayed in your mind as you fell asleep.
When Lando tried to stop you at lunch, grabbing your wrist and whispering quietly asking what was wrong, you stuttered over your words and tried to move away. Hurt flashed over his face at the rejection, but you could barely pay attention: the spot where he had touched your hip was burning hot and made the throbbing worse. You barely mouthed a sorry before you left to go to the water fountain. Ice cold water for the rest of the day for you.
The moment it had turned 4pm, you were out the door. Lando had texted you offering a lift, but you declined- making out you were staying late. And now here you were in a cold shower, letting the water drip down your chest.
You watched the water fall around you. A single drop of water caught your eye as it ran down your chest and over your nipple. You rested your head against the wall and breathed out, finally caving in to how you had been feeling all day.
You let your right had move over your body to graze your nipple, tugging slightly you let out a moan. Feeling the warmth pool between your legs you allowed your other hand to move between your thighs. Your wetness coated your fingers allowing you to make small circles against your clit.
God, it felt good. You kept thinking of Landos whimper allowing yourself to make up scenarios in your head. You barely heard the knocking on your apartment door. At first, you thought it was the water, so you turned off the water and moved to get out the shower- thinking what toy you could use to help you cum. It was only when you were walking to your room that you heard the knocking again. You hesitated. It was highly unlikely it was your neighbours or your friends, they know to ring you before as you’re always working. You walk to the door and glance through the peephole, only to find Lando standing on the other side of it.
Without thinking, you opened the door wide to him. Lando’s eyes open wide, making you aware that you’re stood in a very thin towel; your cleavage very visible to him.
Lando gulps and looks somewhere above your left shoulder. “I just wanted to see if you were alright, you have been avoiding me all day”.
Guilt overcomes you; it would make sense Lando feeling rejected when you’ve treated him like dirt on your shoe all day.
“I’m so sorry Lando, I’ve just uhm- I’ve not been feeling well today”. It wasn’t believable in the slightest, but at this point you could feel your wetness on your thighs, and you needed to go finished what you had started. You clenched your legs, which didn’t go unnoticed by the racing driver.
Lando stares at your legs and then looks up, smirk adhering his features. He stares straight in your eyes, and you knew he knew. The rejected boy had gone, replaced by the cocky driver you know to be attracted to.
“Can I come in?”
You step aside and allow him to walk through. Your heart is racing as you shut the door. Lando paces behind you before leaning against your bedroom door, eyes glimmering with interest and a hint of lust. 
“So, what’s got you feeling unwell then love? Or should I say Who?”
You roll your eyes. The reason you and Lando are such good friends is because you two are like fire on fire, both full of cockiness and sass. You’re not even afraid to walk towards him slowly, loosening your towel taking in pride in how his cocky façade drops slightly, lust seeming to take over more control as he gulps and drops his gaze to where your towel lowers just enough to see the top of your nipples.
“Are you here to just chat about my health Norris? Or do you want to help me out?” At this point you were opposite him, leaning against the other wall to your doorframe. You look down, noticing the slight bulge in his jeans.
“Drop the towel.”
Those three words make you hold your breathe. At this point your clit was throbbing, your wetness slicked over your thighs and your nipples hard as points. You drop your towel, showing him every part of you. He goes to reach for you, but you slip past him and enter your bedroom, turning gracefully as you go to lie flat on your bed. He turns to watch you, small smirk graces his features. You smile innocently at him as your open your legs and dropping your hand to your pussy. You run your hand through your folds, collecting your wetness before bringing it up to show him. His eyes are fixed on your pussy and you notice him breathing quickly. Innocently, you take your fingers into your mouth to taste your wetness and suck gently, making sure to moan to catch his attention. He looks at you, completely entranced by you. 
“Want a taste?”
That was it, Lando stalked across the room. Chucking his Mclaren polo on the floor. He drops at the end of your bed and grabs your legs before pulling you to the edge. His head dives straight between your thighs, leaving small kisses as he makes his way towards your soaking pussy. You whip your head back, breathing rapidly as you grab his curls before tugging harshly- Dragging his head towards your pussy.
Message received. Lando moves to lick a strip between your folds before sucking harshly on your clit. You gasp at the pressure; the intensity makes you moan loudly which pleases Lando as starts to tease your entrance with his fingers. You start to wriggle around him, hoping to get his fingers inside you. Lando chuckles against your clit, he looks up at you and smiles, before moving his other hand to pinch your nipple. You moan his name as he sucks on your clit again while inserting two fingers inside of you. Your wetness spreads all over his hands and chin, which only seems to spur him on, as Lando moans and starts biting your thighs aiming to leave lovebites. He curls his fingers inside you and you buck your hips up.
Your moans seem to get louder, and you start scratching at his back and neck. You could feel your orgasm nearing, and by God did it feel incredible.
“Norris I’m so close- please God please”.
“Cum for me love, cum all over my fingers”.
That was it, with his words your orgasm crashes over you in a silent scream. You clench around his fingers while he sucks hard on your clit, you chant his name over and over as you slowly come down from your orgasm. Lando removes his fingers and kisses around your pussy while you try to gain control over your breathing. You look up to see Lando wiping his chin, he smirks at you before moving up your body to sit next to you. 
He looks down at you and you laugh, finally feeling content. He laughs with you before moving to push a piece of hair off your face. You pause to watch his face while he did it, not used to this form of intimacy. He seems to come to his senses as he withdraws his hand, but then the moment passes because the smirk re-appears on his face as he looks down at you. 
“I have healed you”.
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Count Alexei Vronsky x wife!reader
Summary: Your husband comforts you on your period.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: blood. having a period lol, probably shitty Russian translation
~ sorry this took soooo so long, anon! i also realize I have completely ignored our boy so here is some Vronsky love ~
You had a dreadful feeling in your stomach that this would happen. Your mind blanks as you feel the cramp coming on again and you can feel the blood drip down your thighs, being stopped by nothing and inevitably soaking your undergarments.
You feel dizzy as the darkness of the room seems to taunt you. You're too scared to move, in case that means you'll stain your husband's satin sheets—if you haven't already. You turn your head and look at Alexei, who is asleep, blissfully unaware of the turmoil in your head. Your heart thumps. You don't want to wake him for this, but everything hurts now.
You shift, the wetness pooling your thighs as tears prickle your eyes as you stir. Finally, you sit up and wince as you hold your stomach. You bend your head, keeping in pained whimpers as you don't dare stand and look at the bloody mess that is surely underneath you. 
"Милый (Darling)?" Your husband whispers and you jump, looking at him. The moonlight from the windows illuminates his features as he yawns, sits up and runs a hand in his blond hair. His eyes are bleary and shame hits you. 
You'd woken him up. 
To your horror, he reaches towards you as his hand touches the mattress. He frowns and pulls his hand away, realizing he's just touched what feels like blood.
"Are you hurt?" It's his first question. He's still exhausted as he sits up completely and crawls over the soft blankets to sit next to you, avoiding the stains he can see on the sheets. Alexei looks at you, seeing the blood on your nightdress and around you as well as the tears in your eyes. 
While he isn't the most educated on this issue, he isn't entirely useless either. His blue eyes soften and he takes your chin in his hand. "Милый (Darling), it's okay," he soothes, wiping your tears with his thumb. "It happens."
"The sheets," you whisper back, sniffling. 
"Can be washed or thrown away. It isn't a problem, мой голубь (my dove)." He looks down at you again. "Does it hurt terribly?"
You nod, gripping your nightdress. "I was going to draw myself a bath," you tell him. Alexei hums. He looks at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room, it's four in the morning. He yawns again and runs his hand down his face, rubbing his eyes until he snaps awake. 
"Nonsense. I'll do it for you," he says and takes your hands, helping you stand. You wince as blood continues to drip down your legs and you look at your husband, appalled by your own body.
Alexei shakes his head. "Will you stop worrying? A bit of blood never hurt anyone, promise." 
He looks down at his blood-stained hands from earlier, having now stained yours, and grimaces a little. "We both need to clean up, Милый (Darling)," he says and guides you down the hall and into the bathroom.
You follow, a lump still in your throat. Alexei washes his hands in the sink, having you do the same before you stand in front of him, looking very miserable as the water runs into the tub. His soft hands glide across your skin, lifting your nightdress as he looks at you, no sign of perversion, simply pure admiration in his eyes. 
"You're always so beautiful," he tells you honestly, his hand on your hips. You have the undeniable need to cover up yourself as you stand naked in front of him. Alexei holds your hands in his when you try and he shushes you.
"Please don't hide from me," he says as he kisses your forehead tenderly. "I didn't marry you just to have you hide yourself from me.”
You look at him, eyes still tired and teary, but you allow him to guide you into the bath, the warm water staining red but neither of you seems to mind as Alexei kneels beside you, scrubbing at your legs as he hums.
You watch him, taking in his hair and the way his blue eyes shimmer. "I'm sorry."
"Whatever for, Мой Милый (My darling)?"
You sniffle for the thousandth time, wetting the tips of your hair as you relax in the bath. The warm water soothes your cramps. "For making a mess. Waking you up." 
Alexei smiles and pushes some wet strands away from your eyes as he leans over, not caring that his nightshirt is a little damp now or that he's had to roll the sleeves up to his elbows, as he kisses your forehead. 
"In sickness and in health. I meant it. Until we die," Alexei whispers against your skin. "I'll take all the mess you throw at me, Красивый (beautiful)."
And he really does mean it.
tags: @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader, @princesssunderworld, @longlivedelusion, @earth-elemental18
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mrsnancywheeler · 8 months
call it what you want // finnick odair x f. reader
summary: finnick can't stop himself from an endless day of teasing leaving you frustrated with an itch only he can scratch
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warnings: pure filth, smut, porn without plot, endless teasing, oral (f and m receiving), frustration, finnick's kind of mean but also so sweet, degredation, use of the words whore and slut, grinding, desperate reader, just horny things everywhere, no use of y/n, unedited, I'm sorry, not tagging anyone bc it's just porn
2.7k words
Finnick Odair was the most insufferable, torturous man you knew. With his cocky tone, egotistical smirk, and the smug way he would endlessly tease you. It was like he planned to make you angry with desperation and he'd began the very morning when he'd walked into the bedroom after his early morning swim. Trailing sand and water all over the house which he knew would make you groan even if he always cleaned it up. You'd woken up with the sun and the sound of him walking into the bedroom, hardwood floors creaking. Even in your tired state you already knew that he was making a mess.
“Finnick, at least wipe off the sand with a towel when you get inside." Sleep still in your voice.
“But then I wouldn't get to listen to you complain every morning and where's the fun in that?" You wondered how his voice could already make you want to drown in it this early in the morning. Your eyes finally adjusted to see him, sun shining on the water droplets dripping down his chest, he looked like he was sculpted by the gods. Finnick stepped closer to the bed.
"Don't you dare, I don't feel like washing all the blankets today. I'll get up.” You cautioned, reluctantly moving the blankets off of you when he began crawling into the bed anyways, "Finnick!” You sighed, he was in one of his moods, the devilish kind.
“I'll wash them, honey, stop acting like you have to do anything. We both know all you have to do is be nearby, being a pretty girl for me." The way his words had you clenching around the air felt criminal, but you couldn't ponder on that for long when his lips were on yours. Filling your senses with the smell of the ocean, so comforting, so reminiscent of him. His mouth instantly took control and you followed eagerly, whining when he pulled away, pressing them to your neck.
"No marks, Finn.” You muttered out breathlessly as his hand wandered up to your breasts.
Yet you missed his warmth the moment he lifted his lips, “You sure, you don't want everyone to know you're my girl?" Everyone already knew that, but the way he said it was so convincing.
“No, I do." He rewarded you with his gorgeous, cocky smile.
“That's what I thought, sweet girl." His lips reattached to your neck, fingers pushing down the lacy top of your nightgown and you gasped when the cold air hit your nipples. Your brain was hazy again with the cold air and his hot lips attacking your neck. It was confusing when he pulled away and you hummed, puzzled by the sudden loss of content. “Gotta go take a shower, go get ready and I'll be quick, I'll make you breakfast." He pressed a fast, soft kiss to your lips and was gone in a split second. Leaving you leaning forward, disoriented and you weren't sure how long you sat there waiting to readjust from the bewilderment.
For a few hours he'd acted like nothing had happened, being his usual sweet, helpful self. He had you pick out a book to read to him as he cleaned up his mess of sand and water on the floor, cleaned the sheets and blankets, washed the dishes. All of his sweet acts had a way of making you forget what a menace he really was, it was hard to think negatively of a man who would brush your hair, make the bed, and do any other menial task for you. So initially you weren't too fazed when you'd gone to grab a cup and suddenly he was behind you to grab it for you.
“Thank you." You turned to face him and tried to ignore the heat taking over your body when his arms caged you to the counter, putting the glass down.
“Gotta take care of my sweet girl, don't I?" Finnick's lips were on yours again which would've been fine if he hadn't stepped closer, pushing you further into the counter. Hand holding the back of your head and another squeezing your ass which made you gasp into his mouth. You could feel him smiling at this before his tongue invaded your mouth. Then suddenly his hand was dropping lower, dangerously close to the hem of your dress. Instinctually you snapped your legs shut.
Finnick pulled away from your mouth just long enough to let out a “Tsk." As both of his hands fell to push your thighs apart.
“Finnick." Your eyebrows scrunched together, hips chasing forward. You couldn't stop yourself from moaning when his fingers grazed over your clothed core and then suddenly it was all gone. He'd pushed himself off the counter, away from you, had the cup in hand again and was filling it up with water. Jumbled thoughts trying to form a coherent protest.
“Drink up, honey, you're looking a little faint." He handed your somewhat shaky hand the water and touched your forehead in faux-concern, “You're burning up." You wondered how he could act like that when he had such a prominent bulge in his pants and decided you hated him for whatever game he was playing with you. Then without a word he was gone and you felt too wobbly to follow after him. Diligently drinking the cold water in hopes it would force your mind back into logical thoughts.
In his seemingly endless house you forced yourself into distracting tasks, cutting fresh flowers to arrange around the house, dusting your jewelry boxes, the small home library, anything to stop the idea you needed to find him and beg him for assistance. Occasionally you'd rub your thighs together, find yourself pushing your hips into the air and scold yourself for the lack of self-control. Frustrated with what he was doing to you without a care in the world. After you'd watered every plant, finished your book, and done every small thing you could think of you set it on yourself to search for him.
You didn't want to admit it to yourself, but the ache in your stomach needed him an unthinkable amount. Of course he was in the most obvious place, his little office, reading over something on his little loveseat. “Hi." You whispered when you tapped on the door.
He put down what he was holding instantly to look at you, nervous in his doorway, “Hi, pretty girl. What's wrong?" Finnick sounded so genuine, so sweet that you felt yourself falling apart like sugar in tea.
“Just missed you, Finn." Small, slow steps inside, looking around. You despised the way you were suddenly feeling so tiny, so helpless around him, but you loved the way you were able too.
“Spent all morning with you, honey." You almost felt guilty until you thought of the way he'd spent the morning torturing you.
“I know, m’sorry. Just so lonely.” You looked at the ground. Part of it was true, but also you wanted some part of him to pity you enough to stop you from tingling.
“Well I can't have you feeling like that, sweet girl, come here." You smiled when you rushed over to sit in his lap, legs wrapping around him. Of course he knew what you were doing and he prided himself for making you this nervous and desperate. Your face buried into his neck and he bucked forward so slightly you would've thought you missed it except it very much made your mouth fall open, fingernails digging into his arms. It felt like your inhibitions had left you when your body automatically responded by rubbing your clothed pussy on the rough materials of his pants. Surprisingly he let you, long enough that you were suppressing noises in his neck when he was picking you up with seemingly no effort. He glanced out the window, “I have to start dinner." He smiled and rose from the couch, leaving you, soaked, in his office.
You felt so teased that your brain couldn't form a rational train of thought. This was confirmed when you started crying in frustration, angry that he was doing this to you. You'd take anything, you were sure if he even touched you one more time it would get you off without him even being near the place that ached for him the most. The sun had gone down when you'd stopped your stream of tears, the sniffling, and mostly gotten over how embarrassed you were for rubbing yourself against him.
You toyed with your dress as you shamefully entered the kitchen, the lights overtaking you. “Was about to send a search party out for you, honey. Just finishing up though." He barely spared you a glance as he pulled two plates out of the cupboard.
You nodded, but said nothing as you sat at the table. Sticky thighs pressed together as you shifted in your seat uncomfortably. If Finnick noticed your odd silence he said nothing as he handed you your plate, "Thanks.” You were flooded with embarrassment for how shaky your voice was.
“Of course, always taking care of my girl." What a liar, you needed him more than you'd ever thought you had before and he'd done nothing but been endlessly cruel. A clock ticked in the silent room as you played with your fork. “Honey, you need to eat."
“I'm not hungry." You crossed your arms, seething with the way the sensation seemed to worsen just by looking at him. “Can't even think." You muttered, losing any semblance of respectability you thought you held as you buried your head in your hands.
"Why not?” He looked so mystified and you hated his act even more.
"You're being so mean to me, Finn.” You cried out, shaking your head, "It's not fair!”
"How am I being mean? I've been taking such good care of you, I always do.” You hummed a disagreement, shaking your head, looking up to pout. “So pathetic, honey, I take care of you, and you never use your words, then start throwing a fit at the dinner table." He clicked his tongue in disapproval, head shaking as he leaned back on his chair.
“No, I’ve been good! Haven't touched myself and you kept teasing.”
Finnick tilted his head like he was considering your words, a mocking pout reflecting yours. "You're right, good girls don't touch themselves. But good girls also don't start rubbing their pussy on me when I'm trying to check on them.”
You sob into your hands, "Please, Finnick, I really can't take anymore. It hurts and I've been trying so hard all day, I'm not trying to be bad, I promise.”
"Maybe you're not trying, but you're throwing a tantrum like a little brat. I would've given you what you wanted eventually, but you're so ungrateful.”
If he wanted a fit, you could throw a fit and part of you wanted to with how treacherous he was being. “I'm not ungrateful, you're just being so mean to me, ever since I woke up! You won't even let me suck you off." You crossed your arms again, hot with rage and need.
“Yes, I will. Come over here and help me out, thought you didn't even think about what you were doing to me." You hadn't really done anything, he'd started it, but you didn't argue when you instantly knelt down in front of him.
“I have, wanted your cock in my mouth all day, so badly, Finn." He groaned and you eagerly unzipped his pants.
"Then suck.” Finnick said exhaling and you kissed his tip, licking the pre-cum off of it. You kissed every inch of it you could, trying to hide the way your hips started to move. Just being able to do this was probably enough to help you unwind until he was tilting your face up. “Stop humping the air and be good for me." Before you could mumble out a sorry he'd let your lips right back to him. Instantly your wrapped them around him, part of you wanted to tease him just as he'd done to you all day. Starting slowly, cheeks hollowed as he moaned. He must have known you wanted revenge when his hands were in your hair. “God, I have to do everything." Roughly using your mouth, guiding you up and down as you gagged on his length. It didn't take long for him to come undone, for his string of curses and moans to lead to him filling your mouth. You swallowed every last bit of it before pulling away as his fingers loosened. “Your mouth is so good, honey, but that doesn't change the fact that I face fucked you, you didn't suck me off." He shook his head as he breathlessly admonished you.
Exhausted from trying to beg him you laid your head on his knee. “You didn't give me the time." You whispered, voice shaking. Your brain so foggy that you decided to accept defeat.
Finnick's fingers were suddenly much softer and so was his voice as he lead your face up, making you look at him. “Hey, of course I'm gonna take care of you, sweet girl, you didn't think I was gonna get you all worked up for so long and not leave you like this all night, did you? Just messing with you, don't think about what I was saying, you've been so good for me. So patient." You were crying in relief, forcing your face back into his knee. "Come on honey, let me take care of my needy girl.” He moved your head again, grabbing a hand to lift you as he stood from the chair. Guiding you to the bedroom. “Strip for me, sweet girl."
You mindlessly nodded to his instructions, sitting on the bed when you finished. “Thank you."
“How do you want me to help you out, honey?"
“Can I have your mouth please, Finn?" You muttered and he nodded.
“Of course you can, gonna make you feel so good." He pulled a pillow closer to your head, "Lay down for me.” You obeyed and he settled between your legs. Breath fanning on your core, making your buck your hips towards his face. "My pretty girl has such a pretty pussy, dripping for me. How long do you think it'll take?” He kissed your labia and you moaned so loudly it echoed in your head. “I think I've got you so ready that it'll be fast and if we're lucky you'll be seeing stars, won't you, sweet girl?"
“Please, Finn." You whined and suddenly he was devouring you. Face buried inside your cunt, your thighs started to close when his hands, in tune with your expected movements, held them open. “Oh my god, Finn, so good!" Your hands curled into the sheets, toes curling, bucking against his face. His nose rubbing against your sensitive clit as his tongue explored. You let your fingers wander up to his hair, tugging at the golden locks and nearly screaming when he moaned into you. It felt impossible that you were so worked up that you felt so close to unraveling already. “Keep going, so close!"
“Gonna cum all over my face, sweet girl? Wanna taste you." Finnick instantly was back on you, somehow with more intensity than before. He was right when you did come you could've sworn you saw stars, especially when he latched himself onto your clit the moment your orgasm started. Refusing to let up as you did in fact scream your way through it. You felt yourself hazily bucking away.
“Can't, Finn, s’too much." You whined and he chuckled.
“Just taste so good, honey, I'm just cleaning you up, okay?" You knew he was lying, that he'd stay like this until you were desperate to get away yet begging for more, and you nodded anyway. Accepting a different kind of defeat, you deserved it after the day he'd given you, at least that's what you told yourself when he dove right back into your core.
I rarely write smut, so I hope this is up to snuff, and I'm kinda nervous. But here y'all go, I was just feeling it tonight. Feedback, likes, comments, reblogs are all super appreciated and my ask box/requests are always open, I'm working on some requested headcannons right now! thank you for reading, love you all 💋
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Nightfall (4)
Vampire! Billy Russo x Female Reader
Part 1// Part 2// Part 3
Warnings: Dubious Consent, smut (18+), mostly dirty talk, some fucked up dynamics where he lets her press a stake to his heart, oral (f receiving), edging, orgasm denial, teasing.
For @stardustmorozov, Nicky I'm sorry but you're gonna yell at me again... and I'm gonna love it.
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You sit on his bed, listening to the sound of the shower going. 
Your mouth tastes like spearmint, and your hair is still a little damp after your shower despite your attempts at blow drying.
You’re in one of his shirts, having raided his drawers when the duffel bag he’d given you earlier held nothing but sheer lingerie disguised as sleepwear.
Maybe you shouldn’t stay here, so instead you stand, and begin wandering around his apartment.
His bedroom is farthest from the front door, and you step out, roaming down the hallway, and stopping when you see another door.
It’s open, and you peek in to find an office that you promise yourself to explore after.
It’s the only door in the hallway, and the end of it opens up into a large area with a high ceiling. There’s his kitchen to your left, and on the opposite end of the room from where you are, is the living room area. There are no walls here, just windows that show off the glittering lights of the New York skyline at night. You wonder how he’s able to stand the sun, knowing that vampire eyes were hypersensitive to light, and that most of them avoided the sunlight. Only the very old ones, managed to walk in the sun like humans did. 
You tuck that snippet of information away for further examination.
You turn to examine the kitchen, scanning the cupboards, surprised to find regular household foods like pasta and rice, wondering if he had bought these items for you, or for other human friends of his.
Another hallway at the other end of the kitchen catches your eye, and you walk slowly, more deep in your own head than you were paying attention to the layout of his apartment.
You find the bedroom you’d first woken up in, all walls and no windows, a place that protects from the light, with its own en suite bathroom. You decide that maybe you can sleep here tonight, away from him and his wretched mouth. 
Backtracking, you look at the door for a long moment, before moving forward to examine it.
You reach for the handle, pushing down, you realise it’s locked. You sigh, eyes falling on the latched deadbolt, reaching up to open it, before trying the door handle again.
The door opens this time.
Your stomach twists.
Damn, had it really been that easy the entire time? You study the elevator just a few paces away from the door.
You don’t even think about it, closing the door and snapping the deadbolt shut.
You turn away from the door, and you gasp in fright as you see him standing just a few steps away. 
You jerk, back hitting the door as fright slams through you.
You suck in a deep breath, pressing your hand to your chest.
He’s only got a towel wrapped around his hips, his chest and shoulders still glistening with water after his shower.
You stare at each other, a silent showdown of who’s going to speak first.
Billy tilts his head, studying you intently.
“Why didn’t you leave?”
Your brain comes up with the dumbest, most obvious answer possible.
“I’m- not wearing pants.”
The corner of his mouth twitches.
“We could go get some. Would you leave then?”
“No, cause it’s three in the morning and I’m tired.”
He takes a step toward you, a teasing smile on his pretty face. Your eyes trace the lines of his scars as he draws nearer. You relax as he approaches.
“And in the morning?” 
He’s so close now, you’re eye level with his dripping wet chest.
“Maybe. If I feel like it.” You whisper, studying the scars on his chest, and then flitting your gaze up to meet his.
He takes a deep breath, bracing one hand beside your head, and then after a moment, uses his other hand to trap you in place.
Except that you don’t feel trapped, all you feel is heated want.
“What if I don’t want you to leave?” He asks, his voice stirs something inside of you, a dangerous feeling, something disastrous in the making.
“You can’t stop me.” You murmur, as his fingers touch the bottom of your chin, gently tilting your head higher.
He smiles then, all fangs and pearly whites on display.
“If only that were true.” He hums, leaning in till his lips brush yours.
You push against his biceps hard, and he moves back just enough so that you’re able to slip away from him.
“Why don’t you go kiss someone else. I’m going to bed.” You grit out, walking in the direction of the spare bedroom.
You don’t get very far, before he’s gripping your wrist tightly to keep you in place. You turn to face him, a look of calm irritation plastered on your face.
“That’s what this is about? The kiss?”
“It’s about nothing. Let me go.” You pull on your arm.
He doesn’t budge.
“You’re jealous?”
“I’m not-” You grunt as you pull on your hand again, “-You’re just pissing me off.”
“You’re the one that called me ‘sick’ and now you’re jealous cause I kissed someone?”
“I’m not fucking jealous-” You gasp as he pins your body to the kitchen counter, your body freezing in shock at the angry expression on his face.
“Don’t. Lie. To. Me.” He grits out, blinking after a second and seemingly calming in the same space of time.
He takes a deep breath before speaking again.
“Don’t forget I can hear every beat of your heart. I can smell your cunt. I already know how wet you are. Don’t think you’re capable of a lie.”
You let out an angry sigh, turning your head away from him.
“Whatever.” you say as harshly as you can.
There’s a moment of silence, where he looks at you, and you make a point not to look at him.
“Alright. I’m gonna fix this.” He says decidedly.
“I could care less- what the fuck are you-” You gasp as he picks you up easily, tossing you over his shoulder.
“Billy what the fuck! Put me the fuck down now you asshole!” You grunt, his shoulder digging near painfully into your hip. 
You kick your legs, trying to escape and after a moment you realise that it doesn’t make a difference.
If you really wanted to, you could maybe straighten your body and fight your way out of his grip, but there was an inevitability to his movements. It didn’t matter how long it took, or how difficult it was, Billy was persistent, and he would get what he wanted eventually.
So when your body lands softly on his bed, all you do is look up at him angrily.
“Stay there.” He orders, untucking the towel from his hips and dropping it to the floor. You look up to the ceiling to avoid looking at his nude form. You don't want to give him the satisfaction.
When he turns away, your eyes find him once more, studying the broad expanse of his back, all the way down to his ass.
You clench, grabbing a pillow and dropping it on top of your face to hide your desire. You try your very hardest not to remember the look of him, the feel of his body on yours, his cock-
He tugs the pillow away from your face, and you sigh in annoyance up at him.
You don’t want to look down, but your eyes have almost a mind of their own.
Your eyebrows draw together in confusion when you notice that he’s wearing a fitted pair of grey boxers on his lower half.
When your eyes meet his in confusion, he grins.
He finds his way up to you, hands sliding over your legs, up your calves and to your knees.
"Did you think we were gonna fuck, baby?" He teases, with a tilt of his head.
His hands slide up more, and you're just confused when he reaches under your shirt to tug at your panties.
"We're not fucking tonight, sweetheart, I just wanna talk to you."
Then why the fuck was he taking your panties off?
When he gets the garment off, you watch him close his eyes for a brief second, tilt his head up and take a deep breath.
He was-
"God. You smell good."
His eyes are red when they reconnect with yours.
You don't say anything- you find that you can't. You want him and he knows it.
He grips your thighs, pressing them upward so that your cunt is exposed to him fully.
Your heart is pounding in your chest, you're sure he can hear it. Open and vulnerable as you watch him look at your glistening cunt.
"Pretty. Did you know that?" 
You gulp, eyes glued to his form, admiring the look of his arms and the swell of his biceps.
"I want to taste you every day, all the time. You have no idea how hard it is to stop myself from dropping you on the first surface I can find and burying my face in your cunt."
He watches you clench around nothing, the corner of his mouth curling up into a smile.
He releases your legs, letting them drop a little and he looms in above you, pressing your body tightly to his.
Chest to chest, your bare centre pressed right up to the hardness of his clothed cock, there's no space to breathe where he doesn't exist.
He angles his head so that his lips are pressed to your ear.
"I want to lick that pretty little cunt till you pass out, and then wake you up so I can do it all over again." He whispers in your ear, your body tense and on edge from just his words.
"I want to fuck you till you beg me to stop, and even then, I'll still be giving you just one more."
You think you might be ruining the sheets below you with how aroused you were.
"Then do it." You challenge, hoping for some reprieve to the ache inside of you.
His hand moves up slowly, fingers tracing your cheek before covering your mouth firmly.
You make a muffled sound of protest, raising your hands to try and push him away. You hear a quiet laugh, before one of your hands is pinned above your head.
It doesn’t matter, whether you have one hand free or two- you would not be able to get out from under him on your own.
“My poor sweet little huntress,” He hums, your ear vibrating with his low words, “If you want me to fuck you till you cry, you’re going to have to ask nicely. Actually no- you’re going to have to beg.”
Your groan of annoyance is muffled behind his palm. There was no way you were going to beg him for anything.
You feel him smile against your neck, and then you still as you feel his teeth. 
He drags his sharp teeth gently over your neck, avoiding the spot where he bit you earlier.
“You’re so helpless under me, isn’t that nice? I can do anything I want to you, and you’d have no power to stop me.” 
To prove his point, you feel his tongue swipe over your shoulder, and then purposefully over your bite, sending brief little shivers down your spine, and then he trails his tongue up the column of your neck, and then even further, licking over your cheek as well.
Your body feels like a livewire, vibrating with sheer desire each time he touches you.
You want to grunt out so many things. That he was filthy, that he was just downright fucked up in the head.
That you wanted him to keep going.
“You like that, don’t you? You always have.” He lets out a slow sigh, “You always get so wet when you can’t fight back.”
Fuck you, you wanted to say. 
“What if we made this interesting?” He hums, raising his upper body off yours for a second to reach into his bedside drawer. 
You’re no longer fully trapped under him, and if you wanted to get out, you could. Instead, you wait curiously to see what he was going to do.
He pulls a stake out of his top drawer.
“You- just have that in there? I could have killed you this whole time?”
“Of course.” He teases pushing the drawer shut, “Now’s your chance.”
Before you can ask what he means, he’s sliding the silver stake into your hand.
What the fuck?
“Now, you can stop me if you really want.” Billy says ominously.
“That’s the most fucked up-” Before you can finish, he’s slapping his hand back over your mouth.
“Don’t care about what you have to say, baby, I’m gonna do what I want to you, and you can stop me if you feel like.”
And then, he starts tugging your shirt up, exposing your stomach.
In retrospect, you don’t have to kill him to make him stop, you could just mortally wound him. One well placed stab near the heart would be enough of a deterrent. You could slip free and be out the door in minutes.
Billy pulls your shirt up higher, exposing your breasts to the open air. Your hand tightens on the stake.
You should do it. You really should.
He groans when his tongue slides wetly over your left nipple. You shudder blissfully.
Your eyes roll back in your head, before fluttering shut. A breath of air leaves your mouth in a rush, fingers hold taut on the warming piece of silver in your hand.
One quick swipe of his tongue on your left breast, then your right. He raises his head.
“Do you want more?” Billy asks.
With your eyes still closed, you shake your head.
“Then stop me.” He says, before his lips wrap around your pebbled nipple. 
His short beard scratches along your sensitive breast, he kisses his way up to the spot below your collarbone, white hot sparks splintering over your body everywhere he touches.
You still when you feel his teeth graze your skin.
“Still want me to stop?” He checks in.
No you don’t.
His teeth press into your skin.
A sharp cry spills out of you, tingles as he breaks skin, followed by a jolt of pain and then heat.
You jerk when he extracts his fangs.
Billy moans when he gets his first mouthful.
You pant, unable to understand how having him drink from you could hurt, and yet feel so blissfully good.
He takes another, and then another.
Was he going to kill you like this? Should you stop him now?
He rolls his hips, rock hard erection just bumping your clit and you gasp.
Fuck, why did every part of him have to feel so good? You could feel your arousal, slippery and messy between your thighs, begging you to give into him, if only for a moment so that he could ease your ache.
Instead, you move your hand, pressing the stake to his shoulder.
From his spot, drinking from your chest, you feel him make a sound of amusement.
You groan, disdain for him building in you, you press the weapon deeper till it breaks his skin.
He pauses, raising his head from your chest, lapping slowly at the trickling droplets of your blood before drawing back.
“Silly girl, didn’t anyone teach you how to kill a vampire?” He asks, grabbing your wrist in an iron grip, and though you try to fight his guidance, he’s too strong, pulling your hand until the stake is pressed to the centre of his chest.
“My heart is right here.” He murmurs softly, and with his hand on yours, he pulls the weapon closer, breaking skin once more.
“Stop.” You say, panic building inside of you, tugging at your hand in hopes that it can slip out from under his. You didn’t want this, you didn’t want to kill him.
You pull hard at your hand, gasping gratefully when you manage to pull away. 
You look at him, sharp breaths trying to calm yourself when you get your hand away. 
He gives you a soft smile, pulling the stake away from his chest and dropping it on the bed.
You gulp, watching the wound he’d caused heal before your eyes.
“You are,” You breathe, “Absolutely fucking crazy.”
“Maybe,” He agrees with a hum, “But at least you can admit to yourself now, that you want this too.” He leans forward, pressing his lips to yours chastely, “That maybe you actually like me.”
“Not wanting you to die is not the same as-”
“-Oh give me a fucking break.” He grunts, pulling back.
He grips your knees, and before you can figure out what he’s doing- he flips you onto your stomach.
You let out a little grunt, pushing yourself up, but suddenly pressed back down by the weight of his body covering yours.
“You’ve cum on my cock way too many times to be lying to yourself like this.” He hisses.
You turn your head, so that you can see his face in your peripherals.
"You're such an arrogant fuck." You grunt out, your rucked up shirt causing your nipples to press against the bed, the exposure of your body makes you almost quiver with delight.
He leans in, his breath against your ear as you feel his hands gripping your hips.
"Why can't you just admit to yourself that you might want me, hmm?" He hisses lowly in your ear, his breath brushing against your skin, tormenting you.
"That deep down," He continues, pressing his hand between your hips and the bed, "Somewhere in that pretty head and wet cunt," You feel his hand sliding lower, fingers touching the top of your mound, "You want me with you," He kisses your cheek, "Over you, under you, inside you." You feel him take a deep breath, his nose pressed to your neck.
"I want to lick your cunt so often that I can taste you when you're not there. Is that too much to ask for?"
Your head spins, too drunk on him to formulate words.
He makes it even harder, by slipping his hand lower, fingers meeting your wet slit.
He doesn't hesitate, fingers gliding easily down, meeting your clit and you let out a low, shuddering moan as your ache is addressed in the slightest way possible.
You tilt your hips forward, into his hand.
"Billy." You sigh, widening your legs instinctively, anything to encourage him to keep going.
“God, you’re so fucking wet.”
You mewl, nodding your head.
His finger slips gently over your clit, and your breathing pauses, you don't want to do anything that would make him stop giving you this pleasure.
He gives a firm press, and you feel your body shudder, a wave of pure bliss sinking over you.
You say his name again, shifting your body, trying to display your impatience to him.
"Ah ah ah, little girl. Where are your manners? I told you I wanted you to beg."
"Fuck you." You groan angrily.
His finger slips lower, massaging your entrance for a few moments before slipping his finger in.
You gasp, your body going lax at the feel of the pleasure building in you. It’s good. It’s so good and it’s so wrong that he makes you feel like this.
"So fucking tight." He hisses, "That cunt's begging for a stretch."
Focusing on his words are hard with the way his lone finger moves, pumping in and out of you easily, your body desperate for him.
Something goes off in your head, like a gun when he curls his finger, and touches that spot deep inside of you. It pulls a groan from the very depths of your soul. You pant, trying to keep your thinking focused with the way he’s trying to steal it.
"That's it. You like this huh? Like the way I take what I want?" He leans in till his lips are at your ear, "I like it too." You clench around his finger.
"You're a sick fuck." You groan, half your mouth muffled from where your face is pressed to the bed.
"Yeah? Am I? Do you hate me?" He pulls back, and before you can make any sound of protest, two of his fingers are sliding into you.
Fuck, you can feel your body stretching for him. He uses his other hand to grip your jaw, tilting your head up almost painfully so that your face isn’t muffled in the sheets anymore.
"Tell me you hate me." Billy whispers in your ear.
You cry, his fingers beginning to move slowly, spreading you open and forcing you to feel him, to ache for more of him.
His fingers slow when you don’t immediately answer, and you groan internally, assembling the words in your head.
“I- I,” You stutter out, tears dripping from your eyes uncontrollably and pooling around his grip on your jaw, “I h-hate you.”
“Yeah? Poor little girl. Should I stop then? Leave you alone?” He coos, voice condescending in every way possible.
“Nh-” You immediately vocalise, begging him in your head to not stop, but the words can’t seem to come out of your mouth.
He laughs in your ear, understanding what you were about to say without you having to say it. 
The pace of his fingers quicken, you hiss, arching your back, feeling your orgasm swiftly approaching. You’ve wanted him since this morning, since he pulled you onto his lap and told you that you were his.
Your body trembles, eyes rolling back in your head, on the brink of release-
-And then his fingers stop.
A cry of despair leaves your lips, and the denial in your body aches, and then hurts even more when he pulls his fingers away, withdrawing his hand from under you. His grip on your jaw loosens, until your face is pressed against the sheets once more.
You raise your head groggily, turning your body onto your side when you feel him lift himself off of you. You catch sight of him sliding his fingers, wet with your denial into his mouth.
You bite down on your bottom lip hard, on the brink of begging for him, pleading with him to make you cum, and then take you in any way he saw fit.
But that’s exactly what he wanted.
So instead, you stay still, trying not to speak, feeling the fire of denial burn through you.
You tug your shirt down, looking at him with angry eyes as he observes you.
“Are you done having your fun?” You ask bitterly.
The corner of his lip twitches.
"You know what to say if you want to cum, baby. Don't act like this isn't your choice."
You feel petulance build up inside of you, anger beyond thought.
"Go fuck yourself." You hiss, moving to slide off the bed.
He grips your hips, hauling you back, until you're on your back, looking angrily up at him.
"What's the rush, sweetness? Don't you want me to clean you up?" 
“Clean me?” You repeat in disbelief, sitting up, propping the weight of your torso onto your elbows. Your brain stalling on what that could possibly mean.
His smile is devious, the look of a man that has everything he wants and then some.
He takes his time, shouldering his body in between your thighs, his face so close to your dripping centre that you’re not sure if you have any brain cells left functional
“God.” He murmurs, his breath brushing along your mound as he takes in an unnecessary breath, his eyes immediately locking on to the messy place between your thighs, “You make me feel like the most insane person on the planet.” 
“You are the most insane person on the planet.”
He grins, lowering his head slowly, anticipation building inside of you, a simmering heat, a thrumming pulse.
“Love it when you talk dirty to me.” Is the last thing he murmurs before his lips meet your cunt.
You close your eyes, pressing your lips together, begging yourself to not make a sound. He places a gentle kiss to your slit, and then another, before you feel his lips part, and his tongue snake out.
You make a muffled groan behind your clenched teeth as he gets a taste of you.
What starts off gentle, turns slightly rougher as he lays a harsh swipe of his tongue along your pussy, a gasp leaving your lips as you feel Billy begin to slowly lick your cunt.
He’s thorough and unrelenting, his face buried between your thighs, licking at you without a care in the world.
You want to spit every degrading word you can at him, hating the way you know in the back of your head that only he has ever made you feel so good.
“Oh fuck you.” You gasp as his tongue finds your clit easily, a laugh vibrating through your nether regions as he hears you.
You give up trying to resist, reaching to grip the back of his head, hoping to urge him on.
It has the opposite effect, he raises his head, and you whine, a low, pained noise at his torment.
"I'm not clean enough yet," You argue, looking down to meet his scarlet eyes.
You look at each other for a long moment, the heat of unsaid words crackling between you.
You want to beg, you're almost on the brink of it.
"I agree." Is all he says before he lowers his head again.
"Fuck-" You gasp, your back hitting the bed as your arm refuses to support your weight for any longer. 
His tongue is too dexterous, licking at your clit, and then dipping down to your entrance. He groans, tongue catching your arousal straight from the source.
Your toes curl, blissful orgasm near, your body tingles with the anticipation of your impending release.
You moan his name, putting every ounce of desperate desire into the one word.
He pulls away right when you're on edge.
The sound that leaves you is pitiful, tears of frustration spill from your eyes as you look up at him.
"I'll give you anything if you let me come."
"You know what I want." He says, licking his lips.
"Besides that," You try to bargain, "I'll blow you again, or I'll let you bite me." 
His smile is one of amusement, it makes you feel like a child, begging for something you're not going to get.
"I think we've already established that if I wanted those things, you wouldn't stop me. Even if you could."
You frown, letting out a sharp breath, fully understanding that he would not take pity on you tonight.
"Fine, asshole, I'll do it myself." You grunt, slipping from under him and sitting up with the intention of a shower.
He grips your bicep harshly to stop you. You grit your teeth angrily, unable to look into his eyes.
"If I catch you touching that little cunt- my cunt- without permission. I'll teach what real punishment would be like."
He pulls you closer, till his lips are pressed right to your ear again, your stomach flipping at his proximity.
"I'll tie you to the bed, and edge you till you forget your name. I'll use you like my own personal fleshlight and I'll never let you cum."
You hiss angrily, nether regions throbbing at his words and you tug your arm out of his grip.
"Fuck. You." Is your only reply as you head to the bathroom for the coldest shower possible.
After all of that, you sleep in bed beside him.
Because you know him now a little, and you know there's no way he was letting you have your own bed.
You'd gone to sleep on opposite sides of the bed, but you'd woken up in his arms.
"Thought vampires didn't need sleep?" You ask, voice unsteady, having just woken up.
"We don't." He answers, looking down at you. 
Your eyes trace his scars, you want to touch them, ask him what happened.
"So why did you lie beside me all night?"
"Because I wanted to." He answers.
Your stomach flips, and you have to look away as you feel blood rush to your face.
"Will you tell me more about this…imprint?" You ask softly.
He makes a little sound of displeasure.
"It's not exactly an imprint- It’s like-" He lets out a low sigh.
"It sounds worse than it actually is, but- ugh- do you know what quantum entanglement is?"
"Do I look like a physicist?" You answer.
He rolls his eyes, a small smile on his face at your snark.
"As simple as I can explain, when two particles are entangled, they remain connected, regardless of distance."
"What entangles them?" You ask.
"Physical interaction, but, with people, it's a lot harder to explain because there's a lot that isn't understood. It can happen with anyone, but not everyone, and at a subconscious level, it has to be accepted by both."
"You're saying I chose this?"
"Some part of you did, yeah, some part of me too, and then, no matter how far I got from you, I could still feel you."
"Feel me?" You press, hoping for him to elaborate.
He raises a hand, his knuckles carefully brush your cheek.
"Like you were always standing in the room with me. Like I wasn't alone."
You blink, trying to figure out if you'd felt the same way. You had so many questions flying through your head and difficulty putting them into words.
“Is there any way to break it?”
You can almost feel the air go frigid between you.
“As far as I understand, nothing breaks the bond except dying.”
“And what happens if we stay together?”
“I’ve heard different things from different people.” He responds.
“Like what?” You ask, trying to think it through. You remember Ethan had mentioned that there was the prolonging of lives involved.
He closes his eyes, shakes his head.
"I don't want to tell you what I'm not sure about. I have a friend, bonded to a human, maybe you can ask them whenever."
You swallow, nodding, trying not to fret over the possibility of more vampires.
Deep in thought, you blink in surprise when you feel his thumb brush over your cheek again. You look up at him in surprise.
"I have another question, but it's very personal."
"What is it?" 
You stall for a moment, studying the look in his eyes, the dark reflectiveness of them, the way you can almost see yourself in his eyes.
"Exactly how old are you?"
It changes the sour mood, the corner of his mouth curling in amusement before he gives you a fanged grin.
"That is a personal question, and maybe I'm not comfortable with answering." He says, tapping the tip of your nose with a slender finger.
You huff.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to freak you out, and telling you my age is gonna freak you out."
Maybe he was right, maybe it was better that you didn't know.
You sigh, rolling onto your back to stare up at the ceiling. He gets closer to you, fingers tracing over your cheek and down your neck, only stopping when they reach the healing bite on your shoulder.
Experimentally, he presses his thumb against the wound. You turn your head sharply to look at him, feeling the pain swim through your body but not reacting to it.
“Ow.” You say simply.
“How bad does it hurt?” He asks quietly.
You smack his hand away, sitting up, your back to him.
“Why does it suddenly matter?” You jab, moving to dangle your feet off the side of the bed.
There’s a big silence, he doesn’t answer, and after a moment you’re forced to glance back to make sure he’s still there and hasn’t dissolved into the air because of you.
He’s looking at you, as if he somehow understands something about you that you don’t know about yourself.
“How many times have you been bitten?”
The question brings a laugh to your lips.
“Enough times that I'm used to it.”
“Does it hurt any less each time?”
You turn away, an amused and thoughtful smile rises to your face.
“Every time I get bitten, always hurts like the first time.” You say in finality, leaving the room soon after.
Whatever bond he was describing- you didn’t feel it. There was nothing there but a deep seated need to explore him. It was more curiosity than desire.
At least, that’s what you told yourself to feel better.
You’d showered, looking at your reflection in the fogged mirror, trying to think clearly with so much frustration in your system. In the moment, you close your eyes, and recall the first time you’d ever fucked him.
It had been frantic at first, the way he’d used his tongue on you had your body begging for more, and you honestly thought you were going to die after you’d tried to kill him.
You’d put everything into it- savouring him because you wanted to seal yourself into his memory- if he was going to kill you by the end of it.
You’d gone pliant when he'd lined himself up with your entrance, and you can still remember the way your brain spiralled in surprise at the ridiculous amount of pleasure. No one had ever made you feel like that before.
Over and over again, you’d fucked till you could barely hold yourself up, till you’d been sitting on his lap, his hands gripping your hips to do all the work because you couldn’t even lift your head from the crook of his neck.
He’d been quiet, not like the second time, or even last night, when he was so vocal, the only thing you could compare it to was sin itself.
Your lower regions pulse. You can feel the heat between your thighs, begging for him, and the pleasure he gives regardless of how annoying he was.
It’s why you grab the dress at the bottom of the duffel bag to wear, deciding that you didn’t have to beg to get what you wanted. 
It was actually a really cute dress, blue, with little printed flowers all over it. Most importantly, it was short, only coming up to mid-thigh, which meant that if you bent over, he’d see the smallest scrap of lace you’d decided to call underwear today.
If he could play games, so would you.
He’s making breakfast when you step into the kitchen. It kind of amuses you, that he’s only cooking for you.
“Can I help?” You ask, stepping up beside him at the stove to look down at the omelette he’d been working at.
He glances at you, looks down at the stove, before blinking to look over at you once more.
You watch his jaw stiffen, you resist the urge to bite your lip as you watch his eyes trace down your body.
Oh, what power.
“Butter.” He says, “Fridge.”
You offer him a teasing smile, before turning away.
You bend unnecessarily, feeling your skirt rise up, cool air brushing the back of your thighs. 
The butter is on the middle shelf, making your bending completely unnecessary in the first place.
He's not looking at you when you turn around. You're not even sure if he's seen your little display.
He takes the butter from you without a word, and you're very intrigued by the way he cooks, the move of his wrist to flip the omelette.
"Can you get the bread toasted for me?"
How was he doing this? Being so calm and casual with you? Seeing this side of him was so much worse for your sanity than anything else. 
"You have bread?" You ask curiously, looking around, but not able to spot any.
"Yeah, here-" He steps away from the stove to reach into one of the overhead cupboards. You glance down at the pan on the stove, to make sure nothing is burning. The deep indentations on the handle of the pan barely catches your eye, and you blink in surprise.
There were deep impressions of his fingers… caused by squeezing too hard.
Maybe he was more affected with your display than he let on.
You fight a satisfied smile, giving him a knowing look when he returns to place the bag of sliced bread into your hands.
"You bought all of this for me?" You tease, "I'm flattered."
He looks hot when he rolls his eyes.
“It’s not like I had much of a choice. I can’t let you starve.”
“Because you like me?” You pry, swaying your shoulders playfully from side to side.
He huffs, using the spatula to flip the finished omelette onto a nearby plate.
Billy doesn’t respond, simply shaking his head without looking at you.
It only urges you on, like a match, sparking as it rubs against coarse paper.
You brace your hands against his kitchen counter, stiffening your arms as you use your toes to push you into an effortless bounce, using the momentum to raise your body, sitting yourself on his counter, facing him.
He doesn’t look, simply preparing the pan for toast.
“Ah,” You tease, parting your thighs subtly, “So you don’t like me then.”
Yet still, he doesn’t respond, calmly observing the bread as it toasts, the smell of it in the air makes your mouth water a little.
But it’s not what you’re hungry for.
“Maybe you only think you like me because of how sweet my blood tastes. Maybe it’s all in your head-”
Your voice goes quiet when he finally pins you with a stern glare. 
His movements are decisive, turning the stove off, moving the pan away from the residual heat, and then turning to you.
You gasp, raising a leg to back away from him while also making an attempt to push him back with your foot, but there’s nowhere for you to go, your head bumps a cupboard door, and that’s all the distraction he needs to grab your ankle.
You let out a little squeak, gasping as he pulls you forward and right up against his body, encouraging your legs to wrap around him.
You open your mouth to speak, to protest, to fight him in an unmeaningful way, but you don’t get the chance as his hand grips the back of your neck, forcing your mouth onto his.
God fucking damn.
Your eyes shut, your body relaxes, and then sings with delight as he delves his tongue past your lips.
You moan into his mouth, unable to fight it, leaning in because it feels so good to have him. 
Fuck every part of you that told you this was wrong. You wanted him and nothing would stop you.
You grip his shirt in a tight fist, leaning in, meeting his mouth with an undeniable force. He presses back, and for a moment you feel so blissfully wanted, maybe more than you’d ever been before.
Only when his hand weaves into your hair, his fist tightening to hold your head in place as he leans away, do you remember the taunting remarks that got you here.
Your scalp stings, mouth falling open to gasp in air.
His eyes are dark red, like the blood he drinks to stay alive.
He doesn’t speak, releasing your hair to support your behind as he lifts you off the counter, moving quickly with your body pressed to his.
Your vision shifts too fast for comprehension, and the next thing you can process is lying face down across the marble kitchen island.
He grips the back of your head to keep you there, warm cheek to frigid marble and you stay, refusing to move, wishing that he takes in this moment, everything that you’re willing to give.
He leans over your body, until his mouth is pressed to your ear.
“Do you ever shut up?” Billy hisses, and you have to fight a satisfied smile.
He’s not done ranting, continuing on as if he doesn’t care for your answers.
“I know you just said that to get a rise out of me, but the very idea of me only wanting your for your blood- makes me fucking sick.”
He leans in even more, taking a deep breath in the space of your neck.
“I want all of you, every single piece of you, over and over again until you’re fucking mine.”
He leans away a little.
“Is that what you wanted to hear? Hmm? When you put on this little dress and flashed that cunt at me?”
He moves away even more, and the next thing you feel is him pushing your dress up, his hand pressed securely to the small of your back so that you can’t raise your body.
He's still for a moment, and so are you, burning with anticipation, your cunt getting wetter by the second.
You gasp in surprise when you feel his nose graze the back of your thigh.
You shudder, feeling his breath along your most sensitive areas, your skin tingles as he runs his nose upward, your hands curl into fists beside your head when you feel a small puff of air against your skin.
He’s still for so long that you find your body tense with anticipation, biting down on your bottom lip hard so that you don’t beg him to just put you out of your sordid misery. 
You make a small mewling sound of surprise when you feel his tongue lick along the lace gusset of your panties. 
He tugs at the scrap of fabric, pulling it away from the tacky seam of your cunt so that he can get a better look, an uninhibited view of your desire.
You want to say his name, so badly that you can feel the resonant sound of it in the back of your throat. Instead, you repeat it in your head.
Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy…
“I can’t believe how fucking messy this cunt gets. All for me.” He says softly, as if you’re not meant to hear but you do anyway.
“Such a fucking shame that you won’t beg. The things I want to do to you, the ways I want to make you cum.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, panting hard against the kitchen counter, your inner walls fluttering, begging. 
“Fucking tease.” He breathes out, as he watches more arousal spill from between your thighs.
Billy, please-
Your gasp gets caught in your throat as his tongue licks a wet trail from your clit to your entrance.
“Fuck- didn’t mean to do that but I can’t help it.” Is all he says before his tongue starts licking you slowly.
Your eyes roll back into your head and stays there permanently for a few seconds. The flood of bliss is almost too much for your body to manage.
He grunts, his hands gripping your thighs to spread your legs further apart.
His tongue is forceful as it dances over your clit, and then, after what you assume is a moment of contemplation, you feel his tongue push its way against your entrance.
Your breathing is sharp and shallow, you reach to grip the other edge of the counter, trying to get some leverage to remain sane.
The pleasure is shallow, but your body is hypersensitive with denial, his tongue fucking into you at a reasonable pace is almost enough to have your breath stalling in your throat.
When he finally gets control of himself, his tongue slows, carefully licking you, daring your body to think about orgasm.
After a few more moments, he raises his head, and you breathe a sigh of relief, your body releasing the tension of pleasure, your hands relaxing its grip on the marble countertop.
But you should have known better than to think he was done with you, not satisfied until you know for sure that you’ve lost this interaction.
His hands on your hips, gripping them as he turns you over, pulling you up into a sitting position.
Nose to nose, you look into his eyes with a half-lidded gaze.
“Your blood is nice,” He whispers, hand raising to cup your cheek, “But it’s you I want, huntress. Don’t forget that.”
You sigh, pressing your cheek into his palm and closing your eyes.
“Say it for me. What do I want?” He asks.
You breathe out a huff, an unknown emotion squeezing your throat tightly.
“Me.” You whisper softly, eyes still shut to avoid his gaze.
He doesn’t mind, thumb caressing your cheek.
“Good girl.”
And then he’s gone- right back to toasting bread, as if nothing had ever happened.
It almost drives you insane.
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Happy Halloween!
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wolftoken · 1 month
Twilight, part 1 • iv x reader
a/n: i ordered the graphic novel!! just tier one because shipping was expensive, but im so excited!!!!
word count: 1828 • tags: gn reader, masturbation, fantasising, self doubt, reader is shorter than IV, awkward cuddling, falling asleep together, twilight movies
• masterlist •
Every single night for the past week he’s woken up at midnight rock hard and dripping for you. Dream after dream of pinning you down, touching your chest and biting at your neck, fucking you so good you scream his name only for him to wake up and groan in frustration at himself. Since you moved in he’s been attracted to you but it only got more intense for him as time went on. The clothes you wore that showed off your skin that made him want to reach out and grab you. The scent you sprayed on your neck every morning that seemed to linger after you’d gone, making him follow after your trail like a dog.
You’re so fucking pretty, it’s not fair for him. He just wanted a nice, quiet, clean roommate and he got one but at what cost? His sanity, it seems like. Sometimes he wished you would just bring home some fling and force him to get over his feelings. But that never happened. So he’s stuck with the swarm of butterflies that made a home in his stomach when you made a home with him.
It’s only natural that he’d touch himself to the thought of you. He can’t just walk into the kitchen with a hard-on in the morning, that would be inappropriate. But, then again, what if he did just that? What would you do? Maybe you’d get down on your knees and look up at him with those precious doe eyes like you do in his dreams. Maybe you’d throw water in his face. Either way, the thought drives his hand to sneak into his boxers and feel the pre gathering at his tip.
His hand moves quickly once he’s coated it in his spit, sliding up and down his thick cock and beginning to relieve the intense pressure he woke up with. It’s honestly embarrassing how little it takes for him to bring himself to the edge when he’s thinking about you. He’s always already so worked up from his dreams that he has to hold himself back at times so he doesn’t cum immediately. But tonight he just wants to get off and go get some leftover pasta.
He shoves his hoodie sleeve in his mouth to try and stifle his noises but he never realises how loud he actually is when he cums, or the fact that he’s moaned your name on more than one occasion.
Sometimes he feels bad afterwards, when he’s cleaning his cum off his tummy and trying to get back to sleep. When you were looking for a roommate you definitely weren’t looking for some guy to jack off to the thought of you then greet like everything’s fine the next morning. But really, what’s so bad about it if you don’t even know it’s happening? He’s not disturbing you, hopefully.
Once he’s tucked himself back into his sweatpants he gets up to wash his hands and raid the kitchen. His footsteps are light just in case you’re asleep, but he stops in the doorway when he sees you.
You’re right there, in the soft glow of the dim kitchen lamp, in nothing but a tank top and underwear. Is he dreaming again? Did he cum so hard he passed out and imagined walking into the kitchen to you half naked and reaching for the top shelf and stretching just so that your tank top lifts up and shows even more of your skin?
“Fuck, IV, you scared me,” you laugh. “Could you not sleep either?”
You could say that. Pasta be damned you look good enough to eat right now.
“Uh, no. I just wanted some pasta. Here- I’ll get you my hidden stash of gummy bears,” he says, and you know his annoyed tone is a fake one. He’d let you get away with anything and you’re starting to catch on.
The fact that you’re not addressing your state of undress is making him feel crazy. Maybe he is; maybe friends hang out at midnight in the kitchen in their underwear all the time. Trying to lift his gaze from you, he walks over to wear you’re trying to reach and effortlessly grabs the sweets. When he looks down you’re much closer to him that he thought you’d be and he freezes with his hand still in the air, but you seem to take it as a playful gesture and start jumping up to grab the bag out of his hand, all while giggling and making his heart stutter in his chest.
“Give me my candy!”
“It’s not really your candy until I give it to you.”
“Then give it to me, IV,” you pout, and it’s not meant to mean anything other than playful fake begging but dear god does it make his body heat up like a fire. His cock twitches in his sweatpants as his eyes widen at you, looking up at him with yours shining in the dim light like glass. He hands you the gummy bears, knowing if he tries to speak he’ll either come out with nothing or everything.
He watches you bend down to pull a tub of ice cream out of the freezer, and grab spoons. He’s not sure why you want all this sugar at this time of night but then again he’s not sure of a lot of things about you.
“I wanted these to eat while watching Twilight. Wanna watch with me?”
“Well your bed’s bigger - I’ll go get my laptop.”
His eyes widen and his jaw goes slack. You’re gonna sit in his bed? With him? Practically half naked? He’s just jerked off to the thought of you and now you’re about to climb into his bed with a tub of ice cream and a shitty film.
Maybe he’ll get to cuddle you - sneak an arm around your shoulders or subtly press his thigh to yours. Maybe you’ll lean on him and fall asleep and he’ll have no choice but to keep you there until you wake up. What if you think he’s weird because he’s looking at you too much? If he gets hard again he won’t be able to stop blushing, but at least it’ll be dark enough to hide it.
“You coming?” you call out. From his room. Fuck.
“Yeah, uh- yes,” he replies. His stomach is beginning to erupt with butterflies as he makes his way to his bed. God damn it, why do you have to look so good, so right, sitting in his bed? The top of your thighs peak out underneath his duvet and he knows his eyes linger on them too long but he can’t help himself.
Oh look, you brought an extra spoon for him to share the ice cream with you. How sweet. But then a thought occurs: he gets to watch you lick ice cream off a spoon all night. This is going to be either the worst or best night of his life.
Sliding into bed, he watched you with cautious eyes and tries to put enough space between your bodies without looking too strange. Obviously, by the look on your face, it’s not working.
“You’re gonna fall off the edge like that, just- come over here,” you giggle, although he can still tell you’re feeling a little awkward yourself. Are you regretting inviting him to your movie night? Climbing into his bed with no pants on? He hopes to every deity above and below you don’t. He’s been dreaming of waking up next to you after countless wet dreams that leave him desperate and aching for you and after tonight his wishes might come true. Even though there’s a chance you’ll wake up before him and sneak away to your own bed, or even leave after you finish your movies. He’ll just have to stay awake long enough to enjoy your presence beside him until you go.
But that’s going to be difficult. You’ve made him scoot over so that your shoulders are touching and the warmth radiating from you makes him realise how tired he is and he’s fighting to keep his eyelids open despite how bad he wants to look at you.
You’re pressing play on Twilight and he lets out a quiet laugh at the million ads on the piracy site you use. His eyes close involuntarily and he takes in the nostalgia the movie brings him. Bella’s “I never had much thought as to how I would die” speech makes him smile as he remembers watching this for the first time. It’s so bad that it’s good and it’s made better by the feeling of you pressed so close to him.
Honestly it’s ridiculous how much comfort you bring him. You haven’t even known each other that long but he’s undeniably attached to you and he hopes you at least think of him as a friend and not your weird roommate who stares at you in your underwear in the kitchen at midnight. If you did, you wouldn’t climb into his bed and pull him close, would you? You wouldn’t let him rest his head on your shoulder while his eyes droop shut and his breathing steadies.
When you lean over to put the second movie on, IV wakes up and realises you’re still here, so he couldn’t have been asleep for long. His hand has moved by its own volition to rest on your thigh, just above your knee, and his heart picks up its pace at the feeling of your soft skin against his palm. He recognises the intro to New Moon and feels you lean back against the pillows and relax, and your free hand comes to rest on his. Suddenly he’s a lot less worried of seeming creepy now that you don’t seem to mind his touch, and even reciprocate it, but he’s not sure if he should go any further than this.
It’s not that he doesn’t feel every single cell in his body urge him to squeeze your soft thighs and pull them apart and dive into you. He just doesn’t want to scare you. You’re precious to him and you have no idea. So, for now, his hand stays where it is and he doesn’t dig his fingers any deeper into your warmth skin, and he revels in the feeling of your hand atop his as your fingers absentmindedly graze over his knuckles.
You look sleepy, too. There’s ice cream still left in the container, half melted and you’ve dug out all the chocolate chunks while he’s been asleep. But he doesn’t mind, he’s just happy to be here with you. His eyes flutter with the strain of keeping them open to look at you for just a moment longer. He wants to see you fall asleep with him. But it’s 2am and you’re warm and soft and you smell so good. Maybe tomorrow he’ll tell you how much he appreciates you.
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Something Good - A "Kissing You" Drabble
Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader Warnings: Brief mentions of sex, but nothing beyond that. It's fluff city. Word Count: 1250 Prompt #47: "I've had a terrible day, so just kiss me." a/n: I RISE FROM THE DEAD! It's been (checks notes) like a YEAR? Idk, life happened. I have too many side gigs. But I'm HERE. I'm BACK. Here's some FLUFF.
Masterlist | Previous Drabble | Next Drabble
Nothing could have prepared you for the shitstorm that was your day. Nothing.
Even if you had woken up in Frankie’s arms this morning (you hadn’t), even if you’d managed to get more than one bite of your breakfast in your mouth (it was only half a bite, actually), even if work hadn’t been one dumpster fire after another (total dumpster fire count = 7), it still wouldn’t have been enough. Add on an extra half hour of traffic because of road construction, a lack of a lunch break, and a rainstorm that caught you just as you were walking to your car and it had been, in fact, the worst day you’d had in a long time. 
You’re still sopping wet when you open the door to the house you share with your boyfriend, wincing as your clothes drip on the floor you just cleaned last night. You can hear the clank of a pot in the kitchen as you set down your bag and try to make sense of the mop that is your hair, leading you to follow the sound. 
His back is turned to you, broad shoulders stretching the fabric of his well-worn grey t-shirt as he moves seemlessly around the kitchen. You stand there, in the doorway, staring at him because you’re helpless to do anything else, droplets of water still dripping on the floor around you. 
“You’re home, Cari…” he says, stopping short when he’s turned to face you fully, eyes raking over your body with a mixture of what you know is love, concern, and the desire that always lives in his retinas. “What happened?” 
“Shit day,” you begin, giving him the sparknotes version of your day fresh out of hell. “Traffic, someone quit, no lunch, drowned by the rain.” 
Frankie’s gaze softens as he steps toward you, enveloping you in a hug just before you let the tears fall. He rocks you back and forth softly, hushing in your ear as you shiver from both the cold air on your skin and the sobs that are coursing through your body. 
“Gonna get you all wet,” you squeak out, trying to pull back. 
“Nope, you need this,” he replies firmly, arms keeping you in place. You don’t fight it, absorbing his warmth, his scent, his presence, everything you need to feel a bit more like normal. It’s only when your tears begin to subside that he allows you to pull away, his thumbs quickly wiping at your cheeks. “Go take a shower and when you get back I’ll have everything set for dinner, okay?” 
You don’t argue, and he presses a kiss against your cheek before shooing you toward your bedroom. The shower helps, so do the dry clothes, especially when you slip one of his shirts over your head. It was your favorite - the one you’d stolen from him when your fourth date had turned into the fifth and the sixth when he’d brought you home and didn’t let you leave his bed the rest of the weekend. 
When you stepped down the hallway, you found that the floor had been cleaned again and the lights were dimmed to a soft glow. He wasn’t in the kitchen where you’d left him, so you chased the smell of whatever he’d made for dinner straight into the living room. 
And there was Frankie. 
He was in the midst of throwing a blanket onto what appeared to be a makeshift bed on the floor, a nest of sorts complete with a layer of cushions from the couch, every pillow from both your bed and the guest room, and a wealth of blankets to top it off. Two plates were sitting on the table pilled high with food, a glass of wine next to each, and when you finally drew your eyes back to him, he looked almost nervous. 
“I thought that maybe we could have a movie night?” he explains, shifting from one foot to the other as you draw closer. “And I made chicken parm and there’s wine and…”
He’s cut off when you kiss him firmly. His hands splay quickly across your hips, hauling you against his body. You’re both breathless when you reluctantly come up for air. 
“I’m guessing you like it?” 
“I’ve had a terrible day. Just kiss me.” 
He does, returning his lips to yours in a bruising battle for dominance. When his hand finds the back of your head, you nearly lose control. You feel like climbing him, like you can’t get enough. Of his warmth, of his smell, of him. “Frankie…” you groan, your lips chasing his when he pulls back again. 
You lean toward him, eager to continue, but he dodges your advance. “Dinner’s going to get cold,” he reminds you before running his hand down to grasp yours, pulling you onto the mess of pillows and blankets. He almost falls in the process, and he would’ve taken you down with him had he not caught his balance at the last second. Once you’re settled, he leans over to the table to grab your dinner and the remote. “I queued up your favorite,” he tells you proudly, and you can’t help but lean over to kiss his jaw when the opening notes of The Sound of Music come to life in your living room.
When you’re finished with dinner, you snuggle against him, his arm wrapped around you in a protective embrace, and when the intermission hits, he kisses your forehead before untangling his body from yours. “I’ll be right back,” he reassures you, and you watch him go as he grabs your dishes and leaves the room, returning a minute later with a couple of packages in his hand. 
“What are you up to, Morales?” 
The smirk on his face has you practically melting into the blankets, and it isn’t until he’s next to you that you realize it’s a pair of face masks. “Thought your face might be dry after being caught in the rain, so I figured…” he trails off, eyes scanning you as he gauges your reaction.
“You really did think of everything,” you whisper as you pull one of the masks from his hand, ripping open the top and pulling the sheet from the package. He smiles brightly, opening his own as you lean into his space, your fingers guiding the mask onto his face and smoothing out the edges. He follows your example, although you have to help him line the sheet up on your face before he presses it down onto your skin, your eyes falling shut as you relish his careful touch. 
“You look ridiculous,” you tell him once you’ve opened your eyes again, trying your hardest not to laugh and disturb the mask on your own face. 
He hums, “funny, because I think you’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He’s serious, you know, but you roll your eyes at his cheesy comment anyway, reaching to set a timer on your phone. When the intermission ends, you let your hand find his in the space between you, threading your fingers together. His thumb runs in a soothing pattern over your skin, and if his gaze lingers on you instead of the TV, you don’t seem to notice. 
And later, long after the masks have been discarded, when the movie is drawing to a close and you’re wrapped in his arms again, you wonder what you did to deserve him. 
Although, you suppose, it must’ve been something good.
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
Ellie Carpenter x Reader
Summary: A holiday with your teammates
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You sighed softly, relaxing in the afternoon sun.
You could hear your teammates splashing around in the water but you were happy sunbathing on the boat. They were all like children anyway and you definitely didn't want to get caught up in a game between them.
Kyra, particularly, seemed to be out for blood earlier when she'd hit you across the face with a pool noodle (you had no idea where she had even gotten one from) and then scampered off like a little gremlin to attack Charli.
Mini had run after her yelling about playing nice and you were happy to leave them to their carnage.
Vaguely, you could hear Sam shouting and you groaned. You wished you'd stayed in bed.
"Don't you look grumpy," A very familiar (and perhaps the only welcome) voice said.
You cracked open an eye to look at your girlfriend. "Tell them to shut up. My head hurts."
"You shouldn't have drank so much then," Ellie said with a laugh.
She was right but you didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing that. Hindsight was twenty-twenty and all but Alanna, Macca, Caitlin and you all ended up partying pretty hard last night and you had spent most of this morning hunched over the toilet as Ellie joined some of your other teammates for a morning run.
The sun was helping and the nap you had just woken up from was amazing but the lingering effects of your hangover made everything you did a little bit worse.
You look at her through squinted eyes underneath your sunglasses. "Alanna shouldn't have bet she could drink me under the table."
You were a competitive person and Alanna knew it. She also knew that you wouldn't get absolutely smashed unless she somehow goaded you into it.
You won but at a price.
"You didn't have to accept," Ellie laughed.
You ignored her then shrieked when she shook her wet hair out all over you.
Your scrambled away. "Ellie! I was trying to stay dry!"
"You were trying to be unsociable," She said, reaching out and pressing her cold, wet hand to your hip," Can't I tempt you to get in the water?"
You looked out across the bay with a scrutinising eye. Most of your teammates were already in the water having fun and you're pretty sure that you saw Kyra and Charli trying to drown each other.
"I'm fine here, babe."
You reached into the cooler and cracked open the bottom of a beer. It wouldn't be enough to get you drunk but it would be enough to take the edge off.
"Not even if I said please?" Ellie teased and you threw a towel at her.
"Not even then."
She groaned, plopping down next to you with a huff. She towel-dried her hair. "You're no fun."
"I'm plenty fun," You replied, taking another long drink before lying down again," We just have different definitions."
She laid down next to you. Her body was still cold and slightly wet but you didn't move away like you would have done earlier. Her finger drew patterns on your stomach as you snacked on the chocolates next to you.
You plucked some into your fingers and lifted it up to her mouth. She took it.
"Can I have some of your drink too?"
You grinned at her and moved it further out of her reach.
"Oh, come on!"
You stuck your tongue out. "Sorry, babe, I don't let girlfriends who mock me for my drinking habits have my alcohol."
"I wasn't mocking you!" Ellie reached over your body to grab the bottle but you just moved it further away again.
The water from her hair dripped onto your stomach and you rolled away. "Ellie!" You shrieked," Stop it! You're making me cold!"
"Oh, so I can't make you cold but I'm not allowed to drink your beer? You're so mean!"
You raised your drink mockingly at her before draining the rest. "I'm hungover, babe. Come back when I'm over it and maybe I'll be nicer."
"But I missed you!" She whined, going back to laying next to you, as close as she could without you complaining she was cold.
You turned your head to look at her, a small smile appearing on your face. "Yeah," You said begrudgingly," I guess I missed you too."
"But not enough to let me have a beer?"
"You're welcome to grab your own beer, babe, just not the one I drink from." You smirked, lowering your sunglasses to wink. "I don't want your cooties."
Ellie rolled her eyes. "You certainly wanted my cooties last night."
"And like a reliable girlfriend, you didn't take advantage of me. Thank you, babe." You leaned over to press a chaste kiss to her lips.
"I thought you said I was too cold and wet to touch."
"You can just say that you don't want me to kiss you, babe."
She scoffed. "I always want to kiss you. But, you know, what I really want?"
"What do you really want?"
"A beer."
You pulled away with a pretend disappointed sigh. "You've ruined the moment."
"I just want a beer!" Ellie laughed.
"I'm using them," You replied," If you've forgotten I'm hungover. They're helping."
"And you can't share?" She batted her eyelashes as you and you rolled over, reaching for the cooler.
You cracked the lid and flicked it to the side. "Here, babe," You said," You can't say that I don't treat you well."
She grinned. "A whole beer to myself. I feel like royalty."
You flicked your sunglasses back over your eyes and shrugged. "Good. Glad I could help."
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itsjusthockey · 1 year
45 Days Later - Jack Hughes
Summer Series Open Now
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Here is the official beginning of the Summer Lakehouse Series.
Send in requests
I’m ready to rumble.
w.c: 1,571 (dont steal my work)(credit to gif maker)
Part 1
You slightly want to kill someone when you awake to your iPhone ringing incessantly. It's early. Way too early. Too early even for your very specific set of alarms.
Groggily, you sigh, accepting defeat and fumbling around for the device on your bedside table, cursing under your breath when you see who has woken you up much earlier than needed.
“What?” You groan, rubbing your eyes to chase away some sleep as you answer the FaceTime call.
“Hello to you too, sunshine,” Jack smirks at your screen, obviously incredibly pleased with himself.
You let out an exasperated sigh, looking at the time. "It’s 4:30, Jack. What do you want?”
Jack is practically beaming as you continue to squint at your phone's brightness.
“I couldn’t sleep, so I decided that if I’m awake, you’re awake.”
“Well, mission accomplished," you hiss at him, sitting up in bed, stretching your arms. "I'm awake now. Happy?"
“Ecstatic," Jack retorts, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "How are you even able to sleep? I’ve been up since Tuesday counting down every second.”
You roll your eyes playfully, knowing exactly how Jack gets when he's excited. "Well, some of us need our beauty sleep before we have to face the public.”
Jacks snorts. "Oh, believe me, baby, you don't need any more beauty sleep. You're already perfect."
You roll your eyes as far back as possible.
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Hughes.”
He lets out another laugh as you crack a few muscles.
“Well, now you’re already awake-“
“Thanks to you.”
“You can get up and get ready because you have a very important flight to catch in 2 hours.”
You glance at the clock again, realizing that trying to sleep again is pointless, and now, despite the early hour, a surge of excitement fills your veins as the reality of the day ahead sinks in.
“You’re so annoying,” you say, sliding out of bed. “But I suppose it would be tragic if I did miss this flight“
You see Jacks's face drop a bit. “Don’t even joke. I think I’d die.”
You can't help but smile at his eagerness.
“J, it’s been forty-five days. You can wait a few more hours.”
He rapidly shakes his head. “Really don’t think I can“
The words melt your heart, and you can't help but feel another surge of excitement. "I miss you too, loser. Five hours, give or take.”
With a little more back and forth, you finally hang up the phone, the grogginess finally leaving you, and start your morning routine. Though you’re a little upset about the early wake-up, now you don’t have to rush, which is slightly lovely.
You shower, get dressed in comfortable travel attire, and double-check your bags to ensure you haven't forgotten anything important. As you go through the motions, your mind can't help but wander to the fact that in just a few hours, you’ll be at the lake house. The thought of surfing on the water, laughter-filled late bonfires, and being with your boyfriend again makes you giddy.
Time moves quickly, and soon enough, you're ready. You grab your suitcase and head out the door, heading to the airport and praying the day runs smoothly.
The airport is busy, but you navigate through check-in and security easily, and the excitement in the air is contagious. You find yourself grinning as you walk to your gate, and the many hours of separation are dwindling. Soon, you'll be reunited with the idiot you’ve missed so dearly.
You get coffee, and some snacks, find a comfortable spot, and less than an hour later, you board the plane. You find your seat, shoot off a text to Jack and turn on your shared playlist.
Minutes later, you’re in the clouds, and you feel yourself at peace for the first time in a while, so with a slight smile, you close your eyes and try to sleep just a little more.
A shortish flight later, you barely step ten feet in the Delta terminal baggage claim when you get a text that immediately sends you into panic mode.
-I see u-
You snap your head to survey your surroundings and try your best to prepare yourself for the attack, but you know it’s futile. You’re proven correct when, within five seconds of seeing the text, you’re thrown to the ground, a hand coming to cover your mouth to silence your scream.
To onlookers, this may seem like a kidnapping attempt but not one single person even bats an eye as you’re wrestled to the dirty airport floor.
Jack makes quick work of laying his entire body weight on you and crushing you between his body and the floor. You struggle to breathe between your laughter and all the extra weight that is being dramatically laid out on your chest.
You both stay this way for a second and finally, you smack him in an attempt to push him off of you. He does, jumping up quickly and pulling you into a hug that crushes every bone in your body.
When he lets you pull back a little bit, you finally take in his face for the first time in over a month. His eyes are filled with happiness, and he smiles so hard you’re afraid his face might break open. You notice he hasn’t shaved; growing slightly along his jaw and upper lip is a little hair that has you immediately wanting to pull out the razor you know is somewhere in your checked bag.
“God, you hate it, don’t you?”
You realize you must have been staring a bit too long at his face, and laughter bursts from your lips.
“No, it’s um,” you pause, a teasing smile crossing your face. “It’s fine.”
Jack lets out a groan, pulling you into him and dropping his head into your neck.
“It’s coming off immediately,” he mutters, the light vibrations sending a chill down your spine.
After several seconds of sulking, Jack pulls back, looking deeply into your eyes. He doesn’t say anything, but his soft smile somehow grows even more, and he leans back to kiss your forehead.
You try your best not to melt, pulling him back for another hug. His grip is so tight, as if he thinks you might slip away.
You stay there for another few moments before he pulls back slightly, and both of his hands remove themselves from your waist and go to cup your face. He stares hard for a second, his beautiful green eyes scanning over every inch of your face until they stop at your lips, and after a moment, he connects yours together, and fireworks explode in your entire body.
You kiss him for a few seconds, then remember you’re in the middle of a crowded airport and pull back from his firm embrace. When you part, you see he’s got a slight smirk on his face that makes your heart stutter. He always is a little cocky and a whole lot clingy when you first see each other after a long time apart, but you love the combination. 
With a playful grin, you nudge Jack's side and motion toward the exit. "Come on, Romeo. Let's get out of here, and let's save the rest of this reunion for the privacy of the Lakehouse, shall we?"
Jack chuckles and nods, intertwining his fingers with yours. Together, you find your checked bag and make your way through the bustling airport. You let him lead you to his parked car, and he opens the door for you, and you slide into the passenger seat of the Range Rover.
As Jack pulls out of the airport parking lot, you lean back in your seat, taking in the familiar sights of the city passing by. His hand rests on your thigh, and the drive to the lake house is filled with laughter, catching up on missed stories and stealing stolen glances at each other whenever the traffic allows.
You drive for a while, but you soon turn onto the familiar road leading to the Lakehouse. You’re practically bouncing in your seat when Jack pulls into the driveway, and before the car has even come to a complete stop, you're unbuckling your seatbelt when Jack quickly grabs you before you can rush out.
“Wait, (Y/N).”
You meet his eyes, and you can see all the love and longing in the world in his gaze. Without a word, he captures your lips in a tender, passionate kiss, sealing the moment and igniting a fire that had been smoldering within both of you during the time apart.
As you break the kiss, you can't help but smile, knowing that this is just the beginning of an epic summer. You feel yourself leaning back in, and your lips barely brush when what you assume is a ball hits the windshield in front of you. You both are a little shocked, but a smile breaks on your face when you see Luke standing about ten feet away, with his arms crossed, looking less than impressed.
“You guys wanna stop making out and come see everyone who’s been waiting just as long as Jack to see you?”
You laugh at his annoyed tone and move to get out of the car when Jack grabs you once more, stealing a quick peck and whispering in your ear.
“We’ll finish this later.”
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megangovier · 4 months
In The Walls
Pairing: Incubus! Michael X plus size fem! reader
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Tw: Sleep deprivation, impregnation, slight dub-con
Words counter: 965
No mentions of y/n
Summary: You've just moved into a new house, not knowing anything about it or the history behind it. Lately you've been diagnosed with sleep deprivation which has knocked your mood down. You're currently in bed asleep, but the air doesn't feel right. Growls and wet sounds entered the room waking you up to find a heavy creature sitting on your chest, feeling of being unable to move. Something long and slick darted between your legs.
Mature Audiences only⚠️ Smut • Oral!f • dirty talk • Spit kink • biting kink • tentacles • choking •
Moving into the new house and living independently is all you've always wanted, you were ever so tired and drained from living in such a toxic environment where arguments between your parents happened on a daily basis. Every time they got back from work they would start on eachother which made you get up and leave the house to head to a local library or a cafe. You loved your parents dearly, but this isn't the way to deal with martial problems. The reason this whole thing started was because someone made up a lie about your dad cheating and got this random woman pregnant which didn't happen, that's what caused arguments and eventually the marriage to break.
It's 8:30 and you're currently lying in bed, eyes on the ceiling wondering what life would be like if things were different. That's what you always did before closing your eyes for the night, contemplating things and trying to think better and more positive, wanting to finish the day on a bright note instead of going to bed like your parents did every time they had an argument. Which would drag into the next morning, even when they were driving you off to school.
As your eyes started to feel heavy you turned off your light, pulled the covers over your body and drifted off to sleep with a small smile on your face. As time went on the air felt thick and different but put the weird thought at the back of your mind and locked it up in a box. Breathing in and out your body was relaxed again. An hour later you had woken up due to a heavy feeling on your chest, frozen still you couldn't believe what was happening. A creature was sitting on you, his red eyes looking at your fearful blue ones, long wet tongue running over his sharp teeth making you whine.
"You can't fool me little one, I know you want it, the way heat and arousal is boiling between your legs" he said in a deep voice. Still not being able to move away, he slides down between your thighs, spreads them open and extends his tongue out saliva starts dripping out the corner of his mouth "Fuckk, so pretty and already wet for me" as his tongue slides in, your eyes rolls back "feel good pretty girl, huh? I bet you really want to grab my hair forcing yourself onto my mouth?" You couldn't do anything but whimper back.
Crawling back onto you he grabs your face and tells you "open that pretty mouth of yours" as you did his saliva and your juices went into your mouth, making your eyes dilate wanting more. He knew he was teasing you, but loved how unable you were to wriggle away from him and loved the power he had over you. As he went back down between your legs lapping up your sweet juices, the sexual energy that was in the air was making him more powerful. He wanted to be inside you and needed you carnally so he got up from the floor and unzipped his boiler suit releasing five tentacles. Four wrapping around your wrist and ankles not wanting you to fall off, when he rams into you. The another slowly going down your throat making your eyes water and spittle dripping out your mouth.
"You're so deranged getting off on this, I'm a feared creature that prowls into people's minds at night" something was touching your thigh and it felt hard "be good for me and take it, as i can see you're very distracted with that slitering, tentacle in your mouth" as his strong hands grabbed your hips he slammed his cock into you making you whine "what was that? Go faster you say?" As he slammed faster into you a strangled moan left your throat.
"You're so fucking disgusting, look at yourself having 4 of my tentacles pinning you down, while I fuck you like a bloodhound in heat, dont act like you've never wanted this, that filthy head of yours isnt closed off to other realms you know" the tentacle that was in your throat is long gone, now between your breasts leaving marks making you clench around his cock.
"A masochist? someone likes pain" a dark manical chuckle leaves his throat. Heat rises up your cheeks, looking away he grabs your face aggressively "no, dont you dare look away from me, look at me when i fuck you princess" clenching around his cock but tightly this time, his head falls back "fuck you're gonna make me come so fucking hard, if you keep doing that" you couldn't help but look at his sharp teeth wondering what they'll feel like on your neck or in it.
Michael lowers his face near your hair, inhaling your scent. He moves your hair to the side reveling such a pretty neck. His lips gently on your soft spot, nibbling lightly leaving small traces of bruises. He was close and you knew it "I'm so close, if I bite you wherever you want, please come on my cock, like the little dumb lamb that you're" a whine left your throat. Grabbing your neck pulling you towards him, he sunk his teeth into you making your eyes roll back clenching around him "fuck atta girl, keep clenching around me my pretty slut" fucking faster into you, your nails attack his back making his cock twitch "come for me please, I need to feel you come all over this cock" as you came all over his pulsating cock, he quickly slid both hands on your lower stomach and shot his seed into you "yes take it all" making your body convulse you came on his cock again.
@toxicanonymity @toxicrecs 💗
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sinofwriting · 10 months
Distraction - Callum Ilott
Words: 1,051 Summary: Callum comes home to surprise his wife only to get surprised himself. Note(s)/Warning(s): Implied/Referenced struggles with infertility/getting pregnant. And Happy 25th Birthday to Callum! I barely wrote this in time
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She was alone in their flat, alone again for the eighth night in a row and she wished it was because her and Callum were fighting and had left the honeymoon phase that they’re parents had warned them would end after they got married. But she was alone because being the new driver in the team meant more testing, more unexpected testing, and he wanted them to know that he would be an asset to them, that they wouldn’t regret picking him to fill their seat. And she had at first had wanted that as well, she was fine with him not coming home with her after the race for a day or two of development and sim work, then three, then four, but now it had been over a week. Over a week since they had slept next to each other, since she had gotten to see him with her own eyes and not on her phone screen.
Their flat felt a little empty without him there. Usually she could easily ignore it, she had work to occupy her. She knew when she’d next see him. Whether because she was flying to join him somewhere or because he was coming home.
Fishing her phone out of the hoodie pocket she’s wearing, she opens her texts and looks at Callum’s response to her asking when he’d be coming home or if he knew when, and the answer unchanged from when she first read it; no idea.
Her thumb hovers over his name, ready to press it and then call him, but she pockets it again and moves to her laptop. She was all caught up on work, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t take a new client to distract herself not just from missing Callum but also the positive pregnancy test that sits on their bathroom counter.
Callum could honestly say that he’d been fed up with doing development and sim work after the third day of doing it non-stop, but him and his teammate had agreed that if he took the brunt of the work right now, he’d take the brunt of it the next time, in a few months. It also meant that Callum had earned himself a nice week's worth of no work, other than a small over the phone interview he had to do for a site or magazine or something, he wasn’t too sure.
Looking at his texts, he smiles at the silly picture his wife had sent him in the morning after she had first woken up and then frowns seeing that she hadn’t responded to his text telling her he didn’t know he’d be coming home. Which as the uber slowed to stop in front of their building was a lie, but he hoped that she’d appreciate being surprised rather be angry at him for not telling her.
He breathes a sigh of relief when he steps foot into their flat, shutting the door behind him. Lifting his suitcase, he carefully presses up against the wall by the closet that has the washer and dryer.
He frowns at how quiet it is, the tv isn’t on. He can’t hear anything but the hum of the refrigerator running. His eyes then catch on the time displayed on the oven and a small ah leaves him. This was prime working time for her and she was always wired in, with her headphones on. Which meant he had enough time to go to the bathroom before he wrapped himself around her and not let go for at least two days.
Taking care of business quickly, he pauses before drying his hands, staring at the weird thing on the counter as his hands drip water onto the floor. It's something like muscle memory that has his hands touching the towel, drying them off as he looks at whatever is on the counter.
It looked a bit like one of those fake drug test things that Marcus had once bought that would show positive no matter what just to freak his trainer out. It also really looked like a pregnancy test and he’s bending slightly, squinting to read the tiny screen.
She jumps as her headphones are being taken off her ears and her laptop is gently shut.
“Callum.” She groans, before it hits her that’s he home and she’s scrambling to stand up, throwing her arms around him. “Callum!” His arms are gentle around her. “Fuck, I missed you.” She mumbles into his shoulder. “I missed you as well.” She steps away from him, easily out of his arms, frown growing as she sees his face. Her happy mood was gone just from hearing his voice. “What happened? You sound weird.” Callum’s eyes darted around the room before settling on her. “I saw the test on the counter.” One of her hands immediately rests on her stomach. “Oh.” “Oh.” He echoes.
He breaks the quiet that had surrounded them. “You didn’t say anything.” She shakes her head, “I only took it a few hours ago. Are you upset?” “No.” He immediately shakes his head and a sigh of relief leaves her. She hadn’t thought so, not after the last few months. “I just, I was planning on surprising you and got surprised myself.” He laughs before smiling at her. “I’m happy about it, really. Just wasn’t expecting it.” “I wasn’t either. I only took it because my period was late.”
“Are you happy?” He asks her, pulling her back into his arms, though still gentle and now she knows it because he knows she’s pregnant, unwilling to hold her too tight incase it hurts the baby. “I am.” She whispers and she can feel tears in her eyes as finally lets herself think about it. “I’m really happy.” “Oh, darling.” He whispers, rubbing her back. “I thought it was going to be negative again, I really thought.” “I should have told you I was coming home, so you didn’t take it alone. I just wanted to surprise you.” He tells her, feeling a bit angry that he had lied and told her he didn’t know when he’d be home, when he was already on a plane to her. “It’s okay.” She soothes, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “I liked my surprise.” “I quite liked mine as well.”
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@skepvids @bibliosaurous @benstormy @boiohboii @iloveyou3000morgan @lpab @gemofthenight @topguncultleader @peachiicherries @copper-boom
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thefearedashantis · 9 months
Turn The Lights Down Low
Pairing: photographer!Remus x blackfem!reader
summary: Reader promised to fill in as Remus’ model for the day however she neglects to inform him she’s feeling sick before its too late.
word count: 1,754 ish
warnings: fainting
“Straighten up your posture for me.” No please, no reassuring grin. Remus is entirely in his element right now, face completely hidden behind the camera aimed at you. Usually, you wouldn’t be bothered by the formality. This was his livelihood after all. You were just an old friend from highschool occasionally called on last minute when a real model bailed on him. And even then, you’re sure Lily was rung before resorting to you. ‘Friend’ may not even an appropriate word. Sure, you ran in the same circles back then but you'd never actually spoken to each other one on one. These favours were the closest you’ve ever gotten to being alone with him.
“You’re still slouching” Remus chides, wrinkling his nose at you.
You can feel the pressure starting to build behind your eyes as you fight back tears with everything left in you. His assistant/stylist Marlene, another old face from school, will have your head if you ruin your makeup. Again. She’s always kind enough to take extra care in color matching for you as your makeup skills are very limited. However, you still had to manage your own hair. The curls and texture too ‘unruly’ in her terms. 
You feel like you’re being baked alive under all the lights. Blindingly bright and white. Sweat dribbles its way down your aching spine. Pinprick’s crawling up from your extremities, leaving your limbs heavy and numb. 
Your throat is scratchy, your mouth is dry. You fear if you move even the tiniest inch, suck in your stomach for a second longer or force your lips into another toothy smile, that you’ll lose your breakfast all over Remus’ beautiful set. 
To tell the truth you'd woken up this morning feeling slightly ill, but you couldn’t bear the idea of disappointing him so you vowed to push through. 
“Stick your right leg further out.” 
You do as told, focusing your ever fading gaze on the floor as another series of clicks and flashes go off. You can’t take this much longer. 
“Rem?” You haven’t spoken in so long your voice comes out strained. He doesn’t respond at first, squinting down at his shots with a scrutinizing notch between his brow. Sometimes you wonder why he chose to be the one behind the camera instead of before it. Beauty like his was rare enough. With his tall, lean stature. Wavy dark hair, coppery eyes and clean rich skin. Maybe his scars were the deterring factor. The pallid thin lines webbing from the corner of his eye, across the high bridge of his nose, along his cheek and ending at the corner of his lips. They didn’t dampen his charm in your eyes.
You lick your glossed lips and try again “Remus do you think we could take a break please?” 
“Just five more minutes if you can manage, i want to finish this set then you can rest and get changed for the next.” The camera takes its place before his face and he motions for you to straighten up once again. 
You cannot manage. Especially having lost almost all feeling in your legs. Chest heavy and eyes nearly impossible to keep open. 
“Are you alright y/n?” The question comes from Marlene, who stands off to the side with a useless fan and her touch up bag. She’s noticed your excessive sweating. Entirely too much even for the warmest of days. 
Her concern breaks the camel's back. Your knees buckle and you hit the floor, hard, with a feeble sigh. 
The next few minutes are a blur. Frantic words are muffled. Two fingers at your wrist check your pulse. Another set of hands tug at your clothing. Something cold is pressed to your neck.
When you fully come to, you’re greeted by darkness. The lights are dimmed. You’ve been moved to the back room and nestled onto an old threadbare couch. A damp cloth on your forehead drips water down the side of your face. The tight clothes you’d been dressed in now replaced by your own t-shirt and shorts. Your heart drops in embarrassment as your foggy mind begins to clear. You go to sit up but are immediately stopped by a gentle hand on the stomach.  
Remus, who was apparently sitting on the floor by the couch leans over you to get a good look at your face “Hey, can you hear me?” Whatever he sees must not be to his satisfaction. “How are you feeling?”
You don’t know what to say so you opt for silence. Avoiding his gaze that is hellbent on holding yours. Not only did you drop like a fly in front of them the taste in your mouth lets you know you threw up somewhere in there as well. One of them had to peel pukey material off your skin.
Remus must read your thoughts because he backs off a little then. Swiping his fingers at his nose to distract from the rouge coloring his cheeks. “Marlene changed you, if that’s what you’re worried about.” 
The tears begin to flow before you can reign them in. Yes, that is a crucial part of your mortification but the shame of ruining the shoot overshadows it. “I’m sorry, oh I'm so sorry” you choke out.
He squints disapprovingly at your sniffling. Not offering any sort of comfort. You didn't feel deserving of it anyway. Poor Marlene was probably in the studio right now mopping up spittle. You only cry harder at the thought.
“Why didn't you say you were feeling ill? We could have rescheduled”
He’d made it sound so urgent over the phone. “I didn’t want to put you out.”
Remus clicks his teeth, shaking his head at your silliness. He sits there watching you sob for a few more seconds. It all gets too overwhelming and you attempt to wiggle away from him when he finally makes a move. The hand that you now realize never left your stomach slides to your side. The other worming under you to pull you up slightly. His chin presses into the top of your head as he pulls you to his chest, squishing your face at his throat. He rubs soothing circles into your back, shushing you with gruff grumbles. When you don’t quiet down, he only holds you tighter. Its suffocating in the best way. Leaving you light headed on a scent akin to incense.
“Does your head hurt?” he asks, smoothing some of your hair down “You hit the ground pretty hard. Maybe we should go to the emergency room.” 
You shake your head with a sniffle “No, I just need to sleep it off.” You’ve always been prone to sickness. You just need to get home to your medicine cabinet and you’d be fine enough.
“Ok come on then.” He pulls away to straighten up.
“I’ll drive you home.”
“It’s only a few minutes’ walk i-“
“I’m not letting you walk home like this, come on.” His tone leaves no room for argument. He helps you off the couch and when you stumble on the first step tells you to wait a second. You’re swooped up in his arms before any protest can be given. The two of you make your way to the front after grabbing your belongings. Marlene waves off your apologies with the end of the mop. Bidding you goodbye with a ‘get well soon’.
The sun is only just beginning to set outside. Remus’ car is parked across the street.
“You know this is the closest we’ve ever been” you find yourself mumbling when his hair tickles your ear.
“What do you mean?” he asks, hiking you up higher in his grip.
“Like in school, yeah we shared friends but you and I never actually spoke.” An awkward laugh bubbles out of you “One time you didn’t even recognize me when I ran into you while on holiday” 
You realize what you’ve said and backtrack quickly “Not that I’m complaining or anything! It’s just, I always wanted to get to know you better. You and James and Sirius always seemed so cool and like, radiant from afar you know.” You get the feeling that he doesn’t know and you’re just rambling. “You drew people in and it always looked like fun to be that close to you. So, when you called me for the first time about a shoot, I was ecstatic.”
Especially since you’d just figured everyone from that friend group had just lost your number by then. Nobody ever tried to get into touch or answered your messages after graduation except Lily occasionally. You assumed they just didn’t deem you anything worth keeping in contact with. Remus reaching out meant more than you could express with words, even if it was only for work. You saw this as your second chance, but things had never extended outside of the studio despite your best effort. An invitation for coffee after long hours. Rejected. An offer to stay back and clean up. Rejected. To meet up and discuss shoot ideas. Rejected. Always too busy. 
When you get to the car, he plants you on your feet for a few seconds. Unlocking the passenger side and ushering you inside with a protective hand on your head. “It was Sirius who suggested you” he admits, buckling your seatbelt and laying your chair back slightly. “He always fancied you back then actually, too scared to ever say anything.” 
Your shock is interrupted by a blanket being spread over your legs and a pillow placed behind your head.
You nod “Why do you have these in your car?”
A shrug. “Sometimes I sleep at the studio.”
He shuts the door and you watch him jog around the car from the rearview mirror. Neither of you speak again until you’ve pulled off. The words come so quietly you almost miss them over the hum of the air conditioning.
“I am sorry though” Remus keep his head straight and you take your time admiring his profile. “I didn’t forget you that time. I was just shy running into a pretty girl without the boys with me.” 
The smile that invades your face is so sudden and forceful your head begins to throb again. “Really? You’re not just trying to get in my good graces?”
“It would be worth the effort, but no.” He looks at you then, the first true smile you’d ever gotten from him softening his features. One specifically tailored for you “I could never forget you y/n.” 
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
i hold it like a grudge - ch. 3
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I don’t know why I’m awake and still editing 😭 I have to go to work tomorrow morning. It’s not even the weekend yet and I’m acting like it is but it’s ok, right? Right.
table of contents watch me fall
Five hours later, Keeley is scrolling through pictures of you and Jamie on your phone. 
“Oh my god, you’re both so tiny!” she crows. She can hold her alcohol much better than you would have expected, but by this point, she’s definitely far gone.
You can’t bring yourself to have more than two drinks. Everything leaves behind an acrid taste, so you switched to water a while ago. That means you’re completely fucking sober as Keeley swipes through your entire friendship with Jamie.
“Wow, you two were like, attached at the hip,” she comments. “Is this your mums?”
It’s a picture of two women about the same age, looking at the camera with strained smiles. You remember that day. Your mum had slipped you and Jamie money to get ice cream with the condition that you’d eat it at the shop and not bring it home. She’d looked right into your eyes as she said it, conveying a message beyond her words. You were maybe ten years old and not sure exactly what she meant, but you nodded seriously and ran to drag Jamie down the street.
You and Jamie had come back, hours later with ice cream drips on your shirts, none the wiser to what had transpired in your absence.
“I remember that picture,” you say aloud. “Jamie’s dad took it, the piece of shit. He dropped ‘round and was a happy drunk until he wasn’t. Mum threatened to call the police, but Georgie still came away with a black eye. They thought me and Jaim didn’t know, but,” you shrug. “You know how it is when you’re ten. You know fucking everything.”
Keeley nods, and you take it as an invitation to keep talking. “We used to share a brain, basically. Hardly ever seen without each other. You know we didn’t even date till I was in secondary? Mum was so surprised we weren’t already sneaking around behind her back. Guess she and Georgie used to talk about it a lot. Jamie was home four hours after she died. Not even sure how, really, he was out of town. I asked him about it once and he wouldn’t tell me, the little shit. That night… I couldn’t sleep. It was awful. I sneaked out of my room and down the hall to her bed, because it still smelled like her, you know? I had this dream that she was still there with me and when I woke up it felt like I had lost her all over again. I had to remember that she wasn’t just downstairs making breakfast.”
You pause. It’s all coming out so matter-of-factly, like it happened to someone else.
“Anyway, I just laid there and cried. The first tear had barely fallen when Jamie just came in and got in bed next to me. I think he had just woken up, but he… he held me so fucking tight and whispered, ‘I felt you crying. I can be here as long as you want,’ and then we just stayed there. We were there for fucking…hours. He just let me cry and didn’t say anything, just kissed the tears off my face and handed me tissues. The next couple days he moved all my things from the house to a room at Georgie’s. She had this like, office thing upstairs that was basically a closet, but it was the same layout for mine and theirs so it was familiar if that makes sense? Like they were mirrored, so her room was the same as mum’s and Jamie’s was the same as mine, then a third little bedroom that had room for a bed and that’s pretty much it. Jamie offered his room, but I didn’t want it. It felt wrong, somehow. And I couldn’t bring myself to get out of bed to do any of it but he did everything. I think Georgie probably helped, but when it was all done, he brought me over and he’d decorated it just how I would’ve. Except he made a copy of his Roy Kent poster and stuck it on my wall, right next to one of his dumb headshots he liked so much. He slept in that little bed with me every night until he went back. We were nineteen at the time, right before he got signed for City. We loved that team. Used to watch it every time it was on the telly, and he always told me he’d play for them some day and take me to every match, even the away games.”
You trail off. You’ve run out of steam, back in the present reality. This is the first time you’ve allowed yourself to look back fondly, to wonder how Georgie and Simon are.
Meanwhile, Keeley’s staring at you, openmouthed.
“Shit, babe,” she says.
“Shit,” you agree.
“How the fuck did he know you were crying?”
You wiggle your head back and forth. “Like I said, he said he felt it. I mean… sounds strange, but we used to be able to feel when things were wrong with each other. Even if we were in different places. We used to text and be like, ‘oi, you good?’ and every time, the answer was no. It’s like a nauseous feeling, you know?”
“No,” Keeley shakes her head. “I don’t fucking know.”
“Right,” you say, “I’m done being sober. Give me the fucking bottle.”
Keeley cheers and passes it your way. You take a swig and make a face. It still tastes like shit, but it’s better than trying to figure out the implications of Keeley’s five little words.
No. I don’t fucking know.
The next week, you’re slipping charms on a necklace for someone name Ashley, part of a set for a wedding party. You’ve had a steady stream of customers this weekend, many tourists from out of town passing through on their way to the heart of London. You check instagram in between sales and see that your location is getting tagged in stories and public posts, and you smile. 
The day passes by smoothly and by the time you lock up, it’s drizzling ever so slightly. You grin and step out the door, turning the lock then back around to head up the street. You run smack into someone and say, “Shit, sorry,” before realizing it’s fucking Jamie. You scoff and go to step around him but he puts himself in your path.
“I’m going back to Manchester,” he tells you without preamble.
“Gaffer sent me back. Thought you might want to know.”
“Okay,” you reply lightly, as if to a stranger, then duck past him again. You hurry away and risk a glance back. He’s still standing in the rain by your store, watching you walk away.
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