#i wasn't going to even bring my computer
fatedevour · 2 years
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Just a heads up i probably wont be around much this upcoming weekend due to having to go out of town, or be mobile bound when I do, so I’m throwing things in the queue to still have some things posting ! But if you’d like some unprompted inbox content I might pop in when i can to send some! Or during the drive bc it will be....7 hours ish. But also you’re welcomed to ask & add me on discord & come chat with me!
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cubot · 11 months
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nerdyjournals · 2 months
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Thank you for your request! Other than the little mishap, this was a fun one to do! You really had me thinking over what each one would get upset over, so hopefully they all fit!
Bang Chan
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You could feel his eyes bore through you as Chan stared at you through the glass in the hospital door. He looked frazzled. Hair a mess, the bags under his eyes even worse than before.
He stepped in and you watched all the air escape him as he took in your bandaged wrist.
"And what have we learned?" He said, voice soft but stern.
"To wait until help arrives and to not be a stubborn and impatient baby," you whined as he lifted up your hand. "They said it'll be a week or so before I can lift anything."
"Do you see why I was so insistent that you wait?" You nodded. "Plus I have seven able body movers who were ready to help us later tonight after rehearsals."
You whispered another apology as he took you into his arms and held you tight.
"I'm just glad you're okay and it was nothing major."
Lee Know
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You felt yourself wince as you stepped over the threshold of your apartment. You had been hoping to do some spring cleaning before Minho got home so he could just rest.
He had told you to do it in stages so you wouldn't overwork and hurt yourself, but what do you do? You overwork and hurt yourself.
Now you softly flinch as you spot him sitting in an armchair that you swear was never positioned in the middle of the hallway.
"I'm in trouble, aren't I?" You scratched the back of your head nervously.
"Big time." Minho stood from the chair and walked over. "You know I tell you not to do things because I care about you, right?" You nod. "So why go against me?"
"I wanted you to have a nice place to rest since you've been working so hard, but I just screwed up again." He pulled you into a soft hug, silently trying to find where you were hurt. "You're not even supposed to be home early. Why are you here?"
"You always send me a photo of your food before my lunch break if you're home, and I know for a fact that you have today off."
"You were worried?"
"Don't tell the media. I do have a reputation to uphold, you know."
Okay, the laugh hurt a little bit.
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The front door opened and closed without Changbin's usual fanfare. Yup, you were in trouble.
His figure came around the corner with a small pharmacy bag and two cups of boba. Okay, so he wasn't that mad....yet.
"Are you okay?" Those words shocked you, having been ready for his beratement or something along those lines.
"I'm okay. A little sore, but okay." He walked over and handed you the drink and bag. "I thought you said you'll be late tonight."
"And I knew that if I didn't come home at my earliest convenience, you'd try something stupid again." You pouted as both of you knew he was right. "I know you want our first place to be perfect, but we have all the time in the world to decorate."
"I work from home, Bin. I need something to do other than watching a computer screen for eight hours."
"Then bring your laptop with you and visit the studio. The guys won't mind. They love you."
"Are you sure I won't be distracting?"
"Never. If anything, you might get annoyed with Jisung's antics."
"I'll take that risk."
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The sound of feet rushing against the tile of your apartment floor brought you back to reality. Your little perch on the balcony slightly helped alleviate your headache.
Hyunjin stood there with a small pharmacy bag and a hand fan.
"Are you okay? Any breakouts or irritation?" He asked, worry filling his voice with each word.
"No. I got out quickly enough." You said, obviously tired. He switched on the hand fan and placed it yours as he set the bag aside. "I'm sorry."
"What were you doing in there anyway?"
"I wanted to clean up a bit. You were really stressed about it."
"I'd rather have a messy studio than have you in the hospital." His gaze drifted from you to the view. "Fresh air help?"
"Not as much as you."
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Hearing footsteps approach, you quickly tried to get off the floor but to no avail.
"Aish..." Han's soft curse came from the doorway. "Didn't I tell you to wait for me before trying to unpack?"
The two of you had moved in together recently and your stuff was the last to unpack and also the heaviest.
"Did you finish your book already?" He asked as the two of you began to pick up the fallen novels. He could see your face scrunch at all the bent pages and covers.
"I thought the next one was in the stack of opened boxes. I just wanted to start and not have to bug you for something so small."
"You enjoy reading, yeah?" You slowly nodded. "Then it's not so small. I think it's small when I interrupt your reading for a thirty second clip opinion."
You nodded and placed another book back in the box as he tilted your chin over to look him in the eyes.
"If any of your books got ruined, they're replaceable. You know what's not? You. So ask me next time, okay?"
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It was a little embarrassing to have Felix walk in and see you with your hand submerged in a bowl of water.
"I thought I told you to do an ice shower," he sighed as he placed the bag in the table.
"Why would I need to shower for just my hand?" You slowly lifted out of the water and showed off the damage. "How bad?"
"Well, it's not blistering so that's good." Felix grabbed the kitchen towel to dry pat your hand. "What were you doing anyway?"
"Taking cookies out of the oven." You pointed over to where a batch of cookies still sat on the baking sheet. "I couldn't find the mitts so i used the rubber ones, but the back of my hand touched the metal."
"You're very brave to even keep them on the tray while in pain." He put the cream on and began to wrap it. "You're not allowed to bake without me here anymore, okay? At least, not until this heals."
"Oh no. I have to spend more quality time with my boyfriend. Whatever shall I do?" The sarcasm dripped from your words, making him smile and press against the injury.
"Don't make me regret it."
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His steps were frantic as he unlocked the apartment door. Part of him was thankful they had chosen to put security cameras in the house, but the other part cursed him cause it forced him to watch his partner take a nasty fall.
"Y/N?" He didn't raise his voice, knowing that you might have a bad headache.
Your hand peeked out from behind the kitchen island and he rushed over. He found you leaned against the cabinet with an ice pack against the back of your head.
"Hey," he whispered, "1 to 10?" You held up four fingers then four more. "Can you stand?" You signed out the sign for 'no.' "Can I carry you? I got the car running outside." You signed 'yes.' "Talking hurts?" You signed 'yes' again as he carefully lifted you into his arms.
You signed 'sorry' as you made it to the car.
"Why are you apologizing? It was an accident and the guys understand that." He gently placed you in the passenger seat. "They will want an update once you're all clear, okay?"
You signed 'okay.'
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Something was off. You had been avoiding his hand ever since he got home. Normally Jeongin won't mind, but you won't even hold it in front of you.
"You tried to hook up the gundam already, didn't you?" He said as he watched you freeze. "Show me the damage."
You slowly held your hand out, placing it softly in his. Small bandages say on a few knuckles while little red dots covered your palm.
"You tried to solder the wires without knowing how to use the tool, didn't you?" You tried to take your hand back but failed. "I told you to wait for me."
"But I wanted it done so that I could show it to you when you got home. Now it's just sitting there, taunting me."
"What's more fun? Building together or building alone?"
"Together." You sounded so shy.
"Then let's have dinner and we'll finish your project together." You nodded. "And then I yell at my brother to never give you a complicated set again."
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 months
Dancing In The Shadows ~ LF [MATURE WARNING]
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GENRE: mafia AU, hacker reader, felix technically kidnapping her, insta love (sorry but its fun to write hehe) enemies to lovers? Cute, fluffy, SMUT MINORS DNI, protected sex, public sex (kinda) links into the other stories too ehe
PAIRING: Felix X Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - February 2024
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Felix sat behind his imposing mahogany desk, his eyes fixed on you as you stood before him, pulling on the sleeves of your hoodie nervously as you waited for him to say something. You were the reason for his recent financial troubles...well, not really, Felix had more money than he knew what to do with but you'd been the one with the balls big enough to steal from him. The one who had infiltrated his bank accounts with such skill and finesse that even Felix had to admire your audacity. Felix wasn't stupid though, he'd done his research before he'd "hired" you, taking you from your boss with the impression he'd bring you back but it simply wasn't true.
Once he had you he simply wasn't going to just throw you back, you were a once in a lifetime catch and he wasn't dumb enough to drop that. In the hacking world, you were simply known as Firecracker. No one knew who you were by physical appearance but the jobs you would do told people what they needed to know. 
You stole from the rich to give to the poor, a real modern-day Robin Hood. If Felix wasn't so rich he would have been pissed off at you for trying it on him.
"You've got guts, I'll give you that," He finally spoke, his gravelly voice breaking the silence and making butterflies flutter inside of you, you hated them for it. Ever since he'd taken you from work you couldn't stop the tingles in your back or the butterflies whenever he'd touch you or speak to you. 
"Hacking into my accounts takes some serious skills. I should be mad, but I'm impressed." All things he'd already told you in the office but was going back over on his own, leaning forward he studied you closely. He wanted to know more about the elusive Firecracker that no law enforcement or underworld man had been able to catch. 
"So, what? You're going to kill me now?" You'd seen the man standing outside of his office with guns, he might have promised you a job when you were at work but who was to say it wasn't just some ploy to get you to go with him.
"I gave you my word. I take that seriously," Felix said as he leaned back in his chair, a sly grin playing on his lips as he watched you. While you were faking confidence he could see the nerves seeping out of you and it impressed him more than he would have liked to admit.
"I want you to work for me," He declared, you arched an eyebrow at him. 
"You've proven yourself to be quite the asset, and I could use someone with your talents, you already stated my computer security sucks...So fix it." He turned his desktop computer around and you blinked at the screen before turning back to face the man who was watching you closely.
"And if I refuse?" It wasn't like you had much of a choice but you wanted to know the repurcations.
"Then I'll have to resort to less pleasant methods of persuasion. But trust me, you'll find it much more lucrative to be on my payroll." Kissing your teeth a little you looked back at the computer. Despite your better judgment, you found yourself intrigued by the offer. You'd never worked for anyone but yourself in the security way before, but the idea of being affiliated with one of the most powerful crime families in the city was undeniably tempting.
"I have conditions." You weren't dumb, you were going to do this with rules in place. You'd seen enough movies and read enough articles about the underworld that you had to be prepared.
"I would be surprised if you didn't." A slight smirk played on his lips as he watched you scramble to think of something but he couldn't help but think about how beautiful you were, how cute he found it whenever you'd play with the sleeves of your shirt.
"I want full access to your network. I need to know everything about your system if I'm meant to be fixing it." He nodded at you, it was his full intention to give you anything you asked for. Hell, he'd give you a house and a more stable job if that was something you wanted from him.
"Okay. What else?" He got out a notepad, ready to write down a list of everything you wanted but you just stared at him,
"Lastly. Once I've fixed it, I'm out. No strings attached." The pen in his hand stilled as he stared down at the notepad, it had never occurred to him that you would want to leave but he nodded,
"Fine. But I have a feeling you'll want to stick around." He tried to make it seem as though he was joking but you shook your head.
"Nothing will make me stay, Mr Lee." You sounded so sure of yourself and maybe you were but now that Felix had you there was no way he was going to let you go so easily.
"Hmm. We'll see." He mumbled, getting up and readying his office for you to use.
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With determination and skill, you set to work. You fortified Felix's digital defences, erecting layers of encryption and implementing state-of-the-art security protocols. It was insane how poor his security was for someone who was supposed to be the best of the best. You thought you would have been working alone but Felix watched you work the whole time. You spent every night in your own room in his huge house, the two of you would eat meals together giving you time to get to know each other which was something you were feeling unsure about.
The more time you spent with him the more you wanted to leave, growing attached to someone was never an option for you and getting attached to a criminal? Never. 
But Felix found himself falling for you and hard, every day you'd work he would watch you with a mixture of fascination and admiration, impressed by your intellect and resourcefulness.
But as the days turned into weeks and your job neared completion, Felix found himself growing reluctant to let you go. He had his men ruin some of your work so that you'd stay around longer but it was getting harder and harder to do that with how good your work was. He had grown accustomed to your presence, your sharp wit and unwavering confidence a welcome distraction from the monotony of his daily life.
You pushed your chair away from his desk, smirking to yourself. You were unbelievably proud of how well you'd done your job, despite the obstacles that had been thrown in the way. 
"I've fixed your security systems, Lix," You announced, Felix's smile dropped from his lips as he stared back at you. He knew this time would be coming but he thought he would have more time than this. 
"It's time for me to move on." You stretched in the chair, your heart breaking at the thought of leaving him but you weren't going to listen to it. Felix's heart sank at the thought of losing you.
"I- I still need your help," He stuttered a little, he hated that he was stuttering but you were the one person who turned him into a nervous wreck with just one look.
"I fixed everything Lix, everything is unbreakable." You weren't going to allow yourself to stay any longer, you'd already felt yourself falling and you wanted to stop it in your tracks.
"Firecracker...Come on, you're the best of the best. I need you around," He sounded desperate but he honestly didn't care, he didn't want you to leave. Not when he was so close to you now. As soon as you were gone he'd be alone and the thought of that terrified him.
"You'll find someone who's just as good." You shrugged, you knew people who could replace you and if he really wanted you could get him their names.
"I can't let you go." He said simply as the door to his office opened,
"You promised." Your voice was strained as you realised what he was going to do.
"I'm sorry."
"You said you kept your word!" You screamed as two of his men stood at the door, holding their guns another led you to the room you'd been staying in.
"I hate you!" You screamed at the door, Felix' stared down at the floor. He knew he could get you to like him, he just needed a little more time with you.
You were trapped, despite your skills, you'd been no match for Felix and his powerful organization. Reluctantly, you resigned yourself to your fate, knowing that you were at Felix's mercy.
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It had been a few weeks since Felix had taken you in, every day you were forced to spend meal times with him. You hated him but at the same time, your heart was still falling for him, despite him taking you hostage. 
"Yn, you have to speak to me eventually," Felix stated as he watched you walk away from him. You'd spent most of the meals in silence, with Felix taking the conversations and talking about his day mostly. 
"Why? You want me to be some trophy in your grasp, trophies don't speak." You mumbled. It was the first time he'd heard you speak in weeks and even though it was a mumble it was music to Felix's ears. In the dimly lit confines of the home, tension hung heavy in the air as you turned on your heels to face him.
On one hand, you hated him for taking you but on another, he had taken you away from everything you hated about the real world. You were given the freedom to explore - with an armed guard by your side. You had no bills to pay, no responsibilities, it was nice...It would have been nicer if it hadn't been against your will.
"Yn, you have to understand," He pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation as he tried to justify his actions as if that was even possible. 
"I didn't take you hostage because I wanted to. I did it because... because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you." You scoffed a little, your eyes flashing with anger as you met his gaze, your fists clenched at your sides. He was unbelievable.
"That doesn't excuse what you did," You retorted, your voice sharp with reproach. 
"You can't just kidnap someone and expect them to forgive you because you're afraid of being alone." You grumbled at him, folding your arms across your chest, you weren't just going to forgive him for kidnapping you just because he gave you some piss-poor excuse.
Felix winced at your words, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. He knew that he had crossed a line, and had violated the trust of the one person he cared about more than anything else in the world. Even though he'd barely known you, part of him knew the two of you were meant to be together and he wanted it to work more than anything.
But if he'd let you leave when you were supposed to, he never would have seen you again and this had been the only logical part his brain could come up with. 
"I know I messed up,"  He admitted, his voice thick with remorse, it was now or never to make it up to you. 
"And I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I swear. But please, just give me a chance to prove that my feelings for you are real, that I'm not just some monster trying to control your life." Your anger softened slightly at his words, your heart aching with the weight of his confession. 
"I love you...I have a shitty way of showing it but I do." You blinked at him. Love? He barely knew you. 
"Your idea of loving me is to kidnap me and force me to stay against my will?" A pang of guilt shot through his chest as he stared at you.
"I'm sorry, Yn, I know I messed up and I'll do whatever it takes to make it right, but please...Just...Just give me a chance to prove to you my feelings are genuine." You wanted to believe him more than anything in the world but it was hard when everyone in your life had used love as a weapon.
"I want to believe you, Felix," You whispered, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"But you have to understand that trust isn't something you can just demand from someone. It has to be earned, and right now, I'm not sure if I can ever trust you." Felix's heart sank at your words, the realization of his mistakes hitting him like a freight train. 
"I'll do whatever it takes," he promised, his voice trembling a little, he was willing to do anything to get you to agree to be his. 
"I'll make things right, I swear. Just please... please don't give up on me." You stared at him, biting the inside of your cheek as you thought about it.
"I'll have conditions." If you were going to give this a real chance then you were going to do it with your own conditions and speculations.
"Anything." He breathed out, relief sounding in his voice as you finally agreed to him.
"I want to go out more. Alone." You stated plainly, that all you wanted was time alone. Time to go out without someone watching your every move.
"Anything but that." He bit off a little, his tone unsure of what to make of that. What if you ran? What if you found a way out and never came back?
"You said you want me to trust you but you won't trust me," You snapped at him angrily, the anger bubbling over and finally spilling.
"That's the only thing I want. Time alone." He sighed a little and rubbed the bridge of his nose, looking back to you before nodding.
"Fine. You'll come back?" You knew running would be useless but part of you didn't even want to run.
"I promise." You whispered as he watched you, his eyes narrowing a little as if he were trying to figure out if you were lying or not.
"There's a ball coming up. A charity one, you can go shopping for a gown and accessories." He told you,
"I don't have money," With that, he handed you a black car with a smile on his lips.
"Buy yourself something nice," You stared down at the black card. Oh, you were planning on buying something nice, but it wasn't just going to be one thing.
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You found yourself decked out in silk and diamonds, courtesy of Felix's card that you'd kept on you ever since you'd gotten back from your little trip. Felix carefully walked you through the grand hall and smiled as he looked around, the event was in full swing as people began to mingle with one another. But you were the only person Felix wanted to spend all night talking to. Felix escorted you through the grand ballroom, all of these things had become to the same for him over the years but he would always make sure he came to them to donate a wealthy sum before leaving.
Only tonight, he wanted to stay. He wanted to take you out on the dance floor and show you off in the stunning dress you'd worn and let everyone know that you were his.
"This place is so beautiful." You gasped out, you couldn't believe your eyes. The opulent chandeliers cast a soft glow all over the room, soft music played through the hall and people chatted among themselves. 
"You look beautiful," He whispered in your ear, smiling to himself as he looked at you. Ever since you'd walked down to him that night he hadn't been able to keep his eyes off you, not that he ever did before. Your attention slowly turned to Felix who was dressed in a tailored suit, looking as handsome as ever.
"You look handsome," You whispered, part of you wanted to hate him for keeping you hostage but after almost maxing out his card - or so you'd hoped - you were starting to feel a lot better about everything.
Felix began to navigate through the crowds of people and the more you walked the more out of place you began to feel. All of the people in attendance were wealthy and powerful people, you were a hacker who had a chance incounter with a man worth more than you could possibly think about. The further you walked the more aware you were of the curious glances and whispered rumours that were being passed around. Felix didn't even seem fazed by them as he reached for a tray of champagne and handed one of them to you.
"To a wonderful night," He cheered to you, both of you drinking from your glasses until his phone started to ring inside of his pocket, smiling weakly he pulled it out.
"Hello...Yes, this is he," He mumbled into the phone before turning to look at you, and you smirked already knowing what the phone call was about.
"200K...Hmm," He hummed as he stared at you, he had to admit he was a little impressed with how much you'd managed to spend on the card he gave to you.
"No, not to worry. That wasn't fraud, just my future wife throwing a tantrum. Alright, thank you."
"Future wife?" You giggled a little as he licked his lips slowly and shook his head at you,
"200K? What did you even buy?"
"A whole computer system, a whole new wardrobe and some diamonds." You showed him the earrings you were wearing and he couldn't help but laugh to himself.
"You didn't give me a spending limit," You shrugged it off, you expected him to get mad but Felix was quite impressed. He never thought you'd be able to spend that much in one day.
"For you? There's never a limit baby," He smirked before kissing your lips softly. For a fleeting moment, you forgot about the dangers that lurked outside the ballroom walls, or that you'd been taken hostage by Felix. You just allowed yourself to feel happy, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and kissing him back deeper this time. 
Tonight, you weren't just some hacker girl that Felix had brought along to the ball to play Cinderella for the night and you weren't his captive. You were simply a woman lost in the enchantment of the moment, captivated by the enigmatic man at your side.
As you slowly pulled away from one another there was something different in Felix's eyes, 
"What's wrong?" You were almost scared your kiss had been bad but he shook his head at you, hesitating for a moment as he thought about what he could say to you. He wanted to let you go, to let you leave the home if that was what you truly wanted but part of him was scared you'd never come back. Taking in a deep breath he reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he cupped your cheek,
"Yn, there's something I need to tell you." Your heart skipped a beat as you stared at him, waiting for him to say something but your heart raced faster with anticipation. 
"What is it?" Your voice barely came out above a whisper as you stared at him. With a sigh, Felix searched your eyes, his gaze intense and unwavering. 
"I know that our relationship began under... unconventional circumstances," he admitted, making you smirk a little.
"But as I've come to know you, I've realized that you are so much more than just a skilled hacker. You're intelligent, brave, and fiercely independent—a woman unlike any other I've ever met." He had no idea where he was going with this, it wasn't something he'd rehearsed. But your heart was fluttering at his words, your chest swelling with warmth you'd never felt before.
"And...I find myself, drawn to you in ways I can't quite explain." Your hand slowly moved to cup his cheek and you felt how hot he was getting,
"You've become an integral part of my life. And I don't want to imagine a world without you in it."
"I know I technically held you captive so...I understand if you don't want to stay with me but I needed to let you know my feelings are true." He looked at you, swallowing a lump the size of a boulder in his throat,
"But I'm going to let you go. You can leave the house, you can move out."
"Lix," You whispered, your voice trembling with emotion as you stared at him. His confession washed over you as you watched him closely, you felt the same way for him and hearing him say he was willing to let you go made you only want to stay.
"I feel the same way, I-I never wanted to...I always thought love was   just a weapon but you..." You didn't even know where to start with him.
"You care for me more than I ever thought possible." You whispered to him before Felix' blushed,
"Dance with me?" You added before he nodded, taking your hand in his.
As you swayed in each other's arms, the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the gentle embrace of the music and the warmth of your shared connection. Your head was rested against Felix's chest, your heart racing with a mixture of nerves and excitement. Despite the lavish surroundings and the curious glances of the other guests, you felt safe and protected in his arms, as if nothing else mattered but the two of you at that moment.
Felix held you close, his touch gentle yet possessive as you moved together in perfect harmony around the floor. With each step, he felt the weight of his past sins and regrets fall away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment that he had never known before.
"Lix," You breathed out as you stared up at him, your eyes sparking a little as he stared down at you. In a moment of unspoken understanding, your dance slowed, your movements becoming more intimate as you gazed into each other's eyes. The soft melody continued to play, wrapping around you like a cocoon as you drew closer, your breaths mingling in the air.
With a gentle touch, he cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing against your skin as he leaned in, his lips hovering just inches from yours. your heart raced in anticipation, your eyes fluttering closed as you surrendered to the inevitable. You'd kissed before but now there felt a sudden pressure for this one.
Your lips met in a tender, electrifying kiss—a silent declaration of the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface for so long. Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourselves in each other, the world around them fading completely as you shared a moment of pure, uncontrolled passion.
"Follow me," You breathed out, grabbing his hand in yours as you made your way through the crowds, ignoring the people who were staring and mumbling. Right now you needed Felix and you didn't have time for pleasantries as you made your way through the hall.
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"Here?" He chuckles as he lifts you up onto the countertop of the bathroom you'd just dragged him inside of, your heart racing as you watch him closely.
"What if someone comes in?" He arches a brow at you before you drag him closer to you by his tie. He knew no one would come in, his men had followed him to the door and were no doubt waiting outside refusing anyone entry if they tried.
"Then they'll see we're busy and leave." You grumbled before kissing him, this time the kiss was deeper and more intense as you pushed off the blazer he was wearing onto the floor and worked on the buttons of his shirt.
"Someone's very needy." He chuckles to himself as you glare at him, you weren't in the mood for any games, you needed him and you weren't afraid to show it.
"Shut up and do something about it then,"
"Gladly." He groans, his hands rolling up your dress until he exposes your bare core and he smirks to himself,
"No panties?" He arched his brow at you and you giggled spreading your legs for him to get a better view. His eyes run down your body, his tongue darting out to wet his lip.
"You're so fucking beautiful," He groans, his hands drifting to your thighs, his knuckles catching on the edge of your pussy making you whimper.
"You take my breath away," He tells you breathlessly,
"Prove it." You demand, spreading your legs, his eyes drop to your pussy and he groans instantly falling to his knees. You were the only woman he would ever drop to his knees for like this. Having the great Lee Felix on his knees for you sent a power trip through you like no other. You grab his head as he trails his tongue along your slit making you whimper a little at him,
"Please." You plead with him, your hips bucking a little toward him as he chuckles softly sending vibrations all over your body. His tongue touches your clit, circling it, then tracing it down your centre and dipping inside of you, lapping you up hungrily. Your hands tighten in his hair, pushing his face closer to you as you grind against his tongue. Your eyes fluttered shut as your head rolled back against the mirror behind you.
"D-Dear God, Lix, please." You moan out as he removes his tongue, licking his head to look at you as he licks his lips.
"You taste like paradise," He groans before dropping his head and eating you out like a man starved, His eyes meet yours as he keeps his face buried between your thighs, your hips trying to get more friction as you cry his name out loudly.
"Felix!" You scream, his teeth gently biting on your clit as he sends you over the edge. Ecstasy washed through you as your hips shuddered beneath him, a giant smirk toyed on his lips as he got up from the floor.
"That was fucking hot," He moans out before kissing you deeply, your legs wrapped around his waist as you yanked him closer to you. The kiss was desperate, raw, filled with a need so strong you began to grind against his pants.
"You'll make a mess, firecracker," He chuckles softly before you pull away, unbuckling his belt and kicking his pants down leaving him bare in front of you. Felix was quick to reach for his wallet, grabbing a condom from the inside and rolling it onto himself as you wiggle your eyebrows at him.
"This is going to be quick," He winks at you, he could hear a commotion happening outside but you smirked at him. The two of you were at a ball filled to the brim with rich people and you wanted them to hear you getting fucked by him. 
"Lix, don't make me beg," You whine before he slams into you, holding you tightly as you groan, throwing your head back against the mirror so hard you were afraid it was going to break. You scream his name out as he pulls back and thrusts into you again, your legs wrapped around his waist as you bring him closer to him.
"Felix!" You cry out as the door handle jiggles, making you giggle as Felix chuckles to himself.
"Felix! Is that you?!" A man yelled from outside the door, you whimpered a little but Felix only continued to plow in and out of you.
"I'm busy fucking my girl, we'll be out soon!" He calls out before slamming into you again, your head rolling back as your hips bucked toward him. You dig your heels into his ass urging him on and his hand presses onto the mirror behind you, the other on your hips as he fucks you. His thrusts wild and hard as he groans your name out.
"L-Lix." You moan out as he continues to drive into you, your hands digging into his shoulders as you yank him closer to you, your release drawing closer as you cry out his name.
"I've got you, you can come, firecracker," He moans out, reaching his hand down and rubbing your clit roughly. Your release rushes over you unexpectedly as you cry out his name loudly, whimpering and bucking uncontrollably. Felix chuckles to himself, completely in love with the way you come undone around him but he doesn't stop.
He continues to fuck into you, one leg over his shoulder as he hits you at a different angle,
"G-God, YES!" You cry out as he smirks to himself, his fingers rubbing your clit as you whimper his name out, your third orgasm of the night already fast approaching as you whimper his name again and again.
"Come for me, firecracker. One last time," He grunts, thrusting harder as you cry out his name, your stomach clenching as you cum around him once again, clenching so tightly you send him over the edge and he spills into the condom.
The two of you stay like that for a few seconds until Felix carefully lowers your leg down and leans his forehead against yours, panting heavily as you let out a tiny giggle.
"Think people will stare when we go out there?" You leaned back against the mirror and watched as Felix smirked and nodded.
"Who cares?" He chuckled before slowly dressing himself. A loud banging sounded on the door as you rolled your eyes, someone was clearly desperate for the toilet or for Felix's attention and you hated them for it.
"I've got info for you!" Someone yelled from outside the door as Felix stuffs himself back into his trousers, did himself up and checked that you were dressed before opening the door he wasn't going to risk anyone but him seeing you.
"Minho," Felix greets with a smirk on his lips, the man glances in your direction before looking over his shoulder.
"Kitten, take Felix's date to the girls for a chat. The men need to talk business." You glanced at Felix to make sure it was okay first and he nodded, kissing your cheek quickly before you ran off with the woman Minho had spoken to.
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The girls you'd been standing with were all so friendly and each of them had been telling you about their dates, you since learnt that all of them were with a criminal madman which had made you feel a lot better about yourself and Felix.
"I hate you," You grumbled, jokingly as Felix stood behind you, his lips brushing against the skin on your neck making your body shiver. The bathroom sex wasn't enough, you wanted to go back home and fuck until you saw the morning sun,
"I hate you more, my little firecracker" Felix smirked down at you before you swatted his hands away from you, but he successfully managed to get his hands around your waist and he smirked.
"Excuse us, ladies but we have some making up to go and do." Felix chuckled before dragging you away without a second to even say goodbye to them all.
"Hey I was having fun, who knows when I'll see them again?" You pouted a little, but Felix spun you around and pulled you into a tight embrace.
"You'll see them at our wedding no doubt." He shrugs as if it was the most casual thing in the world for him to say and you roll your eyes at him,
"You're that sure I'll marry you?" You quipped, he was. In fact, he was willing to put money on it.
"I'm sure I can convince you after a few more orgasms," He winks before you shove against his chest and make your way out to a car.
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @myyouthdonut @extrhotjne @ca11me3mily @elissasimp
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I really love you "Get off my screen" series! And I just and couldn't stop thinking about Reader just texting out of nowhere saying "Bruh I'm fucking dying"
And Vox is just going haywire(See what I did there?) Worried about you and ask what they mean and Reader be like "I'm dying because of BOARdom(Get it?)
You're Just Being Mean!
A/N: Omg I am absolutely writing this AHAHAHAHA- Vox is always the one screwing with dear Reader so I think it's about time to return the favor. Thank you @crazylzp143 for the inbox idea! I love how much this story is expanding and the ideas y'all have for it. As always, I hope you all enjoy this filler interlude and please keep the ideas coming! Happy reading!
You cheered, flopping backwards on your bed in a cheerful mood.
On your computer monitor was an empty assignment box.
You'd successfully accomplished all your required tasks before the semester's end which left you with a whole lot of free time to burn.
And did you absolutely just unwind and relax.
Playing games, watching movies, bingeing shows-
You practically spedran the chill pill treatment.
To the point where you managed to bore yourself before the day was even over.
You stared up at the ceiling with an annoyed look-
Wasn't there really anything else you could do?
And why did time pass by so slowly?
God you were bored.
In the middle of your TV show binge, your phone buzzed to life.
Considering you'd quickly found the plot line to be quite a drag, you just let the drama play while you no longer paid attention to it.
The white noise the show provided helped make it feel like you were actually doing something.
Even when you knew you weren't doing anything productive at all-
Looking over at your phone, you smiled upon opening the familiar chatbox that you saw almost daily.
"Heya Voxxy, what's up?"
"Well aren't you in a good mood today! Anything special?"
You playfully rolled your eyes, Vox really thought he was being cheeky this time wasn't he?
"Managed to complete all my work for the semester, so now I can just chillax until exams come around!"
"Wait what? Holy shit! You've got a whole two weeks of nothing then!"
"IKR! I can just laze around and do what I want after class hours!"
It wasn't surprising that Vox quickly got used to your schedule, you'd also grown slightly accustomed to his.
He knew the basic rundown of your schedule, like when your classes started and ended-
Just as much as you knew when he had to leave for his daily broadcast and when he would come back.
You could only guess him knowing when exam season happens was from looking at the calendars and schedules you had meticulously prepared in your computer.
There were times he would even remind you of things due on a day, like quizzes or projects to which you would grow embarrassed that it slipped your mind.
You were the one who made the calendar, how could you forget it???
Though it was probably helpful on his end that he quite literally had a digital reference to look back on.
You still wondered sometimes how he managed to end up with a TV for a head but didn't look into it much.
"Guess that means you'll be spending more time with me?"
"Dude, I already spend so much time with you! Any more and I'd have to call you my boyfriend!"
That message really shouldn't have caused Vox to bluescreen but it did.
He was just so flustered that his system crashed in it's entirety because of what you said.
Not that you noticed when all you got in reply was some keysmash and middle finger emojis.
Vox could only imagine you were laughing at his expense, and even then he couldn't bring himself to be annoyed with you.
It was only recently that he'd become hyper aware with how much you meant to him so jokes and comments like that easily sent his mental careening.
Not that he quite understood why he felt this way yet, a part of him still blamed some unknown untraceable malware that your devices shoved into his system.
Though he highly doubted that a stupid virus would make his stomach do flips whenever he saw your silly smile.
Oh whatever, he'll just have to run another malware check later or something.
You just continued to tease Vox for a good while before he had to excuse himself and leave for a meeting.
He was slightly glad that he had just a little respite from your teasing onslaught.
Any more of it and there was a high risk he would've accidentally caused another citywide blackout.
You tossed your phone onto an adjacent cushion and just laughed.
No wonder Vox liked to embarrass you so much.
It was downright hilarious and entertaining.
You couldn't help but feel slightly flattered with his reactions though, was your friendship that important to him?
So he really did care after all, what a dork.
The funny high you were running on, much to Vox's chagrin, didn't last long.
So you decided to go back to fucking with your TV headed companion since he usually did the same to you.
"Dudeeeee I'm fucking dyingggg-"
Vox made the mistake of checking his phone in the middle of the meeting and nearly gave himself a stroke upon reading your message.
What in Lucifer's name even happened?!
Last he checked you were completely fine???
He hadn't even left you for-
Taking a look at his internal clock, Vox glitched from sheer panic.
It hadn't even been an hour!
Was this supposed to be a joke??
Were you just fibbing with him?
Or god forbid you were actually hurt and needed help-
He was about to just bolt out of that meeting before another messaged snapped him out of it.
"I'm dying- dying of BOARDom! HAHA see what I did there?"
Vox felt the last of his patience leave him as rings appeared on his other eye.
The absolute nerve of you-!
"Oh fuck off (Y/N)."
With that, he angrily pocketed his phone and once again paid attention to the meeting.
The poor presenter in the front nearly shat himself from how irritated Vox looked, they didn't know that frustration was because of you though.
You just couldn't stop laughing at his reply, not realizing how badly your overlord friend took the joke until some noticeable time passed and there wasn't a single message or notification from him.
Now that started to concern you.
You'd be lucky to get through an hour with less than a hundred notifications at a time-
It's been two and there was still absolutely nothing.
Did something happen?
Was he upset or dealing with something?
Perchance... did you do something to upset him?
"Vox...? Hey, you good dude?"
You grew more concerned as the minutes ticked on.
Whatever it was- Vox was probably genuinely upset.
And you had a gut feeling it had something to do with you.
"I'm not talking to you."
You almost wanted to roll your eyes at his message, was he being childish?
So your hunch was right, you did manage to upset him- somehow.
"Ehhhh??? Why? What did I do?"
"You know what you fucking did (Y/N)."
Not really- that's why you asked.
Your hands dropped onto your lap tiredly as you looked up towards the ceiling.
What... what did you do wrong?
Scrolling up to read your chats, it didn't take long before you realized where it went wayside.
"Right, you don't really like it when I joke about dying huh."
"You never really told me why, and you never cared this much before. You would just laugh it off when I delivered the punchline."
"You're still young (Y/N). You have your whole life ahead of you. Dying puts you at risk of ending up here in hell with me."
"You know that doesn't sound as horrible as you paint it right?"
"I'll end up where you are, that can't seriously be that bad."
Vox genuinely wondered if you had a screw loose or something this time.
He continued to try hammering it into you that it was hell he was talking about.
Eternal damnation, the never-ending inferno, etc.
Ya know, where all the sinners went to suffer??
But again and again you would just keep repeating-
"But I'll be where you are, it won't be that bad- it can't be that bad."
Until he finally understood what you were insinuating.
It wouldn't be so bad, because he was there.
He would be there with you.
At that point the state of hell or where you were wasn't important.
Vox could only chuckle at his own foolishness.
Not to mention just how oblivious you were to your own words.
"I guess. Just don't do that again."
"I'll try not to. Besides, if I croak and end up at the heaven gates- I'll put in a good word for you."
"You? In heaven? Nice joke dollface."
"Oh fuck you too Vox, I was being optimistic."
The tech overlord just rolled his eyes, there was a real risk that he could lose you soley because heaven would take you away but he didn't dwell on it.
You were still here texting him, cracking jokes and being your obnoxiously cute self.
You were still on the other side of the screen furiously typing up a comeback of why you would be able to get into the pearly gates.
Vox just chuckled, as long as you were with him in the here and now-
He found he wouldn't care even if hell froze over.
A/N: Our Voxxy is starting to catch feels, well- slightly- he's just in the stages of caring a bit too much but not realizing it's romance yet. Writing this stuff is hilariously entertaining, plus the slow burn is just yummy hahahahah I'll be putting out some more interludes tomorrow but the direct continuation is finished! I just need to post these things chronologically XD
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m00nh1gh · 5 months
Bsf's dad!Bang Chan x reader
You knew you had a thing for older men but you didn't expect to be in this situation.
Contains: Unprotected car sex, masturbation (f), fingering, there's an age gap, but the reader is legal AND they didn't know each other when she was a minor, just a little heads up.
Word count: 3.1k.
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Sleepovers at your best friend's house were always the best. You'd watch plenty of movies (or videos on YouTube) and cook together when her dad wasn't home. You had done all of that tonight and even had a photoshoot for new profile pictures and posts for Instagram. You really went all out for it, too.
Though, there was always one thing that bothered you at those sleepovers and it was the sleep part. Yuna snored a lot and it lead to insomnia for you. You'd usually be okay with it, because you never failed to bring your headphones, but this time, you had let them at your house. 
You grunted for the fifth time in a whole minute before letting go of the pillow you'd been using against your ears to try and muffle the sounds, but to no avail. You decided it could be good to take a little walk in her house. You guys were alone anyway, so it wouldn't bother anyone. 
You slowly opened the door of her bedroom, walked out and made sure to close it behind you. You looked around to make sure her dad wasn't here and went to the kitchen silently.
You poured yourself some water in the glass you used tonight and took a big sip of it. You could finally relax once you were away from Yuna. You didn't even know exactly why snoring irritated you so much. It made you feel bad to complain about it so much, but you just had to.
"Y/n? It's late, why aren't you sleeping?"
You jumped and put a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from yelping. You had never heard him coming in the house, even less walking in the room and leaning against the doorframe. He didn't look annoyed or bored. He was, in fact, smiling at you with a raised brow. It made you blush - as usual - and you looked down.
"Sorry, I couldn't sleep. I just came here to get some water.
- You know it's alright, you should still get some rest though," he placed his coat on the kitchen island as he walked to the fridge, which was right beside you.
His sleeves were rolled up and you couldn't help but to take a look at his arms and hands as he took a plate Yuna and you had prepared for him earlier. He placed it in the microwave for one minute and thirty seconds and then he looked back at you.
"She's snoring again, right?
- Yeah."
He laughed and suddenly, your heart started beating faster. This wasn't right. You shouldn't feel like this around him. He's your best friend's dad, for God's sake!
"I'll be awake for a while more, wanna come to my office? I could use some company. 
- Oh, but I don't want to bother you…
- You won't. I really would appreciate your company. But if you wanna go back to sleep, then it's good too!" His dimples are so hot. His office outfit is so hot. You felt hot.
"No, I'm not going to sleep," you smiled at him before following his lead to his office that was on the second floor. It was the first time you steeped into it and it somehow felt intimate; Yuna had always told you her dad did not let anyone in there while he was gone and now he invited you to sit on the small couch that was settled next to a bookshelf.
"Don't tell Yuna about this, she'll start coming here without my permission," the man sighed as he sat on his chair behind his desk. He turned his computer on and looked back at you while it loaded. "You can do whatever you want, I have books there and other stuff… Just don't touch what's on my desk, not that I think you would anyway," he gave you a wink and a smile as he laid back on his chair, turning his attention back to the screen.
Some time passed since your last interaction with Christopher. You had picked a book from his shelf, but quite honestly, it was just to make yourself look busy. You surely couldn't concentrate on it when you could see him shift on his seat and hear him sigh from time to time, clicking his tongue and grunting. You didn't know what he was working on, but it surely made him frustrated.
You looked at the cover of the book since you didn't even know which one you had picked. That's how uninterested you were about it, but maybe that you should start being, because Christopher's noises made you think some stuff that you shouldn't think about.
"100 Cocktail Recipes; Spice your Drinks Up!"  What the fuck?
"Is everything alright?" You opted on asking, coming to the conclusion that you wouldn't read anything tonight.
"Yeah, yeah. Just work stuff, you know?" He looked rather enthusiastic about you finally talking to him. You guessed he needed a little break from work.
"Yeah, I know," you looked around the room, suddenly feeling really awkward and regretting having talked to him.
"I guess I could take a small break," he sighed and leaned back on his chair, his hands behind his head as he looked back at his screen. "Wanna go on a little drive?
- I'd actually like that, yes," you smiled and you both got up to walk out of the office. 
"Wait just a bit, I'm gonna go change into something else," you nodded and he came back a few minutes later with a t-shirt and simple jeans. The shirt was tight. You didn't even know how it didn't tear because the man is muscular. You shook your head a little to let go of your thoughts and followed Christopher to the entry door.
Once your shoes were on, he let you get out first and he locked the door behind him.
"Let's hope Yuna doesn't wake up," he chuckled and unlocked his car. You smiled and mentally prayed that she wouldn't notice you were out too, walking to the car and getting in the passenger seat as Christopher sat at the driver's seat.
"So, where are we going?
- Anywhere, it's up to you.
- I know a pretty spot somewhere. Let's get snacks and then go there. Yeah?
- Sounds good," you smiled at him and he returned it, starting the engine and driving to a small convenience store Yuna and you went to often. It was the only one that was open the whole night, so when you ever craved something late, you walked there and took whatever you needed. You even became friends with the cashier.
"Hey, Y/n!" Jeongin waved at you and nodded at Christopher. You walked to him as Christopher picked some snacks in the store.
"Is that your dad?
- No, that's Yuna's dad," you looked behind to make sure he wasn't near you and you leaned forward. "He's fucking hot."
Jeongin laughed and shook his head.
"Do you even know how old he is? Not that he looks 60, but that's still her dad.
- He's like in his half 40's, it's alright.
- What are you guys talking about?"
You jumped as Christopher put food and drinks on the counter. Jeongin stayed silent as he scanned the items and you cleared your throat.
"Are you two dating?
- What? No, no!" Jeongin finally spoke.
"That's Yuna's boyfriend," you added, side eyeing Jeongin whose cheeks reddened significantly.
"Am not.
- Not yet," you teased and Christopher laughed.
"I'll be looking forward to our first family dinner with you, then," he paid for the stuff and took the plastic bag after Jeongin put the receipt in it. You said your goodbyes and walked out with a smile still sitting on your face, thinking back to Jeongin's shyness at the mention of your best friend.
"They'd look cute together," Christopher said as you both got back in the car.
"I know, right? But they're both so oblivious that it hurts me sometimes.
- Give them time and eventually, they'll confess."
It was a ten minute drive until Christopher parked his car in an empty parking lot, which was right in front of a small river. There were benches along it and lampposts beside each one of them. It was a pretty spot indeed, but you wished you'd brought a jacket with you if you were to get out of the car.
"We can stay in the car if you want, you're not wearing something adequate to the weather," he remarked and you agreed.
He took out two bottles of water and handed one to you. You opened it and immediately took a sip. You hadn't noticed how thirsty you were, and the water felt refreshing in your throat.
"And what about you? Do you have a boyfriend?
- No, guys at school aren't for me.
- Ah, I see," it was silent for a little moment until you heard him unbuckle his seat so he could turn to you the way he wanted to. "What about older guys? You know, you're old enough to have a little age gap in relationships now."
You played with the cap of your bottle nervously, your heart pounded hard in your chest and you could hear it. "Yeah, I like older men.
- Men, huh?" He smirked and turned your head towards him with a hand placed on your cheek. "Have you tried talking to them?"
You shook your head and hardly swallowed, suddenly needing another sip of water. But, you couldn't move. Christopher looked too beautiful in the dark of the night, with only a small amount of light that hit the side of his face. His lips looked extra kissable and they were still a little wet due to his drink and you felt yourself getting needy.
"No, I haven't.
- Then talk to me," he leaned close to your ear, you could feel his hot breath on your neck and you closed your eyes, "Am I old enough for you?
- Yeah," you whispered, and you swore you could hear his smirk. He looked back at you, and it was hard for you not to look away. He was way too intimidating for you to hold eye contact.
"I knew you'd be a good girl for me," he kissed you shortly once, and then the second one was deep. His lips- God, his lips felt so good against yours. They were so soft and fit perfectly with yours, driving you insane and you undid your seatbelt to get closer to him. Christopher groaned lowly as his tongue entered your mouth, and his hand found its way to your thigh, slowly hiking up your shorts. Well, as much as he could.
You shivered at his touch and softly bit on his lower lip, making a moan escape from his lips and that was it: now you were wet for sure and he broke away from the kiss, looking at you with lustful eyes.
"Tell me what you want," he said, his voice deeper than usual.
"I just want you," you admitted, placing a hand on his chest. It trailed down to the end of his shirt. 
"Then I'll show you how much I want you too," he reclined his seat a little and gestured for you to come sit on his lap. You obeyed and immediately felt him through his pants. He was already half hard for sure.
"So fucking beautiful," he took a strand of your hair between his fingers, then putting his hand at the back of your head to pull you closer so he could kiss you. He slid his hand down your waist, making its way under your shorts. His other hand cupped one of your boobs through your tank top. You whimpered and put your hands around his biceps, feeling his muscles flexing under them.
His lips were so rough against yours that it added an edge of excitement to the moment. You were completely lost in this touch, his hand was back out of your shorts and was settled on your hip. His other one was sliding down your sides, feeling your curves.
"You're going to drive me insane," you hummed against his lips and rolled your hips a little, making him groan and pull you away from the kiss. "Touch yourself, baby," he commanded, moving one hand to grab your ass and squeezing it.
"What?" You asked with a small voice, unsure of what he meant by this.
"I want to see you touching yourself," he clarified, his voice as rough as his touch. A hand under your top now, he found your nipple and teasingly brushed against it. You reacted to it, pulling yourself closer to him, and you nodded, spreading your thighs a little. You slid a hand under your shorts and panties, reaching your clit immediately.
His hand finally pinched your nipple and it earned him a moan from you. "That's it, baby," he breathed. "You look so fucking hot."
You hummed again, rubbing small circles on your clit as you absorbed everything he told you.
"So obedient. You like being my good girl? Like touching yourself for me?
- Yeah," you moaned as your hips bucked up, looking down at him.
"Tell me more," he demanded. He wanted you to beg for him, to show him just how much power he held over you.
"I like being your good girl, only yours," you said, pulling the fabric of your panties and shorts to the side so he could have a glimpse at what was going on under your clothes.
"You're such a tease," he teasingly traced a finger along your wet folds. "Look at how wet you are for me."
You whimpered and stopped touching yourself for him to take over. Your hands went back to his biceps. 
"Do you like being teased?" He asked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He continued teasing your pussy, ignoring how you tried getting away due to how sensitive you had gotten.
"No," you closed your thighs around his hand. 
"Yes, you do," he said, leaning in to kiss you like a hungry man. His free hand squeezed your breasts, pinching your hardened nipple as he started rubbing on your clit. You moaned against his lips, spreading your thighs for him to touch you better as you tugged at the sleeves of his shirt.
With a low chuckle, he pushed your panties to the side more and slid a finger into your sloppy hole, immediately finding your g spot. "Want me to make you cum?" He assumed you were already ready for a second finger, so he slid another one inside you.
"Yes, please. Please," you breathed out, getting used to his fingers inside you. 
"That's it," he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of you. "Feels good?" He asked, placing hot kisses over your neck as he continued with the right amount of pressure and speed.
"Good," you agreed, lifting his shirt up a little so you could have a look at his toned abs, finally touching the skin. That made him groan again, his fingers digging deeper into you as you touched every inch of his chest. Once your hand reached lower, his hips grinded against it slightly, and you didn't waste another second before unzipping his pants and cupping his dick through his boxers.
He moaned, his hips grinding a little more against your palm. "You're so hot,"
You moaned when his finger brushed against a certain spot inside you and it made you squeeze his cock a little. He lifted himself up a little so you could slide his pants and boxers down a little. Christopher's breath hitched a little and his eyes locked with yours, filled with lust and anticipation. "Fuck."
"Want you inside me, Chris. Please?" You asked, pumping his dick slowly to spread his precum all over his shaft.
"Alright, baby," he hissed a little at your touch. "If that's what you want. But I can't guarantee I'll be gentle," he warned, guiding himself to your entrance once your hand had left him. You nodded and pushed yourself down on his dick a little so his tip was already inside you. You moaned and put a hand on the back of the seat for support as you sunk down painfully slowly.
Christopher lost some of his patience and grabbed your hips harshly, thrusting into you sharply without warning. You gasped and threw your head back, feeling the stretch of his dick clearly. It hurt for sure, but you didn't say anything. He knew to give you some time to get used to him. He brought you closer and started kissing your neck. "Told you I can't be gentle," he mumbled as he softly nibbled at your skin.
"Can move," you said, rolling your hips against him. He moaned and guided you, giving a small slap at your ass as you rode him. It was your first time, but by Christopher's moans, you guessed you did good, and you found the hem of his shirt to tug at it. 
He got the hint and quickly got it off, throwing it at the back of the car, completely forgetting about it and giving his complete attention to you. Your hands quickly found their way to his upper chest, pawing at the skin. "Fuck, Chris," you moaned against his ear.
His eyes rolled back as you touched him and moaned in his ear that way, picking up the pace of your movements as he guided you on him. "Yeah, feel good, baby? Like having sex with older men? They're better at it, right? They have more experience… I know what's good for you," his lips trailed down your collarbones, and you moved so he could mouth your boob through your top. He softly bit, making your back arch and you lost control of yourself, becoming unstable on top of him.
He cursed and held your hips up, now he was the one pounding up into you at a rapid and rough pace. Everytime his pelvis met your clit, it sent waves of pleasures throughout your whole body and you felt yourself coming closer to your orgasm.
"Shit, gonna cum," he said in a whisper almost and you moaned in response. "Gonna cum soon too, baby?
- Yeah," you agreed and rubbed your clit as he continued thrusting into you. Both of your movements became sloppy and right when he was about to release, he pulled out of you and fucked his own fist until he came all over his stomach. With that vise in front of you, your orgasm hit you fast and your hips stuttered above him as he was still riding his own orgasm out.
"Fuck," you whimpered and collapsed on him. You were both panting heavily and he was now stroking your hair softly.
"Y/n, you're fucking crazy," he said and you laughed.
One of my fav chapters frfr
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: anon request: "Solby x reader, yn is modeling for them in their merch in their bedroom and it turns sexyyyy"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, flirting, teasing, biting, hair pulling, scratching, choking, unprotected threesome, oral (f rec), facial, fingering, filth
Word count: 3.7k | not edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"Hey." You say as you walk into Sam's room, "Whatcha doin'?" Sam turns from his computer and shakes his head, "Nothing. Just making sure everything is in order for the next merch drop, what's up?"
"I have a coffee date with Georgia later and I was wondering if you had maybe an XPLR shirt that I don't have that I can wear?"
He motions to his closet, "Go for it." He watches as you open the door, sliding the hangers over the rack as you inspect each item of clothing.
"Hey, y/n." Sam says and you look over at him, "I have the new merch out in my car, Colby and I wore it for our shoot, but I can go get it if you want to look through that?"
You nod, "That would be great, Sam. Yeah. If you want to." He nods and gets up, walking out to go get it and you hear Colby coming down the hallway, "Hey Sam, what should I d-" Colby walk in and stops talking as he sees you, "y/n? What are you doing here?"
"Sam went out to his car quick and I came to steal one of his shirts." You look back at him, smirking slightly as you see his eyes shoot up to yours, "He'll be back, in like a minute or so."
"Mm. I see." Colby laughs and walks over to the desk and sits down, totally forgetting what he came to ask Sam about.
You've been friends with Sam and Colby for ever now. Practically your whole life. But ever since you moved in with them, there's been some.. tension.
Sexual tension.
You thought you were just crazy, or that they’d think you were, because you liked, no.. loved that you were the girl who lived with them. Got their constant  attention. You were in a position so many girls would absolutely kill for.
And the more you thought about it, the more you really didn't want them seeing anyone else - but you.
You felt kind of selfish for it, and bad because you noticed that you'd catch an attitude or stay in your room pouting if either one of them brought up another girl, even if it was just for an investigation and nothing else.
You honestly didn't think they'd go for a thruple ordeal, so you just kept it to yourself. You don't even know how you'd bring something like that up.
It made you nervous to think about, so you tried shoving your silly feelings down. Covering them up with jokes and telling them that you had something to work on, even when you didn't.
But as the days went on and you grew to be more comfortable with them. The thought of being with both of them actually drove you insane to the point you wanted to just throw yourself at one of them and hope the other got jealous enough to just join in.
You laugh at your thoughts, sighing to yourself. It must have been a little too loud because it catches Colby's attention, "What's so funny over there?" He spins the chair and brings one leg up to rest on his other knee, "Care to share?"
You look over at him, biting down on your bottom lip as you shake your head, "I just.. thought of something funny I seen on TikTok."
"Did ya?" Colby chuckles, eyes moving up and down your body.
As much as you wanted to just confess your feelings for both of them, you told yourself that you'd wait until they gave you a signal that was more clear, wasn't mixed.
"Yeah." You clear your throat, "I did."
"Alright." Sam walks in, clothing draped over his arms and shoulders, "Here we are."
You turn and watch Sam as he lays each item out on the bed from the pile he made from throwing them down.
You walk over, "Okay.” You pick up a t shirt and look over it, "That's a pretty sick design. I like this a lot."
"That's my favorite, too." Sam says, "What are you doing in here?" He looks at Colby and Colby shrugs, "I came in to ask you something but now I can't remember."
Sam laughs and sits down on the bed, watching you as you go through the clothes, "There's so many good ones." You look up, "You guys did good."
They smile, "Thank you. We're proud of it." Colby says with a nod. He looks over at Sam and they exchange a look while you continue holding each thing up.
"Why don't you.. um.." Colby clears his throat, "Why don't you try them on." He shrugs, and there’s your sign.
Clear as day.
You look up, "All of it?"
He nods and Sam steps in, "Yeah. Why not. We can see what looks the best on you." You chew on your lip to try and hide your smile, "Alright."
You slip your plain blue sweatshirt off, leaving you in your sports bra and shorts, which is nothing new, they've seen you in one a thousand times.
Sam tilts his head slightly, in awe of you like usual.
Colby tries to subtly adjust his sitting position, laying a hand over his lips as he watches you put on the first shirt, "Oh this is comfy." You look up and they quickly try to act like they weren't just staring you down.
But you could feel it.
"It is. They're so soft." Sam nods, "That looks good on you."
"Really?" You smile slightly and look down at it. Colby sighs, "She might take our job at modeling our own clothes."
You laugh, rolling your eyes, "Yeah, I'm sure."
"Those sweatpants are super comfy, too." Colby adds quickly, "They are my favorite thing out of this line." You look down at them, running your fingers over the soft pants, "I'll see for myself."
You knew what you were doing, and you knew what they were doing.
And vice versa.
As you slip your shorts down and step out of them, you turn to grab the sweats off the bed, “You know, if you take a picture it’ll last longer.”
You look up and you can see them smirking, “busted.” Colby mumbles lowly to Sam and Sam laughs, “Yeaahhh.”
As you’re putting on the sweats, adjusting them to how you like them, you see a flash out of the corner of your eye and the whirring sound of the Polaroid camera.
You look over at them, smirking as you roll your eyes, “Really?”
“Hey. You said take a picture, so.. you can’t really blame us.” Colby smiles and you bite your lip, “Uh huh.” You turn, modeling the pants and shirt for them, “I mean they don’t match but..”
“Mm. I think it looks great.” Sam rubs his chin with his fingers, “Do a little spin for us.”
You laugh slightly and smile as you slowly spin around, listening to them cheer you on.
“Alright, I think I’ll try on the sweatshirt now.” You slip the shirt up over your head, tossing it at Colby and he catches it.
“thanks. I like this shirt.” He smirks and you laugh as you flip the sweatshirt to put it on. You fix the hood and situate it on your body, “Well?”
They look at each other and you smirk, “Wait.” They look at you, watching as you kick off the sweatpants, “Okay..” you pull the sweatshirt down just to barely cover your ass, “How does this look?”
Sam blinks a few times, eyes moving down to your bare legs.
Colby stares at you, mouth parted slightly and he sighs, “Yeah, I say that also look good on you.”
Sam smirks, “I think we need to see a full three-sixty.” You squint your eyes, “I know what you’re doing.” He tilts his head, “Do you?”
Did you?
“Mhm.” You go with it as you spin around, “at least I think I do.” You spin around to face them, “You just wanna see my butt.”
“Wanna see a lot more than that.” Colby mumbles and Sam nudges him. You look at Colby, unsure of what he said, “Huh?”
“Nothing.” Sam says quickly, “Here.” He leans forward, grabbing one of the other t-shirts, “Try this one on. That’s Colby’s favorite.”
You glance at Colby and he nods, “Oh yeah.”
You slide the sweatshirt off, tossing it at Sam and he laughs, “Didn’t think we’d get a strip tease out of this, but hey. Who’s complaining?”
“Not me.” Colby holds up his hands and you laugh, “Yeah, because that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
You were. You were totally trying to get under their skin, or under them. Something of that sort.
You slip on the shirt, letting it lay just at the band of your underwear, “Well, Colby. Since this is your favorite.. how’s it look?”
His eyes rake up and down your body, “I love it on you.” He nods, “Definitely my favorite one.”
You smile, chewing on the inside of your cheek as you bend over slightly to look through the other ones, “Oh this one is cute, too.” You hold up the shirt and nod, “I think this is the one I’ll be wearing.”
“Whatever one you want.” Sam bites his lip, leaning back on his arm. You lay the shirt down to strip from the other shirt you’re wearing, “This one is soft, too. I like this.”
You walk over to the mirror, modeling for yourself - and for the boys.
“Yeah that’s it.. Work it, baby.” Sam’s words catch you off guard and you spin around to look at him, “what?”
Sam smirks, laughing slightly as he looks at Colby, “Think the cat’s out of the bag, huh?” Colby nods, “Yeah, I think it is.”
Your heart starts to race as Sam gets up, walking over to you, “You don’t think we know about how you feel?”
“How do I feel?” You swallow as his fingers brush against your neck as he moves hair from it, “I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
He stands behind you, slowly lifting the shirt from your body, “The looks you give us.” His lips on your neck feel like fire, “The way you throw little temper tantrums when it’s not just you.”
Colby gets up, walking over to stand in front of you, “Saying you have stuff to do when you really pout because we’re not giving you any attention?”
You look up at him and he smirks, “We know you better than anyone, darling.” He gently rests his fingers under your chin, “We know exactly what you want. And you want to know why?”
You nod, “Why?”
“Because we want you, too, baby.” Sam whispers in your ear, gently nipping at your lobe, “We’ve wanted you for a while.” He chuckles, “I’m not surprised that you modeling our clothes for us worked.”
“We knew it would get us right where we all wanted to be.” Colby’s hands slide down to your hips, his one hand moving over to slip into the band of your - very wet - panties.
You gasp, leaning back into Sam as Colby’s fingers put just the right amount of pressure on your aching clit, “from the moment you moved in. Strutting around in those little pajama shorts..” Colby leans in to kiss your neck, causing your moans to grow a little bit louder.
Sam groans, “Fuck. Those shorts, baby.” He sighs, “Can’t get enough of seeing your ass peak out every time you reaches for something on the top shelf in the kitchen.”
“You tease us. In every way possible.” Colby lean back, slipping his fingers down to feel the wetness that’s pooling between your folds, “We’ve just finally had enough of not doing anything about it.”
You gasp, moaning out as Colby hooks his fingers inside of you, “So fuckin’ wet.”
Sam kisses down your neck and back up, “We just didn’t know how to go about it but finally we just said fuck it and now we’re finally getting what we’ve talking about for months.”
You spread your legs more, eyes rolling back as you tangle a hand in their hair, “F-fuck.”
“That feel good?” Colby asks brushing his lips against yours. You nod, “Y-yes.” Colby’s lips plant on yours and you moan into his mouth.
“That’s it. Those are the pretty sounds we wanna hear.” Sam whispers and sucks a spot on your neck, “Let’s hear more.” His arm snakes around your waist, slipping in to rub your clit as Colby scissors his fingers in and out of you.
“Y-yes. Yes.” You tug on Sam’s hair, moaning louder as Colby moves his head down to kiss over your collar bone and up your neck.
���Let’s take her to the bed.” Sam nods towards the bed and they both take their hand away from you, leaving you whimpering at the loss of their touch.
Colby steps back, placing his hands on your hips to guide you towards the bed. He has you sit down and he stands between your knees as Sam moves to sit behind you, pulling you back to lean against his chest.
Your lip is held in a soft grip of your teeth as you watch Colby drop to his knees, “Lift your hips for me, baby.” You comply, rising up just enough for him to pull your underwear off your body.
“You can relax now, baby. Let us show you how good we can make you feel.” Colby rubs your thighs and Sam leans down, whispering into your ear, “do you want that?”
You nod, “For so long.”
“Glad you’re on the same page.” Colby pushes your knees apart, placing his thumbs on either side of your pussy and spreads you open before he dives in with his tongue.
You gasp as he moans against you, your hand shoots down to lay on the back of his head, “Fuck, oh my god. Fuck.” Your back arches against Sam’s chest and he wraps an arm around you, turning your head with his free hand so he can kiss you.
He swallows your moans that are caused by Colby’s tongue pushing in and out of you.
“F-fuck.” You reach up, tangling your fingers in Sam’s hair. He groans lowly as you pull, “Feel good?”
“So good.” You breathe out, “So fucking good.” You let out a whine, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for him, baby. Then you’re going to cum for me.” Sam presses his lips to yours, slowly moving his with yours. Colby’s hands move to grip your thighs, pushing them further apart as he moves to suck your clit.
“S-shit.” You feel your body tense up slightly as your first orgasm approaches fast. Your eyes roll back and your head tilts, “F-fuck yes. Yes.”
“Let it all out baby. Tell us how good he makes you feel.” Sam whispers, nudging your cheek with his nose, “You sound so pretty.”
You roll your hips slightly, riding the high before Colby leans back, “Why’d we wait so fucking long for this?”
Sam chuckles, playing with the front zipper of your bra, “No idea. But I’m glad we’re done waiting.” He pulls the zipper down, your boobs popping out once the zipper is apart. Sam pulls the fabric down your arms and throws it on the floor, “My turn.”
He moves from out behind you, letting you lay back on the bed.
Your eyes follow Sam as he moves in between your legs, kissing from your knees to your hips. He licks his lips before dipping his head down, licking up your wet cunt before his tongue pushes in.
Your back arches off the bed, hands gripping the sheets tightly, “Oh fuck.” You let out a loud moan, whimpering as his thumb rubs circles.
Colby lays next to you, now shirtless, “You’re so fucking-“ he groans as he crashes his lips onto hours, hand sliding up to lay perfectly around your neck.
Sam slings your leg over his shoulder, getting as close to you as he can. He groans against you, switching places with his hand and mouth.
He slips two fingers inside of you, slipping them in and out as his lips wrap around your clit.
“Fuck.” You gasp out, throwing your head back onto the bed. Colby’s hand is still around your throat, squeezing slowly as he watching your face scrunch and twist with pleasure, “Come on, baby. Cum for him.” Colby whispers lowly, “I know you want to.”
You nod quickly, “Y-yes.”
A few seconds later, you feel that second orgasm rolling into station.
Colby’s hand moves from your throat to your boobs, going back and forth as he pinches and pulls at your nipples. His head dips down to nip and suck at your neck.
Your body twist slightly as your orgasm takes over. The heel of your foot presses into the middle of Sam’s back, and you become a moaning mess for them.
Sam slowly pulls away, breathing quickly as he crawls up your body. He brushes hair from your face and stares down at you, “You’re our girl.”
You blink a few times, trying to comprehend if you heard him correctly.
“He’s right. No one can take that place but you.” Colby leans down, kissing your cheek, “Our girl. Emphasis on the our.”
He chuckles and stands up, moving to take the rest of his clothes off. Sam leans down, kissing you before he stands up, too.
Colby takes the place on top of you and your lips part as you feel his cock rub against your pussy, “Please.” You beg quietly, “I-I need you.”
He chuckles and nods, “Oh baby, I need you too.” His brows furrow as he slips into you slowly, causing your eyes to roll back, “Shit.”
No one thought to grab condoms. It didn’t even cross your mind. The only thing on your mind was having them inside of you.
“Fuck you feel so fucking good.” Colby groans as he lays his hand next to your head, holding his body up as he slowly pulls out and thrusts back in.
Sam sits next to your head, playing with your boobs as Colby fucks you hard. You let out a loud moan, a scream at this point and your hands search for both of them.
Your hand wraps around Sam’s arm and your other hand digs your nails into Colby’s upper back, whimpering and moaning as you feel like you’re about to cum - again.
“F-fu- fuck!” You arch your back, clenching around his cock as your orgasm slams into you. Your legs cling tightly around Colby’s waist and your eyes stay locked on Sam as Colby sucks on your neck, right below your ear.
You felt overstimulated, but in the best way possible.
Colby’s thrust slow down and your legs fall onto the bed, “Shit.” You smile slightly and he leans down to kiss you as he pulls out.
“Roll over for me.” Sam says as he stands up to take off his pants and boxers. You roll over onto your stomach and Sam moves onto the bed to straddle your thighs.
His hands slide up to your ass, squeezing before he moves them to grip your hips. He lifts your hips up, just slightly, before rubbing his cock against your pussy.
You grip the sheets, waiting for Sam to be in you.
You rest your forehead on the bed, moaning into it as he slips his cock into your soaked pussy, “Oh fuck.”
Sam groans, resting for a moment before pulling out and sliding back in. The first couple thrusts were slow and teasing, but that quickly shifts into a punishing pace.
Colby kneels down on the floor beside the bed, reaching out to grab your chin, “Look at me baby.” You look at Colby, moaning out, “F-fuck.”
“That feels good doesn’t it?” Colby runs his thumb over your lips and you part them, tilting your head forward to take it between your lips. He watches as you suck, moaning around it as Sam brings you to your fourth orgasm of the day.
“So fucking pretty.” Colby pulls his lip between his teeth, pulling his thumb away, “Where do you want us to cum, darling?”
His wet thumb brushes over your cheek and you struggle to keep your eyes open as you cum around Sam’s cock, “I-I do-“
Your eyes roll back as Sam guides you through your high, causing your whole body to go numb from the pleasure.
His thrusts slow down and he pulls out, panting as he looks at Colby, “Cum on her face?”
You smile at the idea and Colby chuckles, “I think that’s a yes.”
You roll over, chest rising and falling rapidly, “Uh huh.”
“I’ve been wanting to cum since I seen you take your shorts off.” Colby chuckles and leans down to kiss you as Sam moves up by your head.
You whimper against his lips and he leans up, getting on his knee on the other side of your head. You lick your lips, leaning up slightly as you watch them both stroke their cocks, groaning as they stare down at you waiting for them to finish.
You close your eyes as Sam cums first, groaning as he watches his cum lay across your face.
Colby is super quick to follow, groaning as you stick your tongue out to catch his cum and to lick Sam’s off of your lips.
“Fuck, you are beyond gorgeous.” Colby breathes out and Sam sits down with a sigh, “Fuck that was amazing.” He rolls off the bed, standing up to go fetch a towel.
Colby stares at you and smirks as you look up at him, “What?” You question innocently. He shakes his head, looking back at Sam then back to you, “You’re just so fucking hot covered in our mess.”
You smile, closing your eyes as Sam wipes your face, and any other parts that need wiped.
“You might wanna call and cancel that coffee date with Georgia.” Sam chuckles as he tucks hair behind your ear.
You nod, “Yeah, I was thinking that, too.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I know this was long awaited but I hope it’s up to par!
Thanks for reading!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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sungbeam · 1 year
gamer/streamer!choi beomgyu x f!reader
1.5k words, fluff/comfort, reader has hair long enough for a claw clip, strawberries, est. relationship au, the background info dump in the beginning was for my own entertainment tbh
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Choi Beomgyu loved you.
Sometimes he wondered how you could possibly love someone like him—a loser who streamed League half the day away, lived in his pajamas, and dropped out of college to play video games for hundreds of thousands of people online. He barely went out of the house, unless it was to touch grass, but he had managed to snag your attention nonetheless.
He liked to joke that you were in it for his celebrity status. It was made all the more ironic, since you had no idea who he was when he'd first introduced himself to you in the self-checkout aisle of a grocery store, and you'd stared at him like he was high. Beomgyu, humbled to all hell, had stuttered out an apology and bowed about ninety degrees—then asked for your number like a normal person.
Ah, good times.
He'd then somehow mustered up enough swagger to date you for two years and counting. And now, you were moved in and got to hear him yell at a handful of computer monitors for twelve hours a day. (Love was funny, wasn't it?)
But if forever was the sweetest con, then dear god, he hoped he could pull this one off.
It was during one of his streams that he heard the front door slam from his office. He had just finished a round, and when he had heard the door but not your voice, he pushed back from his desk so he could lean back and give you a holler. "Yn! Yn-ie! Babyyyyy!"
He waited a beat.
A frown curled his mouth downward when he didn't hear your reply. Uh oh.
Tongue in cheek, Beomgyu used his feet to bring him back to his computer screen. His eyes flickered with the pace at which his chat flew past. "Hey chat, I need to check up on my girl. I'll be right back. Go get a snack or something."
With that, he dumped his headset onto the desk and raced out of the office.
He flew out into the main living space of the apartment, his eyes scanning the premises for you. With both of your incomes combined, the two of you managed to live comfortably in a nice apartment complex just north of the main city center. You both shared a bedroom and bathroom, while also getting separate, small office spaces. You used yours a lot less than he did his, but it was nice to have one in case.
Instead of your figure, he found your keys and shoes by the door, and a grocery bag on the island counter.
He backpedaled over to the bedroom next, head poking into the darkened room. His voice came out low, "Babe, you here?"
"Yeah," came your small response.
He tracked it to the bathroom, where you were hunched over your sink in the dark, your hair pulled back in a claw clip. Your face was damp like you had just washed it, but he didn't miss the way you were wiping at your eyes. Something sank in his chest, something heavy that made his body slump in dread.
"Sorry, I didn't wanna bother you," you said, forcing stability into your voice, even if it still shook a little.
You reached for your facial towel to hide your melancholy, but Beomgyu liked to think he paid more attention than you were giving him credit for.
He wrapped his arms around your middle from behind, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "Hey, you're never a bother; you know that," he replied softly. "What's wrong, hm? How can I help?"
Your body shook with a sob as you cried into the towel. Beomgyu's chest clenched at the sound, at the feeling. God, he was right here, and yet, he felt so helpless, so useless. "It's nothing—I… I just… I'm just tired," you managed to say.
You sniffled, avoiding his eyes in the dark mirror as you set the towel aside and began washing your face again.
Beomgyu pursed his lips and sucked in a breath. "Yn-ie, you know I'm not just gonna let you go to sleep this upset, baby."
When you'd patted your face dry again, you were left with reddened, puffy eyes. You turned around to press your face into his warm chest. His arms looped around you like second nature to hold you to him.
Beomgyu gently smoothed a hand over the back of your head, letting the tension from the claw clip loosen the headache no doubt forming in your cranium. He clipped the accessory to his belt loop, quietly trying to calm your muffled cries. "Come on. Let's get some food into your stomach, okay? It'll make you feel better."
He led you out to the kitchen, helping you onto one of the bar stools while he rummaged through the grocery bag you brought home. His chest panged when he imagined you going through the grocery store while holding back tears. Had you cried there, or perhaps it had all come flooding out here?
There were a few things to add to the fridge, but he found a carton of big, red strawberries at the bottom of the bag. He released a breath he didn't realize he had been holding in—you'd managed to get yourself something. Good. He was glad.
Usually in your shared household, you were the one to wash and cut and peel fruit for him. You fed him all the healthy things, kept him a normal functioning human being. You kept him sane.
So Beomgyu took the carton of strawberries out of the bag and transferred them to a colander to be washed. He then carefully sliced the stems off each berry, sliced them into halves, until the colander was empty and the bowl he had on the counter, filled.
He wiped his hands on the towel hanging below the sink, then brought the bowl of glistening red fruit before you.
"For you," he murmured, one warm palm pressed between your shoulder blades, his lips brushing a kiss to your hairline. "I'll be right back."
Beomgyu hurried back to the office to find his viewers waiting.
He braced his arm on the desk, forgoing sitting down in the chair. He swept a lock of his long hair out of his eyes as he skimmed some of the live comments in the chat. A huff of laughter, then a shake of his head. "You guys are so weird. I'm signing off for the night though—no, I don't owe you an explanation... Okay, it's my baby—yeah, yeah, I see you rampaging in the comments, Chenle."
Beomgyu wrinkled his nose playfully. "I'm not a fuckin' simp, you losers. At least I have a partner. Okay, whatever. Later, guys."
He turned off the stream with a tap of his mouse, and then he was back by your side. You seemed to have calmed down a little, but what lacked your sobbing came a sad, startling quiet. Quiet from you wasn't unusual per se, but this one felt empty.
Beomgyu stood behind your stool, one of his arms curling around your middle as he peered over your shoulder at the bowl. You'd eaten a few slices of the fruit while he was gone, but it wasn't as much as he had hoped you would have eaten.
He released a light exhale, reaching for a strawberry slice and popping it into his mouth. He leaned his head against yours. "Wanna snuggle?" He asked you quietly.
A small smile pulled at the corners of your mouth, and he mentally high-fived himself. "Is that a yes?" He gasped with a childlike excitement. "You wanna snuggle with me?"
You nodded, not trusting your voice just yet, but that was okay. He heard you loud and clear.
You turned on the stool so you could wrap your limbs around his body.
Beomgyu cooed softly. "My sweet baby. I'm so sorry you have to feel this way." He kissed your head again, his arms shifting so he could hoist your body up and carry you over to the sofa with him.
He collapsed onto the sofa with a melodramatic grunt, then flopped backward so you were lying on top of his chest. He wondered, with your ear pressed against him, if you could hear just how much your proximity affected him. Even after all this time. If, maybe, you felt even a fraction of what he felt for you (just a fraction would make his heart soar). There was no way you didn't, right?
He wrapped both arms around you with a sigh. "I know you don't want to talk about it," he murmured, "just know it'll be alright. All of it. Even if it seems like the world is falling apart, even if you feel like a failure—you will get through this. I know you can; I know you will."
Your first words since earlier to him came at almost an inaudible volume. "And if I can't? What then?"
"Then I'll be here to help you," he answered. Yes, that was it. His breath was warm against your cheek, against your ear. "I'll always be here."
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txt m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @honeyhuii @y3jiishot @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @mingiholic @ja4hyvn @vatterie @yogurteume @hyunjaespresent-deobi @justanotherkpopstanlol @w3bqrl @super-btstrash-posts @hibernatinghamster @otchae @bigballsz @shakalakaboomboo @ashxxkook @kpop718 @ethereal-engene @soonyoungblr @wtfhyuck @kflixnet
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mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
Connor x shy!reader
Summary: Connor has a crush on reader and would like to know them better, but he has a feeling reader doesn't like him because reader is always so... stiff around him. Eventually connor confronts this issue.
"Yeah?" He grunted back. Busy with whatever work he had to review.
"Has y/n spoken to you about me lately?"
Hank looked up at connor, raising an eyebrow. "What?" He made his confusion clear in his voice "what do you mean?"
"Well..." Connors gaze fell over to you, mostly keeping his stiff posture, but his fingers were fiddling with the fabric of his pants."Whenever I come near y/n, their heart rate increases. Their stress levels highten whenever I'm around them. I was wondering if y/n has spoken to you about me. If I did someone wrong."
Hank glanced over at you, then back at connor, gears turning in his head. "No, they haven't." He muttered back, then realization set in. "Ohhh, I know what's going on here." He whispered. "What do you mean lutenint?" Connor replied. He fixed on Hank as he pushed back from his desk slightly. He gave one final glance at you, his tongue stabbing his cheek. "You said they get, what? Stressed around you? Heart rate... that sort of stuff." Connor nodded."Yes."
He finally looked back at connor, lounging in his chair again. "Why does it bother you so much?" Connors gaze shifted slightly, hands fidgiting with his clothes again. "I'm... not sure." His gaze fixed on you for a moment. A bit longer than he intended.
Something about you just... captured him. Your smile, your voice, your hair... everything about you was just... beautiful. You were kind to him when you didn't need to, even defended him when Gavin was being a little shit.
But as kind as you were to him, whenever he approached you, you would stress out. Heart rate escalating, breath patterns change... he worried he did someone wrong. Perhaps he scared you. He was aware many humans were unsettled by androids if not for their... superiority, but they can sometimes be uncanny. Had he startled you? Intimidated you? Did he do something wrong?
"I suppose... I worry I made a bad impression on them." He finally stated. He wasn't lying, but it wasn't the whole truth. Connor himself didn't know what the full truth was, but he felt it twist in his metallic core. Hank leaned back into his desk, keeping a suspicious eye on Connor. "Then ask them." He suggested, a bit to aggressively. The led on Connors head flickered, considering.
Would that work? Would a confrontation actually fix this or just make things more awkward?
"Ask them?" He repeated.
"Yah, ask! What's the worst that'll happen, Connor?" He insisted.
Connor couldn't explain it, but anxiety started to build in his stomach. It's a feeling he didn't often feel, but when he did, it confused him. In the past, he was so self-assured, full of purpose, and felt as if nothing could bring him harm, but now, ever sense deviancy, he was scared.
"What? You can chase killers with wreakless abandon, but you can't ask someone what they are feeling?" Hank chuckled light heartedly. Connor couldn't help but feel a small smile appear on his face. "I could say the same for you, lutenint." He jabbed back.
He finally looked back at you. You were on your computer, seemingly researching a case and taking notes. You were gorgeous.
I can do this
Connor stood up and made his way to your desk. You were located in a far corner with no other people sharing desk space near you. It was nice to have a private space to do your work.
You glanced up to see Connor nearing you, and that's when Connors sensors started to go off again. Increased heart rate.
"Good evening, y/n!" Connor greeted.
Irregular breathing detected.
"Hi, Connor!" You smiled back, giving a gentle wave."What brings you to my oh so humble corner of the office?" You set down your pincel, swallowing hard, which he noticed. "May I take a seat? I won't stay to long." Connor stated, jesturing to an unused desk across from you. "Oh, of corse!" You replied
He promptly slit out the chair and sat in one foul swoop, efficient even when sitting. "I'm sorry if I've disturbed your work y/n, I don't mean to intrude." He glanced at what you were working on. Seemingly, a case on petty theft. "No, not at all. Honestly, I need a break." You sighed, placing a hand on your forehead.
Connors fingers began to play with the fabric of his pants again. "I came to speak about an issue it appears you have. About me. I was simply wondering what it was and if there was anything I could do to resolve this issue." There was a moment of silence where your brain just stopped working. Thinking. You gave him a very puzzled face, which made him confused as well.
"Issue? What issue?" You asked, eyes skittering around his face. "Well," Connor started, now a bit tense. Did he miscalculate? "When ever I'm in your vicinity, your heart rate and breath irregularite, sweat usually increasing as well. My presence stresses you out, don't I?"
Your face suddenly flushes to a darker hue. "Oh." Is all you state. But his sensors are proving his point. Heart going wild. Chest tight with shallow breaths. "Are you alright, y/n?" Connor asked, leaning in slightly. He threw a glance at Hank, who was back to his work. He knew this was a bad idea.
You finally let out a deep breath. "I'm fine, Connor." You sigh, regaining some sense or composure. "It's just... it's complicated. No, I don't have an issue with you, if that's what you're concerned about. You've done nothing wrong." You shook your head gently, picking up the pencil again, needing something to do with your hands. Connors led began to flash again, trying to figure out what this meant. "So I don't make you feel intimidated?" He muttered.
"No, no, not really. Not like that." You reply, now fidgiting with the pencil, you're avoiding eye contact now. Connors led continued to blink. "I'm sorry, I don't understand."
He thought his extensive programming for human psychology would help him out, but somehow, he was left in the dark. "Why then, do you get so anxious when I'm around?"
You swallowed hard again, sweat starting to build. "It's dumb, Connor. Humans are... illogical, their minds go places they know are unrealistic. Thank you for caring, but I don't think you'd care if I told you."
Connor squinted slightly, a dozen questions racing through his head. What does that mean, "minds go places they shouldn't" what we're you thinking?
"But I do care." Was all he replied.
Your heart wrenched at that
you finally look at him. not a worried glance but actually look at him. his expression was soft and meaning. he looked so sincere. "oh, Connor..." you whisper. chest tightened, you hesitate for a moment before cautiously holding his hand. to flinch isn't the proper word but Connor reacted in a way that showed he wasn't expecting the sudden action.
should i tell him? you ask yourself.
clearly he cares. but... would he reciprocate? does he feel the same way or is he just... being nice.
you sigh. glancing around the room briefly. "I didn't realize how much you cared about this. about me." you mumble. Connors led stopped flickering for a moment, face hardening ever so slightly. "of course I do."
"alright. I'll tell you. I'm sorry for being so... uncooperative." you sigh, anxiety tightening. Connor simply nodded in response. "the reason I get so nervous around you is because I... like you. like, romantically." there's s moment of silence, his led flashing yellow for a moment. the sudden silence from the ever so quizitive detective is unsettling. you start to realize how square your shoulders are as you try to let out a chocking breath.
"say that again." he finally whispers back.
your gaze locks back on him, confusion twisted into your brows. "i like you." you reply.
Connors led finally stills. what ever eye contact he was making with you softens. "you do?" he replied softly. all you can do is nod. at that a small smile cracks on his face. you start to realize how ridged he was too because his posture relaxes slightly. "I like you too." he replied.
"yes. I think so."
"think so?"
"no... no I know so." he finally stated.
you squeeze his hand in response "awesome. so... do you want to... date?" you can feel heat rushing to your cheeks. "id love to."
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idyllic-ghost · 3 months
i've been thinking THOUGHTS about uji since nana tour and i just- imagine him coming back home and you're thinking "oh he's gonna be relaxed and pay attention to me now yay!" but he just goes back to work immediately
meanwhile you've seen all the pictures he's sent you from the trip (ALLLL the pictures wink-wonk) and you've been WAITING to finally get to be with him again
basically just, jihoon in his home office late at night and you come in and wait for him to go to bed- when he doesn't you start giving him "come to bed kisses" (wrapping your arms around his shoulders, giving kisses to his cheek and down his neck to whisper "come to bed" against his skin- you know the deal)🫣
title: finally~ pairing: woozi x fem!reader genre: smut, fluff warnings: smut MDNI, sub!jihoon, oral (m receiving), cowgirl, kind of big cock!jihoon, cream pie wordcount: 2.4k taglist: @enhacolor, @shuabby1994, @junhui-recs, @dkakapizzaboy, @just-here-to-read-01, @loviehan, @userjunhuii, @novalpha, @bubblymoon, @aaniag, @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @seunghancore, @woozixo, @niktwazny303, @lllucere, @uniq-tastic, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @cali-snow, @pearlygraysky, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang
a/n: thank you for your request! sorry it took so long to get done, but i hope you enjoy!! (took creative liberties with what you had written, it had to be done)
join my taglist
send a request in my inbox!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Jihoon was still sitting in front of the screen. Headphones were on, pushing his long locks out of his face, but you could hear a muffled memory over the clicking of his keyboard. You managed to make him stay home, but you should have known he'd isolate himself in his home office. Ever since you installed it, you knew it was a bad idea. He couldn't separate his personal life from his work life, which didn't make it easier.
Even though he had only recently come back from his trip to Italy, you hadn't seen much of him. From all the pictures he had sent, you could tell he was relaxing and having a good time - but instead of bringing that with him, he had left his calm in Tuscany. Which was torture for you, seeing as he had been teasing you all this time; sending pictures of him by the pool or working out - calling you late at night whenever he could find some alone time. Despite his cold exterior, Jihoon wasn't a fan of distance.
You were on the couch in the corner of the room, watching him. You weren't just watching him - you were staring, but Jihoon didn't notice. He was sitting slightly hunched over, his elbow on his desk and his head resting in his hand. His other hand was softly drumming against the table, his head nodding along with the rhythm that his fingers were making. The clock on the wall said 11:34 PM, meaning bedtime - or at least, lying in bed and not necessarily sleeping.
When he started humming, you were done. Jihoon's humming was quiet and smooth, but you were already annoyed. Your shoulders tensed up and you tried to take a deep breath to let it go. The sudden sound got your boyfriend's attention. He looked over at you and moved one of the ear cups of headphones to sit behind his ear.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"I'm fine."
Jihoon narrowed his eyes at you. He had been in this situation before and made the mistake of accepting "I'm fine" as a fact. After taking off his headphones, he turned his chair toward you. You looked away from him, trying to escape his steady gaze.
"Are you sure?" he questioned. "You know I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong, baby."
"I just want to go to bed," you admitted and quickly added, "With you."
"Go," he said, "I'll be there soon. I promise."
You were sure that he wasn't lying - but soon for him could mean another few hours. Jihoon lost track of time when he was working. So, you only nodded and stood up. He put his headphones back on and turned back to his computer. You looked toward the door with aversion, your feet naturally walking toward Jihoon's chair instead. Even like this, hunched over and pulling weird faces whenever he didn't like something, he made your knees weak. Maybe it was the black shirt that clung to his arms and over his chest, or the way his hair hung delicately over his features. Either way, you needed him now.
"Jihoon," you murmured as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. "Please."
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, feeling them move as he started smiling. Then you pressed another kiss to his jaw, following the sharp line until you got down to his neck. The hair on his neck stood up as you found the sensitive spot there.
"Come to bed," you mumbled against his skin.
"I'm almost done," he answered, but still turned his head to give you more access.
"You said that thirty minutes ago," you reminded him. "Jihoon, I've barely gotten to be with you since you came back."
Jihoon grumbled something unintelligible before pulling off his headphones and putting them on the table. You let go of his shoulders, letting him stand up from his chair. As soon as he was standing, he went to wrap his arms around you - putting his hand on the back of your head and guiding it to rest in the crook of his neck. His other hand made its way to your back, stroking slow and comforting circles.
"I'm sorry," he muttered. "I've been trying to catch up on work... I thought I could finish it up quickly to give you more attention later."
"What kind of plan is that?" You snorted.
"... I thought it was smart."
You pushed away slightly from him, allowing you to take a good look at him. His ears were a bit red, but you could tell that it wasn't just from his headphones by the flustered look on his face.
"Please come to bed?" you asked, bringing your hands up to cup his face.
Jihoon kissed one of your palms before letting you go, only long enough to grab your hand to lead you to the bedroom. Anticipation grew from your stomach up to your chest, spreading through the rest of your body. Finally, you'd get him for yourself. He opened the door to the bedroom, guiding you inside before closing the door behind him. You hadn't slept with him since the first night he got back, and it didn't take long for you to fall onto the mattress from exhaustion - Jihoon falling asleep almost immediately from the jet lag. Long story short, it hadn't been as satisfying as it usually was.
Now, as Jihoon is taking his time kissing your bare skin that he is slowly revealing, you could already feel that you'd be much more satisfied tonight. Your fingers ran through his hair, pulling at his locks when his lips found a sensitive spot on your chest. Jihoon groaned against your soft skin, his arms desperately pulling you closer. His lips trailed up your neck and jaw, quickly finding your lips. He left a chaste and sweet kiss on your lips, unfitting from the rest of his actions. When he pulled away, his eyes stayed shut for a moment - as if he had to savor the feeling of your lips, even though he knew very well that he could kiss you whenever he wanted.
"I've missed you," he admitted.
"I've been right here this entire time," you argued.
"I know, I know." He sighed. "I'm stupid."
"No, you're not," you corrected him. "You just have an interesting way of getting work done."
"I have to admit, you're great motivation." He took your hand in his, backing up until the back of his legs hit the side of the bed and he sat down. "But you're distracting too."
You straddled his lap, connecting your lips to his again and wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands instinctively made their way to your ass, groping it and ushering you to grind over his crotch. With only your panties on, you could feel everything against his sweatpants. You moaned into his mouth, days of neglecting your growing lust finally getting an outlet. Hungry hands went to the hem of his shirt and you tried to pull it over his head.
"Eager, are we?" he murmured against your lips before pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it to the side.
"Don't tease me," you whined.
You finally got to feel his bare skin under your fingertips, electricity shooting through your hands to your core. His fingers did work on your bra, unclasping it and tossing it to the side. As soon as he got rid of the material, his lips were on your uncovered tits - sucking bruises on the sensitive skin.
"I need you," you muttered.
In a swift move, Jihoon laid you down on the bed under him. He leaned over you, arms on either side of your head. His hair fell over his face and you reached up to brush it back with your fingers.
"I have to cut my hair." He sighed.
"No, I love it," you said and pulled your fingers through his hair again, it was soft but unruly. "It's pretty."
"It keeps getting in the way..." he argued, deciding to ignore your compliment to save himself from becoming a flustered mess.
"Hair ties exist," you countered.
"I don't have one right now."
"You're going to make me walk around with hair ties on my wrist, aren't you?" You let go of his hair and, with your legs around his waist, managed to flip him over on his back. "No hair tie just means that I get to be on top."
His hair spread out around his head like a dark halo, contrasting well with the white pillow underneath him - his eyes were wide, his pupils were blown out, and his lips were parted slightly. You could study his face for hours. Deciding to put on a show for him, you started grinding over his clothed crotch; you were desperate to take off his pants already. Jihoon's hands found their place on your hips, trying to take control of your movements. You grabbed his hands, moving them to lie over his head.
"Let me do the work, baby," you murmured.
You moved down his body and, to your surprise, his hands stayed where you left them. Carefully, you removed his sweatpants - leaving kisses along his hipbone and right by his happy trail. Goosebumps trailed along his skin as Jihoon shivered. Now that only his underwear was between you and his cock, you could see how hard he had gotten. You pressed a kiss over the fabric before rubbing his clothed cock with your palm. Jihoon went to grab your hair, but you slapped his hands away.
"Keep them above your head," you demanded.
"Okay..." Jihoon's voice was barely above a whisper, weak and shaky.
Your ministrations had already taken a toll on him. You pulled down his underwear, letting his cock slap against his abdomen. Grabbing his shaft, you put the pink tip in your mouth - peering up at him through your lashes. His eyes were shut tight, his mouth in a tight line to hide any noises. One of your hands was still wrapped around his cock, but with the other, you grazed his lower stomach and side.
"I want to hear you, Jihoonie," you chirped. "Please?"
He opened his mouth with a soft gasp as you took him deeper into your mouth. You began bobbing your head up and down his shaft, stroking the part that you couldn't take with your hand. Jihoon squirmed under you, desperately wanting to touch you but not wanting to disappoint you.
"I've missed your mouth..." he soughed.
Your mouth came off his cock with a pop, and you spit on it to keep stroking with your hand. He opened his eyes and looked at you with furrowed brows.
"You should've thought about that before you decided to lock yourself in your office for days," you teased.
"I'm sorry-" He groaned. "I won't do it again..."
"You will," you hummed. "That's okay, though... you always get so sensitive when you've gone a few days without pussy. It's cute."
You let go of him, positioning yourself to straddle his lap again. You watched him, as he struggled to keep his hands above his head. To put him out of his misery, you grabbed his hands again and pushed them against your tits. While he was groping your breasts and pinching your nipples, you grabbed his dick and directed it to your cunt - letting it drag over your dripping slit before finally pushing him inside. It had been a few days since you last took him like this, and without prep, the stretch stung ever so slightly. You moaned as you inched down on his cock, looking on as Jihoon's face contorted in pleasure.
"See?" You let out a breathy laugh. "Already so fucked out."
"... so warm." Jihoon moaned and put his hands on your hips again. "Baby, please..."
"Please what?"
You put your hands on his chest, slowly moving your hips up and down while you teased his nipples. His milky skin grew pink under your touch - and you adored the way he squirmed under you. Short gasps mixed with moans came bubbling out of his throat, and he only got louder the faster you moved. His hips started moving against yours, and soon enough he was holding up your hips and fucking up into you.
"Gonna cum..." he whined.
You weren't close, but an idea popped into your mind. You let him keep fucking you, not even trying to stop him as he came inside of you. But, as his movements died down, you didn't let him pull out. Once his limbs were slack, you grabbed his hands pinned them against the bed, and started moving your hips again.
"Too much-"
"You can take it, pretty boy," you hummed. "You want to make me cum, right?"
"Yes, yes..." He groaned.
"Then you'll let me use you... you're already getting hard again, I can feel it," you moaned. "Won't you help me, Jihoonie?"
He nodded furiously, and you let go of his hands. One of his, now free, hands went to rub your clit, while the other rested on your hip. A knot started building up in your stomach. Your breathing grew heavier as you desperately worked towards your high. Jihoon was already sensitive, and your contracting walls didn't help - he was getting close too.
"Cum inside me again, baby," you murmured. "I want you to cum with me."
Your movements grew sloppy, your hips stuttering over his crotch, but Jihoon never stopped rubbing circles on your clit. As the fire pooling in your lower stomach bloomed throughout the rest of your body, you dissolved into pleasure and slumped against your boyfriend's body. You could feel his second load leaking out of your spent hole. The two of you lay there, the only thing that could be heard in the room was your heavy breathing. However, soon enough Jihoon's hands made their way to your back. His palms rubbed slow circles over your skin, making you whine and bury your head deeper into the crook of his neck.
"We should go to the bathroom..." he muttered.
"Do your legs work?"
"... no."
"Neither do mine."
The two of you chuckled, and you managed to move around enough to lie down beside him. You felt so empty without his cock inside you, but you didn't have the energy to do anything about it.
"Thank you for taking me out of work," he hummed.
"Thank you for finally coming to bed."
Jihoon wrapped his strong arms around you, getting to feel his bare skin against yours. The two of you lay there, trying your best not to fall asleep - you'd only regret it when you woke up. However, for just a moment, you let yourself relax in his arms and savor every second of his embrace.
339 notes · View notes
Dirty Work 24
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: friday! coworkers last day!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You pass through the gate, cautious to close it without a noise. You trail past the hedges and around the side of the house. You enter through the back, as you did in those early days, only weeks ago, though it seems years.
You move slowly, leaving your shoes out of the way, disregarding the closet as you cling to the strap of your bag and venture warily onward. You pause before the kitchen door and peek around, finding it empty. You tiptoe on and climb the stairs one at a time, flinching at ever creak.
You reach the top and keep your eyes down. You go to the library and slip inside, like a ghost floating through your own existence. You set the bag by your feet and pull out the laptop to begin your day.
You don't think, not past the list of tasks. You boot the computer and wait for the screen to light up. You type in the pass code and open Excel. You lean your head in your hand, eyes glazing over as the glare sears your vision, stamping with endless columns and tiny numbers.
You feel yourself slumping, the strength whittling away by the second. Your eyes droop even as your ears prick at each noise. You shake your head, trying to ward off the needling fatigue. You yawn and sit up, rubbing your eyelids as you square your shoulders.
You let your head hang back and drop your arms into your lap. Your stomach wriggles as Mr. Laufeyson's looming presence creeps into your mind. He's here somewhere and surely, he already knows you are too. He's just waiting to pounce. 
Your fears furl into faded dreams. A fractured series of scenes, twisted reflections of reality rippling into each other until you dizzy. You can hear your own snores yet don't quite realise you're asleep.
You wake with a start as you feel yourself slipping. You barely catch yourself before you flop off the chair. You spasm and grip the arm rest as a shadow lurks behind your laptop screen. You gape up at Mr. Laufeyson as he watches you with arms folded.
"Hm," he tilts his head, "that shirt is... not very professional."
"Sir," you keep your face down as your cheek thrums, swollen and bruised, "I'm sorry, I... I didn't sleep very well."
"Oh yes, of course, I hadn't even mentioned you sleeping on the job," he growls and uncrosses his arms, bringing his hands down to the desk. He leans in so his head is just above the laptop. "Look at me."
"Mr. Laufeyson, I'm just sorting out the expenses--"
"Look at me," he commands more firmly.
You wince and rub your neck. An ache radiates in your shoulder, another remnant of your father's wrath. You slowly raise your chin as your lip twitches just slightly. His eyes narrow and his jaw ticks.
He's silent as he stares at you. Angry, you can tell. You pull your hands back and fold them against your chest.
"Please, Mr. Laufeyson, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. It won't happen again--"
"What happened to your clothes?" He slithers darkly.
"Nothing, I... I wasn't paying attention this morning--"
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not," you squeak unconvincingly.
His nostrils flare and he slaps his palm on the desk. You sit back, pressing yourself to the chair as you whimper.
"I underestimated that... scum," he spits out.
"I don't know--"
"Go on and lie again. What is it this time? You took a tumble?" He reaches out and you shy away, expecting him to put another swell in your cheek. Instead, he touches the thrumming skin, stroking it, "I didn't think..." he takes a breath and withdraws his hand, standing stiffly, "I believed him a coward, but not that sort."
"It's not--"
"Hush. You make your excuse for him, I will not swallow them," he flicks his fingers at you dismissively.
He rolls his shoulders and pivots on his heel. He paces across the patterned rug and stops, just before the sofa. He turns back, making another line across the space. He brings his finger up to tap his chin.
"Yes, very well, I see I do have somewhere to be," he states as he drops his hand, his lips curving at the corners. 
"Mr. Laufeyson," you stand.
"Never you mind," he tuts, "you have your work, I have mine." He cracks his knuckles.
"Are you--"
"Ah ah," he points at you tersely, "since when is my itinerary your concern? Mind the house, that is your job." He huffs and checks his watch as a pinch lines his forehead, "you may receive the expected parcel and leave it on my desk for now..." he lowers his hand and grumbles, "and you will stay here."
"Mr. Laufeyson," you murmur.
Before you can protest further, he's at the door. You're frozen in disbelief. Surely he can't mean what you think.
It doesn't matter to him, does it? You are his house manager, just another below him he can torment, he wouldn't do anything like that. Certainly, he won't harm your father, right?
You rush after him as your doubts bubble over. As he enters the hallway, you grab his elbow, not thinking, not hesitating for once in your life. "Please, Mr. Laufeyson, whatever you're thinking of--"
He faces you and rips his arm free, "don't."
"Please, it's-- I--" you sputter helplessly and wring your hands, "I deserved it."
He squares his chin and blinks. "Deserve... so it was him?"
"Mr. Laufeyson, it isn't... isn't your problem. He's my dad, I'll deal with him."
"As you have so far?" He scoffs, "pet, I mean to defend you. To do you a favour. Another. And now you overstep and try to command me?"
"No, no, I'm not... not commanding. I'm begging," you clutch your hands tighter, putting them up to plead, "don't make it worse."
He dips his head and closes his eyes. He pinches his nose and gives a nod, rubbing his lips together. He raises his head and opens his eyes again. He shrugs and lets a grin break through.
"It isn't your choice," he grabs your wrists, locking them together in his grasp as he drags you forward.
Your socks slip on the floorboards as he tugs you down the hallway. You struggle, writhing and sliding against his force. The same panic that struck you last night swirls again, thumping in your chest. He turns and swings you through the door of his bedroom. You stagger as he lets you go and the door swiftly snaps shut behind you.
You turn to face it and throw yourself against it, twisting the handle as you try to pull it open. He holds it shut from the other side and you hear the lock grind into place. You hit the door with your fists and cry out.
"Mr. Laufeyson!"
"I will return shortly, pet, never you worry," he assures, "don't miss me too much."
You slap the wood again and press your ear to it. You listen as he struts away, whistling until it fades to silence. You hear the front door below, shortly followed by the car engine rolling to life. You rush over to the window and look at as he steers up to the gate.
You can hear his knuckles cracking and see that sinister smirk. His intentions cannot be good.
Your exhaustion slakes away to panic. You pace the room, bounce up and down on your feet, fidget incessantly, murmuring senselessly. You just can't be still. What is Mr. Laufeyson doing?
Your fears twist your imagination to terror. Is he going to hurt your father? He should just leave him alone. He's the one who got him so worked up. That last thought makes you stop short.
It's his fault. It's all his fault. He heard everything on the phone, he knew your dad has anger issues, he walked into your home and he ruined it all. 
Your lashes flutter as you sway. You feel like you've been struck all over again. Mr. Laufeyson has done this all to you! He gave you this job, he took you away from your dad, he invaded your home, he made you wear those clothes. 
And now, you're mad. You feel that hot streak inside of you unlike anything before. Vivid and venomous. You run to the door, throwing yourself against it as you beat with your fists. 
He's locked you up here so you can't stop him from doing anymore. You're sleeping in a hotel because of him. You're not eating or sleeping, you can feel yourself going insane. Because of him.
You're dizzy and breathless. You lean on the door and try to calm yourself. Your head hurts.
You slide down and turn to put your back against the door. You hang your head, bending your legs to rest your arms over them. You heave and close your eyes.
You're just as helpless as you've ever been.
The footsteps bring you out of your daze. You raise your head, wobbly on your neck, and blink several times before you get your bearings. You listen to Mr. Laufeyson's entry, his slow advance below, and his steady ascension up the staircase.
Your heart hitches but you don't move. Even if you had the strength, you refuse. You will not budge.
He comes down the staircase, a hum in the air. You tense and grit your teeth, eyes hot again with tears. Not sad but angry.
"Ah, pet, you will be happy to hear that I don't believe your father will have another cruel world reserved for you," he sings the handle shifts slightly above your head and the lock clicks. "How shall we celebrate your emancipati--"
The door jolts and you push back against it. You plant your feet and grunt as you force it shut. He lets out a noise and shoves back. You do it again.
"Pet," he evens his tone, "what are you up to?"
"Leave me alone!" You snarl, surprised by your own venom.
"Pet, now, let me in--"
"I said go away!"
He scoffs and stops pushing. He lets out his breath loudly.
"This isn't mature behaviour."
"I don't care, I don't want to see you."
He's quiet again. You hear his soles scuff and he gently taps on the door.
"Pet, please, we should talk. I think it's imperative that we do--"
"No, I don't want to talk. I don't want to see you. I want you to leave me alone!"
"You are being a child--"
"You ruined everything," you bark, "you ruined my life! You're a bad man and I hate you!"
You go weak as the last words escape you without a thought. You collapse onto your bottom and catch your head in your hands. You devolve into thick, choking sobs. Here you are, bawling like the child he calls you. He must be amused.
"Are you tendering your resignation?" He asks crisply, "because I believe you haven't anywhere else to go, my dear."
"I know! Because of you. I have nowhere, because you!" You shoot back through heaving breaths.
"Or... you could have somewhere, because of me," he says measuredly. "Pet, all you have to do is open the door and talk to me."
You fall onto your side and curl up. You cover your head, whimpering as tears trickle down. You sniffle and hide under your arm. Just like you did when dad wouldn't stop yelling. 
The floorboards shift and he sighs again, "I can wait." He taps the door lightly once more and his footfalls retreat.
You tremble in a heap, nearly delirious with emotion. Through the chaos, you can see the truth. You don't have anywhere or anything without him.
The world shifts under you, your body chafing across the floor as the door moves you. Not harshly but inch by inch. Mr. Laufeyson bends over you as you open your eyes, groggy and glazed over. His silhouette is fuzzy and distant as he slides his arms under you.
He lifts you and carries you to the bed. You groan as he lays you down, piling pillows behind you to prop you up. He sits with his legs over the side and pushes his head back. You come to, little by little, pushing through the fog.
You hug yourself and wiggle in place. He reaches to still you, his hand on your thigh. You wince and stare at his fingers. He draws his knee up and shifts to face you. He removes his touch as his eyes cling thoughtfully to the wall behind you.
"I see you've calmed down," he begins and lets his gaze fall on you, "so we will talk. I'm sure you're aware that matters are urgent."
"No..." you utter, "I'll... go."
You try to sit up and he nudges you back. You hit the pillows and do not try again. You don't have anything left in you.
"Where?" He challenges.
"I have a hotel room--"
"No," he shakes his head, "that won't do. What I'm offering, well, you can hardly deny it."
You drop your head and shrug.
"How many more nights can you afford? And without a job? I'm offering you both. Work, accommodation. I dare to say, I would offer you a home."
"No, you're my boss," you insist.
"Yes, I do expect you to shoulder some tasks," he assures, "but perhaps... we might remold this arrangement."
Your eyes stick blankly to your knees. You don't know what he wants or what he means. Just more. It's always more. Hasn't he taken enough?
"What more can you want from me?" You whisper.
He's quiet again. His fingers twiddle and he lifts his hand, touching your arm and slowly grasping it. He unwraps it from your torso and trails down to your hand, squeezing it.
"I made myself clear before," he pulls your hand closer, cradling it as he pets your knuckles, "but perhaps you still misunderstood me." He clasps your hand between both of his, "I want you. Entirely."
Your eyes flick up to meet his. Your mouth falls open as your heart tempos wildly. You still don't think you understand. Your search his face for the answer.
"I will grant you any wish. Clothes, jewellery, whatever you like. If you like to read, I will buy you books, if you like to draw, I will buy you paint. If you just want shiny things, I can get those too. All I ask is simple. For you. For your entire being. That you obey and serve my every need and you will have all you ever longed for. Things you never even dreamed of," he slips a hand away and lifts yours. He leans in and softly kisses your knuckles, "you say I am bad, but I needn't be.”
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jordyn14 · 4 days
hiii can you make one where the reader has surgery and joe takes care of her your imagines are so good !!!
Livin’ the dream?
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Pairing: Joe burrow x fem first person reader
Words: 9225
Notes: I combined this with a request asking me to write about the foundations recent golfing invitational. But omg I was not expecting this to be this long, I just kept writing and writing… I hope you enjoy though!! 🫤🫶🏼🫶🏼
Taglist: @wickedfun9
I sat in the hospital bed waiting for the nurse to bring in Joe since I was awake. A week ago, I got into a car accident which not only totaled my brand new car, but broke my Tibia, which, if you're not aware, meant I needed surgery. Better yet, the surgery just had to be scheduled for the day before the 2nd annual Joe Burrow foundation golf invitational, which I had so much fun at last year. To say I wasn't in the best mood was a complete understatement, given that both Joe and his parents wanted me to just stay home and recovery from the surgery, especially since I would need to be on crutches for a while.
As I sat in my thoughts, just glaring down at my leg which was covered in a huge and ugly cast that Joe would definitely want to write on at some point, the door opened up. Expecting it to be another doctor since it was only a few minutes after the nurse left, I didn't look towards the door. Then, I heard Joes voice which practically brought me to tears. "Hey, how are you doing?" Joe asked me. I quickly looked over to him with a sigh and as soon as I did, Joe gave me a small smile, knowing I was upset that I needed surgery. All I wanted to do was have him wrap me in his arms and hold me forever, and also take me to the golfing invitation tomorrow.
"Ooh, where to start? One, I have this ugly cast on my leg, and two, I can't even go to the invitational. I'm livin' the dream." I said with an exasperated sigh and leaned back against the hospital bed, staring straight up at the ceiling as Joe walked over to me. I could hear joe start to chuckle and then he grabbed onto my hand and gave it a small squeeze, trying to reassure me. "Maybe if you feel up to it you can come, but it you're in pain, I just want you at home. I don't need you falling down some steps or getting hurt again." Joe said.
Ever since this accident, he's been treating me like I'm super fragile. I know I broke my leg, but he didn't have to keep worrying about me like he has been. Every time I need to go to the bathroom, he's always sitting on the bathtub across from me and watching my every move so I don't fall, saying things like, 'I don't want you to get a concussion when you fall, or worse, have a brain bleed when you hit your head.’
"Joseph, I only broke my leg, I'm not going to try and go up or down some stairs without someone's help." I said and glared over at him. "Well who knows with you, I'm just trying to keep my baby safe." He said with that adorable smile. Once again, I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, counting down the minutes until l could go home and get out of this sad and depressing hospital.
Once we got home, Joe sat me down extremely carefully on the couch and placed my crutches next to it. As soon as I sat down, our dog Tucker ran over to me and started to sniff at my cast like crazy before jumping up onto the couch for some pets. "Did you miss me buddy? I missed you, yes I did." I said in a puppy dog voice while rubbing his belly when he rolled over onto his back. For the past week he's been at my best friend's house so l didn't have to deal with him, considering that I had a broken leg and Joe's been at OTA’s.
“Okay, do you need anything? Pillows, Blankets, food, drinks, a computer, books...coloring books... legos?" Joe asked me, trying to think of every possible thing that I could need. I laughed a little bit at his concentrated face as he kept racking his brain. "Can you get me some Oreos and Maybe my Stanley?" I asked him with a smile. "3 big ice cubes?" Joe asked me. I nodded quickly with a smile and watched as he walked to the kitchen to grab what I asked for.
While he did that, I reached over and grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Although I've watched it about a million times, I turned on the vampire diaries since it was my comfort show and then saw Joe walking back over to me with the Oreos and water bottle. "Hey, you should've asked me to do that, you need to rest." Joe said. I squinted up at him like he was stupid and scoffed a little bit. Joe set down the Oreos and water bottle next to me and then held up his hands as a surrender. "What?" He asked, confused at why I was looking at him like that. "How many times do I have to remind you that I only broke my leg? I didn't break my arms. Turning on the tv isn't going to wear me out.” I said.
"Okay, well still. I've been hurt numerous times and every single time you've been there to help me. Therefore I am here now to help you. Y'know, it feels good to not be the helpless one for once." Joe said and plopped down next to me while taking a bite out of an Oreo. Reaching over next to me, I grabbed the bag and grabbed one out of the bag and let out a huge sigh as I bit into it. "Well aren't you just enjoying this. You have a never ending supply of Oreos thanks to your amazing husband and you even have your own butler.” Joe said while laughing at how I was eating my Oreo. My eyes were shut and I kept shaking my head. Yeah, I was probably enjoying this way too much.
"y'know what could make this better?" I asked him with an excited smile. Joe pretended like he was thinking about what he could do to make this any better, but then his smile dropped and he looked over at me seriously. "Tomorrow's still a maybe." Joe said. I groaned and leaned back against the couch while crossing my arms over my chest in a kiddish way. "This is so not fair. You're the one that's going to regret making me stay home. I'm like your emotional support person." I said and kept glaring at the tv with my brows furrowed. "Just to clarify, You're not like, my emotional support person...You are my emotional support person." Joe said.
"Well then you should," I said and stopped halfway so I could yawn, "let me go with you." I said and then started to rub my tired eyes. "C'mere, you should take a nap." Joe said and patted on his lap. I couldn't help but smile as he patted his lap, wanting me to rest my head on it. “Yes sir." I giggled and started to shimmy my way over to Joe. While I tried to move over without hurting my leg, Joe reached over and grabbed a blanket out of the blanket basket and waited for me to lay down with my head in his lap.
I let out a few groans while grabbing my leg under my knee to move it on the couch, trying not to hurt it too much. Once both of my legs were on the couch, I rested my head in Joe’s lap and he sprawled out the blanket so it was covering me and then he started to run his fingers through my hair, knowing it helped me fall asleep. “Hmm, that feels good.” I hummed with a smile on my face as I shut my eyes. I could hear Joe chuckle a little bit at my tired state, but before I knew it, I was out.
I woke up with a deep inhale a little while later, my leg starting to ache, and I needed to pee so badly. Now awake, I noticed that instead of being on episode 5 of the vampire diaries, I was now on episode 7. Dang. Usually I could never take naps this long. Fidgeting a little bit, I looked up to see Joe who also fast asleep. I giggled a little bit at how he was sleeping. Since I was laying in his lap, he was forced to sleep upright with his head back on the couch and his mouth was hanging open because of the position.
With a sneaky smile, I reached up and put my finger in his mouth to wake him up. There was no way I was going to try and go to the bathroom on my own without him. Since it’s my first time using crutches, I was still extremely nervous about trying to do anything that may potentially make me fall, because with my luck, I’d break my wrists and be bed bound.
As soon as I stuck my finger in his mouth, his eyes shot open and he quickly looked down to me and scanned my whole body, expecting something to be wrong. “I’m up, I’m up. Are you okay?” Joe asked me, not even wondering why I just stuck my finger in his mouth. “Yes you big dummy. But can I ask you a favor?” I asked him with my best puppy dog eyes. “Of course, what do you need?” Joe asked me before reaching over and grabbing his phone from next to him, completely ignoring the fact that I put my finger in his mouth. When his screen lit up, I smiled at the picture of us at our wedding before my eyes found the time and I shot up a little bit. “Shit. We slept a long time.” I said. “I know right.” Joe chuckled before putting his phone down.
“My leg really hurts and I have to pee so extremely bad right now. Can you help me? I’m kinda scared to fall.” I asked Joe. “Yeah, baby, of course.” Joe said and waited for me to sit up to get up himself. When he got off of the couch, he held out both hands towards me and I grabbed both of them after sliding my legs off of the couch. Once my hands were in his, he carefully lifted me off of the couch. I couldn’t help but blush when I saw his huge bicep muscles as he pulled me off of the couch with ease. “Damn. That was hot Joey.” I giggled slightly once I was up. Joe just chuckled and then grabbed my crutches. “Alright, you able to walk with your crutches? Or can I carry you?” Joe asked me with that adorable smile, wanting nothing more than to carry me.
Although I wanted him to carry me, I knew it was best for me to just use my crutches so I could get used to using them some more. “I probably should get used to getting around with them.” I said. “Don’t worry, It’s easy. You’ll be hopping around here like a speed demon soon enough.” Joe said and handed them to me. I slipped them under my arms and lifted my leg off of the ground. “Yeah, sure.” I said with a laugh and started to head towards the bathroom. Tucker just stared at me from on the other couch next to the one Joe and I were sleeping on. Luckily he was already used to seeing crutches since Joe had to use them when he tore his acl.
Very carefully, I went to the bathroom while Joe walked right next to me the entire time, making sure I didn’t fall. If there was one thing to know about me, was that I’m extremely clumsy, meaning Joe was like a helicopter parent right now. When we reached the bathroom, Joe opened up the door and walked in first and when we got to the toilet the toilet, he grabbed both of my crutches and then leaned them on the bathroom counter before returning to me and helping me pull down my pants and sit down. “Thank you, Joey, you’re the best.” I said. “I’m just making up for the fact that you had to help me shower when I tore my acl, this is nothing.” He smiled down at me. “The showers I actually enjoyed.” I said with an exaggerated wink. Joe just rolled his eyes and said, “I’m going to grab your Advil, I’ll be right back.” I watched as he disappeared out of the bathroom and then I could hear the medicine cabinet opening up.
Once I was done going pee and Joe returned with the Advil, he once again helped me up and walked right next to me as we made our way back to the couch. “Oh my gosh, Joe. What about working out? I have to work out.” I said, wondering how I was going to work out any time soon with this huge cast on my leg and with how much my leg’s been bothering me. “You’ll be able to work out, but give it a little bit for your leg to start feeling better. Don’t rush into anything just yet.” He said and helped me sit back down on the couch. “Do I just put my crutches down and hop around? I can’t do legs anymore…oh my goodness.” I said and leaned back on the couch and stared straight up at the ceiling, a small feeling of dread over taking me. Joe just chuckled at me before plopping himself down next to me. “I think you’re forgetting that I went through this as well. I’ll help you, don’t worry about it, okay?” Joe told me and grabbed the blanket and threw it over the both of us.
With a groan, I rested my head on his shoulder and nodded. “Okay fine.” I said. Before we got too comfy on the couch, Joe leaned forwards and grabbed the three Advil pills and handed them to me along with my green Stanley cup. “Thanks.” I said and took them from him. Everyone always told me I had a high pain tolerance, but right now my leg was killing me. I quickly downed the pills in one big gulp and then handed my Stanley to Joe so he could set it back down. “Hey Joey?” I asked him. “Hey baby?” He said and smiled over at me. “I’m a little bored. Can we build legos or something? Get my brain working a little bit?” I asked him. Joe looked down at me like I was stupid before he scoffed, “uhh, of course. You already know the answer to that.” I laughed as he got off of the couch quickly and headed to the place he keeps most of his legos.
When he returned, he drug the coffee table a little closer to us so I didn’t have to move my leg too much and scattered the little Lego pieces all over it so we could start building. “After this, I’ll make dinner. What sounds good?” Joe asked me. I raised an eyebrow and looked over to him. There are some occasions where Joe cooks because he actually enjoys it. He likes getting all kinds of ingredients and making new things. But usually during this point in the off season he is so extremely focused on his body and the food he eats that he always has the chefs come over to make our meals. “Really? You’re going to make dinner tonight?” I asked him. “Yeah, I figured that we didn’t need any more people over here, especially since I knew you would be a little tired after your surgery. So, what sounds good?” He asked me.
What sounds good? How about everything? It feels like I haven’t eaten in forever. “Maybe some chicken Parmesan and a Cesar salad?” I asked him. “Mmm, that actually sounds so good right now. If we finish up with legos in 30 minutes I’ll have dinner ready by 6:30, does that sound okay?” He asked me. “That sounds more than okay, you’re amazing.” I said as Joe dove right into the legos and started to connect some of the pieces. He was like a little kid sometimes, which was so much fun. He always kept our relationship so alive, funny, and wholesome, which was something I desperately needed after having only terrible relationships before him.
The next day, I woke up to the sound of Joe’s alarm going off from his night stand and immediately sat up to access my leg and how it felt. From next to me, Joe sat up and turned off his alarm and started to rub his eyes and then he stretched. I looked over to him while he stretched with his eyes closed. His arms were up in the air, and I could see his perfect muscles. My eyes scanned over his pecs, his abs, and his his huge biceps. Every single detail all the way to where the blanket stopped just above the waist band of his boxers. I gulped a little bit at the sight of him and tried not to get too worked up considering we had somewhere to be soon.
While my eyes were on Joe’s faultless body, I didn’t even realize that he had caught me staring until he cleared his throat and said with a chuckle, “excuse me, my eyes are up here.” I quickly looked up into those bright blue eyes with a small laugh and began to stretch myself, although there was nothing for Joe to stare at since I was in one of Joe’s oversized LSU tee’s and a pair of shorts, which was my go to sleeping outfit. “How does your leg feel?” Joe asked me. It hurt. I quickly nodded with a smile. “It feels surprisingly good. Let’s get ready.” I said. Joe just looked at me sternly, making me cave right away. He could always tell when I was lying. “Fine, it hurts. But I still want to go. Please.” I practically begged him.
With an eye roll, Joe swung his legs over the side of the bed so his back was facing me, giving me the perfect view of his extremely muscular back and shoulders. “Damn.” I accidentally said out loud, making Joe crack up laughing at how shocked I looked when I realized I didn’t say it in my head. “Of course you can come, I need you there. But if your leg starts to hurt or you don’t feel up to it anymore, then tell me and I’ll either drive you home or get someone else to. I don’t want you to be miserable and in pain all day.” Joe said.
I immediately sprung up a little bit and shuffled my way out of bed and then grabbed my crutches that were leaning on the nightstand. “Yes! Oh wow, I’m excited. Last years was so much fun.” I said all excitedly and hobbled over to the bathroom to beat Joe so I could go pee. With the little time I had to actually move around last night considering how exhausted I was, Joe got me moving so I could test out my crutches and get the hang of them, so today was a little easier to maneuver around.
Right after Joe and I ate breakfast, it was already time for us to start getting ready for the event. Per Robins request, we had to get there before anyone else did and be extra early, so to make her happy, we made sure we would arrive right after she got there. Knowing her, she was probably already there, though. Currently, Joe was in a really good mood and feeling optimistic about the whole event since it was such a great turnout last year for the first ever invitational, but I knew that after a few hours and after numerous people requested pictures with him, he would totally be over it. Therefore, I was soaking in every second I had with a happy and currently people loving Joe.
When we were ready, Joe helped me get into the car and put my crutches in the back seat before walking around to the other side and getting in himself. Even though I ironed a pair of golf shorts and left them on the bed for Joe to wear this morning, he opted for a white tee shirt and shorts with a pair of Ugg slippers. I knew his mom would be on his ass eventually about his choice of outfit, but luckily he was bringing a change of clothes to better match the vibe of the event once speeches started and the food was brought out. Unlike Joe’s lazy outfit, I wore a cute little pink and white sundress and since I didn’t want to worry about having a hard time walking around, I wore my favorite white converse shoes-well, shoe if we’re being technical since the cast covered my whole foot as well.
When we got to the event, it didn’t take long for people to start piling in. Not only people who were invited to the event were pulling in, but also caterers and the people who were helping run everything for today. So much for being early and avoiding all of these people.
Once Joe parked in the very front of the parking lot closest to the building, he quickly got out and walked around to the front of the car to get to me. While he did that, I opened the door and slid my right leg out of the car and then picked up my left leg to try and maneuver it out of the car without bumping it or making the pain any worse than it already was. “Hey, hey, let me help you. Don’t hurt yourself.” Joe said as he grabbed my crutches from the back seat and then leaned them on the car. “I’m fine, I’m going to have to do this when you aren’t here.” I said. “Yeah, well, I’m here now, so let me help you.” Joe said and grabbed my purse that was resting on my lap.
With a small eye roll, I faced Joe some more so he could help me out of the car. Even though I felt like a complete baby, it was nice not having to worry about bumping my leg or getting out of the car and falling down since Joe was here. Joe put both of his hands under my arms and then pulled me out of the car. The entire time, I watched his face as he lifted me up with ease, not even phased by it in the slightest. My face flushed red slightly when I was placed on the ground, so I quickly looked down at the ground while grabbing my crutches. “Are you okay, did that hurt at all?” Joe asked me, a slight hint of worry in his voice after shutting my door and looking at me. I could tell he was scanning my face to see if I was okay.
I looked up at him with a sigh and nodded. “Yes Joe, but if you keep treating me like I’m fragile, I’m going to lose my mind.” I said with a small laugh. Joe sucked in his lips a little bit, realizing how much of a helicopter partner be was being right now and then he stood out of the way so we could start heading inside to greet Robin and Jimmy and maybe even my parents if they were here yet. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Sha’ll we?” Joe asked me with a smile. “We sha’ll.” I giggled and started to walk after him, making sure not to place my crutches anywhere that would make the crutches slip out from under me. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself in front of all kinds of people and have people take pictures of me on the ground.
Joe stayed by my side the entire time, but I couldn’t help but notice how much he struggled to walk slowly. With his long legs, his strides were always super long, fast, and spaced out. With my less long legs, I always had to take bigger strides to keep up with him. But now, with me being handicapped, I can tell he’s struggling to take shorter strides and to stick with me since I usually have to stick with him. There were so many times where he would start walking fast before catching himself and having to focus on walking slower all over again.
Before Joe had to leave and go play some golf with various people, we first made our way over to Robin and Jimmy who were flying around and trying to make everything perfect. As soon as Robin spotted us, her face lit up and she started to speed walk towards us. “Oh my goodness how are you?” She asked me when she got to us, putting her hands on my shoulders and looking me up and down. “I’m okay. It’s pretty sore and practically aches all the time, but we’re getting by.” I said. While I said this, Robin took a step towards Joe and gave him a tight hug. “I love you, Joe.” She said once they separated. “I love you too mom.” Joe smiled down at her, though I could tell he wanted to get the show on the road. “I just feel so bad. Joe kept us in the loop with everything after your surgery, but I haven’t talked to him about the actual surgery. Did everything go good?” She asked me.
From behind Robin, I could see Jimmy finally spot us and make his way over to us. “The doctors said everything went well. Broken Tibia’s are normal for car crashes so it was nothing new, y’know?” I said with a small shrug. “Well that’s good. I’m just glad you could make it. I know at first I just thought it would be best if you stayed home, but Joe needs you here. You keep him…semi sane.” Robin said and laughed at Joe when he shook his head down at his mom and started to walk over to his dad instead of listening to his mom talk about him. “Trust me, I know. Yesterday he told me I was his emotional support person.” I laughed as she stuck out her bottom lip, finding it adorable.
If we had a number one supporter, it was Robin. Of course there was always Jimmy who supported us no matter what, but Robin was a lot more vocal about it and showed it a lot more.
Once Robin and I talked for a few minutes and then I greeted Jimmy, my parents arrived so we all talked together and caught up a little bit. Another thing about me is that I hate being the center of attention. But can you guess what happens when you get into a car crash and total your car, break your Tibia and get surgery on it, and then end up in crutches with a huge cast on your leg? Ding. Ding. Ding. You become the center of attention.
We only talked for a little bit though since we all had to part ways. Much to Joe’s dismay, he had to finally leave me. Luckily he wasn’t too annoyed about it since he was going to play golf instead of something he doesn’t enjoy. Robin and Jimmy were greeting a bunch of people, and since I needed space from my parents who were- like Joe-helicopter parents, I escaped them.
For a little bit and as a bunch of people started piling in, I made small talk with numerous different people and introduced myself to a lot of people I didn’t know. Eventually, I ended up away from a lot of the crowd so I wasn’t worried about hitting anyone, putting my crutches on people’s shoes, saying excuse me every 5 seconds, or falling. The alcoholic drinks were being passed around on little trays, so I leaned against a railing overlooking the golf course and snatched a drink from someone’s tray.
By now, Joe and the rest of the people he was golfing with were already out of sight, so although I didn’t get to watch Joe, I still watched other people and mentally critiqued their forms in my head; although I suck at golf and shouldn’t be anywhere near a club.
All of a sudden, I saw someone walk up to me on my right out of the corner of my eye and jumped a little bit. I whipped my head over and started to laugh a little bit when I saw that it was only Sam Hubbard. “Damn-you scared me.” I laughed. Sam started to laugh as he leaned on the railing next to me with a drink in his hand as well. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he laughed and then gestured down to my leg, “I’m actually surprised that you’re here. How’s the leg?” He asked me. I sighed and looked down at the huge cast covering my leg and foot. “A pain in my ass pretty much sums it all up.” I said, the both of us laughing.
Not wanting to stay on my injury subject any longer, I quickly changed the subject before Sam could ask me something else about it. “So where’s the fiancé? I was hoping she’d be here today, make me less bored.” I said. Sam took a sip of his drink and shook his head while facing me more. “Her family is in town this weekend. She really didn’t want to miss it, but her family really wanted to see her. Plus with the wedding coming up and all.” He said. “Oh my gosh for sure. I get it. Plus weddings are stressful so the more they can help her plan some things and take some of that stress off of her shoulders the better.” I said and took a sip of my drink.
Resting my hand and glass on the ledge, I began to swirl the liquid around in my drink and watch as the sun reflected off of the glass. “Exactly. It’s not for a while, but she’s still trying to plan everything out to make sure it’s perfect.” He said with a smile and stared off out into the golf course for a few seconds. “We’re girls, it’s what we do.” I laughed a little bit. Sam raised his eyebrows quickly with a nod and looked back over to me. “Good to know.”
Looking to my right, I could see Robin next to the microphone where speeches were going to be held after Joe returned from golfing. She was checking the microphone to see if it was working properly and was looking around to make sure all of the decorations were in the right places. Since I was looking over at Robin for a few seconds, Sam followed my lead and looked in the same direction, wondering what I was looking at. “Oh yeah…speeches. That should be fun for Mr shy Joey B.” Sam said. We all knew how Joe burrow got during speeches, even when it was family and friends and people that were all there to support him. He was a shy person at heart when it came to standing in front of a crowd and talking, but not when it came to playing football for millions and millions of people.
“I might help him pregame before his speech so he’s less nervous up there. I might even push him to take an edible.” I said. “Or you could work some magic before the speech. Y’know, release some tension and all.” Sam said with a quick raise of his eyebrows up and down a few times. I let my jaw hang open at his suggestion before hitting him in the arm slightly. “That is so not funny Hubbard.” I said with a scoff. “It wasn’t supposed to be funny because it wasn’t a joke.” Sam laughed and watched as my face flushed red, making me look away from him. “I can’t with you sometimes.” I shook my head and drank the last sip of my drink.
After a while, I left Sam and started to hobble around somewhere else, making some more small talk with some people. While I was making my way around though, I noticed that my leg was really starting to hurt, causing a slight wave of nausea to wash over me. There were far too many people around me right now talking and walking about, so I decided to go find Robin and ask her if there was anywhere that I could go to be alone for a little bit until my leg felt better.
Once I made my way to Robin, she looked me up and down with a slight worried look on her face, able to tell something was wrong. “Are you okay? Is it your leg?” She asked me and started to rub my arm. “Yeah, it hurts pretty bad. Is there any where I can go to prop my leg up for a little bit and get away from everyone?” I asked. Robin scanned the whole area and then nodded. “Yes, of course. There’s a room that’s vacant right now with a couch so I’ll just stick you in there until you feel better. Is that okay?” She asked me. “That sounds amazing.” I said with a sigh and gave her a smile smile.
Robin guided me over to the room where I could get away from the commotion. The whole way there, she kept her hand on my back and made sure that I was okay while walking. “I’m sorry about this, I wouldn’t have come if I knew how much my leg would hurt.” I said, feeling bad that I had to leave so soon after the event started and make Robin stop what she was doing. “Don’t be silly, this is nothing. We need you here,” Robin said and opened up the door and holding it open as I hobbled inside, “take as long as you need, okay?” She told me. “Okay, thank you.” I said. With a smile, Robin said, “of course, anything for my favorite daughter in law,” and then shut the door, leaving me all alone.
Now that I was all alone, I let out a loud groan while walking to the couch and then plopped myself down on it, practically melting into it. I placed my crutches on the ground and then used the pillows to elevate my leg. Almost immediately, my leg felt better. Once I was situated on the couch, I grabbed some Advil out of my purse and then took a few pills to try and dissipate some of the pain so I could get back out there as soon as possible.
While I waited, I went on my phone and started to scroll through Instagram. After a few minutes, I refreshed the page and then saw of the some pictures that the foundations Instagram page posted on their story. There were various different pictures from the event and a few of Joe in his lazy outfit on the golf course with 5 other people including Cody Ford. Then there was another picture with Joe and two workers from Jeff Ruby’s catering service and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. In the picture, Joe looked so incredibly tall and his hair looked amazing and so fluffy. Even though it was only a simple picture of Joe smiling, Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach.
Knowing that Joe would probably be wondering where I was since he was back from golfing, I went to my contacts and was just about to call him when I heard the door open. Expecting it to be a worker from the event that needed this room for something, I quickly tried to stand up and said, “I’m sorry, I was just leaving.” As soon as I said this, I saw that it was only Joe, and when he saw me, he quickly shut the door, though I could see the worried expression on his face. Realizing it was only him and that I was in fact not being kicked out, I settled back into the couch and was about to tell Joe why I was in here when he spoke before me. “Hey, baby, what’s wrong, my mom told me you were in here. Did something happen? Did you fall or did someone step on you? Do you need me to take you home real quick? I have about 20 more minutes until I need to change and make a speech.” Joe said in a rushed manner, gesturing down to the black Nike shirt in his hands that he needed to change into before speeches.
“Joey I’m fine. My leg started to hurt so Robin took me in here so I could be alone and rest for a few minutes while you were golfing.” I said as Joe started to walk over to me, still carrying a worried expression. When he reached me, Joe sat down next to me and started to read my face before he let out a sigh of relief and nodded. “Okay, okay. Are you sure you’re okay though?” Joe asked me and started to rub my thigh. “I promise. I took some Advil so once it kicks in I’ll be good to go.” I said with a reassuring smile. Joe reached up and started to rub the back of his neck with a small chuckle. “Damn, this is weird, you being hurt and all. Usually it’s me. When my mom told me you were in here I thought the worst possible thing happened to you.” Joe said.
“Yeah, try watching you get tackled by 300 pound men and take a second to get up. Or try being out of state when I watched you tear your acl.” I said, thinking back to all of the times where I would watch him get tackled and struggle to breathe sometimes. There was one specific time back at LSU where he was on his hands and knees for a few minutes and I could’ve sworn that he broke ribs or collapsed a lung. Two of the worst things, though, was being 8 hours away from him when he tore his acl and I had to to drive all night long just to get to him, all while being terrified of the unknown. Or when he recently hurt his hand and I had to watch him try to throw a ball, but drop to the ground when he realized he couldn’t and then watch him go to the locker room where I had no idea what was wrong with him or if his season or career was over with.
Joe shook his head and leaned back on the couch while reaching down and grabbing my hurt leg. Joe was super careful while he picked my leg up and placed it in his lap so it could be elevated for a little bit. I let out a sigh of relief when he placed it on his lap and then closed my eyes. “Oh wow, that feels better.” I said while smiling. “I truly don’t know how you do it. I couldn’t imagine having to watch that and not know what happened or if I was okay.” Joe said and looked straight ahead to think about what I have to go through pretty much every single game. “So this year, maybe try not to get hurt, how does that sound?” I asked him. Joe looked at me with a small laugh and said, “I will certainly try.”
“How much longer do you have before your speech?” I asked him while leaning back some more on the couch, lifting up my other leg and setting it on Joe’s lap as well. Joe grabbed his phone out of his pocket and then looked super bummed. “About 15 minutes. Great.” Joe said with a not so pleased look on his face. I could hear the hint of worry and nervousness in his voice, so I reached forwards and grabbed his hand, giving it a little squeeze. “You’re gonna do great, just like always. This ain’t your first rodeo.” I said with a smile. Joe looked down at me after slipping his phone back into his pocket and let out a big sigh. “I hate giving speeches. It’s different when I have to talk about football in front of people because I know football like the back of my hand. But this, I feel like there’s so much expected out of me for some reason.” Joe said with a little shrug. “You know food insecurity and mental health like the back of your hand too, you grew up around it. Just talk from the heart like you always do.” I said.
“How much would I have to pay you to give this speech for me?” Joe asked me with a pleading look on his face, wanting nothing more than for me to stand up there in his place and give the speech for him. “You don’t have that kind of money. Plus, this is your foundation, I only help you with it.” I said. Joe looked forwards and tried to think of a reason that he couldn’t give this speech, and when he thought of something, he whipped his head over to me. “What if I make an excuse that my hand started to hurt and needed to ice it?” Joe asked me. “One, you can give a speech while icing your wrist, and two, every single bengals fan around the world would have a heart attack.” I said and shook my head at his stupid idea.
Joe just groaned a little bit while resting his head on the back of the couch so he was looking up at the ceiling. I couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Most people knew he hated public speaking, especially when it wasn’t football related. When it was about football, the answers came naturally and he could milk some of the answers a little bit depending on what the people wanted to hear. But when it came to the foundation, although he’s extremely passionate about it and the good it does, the speeches and the answers don’t come as natural. During these kind of speeches he always felt vulnerable and uneasy. He wasn’t worried about messing up while talking about football since he knew how to answer every question and give speeches about it. But with this, he knew there was a possibility of him messing up and that if he did, there would be hundreds of videos from hundreds of different angles all making fun of him.
“Hey, you’re going to do great,” I said, getting Joe to look over at me again, “if you get nervous or lost, just look at me. I’ll be front and center and will try and help you in any way possible.” Joe gave me a small smile and let out a small sigh, letting some of the tension out with it. “You promise?” Joe asked me. I held out my hand for a pinky promise and when Joe reached forwards and locked our pinkies together, I said, “I promise.” With a nod, Joe put his hands on my legs and then glanced up at me. “How does your leg feel? Are you ready for me to put your legs down? I need to change my shirt.” Joe said, making sure I was okay before we had to leave. “Yeah, she’s feelin’ better now.” I said and leaned forwards slightly while he very carefully placed both of my feet on the ground, making sure not to hurt me. “She.” Joe chuckled at how I called my leg a she. “Well my legs definitely not a boy.” I laughed while sitting up straight on the couch.
With another chuckle and a roll of his eyes, Joe took off his shirt. I couldn’t help but stare as he took his shirt off so quickly and easily, and I especially couldn’t stop staring at him shirtless. My eyes scanned over his muscular shoulders, toned abs, and then his v-line which was showing ever so slightly. Right now, I was seriously contemplating whether or not to do what Sam said. I wanted nothing more than to kiss all the way down Joe’s stomach while leaving small magenta marks on his abs and pecs, and then kiss up and down his v-line while Joe struggled with holding in his groans.
While I was staring at this perfect man in front of me and imaginingwhat I wanted to do in here with him, I could tell Joe was amused with just watching me drool over him. While my eyes scanned every single inch of his infallible body, he looked down at me with that panty dropping smirk on his face, knowing I was enjoying this immensely.
I was quickly torn from my thoughts when he sadly slipped the black Nike shirt on, covering his perfect chest which was tan from being outside by the pool. “How was the show?” Joe asked me. My eyes shot up to look him in the eyes before I scoffed and stood up. “Oh as if, your body is so mediocre.” I joked and rolled my eye. When I stood up, I grabbed my crutches and started to hobble over to him. “Oh yeah, then what’s with the drool?” Joe asked me. I quickly reached up and wiped off the ‘drool’ from my mouth, but when I found none, I glared up at Joe, making him laugh. “So not cool.” I laughed while nudging his shoulder.
We walked out of the little room together and then headed for the front of the event where Robin and Jimmy were waiting for Joe so they could start the speeches. When we got there, Joe was hesitant to leave my side, but eventually left and when to stand up in front of everyone with his parents. Robin started the speeches since only her and Joe were going to be giveng one, and when she was done, she said, “and with that, I’m going to pass if off to my very loved, beloved…son. Joe Burrow.” I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit as she passed the microphone down to him and then winked down at me with a smile.
When Joe got the microphone, the first thing he did was glance down at me. I could tell he was slightly nervous, but I knew he’d do amazing. When we made eye contact, I gave him a quick thumbs up with a big smile to try and help him the best that I could. “Thanks, mom.” Joe said with a big smile on his face while looking over at her. Both Jimmy and Robin and a lot of the crowd started to laugh at what Joe said. When he started his speech, I could tell he was nervous, but he did amazing. Everyone listened the entire time to what he had to say and gave him their undivided attention.
After his speech was done, he handed the microphone back over to Robin who had a few words to say to end the short speeches, so I hobbled over to Joe who left both of his parents. “See, I told you that you would do great.” I said. Since Joe wanted to wait for his parents, I walked by his side to wait with him and he put his hand on the small of my back extremely discretely. I knew he didn’t like when pictures of us were taken because he valued privacy and I was completely fine with it, so when he found ways to put his hands on me without anyone knowing, I couldn’t help but blush. “I fucking hate speeches.” Joe said quietly down to me while bending down slightly so only I could hear and started to rub my back a little bit.
When the speeches were over and everyone started to either get some food or talk amongst themselves a little bit, I found a place to set my crutches on so I could have another drink, but midway through the drink, I started to get a little chilly since the wind was picking up a little bit. I had to look around the entire place 3 times before I finally spotted Joe talking to Sam and Cody Ford, so I headed over to them to ask Joe for the keys.
When I reached them, I kind of felt bad for interrupting, but they didn’t seem to care. “Everything okay?” Joe asked me and started to rub my arm discretely. “Yeah, can I borrow your car keys though? I’m going to run to the car to get my sweater real quick.” I said and greeted both Sam and Cody and excused myself for cutting in, to which they both said that it was no problem. “I can go and get it for you, it’s no problem.” Joe said and was about to turn to the boys to tell them he would be right back. “I can do it, it’s okay. My leg feels a lot better anyways.” I said. Joe looked me up and down and then said, “are you sure?” I gave him a small look before he reached into his pocket and grabbed out his car keys. After hesitating to hand me them, I finally glared at him long enough for him to hand them over. “Just be careful, please. And call me if you need me.” Joe said. “I will.” I said and slowly turned around and started to head to his car.
I walked out of the huge venue and to Joe’s Porsche that was next to Robin and Jimmy’s car. It only took me a few minutes to get to the car and put my sweater on, so I was heading back inside in no time. As I was hobbling in past people, I got a notification that someone texted me, so I moved over a little bit so I wasn’t in the way and went on my phone to see a text from Joe telling me where he and the guys moved to and that he missed me. I couldn’t help but laugh at him and how I was only gone for a few minutes but he missed me. I quickly replied back:
I was only gone for a few minutes, plus, I wasn’t with you until I needed to grab the keys from you, you’ll be fine Joey
I was still looking at you from across the venue. Just because you couldn’t see me or find me doesn’t mean that I couldn’t see you 👀👀
You are something else Joseph Lee Burrow
And you love me for it. Now hurry up please 🙏🏻🥺
Stop it with the begging emoji, I swear
If you don’t stop I’m not going to bless you with my presence lmao
Ok fine 😂
I put my phone away with a laugh and started to work my way back inside, but not without getting stopped by a few people on the way. I couldn’t help but laugh even more when I spotted Joe in the place he told me he was. Joe was currently sitting down on a couch next to Sam and Robin sat on the other side of Sam. Just like last year’s event when Joe spotted a couch, he was slouched down on it and manspread which showed off his huge thighs.
Joe must’ve seen me out of the corner of his eye while looking in the opposite direction as me because his head whipped around to look at me and when we made eye contact, he gave me a huge smile and started to stretch a little bit. “Finally.” Joe laughed. “I’m crippled, sorry that I took too long for you, you big baby.” I joked while laughing at him and then looked over to Sam and Robin who were also laughing. “See, I should’ve went instead.” Joe said while putting his hands on the couch so he could lift himself up off of it so I could sit down, but before he could, Sam quickly stood up. “You can sit down, Joe. You can have my seat.” Sam told Joe and me as he stood up, letting me sit down. “Thank you Sam.” I said and hobbled over to where he was. Joe reached forwards and grabbed my crutches and then gently grabbed ahold of my arm while I sat down, trying to help me.
When I sat down, Sam grabbed my crutches from Joe and leaned them against the railing closest to us. I let out a big sigh as I got myself situated in between Joe and Robin, finally taking pressure off of my leg that wasn’t in the cast. It felt like every time I sat down, I had just ran a marathon. I looked over at Joe who was currently yawning. I could tell that he was pretty much all peopled out for the day, and the event still had a few more hours to go. For the most part, Joe was introverted and socially awkward. He loved to stay inside where he could interact with very few people as possible while watching SpongeBob and building legos. That’s just the kind of person he was.
“I can tell someone’s all peopled out today.” I said while nudging Joe in the side after his yawn ended. Joe chuckled a little bit and then nodded down at me. “I love raising money for this cause, but I wish I could do it in the comfort of our home.” He said. “Trust me, I know you do.” I said and started to pat Joe’s thigh while scanning the room. I could hear Joe suck in a small breath at the feeling and then he grabbed ahold of my hand and lifted it up and off of him. I quickly looked down, confused why he moved my hand, but then noticed just how far up my hand was on his thigh. “Oops.” I laughed a little bit as I looked up at Joe’s face and saw how he had his lips sucked in and he was trying to calm himself down. “Don’t look at me.” Joe said and looked straight ahead while dropping my hand. I watched as he tried to take deep breaths in order to bring himself down. “You’re such a teenage boy, I swear.” I joked with him while looking straight ahead and placing my hand on my own lap this time. “I can’t help it. It has a mind of its own. Now stop it so I don’t get a boner.” Joe whispered down at me. “You are something else, Mr. Burrow.” I laughed. “You drive me insane Mrs. burrow.” Joe said while shaking his head, unable to hold back a smile as he stared straight ahead.
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morganacorp · 2 months
"Everything okay?" Lena asked as she came out of Kara's bathroom, finding Alex and Kara with their arms crossed and worried looks on their faces. As soon as she was in front of them, she saw Alex's face harden and Kara's eyes became accusatory.
"Have you been working with Kryptonite?" Alex asked with a cold voice, the same one Lena knows is reserved for criminals.
"I- what's happening?" She chuckled, confused and feeling exposed. One moment she had been hanging out with Kara, some romantic vibes between them, and then the next moment she was being questioned by the Director of the DEO.
"Answer the question, Lena." Kara said barely above a whisper.
"Have you been working with Kryptonite, Lena?" Alex asked again.
"I have." She frowned and Alex rolled her eyes while Kara looked down. "But it's not-"
"You said you wouldn't make any more kryptonite, Lena. You said you'd let Kara know if you made more." Alex said, obviously angry.
"how do you know I'm-"
"We caught the radiation signature in your apartment." Alex said and Kara simply stood behind her, unable to look at Lena.
"That's impossible, I've been working on it in my lab, and I've taken all the-"
"How could you?" Kara finally broke her silence, looking up at her with that self righteous disappointment that was so typical of Supergirl.
"Kara, I'd never do anything to hurt you-" Lena frowned.
"You made kryptonite again." Kara said with bitterness, a heavy tear dripping down her cheek.
"And you just jump to the conclusion that it was to hurt you." Lena scoffed, a bitter smile on her face. "I'm a Luthor, right? You've never trusted me and never will." She whispered and walked to get her coat before her own tears made an appearance.
"You can't leave. Where are you going?" Alex said with an authoritarian voice.
"You're welcome to arrest me if that's what you think you should do, Director Danvers." Lena said simply, walking out the door of Kara's apartment.
Years of effort pulling her walls down gone in an instant, all of her alarms and protections coming back to wrap her heart in barbwire to protect it, even if it was already bleeding.
"Director Danvers." A DEO agent told Alex, bringing a heavy looking briefcase to her while she worked with Brainy and Kara in her lab. "A messenger brought this for you, it's from Miss Luthor."
"Did Lena bring it?" Alex asked worriedly, looking over at her sister.
"No, ma'am."
"Thank you." She said and the agent walked away.
"Can you see inside?" Brainy asked and Kara shook her head.
"It's lined with lead."
"Kara, you should step back in case this is-"
"she wouldn't, Alex."
"You said the same about her making kryptonite." She mumbled and moved the briefcase away from Kara. She opened it slowly and looked at the contents confused.
"What's in there?" Kara asked curiously.
"it's brilliant." Brainy said, grabbing the tiny red box that wasn't bigger than a bar of soap and looking at it curiously.
"What is it?" Kara asked and walked closer to inspect the artifact too.
"It's- Lena has perfected the nano suit I created for you by teaching the nano technology how to filter Kryptonite. This should be sufficient in case of mild exposure." Brainy smiled, fascinated by Lena's work. "This is basically her combining the armor suit with the one we made, making it the best of both worlds, so to speak."
"Oh..." Kara sighed.
"Oh... Shit." Alex whispered sadly, watching something on the computer.
"what is that?"
"her lab logs." She said sadly, showing her the screen.
"Lab Log for a personal project. Video for my personal reference only, and for DEO registration as Kryptonite will be used. Day 1 on the project to develop filtering nanotechnology for Supergirl. I will create a suit that will keep Supergirl safe from kryptonite exposure, eliminating the limited mobility on the armor suit." Lena's voice said and the camera footage showed her arranging different kinds of chemicals and other stuff she'd need. "Step one will be creating supercharged kryptonite to ensure the maximum protection of the suit. A safe decontamination protocol has been established in case of emergency." Lena explained and started the process.
"This is dated... This was the week after you were attacked by kryptonite at the museum."
"She wanted to protect me." Kara whispered, feeling her heart breaking in her chest. She had been caught by surprise and barely made it out alive thanks to J'onn and Nia, but she had to spend two days under the sun lamps to recover from the horrible beating she took. Lena stayed by her side every minute.
"What's in that box, Alex?" Brainy asked and pointed at the larger box in the briefcase.
"The kryptonite Lena made... It's a lead box." She said, swallowing hard.
"I have to fix this." Kara shook her head and flew out of the DEO as fast as she could, making her way straight to LCorp.
Lena was sitting on her white couch, looking defeated and exhausted with a drink in her hand. She didn't notice Kara at first, but when she did her face hardened, becoming a perfect angry mask made of marble to protect her.
"Please leave." She said with a cold voice loaded with emotion.
"We need to-"
"I'm moving back to Metropolis." She said coldly. "I made a mistake by moving here. The first of many mistakes, in fact." She said bitterly. "I will send all the devices and prototypes I've created for Supergirl and the rest of your super friends to the DEO for you to dispose of them accordingly. You'll realize that some of them are finished and others aren't, but what you do with the technology is up to you." She said and Kara stepped closer.
"Lena, let me talk to you-"
"There's nothing to talk about, Kara. You have never trusted me, and it's obvious that the shadow of my name and my brother will always be present between us. I can save the world by your side ten times, and yet there will always be a black stain on the white sheet: my family." She rationalized, walking to pour herself another drink.
"I trust you with my life, Lena. You know it."
"As soon as you learned about the kryptonite you assumed I wanted to hurt you." She scoffed. "That's not trust, it's the opposite." She said looking coldly into her eyes. "I'll always wake that sentiment of suspicion on you, Kara. It will always be there with you and your sister, and even your friends-"
"they're your friends too! They're-"
"they have always been your friends. I was just one more who got to tag along." She said and cursed herself for allowing a tear to escape.
"Lena, you know I love-" Kara whispered, stepping close to Lena and wiping the tear away with her thumb.
"don't you dare finish that." Lena warned her coldly with a quivering lip, the raw hurt in her voice making Kara realize how badly she hurt her. "Please go and stop hurting me." She whispered. "I'll disappear from your life and everything will go back to normal." She said, full on crying now. Kara always knew how to unlock her emotions.
"I don't want you to disappear from my life." She sighed, cupping Lena's face like it was a fragile thing. "You are my life."
"Miss Luthor, the helicopter is ready to take you to the airport." Lena's assistant said from the door, a little shocked to find Supergirl wiping her boss' tears.
"I have to go." Lena said, closing her eyes for two seconds to enjoy the warmth that Kara's hands brought to her face, the same warmth she brought to her life.
"Stay." Kara asked her softly. "Stay with me."
"Goodbye, Kara." She whispered and walked way using every ounce of strength in her body. She sobbed in the elevator ride and tried to look put together enough while getting on the helicopter, ignoring the red cape waving in the wind while Kara watched the love of her life leave her behind.
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atarathegreat · 8 months
Scary Wife Privilages Tokyo Revengers
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Featuring: Kokonoi Hajime, Ken Ryuguji (Draken), Rindou Haitani, Atsushi Sendo (Akkun)
Synopsis: They don't need you to stand up for them, but damn do they love when you get feisty.
It was crazy to you the extent of disrespect that Kokonoi would put up with while you were around. Everyone was aware of how ruthless the man could be, but they were also aware of how he hid it when you were around, and they took advantage of it. You lost count of how many people stopped in with random complaints about whatever Koko had done the previous week.
You lost count, sure, but not your temper.
Another poor soul walked in, anger evident on his face. Kokonoi wasn't any less pissed than you were, but he didn't like to explode when you happened to be with him. Of course, you knew this. You'd seen him strangle a man for information. You rolled your eyes thinking about it: how could he strangle a man in front of you with zero hesitation but he didn't want to get angry?
"Don't." You glared at the fancy suit and tie as he sat in the chair opposite the desk where Koko sat. "Don't say a word if it's negative." your voice was dark, heavy, almost dangerous, "Give your report and leave."
The man stared up at you as you leaned on Kokonoi's chair, "If there are problems then the boss needs to know."
Koko would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed with the way you leaned over his desk, grabbing the man by his tie and jerking him forward. He knew you had a temper but this...this was different. This made him wish he was on the receiving end of your death glare. "Say it then." Your words sent a chill up Koko's spine, "Tell me your complaint."
And for the first time, Koko seen one of his men speechless. You were scaring the hell out of him, even more so than any gun.
"No, ma'am, it's okay..." His underling whimpered. Koko had never heard any of his men whimper. But there it was, the fear in his eyes and a very pathetic whine that came out as he spoke.
Inui and Kenny had been busting their asses all day. They'd fixed bike after bike, crushed their fingers, bruised their legs, and Kenny slammed his head into the shelf holding parts, effectively bringing the whole thing down. Inui had laughed, stating, "You're too damn tall for this little shop!"
You smiled, and your smile could've made the devil himself kneel in terror, "Then give your report and go."
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As they were replacing a whole gas tank for an old rusted up bike, (Kenny knew it would be more use to the customer as scrap, but the man was adamant about getting the poor heap of metal fixed) someone started hitting the bell on the front desk like it was an emergency. Kenny looked up, sharing a look of exhaustion with Inui before they both stood and slowly made their way out.
"Finally!" The woman yelled and slammed her hands on the counter, "You fixed my sons bike and charged him extra! Who do you think you are?"
Inui, who was busy pulling the books for the week, responded before Kenny could, "I'm Inui Seishu, he's Ken Ryuguji."
Inui's sarcasm made the woman angrier, and Kenny, for the very first time, hated that his friends kneejerk reaction to people was dry sarcasm. She started yelling louder, getting on Ken's nerves as he stood and took it. What was he going to do? Him and Inui charged fairly on their work, and this was a woman, Kenny couldn't exactly brawl with her.
"Would you just give me your sons name so I can find what we fixed and how much we charged?" Inui asked dryly, glancing up from the computer.
"No! You're supposed to know this stuff already! Unless you're scamming everyone that comes into this store!" The woman was becoming red in the face, "Scammers! Overpriced mechanics."
A sweet gust of wind carried over Kenny, he didn't have time to groan about someone else coming in before you had analyzed the situation. You'd heard the woman yelling from outside, a plan of action already made and ready to be executed. Inui smiled at you, "Good evening, Y/n."
"Evening, Inui." Both men paused at the calm air in your voice, "What's the problem here?"
You were here, meaning Kenny could relax and let you handle this problem on legs. He smiled and waved at his daughter who was holding your hand tightly, she waved back and giggled when your hand absently rested in her hair. God, how did his day get twenty times better with just a simple little sound?
The woman quickly tried to usher you out of the shop, stopping when you gently shoved her hand away, "You better get your little girl out of here, these scammers-"
"Enough." Your tone was cold, "These men are charging just right for their expertise and parts they replace. Do you understand how much money it costs to order half the parts for a motorcycle?''
Inui piped up quickly, "I don't think she does, Miss Ryuguji. Enlighten her."
Now Kenny was regretting how funny it was that his friend loved instigating you.
"In the last month this shop has spent over 6734610 yen in bike parts, three pieces of which went to your sons bike three days ago. Inui," You looked over at him, "search the name Kyoka. Broken clutch, broken break and an old spark plug."
Everyone waited silently as Inui looked it up. Your daughter pulled her hand free and ran to her dad, whispering to him as he picked her up, "Mommy is real scary right now." Kenny nodded, "Mommy doesn't take this type of shit, does she, baby girl?" The young child giggled, "She said she was gonna have to beat ass when we came in."
Kenny covered his daughters mouth, "Hey, we talked about the swearing, didn't we?"
He didn't have time to get an answer from your daughter because you started yelling back at the older lady, "I don't care if your son used his whole damn paycheck to get his bike fixed. He's in his thirties and doesn't need his mommy to come and bitch about price for him. Go on! Yell some more, because I promise you, I am much louder."
She tucked tail and hurried from the shop, leaving you alone with the two mechanics, "You charged twenty yen over..."
Rindou, while he loved his brother very much, didn't like the man coming over. Ran had a bad habit of flirting with you and Rindou had caught his brother setting his hands on your thighs too many times. He wasn't worried about you falling for the ridiculous antics, you'd always removed Ran's hands promptly but respectfully, he just hated that his brother was encroaching on his wife. Ran could have any woman he wanted, why did he have to go after you?
Inui grinned, "Agree with us in public, huh?"
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"Rin?" You called to him from across your shared bedroom, "I can see the way your eyebrows are moving. What are you thinking?"
He snapped out of his thoughts quickly, looking at the beautiful outfit you were wearing, the way your arms stretched as you struggled with the clasp of your necklace. "Nothing." Rindou muttered, stepping up behind you to grab the ends of the silver chain.
"Have I ever told you that you suck at lying to me?" Your eyes pierced his through the mirror of your vanity. He couldn't hide the small smirk, "You have."
Rindou appreciated the way you called him out so openly, most people were too afraid of him to, but you didn't fear anyone, not even Mikey, and Mikey had held a gun to your throat. "I...Is it bad that I don't want Ran to come over? I love him, but-"
"I think it's a normal reaction when a man keeps trying to seduce your wife." You were nothing if not brutally honest, "I can't say I'm thrilled to have him over, either."
And yet, despite neither of you being excited to see him, you both greeted Ran with smiles and hugs. You, of course, had to peel the older man from your body, chuckling as you stated, "Boundaries, Ran."
Ran knew the extent he could go, and he exploited it. Placing his hands on your lower back, just above your ass where you couldn't protest your boundaries, or grabbing your hand and tugging you away from Rindou at the worst moments. It was getting on Rindou's nerves the more the night went on, to the point that Rin was hanging onto your back and refusing to let you do anything without him. He was acting like a koala, and as much as you loved him, it was getting aggravating having two grown men following you around.
"Enough!" You snapped, scaring the brothers, "Sit down!"
They did, Ran smiling as you finally lost your temper with them. Rindou glared at his brother, kicking him under the table, "This is your fault..."
"Quiet." You sounded like a mother scolding her children, "We're going to set some new rules, okay? Good."
Rindou knew that none of the rules were meant for him, but the tone in your voice was, at the very least, worrying to him. He knew you could strangle Ran, not with pure strength but because Ran would let you, and he didn't want you to get any more pissed.
It might as well have been a brothel. The second you walked in you were slammed with the smell of perfume and expensive fabrics. You'd learned to take headache relief before showing up, and it helped for the most part. The women, Hostess's as your husband called them, were lined up all day. Mostly they stood and watched men walk in and pick another woman to have their fun with before they walked out, half drunk and with their pants undone while the woman spent the next hour getting fixed up.
"And for the love of god, Ran, stop flirting with me! I don't like you!" You huffed, crossing your arms, "I have zero attraction to you, give up. Because if you don't, and I say this heavily, Ran, I will bring out every ounce of Haitani that I have picked up in the last three years and I will sink you to the bottom of the ocean."
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The man who greeted you as you walked in was quick to remove a dark velvet rope, letting you go up the steps to where you knew Atsushi was sitting. But you were greeted with a sight that made you cackle.
Atsushi was sitting in his usual spot on one of the overpriced couches, legs spread wide and his arms resting over the back. He laid his head back to see you, smiling as you walked closer. You stared down at the woman who was crouched between his knees, "I can hear you begging from the doorway. It's pathetic."
Her poorly manicured nails slowly pulled off his knees, her wrongly glossed lips parting as she spoke, "Wh-who are you?"
You moved Atsuhsi's hand to show off his ring, "Take a guess. Tell me-Oh, no, don't get up!" You stopped her from moving from her position, "Tell me, how does it feel to beg for a married man?"
She was silent, staring up at you. You were like the boogey man for the girls who worked, as each one had tried to make themselves Atsushi's favorite.
"Good to see you, babe." Atsushi reached up and held your face, "Come just to see me?"
"Mhm, that was the initial goal." You walked around and sat beside him, grabbing the woman's hands and placing them on Atsushi's thighs, "Now, I want to see something."
The woman looked even more scared as you moved her around, "Did you think you would get away with this, sweetheart? I know these girls share stories of me, so there's no way you didn't hear about me."
"I swear, I didn't know the boss was married...I hadn't heard anything..." She was wide eyed, shaking a little. You laughed, "Come now, Atsu, are your girls hazing each other?"
He shrugged, "You know I don't pay that much attention."
You stood quickly, dragging the woman backwards and bending her painfully over the small table behind her. She gasped, eyes going wider if that was even possible. Atsushi had seen you do this before.
Both your faces were only inches apart, your wide smile would haunt her for days, "Does this hurt you? Can you take more?" She shook her head, muttering out a quiet "no" that made you giggle, "Then know that you can't handle what my husband could do to you. Even if you were just sucking cock, he's too brutal for you to stand. So, please, attempt this again. Do it, sweetheart, on the very, very slim chance he cheats on me, I'll know you won't be walking for a few days while I file divorce."
The doubled threat wasn't lost on Atsushi, who quickly moved to drag you into his lap, "Babe, c'mon, this place needs ladies who work." He sounded calm, but you could see the emotion hidden in his movements. Atsushi didn't want you to even mention divorce ever again, let alone after you threatened his employee.
The woman ran away fast when you waved her off, "Atsu, honey, my love. Don't let me find this again. I might just kill the next bitch."
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squoxle · 12 days
✏ TNAIT 001: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em l.at fanfic
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✰ pairing: nerdy!bandboy!anton x cheerleader!fem!reader | ✰ wc: 2.1k | ✰ cw: profanity, sexual themes |✰ plot: after receiving your midterm report, your parents threaten to pull you off the cheer squad if you don't pull your grades up. so, you take the advice of your best friend to seek help. [Series Masterlist]
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“If I don’t see those grades going up soon, you’re done with cheerleading,” your dad spat at the dinner table.
“But my team needs me,” you whined. “I can’t leave in the middle of cheer season.”
“Do I look like I care about any of that?” He sneered. “This is an all-A’s family. And your grades are embarrassing,” he continued as he pulled out your midterm report. “Not a single A. And the worst part is that you’re failing math.”
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“But that professor is a complete jerk.”
“I hardly ever see you studying. You go to class, come home, play your phone, and goof off with your friends. This university is very expensive and I will not continue funding your education if you’re gonna perform like this. School is about more than cheer.”
“No buts. I don’t want to hear another word. Fix it or you’re done,” he said cutting into his steak.
“Listen to your father, honey. It’s very important that you maintain a good academic standing so you can get into a nice law school. Both your father and I graduated with a very high GPA—”
“3.75 and higher,” your father budded in.
“Exactly, so if you need a tutor—”
“I’m not stupid. I can do it by myself,” you mumbled. Even though you desperately wanted the help you knew this was a trap. Your father would not be happy if you were willing to give up that quickly.
“Ok,” your mother nodded. “But remember if you need the help it’s available for you.”
Being honest with yourself, you didn't want to go to law school and be a lawyer anyways. But you knew that your parents weren't going to let you graduate with a career as a cheerleader. They wanted you to have a real profession and since you couldn't pick fast enough, your father chose for you.
A job that was perfect for a sophisticated young woman and possibly a way for you to meet a good husband, or at least that's what your parents were telling you.
You finished dinner and went to bed. But not without logging onto your computer and checking your grades for each course.
• Politics — 79.47% • English — 82.97% • Math — 68.12% • Geography — 75.83%
"There's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to bring these grades up in time," you groaned as you closed your laptop and collapsed into your pillow.
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"Is it just me or do you feel like cheerleaders are basically strippers in training," Chanyoung said as he opened his locker.
"Nah, they definitely are. Just think about it. They flip around and shake their asses in skirts so short that a small breeze will be enough to expose everything underneath," Dongmin replied as he leaned against the locker beside Chanyoung. "I'm not complaining, I'm just saying," he mumbled.
"No, you're right. And from what I can see is that the majority of them are brainless bimbos who've most likely sucked their way through school," Chanyoung said pulling out a few tablets to shove into his backpack.
"I bet you'd love to have some brainless bimbo suck you off," Dongmin chuckled. "You can't even lie and say that you wouldn't take the chance if it was given to you."
"I mean..."
"Exactly. I'm not calling you a hypocrite or anything, I just want you to be real with yourself," Dongmin said as Chanyoung zipped up his backpack, lugging it on his back. "Hell, I wouldn't even pass up an offer like that," he added, slightly bumping Chanyoung's shoulder.
"Yeah, I guess," Chanyoung shrugged.
"Anyways, I gotta go. I'll catch ya later tonight at the game, alright? Our usual spot," Dongmin nodded before walking off, leaving Chanyoung behind.
"Alright, see ya," he waved gently before walking down the hall.
Chanyoung wasn't entirely wrong, you knew a couple girls on the squad who did a few "extra credit assignments." After hearing about your situation one of the girls even offered to hook you up with the guy that helped her.
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"Honestly, it sounds worse than it really is," Abigail said, her blonde hair falling in her face as she tied her shoelaces. "Having some pervy nerd pull up your grades is easy. Trust me, my grades were even worse than yours. And now I have a 3.5 GPA and nothing lower than a B on my transcript," she smiled before standing up to walk over to the mirror, adjusting her uniform.
"Yeah, but wouldn't it be weird if we use the same guy?" You asked.
"Hmm, I mean...I don't think so. Xoey and I had a threesome with him and he loved it. We also got a perfect 100 on our group presentation without editing a single slide," she beamed.
You bit your lower lip, considering the tempting option that had been placed before you.
"Look, if you don't want to get help from Jake, then you can find your own unsuspecting nerd who's willing to help you out in exchange for some action," she smirked, clipping a bow in her hair.
"Guys! What the hell are you still doing in here?" your brown-skinned cheermate, Nova, spat while waving her pom-poms around as she spoke. "You need to get on the field right now! Coach is already pissed," she said, her curly hair bouncing as she jogged away.
"Coming!" Abigail shouted. "We'll talk about this after the game okay," she said, shaking your shoulder before the two of you ran out together.
You met the sharp green eyes of Coach Sam, who looked about as pissed off as you expected her to be. "If you hadn't noticed by the raging crowd behind these doors, we have a big game tonight ladies! Remember your timing! Watch your step! And please, for the love of god, don't fuck this up!" she shouted before placing her black cap on, covering her shaggy dark brown hair.
She blew the whistle, signaling you all to do your signature walk out onto the field to open the game. You just tried your best to focus as you did the first cheer of the game. After you finished, you and the rest of your squad sat down on the benches.
"Abigail. ____," Coach Sam said tapping your shoulders.
"Yes, Coach?"
"If either of you pull some shit like that again you'll be running laps from sun-up to sun-down. Understand?"
"Yes, Coach," you answered in unison.
This game was important for three reasons.
1. If your university won, that meant you were going out of state for the next game.
2. There were cheer scouters watching tonight and the possibility of being picked increased with your performance.
3. This could be one of your last games if you can't figure out what to do about your grades.
"There's no A in cheer," your father's words echoed in your head.
"But there is in cheat," you thought to yourself.
As much as you didn't want to, you took Abigail's advice and scoped the bleachers for the perfect target. Dorky, lonely, and horny...but most importantly, smart.
Chanyoung and Dongmin sat at the very top row of the second tier, in the seats farthest to the left. You set your eyes on the dark-haired boy and his friend.
Curious to know who they were, you whispered to your cheermate Janice, asking if she recognized him. She knew almost everybody, especially since her dad was the dean of the university.
So it was no surprise that she was also head cheerleader and you were sure she had already secured a spot on a professional football team after college. That’s just how her family operated. Paying their way through life.
“Oh, that’s Lee Chanyoung and Han Dongmin, they're both a part of the university's orchestra. You'll usually see them hanging out together. Literally, like all the time."
Introducing New Target: Lee Chanyoung. Age 20. Perfectly talented brainbot. Not only was he in a highly desired honors society, but he was also a part of the college's orchestra.
You nearly smacked yourself in the face as you thought back to the first week of uni and how you were forced to attend the opening recital with your parents. "Classical music is a good way to lighten your mood and increase productivity,” your father said as you sat sandwiched between him and your mother.
Sometimes you hated the amount of pressure your parents put on you to be perfect. Unrealistic expectations that they couldn’t even meet themselves…at least not without pulling their hair out.
You were trying to find a balance between school and life. Yes, school could prove to be very beneficial for you in the future and a great investment, but you didn’t want to let life pass you by while you had your nose shoved 16 chapters deep in a textbook.
After Janice finished reciting what sounded like their admissions speech, you waited until the game was over to put your plan into action.
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You texted Abigail to let her know that you’d be looking for a study partner tonight so she wouldn’t worry about where you were. But she told you to make it quick. She promised to wait around to take you home that way you had an alibi for staying out late.
The stands were clearing out as the game came to an end and you ran across the field to catch up with Chanyoung and Dongmin, throwing your bag over your shoulder.
"Hey!" you called out, hoping they'd hear you.
If they did...great, you could move on to step two, but if they didn't you would die of embarrassment.
"Uhh, are you talking to us?" Dongmin asked, turning around and tilting his head as Chanyoung paused beside him.
"Yeah," you said shyly.
"Oh my god. I can't believe I'm actually crumbling right now," you thought to yourself.
"Umm...well I know we don't really know each other, but I need some help," you tried your best to be confident, but you couldn't shake the fact that this felt like downright prostitution. "It'll just be for a couple of weeks to help me pull up my grades."
"I'll pay you for it," you spat. Maybe there was a way to get some assistance without having to degrade yourself--no shame to Abby. She did what she thought was right.
"Well, as much as I'd love to help you, I'm already swamped," Dongmin shrugged before a mischievous smirk crept across his face. "But my buddy Chanyoung is more than available."
"I am?" Chanyoung said, eyes widening in shock. That was the first time you heard his quiet voice since you came over.
"Of course you are," he winked, patting his friend on the shoulder. "He's been telling me all about how easy this semester has been on him and that he has way too much free time and nothing to do with it."
"Really?!" you asked, surprised everything was going so smoothly. Maybe you would be able to pick up your grades without having to lose your dignity after all.
"Oh yeah. Trust me," Dongmin smiled. "He can help you out with your little...issue."
Okay...this Dongmin guy was acting a little suspicious, but you needed all the help you could get. Beggars can't be choosers, right?
"Okay," you said pulling your phone out of the side pocket of your bag. "Let me just give you both my number so that we can keep in touch. I really appreciate your help," you unlocked your phone before opening your contacts.
Dongmin put in both of their numbers while Chanyoung stood beside him not saying a word. "There ya go," Dongmin smiled handing you back your phone.
"Thank you so much," you smiled. "Can I meet up with you tomorrow?"
"T-tomorrow?" Chanyoung stuttered.
"Umm yeah. I want to get started as soon as possible...if that's okay."
"Oh, yeah of course. That's fine. He'll meet you tomorrow in the library," Dongmin reassured you, wrapping his arm around his friend.
“That’s great,” you smiled. “Will you be there too?”
“Me? Oh no, like I said before, this is all my buddy Channie. He’s got nothing better to do than help a friend…well a new friend,” something about the cheesy grin plastered across his face was unsettling, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
“Okay that’s fine. Just text me what times you’re available tomorrow and I’ll meet you then,” you smiled.
“____! Girl come on let’s go!” Abby shouted from across the field. You saw her from a distance, checking her pretend watch, taping her foot.
“Sorry guys, I gotta go now. See ya,” you waved before joining Abby.
You hopped into her bright yellow convertible, leaving the boys behind on the field.
Everything was looking great for you. You had a study date planned with a total book nerd. Hopefully, he will be a little less shy tomorrow, otherwise, you didn’t expect to make much progress.
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Thanks for reading the first episode of my series. [Series Masterlist]
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Click this link to go to my main masterlist and stay tuned for the next episodes.
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CURRENT TAGLIST: @chlorinecake @addictedtohobi @nikisvanillaccola @laylasbunbunny @urfavberry @antonitty @billiondollarworth @meowbini @mamuljji @riizeis-7 @littlebrightsrar @jisfairy @galorehearts @misfit-nvrfitin @siuewnb @ot7sevenlvr @earth2hannah @professsionalsimp @fairyofhours @wonbinkisser @lovelymulti @annielovescry @antosaurius @inlovekyo @luv4stxrs @v4mpsunghoon @rikiiminaj @brachiobun @pointlessapple @antititititoni @mrkvrse @ywnzn @kisplayhouse @strawberryhillsworld @cartimitsuya @jungwon15 @hanni711 @tsukkiteamo @hajoon-iz-won @songgmingii @bloodiichainzzxx @sunnynearthecoast @riris-a-mess @deewly @ericlvr @freeluvbot @pandajihoonn @mint-yooniverse @pwarksasteroid @huan9jun @zixoxos @snowyseungs @mintmyg @moonchild-please-dont-cry @taeheartss @seesawh @chloelr60 @dodot04lover @firedalarm-blog @kazscara
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suzukiblu · 6 months
excerpt from the one where Tim Drake goes to an alternate reality and decides to get his other self laid via the local Kon's bisexual awakening:
"Hey, remember when you saved my life earlier?" Tim asks. 
"Yeah, kinda," Kon replies in amusement. "Seeing as it was about two point five seconds after you rigged the evil alien robot army to self-destruct and helped save our entire literal reality's life, so I was definitely paying attention." 
"Flatterer," Tim says with a smirk even as he waves him off. The self-destruct function wasn't even that hard to hack, comparatively. That time he'd downloaded Lex Luthor's active IP files from his personal office while the asshole had been on his damn computer–now that'd been tricky. Interdimensional alien invaders barely compare. And the Brainiac incident still gives him stress migraines when he thinks about it for too long. 
Metropolis sucks and Tim frankly has no idea how his own Kon can stand the place.
But like, getting off-topic here. 
"Well, I was gonna say you should let me pay you back for that," he continues. "But since you bring it up I'll also accept a show of gratitude on behalf of your reality, whichever gets you off harder.” 
Kon laughs, because he is apparently adorable enough to have assumed that was a joke. Precious little moron, Tim thinks fondly. 
"You know, you're a lot less uptight than our version of you is," Kon says, grinning down at Tim before flashing Tim's other self a smirk. "No offense, Rob. Dude's clearly just doing more yoga than you or something. Maybe drinking more tea? Taking the occasional bubble bath?" 
"Silly me, if only I'd invested in more bath bombs in my life," Tim's other self says dryly. 
"It's probably my sex life, actually," Tim himself puts in with an easy shrug. Turns out when you stop pretending you don't have a ridiculously high libido and actually just indulge the thing, a lot of life's little annoyances become a lot easier to handle. Go figure. "Plus my boyfriend Bernard is really great, just his entire existence does wonders for my mood in general and he also makes me eat real food on occasion and monitors my caffeine intake much more reliably than I'm capable of doing on my own. The man is a living antidepressant and I don't even mean that in a fucked-up way, he's just that good." 
"Boyfriend?" Kon blinks at him, then puts on another grin. It takes, Tim cannot help but notice, exactly two beats longer than his real grin would've. "Ohhhhh, okay, so the problem is just that you're not getting laid hard enough?" 
"It is not," Tim's other self says dubiously, watching Kon just a little bit warily and obviously worried about his potential reaction to the word "boyfriend". Well, Tim never claimed to be emotionally intelligent about Kon, so no surprise his other self is also a dumbass there. 
"It kinda is, actually," he tells his other self. "I was tracking my cortisol levels the last time I went on a solo away mission and let's just say they were . . . concerning? Like really concerning. Like by the time I got back I was kiiiiind of convinced I was going to need to go on anti-anxiety meds again. But then I jumped my Kon in the Titans Tower med bay instead and that pretty much solved the problem." 
Kon . . . pauses, sort of. Tilts his head. Tim's other self looks a lot warier.
"'Jumped'," Kon repeats carefully. "Like . . . what, you dragged him to the gym to spar or something?" 
"Like I blew his back out so hard that when he came his TTK fritzed out and disassembled my recovery bed," Tim clarifies helpfully. "It really helped with the cortisol levels issue." 
Kon blinks. Tim's other self looks pained, but also desperately envious. Tim would also be desperately envious if their situations were reversed and so does not blame him for said envy in the slightest. 
"I thought you said you had a boyfriend?" Kon says after a moment, sounding a little odd in a very telling way. Or at least very telling to Tim, anyway. 
As is the way that he's not looking at Tim's other self at all anymore. 
"Open relationship," Tim says. "Also Bernard thinks you're stupidly hot and really likes hearing about the kind of stuff you let me do to you. I've actually been debating inviting you over for his birthday so he can watch us live for once but I haven't asked you yet." 
"What, so your Kon is the side chick?" Kon jokes, awkwardly putting on another just barely belated grin. 
"More like my kept boy, functionally speaking, but he's having a 'weird about commitment' phase right now so I've just been making a lot of sugar baby jokes to soften him up," Tim replies with a shrug. It's only sort of been working, but it has been working, and he's willing to take his time on it. It's not fair to expect Kon to only be easy, after all. "Long-term goal is to marry Bernard and ideally get Kon to 'live-in boyfriend' status somewhere in there, but that would also require him not being weird about commitment and also figuring out how well he and Bernard get along in the same space, so we'll just have to see how that one goes." 
"Uh," Kon says. "Why?" 
"Because you are incredibly important to me and also look like a very horny Renaissance sculptor made you out of calacatta marble," Tim tells him matter-of-factly, gesturing meaningfully at him. "Frankly it's criminal that you ever put clothes on."
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