#i will always spot rins that are sent to me!
rin-spotted · 8 months
hello hello! rin-spotted here!!
i want to apologize to the lovely people who have been tagging me and sending me art lately for not queueing their posts yet, things have been busy in real life… i am only human and cannot spot rins every day without the help of a queue, so if i do not spot your tags right away, please be patient! i assure you that i have seen it and it will be spotted when i am available!
thank you for reading! (๑•́ω•̀)ノ゙
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yuquinzel · 1 month
— flowerthief.
feat. itoshi rin. fluff <3 short drabble. rin doesn’t greet you without flowers.
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itoshi rin shows up at your house at exactly 9:38 pm — standing in all his glory — drenched in sweat and a mess of shattered breaths. you know he ran all the way here, which you can’t find the reason for when you check the time twice to make sure your eyes weren’t deceiving you.
you would’ve said something like rin what the hell it’s so late or maybe just cross your arms and peer down at him with a look that says well? to what do I owe the pleasure except it’s only sarcasm.
you would say all that if the first thing he did as you opened the door wasn’t shoving the HUGE bouquet of flowers in your face.
you have no idea where this is going.
it takes 10 seconds for you to realise he’s not going to move from his spot unless you accept the flowers and get them out of your face.
“uhm... what?” is all you can say.
“flowers.” he replies. only now allowing himself to relax and lean against the wall.
“i can see that, but why now?” you bring your fingers to trace the petals. rin is aware of all your favorites, so you’re not surprised to find them sweetly tucked together.
in fact this isn’t the first time he’s given you flowers.
ever since three months ago at the start of your relationship, when you had mindlessly told him you’ve never been given flowers— rin had made it his life’s mission to bring you flowers every. single. day. it’s sometimes a bouquet of blooming colors, sometimes it’s just a small flower he could’ve found anywhere on the roadside.
rin doesn’t greet you without flowers.
“i was so busy with practice today, i couldn’t come earlier.” he says in a somewhat hurried tone, each word cut off by the next.
you think of the hurried text he’d sent you earlier — practice’ll drag out today. i can’t come. sorry. — it was simple, and you knew he was busy so you weren’t upset over it either.
“i thought you couldn’t come?”
“but i wanted to.”
that explains the impromptu visit past 9 pm, the disheveled hair and the beads of sweat collecting on his forehead saying he ran like there was no tomorrow.
“that’s okay rinnie. you give me flowers everyday. it’s okay if you were too busy.” your fingers trace the soft petals. rin holds his breath.
“no, it’s not. i give you flowers everyday. why should today be any different?”
a smile tugs at your lips. you feel giddy and warm. the thought that he’d rushed out of practice and took the time to get you a bouquet of your favourites just to come see you even though he must be exhausted — why he goes out of his way to make you feel special — it sort of steals your breath and make your heart ricochet like bullets in your ribcage.
so when you take your hand to brush his cheeks, the warmth lingering in your hands, rin takes a hold of it in a firm grip. his own hand resting on top of yours to keep it there.
his shoulders relax, “do you like them?” he asks, like always, eyes shining with a glimmer you only ever see around you.
“i love them.” you say, all your love for him and his flowers safely wrapped up in the syllables.
rin lets a small smile play at his lips, “...and?”
you laugh at this, knowing exactly what he means. “and i love you.”
“i love you too.” rin mirrors your laugh, a sputter of low breaths throughout the air.
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© yuquinzel2024 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
one less draft. woohoo. fellas i present to you, rin, the epitome of “if he wanted to, he would.”
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daistea · 4 months
Since you take requests, would I be able to ask for something with Mithrun and Kabru with like a reader that's kind of dense with social cues/hints (especially if they're romantic)?
(I had people confess their love to me, and I still didn't get it till they put it in very clear terms)
(it's probably the 'tism, but I digress. )
I think it's potentially an absolutely hellerious dynamic since Kabru always plays 5D chess with every social interaction. As for Mithrun, I think it's funny to think how the other canaries would just be repeatedly hitting their head on the wall because their captain won't say it straight and they just don't g e t i t.
Ps: I absolutely love how in-depth all of your understanding of characters and their personalities are, and I just hxfhxdvgudts.
This blog just brings me so much joy
“Iᴛ’s ᴀ Dᴀᴛᴇ” Kᴀʙʀᴜ x Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, Mɪᴛʜʀᴜɴ x Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
gn reader
5000 words ;P
Warning: reader is very oblivious. Like incomprehensibly oblivious (for the lolz)
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♡ Kabru ♡
- Kabru has had little flings here and there throughout his life. He treated every partner with respect, of course, but Kabru wasn’t particularly looking for love. He doesn’t dislike the idea of love, it just hasn’t happened yet.
- So, when Kabru starts to genuinely fall in love with someone, it’s a new feeling. He’s observant enough to recognize what it is.
- Unfortunately, the person he’s falling in love with is you.
“He’s been unusually quiet lately,” Holm remarked. Who he was remarking that to remained to be seen. Mickbell didn’t care much. Kuro had other things to worry about. And Rin had already made the same observation three times earlier that day.
The first floor of the dungeon was always crowded, and Kabru’s ears were usually open for anything that could be of use. The leather armor merchant to his left had recently raised his prices. The cobbler to the right was in an argument with an older lady over the shape of a patch he’d made on her favorite boots. And Holm was concerned about Kabru’s recent lack of observations; as concerned as Holm could be.
“Is that really such a shock?” Kabru sent Holm a smile over his shoulder. “I’m not exactly a chatterbox.”
But he was aware of himself enough to know that his behavior lately had been odd. He was usually so good at hiding it, too, but the comfort of his friends seemed to lower his walls. Without realizing it, Kabru had spent their latest dungeon expedition sighing to himself, staring at walls, and missing the details of important things. On the third floor, they’d encountered thieves. His party always relied on him to clock the intentions of approaching adventurers— thieves tended to be overly familiar, friendly, and a bit too eager— but Kabru’s mind was elsewhere. The thieves attacked, and it had genuinely taken him by surprise. The fight wasn’t hard, but Kabru’s lack of preparation set off alarms in Rin and Holm’s heads.
“You’re not,” Rin agreed. Her brow furrowed and she got that cute little line on her forehead again. “However, you’ve really been out of it.”
“Have you been thinking about that person again?” Holm asked.
That person. That person? Kabru knew a lot of persons. The whole first level was filled to the brim with persons, half of them being his acquaintances. Kabru had zero desire to admit that he knew precisely who Holm was referring to, though, and decided to keep his gaze straight ahead as he weaved through the crowd.
When he didn’t respond, Mickbell laughed, “Yeah, he’s thinking of them alright.”
“Heat?” Kuro asked.
Mickbell scoffed from his place on Kuro’s shoulders, “Tall-men don’t go into heat! At least I don’t think so. But they catch feelings, like a cold. Kabru’s caught a cold.”
“Not sneezing,” Kuro mumbled.
“A feelings cold, I mean! The worst kind.”
That was one way to put it. Kabru couldn’t help but sigh as he led the party towards a quieter spot in the corner. Once they were out of the sea of people, he leaned against the stone wall and ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t have feelings, I’m simply curious,” he said.
Curious. Right. Mickbell sent him a scrunched up, narrow-eyed look that was reminiscent of constipation. Yet, Rin interjected before the half-foot could say something heinous. “What’re you curious about, particularly?” She asked.
“Good question,” Kabru folded his arms over his chest and tilted his head in thought.
What was he curious about? You held so many secrets. You had this look in your eyes that drew him, a look that reminded him of a room in his mother’s house. She always told him to not go inside. Her rules only made him want to turn the knob even more. And when he finally did disobey her and go inside, all he saw were boxes full of ceramic unicorn miniatures. Still, the rush of satisfaction he’d felt at finally knowing what was in there couldn’t be matched. That’s what he wanted to do to you, open your door and take a peek.
Or, perhaps a ‘peek’ was an understatement. He wanted to meticulously inspect every inch of your mind with a microscope, to know the atoms unseen by the human eye, to be intimately acquainted with every molecule you possessed.
“He’s zoned out again,” Holm muttered, ripping Kabru out of his thoughts.
He looked up, eyes widening at the observation. Holm was right, he was zoned out again, staring at the dirt on the floor and contemplating you.
He forced a smile, “Don’t worry about me, really. I’m just preoccupied. It’s that person, I simply want to know their intentions.”
“Intentions for what?” Rin asked.
For everything. There was no simple answer.
“Oh hey,” Mickbell glanced over his shoulder. His voice was flat as he scanned the room, “There they are.”
Kabru followed Mickbell’s gaze, a straight line that led directly to you— all lines seemed to lead directly to you lately. His heart clenched in a way that was both unpleasant and addictive. Without realizing it, he pushed away from the wall and began striding toward where you stood.
“Wait,” Rin grabbed his arm as he passed. Kabru blinked, looking down at her and waiting for her to speak. She met his eyes and frowned, “I think you’re going to be disappointed. They’re not as mysterious as you think they are.”
Nonsense. You were incredibly mysterious. Kabru could tell you had secrets, layers. He dreamed of pulling them back one by one.
“They couldn’t disappoint me,” he sent Rin a smile that he hoped was reassuring— he knew it was, he’d practiced it in the mirror and on other people all the time.
“I think they will,” she argued.
“They won’t,” his smile faltered just the slightest. Rin didn’t usually get involved in Kabru’s… hobby. Did she know something he didn’t? He decided to not ask outright, accepting the challenge of figuring out the meaning behind her concern on his own.
Rin let go of his arm and Kabru was free to go. His mind switched elsewhere, onto you, and before he knew it he was already slipping through the crowd of bodies to reach you.
You were in front of the vegetable seller’s stand, inspecting a lumpy potato. Kabru knew the vegetable seller was cheating on his wife. Usually, he’d try to get more out of the man, digging deeper simply for the sake of knowing. Yet, you stood there, beautiful and mind-consuming. What did Rin mean by ‘I think you’re going to be disappointed’? Kabru was rarely disappointed with secrets.
“Hey,” he raised a hand as he neared. You looked up from the potato and returned his smile. There was that look in your eyes again, that closed door he desperately needed the key to.
He loved crowds. He loved the hundreds of voices. He loved listening to each one and assigning them meaning, picking apart their words, filing them away into neat little categories. Yet, the crowd might as well have disappeared. All he saw was you. All he wanted was you and your words and your thoughts and your fears and your goals and your likes and your dislikes and your intentions and your—
“Oh hey,” your voice cut through the wants like the slash of a sword, “Kapru.”
His brows furrowed and he plastered on a polite smile— also practiced in the mirror. “It’s Kabru.”
“Right, sorry,” you shrugged.
Were you playing with him? Were you sending your pawn out, a piece that you expected him to take for the sake of a larger, more powerful move? Was it bait?
“How are you?” He forced himself to ask, though he could hear the weakness in his voice. He desperately hoped you wouldn’t notice.
You only tilted your head in thought, “I’m fine. Just buying potatoes.”
“It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other,” Kabru said. It was a lie, you saw him last week. “My party and I are about to go back to the surface to restock. We could grab a drink if you wanted.”
“Why?” You asked.
Why? Why? Kabru couldn’t say why. He wouldn’t say why. ‘I want to take detailed notes on every word you say, every gesture, every breath’ wouldn’t be helpful to his cause in the least.
“Because we’re friends,” he slowly explained. Again, there was that hint of weakness lacing every syllable. He wanted to tear his voice box apart and reconstruct it in a way that wouldn’t falter every time he saw you.
But you didn’t seem to notice. “Alright,” you sent him a smile that made his heart clench.
Alright. Kabru’s smile relaxed, “Alright,” he echoed. “It’s a date.”
‘It’s a date’ was a common saying, of course. But it still held implications, it still held desires, it still signified something more— At least to him it did.
You remained unphased by it, though. Usually, when Kabru said that, there would be a laugh or blush or the widening of eyes. You gave him nothing of the sort. No flirtatious looks, no intention-laced smile, no flicker of recognition.
“See you then,” was all you said.
Rin was wrong. You couldn’t disappoint him. Opening your doors and peeking inside your mind would be so satisfying.
- You go on several dates with Kabru without realizing they’re dates.
- After one date when you make friends with the next table over and invite them to join your meal, introducing Kabru as ‘my friend’ and not ‘the man who is courting me’ or ‘my boyfriend’, he begins to wonder…
- Do you not realize that these are dates?
Kabru knew he had the tendency to stare, but he usually kept that urge locked away for the sake of masking. Always masking. Always aware of his surroundings and the people and the words and the looks.
He kept his staring urge hidden at first. Yet as time passed, as you went on more dates, he couldn’t help himself. He had to stare. He had to drink in every detail of your face, coveting it all as a desert wanderer would covet water.
And you didn’t seem to mind. You would give him this look sometimes, a look he couldn’t quite decipher. It was a mixture between affection and confusion and bashfulness. It was his favorite expression of yours and never failed to put butterflies in his stomach.
Kabru knew he was falling in love. He wasn’t opposed to the idea, but he’d never been truly in love before. At night when he forced himself into bed, he stared at the ceiling and mused on the future you had together. Neither of you had said anything to make the relationship official, but was that even needed? It was obvious that you were together— to him, at least.
Kabru held your hand as he led you through the crowded streets. Once you caught up to his side, he placed his palm on the small of your back. He wasn’t much for PDA, but it was a necessity when traversing the island together. He didn’t want to lose you in the crowd.
Once you were in a more quiet spot, he sent you a smile, “I have to ask, I’m too curious; What’s your favorite date that we’ve had together?”
You thought for a moment, “Hm… I would have to say last week. It was a Thursday. I like Thursdays anyway. I think it was the 7th? Yeah. June 7th, Thursday. That’s a good date, it’s a bit cool outside and all the flowers are blooming. But if I had to say which one was my favorite, I think it would be April 18th. I’m not sure that we spent that date together, though.”
Like the sunset rising over the mountains, it began to dawn on him.
Were you stupid?
No, you weren’t stupid. He had seen you in the dungeon before, how you fought and strategized and reacted. You couldn’t be stupid.
Then what? Were you playing hard to get? Were you teasing him? Was this a move on the board, your Knight piece pressing forward to continue the assault? Kabru needed to know.
He kept his hand on your back but his gaze straight ahead. “That’s nice,” he said. It wasn’t nice, actually. “What about when we hold hands? Do you enjoy that?”
You shrugged, “It helps us keep track of each other as we go through a crowd.”
“But I hold your hand even when we’re not around other people.”
The face you made betrayed your true thoughts. “Yeah, it seems like your hands are cold a lot. You really should start keeping gloves with you.”
“...Do you think I’m holding your hand because my fingers are cold?”
Another flash of confusion, another furrow of your brows. “Why else would you hold my hand?”
The sun rose completely over the mountains and the daytime, clear and bright, engulfed his world.
You had no clue.
- This stresses Kabru out immensely.
- He starts taking notes. He has a special little book just for you. A lot of the pages are filled with scribbles and question marks.
- He makes a plan on what to do. He’s going to up the ante, he’s going to make his feelings so clear that you can’t ignore them or be oblivious even if you tried.
- He starts getting more touchy. He kisses your forehead often. He kisses your knuckles. He’s around you all the time, every chance he gets. He tells you you’re beautiful. He says that he wants you to meet his mother. He talks about your future together.
- You say, “Oh, your mom? Cool. You think we’ll get along? I’m always up for making new friends.”
- “You want a future with me? Well, I’m free next Wednesday.”
“I like you,” Kabru was breathless and wide-eyed. His hair was a mess from how often he’d run his fingers through it. He was disheveled and hadn’t slept the entire night.
You glanced up from the book you were reading, “Oh? Cool, thanks.”
He sent you a look. “No, I mean I love you.”
“Yeah,” you flipped a page in the book, “love you too.”
“You do?” Hope bloomed and unfurled like a spring flower. Kabru felt his cheeks grow warm, a fire igniting within him.
“Yeah,” you said lightly, “I love all my friends, of course.”
That spring flower suddenly wilted. The fire was doused by a cold bucket of water in the form of your words. Kabru wanted to scream and bang his head against the wall.
“You don’t get it,” he hissed through clenched teeth, fingers tensing as he leaned forward, desperate. “I’m in love with you. This is really hard for me to say, but I think you need to hear it like this. I love you. I love you. I love you…” Somehow, his cheeks went even hotter. His adams apple bobbed as he swallowed his embarrassment, “I-I… Sorry. I just need you like I need oxygen. I…”
You snorted, “You don’t need me to breathe, I’m a person not an organ. You’re breathing right now just fine.”
He was not breathing just fine, but that was beside the point.
“Excuse me for a moment,” Kabru said. He could hear how strained his voice sounded.
You watched as he walked away, rounding a corner and disappearing from sight. Then he screamed. It sounded like he also kicked something, a crate or box maybe.
How odd.
- When it finally gets through your head, he’s actually a bit satisfied by your embarrassment at it all. Yes, please do acknowledge your obliviousness. Please do apologize for treating his love confession so casually. When you do so, he feels as if he could melt from the relief.
- He still wants to bang his head on the wall, though.
- And he’s spent a lot of nights screaming into his pillow.
- Kabru continues to play 5d chess with you, just simply out of habit, but you’re playing Hungry Hungry Hippos the entire time. He still finds himself trying to pick apart your actions and responses, but he’s learned how to take things at face value when it comes to you. It’s a difficult adjustment, but one he’s willing to make.
- He starts to learn, take more notes, observe your behavior. For dates, he lays it out carefully. You two are going to do this specific thing. Why? Because he would like to see you happy, and hold your hand, and kiss you. Why? Because he loves you. Now you get it.
- You’re fascinating actually. Genuinely, he starts to adore how your brain works. He wants to pick it apart and hold the pieces up to a magnifying glass.
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♡ Mithrun ♡
- He does not care.
- Be as oblivious as you want, that’s not going to stop Mithrun.
- The Canaries, however, are going insane.
“How’s it going with them?” Pattadol asked. Her hands were folded in front of her in that polite way, the way that told Mithrun that his second in command had something on her mind. Pattadol thought she was subtle. She was not.
And he knew precisely who she was referring to. Might as well give her an answer that’ll satisfy her curiosity, lest she keep asking questions.
“Fine,” he answered, “just fine.”
Yet, Pattadol’s brow furrowed. Not a good sign.
“Just fine?” She asked. Her voice went up a pitch. “It’s just fine? Really?”
She unlaced her fingers and spread out her hands as if gesturing to something, but all that surrounded them was Mithrun’s under-decorated living quarters. There was really nothing to gesture at besides the wooden cabinets and the bed. Mithrun waited, aware that she was picking through her piles of thoughts— probably thoughts mixed with screams of frustration— to find the right words.
Finally, Pattadol forced a shaken smile, “It’s clear to anyone that knows you that you’re in love with them, Captain.”
That was what she decided to say? It was a bit blunt for Pattadol’s usual style. Mithrun only shrugged, “Yeah, you’re right. It’s pretty obvious.”
“So why haven’t they noticed yet?”
“Why do you care?”
“Because I want you to be happy for once!” Pattadol snapped, but she then took a deep breath, “Sorry, Captain, I didn’t mean to sound that way. This is hard for me, talking so openly about these things… But it’s so frustrating to watch.”
Mithrun could understand that. While he personally wasn’t frustrated by the circumstances, he knew that the Canaries couldn’t stand watching his interactions with you. It wasn’t a big deal in the long run, in his opinion. They’d get over it.
“Thank you,” he answered.
“Do you have any ideas on how we can do that?”
“Do what?”
Pattadol’s eye twitched ever so slightly. Her fingers tensed like claws, and Mithrun felt the corner of his lips turn up in a barely-there smirk. But genuinely, he wasn’t sure what she referred to. Did she mean the part about him being happy, or the part about you being oblivious? She should’ve been more clear.
“About…” she hesitated. Obviously she wasn’t sure what she meant either. She then nodded as if deciding, “About everything. About the obliviousness, your happiness, etcetera.”
He didn’t know what the etcetera referred to, but didn’t care to ask. “You don’t have to do anything,” Mithrun assured her as he leaned back in the chair and folded his arms. The wood creaked slightly from the movement. Everything on this boat creaked, as was the nature of boats, he guessed.
“I would like to do something,” Pattadol nodded, determined. “We all would.”
A shrug, “Alright. Then do something.”
- Pattadol, over-achiever and top student and certified Girl Who Cares Too Much, takes that as a challenge.
- Cithis only joins because she thinks it’ll be funny.
- Fleki also only joins because she thinks it’ll be funny.
- And Lycion also also joins because he thinks it’ll be funny (though he does care on some level. Not really about you, but about Mithrun. And it’s painful to watch.)
- Otta is forced to join.
- The attempts are weak at first, like dipping a toe into the water to see how cold it is. Mithrun only has so much patience for interference with his life, so they have to be smart and tread carefully.
- Pattadol gives Mithrun a hint. “There’s some pretty flowers growing beside the road over there. You should give one to them!”
- “What would they need a flower for?”
- Mithrun asks that on purpose. He knows precisely what he’s doing. Yes, people generally like receiving flowers, he knows that. But he also believes that flowers are useless gifts.
- “Then what present do you suggest?” Pattadol asks.
- Mithrun has an idea. He gets you soap. Everybody uses soap (hopefully) It’s a useful gift, and if he gives you the same kind he uses then he’ll get some weird sick flicker of pleasure from having his scent on you. (He wisely chooses to not say that part aloud.)
You held the little bar of soap in your hands as if it were an injured baby bird you found on the ground. Yet your feelings towards it were far from protective or empathetic. This soap said something. It had a mouth and it used it to scream.
You met Mithrun’s flat gaze, “Soap…”
He nodded, “Yeah. Soap. It’s a gift for you.”
For you?
Mithrun continued, “It’s the same kind I use. Smells the same.”
It felt as if you’d swallowed a handful of pebbles and they all had gotten stuck in your throat. “Do you… think I’m stinky?”
You cursed yourself for even asking that. What a useless question. Obviously, he thought you stank! He gave you soap! He was trying to tell you something, being subtle and polite for once! Usually Mithrun would just say it bluntly, but he’d been working on his desires lately. Perhaps he’d also decided to embrace societal expectations? You weren’t sure. But soap. Soap!
You didn’t notice how Mithrun tensed. You didn’t see him quickly blink several times and tilt his head. You didn’t see the slight widening of his good eye. “No, I—“
“I’ll go use this right now,” you interrupted, “I’ll go wash away my stench so you can finally stand to be near me.”
Despite the horror, you were a bit proud of yourself. You’d taken a hint, maybe you were getting less oblivious.
- In your defense, a bar of soap is a weird gift.
- Alright. Mithrun admits it, he needs help. He’s not so prideful anymore that he won’t admit that he doesn’t know what to do.
- Pattadol is really triumphant about that but does her best not to show it.
- Plan B: make it so obvious that you have no choice but to realize his feelings.
“This has to be the most physically uncomfortable I’ve felt in a very long time,” Mithrun said as he tugged at the ends of the fancy, over-decorated blouse the Canaries had put him in. “I honestly prefer Cithis’s frilly dresses.”
Which was saying something. Mithrun had a preference? That was a good sign.
“It makes you look handsome,” Pattadol said.
“The only thing it makes me is itchy,” he corrected.
The Canaries had somehow found a blouse— not a shirt or tunic, a blouse— that made Mithrun feel something other than indifference. He usually didn’t care about what he wore, as long as it was comfortable, but the clothes they’d stuffed him into were offensive to human-kind, like vegan bacon.
It had a big frill on the front and puffy sleeves. It was somehow both too flowy and too tight at the same time. The trousers weren’t much better, digging into his legs. And the shoes…
Mithrun didn’t want to talk about the shoes.
It was clear to him that Fleki and Cithis had only contributed to the outfit because they thought it would be amusing. Good for them, he supposed. Pattadol seemed to genuinely like it, Otta looked horrified, and Lycion was in some in between state where he wanted to show pity but couldn’t quite stifle his giggles.
“Remind me again what the point of this is?” Mithrun asked with a sigh.
“We got them to agree to a date!” Pattadol said, grinning, “I said outright ‘it’s a date’ so there would be no confusion. I made it clear that the date was with you. Now, if you show up looking like a million gold with a bouquet of flowers, they’ll get the hint.”
Mithrun did not want to do that.
Mithrun rarely wanted to do anything, but this just felt wrong. In his opinion, the relationship between you and him would develop naturally in a way that fit both of your personalities. He didn’t mind waiting for you to realize his intentions, he had time. As long as you didn’t fall in love with someone else, and didn’t stop him from staring at you or touching you, then he wasn’t in a rush.
But since the Canaries insisted, seeming to think that this was the right course of action, he would go along with it. Maybe it would be an utter disaster and Pattadol would realize that she knew very little about relationships— especially a relationship involving Mithrun. He was aware enough of himself to know that it wouldn’t be conventional.
With his hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and the ridiculous outfit on, Mithrun entered the restaurant Pattadol had chosen. He found you immediately. You sat in a chair with your elbow on the table and your ankles crossed, waiting.
Mithrun held a bouquet of pink roses as he approached. You lit up when you saw him, but your brows then furrowed.
“Where’s Pattadol?” You asked.
His stride faltered, “She isn’t coming.”
“Oh,” you shrugged, “well since she set this up I assumed she’d be here.”
Why would she be here? It was a date Pattadol had set up for you and Mithrun specifically.
You probably didn’t know it was a date, he realized. Pattadol thought she’d been clear by saying ‘it’s a date’ but failed to realize that that was just a common phrase among people and meant nothing to no one.
Calm, he slid into the seat across from you and watched as you raised a brow, “What’re you wearing?” You asked.
“My team picked it out for me.”
“You look like you’re part of an opera or a ballet, like you’re about to stand beneath a balcony and start spouting poetry to your lover.”
That was a good description, actually. Those were the words Mithrun had been looking for earlier when he saw himself in the mirror.
He nodded, “Yep.” Then, wordlessly, he held out the bouquet to you.
Your eyes widened, “For me?”
“I’m handing them to you, aren’t I?”
Gingerly, you took the flowers and held the stem of the wrapped bouquet with both hands as you inspected each petal.
A flicker of surprising satisfaction ran through his chest. You liked the flowers. It made sense, most people liked flowers, even if he didn’t see why.
You dipped your head down toward them presumably to smell them, but your lips then parted and you dug your teeth into the nearest rose.
Mithrun froze.
You chewed on the rose, your nose wrinkling in disgust. You gave the flower a good shot, a proper taste, but it didn’t take long until you grabbed a napkin and spit up the pink slobbery mess into it.
“Sorry,” you sent him an apologetic smile and tried to hand the bouquet back to him, “they don’t taste that good, and I don’t think I could season or cook them in a way that would help.”
Mithrun knew he was staring. He knew he was making a face, slightly tilting his head down, intensity in his eye. The kind of face someone made when they were internally screaming.
He was not internally screaming, but he was thinking— about you, how your brain worked. And how it was so damn charming for some reason and all he wanted to do was kiss you until he was all you could think about.
He wanted something. The feeling was sweet, a shot of adrenaline, one of Fleki’s drugs. Addictive. Like the slow drip of honey. He could survive off that want for ages.
Wordlessly, Mithrun threw the bouquet over his shoulder to get rid of it. Judging by the gasp that followed, it probably hit someone in the head.
Loving you was as natural to him as breathing.
- Mithrun decides to not let the Canaries interfere any longer. He was wrong earlier in thinking he needed their help. He doesn’t.
- Also, watching them go insane over your obliviousness and his lack of communication provides a good bit of entertainment.
- When he finally decides to give into that all-consuming, new, exciting desire and kiss you, your response is, “But I wasn’t casting a spell, no reason to try and stop me.”
- God, he adores you.
- He takes kisses whenever he wants them, with no care about what you think his intention is.
- After a certain kiss that involves tongue and teeth and fingers digging into your waist, you start to openly wonder… Are you in a relationship with Mithrun?
“Yes,” Mithrun didn’t even glance up at you, remaining unphased by your rather serious question, “We’re in a relationship.”
He continued to jot down notes about a monster he saw, as if he’d just casually answered a question about the weather. ‘Is it going to rain today?’ ‘Yeah looks like it.’
You gulped, “How long?”
“A year now,” he kept writing. Truthfully, he’d been expecting this. A flash of disappointment crossed his mind; there goes one of his hobbies, watching the Canaries have a crisis over his love life.
You buried your face in your hands. Mithrun stopped writing and patted your head as if comforting a dog.
- The Canaries are pleased that this is over. But actually, they’re going to have to watch you not realize it when you’re engaged to the Captain.
- At your wedding you’re in regular clothes. Someone asks why and you say “Mithrun told me we’re going to a wedding. He didn’t say it was ours.”
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mitsouya · 7 months
rin rolls over in his bed when he finally sends the message.
just a simple "are you up?" takes him a whole ten minutes to type, and he already wants to jump off a very tall building. it's nearly three in the morning, how on earth could you possibly still be awake? he feels stupid. he is stupid when it comes to you.
but he can't sleep, and his chest swells from thoughts of you.
he thinks of having you all to himself most nights, holding you so close he can finally get a taste of holding moonlight—and he wonders if this feeling's mutual or if it's just him who bears this much love like an exploding star.
he covers his face with a pillow and groans. how pathetic. it's only been a couple of hours since your last date anyway. you went to this nice aquarium in the city with rin following you around like a lost puppy. he listened to your explanation about sharks and watched you giggle with child-like excitement as you pointed at the cute pufferfish.
"hey, rinnie, take a photo of me and this little guy."
he grumbled when he did what you said, but he set that picture as his lock screen now. you're unaware, though. you will tease him forever if you know. he just adores your wide smile, okay? and whatever that fish is.
he got you an ice cream on the way home when you surprised him with matching keychains you bought earlier. it's nothing expensive; a pair of blue-pink jellyfish that you claimed, "this is so us, baby."
rin's ears practically turned red at the sight of you shyly handing him the gift.
fuck yeah, those jellyfish are definitely you and him, alright. rin wanted to instantly melt into a puddle right there. he tried to play it cool by muttering a small "thanks" while patting your hair, but he was dying inside. he kind of wishes he could marry you on the spot.
the younger itoshi sighs. the clock is probably mocking him with the way it's loudly ticking. realizing that you haven't responded, he considers giving up and pushing himself to sleep.
"i mean, she must be exhausted. she needs to rest," he whispers to the ghost in his room who nods at everything he says.
rin deeply breathes. yes. you guys can always talk later. not at this ungodly hour, preferably.
"okay. never mind. i'm going to sleep."
rin unlocks his phone—eyes softening at the new wallpaper—then ponders for a moment whether to delete the message he sent several minutes ago or not.
he almost taps the confirmation button when you suddenly call, and he swears he never answers so fast in his life.
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riyva · 1 year
will you marry me? | j.jh
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pairings. jaehyun x fem!reader genre. fluff, college, romance, smut warnings. protected sex, f!ngering, edging, use of c0ckrIng, bl0wjob, squirting, mdni written in taglish.
You and Jae were already together for 7 years, since high school, and now you're both in 4th year college. You were both busy for finals kaya hindi na kayo nagkakaroon ng solo time or let's say sexy time. It's been two months since you last did it.
You're already living in the same roof, in Jae's condo. Your parents really trust him so much kaya pinayagan ka na rin na mag-stay sa kanya while you're still in college. Pabor din naman kay Jae kasi lagi na kayong magkasama sa isang bubong.
You cooked the dinner, caldereta, and you're now waiting for Jae to come home. It's already 5.30 p.m, and he'll go home by precisely 6 p.m.
You washed the things that you used habang nagaantay, at hindi mo narinig na dumating na pala si Jae. Jae immediately went to give you a back hug.
"Hi, love," he said while kissing your nape.
It sent ticklish vibration down to your spine. "Love, ano ba?" You giggled while washing. You turned off the faucet and faced Jae. Tinukod naman si Jae ang magkabilang kamay sa gilid ng bewang mo para hindi ka makawala.
You kissed him, and he gladly responded. The kiss was full of love and desire. The kiss went deeper as Jae held your nape. Humiwalay ka naman sa napaka-tamis na halik.
You cupped Jae's cheeks. "Love, kamusta finals?"
Jae smiled, showing his cute dimples. "I did well as usual." And he winked.
You laughed. You went directly to his ear and whispered. "Congrats, love. I'll reward you later." And you also winked at him.
Those words you said became music to his ears, vibrating his spine. And now, his member can't wait to get warmed by your hotness later.
"Let's make love na now, love?" Jae said, and he pouted.
You laughed at him because of his cuteness as he asked for it. You pinched both of his cheeks. "Love, later na. We need to eat muna kasi. We need lots of energy later."
You kissed him again, and he tapped his shoulder. "Let's eat na, love."
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“Oh, Jae! Baby!” You’re now laying your back on the table while Jae eats the hell out of you. As Jae swirls his tongue to your clit, his two fingers also move inside you. His long fingers and tongue sent you too much pleasure.
Your moans filled the condo as Jae’s fingers hit your sweet spot. Jae felt your insides clenching his fingers. It means you’re coming. He smirked when he slowly moved his fingers to tease you more and delay your orgasm. You groaned in annoyance.
You sit up on the table while his digits are still inside you. “Fuck, baby! Nakakainis ka!” You’re so close to coming, but Jae slowed down his fingers.
His head went up. He chuckled. “Baby, calm down. We have lots of time pa to enjoy.”
Ngumuso ka sa kanya. "Kiss me na baby."
And he did; you also tasted yourself. The kiss was so slow, enjoying and taking their own pace. You’ve been together for seven years, and the love, passion, and desire remain there. Jae always treated you just what you deserved in the world.
The kiss became so deep as you clung to each other—lip biting and sucking each other’s tongues. The kiss makes many noises you can only hear, adding to the heat of wanting their body.
You removed his shirt, and your hand roamed his well-toned body. Yummy 8-packs abs. You thought. Your arrow went down to his torso. Jae groaned as they continued kissing because of your naughty hand. Jae’s hands went to your mountains.
Your hand went down to his member, and you gently massaged it. Jae moaned. Jae’s kisses went down to your neck and boobs while your hand was still on his boxers, playing with his and so freaking big. Fuck.
Jae sucked and licked your boobs like a hungry baby. You arch your body to give him more access as the pleasure goes through your body. He kissed every inch of you. Sa tuwing ginagawa nila ito, Jae never fails to make her feel loved, and Andra feels lots of butterflies in her stomach while he does this.
So sweet.
His head went down again to kiss and suck your femininity.
“Sarap ba, baby?”
Your eyes rolled because of pleasure. “Ohh, fuck! Yes, right there!” Your back goes to the table again; Jae eats and fingers you repeatedly until you come multiple times, making your legs tense.
Pilit tinutulak mong tinitulak si Jae palayo. "Jae, baby. Stop na, please. Let's continue this on the bed." He pouted, again. "Baby, I'm still eating pa pero sige." he can't get enough of your pretty pussy.
Why is he so cute? Damn.
You just rolled your eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, baby. Lalo kong papatirikin mata mo mamaya." He said as if you would take this as a threat.
Oh, boy. This is an excellent and pleasurable threat.
He dipped his head to claim your lips pero pinigilan mo siya. “I want to make love with you on our bed; take me there.”
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He laid on the bed, and you’re on top of him.
“Love. I want to make you feel good.” You whispered.
After he removed his boxers, you immediately sat on his dick. You grind your hips onto his. You felt his member hardened. Jae throws his head back on the pillow. “Fuck, so fucking good.”
“Baby, sagot ka. Use your words.” You said as you continued to grind your hips. You’re dripping so severely. You’re cunt was aching.
“Yes, baby. I’m already good, but I still want more. I’m craving for more.”
You pulled away from the kiss, and Jae chased your lips. You smirked, and you pushed him back on the bed again. You took something on the table beside the bed. Handkerchief, and rope. Jae’s eyes widened slightly.
Jae allowed you to tie his wrists and ankle on the bed posts without hesitation. Hindi masikip at hindi rin maluwag ang tali, sakto lang. You licked her lips while staring at him. “Love, you look so fucking hot while being tied.” You fold the handkerchief and immediately tie it around his eyes. You leaned down to kiss his lips and whispered into his ear. “Love. Are you ready?”
He replied with a moan. He’s ready to get devoured. You went back to his lips, went down to his neck. Jae raised his head to give him more access. You sucked his skin, and it will surely leave a mark. You licked and sucked his nipples. The room filled with his groans and deep breaths. And that made you smile. Well, it looks like I’m doing a great job. Your lips now went to his v-line. And, lastly, to his huge dick, pinkish and veiny. Your mouth went ‘o’.
“Baby, please suck it already.” Jae pleaded.
“Love, calm down. I still want to savor this moment. Hello? You’re so fucking big!” you examine his seven inches thick dick, wondering how it fits your whole every single night.
You kissed the tip, swirled your tongue, and took him whole. Well, not whole, just half. Then, your hands took care of the other half and his eggs. You bobbed your head up and down.
Bawat pagtaas at pagbaba ng ulo mo ay napapatirik mata sa sarap si Jae. Hindi man visible pero alam mo na sobrang nasasarapan siya. His hand went to your hair to guide you. He wanted to go fast but couldn't go rough on you. His hips thrust into your mouth. You knew that his high was coming because of the hurried pace.
But you stopped; you left his dick standing. And you removed the handkerchief.
Jae groaned. “Love, please don’t torture me.”
You left the bed and took something from the bedside table drawer. Jae’s eyes widened once again—a cockring. You smirked. Before you put it into his member, you asked him.
“Love, will you marry me?”
He blushed. “Oh, hell.” he let out a laugh. “Babe, I’m still tied and edged, and now you’re asking me that?” he added.
“Oh, bakit? Sino ka para umarte na ayain kita ng kasal? Kapal mo naman.”
“Babe, at least let’s make it decent.”
“Ewan ko sayo, Jaehyun. Sasagot ka or else tigang ka?” he didn't answered. Akma mong ibabalik na yung cock ring sa drawer pero nagsalita siya ulit. “Untie me baby, malalaman mo sagot.”
And you did what he said. Pagkatanggan ng huling tali, napasigaw ka nang hinuli ka ni Jae at hiniga sa kama, baliktad na ang posisyon. Ikaw ang nasa ibaba, at siya sa ibabaw.
“I..” he kissed your forehead. “Will marry..” your nose. “You.” and lastly, your lips. Muling gumalaw ang mga labi na may sariling ritmo. You both smiled between your kisses. He pulled away, and he lined his dick to your dripping cunt, slightly slapping you’re sensitive bead, but you stopped him. “Wear this cock ring, babe.”
Jae was still hesitant kasi alam niyang lalabasan agad siya but he wanted to try it too. He nodded as he took it from your hand to his dick. Jae fell his head back as pleasure ran to his spine. Your eyes burn with so much desire when you see it on him. “Gosh, Daddy! It fits.” you let out a sultry moan as you widened your legs for him. Before you forget, you take the small remote to increase the vibration, making him moan and shake his thighs. He let out a low moan as he slides himself to you.
Your head fell on the pillow, and you gripped your thighs as pleasure sent in. You can feel him pulsating and vibrating inside you. Sa una ay banayad ang mga ulos, he's taking his time with you. Sa bawat galaw, the cockring also hit your clit, making you whimper and moan louder. He was rocking your insides while also stimulating your bead.
Lalong tumitirik ang iyong mata sa bawat sagad ng pag-ulos niya sa iyo. The skin slapping, deep groans and moans filled the hot room.
Pabaling baling ka na sa kama at hindi mo alam sa kung saan ka hahawak. The pleasure is too much to handle for you. Your hand went to your head to grip while your other hand gripped the sheets.
Jaehyun looked at your face, checking if he was doing good. He knows that when you moan louder, he is hitting the right spot. He didn't speak instead he gripped your waist, at muling umulos ng mabilis pero baon at sagad na sagad.
Hitting your core deeper, making you almost see the stars. Jae seeing you writhing in pleasure, urges him to fuck you harder. Jaehyun’s high was already building up, and so did you. You grabbed Jaehyun’s arms to grip.
Your moans were now louder and louder as Jae hit the right spot. You came with a few more thrusts, but Jaehyun didn’t stop. He continued to fuck you. It became easier for him to move fast to reach his high.
Nang hindi ka pa nakakabawi ay muli mong naramdaman na lalabasan ka ulit. Your room filled more moans and cries until you came again and Jaehyun filled your walls with his white cream.
You took the remote and turned it off to stop sending the pleasure. Jaehyun fell on top of you. “Fuck, baby. Let’s do that again.” you chuckled. You ran your fingers through his hair as you felt his warmth against you. He lifts himself. “Let’s get married after graduation.” before you say anything else. He flipped you over your stomach without removing himself from you. You cursed in your head.
“Round two, yeah?” he said as he turned on the cockring again, making you scream.
Oh, shit. This is going to be a long night.
© riyva
let me hear your thoughts! :))
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koiir · 1 year
In which he ends the relationship for the better
Pairing: Rin itoshi x gn!reader
Genre: angst with no comfort
Cw: crying, mild swearing, not proofread, rushed, break ups
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The rain made it’s presence known by disturbing his sleep, Rin couldn’t be at peace. Now or ever. It’s been over an hour of him trying to rest, yet his thoughts kept him up. It’s been this way for weeks, every since he last saw his brother. When his dream, his hope, was crushed by the one who he thought would stay by his side.
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece ‘til you tore it all up
It’s over. His mindset stayed like that, no context needed for him to know what that meant. History would repeat itself, by one getting hurt and the other moving on. With a dream. Rin always thought that in the end, it would be you and him. But he knew he was ruining the chances of that becoming a reality. Rin had always held a spot for you in heart, which is why he kept going. Even when his brother left he still had you by his side, his one and only. The one he loved unlike anything else. Which is why he knows that the relationship is only going to hurt you, more if he hasn’t already.
Running scared, I was there I remember it all too well
It’s his fault, Rin knows that. He’s been more blunt and more distant, mumbling short responses to you, not paying you the attention you need, it’s all because he’s become broken. He became the problem. Rin has always been fragile, which is why you gave it your all the love him. Gave everything you had, in order to heal him. And it worked, until sad shattered what you had fixed. Now rin was experiencing the aftermath of it, you could try again, to fix what had been broken, but that would be a waste. A waste of your time, trying to heal someone who wouldn’t give in. Even if Rin loved you, he knew he would only break your heart as time went on. Which is why he had to end it. In order to keep you safe from his heartbreak later on.
You awake?
He sent the text knowing in fact you would be awake, reading or up on your phone or not being able to fall asleep peacefully. Rin knows that recently it’s been hard falling asleep, he would often try to help. Now he would only be adding to the problem.
Yea, reading as a matter of fact
Can’t sleep either rin? Something up?
His heart thumped, his fingers soon trembling realizing this would be the last time you two talked. The last words he would tell you before he pushed you away.
I’m breaking up with you [name]
Once he hit send, rin pushed his phone away not daring to see what you would say next. He could see the scene playing in his mind, you seeing the text, staring at it wondering what was real. You would stare at it, thoughts consuming your mind until tears started to fall.
And you call me up just to break me like a promise
Why? Why all the sudden?
Rin, please can we talk this out? If it’s space you need I’ll give it to you. I know it’s been hard recently for you, but please one last chance for us to talk?
He saw the light from his phone, a notification from you. He knew that, which is why he didn’t grab his phone. He wanted to escape. He wanted to run away from this reality. The feeling ate rin alive, he couldn’t handle it even for a minute. He checked your messages, wishing he hadn’t.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck, rin couldn’t handle this. He wondered if things would have gone different if he had told you in person. He knew it would. Which is why he didn’t, he wanted to hide his feelings through the screen in front of him. He knew you were better off with someone who could thoroughly communicate with you, someone who wouldn’t chain you down. He knew you were trying, so hard for him. He knew that if he didn’t end this you would be broken by the end of it.
We’re over name
So casually cruel in the name of being honest
He didn’t have to say more, he knew you would understand. This fact hurt him, tears threatening to spill. He sat up, he couldn’t bear to stay in the confines of his room any longer. Rin looked out the window, the rain still there. Falling down his window, Mimicking the way tears fell down the face of the once lovers.
Cause I remember it all, all, all, too well
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sunboki · 1 year
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PAIRING — Healer! Yang Jeongin x f. reader
🖇️ GENRE — royalty! au, angst, suggestive(no intercourse), bittersweet, coincidences, childhood best friends to lovers, enemies to lovers if you squint
WORD COUNT — 6.9k ☆ 34 minute read
⚠️ WARNINGS — making out, close to smut, implied fwb
AUG’S NOTES — another thank you for notifying me about an open spot in your collab rin(@hyunverse)!! i would never skip the chance to write for my boys, especially a royal collab eeee so exciting—i knew i could ramble on with this for forever, so i hope i supplied enough closure between yn and jeongin! also, i haven’t wrote for innie separately, so feedback is appreciated:)
PLAYLIST — ꒰ 🧺 ꒱
TAGLIST — @writerracha @princelingperfect @ggundeuri @orithyia-eriphyle @vumiixlyy @luvrhyune @hopeladybug @misitmoonlight @baldi-2 @baddecisionsworld @thetaytayray @midsoulz @hyunverse @realbangchan @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @rachabreathing @nixtape-foryou @ameliesaysshoo @jisungsdaydreamer @https-skzology @day6andetcetera @linonyang @hgema @seoli-16 @bokk-minnie @foliea @amagumorii @nhyunn @ravyaryn @ink-spilled-stars @himarose @sherryblossom @shakalakaboomboo @r-arrh @siriusly1 @catwonwoo @suebinn @foxinnie8
💭 SYNOPSIS — Despite the twists and turns in Iredal Castle, the only world you lived in was a world with Jeongin in it. Once the Healer’s apprentice, now the Healer himself, Jeongin has always been right beside you; tending to you endlessly and in turn, becoming close friends. Perhaps more in the castle’s corners. Except the Royals disregard you, and when you ask Jeongin to run away together, he denies. In turn, you leave on your own and begin working at a pottery shop in the villages, sending him abundant letters. Eventually though he stops replying and you assume he’s simply forgot about you, until he walks into the shop.
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“Jeongin..” you whispered, voice coming out in a pitiful croak as you reach forward—making out the shakiness of your hand through tired eyelids. There’s a heavy haze that overtakes what’s left of the broken mind you’ve been gifted, surprised your vision remains intact whilst being unused for such a lengthy amount of time. The world is always new for those who don’t open their eyes. You know this well.
“I’m right here.” A small patch of light sneaks through cracks in the window, illuminating the boy’s features beautifully. He smiled, eyes crinkling in the corners while gazing at you from a squat by your bedside in order to speak at eye-level. When Yang Jeongin smiles, he loses his eyes and his cheeks puff out a bit. You never seem to get tired of it.
Since the day you entered this world, it felt like you had been sent to bed. Always so sick, always too weak to support yourself. Oftentimes you would refer to it as a curse until reminded of Jeongin, transforming the bitter judgment in such a way it felt like fate. A certain obscuring fate you would never manage to hold in both hands, but for you, for now, that was okay. If you hadn’t been ill all the time, perhaps you would have never gotten the chance to grow close to him like this.
Your introduction to Jeongin was well out of the books, having only really gotten to know him and his kindness on a peculiar evening when you were laden with cold. Eleven at the time, your blaring fever having spiked dramatically leading to frantic ushering into the Apothecary. The Healer’s apprentice had been hasty to concoct a sort of coriander mixture in an attempt at lowering your temperature, to no avail. Yet when he rose from his squat beside you, you clutched his shirt with sweaty fingers—pleading with the stranger of a boy not to leave you alone to stifle that same, hollow feeling. As if you were stuck in a glass box, a massive clock displayed in front of you representing time in its never ending cycle. Except the key to the box was long forgotten, and you’d simply waste away there.
“Don't leave me, please.”
There he goes with that heart wrenching grin, your introduction to not only Yang Jeongin, but his mystifying characteristics as well — gazing at you like the earth might just break apart. It’s a mystery how one can look into his eyes without crying. Raw, unfiltered emotion that feels as if it penetrates every fiber of your soul, your being. He’s comforting, as if you’ve known him for years. Sympathy in the curve of his brows, Michelangelo's sculpture somehow alive. Breathing, thinking.
Becoming acquainted with him came relatively easy opposed to others, able to carry countless conversations of all and nothing. Spurring recollection to occasions you had sneakily slipped from your stead to visit him in extended hours of eve, where the sky had just barely dappled tawny, soon replaced with a midnight hue. He’d tell you of his days, you would tell him of yours, without realizing you grew up with him in the process. Because when you blinked, Jeongin had transformed into more than a coincidence.
“I have to collect more herbs for your head, otherwise your fever will worsen.” Despite being only eleven like yourself at the time, a brush of his hand on your forehead eased all the worries swarming, the achiness, the pain. Sleep you were coaxed to, waking up and craving his presence, his reassurance once more. That simple gesture, he did it again and again every time you would visit, which was more often than not for that of a sickly child.
When you turned fifteen and your first lover had broken up with you, crying out your heart’s contents in the castle’s botanical gardens. Jeongin had done the same then, gently caressing your head like you were a troubled child while you sobbed into his shirt. Letting your waves crash against his shore. High tide in the late of night, Jeongin welcomed the sound of the ocean.
At nineteen, only a year ago when he’d been your first kiss — a soft touch of your forehead that spoke more than could be said aloud. Something delicate, something irreplaceable. It had been prohibited for one of such high profile to be enacting any sort of association with that of the lower class, especially a kiss. Quite risky, don’t you think? Although the riskiness of it sent a childish plethora of giddiness throughout your body that you hadn’t experienced in years time due to the suffocating confinement of restrictions, dutifully enforced by the Castle. He spoke much without words.
Nonetheless, you were twenty years old now, and no matter seemed to claw you in such a way you wept about it or needed to be consoled because of. You didn’t desire that lingering touch anymore, you had grown. Or your ability to fend off illness developed from a seed into a sprout, but your relationship with Jeongin persisted as resilient as the stone pathway leading out to Iredal’s foliage-inhabited Pleasaunce, cracked and overgrown beyond belief however evermore frivolous and alive. When with Jeongin this was possible. Living in a dream before you had to wake up, that is.
Heavy mist of spring blossomed around the Kingdom, a prime occasion to bask in the sun's rays after a millennium of bitter winds. Basking you did, while accompanied by Jeongin of course. It might have been strange for two people of entirely opposing positions to be conversing and picking at daisies awakening from the long thistles of grass — nothing short of casual for the both of you.
“You spoke of your tutoring session earlier?” The Healer, sitting criss crossed across from you hummed, twining vine into pretty bracelets absentmindedly.
“Ah yes, I was informed on the Victorian Language of Flowers, the topic was of great interest.” He leaned forward, appearing immersed though already knowledgeable of the study. On and on you explained, telling him of fantastical bouquets conveying distinct messages and allowing him to appreciate the excitement sparkling beneath your irises, sporadic hand gestures emphasizing each word slipping off your enchantingly cherry lips he longed to feel against his. Essentially, he did bask in the spring’s sun, your sun. Providing him with all the light and warmth necessary albeit far out in a field. Oh to abandon responsibilities and live like this, with you. One can hope, though hoping is sour upon accepting it won’t occur. Still, he’ll hope.
As for your presumed “friendship”, behind closed doors the average witness would immediately assume you were enacting an affair from the stolen kisses and the recurring suggestive touch. To those in front of the door, you were simply good friends. Good friends with a.. lasting connection.
Daisie picking however met a refreshing end, the dark-haired boy accompanying you back towards the Castle’s nearest entryway before bidding you farewell. There was a fondness gracing his features, carefully tucking one of the countless daisies he had picked into your palm, tickling your palm with soft petals and carving a memento of a day you already wished back.
The following morning however was a daring occasion for “good friends.”
“Oh god..”
His neat white shirt adorned with classical ruffles disheveled along with jet black hair, chasing after your kiss whilst you cupped the sides of his face. Your legs wrapped around his midsection, supported by strong hands sinking into the plush skin on the back of your thighs. Jeongin’s lips bruised pink and puffy from where you had pulled the skin between your teeth, eliciting a sort of adorable whine in return. His descent traveled down to your jaw, stopping to mark a love bite right below the ear where he nipped the soft skin relentlessly until you knew you’d have to be dressed heavily in order to conceal the evidence — loving the dreamy sigh that sounded in response to his attention.
“You.. you locked the door?” You breathed shallowly, allowing him to carry you from the wall to the bed, fervently laying you down on the mattress. He nodded in a hurried manner, maneuvering you to straddle his hips — fox-like, chestnut eyes admiring every inch of you he’d seen innumerable times. He slowly traced the fabric of your gown, down, down, lower. Till your breath hitched and the situation truly inclined into dangerous territory, teetering on the brink of collapse. Each reaction, curl of your fingers, flush of your cheeks. Engraved in his memory for as long as his mind would remember.
“I missed this, ‘missed you my dear. Please let me make love to you..” Soft murmurs mumbled against bare skin recalled times you treasured the most thanks to nectarine sweet talk accompanied by the gentleness of his voice that sailed you away into a new universe. A new universe where you and Jeongin were the only ones existing, not hidden in his room disguised from prying eyes.
“No one is keeping you from doing so.” You giggled, leaning down for an equally sugary kiss. No person might have kept him from doing so, but your impending requested presence at dinner could end up guilty. A long forgotten factor if not noticeable already. Yet selection revealed quite mercilessly that all things come to an end, some quicker than others.
“Hey Jeongin, I need to speak to you concerning-WOAH. Woah.”
In strolls Royal Guard Han Jisung, standing stiffly in the doorway relative to a deer suffering amnesia. Loudly declaring that Jeongin did not in fact lock the door, and a person was surely capable of preventing your love session after all. This was humiliating. The intruder slapped a hand across his mouth, waving quickly towards the both of you whilst muttering a jumbled, “Apologies for interrupting!” Before sprinting away. Momentary silence ensued and slowly, you turned to face the man you had nearly slept with, threatening the burst of laughter creeping up your throat.
“Did we happen to scare him?” You take your turn covering your own mouth, doubling back on the bed from not only the situation, but Jeongin’s facial expression as well. So expressive, added to the list of bountiful charms you discover when with him. At this point you should know everything about him, and you do, partially. Apart from what he doesn’t allow you to know, which, defensively, you uncover on your own.
“Ruined the atmosphere more like it.” He scowled, obviously annoyed by the interruption of his love-making fantasy and bemused by your evident inability to feel even slightly vexed. He found it impossible to remain upset when you were around. A continuously repeated cycle of stealing what wasn’t his, what he wanted to be his, and getting his most precious of possessions ripped out of his fingertips. Jeongin was a beggar in that view. For you, he was a beggar.
Reminding, you tapped his nose, wearing the sly grin he’d once sported like a badge of honor, “You poor thing… someone is grumpy.” Earning a pouted reply despite happily anticipating the peck you planted on his cheek as an estranged form of compensation.
“I’m not.. ugh, I find it best to leave before he tells the whole Kingdom about us.” About us, he said. About your adoration, heavily harbored passion. About us, what you could be, what you were, what perception told of. Quizzical. Unaffected, he gives your hips a quick squeeze, allowing you to leave the bedroom first prior to exiting himself.
Low and behold stood the interruption, appearing far too pleased with his latest discovery while he tapped his foot- a bad habit of his- incessantly. The mere thought as to what Jisung’s business here entailed failed to materialize in his mind, a heavily disregarded prospect after being so violently thrashed from paradise, left to drift off at sea.
“Say nothing more.”
“I wasn’t going to mention your affairs! This concerns Y/n.” Han appeared feeble observing the younger perk at the reference to you, attentive to whatever he was saying once you were involved. He beckoned Jeongin to follow him, adding on to the suspicious layering of what exactly they would be discussing upon arriving on the far side of an open corridor, located on the left wing of the Castle — vastly distanced considering where you would currently be rushing to dine with fellow Royals. The space void of any lurking ears awaiting to hear something they could use to either upgrade their status or stake down someone else’s. Hierarchy in its boldest font and ever apparent in the depths of Iredal Castle.
“Have you taken notice?” There’s a crease in Jisung’s forehead relating to the question. Tentative, like a cat studying its unsuspecting prey residing on a fence post. If Jeongin were a cat, his fur would have bristled apprehensively.
“Taken notice of what, exactly?” A sort of nervous pique to his voice gave away the Healer’s compiling tension, prominently oblivious. Jisung cleared his throat, lowering his tone that ushered his counterpart closer.
“Have you perceived Y/n and the Royal Family-“ Before the Royal Guard managed to pronounce his finishing words, the black-haired ran a hand through his hair, boisterously indifferent.
“-Whatever the Royal Family fancies is not my business and not something I want any association with. You know this.”
“Yes yes I am aware but it would be favorable if you listened for a moment, please?” Jeongin nodded curtly.
“There’s a disconnect, Changbin and I keep seeing it. As if they don’t even acknowledge her. Aside from there being some disconnect since Y/n’s the King’s Goddaughter and all, it has significantly worsened.”
The latter’s brow furrowed, perturbed. He could picture it so realistically — your downcast face, how you would fiddle with your fingers thoughtfully. Fiddling the way he’d seen a multitude of times when you were younger. Your signature mechanism of aiming to ease the discomfort you felt in that moment. He hurt, knowing you hurt.
“..Has she said anything to you about this?” A quiet break in the stillness that had occupied its way between them earned a solemn shake of the head. Of course you hadn’t said anything. You’d keep it bottled up in your heart until the dam broke, and he’d be the one racing to scoop up the water. Always.
Alas, the fiddle of your fingers bared its ugly face, distracting yourself with the rough texture of the tablecloth’s fabric beneath you. Evening’s feast carried on like usual, just as Jeongin had predicted. Except you didn’t rush there, aware you would have in the case of your earlier affair going further prior to being interrupted. Time that could have been spent elsewhere ghosted by, including snide comments easily discarded by each person attending that added to the flavor of pig's blood jelly majestically advertised in the center of the long table. Family friend Madame Belmore tapped her fingernails repeatedly along a decorative wine glass, sparing an excessive margin to clear her throat. One’s next words could not have been dreaded more.
“Speak of yore, I happened to deduct intriguing insight on Your Highness’s God-Daughter Ms. Yn Ln. For I hadn’t been told of your association with erm.. Yun, Yin..-“Yang Jeongin.” You abruptly voice, audibly calm opposed to the exasperation settling itself in your stomach at a bewildering rate. The woman had always inhibited her suspicions just as everyone did. Unlike everyone though, her suspicions were her prowess, her sickening joy.
“Yes! Yang Jeongin, the Healer. About him, I couldn’t help but ponder your… how do I put this, relationship.” Each piece of Madame Belmore’s puzzle fell into perfect place — mirroring the exact moves you had been taught playing Chess. The sight utterly chilling, watching her ferocious glinting sneer scream “Checkmate” right in your face, breath hot with the overwhelming scent of overly sweetened wine.
She thrust her hands forward, clasping them oh so tightly as if she were praying. Praying for something you couldn’t guess, but most likely your demise on first thought.
“You see, to an uneducated eye it may seem unusual I suppose. Reassuringly we are nothing apart from saved and savior. Were you not disclosed of my childhood illness, Madame Belmore?” Narrowly escaping to an empty square on the Chess board, you tip your head to the side, openly inviting the woman to interject. No, she wouldn’t. Madame Belmore wouldn’t dare to allow her sacred suspicions to deliberately falter.
“Oh allow me!” The Queen dramatically gasping her anguish spurred the dissipation of Madame Belmore’s pretentious glare, beginning to enlighten the “uneducated” on your tragedies. Rising aversion to the instigator wasn't much disliked though, comparing the belittling to ignoring. Ignoring in terms of absolute abandonment of your being, not a glance in your direction for a reason you didn’t know. What you did know was the behavior began becoming increasingly prevalent, and that this exact banquet would become an entire accusation pinwheel after the introduction of your saved and savior relationship was provided so diligently to Madame Belmore by the Queen. “Best to flee.” Jeongin had told you that once, after he had snatched a casserole you’d asked about off the Baker's tray. Young then, without thought of genuinely meaning you would run away. Without a need to run away, apart from fleeing from small mishaps.
“And you are not attending dinner, why?”
You’d leave it to the imagination to assume you deserted the feast or caused a scene, storming into no other than Jeongin’s Apothecary before the feast had officially concluded. Escape. The Apothecary was a momentary escape, upon investigation by officials though the forbidden cove would be revealed, unraveling something disgustingly disastrous.
At this time in the evening the Healer was well versed knowing you would be eating with the rest of the elites, afterwards skipping back to his Apothecary to inform him of the gossip you had overheard while there. Scheduled, like usual. This time howbeit things were contrasting to this long running schedule. Divergent in terms of the atmosphere, your body language, the timing. It was unsettling.
“I’m pained because of them. It is much the same as being invisible. Not only that, but Madame Belmore is plotting a distasteful act for me.”
Jeongin’s lips pull into a tight line listening to you. Madame Belmore had always been alternatively plotting, but you would always state your desire to complain about her then forget. To be so troubled by it, furthermore to enter his Apothecary so frazzled confirmed the urgency. Seeing you like this, curled up in a ball on the patient-bed you had basically grown up in, stirs an ugly nostalgia to froth. Grateful his back is facing you, concealing his transparency. He can’t say anything. Not about his gnawing guilt and chiefly not about his previous conversation with Han containing the exact details you’re speaking now.
“Innie, would you run away with me?”
His hands abruptly stop their shuffling, deciding against turning around to face you. Never did he expect such a preposition. Continuously caving when it came to you, too blinded by fondness to register what he was getting himself into before the thicket became too dark and suffocating that he’d reach for you to pull him to safety. Never did he expect such a preposition he would have to reject, indirectly saying to him that if you weren’t to close the book yourself, the pages would be ripped to pieces by someone else. That nickname, “Innie.” Only you could call him that.
This time though, a fine line had been drawn. One half his side, one half yours. Yours with the need to be free, his with the need to be with you. His of which wouldn’t allow a caged bird to venture out. Greater precaution told him he should’ve known that you were both walking a tightrope that would eventually lead to stumbling. He did know, however he didn’t acknowledge. The prospect was nauseating.
“I’m afraid.. I’m afraid I cannot do that.”
Eardrums buzzed, he hears you move. Hears the patter of your shoes on the stone flooring as you approach him. Your arms wrap around him, burying your head into his back.
“You know I will go through with it.”
“I do, and that is what breaks me.” His words falter, yet you don’t look up, aware it would be too much to watch his face crumble. Perhaps make you change your mind. Your best friend, the Healer of Iredal Castle, changed your mind with ease. Perhaps that’s also why this hug feels so bittersweet. You don’t want to let go, worried he’d slip through your fingers like sand upon separating. Bittersweet. There’s a slight croak, the man dissolving into billowing sobs. You carefully turn him around to face you, gazing up at his immeasurably enchanting face that you begged yourself not to see, not to give in to. Yet you did, every time. Clammy thumbs brush stray tears from his cheeks, watery smile disguising a throbbing ache settling inside of your chest. You’ll stay solid in order to keep to your word of running away, but dear is it challenging when Jeongin cries. If you could give him the world you would, despite that world being one without you in it disparate of what fantasy foretold. For Jeongin you would give anything, give in to anything. Anything except this.
“Tomorrow,” You await a sign he’s listening, his shaky hands reaching to hold your own that are cupping his face. He nods, big, emotion-filled globes for eyes shrieking a thunderous volume. Those chestnut orbs have always been mesmerizing, especially now when on the verge of breaking down. What a shame things are so pretty seconds before defeat.
“Tomorrow I will be gone, okay? And I’ll send you letters, Jeongin, and I want you to write back.” You’re coaching him through this, a second attempt to overshadow the feelings you’re experiencing of which you can’t describe. Feelings that harken an unpalatable sound from you you hardly recognized. It’s your turn to begin shaking, biting your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood in order to contain yourself along with the cry clawing at your stomach.
“You.. You promise to do that, to write back, okay?” Subtle repetition of words betray you, but you don’t pay mind, or care to pay mind. There’s fervent bidding, holding him close a little longer, wishing for a little longer that things could be different. Except each night the sun set below the horizon, and you would follow accordingly.
The following morning consisted of sitting with Changbin in your room, him gaping at the shamelessly decadent assortment piling into a burgundy chest. You wanted to thank him for helping you cope like this, staying quiet while you packed even though the roaring man would have talked your ear off if preferred. He had a misunderstood demeanor, but Seo Changbin was a good listener. Not as good as Jeongin, but a good listener.
“Are you planning to leave for fifteen years-“Shh!”
Cowering slightly, the Royal Guard mumbled out hushed “sorry”’s as you checked through your belongings, ensuring each and every necessity was visibly there.
“..Alright. I pardon that’s everything.”
Uneasy quiver to your voice betrays you for a second time, lugging the massive chest downstairs with the help of your brown-haired emotional support. Ironic how the foyer stayed empty the entire time, not a soul peering from wooden doorways. Possibilities are limitless as you stand at the entry gates, patting the man’s shoulder farewell and prompting him to tell your acquaintances goodbye in your stead. You could run back, discard all your packaged belongings on your bed like it would make a difference due to primarily sleeping in Jeongin’s Apothecary. You could scream your lungs out and throw the wine Madame Belmore had sipped so precariously last night all over her satin white dress. You didn’t, finding no reason to disorient an outcome gradually worsening without needing your aid.
“You be safe now. ‘Get yourself into trouble and Han and I will go hunting you down.” His words grumble and you crack a ghost of a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes, Changbin doesn’t mind.
The village is relatively small compared to the grandeur of Iredal’s Castle, nothing that you hadn’t anticipated before — and not in an arrogant, castle-grown demeanor — instead quaint, peaceful. You arrived by horseback, memorizing individual landscapes you pass on the way to scribble into a letter for Jeongin. Tell him of your trials and tribulations migrating to this foreign land, a prolonged explanation of what actually occurred that would hopefully earn his pretty laugh. A pretty laugh you already missed hearing.
Soon enough you settled into a comfortable household. Settled swiftly conducive to deterring your mind of returning to both the boy you loved and the home you had always known. Moving on was unyielding, this time though no one was glowering in your direction or expecting nothing, your only responsibility being to reach your own expectations. Those expectations built up in the process of working at a pottery shop on the northside of town. Additionally, November, paired with the bustle of customers and climbing income, became favored upon receiving a letter in the mail. Jeongin’s letter, and your first reply.
My Dearest,
How are you faring in the villages? Are you nourishing yourself? I’m hoping this is delivered to you at a suitable time and that you don’t miss me too greatly. Iredal Castle runs as usual without much squander, though I would prefer if you were here as well. The servants have successfully concealed your presence as a “sudden departure” so no need to fret. I cherish you deeply, please know I think of you endlessly and wish you well my dearest.
Sincerely yours, Yang Jeongin 양정인
Crouched over a desk in the pottery shop's backroom, your fingertips bunched the inked parchment, taking extra time to memorize the signature curvature of his “s” and how he would linger the feather tip a tad bit longer to achieve a darker hue on his periods. This was the first letter of what seemed like hundreds. Back and forth back and forth you wrote, on occasion locking yourself in the nearest isolated place to collect your rampaging thoughts. Discovering Jeongin’s confidence when writing relative to his meekness in real life bemused you in the sense of his compelling grasp of literature, example being his innate ability to have you holding onto every word. Oh how you yearned to visit him without constantly daydreaming the interaction. You wonder if he’s changed. If he’s forgotten about you, fallen in love- no. Pondering poorly is rotten for the mind. A worm coring an apple. Mental impressment.
Lovely, awakening to his appearance through letters in defiance to physical interaction, because he was there. You couldn’t see him, but you knew he was there. Thinking of you while writing, listening. In spite of that, the certain comfort obtained during your letter exchange paused abruptly when the letters instantaneously stopped. Throughout the span of nearly eight months, his letters simply stopped. Initially you had assumed deliveries were slow, until you started asking the Postal if they had any letters assigned under your name on the daily. None. It left you somewhat starstruck, how rapidly your reality could be twisted. The worm wedging inside your simultaneously rotting apple of a brain you had smothered away days earlier. You wanted to convince yourself he was busy, to ease the worry, arguing that Summer was approaching and hay fever could be assaulting members of the Castle. Summer passed though, and so did the Mail boy carrying no “Yn Ln” assigned letters in his leather satchel.
Next was the anger, the ache. Childlike confusion as to why, when. Jeongin was not one to stop writing back without prior notice of his situation. But like you had fretted, in those eight months he might’ve changed. Yang Jeongin, your Yang Jeongin, might have changed into a spiteful man. Worst case being he forgot. Gradually, he would forget. About your love, about growing up together, about you. Nonsensical anxiety began wading itself through your veins, infecting your head. Furthermore, your anger persisted. Considering your anxiety was infectious, the anger was parasitic. Flaming and unhinged to where you were left no choice after long summer days waiting for a response but to find your own solution to the ghosting.
. ..
“Han Jisung I have every right to talk to that son of a bitc-''And I have every right to give you a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why you cannot see Jeongin right now.” He butts in, addressing your flailing arms with a sheepish expression. Sheepish. Han Jisung is sheepish when he’s making excuses. You’ve determined that rather quickly. Taking a perplexed step back, you cross your arms over your chest, regarding the walking excuse impatiently.
You’ve been sleepless for two weeks now, arranging a time and date as to when you would finally show your face at the Castle’s gates again to confront Jeongin only to be told he was unavailable. Being impatient was a given.
“Enlighten me.”
A big sigh.
“Please don’t misinterpret this, I’m sure he would love to see you, talk to you and all the things a person does with their lover that I know of because of romance novels I’ve read in my past time and oh no I’m talking too much but um, he is quite occupied at the moment.” Along with tapping his foot, Han’s habit you’d learned from Jeongin is he rambles ceaselessly. Only problem being you can’t tell if it’s simply a trait of his or nervousness due to confrontation. You don’t buy it either way.
“And? What has been keeping him occupied if I may ask.” The unconvinced stare etching your face earns lifted brows, and it’s the Royal Guard’s turn to flail his arms, the clank of his metallic armor loudly echoing — causing once calm birds to strike to the skies fretfully.
“With all due respect, do you really believe he would tell me what he’s preoccupied with?”
Hm. That is fair. Jeongin has always been a quiet one apart from conversing with you, his necessary antics placed at the top of the list. Somewhere, you hoped you’d be on the top of that list too, a fleeting thought you knew would be recurring.
Trivial deciding between going back to the village to wallow in your own self pity or make an equally pitiful sprint to Jeongin’s Apothecary to wring the man, luckily, the former reigned supreme in decision-making on this particular occasion. You breathed a long puff of air through your nose, shifting your weight into your heel from one foot to the other thoughtfully.
“Then, can you inform me when he’s not preoccupied?” No, you’re not giving up, simply rescheduling. Venturing back to the villages to await a letter from anyone, telling you the man has gained enough confidence to make room for you, that he had “rescheduled.” Han flashes a small smile, ruffling your hair kindly unlike the same sheepish contortion gracing his features. He doesn’t have to say anything to understand, to know of your struggle. You also know he sees your roaring anguish. Han Jisung has always been like that. Empathetic to a fault.
Changbin as the good listener, Han as the empathetic, and Jeongin as the man who was preoccupied.
Another optic of contemplation negotiates that you should have brushed the doubts away, decided against putting so much into gaining a single letter back. Nevertheless, it was impossible to both diminish the doubts and will a letter, and most certainly to ever let go of Jeongin. Perhaps he could manage to let go when it came to you, but it would never be the other way around.
Eventually you learned he surely couldn’t be that occupied, you mean, if he had the audacity to show his face in the pottery shop his list of priorities couldn’t be that time consuming now could they? Days from breaching a year without even seeing him and the one responsible for your misery causally entered the exact shop you had fled Castle life for. Referring to “eventually” as in right on time to absolutely wreck whatever fragments of acceptance you had gathered during his absence. Jeongin was good at making you lose, almost as good as he was at changing your mind.
Had Han said something to him about your visit? It seemed not, since the man didn’t pay any mind to you, like you didn’t exist just as the Royals had done. Your blood ran cold, standing frozen behind the front desk, eyes glued to the figure who casually strolled through the front door as if he hadn’t shattered your soul into a bountiful disarray a year in advance.
“Why are you here?”
“To get a jar.” He bites back coldly, bitter. Quick upon answering without consideration, not even turning to look at you.
A stranger, Yang Jeongin, is the exact figure who had walked through the door. Not someone you knew, but a stranger, a mere customer with a crude attitude.
“You’re aware you could have sent Han to get a new jar for you, like you had him tell me you were occupied with your duties, right? I see through-“No you don’t!”
Everything seemed to go rigid. Jeongin never raised his voice. But he did, and his mouth lay agape as he stared at you. Eyes blazing with something unreadable. Your hands tremble by your sides, fighting to maintain a composed expression as you stare back. This time, you compose with a heavy tongue, mouth just as dry as before.
“Are you going to say because of your position you could not even bother to acknowledge my feelings, couldn’t respond to my letters? Because you are the Healer and I am the invisible god-daughter you cannot just tell me what is taking up your time? Stop hurting me, please Jeongin.”
His jaw clenched. Pausing, then resorting to stepping over to where you stood and harshly sitting the clay jar atop the counter without a word. Jeongin spoke much without words, today, you didn’t want to listen. Hushed, he parted strawberry lips you’d kissed more times than healthy and there you are, hanging on with the feeble belief this is Jeongin you’re speaking to and not a stranger.
“… I knew if I sent out another letter I would come here, see you, fall all over again and have to stay. But I presume in the end my feet always lead me back to you.”
You feel your heart shattering into a million pieces, worried he’d crumble like a year ago and you’d pathetically follow suit. Instead, you smiled. A real smile that hurt your cheeks because you missed him, missed this even if it was an argument. Missed the hurt and the denial and the rawness of it all. Most importantly, missed your best friend and the love of your life.
Forgiving. You allowed yourself to forgive too easily with Jeongin.
In order to make eye contact you peek beneath dark strands of hair, adorning a big smile while gazing at him you can’t believe manages to appear when you should be fuming.
“You have grown so handsome, Innie.”
Because he has. His jawline has grown sharper(maybe it’s your lack of inspection) and his once tightly cut hair has become overgrown and unkempt, somehow foolishly infatuating. He looks older, he looks lonesome.
Stalling, he sucked in a sharp breath, eyes unevenly flickering from your eyes to your lips.
“.. May I kiss you?”
Considering it, you should’ve pushed him away, drilled him about how cruel he was to you and then shun him from the shop — shouldn’t have smiled or complimented him. Shouted at him for the Summer he left you waiting, wanting. For the never ending worrying he’d burdened you with. Sensible, but not the outcome you favored. After all, it was a refreshing time of year and opportunities like this were a bit too tempting to resist. He gave the impression he felt the same sort of gaping hesitance anyway.
“Just once.”
It’s his turn to laugh sadly, and he does kiss you. Slow and careful like you were a porcelain teacup, like the first time. Like he’s sorry, meaning it without an excuse. And miraculously, Innie had returned to visit you too. The one you knew, not the stranger nor a customer. Not the man who stopped sending you letters, not the one who raised his voice.
“Will you come back to visit? Or is this a fleeting chance?” Thick lashes dust fervently upon pulling apart, attempting to clear his rosy-hazed vision while listening to your whisper. Sneakily, his hand slips forward, spinning the jar sitting between you while another occupies itself on your cheek, caressing the skin he’s dreamt of.
“For another jar and ingredients, certainly.”
You’re quick to shove him, dubiously irritated by his ability to carelessly tease. Charming, but you won’t let him know that.
“Take this seriously!”
Giggles fill the expanse of the pottery shop as you playfully banter back and forth, drinking in the raindrops after your lengthy drought. Omniscient is the mutual unspoken sorry he mutely confessed to you, over and over with his affection, his words, his touch.
“However I have yet to let my unanswered letters go disregarded.” You perplex, Jeongin’s smile a risky jargon — concealing some sort of mischievous intention.
“Don’t fret yourself love, I’ll make up for all the responses you weren’t delivered.” He leans across the wooden panel, ushering a kiss you stubbornly resisted. Finally he maneuvers to your lips, snatching chaste pecks here and there as you struggle, laughing all the while. As if he’s carefully scouring back all the times he could have savored your lips in your time apart.
“Every day,”
“I will deliver a response,”
“With a flower attached from the shop next door,”
“Until all the letters I didn’t answer are answered.”
He’s satisfied with himself after you affirm the decision with a subtle chuckle, patting him on the shoulder and slipping his earlier payment into a compartment below the counter.
“I said you could kiss me just once, but I’ll look forward to my letters of compensation.”
Goodness, have you given enough credit to his smile? No description could possibly describe its beauty. One of his many factors you missed dearly. Imagining the future, you wondered if you would be granted the ability to witness them — all the pieces you thought you had lost after eight months. Time would tell. He left, except his departure wasn’t heartfelt. Instead it felt as if he would drop by tomorrow like back in the Castle, like things were how they used to be.
Awakening the following day, you figured Jeongin had been joking, not anticipating him to immediately write back and definitely not anticipating him to attach a flower alongside. Apart from the many miles separating the villages from the Castle, where he found the time to answer so many letters and supply flowers stood challenging to comprehend. Although you were proven wrong when the Postal service slipped a pristinely pale envelope into the shop's mailbox in the midst of your shift, mesmerizing White Orchids embellishing the visual. And for a moment, your mind streamed clearer. There he goes, leaving you breathless again.
The field chatter, the daisy bracelets. He proves you wrong a second time. He had listened. Listened to you talk all that time ago about those flowers and their meaning, otherwise he wouldn’t have added it with the letter you sent exclaiming your frustration about his sudden unresponsive state. Listened unlike the Royals had. Listened like a best friend, like a lover should.
White Orchids symbolize “I’m sorry.”
The next day, then the next. More letters passing by your window, beneath your door, in the mailbox or by hand on your way to the stalls. Petals littering the floor the only trace of your not-so-secret admirer. Twenty days later, they keep arriving in a constant and you’re left to ponder if perhaps he had planned this. Planned to apologize, planned to respond.
Friday. Pink Camellias symbolize “I missed you.”
Occasionally he would stay a while and watch you read his letters, scooping you up in his arms or wistfully chuckling from afar. Drinking in the time he was longing for and awaiting the time he’d experience now that he had you. And despite being Sunday and early at that, the letters continued to pour. Except today, unbeknownst to you, happened to be your last letter among hundreds, and a knock at the shop's door hadn’t gone unnoticed in the midst of your daily shift. Stirring you awake from whatever illusions had pulled you from the world's atmosphere. Walking outside to see what was the matter, you gasped, shocked by the large bouquet of vermillion flowers the man held that nearly concealed his face due to their abundant size. Jeongin, clad in a clean tanned trench coat, grinned a saccharine beam as he spoke, squinted eyes and puffy cheeks just as you remembered.
“This is your last letter, I hope I can make up for everything I’ve missed, my love.”
The flowers he held?
Red Chrysanthemums.
Red Chrysanthemums symbolize,
“I love you.”
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all rights reserved by @sunboki. repost and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
feedback much appreciated :)
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kenzuieee · 1 year
helloo! can you make a smut headcanons for ran. thank you!
ask and you shall receive 🪷
cw : public sex, mention of substance usage, dacryphilia, objectification. fem bodied reader.
boyfriend! ran haitani who was a total whore for public sex, the thought of getting caught while balls deep in his princess sent blood rushing to his cock..it fired him up.
you were accompanying ran at another bonten meeting upon request from the one and only ran haitani himself. nothing good ever came out of attending a bonten meeting with him, nothing holy atleast. each time you went with him, it was something new. sometimes his hands would ghost over your plush thighs, slowly inching near your lingere he had specifically picked out for you to wear under saint laurent dress. other times he’d yank your panties off and pocket them, leaving you bare and sopping at a table amongst several other men and their dates.
although you knew tonight would be no different, you were a bit shocked when ran inserted a small pink remote controlled vibrator inside of your pussy. you looked at ran with a scared look.. “he wouldn’t, theres no way.” you thought to yourself as anticipation took over your body.
after arriving to the designated area, about 20 minutes pass before ran begins his antics. he couldn’t help himself, you were his cute little plaything and you were all dolled up for him..you made it so irresistible for him >.< with one hand holding the remote control in his pocket and the other holding onto a tightly rolled blunt, he switched the on button. you immediately yelped as you had been caught off guard, you were having a simple conversation with your good friend rindou..what was wrong ?
“y/n ? everything okay ?” rindou asks curiously.
“ m’ fine rin, i think something b-bit my leg.” you stammered as ran continuously switched the on and off button, not giving you any time to get yourself situated. you were pretty sure you noticed a smirk plastered on ran’s face as you shoot dirty looks at him, why would he do that ?! you’re dragged out of your thoughts as ran switches the on button again, and this is how the whole night out goes. ran continuously teasing you as he watched his co workers send you questioning looks.
you’d excuse yourself to the restroom after you’d had enough of ran’s games and of course, he’d follow behind you. he’d bend you over the restroom sink and take you there. he couldn’t help himself, you had him pussy whipped. how could he wait until you two got home ? home was toooo far away.
boyfriend! ran haitani who’d have you cockwarm him while hes sitting at his desk in his office filling out “important” papers. “no moving until i say so princess, you know the rules.” he whispers into your ears as you squirm and writhe underneath him.
boyfriend! ran haitani who you have to beg for mercy in the bedroom. the overstimulation is absolutely crazy, you’re crying into his pillows without even realizing it.
“you can give me another one, cant you princess ?” he mumbles as he shamelessly laps at your clit while fingering you with his middle and ring fingers.
“i think im - ngh, shit, ran !” you moaned as his hum in reply sends vibrations to your clit, you’re on your fourth orgasm for the night, you’re this close to tapping out.
boyfriend! ran haitani who paid for your nail sets every two weeks so you could jack him off with your pretty hands. he loved looking down at you pump his cock with a fresh manicure, it almost has him cumming on the spot. you always loved watching the pre-cum dribble down his flushed tip.
boyfriend! ran haitani who praises your body any chance he gets.
“i dont think ill ever be able to get over your body, princess.”
“you look so good in that dress, makin’ me wanna take you here. the things you do to me, dove.”
boyfriend! ran haitani who prefers long sessions over quickes. ran doesn’t mind a quickie here and there, he loves them actually but what sense does it make if he cant take his time with you ? he wants to worship every part of your body, taste every nook and cranny..how could he do all that with a simple quickie ?
boyfriend! ran haitani who loves using you like a sex doll, he adored fucking using your face to get himself off. the fat tears that rolled down your cheeks would just help bring him over edge as he released himself down your throat. he just couldn’t believe it,his dick had to be that good to have you crying over it.
boyfriend! ran haitani who is definitely intimate in the moment. he’s definitely passionate and isn’t afraid to show it, he’d groan into your ears about how wet your pussy is, how well you’re taking him, etc. he’d definitely tease you too.
“i've barely even touched you and you’re already drenched, were you hoping for me to fuck this slutty little cunt? huh ?”
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verysium · 10 months
Sae actually has a canon song that he likes. It’s Suisei (feat. Kariya Seiya) by tofubeats which he listens to when he cools down. I think it’s a really cute song :) (From the egoist bible translations via @/705point8 on twitter)
🫶 thank you anon. i gave this a listen, and honestly it makes so much sense. the beginning part sounded akin to lo-fi, and i was like...yeah, sae would definitely listen to something chill like this. but then i heard the vocals, and it was surprisingly groovy. also i think sae just canonically has a soft spot for things that remind him of home. he watches chibi maruko-chan. he gets shio kombu sent from his parents' home because spain doesn't have it. he listens to cute songs that probably remind him of his childhood. (lol he's adorable he just doesn't know it yet.)
also i searched up the lyrics...and i have to say the itoshi brothers must be fundamentally tied with star/planet motifs in every universe or something. suisei (水星) is kanji for mercury. (on a side note, i find this funny because the literal translation for the characters is water star which doesn't sound like mercury at all but whatever.)
ok returning back to the lyrics, i found a select few that match his character well:
"do you know? you're gonna die unless you dance"
i feel like this basically summarize sae's mindset down to two lines. it's always a false dilemma for him. either he does something and becomes the best at it or he doesn't do it at all. sort of like kill or be killed. unfortunately, i think this extreme mindset is also why he tends to struggle with maintaining personal relationships.
"now i'm in truce with that guy who's my rival"
this line made me laugh because both sae and rin are always so brooding when it comes to declaring random people as their rival. like....relax please. it's not that serious. but on the other hand, it might also refer to their tendency to compare themselves (either to their past selves or to other people.)
"flew from i-pod, i-phone / a bundle of data, when we always hold them"
data and numbers are basically sae's thing in the manga, but i think this lyric also refers to the passage of time. i headcanon sae as one of those people who acts like he's an old grandpa when in reality he's still in his 20's or something. he just views the past, present, and future differently from others his age.
"i spent much (time/money) to be youth"
yeah....sae would probably think this. time is money in his hands, and he's running out of it. i think this could go both ways. either he spent too much in order to become the best. or he feels like he didn't spend enough time/appreciation towards his youth before it was taken away from him.
"along the glittering stars, / if two of us ended up dancing / i'm taking you to the more glittering place"
the star motifs are glaringly obvious lol. but he would do something like that. if both of you are in this together anyway, he's going to put his all into it.
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London Will Burn - Chapter Fifteen.
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen
Tag list - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 3,575
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI.
“I can’t, Sean. I fucking... oh, I can’t!"  
It was not another emotional wobble that prompted the words that fell from her lips that morning, although make no mistake, they were heavily stirred. Stirred by the fact that for the last half an hour, he’d made her come so many times, she wagered that once he wasn’t between them, she likely wouldn’t be able to close her legs.  
“Yes, you can, because you’re too cock hungry not to, aren’t you?”  
She nodded, her slick walls flexing around him as he drove into her hard, his fingers tightening their grip upon her neck. Her vision began to swim, her head foggy and light, just as he’d designed by slowly cutting off her air as he felt her ascending beneath him once more. “That’s it, come for me again. Let me hear you wail.”  
His thumb rubbed pure, tingling sin upon her clit, her body stiffening before it blazed over her, every colour illuminated behind her closed eyelids as he finally let her have air. The rush of being able to breath hit the force of her orgasm like a freight train hurtling into a blockade, her scream shrill, hips bucking against him as it fizzed right into her marrow.  
And yet still, he hadn’t come. Then again, she remembered well how apt he was in keeping himself in control, especially when it came to dominating her. She was a sweaty, sore mess beneath him, but god, how she didn’t want to cease. Not that he’d let her, she wagered.  
She was turned onto her front, her arms taken and pinned at the base of her spine, his big hand easily grasping both wrists. He was rough with her, but it was tempered, his mouth laying kisses all the way up her back, skin shivering at the contact, kissing the back of her neck. His knees forced her thighs apart, guiding his cock to her puffy, well-fucked opening and slipping back in with a soft grunt, teeth closing in a bite upon her shoulder. 
Moving her hands from between them, his body pressed flat against hers entirely as he pinned them either side of her head, his groans full of sin and grit as he dragged her walls slowly, her soft purrs of pleasure heavenly to his ears. He could feel his need to slip over the edge and into constellations of ecstasy beginning to simmer, pulling from her and heaving her body up so she took her weight onto her knees, lying beneath her to pull her down, her wettened slit meeting the glide of his tongue.  
“You’re literally dripping into my mouth,” he groaned, hand spanking her bum so hard, her eyes watered. “Fuck, if this isn’t the most perfect, wet little cunt I’ve ever had in my mouth.” Another spank had her seeing stars, her skin stinging, her clit throbbing within the pillowy heat of his lips, sucking her with pure hunger.  
Pushing two fingers into the plush of her, he circled, finding the spot that always elicited fireworks within, driving them hard and fast until she was howling from it, hands gripped tightly onto the fitted sheet beneath them, sent once more to the edges of heaven by him. He’d been in control of it all for the last hour since they’d awoken just as horny as they were after finally sleeping at somewhere close to 2am, but Rin would see to a change in that. 
“Where are you going, you bad girl?” he asked, raising an eyebrow, and making himself look devastatingly sexy as he did it. “There’ll be no Catherine in control here.” 
Ignoring him, she straddled his hips, guiding him to her soaked opening and sinking down. “Let me ride you for thirty seconds. That’s all you’ll need to change your mind.” 
He chuckled, hands stroking down her arms. “I am well acquainted with how fucking good you are atop me, but as I said. You aren’t in control.”  
Going to move, he found himself returned to the bed with a thud, Rin locking her hand around his throat and pushing him down. “Thirty seconds, Sean, and you will be singing an entirely different tune.”  
A wise woman had once told her, if you want to bring a man to his knees with pleasure, once atop him, move as if you are spelling out your name with your hips. Her name had nine letters, and she spelled out each in slow roll, nails dragging his chest, smirking as she watched the quest for power melt within him.  
He was mindless by number five.  
Every nerve, every fibre of his being thrummed with illumination, his mouth opening to say something, a lust-soaked groan fluttering over his parted lips, eyes virtually rolling back in his head. He was unable to even form thought, let alone speak words. 
“Not so keen to be boss now, are we?” 
He panted hard, mouth dropping open again, his groan almost helpless. “No.” His whisper had her grinning wider, continuing diligently, watching him as he unravelled and came undone beneath her much more quickly than she’d anticipated, his thick cock in spasm as he painted her insides hot white.  
“You... have... fucking... ruined me.”  
As she thought. “Fair payback, I feel, for how much you’ve sexually decimated me this morning.”  
His eyes closed, Sean nodding as he pulled her down into his arms, his cock still gently twitching within her. “Mm.” 
“Nicely cunt drunk, hmm?” 
He paused. “Mm.” 
In his ruined state, he lay entwined with her, both dozing, him still inside her until her sudden movement a half hour later left him abandoned.  
“Shit, I didn’t realise the fucking time!” she announced, racing into the bathroom and turning the shower on.  
“Check out isn’t for another hour and a half though,” he spoke, sitting up a little as he came around from his blissed-out sex nap.  
“No, but I have to be back to pick up Tiger. I promised her that I’d take her out for the morning, for breakfast and then shopping before dropping her to her friend’s house for a birthday sleepover. I haven’t even sorted the bloody gift she’s supposed to be taking with her yet either!”  
“Oh, right.”  
Pausing before she got into the shower, toothbrush jammed in her mouth, she considered a couple of options, poking her head around the bathroom door. “Do you want to come with us? I’m free then for the rest of the weekend after 3pm, so we could... spend time together?” 
She was trying, and he saw it. Trying for both Tiger’s benefit and hers, making the effort to build upon what they tentatively had. Not that it was tentative from his perspective, but he knew it was from hers. “Of course, I’d love that. I’ll meet you a little later, though. I need to go and fetch Butch from the dog sitter.” 
He got into the shower with her to save time, and they made a plan to meet at the place she was taking Tiger for breakfast in just over an hour, heading to their respective cars before being whisked in separate directions across London. At 9:45am, Sean walked into the outdoor section of the restaurant, finding Rin, Tiger and a coffee waiting for him. 
Seeing him, Tiger got up, running to him and hugging his legs, Sean smiling as he lifted her up. It was the first time she’d greeted him so enthusiastically, and as soon as she opened her mouth, he realised why.  
“Hi, daddy.” 
The size of the lump that smacked into the side of his throat... “Hello, tiny girl. So, your mum told you then, did she?” 
She nodded, getting a sudden little attack of shyness, hiding her face behind her hair.  
“And what do you think about that?” he continued, placing her down again next to her mother and moving to sit opposite them. The child took her time before sitting up straight, fiddling with the saltshaker for a moment.  
Still, she stalled, Rin nudging her. “Your dad asked you a question, little mouse.” 
Finally, she looked across the table, seeing him smiling at her. “I thought you might be. You look like me.” 
He laughed softly. “Well, that’s not exactly the right way around. You look like me.” 
She squinted, a tilted smile lifting the corner of her mouth. “I like the way I said it better.” 
If there’d been any doubt in his mind that he truly was her father, it would have been nixed right there. There she sat, his daughter. His daughter, and she now knew who he was to her. Looking over at Rin, he mouthed his thanks, winking as he reached to gently squeeze her fingers. She allowed it, although her hand remained limp in his.  
After they’d eaten, Sean called for his car to take them to Mayfair, Butch remaining in the back playing with his tennis ball while the three of them toured the shops, Tiger being very fussy over what gift to choose for Dani, the friend whose birthday sleepover she was attending.  
“Mummy, can we get her one of these?”  
Rin crinkled her nose, shaking her head. “A miniature G Wagon is a little excessive, mouse,” she replied, attempting to steer her away from the display there in Hamley’s. While true that the social circle she moved in dictated that the gift be quite extravagant, she drew the line at an electric miniature car that Dani would likely grow out of in a few months anyway, knowing well the speed little ones shot up at.  
Three hundred was a good price point, though, Rin instead spending that much on the eventually decided upon gift of a giant giraffe collector's item stuffed toy, one that Sean carried over his shoulder while Rin juggled the rest of the bags containing Tiger’s things, holding her hand as they travelled the escalator back down.  
“We could have brought her a real one home from Africa!” the child announced, Sean snorting with laughter. 
“Imagine that? “Ahh, yes. We have a gift outside for her. It’s currently pruning your trees.”  
His dry delivery had Rin chuckling, even more so when she watched him and his driver attempting to get the huge toy into the car, poor Michael driving with a plush hoof wedged against his shoulder over to Kensington. Once Tiger had been dropped at the party with the toy that took up entirely too much room, she kissed her parent's goodbye, leaving them free to enjoy their Saturday afternoon together.  
“Why do you do this to me, make me imbibe vodka-based drinks?” he complained, sitting at the window in a dog friendly bar, Butch at his feet fast asleep. 
“Because two for one matching cocktails are not to be sniffed at, and I will not hear of anyone putting gin in a bloody martini. It’s sacrilege.”  
He rolled his eyes. “Fine, but we’re getting something whiskey based next. I’m more comfortable with that, and these are so strong I can feel it stripping my stomach lining.”  
She looked devilish. “Or you could swap to whiskey based, and I will double up on the martinis.” 
“If you get smashed, I shan’t carry you.” Typical Sean.  
She leaned forward in her seat, eyeing him carefully. “Who said anything about getting smashed?” How she’d walked right into it. All he had to do was raise his eyebrows and grin. “You’re fucking filthy, Wallace.” 
He leaned close, stealing the olive from her drink. “Which is exactly how you prefer me.”  
There was no denying that.  
He reached for her, thumb skimming her cheek, smiling. She enjoyed it for the briefest of moments before pulling back a little with a small grimace of discomfort. “That’s twice now, you’ve acted coolly if I’ve shown you an affectionate gesture.” 
Of course, Sean was exactly the type not to let such observances slide. She should have known better. “I’m sorry, I am. I’m trying, but it’s a lot, for my head to make me completely drop my guard with you. My brain still sees you as the man who should throw me into a state of panic over any possible nefarious intentions that might be coming my way.” 
“You have the upper hand here, Rin. Not me,” he reminded her, elaborating. “I’m back in a position of wealth, twice as well off as I used to be, and independently too, because of you. I know if I fucked with you, that would vanish, as would I. That isn’t what prevents it, though, those nefarious intentions you speak of.” 
“What does?” she asked, sipping her drink, Sean tiring of his and pouring the rest into her glass as he spoke again. 
“The fact that I love you. You and Tiger. Apart from Billy and Jacqueline, you’re all the family I have left. That means something to me, and while you might not believe that, I will show you. I’ll prove I’m worth trusting.” 
An earnest Sean Wallace. An in love Sean Wallace; they were the farthest from what she knew of him, truly they were. The night before, the hurt he’d caused had tumbled from her mouth, she’d been vulnerable with him, but something seemed to have closed in her again, Sean studying her, her body turned away, arms folded.  
He couldn’t blame her for being guarded, but it didn’t mean he had to like it. When they walked on to the next bar, though, she surprised him greatly by slipping her hand into his. It was a further effort, and he didn’t discount it for a second. He had his work cut out for him, and he knew that the process couldn’t be rushed. He couldn’t be his usual bull-headed self. He couldn’t resort to brutality to get what he wanted. This wasn’t a gangland issue he could use his weight to push up against, it was much more delicate, required an approach borne of earnest sincerity.  
It would be the first time he’d ever have to sway someone by such means. He wouldn’t give up until she had been swayed, though.  
Arriving at the next bar, they took seats outside, Butch sadly not allowed within, Sean going to fetch the drinks while Rin sat and made a fuss of the beautiful dog with the comedy teeth, stroking the soft velvet of his ears. She supposed that there were parts of Sean that had changed just looking down into the big, brown eyes of the bulldog cross he doted on. He was capable of caring for something beyond himself.  
Rin did trust that he’d be a good presence in Tiger’s life, but she couldn’t fully trust him with her own heart just yet. God, how she wanted to, though.  
“As well as spending time with you and Tiger together, I would very much like to have her come and stay with me, so I may begin building a relationship with her. Also, I want you to begin noting down all of her expenses, so I can sort out a standing order in way of child maintenance payments with my bank. I know you’re as rich as a sheik, but that doesn’t matter to me. She’s my child, too.”  
Hearing such a pledge a little later in the evening only made Rin hope for it all the more, agreeing to his proposal happily. After collecting Tiger from her sleepover the following day, she was very excited about the prospect of spending time with her dad, Sean beginning such the following weekend, Tiger on her half term break and arriving with him on the Friday morning. While being with his little girl was something he greatly enjoyed, the busy surroundings of a DIY centre were not.  
Although his spare bedrooms were furnished, they weren’t very on brand for a six-year-old child, Sean allowing her to decide over a new colour scheme and various bits and pieces to go within. He planned to order those online with her later that day, for his patience was tested greatly within the confides of Homebase.  
“I don’t really like pink, but I do like green. And orange. And purple. And blue.” She looked at the paint chart cards within her grasp, sitting in the large trolley. “Daddy, can we do my room in rainbow colours, all stripey?”  
That was it. He was hiring a decorator as opposed to doing it himself. “Of course, tiny.”  
“Yay!” Her joy made him beam, and after a trip to the paint mixing stand, all of the colours were sorted and stashed in the trolley. Once done, they headed back home, Tiger sitting upon his lap while browsing the internet, deciding next on various items to fill her room with. She was thrilled to be having a double bed all to herself (“I can sleep like a starfish!”) so a brightly coloured duvet set was purchased, everything on brand with her desired rainbow theme.  
Sean didn’t give a damn how much money she spent, but he did feel slightly anxious over the fact that the room might only be viewable through a pair of sufficient sunglasses by the time she was done. One thing he did note, though, as she scrolled through various furniture and toy online shops, was that her manners were impeccable. 
“Can I have this one please, daddy?”  
“Of course, Tiger.” 
“Oh, I love the rug! Can I, please?” 
“Yes, you can.” 
She then paused, turning to him. “Am I spending too much money, daddy?” 
He kissed her cheek, his heart bursting when she cuddled against him, quick to catch the laptop when it slipped. “Not at all, little one.” There were a couple of items he drew the line at and told her no, but it was more to do with not wanting her to be spoilt rather than any financial constraints. There would be no bratty children within his household, plus her mother had also specifically stated not to allow Tiger to try and wrap him around her little finger.  
It did not mean that she didn’t attempt to, though.  
“No, waffles and ice cream are not a substantial dinner. Your mother tells me you quite like Chinese food, though?” 
Immediately, the little button nose was crinkled. “Don’t want that.” 
“Thai food?”  
“Don’t like it.” 
“Have you ever tried it?” 
“No, daddy, but it smells funny. Mummy had a yellow curry once and she smelled like the dustbin for ages!” 
He couldn’t keep his laughter in at that particular observation. “Alright, pizza?” Woe betide she want anything vaguely healthy. Then again, six-year-old children rarely ever did. 
“What toppings do you want?” 
A long pause followed. “Ham. No... chicken and ham. No! Chicken and mushroom!” Her face remained undecided.  
“How about ham, chicken and mushroom?” 
“Yes please!”  
Sean couldn’t stand mushrooms, so chose differently for himself, putting in the order, also selecting a tub of Ben & Jerry’s from the list. He didn’t even let her choose which one; cookie dough would suffice. He was starving; being held at the whim of an indecisive child was not furtherly on his agenda.  
It didn’t pass him by, though, how one truly did have to be nothing short of a skilled negotiator, dealing with a child. He found that out even more that night, after she’d washed and put her pyjamas on, when they began the age-old battle known to parents the world over.  
“Can I just watch one more episode?” 
He shook his head, standing at the lounge door, Tiger wedged into the corner of the sofa with the TV remove in her hand. He’d introduced her to The Simpsons, a cartoon from his youth she’d decided was her new favourite thing.  
“No, Tiger. It’s nine thirty, you’ve already stayed up an hour past your bedtime. Come on.” 
“I don’t want to!”  
Okay, now was the time to find the balance between the fact that although he was her dad, he was also a new presence in her life, Tiger’s respect for his rules perhaps not quite as deeply ingrained as it was towards Rin’s. But how? Bribing could lead down a sticky slope in her expectations for future bedtimes, relenting let her know her protesting garnered a win, but he still did not want to resort to being overly firm.  
He was not Finn, and he never would be.  
“Well, that’s a shame,” he began, the presence of Butch brushing past his leg on entrance into the lounge giving him an idea, “because Butch told me he really wanted to curl up with you and go to sleep tonight, and look. Here he is, ready to fetch you for bedtime.”  
She was off the sofa in three seconds flat. He knew it would be the first of many battles as he forayed into fatherhood, and not every one of them a win, but it was a good start. Butch didn’t let him down either, jumping onto the bed and circling a few times before he settled with a soft grunt, Sean tucking Tiger in and kissing her head.  
“Daddy?” she called, just as he was about to leave the room. “Love you.” 
His heart all but burst. He had not expected such a declaration so swiftly. “I love you too, tiny.”  
Now all he had to do was gain the same from her mother, and life would be as close to perfect as it ever had been.  
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lxcalmenace · 1 year
Good day, dear Kay! ^*^
Can I request some cute headcanons about being a blue lock fem!manager or assistant? Something like cute interactions, how manager cares of boys and they are simps/whipped or just have a soft spot for their cute manager. Please, ignore it, if it's uncomfortable for you!
Have a nice day~
The boys sure were surprised when Ego suddenly announced the news. Apparently the Bluelock boys were getting a new manager. Some were excited, some were angry but no one dared to oppose Ego. So here were they, with their new manager y/n l/n after a week they joined in.
How bluelock boys act with their new manager
F.t. The Bluelock boys
Gn! Y/n
Tw: Swearing
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The art doesn't belong to me. Credits to the respective owner.
•Day 1 and it's hella akward. Isagi and Chigiri will try to ease the tension and befriend you. They realised that it's probably not that bad as they thought at first.
•Soon enough, everyone gets comfortable with you; well almost everyone except RinRin and Barou
•After spending a whole week with them you finally realise the reason Ego sent you as their manager. It was a whole chaos but somehow you still managed it.
•Nagi is like a parasite, always attached to you. Mainly because he gets to be lazy around you. "Y/nnn, you're the only one who is not a hassle. Please stay here forever"
"You're only saying this because I cleaned your room"
•On the other hand, Reo scolds you for babying Nagi (says who 🙄). But Reo will also teach you some of his football tricks in his free time.
•The worry about Shidou and Rin constantly being at each other's throats never leaves you alone.
*Aggressively throwing hands*
•Yeah, pretty much like that. You practically have to step in between their argument or else someone's definitely going to the hospital tonight.
•Although uou never believed Shidou being a 'Demon' because he always acts like an angel around you. Keeping you company when you're doing some boring paperwork and occasionally asking for your number.
•Same goes for Barou. He might look all scary and mean but inside, he's just a soft guy who likes cleaning with you. He'll often help you with cleaning the mess created by the other players.
•Whenever you're not doing your work, you're always seen with Otoya and Karasu. Whether it being pulling off small, harmless pranks or just having a chat in the lunch room. Karasu always bonks Otoya in the head for flirting with you. Oh god, he's such a simp for you.
•Saturdays for you are 'Self-care Saturdays'. Aryu along with Chigiri will both help you with your hair. Sharing their secrets and tips to self care. Oh boy, you sure are leaving Bluelock looking like a model.
•Isagi and Bachira never let the boredom get to you. Monopoly, snake and ladder, uno, whatever you want, they are always ready to play with you. The duo itself is so entertaining that you don't even need anything else.
•Ok but Rin Itoshi's usually 'so cold' and 'merciless' eyes always soften when you are with him. He hates to admit it but he has finally started to let down his tough walls around you. You being the only one whose presence is somewhat tolerable to him. You're often seen helping him with his workout.
•Yukimiya let's you wear his glasses PERIOD
•You definitely have regular sleepovers with Nanase and Hiori, with Niko sometimes joining you. Those 3 pure balls of sunshine never fail to make your day brighter.
•You still wonder, what would've happened if you had declined Ego's proposal. You would've never met such unique people. But you know one thing for sure, you will always stay in touch with the boys, no matter what path you or they choose in the future.
I tried to include every character in this. I sincerely apologize but I couldn't think anymore. I'm not a manga reader, I'm sorry ( ;∀;)
Soo how does it feel to be the Bluelock's favorite manager? I have decided that I'll start requests for Chainsaw man and Jujutsu Kaisen too. So currently, I'm open to write for 3 fandoms: Bluelock, Chainsaw man and Jujutsu Kaisen
Soo, let the requests roll in!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
Ok forgetting moment pt. 20 I left the note where I wrote this open and can’t rmr if I actually sent it or not so if I did please delete this LMAO
FRRR I also really enjoy the panel where he has a lot of dark shadows on his face and he’s telling nagi not to get cocky after he was like “am I really a genius?”
RIN you getting inspiration for Rin is actually kinda crazy LMAOO but omg kiyora??? Your blog is just side character paradise atp but wait I’m kinda curious what else is in line in your inbox (if it’s not a secret you’re trying to keep LOL)
Karasu Shidou new duo coming soon move over Otoya /j but they definitely match each others freak LMAOO I bet Karasu’s like “your freaky but also extraordinary so I can respect you” and shidous just “yahoo!! Karasu chan!!” LOL
Karasu IS dad material he’s just the man of all men >>>> he would totally just lift his kid up and stare at them like “damn this extraordinary kid is MINE???”
I CANT WAIT FOR KARASU ARGUING WITH THE REF LMAOOOO and the stripper king scene is too funny!! Im also very excited for the moment that Barou and Nagi accidentally head butt each other HAHAHA
No because that’s so real I used to be SOOO into jjk and now it’s just kinda…..I am glad that the rollercoaster of a really confusing story is coming to an end so the suffering can stop but oh my…really hoping gege decides to put a bit of effort in for the ending!!!
Also I saw the pictures from your other ask reply and OMGGG THEYRE GORGEOUS!!! Looks like it was sm fun too! Hope you’re feeling better now and that your doctor has a solution for your nausea symptoms!
- Karasu anon
LMAO okay so you did send this in HOWEVER tumblr didn’t notify me?? which is why i took so long to respond despite now being at home and back to my chronically online ways (albeit jet lagged and still suffering from a migraine but we up) so it’s all good that you resent it HAHAAH
that panel is so villainous but so good HDJFLSKS like he looks EVILLLL but in such a cunty way!! i love how they’ve been juxtaposing karasu and nagi as of late…not just in personality but even in looks/drawing style they’re truly such opposites that their panels together slap SO hard 😮‍💨 definitely not biased because those two are my favs nope not at all
NO THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING like if an idea for NAGI (my number one my baby the loml) can give me RIN inspiration it can truly happen to anyone 😬 imagine i try writing for karasu and then all of a sudden isagi is there?? like bro fuck off why are you wiggling your way into a plot that is NOT for you 😓 AND YES KIYORA I’M SO EXCITED tbh there’s lowkey no info abt kiyora even on the wiki so it’s time for me to take mad liberties with his character 😏 which i do love doing hehehe so i’m hype!! i’m so glad to be a safe space for side character enjoyers 🙏🏻 the more obscure the better…lowkey it’s so fun to write for characters like kiyora because i can truly write whatever and it’s so hard to make him ooc because what character does he even have to be in yk 😭 any “oocness” is just me giving him depth etc etc it may make the fic outdated once more comes out on him but me personally idc + i’m always spot on so 🥱 (mostly /j although in doing one of my current requests i realized that the reader calls kaiser a dog in the instrument and now it’s been revealed that his fav animals are stray dogs so maybe i’m onto smth fr 🫣)
LMAO no secrets here!! i have a note with my current requests so i’ll just paste that here 😄 they’re in chronological order of when the req was made but i fear i am NOT completing/posting them in that order 😟
[Secret gaming buddies — hiori
Prodigies — hiori
Singing reader — karasu
Karasu anon requests (any)
Classmates/friends to lovers — nagi
Karasu anon requests pt 2 (any)
Vague prompt — karasu or zantetsu
Cherry tree pt 2 — rin
The instrument pt 2 — kaiser (abt to post this one after i respond to some asks and take a post-riding lesson shower FJSKSK)
Vague prompt — kiyora]
vague prompt just means the person requested a character and literally nothing else HAHA but also yeah…as you can see karasu nation has been busy…although there are a couple of popular characters thrown in there!! i think once i post pt2 of the instrument i’ll probably get more reqs because atm i haven’t done a req since the last part of fwtkac and since that wasn’t answering an ask (since it was multiparts) lowkey people have probably forgotten i opened reqs back up again for bllk 😭 anyways hoping to get some more of these out of the way now that i have more free time and am not busily vacationing/writing karasu’s version of bfb (still cannot believe that’s the longest bllk fic i’ve written so far 😩)
HAHAAH EXACTLY like karasu acknowledges shidou’s freak but he’s undeniably talented/not mediocre so karasu has no choice but to be gang with him…meanwhile shidou is in it for the vibes + he thinks the bullshit karasu says abt erotic left legs and whatnot is super funny so they get along very well 😭 rip tabieita but i fear i am now a ryutabi TRUTHER 🤩 jkjk but no actually i’m going to make them besties at some point even if it’s just in a smau (although the otoya + shidou duo is also hilarious so dare i say trio?? and then yukimiya can get actually normal somewhat mature friends like reo and barou 😰)
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING like bro is starstruck that he somehow managed to create something so perfect 🥹 honestly he already has parenting experience (dealing with pxg) i just know he’s prepared and ready for it
OMG YES literally any and all nagi + barou interactions i’m so excited because i miss them being together so much 😭 BEST bllk duo no question i cannot wait for them to be reunited post nel (because despite what the haters say nagi is NOT going anywhere and barou is eating it up atm so safe to say he’s staying)
i agree completely…i think it’s a mix of the pacing just not being enjoyable to me weekly + everyone dying + me getting busy with irl and then becoming super into bllk as soon as i had free time that just really made me so lukewarm!! i think it’s impressive what gege has managed to create and for sure what he does well he does EXCELLENTLY so i’m not here to hate as some people have been doing however i do think the writing is not always as good as it’s hyped up to be either (cough female characters cough) and there’s def spots that make me go “hm” 😔 i’m hoping the ending is satisfying and wraps up any loose ends but we’ll see…anyways leaks tn for jjk i think so ig we can get a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen based on the chapter!!
IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL OVER THERE FR like sometimes i’d just stand there and be like “wow this feels like the set of a movie” it literally just didn’t even seem real at times 😭 probably going to call the doctor at some point this week and hopefully they offer good solutions because i’m still dizzy even lying in bed at home 😓
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sukirichi · 3 months
But wait, you mean there is still a chance for them to end up together despite everything that has happened? 😫 There is still hope after all!? Don’t get me wrong, I’m still mad at Suna for all the stunts that he have pulled on the recent chapters but he’s literally my favourite & I’ll always have a soft spot for him sadly 🥺😭 He just needs to get his act together!
i remember that time, it seems eveyone was united in the sunayn happy ending 😭 which all changed after kiyoomi arc ofc hehe
and yeah we can still hope, i mean, we haven’t see what’s going to happen yet 👀 i get you though, sometimes you just can’t help but root for your favorite even if they’re being wack 🥹 i’m so soft for him too and that is why we’ll be having fluffy scenes with rin on tomorrow’s update, wink wink
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chichigami · 1 year
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Itoshi Rin | Foolish
genre: angst, villain/hero au, established relationship
a/n: first time writing for bllk! feedback is greatly appreciated, oh and Rin is quite ooc ;((
— •••
A villain. That’s what he is.
Heart cold as ice. To care is something you thought he’ll never know, because that’s how villains are.
So Rin was someone you’d never expect to fall helplessly in love, but he did. He had fallen head over heels in love with you. You could tell from the way that he looks at you with stars in his eyes to how he holds you so gently like you’d break if he’s not careful.
His eyes softly gazes over your sleeping frame, holding your face in his palm so delicately. You loved him back.
Moments like these makes him think. He couldn’t believe someone as good as you would love someone like him. With that, a part of him feels guilty. He doesn’t deserve you, he knows that.
He doesn’t deserve someone as loving as you. How you’d stay up so late to wait for him. To check if he was okay, to kiss the pain away.
No man as cruel as him deserves that much love.
“Rin?” you slowly open your eyes, a soft smile tugging your lips at the sight of him.
“Hm?” his face remained blank, but his heart was pounding against his chest.
“You’re not sleepy?” your voice felt like soft kisses against his skin, so gentle.
“No. You should go back to sleep.” he was. his eyes were getting heavy but he fears that if he closes his eyes, he’d lose you.
He wanted to keep you safe.
“I’m not going anywhere, y’know?” you knew him like the back of your hand. “You need to get some rest if you want to win.”
“I do, don’t I?” he smiles, appreciating how much you knew him, his hand travelling from your cheek to your waist, pulling you closer to him as he made himself comfortable in your presence.
You cuddle closer, hugging his torso. Your hold reassuring him, bringing a sense of comfort.
“I love you.” he whispers ever so softly, almost scared.
“I love you too.”
The rooftop was empty, the light illuminating the place came from the moon and the light from the other buildings and streets below. The cool night air sending chills down his spine.
Rin’s mind thinks of you as he faces the so-called hero. He was bruised, wounded, and so close to dropping, but all he could think of was you.
If he loses he’ll never see you again.
He won’t be able to hold you, to hear your voice, to heal at the touch of your lips on his. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing all of it, of losing you. It hurt more than the punches he took.
“Give up already.” his opponent spoke, confidence laced the man’s voice as he stared at Rin’s weak and bleeding frame.
“I can’t.” he held his side, tears welling in his eyes. “Someone’s waiting for me at home.”
“You? caring for someone?” the hero laughed. “ We both know you’ll never be capable of something like that.”
“It's stupid to think you'll understand." he pulled himself together, landing a kick on the guy's side that sent him on his knees. "You're not the hero they think you are."
For a moment, no one spoke. It was completely silent.
The hero looked up at him in defeat with teary eyes. Was it finally over? did he win?
"Foolish Rin."
Rin felt his body tense at the words. It was followed by laughter, like this was some game.
"Always so foolish huh. You're pathetic." Rin watched as the man in front of him stood up. "Were you really that lonely and desperate? you really think someone would love you?"
He stood frozen on his spot, not knowing what was happening or where was this headed. Was he talking about you? Definitely not, he's just messing with him.
This needed to end. His heart aches to get home and lay by your side. He needed to hear your voice, he was scared.
He needed you.
So the last thing he expected was to hear the sound of your voice. He thought that maybe he had been beaten hard enough that he started to hear things, but when he turned around there you stood.
There you were standing, face to face with him.
A gun in your hand.
"Y/N..." it wasn't a question, it was a call. There was a lingering hope in his voice, that maybe it's not what it obviously was.
But you loved him, didn't you?
He heard you say it to him all those days and nights before. He spent hours holding you, whispering soft and sweet phrases in your ears. He trusted you.
While the whole world saw him as a cruel monster, to you he was just Rin. A man you loved ever so deeply. He loved that. He loved you.
Looking into your eyes, he saw nothing. It was cold, no emotions were held in those eyes of yours. It’s like it was someone else’s.
“What are you doing…?” he cried. He stared at you with teary eyes, and at that moment your finger pulled the trigger and he dropped.
He was uncertain of what hurt more; the bullet in his chest or the love of his life who placed it there.
But even in his final moments, your name was what he called. He called for you.
Foolish Rin.
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lazysublimeengineer · 5 months
these chemicals hit me like white wine
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Summary: Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
Characters: Itoshi Rin & Nanase Nijiro
(A/N: Please be mindful of the tags and rating of this fic. I don’t want any unnecessary complaints where it was obviously stated from the start that this is not innocent fluff in the first place. Y’know who you are so I advise you to hit the back button if this bothers you. But for my other fellow readers who are okay with this then proceed in reading some gratuitous smut in my server. Inspired by the song, “The Alchemy” from Taylor Swift’s latest album, “The Tortured Poets Department” and the recent cover of Nanase in volume 29 of the manga. I don’t own anything from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura for this wonderful manga and Taylor Swift for this love song.)
This happens once every few lifetimes These chemicals hit me like white wine
What if I told you I'm back? The hospital was a drag Worst sleep that I ever had I circled you on a map I haven't come around in so long But I'm coming back so strong
With Charles finally getting himself benched in the middle of the match because of boredom, PxG’s options dwindled a little.
It still wasn’t the right time for their coaches to step into the match, so they’ll have to do whatever it takes to prevent BM from scoring another goal in this round.
Rin ground his teeth as he shot a murderous glare at Charles’ direction who doesn’t give a care in the world and sitting happily beside Loki who looked like he was on the verge of having aneurysm at his antics.
“Fuck...!” He cursed under his breath as he tore his gaze away from him and landed in Isagi’s direction who was cheering enthusiastically with his other teammates when he scored a goal.
“Fucking lukewarm. The match isn’t over yet.” He grumbled under his breath when his eyes landed on a familiar figure on the other side of the pitch.
Determined blue eyes clashing against his intense teal irises.
Rin knew that gaze.
Nanase was ready to do everything and help him become the hero of this team.
So when I touch down Call the amateurs and Cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby I'm the one to beat Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
There was only a brief lapse of time that they stayed frozen in their spots as soon as they saw the ball bounce off and missed the post before Nanase came sprinting forward with adrenaline and determination pumping up in his veins.
With Kaiser completely missing a goal, they needed to take advantage and grab the opportunity for themselves.
Nanase wouldn’t just sit around and let the opponent win nor Shidou take the winning goal once again.
He needed to get his shit together and give everything he had to Rin to win and survive this program.
Their eyes met as soon as he took the ball under his heel.
He was putting everything on the line when he sent the ball flying in his direction.
He was putting his faith not only in himself but also in Rin who could be their hero on this team.
“Go, Rin! I have faith in you!” He yelled determinedly.
Hey you, what if I told you we're cool? That child's play back in school Is forgiven under my rule I haven't come around in so long But I'm making a comeback to where I belong ...
His teal eyes grew wide at Nanase’s loud declaration, trapping the ball perfectly on his heel.
Rin was used to people cheering on him ever since he was a kid mainly because he was the sibling of a genius midfielder and Japan’s treasure, Itoshi Sae.
But it had also come with a price as Rin knew that despite his efforts and hard work, people would always compare and associate him with his elder brother, which reduced him as a faint shadow looming in the background.
And he wasn’t fine with that.
He had to prove to Sae and to everyone else that he was better, and he could stand on his own without the crutches of the success of his own brother shadowing over him.
Nanase’s eyes shone brightly with confidence, determination...
And a complete trust of faith to him.
It made his heart pound wildly inside his chest.
He wanted more... more... and more...
And he will never let him go until he can have him all by himself.
“Never take your eyes away from me bumpkin and watch me make put these NPCs to where they belong.”
Rin was completely unstoppable as he dribbled towards the opponents and made a double feint, passing by the shocked defenders as he finally kicked the ball ferociously and sent it flying inside the net.
The resounding roars of success from the audience and his teammates filled the background as he scored the winning goal for their team.
But none of it matters when Nanase came rushing towards his side and carried him victoriously into his arms.
So when I touch down Call the amateurs and Cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby I'm the one to beat Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
These blokes warm the benches We been on a winning streak He jokes that it's heroin but this time with an "E" Cause the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
“Fuck! Rinrin exploding on the field once again and leaving the others into dust!” Shidou cackled and joined in their victory.
“Ya betcha! Damn! That goal will be all over the social medias for weeks!” Karasu grinned widely.
“I-I’m g-glad that w-we won!” Tokimitsu cheered in half anxiousness and half cheerfulness.
Rin just let himself basked into the afterglow of victory and the warmth of Nanase’s arms carrying him.
“Yeah! Rin is amazing as always!” Nanase exclaimed happily.
“That goal wouldn’t be also possible if it weren’t for you bumpkin so consider it as your victory in your hands as well.” Rin commented and glanced at him.
If the others were surprised by Rin’s sudden open declaration of affirming his talent and skill without any barbed insults, it didn’t show in their faces as they still basked in at their victory against the opponent.
Nevertheless, Nanase was taken aback by his words, a comforting warmth spreading all over him as he smiled at Rin’s direction with a complete fondness washing his entire being.
Shirts off, and your friends lift you up over their heads Beer sticking to the floor Cheers chanted, cause they said There was no chance, trying to be The greatest in the league Where's the trophy? He just comes running over to me
Clothes were thrown off recklessly on the ground inside the murky halls of the room.
The cold draft of air emitting from the air conditioner did nothing to soothe the furnace of desire and burning need blazing from their bodies as Nanase’ mouth lingered on the pale column of his throat and decorated it with eager kisses and faint nibbles on the sensitive flesh of his skin.
A low moan escaped from Rin’s lips as he wrapped his legs tightly on Nanase’s hips and his hands grappled firmly on his back while his insides were getting piston in wild abandon by Nanase’s cock and stretched his quivering walls to the limit.
“Fuck! You were so good out there Rin... Hhhh... You’re so beautiful like this as well... You deserve everything...” Nanase groaned against his skin as he felt his walls clamp on his cock like a vice making his thrusts deeper and harder in return.
“Ngh... Bumpkin... Fuck...! Getting bigger inside of me...!” A soft mewl escaped from Rin’s drooling lips as his body shook like a leaf beneath him, trying to match his movements underneath him as Nanase didn’t hold back and continued to rail him ferociously on the mattress making the bed creak slightly from their wild movements.
“Ah... S-sorry... C-can't help myself when you’re laid out like this prettily under me...” Nanase breathed out as he couldn’t help himself and sought his lips in a wild and dirty kiss.
Rin kissed him back fervently, their tongues dancing wildly with each other as drool trickled down their lips.
“I-I’m fucking close...” He murmured against his lips.
“Do it inside. You’re the only one that gets to do this with me, got it? As long as you’re my property, your eyes should be only for me got it bumpkin?” He mumbled back hotly as he licked at the roof of his mouth.
Nanase shuddered as his body convulsed and reached his peak, painting his insides in the white ropes of his cum.
“Of course, Rin. I belong to you as much as you belong to me in return.”
Nanase held him on his arms as Rin reached his orgasm, moans and grunts of pleasure surrounded the four walls of their room throughout the night.
Touch down Call the amateurs and Cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby I'm the one to beat Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
These blokes warm the benches We been on a winning streak He jokes that it's heroin but this time with an "E" Cause the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
This happens once every few lifetimes These chemicals hit me like white wine
(A/N: As soon as I saw the volume 29 cover of the manga with Nanase sporting a feral determination on his face, I knew I had to write this down. Like it screams Top Nanase y’all and I don’t wanna let go of this golden opportunity bestowed to us by the creator themselves. Also, the song, “The Alchemy” fits them. The lyrics scream victory over a soccer match and then the winner came running to his lover for some celebratory embrace. Lastly, if we don’t get a victorious pose of Rin and Nanase like that thigh riding pose of Isagi and Hiori back to the Ubers match then what the hell are we still doing here? Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)
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vkooksupremacy · 1 year
NCT Future : Of this World
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NCT Platonic x Male Reader
Where did he go?
"HYUNG, HYUNG! Y/N HYUNG'S MISSING!" Garin shouted in fear, after searching the whole house. He'd forgotten no one else was home. He took out his phone and dialed Taeyong.
"Garin, you okay?"
"Hyung, Taeyong hyung, Y/N's gone!"
"I searched the whole house!"
"And the others?"
"They went to mv filming."
"Okay okay." Taeyong said. "Garin, take a breath. Call one of your hyungs."
"Ok. I'll update you." Garin hung up and called Junyong, the elder responding almost immediately.
"Hey, Rin."
"Hyung, is Y/N Hyung with you?"
"No. Why?"
"He's gone."
"We're on the way home." Junyong spoke, after a good 2 minutes. "Stay there, alright? Did you tell Taeyong hyung?"
"I did."
"Okay, wait for us."
"Garin!" Yubin exclaimed, seeing Garin outside on the steps of the house.
"Hyung, he didn't bring his phone and it's out of battery."
"Shh, calm down Garin." Haewon said. "Well track him down, don't worry."
Soon, footsteps were heard, announcing 127's arrival.
"I told the managers." Taeyong panted. "They're trying to track his location."
"Problem after problem, his life is a mess." Junyong sighed. "He shouldn't have to deal with all this."
"I know." Taeyong sighed. "Let's just hope they find him..."
"Yeah..." Baekmin trailed off, spotting a figure walking tiredly towards the house.
"Y/N!" Yuhan, Yubin and Junyong rushed towards him.
"Where did you go?" Junyong asked worriedly, seeing red circles around Y/N's eyes.
"Hansung called me." Y/N said. "Hanbin passed away. I went to his funeral."
"Hanbin, your childhood friend?" Junyong asked.
"Yeah. That one."
"I'm sorry Y/N." Yuhan said. "Let's go inside?"
All 17 of them headed inside, minhan ushering
Y/N to go shower.
Baekmin and Yubin stated upstairs, so Y/N wouldn't do anything stupid. He was prone to doing things according to his feelings.
"Aish, hyung, you scared us." Yubin sighed, after Y/N came out. "Next time bring your phone and charge it."
"Yes, Dad." Y/N gave a small smile.
"You're older than us." Baekmin said playfully. "If anything, you're our Appa."
"Hell no. You always call Garin your son and I'm too young to be a grandpa."
"You'll be an excellent Grandpa!"
"Why're you talking about grandpa's?" Yuta asked. He'd been sent to check on them.
"Y/N hyungs a grandpa, caus' he's our father and Garin's my son." Baekmin answered.
"Well..." Yuta smiled. "Dinners arrived."
"Okay, coming." The three youngsters scrambled ove reach other to get downstairs, feeling exceptionally hungry after today's fiasco.
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