#i will be receiving all my graphics commissions i am excited about it!!!
tommonikercomics · 2 months
I am humbled & eternally grateful for all the positive reception I’ve received in the past few months: thank you so much to each & every person who has reblogged, liked, commented, & sent in asks.
I love drawing people’s requests, & so I want to keep doing it in a way that’s both sustainable for me & my followers. Because of that, I’m going to try & set up more of a schedule for myself.
As always, please feel free to send stuff to my asks/inbox! I do see all of them & some of the requests & ideas genuinely get me so excited. These requests can include:
- short prompts
- characters/ character interactions
- AU illustrations
- Just the cool little fandom ideas you guys keep feeding me!
If you've sent any of these in my inbox, please rest assured that I'll get to them eventually! Instead of trying to grind through requests & not give them the proper TLC they each deserve, I’m going to try & post 2 requests every week on a Saturday (however, I will still try to post regularly throughout the week, posting other little doodles & responding to non-request asks).
This way, I will have more time to work on bigger projects, including that Newsies fancomic I spoke about! (As well as my original graphic novel: you guys may have to put up with seeing more of my original characters in the near future haha).
However, if you want:
- Longer prompts/ written works illustrated
- A series of sequential images/pages
- More personal things you may not want posted to my account, like original ideas or portrait illustrations
- Something specific that you’d like to give revisions about
Then may I point you towards my Ko-Fi! I have time dedicated to commissions that is separate from my other illustrations so that I can get the works to you in a timely manner & communicate with you throughout to get it just how you want it.
If you can’t donate or order a commission, please know that your support is still so amazing! I’m genuinely so grateful for all the interaction & excitement. I just “insert spiel about starving artists needing to eat”.
Again, thank you guys. Happy doodling & seize the day! 😁
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Commission Information
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Hello, everyone! I have decided modify and clarify my commission information, which will be in-place for the forseeable future. I am eternally grateful to whomever decides to kindly donate and take advantage of these exclusive opportunities only available through commissions! This includes some new funsies I’ve thought up (with the help of @gallickingun​​), so please take the time to look at the newest addition to the blog’s functions! As I’ve mentioned, the commission will utilize my existing Ko-Fi account. 
The graphic above summarizes all the tiers available, and below the cut I have outlined the specifics for each tier, so that you know exactly what you’re getting! Additionally, rules are located under the cut as well, so please be sure to read them very carefully. Are you excited yet?
Request Pass: Do you have a oneshot request you just have to see written, even though requests are closed? For one Ko-Fi ($5), you can drop it into my inbox, and your request will receive priority! Limited to one pass per month per user. 
Priority Tier: Tired of waiting for my slow, dumb ass to finish your oneshot request? For the price of one Ko-Fi ($5), I’ll dedicate priority to your request for one week. As I mentioned before in the announcement post, I will get to every request as fast as I can, but I can understand if some of you get antsy or impatient. Limited to one request per user per month. 
Fluff Alphabet Tier: For the price of one Ko-Fi ($5) I will construct a full fluff alphabet for the character of your choice! You can find examples of my fluff alphabets in my Table of Contents. 
Matchup Tier I: Squee! Vannah’s doing match-ups now? About time! For the price of one Ko-Fi ($5) I will match you with a character of your choice and provide insight as to why you are compatible! 
Drabble Tier I: With requests being closed, I’m sure you’re all gonna be antsy to drop new ideas into the box. So, whenever you guys get the itch, drop one Ko-Fi ($5) and I’ll provide you with a brief 500-word drabble!
Drabble Tier II: Similar to Tier I, with the drabble length upgraded to 1000 words! This tier will run you two Ko-Fis ($10).
Matchup Tier II: An upgrade of Tier I, including a set of headcanons concerning fun activities that you and your match-up will partake in! Costs two Ko-Fis ($10). 
Matchup Tier III: An upgrade of Tiers I and II, wherein you’ll also receive a 500-word drabble of you and your matchup conducting one of the headcanon activities! This’ll run you three Ko-Fis ($15). 
Ultimate Matchup Tier: Contains all the perks of the first three tiers, but you also get to choose your matchup! Got a special character you just love to death? For four Ko-Fis ($20), I’ll make your dreams come true! 
We Love Vannah Club: I’ve upgraded to Ko-Fi Gold, so the monthly subscription feature has been enabled! You can choose your price for how much you’d like to donate each month. Club members will gain access to a number of exciting features: a monthly thank-you post on Tumblr, Ko-Fi-exclusive daily blurb posts, an free request pass and/or priority pass every month, a free tier of their choosing once a month, and my undying love and affection for the rest of time. 
Now for the rules!
In general, be nice, be kind, and be mindful that I am only one person. Commissions are a priority but just like everything else, they take time. Rest assured I will be keeping track so nothing gets lost in the weeds, but be mindful that since I am balancing all the other aspects of the blog, it may be some time before you get your commission. Refunds due to time are an option. 
Drabbles: For the drabbles, please include the subject of your drabble in your Ko-Fi comment and submit an ask on Tumblr for organizational/notification purposes! If you want to remain anonymous, please dedicate yourself with an Emoji to make sure nothing is mixed up! For Drabble Tier I, you may request only one character with a general subject (sorry, no romantic pairings! It’s too much for so little word count!). For Drabble Tier II, you may request two characters with a subject (so romantic pairings are cool here)!
Matchups: Please include the subject of your drabble in your Ko-Fi comment and submit an ask on Tumblr for organizational/notification purposes! If you want to remain anonymous, please dedicate yourself with an Emoji on each ask to make sure nothing is mixed up! For all matchups, I require: 
Which fandom you are requesting for (for the Ultimate Tier, indicate your chosen character as well!) 
Sufficient information about yourself (the more the better!) 
Things you would like to do for a date
Any preferences you may have, partner-wise
Any triggers, squicks, or unsavory factors or characters you absolutely want to avoid
All right! I think that’s everything I want to cover. I hope you guys take advantage of commissions and again, thank you to everyone who supports me, financially, socially, and emotionally! I have lots of love for you all <3 
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myonmukyuu · 4 years
hot milk tea, thoughts and feelings
I’ve only mentioned it briefly, but I’ve said that I’ll be taking a break from my SetsuAyu series - mainly because of my uni workload though.
But for now, I have a lot of thoughts about the entire thing as a project as well as myself as an artist. So I figured that I’d write a reflection of sorts (warning: it gets kind of personal).
Can you believe it’s been 3-4 months since the series started? I can’t, and I’ve been the one drawing all of these!! If you’ve been reading my work, I’ll say it over and over but I really appreciate it!!! Like I’m dead serious!!! Completely!! Utterly!! Without a doubt!!! I love all of you!!!
When I posted that first comic, I didn’t think it’d get the positive reception that it did get. Like, I’ve been producing basically entirely Muse content for years and suddenly decided to tap into Nijigaku? You could argue that it didn’t get that much attention, but either way, the attention it did get surprised me. I was so happy that people were engaged (and it still makes me stupidly happy, like on a level where I’m almost embarrassed to admit HAHA)
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Recently I’ve just uploaded the bonus for the 3rd update which wraps up that part, and it really just clicked - that I really have invested soooo much time into this series. 36 pages now! And we’re only 3/10 main updates in!! I have so much passion for this - like a fire that can’t be put out. Every single update has something that I want to communicate/show so I always feel fired up. Heck, if you’ve spoken to me during the process you’d catch me always saying “I’m excited for the next one!!!” while working on it LMAO. It’s been my longest string of non-stop work. Usually I feel burned out more quickly but I was always so excited that I couldn’t stop! You’d find that I’m usually in a  state of conflict bc I alwaaaays want to talk about it but at the same time I don’t want to spoil anything. (THE NEXT UPDATE JUICY)
I think it’s a clear reminder of why I draw actually. The answer between each artist always differs, but I think it’s something important to be aware of. And well, for me? I’ve realised I’m a passion-monster. Passion keeps my blood pumping 100%. As a result... you could say I might be a more selfish kind of artist. Maybe it’s burn-out from running all those ask-blogs/RP when I was like 13-16, but I’ve realised that I’m having the most fun drawing what I genuinely love. It’s kind of why you’d rarely see me do requests and why I no longer do commissions. That isn’t to say that I hate drawing for other people. It can be fulfilling! But it’s more like - I barely have the time to draw for myself, so drawing for others is kind of a lower priority in general. It’s also why I’ve decided against studying graphic design when I graduated highschool. It’s just not happening as a career.
When I ask myself, “what kind of artist do I want to be?” I always think “Somebody who marches to her own beat and works hard to make content that she loves.” It’s also why I never delete anything - even my oldest art that makes me cringe. Because the me from 5 years ago put her love into that too. It’s really cheesy sounding but that’s how I see it LMFAO. I couldn’t do that to her. And also, just because I don’t like something anymore, it doesn’t mean that no one else does. So I’ll continue to never delete my old work. As a bonus, we get to see how far I’ve come too~.
I feel a little vulnerable admitting something like this and I’m pretty sure I’ve only told like 4 humans, but I think my #1 goal as an artist is that I want people to be able to look at my work (that I actually put my heart into) and think “this person loves this” or “this person works hard”. If you can do that, and sincerely feel the feelings I put into my comic, then I’ve already reached my goal. Can people tell how much I love these characters? The series? The concept? Can people tell how much work I’ve been putting into these updates? Can people tell when I’m having fun? It’s something I think about a lot. The idea of that people might think so makes me tear up HAHA - I get really sappy thinking about these kinds of things. And well, if people can’t tell then I’m not working hard enough!
That isn’t to say that I’m always putting my life-blood into everything I make. I’m mainly referring to the stuff where I do. I think it’s pretty clear when I’m pumping a lot of love into something. In general though, there’s always an intention for me to like communicate some idea or feeling and doing something like that requires maybe a bit of love~.
I feel like that as a character, Setsuna really resonates with me a lot. In personality? Not at all LMFAOOOO (she’s such a nice girl!!). More because of her ideals and principles. After typing like everything that I did up until this point, I bet you can guess why. I’ll keep it short and simple though, since this post is getting stupidly long.
Basically, I really resonate with her drive and passion as both an artist, and just in general actually? I’m a believer in that if you’re passionate about something, you can spread that passion. That’s the mentality I have with my art. If my love shows, then maybe other people will understand why I’ve come to love something. And maybe they’ll come to love it too. If I’m having fun, maybe they will have fun too! Very cheesy, I know, but that’s just how I roll!!!
Like rare pair? New fandom? Still applies. It might take awhile, but eventually either the people who love that thing will find me, or I’ll help people come to love something new (or at least see where it’s coming from lolol)! 
And as Setsu says:
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You tell ‘em girl !!! That devotion is my driving force!!
Of course I know this is idealistic, but I think that’s fine. It’s no bother to me if someone feels indifferent/ negative towards my work because that’s just natural.
I think it’s a form of communication and that’s what drives my art. I’ve been intending on writing a guide/ or talking about my art process for comics for some time now and I think that’d be the first thing I’d mention? I’m always trying to communicate some sort of feeling/tone/idea and that comes from a place of love y’know.
I feel like I’m saying “love” and “passion” a lot - you can really tell I’m vibing with Setsuna huh LMAO. There are other reasons I vibe with her too, but I won’t touch on that.
Coming back to my SetsuAyu series. You can tell why I’m so happy about it right? The story, the pairing dynamic, I feel like that people are understanding what I’m trying to communicate - that people are receiving my feelings of love for it and that makes me smile so widely. I really put a lot into it!!
This series is the first large project I’ve ever taken you see and I’m so so happy that I’ve been able to get this far! It really means a lot to me. But it wasn’t actually the first comic series I’ve tried to do. I actually had a Muse long-running comic planned years ago - a Dancing Stars on Me! AU but it never came to life. I think it was my lack of confidence that held me back. It might be weird of me to pat myself on the back, but I’m proud that I managed to get going this time!! I’ve actually written the SetsuAyu series in a way that for the first half, I could drop the series if I really wanted to at any point (each part is pretty independent, and that description I always copy-and-paste is all the explanation you really need), but now I know for sure that I don’t want to drop it! I wanna keep going!! Even if it gets tough. Although it might be a little early for me to make such bold declarations, I’m only 3/10 through LOOOL. But that’s just the way I feel right now!
I know it’s irrational and it’s something I’d rather not admit, but an anxiety that’s always looming over me is the idea that I’m not working hard enough - or that people think I’m not? Each comic update...takes like a month right? And a month is a long time. There’s this part of me that is convinced that people think I’m lazy for working so slowly. And I know it’s not true!! It doesn’t make sense for it to be!!! But like I said it’s irrational.
I’m really proud of this comic y’know. It’s a really big commitment and I’m proud of myself for being able to commit. I work full time 9-5, and I also am in my final year at university. I’m... kind of busy lol. So the huge factor in that month-long update turnaround is just that I don’t have the time to always be drawing. But I try to draw as much as I can! If you have me on discord you might notice me work on it for like 2-5 hours, almost daily before I go to bed (1am). Of course I’m not only drawing, but after I get everything plotted out sometimes that’s all I do. This comic is super time-consuming LMAO - and I try my best to work on it a little at a time.
So yeah, the entire month of comic-production is me drawing every almost every night.
Yeah it, - it’s kind of exhausting. Even though I’m itching to work on my next update, I’ve decided to take a break for uni crunch which is why I say the next one might be two months. It’s really odd though. The other night I was in bed feeling restless. It was so weird not drawing till 1am that I felt like I needed to be doing something. This comic series might have weird effects on my habits...
It makes me anxious thinking that it’d be so long till next update. But I’ll do my best to push that aside ! Hopefully I can get uni done and dusted ASAP! I want them to date dammit...
I've decided that I want to see this series through to the end. It’ll probably be May next year when that happens though LMAO! Please bear with my slow turnaround time. It’s only been 3 updates, but I can already see that I’m improving with each one. With each update I feel like I really learn from the previous and I always feel this sense of excitement with trying out new techniques and trying to create different feelings. I really want to see how the last updates will look compared to the first!  Technically we’re 3/10 (10 is an epilogue), but after 6 I actually stop doing bonuses? So teeechnically I’m like 40% of the way through~.
It might be a little over-ambitious, but I kind of want to print it out and make a hard-copy when I’m done. I’m not sure about what the demand would be if I were to sell it, but I definitely want to print it for myself first and foremost (after touching up the earlier updates of course LOL). It’d be like a physical representation of my achievement. I hope I can make it there.
Anyways, I’ve rambled for far too long. I’m not sure why I suddenly felt like talking about uh, everything but yeaaaah. If you’ve read this far, kudos to you! You now have a window into my soul that I’m still not sure if I’m comfortable with revealing (but I’m comfortable enough because I’m posting this so...)! 
After reading all of this, can you tell why I always get so so happy after each update? It’s the fruition of what’s usually 2-3 weeks of non-stop hard work! Seeing people connect with it always sends me to another realm of bliss and I always feel soft like putty LOL.
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thewedigital · 3 years
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So you want to start a YouTube channel 
and have no idea where to begin? Well, you have come to the right place! This article is going to give you an insightful overview of all the steps that you need to follow before you set up a YouTube channel as a beginner. The link below will further give you comprehensive lessons on how to start, grow, and monetize a hyper-profitable YouTube channel from scratch, so make sure you check it out. Keep in mind that I may receive a commission when you click the link and make a purchase. However, this does not impact the quality of the content.
Step 1: Choose a topic So let us get started, the first thing you need to do to start is to come up with a topic for your YouTube channel. Some people say come up with a niche. A niche is a product, service, or interest that appeals to a specialized section of the population. That could be in automotive, business, crafts, health, travel, etc. If you are creating a channel because you just want to have fun and you do not care much about how big your audience is, then go for it, but if you are looking to build a business or an audience, then you need to choose a topic or niche that people are looking for. Your YouTube audience should have a demand for what you are offering, so get out there and do your research. You can research keywords on Google or search on YouTube
and find out whether other people are doing what you have in mind. If other people are providing videos on your topic or niche and they have huge audiences, then you know there is a demand. This also means that you are getting into the field of competition. Therefore, you will need to figure out how to shine so that the audience will watch your videos instead of your competitors.
Step 2: Define your audience i now you are probably thinking, “Yeah, but I don’t have an audience yet…” Here is the thing, when you make a video, you are already creating it as though the people you are targeting are watching, and eventually, they will come. This is because they are looking for you, remember you already found a topic that there is a demand for. Let us say you are doing a health and fitness topic, and you want to share workout videos, are you going to target your videos to men or women? (Obviously, men and women work out differently to a degree) are you going to target younger or older people? Asking yourself such questions will help you create quality videos that are full of value and content that match your topic, and eventually, you will start to build your audience.
Step 3: Do a brainstorm To brainstorm in this context means to start writing down all your ideas of the video titles that you would like to make. Do not worry even if they are crazy ideas, try to get a couple of pages full of content for your channel. Ask yourself, “What content do I want to offer to my target audience? What problems are they having, and how am I going to help solve those problems with solutions? Now once you have done that, then pick out the best five or ten topics, and now you have somewhere to start. As you grow, you will find it easier to look at different areas that you could focus on and bring up the quality of your videos. You are not going to have tens of thousands of people watching your videos as you start, but do not worry about that as long as you have content.
Step 4: Choose your equipment Here you might be thinking “Okay I want to make videos but it’s going to cost me a lot of money. I have to go out and get fancy cameras and microphones and all these different things and I know it’s going to be expensive”. It honestly is not that costly! Many people make their videos in the most inexpensive ways possible, and they go viral. In the beginning, do not worry about the mechanics very much as getting some videos made and getting in the habit, so you can start by using your smartphone or laptop. For the microphone, many laptops and phones have a microphone that is good enough, but if you are using the former, it would be wise to experiment with it as some microphones pick up a lot of background noise that may affect the quality of your video. If this happens, you can buy a microphone on Amazon or from a preferred store. For your backdrop or background, it will depend on your content, location, and your audience. You can choose to do it outdoors where there is beautiful scenery, or indoors with different background decorations to keep your audience captivated. As you become more experienced with making videos, you may find the need to invest in better equipment to improve the quality of your videos, for example, a high-resolution camera, a tripod, and lighting.
Step 5: Come up with a schedule Now that you know what you are going to produce and how to do it, it is time to come up with a plan for when to shoot, edit, and upload your videos. Most successful YouTubers recommend that you upload at least two to three times every week. You could also upload every single day as long as it does not compromise on your quality. It is crucial to make sure that you are not focusing on the quantity more than the quality as the latter matters when you are trying to stand out on a very competitive platform like YouTube. Of course, you can batch film your videos, which means that you film five or ten videos once or twice a month to get all of your videos done in a short time. Whichever schedule you choose, you will need consistency with your uploading.
Step6: Create your YouTube channelYouTube makes this easy, especially if you already have a Gmail account. You can log in with your Gmail account on YouTube and then click through their prompts to set up your channel. It is super simple, and they make it very easy even for beginners to create a YouTube channel.
Step7: Create a banner for your YouTube channel Many sites on the internet will help you create a banner for your YouTube channel, for instance, Canva.com. You can choose from a variety of templates on Canva.com, edit to your preference, and download completely free of charge. Then you will need to write a description. Make sure you put a description that lets people know about your channel. These things make your channel look more professional. After someone watches one of your videos they may click on your YouTube channel, and they realize, “Oh! This person is making videos regularly, and they are committed to their work.” That makes them a lot more likely to hit that subscribe button. You can also put fun information in your banner or in your channel description that encourages people to subscribe to your channel
Step8: Film your first video Now here is where the fun begins. It is probably going to be a bit awkward if you have never done it before, but that is what everyone goes through, so do not worry. Many good things can come from having your own YouTube channel, and you have to bite the bullet and film that first video and get it done. Try being creative and enjoy the filming process by experimenting with different backgrounds, locations, expressions, and even having guests on your videos. This will help you have fun and be comfortable with the process and getting it off the ground.
Step 9: Edit the video and create a thumbnail Before you upload your videos, you may want to cut out some parts of the raw footage, or even add text or background music to your videos to make them more appealing to watch. So you will need to put your videos into an editing program to do this. There are some great free options out there like iMovie on Macs or Windows movie maker on Windows computers. There are also plenty of other paid options like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X. It does not matter much which program you choose when you are first starting as long as you do not do something overly complex. Once you edit the video, you will need to either take a screenshot from the video to use as a thumbnail or use another photograph or design a graphic for yourself. You can use a free program like Canva.com, or you can purchase a program like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator to create that thumbnail. The main things you want to keep in mind when you are creating the thumbnail is to make it as eye-catching as possible and making it clear what is talked about in the video.
Step 10: Upload your first YouTube video Once you have completed all the above steps, it is time to upload your first YouTube video. There is generally no set time to upload your first video but as a tip, pick a time that is best for you. That time should be consistent so that you can start attracting people to watch your videos around that set time. As a strategy, some people prefer to upload their videos first thing in the morning to give their viewers the most time to watch them during the day.
Step 11: Boost your video Now that you have uploaded your first YouTube video, you need to give your video as much of a boost as you can. Every bit of push that you can give to that video helps. This means that you should watch the video too, hit the like button, leave a comment as yourself asking other people to comment, and share that video with everyone that you can share it with on your social media platforms. Tell your friends and family that you just made your first YouTube video and ask them to possibly help you out by watching your video and hitting that like button. There is a big difference between a YouTube video that has two views and one with fifty views. Although fifty YouTube views are still not that much, it shows that some people have an interest in the video, and the more views it has, the more other people are likely to click on that video and watch it. That is because of something called social proof, which means that we think that if other people are doing something, then it must be a cool thing to do it too
Step 12: Stay consistent When you start a YouTube channel as a beginner, everything is bright, exciting and you will have a lot of inspiration. However, as time goes by and especially when you have put up ten or so videos, but you do not see significant growth yet, you might feel discouraged and possibly want to give up. You have to be a lifelong learner and evaluate your work against what is working out there. That will help you understand where you are likely falling short and motivate you to improve the quality of your videos. There was never a channel that put out good quality videos with eye-catching thumbnails consistently and did not start seeing significant growth within the first six to twelve months. So it is not going to take forever, but you do need to stay consistent, keep uploading videos every single week and keep improving your quality with every video if you want to see that growth .How to start a YouTube channel for beginners
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luna-codes · 4 years
hello friends! 🌸 it has been a while since i have been in a healthy place to be able to update here at luna codes, but i wanted to take the time to let you all know of a few changes i will be making as i plan to update and refresh the blog. i have tried to be continuously committed to transparency and keep communication ongoing as my abilities allow.
as i previously posted, i have unfortunately had some unforeseen health problems come up this year and am still in the middle of receiving a diagnosis and starting treatments for different things. this has made my daily schedule, life, and energy variable and means that working on a commission basis for coding needs is just not currently possible for me. for those on my waitlist, i appreciate that you have been with me thus far and all your patience. the decision to close commissions is not permanent and i look forward to being fully able to work with some of your amazing site concepts and ideas again! the decision to close commissions is not permanent and i look forward to being fully able to work with some of your amazing site concepts and ideas again! despite this change in my offerings, luna codes will not be closing! i will be transitioning to premade-only coding content in order to offset the cost of the health-related things, and will be releasing some of this content very soon, so please do keep me in mind for any of those needs. i will be offering graphics commissions still on a limited basis. i'll update with announcements and previews of the things i am working on at various times and will make everything available from my blog. luna codes is getting a visual refresh and has had all written content updated to include new information about my premades and coding schedule. if you have any trouble finding things, please don't hesitate to send me a dm or a friend request on discord! as always, i'm very happy to answer questions or concerns or just say hello to you all. i have appreciated your love and support and am looking forward to being able to release some exciting things again with these new adjustments. with very much love,  luna 💜
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keigoloveminty · 4 years
Sweet Angel
Bnha Night club AU
I have a suddenly urge to write this x3 Please enjoy it!
Everyones aged up for this !
Chapter 1: Something new to try 
You slammed your head down as you tried not to cry, you were just kicked out of your previous office work, even though it barely paid you,’This is so bad.. ... what am I going to do now!?’,you internally screamed as you scratched your head with both of your hands. You tried to hold back a sob on the papers that screamed ‘You are being relieved from your work, we thank you for your services. Please receive this generous amount of 400,000 yen as thanks’ the money is great an all but you didn’t want to be a burden to your roommates for paying the rent.
You sniffed has you tired to wipe off your tears off while clutching the already wet papers that are now drenched in your tears,”I don't get this! One day they’re are telling me I'm doing great the now I’m being asked to gather all my stuff to cause I’m getting fired. ...”, You placed the papers on the table and walked to the couch and flopped your whole body on it and screamed at a cushion. You friend Ryukyu walked out from the kitchen and gave you a worried expression, she knew you were suddenly fired because you came home crying your eyes out and went straight to your room closing the door quietly. Your roommates including her, Nemuri, Uwabami were quick to try and comfort you, you told them after hours of convincing you to come out and explain but you ended up crying your eyes out while eating your favourite ice cream.
Ryukyu walks to where you were and pats your head,”Maybe this is a sign that you need to try something new, how about that little side Job you do as an artist that takes commissions?”, she says with a soft voice. You looked up form the cushion while sniffling,”I don’t mind that but I don't want to stay cooped up in my room drawing for at least 100+ hours just for commissions, the pays great but mostly all of them are rush orders which is really tiring for me...”, you say. ”Hmmm..Oh! how about streaming?”, She says you tilted your head to the right with a questioning face,”I’m quite shy Ryu-chan and besides it takes awhile to even have a huge fanbase but either way I’m way to shy to even let people see my face anyways...”, this time it was Uwabami’s turn.
“How about working as a model for me? All my models are cool and all but they all have trash attitudes and zero cooperation on shoots”, she huffs as she walks in with two mugs. She hands you a mug,”Its nice and sweet, just how you like your tea”, she smiles. You sat up putting the cushion on you lap and reached for the mug taking a small sip form the tea,”Plus I think you’ll do well as a model with that great body of yours! I’d say you’d do well as a lingerie model”,you almost spit out your tea. You pouted as you looked at her,”I get the ‘Try new things’ but I don’t think putting my body out in billboards or advertisements is too much for me! I’ve done it twice now for you and my coworkers kept asking me if I was working as a part-time model”, you squeaked as you quietly thanked Ryukyu handing a tissue.
“Whaaat? You should flaunt that cute body of yours, besides you're already wearing some of my trial clothings and you look super cute in them already”, she squeals while Ryukyu laughs nervously. Ryukyu was a film director as well as streamer for fun, Uwabami is a fashion designer as well as an online celebrity, and you used to work as a full-time artist that does commissions but decided to try something new and tried to work at a office as someone who basically works their butt off of dozens of papers.
Everyone was user nice and you did considered that you didn't mind working full-time there but after 3 years of serving them you got fired for no specific reason, you were damn sure that you did everything right, learned from your co-workers. You had a suspicion going on that someone who hated you had spread false rumours about you and managed to get to the president which lead you into to being fired. Lastly, is your friend Nemuri, you went sure what her job is, you tired to ask Ryukyu and Uwabami about it but they always say ‘I don’t think you should know..’ or ‘Her work is... something else its like a form of art? But if I tell you it’ll be too much on your soul’ or any answer to redirect your attention.
After 5 years of living together you still didnt know what Nemuri’s job is,”How about working at my job? You should try something wild!”, speak of devil- your friend Nemuri walks out of her room with a towel on her shoulders drying her hair. Ryukyu coughed at her suggestion while Uwabami rolls her eyes at Nemuri,”Nemu I think that work is too much for Y/n, besides thats too wild I don't think y/n will even consider working there even for a week”, she huffs out. Nemuri laughs at this and smirks,”Wanna bet?”, she cheekily says. Before  Uwabami could reply to that Ryukyu was kind enough to step in-between the two,”Stop it you two, we are supposed to be comforting y/n and help her find a job. A job that SHE likes working at”, Ryukyu says while gesturing you to face away for her so she could braid your hair as that clams you down a bit.
Uwabami quickly agrees with Ryukyu,”Yeah! Which means she could work with me as a model for my clothes!”, Ryukyu looks at her a straight face,”A job that y/n doesn't MIND working at for awhile or if your’re lucky she likes the job as your model then she’ll your there full-time”, she says as she returns to braiding your hair. Uwabami sighs sadly grumbling ‘She has a small experience for last time and I think she would do well!’ Nemuri laughs at her friends demise and looks back you,”Theres an open spot for waiters/waitress at my job and plus we have a new rule of no touching the waiters/waitress since that incident. Aaanndd we also have a tight security now! five in every floor, room and in the bar as well!”, she walks in the kitchen to grab a beer.
“Isn't is a bit too early for you to start drinking? Don’t you have work later on?”, Uwabami looks at her with a pout on her face. Nemuri waves her off as she take a huge gulp of her favourite beer,”I could take her there to day for an interview plus! y/n already has great experience cause she works at a cafe before! But I wouldn't force you to do it but then again your always open to trying something new and I think--”, before she could finish her sentence Ryukyu cuts her off,”--its y/n decision to either go with you or work with Uwabami or she looks for other jobs that are open to her or continue doing commissions. It up to y/n to figure out what she wants to do next, also I wouldn't mind letting you work as a graphic designer or be my assistant”, Ryukyu says as she now finishes braiding your hair, she leans back to admire her work.
“Thank you Ryu-chan, I think that calm me down a bit. I'll think about your offers”, you say as you look at your roommates, Uwabami silently celebrates and squeals, ‘What ever you pick I'll respect it’ Ryukyu says softly while patting your head. Nemuri rolls her eye at Uwabami,”You haven’t won anything yet Medusa”, she sneers. Medusa is a name that she uses to insult to Uwabami’s hair but Uwabami doesn't care about but rather likes it cause it suits her,”Like your one to talk, what makes you think y/n would work where you work?! You’ll scare her to death”, Uwabami rolls her eyes and scoff at this,”She’s working as a waitress, Uwabami and the pays actually good since its a really popular place and I wouldn't let her go near ‘That’ place, the no touching the waiters or waitresses rule is basically non existent there since its VIP only”, Nemuri reasons out.
The two went back and worth with reasons and all while silently insulting each other, Ryukyu sighs heavily as she looks at you who was silently watching them roast each other,”Well I’m really curious about where Nemuri works at and she did say there's a spot for a waitress and Ive got some experience when I worked at a cafe before, so I guess its not that different, besides I can't stay cooped up in here working on commissions all day everyday. I wanna try something new!”, you stood up with a determined face as he looked at Nemuri.
Ryukyu laughs nervously at your enthusiasm,’I don’t think thats the right expression your wearing, y/n’,she sweat drops at this Uwabami drops her jaw and lets out a loud groan saddened that you didn’t choose her, Nemuri squeals in excitement and quickly runs to your side and grabbed both of your hands,”You won't regret it, I swear on it! I have to call the Prez. to secure a spot for you”, she lets go of your hands and reaches for her back pocket for her phone.
“Now hold on just a second! Y/n hasn't technically agreed AGREED to fully work there anyway!”,Uwabami shouts clearly annoyed that Nemuri is celebrating early, Nemuri sticks her tongue out like a child. Ryukyu deadpans at their childish behaviour,”As long y/n is safe in working-- like you promised, Nemuri-- then I have no problems with y/n working there-- as a waitress--”, Ryukyu says with s strict voice as she puts emphasis on Nemuri’s name and you working as a server there.
Nemuri visibly shakes in her place clearly excited for you to come with her later and check out the place before it opens, her phone rang a few times till the call comes through,”HEY PREZ.!! I finally found someone that could fill in the spot if the previous waiter who decided to quit... ..Yes... Could she check out the place later before the place opens? OH don’t worry use the door from the back.. okay..SHE CAN!! OKAY I’ll tell her right away!!”, she quickly ends the call and turns to face you with a grin.
“Wear your most comfortable outfit y/n!! Im taking you to my work place in 2 hours!!”, Nemuri quickly run back to her room and slams her door close. She opens it again and looks at Uwabami,”Aaanndd if you want her to still test out your cute clothes my work allows waiter and waitresses to wear what ever they want as long as they have thier server badge around them”, she then closes her door again. Uwabami huffs in complete defeat but grumbles out ‘I guess that kind of a win for me, I’ll make sure to have something she could wear-- super cute too!!’ and goes to her room to scavenge and continue her cute designs for you wear.
Ryukyu looks at you with a serious expression,”Well... . seeing as you've decided on going to that work, I guess I can tell you that this job no regular job sure there's some aspects of serving a person their orders or drinks but it goes sometimes goes beyond that, y/n”, you looked at her with a confused look. “How is it different Ryu-chan? OH! Will you finally tell me what kind of work Nemuri has now?”, you asked excited flapping your arms with excitement, Ryukyu cough nervously and looks at your with her eyebrows furrowed and a small smile,”Erm I think you have to seat down for this one Y/n”.
Its currently 3:26 pm and Nemuri’s work starts at 6:30 pm, you were squirming in your seat as Nemuri drives you both there. You were wearing your most comfortable clothes you could wear a huge jacket that reaches halfway to your knees, leggings and running shoes while Nemuri was wearing a tight fitting dark purple dress that was way to high up her thighs. You already knew what you chose to work at as Ryukyu explained to you back at the house, but then again you have to be accepted into working here but knowing Nemuri she wouldn't hesitate to pull some strings to make them accept you applying there.
‘A stripper club?! I though Nemuri works for a lingerie model... BUT A STRIPPER?! I would've never guess that if Ryukyu did not tell me this..’,you rubbed your arms as you looked at the road ahead of you. Nemuri looks at you through the rear mirror seeing you were feeling unsure,”Hey, were just checking out the place I'm not actually letting you work there right away, we’ll basically give you a tour of the building and at the end of that tour you have to make a decision that your either want to work there full-time or just keep it as an option. But you have like less than a week to decided cause Prez says that there are a lot of people coming in seeing if they could work there, I'm friends with everyone in the building so if anyone tries to get to touchy with you they have to get through me first, got all that?”.
You looked at Nemuri with a small smile not feeling nervous anymore,”So um.. whats it like being a stripper?”, you asked feeling curious. Nemuri grins at your question,”Weellll its kinda fun and art in a way, it also lets me be myself, let out my true self-- not that I cant outside but this place allows me to get down and get wild! And the crowds cheering as well get me going and I do get down and dirty when someone offers it--- cant say no to that and the money as well”, she laughs.
You sat there laughing nervously and looked at the window,’I don't mind working here well not forever but I'd like to just try it out, after all I still have to look for an actual job. Maybe I should just work for an animation studio?’, your mind began to wonder what jobs you should apply at next since the office life just wasn't for you. You were kind of sad cause the people that surrounded you were super sweet and kind-- except that one person-- you’ll miss Shino, Ryuko, Tomoko as well as Yawara (The Pussy cats real names)
But you could always keep in touch with them after all they literally asked you on a hangout this weekend to comfort you, you agreed to it and can't wait to meet them once this week it over and you finally have a grasp of the job you’ll now be working in which in your case you were quite excited as you don’t know how big of a difference being a waitress in a stripper clubs differs from a waitress in cafe. Your legs were jumping in excitement as you pass the third stop light, you could see a building that has all kinds of lights and expensive--like hella expensive-- a few cars parks in the front as well as moving lights,’I-is this how stripper clubs look like?! This place is almost packed and its not even 6:30 pm yet.. .’,You looked at Nemuri with a confused expression.
Nemuri laughs at you as she turns her car to the back part of the building-- that has three floors??-- where workers could park there car there,”We’re here y/n, try not stay close to me this place is quite big and I don’t really want to lose sight of you”, Nemuri easy has she turns off the engine and got out the car and you followed as well. You pulled on your jacket sleeve as you wait for Nemuri while she get her gym bag where she had all her clothes and all her other stuff. She closed her trunk and walked to my side with her gym bag slung on her left arm,”You ready? You know once you walk inside its a whole new world and scene for you, I’m just giving you a tour along with the prez. as well as the rules. You won't start working here unless you sign the papers”, she says as she walks beside you to the back entrance.
You gave her a soft nod as she opens the door to you, as soon as she opened the door a blast of sexy music can be heard-- but a bit muffled-- and the lighting was so dark you could barely see anything if it wasn't for the floor lightings that could guide you,’What the heck-- why is it so DARK HERE?! To be honest Nemuri I'm not sure if I'm in the right place’, you internally cried as you walked right behind her. You made sure to grab the lose sling of her gym bag as to not get lost as waiters and waitresses scamper around to make sure the place was spotless before it opens its doors to the rich people, each of them had this two things around their thighs--wait a second is that ARE THEY CARRYING TWO HUGE ALCHOL BOTTLES?!-- and are those the uniforms you’ll be wearing- this is getting too much.
Your whole body quivered,’Not only this whole place is super- and I mean super expensive looking-- all the people serving here are wearing those kinds or clothes’,You observed the servers running around trying to get ready some were even strong enough to get change at the corner, your guessing they came in late and didn't want their manager to scold them. From what you’ve observed there were some that decided to wear their own outfit with their server badge of course but majority wore the clubs uniforms. “Hey.. Nemuri are we almost there yet?”, you looked at her as you guys were going up the huge stairs to the second floor.
Th structure of the building was honestly new to you, from what you could observe, it has three floors counting the ground floor-- which had a Two small pole stages levelled on each side of the huge pole stage that had a DJ stationed just behind the huge stage. Surrounding the stages had lounges and seating areas for people to watch the performers from, there were railings on the 2nd and 3rd floors to watch the stages on the first floor from above, there were also seats that curved around a super small stage in the center of it,”We’re almost their no need to be nervous! Everyones super nice here”, you laughed nervously,’I’m basically the odd one out here in this place-- Oh please tell me I can wear legging and not shorts to work, PLEASE’,you prayed silently.
You finally reached the managers room at last, you shuffled nervously on you spot as you looked at Nemuri,”Go inside, I'll meet you in her in a second I have to change into my outfit”, she pats your head softly as she walks to the opposite direction. You looked at the sign on top of door ‘Dancers only’ you sighed heavily,”Figures... well here goes nothing.. ..”, you knocked on the door trice and you heard a faint ‘Come in!’, you slowly turned the knob and peaked at the door meekly.
You poked your head out as look inside the room, before you were three people and two of them were in stripper outfits,’I interrupted something didn’t I... GWAHH NEMURI SAVE ME!!!’, you cried internally as the man gestured for you to come inside. You swallowed and stepped inside and closed the door behind you and walked in front of the table,’Don’t look at them, don’t look at them, dont look at them-- will he start or do I have to’, luckily you didn’t have to start the conversation as the-- cute small bear?-- started it for you. “A pleasure to meet you! I’m guessing your’re the new waitress that Nemuri told over the phone, I was just talking to this two about something but I will continue that later seeing that you are here now!”, the manager? jumped down the chair and walked around the huge table to you.
‘Oh my god-- SO CUTE!!! THIS IS THE MANAGER THAT OWNS THE PLACE?!’, you blushed at this, you were cooing how cute the manager was. You held both of your hands on you chest,“N-nice to meet-- YOUUuu?!”, you flinched when someone blew on your left ear. You covered your left ear as you looked the person,”Hello, precious listener”, the person grinned as he looked at you with a playful expression. The person has long silky yellow hair that framed his looks and is wearing a black mesh crop top, yellow tinted glasses, some necklaces, yellow shorts and black boots. You walked backwards only to land against someones chest, the said person held your shoulders softy with his large calloused hands which might be from dancing on the pole.
“Don’t scare her too much Hizashi..”, you flinched at the husky voice behind you--you didn’t know you’d be would be working with a bunch of handsome men-- ‘I don’t know if I should be happy or scared at this.. Nemuri please save me huhuh’, the man that was behind you was wearing a grey mesh top, black leather fingerless gloves, black cargo pants thats tucked in his black combat boots, a few ear piercings and silver chains around his neck. You quickly muttered a ‘Sorry’ and pulled onto your hoodie to hide your flustered state,’NEMURI WHERE ARE YOU HUHUHUHUHUH’, you internally cried. The prez laughed at your flustered self,”Sorry about them! The one who blew on your ear is Hizashi, his stage name is Present Mic and this other fellow here is Aizawa, Eraserhead is his stage name”, the prez says as he taps your leg.
You peaked out from your hoodie to look down at him, he smiles softy,”Your quite shy but thats okay!I can tell your’re going to be a breath of fresh air here at the UA club!”, he laughs softly and all you could do was nod softly, the two strippers in room the can agree to that.
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qcsuwm · 4 years
Week 1 - About Me
My name is Quinn Stephens. I am currently a sophomore at UWM and a DVC major. I am from a suburb of Chicago but thankfully am able to live near campus this semester. Although I am very sad that all of my classes are online, I am trying to make the best of an awkward situation. I even tried to set up my own at home studio to make a more artistic environment. I have recently been purchasing many items where design is a deciding factor, specifically for my at home studio. My chairs, shelving, and storage are a few examples of those purchases. I am definitely ready to start this semester!
As a requirement for my major, it is necessary for me to take this course. However, I am super excited to finally dive into the world of design. I loved all of my classes last year within the first-year program, however I’m ready to focus in on my major and learn what it means to be a designer. Ever since I was young, I have had a passion for art. I owe a lot of my knowledge and passion to my dad. He is the reason I have grown an interest in this field. My dad received his BFA at Loyola University Chicago and is currently an architect in the city. With a strong portfolio, my dad was originally a graphic designer. He worked on many projects and with different companies to create some very cool stuff.  My dad has taught me new techniques, showed me famous designers, and frequently introduces me to new and exciting ideas. We often go to each other for advice on work or small critiques.
By the time I was in high school, I was balancing my passion for art and my love for sports. Originally, I was going to play soccer at the collegiate level and make art a secondary priority. Unfortunately, I tore my ACL and was unable to fulfill that dream. After my injury, I put all of my focus into art. The more effort and energy I put into my creations, the more I realized that I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. I still love to play soccer, but I consider that injury a blessing. Without it, who knows where or who I’d be... Thankfully I ended up at PSOA and am pursuing art as a career.
When it comes to relevant experience, I have not yet interned at a company or worked for someone in the graphic design field. However, I know what it is like to work with clients. Over the past few years, I have had many commissions and people asking for artistic help. Usually the process takes a lot of back and forth communication, time, and commitment. From portraits, to drawings and even logo designs, I understand how to successfully work with someone on a project to accomplish their needs. I do plan on becoming an intern soon, but truthfully, I am unsure of what the future holds with the current state of our world.
My inspiration usually comes from anything and everything. On projects last year, a lot of my inspiration came from my family and/or hometown. However, my favorite topic/source of inspiration is the city. Either Chicago or Milwaukee, I am amazed by everything. The people, the art, and the architecture all inspire me to start creating. There is a never-ending flow of possibilities within the city and I love being a part of it.
Overall, I am very excited to start this semester and take this class. After reading the syllabus and watching the introduction video, I already know I will gain a lot from this class.
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vorstigon · 6 years
A small fic inspired by @donitkitt ​‘s incredible Aftermath AU (thank yaa), because omg am I speechless. I adore it so much, a true treasure for both angst and fluff, ahhh.
TW: a bit of graphic imagery, a bit of swearing, torture flashback and a depressed turtle boi. Also, sorry for any stupid mistakes. Alas, English isn't my first language, and tenses can be pain in the ass. 
First Struggles.
A horrific view in front of him.
Someone is screaming.
Is it Donnie?
Watch. Watch. See them!
He saw a figure he loathed. He gave it a sharp, penetrating stare of pure hate.
His surroundings were becoming a blur.
He couldn't see them. Everything was dark.
Leonardo woke up hyperventilating, his body was shaking uncontrollably. If he could, he would have hissed, forced himself to take control over his own body. He knew he couldn't.
Once the first flash had been subsumed by his eyes, he wasn't in control.
He wondered if he ever would.
Saying stop to the ifs might be a good start. There's no need for those ifs any longer.
The trembling dark green shape – his right hand, he presumed – managed to detach itself from the thigh, slowly shaking its way towards the scratched plastron, aiming to land on his aching heart. Just breath.
But was there really a reason to breath? He managed to hit the rock bottom. He failed the team as a leader, but most notably, he failed his own little brothers. That what irony is, right? Years of balancing being both: a good leader and older brother and failing both simultaneously. 
His brothers.
Leo's right palm squeezed the left side of his chest, slightly brushing the heartache away. A deep breath was taken, he took control over his body.
Standing up was another challenge – his body felt sore. Shouldn't come as an eye-opener, he remarked to himself darkly, pun intended; there was a lot of throwing up yesterday. The image of Donatello's right arm – the lack of it, rather – has nearly caused him to stumble. That cracked bone, mess of muscle tissue, vigorously bleeding arteries… Blood. So much blood.
He shook his head.
Huh, as if shaking would help his mind stop projecting the disturbing imagery. The anguished sounds Donnie made once pain became unbearable; they fulfilled the silence after solid "No" had been spilled to Bishop's face. Raph's angry voice, swearing and trying to protect the younger brother, despite the cuts all over his body and a bleeding eye. Mikey's impulsive shaking and shrieks of terror and cries, as Donnie's blood touched his face. Mikey's eyes couldn't move away from the horror unfolding in front of him, no matter how hard Leo tried to make the youngest look at him – anywhere, really. And Leo failed even at this seemingly doable task. He failed all of them.
He blamed himself for finding his brother's injuries "disturbing", too. That's a way too simple word for it. Those so-called injuries will stay with them forever. And it was all his fault. The least he can do is to help them.
He has to breathe.
With a muffled grunt, Leonardo shook his head again and headed towards the door. The blue mask was hanging loosely on his neck, his body was gearless. The door slowly opened, revealing a small crack of the completely dark room. A cat-like, focused and sharp blue eye showed itself. Leo cursed, as the lair's main light appeared to be way too bright for his peculiar eye. Besides, everything has become a blur to him anyway. He closed both of his eyes, trying to focus on other senses. He found out that his senses were no good either, but he will work on it, sharpen them like the only intact blade he had been left with. Surprisingly, this blade has managed to survive through everything.
At first, he directed his senses on the nearest open space – their living room. Gladly, his memory was more precise than his eyesight. Leo erased the image, focusing only on his hearing. He could hear the static emitting from TV, also managing to pick up the sound of plates slightly drifting like layers as they contacted with each other. Someone was in the kitchen, cooking as it sounded. This calmed Leo down to a certain point, creating a familiar, soothing and cosy feeling of the past… Yes, their rather peaceful past before… Before. And Leo would be damned if he would have allowed himself to forget any little detail of what had happened to them. He would not fall for this illusion. Though curiosity was still a strong feeling, Leo wanted to check who was in the kitchen.
And since he was definitely safe for now, he could try to figure this out on his own.
The first one to check was Mikey. Leo silently opened the door, warm relief spread over his body as he felt the youngest laying on the bed. Sadly, there's also been a feeling of anxiety radiating from Mikey's sleeping, slightly trembling form. Leo would have woken him up, but as long as his brother wasn't haunted by the intolerable nightmares and actually gets some sleep… He would leave him be and be ready in case his assistance would be needed. Besides, Klunk has always been the best emotional support for Mikey, and now she sensed the itching feeling of being needed more than ever. The orange cat stretched and squished itself over Mikey's plastron, purring loudly, calming him down. 
Leo mimicked his earlier movements, silently exciting the room.
He then directed his attention on the med-bay nearby Don's room, as Donatello for sure would have been there. Out of commission, growled Leo darkly in his head. Once they had managed to break free, meeting with the rescue team, Donnie couldn't handle the pain any longer and passed out. He hasn't woken up ever since. Leo suspected that to happen since they were rescued about three days ago? Was it three already? Or more? It felt like yesterday, everything was way too vivid. 
Leonardo could barely see the shape of his pale brother lying on the medical bed. His legs and left hand had been strapped to it, Leo could barely remember holding unconscious Donnie down, as April and Splinter were trying to fix… What still could be fixed. They were trying to ease the pain and stop any chance of potentially lethal infection which might come with such a major injury.
Leo signed with relief, sensing steadiness in Donnie's breathing. He shut the door behind himself, slightly smiling and feeling less nauseous.
Moving his snoot slightly, he sniffed intensely, slowly making his way towards the kitchen. A very familiar smell enwrapped him with its strong concentration, though he could only pick up eggs and ham mostly, knowing Raph, cheese would be present as well. Being in such vulnerable state Leo wanted to smell everything. Every single ingredient, the amount of pepper and salt added, and be able to predict location of his brother by the sound he makes. Before walking in, Leo would say that Raph was standing nearby the coffee machine, it was next to the oven so that he could see everything that's going on with the omelette. Raph really didn't like being teased by Mikey if the omelette was even a bit over-fried. His own fault; shouldn't have taunted Mike all the time about getting slightly burned up food.
Memories. Leo wanted to fuse with them, instead of picturing them as an image of what he and his dear brothers used to be. He was starting to hate those goddamn overwhelming memories. If they were to recover, he should not allow himself to melt within their melancholic peacefulness. There was nothing peaceful about what had happened to them.
Once he stepped into the kitchen, he loudly tsk'ed, annoyed with himself as his damn senses were apparently non-existent. Raph wasn't standing near the coffee machine. Not a big deal, he would have normally said, but now, with this disability – a reminder of his failure – this mistake made him as angry as he was at Bishop. Twisted fucker. Leonardo cannot afford to stay as weak as he had been, in his memory. Such a failure deserves to go blind, and this will be and stay as a reminder. From now on, he must train harder, way harder than he ever did.
"N' good mornin' to ya as well, brother," said Raph, his words were soft. Leo could have sworn that his usually smug brother has smiled as wide as ever once he saw him. Leo waved in return. "Wanna have breakfast now?" continued Raph, noticing tension radiating from his older brother, but didn't react on it.
"Let's wait for Mikey." quietly replied Leo, placing a comforting hand on Raph's shoulder, receiving a nod from the latter. 
In all honesty, he wasn't up to another session of puking today. Yesterday has gotten that nasty privilege already. But he was certainly up for some training. Of course, if "some" meant 'the state of mere consciousness'. With that, he left Raph alone, Leo's eyes flashed with confidence and determination, as he tightly clenched his fists, heading towards the dojo.
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granvarones · 5 years
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Since last August, we have been working hard to make this Gran Varones Fellowship happen. When we launched Gran Varones on this date exactly five years ago, it has been our commitment to build power at the community level. It was this very commitment that inspired us to launch the Gran Varones Positive Digital Arts Fellowship. Gran Varones was awarded a grant (our very first!) from ViiV Healthcare to launch a year-long (March 2019 – January 2020) national fellowship to develop the leadership of a cohort of six HIV positive Latinx Gay, Queer, Trans and Bisexual Men ages 21-35. This cohort of creatives will be supported with resources to combat HIV stigma and promote family acceptance in Latinx communities through digital storytelling, community building and cultural organizing.
Through an online application process, we received responses from brilliant applicants from all over the country. Narrowing the list down to six people was almost impossible. In fact, we were originally budgeted to select five fellows but decided on six because, well, why not? 
We selected six brilliant creatives from just as many cities. We prioritized creatives who are new to the digital organizing and/or storytelling space. And after sharing time and space with them during our first of two convenings a few weeks ago, we are excited about all of the magic that they will be creating as individuals and as a cohort. 
In addition to creating content for GV, each fellow will organize a community-based event. This will expand our commitment of building power through storytelling by making it even more accessible. These six fellows are going to create a new earth! Here are the six Gran Varones Positive Digital Arts Fellowship:
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Carlos Moreno (He/They) Los Angeles, CA
A Gemini in his 28th year of existence, Carlos is a proud Chicanx living his truth as an HIV Positive Queer person from Tucson, Arizona. A product of migration, this first generation being strives to make a helpful and lasting impact on the HIV/AIDS community, both globally and locally. He has stood alongside others in the fight against HIV/AIDS in prevention and as well as in care. Unscathed by stigma, He has navigated the last ten years of his life by reclaiming any animosity he's faced and turned it into a therapeutic artistic expressions. A natural introvert himself, Carlos has struck chords with folks using simple imaging and messaging, leaving faces shocked, surprised, amused, or not in agreement, but definitely began a conversation. Carlos wants nothing more than for other Poz folk to join in on this ARTivism movement, share their experiences and connect with others so that we don’t all feel alone, especially Queer and Trans people of Color. It has been a dream of his to see there be space for distributing such products at events where other LGBTQ/Hetero/ HIV/AIDS information is being accessed. Carlos believes that it is important that people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS have access to the same empowering messages the HIV Negative and prevention communities do, that they are equally represented with pride and equity. Without a real push for some financial assistance, these items may only be limited to the creator and not have the opportunity to help inspire other Poz communities to flourish.
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José A. Romero (He/They) Durham, NC
is an abolitionist organizer, immigrant defense strategist, and Poz Poet living in Durham, NC. The first in their bio-family born in the “US”, José is the descendant of working-class immigrants from Morazán, El Salvador and Michoacán, Mexico. Born in Washington State and raised between there and Michoacán, José’s political awakening arose while witnessing kindred femmes undo misogyny and while learning English to confront the borders their family endures. José moved to Philadelphia to attend the University of Pennsylvania where they were active in movements to confront anti-blackness/homophobia. In Durham they use their research background and direct-action experience to honor past, present, and future radical ancestors. Inspired by apocalypse and alchemy, José’s abolitionist organizing for black/brown flourishing includes work with Durham Beyond Policing, Durham’s Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee, and various immigrant/queer/trans defenders. They have worked on anti-deportation/sanctuary cases across NC and are a proud member of Southerner’s on New Ground working to end money bail, abolish ICE, and pleasurably undo anti-blackness in Latinx communities. José is currently Directing the first Latinx Southern Regional Health conference for the National Latino Commission on AIDS. They’re working on two collections of poetry titled ICEBREAKERSand POZITIVE. They are the host of an open mic series and queer friendship/dating party collectively called MELT. They make their money working at a queer punk bar, as an interpreter, and as a consultant. You can find/book them at @PupusaPapi_27 on Instagram and @RomeroFlux on Twitter. José dreams of curating an Arabic/Mandarin/Spanish exhibit/mixtape as well as opening and inviting y’all to a mobile Freedom School dedicated to astrobiology, pupusas, synesthesia, and uprising.
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J. Aces Lira (He/Him/His) Chicago, IL
Aces Lira is an MSW/MA graduate student in Women Studies and Gender Studies at Loyola University Chicago. As a Research Assistant, he is based in the US Regional Network within the International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience (INQYR) and is getting a foot in the door on all things research-related. Outside of the books, Aces orchestrates portraits along with art through different mediums and also lives for National Park excursions.
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Marci Garcia (He/Him/His) Brownsville, TX
Sometimes life feels just like one of those theatrical plays or big screen movies; a bunch of dialogue, drama, adventure, tragedy and tears, and a lot of laughter and happy moments as well, all combined. My movie opens in Mexico, born and raised until the age of 10. I was a lucky boy that grew up in a very loving family; abuelos, tios, primos and my beautiful parents and brother always by my side. Still, I was a lonely kid. A kid that knew he was different and had a very a hard time fitting in, all the way through high school and college years. Never an obstacle to aspire to go out in the world and follow my dreams though. Today, I feel I am blessed and thankful to life for being different. I didn’t choose to be who I am, I just got lucky. Throughout my professional career I have wanted to find the place where I know I am not only getting a paycheck but also making a positive difference somehow. Again, through life’s unique way of arranging things I believe I have found that. I am currently part of an extraordinary non-profit organization whose goal is to provide sexual education, HIV prevention and wellness services to the community of South Texas. Being here truly inspires me to become more involved, gain knowledge and to help out combat the HIV stigma that is still out there. I know because I see it, I hear it, I live it. I believe I am working for this agency for a reason. I believe I am ready to accept and say who I am, what I am and what I aspire to become.
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Dimetri O’Brien (He/Him/His) Washington, DC
Strategic, multidisciplinary designer & social media coordinator with a spirit for service & innovation born in Port of Spain Trinidad with roots in Jackson, MS . Dimetri has worked with a multitude of clients on projects ranging from graphic design to consultation & management and although his skill set is vast, his greatest expertise revolves in the worlds of programming for YMSM ages 18-29, social media, brand identity design, content creation and print collateral. Dimetri currently serves as a communications assistant in Washington, DC managing communications and branding for a national non-profit agency. His graphic design portfolio can be viewed at "dimmydoesit.com"
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Raúl Xavier Ramos (He/Him/His/They/Them/Theirs) Brooklyn, NY
Raúl is a 26-year-old Boriqueer social justice organizer based out of Brooklyn, New York. Using graphic design and performance art as forms of accessible political education , Raúl is dedicated to the liberation of all queer and Gender Non-conforming people of color, persons with disabilities, and those that experience realities in ways the culture would call "mentally ill." Healing justice is at the center of Raúl's work, having become Poz at the turning point of his adult life. He is unapologetic in how he loves and in the ways he fights for justice.
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buttsonthebeach · 6 years
Beach’s December Commissions!
Hi everyone! It’s that holiday time of year and I am excited to write about your babies, or to write about your friends’ babies if you want to give them a gift! I am guaranteeing delivery by Christmas for this round, and I am opening my usual 2 full scene slots and 3 drabble slots.
I know things are up in the air with Tumblr, but I have no intention of disappearing suddenly. I am keeping an eye out to see where the majority of the fandom is going. In any case, if you commission me, you have my email ([email protected]) and you can find me on Discord (under the same name), so you will 100% still get your commission!
See below for prices, and under the cut for the nitty gritty details.
$15 Drabble - 500-750 words, SFW or NSFW. This will be a more “focused” moment in time, or a stream-of-consciousness-y character/relationship study.
Examples: “Swearing” (NSFW, 300 words); “The First Time” (500 words). “Keeping Tabs” for @ladynorbert and “Begin Again” for @laskulls are also in this category.
$40 Full Scene - 2000-5000 words, SFW or NSFW. This will be a more full scene with a beginning-middle-end arc.
Examples: “Never Alone,” an NSFW fic trade for @hansaera that is 5000 words. “Nights in Silk” for @smuttine was my first commission in this category! Most of my other one-shots and prompt fills also fall into this range. You can check them out on my Solavellan or Marian x Merrill masterposts.
If you want something that falls between these two lengths/concepts (like “A Closed Loop,” which I did for @thevikingwoman), we can talk about it and I can give you a quote.
I will write:
- For the Dragon Age fandom. I have played all 3 games several times and while there are some characters I have not written much, I am willing to talk about any of them. I am most experienced with Inquisition characters.
- Smut! Please see below for what kinks I am not comfortable with.
- Fluff! Domestic fluff, parental fluff, friendship fluff.
- Angst! Let’s make our hearts hurt together.
I will NOT write:
- Underage (especially nothing with any pedophilic tones, and nothing where one character is an adult and another is not), incest, and noncon. This includes rape fantasies, even if they are consensual.
- I’m comfortable with some Dom/Sub dynamics, but full on master/slave dynamics are not quite my thing. I also don’t know how well I’d do with a full on humiliation kink, but we can discuss it.
- Anything involving bathroom functions as part of sexual play.
- Anything that changes a queer character to a straight character. I am willing to consider changes in the other direction (writing Cassandra gay/bi, etc).
- Graphic violence/torture, angst for the sake of torturing a character
- Something that I consider to be grossly out of character for a canon character.
- Anything that makes me truly uncomfortable, but is not listed there.
How it works:
- Message me here on Tumblr with the basic idea for your story, and I will let you know if I have a slot available and think I can pull it off.
- If I accept the commission, I will send you a PayPal invoice with all details. Then you will email me all of your details!! Feel free to send aesthetics, pictures, moodboards, and any backstory that you think would be relevant to the story you want, as well as a full description of what you want.
- Once I receive payment, I will start writing.
- I will probably ask you a ton of questions as I write, and I will send you a draft to read and comment on once I am done. Please be patient! I work full time, and I want to make sure your story is perfect. Drabbles will be done quickly, but full scenes will not.
- If you want the story to be public, I will post it here on Tumblr and tag you, and you can reblog it. It’s totally fine if you want it to be private, though!
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The Coffee Shop Girl - Sebastian Stan x Reader
Request: „something cute with Seb Stan“ by anon, here you go.<3
Plot: Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie play wingmen for Sebastian withouth him knowing.
Word Count:1.278
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It was another morning in Atlanta, and you were picking up your coffee from your go-to coffeeshop, the barista greeted you and went straight to preparing your drink, already knowing your order.
When the barista gave you your coffee you smiled thankfully and tipped them well, the man had turned his attention back to the counter, so you left to sit outside, not thinking more of this encounter. As usual, the outside table on the left was free, so you sat down with your coffee and opened your laptop to start working. As a freelance graphic artist, you could mostly work from home, and in the spring- and summertime, you loved to take your work outside, it allowed you to see outside of your four walls and to gain inspiration from the buzzing city life. Opposite of the coffee shop was a film set, it had been there for a while now, and now and then you stole some glances to see what was going on. They were filming the new Avengers movie „Infinity War“, and you couldn‘t deny you were intrigued, you had watched all of the previous MCU movies and enjoyed them mostly, so it was exciting to catch an inside glance every now and then, when there weren‘t fans around to block the way.
You had never seen the actors up close, but you had been able to spot most of them and identify them at some point. Chris Evans or Captain America had grown a beard, and Sebastian Stan, also known has Bucky, had grown his hair even longer for the role, which you, although from a distance, found to look very attractive on him. But as much as you enjoyed to see what was going on around you, you had a big commission from an important client that you needed to finish.
You seemed to be doing fine, you had a lot of ideas coming and had already gotten a lot done, when you received a document via AirDrop, titled „Hello there :)“. Your first instinct was to turn AirDrop off, you hadn‘t realized you had left it on in public and you knew how dangerous it could be. However, curiosity got the best of you, so you opened it:
„This is to the y/h/c beauty in the coffee shop across the street. There is someone here who would like to meet you, but is too shy to admit it. He has noticed you sitting there over the last few and would like to get to know you better.“
You chuckled at the words, wondering who this mysterious message came from, and, even though it seemed wildly out of character for you to even consider it, if you should try to find out.
You opened a new document and typed: „Who is it that wants to talk to me?“
You were surprisingly impatient to receive the reply, but when you did, you opened it immediately, taken aback by your own eagerness.
„Why don‘t you take the first step, come over to the set and find out? :)“
So it was someone from the movie set. You hadn‘t expected this, and now you were a bit hesitant. You knew none of these people, and you really had no idea what to say even if you went over, but after what seemed like an eternity of trying to just continue your project and getting the idea out of your head, you slowly came to terms with the fact that this wouldn‘t let you go, so you sighed, put your laptop in your bag and slowly walked over to the giant movie set, realizing that you had no idea at all what you were doing or what to expect, maybe, or even quite possibly, they wouldn‘t let you in.
When you walked past the side of the set, you heard snickering, then, someone walked out from behind a trailer, it seemed to be Chris Evans walking towards you. „You actually came.“, he beamed, hiding a laugh, gesturing for the security that you were with him, when he gestured for you to come in. „I... came.“, you replied, slowly walking towards him. You had expected cameramen, someone from the crew, but you didn‘t expect... Chris. He confidently walked towards you and held out his hand. „I‘m Chris, but you would probably be more interested in meeting my friend Sebastian.“, he said, excitedly peeking behind the trailer, so you followed his glance and saw a black man, who must be Anthony Mackie, pulling on someones arm, but that someone wasn‘t yet in your line of sight.
„This is stupid, Anthony, and you know it.“, you heard a voice complain, chuckling at the thought that this might be Sebastian, and realizing that he probably hadn‘t agreed to the airdrop messages. „She probably won‘t even...“, Anthony had now pulled Sebastian out, and when his eyes met yours, he stopped. And so did you. He was beautiful, you couldn‘t deny that, but you could also see that he was painfully uncomfortable.
„It‘s you.“, he said in disbelief, and while Chris and Anthony were visibly trying to hold back laughter, you blushed at his sight. He truly was gorgeous, and you had trouble grasping that he was the one that wanted to meet you. This must‘ve been a joke. „Listen“, you began, „if this was all a joke, it was very entertaining.“, you fiddled with your hands.
For a few seconds, no one said anything, Chris and Anthony were walking back to set, patting Sebastians shoulder on their way. Now the two of you were standing there, avoiding each others glances. „It‘s not.“, you heard Sebastians croaky voice. „It‘s not a joke, I mean... I-I just wasn‘t the one who initiated this.“, you understood, he didn‘t want this, he‘d probably had no idea, so you turned to leave.
„That... that doesn‘t mean it wasn‘t true though.“, his voice got louder, so you stopped and turned around. „I saw you in the coffee shop the other day, with your laptop. You‘re... you‘re really pretty. Beautiful. And that you actually showed up shows that you‘re up for spontaneous fun, which is lovely.“, Sebastian ran one hand through his hair, eyes directed at the floor, laughing nervously. „I probably would never have talked to you if it wasn‘t for Chris and Anthony.“, he admitted, and now he dared to steal a glance at you.
You gave him a small smile, you thought his rambling was pretty cute, and it made you blush. „That would‘ve been a shame, you know. You‘re... pretty interesting yourself.“, when you realized how your nervous confession came out, you wanted to take everything back, „Oh, no, that‘s not how I meant it, I meant... good-looking... intriguing... you know.“, you chuckled nervously and he took a step closer to you.
„How about we have a coffee together tomorrow? My treat. I can‘t let someone like you sit there all by yourself. And I would enjoy some company for breakfast.“, he winked at you. „Sure“, you said, blushing even more at the gesture, and he beamed.
„Tomorrow at 7, then. Milk, two sugars, am I right?“
„You are.“, you were surprised he knew your order, how often has he been in the shop and you haven‘t noticed? „You‘re quite something, Sebastian.“
A/N: Hope you liked it! Requests are Open!<3
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houseofvans · 6 years
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Painter, muralist, and Chicago based artist Keith Smith aka Afrokilla is always painting and creating cool murals all around Chicago. Not too long ago we featured Keith in our Mural Mondays | Afrokilla post, highlighting his cool mandala inspired murals, using geometric shapes and patterning, so we’re excited to talk to the man behind the murals about his background, process, and what his favorite things are to draw and paint.
Photographs courtesy of the artist. 
Could you introduce yourself? Hey y’all name is Keith Smith. I go by the artist name Afrokilla. Yes, I have an afro. Yes you can touch it. I am a painter, muralist, and community art activator in Chicago. Every day I paint. It is my full time job as an independent artist, and I absolutely love it. Something people may not know about me is that I have never been out of the country (USA). I recently got my passport, so I’m looking to change that this year!
Where you based out of and what do you love most about the city you live in? I am based out of Chicago, Illinois. What I love most about my city is the super welcoming art community. For the longest time I was involved with graphic design and just wasn't finding a “crowd” in that scene, and once I started to immerse myself into the painting scene, it was way more open, friendly, and adaptable to express myself. I learned very quickly from other people I had looked up to for years.
Can you tell us a little about your art background?  Were you self taught or did you study art in school? I am self taught with drawing and painting 100%. I was one of the only artists from my hometown in Iowa, where I grew up. I came to Chicago to attend art school (Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago) majoring in Graphic Design. I thrived in the “mock-up” category when it came to critiques, haha.  After I received my bachelor’s degree, I worked for a brand marketing consultant firm downtown for 2 years before my transition into full time painting and mural excecution thoughout the city. That was the prominent “flip-flop” era in my career that I have never looked back on.
Who were some of your early artistic influences? Who are your artistic influences nowadays? I’ve had many many many influences thoughout my career... so i will just focus only the handful of Chicago street artist’s / muralist’s who inspired me to leave that marketing job to pursue art full time. Jeff Zimmerman, Sentrock, JC Rivera, Max Sansing. And it’s crazy how things work out. I've been lucky enough to work alongside of all of these artists to this day. It’s truly a blessing.
What are some of your favorite things to draw and why? Favorite things for me to draw would definitely be illustrated characters. I’ve been drawing them since I was obsessed with Dragonball Z at age 11. When I am drawing these characters, I’ll either get commissioned for a mural and have to come up with them to relate to the theme of the job, or I’ll whip up a few new ones when I am bored in the studio. Either way, it becomes such an expressive practice where the end result becomes something I would have NEVER thought I could come up. Like seriously, I've drawn dog aliens skateboarding inside of a bread bun portal before... like wtf???
How do you get started on a piece? How do your ideas take shape from start to completion? I literally just go man... When I started my painting debut in the city I was heavily involved with live painting so that totally forced me to just start throwing colors up and finding shapes and a groove I could settle with from there. Those “happy accidents” from a painting session have easily become some of my best work. It all starts with just tossing some paint on that canvas then keeping things organic and fun.
What do you use mainly to create your art? Tools?  Is there a medium you’d like to try out some day? I pretty much just use acrylic, latex and spray paint. I primarily combine brush paint with spray paint to get different fade effects. I've been told by other local established artists to try out air brushing sometime. It’s basically the happy medium between the acrylic + spray mediums, but I have yet to round up the gear. Maybe someday I'll give it a shot, but for now I like getting the arm workout with tossing paint literally everywhere, haha.
What’s something you can pass along art tip wise? What’s something you’d like to pass along to folks? The only art tip I can pass on is redundant… DON’T STOP.  Every single painting I make to this day, I’ve hit a wall where I’m like, okay is this too much? Is it not enough? What am I even doing? And you know what, if you're even questioning yourself like that, your obviously not satisfied so just keep going and you will surprise yourself. When you are finished with your work, you will know. The stars align in the most beautiful ways if you truly trust yourself with the process.
What are you inspired by and how do you keep fresh? What happens on your days off? Skateboarding 100%. It has given me knowledge of urban sub cultures, sense of self that has evolved my true character and overall, a vibrant visual stimulation that inspires me to create freely. I would be nowhere without skateboarding.
What are you listening to when you’re working on a mural or sketching? Hip hop is my #1 influence. From the beats to the flow, it has carried me through so many sessions. Soul music for the soul, baby!
What are your favorite Vans? My favorite Vans (right now) are the Ultra Cush HD Slip-Ons with the toe cap. Perferably that Maroon colorway. Literally the best shoe ever.
What advice would you give someone who wants to do what you do? Have passion and trust that you won't fuck up.
What’s coming up for you the rest of the year? I am aiming to release a coffee bag with Dark Matter coffee (locally made in Chicago) later this summer so that is super exciting. Live painting at music festivals is always a thing I have coming up during the summer– main ones being Lollapalooza and North Coast Music festival. Other than that, doing murals for local businesses and for the public to stay busy. There are a lot of beautiful things in the horizon for me, and it feels like I am just getting started.
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theresalikesbooks · 5 years
Hey everyone! I am so incredibly excited because today is my first day as host for Bookending Spring 2019!  Starting today, and going through Wednesday, I’ll be sharing some super fun and springy posts.
For today’s prompt, I’m going to be doing an original tag that I’m calling the Easter Time Book Tag!  This is my first time doing a tag, and I’m super excited to share it with you all, and hopefully you’ll join in on the fun and do this, too!
Also, just a little disclaimer, I realize that there are other Easter/spring book tags floating around, so I just wanted to say that if some of the prompts are similar, I apologize and it was totally unintentional! Anything similar is purely coincidental! 😅
Alrighty, here we go!
Answer the prompts.
Tag some friends.
Link back to this post, and be sure to mention the creator (Theresa @ The Calico Books)
Have fun!
Jane of Lantern Hill by LM Montgomery is such a delightful novel.  However, I feel like it is such an underrated story.  Anne of Green Gables and Emily of New Moon are much more well known LM Montgomery novels.  So, when I discovered and read this book, it truly was like finding a hidden gem!
I just recently finished reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, and what an amazing debut novel!  I cannot wait to read what this author writes next.  I’m fairly certain I felt every single emotion while reading this book!  It is one I will not be forgetting anytime soon.
I recently finished reading Regal Hearts: Season Two by Livy Jarmusch, and it was so good!  I have been loving the Regal Hearts series so much and cannot wait to read season three!
Library book sales are one of my favorite things.  There are always so many amazing books there for super cheap prices!  Two of my favorite purchases were a copy of The Program by Suzanne Young for $0.25, and a gorgeous, vintage, hardcover copy of Gone with the Wind for $0.75!
The Way You Make Me Feel by Maurene Goo was such a sweet and enjoyable read.  I really loved everything about this book, from the friendships, romance, and atmosphere, this book was so fun!
Okay, I’m going with the cliche answer and I’m going to say the Bible.  My faith is really important to me, and even though I love the fun stuff about springtime and Easter, the Biblical significance is extremely important to me.  The Bible truly has changed my life and shaped me into the person I am today.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier was filled with so many surprises!  While reading this book, I audibly gasped a few times, because there were just so many wild and unexpected things that happened in this book!
I tag:
Abbey @ Three Cats and a Girl
Kimberly @ Bookish Kimberly
Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads
Jess @ The Book of Jess
Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books
and, of course, YOU!
And there you have it!  This was so much fun writing and creating this tag and the graphics.  I really hope you all enjoyed this post.
Thank you all so much for reading this! I look forward to hearing your answers!!
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It's my first day as a host for #BEspring2019! 🎉 Today I'm sharing the Easter Time Book Tag! I can't wait to see what you think! 😁 | #bookblogger #booktag #blogtag #easter #spring #eastertimebooktag Hey everyone! I am so incredibly excited because today is my first day as host for…
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dulceskull · 6 years
September Patreon Announcement & Tier Info
General info about how my Patreon works, plans for it, and all the reward tier goodies!
Hello everyone!
Late August has been full of all kinds of things happening! I finally got around to launching not one, but TWO Patreon channels: Dulce Skull and Dulce After Dark. Dulce Skull is for everything and anything regarding my standard works, as well as the graphic novel that I’ll be starting on soon, titled “Pink Sugar.” (Remember all those pink-skinned demon babes? Yeah!) Dulce After Dark, however, is all of my mature content that’s rated mature, 18+ and up for those of you who are into the spicier things. Both of these channels have their own sets of rewards and an equal amount of love stuffed into them, and I’m excited to watch them grow!
First of all, thank you so much for having kindness in your heart and for supporting my art, and my livelihood. It means more to me than I can possibly explain, but I don’t want to get too mushy just yet. (Let’s get to know each other first!)
That being said! At the beginning of this month, September, I am going to start working on the monthly tier rewards for everyone. This includes lots of really cool things that I’m super excited to begin. However, just to make sure that everything is comprehensible, I’m going to go over everything and summarize it for everyone!
So, let’s talk Tier Rewards!
ACCESS TO HIGH-RESOLUTION ART: Files that I post to social media are slightly lower-res, and have my watermark on them. Files uploaded to Patreon will be 300 DPI and unmarked, which makes them perfect for viewing! In regards to tutorials on coloring and processes, this will also include high-quality PSD file uploads as well. This last part will be especially helpful if you’d like some kind of guidelines for making art! You’ll be able to see how I sort my files and the inner clockwork of all my stuff.
ACCESS TO LIVE STREAMS: This is still a work in progress that I’m hoping to get figured out soon. I’ve got a twitch channel figured out and ready to go, it just needs a tad bit of tweaking on it. I’m going to try to get this started as soon as possible, and when I do, it’s going to be pretty neat! I’ll post links to the streams when I’m online, and I’ll try to keep it some kind of consistent schedule so that everyone knows ahead of time when they’re happening. Here, we’ll be able to chat, listen to music, and you can make requests and watch me draw them in real time. Afterwards, I’ll post all of the requests on the channel so you can find the stuff I made for you!
(Side Note: If either of my channels reach a certain amount of patrons, I definitely already have a Discord server prepped and ready to go for such a special occasion!)
CUTE MINI DOODLES: Artsy shit posts. I’ll find your OCs. I’ll find your favorite ships. I’ll find something you cherish and I’ll draw the best/worst sketchy doohicky for it and send it to you in the middle of the night, unprovoked, just so you wake up the next morning and see that Gay Art Santa Claus Alex has left you something? What’ll it be? Who knows!
EXCLUSIVE SHOP COUPONS: Exactly what it says on the tin. Every month, I’ll release a new coupon code for my online shop that will have a really good deal on it!
COMMISSION QUEUE PRIORITY: My girlfriend suggested this. Isn’t she cool? I love her. Anyway, “Commission Queue Priority” is fairly simple. If your patreon tier has this smacked on it, it essentially means that any commission from you will automatically be bumped to the front of the line. Wait time? Pfft. A thing of the past now! Get your custom art within a matter of a few days! Boom!
SKETCH REQUESTS: If this is in your tier, feel free to message me at any point of the month and ask for one free sketch of ….. Whatever! It’s yours. Just call me Fairy Gaymother.
SPECIAL POSTCARDS/MINI PRINTS: For those of you who will be receiving these, make sure I’ve got your address! Every month in the mail, you’ll receive a special, super-exclusive, super cool mini print courtesy of yours truly. The artwork itself will be posted online, but these prints will not be available for sale, retail, found in my shop or adorning my convention table, or anything else! Just for you, and you alone. As a personal thank you each month to remind you of how grateful I am for your support in all this. Happy birthday!
CUSTOM COMMISSION: Ah yes, if you’re so gracious and willing to commit to the top tier on either of my channels, you are royalty in my heart and I worship the ground you walk on. Hit me up once a month for a special, one-character full-illustration of whatever your heart desires!
.... Aaaand that’s all the tier rewards so far, and my walkthrough of them! I will certainly be adding more rewards in the future as time goes on and as the channels grow, but this is what we’ve got for now! If you have any questions regarding all of this, don’t hesitate to reach out to me and we can talk!
As always, you know where to find me. But in case you don’t, here’s a handful of links:
Here’s to success ! Here’s to community ! Here’s to love and an abundance of gay, brightly-colored art!
Thank you so much once again!
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
The Five Secrets That You Shouldn’t Know About Facebook Messenger For Windows Desktop | facebook messenger for windows desktop
Facebook Messenger now lets you allotment added accessible apps, browser tabs, photos, videos and added during your video calls. And alike better, you don’t accept to delay for it to cycle out to your adopted platform: The new screen-sharing affection is accessible now on Android, iOS and desktop versions of Messenger, Messenger Rooms, Workplace Rooms and any added Facebook app in which you can accomplish a video call.
Naturally, the affection works a little abnormally depending on your device. Desktop users can accept to allotment specific applications, browser windows or their absolute desktop view, while adaptable accessories will advertisement whatever is currently accessible on their screens.
The cardinal of participants is belted based on which account you’re using. Normal Messenger calls will let you advertisement your awning with up to eight added bodies in a distinct call, while Messenger Rooms currently allows 16 bodies in screen-share sessions. Facebook affairs to bang that absolute from 16 to 50 in the advancing weeks, and will be abacus added controls for Messenger Rooms so whoever created the alarm can set restrictions for who can allotment their screen.
For now, though, all alarm associates can allotment their awning at any time during the call.
The awning allotment affection is alone accessible in the latest adaptation of Facebook’s assorted Messenger apps, so accomplish abiding your apps accept been adapted afore you try. (Desktop users don’t accept to do anything.). Also, all accessories in a alarm charge abutment awning administration in adjustment to use it.
G/O Media may get a commission
With those requirements out of the way, here’s how to awning allotment in a Facebook video alarm on adaptable and desktop:
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Hey! My name’s Dani and I do a bunch of projects for the MLP fandom! (Friendship is Pandering, The Pony ASMR Project, a cameo in Fallout: Equestria, and song covers!)
My youtube channel that features some of my works and demos can be found here!
I’m currently trying to save up money to be more financially independent in college since my family is in an AWFUL situation right now, AND save money to meet my wonderful girlfriend at poNYcon in January!
I am willing to post each commission publicly (unless you don’t want it posted) in addition to sending it to you through tumblr, and you will also receive a downloadable version of your commissioned audio! 
My offering:
Ringtones/Personal Messages/Short Character Impressions - $3*
Short voice work here will be considered around a minute in length. All these works can be extended beyond this time with an additional $1 for each extra 30 seconds.
Additionally, added effects (sound, music, etc.) can also be requested for an additional $1 for each added effect!
I will need you to send me exactly what you would like me to say in the above types of commissions. If you would like me to write/come up with them myself, I will need to ask for an additional $2.
Character impression requests are not limited to what can be found on my voice acting page. I will do my utmost best to impersonate any character requested. If the impression is not up to standard, we may discuss an alternative request or I will offer a refund on the recording! If you want to hear a sample line of my character voice for your requested character before commissioning, please ask!
Character Dialogue/Banter/Scripts - $5*
Imagine Skyrim style banter if you will! Or really any sort of exchange between characters.  This is primarily a commission consisting of two characters interacting. Additional characters can be requested at $1 for every extra character.
Narrations - $10*
Narrations include various requests including poetry/letters/comics/dramatic readings/paragraphs from novels and fanfic/etc. Additional length to narrations can be requested and pricing will be dependent on how much more is requested.
Example: Additional paragraphs from novels/fanfic/etc. will be $2 per paragraph.
Should any of these readings be requested to be read in the voice of a particular character (or a character speaks in said paragraph and a specific voice is required) an additional $2 per character will be included. This, however, does not mean it will be an extra $2 per paragraph that the character appears in, simply just the $2 per character for the whole piece.
Advertisements - $15*
Needing a voiced advertisement for your blog/website/business/etc.? I am willing to record an advert for you! Details on the tone and atmosphere of your desired advertisement can be worked out privately. An additional $2 will be added if effects are requested to be included. I may request to know how many locations you will be planning on using this advertisement and will request $3 for each one.
FanFiction/Extended Length Recordings - $20
This is similar to the Narration commissions above but involves greater length recordings. With these commissions I will read a chapter from a Fanfic of your choosing. Same additional pricing applies here when it comes to character voices and requested effects. Additional chapters can be requested at $10 per extra chapter.
* - Requests can also be made to voice tumblr posts or anything similar. 
 If you would like such requests to be uploaded to my tumblr, you must seek permission from the original poster and if they give you the okay, provide me with their url and a link to their original post so I may credit them in the upload.
Stuff I will record:
Anything mentioned above, as well as content and voice work I have failed to include in my commissions pricing (if you request something not listed, we can discuss pricing together)!
I am open to voicing NSFW content. To what extent of such content will need to be discussed and agreed upon before payment and recording. If you really want a certain piece to be recorded that I have expressed hesitancy recording, we may discuss how to best reach a middle ground for your request.
Stuff I won’t record:
Offensive material (Content that expresses any sort of problematic attitudes towards groups of people/characters/etc).
Abusive and traumatic material.
Graphic/Disturbing violence or scenarios (However, death/dying/battle scenes are okay depending on the content).
Important Info!
Paypal only, all prices in USD Refunds will be available up until your commission is recorded and delivered to you.
How do I request a commission?
Send me a message here on tumblr, or send an email to [email protected]! BE SURE TO INCLUDE SPECIFICS ABOUT YOUR REQUEST, buf if you aren’t sure about specifics, still talk to me and we can work it out from there!
If you are planning on commissioning a short voice work, I will need an exact script of what you want me to say!
If you have any other questions, please feel free to either message me via tumblr or send me an email! I’d be happy to answer any questions you have!
Beyond that, I’d just ask you reblog and signal boost this even if you don’t plan to request any commissions. I am really excited to start providing voice work for you all!
(Most of the ideas for this borrowed from here!)
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