#i will celebrate tomorrow when i'm more awake
alteredphoenix · 2 years
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Happy birthday to the (One of the Two) Best Girl(s)!
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itsfairly · 5 months
Nighttime Care // Nanami Kento x gn!reader
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word count: 5.5k (ops)
cw: fluff, gender neutral!reader, established couple, petnames (sweetheart, sweetie, honey, darling, dear) not proofread (when is it?)
summary: work, work, and more work, it just seems like nanami can't catch a break from all this overtime. its exhausting, and you can see that and decide to give a helping hand.
notes: time to pass all the silly scenarios I've thought off instead of the outlines for the other fics i have on my drafts ❤
liked this? show it with a like, reblog, and/or comment. each is greatly appreciated and celebrated!
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Tired, tired, tired.
While it was a significantly better change when he quit his job as a salaryman and returned to his life as a sorcerer, Nanami hated how overtime seemed to follow him. But he hated how overtime not only meant coming home late and all tired. Now it meant coming late to you and being robbed of his time with his sweetheart.
It was way past midnight by the time he got through the front door, huffing almost too loudly as he kicked his shoes off and stepped into the quiet of your house.
No show playing on the TV with you on the couch all curled up waiting for him.
No smells coming from the kitchen with your back facing him as you hum to yourself with your attention on making tonight's dinner.
No running up to him to wrap your arms around him and pepper his face with your lips as you welcomed him home in a muffle.
No you to brighten such a shift at work.
Maybe it was better this way. It was late and you had work tomorrow, you had every right to be asleep right now. The slight disappointment from no sign of you awake quickly turns towards himself. How could he be selfish enough to expect you to wait for him at this hour? He had insisted that you should not wait for him so late, you had your own stuff outside of your relationship together and he rather that you would at least rest easy. Besides, you couldn't see him like this—dark eye bags, a deep frown, and barely standing. Nanami always wanted to be presentable before you, you deserved to see him at his best, not...not like this.
Yet, his heavy steps betrayed him. Despite his best attempts to keep you asleep, your light sleep triggered and caused you to groan awake. You turn on the bed, trying to find the source of the sound that interrupted your sleep only to see the bedroom door open as Nanami slipped between spaces. Silent mutters help you recognize Nanami's voice, your mind finally catching up to what your senses were telling you. With a squint of your eyes, you look at Nanami with your lips curling downwards. His voice sounded tired, his steps were dragging across the floor, and he simply seemed overworked to no surprise. Overtime simply wasn't anyone's choice of spending the night.
"Kento?" You called out in a groan, still feeling a bit drowsy from your interrupted sleep.
Your tired voice makes him sigh, giving him another reason to feel upset after a long shift. Not at you though, he didn't want to wake you up and he tried really hard to let you rest. With a heavy sigh, his shoulder slouched slightly as he turned to look at you, making his way to sit on the edge of the bed right in front of where you were laying down.
"Sorry, sweetie. Didn't want to wake you up." Nanami whispers, a tinge of jealousy in his voice. Seeing how cozy you looked on the bed made him want to be in your place and be able to rest as easily as you, he needed to lay down next to you and sleep. But he couldn't just yet. "I'm home..." He adds, a hand coming up his face to remove his goggles and holding him in a fist.
"Don't worry about that," You assured him, feeling the bed shift as he sat on the edge of it.
With a yawn, you sit up to try and wake yourself up now that he is back. Despite still being zoned out from sleep, it didn't take much to notice just how exhausted he was. It was a sad sight to your eyes, even sadder knowing that this wasn't new at all.
You wrap your arms around Nanami and pull him down to the bed right on top of you, feeling how he slightly jumped at this. Though he was surprised at the action, he felt himself relax when his head met your chest, realizing a groan out of how nice your body felt after such a long day.
"Welcome home, honey." You whispered, your hand rubbing circles on his back.
"S'tired, soo tired." He mumbled against you, using his hand to rub his eyes as if that would get rid of his fatigue.
However, it was hard considering how he felt like he might drift off at any moment. He couldn't fall asleep. Even if he was struggling to stay awake, he didn't want to sleep just yet when he was still in his work clothes.
It was awful how much this happened and every time you would react the same. How could you keep your lips from frowning when Nanami looked and sounded this tired? When his body practically flopped against yours so easily? Nanami was a hardworking person and you admired that. What you did not admire was how much he pulled over time despite hating it with his entire being, constantly doing it over and over again. But this time it looked like work was harsh on him. Sure, he had no injuries or anything like that. Regardless, it was later than the usual time he came back from overtime and he looked much weary than usual.
You sighed, wishing you could do more than just comfort him. For the time being, all you could do was offer soft caresses over his back. "I know, honey," you whispered.
His head peaks out of your chest, meeting your soft frown at him. Your concerned eyes, your hand on his back, your quiet whispers...you were worried for him, that much was obvious with how gentle you were rather than telling him off for coming home late yet again.
"Sorry. I had to work overtime to-" A yawn cuts him off, his hand muffling his lips while his mind tries to coax him into falling asleep by focusing on how he could rest just like this. Yet, he didn't want to seem rude by simply greeting you and falling asleep on you. You deserved more than just a tired man-
"Why are you apologizing?" You asked softly, cutting his line of thought before you even knew what he was thinking.
In your mind, you saw no reason for him to apologize. Work was work, he was providing just as much (definitely more) than you were and it was normal. What wasn't was how frequently his work would cut not only into their time together but also into his time to rest and relax. You could never hold something like this against him knowing that it wasn't his choice to stay longer at work. Stress, fatigue, soreness in his eyes alone, dark and sunken from how much this has happened as of late.
No. He had no reason to apologize.
But Nanami didn't see it that way. You deserved more than this...not eating alone or going to sleep alone. He wanted and needed to give you some time with him, he didn't want to be this exhausted, barely functioning person to you. Even if you didn't understand why he was apologizing, he still needed to apologize.
"I'm sorry for-"
Your hand took his hand, interrupting him as you wrapped your hand around his and sat up on the bed. With a sigh, you take his goggles from his hand and place them on the nightstand.
"Stop it. You have nothing to apologize for, got it?" You said gently, wanting to be as soft-spoken as you could to not disturb him, let alone let him think that you were angry at him. Why would you get angry over this? It wasn't his fault and you knew that tonight would be different had he had a say in whether he was going to pull overtime tonight.
Helping him sit up again, your hands slip underneath his blazer on his shoulders, rubbing down his arms to help him take it off and setting it on the other side of the bed. As the fabric left his arms, Nanami rested his head against your shoulder with a small groan, placing a hand on your arm to stop you. Sure, it felt nice to have you touch him like this, but he didn't feel like he deserved it. He left you alone for the evening and came home late. How could he let you do more for him than he deserved? His eyes might barely be open and he might be very, very tired, but he couldn't make you feel obligated to help him.
"Darling," he mumbled, sounding unconvincing of pushing your help away, "you don't need to. I..." He sighs, feeling that slight burn in his eyes with a blink, "...I don't want you to see me like this."
He felt very worn-out, slower than usual as if gravity weighed twice as much tonight. Even so, he didn't want you to think you had to help him. He didn't like this side of him where you couldn't lean on him, it made him feel like a burden to you when he had already interrupted your sleep.
But he was met with your head leaning against his, trying to comfort him further as you saw him frown.
If there was something everyone agreed about Nanami it's that he is a selfless person. Someone always wanting to help others, protect them, put them before himself. It was actually one of the many sides that made you fall for him. So it was easy to understand why he was so self-conscious at that moment. It was a juxtaposition of the man he usually is: capable, sufficient, and reliable. Qualities that his fatigue was preventing him from being, but that didn't mean he had to be ashamed of it.
"I wanna help you though."
"You're already doing more than enough by welcoming me home. You should be telling me off for coming so late, not comforting me like this." He explained, his eyelids heavy from the way your warm cheeks touched his temple.
You shook your head, hands coming to his neck and tracing over his tie for her fingers to quickly undo it.
"I've told you already, you have nothing to feel bad for and I have nothing to be angry about." You pulled on his tie, wrapping it around your hand until it was rolled up and then placing it close to his blazer on the bed. "You're tired and overworked. I can't let you do things on your own when I can help you, especially when I want to help my love."
Nanami lifts his head out of your shoulder, trying to straighten up in his seat as you stripped him of the many layers that weighed him down. As much as he tried to make it seem otherwise, you were right—he was tired and overworked, far more than what he could handle. With you so set on helping him, the least he could do was stop his nagging and let you help. It was a bit embarrassing that work has rendered him this weak, not from some kind of injuries but simply because of how body felt ready to shut down at any moment.
Here he was—a grown man of his age acting like a helpless child. He would've protested again had it not been for how devoted towards helping him, towards him. You might be doing what any caring spouse would do, but to him it felt like giving him a small break he didn't deserve.
His lips still find it in them to curl in the slightest as he says tiredly, "thank you, love."
"Happy to help," you answered.
And there it was, that beautiful smile that melted away your frown once he gave in to your aid.
It was silent for a few moments in the room except from the click-click sound after you unclasped his suspenders from his trousers, setting them on the side. There was little to no light, only the nightstand lamp and whatever else managed to slip in from the window, with him tired and you undressing him as your hands slid to his shirt.
Careful to not startle him, your fingers undo his buttons and reveal more and more of his skin with each. Once they were all undone, you slipped your hands underneath his shirt, feeling a few bumps in the way that made you pinch your brows together confused. It wasn't until you started to slide the shirt off his arms that the bumps made sense—they were actually dents that ran front to back on his torso. Though they didn't seem serious, it makes your lips pout.
"I didn't know you had these."
Nanami's eyes look away from you and down to his own chest where your eyes focused on. In all honesty, he rarely acknowledged these—they were just marks left by his suspenders, a small price to pay from his daily attire. Sure, they were tight enough, restrictive enough to leave a mark on his body, but he didn't see any reason to mention them.
"It's nothing, love. They don't hurt at all."
Despite his assurance, your eyes seemed glued to his body. They were just a result of constantly wearing suspenders to a pretty physical job, no pain would come from them. Yet, seeing these marks meant more than just that. It was about the amount of time for these marks to set in the first place, making you realize just how long and much his workday was. Hours that, if they left this kind of mark in his body, were enough to lead to this exhaustion you could see in him.
That's when your fingers begin to think on their own. Your hand comes back up to his shoulder, but rather than resting your palm over it, your fingers graze over the marks and delicately follow down the path on his chest.
As your mind lets your hands do as you wish, Nanami could feel how worried you were from your touch alone. It was gentle but it had that hint of caution, as if too much pressure would make it uncomfortable for him. It made him feel vulnerable. He could see your mind running with all these thoughts from his marks alone. You knew he hated overtime, you knew he was stubborn to work despite his better judgment, and you both knew he needed to rest.
These marks reminded him how much he worked on a day alone.
These marks showed you how hard he worked alone for the two of you.
Underneath your fingertips, Nanami allowed himself to savor your touch further by closing his eyes for a second, unable to prevent the sigh that escapes his lips that makes you snap from your trance and look up at him. Though you knew it was best to hurry up and help him get ready for bed, something within her sparked at his marks. Your free hand decides to follow the other’s steps and comes up to the other side of Nanami’s body, roaming gently down the marks his suspenders have left behind. Soft, delicate, and gentle touches, but most importantly, loving touches.
Nanami stays still, letting you graze all over his body as he swallows down his self-conscious thoughts. It tickled a little to have your hands go so slow and so lightly over his skin, making his muscles tense underneath them. Despite that, he didn’t want your hands to stop, so he doesn't make any effort to as his eyes follow how your hands move down his body and earn a ghost of a moan from him. He couldn’t help himself when his exhaustion made it hard to think much, but you were just being so patient and caring and loving and…and so many other things that made him thank whatever deity that allowed him to be with you, that allowed him to have you as his everything.
Your hands come to a halt at his moan, your heart picking up a pace. At first, you worried the touch was actually hurting or unsettling to him when his body tensed, interpreting his moan as a groan. But when you looked up and saw how his eyes were glued on you and your hands moving across his body as if he wanted to take it all in rather than push you away, you let your hands rest on him and slide back up to his shoulders. You got a little carried away and you didn’t want to tire him any more.
“You do so much for us…for me.” You start with a whisper, “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, Kento.”
And see, hearing you say that makes absolute nonsense to him. It catches him off guard.
Your eyes meet, him shaking off his exhaustion for a second to open his a bit more, to actually be able to look at you. Despite how your hands and eyes roam up and down his body, Nanami feels no lust or desire under your touch. It was careful, sweet, just as he has come to expect from you whenever you caught him in this state.
This was just his spouse’s stare, you were his spouse. It wasn’t a matter of whether or not you deserved it (you did, that’s simply out of the question). He wanted to do all this, whatever he could for you. He would sacrifice so much just so you wouldn’t have to worry or work hard. As he stares back at you, eyes looking up and down at his beautiful darling before him, he smiled softly. Though your words made no sense to him, they were a reminder of how thankful he was that you worried, that you were thankful for him like he was for you. A reminder of how much he loved you and hoped that, though he didn’t say it out loud enough, you would still know that without a doubt in between the lines…
“You deserved it.” He answers back.
You chuckled. Of course he would think that and smile like this was nothing. Yet, there was something about his smile. You hated how tired it looked, how tired he looked. But when he smiled right now, softly telling her one thing to mean another…You shook your head, shifting your hands on his bare shoulders to rub circles over his skin and soothe whatever tension you could feel there.
“You’re the one working to the point of exhaustion while I fall asleep before you come home. You do much more for me than I do for you.”
“You do a lot for me,” Nanami started, his brows pinching slightly when you kept discrediting yourself, “you work around the house, keep the place nice…you’re taking care of me even right now after I woke you up. You do plenty for me. This is not up for debate.” He chuckles, not even letting you argue about how little you did for him because that wasn’t the case.
Your gaze softness as your hands come up to his jaw before running your fingers down to his chin. Even through that tension and obvious lack of energy, he still found it in him to appreciate her, to be adamant about her contributions and have her see them. Silently, your eyes flash that gratitude of him to him, admiring each feature on his face.
It was a soft touch, the kind of touch that makes you wonder if it was skin to skin or a feather to skin. It was a quiet but loud way of letting him know how much you appreciate him back. The kind of love and fondness that he needed after another shift.
“I’ll always see it that way, you know?” Nanami adds, “It’s for us, so we can be comfortable. But most of all, so I can spoil you like you deserve it.”
You smile at him, unable to keep it in yourself to kiss him so you do. You lean in to press a quick and soft peck on his lips, taking a step further to remind him of how much he meant to you. You lean back, careful to not over do your kiss when he is this tired. But rest assured, that a small kiss such as that one was enough for Nanami to feel the weight of it, making him feel loved.
“Let’s get you off of these, yeah?” You whispered, your hands sliding off the marks from his suspenders, though you made a mental note to show them some extra love when he was much more in the mood.
You kissed his cheek and readjusted how you were sitting on the bed, going back to the reality that it was quite late, he was exhausted, and you both could use the rest. Shaking off those thoughts, you were set back on your original mission to help him get ready for bed. Your hands go down to his belt, carefully undoing it and pulling it off the loops of his trousers.
But it proved to be much harder to shake off those thoughts from earlier when his body was on display like this, especially as you helped him slide off said trousers after putting his belt aside with the rest of his garments. It wasn’t just the suspenders’ marks, but also his muscles coupled with the feeling of his skin and hair against her hands that made Nanami shake his head with a chuckle as he called out your name.
“You’re doing it again, love.” He wasn’t oblivious to the effect he was having on you, how he was getting you going, as he softly mumbled your name softly.
“Doing what?” You asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, trying to play innocent. After all, it was merely a split second you were staring, right?
“Staring at me.” Nanami smiled wider, leaning forward now that this reaction from you gave him a small boost of energy, all just to tease you. “Are you admiring your husband, dear?”
You knew he was just teasing, especially when he was pulling such a pet name by the end of it and leaned forward towards you. You weren’t blind either, apparently you weren’t the only one enjoying a show with your spouse as the star of it, not when his eyes followed your hand and slowly drifted to other parts of you.
“If I was, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one, am I?” You teased right back, looking at him with that smirk still on your face without moving an inch away from him and in fact, deciding to double it down by resting a hand on his thighs.
“A man can’t love the person he married anymore?” Nanami chuckled, silently taking everything in. Your body, your face, your voice…nothing from you was not appealing, you were truly perfect in his eyes.
His answer makes you laugh. You took a small breath, hand sliding off his thigh and across the bed until it finds his own hand, resting yours on top of his as your gaze returns to his. A smile comes to your lips, your heart starting to feel lighter and faster with every beat. Tease or not, Nanami was a natural at making you feel like this.
“A husband can definitely love their spouse.” You replied, your voice having a slight tease in it as well.
“Especially when they are so beautiful.” Nanami adds, his smile growing soft as he leaned against your forehead and closed his eyes. He still felt tired, but he really liked this moment with you right now, feeling as if it was making up for the time he’s been away from you. So he wanted to stay in it a little longer.
“I see, so that’s why you were starting too.” You whispered, though there is the hint of a giggle in your voice that Nanami is able to pick on, going as far as being able to hear your smile.
“Yeah, that is why.” Nanami sighs, laying back on the bed and resting his head on your thighs, groaning softly once he feels his back meet the bed. He could feel how your hands immediately found his hair, gently combing his blond locks with your fingers.
It was comfortable, he didn’t want to move. He wanted to fall asleep just like this. Not yet though. He still wanted to be with you, feel you like this. Even if the two of you weren’t talking much and he was tired out of his mind, you being here and letting him be like this on your lap was enough to calm him further. You being here made him calm.
“I’ve been so busy.” Nanami mumbles, taking a deep breath as his eyes closed for a second.
“It’s okay.” You assured him. “It’s work.”
But there was something in your voice that didn’t match your words. Nanami knew what it was—how much you wanted him to cut back on overtime for his sake. But your words felt as if you were trying to let him know that you wouldn’t hold it against him how his work cuts into his time with you, that he didn’t need to feel that kind of guilt from you. He knew he needed to set a firmer boundary with work so he could put you first like he wanted to, rather than making you worry like this.
Just imagining you falling asleep, waiting for him to come back only for him to come long after, was painful. He didn’t want that for you anymore.
He shakes his head, his hand coming up to yours that was losing its fingers across his hair, stopping your movements. No matter how many times you assured him, how much you tried to be understanding, he didn’t want this to drag on. Work was work, true. But it shouldn’t be overtaking his life, be more important than you were to him. You came before that, and anything for that matter, it wasn’t up to debate. Especially when you were so patient and caring to him despite how neglectful he can be.
“I shouldn’t…” He sighed, taking some time to form over his words. He didn’t want, let alone deserve, so many passes and he wanted to own up to all those times he had to come home late. “Don’t worry so much about me, please,” it’s what he ends up saying.
His words are met with a soft squeeze of your hand after you turn your hand around to be holding his, your free hand coming down to rest around his chest. You could see what he meant with that.
Don’t wait for me.
I can handle myself.
You don’t have to forgive me so easily.
Truth be told, you knew other people would grow irritated at their husbands coming home late, scolding them for the time they finally arrive and leading to distrust. But being married to a jujutsu sorcerer like him…it was a different case. You trusted him with this job, knowing how much more fulfilling it was than working corporate; trusted him to be careful and learned the kind of things he had to deal with. It was a dangerous job, it was exhausting, and you wonder how he can even ask you to not worry. To not worry about Nanami was simply against your marriage vows. You couldn’t do that.
“You’re my husband. I’m supposed to worry about you.”
“Just trust that I’ll be fine.” Nanami said softly, a small sigh leaving his lips as he looked up at you.
He could see that concern in your eyes. Though it is nice to have someone who worries about him, there’s still that annoying part in him that makes him feel guilty for making you worry in the first place. Yet, he knew that he couldn’t blame you. No matter how many times he insisted on you not waiting up for him or on tending his wounds, he knew you would still worry about him. In a way, you both just wanted to do more for the other—you felt like he did a lot for you and he felt like he didn’t do enough for you.
“I’m tired, love,” he mumbles, rubbing his eyes with his free hand, “let’s not fight…not tonight.”
“It’s not fighting,” you let go of his hand, letting it slip to his cheek. You knew better than to try and argue when he was this tired, let alone when you knew he had the best intentions even if he dismissed himself so often. “I do trust you, but I still need to care for the person I love so much..”
Nanami chuckled, looking up at you with a tired smile. As he took a deep breath, he could feel how lucky and thankful he was at this moment. Even if a part of him tried to weigh him down with this guilt over how things seemed to be in his mind, you somehow knew how to show him the reality of things. He wasn’t neglectful like his mind was telling him, not when he was trying to peel his eyes open just to spend more time with you. You weren’t forgiving because he was your husband, but because you trusted him enough with your heart. You weren’t worried over him because he came late, you worried because you loved him.
Before he can even answer, you gently pull him off your lap and lay his head back down on the bed. You stand up, patting his shoulder.
“I’ll get your pajamas.” You smile at him, the kind of smile that says don’t worry about a thing, before you turn to his dresser.
Nanami thanks you, sitting up on the bed and stretching his arms and back. The room quiets down, neither of you saying a word as you come back with his night garments and placing them by his side to let him put them on. Not yet done, you take all of his work clothes and turn back to the dresser to put his clothes away while he changes. Some are set aside for the laundry basket, others are hung back up, and others tucked away in the drawers.
Once done with that task, you turn back to head to the bed, laying down underneath the sheets like you were long before he came back for work. He was a bit slow in putting his pajamas on to no one’s surprise since he might as well fall asleep right then and there, but eventually he lays down next to you after turning off the lights, his body facing yours. You wrap an arm around him, pulling yourself closer, sighing when he does the same by rolling on his back and letting you rest your head on his chest to which you happily do.
“I’m surprised you lasted so long without dropping unconscious onto the bed.” You said softly, a tinge of a tease in your voice.
Nanami chuckles, a yawn following soon after as fatigue starts to get to him after god knows how many hours of working.
“So am I. I’ve been like that for hours, honestly.” He pulls you a bit closer, his hand gently grazing up and down your arm. A touch that made your body melt into his body. “But it was worth it. I got to spend more time with you, even if I only had half a brain to see you.”
You hummed, your head turning up to look at him before pressing a kiss on his shoulder. You decided to not say anything, wanting him to get that rest he not only needed but also deserved. That doesn’t mean his words don’t make your heart flutter, even as he says them in that hoarse voice from how tired he was, it made them feel much more softer that he pushed himself to let her know that.
You lift up the covers and let yourself get comfortable with him as your pillow and you in his arms, the two of you cuddling in the quiet and silent room. A few seconds pass, then minutes, and you were sure he had already fallen asleep as evident by his deep breath that made your head rise and fall with his chest, his heart serving as your personal lullaby. Knowing that you had done everything you could for him in this moment, you let yourself close your eyes and begin to return to your sleep from earlier.
Though before you could truly fall into slumber, you feel his head lean against yours, a soft kiss placed on the top of your head that makes your heart beat for him, feeling safe in his arms as he manages to finally answer back to you from earlier:
“I love you too, dear. Thank you…for everything you do.”
Nanami would’ve said more, he probably wanted to have it not been from how his words slurred as his body was finally claimed over by that sleep he pushed off for far too long. After all, now that he finally got his fill of you, he could now rest properly.
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angelic-muse · 11 months
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a/n: i couldn't not write anything for his special day, so enjoy, and happiest of birthdays to my silly mosshead man. this was written with both anime and opla zoro in mind so feel free to interpret it as either.
pairing: roronoa zoro x gn!reader
warnings: just fluff, not proofread
summary: it's your lover's birthday, and what better way to start the celebration than to stay awake and surprise him at midnight?
...that is, if you can stay awake.
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must stay awake... must stay awake.
the sentence replayed itself in your groggy head like a mantra, a broken record stuck on repeat, a toy train running in slow circles around your brain as you fought the urge to tip over the line between wakefulness and sleep.
zoro deserved more than that.
"my birthday? never really done anything for it," he'd grunted the day before after you'd brought it up. the swordsman had frowned, scratched his head. "kinda forgot it was tomorrow, actually."
and it was then that you decided to make this birthday — and all his next ones, for that matter — unforgettable.
so after some pleading with nami that then lead to careful rearrangement of night watch schedules (despite the crew's grumbling), zoro would be set to finish his shift at midnight — exactly midnight.
and what would he find when he returned to his room? you, of course, waiting for the moment he stepped through the door to shower him in love and birthday wishes, followed by a day of celebrations just for him.
well, that was your plan.
but the actual staying awake hadn't been part of it.
since your shift for night watch was the last one, just before sunrise, you were lucky enough to be able to sleep soundly all night till then. which meant you were not at all used to being awake at this time and your body was slowly but surely losing the fight to fall unconscious.
you yawned, blinking heavy eyelids as you turned to squint at the sky, the gentle moonlight washing the deck of the going merry in its milky glow. it wasn't quite yet at its highest point — still not midnight.
surely a little lay down before zoro returned couldn't hurt, right?
don't fall asleep, you promised yourself one last time as you settled into his own hammock, breathing in the lingering scent of him with a sigh. don't fall asleep...
zoro muttered angrily as he stomped across the ship back to his room, not bothering to soften the loud thumping of his boots against the planks, swords clanking noisily at his hip.
"serves 'em right if they wake up," he groused, "putting me up there at this time all of a sudden for no fuckin' reason—"
he cut short as he shoved into his room, raising a brow at the sight that met him as he rid himself of swords and shirt. there you were, curled up in his spot, sleeping soundly like a contented cat.
"the hell you doing in my hammock?" he grumbled under his breath, but zoro slid in beside you anyways, throwing an arm over your shoulders and folding the other behind his head. he didn't mind that you were here — he never did. sleeping beside you was nothing out of the ordinary anymore. he liked it, enjoyed the easy comfort and security that came with you tucked against his side; hearts beating in time, every breath shared.
it was right when zoro was beginning to drift off that he felt you stir awake. cracking open one eye, he watched as you sat up, blinking tiredly. "zo... zoro?"
"what got you up?" he murmured as you yawned and stretched your arms overheard. "m'here, get back to sleep." get back to cuddling me.
"the smell of a pirate who hasn't showered in a week," you joked groggily, rubbing at your eyes. then you froze. shit.
"no, i fell asleep!" you groaned, burying your face in your hands. how could you? you promised yourself you wouldn't, for him, and now... "fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck... i'm sorry." you peeked back up at him, lower lip stuck out.
zoro frowned. "hah? what the hell are you on about?"
"i was meant to stay up," you said sadly. "to say happy birthday to you. at midnight. that's why i got nami to change your watch..."
rubbing a hand across his face, zoro sat up to look at you properly, blinking sleep away. you went to the trouble of getting his night watch changed and stayed up in his room just to say happy birthday to him? seriously?
he'd be surprised, but really, that was just the kind of stupid, endearing thing you'd do.
and so he laughed.
you blinked at him as his wide shoulders shook with mirth, head tossed back. an embarrassed warmth crept up your neck and you folded your arms, attempting to glare at him even as you fought to hold down a smile. "wh— it's not funny!"
"nah," he grinned at you as his laughter died down. "it's just cute. c'mere."
you yelped in half-protest as zoro grabbed your head to pull into his chest, laying back down with a sigh.
"you don't hafta... stay up until midnight or do shit like that just for me." he uttered after a moment of quiet, brushing his fingers through your hair. "you need your sleep, and i need mine. so just... just wait until morning next year, yeah?"
"i... okay," you sighed, trailing a finger across his chest, drawing mindless patterns over scarred, tawny skin, making him suppress a shiver. "i still have stuff planned for later, though."
"yeah? let's hear it."
"i'm not ruining the surprise, silly. but... i did get you some presents and convinced sanji to bake you a cake. among other things."
zoro snorted. "bet that shitty cook did it for you more than me."
"probably," you teased, tilting your head to look up at him. "don't get jealous that he might love me more than you, it's okay."
the swordsman scoffed, turning you both on your sides with a grunt. "maybe, but he'll never love you as much as i do."
you chuckled, tucking your head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his familiar scent; steel and sweat with an earthier undertone somewhere beneath. "i love you too, even though you still smell like you've never showered."
zoro barked out a laugh, tightening a thick arm around your waist to pull you further into him. "i'll take a shower for your birthday, how's that sound?"
you peered up at him and wrinkled your nose. he grinned.
"you're gross," you muttered with a smile even as you snuggled further into him. he kissed your forehead and you could feel his own smile against your skin.
"and you still love me."
"lucky you, huh?"
zoro exhaled softly, closing his eyes. "yeah, lucky me."
slowly, quiet draped itself over the two of you like the softest blanket, comforting and warm as the sounds of your breathing lulled each other to sleep after gentle whispers of goodnight and wishes of good dreams. and he rocked you in his arms, like how the gentle waves rocked you from below, mother nature's cradle for her sleeping children as they rested in an embrace so tightly woven with nothing but pure love not even the sharpest sword could ever hope to sever it.
and that morning, when zoro awoke to his dear lover smothering his face with kisses as they pulled him from his sleep with the promise of birthday gifts, he knew with clarity, such a deep, resounding clarity it made his heart ache—
that you, on this day and every other, were the greatest gift he could ever ask for.
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nia's ask box is open!
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babydollmarauders · 9 months
quinn hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which y/n welcomes Quinn home with a gift
warnings: NSFW CONTENT, praise, oral (f receiving), p in v (unprotected). (3.1k words)
notes: welcome to day 8 of the 12 days of kinkmas!
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a week. seven days. one hundred and sixty-eight hours.
that’s how long my husband has been out of town.
four road games done and over with and now he’s finally coming home to me.
in retrospect, getting married at the very end of the summer wasn't the best decision Quinn and i have ever made. with no time for a honeymoon before he had to be back in Vancouver for training camp, and then hockey season starting, we've had barely any time to relax and bask in the joy of being newlyweds.
which may be why i'm feeling particularly in the holiday spirit. one more home game and then we get almost an entire week to laze around, celebrate the holidays, and just enjoy the life of being newly married.
i’ve spent the last three days decorating our apartment; a wreath on the front door, our tree with ornaments hung gently on the branches, mistletoe over every doorway. miscellaneous holiday themed trinkets are scattered throughout our home.
but my favorite part of the past few days isn’t the decor, or the music i’ve had blasting, or even the christmas cookies i baked. rather, it’s the idea that popped into my head while shopping for all of the said decor online; when i found a body bow.
and after numerous hours, which were impatiently waited through, and countless youtube tutorials, i sit perched upon the end of my bed, wrapped snugly in the red satin bow.
my breasts are tied high and taut, pushed together tightly by the soft fabric and half covered by the oversized bow; while a strip of the satin reaches over one shoulder and through my legs. technically, all intimate areas are covered, but with one tug of the bow, it would all unravel, leaving me naked and ready. a present for my husband to enjoy.
my eyes are glued to my phone, Quinn’s location dancing across the screen, getting closer and closer to our apartment with each passing second.
it’s not often that i would be awake so late, waiting up for him. often times, i’m asleep when he gets back from a roadie, only waking up when i feel his strong arms wrap around me in bed.
as his location pings at our apartment complex, my heart beat rises in my chest, excitement pulling at my every atom. i’m shaky, phone haphazardly tossed onto my nightstand before i get into position; legs crossed and my weight leaned back on my hands.
it feels as though time is dragging on, towing through metaphorical mud. seconds feel like hours as i wait to hear him enter our apartment.
all the lights are off leading into our room, adding to the illusion that he’ll find me fast asleep.
i’m so lost in thought, knees bouncing in exhilaration, that it isn’t until i hear footsteps bounding down the hall that i realize he’s arrived. blood whirls in my ears, my skin heating up at the mere thought of his touch.
“no, she’s probably asleep.” his words carry through the echoey hallway, “Jack, i’m not waking my wife so you can ask her relationship advice. just call her tomorrow.”
i bite back a laugh as i listen to the one sided conversation with his brother. Quinn’s voice turns hushed as he gets closer to our bedroom, obviously attempting not to ‘wake’ me.
the doorknob twists, the door creaking open to display my husband. his head is down, phone pressed to his ear as he carries his road bag into the room. even from here i can see the crease thats formed between his threaded brows, dark bags accentuated under his green eyes.
he turns, gently closing the door behind him with minimal noise, but when he turns back around, his eyes meet mine. his eyes widen, lips parting with a gentle huff of air before he mutters a quick parting to his brother.
“i gotta go, just call her tomorrow.” the call is quickly hung up, his phone set on the dresser with his bag, never breaking eye contact.
“welcome home.” i watch with a crooked smirk as his eyes rake over my figure, slowly dragging down my body before scanning his way back up.
“fucking shit.”
a giggle rises up my throat at his curse, his steps towards me hurried. he sinks down to his knees, eyeing the intricate bow that graces my body. with his hands finding my knees, he carefully pulls my legs apart so that he can fit between them.
“shit, baby,” he pauses, teeth sinking into his bottom lip for a moment, “this all for me?”
i nod, peering down at him with the most innocent eyes that i can summon.
“mhm,” my tone is quiet but sultry, “played so well, and i missed you so much.”
he stands, towering over me now with a dark expression, his pupils blown out in lust.
“yeah? you missed me?” he questions, coaxing a nod of my head, “how bad?”
“so bad, Quinny.” i whine, hands grasping at his tie.
“did you touch yourself? you push your fingers into your pretty pussy? imagine they were mine as you made yourself cum in our bed?”
his words elicit a broken whimper from my throat, my eyelids fluttering as he wraps a hand around the back of my neck, forcing me to tip my head up to him.
“did you imagine my head between your thighs?” his voice drops, “my tongue licking your wet cunt? making you scream?”
my legs are shaking to close, to clench together and bring some much needed relief to my soaked core; but his body blocks me from doing so.
“yes.” i breathe out, eyes closing as he dips down to capture my lips in a bruising kiss.
his tongue slips past my parted lips, the result of a sudden gasp after his fingers curl into my hair, tugging just slightly.
the kiss is messy and deep, tongue’s tangling and pushing against each other, and when he pulls away, saliva coats my lips.
“lay back, baby.”
i drop back at his demand, hair sprawling across the soft mattress behind my head, and watch as best i can as my husband lowers back down to his knees until i can no longer see him.
it’s not but a second later that i feel his soft lips brush against my inner thigh, kissing a path up my leg. an unignorable pulse sparks between my thighs, thumping harder with each kiss, as he gets closer and closer to my wet heat.
wanton moans break the silence of the room, my body quivering with lustful anticipation; but before he can reach the spot in which i need him most, he pulls back, steadily repeating the process on the opposite leg.
a muted whine pulls from my lips as he shifts his path, bypassing my covered core and kissing up my torso. our eyes lock in a heated exchange, neither set looking away, as his open mouthed kisses reach an end, the oversized bow blocking his path.
but just when i think he’ll back away, he captures one tail of the bow between his teeth, slowly pulling back to unravel the satin knot. the glossy fabric falls off my chest, pooling around my body, revealing my bare breasts. my nipples are peaked with desire, stiffened by a mixture of lust and the cold air.
Quinn stares down at me, admiring my exposed figure, before he continues his journey, pressing wet kisses up my sternum. as he reaches my throat, he begins sucking, teeth grazing against my skin before he presses his tongue against it, pulling away to blow cool air against the spot.
shivers travel down my spine, my back arching up into him as he finally presses his lips against mine once more.
“so beautiful.” he mumbles, his hot breath fanning across my lips, swollen and indented with the mark of my teeth.
dragging himself back down to his knees, my jaw slackens as his breath hits my core.
“you’re dripping for me, baby.”
his tongue darts out, licking a slow stripe up my cunt, and my head tips back further into the mattress, my legs pulled over his shoulders as he groans.
“you really are a fucking gift.” he growls, his fingertips tightening in a bruising grip on my thighs.
my breath catches in my throat, blood rushing to my head as his tongue flattens against my clit. he wiggles it back and forth, softly playing with the bud of nerves.
my hands fly forward, tangling into the fluffy waves of hair that fall onto his forehead. as his tongue tenses, trailing down to flick into my entrance, he spreads my wetness, earning a harsh tug of his hair.
my grip coaxes a laugh of confidence from my husband, his chuckles reverberating through my core, and a screamed cry of pleasure echoes off of our bedroom walls, his name falling from my lips like a solemn prayer.
“Quinn, please,” i whimper, a single digit swiping through my wetness and making my voice falter into a high pitched moan.
“doing so well for me, baby.” his praises set my skin alight, heartbeat thumping in my throat.
his middle finger delves slowly into me, curling up into my g-spot as his lips enclose gently around my clit. pumping in, he slowly gets me ready, slipping his index finger in when he deems me lubricated enough.
my thighs close around his head, his free hand snaking his way around to push my leg open, a choked sob of arousal leaving my throat.
i can feel my orgasm creeping up on me, my stomach tying in knots as my eyes roll back.
suckling at my clit, he rolls it softly between puckered lips, his fingers alternating between hooking upwards and scissoring my cunt, slowly stretching me out and preparing me for his cock.
as his fingers speed and his tongue begins to circle and flick against my clit, my legs shake, hands gripping tighter into his hair while curses fall from my lips.
“Quinn,” tears gather along my waterline at the immense wave of pleasure that rolls through my body, “oh my god, right there!”
the tips of his fingers push against my g-spot with every thrust, my back arching as i can feel myself get closer and closer to the edge.
my husband moans, vibrations carrying through my core and spurring me over the edge. my walls tighten around his fingers, trapping them inside of me, and my hips grind against his soft lips as i reach my release.
heavy breathing sounds through the room as i lay back in ecstasy, recovering from my intense orgasm. pulling his cum coated fingers from my dripping pussy, Quinn’s lips pull away from my swollen clit with a pop.
“you taste like heaven.” he hums, coaxing my eyes to open, watching him suck his fingers clean of my release.
“Quinny,” i breathe out, hands reaching out to pull him forward by his tie as he rises from his knees, “i need you.”
“i’m right here, pretty girl.” he gruffs, a hand resting on the bed next to my head, holding himself up as he hovers above me.
he leans down, pressing a soft kiss to the spot where my jawline meets my ear. trailing up until he reaches my chin, he suddenly diverts, his lips meeting mine in a gentle kiss.
our lips dance together, his free hand grazing up my body until he reaches my breasts. his thumb rubs over my stiffened nipple, circling it lightly before pinching, the stark contrast drawing a moan from deep within my throat.
i can feel his erection pressing against my upper thigh, my hips jolting up into his in order try and relieve some tension.
pushing lightly at his chest, Quinn immediately backs away, worry filling his eyes, “what’s wrong? did i do something?”
rather than answer, i sit up, beginning to untie his tie. i pull it free from his collar before my hands push at his suit jacket.
“take it off,” i whine as my hands fumble, “all of it, Quinn. i need you. i need to see you.”
his hand cups my cheek, thumb rubbing over my cheekbone as he chuckles, eyes looking into mine.
“get up on the pillows,” he gruffs, watching with fervor as i follow his command, kicking the long forgotten satin fabric off the bed and onto the floor. “good girl.”
sitting with my back propped on the pillows, i watch my husband undress; his suit jacket tossed on the dresser, his button up dropped to the floor as well as the undershirt, before finally the clink of his belt sounds through the silent room.
i admire his upper body as he undresses, mentally praising all the hard work and training that’s led to his muscular arms and tight physique. my mouth waters and i yearn to press kisses to his pale torso, but i stay rooted in my spot, knowing better than to move.
fully naked, his cock stands tall, fully erect with a pink tip, precum beading at the slit, and i don’t think before my hand reaches out, wrapping around his length as he crawls over me.
i squeeze just slightly, my thumb running over his tip and spreading the precum, earning a hiss of satisfaction from my husband.
“stop,” he groans, vocal chords tight, “you want me to fuck you, right?”
i peer up at him with innocence, nodding my head quickly.
“then don’t be a greedy little slut,” my hand drops at his words, allowing him to take a deep breath, “hands and knees, baby.”
i scramble into position, craning my neck to watch his facial expressions as he grabs his base, guiding his cock through the lubricant of my residual cum.
my body shivers as he glides himself through my slick folds, wetting his dick thoroughly. he slides over clit, my legs instantly wobbling as i make a silent squeak.
“Quinn,” my voice shakes, but before i can continue, he’s pushing into me, my back contorting as he runs a hand over my spine.
“that’s it, baby,” he coos after i let out a loud moan, “take it like a good girl.”
i reach back with one hand, desperately grappling behind me for his touch. my request is granted when he grabs my hand, holding it in earnest as his other holds my hip.
“fuck me,” i cry, pushing backwards to sheath him entirely inside of me, “please, i need you to fuck me.”
Quinn clicks his tongue against his teeth, my head hanging forward as he stills, teasing me. i part my lips to begin begging again, but he silences me quick, pulling entirely out before slamming back into me.
he drops my hand in favor of gripping both hips, fucking into me with harsh and unforgiving thrusts.
my arms feel like jello beneath me, quivering with every graze of his tip against my g-spot, until finally i fall to my elbows.
his thighs smack against mine, each thrust pushing me further up the bed until i have to place my palms on the headboard, keeping me steady as my knees dig into the memory foam mattress.
“so fucking wet,” he grunts, pulling my focus to the lewd sounds of his cock sliding through my wetness, “my pretty fucking wife, so ready for me; so easy to please.”
i whine at the use of ‘wife’, the title still bringing goosebumps to the top of my flesh.
“yours,” i gasp, eyes rolling back as he slows his strokes, angling his hips for his cock to run over my g-spot, “all yours. your wife.”
“yeah, you like that, don’t you?” he breathes, “you like being my wife? you like letting me fuck you and call you mine? forever.”
his hand slides to my front, sprawling over my stomach before dipping down to let his finger apply pressure to my pulsing clit.
“yes!” i squeal, hips jerking from the pleasure, “yes, Quinn, yes!”
his finger draws circles on my clit, thrusts speeding as i clench around him.
“who am i?”
my stomach fills with pressure, toes curling as my hair falls into my face.
“my husband!” i scream, legs shaking underneath me.
his finger never relents, my overworked clit tingling, and i can barely stutter out that i’m close before he’s leaning forward, pressing kisses to my sweat coated back.
his soft lips against my heated skin send me over the edge, my eyes drawing shut as i let out an intense breathy moan. my walls clench but his thrusts never ease, only fucking into me with more intensity as he chases his own high, and within a minute, he finds it.
his hips falter, his grip tightening on my hips as he lets out a strangled cry, ropes of cum spilling out of him and mingling with my own.
it’s silent as he stops, nothing but heavy pants and the squelching sound of him pulling out, before he lays down, finally allowing me to drop onto my stomach beside him.
a breathy chuckle leaves his lips, my face buried into the pillow beside him, and he reaches over to scoop me into his arms, helping turn my body until my head is resting in the crook of his neck.
“what a welcome home present.” he laughs, still out of breath, and i giggle into his neck.
“figured you might like that.” i yawn, eyes fluttering shut as i rest a hand on his chest, “well worth staying up.”
“hey,” he coos, head back away in order to look at me. i pry my eyes open, staring up into his, “don’t go falling asleep yet, baby. you need a bath.”
i groan, attempting to burrow further into him, “but i’m so tired.”
he rolls his eyes at my drawn out whine, gently nudging me off of him so he can stand up.
“i’m gonna go draw a bath and get some wine. you don’t fall asleep.”
i nod sleepily, pulling myself up in a sitting position to keep myself from dozing off.
it’s not but five minutes later that Quinn returns, helping me into his arms and carrying me into the bathroom. he sets me down into the hot water of the bubble bath, grabbing the wine glasses off the counter and handing them to me before he slips in behind me, taking his glass back.
having out a deep sigh, i relax into his chest, his free arm wrapping around the front of my waist.
“so,” i start, making him laugh at my tired tone, “how was the trip?”
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once-moretosee-you · 6 months
Alhaitham x G/Nreader
FLUFF! T/w: noneeee (reader cant sleep without hugging their stuffed animal:0 )
In which you two went out to celebrate with the others after successfully rescuing the Dendro Archon. You had a bit too much to drink and he had no choice but to drag you back to his house.
It was already too late for you to walk home alone, not to mention you're drunk.
Being the good boyfriend that he is, he decided to let you stay over at his place until tomorrow's morning. Letting you, and him, change into more comfortable clothes which were his. It was the first time he'd ever let you stay over, let alone sleep together on the same bed, just imagining it made you all giddy and flustered.
While Alhaitham, was busy preparing the bed for the both of you, you ,on the other hand, was trying to sober up in the bathroom.
When he finished, he called you in to let you know it's time to sleep. He's quite sharp with his sleeping schedule you know.
After getting out of the bathroom, you felt quite nervous as you walked towards the bed, your hands instinctively went down to figget with the hem of the shirt you were wearing. You haven't had enough time process the situation yet!! You? With the renowned Akademiya Scribe?? ON THE SAME BED??? IN THE SAME COVER??!???! It almost made you blew up from excitement.
But unfortunately, that feeling was short to live.
You stood at the edge of the bed, blankly starring at him then at the extra blanket that he reserved specifically just for you.
"Are you just going to stand there all night or do you want to catch a cold?" Your dearest boyfriend said, lying on his back, like a qsychopath, and not even sparing you a look keeping his eyes closed.
You let out a small hum to express your disliking but still complied.
Sliding into the soft, cold blanket you tried your hardest to fall asleep.
But after what felt like an hour of tossing and turning, heck, even counted 211 sumpter beasts yet you still couldn't sleep. Not when your stuffed animal isn't in your arms right now...not when you don't have anyone to hold on to.
You slowly turned your head to Alhaitham with a frown on your face, purely from exhaustion, hoping that he'll catch on somehow but he seems to have already fallen into deep sleep. At least one of you gets to rest.
You being you, you decided to stay quiet and turned your back to him. You felt empty and just accepted your fate, sighing dramatically as you wait for the sun to rise so that you can go home and maybe have a good sleep.
"....what do i do with you" Alhaitham mumbled under his breath. The sudden noise from him made you yelp out of surprise.
"Haitham! You're...awake?" You asked him as you turn around to face him.
He opened his eyes and turn his body to you, also. "How can i not be when you were making such ruckus next to me" he spoke softly, trying to appare that he's not scolding you but simply stating a fact.
You tried to apologise but he was quicker to act "having a hard time sleeping?" He asked.
You nodded slowly, looking up at him then quickly look away, "i...can only sleep when i'm hugging (stuffed animal's name)" surprise surprise, it was his present to you on your birthday, which he was quite fond of. At that time, you two have only been dating for a few weeks Alhaitham didn't really know what you liked (he prefers to give you something that would be useful and reminds you of him) so he bought some sweets, a small cake and the huge stuffed sumpter beast plushie that you eyed on everytime he came to pick you up from work.
He only stared at you for a bit then lifts his blanket up, inviting you to him.
Alhaitham's eyes turned soft, the corner of his mouth chirped into a small smile when he saw how your face lit up with contentment. You hurried to abandon your blanket and slid into his arms, hugging him tightly. Your face pressed to the crook of his neck, your hair sprawled out and inhaling his scent that you adore so much. He slowly stroke your back and your hair, gently kissing your head as the both of you slowly drift off to sleep.
Though he wouldn't admit it, at least not yet, in that moment, Alhaitham's bed never felt warmer to him, his house is actually starting to feel like home again...
He still had to keep you in bed the next morning to take care of your horrible hang over, but it was all worth it❤️.
Little did you know, Alhaitham actually took the blanket out of Kaveh's room, his spare one was hanging outside to dry. Kaveh has just washed his that morning and specifically told Alhaitham not to touch the spare blanket in his room as he has nothing else but a thin cover.
"He'll live...somehow" he thought to himself as he picked up the neatly folded blanket into his room for his love.
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sweetpiccolo-blog · 1 year
To take care of you... (SMUT)
Oscar Piastri x Reader
A/N: This was such an impulsive activity but worth it. This is what I produced. Hope you like it. Warnings: SMUT, and a tiny bit of fluff
Words: 1,8k
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Summer holiday has started and somehow you were stuck on track. Well not somehow, some tests were being run. In scorching sun, the guys from McLaren were making one fastest lap after another one, testing the tires, new upgrades, anything and everything.
The only time they were not in their cars was during lunch and at the end in the evening. The sun was starting to set and everyone was running around the garage to tidy everything up ASAP so they could go home. Lando and Oscar went into their rooms to get out of the drenched suits. 
You were Oscar's right hand so you tried to give him some time to get ready to leave, while you tried to get some data for him before he sees them in the team meeting. 
You were chatting with some engineers, when you realized that Oscar is probably waiting for you all cleaned up and ready to go. You excuse yourself and head for the Australian´s room. You knock and get back a soft Come in ! .
You enter and what you see makes you soften your gaze.
Oscar is laying on the couch, sprawled all over, still sweaty and half asleep. What makes you quickly worried is the A/C turned on to maximum blowing straight at him.
“Oscar! Get up. You can't be laying completely drenched under the cold air. You'll get sick! Is that what you want?”
He softly groans and stirs awake. You decided to have none of this so you pull him up and into the bathroom, not caring if he is awake. You helped him out of his shoes and suit, leaving him sitting on the floor in the fireproof white shirt and pants. “Okay mate, you'll have to do the rest. I give you 10 minutes, then we are leaving.” You close the door, not giving him a chance to complain. 
You smile to yourself as this reminds you of his good old F2 times. Oscar was never a drinker, but once he was celebrating his victory with his friends and overdid it. Luckily you were there to save him and get him into bed safely. The only differences are that he isn't drunk now and you work for him.
After a while he comes out, wrapped in a towel, looking like he is more awake. “Good morning sleepyhead. C´mon get dressed and I will wait for you in the car.” , you tease him with a smile. “I know you want to get to the hotel quickly, but you are quite bossy. I hope I'm still sleeping and you aren't this rude to me in reality.”, replies Oscar jokingly, faking a frown. “Can't we stay here for a little bit? Just a quick nap. Then I'll drive to the hotel.”, he tries offering. “Osi, no. Get dressed or I'm leaving you here.”
He sighs: “Yes chef.” 
You go gather his belongings, taking them to the car and saying your farewell to the team for the day, learning that Lando has already left. Oscar gets to you and together you walk towards the car. “You have a lot to learn as a rookie from your teammate.” He looks at you confused: ”What do you mean?”
“Well, he is already on his way, wasting no time…” “Oh cmon, give me a break…” 
“Not yet, gotta get you to your room.” “I'm not a kid anymore and you know me since childhood.” he whines.
“Exactly, I know you enough to know you need to be taken care of 24/7.” you smirk his way as you put the bags into the car. “Osi, I know you are exhausted but just cooperate with me for a few more minutes. I know you can.”
The ride to the hotel was a bit different than you thought. You expected Oscar to fall asleep, instead he was very responsive and talkative. Not like you didn't enjoy it, you just didn't expect it. Finally you arrived at your destination and got out. It was kinda early for you to go eat dinner so you went straight for the rooms. As your trusty friend unlocks the door for you he helps you with some bags and lays on the bed. You look at him: “Alright, I will leave you now. See you tomorrow morning Osi-”
He sits up suddenly. “Hold on! Can you stay the night here? You will just get the stuff you need from your room and come back. We can have a sleepover! Like old times.” he blurs out with hope in his eyes. You laugh at his eagerness and sit next to him : “Well if that's what you want… we can, but if you snore, I'm kicking you out on the balcony.” you joke. “Hey! This is my room. I'm the boss here, your rules don't work on me here.” You look at him with a glint in your eyes. “Oh really?” You were feeling a little bolder today so you decided to play with him a bit. You stood up and climbed onto him so your legs were beside his thighs and you hugged him around his shoulders. Eyes looking at his reddening face and inching closer. “ Someone is feeling themselves after nearly winning a race. Isn't that right?” He was too stunned to say anything. When he finally realized he had you like that, nearly sitting in his lap he woke up from his day dream and put his hands on your hips. It felt so so much better than you thought, to have his palms touch you and warm you up. But you weren't letting him have you. “Well then thanks for letting me stay here for the night Osi. I'll go get my stuff and get right back here.” you ruffled his soft locks and left to go for your pjs. But you didn't get far because the racing driver caught your wrist thanks to his quick reflexes. Under his breath he says: “Where do you think you're going.” You got caught off guard. That didn't sound like a question at all. Oscar stood up and towered over you. “I don't think I am the one feeling them-self in here. You are not going anywhere until we get that attitude out of you.” You are now the shocked one. You are about to say something but he pulls you towards him so your palms are on his chest. “You got to tell me what to do since Thursday. Now it's my turn and you are going to listen, understand sweetie?”
This Oscar was so hot. Not that he isn't usually hot but now he wasn't goofy hot. Just HOT.
“There we go, I knew you could behave well.” he smiled “Is it okay if I kiss you?”. You stare at him for a moment and smash your lips together. You two get into a rhythm and just go for it. It's messy, it's hot but absolutely amazing. He is holding you by your hips, your hands are on the sides of his head. When you separate to breathe, you simultaneously decide to get rid of your clothes. You climb on the bed in your bra and panties as he stumbles out of his pants and climbs on top of you. You kiss yet again but now with more touching. He pets your stomach and touches around your thighs. You caress his neck and trace his chest with your fingers. Soft touches are everywhere. He pulls away : “God…you are stunning”. He takes your hand and puts a little kiss on your palm. Then he intertwines your and his hand as he squeezes it. You realize how much he loves you. He loves you and knows you care about him. You look into his eyes and nod at him. A silent signal of trust. 
“Climb on top of me…” he orders softly. You sit up and move to hover above his thighs. You guide his hands to the back of your bra and he understands what must be done. He frees your chest and lets his hands do the work. You sigh in comfort and get your fingers in his brown locks. He is so gentle, yet he knows what he wants and you love it. The kisses around your shoulders, chest, upper arms, ribs, just everywhere. It is his and you let him claim it. 
“Osi… don't tease” you whine. “Don't. I want to explore you. Don't be so tense, let me spread my love everywhere…” he speaks against your skin. “Your skin's so soft... so smooth... so warm.”
You let him do what he wants and then it's time to get rid of the last piece of clothing on both of you. He grabs a spare condom from his wallet and puts it on. You would ask him jokingly where he got it from but you don't want to ruin the mood, so you climb on top of him once again. You put your hands on his shoulders and kiss him deeply one last time before hovering over him and slowly sinking down. Your quiet moan turns into a louder one as Oscar helps you go further down. “Shh, you can take it.” You hide your face in his neck and breathe in his scent. He smells so familiar. Like home. "You're doing so well for me love."
Slowly he starts moving your hips, breathing out softly. You start lifting yourself up and down again and again. A steady pace is set and you both enjoy the feeling. “You were made for me…” escapes from Oscar's mouth in a small moan. You look down at him, at his pleasured gaze and kiss his cheek. This nice and calm rocking suddenly turns into you being handled by Oscar as you repeat his name like a mantra. “Say it louder. I need to remember you saying my name like this.” You were slowly starting to lose control over your body and just let Oscar do what he wanted. His name left your lips in shorter and louder yelps. He loved it. He brought you to this state. And you let him. The trust he was given fueled his hips to meet yours in the middle. Your muscles were like enchanted, contorting in pleasure.
Oscar laid you down and took over completely. He will bring you two to the oh so desired state as if his life depended on it. His lips worked on marking your chest and his hips hammered into you like no tomorrow. You felt him everywhere, he overtook all of your senses and clouded your mind. The hand on your belly and the other one on your sensitive nerve sent you over and you yelling out Oscar´s name helped him reach his seventh heaven.
And just like that it was over. Oscar composed himself, threw away the condom and went into the bathroom. Soon he returned with a wet cloth and a cup of water as you leaned on your elbows. “Now let me take care of you baby…” he said with a smile and you returned it. 
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dawnoftime22 · 3 months
| T.S
Warnings: no talking from R, a very light nightmare, and panicked/fast heartrate
Summary: Taylor was doing her work in the middle of the night while you slept, until you had suddenly received a nightmare, leading to Taylor to help you fall asleep.
Word Count: 1k
Category: Fluff
A/N: you guys...I hit 500 followers and I'm BEYOND in disbelief. I'm so so happy I wanna squeeze each and every one of you in a hug!! I loooove you all sm - I'm thinking of doing a special for it, although I would have to push myself a little and get my motivation back up. who knows, I'm hoping to maybe do a comfort week where I post comforting fics each day in a week for the times that anyone needs them :]
| Started on 28/06/2024, 2:26 AM |
| Finished on 28/06/2024, 8:30 PM |
Main Masterlist | T.S Masterlist
“My, my, your gentle voice, oh, to be softly soothed with as I fall asleep.”
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|——————————— ⸆⸉ ———————————|
You were asleep, laying on the bed with your breathing deep and soft. It was quiet, a peaceful atmosphere as the cats, too, were sleeping.
Taylor was still awake. But it wasn't without reasons, as she had emails and work to do before tomorrow arrives, and also a melody stuck in her head too.
She had told you to sleep before her earlier, just because she knows you've had a long, exhausting day as she did. Even though you tried to stay up to accompany her, it was obvious you weren't able to keep your eyes open, so, a few minutes of cuddling had you sleeping within seconds.
The laptop screen made her squint through the dimly lit room, reading the words of a document, or her notes she had to check for anything she's forgotten.
A yawn escapes her mouth, and as her fingers made the keyboard keys clack with her typing, she felt herself getting sleepy.
Her eyes travel to the clock. It was 2 am. The night was still young, really, for any nights she's ever wanted to stay up for. But she wouldn't deny some sleep for now, especially with you already in slumber.
Deciding she needed at least a break, she makes sure everything is saved and mostly done on her laptop before looking to the side to grab her phone.
The screen was unlocked after seeing a picture of you and her, with Meredith, Olivia, and Benjamin at the bottom. A smile raises upon her lips, her eyes going to your, thankfully, still sleeping figure.
She closes her laptop and set it aside before scooting closer to you slightly, then returning to her phone. The screen shows instagram loading up, and she uses her index finger to scroll, seeing posts and stories of her friends and other celebrities.
The gentle hum of her voice quietly sounds out, a smile still on her face, which raised up further at the sight of one of your posts; a photo of your hand, intertwined with hers, but a small cat paw joined in, atop the back of your hands.
She remembered when that happened. It was when you were sitting on the living room couch together, watching a movie. Taylor had reached your hand up to leave a soft kiss, and was about to settle it back down comfortably, when Benjamin's fluffy paw had come out of nowhere to touch your intertwined hands.
She scrolls a bit more, seeing Gracie's video of the fire in her kitchen. Again, Benjamin had come into the scene, but he was confuzzled with what he walked into. Taylor didn't even notice he was there when the situation was happening-- especially not when she was cursing at a fire extinguisher hoping her house wasn't going to burn down while Gracie was mindlessly holding up her phone.
She went to type a comment to the video, her thumbs hovering over the digital keyboard, but just as she did, she saw the smallest movement of your stirring in the corner of her vision.
Taylor senses the chance of your awakening, and her eyes lock onto your face with concern. But then, you had jolted out of your sleep with a sharp breath, your eyes snapping open.
Even with her surprise, she catches herself to gently wrap her arm around you, careful not to scare you further as she pulls you closer.
You look around panickly before you felt her hand moving in a soothing rhythm at your back. You find her blue eyes in the darkness, and she could see the vulnerability gleaming in yours.
Her face softens, and her hand moves up so she could gently make you lean against her forehead. "Shhh, it's alright." She whispers, letting go of her phone to wrap both her arms around you, making sure her phone was beside her instead of in between the both of you, just in case she accidentally moves atop it.
With a slow, gentle breath you let out, you snuggle close to her, your nose brushing against her neck, tickling the skin ever so slightly.
Although she was concerned, she could see it in your form; you were calm on the outside, but your rapid heart told otherwise. It was clear. You had a small nightmare, but thankfully not one enough to terrify all your being.
Taylor looks down, tilting her head to take a little peek at you. The tiredness and sleepiness was still in your eyes, the yawn that escapes your mouth told it further.
She smiles softly, turning to lay a soft kiss against the side of your head. Her hand was kept on your back, moving in a soothing motion still.
Minutes passed by, the white noise of the fan and A/C sounding through the room, and her own yawn coming from her mouth.
With a check on you again, she saw your eyes half open, but also not fully closed. The movement of your hand fiddling on her necklace also was a clear sign. You were having difficulty falling back asleep, and she knew you needed a small push.
With a gentle deep intake of breath that she releases slowly, she closes her eyes, leaning into you. A soft hum starts to quietly sound from her, a familiar melody that had your bleary eyes traveling up to her.
"I spy with my little tired eye, tiny as a firefly..."
"A pebble that we picked up..."
"Last july..."
All that filled the space now was her whispered words, starting to lull you to sleep. Her hands lovingly run through your hair, in hopes that it will calm you. With the melting relaxation of your body, it indeed did.
"Down deep inside your pocket,"
She smiles softly, looking at you once more with a warm smile, even while she too, was sleepy, it almost made it even sweeter.
"...We almost forgot it..."
"Does it ever miss wicklow...sometimes?"
Your eyes had grown heavier, and she watches as they finally close. Your breaths dissolve into a steadier, slower rhythm, and her humming matches with the timing.
"Mm, mm..." She hums softly, continuing on with her lullaby, until she too starts to fall asleep herself, joining you in slumber.
They said the end is coming...
Everyone's up to something...
I find myself runnin' home to your...sweet nothings...
Outside, they're push and shoving...
You're in the kitchen, humming...
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@dmenby3100 @wandsmxmff @tia-thesimp @marvelwomen-simp @escapereality4music @fawnedolly @justgayloringeverthrone @lovelyy-moonlight @stevecore @midastouch013 @liloandstitchstan @maleahoswick @raven-ss
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sparrowrye · 3 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, A3 part 14
Synopsis: Alastor disappeared for 8 years, leaving you confused, crushed, and angry. You spent those years building up your new self and protecting the haven from dangers left and right. What will happen when he returns to the new changes? Will he return anytime soon? Could you even go back to the way things were?
Previous part
Part 14: the wedding
WARNING! It's long :P
"Darling," Alastor called softly.
I was sitting at the dining room table with papers scattered across the surface. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until Alastor called me. His warm presence melted with mine as his gentle hands touched my shoulders.
"I'm awake," I mumbled, pushing myself upright and dragging the closest paper across the table. Alastor's hand gently pressed mine into the wood to stop me.
"Time for sleep, love," he spoke softly in my ear. His radio filter was off and his tone an octave lower than usual. He rubbed his cheek against mine, his hand moving up my arm and coming to wrap around my waist.
"I need to finish this." I tried for the paper again but he lifted me out of the chair before I could touch it. My movements were slow and sluggish, failing to push him away as he leaned down to lift my legs. I felt his mind merge with mine and force my head to rest on his shoulder.
To think, years ago, I would've hated the very thought of him being able to command my movements with mere thoughts. Now, it was almost comforting.
"But I need to finish..." I said quietly against his neck.
"Their wedding isn't for another week," he argued softly, "You can carry on tomorrow morning. One night will do no harm."
I had been trying to arrange everyone's schedule for the day of Reagan and Lucas' wedding. It was mostly double checking but when one mistake presented itself and needed fixing, it usually caused several other issues to mend it. I didn't realize how hard it was to organize and schedule people.
Charlie was making Reagan's wedding a bigger deal than probably either of us. Reagan wasn't one for being in the spotlight and I had expected to have close friends and family attend. Instead, Charlie had ensured everyone in the town knew about it and would celebrate in some way.
Fortunately, Reagan didn't seem to mind when talk went around the city. Talk of the city's most powerful guardians' daughter getting married to a Slight Human. Husker told me this marriage would likely help with the bad blood between Demons and Humans.
Alastor physically walked up the stairs to our bedroom. Everyone was asleep already, the lights in the house off save for our bedroom. It was warm and comforting.
Demon Hunters were starting to become a problem. They were a secret, big society. They were able to communicate mass events and mob gathering without technology. We couldn't pin point a leader like we did with Blackwater. They seemed to operate on an agreed schedule or maybe even a council.
Either way, they were dangerous.
Our city continued to grow and our territory expanded. We gave up trying to build a physical wall and increased our guard numbers and patrol. There were always guards around those who were building new homes and buildings. We were stretching further and further away from the coast, covering all the green from where I stood on the porch most mornings.
I became less of a guardian against outward problems and more of a warden inside. Not everyone was happy about living with the other species and it sometimes caused riots or huge fights and fires. I usually tried to let the inside guards handle it but when it became too much for them to handle, I stepped in.
Stress had creeped its way back into my shoulders. From the riots, to the Demon Hunters, to expansions, Nym and Thatcher's pre-teen issues, to Reagan's wedding. It was starting to take a toll.
Alastor snapped his fingers to dress me in my night attire and bent over to put me in bed. I gave in to the silky sheets and rubbed my face into my soft pillow. I heard his deep chuckle and smiled. A moment later he climbed into bed with me. I immediately shifted closer so I was pressed against his side, my tail wrapping around his ankle like it always did.
"Goodnight darling." He placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Goodnight," I mumbled.
Reagan was a nervous wreck. She couldn't stop talking as myself and her bridesmaids fixed up her hair. We had it braided back with two strands relaxing on either side of her face. We added Arleen's pearl clips to it.
"Everyone knows people get nervous on their wedding day," one of her friends said.
"I think Lucas may be relieved you're still going through with this," I commented next. I couldn't say anything about weddings, having almost no experience aside from the research I had done for preparations, but I did know the two of them on a personal level.
"Are you sad?" she suddenly asked, making direct eye contact with me.
I blinked at her. "What for?"
"Me. Giving me away."
"I hardly consider it giving you away." I touched her arm reassuringly and looked at her in the mirror. "I trust Lucas, I trust you, and you're always going to be welcome in your home." I briefly stuck out my sharp tongue. "Plus, you promised me you'd have weekly dinners with us."
She rolled her eyes but her smile gave away her true feelings. The comment had eased her some but I sent magic down her muscles just to be sure. A little magic like that never hurt anyone.
I was wearing a pale, sleeveless, violet dress. The other bridesmaids were also wearing pale versions of any color they coaxed from Arleen. They were all silky smooth and fit just right on each of us.
We fixed up Reagan's makeup a little more, pinned any flyaways, and straightened out her dress. She took a slow, deep breath before letting us know she was ready. Her maid of honor ran out the room to let the other coordinators know she was ready.
We had secured one of the few event buildings in the city. It was a large hall with tables and a stage, as well as a few rooms in the back. We picked the one closest to the beach where the wedding would take place. Charlie had made sure to keep the roads we were using blocked off until the ceremony was done.
I could feel how many people were crowding the street or watching eagerly from their home. Reagan was close to a celebrity, being the adopted daughter of the haven's two most powerful guardians. We didn't count Charlie because we all know she could never hurt a fly.
"Are you ready?" I held out my arm to Reagan. She exhaled slowly again.
Then took my arm. "I shouldn't be this nervous."
"Of course you should. This is a big deal." I stood about half a head taller than her but I gave myself a few extra inches in foot claws to appear more taller. I relaxed her neck muscles again with magic.
The walk to the beach was short but crowded. Everyone had stopped what they were doing just to watch us walk by. Reagan's grip on my arm tightened at the undivided attention of this portion of the city. I heard, felt, and saw the breath of relief she let out when we finally reached the beach and curved to the side out of view.
Now it was nothing but friends and family lining the way. Lucas stood at the podium with one hand covering his mouth. He forced the hand to clasp his other one and failed miserably to stop the tears from falling. As handsome as he looked with his blond hair slicked back, Reagan and I both liked his usually unruly look. I knew for a fact that she would most certainly see that tonight.
Smiles followed her as a select few musicians played a peaceful melody to the side. They were just loud enough to hear over the crash of the waves. But Reagan was paying that no mind as we neared the front of the little crowd.
We stopped in front of Lucas. Reagan bit her lip as she let go of my arm in an effort to restrain the tears. As soon as her eyes found her soon-to-be husband, I slipped off behind her and joined Alastor in the crowd.
I had managed to coax him into wear his black suit from the gala instead of his usual red one.
Lucas' mother was the officiate for the ceremony. Religion wasn't a strong factor in our city, let alone much of the world anymore, so it was usually left to the parents or guardians of either side.
Reagan's maid of honor fluffed out the white dress as the ceremony began. I could hear the small click and shutter of Spencer's camera. He was more than happy to be the photographer for this momentous day.
I found myself entirely enraptured with the speech. I had never heard a wedding speech before, let alone believe that one day I would witness one.
Naturally, since the very moment Lucas asked for her finger size, I had thought of Alastor and I. We were soulmates but we weren't married. When I brought it up to him, he said it was a trifling ceremony meant to 'unify' (yes he used air quotes for the first time) individuals who hadn't found their soulmates.
He then proceeded to give me a history lesson on how weddings used to operate in the different centuries he had been alive in. I never broached the subject again.
As much as he didn't want a wedding, I was starting to want it. I wore his crest and he wore the family emblem but there was something about wearing a matching ring. He didn't wear any jewelry and having a single ring on his finger would stand out. We were together. Soulmates. Bonded.
I glanced up at him. He looked at me out the corner of his eye.
The couple said their parts, the crowd said ours as witnesses, then they kissed. Everyone instantly cheered and clapped. Reagan gave me a huge grin as he lead her back down the aisle. The rest of us followed close behind back to the event building.
The night went as perfectly according to plan as possible. A few others joined us at the after party where plenty of music, food, and drinks went about. I was grateful to have been part of the team to help set up. The other team would have to stay until everyone went home to start cleaning up.
Speeches were given throughout the night by selected people. I was one of the first and started my speech with a story of how Reagan and I first met at the exact same place the ceremony had been held. She was just a little teenager as we chatted on the big boulder about the fighting rings. Now she was a young adult who sometimes forgot she even had to go through such a part in her life.
Of course, I had to share the story of when she and Lucas first started expressing interest in the other. I pointed out all the different times they tried to 'walk into the other' on the street. Everyone "aww'd" at that one.
Other speeches were from friends and Lucas' side of the family. We had convinced some of them into staying a night in the haven for the ceremony. They would be teleported back to their homes tomorrow morning by Charlie.
Alastor's hand found my back. We had found a corner table to watch everything play out in front of us. The music was lively, the food hot and delicious, and the drinks expertly hiding the amount of alcohol in them.
Are you alright, love? Alastor asked through our minds.
I'm really tired, I answered. Planning for the wedding had been surprisingly exhausting. As much as I loved Reagan, I wanted the night to end early. I was ready for sleep. Nym and Thatcher were probably going to bed soon at their friend's house.
Perhaps we make our leave then. He offered, hand moving in small circles on my lower back. His magic was sealing through his palm and into my aching muscles.
There's still two hours left.
Reagan will be leaving with Lucas within the hour, per this tradition.
Might as well stay the hour. I'm the mother of the bride.
He leaned in to press his lips against the side of my head. I noticed several people turning their heads to watch, causing me shift my weight around.
Charlie is the organizer, not you. We can say you were not feeling well. They'll understand.
I don't know. I took a sip of sweet wine from my glass. My black claws were a stark contrast to the clear base.
A deep blue color spread through my mind. My eyelids felt heavier, as did my limbs. I put the glass down and sent a stroke of pain to his mind, not enough to actually hurt but enough to startle. Stop that.
I have done nothing wrong, he said amusingly.
My tail slipped under his pant leg and wrapped around his furry calf. His back went rigid, his claws suddenly still on my hip, and sharp eyes locked with mine. I yawned away the sleep spell he had attempted to put on me.
If you really wanted me in bed so badly, you could've just asked. My tail moved higher up his leg. His frozen smile, as well as our connection, told me it was surprise. Maybe I had overstepped. He was just as new to this as me.
He cleared his throat a moment later and leaned his arm on the table, bringing his head down to be level with mine. His smile had turned into a smirk. I always want you in bed, my dear. Platonically or romantically.
I crossed my arms on the table to bring my face close to his, the quiet bystanders having directed their focus on the new dance. I opened my metaphorical mouth to speak but he continued on.
It is difficult to focus on anything but your smooth figure silhouetted in the dark.
My eyebrows quirked up.
To attempt to sleep when your legs tangle perfectly with mine. When your breath fans my neck. When your body fits oh-so-perfectly against mine.
I blinked at him, my mind utterly silent for once.
It is difficult to refrain from pushing you into the mattress and making love in the moonlight.
He brought a red claw up to my cheek. "You're blushing, dear," he said aloud.
I reached up to feel the heat in my cheeks. I turned away and grasped the wine glass, coughing and clearing my throat.
Of course I blush when you say things like that, I remarked.
I can stop.
I couldn't prevent the thoughts or feelings that told him how much I didn't want him to do exactly that. I could feelhim read those very things and his smile grew wider.
But I would love to tell you more. Like how much I keep replaying that night in my mind, how much I wish to see your smooth skin in the firelight, how much I want to feel your sharp claws dig into my back...
On cue, he pressed the tips of his claws into my exposed back. I turned my head further away, sipping continuously on the wine to give myself something to do. I was very much awake now.
His red claw clanged with the glass as he pushed it down and away from my face. I gave him a scrutinized look as he straightened up, coming to stand a head taller than me again.
"How is everything?" Charlie's loud voice made me jump. I unraveled my tail so it fell lazily around Alastor's ankle. "Are you okay?" A look of worry crossed her face as she moved to stand closer to me.
"She is feeling unwell at the moment," Alastor answered. His hand on my back slowly moved lower.
"Yeah your face is all red. What's wrong?"
My face burned brighter. I practically slapped my forehead into the palm of my hand saying, "I just don't feel well all of a sudden. It'll pass." Alastor's hand moved further down my back. I was shooting all kinds of thoughts and signals for him to stop but he ignored me.
"Maybe you should go lay down." She put a hand on my shoulder and I side stepped towards the table to avoid it. She lowered her hand...as did Alastor's. "I've got it from here. I think Reagan is ready to have some privacy, too." She giggled at the end.
"I think we'll do exactly that," Alastor chimed in from over my shoulder. "Thank you, dear Charlie. She has been worrying herself sick over this wedding."
"Well you don't have to worry anymore!" Charlie deepened her voice for dramatization then laughed at herself. "Go sleep it off. I'll handle everything from here." She turned to walk away, seemingly satisfied with the result of the conversation.
Alastor's hand gripped the base of my tail.
I stifled a yell and lunged forward.
"What was that?" Charlie had turned around, innocent eyes looking me over.
"I-I didn't say anything. Thank you for helping with everything." My words practically slurred together with how fast I was trying to speak. I sent a sharper jolt of pain to Alastor's mind but he deflected it. I needed to know how he did that.
"Of course. Feel better!" Charlie merged with the crowd, probably in search of her partner to let her know the news. I brought the tip of my tail up to smack Alastor's hand that now hung carefree at his side. Fortunately he wasn't able to evade that move and quietly hissed at the sting it brought him.
I caught Reagan drinking a glass of water off to the side of the dance floor. I slithered behind the tables and people to meet her. She gave me a tight hug and agreed that she would sneak off with Alastor and I with her new husband. We were both lucky this part of the tradition didn't require any grand send off and instead allowed the couple to sneak off whenever they wanted.
Alastor held his arm for me to take and I did, reluctantly so, but kept my mind as detached from his as I could manage. Ever since our first time I found myself unable to completely remove my mind from his, forever tangled in his red and green colors. There were memories I still had yet to look through but part of me wanted to respect that last trace of privacy.
His cane tapped the stone street as the four of us walked back in the dark together. I could feel the happiness radiating off the newly wed couple, though their faces showed how exhausted they were. It can be quite tiresome to be the star of the show for so long.
Alastor kept his mind, and hands, to himself the whole walk back. Lucas and Reagan separated from us when they reached their apartment while Alastor and I continued out of the city and up the grassy hill. I had been insistent that there was a decent amount of grass between the house and the city. It helped make the house feel more like a haven to myself and the children I harbored.
Speaking of whom, I reached out my magic to find them safely asleep with their friends. The nightmare of Adam in their room was still ever present in my mind. There always seemed to be some kind of impending doom, one that I couldn't prevent and had to work through when it arrived. I was scheduled to meet with Lucifer in a few days to talk about visions again. He had given me a break since Alastor's return.
The front door closed behind me and my palms began to sweat. Alastor seemed to be moving in slow motion as he walked up the stairs ahead of me, red claw gently holding onto mine. His shoulders shifted with every step, his hair swaying, and his staff thundering on each plank. His mind was surrounding mine but not yet pushing through my inner barriers. I could sense a dull feeling of excitement.
He closed the bedroom door behind me. The room was dark a moment before he lit the fireplace. His green magic seeped through the air, filling the room with the fire's warmth in a matter of seconds.
I waited for his claws to find my waist, but they never did. He crossed my vision at a distance...then again. My feet stayed planted while my head turned left and right to watch him. His cane had disappeared, his hands were behind his back, and his eyes seemed a touch more red as they looked me up and down.
"What are you doing?" I flicked my tail against the floor in annoyance.
"You didn't have enough time to do that today?" I mused. My head snapped to the right as he walked behind me and came up on the other side.
"There's never enough time," he answered. "Theres always something to admire about you."
"Like my tail? That was a dangerous move."
"Oh? How so?" He stopped in front of me and stood so close that I had to tilt my head back to keep eye contact.
"We were in public and Charlie almost saw."
"Is that all?" He reached up to brush a strand of hair out of my face. His claw was cool to the touch but left a hot trail on my skin.
For a moment I forgot he asked me a question. Then I saw his smile widen. "And me."
"Do tell. If we were not in public, what would you have done?" His claw moved to the other side of my face and pressed his palm in the sweet spot between my jaw and ear.
"You'd have one less ear."
The tension broke as he started to laugh. One hand held his stomach while the other hovered over my cheek. His radio filter was off and his genuine laugh filled my ears. I smiled as he attempted to compose himself.
"My dear...if I didn't know any better...I would say you have an obsession with them." His laugh turned into short chuckles in between words and his palm reattached itself to my cheek.
"No," my half-lidded eyes found his, "they're just your weakness."
His lips closed around his smile. Memories flashed in front of our eyes at the time I chased him through the shadows at Lucifer's palace. He had scared the daylights out of Nym and Thatcher (mostly Thatcher) and I wasn't letting that slide. I had pulled him out of the shadows and grabbed one of his ears. He was on his knees and wincing with every tightening of my grip.
He flinched when my real hand came up to gently touch the tuff. It flicked once, twice, before letting me run my fingers down the mix of fur and hair. Our faces were close from having to stand on my toes to reach. His eyes moved ever so slightly as he looked between both of my eyes.
My fingers wrapped around the base of his ear then stroked upwards once. His eyes immediately closed and he hummed. My other hand rested on his black clothed chest to keep my balance.
I stroked his ear again. I could feel him trying to swallow a moan.
I reached the base again. This time I was ready to squeeze hard, but his black and red claw grabbed my wrist. My eyes jumped from his ear to his eyes that were now focused intently on me.
"Trying something are we?" He knew. Of course he knew. 
"A little payback for earlier, nothing detrimental."
He pulled my hand off and rested his other hand on the spot between my shoulder and neck. His thumb graced up and down a neck muscle.
"I have a little payback, too, my dear." A tentacle wrapped around my ankle. I looked down at it but Alastor caught my chin in his hand and pulled my head back up. The tentacle wound further up my leg.
"You didn't even suffer the consequences of your actions." I attempted to step away but the tentacle and his hand kept me in place. His smile was wide and his eyes seemed to flicker in the firelight.
The tentacle reached my knee.
I struggled against the tight hold as he brought his face closer. His free hand moved to my back and splayed his fingers across my exposed skin, right where my wings would normally manifest. He pushed me, pressing me into his chest and allowing his lips to graze my skin.
The contact made me freeze on the spot. Tingles of excitement ran through my fingers and into my brain. Alastor's mind was a cloudy green and leaking into my purple mind.
There were no thoughts when his tongue trailed up the side of my neck. My mouth dropped open as chills ran through my blood. My throat felt dry and my veins seemed to squeeze.
The fire went out.
A large hand came down on my chest and shoved me into the wall. My nose curled in a snarl but died upon seeing him. His eyes were mostly black and his antlers sprouted in janky angles.
"I have been so patient," his radio filter was back on and his voice an octave lower, "and understanding as you planned this wedding. But...even you cannot ignore the pull. The drive. The craving."
Hand still on my chest, he pressed the tip of his claw against my skin. He didn't draw blood but it was sharp nonetheless.
It took me a moment to compose myself. Fear of his supposed anger and of past memories had tripped me. As I searched his mind, I found no anger. Only hunger.
And desire.
"Is that all you feel?" My voice was shaky. "All you need?"
His eyes blinked back to their natural red, and he leaned down so our faces were level. "Is that all you are willing to give me tonight?" His other hand hovered an inch above my waist.
"I suppose I am...uh..." I licked my dry lips. "I am open to persuasion."
His yellow teeth poked through his lips. "I can be quite persuasive."
A single phrase said in two different ways at two different points in my life with him. The first he had chased me through the forest and nearly choked me against a tree. His feet had been the only thing in view as he said it.
Now, we were in a similar situation but the intentions and feelings were so different.
His claws found mine and he guided me over to the window seat. He sat down first and pulled me to stand between his legs. His intent flashed in my mind a moment before his hands slipped under my dress. He bunched the fabric up enough to let me kneel on either side of him, my hands gripping his shoulders for support.
I loved seeing him in a black suit.
My ears flicked at the sound of his slick tongue running across my skin. One claw stayed on my thigh while the other one supported my back, but mostly to keep me from leaning away.
He licked the same spot several times over until I felt the buzz of his magic numbing the area. His teeth broke my skin and his grip tightened ten fold. He sucked on the wound and shoved his teeth in it repeatedly to draw out more blood.
The more blood he swallowed, the hungrier I grew.
With his mind, teeth, and hands occupied, I brought my claw up to undo his tie. Next I unbuttoned his black suit. I shoved the fabric off his shoulders and started with the buttons of his red long sleeve.
When enough was undone, I ran the palm of my hand up his neck. He froze.
A moment later, Don't stop on my account, love.
I lowered my hand to the top of his chest then back up. He moaned into my wound as I moved up his neck. I grabbed hold his jaw and pushed him up and off my shoulder.
A look of bewilderment took over his features. How dare I stop him, how dare I grab him in such a way.
I kept my hand on his jaw, just as he had done to me hundreds of times, and whispered in his ear, "My turn." A shock of electricity sparked between us. 
My hand held him by the side of his neck while my teeth found the other side. His mind, as pushy as ever, had me bitting down almost instantly. A moan replaced what I thought would be a hiss. His claws pressed harder into my skin and left bruises behind.
His blood soothed the itch in my throat and released the hold on my veins. I could feel his muscles rubbing against my teeth. It was sweet. So sweet. I could still remember the struggle of needing victims to satisfy my thirst that was never truly satisfied. I would always need his blood. I always need him.
He pried me off sooner than I wanted. He wrapped his arms around my back and placed kisses on my exposed chest. When he reached the fabric of my dress, his red eyes glanced up to watch me. The question and answer traveled through our minds.
A hand unzipped the dress from behind and it fell in my lap. I leaned away but he held on, eyes looking me over. Then they met mine and he waited, waited for the okay, before snaking out his tongue to run it across a nipple.
A gasp left my mouth. He hugged me close and attached his lips, his tongue moving in circles and barely flattened teeth grazing the tip. His eyes tried to find mine but I looked away. My arms wrapped around his shoulders and a hand came up to gently tug on his hair.
He switched sides. I let out a sigh when his hot mouth engulfed my other nipple. I felt oddly relaxed and settled on his lap as bolts of electricity zipped to my fingertips. I could feel the wetness between my legs and started to worry about getting anything on him.
"Why so quiet my dear?" Alastor trailed his tongue between my breasts and all the way up my neck. "I want to hear how you feel."
I gave a shy smile, still without looking at him. He rectified that by grabbing my chin and forcing me to look down at him. His canines were poking through his lips.
"I want you, love." He pulled me flush against him and this time I felt him. "Dare say, I need you."
He shoved away the memories that dared to resurface and brought up ones from our first time together. The gentleness, the care, the pleasure, the pain, the relief, the love.
It felt like there was a string reaching out to him and trying to merge with his mind. I could faintly remember the crossed feeling of being together at the end of our first time. That had felt good.
I wish to make love, darling.
I brought a shaky claw up to his cheek and pushed his red and black hair off his skin. He looked like he was starting to sweat.
Then let's make love.
He didn't hesitate to take his opportunity. He secured me against his abdomen as he abruptly stood up. The height difference made me feel unbalanced and I clung to his shoulders as best I could.
He knelt on the bed and led me down with his hand. Moonlight shined in my eye. When had the blinds opened?
"Look here, love." His claw wasn't sharp when he pushed my chin back towards him. "I'm the only thing you need to focus on tonight." He ran his claws down my clothed thigh.
"But...what if someone sees—"
"Who will see, darling? There is nothing but ocean on this side." He reached under the hem to pull at my undergarments. "And the little devils are not here tonight."
"They're not devils." I propped myself up on my elbows.
"Whatever you say, my dear." He pulled the loose dress past my waist, exposing me entirely. I instinctively turned on my side to shield myself. "Come." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my knees. He guided my wrists to his shirt collar and waited.
I licked my dry lips as I finished undoing the rest of the buttons. My hands moved slowly across his shoulders to push the shirt down his arms. His chest was a mix of skin and short fur and littered with scars. My fingers traced a large one by his heart.
The sound of him undoing his belt made my ears pin back. I fell back on the bed with one leg up to hide my features. His legs were to the side of him as his eyes watched me carefully.
You may end this if you wish. He said gently.
It does not have to be tonight, if you are not ready.
"No no, I'm ready," I said aloud. "I want to."
I felt his magic deafen my ears as he slipped his belt out of the loops and toss it on the floor. My hearing returned as he shuffled closer to run a hand along my shin.
"I don't like that you hide from me, my dear," he confessed. "I will not harm you."
"I know that." I hid my mouth behind my hand. Even so, I felt my fear washing away with every wave of words he spoke. How did he always say the right thing?
He wrapped an arm around my waist and dragged me closer. Our hips touched, his still clothed, and we faced opposite directions. He lowered his head for a kiss and got more.
One hand found the back of his exposed arm and the other the back of his head. His tongue touched my lips so I pushed his head more and opened my mouth wider.
He hummed into the kiss and I returned it. His tongue was longer and skinnier than mine and did wonders with just circles. I was using all my strength on the back of his neck to keep me upright. He fixed that by half lifting me and placing me further up the bed.
I loved the feeling of his chest against mine.
I loved it even more when his fingers slipped inside me. My back arched as my mouth fell open. He kissed the side of my jaw as his fingers slipped in and out repeatedly. Every now and then he curled his fingers and made my stomach feel funny.
He was kneeling over me, using one hand to touch me and the other to grab my wrist. He pulled my hand near him and my knuckles grazed his member. I went very still.
"It is nothing complicated, I assure you," he said gently, half amused. "Just move your hand up and down."
I had read...things...about this but doing it was something completely different. What if I did it wrong? What if he didn't like it?
"Just try," he answered the questions.
I swallowed on nothing and hesitantly wrapped my dulled claws around him. I started to move my hand up and down, listening intently to his thoughts for what he wanted me to do.
I gave light squeezes up and occasionally ran my thumb across the tip. Every time I did his whole body shuttered. His fingers continued their magic on me, still working as it should despite my entire attention focused on not screwing up.
You are perfect, darling. You're my soulmate for a reason.
I used my free hand to grab a handful of his hair and pull him in for a kiss. He moaned this time and I followed immediately after.
Finally he had reached his limit.
He removed his fingers and I let go. He asked for my go ahead one last time before pressing into me. This time it felt really good.
The stretching wasn't as painful and his hot breath on my skin was like a drug. Stars danced across my vision as all my senses focused on our intertwinement and his lips grazing my collarbone. My toes curled the sheets, my claws gripped his back, and my head leaned back into the pillow.
His breaths turned to gasps, which turned to moans, which turned to growls with every thrust. I managed to bring myself back to my body and watched the muscles in his arms work to keep him up and moving.
He dragged his tongue down my neck.
He felt hot.
I couldn't breathe, but it didn't scare me.
I just wanted more. More and more.
The friction wasn't enough.
I wrapped my legs around his waist. The slight change in angle sent my head further back and my jaw wide open. My claws dug into his back as his teeth sank in my shoulder.
"Al...Alastor...please...don't stop..." I whispered in his ear that was pinned back.
"Louder dear," he said between thrusts, "I need to hear how good I make you feel."
The timing of that phrase and a sharp thrust pulled a moan from my throat. I mumbled the same things over and over again as his speed picked up.
Alastor. The Radio Demon.
I was his soulmate. I was the one he wanted. I was the one he was having sex with.
"Al...right there. Don't stop. Don't stop."
He growled right in my ear as my claws punctured his skin. Everything in my body tightened as I rode out my high with his thrusts. I saw nothing but stars and a flurry of green magic as Alastor came undone.
Our magic merged. Our minds merged. Our memories, our feelings, our thoughts, they all merged. Absolute content and joy filled every sense we had. I couldn't tell who had yelled. I couldn't even feel my body anymore. I floated in nothingness with Alastor, as Alastor. Our minds were as entangled as I expected our bodies to be.
It was like his green magic was curling protectively around mine and melting together.
Then we were slammed back into our separate bodies. Alastor was half on me, breathing heavily. He got to his forearms and slowly pulled out. The sensitivity made me wince.
"You are so addicting," he rasped in my ear.
Author's Note:
Sorry this took so long to get out! We have roughly 6 more chapters of this series ~~le gasp~~! Also, this is like chapter 70
@wendigonamecaller @saccharine-nectarine @martinys-world @thesimpybitch @papas-ghoulette @masochist-downfall
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lifemod17 · 5 months
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spoiler free rambling below the cut
I was one of the few people who was lucky enough to have avoided any spoilers from this song when it was leaked right after the NYC listening party- it was actually one of the main reason why I avoided tiktok and twitter for a while... yall. I prepared myself for this song BUT. IT REALLY DIDN'T HELP. I AM SO VERY UNWELL.
It fits SO PERFECTLY with the theme of Wasteland, Baby! and I want to throw hands with Andrew for just letting this sit in a folder in a laptop but I can forgive him because it's out now.
I LOVE that it sounds imperfect, like he gets into these off-kilter flows and runs, but it's deliberate?!! AND IT WORKS WELL.
2019 Hozier, YOUR PEN GAME!?!?!!! SHOULD BE ILLEGAL IT IS SO GOOD. i need to process these lyrics more tomorrow when I'm more awake cuz OH BUDDY it hurts.
Wasteland, Baby! is such a beautiful album and I hope his new fans will get to appreciate it just as much as Unreal Unearth: Unheard now that the deluxe/special edition is here
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makeitmingi · 1 year
Cause Baby You're My Muse [Chapter 24]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.2K
"Okay, I think that's enough." Yeosang said as Hongjoong was trying to "shake" out the last drip of soju from the bottle. Mingi nodded in agreement, casting you a look. You were curled up against Seonghwa's side, snuggling into the older male.
"Party... poop...er." Hongjoong scoffed with a slur in his voice. He pouted as Yeosang threw the empty bottle into the bag.
"You good Mingi?" Yeosang asked.
"Yeah." As much as he wanted to move you into his embrace, he helped Yeosang clear up first. He got started on the dishes while Yeosang went to get rid of the trash and recycling.
"Mings?" You whimpered. Mingi immediately dropped what he was doing and rushed to your side.
"Are you okay, baby?" He asked softly, touching your warm cheek.
"Mhmm... But can I hug you?" You held out your hands. Mingi chuckled but leaned forward to let you clumsily wrap your arms around him. You buried your face into his shoulder.
"You smell nice." You commented.
"I use your soap. We smell the same." He replied, rubbing your back. Not realising that he was still "awake", Hongjoong was watching the whole thing. He pushed himself to stand up and stumbled over to where you and Mingi were having your moment. Hongjoong wobbled as he tried to separate you and Mingi.
"Y-Yah... Y-You... What are you doing to my baby sister? Huh?!" Hongjoong frowned as he pointed at Mingi.
"I'm not doing anything to her, hyung." Mingi sighed. He wasn't too worried, Hongjoong probably won't remember any of this tomorrow when he sobers up.
"You better not be..." Hongjoong warned.
"Sit and sleep, hyung." Mingi guided the captain to sit on the couch. Then he went to you, carrying you up bridal style.
"Weee!" You cheered like you were on a rollercoaster. Mingi chuckled and brought you to your room, laying you down on your bed. he tucked you in.
"Please don't leave me." You held his hand.
"I won't leave you. But I have to take care of the others too. I promise I'll be back." Mingi bent down so he was at your eye level.
"I'll wait for you." You declared.
"No, don't do that. Go to sleep, pretty girl, hmm?" Mingi kissed the top of your head. You wrapped your arms around his waist to hug him again. Afraid that Yeosang might come back and see or hear you two, Mingi tucked your back under the covers.
"Goodnight." He kissed your forehead and went back out to the living room. Yeosang was already there, trying to get the others to calm down and go to sleep.
"What song should we sing now?!" San asked, jumping to his feet.
"Quiet down, you'll wake the neighbours. And no more singing! Everyone sleep now." Yeosang scolded.
"No, we don't need sleep. I can still dance." Yunho said. Mingi sighed and went to help move Seonghwa up onto the couch to share the space with Hongjoong.
"Where's my drink?" Seonghwa asked.
"There are no more drinks, hyung. You've drank a lot, it's time to sleep now." Mingi coaxed.
When Mingi stood up, he counted everyone and realised someone was missing. That was when he looked up and saw your bedroom door open. Pursing his lips, he walked into your room to find Wooyoung cuddling with you. Mingi swore he almorst burst a blood vessel watching Wooyoung lay in his spot.
"Ah, this Jung Wooyoung. How did he end up here?" Yeosang poked his head into the room and saw the situation. Mingi would like to know too.
"I'm not letting him stay here." Mingi mumbled.
"Can you manage?" Yeosang asked as he watched Mingi pull Wooyoung up by his arm.
"Yeah. Go ahead and settle the rest or sleep." Mingi replied. Yeosang nodded and left your bedroom. Wooyoung whined, not liking that he was being separated from you and pulled out of the warm bed.
"This is my spot and that's my girl, Jung Wooyoung. Doesn't mean you're drunk means I won't punch you." Mingi growled in his ear.
"If I don't get to sleep here tonight, you sure as hell won't get to as well." He yanked Wooyoung out.
"Just park him here." Yeosang said, tapping the space beside San. Mingi put Wooyoung down and he immediately wrapped his arms around his soulmate.
"Is your back alright to sleep there?" Yeosang asked.
"Yeah. Luckily she has these mats down for Haneul so we're not sleeping on the cold floor." Mingi took one of the couch cushions and put it under his head. All he had to do was wait for Yeosang to sleep before going back to you.
Drunk or not, he wasn't going to break his promise to you of returning back to your side. He would just go lay down with you for a bit and make sure you're okay.
"We're going to have to order a lot of hangover soup tomorrow morning." Mingi sighed.
"That's if they wake up in the morning." Yeosang replied.
"Why didn't you drink too? I think I probably drank even more than you." Yeosang suddenly asked. Luckily it was dark or else Yeosang would have seen Mingi's flustered reaction.
"Just didn't feel like it. I don't drink anymore, remember? Plus, it's not fair for you to be the only one to take care of the members again. And last time you had manager hyungs to help you." Mingi lied.
"Oh... Thank you for doing that." Yeosang said, no suspicion in his voice at all.
"Goodnight." Mingi wished and Yeosang hummed. Mingi waited for Yeosang to put his phone away to sleep. But just to be sure, he waited for a bit before standing up. In the dark, he scanned to see if anyone reacted to him moving then moved to your room. You were hugging your pillow.
"My baby." He slid into his side of the bed, pulling the pillow away so you hug him instead. Mingi adjusted you to lay on his arm and you immediately gravitated to his warmth.
"You're here?" You looked up at him sleepily.
"I promised I would come back." Mingi said softly, kissing your temple as he stroked the back of your head.
"You're... good at keeping... promises..." You murmured, starting to drift back to sleep. Mingi let out a small laugh, melting at how cute you were.
Mingi stayed with you and only went back to where the boys were sleeping just before sunrise. He stood at the doorway, reluctantly to leave you but he knew he had to.
"See you when you wake up." He gave you another peck and went out, laying in his original spot beside Yunho.
Seonghwa and Yeosang were the first to wake up. While Seonghwa nursed his hangover headache, Yeosang ordered hangover soup for everyone to be delivered. He also ordered a box of hangover cure drinks from the mart delivery.
"Here, hyung. Take this first. I don't know if Indigo has Advil for you." Yeosang handed one of the small bottles of hangover cure to Seonghwa. The older groaned but took it.
"You're an angel, Sang ah." Seonghwa said, downing the liquid and cringing at the bitter taste.
"Everyone gets one hangover cure then one soup, when it gets delivered." Yeosang said from his seat on the floor.
"Ugh, my stomach..." You stumbled out of your room. You went to Seonghwa, yawning as you laid your head in his lap. Seonghwa naturally made space for you.
"Hangover cure?" Yeosang offered.
"No... It tastes bad." You whined, turning away so you faced Seonghwa's stomach instead.
"Come on, it'll make you feel better. I don't like it too but I still drank it." Seonghwa coaxed like a mother to her child. You pouted unhappily as you took the opened bottle and drank it. Immediately, you ran to the fridge to find one of your bottles of cold coffee to wash the taste out of your mouth.
"Everything okay?" Mingi 'woke up' at the commotion.
"Yeah, Indigo just doesn't like the taste of the hangover cure." Seonghwa explained.
"I'm going to brush my teeth. Yuck." You shuddered and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Before that, you went to find some spare toothbrushes for all the boys.
One by one, the boys woke up, most of them suffering from hangover symptoms. Yeosang gave them each a hangover cure.
"I'll make coffee for those that need it." You announced. Mingi came over to "help you".
"You feeling okay?" He asked.
"Mhmm. Once I have the hangover soup, I'll feel better. Don't worry." You smiled with reassurance. While you made the coffee for everyone, Mingi poured the soups into two pots to heat up. The boys all gathered after washing up.
"My head is still throbbing." Hongjoong groaned, face planting onto the table.
"I don't feel too bad." San blinked.
"Because you practically passed out after like the third shot. What a light weight." Jongho replied with a snort. San glared at the youngest in annoyance.
"Rather than the alcohol, all the supper food made me so swollen. Geez." Wooyoung complained, looking at his reflection on his phone.
"Pufferfish." You squished Wooyoung's cheeks while laughing. He swatted your hands away with an unhappy pout.
"Careful. Hot soup coming." Mingi brought one of the pots to the table while Yunho held the other one. Seonghwa made sure everyone had their own bowl of rice while you went to the fridge to get some kimchi for everyone. Jongho sipped his iced coffee, letting out a contented hum.
"I really needed this life saver." Jongho said.
"I'll portion the soup out." Wooyoung held the ladle and gave out the spicy beef soup to everyone. Even just the smell made you feel better as your stomach growled in hunger.
"Thank you for the food." You all chimed before digging in. The moment you all took your first sip, you sighed blissfully.
"Wow, that hits the spot." Yunho said. You nodded in agreement.
Everyone was quiet as they ate their food. With the warm soup in your system, you felt a wave of exhaustion hit you. You yawned, leaning your head on San's shoulder.
"Are you tired?" San looked down at you.
"The soup is making me feel sleepy. I'm going to need a nap after this." You told him.
"I guess the alcohol was good for one thing. It made Indigo catch up on all the sleep she missed." Hongjoong commented with a snicker and you kicked him under the table with a glare. He yelped in pain and glared back at you.
The boys helped you clean up before calling their manager to pick them up, going back to their dorm to sleep off the rest of their hangover. But Mingi stayed back.
"You guys go. I'm sober so I'll head to my studio to do some work." Mingi said to his members.
"I can drop you after I drop the others at the dorm." The manager offered.
"No, it's okay. I'm going to drop by my mum's restaurant first then go to the studio." Mingi replied, putting his hands into his pockets. They nodded and piled into the van, driving off to the dorm.
"Baby, I'm back. Where are you?" Mingi entered your house, closing the door behind him.
"In here!" You called out from your bedroom.
"Finally, I can have you to myself." Mingi removed his hoodie, revealing his tank top underneath. He rolled onto bed, hugging you as he showered you in kisses. You laughed from how squeamish you were until you winced from your head that was hurting. Mingi stood up and went to get you water.
"I'm going to get Advil from your medicine box." Mingi took the tray out from the fridge and found the bottle of Advil. He poured out two pills and came back to you.
"Thank you." You took the pills and chased it with the water. Now, you just wanted to sleep with Mingi hugging you.
"Comfy?" Mingi asked as you pressed yourself to him.
"Mhmm." You mumbled. He chuckled, lightly patting your lower back to coax you to sleep like you would do to a baby. You fell asleep quickly, lulled to sleep by Mingi's warmth and his patting.
"You're so cute." He cupped your cheek gently, lightly kissing your nose but careful not to disturb you.
Mingi did admit that he was jealous. Now that he was in a relationship with you, he realied just how close you had become with his members. There were times Mingi just wanted to tell them you were his but he wanted to respect your wishes to be private.
"I'll just have to wait." Mingi sighed to himself, closing his eyes to join you in dreamland. Just like how you slept better with Mingi around, Mingi experienced the same thing when he was with you.
When Mingi woke up, you were not in bed. He pushed himself to sit up, looking around the dark room.
"Baby?" He croaked out. There was no reply.
"Babes? Where are you?" He emerged from the room, roughly running his fingers through his hair. You were in your studio, headphones on as you were lost in your music.
"Hmm~ Hmm~" You hummed softly to yourself. You didn't even notice Mingi opening the door.
"Baby?" He stepped to the side, not wanting to scare you with his sudden appearance. Your eyes glanced over at him.
"Mings, you're awake." You greeted with a smile as you turned your chair to face him. Mingi nodded with a hum, approaching you and wrapping his arms loosely around you.
"Yes, you left me and I had to wake up alone." He pouted. You laughed at how he reminded you of a child that woke up without his parents beside him.
"Sorry, I forgot I needed to submit this by tonight. It's an external project. My last submission for now before I completely focus on Ateez stuff only." You explained. Mingi nodded his head, understanding where you were coming from. He didn't complain any further, sitting on the couch behind you.
"I'll be done soon. Sorry." You put your headphones back on, but only covering one ear so you could still hear Mingi.
"Stop apologising, baby. I know you have to work, it's okay." Mingi replied. He laid his long body across the couch, playing a game on his phone while he waited for you.
"What time do you have to go to your studio?" You asked.
"I'll go after dinner then ask my manager to pick me up from there." Mingi informed. This was something he did to make it more believable.
"Baby..." Mingi put his phone down and lifted his head. You stopped typing and turned to look at him.
"Hmm?" You tilted your head.
"Do you want to meet my mum?" He randomly asked. He grew nervous, worried that he was pushing you too fast or pressuring you. But to his surprise, you shrugged and nodded.
"If we're dating, it's only right that I introduce myself to her, right? Why don't you set something up before we start to get busy with the recording? We can go out or drop by her new place for dinner, whatever she prefers." You blinked.
"Yes, really. Why? Do you actually not want me to meet her?" You chuckled as you went back to your work.
"N-No! I mean, it's not that. I was just asking because the thought came to me randomly. I was worried I might be moving too fast or pressuring you or something." Mingi rubbed the back of his neck.
"No. Mings, we're in a relationship. Just talk to me, don't be worried about my reaction or else we'll end up walking on egg shells around each other." You smiled.
"True. I don't want us to be like that." Mingi said.
"Me too. So just come to me, speak freely. It's okay." You giggled. Mingi stood up and went to you, kissing the top of your head.
"Should I start on dinner? I can make something simple." He asked. You looked up at him and nodded.
"We can make rice porridge. I have stock in the freezer, just use whatever you want in the fridge. If you need help, let me know." You told him. Mingi hummed and patted your head before going to the kitchen to start cooking. You tried to finish up your work quickly so you could return to Mingi's side.
It warmed your heart, working but hearing Mingi move around the kitchen at the same time. Somehow, it made you feel less lonely knowing that he's there.
"Omma." Mingi called his mother.
"Oh, son. Why are you calling?"
"I'm trying to make rice porridge. How much rice should I put in? Or the ratio of rice to stock to put in." MIngi asked, pressing the phone to his ear.
"You don't need much rice actually. I usually put in half a cup to half a pot of stock. When I cook for you, I add a lot of vegetables and beef."
"I see... I cook the beef first right?"
"That's correct. You can lightly cook it with sesame oil and a little bit of garlic. Then throw the vegetables in. Once they've soften a bit, put the rice in and stir it around. Only after that then you put the stock and leave it to boil."
"Okay. I get it. Thanks, omma." Mingi took out some vegetables and scooped the rice out into a bowl to wash.
"You're welcome. Are you cooking for your girlfriend? When are you going to bring her to meet me? You should bring her over for dinner. I want to meet the girl that stole my son's heart."
"Omma... Don't say it like that... Anyway, she asked when you are free for us to go over so she can introduce herself to you." Mingi informed.
"I'm free any time! Just tell me in advance so I can go to the market and prepare enough food."
"Don't go overboard. The main thing is for you two to meet." He sighed.
"Don't tell me what to do. Let me handle it."
Mingi didn't even get to protest before his mother hung up on him. He huffed but continued his task of cooking dinner. The first thing he did was cut the vegetables so he could start cooking them. As he stood at the stove to cook, he felt you wrap your arms around him, burying your face in his back.
"Are you done with work?" Mingi asked. You hummed, peeking around his tall body to see his cooking.
"Food's almost ready." He said, closing the lid on the pot. While letting the porridge boil for a bit, you and Mingi cuddled on the couch in silence.
"My omma is excited for us to go over. She's already thinking of what to cook." He looked down at you tucked under his arm.
"I hope she doesn't cook too much or she'll end up being tired. I can't wait to meet her." You smiled.
Mingi smiled too, he couldn't wait for you to meet his mom. The two most important women in his life meeting, it's like his worlds colliding. And he knows he mom would shower you in as much love as she did with him.
Series Masterlist
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hum-suffer · 9 months
I'm Yours 2
Ishan has always been a light sleeper. His mother was proud of him and his dad, a man who craved snacks at midnight, bemoaned his habits.
So when he wakes up on Sunday morning with a fresh gajra tied on his wrist, for a moment, he wonders if this is a hallucination or a dream. He blinks and pinches his thigh, the sharp sting reminding him that it's reality. He frowns, and touches the gajra. It's real.
Ishan takes a deep breath.
"Let's bathe first and then deal with this," he says to himself. Another beat passes as he reconsiders his promise to himself. "Maybe have some tea first."
He's so fucking glad that he had the tea first.
The moment he was more awake, he was panicking.
Someone fucking broke into his house? His house? His ancestral, beloved house that had marble flooring which made clancking sounds everytime he walked? Ishan cracks his neck and takes another fortifying breath, staring at the discarded gajra on the dining table. It feels very audacious. And flattering.
The thought is horrifying and for a moment, Ishan imagines his grandfather shaking his head at the bloody idiocy Ishan possesses. Wryly, he says outloud,"I'm a very good source of entertainment, aren't I, Dadaji?"
The house obviously remains silent. In a surprising turn, the loneliness he often feels seeps right back in.
He glances at the gajra again. "Hey, at least, someone alive gets entertainment from me."
He knows he should report this. But for now, he doesn't want to care. It's a bloody Sunday and he will be damned if something ruins his Sunday, even if it's a stalker/admirer.
A message pops on his phone just as he's about to wash his cup. 'Did you like the gajra, love?'
'don't have the hair for it, dude.'
He probably shouldn't antagonise a probable sociopath.
But hey, what is life, if not had decisions taken in the spirit of loneliness?
When he's more settled, in the evening, Ishan goes out for a walk. His body aches in protest and the ink marks on his fingers dictate his profession to anyone who cares to see.
End of semester season is horrible, but more so when he already has to plan so much. Tomorrow's the seminar for something techy— Ishan doesn't know, he's the Hindi teacher, and he'd rather prefer not to know. Those things just rot his brain and he hates the seminars more than students, probably, but he'd do just about anything to take some load off of Virat bhaiya. Jaddu almost always lightens the mood at seminars, and he's back from his holiday to Jamnagar, and Ishan is counting on him to be the better part.
Apart from Shubhman, that is.
Ishan cannot get over his silly little crush, no matter how hard he tries and he hates it. That's a celebrity. A good looking, smart philanthropist who also owns a registered firm.
Ishan doesn't know the name of the firm, he realises with a groan. He gets his phone out, shoots a quick text to Shreyas to prepare the introduction speech for Shubhman.
The admirer, has sent him another message.
'Do you have any favourite colour?'
'yes, it's the shade stfu of the colour mind your business.'
'Lol. Really, tho. Don't make me dissect your wardrobe and make a guess, love'
Ishan's eyes narrow. He's not going to be ordered around by this bullshiter.
'Be my guest, love'
'i'm gonna overlook the rudeness for that endearment'
'Im gonna kill u'. Ishan doesn't even realise he's smiling until he casts a random glance at the windows of parked car. He controls his smile instantly.
'your looks already have'
Ishan scoffs at the blatantly cheesy line. Ew. 'Stay dead.'
'You have an awful amt of blue clothes'
The message greets Ishan early in the morning, and so does the smell of jasmines. He looks down and there it is— a gajra tied on his wrist.
The pounding headache that he already has becomes more pronounced as he passes through the motions of his schedule, the message a background chatter in his head until he has the cup of tea in his hands.
That happened.
Yesterday's gajra and today's gajra, side by side, stare at Ishan. Ishan gulps. He should not have done that— any of that.
"Kya kar Raha hai tu," he mutters to himself as his thumb hovers over the block button. Why is he hesitating?
(Maybe because he doesn't care of he's dead or alive. Maybe because he wants the attention. Maybe because the idea of being so desired makes him warm. Maybe because someone only focusing on him makes him feel cherished.
Ishan doesn't dissect these ideas.)
He blocks the number and reports it for good measure.
He's already almost late— the quest to find his beloved oversized blue silk shirt had taken too much time. He's probably left it back home, maybe. He doesn't remember taking it there but he's always been clumsy so who knows? He'll continue the quest later.
The smell of jasmines cling to his nose even after he's deliberately choosen a woodsy perfume.
Shubhman is at perfect time.
Avesh, the admin staff manager, came almost running to Ishan when Shubhman, bless him, called in advance to say that he'll be at the college withing fifteen minutes.
If Shubhman keeps this up, Ishan will do something embarassing— like quoting Hannibal or something. The sheer appreciation Ishan feels for the man is beyond words.
As always, Rohit bhaiya had forgotten the matchsticks somewhere but Jas had come through and Ishan is now running around only making sure the height of the mic and the placement of flowers.
Siraj drags him forcefully to the gate of the faculty, to greet Shubhman. A volunteer student clicks photos as Virat Bhai hugs Shubhman, who always appears star struck at the attention from their resident King. Rohit bhaiya squeezes Shubhman in a tight hug and the smile Shubhman has on his face is blinding.
(Ishan wishes someone was as happy to see him. His colleagues are always fun, but they have lives— Ishan doesn't.)
When Shubhman turns to him, Ishan can't help but stare. He's wearing a navy blazer over a white shirt and dark blue jeans. His eyes, they're dark and intense. Ishan feels frozen.
"Ishan." His voice sounds so fucking good. He steps forward and before Ishan can hold his hand out for a handshake, Shubhman steps in his personal space and gives him a side hug.
Ishan breathes in, to calm his heart, and catches a distantly familiar scent from Shubhman. It's probably a kind of perfume Ishan knows, he's obsessed with scents.
"Shubhman. It's a pleasure to meet you again."
What the FUCK is he saying. Ishan wants to dig a hole in some lonely ground and bury himself. A pleasure to meet him? Could he be anymore obvious?
"Trust me, the pleasure is all mine."
The seminar goes on for two hours, perfectly adhering to the scheduled time and Shubhman has prepared enough to be also able to do a QnA. Ishan will marry him.
The students rush out of the seminar hall without a second thought, all of them sleepy and wanting to enjoy the rest of their day after the cancellation of their classes.
Ishan hums to himself as he wraps up the extra papers and wires, the bag for Shubhman ready to take. "Tulsi, reusable pen, certificate." He counts everything outloud and puts the bag aside. Someone lifts it up instantly. Ishan whips around, seeing Shubhman standing there grinning at him.
"Hello, there."
"Hi, Shubhman. How long have you been standing here?"
"Just long enough to hear that aap Mumbai aa sakte hai."
Ishan feels his face heat up instantly and shakes his head. Shubhman laughs. "Come on, I feel like we should close this hall before someone closes us inside it."
Would it really be so bad?
Oh god, when did he turn into a desperate teenager?
Ishan follows Shubhman out, talking about measley things like movies and songs, to see him off and help him settle with the gifts but they're met with Virat bhaiya and Rohit bhaiya standing at the gate of the faculty and a thundering rain.
They both despise the rain. Ishan does too, to be honest. Almost everyone at the college hates it. Mostly, because after rain, their usually pristine college roads turn into water holding corners at some areas and the greenery in their college always allows for mosquitoes after a good rain.
Virat bhaiya shakes his head,"Unnatural rains, at the time of diwali no less! Kya zindagi hai yaar."
"Why are you being dramatic?" Ishan asks with a groan,"I have to go back on my bike! I'm already applying for sick leave for tomorrow, Rohit bhaiya."
Before Rohit bhaiya can say anything, though, Shubhman frowns at him. "But why do you want to get soaked? I have my car, I'll drop you off at your place."
"Absolutely not, I'm not going to impose on you like that. And what about my bike?"
"I'll send Rutu or someone with it tomorrow to pick you up, bhai." Rohit bhaiya says. "Don't get sick uselessly! Shubhman is right, you don't need to get soaked for nothing."
Shubhman nods along,"And it's not imposing if I offered. Come on, let me do my good deed for the week."
Ishan looks helplessly at Virat bhaiya. He lifts his chin and gives him a reassuring look.
Tagging: @mayakimayahai @kyayaarkiraa @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou @onthecloudseven @khwxbeeda @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @fortunatelycrazyyouth @ishkrisq
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do-it-for-the-fandom · 2 months
Sunday October 14th, 2012.
Even on the worst days, there's a possibility for joy.
She had shared the sentiment as she told Castle the story of her stick-man talisman, not knowing at the time that it would become a sort of family motto. The sentence had been uttered a handful of times over these past weeks: when Castle was sick, or tired, or frustrated; when Alexis was scared or stressed; when Martha just didn't know how else to comfort her family.
Even on the worst days, there's a possibility for joy.
Her little stick-man had migrated from her desk drawer at work to the loft. Kept in Castle's bedside drawer, he worked his magic serving as a daily reminder to never lose hope. There had been a few times, now, where she had caught her partner staring into his drawer with a small, hopeful smile on his face and her heart swelled knowing that the silly little creation she had kept for all these years was able to be a symbol of hope for someone else, too.
Even on the worst days...
It was late by the time she climbed into bed. Castle had come in hours earlier - fighting off an incessant headache and the overwhelming urge to regurgitate the too little amount of dinner he had managed to get down - so she was surprised to find him lying in bed, wide awake.
"How are you feeling?" she asked as she shifted under the sheets and cautiously rested her hand on Castle's stomach.
He groaned and laced his fingers through hers, moving her hand off of him. "Not good," he mumbled. "Sorry."
"Don't be," she whispered before pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
Illogically, there was a twinge of pain in her chest that felt an awful lot like the sting of rejection. It wasn't that long ago that her touch would comfort him; now it only seemed to cause him more discomfort. She felt selfish but during the long, cold nights when everything was quiet and still, when there was nothing else to occupy her mind, she missed all of the little things she had taken for granted in the very beginning of their relationship: the constant touch, each lingering kiss, their lack of inhibitions.
There was nothing she wouldn't give to go back and savour those moments.
"Is there anything I can do?" she asked him, already knowing his answer.
He shook his head, gently squeezed her hand. "Nothing you're not already doing."
She was certain he meant the words to be reassuring. They weren't. The hopelessness she felt had settled in, made itself feel right at home in the tiny fractures of her heart.
Castle rolled to his side with an exasperated groan. Everything took more effort, she had noticed, and even the smallest movements drained his already dwindling energy supply. He closed his eyes and took a few slow, steadying breaths before opening them again and looking into her eyes.
"I love you," he said softly. He released his grip on her hand and gently brushed back the lock of hair that fell across her cheek.
She smiled as she fisted the material of his shirt and pulled herself closer. "I love you, too."
"Let's go somewhere," he whispered. "Paris. Or Venice. Or New Zealand! We could explore Middle-Earth!"
His voice grew just the tiniest bit louder with each suggestion; excitement danced in his eyes.
She would have loved nothing more than to run away to Middle-Earth with him, to explore the wonders of some foreign land, to escape the bubble of their real life. But she couldn't.
"You have therapy tomorrow," she reminded him, hoping the smile on her face would soften the blow.
"Five sessions," he said. "Just five more sessions. Then, I'm free."
Free, for now, her inner voice grumbled. But she wasn't about to dampen his spirits now. Not after aching to see him smile like this all day long.
"You want to celebrate," she surmised. She brought her hand to his face, cupped his cheek and traced the corner of his mouth - the slight upward turn, a hint of that smile she loved so much - with her thumb.
Tomorrow marked the beginning of the last week of his first cycle of treatment. Six weeks had - somehow - come and gone in the blink of an eye, yet dragged on for what felt like an eternity. She couldn't blame him for fantasizing about how he could spend his days now that he didn't have to spend his mornings at the hospital.
"I have two weeks to celebrate with the woman I love," he said with a cheesy grin.
"Two weeks to recover," she corrected him.
This break from treatment wasn't going to be a picnic, it was a much-needed break for his body, a moment of reprieve for him to regain some of his strength before diving back into his next cycle of treatment. They were under no illusion that the next few days would bring some miraculous cure but it seemed that, for now, Castle was willing to pretend.
"And what better way to recover than to spend my days on a beach in Bora Bora?"
She knew she probably shouldn't indulge him - she wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if she came home from work on Friday afternoon to find their bags packed - but his excitement was contagious. "I do have a few days of leave owing to me."
"It's the thought of fruity cocktails on the beach that won you over, isn't it?" he joked.
She shrugged. "It helped."
"Well, picture this: you and me on a private beach, sipping our cocktails as the sun sets," he started, painting a mental picture of the most breath-taking scene for her.
She closed her eyes and let his words come to life in her mind.
"The sand is warm and there's a perfect, ocean breeze. We'll feast on traditional cuisine and indulge in the sweetest fruits the island has to offer. We'll fall asleep to the sound of waves right outside of our room. We could go skinny dipping in the moonlight and make love under the stars."
She opened her eyes and looked into his; a deep, ocean blue, more perfect than any scene she could conjure in her mind. They glimmered with emotion, with loss and longing because, deep down, he knew that this wasn't possible. Not right now.
"Sounds perfect, doesn't it?"
"Sounds like a dream," she said wistfully.
And just like that, they had both come crashing back to reality.
He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest.
"Honestly, we could hole up in your apartment for a few days for all I care," he said with a heavy sigh. "I just need a change of scenery. As long as you're with me, I don't care where I am."
He brushed a kiss to the top of her head and warmth spread through her chest.
"We'll figure something out," she promised. "Bora Bora might not be on the cards for a while but... talk to your doctor. A quick trip to the Hamptons might be a more achievable goal."
She nodded. "Yeah. I don't know how the traditional cuisine compares, but the stars at night are absolutely stunning."
She tilted her head to look at Castle. His smile beamed.
"Three days," he stated. Beckett narrowed her eyes, confused, so he continued. "It can take up to three days for the drugs to leave my system. But, after three days, I can finally kiss you like I've been dying to."
Beckett buried her face in his chest, thankful that the material of his shirt effectively stifled her giggle and hid the flush of her cheeks.
Castle chuckled, too. "Don't tell me you haven't missed it because I know you'd be lying," he said confidently.
"I kinda like your sweet, little pecks," she admitted.
He curled his finger under her chin and tilted her head so that she was looking up at him again.
"Good," he said with a smile. Then, he pressed a quick kiss to the tip of her nose. "Me too."
... there's a possibility for joy.
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
Always waiting
Pairings: Yoongi × y/n
Genre/tags: secret relationship
Warning: 🔞 smut, needy, clingy, a little sad, cursing [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.3k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: repost. Please check pinned post for more..
Likes and reblogs are much appreciated 😊
I'm lying down in the couch watching a solo camping vlog of some random youtuber I found while waiting for him.
The food I made, that's supposed to be our dinner, is now packed inside a tupperwear in the fridge for reheating tomorrow. Not even sure if we'll get to even eat it tomorrow.
The wine that I bought for him, the slightly expensive wine that he really really loves, is now in my hand. I'm drinking my second glass even though I don't like drinking.
The dress, the black halter neck cut-out midi dress I bought two weeks ago for this date night, is now in the laundry hamper basket. I accidentally spilled wine on it earlier. What a bummer.
The joy and the giddy feeling I had for the past three weeks is now gone.
I've been preparing and been waiting for this day to come for months now. Coz I thought that I would spend a lot of time with him since it's a big night for us. I thought he would consider adjusting his schedule for this day. As today is our second anniversary.
But I guess since it's already pass 9pm and he's still not here, he's not into celebrating 2yrs with me. I guess, it's just a not so important dinner for him. Though I can't blame him coz this is supposed to be a surprise. But still, we're supposed to eat dinner together. He knows that. We do that when he visits me.
I want to cry. I really do. However, I need to hold it in. If ever, only if, he still come to my apartment to drop by, he cannot see me like that.
An hour later, after my third glass of wine and finishing a few more videos on youtube, finally the door beeps. He's entering the code to enter.
"Oh. You're still awake?" He says as he taked off his coat. Then he looks down at the bottle of wine sitting on top of the table. "Why are you drinking?" He frowns. "You don't like alchocol..."
As he's loosening his tie, he begins to walks towards the living room. I scoot over the side of the sofa to give him space to sit down.
He looks tired. He exhales so heavily as he sits down beside. "Any trouble at work?" I say weakly and then begin to caress his hand while holding it.
"There were issues." He lays his head back, closing his eyes. "But luckily we resolved it."
"That's good to hear." I force a small smile even though he's not looking.
I'm still sad but I guess, he can't help but miss the dinner. Work is priority.
I let go of his hand and quielty walk to the kitchen to put away the wine and my used glass. "Are you hungry? Want me to make you anything or... I could reheat the dinner I had earlier."
"No thank you. I already had dinner..."
I pause as I finish washing the glass. "Oh, okay." I answer. "The whole team ate dinner?"
He didn't answer. I turn around to go back to sit beside him but I see him looking at me.
"Come here..." he says lightly tapping his thigh. He wants me to sit on his lap. "Facing me..." he adds
I do as he asks. I also pull my oversized t-shirt a bit up, exposing more skin to please him.
"I've missed you..." he exhales those three words as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into the biggest hug.
His face burried onto my chest. I took the chance to kiss the top of his head, "Me too... so much." My voice breaks a little at the end.
"I'm sorry for not visiting you frequently..." he mumbles. "I want to see you often... but..."
Hearing him say that breaks my heart even more. Just hearing him say, he wanted too but he just can't is painful and yet gives me reassurance that he really does miss me.
Yoongi and I barely see each other. Not like every couples out there. He's very busy at work and some other things in his life too. I want to beg for more time and attention but I know I can't. I just try to understand him. I just keep on waiting for him.
"I want to promise you more... but I don't want to break them..."
"I know. I understand." I answer
"Y/n..." he says my name as his hands roam around under my shirt. "Your skin is so warm..."
I tilt his head up to face me. "Can I kiss you?"
"Of course!" He snarls and immediately pulling me into a kiss without hesitation.
Fuck. I'm melting. His quiet moans as we kiss is making me feel a lot of things.   It's one of my favorite things in this world.
"Please..." I breathe, "Make... love... to me..." in between kisses
He didn't answer through words as our mouths are busy eating each other's lips. Instead his hand made it clear, it's a yes.
He carried me (still kissing me) and  make our way to the bedroom.
He's so hungry for me. I could feel my emotions building up just by the thought. We're going to make love tonight. Even though the dinner date plan I had in mind as a surprise to him failed, this, us, our bodies together is more than what I dreamed off for our anniversary.
I can't even remember how both of us got naked so quickly I was so into our kiss that the next thing I know he and I are already topless. Then its buttoms are the only once left
"You're so beautiful..." he says while spreading my legs apart. "Y/n..." he calls my name again
"Oh fuck!" I cry as he puts his length in me. "Y-yoongi!" I grab onto my bed sheets as he begin to move.
"Y/n!" He breathes lowering his body over me.
Our hands intertwined together, eyes gazing into each other and breathing in same rythm.
"I..." my voice breaks. I can't help but tear up. Not because of pain of having sex but it's the feelings I've been holding in since earlier. I can't keep it any longer. "I fucking... love you, Yoongi."
"I love you too..." he pauses for a bit as we both felt his length reach the spot in me. "I love you.... more than you know..." he kisses me on the tip of my now red nose. "I'm sorry for making you wait..."
"You're here now...that's what..." I clench onto his hands as I begin to moan uncrontrollably. "Ugh!" I arch my back as he slams into me stronger than earlier.
"Shit." He hisses, burrying his head on my neck. "Ah... aaaah... I'm coming."
"Yoongi!" I squeal as we both reach the end. "Fuck..."
We both collapse. That was intense but also very intimate. It was not the same as what we usually do in sex. This one is very meaningful. Well atleast for me.
he's catching his breathe but still had the energy to give my breast a few licks and kisses. "Y/n..." he stops to look at me in the eyes again. "Before... we go on and continue..."
I smile at his remarks. "Another round?" I give him a peck on the lips. "What is it?"
"I just want to say... again... I'm sorry for not making it to dinner and... happy anniversary...."
Fuck. He knows. He fucking knows!
"Happy anniversary!" I hug him and begin to sob.
"I know you understand our situation... but I'll try to do better next anniversary... okay?"
"Okay." I nod and just cry.
Yes. Our situation.
Our relationship is in a situation that we can't go public nor do extravagant things for each other. Our relationship is a secret. It must be hidden within the four walls of my apartment. No one can know about us.
Because..  he's married and I'm just his mistress.
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chairofchaos · 2 months
5 and 23. Elide and Lorcan. Please and thank you.
Anon. ANON. You hold the key to my heart. All my love. I hope you don't mind me putting a little bit of a spin on this one. Enjoy!
Mine | Elorcan
It was the first time they hadn't spent the night together in 3 years. Aelin was determined to spend time with her and Lysandra, together, no "territorial fae bastards" allowed. Which meant Lorcan was sulking in the suite of rooms that was theirs in this giant castle. And Elide was staring up at the ceiling, hoping she could soon follow her friends into sleep.
Aelin snored at her side. It didn't bother Elide. It never had. It clearly didn't bother Lysandra, whose ghost leopard form snoozed soundly at their feet. But now, the sound grated on her nerves. She slept so well curled into Lorcan's side. At least he had understood she would want some piece of him with her.
His sweater was warm. It was warmer when he was wearing it.
It smelled nice, like him. But the smell was too faint, even when she tucked her nose into the soft collar and pretended that he was wearing it, that he was here... This was no use. It felt like it had been hours. If she couldn't sleep, she would be no fun tomorrow with the events for the fifth annual festival celebrating Aelin's coronation.
Aelin wouldn't be mad if she left. She probably wouldn't even realize, especially if Elide rejoined them before the sun was up. The Queen of Terrasen was busy, but she was more likely to sleep in than not when the rare opportunity presented itself.
Elide sat up, sneaking softly from the bed. The plush rugs at her feet wouldn't give her away. She could do this. Lorcan's sweater draped over her body, its hem swishing at her knees while she bunched the massive sleeves up over her wrists. She had to open the door somehow. Why did he have to be so big?
"I told you," Aelin's voice cut into the darkness. "Lysandra, I told you."
Elide froze, then turned slowly. The Queen of Terrasen, her queen, was smirking at her from where she sat up in bed, completely awake.
Lysandra stirred, cocking her feline head. The ghost leopard examined her grumpily for a moment, then turned to Aelin with a huff and laid her head back down, green eyes tracking Elide from across the room.
Aelin laughed softly, a satisfied grin on her face. "It's alright, Elide. We'll see you in the morning."
"I couldn't sleep," Elide finally said.
"You made it longer than I even expected you would. Say hi to Lorcan for us," Aelin winked, blowing her a kiss. "We're having waffles at nine. No Lorcan, or any male, allowed. Deal?"
"Deal," Elide grinned. "Good night."
"Good night, Elide!"
Lysandra gave a low purr, closing her eyes again. Aelin just laid back down and closed her eyes. She was snoring again within minutes. How they did it, she had no idea.
When the door shut gently behind her, Elide walked steadily down the hallway, her tired steps fueled by the knowledge that at the end of this walk was a bed warmed by her husband. A little bit further and she would be in bed again. A little bit further and-
Elide spun to face her husband with a smile. "Hi."
He strode to her, his furrowed eyes roaming her for any sense of injury or pain. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," she smiled, reaching for him. "I missed you."
He softened at that, nuzzling her outstretched hand gently. "I miss you whenever you're gone."
She laughed lightly. "Bed?"
"Won't Aelin miss you?"
"It seems like they didn't expect me to stay that long after all, provided I join them for breakfast without you, Aedion, and Rowan," she shrugged.
Lorcan just laughed. "So that's what that bet was about. Come on, love. Bed."
Before she could ask what he meant, he had bent to scoop her into his arms, his arms beneath her back and her knees. She would have shrieked, except the feeling was so normal now that it no longer surprised her. Instead, she curled into his body and took a deep breath. Much better.
His heartbeat, living. Mortal, and entirely hers. Before she knew it, she was being lowered to their bed and covered with a warm blanket. A few moments later, Lorcan's arm draped around her waist, pulling her into him. He had undressed, and the warmth of his skin seeped into her hands like sunlight.
"How did you find me?"
"I will always find you," Lorcan whispered, tenderly pressing a kiss into her hair. She reached for his arm, pulling at it until she could hold his hand between their bodies. She pressed kisses to the back of it until he pulled it away gently, cupping her face.
"I love you, sweetheart."
Elide raised her eyes to his and pressed one more kiss against his hand. "I love you, too."
He smiled, a broad, lively thing. That smile had come to her slowly, and every time she got to see it she thanked the gods who watched them with her entire heart.
"Hand," he said quietly, offering his own between them. She smiled, blushing as she slipped her palm into his. They were equally rough, calluses from the lives they had lived before not yet lost to time.
"I love you," he whispered, pressing a kiss into the back of her hand with each word. "You are mine."
"And you are mine," she swore, drifting into a comfortable sleep at long last. "All mine."
A/N: I hope this sated you, you sneaky human you.
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nogenderbee · 28 days
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ not a request
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Happy birthday to Amia!!!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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Mizuki is a big fan of cute things and there's no hiding it! So for their birthday, you planned cute royal-like cake! You didn't wanted to bother with layers tho so you just did one layer... but you promised yourself you'll make it BEAUTIFUL!
You already bought edible pearls, big and small and some strawberries, whipped cream and all the other stuff need for strawberry cake!
But you had to prepare the cake day before since your meeting was around afternoon because they were already meeting with Nightcord at night...
The cake was absolute HELL to go through... you had to perfectly place every Pearl to make little chain out of them around the cake!! Sure, placing strawberries and making whipped cream into little spiral may've been hard too... but pearls had to be the worst things... especially one some fell off and you had to repeat the process...
It's easy to say you were at the edge of loosing your mentality many times, but in the end, it was all worth it!
"I really hope Misuki will like it... If not... I think I'm just gonna cry myself to sleep..."
You said few words to yourself before sighing and finally deciding to put the cake carefully into fridge. After all, it'll be needed tomorrow!
The next day you woke up, you immidietly reached for your phone to send your lover a little message and wish them happy celebration!
"<Hey Mizu!! Happy Birthday! Tell me when you'll be coming so I can get everything ready!>"
Luckily, you didn't had to wait long for message as you texted during hour Mizuki is usually awake at...
"<Awwwh thanks love!!! I just waited for your text so I can actually head to your place right now!>"
"<Sure! I'll try to get everything ready by then!>"
"<No need to hurry! I'll probably stop by mall on my way so you have time!>"
"<It's fine, I'll be alright so don't worry>"
But despite your answer... you were honestly pretty glad they were taking longer route, because that meant more time to wake up and get everything ready for you!
After getting yourself ready for the day, you walked into kitchen and took the cake out of the freezer.
"I guess I can finally put the candles on top~"
You took out ribbon candle and put it on the very top! It's perfect match for your partner since it's almost their signature by now, no?
After making sure your appearence is satisfying, the cake looks great and you have just the perfect movie choosed for the afternoon, you sighed to yourself relieved that in the end... you managed to make everything right!
"Guess who's here~!"
You heard a melodic voice behind the door, accompanied by few knocks. With small giggle, you moved to open it and was met with no one else than your partner!
"Hey Mizu! Come in! I got something for you~"
"Hehe~ Oh you don't have to tell me twice!"
While they were taking off their shoes, you made your way to kitchen to light up the candle before they get here. You waited patiently for them to arrive, and once they did, you made sure they can hear what you said clearly~
"Happy Birthday Mizuki!! Make a wish!"
With a giggle they came over to the table the cake was on and blew the candle after just a second of thinking.
"You know what you want, huh~?"
"Of course! And trust me, it's the best wish ever!"
"Well now I'm curious~"
"Oh, I believe! But I can't tell you that or else it won't come true, y'know~?
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @miguelito-maruti-blog @written-by-kafka @superstar-ethereal @ravenmoon903 - come get your cuties lover~
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analogwriting · 4 months
The Other Side of Paradise
Chapter 6: Season 2 Episode 3
Killer x gn!reader word count: 3.1k first|next a/n: i swear that's a song title
As the party began to wind down, you found yourself on the couch in the garage. Dive was sleeping with her head in your lap. Killer was next to you with his arm around you. You were fully leaning into him, trying not to fall asleep yourself. 
“Killer, come do one last shot with us! Close the night out.” There were people scattered about, passed out in various places already. Some people were keeping the party alive and going.
He looked at your half sleeping form, shaking his head. “I think I'm good.”
“You should do it, babe,” you mumbled, sitting up and pulling away from him. “This is gonna be the last time you see some of them for a while.”
“But I'm also leaving you, too. I want to-”
You kissed him softly, smiling. “Yeah, but you still have all of tomorrow and Monday morning with me. Go. Have fun with your friends.”
He looked at you for a long moment with fondness in his eyes but otherwise an unreadable expression. “God, I love you. I don't know what I did to deserve you,” he mumbled, kissing you again before getting up. 
“You were born. Now go. I'll be fine.” You waved him off before settling back into the couch and falling asleep. 
The next morning, you wake up pretty early despite being up so late. It was always like this. No matter when you go to bed, you always wake up early. A blessing and a curse.
You yawned, moving a bit before realizing that Dive was still in your lap. You wiggled out from under her, trying not to wake her up and celebrating quietly when you succeeded. You do a few stretches, yawning. Your body feels stiff, probably from falling asleep on the couch in a weird position with someone in your lap.
People were passed out all over the place. You moved strategically, trying not to step on anyone or bump into them, picking up some trash as you went. You knew you had a whole morning of cleaning ahead of you. As people woke up, you’d probably have them help if they didn’t have anywhere to be immediately.
“What are you doing?” You jumped, turning to see Killer standing in the doorway to the kitchen. 
“Cleaning up a little bit.”
The two of you were always the first ones up - as always. 
“You should be resting.” You rolled your eyes at his words, waving him off. “Oh hush. I'm just fine.” You threw away everything you had in your arms before grabbing an empty trash bag. 
Killer came over, pulling the bag out of your hands. You looked up to protest but his lips found yours immediately. You had gasped slightly, giving him a chance to deepen the kiss. You couldn't help but moan into him as your arms found their way around his neck. He pressed you into the counter slightly. 
Before it could get too far, you pulled away from him. “Hold on, babe. People could wake up at any moment,” you mumbled against him. 
“It's still early. We're fine. Besides, I still need to punish you for telling Hop and Bubblegum the news beforehand.”
You couldn't help but giggle a little as a shiver ran down your spine the lower his voice dropped. “But that's not my faaaault.” You fake pouted, unable to suppress a grin.
He kissed you one more time before finally letting you go. 
“Fine. I'll get you once everyone leaves.” You bit your lip, unable to contain your grin. “Promise?”
Then you took the trash bag back from him. “Promise.” He shook his head, letting you go start picking things up. 
As the morning progressed, people slowly woke up, helping you clean up the massive mess that was left over. You’d probably do some deep cleaning after everyone left - if your boyfriend let you, that is. Might have to wait until he leaves. After all, you’re going to need to give yourself something to do to distract yourself.
 Killer was already working on making a huge breakfast for everyone. He knew that everyone would be awake by the time he finished cooking. His food could honestly wake the dead just from their aroma.
Once you have enough people picking up trash and the house, you head outside to get the tables all set up once more. Hop joined your side, helping you. The two of you made idle chit chat as you did so.
It wasn't long before everyone was outside once more and dining off delicious food. It was noisy, which isn't a hard feat; not when there were so many of you. There were so many different conversations going on. 
Slowly, people made their way out. Some of them right after breakfast, some stuck around to mingle. Your boyfriend was mostly busy saying goodbyes. He had tried to stick with you again but you'd waved him off. 
You two would have plenty of time for goodbyes later. 
Finally, most people are gone. Heat and Wire head out as well, both needing to start packing their things. You were cleaning up breakfast when you felt Killer lift you up into his arms. You yelped, falling into laughter. 
“Now we have some alone time.”
“Not completely. Don't be gross and loud,” Kid shouted from the living room. 
The two of you laughed. “We're just going to rest. Don't worry.” Killer headed up the stairs with you, Kid just grumbling something neither of you could understand. Probably calling a bluff or something along those lines.
Killer tosses you onto the bed and you fall into fits of laughter as he crawls in after you, kissing you before collapsing next to you, pulling you in close. 
“Now we're alone,” you mused, turning to him and kissing him softly before resting your heads together. 
“I'm going to miss you,” he mumbled. 
Your heart hurt a bit, but you let out a pained smile. “I'm going to miss you too, love,” you said, voice low. 
The two of you laid like that for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. Who knew when you’d be able to just…coexist together again.
“I'm going to fly you out as soon as I'm able.”
You look up at him, chuckling. “Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I gotta finish up my degree anyway.”
“I can provide for us. You don't have to worry.” He frowned. 
“Well, even when we get to that point, I'm going to get bored just doing nothing. I might as well get a job. Give myself something to do when you're touring and stuff.”
“You'd come with us at that point.”
“You don't ha-”
“But I want to.” 
You looked at him for a long moment, observing the determination in his eyes. Your own expression softened.  “Well, someone has to take care of the house, especially if it’s a mansion like Kid wants.. And you need time with your buds. And I think Kid wouldn't allow it anyway.” You snorted, listing off the reasons on your fingers.
“He cares about you more than you think. He was also incredibly bummed he couldn't bring you along initially.” 
Your face warmed up. You knew your own cousin cared about you, that was a given. It was still weird to hear aloud though. It was also nice, knowing that you were cared for.
“You're our honorary fifth band member, after all. And Kid still wants you to sing for us.”
You snorted, rolling your eyes. “In his dreams.” You just couldn't stand the idea of being on stage in front of thousands of people. 
“Maybe one day,” he mused, rolling over and pulling you on top of him. 
You sighed, yawning. Killer said something else but you couldn't make it out as everything caught up with you and you immediately fell asleep. 
You woke up some time later, seeing that several hours had passed. You noticed Killer wasn’t in bed and you grumbled for a moment, feeling the bed for him as you processed that he was missing. You were also struggling to properly wake up - still mostly asleep.
You heard movements, looking over to see Killer at the closet. Ah, he must be packing. You slowly sat up, stretching. You didn’t realize just how hard you had slept; you were pretty sure you even drooled a little. 
“Have a nice nap?” Killer’s voice made you jump as you were wiping up the dried drool from your face. You looked over to him as he was folding up a shirt, setting it in his suitcase. You stared at him for a moment, processing once more. 
“I should probably check everyone’s luggage,” you mumbled.
You scrambled out of bed, tangling yourself in the blankets and started tumbling to the floor. Your boyfriend caught you with ease. “Slowdown there, partner. What’s the big rush? You’re not even awake fully yet.”
You mumbled something that you weren’t sure of and with the look on his face - he wasn’t either. You took a moment, just sitting there in his arms as you adjusted. Waking up and immediately going after napping that hard was apparently a bad idea.
“I…” You looked up at him, smiling. “Am going to double check everyone’s suitcases. Just to make sure they have all the essentials. I don’t trust any of them as far as I can throw them.” 
Killer stared at you for a moment before laughing. He nodded. “Alright. Sounds good.” He kissed your forehead, letting you bound out of the room.
You stopped at your cousin’s room, seeing his suitcase opened and things haphazardly tossed in, but he wasn’t anywhere to be found. “Tungsten?” You called - no answer. Huh.
Curiosity had the best of you, making you walk in to check his suitcase. “Hey, the fuck are you doing?” You nearly jumped out of your skin as Kid came into his bedroom, pulling his headphones off. 
“Making sure you’re packing decently.”
“I’m not a child.”
“The last time I let you pack your own bag, you didn’t pack any underwear or a toothbrush.”
“I was younger then!”
“Tungsten, that was literally last month.”
He went quiet, narrowing his eyes at you. “Who needs underwear,” he mumbled.
You rolled your eyes, looking through his clothes. “Fair point, but you still need to brush your teeth at least.” 
He walked over to you, watching over your shoulder as you went through his things. Everything was dumped out, for starters.
“Don’t backseat pack. If you’re gonna hover - zip it.”
Kid grumbled, folding his arms and pouting like a child; living up to his name. As he did so frequently, but so did you. Truly related.
You resumed what you were doing, folding things and putting them in the bag neatly so more could fit inside of it. “You need to make sure you’re folding things nicely. You’ll fit more that way.”
“Now, go grab your toiletries, I see you have forgotten them again.”
“I can just get new-”
“Go get them.”
“Alright, alright. Fine.” Kid grumbled, mumbling things under his breath as he left the room once again. You continued to pack his suitcase, making sure he had plenty of outfit combos, his important accessories, and once Kid came back, his toiletries.
Kid looked at the bag once you finished opening his mouth when you held up a hand. “Use the smaller suitcase I have for your tools, alright?” He immediately closed his mouth, pouting slightly because you beat him to the point. You knew he wanted to take his tools as he loved tinkering and building things in his downtime. Whether it was his car or their instruments, it didn’t matter. That’s why it was important he took his tools.
They’d be able to get more things once they get settled in, but you weren’t sure how long it would take for them to be able to do that. That’s why you were determined to make sure they had adequate packing. You knew Killer would be fine, but it was mostly just Kid you worried about. Maybe Heat a little bit, but he’d survive.
Now that you thought about it, last time the four of you went on vacation, Wire had only brought his knitting things. Maybe you should just check everyone’s - just in case. Haha…like suitcase.
“What are you grinning at?” You looked over at your cousin, shaking your head. “Nothing.”
You closed everything up, looking at him. “Well, it’s all good to go. Guess I’ll double check and make sure you have everything in the morning.”
Kid looked at you for a moment, his expression softening slightly. “You sure you don’t wanna join the band, Bigs? You’d be able to go with us.”
Your own face softened at his sudden change of mood. “I’m positive. Stagelife isn’t for me, Tungsten.” You put your hands on your hips to face him. “You just work hard and get that big house and then I’ll move in and we’ll be one big happy fa-”
You were cut off as he suddenly hugged you tightly. You patted his back awkwardly for a moment before returning the sentiment once you fully processed what was going on. He wasn’t exactly one to show affection like this, but you weren’t about to embarrass him about it. This kind of thing could be hard.
He pulled away, sniffling and turning from you. “I’m gonna go back to cleaning out the van. Don’t bother me.” With that, he put his headphones back on and headed out of the room.
Heat and Wire came over a little later with their things. You checked their luggage as well, scolding them and sending them back to properly pack. Heat had barely brought anything at all and Wire had forgotten to include pants of any kind.
How they were going to survive without you - you had no idea.
You were in the garage, double checking that the equipment was properly packed up when you felt Killer slide his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. “Everything checking out, manager?” 
You rolled your eyes, grinning at his little joke. You turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him softly. “I’d say so,” you mused. 
“I checked everyone’s luggage, the equipment, and made sure that Kid will actually have the van cleaned out by morning. Everything is going as scheduled.”
“Good. That means-” He stopped, picking you up and carrying you inside. “It’s time for bed.”
Once more, you fell into fits of laughter as he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. It wasn’t long before the two of you settled down.
“I almost don’t want to go to sleep. I don’t want to miss a moment with you.” He looked at you as the two of you laid in bed, brushing his knuckle on your cheek. You smiled at him, taking his hand and kissing his palm.
“You’re always so sweet, Killi.” You shook your head. “But, you need to get plenty of rest. The lot of you have a lot of driving to do. I know Kid is taking first shift, but someone has to make sure no one gets lost.” Kid would take way too many detours and it would take them a week to get there if someone didn’t keep him focused.
“I know, I know. We’re going to try to do it all in one go. With the four of us taking turns driving, it should be relatively easy.”
“Call me as soon as you get there?”
“I’ll probably call you as soon as we leave the driveway.”
You laughed, flattered by his response. “As much as I would love that, I know it would annoy the boys. And you’re driving through plenty of dead zones, so I doubt your service will be reliable in the least.” 
He sighed, frowning deeply. “That’s true. But I’m going to text you every chance I get.”
You smiled up at him. “And I’ll answer whenever they come in, okay?”
After a few more reassurances that everything would be fine, the two of you fell asleep together for the last time.
The next morning, everyone was up just as the sun was peeking over the horizon. It was early. Killer was already making breakfast, you were helping everyone else pack everything into the van. It was like tetris, which you were amazing at. Everything fit like a glove when you took charge of it.
“Breakfast is ready!”
All of you headed inside, eating the hearty breakfast killer made. They needed their energy for their trip and you were just hungry.
After breakfast, you did one last check, making sure everyone had everything and everything was packed. It wasn’t like when they did shows an hour or two away and you could run something to them and they could do without. They were going to be across the damn country.
Everything was packed, loaded and ready to go. As you all walked outside, Bubblegum and Hop pulled up. They knew everyone was leaving and you were about to be alone in a large house for the first time ever so they were there for support. 
You were at the passenger side window where Killer sat, doing one last verbal checklist. “Alright, Bigs. We got everything. If you check one more time, something will end up missing on purpose.”
You held up your hands. “Fine, fine.” You looked at them, smiling. “I’m so proud of you boys, don’t forget that.” Killer smiled, gently taking your face in his hands and pulling you in for one of the most passionate kisses the two of you had ever shared. Probably the best, honestly. 
You pulled away, breathless and everything was spinning. “Make sure you call,” you mumbled against him before pressing another kiss to his lips. You felt the car begin to move, jumping back, startled.
“Sorry, but if I let you two keep going - it’ll never end!”
You rolled your eyes, waving goodbye to them. “Drive safe! Love you! And good luck!”
Killer was leaning out of the passenger side window, looking back at you and waving as the van headed down the street. The two of you waved at each other as Bubblegum and Hop joined your side, shouting until they were out of sight.
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