#i will defend your right to say 'i hate men'. i will NOT defend ur right to say.this??????
beiq2y · 2 years
OMG, GOTTA SAY I LOVE UR HC, thank u for that!! would love to see another sae's headcanon from your POV or just sae being whipped in general /jk
HELLO OMGG THANKU SM FOR THIS REQ!! I saw ur reblog and i love ur mind sm?? It was literally exactly what i had in mind for him😭 The moment i saw this i literally dashed to write and i finished this in like an hour at 12am i was so excited stop. Also ik u said headcanons but i couldn’t help myself HE’S SO 😍 hope u enjoy this too!!
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-> based off my prev sae headcanon here
-> warnings - a bit steamy? Idk they kiss and i describe it HAHAH. Sae is so down bad, also horrible attempts of humour by me
; gosh where do i begin,,
; HE IS DEFO AN “i hate everyone but you” TYPA GUY
; he loves lying on top of you, forget whether you’re half or even twice his size, my man will just plop himself on top of u
; he is so done w all his teammates i swear
; absolute MENACE.
; rants about each of his teammates in such detail you wonder how he even managed to focus on football with the time he must’ve spent wishing he could murder his teammates
; he probably rests his face on your chest and when there is that ONE particular teammate, he snuggles his face into the crook of your neck and groans
; pls pat his head and just smile and nod when he does that
; try to defend any of his teammates I DARE YOU.
; “what do you mean that wasn’t really his fault?? Are you implying he doesn’t actually deserve to accidentally stumble into a razor and get his hair shaved off??”
; he can't stay angry at you tho.. he may even actually consider taking that guy off his “top 1000 men i wish would fall into a hole” list
; all it takes is for you to caress his face and a slight kiss on his forehead for my man to completely forget everything gosh
; he blushes. 
; It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve gone through this exact routine, he becomes the same shade as his hair and buries his face in ur neck it’s so cute stop😭
; after a while he does come back to kiss you again tho, but my man is honestly so down horrendous it’s crazy
Sae itoshi’s favourite part of the day was when he could finally go home.
Not because he could finally take a nice warm shower or because he could finally get his well-deserved sleep - no, none of that. 
More than anything, it’s because he knew that was where you would be waiting for him.
 You, who would without a doubt be waiting for him on your shared bed, a warm smile flitting across your face when he makes his appearance. You, who would welcome him with open arms, the words “welcome home” sounding like honey to him when they came out of your mouth. And finally you, who made his life just a little bit easier when you were around, his eyes lighting up the moment he spots you. He tries his best not to show it of course, but the way the corners of his lips perk up never fails to escape your gaze, a small giggle falling from your lips.
And with that, sae is quick to be by your side. He holds himself back just the right amount to ensure he doesn’t hurt you with the way he flops onto you. With a deep sigh, he finally lets go off all the tension he’s been holding in, all the stress and pressure dissipating with your touch. 
Well, certainly not all of them that’s for sure. 
He slowly but surely wraps his arms around your body, pulling you close as he snuggles closer to you, while you brace yourself for the worst. 
“Hi love,” he mutters, looking up to face you from where he lies on your chest. “Today wasn’t that bad. Well, it could’ve been better if that idiot-“
Ah, there he goes again. 
His daily venting session.
Maybe it was just a sae itoshi thing, but somehow, without fail, this man always managed to have something new to rant about every. Single. Day.
If it wasn’t guy A it would be guy B. If it wasn’t guy B, it would be guy C, and hell, sometimes it would be all of them. Really, no one was safe from the venomous words of sae itoshi. 
Oh well, everyone but you of course.
But even if you were saved from his harsh words, it didn’t necessarily mean that you particularly enjoyed hearing him rant about others. And as such, you slowly bring your hand up to his face, and with a gentle caress, you relish in the way he almost instantly shuts his mouth, all previous complaints dying down in his throat, his raging flame of anger being reduced to a small simmering flame. 
In a final attempt to put out the fire inside him, you brings your lips to his forehead, the flame instantly reduced to embers. 
However, it isn’t long before another flame surfaces, sae’s cheeks being dusted a bright red as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. It isn’t long before he pushes himself up on his arms however, caging you beneath him as he begins. First, a kiss to the forehead. Second, a small peck of his lips to your right cheek, and then the left. Third, his lips travel to your eyelids, forcing them to close with the gentle touch. And finally, he presses his lips to yours. You can feel yourself slowly melt into him, hands wrapping around his neck in an attempt to pull him closer, to feel more of him. 
After a while, he pulls away to breathe, all thoughts of his irritating teammates being washed away, replaced with only you, you and you.
©beiq2y on tumblr, 2022. pls do not copy or steal my works!
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splatcat64 · 2 months
i had a really long convo with my friends about this but it really seriously feels like ppl get rhys and fionas characterization switched up HARD. this is bc of the u choose the path thing but also a heavy hand in the misogyny and racism (and general way ppl tend to approach pandorans due to being effected by how jack talked about them . LOL) fiona is such a sweetheart whos working her hardest to protect the people she loves + imo shes the one who helped vaughn grow into someone who adores pandora as well. it makes me blow up. i have a few songs that have been making me go nuts about her . hai i got excited sorry
NOOO DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR GETTING EXCITED I totally get it my god,,, this blog is becoming so tales centric I’m sorry not sorry here we go. If you haven’t seen tales and want to be mindful of light spoilers. ⚠️
This has been talked about on my side a bit but I tooootally agree, Both of their characterization gets switched up BAD and it’s absolutely insane, both Fiona and Rhys are good people, but flawed. Flawed, but good people, and it gets constantly jumbled around in the fandom. I feel like a lot of people have a really hard time grasping that “choose ur own adventure” protags still have a core personality set, especially telltale. I always use Lee TWGD as an example, because sure you can portray him as either very very confrontational, or more soft spoken and sweet, but in the end of th edgy he still killed someone. In the end of the day he still ALWAYS cares about Clem. It’s not any different for those two idiots, they still have their respective arcs and the such.
I feel like Fiona gets a lot of shit specifically BECAUSE she’s snarky and she. speaks her mind. And god forbid a POC/Black coded woman do ANYTHING. Jack really messed up ppls views on Pandorans but the look into Sasha and Fi’s life is literally just more, HEY, they’re people!! Maybe don’t listen to the GENOCIDAAAAL [big arrows pointing to the word] MANIAC. It’s thrown right at your face. People take wtv the fuck Jack says way to seriously when he lies. So much. All the time. And I don’t get why no one takes it with a pile of salt constantly. When really she does just have a heart of gold, most of her being mean is literally just playful banter like hello. Sasha’s meaner than her by a mile but Fi still gets slaaandered for it. And even tho Sasha does have her really mean moments I will defend her to the grave with strangers bcus “hating her” without a valid reason gets veeerry racy really quick and as a black person it really does rub me the wrong way sometimes. So much mischaracterization everywhere. It’s a weird mix of a patriarchal, misogynistic, racist deal with EVERY character in The Group and I’m just… how do you manage to mischaracterize everybody from a game that’s all story.
And the point I made in a post somewhere about how Rhys is written differently than a LOT of men in borderlands and ppl have ran with it and decided hey this guy actually sucks. Or hey haha this guy can’t do anything. He’s completely out of his element on Pandora, of course he’s stumbling somewhat but bro is brave as hell for that shit. He’s a completely capable dude, yes he cares about Fiona and Sasha and Vaughn. Yes they care about him. I feel like people also get it twisted because of Fiona and Rhys in the intros, but people gotta remember that they’re acting like that because the game was episodic and we weren’t rlly allowed to know that they’re super buddy buddy. That’s one gripe I have w the game is that they made Fiona seem like she HATED his ass in some of the future settings in the beginning of episodes and people took it way too literally. Please I beg they’re besties,,, you’ve never boxed with a bestie before??? Either way it’s obvious that it’s blown out of proportion especially after Rhys’ whole arc concludes. You’re supposed to be like oooh he’s like that cause we couldn’t know. You look at Fi and you’re supposed to like daaamn she really cares about him/them they were all just split apart after extremely traumatic events. [I’m gonna stop here with this point cause it’s starting to be a run on but people do not talk enough about how traumatic both Helios’ crash, the wreck, and Gortys’ first fight was for all of them.]
I’ve talked extensively with a friend about this too but Tales had a looot of budget issues during its making cause of Telltale nuking itself, and the game was meant to have more time. ALL of them were!!! I always think about maybe if they all got more time they’d be treated this way less. But yknow,, whatever I guess.
AND THE VAUGHN THING UR SO CORRECT GOD. I think she really help him crawl out of his shell for a lack of a better term, both the sisters tbh I feel like they’re a very rare and cute friendship pairing and I need to see more of Sasha daring him to do shit like in the Chimera dome. They all care sooo deeply for each other and people even manage to miss that like god. One of Rhys’ core traits if you don’t make him abysmally evil is loyalty. LOYALTY. Fiona hasn’t had many, hell if any friends since tales started, She is SUCH a caring person of course she’s gonna ride or die for her friends. Like that one scene on Helios where Rhys can ask her not to leave, And she’s like “If I wanted to leave, I would’ve done it a looong time ago.” There’s so many points in the game I could,d bring up that show how great all of them are, Fiona, after knowing him for not too long at all, tries to convince Vaughn to be brave, and that he can survive Bossanova’s race. Yes, she had to do that so they wouldn’t die, but she went out of her way to say it in a way that was reassuring enough. That’s sweet. If she didn’t care about them she wouldn’t have played cards on the roof with Rhys, or play bunkers and badasses with the boys, or I don’t know, let them LIVE IN WHAT IS ESSENTIALLY HER HOUSE FOR A YEAR. /ref ep.3 of tales. I’m being dramatic, of course there are factors that didn’t let her kick them out. But, my point stands.
That wasn’t meaaan that was playful reassurance, she’s telling him she’s THERE FOR HIM. They all care sooosososo much. If none of the, cared about each other, any “betrayal” wouldn’t mean that much. People get hurt like that because of their bonds and yes, YES I’m being opinionated but they’re like the found family ever, god. Fiona is fucking amazing and she wouldn’t put up with anyone if she didn’t either have to, or care, and after a certain point it’s very obvious that it’s not the first one.
TLDR; Tales is great, stan Fiona, stan Rhys, Stan Sasha and Vaughn,,, my glorious queens and kings. Forgive any typos or grammar I wrote this on a passionate whim,
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lettucedloophole · 1 year
hi apologies if youve alr made a post abt this (if u have, then maybe u can add a link to that specific post?) but i just wanted to ask for ur perspective bc this is smth i keep getting hung up on and i rlly only trust u to answer:
why would abolishing gender be harmful to trans ppl if transphobia stems from emphasis on traditional gender roles, and the abolishment would further their focus on relieving dysphoria thru physical sex change instead of relieving it by having to conform to sociological femininity and masculinity as a means to adapt in this patriarchal society?
thank you for taking the time to read and answer this <3
no worries! i haven't made a post about this before since no one's asked, but i'll answer it right here for you.
the answer is, it wouldn't be harmful. abolishing gender would ultimately be the best for everyone, but especially lgbt people & women. however... the contextualization of this point is what makes or breaks it. let me explain--
trans people have a negative reaction when people discuss abolishing gender not only for the same reason cis people might (a kneejerk reaction to protect the status quo), but also for the very valid reason of wanting to defend transness in a transphobic society. it's the same reason why some gay people will react negatively to the fact that homosexuality is a social construct, and therefore cannot be innate; most people use this argument to justify homophobia & patriarchy.
the thing is, to abolish gender, sex must also be abolished as it's the primary method of naturalizing gender. sex is a social construct-- it's not natural. however, terfs and any garden variety conservative will reify gender through the naturalization of sex. they'll say, "cis women and men are natural, but trans people aren't. therefore, they must be eliminated." similarly, "heterosexual people are natural, but gay and bi people aren't. therefore, they must be eliminated." eliminated can mean killed or, forcibly dissolved into the "natural" categories via bullshit self-loathing propaganda.
a really easy way to understand why this is so upsetting to trans people is just comparing their situation to gay people or women's, really, as they are so similar. if you walked up being like "wow i cant wait for gays to be abolished<3" ofc people will assume you mean it in a homophobic sense rather than a complicated, radical feminist sense, and if you're focusing on the abolition of minority groups in particular, it does likely stem from bigotry. not saying that you've said anything like that lol, but those examples are the best way i can illustrate the point.
also, everyone on the internet hates radical feminism, so regardless of how eloquently you explain your point & how sensible it is, if you associate it with radical feminism people will ignore what you say, misinterpret you so severely that it seems deliberate but could very well be internet stupidity, and also throw tomatos at you. 😭 radfems, matfems & a handful of marxist, anarchist, intersectional fems + womanists are the only ones i trust to not be covert antifeminists.
last p.s.: we don't know what a society outside of patriarchy looks like. assuming people will continue getting sex changes assumes the existence of a natural sex binary, though it's possible people may change "sex" characteristics as they please. trans people's issue is not only being forced into gender roles, but a hatred of transness which puts them into a catch-22 regarding survival under patriarchy-- they're "reifying patriarchy" if they transition, but plagued with dysphoria, martyrs to a post-patriarchal world centuries away from us if they don't. perhaps, a similar scenario would be if you told a gay or straight person to simply see people as gender/sexless and to experience attraction, to give affection as though we lived in a post-patriarchal society-- it just wouldn't be possible, and for the gay person who is particularly vulnerable under patriarchy, it would more likely be traumatizing. dworkin put it so succintly in woman hating...
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i hope that wasn't too repetitive or long, i just wanted to be thorough. admittedly, this is kind of a loaded answer if you aren't familiar with sex as a social construct, so if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask!
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janedances · 1 year
No one is shipping anyone who is related...(by that I mean a reasonable amount of related...not like 4th-5th cousins because you wouldn't even know who those people are) and if they are, the rest of us know that's weird and stay far away. I dislike Kat ships due to the age gap...but if people want to write it...whatever...it's not for me. Just like once I saw earrings made of autopsy needles and I was like "omg, that's the most disturbing thing I've seen, why would anyone want that?" but then I moved my ego aside and thought "wait a second, that's just because they aren't for me, some people might love it."
But you aren't just arguing against that but against ALL fic. People like it, a lot of ND people take comfort in reading/writing about the characters they like/relate to. Just block the tag. No one if forcing you to read it.
This isn't hate. People are upset because you are in a fandom space complaining about normal fandom things. There are at least 4/5 anons telling you this.
and there’s about 25 people agreeing with me…. ratio.
and as for some reference, i found a few TUMBLR posts (i did not go on any links, and simply found the ones that were under the tag, but trust me, there’s more)
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that’s only a few examples of people shipping relatives. so to say ‘no one is shipping relatives’ but then say ‘if they are, people are very far away from this’ is a contradiction in itself, which i referred to in another post.
as i have responded to you, one of my only anons who have been actively messaging me, MY ISSUE IS WITH THE LACK OF HISTORICAL CONTEXT. you cannot tell me that people shipping howard with people is just ‘not a personal taste’ when it’s actual grooming. that’s when it starts getting weird. that’s when it crosses the line of ‘personal distaste’ and becomes an issue. these people are like ‘henry is a weirdo, these men are perverts, why would they groom poor howard like that when she was a teen’ when… y’all are shipping howard with ppl who were rounding 40 when she was BORN and hit 18 before she began puberty. that’s when it becomes an issue. that’s when you become hypocrites. THAT HAS BEEN MY ENTIRE POINT.
as for the autopsy needles…. what the fuck? ur really out here defending earrings made out of something that has been into a dead persons body, which has basically ruined my expectation of you knowing your right and wrong.
you have told me about 50 times ‘omg just block the tag’ and while yes, i could absolutely block the tag, i feel like it needs to be brought to attention, because it’s disturbing. it’s not an ego, im just telling people my opinion, which you keep bothering me about, forcing me to talk abt it.
i didn’t realise incest and paedophilia were normal fandom things…
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kiss2012 · 5 months
final 911 thoughts…
k tommy’s entrance in 7x03 kinda slayed ngl. the fake static LMAO
“i’d follow your hunches any day” “it’s cap and athena let them fire us” CATCH ME CRYING IN THE CLUB
eddie’s incredulous happy little laugh when they saw the flare <3
this show is at its best when 1) it’s about the inherent goodness of humanity and how everyone deserves to be saved, 2) when the members of the 118 are in Situations, 3) when they r all a happy family, and 4) when they are flagrantly disobeying orders to save the people they love
u don’t understand how funny this is to me (person who watched the most recent bachelorette live)
making buck bi in the bachelor episode literally the greatest thing they have ever done.
scream at joey’s face when the contestants proposition buck and eddie
once again buck continues his trend of either flirting on purpose or flirting without realizing he’s flirting.
buck saying he’s “keeping his options fluid” LOL.
look im glad to see harry even if the actor’s different i missed him but WHERE IS MAY
ravi i love you so deeply
oh my god ravi looks so beautiful
“you and tommy have a lot in common: both in the army both like watching half-naked men pummel each other” WHAT???? WHAT THE FUCK AM I WATCHING
so i understand exactly what’s going on with buck right now he is certifiably insane but he’s obviously jealous over eddie and jealous over tommy and worried about being replaced especially with chris and insecure and confused about what he’s feeling etc. but eddie 😭😭😭 what’s going on babe
ok seriously did we need a rehash of the WORST athena plotline to date???
oh my god i physically can’t watch this
ummmmm yikes
i’ve seen a lot of people both blindly defending buck for this and a lot of people hating on it and i don’t really think it’s that simple. like i think it was wrong wish we could see him apologize but it is some delicious drama. like suck ur teeth in hand over mouth kinda drama.
chimney pretty much summed it up and maddie was so right…love u madney
maddie’s hilarious for being like yeah buck i understand where ur coming from i also made desperate bids for my friend’s attention. when i was a 14 year old girl.
“so stop acting like one” YEAH LMAO
you’d think seeing half of this in gifsets would’ve desensitized me to it. but it hasn’t.
this would have been the perfect opportunity to have tommy talk about how he regrets his behaviour during the begins episodes and talk more about his friendships with hen and chimney??
tommy. BUCK!!!!!!!
um im sorry i cant blame tommy for leaving buck at the curb after that hot chicks comment. and then the “bro”??? im in agony.
i thought u guys were joking this is marisol’s like fourth appearance on screen and we’ve barely heard her speak let alone seen her interact with eddie but he “really likes her” and they’re moving in together? um excuse me??? WHY ARE THEY LYING TO ME I DONT KNOW THIS WOMAN NO ONE KNOWS THIS WOMAN NOT EVEN EDDIE KNOWS THIS WOMAN
ohhhh my god that post about how unlike tommy eddie’s always treated buck like an equal partner no matter what from the very beginning. yeah…
denny is so sweet.
disaster bi buck fr (affectionate)
the “christopher is out of town for a couple days” is still killing me. where is he.
eddie is such a dreamboat truly who wouldn’t be in love with him
so many shannon mentions this season thank you…i miss you shannon
if you need me i’ll be thinking about eddie’s thumb on That Spot.
this end scene is the best buck has looked all episode the choice to have him literally bathed in sunlight is so real and true
7x06 time oh my god im so scared
maddie and hen look unbelievably stunning. jesus christ.
eddie looks beautiful in his beautiful pre-destroyed pink suit. buck…your suit was a Choice. i will free you from whoever is doing your hair like that pls buck just let me in i can fix it pls
eddie wasn’t overtly bitchy about tommy being there until he saw tommy hug buck. he’s so funny.
HENREN AND RAVIIIIII 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and all three of their outfits r a slay
can’t explain to you how much i love clipboard buck if clipboard buck has no lovers i am not on this earth etc. and a karaoke bachelor party really is such a thoughtful idea even if it’s not what chimney wanted
but once again buck is so embarrassing i can’t do this
thanks we had a…time. HFJFJDKD
MONTAGE <33333 buck and eddie’s bestieism is off the charts im gonna cry…
“i am 911” maddie buckley the woman that you are…
i unapologetically looked at a million spoilers for this episode but i still don’t know What happened to chimney and im scared
kevin and the lees 😭😭😭😭
“telling buck no is like telling a dog not to jump your leg” is definitely. a line. that. they chose. for this episode.
home and he went to the lees. god….
moment 1363673 of buck giving me the worst and somehow most affectionate secondhand embarrassment i’ve ever felt in my life
perfect episode no notes. actually one note WHERE WAS ALBERT. but other than that im in shambles time to listen to islands in the stream on repeat
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hyperdemona · 1 year
I actually started carrying pepperspray not because of men, but because a dog bit me and I want to be safe if I were to get attacked again.
Getting bit by this dog (puncture wounds bleeding down my leg, assumed he was running after me to ne friendly till he got close, I was young and oh my bike. Like he literally bolted down an street while I was biking, bit my ankle hard. Flat out aggressive targeted behavior I was biking around a park and he came out of nowhere .) It taught me to start yelling “hey! HEY! NO! Back up!” Dogs can sense anger, dogs can sense territorial animal behavior which is exactly what I’m doing, defending myself territory Aka body. I had this dumb territory try and go after my ankle while biking, I kept yelling “hey, hey, hey, hey,” everyrime I saw him going for my ankle… he stopped and barked all mad and fucked off. Scared the shit out of me when I saw a stuffy loose, held just pepper spray and told him to back up (insecure nervous dog bit thar is also a type that might bite if feeling threatened, he backed off.)
It’s kinda like men; get angry and scream like a bitch and they freak out from that energy.
(Ofc this won’t always work and I don’t blame kids just dumping in your inbox that I get your hate for dogs… I’m grown, not a child, child can’t defend themselves. I was still a girl when I
got bit and I love dogs I’m like wtf 😭😭 I don’t hate dogs, But don’t love them so ouch anymore and don’t blame you for hating dogs…
I don’t get the cat hate from folks, truly; when has a stray cat or a cat that gets out go around attacking folks? I’d trust a cat around a kid before I trusted a dog.
Wondering if so often they say “men are like dogs, women are like cats” cause cats have good boundaries and are “selfish” while dogs are dumb and bark at anything that moves?
I genuinely dislike dogs. Puppies are cute but it's HARD to like dogs these days if ur in Keralam these days. It's sooo bad here. Spaying and neutering have completely failed. It works in western countries because stray populations are low in the first place because of harsh weather, so many do not survive the winter. You only need to spay/neuter/vaxx the rest and have them be adopted. Doesn't work here because these things don't die off naturally and when there's enough of them to form literal wolf-packs, they LITERALLY just start hunting kids for food. Man that poor autistic boy, the villagers are still in shock.
Who tf is going to adopt murder dogs? We don't even allow dogs indoors or consider animals family the way they do in white western countries, it is not our culture. Animals get treated like animals, not people. In fact, dog lovers adopting fancy breeds to raise and then letting them loose in the streets when they get sick and difficult to look after (apparently long-haired western breeds don't do well in the tropics and get sick, WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT 🙄) are the ones that caused this in the first place.
Dogs regularly break into daycares and playschools and attack kids. It's happened multiple times over the last decade. I've seen idiot animal activists even call for an end to spaying/neutering because "dogs have a right to natural reproduction like people do". This is who you're arguing with.
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menalez · 1 year
"but i disagree with ur argument that it’s like. an accepted and normal thing. again, the majority of radblr are bisexuals, the ppl who were prejudiced against bisexuals in such a blatant way were always criticised and being called out and i know this bc i’ve been on here for years at this point and had personally called out many of those ppl who were already basically pariahs outside their own little radblr cliques."
what does it being mostly bisexuals have to do with anything? lots of bisexuals hate other bisexuals most of all. like that imdb person that said bi rape victims are just whiners trying to play 'most oppressed' if they talk about biphobia or that drpepperwoman that said bi victims of abuse shouldn't complain because she as het-partnered bi doesnt feel oppressed so the rest of us must be exaggerating or lying. And plenty of people encourage them and tell them how cool and awesome they are for "standing up" to other bisexuals. Lots of non-bisexuals encourage them.
I don't know how you can think it's not an accepted and normal thing because that is entirely different from my experience. plenty of people that were very friendly with the blackpills are still around and popular, like that like-a-ruby, tenko-irl, desisapphic, lesbian-king-kai and lots of people that reblog from them too less vocally. it's not like I now most of the names tbh only the ones I have seen repeatedly over time. Or like kronkk throwing a tantrum and saying she doesn't care about the blackpills and that they're right and she "loves mean lesbians" and then deleting all those posts when other lesbians started to react badly. or people like piqued-curiosity who say she disagrees with them but always goes out of her way to defend then and say they need compassion and healing, then passes around essays calling bi women dick worshipers and saying bi rape victims are just weaponizing abuse and she calls it insightful and smart, and that rape victims just need to learn critical thinking skills and not zero in on that because those aren't the parts that matter. No one seems to understand that we have every right to get mad at people like her that treat our abuse like an acceptable target even if they claim to disagree with it. And there's weird borderline shit like heterophobic saying she thinks most people are really bisexuals, and heterosexuals are also a sexual minority, basically saying homophobia is the fault of bisexuals because they are the majority and they enforce it. It can't just be that heterosexuals are manipulative and homophobic liars, it must be they are bisexual. Or her saying bisexuals don't experience the core of homophobia, so I guess when we're raped and abused thats some het bullshit that doesnt have to do with real homophobia. Or the lots of women that say weird shit about bi men, anything from that sports are homophobic only because of bi men, to saying bi men need to be exterminated because they hurt all other demographics. Bi women are not stupid we can see that's biphobia that will carry against us too if it was more acceptable.
and most of all maybe you don't see it because radblr is huge, it's not like just you and your followers, it's several circles with sometimes only tiny overlaps. I often dont see these lesbophobes or know who they are until you reblog them to call them out either but that doesn't mean I don't believe you that they're a problem in other circles. maybe you simply don't know the people passing bullshit around bi women all the time but that doesn't mean its not tolerated in some groups. And most of all just like lesbophobia, homophobia, and racism are still a problem I don't know why you think homophobia against bi people was magically solved. Of course its there just like all the rest.
okay after i read this message i now understand that the reason u don’t see them as a fringe group is bc you consistently read things said by both bisexual women & lesbians you disagree with in the most uncharitable and bad faith way possible bc i know some of the stuff you referenced and it wasn’t as you described it
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
A TS fan here. Lately been seeing people call Joe Alwyn the Ken in the relationship and legit how he got insecure because men easily do, I was wondering had the situation been reversed would they have said the same stuff about the woman being insecure or idk
Either way I think it's extremely toxic how people instantly come for the ex with negative stuff to say, as if they have been waiting for this to happen. I think Joe doesn't deserve this negativity.
I love Taylor but I really wish she'd say something about this negativity with the influence she has, and since this is all pretty recent. Her fans are asking not to hate on Joe because Taylor would be hurt?? Like? What about Joe? Should they not be saying negative shit about him because he doesn't deserve it either. Taylor is out there doing concerts and shit she doesn't care about this negativity I think
Pls share ur thoughts
from my experience, most swifties view every woman as a goddess and every man as basic trash unless he’s worshipping taylor’s feet. Joe seems to be a decent guy and has gotten nothing but love and praise from taylor this whole time, so swifties suddenly attacking him just because they broke up (also, it was an “amicable split” and they “plan to stay friends”?) is absolutely ridiculous. how obsessed with getting revenge on behalf of someone else do you have to be to make an issue where there genuinely isn’t one, even according to the person you’re supposedly defending? it’s just another mindboggling example of the toxic parasocial relationship taylor has created with her fans. when you remove boundaries and don’t enforce basic ones everyone should have, not just celebs, you open yourself up to this level of toxicity and narcissism from the public. you shouldn’t have millions of people thinking it’s okay and JUSTIFIED to harass another human being because of something in your own personal life. and you should never ask for them to do that either. you HAVE to shut that shit down immediately or it gets to this point where they’re literally making shit up to be mad.
they’ll say “taylor’s relationships aren’t for her writing career” until they’re blue in the face and then turn around and demonize Joe for the crime of splitting with taylor because that’s what she does in her music, and her music is truly the only way they “know” her. they don’t know her personally. they know what she writes and what she shows to the public. that’s it. some idiot said “I have every right to be sad about this breakup because I grew up with taylor-“ and they went on for a novel about it, even mocking people who bring up parasocial relationships like “I get it you’re too cool for parasocial but-”, like?? you’re unwell. genuinely. you should not be thinking like this and feeling this way about a celebrity. it’s not healthy and shows you have no respect for the woman you claim to idolize.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
i’m so curious to hear more about how the haruka and shintaro relationship develops post str. bc like there’s konoha and also the mess with shinaya and shintaro and takanes messed up dynamic and i just read your thing about how takane and shintaros friendship plays out and like… i’m so curious how or if haruka and shintaro ever get back to a good place and like how much do they even interact outside the quartet and can they even have a relationship separate from takane
YEAHYEAHYEAH WOOOO WOOOO guess what. this one also got too long💗 whatever. deal with it
i think haruka and shintaro are rly quick to go back to their old dynamic!!! but erm. ok here's the thing.
SORRY TO GET ALL ANNOYING ABT THIS AGAIN i answered this in an ask a few weeks ago BUT i am gonna repeat. it pisses me off SOOOOO MUCH that shintaro is totally normal to haruka and just a dickhead to ayano&takane. i accidentally went on a rant abt the misogynistic writing in shintaro/in general lollll and i might do it again💗 i will do it again. sorry, because when it comes to haruka & shintaro's dynamic this is SO difficult for me to get past i just can't do it so HERE I GO AGAIN:
because it pisses me off too that haruka just doesn't say anything. i WILL get to ur question i will get to haruka&shintaro post str about the whole shinaya and codependent shintaka shitshow but i need u to hear me out for a second first. YES I KNOW IM REPEATING MYSELF WHATEVER
so i know haruka not saying anything and doing stuff like Lying to takane abt hanging out with shintaro bc he knows she hates him etcetc is rather like. haruka's like theyre both my friends i hate they can't get along :( and i know its written this way because writer doesn't see the issue in question in the first place. like i said i hate how takane is always put at the level of shintaro as if she isn't defending herself. ayano just lets shintaro walk all over her + haruka is either oblivious or too spineless to say anything and takane's fighting for her life LOL like she's not stupid she knows why shintaro is a dick to her. and like damn takane was SO nice to shintaro when she first meets him and shintaro is the one to start their shitty dynamic in the hs days because he decided he hated her right off the bat without even knowing who she was. he just stood in a 2 or 3 hour line to whine abt ohh u think ur such a big shot because all these ppl think ur cool and the funny thing is that takane AT NO POINT EVER thinks this and is the total opposite, she was crying her eyes out the whole day at being exposed and having all these people here. shintaro didnt know shit. like truly what is the reason he did this other than AUUGGHH GIRLS DONT PLAY VIDEOGAMES😡😡😡 HES SO RIDICULOUS Like if he had been mean to haruka too later, I'd let it pass it'd be like ok yeah ig shintaro's wholeheartedly just a fucking asshole and who knows what his fucking problem is but LITERALLY IN THE SAME HOUR shintaro's like haruka i can teach you how to play videogames and be ur best friend lets kiss on the mouth like girl. again gay not only bc i like men but bc i hate women👍or whatever. hs shintaro i fucking hate you youre SO annoying. there is NO OTHER REASON for the treatment💗 and takane sees it and ayano & haruka either see it and dont say anything or are oblivious. ayano bc she's too awooga over shintaro and haruka because (cracks knuckles) care for internalized misogyny. sorry i know he's better than this but lollllll. either haruka is oblivious which HE IS NOT because haruka is a dumbass but in his pov he shows again and again how perceptive he is to the ppl around him. he's just a fucking spineless loser. he doesn't say anything to shintaro because then maybe shintaro will think he's lame. maybe he did say something to shintaro and shintaro was like erm whatever dude lol and haruka's like haha. yeah forget i said anything lol(sweating) but haruka isnt stupid enough not to consider why shintaro is just a dickhead to takane for no reason. sorry seriously what on earth was going thru jin's mind to write shintaro and takane's meeting like THAT 😭😭😭
yes i know theyre fictional characters and this is one of those things i could truly just ignore because it is the fault of the writer not of the, again, FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, and i do this with many things in kagepro but HERE specifically. i can't bring myself to ignore it and i dont wanna. idk, it just bothers me lol because it's an entire dynamic. you're telling me shintaro and takane had that relationship for a over a year at school and haruka just watched the whole time and didnt say anything??? he still went to be buddies with shintaro when he walked in and said all that awful shit to takane first meeting?? yeah girl im holding him accountable (as a character)idgaf. LOL!!! again erm. reminder this is written. im mad abt the sexist writing not The characters who are not real people ok? ok.
sorry maybe im butthurt because im afab🤨and reading this kinda thing is like.i wanna throw up and i get all intense. but imagine being in takane's place and ur guy friend who u think is good is like. just letting the misogynistic asshole in the friend group say shit because its not directly affecting him and ur like wow. ok then. hehe takane getting mad at haruka for always being like aw guys dont fight like she's not defending herself LOLLLL ok sorry ill stopill stop.
.........getting to the actual question. clearly i have my thoughts abt their dynamic. i think.. sorry, i just can't get past shintaro&takane's relationship in general to be able to think abt haruka&shintaro's. when i read ur ask i was like well ofc they have a relationship separate of takane!!! they're bestest friends!!! BUT... when i really think abt it... maybe not LMAOO like yeah maybe im just super like 💗💗takane💗💗 and hate the misogyny too much. and i think shintaro and ene/takane's relationship is SO titular to kagerou project that its impossible for me to ignore it??
i think generally in post str since shintaro is glued at the hip with takane who in return is also glued at the hip to haruka ofc it's never just Them two alone and takane is in fact in the middle. haruka loves hanging out with shintaro though and he loves him!! he loves when he's around he loves hanging out!! he's also excited abt shintaro and takane being besties bc at first he's like YES DREAM TEAM💥💥💥(PERCEIVES THE HORRORS) WAIT A SECOND..
i think since haruka is the one slowly talking to takane abt their codependency and etc he slowly grows to sort of. be annoyed?? at some of shintaro's behavior. because haruka tries talking to him about it the same he talks about it to takane! but while takane's all like "ummm nahhh whaaa no way ermm (holds head) OK MAYBE..." shintaro's like U THINK IM GONNA STEAL UR GIRLFRIEND UR SO FUNNY LOOOOOL and haruka's like 😐THATS NOT WHAT IM SAYING.
but like with ayano, haruka is kind of scary to shintaro. not as much as ayano, bc with her there's the whole thing abt yaki and stuff but haruka is also like. WOW he's alive huh. and also, again, shintaro is sorta pissed off at harutaka as a whole LOL 1. he's kinda down bad for both of them 2. is INSANELY jealous of their healthy & communicative & non destructive relationship in contrast to whatever the fuck he's doing with ayano. LOL!! from shintaro's perspective (subconsciously i cant stress it enough. all the shit he's doing he's rly not. on the loop(LOOL!!!)about the fact he is doing it he's rly not doing it on purpose) its comforting to know that bc of their codependency(that hes also in denial about) takane is as distanced from haruka as he is from ayano, like both their relationships suffer for it so it HAS to be normal right??
so when haruka approaches him abt it shintaro is kind of annoyed. subconsciously. at first he's like ohhh yeah of course you wanna spend time alone with ur girlfriend lol sorry man get some 👍 and haruka's like well that's not the only thing?? it's not so much about me as it is about you and takane bc this is clearly a rly bad dynamic for u guys and i think ur kind of enabling her fears and takane is really overdue in facing her reality and its not helping her to cling on u like this
actually, i think haruka is able to articulate it better to shintaro than to takane bc with takane he's terrified she'll dump him over it. because he is very worried specifically about her mental state and how she's using shintaro as a means to STILL not face her problems and the fact she is alive. but if he were to say this to her face takane would. yeah she'd freak out a lil bit so while he still does it little by little, he thinks talking directly to shintaro should be ok right!! he'll understand where he's coming from, because takane was and is dedicating her existence to shintaro for a sense of purpose while shintaro...what's shintaro's problem, haruka wonders. he acts annoyed but still stays by her. obviously he's just used to her. but it's not as extreme as it is with takane since she's DEDICATED so maybe he will hear him out!
DEAD WRONG shintaro keeps talking like omg haruka ur being just like ayano lmaooo all jealous over me and takane u guys are so funny. shintaro's so delighted he's like THANK GOD ayano and i are normal then, haruka is doing the same as her!! but haruka insists its really not so much abt jealousy at all he's just genuinely worried for both shintaro & takane. and probably grows a little annoyed over shintaro's insistence of him being jealous and refusing to listen LOL haruka: u and takane share a while understandable, deeply destructive relationship u cope mindlessly with... shintaro: u just wanna make out with her and ur mad im around :3
i think haruka even trusts shintaro with why he's telling him all this and why he struggles talking abt it to takane. so shintaro is VERY aware of haruka's delicate self worth and yeah takane too but shintaro also knows in detail abt haruka struggling to feel good enough for her and all that shit. and he feels kinda good abt it LOL shintaro's like... he kinda feels like he can have haruka under control like this. SUBCONSCIOUSLY OF COURSE AGAIN shintaro isnt a manipulative mastermind he's just GOING THRU IT.
basically haruka and shintaro do kinda have their old dynamic but now there's all this stuff abt takane. shintaro specifically keeps trying to default to their old dynamic but that's difficult bc haruka is REALLY living the moment while shintaro is still stuck in all these emotions pulling him back. so of course haruka's eq freaks him out a bit. and again pisses him the hell off that haruka and takane seem so good together while he's fighting for his life with ayano.
so when shintaro is at his wits end and hits on takane (anyone reading this out of context to my other post the anon is referring to, im sorry) it REALLY crashes down. ofc i talked abt takane's side bc that's what it was about but only briefly abt haruka. i think. i think haruka is overdue sending shintaro to hell too. from being such an asshole to both ayano and takane in highschool all the way to his fucked up relationships with both even now post str. i think that's also a nice way for haruka to step up and stop being so spineless. srry i keep calling him this but its such a perfect word to describe him. haruka is so self conscious abt everything his self confidence is so nonexistent and that holds him back from everything but i think the same way everyone is breaking by now he also has his Moment.
like haruka KNOWS shintaro is dealing with a lot. of course he knows. so haruka isnt mean about it, he doesnt yell at him about it like takane does. i think haruka just kinda. grimaces and says he's really disappointed in him. and shintaro's like GOD ID RATHER YOU PUNCH ME IN THE FACE but haruka is just silent and thats so so so much worse. shintaro keeps begging him to just punch him and haruka's like why?? and shintaro's like cuz im ur bro and i hit on ur girl :((((( and haruka's like OHHH MY GOD. DO U EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON RN DO U HEAR HOW DEMEANING IT IS TO REDUCE IT TO JUST THAT?? ITS NOT HS CRUSH STUFF.... UR DESTROYING ALL UR RELATIONSHIPS MY MAN. shintaro's like a.
so hes like WELL...IM JUST...SORRY... LIKE I WASNT THINKING... and haruka's like apologize to TAKANE not ONLY me!! apologize to ayano!!where are THEIR apologies!! what's the matter with you!! i know ur hurting but ALL OF US are, why do u get a pass to act this way!! just stop!!!!
haruka doesn't say much else but i think only that is enough to send shintaro spiraling down + all the other stuff. he's like speedrunning destroying all his relationships its so funny honestly. and i think haruka is the one to point it out to him. he says he HAS been telling him and didnt listen and he's driven it to a point where even he needs a break from him and doesnt really wanna see him rn. shintaro's like 😐meltdown style. haruka's like Closes door on ur face cutely💗
sorry i kinda talked abt so much other stuff here but yeah. 💗👍
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Ofc they're having a cb when I'm not there, I have up at this point lol
Stop the avocado abuse 💔
Stalkers won't stop like, they know it's bad and they dgaf. Even some blacklisted fansites can still go to airports cause who's gonna stop them? It's awful
I was bored and looked into Men of the Harem the novel, but do I wanna spoil myself. My friend said it has more details and the relationship between Latil and Tasir is 😳😊 so I might check it out. There are like 287373 chapters and shit gets spicy 😭
I can't fully enjoy this WC because of the whole Qatar thing so I'm mostly observing from the distance. Everything I needed from football this year aka Madrid winning CL happened so now I'm chill! And Arsenal is literally FIRST in the Premier League table?!??! I used to like Mbappe more, but I still have a soft spot for many French players 💀 I'm a bit sad Spain lost, but oh well. I hate penalties, so nerve wrecking
One thing SM is good at are the promo picturesand packaging. My journey with Itzy started with Wannabe, cause I didn't care for their debut and Icy, but I'm a Not Shy and Loco defender. MITM is hmmm not the best, but I still like it to a certain extent. People speculate Jinni was kicked out cause she spoke about training, having a comeback soon and the next day GOODBYE 🤔Also Loona's comeback, uhmmmmm. I know many Orbits are boycotting it
Hawgsyhasyshhss I will never forget waking up one day in Straya, opening the blinds and spotting two roos boxing each other, we made eye contact then they continued. I was like "understandable, have a nice day". Omfg that's the same person I forgot I told you about her, tbh lots of my friends live in AUs 😅
Ooooh a few weddings, and then mine in SK, remember! There's a saying that goes "Paris is in France, but France isn't in Paris" so sidhjshdjsnhsjs I also recommend other French cities if you ever have time
Seonghwa platinum is perfect even my friend who used to hate blonde hair agrees! People just want ot8 black hair, but it's so boooooring, most of them have/had black hair all the time! As a blonde Hwa lover I'm in danger, what if he dyes it now... hopefully a different colour than black, it'd be a shame not to take advantage of his bleached scalp. But I want him to stay a blondie a little longer 😭 most importantly NO SCISSORS. I need Hongjoong to do something crazy with his hair tho
Alright so best of both worlds, dark academia, but make it cottagecore as well.
(Thumb Seonghwa is not real he can't hurt us...)
Right. I do hope Eden and his team switch things up and give Jongho less high notes etc, but he's still a good producer. Some Atinys think he's the devil, like? Log off and stare at a wall, think about your lives for a second
If I worked at that diner and saw this bitch and thoughts on the 👃?
Please NT football teams need Season's Greetings lolol
They said "no more lies" but no Love Shot, no Move...
*gently holds*
I was asleep idek what's going on, but I'm too out of it to analyse the lore this time. Also this comeback feels a bit unnecessary ngl ksugswgyshshshshs and I still haven't gone through the whole Paradigm album 🙉 - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Ofc they're having a cb when I'm not there, I have up at this point lol // Stop the avocado abuse 💔
LMFAOOOO 😭😭 ITS ABSOLUTE BS !!! but if ur going kr in like later maybe they’ll be there w a new comeback 😭😭😭 i do not personally understand the hype around avocado being tasti actually <//3
Stalkers won't stop like, they know it's bad and they dgaf. Even some blacklisted fansites can still go to airports cause who's gonna stop them? It's awful
atp bodyguards need to be shown faces in their training for the group they guard so they can stop the specific fans and plus isn’t rona still in kr like its spiking so i don’t understand why they’d all risk and crowed around them,, we need the guards to be the swat or csi stuff atp 🤚🏼
I was bored and looked into Men of the Harem the novel, but do I wanna spoil myself. My friend said it has more details and the relationship between Latil and Tasir is 😳😊 so I might check it out. There are like 287373 chapters and shit gets spicy 😭
I can't fully enjoy this WC because of the whole Qatar thing so I'm mostly observing from the distance. Everything I needed from football this year aka Madrid winning CL happened so now I'm chill! And Arsenal is literally FIRST in the Premier League table?!??! I used to like Mbappe more, but I still have a soft spot for many French players 💀 I'm a bit sad Spain lost, but oh well. I hate penalties, so nerve wrecking
right!! im keeping up primarily bc its their last wc 😭😭 madrid was really on a roll with the league HDWKDHWK THE ARSENAL V MAN UNITED IS THE ONE IM WAITING FOR,,, no bc mbappe let the fame get to his mind tho i can’t deny that he’s a good player, but the ego is 📈📈 i was surprised england lost mate, in front of beckham like that??? VIOLATION!! penalties truly, never been so on the edge of my seat 🤚🏼 the massive amount of pressure these guy’s have is 🫡 + hope the teams who didn’t make it get the chance at copa, and the next wc bc theres gonna be sooo many teams
One thing SM is good at are the promo picturesand packaging. My journey with Itzy started with Wannabe, cause I didn't care for their debut and Icy, but I'm a Not Shy and Loco defender. MITM is hmmm not the best, but I still like it to a certain extent. People speculate Jinni was kicked out cause she spoke about training, having a comeback soon and the next day GOODBYE 🤔Also Loona's comeback, uhmmmmm. I know many Orbits are boycotting it
YOU ARE CORRECT THO I ALMOST SAID WHAT PROMO UNTIL I SAW THE PICTURES,, sm rly is very creative with packaging and shoot’s ,, loco was AMAZING! the choreo and the kpop oomf, want that itzy era back so fast but lesserafim dominating ,, mafia in the morning was alright the ring dang dang got me 🧍🏻‍♀️ BRUH??? no bc it’s so sus, jyp being this sensitive? then they should’ve kicked out so many ppl if they talked about comebacks 😭😭 YEAAH THE COLOUR CODED LYRIC CHANNELS WILL THRIVE DURING LOONA’S CB bc all the views
Hawgsyhasyshhss I will never forget waking up one day in Straya, opening the blinds and spotting two roos boxing each other, we made eye contact then they continued. I was like "understandable, have a nice day". Omfg that's the same person I forgot I told you about her, tbh lots of my friends live in AUs 😅
LMFAOOOO DBWKHDWKDKW NO WAY 😭😭😭 WHAT A SIGHT STOP u were witnessing a very intense boxing match, who won? the left one or the right? THE WAY THAT FRIEND OF URS SCORED !!!!! lived an au, works a dream job 🤌🏼 gods favourite, im gonna ask one ques, has any of ur friends lived an etl or is it reserved for u?
Ooooh a few weddings, and then mine in SK, remember! There's a saying that goes "Paris is in France, but France isn't in Paris" so sidhjshdjsnhsjs I also recommend other French cities if you ever have time
U BET I WILL TAKE A FLIGHT STRAIGHT FROM THERE,, i do wanna see the eiffel tower but i primarily want to visit the south of france bc it is just so stunning and id cry if i don’t ever see it really, if i can’t live the french girl aesthetic what is the point in life 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Seonghwa platinum is perfect even my friend who used to hate blonde hair agrees! People just want ot8 black hair, but it's so boooooring, most of them have/had black hair all the time! As a blonde Hwa lover I'm in danger, what if he dyes it now... hopefully a different colour than black, it'd be a shame not to take advantage of his bleached scalp. But I want him to stay a blondie a little longer 😭 most importantly NO SCISSORS. I need Hongjoong to do something crazy with his hair tho
EXACTLY EXACTLY !!!!! that seonghwa really attracted so many ppl & turned them into shinestar’s im never forgetting him bc he started my era w him 😭😭 WHAT IF HE DYES IT BLUE 😭😭 IM GONNA SCREAM STOP DONT ASK UR THAT FRIEND FOR PHOTOS ITLL ALSO PISS ME OFF 😭😭🤚🏼 ateez all long haired cb when !! wHEN!! this siren era better bring out the long hairs idc idc we need a hwa + mingi long hair
Alright so best of both worlds, dark academia, but make it cottagecore as well. /// (Thumb Seonghwa is not real he can't hurt us...)
Right. I do hope Eden and his team switch things up and give Jongho less high notes etc, but he's still a good producer. Some Atinys think he's the devil, like? Log off and stare at a wall, think about your lives for a second
omg ur right, jongho in a low register or better yet a song without extreme high notes, give us baby making r&b ateez!!! he really is talented and tbh ppl complaining like they can do it any better! he’s a professional, he’s got a team and the members, they know what they’re doing 😭😭 no literally touch some grass, go make friends but don’t log in
If I worked at that diner and saw this bitch and thoughts on the 👃? /// Please NT football teams need Season's Greetings lolol
and if u see this one.
LMFAOOOO I WOULD ACTUALLY BUY IT, THEY DO THEMES EVERY YEAR STOP THEY’D HE UNSTOPPABLE 😭😭😭 psg doing high schoool theme iM GONNA SCREAM, barca doing news reporters themes 😭😭
They said "no more lies" but no Love Shot, no Move... // *gently holds*
all men do is lie. where is the eve cover, the mmmh, the move, the criminal. where.
gently hold who? him? 🤨
I was asleep idek what's going on, but I'm too out of it to analyse the lore this time. Also this comeback feels a bit unnecessary ngl ksugswgyshshshshs and I still haven't gone through the whole Paradigm album 🙉 - DV 💖
spent 30 mins watching water flow asmr 😭😭 i tbh haven’t listened to paradigm either ive only heard snips and idk what to feel about it </3
everything is fine.
0 notes
homingpigecns · 2 years
"people can't talk about feminism in any significant way without being accused of being a r*dfem" is very annoying to see on my dash when people Still put r*dfem takes on my dash without even thinking about it. you need to change your circles and the people you engage with b/c this is not universal, i see people talk abt misogyny and the patriarchy every day and they don't get accused of being t*rfs or r*dfems and pretending this is universal is gonna make everyone who rbed the thing that was like "being a young girl is curling up into a ball and wishing so deeply that you were a boy so you could feel like a human instead of always feeling pain" be like oh shit i was right lol like those posts ALREADY circulate uncriticized stop acting like trans people begging you to stop drinking r*dfem koolaid for a SECOND are ~ruining feminism~
#i will defend your right to say 'i hate men'. i will NOT defend ur right to say.this??????#this is not a problem that has been solved yet and in fact r*dfems and gnder crits are GAINING power#thru people falling for their special brand of feminism#so i am so so so sorry there are people who are cautious about r*dfem rhetoric. i am So goddamn sorry#did u know theyre criminalizing minors transitioning. did you know an entire state made it illegal for ONE trans girl to play a sport#do you know so much of this is from t*rfs and r*dfems gaining ground in the west#can you find another goddamn boogeyman people dont even care abt trans issues and im NOT sayi g you have to#frankly i am used to literally everyone not giving a fuck. BUT can you NOT talk abt how being cautious abt#radical f*minism is RUINING feminism. im so.#like u wanna leave trans ppl alone on one thing im jsut asking bc we are ALREADY going thru it#brandon oscillates#negative#discourse#also i wanna reiterate feminism and feminist circles untouched by transphobia literally exist#i listen to them. i talk to them. it is an important cause#the same person on twitter who was indepth covering the misogyny surround the heard/depp case#ALSO covers trans issues. and no one accused them of being a r*dfem.#like stop making it trans ppl's problem u cant find ur community.#'we're letting r*dfems win by letting them take over the conversation on feminism'#this is not happening but u sure r invalidating a trans issue#but also like out of anything u r NOT going to make me see this post on fucking tumblr dot com. fucking r*dfem paradise.#twitter does not make me see these takes just so you know. literally just this website
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shurisneakers · 4 years
harmless (vi)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, existential crisis, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, lil bit of angst, clint barton being a lil shit
Word count: 1.9k
also omg everyone who’s been sending me ideas- ur the lomls. 
if you have any ideas for future inventions/evil plans, lemme know! i might actually end up using them
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Your place or mine? ;)
He stares at the text.
The right answer is mine. See you at the lair.
“Y’all are dating now?” Clint peeks over his shoulder. 
“Fuck no,” Bucky says indignantly. “God forbid.”
“Okay, man,” he retracts, giving Bucky space to turn around and face him. “What do you want to call your mini dates then?”
“Missions,” Bucky corrects him.
“No one wants to go on a mission. You volunteered to go back there.” 
“It’s for the good of the tristate area.” 
“I bet.” The snort he lets out contradicts his words. “Whole world is depending on you, Barnes. Go save them from the treachery of your crush.”
“Mortal nemesis.” Bucky narrows his eyes at him. “Go further, I dare you.”
“What are you gonna do? Choke me? Punch me with your metal arm?” Clint cranes his neck. “Bring it, big boy. I’m not scared of some kinky shit.”
He hates living here. 
The door is left open for him. 
This time, even though the lair is still illuminated by the green light out in the front, there’s a minor change. Sunlight streams in through a skylight in the roof. 
There’s a ladder there, leaning against the rim. It gives him an entrance to the roof, which, judging by the lack of any other presence in the lab, is where he’s supposed to go.
As he gets closer he notices there’s a note on one of the rungs.
‘Evil’ with an arrow pointing upwards.
He rolls his eyes, discarding it on the floor before swiftly scaling the steps.
“Ah, Mr. Barnes,” he hears your voice call out even before his head pops up above the surface. “We’ve been expecting you.” 
He pauses, looking around. “Who’s with you?”
Because other than the gigantic machine pointed up towards the sky, there’s only you with a visor and sunglasses. The  best way he can describe its design was that it was shaped like a pine cone, had a large antenna pointed towards the sky, two handlebars near its base to manoeuvre it with a large button in between them. 
“Just imagine I have my henchmen with me,” you urge. “I’m on a budget, man, I can’t afford them yet. Maybe when my cloning machine finally works-”
He doesn’t answer.
“It’s a James Bond reference,” you add when he doesn’t show any signs of answering. 
“Haven’t watched it yet.” Bucky shrugs. “We’re doing Star Trek right now.”
“You’re done with Star Wars?” you, receiving a nod in confirmation. “Nice. You’d find the spy shit ridiculous anyway, it’s way below your level.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He makes a mental note to add the Bond movies to the list. 
“Speaking of stars,” you begin, gesturing to the machine. “I’m going to harness the power of the sun.”
“For what?” He doesn’t bother asking how, he already knows you’ve figured out something. 
“There’s a science exhibition and my team’s stupid solar car experiment isn’t working and I need it for them to win.” 
“So build a better one.” 
“No, ours is the best and if Jeff and his stupid baking soda volcano beat us then we’re going to have a murder on our hands.”
“Your hands,” he emphasises. He has nothing to do with this.
“I said what I said, boy.” You glare at him. “This is our problem now.”
“How much power are you taking?” If it’s insignificant enough, it wouldn’t matter much. He thinks. 
“The whole thing.”
He laughs. He stops when you don’t.
“You’re taking all the energy of the sun to power your shitty science model.”
“Your face is a shitty science model,” you mimic him in a higher pitched voice. “I will do anything to win.”
He wonders which grade kid you stole that insult from was in. There’s no way they were anything older than 13. He could use it on Steve, maybe.
“Everyone on Earth will die.” He feels the need to remind you, even though there was no way it was actually going to take place. Eat shit, Clint. This superseded the tristate area.
“Not for eight minutes.” You look at your watch. “And, if Jeff dies then I win by default.”
“You’ll die too,” he points out. 
“I’ll die a winner.” You nod seriously as if that makes it better. 
He’s not that worried. Experience tells him that you’re not a mass murderer willingly. 
“You’ll die an idiot.” 
“Only if you don’t stop me.” Your lips curve into a smile. “And how will you when I do this?”
You yank the machine to point towards him and slam the button. His hand reflectively pulls in front of him to defend himself. Something hits him with enough force to send him skidding backwards slightly. 
He removes his hand carefully from in front of him, looking at you. 
Something feels off.
“You just-”
The knives strapped to his thighs suddenly feel heavier.
“Took your powers?” you finish his thought. “Yeah.”
He feels his body tip towards his left. He’s suddenly very aware of the weight of the arm. Had it been this heavy all this while? 
“You’ve barely changed,” you noted, “You’re just regular Bucky but like, 20% less beef.”
After all, he was a boxer when he was a teen. One of the best men the Howling Commandos had even before the serum.
His shoulder feels heavier though. And somehow he thinks he’s sensing things a little less. He can’t really hear the faint buzzing of the generator downstairs anymore.
“Yep, that’s real muscle.” He turns when you poke at his shoulder. He doesn’t know when you got there. “You’re like a modern day Schwarzenegger. Grade A beefcake.”
He can’t see the construction site near the horizon as clearly as he used to. 
Something about this situation makes him feel like he’s going to have a midlife crisis, even though he’s overshot the age by a huge number. No one has a midlife crisis at 106. 
“Now that we’ve established that this works,” you say, back near the machine again. When did you walk there? “Let’s show this bitch that I’m the brightest star allowed in this solar system.” 
He shakes his head to jolt himself awake, shoves aside his mental dysfunction and breaks out into a sprint when you pull the device down to aim it at the sky. 
He latches onto the side, using his left hand to pull himself up, straddling the machine.
“Excuse me,” you exclaim like it’s a minor inconvenience and he feels the machine sway wildly under him. “You’re weighing it down, get off my inator.”  
You’re shooting recklessly, trying to shake him off. It’s not dissimilar to the mechanical bull Natasha made him ride during a mission down south so she could win money off placing bets on him. They had lobster that night.
He reaches down to its side, hoping to feel maybe a panel he can rip off. He finds nothing.  
He hopes none of the rays are actually hitting anything. It’s a little harder to stay on than he’d imagined it would be, and he thinks that maybe this wasn’t the best plan. 
He changes his mind in a split second, swinging himself over so that he can climb the underside of the machine like a monkey bar. He feels like a fucking insect. How was Peter not mortally embarrassed? 
He factors in the fact that his hands are getting clammier and his grip is slipping faster than usual. Also, he can taste his lunch at the back of his throat.
“Motherfucker,” Bucky curses when his hand slips, leaving him to hold on only by his metal arm. 
“You okay?” you call out, not giving him a second to recover unless he really needed it.
He lets out a grunt, swinging his arm up and catching hold of the antenna, yanking it down and towards the machine itself. He pulls himself up so that he’s straddling the machine again. 
One more shot and-
“Very smart, Barnes,” you say dryly, letting go of the handles. 
He sends you a sly grin before sliding down the barrel, kicking the large button with his heel right before he jumps off. 
The beam shoots out, instantly meeting with metal. The device automatically gives a mechanical groan before powering down, turning off altogether. 
“I hate you,” you huff, before noting his paleness. “D’you want some water? An IV maybe?”
He dismisses it with a wave of his hand, inhaling heavily to catch his breath.
He’s tired, more so than he would have been under any normal circumstance. He feels a little dizzy, a little disoriented. 
“Don’t worry, your magic powers will be back in a few minutes or so.” You examine the bent antenna, pressing the button and sighing when it stands there lifelessly. “Once Jeff wins, I’ll send the dry cleaning receipt to you. You can pay to get the tear stains out of the kids’ outfits.”
“Your tears or theirs?” He’s relieved about the powers returning, he thinks.
“Both, bitch.” Your eyebrow quirks at his retort. Clearly, he had more energy in him than people realised; his brain seemed to be working fine. He was stronger than you thought. Good for him. 
“You’re smart. You’ll figure something out.” He lets out a final exhale before standing up a little straighter. 
“Thanks. It’d be better if you asked your billionaire tech genius to send us something, but okay.”
“It’s a middle school science exhibition. Make a potato battery or something.”
You tsk-tsk. “No points for creativity, Mr. Barnes.”
It creeps into his mind without warning. He wonders if he actually wanted the powers back. Wonders what his life could be if he maybe retired, settled down. For the brief time he feels like his pre-war self, he starts to think like his pre-war self.
“I’m not the one who’s about to lose to a baking soda volcano,” he finds time to respond, however. 
“Your face is a baking soda volcano.” You narrow your eyes at him. “I will not lose.”
“You’re running out of time. Chop chop.”
But the thought hits him. Who is Bucky without his super soldier serum? If he doesn’t have his powers then he can’t think of what use he is to the Avengers.
Who the hell is Bucky if he can’t provide a service to others? How else does he make up for being himself?
His, what he’s now deemed, afterlife crisis is starting to look more apparent.
He compartmentalises and stores it away in a box. He’ll bring it up with his therapist later. 
“I’m going to win and then you’ll be sorry you weren’t a part of it because you didn’t let me steal the sun.” 
“If you win, I’ll still be glad I didn’t let you.” He climbs back down the ladder, feeling the ache in his muscles reduce with every passing minute. 
True to your word, his powers do return a while later. 
And while he’s watching Avatar: The Last Airbender with Peter in the living room two days later, his phone beeps with a text. 
It’s a picture of a blue first place ribbon next to a toy car that looks like it’s powered by a potato battery. Beside it is an out of focus middle finger that is aimed at him. 
Congratulations, he texts back. Told you potato batteries always win.
Your face always wins, he receives in return. He can’t tell if you’re insulting or flirting with him. 
He just shuts his phone off and goes back to watching the show. 
Next part
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comfortbucky · 3 years
requests? did someone say requests??😌
fluffy headcanon, mafia boss!bucky comes home after being away for a week or so and it’s just a cute ass reunion between the reader & him with lots of kisses & hugs n shit
or(take your pick) :)
one shot, where john walker is really rude to reader(insults her & shit), but she stands up for herself. they(her & john) get into a fight & bucky finds out by surprisingly swinging by her apartment. of course bucky is pissed, but he tends to her wounds. then for some stupid reason, john shows up at readers apartment & bucky loses it. but it ends in bucky admitting his feelings to reader n some fluff 😩
hope you find motivation for at least one of these:😚
hi yes hehe i did say requests🙈
i’m a sucker for tfatws!bucky so- (and john walker is a rat bastard🤣 so lemme go off)
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚ ⋆
pairing: tfatws!bucky x fem!avenger!reader
warnings: john walker (grr), violence! and descriptions of bloody injuries
A/N: also! i sort of changed the prompt i hope u don’t mind too much🥺 // this oneshot will not be taking place during the canon timeline btw but inspired by the events/themes of tfatws
word count: 1.5 k
my masterlist!
completed requests!
Y/N sighed, as she plopped onto the couch after a long day. She, Bucky, and Sam had spent the whole day researching the Flagsmashers to try and track them down. It took all day, partially because Bucky needed a little extra help with learning how to use his laptop. She chuckled at the memory, grabbing the remote to turn her TV on. Suddenly, a loud, aggressive, knock interrupted her thoughts. She sighed and leaned her head on the back of her couch, taking a moment to debate leaving her very comfortable spot, before getting up to answer the door. Y/N knew that she probably should have peeked through her peephole before answering, but she wanted to return to the comfort of her couch as soon as possible. She opened it to see none other than John Walker, greeting her with a smirk. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“What are you doing here, John? How the hell did you even get my address?”
“All government property has GPS tracking in it," he said, pointing to her laptop on the kitchen table behind her. She turned and frowned as he continued. "Look, you need us, me and Battlestar, to take down Karli.” She looked back at John, laughing at Lemar’s alias.
“No way I’m letting someone who goes by Battlestar help me out.” He glared at her comment. “Or you, a Captain America wannabe.”
John took an aggressive step closer, way too close for Y/N’s comfort, as he replied. “I am Captain America, whether you like it or not.”
"You'll never be Captain America," she snapped back. "You don't have what it takes." He glared at her and put his face right in front of hers.
"How would you know? You're a pathetic excuse for a soldier," he spat and Y/N grimaced at John's spit landing on her cheeks. He looked at her, his eyes examining her body. She hated every second of it, his stare making her feel grimy all over, like she immediately needed a shower. “Who’d you fuck to get into the Avengers anyways? Bet it was Steve.”
John’s comment was immediately followed by Y/N’s fist connecting with his cheek, forcing him to stagger back into the hall. She’d heard concerns about her abilities as an Avenger before, calling her weak, fragile, a bitch, etc. But she knew they almost always came from misogynistic men, and was able to shrug their comments off because she knew that she could easily beat all of them to a pulp, no problem. But thinking that she would sleep her way into becoming an Avenger crossed a line. Especially someone she respected and had admired as much as Steve.
John held his hand to his cheek, where he’d been hit, and looked up to make eye contact with Y/N. He smiled and before stating in a condescending tone, “That was cute.” John kicked her in the stomach, launching her onto the floor of her apartment. As she groaned and started to get up, John chuckled and kicked her down before she got to her knees. He went to kick her again when she rolled away, dodging his kick and standing up quickly, panting as she responded.
“God, do you ever shut the fuck up?”
She kicked her leg up to deliver a roundhouse kick to John’s face, spinning around to punch his nose. He stumbled a couple steps back, regaining his balance before swinging a punch towards Y/N. She caught his fist before it hit her and John took the opportunity to use his free hand to grab his shoulder and knee her in the stomach. She gasped, getting the wind knocked out of her. He then threw her into a shelf, shattering several photo frames on the ground. She landed on her stomach, attempting to get up by pushing her self up on her forearms. Y/N felt a warm liquid on her cheek and touched it, pulling it away from her face to see her fingertips covered in blood.
“Asshole,” she mumbled, before standing up to continue fighting.
Several moments ago, Bucky had made the decision to show up at Y/N’s apartment. He pressed some random keys on his computer, and now there was an error message that wouldn’t go away on his screen. Stubbornly, he tried to fix it on his own but ended up making it worse. He sighed in defeat, closing his laptop shut and tucking it under his arm before heading over towards her apartment. Bucky was just down the hall when he heard the sound of glass shattering, his leisurely stroll turning into a sprint to Y/N’s door.
Bucky arrived to see you pinned up against a wall with John’s hand around ur throat. Your hands were desperately clawing at John’s, attempting to free yourself from his grasp. Fear and terror consumed him before a wave of fury took over. Immediately, Bucky launched into action, dropping his laptop in the process. He ripped John away from you, tossing him on the ground. Bucky moved to hover over John, punching him repeatedly in the face. Y/N finally caught her breath and crawled over to Bucky, placing a hand on his shoulder, signaling him to stop. He kept his eyes on John’s bloody and bruised face, lowering his fist.
“Touch her again, and I’ll kill you,” he snarled, releasing John from his grasp.
John rolled over, took a moment to catch his breath. Bucky was standing, fists still clenched by his sides, as he watched John get up and exit Y/N’s apartment without another word.
He closed the door behind him and immediately spun around to see Y/N struggling to get up, attempting to push up from one of her knees. Bucky instantly rushed to her side, helping her to her feet. He grabbed one of her hands in his own and placed his other hand on the small of her back, as he guided her to the couch. He examined her and felt a pain in his chest, looking at her black eye, cut cheek, and her bruised neck outlined with John’s handprint. Without saying a word, he stood up and returned with a first-aid kit from her bathroom. He sat back down and immediately started to tend to her wounds. As Bucky started to disinfect the cut on her cheek, he spoke.
“That was stupid of you,” he mumbled, gently dabbing antiseptic ointment on her cut. It was a drastic contrast from his behavior only minutes ago, nearly ready to murder John. He took a bandaid from the kit and delicately placed it on her cheek. Bucky then moved his hand to assess her black eye, his thumb softly grazing a soft patch of skin under her eye. She frowned and lightly pushed his hand away.
“I would’ve been fine on my own, you know.”
“Sit still so I can take a look at your bruise.” He responded gruffly, lifting his hand and attempting to look at her bruised eye again. She shoved his hand away, this time more aggressively, and tried to stand up.
“Just leave me alone,” Y/N said, wincing and clutching her abdomen in pain, causing Bucky to grab her waist and slowly lower her back down onto the couch. Fucking John Walker.
She pulled his hands off her and reluctantly sat down to face him.
“You don’t need to defend me, Bucky,” she spoke, Bucky sensing anger in her voice. “I’m not some weak, helpless civilian. I’m a god damn Avenger for christ sake!” As Y/N shouted, her voice wavered and her eyes started to well up with tears.
Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and Bucky sat with his hands resting on his lap. Although she was speaking to Bucky, she felt like she was more-so trying to convince herself of what she was saying.
“I know,” he said calmly, but with a stern tone, keeping his eyes locked on hers.
“Okay, so leave me alone.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not!”
“Because I fuckin’ care about you!” Bucky shouted, causing Y/N’s face to immediately soften.
Her arms dropped to rest in her lap and she froze as Bucky softly raised his hand to cup her cheek, captivated by his touch. He cautiously moved, worried she would push his hand away again, but she didn’t. His thumb gently caressed her non-cut cheek and he pulled her face close to his. She felt his breaths fan her face as he spoke.
“I know you’re one of the strongest Avengers,” he started. “And I know you could kick John’s ass any day of the week. But I care so much about you and I need you to be okay.” Bucky’s lips hovered over Y/N’s, lightly brushing against hers.
“I need you, Y/N.”
She responded by crashing her lips onto his, moving her hands to hold his face closer to hers. The kiss was full of passion, love, and unspoken feelings. When they broke apart, gasping for air, Y/N smiled at him and ran a hand through his hair.
“I care about you too, Buck.”
Bucky had never seen such a bright light in his 106 years of living.
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darkmulti · 4 years
Firstly, just wanna say that I LOVE UR WORK I FAN READ IT FOR HOURS ON END! U HAVE AMAZING TALENT. Also I was wondering if it was ok, to ask for a Yandere BTS royalty headcon of them impregnating you (Even by force if you tell them you don’t want to have a child)
This is not edited so I apologize for any mistakes.
Thank u bb🥰
⚠️: NON CON! Yandere!BTS, slapping
Seokjin always used a condom. You didn’t want to spend the rest of your life with him, you simply had each other for your sexual needs. Jin on the other hand was falling for you. He tried to make it obvious but you were still oblivious. It was another night with him. He was in between your legs, doing the dirty. He wasn’t wearing a condom on purpose. You were too needy to even realize. It felt so good because he was repeatedly hitting your gspot. You didn’t realize until hot fluid filled you up. You gasp and immediately take him out of you. “Jin! You’re suppose to wear a condom! I-I’m probably pregnant. No! My moms gonna kill me!” Before you could freak out even more, Jin hugged you and calmed you down. “Your mother won’t freak out when she finds out that the baby’s father is the king.”
Yoongi always gets what he wants. His parents arranged a marriage with some random chick. After hearing about the news, you were a little heartbroken but also relieved. Yoongi has been angrier than usual. He’s been taking that anger out on you for some reason. Yelling at you, aggressive sex, being extra possessive. The man you once loved whole heartedly has turned into a scary monster. Yoongi on the other hand was even more frustrated. He wanted to marry you not some random chick. The only way he could escape out of this marriage is if he gets you pregnant. He didn’t waste anymore time. He ran to your house and explained the situation. You look at him in disbelief. “Yoongi, I want you to be happy with your wife. It’s okay. Don’t worry about me. Your wife will also make you very happy and give you children. You’ll fall in love again.” He looked at you with a bizarre expression on his face. “Are you hearing yourself? You’re just gonna give up on us just like that? Did I ever mean anything to you?” You sigh, “of course you did. But I can’t interfere with your marriage. Your parents hold a lot of power. They can kill my family. I can’t let that happen.” Yoongi was pissed off. You didn’t seem to be sad. Was he just a toy for you? Yoongi didn’t care if you didn’t want to be with him. To save himself from this marriage, he forcefully took you. You tried to crawl away but he pulled you back and slapped your ass. “I’m getting married to you! You’re gonna have my children and we’ll be a happy family.”
Hoseok never forced anything on you. That’s not how his mom raised him. Yes, the husband has power over his wife but after learning what his mother had been through, he hated other men. Hoseok was a gentlemen. The husband every girl wanted. You were his lucky wife. He never brought up having a family, but you didn’t mind. You accidentally made Hoseok jealous by talking to one of his friends. After the event, you both arrived at your shared room and he was all up on you. He wasn’t screaming or anything. He was being possessive. “Have you forgotten who you belong to? Mmh? Let me remind you.” Usually, Hoseok is a soft dom. But tonight he became a hard dom. He had you screaming and crying his name out of pleasure. He kept reminding you that he was going to “pound his babies into your swollen pussy.”
Jimin: You didn’t want kids. They were annoying. You never told Jimin though. You knew that he adored children and you being his wife would have to give him some eventually. But you couldn’t face reality. You were afraid that you wouldn’t have a connection with your kid. You had a rough childhood which is why you did not want kids. You’re traumatized. Jimin was out, seeing how the city was doing. Since he will become king soon, he wants to learn how to improve everyone’s life style. While he was out, a rumour started going around. Apparently you cheated on him with another man. Jimin had noticed that you became distant from him but he still trusted you. But now there are people saying that you’re cheating on him. It all made sense to him now. He rushed back home and didn’t hold back. He yelled at you then slapped you without letting you explain yourself. He ripped your dress off you covered your mouth before taking you. “You fucking slut, I’ll show you who you belong to!” Every time he came in you, you cried harder. “P-please Jimin, I don’t want kids.” He held onto your jaw and looked you right in the eyes. “Too bad.”
Taehyung has been very vocal about wanting kids. You - his arranged wife - weren’t ready for kids. Especially not his kids. Taehyung wasn’t a gentlemen. Well, in front of his mother and family, he was. But behind the scenes he was aggressive with you. He wanted a typical, wife worships husband marriage. You were getting ready for bed when he walked in. He helped you take your necklace off and fixed your hair. His arms wrap around your waist and he placed his chin on your shoulder. “Don’t you think we should start a family?” You quietly whisper a “no” and avoid eye contact with him. “Why not? They’re gonna think that you have an infertility issue. My mother will flip and I’ll have to marry another girl who can get pregnant.” You turn around and face him. “Then marry another girl! I’d rather die than have your baby.” Taehyung slapped you. He picked you up and threw you on the bed. “Why can’t you just obey me for once?! I want a child. You’re gonna give me a child.” You did struggle under him. You kicked, cried, begged, screamed but nothing worked. You didn’t get out of his grip in time. He was already cumming in you. He didn’t stop until he felt confident that you were pregnant. The following week you experienced morning sickness and your period being late, confirming that you were pregnant.
Jungkook: He kidnapped you and kept you locked up in the basement of his palace. He was an arrogant prince and you had every right to call him out. You made him look like a fool and he was angered by it. The following night he kidnapped you and showed you who’s in control. Jungkook could destroy your life in a blink of an eye so you had to obey him for the sake of your parents. After being his doll for god knows how long, he brought you upstairs to his bedroom and had unprotected sex with you. You were too scared and weak to defend yourself. But you did warn him that you might get pregnant. He had the most aggressive sex with you to the point where you couldn’t do it anymore. You cried into the pillow and begged him to stop. His cum was overflowing in you. “Please, I’m gonna get p-pregnant.” Little did you know, that’s exactly what he wanted.
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likearecordbb · 3 years
about your post on the recent discourse...
it's honestly so confusing to me because like,, you say that ppl pointing out how members of this fandom will make neil very stereotypically 'feminine' is reinforcing the idea of 'masculinity' as one thing and 'femininity' as another.... and i get that we should get rid of these labels. but at the same time... the content itself that ppl are criticising (the ones that 'feminize' neil) are already doing just that. that's why they're criticising it.
i can't point out how ppl are reinforcing the idea that a relationship should have a 'man' and a 'woman', without... saying that that's what they're doing. the writer themselves already sees relationships this way and 'masculinity' and 'femininity' as two different distinct things. that's exactly *why* they're writing neil this way while keeping andrew close to canon.
there's nothing wrong with neil being stereotypically 'feminine' of course. but to act like it's somehow misogynistic for me to go to these ppl and be like 'hey, u shouldn't view mlm relationships through the lens of a hetero one! it can be very harmful' is weird to me... *especially* considering these stereotypes that ppl are pushing onto neil come from misogyny themselves. (ppl making neil much much more emotional than he is in canon while keeping andrew very stoic)
idk, like... ur simultaneously saying that we shouldn't view relationships as needing a 'man' and a 'woman'... while defending people who are doing just that and creating content which reinforces just that.
it's one thing to say 'we shouldn't view masculinity and femininity as two distinct and different things!'/'we should get rid of these labels all together cause they're meaningless'... but if i look at the content that u make/consume and it's practically, if not entirely, all andreil conforming to heternormative stereotypes... then i can't help but feel like ur not as detached from the idea of 'masculinity' and 'femininity' as u would like to believe... i trust the ppl who say these ideas are meaningless while not changing the canon characters because they seem to be sticking to their words.
people will just say that they prefer writing andreil is this heternormative way... they'll just say it what they like or what they're most comfortable writing without ever questioning *why* they prefer it this way.
and if they're projecting.. well then, *why* this couple? why pick an mlm couple to project what is often the experience of a cis woman in a relationship? why pick this mlm couple when there are others that do fit the stereotypical heternormative dynamic? idk. like,, u can do this ofc, but ppl can also call u out on ur shit.
there's an undeniable reason that neil is exclusively the one that ppl pick to make more stereotypically 'feminine'. and there's a reason this type of content is also so popular. and it's certainly not wrong to point this out.
You know, I can see all of these points that you're making. For me, the overall issue of this is very complicated. I am also super uncomfortable with the imposition of heteronormative roles onto...well, onto any relationship, regardless of the identities of the people who constitute it. I was raised smack dab in the middle of the gay community by lesbian moms (together 38 years now, jfc, can you imagine??), so that "man/woman" thing was never something that I grew up internalizing or normalizing. I can recognize that this may give me a bit too much of a sense of objectivity.
However, I'm also like...I've been ruined by grad school. The "feminizing" word makes me really uncomfortable because it starts to stray for me into gender essentialism territory. It also seems to foundationally differentiate between "masculine" behaviors and "feminine" behaviors and I just really hate that? Lesbian moms, trans daughter, bi (and late-in-life trying to see where on the ace spectrum I might fall) self, I've just met so many people with so many expressions of gender and sexuality and I just... Idk, I automatically resist anything that feels like it's upholding "masculinity" and "femininity" as real (as in, not constructed) things. And then I also am like, well, I've known SO MANY gay men who behaved in the ways that the discourse constructs as "feminized" and then I start to feel like, what about these men? Are they less 'men' because of it? How would it feel for that man to read these things saying his identity expression was a problem or a bad stereotype? Do I read *Neil Josten* within that context... no, not really. I think Neil has a 'not enough emotional expression' problem way before he has a 'too much emotional expression' problem.
I'll say here what I often say to my students in complex discussions: I don't have answers. I don't think I'm right and anyone else is wrong. I just have complicated thoughts and feelings and concerns about some of the things that sometimes seem to be left uninterrogated.
So, I do 100% get the need to be vigilant about the imposition of a "man" (dominant, emotionally constipated, sexually driven, stoic) role and "woman" (emotional, needy, teary, dependent) role onto relationships with two (or more!) men or women. I would also argue that we need to get rid of that idea in hetero relationships, too, because it's super damaging. I just wish we could find a way to talk about that that didn't feel like it was accepting this idea of femininity as a given? And I definitely agree that it's problematic when the 'bottom' in a relationship is depicted as the one who's soft and silly and weepy. (Have you read TJ Klune's Tales from Verania series? A VERY fun world that does that not at all and it's great). I'm not saying these things are not worth confronting--I'm just really uncomfortable with the way the conversations are often framed around a concept of femininity/feminizing. It feels like shrapnel, I guess? Like, 'ugh stop feminizing Neil he's not weepy and uwu he's a badass' feels inherently to me like it's making femininity and badassery mutually exclusive? Maybe I'm just looking for a caveat or footnote in the argument that acknowledges that that is constructed *for women too*? And is a part of, like, a larger heteronormative patriarchal structure? And not something that we can just all obviously agree is the way the ladies (should?) behave?
One other question I've been dying to ask, though, is: where are these fics? I don't think I've ever read something where Neil is crying over Jack being mean to him or anything. Maybe if I start to see hints of that characterization, I just close the tab and never end up getting to the 'worst' of it?
Although, if what you said earlier about the "content that u make/consume and it's practically, if not entirely, all andreil conforming to heternormative stereotypes..." was referring to me, then... idk what to say to that. I don't think that's what I do. The heteronormative relationship that you're describing isn't one that I enjoy, desire for myself (or anyone else), or have any interest in reproducing.
Does this clarify what I'm trying to say? I guess it's a really long way of saying, in the old insufferable grad school tradition: well, first we have to define our terms. Because I'm not sure we're all coming up with the same thing when we use the word "feminizing" and that probably has a lot to do with why we keep having this exact same conversation over and over and over again.
If I missed any specific point you'd like to pick at in more detail, please let me know--my very sad platonic life partner (who had to put her beloved 15-year-old poodle to sleep yesterday) and her mom are waiting for me to drive them to the stores for a distraction, so I'm feeling a little time pressure.
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laylaleela · 2 years
I wish i had a lovely family,and sweet mother who cares about her daughter not only her two sons and a brother who protect his littlesister.
My mother has that hatred towards me and idk why , im very obedient child and its part of my religion so i need to obey my parents and be good them no matter what, but i do also know that even the parents should be kind and good to their children and my mother keep preferring my two other brothers ovet me , defend them even if they wrong and be sexist and i cant say anything back why? Because they r my brother,ill need them one day and since im a girl they have the right to be rude to me, hit me , even they r wrong and i always forgive them no matter what they do thats she always says to me.
And let me tell you my older brother is my nightmare,
When i was in middle school, iwas nice , kind,extroverted, thoughtful girl i care about my family, about people in general, although i almost got raped when i was 8 years and so many times old men SA me when i was young but like it didnt affect me like that one year , 2018
When my older brother became my nightmare.
I remember one day my older brother and i had a fight then suddenly he started to hitting me, punching me so hard that i couldnt feel my arms nor my face and i kept screaming for help but my parents weren't at home so there was nobody to help me or to save me from him and when he stopped and i stood up i tried to hit him back with a lil table and in instant of time my conscience said to me " u cant hit him he's your brother" so i put the table down and kept crying until my parents came back and when i told them my father talked with my brother and my mom didnt say a word like she didnt care
And then after months
When i go to shower and finish i always notice that the door is slightly open and one time i remember i had the shampoo over my head and on my eyes too i heard the door's sound but i kept saying it was just in my head
Until that one day
I got out from the shower and start to put my clothes on and while i was putting my shirt i had my head up and look up and see my brother's phone above my door ( my door has thin glass)
I immediately adjusted my shirt and opened the door and i found my older brother with a chair in his hand so he really was in the chair and was filming when i was naked...
I felt like someone raped me , a member of the family raped me...
Iwas just a 14 years old
I was in my own house
His my brother
My own brother was filming while i was naked
And the worst in all of this , when i said everything to my mom , she saw how iwas in shock and i pain like i was literally traumatized by that, she told me dont worry im gonna talk to him... after he came to apologize many time and everytime i tell him to get the fuch away from me... after 15 days my mom came to me and told me go talk to you brother and forgive and when i said no she said "who tf do you think you are ? If god can forgive anybody, who tf r you to not forgive ur own brother? And i couldn't speak or reply to her cuz she was about to hit me in my face...
And so many things my older brother has done to me but the most traumatized thing is this
Like now i cant trust my family, like really i dont trust people, im scared of men, i cant stay in one room with a man , i hate physical touch, i became so cold with everybody, im very distant, idont talk with people that much even with my family now.
Its true that im cold with my family because of what happened but i still care about them, i listen to them, im very obedient child but im just cold and it hurts me cuz everytime my parents ask me why im so cold why im not sweet like before and i changed...
my mom who herself traumatized me asking me this and then she will that ill end up alone, ill day alone , nobody gonna loves with that heart its a shame to have a daughter like me and two brothes they r better than me and they r always sweet to her knowing they only bring her problems and they do shit in the house and the only one who study who help her with house, when they r sick, when they need something im always here even to my older brother and her knowing about every single thing...and everytime i bring up what happend i start shaking and crying she goes "ooh shut up u just exaggerating so just stop"
im really traumatized but my mom doesn't want to understand or wont , she doesn't cafe what i think or about what i fee or care, she only care about her two sons.
Iwish u go to a therapist but i cant in my country if someone goes to a therapist so hes a crazy, and
I wish i could say everything to my dad but icant because if i tell him my mom will kick me out from the house and i have no where to go, so i just stfu and keeping it all to myself , and accept everything and tbh idk if i can forget everything and forgive them.
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