#i will forever stay in the au where they’re happy together and love each other and their kids
ravenpoefan · 1 year
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Arturo: I can’t stay with a man who thinks anger is the only emotion that exists. When you learn how to balance your emotions better and not let your pride and arrogance get in the way, maybe then we can get back together. Goodbye, Benedict.
(If you need me to add any other tags please let me know)
Edit: I had to fix Ben’s nose and I added some stubble
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the-bitter-ocean · 3 months
oceaaaannn hiii! let's go with 3, 5, and 15 for the isat ask game c:
(MAJOR A6SE / 2HATS SPOILERS + FULL GAME SPOILERS AHOY) Thank you for the questions @dekupalace ! Since I’m going to be talking more in depth about the game for one of these questions I’m going to put my responses under a read more:
3- favorite soundtrack?
Oh god that’s such a hard question the whole game has certified bangers. The musicians at Studio Thumpy Puppy were not messing around or pulling any punches. The soundtrack of the game elevates literally every emotional beat. If I was forced to choose only one song out of the soundtrack my favorite track in the whole game has to be “How Can You Help Me, Stardust?” aka the theme that plays when you fight Loop at the Favor tree during act six. Hearing that for the first time while getting the full context of loop’s backstory made me go crazy. It was so fucking emotional and well done. That and it’s just objectively a super intense high energy song that makes me wanna dance around. If anyone deserves the coolest fight theme in the game, it’s Loop.
5- favorite optional event?
Ooh this is also a hard one! I adore a lot of the optional story events because each of them really shed light on Siffrin’s mental state /characterization, as well as gives depth to other aspects like the other character of the world building as a whole which strengthens the themes of the story. Aside from the obvious choice (2Hats Ending/ Act six loop encounter) I think my favorite optional event would have to be the “Who Was Phone” achievement (Change God event). There’s something so fascinating about learning about the Change God. Someone who clearly adores their certified little guy (Mirabelle) and is willing to offer words of kindness and assurance in her identity even if it knows she won’t remember in one instance..and then in the very same breath tell Siffrin that they enjoy watching Siffrin in the timeloop torment nexus because they’re curious to see how they change in a situation where everything is forced to stagnate. It was so genuinely fucked. I will think about it always forever.
15- anything you’d change about the game? be it game mechanics, a new feature, a change in plot, etc
Overall I’m pretty satisfied with the game both in story and gameplay actually. I think Adrienne did a good job writing and expanding on the characters and story that was set up in the prologue. The quality of life in terms of gameplay got improved since the previous game as well ( those who played the prologue can attest to this) . The fact that it was a in universe story reason as to why makes it all the more satisfying (if you want to know what I mean by that please read my mutuals @felikatze analysis about it here.)
I just am happy that Siffrin got to be happy in the end and stay with their family, to be able to talk things out and escape the loops. I know some people didn’t like that or expected a more darker/sadder ending or wanted the gameplay to be more challenging … my response to that is Literally Just Play Start Again: A Prologue. To me it would be extremely reductive to have Siffrin just suffer with no reprieve or escape from the loops (because that’s just a repeat of what happened in its predecessor) or have the group just split off from each other immediately after everything happened. It would have been extremely unsatisfying and ultimately missing the point of the themes of the game as a whole gonna be real lol.
The only things I’d maybe change or add is like it would’ve been cute to see Euphrasie and Claude be together/ reunite on screen in act 6. They should kiss. Lol. (That and just I would’ve personally loved to see Euphrasie in canon expanded on a little more but that’s not necessarily needed she serves her purpose in the narrative. I just like analyzing her and giving her more depth and I like when others do too, but that’s what fanart/ fics and aus are for so I’m not fussed.) 
I don’t mind that the game is sort of open ended and doesn’t answer all the questions. I think that gives artists, fanfic writers, Au makers and people who like to analyze the game more freedom to come up with their own interpretations for things that happened in pre canon and post canon which to me is more interesting. I know Loop disappearing at the end of the game in both endings is sad/ bittersweet but I wouldn’t necessarily change the way that was structured either. I like that their fate was ambiguous because it leads the viewer to come up with their own theories as to where they went. ( personally I love seeing stuff where loop gets to travel on their own and form a new life and identity outside of the loops and learn to heal, as well as post game getting to meet back up with the party and learn to navigate this new life/ change one step at a time. )
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cloudlessly-light · 5 months
The darkest parts of me (3/5)
Title: The darkest parts of me (3/5) Summary: They find each other in a dark world where they do twisted things. The only way things could have become more dangerous, is if they were together. Funny how life turns out.
Unsub!Hotchniss AU.   Word count: 2,2k Rating: Explicit Warnings (for most or all chapters): smut, descriptions of violence, descriptions of murder, gore (nothing too explicit), mentions of weapons
They’ve been traveling through the country together for close to a year now, Aarons system working. It had almost become too easy, him choosing their victim and then a night spent somewhere in between twisted torture and twisted pleasure. Emily had never felt so free, being with him and she knew that he felt the same, telling her how happy he was that they had found each other frequently.
They don’t kill too often, sometimes taking weeks or even months in between each kill, but Aaron notices the restlessness in her easily, she sees the need for it on him. It’s an addiction, they both know it, neither of them wanting to stop even when they probably should. But as he feels the rush of euphoria when a man stops breathing from his hand, or Emily’s need for power and control is soothed as she finishes someone off, neither of them wants to stop.
“Would you ever do it again?” Emily asks out of nowhere one night. They’re eating dinner, having just arrived in Texas and when Aaron looks up at her she clarifies. “Having a kid? A family?”
“No.” He answers bluntly, because there wasn’t any point in lying to her. “Having children while living this life, I don’t know if that would work.”
“Do you think you could give it up?” She takes a bite of her chicken and watches as he thinks about her question.
“Honestly, I don’t think the urge will ever go away. If I stop, I don’t think I’d be completely content, not like right now.” He takes a sip of the overpriced wine that she loves and then takes her hand. “What about you?”
“I never thought I would, considering how life was with Ian, he would have been a horrible dad. But I think I might want a child, someday.” She feels her cheek flush at the admission, she had never told anybody that before.
“So you could give up killing?” His tone of surprise is obvious and he watches as she smiles softly.
“I don’t know. I guess I always thought that I would some day, it’s impossible to live like this forever without getting caught.” She squeezes his hand and smiles softly before continuing to eat her dinner.
Aaron nods, but stays silent because he knew she was right. At some point they’d have to stop. And if there was anyone he could consider giving it up for, it was her.
“I think we have a serial killer travelling the country.” David Rossi says, throwing files onto Jason Gideon’s desk. “A team actually.”
He waits patiently as Jason looks through a few of the files in silence and when he looks back up at him he knows that his friend has caught the same pattern that he has.
“How far does these murders go?” He asks from behind his desk, still holding one of the files in his hand.
“If I’m right about this, they’ve been at it for months.” Dave urges the other man to follow him and he leads him to his office. “But I think before they were a team, one of them killed alone.” The two boxes of files on his desk made Jason pause.
“When did you get all of these?”
“I asked departments all over the country to send what might fit into the unsubs behavior to us last week after getting a call for a consultation. Something about the behavior told me there was more than a single case.
For a few seconds it’s silent, both of them looking at the number of files of unsolved murders that might be related.
“Let’s get to work.” Jason says then, a heavy sigh leaving him as he does.
They had gotten into a sick form of roleplay. Aaron finding their victim and Emily using her charm on him, luring the man back to whatever house they rented for their trip. There he would wait for them, sometimes with a knife in hand, sometimes a gun, tonight he had opted for nothing, needing to feel the life drain out of this man by his own hand. He had raped women, five of them so far, tied them up with piano wire and somehow police had never caught him, but Aaron had tracked him down.
He hears the key turn in the lock, followed by Emily laughing, something sickly sweet and fake, a laugh she’d never use with him. The sound makes him itch, the restlessness that had been growing for hours almost becoming unbearable the closer he was to get to feel his fists breaking skin and bones.
“You’ve got a nice place.” Hamilton says, his voice sending a shiver of disgust through her as his hand grips her hip tight as they enter the dark house.
“Thank you.” She turns and walks backwards, a flirty smile on her face that all but disappears when the lights are turned on and she walks into Aaron’s strong chest. “Meet my boyfriend.” She grins as Aaron’s familiar warmth presses against her back.
Hamilton barely has time to react to the third person in the room before a fist connects to his cheekbone and he falls to the ground. Emily locks the door while Aaron continues to punch the man that’s made her sick to her stomach all night. But now it’s different, satisfaction settling inside of her as she watches the man she loves beat a man that doesn’t deserve to live to death.
“He has a wife.” She tells him while Aaron is taking a break, the other man laying unmoving on the floor, but he’s still breathing.
“It doesn’t matter, we’ll be gone tomorrow morning, I booked us a flight to Florida.” He grabs her jaw and kisses her as she hums into it. “I know you said you wanted a little vacation.”
“You’re perfect.” She smiles into another kiss, this one interrupted by low groaning at their feet and she looks down at Hamilton. “He tried to feel me up all night.” She grabs the gun from the table and shoots his hand without a moment’s hesitation as Aaron laughs beside her.
“Easy sweetheart, don’t kill him too quickly now, I want us to take our time tonight.” He takes the gun from her and then spits on the other man. “However, I do not like knowing he dared to put his hands on you.” With that thought he stepped on his other hand, hard enough for bones to crack and break and he screamed out.
“That’s it baby, make him suffer.” Emily sighed contently and went to grab one of the knives from the kitchen. It was Aaron’s turn to kill, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little fun first, and ever since the first time using the knife, she had preferred it over her gun. Aaron had been right, if she thought she felt powerful with a gun, it was nothing compared to the knife. The rush of steel slicing through skin makes her laugh, something close to madness as Aaron grabs at her from behind, his hands driving her into a frenzy as he tells her to cut him again.
They fucked right next to him once they knew he would be too weak to get away. There was something about being watched getting them both off.
“He thought he could have you, but you’re mine.” Aaron groaned as Emily straddled him on the couch only a few feet from where Hamilton was laying, eyes half open as every ounce of energy was focused on trying to draw enough breath into his lungs.
“Show him.” She gasped and his hand wrapped around her throat. Sometimes she thought he imagined what it would feel like to kill her this way and the rush that went through her made her whimper. She wasn’t afraid of his darkness, because she had wondered the same, had fantasized about his blood on her hands. That’s what made it fun, the fear of knowing how easily they could kill each other a thrill unlike most.
By the time Hamilton was dead they were blissfully exhausted. It had been a while since they had created this kind of mess and as Aaron got rid of the body, Emily was cleaning up the blood from the floor. It had become a way for her to come down from her high, the mix of blood and bleach comforting and by the time Aaron joined her she was almost done.
“Everything gone?” She asks and he nods. He smells acrid from the lye, as well as blood and she scrunches her nose. “You stink, let me finish this and then we can shower?”
“Oh do I?” He wraps his arms around her with a smirk. “You don’t like the smell of a work well done?”
“I like the smell of you.” She kisses him quickly and then moves from his embrace and grabs the rag she had used. “I still don’t like the cleanup.”
“That’s because you’ve been spoilt, baby.” His tone is teasing and she looks up at him with a huff. “Would you rather have us be caught?” He chuckles when she rolls her eyes.
“Obviously not. All I’m saying is that the lye smells horrible.”
“But it works.” He reminds her as he removes his jeans that he had put on while getting rid of the body and goes to throw them away with the rest of their clothes to be burned and thrown away far away from their rented house tomorrow.
When he comes back, Emily is just about done and he watches her in silence while she cleans the last of the blood up, then they both go through the house to make sure not to leave any evidence, wiping doorknobs and watching out for any missed spots of blood.
By the time they’re in bed it’s late and they’re tired and sated in the way they only were after a night spent like tonight.
“So, Florida huh?” She asks, her words tickling his neck as she lays halfway on top of him.
“Yeah, I thought we needed a break.” He kissed the top of her head.
“You just want to get me into a bikini.” She teases with a grin and looks up at him.
“Well that too. But you can’t blame me for that.” When he slaps her ass with a grin she chuckles.
“I guess you can’t.”
It’s been weeks and they’re still no closer to catching the unsubs who’s been roaming the country. They were careful about not leaving any evidence, but the pattern was all too clear. And then they finally got a break, a young prostitute had come forward while being questioned about a disappearance of a man with a less than stellar record. Dave immediately knew that it was them, the victim fitting into their unsubs pattern flawlessly.
“It seemed like a couple.” The detective on the other line tells him as he holds the phone between his ear and shoulder while waving Jason into his office.
“Did you get a description?” He asks and puts the detective on speaker as Jason closes the door and sits down across from him.
“They’re white, both of them dark hair and dark eyes. Maybe in their mid-thirties. The man was tall, seemingly strong because he knocked out the victim with one punch. The woman carried a gun, had threatened our witness with it and told her to leave.”
“How did you find your witness?” Jason cuts in, this was the biggest lead they’d had since starting their investigation.
“She’s a prostitute, she knew the victim they had a… history.”
“So he was her pimp? Or a client?”
“Seems like it. She didn’t want to talk, had to drag it out of her. “
“That’s usually the case.” Dave agrees as he watches the wheels turning in Jason’s head as he figures out the puzzle pieces.
“How long ago was the murder?” Jason pulls out a notebook and takes the pen Dave is already holding out for him.
“About five months ago. We considered this a cold case until she was brought in on other charges, that’s when one of my men found out her connection to the murdered victim.”
“Okay, thank you. If you get any other information, please call us. And can you send over the sketch of the unsubs?”
“Of course.”
After the call ended, it was silent in their office for a long time. It wasn’t until Jason sighed heavily as he leant back in his chair that Dave looked up from his own notebook where he kept information about the unsubs.
“Who knows how many they’ve killed, but the victims are clearly a type. Are we dealing with vigilantes here?” He asks as Jason stands up.
“I think so. Funny thing is, a team, a team with a woman no less, shouldn’t be this violent and they most certainly shouldn’t be able to stay together without killing each other.”
They looked at each other, wondering how long it would take for this case to completely unravel.
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batmanschmatman · 8 months
Sid Phillips - Crab Eating Fox
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Crab-eating foxes are pretty easy going creatures. They live with other foxes, but hunt independently. They can be found in a variety of environments, from savannahs to woodlands, highlands and lowlands, traveling as necessary based on the season. Despite their name, they’re omnivorous and adjust their diets based on season and where they’re currently living. 
Sid’s daemon needs to be a flexible creature like this because of basically all the guys we meet in The Pacific, Sid seems to be the one who’s least bothered by a lot of the horrible stuff they went through. That’s not to say he’s not changed by it, but he’s still very similar to the mellow, friendly guy Gene said goodbye to in Mobile when they meet up again on Pavuvu, and after the war’s end, he’s pretty quickly able to slide into civilian life, find a job and a wife, and continue just kind of being himself. He’s also not a bossy or commanding person, not looking to get a leg up on anyone or put anyone down.
Crab-eating foxes are monogamous and mate for life. A bonded pair defends their territory together, grooms each other, and share child rearing responsibilities. They’re also expressive creatures who value communication. We see pretty clearly that Sid is a loyal person to his friends and loved ones. He’s a good guy to have in your corner, and someone who’s capable of having a vulnerable conversation with a friend if they need it. He’s also happy to share advice and isn’t one to lord experience over others in the same way some of the other veterans are, happily eating lunch with Gene and his new friends instead of closing himself off. He’s open to new experiences and challenges, but he’s also not a huge thrill seeker or particularly ambitious.
Sid’s daemon was named Melanie in some of my old unpublished daemon stuff. This is yet another daemon where I’m like, would Sid even know what the hell she settled as outside of “weird looking fox”? I love thinking about the mechanics of that, like in a world where daemons are real but you’re geographically a lot more restricted than we are, and don’t have the internet to help you research relatively obscure animal species, how would you know exactly what critter your soul decided to stay as forever? What kind of encyclopedias would exist to help people figure it out? How would they get updated, what kind of insane horoscope stuff would exist giving people relationship advice based on what your daemon settled as?? These are the things that keep me up at night. (More accurately, the things I think about while waiting in lines for things and on airplanes.)
( HBO War Daemon AU Masterlist )
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graceful-starker · 2 years
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Warnings: Soulmate AU, self-loathing, angst.
Peter stares at the small mark on his wrist, taunting him. The tiniest little mark, just the barest hint of hot-shot red where his soulmate first touched him. 
It used to bring him so much happiness. Even though it’s small, even though it’s barley the shape of his soulmate’s fingertip. Tony hadn’t meant to leave a soul mark, of course. No one ever means to leave a soul mark. 
Peter remembers when it happened like it was yesterday. He had been running through the tower like a chicken with his head cut off, bouncing with excitement. All he had wanted was to show his mentor a breakthrough he had made about his web formula. Mr. Stark had seen him first, and reached out in a friendly way, not actually meaning to make contact with Peter’s wrist. “Where’s the fire?” he had joked. 
Neither of them had noticed at first. Peter had just grabbed Tony’s wrist fully, smiling brightly with wide eyes. “I did it!” he had exclaimed. And he had pulled his hand away, digging into his backpack. “I did it, I figured it out, it just came to me all at once! Here it-” 
Peter had tensed as the feeling sunk in. The feeling of wrong, his spidey-sense. A chill had worked its way up his spine, and had he turned to look at Mr. Stark nervously. He had looked around them, looking for the danger that wasn’t there. It wasn’t until he had looked back at his mentor, sure something was wrong with the older man when he had noticed. “Oh!” Peter had breathed. 
Tony had been staring at his wrist. Because in a bright red, the same color as Peter’s suit, were Peter’s fingers. The shape of them, anyway. As if a bruise from Peter holding on too tightly--but Peter would never underestimate himself.  
Peter had blinked in awe, at first. Then he had checked his own wrist and--sure enough, the tiniest little fingerprint. The first mark of Tony initiating skin on skin contact. 
“You’re my soulmate,” Peter had said when he had finally connected the dots. A giant grin had split across Peter’s face, as the boy was unable to contain his excitement. 
That had shakes Tony out of his momentary shut down. Tony had looked up at Peter and grinned back, looking at Peter as if he had never really seen him before. As if Peter was the only person he had ever wanted to look at. “I was beginning to think I didn’t get one,” Tony had choked out. 
The two had always felt something between them, before that. But neither had acted on it, because of the way their relationship started. But if the Universe destined them to be together...
They had crushed each other in a hug after that, Peter sniffling slightly, as they both took in the miracle that occurred before their very eyes. Everybody always says finding your soulmate is like finally being alive, like seeing the sun for the first time after living in darkness, like coming up for air when you didn’t realize you were drowning. 
They were right. 
And for the first few months, it felt like bliss. Being with his soulmate, loving him with his whole heart, giving everything he could to Tony...and knowing Tony felt the same exact way; it was bliss. 
Ignorance is bliss. 
Now, Peter stares at the taunting red mark on his wrist, accusing it. The Universe got it wrong. It must have. That’s the only explanation. It has to be. 
Because if that isn’t the explanation, then that makes Peter truly, completely, and forever unlovable. 
It started off slowly. One day, Tony stopped greeting Peter at the door after he got home from college. No big deal, right? Then it was Tony stopped eating dinner with Peter, staying in the lab instead. Okay, that’s fine, Tony’s a busy man. But then Peter went days without seeing his soulmate. Tony would wake up before Peter and come to bed after him. 
Which is totally fine. Because they’re both busy. Peter has classes and Tony has work. It’s fine. 
But then Peter had summer break. A solid two month period where he could spend all the time he wanted with Tony in the lab. So he did. 
And it got worse. 
It again started slowly. Just an occasional “Hey, quiet for just a sec, I need to concentrate.” Nothing worrying. 
But then it escalated to “Peter I’m working, don’t you have something better to do?” Which hurt, but wasn’t that bad. Peter just found something else to do. 
The straw that finally broke the camels back, the hint that finally slapped Peter in the face, came halfway through the summer. Peter had been babbling, talking excitedly about his patrols last night, when Tony had cut Peter off with a loud, annoyed sigh. “God kid, I didn't ask to hear about this!”
Peter’s jaw had clicked shut, and he had held his breath. It was stupid, Peter had thought back then, to get upset over that. So what if Tony didn't want to listen to Peter talk? Peter talks all the time, it must get annoying. 
Peter had barley managed to choke out a “sorry,” before he had to look down so Tony wouldn’t see him struggle to fight back tears. The room was tense, and Peter did his best to breathe as quietly and as slowly as he could. He pulled out some random papers from his work pack and pretended to read them, pretended his feelings weren’t hurt. Tony finally just sighed again, and silently went back to work.
Peter had waited for what he felt like was the correct amount of time to not consider his exit ‘running away,’ before quietly telling Tony he was tired and went upstairs. 
And Peter had cried himself to sleep that first night. He couldn’t put his finger on it, on what felt so wrong to him. Not that night. 
But once he knew it was there, Peter started looking for it. And he didn’t have to look very hard. 
Peter would start to tell Tony something, and Tony’s shoulders slumped when he realized it wasn’t a short story. He would start to fidget, start to get restless. Until finally, the familiar phrases surfaced. “Peter, are you almost done?” or “I gotta get going baby, wrap it up for me?” or the worst, he would cut Peter off mid-sentence and say “that’s great honey,” or something. 
It was obvious, once he put together the signs. So obvious, that it made Peter feel stupid. 
Tony finds Peter annoying. 
Before Peter moved into Tony’s room, he was only here on weekends. He had no reason to stay the night, no reason to have a room at all here. Tony was just a mentor, back then. Back then, he had probably thought Peter’s ramblings where cute. He had probably gotten all smitten over the way Peter Ould get so excited, bouncing like a little kid. He had probably felt warmth in his chest whenever Peter greeted Tony like Tony had just come back from war. 
But now that he has to live with it, has to constantly be exposed to it...he realized Peter is annoying. 
Peter knew he was annoying. He was an annoying child, May had always told him that with a fond smirk and a hug. He was an annoying friend, something he found out when his friends slowly started to distance themselves until Peter realized they weren’t responding on purpose anymore. He was an annoying classmate, based on his peers’ annoyed side eyes whenever Peter knew the answer. He was an annoying student, always asking for clarification and feedback. He was an annoying person. 
But he thought, really believed, deep in his heart he believed...the Universe would give him a soulmate who didn't find him annoying. He thought the Universe would give him a soulmate who would love him because of his quirks, not in spite of them. Fuck that. He thought the Universe would give him a soulmate that loved him at all. 
But Peter could work with that, he had thought stupidly. No matter how much it hurt that Tony didn’t love him the way he was, he knew he could change. Because he adored Tony. Because he loved Tony enough to counteract Tony’s lack. Because despite how much Tony drinks, or how annoyed he gets, or how often he works; Peter loves him with every fiber of his being. 
And the Universe chose Tony for Peter. The Universe decided this is the love Peter deserves. So he has to work with it. 
So, Peter had adapted. Every time he wanted to talk to Tony, he forced himself to pause, to remember the impatient look on Tony’s face that was sure to follow. Instead, he just went into Tony’s lab and silently worked beside him. 
He had thought it was working, at first. 
But then, after a couple weeks of this, Tony found something else to get annoyed about. “Why do you have to leave your shit everywhere? You’re driving me crazy, hon.”
Peter had looked up confused, at first. He never left anything in Tony’s lab, knowing that there was a not insignificant chance Tony might accidentally start a fire or blow something up around his stuff. “Huh?”
Tony had rolled his eyes, and Peter didn’t understand how such an insignificant action could hurt so much. “Your suit is always on the floor, your books and laptop are scattered everywhere around the penthouse, you always leave dishes in the sink--I could go on!” He had said. 
“Oh,” Peter had whispered. “I didn’t realize a mess bothered you,” he had said, looking pointedly around the lab. 
Tony had gotten a bit angry at that comment. “What I do in my space is my business. But you make messes in our spaces, that we share,” he had explained. 
Peter had swallowed thickly, adding another reason Tony doesn’t love him as much as he loves Tony to the list. “Okay,” Peter had whispered He had cleared his throat, looking at the floor. Eye contact feels impossible when someone is scolding him. “I’ll go clean up.”
Then Tony had huffed, slamming his wrench down on the lab table. Peter had frozen, half turned away from the lab to go to the door. “You always do that!” Tony had complained. “I give you a valid reason why something you do stresses me out, and you act like I hit you.”
Peter had felt like he would rather be hit. His body is mutated to handle hits. Hits that come at him way harder than Tony can manage without his own suit on. This is different; he doesn’t know how to handle this kind of pain. “I’m not scared of you,” Peter had tried to explain. “I just don’t like it when you’re upset with me, that’s all.”
Tony had huffed again, grabbing a drink and looking down it. “Whatever, just stop looking like that.”
Peter had simply nodded and rushed up the stairs. He had cleaned the entire apartment until there was nothing left while tears streamed down his face and he silently sobbed his way around the rooms. The penthouse looked damn near un-lived in by the time he was done. 
Don’t be annoying. Don’t talk to him. Don’t make a mess. Don’t get upset at anything he does. Don’t look down. 
His list of things to do was getting longer and longer. 
And everything just kept getting worse and worse. 
“Baby, what are you watching? Turn that off, I wanted to read in here.”
“Honey, I don’t care about that stuff. You can’t expect me to care.”
“When do your classes start up again? I can’t wait to see you do something other than play video games or go on patrol.” 
“Do you have to breathe so loudly?”
And finally, Peter had simply had enough. He felt like a shell of a person. Everything he did made Tony irritated. Peter was crying now more often than he wasn’t. Peter was alone more often than he wasn’t. Nothing he did make Tony happy. At best, he managed to not piss the older man off. 
He sighs in frustration, pushing his hair back from the table and standing up. He’s done staring at his mark, done thinking about everything that’s gone wrong. He put on his suit and darted out the window, swinging without a destination in mind. 
He watches the sun set as he swings. He beats up a couple of bad guys, webbing them for the police to find. He swings some more. He finds a nice rooftop to sit on, letting himself take a break. He watches the sun rise, feeling only mildly surprised that he was out all night. 
He has always loved the way being Spider-Man made him feel. And not just the adrenaline rushes, or saving people who need saving. But he loves the way he feels like he can be confident. He loves feeling funny when his jokes make people laugh while he’s wearing the mask. He loves that he can be anyone he wants to be, and no will know the difference. 
Spider-Man only annoys people he actively tries to annoy. No one else thinks Spider-Man is annoying. No one thinks Spider-Man talks too much, or is too messy, or breathes too loudly. People love Spider-Man. 
No one loves Peter Parker. Not anymore. Not since May died and not since Tony realized he doesn’t like Peter. 
Peter hadn’t realized he dozed off until the sound of Tony’s repulsers scared him awake. He jumps to his feet, trying to get his heart to slow bak down as Tony carefully lowers himself to the roof top. “Where the hell have you been?” Tony hisses before the face plate is even fully off. 
Peter took a deep breath, still willing his heart to slow down. “Oh you know, meeting up with my secret lover. What does it look like, Tony?”
“You aren’t funny,” Tony grouses. 
Peter winces, fighting the urge to look at Tony’s feet instead of his face. He takes his mask off, clenching his fist around it. He instantly feels less secure, less confident. “I was on patrol,” Peter amends. 
“You were gone all night!” Tony says, stepping out of his suit and stalking towards the younger man. 
Peter forces himself to stand his ground. “And?” Peter asks. 
“And,” Tony copies sarcastically, “I was worried about you! You weren’t there when I went to bed, and you weren’t there when I woke up!”
Peter can’t help but bark a laugh at the irony. Tony’s face turns furious, but he pushes on before he can be interrupted. “That’s every night for me, Tony,” he points out. 
Something that looks like it might have been guilt flashes over Tony's eyes, before he huffs and takes another step towards Peter. “Why?” he growls. 
Peter looks down, before he remembers that’s against the rules and looks back up again. “Because I wanted to, I don’t know.” He mumbles.
Tony scoffs, “You wanted to?” he taunts.
And something inside of Peter breaks. 
“No, actually. I didn’t want to. I did it because I can’t breathe that penthouse. Because I an’t fall asleep alone anymore. Because I’m so scared of making any sort of noise at all in my own home. Because I needed a break from walking on eggshells. Because the thought of waking up alone again made me want to scream. Because my god-damn soulmate doesn’t love me, and if my soulmate doesn’t love me, who can?” His voice breaks on the second ‘soulmate’, and tears are streaming down his face now. Tony’s eyes are wide, his mouth gaped open. Peter can’t seem to stop now that he’s started. 
“I know I’m annoying. I know I talk too much. I know I don’t pay enough attention to my surroundings. I know I like stuff no one else cares about. I know. But you’re supposed to love me! And you don’t!” Peter sobs, feeling the beginning of hysterics start to form as he gasps for air. 
“No one else likes me, I don’t even like me! I lived to come to your lab on the weekends. I lived to see your eyes sparkle when I understood something no one else does when you talk about it. I lived to see the look on your face when I rambled on about something no one else cared about. I lived for you! I live for you! And I-” he chokes on a sob, barely managing to keep going. “And I’ve spent the last year and a half watching you fall out of love with me. Watching you realize that I am annoying. Watching you realize you don’t even like me. Watching you realize you wish you never touched me, wish I never grabbed your arm in my excitement that day.
“Every day, I wake up and pray to the Universe that I’m good enough for you today. Every day, I hold my breath and beg that you’ll smile at me, or at least look at me like you’re happy I’m there. Every single day I try my best to follow your rules, to make you happy, or at least not annoyed! 
“I worship the ground you walk on!” Peter starts to yell, getting closer and backing Tony back closer to his suit. “I love you. I don’t care that you spend all your time in the lab, I don’t care that you can’t be handed things, I do’t care that you have to have a million cups of coffee a day. I don’t care that you disappear for hours and don’t tell me where you’ve been. I don’t care that you drink all the time. I love you anyway; no, I love you because of all of those things! Everything you do, every quirk you have, that’s who you are and I love you!” 
Peter starts to pant, shaking with the force of holding back his sobs. “And you don’t even like me. You’re happiest when I’m not around. Your shoulders slump when I enter the room you’re in. Your eyes dull when they land on me.” 
Peter deflates, his momentum gone. He hadn't ever said any of these things out loud before. Saying them makes them feel so much more real, like they’re the absolute truth. A small part of Peter had been holding out hope. It’s gone now. 
“You’re right,” Tony says softly, and the words cut into Peter’s heart like a knife. “I don’t like you. And I don’t know why. I know I’m supposed to, I know the Universe chose you for me. But I don’t like you.”
Peter feels his knees give out, and he falls at Tony’s feet. It’s like everything that was holding Peter together fell apart, and he has no chance not to fall apart with them. It’s like a hole is carved in his chest. It’s like death, except when you die, the pain stops. It’s worse than death. 
It’s like Tony carved Peter open, took out everything that made Peter who he is, and threw it away. And now there’s nothing left but the body that used to hold Peter Parker. 
“I’m sorry, Peter,” he hears Tony say. And he sounds like maybe he’s in a little bit of pain too. Or maybe Peter is still holding on to hope that doesn’t exist. 
He vaguely processes that Tony flies away, and that he’s alone now. But he can’t move. He can barley breathe. He lifts his hand up, retracting the hand covering. 
Peter stares at the small mark on his wrist, taunting him. The tiniest little mark, just the barest hint of hot-shot red where his soulmate first touched him. 
What does it mean when even someone who is designed by the Universe to love you, can't love you?
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What do you think of Soulmate AU with the Grimm Reapers where every person is born with a symbol/tattoo that changes color according to your soulmate mood and will start glowing once you meet them. When your soulmate d*es, the tattoo loses color and turns grey. Now imagine your tattoo is already grey from the moment you're born (since Reapers commited s******) meaning your soulmate d*ed before you were even born! Everyone feels sorry for you but you accepted the fact. But one day, your tattoo unexpectedly starts to glow!
aaaaaaaa it makes me cry, is what I think!! so obviously I had to write it XD
and you don't have to put asterisks like that with the words, tbh; while I do tag triggers when I can, replacing letters like that makes it more difficult for blacklist to catch it. I've had my own issues with it, as well as reading others' thoughts.
for example, typing out "suicide" will cause blacklist to catch it, so that any post with the full word "suicide" will be blocked if someone has "suicide" blacklisted. if you type "s******" or "su*cide" or any combination of asterisks replacing letters, blacklist will not catch it, and people who actually have "suicide" blacklisted might see the post since it won't be blocked. if you want to make sure that people who have a word blacklisted won't see a post like this, don't replace letters with asterisks, just type the whole word and blacklist will catch it!
ok PSA over, now onto, THE REAPERS MY LOVES-
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He’s… a little sad for you, that you lived so much of your life thinking you’d be alone forever. Even though he knows people are born alone and die alone, they shouldn’t live alone. He always knew he’d have someone, based on his own tattoo, but you must have been so worried. As soon as the two of you meet, he apologizes for what he’s done to himself, because it led to you suffering and wondering and feeling like something wasn’t right. However, now the two of you have found each other; even if his afterlife ends up being cut short by his illness, he intends to spend the rest of it getting to know you. And… hopefully you’re happy getting to know him.
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As much as he regrets what led you to him, he’s grateful he found you. At some points, he would stare at his own tattoo and will it to turn grey, simply so he could know you would stop being tortured by the thought that he was dead. (And stop eating at him with guilt, knowing that he’d doomed you before you were even aware of him.) You didn’t let the so-called impossibility stop you, and… he found you, at last. It’s… okay, that it’s him you ended up with? You’re not disappointed? Well. At least now the two of you can be together without any cares. Now that he has you, he promises, he’ll do anything for you.
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Goodness, it’s about time you showed up! They’ve been waiting for you, you know? Of course… they know they haven’t done themself any favors. Unfortunately. By killing themself before they could meet their soulmate, they’ve effectively made you think you’re never going to find them. They’ve been watching their own tattoo daily, excited by your feelings of passion when it turns red and wanting to rip apart whatever made you sad when it turns blue. And here you are, at long last! They’re ever so delighted that you didn’t give up looking for them. You held out hope for them, and now they get to be with you. It’s like a fairytale, and now they get to live with you, happily~ ever~ after~
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That’s just his luck, isn’t it… that he’s fated to have died before his intended ever existed. He’s angry at himself that he took his life away, but he can’t help thinking — would he have had someone else if he didn’t? If he stayed alive, would he simply have no soulmate at all, because there would be no way to be with you if he hadn’t died? It makes his head spin and he loves it, some unknowable questions to ponder over. He’s overjoyed that he finally gets to have you, though, so as long as the two of you are together, he doesn’t fret over what might have happened. As long as he isn’t a letdown to you, he’s glad that things eventually ended up where they did. You’re the best puzzle of his life, and even if he never figures you out… he loves the adventure of trying.
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God, he was starting to think he’d never get to be with you. And here come to find, you thought you were fated to be alone from the start? He’s gone through so many people trying to see who it was who was his. Countless one-night stands, endless breakups when it became clear he wasn’t compatible… there’s never any way to know for sure. He’s been lonely, searching for you. There’s a little guilt that you had to live for so long feeling lonely too… though, now that you’re together, he’s prepared to thoroughly enjoy being with you. He’ll show you the best of this life that he has to offer, if you’ll let him!
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Damn, did you really wait all this time for him? Instead of just going off and trying to find someone else? He held out for you because he knew you were alive, but if he thought his soulmate was dead… he would probably give up on the idea entirely. A person only gets one, right? He’s disappointed in himself that he made you wait, that you almost certainly felt isolated and pitied and a million other things. It’s bullshit, and he’s the one who put you through it by killing himself. Then again, it may not have worked out this way if he hadn’t, so… it’s complicated. If nothing else, he’s thankful he’s met you at last; he thoroughly teases that now he has even more of a reason to want to be done with work.
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You must have known they would find you soon enough! You never gave up hope, ja? Here they are with you now! It’s not something that they really like thinking about in general; the fact that they took their own life. It’s worse that doing so led to you thinking you were destined to be alone forever, so it’s something they have to confront particularly after first meeting you. They’re… sad that what they did led to you suffering. They never wanted to hurt anyone but themself. Even then, it’s… ugh. It’s a lot. They’re just so happy that you’ve found them now, that finally they have their beloved! You must have been so lonely, so they plan to make up for lost time. They also take all the photographs of you, wanting to have as many as they can. They’re so excited to start building a life with someone!
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This is… it’s real, at last? After waiting for so long, the two of you have finally found each other? He was starting to think it would never happen, that even though his own tattoo proves otherwise, he was doomed to be alone. So many people he’s seen die, so many he’s lost, and none of them have been the one. The very first one he lost drove him to kill himself out of grief, and… it’s infuriating, that this was the thing that would lead him to meet you. He’s waited so long for you, and you’ve been in so much pain just like him, because you thought for most of your life that he was dead and would stay dead. But… he’s here now, love. He’s here. You’ll never be alone or doubt his love again.
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It’s not any great surprise, is it, that what he did begets ever more punishment? It’s just a tragedy to him, that his actions led to you being punished. You’re the one who’s been hurt and has thought that the person you were meant to be with was someone you’d never meet. He’s not happy with himself, that you’ve been through so much and it’s his fault. All he can do now that he’s together with you is try to make sure the rest of your life is better than what came before. Even though he works a lot, surrounded by reminders of death, he’s with you as much as he possibly can be. Any time that isn’t taken by his job is yours. While he may not be overly emotional… there’s no denying that he loves you, that he’s glad to have you, and that he’ll do anything to make sure you know it.
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gerec · 2 years
For the Anon who asked for fic recs where Charles and Erik are getting/are already divorced; here's a list of my favorites. Note that there are mostly aus on this list as I took your request to mean marriage-divorce not beach divorce :D
Here's the previous rec list on Cherik stories re: proposals/getting married.
Ode to Divorce by GQD, Synekdokee
They were both present at the courthouse, seated at separate desks as they listened to the judge grant them divorce.
When the Spell Breaks – kianspo
Erik, a high-profile lawyer with a successful career, meets a 21-year-old grad student in a bar, and within a few short months marries him. He and Charles are blissfully happy, until Erik’s boss runs a background check on Charles and discovers he’s been cheating on Erik. Charles denies everything, as there was no affair, but Erik doesn’t believe him and throws him out. As Charles tries to figure out how to survive and stay at school that he can no longer afford and makes a lot of bad if not plain dangerous choices, Erik has to fight his own battle of discovering the truth and winning Charles back.
if only you could read my mind by jackgyeoms
Charles blurted “I want a divorce” and Erik blinked.
the things you love don't last by faerie_ground
Charles Xavier's marriage crumbles around him. He can do nothing but watch.
We have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven (the things you love don't last remix) by hllfire
Charles hands Erik the signed divorce papers, but Erik has changed his mind. Too late, it seems. All he can do is go forward with the divorce. A year later, Charles comes back, and Erik can't help but wanting to see him. The only problem is things don't go like Erik had planned.
we never needed forever by softforsummers (orphan_account)
Seven months after Charles decided being married to Erik was too painful they run into each other at a bar. The smart thing to do would be to leave, run away before their encounter can reopen wounds that have barely begun to start healing. But neither of them have ever been particularly good at resisting the pull of their emotions. Maybe that's why when things fell apart Erik watched Charles walk away.
And So It Is by firstlightofeos
If you believe in love at first sight, look a little closer.
A story about chance meetings, instant connections, and casual betrayals between four strangers who have one thing in common: each other.
[An X-Men: First Class Closer AU.]
tabula rasa (the We have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven remix) by isthiswhatiam
Charles and Erik's relationship had ended in a messy divorce over a year ago. When Charles comes back to New York after spending a whole year in London, he expects to feel nothing when he sees Erik again. What he doesn't expect is to find out just how wrong he is.
Lean On Me by SpiritsFlame
Ten years ago, Charles and Erik split up, dividing their six kids between them. None of them expect them to meet at summer camp. And no one could have predicted the results.
Note: Not exactly about divorce as they were never married, but they adopted children together - The Parent Trap au :D
Survival and Moving On by Anon on the Kinkmeme [Cherik, M, A/O, Abduction, Violence, Dubcon]
Prompt: Omega!Charles is a brilliant geneticist dedicated to a life of learning and teaching. Alpha!Erik is a revolutionary sworn to protect mutants at all costs. They meet, fall in love, and imprint. For a while, things are all rainbows and sunshine. However, Charles and Erik are two very different people. They care about the same thing (mutant rights, etc) but approach it almost from the opposite end of the other. Eventually things fall apart. They separate while Erik goes off to found his Mutant Brotherhood and Charles settle into the life of a scientist-teacher. But they’re still imprinted partners and it’s a bond that’s only broken with death. Epitaph (On Hold) and Mr. Lehnsherr is ill today, both by a_q [Cherik, M, A/O]
Written for kink meme prompt bringing up the idea how alpha/omega pair might function after a separation, if the heat was only manageable with the fixed mate.
Lonesome On the Shelf by ikeracity
After three years of marriage, Charles has to admit that his relationship with Erik has significantly cooled off. These days, they're barely ever home at the same time and it seems like every conversation they have turns into an argument. Charles misses the way they used to be, misses the spontaneous dinner parties and the surprise morning sex and the wake up calls in the early mornings to catch the sunrise. But it's going to take two of them to fix this marriage, and some days, it seems as if all Erik wants is to be rid of him.
A fic about rekindling marriage.
Note: Not exactly about divorce, but a marriage that's failing.
Lost and then Found by Gerec 
Erik Lehnsherr is a detective in the NYPD, happily married for four years to Charles Xavier, Professor of Genetics at Columbia University. At least that's what he thinks when he wakes up in a hospital bed, arm broken and head swathed in bandages, his mother Edie holding his hand. A lot of things happened that he doesn't remember...the most important being the fact that he's no longer married to Charles.
Note: And one by yours truly!
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stunfiskz · 10 months
ship bingo jevil x seam
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seavil is honestly maybe my favorite deltarune ship…starts shaking and sobbing and throwing up violently I LOVE SEAVIL I LOVE SEAVIL I LOVE SEAVIL! i ADORE both of these old bastards and their history is so interesting to me… i just want to know more about how they were so bad. it’s so damn heart wrenching the way that their bond broke, too. one of my favorite details is the fact that seam and jevil used to beat the shit out of each other for funsies even before jevil lost it, they’ve both been Like That forever LOL. but god. when seam wonders if they could’ve found purpose if jevil stayed… the way that seam not only lost the love of the lightners when card kingdom was abandoned but lost the love of jevil when he went mad……. head in my goddamn hands they better reconcile do you hear me toby. do you hear me. but yeah. i love these old bastards a lot. i have multiple aus where one of the key parts of them is that they’re together and happy and living their best lives. i need to draw them more but unfortunately i am so bad at thinking of ideas for ship art lol
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kindheart525 · 11 months
Which Thirdverse nextgens would like to be in relationships, and which would be happy being single, barring Sunny, Tiger, Earth and Cut?
Thank you so much for asking!! Even though most of the ng cast doesn’t have any love interests in the story, that doesn’t mean all of the “single” characters wish to stay single forever, and it’s really fun to think through what their takes on love would be. Which are the following:
Laffy Taffy totally does not (/sarcasm) have a crush on one of her classmates. Their name is Nightmare Night and I first introduced them in this status! She’s definitely in that hormonal middle school era where crushes come much more quickly, but overall she is interested in finding someone who’ll be more than a friend to her.
Galatea is extremely social and has lots of friends at school, and while she isn't anywhere near seriously thinking of relationships in this stage of her childhood, it's been suggested to me that maybe she be somewhere on the ace/aro spectrum. It would certainly break stereotypes regarding asexuality, as my more recent work is known for, so I'm thinking about it as a possibility!
I like the idea of Blackberry Maple preferring a single life. He’s not asexual or anything, he just has a very wide network of friends and couldn’t see himself choosing one to spend the rest of his life with or choosing one location to settle down in forever. The Apple family farm is his home base, but he sees that as different from choosing a partner himself. His lifestyle is just not compatible with a steady monogamous partner.
I’m also toying with the idea of having Orchard Sunrise be not particularly interested in relationships, because getting married would mean losing her disability benefits /JOKE Though she does genuinely value her independence and knows that “who’s going to take care of you?” isn’t a good reason to look for a partner. She can get her caretaking requirements and companionship needs met through her other relationships. If there’s any interest at all, it would be an “if it happens it happens, if it doesn’t it doesn’t” attitude about romance and a complete lack of desire for children.
The real reason I’m thinking of this is because it would be funny as hell for Applejack’s dreams of having a child-in-law and grandchildren to rest on her most cringefail child because her two more competent children aren’t interested. I can definitely see Fireside Jam failing his way through a few relationships and learning some hard lessons before he settles down, but it is something he wants to do.
Bismuth Sun just gives me the vibe of someone who would want a partner. She puts in effort to prioritize her family even with her busy and stressful schedule because of how much she adores them, and she would be the same way with a romantic partner.
Outside gossipers wouldn’t think this to be very likely because of how they perceive their attitude, but Celestial Blessing would like to settle down with a lover someday too. Maybe even produce an heir to pass their knowledge on to. Of course they’re secure in themselves and devoted to their work so finding romance isn’t at the very top of their priority list; it’s not something they desperately seek out. But they would like it to happen eventually and hopefully not have to wait 15+ years to even start dating.
I like to think Evergreen Blaze has had a girlfriend at some point in his life, probably a fellow Wonderbolt or somepony who’s Wonderbolt-adjacent. I don’t imagine such a relationship being toxic per se, but Evergreen wouldn’t find it very fulfilling and he’s too emotionally stunted right now to admit to himself that he would much rather date a stallion.
Moonray Chill is one of those “straight” girls who just hasn’t found a boy she likes yet but is very close with her female friends! She enjoys going to sleepovers where they practice kissing boys on each other, cuddle in the same sleeping bags together, and (in the human au) admire each other’s bras. Just gal pal things! “Mom, what do you mean you’ve never done that with any girl friends?” She’s just an oblivious girl overall and that includes being oblivious to why she isn’t all that interested in boys.
Lantern is in a stage of life where they still feel like a child in many ways, so as of now they aren't thinking about relationships that much when they're still struggling to figure out who they even are. I like to think there are a few passing celebrity fancies, but even then it's a struggle of, "do I want them or do I want to BE them?" One day they'll figure it out, once they feel like they have more agency over the rest of their life.
Strawberry Breeze grows up into a proud bisexual mare whose standard for a partner is “whoever proves worthy.” It’d a high standard for someone with as big a personality as hers, but she’d say it’s perfectly achievable.
Daisy Wasp seems like she would be very selective with partnerships. If she had a partner during the main story, at age 15-ish (I don't plan for her to, just hypothetically), I think she would struggle because of all the time she volunteers as a peer conflict mediator. She wouldn't have much emotional energy left to commit herself to a lover's wants and needs. If she waited and got a partner when she's older, after she's sorted through the issues of her main arc, it would go better. Still, she would take her time to choose someone who also has good coping skills and boundaries so they can support each other through the highs and lows without being emotionally over-taxed.
You know those jokes about people who have never been in a relationship but still know a lot about how they should be (and how they should NOT be) from hearing all of their friends' stories about their relationships? Daisy Wasp is like that.
Fairyfly seems like the type who would think he should have a partner and an heir one day (despite being the lowest ranked of changeling royalty lol) because changelings are a species of love and he thinks it would be expected of him. Even though King Thorax and next-in-line Ocellus are both single, as far as I have planned rn. He has plenty of time to figure out what he actually wants beyond what (he thinks) is expected of him.
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weirdo09 · 1 year
tell me abt miles x lucas au! are other characters shipped? 👀
ok so
i thought of it a while back bcuz they seem like a great pair n i was now like getting back into it
but yea, i was thinkin of hobie pavitr n margo meetin lucas and instantly fallin for him bcuz of his charm it’s literal bonus points if it’s afro latino lucas (i love him sm, could you tell?)
but like rio would absolutely love lucas because he has manners (*cough* *cough* doesn’t call miles’ parents by their first names *cough* *cough*) and he loves helping in the kitchen
i can see him and rio going on little dates as mother and son in law because lord knows rio is gonna force miles to keep lucas like how could he not? i feel like lucas n jeff would be a little iffy at first (with his experience w cops) but i feel like they would look at it and play basketball together.
aarons still alive in my head so him meeting lucas would be a trip like they say hi and everything the next you know he’s callin lucas his future nephew, miles’ just happy his family loves his boyfriend
OH MY GOD I FORGOT cookouts r the bomb once they get together, miles meeting the sinclairs omg erica would be suspicious at first bcuz of jason (she knew lucas was bi before he did) but then she warms up to him and asks him about his art and how long he’s plannin on staying in the family bcuz you gon stay forever. sue is the same way, she fell in love with miles and how he treats lucas and she’s callin him her son in law and constantly asking when miles’ coming over so she can have him taste her cooking, let’s just say, them boys never going hungry… 😅 miles and charles wouldn’t be so sure of each other, but they would eventually warm up, i feel charles had some homo feelings himself back in the day but repressed them and never acted on them, miles n him bond over that and the rest is historyz
i have so much to say about them,,, i’m so normal,,, they’re so boyfriend,,, ik ik zodiacs dont necessarily assure compatibility but they r so capricorn x leo ahhhhhhhhhh ‼️‼️‼️‼️
oh also lucas finding out about miles being spiderman would be so unserious i’m not lyin like lucas comes over to surprise mikes and he finds him in his suit he’s like “miles,,, YOURE SPIDERMAN?!” then it’s like this whole explanation and all lucas says is “i knew he was black,,,”
OMG lucas and billie (if shes ever introduced) he would treat her like his own sister, he already got a sister but him and billie would be so attached to each other like miles and lucas always have her and whenever lucas comes over the first thing is asks is where’s billie (miles is slightly hurt by this but lucas fixes it w kisses) like as soon as they get billie, it’s over. they pretending like she’s their own daughter and playing family together ahhhhhhh
you can tell i love them so much, i need to make headcanons i need to make more content THEYVE TAKEN OVER MY BRAIN ‼️‼️ 😭😭
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Hi! I have a question regarding the Aunt-Kasa au! Is that wedding drabble where they elope from her wedding the endgame of the au? If that’s the case, what happened in the in-between of these years that made them fall apart so much he didn’t know she was getting married? I don’t think they’ve ever dated for real, but there must have been something beyond that summer fling, e.g. that Hitch thing someone suggested, for her to leave for Eren so promptly.
Anyways this scenario came to me where it’s been a few years since EM have last seen each other, Eren went to college and university and it’s his first time visiting Marco’s home in forever and Aunt-Kasa is there and she’s super flirty with him, thinking they might fuck once or twice while he’s staying in town, just like old times. And as she flirts with him Eren gets this apologetic look, explains to her he has a girlfriend now, someone from university who is very special to him, they’re going steady for almost two years now… and Mikasa just looks surprised and taken aback, the possibility of Eren finding someone never crossed her mind. But even then. As she looks her former lover leave for what seems to be the last time, in the very place they met years ago after a tight hug, she admires his contours against the red sky of the setting sun and thinks her young Eren isn’t so young anymore, he isn’t a boy anymore. He’s a man, and she’s just happy she’s been a part of his story and that they’ll always carry a bit of each other with them
Hello! Hmm honestly you can look at it however you want! When I first wrote that drabble I kind of intended for it to be how they FINALLY get together lol, but ppl send me asks about them all the time, and depending on what I get I'll sometimes be motivated to write out that scenario! That one just so happened to inspire me! But I also think we've discussed something similar to your idea, and it's definitely kinda what I fleshed out in my head.
I probably said it some ask somewhere, but I think they probably split off when Eren goes to college just so he can get more real world experience and yeah maybe he gets a girlfriend etc, but they end up coming back to each other, somehow! But this is also an interesting and heartbreaking concept lol, Mikasa finding out her boy toy has a girlfriend! But I also think for Eren, at least how I envision him in this AU, that despite girlfriends Mikasa is always the one, whether that be the one he wants to marry or the one that got away, she's always on his mind as a love interest, and I think he always wants to win her back. It's like one of those really poetic dramatic love stories of childhood friends, like she's it for him and he always intends to go back for her, his whole uni career is lowkey spent telling himself once he has a big fancy career he can finally sweep her off her feet!
But the angst of your idea is definitely very fun!! How they end up together, is it the wedding, or after Eren gets dumped and he ends up rebounding with Hitch, all are possible!!
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miiracleboys · 2 years
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#like he’s still tall but suddenly in reference to his teammate’s he’s ‘’stocky’’ instead of ‘’built like an artillery tower’’ bsjfjsnfk
My Top Posts in 2022:
okay we’ve talked about akaashi and udai and makki being all at least mildly pathetic in the timeskip but what about atsumu. yes he’s a pro athlete but his jokes never land, no one listens to him, he embarrasses himself in front of teammates and fans alike, and then he ruminates about it for forever until the only thing he wants to do is crawl into a hole and never come out. he’s on tv all the time and still gets mistaken for his chef brother, whose restaurant he sometimes goes to to have semi-public freak-outs. one of the few people that can instill true fear in him is a rice farmer. and it’s hilarious.
286 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
fic recs 5 :)
more cock, fewer roaches. please. by Gray_Herring | M | 30.9K
sakuatsu. not as horny as the title suggests, i swear. sakusa’s apartment is being fumigated for bugs, so he stays at atsumu’s for a few days. actually very sweet and made me want to melt—sometimes Being Known is not such a mortifying ordeal.
In the Closet (and not in that way) by Hihoneyimdead | G | 4.4K
sakuatsu, vaguely american setting because of the au. atsumu is in marching band, sakusa is in color guard, and osamu locked them in a storage closet together for an hour. funny and also somewhat caters to my specific distaste for the “interfering outsider” trope bc they are full of spite and so am i <3
four ways to fall asleep by precious_red | T | 5.2K
arankita. a year after they’ve graduated, kita stays at aran’s apartment for a few days while they watch interhigh. warm and comforting like hot tea.
Up No More by venxvon | G | 7.7K
arankita are fake-dating, and when the team finds out, aran tries to clear up the story to akagi and oomimi. lots of humor, really fun.
from the earth by charcoalsuns | G | 1.9K
aran-centric character study and a relationship study with inarizaki, with plenty of team-as-family. the bookmark note i left was “ooughghghg,” which about sums it up.
one million rooms & one million vacancies by tothemoon | G | 919
bokuto-centric character study from over the years. i love bokuto so much oh my god you don’t understand he’s so important to me—
a little bit of chaos by desdemona | G | 2.9K
ushiten, kind of—more gen but with a heavy ushiten seasoning. tendou gets Ideas, and ushijima is an enabler; they’re Guys Being Dudes and semi gets to reluctantly play damage control.
all in due time by rosalyra | T | 8.9K
iwaoi. au where, when you turn 17, you can meet yourself from 10 years in the future. author’s tags say they “just want oikawa to know he’s happy and he made it” and yeah. Yeah.
the art of keeping up by sieges | T | 12.3K
sunaosa. osamu gets suna to help him write a love letter—the premise is inspired by the half of it (2020), which, if you haven’t seen, you should go watch Right Now. this one’s really pretty and whenever i read it i want to yell into the void for a while bc man. Man.
seven days of rain by gabstar | T | 4.4K
akaashi-centric character study and a bokuaka relationship study. bokuto loves the rain, and akaashi comes to find comfort in loving bokuto. mostly fluff and wonderfully written; feels like racing someone in the rain and laughing until your cheeks hurt. god. THEM.
when i get home by blessings | T | 4.5K
iwaoi. a series of phone calls over the years, each made to the other. humor, fluff, a little bit of angst—they love each other so much wagh
home, and how we built ours by orphan account | T | 2.9K
iwaoi move into an apartment together, and even though the place is a wreck, it’s theirs, and it’s home.
send your cutest delivery boy by hcjime | T | 4K
iwaoi. au where oikawa just wants to order a pizza, makki Interferes in the form of inputting the special instruction of “send your cutest delivery boy,” and iwaizumi happens to be the titular delivery boy. funny and sweet :)
308 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
fic recs 3
In Another Castle by thehoyden | E | 19K
kuroken move in together after they both graduate. domestic and sweet; They Are In Love.
Richer than milk, sweeter than honey by redroseinsanity | T | 3.6K
kuroken, fae au. kuroo bargains with kenma for the first time as a child and then keeps going back as time passes. some light horror elements, but by virtue of being them, they love each other a lot. straight up Vibes.
how to win at speed dating by Mooifyourecows | T | 7.2K
daisuga. daichi loses a bet with oikawa, and as punishment he has to take part in a speed-dating event, where he ends up meeting suga. i laughed out loud here a few times. the back-and-forth banter here is fantastic and daisuga’s dynamic is so good.
eggceeding eggspectstions by asyncrhony | G | 1.9K
the msby 4 and the schweiden adlers trio have an egg-eating contest. short and silly and maintains really fun character dynamics.
Three Stories by bumblebeesknees | G | 4.9K
iwaoi. oikawa gets a confession from one of the kids he works with and it spurs him on to make a confession of his own to iwaizumi. very soft and with lovely aftermath.
This Is for Your Own Good by metisket | T | 6.3K
daiyuisuga, sort of a suga character study featuring a michimiya-suga friendship and kagehina Causing Problems. funny and actually everything i’ve ever wanted in a daiyuisuga fic.
we happy few by owlinaminor | T | 1.3K
shiratorizawa-centric; a series of snapshots from shiratorizawa’s time together compiled by tendou. the bookmark note i left on this one was “WEEPS INTO MY HANDS” and. yeah. Yeah. this one is also illustrated!
the art of reaping what you sow by trapavoid | G | 5.4K
tsukkiyama and kagehina. tsukishima gets invested in kagehina’s bizarre will-they-won’t-they for reasons that are Definitely Not Projection and in doing so comes to Realizations about his feelings about yamaguchi. his voice in this is fantastic and the whole fic is really funny.
Your Money And/Or Your Life by suspiciousflashlight | T | 11K
suga pov. daisuga are basically married and play it up to benefit financially, [john mulaney voice] no other reason. their dynamic and characterizations here are absolute gold. lots of humor and wonderfully domestic. also features tanakiyo :)
Ask A Stupid Question by darkmagicalgirl | G | 2K
ennofuta. ennoshita, yahaba, shirabu, and futakuchi, as captains of their respective teams, are interviewed on tv and futakuchi decides to be a menace about it, partially for the sake of it, partially to get a reaction out of ennoshita. this one made me laugh!
better days to find by addandsubtract | T | 6.6K
ushiten. tendou is a witch and the fic explores, to an extent, his relationship with his magic and how he has to keep it under wraps while he continues to support ushijima as a friend and as a pro athlete. this fic is just. cozy. love is stored in the casual intimacy and homemade meals :)
Watermelon Sugar by Hihoneyimdead | T | 4.3K
sakuatsu fantasy au. sakusa is an assassin hired to kill the crown prince of inarizaki, but atsumu is unfortunately both clever and charming and sakusa finds himself, despite his best (?) efforts, charmed. their dynamic here is really fun. features side sunaosa.
a long unbroken light by brella | G | 2.2K
karasuno-centric. ukai watches the crows learn to fly across three summers. ;-;
pointing at the moon by amillionsmiles | G | 3.7K
tsukishima character study and a relationship study with his brother as they grow up, apart, and back together again. the writing is gorgeous and i want to ugly cry every time i read it.
345 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
for a while my question was “how does bokuto have both big brother and little brother energy at the same time” and i think i know the answer. he’s a youngest sibling but he’s also the cool older cousin at every family function that let you play on his phone and taught you how to do a cartwheel and made a competition out of making faces at each other behind the adults’ backs whenever conversation at the table got boring
348 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
fic recs 7!
soda can blues by kitouma | T | 1.6K
pre-relationship osasuna. [annoying little sibling voice] oooooh suna has a cruuuush!
let the river rush in by brella | T | 3.6K
kuroken. kuroo helps kenma retouch his roots. this fic is very beautifully done; it’s about the Pining.
dog days by devote | G | 9.6K
iwaoi relationship study as they grow up together. Holy Shit, my Feelings. the prose and the flow are fantastic here; in the author’s words, “love is stored in the iwaizumi.”
Under Pressure by ghostystarr | G | 8.2K
sakuatsu. bokuto and hinata notice sakusa’s crush on atsumu and decide to take it upon themselves to coach him on how to flirt. all parties involved do an absolutely abysmal job. funny and sweet in equal measure :)
Like An Ocean by kiyala | M | 1.6K
iwaoi. iwaizumi and the shapes his love for oikawa takes over the years. ough.
Sunday morning rain is falling by Hyeyu | T | 1.5K
iwaoi. oikawa goes through some fan mail, iwaizumi loves him, and the two of them spend the morning together in their kitchen. warm and domestic
most people never even get a single high school rival by sulfate | G | 5.2K
team argentina gets an outsiders’ glimpse of iwaoi. this whole fic is, i think, the author’s love letter to oikawa, iwaoi, and the series itself, and MAN is it good. this is another one of my all-time favorites!!
Jump the Gap by fathomfive | G | 1.3K
people don’t like to sit next to aone on the train; futakuchi realizes this one morning and decides to keep him company in all his glory. excellent characterization and a wonderful depiction of their friendship. aone is So important to me.
We’ll Figure That Out When We Get There by fathomfive | G | 2.2K
moniwa runs into a bit of trouble in a train station and the rest of datekou take it upon themselves to help. a delightful read; moniwa is Very tired and datekou’s a team—they have each other’s backs!
Close to the Chest by darkmagicalgirl | T | 61.2K
yahaba character study centered around him, his sexuality, and growing up. some kyouhaba and side iwaoi. MAN was this one good; the pacing, the prose, the depth of the emotions—all incredible. please note that this deals quite a bit with homophobia though
an unlikely duo by miracleboysatori | G | 1.7K
au where yachi goes to shiratorizawa and she and tendou end up bonding and becoming friends. short and sweet ^_^
by jove (we are going to own this thing for sure) by owlinaminor | T | 1.5K
ushiten enjoy their mornings together, and tendou’s a bit of a nerd. domestic and soft.
soft blue by groaninlynch | G | 6K
bokuaka. bokuto finds akaashi’s sketchbook by accident. a very sweet depiction of their dynamic; they like each other so much.
Running Into the Sun by booksong | G | 3.9K
kagehina’s relationship development through a series of their little competitions. they’re so dumb and i love them.
Add New Contact by booksong | G | 8.6K
See the full post
554 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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spookydrreid · 3 years
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The Return to the Underworld
Paring: Hades!Spencer x Persephone!Reader
Summary: There's nothing sweeter than her return to him.
Content warnings: typical canon mythology stuff, the Underworld, talks of death, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, kissing, lots of praise, interruptions, sad boi Hades because that’s really what he is. (if I missed anything let me know)
Word Count: 2.6
A/N: So, this is an AU where Spencer is God of the Dead (aka Hades), and Reader is his queen (aka Persephone). I used y/n so it could truly be reader insert! Just a quick little note. You’ll notice she calls him a mix of ‘Spencer’ and ‘Hades’. There is a reason for that, and it does get explained. This is heavily based off the “A Touch of Darkness Series” in the way Persephone came to be. I’m not into the whole ‘he’s her uncle’ deal. Yeah… I hope you guys enjoy! Xoxo
“Sweetheart?” her voice flitters through the underworld, sweet as the flowers she left me to create. I sit up, spine tingling at the knowledge that she was finally home with me. Home where I could keep her safe from the upperworld.
She opens the doors to the throne room, and I’m instantly hit with the smell of her magic, vanilla, wildflowers, and lavender. Her smile widens when our eyes meet. She was ethereal, literal perfection if I’d ever seen it. I thanked the fates every single day for weaving her into my life.
Her body relaxes slightly as a smile pulls on her lips, “Hades” she calls. Before I know it, I’m striding towards her till she’s in my arms. I hold her close, gripping her as if she was sand in an hourglass.
I pull back to look at her for a moment; to admire my beautiful bride. If it were up to me, she’d stay down here forever, never going to the upperworld for anything. It was dangerous up there, filled with mortals who had no regard for their own lives. There were some who hated the Gods, forming groups to try and overthrow us. It never works, of course, and they’re put right back into their place by my little brother.
“I’ve missed you so much,” I whisper as I study her. I had every line and wrinkle of her body committed to memory, but it never hurt to look just a little longer.
She grins up at me, her big eye shinning like the summer sun. Gods, she was stunning. “I’ve missed you too. The mortals were happy to see spring come, though!” Her eyes shin brighter. My little goddess of spring took her job very seriously, just as I took mine. It was a reason we were so good together.
“And your mother? Was she impressed?” Demeter and I didn’t get along, for lack of better terms. She’d begged the fates for a daughter, and when she’d learned that her precious Kore, would be queen of the underworld, she did all she could to keep her from me.
But y/n was restless in captivity and eventually broke free for college. That was how we met. We’d bumped into each other one night and it was love at first sight.
I’d always thought I was incapable of love. That, that particular part of me died during the Titanomachy. But she showed me what it meant to love and be loved. She made me see I was deserving of kindness and respect. I was a God, after all. But because I was here and not on Olympus, the respect was harder to get. I wasn’t too worried though, eventually everyone ends up in my realm.
Y/N grins up at me and nods, “very! She said my roses were the most beautiful I have ever created!”
It’s then that I finally kiss her, swallowing a groan when our lips finally meet. She was free to come and go as she pleased, but a deal with her mother took her from me whenever she was needed. And during spring time, Demeter was keen on keeping her daughter extra busy with preparation for the harvest. Gods forbid her sweet flower ever be with someone as dark as me. To me, her leaving was the worst punishment my soul could take. And that was barely.
A throat clearing is what makes us separate, our breathing heavy, lips swollen. I look over my wifes shoulder and see Hermes standing there with a smirk on his face. “Welcome back! I truly figured I’d walk into you two fucking … again.”
I resist the urge to roll my eyes at the God. He did have a nasty habit of not knocking. I can’t even count how many times he’s intruded on us. “If you learned how to fucking knock, or use manners, you’d have never caught us.”
Y/n giggles in my arms, pulling away from me slightly to face him, “hello Hermes. I’ve missed you, as well.” Her smile is big and filled with warmth.
“Damn right you did. Demeter isn’t too fond of me coming to visit.” He waves his hand and rolls his eyes. “Something about me supporting you being the Queen of the Underworld.”
“Trust me, we all know how she feels about that title.” I murmur. “Did you come for anything important or to spy? I’d like to spend time with my wife.”
Hermes’ smile only grows at that, “I came to see my best friend. But, I see someone is in a mood so, I’ll leave you be! Come find me after?” He asks her.
She nods, “definitely. I want to see Hecate as well!” And as quick as he came, he disappears just as fast.
“Thank fuck. Now, let’s get you out of these… upperworld clothes and into something more comfortable. Hmm?”
She nods, “yes please! I love my mother, but her nymphs have become lazy in their clothing making.” She giggles, knowing that the nymphs just try to appease her mother. But my Queen was rebellious, living in the shadows with me for all eternity.
I carried her to my bed chamber, wanting her close to me for as long as possible. Years ago, she would’ve fought me, claiming she was more than capable of walking. But she’s sense realized that it’s more for me. In the upperworld she’s harder to track. I have people watching, of course, to make sure she stays safe. But it didn’t mean I stopped worrying about her simply because she was with her mother. In fact, her being with her mother only worried me more. I couldn’t help but be frightened that she wouldn’t let y/n return to me when she was supposed to.
“What are you thinking about?” Her sweet, soft voice pulls me back to her.
I grin a little, “just how happy I am to have you back in my kingdom. It’s dull without you here. The souls miss you terribly.”
She hums, “and I them. But I missed you the most. I hate leaving. But Zeus insist I help mother. And who am I to defy him?”
As we enter my bed chamber I answer her, sitting us on the edge of my bed with her straddling me. “Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Dead.” I answer simply. But I know she’d still never go against my little brothers’ orders. None of us would simply because we don’t want to deal with his temper tantrums. It’s why Poseidon stays in the ocean unless were all called for meetings.
She claps her fingers at the nape of my neck, fingers playing with the strands of hair there. She looked beautiful in the dulled light of the Underworld. But then again, she looked beautiful always.
“Your brother is quite the asshole. I’d rather not.” She kisses me then; desperation dripping from her lips. She hated this arrangement as much, if not more, than I.
My hands fall to her hips, squeezing gently. She smirks into the kiss, her hips starting to move, making me grow harder under her. She was taking every ounce of control she knew I’d let her have while I let her have it.
I kiss over her jaw and down her neck, nipping and sucking marks as I go. My hands drift up her sides and around her back, fingers barely touching her as I work to find the zipper of her dress. “Most beautiful goddess. You put Aphrodite to shame, do you know that?” I didn’t give a fuck if Aphrodite hears me, that bitch needs to be knocked off her throne. Something I’ll happily do any day of the week.
“You’re lying.” I can hear the way her breath hitches in her throat when I start to tug down the zipper.
“You know I don’t lie. Not to you anyway.” I smirk against her and pull the dress over her head, being mindful of her hair. My eyes scanning down her body, in nothing but pretty black lingerie I know she bought just for me. My cock grows impossibly harder at the sight of her. She was perfection. And she was mine.
I’m careful as I lay her down, her hair fanning out around her like the prettiest halo. No matter how many times we’ve done this, which is a lot, I am still just as taken by her beauty as I was the first time, I saw her. I was one lucky bastard.
“Look at you, little goddess. Is this new?” I ask, plucking a strap and letting it lightly snap against her skin.
She gasps and nods, “mhm. I bought it secretly.”
The thought makes me grin, “my little rebel.” I start to kiss down her body, hands reaching around to unclasp her bra. Her tits were the most perfect I’ve ever seen. And they fit nicely in my hands.
“All yours, Spencer.” The sound of my name on her tongue makes me groan. It was something only she was allowed to use and only when we were alone. It was my way of being vulnerable with her. Something I couldn’t do with anyone else.
I take one of her pebbled peaks into my mouth, fingers brushing over the other. My little goddess moans softly; her back arching so I can be closer to her. A soft wine leaves her when I swap breasts. Her skin is supple and soft, and I can’t get enough of her.
“Spencer, please. It’s been months. Trust me, I don’t need foreplay.” She grins at me before pulling me down for a needy kiss. My fingers slither down her stomach, slipping into her panties. I wanted to see for myself just how wet she really was. The answer? Fucking soaked.
I pull back, sitting on my knees and pulling off her panties. She’s bare to me and so fucking beautiful. “Look at you. So wet and needy for me.” I’m pulling off my clothes as fast as possible. My cock is straining against my pants and I’m painfully hard for her.
Once the last piece of clothing comes off, her eyes are on me; studying me just as I did to her. “Gods. You’re so fucking beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that?” Her eyes meet mine as she finishes speaking. I know better than to tell her plenty of women have, considering I lived a millennia before she came into my life.
So, I shake my head, “just you. And honestly, you’re the only one I want to hear it from.” I climb over her, my hands resting beside her head to hold me up.
“You mean me, Hecate, and Hermes are the only ones you want to hear it from?” She giggles, the sweet sound causing ivy to grow around my heart.
“Mmmm… maybe just you and Hecate. Hermes can fuck off for all the times he’s interrupted.” I don’t give her time to argue with me. I push in slowly, being mindful that, as she said, it’s been months.
Her moans are breathy and filled with desire. I knew this wouldn’t be the last time we do this before the sun sets over my kingdom. I wanted to stay like this forever, tangled up in her mess of vines. I wanted to keep her here with me for all eternity, never letting her return to Demeter. She didn’t appreciate her like I did. She didn’t love her like I did. No one could.
Once she’s adjusted, I start moving. “Fuck. I’ve missed you.” I know I’m a broken record, but it was more than the truth. “Feel so fucking good sweetheart.” I drop to my elbows, dying to be closer to her.
She moans my name, her nails digging into my back, while her legs are locked around my waist. Her voice is breathy and her eyes half open, filled to the brim with lust and love. And it’s all for me. She is all for me.
I move faster, working with the limited amount of space she’s giving me. “Spencer… please!”
Her begging makes me grin, “please what, little goddess? Tell me what you want.”
“Y-you. All of you…and to cum.” Her smiles a little lopsided, mind filled with pleasure. But still, it makes me laugh.
“You have me. You have all of me, little goddess, for eternity and then some.” I kiss her nose, keeping my pace as I do so. “Let go for me baby. I’ve got you. I’ll always have you.”
We cum together in a mix of gasps, curses, and each other’s names. I collapse on top her, kissing her sweaty skin. There’s nothing I loved more than seeing her in my bed. Without my Queen, the bed was too big, and too cold. Not even the dogs could keep me as warm as she does.
I breathe her in, listening to the beating of her heart, a reminder she’s real. Her fingers rub my scalp, pushing my hair out of my face. “I love you, Spencer.” She says, quiet enough as to not break the moment.
“I love you, too, little goddess.” And just as I’m about to kiss her the scent of sage, Earth and fine wine fill the room and I instantly know who has disturbed us. “We really need to have a meeting on knocking, you two.”
I sit up and meet the eyes of my right hand woman, Hecate, and fucking Hermes.
“Hades, please, all of the Underworld knew you were… with your Queen. You’re lucky we waited.” She glares lovingly at me. We’ve been friends since she sided with us during the Titanomachy. And she’s taken quite a liking to the goddess in my bed.
“Come on. Up! Up! Cerberus, Typhon, and Orthrus have been whining since they caught your scent. They are driving me insane.” She smiles warmly at the woman in my bed, who is in nothing except the silk sheet wrapped around her.
“Come on! You guys can fuck later! The souls are dying to see you!” Hermes eyes are full of mischief, and I remind myself to throw him in Tartarus to have his liver plucked out for a day or two. That’ll teach him to knock.
My little goddess smiles wide, “if you two leave then I can get dressed and visit. You’re wasting time standing here.”
That makes them turn on their heels and close the doors behind them, leaving me and my Queen alone once again. “Let’s get you dressed like a Queen hm? No more dressing like a flower nymph.”
I place her crown on her head once she’s dressed. She took my breath away every time she wore it. Hell, she took my breath away always. But there was just something about this crown, and the way she looks beside me, that make heat bloom in my chest. But I’m quick to put out the fire, knowing she’s excited to see our people.
“Are you coming?” She asks me, eyes meeting my reflection.
I grin, “always. Let’s go greet some souls, little goddess. And” I pull her into me, “welcome back sweet girl.”
For the first time in months, my soul is whole again.
tag list: @worryd0ll @muffin-cup @will-on-the-internet @mikewizkalifa @dr-spencerr-reidd @reidsconverse @ssaalexisreid @thisiscalm-andits-doctor @princesssmooshie @my-life-has-been-a-lie @spenxerslut @xoxospencerreid @reiding-recs @aayaissaa @spencerreid9 @pancake2603 @wheelsupscenehater @sixxslut @doctorspenceryeet @freakyhood96 @flipperpenguins @ifvckedurmom @k-k0129 @measure-in-pain @rrtxcmt @withasideofmeg @totallyclearwitch @vaella1821 @shemarmooresfedora @manuosorioh @luvofyourlifeliv @reidsbookclub @@mikhailogallavich @coldlilheart @everythingbutnormal @reidsacademia @sassymoon @nomajdetective @spideygenius @goldensonlyangel  @hufflepuffhaze @doctcr-reid @meganskane @thisismynerdyself @samuel-de-champagne-problems @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @beepbooptoop @spencerreidat3am
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nostalgicatsea · 3 years
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Back in 2018, I won one of wistering’s @marveltrumpshate​ auctions. I had this AU in my head of T'Challa and Shuri visiting their cousin Erik in the U.S. from time to time and them growing up together, and one of the ideas I had was the trio on a cross-country road trip. 
Wistering was drawn to that idea and wanted to show them “having fun in the car with a big sprawling landscape around them, giving this sense of adventure but also lighthearted joy.” To our mutual delight, we had the same initial location in mind; we both wanted to see them in the desert (I was going through a big desert phase at the time). 
In these drawings, Erik, Shuri, and T’Challa are visiting Antelope Canyon and driving through Monument Valley, two beautiful places I hope to visit one day. The car is Erik’s; I specifically had something like this in mind for him. Wistering was enthusiastic about the many photos I sent of those places and other locations scattered across the country that I imagined them visiting after setting off from Oakland.
Originally, wistering had planned to include some more illustrations (they loved the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Mural in Atlanta that I shared with them and wanted to do something with that, for instance), but as is sometimes the case, people get busy and/or move on from fandom. I’m just incredibly grateful that I got not one but two gorgeous works of art. 
I also had planned to write something as a companion to these illustrations, but it’s been so long (wistering sent me these in 2019) that I’m not sure if I’ll get around to it although I’d like to someday. For now, I’ll include the idea I sent them:
I really like the idea of Erik, Shuri, and T’Challa being in remote areas where they have no one but one another for company in the car. Sometimes they joke around and sometimes, they just revel in the quiet of it all, simply soaking in their surroundings and the peace. Long stretches of the highway where they only see mountains in the distance. The Pacific Coast Highway. Blistering but beautiful deserts. When they drive at night in the country, they see a sea of stars. Sometimes they stop at a small town and get something to eat at a local diner like burgers and fries or if they're in the South, some finger-lickin' good soul food. On a more serious note, at some point in their childhood or young adulthood, they go to a bunch of places that were important to the civil rights movement. I imagine that N'Jobu, after witnessing the systemic racism and oppression Black people face in the U.S., would make it his mission to teach his son, nephew, and niece to understand all that. He would teach them to learn from leaders, past and present. He would instill purpose in them; as part of the royal family of Wakanda, a wealthy nation with an abundance of resources, they should try to help those in need and have a responsibility to do so as they'll be the future leaders one day.
Mainly, after watching Black Panther, I wished that N’Jobu had had the opportunity to be there for his son, their family had not been estranged, and he had been able to get across to T’Chaka the importance of solidarity beyond their borders. I wished that T’Chaka and N’Jobu had been able to be open with each other and discuss how best to help because they couldn’t stand by and have Wakanda stay an isolationist country when they could help, not after what N’Jobu had witnessed and experienced. His death changed Erik’s trajectory forever, so I wanted to imagine an AU where that didn’t happen and the trio could be happy and mature as people together. They deserved that.
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
*flies in like magneto* can i get some exes to lovers™?
Do I have some exes to lovers fics for you? Yes I certainly do. It seems that the cherik fandom loves some exes to lovers cherik and I don't blame anyone because this ship really calls for all the angst. I hope you enjoy this list.
Exes to Lovers AU
Bound – FuryRed
Summary: Is there anything worse than someone else’s wedding? Well, perhaps your sister’s wedding- where the groom just has to invite his boss and that man just happens to be your ex-boyfriend; a person you had an extremely passionate and tumultuous relationship with that ended badly.
Charles hadn’t seen Erik for a year by the time Raven had told him about the wedding. He wasn’t looking forward to the occasion, particularly when Raven explained that they would be celebrating the event with a two-week extravaganza at a luxury hotel, meaning that Charles would be forced to spend a whole fortnight with the man who he’d given everything to; the man who had ultimately broken his heart…
Preheat to 350 (just for you remix) – ikeracity
Summary: Charles realizes he's in love with Erik. But there's one tiny little problem: he just broke up with Erik.
Thread Through a Needle – Black_Betty
Summary: Erik and Charles are broken up. Neither of them want to be.
Carry Me Anew (Frost & Darkholme Remix) – kianspo
Summary: While working as a model for Raven and Emma's clothing line, Erik experiences a strong attraction to his shoot partner. These things happen, except Erik has a boyfriend, who does not take this at all well.
Linger like a tattoo kiss – ikeracity
Summary: Six months apart gives Erik a lot of time to think about what he really wants.
(Erik's POV from Carry Me Anew (Frost & Darkholme Remix) by kianspo)
Symphysis – ikeracity
Summary: After Charles and Erik broke up four months ago, Charles convinced himself he'd never see Erik again. But life has a funny way of bringing people back together.
Call/Response – phalangine
Summary: Charles and Erik have a real conversation for the first time since breaking up. Charles is looking to avoid confrontation. Erik is not.
Regression Therapy – Fantine_Black
Summary: O, God, he’d made a terrible mistake. Whatever he’d expected to find here, Erik was still Erik, a man he’d moved continents to avoid. In retrospect, that felt like a rather good idea…
Four years after Charles walked away from Professor Lehnsherr, the two meet again for a drink.
Because things are better the second time round, aren't they?
Forever is Only a Drunk Dial Away – bettysofia
Summary: Charles is sad and drunk and stalking Erik's Instagram.
Shop Space – Caradee
Summary: Charles and Erik break up but still meet at their favorite coffee shop and manage a completely friendly relationship. The kids who work the coffee shop don't understand it, Charles' overprotective twin brother doesn't understand it, and even Charles doesn't understand it. Then, Erik shows up with a new date, someone who seems to be everything that Charles is not.
How will the Professor handle the surprising heartbreak that comes seeing Erik with someone else?
Mutant House at Dead Kings College – mabyn
Summary: When it comes to romance, Charles has terrible timing.
Can You Feel My Heart – FuryRed
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr hates Charles Xavier.
It’s as true as the words written on the wall in the bathroom at the university that Erik attends. Erik sees them one day- accompanied by a crude drawing of Erik and Charles glaring at each other- and recognises the truth of the sentence, and smiles.
He hates Charles.
Believe (One More Time) – luninosity
Summary: For the prompt, Charles and Erik dated during college and had a bitter break-up right before graduation. It's five years later and they both meet again at their class's reunion for a weekend. Someone was even stupid enough to have them room with each other for the weekend...
Old Flame Burning – TurtleTotem
Summary: It's ridiculous for Charles to dread meeting the best man at his sister's wedding, just because he shares a name with Charles's ex. It's not as though it could possibly be the same Erik.
Don’t speak to the bartender – Wild_Imagination
Summary: Logan is a bartender, it's a gloomy evening, and in his bar there's someone with a broken heart. But this is not a movie.
Somewhere I’m Going & Have Never Been Before – Yahtzee
Summary: In late December 1984, Charles falls victim to the terrible pandemic sweeping across the globe. He's sick, probably dying, and utterly alone in an isolated cabin...until he's not.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland – TurtleTotem
Summary: Charles hasn't seen Erik since their devastating breakup ten years ago. He's certainly the last person he expects to run into at a Christmas lights display.
Lean On Me – SpiritsFlame
Summary: Ten years ago, Charles and Erik split up, dividing their six kids between them. None of them expect them to meet at summer camp. And no one could have predicted the results.
It was a yellow umbrella spring – ikeracity
Summary: Three years after Charles left for Oxford, Erik discovers that Charles is coming back to New York.
Second chances are wonderful things.
My heart above my head – annejumps
Summary: Emma thinks her coworker Erik and her friend and fellow telepath Charles should get together. No one expects things to get so intense so quickly.
The Edge of What Doesn’t End – populuxe
Summary: When a mysterious object appears on the moon, Moira MacTaggert calls in two experts with very specific mutations to investigate.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, after years of breaking up and getting back together again, those two experts have finally broken up for good—and they’re the last people in the world who should be stuck together on a spaceship.
Exit Wounds – LemonadeGarden
Summary: It's been eight months since Charles and Erik had a fight that broke apart their marriage. When a mutant rights protest goes awry and Charles begins to get sick, past memories and present obstacles begin to blur the lines of their ideological differences.
Alternatively: Charles and Erik learn how to fall in love again in troubled times.
Note: Unfinished
11 Days, 8 Hours and 12 Minutes (or Bruises, Stupidity and Anger Management) – ximeria
Summary: For six months, Erik and Charles have been the disgustingly happy couple of the school. Considering their pigheadedness and general communication skills (or lack thereof), things are bound to go boom at some point.
Moon Song – ikeracity
Summary: Werewolf AU. When Charles is captured by hunters, Erik and his pack go after him. It turns out there might be some room for redemption left for both of them after all.
I will Never Stop Loving You – swoopswoop
Summary: Erik and Charles split up three years ago but Erik never really got over it and then one day when the man who walked out of his life three years ago is walking down the street towards him, Erik sees an opportunity to mend fences.
Please leave your message after the tone – ikeracity
Summary: Spending his evening getting shitfaced and pining over Erik seems like a totally productive use of Charles's time. Luckily, it turns out to be a better idea than it sounds.
When the Spell Breaks – kianspo
Summary: Erik, a high-profile lawyer with a successful career, meets a 21-year-old grad student in a bar, and within a few short months marries him. He and Charles are blissfully happy, until Erik's boss runs a background check on Charles and discovers he's been cheating on Erik. Charles denies everything, as there was no affair, but Erik doesn't believe him and throws him out. As Charles tries to figure out how to survive and stay at school that he can no longer afford and makes a lot of bad if not plain dangerous choices, Erik has to fight his own battle of discovering the truth and winning Charles back.
We have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven (the things you love don’t last remix) – hllfire
Summary: Charles hands Erik the signed divorce papers, but Erik has changed his mind. Too late, it seems. All he can do is go forward with the divorce.
A year later, Charles comes back, and Erik can't help but wanting to see him. The only problem is things don't go like Erik had planned.
Suddenly There’ll Be a Blizzard (Let it Snow Remix) – kianspo
Summary: Charles was never at his best while jetlagged, but locking himself out in a snowstorm while barely dressed might be a new low. The last thing he expected was to be rescued by his high school nemesis, the man he hadn't seen in over ten years, who might have broken his heart for good once upon a time.
Write this number down (you can call it anytime) – pocky_slash
Summary: When Erik upsets his children, they have a habit of running away from home--and straight to Charles' school for cookies and consolation. Charles doesn't mind the visitors, but as they appear more and more frequently, he realizes that sooner or later, he and Erik are going to have to talk about what happened on the beach and what it means for their future and the future of Erik's children.
All we do is break up (and make up) – Stuckyl0v3r
Summary: "So instead of making the most out of this next months, because you don't know where either of you is going to end up, you decided to stay away from each other to get used to the feeling?" Hank summed up, stopping in front of the class. Charles nodded his head confidently and beamed at him, but somehow his smile didn't reach his eyes.
"Yes, something like that."
Well, that was the most idiotic plan Hank's ever heard.
Three wheels of cheese and a Great White – ximeria
Summary: Charles and Erik were friends with benefits in college.
They went their separate ways and 18 years later, they run into each other in New York.
The sex was never a problem back in college - and sex was all it had been. But now Erik is a divorced father and Charles has admitted to himself he needs more than just sex in a relationship. So in their usual round-about way they try to navigate becoming friends after so many years. The whole quest is aided by Raven, Edie, Wanda and Pietro (and a large number of shark jokes).
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baroquebucky · 3 years
Tumblr media
soulmate au where when you touch your soulmate you see glimpses of your future with them; the winter soldier touches you and realizes there’s so much more out there
series masterlist // previous // next
part four
word count: 4.5k (worth it omg)
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u all enjoy this chapter i am v proud of it :] let me know what u guys think i love reading ur feedback and talking w you guys !! (srry for any typos :P)
You were giddy with excitement, texting steve that you were ready to be picked up when he was ready. Your hands fiddled with buckys dog tags, a smile on your face while you waited on the couch for Steve.
It had become routine for you to join steve on his visits to wakanda to visit bucky. T’challa had been kind enough to allow you to tag along, saying soulmates should never have to deal with all the two of you had gone through.
You phone buzzed with a message from steve letting you know he was on his way. The excitement in your chest grew, having so many stories to tell bucky.
The drive and the flight felt long despite you sleeping through most of it. Finally stepping out into the fresh air and greeting the royal family, making small talk with shuri as t’challa and steve walked towards where bucky was staying.
“i should get going, I’ll be sure to meet up with you tomorrow so we can talk about it!” you smiled brightly at the girl and she nodded, waving you off.
Shuri had been kind enough to tell you about the designs for Bucky’s new vibranium arm, she had asked for you opinions and what you thought he would prefer. It warmed your heart and had brought the two of you closer together.
Bucky knew you would be coming, he made sure his long hair was tied neatly, his heart racing as he heard steve approaching. He smiled, taking in a deep breath and checking himself out in the mirror one more time.
Steve knocked on the side of the hut twice, a smile on his face as he waited for his best friend to move aside the bright curtains. Bucky opened them with a smile, saying hello and pulling steve in for a hug.
“you know you can just let yourself in right?” Bucky joked, “wheres y/n?” he asked as soon as they pulled apart. Steve rolled his eyes, a playful smile on his face.
“don’t even care about your best friend anymore?” Steve joked and bucky frowned, “kidding, kidding, she was talking with shuri about something, should be here in a bit” he smiled at his friend a bucky nodded, moving so he could enter his little home.
You walked quickly, excited to finally be with bucky after two long months. You couldn’t stop the excitement that grew in your chest, heart racing as you got closer to him.
Finally you reached the hut, knocking three times before stepping away slightly, focusing your sight on the goats next to the huts. The sound of the curtains moving brought you attention back, making you turn your head back.
Bucky smiled at you, before he could say anything you threw yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“well hello to you too doll” he joked and you giggled, not bothering to let go of him. As you pulled away you beamed up at bucky, saying a breathless ‘hi’ before he smiled back at you, a charming smile on his face as he kissed your cheek.
The two of you walked in, hands intertwined as you joined steve the three of you falling into easy conversation, talking of your recent missions and adventures.
“no, yeah steve got his ass handed to him” you laughed, the blonde rolling his eyes and mouthing a ‘no,’ bucky rolled his eyes at his friend, knowing he probably did.
“so you took down how many people?” Bucky asked you, a proud smile on your face as you replied.
“eight guys” you boasted, “didn’t even break a sweat” you smirked. Steve and bucky looked at each other before laughing, bucky pulling you into his side, kissing the top of your head.
“you didn’t even leave your bed the next day from how sore you were!” Steve teased and you frowned, moving to punch him.
Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his lap. You landed with a huff and Steve grinned at you.
“you never get sore it’s not fair” you shot back, bucky resting his head on your shoulder.
Steve shrugged his shoulders, the three of you continuing to bicker and laugh until the sunset. You were leaning on Buckys chest, his arm wrapped around you as you rested your eyes. Steve and bucky reminisced on some fight they had in the 40s laughing at how minuscule the problem now seemed.
“I’ll leave you two for the night, it was good seeing you buck” Steve smiled, the three of you getting up from your spots.
“it was good seeing you too steve, glad to know you can still hold your own” he joked and Steve laughed, the two men hugging tightly before letting go. Steve turned to you, a smile on his face before moving towards the door.
“I’ll come get you in the morning” he called out, letting the curtains fall behind him.
Bucky let out a small sigh of relief and you looked at him, shocked at his action.
“i know you didn’t just let out a sigh of relief because he left!” You gasped and bucky blushed, turning to you before crashing his lips onto yours.
You melted into the kiss, letting yourselves get lost in the other. Your hands played with his hair, it was longer than last time. The two of you pulled away breathless, hearts racing.
“cant do that when he’s around darling” Bucky smirked, leaning in to kiss you quickly a couple more times, soft giggles leaving your lips as he beard tickled your face.
“still rude” you teased, placing soft kisses on his face as the two of you sat down, cuddled up as close as possible.
Bucky chuckled, looking at you with starry eyes and a bright smile. He swore you had never looked so pretty, sitting there with the moonlight peeking in and lightning up the small hut.
“stating is rude you know” bucky rolled his eyes, leaning in to kiss you, smiling into the kiss when you pulled him in for another.
“missed you so much doll” he mumbled, your foreheads pressed against one another, eyes closed for a second before pulling away.
“not a day goes by where i don’t think of you James” you sighed, heart sinking as you realized you would be leaving him once more in the morning.
Bucky noticed the shift in your attitude, placing his fingers under you chin and moving you to look at him.
“i promise you,” he mumbled, placing a kiss on your forehead, “once I’m free from all the shit HYDRA did to me, were gonna be together” he smiled at you softly.
“just wish it could come faster” you frowned and bucky nodded, a small smile on his face as he placed another kiss on your forehead.
“we have forever to be happy baby” he spoke, turning to you, “right?” you smiled, heart fluttering at his words.
“I’m yours forever lovebug” you assured him, moving to kiss his cheek.
“and I’m yours forever dollface” he smiled, heart racing the thought of a forever with you. Bucky wished he could fast forward and just be happy with you. But he knew he had to get through this, he just had to fight this final battle and he could be free.
Just one more fight and he could be happy, with you.
Morning came far too soon for either of your liking, waking up to the sun shining in your eyes. Your legs tangled with Buckys and his arm wrapped securely around your waist, holding you tightly.
“buck” you grumbled, wiggling to try and get out of his grip. You gave up when he never budged, waiting a couple minutes before trying again. “James” you called out, he moved a little, eyes fluttering open and landing on you with a smile.
“mornin doll” he mumbled, voice raspy and deep from sleep. He loosened his grip and let you wiggle out, stretching and letting out a yawn.
“goodmorning” you smiled sweetly, grabbing a couple things before getting ready. Bucky laid on his side, a sleepy smile on his face while he watched you get ready for the day, heart sinking a bit when he realized you would be leaving today.
“wish you could stay longer” he mumbled, his words weighed on your shoulders, causing you to slump a little and frown. You turned to look at him after you had finished getting ready, giving him a soft smile before sitting across from him.
“i do too angel, but you know how things are” he sighed softly, getting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“we still have at least two hours before steve comes, get up so we can enjoy the time we’ve got” you beamed, a bright smile on his face. Bucky admired that about you, how optimistic you were even in such an unfortunate situation.
Deep down you were upset, you were hurting and you were angry that the two of you had to go through so much to be happy. You shoved away those emotions, choosing instead to focus on what little time you had with him.
Bucky got ready quickly, giddy to get the day started. You helped him feed the goats, giggling as their fuzzy lips tickled your hand when you fed them.
“i named this one butter” he smiled, pointing a light colored sheep, “he’s kinda chubby” you teased and he gasped, a hurt expression on his face.
“i cant believe you come here and insult my goats, i raised them! they’re my children!” He teased and you rolled your eyes, walking towards him with your arms extended, he huffed, turning away from you. Laughing when he so easily melted into you after wrapping your arms around his waist, your head resting on his back.
“sorry for bullying butter, i am once again asking for forgiveness” you teased and he let out a low hum, you rolled your eyes. “I promise to not insult your goats-” Bucky turned around, brows furrowed and you groaned.
“i promise to not insult your kids, and i will give you all the kisses you want” you finished, arms crossed and bucky looked at you with a boyish smile, leaning down to kiss you.
It was quick, but it was sweet and made you swoon, smiling as he continued to pepper kisses all over your face. You yelped as one of his goats rammed his head into buckys leg.
“seems like someone wants your attention” you teased and he smiled, continuing to place the hay out along with a couple other things for them to eat.
The two of you were sitting along the bank of the river, sharing stories of what you had missed between your last visit.
“y/n!” Steve called out and your heart fell, a tight smile on your face when you saw the way Bucky’s expression fell. You squeezed his hand, kissing his temple before standing up, pulling bucky up with you as you walked back towards the hut, grabbing the backpack you had brought.
The two men talked for a bit while you gathered everything, double checking that you didn’t forget anything. You smiled as you rummaged through your backpack, holding the stack of letters you had written for bucky from the past two months.
You handed them bucky with a smile, apologizing for your handwriting in some of them.
“i already put yours in your bag doll, my handwriting is amazing” he teased and you punched him lightly.
The goodbyes always hurt, the way your heart tugged in your chest, like it was telling you to stay, that you were meant to be together.
You always ignored it, letting it only resurface at 3 am when your heart hurt and you longed for your soulmate.
Just this last fight, he just had to be truly free from HYDRA and you could be happy.
“don’t worry lovebug, I’ll see you soon” you comforted him, holding him tightly before letting go.
“see you soon” Bucky smiled, his heart sinking as you and Steve walked away, laughing when you turned around and waved at him, a bright smile on his face.
Before leaving you met with shuri, offering a couple more inputs on Buckys new arm before saying goodbye to her, she gave you a tight hug before letting you go.
You did see them soon. Although the circumstances were different. It wasn’t a ‘yay i get to see my soulmate and my friends and have a good time!’ visit.
It was more of a ‘oh god this purple guy wants some crazy crystals and is gonna kill half the universe with them please help’ kind of visit.
The plane landed and you greeted the royal family as usual, nervous as you followed shuri to her lab. Everything was moving so fast and your heart was in a frenzy. You had arrived earlier than the others, shuri sending a jet for you so you could be there when bucky got the arm.
You gasped as you saw the final product, a smile on your face as your fingers ghosted over the black and gold arm.
“shuri this is incredible!” You praised and she smirked, shrugging her shoulders.
“it’s what i do” she replied, closing the box before calling T’challa over so you could go give the arm to bucky.
“we think you should give it to him, explain to him what’s going on and all that” shuri spoke, T’challa and okoye nodding at her words.
“but-” okoye cut you off, her words gentle.
“it’s whats best for him” she assured you and you nodded, taking a deep breath as you waved goodbye to shuri.
T’challa and okoye accompanied you, a soft smile on your face as you saw him throwing the hay bales for his goats. Your smile grew when you noticed he had since gained two new friends, two cows laying down and one standing close to him.
“good to know you made new friends while i was gone” you called out, smiling as bucky looked at you with wide eyes. A smile on his face as you walked closer to him.
“doll!” He grinned, walking over to hug you as T’challa set the box down on a bale of hay. “what’s happening what’s going on? It hasn’t even been two weeks since last time” he questioned, looking at the two behind you.
“not that I’m not happy to see you but” he cut himself off, noting the fact you were suited up for a fight. You interlaced your fingers and sighed softly.
“c’mere” you spoke softly, pulling him along to the box. You have him a soft smile, letting go of his hand and opening the box.
He finally looked into the box, the shiny new vibranium arm gleaming in the sunlight. His heart fell. That’s why your heart was in frenzy, that’s why okoye and T’challa were so tense.
“wheres the fight” he spoke quietly, eyes not leaving the metal arm.
“on the way” T’challa spoke and he nodded. Okoye and T’challa left the two of you alone after explaining to bucky how to put the arm on.
You were silent, petting the goat you recognized as butter while bucky put the new arm on, changing into his suit while he was at it. Your heart ached.
One more fight, you had told yourselves for the last two years. Just one more fight and you could be together and be happy.
But the universe was cruel and decided to make the two of you wait longer, to put yet another barrier between the two of you and happiness.
it’s okay, after this fight everything will be okay
The words rang in your mind, letting out a shaky sigh. How bad could this fight be? It’s not like you hadn’t fought countless other villains before.
Bucky walked out suited and ready to go, though he was reluctant he knew it’s what had to be done. You gave him a small smile, shamelessly checking him out, not bothering to hide the smirk on your face.
“you know, under any other circumstances i would definitely not let you leave that hut” you teased and he blushed.
“I’ve only seen you suited up a couple times doll and it makes my heart face everytime” he shot back and you rolled your eyes, thinking back to when you and steve visited him immediately after a couple of missions.
The two of you walked hand in hand, getting a feel for his new arm as you made it to the plane, greeting steve with a smile and reluctantly saying hello to Sam.
You stood with bucky and Sam as you saw wakandas defenses go up, your mouth opened in awe as you watched it.
Not long after you saw something hitting it, breaking apart as it made contact and you and Sam flinched a bit.
“god i love this place” bucky spoke, watching alongside you and Sam. You heard Rhodey speak up not moments after.
“don’t start celebrating yet, we got more incoming outside the dome!” He called out, your eyes wide and you saw multiple things falling, planting themselves into the ground.
You let out a shaky breath, bucky bls your hand for a moment, squeezing it and kissing your temple.
“one more” he whispered and you smiled, nodding your head. “one more,” you repeated, hope blossoming in your chest.
You stood alongside bucky, looking back in awe as you saw all the hundreds of people, all ready to fight. Your stomach was in knots, your hands were shaky and you looked at bucky.
A small smile made its way onto your face. You would be okay.
“they surrender?” Bucky asked as steve, natasha and t’chalks returned.
“not exactly” steve sighed, you watched wide wide eyes as you all hundreds- maybe thousands of those things running towards the barrier.
You and bucky began shooting, taking out some of the ones which had made it through, sam and Rhodey already in the air. Your heart was thumping in your ears as you heard T’challa giving orders to open the barrier, bucky looked at you, eyes sparkling as he smiled at you.
“we’re gonna be okay, i promise doll” he assured you and you nodded, taking in a deep breath before taking off in a sprint alongside everyone. As the barriers opened, all of them got in, it was all a blur, shouts and groans coming from all around.
You shot as many as you could, making sure to try and keep everyone safe. You had lost bucky on the battlefield, everyone clashing. You didn’t have time to look for him as you continued shooting.
One of them knocked you over and you let out a groan, reaching for your ankle and swiftly stabbing it in the neck, cutting it open for good measure and rolling away before it’s blood could land on you.
You took the knife out, immediately throwing it and hitting one of them in the head and killing it before it could reach you. You were breathless as you continued to fight, running out of bullets.
“fuck” you whispered, eyes wide as you saw one of them running directly towards you. Scrambling to took one of your knives from a body on the floor, trying to throw it before the creature got too close. You were too late, by the time you turned around it had tackled you to the ground, sending the knife clattering to the floor.
You used all your strength to keep it from biting your head off, screaming as your limbs almost gave out.
You heard the sound of thunder above you, a bright light in the center of the battle field. You sighed out of relief when something hit the creature off of you, smiling widely as you realized who it had been.
You got up quickly, grabbing another gun from the floor and laughing lightly when your eyes landed on the god of thunder, he was joined by a raccoon and some tree. You felt a weight lift off you shoulders.
“you guys are so screwed now!” Bruce cried out, joyous as he saw his friend.
“Bring me thanos!” Thor cried out, lightning emitting from his body as his eyes glowed, hitting the ground and electrocuting all the creatures around him.
You continued to shoot, frantic to try and minimize the number of the things on the field. It seemed like they would never stop coming, an infinite amount of them constantly bombarding you all.
The panic arose in your chest, you continued shooting, focusing on the endgame. You just had to finish this fight. You and bucky could get through this.
Your eyes were wide as you heard a deep rumbling, watching in horror as what seemed like giant spikey wheels erupted from the ground.
“fall back! fall back now!” T’challa cried out, your eyes searched for bucky, landing on him quickly and running towards him.
“y/n!” He called out, sighing in relief as he you ran next to him, stopping when you both saw wanda take some of them out.
“thought you were hurt” he spoke loudly between the gunfire, the two of you standing back to back as your shot.
“I could find you i got so worried” you replied loudly, glancing back and seeing a creature getting ready to pounce on the two of you.
“get down!” You yelled, pushing bucky to the ground and taking the knife he had strapped to his waist.
You reacted quickly, ducking slightly and thrusting the knife up into the air, the creature effectively cutting itself open, its insides pouring out as it flopped to the ground.
You helped bucky up and he smiled at you, in awe of your actions.
“thank you doll” he sighed out and you nodded, smiling for a second before going back to fighting.
“vision needs backup!” You heard over your earpiece, you and bucky turning to look at each other, nodding before taking off in a sprint towards the woody areas.
As the two of you arrived you stopped, catching your breath before realize how eerily quiet it was. Bucky looked over at you, concern on his face.
“‘M fine” you panted, wincing when you stood up straight, “just out of shape is all” you teased and bucky smiled.
“only you would make a joke while we’re about to face the most powerful being in the universe” he spoke and you smiled.
“if i don’t then who will” you shot back, walking quietly in search of the titan.
Your eyes landed on the rest of the team, running towards the titan and easily being thrown to the side, you and bucky ran together, raising your guns.
Neither of you even got a shot out before being tossed into the surrounding trees, wheezing as your back hit the trunk. You rolled on the ground, winded as you held your side.
Bucky recovered quicker than you, rushing to your side and helping you up.
“are you alright darlin?” there was worry in his voice and you managed a nod, moving to stand up, he threw your arm over his shoulder, helping you up.
You stood up with a wince, arms wrapping around him, holding him tightly and kissing his cheek before pulling away. You picked up your guns, handing one to bucky.
“ready?” you spoke and he nodded, the two of you ran to where you had last seen thanos.
Your heart dropped as you saw the mad titan snap his fingers, a bright light flashed before your eyes and bucky shielded you with his body.
When you looked back you saw his arm and the stoned sizzling, your eyes were wide and your lips trembled. No. No. this can’t happen.
“what did you do?!” Thor yelled, panic in his voice. Thanos quickly looked around, opening a portal and leaving into nothingness.
You walked over to steve quickly, bucky trailing behind you.
“Whered he go?” You spoke quietly, “where did he go!” You shouted.
“y/n?” You heard bucky say from behind you, steve and Thor looked over.
You turned your head, your eyes meeting with Buckys blue ones. The same baby blue ones you had seen on the highway, the same ones you saw on the helicarrier and when he found you after SHIELD fell.
It was the same bright blue eyes you would look into while cuddling by the lake when you visited him in wakanda.
They were wide, full of fear and panic as he looked at you and back to his hand as it turned to dust.
“bucky” you whispered, going to reach out to him, his legs turning to dust beneath him. You ran to catch him, wanting to hold him and tell him it would be okay.
You were to late, getting only a handful of dust as you reached for him. You felt your heart break in your chest, a pain you had never felt before. Falling to your knees you touched the ground, letting out a shaky breath and trying to calm yourself.
You shook your head, teary eyes as you watched those around you turn to dust.
“Sam!” You heard Rhodey call out. You could hear okoye shouting for t’challa.
You looked at steve in thor, hot tears in your face as you sobbed quietly.
You looked at your hands, ready for them to turn to dust, you could see the way they shook even through your teary vision.
A moment passed and nothing happened, you looked at your legs, expecting them to fade away but they never did.
No. No, not again. You shook your head, bringing your hands to your chest and curling into yourself.
“i cant lose him again” you whispered to yourself, “not when i was just getting him back, not when he was barely in my grasp”
You wiped away your tears as you heard natasha run to where Rhodey, Bruce, rocket steve and you were. You watched silently as steve flipped over visions body, your stomach hurt at the sight of it.
“what the hell is happening?” Rhodey spoke, looking around as steve let himself fall to the floor.
It was quiet as all of you looked around, natasha’s eyes landing on your broken expression. Your eyes were red, and you looked at steve, hoping he knew what to do.
“oh god” he let out, breathless as he looked around.
“I’m yours forever doll, no matter what happens” bucky smiled at you, his eyes bright as you bit your lip to hold back your smile. You handed him a gun, everyone around you running to get in position.
“and I’m yours forever my lovebug, we can get through this” you assured him, holding out your pinky as he quickly looped it in yours, bringing it to his chest and pulling you into his arms.
“one more fight” you whispered, the hope that you had wilted away, you grasped onto the flashes of the future you had seen.
taglist ! (send me an ask if you want to be added!)
@felicityofbakerstreet @newyork47 @classygirlything @ebxny27 @hhaydenn @miaangel24 @shawnie--jo @quinnmaddie @mugscraps @bucky-32557038 @marvelfansworld @hey-there-angels @buckys2thicc @groovyvalentine @daughterofthemoon92 @livetay84 @pearlruth @euphoniumpets @lady-loki-ren @pastel-boy-sungjae
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