#i will not pretend i have a good reason to dislike him. i just don’t like his vibes.
katszumi · 2 days
silence immersed the room as the door clicked shut behind you. the ticking clock a reminder of how little time you have.
“you’re such an asshole, you know that?” you spewed to the male in front of you, your features displaying a look of anger.
katsuki rolled his eyes. “well, it’s not like i get called a ray of fuckin’ sunshine. what else did you honestly expect?” he crossed his arms over his chest, taking a seat atop of the long metal table.
“not much, yet you still seem to subceed my expectations.”
“subceed? seriously?” katsuki paused to let a scoff escape his lips. “you’re upset because i’m actually selling this story? the only one, might i add. this was your shitty grand idea!”
unknowingly, you took a step forward.
“the idea was to make it known we disliked each other. not for you to publicly shame and insult me!”
you, katsuki and a few other heroes were invited to attend a press conference. while the original topic was to discuss about the mission you all completed the day before, the topic began to stray away and focus on the relationship between you and katsuki.
japan knows of the hatred you and katsuki shared between each other, that was no unknown fact. the media described you two as fiery rivals considering both of your quirks contained fuel.
you two despised each other. or at least that’s the lie you fooled everyone with.
you were unsure when katsuki started to look appealing to the eye, how attractive he was when he was drowned in sweat, how you began to long for the small but noticeable glances he sent you in public. you couldn’t tell when it happened. but before you knew it, a small pool of desire that had katsuki’s name printed on it began to fill every minute of the day.
“which is no different than what we used to do. you want them to believe it? then don’t take my shit. suck it up and be a bigger asshole than i already am.” he was right. you know he was right. but it was so difficult to pretend as if you hated him.
even if you called him a bitch, or a cunt, maybe even call him out for having a small dick—which you know is far from the truth—that still wouldn’t deny the peace you felt whenever you were with katsuki. how the world seemed to stop still on its axis. how there were no rain, wind or time. just pure bliss.
out of everyone, it just had to be him? his captivating, intense ruby irises. his brash, abrasive demeanor. only his words that could seem to sway you. the man the world deemed you to abhor.
instead of admitting the truth, you twist his words. “well, i’m pleased to know it’s so easy for you to do.”
“jesus fuck, y/n.” now, katsuki rose from his position, never once breaking eye contact with you. “you think this is easy for me? you think i like getting up there and lying through my teeth? doing this is the one of the hardest things i’ve ever done.”
he walks closer and even closer to you, minimizing the distance you established for good reasons. this is how it always happens; one of you forgets about the space you two have to maintain until words don’t seem to work anymore. instead, your lips weave together, forming a new way to communicate.
but you don’t move. you don’t want to.
“is it? all those insults feels like it comes pretty smooth to you.”
katsuki pauses as he takes a second to analyze you. his eyes scan your body then leading right up to your face.
“because those are the words i wish i could mean. every time, it burns me to say those things about you when i’d rather be up there claiming every single part about you.” he lowered to a whisper, but his voice maintained a fervent tone.
his hand raises, slow and steady. he cups your cheek, gently swiping his thumb across your cheek. instinctively, you lean into his palm, your eyes softening as you gaze into his eyes.
“you think i enjoy this?” you watch his jaw tighten, his hand dropping to your hip. “think i like watching you talk with those eager men? it takes everything in me to not beat them shitless for daring to come across you. do you know how hard it is to fight the urge to pull you in and show them that you’re not available?”
too captivated by his words, you didn’t notice how katsuki lowered his head. you could feel the heat of his body from how he gave you no room to breathe. he placed his lips on your soft skin, slowly kissing the side of your neck.
no. resist him. your mind was screaming. this couldn’t go on forever. at some point, you guys had to stop.
“what will make them back off? if i mark you up? think they’ll understand then?” he proposed the question, but to you, it seemed more like he was asking for permission.
you didn’t know what effect katsuki placed on you to have you like this. but in this moment, you didn’t care about the rumors, the consequences, your image. it was all pushed back in the back of your head. so, you slightly tilted your head upwards, giving him more leeway to continue.
katsuki gripped your hips. not too strong to leave a mark but strong enough to squeeze a small moan out of you.
“don’t you fuckin’ understand, y/n?” he leans away to look in your eye.
“what?” you meekly responded.
“i go insane when it comes to you. i’m not the kind of guy that drools over any woman’s attention. but, you… fuck.” he stops himself, from what you can only assume was to control himself with whatever he was about to say. “not being able to have you only makes me crave you more.”
you stay quiet.
“you know how many times i’ve tried to resist you?”
“how many?” finally, you spoke.
“too many fuckin’ times. i’m done fighting it, y/n.”
confusion struck your face. “what do you mean?”
“be mine. forget the press, forget our pr managers. be with me.” katsuki brings you closer with the hand placed on your hip, the action drawing you to one conclusion.
he leans in and interlocks his lips with yours. immediately, you drown in the feeling of his soft but chapped lips that you couldn’t seem to push away. somehow, you find the strength to pull back from him.
“not here. not in pub-”
“yes here.”
with his tone, you could mistake him to be aggressive in this moment. but over the months, you managed to be able to read his eyes from the forbidden glances he’s sent your way; how he really felt through the way he wore his eyes.
katsuki’s eyebrows were slightly furrowed, his soft ruby eyes shifted from your lips to your e/c irises.
there was a look behind his eyes. there were more watchful, more tender than usual. almost as if he was pleading with his eyes. like he was begging.
so, how could you say no to him in this state? him being so vulnerable with you?
but that was always the problem.
you could never say no to katsuki bakugou, no matter what.
your arms wrap around his neck, drawing him in with your eyes. he inclined his head and laid his lips on your mouth. the silence that did wrap the room ten minutes ago was replaced with the noise of sloppy kisses, your mouths powering over each other.
you can feel your heart rate increase from the action, even more noticeably so when he entangles a fist in the back of your shirt. he needs you closer, maybe within his skin if possible.
following his action, you guide your fingers through his ash blonde strands, sending a shiver down his spine. he nibbles on the bottom of your lip, pulling it just slightly.
“we really shouldn’t be doing this.” your murmur, yet his ears catches it. “this would be the hottest topic for the media.”
a snicker parted his lips. “we just can’t be caught. but the day you stop being scared, i’m ready.” his words vague and simple, yet still holding so much promise.
“i hate you.”
and you did. you hated that he was too enticing. too irresistible.
“thought it was hard for you to say things you don’t mean?” he referred from earlier. of course, that was just like him. the same him you mistakenly fell for.
“just shut up.” was all you replied with before leaning back in to connect his lips with yours, choosing to help him with your statement.
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this was supposed to be like a forbidden love trope but i think i just revealed how thirsty i am😔
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roseworth · 11 months
we talk about people hating your favorite character in the wrong way. but i want to talk about people hating the character you also hate in the wrong way. like hold on no i don’t want to be associated with you stop making stupid arguments and bad points it makes us both look bad
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DPxDC. Talon Dick. Part 2 of Danny Fenton is a new master of The Court of Owls
~Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you~
Danny was terrified when he got the body of Talon in his morgue. The Court of Owls was notorious for leaving no trace after work. But Talon, a young man only a few years older than him, did not look like a mindless killing machine at all. Of course, the first time he had a couple of stab wounds from his new acquaintance but after numerous assurances that his help would remain their little secret and that he would not inform his superiors that he had fucked up on the mission, Talon began to trust him a little. as one dead boy to another. In a few months, most of the Talons come to him for first aid, and of course he got attached to the guys. After all, Gotham is not Amity Park and without the other dead ones around Phantom felt a little lonely. It was nice to give these poor people a few quiet minutes. Danny’s assistant has warned him many times not to mess with the Court of Owls, but Danny are Phantom and from the first time he met one of them he was planning to lose his temper and beat the boys' bosses to free them.
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Fenton was not prepared to lead the Court of Owls. Even if Danny got his education as a villain he never thought he’d work according to his profession. But leave a whole den? nest? of creatures turned into weapons he could not. Of course, the best choice after defeating the leaders of the Court would be to destroy the entire organization. But Danny couldn’t do that.
Talons were killers, means of intimidation, even if not of their own volition. They will be killed (again) or sent to prison for the rest of their lives. Talons needed safety and a good therapist, not all of this. Danny’s scared, and he doesn’t know how to take care of them, but the others won’t do it. People are afraid of everything different. They won’t care that these dead are just victims, they’ll only see monsters. He could be half-human, but now he has to think like a full ghost. Talons are dead like him. And they have been dehumanized, tortured, used. People can be cruel. To do the right thing, he has to protect them.
It was difficult for Danny to identify likes and dislikes of his new friends because they always had the same facial expression and were taught that they had no feelings. Bullshit. Danny’s parents also think ghosts have no emotions, but they just have wrong theories and do not manipulate them to make ghosts think the same. Well, maybe it’s because they don’t think ghosts can think at all, but still! So, Danny know that number three loves strawberry jam, and number five always steals some of his cereal, and number 11 always gets closer to the music column to enjoy the sound. And he also know that the Talons weren’t fully fed in their organization because they definitely have problems with their digestive system, and he is going to fix it. Vlad said that he had trouble taking human food for only a few months after the portal accident, and some of the Talons were dead for years and still use injecting nutrient solutions. When a Dead Man can’t have a couple of spoons of treats, well, that’s a crime.
He needs to find a way to consult with Frostbite and conduct a full-fledged health diagnostics for his 'minions'. And he needs to settle the paperwork so guys have a legitimate reason to live in the Infinite Realms.
~~~~~ Danny: Hey Jazz, I’m in trouble. When can you come to Gotham? This time I don’t mind hearing a little advice.
Even though Dr Fenton smelled like death and blood all the time, the smell was different. And this difference was enough that something dead inside them swore allegiance to this Owl at their will. Not that they had it, of course. Weapons don’t have free will. But at least pretending to be able to choose is nice.
The new Master was weird, but in a good way. Not that this Talon know more about what is good than any other Talon. Ah, Di- Talon had a headache. Anyway, serving him is right. They all feel it..And feelings matter!! Well, they are not supposed to have them too but… looks like the young owl didn’t mind.
Master was not angry at how Talon № 4 frowned when the master had to pull a bullet out of his shoulder, and he missed Talon's sweet laughter when it saw the battle of Signal and Spice King on TV. The only times he raised his voice to them were when they were trying to threaten people near the master. Looks like this owl wanted to instill fear on his own. Strange. Usually there was always an enemy of the court who had to be hunted down and destroyed.
Danny: See, when you kill people, you do not make it easy for me. First, I will need to examine the bodies and write the report of their death. Second, if their souls remain restless, they will become my problem again. No more trying to get the cashier to have a heart attack. He said they ran out of the product I needed, not that he’s cursing my family for the next millennium. No one wants to see any more angry ghosts in Gotham. Me after a 24-hour shift is enough, okay?
Talons were alarmed. So far the master had shown no signs that he might want to completely break one of the weapons. But what if this owl is planning on punishing them for all their mistakes at once when he’s really angry?
Talon is not supposed to show initiative or empathy. But Talon 12, who suffered an injury in the course of a mission with old owls, has not yet recovered. They inadvertently hid it when the leadership changed. 12 has not yet met Doctor Fenton, and they do not know whether the privileges of medical care are retained now when they belong to him. So far, the Master has been rather careless about their movements and a few of them have slipped away for a while to check on a fellow. They didn’t lie if they weren’t asked about another weapon, right? They shouldn’t be punished too severely when the Owl finds out. Talons were hoping that Doctor Fenton, who was not in a hurry to look at the document of the court, would allow them not to write off the damaged thing. № 12 was an old and experienced weapon and could train beginners even if it has only one hand now.
Well, that was the plan. Talons allowed themselves to become too careless. Terrible mistake. Even the Owl that is usually nice to them remains dangerous. They need to find a way to satisfy their young master. Young Owls always have anger issues, not that Talons can judge.
The youngest Talon shared information that he sometimes had flashbacks of a working red bird who always had a murderous expression until he got to the coffee pot fluid. And it's non-Talon past was never afraid of this bird. The chick could always be calmed with this dark liquid. Coffee is something that will return the master to the favorable mood!
Talons rejoiced at this remarkable discovery and decided to send one of them on a mission as soon as possible to get rid of the potential danger.
Danny: Thanks for the coffee, man. Hey, you also took another drink, judging by the dollars in the check. I'm so proud of you! How it was? Good?
Talon thought for a second and nodded. Yes, it was good. He didn’t drink the drink himself but when a coffee shop employee wrote down his order with a trembling hand, a boy appeared in the door.
This boy, now almost a young man, he was from his memories. Another coffee was automatically added to the order.
On his way out, Talon walked up to the sleeping chick and gave a cup to him. Even without opening his eyes, the bat’s cub sniffed and sucked the drink. Dick chirped with delight and patted boy's head, ignoring the frozen people.
That's a true magic drink which is commanding the minds of the powerful of this world. Yes, it will help them for sure!
Danny: See, Jazz, Dick’s making progress! He went to the coffee shop today. That’s great, isn’t it?
Jazz: First, don’t call him that, we’re still not sure that’s his name and not the way Owls used to insult him.
Danny: Hey, the fact that he hissed when you called him Richard proves nothing. I don’t like being called Daniel either, or, over my dead body, Dan. I have to call him something. They’re all Talons. What are your suggestions? Jazz: We’ll talk about this later. Now back to the coffee question. Danny, did you forget anything when you let Talon go for a walk? Danny: Which one? Jazz: Don’t play dumb! Did you open the news headlines today or not? This is serious! Danny: What? Shit...civilian clothes. I didn’t think he’d wear a combat suit for it. Jazz: Didn’t you give them outfits for everyday use? Danny: Yeah, I did! But they still wear their Halloween outfits. All the time. Look, it’s not my fault they take everything I say as an order. When I asked them to make the tea and our teapot broke, they broke into some guy’s house and stole it. Jazz: Which guy? Did you at least apologize? Danny: One of Hood’s goons. I’m pretty sure he’s already met Dick on patrol, 'cause the first thing he did called Jason and start crying about being followed. Lucky for him Red was at my house that night and went to calm goon down. But I swear to you, Dick was a little shit on purpose. Of all the apartments choose his? Nah, such coincidences do not exist.
Jazz: I could be happy that he’s getting more independent in his decision making but now I feel like I have to offer the poor guy a discount therapy course.
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Damian: Drake, we need to talk. I know about your investigation. You suspect one of the Talons is our missing Grayson. I’m willing to provide some evidence in exchange for… Tim: I don’t suspect, I know that. Damian: What? Where from? Tim: Well, the quadruple somersault was a good hint. And the fact that the Red Hood ran from him through the streets screaming that he wouldn’t take lunch from a damn golden child is also a tip. Damian:...Not a word to my father until we know more, right? I don’t want my older brother thrown in Arkham. Tim: Agree. It’s not like he doesn’t have a memory problem. He wouldn’t have made Alfred worried if leaving was his choice. We need more information.
Meanwhile in Gotham, Alfred aka the only one batfam member with more than one functioning brain cell *on his way to his first grandson and future husband of his sweet angel Jason*.
Danny: Jazz, we need to clean this house right now. Jazz: Since when do you start spring cleaning? Danny: I don’t know how to explain, it’s not a ghost sense, it’s more an unexplained sense of danger. Where’s the vacuum cleaner?
Talon №5 stood in the knitting shop in thought. What color would the little mistress prefer? It should remain useful even if the Owl does not give them direct orders. Knitting a cute sweater for mistress Dani would be a good start. Yeah, that color’s gonna be perfect. And maybe it should stop holding those needles like a weapon, it makes the cashier nervous, and he wants to pay without saving a civilian from losing consciousness.
Danny became a little alarmed when Talon threw himself at the old man standing on the porch. To his surprise, the Briton readily embraced the bird, and Dick let him. Talons who stood behind Danny happily chirped. Making their youngest member happy things always meant something good.
Alfred: Gentlemen, good afternoon. I guess I should thank you all for taking care of my dear grandson. Would you let me come in for a cup of tea?
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pshaven · 4 months
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pairing sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis as your manager, sunghoon has to ensure all your needs are met and that you’re performing at your absolute best. but when your ex turns out to be the director of your newest project, you’re not doing your best. it’s his job to guarantee that this never happens again. (ib the manhwa, muse on fame!)
cw smut (mdni), coworkers(??) to lovers, vulnerability, beomgyu hits on reader, heeseung as reader’s ex, jealous!sunghoon, service top!sunghoon, BIG DICK SUNGHOON, sunghoon tells reader to boss him around (spoiler, she doesn’t), no protection (pls don’t do this), creampie, dirty talk, reassurance, cunnilingus, pnv, sunghoon pussy drunk, feelings are not being discussed, (small) aftercare, lmk if there’s anything i missed!!
wc 5.7k+
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Sunghoon has one job– making sure that you are doing your job.
At your beck and call, he’s always there for you since you started to blow up in the acting industry. He was assigned to you by your agency, and you don’t have any complaints about him. You’ve heard stories of actors and actresses wanting to constantly change their managers and assistants, but Sunghoon has yet to give you a reason to doubt his skills.
He ensures that you’re on time for everything, which is step one of getting in the good books of movie producers and directors. You’ve only grown more with him by your side, and you feel like if he isn’t there for you, you would’ve gone into bollywood.
And you definitely would not be here, right now, on the red carpet with him standing securely behind you as paparazzi take photos of you. Your eyes squint slightly at the bright flashes, never really getting used to the swarm of camera clicks being shoved in your face even after years of experience.
Sunghoon notices your discomfort, and he speeds up his walk to catch up to your side as he brings his arm in front of your face to shield you from the paparazzi. “That’s enough. Thank you guys for your time,” He says, ever so stoic and cold as he bows stiffly before linking your arm with his, leading you inside the awards venue.
Staying with Sunghoon for so long has its perks. He easily picks up your facial or body expressions, knowing when you’re uncomfortable or satisfied with something. You don’t have to voice a single thing with him, if you really didn’t want to. He already knows everything. He knows what you need, what you want.
You like to think that people are jealous of you. Not because of your skills, your talent, or popularity in the acting industry, but of your Sunghoon. You think you got extremely lucky with him. He’s just your manager, but he’s much more than that.
He likes to cook for you, especially after that one night where you randomly said you enjoyed home cooked meals rather than eating out. He drives you everywhere and would drop whatever he’s doing in a millisecond just to take you to the mall. That being said, he’s also your stylist almost. He has shockingly good taste, knows what material or color you like or dislike. You always go with his picks rather than your actual stylist.
So of course, tonight, you’re wearing what he picked out for you. Which undoubtedly, leads to many other actors and actresses staring and it only makes you more confident about yourself, and the man by your side.
You’re aware of the ongoing rumors, albeit not aired to the public, so it’s only being spread to other actors in the industry. The rumors of you and your manager dating. How absurd, how unprofessional! Sunghoon is here for you and your work, only. It’s his job to make sure his actress is doing well and getting everything she wants, no?
This is why you think people are jealous of your Sunghoon. You like to pretend like you’re parading your beloved manager around other actors and actresses since he’s just so amazing– the manager that everyone can only wish for, and you have him in the palm of your hand.
“Ahem… excuse me?”
You turn your head around, looking past Sunghoon’s broad figure. Beomgyu stands there, shifting his weight from foot to foot nervously as he plays with the rings that adorn his fingers. You silently gasp– Beomgyu is incredibly well known, way more than you are (in your humble opinion).
“Yes? Hello,” You smile politely as Sunghoon steps to the side a bit, looking anywhere but at you and Beomgyu conversing. Not that it makes any difference, he’s going to be listening closely anyway. He doesn’t need to look at your body language to know when you want to get away.
“Sorry to bother. Just wanted to introduce myself, I loved you in ‘I Found You’. I’m Beomgyu,” he introduces himself, extending his hand out to you.
Your smile widens at the compliment as you shake hands with him, “Thanks so much! It was my first romance movie, so it was a bit difficult but I’m glad you enjoyed watching it. I love all your works as well… you didn’t even need to introduce yourself to me.” You laugh a little.
Beomgyu chuckles as well. “Ah, well just in case. Don’t wanna seem like an asshole if I don’t. Plus my movies aren’t really to everyone's taste, I stick to a very specific genre…” he trails off as he begins to ponder in thought, “...but I would be willing to try out a romance movie with you.”
You’re caught off guard, your eyes widening subtly and you’re unsure on how to reply. No doubt he’s attractive, but you’re still in your early years and still rising in the charts. Going on dates is forbidden in your contract for now.
But you have your trusty manager, Sunghoon, who clears his throat before leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Let’s go?” He whispers so closely, you can feel his lips barely touching the shell of your ear. A shiver runs down your spine before you nod softly, taking his arm that he offers to you.
“It was nice to meet you. We have to be going to our seats now,” Sunghoon speaks for you so that you don’t have to directly answer Beomgyu's innuendo. He leads you down the aisle of seats, leaving Beomgyu alone at the top.
“Good morning, Y/n,” Sunghoon greets you as you come out of your bedroom, hair still a mess and eyes barely adjusting to the bright sun. “You have a new project.” He points to the folder on your kitchen island, and you groggily make your way to pick it up.
You flip through it, barely paying attention to much other than the title since all the script words looked jumbled up. You place it back down on the countertop as you sit down across from where Sunghoon stands.
“Interested?” He asks you, placing a plate in front of you that has a (too) healthy looking avocado toast and two strips of bacon. You frown at the plate, but you don’t complain as you take the fork to take a bite of the bacon. Sunghoon chuckles at this before turning around and placing another plate next to your sad avocado toast. You happily grin at the new plate of waffles and strawberries, thanking him profusely.
You take a bite of the waffle before answering him. “Sure, I guess,” You shrug your shoulders, too busy with your delicious breakfast to even take note of the plot, directors, producers, the, you know, important stuff.
“Alright, then eat up. I will be back later, I need to take care of some things. Call me if you need anything, alright?” He grabs his coat and keys, but slows down when he sees you look up at him from your meal.
“Where are you going?”
“To the office. I got called in earlier, but wanted to stop by to make you breakfast before I went,” He informs you with a shrug before giving you a (tiny) reassuring smile, wishing you a goodbye. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
A few weeks have passed, which means that it’s time for you to start production of your new project. You’ve read the script and everything, and it was… very interesting. You’re not the main lead or anything, but you play the second leading role. You’ve never been a fan of love triangles or anything of that sort, but after a good read-through and analysis, the writer seems to make this one more interesting.
So you’re intrigued, flipping through the script once more as Sunghoon drives you to the filming location. He looks over at you for a second, “Already memorized some lines, huh?” He’s half joking– you’ve got some weird knack for memorizing lines and improvising, and it’s one of the reasons why you’re such a sought out actress nowadays. Improvisation makes it more natural and interesting, and you get consumed into your roles very easily which makes it easy for you to improvise on the spot.
You huff out a laugh, closing the folder and setting it aside. “Only like, five.”
Sunghoon pulls up to the filming location– a pretty, wide and open lake. You walk up to the set, Sunghoon following closely behind but you suddenly stop in your tracks. He nearly collides into you if it weren’t for his eyes catching your sudden halt.
“Is everything alright?” He asks, concerns beginning to raise as he follows where your eyes are trained on. He has a bit of trouble trying to follow what you’re looking at, but your eyes begin to squint and your nose also scrunch up slightly. Your signs of discomfort.
He places a comforting hand on the small of your back, and most of the time it does the trick.
But this time, it didn't.
“Y/n? Look at me,” Sunghoon says, voice still even and stern but he’s worried as overthinking thoughts begin to flood into his brain.
Your brows furrow and the corner of your lips curve into a slight frown. You’re still not paying attention to Sunghoon, and he’s not having any of it. He needs to know why you’re like this, and he won’t just wait for you.
He grabs your chin, turning your head away from whatever you were looking at. “You okay?” He asks softly now, after seeing your eyes glossy, like you’re about to cry. Never in his years of being your manager has he seen you like this. You look vulnerable, with your wide and wet eyes looking up at him with your brows knitted together.
He wants to eat you up.
“Director…” You mumble out as your jaw clenches. Now he understands– you’re not sad. You’re angry. And for some reason, you’re angry at the director.
He turns his attention to the director that’s grabbing a cup of coffee from (presumably) his secretary’s hand. For the first time, Sunghoon doesn’t understand. He doesn’t know why you’re so upset and angry at the director. As your manager, he always does background checks on whoever you’re working with. He always makes sure you’re working with well-respected actors, producers, and directors. Did he miss something? Impossible.
One look at you makes him want to take you back home.
But as your manager, it’s his job to ensure that you do yours. And in this case, it is to act.
His eyes harden as he squeezes your shoulder softly. “What’s wrong with the director?”
He’s your manager. You need to tell him the truth if you want him to help you.
“My ex.”
It’s like Sunghoon just got slapped across the face. Of course! He feels like a fucking idiot. It’s his job to know your relationships, even before you got into acting. He needs to know for situations like this, but it’s too late now. You’ve already signed a contract to act in this movie, and there’s no backing out.
He breathes out a hefty sigh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” Sunghoon apologizes, but you shake your head before looking back up at him. And like that, your eyes are dry and your face is stoic. This is what he likes about you. You’re professional– you won’t let ex’s affect your acting, even if it’s just for a moment of weakness.
“It’s okay. You didn’t know,” You mumble. You take a deep breath before walking closer to the set, catching the attention of staff, and the director.
“Y/n?” Heeseung gets up from his director’s seat, going up to you with a perfect, pearly white smile. You feel sick inside as he engulfs you in a warm hug that you sometimes miss whenever you’re alone in your bed at night.
“Hi… Heeseung,” You greet, keeping the hug short and sweet as you pull away and step back, your backside meeting Sunghoon’s chest in solidarity.
“It’s really nice to see you again, after all these years,” He begins the small talk, and you bite your bottom lip to refrain from any peak of weakness showing through. “I’m glad our wish is coming true, now. You remember? You, starring in one of my movies, that I’ll direct.”
You feel Sunghoon stiffening up at Heeseung’s words.
That silly promise. That stupid, insignificant promise that you and Heeseung made when the two of you were still dating. When the two of you were still trying to find the path to become a part of the movie industry. What a waste of time.
Five years ago, you wouldn’t believe that you and Heeseung broke up. There was one point in time where it was just you and him, no one else. You had no one to depend on, he had no one to depend on. The two of you just found one another, and it was comfortable.
Unfortunately, you didn’t see a future with him. Therefore, a lot of crying and begging of please, take me back! Give me another chance! were being said that night.
Sunghoon clears his throat to capture the attention of the both of you. “I think Y/n needs to go get her hair and makeup done, now,” He speaks in his usual monotone voice, except this time there’s no ‘pleased to meet you’, or ‘nice talking to you’ this time.
He leads you away from Heeseung, into your trailer where the stylists begin to work on you.
“Does he make you uncomfortable?” Sunghoon asks as the hair stylist begins to work on your hair, your makeup already done. He knows he doesn’t really have to ask this question, but he wants your verbal answer this time.
A white lie, both you and Sunghoon know it, but neither of you acknowledge your fib.
He nods, getting up from his seat on the spare chair beside you. “Do you want me to grab you anything? Coffee, snacks…? I think there’s a bakery nearby or something. I can see if they have your favorite, strawberry croissant?”
What your answer would usually be a yes please!, you shake your head as you purse your lips into a thin line.
“No. Please stay.”
And so he does. He stays with you throughout the entire shoot, not keeping his eye off you. Even during breaks and scene cuts, he’s by your side in a second before Heeseung can even get a word in with you. The day ends slower than you would wish for, but the producer yells that’s a wrap!, and you’re booking it into your designated trailer.
You pack up quickly with the help of Sunghoon before the two of you make your way into his car. But of course, you’re not exactly the luckiest person in the world today it seems like.
“Y/n! Hey, can I talk to you for a second?” Heeseung calls for you, lightly jogging up to catch up to you and Sunghoon.
Sunghoon gives you a look that asks if you want him to make a lame excuse that you have to go and can’t spare any time for Heeseung, but you give your manager a slight smile and a reassuring nod.
You can’t avoid Heeseung forever, especially since you know this project will take at least three months to finish. You should at least get the closure you didn’t get five years ago.
“Hi, Y/n. You’re hard to catch up with,” Heeseung chuckles lightly, rubbing the nape of his neck, a nervous habit of his that you know all too well.
You smile at him, returning a small laugh. “Ah, sorry. Just wanted to go home and take a nice shower, but what’s up?”
“I just wanted to say, um…” Heeseung struggles with his words, biting the inside of his cheek, “I hope we can work well together. Once again, I’m really happy that you're on this project with me. I requested you personally…”
Your smile drops, but you’re quick to pick it back up, but it’s a weak smile. “Thank you, Heeseung. It’s really nice to see you again, after all these years.” You’re quick to dismiss his heartful words.
“Y/n, I’ve, uhm– I really miss you.”
“Y/n. It’s getting late. Are you ready to go?” Once again, Sunghoon is your savior.
You turn your head to Sunghoon by your side, and you nod. “See you on Tuesday, Heeseung,” You bid him farewell, plainfully ignoring his words as you climb into the passenger seat of the car.
Sunghoon shuts the door behind you, turning his attention to Heeseung. He walks up to the latter, and Heeseung subconsciously takes a small step back.
“You shouldn’t say things like that. You’re both here on a project. A job. Keep it professional, for Y/n’s sake, yeah?” Sunghoon icily says, not waiting for Heeseung’s response before he leaves to get into the driver's seat of the car.
He pulls out of the parking lot quickly, and you turn your head to your manager. “What did you say to him? And don’t lie that you didn’t say anything. I saw your mouth moving!”
Sunghoon merely shrugs his shoulders, keeping an arm on the steering wheel and his other on the console. “I told him to keep things professional. I heard what he said.”
You frown, looking away from him and out the window.
“Your acting was not really up to its standard today, Y/n,” Sunghoon tells you informingly, and your frown deepens. You know. You were aware, but to hear him say it makes it hurt your ego even more.
“He’s affecting your acting, isn’t he?” He speaks again, taking your silence as an agreement to his previous statement.
You scoff quietly, but it doesn’t miss Sunghoon’s sharp ears. “You’re asking me, but you’re saying it like it’s a fact,” you mumble, shifting closer to the car door.
Sunghoon frowns at this, a sigh leaving his lips. He doesn’t say anything in return, and the rest of the car ride back to your home is silent.
He pulls up into your driveway, quickly getting out and opening the door to your side. You thank him quietly, hopping out and making your way to your front door. Sunghoon silently follows you inside, locking the door behind him like it’s routine (it is).
You stop in your tracks, your shoulders sagging in defeat but you still have a bit of pride within you, not wanting to turn around to meet eyes with your manager.
“It is my job to ensure that you do your job well. And I failed today.”
He says it so matter of factly, it almost makes you want to snort that he takes this manager position so seriously. Perhaps he doesn’t know how much he’s really done to help you in your acting career.
You spin on your heel, turning to look at him. He takes a few steps towards you, and you stay put in the middle of your hallway.
Sunghoon continues. “I failed, and I’m sorry. I will make sure that this doesn’t happen again.”
You raise an eyebrow curiously, tilting your head to the side, “Oh? And how exactly are you going to do that?”
“Taking your mind off that ex of yours.”
He brings you into a kiss, a soft and quick one to see your reaction.
Maybe it’s the loneliness of the past years since you signed into your contract with the agency, or the vulnerability after seeing Heeseung for the first time in five years, but you feel desperate to feel Sunghoon’s lips on yours again.
So you do so, bringing his face down and perhaps it’s the delusions in your head, but Sunghoon feels just as much, if not more, desperate than you as he deepens the kiss more, bringing his hands up to your waist and pulling you in closer.
This is probably the most emotion you’ve seen from him in the three years you’ve worked with him. He’s grabbing at the fabric of your flimsy shirt, trying to pull you impossibly closer to him. He slips his tongue into your mouth, causing you to moan softly as you entangle your fingers with his hair.
He groans back as he pushes you down the hall, into your bedroom. He’s been in your place plenty of times to know your layout like the back of his hand. He breaks the kiss for the two of you to catch your breath, but he barely gives you a chance to do so as he attacks your neck with his lips.
He’s nibbling at your skin, careful to not leave marks since it would only cause rumors to spread around and make it difficult for your makeup artists to cover up. But it’s easier said than done, as his teeth grazes against your collarbone while he slips the sleeves of your shirt down.
You bite your lip in anticipation, waiting and wanting him to just bite and mark you as his, but it never comes. He goes back to your lips, gently laying you down on your bed and helping you take off your shirt.
“Fuck–” Sunghoon hisses, admiring your bare chest since you had decided to discard a bra for today. “So pretty…” He mumbles, sounding dazed out. He attaches his lips to your pert nipples, his tongue circling around the bud that makes you squirm.
“S-sung..” You whimper out, your hand still entangled in the locks of his hair. He merely acknowledges you, a hum coming out from his chest as he moves on to your other nipple. You’re extremely squirmish, mostly because it’s been too long since you’ve gotten laid, but also Sunghoon’s tongue seems to read your body like a kid’s alphabet book.
“Shit,” He groans, now tugging at your pants desperately, his fingers fumbling clumsily with your button and zipper. “Need you naked for me, all for me.”
You bite your inner cheek to suppress your moan at his words, helping him out with taking your pants off. He impatiently throws your panties onto the floor beside the bed, marking his place between your thighs by kissing down your tummy.
If his intentions were to drive you crazy, it’s working.
“Heeseung ever eaten you out?” He asks suddenly, his low-lidded eyes looking up at you like some predator and you’re his prey for tonight. You bite your lip, slowly nodding.
Sunghoon gives you a curt nod in return. “I guarantee you, I’m much better.”
Maybe it’s the jealousy talking and he’s just letting his mouth run without thinking, but he doesn’t have time to overthink when he dives into your cunt and gets a taste of you. He immediately releases a moan, his hot breath on your pussy making you buck your hips up for more.
He has a job to do, and that is to make sure you don’t ever think of Heeseung again. Heeseung should be the least of your worries when you have to focus on your acting! So he makes it a personal mission, switching between swirling his tongue on your clit and prodding at your entrance.
The teasing drives you wild, wanting him to either pay attention to just your clit or your clenching hole. And like he’s reading your mind, he inserts a finger.
“Ah~! H-hoon, wan’ more!” You moan out, your hips beginning to gyrate for more friction from his singular finger. He grants you your wish, slipping another finger into your entrance and you breath out a relieved sigh.
Your taste could have him between your thighs forever, with you practically humping his face with need. Next time, he’s sure to have you sitting on his face, and he’ll drown happily in your juices.
“Fuckkk…” He moans out, his own hips starting to dry hump your sheets to let his neglected cock get some attention. To see his desperation makes you needier, your arousal spilling from your already sloppy cunt.
He notices you clenching around his fingers, and he takes the time to pull away from making out with your pussy. “You turned on? Seeing me like this? Reduced to putty by your hands?” He’s taunting you, you know but it only makes you moan louder.
You nod repeatedly, his fingers speeding up at your answer. “You taste so good, want you to cum on my tongue… can you do that for me? Hm?” He practically whines, going back to devouring your pussy without waiting for an answer.
He was going to make you cum on his mouth, either way. He feels like a starved man, slurping up your juices and arousal that leak out. Your thighs are a mess, a mix of your slick and his own saliva. He pulls his fingers out and his tongue pokes out, a glob of spit landing right on your clit.
You jolt a bit, and Sunghoon is quick to plant his hands on your waist and thigh to keep you from squirming away. “No, no, don’t move away now, baby. Let me taste what you have to give me.”
His thumb rubs at your swollen clit, but your empty hole clenches around nothing with need. Your hips work itself on his fingers, chasing for more and he watches you with awe. “Looks like you’re the one reduced to putty instead of me, now. You’re ‘bout to cum?” He hums, watching your wet cunt shine from your wetness.
You hiccup as his thumb speeds up and his tongue inserts itself into your entrance. You cry out a moan, hands frantically pulling at his hair as you feel the knot in your stomach tighten. He’s moaning into you from your taste, his own hands having your thighs in a death grip to keep you from squirming away.
“S-sungho–” You begin to stutter, the pleasure beginning to overwhelm your body and take over your thoughts. He already knows, as if he’s known your body for centuries. He nods repeatedly as a signal to allow you to cum while tongue fucking you, the motion only sending you into overdrive.
“Fuck! Oh my goddd~ cu-cumming!” You squeal, and he only presses his face further into your pussy as if his life mission was to soak his face in your essence (it just might be). He retracts when he feels you gently pushing him away, the overstimulation too much for you to handle.
“Shit,” He curses, his tongue peeking out to lick at the corners of his lips, “Could eat you all day and night. Need you sitting on my face next time,” He mumbles, staring at your twitching cunt. You breathe heavily, recollecting your thoughts as you begin to slowly sit up, leaning on your elbows.
Sunghoon raises an eyebrow at you, giving you a weird expression. “What? Is something wrong?” You ask, suddenly insecure as you instinctively shrink down a bit onto the bed.
“You think we’re done?”
Your eyes widen a bit, chest still heaving up and down as you catch your breath. “O-oh, I can, uhm… use my mouth on you?”
His thick brows furrow together. “No.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, looking away for a second out of embarrassment. You thought he liked it, did he not? Before you can even begin to overthink, you hear his belt clanking onto the ground, the zipper unzipping reaching your ears. You snap your head back at his lower half, seeing his hard cock out.
He’s softly stroking himself, his hand holding at the base that only makes his tip look even more angry and red. You gape at the sight, unconsciously scooting up against the headboard.
“Why do you keep running from me today?” Sunghoon tsks, frowning a bit as he grabs your lower calves, pulling you down towards him. You yelp quietly, his strength easily spreading your legs apart.
“Is this okay?” He asks, his tip teasing at your clit and spreading your wetness all over. You nod frantically, your hands grabbing at the sheets in anticipation. He’s definitely bigger than Heeseung, and he was already big in your eyes.
Sunghoon groans as he inserts himself inside your warm entrance, his eyes shutting as his lips part. “God, you feel so fucking—“ He hisses as he continues to go deeper, his eyes opening to watch your expression fall apart just from his cock splitting you into half.
“F-fuck, so deep…” You moan out like you’re complaining, but your legs wrap around his lower waist despite your words. You throw your head back into the pillow, feeling overwhelmed from him filling you up as your eyes screw shut.
He buries himself in you, balls deep as he hides his face into your neck. He chuckles breathlessly, the sensation against your neck making you all the more sensitive and ticklish. “S’cute. You want me that bad?” He’s referring to your legs wrapped needily around his waist, trapping him deep in you.
You nod desperately, his body weight on top of you making it impossible to move your hips against him. He smiles down at you, but his smile isn’t one of tenderness— it’s mischievous, how the corner of his lips curve slightly more upwards.
”You’re the boss of me. Tell me what to do,” He whispers into the nape of your neck, lips pressing wet kisses down your shoulder. You whine, now shaking your head as your mouth parts to speak, but nothing comes out.
Sunghoon’s smirk is now more obvious, enjoying the sight of you going dumb just by cockwarming him. “What? What’s wrong? You’re a smart girl, no? You know what you want. So say it.”
You lick your dry lips, taking a moment to think what he wants to hear. “Want.. want you to make me forget. Make me yours…” You trail off, beginning to get shy but Sunghoon proves you otherwise when a low growl rumbles in his chest.
He grabs your legs from behind him, pushing your thighs down to your chest. You gasp in surprise, his strength making you dizzy as he forces your legs down while his hips begin to thrust into you.
“Finally,” He groans out, hips easily picking up pace, “took you long enough. I was really debating on flipping you over and just make you take it… but this is much better,” he rambles, eyes focusing on where you’re taking him, his cock shining with your juices each time he pulls out.
“Sh-shut up… fast-er!” You cry out, voice breaking when his thrusts become harder, the force of his hips hitting your ass making you moan louder.
“Telling me to shut up now? You’re beginning to act real bossy…” He mutters underneath his breath but does as you ask, lifting his body weight off of you to thrust faster.
Your eyes begin to roll back, your grip on the sheets releasing and immediately flying to his back, your pretty manicured nails digging crescents into his shoulders. He’s panting above you, hair sticking to his forehead as he watches you only get louder.
He lets a whimper escape his lips from your nails scratching at his back, leaning down close to you again. He nudges at your lips, but you’re too lost to comprehend that he wants a kiss as your mouth is left open from moaning and gasping.
Both of your bodies rock back and forth on your bed, the sheets barely hanging from the edge as he presses his lips to yours, muffling your desperate whines. You can’t keep up with his desperate kisses, letting him take control of your entire body and mind.
“You’re close,” He points out, noticing the way your pussy pulsates around his thick cock, each drag of him inside of you pushing you closer to the edge. You nod, your nails scratching up into the nape of his neck as you pull him down for another kiss.
It’s nasty and messy, and it only makes you whine desperately into his mouth as you cum on his cock. You throw your head back, but Sunghoon chases your lips like he’s chasing his own orgasm, his pounding only making you overly sensitive.
You feel him pull out all the way, planning to cum elsewhere but your whines of protest stops him. “Wh—no, no! Inside, please..” you bite the inside of your cheek, and he can never say no when you look absolutely delirious for his cock and cum inside you, chest heaving up and down with fucked out eyes.
He curses underneath his breath, quickly inserting himself back inside you. “Shit.. you’re so hot,” he mumbles, brows knitting together as he picks up his speed again to reach his orgasm. He buries his face back into your neck, his moans so close to your ear that it makes your cunt squeeze around him, arousal still pooling in your lower half.
You scratch at his scalp, his moans becoming louder as he approaches his climax, your cunt gushing around him and the wet squelches letting his hot cum coat your insides. You feel so disgustingly satisfied, moaning along with him as he pants into your shoulder.
The two of you stay like that in silence, catching your breaths, but Sunghoon is quick to recover as he lifts himself off of you. Your eyes are droopy, mind clouding with sleep, sleep, sleep. He smiles softly at you, watching you eventually fall into slumber.
He gets dressed, making his way into your bathroom and grabbing a towel to lay down between your legs so that his cum doesn’t make a mess of your sheets (like he doesn’t need to wash it later for you anyway). He cleans you up slowly, carefully maneuvering your limbs to not wake you up.
He puts your blanket over your naked body and he brushes the hair out of your face, his touch lingers for a second before leaving and getting into his car. He sighs when he gets into the driver's seat, closing his eyes as he mentally reprimands himself.
It’s his job to keep you in check. He’s getting paid to ensure that you act well and to not get distracted when working. But now, it seems like he’s the one getting distracted.
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unsolvedjarin · 8 months
COMPLICATED — prologue
pairing: (fernando alonso x driver!reader) (grid x platonic!reader) — mostly older!grid
summary: you and fernando were known to be the biggest rivals on and off track back in 2012. that rivalry even crossed the line to pure hatred many years ago. but how did that hatred turn you two into the loving iconic couple of f1 you are today?
note: i’ve been dying to write this for AGES. it’s the fic that’s the reason i made this blog. keep in mind however this is just the prologue, so i’m simply setting up the story for where i want it to go. after this mostly social media chapter it gets plot heavy. anyways i hope you enjoy this!!!
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liked by danielricciardo, lewishamilton, and 528,293 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, aussiegrit, jensonbutton, sebastianvettel, lewishamilton
yourusername beach day with my boys! had so much fun pretending to know what i’m doing while surfing (do NOT trust mark when he says he’ll teach you how to surf. he’s horrible.)
view comments
aussiegrit you falling off the board 272872 times was of your own accord, don’t blame the teacher!
jensonbutton mate you fell off your OWN board 272872 times, i think when it gets to that it’s the teacher’s fault
yourusername get his ass again for me jense
fernandoalo_oficial looking great amor! 🥰
yourusername thanks to my amazing photographer 🫶
jensonbutton what about the pictures i took?
yourusername they were definitely pictures!
fernandoalo_oficial posted a new story
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This was not Fernando Alonso’s year. Losing the World Championship by 3 points was not good on his ego nor on his morale, yet here he was.
Everyone was celebrating Sebastian now for having won his 3rd World Championship– but Fernando was angry. Not at Sebastian, but at you. 
You who had gotten first place. 
You who was third in the Drivers Championship and had no chance to pass Fernando on the standings, yet still overtook him during the last two laps. You couldn’t even let him win.
“Good race Nando,” he heard a voice in front of him say. He paid no attention to it.
Getting no reply from him, you scoff and put down your water bottle. “I know you’re mad at me for getting first, but at least have some sportsmanship.”
That gets him to look up and take a proper look at you, post race sweat and your race suit dangling at your hips. He thinks you glow look terrible in this light. Because he was sat on some stairs, you were standing over him, hands on hips with a slightly smug look on your face. 
“Don’t be a sore loser. It’s unbecoming.”
“I could have won the championship. I was three points away— three, and you could not even let me have that?” He gestures wildly. “I know you dislike me, but stealing my championship is far and beyond, L/N.”
He stands up, purposely hitting your shoulder as he walks past you. 
Oh the bastard. He wanted to throw out accusations? Fine. 
“Oh don’t be such a hypocrite. I stole your championship? What good would that even do me? I’m third in the standings, there was no way I was going to catch up to you,” you retort. Fernando was still facing away from you, but frozen on the spot. You knew he was listening. “I went faster because my contract with Mercedes expires this year. I’m losing my fucking seat, I need to prove to other teams I’m worth it. It’s bad enough you’re constantly fucking badmouthing my character to the press, and now you question my integrity as a driver? Honestly, Alonso, grow the fuck up. Not everything is about you.”
A silence befalls the room. Fernando doesn’t speak or do anything, and the seconds waiting for a response feels like minutes. He’s facing you at this point, speechless in his Ferrari race suit that looks fucking great on him. Too bad he’s a shitty person.
You sigh, exhausted. “Nothing?” 
He shakes his head and looks down. Of course. He’s got nothing to say. Resigning, this time you’re the one to walk past him and towards the door behind him. He tries to look at everything else in the room that wasn’t you, the walls, the stairs, the tables, but that wasn’t enough to avoid your exasperated look that he could see through his peripheral vision.
He should’ve done something, anything. Stop you from walking away, tell you he’s sorry, just something. But he didn’t do anything. That was his first mistake.
One of many.
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once again asking if we can change the group name
it’s correct though? But while we’re on the topic of the groupchat can we change the photo
its beautiful whats wrong with you
okay then we’re not changing the group name
MAHK WEBBAH has left world champs + mark
give him a few minutes he’s having a temper tantrum because skysports labelled his name as “Sebastian Vettel’s former teammate”
where the fuck did you learn that
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AUTHORS NOTE: i know some of these are ooc but i had too much fun making the fake tweets 😵‍💫 this is quite a plot heavy fic from here on out, so put on your reading glasses!
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
Your Pretend Boyfriend
paring ✦ Eddie Munson x reader
summary ✦ You back from college, visiting during thanksgiving break. Jason Carver has always liked you the feelings not mutual. So when you catch him harassing Eddie you pretend to be his girlfriend. What happens with your pretend boyfriend? CONTAINS SMUT
word count ✦ 3,200ish
authors note ✦ BRO I’m almost to 300 followers and 5000+ likes omg y’all are tooooo sweeet to me hope y’all enjoy this
masterlist ✦ PART TWO
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
The sound of your someone calling for you takes your gaze away from your phone. Looking up expecting to see your best friend. The two of you had plans to meet at this restaurant to catch up. You were in town visiting during thanksgiving break.
To your dissatisfaction it’s none other than Jason Carver. You groan annoyed knowing where this was headed. You’re parents were close and they always rooted for the two of you to end up together. Not a single part of you wanted anything to do with him. He was a few years younger than you. Also the worst human being on planet earth.
“You visiting for break?” He smiles leaning on the wall where you’re standing.
“Yup.” You say with no emotions, giving your full attention on your phone. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of giving him any attention.
“What brings you here?”
“Meeting someone.” You answer eyes still on your phone, scrolling on something random. Pretending to be busy.
“Who?” He ask curiously.
“Can we skip to the part where you say something nasty, I tell you to fuck off and then you leave me alone?” You spit out, disregarding his previous question.
“We should hookup while your in town, give you some good ol dickin’ down. I’m sure those college boys can’t fuck you like I would.” There it is.
“For the millionth time that will never happen.” You respond, desperately waiting for your friend to arrive.
“Sheesh have you’ve always been such a bitch?” He laughs. When you don’t respond Jason walks off deflated.
You pray that is the end of that. Only for him to find his next victim. A curly headed boy you definitely remember, Eddie. It’d be hard to forget someone like him. Jason hated him, for whatever reason which made you gravitate towards him. You two were never all that close only exchanging hellos in the hallways. Occasionally bonding over your hatred of Jason. More than once telling Jason to leave their group alone.
Just as your deep in thought, thinking about Munson your phone dings. It’s the friend you were waiting for, she’s canceling on you. Her two year olds sick and can’t make it. You sigh out loud annoyed but understanding, typing a quick response.
You’re attention goes back to Eddie and Jason. Eddie was sat by himself, probably waiting for someone. Jason is giving him shit for being at a restaurant all by himself. It crosses your mind for a second and before you can realize how bad this idea is your on your way to Eddie’s table.
“Hey babe,” You smile greeting Eddie, confusion immediately spreads across his face. You mouth ‘just go along with it’ as you sit down next to him, careful so Jason doesn’t see. You plant a small kiss on his cheek, his confusion turns to a grin.
“Hey princess,” His arm slings around your shoulder. The pet name sends a heat through your body, you quickly push that away. You look up to Jason who’s slack-jawed.
“There’s no fucking way.” He whines.
“What?” You ask playing dumb.
“There’s no fucking way you two are dating.” Jason responds.
“We’ve been dating for six months, right babe?” You ask nuzzling yourself deeper into Eddie’s embrace.
“Almost seven.” He smiles, proudly.
“We actually have you to thank for that. Bumped into each other, bonded over our dislike for you. Been inseparable since.” You laugh because Jason looks pissed making this so worth it. He goes to speak but can’t get anything out, obviously frustrated.
“We’re gonna have a quick little lunch. Then head back to his place so he can give a good ol dickn’ down. That’s what you called it right?” You watch as Jason’s eyes go wide, full of pure disgust before running out of the restaurant. Once he’s out of hearing range you start erupting out in laughter, Eddie joining you.
“That was amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so speechless.” Eddie talks catching his breath from laughing so hard.
“I can’t stand him. He’s been up my ass for as long as I can remember. Saw the opportunity and took it.” You respond, looking over to Eddie’s who’s arm still rests on your shoulder. He notices you noticing and pulls away.
“You don’t have an actual girlfriend right? Otherwise this’d be kinda awkward.” You ask.
“Yeah actually I do.” Unknowingly your face falls, upset that he does.
“We met six months ago been inseparable since.” He teases, you roll your eyes realizing what he means. A silence falls over you two and you can’t help but feel like you’ve overstayed your welcome.
“I’ll leave you be. Thanks for participating in my antics.” You smile standing up from the table.
“I just got myself a girlfriend I ain’t letting you so quick.” You turn to face Eddie.
“We’ve been dating for all of five minutes and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever had.” He smiles, motioning for you to sit back down. Your intrigued so you sit down, this time on the other side of the booth.
“Are you sure? Someone’s not gonna show up and be upset I’m here?” You ask, seriously not wanting to impose.
“Don’t worry about it. Plans canceled.” He shoots you a smile before pulling his phone out, typing away for a moment.
“You really don’t have to do that.”
“Hang out with my beautiful older college girlfriend? Whom I only see during school breaks. Or hangout with my friends I see everyday at school? Uhhhh I think I’ll choose my girlfriend.” His words bring a cheesy grin to your lips.
“Okay I guess I can stay and enjoy lunch with my boyfriend.” You sigh, pretending like it’s an inconvenience for you. In reality your happy, your plans fell through and now your sat across from a long haired tatted hottie.
“How old are you? Not trying to catch a case.” You tease almost positive he’s of legal age. Better safe then sorry.
“19.” He responds between laughing at your joke.
Lunch with Eddie was amazing, part of you grateful your friend canceled on you last minute. You feel an instant connection, not wanting the date to end quite yet. The two of you are walking out of the restaurant, hand in hand. Your brain scrambling for an excuse to prolong this date.
“So what was that comment you made about a good ol dickin’ down about?” Eddie asks and almost immediately it’s like a light bulb goes off your head.
“Jason’s been trying to make the moves on me since forever. Just before I joined my boyfriend our date he offered to do that me.” You laugh, you’re not sure where you two are headed just following Eddie’s lead.
“You and Jason, you never?”
“Never ever.”
“That’s crazy. I remember rumors went around about the two of you dating all the time.” He says, processing this new information. Jason Carver wanted you yet you were her with Eddie. He was excited by that thought but at the same time puzzled.
“Started by him. He made my high school experience hell.” You admit.
“Same here.” He sighs, you two reaching his van. Realizing this is where the date either continues or ends.
“Should we keep our story going?” You ask. Noticing Jason sat in his car with his friends, he’s watching the two of you. If he wants to watch, you’d give him a show. Mostly for own selfish desires.
“What?” He asks so you nod in the direction of Jason car full of jocks, watching Eddie’s gaze move from you to them.
“I told Jason we’d have a little lunch and then go your place where’d you give me a good ol dickin’ down.” You cringe at the usage of Jason’s phrase. Eddie’s attention whips back to you because of the words coming from your mouth.
“Gotta make it believable, right?”
“Yeah.” He says. Eddie is hesitant not because he doesn’t want to but because he can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. You push him towards his van, his back hitting it makes a loud thud. If they weren’t looking they are now.
You get closer, closing the gap between you two. Reaching for his hair, running your fingers through it. You had been wanting to do this since you sat at his table. Wishing he’d call you princess again.
“Is this okay?” You ask to which Eddie nods eagerly. Without missing a beat you kiss him. Softly at first, testing the waters. Eddie melts into your touch, his hand reaching around sliding his hands in your butt pockets. He pulls you closer into him, squeezing your ass in the process. Causing you to let out a little gasp surprised by his bravery. He smiles mid kiss only making you want more. The kisses becoming more aggressive, the wetness starting to pool in your panties.
“Get a fucking room, freaks!” Jason yells and then the sound of tires screeching past you two startles you momentarily. You pull away, grinning. Eddie’s eyes are closed, the biggest smile on his face.
“Still don’t think it’s believable enough.” You say, sighing your tone suggestive.
“Really?” Eddie asks, sounding confused.
You roll your eyes, “Your beautiful older college girlfriend wants a good ol dickn’ down.”
“You.. want me to-” He stutters, stopping before you finish for him.
“I want you to fuck me.” His dick twitches in his jeans because of the six words that came out of your mouth.
“Do you want that?” You ask.
“Yes.” He gulps, excited for what’s coming. Hopefully him soon. He opens the car door for you, you climb inside disregarding the fact that you drove yourself here. Your horny brain fogging your mind deciding in the moment you’d figure it out later.
This wasn’t like you, you never hooked up with someone so shortly after getting to know them. You couldn’t help but feel like something about this situation was different. Eddie was different, like a good different.
It’s a very short but also painfully long drive to his home. Eddie’s never been so thankful for his uncle to be out of town, couldn’t of picked a better time to leave him home alone. The drive is mostly silent, filled with music and stealing glances at each other.
As soon as Eddie parks at his home he’s out of the car running to your door, letting you out. He grabs your hand leading you to the front door. Where he struggles for a few moments to find the right key. Once inside, he shuts the door behind you before facing you. His hands press firmly on your ass to lift you, your legs straddling his body. This time he’s the one to initiate the kiss, carrying you to wherever. You didn’t care as long as Eddie was there.
For a moment your startled when he drops you on his bed. Your allowed a quick glance around his room, taking it in before you look up to see Eddie. He’s shirtless now and his shoes are missing. So you follows in his steps ripping your shoes off. When you go to take your shirt off he stops you with a intense kiss before doing it himself, then unhooks you bra exposing your bare chest.
He pulls away to take in the view, “Fuck you’re beautiful.”
Eddie smashes his lips on yours pushing you back into the bed before kissing down you neck only to stop at your nipple. The sensation is enough for you to let out a sweet moan slightly arching you back into him. Mouth still attached to you while his hands are busy unbuttoning your pants, pulling them down quickly along with your panties.
You curse your self for not wearing something sexier but you had no idea this where’d you be today. Part of you embarrassed you haven’t shaved in a while. Your worries are immediately put at ease when he spreads your thighs, letting his head rest between them.
“Beautiful.” Her murmurs before placing a sugary kiss on your clit, sending a shockwave through your body. His tongue begins rubbing against your bud. Without thinking your hands find his hair, pushing him deeper between your folds. Your head falls back, moans leaving you lips. When you think it can’t get any better, he slips a long strong finger in your pussy. Pumping into you the same pace as his tongue that is still toying with your clit.
“More please-“ You whine and Eddie listens adding another finger, stretching you out. Your a mess under his touch. Never once has a man prioritized your pleasure. You’ve become masterful at giving yourself orgasms. The feeling of it being at the hands of someone else unfamiliar. A good unfamiliarity.
“Fuckk- Eddie I’m..” Your words turn into strangled moans, a tightness growing in your stomach. Your breath hitches as you pulsate on his thick fingers, your eyes rolling back as you come undone. Your busy riding out your high but the feeling of his fingers leaving you brings you back down to reality. His laps up your juices one last time before speaking.
“Mm so sweet.” Eddie purrs sucking on his own two fingers that were covered in your juices. They leave his mouth with a popping sound as he sits up in the bed.
“My turn.” You say barley audible sitting up reaching for the button on his jeans. Wanting nothing more than to wrap your lips around his cock. He stops your hands causing you to look up to Eddie, you cant help but pout.
“I don’t think I’ll last long with your pretty lips sucking me off right now. Next time, okay?” You nod smiling at the thought there’d be a next time. Eddie kisses you pushing your head back onto the bed. Only pulling away to pull his pants off and grab a condom from his bed side table. You watch intently as his pulls down his boxers, revealing his cock. You let out a gasp as it hits his stomach, never once had you seen one this big. Eddie smiles at your reaction while unwrapping the condom. Slowly rolling it over the tip of his dick and down the entirety of his hard length.
Eddie gets back on top of you, spreading your legs. He lets the tip rest on you swollen clit before dragging it down to your hole. Slowly, inch by inch you adjust to his size. He bottoms out, you let out a whimper because you’ve never felt fuller. He uses his hands to lift your thighs up so he can get better angle before starting a slow motion. Pumping in and out of you at a painfully slow pace, only making you desperate for him to pick up the pace.
He leans down to your level, his head resting in the crook of your neck. Your chest being flattened by his. One hand rests at the back of his neck, tightening in his hair and the other hands digs into his back as he bucks his hip harder into you. He’s thrusting harder but you desperately need him faster.
“Faster- please.” You say and it comes out as a whine. You get exactly what you want because he pushed up so he can see you before recklessly pounding into you cunt faster than before. He guides your hands so you can hold your own legs up, using his free hand to find your clit running circles around it sloppily.
“How does that feel princess?” He grunts between thrusts, his finger still playing with your bud. You can’t help but smile at the pet name. He finally said it again. When you don’t respond he rocks his hips harder and you start feeling that tightening in your stomach again.
“Fuck.” You cry out, knowing you’re about to cum for the second time. The sensation of your pussy throbbing on his cock as you get closer to finishing nearly sends him over the edge but he’s determined to make you cum again. His fingers work more tactically on your clit which is just enough to have you gushing on his dick.
“Good girl.” He groans. Not even a second later he’s cumming inside the condom, inside you. Suddenly wishing that thin little layer of latex wasn’t there so you could feel his seed coat your inner walls. He kisses you sweetly one last time before pulling out and falling next to you. His chest heaving up and down as he tried to catch his breath. You rest on his chest, listening to his heart beat.
“Was that believable?” He asks, out of breath.
“What?” You ask confused to drunk on dick to comprehend.
“Was that a good ol dickin’ down?” He laughs. You roll your eyes before nodding your head, yes.
The next two weeks we’re spent under and on top of Eddie Munson any chance you got. Dreading the fact that when break came to an end you’d have to head back to school. It was a three hour drive from Hakwins. You just got Eddie and couldn’t imagine having to let go so soon.
Eddie was so grateful Wayne left for the two weeks during thanksgiving break. He had a whole two weeks of uninterrupted time with you. He tried hard no to think about the fact you’d be leaving him in a short time. If he thought about it too much he’d upset himself, usually pushing the thoughts away focusing on the time he did have with you. So to say he was surprised when you invited him to have thanksgiving dinner with your family would be an understatement.
When you found out Eddie would be spending thanksgiving day alone you didn’t hesitate to invite him. Your heart felt for him when he admitted he never really celebrated holidays with Wayne always working. You were determined to make it perfect.
Explaining to you parents why this random dude was coming over on thanksgiving dinner was the hardest part. Only for Eddie to introduce him self as your boyfriend of seven months. They look at you like ‘what the fuck’ to which only caused you to laugh. Cursing yourself for not get your stories straight. More than happy to continue the bit but wished you could of prepared better.
“So how’d you two meet them?” Your father asks curiously. You both say different answers. You blurt out high school and he says you two met at a restaurant.
“We’ll we went to high school together, knew of each other. Ran into each other at Danny’s Dinner and hit it off.” You explain further, their faces telling that they don’t believe anything coming out of your mouth. They never question any further, thankfully.
Todays the dreaded day. The day you leave for college. You had already said your goodbyes to your family. Deciding what time you had left would be spent with Eddie. The two of you had just finished fucking for possibly the last time. Your brain had been heavily worried about what would happen when you left. It’s now or never, you need to ask him.
“I’m gonna miss you.” Eddie sighs. You sit up to face him, he’s laid in bed looking at the roof.
“I’ll miss you too. What are we doing?” You ask, trying to read his reaction. He looks at you with a smile.
“I don’t know about you but I’ve been faithfully committed to you for the last seven months.” He teases.
“I’m being serious Eddie.” You groan.
“Me too, princess.”
“So we are-?” You start to ask and he interrupts.
“Yes we are. Your all mine.” He kisses you.
“All yours.” You melt into his kiss, fucking one more time.
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undiscovered-horizon · 11 months
Who am I to complain? - Nikolai Lantsov x Reader
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[emotional and verbal abuse, unhealthy parent-child relationships]
SUMMARY: When your parents come to visit, Nikolai finally understands why you've never been keen to talk about them. Being the King and your husband, he isn't afraid to defy them.
>>Grishaverse-inspired playlist<<
"Have you listened to anything I've just said?"
Nikolai shakes you awake from being lost in thought. You look away from the insanely interesting skirting board you had been staring at for the past ten minutes. He’s watching you with raised eyebrows, awaiting an answer.
"I…” you hang your voice. At first, you wanted to just apologize and ask him to repeat himself but then a sense of dread sprouts in your abdomen - one you can’t quite put a finger on but it takes over your entire mind. “I'm sorry, Kolya. Please, don’t be mad at me, I’m sorry,” you plead, gradually speaking faster.
“I’m not angry,” he states firmly. “But I am growing concerned for you, love. What’s going on?”
“I just keep thinking about my parents' visit,” you confess while rubbing your forehead. “Ever since the letter arrived, I can hardly think about anything else."
"Yes, I've noticed you have been a bit absent for the past few days. I assumed you were going to talk to me when you're ready. Are you?"
"They're not bad people," you begin in a strange tone that makes Nikolai doubt your words right away, "and they've only done their best to give me a good life. Despite that, they have a tendency to bring out the parts of me I've grown to dislike." 
“Isn’t that what every family does?” he jokes in hopes of easing your visible discomfort. But his good humour is gone the moment you look away with a sombre expression stuck to your features.
Nikolai always considered himself exceptional at self-control but something about your sadness makes him gradually abandon reason. As you forlornly stare into the darkness of your shared bedroom, he’s ready to stick feathers to his clothes and pretend to be a peacock just to make you laugh.
“Love,” he calls out softly. His hand rests between your shoulder blades. “You’re the queen. If you want, we can call their visit off right away.”
“That would be a little rude, no?” you ask in a meek voice.
“It’s a lot more crude to make you cry.”
“I will be alright, really,” you reassure him. That miserable look on your face is slowly creeping away. “It’s just three days. Maybe they’ve changed or they’re a lot better than I remember. I’ll be okay.”
Nikolai is unsure whether you’re trying to convince yourself or him but he doesn’t push. Despite not believing your clumsy words of reassurance, he trusts you - he’ll step in only when things really get out of hand.
Nervousness and excitement often feel the same and one might even fool themselves into believing that the mortifying tension in their muscles is actually an impatient thrill. Today, however, you don’t even try playing a little trick on yourself. The more you think about your feelings, the more you’re convinced that it’s not even nervousness but fear. Still, you don’t quite understand why exactly your parents’ visit elicits such awful emotions from you.
The door to the throne room opens and a man in a white and gold livery steps inside. He quickly walks halfway to the dais with the throne. 
The servant bows as deep as he can and clears his throat before loudly announcing: “Presenting her most royal Highness’s, the Queen’s, mother and father.”
Only then do your parents emerge from the hall, walking hesitantly through the spacious throne room. Two guards are following them and your father spares them a confused glance every few steps. But the armed men only usher him to keep walking and not turn his back to the king until allowed to do so.
Feeling fear exploding in your chest, you grip Nikolai’s shoulder even tighter. Sitting on the throne, he has to look up to meet your eyes.
“Calm down, it’s going to be alright,” he says quietly. A reassuring smile curves his lips. “You said it yourself.”
As though he is a Heartrender himself, his words make you relax. You take a deep breath and let go of his shoulder. At that moment, Nikolai stands up to greet your parents as their son-in-law first and only then the king of Ravka.
Right then, your mother quickly runs up the few steps leading to the dais. Her face is red and a deep crease now separates her eyebrows.
“I have to wait to be announced to see my own daughter?” She’s barely containing her outrage. “Nonsense!”
“I’m royalty now, mother,” you explain calmly. Your voice almost doesn’t shake.
“And I’m still your mother, the one that gave birth to you. Do I not get any benefits from that?”
Maybe some people don’t actually change.
“I’m afraid you don’t.”
“Is this gold?!” your father exclaims in shock as his hand reaches for your heavy necklace. “So because of you most of Ravka is starving?”
Too occupied with the jewellery, your parents don’t notice the palace guards stepping forward to arrest them for such an accusation aimed at the queen. Nikolai spares them a meaningful look, waving them off. In his heart, he agrees with them.
“Actually, this is a gift from a businessman in Kerch,” you say quietly. Suddenly, you remember why you’ve never visited them since your wedding.
“Still, don’t you think this is a little distasteful?”
Your mother places her hand on your father’s shoulder. “She’s always been vain, darling,” she reminds him.
You’re not a queen anymore - at least you don’t feel like it. All of the gold, silk and jewels are gone and you’re back to being a scared, little girl with hay stuck in her hair. Tears sting your eyes.
Whatever you do is wrong. All of your efforts are underwhelming. Maybe they’d be happier if you weren’t there.
"You're crying?” your father asks with a hint of disgust in his voice. “Oh, don't be so sensitive, you know we’re only joking!” He’s still holding your necklace in his fingers, admiring the glistening crystals. Standing so close to you, he lowers his voice significantly to appear inconspicuous but Nikolai manages to pick up his calloused words. “Pull yourself together, this is embarrassing.”
As she usually does, your mother brings the attention back to herself. “She can be a bit much at times, so I hope you’re a patient one!”
The guards exchange questioning looks, silently asking one another if they should intervene this time. Most of the time they follow Tolya and Tamar’s steps but they’re left to their own devices on this day as Nikolai ordered the twins to take a day off. Perhaps it’s for the best - they’d surely escalate this already uncomfortable situation but it’s only because they care.
“I’d say it’s quite the opposite,” Nikolai answers, unaffected. Despite his speaking to your mother, he’s looking into your eyes. “I can never get enough of her.”
“For most of her life, I thought she’d never get married!” your mother continues. She’s gripping your arm with much more strength than her appearance suggests. “Men don’t like them independent, stubborn and opinionated.”
Nikolai’s polite smile doesn’t falter. “Three qualities of an excellent Queen.”
Your mother laughs obnoxiously. “Just wait a few years, dear.” She pats his shoulder. The guards look between themselves again. “You’ll be quick to send her off just like we were!”
Both of your parents laugh wholeheartedly while you and Nikolai exchange knowing looks. Now he understands why you have been so uneasy lately. This is going to be the longest three days of his life.
The perplexity continues as your mother suddenly places her hands around your waist, examining your torso in great detail. A sour expression forms on her face.
“Oh, honey, you’ve let yourself go,” she says in a worried tone. Her eyes trail the curve of your physique up until she looks at your face. With a serious glint in her eye, she advises you under her breath: “You can’t get fat and slobby if you want to keep the king.” 
The man who announced your parents appears again but this time he walks all the way to the stairs leading up to the throne, although doesn’t dare climb them. His facial expression borders on emotionless and serious as though he’s more of a marble statue rather than a servant.
“Your most royal Highness.” The man bows deeply. “The room is prepared.”
“Excellent.” Nikolai uses the opportunity to cut the awkward conversation short in a diplomatic way. “Escort our guests to their chamber.” 
“Right away, мой царь.”
When the butler disappears around the corner with your parents apprehensively following him, Nikolai looks at you with a grim expression. 
“Are they usually like this?” he asks, disapproval hiding between his words.
“They’re worse at home,” you answer with a shrug. A lot of terrible feelings and thoughts you were convinced you had left behind are coming back and you’re unsure how to handle that.
“You’ve put up with this kind of disrespect for your whole life?”
“It’s not disrespect, just…” you hang your voice looking for the right expression, “tough love. They don’t mean any harm.”
“Don’t mean any harm?” he repeats in disbelief. “They’ve been here for fifteen minutes and they are yet to say something nice to you. Neither of them even asked whether you’re doing alright.”
A short, troubled sigh leaves your lips. Your fingers trail the golden embroidery decorating his kaftan. “I’m married to a dashing, handsome king and live in a palace. I think they know I’m doing well.”
His hand gently grabs yours, keeping it against his chest. “As much I like flattery, especially coming from you, you can’t pull wool over my eyes, love. It’s not a matter of knowing but principle. Remember our wedding? The guests kept asking how you’re doing so much, you kept saying you’re perfectly fine before they even got a chance to ask.”
The memory elicits a chuckle from you. Yes, everyone seemed to be preoccupied with making sure you were happy and satisfied. It came to such a point, you yelled at Nikolai’s cousin ‘Yes, I’m fine!’ before she gave you a weird look and asked if you wanted some vodka mixed with your champagne. Truly, the only royal thing about Marina is her ungodly fortune but maybe that’s why you’ve grown to like her a lot - she’s down to earth and easy-going.
Nikolai squeezes your hand in a gentle, reassuring manner. “Just say the word and I will personally throw them out.”
“Kolya!” You gasp at his offer but it quickly turns into laughter. “They’re my parents and your in-laws!”
“They also refuse to show care and respect towards my beloved Queen.”
That mellow, loving look in his eyes nullifies any annoyance you might feel at his stubbornness. You pull your hand out of his grasp and place it on the side of his face. Consciously or not, he slightly leans into your touch. “I appreciate your concern.” Not minding the guards in the room, you’ve grown used to their constant presence, you peck his lips shortly. “But they have just arrived. You’ll warm up to them.”
Nikolai doesn’t answer at first. He only reconnects your lips, kissing you deeper, more desperately. When you feel his hands coming up to your waist, you lean away from him. For a moment, you swear you can see a grimace of dissatisfaction on his face.
“Be decent,” you reprimand him but the wide smile you wear so well rids your words of all seriousness.
“You started this.”
“And I will finish if you play nice.”
Nikolai takes a rather long step back, away from you,  just to make a point. He’s standing with his hands behind his back, an excited grin on his face. “You make an exquisite diplomat, you know that?”
“I learned from the best.”
The time for dinner came faster than you wanted it to. Anxiety bubbled inside your chest again. Still, you continued trying to soap up your eyes with thoughts that maybe when they sit across the table from a king, they’re going to withdraw their little jabs at you. As they say: Hope is the mother of all fools. And you’re about to learn that.
Nikolai raises his cup with wine. “A toast to our beloved Queen,” he announces in an official tone. Out of the corner of his eye, he spares you an adoring look. “Without her, I’d be a lonely, perplexed king. May we not know the world without her.”
To your horror, your father decides to join him. “May she get a grip and come to her senses.”
The dry wine tastes even more bitter as you take what’s supposed to be a celebratory sip. What if he’s right about you? It’s only the beginning of the evening and you already wish you can miraculously vanish or, worst case scenario, just run away. 
You’re about to take a bite of the roasted pheasant on your plate when your mother looks at you with raised eyebrows. She points her fork between you and the plate. “Should you really be eating all of this?” 
You don’t answer her. Whatever you say will only egg her on. Get a grip, you scold yourself and clench your fist to push fingernails into the sensitive skin of your palm. The pain is distracting, grounding.
 "You know, sweetheart, you're not getting any younger,” your mother continues. She always does that - throwing poignancies one after another and seeing what sticks. Now, when she’s literally the mother of the queen, she’s even bolder than before.
“Don’t interrupt me.” She points her knife at you. “All I’m saying is as a wife, especially the queen, you have only one duty and you shouldn’t wait with it. Things will only get more difficult as you age.”
Nikolai gives your mother a bright smile. “Have no worries,” he cuts in. “We’re not waiting.”
You almost drop your fork. Flustering people is definitely one of his strategies but must he really involve your sex life in his word games? Although mortified at his bluntness, you must admit it works - your mother’s face is about the same shade as the roasted tomatoes on her plate. She casts her eyes downwards, poking at the food in front of her.
The air is filled with awkward tension but Nikolai doesn’t seem to mind in. In fact, he looks quite proud of himself. You, on the other hand, aren’t as good at putting up a believable front.
“So,” you begin in hopes of easing the atmosphere”, how are things back in…” You hang your voice. You were about to say ‘home’, only to realize that it would be an honest lie. The little town where you grew up hasn’t been home in years. “...Tamboyevka?”
“Oh, you know,” your mother says as she makes a dismissive wave with her hand. “Same old, same old. Cattle and field, nothing interesting to someone of your sort, I presume! There’s never been much use of you anyway.”
Listening to your mother’s condescending words, you push your fingernails further into the skin of your hand to distract yourself from the feeling of shame that continues to grow inside your stomach and pull you down with it. Maybe the marble floor will swallow you whole in the next few minutes and all of this will be over.
Then you feel Nikolai’s warm hand sneak between your palms, breaking up your painful distraction. He leans towards you ever so slightly and whispers:
“I’d much rather you pinch and scratch my hand than hurt yourself.”
You look at his concerned face. Words of reassurance, ‘Don’t worry, I’m alright’, nearly push past your lips when your father chimes in, continuing the conversation.
“But your brother, he bought some land down south,” he announces with excitement.
“More land?” you ask. “Ha barely manages with what he already has.”
The memory of your brother’s tired, grey face flashes before your eyes. Every time you see him, he looks even sicker than before as though he never sleeps or eats, only works in the field. He even collapsed on one July day and your parents kept saying that this is a sign of an honest, hard-working man but you weren’t as quick to call a man throwing up everything he eats ‘healthy’.
“You know how he is, always helping others.” Your mother is beaming with pride as if she’s the one doing the farming. “His crops feed two villages and it’s not nearly enough for him! Said he wanted tomatoes and citruses.”
Then it hits you. It’s not a revelation in any way but rather something you don’t think about too often - most of Ravka doesn’t get fruits in winter, especially the ones growing in warmer climates near the Shu Han border. And you not only can easily get it even when snow covers the grassy fields but you’re essentially fed it. Like that one time, you shared a tangerine with Nikolai while sitting in front of a fire, talking about unimportant things.
Despite your mother sitting right in front of you, her voice echoed in your head as though she’s a phantom haunting your thoughts and not a real person: Selfish. Spoiled. Entitled. Ungrateful. People starve because of you.
You focus on Nikolai’s warm, rough hand that’s still holding your own. The pleasant sensation is gradually grounding you, pulling you out of your head and into the present moment.
“What for?” you ask as casually as you can, not giving in to the spiralling thoughts. It still feels like you’re underwater, desperately gasping for air as your lungs burn. Squeezing Nikolai’s hand, you break the surface of the vicious tides trying to drown you in panic and shame.
Your mother, on the other hand, appears completely oblivious to your plight. “Some child told him they’d like oranges and he couldn’t say no. He’s wonderful, truly. A living Saint! What a blessing to call him my son. You should take a serious cue from him, young lady.” She waves the tip of her knife in your direction again. “But enough about your brother. What do you do when you’re not wasting time? Lay around and smell nice?”
“Well,” you swallow nervously, already knowing that she won’t be satisfied with your answer, “I meet a lot of people, take correspondence, travel across the country or read if I find the time.”
Nikolai must notice the telling crease of disappointment between your mother’s eyebrows. He joins the conversation under a skilful facade of a proud, boasting husband. “Don’t sell yourself short, love. Our Queen,” he puts strange stress on the title, “has started a scholarship for disadvantaged children, takes the time to teach young girls sewing, foreign languages and arithmetic.”
“That’s quite useless, isn’t it?” your mother looks between you and your father, not acknowledging Nikolai’s presence. She keeps stabbing the roasted pheasant on her plate with a fork as though there’s still life inside the poor poultry. “Shouldn’t you try harder?” she hisses at you. “If you continue being this lazy, the whole kingdom will fall apart! What will our neighbours say then?”
Nikolai suddenly gets up. He’s still holding your hand but you can’t be sure whether he’s doing that on purpose or if it’s just an unconscious reflex. The candlelight from the crystal chandelier cascades off his face, pronouncing the clenched muscles of his jaw - he’s angry and barely holding it in.
“Our meeting at this table is adjourned,” he announces in a firm voice. “This is beyond unacceptable. I have overlooked your transgressions simply because of your affinity to my wife. Still, I am disheartened and disappointed with the way you address your queen in her own home. The guards will escort you back to your chambers.”
You hear your mother and father trying to argue and protest, saying something about you being ‘too proud’ and ‘forgetting your place’ but you’re so dumbfounded you can’t make out the details. The guards lead them out of the dining room through one of the tall pairs of doors. When they close behind them, everything goes silent - the brick walls muffle any turmoil your parents might be causing.
Suddenly, your throat constricts. It’s hard to take a breath. Has it always been so hot in here? The tips of your fingers tingle, blood never reaching them.
He threw them out and you didn’t say anything. If they didn’t hate you before, they surely do now. You’re a disappointment, not their child. They haven’t done anything wrong, after all. You’re no good, useless, ungrateful, dramatic.
Suffocating with panic, you run out of the room through a different pair of doors, across the dining hall from the ones behind which your parents had recently disappeared. You hear Nikolai’s footsteps behind you but they are muffled by the noise of bloodflow ringing in your ears.
“Hey, talk to me,” he calls out in a soft voice. You turn around to look at him. His hand is almost at the height of your shoulder but it momentarily drops as though he just backed out from touching you. “What’s going on?”
For a man as smart as him, that’s a really stupid question.
“Why did you do that, Nikolai?” you snap at him.
His eyebrows furrow slightly. A gasp of disbelief brushes past his lips - he clearly thought the two of you were on the same page. “They were insulting you over and over again. I couldn’t just sit and listen to that.”
Truly, you should have expected that. He’s been adamant about standing up to your parents from the very beginning. Still, you’re angry that he just had to be stubborn and do the one thing you explicitly asked him not to do.
“What happened to laugh at insults? Isn’t that your own advice?”
“It is.” Nikolai finally finds it in himself to place his hands on your shoulders. “But I found myself unable to remain collected when the bitter words were aimed at you.” His palms brush against your dress and the skin of your neck until they’re cradling your face.
“I can,” you state firmly. “You should have let me handle this, I’m used to this.”
You escape his loving grasp and he lets you. Walking forward away from him, you’re not quite sure where exactly you’re heading. ‘Away’ would be a lovely direction but quite impossible when you’re confined to those four walls of marble and gold.
“You shouldn’t be,” Nikolai calls out after you.
Suddenly, you halt. You look at him around your shoulder. “What?”
“You shouldn’t be used to being treated like this,” he says in a defeated tone while walking towards you again. “They just keep putting you down, humiliating you. You’re not even slightly upset about that?”
“Of course, I am but…” you hang your voice, finally questioning your own feelings towards your parents. “It’s unfair for me to be angry with them. Ungrateful. I never went hungry or cold. They gave me medication when I was sick and made sure I went to school. Every year they’d give me something for my birthday. Neither of them has ever raised their hand against me. They’ve done all they could to give me a good life. Who am I to complain?”
“You’re the Queen,” he drones the word. His hand holds the side of your face again, thumb lovingly brushing your cheek. “People say your name in the same breath as the names of all the Saints. When I don’t know what to do or what decision to make, I always ask myself what you would do. And I’ve never once regretted that. There are important people who have agreed to my invitation only after hearing that you’ll be there too. You change everything. So you get to be angry when someone refuses to see that. I know you can take a few mean words but I don’t want you to.”
For a moment, the two of you stand in comfortable, intimate silence. Your absent gaze is stuck to the floor as you’re pondering his words. Whenever you’re about to accept that maybe, just maybe, you’re doing something good and important, the voice of your mother echoes inside your head: ‘Vain’. But Nikolai wouldn’t lie to you, would he? At least not in those circumstances.
“Can you keep a secret?” he speaks up quietly, bringing your attention back to him.
“Don’t tell me you put a wild racoon in my parent’s bedroom,” you joke, surprising yourself at your newly-found humour.
He scrunches his nose. “Alright, can you keep two secrets?” The echo of the empty halls carries your bright laughter. “To be honest, I wanted to marry you the moment you argued with me about stealing that merchant frigate in Kerch.”
“I could tell,” you answer with a slow nod. “You had a really stupid look on your face, all dazed and absent. In fact, you wore the same one on our wedding day.”
Nikolai’s lips turn into a playful smile and he’s about to say something definitely smart and smooth but a servant interrupts him:
“Your most royal highness,” she says nervously as she curtsies, “your mother wishes to see you. She seems thoroughly upset, if I may say so.” Judging by her fearful, wide-open eyes, she must have gotten a taste of your parents' hurt ego.
Anxiety once again floods your mind. Maybe you should go, apologize and pray they won’t go on a tirade about ‘raising you differently’. But then you hear Nikolai inconspicuously but meaningfully clear his throat.
‘You’re the queen’, his voice echoes in your head. A queen doesn’t cower and bow her head, does she?
“Tell her I don’t take visitations tonight,” you order the servant.
“Right away, моя царица.” She can’t hide the waver in her voice. Judging by her already fearful demeanour, she can guess quite well what will happen the moment she relays the information.
Yes, you will have to warn your parents that they actually can’t hurl insults at your servants. It’s going to be challenging, yes, but this newfound confidence is a ferocious beast, driving you to own up to the title of the queen - not in the way your mother and father want you to but in a way that you need to.
“Oh, one more thing.” The girl immediately stops and turns around at the sound of your voice. “Make sure they don’t leave their wing until either of us says so. I don’t want them wandering around my home.”
“Of course, my Queen.”
The servant bows again and leaves the two of you in a rushed step. Nikolai waits until she disappears around the corner to let his hand drop to the small of your back. He leans in close, indecently so. “I love it when you get all commanding,” he whispers against your neck.
An airy laugh leaves your lips as he pecks the soft skin behind your ear.
мой царь [mo-ee tzar] -> my tsar/king
моя царица [mo-ya tsa-ree-tsa] -> my tsaritsa/queen
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can i ask for leona with birds of paradise + tulip?? am a sucker for the lion man
(I only do one flower per request!)
Leona Kingscholar: 
Birds Of Paradise - giving a gift to the other person that they’ve always wanted. 
You don’t think you’ve ever lived like this before.
When you rolled out of bed you were greeted with the sunrise, the silky sheets sliding off your body as you planted your feet on the warm floor.  You could hear some hustle and bustle despite the early morning hours in the palace, a little smile coming to your face at how lively it seemed at all hours of the day. Leona might have disliked his home for his own personal reasons but it hadn’t taken you long to grow fond of it, his brother and sister-in-law being quite welcoming to the person that brought Leona back home.
You had fights about this before, about how welcoming his home was despite the rumors that might be whispered throughout. You tried not to ignore Leona’s feelings but when you remembered your own home, the overbearing dread you felt every time you stepped foot in your house when you were sent home from NRC during holidays, you just couldn’t wrap your head around it. But you hadn't seen the dark side of the palace, of being royalty, and you couldn't pretend to know even as his future spouse.
You’re lost in your thoughts, trying to hide from the ghosts of your pasts, the sound of your parents’ voices drilled into your head. Despite such a good start to the morning when Leona had gotten into another tiff with his brother, it had reminded you of all too unpleasant memories. Leona himself needed a moment to cool off and you had let him go do so, finishing out the lunch though it was an extremely strained one after the shouting match. Before either Fareena or his wife could address you, you scurried from the room, feeling like being alone yourself.
You don’t remember details as much now, it’s like your childhood is a black hole with only a few spots here and there that you could look back on. You settled yourself somewhere you could feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and yet these memories still sent a chill through your body, rubbing your arms in an attempt to get yourself together. It had been so long since you’d felt this dagger of anxiety lodge itself in your chest, afraid to remove it in case it caused you to bleed out. Your fingers dwelled over your heart, urging it to slow down for just a moment, wanting to simply catch your breath.
“What are you up to?” You feel a flick to the back of your head and are surprised to see Leona looking down at you, an eyebrow raised. It was nearing dinner and you always went on a walk with Cheka to get some of his energy out before you all ate together, but you had been notably missing from his routine.
Cheka had pouted to Leona about it, and his sister-in-law had confided that you had left lunch rather upset. She had her own worries and, since the relationship was new, she wasn’t sure what the right thing to do was or else she would have followed you. Leona knew what was on your mind even if you had never specified your own memories; the way you argued with him about his own family situation had let him in on precious details that you couldn’t seem to speak aloud.
“You’ve got that little brat worried about you, and I don’t want to deal with it. Let’s go back.”
“Just need another few minutes.”
“Mm.” Leona flopped himself down beside you and then in another practiced move rested his head on your thigh, eyes sliding shut. “I’ll wait here.”
This was one routine you’d never grow tired of, hand resting on his chest, thumb rubbing soothing circles into his skin. You could truly lull him to sleep if he wasn’t on high alert from your sad mood, trying to formulate a plan to lift your spirits.
“They like you more than me,” He stated coolly, an abstract fact that you don’t think is quite true but it might be how he sees it. You let out a little laugh, patting his cheek playfully.
“Don’t say that. They love you, you’re family.”
“And you will be too.”
He wasn’t wrong, after all, your wedding date was set in stone and your calendar was filled with endless appointments for a variety of wedding activities. The king and queen had been more than happy to inform you more of their culture, wanting you to know of more of their traditional dances that were performed at weddings as well as getting a traditional outfit made that suited you perfectly. They had done everything they could to make you feel welcome, like part of the family, never acting as if you were a burden despite how busy they both must be.
“I’m your family now.” Leona’s eyes suddenly opened, his hand reaching up to hold your face. “I won’t be letting you go easily. Remember that.”
A lifetime ahead of you with a new family, people to fill in those blank spots in your memories. A family who wanted to know you, who loved you unconditionally, who would create new memories with you that you’d want to recall. Leona himself had been the one to suggest moving back home first before finding your own place in the world, and you were thankful for it. He might not entirely understand you either, or your desperation for a family to call your own, but he still brought you here to be around them.
Leona had given you the gift of security, a family to call your own, and you couldn't be more grateful for him.
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jwirecs · 1 year
Recommended NCT Fics of April 2023💖
hello, hello! here are my nct recs of april! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Give Me The Greenlight || @fadedncity​​​ 🔞💕✅
↳ (this is just the teaser and i have like the full fic in my likes being ready to read SO I AM READY TO READ THE ACTUAL FIC)
Glow Ups || @jaeholic​​💕✅
Late || @ncityavenue​​​💕✅
↳ in which, Mark's late to his first class and you're stuck "alone" in that class without him.
Monochrome || @sundaysundaes​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ Lee Donghyuck once believed in the concept of soulmates—how fate would connect a red thread from one lover to another, in a form of dreams and memories. That was how his parents met, that was how they claimed their happiness, and he wanted nothing more but to live his life the way they lived theirs. Until one day, as he sees her slipping away from his hands, he has no choice but to stop believing entirely.
One, Two, Three || @cherryeoniis​​💕✅💯💯
↳ In which you devise three different ways to get your best friend to fall in love with you, but things never really go quite as planned.
This Is (Not) Easy || @mrkis​​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ getting into a friends with benefits situation with your all time best friend was so (not) easy
Trust Me || @springseasonie​​🔞💕✅
↳ you just got out of a relationship, but for some reason, Haechan can't wait to tell you he likes you. It's not that you don't feel the same, but your mind isn't exactly in the right place after the breakup. But Haechan's words make you feel so good and so secure, that you just have to indulge into what could be.
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All Bark No Bite || @jjsneo​​ 🔞✅
↳ lee haechan is the most annoying man you’ve ever encountered. but that doesn’t mean you don’t find him hot; and maybe that’s why he has you flat on his mattress one night at a random frat party.
Hate Me More || @springseasonie​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ You really dislike Mark and you're pretty sure he dislikes you too. Ever since he came to the camp last year, he's been nothing short of a headache to you. And now you're forced to work with him this summer, and his mission is clearly to piss you off.
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[4AM] || @ihrtnjm​​​💕✅
↳ jeno find you working when you shouldn't be.
Morning With Haechan || @sleeping-sirens​​​💕✅
↳ to be very straightforward, this was inspired by his ig live in hongkong.
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Lucky Number Seven || @paintmebare​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯💯💯
↳ When your less than lovely cousin makes a jab at you, you finally snap and tell her that you're dating her ex-boyfriend (even though you haven't spoken since high school). Johnny agrees to play the role of your boyfriend, though the longer you pretend to be in love, the more you realize you might actually be crushing on him.
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[11:56PM] || @gyeomsweetgyeom​​​💕✅
↳ (theres no summary buts this is cute)
Binding Bonds || @jaedore​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ Being the daughter of a top fashion brand, an arranged marriage isn’t what you’d expect coming out of your mother’s mouth. Especially when she says that it’s with Jung Jaehyun, the son of the CEO who owns one of the biggest trading companies. Of course he’s a heartthrob, a ladies’ man, and prince in the media, but in reality, he’s a royal pain in the ass. Your patience, emotions, and sanity is tested when you’re forced to share a life together. Will it crumble to the ground of the empire you’ve build or will there be a change of heart?
Dad!Johnny || @outro-jo​​​ 💕✅💯
↳ you overhear a cute conversation between your husband and daughter
Failed Confessions || @mayaflowerxs​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ The five times Jeno failed to confess & ask you out and the one time he finally found the courage. Or, in which Jeno embarrasses himself multiple times until he finally manages to do things right.
Johnny: The Dominant || @notnctu​​ 🔞✅💯
↳ Johnny knows just the way to entertain you when you’re bored.
KDRAMA || @ningningsdream​ 💕💔✅💯
↳ “why do yall act like you’re in a kdrama?”
Staring + Dreamies || @yongislong​​​ 💕✅
↳ when you catch the dreamies staring at you
Wingwoman || @haechwrites​​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ mark has trouble pulling girls. he also has trouble understanding girls. this makes sense when he asks the best friend of his crush for help when it's blatantly obvious she's actually in love with him.
"You Want Me So Bad” || @yjwfav​​💕💔✅
↳ mark has been your life-long sworn enemy. from snickering when you scored lower than him to personally telling the teacher you had plagarised in your history essay, you couldn’t be blamed. you had every reason to dislike him, so why do you notice things such as the unique curve of his lips to the way his eyes crease when he laughs. why do you feel like vomiting your heart out at the sight of him? it’s because you’re sick right? right??  
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My First and Last || @lysyuta​💕💔✅
↳ tied together by a school project, y/n and jisung work together and become close. but what happens when they find out that they’re on rival dance teams?
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Coffee Shop Date || @jjsneo​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ After being stood up for a date several times at the small coffee shop that your friend-of-a-friend Renjun works at, he sits down with you to keep you company after closing hours. But talking isn’t exactly what he has in mind. (i say this could fall under the s2l category, like does it not??? i say it does.)
Hits Different || @neowinestainedress​​​🔞✅
↳ nobody ever got under your skin, not until Haechan came in your life and changed everything.
Learning Languages || @tonicandjins​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ in which you're an exchange student and donghyuck teaches you the essential korean phrases you need, and eventually how to fall in love with him
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Bf!Hyuk When You Want To Become A Stripper || @haekisses​💕✅ 
Drunk Texts With Doyoung || @phoxphenex​💕✅
 “He’s Gone, You Can Come Now” On The Dreamies || @doyozen​​​​💕✅
NCT Dream Reaction When You Don’t Pick Up Their Phone Calls! || @hugs2doie​​💕✅💯
↳ (i need to make a fake text section..like i really do the amount of fake texts that i have read in the month of april is outstanding i did it.)
Texting 127 “Meow” || @phoxphenex​​​💕✅
↳ (listen their fake texts got me giggling in the middle of the night man, that must mean something. a. im either lonely or b. im easily amused.)
Texting The Dreamies “Asking/Bringing Home A Pet” || @ohmygs-blog​​💕✅ 
Texting The Dreamies “Calling The Dreamies Babygirl” || @ohmygs-blog​​​​​💕✅
Texting The Dreamies “How Much Do You Like Me” || @ohmygs-blog​​​​💕✅
When Dream Tries To Cook You Dinner || @phoxphenex​​​💕✅
Do check out all of the other NCT Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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seungkwansphd · 2 years
i think i need to shoot you
pairing: jeonghan x reader wordcount: 6.2k summary: so you’ve figured out how to get along with jeonghan. so what?! everyone at the office doesn’t need to know. it only gets in the way of life occasionally and it’s not that bad, right? genre/themes: fluff, smut, secret relationship at work, rivals to lovers (kinda), maybe some angst? basically i love jeonghan & yn and just want them to be kinda bickering but happy.
a/n: this is the pt2 to we get along infamously. i found it a little challenging to keep their tension, so i hope it was worth the wait and that y’all love it too :)
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    You chewed on the inside of your lip as you stared what you hoped looked like daggers at Jeonghan. He was wearing the black button down that you had gifted him last week and you were imagining how efficiently you could take it off of him, but you were also at the office so that was a nonstarter. Grumbling, you turned reluctantly to your monitor and tapped angrily at the keys.
“You okay?” your coworker, Vernon, looked at you with slight concern.
“I’m great,” you smiled at him with just your teeth and he shook his head at you, amused.
“I actually thought you and Jeonghan were getting along better lately, but I guess I was wrong,” Vernon mused.
“Vernon…I need you to know that I would never,” you placed your hand on your chest, acting aghast. “To my last breath I will curse his name.” You wondered if you were overdoing it, but Vernon didn’t seem the type to notice.
    Jeonghan looked down to hide his smile as he listened to you pretend to dislike him. It should probably bother him more, but you were going about it in such an obtuse way that he found it terribly endearing. He’d never let you know, though. No, it was much more fun to tease you about it later.
[redacted]: ‘are you hungry? should i grab you lunch while i’m out for my client meeting?’
[yn]: ‘plz & ty!! where are you going?’
[redacted]: ‘i’ll send you a link to the menu, just lmk’
    You did a little happy dance in your chair as you peered at the menu on your phone screen and made your choice. You eyed Jeonghan surreptitiously as he left for his meeting, you really had done a good job with the shirt.
“Should we grab lunch? I don’t have another call for an hour,” Vernon turned to you.
“Oh, I-, uh,” your brain stalled as you tried to think of a reasonable response. “I’m not hungry. My mom’s bringing me lunch,” you malfunctioned slightly. “I mean my stomach hurts so my mom is bringing me soup.”
“Oh…that’s nice of her,” he replied, but you could clearly tell he found your response odd. He didn’t press, though, and simply left to find some lunch for himself. Once he was out of sight, you rushed to text Jeonghan again.
[yn]: ‘nevermind, please bring me some soup instead’
“Clam chowder?” Vernon did a double take when he saw the soup container on your desk. “Is that helpful for your stomach?”
“Mhm,” you had to answer simply to prevent yourself from bursting out laughing. At this rate, Vernon was going to report you to HR for being unwell.
“How did your client meeting go?” you asked Jeonghan as you chopped up onions.
“Good! They said they’re happy with the progress and are considering bringing a second project to us too,” he smiled, pulling pork out of the fridge. He set it down for you and moved to boil noodles for the night’s jjajangmyeon.
“That’s so good, Hannie!” you beamed at him.
“Hn,” he nodded. “Did you enjoy your soup?”
“No,” you groaned, “I panicked when Vernon asked about lunch so I told him my mom was bringing me soup,” you laughed, still embarrassed at your inability to think on your feet.
Jeonghan burst out laughing as he finally made sense of your weird lunch order. “I see,” he nodded slowly, “I guess that’s the downside of people at work not knowing, huh?”
“Yeah,” you pursed your lips as you fried the black bean sauce in oil.
  Jeonghan watched as you thought, trying to read your expression. He was ready, at any time, to go to Minghao and find out what paperwork he needed to file. You weren’t quite there, but that was okay. He could be patient. You were worth the wait.
“Mm, I overheard something interesting today,” Jeonghan remarked as he helped carry dishes to the sink.
“What’s that?”
“This developer was telling Vernon how she would curse my name until her last breath or something like that?” he raised one eyebrow at you as he caged you in against the countertop with his arms.
“Oh th-that’s crazy,” you stuttered, flushing at his hungry gaze.
“Especially because I really haven’t given you anything to curse about,” he leaned forward, breath tickling your ear, “Not yet at least.”
“Oh?” you squeaked, “Please elaborate,” you tugged at his shirt eagerly.
“With pleasure,” he laughed, grasping you just under the jaw to pull you into a kiss before popping you up onto the kitchen countertop. “Just so you know, you’re in for a long night.”
“Well fuck,” you weren’t able to stop yourself from cursing.
  Jeonghan ran his fingers up your inner thigh, the material of your leggings dragging just slightly at his touch. He pressed two fingers against your clit as his other hand held you open to his firm and direct pressure.
“Jeonghan!” you gasped, head falling back, hair spreading across the kitchen countertop.
“That’s good, I want you to be loud tonight. If you’re going to curse my name, I want you to mean it,” his lips curled up as he worked his fingertips, pressing circles into you at a medium pace. He could feel you soaking through the fabric of your leggings, which always spurred him on.
“Hannie,” you squirmed against the countertop, simultaneously overwhelmed and wanting more. You clutched at his wrist, but he didn’t relent until you were frustratingly close.
“Stay put,” Jeonghan ordered before wandering off. You wondered what fresh hell this would be as you waited. “Is this okay?” he asked when he popped back in, a blindfold dangling off of his index finger.
“...yes,” you nodded after blinking a few times. Jeonghan asked you to get undressed before sliding the blindfold over your eyes gently.
“Okay?” his gentle voice asked, to which you nodded. “Good.”
    He guided you into the bedroom, laying you back gently on the bed. The cool air pebbled your nipples and the deprivation of sight made your pulse race. Jeonghan watched intently as your fingers spread across the covers, orienting yourself. He stepped out of the bedroom again as inspiration struck and you laid on the bed, listening to him shuffle around. He returned shortly and trailed the fingertips of his left hand across your skin. The pressure was quite light, almost ticklish, and made you squirm under him. If you could’ve seen him, you would’ve seen a look of pure adoration as he watched the way your muscles jumped and twitched at his touch. He almost felt bad when he lowered the ice cube against your nipple. Almost.
“Hannie!” you jolted, almost sitting upright as you registered the freezing sensation. “Fuck!” your whole body clenched, hands gripping the comforter. Jeonghan grinned, holding the ice against you for just a few more seconds before pulling back.
“Mm, you seem to like that,” Jeonghan’s brows raised, seeing the way you were glistening.
    You nodded, ears tuned in, trying to follow his movements around the room. Somehow knowing what he had at his disposal made the anticipation even more blissfully agonizing. You gulped audibly when you heard a now familiar buzzing kick on.
“Hannie, I’m sorry I said what I said!” you groaned, cursing your past self, knowing his penchant for torture.
“Are you tapping out?” Jeonghan asked, unable to read you properly with the blindfold on.
“...no,” you whispered sheepishly. It was a fine line between pain and pleasure and Jeonghan had such a skill at walking it.
“That’s my girl,” he patted your cheek condescendingly before he placed the vibrator just off-center, lengthwise against you. Your strangled cries and the way your hips hitched stroked his ego like nothing else he could even imagine. He continued, alternating between ice cube and vibrator, until you were begging desperately.
“Hannie, please,” you cried.
“Jeonghan, please!” you repeated yourself, eyes squeezed shut behind the blindfold.
“Go ahead,” he nodded, bringing the toy to sit squarely against your now swollen clit. You let out a loud sob as your body shuddered and an orgasm rolled through you. “Another,” he insisted, keeping the toy planted as you continued to squirm. “Han, Han, Hannie!” you gasped, clutching his forearm desperately as another and another rolled over you mercilessly.
“Louder. I don’t think we’re done until you run out of breath,” Jeonghan snickered at you. 
“Hannie, I can’t, no more!!” you eventually squealed, tapping insistently at his forearm with two fingers. Jeonghan nodded, recognizing your signal for release, and pulled away. He pulled off the blindfold and gathered you into his arms, spooning you from behind, and stroking your hair reassuringly.
“So good, so good. Thank you for indulging me,” he murmured appreciatively against the top of your head. You relaxed, melting into him and beaming under his praise. You adored the way he took such care of you.
“What about you?” you asked, turning your face towards him and rolling your hips gently against him.
“Are you sure you’re up for it?” he asked, knowing he had already asked for a lot.
“Mhm!” you nodded, “But maybe instead of fucking the living shit out of me, you could be a little gentler?”
“Of course. I’m multi talented after all,” he laughed. You rolled your eyes at him as he ground himself against you. He finished undressing and pulled your back against his chest before sliding into you.
“I don’t think anything beats having you inside of me,” you sighed dreamily, twining your fingers with his as you pushed back against him.
“You’re such an angel at times,” Jeonghan remarked at the way you were able to work him up so easily. With one arm wrapped around your waist, he stroked into you, deep but at a leisurely pace. The way you wrapped around him made his brain feel like a melted slushee in the best way. “Fucking christ,” he cursed, arm tightening around you.
“So good, so good,” you moaned appreciatively, “Will you cum in me?”
“I can indulge you in that,” Jeonghan chuckled, trying to stay composed, but his voice cracked slightly which ruined the effect just a bit.
“Fill me up,” you begged, “Deep inside of me,” you babbled, not really caring what kind of embarrassing shit came out of your mouth as long as you got what you wanted.
“You-, you’re-, fuck,” Jeonghan tried and failed to reprimand you before his hips bucked, shooting his load deep inside of you. You giggled, always proud when you were able to make him the one at a loss for words. He clicked his tongue at you weakly, more than spent.
    You blinked slowly, trying to mentally orient yourself as you woke up. That’s right, you had stayed the night with Jeonghan, which was why everything seemed out of place. Turning, you couldn’t help but grin as you saw him, still asleep to your side. He was drooling slightly, his hair was defying the laws of gravity, and you weren’t sure if he’d ever looked cuter than this. Glancing at the clock, you let him continue to sleep for as long as time would allow.
    The pair of you moved through the morning with ease. Brushing your teeth side by side in the mirror, making coffee, and helping him pick out a shirt. It was a good thing you liked him so much, otherwise it would’ve been sickening.
“You’re really not going to eat?” Jeonghan looked at you, almost horrified.
“I don’t usually get hungry until later!” you waved at him, sipping your coffee.
“You should eat,” he grumbled, but dropped the subject for now. Grabbing his plate, he sat down next to you, tugging your chair towards him. Grinning, you hooked your right leg over his left, enjoying the closeness. The morning had passed quickly, but you had to admit it was nice to start the day with Jeonghan.
“Do you want to go to happy hour?” Jeonghan asked you as you walked towards the office building together.
“I was planning to, unless you had other thoughts?” you nodded.
“No, just curious,” he shook his head, “Do you want me to fall back a bit so we can walk in separately?” he offered, eyes scanning the area for coworkers.
“That’s okay,” you shook your head , “We can say we ran into each other on the sidewalk.”
“Okay,” he smiled at you, maintaining a professional distance as you swiped in.
“Morning, dearly beloved!” Minghao greeted you happily when his eyes landed on you. His eyes flitted to Jeonghan before his brows lifted just slightly.
“Morning Hao,” Jeonghan waved to him before everyone piled into the elevator.
“Everyone coming to happy hour today?” Minghao asked, observing the two of you out of the side of his eye. You tolerated an atypically small distance between yourself and Jeonghan and hadn’t actively picked a fight yet. Interesting.
“Yes, you know Seungkwan will beat our asses if we don’t,” you laughed genuinely.
“This is true,” Hao nodded, “Ride over together?” he asked you as he stepped out of the elevator.
“Of course!” you nodded. You could feel Jeonghan’s eyes on you, but you resisted the instinct to turn to him as there were still others in the elevator and walked to your cubes in silence.
    A few hours into the day when you returned from a bathroom break, you spotted an out of place object on your desk. Cocking your head to the side, you realized it was an egg kimbap with a sticky note placed on it instructing you to ‘eat’.
“I’m-, are we late?” you turned to Hao with a confused expression as you walked in on an already drunk Seungkwan singing incredibly loudly.
“I-,” Hao stopped in his tracks, slightly surprised, “It’s only six thirty.”
“How long have you been here?” you turned to Hyemi.
“Since five thirty,” she flushed, “It’s been a lot.”
    Your eyes flitted to Jeonghan, who shrugged defeatedly. He sat on the couch nursing a beer while Jae and the interns talked at him about something or the other. You could tell he needed extraditing, but weren’t sure how to manage it. To top it all off, Seungkwan’s voice permeated your brain and made it even harder than normal to think through it.
“Narcissistic, my god I love it!~”
“Let’s get a drink and then figure out how to wrangle these cats,” you laughed with Minghao before searching out some soju.
“Did something happen? Or is he stressed? He is way more drunk than usual,” you whispered at Hyemi as she poured shots for you and Minghao.
“I think he’s fighting with Seyoon?” she guessed, already flushed high in her cheeks.
“Ah,” you nodded. That made a lot more sense. Sipping quietly, you took inventory of the room. Seungkwan had momentarily surrendered the mic to someone else, Jae still clung to Jeonghan like a moss to a tree, and Hyemi was…making eyes at Changkyun? From finance? “Um,” you turned to Minghao, jerking your head subtly at the pair.
“Interesting,” his eyes lit up, “Very interesting.”
    Jeonghan watched you watch the others. A big part of him wanted nothing more than to go home and take you with him, but he could already tell that you were committed to a night of being the mom friend. When your eyes finally met his briefly, his brows quirked up just slightly before anyone could notice and he delighted in the smile that lit up your face.
“Okay, everyone know how they’re getting home?” Minghao helped to herd the small crowd out of the establishment. A chorus of yeses rang out and he nodded, somewhat satisfied.
“Okay, subway gang follow me,” you announced and the interns fell in line behind you and Jeonghan like a group of ducklings. In lieu of holding hands, you hooked your pinky into his until he reached his stop.
“Yoon Jeonghan,” you held your left hand up in front of you, eyes wide and voice calm, as if you were negotiating a hostage situation. “Jeonghan, please,” you implored.
“I’m so sorry, but I think I have to shoot you,” Jeonghan grinned mischievously, his paintball gun trained carefully on you.
“I’ll make it worth your while if you don’t,” you stepped forward, tongue tracing your lips in a way that you knew your boyfriend found incredibly distracting. He didn’t shoot, so you took another step and grabbed him by the tactical vest, pulling him in. He couldn’t help it. Confused that you were doing this during work hours, his grip on his paintball gun slackened and his arm dropped, making him the perfect target for Hyemi to shoot in the back.
“You!” he pulled back, eyes narrowed accusingly at you as he touched the neon green paint dripping down his back, “Oh you’re done!” he pointed at you with a threatening chuckle before walking towards the bleachers where the other out players were.
    You laughed it off, running towards Hyemi for a victorious high-five before setting off to find your next target. You scanned the bleachers and noticed that Changkyun and Mingyu were still at large. Noted.
“How did you do that?!” Hyemi asked, high on the rush of taking down the Yoon Jeonghan. “I thought he would’ve shot you right away!”
“I have my ways,” you laughed, turning to her. “Shall we go get your man? I know you guys just recently started dating, so I don’t know if you have the stomach to betray him just yet.”
“Apparently my cat, Natto, prefers him to me, so Changkyun is dead to me as of now,” Hyemi turned to you. A laugh burst through your lips when you saw her deadly serious expression and you nodded firmly before setting off to find him.
“Okay, let’s go!” you pumped your fist, breaking into a jog through the obstacle course.
    Jeonghan fumed on the bleachers as you and Hyemi carried out your mission. He wasn’t actually mad, of course, but his competitive nature got the best of him at times. Even more than that, however, he was surprised at how attractive it was to find out that you could be just as ruthless as him when it came to games.
“Ya, Mingyu!” he gestured to one of the junior developers when he spotted him.
“Yeah?” the large man loped over.
“YN and Hyemi are going for Changkyun, so tail them. You should be able to take one or even both of them out while they’re focused on him.”
“I feel like I’m not allowed to take your tip since you’re out,” Mingyu hesitated.
“Don’t care. Do as I say,” Jeonghan waived off his concerns and pushed him towards the field.
    Mingyu shrugged and crept through the course, keeping an eye out for you and Hyemi. He ducked behind some netting when he spotted you cornering Changkyun, as Jeonghan had described. Taking aim, he fired off a shot, taking you out of the game. You shook your finger at your boyfriend as you approached him on the bleachers.
“Why do I feel like you had something to do with this?” you rounded upon him, suspicious.
“Whatever do you mean?” he asked, a picture of innocence, which more or less confirmed your original thought. You reached around him to grab a bottle of water. “I’m not gonna lie, that was kind of attractive,” he leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“You’re terrible,” you flushed, stepping away from him bashfully.
“Not yet, but I will be later,” he whispered under his breath, eyes full of dirty promises.
    Reminding yourself that you were at a work event, you turned away from him for fear of overheating.
“We were right not to let YN and Jeonghan be on the same team,” Vernon laughed as he grabbed a fresh water bottle. “Just separately, they’re both menaces. Can you imagine their combined powers unleashed upon us?”
“I actually think I rank YN higher on the menace list than Jeonghan right now,” another one of your teammates, Miseon responded proudly to Vernon. “She did manage to coordinate Jeonghan’s takedown, after all.”
“Yeah, how did you manage that, actually?” Vernon wondered aloud, fixing you with a confused stare. Jeonghan had been extremely well positioned before Hyemi had managed to hit him. It didn’t make a lot of sense.
“Keep underestimating me, Vern,” you crossed your arms as you looked on at the remaining players with interest, “That’s how I like it.”
“Hannie?” you called, realizing it had been a moment since you’d last had eyes on your boyfriend. Poking your head into a few rooms, you jumped slightly when Jeonghan appeared next to you, a finger gun pointed at you. You were a little confused, but played along.
“C’mere you traitor,” he ordered with a straight face.
“Traitor? We weren’t on the same team!”
“Traitor of my heart,” he pulled you against his chest, acting wounded.
“Tch,” you rolled your eyes, but allowed yourself to be folded into him.
“I didn’t realize you were so competitive,” he looked down at you, his expression surprisingly soft and full of admiration.
“You didn’t?” you narrowed your eyes at him in confusion, “A year and a half of working together hasn’t made you realize that I’m competitive as hell?”
“I meant more like in games,” he clarified.
“If I’m being honest,” you cocked your head to the side to try and organize your thoughts, “It’s really just something about you that brings it out of me. I’m generally quite easygoing.”
“Hn,” Jeonghan blinked. He supposed it made sense, he did seem privy to a much more difficult side of you than most others were. “I have an idea,” his eyes lit up.
    Your eyes widened at him, a bit surprised at how excited he seemed.
“What do you think about cockwarming me?”
“Oh?” you blinked rapidly as you considered it. One the one hand, yes. But on the other hand, no.
“I’m just curious which of us will cave first,” Jeonghan explained, knowing it would egg you on.
“Well it won’t be me,” you bluffed, “So sure!”
“You’re sure?” he smirked at you amusedly.
“More than,” you rolled your eyes at him. Jeonghan scoffed. His toxic trait was that he actually liked it when you acted like this.
    Moving to the bedroom, you and Jeonghan decided on a TV show before climbing into bed. It took a few tries, but ultimately you decided that spooning on your side was most conducive to the task at hand. Jeonghan pulled himself flush against you, sliding between your thighs and tugging the sheet up.
“Not fair!” you protested as he rolled his hips and his shaft grazed you, coating himself in your wetness.
“Sorry, you’re right,” he patted your head before sliding into you, bottoming out easily. You exhaled sharply as he filled you up. Maybe your confidence had been undeserved. “You haven’t watched any more of this without me, right?” he asked as he pressed ‘play’.
“No?” you tried to clear your head. You felt so full.
    Jeonghan’s arm was looped around your waist and fingers laced between yours. You were surprised at how still he was able to be as you watched most of an episode. Towards the end, you started to get a little bored. Ever so slightly, you started flexing around Jeonghan. You hoped to be almost imperceptible and you thought you were achieving that until the episode ended and he put it on pause.
“You’re misbehaving,” his voice was gravelly as you felt him twitch inside of you.
“Am I?” you wondered aloud. “Were there rules?”
“No, I guess not,” he shrugged, realizing you were right, and pulled you down against his hips, hard.
“Han!” you scowled at him.
“Hm?” he hummed lightly as he continued to drive into you without ever pulling out.
“Not fair,” you bemoaned as you realized your inner thighs were completely slick.
“I don’t really feel like playing fair,” he tsked at you, hand moving to tease the underside of your breasts. Your nipples puckered at his touch and your mouth hung open in disbelief. You’d fucked up, truly.
  You folded at the waist, as if it would provide you some relief, but it didn’t help even a little. Jeonghan continued to grind into you, stroking you deeply as little whimpers and cries escaped your lips.
“You could end this,” he goaded you, laughing cruelly, “Just be a good girl and cum for me.”
“No,” you frowned, even though you wanted nothing more than that. You were still holding onto your stubborn pride, but your grip on it was slipping.
“I can hear how wet you are. I can feel how close you are, baby,” Jeonghan continued to needle at you with his words. “Just cum.”
    Your eyes squeezed shut as the orgasm ripped through you. A mangled cry managed to escape your throat as you clenched hard, triggering his own orgasm. If you’d had the presence of mind, you would have heard him cry your name out, but you weren’t exactly all there.
“I really do hate you,” you grumbled, after pulling yourselves together.
“You’re just mad you lost,” he fixed you with a shit eating grin. It was big talk for a man whose bones felt like jelly.
“Hao, I genuinely need to file a formal complaint about all of these workplace bonding activities,” you griped to your favorite HR manager. Today was community service day, so a group of you were headed to a local food pantry in embarrassing, matching t-shirts.
“I am once again asking you to remember that that is above my pay grade.”
“What’s the point of being your friend if I can’t use it to get the things I want?” you leaned against him affectionately.
“Yeah, the ROI is dismal, isn’t it?” Minghao laughed.
“Oh! Actually that reminds me. I have something to ask you later, in private.”
    Minghao’s brows disappeared into his hairline, but he nodded. His curiosity burned, but the volunteer coordinator arrived to walk the group through the tasks for the day. It was a pretty straightforward boxing of groceries to be distributed later. You settled in between Seungkwan and Hao and were responsible for adding carrots. Jeonghan worked at the end of the line, next to Vernon, on the opposite side of the table.
“Hey y’all!” a new voice arrived in the room, “I’m Kim Yejun, the executive director here, and I wanted to stop in and thank you all for your time today! We really appreciate the extra help.”
    The group went through introductions around the table. You thought you were imagining it, but it seemed like Yejun’s eyes lingered on you just slightly longer than needed. You realized Seungkwan had picked up on it too when his head turned towards you, eyes like saucers.
“May I join you?” Yejun approached your table during the lunch break.
“Yes of course!” Seungkwan nodded furiously, pushing things away dramatically to make room for the executive director.
“Thanks,” Yejun laughed, taking a seat almost across from you. “How are you finding things today? Any questions about our organization?”
“It’s been great,” you nodded at him.
“I do have a question,” Seungkwan raised his hand, “How did you come to be in this line of work?”
“Me? Ah, well, actually when I was young, my family was not always food secure. We relied on food pantries, like this, and when I got older, I wanted to make sure I could give that positive experience to others as well.
“That’s so admirable!” Seungkwan fawned. “And do your family and children ever come to help out as well?”
“Ch-children? I’m not married, I don’t have any children,” Yejun blinked.
“Ah, I see,” Seungkwan nodded, clearly scheming.
“How about you all? Do you have families?” Yejun asked, eyes meeting yours with interest.
“Ah, well,” you stammered, not sure how to answer. You weren’t single or interested in this man, but no one at the table knew that and it wasn’t really the time for a big reveal.
“She’s single,” Seungkwan filled in the gap seamlessly.
“Ah,” Yejun nodded, not really listening as the others shared their marital statuses with him as well.
    Jeonghan eavesdropped on your table’s conversation, chewing angrily. He trusted you, but that didn’t make him wish that he could vaporize Kim Yejun any less.
“You okay, man?” Jae noticed Jeonghan’s sour mood.
“Yeah, just ready to be done with this,” Jeonghan grumbled.
“Same, this is so lame. We should go out afterwards and pick up chicks! I’m a great wingman,” Jae boasted, wanting to stay in Jeonghan’s good graces.
Jeonghan wanted to bang his head against the table. There was almost nothing he wanted less than that.
[yn]: ‘should I still come over?’
[🥰]: ‘please’
    You smiled, tucking the paperwork that you had gotten from Minghao into your bag. You were glad Jeonghan still wanted to see you, as he had seemed a little moody earlier. You couldn’t blame him though, Seungkwan really had been pushing the YN & Yejun agenda today.
    Jeonghan stewed as he waited for you to arrive. The day hadn’t been completely horrible, but it had certainly snapped things into perspective for him. He had genuinely been okay waiting for you to be ready to go public, but today had dislodged an ugly, jealous piece of him that he did not like at all. He wanted desperately to bring the topic up with you, but was also worried about pushing you too too far and too fast. What a dilemma.
“Hannie!” he heard you calling as you opened the door. For a split second, he forgot everything that had been bothering him as you ran over to him excitedly. “I brought you snacks!”
“Ooh!” his eyes creased into a smile as you climbed onto his lap , kissing his nose sweetly. His hands naturally found their way to your hips as you tossed off your bag and settled in.
“Sorry about today,” your lips drew into a straight line as you played with his hair.
“Sorry?” he cocked his head to the side at you.
“Seungkwan was on another level today. I don’t imagine it was fun for you to see him try to set me up with Director Kim?”
“No,” he shook his head, but the knot in his chest loosened and was replaced by relief.
“Actually, that’s why I was a little later than you today,” you held up a finger before reaching for your bag to rifle through it. You retrieved the handful of papers and started reading from them, “There shall be no policy prohibiting peer coworkers from dating, although HR must be notified via form 0526-15,” which you presented to Jeonghan with a flourish. “What do you think? I know we’ll have to give up our tough, intimidating personas, but-”
    Jeonghan cut you off with a kiss, before beaming at you. “You have no idea how ready I am to file that damn form,” he enthused, almost exhilarated.
“Oh!?” your eyes popped open, “Really?”
“Yes, you dunce,” he tapped you on the forehead impatiently, “You’re mine, I want people to know.”
“Oh,” you flushed. It wasn’t like it was a total surprise, but to hear him say it so simply made your heart swell.
“I also want Seungkwan to repent. He’s already a little scared of me.”
“You’re a big softy though,” you giggled, kissing across his jaw contentedly. You felt Jeonghan swallow as his hands tightened around your waist. 
“Oh yeah?” he queried, and you could already feel him hardening against you. You grimaced at his bad joke, but couldn’t help the way your body reacted so readily to him.
“I retract-, redact,” you tried to say, but his hands were guiding you along his length and you lost the ability to form thought. “Help,” you whimpered, clutching the front of his shirt as your clit throbbed.
    Jeonghan smiled. You were so responsive to him, it was one of the many things that he had come to adore about you over the past months.
“Princess can’t think straight anymore?” he teased, pulling your chin down to meet your eyes as he let you work your hips by yourself.
  You pouted, pupils dilating as your mouth fell open with little gasps and whimpers.
“My princess,” he corrected himself, grinning up at you. You were so pretty when you were speechless for him.
“Yours,” you nodded, loving this soft, possessive side of him.
“Take this off for me,” he tugged at your shirt lightly. You were more than happy to comply. “Mine, mine,” he repeated as he kissed each of your palms before threading his fingers into yours. His lips sought out the sensitive skin of your breasts and nipped gently, continuing this ‘mine’ mantra as your hands clutched his for support.
“My turn,” you decided, standing up and pulling him into the bedroom. You pushed him onto the bed and helped him undress. Settling between his legs, trailed gentle kisses from his knees to his upper thighs. You could see the sinews of his muscles tense as you moved close and closer to his cock. “Mine,” winked at him before closing your lips around the head, lapping your tongue against the underside.
“OooOoh,” Jeonghan’s voice wavered as you massaged him. You giggled around him as you manipulated your lips up and down leisurely. You watched intently as he gripped the sheets, a sure sign that he was unraveling quickly.
“You’re so cute, all worked up like that,” you pulled back, teasing him slightly.
“Shut up,” he glared at you weakly.
“Will you cum in my mouth?” you asked politely, hand stroking him as you waited for his answer.
“This time, yes,” he nodded.
  Your eyes creased into happy half-moons as you worked your mouth back around him, swallowing deep. You applied a gentle pressure as you milked him, knowing it wouldn’t be long.
“YN,” he warned, hand hitting the mattress as he tensed and unloaded. You showed him your tongue proudly before swallowing.
“You truly are filthy,” he shook his head appreciatively as he pulled you against his side. There was no use denying it, it was very true.
“You like it.”
“I love it,” he corrected you without thinking.
    You froze for a split second, surprised to hear him use that word. Did he? Did you? You weren’t sure, but the way it made you smile like a fool to hear that probably meant something, right?
“When do you want to file that paperwork?” Jeonghan asked, cutting off your mental spiral.
“Oh! Um, maybe tomorrow?”
    He smiled the brightest smile you thought you had ever seen on him. “I can’t wait until everyone knows that you’re mine.”
    Damn, if that didn’t make your heart swell and your pussy throb.
“Say more stuff like that,” you insisted, clambering on top of him. Jeonghan had to laugh, that might’ve been one of your most reasonable requests.
“Oh?” he drawled, “I can’t wait to show up to happy hour with you, hold your hand in front of everyone,” he nuzzled you as you played with his hair.
“Hold my hand? You’re gonna get us fired,” you teased him playfully. It really tickled you to hear that such seemingly small things were what he looked forward to most.
“I have lots of ideas that would actually result in that,” Jeonghan grinned impishly up at you, his erection pressing against your inner thigh.
“Of course you do,” you chuckled as you lowered yourself on him. You rode him lovingly, from hilt to tip, and observed him.
He looked up at you, adoringly, hands resting loosely at your hips allowing you to set the pace. 
“You feel so good and you look so pretty,” he pulled your forehead down to his and whispered. He looked directly into your eyes and his blown out pupils made your breath catch. You really did like him.
“Hannie,” you whined, hand tightening at the back of his neck.
“All yours, princess. Cum on my cock for me,” he whispered encouragement at you as his balls tightened.
“Cum with me?” you asked, doing your best to hold off.
    Jeonghan nodded, bucking his hips up into you just slightly as he complied, emptying himself into you as you came around him. You cupped his jaw and kissed him deeply before slumping over him, pulling him into an embrace.
“Minghao?” you knocked on the wall of his cube as Jeonghan stood behind you.
“Yes?” he turned, a little surprised to see the two of you there together.
“We have our form 0526-15.”
“Oh. Oh!” He did a double take. “I hate to have to tell you this, but we also need to follow policy. Seungkwan would be the person to process that. I can pass this along,” he offered.
    You and Jeonghan looked at each other for a moment before shrugging. You were ready.
    As you walked back towards the main staircase, you heard Seungkwan let out a strangled yelp after reading the paperwork.
part 3 is here, if you’re so inclined!
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tobylovesspence · 27 days
I have a request. This is my first time but k love your stories. Okay what if reader is 23 and she is the secret Blossom daughter anyways she is also dating FP and she gets super jealous of Alice (who I’m sorry don’t like) anyways what if she gets down and sees maybe FP would do better without her but he changes her mind? With some smut?!! Hehehe ahh I’m so excited
I am so sorry this took so long 😭 I so forgot about it, I'm so sorry hun!!! (Also dw I totally hated Alice too) (Also I totally forgot about the Blossom's secret child so idk how they treated them, I ain't watched the show in a bit so just pretend I added that to the story) also it became MOSTLY SMUT tbh
F!reader x FP Jones
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Alice Cooper was highly unlikable. Always being around FP because of her daughter and his son was one thing, the way she constantly nagged everyone else was another reason. But you didn't need many reasons to dislike her, your first reason was well enough. She was always around your man FP. At first it was a mild annoyance, and soon it was every second.
So you decided you felt stupid. You kept your distance from FP, you were absolutely downed, thinking about breaking up with him so he could go date Alice, it made sense after all, you were a bit young. Keeping your distance worked well at first, for the first two days he was too busy to notice, but after a while he was calling all the time, showing up unexpectedly, he was trying to find out what was wrong. "Honey, you gotta talk to me, you can't hide forever." He mumbled while he was standing in front of you at your job. "I'm not hiding, nothing's going on, go spend time with Alice."
Okay, so maybe your sadness and insecurity fronted themselves as anger. You had snapped at him and he looked like a kicked puppy for a second before his eyes glimmered with recognition. "Oh, dear, is that what's wrong?" You just turn to the clock, hoping to check the time until you leave. "Five minutes." FP says quickly, already knowing you well enough. "And as soon as you're clocked out you're coming home with me."
And so with barely any room to argue, that's exactly what happened, once you clocked out he took you home with him. You felt absolutely stupid, sitting on the edge of his bed while he stood in front of you, looking down at you. "Look, i-" you couldn't even finish, as he quickly sank to his knees right in front of you. "No." He said quickly pressing a kiss to your right leg. "No?" You asked and he nodded, kissing further up your leg, gently spreading your legs before sucking a hickey into your inner thigh.
"Yes, I said no." He turned his attention to your other leg, kissing, licking, and nipping hickeys into your pretty skin. "You don't even know what I was about to say." Your sentence comes out breathy, stutter filled as you try your best to not become absolutely soaked at the sight before you. He just looks up at you for a moment before speaking, "I know exactly what you were gonna say," his tone is harsh, strict, and absolutely sexy, "it was gonna be about Alice, and I don't wanna hear it."
His tone alone has you ready to give up your endeavors, he stands up in front of you however and you decide to keep pushing. "FP-" you're quickly cut off again, his rough lips against yours, hands roughly grabbing at your hips. "No more talking." He mumbles against your lips. You again decided to push your luck, leaning back to protest but the second you even tried to speak he gently pushed you down onto the bed. "No more talking." He repeats, tone much more strict than before, if it's even possible it made you wetter too. "Now, do I gotta fuck this little idea out of your head or are you a smart girl who can get rid of it yourself?" That was a comment no one else could possibly get away with, but FP was different, his condescending tone was something laced with sweetness somehow.
"Need your help." You mumbled, and he smiled, hands gently rubbing your thigh. "Good girl." Was his reply, leaning down to kiss you as his hand slowly travelled up your leg. It went past your inner thigh and slowly his fingers pressed against your panties, the wet fabric making him smile as he pushed them aside, fingers teasing your clit. "Good girl, so ready for me." He praised, slowly sinking two fingers into you, watching your nose scrunch in pleasure as you let out small whines. He continued to plunge his fingers in and out of you, watching you moan beneath him. "Good girl, look at your pretty face, the only face I wanna see."
He sped up his fingers, making you let out a high pitched squeal of pleasure. "There it is, oh, that's my favorite sound. Something no one else could achieve." You couldn't even reply, on the brink of crying at his praise, he was slowly making the insecurity fall away. Who else could ever imagine he'd be in love with another woman while he's saying such things about you? And soon you feel that coil snap, and you hear more praise. "Oh, just dirtying my fingers, aren't ya? Mhm, doing so good." He coos, praise making your head spin as his fingers come up and he sucks your juices off of them like the sweetest nectar.
"Think you can handle anymore?" Always the gentleman, making sure you're ready for him completely. Making sure to give you time, you nod and he smiles softly. Taking off your panties completely he flips your skirt up, looking down at the prettiness that is you, leaning down to kiss you once more before leaning back again, undoing his belt.
That had been hours ago, he was still plunging into you, moaning at your tight walls around him. "Good girl, my only girl, only girl I want." You whined at such words, face buried in a pillow while he held your hips up to fuck you from behind. "Taking me so good, the only girl that could take me this good" he praised. "Only girl that could make me want you this much, only girl so irresistible." His praises were mixed with your whined of pleasure, his small grunts of pleasure. He finished with one thrust, filling you up, smiling down at your shaking form.
"Good girl." He praised sweetly, kissing your shoulder, pulling out and laying you in a more comfortable position. "My girl, my only girl." He praised, peppering soft kisses across your face. "Ready to give up your silly idea?" You nodded, cuddling against him and laying your face against his chest. "Yeah, it was really stupid anyway." He smiled broadly, "ain't that the truth." He kissed you once more before you fell asleep. Happy and content in the arms of a man who you were now certain, was yours and only yours.
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msmoony7 · 5 months
hey!! can you please do a fic with calum hood, maybe enemies to lovers and reader is the bands photographer or something like that (it’s okay if you don’t want to🫶🏼🫶🏼)
Love your work!!
note: hope u like it! I haven't written for 5sos yet AND i’ve never written enemies to lovers so i hope it’s good and enemy-y angsty enough. also pretend the first stop was LA and that the tour was six weeks idk how long it actually was this is just what i imagined for my little fanon fic LMAO. I kinda left this on a cliffhanger. Maybe part 2 soon??
calum hood x reader
word count: 1.84k
You wake up to the sun peeking through the cracks in your bedroom curtains. Although the weather on this day is perfect, your mood was anything but, and you wake up feeling sour. Today, you are presented with the difficult task of joining the band 5 Seconds of Summer as their tour photographer. You’ve been photographing artists for years now and it has truly become your passion. Whether it’s following an artist on your, or taking album art, you are living your dream with every picture you take.  
That’s not where the difficulty lies. You know that you’re capable of doing your job and doing it well. The difficulty lies within the band. The name of that difficulty being the band’s bassist, Calum Hood. By now, you have a long history with the band. They first invited you to join them on the Take My Hand tour last year. You quickly became good friends with Luke, Ashton, and Michael. But for some reason, Calum just could not stand to be near you. Many days and nights were spent bickering between the two of you. Arguments would come up, about your creative direction and other bullshit he brought up, leaving you no choice to fight back, creating a lasting vendetta between the pair of you. 
Of course, he made your job difficult as well. When photographing him onstage, he would mess with you and your work. Sometimes getting up in front of the camera and in your face, sometimes not letting you take any photos of him at all. And once offstage, he wouldn’t even look in your direction. Wouldn’t even address you. Despite this, your work speaks for itself and you received a message from Luke inviting you to join them again on this year's tour, The 5sos Show.  
It’s been weeks since you got the tour invitation, and months since you’ve last seen the band. All the time in the world couldn’t prepare you for six weeks on the road with Calum Hood. What he had against you, you may never know. What you do know is that as long as he presents this dislike towards you, you will be doing the same right back at him. 
Was putting yourself through all this stress worth it? You ponder for a moment when you wake up, but ultimately decide you made the right choice. You are set to meet up with the band and crew this evening before you set out on the road together, marking the start of the long six weeks ahead. You put on some music and start packing your suitcase. 
After a while, you’re happy with everything in your suitcase and zip it up. Living out of a suitcase was difficult, but you’ve had prior experience so you know the do’s and don'ts of packing. You pack your backpack, carry on, and your camera supplies and before you know it, the day is behind you and it’s time to converge with the band. You call an uber to take you to the address Luke gave you and you’re on your way. 
Traffic isn’t too bad, so you make it to the address quicker than you would have liked. The crew is already there, but the band is nowhere to be seen. You help yourself onto the bus and begin putting your things in your designated area. You feel the bus shift as someone steps on. Before you can turn around, you can already tell who is walking up behind you. 
“Well, what do we have here?” you hear a sarcastic voice say behind you. You turn around and lock eyes with the bassist. He’s wearing grey sweatpants and a green 5sos sweatshirt. He looks adorable and cozy, and you hate him for being so gorgeous and so annoying all at the same time. 
“Not even the first day of the tour and we’re already fighting, are we?” you spit back at him. 
“Seems that way,” he replies before scurrying off to whatever hole he’s gonna bury himself in until he needs to be found again. 
The rest of the boys slowly scatter onto the bus, and your meetings with them go better than yours with Calum. Everyone picks out their bunks and once everyone is settled onto the bus, the driver begins driving to the first stop on the road and you allow yourself to fall asleep for the night. 
You wake up to the sound of fighting. It takes you a few seconds to shake off your grogginess before you hear two voices shouting back and forth at each other from the other end of the bus. 
“You can’t keep acting like this!” you can hear Luke yell. 
“Sure I can! I can't stand her being here and I’m not going to pretend I do.”
“Whatever, man. Do what you want, I give up. Just don’t come complaining when it comes to bite you in the ass.”
You can hear them shuffling around the bus as you stay hidden behind your curtain. Although your hatred for Calum was mutual, you couldn’t help but let a tear fall down your cheek as you lay in your bunk, thinking about everything you’ve had to endure from him in the past and will have to in the future on this tour. You are tired of feeling like this. Feeling beat down by him and his words, his actions. Now, you’re determined to get to the bottom of his hatred for you. You wipe away your tears, jump out of bed, and get ready for the day. 
Tonight is the first night of the tour at The Kia Forum in Los Angeles. You’re excited. After all, you do love your job. You decide that the best way to get through the tour is to ignore Calum and his antics. 
The day goes by quickly. The opening band is onstage and you’ve successfully avoided Calum the entire day. You grab all your camera equipment so you have it ready to go when the boys go onstage. 
Calum sneaks up behind you, bass in hand. “Where’ve you been, y/n? Haven’t seen you all day, it’s almost like you’re ignoring me. You wouldn’t do that though, would you?”
“For the love of god, fuck off. Get away from me.” You huff at him while grabbing your camera and walking towards the side stage. The lights go off and he shoots you a wink before walking onstage. You push all this out of your head and get in front of the stage and start taking photos of the boys. 
The night goes as well as you could have expected given your circumstances. You get some good photos of the boys. Calum was his usual self. This time around, he decided that whenever you got too close to him, he would turn around, making sure that you don’t get photos of his face or his instrument. Despite this, you do get some good photos of him. In all honesty, you think this is some of your best work. Calum looks really good. Even if you can’t see his face.
The boys all run offstage after the encore, high off of the energy from the gig. You shoot them a congratulations and you can see Calum heading in the opposite direction of you. Typical, you think. 
The next stop of the tour wasn’t for another two days, so the boys are having a party to celebrate the tour kicking off. You follow Luke, Ashton, and Michael and see that the party is already in motion. Calum’s already at the bar grabbing a drink and your body moves before you can think and all of the sudden, you’re sitting next to him. 
“What do you want,” he mutters sharply, not even looking up from his drink.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Vodka cran,” he says to the bartender and nods at you. “I swear, whenever you get within ten feet of me I can feel my blood pressure rising,” he says in defeat as he gets up from his seat.
“Where’re you going? I thought we were finally getting along.”
“Back to the bus before I say something I’ll regret.”
And with that, he disappears out the door, leaving you confused as the bartender hands you your drink. 
“I don’t know what his issue is,” you confess to Luke once you find him later that night. An hour or two has passed since you last saw Calum and you’re feeling tipsy from the alcohol. 
“I wish I could tell you, y/n. I really wish I could. But we have no idea why he’s like this. We all love you and we love your work, I don’t know why he has it out for you.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. If I’m honest, I’m getting to my breaking point. I don’t think I can handle it anymore.”
“Want us to talk to him?” Luke says with concern written on his face. You can tell him and the other boys genuinely do care about you. It makes you feel good knowing that you have people to fall back on in this drama. 
“Thanks, but I think I’m actually gonna go speak to him now. I’m just tired of it and I need answers now.”
“Well, good luck. Let us know how it goes.”
You say bye to everyone at the party and you leave to find Calum and get some long awaited answers for yourself. The walk to the bus is not far and as you’re approaching, you see Calum sitting on a bench outside, smoking a cigarette and looking up at the sky. He hears your footsteps on the ground and groans when he realizes it’s you. 
“Following me now, are you?” 
“Oh shut up, will you?” you say as you steal the cigarette from his hand, taking a drag before handing it back to him. “You’re an ass, you do know that, right?”
“What do you think, y/n.”
“I wanna know why.”
“Why what?”
“What do you think, Calum? You’ve never liked me. I’ve done nothing wrong. I literally can’t do this anymore, I don’t know what to do!”
He sits and thinks for a minute, leaving the two of you in silence. You stare at him as he stares at the ground ahead of him, waiting for a response. A minute goes by, then two. No response. 
“Are you gonna answer me?” you yell. Still, no response. “Whatever, I’m done. Bye.” You say as you get up. You start walking in the direction of the tour bus when you feel him grab your arm and turn you around. Before you realize what’s going on, his lips crash into yours. At first, you don’t know what to do and you stand there frozen. He pulls away and just stares at you, and you stare right back. 
“That an answer enough for you?” he says to you. 
“Oh will you just shut up?” you say as you cusp his cheeks, pulling him towards you once more.
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mean-scarlet-deceiver · 5 months
Hmm… have I asked for Thomas and Henry, or just thought about it hard a couple of times? XD;;
Ooh, a fun pair. 
“You’re too fat, you need exercise! 😤” 
“Oh, I can’t wait for dawdling tank engines like you; good-bye! 😇”
“Run my train on time for one thing 😡” 
“You’re the only danger on the rails, Thomas 🙄” 
‘Oh, I guess you can go to York… some of us are still too useful to become museum-pieces… 👿’ (paraphrasing Henry’s copium here) 
All right, maybe it’s more “fun” like the one in “dysfunctional.” But still! 
The thing about this is that it’s a “minor” relationship in that, for most of their lives, they’re in each other’s periphery. Then again, they’ve been in each other’s lives sooooo long. So it’s a very sibling-y sort of relationship. They’ve been on different life paths as long as they can remember… but ohh, the embarrassing shit they remember about each other…
Birds’-Eye View 
This relationship has an eternal tug-of-war quality.
Of course, Thomas by instinct plays tug-of-war with all the “big engines”! This is who he is! 
But the relationship with Henry is different because there’s a sort of long-term… equality? Like, with Thomas and Gordon, like, Thomas is cheeky, but the one time he ever got really out-of-line with Gordon (i.e. THOMAS’ FIRST APPEARANCE?) Gordon pretty much put him in his place, and overall the whole point of their relationship is that Thomas acknowledges Gordon’s superiority in at least certain key points, it’s precisely WHY he likes to measure himself against him! (I’m thinking a lot here of many, many TVS-only incidents… but even in RWS there’s “Hurry hurry hurry,” he puffed, pretending to be like Gordon.) Thomas can’t look upon Henry the same way, for “Henry I”-related reasons not least of all (see section below). But with Gordon, the whole fun of the relationship for Thomas is to tease him in a way that only works if Gordon is on a pedestal. Thomas doesn’t try to knock him off… he just likes to shake things up, freak Gordon out, then do a campy little victory dance and make his exit with a shit-eating grin. 
Then there’s Thomas and James, and in RWS… post-strike, James is never again seen to give Thomas any shit for being a tank engine? (Actual gold star, I can’t believe we’ve found an avenue of insult that even RWS!James has left untrod.) So a key feature of his tension with Gordon and Henry is, apparently, removed. Of course they do clash, if you go by TVS they clash a LOT. But in this relationship Thomas kind of has the upper hand, when you take the long view. (Thomas is more famous and favored, and James just gets so consistently shut down by the whole universe the moment he tries any shit. Plus, their foundational moment was Thomas getting him cleaned up after his first Sodor accident, and I think that colours the relationship forever – even after James is no longer prepared to just take Thomas’s patronizing airs (“Hullo James! Feeling better? That’s right! Oh, I must go, I don’t know what the Fat Controller etc. etc…” Betcha James shut down that shit before too much longer, lol.)
If Gordon has the dominant role in that relationship, and if Thomas has the dominant role in the one with James… then the fun thing about Thomas and Henry is that the scale never permanently settles one way or another. Whenever they have a lil’ flare-up, they feel like they’re on equal footing, and perhaps that’s why the barbs they trade feel ‘specially vicious! The field is wide open, no one comes in with the advantage, and they are both in it to WIN it!
But why are they like this? 
Early Years 
The thing I envision about their early acquaintance is the mutual bafflement. It’s a similar vibe to the one hilariously (and accurately) depicted here with Thomas and Gordon, except it’s not about different autisms, and it’s less confusion and dislike and more confusion and annoyance. 
My headcanon for Henry is that Thomas was the first time he set eyes on a tank engine. So his initial reaction is like “what is this deformed… creature? (and why is he so mouthy?) (and what does he do here?) (what is ‘shunting’? oh nvm it’s not like i’ll ever need to know, i’m a proper engine)” Even if my headcanon is discarded, however, Thomas sure is Himself and the sheer force of his fussy, self-important Main Character Energy would have had a similar effect on young Henry, fresh from the shop and still dazzled by the wide world. 
Thomas, though he has a fair bit more worldly experience under his boiler bands, still isn’t nearly as worldly as he thinks he is! — and he finds Henry just as baffling as Henry does him. Henry’s not like any other engine he’s ever met. He’s the biggest for one thing. He’s also far and away the un-reliable-est. I accentuate this in QLIR because part of the “scam” is that Henry is presented to Hatt as, not perhaps the engine he envisioned, but still an engine with some on-the-job experience. Total lies, of course. Far from “hitting the ground running,” Henry is a babe in the woods, constantly stumbling and fumbling his way around the rails. He knows nothing of railway operations, yard etiquette, or shed culture. Someone like Edward can take this in stride and just be like, All right, new chap needs a little extra looking after. It’s just a thing. No biggie. (Topham Hatt of course is in his office spitting nails, but this ain’t about him.) Thomas, however, is at just that childish stage where a) he knows all this stuff and b) he can’t fathom anyone not knowing it. So he’s constantly having the reaction of “What is he doing???” And, since he has no filter, drawing everyone’s attention to New Guy’s odd behaviors, every time (which does nothing to help Henry build confidence!) 
(Then again, of course, sometimes New Guy legitimately does some very strange stuff – Once an engine attached to a train/Was afraid of a few drops of rain… That, erm. That Doesn’t Help.) 
Then you add on Henry’s… mis-build, and Thomas’s befuddlement is cemented. He’s a cast-off on the Island Railway of Cast-Offs, of course, so the idea of mechanical issues aren’t new, but Henry’s are at a whole new level and they regularly disable him. Thomas is definitely 100% on board with the idea that you can manage to at least finish any job if you just try hard enough… and certainly you can at least get out of the shed in the mornings, yeah? Henry is the first time he encounters an engine for whom this just isn’t true. Same childish point of view: Henry is weird. 
Again, I cannot emphasize that “Henry is weird” is an attitude coming from Thomas… who in his own unique way is one of the weirdest little engines ever built (affectionate). 
None of this amounts, on either side, to anything like hatred. Annoyance on both sides, to be sure, but even then I don’t think it’s their dominant attitude towards each other. We see in “Thomas’ Train” that Thomas is… intrigued by the potential of his getting to fulfill his long-term Train-Taking Goals. But he doesn’t gloat over Henry’s misfortune, and I think TVS was so correct in giving him a worried face mask even as he slowly goes off to get the train ready… He can’t even be properly excited until he’s out of Henry’s vicinity, and, mind you, Henry’s too ill to be intimidating just then – Thomas refrains only because he really does feel bad for Henry, and doesn’t want him to feel worse! 
We also have, later in the same story, Thomas thinking “Henry says it’s hard to pull trains, but…” So, you know, they’ve talked before. (At minimum, Thomas has listened to Henry fretting to other big engines!) Henry is a real person for him, so to speak, by now a consistent presence in his life. 
As they settle in to their early-canon dynamic, I reckon it’s now characterised by mutual envy. Thomas would LOVE to take trains regularly like Henry – and can’t fully comprehend why Henry treats it like a burden! Like, he knows Henry gets ill, but at a gut level I don’t think Thomas could truly “get it,” because there’s nothing more he wants in the world than to have what Henry has!
Conversely, Thomas himself is always complaining, too (They’re both so good at having a good grumble!) and I think it would kinda drive Henry nuts that Thomas acts like he has it soooooo hard for *checks notes* having a job that he can actually perform to everyone’s satisfaction?... Vicarstown pilot Thomas may feel ignored by their manager, but that’s a million times preferable to being an eighty-ton disappointment to a manager who now has buyer’s remorse and a consequently short temper with you… :/
Keeping Each Other Grounded
I have no doubt that in the early years Henry leaned as far into the “big engine” identity as he could, largely to ensure that he wasn’t dead last in the pecking order. But I don’t know that this worked… especially after Thomas is promoted to branch line, and now Henry and the others don’t have a station pilot to kick around for a while…! 
I don’t know for sure how I come down on about the TVS notion that Henry really grows out the big-engine trio vs. RWS, where the big-engine trio more slowly dissolves with everyone’s mutual consent. But if Henry did sort of lose interest in this identity when the other two didn’t, it makes sense precisely because the big-engine thing never let him rise higher than oh let’s say Thomas, and keeping a few paces ahead of that mouthy little tank engine (who always fails upward!!) was a big part of his motive for adopting it to begin with. 
Similarly, Henry is so practiced at seeing the down side of anything. This makes him great at poking a hole in Thomas's balloon, any time Thomas gets too proud and puffed-up.
The Good Times 
Right, I started off focusing on the tensions just because whenever one of these fellas takes a potshot at the other it’s always a classic! And because I think mutual befuddlement is the keynote of their early relationship. 
As we get even in a little into canon, however, I want to emphasize that they usually rub along comfortably. They’re kind of on each other’s periphery, always, but they’ve lived and worked together for so long. And they’re both good-hearted sort of lads really. So it’s impossible that they don’t care about each other, even if it’s almost always at a bit of a distance. We are more likely to see them when they’re shooting a poisoned arrow at each other, but we know that what they’re usually doing when they see each other at the junction is pleasantly exchanging news.
This means that I approve of (virtually all) the little TVS moments that point to this kind of bond. Usually it’s one of them looking concerned when the other is jumpy (Henry) or missing (Thomas… dude, you sure do go missing a lot in TVS). I likewise enjoy getting to see them happy for each other at the appropriate moments (usually this is Henry for Thomas, most memorable for me is “That’s my boy!” <- cheering on Thomas when he’s kicking ass in the Shunting Challenge).
This is basic, background sort of stuff. But it’s also, I think, the most accurate representation of them. The zingers are incredible but they are a small part of their relationship. A basic, background sort of quasi-siblinghood is what constitutes the lion’s share of that bond. 
I don’t like the TAB notion that Thomas went out of his way to say a few encouraging words to Henry and thereby cured Henry’s rain-related anxiety wtfffff… but I do approve of the general idea that, even (especially?) in the early days, there was certainly a time or two when Thomas hung back in the sheds to encourage Henry, just the two of them. It’s only that I think his brand of encouragement would be more like… Gordon or one of the BBBs had said something shitty to Henry, and (after getting into it with them, because Thomas is not one to back down from a fight!) actually remembering (for a change?) that this was all about Henry to begin with, and hanging around for a bit until Henry was cheered up. Although unlike Percy’s very frank, open attempt to cheer Henry in “Gordon’s Whistle,” I think Thomas’s approach would be more like “what a wanker…” Like, he wouldn’t show any pity, he’d just open the door for him and Henry to both talk shit about the guy for a few minutes. This is, indeed, Henry’s preferred method of being supported, well above being shown any overt pity! And Thomas would get it! (You wouldn’t usually find me doing an emotional-intelligence point-for-point comparison between Thomas and Percy where Thomas comes out on top, lol. But in this case Thomas’s nature – which includes being a casual shit-talker – would really shine!) 
Not So Different?
Indeed, I wonder sometimes if these two aren’t the two most similar personalities on the cast — they’ve just been shaped by very different external factors! 
They’re both fussy, both self-important, and neither is one to suffer in silence. They’re both good steady everyday grumblers, not aggressively, but in a very normal, perhaps even very English way. They both have good hearts and are quite willing to work hard… though they have both been known to throw a tantrum that sooner (tunnel & rain) or a wee bit later (banged-up snowplough) brings operations to a halt. None of which is unique to these two, by any means! All these traits are pretty common among the RWS cast(s?) especially. But Thomas and Henry’s traits match up point-for-point. They’re just living different lives, but underneath the externals they’re awfully alike. 
Now, of course, there is a key difference — Henry is a follower, and Thomas would make a terrible follower; he can’t handle cliques (he’s rather too rough-around-the-edges to ever fit in one, methinks!) Then, too, when Henry thinks he doesn’t get enough respect (often), he just grumbles but has to wait for someone to present to him an opportunity (Gordon and James re: the strike, Duck re: six lovely tenders). When Thomas thinks he doesn’t get enough respect (again — often), he’s soon off doing something — usually something that ranges from foolish to catastrophic, but the point is that he’s more active and Henry’s more passive. 
Those are real differences and not just down to circumstance. However, apart from these two points, if Thomas were a large ill-built tender engine, I think a lot of his behavior would be Henryesque. Same but inverted if Henry were a hale and healthy tank engine. Their natures were cut from similar cloth, even if they underwent different treatments and design. They’re not as irritable as James, as even-tempered as Edward, as bubbly as Percy, nor (even if they had been built to his design) would they be quite as proud, nor nearly so dignified, as Gordon. They’re both Just Guys, in a way. 
What are YOU looking at?
I guess there’s one other way they differ… in TVS, Thomas is so proactive about going out and introducing himself and making seven bajillion merchandise deals friends. 
I favor RWS for Thomas’s essential nature, though – and he’s notably absent in the nationalisation era, when the others are constantly bumping against B.R. engines. “He’s on his branch line!” Yeah, but, man – Percy somehow has a circle of B.R. admirers. Thomas could be mixing it up more at Tidmouth if he were inclined to. I think he likes staying on his home base. I think Thomas is a quite a bit more of a homebody than Andrew Brenner seems to, in short. 
This also means that I think Thomas and Henry are alike in this way, too. They’re happy in the lives they’ve carved out for themselves, new acquaintances can approach them if they like – but watch out! (“What ugly wheels you’ve got.”) Newcomers to the book version of the North-Western can expect Duck to give you guidance, Percy to peer upon you with frank curiosity, James to self-importantly shove himself into your personal space and try to put you in your place, Gordon to officiously introduce himself if he thinks you’re important enough to merit such an honor, the Caledonians to maybe break you in with a practical joke if you stick around long enough, Edward to extract your entire life story if you stay longer than about 48 hours. Thomas and Henry? They’re hangin’ back. Not on account of shyness! And they’re not excessively proud I don’t think – but they’re both just self-important enough that they’re automatically suspicious of anyone with the nerve to approach them. 
(That said, annoying Thomas is just a first step in befriending him. Annoying Henry doesn’t work out the same way! He’ll just tell you to get off his siding, lol.) 
It’s like Ariel Wanting to Walk on the Beach… with Legs… 
A final and very important similarity: Thomas and Henry both distinguish themselves by indulging in some notably un-engine-like behavior. 
Thomas is discontent in early canon in a way I certainly don’t think is true for all shunters (hence part of my characterization of my OC Poppet, who would never dream of pining to be anything but a station pilot. She has a grand job! What more could an engine want than an important job? Variety? Society? Scenery? Pah. Because Poppet's a normie, is why.) Even early in his branch line days, we see him taking up a yen to fish like the anglers he sees at the Els river – and is apparently called out for it by every engine to whom he announces this desire. (“Engines don’t go fishing??? *mutters aside* Loony…”) 
Henry, too, is given the trait in TVS canon of liking to sit ‘round on mysterious sidings in the middle of a peaceful forest and take in the beauty of it all. Now engines often want to be a part of things – it seems they have a social drive – but to want to do all this slow, solitary, un-useful nature hobby stuff, that’s really something else. This is such un-engine-like behavior that it’s downright impractical! RULE 55 But it puts Henry into what is (for the Classic and New Series, at least) a pretty exclusive club, pretty much just him, Thomas, and – later in the same TV season – Duck. And, like, I accept this as canon because it feels right. Yeah, they’re our weirdos (affectionate). 
In Our Lanes. Thriving. 
So, yeah. Two nifty dudes, with a sibling relationship that’s so basic and understated that it’s almost dangerous to write them, because you could very easy press your thumb a little too hard and ruin their balance! 
There’s a little crop of fics that give them the shared spotlight in a story, usually in the Vicarstown days, when Thomas does something nice for a struggling Henry. That idea tends to work quite well. I can’t think of many other times when trying to put the focus on their dynamic wouldn’t foil their dynamic. As I say for the last time – a keyword here is “peripheral.” 
Their connection is strong mostly because of time and shared history, strengthened by a similar temperament, and spiced up by their chronic squabbling. You could too easily try to give them a nice Moment and overdo it, because they’re in the same tight family-like circle, but it’s like they’re each on one of the polar caps – just waving at (or snarling at) each other every so often as their shared world keeps chuggin’ on.
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wendytestabrat · 6 months
kyle is such a loser
something i’ve been thinking abt is how much of a friendless loser kyle is. like ik all the kids hate cartman but honestly i’m starting to think they dislike kyle even more LOL. kyle rlly has like 0 friends and only hangs out with stan all the time, and then when shit between him and stan go wrong his only other choice of who to hang out with is cartman LOL. like at least cartman has been shown to get along rlly well with certain kids outside of the boys such as butters or clyde. not to mention kenny is his bff too. ik it seems like cartman doesn’t have friends but he does seem pretty damn close with kenny & butters and hangs out with them A LOT and vice versa. kenny & butters enjoy being around cartman too and go to him for a lot of shit even tho they’ll pretend like they hate him sometimes to be fake. ANNNND when all the boys broke his stuff and he felt betrayed by all his friends he IMMEDIATELY bonded with heidi too, which goes to show cartman is resilient af when it comes to betrayal and people turning on him and shit. he has rlly good social skills and knows how to instantly connect with someone. there was also that moment at the end of south parq vaccination special when all the boys broke up, cartman was the FIRST to find a new group of friends to hang out with. wheras when shit like that happens to kyle he rlly has no one else to go to and doesn’t feel confident enough with making new friends. which we see in this scene here ⬆️ how when all the boys betrayed kyle and were assholes to him during the metrosexual fad he STILL fucking went back to hanging out with them LOL. bc kyle realized oh shit who else am i gonna hang out with besides stan, cartman, & kenny? he’s like oh shit that’s right no one else likes me and is willing to put up with me LOL. ofc the kids hate on cartman way more than kyle but that’s bc they usually have a reason to, cartman is always doing terrible shit so yeah ofc it seems justified af when they hate on him. with kyle he’s so damn manipulative and is always acting like he cares abt everyone and is on the side of good (and he’s sooo damn good at playing the victim and looking innocent) so yeah if they started shitting on kyle all they wanted they would just end up looking like assholes or anti-semites like cartman when he shits on kyle LOL bc how could anyone be mean to poor innocent nice guy kyle? 🤮 however, the characters def do let kyle know they don’t like him and find him annoying in more subtle and passive aggressive ways either by just ignoring & avoiding him or getting annoyed with his constant complaints. i.e in “where my country gone?” when they all left the table bc they didn’t wanna hear kyle give another speech and the scene in “the worldwide privacy tour” when they all left bc they got sick of kyle hijacking their lunch to rant all abt the canadian prince and his wife LOL.
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thebellearchives · 1 year
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~ solomon ; obey me
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : You ask Solomon to take you to the beach to clear your mind of sorrow
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : gn!mc, angst, unrequited love
‧₊˚ a / n : one of the things Solomon and I have in common is that we hate the beach… coincidentally i was listening to The Neighbourhood’s “The Beach” when i saw Minx posted her event info lol so this one’s based on that song!
‧₊˚ e v e n t : thanks @solomons-poison por mentioning me in the replies, i don’t think i would’ve seen it otherwise 😵‍💫 this is for her summer event so if you write or do fanart feel free to join!
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Solomon rested his head on the palm tree’s trunk and closed his eyes. The annoying smell of the salty water filling his senses, the unstable sand under his shoes swiftly rearranging as he tried to find a comfortable position to forget where he was at. It was nighttime, so at least he couldn’t complain about the intense heat and the burning feeling of the sun on his skin. The beach brought him memories, bad memories. And this time, even though he was with you, it didn’t change. It was bittersweet now, the way your laugh reached to him from the shore and he had to remind himself he was only here at your request, to see you happy, and yet he was miserable in exchange.
“Solomon!” his eyes opened lazily at your call, you were walking towards him, long white t-shirt drenched, you legs glistening with ocean water.
A knot began to pull from his throat, how could you look so painfully beautiful? He wished he could smile as genuinely as you did, but he offered his usual fake teasing smirk in return.
“Ready to go?” his arm slightly moved towards you to offer back the sweatpants you had discarded before running towards the water.
“What?! No way!” you laughed “won’t you join me in the water?”
“No, I don’t think so” he pulled a face “I dislike the ocean”
“You do?” your widened eyes pulled at his heart’s strings, you looked so pretty when innocent surprise painted your expression “I didn’t know that, if I had known I would’ve asked you to go somewhere else”
“You wanted to come here didn’t you? Something about the beach helping you to clear your mind” he smiled again.
“Right” you didn’t smile back, instead he saw a subtle wince of pain behind your eyes.
Solomon knew why. You missed the brothers, you missed Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke… And he could tell you missed that man your heart longed for. So once again that knot in his throat made it difficult to produce sound. You were there in front of him, so close to him he could reach for you, for your chin, for your lips. He wished he could wipe that sorrowful expression off your face, he wished his presence alone would make you shine like you did with him.
Quick and sudden blinks chased away your sad feelings, replacing them with a fake smile.
“Yes, thank you for bringing me here, I find the beach to be a healing place. Should we go somewhere you like next? The sun will come out soon so I think maybe if you wanna go for breakfast there must be some places open, right?”
Your friendship came to him as warm and timid as the sunrise in the horizon behind the water. He had brought you here for comfort and even when you still felt sad, you wanted to go somewhere of his liking next?
He sighed, pretending to get ready to leave and not because of the pain he was feeling in his chest. You were a good friend, so much better than he could ever be. How could he offer a genuine friendship when everything he did he did it out of love? Lying to you was easy, he did it everyday. Saying you looked funny when you concentrated so you wouldn’t think he stared at you for other reasons, guiding your hands when doing spells to correct you instead of just because he longed for the touch of your skin. But how much of a good friend could he be if lying was an everyday occurrence?
“Didn’t you say you didn’t wanna leave? We can stay a bit more if you want, I don’t mind”
“Really?” you laughed, his eyes soaked up on your fleeting happiness as much as he could “you’re such a good friend, Solomon, we don’t have to stay just because of me”
You turned around to watch the sun rise slowly. Solomon bit his lip to refrain from sighing again, watching your silhouette against the first rays of sunshine and the beach laughing at him once again, complimenting your beauty as to shove in his face the one person he wanted more than anything and couldn’t have.
“Of course I am, I’m the best of friends. Why don’t you run for a quick dip in the water before we leave?”
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mtr1234 · 2 months
KOLTC fans who do not like Fitz, this post is for you. Fitz fans who do not believe people have sound arguments about why they dislike Fitz, this post is also for you.
I will mention stuff that happened in Stellarlune, so if you are not caught up with the series you might not want to continue reading.
I will try to provide quotes, but I will likely just describe the scene and what book it is in when I provide my reasons.
Also, this post will be pretty long which may or may not be a good thing depending on who you are.
Anyway, let’s get to the reasons why I dislike Fitz. I have broken them up into three main categories, and I will be talking about aspects of Fitz’s character that I think a lot of people overlook (not the reasons that people do tend to mention: him having anger issues and being boring)
I don’t know if you guys have noticed this, but Fitz is really shady, Iike really shady (and not in a good way like our favorite shade Tam)
He has eavesdropped on Sophie and Keefe’s conversations before which I find so weird
In Lodestar, when Sophie and Keefe were communicating telepathically in that slimy location that Keefe picked out, Fitz started listening in on their conversation without their knowledge. He said it was because he was worried since he heard Sophie gasp. Personally, I do not buy this excuse. He can literally see Sophie so he could easily determine that she is not in danger. At the very least, why did he not immediately announce that he was listening once he knew Sophie was okay? In my opinion, it just feels odd, and if I were Sophie or Keefe I would feel a bit uneasy.
In Flashback, Sophie and Keefe were talking in the healing center about starting weapons training, and Sophie asks Keefe if he is down to do that (or something along those lines). Fitz immediately shouts, “I’m in!” The shady thing about this was that he was sleeping in his cot when they were talking. Now, I’m not saying that he is expected to cover his ears while they have a private convo in the healing center. But the thing is, he pretended to be asleep to listen to more of their conversation which is creepy.
The next very shady thing was the gift he gave Sophie in Legacy which was a painting he asked Keefe to make.
I always thought this was shady because, for one thing, he completely stole Keefe’s idea for a gift. Come on, a painting with a heartfelt message on the back?! That was literally what Keefe gave Sophie in Nightfall. Here comes the actual shady part though: why did he not just go to Atlantis or somewhere and have someone paint it for him? He purposefully asked Keefe to paint the confession scene between him and Sophie when he knows that Keefe likes Sophie. That is so messed up. This is made even worse by the fact that he paid Keefe when literally every elf is born with an unlimited birth fund so it was essentially worthless.
This next example happened in Legacy. I feel like a lot of people forgot about this or kind of swept in under the rug, but I think it is actually very telling of the type of person Fitz is. I am talking about when Fitz decided to search Lord Cassius’s mind to learn anything about where Alvar might be after he got away in Flashback.
There are several shady things about what happened in this scene. First of all, Fitz decided to do this even though he knew that it would make Keefe uncomfortable (Fitz would see the abuse/trauma Keefe suffered at home). Secondly, Fitz did this without even asking Keefe first or even letting him know about it. If you recall, he literally just showed up at Keefe’s house without any warning. Lastly, he tried to lie about it too. He tried to say “I’m doing this for Keefe” and “whatever I find will be helpful for Keefe”. Give me a break, we all know he did not do this out of concern for Keefe and he was caught lying in the act by Keefe himself. *I find it funny how he tried to lie about it to Keefe, when Keefe is literally the strongest empath in their world and is literally so smart even though he does not get enough credit for it.
2. When he gets mad at Sophie, the first thing he does is belittle her or try to make her feel stupid:
This first example comes from Exile when Fitz was getting mad at Sophie about what happened to his dad. Now, a lot of people like to dismiss how Fitz acted in this situation because he was under a lot of stress, but I do not think this is right to do because it absolves Fitz of any guilt instead of addressing how his behavior was wrong. The specific scene I am referring to is when, I believe, Alvar suggests that maybe Sophie can help Alden and then Fitz responds with: “Please, she’s just a kid.” What I get from this statement is that he is making Sophie feel less than, and in the process he is putting himself above her “level”. Now, one can use the excuse that he wasn’t himself and that he was torn up with grief, but he says similar things to Sophie later on in the series (when his dad is not on his deathbed) which I mention below.
This next example happens towards the end of Legacy, just before Fitz and Sophie broke up. Sophie was defending her decision to search Lord Cassius’s mind for any important information even though Fitz was already doing that (she honestly didn’t even need to do this because everyone knew he was getting nowhere and that he would never have found anything useful). Anyway, Fitz responds with: “So you thought the Moonlark needed to swoop in and take over? The leader of Team Valiant? Lady Sophie Foster? The fact that he is trying to make her feel bad about her accomplishments is a major red flag in my opinion. As someone who supposedly cares about her more than anyone, he should feel the most proud of her successes.
This third example is from Stellarlune. It’s when Fitz and Sophie have their first telepathy session after the whole “Fitzphie’s not a thing!” debacle. So, Sophie is asking Tiergan what a Cognate Inquisition is and then here comes the interjection: “Better question,” Fitz jumped in using a smug tone that made [Sophie] wish one of the buttons on her telepathy chair would turn Fitz’s into an ejector seat and launch him out of the room. “Why were you hoping to spare us from it?” I just think this is unnecessary and uncalled for; why is he trying to embarrass/ one up her in front of their mentor? (Did he forget that he is the one who joined her session, not the other way around?)
3. The last major issue I have with Fitz is the fact that he guilt trips Sophie and Keefe a lot. And, just so everybody is aware, not about minor stuff. He tries to make them feel guilty about things that are completely out of their control, and as you are reading these examples I just want you to keep in mind that elves are not equipped to handle guilt. Their mind can literally shatter if they feel too much of it (like Alden), and that’s why I think it is so horrific every time Fitz does stuff like this:
Everybody knows this one, but I am still going to put it here because it is worth mentioning. In Exile, Fitz blamed Sophie for his dad’s mind shattering. I have seen a lot of people try to say it is justified because he was going through a lot at the time, but I disagree. I think we can all agree that just because someone is going through a tough time (no matter how tough it may be), it does not give them the right to bully an innocent person.
Moving on, in Flashback, towards the end of the book Fitz makes everyone search for Alvar because he thinks he is up to something shady. When they find Alvar and question him, Keefe says that he can tell that Alvar is telling the truth. Then Fitz retorts, “Like you could tell with your mom?” In this remark, he is referring to the fact that, before she revealed her betrayal, Keefe had no idea that his mom was evil. This made me so angry on Keefe’s behalf because everyone already knows that he blames himself for everything that his mom is doing. With every revelation about his mom’s plan he sees how much worse things truly are, and that sends him into a downward spiral of guilt. For his “best friend” to say this to him is so messed up.
This is not another example, just my own thoughts about what I said above so you can skip it if you would like. I never understood why people (namely the Councillors) expected Keefe to know that his mom was evil. For one thing, his parents are literally known for never showing any physical or emotional affection to him. So, how is he supposed to be able to read his mom’s emotions if he never is close to her? Secondly, I think people are forgetting that as an empath he can only read people’s emotions. He does not know the reason why they are feeling the way that they do unless he has context. Lastly, his mom was literally erasing his memories left and right so whatever information he could even manage to glean would be wiped from his mind. Meanwhile, Fitz is literally a telepath, and he had no idea his brother was evil (and I assume he must have read his brother’s mind at least one time) so I think he needs to lay off the judgment.
In Legacy, Gisela leaves a note for Sophie to bring Keefe to Loamnore during the “showdown” (or whatever you want to call it). Anyway, Sophie does not want to do this because it is obviously a trap, and Keefe gives in and agrees to stay behind. When he makes this decision, Fitz says, “Wow, you really hate Tam that much? Because he’s the one who’ll pay the price if you’re not there—you get that right?” Is it just me or does that not sound so condescending? All I can say to this is how does he have the nerve to blame Gisela’s actions on Keefe, especially when Keefe is one of the people working the hardest to stop her? Also, it is crazy that Fitz is guilt tripping Keefe for deciding not to be bait and leaving his life in the hands of his (crazy) mom. I’m sure it’s easy for Fitz to say that because he is not the one who is being targeted by an evil mastermind who wants to experiment on him.
This last example happened in Stellarlune, so it is is quite literally very recent. Fitz and Sophie are in the school cafeteria, and they are disagreeing about next steps to take to stop the Neverseen. In that conversation Fitz says, “But sometimes it feels like you don’t realize that it’s only a matter of time before something you do gets someone else killed?” In my opinion this is a completely unfair statement to make against Sophie. First of all, since the beginning of the series she never wanted her friends involved in the fight against the Neverseen because she wanted to keep them safe. However, her friends (including Fitz) would not take no for an answer and insisted on helping. Secondly, Sophie is always going above and beyond (risking her life) to save that of others. Both times when she almost died fixing her abilities, she endured it all for the sake of becoming stronger and protecting her friends, family, and her world. That is why I think the way Fitz is trying to make her feel guilty, and put the entire weight of people’s lives on her shoulders, is so unjustified. She is literally a young girl trying to do her best to save her world from crazy powerful villains, cut her some slack.
If you made it to the end, thanks for reading. Honestly, there are many more examples that could be brought up that I’m sure a lot of you are thinking about, but I am too lazy to write all of that. I just wanted to share my thoughts because I have been seeing some people say that Fitz has had good character development throughout the series (which I just have not seen) and does not deserve all the hate so I just wanted to share why I believe Fitz is viewed the way he is by a majority of the Keeper fandom.
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