#i will prevail (BE DERANGED)
anonymocha · 5 months
Lucy screenshots cuz I
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+ bobie shot why not
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❓ "i think ahab is married to the whale"
✅ "smash ahab she would be rough with me and degrade me and reduce my self image to ashes but id be into it the whole time because shed gaslight me into it. And id thank her"
✅ "Ahab is so disgusting. She hasn't bathed in ages and she stinks of booze and rum and fish guts. I want her gnarled weatherbeaten nasty hands so deep inside me I contact MRSA of the pussy and perish within a week."
✅"i remember seeing yuri artwork of her and hermann once where they made ahab actually look like an 80 year old women and thats based of them showing actual old women yuri"
❌ "She managed to gaslight me during the canto"
❌ "As much as I love older men and women and the fact that her design is hot, I do not- cannot vibe with Ahab. The sex would be horrid. I'm sure there are stronger and/or more deranged(affectionate) people out there, but I am not one of them"
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yujeong · 15 days
what do u think is the relevance of the black cat on tonkla? what goes on inside his head when he sees the cat?
Anon, I could talk about that damn cat all day, but my head is a mess and I can't fully put my thoughts in order. This post was the best I could do, but since you asked, I'll try to explain how I view the whole thing as coherently as I can. In very few words, the cat represents many things in relation to Tonkla: loss, powerlessness, mourning, bad luck, love, revenge and so on. Whenever the cat appears, it encompasses all of those things, some of these prevailing over others depending on the scene in question. With that said, let's take each scene and analyze it a little bit, shall we? First instance - Episode 1: Right after Korn leaves, Tonkla hears his cat meowing. The cat looks at him for a short moment, then it immediately flees to the kitchen, where it disappears before it completely turns around. (In this moment I'd like to mention how, in my opinion based on Episode 7, Tonkla's cat was probably killed near or in the kitchen. The space isn't shown clearly but it'd make sense, since 2/3 cat appearances happen close to the kitchen.) In order for us to understand what Tonkla is thinking once he sees the cat, we need to remember what happened for it to appear in the first place: Korn left to go to his dad, his actions and words reminding Tonkla that he doesn't come first. Korn, the man Tonkla loves, left him. Just like his cat did. But it's not only that.
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This specific moment has stayed with me. It looks like he's reminiscing a past memory. Like he's remembering how his cat was killed, how he lost something he loved, how it was brutally taken from him. And the memory must have hurt, because he exhales, rests his head on the couch and then:
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He does this. Many people, myself included, thought this was about Korn, and it very well could be, and it kind of is, but I also think it's about the cat. It's about the loss and the loneliness and how it's a constant in Tonkla's life. Second Instance - Episode 7: This time, at first the cat meows softly like before to get Tonkla's attention, but then the sound the cat makes is angrier, its gaze sharper. Now it stays there and it doesn't flee and it stares at Tonkla without fear. So, what happens this time to make the cat appear? Tonkla gets upset by Win's approach of bringing Title to justice. He feels it's not enough, like it's not the correct solution to the problem. An important detail to this moment is that we don't only hear the cat meowing. We also hear its bell ringing. The one Tonkla was holding when he pushed his father down the stairs. When he killed him. What goes on inside Tonkla's head this time is simpler to understand: the cat serves as a reminder of what he's done in the past. The realization dawns on his face, his fingers itch with it, the sink becomes his old house's floor with his father's blood smeared all over it.
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"Right," he thinks. "I can take matters into my own hands. I don't have to rely on anyone else." Third Instance - Episode 7: Finally, we hear the cat and see it briefly walking by Tonkla's gun, the one he uses to shoot Great. Here, what happens before this moment to make the cat appear is interesting to me: Tonkla finds out Great and Korn are related, something he had no idea about, judging by his reaction:
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And it's interesting to me because I believe that for a moment, he was conflicted:
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He understood what him doing harm to Korn's brother would mean for him and for their relationship. That's why, even when the cat meows and the gun appears in the frame, he still has that face:
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But of course, this doesn't last, because Tonkla understands the poetic irony of the situation. And he finds it hilarious.
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That's what his smile means to me. He's not losing it, it's not a deranged expression (although it is). He just finds it all amusing and I can't really blame him. This is the moment the cat represents revenge. This is when it crosses Tonkla's mind. All the other things are still there - the loss, the pain, the loneliness, all of it - but this is what prevails in the end. Oh, and because I saw a few mentions of mental disorders floating around in regards to Tonkla seeing the cat, I'd like to end this post on a very unserious note, by adding a moment from 13 reasons why of all shows: Clay: "I don't actually see ghosts." Justin: "I get it. You wrote my paper on magical realism."
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
damn, sonic and scourge both so equally deranged in how they would act as friends towards the reader i can't tell which one is worse tbh.
ngl i think i orchestrate the battle to the death between those two out of sheer desperation lol, you were too accurate with them there. // hopefully sonic sees the light and stops being that way if he survives the battle 😔 , or that scourge leaves everyone the hell alone for good cause he’s too injured to do anything at the moment and the reader ditched him
thanks for taking in my request.
No problemo buddy! Glad that you liked the headcanons, I had a whole lotta fun writing them! Took me a bit to think over how exactly Sonic and Scourge would go up against each other, given the chance but, I still prevailed.
Sonic and Scourge would definitely fight to the death as a last resort, disregarding whatever self-respect that they had for themselves in favor of saving their "best friend." Personal ethos and logos and general catharsis chucked straight out the window!
A funny thought occurred to me: reader is just sitting on the beach, trying to mind their own business and really just recover from the carnage that was Sonic vs Scourge. Both boys went home to lick their wounds and prepare to fight again, incidentally forgetting about reader and leaving them to just, well, relax for however long they can lol. And then in the midst of their relaxation, the hedgehogs appear simultaneously and clash heads once more and reader's like: "aw shit, here we go, again"
Who knows, maybe the boys will come to their senses! Maybe not. In this AU, likely not 🤪
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ramseyr · 3 months
I like how anti's took the scene of Stolas saying "I DONT look down on you" to go "haha gotcha you totally do."
Do you remember the first time they hooked up, Stolas said "If that's what Blitzy wants."
Everything that Stolas has been doing until recently was what he thought Blitz wanted. Including the deal.
The kinky sex talk, the pet names, the rendezvous, it was all intentional.
The issue is that it took too long for Stolas to realize that there is a dramatic power dynamic between them. Both of them think the other's in control, even if Stolas is the Prince, and Blitz is the Little Imp.
This creates a series of miscommunication, which, if you've been paying attention, is a prevailing issue.
Stolas wasn't looking down on Blitz. He thought they were both having fun. And Blitz never COMMUNICATED that he wasn't. They both just went along with it.
The Stolas hate is deranged, and calling him a rapist is just vile. He's not innocent by any means, but quit throwing that word around like it means nothing.
Blitz was never "taken advantage" of. He dressed up in his own monkey suit for Full Moon.
don't take parts of the show, while ignoring the rest, to suit your messed up argument.
Also. Get out of the main tags.
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nervestatic · 6 days
there's gotta be aloy-from-other-tribes aus, right?
like. where's the world where rost is offered this squalling bundle of red hair and joy, and teersa tells him she's outcast. an infant, given a title meant for criminals, for those who break taboo, who commit atrocities.
and she's so small, and all rost can think about is that he doesn't want her to be raised in the shadow of the people who thought this beautiful, tiny creature deserved to be cast out.
so he goes! he travels north to the banuk, and aloy is raised in the cut, wild and hardy and free. she is taught to survive, to prevail, and instead of falling into a ruin she is introduced to the old world through CYAN
or he braves the derangement and aloy is raised oseram, hammer-wielder and tinkerer, with wire-bound hair and sparkworker burns on her cheeks amongst her freckles
surely someone else has thought of this and written it so i can read it without having to do any work myself
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Idk if this fits bit V reminds me of that one meme from the movie (I think) Spree that’s like the scene where the main guy is driving with the girl (or smth I never watched the actual movie-) and it’s like
“I’m taking you home!”
“This is not the way to my fucking house??!!”
“Ohh no not your home, my home.” :)
Holy fuck- V is literally an edgier Kurt- (implied drugging)
Going along with streamer reader: You're an up and coming streamer that just attended your first convention and you gave a powerful speech about community and supporting those around you. Your words are so impactful they move members of the crowd to tears - and prevent an attempt on your life by a deranged fan.
Leaving the con you hop in the Rideshare car with the license plate matching the one on your phone, not even bothering to check who's in the driver's seat. The event has you exhausted, but a quiet voice from the front wakes you as you doze off.
You stir against the cushion.
"I liked what you said up there...."
Wiping drool from the corner of your mouth, you smile at the main from the overhead mirror. "You were at the convention?"
"Yeah... you were inspirational. There's a water bottle in the cupholder if you're thirst."
Your mouth did feel dry. You locate the mentioned bottle and drink something of the water as he continues.
"You're a genius. The things you were saying were in my head, but I hadn't thought them yet. When I came out here today, I planned to do something I would've regretted for how you treated me, but now I see how you really feel about your fans. About me."
The dryness in the back of your mouth prevails. "I'm sorry, have we met?"
"It's me- V. Y'know, the guy you gave that nickname too because my name was too long, but your mods banned me when I kept asking for your address?"
You peak out the window. This isn't the way he should be going. "I'm...sorry about that. Usually they message me before they do anything."
"It's okay now, Y/n. I hated you and those uptight bastards for the better part of a year, but that's all because I was jealous. They took you away from me, and you didn't even notice then, but I realize now that you always knew that I was still there. You love me. Your biggest fan."
You try to unlock the door. Your fingers fail to properly grip the knob. "What's.. going on?"
"Love. That's what's going on and all I'm about now, babe. Oh, man- we're gonna have so much fun together when you wake up. You prefer Chinese food or Greek?"
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stillarandom-radfem · 10 months
Picture this: a horror film in the style of "Saw" in which the villain is a deranged incel trying to "punish" women for rejecting him. He's utterly delusional, believing that the "lucky" final girl will finally "see the light" and accept a date with him (because he believes in "alpha male" nonsense, and of course, the true alpha male is obviously the guy who is the most violent towards women 🙄), but she just slaughters him on sight instead. She briefly pretends to seduce him in order to get him close enough to try to kiss her, then she stabs him twice in the guts with a sharp piece of metal she found and hid in her pocket, and twists it hard. He falls to the ground, whimpering in pain, and she says, "oh, what, boy, you thought I would feel something for you? Dumbass, after all the innocent women you've murdered tonight, after everything you have put me through, the only thing I feel about you is a prevailing sense of justice at your death. Worthless scumbags like you are undeserving even of life on this planet, let alone dates. Btw, you have only succeeded in making me into even more of a misandrist than I already was before, because we both know a woman wouldn't do this shit. A woman would allow those who reject her bodily autonomy, and the right to say no. Sure, she'd be sad, maybe even mope a little bit for a few days, but ultimately, she'd get over it. But you, you couldn't do the same, could you? You think rejection is a misery that precious widdle you shouldn't have to bear, same as everyone else. Well, then. I guess I'll just put you out of it." And she rips out the knife from his gut and stabs him in the throat. We watch him take his final breath and die. She smiles, satisfied, and simply walks away.
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tobacconist · 11 months
theres this prevailing idea in all discussion of historical witchcraft that... it just didnt happen. it was all hysteria and nothing but the deranged fantasies of misogynist men levelled at innocent women.
like. okay. i get it. most people dont believe in witchcraft in this day and age. its easy to read historical grimoires and think 'this is all just fantasy. this is like creative writing. anointed with milk in which nine bats have been drowned? a lions pelt smeared inside with the fat of a murdered baby? wearing a dead mans shroud stolen from his very grave? theres no way people actually did those things...
but they did. we know they did. even if you dont believe it 'worked', the fact remains that people did, infact, do these things, and did believe that it worked. we have not only the books and grimoires themselves (and the cultural oral tradition of it all, references in literature and idiom etc) but actual, physical archaeological evidence of people performing these kinds of rites. like, toads sealed up in jars etc. and most importantly - PEOPLE STILL DO THIS SHIT. occultism still exists. yes, you might think they are just nutters who like playing dressup, but ritual murder/animal sacrifice/all sorts of other bizarre shit DOES still go on, and it is in direct cultural lineage with this.
it isnt a perfect metaphor, but what i always say is this: if you want to truly understand the cultural environment which brought about the witchtrials in england - look to modern day nigeria. that is: a deeply religious country, historically colonised, where pre-christian animist traditions are still a strong part of society but sit uneasily with the religious establishment. where many people do still believe in witchcraft, generally despise it, but often resort to it for matters of love/business/to curse ones enemies/etc in secret. ive heard it described as two rival vendors at a market, each vying to win over the people. one side is a fairly new foreign import which is more respectable and has the backing of the establishment, promising a better life in the beyond in return for living righteously; and the other side has been there for years, everyone knows her products are bad but theyve all relied on her in the past, and she doesnt care how righteously you live, and doesnt promise a better life far far away but offers immediate improvement in the very primal aspects of life. and there are still laws against witchcraft in nigeria, but the higher government would rather just ignore it, leaving such matters to the local level and; the law failing, often these shoddy venders end up at the hands of mob justice. and its not hard to imagine (back to medieval britain) how this kind of situation, considering all the rest of the turmoil in the period (both the government and the people deeply anxious about their lives and livelihoods), eventually bubbled up into complete hysteria.
basically my point is this: what you have to understand is that during this period, there were bitches runnin round (claiming) to toil merrily in the service of satan, and (claimed) to have the power to destroy crops and do other wicked things. and people were fucking terrified of this.
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tillman · 1 year
requesting a comm from one of my favorite artists online i feel so deranged . i kept waiting every single time i saw their slots open cus i was like oh i dont know who to get oh what do i do... but still we prevail.......... GAH . exciting
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shidiaa · 5 months
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"Friends, Foes, Lovers"
☆ —An Ajax Tartaglia x Reader. Enemies to Lovers, Slowburn.
"We meet again, Astra" Tartaglia said, approaching you; sword in hand and infused with Hydro. As your code-name Astra, you are a delegate from Celestia, a known enemy of the Fatui. You were here for a certain mission, to collect information for Celestia. Pointing your weapon, your eyes narrow at the ginger. "To what i owe the pleasure?" You say with a cunning tone evident in your voice. He smiles at you before he lunges at you with his two swords. Blocking him with your weapon, which cancelled his powerful blow. "Still as hostile to me, I see." Tartaglia spoke. "You started it.." muttering those words under your breath.
He chuckles at the comment. "You're saying that like we don't know each other, are you forgetting me?"—"Are you saying that we're friends?" You say, which quickly interrupts him. "Or maybe more." Tartaglia vocalised. "We're nothing more than mere foes, Ajax." His grin widened at the use of his name. You two knew each other beforehand. Met in the abyss, fought together to say alive, and had different views on justice from that experience. You knew him like the back of your hand. He knew you just as well. Your icy tone sending chills down his spine, but he rejoices at the feeling. "Bring it on, then, [name]. As soon as those words left his mouth, his eyes gleam at your smirk. You weren't gonna hold back.
— "Ajax! To your right!" You exclaimed as Ajax's quick movements managed to smack the cryo abyss mage to the ground. Sweat trailed down the troubled teens' back as he shakily sighed, feeling nervous and paranoid. The dark trenches of the abyss surrounded the two. Backs together and guarding eachothers weak spot. "Hey.. you're okay. We can do this." You said. Knowing he was shaken just by his trembling figure. You couldn't lie to yourself, You were just as terrified as him. Ajax stood calm as much as he could, your presence giving him a sense of clarity and safety. "Thank you." He managed to utter. Leaving a smile on your lips as you guarded the both of you.
With the intense battle set in motion, it wasn't unusual to see that you had prevailed. Tartaglia's weapons were dropped and discarded with the cold, hard ground. You pin him down to the same ground with your heel. pointing your angelic spear towards his throat. The deranged harbinger then let out a laugh. "Thought you only killed the innocent?" He smirked. "Silence. You have no idea what you're talking about." And he chuckles. "You have only blinded yourself. Why would you join the fatui?" You asked. —"And why have you joined Celestia?"
When the two of them got out of the abyss, Ajax was blinded by rage. The abyss changed the once gentle child into a much more temperamental one. [Name] stayed the same, but she watched him change. Once she heard about Ajax joining the fatui, she was dumbfounded. How could he? Joining an organization full of monsters, entertained by people's agony? Was the question you asked yourself for millions of times.
"Ajax, why? Why would you—" "Don't question me. Question yourself. Why did you have to join in with them? The ones who created that hellhole? Are you seriously going to side with them? Or did you join because you wanted to be a divine being? Answer me, [name]." Ajax's heart was filled with blind anger. He wasn't really mad. He was just confused, just like you. He didn't want to join the fatui. His father couldn't handle him anymore. He was sending him to the Fatui. "Ajax... I.. they were going against them, they couldn't be -"—"Save it." He knew you were religious, to all the Archons except the Tsaritsa now that you became a follower of the Celestia. You two had different views. But he knew if he admitted that his father forced him to join the Fatui, you would've fought the Fatui and the Tsaritsa herself to let him go. "Thought you were different, [name]." Ajax spat. Which made your heart drop. "Farewell, [name]." He walked away, heavy heart and all as you stood there in silence. "..May the Archon's bless you, Ajax."
You were dead silent. There was ringing in your ears as Tartaglia shoved you off. Blood pulsing in his veins as he watched your dumb-founded state. "Cat got your tongue again, [name]? Like how you tried to explain yourself so frantically all those years ago?" His eyes was emitting such a sadistic gaze on you. You stood up and looked at him with guilt. "I wanted what's right, Ajax. Why can't you understand?" He let out a scoff at your statement. Leading him to think the audacity of you to explain yourself in the same reason.
His body was bruised up, and a bit of the velvet substance dripped from his lips. "You're such a coward, Astra." He said. Fixing himself up. "You held back again. You can't even kill the person you swore would die with your hands. You promised that to the Archons, right?" Making eye contact, the tension was apologetic yet intense. He turns around, sighing and leaving you alone as he did all those years ago. "Ajax.." You wanted to help him, not kill him! You didn't mean that, or did you? Your confidence and façade that you tried so much to keep up vanished in milliseconds. Your eyes dulled as you exhaled. Turning around from where you faced and walking away. Angelic spear in hand as you returned, submitting a report that you never saw him that day.
Authors Note: I'm tired how do people do this also my first fiction in awhile, I actually have 2 fics in my main acc @neigee LMAOO
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Ok hear me out: Desert Duo isn't divorced. They're widowed. They're each other's widow.
I remember that in 3rd Life Scott said something along the lines of "once our husbands die in the war, we can be free". But Grian was never freed, was he? Even after he lost his first life, he still stuck by Scar's side despite no longer being indebted to him. Their relationship didn't end because they divorced, it ended because they were forced to kill each other in the end.
You could argue that the next seasons have them trying to move on from the desert. It doesn't really work when they try to work together in Last Life, that relationship ended before it even started.
In Double Life, they are tied together, and neither of them really wants to be there. Scar wants to wander around with his Jellie pandas, and Grian drags him around while simultaneously cheating on him with Big B. But they were still together in the end. They could have divorced, could have gone their separate ways like the Divorce Quartet did, but they still stuck together. Yes, because Grian was afraid Scar would just kill them if left to his devices, but my point still stands: they never divorced. If anything, they ended as a bitter couple that was only still married for the sake of convenience. It was death that did them part.
And then they were cousins in Limited Life, no one really knows what was going on there—
Yes, they are iconic. Yes, they are tragic. But I'm afraid they're not nearly as divorced as Divorce Quartet.
Regardless of the name the group gets, it is undeniable that their whole story in Double Life is about divorce. They were tied agains their will, and Scott and Cleo openly decided to cut those ties. In episode one.
So you have Martyn as the desperate ex-husband trying to get his soulmate back, killing her and eventually ending up in some sort of bitter alliance. Not forgiveness, not a return to what their relationship could be, but more like divorced parents begrudgingly reaching a truce to attend their child's school play. Or in this case, to defend themselves from a common enemy.
And then you have Pearl. Poor, poor Pearl. She went deranged in her loneliness. She sought revenge rather than reconciliation. She and Martyn joined the Broken Heart's Club because they literally had no one else. To her soulmate, Pearl was just a crazy wet cat of an ex who kept sending drunk messages only to be left on read. When the bitter alliance came, she was so hopeful, but it didn't mean anything. In the end, she killed Cleo, and she was ready to fight Scott for that first place.
She forgave Scott, yes. They were allies for a short period of time in Limited Life. And then Pearl decided to spite him and his new partner just for the sake of it, ending that alliance as well. Friendship divorce. No one else does it like her, I'm telling you.
So there you have it. Tragic for different reasons, but only one group may prevail as the most divorced. And that is the Divorce Quartet.
Thank you
RAHHHHH! ! Speak your truth to the masses ^_^
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Are we talking about Dead Dove fics that temporarily broke us?
Because Man's Desire kinda did that to me. I can no longer look at Hajime the same again after he tortured everyone (except Teruteru and Imposter because they died before) in all those personal ways.
Love Prevails is also by the same Author (even though it isn't DanganRonpa but OMORI) and oh god, how deranged is his sex cult…
The FPE Purity A.U. feels way more personal to me.
I feel like someone sent Man's Desire to me before but it wasn't dark in a way that engaged me so i only read a bit of it.
I've read a decent amount of Dead Dove fics, like I mentioned before I was a creepypasta mlp kid, so I have a tolerance and enjoyment for schlocky horror stories from that. It's hard to think of any that have left a big impact on me outside of GD, well, I guess there's the OTHER fic GD's author has, which is a yandere one-shit collection that can get pretty gruesome, but that's about it off the top of my head for more then just a "huh, neat" from me
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finitevoid · 3 months
I’m so honored to be part of the cursed and deranged fic writers club… sniffles thank you.. all I’ve ever wanted is to be insane <3
6. What nasty/evil/maladjusted character traits do you enjoy exploring in your little meow-meows?
I like it when the cycle of violence :) the cycle of abuse :) when characters do all the same cruelty that was done to them :) a child raised by violence considers hurt a comfort but Not in an entirely self destructive way but a CRUEL way. Hurt others the way you were hurt!!! mal in ssl voice “I was acting like my mom” AHH!!
7. What's the gnarliest physical injury you have written in detail?
I had to think about this a lot because I’ve written a lot of detailed physical injuries. while I think the gnarliest injury I ever wrote was bart allen getting his skin peeled off by deathstroke I didn’t describe it in as avid detail as I wanted. One day I’ll edit it to be worse. The best description of gore I’ve ever done I think was this scene where cassie sandsmark watches as bart bites one of his own fingers off
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9. Who/what are your inspirations for truly fucked up content?
people around me! You :) vi as well. Another friend of mine who thrives in the ultraviolence. I have a lot of friends who write and/or enjoy heavy gore and it made me feel more normal about heavy gore than I maybe should and I’ve undergone this transformation where I am now insane . Something in me shifted recently. I’ve emerged from my chrysalis (of insanity) and now I write gore. An inspiration of mine is also horror movies. Saw. Rob zombie. You know the type. all writing is visual in its own way but I really try to keep the exact image I’m going for in mind when writing that type of violence
14. What’s your favorite way to emotionally destroy a character?
what I always return to is the loss of autonomy. the loss of control over one’s own self. the loss of identity that comes free with being dominated (nonconsensually). The suffering of having your personhood taken away . it doesn’t have to be sexual but it often is in my work. but it can be violent. psychological. characters trapped characters beaten characters bound characters taken. it always preludes the rising above, the prevailing, the victory. but that’s the most exquisite pain, in my work
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Hikikomori and Ron Kamonohashi
Not a long time ago I saw a documentary about the plight of hikikomori in Japan.
What is a hikikomori? “A form of severe social withdrawal, called hikikomori, has been frequently described in Japan and is characterized by adolescents and young adults who become recluses in their parents’ homes, unable to work or go to school for months or years.”
The reasons they withdraw from the society are varied. One thing that prevails is that they lose interest in it. Like failing to meet the society’s standards, a tragedy, or simply shunning the peer pressure.
The counselling rate in Japan is 6 per cent compared to 52 per cent in Europe and the US. When it comes to psychiatric help, the country, according to the experts, is backward.
“Japan, which has a large number of suicides among developed countries and has a low psychiatric examination rate, is a mental health backward country. At the root of it is a culture that tends to be a private service and painful. On the other hand, counseling is commonplace in Europe and the United States, and understanding of mental disorders is progressing.” ( x )
Hikikomori mostly afflicts young men. But recently, half a number of the hikikomori is women. “Women accounted for more than 52 per cent of hikikomori.”
Social workers are assigned to these individuals and they are patient enough to stay in contact with them. One social worker would not leave the house until she saw a sign of life from him. She would climb to his windows, bother his neighbours in order to find if he were still alive. There was an instance where one of their clients fell in love with the social worker assigned to them that it encouraged the affected person to come out of his shell. A few months later, they got married.
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I am not going to oversimplify the severity of this condition to the premise of “Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective.” God knows how much stigma is attached to these individuals and their families. But the symptoms are there.
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But I believe Akira Amano would like to tackle this phenomenon through her manga. In a way that people can recognise this social problem in Japan. Maybe she would like to reclaim these individuals through her work. I am only guessing. There has never been a write-up about her new oeuvre.
In spite of my personal head canons, she sent Totomaru Isshiki to encourage Ron Kamonohashi, a modern-day hermit, to join the society again by acknowledging the latter’s talent. That’s the start of their relationship.
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In the end, we the readers (and soon to be viewers) are going to change our opinions (and probably recognise the problem) concerning these individuals and to pay more attention to them.
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spearxwind · 2 years
got any good song/band recommendations for edgy OCs? all I've got for this one guy is the Doom 2016 soundtrack
Lately Ive been obsessed with TRUE POWER (album) by I prevail, a bunch of the songs are in bastard playlists. Its really fucking good The album TRAUMA by them is also really really good
I also recommend Motionless in white's past two albums, Scoring the end of the world; and disguise, both of those have really edgy songs
Ofc also Ice Nine Kills (band). They sing about horror media so theyve got songs for a lot of classic horror movies but like, a lot of their songs just fit other vibes (ive got so many of their songs in adris playlist houghghg) and also their music fucking slaps so hard
My fave album is the silver scream, but welcome to horrorwood is sick asfuck too, and every trick in the book is a good runner up, its older and its about horror novels instead. Also if you watch their music vids spencer (the singer) acts in them and he looks completely deranged
Memphis may fire (band) also has some great great great stuff especially lately i love them so much
And last but not least, SWARM (artist) makes evil as fuck sounding songs you might find something u vibe with there too.
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