#i will save you my queen. i will write and draw in your name. my dear maya aunty. thank you for raising my blorbo. giving you many kisses
demigod-of-the-agni · 4 months
Sometimes I think about ATSV Pavitr's design, and I just. man thought an integral part of his costume is to have his hair out. like it's just there, a full mane of hair, perfectly styled with 0 effort, out in the sunshine for all to see.
He's so full of himself, to think that his hair is an important aspect of his presentation. Narcissus-level of self-love. You know I'm right, that the top portion of his mask is open so that his ego can just ooze directly out of his brain to moisturise his scalp and oil his hair
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karajaynetoday · 8 months
hey now, you're an all-star | jack hughes
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it took one month of watching hockey for me to write fic. lmao. classic. good vibes.
thank you @littledrummeraussie for proofreading, love you angie 💖
word count: 2.8k
Warnings:  i don't think it needs any? just forgive my limited knowledge of hockey and canada i suppose? mentions of anxiety related to university? it's a bit angsty bc let's be real, do i ever know how to write anything else?
(This is a fem reader insert)
More writing here (soz that the masterlist is not up to date lol) | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here
You’d known Jack Hughes for as long as you could remember. He stood up for you in the playground at kindergarten, when a bigger kid pushed you off the swings; you returned the favour by saving him from a spider on his backpack. Ever since, you’d always had each other’s backs. 
And for as long as you’d known Jack, you’d been able to tell when he was upset about something. His lips did this thing, not quite a pout, but nowhere near the easy smile you were used to seeing. He’d pull his sleeves down over his hands, and his breathing would be… deeper, somehow. He could never meet your gaze, either. 
You were scrolling through Instagram on your couch at home, where you were supposed to be studying, when you saw a video of Jack from the Devils fundraiser event, answering media questions about his injury and when he’d be back on the ice. He laughed and smiled for the cameras, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. They asked about the all-star game, and you could feel his hesitation in answering. Jack tried to be positive and assure everyone that he had a chance of playing, but you both knew that wasn’t very likely. 
You sent the video to Jack with a comment bagging out his hairstyle, hoping to lift his mood a little, before dropping your phone onto the couch and drawing your attention back to the economics case study you were supposed to be analysing. 
You’d stayed in Toronto for university, while Jack headed off to New Jersey after his draft year. Long distance friendship took a lot of getting used to, but at least you were still in the same timezone, and the NHL schedule meant that Jack was contractually obliged to visit you a few times each year. Quinn too, despite how much he complained about the intensity of hockey mania in Toronto. In fact, the entire Hughes family sometimes made the trek, which you knew your parents not-so-secretly loved. It reminded you of the warmth you felt growing up in each other’s homes, filled with laughter and joy.
The little focus you had for your economics homework was broken when your phone began to vibrate beside you, Jack’s name flashing on the screen. You rolled your eyes with a smile, before leaning over to answer the video call. 
“Good morning, sunshine!” You greeted your best friend, who was already scowling at you. 
“Is it a good morning, though? When all I do is get criticism from my supposed best friend?” 
“It’s not criticism, more… encouragement, I’d say.” You teased back, Jack rolling his eyes at you.
“Encouraging what, exactly?”
“Encouraging you to make better personal style choices, especially related to hair. You are a millionaire, after all. Least you can do is get a decent haircut.” 
“Oh, my apologies. Didn’t realise I was getting encouragement from the queen of high fashion. Is that a coffee stain on that shirt?” Jack’s eyes glanced down at what little he could see of your outfit in the video call, before poking his tongue out at you.
“Hey, I’m a university student. This is high fashion, I’ll have you know. Anyway, why aren’t you at training?” You asked, cocking your head to the side in curiosity. 
Jack’s lips pressed together, and he looked away from his phone and you; you silently cursed yourself for asking the question. Even though Jack had been injured, he’d been pretty dedicated to his rehab and recovery, so it was a little odd for him to be calling you in the morning rather than be at a physio session. 
“More scans this afternoon so no session this morning. Trying to decide if I can play next weekend or if I just have to show up and look pretty.” Jack tried to joke, but you could tell that it wasn’t something he found humour in. 
“Good thing that looking pretty comes naturally to you, J.” 
“Oh, so now I’m pretty? I thought I had shit hair?!”
“You can both be a pretty face and have shit hair, buddy. They’re not mutually exclusive.”
“Mutually exclusive? Is that a fancy term you learnt at school?” 
You laughed at that, earning a Jack smile in return. You continued chatting back and forth for another 30 minutes or so, before Jack had to go to his scans. 
You managed to get through the rest of your economics homework, but your mind kept wandering back to Jack and his frustration at being injured. He’d been an All-Star before, so it wasn’t that specifically he was frustrated about missing, you were certain. The difference this year was Quinn’s selection in the All-Star weekend, and the building anticipation around so-called “Team Hughes” that would see Jack and Quinn on the same team for the first time in their NHL careers. That’s probably what Jack was upset about, because as much as they chirp each other and are fiercely competitive, there’s nothing Jack Hughes loves more than his brothers. You knew that he’d be in his head overthinking everything and convincing himself that he was letting Quinn down, somehow, despite it being beyond his control. 
The only further communication you got from Jack that day was a thumbs-down text message, which told you all you needed to know. You were sporadically in touch a few times throughout the week, and before you knew it, it was the day everyone was flying in for All-Star weekend.
You’d managed to persuade your parents that a full-blown neighbourhood party was not necessary, and instead convinced them to accept Quinn’s invitation to a lowkey but nice dinner downtown near the hotel where he and Jack were staying. The dinner was something you were looking forward to all week, but you hadn’t anticipated two things: accidentally deleting half your economics essay the night before it was due and having to stay up until 3am to finish it; and the butterflies that you were feeling when you were getting ready for dinner. Why on earth were you so nervous? Seeing Jack and Quinn after a while was usually something that excited you, not stressed you out. 
You had just pulled on your dress and finished wrangling your hair when your phone pinged with a message from Jack. 
Have you looked at the menu for this place? We need to order a side of the loaded mac n cheese pls and thx 
I thought you were a high performance athlete? But of course, mac n cheese is a MUST
Correct, my body is a temple. A temple of mac n cheese. Mac is a carb, cheese is calcium for my bones. Winners all around. See ya soon x
It was freezing outside, so you took an Uber from your university apartment to the restaurant. You were running behind, thanks to traffic, and then you almost toppled over on the pavement outside due to the wet weather. Between that and your sleep deprivation, you honestly wanted nothing more than to go home, put your pyjamas on and cry; but you plastered a smile on your face and headed inside the restaurant. 
The hostess greeted you warmly, and offered to take your coat once you established that your parents had already arrived and were seated on a table towards the back of the restaurant, and you could see the backs of Jack and Quinn as you approached them. Everyone stood up to greet you with hugs and kisses, and the butterflies sparked again when Jack pulled out the chair next to his for you to sit down. Jack and Quinn both had nice sweaters on with collared shirts, and you were quietly glad you’d decided to wear a dress rather than the jeans you’d initially picked out. 
“How did your essay go, sweetheart? I know economics isn’t your favourite…” Your mother enquired, obviously unaware of your crisis the night before. 
You gave her a tight-lipped smile and took a sip of the diet coke in front of you (that Jack must’ve ordered for you, no doubt) before mumbling something about getting it sorted and hoping for the best. Your dad swiftly changed the subject to the weekend’s festivities, excitedly asking Quinn about his plans for the All-Star draft, but you could feel Jack’s eyes on you. You met his gaze and subtly shook your head, silently asking for him to save his questions for later. Jack frowned at you, but complied. 
The dinner felt like it went quickly, but also went for hours. Your stomach hurt from laughing (and probably too much mac and cheese), as Jack and Quinn regaled your parents with stories of their seasons and their plans for the next summer off in Michigan, where your two families would join each other for a month or so of adventures. You found yourself smiling as your dad and the Hughes brothers comically argued over who would pay the bill, before Jack excused himself to the bathroom and sneakily paid the bill on his way there. 
Jack and Quinn’s hotel was walking distance from the restaurant, and they excitedly invited you and your parents to come and see the fancy suite they’d been gifted for the weekend. Your mother made some excuse about traffic on the drive home and promised to come and see it some other time, but nudged you in your side as she told you to go and check it out. You were so tired and ready for bed, but reluctantly agreed; your window of opportunity to spend time with Jack was closing, so you figured you may as well make the most of it.
The butterflies in your stomach flitted around as Jack helped you into your coat before you headed outside the restaurant and bid your parents farewell. You fell into step in between the brothers as they traipsed back toward the hotel, conversation flowing easily as Quinn asked about your college classes and you asked him about the latest book he was reading. Jack was silent as you walked the few blocks before arriving at the hotel, and he gently placed his hand onto your back as you were guided through the hotel front door and into the elevator. 
Your jaw dropped when Quinn swiped his key card and you all entered the hotel suite. They weren’t joking about it being fancy, holy shit. 
The floor to ceiling windows had incredible views of the city skyline, with a very comfortable looking couch in the living area facing the view. Two doors at either side of the living room lead to bedrooms with luxurious linens, and the marble bathrooms were impeccably finished. 
Jack was grinning as he watched you take it all in, leaning up against the door frame to his bedroom as you stood near the window and gaped at the views. Quinn had flopped down on the couch and was texting on his phone. 
“Can they gift this to you year-round? I’d like to live here…” You mused, shaking your head at how insane this hockey lifestyle could be. 
“We could probably just buy it for you.” Jack said nonchalantly, as he wandered over to stand beside you at the window. 
“Yeah, if you want. They’d probably charge us more because I’m a Canuck, though.” Quinn deadpanned, earning a laugh from you and an eye-roll from Jack.
“Speaking of, the guys are all catching up in Petey’s room, so I think I’ll head down there. See you tomorrow after the draft, sugar plum.” Quinn pulled you into a hug, and your heart burst at him using your childhood nickname (which came from one ill-fated ballet performance and you insisted you hated, but secretly loved being called). 
You could’ve sworn you saw Quinn wink at Jack before he left the hotel room, but then again, the sleep deprivation could also be sending you loopy. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” Jack asked, moving to stand behind you and loop his arms around your waist as you still faced the window. Your heart rate shot through the roof as he pulled you closer, and nestled his head in between your neck and shoulder. You cringed as you realised he could probably feel your pulse beating fast. 
“Sure, but no blaming me if I fall asleep on you, sorryyyyy.” You awkwardly maneuvered yourself out of Jack’s embrace and walked over to the couch, sitting down on it and removing your shoes. 
“The first time we’ve seen each other in MONTHS and you’re going to fall asleep? Am I that boring? Sheesh.” Jack drawled, watching you from where he stood.
“Yes.” You stuck your tongue out at him, but lost it to a yawn which made you both laugh. 
“You know I love you, J. I would happily pull an all-nighter with you, but I don’t think two in a row is probably good for me.”
“Two in a row? What, where you out partying hard last night?” Jack’s voice trailed off as he wandered off into the bedroom, leaving the door open behind him. You heard a drawer open and a light thud onto the floor, and your throat tightened when you realised Jack was changing his clothes. God, you’d gotten changed in front of each other a million times. Why was your brain making everything so weird tonight?
“Not quite. Had a disaster that involved accidentally deleting my entire essay, sobbing for an hour, then staying up until 3am to write the whole thing. Living the dream, as per usual.” You rattled off, trying to sound nonchalant about, even though just thinking about last night made you nauseous with anxiety. Your nonchalance was clearly unconvincing, as Jack came back out of the bedroom clad in a hoodie and sweats and bee-lined for you, his face covered in concern. 
“Don’t look at me like that. It’s fine, I promise. All part of the college experience.” You weren’t sure if you were trying to convince yourself or Jack more. He couldn’t either, but instead of pushing the issue, he threw a hoodie at your head and laughed when you looked offended. 
“I’m definitely falling asleep if I put this on, by the way. You know I love being cozy. Cozy is my natural state of being.” You pulled your hair up into a loose bun using the hair tie on your wrist, before pulling the black Devils hoodie over your head. 
Jack slotted himself beside you on the couch and reached his arm over your shoulders, finding the remote with his other hand and navigating the ridiculously large TV onto Netflix. 
“Fine by be, sugarplum. I’d rather know you’re getting sleep here than send you home to stress yourself out more.”  Jack mused, his fingers absentmindedly stroking your arm while he found the latest season of a TV show you both loved to watch and pressed play.
“I’m not stres - it was just one essay - I promise I’m fine.” You sputtered, tripping over your words when Jack locked eyes with you, his gaze empathetic but all-knowing. 
“Besides, I’m not the only one in the room worth worrying about.” You said softly, nudging Jack’s side gently. Jack rolled his lips between his teeth, and sighed; he put down the remote and pulled his hoodie sleeves over his hands. 
“But we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. You’re not letting anyone down, though. Quinn doesn’t think that.” You continued, softly, not wanting to cause tension. 
Jack sighed deeply again and pulled his arm away from you, leaning forward and rubbing his face with both hands. 
“You don’t know what Quinny’s thinking, sugar. And it’s not just Quinn, it’s the fucking journalists, and Bratter’s vacation being ruined, and goddamn Michael Bublé being disappointed in me, and - just - fucking all of it.” Jack exhaled deeply, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. 
You didn’t know what to say, because you could tell that Jack wasn’t in a mood that you could talk him down out of. But you could tell he needed comfort, needed reassurance, needed to know that you still had his back. Ever since kindergarten. 
You grabbed the back of Jack’s hoodie and gently tugged it, and he leaned back against the couch. You tapped Jack’s legs next, and he moved them up onto the other side of the L-shaped couch, so he was properly reclining. You paused, trying to figure out how to position yourself without being literally on top of Jack, but while your brain was running a million miles a minute, Jack’s hand found yours and yanked you towards him gently. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, before adjusting yourself between Jack’s body and the side of the couch. Jack’s arm found a home over your hips and settled gently on your stomach, pulling your back against his chest. You felt his breath on your neck as you both wriggled around, trying to get comfortable.
“Is this okay, sugar?” Jack’s voice was barely a whisper, directly into your ear. You didn’t trust your voice not to squeak a response so you simply nodded, trying desperately to calm your fast beating heart.
You rested your hand on top of Jack’s and gently squeezed, feeling yourself starting to lull to sleep. Despite the butterflies and your heart jumping out of your chest, you somehow had never felt more at peace, right in this moment.
This was safe, this was calm. This was home. 
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elsblunt · 9 months
i need soft ellie rn and i don't feel like writing today so (gonna chill and read the iliad) . pulling out jackson!ellies bun skulkily while she's laying her head upon your stomach. like she's just chilling talking about the sick habit or space or whatever n then she feels a tug on the rear of her scalp and when she goes to veer her head and examine what in gaias green earth that was she just feels the tickle of loose hair brushing her neck n she goes "hey!! what the— NAURR MY MANE!!!" cause that girl never let's her hair down💀
stop everytime i ask for recs ur always here i love u queen <;33
the auburn haired girl sat in your lap, head resting against your stomach as she drew little shapes on your thigh with her finger.
cold nipped at your body and fingertips, fireplace crackling to keep the house warm. there was snow falling aggressively outside, the wind howling and brushing against the trees.
winters in jackson were no joke, bundling up, preparing for any blizzards, stocking up on foods and always being ready. it was easier to adapt to over the years.
you were currently cooped up in the house with your girlfriend, times spent drawing and doing stupid contests, sleeping a lot, and doing some childish stuff you did as teens. now you guys just lay down on the bed, pillows scattered everywhere from the forts and fights you had.
“…and i don’t really think dinosaurs sound like RAHH, you know what i’m sayin’?” you jump slightly at her recreation of a roar, snickering softly before nodding and humming an mhm.
your fingers run through her scalp, slicking the hair back into her bun. sure, it was fun to tug on and piss her off with, but her hair was so pretty. so you grabbed on the band that held her auburn locks together, pulling it and letting her short hair fall.
ellie doesn’t really notice at first, but then she does. “hey! leave my beautiful long hair alone.” she flips her head and looks at you with a pout, grabbing at her hair and stroking it as if she had damn 30 inch buss down. “long? ellie maybe the smoking has gotten to your brain. and i just wanted to play with your hair, els..” you look at her with a defeated, sad face. making it a bit more dramatic.
the green eyed girl scoffs and lays back down, hearing your giggle before you play with her hair. “y’know, i’m gonna save my hair so when the apocalypse is over i’m gonna clone myself and there’s gonna be a lot of ellie’s. maybe i would start a new apocalypse! i would name i—“
“i’m gonna shave your head.”
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littlenahsstuff · 2 months
When will my life begin- Pt2
Chloe Charming x Red x F!reader
Synopsis: you are adjusting to school life with your favorite roomies and unknown feelings quickly pop up. Castlecoming is around the corner and you aren’t sure what’s happening with it.
Warnings: still a little angst but really cute. Not proofread. I think that’s it. We’re learning guys!
Word count: 3.4k
Pt 1.
“Y/n please, sit down, dinner will be brought shortly,” Rapunzel-you mean, your Mom says. She glances at your fingers nervously tapping the chair.
“Yes, of course.” You sit down at the long table. At least two feet to your left sits your new brother. He’s pretty young still. Your parents told you he was ten but he was decently tall for his age.
“Hey Y/n, I know you are still adjusting like mom says but do you think you could come to my tourney game tomorrow?” He exclaims. Your mom looks nervous at the mention but quickly smiles. You are too. Your younger brother William is surprisingly very sweet already.
When you first met he seemed impartial to you but quickly found out your shared love for birds. It was one of the only books you had. You have no idea what tourney is though.
“I would like that very much,” you respond. He grins but doesn’t say anything else as the best looking meal you’ve ever seen comes out.
You wait before taking anything, trying to gauge what is an acceptable portion. Even then you avoid the deserts. Once you got a cupcake for successfully getting your powers to work. You had only a bite before it was snatched out of your hands when you failed but it was the best thing you’ve ever eaten until now.
During dinner it was nearly quiet save for the occasional question about you.
“Y/n, what do you enjoy doing?” Your Father asked.
“Uh… I like reading and drawing. I’ve always wanted to work with paint but um…. she said it was too messy,” you swallowed the lump in your throat. Your mother gave you a bittersweet look before an idea popped into her head.
“I too like those things, in fact painting is my favorite hobby. We should try it together sometime!” She suggests it and you think you’re life couldn’t get any bet-
“Your majesty, I apologize for the interruption but I have two letters. Both are for Princess Y/n, one from Auredon Prep,” some footmen says.
“Very well,” the queen says. He walks over and hands you the two letters. Your father raises an eyebrow.
You open it and read,
“Dear Princess Y/n,
Auredon prep must notify you that, due to extremely limited space, you must either start your school year this following Monday or be forced to stay behind.
We understand your particular circumstances and will offer free tutoring, exemption for all assignments during the two weeks you have missed, as well as counseling. We hope we see you early.
In addition to the limited space you will end up rooming with two students who have requested you. Red of Hearts and Chloe Charming.
Thank you,
Auredon Prep Staff.”
“Oh dear,” your mother says. “It’s up to you sweetie.”
You think about it, while you’ve had zero to none experience with the real world the offer of school and rooming with your two saviors is tempting. You don’t know what to do.
“If it’s alright I think I need the night to think on it?” You ask.
“Of course,” your Dad responds immediately.
Your mother nods too.
You get to your room, a stunning and very spacious purple room, and flop on your bed with the other letter in your hand. There is no address or name besides your name.
You tear it open.
“Hi Y/n, Sup,
We wanted to write to see how things are going. OH it’s Chloe, and Red!
We hope it’s okay but we heard you might be coming to Auredon prep and wanted to see if we could room with you.
You haven’t missed too much here. The classes are wonderfully boring. Not all of them! And if you are worried I can totally help you out.
This school is actually interesting on occasion, apparently they brought back some elective magic classes to “better teach the students control and the dangers of it all” but sometimes it kicks. I managed to make the teacher breakdance. It was cool.
That and the food here is not bad.
Anyways we respect your decision very much, but we would totally want you to be our roomie. Yup!
Chloe, and Red.”
The letter makes you giggle and your feet are kicking in the air weirdly. It seems like you’re excited about it now. It’s decided, you’ll go.
It’s your first day at Auredon. You were amazed by how magical everything looked. Your suitcase was heavy from your books but you lugged it in fairly easily, the stairs were a bit much.
When you opened the door Chloe immediately jumped up and squealed.
“Y/n you’re here! Come in, come in!” She drags you to what you presume will be your bed and sets the suitcase next to it.
“Good to see you,” Red softly smiles and sits on her bed across from yours.
“I’m glad I’m rooming with you too, thank you!” You reply cheerfully.
“Oh it’s no problem, we did promise we’d be there for you and besides I get how hard this whole, new world thing, can be. We got your backs Y/n” Red says. Her sincerity makes you blush a bit internally.
“Yes, and if it makes you feel better, we all are still new to the school. I’m sure barely anyone will notice you” Chloe adds.
She was in fact very wrong.
School was hard; as expected when you don’t know anything, but what was harder was the rumors that got worse by the day. You were this celebrated princess when you were missing apparently. You had a festival that took place on your birthday and everything! But when you turned out to be not that smart and without anything that set you apart in a good way, you were talked about a lot. Loudly too. It’s not even that you’re an idiot, you just legitimately do not know basic algebra or history.
Today was bad. The daughter of Mirabel Madrigal was a massive gossip and she did not inherent her quiet aunts nature. She saw you get an D minus on your first test and was in your history class when you were called upon and completely forgot the name of the school. Mariposa wasn’t a complete jerk about it, in fact the worst part was you can’t get too mad because she sounded worried when she told the entire school.
Chloe was the first to find out, Red didn’t have too many other friends unlike Chloe who was the best in Fencing club. Chloe didn’t exactly know what to do but it’s now she realized she should make good on her promise and help you out. Red was supposed to get help from her too. She felt a little ashamed. So she decided to remedy it the next night.
“Hey Red, Y/n?” You were so lost in the equation muttering to yourself about the different variables and how the heck some pig would need 18 pieces of coal per day for a random project.
“Uh… Y/n?” Red asks too, she gave up on the same problem a minute ago and was doing all the easier ones first. You now look up at them.
“Oh, did you say something? I’m sorry it’s just, I’m having a bit difficultly with some of the language here. What even is a square root? Pigs are mammals not plants and if I remember correctly, neither is this coal stuff!” You groan, flopping back onto your back.
“Want a little help guys? That problem does look difficult but I am fairly confident I can explain it better than the two year one math teachers. They aren’t very thorough. Don’t feel bad.” Chloe’s offer has you sitting up again and Red flips back to the question.
“Yes please,” you whisper, grateful Chloe is able and willing to help.
“And for the record….” She starts, “failing a test does not mean you’re dumb. Bookish intelligence is only one trait amongst thousands that can make a person good.” Now you know she knows which embarrasses you, but does Red? There’s no way she doesn’t.
“You’ll find what makes you tick tock tick,” red adds. She definitely knows too. “For me it was dance and art.” You sigh.
“Thanks, a lot truly. Anyways, please oh wise Chloe show me your brainy ways.” You say, causing all of you to giggle.
“Wish pleasure!” You weren’t perfect still but at least by the end of the night you found out what a square root was and even worked through the hardest problem. The teachers at the school are actually really bad because, while it wasn’t immediate, you could understand what Chloe was explaining. Red could too!
You start feeling like a third wheel by fifth week. You couldn’t understand the burning ache came from everytime they talked about castle coming. They were secretive beyond belief about it. They talked about it incessantly but you only caught bits and pieces. You yearned to know why they weren’t excited outwardly while talking about it. You couldn’t tell why it hurt so much and you felt bad about it. Whatever it was didn’t seem so healthy and you hadn’t felt like it since your time locked up.
You often shamefully stared at them while they were interacting. It was interesting to see such affection and how they felt a little more comfortable with you being there.
At the moment you were listening to them talk about dresses for castlecoming. Over the few weeks that and dance proposals was all anyone could talk about. You were told everyone could go but you didn’t want to be alone. You also didn’t want to ask to get a fancy dress. Your parents paying for your school supplies alone felt like a massive gift.
You didn’t want to see them have fun without you and it made you feel guilty as heck.
You stayed awake the majority of the fifth night from castlecoming. The next morning you looked like a zombie. Chloe had to go into practice early but when you awoke with a groan before realizing you had roommates again, Red looked at you funny.
“Y/n you don’t sound so good, and pardon me if it’s blunt but you look dead. Are you okay?” Red comes over to you. You sit up.
“Oh yeah I’m fine, it was just a weird night. Anyways um, so. Can you tell me more about your hobby’s? Chloe told me all about hers and it sounded cool but not something I would enjoy. Other than her gardening club. I might join that one.” You rub your eyes and yawn. Red sits on the edge of your bed.
“Of course. I like to work with spray paint the most, but it typically requires more room so I stick with regular paint nowadays. There’s actually an art club here, I joined it. The people there are pretty quiet and it’s relaxing. But when we show each other our work everyone is really supportive. The club ranges from people who don’t have any experience to those who are really good. I like to think I’m on that side.” She says wiggling her brows. You smile, it sounds like it’s right up your alley.
You shuffle a little. “Could I maybe join you sometime? I don’t want to intrude, but I do love art,” you admit. She nods enthusiastically.
“Yes! That would be so fun! I got to admit I was feeling a little jealous over you and Chloe spending some time together at a club. I wanna hang with you too!” She says but you’re confused again.
“If this sounds stupid, forget about it. What… what is jealousy?” You softly ask. She looks a little surprised but not completely aghast.
“Oh uh… it’s like an icky feeling within your soul. Like you want something and because others have it you get a little sad? Chloe could probs tell you better than me. Jealousy is normal but in some cases it could complicate things and if you let it get the best of you it could hurt your relationships. But again, it’s completely normal!” She finishes, sure of her explanation. It made her feel good that she could answer one of your questions and not just Chloe for once. You kinda are frozen now.
“Oh, I get it now. Thank you,” You say. Red doesn’t want to make you feel stupid and you already look uncomfortable, so she decides to drop it. Something she later realizes, she shouldn’t have done.
The weekend finally came and your roommates worried about something. What you didn’t know was they wanted to ask you to go with them to the dance. As far as you were concerned, however, couples went only with each other. You were avoiding them and the dance was this Sunday. Friday night they had to ask you to give you enough time.
Despite everything that happened during the original castle-coming at Merlin Academy, Auredon Prep would be much better. They knew that. They were still nervous about it and could tell you wanted to know why they were talking about it so quiet but they couldn’t tell you what happened yet. They also couldn’t agree on how to ask you to go. There was no time now, they needed to just get it over with and ask you to not only go to the dance as friends but as their third.
It was wild for both when they figured out they both liked you a lot. They think you are sweet, kind, funny, and the hardest worker they’ve ever seen. Your refreshing take on life reminded them of young Bridget and Ella at the same time and while they didn’t want to think how weird it sounded, they loved those traits.
After you got back to the room, as soon as curfew hit they were a little worried. As far as they know you only did two clubs and had two besties so far. You walked into the room and saw them staring at you.
“Hi guys!” You switch up. You know they know you’ve been avoiding them at this point. It will be okay because everything will go back to normal after the dance…. You hope.
“Hi Y/n” they both say In sync. You smile but it’s whiped away after Chloe says,
“Could you sit down for a sec? It’s nothing bad, we just wanna ask you a few questions.” You tense a little but comply.
“Are you going to the dance?” Red starts off. You shake your head no. Both Chloe and her look at each other with slight frowns.
“Why?” Chloe questions. You fiddle with your hands.
“Well, aren’t you not supposed to go if you don’t have anyone ask you or friends that aren’t going single. Nobody told me the rules but so far that’s what I’ve observed. And also, I don’t have anything fancy to wear. I don’t want to ask the king and- I mean my parents. I don’t know, I’ll go if you want me there but just… I don’t want to be left alone.” You admit and their eyes widen.
“No we really do want you there and you can go or not, any student can go. About the dress thing, Chloe has hers but I’m an insane last minute shopper. We were gonna pick it up tomorrow. You can pick yours out too!” Red says frantically.
“Yeah and you haven’t been here all day but your parents sent you an envelope with what seems like a pretty fat stack of cash in it and a letter. I’m assuming that it’s for the dress anyways.” Chloe adds, you are a little shocked. You are so close to saying you’ll go but then they grab each others hands and your heart drops.
The real reason you’ve been avoiding them was so you don’t show them you’re jealous of the both of them. You don’t know why but you assume it means wanting both of them. Why you have no idea. They’re awesome but it’s not like you know what love is when it comes to you experiencing it.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You zoned out a little, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to that bad.” Chloe offers.
“I don’t want to lose you,” you start sobbing and both of them look very confused from what little you can see through your bleary eyes.
“Hey, hey you aren’t what’s wrong?” Chloe rubs your shoulder. You sniffle. Red looks a little frozen now. Unsure of what to do with herself.
“I think I’m jealous but I don’t know why and I really don’t want to lose you. I’m sorry for avoiding you but I didn’t want you to know about it and now you know anyways! I don’t even know what I’m feeling but I really like you both and-“ Chloe comes over to you and kisses you on the cheek. You freeze. Thinking that Red was gonna get really angry. Chloe kissed you to make you feel better and now it’s such a mess and it’s all your fault.
“Shh, Y/n. Deep breaths. We aren’t going to leave you, we like you way too much!” Chloe soothes.
“The both of us do.” Red adds with a nod and she leans closer to you.
“I do have to apologize though, I may have been a little hard when explaining jealousy to you. It’s not that big of a deal unless you were screaming angry about us and sometimes it can be justified.” She pauses, your sniffling has lessened. “I am gonna try to be more careful when I say this but… I think you like-like us Y/n. And thats okay! I mean it’s like really obvious but we understand you don’t even know the signs yourself. I get it’s a lot, I had to have this conversation with Chloe around a month ago myself. But Chloe and I have talked and-“
Chloe interrupts Red, “We like you too. So much! We can take things slow but tonight we were gonna ask if you wanted to be our date to castle-coming romantically. Do you?” Everyone is frozen now with bated breath. Your brain is on overload now and even though this is everything you could have wanted it’s so much.
Red tries to break the tension, “No presh.”
It snaps you out of it.
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! I would love to!” You cheer and hug Chloe tightly before jumping up and hugging Red. She flinched but seems to melt right into it before you notice.
“Wait…” you stop, “does this… how does this work am I like your girlfriend or is this just me hanging with you more than platonically or- do we kiss for real? Do three person couples exist. I’ve heard of the seven dwarves but that’s it…” you trail and they giggle.
“It means that yes we kiss, and yes you are our girlfriends if you want to be” Chloe answers.
“And don’t worry they exist, especially in Wonderland!” Red says. “Maddox my old tutor was once in one.”
“Oh, girlfriend. I really really like the sound of that.” You say it softly as if it’s a promise. You’re stomach is replaced with fluttery sensations and instead of your heart hurting it feels as if it would burst into giggles.
“Can we maybe, kiss you?” Red asks, face flushed. Chloe nods too.
“Please-“ you make out before reds soft plump lips are on yours and it’s the best sensation ever. It’s hard and impactful. It gets replaced by an equally as awesome feeling when Chloe kisses you, it’s still strong but soft too in a way that tickles. They kiss each other and it’s not long before you are all covered in Red’s signature lip color. You giggle.
“So this is love,” you say dazed and they both burst into full on cackles. “Wait- what did I say?” They both just kiss you on the cheek and continue making out until you somehow manage to fall asleep all in your bed. Thankfully it’s fit for royalty. You are left excited for whats to come, especially getting to dance with your new girlfriends.
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aviawrites · 2 months
a winter’s dragon: flying
!s: aemond targ x reader, northern!reader
summary: Princess Auriela hasn’t known a day of happiness since she was arranged to marry Aemond Targaryen. In her pursuits to take control of her life so far from her home in the North, Auriela only stirs the pot of the already war stricken kingdom, pointing knives in her direction. Accompanied by her common folk, Auriela intends to dig herself out of her green hole. [9.9k]
a/n: i’ve been writing a game of thrones fic for a year and a half now (i can’t seem to finish). in the meantime, my most recent hyper fix has been aemond so i hope this story does him justice. part two may come in three days or three years depending on my mood. anyway, as always, ur interaction is greatly appreciated, ily<3
warnings: swearing, allusions to sex/almost a smut scene, death, violence, nothing you haven’t watched in the show
in this story, yn is: auriela dustin
hey! read part 2! -> a winter’s dragon: burning
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The Red Keep has been a cold place, the walls going bare and air flowing frigid since the departure of Rhaenyra. In the two short years since the Grand Maester wed you to the queen’s second born son, you’ve quickly come to realize why your neighboring Northern house, Stark, happily bent the knee to Rhaenyra when she was named. 
Much has changed since then, your already feeble relationship with your husband has grown ever weaker. You’ve become a solemn woman since your last days in your home of the North, your only friends in the Keep being your handmaiden, Vialy, and your goodsister, Helaena. Sinless, virtuous women in the crossfire of the vicious infighting that has fallen upon the kingdom as of late. You spend your days with them, caring for Jaehaera and Jaehaerys, and strolling with Vialy as the royal family immerses themselves in their own politicking. 
Your husband, Aemond, seems just as apathetic to you as you are him. The only conversations you have consist of him relaying cold messages from his mother, the majority urging you to produce her son heirs in order to strengthen their line. Save those, you and your husband have virtually no interaction at all. Even the consummation of your marriage has been put off, neither of you wanting to face the reality of your relationship.
Now, in your bedchambers, you wince, blood drawing from where you’ve pricked your finger with the embroidery needle. Just as you go to soothe it with your mouth, a knock comes through the door.
“Come.” You call, sucking your thumb.
“Lord Larys Strong, my Lady.” Vialy’s voice softly whispers as she opens the door, the clubfoot coming into view. She closes it behind him.
You set aside your hoop and fabric, smoothing your robe as you swing your legs over the side of the bed.
“Please, Princess,” he holds a hand up. “No need.”
You nod, putting your legs back under the covers. “What is it, Lord Strong?”
He stalks closer, his eyes switching from the silhouette of your legs and back to you.
“Women,” he begins, “are the most overlooked assets in the kingdom, my Lady. Good queen Alysanne’s Women’s Courts brought to light many of the injustices our mothers, sisters, and wives stumble upon in their ranks.”
“I know my histories well, my Lord,” you assure him. “Is that of relevance?” 
He glares at you, that sorrowful look forver behind his eyes.
“May I speak plainly?”
“…I understand that you’ve taken notice of your Lord husband’s absences at night. One seldom may find him abed, where he’s expected, in the hour of the wolf.”
Your brows thread together as the Lord teeters on overstepping. Though you’ve wisened to the fact that the clubfoot has a gift for speaking ugly truths with no consequence falling upon him.
He continues. “I can’t help but wonder if the Princess ever longs to know where he spends his nights.”
You sigh. “I have no doubt that you possess such knowledge.”
“I do…but I shall hold my tongue, should it displease you to know,” he remarks, cornering you into the allusion of choice, wanting you to beg at his feet for the miraculous information that he seems to have an endless supply of.
“No, pray tell me where Aemond goes in the dead of night,” you relent.
Lord Larys goes on to tell you nothing short of a tale. He speaks of a pleasure house that your husband frequents, along with a madam. Thrice his age she’s said to be, the first and only woman he’s laid with. That is where he chooses to spend his time, throwing dirt on the name of his wife in exchange for a whore in a pleasure house.
You dismiss the Lord, but can’t help the spark of fury rising in your stomach. Aemond is the son of the Dowager, he’s brother of the King, he’s a Targaryen, and he chooses to fill his time shaming his name and house in such a place. The issue hardly lies with his choice of establishment and more with his status. He’s promised to you, wed to you. Even if the two of you have no love for the arrangement, at least you honor it. But because he is a man he can conduct himself as he pleases?
You quickly change out of your robes and into a plain featured gown, making sure that a hood is on the collar. Swinging your door open, you grab Vialy’s hand and pull her down the corridor.
“Where are we headed?” she asks, struggling to keep up with your pace.
“We’re going out,” you whisper.
“What for?”
“If my husband can spend his nights on the Street of Silk, so can I.”
“The Street of Silk?” she raises her voice as the two of you rush down the stairs. “What business could you possible have there?”
“Auriela.” you hear a familiar voice at the top of the stairs.
The two of you freeze, slowly turning to face your goodbrother, dimly lit by the moonlight.
“Where are you off to?” he asks, a cup of wine in his hand and a tipsy droop to his eyelids.
“To the city, my King,” you say truthfully, assuming he won’t remember the conversation come dusk. “We won’t be long.”
“Well…Wait there, I’ll get someone to escort you.”
“Oh, there’s no need for hassle, brother. I’ve got Vialy-“
“Your handmaiden is not a knight,” he rolls his eyes, ever vigilant of how attached at the hip the two of you are. “You need a swordsman, stay there.”
Aegon stumbles as he walks toward his chambers in search of a guard. You look at a wide eyed and terrified Vialy. You briefly ponder on your next actions, though not long enough before you pull your friend with you, sprinting down the stairs and toward the side doors. 
“Ella!” she whisper shouts as you run away from the castle.
“I’m not being chaperoned on a visit to my own city. Especially not by some stuck up white cloak.”
“The King commanded you, I- We’ll get in trouble!”
“The King’s drunk, he probably never made it ten steps before collapsing.”
You finally slow down, looking in upon the vibrant Street of Silk, colorful creatives and laborers alike lining the street with their gifts. A great smile grows on your face, never having seen such savage freedom in your life. Nothing of the sort could possibly take place in the snowy streets of Barrowtown, nor the guarded streets of the Keep. But the smallfolk, the lucky majority, see such liberty all their lives.
You and Vialy stop at the tallest and most decorated brothel on the street, men and women pouring in and out.
“Are you sure about this, Princess?”
“No more of that, Via,” you tuck your hair before pulling your hood up. “We no longer have status. Not here,” you grin before pulling her in.
What you can only imagine is the smell of ravaging sex fills the air, the temperature rising as the two of you cowardly enter the pillow house. 
“This is not a place becoming of a royal, Auriela,” Vialy whispers.
“The King and his brother attend such places all the time,” you mindlessly remark, looking around at all of the frivolous and free fucking in every direction.
It’s only when your eyes scan a private room at the back of the house when you see a sight you don’t expect. 
Green eyed, olive, and tall, a roughly dressed boy sits alone on a floor mattress, looking out at the pursuits around him.
“Via…” you keep your eyes on him.
“If any of them were at the wedding they’ll know who you-“
“Vialy, look.” you point.
The two of you stare on as he obliviously looks past you, his carefully molded face glistening with a sheet of sweat in the humid atmosphere. 
“I’ll see you…” you walk toward the boy.
“What- Don’t leave me, Ella!”
“He isn’t your taste anyhow, find a maiden to entertain.”
Vialy turns red at your observations, never secure in who the gods made her attracted to. You never minded though, the realm knows the same of Rhaenyra’s late husband, Laenor. It never cast as dark of shadow on house Velaryon as Vialy believes it shall cast on her.
“Princess.” she nods, leaving you to it as you approach the boy. 
You draw closer. His emerald eyes look up at you as you close the curtain behind you, sitting criss cross in front of him.
“How much for your favors?” 
He remains relaxed, slyly leaning back on his hands. “How much do you have?”
You smile. “I just want your time.”
“I have little and less of it as of late, Princess.”
You catch a frog in your throat as your smile drops, sitting up straight. 
“…You know me?”
He leans forward, stroking the arm of your gown. “Nobles frequent here…No common woman has frocks of such tulle.”
Your face goes a little hot as you examine his…examining yours. The man is young enough, though older than Aemond, only by a few years. His loose blouse nearly slips off of his thin frame as a mischievous smirk grows on his lips.
“I’ve never served a highborn woman before,” he mimics your position, his hands in his lap.
“And that way you shall remain,” you assure him. “Who have you served?”
“Many out of the Red Keep. Beneath their cloaks of righteousness all men wish for the same thing.”
“Is it only highborn men that you’ve served?”
“Highborn…lowborn…any willing to pay their dues.”
“Hm,” you hum, wondering if he knows how much you envy his autonomy of his own endeavors.
“And what of you? What business does a Princess have in a place like this?”
“I heard I’m free to be who I wish as long as I’m here,” you say truthfully. “Free to do as I wish.”
“That is true…Though I’d imagine you’d much better enjoy the freedoms of the safe castle.”
You scoff. “I know none of the freedoms you speak of. I’m just as chained as the prisoners I walk above every day.” 
“You resent what most girls would kill for.”
“Let them,” you shrug. “I’d give my station to the lowest of women if it meant I could go back home.”
“And where is that?”
You pause, wondering if such information can be trusted with this man. But as he so prettily awaits an answer, you can only think of the web of truths your husband has likely spun to his paramour.
“A Northerner,” he smiles, “I should’ve known.”
“And where is your home?”
“Is it not clear?”
You furrow your brows.
“Gods, the sun really has been seized from my skin,” he chuckles. “Dorne, Princess. Starfall.”
“Starfall…” you recall your lessons with the Septa. “Are you a Dayne?”
He hums. “You know your histories, Princess.”
“Call me Auriela, Lord Dayne.”
“Lord,” his body shakes with an erupting laugh, his smile brightening your mood even more. “I’m no Lord, Princess Auriela. I’m called Lucan, or Deephide.”
“They say I’m too dark to be a hart but too light to be a crow. The company I keep isn’t too creative when it comes to names.”
You laugh. “I think Lucan is a fine name alone.”
You and the boy talk well into the night, your sitting positions morphing into lying side by side on the mattress. Groups of buyers trot in and out of the pleasure house, though all of Lucan’s are rejected in your presence. 
In one of the long hours of the night, or perhaps an early hour of the morning, Vialy emerged from behind the curtain. A girl was treading on her heels, her hair darker than yours and skin paler than salt. Your heart warms as Vialy’s rare smile grows upon her face, locking hands with the girl. Alice, she’s called. “I never want to leave, Ella.” she remarks before giddily running back off with her doxy.
It’s only hours later, when the patrons thin and the sounds of pleasure cease, that you and Lucan finally egress from the small back room. There, you see slithers of sunlight peeking through the cracks in the door. 
Vialy rushes up to you, her eyes wide.
“Princess,” she urges. “Princess, we must go.”
On the other side of the door, you hear an array of hoof beats against the cobblestone street.
“They’re looking for you, Princess,” she frantically pulls you toward the door.
“Wh- Who?”
“The City Watch.” vialy heaves, her panic only growing. “We’ve overstayed, it’s well past the hour of the Nightingale. We must return.”
“Wait, wait,” you pull your arm from her. “Why must we go? Aemond doesn’t return for days at a time.”
Vialy stares at you. “We are not men, Princess.”
“Why rush?” you giggle, Lucan joining your side. “You were just having so much fun.”
“That was before I knew that Gold Cloaks were searching for a Princess that I’m meant to tend to. Please,” she pulls you once again, “please, let’s return to the Keep.”
“No,” you turn her to you. “The Gold Cloaks will cast around for a while before they return to the Keep empty handed, as they do with my husband.”
She frowns. “Ella…”
“We will return,” you assure her. “Only a little longer, okay? We as women don’t experience this freedom often in our lives, allow me this one day.”
Vialy’s expression says all you need to know. Nevertheless, she bows her head as she does in the Red Keep.
“Princess,” she mumbles before weakly returning to the dark haired girl.
Lucan turns to you. “Do you often evade the law enforcement of your castle?”
“Not nearly as much as I wish to,” you smile.
“I have yet to meet a noble woman who’d rather spend her days in a pillow house than in her palace.”
“Spend your time locked in the Keep and see how long before you run back to freedom.”
He examines the near empty premises before pulling you toward the door.
“Once the Watch leaves our street I’ll be happy to show you the finer things in your city,” he suggests. “Much prettier than here…”
Your hood stays up as Lucan pulls you by the hand, holding tight so as not to lose you in the sea of smallfolk at the Blackwater docs. Your mouth hangs agape as ships sit idle in the port, hundreds of men laboring on and around them. Grand green and gold flags hang from many of them as cargo is loaded.
“Are these all from Essos?” you ask Lucan.
“I thought you knew your histories.”
“Lands and lords, I know well. Maritime traffic was never a subject my septas lingered on.”
“Hm,” Lucan nods, watching as you admire the great ships. “Well that one there is from Braavos. The plum tint of their sails is from the old practice of dying their stolen ships.”
“And those?” you point to the green bannered vessels. “Are they our royal fleet?”
“Some are,” he shrugs. “Others come from lands across the Narrow Sea or the Sea of Dorne.”
The two of you finally depart the docs in pursuit of your next expedition. Lucan plays the jester, forcing so many laughs from you that your stomach burns as the two of you explore your sacred town for hours. Plays in Flea Bottom amuse you more than any fool in the Keep has, beautiful musicians bring you to tears, and incredible tailor-ship lines the streets as the sun begins to fall. The two of you see flashes of gold throughout the city, signaling the second round of searches. Lucan leads you back to the whore house that is once again bursting at the seams. You head to the familiar and quiet room, though you pause when you see Alice, alone.
“Where’s Via gone?” you ask, Lucan’s hand still in yours.
“Forgive me, she’s left.”
A small beat skips in your heart as you examine the room.
“Has she?”
“Early this evening, says she was too afraid of the Gold Cloaks to deliberately elude their efforts.”
“Hm,” you nervously bite your lip. “Well I shall await her return, even if she may bear the company of those I avoid. When they come, I shall be ready.” 
Alice stops you when you attempt to pass her, holding something out.
“For when you see her next,” she places a fine necklet in your hand, a handmade red pendant in the center.
You nod, noticing the matching one she wears around her neck. With that, you and Lucan leave Alice and enter your room.
“Do you imagine your husband worries for you?” Lucan asks as you both sit.
“He’s never done so before, it’d be a shock if he began now.”
“He surely has some love for you, Princess. It must not be that he’s a cold as you say.”
“Colder,” you assure him, your knees touching his as you lean toward him. “We hold the titles man and wife but we couldn’t be further from it.”
“…Does he please you?” 
You scoff. “Not in the way you’re asking.”
“Why do you think that is?”
“I like how you speak plainly,” you smile. “Aemond seems to prefer a more…seasoned woman.”
Lucan laughs. “Really?”
“Thrice his age his lover is said to be,” you reveal before you can stop yourself.
“May I say it as I see it, Princess?”
You nod, paying more attention to his lips than you are his words.
“I think the Prince knows not of what he fails to seek out. I have no doubt that he’d find satisfaction in pleasuring you. His wife is a maiden yet he fucks a crone…a fools choice he makes.”
“Precisely, Lucan,” you argue. “It matters not whether I’m a maiden if at the time of the deed, I have no knowledge of what I’m to do. By all accounts I’m meant to lay there as he impales me until I bear his plain featured sons, I want no part in it.”
“I can show you, Princess. When done the way whores are taught, coupling isn’t an act of duty but a mutual act of pleasure. For both lady and lord.”
You think on his words, your attention now on those rather than his mouth. You ultimately agree, some hidden and repulsive side deep in you wanting to be desired. Wanting to be able to please Aemond.
Lucan smiles, lying on the mattress. He pulls you onto him, a flash of hot warming your face.
“He’ll never allow me atop him like this.”
“Perhaps no. But minds will change once he feels what happens when you are.”
He places his hands on your hips, rocking them back and forth as he instructs you as to where to put your hands. His chest, his neck, your hair, your palms roam every inch of your bodies as he instructs you further. Even when he flips the two of you, hovering above, he tells you how to stay in control. His bottoms stroke against your dress as your hands travel once more to Lucan’s orders. 
The two of you continue until you’re sweaty and worn out, falling asleep with many and more ideas on how to touch your husband, should the time when you wish to ever come.
✺ ✺ ✺
“Are you sure about this, Princess?” Lucan looks around the crowded fighting pits. “He’s not ours to take.”
“Would you rather him in there?” you ask as you pick up the tiny, hooded, silver haired boy, looking down at the feral children.
Lucan stays quiet, following after you as the boy keeps a hold around your neck. You make it all the way back to your room in the whore house before being stopped.
“You can’t bring a child in. Leave him outside,” a brothel madam commands at the door.
“They’re with me,” Lucan insists. 
“Outside,” she commands.
You sigh heavy, reluctantly lowering the boy’s hood to reveal his indisputable Targaryen hair. The madam’s eyes widen as she more likely than not imagines how much a Targaryen would sell for, even if he’s only young. She lets you in, smirking at Lucan as if he’s brought her a gift. 
You arrive back to the room. “He’s not Aemond’s,” you tell Lucan. “My husband’s a fool but he’d never do this.”
“Aegon’s then,” he watches as you sit the child in front of you two.
“One of many I’d think.”
The boy is slow to speak, making you wonder if he knows how. You can make out that he’s about Jaehaerys’ age, no older than seven. 
It’s only after much unanswered questions and empty silence that the boy finally speaks. Maeserys, he’s called.
“Whoever his mother is,” you whisper to Lucan, “she knew what he was.” 
A name fit for a decendant of Old Valyria. He uncovers the little of his past that he remembers. No brothers, no mother, only fighting pits and scavenging. He speaks with a lisp and knows few words, only enough to keep him alive in a city such as this one. You can’t help but feel sad for Maeserys, he’s your kin by law yet has been living as a commoner since he can remember. 
Lucan relieves the boy of the heavy interrogation, delivering him to his close friend working a nearby tavern, Pate. As difficult as it is to separate from the neglected boy, a tavern is a much more fitting environment for someone like him.
Alone again, you and Lucan sit knee to knee, your hand in his. He traces the lines of your palm, a trick he says he learned in Dorne. “Each trunk is how many sons you’ll have, each branch is how many daughters.” According to this, you’re meant to have three of each. 
Simultaneously, you trace his palms back. You sit in silence, the ambience of constant foot traffic outside humming lowly. Lucan lifts your hand, pressing a kiss into it. You’re entranced, sensuality sparking through you as you look over to him.
“Every woman is an image of the mother,” his face nears yours, “to be treated with reverence.”
It’s not a thought out action when your lips meet. It’s slow, it’s passion filled. A small smile grows on your lips as you truly taste your newfound freedom, finally being liberated of the dread that comes with your husband in the Red Keep. Lucan’s lips travel downward to your jaw, then to your neck. You stroke hair, small breaths escaping you. His hand is making its way up your thighs and to your waist when the curtain cover of the room is ripped open.
There, standing taller than you remember him, your husband stares down at you. His old ladylove of which you’ve heard so much about stands behind him, both of them stripped and bare. Aemond’s face twists in a mix of anger and humiliation, staring at both you and Lucan before rushing away. 
You’re left frozen, silent as Lucan stumbles over his words.
“I-“ he stammers, “I’m sorry, Princess. I knew not that he’d be-“
Your eyes stay wide, tears beginning to line them as you think of all of the grave consequences that you’ve invited upon yourself. You never had a plan, at least not one that you’ve thought through. Sure, you were awaiting the Gold Cloaks. But the idea of your own husband catching you in such a compromised state sends shivers down your spine.
Though, there was no time for shock. Aemond comes barreling back in, now fully clothed and alone. He says nothing, only tightly grabs your arm and drags you to your feet, away from Lucan.
✺ ✺ ✺
Water fills your eyes as they stay glued to the floor. You stand in the center of a secluded room, the furnace behind you heating up your body. In front of you, a council of those you wished to never lay eyes on again stare at you. The Dowager Queen, the Hand, the Maester, your husband, and the King all sit behind a long table, interrogating.
“What for?” the Queen Mother asks, stern and angry.
“I- I don’t know, Your Grace,” you mumble, hiccuping between your tears. “I wanted to see beyond the walls of the keep.”
“Three days, Auriela,” she reminds you. “You ‘saw the city’ for three days whilst the Watch was searching endlessly?”
You’ve concluded that she’s the most fearsome woman the Gods have yet to make as you fiddle with the hem of your sleeve, barely able to croak out words.
“…I was exploring.”
“Exploring, you say,” she nods. “In a brothel?”
You shake your head, assembling a feeble lie in the seconds you have. “I was only chasing hound, my Queen.”
“And the boy?”
Suddenly, the air escapes your body as you look up for the first time, your eyes shooting to Aemond. He was angry with you, rightfully so. But you hadn’t expected him to tell his mother the true details of how he found you. For some foolish reason you thought the two of you had that understanding.
“I- He means nothing we…we did nothing. I swear it.”
Your husband for some odd reason feels the need to speak up.
“That’s not what the madam told me.”
An anger rises in you that you weren’t sure was accessible to you at such a time as this. Only in the face of directly speaking to Aemond did all of your fear cease. 
“And what were you yourself doing in a brothel, Lord husband?”
He smirks, recognizing this side of you. “Searching for my Lady wife, of course.”
“Searching,” you scoff. “Is that why every whore on the Street of Silk knows you by name and face? Because you go searching so often?”
“Hm, watch your words, wife,” he bickers back, his smirk turning into more of a sneer.
"Your words are wind, for I am innocent of any crimes,” you speak up, face hot with fury. “Why am I standing trial when the Prince runs to the same place every night? Fucking old rotting whores instead of tending to his wife-“
“That is enough, Auriela!” Alicent demands, pounding her hands on the table.
Aegon finally acts, placing a hand on Alicent’s. “Mother…”
Remembering he is here, you bow your head. “My apologies, my King. That was beneath me.”
Otto Hightower sighs, breaking the silence as the table ogles his daughter. "It brings shame to your house, Princess; to your family, when a Lady such as yourself is seen in such an...implicative position. We only ask that you not be seen conducting yourself in such a manner again.”
You nod at the Hands request, slight shame warming your face.
“Command, he means to say,” Aegon corrects. "It is a command by word of your King that you never leave this keep again if not attended."
"I was attended-"
"By a member of my Kingsguard." 
Once again, you nod, though you’d much rather roll your eyes in the face of this shameless usurper.
"A clement constraint, wife,” Aemond adds. “It wouldn't be so were I King."
If only you were King.
✺ ✺ ✺
“One day I’d like to see the city,” Helaena remarks as you sit beside her, playing dolls with little Jaehaera.
“One day you shall, my Queen,” you assure her.
Behind you, the door opens. Vialy enters, her presence suddenly reminding you of the new life that you lived for a short three days. 
Only, Vialy looks grievous. A black and purple ring forms around her eye, bruises and scars littering her neck and chest. You drop the dolls, running up to her. You frantically turn her jaw, examining. 
“What’s happened!?” 
“I’m alright, Princess-“
“That’s not what I’ve asked you.”
She sighs, knowing well that you won’t let this go. “The King’s Justice didn’t like my arrival unaccompanied by my Lady.”
Your lips part, regret washing over you. “Wh-“ you stare at her. “Did he take you to the dungeons?”
“Only a few short hours,” she shrugs, “and a few short beatings.” 
“Vialy,” you shake your head. “Why would he torture you after you’ve said all you know? It’s not sensible…”
She chuckles. “My Princess, I said nothing.”
Your face drops, staring at hers. A small and proud smirk rests on her lips as a frown forms on yours.
“You fool!” you reprimand. “You should’ve told him all you knew of me, down to the room I resided in!”
“I am loyal to you-“
“I would never ask this of you, Via!” you stress. Her beaten down, yet gratified expression evokes a crossness in you…along with a hint of reassurance. Nevertheless, you sigh. “I’ll take it up with Aemond. The king as well.”
“It’s truly not needed. For my devotion to the Princess shan’t be swayed by a few hits.”
You sheepishly smile, giving her this small victory. Though, you have no intent of letting this happening go unspoken of. But as of now, you drop it, bringing Vialy to where you and Helaena sat with the children. There, you hand her the wooden spun necklace that Alice gave you, a warm smile growing on her lips as she thanks you.
“Clement,” you burst into your husband’s bed chambers, slamming the heavy door behind you. “A clement King you called him.”
Aemond can barely turn around before you shove him, forcing him to catch himself on his table.
“I know not what you speak of,” he looks at you wildly before regaining his composure, “but I suggest you keep your head about you.”
“Did you see what they had done to my Handmaiden? A woman, an innocent!”
He scoffs. “She was the last to see the missing Princess, it is the Justice’s work to see to any leads.”
"To what end, Aemond? The girl said she didn't know, what more must she say?"
"And that was a lie,” he corrects you. “Lying to an extension of the crown is treasonous, Auriela. Punishable by death."
"Death…” you stare, eyes burning with fury, “all for not revealing my whereabouts?"
"If only you had come home."
You roll your eyes, sighing as you debate saying what the both of you already know. The image of a weakened Vialy smiling through her pain encourages you to express on the whole of you and your husband. 
"...Why this farce, Aemond? Why must we continue this? We fail at up-keeping the appearances of our marriage…why not just end it?"
"End it...” he furrows his brow, “you have yet to mention this before."
You do the same, silently begging for him to just admit it. "Need I? You know as well as I that we shall never learn to work as one."
"Actually I ever learn that I know little and less about my Lady wife."
You shrug, knowing he’ll never cease to dance around the cold truth of what the two of you have been and will always remain…strangers. You accept defeat and land on compromise. 
"Just have Aegon allow me leave. I will arrive back as needed,” you truly ask. He looks at you so intently, the last time he’s done so being on your wedding day. “I will do my duty and produce you heirs, and we shall live our separate days."
“Hm,” he thinks, scanning you up and down in that cold stare before nodding. "And would you be asking leave if I were that brothel boy?"
You scrunch your face, the conversation seemingly taking a turn in a different direction. 
"The boy, Deephide."
Regrettably, you almost scowl, feeling strange toward your husband’s mention of Lucan. Your days on the Street of Silk seemed like a separate reality completely, one that Aemond has no knowledge of. Now, you feel a small sense of territoriality of those few days, and all personnel that they entail.
"Aemond I'm married to you, what-  How can that not be enough?"
"But you chose him,” he continues. “Is it because he's older? Or lowborn?"
"Husband, leave this.”
“Do you like Dornish men?”
Perhaps I do, you think. 
"You've always seemed most uninterested in what l like.”
He continues to pry. "Why do you want him?"
"Why do you want women older than your mother?” you snap, his perseverance on the matter seeming all too personal. "We all want things in our lives, Aemond. There's no reason, we just do."
“Those are wise words,” he remarks, still staring as if he wants to see through you. "…Did you bed him?"
“What do you take me for?” you deride. “I am wed, that may mean little to you but it's an ever growing shadow upon my name. I am not like you, I am not a man, I cannot give my maidenhead away freely as you can."
A small grin sneaks on his lips. "I am glad."
"Excuse me?"
"That you've remained a maiden,” he departs from leaning on the table and pursues you, his tall frame towering over yours. “Despite your...excursions.”
The closer he gets the smaller you feel, his eye still treading on yours.
His voice lowers. “Our marriage must be consummated one day, Auriela. Some don’t consider us legitimate at all so long as you remain unsullied.”
Aemond’s breath heats your skin, the two of you closer than you’ve been in years. Your eyes flicker from his own to his lips, refusing to believe what he’s asking of you. 
Your breath shakes slightly. “That I know…”
He bites the bullet, moving before he can think. His hand rests between your collar and jaw, keeping a firm grip on you. You shudder as he pulls your mouth to his, a hunger in his kisses. The rough and sudden clash has your mind racing a million leagues a minute. The two of you have had your fair share of kisses, all of which being to please the eyes of his mother and council. Aemond has never desired you, never looked in your direction, never spoke of or to you unless forced to. Where this abrupt change in passion comes from, no man can say.
You don’t realize the way your hands seem to pull him closer until you’re interrupted, a knock at his door. Aemond pays it no mind, continuing to overwhelm you until three knocks ring out again. 
He lets out a frustrated growl, keeping you in his hands as he looks over your head. He gives you one more glance before releasing, walking over and opening the door.
“The King requires an audience, my Prince,” the unmistakable voice of Criston Cole says.
“Tell my brother I’m occupied, Ser Criston,” Aemond brushes him off, shutting the door.
Cole holds it open. “Forgive me but it’s a command. He asks for your wife.”
Your husband grunts, slamming the door and turning back to you.
“He truly always finds a way to steal my joy.”
Standing opposite a mirror, you smooth your dress down. “Ser Criston?”
“Hm,” you hum. Aemond stands behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist as you ready yourself for the King you so despise. 
Neither of you dare speak a word of what may have happened had Ser Criston not intervened. You just stare into the mirror, a rare sight, the two of you looking like a proper pair.
You snap out of it, heading toward the door as Aemond holds onto your waist for as long as he can. When he finally lets go, you scurry out of his chambers, a breath finally escaping that you were unaware you were holding. Ser Criston leads you to the chamber of the Small Council.
“No, my King,” you plainly state, wanting nothing more than to leave his presence, “I have yet to bear a Princeling.”
Aegon sits at the head of the empty table, sitting you at the corner as he asks perpetual and aimless questions.
“My brother is a cunt but I always thought he’d know his way around one,” he smirks, staring at you with an all too fake quizzical look. “May that be yours or an old hags.”
You stay silent, imagining you were anywhere but in this chamber with this boy.
“Have you at the least lost your maidenhead? I’ve heard whispers of you and the Dornish boy-“
"Is the King this engrossed with his own wife's affairs? He seems to be most interested in my fucking and fooling."
“Ha,” Aegon tsks, "you may soon find that Northern mouth getting you into trouble, goodsister.”
You eye him impassively with a demeaning tilt of your head before making the mature decision to back down.
 "Right, Your Grace,” you adjust. “I forget myself, I shall hold my tongue before my King. I only wish to ask what this meeting may be about."
“Much better,” he smiles before standing up, heading toward the board marked with houses, pins, and landmarks. “You know as well as anyone that the North is a hard cart to heave. They swore fealty to the pretendor of Dragonstone years ago, I need you to ensure that they now know who their trueborn King is.”
You stifle a laugh, the sight of Aegon trying to rule being nothing short of a jest. In this prospect especially, where he’s sure to fail before he’s even begun. 
“And how would you have me do that, Your Grace?”
“By traveling to Winterfell and promising your firstborn daughter to second of Cregan Stark’s sons,” he blurts out, a proud smile on his face telling you that he’s come up with this plan all on his own…evidently.
“My King,” you begin, not sure which of the hundreds of flaws you should bring attention to first, “I suggest we send a raven to scope how far Winterfell is willing to stray from their oaths foremost. As you said, we aren’t easy to sway, the North does remember, Your Grace.”
“They may not be easy to sway,” he emphasizes the detachment of the North and yourself, “but I send you because you know the North. It was your home, you’re more familiar than any of us.”
“Yes, and because of that I know that Cregan is slow to waiver and quick to call his banners.”
“Shall he support the cunt of Dragonstone, let them come.”
You scoff. “You don’t want war with the North, Your Grace. Cregan will never bend even with Sunfyre himself at his gates. Lucerys wasn’t far from Lord Stark’s own dead brother’s age, all the more reason to sympathize with the Velaryons. And who’s to say he hasn’t already been preyed upon by the blacks?”
“The North is closer to us than to Dragonstone.”
“They’re ahead of us in that sense,” you remind him. “While our King thrust us into war and bloodshed, Rhaenyra took a steady route; collecting her allies and seeking her foes.”
Aegon wears a frustrated scowl at your reprimands, coming back to the table and standing over you, his hands resting just in front of yours. 
“Do you mean to doubt the King’s ways?” he asks, his voice low and warning.
“I mean to do no such thing,” you assure him. You look toward to door. “May I ask why my husband isn’t privy to this discussion?”
He looks you up and down, minorly offended before he retakes his seat. “I heard that you disagree with some of my methods of questioning.”
Vialy. Your heart skips a beat, knowing that the only people who knew about your feelings on the matter were Helaena, Vialy, and Aemond; all of which were consulted within the hour. Was he eavesdropping on your conversations?
You stay fairly quiet on the matter. “I just wanted my handmaiden to feel safe and at home in the Keep.”
“Mm,” he nods, placing his chin on his fist, “and do you feel safe and at home, sister?”
A small wrinkle forms above your brow as you fail to decipher what he could possibly be getting at. You smooth it out, knowing better than to hurt a powerful man’s confidence beyond the grounds of small jabs.
“…Am I free to go, Your Grace?” 
He lingers on you, close to how his brother does, before waving his hand. You stand, walking toward the door not knowing whether you’re still expected to go North. If the King says it, so it shall be. Though, you’re not sure how welcome you’d be back home after your time here. As you exit the room, a pit forms in your stomach at the thought of it…
✺ ✺ ✺
The night replays itself in your head relentlessly. Aemond seemed like a new man. He was careful, gentle even as he undressed you, cradling your head as he laid you upon the bed. The consummation wasn’t witnessed, though you’re sure Ser Criston could assume the activities at hand from what he heard at the door. Many of the things Lucan taught you worked ably, one of them sending your husband over the edge. 
You shan’t complain about the experience, for you expected much worse and are painfully aware of how much worse women before you have had it. However, as you laid in Aemond’s bed, his arms wrapped around you as he softly snored, you couldn’t find sleep. You contrite the thoughts that kept creeping into your head. Alice, Maeserys…Lucan. Your mind refused to rest even as the night grew late. 
You cannot deny that Aemond was good to you tonight…which makes the fact that you’re presently lying naked next to Lucan even more regrettable. You didn’t mean it to happen, but as your feet continued tip toeing away from the Keep and toward the whore house, you found yourself justifying what you intended to do. My maidenhead is gone you thought, bedding two men within the hour only counts as one. 
“I have to return…” you sit up, Lucan’s fingertips tracing your spine.
“Must you?” 
“Mhm,” you nod, standing and stepping into your dress. “I was only meant to visit you.”
He grins. “It gladdens me that you did, Princess.”
You say your goodbyes, deciding to leave the act as it lay and not speak of it again. Lucan seems to understand the arrangement you’ve made, just for the night. 
The cool of the night stings your eyes as you exit the buzzing pleasure house. You nearly trip when your foot is caught at the door. Snapping your head down, your gaze quickly softens as you see what’s grabbed you. Maeserys’ sad violet eyes stare up at you, his hood draping over his brows as his tiny fingers hold onto your dress. You contemplate rushing back inside and cursing whoever left him out here in the cold, then you contemplate doing the same to Pate for not keeping an eye on him. Ultimately, after a brief brainstorm and scan for witnesses, you pick him up and whisk him away. 
You don’t consider what you’ll do with him until you’ve snuck back into the Keep, his arms latched around your neck. Small pattering footsteps ring out as you hurry to your chambers. Though, you find you’re not quick enough as a you hear a familiar clanking round the corner…A knight. You freeze in your spot as Ser Criston Cole nearly walks into you. 
“You’re exactly what I thought you to be,” Aemond stands across the room, his volume rising, “heinous…whorish,” he shakes his head.
Your eyes turn a watery red as you silently hex the Lord Commander for delivering you to your downfall.
“Aemond I…” you shake your head, “it was below me, I admit. I-“
“You shall address me as your Lord,” he points a finger in your face. “After all we built, Auriela…Just to throw it away on the morrow, I-“ he scoffs, pacing the room.
“I was thinking of the boy…” you admit truthfully. Of the few victories you’ve won, sneaking Maeserys out of Ser Criston’s sight before he could be he seized was certainly one of them.  
“Who is none of our fucking concern!” Aemond hurls a goblet at you, it clattering onto the floor. “I put my trust in you…I put my my cock in you. Just for you to…” he struggles to normalize his breathing, “just to dispose of me as if it meant nothing.”
Sorrow fills your heart as you see water lining his eye as well, suddenly regretting ever leaving the Keep.
“Husband…” a tear falls down your cheek as you walk toward him. 
You reach for his face, he hesitates before dropping to his knees. His arms wrap around your waist, burying his head as small sobs escape him. It breaks you, feeling only remorse and shame as you cradle his head, softly weeping with him. 
You and your husband stay this way until you have no more tears to cry. No words are spoken as you leave his bed chambers, retrieving little Mase and returning to your own.
✺ ✺ ✺
2 moons later
The unfamiliar smell of dragon breath seeps into the cool air of the North as you stand atop the wall, Cregan looking over the snowy forests with you. 
“If you’ve only come to make me bend the knee to the Usurper then you’ve wasted your travels, cousin.”
“I figured as much,” you admit, “I only ask that you consider it before you open yourself to a war that the North can avoid.”  
“You may be committed to the tyrants by oath and for that I don’t fault you, but the North still remembers their own oaths. If that sends us to war then we welcome it.” Cregan shrugs, his thick accent feeling like home. 
“I’ve heard that,” Aemond’s voice emerges from behind you. The two of your turn. “That the North remembers.”
He steps out of the lift, animal skin draped over his frame. “It’s funny though, as no Northerner seems to remember that your ancestor, Torrhen Stark, bent the knee to mine own, Aegon the Conquerer.”
Cregan glances over to you, then back to Aemond before letting out a laugh. The Prince uncomfortably shifts his position.
“That’s right,” he nods, challengingly getting closer to Aemond. “But you’re no conquerer…you’re just a boy. A craven kinslayer at that.” 
“Hm,” Aemond looks down at him, “watch your tongue, Northman.”
“I suggest you do the same…your royal status doesn’t protect you this close to death,” he gestures beyond the wall.
“My position may be weak here, but my dragon is not.”
“When that fat old lizard is brazen enough to fly over this wall maybe she’ll finally instill some fear in my heart.”
The boys face off, both of their hands resting on their daggers. You step in, placing a hand on Cregan’s chest.
“I’ve got something to show you.”
Aemond returns to his place beside Vhagar and his knights, staying there as you return to Cregan, Mase in your arms.
“…And you’re sure he’s Aegon’s?” Cregan examines the boy, stroking his hair.
“Can’t you tell? I only ask you watch over him until the war subsides, cousin. He’s an innocent.”
He nods, the memory of his small brother pushing his yes.
“I shall protect him like he were my own,” he agrees.
You thank him. “Next time I see you I hope it to be on kinder business.” 
“As do I.”
Your husband, at the cost of your dignity and stiff lip, allowed the Starks a time free of war and calls of banners for now, even if they didn’t particularly bend the knee. You and Aemond are leagues ahead of his royal host as you fly on Vhagar. Reluctantly, you make a stop to your home of Barrowtown, seeing your father and sisters for the first time since your father promised you to Aemond. That, you haven’t yet put past him. But the Seven ask you to be forgiving, so forgiveness you shall seek.
✺ ✺ ✺
1 moon later
You feel like a rat beneath the feet of the royals as you peek into the Small Council chamber, silently watching. A hand hovers over your belly as a table full of men discuss the matter.
“I am confident that the child is mine.”
“How can you be so sure, Aemond?” Alicent ridicules him. “The girl has no respect for you or our house, who’s to say she hasn’t fallen pregnant at the hands of a whore in the city?”
“She spends more nights with me than she does in the city, mother. Certainly after Aegon tried shipping her North in the dead of Winter, she wouldn’t be so reckless.”
“But she is reckless,” Aegon speaks up. “I commanded her to stay in the castle, she leaves again that same night. I command her to get Lord Stark to bend the knee, she convinces you to join her on some holiday to the North, accomplishing nothing. Your wife is disobedient, she recognizes no authority.”
“And if the child is not mine?” your husband asks. “If he comes out with dark hair and olive skin, what then? Will you have my child murdered for her crimes.”
You furrow your brows, never considering Aemond to be one of your allies in the castle. After the insults you’ve heard him hurl toward Rhaenyra’s children, you were certain that any child that was not true born was, in his eyes, undeserving.
Lord Wylde eyes him. “You certainly aren’t suggesting we house a bastard in the Keep, my Prince.”
Aemond shrugs. “I only mean to raise the question.”
“There should be no question,” Alicent rubs her temples. “Your shameless wife parades around the castle, bowing to none and seeing no consequence.”
“If she is to be executed for the crime of not living in fear then let you pike my head beside hers-“
“The history of questioned legitimacies is a long and bloody one, my Lords,” Otto breaks the bicker. “Let us not plan for such wickedness and instead bend our knees and bow our heads to the Seven and pray that the Princess bears a true born son of her husband.”
With that, the council moves on to other matters. Though, the sneers on Alicent and her oldest son’s faces don’t cease so quickly, their abhor for you only growing stronger.
“Watchers always find a way to seek each other out,” Lord Larys creeps on you from the corner of your bedchamber. “I saw you watching, Princess.”
You sigh, shrugging. “Is it wrong to wish to know the rulings of my own family?”
“Oh, far from it,” he assures you. “But when the queen speaks the bees listen…They question your morale.”
“They question my very being, Lord Larys,” you admit, not in the mood for his riddles. “Speak what you mean.”  
“…I fear that the water is rising, my Lady. Tensions run high and blood runs deep in the Red Keep, I can see as well as any that your welcome here is nearing an end. What they plan to do with you when the grim day comes, I cannot say I know. Though, I do not wish to see you perish, Princess.”
You tilt your head. Larys has a way of rising perspectives that you otherwise would’ve never imagined. He means to say you’re in trouble, you’re in danger in the Keep. The harder you stare the more it all falls into place. They forbid your leaving, they torture your handmaiden, they question your spirits…You begin to feel their ropes of fire tightening around your cold and snowy neck.
“…What do you suggest I do?” you ask, doubtless that he’s thought of an array of plans.
“If all were to come to turmoil here,” he begins, “the Princess is not without a place to turn.”
You shake your head. “My father wouldn’t take me back, he only wishes to keep his ties to the Targaryens.” 
“Not the North…I propose you look across the bay.”
“…Dragonstone?” you ask. 
Larys nods. “The black Princess has no reason to turn you away.”
“None save the fact that I’ve sworn myself to her enemies and sleep in her stolen castle.”
“A commitment not made by your hand,” he argues. 
You think back to the few interactions that you have had with Rhaenyra, all of which taking place when she returned for the brief period following your wedding. You recall her and her children showing you nothing but kindness, a warm feeling in contrast to the everlasting silence you experience here. Rhaenyra spoke to you as if you were a person, an equal; she talked about histories, asked about your life in the North, introduced you to Jace and Luke.
“So I flee my husband and my duties?” you query, contemplating both sides of the coin. “Leave the land I’ve always known to seek refuge with Rhaenyra?”  
“A cautious, yet judicious arrangement,” Larys remarks. “If my Princess wishes…it shall be done.”
Rhaenyra’s an acquaintance, a relative at the greatest; but as you weigh the odds, warily looking at your lawful family, the ancestral seat of the Targaryens begins to look like the more favorable position.
A knock rings at your door. Both you and the Clubfoot look at each other, then toward the knocks.
You clear your throat. “Come.”
Vialy opens the door, behind her, a serpent.
“The Dowager Queen, Princess.” your handmaiden announces, giving you a worrisome look before shutting the door behind Alicent.
“Queen mother,” both you and Larys bow as Alicent eyes you. 
“I wish to speak to the Princess alone, Lord Larys.”
He nods before tottering his way out. 
“How can I serve you?” you ask.
Alicent huffs, sitting at your study and looking out of the window.
“You’re with child,” she states.
“Yes, my queen,” you smile. “I ask the Seven for a healthy boy.”
“As do I,” she looks back at you. “Did you want for children before this, in the North?”
“Um,” you stammer, “I want whatever makes you and your- or- my house happy.”
“We’re alone here, you may speak truly.”
The Dowager’s words slide off your back, knowing better than to ever speak plainly to her.
“I was never good with children. I had only my sisters at home whom were one and two years my junior,” you shrug. “But the time I spend with the Queen’s children gives me hope that I may be a sufficient mother.” 
“Mm, and do you fear for your child? For what people will think of them?”
A frown forms on your lips. “I do not,” you lie. “Have I reason to?”
She scoffs, standing. “You have all the reason to, Auriela.” 
Alicent nears you, inspecting your face. Her breath tickles your skin as she strokes your braid.
“We birth children knowing the horrors they’ll face and the suffering they’ll endure,” she says. “I only hope that a mother’s shameful acts don’t add to the weight upon their tiny shoulders…”
She looks you up and down, your mouth slightly agape. No more words are spoken as she releases your hair and heads to the door, leaving you dangling.
You cannot say if she meant to scare you or threaten you, perhaps both. But the overpowering spark in your stomach is what you can only recognize anger. Angry that she feels she can scare you in a castle that she ordered you to, that she could frighten you when she arranged your marriage…Alicent is the shameless one, stalking and harassing you as she soils the Lord Commander’s white cloak nightly. 
You sit in the chair that she did moments ago. You retrieve a quill, ink, and scroll, addressing your letter:
‘Dear sister…’
✺ ✺ ✺
1 Moon Later
“It was the Strong,” Lucan says, tears streaming down his cheeks, “I know it.”
You hold Vialy tight in your arms as she weeps, Alice’s cold slain body lying in the middle of you, a sheet draped over her. Lucan’s words are senseless, blaming Lord Larys, one of the few you consider your ally, of ordering their deaths.
“Not Larys,” you shake your head, “he’s a friend.”
“He’s a snake who weasels his way into all things,” Lucan grits his teeth, staring at Alice. “The people talk, Auriela...His servants say he did it for you.”
Your head snaps to him. “What?”
Lucan stares back, his eyes numb and voice low. “You think he’s a friend but so does the Queen, and the King, and your husband, and the Dowager. He cannot be trusted, he ordered me dead, Princess.”
“Why would he do such a thing, Lucan?”
He sighs. “I adore you, Princess, I do…But you’ve been blinded. The Lord speaks with two tongues. He tells you to estrange yourself from the crown, on the morrow he tells the crown that you’ve become reckless…treasonous.”
Vialy buries her head in your dress, still sobbing. 
“…Have I no one in the whole of King’s Landing on my side?”
Lucan grabs your hand. “The smallfolk are a greater force than you take us for. Your handmaiden is loyal to you, you say your husband is loyal to you, even the Queen across the bay.”
You groan, tears collecting between the four of you as your escort, a Knight, stands over you out of earshot. Suddenly, it becomes very clear what you must do. Though, you no longer intend to take up the mission with Lord Larys.
✺ ✺ ✺
2 Weeks Later
You seize the first opportunity get. After a week of pent up emotions and grim planning, you and your allies in the City are prepared to make the escape that Lord Larys spoke of. 
The Dowager and guards believe you’re meeting with the King tonight, the King believes you’re with Aemond, Aemond believes you’re with Helaena, and Helaena cares not. When you begged her to stay tight lipped as you escape the castle for a brief night of living before your return, she gave you no more of a sweet nod before returning to her twins. 
Now, in the hour of the wolf, the blackest hour of the night, you board a ship; one that is said to fly a false green banner, as the crew are all holding steadfastly to their true Queen. It’s meant to be bound for Dragonstone if the whisperers of the city speak true..and there’s a spot waiting for you. 
“Ticket,” the inspector stops you. 
You look at him through your lashes, retrieving seven coins from your bag. Holding his hand in yours, you set all seven golden dragons in his palm, closing his fingers around them. 
“Seven blessings,” you nod. 
He looks at the money and then to you, realization hitting him. He nods as well, almost a bow, as he registers who you are. The doors are opened and you enter the boat, followed by two of your favorites.
“Honor means little to him,” Lucan says, “obviously.”
Vialy clings to your arm as the three of you thread through the crowds, searching for a compartment to sleep you on the journey to Dragonstone.
You correct him, your brows low and head lower as the cogs turn in your mind. “These men have got more honor in their cock alone than any in the Red Keep.”
You wonder how the Queen will accept you after your history, if she’ll see that you’re just as spiteful of the greens as she is. Though it matters not, for as the ship departs, the three of you are seated, prepared to do what it takes to never return to King’s Landing so long as a green sits on the throne.
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theskeletonprior · 9 months
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This Tav Tale was commissioned by @quaintrix who graced me with the opportunity to write this fun little scene with Kar'niss! Thank you for trusting me with Solinore. This was incredible fun to write! Interested in a Tav Tale of your own? Look here for details. It is the third day, and Kar'niss is so, so hungry. Solinore can help with that. Content Tags: Blood-drinking, cult fanaticism, drider snuggles, some body worship. Read it on AO3!
At least, Kar’niss thinks, he will die bathing in his Lady’s light. His Queen, who saved him, who gave him purpose. A kind voice, a mighty voice, drowning out the torment of the evil that had been done to his body and mind. “I know you test us, Majesty,” he whispers. “But I have been strong. It is the third day, but we are not broken. We do not lower ourself to taste the blood of heretics. The filth.For you, I will endure these hunger pangs. Your light is all I need, my Queen. It purifies us against the pain.” Except that his strength is flagging, and his hunger only grows. He knows this, in his heart of hearts. Kar’niss holds tight to his Lady’s lantern. It is so cold here, in this twisted forest, and the darkness is deeper even than that in the land below, the spider bitch’s stolen kingdom. May she rot. May she rot! Kar’niss’ legs carve gouges in the dirt, as he lowers himself, holding the light close. And then he hears it. The snap of a dry twig, just beyond the clearing. It’s a terrible effort to pull himself up, and he staggers when he tries, baring his fangs at the intruder. “You—” The hunger pang rips through him like a thunderbolt, and he catches himself on the lantern. The soft, silvery light illuminates her, catching in her coral hair, the streaks of blue like a fading day. He’s seen a sunset in his exile, terrifying, beautiful... “Did you send her to me, Majesty?” Kar’niss whispers softly, taking in this vision, aglow in the lamplight. Solinore... He remembers. He remembers her name. The True Soul.
“No divine intervention here,” Solinore says. “Just me. Are you...” She looks him over, assessing. “Are you hurt or something? You look a bit stuck.” She takes another step closer, and Kar’niss snarls, skittering back, forelegs slashing the air. Solinore puts up her hands.
“Hey, relax. Same team, remember?” Kar’niss can feel his Lady working through her, forcing his need into the light, filling his mouth with the taste of blood, connecting his mind with Solinore’s by a thin gossamer thread. He recoils.
“You shame me, Majesty... Why?” He rakes his clawed finger through his hair. “Have I displeased you?” Solinore risks another step closer to him, fearless, radiant. Somehow the cold recedes as she draws near, and then he sees it. A scar on her throat from a vampire’s fangs. Could she be a spawn? No... He can hear her heart, he thinks. Kar’niss moves suddenly, and even this is not enough to make Solinore flinch. He catches her face in his chitinous hand, feeling for her pulse with the pad of his thumb. It quickens, and her cheeks take on a deeper pink, growing warm enough that he can feel it. He leans close, the hunger drawing him in. She’s alive.
“What has laid its fangs to your throat?” he asks, and Solinore chuckles at the question.
“Why? Want to take a bite?” Kar’niss skitters back from her, nearly tripping over his own unsteady legs as he draws himself up to his full height.
“Disgraceful,” he gasps, rumbling deep in his throat. His own heart quickens. “Do you hear her, Majesty? A bite? A bite?” As though it is something so simple. So freely, so easily given. But the hunger twists inside him, the profane agony that Lolth had cursed him with. He grits his teeth against the pain, against the fury.
“Not to judge,” Solinore says glibly, “but you look like you might need it.”
“It is the third day,” Kar’niss confesses, breathing through the pangs, “and we are starving. But you... You must understand... She does not know, Majesty, what she offers to us.” She does not know what we are. What it means to be what we are.
“You’re in pain. I get the part that means I get you out of a bind, and maybe you owe me one. What else is there to understand?” Solinore looks at him so gently, so gently in the light, and she smiles as though she still thinks this is a small favor. As though he’s asked for a copper to buy bread. “You’re not going to hurt me, right?”
“No.” Kar’niss knows in that instant that he would never. His own body, mangled as it is, would rebel against him if he tried. What angel have you sent to me, Majesty? “But we are starving... If we dare too much, if this wretched hunger...” He reaches out to touch, the curve of his talons stopping short of grazing Solinore’s cheek, the dark scar there. “Protect yourself from us. Take your dagger and do what you must, True Soul.”
“Solinore,” she corrects him, stepping nearer again, into the reach of his arm. He can forget the cold, the darkness all around them.
“Solinore. Yes. Do what you must, Solinore, if our restraint...” He inhales sharply. “If our hunger proves greater than my resolve. If we prove unworthy to taste you.” Kar’niss can see that darkening of Solinore’s pale pink skin, and when she looks back at him, it’s with a certain bashfulness... Or perhaps she’s simply trying to decide which of his eyes to look into.
“I can look after myself, trust.” She has a grin like a fox. “I have a few tricks up my sleeve. You’re not my first, remember.” Kar’niss is daring, again, and he touches the marks on her neck.
“That pale one,” he remembers, “with the scarlet eyes.”
“You know, you’re not exactly sunkissed, yourself,” Solinore teases, “but yes. We’re...” She sighs, frustrated. A momentary shadow. Kar’niss can feel her displeasure and something else that he feels he should not chase. “Never mind what we are.”
“Is he...” Kar’niss traces the marks with the very tip of his claw, restraining the desire to pierce the flesh, to lower his head... The thread of the question frays away. “...a jealous god?” Solinore’s laughter is so loud and so bright that it startles him. He recoils, and that just makes her grin broaden.
“You got the first part right,” she says. “He can be jealous... That’s fine with me. It’s fine.” She shrugs her slender shoulders. “So are you going to let me help or am I going to come back tomorrow to find your princely self lying on your back with all your legs curled in? Pretty undignified, if you ask me.” Kar’niss scowls, his lips peeling back from his sharp white teeth.
“Such irreverence, Majesty; does she wish to enrage us?” he grouses. “But the offer...” He inhales deeply, leaning down so that his face hovers just inches from Solinore’s. His dark eyes reflect her mismatched ones, pale green and pink shining against black. “We have warned you, True Soul... Solinore. We have warned you.”
“I’ve got the idea,” she says, rolling her head to expose her neck. All of Kar’niss’ eyes train themselves on the smooth, unmarked side of her neck. So welcoming. Kar’niss rests his lips against her pulse, feeling it against the delicate skin, but doesn’t yet open his mouth to bite. The desire is difficult to resist but he knows he must be strong, he must not be the monster Lolth has made him. No... No, he must be careful.
“Are you ready?” he asks, and Solinore makes another flippant reply that only his hunger allows him to ignore.
“Let me have it.” Kar’niss inhales. It’s hard to speak, instead of biting, instead of tasting. You have blessed me with strength, Majesty. You have made me patient. You have made me gentle.
“Put your arms around my neck,” he whispers, a rumble belying the command, “and remember what we told you.” Kar’niss keeps hold of the lantern with one hand, but when Solinore winds her slender arms around his neck, he catches her up with his free arm, and crushing her against him, pulling her into his torso with his forelegs. He grazes her skin with his teeth, a last warning. Solinore doesn’t so much as shudder. She relaxes. And then, at last, he bites. He’s mindful of the marks the vampire left; the jealous one. Solinore makes a soft sound, an airy sigh, and it almost rings to him of pleasure. Pleasure? It doesn’t matter. The taste of her blood obliterates everything. The pain, the weakness, it leaves him like a stone disappearing into a chasm in the deep of the underdark. Like a memory dissipating into fragments. So far lost that there’s nothing left to even begin looking. When he lifts her off the ground, his strength is effortless, and he feeds from her while her feet dangle off the ground. It is difficult, oh so difficult, but his Lady gives him the will to pull away, his chest heaving. He does not let even a drop of her escape, laving his tongue over his lips.
“More, please... May I...?” Solinore’s arms go tight around his neck again, and she leans into him. The pressure, the warmth of her body, is an unbearable call. “Please, let me...” And then she says it. She blesses him, takes pity on the evil ravening thing inside him.
“Yes...” He kisses the wound he’s made, and latches on, filling his mouth with that incredible taste, swallowing. There’s something else, something sweet in the blood. It makes him feel as he felt when he’d first seen the Lady’s light, and it warms him, saves him. When he begs for more, he cannot even think of feeling ashamed. And each time she tells him yes, yes, yes... It is a miracle. Not the foul, ugly feeding he’s known, the curse he must fulfill. The vicious attack, desperate for another day alive. A deep purr reverberates from his throat, a vibration that he’s certain that Solinore can feel. She tangles her fingers in his hair, stroking through the silken strands, and he could almost weep for joy.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, the words still thrumming with that deep purr. He holds her close, the lantern still dangling up above them, breathing in her scent in that blessed gleaming. “Thank you, oh, thank you.” Solinore stirs in his hold, and he adjusts, to cradle her, and the lantern, safe in its silvery radiance. She looks tired, as she gazes up at him, but she smiles with a satisfaction that makes his heart jump.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” Kar’niss agrees, helpless, adrift on the taste of fresh blood.
“What’s that noise? I can feel it...” Her hand drifts, her palm flat against his chest. “Here. It’s... Almost like a cat, when you scritch their ears just right.” Kar’niss settles down carefully in the dirt, keeping her cradled close. He can hear himself, still, feel the vibrations down to his bones.
“Your blood tastes sweet as my Lady’s love,” he tells her. “We cannot help but express our pleasure, to taste something that is so... miraculous.” He leans in, swiping his tongue over the marks left by his teeth, licking the wound clean. There is some quality of his saliva that numbs the pain of his bite, though it thins the blood some to make it easier to drink. “We are happy,” he breathes. “Sated.”
“I know what I want,” Solinore says, toying with the ends of his hair. “For the favor you owe me.” Kar’niss bends close to listen. What could she ask of us, Majesty? He expected this, but when she speaks again, it takes him by surprise.
“Be my noble steed.”
“Your what?” His purring stops, choked off by the request. He very nearly drops her, but she’s still holding on with one arm. Solinore giggles, still drifting on the same after-current.
“Let me ride ya, drider.” Even he has to admit that the half-rhyme is... Somewhat amusing. His indignation softens. He can forgive her sense of humor; she’s lately bled for him.
“We will carry you on our back and return you to camp,” he agrees. “She must rest, mustn’t she, Majesty? After giving so much...” Kar’niss lets Solinore down, but keeps his body low, to make it easier for her to swing a leg over his lower back. He offers her his arm. “Come, then.” Solinore straddles him, pressing nearly flush against his body, and surprises him again by draping her arms around his waist instead of around his neck.
“Hyah...” She pats at his belly and Kar’niss is helpless against a chuckle. An indomitable sense of humor on this one.
“Do not let go of us,” he warns sternly, getting his legs underneath him. He rises slowly, pausing only once when he feels Solinore sway, but she proves deft at keeping her balance. Holding his Queen’s lantern high, he makes his way back towards their camp, her warmth at his back. When they are nearly there, he can hear Solinore humming softly, and just for a moment, he remembers how it had felt to be complete. The darkness in his mind swallows it greedily, but the tune lingers long afterwards.
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santoschristos · 5 days
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I beheld a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the Sun, with the Moon at her feet. And on her head was a diadem of the twelve stars.
Hear me, O Lady Isis, hear and save.
O thou queen of love and mercy, thou crowned with the throne, thou hauled as with the Moon.
Thou whose countenance is mild and glowing, even as grass refreshed by rain.
Hear me, our Lady Isis, hear and save.
O thou who art in matter manifest.
Thou bride and queen as thou art mother and daughter of the Slain One.
O thou who art the Lady of the Earth.
Hear me, O Lady Isis, hear and save.
O thou Lady of the amber skin.
Lady of love and of victory, bright gate of glory through the darkening skies.
O crowned with the Light and life and love.
Hear me, our Lady, hear and save by thy sacred flower, the Lotus of eternal life and beauty; by thy love and mercy; by thy wrath and vengeance; by my desire toward thee, by all the magical names of old hear me, O Lady, hear and save.
Open thy bosom to thy child, stretch forth thy arms and strain me to thy breasts. Let my lips touch thy lips ineffable.
Hear me, O Lady Isis, hear and save.
Lift up thy voice to aid me in this critical hour.
Lift up thy voice most musical.
Cry aloud, O queen and mother, to save me from that I fear most.
I invoke thee to initiate my soul.
The whirling of my dance, may it be a spell and a link with thy great light, so that in the darkest hour, the Light may arise in me and bring me to thine own glory and incorruptibility.
Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain.
I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me, to me.
Isis am I, and to my beauty draw.
All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine.
Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine, are mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the bowel and pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, thy lyre. I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fueler of thy breath. I am the star of God upon thy brow. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed.
High do these sweet rivers welcome to the sea, ocean of love that shall encompass thee.
Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me, to me.
Hear, Lady Isis, and receive my prayer.
Thee, thee I worship and invoke.
Hail to thee, sole mother of my life.
I am Isis, mistress of the whole land. I was instructed by Hermes, and with Hermes I invented the writings of the nations in order that not all should write with the same letters. I gave mankind their laws, and ordained what no one can alter. I am the eldest daughter of Kronos. I am the wife and sister of the king Osiris. I am she who rises in the dog star. I am she who is called the goddess of women. I am she who separated the heaven from the earth. I have pointed out their paths to the star. I have invented seamanship. I have brought together men and women. I have ordained that the elders shall be beloved by the children.
With my brother Osiris I made an end of cannibalism. I have instructed mankind in the mysteries. I have taught reverence of the divine statues. I have established the Temple precincts. I have overthrown the dominion of the tyrants. I have caused men to love women. I have made justice more powerful than silver and gold. I have caused truth to be considered beautiful.
Come unto me and pledge unto me your loyalties as I pledge mine unto you.
Oh mother Isis, great art thou in thy splendor, mighty is thy name and thy love has no bounds.
Thou art Isis, who art all that ever was, and all that there is to be, for no mortal man hath ever unveiled thee. In all thy grace thou has brought forth the sun, the fruit that was born forth for the redemption of man.
Oh Isis, Isis, Isis, graciously hear our cry unto thee, we mourn for thy blessings on us this day, every day, to nourish, to aid and to fill the emptiness within, that only you our beloved mother can satiate. Unto thee do we pledge our solemn oath of dedication, and for the power and glory of him the Unknowable One to witness our devotion to thee. For as we now receive thee into our hearts, we ask that you never leave us, in times of trial and joy, and even unto death."
art: Goddess Isis - Mistress of Magick Jewel of the Nile
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fatale-distraction · 10 months
I am pleased to regret to inform you all that I have joined the legion of spiderfuckers
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This is Qilué (Key-lew-ay) and she can and WILL MAKE HIM WORSE FIX HIM
Here’s an incomplete unedited excerpt from some writing I did today for them.
"Can you remove Lolth's influence from one of her creatures?" The priestess drew herself up to her full height. "Of course we can, child. It is one of Eilistrae'e's greatest joys and blessings to relieve the oppressed of that dark mantle." "Save your flowery language. This one might be a bit more of a challenge than you anticipate," she warned. "Astarion, would you...?" "Oh, gladly," he smirked. "I can't wait to see the looks on your faces," he said in a loud aside to the clerics clustered nearby, who scoffed and rolled their eyes and muttered amongst themselves. "I'm certain we're up to the task, my dear," the priestess condescended gently. "We--" The room fell entirely silent as the sound of long, sharp talons clacked and scraped against the marble floors. Confused and wary glances were exchanged, and hands moved in the quick drow sign language. Astarion shouldered the door open and stood aside with a flourish to permit Kar'niss to claw his way into the temple. A long cloak of indistinguishable color covered his head and body, but it was impossible to hide the eight massive, spiked arachnid legs or the bulbous abdomen and armored thorax they supported. Silence continued as he settled himself behind Qilué and cast a curious glance around, his secondary eyes blinking out of sync. An acolyte near the effigy in the back of the temple let a copper offering plate slip from his fingers. It crashed to the floor and rolled noisily across the room. Kar'niss' seven eyes followed its path with vague interest. The painfully long journey that culiminated in an agonizing clatter as it took its time settling, stretching on and on until at last Astarion huffed in exasperation and stomped on it to silence the tinny metal cacophony. After another beat a cleric passed dead out and hit the floor with a heavy thud. The priestess was all but gaping, her eyes wide.
"That's a drider," she wheezed. "Yes, most of us have reached that conclusion," snipped Astarion. "His name is Kar'niss," Qilué bit out. "Can you do it?" She placed a loving hand on Kar'niss' pale arm. His head slowly turned toward her, every eye unblinking and focused tenderly on her presence. The priestess flicked her gaze between the two and swallowed. She pushed her sleeves up and fixed a game expression on her face. "We can certainly try," she said, a slight tremble in her throat belying her confidence. "I've never done it before, nor have I heard of it being performed, but Eilistrae'e’s mercy is vast...I can't undo what has already been done," she added softly after a pause. "My powers cannot reform him into the man he once was, but it may be possible to at least free him of that which binds him to the Spider Queen." "That's all I can ask for," Qilué replied, not removing her gaze from his. The urge to kiss him was powerful, but they already had one unconcious drow in the room. Kissing a drider might take several more down, and they needed all the help they could get. Kar'niss, unfortunately had other ideas and bent to nuzzle at her nape, that affectionate purr rumbling in his throat, his arms and two legs circling her waist to draw her close. "Not now, Kar'niss," she hissed, pushing feebly back at him. That only caused him to begin dragging his teeth down her neck, his hands cupping at her waist and hips as two more legs surrounded her. Astarion burst out laughing as another cleric fainted and Qilué pushed back harder, scolding the drider three times her size. The priestess mopped her brow. "Yes, well," she cleared her throat. "That's...quite interesting. I...need a moment--WE need a moment, to prepare, that is." "You mean recover," guffawed Astarion as Qilué finally won her struggle against the over-affectionate drider, who hissed moodily and mumbled something violent under his breath.
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destinygoldenstar · 28 days
☀️There Can Only Be ONE Best Boy☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 4 “Slip N Slide”
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I decided, for both to give my followers less of spoilers and for some flare, I would cheaply draw over some screenshots.
For the Purple Team's reward, they got a waterproof tent. But they neglected the fireproof tent as a result, and the producers weren't careful with last challenge.
Nick would be, understandably, terrified of the place, and Alec would be like "Wow, this is an improvement" but look at it so stoically.
So, welcome back to Arson Camp!
Let us continue with the chaos!
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Fiore's chilling by the fires, probably writing some AO3 fanfics.
What fandom would Fiore be in? I'm curious.
I feel like this six year old would be into something violent like Mortal Kombat.
"A girl like you should not be awake at this hour."
*looks over at my clock*
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Lilly you don't have to call me out like that.
"I don't even listen to my own mom and she thinks she can control me?!"
If you weren't six, I would say slay and tell them what's for...
But you're six. So...
"If you were feeling safe, I've got bad news for you."
Welp, Lilly's gone. I called it.
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WHY?!?!??!?! HOW DOES THIS BENEFIT YOU!??!??!?!?!
I feel like this was my fault because I made the fire joke.
Fiore was like, "You know, I had this weird feeling that some viewer named AnalyzGolden was watching us and she told me to burn shit. And now I suddenly have the urge to do it."
Goddammit me.
What next? The characters in that heading get eliminated today?
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The subtitle again. I CAN'T with these parenthesis XD
(I have subtitles on because sometimes I mishear stuff when I watch stuff the first time)
"I'm not going to be part of this argument."
*holds back a laugh* Alec's actually so based for that.
Y'all want less DRAMA in TOTAL DRAMA?
Simple answer.
You just walk away from it.
"I think I know who did it." *Among Us Music*
*chokes on breath*
I was making several Among Us jokes last episode.
I feel like I've become some overlord and they somehow hear me and do what I tell them.
"For some reason Golden is telling me I'm very SUS... huh, wonder what that means."
Fiore if you can hear me. I didn't say you had slay pass. I never said that.
The only one I gave slay pass was Grett.
You have to earn yours.
"Lill?! What in queen's name did you do?!" *sound effect*
Okay. Now it's getting a bit crazy.
"I don't think Lill would do this to us."
"It's about psychology in different kinds of people."
"It says here that people who enter reality competitions and get tempted by money have the tendency to become more ruthless and emotionally manipulative to their advantage, derailing their personalities. If you'd like some examples from the many seasons of Total Drama, I'd be happy to give you an analogy."
"What makes you think I wouldn't want to read it?"
You're six.
"Well... fair point."
Okay. I guess that's not a point.
"It's a drawing. My son drew it for me."
Alec has a family?
I mean he did look older, I admit, but I didn't think anyone here had kids.
So is Alec in this game to help his family with funds? We got another one.
'List of Motives:'
'Fiore: Abandoned'
'Ashley: Save Farm'
'Jake: Help Grandma'
'Tom: Sus'
'Nick: Prove Himself'
'Alec: Family'
'Everyone else: ???'
"I'm just as confused as you."
I have NO IDEA what happened AT ALL. It totally wasn't me who flipped. I was sure Drew was the impostor!
"Then what if Drew voted for himself?"
He said 'Fuck this shit I'm out'.
"He knew things I didn't want anyone to know."
"I just can't tell anyone about my hobbies, okay?!"
"As long as Grett doesn't tell either of them I should be fine."
Hey Grett. Maybe you should tell Jake something. Just a thought.
"For some reason I have the urge to tell Jake something. Huh, wonder who this Golden Voice is."
"I voted for Gabby because the boys told me to."
Was it Dan that suggested Gabby??
*looks back*
Actually no it wasn't. I was gonna call hypocrisy, but that'd be me complaining about something that's not there. Okay.
Alright I won't bully him. This time.
"Nobody can be trusted here."
"Nobody can be trusted here-anyway, Tom, who never shows his face, can I trust that you'll vote with me?"
"I'm disappointed that Dan voted for me."
Oh, you're actually affected by that. Wow.
Okay, here you go Gabby. You can have slay pass. ⚔️
Use it for whatever you want to eliminate with. If you want to use it on Dan, go ahead. I don't care if he goes tbh.
I just realized most of my favs are on the same team XD
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Oooh, swimming episode!
Tom is STILL in his suit XD
"Hey uh, Tom, the sun can't reach you if you're underwater. I don't think you need to be wearing that. You don't want to get your normal clothes wet, right?"
"Eh I never found use for a swimsuit anyway! Besides! The sun will dry them up quickly!"
"Doesn't that go against what you told us earlier?!"
"My relationship with the sun does not concern you! No it's not toxic what are you talking about?!"
But he's not wearing the hoodie anymore! That's an improvement!
I feel like we're gonna get a Tom face reveal at some point, right?
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I didn't think there would be a cabin.
And a phone to call home? PLEASE tell me they take advantage of this and we learn more about these characters homelives!
"You're not yelling and talking nonsense... I like it."
Grett. You're so awful. I love you.
I have such BAD TASTES for favorites, don't I?
(Idk who the fan favorites/hated characters are)
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That's not an english subtitle.
...I'm not gonna say anything further than that, cause I'm scared that the joke in my head is very offensive.
"What did you expect? Nobody likes you and everyone thinks you're crazy."
I... I mean technically she's right. Doesn't make it right to rub salt in the wound though.
I still love you Gabby. Don't worry.
"Have you lied to me too?"
"Of course."
I did NOT expect her to just be blunt and honest like that.
Why is a VILLAIN character so honest about what they do? That's such a unique character trait. I love how they're using it.
"For what it's worth, I believe you."
"You have no reason to lie. I've known you for a few days and you always put this alliance first."
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Fiore struggling to paddle, omg
"My hands are killing me. You think you can row for me if I pay you?"
Nick, I'm waiting patiently for your character development. You better deliver cause you've annoyed me this episode and last episode. Jake's gonna take crown for best boy if you're not careful.
Also, she's a KID and can't even hold one paddle right.
"I'm already tired of always eating fish."
Yeah, that has to get tedious after awhile, especially if you guys are THAT hungry and have no choice.
I hate seafood. I wouldn't survive.
"What are you craving?"
"Chinese takeout. I always order that at home."
My sibling actually loves Chinese as well... I'm a Mexican person, though.
"There's a restaurant I live near that'll knock your socks off. We should go when this is over."
TOM. Are you... ASKING HIM OUT?!
"Hey, your eyes... they're pretty. I never noticed since you've always got that hood on."
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...yeah I kinda hope you kiss now.
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This is how you make relationships Total Drama. You meet. You get along. And you be cute.
And I am waiting for this to go horribly wrong cause in shows like this, nobody gets a happy ending.
Except Mike & Zoey I guess.
"Maybe them fighting is good news."
"If we found popcorn it would be a fun movie to watch. I'm just saying."
"Honestly, a million dollars would make my life so much better."
"What would you spend the money on?"
"I want to study fashion design. Just don't have the time or money. Back home, I have to juggle two jobs that barely keep me afloat."
That has to be THE most relatable Young Adult experience ever.
I hate that I have a privilege from my parents to go to a college I don't even like.
Add that to the list...
'Ellie: College Finance'
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"*Ellie clicks the check*
*Spawns an ad on USAA*
Ellie's real fear is her finances XD"
"Dear lord up above, why must you forsaken me on a canoe with this wretched child?!"
Stop hating Dan, me. He didn't do anything.
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And two seconds later I laugh at his expense 😂
"It's not the first time I've done this."
"Back in my day we had to canoe rapids just to get to school!"
"Back in grade school-"
Oh my god and she took my joke.
"The objective of the game is to knock your opponent into the lake."
*shoves Dan in the lake*
"Hey you guys talk about this Golden voice lately, I think she's bullying me. Why you bullying me?"
Do something and don't be sexist.
"First showdown will be Tom vs Alec"
If Tom loses this I'm in firm disbelief.
He has ninja skills.
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Why is Jake the only one cheering and supporting his teammate?
This boy is precious. Look at him. He's PRECIOUS.
"Next showdown: Grett vs Ellie"
Sorry Ellie. I do like you, I swear.
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"Golden told me to SLAY. So I slayed!" 💅
"Next up: Gabby vs Lill"
Gabby for the win?
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"You forgot: Golden gave ME slay pass too!!"
Aw, she lost.
I guess that makes sense though cause it would be too easy.
"Hey that's not fair! She used Gabby's duel stick!"
"Eh it looked painful though so I'll allow it."
Chris McLean taught you well.
"Next showdown: Dan vs Ashley"
Kick his ass, Ashley.
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OMG are you kidding me?! XD
"We too are aware of Golden's presence! So we decided to entertain her with pinning the best boys against each other!"
"Sorry Golden, but here in Disventure Camp, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE BEST BOY."
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"Jake scores! The Teal Team win Immunity and reward!"
Welp, guess that's that. The show has decided.
Unless Nick stays, which is pretty likely, so.
FOR NOW, Jake has my crown as best boy. We stan a guy who has no shame in denying another guy the right to have kids.
"See that's my own personal true personality reveal Golden! I'm an asshole too, just like Grett! Don't you love me?!"
Yes. Yes I do.
"Listen Nick, can we talk?"
Yes. Please talk. Please work things out.
"I think I've heard enough this morning to decide who I'm voting for."
"You don't have to behave like that, Nick!"
Why is Ashley the most reasonable character on this team?!
"At least give Lill a chance!"
"I've already made my decision. Cheers."
Now I have even less regrets siding with Jake over you.
"I think we should vote together and take control of the team."
And here's where Alec and Ellie become swing votes.
Ellie's just the outlier here. "Um... I didn't ask to be a part of the villains team, why am I put on it? I didn't do anything wrong!"
I didn't put you there, Ellie. That was not me this time.
"I feel like I can be myself around them."
Ellie meanwhile, "WHERE'S THE EXIT?! SAVE MEEEEEE"
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"Lill, it genuinely frightens me that you handle kids."
Just shut up.
"If I had a kid, I wouldn't let em anywhere near you."
"And I never will because SOMEONE busted my balls today!"
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Ashley, once again, being the most reasonable one here.
Yeah, yeah, we know.
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"Because you're one of the worst in the challenges. Also, I can't stand you."
Wow. It really was that petty.
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Tom, what ninja shit are you doing this time?
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Pfft. He's a bad spy.
"Uh, I am standing right here and can see you!"
Alright, that was Episode 4...
Damn. I shouldn't have put Nick in the heading. I cursed him and caused his elimination.
I thought they were setting up a lot of character development for him cause I felt like he had an interesting story with his parents and wanting to prove himself...
But no. He did absolutely none of that and continued to be a spoiled lazy entitled snob up till his elimination.
And like... sure? If you need early boots?
Why couldn't it be Dan? Smh
This episode took what I said last episode and said "UH UH. You can only have one best boy as your choice. That's the rule." And forced them to fight for that position.
But if we had to choose between the two, I can't argue with Jake.
Idk who the favorites/hated characters are, and I feel like I have bad taste. One's an actual bitch and very open about it. But you know what? Gabby and Jake are sweethearts who deserve to be stanned.
Gabby is fun. She's full of personality. People are outcasting her for no reason and it's sad. I want Gabby to use her slay pass and revolt. Girl has done nothing wrong in her entire life.
And Jake? Come on. He's precious. He's a sweetheart. Look at him. And he takes no shit apparently. Man has done nothing wrong in his entire life.
I feel like Lilly's going next just cause she knows too much. But if that leaves Ashley alone to be the saving grace of the team till the merge I can't argue. I like her quite a bit.
I also like that Ellie and Alec are doing stuff now. Oh how the tables have turned.
They both have motives that are quite empathetic. It's so nice.
Why you working with the demon child though?
"I didn't ask to be put in hell with her Golden! I just wanted to make fashion! LET ME OUT!!!"
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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amadwinter · 7 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Thanks to @somethingsteff and @sky-kenobye for the tags 🧡
1. Are you named after anyone?
The first and middle name on my birth certificate are the names of queens.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I honestly don't remember. Months at least.
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
Technically? Dance/tap as a tiny thing, softball/baseball as a less tiny thing. Not very long for either because I'm not physically very gifted. I never got the hang of wakeboarding but I kept trying for while there.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
If they are outwardly a nerd. I seek out my people.
7. What's your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I only watch scary movies if i I can laugh at them.
9. Any talents?
I'm told I'm really funny. Doesn't always translate well online, and I can't write a comedic story to save my life, but I can speak funny words, I promise.
10. Where were you born?
San Francisco Bay Area, California, where I've lived all my life.
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing and reading mostly these days. Trying to draw more too. Sewing has been difficult with my health but cosplaying and going to conventions too. Also Dungeons and Dragons/tabletop roleplaying games, video games... uhhhhhh I used to sing more but haven't been doing a lot of that, same with hiking.
12. Do you have any pets?
A cat, my orange and white boy named Peter Parker. I didn't pick the name, and I don't think he even knows it because we always just call him "kitty" or "cat".
13. How tall are you?
5' 6.5", or 169cm which is, ironically, the same as both the people who tagged me
14. Favourite subject in school?
The part of school where I got to sit on my own and quietly read my books. And also history, I guess.
15. Dream job?
Reclusive author.
No pressure tags: @veloursdor, @dreaminghour, @lilredghost, @briliantlymad, @obikinwhore, @jedibongrip, @notebookishtype, @posthumousvigor, @bunnywan, @virahaus, @geodax, @ragnarlothcat, @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog, @kana7o, @lovey-dovey-and-sad
and anyone else who wants to. I tried to pick people who I hadn't seen tagged already, but forgive me if I messed up. Feel free to ignore if you don't want to play 💕
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jazzycurls · 2 years
Meant to be
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Summary: It's a surprise 😉🤫
Warnings/Tags: Dark, Noncon, dubcon, mentions of suicide, arguing/raised voices, curse words, smut, (let me know if I missed something)
Recommended: Listen to The Weekend- Call out my name. Had it on repeat while I proofread this lol. Tumblr wouldn't let me add it to the post for some reason 😒
An: Hi you guys! I'm new to writing of any kind. All feedback is welcome, be gentle please haha. Please do not steal or copy my work. Don’t repost without credit. This is my written work, everything besides the characters and plot points by the original writers, belongs to me. Also this is a dark theme, please read the warnings. If this isn't your cup of tea, please don't read.
Word Count: 6,856
You're the queen of Hawkins High, there isn't anything you can't get or take if need be. With just a flutter of your lashes or a pout on your full lips and it's yours. It also didn't hurt that your father was the mayor of this town. The captain of the cheerleading squad, simply put, you run this school and everyone in it, well almost everyone that is. There was one, however, who refused to respect the rules of the social hierarchy.
You sighed as you looked in the bathroom mirror, you were flanked by a group of girls as you reapplied your lipstick.
"Are you going to the party this weekend?" Your friend Jessica asks you as she stares at her reflection in the mirror beside you.
"Nope," you reply with a pop of your lips. You cap the top of your pink lipgloss before tossing it into your bag.
Your response catches her attention, she turns to you with a hand on her slim extended hip. "Why not," she questions, one brow raised in confusion.
Annoyance flares within you at her questioning you. If it was anyone else you would've reduced them to a puddle of tears for the offense, but this wasn't just anyone, it was your closest friend. Not enough to be called a best friend but enough that you preferred her the others.
"I already have plans," you shrug, not feeling the need to explain any further. You turn and walk out of the bathroom, a small path clears through the group of girls surrounding you.
A frown forms on her face as she follows behind you but before she can ask you another question, the bell rings signaling the tardy bell. "See ya later hun, I gotta test in History today," you give air smooches before turning to the rest of the girls.
"Bye girls, I'll see you at lunch," you give them a small wave and a smile before heading to class. When you walk into your class it's five minutes past the bell.
"Sorry I'm late Mr. Breedlove, I was having a quick meeting with the cheer squad," you lie giving him a dainty smile. He doesn't say anything, only giving you a quick smile before asking you to take a seat.
Multiple people greeted you as you walked to your assigned seat.
"Hey y/n, I like that skirt," Lindsay Melton said with a wave.
"Thanks," you said giving a small twirl before taking your seat. You place your powder blue bag onto your desk, taking out your notebook and pink pom pom pen.
Soon after Eddie Munson strolls into the classroom after you've taken a seat. "Mr. Munson, it would be in your best interest to make it to class on time, you can't afford to do otherwise," he reprimanded.
Eddie stood at attention, giving him a salute "Yes sir," he replied with a sardonic grin. He walks over to his seat and sits down with a flop, which was directly in front of yours.
Eddie Munson was the bane of your existence. He made your life a living hell without even knowing it. It wasn't from him being mean or cruel to you, Munson didn't have it in him to be mean to a woman. He saved all of that for the men who made the mistake of taunting or teasing him but it was clear that he didn't like you. Plus the fact that you were in love with him made it so much worse.
Eddie was someone who didn't blend in easily, always drawing attention wherever he went, including yours. You hated when people bullied him, it wasn't something that you agreed with, contrary to what most people believed. Most assumed that you were a bully, but you never messed with anyone who didn't have it coming.
It also didn't help that you had every class with him. Which forced you to see him constantly every day. You pretended to take notes as you marveled at the curls that draped across his shoulders. Most men kept their hair in short vanilla looking styles. He was one of the few who went outside of the norm.
You didn't know what you liked more, when his hair was loose or when he had it in a bun at the nape of his neck. He had approximately seven beauty marks scattered across the back of his neck. You knew because you had counted them on more than one occasion.
You're not sure when you fell for Eddie, it may have been on your first day of high school. You were a lost little freshman and couldn't find any of your classes. He had escorted you to all of them, making himself late in the process.
It could've been in elementary when your parents were late as usual picking you up. You sat on the steps of the school alone as you waited for a ride. You were used to being alone so that didn't bother you.
Eddie Munson had walked out of the double doors of the school and had taken a seat beside you. He had a buzz cut at the time and wasn't nearly as tall as he is now but you still thought that he was cute and a nicer than most. You knew he was a walker so he had no reason to sit and wait with you.
When your mom had finally shown up, as you were getting in the car, you noticed him walking in the other direction. Those acts of kindness endeared you to him and you had never forgotten, keeping them tucked away safe in your memories.
The problem now was that you were popular and had been for a while, and it was a known fact that Eddie hated popular kids. So you had settled for admiring him from afar. Your eyes never strayed too far from him whenever he was near.
You had a plan though, a grand scheme to help you finally get what you wanted the most. You were going to confess to Eddie, tell him how you felt about him. There was a chance that your popularity could dip but it wasn't anything that a little damage control couldn't solve.
It was a known fact that Eddie stayed in the woods by the benches after school. If anyone wanted to score, all they had to do was go to that area. If anyone saw you, you could just say that you were buying from him.
A little smile formed on your face as you doodled hearts onto your notebook. All would be as it should be in due time. With a shake of your head, you looked towards your teacher and began to take notes.
You were just getting out of cheer practice and were headed to the woods behind the school. After making a pit stop at the bathroom you were on your way. It had taken almost five minutes along with your iciest glare in order to convince your friends that you didn't want to hang out after school.
A gust of air blew around you as you headed into the dense woods. Fall was in the air, the leaves were molten-red, crunching under your sneakers with every step. After a few minutes, you made it to the small clearing where the picnic table was situated. Your breath caught as you saw Eddie.
He had yet to notice you as you stood off to the side and watched him. He looked so beautiful in the late evening sunlight. His head was tilted back as he blew a puff of smoke into the air, while his fingers tapped a beat against the wooden table.
You cleared your throat as you stepped closer. The spell was broken and Eddie instantly became guarded, the moment of peace was gone with the announcement of your presence.
"Hi," you whispered shyly, your heartbeat had increased significantly. You step over into his line of sight and move closer to him.
"S'up— what you looking for," he says in a monotone voice. He reaches behind him and grabs his metal lunchbox, sits it on his lap, and opens it.
"I— I'm not," you stammer over your words as your nerves continue to build. Your usual confidence has vanished as you approach Eddie. The speech you had prepared in your mind disappeared when he first spoke to you.
He looks at you with a raised brow, patiently waiting for you to finish.
You take a deep breath trying to steady your breathing "I'm not looking to score," you rush out.
His shoulders are tense as he looks around nervously. "What do you want then," he says coldly.
Tell him your mind screams as you just stand there. You focus on his big expressive eyes, so full of emotion, it's easy to know exactly how he is feeling. It's one of the things you love most about him. In the world you are from, no one ever shows their feelings, unless it's premeditated.
You shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts. Confusion is etched across his face as you begin again "I fell—," you stammered.
You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. "You got this," you tell yourself silently.
"I fell in love with you the day that I met you," you smile to yourself as you remember that day.
"Whenever I would feel lonely or scared, just thinking about you calmed me down and gave me comfort." You open your eyes to look into his "I want to be with you and I don't care who knows it." you say sincerely.
You smooth down your skirt as you gauge his reaction. His mouth hangs open in shock and his eyebrows have skyrocketed up to his hairline. Moments tick by as you wait for him to respond. You edge closer to him as you wait.
He chuckles in disbelief, which turns into a fit of giggles. "Not gonna lie you had me going there for a minute," he lets out as he attempts to contain his laughter. "Kay jokes over princess," he snarks sarcastically.
"I got better shit to do than to be the source of entertainment for you and your minions." His tone is harsh and full of bite as he glares at you with contempt.
Your heart had dropped when he had first begun to laugh. The thought that he was laughing at you had caused your heart to crack.  But it was okay! He only thought that you were playing some sick joke on him.
"Of course he does," you thought to yourself sighing in relief. You lifted your eyes to him, holding his gaze. "This is no game, Eddie. I love you, with all of my being," you assert.
He looks at you his eyes are wide, finally taking you seriously. "Wow," he says as he looks away scratching at the back of his head. "Jesus Christ, you're really serious aren't you?"
You nod as you move again toward him, finally standing directly in front of him. Your knees are inches away from his, all it takes is one more step and you would be right in between his legs.
He clears his throat nervously, his Adams apples bobbing up and down in his neck. "His neck is so long and thick," you think absentmindedly. "Focus," you scold yourself as you once again get lost in your thoughts.
"Um, I'm flattered, I really am. I mean, shit, who wouldn't want the queen of Hawkins as their girlfriend," he says nervously, avoiding your eyes.
"But," you say when he takes too long to continue.
"I like someone else," he explains with sympathy in his eyes. "You're a great girl and all but you're not my type," he adds.
Your heart begins to crack again. "Not your type," you say incredulously.
"Yeah you know, popular," he tells you as he waves his hand.
You stare at him in shock, this was not supposed to happen. He was supposed to accept you, to realize that he loved you too. You were supposed to be safe, wrapped up in his arms in a loving embrace by now.
"I can be whatever you want me to be," you state weakly. You know you sound pathetic but your desperation has kicked in, leaving you grasping for straws.
"I'm sorry darling, that's not how it works," he says with finality.
You stand motionless, your brain screams at you to do something. ''Show him how much he means to you,'' you think.
You step closer to him and straddle his lap unexpectedly. "I know this can work, just give us a chance" you murmur as you force a kiss onto his lips.
He breaks the kiss instantly as he pushes you off of him causing you to fall back onto the ground. Tears spring forward at the embarrassment, shame, and heartache you feel.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he says as he reaches a hand out to you. Pity is etched into his features.
You take his hand, relishing in the feel of his hand in yours before he pulled away. You dust off your skirt as you turn away, trying to hide the tears falling down your face. "Sorry for wasting your time," you whimper as you walk away hurriedly.
You don't look back, no matter how much your heart begs you to. By the time you clear the forest, you're composed, face clear of any remnants of tears. As you get in your car, you look in the mirror, finding your eyes void of any emotion.
Cranking up your car, you start the trek home, not a single thought on your mind.
You're in your bedroom sitting at your vanity. You haven't moved from this spot since you arrived, which had been over an hour ago. When you had gotten home, the house was empty as usual.
Your parents were away on another one of there countless business meetings. When you were little you would always pretend that your parents were spys and that they were fighting their way back home to get back to you. That was a long time ago, back when you still held hope that your parents loved you.
Once again you were alone. The house phone had been ringing off the hook, more than likely it was your friends calling to talk to you about mundane bullshit.
Even though you had plenty of friends you still felt alone. No one ever checked on your well-being or ever asked if you were okay. Not even your so-called best friend.
"Finally," you had thought. You had thought that finally, you would have someone who would care for you and love you unconditionally.
Love— you couldn't remember anyone ever telling you they loved you. A humorless laugh escaped you as you stared in the mirror. Your eyes were red-rimmed and swollen from crying. ''Fuck this,'' you thought bitterly.
Who does he think he is turning you of all people down? He should've been thanking God the moment you told him. You grabbed the whiskey bottle and turned it up angrily. Your dad's liquor cabinet in his office was never locked and was always easy to access.
Usually, you never touched the stuff but today would be an exception. You also had raided your mom's bathroom cabinet. She had a variety of pills to choose from, so you just chose the bottle with the highest dose.
Between the liquor and the pills, you were feeling pretty good. You felt numb and disassociated from it all. Nothing mattered to you at this point, not even yourself. It was at that moment that you had an epiphany. You knew exactly what you needed to do, you just hoped you had the guts to see it through.
Eddie sat in his room, staring up at his ceiling. Usually, he would be practicing a new song with his guitar or writing material for a new DND campaign. He didn't feel like doing anything at the moment.
He felt horrible about the way he had treated y/n. He hadn't intended to come off so cruel but a love confession was the last thing he had expected from someone like you.
It was true that you weren't his type but that didn't mean he wasn't attracted to you. Any man worth his salt would be, he just wanted someone with a little more substance.
Plus the fact he hated your kind. Rich, popular, good grades, and loved by all. You had everything, while he had nothing. He would be damned if he would be added to the list of things that you wanted and eventually got.
But with all of that said, it couldn't stop the nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach. Had he made a mistake? Maybe he should've given you a chance to explain yourself.
He had liked the person you were before you got popular. You were a shy and nervous little thing, alway smiling even though it never seemed to reach your eyes.
He sat up, rubbed the back of his head deep in thought. There was no sense in worrying about it now, what's done is done. Plus he was starting to get a headache from the constant thinking.
As he headed towards the kitchen, the ringing of the phone caught his attention. "Munson residence," he answered with a southern drawl.
Sniffles and whimpering could be heard through the phone "hello, who is this?" he said instantly worriedly.
"Is this Eddie?" a female's small voice replied on the other line.
"Yeah it is, is everything okay, is this y/n?" Eddie recognized your voice instantly.
"No, it's not. I thought that I could do this, I can't pretend anymore," you murmured.
"You can't do what anymore? What's going on y/n, talk to me please!" Chills began to run down his back as understanding started to dawn on him. He felt physically ill.
"I really did love you, ya know? I know it's hard to believe but I really did even though I tried not to. I tried so hard not to," You continued to ramble on incoherently not responding to him, only talking at him
"Y/N, what's your address huh? I'm coming now," he said. He slipped on his shoes and jacket, turning around quickly he jotted down your address before hanging up the phone and rushing out the door.
He hoped that it wasn't too late by the time he made it, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to you because of him.
The first thing he noticed as he screeched into your neighborhood was how pristine it was. The hedges and lawns were immaculate and all the homes were at least two stories. "Of course," he thought bitterly
He turned into your driveway right beside your car, it seemed that no one else was home besides you. He hurried out of his car, running up the steps, and banged loudly on the front door. He peered into the windows noting that all the lights were off except for a bedroom upstairs.
After a moment had passed he cautiously opened the door and stepped inside. "Y/N, it's Eddie," he called out loudly. No one stirred within the home. He walked through the dark halls towards the only source of light upstairs.
Decorative paintings lined the wall and pieces of art sat perfectly atop expensive furniture. A shiver ran down his back, even though the house was beautiful, it felt cold and unwelcoming.
As he reached the top of the stairs he saw a light coming from under the door at the end of the hall. Seriously, he hoped you were okay but he was scared out of his fucking mind right now. He loved horror movies as much as the next guy but this was too damn much.
"Y/N," he yelled again softly as he walked up to the door. Your lack of response was adding to the feeling of terror right now.
He pushed the door open slightly, sticking his head partially through the door. It seemed to be your room as he noted Ji the light blue decor but you weren't in it. As he turned to the left, he noticed you standing behind the door holding a vase above your head.
"Hi Eddie," you whispered, your eyes looked dull and unbalanced. Your face was the last thing he saw before everything faded to black.
You huffed out of breath as you finally managed to get Eddie's body onto your bed. Honestly, it was the hardest fucking thing you've ever had to do but years of cheer practice and exercise helped a lot.
You had tied him to your bed with some rope you'd gotten from the garage. Thanks to girl scouts, the knot you tied him in, he wouldnt be going anywhere.
As you sat on the bed beside him, you took this moment to admire him up close. His lashes fluttered softly over his pale skin, you noticed that he had tiny light freckles scattered across his nose.
Your hands ruffled through his soft curls. They were slightly frizzy but still curly and defined nonetheless. You moved from his hair to caress the side of his face. He stirred a little and you held your breath.
You didn't want him to wake up just yet. He looked so peaceful right now and you knew that as soon as he woke up, all hell would break loose. You leaned forward and laid a light kiss on his plush lips.
Your first kiss you thought dreamily. Contrary to what everyone believed, you were a virgin. Never had been kissed until now.
You always knew that you wanted Eddie to be your first. Your first love, first kiss, and your first time, albeit wasn't supposed to happen this way but destiny had a way of working itself out.
Eddie began to toss and turn, mumbling as he came to. You stood up, moving from the bed and waited patiently for him to wake. You wanted this to go as smoothly as possible, it had to.
He opened his eyes slowly in confusion. At first, he thought he was still at home in his bed and had dozed off. As he tried to move his arms he discovered that they were tied to a bed, by his sides. There was only enough slack so he could raise them to hover above his hips.
Fear seized his chest, panic began to brew in his stomach as he realized the severity of his situation. "Help!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. "Somebody, help me!"
A movement in the corner caught his attention, and that's when he saw you. "Oh my God Y/N, you gotta help me, please!" he cried out twisting towards you.
You stood there perplexed, it seemed that his mind had forgotten the events leading up to you knocking him out. "I can't do that Eddie," you stated softly. You walked over to your queen-sized bed, resting your hand on his knee.
He jerked away from you "why the fuck not!" he spat angrily.
You remained quiet, staring at him expectantly.
Suddenly, it dawned on him. You weren't going to let him go because you had done this. You had lured him here! The last thing he could remember was seeing your face before getting hit with something hard.
"Jesus Christ, what the fuck! Let me go you crazy bitch!" his voice raised several octaves in irate fear. His head unexpectedly snapped to the left, his cheek felt like it was on fire.
"Don't call me that, ever," she said, her voice low and laced with threat. Instantly her demeanor changed and her face was replaced with a sweet, concerned look. Her manicured hand stroked your cheek softly as she cooed.
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to do that," she whispered. What was worse was that when you looked into her eyes, you actually believed her.
"What do you want from me?" You lifted your chin defiantly. She may have had you at a disadvantage but you refused to lose hope.
"It's simple baby— I want you, Eddie. That's all I've ever wanted," she replied with a small smile.
Your jaw dropped, "Was she serious? Did she kidnap you because she wanted to be with you?" you thought silently. Fear like you'd never known coursed through you. You were more scared than when you battled the Demobats in the upside down.
At least then you had your friends to help you. You were alone now, no one knew where you were and you hadn't left a note for your uncle or anything. You had to face the facts that this didn't look good.
You sat as you waited for him to come to terms with his situation. A series of emotions flashed through his big expressive brown eyes. Drops of unfallen tears dangled from his long lashes.
Your heart ached to comfort him but you knew he wasn't ready yet. His gaze finally turned towards yours with a determined look. He opened his mouth and began to scream. Your ears rang as he yelled and yelled for what felt like forever.
After a while he eventually stopped, he was exhausted and his voice felt hoarse.
"Are you done," you said after he had calmed down. "The rooms in this house are soundproof," you explained. "Plus even if they weren't, no one is here, nobody ever is." He shook his head before throwing his head back onto the pillow with a groan.
"Careful," you chided as you reached for him. You had treated the wounds on the back of his head thoroughly, he wouldn't have any bleeding as long as he was careful. "I don't want you to start bleeding," you explained as you peered at the bandages.
Eddie stared at you like you had two heads. How could you pretend to care about an injury you had caused in the first place? He shook his head "what's your endgame?" He needed to know where your head was at. Would you kill him no matter what or did he have a chance to survive this?
"It's simple, Eddie. Just love me and don't ever leave me," you whispered. You stood up from the bed and began to remove your clothes unhurriedly. Once you were done you stood in front of him unashamed, letting him gape at your body.
He could pretend all he wanted, the body could never lie and his body definitely wanted you. You leaned over him, keeping eye contact as you unbuckled his pants. You went to the foot of the bed and pulled his jeans off ungracefully.
Your breath hitched as you looked at the outline of his cock straining through his boxers. You climbed onto the bed beside him and he twisted away from you. "Don't touch me," he bit out.
You didn't seem to hear him, your eyes had glazed over as you stared at him in a trance. Suddenly you pulled off his boxers, throwing them across the room, leaving him in just his shirt and socks.
Minutes went by as you stared at him unabashedly, your eyes darting from his face to his cock and anywhere else that showed skin.
"You're so beautiful, Eddie," she murmured, peering up at you beneath her lashes. You could see the love shining in her eyes. Why was your heart beating so fast? Were you scared or something else? You held your breath as she leaned closer and closer to your cock.
Heat flushed through you as you grabbed him. A low moan immediately left his lips, making your head snap towards his. An embarrassed blush spread across his beautiful face as he turned his head trying to hide his face from you.
You could feel yourself getting wet at the sight of him. His cock was lengthy and had a heavy weight to it. Your mouth watered as you admired the veins that ran along the sides stopping underneath the head. Your hand fit perfectly around him, like he was made just for you.
Slowly you lowered your head taking him into your mouth. He bucked against you as he strained against the ropes. The taste was salty but not unpleasant. He tasted exactly as you expected him to, it was something you could definitely get used to.
You pulled back and peeked up at him. His eyes were trained on you watching your every move. It felt like this was your moment to prove yourself. Like the biggest audition for the best position.
You licked your hand and wrapped it around his base and pumped slowly. Your eyes never left his as you licked his mushroom head slowly, lathing it with your tongue. You silently thanked your friend Jessica for telling you about her sex trysts, without her you would've been clueless.
He bit his lip as he tried to contain his moans, he didn't want to give you the satisfaction of breaking him. He threw his head back and closed his eyes, trying to think or imagine something else.
You noticed his eyes were closed and decided to up the ante. With an inhale through your nose you pushed the rest of his length down your throat, gagging in the process.
A high unadulterated moan left his lips at that and he tilted his head back to you with hooded eyes. You bobbed your head as you felt your throat clench around him. You lifted your head completely from his cock before diving back down again.
You dragged your tongue along him as you lifted up, swirling around his tip before going back down again repeatedly. As you came back up you replaced your mouth with your hand.
Small pants left his mouth as he regarded you. So many emotions were etched across his features that it would take days to decipher them. You slowly scooted down to the foot of the bed and pushed his legs apart. For once he didn't resist, only watching with those vast eyes.
Taking your eyes from his, you lowered your gaze down his body to his balls. They were heavy looking with a line down the middle. You leaned onto your stomach and took one into your mouth sucking gently.
His reaction was instant "Jesus H Christ," he cried out in pleasure. He lifted himself slightly, straining against the ropes again. His wrists would be bruised later.
You caressed him with your lips and tongue leaving no spot untouched. You switched to the other side showing them equal attention as your hand still pumped him languidly.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," he muttered. You released his sack from your mouth with a pop and took his cock down your throat again. You hummed as you felt spurts of cum shoot into your mouth.
You loved the noises he made, the space between your legs was soaked and swollen with need. He began to wine as you continued sucking his sensitive cock.
You smiled up at him as you ease your way up his body. He was completely relaxed, gusts of breath came and went as he tried to catch his breath.
You straddled him, pressing your center onto his softening length. Even though he had just come, he still felt heavenly. A sigh left you as you began to rock back and forth. Your clit twitched as you rubbed yourself against the entire length of him, coating him in your fluids.
"Oh Eddie," you moan brokenly. Your hands fly up to twist and pinch at your nipples, rolling them until they were hardened peaks. You began to move faster as you catch his eye.
It feels like your heart is in your throat as he watches you rub yourself on him. "Do you feel what you do to me, Eddie? Feels so good,  I'm so wet," you frown in concentration as your climax starts to build.
He nods his head yes, it's small but you saw it nonetheless. He's hard again and wet from the slick gushing from you. He throws his head back with a pained groan, the wound on his head still sensitive.
"Fuck," he mumbles, his words are low and drawn out. He doesn't want this, he chants those words over and over in his head as his hips grind up into yours.
He ogles your body, shame and pleasure at the forefront of his mind. He feels weak and vulnerable, but he also has never felt more alive. He's not a virgin by any means but it's never been like this. Nobody has ever responded to him like this and he isn't even in you yet! He's never been more turned on in his life and he hates himself for it.
You tilt your head back bracing your hands Aon his knees and thrusting your chest outward as you roll your hips. Your body jolts as your orgasm hits you unexpectedly. A sob escapes you as your core clenches around nothing as you cum.
Heavy pants leave your mouth as you try to catch your breath. With a sigh, you fall forward onto his broad chest. You focus on the sound of his heart. Its beat is fast and wild, thumping crazily behind his chest. "Eddie," you whine as he thrusts his throbbing cock against your sensitive clit.
A sly smile graces your lips as you lift your head resting your chin on his chest. "Someone's anxious," you chuckle as you trace the outline of his chest through his Hellfire shirt.
He turns red from head to toe, thoroughly ashamed. "It's okay baby— we're soulmates, meant to be. You wouldn't be able to fight it even if you wanted to," your voice is sweet and full of emotion.
Lifting your hips slightly, you slide down his length achingly slow. You're not even halfway down when you feel his tip meet resistance. You bite your lip, clutching at his chest as you push past it until you're deep-seated on his cock.
Pain ricochets through you making you whimper. You hold yourself still as you allow yourself to get used to him inside of you. Eventually, the pain gives way to a dull ache.
You rise slowly and drop back down with a smile. His chest rises and falls rapidly as you repeat the motion a few times. "She's so pretty like this," he thinks to himself. The pleasure he's feeling has his brain fuzzy, any and everything is running through his mind right now.
A low moan leaves his lips as you roll your hips sensuously against his. Your face twists with pleasure as your wet clit rubs against his patch of curls.
Unable to hold back, he snaps his hips up into your's earning a gasp from you. A small smirk frames his lips as he keeps up the momentum. "Fuck yeah," he rasps as he fucks into your wet cunt.
"Ed's, I'm going to cum," you sob as you bounce on his cock, holding onto him for dear life. Your eyes are on him as his gaze bounces back and forth from your face to your breasts bouncing and the thrusts of his cock into your cunt.
Every time you slam down onto him, the curly patch of hair at his base creates the perfect friction on your sensitive bud.
A gasp leaves you and your mouth hangs open as your climax hits its peak. Your bones turn to jelly as heat flows through your entire body making your toes curl.
"Fuck Y/n, so wet," he exclaims feeling your walls contract around him as you cum. Eddie follows behind you as he cums with a shout. Your name falls from his lips as his cock paints your walls white in spurts. Your walls continue to clench around him from the after-waves of your orgasm.
You lean forward again, resting your head on his shoulder. A yawn slips from your lips, sleep threatening to take hold of you. Sleep is the last thing that you want, you wish that this moment could last forever.
"So handsome," you think silently for the thousandth time tonight. Your faces are inches apart as you stare at his full lips. You hold your breath as you lean toward him. Your lips meet his cheek as he turns his head defiantly.
Rage flares through you as your heart breaks from his rejection. "Why won't you just love me!" you scream as tears streak down your face. You know you look unhinged right now but you're too hurt to care.
He shrinks back in fear, his eyes are big and wet, trying to desperately hold back his tears. "Oh God, is this how I die? Taken out by the captain of the cheerleading squad?" He would laugh if he wasn't scared out of his fucking mind. "C'mon, man up and be brave," he tells himself silently.
"He's scared of you. After all that, it still isn't enough," you think solemnly. You lean your forehead against his temple and kiss his cheek gently. "I'm sorry," you tell him softly.
You lean back from him and turn his head towards yours. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just— I want us to work so bad." You sniffle as you attempt to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
"Why do you want me? Why do you love me so much, when you could have anyone you want?" he asks, his voice low and raspy.
You slide off of him letting his member slip from you slowly. He hisses from the contact of the cool air. Hurriedly you throw the comforter over you two as you snuggle into him.
Just as he thinks that you aren't going to answer, you reply "I know you think I have it all Eddie, and in a way I do." "I'm popular, pretty, and rich, the world is mine for the taking."
You look at Eddie, seeing that his face is hard with resentment.  A bitter laugh tumbles from you "yeah I would hate me too."
You shake your head sadly "no one has ever told me they love me, not ever." "From as early as I can remember my parents were never here. If they were here it was always brief and then they would leave me with a nanny who saw me as only a job."
Your fingers play with the light patch of curls on his chest. "You were the only person to show any type of care towards me. Every day after school you would sit with me and keep me company, you never left until you were certain that I was safe."
You tilted your head to look up at him "with you I never felt alone," you whispered, a glowing smile spread across your face. "You're my light in this sea of darkness, even though we don't talk, just seeing you and being near you is enough to keep me afloat."
He didn't pull away as you slipped your fingers through his fingers "I love you, Eddie. I love that your heart is big and pure, even with all the Hell this town has put you through. I love how your unapologetically you and you don't give a shit who likes it or not. You're a good person Eddie, regardless of what these shitty hicks think of you and even though I don't deserve you, I love you anyways."
Your lashes flutter as you feel yourself dozing off. For the first time in your life, you feel safe, you're not alone anymore. "Finally, you have someone who would love you," you think as you drift off to sleep.
For the first time in his life, Eddie is stunned speechless. He never would have guessed the depths your love held for him. If he was honest with himself, besides his Uncle Wayne, no one had ever told him that they loved him either. He could sympathize with you on that.
Maybe he judged you too harshly, maybe he should've given you a chance. Was this really his fate, destined to be chained to you for the rest of his life? He desired and despised the feeling. He fell into a fitful sleep, where even in his dreams he couldn't escape you and he wasn't even sure if he wanted to.
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soo i saw this idea i will tag in comments and i got writing its all overthe place bc i havent writen in like 5 months.. but 865 words
Third person 
“I hope you won't disappoint red, you do this and you will make me the proudest mother ever. Fail, and the kingdom will see as I personally punish you.”
Red despised her mother; she didn't want to kill anyone. She knows her mother is crazy.
“We leave in the morning, now be a good child and wear something respectful that outfit is offensive. 
“Yes mother”
That night, I couldn't sleep. To think to have to kill someone made red nauseas 
But she has to do it so she can't fail her mother anymore. 
Reds pov
The whole bride to auradon prep was terrifying .
“I'm only sending you here to kill her completely and we shall rule together. Do not get distracted.” 
I just nod not trusting my voice. To say I'm scared is an understatement.
We arrived at auradon prep and it was huge. I mean not as big as my moms castle but still. It looks amazing.
As were walking in i hear someone call the name bridget towards us? Whos bridget? I look the way it came from and I see the princess I'm supposed to murder and her mom? 
As my mom and the blue haired woman talk i draw my attention on the young blue haired girl 
“Chloe , Chloe charming” she puts out her hand for me to shake. I just look her up and down. “red “ i say coldly 
“Oh your the princess of hearts from wonderland right? Oh how I've always wanted to go there since I was able to read about it. What is it like there?” she said rambling 
“Oh i wouldn't know the queen keeps me locked up in a tower.” i say with a smirk
She looks at me puzzled before shes being called to her mom
My mom suddenly towers over me 
“I'm leaving this excuse of a school now. Don't forget or there will be consequences.”
After the principal does this annoying singing, we get it your name is uma, we have to go to a table to see who our roommate is. 
“Red hearts?” i  hear someone calling my name i walk over
“This is your roommate chloe, i hope you two can get along” she smiles disgustingly happy
Well at least this will make it easier 
Third person (again IM SORRY)
Over the next few weeks red and chloe have been getting closer and as much as red is in denial she knows deep down she loves chloe. But she has to kill her, she has no choice once the day came red had not slept the knights previous. It was noon and Red was in their shared room a complete mess. She couldn't think of killing the only person she loved romantically, she couldn't even see herself living without chloe.
Chloe knew something was up when red didn't show up at lunch, then her next lesson that they had together. She slowly walked up to the girls shared room opening the door slightly. The blue hair girl's heart shattered at the sight of the princess sobbing in her bed.
Redf swiftly got up and wiped her tears
Her eyes puffy and red
“chloe “ she trails off with a shaky voice 
“Red are you okay” her voice laced with worry
The red princess couldn't bring herself to look at the other princess in the eyes as her hand clenched around a knife she had stolen from the kitchen 
And slowly walked over to the princess in glass boots
“Im sorry chloe” she sobbed out
“Red you don't have to do this” she said finally catching on the what's happening
“You don't understand i have to my mom shes” she trailed off
“Red what do you want? I know this isn't it” she says with tears in her eyes
“I don't but cant you see i'm destined to be like her, i love you chloe but i can't save us”
“ you can stay don't do this she cant hurt you here, please” she says begging
Both of the girls crying at this point 
With a shaky voice “chloe i'm sorry” that was the last thing she said before darkness overtook her
Chloe ran down the halls calling for uma 
“Red stay with me please”
“Please princess dont do this to me”
Chloe's pov
I look her in the same hospital bed ever since that day 
She made a curse to sleep for eternity with no remedies 
fouc=tnly she messed up a bit and fairy godmother was able to help it but it still would keep her curse for 25 years
So that's where i am now waiting for her
“Hey princess it's me again, i still don't know if you can hear me, but i'd like to think you can.they say you should wake up soon so that's great. I hope you still love me.”
Just as i finish the machines start beeping rapidly 
“Doctor, come quick!”
She gets up with a large gasp
“RED!” I say as i start to get emotional
“What happened, where am I, who are you?”
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Overwatch Headcanons (based on the canon lore and several in-game events and things) that I really want to be true.
A lot of it is Junkers, sorry.
☆ Ever since April Fools, I love the thought that Roadhog watches 'mom shows.' (Oprah, Bachelor, Bachelorette, etc.) I also love to think he gets really into it, like he's dead silent and perfectly focused on the episode or he'll mutter stuff under his breath during The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. Like, "... how dare that sludge talk like that..." or "... you go girl, tell him off..."
Tracer: Why do you sound like a prospector when you're angry, cad flabbit?
☆ Hanzo snorts when he laughs too hard... thats it. But he'll deny it if someone hears it. Hard deny.
☆ Junkrat is the equivalent of that one guy in Ratatouille ("I killed a man, with this thumb." Can't remember his name for the life of me.) when anyone asks what happened to his finger. From 'Extreme Thumb Wrestling Gone Wrong' to the simple one answer that is 'Koalas.' No one truly knows what happened to his finger.
☆ Odessa doesn't know how to write. (Junkertown Education System.) But she does know how to draw just a bit. So when doing autographs, she doodles a tiny version of her. With little stars.
☆ Speaking of Junkertown and Australia in Overwatch, the place is basically like Mad Max and Fallout had a baby. Even Junkrat sees the difference between normal dirt and radioactive dirt. And thats just facts. If you look at the Junkertown map, you'll understand what I mean.
☆ Sombra was an orphan, she hadn't felt a familial bond until Sigma. Come on, the man is like a science dad. He has that energy. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't see him as family. Sigma is the only (from my current research (not counting Doomfists 'jefe.' Jefe justs means boss.)) one that has a consistent nickname that translates (sorry if its wrong) to 'Old Man.'
☆ Moira knows how to dance every single anime dance... no no no, you don't understand. Every. Single. One. Will she ever show it? No. Definitely not.
☆ Tracer has adhd. Not because of her ability. That's a stupid reason. It's cause she just... seems like she does you know?
☆ Junkrat actually has a love of singing. As shown in the random chatter he has and the interactions with Lucio, Jamie likes to sing. Although, from when he's demonstrating to Lucio, it kinda seems like he's nervous. The "Sausage Roll and Batter Sav" tune he sings isn't bad. He's just a silly little guy.
☆ Speaking of my favorite silly guy, Junkrat is actually smarter than people give him credit for. He can keep a conversation with Sigma, he knows Xenos Paradox, he gets Winstons Periodoc Table joke, it's just that he expresses himself differently. I mean he was theoretically raised in the radioactive outback, you're gonna wind up a bit weird. I think he partly hides his genius so no one can take advantage of it.
☆ Opposite of Junkrat, Roadhog seemingly has made friends with a lot of others. They're more willing to talk to him than the rat man. I mean, come on, Mako gets along with D.Va, Ana, Junker Queen, Kiriko (i think), and Lucio. Maybe Mercy as well, but I couldn't figure it out. I have a feeling that Roadhog thought that no one would like him cause he's scary, but everyone on the team just sees him as a gentle giant (which he honestly is, have you seen his cute little interactions and the plethora of Pachimari things he has?)
☆ Mercy really cares about those around her. So much so, that she believes (if going by some of her chatter is anything) anyone can be saved. Even Widowmaker. I'm guessing from what she had done with Genji, she had proved to herself that she could save anyone.
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sukirichi · 3 months
my biggest issue with dtd is the fact that SUNA IS JUST SO FUCKING ANNOYING (not your writing, just him) like wdym you have an issue with your wife going on a trip with your mistresses husband? you think she’s gonna cheat? you think she’ll do exactly what you’re doing?
also he’s just so confusing. like you LOVEEEE your wife but you’re still fucking that idiom chick or whatever. men are so dense, it’s like he takes yn’s actions at face value and can’t see her inner turmoil where she is very much still in love with him. he plays into the cocky “i can’t let you go” role but he’s so blinded by his jealousy over her friendly nature with his brothers, that he can’t see that - even though she’s trying to make friends - she’s trying to forget about the pain suna’s causing her.
i will say though, i think him being forced to stay away from his brothers during his younger years played a huge role in why he is the way he is. i don’t wanna say he was raised spoiled, but i feel like to an extent the queen maybe kept affirming him “everything in this kingdom is yours” or gave him gifts to make up for the fact that he has no social skills with family, and that’s led to this situation where as an adult he still believes he can get everything he wants.
ORRRR, my final theory. (i’m so sorry my brain is fried i can’t remember iris’ mother’s name.) i think her name was kate? but i genuinely feel like she’s the ultimate puppet master. she’s playing suna, she’s playing iris, she’s playing the whole kingdom. it’s a game of chess and she’s so close to checkmate. i don’t know what her ultimate goal would be, im assuming it’s that whole “if /I/ can’t become queen, then you must do it in my place.” like those mum’s who live vicariously through their child star kids… if it turns out iris’ mum was the issue the whole time then i MAY feel a little bad for iridium, but i still don’t like her.
one final thing, IM SO WEAK OH MY GOD, i get why yn isn’t over şuna im not even joking, i hate him but id be on my hands and knees begging for him to just help fix our marriage. unless…. he’s being blackmailed to be iris’ affair partner…. 👀
wait — i’m cooking… WHAT IF HES BEING BLACKMAILED AND HIS BROTHERS ARE THE ONES IN DANGER?? like he never got to grow with them, but maybe he feels if he saves them from this he will be part of the silly drawings?? and the blackmail theory might work, i have a feeling if he’s gonna be betrayed by a brother, it’s going to be through sensitive information being given to iris’ mother so that it can be used against him and the royal family? idk i lost my theory half way through LOL
-shhh anon
you’re so real for that, suna is one big (misunderstood, but still!) asshole here 😭 also i get you, canon sunarin is PERFECT and is a total baby, he would never <3 HELP NOT THE IDIOM CHICK I’M CACKLING SPSPS
also also yes! you’re right! jealousy blinds him sm that he can’t realize that the princess is friendly and she gets along well with everyone - even with the stoic ushijima and tooru (who shamelessly says he doesn’t like anyone) she’s overall a very likeable person, but bcos rin is insecure n jealous, he assumes she’s immediately replacing him OR that his brothers are out to woo her. i mean, some of them would, but you catch my drift. it’s really just hypocritical of him that he wanted someone his family would like, and when they do like her, he’s like 🤨⁉️ and your theories ooh, very interesting 👀 i can’t confirm nor deny the effects of suna’s upbringing to him but we will have suna’s childhood + backstory in ch11!
iridium, i’m gone lmfao 😭 i’m like part laughing out loud and part nodding at everything you say. kate is, well... she’s a mystery pretty much to everyone, and so is iris. i kinda wrote it that way because i wanted iris’ role in the series to slowly unveil itself. ALSO NO I GET YOU i see sunarin fanarts and i CRUMBLE. lowkey i hate the way i wrote him to be an antagonist in his own story because it’s so hard to like him but also i like the canon sunarin sm so it’s hard 😭 i’m so torn between wanting to stick to his dtd characterization and just making him an irresistible guy :( but maybe i could do both? let’s see. BUT IK HE’S JUST SO QBSKWKW i do have to give him a winning card though, so suna will have more scenes in the future where we might just hope he’d be the endgame. and that final theory hello ?! again, i can’t say much BUTTTT i can say for sure, suna does actually want to be part of the drawings </3 he wishes he had his own section in omi’s library too :(
anyways thank you sm for taking the time to share with me your thoughts, i really appreciate it 🥺💫 and i’d love to hear more of your theories bcos dare i say... you’re close to cracking the code on some of them 👀
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Any Fowlham or just Theresa headcanons? Very interesting to know :-)
HIII, so to start- thank you for the ask! I'm actually going to write this as a special treat because honestly these two are worming their way into my heart and without much further ado, here's your headcanons!
Theresa Fowler Headcanons
Apart from baton twirling, Theresa has a couple other hobbies: one was mentioned in a previous ask which is space/constellations! It felt fitting for her character; the second I want to say is one of the following (poetry, flowers, or music)
Theresa has siblings! I'm not sure who they'd be if I'm being honest- I want to say one of them could be one of the background characters from Norrisville High, but I feel Theresa is the youngest!
She loves animals- all of them. She has a few pets including chickens because I thought that would be cute. Theresa just seems the type of gal to live in a spacious environment and knows how to take care of herself
In honor of pride month, I have the following headcanons! I feel Theresa is bi (or she doesn't fully care about gender), but she used to have a minor crush on Debbie Kang! She used to get a little bit flustered around her
I found this one through another post and unfortunately I can't find it right now, but Theresa also has? had a crush on the Ninja! After he saved her, it was more akin to a puppy crush than anything else but she never could ignore the fluttery feeling it brought
Theresa hopes to one day either become a professional baton twirler! She has also considered working for the local observatory due to her love of space and the constellations
She loses herself in her daydreams sometimes
Theresa has such a kind soul but she also worries extremely easily- it's not completely in line with social anxiety
I feel if she had been given the mantle of the Ninja, she would have been exceptionally well with long-range attacks! This is just a vibe I get, but it makes a lot of sense when you think about it
She loves sweets! She's not a big fan of sour foods, but Theresa does enjoy baked goods and certain candies
I also feel she would've protected the Ninja's identity if it had ever come down to her figuring it out- this would've been an amazing episode to see because honestly, Theresa is a very kind girl
She is best friends with Debbie Kang and Heidi Weinerman! The trio are exceptionally close, but Theresa sometimes hangs out more with Debbie since Heidi is a bit busier (considering that Heidi is a little older-)
Now, time for the other part of this ask!
Fowlham Headcanons
Randy was the one who confessed. He would've gotten flustered to hell and back, and he is a mess when he first asked her to be his girlfriend
Theresa found him absolutely endearing- (what Randy didn't know, because he's just a tad oblivious, is that she'd been crushing on him for a while)
At the start of their relationship, Randy doesn't tell her anything about him being the Ninja. As much as he trusts her, he fears putting Theresa in danger (she ends up finding out anyway, sometime down the line)
They use constant pet names. Randy especially, but he manages to get flustered each and every time that Theresa uses pet names on him
They enjoy leisure strolls at the park, down the sidewalk. They're pretty domestic for a lot of things!
Randy finds himself doodling them in his notebooks, even without meaning to. He's the hopeless romantic sort, and he smiles softly to himself at the thought of her
Once Theresa finds out Randy's the Ninja, she does her best to tend to his injuries. She's not an expert by any means, but she tries as hard as she can
She has daydreamed about the life they could have! They're still young, but honestly they're pretty healthy together
Randy frets a lot when she gets too caught in his battles. He doesn't want to break up with her and fears Theresa could get mind-wiped if he isn't careful, but the Nomicon doesn't seem to mind
Let them be prom king and queen together! This would be so cute- I'd draw it if I could actually
Randy is absolutely terrified of her chickens, but he does visit her anyway which Theresa finds endearing. In turn, she keeps the chickens inside the coop when he comes over so he's more comfortable
I feel he was given some version of the shovel talk by Randy's brothers, but because he is a bit charismatic- they relent after a while!
Howard sometimes gets jealous because he's become the third wheel, and Randy does try to treat him when he's not swamped with dates and being the Ninja
Randy and Theresa definitely cuddle! On long days after he's had to deal with McFist or the Sorcerer (pre-season two finale), he kind of crashes at her house- curled up on her lap like a cat- and in exchange, when she wants to unwind they also cuddle!
Unfortunately, I've seem to run myself ragged with headcanons but I am always happy to write more! I hope you come to enjoy this however!
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rainbowfic · 10 months
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You can:
use either or both prompts as given
use either or both lists for prompts
use the name of either or both lists as a prompts
complete as many or few days as you want
write, draw, craft, or anything else!
There's no deadline and this is just for fun. I'll reblog this with links to the lists if you want to explore.
What's RainbowFic? We're a community of original fic writers on Dreamwidth using prompt lists named after colors (for a very VERY loose definition of color). Our lists range include song lyrics, quotes from books and tv, themed words, contrasts, and a whole lot more (we have over 400!)
Text version of the list under a readmore
Text version:
Day 1: Royal Purple #11 Further beyond / Iceberg #12 Snowman
Day 2: Lilac #25 Freesia / Opera Mauve #20 Curtain call
Day 3: Lavender's Blue #2 Mermaid / Periwinkle #14 Enamel heart pendant from a garage sale
Day 4: Caramel #8 Gummies / Vert #16 As the lord/lady asks
Day 5: Midnight #6 Furtive / Psychedelic Purple #15 I know I'll never be the same
Day 6: Lotus #19 Truthfulness / Ignition Yellow #10 There are some nights I wait for someone to save us
Day 7: Green Go #21 Rideshare / Gold #12 The only way not to think about money is to have a great deal of it
Day 8: City Street #4 Highway / Greenstick Fracture #9 I got the velocity and now all I need is the mass
Day 9: Paprika #8 We've got something kinda funny going on / Harvard Crimson #14 Library
Day 10: Danish Red #2 The Snow Queen / Amaranth #5 Stars
Day 11: Pull Me Over Red #1 Parking ticket / Daffodil #5 Flowers
Day 12: Fluorescent Pink #19 It doesn't matter who they are, I won't forgive anyone who tries to stand out more than me / Parrot Green #13 Call
Day 13: Crane White #18 Tell your daughters do not walk the streets alone tonight / Spirits of Saturn #15 Overgrowth
Day 14: Cherry #12 Grapes / Skylight #4 Smoking on the fire escape
Day 15: Calcite #4 Soft/Hard / Burgundy #2 Varietal
Day 16: Yellow Submarine #17 The long and winding road that leads to your door will never disappear / White Opal #2 Dream
Day 17: Tigers Eye #8 Eerie empty spaces / Moonlight #1 Liminal
Day 18: Baby Blue #4 Sling / Red Dress #5 You need to find a new solution, adaptation or retribution
Day 19: Gunmetal #14 Crossbow / English Violet #3 Since I cannot prove a lover, to entertain these fair well-spoken days, I am determined to prove a villain
Day 20: Heirloom Silver #2 Heirloom / Brown #5 Brown bagging
Day 21: Coomassie Blue #1 Repressor / Folly #14 Relax, I saw it on TV
Day 22: Fuzzy Wuzzy #3 Hugs /Alien Green #6 This is where you pucker up and kiss my ass
Day 23: Fawn #4 Cat / Grand Ink #20 With a mug of hot tea and some Vicodin in my bloodstream, I look up from my book to watch the bugs outside the windows
Day 24: Royal Blue #2 Queen / Spirit Purple #19 Screw the binary gender system
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