#i will say that I'm convinced death knows the boys are about and is simply not looking to collect them
pastelnightgale · 4 months
Finished Dead Boy Detectives. It was a fun watch.
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horrorstolemyheart · 5 months
The Lost Boys + Severen With A Socially Anxious Reader
Note: This was a request from @slasher-male-wife. (I will link the original ask here) Thank you so much for this request! I can't apologize enough for taking over a freaking year to post... I kinda fell off the face of the earth for a while (mental health reasons) but I hope you see this and enjoy it though! I intended for this to be out waaayyy sooner, I'm so so sorry for an absurdly long wait 😑.... (also I hope this title is fine and I think I say this every time, but I hope the boys personalities seem pretty fitting and also that I title this as a socially anxious reader...)
Pairing(s): The Lost Boys x reader, Severen x reader
Warning(s): None except for one mention of weed and maybe a curse word or two. If I missed any please feel free to let me know!
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David (TLB)
Your initial shyness is actually what drew him to you. It intrigued him. He wanted to break that shell you hid inside and obviously what was inside was an exceptionally attractive person.
It's no lie the moment he first saw you he thought you were incredibly attractive, and of course that meant he had to have you.
He can be a giant asshole, but David never puts you down for being awkward or feeling anxious. You make him soft in that sense.
However, that isn’t to say he hasn’t ever hit a nerve with you. He wants to support you, but he isn’t exactly the best at it. So there have been a few times where he’ll simply tell you to just ‘act like yourself’ in public.
Oh, how you wish it was that easy.
He doesn’t really understand the whole social anxiety thing. But of course, this is from someone who doesn’t give a single fuck what people think of him.
There’s also a possessive part of him, you’re like a little gem to him that only he gets to see. Only he gets to see the real you and that’s only reserved for him. It’s kind of an ego boost for him. And perhaps not the healthiest view in the world.
David does grow soft around you (whether he'll admit it or not, he isn't as subtle as he thinks he is about it) and will feel a little bad if he sees you try to talk to someone and you end up stuttering or stumbling over words though.
He loves to see your lively side. Taking you on bike rides, whooping and hollering along the way with the other boys and he is so very glad to call you his.
Dwayne (TLB)
Dwanye thinks the shy side of you is pretty adorable.
He’s very understanding of your emotions (probably the most understanding of the boys) and unlike David is very good at discussing them. 
When he notices you start to stumble over words or zone out in public, he’ll often grab your hand or wrap an arm around you and pull you close as an attempt to reassure you and help you feel more at ease. 
Very protective bf.
Very willing to help you overcome the anxiety.
But as much as he wants to see you act the same way in public as you do around him, he’s never going to push you into a situation that would overwhelm you.
You were super intimidated by Dwayne when you first met him. And also incredibly attracted to him.
It took some time for him to get you comfortable around him, he was so gentle with you, and it took you aback to see his wild side as Dwayne has the capacity to be so incredibly calm and on the other side, he can be completely rowdy and wild.
Paul (TLB)
Let's just get this out of the way, Paul’s solution to your shyness and awkwardness?
He’s a big believer in the power of the bud. However, if this isn’t something you choose to partake in or feel comfortable doing, he won’t force you. If you do great!
Oh, he may whine a bit and try to convince you it’ll help, but he’ll back off if you insist.
Otherwise, Paul is probably about the best person to be around next to Dwayne. His presence alone is almost like a security blanket. You feel more at ease with him at your side.
Paul loves you to death, and he wishes you would act the way you do when it’s just the two of you, but he understands it isn’t that simple, so he won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to.
He knows people would love the smart, silly, lovable you that you are in private and he’s more than willing to help you reach that goal. 
So he LOVES to dote on you and brag about you to just about everybody he passes by, talking you up is like a hobby for him.
It took him a minute to understand why you act this way, but he latched on pretty quickly.
Marko (TLB) (of course the only gif I found that fit good was one without Marko :I)
Marko likes to poke some fun at you for acting all shy, remarking that you aren’t that way around him.
He also finds it entertaining to embarrass you the slightest bit in public.
It makes you upset with your boyfriend when he does this, even if it isn't out of malice.
He seems to think if he can get a rise out of you in public that it might help you forget the stiff feeling and anxiety. that you'll realize that you're ok and no one probably even cares as much as you think they might.
In reality when you have gone off on him and someone glances over you feel like you want to crawl into a hole even more than you did before. 
Marko gets frustrated. Why can’t you just be you with everyone else? Especially when you act perfectly normal around him.
That's one thing he'll never fully quite grasp the concept of your stiffness around strangers. He's quite capable of coming around after he's gotten over himself, but out of all the boys he seems to struggle the most with this.
He isn't beyond being encouraging, but it's a vicious cycle you have to contend with. You often have to sit him down to explain how he can best help you to be more comfortable and why you have such a hard time in public. After which he settles down and can focus on just being there for you.
Shy? Never heard of her.
This man is your complete opposite. Well, at least the opposite of what you project to the public. 
An outsider would suspect you two to be the least likely pair in the world.
Severen thinks the shyness is very amusing and innocent and yes, he will tease the shit out of you for it. He almost feeds off of it.
Seriousness is very seldom part of this man’s outlook on life. 
Don’t be deceived, he isn’t unsympathetic to your anxiousness. But he wants you to partake in all the wild and crazy with him. 
He is quite content that he gets to know the real you though. Even if the rest of the world doesn’t get to see it.
“C’mon, sugar, you don’t act like this when it’s just the two of us…”
But because he loves you, he tries to show you there’s no reason to sit back and watch from the side lines.
He will drag you out onto the rowdy dance floor of a hole in the wall bar when he sees you sitting there, eyes as big as saucers.
Over time you will probably overcome some of the awkwardness simply by being exposed to everything that’s the opposite of that.
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adaptacy · 1 year
could you do a pt. 2 to the johnny getting the reader pregnant? i wanna see what the family says when they find out— do they still want her dead or are they all about having more family members? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
hi~!! i was lowkey gonna make a part 2 anyways cause the brainrot started flowin so ofc!
tw: developing stockholm, implied noncon, forced preg, threats of cannibalism/death, etc
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"Let's get you out of those clothes, hm?" Johnny offered, reaching down for the bottom of the shirt that hung loosely over your frame, practically engulfing it. He didn't have any clothes your size, and sure as hell didn't have the money to get any, so he'd simply given you his own shirts and had miraculously managed to convince Nancy to hand over two of her pairs of underwear. That made three including the underwear you'd been wearing when he captured you so long ago.
Yeah, you were hardly living lavishly.
You shifted, awkward and nervous as he pulled his shirt off of you, letting it fall to the ground. Even though the kisses he scattered over your neck were soft, even if the hands on your chest were gentle, he wasn't either of those things. He was rough, and inhuman, and despicable.
But he'd saved you, hadn't he?
You weren't sure what you preferred more; death or purgatory.
Johnny's hands slid down your waist and peeled off your underwear, letting it fall to your ankles as you hesitantly stepped out of it. His hands, thankfully, were removed from your skin and he stepped past you, running a bath as you slinked against a wall, your eyes on the floor.
After a few minutes, Johnny was lowering you into the tub, and although he began cupping water and pouring it onto your hair, he paused when he heard the front door open.
"I'll be back," he alerted, and you gave a small nod, continuing what he started as you washed yourself. Johnny left the room, and after a minute or two, you could hear Nancy's voice alongside his own.
"How much longer?" She asked, already sounding upset, and it didn't take you long to realize that she was referencing you.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Remember how I was tellin' you about-"
"Boy, don't play games. I'm tired'a you beatin' around this same damn bush all the time. You ain't been huntin', you ain't been stickin' round for dinner, yer always with that damn girl. It's past time," she demanded, and you winced, sinking further into the bathtub.
"Ma- Nancy, please, just listen'ta me for a sec. I know what you've been sayin', I- I know I was taking a long time, but-"
"You killin 'er or am I?"
"Are you killin' her, or am I."
"Nancy, can't we just talk about this for a sec? I- I have somethin' I wanna tell you, it's 'bout the girl. I promise I ain't just stallin' fer time, it's just-"
"I'm done with it, Johnny. She's been distractin' you long enough," Nancy snapped, and you heard a heavy sigh from Johnny, and then footsteps. Approaching footsteps.
"Wait, wait, you don't- Let me talk to you, please!" Johnny strained, and you didn't think you'd ever heard so much emotion in his voice. He sounded like a kid trying to get himself out of trouble. Desperate, even.
"Johnny, I warned you's. I told you that so long as you was stayin' our hunter, it wouldn't be a problem. But she made it a problem. And it's her fault. Yer losin' sight o'yer goals," Nancy replied, her voice nearing you.
"No, I know what you mean, just- Nancy!" Johnny called out, and you could hear them enter the bedroom. You crossed your arms over your chest, and Nancy stomped closer and closer to the room. "Please, Nancy, she's pregnant!"
Just as he called after her, she stepped into the bathroom, her eyes landing on the store-bought test laying on the bathroom counter. Johnny stumbled in after her, standing next to her as he glanced between the test and the woman. "What the hell did you do, boy?"
Dinner was tense. Awkward. Uncomfortable.
Prying eyes from every direction. You just stared at your plate. You weren't hungry. You didn't even want to imagine what the meat was.
"Darlin', eat up. It's pork. Gotta keep healthy. Y'know. For them," Johnny encouraged, taking a seat next to you and gently nudging your plate towards you. You stared at it for a few more seconds, and you heard Johnny sigh, preparing to say something more, but you reached for your fork before he did.
You picked up a small slice of pork with the utensil, taking a small bite out of it. Tasted like pork. Felt like pork. You prayed it was.
"I think she's cute. Y'all will have cute babies," a girl giggled, and Johnny replied with a small smile.
"I- I never seen a stranger's baby 'fore. N-never seen a pregnant... victim 'fore, either..." A shaky male spoke, and Johnny's smile turned into a frown.
"She's not a victim," Johnny sighed, taking a bite out of his food.
"The hell have you gotten us into, boy?" Another male asked, this one sounding much older, but you didn't bother picking your head up to look at them.
"Can y'all just eat dinner?" Johnny growled, and you nearly flinched, the tone being scarily reminiscent of his demands while he was inside of you. You shifted at the thought, wondering if your situation meant that the sexual aspects of his.. interest in you would come to an end.
Something told you it wasn't going to be that easy.
"Does this mean I'll finally get a sister?" The girl said again, her grin apparent in her voice. "Oh, Johnny, yer such a sweetie. Gettin' me a girl I can talk.. girl stuff with," she giggled.
"She ain't yours. Not your sister or your friend."
"S-so... why ain't we eatin' her? What.. what makes her special?" The nervous one asked.
"Because Johnny needs to learn to deal with the goddamn consequences of his actions," Nancy sighed.
"So, he can keep 'er?" A still-giggling voice asked, and it earned a familiar sigh from Nancy.
"If he keeps huntin'. If not, she's our dinner. Babe or not," the woman answered, and even Johnny seemed a bit uncomfortable at the threat.
"I'll keep hunting. She ain't gonna be eaten."
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ghost-husbands · 2 months
In Defense of Charles Rowland
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Under the cut because this is gonna be a long one, folks.
I'm going to begin this by saying that I have recently joined this fandom and to be fair, don't have as much experience with writing meta and all that. However, I love reading and given that meta is
discussion of fanworks of all kinds, fan work in relation to the source text, fanfiction characters and their motivation and psychology, fan behavior, or fandom itself.
I have always thoroughly enjoyed reading and attempting to write it. Now I have finished watching all the episodes of the season we currently have, and when I finished watching 1x04, I had some pretty strong emotions about what happened in there.
What happened exactly?
Well before we get into that, I want to say that I was inspired to write this because of the original writing of @pippin-katz on the same subject.
So as we know, in 1x04, the ghost husbands have a confrontation with the Night Nurse--an immortal (I think she's immortal, no?) being in charge of the Afterlife's Lost and Found Department. Why is she after them? Because Charles and Edwin are two unaccounted for spirits who are wandering the world and not where they belong. They're both technically special cases. Edwin was dragged to hell by pure accident, the victim of a demon summoning. It says something that even the demon itself apologizes to him for the technicality before he's taken down to the inferno | Charles died after an attack, of hypothermia and his own injuries. He discovers he's dead when he sees his own body and once it hits him that Edwin's going to leave, he doesn't want to stay behind to wait for Death. Frankly, he isn't ready for Death, so he says. So he decides to flee Death, just as Edwin has been since his escape from Hell.
Aside from staying with Edwin for their foreseeable eternity, Charles' motivation for staying is, according to him, the purpose he still serves...the face that he is a Dead Boy Detective who's dedicated himself to helping spirits who still have unfinished business. He's doing good here with Edwin. They are helping people. Ah, let's not forget, I almost missed the fact that when the Night Nurse arrives, Charles almost immediately puts himself between the Night Nurse and Edwin.
He's protecting Edwin as he always has and always will. He's almost bristling with fury and you can see the strength of his will in the way he's standing there, refusing to go quietly. He will fight for his purpose here, he will fight for Edwin, and he will fight for his newly found friends (Niko and Crystal watching from the sidelines now).
The Night Nurse has her job, and she's convinced that it shouldn't be a problem to simply apprehend the boys and pop off. Perhaps if she had only just, then truly, there wouldn't have been a problem. The show would have ended there and that would have been a pretty fucking pathetic end, I'd say. But she resorted to force, and I here want to begin to make my point. The exact kind of force she used and how she used it was cruel, a low blow and makes her, to a certain degree at fault for what befalls her.
What did the Night Nurse do?
Put simply, as pippin-katz points out, she made Charles relive some of his worst memories.
That's being beaten by his father.
That's being stoned by his friends and pushed into the lake where he caught hypothermia.
That's dying freezing and miserable in the attic until Edwin shows up.
If you want a thorough analysis of her actions, go look at what pippin-katz wrote, I'm going to focus on Charles here.
She twisted the knife (and we know that it is a very, very deep wound in Charles, the anger and abuse of his father--he's emotional enough over it to get caught in the murder loop at the Devlin House and it's one of the points of his breakdown in 1x04) when she showed him these moments and basically asks him, "What's the point of staying here, this is what happened to you. That's what people here do to you. You wanted to stay for this? You can't make things better (this was during his father's beating)..It didn't get better, you died. That's the point."
Please, let's not forget how much this affects Charles, the fact that his father beat him and so we might suppose, was always disappointed in him. With Crystal, Charles admits that he looks in on his parents every now and then because yes, he misses them (this coming from a 16 year old boy who despite suffering at his own father's hand obviously had, at least before he died, still the desire to please that man, and perhaps some degree of love for him) but also to be sure that his father will not hurt his mother the way the old man hurt him. He wants to protect his mother. So all of that, reliving that, is going to be very painful.
What did Charles do in this moment?
He's angry. We know that he's very physical, and we can see the way that he puts himself between Edwin and the NN as he refuses to 'come quietly' to the Afterlife. He's visibly shaken by the ordeal and rattled after he recovers from whatever the NN did to him when she made him relive his memories. She flicks her hand and basically does something that makes him collapse, and he's trying to pull himself to his feet after that.
He's so very angry, hurt.
"If you wanted me crushed, devastated, I am. I'm also bloody angry."
Looking around a bit, I asked around to get an idea of how exactly what he did could be taken in a shocking, jarring way. I'm not here to disprove anything or knock other's opinions, I just wanted to compare both sides of it. That being said, two points.
He hit a woman with that big metal device.
It's not like him to be so violent.
Those, in a nutshell, are a very brief, concise idea of why people might look at what Charles did and think, "Hm that was a bit too much. Maybe he shouldn't have done that, not in that way."
I answer with the fact that, as pippin-katz also pointed out, the Night Nurse looks like a small, older woman, otherwise defenseless (Granted, she didn't have anything to defend herself when Charles attacked). Apparently in Doom Patrol (I've never seen it and don't plan to) she looks a little less like a woman and a little more monstrous. So she's not entirely innocent here. I personally disapprove of what she chose to use against Charles (and Edwin, given that she threatened to bring up the same painful memories in Edwin's mind). I don't condone the idea of violence against a woman, that's not okay, and it was a little jarring to see. I guess I'm trying to say....I believe that Charles was right to defend against the attack initiated by the Night Nurse.
Was it laudable that he reacted so violently to her? Perhaps not, I don't think so.
Was he to blame for choosing to fight? I certainly think not.
To the second point, I can't say very much because I haven't read the comics nor do I know extensively his personality and what he would or wouldn't do. But I've gathered that, from seeing the series, he's never quite been the one to attack first, or to strike just for the hell of it. I've only ever seen him react, not initiate. I think it's understandable that he would react strongly to what has happened, and I hold that he isn't to blame for wanting to protect Edwin and their loved ones.
How did his friends react to all of this?
Charles reels from what happened, and you can hear that he's shaken by it. You can hear it in his voice when he asks Edwin and the girls, "Why are you all looking at me like that?" Edwin steps forward and tells him it was extreme. That kind of tipped it for Charles, then, I think.
"Was it too extreme, Edwin? So was me dying at 16, mate! I don't wanna be dead. I hate it. Yet every day I'm fucking smiling 'cause who else is going to be the one holding it together, keeping spirits up? You? Are you gonna do that, huh? And for what? What good am I even doing? I couldn't stop Devlin from murdering his family over and over. I can't stop Crystal from hurting. I can't stop whatever it is that's going on with you. I can't stop anything. I sure as hell couldn't stop my dad from beating the shit out of me. No matter how good I was."
Honestly, this part broke my heart. Because Charles, earlier, said that he did this for them, to protect them. He's admitting here that he IS the one trying to hold everyone together but that (wake up call everyone) he's actually hurting too underneath all of it. But as someone pointed out to me, Charles never brought that up to Edwin because he might have considered that Edwin has spent 70 years in hell and would not have wanted to burden his friend with his own problems.
We see that Charles is falling apart here. He's questioning the good that he does, because in his eyes he sees only how he's failed "to stop" all those things, and you can note how his voice rises and breaks towards the end.
Niko and Crystal say nothing in this moment, but either later that episode or in the next one, Crystal snaps at Charles.
"You’re a sweet guy with a rage problem. You walk around acting like the sun always shines, and then you lost your shit while beating the Night Nurse. Edwin and I are walking on eggshells around you instead of just saying 'what the actual fuck?'”
That was definitely something that caught my attention because didn't she hear what Charles said up above? It just popped out at me because Charles explained why he's the one acting like the sun always shines (he needs to try and keep everyone's spirits up because if he breaks down, and Edwin were to break down because of all the shit he's been through, that coupled with Crystal's own problems with David and her personal struggles...there would be no one to pull everyone out of their darkness)
Anyway, I'm not here to bash anyone either. Back to Charles.
So in the end, he breaks down and we can see that the catalyst here (probably) is not only reliving those memories and dragging up the pain he's been carrying from all of that but also the reaction of his friends. In his mind, he did it for them. He immediately steps between the NN and Edwin, to defend Edwin. He's left questioning the good that he's doing here, the point of all of that.
To the final question of was it wrong for Charles to do what he did?
I believe he wasn't wrong. He was defending against an attack. He might have responded with too much violence but he's reacting to something that wounded him just as deeply.
So this ended up being more of an exposition of Charles and his emotional state, but I tried to make a defense of his actions. It's not perfect, and I'm not out to prove any sort of point, just expressing thoughts because I too had a strong reaction to that episode.
Nonetheless Charles remains my favorite.
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The Gang's All Here
Biker!John Price X Wife!Reader
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 It was adorable, you were the mom of the group when it came to everything, especially when they were on leave. You’d invite everyone over and feed them until they were all too full.
a/n:this fic was inspired by this GORGEOUS artwork by @yakowo and I could not get the idea out of my head, also for anyone who voted in favor for the tattoos? you're welcome (P.S. I'm so sorry for making you guys wait MONTHS for this!)
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(These are the tattoos I picture John having!)
John wasn’t the type of person that you’d expect to come onto base riding a motorcycle, a Harley Davidson no less. So, when Soap and Gaz were outside cracking jokes together their jaws dropped as John parked the roaring beast. When the hell had he managed to find the time to ride? It felt like they’d been gone for the last year nonstop. Gaz had heard all about how much you missed John. It was adorable, you were the mom of the group when it came to everything, especially when they were on leave. You’d invite everyone over and feed them until they were all too full.
“Laswell approved the time off, we’re gonna get to spend Halloween with the missus this year.” Gaz was probably more excited than anyone.
It may have been due to the fact you were all planning on matching, Gaz had picked Simon’s name from the hat, while you and Johnny were going to be matching. John downright refused, saying he couldn’t trust the boys to pick his costume. He’d made you swear to secrecy, no one was allowed to know his costume until Halloween. You weren’t complaining though, not after he’d promised to let you help ‘grease him up’.
“Better not get too rowdy this year, lord knows Johnny nearly got arrested last time.” Of course that had been because someone had tried to roughly grab you when John was off getting you drinks.
The boys had always been quite protective of you, doing whatever they could to make sure you were safe and keep all the creeps away. You’d been married to their captain the entire time they’d all known one another, so you were the co-captain in their eyes. Johnny was definitely the most protective, he saw you as a little sister(even though you were older than him). Simon would simply glare at anyone who looked at you wrong, scaring them off before they could utter a single word. Gaz would throw down with anyone who dared utter a single bad thing about you, how dare you disrespect his co-captain!
“He said he’d be on his best behavior, something about not wanting to anger the missus this time.” You’d turned into a scolding mother when Johnny began to act out, it was hilarious to watch.
John had thrown you over his shoulder even while you were kicking and screaming to be put down so you could continue your scolding. Johnny learned that night not to piss you off lest he deal with your wrath for the rest of the night. It was a comical thing, knowing you could insight fear into a man who sees death for a living.
“Better not, she told me they’re doing matching costumes and I can’t risk her needin’ to get a costume last minute.” That wasn’t to say you wouldn’t be able to find something from your closet, but you’d planned this months prior.
“Simon and I are too, you’re gonna be the odd man out captain.” Gaz smirked over at the other man, noticing the way his brow raised slightly.
“You and Ghost are wearing matching costumes? How’d you convince him?” Simon wasn’t afraid to let loose and enjoy himself, but wearing a costume to match with Kyle? That was shocking.
“Said he wanted to wear something to help get some attention, can’t say much else.” Gaz was going to keep his lips sealed until halloween had arrived, it was going to be the surprise of the century.
John knew better than to try and pry, this was out of his hands and as long as you were happy, he was happy. His mind began to wander for a few seconds, what would the holidays be like when you had your own little tots running around. You’d probably dress them up into cute halloween costumes and take them trick or treating. It didn’t sound like such a horrible thing at the moment, seeing you take the little ones up to the doors to get candy you’d sneak for yourself. No, no thinking about things like that when you’re at work and have important things to do, like a mountain of paperwork.
“Keep an eye on things and make sure the new recruits aren’t acting like idiots, please.” John waited for Gaz to acknowledge his words before heading down to his office.
The picture from your wedding day was the only one he’d been willing to take to base with him, not wanting to risk the wrong person knowing about you. His wedding ring sat alongside his dog tags, resting against his chest every day. It was a reminder that no matter how stressful things could be, he would always go home to you at the end of the day. They weren’t due for another assignment until the end of November, mainly because Laswell needed more intel first. Maybe that was the only reason they were allowed the few weeks of leave that was granted. Oh well.
It was nearing seven at night by the time John realized he hadn’t so much as left his desk to get a drink or even a bite to eat. Shit, you were going to absolutely ream his ass when he got home and you found out. This wasn’t the first time, and absolutely wasn’t going to be the last that he’d completely forgotten about himself. Simon had given him hell from time to time, telling him he needed to eat before you showed up at the base yourself. It had only happened once, though that was more due to the fact he needed the paperwork he’d forgotten and not because he hadn’t left his desk for..ten hours.
Standing up and stretching his tired limbs he groaned at the exertion and cracking from his idle bones. Shit, he had definitely been sitting for too long if standing for a few seconds sent shivers down his spine almost instantly. Time to get something to eat and head home for the next few weeks. He’d barely made it out of his office before Johnny was running over with what could only be described as childlike glee.
“Captain! Was hopin’ I could catch you.” The plus side of working alongside Johnny was that he could get shit done when necessary, the downside is when he was excited the man could talk forever.
“Just grabbing a quick bite and heading out, have you got your leave papers yet?” John didn’t have much time to talk, not if he wanted to make it home before you were in bed already.
“Just this mornin’, I wanted to ask about the bike.” Johnny was nervous, given that the last time he’d seen one was nothing more than a quick glance on their last mission.
“What about it?” John turned into the cafeteria, grabbing a plastic wrapped sandwich that was most likely made that morning.
Johnny wrung his hands together nervously, if questioned he would vehemently deny that his palms had become sweaty when asking his higher-up about something as simple as a motorcycle. Maybe he could just ask you about it instead, surely John had told you some things here and there and you’d managed to pick up any information.
“I uhh, I was wondering where you got it, she’s a beaut.” There, he’d ripped off the bandaid and didn’t need to make this any harder than it needed to be.
“Found her through a seller, she was in pretty rough shape so I’ve been fixin’ her up on leaves.” The bike was John’s pride and joy, second of course to you, but he loved his harley in a different way.
“Oh! Okay, that’s cool.” Johnny nodded, keeping a slight distance between himself and his captain.
“Any reason you’re asking?” John grabbed a bottle of water before turning to sit down at one of the open tables.
Johnny felt his nerves skyrocket, how does one admit they’d always wanted to ride but were too afraid of nearly getting themselves killed? His mother had given him hell for it, saying he’d lose his life by being reckless. It had deterred the idea for years, but seeing so many bikes made him want to do it anyway. 
“No reason, see you later cap.” Johnny nodded once before heading out of the room.
John wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t confused, it wasn’t often that people even saw him on the rumbling biped vehicle, but given the opportunity he always took it. Nothing more invigorating than feeling the wind whip around you, the sound of the bike echoing behind. You would beg John to take you for a ride constantly, especially on date night.
The recruits were quiet as they sat amongst themselves, discussing what their next drills would possibly be. It suddenly hit John how old he was, he’d been so used to making sure that everyone else was taken care of that he hadn’t taken the time to really look at life. You’d both discussed having children when the both of you were truly ready. If it came down that neither of you would truly be ready for a child, then neither of you would become parents. He’d just be the fun uncle that could send the kiddos home hyped up on sugar.
After he’d finished his sandwich and water it was time to head out. Any paperwork was sent off for review, and if it wasn’t up to Laswell’s standards she could wait until he was back. Getting home and relaxing for the rest of the night was high on his priority list at the moment. Maybe the two of you could order take out instead of cooking, maybe even a glass of wine to go along with it. You’d be dealing with everyone in a few days anyway, god where had the year gone that it was already Halloween again.
The sun was nearly gone by the time John had made it out of his office, grabbing the keys to his bike and heading towards the garage. Ghost’ voice was booming, words sharp as a whip towards whomever he was angry with. John sighed deeply before turning towards the shooting range, if it was a new recruit this could get ugly fast. And much to his annoyance it was not one, but four new recruits, each of them looked terrified as Simon nearly towered over them.
“Do you think this is a joke? Something to laugh about?!” Ghost was enraged, hands clenched into fists by his side.
“No sir.” They spoke in unison, each with their heads down, gazes locked on the floor.
“The next time you come in here thinkin’ you’re gonna play with the weapons, I will have you removed, permanently.” Ghost took gun safety quite seriously, one wrong move could end the lives of multiple people.
“Yes sir.” They all nodded, waiting for further instructions.
“Get out of my sight.” Ghost crossed his arms over his chest, waiting until they all scrambled away before turning to face John.
There were no words shared between the two men, neither of them needed to say anything to get their points across anyway. However, John wanted to make sure that Simon would be alright before leaving for the night.
“Still coming over for Halloween?” John was still curious on what Gaz had picked for the costumes, couldn’t be too bad.
“I promised your missus I would anyway.” No one on the task force could tell you no, it was adorable.
“I’ll see you then, make sure the recruits stay out of trouble.” John nodded at him, heading down to the garage so he could get home to you.
The night air was cold, bike rumbling beneath him as he wound his way along the roads that lead to your shared home. He’d sent a quick text to you before he left, telling you to order dinner so the two of you could relax together. Good food, a glass of wine, and the most amazing wife that he could ever ask for sounded like a perfect night to him. Now if he could ignore the clawing thoughts that came with work that would be even better. Laswell knew better than to call him unless it was an absolute emergency that he needed to attend to.
The light was on outside as he pulled into the driveway, parking the bike and waiting until it was settled to step off. The sound of music echoed through the partially opened window, the sound of your voice following along with the lyrics. John snickered to himself, it was definitely a song from your younger years, it was definitely a 90’s boyband. If you were letting loose, what would he walk into? Shaking off his shoulders he headed into the house, locking the door behind him before slipping off his boots.
“Baby!” You ran over, throwing your arms around his neck in a tight embrace.
“Hello to you too, having a party without me?” John’s arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush to his body.
“Never, can’t have a party without the man of the hour.” You pressed a light kiss to his lips, giggling as he tried to pull you back for more.
The two of you laughed happily, dancing together until the doorbell rang loudly, letting you know your dinner had arrived. You had mentioned a movie you’d wanted to see earlier that week, talking about how scary it was from your friends. John could handle some little movie no problem at all, everything about it was fake anyway.
“Alright, got our food, drinks, time to turn on the movie.” You wiggled into your seat, pressing play on the remote before digging in to your food.
The movie, for lack of a better word, was absolutely terrible. It was sort of a tradition in your home that during October you would watch corny horror movies whenever John was home. It was something you’d been adamant on, refusing to let the tradition die out. Of course you’d watch the classic horror movies to help break up the monotony of the bad ones. John had insisted you watch The Thing recently, until you remembered the kennel scene. Watching poor animals, even fake ones, get hurt always makes you upset.
“What do we watch next? We’ve got a few days before the party, and you don’t need to go back until after.” You popped a few pieces of popcorn into your mouth, chewing slowly so you didn’t get any kernels stuck between your teeth.
John pondered for a brief moment, he’d loved watching the classics, but maybe something new could be better? No, something from the 90’s maybe.
“What about Candyman?” It was one of your favorites, having grown up as a horror fan you clung onto the infamous movie.
“A man after my own heart.” You giggled and grabbed your remote to turn the movie on. 
The only light in your living room, besides the TV of course, were the string lights you’d hung up in the middle of September. You’d claimed it would help give ambience to the movie watching experience, and John definitely had to admit that it had. It gave off an eerie vibe that he couldn’t quite place, but given that it was Halloween he wasn’t going to complain.
You could practically recite the movie, the way Tony Todd portrayed the character of Candyman so well never ceased to amaze you. You’d wanted to have a career in film making, but given that the industry was one of the hardest to get into, your dreams were crushed. 
You wouldn’t have met John had you followed your dreams.
You hummed softly, it was true, had you followed your heart you would have never met your husband. Sure you probably would’ve met someone in Hollywood, but it wouldn’t have been the same.
“Wait, what are you wearing for Halloween?” You glanced over at your husband.
“I’ve got a pair of overalls I’m gonna grease up. Go dressed as a mechanic.” John was nothing short of efficient. He’d found them one day after going through his clothes and tossing out anything that was either too old, or had holes to be thrown away.
“Hmm, that works.” You turned and put your attention back onto the movie on your screen.
You and Johnny would be matching, while Simon and Kyle would technically be matching. It had started as a joke but after discussing it, you had all agreed and the plans were set in stone. The costumes arrived a few weeks after you’d ordered them, the boys all paying you back right away. John of course had no idea what you were wearing, and you weren’t going to tell him until the very night of. It was going to be quite the surprise, you couldn’t wait for him to see.
You were pulling on your undergarments, not wanting to spoil any surprises your husband might find later before quickly pulling on your dress. You’d been tempted to order a wig to truly match but you didn’t want to risk it. Instead you fixed up your hair, placing the headband before pulling on a pair of pantyhose. After a quick glance in the mirror you were happy with your look, pulling on the shoes and heading down to the living room. The boys had all crammed into your home, each of them taking their respective costumes to go and change. John had run to the store to get one final bag of candy, promising he’d be back in time to head to the party.
Kyle walked out in his amazing glory, the fluffy coat showing off his amazing physique.
“I have to admit, you make an amazing Ken.” You snickered and twirled your finger, telling him to give you a full view.
The costume was perfect, down to the headband and sunglasses he’d managed to find last minute. It was the only thing missing out of his entire get up.
“What can I say? I was born to be a total stud.” He smirked before bursting into laughter, both of you righting yourselves as Johnny walked out.
“I forgot how much I hated wearing boots sometimes.” Johnny muttered to himself.
The two of you had dressed as Velma and Daphne, Johnny had offered to be Velma since he was already a natural brunette. You weren’t going to argue with the man, the dress gave your husband even easier access.
“If you can tuck the bottom of the sweater under itself, it’ll look better.” You walked over and helped him adjust the dark orange sweater, brushing down the fabric of his skirt.
“Bettah?” Johnny glanced at you, hoping you could head out soon.
“Much.” You smiled and stepped back from him.
Before any of you could say anything else Simon walked out of the guest bathroom, the hot pink outfit causing all of your jaws to drop open. How Kyle had convinced him to dress up as cowboy Barbie you weren’t entirely sure, but god did he look fantastic.
“I have to admit, you look fucking hot right now.” Your eyes were wide, hands reaching up to mess with the green scarf wrapped around your neck.
“Thanks, this is all Kyle’s idea.” Simon tossed his bag down beside the couch.
“I’m not complaining, those pants are doing so much for your ass right now.” Your cheeks heated up before you caught the way Johnny was also eyeing him. At least you weren’t alone.
The sound of the front door opening suddenly caught your attention, your husband made it home with a few minutes to spare. Such a procrastinator that one was, now you’d be rushing out the door to get to the party.
“Sorry! Nearly got into a fight with someone who almost hit me on the way home. I just need to get dressed.” John dropped the candy into the large bowl, turning to face the rest of you.
His eyes landed on Simon first, a slight brow raised before he saw Kyle, followed by Johnny, and then lastly you. 
“Don’t tell me. Kyle and Simon are Barbie and Ken, and you two are Daphne and Velma?” John snickered as he slipped off his shoes quickly.
“Good job, now go get dressed so we can leave!” You all but pushed your husband towards your bedroom.
You could discuss the costumes later when you were actually where you needed to be for the night, right now was not the time. The plus side is that you were within walking distance of the party, the downside was that you were definitely going to be late. 
“Jeez, your arms look even bigger.” Kyle blurted out as Simon flexed his arms. Johnny was practically drooling at the sight.
“Alright, you guys head outside and I’ll see what’s taking John so long.” You waited until they’d all left, mainly to make sure poor Johnny didn’t pass out.
Shaking your head you made your way down to your bedroom, pushing the door open slowly so you didn’t startle him.
“Hey hun, are you…” You trailed off as you saw your husband, the white tank top he’d dirtied and greased up showed off the sleeves of tattoos as well as his back piece beautifully.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, let’s go hun.” John spritzed a couple sprays of cologne before heading over to you.
You watched the way his muscles ripped beneath the fabric, eyes glancing down to his legs beneath the coveralls. The arms over his coveralls were wrapped around his waist, giving him the look of being an actual mechanic. Jesus you weren’t going to be able to keep your hands off of him at this rate.
“I’ll have to remember to have someone take a photo of us when we get there.” You grabbed your wristlet and headed out of the house with John.
The other three, that were locked in a heated discussion, all fell silent as they saw their captain in a tank top. 
“Holy shit, you’re covered in tattoos?!” Kyle was floored, he’d recently found out his captain rode motorcycles, but seeing this? This was all new.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve had these for years.” John merely shrugged, wrapping an arm around your waist as you all made the short walk to Kate’s house.
The music was loud enough that you could hear it outside, but it was clear that everyone was still able to have conversations. Kyle, Simon, and Johnny all took off the moment you got inside with John, causing you to roll your eyes. You just wanted one photo to at least remember the night, the costumes looked so good too!
“I’ll make sure they take a photo before we head home tonight, promise.” John pressed a kiss to your hair, leading you further into the party.
“Thank you.” You smiled as you leaned against him, avoiding any of the grease that could ruin your dress.
The party was lively, everyone complimenting your costume as well as John’s even asking a few questions about his tattoos. John was proud of the work he’d had done, especially the back piece he’d sat through over five sessions for. You loved when John got the recognition he deserved. The man was downright gorgeous, and you were reveling in the fact that he’d chosen you out of everyone.
The hours flew by, the drinks flowing through your system before John cut you off. He wasn’t going to risk getting you drunk like last time. You’d taken photos with all of your friends, giggling at the couples costume that Farah and Alex had done. He’d dressed up as a dinosaur while she was dressed like a handler. Everyone took photos with John, claiming they wanted to show off the tattoos he had and see if they could get something half as good. You knew better, it was only because of how gorgeous your husband was. You weren’t blind, even in regular clothes John was the most attractive man you’d ever met.
“Hey, why don’t I take you home? It’s getting late anyway.” John could see the way your eyes were drooping closed, exhaustion seeping into your bones.
“We gotta round up the boys too.” You’d offered up the spare bedrooms so they didn’t have to worry about driving home so late at night.
“Already did, sweetheart, so let’s go.” John scooped you up into his arms, saying goodbyes to everyone before making your way out of the house.
Your eyes slowly slipped closed as you rested against his chest, your feet sore from standing in the kitten heels for the last five hours. John didn’t so much as complain as he carried you to your shared home, opening the door to let everyone inside. Johnny didn’t hesitate to rip off his boots, tossing them aside before ripping off the sweater. John raised a brow at the younger man, watching as he hurriedly picked up his discarded items.
“Sorry, sir.” Johnny wasn’t going to let them lie around, would never do so in someone else’s home, but getting to strip down was his only thought.
“Just clean up, that's all I ask.” John turned and headed up to your bedroom, laying you on the plush mattress before turning to change into his own pajamas.
Your soft snores filled the air, chest rising and falling slowly as you slept peacefully on your bed. John chuckled and finished getting changed, turning to help you out of your own clothes. His eyes widened as he realized you had gotten new lingerie, jaw dropping open. He’d talk to you about it tomorrow, right now you were exhausted and needed some sleep.
After grabbing one of his more oversized shirts he helped ease you into the fabric, pulling off your headband and setting everything onto the dresser. You hadn’t so much as flinched the entire time, assuring John that you were completely asleep. He headed down to the living room, making sure the other three were settled before turning off the lights. It was fun getting to see everyone dressed up, simply enjoying themselves with good company.
“Thank you, for being the best thing I could ever ask for.” John crawled into bed beside you, pulling you flush to his chest.
You murmured softly in your sleep, wrapping your arms around his waist. There were definitely some things that the two of you needed to talk about. 
Those could wait, for now he would simply hold you and enjoy himself.
tagging: @gaylemonshark @thesinsoflust @dante-mightdie @mh073099
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Ok, hear me out:
Kratos, after the events of the Valhalla DLC, is sleeping peacefully in his home, until someone knocks on his door.
"I didn't know who else to go to." says Thor.
Thor, who had ascended to a higher existence after being killed by his father, rejected that existence and decided to live another live. He wanted to be better for his family, but he didn't want to return to them the way he was. He wanted to change first. So he went to the one person who knew how.
Kratos tells Thor about his past and he realizes that if Kratos can change then so can he.
"You kid is lucky." Thor says. "I hope mine can be as lucky as yours one day."
Kratos decides to take him to Valhalla as a start. An opportunity provided to Thor by Odin's betrayal.
Kratos goes to Lunda in the realm between realms and gets a mace and shield for Thor like the ones Modi had. On his way out of the house, Ratatoskr asks Kratos for a favor and says he'll reward him with materials. Kratos asks for another reward instead. For bitter squirrel to be Thor's partner in Valhalla. Kratos believed the similarities between them would make Thor feel at ease.
Kratos, Mimir and Thor, with much conversation between the three on the boat, go to the same shore and after much trouble, convince Freya to help them and not tell anyone. Especially Sif and Thrud.
"Well, at least with Odin gone, there's no one for him to serve. We could make good use of-" Freya says
"No." Kratos cuts her off. "He is Odin's monster no longer, and he will not be ours. To help us or not is your choice."
Freya sighs "I'm only doing it for you, you know."
"Thank you, Freya."
"Of course."
Thor, with bitter as a partner, tackles Valhalla.
Many obstacles stand in his way: The fact that he simply isn't a disciplined warrior, but a fat dude swinging a hammer, and the new weapons are something he isn't used to. The years of trauma inflicted on him by Odin. The death of his mother which he blames himself for. His refusal to embrace the Johtunar part of himself. His refusal to think and feel.
He tries and fails for many months. He lives with Kratos and Mimir and they get to know eachother better. He has Kratos train him, and eventually, with the help of Kratos, Mimir, Tyr, Freya and surprisingly bitter who turned out to be a better companion for Thor than Kratos could ever for, Thor manages to come to terms with his past, and finally battles Tyr and wins.
However, as soon as he peeks at what's behind the door, he quits. He decides that he doesn't wanna try anymore. Everyone else is wondering why, but Kratos knows why. He knows what's behind that door, or rather who.
Killing his son. Thor could could never come to terms with that. It took Kratos over a hundred years to heal from that.
He goes to the spot where Modi died to remember his son. He looks above, and he is caught by the last thing he wished to be caught by.
He battles it, but due to not having his hammer, and the poison being his weakness, he loses and is knocked unconscious.
He wakes up a bed, wrapped in bandages. It wasn't Kratos's home, or any he'd ever known. The little boy sitting on the edge of the bed greets him. He has red hair darker than his and doesn't look older than three winters. His mother, a dwarf woman, tends to Thor and tells him that her husband saved him and to rest while her husband hunts for food. He tries to decline and just leave, but he can barely walk two steps.
Thor complies, and stays in bed.
He finds out that he is in a magical forest. Those unwanted and shunned by their own people come here to escape. Some dwarves, some giants, some Aseir, Vanir and many others, and that the forest is hidden by her husband's magic, and that he insisted on bringing him here.
Bedridden Thor occasionally talks to the boy and bonds with him. He finds out that the boy has giant blood in him, and works out that his father is a giant or at least has giant blood. No wonder his father never wanted to meet him.
The GiantSlayer he was would strike fear in any giant. He was nowhere near being better. His progress didn't matter to these people. but then why did he save him? That didn't matter as well. As soon as he gets better, he's leaving. It's better this way.
One day, he woke up at sunrise and found that no one was home. He found that he could walk and decided to just leave. He made his way through the forest, but it was a labyrinth. He found himself lost. It must be the father's magic. The excited laughter of the boy playing with his father and mother echoed through the forest. He wanted to thank them and say goodbye to the boy. He followed their voices. The boy was playing hide and seek with his father. It sounded like the boy was the seeker and his father was winning.
The father's voice was familiar. His heart grew heavy as he got closer to the source of the voice.
"It can't be." He whispered to himself.
He reached them, and the sight of the father struck him like a thousand lightning bolts.
-Think I should continue this fic?
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cheesit-notes · 1 year
Widowed Ghost
Ghost goes through the stages of grief... but only 4.
tags: hurt/virtually no comfort, throwing up, implied ghost didnt eat, or sleep, or take care of himself, 5 stages of grief, reader died, (first time) angst teehee
a/n: writing this made me feel better teehee. anywho, i love reader deaths (love u readers ♡)
widowed Ghost who cannot bring himself to cry when he hears the news. allowed to see you, or at least the hollow husk of you, he’ll glance at the mangled burned body that was once yours with a thousand thoughts yet no words to say. he’ll turn away, unable to face the reality.
for the week leading to your funeral, Ghost cannot, and perhaps purposely does not, process your death. he goes on with life as he usually would. but there are a few moments where he'll call out your name, intending to show you something, talk to you, or just because he wanted your attention. and those moments kill him inside. the silence, the lack of a response, the lack of you, kills him. for a few seconds to minutes at a time, he faces the reality that you're gone. for better or worse, his mind quickly convinces him you're simply busy. and he'll foolheartedly believe it. 
Ghost is silent the day of your funeral. he's forced to face the reality that you are gone; not just for a few seconds or moments at a time, but indefinitely. pitiful glances from empathetic faces and softly muttered 'I'm sorry's feel suffocating. he can't- doesn't want to believe it. you, in that god awful box? it can't be true. as cruel as it would be, he wishes this was all some sick joke.
blurred memories of being driven home, walking inside his house, and mindlessly walking into your once shared bedroom. and as he sits on the edge of the bed, it hits him. the cold, harsh reality hits him like a truck. you were gone. and there was nothing he could do about it. he hated this feeling. he hated feeling like a helpless little boy at the mercy of his heartless father; unable to do anything.
tears threaten to fall, his eyes burning to hold them back as he chokes on air. he hasn't cried in so long. always feeling like his problems didn't matter enough to cry. the feeling, it's nauseating. he feels like he's going to throw up.
he stumbles over to the bathroom sink because he knows you aren’t fond of cleaning up vomit after he got too drunk once. he never got that drunk again. he throws up the bits of food he forced himself to eat earlier because you were always worried about the lack of food he used eat. he didn’t want to worry you. and he looks at himself, and thinks he looks pathetic. pale, unkept, dirty, and he believes he's so undeserving of you; this is why you left him. that you left this world behind, left him behind, because he wasn’t enough to keep you here.
he’s mad at you for leaving him, and he’s mad at himself for being so.. him. and god, he thinks if anything was different about him, maybe you’d stay. doesn’t matter to him if you had no say in your own death, all that mattered was that you weren’t here now. reason had no place in a man blinded by pure fury. all he could think about was how unfair it was that you left him, and how he wasn’t enough to have you stay. maybe, he thought, if he was better, if he was anything else than the pathetic excuse of a man, maybe then you’d care a little more and be alive.
the blinded rage continues for hours. it began with thoughts of hatred he had towards you, himself, everything, but slowly began getting physical. he was never taught to use his words to express his feelings so they came out in actions. holding back tears he didn’t know he had, he took his rage out on anything that couldn’t fight back. a table flipped over and broken, chairs laid on their sides, everything pushed and shoved over leaving him standing in the empty space he created.
there’s no dreadful feeling like what he felt standing in the middle of the mess he made. he felt like his father; taking his anger out on things that couldn’t fight back. the arguable difference was the things Ghost took his anger out on wasn’t alive, but what difference did that truly make? perhaps if he had a kid, he would be his father’s replica. and he feared such a thought. with a heavy heart, he slowly put everything back where it once was, because you wouldn’t like the place being a pigsty.
he hates himself for this but for moments at a time, he’s convinced that it’s better you’re gone. he’ll never have to hear you nagging him to eat more, clean up after himself, go take a shower, take a break; never again. he’ll never be woken up by your laughs because you stayed awake, watching videos, for him to sleep. he’ll never be interrupted in anything again.
but who was he kidding? he misses it badly.
he misses hearing you tell him to eat more, threatening to force feed him if you caught him eating less. he misses you shoving him into the bathroom and yelling at him to shower because he stunk and you couldn’t stand the fact he just didn’t take care of his hygiene. he misses you forcibly taking him away from his work; the cruddy attempts of kidnapping him away from base and the way he’d begrudgingly play along. he misses you reassuring him that he could sleep, that you’d keep watch. he misses being woken up by your barely audible laughs, and how you frantically apologized for waking him. he misses resting his head on yours while the two of you stayed awake watching anything. he misses having someone who cared enough about him to do all that and more. 
he misses you.
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dia-souls · 1 year
DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Analyzes [ Vol. 3 Sakamaki Reiji ]
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Original title: 遅い朝に
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 3 Sakamaki Reiji
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi
Analyze by: Admin Afra
Admin's note: My God. This CD really moved me to tears. I can boldly say that Reiji has one of the most reasonable behavior in managing such a crisis. Among all the CDs I listened to, he was one of the few boys who was willing to find a solution to cure Yui without losing his cool or thinking about killing himself. This man is truly a gentleman.
What a beautiful flashback to describe Reiji's love. Sometimes I think about the words of these vampires who are so kind and I ask myself if this is really the same boy? Is this the same boy who tortured and humiliated Yui to the point of death at the beginning of their relationship? And now he wants to go to the death to save the same girl?
It's really hard to believe that these boys have changed so much, but I think it's really beautiful that they all got the concept of love. This also applies to Reiji. Reiji's own description of how he was changed by Yui is beautiful to me. Reiji believes that Yui has taught him humanity, something that was hard for Reiji to accept, but Reiji himself realizes over time that Yui is a treasure that he gained from this. Just like chinaware is a treasure for Reiji, Yui is another treasure for him that he wants to take care of with all his heart.
But what is important is that Reiji will never let go of the treasure he cares about, so he chooses to never let go of Yui's hand and stay by her side forever. Reiji's words are said while he decides to abandon the investigation and enjoy his last minutes with Yui. It can be understood from his words, does it mean forever that he will follow Yui even after death?
When Feshbak ends, I see a normal daily life of Yui and her partner again. This time Reiji tries to wake up Yui and complains about Yui being lazy and sleeping too much.
I don't know how others see their relationship but I always find it so cute how Rosji tries to teach Yui like a father and teach her good manners. Yui's playfulness and clumsiness is always endearing to me and I'm sure Reiji enjoys it too.
What really caught my attention was that Reiji noticed something strange about Yui's health condition just by looking at Yui's walk. Everyone knows someone else who was so quick to notice the abnormality in his behavior and health. Honestly, the rest of the boys needed at least two tracks to realize this. This shows that when it comes to Yui's health, Reiji is smarter than the others and realizes it sooner.
As usual, spending a beautiful day drinking tea with Reiji. This is very enjoyable.
Also, Reiji, who certainly cares more about his father's royal parties than anyone else and likes to train Yui for it, is very gentlemanly. I honestly feel that Reiji is really like a kind father to Yui. We can even say that Reiji has acted more like a father to Yui than Seiji.
The dance ceremony looked very interesting and Reiji's jealousy was very cute. The fact that he took Yui out because he didn't want other men to look at her simply shows how easily he can get jealous. Also, I have no doubts about Reiji's unique taste in clothing. I'm sure he made Yui so beautiful that he made all the men attracted to her.
Walking with Yui makes Reiji more aware of Yui's poor health. Of course, I'm pretty sure Reiji already knew about it, he just didn't want to worry Yui about it, or felt like it wasn't too important to worry about.
But when he carried her in his arms, he had undoubtedly noticed her low weight. And as he himself said, the irregular rhythm of her heart as well as the different smell of her blood had convinced him of this and started his research to find a solution to cure Yui.
As expected, Reiji is one of those boys who tries to act rationally in such situations and instead of thinking about suicide because he loses his love, he decides to look for a solution. What most boys did not do. Well, to be honest, I really like this feature of Reiji and I think he did better and more reasonable than all his brothers in this case.
The interaction between him and Yui in track 3 can be interpreted as a symbolic relationship of Reiji's love for Yui, who is precious to him like a treasure. When Yui accidentally breaks Reiji's china cup, Reiji likens it to something interesting. That something that is not eternal will disappear one day. Reiji may have once thought that because vampires were immortal, death was like a celebration for them, but he soon realized that it was different when it came to something you hold dear. You simply do not like to lose someone dear to you.
In this track, I would like to mention more details. For example, Reiji used to punish Yui with a whip for breaking his china cups, but in this departure, when he found out, he was more worried about Yui getting hurt than anything else. It's very interesting how one of Reiji's main obsessions has been changed by Yui and I find it very very valuable.
Maybe that was the reason for Yui's insistence on fixing it. I can boldly say that Yui never has high expectations from her partner. She never looks for expensive gifts and clothes. The only thing Yui wants from her partner is pure and simple love. When Yui does something bad, she feels guilty because she was hurt by that boy before and thinks she deserves to be punished. This can refer to their past relationship. Before, Reiji or even all the boys would punish Yui for the smallest mistake. It can be said that over time, Yui has made herself believe that she is nothing but a moving blood bag and that the only value is her blood, so when she does something bad, she deserves to be punished. And maybe the reason is Yui, who keeps trying to offer her blood to the boys because she believes that her value can only be summed up in her blood.
But what Yui doesn't realize is that the boys have changed over time because of Yui's golden heart and humanity. They have learned humanity from Yui and this is something that Reiji himself has admitted to.
Reiji can't imagine life without Yui just like all the boys. Although he wants Yui's blood, Reiji tries to control himself so as not to cause harm, and it can be said that this action seems completely fair and natural from someone like Reiji.
Reiji's thinking is all about Yui's bad health and the fact that he can't find a solution for it makes him conclude that he is the cause of it because he always sucked her blood.
When Reiji went from imagining a room without Yui and a house without Yui to a world without Yui, I realized something. Reiji thinks that Yui's existence is necessary not only for himself but also for the world. In his opinion, the world needs someone like Yui, that's why he doesn't want to let Yui disappear from this world.
Reiji's efforts to find a solution are futile and therefore he considers himself useless. When he realized that Yui knew about this, he accepted Yui's request to be together. But I doubt that Reiji, by accepting this request, was content to give up and stop trying. I mean, we're talking about Reiji. A person who never gives up to achieve his goal.
But he agrees to spend the remaining time with Yui to make Yui happy. I feel that Reiji feels remorse for the sins he committed against Yui in the past and wants to make it up to Yui in some way.
I realized this because Reiji tested the drugs he made on his own body. This was what he used to do with Yui in the past. He was experimenting on her body and forcing her to take her medicine. It can be said that Reiji now realizes how much he hurt Yui and somehow experiencing this karma made him blame himself for Yui's current state.
Reiji wants to give Yui her last wish. But I guess her last wish as a human being, not the last wish of her life. Because at the end of the track, Reiji said, "I will give you a kiss with the promise of eternal love." Well, here we can have different interpretations of this sentence. But my impression is that Reiji plans to turn Yui into a vampire to make this love eternal. As he said in the previous episodes, he cannot imagine a world without Yui and he will be by her side forever.
Forever can mean even after death but I know Reiji as someone who will never give up on what he wants and even if he has to turn her into a vampire to keep Yui he will do it.
In the end, Yui's life for Reiji was like the same flower that he intended to pick. Yui was a beautiful and fragrant flower that always shine next to him and tempted him to pick her, and with this, Reiji shortened her life and he can no longer be by her side forever. He can resurrect this flower as an immortal being, but this flower will forever have a different color and smell just like Yui.
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A hope for recognition and deceit
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Sir Pentious x fem!reader
warning : fluff, comfort, hug, mention of violence and death (it's hell so yeah)
Summary : After another defeat at the hands of Angeldust and Cherri Bomb, Sir Pentious finds himself in the garbage of hell where he is surprisingly offered help that doesn't suck?
Info : So this cute fluffy one-shot is for @thatsthewrongwallcraig it was very nice to write for him very gladly more and again. Have fun with our little sweet sir snake and everyone else too ;)
The loud beeping and noises of little creatures running around could be heard, smoke was coming out of every place where the bullets of the guns had destroyed the airship and flames covered the airship like a second layer.
The home-made technology was going crazy, not reacting as it should and the ship was about to hit the bottom of hell in a few minutes.
But in this chaos stood Sir Pentious with folded arms and a disdainful expression, who neither listened to the questions and shouts of his little helpers nor seemed to be aware of anything and seemed to be done with all this. ,,Boss! We're about to crack like an egg!" shouted one of his little helpers, shaking his superior's coat and trying to convince the snake demon to get out of here somehow.
The serpent's tongue came out from between the lips behind which were the long fangs, an annoyed hiss that became a weary hiss. The ,,Well then, all of Boord's men…a new plan is coming!" he exclaimed, striking an almost heroic pose and grabbing his little egg-like subordinates before dashing for the exit. But as bad luck would have it, just as he was about to jump out, the airship collided with the ground and he hit the ground with a thud, directly onto something soft and smelly.
,,Oh no, we're dead," he heard the first wail of his egg boys, who apparently in their naivety thought they had died, and with a sigh the demon stood up and looked disparagingly at the garbage dump.
,,No, you idiots, we're still in hell…let's go back to the-" he venomed and was about to go to his airship when it made one last explosion and a cloud of smoke came towards him, coloring him completely black. Just as he was about to let out a frustrated scream, he suddenly heard footsteps and a friendly voice asking him, ,,Do you need help?".
A question that almost made him laugh out loud and couldn't have been more inappropriate. This was fucking hell and not a mercy seat where everyone got a cookie for every shot.
,,No, I don't," he protested and was about to slap her hand away when he tripped over a bin liner and landed at her feet, making her smile. ,,I think so, come on, it looks like you need a shower," she said and pulled him back onto his snake tail, seeing his astonishment and simply dragging him behind her.
Pentious shcien was confused and wanted to get away but the demoness with the twisted horns like a goat and the poisonous green eyes wouldn't let him.
,,You really insist," he muttered and saw her nod as they walked through the streets for a moment and Sir Pentious recognized the district they were in. ,,Thank you misss" he mumbled not knowing why it felt right to say thank you and felt his snake tail bob slightly.
Far away from the hotel but probably better for the moment. ,,Miss, that's not necessary, I-" he tried enruet but by then she had already pulled him in and pushed him into her apartment. ,,Not at all, I'm happy to help," she said and he saw her smile behind the slightly pointed teeth that looked like his.
A glance at his helpers, however, let him know that they were comfortable and were already looking at the furnishings and having fun. ,,Please, I'll make some tea and you freshen up there, how about that?" she asked, tilting her head slightly and for a moment he thought he saw her green eyes light up.
,,Please, I'll make some tea and you freshen up there, how about that?" she asked, tilting her head slightly and for a moment he thought he saw her green eyes light up.
He thought for a moment but when he still smelled the burnt smell on him, which was actually topped by a more sublime odor, he also knew it was time. ,,Thank you and a herbal tea if you can miss" he asked giving her something like a small smile that made his fangs flash before the snake demon disappeared into the bathroom and water could be heard.
While the demon went under the sporadic shower with a towel that seemed halfway unused, the water boiled on the demoness's hand, who simply heated the kettle with her power and looked curiously at the little eggs while the opening and closing of a door was not heard by anyone.
When the tea was slowly ready and the tea bags were giving off a dark, slightly greenish color, the goat-like demoness was already blowing and was pleased to see her guest emerge from the bath in much better shape.
,,Now you're back to your old self," she said and handed him his cup, which he took somewhat reluctantly, his claws touching her hand and it seemed somehow hotter than any hellfire.
,,Thank you, yes, the shower was necessary," he admitted to her, blowing lightly and they both drank the first sip, which turned into a pleasant sigh. ,,Now you look like a true lord again," she admitted after a brief moment of swaying and he saw her turn away from him but could feel the warmth she gave off.
,,Well, I am, you saved the one and only Sir Pentious, my dear," he said and placed his claw on her hand for a moment, a brief moment between them before he hastily withdrew his hand, surprised and embarrassed at what he had done, and they both drank their tea again.
An ongoing conversation here and there about his actions, her kindness and the place in hell. But the time was good, so much so that she suddenly, embarrassed, pulled out a photo, ,,I took this when you attacked the brothel-could you…sign it?" she asked and Sir Pentious felt proud to have such an admirer in his chest. That she admired him because she perceived that there was someone who cared about him.
,,But of course, miss, I'd love to," he had replied with a smile before taking the pen she had drawn and leaving his sweeping neat handwriting on the picture, seeing how she smiled and was glad to have a fan, an admirer and another nice one.
,,Thank you that means a lot to me," she said and the snake demon smiled for a moment before looking out the cracked window to see that another "day" was dawning and hell would soon be plunged back into chaos worse than the last.
,,I think I should get going…an airship doesn't build itself, does it?" he asked to his helpers, who moved their heads in different directions and Pentious rolled his eyes.
She took the cup from him and made an inviting motion towards her door, ,,My door is always open…for the biggest demon in hell," she said and he nodded, putting his hand on the knob as he felt her embrace, brief yet fervent, which he returned almost reflexively.
,,And my airship for a round trip and a few good pictures misss" he waved goodbye to her as the door closed behind him and the demon walked down the street with his little helpers.
Not hearing the giggles as the green-eyed demon simply took the purse in her hands out of his jacket in a hug, another robbery of thousands but even if it was worth it her gaze softened and a warmth stole into her gaze as she saw the photo and hugged it to herself...maybe she wouldn't rob him the next time they met, a shared airship ride would be all the nicer.
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s1m0nth3swaggy · 4 months
chat i saw someone make incorrect qoutes of Dead Boy Detectives and I wanted to try as well. I saved the best ones, these are awesome
Slight shipping of Niko and Crystal/ Edwin and Charles because these bitches gay
Edwin: You spent all our money on THIS?? Charles, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Charles: Life could be worse, Edwin. Edwin: Life could be a lot better too!
Niko: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it. Crystal: …I was hungry.
Edwin: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person.
Edwin: Start talking! Charles: Well, I- Edwin: Shut up!
Niko: Anything else? Edwin: Yeah. Stay away from me! Niko: Alright. See you in the room we share.
Edwin: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey! Monty: But I'm a vegan. Edwin: Wakey Wakey Vegetables and Sadness.
Edwin, entering the room: Sees Thomas (Cat King) and leaves Thomas (Cat King), watching Edwin leave: There’s my monthly dose of Edwin…
Crystal: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Edwin, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. Charles, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Edwin: Coming right up.
Charles: What’s up? I’m back. Niko: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead Charles: Death is a social construct.
(they are in love your honor)
Crystal: Niko, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean? Niko: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later. Crystal: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Edwin. Niko: Wait- Crystal, no-
Jenny: Crystal has discovered "deez nuts" jokes and it's all they say now. Everything is deez nuts. They simply can't stop. Jenny: I asked Crystal where they learned that joke. They made me promise they wouldn't get in trouble if they told me. I agreed. Jenny: So they lean in and whisper, "deez nuts."
Charles: That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen. Edwin: That’s a snake.
Edwin: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops! Charles: loads shotgun I got this. Edwin: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
Charles: What are your adjectives? Edwin: …You mean my pronouns? Charles: No, I know what your pronouns are! What are your adjectives? Edwin: …I dunno. What are yours? Charles: Noisy and chaotic! Edwin: I’ve never had something go from making no sense to making complete sense so quickly.
Jenny: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
(Charles being a little bitch i love him)
Monty: What are you two arguing about this time? Crystal: They’re always using common phrases incorrectly! Charles: Cry me a table, Crystal.
(after the whole "I wasn't talking about you" scene and when Monty was trying to annoy/ make Edwin jealous or smth)
Monty: You are a solid 11/10. Edwin: Aw, thank- Monty: Which is 1.1 because you look like shit.
(i need more niko and monty moments because im convinced they'd be besties)
Monty: makes Niko a cup of tea but puts salt in it Niko: sips tea Monty: Niko: finishes tea Monty: Didn't it taste bad? Niko: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all. Monty, tearing up: Oh, okay.
Thomas (Cat King): I would say I outdid myself, but I’m always this good, so I simply did myself.
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techtalksfics · 1 year
Tech Support (Part 2 - Tech x Reader)
Summary: Tech leaves before they even have a chance to have a dinner date. The Batchers are gone a long time and things are far from normal when they return.
Author's Note: I had a fluffy soft version of this written but I wanted to incorporate today's bombshell but Tech survives, okay. He survives.
Warnings: fluff, mild-ish smut (Minors DNI), angst
Word Count: 6.3 K
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You'd overheard that they were leaving. They were leaving right now.
Although it did not surprise you that Tech had not come to say goodbye, there was nothing stopping you from saying goodbye to him. Something deep in the core of your being felt wrong about this mission. As you reached the courtyard, you watched as Tech spoke with Phee momentarily before you called out to him, "Tech."
"If you're going to give him a speech about goodbyes, save it. I already tried that." Phee said as she walked off with a wave towards Tech. You stood before him and he raised his eyes to you, something he had not done with Phee.
"Should I have said goodbye to you, too?" He asked perplexed by the onset of female attentions. You shook your head.
"I understand you, Tech. Your mind is on the task at hand." You reached up and tapped at the side of his forehead. "Which is exactly where it should be," you reached up and gave him a gentle hug and you felt the sharp edge of his data PADD dig into your back. He hugged you back at least. "Just... stay safe out there, okay. I have a bad feeling about this."
"What...feeling?" He queried.
"Just a feeling. Call it instinct, if that suits you better." It didn't. Tech didn't really hold much stock in either where they weren't warranted.
"I'll be back," was all he could muster when you pulled away from him. With that, he turned and disappeared onto the Marauder. It took off, sweeping and sneaking away in the dead of night. Leaving you stood there watching.
As Phee walked back towards you, she placed a hand on your shoulder, "well, I'm glad someone can make him look up from all that data. Listen kid, those boys have survived death defying odds over and over. They'll be find and they'll be back." She patted your shoulder twice over before simply walking away again. You simply stared up at the sky, though there was nothing to see. Just the stars lighting a sparse, vast sky. A perfectly cloudless night.
Somehow, deep within you, you weren't certain they'd be coming back this time.
That very next night, you awoke with a start. Your heart was hammering in your chest, and you were drenched in sweat. You had seen Tech falling; falling into a clouded area. A clouded area with no end in sight. His eyes both resolute and afraid. No one could survive that fall. You simply watched as he dumbly fell and once, he had disappeared into the clouds, you'd awoken. Terrified and alone, in the middle of the night.
You tried to convince yourself it was all just a dream. But just like your feeling, you were certain it was not. Your time with the Jedi reminded you that not all dreams were fiction and not all nightmares were fears alone. So, you tried to reason with yourself that you were no Jedi. Yes, you believed in the Force but could the Force make you see things that had come to pass? No. It shouldn't be able to. And yet, you could not shake the feeling that Tech was gone as you tried to resettle your head on your pillow. Tossing from side to side. Landing on your back with a heavy sigh.
You knew it had come to pass. Tech had sacrificed himself for his brothers, for his sister. Something you had no doubt he would do, if it were the only logical thing he could do. You lay there with your heart hammering in your chest, legs numb, knowing you would not sleep again that night.
You hadn't slept in days. You had sat up at night sketching the vision, as you had come to decide it was. You feared sleep. You feared dreaming of Tech falling or something worse this time. You knew the Force was telling you something and you shared your fears with Shep. He could only frown and try to tell you it was only a dream. You had sighed and walked away without another word being spoken. You knew the Force was telling you he was gone, even if the others did not believe it; but you could feel it.
In the days that followed, Shep had attempted to bring you meals and you would not take it. It remained outside your door. You couldn't eat for fear of simply bringing it back up with nerves.
You were waiting and you did not know how long you would be waiting for the familiar sound of the Marauder returning. You couldn't do anything, you feared, until they returned. Until you knew one way or another. The pain was just too great.
And so, you began to meditate. Like Master Plo Koon had taught you. Had been kind enough to teach you, though you were no Jedi. You meditated as the sun rose and fell around you. You did not know truly how long you had been meditating. But you focused on the beating of your own heart. Your own heart beat is the only way to the truth, Plo had always told you. So, you focused on the familiar beat of your own heart until some unexpected happened. The beating of your own heart was met with the beating of another. Another heart. Another soul. It was his. You knew it. He was alive, you realised. As you smiled at the beat of his heart coursing through your body. You felt the warmth of joy spread through you, as if he was spreading throughout you.
He had survived. Or perhaps what you had seen had never come to pass. Perhaps they were all safe after all.
And yet, they still had not returned. Perhaps things were not as simple as you thought they would be. One rotation turned into ten. Ten turned into twenty. When you reached thirty rotations, you were convinced they were safe but you felt they would never return to Pabu. Realising you couldn't spend the rest of your life hiding away, you began to continue on your long neglected works. Your heart was heavy but hopeful.
He was alive but he would not return to Pabu. A promise unfulfilled. In your meditation, you had felt a darkness around the galaxy, holding the brothers captive. But as darkness does, it shrouded the truth. So, you entered a routine of waking up and meditating, feeling for his heartbeat. Thrilled when it was there. You'd go out and work without the support of the ever efficient Tech. You would eat alone, drink alone and end your day with meditation, so you could feel his heartbeat before you slept. You thanked the Force for the kindness of Plo. Without him, you feared you'd be lost. A soul frozen in time. You slept soundly now and with no further dreams of consequence. It was as if things had finally reached a new form of normal.
A normal which included your broken heart.
Then, the fateful and joyous finally came. You had been sat in the blistering sun with Corusca. She had broken her data bank again. Her bank of memories, kindly retrieved by Phee. Corusca was well into her seventieth year and had no idea how this technology really worked and she had a bit of a temper. A smack here and a whack with a rolling pin there, meant it had broken. Again. You sat with her as you fixed it, appreciating the company and her gratuitous chatter of her life and culture before Pabu. It kept your mind quiet somehow.
That's when you heard it. That familiar sound. The most out of place sound on such a peaceful isle. The Marauder. You almost dropped the tool in your hand as the sound filled your ears. Immediately, you head whipped up to the sky to confirm what you'd heard. There she was. The most beautiful ship in all the galaxy. The Marauder swooped into view, heading for the courtyard. You stood immediately and shouted, "I'm sorry, I promise I'll come and get this fixed later," over you shoulder as you ran up the stairs towards their designated landing zone. Coursca simply smiled as she knew what you were chasing after. Love.
Please be alive. Please be alive. Please be alive. You repeated in a mantra to yourself. You hoped that you had been feeling was, in fact, his heartbeat, his safety.
The gangplank swept down, and Omega came stumbling off and saw you. You lowered to your knees and swept her up in her arms, spinning her around wildly. Whilst you had worried for Tech, you had also thought of Omega often. How devastated you would be if she had been lost.
As you placed her down, you finally spoke, "hey kid, long time no see," but her infamous and infectious giggle didn't follow. She seemed wearied, aged and troubled; your heart dropped and shattered. You pulled back further to get a good look at her. "Where's Tech?" She had tears in her eyes. "Omega, where is Tech?" You found yourself pleading.
“He-he’s okay. I mean he - he wasn’t. We thought he’d died when he fell,” she explained.
“I saw the fall,” you explained, placing your hands on her shoulders, “please tell me he survived, Omega. Just tell me that."
“He’s o-okay,” she mumbled, looking back towards the Marauder, “he’s just a little banged up and weary.” Your eyes drifted towards the ship and you watched as Hunter aided Tech down the gangplank. He limped and appeared heavily bruised. Bruising you didn’t think came from the fall. She nodded that it was okay for you to go to him. She knew that’s what you wanted.
“TECH,” you voice bellowed through the air, and he looked up from his feet towards you, “Tech, you’re okay.” You reached immediately for him, arms thrown around his neck immediately and you collided with a thud. When he groaned slightly, you lurched away from him, face riddled with concern.
“Three broken ribs, a fracture to my shin which did not heal correctly, and I took a bit of a beating on our escape but yes,” he adjusted his spare goggles, “yes I’m alive.” You wrapped your arms more carefully around his neck this time, as you had done countless times before he left. He groaned with the pain but couldn’t help but bury his head in your neck and place his arms around the small of your back. Despite the pain, he was truly grateful to see your face again.
Realising you were crushing his ribs, you pulled back and mumbled out a sorry. Hunter returned to prop up his brother. “He just needs to rest,” Hunter told you, “he’ll be okay.” You let them walk past and you hugged Wrecker, who lifted and span you as soon as he grabbed hold of you. Just as you had done with Omega. When he placed you down and you were giggling, when you noticed a new figure. A figure with a crosshair symbol over his eye and then it clicked into place. The missing brother.
“Wrecker,” you said cautiously, “care to introduce me to your brother?” Wrecker whipped around and grinned, grabbing Crosshair in a brotherly embrace around the shoulder. Crosshair winced slightly at the contact or perhaps out of irritation. Maybe both; it was difficult to tell.
“This is Crosshair.” Wrecker said with pride, “former Empire drone. Now, our brother in exile.” Wrecker’s laughter boomed out around you, and you giggled along with him. Crosshair looked at you tiredly and you reached out your hand for him to shake. He took it in silence and simply nodded his head at you. He then swept past you to catch up with Hunter and Tech. “He’ll warm up to you eventually. He always was the quiet one.”
“Compared to you, Wrecker,” you gestured conspiratorially with your finger for him to reach down to your level, he complied, “they’re all the quiet one, my darling.” His thunderous laughter only proved your point.
“You got me there, love.” He pulled you up to hug you tightly again. Then, he threw an arm around you and you followed the others towards Shep’s home.
That evening you all ate together to commemorate the glorious reunion. You sat beside Tech and could barely lift your eyes from his face. He noticed your stare but tried to avoid staring at you for fear of remembering and reacting to the kiss you had shared the night before he left.
The dinner was unusually quiet that night. Wrecker was the closest to his usual self. But he had his brothers and Omega, and a full meal so had the most to be thankful for. Hunter sat worried about Omega. Omega sat worried about Tech, remembering watching him fall. Tech was split focused between you and Crosshair. He had experienced only a fraction of what he had at the hands of Dr. Hemlock and that sufficient enough to know that the man was accomplishing nothing pleasant. Crosshair was simply trying hard to feel like he belonged, to forget the things he had done, the things he’d seen and experienced. Echo had already returned to Rex.
Shep spoke quietly with you about your drawing, of which you had done precious little. Though you had drawn that dream, that vision over and over again. Hoping that it being on paper would resolve the trauma unravelling in your mind. It never did. Only now had your mind truly quieted.
Dinner after dinner, day after day, things began to return to a form of normality.
But you knew that they would have to leave eventually. That the fight was theirs. That the war was theirs. You knew you could not stop them from returning. The Empire had made the fight personal. First with Tech's fall and then with Omega. With Crosshair. With all of it.
One morning, about three rotations into their return, you'd awoken content and enjoyed the rays as they hit your groggy face. You had dressed in haste, already late to start works. When you headed down to the Docks to help repair a vessel, you came across a familiar sight. Tech had already begun the works on the ship. When he spotted you, he simply smiled and said, “I thought I may be of some assistance.”
“Tech, you should be resting,” you admonished. He hopped off the ship, using one hand to propel forward, so that he could approach you cautiously on the dock. The fact he was able to do that alone showed that maybe he didn't need quite as much rest as you thought.
“I have healed to a more than sufficient standard.”
“You were going stir crazy lazing around huh?” You retorted with a graceless snort.
“Yes, you could say that.” He adjusted his goggles and offered you a small smile, “I have almost finished the repair.” Once again, as he had done before, he looked at you expectantly. You tilted your head at him before shaking your giggly head. He smiled as he recreated his previous actions. So, you did what you always do, you reached up and hugged him. Yet this hug was filled with an intensity the previous ones had not. You were almost buried inside of one another, and the hug lasted longer than any previous ones. You felt the heartbeat that you head been feeling for so long by yourself. The heartbeat that belonged to Tech.
When you lifted your head from his shoulder, you whispered, “I am truly so glad you’re safe and well.”
“As am I,” he joked. A silly little Tech joke. Your favourite kind of joke. As you pulled away from each other, he held your gaze by your chin in his fingers as he studied your eyes. “I missed those eyes.” Well, that was new. Unexpected? Certainly. Unwanted? Definitely not.
“As I have missed yours,” you retorted, “brown eyes.” You did your best to mimic Phee’s accent as you said it and you both simply just smiled. After a beat of silence, you tried to start things anew, “I believe I owe you a dinner.” You tried not to sound too hopeful, to give him the chance to refuse.
“I have a distinct memory of that promise.” You placed a hand to his cheek for a fleeting moment. “Would this evening suit you? I do not feel that we need another group dinner.”
“This evening suits me fine,” you said with a grin. You took the tool from his hand and hopped aboard the boat, “but I’m going to finish this, and you are going to go and rest up. You’ll need your energy for dinner later,” you said with a flirtatious wink.  His eyebrows shot up at your boldness and it did not take him long to gather your meaning. He seemed frozen in place for a moment, before he turned on his heel and heading back up the steps and away from the dock. You had no doubt he was going to do some form of work on the Marauder. He'd be out of sight so you couldn't admonish him further.
With a smile, you set to work on the motor.
You’d fussed and fought over what to wear, what to serve, what to do before Tech arrived. You’d cleaned and showered. Settling on the black dress he’d complimented so long ago; you fixed your hair as best you could. In reality, it was no better than a messy bun. You sighed at your inability to even vaguely imitate a girly girl.
You heard a faint knocking sound as he arrived precisely on time. You jumped at the sound and moved to let him in. The door creaked as you opened it and with a shy smiled, you stepped to one side. Suddenly feeling the vulnerability of inviting another into your home.
“I…” you started as Tech entered your home, you suddenly felt vulnerable, “I hope this is okay. I notice you don’t eat excessively and I’m the same in that regard. I figured food we could just pick at with some wine would be okay?” You hadn’t intended that last bit to be a question. You knew he would be okay with whatever you offered.
“This is more than sufficient,” he seemed as nervous as you, “thank you. It was kind of you to invite me to your home. Again.” Had he truly thought you wouldn't?
“Well you’re quite special in that regard,” you responded as you began placing the food on the small table in your hut. The sun was setting over the harbour and it shone through the open window, lighting the table in a soft crimson glow.
“How so?” He queried.
“Well, I have never had anyone in my hut for dinner before.” Your response seemed to fall so easily from your lips that it startled Tech somewhat. He couldn’t understand what would make him so special. “I dine out, a lot.” You huffed a laugh at the stupidity of your own comment.
“Well, I am grateful to be considered special by someone such as yourself.” He didn’t realise he’d backed himself into a corner there.
“Such as myself,” you couldn’t help but ask.
“It is not often I find someone I consider to be intelligent,” he started, “not on a standard similar to myself. Of course, I have a slight genetic advantage, so I ultimately am always more intelligent. But you… you are quite something.”
Quite something, you thought to yourself, the heat rising to your cheeks. You’d both seated yourselves beside one another at your table as you’d spoken. You noticed how upright he was. It was clearly not that easy for him to relax. You then realised how much you were slouching, and you jolted to correct yourself.
A movement he did not miss. “Please do not adjust yourself on my account. This is your home.” You smiled at his gentle platitude. Your shoulders relaxed somewhat at that.
After a spell of silence, he questioned, “have you continued your sketching since I have been away?” He cleared his throat at the awkwardness of his question. You were panicking. Could you show him what you’d drawn? Would it trigger something inside him? Would it ruin this evening?
“Sort of,” you offered up vaguely. Deciding it would be best not to show him. “Nothing particularly special.” “Well, I could be the objective eye on that,” he retorted, knowing he was always objective to the point of brutal honesty. You reached behind him and handed him the notebook with a sigh. He flipped through it eagerly until his hands stilled. He’d found the latest drawing. A very clear image of the wreckage of that second car of his face as he fell into the clouds. It was all too accurate, and Tech was shocked. “How did you know this –“
“I saw it.” You sounded crazy. You sounded far too crazy. “It was a nightmare. A nightmare that plagued my mind and my heart was so sure it was real.” He simply stared at the drawing with a shaky hand. He’d never been more scared than he was in the moment he fell and here it was, from the other perspective.
“You did not think I was coming back.” It was a fact, he believed. You thought he had died in that fall. His heart lurched at the idea that this would affect you so. He knew that you would not have found peace in this drawing. Drawn so many times over, at different points in the fall. Until the drawing was almost entirely cloud. He did his best to push the memory back down. He did not wish to think of that now he was here with you.
“For fear of sounding crazy, I’m not going to say anything else.” He turned the page to face you, with an eyebrow raised.
“Based on this,” he pushed it closer just a tad to emphasise the madness of what he was seeing, “anything you could say, I would not find crazy.”
“I began meditating after I saw it. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. So, I meditated and as I began to focus on my own heartbeat, I eventually found another was beating with it. Something inside of me… told me it was you.” You looked away, through the open window. You found so impossible to meet his gaze. “I thought about you every day. I listened for that heartbeat every day.” Tech remained still and silent. He had thought of you every moment he had been conscious and he had drifted in and out of that frequently. He’d thought of your dresses, your tool belt and the feeling of your lips on his. But to feel his heartbeat? He didn't know such a thing was possible for those who were not Jedi. He knew you worked in the Temple but did that give you an understanding of the Force that he could not understand.
There was suddenly an odd atmosphere amongst you, as if there was some unspoken mystery between you and you could guess what it was. It was partly the intensity of the feelings you'd covertly just confessed which led to the other part of the awkwardness. The kiss you’d shared before he'd left. You had no idea how to broach the subject, nor did he. He had lay in his bunk imagining it over and over again to the point of extreme and painful arousal. The sort of arousal only a cold shower could alleviate. He’d even imagine it whilst they had been away on mission, which was new experience for Tech. To be so…distracted by another.
Instead of discussing it, you both simply began to enjoy the meal on the table. Picking gently at the different assortment of fruits and vegetables, as you'd expected. You poured him some wine and refilled your own cup. He reached out his cup to yours, “to good friends.” You repeated his words and the cups met with a gentle thud. You both took a sip. You couldn’t think of a single thing to say and Tech was being uncharacteristically quiet and you feared it was because of what you'd said. A long silence fell over both of you and eventually, all you could do was sigh.
“This is ridiculous,” you finally said and Tech looked at you, confusion etched on his features. “We have worked together for days in the past and there was barely a moment of silence. I felt your heartbeat, as if it were my own. I saw you fall and the Force guided me to know you were okay and now I struggle to find the words for normal conversation with you. I made the mistake of kissing you and telling you all that happened when you were gone and now it’s all messed up anyway.” You sighed, placing your cup down. You'd been nervously fidgeting with it in your hands for some time. Scraping your nail against the coarse cup.
“I am sorry if that kiss was not sufficient,” he adjusted his goggles nervously, “I confess I do not have much experience in these matters. Nor do I fully understand how you felt my heartbeat. It is all quite new to me.”
“Not sufficient?” You had to bite back your laughter. You had barely slept that night for memories of that kiss. “Tech, that kiss was extraordinary. I do not understand how I felt what I felt either." You were somehow having a conversation within another conversation. One about the physical and one about the mystical.
“Then I do not know what it is that I have done to make this awkward.” He tried replaying each moment in his head, trying to block out his bodily reactions to the memory.
“It’s not something you did,” you replied softly, grasping his hand in yours, “I simply worry that I ruined a friendship over a kiss you did not want, for feelings that you do not share.”
“That kiss was extraordinary for me too,” he squeezed your hand gently, “I apologise. I did not know how to respond to your previous statement. I do not know how to act. My brothers also informed me that this was definitely a date. They made some remarks on how I should act but I cannot seem to bring myself to say or do anything they suggested.”
“You do not need to say or do anything that isn’t what you want, Tech,” you reached up to brush your hand against his cheek. “I just want you to be Tech.”
“I am sorry that I left so suddenly,” he said quickly, averting his eyes to the floor, “I did not think it would affect me so nor did I think we would be gone so long. Then everything went a bit... awry.” You’d heard the tales of his fall, his time captured by Dr Hemlock, the whole shuddering tale had been retold to you by Omega once they’d landed.
“What I want is to kiss you again,” he murmured softly as he relished in your gentle touch, “though I do not know how to instigate such matters.” You noticed his eyes drop to your lips and he reached up to mimic your action. Brushing his bare fingers across your cheek. Then you realised he wasn’t wearing his gloves. That was new, you thought. His fingers reached the hair covering your ear and he gently brushed it behind your ear with a soft smile.
“I’d say you’re doing a good job of instigating it,” you replied before leaning in and placing a short, gentle kiss to his lips. As you pulled back, his eyes were filled with mirth as he looked at you. He leaned in and mimicked your action. Another fleeting kiss, so soft you could barely feel it. “Yes, you’re doing a very good job of starting things.” You huffed out the breath you’d be holding as your faces remained close to one another.
“The movement of your hair was Hunter’s idea,” he admitted sheepishly, and you giggled at that, pulling away from him. You reached for your glass and said, “to Hunter’s excellent advice.” He smiled and your cups met in the middle once more. You both took an urgent sip. Both thinking of the kiss. Both completely unaware that you shared the same thought.
After he placed his cup down, he whispered your name softly to get your attention; he’d noticed you lost in your thoughts. “What if I wanted to instigate something more intense.”
You tapped your chin comically, mimicking a thought that you’d had in your mind since you’d kissed him. Since you’d seen him last, walking up the gangplank of the Marauder. “Are you okay with me getting a little bit closer, a little more personal?” You’d rather ask; you wanted to afford him the opportunity to back off.
“I would say that I'd prefer it if you did.” For Tech, that was pretty damn smooth.
And so, you stood up. Lifting the hem of your dress slightly with your fingers, you positioned yourself to straddle his lap. He leaned back into the chair but not from discontent. Purely so he could watch every movement you made. So that he could watch this again later. With your permission of course.
You noticed his hands gripping the edges of the chair with such force that his knuckles were whitening under the strain. You knew what his hands naturally wanted to do but perhaps he feared overstepping too. With a soft smile blooming on your lips, you grasped his hands gently, and raised them to your exposed thighs. His eyes were watching the movement so intently and his lips parted as he felt the softness of your flesh in his bare hand. It wasn’t a sensation he had experience before.
You’d placed his hands in an innocent enough spot. You hoped that with the right amount of encouragement, biology may encourage him to do as he pleased with you. And he did. His brain seemed to be processing things a little slower and he decided to simply listen to what his body was telling him. His hands were at the edge of your dress, and he knew that if he grazed his hands further, more and more of your delectable body would be exposed to him.
And so he did. It was a feather light touch and it tickled; you couldn’t help but audibly gasp at the contact. He had only moved your dress mere millimetres further, but he found the sensation to cause his whole body to stir. He knew you’d let him raise this dress until you were fully exposed to him.
He suddenly looked up at you, with an innocent smile on his face but his eyes had glazed over with lust. Yes! You’d caused him to lose some semblance of his usual control. You moved your hands from his shoulders to his neck and pulled him into a deep and sensuous kiss. It didn’t take long for your tongue to glide over his lips and into his mouth. A deep growl escaped his throat as he did so.
His hands had pushed your dress up to your waist, simply so his hands could settle at your waist which he was now pawing at frantically. You pulled him as close as you could, feeling his chest heaving against your own heavy breathing. Your tongues danced around one another. Occasionally, you’d pull away just enough to tease his lips into chasing yours. Which they did.
What happened next was something you could not control. With his heavy grip on your waist, you rocked your hips against him and his heard lurched back with a heavy groan at the friction. Your lust filled eyes tried to feign innocence as he stared at you slack jawed.
“Was that the intense contact you had anticipated?” You asked him, sweetness dripping across the words like honey. When he nodded frantically, you rocked your hips once more. But just one more time. You wanted him to be sure of his need. To want it so intensely that he couldn’t help himself. Part of you knew that you’d be holding the reigns in this experience, but you cared enough for this sweet man enough to give him the chance to explore what he wanted.
“Please keep doing that,” his voice barely above a whisper. You complied immediately and his head swung further back in ecstasy with the first few rutting movements. After he adjusted to the pleasure, his head lolled down towards the movement. His hands began to help guide the movement so that the friction reached a heightened intensity for you both. You whimpered as you felt his now solid member rub directly against your clit.
Tech noticed.
Now his guiding movement ensured that he hit that point again. Every. Single. Time. You felt your body tingling and tensing, and you knew that your orgasm was close. “Tech, if you keep doing that, I’m going to cum all over your trousers.”
With a wolfish smile you’d never seen before, he simply continued the movement and said, “that was rather the intent, darling.” The pet name dripped from his mouth in his pleasure and you loved it. When he replayed it in his mind briefly, he realised he rather liked it too. He was grunting into the movement now, his pleasure pulsating through him. You were almost screaming by the time you came undone on his lap.
But Tech couldn’t stop himself, couldn’t give you a minute to recover. Not in the situation he was in. He was so caught up in his own lust, his own desire to finish that he continued rubbing you against his clothed member until he let out a strangled groan and came. Once he was done, you dropped your head to his shoulder, breathing heavily. You both simply sat there for a moment; his arms wrapped around you, holding you flush against him.
“I…” you heard him begin, “I find myself not knowing what to say. Again.” You giggled and lifted your heard.
“Leaving the infamous Tech speechless?” You placed a hand to his cheek, “well it must’ve been good.” He simply looked content in that moment. A slight smile, a starry gaze and all of his features relaxed. It was a good look in him. “Well, the first thing we should worry about is cleaning your clothes. They’ve been soaked from inside and out.” As he looked down between you, he realised how right you were.
You peeled yourself slowly from his lap, allowing him time to remove his bottom layers and as he stood before you partially naked, you couldn’t help but stare. But your staring made him blush profusely and so, he cleared his throat. Your eyes snapped up to his and you grinned sheepishly. You grabbed a towel from the stand next to you and threw it over to him.
With an accurate grasp, he whipped the towel down and around his waist, covering himself for modesty’s sake. Though modesty had long been abandoned when you’d rutted against one another. You took his clothes from his grasp and put them in the washer. Not knowing what to do next, you chuckled slightly. “I still don’t know what to say to you.” Thank you for rutting against me? Thank you for coming back alive? Thank you for saving your brothers? No thank you seemed to work as a next step.
“Let me say this, then,” he said, stepping towards you, “even though I will most likely have to leave again and soon. I will always come back to you. Or take you with us, if you would prefer. I do not wish to be parted from you in times as trying as these. If I ever feared for you the way you did over me, I do not think I could bear it. We become less like soldiers and more like people with every passing rotation.”
“I don’t want that either,” you affirmed, stepping towards him and taking both of his hands in yours. You raised them to your chest, “I realised something when you left. You’d taken a piece of my heart with you.” “I do not believe a person can live without a piece of their heart,” he replied, not knowing what you meant, “I also believe I would have noticed pieces of internal organs with me.” You giggled at that, though he had not meant it as a joke.
“It was a metaphor of sorts, Tech. Not a very good one I grant you,” you sighed and smiled all in one beat, “I simply meant that I realised I truly care for you. In a way I don’t think I’ve ever cared for someone.”
“In that case, the feeling is mutual. I care a great deal for you too.” Noticing you’d kept his hands against your heavily beating test, you pulled him towards your bed with a sultry smile.
“I don’t suppose you have anywhere else to be this evening?” He smiled and shook his head.
“No and I do not imagine I would get far in a towel regardless.” You both chuckled at that, you’d never heard him laugh before. It was a sweet and gentle sound. Barely louder than a whisper. You pulled him onto your bed, and he lay flat, almost beckoning you to him. You lay your head on his chest and listened to steady beat of his heart, with a soft and sleepy smile on your lips.
He clutched you close and decided on one final comment, "besides, I have only just begun to experience the amorous intentions I have had for you, for some time. I do not think I could give that up so easily now." You squeezed him tight, trying not to drift off to sleep too easily. But you couldn't help it because now you knew it for certain. The sound of his heartbeat was beneath your ear. He was safe… for now, at least.
---------------------------- FIN ------------------------------
@jediknightjana @littlebluebatbrat @hitsugayarose @thenonsensebatch
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raelle-writing · 7 months
Would Non want this?
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This question has been echoing in my head, ever since I made the post about New disregarding what Non might want. To me, that was a really damning moment in the narrative for New, because it puts him in a long line of people who have used Non for their own ends, for their own gain. It shifted his goal from "righteous revenge" to "selfish revenge" and since that put him in line with everyone else who didn't care about Non's agency or his desires, to me it marked him for death.
I've heard a lot of responses to that, including "revenge is always inherently selfish so that doesn't change New's character" and "Non is dead so what he'd want doesn't matter." And I disagree. Because narratively, what Non wants does matter. It's half the point of the show, that Non wanted to stay involved in the movie, didn't want to give up his script, that people pushed him around and framed him and coerced and manipulated him - stripping him of his agency at every turn. Even the people who thought they wanted the best for him (Phee, Jin) pushed what they wanted onto Non.
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So even if Non is dead (and I'm not convinced he is), yes his agency and what he'd want matters. The problem is, of course, that we don't know what he might want.
We can speculate. Because of course, Non wrote the script, condemning everyone to die. He brought a knife into the woods, intending to use it to murder Por, Tee, Top, Fluke, and Jin.
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But despite this, when push comes to shove, Non backs down. When Jin darts forward to apologize, Non lowers the knife. Despite the fact that Non wrote Jin's death into the script, and crossed out his face along with the others, Non couldn't kill Jin even in the midst of his psychotic break.
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Yes yes I know Non didn't know what Jin did to him, but despite that, Non had clearly decided Jin was guilty by association, but he couldn't pull the trigger.
In the further flashbacks, when we see Non working with Tee to repay Uncle Joe, we also see he has a note that he keeps nearby to motivate him. And that note says nothing about revenge. Non simply wants to get out and move on with his life. He also has Tee right there in front of him, and doesn't try to kill him. He hits Tee's chest, but even that is pathetic in comparison to pulling a knife on him before...
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So all of that leads me to believe that Non didn't want revenge. He wanted to move on with his life. He didn't have that kind of violence in him. He was a gentle kid at heart, pushed to the breaking point.
But for the sake of argument, let's say Non DOES want revenge. Let's say that he wants the group of friends to die for their crimes. Because he very well might.
I think some people are missing some crucial pieces of information here. Because while Non might want the group to die, I don't think that would extend to Phee.
Non loved Phee. They broke up. And even if Non viewed Phee sleeping with Jin as a betrayal (and he might not, since they broke up AND there's some muddiness there because of Non sleeping with Keng - don't come at me, it's coercion, but the narrative establishes that Phee views it as cheating, so that's why I mention it) - he might not want Phee to die for it!
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Non might not want the person he loved to die a bloody death because of his mistakes. Even if he hated Phee for sleeping with Jin. That might very well be too far for the boy who hated feeling like a burden on the people he loves.
But okay, let's assume Non DOES want Phee to die along with the others. He might not want his older brother to be the one doing it.
As I said above, Non hated feeling like a burden. He hated the idea of people inconveniencing themselves because of him. Do you really think he'd like the thought of his older brother throwing everything away, his entire life, and now his future? Non might not want New, the last member of his family, to destroy himself that way. There's no one else to carry out that revenge for Non, but if Non weighed the choice between his brother having a successful future vs revenge...? I'm not sure what he'd choose.
There's a lot of complexities to the question of what Non might or might not want. And while I personally think he wouldn't want revenge, because Non was at his heart a gentle person until he was pushed to the absolute brink... I think there are layers to the revenge that he may or may not want. And I think that desire matters, and it frustrates me that people are once again taking Non's agency out of the story.
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sirenologyyy · 1 year
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ao'nung x fem!sully reader
✷ premise : as tensions rise and your family is forced out of the only home you've ever known, fish boy meets forest girl and the rest is history (tragedy)
✷ warnings : kidnapping, swearing, injury, blood, violence, and death
✷ author's note : this ones gunna be a rollercoaster of emotions so... sorry about that
part 3 of the SOLD OUT OF LOVE series
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He's brought you to a cave, the ocean seemingly only a gateway to a hidden world, for there lay an island surrounded by water, home to a plethora of lush fauna, full of bright flowers of different colours, leaves spread open like fans double the size of a Na'vi, the sand like crushed up gemstones glittering and shimmering underneath the sunlight, a throng of giant trees towering over you, almost brushing the ceiling, the ceiling in which had a hole big enough to allow sunlight in, giving justice to the island's glory.
You couldn't contain your awe and so you simply stood there, admiring the whole cave as your heart practically swelled at its beauty. "Oh my fucking Eywa" was all you could say, and everything you wanted to say.
"No one knows this place but me" says Ao'nung, stepping closer to you. "Here you will be able to feel simple again"
At that you turn around, looking at him in disbelief. "Ao'nung-"
"No" He stops you. "I won't hear any of it, this place is yours now... as much as mine"
So you recalculate your approach. "Thank you" You say instead.
He bows his head. "You're welcome"
You walk towards the island, well, more like ran, you were eager to see every bit of it, Ao'nung simply stood and watched as you leaped around, pointing things out he himself hasn't seen before, your laughter the only thing he could hear.
"So why'd you bring me here? To your secret spot?" You insist after a while, taking a seat on the rock as your eyes followed him, taking a seat beside you.
"It is my way of making my peace"
"You already said sorry"
You see him shake his head. "It is not enough, even after I have apologised I found that not even that could chasten the guilt burning inside me"
It made you think.
"It's me... doing you a solid " He says, the unfamiliarity of the phrase to him making it known, despite all that it made you bite down on a grin. "I'm still not entirely convinced I was the first person you've brought here"
"You don't believe me?"
You shake your head. "Nah"
He scoffed.
"So you're telling me you didn't even bring Rotxo here?"
"Not even your other friends?"
He sneers at you. "Especially not them"
"Not even a few girls?" You grinned suggestively.
He shoves you away, both of you laughing. "Cut it out, of course not"
You stood in front of him now, showing him your hands. "Maybe I'm getting this all wrong, what about boys?"
He half-shrugged, staring up at you. "A few close calls but... no, they did not want to pursue the son of the Olo'eyktan"
You give him a small smile, a distant one. "Back home, neither did they, no one there took me seriously, it's the problem with keeping your options open, they get scared, run for the hills, leaving you with nothing"
His eyes snapped up. "Wait-"
"You're kidding me, you didn't take a guess?" You laughed. "Like calls to like"
His aquamarine eyes still on you, he lets out an amused scoff. "Huh"
This was where you hum, nodding in understanding. "So, i'm the only girl you've ever brought here?"
"The first and the last" He replied darkly.
"Am I just gunna turn into one of your Na'vi sacrifices?"
"Keep talking and you might find out"
You let out a lone cackle, pulling your head back and allowing your laughter to let loose, seemingly drunk off of nothing but the pure idea of having a good time with the same boy you wanted to kill just a few days ago, and he sees all of this, from your cheeky grin, to your flushed cheeks, to your narrowed amber eyes that glistened as your body shook with laughter.
"I feel like you'll tell me that you don't actually like leading people and that you want to become a Tsahík instead" You say, turning your back on him and walking towards a white flower that grew on stringy vines, you rub the petal, feeling the smooth, delicate surface in between the pads of your fingers before propping yourself up.
"I do"
"Wow, that was spot on" You say, mostly to yourself.
"But how do you know that Forest Girl?" He wonders, looking you straight in the eyes, the huskiness of his accent mixing with the silvery nature of his voice only inclining you to tell him why.
"Your face, your bruises healed quickly than your friends, and I expect they paid a visit to your mother after the fight" You explained, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. "Your hands were dyed purple when you saw me by the rocks, and I recognised the smell, you used tam'bon on your face and your knuckles mixed with other poultices from the many mixtures your mother has in your Marui, you'd have to be paying really close attention to know which to use on your face"
"My mother is the Tsahík, I see her healing people everyday"
"No" you stop him. "Only someone this passionate about healing would be taking note of everything the Tsahík does, it isn't a coincidence, you were listening on purpose"
His eyes widened like saucers. "Wow"
"You used yalna bark too, I can tell"
He nods, standing to his feet. "Impressive"
"One of my many, many talents" You bragged, giving him a sly smirk. "You should try guessing me next"
"Fine uhhh" He sang, rubbing his knuckles together. "You don't like being told what to do"
"Yes, but very obvious, dig a little deeper"
"Fine" He says again. "You're the oldest daughter?"
"No, you forgot about Kiri, Lo'ak goes after her, I go after Lo'ak"
"Really?" He asks. "I always thought you were older than her"
"How?" You questioned him genuinely, until a light bulb buzzed to life above your head. "You know what? this could be a thing"
"What thing?"
You sit down in front of him. "There's this game we play back in the Omaticayan Village, it's called 20 questions, instead of us trying to guess we'd have to ask, and the other person has to answer no matter what"
"No matter what?" He asks.
"No. matter. what" You reiterate gravely.
"You go first then" He says nodding at you.
"How old are you?" You began, already grinning like a maniac.
"15" Ao'nung answers. "16 in 2 months, how old are you?"
"14, turning 15 in..." you stopped to count. "6- no, 7 months"
He nods. "Next question"
"How tall are you?"
"8 foot 5"
You raise an eyebrow at him. "Really? Some people say they're 8 feet tall but in reality they're only 7 foot 9"
"How can I be 7 foot 9?" He exclaimed, almost scandalised.
"I dunno, you ask yourself that" You frowned.
"Just ask the next question" He says boredly.
You bite your inner lip in thought, exhaling when you finally think of the next question. "Why do you hang around them?" You found yourself asking instantly. "Those boys, you don't even seem to like them all that well"
That seemed to have ceased the lightheartedness of the situation, silence settling in awkwardly, quickly, like a virus finding a host.
"I dont know why" He tells you quietly. "It's a comfortable choice, they never seem to care about anything except the present, they don't care that I am to be the next Olo'eyktan, that I am to lead our people for the many years to come, if I stick with them maybe I can forget what is to be my fate"
You stay quiet, so does he. It's almost a dizzying experience, to have Ao'nung pour himself out to you like that when 5 days ago all you wanted in life was to rip his head clean off his shoulders, half of you were expecting for him to stand up, laugh in your face for believing such a thing but as time progressed you found that flame dying rapidly.
But he exhaled, making you glance at him. "What about you Forest Girl?"
You snort, grinning. "What about me??"
"Do you have any secrets worth my time?"
"I got no secrets, I'm an open book"
"Surely there must be something you aren't telling me" He pressed. "What's your favorite food?"
"Pizza- well used to"
"What's that?"
"It's sort of like this triangular shaped snack with meat, and cheese, and sauce on it"
"Oh, well alright" He says, all while having no clue what that is. "What's your favorite food now then?"
"I'm torn between melon tree fruit and yovo fruit"
He grinned. "That, I can get behind by"
"Oh!" You exclaimed, snapping your fingers. "What's your favorite colour?"
"Yellow " He answered.
"Really?" You scoffed. "I thought you'd say blue or something"
He gives you a look. "Blue? Why Blue?"
You gesture to him, making him frown. "Why wouldn't you say blue?"
He gives you an insincere laugh. "Very funny Forest Girl" He drawled. "What about you then? What's your favorite colour?"
"Y/F/C" you state, pushing your hair back away from your face.
He half-shrugged, staring at his finger nails. "Yeah, I guessed as much"
You draw a line on your teeth with your tongue. "If you could leave right now, where would you go?"
"Anywhere but here" He replied, standing up as well. "As long as I can get far away from this place as possible"
You watch him as he starts picking up branches on the sand, realizing he just needed to do something with his hands. "This is my home yes, I've never known any place else but I just want to leave, my knowledge only goes as far as riding a skimwing, but I know the ocean will end eventually"
"Then ride an íkran"
"Well I don't know how to, do I?"
"I'll teach you" You offer, leaning against a tree. "If you taught me how to ride an ilu, surely I can teach you how to ride an íkran"
He gives you an incredulous look, tossing the branches into the water. "So you can throw me off 50 feet in the air? no thank you"
"No, I'm serious, do you really want to learn?"
He thinks, almost entertaining the idea. "I would not oppose once the opportunity presents itself"
"The opportunity is practically waving at you, Ao'nung"
"Maybe another day" He says instead, so you decide it was an answer enough.
Whatever stars have aligned, whatever curse was cast on you, the both of you spent about an hour talking about the most aimless things that made even you wonder what kind of sick stunt the universe was trying to pull.
"Stop it! You are throwing me off!" Ao'nung exclaimed trying to stop you from doubling over and laughing.
You wipe the tears collecting at the edge of your eyes, trying to catch your breath. "Just- just say it again-!"
Ao'nung clicks his tongue against his mouth. "I will not, all you'll do is laugh at me!" He protests.
You sit on the rock again, pulling, well, practically forcing him to sit down before he could run away again. "I promise I won't laugh just- just say it again"
He sits back down unceremoniously, no thanks to you. "What is a castrated smurf anyway? Why do I need to tell Neteyam he looks like a castrated smurf? "
"Because you can" You insist, trying to resist your laughter again. "It's a glowing compliment amongst Sky People, trust me"
"Fine" He says, rolling his eyes at you. "I trust you"
You giggled through your nose, a smile breaking on your face as you look at him.
amber meeting aquamarine.
Your eyes trail to the giant purple bruises that littered his face, then to his neck where you had cut him with your dagger, all the millions of white freckles on his face like Eywa had kissed stars onto the afternoon sky.
You blink, so does he, and suddenly you tear away from eachother, you turn away from him, Ao'nung starts rubbing at his nape as you feel silence encapsulate you once more.
"Where did your necklace go?" He asks, almost on cue a wave of coldness washes over your collarbone.
"It snapped off during the fight, I went back for it, tried finding the pieces but with all the sand flying around during it I barely found half" You replied.
Oh great. another thing Ao'nung felt responsible for. "I see" He replies.
So you stand up, looking at everything but him, the trees, the white petals fading into purple then yellow at the very middle, its orange stigmas standing tall, you walk up to it, leaning into it to take a whiff, light, musky, sweet, you found yourself sniffing it again, you hold it by its stem but a bug reveals itself and crawls onto your hand, you flinch and flick your hand away. Ao'nung laughs at you. "It is just a little insect, you cannot be that afraid of it"
"I can feel it's legs all over me, it's gross and weird" you explain before you shudder involuntarily.
He looks at the vines again and plucks a flower before handing it to you. You stare at it warily and he sighs when you did not take it instantly. "I promise there are no bugs on there"
"You might be lying"
"Why would I lie?"
"I don't know, but you could" You state, watching as he rolls his eyes. After a moment of contemplating you decide to take it before you stand up on your toes and you tuck the flower between his ear, landing back to your feet to see an unimpressed Ao'nung staring back at you.
"Oh Jesus do I wish I had a camera" You sighed longingly.
You see him cross his arms over his chest, a ball forming at his temple as he tightened his jaw. "I look like a joke"
"You look pretty"
"I'm not pretty" He said. "I'm hot"
You let out a laugh. "Whatever helps you sleep at night"
"take it off" He whined.
"Nuh-uh, I don't want to"
"You're a child" He declares sanctimoniously.
"Uh-huh" You nod absentmindedly.
"Come on, take this stupid flower out, I don't want it"
"Take it off yourself" You say.
He lets out a disparaging groan and pulls it out of his ear, you were about to prove your point but that was before he places the flower behind your ear instead. Your eyes widen a centimeter and your cheeks flush to a lilac as your hand instinctively reaches up to it, your fingertips barely brushing the tips of the petals.
"There" Ao'nung says, pulling you out of your trance. "Now you look like the joke"
You narrow your eyes at him and walk away towards the water, the bioluminescent creatures making your stomach drop.
"Fuck" you say, making Ao'nung turn around. "Ao'nung how long have we been down here?"
"I know as much as you do Forest Girl" He retaliates.
"We gotta go back"
The sound of the conch shell make your heads snap upwards, towards the hole of cave where the moon was only a ways off from casting it's silvery glow onto the island.
You turn to Ao'nung. "Oh you're so fucked" You laughed.
"Says you" He laughed back, pointing a finger at your face before you slap it away, he rolls his eyes and shakes his head at you for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day before running back to the way you came with you tailing him. Once the two of you reach the water he dives in, barely even making a splash and resurfacing mere seconds later.
"Come on!"
"But my-"
"It'll stay on" He cuts you off mid-sentence, seeming to know what your next words were. So you jump in, paddling alongside him as you tried swimming out of there before he did, eventually you made it out of the structure, swimming upwards like your life depended on it, glancing at Ao'nung every now and then only for you to pick up your pace as he picked up his. You resurface at the same time, he beats you at calling his ilu first while you took a while catching your breath, he saddles his ilu the moment yours arrived, laughing at you as you struggled to get on.
You tell Hinewai to put the pedal to the metal and you finally managed to catch up to him, his eyes widening as he sees you pop up on his peripheral.
"Hurry up!" He tells you.
You let out a disparaging groan. "What do you think I've been doing smart ass??"
He only laughs, pulling his head back before he dives under the water, shooting out moments later, his ilu spinning on the air before landing back onto the water.
Show off.
The pair of you decided to round the island, turning to Ao'nung when you see all the village people crowding the docks, muttering your name, only for him to avoid your eyes.
You hop off your ilu as does he, trudging up the sand as you feel the eyes of every Metkayin trained on you. Parting the crowd was your mother, your father, Neteyam, and Lo'ak, followed by your sisters close behind.
"She's here!" Dad calls out to the people, you couldn't help but frown as he began checking your arms and your face. "She's alright! She's fine"
"My son" Tonowari starts.
"Father, I see you" Ao'nung addressed, placing his hand over his forehead and bringing it to his chest. You cringe subtly and do the same. "I see you, Olo'eyktan"
He geeets the both of you with the same gesture.
"Is it true what they say?" He began as you felt Ao'nung tense up beside you. "That you have brought Lo'ak beyond the reef? That you have risked his life?"
You snap your head towards Ao'nung, your face falling only to see him glancing up at his father with a pensive look.
"Yes" He replies without hesitation.
Ronal jumps down the platform only to pull his ear, making him wince. "What were you thinking?! Leading Toruk Makto's son to his death??" She hissed, Ao'nung avoiding her face. "This behavior is beneath you"
Jake takes your shoulder and makes you face him. "Where the hell have you been? I thought I taught you better than to not keep track of the time"
"I know but i-"
"No, no excuses" He snapped, hopping over the platform, you trying to follow him.
"Dad just please-" You insist.
He turns to you. "You'll get to talk when we get back to our pod, now drag your ass back home"
"Toruk Makto please-" says Ao'nung, almost stepping in between you and your father, he meets your father's gaze and he immediately regrets his decision, his eyes flicking towards you only to see pure hatred burning back into his retinas. "I am at fault here" He began again cautiously.
You try and ignore the whispers that reverberated around you, the looks of your brothers practically burning into your scalp. "I brought her with me to apologise for our altercation a couple of days ago, I did not mean to bring her home this late, we were caught up in eachother, we lost track of time, believe me, my intentions with your daughter are pure-"
Jake blinks, you could practically feel his anger radiate off of him. "-i'm sorry what?"
"-Dad, this is not what it looks like" You jump in front of Ao'nung, your eyes wide as the whispers around you only intensified.
Ao'nung nudges you away. "-Please, Toruk Makto do not blame your daughter, she has done nothing wrong"
Ronal walks up to Ao'nung grabbing his chin and tilting it upwards, giving everyone a perfect view of his scar. "She might as well explain what is this then"
Neytiri comes forward, feeling her behind you. "My daughter will not answer to you"
"We've discussed this alright? We've buried the hatchet, it's done and dealt with" Jake explained hurriedly, eyes switching from you, to the Tsahík, to you, to Ao'nung.
"While I commend you for trying to make peace on your own terms I cannot forget the fact that you have put Lo'ak in grave peril and returned Y/N home past eclipse"
"No," says Lo'ak. "Going past the reef was not Ao'nung's fault, it was my idea, he tried to talk me out of it, really "
"Lo'ak-" Neytiri started.
"I'm sorry" was all your twin could say before he too hopped up on the platform.
You begin your walk of shame, plodding through the woven pathways as Lo'ak appeared by your side, donning the same downcast expression as you did, your eyes meet, sending eachother whatever was the most microscopic amounts of optimism left in you before your father caught up to you.
"Dad, you told us to make friends with these kids that's all I was trying to-"
"-I don't wanna hear it"
"-Dad" You start, trying to back Lo'ak up, all while having no desire to lengthen this argument any further, but he dosen't even look at you.
"You have brought shame to this family" He tells Lo'ak, who simply stood beside you with an impassive expression.
"Can I go now?" He wonders impatiently.
"Anymore trouble I jerk a knot in your tail, you read me?"
"Yes sir, Lima Charlie" He replies before walking off, you pivot your heel and follow him, trying to put as much distance away from you and your parents as possible only to have Jake pull you back and face them.
"That's strike 2 for you young lady" He says, showing you two fingers to make himself clear. "Look, I dunno what went in your head when you decided to follow Ao'nung when your brother had been missing for hours-"
"-I didn't know he was missing"
He opens his mouth to say something but closes it quickly and sighs. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph" He exclaimed, raking his face with dread. "You're still a kid, I don't want you making decisions that'll make your life go up in smoke, you know that right?"
You nod, your jaw still tight.
"I gotta worry about Lo'ak, I gotta worry about Tuk, I gotta worry about Kiri, do I gotta worry about you too?" He ejaculated, throwing his hand in the air.
You shake your head. "No sir"
"Good" He tells you, his eyes darting up to the flower stuck to your ears and you couldn't help but notice it. "Then we're done here, am I understood?"
"Sir, yes, sir" You nod, your feet already itching to get away.
"Good, get out of here" He nods towards the docks and you didn't telling twice. Pushing past the villagers, you hop down the platform, knowing full well who you were going to find next.
And you do find him, walking alone on the beach, almost sulking.
You didn't exactly try and mask the sound of your footsteps and so he sees you about 5 feet away from him.
His eyes light up. "What are you-"
You slam your hands onto his chest, sending him staggering back several steps away from you.
"Are you fucking brain dead? " You seethe, narrowing your eyes at him, pushing at him again and watching him collect himself. "Are you crazy? "
"I don't think I am, no" He exclaimed, watching you go on a rampage.
"What the fuck is wrong with you??? Trying to embarrass me in front of your whole goddamn clan?? Is that what you wanted this whole time? Try- try and get me to lower my guard down? Make me laugh? Make me reveal my secrets? so that in the end I can make you look like a fucking hero???" You yell at him, bashing your fists against his chest.
"Stop it-!" He shouts, trying to grab your fists.
You push him away. "No! No! Let me go!"
"I will when you calm down-!"
You yanked your arms away from his grasp, pointing a slender finger at his face, looking at him with unbridled rage and fury. "Is that what you wanted? To make a fool out of me??"
He swallows, hesitating. "No-"
"Do you know what you did??" You ask him, your voice cracking. "Do you know-"
"-No!" Ao'nung shouts. "No! I don't know-!"
"You made me look weak! Like I needed to rely on some man for protection!" You screeched into the sea before whirling towards him.
"I stood up for you! I defended you and this is what I get?? Not even a thank you???" He yelled.
You slapped him across the face, he turns to you, clutching his cheek.
"I never asked you to defend me did i?" You tell him.
"I still did"
"Learn to take a hint next time"
"You should be grateful" He spat.
You hummed, staring at his face. "The next time you raise your tongue against me I won't hesitate to give you a matching set" You say, prodding his bruised cheekbone, hearing him hiss in pain before pulling the flower from behind your ear and throwing it to the sand, you gave him one last look and with that you turn around, marching back to the village.
"I hate you!" He shouts after you.
"Suck my dick!" You yelled back, plodding across the sand.
Ao'nung stood there with the salty sea air sweeping his curly locks. His eyes traverse from your figure growing smaller and smaller as it neared the village to the flower abandoned on the sand. He crouches and picks it up, twirling it between his fingers as his stomach churns with guilt, anger, sadness, but most of all an indescribable longing. How could you long for someone's presence but also want to stab them in the throat?
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king-jacks · 18 days
Titanic Yashita AU
Notes for an AU I've been working on (not the movie, but it might take some things from there)
Yashiki Kazuo
Legally and officially recognized as Kujou Masamune
Tries so hard to go by Yashiki Kazuo
22 years old
100% does not like being rich
Hates the pressures, spotlight, expectations
Problem with him wanting to escape his lineage is that he simply can't. His bloodline is known for entangling with the supernatural and he can't escape that
Kujou bloodline/lineage/ancestry comes from old money and power, dealing in spiritual artifacts and relics
First Class passenger
His family was traveling through Europe on business when they were made aware of the ship and decided to board since their next stop was America anyway
Traveling with his father, Murasame, and his younger sister, Saya. Their mother had passed away some years previous
Mashita Satoru
18 years old
Third Class passenger
Traveling alone on a police assignment in London. He was provided with a ticket on the Titanic to continue his assignment in America
Gay as hell
The biggest flirt, mostly to get his way a lot of the time
Does not like Yashiki at first
Enemies to lovers
Mostly because it pisses Mashita off that Yashiki even has anything to complain about
To which, in turn, Yashiki's pissed off because of course Mashita wouldn't understand, the bastard
Yashiki wears a lot of kimonos/traditional clothing, while Mashita tries to wear suits to blend in more
The Kujou family knows a lot of European languages as well as English
Mashita is convinced "Masamune" is straight
Mashita is constantly on the aft deck. He likes to lay on the benches and smoke, even though that is completely against the rules. It's actually where he met Yashiki for the first time (like the movie) when Yashiki tries to jump off the ship.
"I'm not going to stop you, but I gotta warn ya, a fall from this height turns the water to stone. And it's going to be extremely cold."
They keep bumping into each other, despite the class difference, and Yashiki wonders how Mashita keeps getting up on deck.
"Oi, rich boy."
Yashiki always goes back to his suite grumbling and Saya likes to tease him.
"'Mune, he does it to rile you up, you know that, right?"
In true Death Mark fashion, there are ghosts
Yashiki catches glimpses of a young boy floating around and wonders if he's seeing things
When he talks to Saya, however, she admits she's also seen him around
On the night of the sinking, just before the collision, Yashiki swears up and down he sees the faint outline of a transparent ship on the horizon
Maybe it gets nsfw, who knows :)
Yashiki explores the ship at night, trying to understand the uneasiness he feels
Eventually Yashiki and Mashita become "friends"
Yashiki doesn't introduce himself as Masamune, he tells Mashita his name is Yashiki, to which Mashita calls him Yashiki in front of Saya one time
She's confused but doesn't saying anything when she catches the pleading look on Yashiki's face
But Mashita finds out his name is Masamune when he catches snippets of a conversation between him and Murasame
Alright, if I keep going, I'll spoil it lmao
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Creeping (2) (Dink x Reader x Link)
Basic summary: You're in Kakariko recovering from your battle with Dark Link. You discover you didn't come home alone.
A/n: I may have a problem with deus-ex-machinas... sorry this is short, I'm working on learning how to slow things down efficiently after a high-tensity scene. Right now my best method is to simply end the chapter.
This is a dark and violent fic that is not intended for children nor sensitive audiences. Read at your own risk
Read the first chapter here MASTERLIST
The sun shines bright on Kakariko village. Children are beginning to drag their parents outside so they can play, cuccos are being given their morning feed, and in many other ways life is starting to be lived. All is well for the residents of Kakariko.
Except for you, you're covered in tears and sweat as you heave with sobs after waking from a nightmare. Ever since Link brought you home a few days ago, the monster who wields his face shows up every time you sleep and mentally shatters you.
"Don't think- don't think too hard about it," you whisper sharper than you intend to, hoping talking will help distract your focus. "It's not here, it's at the temple in Lake Hylia, Link is going to kill it." You hug your knees to your chest and try to do more than just hope you're right. Your voice cracks into a whisper when you try to say it again, "he's going to kill it." You repeat it in a mantra, a hope, a prayer, that Link will come home safe.
"Of course he will, I got stuck with you instead of Mr. hErO," you shriek and press yourself against the wall, meanwhile this darker Link continued on casually, like he was used to this, "you just had to try to be brave didn't you? I'll show you what that earns in this world, and then I'll go recover my powers from that thief," he growls. Before you can register it you're thrown against the opposite wall of the room, landing just next to your door.
He saunters over to your crumpled form, gripping your face hard when you choke out, "wh- what do you-" before squeaking and shutting up. His nails aren't anywhere near as well-groomed as Link's, shaped like claws and steadily digging into your skin. You don't miss the glee in his eyes, blood-red unlike your dreams, as he watches.
"I don't need to mean anything," he begins going through your bags, "because it seems like the brave little princess forgot her fairy wings this time."
Your healing items. You had given them all to Link before he left for the temple again! You don't have anything to take care of yourself in case of an emergency, you don't have any way to scream for help with the grip he has on your face, and you have no vantage to fight back. Tears fall as you come to the realization: if he kills you here and now your death is permanent. If he kills you here and now Link and Navi will return to greet your corpse.
He drags a claw from his free hand down the fabric of your shirt, not enough to expose your chest thankfully, before dragging it in circles around the flesh protecting your heart. It races. He smirks and chuckles. Everything in you is screaming, screaming to move, screaming to do something, screaming to get away, but the better part of you knows that you won't, knows that you can't. To move here or resist now would spell your death. At least if you can convince your body to sit there and take it, to sit there and let itself die, things will potentially feel... easier. More like it's your choice to die than the whim of a monster. You can't even get your thoughts together to internally wish final goodbyes.
Small scratch marks begin forming from the circles he's tracing, "when this war first started, nothing mattered to me." It starts to sting now. You hate the look of satisfaction on his face when you cry more, you hate how much it makes you feel like he's taking you in like some kind of meal. He only speaks again when he breaks skin and you flinch, "and then I was told some boy stole power that was originally meant for me. Could you imagine it, the rage you would feel hunting down something that belongs to you, only for some stupid-" he tightens his grip on your face and plunges into your chest until blood dribbles past his claw- "little-" he moves to choke you instead- "girl-" you can't scream. You can't breathe. You can't do anything but tremble and writhe underneath the monster before you- "to come and take it all away?!" It slams you backwards into a wall, causing several fragile objects to fall off of it and break, and you find yourself fighting your gag reflex from having the wind knocked out of you when you already can't breathe.
At that moment, you hear frantic knocking on your door. "Y/n! Y/n! Hey! Are you okay in there?" The voices of the villagers outside is enough to spook the monster into disappearing. You can't bring yourself to move. You don't want anyone to see you like this anyway. If they know the darkness was in your home, they might think you're the one harboring it- or worse, they could think you're the source.
"I'm- I'm okay!" You manage to call out. "I tripped and knocked some things down!"
"Alright!" You hear the villager chuckling a little bit. Thankfully no other comments follow. You stand up, being careful of any sharp pieces that might cut your feet, and tread to your closet. The object of your focus hangs on the inner door. It's a simple scarf, one you typically wear out on expeditions, but you hadn't worn it to the water temple for fear of, well, the water. Now it would serve to cover the markings on your neck. You also opt to change out of your ripped shirt, silently vowing to get the rupees for it back from that monster.
Link, please come back soon. Please be alive.
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beevean · 10 months
So I just had a realization about Lenore and her ring.
The common argument from the "Lenore did nothing wrong" crowd is that she just had to do what she did. She had to slip that ring on Hector's finger to ensure that he wouldn't hurt the sisters, and by doing so, she made sure that he'd live a comfy life, not stuck in a cell. So really, she was only looking out for his well being! She was being a diplomat and making everyone happy!
"These are slave rings. One of them found its way on to Hector’s hand while he was swearing his loyalty to me."
The ring, when you think about it, functions in a weird way. The bearer has to pledge loyalty to the owner: thus, the bearer has to consent to being enslaved. This already makes the ring redundant. But fine, let's say that the function is to make sure that the bearer doesn't change their mind later on.
Does the bearer has to mean those words? Or do they just need to pronounce them, no matter their state of mind? That I don't know. What I do know, is that Lenore spent the whole season buttering Hector up:
"So… what do you want?"
"Oh, I don't have to lie to you. I have no interest in faith. Faith makes for terrible diplomacy. This is simply commerce. In commerce, we don't have to have faith in each other, do we? We don't have to guess. It's simple. There are rules. I give you something, you give me something."
And this, from their scene in the balcony (Episode 6) that I can't find a clip of:
Lenore: Does it hurt? Hector: No. It just reminds me of the last time someone put a collar on me. Lenore: In Braila? Hector: When Carmilla almost killed me. Lenore: Well, she does have a temper. But she would never have meant to kill you. Hector: No. Because she needs me to be her forgemaster slave. Lenore: No, because if she'd meant to kill you, you would quite simply be dead. Hector: Hmph. Lenore: And if she'd meant to torture you, you would have arrived here carrying your guts in both hands with a spike up your arse. Hector: I suppose that's true. I mean, I can see her doing it. In nightmares and such. Lenore: She does have a temper, but she's logical. She never lets it run away with her to the point of, oh, I don't know, condemning the entire human race to death? Just a recent example of what being genuinely insane with murderous rage looks like. Hector: All right. Lenore: You may not have been treated like a boy king on your way here, but you did show up alive. Hector: Might have been nice, though. Lenore: Have you considered that you're only alive because you listened to Carmilla back in Dracula's castle? Hector: I hadn't. She tricked me. Lenore: I don't think she did. I think she made complete sense to you, and you felt guilty, understandably, about how it all played out. Hector: She made me betray Dracula. Lenore: No, she didn't. She showed you the old man was insane, and she saved you from the consequences. Nobody here wants to harm you. We just don't quite trust you yet. Hector: Trust me? Lenore: You did try to hurt me, Hector.
She made a whole show about listening to him, trying to cater to his needs like his desire for new shoes, actually asking him what he really wants; she tried her best to convince him that his situation wasn't so bad after all, and Carmilla was a better master than Dracula, a saner one.
By all means, it looked like Hector was well on route to agree to work for them on his own volition. By that point, Lenore had beaten over his head that Dracula was stupid and used him, but Carmilla, bad temper aside, would be a more just master. Had Lenore kept the ruse, I'm sure Hector would have, as fans love to joke, "simped" for her and given in.
Ironically, it's exactly what the sisters chewed Carmilla for: ruining a perfectly good manipulation game by hurting Hector at the end and breaking his trust for shit and giggles. Because we love creative writing.
But alright, Lenore wanted to be absolutely sure that Hector wouldn't turn on them, and perhaps show her sisters that he could be trusted. That ring was there mostly as an ensurance. It would have broken Hector's trust once more, but it would have made the sisters happy - you know, the compromise she talked about.
So… why didn't she slip her ring as they were talking? They ended up sitting side by side: Hector was comfortable enough to be close to her. By this point, she literally could have asked him to swear loyalty to her while talking, and he would have done it!
Instead, she lied by pretending she's no longer confident in the council plans, and switched mid-speech from "I'm loyal to my sisters, so I can't let you go" to "What we're doing is wrong, so we can flee together". which i still think it's one of the stupidest examples of writing.txt in the script, but that's besides the point
She wanted sex from the get-go. She came with the ring in her pocket, a comfortable blanket, and immediately changed tactics to say something she never would have said before. Not only she wanted sex, but she wanted to deliberately lower Hector's guard, so that he would "swear loyalty" while not in his right mind (because his judgment was clouded by arousal at best). She knew this. This was deliberate. She wanted this exact situation, to make sure that Hector would be not in his right mind, and also to get that nice hecock as a reward for her efforts.
At this point, I can safely say Lenore crossed the line from selfishness into cruelty, and no justification, nothing about her diplomacy, or how she secretly was fond of Hector and wanted to "keep him safe", can hold any water.
And by the way, this makes her act rape, since Hector was not in his right state of mind (you know, since he was effectively tortured and psychologically beaten down through lies, manipulation and humiliation) and had no idea about the ring's existence so he could not consent to it. Just so that we're clear, since some people seem to unironically believe in the "not if you enjoyed it" rationalization.
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