#i will stop flooding the sebek tag after this sorry
cheekinpermission · 1 year
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Pls accept this offering as an apology for being so late with Sebek
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
TW First year students x fem! MC who's secretly a demon princess, who will they react to her powers when they found her in her demon form?
First Years + DemonPrincess!MC
I had fun with this prompt in general, and I hope I made some fun scenarios that you like!
Warnings: Bullying from other students and hurtful words, Epel is censored because Vil doesn't allow it
Sebek Zigvolt
He forgot to give you back your notebook from class, so he had to go in the evening
If Sebek remembered correctly, in his 'I'm A Good Boyfriend' notebook, you said you usually rested in the evening
"YN, I'm here to deliver your notebook!-"
"Go away Sebek!"
He was appalled. You've never scolded him in such a way before!
He quickly fished out his notebook, and he flipped to a page where Lilia had lectured him on what to do when you were feeling down
"Here it is…" He muttered
He barged in your door, breaking down the rickety door, "YN! I am here to comfort you!"
He almost dropped the notebook. He was surprised at you appearance, as he saw horns on your head, as well as tattoos on your skin that he's never seen before
"YN… You're…"
You sighed. "Yes Sebek, I'm a dem-"
"You're a Fae! Like me!"
Before he got too excited, you settled him down and explained your appearance
He felt ashamed of himself for his initial behaviour when you explained that you were a princess. He doesn't really mind that you're a demon, in fact, he understands you more as people of his world usually misunderstands Fae-kind
In general, he's quite amazed anytime you demonstrate your powers
He lowkey wants to see you and Waka-sama have a showdown with magic, but his heart knows it'd hurt to see you in danger
Ace Trappola
He got held back by Professor Crewel due to some argument he got in with Grim
He asked around if anyone else saw you, but much to his shock, he found you surrounded by some other students. Again
He wanted to pummel their faces in, but now looking at you, you seemed calm…
In the blink of an eye, a net of dark magic appeared underneath the students, trapping them at their ankles
Ace had his mouth open as horns and wings similar to the colour of your hair started growing from you. What freaked him out more was that the wings weren't made of feathers… They looked ripped apart and made of the same magic he couldn't identify
Upon seeing your boyfriend, you flung the students away into the Garden with your magic. Someone would find them later…
"U-Um… This…" You got embarrassed, feeling shy in your demon form
Ace then pestered you to tell him where you learnt such magic, although he might've accidentally grabbed your horns the wrong way
He listened carefully, since it caused you such discomfort when he touched your horns
He didn't think you'd be a princess…
"Wait… Does this mean you have a demon father?"
You nodded your head. "But my brother's the Demon King at the moment… Why?"
"I need to mentally prepare myself if your demon family want to kill me since I want to propose to you after graduation…"
Deuce Spade
You and Deuce were nervous, since it was a magical mana exam. It would dictate certain classes you'd be able to take next semester…
You were the last to go, and your boyfriend cheerfully waved at you as he gave a thumbs up. He must've passed the test…
You had to remind yourself to control your mana, otherwise you'd have some explaining to do
As you let the teacher examine you, you couldn't help but notice that there was some kind of barrier around the orb you were practicing with
As you removed the barrier, you realised that it was a trap by the teacher!...
You couldn't help but pour your normal amount of magic into the orb, which, put on a show around the students as they marvelled at the dark magic
"Well," Principal Crowley announced, after you were done with your examination. "You'd best be coming with me."
After a long talk with Crowley, you were surprised that Deuce and Grim were at the door, eavesdropping at your conversation
"I overheard… I was worried about you…" He admitted
Deuce however, was quite curious about your appearance, so after his and your dinner, you allowed him to see you shift into your demon form
He did ask if it hurt, to which you shook your head
He admired your wings and your bigger, claw-like hands as you felt heat in your cheeks by the way he was intensely staring at you
"Y-You're adorable…"
Even though you towered Deuce's height in your demon form, it didn't stop him from giving you your usual goodnight kiss on the forehead
Jack Howl
He always wanted to show off his skills to you, so he invited you to a practice match against the Diasomnia dorm
He was against the first years of the dorm, so you silently cheered for Jack
As you were continuously impressed by Jack's speed, you couldn't help but notice a strand of magic tagged on him…
Your magical vision traced it to one of the students on the opposite team, who was passively reciting a spell to jinx Jack's next move
There was only the seniors… So it should be fine to stop that student this once…
You were too slow, as the spell had already whizzed through the field. You could still stop it from hitting Jack!...
You felt everyone's gaze on you as you interrupted the spell. Knowing that your appearance had changed, you shied away
Some students ran away, but Jack didn't. He picked you up, horns, feathers and demonic body parts, all of it and embraced you
"Hey! Stop looking at my girlfriend like she's a monster!" He growled
The seniors quickly punished the student causing tricks on the field, but some were still weary of you
Jack put you down, kissing your forehead. "Thank you precious for saving me there."
Eventually, you had to explain to the teachers what you were
Some dorm leaders grew afraid of you, but Jack didn't care. You were still his precious girlfriend
So what if you both were seen as monsters? He thought. The big bad wolf and the terrifying demon princess could live in peace and quiet, in their own space in the forest…
Jack thinks the whole thing is cool, but he is a little jealous that your magical abilities are so much better than his. You tell him he makes up for it in his physical strength
Epel Felmier
You and Epel were taking a stroll, on the way to the field for the MagiShift club
You promised to cheer him on, and you decided it would be a cheeky way to take some photos with your Ghost Camera
You comfortably sat next to Jack as you got ready to take some photos
Unfortunately, you weren't sure of the exact details, but a student decided it was a perfect opportunity to set off a prank near you and Jack
You weren't exactly in control of your own powers, so the impact caused you to scream and lose control of your appearance
The other students screamed in turned, seeing a 'monster' transform in front of them
Epel saw the prank beforehand, but he couldn't run fast enough to get to you
He couldn't think straight, he just had to make sure you were alright. So when he overheard the students yelling at you, he threatened them
Everyone was freaking out at your changing body, since your skin had different markings, almost like carvings etched into it and a pool of dark magic flooded below you
"I-I'm sorry I-" You tried to apologise, but others constantly berated you
"She's a freak! Someone seal her away!"
Epel couldn't stop himself from whacking the student who said that on the head
The other seniors managed to calm the students down, sending them away
You briefly explained everything to Epel, repeating your apologies to him
"Don't aplogise YN. Those idiots don't understand."
Epel, in all honesty, didn't care if you were a demon princess or a human or a fairy
Whoever got in the way of your relationship on the other hand, he'd pick a fight with them even though you were the one who could easily clean the fight up
"Hey YN, don't listen to em. They don't know how cool you are. As long as I'm the one you love, I'm okay with anything."
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twst-campos13 · 4 years
UwU welcome to the twst writing fandom~ Aha finally a blog that can write for male! mc,I haven't seen them for a while nor there are a lot of~ Can i request hc with the first years with a male crush reader~? Hope that you'll get many followers! ahehe~I dunno what to say. Hope that you have a great day, UwU -🍵🌱✨
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Hello there Tea Non! (can I call you that qq?) Sorry for the wait!! Jack’s part feels a bit too short and Sebek’s quite long,, ^^’’
Warnings: mild language! internalized homophobia (Epel’s part!) Tags: fluff, male!reader
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➸ Ace is a little shit bastard, but he (along with Deuce) practically became best friends. You're one of the people he would tease to death and annoy with but also he would stand by your side no matter what.
➸ You banter a lot together. You'd fight, argue, and even tease each other which is considered "too mean" to other people.
➸ Though your arguing turns to flirting sometimes. You didn't even realize it, Ace didn't even realize it, but your friends did and they're placing bets if you two are actually into each other or not. 
➸ How long did Ace figure out that this isn't just a normal bro-thing? Well, suddenly, seeing you scowl at him and swear at him is becoming more than amusing—it's becoming endearing. He likes the way you look at him or even gets hyped up in annoying you when you fire back with remarks.
➸ The fluttering feeling in his chest only grew when you two were play flirting. He grinned cheekily at you about maybe needing some company while doing library duty. You know what you said to him back? 
➸ "Awe, Ace. Do you want to be alone with me that much?"
➸ His brain tried what just happened and why that he was so red right after that whole exchange. You two always flirted and bickered, right? Why does it feel kinda different now?? What??? Hnajgejegegaeg????
➸ Then you started to do intimately nice things to him—like that one time you had to tend to his hand after burning himself during potions class—then oh, oh. Fuck. Oh fuck. He has a crush on you. Does that surprise him? To have a crush on a guy? Not particularly, because this isn't the first time it happened. 
➸ Before Ace met his ex-girlfriend, he already experienced what it's like to have a crush on a guy. He didn't understand why or why that feeling is the same feeling he has for a girl. 
➸ His brother found out first then he came out to his mom. She did call it a phase but in a way that she was supportive of him questioning his sexuality. His mom assured him that she wouldn't love him less if he's bisexual.  
➸ Ace just hopes this little crush of his doesn't develop. He doesn't want things to get awkward between the two of you! Just because he likes the way your cheeks reddens when he slings an arm around you and pinches your cheek, doesn't mean you can do the same to him...okay, maybe he'd like that a little bit
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➸ Deuce is a smart student. He's loyal, reliable, and diligent. However, sometimes he just comes off as dense. 
➸ He's comfortable with his sexuality. Whatever it is that is seen as too intimate for two bros to share is normal for him. After all, you're his best friend! Along with Ace and Grim. There's nothing weird about how he's treating you because he treats his friends the same way. 
➸ Said friends watch his imaginary ears and tail wag when you praise him or compliment him. Okay, who's gonna tell him? 
➸ It's like they were the ones who realize Deuce has a crush on you first than Deuce himself. They started placing bets on when he's going to realize it or if you'll be the one to find out and Deuce still hasn't realized what he's feeling is infatuation.
➸ It's rather cute, actually. Deuce is already cute but he became quite endearing when he smiles at you. How he's always making sure to see if you're comfortable, checking in on your wellbeing, and asking if you need help.
➸ He's a little protective of you, too. Granted he controls himself to not get into too many fights. He doesn't want you to get roped into the fights and get hurt. However, if some mob student even dares to mess with you when you aren't even doing anything, you got some backup. (Don't mess with the First Year Squad).
➸ Ace teases him about his little crush on you which leads to Deuce punching his arm all flustered. He's a little shit to Deuce about this too, always making kissy sounds when Deuce gets too cute around you.
➸ The funny thing is, Deuce doesn't even realize he's infatuated with you. Again, he thinks you just have a special place in his heart. You're his bro and he's willing to fight with you. 
➸ He finally realized when he talked to his mom about you and she commented how glad she is that her son found someone he can be happy with. She reminded him to take his crush as a motivation in his studies, and Deuce nodded at her advice.
➸ Wait WHAT—
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➸ Epel is by no means weak. This boy worked at a farm before he was in NRC. That pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart (sometimes). 
➸ Though the urge to pick him up out of nowhere is tempting. No one in the squad tried to do it to catch him off guard (Ace attempted to while Deuce stopped him, Sebek doesn't think it's necessary, and Jack only picked him up because they were working out together). Besides, he isn't some damsel to be hoisted out of nowhere! He doesn't like it...or so he thought when you picked him up by the torso to move him out of the way. Epel didn't see Grim running at full speed on the ground because his tail got bitten by a live crab. Your first instinct was to just grab and lift him—you didn't mean to startle him, really. 
➸ Needless to say, Epel developed a new emotion. He doesn't know what to call it or if there's even a name for it. Is there a name for "brain shutting down for brief moments after being picked up with ease?"
➸ Does he like you? Does he actually have a crush on you?? He never had a crush on a guy before—he never had a crush on anyone. Does the fluttery feeling in his chest when you touch shoulders mean that he likes you?? ahufaeofaufea????!!
➸ He's just...lost. So lost about what he's feeling towards you. A lot of invasive and absurd thoughts flood his mind. Do you have a crush on him too? Will you like him? Would you find him weird? Who's gonna "wear the pants" in the relationship?? He doesn't want that! Liking a guy doesn't make him less manly, right? RIGHT??
➸ "Hey Epel are you—" | "I DON'T LIKE HIM." | "...dude I was just gonna ask if you're finished with your essay..."
➸ The squad (sans you) have to reassure Epel that his feelings for you are valid and that doesn't make him less manly than he already is (Jack and Deuce). Liking a guy is the same as liking anyone else (Sebek). Worrying about a certain role to play in a relationship between same-sexes is kinda homophobic (Ace). 
➸ That assured him, atleast. He isn't familiar with liking a guy. Plus, with where he came from, it's definitely uncommon. However...there is one thing that Epel is familiar with.
➸ He definitely fantasized about meeting someone to grow old with. Someone who will love him back and share dreams with. No one knows about this of course—what are you talking about? He's not a sappy, romantic person. Not at all!!
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➸ Jack would deny it 100% 
➸ There is no way he has a crush on you! He can't do that to you—no way. He respects you enough to keep your relationship as just friends. If you're bros, you're bros.
➸ Yeah, that doesn't really work out well for him.
➸ It's easy to tell if Jack likes you or not because he's good at hiding his emotions through defensive remarks (plus his resting face is a scowl). The Kouhai Squad would look at his ears and tail wagging when you even smile at him or congratulate him for a job well done. He's like a puppy,,,
➸ Whenever the Squad would point this out he will deny it. There is no way in Twisted Wonderland that he has a crush on you! He doesn't! Those are...just instinctive bodily reactions!
➸ "You held hands, dude." | "So? That isn't weird." | "Your tail is wagging." | "NO IT ISN'T!!"
➸ It's not like he doesn't like you, he's just...embarrassed. It's like you know what makes him flustered and that makes his heart do a little tap dance. He (somehow) wants to do the same to you. Make you flustered, embarrassed, happy...it's only fair! 
➸ He needs to get over this little crush of his...because you're starting to catch up on why he's acting weirdly. If he tells you how he feels about you, how would you take it? He doesn't want to ruin your relationship with each other...aghh why is this so hard?? Jack wishes working on his feelings is as easy as training in Magift...
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➸ Admiration and pride are something Sebek is familiar with, but infatuation is new.  
➸ Admiring someone and having a crush on them are two similar but different things. When your bond with him develops he...starts to get a little confused. 
➸ Has those feelings always been there? Are they different? He wasn't being this weird back then! A simple bump on the shoulders shouldn't spark so much electricity inside him to cause him to tense up! 
➸ Sebek was good to hide these new reactions towards you...somewhat. He has to atleast act like everything is normal so he can evaluate what kind of feelings he has towards you. Which works and kinda doesn't since when you do something a little intimate (like a shoulder pat, a cheeky smile, or even praise) he gets a little red. Red. Nevermind Deuce and Jack are asking if he's okay while Grim judges from afar. 
➸ He still doesn't understand why he feels so weird around you so he decided to ask someone who has experience—an adult if you will! A humble, wise, elder fae that surely has some explanation for the weird fluttery feeling in his stomach.  
➸ "You are infatuated—or to put it simply, you have a crush on the Prefect," Lilia explained to him. Sebek needed a few moments for that information to sink in. He has a crush on you. Okay, that's the mundane mystery solved. What is he gonna do with that information? Carry on with your friendship knowing things might get awkward around the both of you? 
➸ Luckily, Lilia gave him three questions to answer personally so he may evaluate his feelings for you. In that way, Sebek knows what the next steps to take without rushing in blindly. You consider him as your friend and he returns that sentiment! He wishes to respect you as you respect him. 
➸ Are you a distraction? Oh, definitely! Ever since he started to harbor feelings for you, his thoughts often lead up to you. When the young master is talking about you, he finds himself listening in, not just because Malleus is talking, but because he wonders about what kind of human is friends with his young master. This caused him to write a few words related to you in the essay he was supposed to be writing! When he and Silver are sparring, Silver has the audacity to throw your name into his comment which caught him off guard. In other words: you are despicably distracting!
➸ Are you a motivation? Well...yes. Sebek is proud to be a knight for the young master and he continues to strive in his position. He knows there is still much to learn as a knight and he is willing to develop his skills more to become better. Somehow, you acknowledge his diligence and even commend him for it. Yet you look after him, saying that he needs someone to fight for him. He laughs at that incredulous thought. Sebek prefers he do that to you along with his friends, instead. All of the squad are an odd bunch, including you. Sebek...wants to protect you as well. Somehow, knowing that you are safe urges him to make sure that you'll remain safe.
➸ Are you an inspiration? Sebek ponders on that question. Somehow it is related to the second, but he thinks carefully about it. He noticed how most of the poetry he makes is because of you—he needs an outlet for his feelings, don't take it weirdly—and although the theme varies, the subject of interest is you. 
➸ Now that he answered all three of those questions...shall he proceed with courting you? No, that's too fast. Lilia told him to enjoy his youth and don't dive into relationships quickly.
➸ However! He shall confess to you to rid of the constricting feeling in his chest! Sebek wants to talk to you normally again without any hidden feelings!
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