#i wish i could forget everything about beyond evil so I could watch the show for the first time
freyjawriter24 · 1 year
AO3 is down, so I'll have to post this there later and backdate it, but...
Today's 10th July, which means there's only 18 days left until Season 2 of Good Omens!
To commemorate this momentus point in the @gomenseveryday countdown, please enjoy the little fic below the cut...
August 2008: 11 years until Armageddon
Aziraphale was trying desperately not to think about it too much. He was failing, of course. But really, how could he be expected to just forget? This was, quite literally, the end of the world. And even if it was still eleven years away, well, that really wasn't long at all, if you thought about it. Which, despite his best efforts, Aziraphale certainly was.
He'd tried putting on some music to distract himself, but that had failed dismally, too. What a Wonderful World, Louis sang, and the angel couldn't help but picture it as a mourning song, covering everything Aziraphale would be heartbroken to lose when the war destroyed it all.
He'd quickly changed the record, but for some reason the next, usually upbeat track suddenly sounded sinister.
Everyday it's a-gettin' closer,
Goin' faster than a roller coaster...
Oh dear. Eleven years really wasn't much at all, was it? He wished Crowley were here. Why had he only agreed to meet with him the following morning? That was hours away. And in the meantime, he had to sit with memories of destruction and the echo of Buddy's words circling around in his head.
Everyday it's a-gettin' closer...
August 2009: 10 years until the Apocalypse
A decade left, now. Only a decade. Crowley had slept through more than one of those by accident, and now it was all the time they had remaining until either the Earth was annihilated or they, impossibly, miraculously, succeeded. Ten years.
You wouldn't think it, looking at him. Warlock Dowling, the Antichrist. It didn't feel real, watching the rise and fall of his chest as he slept. He was still so small. One year old, and so much potential held within him. He looked like any other human child.
Still, ten years. Just a drop in the ocean in Crowley's lifetime, but for a human – a human child in particular – that was aeons. They had time. Time to guide him, time to encourage him, time to carefully balance the good and bad impulses in him so that Hell would fail and Heaven would be denied their war. They could do this. They still had time.
August 2010: 9 years until the End of the World
"It's admirable, really," Michael mused, only half sincere.
"Naïve, is what it is," Gabriel grumbled. "And now we're getting yearly check-ins, as if anything at all is going to change."
Michael nodded sympathetically, and shuffled some paperwork on her desk. She wouldn't have minded Aziraphale's visits really – it often made for an entertaining change of pace, watching him attempt to make his busywork sound important – except that they always seemed to leave Gabriel in a bad mood.
"Well, at least you've got less than a decade left of that to go."
"Yes!" Gabriel said, brightening. "Only nine years left, and then war. What a delightful thought."
Michael smiled. "Glorious indeed."
August 2011: 8 years until the End Times
"I don't get it," Beelzebub muttered.
"He always did like going above and beyond," Dagon reasoned.
"Yeah, but yearly check-ins? It's just pointless. We know the child is going to be evil, he's the Antichrist, for Satan's sake. We don't need constant updates just to state the obvious. Certainly not every year."
Dagon shrugged. "I think he just likes showing off. Fair enough, really. He's been doing some outstanding work up there. It's only demonic that he come and gloat." The Lord of the Files rifled through a damp-looking cabinet, and pulled out a mouldy-looking folder. "Have you seen what he did with the global economy the other year? I'm thinking of sending him another commendation for that."
Beelzebub hadn't, but didn't want to let on in case Dagon launched into an explanation. "Why doesn't he come and give us presentations on that, then, rather than some snivelling child?"
Dagon raised an eyebrow. "Because you'd hate that too, and understand it even less. He's not stupid. Don't you remember the M25?"
Beelzebub groaned. "Okay, yeah, fair enough." There was silence for a moment, broken only by the steady drip of yet another broken pipe. Then: "Do you trust him, though?"
Dagon snorted. "No. Of course not."
"Good. Just checking."
"Like I said, he's doing it for his own benefit, not ours. Self-obsessed little prick, prancing his pet project in front of us every year. But at least it's only for another handful."
"Mmm. Suppose so."
Beelzebub looked gloomily into a corner, lost in thought.
Dagon sighed and slammed the filing cabinet shut. "Want to go torture someone for a bit?"
"Fuck yes. I thought you'd never ask."
August 2012: 7 years until the Destruction of Earth.
Everyone was so happy this year. London was buzzing with the energy of it all, the weather seemed determined to echo the mood, and Warlock was picking up on the collective indulgence in the simple joy of living.
You wouldn't think there was only seven years left of all this.
They took him to the Olympic Stadium, and the O2, and the Velodrome, even though he was probably still too young to understand all the rules and nuances of the sports they were watching. He loved clapping and cheering, though, and would do so regardless of who won, calling out with pride when Kenya got gold, when France did, when China did.
Thaddeus was getting more and more red in the face with each passing win for another country, but Nanny Ashtoreth's sharp gaze stopped him from doing anything about it. She'd had the forethought to warn him in advance that there would be no stifling of Warlock's joy this summer, as he was far too young to be trying to understand the nuances of the geopolitical landscape his father occupied.
Harriet sat fairly quietly the whole time, trying not to look bored, and clapping politely whenever either the USA or UK did well.
When it came to his birthday towards the end of the month, Warlock's parents got him a bike. A simple gesture, but one surprisingly aware of their son's interests.
Nanny carefully fitted a pair of stabilisers to it, and Brother Francis gifted Warlock a set of knee pads and elbow pads, alongside a helmet printed with an illustration of grass and ladybirds.
Warlock learned quickly, and took great joy in shouting out garbled imitations of Olympic commentary as he cycled around the garden.
"And Warlock Dowling cwruches his enemies under his heel, shooting stwaight into first place and winning five hundred gold medals for Team GB. And, uh, America."
Nanny watched with pride, and ignored the flutter of nerves that whispered that she might be doing a better job at influencing the child than her counterpart, and all that would mean.
August 2013: 6 years until the start of the Second Angelic War
Brother Francis tried not to think too hard about it all while he neatened up the flowerbeds for the garden party that afternoon. Warlock was turning five, and miraculously the weather had speckled the garden with enough rain overnight to keep everything looking green and vibrant without threatening any ruination to the outdoor celebration that was to come.
Five years old. Six years left.
He tried not to think about flaming swords and burning wings. Tried not to consider what might become of this garden in a few short years if they failed. Tried not to imagine what would happen to the Antichrist himself if he accepted all his inborn power.
"Brovver Francis!" came a high-pitched call, and the gardener turned to see Warlock – still tiny, really, barely more than a toddler – running across the grass towards him, Nanny following protectively just behind.
"Hello young Master Warlock. And happiest of birthdays to you! How old are you now?"
"Four," Warlock said, a little uncertainly.
"Ah, you were four, weren't you my little Prince of Darkness," Nanny said, crouching down. "But today is your birthday, and that means you get to add one year to your age! So how old are you now?"
"Five!" Warlock said brightly.
"Yes, you clever little cherub!" Brother Francis beamed.
Cherub? Nanny mouthed over Warlock's head.
Francis raised his eyebrows and shrugged slightly. Ashtoreth rolled her eyes.
"Almost halfway to conquering the world, aren't you, my little charcoal dove?"
The gardener gave Nanny a look then, too, but she just smiled, a touch wickedly.
"Come on then, Warlock, let's let Brother Francis finish his work so everything's ready for your party."
"Okay Nanny! Bye Brovver Francis!"
"Goodbye, Warlock!"
Only six years left.
August 2014: 5 years until the End of Humanity
Warlock was turning six this year. He was very excited.
Six was bigger than five, and four, and three, and two, and one. It was much bigger than zero. Not quite as big as seven, true, but six was a very good number. It did lots of clever things with factors and division, which Warlock liked, and it had a special sort of meaning when three of them were next to each other, which Nanny liked. And three was half of six, too, so even better. Warlock liked maths a lot.
Six was also over halfway to eleven, which Nanny said was going to be important. That was when he'd come into his powers and rule the world. Mummy said it was when he'd go to big school, too, so maybe that was what Nanny meant. But either way, he was over halfway there now. Six was a very good number.
August 2015: 4 years until the Events of Revelations Come to Pass
Warlock had been looking forward to his birthday, as usual, until he'd learnt from his father that seven-year-olds don't have nannies, they have tutors, and that meant Ashtoreth would be leaving him soon. The child was heartbroken, and even Nanny couldn't console him for several days.
He seemed to cheer up a bit, though, when he met the first of his two new tutors – Mr Harrison, it appeared to Thaddeus and Harriet, was exactly the sort of no-nonsense teacher that little Warlock needed to get over his childish attachment to his Nanny. Warlock looked up at his new tutor in awe, and chose not to suggest otherwise to his parents.
The changeover day was to be his birthday, when neither Nanny nor tutors would be required, and it thus marked a turning point in young Warlock's life. But he knew he would be safe. Growing up wasn't all that scary when you had trusted people there to protect you. And, as it turned out, Mr Cortese looked rather familiar too. Maybe the future was going to be okay after all.
August 2016: 3 years until the End of Days
"Maths! Why did it have to be maths?"
"I don't know. I can't imagine where he gets it from."
"Makes no sense at all."
Warlock was thriving in his lessons, but that was the one thing Mr Harrison really couldn't get over. Maths.
"I mean, if it had been anything else..."
"Well, perhaps it's our fault. We really should have learnt enough by now to keep up with him on it."
"Yes, but..." Mr Harrison spluttered for a moment, unable to articulate his thoughts. "It's maths."
"Point taken."
The only maths Mr Harrison was capable of doing at the moment was subtraction. Specifically, counting down from eleven. And he was getting shockingly close to zero now...
August 2017: 2 years until the Day of Reckoning
Mr Cortese was getting rather into this teaching lark. He hadn't done much of it for centuries, but the knack hadn't left him, and he was rather enjoying things. Pity about the maths, but he was less distraught about that than his counterpart.
He just had to remember that this wasn't forever. It was a temporary measure, designed to prevent the end of the human race and all life on earth.
He didn't like reminding himself of that. But needs must. He shouldn't lose sight of the goal.
Not that Buddy was letting him forget any time soon.
August 2018: 1 year until Judgement Day
The tutors both got Warlock's birthday off, and so Crowley and Aziraphale were holed up in the bookshop, celebrating dismally the one-year-left anniversary.
"It will be fine, won't it?"
"We've done all we can."
"Not quite yet. Still a year left."
"Yes. A year."
They sat in silence for a long while. Well, the outside world was silent – Aziraphale could still hear the echoes of an earworm he'd had for the last decade, insistent and unrelenting. He began to tap his foot absentmindedly.
"What's that you've got there, angel?" Crowley asked after a few moments.
"What's in your head? You're tapping."
"Oh. Yes." He sighed. "Buddy Holly."
"...Buddy Holly?"
The angel sighed again, then got up and put the offending record on. The upbeat music filled the bookshop, and the demon winced.
"Ah. Buddy Holly."
Everyday it's a-gettin' closer...
August 2019: Adam Young's 11th Birthday
Adam opened his eyes. Yes. Today was the day. Eleven years old. He he grinned up at the ceiling, then scrambled out of bed, still grinning, and headed downstairs.
Today was going to be a brilliant day.
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alizjay · 6 months
Easter Feelings
Next Sunday is Easter...the worst day of the year. I'm reminded of the beliefs that I used to hold so dear. It was the day that always magnified the evidence of deceit because instead of just plain worship, they all go above and beyond to welcome and greet all the potential new members that appear through their doors. The music has to be just right so they'll feel that longing in their souls. 
Of all the days to be authentic and real and full of love, you would think that Easter Sunday would be but instead they just enjoy feeling like they're above all the poor desperate people all searching for meaning but all they receive is advice about cleaning if they decide to visit again the next Sunday, “Oh honey we really don't love you if you can't donate money.” 
As a child, my brothers and I were the only kids that were forced to show up…for the sunrise Easter service that we shared with the other church in town…whose pastor’s kids were not forced to attend because he had a “worldly wife” who didn't force her kids to drown in the muck and mire of churchy strife. Unlike my mother, she had a career and her children had bad attitudes and started drinking beer when they became teenagers so this guy's wife was a failure cause she got a divorce and escaped all the haters. My mom would just bash her although she secretly envied her. She had the guts to get away from the preacher's wife life. 
But back to the point about hearing the resurrection story after the good Friday service just a couple days before. Or the Candlelight service every christmas eve full of brainwashed people who are tricked into belief… cause when u raise your kid in church, they really don't have any choice but to accept what they've been told because that's all they ever know. And they are told that anything outside of this tight circle is from hell and they must spank their sinful children so god can “wash them white as snow.” 
2020 was the worst, but at the same time was the best…my first Easter Sunday that I didn't have to stress about a new dress. We just watched a service on Facebook live from the comfort of the sofa wearing jammies and drinking coffee without pasting smiles on our faces…my kids felt free and I felt relaxed and my husband could doze off without me fearing a verbal attack of harsh judgment and stupid peer pressure to dress my children to the nines…for once, no expectations for them to act like robots and perfectly mind…no one telling them that they're evil and to ignore their hearts’ desire, no one making them have anxiety about some future lake of fire. No more flashbacks from my childhood of being forced to wear a dress. I felt so gross feeling my legs touch together. I wish I could just be free to look like a mess. 
But that was then and this is now, who would've thought that perfect-acting preachers daughter would grow up to break her vow, that she made at age eleven to avoid the terrors of her dad…I thought it was a fear of hell but really I was just tired of my daddy always being mad…mad at me for not understanding math and for forgetting everything that I was asked to do, like a permission slip for a stupid field trip or my shoes and clothes for PE, for not studying my spelling words and for spacing out in class and bringing home a report card with a D…in science cause I hated the teacher. He was really fucking mean. He made my best friend feel stupid and told dumb blonde jokes and made fun of us girls who were grossed out when dissecting. But really a part of my aversion to him was probably the mustache that could've used a good trim. It looked just like daddy's mustache from back when I was five during the worst of his abuse, when I spaced out to survive. 
So Hoppy Easter, fellow heathens. What shall we do on Sunday? We are sleeping in, making homemade pizza, and avoiding social media all day…I don't want to see any “He is risen” memes or pictures of children cuddling live baby lambs. I'm not afraid of going to hell or eternal damnation, but please please please PLEASE don't you dare tell my dad!!! 
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evil-moonlight · 2 years
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Dongsik asked Juwon if he likes pufferfish soup. Juwon doesn't like pufferfish soup. Obviously. But Juwon allowed himself to be persuaded to go inside a Pufferfish Soup Restaurant with Dongsik. It was a question so he could've said NO as a response and continued his day like it's a normal day for an inspector. But again, he was persuaded to go anyway. And you can't... you can't allow someone to persuade you and be persuaded later on if you don't trust the person enough. Also, we are easily persuaded or influenced when we follow our hearts, and Juwon did. He allowed his heart to choose for him. And it turns out that the one his heart yearns for is no other than Dongsik. Perhaps, he didn't care about whether he liked Pufferfish soup or not. It didn't matter to him what kind of soup it was. He knew he couldn't and wouldn't eat what was served on the table. But the very moment... right here, sitting close to dongsik, spending time with Dongsik, getting insanely electrified by the little distance between them, and witnessing dongsik talk about how great the pufferfish soup is, mattered to him most.
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iamreykylotrash · 2 years
defending what's mine.
Eris entered his father's throne room, seeing him sitting on the bronze throne. Beron watched as he made his way towards him, not saying a word until he was at the edge of the stairs leading up to the dais.
But when Eris stopped, the room was silent for a moment.
All he could do was stare at his father, his hands folded at his back, and be in complete stillness, not uttering a single sound.
It is what he was taught at such a young age.
His father forced him still, like a general to a soldier, screaming at him to follow his commands. At first, Eris was scared, knowing how his father would react if he disobeyed his orders. But it didn't take him long to understand what Beron wanted from him.
Control of his entire being.
Eris had always wanted to make his father suffer as he had, but he couldn't, not when he was planning to overtake the Autumn throne. He couldn't let everything go down the drain, knowing that Beron would catch on.
So, he would play the role of an obeying son, ready to do anything that his father commanded of him.
"I'm beginning to worry about you, Eris," Beron says, his voice echoing throughout the room.
Eris didn't say anything. It wasn't a question, nor was it something he had to answer. No, he had to wait until Beron had finished what he was saying. Only then would he await an answer.
"I had believed that once you married the Archeron sister, you would begin to prove to me that you deserve this throne. Instead of controlling her, you have given her freedom, letting her do whatever she wants without restrictions. She is a weapon to use against all of the courts, but you negate to see that." Beron says.
Eris feels his blood boil within him, wanting to rip out his father's tongue and shove it down his throat.
The High Lord of Autumn continued, "Nesta Archeron may be your wife and the mother to your unfortunate daughter, but she is still one of the most powerful beings on this land. Her silver flames are a gift to wield, knowing that the damage they could do would be irreparable. What she could do is beyond our understanding. That is why we must tame-"
Eris cut him off, "Tame? Do you believe Nesta to be some kind of dog or creature? She is a part of this court. She is my wife. As for my daughter, she is a blessing to have. I will not have you insulting my family." He tells him.
Beron slowly rises from his throne, his brown eyes raging embers, "You dare interrupt me, boy?" He asked.
The Autumn Heir takes one step up, "I have obeyed your every command, agreed to every single one of your choices, and I never opposed anything you said. But when it comes to my family, I will defend them, even from you." Eris snaps, his eyes gleaming with his own flames.
Then, a gust of hot air sent him flying, landing on the carpet of the throne room.
"Ah, so the firstborn has finally grown a pair? I have been waiting for this moment." Beron announces, his cape falling off his shoulders.
Eris stood from the floor, letting the hate he held for his father be known, unable to hide it any longer.
Beron descended the steps, standing feet away from his eldest son. He summoned his flames to the palms of his hands, an evil grin creeping onto his face, "This is the time, Eris. This is where you show me if you are worthy of the throne." He says.
"You want me to fight you? Is this what you trained me for? You want me to kill you to show you that I am worthy?" Eris asked him.
The High Lord laughs, "Killing me will mean that you have done what I've asked of you. Since you were born, I have trained you, made you into the male I wanted you to become. My blood runs through your veins. My mentality will pass down to you. My voice will haunt you until the end of your days. You will never forget me, Eris." He says.
“I’ll never be like you, Beron. I was taught better than that. You may have raised me and my brothers to obey your every command, but you knew that my mother cared for us, and nurtured us out of your sight. We each carry out your wishes because we all fight for the same throne. My brothers, except for Lucien, may have become cold over the years, but that is because you led them away from mother, forcing them to do your bidding.” Eris tells him.
Beron sneers, “You think I didn’t know what your mother was doing? I knew what she was teaching you. I whipped her for any subject she said. Why do you think she never showed her back? Why do you think she walked slowly? She hid the pain from you, Eris. She knew how you would get. I only wished you did know, that way you would have given into your anger long ago.” He says.
Eris felt himself tremble with rage. He had seen his mother stumble from time to time, still teaching them even after the pain Beron inflicted upon her. Even through all of that, she never gave up on her children, wanting them to know how they should be raised, and knowing the trueness of emotions.
But it wasn’t long until Beron put a stop to all of that, separating Eris’s younger brothers and forcing them to obey him. And after a few years, they all forgot what their mother had taught them. They were all cold to her, except for Eris and Lucien. The two eldest brothers could only watch as their brothers were wiped away, standing beside their father and obeying him in everything.
Eris summoned his own flames, throwing a ball of fire past his father’s head. A warning.
But Beron wasn’t fazed at all.
The High Lord chuckles, “You cannot hide anything from me, boy. I know of everything that happens in my household. No matter how hard you try, there isn't anything you can keep from me. I don't care what your mother taught you. I don't care if she showed you love and compassion. You are still my son. No matter what you do, you will still uphold my laws because you know that I am right. Everything I do is to keep my court strong, to keep it from crumbling."
Eris sneers, "I will never be anything like you." He says again, the flames burning brighter in his hands.
Beron smirks, "It doesn't matter, Eris! One way or another, someone will uphold the laws! It could be you, your brothers, or better yet..." he takes a step close, "it could be your own daughter. When she is older, she will get curious. She will wonder why her court crumbles under her father's rule? She will want to do something about it. Instead of being a disappointment, she might be the one to save the Autumn altogether." He says.
Eris throws another ball of fire yet again, but this time, Beron uses the quick maneuver to his advantage, moving quick as lightning, grabbing Eris's neck, his own flames searing his skin.
The Heir to Autumn falls to his knees, groaning in pain as his father looks down upon him, his face filled with rage. His hand tightens, making it harder to breathe.
"I had high hopes for you, Eris. I believed you were the one who would make me proud. I thought you would succeed. Instead, you have done nothing but fail me. I should have locked your mother in a cell. It is because of her influence that you have turned out as a failure. I should have never let you marry Nesta Archeron, seeing as the love you have for her made you weak. I should have killed that daughter of yours in the womb, seeing as you will not raise her as I raised you. No matter what you do now, you will never be worthy to rule the Autumn Court." Beron tells him.
It was then that the double doors of the throne room opened.
Eris heard his mother's cry, making his heart drop, "Beron! What are you doing?" She asked. Eris saw her standing at the threshold with Lucien beside her.
Beron snapped his head to look at the Lady of Autumn, his eyes holding nothing but hate for her and the son that wasn't his, "Look what you have caused, my lady. Look at what you raised. Our son is about to die because of you. You have made him weak." He says.
He turns back to look at his son, leaning down, "They will witness your death. I will kill your mother for what she has done. Then, I will go after your wife and daughter next. In the end, I will always win, Eris." Beron tells him.
Seconds later, another set of steps is heard. Eris watched his wife enter the room with their nine-month-old daughter in her arms.
Beron had stared at them as if they were the primary target.
Lucien stepped in front of them, putting himself in front of his brother's family.
"If anything happens to me, Lucien, I need you to promise that you will protect my family," Eris told him.
The Son of the Day Court narrowed his brows, "What do you mean? Why would something happen to you? Either way, I would protect your family no matter the circumstance. I've seen how important they are to you, especially your little girl." He tells him.
Eris sighs, leaning on the stone balcony, watching the sunset. He knew that the ruse wasn't going to last long, knowing that Beron was catching on.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect Jesminda all those years ago," Eris breathed, feeling his heart tighten as he remembered what happened to the girl his brother had once loved dearly.
Lucien hadn't said anything.
"I knew that I couldn't protect her, but I could protect you. I should have tried harder, but there wasn't a way to protect her without Beron finding out it was me." Eris says.
Lucien leaned next to him on the balcony, "Beron would have found her eventually. He would have killed her either way. It was my fault for getting involved with her in the first place. I should have known what Beron was capable of. If you had saved her, Beron would have never trusted you. He would have punished you as well and mother would have been left vulnerable."
"What happened in the past doesn't matter now, Eris. Of course, I will protect your family. I will protect them with my life if I have to, especially that of my niece. You have my word." His brother says with a hand on his shoulder.
In that moment of distraction, Eris escaped his father's grasp, grabbing his neck. He knocked the High Lord to his knees, looking down upon him. Eris knew that the man was not worthy of mercy, wanting to end his life right there.
But he couldn't.
Even with the heart of his mother, Eris could not forget what his father had taught him. Strength and courage. Yes, there was a speck of love in his heart for Beron, but hate mainly fueled it. His father was the scum of the earth, but Eris would get rid of him eventually.
Just not today.
"Don't... touch... my family," Eris struggled to say, trembling as the heat pierced his skin.
Beron chuckled again, "Even now, you cannot kill me. I knew that love had made you weak. But I didn't think that you'd let me live." He says, his flames extinguishing.
"I may not be the one to kill you, Beron, but your time will come. And when it does," Eris leans in close, "I will take the throne. I will change the Autumn. And you will be forgotten." He tells him, kicking his father to the ground.
Eris turns away from him, walking towards his family. He summoned a cage of fire around the High Lord of Autumn, keeping him detained temporarily.
As Eris got close, Nesta put a hand on his neck, her face filled with worry, "Are you alright?" She breathes.
He smiled at her, kissing her once, "I'm alright, my phoenix." He said against her lips, taking their daughter into his arms. The little girl cooed at him, snuggling into his shoulder. Eris kissed her head, grateful for this little creation.
Beron had said that love was weakness - a poisonous feeling that would betray you, but Eris knew that was a lie. His wife and daughter were living proof of that, regaining strength in every moment he thought about them.
And as he walked out of the throne room, Eris did not glance back at his father, wanting him to suffer as he once had.
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Josuke & Okuyasu - Magazine
Inspired by that one fanart I can't use because I can't find the artist.
'Boys will be boys'.
We don't count the times this excuse was used to justify the hormone-driven and often stupid decisions or behaviors of male teenagers.
This applies to our two protagonists, Josuke and Okuyasu who just happened to be at that age where boys were curious about their own selves but most importantly of course, curious about the opposite sex.
They couldn't really be blamed, sexuality was a normal part of a teenager's life after all. Which may or may not imply them oogling questionable things here and there or watching specific videos, for instance.
Josuke and Okuyasu decided to feast their eyes as a part of their numerous 'bro dates' as they called them, and made it a regular thing.
Of course, they made these moments very secret. Only them could know what sinful things they were doing after school. They trusted no one else than each other and nobody should ever know about their activities.
They especially couldn't let a girl know about their shenanigans. Oh no, that would be an absolute disaster if they were to be caught red-handed by a girl from their school. They would have to carry the heavy title of 'disgusting perverts', stamped right on their foreheads for the rest of their highschool years, if not their life.
One day as they got out of school, they decided to check out the X-rated section of a local konbini, section placed strategically in the far corner of the shop, and opened some nice porn magazine for their needy eyes. As one does.
"Yoooo Josuke check this out!" Okuyasu exclaimed to his friend while pointing to one of the pages, already blushing madly and coughing up an impressed chuckle.
"Oh my god!!" Josuke whisper-yelled to his friend, trying to not catch people's attention. "That's hot! You think those boobs are real?"
They kept on drooling over pictures of sexy women in bikinis or underwear and posing suggestively for 10 more solid minutes, completely forgetting about their surroundings.
They weren't really worried about getting caught as the section they were in was pretty far away from the entrance of the store and nobody really passed by this corner of the shop anyways.
As they were in their own little fantasy world, they didn't notice a certain H/C haired female coming up behind them.
"Hey isn't that the red head girl from last time?" Josuke commented as he pointed at a certain picture.
"The one who was licking a cherry? Yeah I think so." Replied his tan best friend who started chuckling.
"Who even licks cherries like that?"
"I don't know but she can lick my cherry if you know what I'm sayin'~"
They both snorted obnoxiously and stupidly to themselves until they suddenly heard a very familiar someone right behind them.
"Hey guys! What's up!"
The boys jumped, screaming high pitched 'Eeeks' and 'Uwahs' at the sound of your sweet voice startling them into the worst heart attack they'd ever experience, threatening to cut their short lives even shorter.
Josuke nearly dropped the lewd magazine from his clammy hands and they both turned around abruptly, sweating bullets as they desperately and clumsily hid the piece of dirty evidence behind their backs.
'Oh no. God, everything but not this...' They both thought in unison, as if connected.
The last thing they could have ever expected or wanted, was seeing YOU, of all people, here out of all places and now, out of all times. They really had the worst luck. Suddenly, getting struck by thunder seemed appealing.
"O-o-oh hey Y/N-chan..." Okuyasu stuttered shakily, still sweating profusely.
"What uh... Ahem... What are you doing... here...?" Josuke continued clearing his tight throat and eyeing his best friend with rising anxiety.
The boys were silently communicating, trying to come up with anything, any excuse to either hide their shameful crime from you, or make you leave as soon as possible. They had to work their so-called 'bro-telepathy' like they never did before.
"I was passing by to get some strawberry milk, but then I recognized your hair in the distance! I'm so glad to see you!" You smiled angelically at them while showing them your little pink carton of strawberry milk like it was some prize.
You were beaming so brightly at them, they almost had to squint at your radiating light and beauty. Oh no this was bad, they were both striked by you like an arrow right through their heart.
'She.... SHE'S TOO CUTE FOR THIS WORLD!' They both screamed in their heads.
You, in particular, should never know about what they were doing. EVER. You were way too pure and too innocent for this. Who knows what your reaction would be if you discovered their lewd secrets? Would you judge them? Be disgusted by them? Never talk to them ever again? They couldn't possibly risk that.
Sadly, they were not as glad to see you here as you were to see them. You eventually asked them the oh-so-dreaded question that they wished you'd never ask.
"So, what were you boys doing? Reading manga?" You leaned over to the side slightly trying to see what they were hiding behind their backs and they both panicked.
Obviously you didn't notice the big 'R18' sign over all three of your heads and surely, you couldn't know what this part of the store was since you probably never checked it in your entire life.
In an amazingly coordinated moment, Josuke swiftly handed the magazine to Okuyasu while walking towards you, passing in front of the Jobro, the action completely hidden from your sight.
Josuke came in front of you and grabbed your shoulders, smiling big and trying to act as natural as he could.
"Aah um yes! Manga! Actually there's this one manga I wanted to show you, good thing you're here!" The pompadour-haired haafu was still obviously in utter panick, even if he tried his best to play it cool.
As Josuke was trying to deflect your attention from their guilty pleasure, Okuyasu took this advantage to turn around and scurriedly hide the magazine back in it's original shelf.
You were confused at their shady behavior and furrowed your eyebrows a little bit. You noticed Josuke was sweating and panting slightly, but your eyes traveled to Okuyasu fumbling with the magazines behind and you tried to make out what he was doing.
But Josuke wouldn't let you discover their evil plan for anything in the world, and so, he cupped both your cheeks in his large hands earning a gasp from you as he almost squished them, and turned your head back to face him.
He leaned down to your height and your eyes widened, puzzled by his spontaneous actions.
"Y/N Look at me! Look at my eyes!" He stared at you with a serious expression and you blushed at his sudden bold act and how close he was.
"J-jojo...?" You yelped as your heart was beating fast in your chest.
You were so confused as to what the hell was going on and why they were acting so weird. You knew the two could be up to some truly bizarre adventures sometimes, but that was just so strange.
Whatever they were trying to distract you from, it was working. His face was so close to yours, and his big hands were so warm, you subconsciously put your small ones over his wrists in response, face now red with blood and adrenaline.
You were beyond puzzled at everything that was happening, but you were so lost in Josuke's ocean blue eyes, you completely forgot about what Okuyasu was hiding so clumsily.
Speak of the devil, the tan male suddenly came up to you both, and Josuke released you from his grasp as his best friend made a surprisingly genius offer.
"Ohh Y/N, you didn't pay for that milk yet, right? Good, it's my treat then! Josuke, let's get some too! I'm thirsty."
The scar-faced boy casually wrapped a large arm around your shoulders and swiflty turned you around in his strong hold, effectively dragging you away from the adult section of the store, and barely letting you any time to even glance at the overly sexual display around you.
"Eh? What about that manga you wanted to show me?" You looked back at Josuke, regaining your composure slowly.
"Oh that? Never mind, it's not important anyway- Hey Okuyasu, do you want banana flavor or chocolate?" The fourth Jojo quickly changed the subject as he opened the fridge doors and picked up some drinks.
"You guys are acting so weird today..." You loved the boys, and they usually brought you into their messes, that wasn't anything new, but sometimes you really couldn't understand them. "I'll go wait in line while you guys make up your minds."
You gently patted Okuyasu's chest who almost forgot to let you go and you walked away towards the cash register.
When you were finally out of earshot, they both stared at each other, thinking of how they just dodged a bullet so big, it might as well just have been an atomic bomb.
"D-dude... That was so clutch man...." Josuke sighed, still swallowing his stress out and his best friend only shut his eyes and cringed before grabbing his drink.
"Just shut up, let's not talk about it..."
"Aaahh!!" Okuyasu let out a loud sigh of delight as he sipped his banana milk. "Man, that hit the spot."
"Yeah! Nothing better than some fresh milk in the summer. Great idea Y/N."
You three walked out of the store and headed back home, enjoying your drinks. You giggled at their over-the-top reaction and handed them your own carton.
"You guys want to try strawberry flavor?"
"Oohh~" Okuyasu gushed before smirking and taking the item from your hands. "An indirect kiss from my little Y/N! Lucky~"
Josuke gasped and snatched the drink as well, snickering when he was done. "Can't say no when she's the one who proposed huehue!"
"Well you both drank from the same straw, so technically you two kissed too!" You laughed at their priceless shocked facial expressions.
"Naah dude, no homo, no homo." Josuke patted his friend's back, reassuring him with the holy expression famous for saving countless men from potential homosexuality.
Okuyasu sighed in relief. "Yeah, no homo! Still in the bro zone, bro."
You snorted at their questionable reasoning and kept on walking when you suddenly saw two familiar faces coming towards you.
"Oh! It's Koichi and Yukako!" You waved and smiled at the couple who approached you.
"Oh hey guys, what are you doing?" The short male greeted with a smile.
"Oh nothing much, I bumped into them in the konbini." You sheepishly answered and Yukako quirked an eyebrow at the two suspicious looking males next to you.
"Really?" She feigned, still staring at them. "What were they doing without you I wonder..."
"I don't know, reading manga I think? I'm not sure, they wouldn't tell me." You tried to look between her and them and they seemed to glare at the girl as hard as she did them.
"Huh?" She scoffed and shifted her weight on one leg." I bet you guys were reading porn again. Y/N I can't believe your patience around those guys."
"HUUUHHH???" Koichi yelled in pure surprise at the revelation and you three widened your eyes.
"YOU FREAKIN- OH MY GOD SHUT UP!" Okuyasu gasped and screamed at the girl who was smirking in victory.
"W-what?" You stuttered and looked at the two visibly stressed boys. "Po-... I don't- ... What??"
"Y/N DON'T LISTEN TO HER SHE'S LYING!" Josuke guiltily tried to reason as you covered your mouth in shock.
"Well it's the truth, right? Did I hit a sensitive subject, perhaps?" The brunette chuckled cutely, infuriating your friends even more.
Josuke sprinted towards Yukako who easily hoisted her awe-struck boyfriend over her shoulder and ran for dear life, having no regrets whatsoever.
An old one. A very old fic, it hurts to read it. I'm going to go ahead and post some old stuff I wrote just to get them out of my drafts. I hope they'll be enough for my beautiful gangsters.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
A great example of “RWBY+ can do no wrong” is the whole “Let Penny make her own choices” thing. They keep doing it over and over, yet while watching I never got the idea RWBY+ doing it was bad. They’re never called out, they never regret it, or anything. Ruby takes the scroll from Penny’s hand and answers Ironwood for her, and makes her human without her consent. I get the not killing Penny thing, BUT THAT’S THE ONLY THING THEY DO FOR HER. WTF?!
Yes let's take a hot second to unpack all this.
Now, I'm going to be focusing on late Volume 7 and Volume 8, but in reality this problem started way back during Penny's introduction. Namely, presenting her as a literal tool of the military who has to break the rules set down (go out, have friends, etc.) in order to be her own person. There's a small problem here in the form of making Pietro the shadowy scientist and then changing him into the doting father with no acknowledgement that he a) built Penny with the purpose of being Atlas' tool and b) went along with dictating her actions through that whole run. However, given that Pietro is a minor character we may never even see again, we have a much larger problem in the form of Ruby being entirely disinterested in Penny's plight. Ruby cares about making sure Penny feels real, not that Penny has all the freedoms a real person innately deserves. Admittedly, this is less of an issue back in Volumes 1-3 because RWBY was a less serious show then, Penny was a new friend, and Ruby was the teenager student. But come Volume 7 when our show is questioning the characters' morals, Ruby is an adult now, Ruby has her huntsmen license, and she supposedly has this incredibly strong bond with Penny, it's now a problem that she hears things like "Ironwood doesn't want me to have friends" and just... doesn't seem to care. Or do anything. Or suggest that Penny do something. It's a non-topic. Ruby only becomes interested in Penny's autonomy when that autonomy threatens Ruby's own goals. When Ruby is working for Ironwood, it's totally fine if Penny works for Ironwood too, no matter how she might be being treated. (Though, frankly, I think the show did a terrible job of establishing Ironwood's supposed mistreatment. The no friends rule makes zero sense when Penny is being sent to celebratory parties organized by Ironwood. So that's a whole other issue.) But when Ruby is against Ironwood... well, then Penny needs to be on their side. Of course she'd be on their side. It's presented as inevitable, despite the fact that it very much should not be. But the point is that Ruby cares about keeping Penny away from Ironwood and giving her an illusion of choice only once she is breaking away. Otherwise, Penny's autonomy is not her concern.
So that's where we're starting out which is pretty bad. Already Ruby's status as the contrast to Ironwood is falling flat, but the show admittedly helps smooth things over by giving us such an extreme. Meaning, we learn fairly early on that Ironwood want to hack Penny and take that autonomy away, full stop. Ruby doesn't. Ergo, Ruby is the lesser of two evils here. I can see why so many fans dismiss the scroll scene given its seemingly, comparative insignificance, but it definitely rubbed me the wrong way. Part of that is because Penny never gets to express her own opinions to Ruby. She gets to do it with Winter and, notably, Penny comes to a sort of, 'We can manage both' stance. The dilemma of going after Cinder or saving Winter and fighting Salem or saving the people of Atlas/the Relics are meant to mirror one another and Penny manages to achieve both. She saves Winter and keeps the power out of Cinder's hands too. Then, she's given the one key that controls the latter dilemma: the Maiden powers. So what will Penny decide? How does she view the situation to leave or stay? How will her decision regarding Cinder and Winter impact her decision about Atlas and Mantle?
It doesn't. We have no idea what Penny thinks outside of a 'I'm sad when friends fight' line (which, again, puts a huge damper on the idea that Penny was always Ironwood/the Ace Ops' puppet and should be glad to be rid of them). Penny is brought into Ruby's group and her opinions disappear because Ruby makes all the decisions. Whatever Ruby says goes and THAT'S why the scroll scene is so horrible. Because we just watched Penny deciding for herself what to do about Winter. We just watched Penny deciding to take on the Maiden powers, making herself the most important person in the Kingdom right now. And then Ruby picks her up and all that goes away. Penny is given the chance to decide things again when Ironwood calls and Ruby takes the scroll away, speaking on her behalf. It does not matter whether Penny actually agrees with Ruby's decisions here, the act of not allowing her to make those decisions for herself speaks volumes.
From then on Penny just stops making choices. Ruby is the one who talks her into forgetting about Ironwood and the Ace Ops. Jaune is the one who decides to split the team and Ruby decided they need to get Amity up. Pietro literally takes control of Penny's body to hack into the system. Penny gets cut off from the group due to the Ace Ops and Nora is the one who decides to help. Prior to literally being hacked, she was more of a puppet in their hands than she was with Ironwood because it's in Ironwood's employ that we actually see Penny pushing back: She's going to be friends with Ruby no matter what, she's going to challenge Winter on her views, she's going to take the powers because that's what needs to be done, etc. But that lack of agency is completely overshadowed by Ironwood's hack Penny plan. Everything looks better compared to that, even if what we're left with is pretty awful on its own. Remember, this is the point in the story where Ironwood is fully evil, post-shooting Oscar and the Councilman. The group can do whatever they want at this point and come off looking "heroic," simply by means of not being Ironwood.
The next time Penny makes a decision is when she stands up to Pietro. Note that prior to this everyone talked her into doing something she says she does not want to do: leaving the group to stay on Amity. Pietro suggests it, Ruby justifies it, Weiss says it might be for the best and Blake ends the conversation by saying they need to leave. Penny goes, "I guess we all have to do some things we would rather not." They all make that decision for her. So she goes, fights Cinder, and then Amity starts to fall. Pietro says, "You’re in no condition to do something like this. Even just the temperature out there could--" and Penny counters "It is our only option."
No, it's not. This is Ruby's option. You can very much not send the totally useless message out, supposedly risking your life in the process ("supposedly" because, again, why this is such a danger for Penny when she was just flying outside with Cinder remains a mystery). Penny treats Ruby's plan as something inevitable. They can't fall back after Penny hacked into the Atlas systems, Penny fought off the Ace Ops, Penny defended Amity from another Maiden. She has to go one step further and risk another death because the concept of saying, "Hey, Ruby's plan isn't feasible anymore" is just never on the table. Ruby is in the mansion sitting around while Penny does all the dangerous work to put her plan into action.
So she pushes back against Pietro in a way she NEVER has with Ruby, insisting that this is how she's going to live her life. Even Maria chimes in with a "we need to remember the big picture." (Wait, the potential death of a Maiden and the loss of the key to the vault isn't a part of the big picture?) Pietro is supposedly in the wrong because he cares about Penny, not the war, but if that's such a bad thing... then what does that make this?
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We have a whole scene where Penny wants the group to destroy her to (again, supposedly) help them in the war - take her out as a threat - and they give a resounding, 'Fuck that.' Ruby doesn't want to see her friend dead for the sake of this war. Pietro doesn't want to see his daughter dead for the sake of this war. Yet Pietro is the one who is framed as too narrowminded. Penny standing up to Pietro is meant to be celebratory, but Penny giving in to Ruby is meant to be celebratory too.
And then, of course, once it's Jaune with a sword to her throat, Penny's desire to die is honored.
Then, finally, we have the Ambrosius fiasco. I've spoken at length about this already, but suffice to say we never got a scene where Penny expressed a desire to be turned human. As the above scene demonstrates, her desire to risk her life/die is ignored only when it's Ruby making that call. Otherwise, with Pietro and Jaune, Penny's agency is upheld (however horrible the circumstances). Does she want live a life with a flesh body? Does she have any other ideas how they might eradicate the hack? Would she prefer Ruby try to put her into a new android body first? We have no idea! We never see Ruby ask. We never see that Ruby cares beyond what she wants for Penny. They clearly had the time to hash out all these loophole wishes, but we couldn't have gotten a ten second scene where Penny goes, 'I'm cool with this'? Assuming that Penny knows what they plan to do and that she has no reservations prior to waking up with flesh hands doesn't work, not when her character largely revolves around agency and Ruby has not been showing her that particularly well.
Ruby decides that Penny is on their team (scroll scene). Then she decides that Penny will not die (contrast to Jaune and Pietro). Then she decides that Penny will be saved by stripping away a core part of her identity. Penny goes from being hacked to watching that part of herself actually die, glitching out while her friends smile about it. Ruby spent Penny's entire run insisting that she was a person just as she was, but then Ruby is the one to turn around and take that away from Penny, prior to leading her into a battle where she died again, likely because she was now a fragile flesh girl. Ironwood was given the extreme of trying to take Penny over completely, once he went full Bad Guy, but Ruby is the one who made decisions for Penny throughout this run, with Penny given no chance to speak up for herself. Penny, once at Ruby's side, subscribed to the overarching belief that Ruby is always right (fitting in nicely with Ren's arc of learning to stop questioning things). The story didn't even consider giving Penny different opinions, hesitations, anger, or anything that would truly jeopardizes what Ruby wants, because what Ruby wants is, consistently, treated as the only way to go.
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etheriadearie · 3 years
I'm still reading you latest awesome essay but I wanna point out before I forget in the process: Shadow Weaver as you said used Adora as a puppet against Catra, and then almost immediately Light Hope does the same by using fighting simulations that are designed to make She-Ra comfortable into killing Catra and "letting go"
:: Adora and the darkness within-
Hey! Thanks so much for the kind review! And thanks for bringing this up, because you're exactly right. It not so cute like it seems- (Adora becomes completely useless in s2ep1 the second Catra shows up ☺️- turning her sword into a coffee mug and then a flute!? lol!!). That said, the meaning behind Adora's training is indeed something that's actually very scary to watch...
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But it couldn't possibly be like that, right? After all, Adora wouldn't really do it, because when she puts her sword to Catra's throat in White Out, Catra then flirtatiously teases her...
.. Sadly, that's not the end of this, Adora does internalize to this brutal conditioning after all. (spoiler warn ⚠️) Adora thinks of herself as a solider, and does continue drilling hard on the idea of killing Catra. And, she almost does so- if you don't know to what I'm referring, it has to do with the one other 100% canon SPOP source material- I'll cover it below in the spoiler section.
Just... know that Adora really does internalize this concept-that she must kill her best friend as part of her 'destiny' (more later.)
It's this belief in 'destiny' by which Light Hope is still able to continue to manipulate Adora, even after she refuses to leave her friends behind, to "let go". Destiny is a concept that's so important to Adora's perception of self value that Light Hope uses it against her, towards the goal of her evil purposes, and of getting Adora to "let go." If Light Hope can get Adora to kill Catra, that's a whole lot of 'letting go' all at once. It would have broken Adora, she never would have recovered. It's so terrifying.
Where does this belief that Adora must do anything to fulfill 'destiny' come from, why is she so concerned with it that she stops thinking any further? Why must it be Adora's burden to do this horrible thing ?
For instance, we know Adora does show wisdom by refusing to leave her friends behind- she's not willing to give in to Light Hope's idea that she should seclude herself in the woods. Adora knows that something isn't right with Light Hope. And yet, isn't Catra also Adora's friend- one which she hurtfully turned against to enact a false destiny, much like how she played favorite to their abuser in the Horde, and whom Adora is now plotting to kill ?
What's really going on is something that's very ugly- despite the cute overtones to lighten the mood. Light Hope is using Adora's sense of duty against her to get her to potentially do something that's very hurtful to herself, and to the person who loves her most. What's so wrong with Adora's 'destiny', that she's got to kill someone she loves? How can that be right, is the only answer for this that war is terrible, or is the war on Etheria even what we think it is, or is it something different? And, is Adora killing Catra for it the right choice ?
Why- that's the big question. Why is it Adora's, or She-ra's, job to save the Princesses from the Horde? Why does Angella feel the need to make this Adora's burden? Could the Rebellion really not have done it themselves, or did they just give up out of grief? As Catra says in s5ep9: "Why does it have to be Adora?"
Like Catra says in s5- this is exactly right: all throughout SPOP, nothing about Adora's situation is right, or fair... it never was. Everyone is just forcing their burdens on her... and she ends up a desperately anxious person because of it.
And it's all a lie, a set up to make Adora fail- just like Mara did.
Like Mara, Adora was "never meant to succeed. They made a plan for" (..her) -it's history, all over again, and everything Adora thinks she's doing for 'destiny' and to end the war is part of this lie. That includes the 'destiny' as Angella describes it for her: it's just another likely set up: "I know the legend of warrior of the one the First Ones called She-ra, they said she would return to us in the hour of our greatest need to bring balance to Etheria". How, exactly ? By winning the war at any cost ?
This is also almost certainly a myth started by the First Ones to prepare the next She-ra for failure, as part of their plan to use the weapon. A deception purposefully implanted within cultural beliefs, meant to further enable their betrayals- Light Hope and the First Ones never had any intention of bringing balance to Etheria, they only wish to use the weapon. And again, why is it Adora's job to save the rebellion from the Horde???
Angella and the rebellion gave up on that all on their own, back when Adora was just a small child. Also... keep in mind that Shadow Weaver was allowed to run to the horde, where there was no accountability for her crimes and where she had complete control over little Adora and Catra, which she used to abuse the heck out of them. Considering how the Princesses gave up trying to fight the Horde when Adora was but a small, defenseless child, why is this war supposedly Adora's burden?? There's nothing fair about it.
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We see Adora's legitimate feelings of pain, anger, desperation, and sorrow from how she's been forced into her position- everyone is hurting her with their burdens. It puts Adora in a constant state of anxiety, and her feelings of frustration and anger at this is well deserved.
And yet... what's so interesting about Adora's situation is that her anger towards Catra is perhaps the least deserved: even though Catra is fighting against her in a war which is wrong. Adora might feel mad at Catra for refusing to follow her as she enacts her beliefs in this false 'destiny', and Catra instead makes doing so harder for Adora by fighting back against her, and yet, Adora's not even doing the right thing in the first place as her entire destiny is a lie to use her as a weapon. Catra simply refuses to just accept her friend as this person who just turns on people who mean something to her, supposing evil upon them all while making no effort to understand them any deeper. Adora really is doing the wrong thing by enabling Light Hope's evil... and she can't even see it...
Well... in short, what Angella told Adora about her 'destiny' seemed to make sense- and so she went with it. It's not so much that Adora is naive as that they all are- Angella is naively playing into the First Ones deceptions, too. Adora is supposedly there to "bring balance" through 'destiny' by saving them from the Horde. So, for 'destiny', she assumes that she must be willing to do whatever she has to win that war- she has to hurt Catra...
Deception, and more deception- what even is the war on Etheria ? Where does Hordak even come from, other than Light Hope purposely crashing him on Etheria to set a conflict? It's a cruel war that likely started with the First Ones purposely bringing Hordak to Etheria, and it's not Adora's fault that the rebellion couldn't deal with Hordak- she was a small child when the rebellion fell apart. And, Adora's agreeing to win this war at any cost is a bridge too far... if she were to kill Catra, the damage to her own psyche... it would be beyond comprehension. When we see her talking to Light Hope in s2ep1, we finally get to see how Adora is all kinds of hurt by Catra's refusal of her, she's all broken up inside: "she's in my head". Catra wasn't supposed to be Adora's enemy: Adora couldn't realize this, and she made her one by essentially giving in to the prejudiced views of the rebellion.
Long story short, the war isn't quite what we think it is. Instead- who, really, are She-ra's greatest enemies? Next to Horde Prime and the First Ones, Hordak hardly even measures...
Adora's biggest enemy, as She-ra, is, in fact, the First Ones: and we know that because of Mara. We know Horde Prime must have existed as a threat in Mara's time, yet Mara considered her own people, and the weapon which they created, to be so much greater an enemy that she gave up everything to stop them. And just like Mara, what the First Ones want to do to Adora is so evil it outweighs anything having to do with the war on Etheria- the entire planet is at stake if Adora doesn't wake up to the reality of how the First Ones intend to use her for their evil...
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What the First Ones did was always the original betrayal..
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... this original betrayal is the reason for everything to do with Adora's situation- it's why she becomes She-ra, but also why she does ends up in Shadow Weaver's care, who wanted to use Adora's power for her own benefit and abused her because of it. It's all to do with the original betrayal of the First Ones by bringing her to Etheria to be part of their weapon...
But, Adora is a soldier, she's been trained to expect violence as a necessity of solving problems her entire life, and so she has a really hard time realizing that the entire concept of this belief is wrong and that she's being manipulated. Light Hope uses her belief in 'destiny' and false belief in duty before all else, including love, to control her- as a soldier, Adora does what she told (within reason) because what Light Hope tells her is what she expects to hear. Light Hope tells her that killing Catra will help end this war and fulfill her 'destiny', so she drills the moment of killing Catra to do it. But what hurtful act is too much, what price is too high, what cost to her own morality is too dark? How terrifying it would be for Adora if she actually did kill Catra...
So, here's the warn for LotFP spoilers 🚨🚨 -more good discussion is yet to come- and I promise not to spoil anything more than necessary for you folks-
(..If you really don't want spoilers, now's your chance)
So... Adora does actually make the decision to try to kill Catra.
In LotFP, it's obvious that Adora had continued drilling the idea of killing Catra, over and over, with Light Hope following White Out. Because- like in White Out- Adora gets a chance to hit Catra- and this time she doesn't hesitate.
Adora consciously attempts to kill Catra. Keep in mind that Adora still had no idea how to heal at that point. Why does Adora try to do that, and what makes her believe she has to do it?
(*p.s- I won't go over how LotFP happens after s2ep5, but if you've been wondering when it took place- yup)
The rebellion may talk a cute game around being more 'humane' with war... but, that's mostly Bow. When it comes to it, both Glimmer and Adora at times choose actions that cross the line into the downright sinister to end the war- no act is too dark for them. Adora comes terrifyingly close to killing Catra because of it...
Luckily for Catra, in the moment of Adora's brutal confusion over her being conditioned to take Catra's life, Catra finally has someone in her life that will take care of her, and Scorpia steps in to protect Catra.
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Scorpia then rightly tells Adora off for her continued, out of control, bloodlust towards Catra, willing to murder her friend for what turns out to be an evil destiny, anyways. Catra was never planning to take things that far- she only tries to bring Adora low, or capture her... and to force Adora to confront how naive she is. Why should Adora bear such a burden of the war, at such potential emotional cost to herself and to Catra's life?
The result is that Adora ends up suitably chastised for her actions in LotFP, and you can start to see a change in her behavior following it in s3ep3-ep6: she's realized she can't just kill Catra. She also begins to realize that Light Hope has been manipulating her, and that she's been living a lie.
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Unfortunately, Adora's actions before this realization comes at a cost: SPOP is very clear about consequences: it leaves Catra desperately afraid after seeing the love of her life constantly trying to kill her. Each time Adora sees Catra following Promise, 3 times in total, she ends up trying to kill her- unwittingly during the Battle of Brightmoon, possessed during White Out, and then as a conscious decision in LotFP. Is that acceptable behavior ?
This cruel behavior Adora so hurtfully has towards Catra for false destiny sets up Catra's biggest mistake and her following mental break down:
Catra desperately looks elsewhere for any kind of support- the person she loves wants to kill her... and Hordak is being hurtful and threatening her. So, Catra decides to try to get Shadow Weaver to help her. After all, why not- nobody can be THAT evil, right??? She must have SOME humanity...
That's a mistake, as Shadow Weaver is all bad, and all that Catra gets for trusting her is more horrible emotional wounds and so much more damage that by the time Adora sees Catra in s3ep3, she's one bad hit from totally losing her mind. And the hit comes... and she does... and Adora simply cannot reach Catra through her grief and her anger.
Even though Adora changes her behavior towards Catra in s3ep3-ep6- showing deference for her past mistakes, love for Catra, humility, Catra is too far gone to hear it- she only sees protecting herself from further harm at any cost- that includes pulling the switch and winning the war. It was how she was going to finally be safe...
Everything proceeds to fall apart, so much chaos ensues. One thing that's so scary about Adora's behavior is that it shows she was fighting while having no idea where her line was: what action was too much, too sinister, in service of her 'destiny'? She didn't really understand her own feelings, her own darkness.... and if Adora had taken Catra's life... it's real scary to think about. Fighting without knowing your own moral beliefs and convictions is always scary, it was scary to see for both Adora and Catra.
And so, by the time Portal happens... there's not much Adora can do for Catra. She's too hurt to hear Adora's pleas of love. All she can really do is ask Catra to be better, to heal herself. As Adora says:
"You made your choice, now live with it!*
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She's right, Catra can't live with herself- she's been corrupted by her grief and her fear- and in s4 we see as Catra's anger begins to break down into something else.
Catra is stuck in a downward spiral, and at least Adora is always trying to be better, even if she didn't know what that really is. Can we say the same about Catra? No not really.
One last appreciation-
Scorpia is a good, smart, interpersonal person, she realizes Catra's needs, she protects her like no one else ever has, including Adora. Yeah, Catra doesn't really deserve her, (also- Scorpia was always Catra's best source of healthy emotional support, something Catra should have worked harder at accepting), but it's really good for people like Catra to see someone show care for them, besides. And, Scorpia also stops Adora from doing something she herself never would have recovered from.
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Hooray for Scorpia! Hooray!! Without her, no kiss, no saving the universe. Hooray!! for Scorpia!! She's the best- 🖤♥️🤍
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Happy 1 year anniversary to Catradora kiss!! 🎉🏳️‍🌈 💞🎉🥰
Everything in SPOP is always a team effort. Scorpia deserves Adora's gratitude, after all, Scorpia saved Catra from Adora's own hurtful confusion. How scary it is that Adora came so close to taking the life of her future lover... 😥
Thanks as always for a like or a ✨✨✨rebloggg✨✨✨ and let me know if you have questions or concerns! I will gladly answer them-
With Love,
::Here's a link to the original post to which this refers- all links are on tumblr
🥰 Got time for one more fast and fun read about Catradora love to help the author out? Check on this quick read-💞🏳️‍🌈
LotFP = Legend of the Fire Princess
Here's the total list of more reading if you'd like to read more 🙂 -
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bffhreprise · 3 years
Best Friend For Hire Reprise, Entry 381
 “Not tired are you?” questioned Ariadne, who had been testing my abilities and helping me understand how to use them for hours.  There were differences between how to accomplish tasks, since Ariadne’s magic needed control of her emotions just as much as clear mental pictures, but her explanations really did help.
 “P-Processing.” I told her, wondering if she actually thought I ever grew tired.  I felt she should know better, considering she knew what I am.  At the moment, I was still revising her first lesson, current lesson, and all of the ones in-between as well as considering some other possibilities for my magic.  I was thankful to know that my weird ability to see other places wasn’t monstrous, since Ariadne could do it too, just not as well.  Part of my mind was still coming to terms with the idea that I had been subconsciously using magic my entire life.  Thankfully, Ariadne didn’t think I had inadvertently hurt anyone.
 “No, Dani, I don’t think you should make requests of Raine quite yet.  Let her keep practicing.” stated James in reply to something Dani had asked in her native tongue.  The musical language of her people was still beyond me without lessons, but a few words seemed to make sense to me.
 “But Daddy!  This would be practice!” she insisted in English.
 James switched to Dani’s native tongue, and Dani’s smile turned impish, a sure sign she had been caught being mischievous again.
 Alma took a few steps over to hug Dani from behind before saying, “Dani, behave.  Birthday girls get to make the requests here.”
 “I… d-don’t mind.” I told them, moving back and forth between where they were talking and where Ariadne was, not wanting Ariadne to think I was ignoring her.  I was aware of the vampire brothers watching me, probably unaccustomed to seeing someone in two different places, but playing with Papak had shown me that they were practically frozen in place compared with me, just like everyone else.
 Meanwhile, Ariadne was telling me about tricks she had discovered over the years to quickly diagnose health problems in different types of creatures.  I doubted some of the tricks would work quite as well for me, not having a couple thousand years of experience in recognizing different types of cellular damage, but she seemed confident that I’d get the hang of it.
 James was staring at Dani, whose smile only grew.
 “A playmate for Alberich!” she suggested, finally letting us know what she wanted.
 Alma sighed before saying, “She probably shouldn’t attempt life yet.”
 “Is that really possible?” questioned Maple.
 “Of course, though creating life takes far more energy than you’d probably expect.” replied Ariadne, having finally reached them.  “I certainly can’t recommend doing it until Raine is very confident in her abilities.  Getting something slightly off is very easy and potentially lethal for the new creature.”
 “What about creating an enhancement suit for Pufflewink?” suggested James, obviously thinking that Pufflewink could keep up that way.
 For several seconds, I considered different modifications to the suits, considering how cute they could look.  While considering cuteness, I also considered whether or not Pufflewink would feel comfortable.  Like all kitties, Pufflewink liked warmth, and the suits were designed to ensure a certain level of warmth.  Everyone else had adapted to the feel fairly quickly, so I imagined Pufflewink might as well.  After letting myself enjoy numerous scenarios of my kitty playing around in her new suit, I double-checked a rather important part of this idea, asking “I c-can?”
 James nodded, saying, “As long as Jarod doesn’t mind.”
 “That’s an awesome idea, man-slave!” insisted Emma, grinning broadly.
 “I’ll admit that I’m intrigued to see what spells go into these things.” commented Vito eagerly.
 “Suit design is a trade secret, so no giving it away to anyone.” stated Jarod loudly to be heard over everyone.  “Mila, would you mind adjusting the design for felines?”
 “Already optimizing the fiber configuration.” she replied, sounding amused.  “Master, mind if we borrow your office briefly?”
 “Feel free.  Raine, I think she wants you upstairs.” encouraged James, smiling as well.
 I nodded to him, and then went into the office.  Quest gladly accepted!  At the speed of Mila, the entire room transformed into screens for me to inspect with additional screens forming up from the tiny ball things that came out of the floor.  Everything from molecular composition of the substances involved to the details on how James’ spells interacted with the physical form were on display.
 Downstairs, James was commenting to Jarod “I hope you know that she’ll never forget the designs.”
 Jarod grinned broadly.  “And I hope you realize that I have many, many plans that could use her aid.”  He was doing his villain act again.  On one hand, he really was good at looking like an evil mastermind.  On the other hand, he was a good person and wouldn’t actually attempt anything evil.
 In the free time I had between taking in the different screens, I considered if I was really capable of meeting Jarod’s expectations.  Yes, I was learning to use my magic, but I didn’t have anywhere near Ariadne’s level of mastery.  Sure, the best way to get there was practicing, but what if I oopsed again?  Energy research could be dangerous.  Would I be able to contain things?  Maybe Jarod wanted safer experiments first…  He’d listen if I told him I wasn’t ready for anything dangerous, right?  More scenarios erupted in my mind, but I didn’t have faith in them.  Jarod was very nice, but he could also be a little… obsessive.
 “If she comes back with a finished suit, I’ll be most disappointed.” stated Vito with a frown.
 “No need to be disappointed.  I’ll gladly show you the spell.” James told him.  “I just ask that you don’t utilize it for your kind yet.”  When Vito nodded his agreement, James created his spell.
 For once, I really studied what went into the spell, committing the entire arrangement of energy to memory.  Though I didn’t have confidence in duplicating such effects with my own magic yet, I could arrange residual energy, just like the others.  Mila was already showing me modifications to the spell on some of the screens, having shown me a 3D model of it already.
 Emma sighed and said, “You guys really know how to bring down a party.”
 “We’re partying?” questioned Noelle, seeming to have forgotten the conical hat on her head.  She was so adorable, and I wondered what she was showing the others.  Sadly, her magic couldn’t affect me through my own magic, so I couldn’t see.
 “Yes.  Today’s Raine’s birthday.” replied Dejon with a patient smile.  He had been working with her lately.
 I mentally danced through the room I had already prepared for them as a couple, in hopes of them dating.  He liked her, paying far more attention to her than he had paid attention to anyone else, and she certainly seemed interested whenever she looked at him.  I put the new memory of them together in goofy party hats up on a shelf, admiring it.
 Noelle’s eyes brightened, happy as ever.  “I should tell her Happy Birthday!”
 I mentally thanked her again, adding another tally in my mind’s personal room for her under the times she wished me a happy birthday today as I continued studying and connecting all of the pieces Mila was feeding me.
 “She’s off making something for her cat at the moment.” explained Dejon.
 “She has a cat!?  I love cats!” she exclaimed excitedly.
 There was a whole section of Noelle’s private room in my mind dedicated to her playing with Pufflewink.  The adorableness delighted me.
 “Me too!” exclaimed Kayla, lifting up Alberich, who had been leaning against Alma’s leg for the past minute.
 Alberich was a very proud, very small lion, but he didn’t swipe at Kayla this time.  Through our chats, I had learned that Alma spoiled him far too much when he was young, which was probably why he could be a bit snooty.  Luckily, even Alberich found Noelle cute, affected by her magic just like most everyone else—poor James didn’t know what he was missing.  When Noelle pet him, I could imagine how easily Alberich recognized her delight.
 Not long after Noelle and Kayla started playing with Alberich, Mila informed everyone that I would be indisposed for several more minutes—she could only show me things so fast.  I would also need some time to practice before I would be satisfied.  Everyone but me went to the ballroom to dance instead of gaming for once.  There were more cat-themed party decorations in there, and I was determined to join them soon.
 After I finished the material that Mila had for me, I started asking her questions and was surprised to find she liked my ideas for a few modifications in the suit.  She had originally assumed that I would simply remove the suit whenever Pufflewink wanted to go potty, but agreed with me when I pointed out that my little kitty would probably get disoriented by the sudden loss of enhancements more than our friends did.  With a bit of work, we came up with some alterations that should work, and Mila found some additional cleaning spells she felt would be better suited for cats.  Four-hundred-and-seventy-two variations later, Mila and I were satisfied that we had a suit Pufflewink would like, so I fetched her and created the suit around her.
 The difference was notable as soon as I saw my little kitty move.  She was confused, but I talked to her and warned her she’d need to be a little more careful.  Mila insisted the difference in strength and speed was considerable, so I took her word for it.  Satisfied that Pufflewink was happy, I took her down to join the others, dancing along with her in my arms.
 Mila felt the need to stick a spotlight on me the moment I arrived, but I didn’t mind.  James and Alma came over to examine the suit.
 “Were you successful?” he asked.
 “M-Maybe.” I replied, not as confident as Mila.
 He grinned as he said, “We should test it later before Alberich and Pufflewink play too much together.”
 I nodded in agreement.  Pufflewink would need more time to adjust to her new abilities.  “I-I should… visit… with… Ariadne.” I told him after considering a number of scenarios where Ariadne examined my kitty to make sure the enhancement suit was agreeing with her.
 When James and Alma moved to hug me, I was surprised, but I only considered dodging for a very brief moment.  I did like hugs, and neither of them would accidentally squeeze Pufflewink too hard.
 “I hope you’re having a wonderful birthday, Raine.” stated James as he hugged me.
 I nodded and smiled at my friends, telling them “B-Best ever.”
 “No.” stated James, making me consider what was wrong.  He then clarified “We plan to make each one better.”
 I probably stared at him too long when he said that and nearly let myself cry.  James was such a kind, wonderful person, and I would be grateful to him forever.  I was certain he underestimated how much he had done for me—modest as he was—but giving me a home where I am accepted, despite what I am, was already the best present I could receive in a lifetime.
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softforklave · 4 years
The Big Klave Fic Rec
Reginald Hargreeves does everything he can to learn about the Umbrella Academy’s powers, but Klaus is the one who finds out why they have their powers. No one expected the answer to be “we’re fallen angels” but here they all were. This is for my lovely @cemeteryklaus I hope you enjoy this! You will not run out of klave fics on my watch ;)
I have excessively been reading klave fics since s1 came out in February 2019, when there was only one page under the Klaus Hargreeves/Dave tag on ao3 (before our King shared his full name on Twitter). There are currently 2056 fics on ao3, and I can (un)fortunately say I have read almost all of them (what am I doing with my life?). Klave has been blessed with so many talented writers, so this is quite the list. Many of them have written more than one fic (some even over 50!), and since they are all amazing, it would take ages to list them all. Therefore, I have decided to recommend authors who have written two or more klave fics and linking to their the umbrella academy ao3 works page. Go read all of their works, and I can guarantee that every single fic is wonderful! And dont forget to leave kudos and comments, our writers deserve all the love and appreciation that we can give them! 
I also highly encourage people reblogging with their favourite fics, if you want to show the writers some more love or if I have forgotten your favourite fic (you can also dm me if you want me to add it on)! I have tried to @ the authors, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right blogs. Please let me know if I have tagged you wrong, forgotten to tag you or dont want me to tag you, I will remove the @ at once! I will try to update this as I continue to excessively consume klave content (though this is limited to ao3 and tumblr), so please come back to this list for more recommendations. Happy Reading! <3
Authors (2 or more klave fics)
A - B
a_nybodys /// accidentallyanoctopus /// actuallymaxie ///admirabletragedy @admirabletragedy /// aelisheva /// AliNear /// Allandnothing /// allthempickles /// Ama /// Anglophile_Rin @anglophile-rin /// aubrey_writes /// aye_of_newt @aye-of-newt /// bacondoughtnut @spookybeez /// Becca_Hay /// Bendy_CA @apocalypse-gang /// bennybentacles @bennybentacles /// blazeofglory /// Bluebacchus @bluebacchus /// bluetigerlillies @frogsarebxtches /// brionylarkin @brionylarkin 
C - E
CaptainAmericaoftheTardis /// CharryWotter /// covenofthearticulate @codenameseance /// CowgayKermit @cowgaykermit /// crisecardiac @thistlemoth /// Cyane /// Dancinbutterfly @dancinbutterfly /// dandelyre @dandelyre /// deargalileo/// deathishauntedbyhumans @deathishauntedbyhumans /// discohargreeves /// Doctor959 /// Dog_Bearing_Gifts @dogbearinggifts /// Drhair76 @handcoversheart-76  ///  dyllpickless @dyllpickless /// electric016 @electric016 /// Eternal_Peace_Is_Overrated @flowercrownsandbooks 
F - K
Faetality @faetxlity /// forestdivinity (ForestDivinity) @forestdivinity /// forthekidswhoaintgotnosoul @prime8svevo /// FrazzledSquidz G33kinthepink /// ghostbythesea @gay-poster-child  /// goldieknocks @goldieknocks  /// Hemitreunited @hermitreunited /// hippieklaus @hippieklaus /// hujwernoo /// iamnotalizard @lizard-overlord /// ilikeshipment @theseance1968 /// intheflowers /// Karturtle (karturtle) @karturtle /// Katplanet @katplanet /// KawaiiCommunism @kawaiic0mmunism /// KindaCool @kindasickkindacool /// klausmoon 
L - P
lastyoungrene-gay-de @lastyoungrene-gay-de /// livid /// LiviJoyann /// livtontea @zontiky /// loves_buckybarnes ///  Lyviel @justatiredghost /// Majure @fanthings /// Mars_and_Moon /// mieczyhale @mieczyhale /// momebie (katilara) @charmingpplincardigans /// noodlerdoodler ///  MusicLover19 ///  Nyctae /// obscurityofphylum /// ohmygodwhy @gaycinema /// Opal_Lakes /// @opal-lakes /// ophelibob_writes @a-human-pippin-took /// Papapaldi @wykart/// perceptuallydisorganizedwriter ///  PickledBeef  @pickledbeefwastaken ///  polarkai /// princejoopie @princejoopie /// punk_rock_yuppie
Q - S
queenbaskerville /// QueenOfAllCorgis /// rumbleroarsslumberingcubs /// Scalliwag @sscalliwag /// seancequeen @seancequeen /// sehn_sucht @sehn----sucht /// SerpaSas @queenbeyondthewalll  /// Shadowscast ///  Shamefulshameless @shameful-shameless /// Sharpworksamurai/// shipNslash /// Siriuspiggyback @cowboyklaus /// Smallswritesstuff @mychemicalxmen /// smile_it_will_get_better @smileitwillgetbetterbitches /// softforklave @softforklave (shameless self promo) ///spookyfbi @spookyfbi  /// stuckinmybook /// Squintern @chinchillinator ///  squishitude @squishitude /// sunriseseance @sunriseseance /// sunshineklaus
T - Y
tealeavesandtrash @carry-on-my-wayward-hobbit /// thefangirlingdead @thefangirlingdead /// TheMadHatterOfficial /// thetreasuerhunter @yeah-klave /// tjstar @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky /// TobiBooneTheSmallSpoone @tobiboonethesmallspoone/// TotallynotRemus @totallynotremus /// TwistedIllusions @courtneytarynofficial /// twosidedcoin /// VeteranKlaus @veteranklaus /// wildeism @knifecatklaus /// writer_inthe_dark /// yukiawison /// zweebie 
Fics (authors with currently only one klave fic)
Placeholder by Ace_Chey (mrs_sakuma) @cheydoesfandom
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A FIRST DRAFT WIP, EXPECT MISTAKES IN SPELLING, GRAMMAR, AND TIMELINES after NaNo I plan to edit and republish a cleaner, more complete version in 2021 ~~~
When Klaus sees the news that their father is dead, they’re feeding their seven-month-old daughter, Grace Kelly Katz, one year sober, and finally back on T (prescribed this time). Their siblings still haven't met Dave, let alone Gracie, and Klaus can't bear the thought of introducing them, not now, under these circumstances, so they go alone. But when the family reunion becomes complete with Five's sudden and bizarre arrival, not from 45 years in a wasteland, but directly from the lunch he ran away from 20 years ago, they realize things are going to get more complicated and they might not be able to put it off any longer.
Words: 58,217 Chapters: 36/? Status: Hiatus
Snapshots of a Life Well Lived by Ace_of_Spades_400
One week into Vietnam and the briefcase is broken. Klaus is never going home. He's just going to have to make the most of his life here, now.
Words: 13,960 Chapters: 3/3 Status: Complete
Run for miles just to get a taste by Agf
Dave comes back to 2019, and Klaus has some memories best exorcised with new ones.
Words: 1,666 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Not a Replacement, Never a Replacement by AndThenHeGotKnockedUp
Klaus hasn't piloted a Jaeger in years. He hasn't wanted to without Ben. He's spent all that time wandering far, far away from anything having to do with the Academy and kaiju.
Unfortunately for him, the world is ending, and Luther doesn't give him a choice.
(Pre-Klave! Will have a follow up in the future.)
Part 1 of the UA PacRim Fusion series
Words: 2,625 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
soldiered together by Anonymous 
"... I was foolish enough to follow him all the way to the front line."
Words: 2,993 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
know tenderness by applepandowdy
Klaus wished, more than anything, that they had just had a bit more time.
Words: 1,266 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
whatever words I say, i will always love you by ariya167 and bigembarrasingheart @ariya-167and @bigembarrassingheart
Dave kissed Klaus first, but Klaus kissed him back.
Words: 921 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
if i could choose anything in the world (id pick you every time) by aseriesofessays @macroglossus
"Would you have come back?"
He thinks about a farm.
Words: 588 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Boy and The Ghost by Astheroid 
“Look for me. Promise me Dave, promise you’ll look for me at the Umbrella Academy!”
Dave never knew what those words meant, the parting words of the man he loved, and they made absolutely no sense.
Until thirty-four years later when he found his purpose.
“Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted six such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.”
or story of ghost Dave finding thirteen year old Klaus and swearing to protect him from all evil.
Words: 4,494 Chapters: 2/? Status: WIP
new year, new me (things always turn out how they’re meant to be) by Astronomical_Aphrodite @aesthetic-antheia
When they travelled back through time, Klaus wasn’t expecting to be the only one who remembered. 
Part 1 of maybe by next January
Words: 80,770 Chapters: 18/20 Status: WIP
Five times Klaus dies in Vietnam and comes back, and One time Someone else does by BabyPom
Klaus can't seem to die, at least not permanently.
Words: 1,169 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
How The Hollyhocks Bloom by batcavemasquerade
In which Klaus Hargreeves, a retired pacifist, is dumped headfirst into the Vietnam War. Klaus never comes home and his brothers and sisters claw their way back to him, one by one, after the end of the world.
AKA: The siblings go back to the 1960s to regroup and to get a few measly moments of goddamned peace and quiet, and find Klaus serving in the Vietnam War, different and sober as can be.
Words: 24,035 Chapters: 16/20 Status: WIP - Chapter 16 is the new chapter 1. For the rewrite, read from 16 and upwards.
i hope you know you're my desire (i hope you know you're the one) by beezran
It must be fate when Dave puts his hand on Klaus’ cheek right as Klaus starts to ache for his kiss.
Kiss me.
His touch makes Klaus stand up straighter and edge closer to him.
“You’re beautiful, you know?” Dave says, and even with all that they’ve been drinking, Klaus knows it isn’t that what’s talking.
“Kiss me,” Klaus actually says it. He can’t take it back, and he doesn’t want to when Dave is looking at him like that.
Dave’s breath ghosts over his lips and Klaus keeps repeating it in his head like a prayer.
Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.
Or he might have said it, he’s not sure when he’s so caught up in the feeling of Dave so close to him.
Words: 22,708  Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Arcane Incidents of Anoxia by Bellovebug
Klaus dies.
Klaus dies, and Dave can't breathe.
He forgets what it's like, the feeling of oxygen entering his lungs, the sensation of carbon dioxide exiting them.
He remembers, though, the stories Klaus used to tell. He remembers that joke he'd made about that briefcase he always carried around being a time machine. He remembers the tall tales of a family of superpowers, a less than stellar father. He remembers the stories he'd spun out of thin air, of time travel and a disappearing brother and a talking chimpanzee and a robot mother.
(He remembers the true story he'd told about seeing ghosts.)
He only learns once he opens that mysterious briefcase under Klaus's cot that all of the stories were true.
Every one of them.
Words: 22,075 Chapters: 4/? Status: WIP
life is full of pain, i'm cruisin' through my brain by bigembarrassingheart @bigembarrassingheart
Bullets whizzed past his ears, and he would have screamed but he already was. Klaus grabbed Dave’s face, stroked his cooling cheek, rested his head on his shoulder like he did when they had nights alone. There had to be some life left in his body. In any second he would feel the heave of his chest. He had to.
Klaus takes a pit stop before going back to the future.
Words: 1,188 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
found by burlesquecomposer
Klaus’s right hand is Dave’s favorite one to hold. As long as they embrace hello, Dave says, they’ll never have to say goodbye.
But war is a bitch, and Dave is the one who gave him an excuse to charge into it head-on.
Words: 2,628 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
You Drew Stars Around My Scars by caliibee
“Does it hurt?” Klaus asked softly, running his fingers over Dave’s face and down his neck. He trailed down his chest, mindful of the deep-set wound that always sent a shock through his heart no matter how many times he’d seen it. Dave caught his hands and brought them back up to cup his face.
“No, not anymore.”
Words: 792 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Umbrella Academy: Winter Soldier by chiquitasdave and ratsbaby (orphan_account)
Luther lands an uppercut to the jaw, sending the soldier flying, and Diego’s moving before he even lands. His grip on Klaus tightens and his mouth opens to say something, anything, to pull him back to the safety of the car they crouch behind, but Klaus beats him to the punch. He leans forward to better watch the action, to cheer his brother on (or clean up his remains, depending on how this goes), and stops cold as the soldier pushes himself to his feet again.
Klaus' first thought is that he’s beautiful. Klaus’ second thought is that he knows him.
The threat of danger is sensed and signals fire to tell the brain, no, not yet! We weren’t meant for this! He can’t take it now! The body reacts to stop him, but Klaus steps forward anyway. He ignores every impulse because he knows him, because love makes him stupid, because he has to.
Klaus takes another step forward.
‘Who the hell is Dave?’
Words: 13,120 Chapters: 3/10 Status: WIP 
I Could Not Be At Rest, I Could Not Be At Peace by CosmicJourney @cosmictapestry
With the apocalypse delayed, there's now ample opportunity for Klaus to open up to his siblings about his past. There's also ample opportunity to try and conjure Dave. Unfortunately, one of these has to take precedence over the other.
(Season 1 AU)
(Sequel to "I'll Find Sleep, I'll Find Peace")
Words: 52,274 Chapters: 10/10 Status: Complete
Sick Of Losing Soulmates by CrazyAngel
"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences."
Back in 2019, things are the same but also different. The Hargreeves have messed with the timeline way too much and some things clearly aren't the same — like giving the chance for Klaus to meet Dave again. Klaus knows nothing about reincarnation or if it was really he and his brothers fault for this, but he'll take the chance anyway. Even if this Dave is blind now.
Part 1 of the Right Back Where We Started (Again) series
Words: 26,417 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
Admist the Chaos by crazynadine 
Ten months. Klaus spent ten months in Vietnam, fighting a war he didn't belong in, falling in love with a man he didn't deserve.
The long and convoluted tale about how a time traveling junkie and a disillusioned solider found love amidst the chaos of war....
Words: 87,700 Chapters: 10/10 Satus: Complete
The beginning of something by DoctorProfessorSong @doctorprofessorsong
The Hargreeves siblings find themselves in a future they barely recognize. Their father is alive. Their home is occupied by a mixture of strangers and familiar faces calling themselves The Sparrow Academy. None of them are friendly.
But it's all going to be okay. Five has a plan to restore the timeline. The rest of the siblings just need to sit tight and lay low. Just don't wander off. How hard can that be?
A continuation of the story from S2 because I am impatient for more. This one is gonna get real dark but I promise I am going to give the Hargreeves a happy ending.
Words: 52,548 Chapters: 18/18 Status: Complete
take me out, baby by downpours @fourhargreeves
For someone who spent a decade running from the debts he owed, Klaus spent an alarming amount of time trying to recompense Dave for loving him.
Words: 6,802 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Your Song by eithergayorgayer @yerbluues9
"And you can tell everybody, this is your song."
In which Klaus can play piano and sing and decides to serenate Dave who is watching from above.
Words: 3,578 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Hands by GoldenBones
Late at night after the disco when everyone else is asleep, Klaus kneels at Dave’s bunk and whispers a silent prayer into Dave’s hands. In a rare moment of peace against the harsh Vietnam winter, Klaus holds Dave’s hand against his face and tries to sleep.
Words: 1,640 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Ink and Dirt, Eggs and Orange Juice by HappySeaNinja
It’s a quick job on an overcast day, in and out, smooth like coffee, and the only hitch is in his voice when he says goodbye. There’s dirt under his fingernails, ink on his stomach, and a lingering shot of whisky on his tongue.
Really, it’s all that’s left.
Non-linear moments in Klaus and Dave's relationship across seasons 1 and 2. Please don't read unless you've watched all of season 2 as there are spoilers.
Words: 4,631 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
oh love, i'm there in memories by hellchoirs
"If only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. And it never faded, and it never got stale. And then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked, and it would be like living the moment all over again."
Words: 1,536 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
To Have a Home by heterophobe
Dave Katz is a simple man. He values kindness, honesty and strength of character. As someone who is queer and homeless, he also has a fairly substantial distrust of law enforcement.
This is why—when a twig of a man, with kohl-lined eyes and a vibrant pair of purple tights, sprints across the alley-way he’s seated in, skids to a halt at the corner of a dumpster, and balls himself tightly out of view from the street—Dave doesn’t make a move to flag down confused-looking uniformed officers that follow him into the mouth of the alley.
It’s also why—when said officers approach him, and ask him if he’s seen anyone come by—he takes one look at the man’s pleading eyes and shakes his head mournfully. “No, sorry officers.”
As told through a series of non-linear snapshots, Dave and Klaus come to know one another.
Words: 3,346 Chapters: 2/15 Status: WIP
Dream A Little Dream of Me by idkpeachystuff
"Klaus, thinking back, had always thought that was a strange term. Making love. He wasn't actually certain why. Sex had always felt like...well, sex. Fucking. Nothing entirely special or intimate that he felt had the effect on his heart like nearly everyone had made it seem it should be. And despite how utterly and disgustingly cliché it sounded, that was of course until he met Dave."
Klaus wakes before Dave on their last morning together, on a weekend out in town that is, leaving him with one of his only options to remember everything that had happened the night before and realizing that he was deeply in love, and no matter what, he was never getting out
Words: 3,015 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
projected stars across the night sky by iheardarumor (sonicraptors)
The best nights he’d ever had in his life were spent at his side.
Words: 1,496 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Late Shift at The Umbrella Café by intravenusann @jeffgoldblumsmulletinthe90s
Klaus and Ben have the afternoon shift together almost every day. But not every day are the customers as nice — or as hot! — as this new Dave guy.
Or, in other words, a story where Klaus gets his life together enough to get a boyfriend.
Words: 45,563 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
Need Some Advice by Jenni4
Niki wasn’t used to anyone asking her opinion, so she was surprised when Vina walked into work with an extra energy drink and slid it to her. “Need some advice.”
Niki raised an eyebrow and opened the can and took a big gulp. Vina had been sitting next to her at the call center for exactly two days now. “What makes you think I’m qualified to give anyone advice?”
Vina shrugged out of her jacket and took her seat. “You seem to have your shit together.”
Niki almost choked on her laughter at that one. “That’s so far from the truth but…”
Words: 5,192 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Farewell by JuliusQuasar @juliusquasar and LittleRit @littlerit
Day 20: Shipwrecked
Part 10 of the LittleRit's MerMay Fills 2021
Words: 100 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
a life so demanding by kaijugore @kaijugore
"He was still carrying the war in his heart, how was he supposed to talk about that?"
Ten months. 304 days. 7,300 hours. 438,000 minutes. It would never ever ever be enough time.
Part 1 of the i am (not) afraid to keep on living series
Words: 1,861 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
the sugar rush, the constant hush by kamisado 
The scars across his body mark a treasure map of mistakes. Tiny shrapnel scars and rosy-red roadrash, a lifetime of being thrown to the ground by Academy training and the real world. The ivory line tracing across his jaw, almost invisible. The tattoos and the traintracks, the pockmarked puncture wounds scattered like a horrifying constellation across his body.
He’s so tired.
[a klaus s1 character study]
Words: 3,801 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
By The Firelight by keatches @klauzoleum
They share a long look, their lips still tilted in small, secret smiles.
“I’m Dave.” He extends an open palm, skin callous but inviting. Klaus reciprocates with a clap of his own hand against his.
“Klaus.” He tilts forward as the bus jolts, trundling them away to disaster. The briefcase knocks against the heel of his boot, but Klaus absentmindedly nudges it aside.
The five significant times Klaus spoke to Dave. The one time he never will again.
Or, how they fell in love.
Words: 14,681 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
in midnights, in cups of coffee by klausgraves
Dave is just trying to keep his bookstore open, and the stoned hottie that keeps wandering in and talking at the air really, really isn't helping.
Words: 7,316 Chapters: 3/? Status: WIP 
Sehnsucht by KimbaSprite @pokemonmasterkimba
Day 26: Longing
What was supposed to be a casual night out takes a turn for the weird when Dave encounters a mysterious stranger stranded on the beach. His sister keeps telling him he needs to meet new people and make connections, so why not with Klaus? Even if he is so attractive that Dave feels he may get sick from nerves alone.
“Hey, my eyes are up here. Careful, or you may get lost in them.“ He looks into Klaus’s eyes as instructed and hmm. Yeah, wow.
Klaus bites his lip in a way that is definitely attractive, and Dave wonders if he realizes what he’s doing to him. Probably. Probably. Klaus seems like the kind of person who knows just how powerful they are.
All at once Dave finds himself sympathizing with old-timey sailors; he could see himself risk drowning just for the chance to exist in the same space as Klaus.
Words: 8,585 Chapter: 1/1 Status: Complete
I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (I Promise) by LaceratedLullabies
But whatever apocalyptic future Dave found himself in couldn’t be worse than the present. His world had already ended. - On February 21st 1968, Klaus Hargreeves dies in Vietnam. A heartbroken Dave follows his last connection to the man he loves: a time-travelling briefcase. 50 years out of time, Dave has to deal with a changed world, his aborted grief and a tortured Klaus who doesn't know him yet. Oh, and the impending apocalypse.
Words: 13,851 Chapters:7/? Status: WIP
I Will Follow You by lostonthisisland @distilledspirit
After Dave's death on the front lines of the Vietnam War he's pulled through time to witness important points in Klaus' life.
Was going for a 5+1 format, but it's a bit looser than that. So, in other words, 5 times Dave sees Klaus and 1 time Klaus sees Dave.
Words: 6,693 Chapters: 2/2 Status: Complete
i get down on my knees and pretend to pray by marinersapptcomplex @wavesknowshoress
He was quiet, for once, standing silent and breathing in the air around him. There were tears in his eyes.
Words: 2,044 Chapters: 1/1  Status: Complete
Soulmates by Meilena
"Klaus was twelve, as high as a kite, and in fact, did know why his soulmark looked so thin and light."
Everyone has a soulmark, which is where the name of their soulmate resides on the skin of their left forearm. Klaus has one too, only his is a little different.
Words: 853 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
(Feels Like) Heaven by Melivian @melivian
When Klaus wakes up in the afterlife, he can't believe his luck.  Somehow, despite his checkered past and wobbly moral compass, he's made it into the Good Place, where he'll spend eternity with his dream soulmate in a dream neighbourhood.
Only there are two problems. The first is that he's pretty sure the architect of this neighbourhood has the wrong person. And if she catches on that Klaus doesn't belong with all the heroes and philanthropists here, he'll be sent to the Bad Place.
The second is that for the residents, this dream is starting to feel a lot like a nightmare...
Part 1 of the I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door series
Words: 23,496 Chapters: 5/28 Status: WIP
Hello, Goodbye by michaelfalls
His eyes stare where Klaus can’t see. His soul goes where Klaus can’t follow.
Words: 2438 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
come on, baby by myeyesarenotblue @myeyesarenotblue
“Dave, my sister has powers,” Klaus says, matter of factly, bobbing his head up and down, “She’s had powers this whole time but my asshole father decided she was too-” and he looks down at the notebook, does finger quotes with one hand, “- 'uncontrollable' and 'dangerous’ to use them.”  
“As in- superpowers? ”  
“Yeah,” Klaus says, and then- “I have to tell her," and then- "Wanna come with?"
Words: 5,081 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
your fingers weave quick minarets by nerdsandthelike @nerdsandthelike
According to Five, they have an apocalypse to stop in the future and here Klaus is fifty years too early trying to get in the pants of some probably straight GI who Ben keeps reminding him looks like Luther before the protein shakes. Because he’s not Allison, Klaus decides to put that particular observation waaaaaayyy to the side.
Words: 6,615 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
My Heart Is Playing Hide-And-Seek (Wait And Count To Four) by nessbess (orphan_account)
Klaus had spent what felt like a lifetime searching for Dave after he died in 1968. But Dave found him first, long before that. Klaus was five years old the first time he appeared.
Words: 11,908 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP 
Five and Dave's Life Changing (Life Saving) Field Trip by neuronary
The little boy, who Dave could now see was not as little as he’d first thought, shoved a tin mug at him. “Drink this.”
Dave drank. It tasted sickly sweet and slightly citrus-y. “Who are you?”
“Five.” The boy’s scowl deepened at Dave’s confusion. “Klaus’ brother.”
Or, Five saves Dave's life to stop Klaus from moping. From Dave's perspective, a very grouchy, sleep-deprived twelve-year-old kidnaps him and he finds it much more entertaining than he should.
Inspired by Lyviel's 'Fixes to the Timeline'
Words: 1,728 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
breathy on the bits by Nucci @maundering-marauder
“So Fivey, tired of the school boy chic?” Klaus asked with a manic grin, “Because do I have so many ideas for you.”
“As long as it’s warm, I don’t really care.”
“Warm, check” Klaus noted, miming checking a box with his finger, “Any other demands?”
“No sequins,” Five replied and blipped out of the room.
Or, Five’s tired of wearing the Academy uniform and Klaus offers to help. As is wont to do with the Hargreeves, emotions and miscommunication ensues.
Words: 8,702 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Collision of Your Kiss by orphan_account
Klaus spends ten months in Vietnam.
Dave is why.
Words: 4,505 Chapters: 1/1 Status: discontinued
pieces (skin to bone) by orphan_account
The first time Klaus dies, he is thirteen. He dies again at seventeen, eighteen, twenty-four. By his fifth death, he has resigned himself to the blackness that awaits him. Not that he much cares: anything would be better than this, even blissful oblivion, even floating in blackness until his mind decays, and, like Five, he starts seeing people where there aren’t there, falling in love with a mannequin or a fleck of dust in his eye.
Dave won't come to Klaus, so Klaus decides to go to him.
Words: 2,128 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
in the mountain of the crouching beast by patrocluus
Dave catches his eye later, when they’re sitting next to each other in the bumpy truck, men jostling into each other on all sides; the corner of his mouth quirks up a little, just enough to make Klaus’ heart jump in his chest. He doesn’t remember the last time someone looked at him like that: like they have a secret to share, and that secret is the most important thing in the world, even if that world seems to be ending around them.
Or: It's 1968, and deep in the A Shau Valley, Vietnam, Klaus meets a man who feels like home.
Words: 8,203 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
in the january rain by phcbosz
And all Klaus has left to prove that any of it happened and wasn’t just one fucked up dream is a pair of bloody dog tags, a tattoo on his arm, and the taste of ash sticking to the roof of his mouth.
Words: 5,226 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Dancing to the Rhythm of a Different Drum by PlaneJane
Klaus escapes from one terror, and finds himself in another: the A Shau Valley, Vietnam, 1968.
"They kissed at midnight, breath heavy with liquor, the first brush of Dave’s lips making Klaus weak at the knees. Giddy at the gentle way Dave took his face in his hands, like Klaus was something precious."
My Klaus and Dave backstory, because the show didn't give me enough.
Words: 1,498 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
His name was Dave by punkspiders
Klaus reflects back upon his time both in the Vietnam War, and with the man he loved more than himself.
Words: 1,654 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
How Not To Propose by RhubarbDuck
His life follows a monotonous routine: wake up, smoke, go to the same shitty grocery store, space out for eight hours and occasionally stock shelves, more drugs, rinse, and repeat.
His life was, at some point, a little more exciting (if exciting meant going on a week-long bender and waking up in a cell with the worst headache he ever experienced). After a couple weeks in jail and the threat of a rehab that he could never attend, he met Dave. Honestly, Klaus couldn’t remember his life before Dave. Dave was kind and understanding and way too put together to be with a fuck up like Klaus, but for whatever reason he seems to love Klaus- or at least he tells him so twice a day.
American Ultra AU
Words: 19,824 Chapters: 5/? Status: WIP
The Moments We Had by RosyPages @thesevenumbrellas
A series of moments between Dave and Klaus as they fall in love during the war.
Words: 2,044 Chapters: 3/8 Status: WIP
In the Dark by runrarebit
So they're back in the past, they're thirteen again, Ben is alive, Vanya doesn't remember, her siblings are suddenly treating her differently, better, and all of a sudden she and Klaus are bonding- Klaus who is still trying to be clean and sober- except things are never easy, are they? There’s their father to contend with, once more alive and at the height of his power over them, and there’s secrets, always secrets, always in danger of getting out, and after their father decides that a clean and sober Klaus is a Klaus that can resume his training Reginald Hargreeves just might not be the scariest man walking the halls of the Umbrella Academy- even if only one person can see him.
The thing about Klaus is that, even trapped, in the dark, he is never alone. Never alone. Never. And the past he's been running from ever since he was a small child might just now be something he can’t escape from.
Words: 61,243 Chapters: 18/18 Status: Hitaus
well, the clock says it's time to close now by rythyme (pugglemuggle)
The first time Klaus falls in love, it's in the middle of a war. Fate really does enjoy cruel irony.
Or, a series of vignettes from the ten months Klaus and Dave spent together in Vietnam.
Words: 3,788 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Fancy Seeing You Here by Saccha @sacchariwrites
Dave miraculously survives being shot in the chest, and is present when Klaus gets in a fight at that vets bar.
Written for EnKlave Fest.
Words: 1,891 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Valentine’s Day in Vietnam by salvador-daley @salvador-daley
A hungover Klaus awakes after a night in the arms of a young man from Dallas
Words: 1.7k Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
In the Dark of the Night by sassmaster_tiresias @i-will-fong-you
The flashlight is still on, peeking out between the folds in Dave’s comforter, and Dave remembers how frantic Klaus had been to turn it on.
He remembers how he couldn’t even really see Klaus when he’d first woken up, his beautiful face obscured by the darkness. Then, he remembers the Christmas lights in Klaus’ room—strung in a haphazard zig-zag up the wall beside his bed, the soft glow that was present every time Dave had been in that room.
“The lights,” he says.
Words: 2,437 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
War is Hell by sauropod @occult-criticality
Klaus' hands were still filthy with dried blood and muck as he fumbled at the clasps, the combination lock on the top. Desperate, blind hope had his heart going a mile a minute. The dial still read that seemingly random set of numbers it had the first time he opened it on the bus, what felt like a lifetime ago.
“Please.” Klaus choked. “Please work.” He opened the briefcase.
Words: 80,813 Chapters: 21/? Status: WIP
New and Familiar by Snabby
If you told Dave a year ago that he had a loving (if a bit crazy) boyfriend, in a relationship which he didn’t have to hide, he wouldn’t have believed you. Although that thought isn’t as crazy in comparison to being in the future and the fact that his boyfriend, can not only see ghosts but was raised in a crazy cult-like superhero family.
In Dave’s opinion, the oddest thing out of the whole family is Five
So he was a little shocked and confused when Five popped in front of him.
“I need you to get a decent fucking cup of coffee” shoving his little finger in Dave’s face
Or Klaus and Dave pretend to be Five's parents so the poor little dude can get coffee
Words: 1967 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
It's a Piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake by StardustInYourEyes
Prompt: Flour fight in the kitchen Klaus and Dave's attempt at making a cake
Words: 2,535 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
i just wish that you were here, now by sapphictomaz
Immediately after the Season One finale, Klaus finds himself back in 1968, and is forced to so some soul-searching while dealing with the rest of his siblings and the memories he has of Dave from the first time around.
Title from "Wish You Were Here" by Marianas Trench.
Words: 4,055 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
face to face (and a thousand miles apart) by shadowlancer_95 @shadowsofmoonracer
His strides were long, and shaky as he stumbled through the darkness, relying on the barest threads of memory to Allison’s house. The cut on his lip stung in the cold night air, his throbbing cheekbone a mere shadow of the agony in the hollow cavity where his heart used to be.
Klaus, after his second (and most disastrous) meeting with Dave.
Words: 1,799 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
i wore his jacket for the longest time by sharkhette
So, maybe Klaus wasn’t in his right frame of mind. Maybe he hadn’t been for a long time. But Dave was dead, and that meant Klaus should be able to conjure him, one way or another. The traditional method of cleaning up his act and sitting around to wait hadn’t worked, so it was time to get imaginative.
Klaus just wants to see Dave again, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen, no matter the cost. Includes conversations with Ben, Diego, God, a surly preacher, and gratuitous references to certain MCR songs.
Words: 7,252 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
His oxygen belongs to Death by Sophiethegeek
He can almost taste their bloodlust on his tongue, feel their rage heavy in his breastbone. They’re bad today, and it’s safe to say he’s having a very bad day as a result. Each swipe is sending icy pain across his skin, making him shiver. God, he’s cold.
He closes his eyes, pretending not to hear the faint roar of the snarling, crying, screeching mass around him. Why did he think sobriety was a good idea? Christ on a cracker, this fucking sucked.
Or: After hopping around time, and returning to the day of the apocalypse that never was, Klaus falls apart slowly, then all at once.
Words: 91,661 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP
Love You, Sugar by spaceysev
There’s a reason Klaus can’t listen to Total Eclipse of the Heart anymore, and it’s got everything to do with the only man who was ever allowed to call him Sugar.
Words: 3,828 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
musical preference by sourcheeks
“Of course you don’t like country.”
“I never said that,” Klaus replied diplomatically, even though it was true.
Words: 227 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Wings of Feathers and Wax by TerezFox8989
A look at the morning after their first time.
Hell, he always considered it a personal victory if he could put a name to a face after, which had suited him just fine. Sex had always had a means to an end, he used and was used; drugs, food, sleep, alcohol. But never this...not mornings after wrapped up in each other talking about family.
Words: 1,534 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
One Night in Saigon by terracotta_heartbreak
They're drunk, they're in a Saigon Hotel, and Klaus is smoking on the bed, but that's nothing new. But it's such an odd thing to be alone together, that doe-eyed strange man who never made sense here, and the soldier who'd fallen for him, for all those eccentricities. How are you meant to make sense of each other in the 60s, in that musky haze of war, drugs and the sounds of political blues rock?
Words: 2,011 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Just One in Thousands by TheArchaeologist @ancientstone
Take the idea that Five is followed by all his victims from his time at the Commission, and take the idea that Five is responsible for Dave’s death, and what do you get?
Pain is what you get.
Words: 1,351 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Dancing with a Ghost by TheBestofEverything
"Would you like to share this dance with me?" Dave asked quietly.
"I'd love to," Klaus smiled as he took Dave's hand in his.
(Klaus is finally sober, and he conjures Dave.)
Words: 664 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Bad Enough for You by thehoundisdead
Dave can be bad. He doesn’t want to be but he can. He wants to spoon Klaus; to gather him up tight enough against his chest to hold all of his pieces together, to let him relax for once. He wants to take a bath with him and shampoo his hair and make him breakfast in bed and wrap him up in his softest blanket. But that’s not what Klaus wants, at least not yet. Dave has a strong suspicion that Klaus has never been treated softly by a partner. So, bad boy.
based on the song bad enough for you by all time low
Words: 8,757 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Way Light Swallows Shadows by TheSevenUmbrellas (RosyPages) @thesevenumbrellas
Dave is a vampire hunter who has never hunted a vampire in his life. Klaus is a vampire made for a war that ended before he was even born. When ten years of peace are put at risk after the death of a hunter, they’re both faced with the possibility that maybe the war isn’t over after all. Separated from their respective sides, Dave and Klaus have no other option but to depend on each other to get home before a war can tear their lives apart.
Words: 5,932 Chapters: 2/24 Status: WIP
Tag, You're It by totallyevan @totallyevan
Dating in Vietnam was never easy. Klaus and Dave have to watch out for everything, but thankfully they know their way around the system. Things escalate quickly and the only witness is the moon.
Words: 11,116 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
something so magic about you (so tragic about you) by Tremble
Snippets of their live in Vietnam or Dave slowly finding out that Klaus is nowhere near ordinary. --- This was originally suppose to be a 5+1 thing, but uh that didn't happen. oops
Words: 6,625 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
21.02.1960 by Uglyfrogboi
It was funny how time worked, how it was both only a couple of weeks ago yet it was also exactly nine years in the future. Why is he mourning a day that hasn’t technically happened yet? It’s a simple answer really, that was the day he thinks he last felt anything other than that horrible, thick, smothering, emptiness that seems to follow him around. Today, nine years from now, is the day that his world ended.
How Klaus deals with being dropped in the past, ten days before the anniversary of Dave's death.
Words: 3494 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
you're getting on my (optic) nerves by untrustworthyglitch 
Klaus Hargreeves is many things. He's a former child superhero, an estranged brother, a drug addict, a frequent flyer at the local rehab facility. He can talk to the dead and never seems to die and loves a good thunderstorm.
He's also blind, but he wasn't always.
Part 1 of the blind!klaus (hazy, but hopeful) series
Words: 6,375 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Scarlet Song by UrsaCentum(phantomviola) @flecket
Klaus isn’t a big fan of Hell.
drabble written for TUA AUgust 2021 Day 25: Angel/Demon
Part 6 of the Ursa's AUgust Fills 2021 series
Words: 100 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
never felt so high (think i'm coming down) by wewhofightmonsters
“Dave,” he whispers, and he leans down to press a kiss, light as a summer breeze, to Dave’s forehead, “Dave, I’m a fucking idiot. I love you back. I love you back.” And as he says it, he knows it to be true, and that small, closed up part of him that has languished in the dark and the constant haze of drugs, unfurls and stretches out towards the light. “I love you back,” he says again, in wonder.
(Klaus and Dave, and second chances)
Words: 24,536 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP
Curl Conditioner by wormbcy @nastyworm
Klaus tidies up his supplies and puts it all back in the cabinet, and then hums to himself in thought.
"Hey Dave, space for another in there?"
Words: 6,524 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
would it be enough (if I could never give you peace) by ZJpotter
The Hargreeves' and their sixties love. 
Chapter 2: Klaus, bugs, and the definiton of home. 
Words: 2,909 Chapters: 2/2  Status: Complete
262 notes · View notes
dialux · 3 years
I’ve been going on a reading binge of all your Tolkien Women fics, and I cannot stop thinking about Indis. As a consequence I’ve created a headcanon that hurts my heart and I am going to inflict it upon you because this is clearly your fault.
Indis is one of those people just meant to be a parent, it fits her so well everyone knew it was just a matter of time before she became one. And once she gets married she tries so hard to be there for Feanor despite her own grief, but he won’t let her in. She has her kids and everyone congratulates her on having four (four!!) wonderful children, but in her heart she has five. Because Feanor might not have let her into his heart, but she certainly let him into hers, and she will always think of him as her eldest son.
It will haunt her to the end of all days and beyond, that he was always her son but she could never truly be his mother, and on her bad days she thinks that every catastrophe and death of the first age can be laid at her feet for not succeeding in the one thing everyone said was her speciality.
Okay, so a) fuck you, b) fuck you, c) fuck you. This story is basically just saying that, only in more euphemistic terms, anon.
Once, there were three: a woman with fair hair, a man with fair eyes, a woman with fair skin. 
The woman with fair skin is captured and taken by the Dark One to his fortress, where she languishes for long weeks in grief and agony. She is not turned, even as those captured alongside her become evil beings, twisted and gruesome and cruel. Melkor wonders why this woman- this limpid-eyed, weeping girl- can withstand what no other has managed.
He does not get the chance to find out.
The woman with fair hair storms Utumno. She drags her sister out alongside whoever is left of their people. But the fair-skinned woman collapses only a few days’ from the chill of Utumno, and she shows her sister the secret she expended all her fea upon: a child, a fair-haired, fair-eyed, fair-skinned girl.
Intyale the Fair-Haired buries her sister Indis in a cave of glittering light. Then she takes the child down to her people, and she bids her brother, fair-eyed Ingwe, to watch their niece. Indis he names her, for the mother she will never know, and he raises her as his own daughter, this girl who bears the brightest things of all his family.
She is the daughter of all three of them. Of Indis the Slain, and Intyale the Bright-Speared, and Ingwe the Grand. Indis bears one woman’s name and another woman’s steadiness and a man’s strength. She is the princess of the Vanyar. She will always be that.
She will always remember how desperately her mother fought to keep her alive. Hidden in Utumno, chanting song after song of hiding and cleaving and darkness, straining for one more moment- one more moment- to keep the little babe at her breast alive- defying Melkor himself- 
The Vanyar suffer the greatest of the losses to the Dark One before ever Orome comes to them. They- none of them, not from the eldest down to the youngest child- will ever trust Melkor ever again.
She was born in grief. 
The Doom that Namo places- it is shocking, it is pitiless, it is cruel. But then Alqualonde still rings with the laments of the Teleri. But then, Finwe is dead. Melkor has taken not just one from Indis’ life. 
She was born in grief, and, as one by one her children too learn that taste, she wonders: Perhaps the doom is my own.
When she is very young, she asks Intyale: What did I get from my mother?
And Intyale- this, Indis remembers very, very well- had paused, and considered, and then said, Her silence.
From Indis her mother, she receives silence. From Ingwe, she receives the knowledge of ruling and leadership. From Intyale- 
-from Intyale, she receives the strength of will to remain unbowed.
Indis loves Miriel with the kind of love of a calf for its mother: overwhelmingly, adoringly, all-consumingly. She spends hours with Miriel, learning to weave those tapestries, hands tangled in thread of silk and cotton and wool, eyes affixed to the wall just as often as she watches the silver spirals of Miriel’s hair.
The Noldor tend to craft to show their passion for the world, but Indis has nothing of that: she is a fair dancer, a well-versed scholar, a singer of surpassing talent. None of them call to her more than the rest.
She aids Miriel often, now that the building of Tirion is almost complete. Indis enjoys sitting with her and with Finwe, sipping a salty-hot tea as the light changes from gold to silver; she often falls asleep there, slumped over in her chair, and returns only at the second Mingling to Ingwe’s abode.
This is what they all forget about Miriel’s death: it was slow.
Slow and lingering and painless. She had dignity unto the end. Finwe clutched her hand until it could not be held. Little Feanaro is the only person in all of Aman, they say, who has lost his mother.
Indis bites her tongue until it bleeds, and does not speak.
Intyale dies upon the hills of the Ered Luin. Indis is still young in those days, not quite an adult and not quite a child. Three children are gamboling near the water, and there is- something. Not quite something, but not quite nothing either. Intyale realizes before anyone else, and flings herself forwards, bare-handed.
The water boar is driven backwards into the river. Indis grabs the children. Two maiar run, grasp the situation, calm the boar down with songs. Intyale emerges from the river dripping.
She collapses upon the sand, and Indis is there in heartbeats: Intyale is the only mother she remembers, distant and proud though she may be. When she dares to let her eyes drift to Intyale’s chest, everything tightens up inside of her. Her mother is rent open, from breast to belly. 
“No,” says Intyale, and reaches up, and grips Indis’ chin tighter than she ought to be able to, so close to death’s door. “Look at me, little one. We are more than our flesh.”
“You are dying,” whispers Indis, trembling.
“Yes,” says Intyale bluntly. “Call for Ingwe.”
Not for the maiar, who might save her. And not for the Valar either. Intyale has given up: Indis doesn’t realize this until later, but her mother- her aunt- would not have called for Ingwe had she not been determined to join the sister she watched fall.
Intyale forces Ingwe to swear to care for Indis as he would his own daughters. Then she asks for her spear, and to be burned until even her bones show no ash. She tells everyone who her sparse belongings must go to. And then, fingers clutching the bone-spear, she dies.
(Feanor, too, burns. Half her family burns to death, Feanor and Fingolfin and Fingon and Turgon and Maedhros and- and- and-
That fire is not of Finwe alone. Fire can be taught to catch, and Feanor never burned quite so brightly to anyone else as he did for Indis and her usurpation of his sainted mother. No: the fire is Indis’ inheritance, and Indis’ gift.)
Intyale does not tell anyone who her bone-spear should be given to. Indis finds herself holding onto it, and somehow never lets go.
This is what they forget: Miriel was the first to die in the peace of Valinor. 
The second is Finwe.
Feanaro has lost his mother, but Indis will become that mother if he will allow it. She would wish for nothing more. Of course she wishes for nothing more. 
But he does not.
Indis watches him when he does not realize. She can see it- the grief, the loneliness. He is a little boy, and Finwe is not half the father he would wish to be, and there are impossible things in this world that Indis wants- her mother, her Miriel, her peace- but most of all she just wants little Feanaro to be happy, to know happiness and joy and trust in it instead of fearing the joy will turn cold and dead in his arms.
Miriel had been- quickly angered.
So had Finwe. So do most of the Noldor. Indis is patient enough not to pay much attention to it. 
Well. She is patient.
Miriel had been easily provoked into greatness. A few insults, a carefree comment- Miriel would sit at her loom and weave, something ever-greater and ever-better. Even now, the finest gown in Indis’ keep is one that she received from Miriel the day after she spent hours insulting Miriel’s taste in fabric.
Indis would have done that to her in those awful weeks after Feanaro’s death. She would’ve gone in and insulted Miriel to within an inch of her life, made her so breathless with rage that Miriel would have levitated out of her bed to strike Indis about the face. 
But Este’s healers- called in when the labor lasted for more than two days- refused to hear of it, and Indis could only watch as Finwe’s face went whiter by the hour and all they heard from the sickroom were little Feanaro’s wails and the healers’ murmurs. She obeys the Valar: she watches Miriel fade into Lorien, and never return.
Little Feanaro is all that’s left of Miriel. 
She is certain that he’s very much like her, too.
Feanaro thinks that his dislike of Indis comes from her marriage to his father. Perhaps the dislike deepened into hatred then; Indis does not know. What she does know- for she’s ensured it- is that Feanaro hated her well before her marriage.
(“I expected better of you,” says Indis, once.
Feanaro is three years old. His eyes are Miriel’s in shape and size and beauty. Indis, determinedly, does not flinch. 
“I’m just doing with Rumil taught me!” he exclaims.
“In Valmar,” says Indis, “children learn their letters by the time they turn a year old.”
Feanaro flushes red. “I don’t like these letters. They don’t make sense.”
“Then make your own,” says Indis, careful not to let sympathy seep into her voice.
She does not smile when the news percolates through Valinor of Feanor’s Tengwar. She does not smile, but oh, oh: how she wants to!)
This is what they do not see: Feanaro is young, and while fire is forever dangerous, while fire is forever alluring, it is too easy, far too easy, to stamp it out. Especially when it is young. Especially when it is small.
Indis would have been the shelter to that little flame if he would have allowed it. But he will not, so all she can do is throw fuel onto the fire. Chaff and dross and dried straw: insults and backhanded compliments and petty slights. If Feanaro will not let her protect him, then she will build him so high that none will ever be able to strike him down.
(Letting him die was never an option.)
Finwe dies, and they leave, and then Feanaro dies, and then Findis disappears, and then Nolofinwe dies, and then Arafinwe comes to her, for the first time since his father’s body burned in Tirion’s courtyard.
“We have been given leave to go to Beleriand,” says Arafinwe quietly, solemnly. “Morgoth shall be defeated and thrown into the Void. The Vanyar shall all come, by King Ingwe’s decree.”
“Is there something you wish to ask me, then?” asks Indis gently.
Arafinwe swallows, one reflexive jump of his throat. “Will you join me?”
Indis rises. Steps away. Goes to her bedroom and plucks it from the wall, and returns in time to see her darling son’s shoulder slump with frustration. 
“I will not,” she says. Arafinwe jumps, startled. Indis steps closer to him and presses the bone-spear into his palms. “I will not return, Arafinwe, to that land. Already it has taken much from me. I will not offer it more.”
“Take this,” says Indis. “It is your grandmother’s.”
Surprise glitters in his pale eyes. “I have a sword.”
“This has already held off Morgoth once,” says Indis. “There are tales that will never be told, of the courage of the elves that never saw the Blessed Isles. Intyale Bright-Speared was your grandmother named, and well-named was she! This spear held Morgoth back long enough to release prisoners in the depths of Utumno before ever Orome saw us, long enough to let Intyale’s sister flee. Long enough for Intyale’s sister to hand the child in her arms over to Intyale.
“The sister’s name is Indis,” says Indis. “I was that child. I was named for her.”
Arafinwe stares at her. “You speak so rarely of them.”
“I’ve no desire to relive tragedy for the rest of my life,” says Indis flatly. “Now come. You’ll need to learn how to use that, if you wish to hold Morgoth hostage!”
Perhaps she began this, when she chose this path.
Perhaps she could have averted this.
But Indis is the daughter of Intyale, and it will be her bone-spear held to Morgoth’s throat at the end of this awful, deathful road, and if nothing else- if nothing else- she has the will to remain unbowed, this girl born in the shadow of Utumno, this woman who watched all those around her fall as wheat before a scythe, this mother who would rather her children loathe her than die, this daughter who has lost both mothers and knows, bitterly, the whole of that unfathomable loss.
That is what she tells Feanor, finally, when he returns to life.
There is something thoughtful in his gaze. He nods, and returns, a week later, and when she blithely tells him that his sons have inherited his monotonous fashion sense, Feanor flushes, and then pauses, and then says, carefully, “I’d rather it be monotonous than Finarfin’s gaudiness,” and Indis drinks her tea- salty-hot, just as she likes it- and she says, smiling, “I am glad you can be taught.”
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH53
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 53: Purgatory Reunion (V) {cw: attempted suicide, religious guilt}
There were too many demons. There were too many demons.
The space by his feet had already been filled with corpses, and the whole lake of fire was floating with the stench of sulfur and demon blood, but it seemed that no matter how he killed them, he couldn’t kill them all.
Ning Zhou watched the steady stream of demons, from the initial tension to the final numbness. He tried every demon with Maria's sword of judgment, and finally… tried himself.
After entering Purgatory, the burning wounds on his abdomen had become more and more painful, lost consciousness, and there was no divine power in the body that had once been filled with holy power to protect him. Then, the evil power had gradually returned to him.
Ning Zhou already knew what it was. For many years, his mother Maria's worried eyes and her awkward words have planted too many questions in his heart. Now, he finally understood.
When he was young, he had once asked her who his father was.
Maria had sat by the bed and watched the sunset, remaining silent for a long time.
He persisted in asking his mother again.
Maria took his little hand and gently answered him, "He was someone who was lost."
"It's a long, long road, and no one knows where the end is. Your father and I met unexpectedly. We walked along the same road, passed many beautiful sights along the way, and left many beautiful memories. We said goodbye briefly at a fork in the road and agreed that we would continue walking. But he got lost... He walked a long way and gradually forgot everything from the past. He gained power that ordinary people could not imagine, but he even forgot his name."
"Did he forget you, too?" the small Ning Zhou asked anxiously.
A faint smile appeared on Maria's pale face: "No, he hasn't forgotten me. He didn't forget me all his life. On the day we met again, he looked at me for a long time and asked me... ‘who are you?’"
Ning Zhou looked at her in confusion and asked, "’Who are you?’ Doesn’t that mean he forgot?"
But he didn't know that a man who had forgotten himself and everything else had found his true love in the vast sea of people. At that moment, no matter what question he asked, it didn't matter.
The fact that he could find this person had already shown that he had never forgotten his love.
In a dark room, a long table with more than a dozen seats was surrounded by people, each of whom silently looked at the magic mirror suspended on the table which displayed this scene of carnage from the bottom of his heart.
"Is it okay to let him kill like this again?" the Witch of Nothingness asked gently, with her eyes closed and her hands folded on her lower abdomen.
The Witch of Desperation, covered in a black robe, looked at the bright red lake of fire in the magic mirror, but there was no magic in her empty eyes: "It doesn't matter. As long as he can fully awaken his original force, it doesn't matter how much of that trash he kills."
"I'm afraid he won't want to. Don't forget, he was originally from the Holy See," the Witch of Nothingness warned.
"Haha, have you forgotten? His Majesty was also very close with the Holy See. To be precise, he and the Holy See’s Holy Nun was the object of his affections. Even when his original force had awakened fully and he forgot his whole family, he was still holding a Canon all day long. But wasn't it him who finally took us into the human world?" the Devil of Evil smiled, not sharing his colleagues’ worry.
The Witch of Resentment held her forehead in one hand: "Please, don't remind me of the days when I studied hard to please His Majesty with the scriptures. I have no interest in the things of the Holy See. I would rather boil my potions."
The Witch of Nothingness smiled faintly. "Have you ever noticed that all the Devil Kings have some abnormal hobbies? When you count them carefully, none of them looks like a normal demon. However, compared with the subordinates of the Devil of Slaughter, we should feel content."
The group of higher demons laughed meaningfully.
To the demons, following a Devil King did not mean that they agreed with that person’s personality, but that they followed the force that that person represented. Just like this group, who had tied their own destiny with the force of destruction, who had known both glory and utter ruin. In the twenty years after the fall of the old Devil, their power had also declined to even less than half of its heyday.
They were too eager to have a new Lord of Destruction and renew destruction’s original force. As for who that person was, they didn't care.
"I heard one thing. Our new Majesty had a lover whom he loves deeply, but he died. It's a pity that the Devil of Fraud killed him. If he was still alive..." The Devil of Evil smiled with interest. "How interesting it would be."
"Why did the Lord of Fraud kill her?" the Witch of Nothingness asked doubtfully.
"God knows. Oh, by the way, he’s a man."
"Isn't His Majesty a follower of the Holy See?" Even the Witch of Resentment was shocked. Those who had been around since the old Lord of Destruction were familiar with the Holy See’s teachings, and they were very clear about the Holy See’s attitude towards same-sex love.
"He was drained of the power of faith and expelled from the Holy See. Otherwise, do you think that with such little stimulation alone he could awaken the Devil’s force sealed in his body? That's the seal left by Maria." The Devil of Evil laughed very exaggeratedly. "Ah, for love, I am willing to abandon the glory of God! ...It is really a romance branded in blood."
"Unfortunately, it seems that this time I can't see the touching love story," the Witch of Resentment sighed faintly.
"Attention, His Majesty is beginning to show the form of a magic dragon. Record the time. It is... 8:47 in the evening. If you’re optimistic, he could be completely demonized within 24 hours. I can't wait." The Devil of Evil looked at the Devil's black body in the lake of fire and the human who had begun to show the Devil's characteristics, and couldn't help but smile with expectation.
"I hope nothing will happen in these twenty-four hours. Contact the Dragon Ant Queen and order that Purgatory be sealed off now, especially in the area around the lake of fire," the Witch of Desperation said. "Don't say it’s in our name... The seal on the Devil of Slaughter is suspected to be loose, other people will naturally associate this with the Devil of Power."
"I’m afraid that the Dragon Ant Queen can't be contacted. Considering the time, she is now busy with 'life events'," said the Devil of Evil.
"Then contact her maid, she still has the authority to deal with this matter," the Witch of Desperation said.
He was already in hell.
Ning Zhou looked at everything around him and suddenly had this thought.
After the crazy battle, there were countless bodies of demons floating in the lake of fire, some of which had been swallowed up by lava, and some of which were rushing towards the lower reaches of the valley with the burning current.
The air seemed to be filled with scorching flames, burning from his mouth to his heart, and even his soul was ignited.
He stood in Purgatory’s lake of fire, inexorably transforming from a man into a devil.
How fragile human will was, that it couldn't prevent a man from dying, or a saint from degenerating into a demon.
Sharp talons grew on his hands, and his skin became cold and rough like a cold-blooded animal. Black scales spread all over his body like a plague, and a pair of bat-like wings grew behind him. He couldn't control the power of destruction. He had lost his human form and turned into a huge magic dragon.
A devil among demons, a Devil King among devils, an evil magic dragon symbolizing destruction. According to legend, the ancient world was destroyed by such a magic dragon, which had woken from chaos, flew while spraying angry flames that spread in all directions, and destroyed the whole world.
This kind of magic dragon had really appeared once in history. Twenty-two years ago, when the Devil of Destruction had led the demons to break through the seal and come to the world of humans. His demon form was just such a magic dragon. He held the law of destruction, but also the madness of destruction, wishing to destroy the world at all costs.
What had been a vague feeling had finally come true. When the force of destruction awakened, he understood everything.
It was ridiculous. Those who fought against the demons eventually became demons. Those who stared long into the abyss finally fell into the abyss. The evil force sleeping deep in his body laughed at him: Your whole life is a joke.
Fate had taken away everything from him: his only relative, his beloved, and now it wanted to destroy his last treasure.
Everything about him as a "human" had ceased to exist. What else could he do? What else could he do for this miserable world? What was the value of his existence?
Immense grief struck his soul, and the desperate black dragon roared and wailed at the sky blocked by rocks in the lake of fire. The force of destruction even tore the rock wall and let the distant light fall into Purgatory.
He looked at the light dazedly, as piously as when he had prayed so many times.
"He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
But why had fate given him such a cruel temptation? And he had been banished from his homeland; would God still help him and protect him?
Not anymore.
He was doomed to fall to such temptation.
Because God had given up on him.
Like the man who gave him half his blood, he would gradually lose himself to the original force of destruction, forget everything about himself, forget how he had once guarded the world, and finally bring endless pain and despair to this world.
Let it all end here.
Suicide was a sin, but if he lived, he would eventually bring more disasters and misfortunes to this scarred world.
He couldn't end the cruel fate imposed by this world, so at least he could not bring more suffering to this world.
Let him end it with his own hands!
In this lake of fire in Purgatory, holding warm memories, he would put a full stop to his life with this heart that still belonged to mankind.
But at that moment, he heard a voice that was too familiar to be a memory: "Ning Zhou—!!!”
He stopped at the edge of destruction and looked up.
Looked up to see the love of his life, returned to him.
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
saved by the bell
foreign affairs | m!blaine hayes x mc (kennedy monroe)
blaine springs kennedy from her date in chapter 10.
catch up: knockout (E) / on the ropes (T) / outpoint (T) / parry (E) / pulling punches (T) / ringside (T)
tagging: @pixeljazzy ; @zigtheeortega ; @pixelsandkink ; @writinghereandthere ; @choicesarehard ; @dakotawinchester ; @flyawayboo ; @withbeautyandrage ; @blainehellyes ; @levineseth ; @gryffindordaughterofathena ; @thefirstcourtesan ; @josieplayschoices 
~3.5k words | T
he’s not going to look.
no matter how much his phone lights up with incoming notification after incoming notification, he’s not going to look. blaine refuses to torture himself by checking for photos of kennedy’s date, though his curiosity is eating him alive.
it’s a nice reprieve from worrying about her, at any rate, even if it is maddening.
lately it feels like all he’s done is worry about her, though that’s mostly because kennedy looks to be about an inch away from tears every time she’s around -- not that it’s often, anymore. there’s absolutely nothing worse than seeing her suffer from the sidelines; he still feels just as helpless as he did when he watched her give that first disastrous press conference in his dorm, the day after the pictures hit voyeur. 
it’s unbelievably frustrating, being forced to sit on his hands and watch everyone else try to control her life. kennedy’s under a microscope like neither of them have ever been before, and for the first time in his life, he’s in the uncomfortable position of having to be careful -- not because he gives a shit about himself or his own reputation, but because of her, and what it might do to her if he was reckless.
he’s bitten his tongue more times in the last week than he has in his entire life. it’d taken every last ounce of his self control not to snap and defend kennedy at the pet store, not to panic when she’d clued him in on her mom’s newest pr strategy, not to keep her locked in the teacher’s lounge with him for the rest of the semester and refuse to let her go when she snuck out to meet him.
already he knows he’ll never forget the names and faces of the classmates of theirs that’d picked on her. if he ever really does wind up in charge in ardona, one day, he’ll come to power with a ready-made list of enemies, all because of the way they’d made her look when she sunk down low into her seat in class, her shoulders hunched in shame.
he’s laying in bed, moping miserably, thinking over it all when peter pokes his head in with a hesitant knock. “how’re you holding up?” he asks, tactfully, given that blaine’s pretty sure he looks utterly awful. “those daily post photos were... rough.”
blaine groans, burying his face in his hands. “i’m not looking at them. i don’t want to know.”
“that’s probably for the best,” peter says sympathetically, and that does it -- seals the deal completely. he reaches for his phone, snatching it off the nightstand.
dionne’s also texted him, which means the photos are as bad as he’s hoping they won’t be. his stomach twists into knots as he navigates to his favorite gossip site, certain the pictures he’s looking for will be plastered all over the homepage.
sure enough -- there they are: kennedy and alexei, huddled together outside of some swanky restaurant, hand-in-hand. she’s all dressed up for the occasion, because with alexei she’s allowed to be; she doesn’t have to sneak out to see him, hidden under a baseball hat in some far away place where no one will recognize either of them. the point of this date is to be seen, and judging by the crowd of flashing lights surrounding them, they’ve done a perfect job selling their relationship to the press.
so the second picture accompanying the story is an unnecessary twist of the knife -- complete overkill. they’re kissing, in this one, lips pressed together chastely just outside the limo. he feels nauseous.
“they’re probably having a terrible time,” peter says, though blaine’s still staring at his phone, eyes fixed on the photo in his hands. “i heard that restaurant is horrible.”
“it’s fine,” blaine says hollowly, tapping back to his texts to answer dionne. she wants to know how he is, too, and he gives her the same answer: fine. everything is fine.
“you’re so full of shit,” dionne says, when she shows up at his dorm twenty minutes later, her arms folded across her chest and her expression unimpressed.
yeah. he forgot she knows him so well. “well -- whatever,” blaine sighs, dragging a hand down his face. it doesn’t matter. it has to not matter, for kennedy’s sake. “it’s not like i can do anything about it. this is the way it has to be.”
the look in dionne’s eyes grows distant, and he sits up slowly as a smile starts to overtake her face, cautiously optimistic while what’s obviously an evil plan begins to unfurl. “no,” dionne says, “it’s not. i think i have an idea.”
so -- that’s how he finds himself sweating through his jacket, overthinking this whole stupid plan while he waits for kennedy to slip out the back of the stupid opera house and meet him and his stupid rental car in the alley. he thinks back over all the ways they’d had to cover his tracks to get him here: how peter’d had to call in the car, how dionne’d had to threaten and sweet talk alexei at the same time, how there isn’t a single hurdle he wouldn’t leap or hoop he wouldn’t jump through for even just half an evening alone with her.
this is probably a terrible idea. at the very least, it’s dangerous, and sure to get them fucking caught again, no matter how careful they all were in making it happen.
maybe he should call the whole thing off. call dionne and get her to tell kennedy to forget it -- to go back to her date and take the easy way out, because who is he kidding, anyway?
the sound of heels on the cobblestones takes the decision swiftly out of his hands. blaine looks up to see kennedy standing in front of him, admiring the rental with a gentle smirk on her beautiful face. she looks even more ridiculously gorgeous than she had in the daily post pictures, as annoying as that is. 
she’s alone.
“no limo? that’s not very romantic, mr. hayes,” she teases playfully, mouth stretched wide with a smile.
he leans over to pop the door open for her, grinning to cover up his nerves. just having kennedy around is going a long way towards keeping him calm -- he feels undeniably more sane out here with her than he had in his room, pouting with fruitless jealousy. “take it up with dionne,” he shrugs, eyes raking up and down her outfit. she really does look nice. “now hop in.”
“we have three hours and forty-five minutes,” kennedy says helpfully, as soon as they’ve slipped out of town unseen and headed to the highway, “i have to be back by curtain.”
“i know,” blaine hums, sighing with relief as soon as he glances in the rearview mirror and sees they aren’t being followed, “dionne briefed me. she figured out a whole plan.”
“oh,” kennedy says. she sounds... happy. “that was really nice of her.” there’s a pause, and he fidgets with the steering wheel for a moment before shifting his left hand up to the top to steer so his right arm is free to drape across the back of kennedy’s seat. she leans in closer to the center console and continues, “i really wish it was you in there with me.”
he exhales heavily. more relieving than not being followed, than being with her at all is hearing that -- that he’s not alone in his insanity. lately he feels like a completely different person, and he has no idea what’s come over him, so it’s comforting to know that it’s all for something, beyond just making kennedy smile. evidently, she wants to be his stupid girlfriend just as badly as he wants her to. “me, too. you have no idea. i’ve really missed you, these past few days.”
“i know. it’s weird,” kennedy agrees, “hardly seeing you. not being able to text you, and tell you about my day... i mean -- i barely even get to talk to you, outside of class.”
yeah. he knows. and when there’s other people around he has to watch what he fucking says, too. it’s far from ideal, and he knows he’s gotten sloppy, but...
part of him almost wants someone to catch them. blaine knows it’s selfish and stupid, but he wants it all the same. because if someone found out the truth and spilled the beans... they’d be free, and the impossible decision of what to do next would be out of their hands.
he could never ask kennedy to go public on her own. he would never ask her for that, no matter how badly he wants it. but a slip-up... that would be beyond their control.
blaine shakes his head. “it’s fine,” he says again, clearing his throat, “i’ll plan some secret meet up for us every night, if you want. even if it only buys us a few minutes.”
he glances to the side just in time to catch the look that crosses her face. kennedy’s quite obviously touched by his offer, her teeth digging into her bottom lip as she stares down at her hands. forcefully, he drags his eyes back to the road. “i’d really like that,” she murmurs, so quietly he almost misses it. when he only nods, she raises her voice and asks, “so, where are we going?”
“you’ll see,” he directs, taking the exit that’ll bring them to the drive-in, mentally cataloging the travel time it’d taken to get up here and making a note of the minutes he’ll need to account for to get kennedy back, especially if he has to circle the block until the street is empty before he drops her off. 
her eyes light up when he pulls into the parking lot. “a drive-in theater, seriously? i used to love going to the drive-in back home. i didn’t know they had them near vancross.” her nose is practically pressed against the window as she looks around excitedly while he idles.
“this is my first time,” blaine admits, though how eager kennedy is definitely bodes well for the experience. even if it completely sucked, he’d still bring her back every weekend, just to see her smile like that. “we don’t really have these in ardona, but dionne talked it up.”
kennedy finally peels her eyes away from the window to smile playfully at him again, her eyes sparkling. “so you’re a drive-in virgin? interesting.”
his face feels hot, suddenly. blaine rolls his eyes at her, gesturing at the map of the venue in front of them. they’re kind of holding up the line. “yeah, yeah. pick your movie, rutherland. it’s just background noise for the real show, anyway.”
if he’s being honest, he barely hears her make her choice, the instructions on where to go flying in one ear and out the other. all he cares about for where he parks the car is that it’s secluded, and dark, away from prying eyes and any other people in the lot.
fortunately, blaine finds them the perfect spot, and he doesn’t even waste a second pretending like he gives a single shit about the movie at all, his eyes on her just as soon as the gear shift’s out of his hand.
kennedy’s turned in her seat and already looking back at him. she smiles and says, “thanks for doing this. it’s nice to have a normal date. i never pegged you as the type of guy who was all about carnivals and drive-ins and making these fun experiences for us.”
he shrugs, more nonchalantly than he feels. “probably ‘cause i’m not,” blaine answers honestly, “but everything’s different, with you.”
kennedy makes a soft sound of disbelief, lifting her hands to cover her face. when she peeks out from between her fingers, he sees that she’s smiling widely again. “you keep saying stuff like that. it’s so charming.”
blaine laughs, reaching out to tug her hands off her face. “that’s kind of the point.” he clears his throat, then continues more seriously, “but... i want you to know how i feel, you know? you shouldn’t have to guess. the truth is... i’ve been all-in for awhile, now, and -- those pictures were just a shitty setback. they don’t change the way i feel about you at all.”
she reaches out for his hand, and he lets her lace their fingers together, squeezing affectionately. “you have no idea how nice it feels to hear that,” kennedy sighs. “honestly...” the hesitation in her voice makes it clear she’s unsure of whatever she’s about to say, but she continues, “it kind of just felt like i ruined everything. things were actually going pretty well, for once, but now it’s like there’s this... dark cloud hanging over everything i do. i can’t even hang out with you without worrying we’re going to get caught again.”
his expression softens. he’s not usually one for optimism, but for her, and in the interest of getting some of that thick sadness out of her voice, he’ll try. “well, we’ve done a pretty good job avoiding that so far.”
“that’s true.” kennedy’s head tips back agains the carseat, and she smiles at him again. “i guess we’re making it work, in our own way. i love that i can always count on you to be real with me. it’s so -- refreshing, after all the fake posturing we deal with.”
well -- that’s probably as good an opening as he’s ever going to get. he spares a moment to silently thank whatever god is listening for the chance to ask the question that’s been eating at him for hours, the one thing he’s most desperate to know, beyond even the other stuff that usually keeps him up at night, everything from the simple inner workings of kennedy’s mind to why he’s so tripped up over a girl he’s only spent a few short months with. “speaking of fake...” blaine pointedly looks somewhere beyond her, staring out at the parking lot, “how’d your date go?”
kennedy’s quiet for long enough that he has to look back at her. there’s a knowing little glint in her eyes that he decidedly does not like. “are you jealous?”
“what?” he scoffs, “of course not. you left alexei to go out with me.”
“right,” she laughs, one small word injected with endless disbelief. “well, we had a good time. alexei’s not so bad.”
he’s an egomaniac and a self-centered prick, actually, blaine thinks. out loud, he says, “oh. cool. glad it worked out. cool, cool, cool...”
he fidgets restlessly. kennedy’s visible amusement only grows. “you know it was still a fake date, right? neither of us have any interest in the other.”
“i know,” blaine insists defensively. kennedy only arches an eyebrow at him. with a groan, he slumps back in his seat, a hand rubbing at his jaw. “fine, maybe i am a little jealous. give me a break, okay? this is kind of a unique situation for me.”
“if it helps, i think you’re doing a pretty great job.” she’s still smiling at him, but less like she thinks he’s being funny and more like she thinks he’s being sweet. she leans in a little closer, and -- it actually does help. the knots in his stomach that’d been coiled there since she first said her mom’s team was planning a pr relationship for her are finally starting to unwind.
“yeah?” he asks, gratified by the immediate nod she gives. “that’s good. i don’t wanna half-ass this boyfriend stuff just because it’s new to me.”
there’s a long stretch of silence. he realizes what he’s said all at once and starts to feel nauseous all over again, staring silently back at kennedy while he waits for her to say something -- anything.
“boyfriend stuff?” 
“ah.” his hand slips around to rub at the back of his neck sheepishly. “sorry. slipped out.” he should probably just cut his losses now -- bring her back early to be on the safe side and go back to his dorm and drown himself in the shower, because he is an idiot and that’s what an idiot deserves. “i know you kind of already have a boyfriend.”
kennedy huffs out a quiet laugh. “i kind of do.” she tilts her head to meet his eyes, forcing him to look at her again. his heart stutters painfully in his chest, picking up into a pace that’s almost frantic. “but... that’s not a ‘no.’”
their hands are still linked together. he looks down at where their fingers are interlaced, hoping his palms aren’t as sweaty as they feel. blaine disentangles his hand to lift it instead to kennedy’s face, pushing a lock of hair out of her eyes with a hesitant smile she immediately returns tenfold. 
it’s also not a ‘yes,’ but he’ll take what he can get. 
as it turns out, three hours and forty-five minutes is kind of not actually a long time at all.
or maybe it would be, for some people, but with kennedy in his lap, squished between him and the steering wheel so she can kiss him senseless, the time flies by. they watch what’s probably ten minutes total of the movie, they’re so busy kissing and talking, his hands wandering along her new outfit to show his appreciation for it the only way he knows how.
for her part, kennedy gives as good as she gets, tugging his hair out of place and messing up his jacket and making him forget his own name, with the way her hips are pushing into his lap and all the sweet little sounds she makes when he whispers something dirty in her ear and presses her in closer against him.
no amount of agonizing over her fake dates and not being able to kiss her in public is ever going to drive the way she shivers with her whole body when he says something she likes from his mind.
still, the drive back is somber. it’s time to bring kennedy -- kiss-swollen lips and raised hemlines and all -- back to the opera house before he knows it, and he’s really not looking forward to everyone who sees her thinking she spent four hours fooling around in the private box with alexei, of all people. he’s looking forward to driving home alone and going to bed by himself even less.
tomorrow he’ll have to sit by her in class again and pretend like everything’s fine.
because they had tonight, and he knows he should be content with that. the problem is -- he’s not. 
“you okay?” kennedy asks, checking the time on the watch on his wrist with a frown. she’s holding his hand in both of hers. “and don’t say you’re ‘fine.’”
“i am fine,” blaine insists, running his thumb across her wrist. “this sucks, but it’s what we have to do. if you’re good, then i’m good.”
she studies his expression for a minute, then sighs. “i’m as good as i can be,” she murmurs, “but things will get better.”
he knows that, too. even if no one ever finds out it’s him in the photos, even if they have to spend the rest of their lives sneaking out and ditching their bodyguards so they can find a few hours alone together -- things are good. the alternative -- winning the fight with his parents to keep him away from vancross, never getting the chance to know kennedy as well as he does... that’s a future that seems bleak, now that he’s seen the alternative.
“it’s really alright,” blaine assures her. “i’ll miss you, but... do what you gotta do.”
something about the way he says the words seems to instill new confidence in kennedy. she straightens her shoulders and glances back at the opera house door with determination. “thanks,” kennedy sighs, squeezing his hand one last time before slowly pulling away. she probably has only seconds until the finale starts up, though he’s desperate for a way to make them stretch longer. an eternity would be a nice place to start.
“will you... text dionne goodnight before you go to bed?” she asks, looking so hopeful he finds it’s impossible to do anything other than nod.
he grins widely at kennedy, leaning in to steal one last kiss. “dream about me, will ya?”
“every night,” she promises, and blaine lowers the window to get a better view of her and the sway of her hips when she slips out of the car and back inside, sighing heavily once she’s gone and he’s alone again, whacking his head against the carseat.
this is some mess they’ve gotten themselves into.
but, he figures, as he pulls away from the curb and starts back towards campus, the image of kennedy walking away in the heels and skirt she’d been wearing playing over and over again in his mind like a highlight reel, it’s definitely not without its perks.
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milliedazzledust · 4 years
Turning Pages (Kol Mikaelson imagine)
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Request by @scallisonbaby : Could you write an imagine for Kol, she’s the daughter of one of his main enemies, she tried to keep it a secret but he finds out and klaus tries to kill her saying she’s probably spying on us but Kol proctects the reader.
Words: 2858 words
A/N: this doesn’t follow the chronology or history of the show. Kinda felt inspired, this is long
Y/N knew she was screwed the moment she saw him. The brown eyes, disheveled hair, handsome smile and smartass attitude, not to mention this british accent that could make her swoon. Yes, Kol Mikaleson really was her weakness.  She suspected he knew it and played with it anytime he could. She hadn’t known the Mikaelsons for long but had helped them countless times.
Several years ago, before the family came back to New Orleans, she had come to seek shelter. Her path had crossed Marcel’s. He had come to her rescue before some vampire could kill her one night and she confided a whole part of her story she wished she could forget to him. She had expected him to ask her to leave and never come back to his city, but instead, he had agreed to help and hide her.
Ever since, she had kept that secret and had sworn no one would ever find out. Before New Orleans, she had another life, another name. A one she despised more than anything with a man she no longer considered family. She’d learn of his implication with Klaus himself later on when the man she had succeeded to avoid for years came back, hellbent on revenge against the Mikaelsons.
« How exactly do you think this is gonna go when they’ll find out ? » Marcel asked her, handing her a bottle of beer.
She sighed. Sitting on the couch in his living room, her feet crossed on the table, she took the beverage and leaned back, staring at the ceiling.
« I think Kol is gonna kill me » She answered.
« Kol isn’t the brother you should be worried about »
She gave him a side look and pursed her lips before taking a sip from her bottle.
« Family’s a real bitch sometimes, huh ? » She half heartedly joked.
« He’s not your family, not anymore. Not since you came to New Orleans »
She smiled at her friend.
« But your father has become powerful enough to kill an original over the past couple of weeks and you know he’s gonna try to destroy them »
Again, she sighed.
« What am I suppose to do ? »
« I know you don’t want to see him, but you might just be the only one who can stop him »
« Do you really think he’ll listen to me ? After all I’ve told you ? »
« Lucien is … well … complicated, but not beyond reason »
She chuckled.
« Complicated ? Is that your definition of psychotic maniac killer ? »
Marcel stood up then turned to the girl, offering her his hand.
« You owe it to yourself to at least try »
She rolled her eyes.
« Damn you and your moral Marcel » She muttered, taking his hand and getting up.
With a heavy heart, she let him take her to the compound. So far as she could remember, she always had felt scared of her father. When she was a child, often she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Her heart would race at the simplest sound of his feet approaching. Countless times she cried herself to sleep, hoping he wouldn’t hear, otherwise he’d come to show her what it was to be strong and not weak, as he would put it.
Marcel took her to the French Quarter, knowing whatever Klaus was planning, it was certainly to lure Lucien into the compound. He wasn’t wrong. The moment they step foot inside the Mikaelson’s mansion, one of them was already flying across the room, landing with a loud noise on the staircase. The vampire she had once known as her father was standing in front of Niklaus as his brother got back on his feet.
« You should’ve ran while you still could » Klaus threatened him.
« And miss an opportunity to kill you ? » Lucien laughed.
Klaus grinned, taking a step back. He silently nodded at his sister Freya. She instantly started chanting ancient words, a grimoire in one hand, the other raised in defense against him. In a matter of seconds, Lucien was on the ground, screaming in pain.
All this time, Y/N stayed behind Marcel. It was her way to shield herself from him. No one except Kol acknowledged their presence. Instinctively, after a quick look at her, he put himself in front of her. For a moment she thought it was to allow his brothers to attack, but when she felt his hand clasped around hers, she knew he was trying to protect her from the fight to come.
Suddenly, almost as quick as it started, her father stopped screaming and laughed. She’d recognize that evil, wicked sound anywhere.
« Did you really think this would work ? » Lucien proudly stated, standing up.
Freya took a step back, glancing at Klaus. Whatever spell they had planned, it wasn’t working on him. They all looked tense when he casually crossed the magic border around him with ease.
« Let’s get this show on the road, shall we? » He grinned.
The Mikaelsons spun in a defensive stance. Elijah launched himself first and made Lucien fall, but the vampire was quick to get back on his feet. Klaus used his speed to attack but the other creature anticipated his move and threw him against a wall. Angry, he got back up, breaking a chair and stabbed him with it. Lucien took the weapon out of his chest and Elijah used this distraction to get behind him and try to strike. It was no use. The other vampire turned before he could do anything and grabbed his arm, breaking it in the process. Seeing his brother struggling, Kol glanced behind him at Y/N before rushing to help him.
« Don’t move » He warned her.
He squeezed her hand one last time and ran to Lucien, punching him and making him lose his grip on his brother. Y/N watched in horror her worst nightmare happening. Soon, Marcel joined the fight and the violent dance started against the vampires. Her breath suddenly got caught in her lungs when she saw her father twist Kol’s arm, making his knees hit the floor. When Elijah and Klaus tried to get closer, he pulled harder on his shoulder. Kol winced in pain and his brothers stopped dead in their tracks.
When Y/N saw her father’s fangs retracting and the black veins running on his face, she swore her heart stopped beating. Right then, out of pure fear for the man she loved, she deciding she could no longer stay back.
« Enough! » She yelled.
His mouth wide opened, close to Kol’s arm, he looked up at her and smirked. For a moment it all sounded quiet. Everyone was completely still and no one moved over the silence of the room. The invisible tension was almost palpable as she took a tentative step toward him.
« Let him go » She told him, her voice quivering.
Still wearing that god awful smile, he looked back at her, pleased by her intervention.
« Stay back, Y/N » Kol warned her before, worried she would try to come closer.
She stopped in her track. As she looked around the room, she could see the questioning stares around her and she knew this moment would change everything, but she couldn’t let him hurt this family.
« Please … stop » She whispered, her eyes watery.
« Why would I ? » He darkly chuckled.
« Because I’m asking you »
Her lips quivered as she forced herself to take a breath.
« Y/N, step back. He is dangerous » Elijah advised her.
Lucien let out a sinister chuckle, raising an eyebrow.
« They don’t know, do they ? »
She pursed her lips, silently answering his question. Once again he loudly laughed, finding the situation amusing.
« Marvelous ! »
From the corner of her eyes, she could see Klaus started to put the puzzle into pieces. She was screwed and she knew it.
« I’ll come back if you let them go » She offered, ignoring Kol gaze on her.
He bitterly smirked.
« You chose your side when you fled my home, Y/N. And for that you will die too »
He tightened his hold on the vampire beneath him when he started to fight back at his words.
« And your pathetic lover with it » He spitted.
« You left me no other choices ! »
« You were supposed to rule by my side! » He screamed. « You were suppose to defeat the Mikaelsons with me ! »
« Those were your plans, not mine » She cried.
Again, she saw his fangs retracting and she felt the fear growing in the pit of her stomach.
« I’ll teach you what happens when you betray your own father, Y/N ! »
This was it. They finally knew. She saw each Mikaelsons widened their eyes in surprise. Marcel took a defensive step toward her when she noticed Klaus starting to shift, angry. What hurt her the most was the way Kol stared back at her. His jaw tightened, his fist clenched, he looked betrayed and it broke her heart. Before any of them could process the news or react, she watched her father plugged his fangs into the arm of the man she loved, making him scream in agony.
« No! » She shouted, running to them in a vain effort to save him.
Before she could even reach Kol, she felt her body being pushed and her back violently smacking a wall. The force of the impact made her close her eyes just for a second but when she opened them back, she noticed her father had fled. Ignoring the physical pain she felt, she tried to stand up.
« I’ll kill you! » She heard Klaus yelled at her.
He reached her at an impressive speed, clasping his hands around her neck. With all the power he could, he strangled her, and the girl was no match against Klaus Mikaelson. Marcel was quick to come to her rescue and threw the vampire attacking her across the room.
All Y/N could focus on was Kol cries. The man was on the ground, Freya and Elijah by his side, fighting an invisible force trying to kill him, fighting a fate brought by her father. He screamed in agony as his brother tried to hold him still while their witch sister had already started to gather ingredients for a spell.
« We don’t have long » She told them.
« Why are you protecting her ?! » Klaus shouted to Marcel. « That wicked woman lied to us! »
« She had no choice, Klaus! »
« So you knew ! You knew she was a spy send to destroy my family and you said nothing! »
« She’s not with him ! »
« Do I care about terminology ?! He is her father ! »
Elijah watched Y/N as she tightly shut her eyes at his brother’s words.
« Enough, Niklaus! » He shouted at his brother. « This is not the place, nor the time »
Kol was still restless on the ground, the spasms making it harder for Elijah to hold him still. His skin had started to become sickly pale. Y/N stared at him, a few feet away. Never had she felt so guilty and ashamed. She could see his misery and knew the mere sight of it would haunt her for the rest of her life.
« Freya, do something ! » Klaus urged her when his brother stared to violently shake.
« I’m trying ! » She responded.
She quickly gathered everything she needed around her, working as fast as she could.
« I’m gonna need Lucien’s blood » She informed them.
The brothers shared a look. They knew wherever the man was, they wouldn’t reach him in time.
«  Would … would mine work ? » Y/N softly suggested.
« Yes »
« You’re not coming anywhere near him! » The hybrid shouted back.
« Niklaus, let the woman help! » Elijah answered him.
He nodded at her and she almost ran to Freya, offering her arm to her. She winced when the witch cut her skin but her eyes never left Kol. Freya finished her spell and mixed all her ingredients, adding Y/N’s blood then handed a cup to Elijah. He brought it to his brother’s mouth, forcing him to drink. The girl waited by his side, anxious. She hadn’t noticed the tears on her face, nor her hands trembling. She let out a breath of relief when she saw the man stopped shivering.
« Leave, now » Klaus firmly ordered.
« Are you serious ? She just saved your brother! » Marcel warned him.
« It’s … it’s alright, I’ll go »
She stood up, shaking with emotions, ready to collapse in tears, and walked to the door. She took a look back, needing to make sure he was alive.
« He’s gonna be alright » Elijah reassured her.
She nodded, glad he at least wasn’t showing any sign of anger toward her then glanced one last time at Niklaus.
« You and I share one thing in commun, we didn’t choose to have a crappy father. I thought you of all people would’ve understood that »
He pursed his lips, holding himself back from answering.
« I’ll leave New Orleans tomorrow » She told them. « I’ll try to draw him out of the city »
« You don’t need to go » Marcel told her.
« Just … tell him I’m sorry, okay ? » She asked, looking one last time at Kol.
Marcel sadly nodded at the girl before she disappeared. For a while, she just wandered around the streets, enjoying the eery atmosphere of New Orleans one last time before going home and packing.
Leaning over the balcony of her home later that night, she stared at the life still roaring so late in the city. A man on the street was playing the sax while some people danced to it. She could hear the noise from Rousseau’s, the laugh, the music, the chatter. Bourbon street and its live music and vibrant people felt so alive and inviting, a chaotic contrast to what she was feeling. Time seemed to slow as she tried to photograph this memory, a keepsake to give her strength in the rough times she knew would come against her father. She felt a sudden gush of air behind her and shivered, knowing what it was before he even spoke.
« Were you really expecting me to let you go that easily, love ? »
She closed her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek. All the noises around her disappeared. All she could hear was the loud silence and his heavy presence. She tensed when she felt him take a step closer, scared he might say something that would definitely hurt her.
« Kol… » She whispered.
« Why ? » He simply asked.
She pursed her lips, trying to come up with an answer that would be enough to make him understand.
« I was scared »
« Of what ?! »
« My father has done terrible things »
He grabbed her wrist, making her sharply turned to face him.
« Y/N, have you seen my family ? » He argued. « Did you think I would judge you ? Do you think so low of me ? »
« Are you alright ? » She suddenly asked, not acknowledging any of his questions, her eyes scanning his body for any sign of injury.
« What ? »
He seemed lost for a moment.
« Your wound » She explained. « Has it healed ? »
« That’s beside the point, Y/N »
« You almost died because of me »
« Because of him » He corrected her.
In a second he was in front of her and entangled his hand in her hair, his thumb softly stroking her cheek.
« Why, Y/N ? » He asked in a whisper, his eyes pouring into hers.
She felt small under his gaze, unarmed and vulnerable.
« I didn’t want to remember » She admitted. « I just wanted to forget him, forget he existed, forget the years of … »
She stopped herself and he knew why. He didn’t need her to say it to know Lucien had hurt her, badly.
« I didn’t think I’d see him again » She kept going, a lump forming in her throat. « I thought I was free, Kol »
She starred right back at him, a sob escaping her throat.
« I thought I was finally free » She told him, her shoulders shaking with every word.
He dragged her to him, squeezing her as she melt down in his arms. It was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. He felt her sank to her knees before she could touch the ground and tightened his hold of her. He waited patiently until she was calm enough to take a step back.
« There’s no way I’m letting you leave the city, Y/N »
« I have to make him go. Besides, your brother will have be beheaded if I don’t disappear »
« The hell with Niklaus, he can go fuck himself for all I care »
She rolled her eyes at him.
« I’m not letting you go » He vehemently stated, cupping her cheeks.
« He’ll come back for you. All of you » She muttered.
« Well good. We’ll be waiting for him »
« Kol … »
« Mark my words, Y/N ; I am NOT letting you go » He repeated.
He leaned into her and kissed her forehead, then her nose, then softly, her lips.
« I can’t let him get to you » She confessed.
« And I can’t let you go near him. This is a dead end, love, and you’re not winning this argument »
She chuckled.
« I really thought I’d lost you for a moment »
He smirked.
« Never. You’re stuck with me for an eternity »
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obeymebabes · 3 years
A Surprise Adventure (Levi x MC)
A/N: Happy Birthday to the well known shy otaku snakey fish boy of Devildom! While he may not be my favorite, he is certainly a cutie. May his birthday be a pleasant one.
Warnings: None, just a happy otaku boy on an adventure.
Summary: Leviathan’s big day has arrived, and he has been transported into a "simulation". With the help of MC, he must gain a special item to gift to the evil prince who has taken his brothers captive! The adventure awaits!
“Levi? Helloooo? Wake up! Your adventure is awaiting!” You nudged the Avatar of Envy, trying to wake him from whatever dream he was having.
He stirred, groaning a bit, but after shaking him just a bit more, you could see his eyes flutter open.
Seeing your familiar figure standing over him in the comfort of his bed-tub he smiled a little, a blush forming rather rapidly on his cheeks. You watched as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“Leviathan! Finally you are awake. It is urgent! You must hurry!” Tugging on his arm, you ripped him from the comfort of his warm blanket and Ruri body pillow, earning a soft yell from him as he stumbled to follow you.
“MC? What is going on? What happened? Is everything okay?” Panic quickly waved over him. He had no idea what was happening. Perfect. It seems your plan is working so far.
“Admiral you must see this! It is your brothers! It appears that your brothers have been taken captive by the evil Lord of Devildom, and he is challenging YOU to get them back!” Acting as dramatic as you can, you pointed to a video conveniently pulled up on his computer. 
“W-What!? Admiral? What is this? Is that.. Is that Lord Diavolo?” His eyes narrowed as he tried to process everything in his head. Clicking play on the video, he watched closely. 
The video showed a rather menacing looking Lord Diavolo, and behind him, the six brothers, shackled in very real looking chains, calling out for help from their rescuer.
“If you wish to see your brothers again, I request that you bring me a gift in exchange for them. It must not be any gift, you see. It must be special. A once in a lifetime item that will be impossible to replicate. Bring it to me and you will set your precious family free. I hope to see you soon, Grand Admiral Leviathan.” Lord Diavolo smirked with a wicked grin just before the camera cut out.
The wheels in Levi’s brain were spinning rapidly. Confusion was all over his face.
“Of course! I know what this is! This must be the new game that I pre-ordered. I never thought it would be so realistic.” He was babbling to himself, forgetting that you were still very much in the room with him.
Trying to regain his focus, you were quick to get back into character. “Grand Admiral? What are we to do about this? What could he possibly want as a gift?” 
Levi looked around, trying to figure out a possible solution. “I have plenty of limited edition items, this should be easy!” His voice was filled with confidence, as he went to look through his various Ruri-Chan items that were no longer in the place he remembered. A quick and easy vanishing spell granted by Solomon was much more effective than you imagined.
He frantically looked around his room, creating a mess of his once somewhat neat space. “Where are they!?” His voice was faltering, more panic setting in.
“Where is what?” You asked, confused, but calm, trying to keep up the false facade of being an ordinary game character of sorts. When he didn’t reply, you walked over and gently put a hand on his shoulder. “Admiral?” 
“I could have sworn they were all here! All of my limited edition Ruri-Chan items! They’re gone! Does this mean that I missed something? Are there any other clues from that video? What could Lord Diavolo possibly be asking for if I don’t have it?” Levi paced around the room, going back to his computer to check every detail. 
“Perhaps we can head to a local shop to see if there is anything of such a high value?” Trying to steer him onto the right track, you tried to bargain with him. The light in his eyes shined as he smiled excitedly. You could tell how excited he was to go on an adventure.
“That’s perfect! Yes! Let’s go! We can’t waste any time!” Grabbing your arm, he was quick to try to pull you from the room but you stopped him just before he was able to go out.
“Grand Admiral, I believe you need to change. You can’t possibly go out looking like this. Your uniform is pressed and awaiting you in the closet. I will be waiting just outside the door for you. Please do hurry.” With a smile, you headed out of his room, patiently waiting for Levi to return in his special outfit.
While waiting for him, you quickly and sneakily texted the group chat to let everyone know your current situation, and that the plan was indeed working. Mammon was the first to reply, saying that it was unbelievable that he was even buying it, and that he was gullible, which led to an argument about Mammon. But time was ticking, and he seemed eager. So you simply texted “everyone be ready” and made sure to tuck your temporary phone away.
Another minute passed and Levi finally hyped himself up enough to walk through the door. Dressed in a customized admiral outfit, you could see the glow of confidence radiating off of him. He was standing a little taller, with a more sophisticated smile. He didn’t look like the normal every day otaku that his brothers always made fun of. This was a different Levi. A confident Levi.
“Let’s go. We can’t waste any time. I can’t let anything happen to my brothers.” He ushered you to follow him, leading you both out of the door where a ride was waiting to take you to the Devildom Shoppes.
Upon your arrival, everything seemed normal, there were people all around, walking around, looking at items, just another normal day in Devildom. That was until Levi began to make his way through the crowd, with you following a close pursuit behind him. The crowd parted for him, allowing him to pass with ease, bowing slightly in his presence, just as they would for a well known and well praised admiral.
You could even hear faint whispering about him. All good things to feed into Leviathan’s confidence, should he be listening. He deserves it, after all.
Looking back and holding the door for you, he waited for you to enter the store with him. Upon entering, you could see all of the various rare collectible items. The store had everything Levi could dream of, all of the items he had thought he owned just a bit ago back in his room. Quickly, he started looking around, seeing as he was familiar with the items.
Following close behind, you made eye contact with the person on the other side of the shelf that Levi was currently looking through.
“What do you think of this?” The Avatar of Envy held up a rare figurine. “Do you think this would be enough to get my brothers back? It is a one of a kind misprinted figure.” Seeing the slight frustration in his eyes, you shook your head.
“It has to be super special. Something that cannot be replicated.” You reminded him, cueing the other person in the store to make his move.
“You are looking for something special hm?” A voice spoke, causing Levi to look up.
“Solomon?” He asked under his breath, hoping the white haired familiar didn’t pick up on it.
“I may have something that could be of interest.” The shady wizard smirked, looking around to make sure they were alone.
Levi was interested, waiting to see what Solomon had. Carefully, the sorcerer pulled a shimmering, glowing book from a magical inside pocket of his coat. The otaku’s eyes lit up, immediately recognizing the item of interest.
“What?! Is that the first ever draft of TSL? Hand-written and signed by the author!?” Levi could hardly contain his excitement. He was nearly squealing like a nerd at the sight of such a beloved item that he had never pictured being so close to. He reached to hold it.
“Indeed it is.” Solomon’s pulled the book away right before Levi’s hand touched it. “Ah, are you sure this is something you are looking for, however? It is my prized possession and I would hate to let it go to the wrong hands.” The wizard’s words were meant to be condescending, but with the confidence Levi had gained over the last hour or so, along with his long dream of owning this special item, he nodded. “I will protect it with my life, you have my word.” 
With that, the book was now in Levi’s possession. He held it close to him, hugging it, and smiling with the biggest grin you had ever seen from him. Even dressed in an honorable outfit, he was still just the cute nerd that everyone loved.
“I must get going. I wish you good fortune on your journey, wherever it may take you.” Solomon smiled and headed out of the store, assumingly to head back to the castle where the others are waiting patiently.
“Now, Grand Admiral, do you have a plan for how to go about this exchange?” You asked, intrigued to know what Levi had in mind, now that he had just gotten the one thing he would very likely never let go of.
“Of course I have a plan, but we have to get to the castle. I can’t wait any longer.” With a smile, he held out his arm for you to go in front of him, leaving the store behind. Onwards to the castle.
Upon reaching the “evil” castle, you entered, and it wasn’t quite the sight you were expecting. Diavolo really had gone above and beyond decorating the place. It wasn’t the light, bright, uplifting golden color everyone was used to, instead it seemed more dull, and gloomy, radiating the “evil” that was intended.
Speaking of the devil, appearing from the shadows came Lord Diavolo, in his demon form to appear more sinister, playing the part quite well, in fact. “Ah, Grand Admiral Leviathan. I see you have finally come to rescue your helpless brothers.” With a twisted smile Diavolo greeted Levi, and Levi’s face turned from confidence to the slightest hint of fear. 
Mustering up any and all courage, he spoke. “I have. Where are they? I have what you’ve asked for. But I will not give it to you blindly.” Leviathan flashed the glimmering book, earning a chuckle from the demon lord. 
“Smart one you are. Very well. Follow me.” The prince spoke, guiding both Levi and you down the hallway. Luckily for you, everyone else, and Levi, he never pays attention when he is at the castle. There are too many rooms, hallways, and places to get lost, so he never bothers to look beyond where he is supposed to be. This works in your favor rather well.
There was a large set of doors, the handles wrapped in a lingering smokey magic, a seal to ensure that no one was getting in or out. Levi had looked to you, cautiously, almost worried that something bad were to be behind this set of doors that he had never seen before. With a snap of the prince’s fingers, the smoke dissipated from the handles and Diavolo slowly opened the doors.
Behind them, was not at all what Levi was imagining. He nearly froze in shock, his eyes wide, his mouth hanging open, and his brain desperately trying to make sense of what was before him.
“Surprise!! Happy Birthday Levi!” Everyone yelled as colorful confetti flew through the air. Setting a hand on the special boy’s shoulder, you guided him into the room. 
“What is all of this?” He asked you, looking around to see all of the familiar faces. His brothers, Solomon, Luke, Simeon, Barbatos, and even Diavolo. 
“A surprise party, duh!” You laughed, watching as the otaku’s mind shatters right before your very eyes.
“You should have seen the look on your face!” Mammon called from the corner, getting jabbed in the arm by Lucifer. 
“Wait- So this isn’t a game?!” His eyes filled with concern as he looked down at the outfit he was wearing, and took another look at the book in his grasp.
“No, it isn’t a game. MC thought it would be a fun idea to lead you on an adventure to get you to actually come here. We were all in on it. I’d say they did a pretty good job!” Diavolo’s bellowing laugh was accompanied by the biggest grin. 
“And before you ask, that book is yours now Levi. I know you will take great care of it. I got special permission from the author himself.” The sorcerer spoke, glancing at Simeon, who shared a pleased smile, followed by a soft nod.
The embarrassed and blushing demon turned to you. “Wow.. I-I can’t believe you did this all for me. This was the best birthday ever!!” With a shy, but excited grin, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“I won’t ever forget today. Thank you, MC. I can’t wait to post about this!”
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unfunny-quips · 4 years
Shouta had been sized up before. 
Many times during his life, in fact. As a student, as a hero, as a teacher. He’d always met the assessments with the same steady, unflinching gaze of his own. He knew his capabilities, and no amount of side eye or stare down would make him think twice.
That did not mean he was in any way prepared for Midoriya Inko. 
Nezdu’s assistant - soft spoken, unassuming, and sweet - had a way of making her scrutinizing gaze seem gentle as it swept over him. Her sharp eyes taking in every detail, weighing and measuring every fact she gathered. She always had a bright smile and a kind word, a gentle hand to guide when needed. And yet, somehow, she was one of the very, very few people Shouta had ever met that made him nervous.
It shouldn’t have been surprising, he supposed. For all the things he had faced down in his career, he had never faced true, unwavering evil the way she had. The green haired woman had been married to the single most dangerous man in Japan - very possibly the world - and had come out of the experience with her heart of gold intact. 
An impressive enough feat on its own merit. That she had managed to pull one over on that villain - gathering up her sons and a damning amount of information and sweeping them away to safety before All For One had even a chance to understand what was happening - that was terrifying. She’d stormed the police, stared down the Symbol of Peace himself, and forced the Hero Commision themselves to give her a deal placing her family in the highest amount of security available. 
Most terrifying of all, she had impressed Nezdu.
The woman was a force of nature and Shouta was smart enough to know he wouldn’t survive the storm if it’s ire was turned on him.
Midoriya herself, dressed disarmingly in a smart grey suit with a teal blouse, finally brought her gaze to meet his and offered him one of her cheerful grins. It was warm and soft, the kind of thing mothers gave he supposed, not that he had a terrible lot of familiarity with that. The gentleness of the smile did not make him forget the steel of her spine or how she could make that smile turn predatory when the need arose.
“Aizawa-San, it’s lovely to see you today!”  She greeted him, standing from her desk - immaculate and clearly organized to the height of perfection - and rounding it to greet him. 
He should have anticipated the crushing hug she’d pulled him into, but as always her unwavering cheerfulness had sent him off balance and she’d pressed her advantage before he could regain his senses. She did it with all the staff, with the exception of All Might and Nezdu. Aizawa suspected All Might’s great height - even in his skeletal form - prevented her from pulling him in for one of her crushing hugs. Nezdu, for his part, was a fellow apex predator and therefore exempt from such treatment.
He wished, not for the first time, that Zashi had come with him. He sometimes was able to hide behind the other man when Midoriya Inko started hugging. Sometimes. 
Then again, she’d sometimes just sweep the both of them up at once, and Zashi took it as an invitation for a group hug, trapping Shouta entirely.
“Midoriya-San.” He awkwardly greeted when she’d released him. She ignored his discomfort, and moved back towards her desk where a stack of papers waited.
“You’re just in time, I just finished compiling the pre-approved applications for the transfers. Oh!” She paused, turning away from her desk and darting through the door just off her office to the small kitchenette hidden there. He blinked after her, feeling bewildered, and watched as she moved to pull two bentos from the fridge. “I noticed your schedule today didn’t allow for lunch.” She told him, shoving one of the bentos into his hands. “So I thought we could enjoy a meal while we reviewed everything.”
He barely managed not to fumble the container as she dropped it in his hands, whisking off to sit at her desk before he could even think of refusing. He blinked after her, then turned to the bento. The fabric it had been tied into was a soft blue and printed with adorable chibi versions of Hizashi in fully hero gear. It was adorable and mildly terrifying to think she had noticed something in Shouta he thought he’d locked down and hidden away years ago.
“You didn’t have to, I have -” Any protest he might have made died the moment he glanced up and saw the sharp look in her eyes. She was still smiling, but there was a certain gleam of warning in her gaze as she looked at him.
“Protein pouches are not an appropriate substitute for a proper meal.” Midoriya said with the kind of finality that left no room for argument. Not that there would be any. Shouta certainly wasn’t going to be fool enough to pick a fight he knew he couldn’t win - more than once, at least. Especially not when she had that soft, warning expression pointed at him.
Instead he clamped his mouth shut and took the seat across from her, dutifully untying the knot in the colorful bento wrapping at her warning glance. Inside he found onigiri made to look like cats tucked in with a variety of protein rich, healthy foods and some apple slices cut to look like bunnies. 
It was adorable. 
How she managed to find time to make him something so elaborate and cute while balancing care for Izuku and Tenko, the running of the school and keeping up with Nezu while also being constantly vigilant for her villainous estranged husband was beyond him.
“Now there were a number of transfer requests made to get into 1-A” Midoriya began, glancing over the documents on her computer after she had ensured that Shouta was indeed eating the food she’d given him. “About two hundred total. Most of them were sifted out due to grades and overall performance which brought it down to sixty-two. From there we accounted for teacher evaluation to whittle it down to a more reasonable seventeen.”
She pulled up a list, tilting her screen to better show him the names and pictures of seventeen promising first years. Hitoshi, as expected, had made it through the initial two stages of the transfer process. Just two more stages to go.
“Interviews have been scheduled to speak to their classmates, friends and family. Nezdu suspects will have only seven or eight remaining afterward those have been conducted.” Midoriya explained, casting another warning glance at Shouta to ensure he was still eating the lunch she’d prepared for him. He dutifully began digging into a Tsukune. Satisfied, Inko unwrapped her own bento and allowed Shouta to review the short bios of the students as she ate her own lunch.
Each student he reviewed gave the impression of a serious hero course candidate. A class full of good students who hadn’t made the cut initially due to a system biased against their quirks. Nezdu expected nearly ten of them wouldn’t make the interview process, and Shouta didn’t doubt the principal’s estimate, he was rarely wrong about such things. Usually there were only three or four remaining after the interviews, it was an unusually adept group that year it seemed.
After the interviews would be the practicals, followed by the faculty review of those remaining. Despite his personal interest, Nezdu had permitted him to remain on the faculty board to judge the students, confident in Shouta’s ability to remain objective. 
“Oh, I nearly forgot,” Midorya said, breaking him from his thoughts. He watched as she set her lunch to the side and turned her attention to one of her desk drawers. “Izuku gave this to me to pass along to you. He was worried he wouldn’t have the chance otherwise with midterms coming up.” A plain file folder was held out to him, innocent looking.
Shouta squinted at it suspiciously. “He could have brought it in during my office hours.” He said, reaching for it anyway. He’d started calling Midoriya Izuku Problem Child in the first couple days of class, but in no way was the boy actually a troublemaker. Only over eager and overpowered with no sense of self protection. He was a good student, though, and a good kid from everything he’d seen and everything Hitoshi had told him. Not one he’d expect to use a go between for passing notes on to his teachers.
Midoirya Inko gave one of those knowing smiles that put Shouta’s hair on end. “I think he wanted to avoid taking any of your time that could go to other students for something that isn’t related to his own school work.”
Shouta blinked at that, then flipped the folder open and blinked again.
“Are these -?”
“Recommendation letters, yes.” Midoriya said, smile growing bright at Shouta’s bewildered expression. “Hitoshi-kun mentioned they’d help him during his application for the hero course so Izuku got some put together for him. I wrote one of my own, and All Might was similarly happy to make a recommendation based on what he’s seen of Hitoshi’s excellent character.”
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icecreamkink · 3 years
watched all of the untamed / cql in two weeks after my friend 1 told me abt mdzs a hundred years ago and my friends 2 and 3 tried to get me into cql for like two whole years and there are.
very first scene is a very dramatic death in the middle of nightmare battle on sith planet land . i will forget abt it in the next tenish episodes and then will be very surprised when it becomes Extremely Painful
anyway magic flying gays and possession and human sacrifice! we are off to a great start
in retrospect, chaos goblin wei wuxian must have had a blast pretending to be so cRaZy and be as disruptive as he could as mo xuanyu lbr
listen. why is fire always evil coded. cant a magic clan wear red, black and orange and have flame motif while being wholesome?
For Legal Reasons These Are Not Zombies
i wish the politics of the sect were a bit clearer, especially at the beggining when the wen clan had sm power, was wen ruohan the chief cultivator? is that why they were so slow in responding to the attacks? im v confused by the pre yiling patriarch politics
fighting in the roof by the moonlight as way of flirtiiiiiiing. as i understand this is a wuxia/xianxia trope and honestly...... thank u for ur service
slight bullying and being a nuisance in general, as a way of flirting we love to see it
wwx: if i drink on the rooftop, thats not inside the cloud recesses! hmmm check and mate :D lwj: i will fuck u up so help me god   wwx: :0
i lov them
through hell or high water (quite literally) wei wuxian rem ains a trashfire gremlin till the end and i love him with my whole heart
in the pt subs wei wuxian calls jiang cheng a stubborn duck and i dearly wish that had come back
my opinions on almost every character goes from love to hate u - Hmm Me Like U - BABY. ILY. and i am Very Pleased w that. its been a while since i loved such a complete cast so much i think
no really. i WONT go into a detailed rant abt what i love about each of these characters and each of their relationships to each other. but i COULD. 
lan xichen, immediately: i must Love him 
being into problematic ppl is in the Lan genetics, we come to realize
wen qing deserves so many awards for so many things but not snapping and just stabbing wen chao is at the top 
that scene at lan qirens class where wwx talks about using resentful energy to fight a violent spirit. exquisite.
 It establishes Good Student lan wangji, wei wuxian as curious and questioning and not afraid of taboo,  lwj sees that wwx is not, in fact, a dumb ass hes just a Dumbass,  shows us the audience (esp. a western audience) how shocking the idea of disrupting the dead/dying and controlling resentful energy actually is,  the theoretical foreshadow arguing, everyone else like ‘shUT UP’,  “and how could you ensure that the resentful energy would obey you and not hurt other?” “well i havent thought that far” and of course, lan qiren just straight up lobbing a hard object at wwx head,. chefs kiss
fellas is it gay to bother the hot rule obessessed nerd from ur school and make drawings of him with flowers in his hair and then hide gay porn in his book to antagonize him and ask him to hold ur hand and be ur friend and talk to him all the time and get him drunk and give him bunnies bc you know he likes them and give him a lantern and always want his attention and dedicate yourself to getting him to smile-
and after all of that wwx rly said oh i Admire him, aksd like yeah we all were there in high school buddy
i have Learned. caves = gay.
 accidental marriage +beint physically tied together with the sacred married ribbon+ gay panic+foreshadowing+bunnies! in the cave (1)
the story abt lan yi and baoshan sanren tho. i would like to see it
early days wen bros pull my heart strings like a guqin 
EVERYTHING about the lantern scene; disaster hets jiang yanli and jin zixuan; how wwx made lwj a bunny lantern. how soft and touched lwj was. wwx gleefully pointing out he was smiling and lwj IMMEDIATELY PULLING HIW SWORD ON HIM LMAO. tragically foreshadowy promises to do right by pepople, living without regrets. lwjs 'oh no do i love him??' face. just. all of it. 
i have it on good acc that in the novel lwj is explicitly Repressed Gay Panicked Big Horny which is delightful and rly Adds to the performance
 baby lwj is really just conceal dont feel dont let them know u have EMOTIONS (derogatory)
jiang cheng rly went "why dont.u go play with HIM if u like him so much"
jc and wwx have big BIG annoying sibling energy dont think too hard abt it or youll cry
lotus pier is soo pretty :((((((((((((((((
up until episode 13 you could think this could be a magical ancient chinese gays pride n prejudice w swords and shenanigans ................youre just not prepared for the game of thrones of it all
seriously ha ha ha i cried so much w this show my eyes genuinely swelled up . like. physically. fun timez fun timez
that being said, its hilarious that wen xu goes to cloud recesses like 'come out or ill kill all these hostages' and then DOESNT WAIT FOR AN ASWER AND KILLS THEM ALL IMMEDIATELY. do u know how blackmail works sir
 would like to make it recorded that from day one i was like 'CALL A GODDAMN CULTIVATION G20 THIS ASSHOLE SECT IS LITERALLY MASSACRING YALL!!' and it took them like 3 or 4 massacres to do anything and they STILL sent their heirs into their territory  LIKE
when wwx cites the gusu lan rules to wen chao tho. that rebel/attention whore/cutie pie 'look lan zhan i DID memorize the rules after all' ‘also a big fuck you to the wen sect :D :D’ sweet spot that scene achieves . delicious
all the cultivator young masters being petty af even though they are practically prisoners at the cave is hilarious and i love them
hurt and comfort + gay mistunderstandings + watsonian gay declaration music + accidental evil acquisition! at the cave (2)
its like where do i start? the fact theyre both trapped and kind of heavily injured inside an isolated cave with a murder turtle? wwx gay panicking lwj into coughing up bad blood? lwj being jealous as wwx babbles abt mianmian? telling him he shouldnt play with people and wwx saying he never played him? wwx going Oh. I See what is happening. YOU like mianmian, and lwj absolute done face ??? (iconic) wwx touching the sacred married ribbon Again? the telepathic communication? the sword? WEI WUXIAN ASKING LAN WANGJI TO SING TO HIM AS HE IS PASSING OUT AND LWJ SINGING HIM. THE SONG. HE WROTE. FOR WWX. AND THAT HE CALLED. THEIR SHIP NAME????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
they are SO insufferable pleeeeease
in the words of my friend 1 : “CQL is so gay we were all amazed how it got past the censors Ofc unfortunately it can't be novel level gay But they did their best And we love them for it”
in the theme of songs THIS OST. WUJI HAS BEEN LIVING IN MY MIND RENT FREE SINCE I FIRST HEARD IT the whole ost is so so sO beautiful.
 the costuming in this is also soooo exquisite. the embroidery? the fabrics? the details? how every sect and clan has a distinct style and architecture? (also ik they based each off of dif periods in chinese history which is REALLY fucking cool) just chefs kiss
the direction too!. i enjoy the unusual camera movements and i think they give it that Vibe, also their composition is PARTICULARLY good when it comes to telling the subtext through position of camera/position of character (like nhs off to the side in scenes he at first glance doesnt need to be/ how lwj is often centered when hes Jealous Yearning at wwx being affectionate w other ppl, wwx return from burial mounds etc)
ik madam yu is like Badass Milf Check and shes not getting any mom of the year awards but im delighted at how messy she is. IMAGINE that woman on tiktok
you better have enjoyed gay cave (2) bc its Just Pain from here on out! 
jiang fengmian and madame yu win the Most Dramatic Way to show they do care about each other, actually ..... ever :)
i thought jiang yanli jiang cheng and wei wuxian forcing themselves to escape yunmeng barely holding on after their parents are killed was going to be the height of pain in this show. ha. 
the family dynamics in general on this showwwww, both blood/ adopted/ found families, brotherly bonds and lifelong friendships just. rly. truly. fucked me up. theyre all so important and complicated and well rounded and beautiful and tragic
and beyond being a Win For the Gays im so glad the relationships w wwx and jiang yanli/ wen qing were NOT changed from platonic bc they are so much better like that imo. like maybe if we didnt Live In A Society it wouldnt be so, but the fact wwx and others can love and value them so much and theres nothing romantic or sexual abt it is like. so refreshing. especially @ jyl, with the way he and jc are overprotective of her and shes such a nurturing/care taker figure for them, it would just not vibe as well if they made it romantic
i love that this is a story abt Wei Wuxian, the Yiling Patriarch aka Actual Satan/Boogey Man/Village With/Public Enemy Number One , my dude is literally a necromancer who only dresses in black and has evil smokey black tendrils wafting out of him, but the really edgy one is still jiang cheng, pastel purple fashion icon
and speaking of best/worst siblings wei wuxian and jiang cheng *immediately starts crying* 
The Golden Core Transfer i just. no thots only tears 
wen qing and wen ning putting themselves in so much danger just.... to help them. wn saving jc from wen chao. wq finding a way to get wwx to transfer his core. like thinking about the monumental work these two did to help wwx and jyl and jc... jyl trying so fucking hard to be strong and keep on moving and giver her little brothers comfort after losing everything... jiang cheng. losing his parents and his home and his ability to do anything abt it and his complete desperation and lack of self worth and turning on them with agression  when he didnt realize all that they did for him ... hhhhhhhhhhhhh
me, pointing at the whole cast “i just LOVE them mom!!!”
its sad tho, that BARELY ANY of the women have like.... actual important conversations let alone relationships with each other at all in the story. and like wq and jyl have stayed at the same place for extended periods of time, where wq actively took care of her TWICE,  and still! not one measly convo, nothing! ................ .𝓌ₕᵧ
everyone in this show need a good sip of Self Worth and Stop Sacrificing Yourself juice 
ngl the sword flying looks very dumb 
“a-cheng, please bring a-xian back.” “i will, i promise.” ;-;
the whole calling each other by the More Intimate Version of the name, first as teasing and later as true intimacy. mmmhmmm yes
untamed where everythings the same but wwx evil flute song is eoeo
related that scene when wwx comes back from the burial mounds for the first time w demonic cultivation and he acts all formal and calls lwj hanguang-jun and keeps being evasive and distant and mean and soooooo................. facetious 
and how hes kind of desperately trying to keep intense lwj at bay (A FIRST) and avoiding actually talking to either of them and its all tension ughhh and then he MOCKS his and lwjs relationship, he jokes w him in this like... mean echo of their usual ~banter~ oof 
 and like!!! uncertain but so relieved jc who just HUGS him w no reservations for once and its not like he isnt just as worried as lwj abt wwx and what hes doing, but he chooses in that moment to enjoy getting him back first and mmhmMMMmMm yes (maybe my favorite scene in the whole show? MAYBE SO. ) 
highkey hurt me but also. i might be into mean wwx. i will take no criticism.
lan zhans sad eyes tho :((((((((( 
on one hand i wish we could have seen what happened at the burial mounds but on the other the timeskip adds so much flair to his return so im hnnn
also i love that hes been missing for 3 months reappears kinda melancholic and bloodthirsty and knowing malign tricks and jc is like 'so. are u sad bc of lan wangji'
when ur bae survived the war but he thinks ur evil/ might be evil so you cant kiss :///
hmmm talking at the rooftop under the moonlight not mentioning everything that stands between usssss
they are the two jades of lan and we’ll be the two heroes of yunmeng is the type of line u dont even need to know whats gonna happen to know thats gonna be sad
when they fight wen ruoshan at the nightless city i thought that was the battle we see at the first ep and its not and its so easy and theyre all like ‘yayy we won go wwx!’ i was just. SCREAMS WHAT is gonna HAPPEN
so like. post burial mounds/sunshot campaign pre yiling patriarch wwx is like. ultra arrogant, ultra mocking, peak lil shit and it gave me e v e r y t h i n g i wanted
even tho having the wen prisoners at the targets at phoenix mountain and still having wwx and jzx shooting the arrows was???? so.... tone deaf 
wwx: fucking w demonic energy   jyl: he has never done anything wrong in his life, ever <3 <3 (mood)
the parallels between meng yao/wei wuxian (and even xue yang a bit?) are Seen and they are Valid
wwx post burial mounds: can yall SHUT UP abt the goddamn sword (suibian left the chat)
LIKE truly, we talk abt the angst and yearning with wangxian. but what abt wwx and suibian. xianbian / xianqing angst and comfort 100k
take a shot everytime someone coughs up blood
zidian is simply the coolest spiritual weapon rip to suibian and chenqing and bichen and sendou and baixa........ but tis the truth 
cons: everyones families died in a nightmare war! everyones homes burned to the ground! everyone is traumatized! pros: everyone gets cooler clothes and weapons!!
wen ning and a-yuan and yanli bestest babes squad dont touch me rn
everyone: brooding and fighting                                                                wq and jyl: why dont you try some acupunture/drinking some soup and calm down huh? how abt that bitch?? 
showing the battle/massacre at the nightless city first was genius actually bc then everytime we have a cute scene w yunmeng bros and theyre like 'we'll be together forever! uwu' youre like oh. oh no. oh no no no. 
justice vs lawfulness vs means and ends 👁
jc: stay in the right path and practice the art of the sword                        wx: yeah thats not gonna happen chief
my reaction to wwx renouncing to the sect politics to help the wens was just that elmo burning gif in succession
the dramatic rain. wen qing desperately calling out to wen ning. the ghosts/puppets killing the guards. how terrifying wn actually was while wwx was controlling him :( lwj goeing after him to try and stop him and then he just; he Sees him and understands him even if he cant actually do anything about it other than let them go. 
“there must be somewhere in this earth we can go to :(((((((((”
"IF I HAVE TO FIGHT THEM, I'D RATHER IT BE YOU. DYING BY YOUR HANDS WOULD AT LEAST BE WORTH IT." oh my god oh my god oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddd
also lwjs umbrella is white w black smoke.. .  . nice
yiling patriarch / demonic farming burial mounds settlement is like one of my favorite concepts. they an "EVIL" FARMING COMMUNITY LED BY THE VILLAGE WITCH COME ON
they planted TURNIPS and LOTUS FLOWERS and ONE (1) baby and made lanterns and a common hall :(((((((
wen qing and wei wuxian, baddest bitches and genius science best friends i absolutely LOVED to see it. they rly went ‘is anyone gonna sibling/project partner that’ and didnt wait for an answer
both wwx and jyl getting lotus ponds at the burial mounds and in lanling bc they miss lotus pier ;;;;;;;w
;;;;; wish jyl had actually gone into the burial mounds. we were robbed of jyl and wq meeting again and jyl meeting a-yuan and seeing the settlement and the homes and all ;w; at least jc did go, stab wounds and broken arms and all
wwx like... having thrown his whole life away to help the wens (yeah the sect leaders and jin guangshan in particular wanting his stygian tiger amulet was an Element but still) and not.... necessarily regretting it, but grappling with all of the consequences of it... becoming moody and drepressed at times, missing his family and lotus pier and his friends and probably simply missing being around people and causing trouble, extrovert that he is, lashing out at the wens and at a-yuan, just in general the whole messiness of that experience
the way the resentful energy does affect his temperament is rly nice bc its not too in your face,(i mean outside of the Shaky Hands of Rage) but like he clearly has a much lesser control on his anger and impulsivity (tall order) than both before bm and after hes ressurected
lan zhan being like oh hey there wei ying fancy meeting u and our son here. just passing by u know how it is hmmmmMm and then PLOT TWIST having defied orders to go see him and being punished for it. oof;;
 they habent seen each other in like? a year? and now theyre tgt 10 seconds and are already parenting a child together
also lwj rly kneels down in the snow way too much to be healthy
wwx: calm down guyssss i wont lose control of demonic cultivation omgggg  .   spoiler alert: he loses control of demonic cultivation
did u enjoy cute children? good bc now the Real Pain Begins
jiang yanli and jin zixuan rly out there APROPRIATING both disaster gays AND bury ur gays huh ;w;
i KNEW jin lings birthday was gonna fuck something up but the GASP that left my body when wwx lost control of wn and killed jin zixuan .. . . 
im sorry and thank you aaaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAaAAAAA 
when wen ning and wen qing were telling wwx their plan i was saying NO NO NO NO NO NO out loud in despair 
also can we talk abt how wq is definetely talking about only the both of them surrending themselves but then? everyone else just surrenders w them? IT MAKES NO SENSE LIKE WHY WOULD THEY what would be the Point
 sometimes there are some pretty gaping jumps in logic and continuity that are just like                     ?          ?
wwx: oh so when you try to murder me its justified but when i survive through dark magic and murder all of you its a "war crime"
unsurprisingly, his most feral, most spiraling moment talking to the sect leaders on the roof and attacking them and even fighting lan zhan is among my favorite scenes... its like, so painful to watch but also   so       thrilling   (and maybe my wen bbs dying arose some resentful energy in me what can i say) 
and its JUST, all they ever wanted was to do good but then... war. and trauma. and hubris. 
jiang cheng on the ground clearly thorn between what to do and feel is a Mood, lets just say
i was already crying when jyl showed up, but if i wasnt-
 i suffered SO MUCH through this series trying to figure out WHY jc would kill wwx. and when i understood. its somehow not as bad as i thought and also MUCH MUCH WORSE
a look into my group chat during the last flashback episodes:
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SO ANYWAY. after the BLOOD BATH and RIPPING YOUR HEART OUT and FEEDING IT TO YOU  the untamed goes ‘ayy back to the present!! tu du dud ud du’ 
literally it ends a quarter into an episode and then KEEPS GOING i had to pause and stare blankly at the ceiling for an hour
babie cultivators and detective soulmates . i do need some cute after All of That 
(not that the pain is over LOL)
lwj is significantly less emotionally repressed in the present and its delightful. hes just ALL IN with wwx. and not just in the ‘i would and have killed various men and risked my reputation for you’ but also ‘ur tired here have a drink i brought it up cause i know u like it and it want you to be happy, always’
“when everyone praised me and wanted my power, you were the only one that challenged me. now that everyone hates me and wants me dead, youre the only one that stands by my side.” hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 
and just filling in the blanks how lan zhan searched for him. for all of those 16 years he searched for him and was punished for it and raised a-yuan, the only survivor of the burial mounds settlement, as his own in gusu......
and jiang cheng.  being the tough love uncle . having raised the yunmeng jiang clan from the rubble all alone, his whole family dead, some of it on the blame of his own brother, his siblings, his closest friends gone.......and only jin ling there needing his guidance. 
great now i made myself sad
and like . the fact! that lwj and jc dislike each other!!. jc projects blame onto him for wwx both “leaving” him and indirectly causing their families deaths and when hes so consumed by it he makes wwx an enemy, lwj is there now? trying to protect him?? and lwj, who can never understand the pain that wwx , indirectly or not put jc through, but who was right there when jc tried to kill him and will never allow him to hurt wwx again. and how they like. in a way project blame of their tragedies onto each other while dealing with some type of survivor guilt and in their own way still loving wwx through it all???  amd in way its kind of fundamentally selfish but also tragically understandable? and like when u put it against the fact that after he disappears during the sunshot campaign they were looking for him together and fought together??
and like i think thats what makes it so good? its such a sad and painful and violent story, edgy even, but its compelling bc at the center of it there are all of these relationships and different types of love and hope and. :( i love it
enough crying lets talk abt wwx sleeping at the jingshi with lwj and wearing his under garment for a minute 🙏
 jin ling just has that Was Raised by JC energy tho lmao i love him
babie cultivator squad is the perfect ammount of cute and comedic relief while still bearing the weight? of the narrative in a way, both from sizhui and jin lings existences, and also. like. how do i put this. they feel hopeful? they were born after a war, they came of age at a time of relative peace, they dont hold on so closely to the resentments of their parents/father figures, they are specifically shown as more accepting and open minded. and its like.... Hope for the future  
one of the ?? things  i love the most is the fact that the main cast are often in situations where theyre hunted/running but they like. never wear disguises... just going around in their gorgeous expensive clan clothes and hair ornaments and distinctive spiritual weapons.... maybe w a straw hat on, just for kicks
wwx teacher 🥺🥺🥺
so this is why its called Yi City Misery huh
a-qing is such. an icon. im so sad. my girl even knew to leave xys dumb self rotting by the road but no one listens to her thats why theyre all dead or sad 
her and xue yang measuring each other up was so entertaining lmao
 its the funniest thing when hes like. HERES MY SAD STORY. FOR WHY IM A SADISTIC MURDERER. I BROKE MY HAND ONCE. 
like ok someone broke his hand in a horrible way, and like Poverty, i get it but also like.......... that lost the brunt of a proper sob story like, 50 sadistic murders ago bby
and i love that xingchen does not entertain that for a second hes like ‘not ?????? good enough???’ and the best thing is he wasnt even like 'u hadto be the bigger person' or sth but ' well then break that dudes hand back, rip his arm off for i care, what do the rest of us have to do w anything???” 
anjo sensato :(
xue yang is like..... the sexy sadistic evil version of a himbo..... a meanbo...
the fucked upness of xy’s feelings for xxc/ xxc and sl feelings for each other... like my dude literally gave his bf HIS EYES. and xy getting so attached to xxc .... the fucked up fake domesticity.... having him hurt sl..... then desperately trying to bring him back ...................... oof
song lan........... literally had his eyes AND tongue removed, his bfs eyes put in place, was almost killed, turned into a puppet by his bf unknowingly, manipulated by xy, sees his bf killing himself in despair.... and STILL finds the strenght to get up from there, and keep on traveling and helping people and attempting to fix xxcs soul.......... like, my man. damn. 
wangxian looking at songxiao and seeing an Actually more painful parallel for themselves. ft. that Color Coding. 
THE A-YUAN/SIZHUI REVEAL PUNCHED ME IN THE HEART but in a good way for a change
should have know that he would be the Best Boy the cute one w all the braincells
the butterfly AND the bunny lantern. i see how it is
u know is very convenient that no one can see the stark black veins on wen nings neck, ever 
wns face when lwj comes into wwx room like ‘:0 omg did u two finally get your shit together? good for you master wei good for u’ 
(they didnt) (yet)
i have absolutely no idea WHY they gave lwj the same punishment for fighting his own sect/allies to protect the burial mounds as when they got drunk on cloud recess class days.... like? its such a ... emotional continuity error again
also is lwj gonna get an actual friend besides wwx , ever
mianmian marrying and having a family and a cute life after saying FUCK U AND UR SYSTEM TOO in a much less unhinged and dramatic way than wwx......... fills me w joy
also lol the idea that like. her husband not knowing that shes friends w satan/the boogey man/the village witch is hilarious
i love nie mingjue bc hes the resident Though Guy but also the most dramatic bitch in this show and thats Saying Something
jin ling cant have one uneventful relative can he
the fact that everyone present already knew “mo xuanyu” was wwx at the stairs is so funny, their faces are like ‘oh............ wow. that. sure is a development. shock” 
in the tradition of extremely loud whispers wwx tells lwj with twelve guards standing like one meter away from them: HEY PSH LAN ZHAN PRETEND IM FORCING YOU TO STAY W ME DO IT
oh my god oh my god
the absolute Yearning on his face when he leaves wwx and a-yuan at the burial mounds and refuses to stay for dinner was already Enough but the fact?? they brought it back?? to this declaration of love?? their expressions??????? strike me dead right now just go ahead
lFor Legal Reasons We Cant Kiss but we will have a very sappy declaration of love and trust and look at each other in way that is the actualization of 💞💘💗💖💓💘💞💗💖💘💗💖💕💞
also icb all the sect leaders and guards are standing there watching them say they like like each other with a dozen swords pointing at their neck
i enjoyed the depiction of the fickle public perception and how easily it can be used to scapegoat people. when the sect leaders turn on jgy and wwx knows thats its more for convenience than anything else...
poor lxc is literally like 'oh so when YOUR problematic boyfriend gets called evil its a misunderstanding but when its MY problematic bf-'
ok like i cant get over nmj let jgy play a song that messed with his temperament at all, like maN u KNEW he might be shady wth
wwx: “hey dont say anything bad abt lan zhan hes not an arrogant dick, thats just his face. 
the cultivators as wwx is poking holes in their narrative is literally *nazaré meme*
"wei wuxian-!" "what did i break your leg, too?" not to be problematic but i laughed so hard
not as hard as "you dont have the rank to talk to me " tho
i Enjoy that, over the course of story, wwx sees that... theres nothing truly to Do, but move on. he saw how his arrogance and his mistakes hurt others, and hes trying to fix what he can, but he already did die for his mistakes and there are things he cant fix and that's. just how it is. even towards jgy, the narrative doesn't go gleefully and completely with "lets make THEM pay bc theyre the big bad" bc its not that simple, and it wouldn't lead anywhere but more pain...
re him and jiang cheng and the wens and kinda. isnt that what nhs did? scheming to displace jgy out of revenge more than any justice and doing so in the most painful way?
idk if that actually makes sense im truly just babbling
i thought the scene at the lotus pond would be CUTE but the context was PAIN again
jiang cheng finding out about his golden core and his conflict with wwx at the guanyin temple .... destroyed me but in a nice way kinda.... same way it destroys him look at his face oh god
and. the fact??? he sacrificed himself for wwx?? first?? and he'll probably never tell anyone much less wwx???? keeps me up at night
i havent decided if the neckbreak transition between jgy does sth super Evil or does he he does OR Does He yes he does O R does heeeee is sth i dislike or not
jin guangyao and wei wuxians most interesting parallel is that... theyve both seen 'hmm hey this system is fucked up' and wwx went 'so fuck it all i will renounce it and challenge it' and jgy went 'so fuck it i will use all of it to my advantage and manipulate it to my goals and whims'
the fact jgys mom was actually great and he loved her and his whole issue w it was more than simply being ashamed of being a bastard kinda got me ngl
never trust a dude with a fan.
nhs and jgy: the first rule to a convoluted and decades spanning violent revenge plot is to have fun and be yourself! 
when a-yuan finally FINALLY remembers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wen ning has someone in his family back and a-yuan has someone to talk abt his wen family and wwx has him back bc he survived and lwj raised him anD HES THEIR SON. THEYRE MARRIED AND HAVE A SON. UGH.
and theyre allowed to heal. everyone is allowed to try and recover and be happy
netflix put all of the 3 endings on top of each other and it looks kinda weird actually BUT I DONT EVEN MIND :’’’’’’’’’)
the gasp that left me when lwj says ‘wei ying’ and wwx turns.........
there was also a screen with ‘thank you mxtx for creating these characters, we hope their wishes come true’ and i might. have cried then too. maybe. 
that was . a ride. as is proven by this behemot of a ramble clearly i just really needed and Outlet. i am currently trying to convince dumb monkey brain to not consume the other medias of mdzs immediately bc i REALLY need to like. live. a life. and take care of real responsibilities.  *longest oh boi ever*
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