#i wish i read the manga when it's fandom was alive
myachiart · 1 year
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I drew Ayano from Kagerou Daze a while ago, and the quality was... to put it nicely, terrible. This redraw was bound to happen, and I'm glad I can say that this is what younger me was going for!
younger me would also be elated that I can actually make acceptable backgrounds and hands now :')
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sakuraharuno156 · 9 months
I really don't understand the hypocrisy of some Naruto fans - a rant. Part 3
(Trigger warning - anti Hinata)
The things that I have seen in the Fandom really make me question people's ability to read.
(I want to provide manga as a proof, but Tumblr has a limit of pictures i can add, so I'll do it in parts)
The nicest person in the series according to Hinata fans:
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(Aka rubbing in her cousins face that he is a slave and essentially pushing him into being punished (even tho he asked her many times to just give up) because her crush was watching)
Cannonicaly THE NICES character in Naruto:
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(Aka the person that was called the nicest time and time again)
A person who loses intentionally, because they are too nice according to Hinata fans:
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(Aka just being weaker than someone. The "she is too nice to fight with her sister" argument is just wishful thinking. That was NEVER stated in manga.)
A person that CANNONICALY cannot hurt someone because they are too nice:
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(Aka the person that couldn't even hurt an enemy, because of memories that he had with Asuma when he was still alive)
The most beautiful female character, according to Hinata fans:
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(Aka the canonicaly invisible girl!)
The most beautiful female character CANNONICALY:
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(Aka TSUNADE, canonicaly the most beautiful woman on the planet)
Strongest Hyuga member/head of the Hyuga clan according to Hinata fans:
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(Aka the girl who lost all her battles)
Strongest hyuga member CANNONICALY:
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(Aka Neji, who at 13 canonicaly surpassed the whole Hyuga clan)
The head of the hyuga clan CANNONICALY:
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(Aka Hiashi - that never changed)
To "prove" their point, they use datatbooks (essentially a guaid through the series) that are notorious for getting things wrong and stating stupid stuff like:
Choji has the most powerful jutsu (when we know Naruto and bijuu dama exists).
Sakura being an "elite junin by birth" (when we know she was from a civilian family and was born noone).
Kurenai having just as strong Genjutsu (or in some translations EVEN STRONGER) than Kakashi (when we know what she did or rather didn't do against Itachi)
Kakashi being stronger than Guy in first part (when we know that Guy was already able to use 8 gates and Kakashi was barely able to get Mangekyo)
Or even funnier, they use wishful thinking and their own imagination!
They think Hinata is nice so therefore she didn't lose to Hanabi - SHE WAS JUST TOO NICE TO FIGHT WITH HER, and then they repeated it until other people think that it's too popular to be fake so they take it as a fact.
Or EVEN EVEN FUNNIER - they choose what facts are true and what facts are fake.
I even met a Hinata fan that said that databooks are 100% true, but when translation is right.
How do they know what is right? Do they speak Japanese? No. The ones that support their claims are true but the ones that don't are obvious FAKE.
(EVEN when I showed them two statements from the same page - they said that "one is well translated and the other is false". ON THE SAME F*CKING PAGE)
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One day I'm seriously gonna lose it.
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unamusedcyclone · 5 months
Kurama The Retired Monster: A Look at Kurama's Canon Characterization and Impact
Kurama is one of the most popular characters in the decades old Yu Yu Hakusho fandom. Published in 1992 and dubbed into English in 2002, Yu Yu Hakusho is one of the most influential battle shounen anime. References are everywhere for this wonderful story about a delinquent that surprised the heavens and saved a little boy at the cost of his own life.
The series is my favorite of the old Toonami anime with its rebuke to the strict norms of Japanese society and its message about the grey tones of life.
It's in every character in one way or another, but Kurama tackles a trope I'm personally fascinated by: the retired criminal that is dragged back into his old life by circumstance.
This doesn't seem to be a common read of the character, though all the tropes are there. Youko Kurama was a vicious criminal who, after he was taken out of commission, essentially retired due to the love of a woman. While it was not planned, Shiori showing him love and a life outside of what he knew is what canonically happened and shaped his life. He chose, after she cut up her arms to save him from broken glass, to be the son she deserved rather than leaving as he planned.
When Shiori gets sick, Kurama is contacted by Hiei to join him on a heist in Spirit World for the Three Treasures. Given Kurama's nature as the exposition fairy, he is clearly aware of what those treasures are: The Orb of Bast, the Forlorn Hope, and the Shadow Sword. So, Kurama uses his experience as a thief and gains the Forlorn Hope for himself. As we know, the Forlorn Hope has a rule: It will grant your deepest wish in exchange for your life. Kurama considers this cost fair, since he clearly still feels guilty about stealing the son Minamino Shiori was supposed to have. In the dub, he comments about how some parents are devoured by their young, hinting at blaming himself for the condition Shiori is in. It is only because Yusuke intervened that Kurama is still alive, pulled out of his suicidal guilt spiral by Yusuke offering part of his own life to the mirror after seeing his own mother mourn him.
Kurama chooses to help Yusuke defeat Hiei, cementing him as one of the good guys and beginning his friendship with and repayment of Yusuke.
The Four Saint Beasts arc can be explained as part of Hiei and Kurama's parole. I won't linger on it, but I truly believe this is part of Kurama trying to be good, serving his sentence for what is likely the least of his crimes. In his fight with Genbu, Hiei talks about how he brought Kurama on because he'd rather have him as his ally than his enemy. This is one of the first instances of what Kurama's prior life looked like to others. He is a ruthless and intelligent fighter, and he is known for it. Before Two Shots, this implies Kurama had a reputation prior to his human life, one that lasted long enough that Hiei would have heard about it. (Based on later information, Hiei is less than a hundred years old and Kurama may have left Makai a thousand years ago, making Kurama's reputation incredibly significant.)
This reputation continues to assert itself in the Dark Tournament. The audience of the tournament continue to jeer at Kurama and Hiei for being demons fighting alongside humans, implying that they are well-known enough for this to be an issue. (In the manga, we get a page that shows that demons are total gossips and I love it.) We also have Kurama's fight with Ura Urashima, where Urashima comments that he believes this Kurama, our Kurama, might have taken on the name of the scary bastard that they still tell stories about. He is mistaken.
However, it is also in the Dark Tournament where we get his fight with Touya, where he asks Touya to be better than he was. This is where we see, wholeheartedly, that Kurama regrets who he once was. He regrets being the monster that Hiei and Yomi idolize. The nature of the series is that he needs to tap into that ruthlessness to survive, which is why he connects with Suzuki before the fight with Team Toguro. It is his desire to survive Karasu that returns him to that self.
Another scene that is incredibly important is the battle with Amanuma, the Gamemaster. As we know, for Amanuma to be defeated, he must be killed, as per the rules of his territory and the video game he uses. Amanuma is also eleven years old, manipulated into joining Sensui's crusade to destroy the human world for its evils and hypocrisies. Amanuma is a child, unaware of what Sensui's plans truly mean and as much as Kurama tries to say Amanuma chose this with the full understanding of an adult, it is clear he does not really believe it. Kurama is clearly upset by his choice, but he still makes it. There is no way out, no magic solution at the time. After Amanuma dies, Hiei implies that Kurama has killed children before, in his past life, but Kurama's grief is obvious. He reacts ruthlessly to Elder Toguro. His hands are bleeding from how much he hates the fact he made that choice and how much that decision is linked to the past he's clearly trying to leave behind.
The Three Kings arc is when this really begins to show up, though due to its truncated nature, it seems to go unnoticed. Yomi is essentially the end result of what happens when someone adopts Kurama's old views. Yomi is introduced to us as untrustworthy and brutal. Kurama's patience and ruthlessness became a guide to him as he became a king in the notoriously vicious Makai, after a botched assassination attempt left him blind. To be called to serve Yomi, Kurama has to face what he once was and how it impacted someone. Yomi didn't just look up to him, but he was also Kurama's victim: Kurama is the one who paid the assassin to kill him. Kurama also has to balance facing that with his desire to keep his mother and the Human World safe. Kurama's choice to betray Yomi and go along with Yusuke's cockamamie scheme can be read as a rejection of that past self as well as reinforcing that Kurama does not want to live that old life ever again. He chooses the human world, the world where he's not a vicious bandit and has loved ones.
The anime expands this by setting Kurama up against Shigure, the demon surgeon who gave Hiei his Jagan. This fight originally felt incredibly random: Shigure and Kurama don't have anything to do with each other. However, the fight with Shigure clicked once I realized that Shigure offers to restore Kurama back into who he once was. The entire fight is Kurama choosing to fight as who he is now, not rely on that past self he hates so much. At the end, Kurama even tells Yomi he doesn't throw anything away, but what he says in his little monologue is that he'll never be that version of himself again.
Kurama spends the whole series having to depend on the reputation and ruthlessness he cultivated as a bandit. He does it in life-or-death situations, not just randomly or for shits and giggles. He doesn't seem to enjoy his reputation, especially after living as Shiori's son. He looks more contemptuous of it, his face blank when he has to tap into it. He hates that he has to be that guy, that he was that guy. With the series over, it seems like he'll choose to stay human, to stay in the Human World for as long as he can.
Kurama's canon characterization draws him more in-line with the story's theme of growing up and healing due to the power of human connection. He is mostly retired from being a brutal monster and shows regret and guilt over the past, but by the end has mostly accepted who he once was, warts and all.
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transhawks · 2 years
as a fandom, I hope in 2023 my fellow villain stans (and those of us who identify as anarchists or socialists/communists and still try to find something ideologically worthy in this copaganda) realize that the League of Villains are not revolutionaries or antifa or any of the brave people standing up to fascism, and are incredibly traumatized people mostly on suicide missions led by a megalomaniacal man whose political views are best described as fascist. It's just not happening, y'all.
Spinner's embracing of Tomura led to his depersonalization and dehumanization. Twice's blood is being used in the worst way possible; his ultimate fear of being a clone while the original is dead is now realized and utilized. Dabi's grasping at anything to hurt his father while burning himself to death since he can't beat Shouto and because he's realized that people will use any excuse to not care about abuse victims, and he gave them the biggest one by trying to destroy society. Toga has given up on trying to make the world love her and discarded her need for it. Compress entrusted a society where the rich can't exploit the poor to Tomura, but actually managed to entrust it to a man whose plan involves tanking local economies so he can control them. They aligned with an ancapitalist-crypto-fascist army that preaches eugenics to achieve so much of their goals.
Tomura spent months trying to show he was his own person outside of All For One only to end up possessed. All For One wasn't kidding when he said it was all for him.
This is not a good end for them. This is not any shape or way or form of good. They're not going to come back from this sort of thing alive unless the heroes assigned to them save them.
Yeah, this is pessimistic, but someone really needs to wake y'all up. wake the fuck up. The League aren't happy. And they haven't managed to be happy. Tomura never wanted to be happy, either, even if he respected the wishes of his allies. He says it over and over because his trauma made him a depressed nihilist who justifies his lack of will to exist over and over again.
It's just so fucking frustrating, and I know I played a role in this for years, this beating of the drum of how much Hero Society is shit. it is shit, but the League aren't offering solutions. They're too hurt and traumatized to and some of you should really read upon on trauma-based politics and its short-comings.
Please, in 2023, get your head out your asses.
Boku no Hero Academia is a story with liberal values and ideals about reforming the status quo, not breaking it. You are not going to find far-left of center ideas actively pushed in this manga even if they are entertained, because in the end, the story will not have the League "win".
The ending to BNHA will not be revolutionary but reform, which means the saving of the villains will fall down to hero kids. You will not get amazing parables about how the villains should save themselves in this story because that's not what this story wants to tell. Please be realistic, for fuck's sake.
I'm so tired of reading takes that hinge on the idea that the League is a tight-knit family of antifascists and antistatists who love each other and will destroy the hegemonic systems around them. No, that's not what's happening. I'd fucking love if it did, but that's not Boku no Hero. Learn to read.
I love you all, but I truly think you would have happier times in fandoms if you started expecting less and less and realizing that the majority of the media produced in our zeitgeist is far from perfect and will also not cater to leftist ideals. Certainly not something published in Shounen Jump.
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iyokko · 7 months
introducing: iyo
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sup! i’m iyo. i’ve had this account for a while, but finally decided to start using it. this is probably the most formal i’ll be for a while. also, a txt version of the image with more info is below in the cut!
introduction pt. 2
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general stuff
iyokko — any prns (they/them default, afab)
hi there! i’m a midwestern digital artist who also likes to dabble into worldbuilding. i’m quite busy with schoolwork and extracurriculars, but i like to make time to share my insane ramblings i have throughout the day.
i’ve got a lovely girlfriend! i’m fruity, unfortunately. i might talk about her occasionally, but i’ll try not to since this is the public eye.
i have a pretty poor attention span though, and i’ll probably appear periodically on this account. when that happens, i’m still alive! feel free to send me stuff.
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here are some of my interests as of late:
murder drones
aphmau (why i joined tumblr! was a mystreet and minecraft diaries kid growing up.)
alice in borderland
extraordinary attorney woo
wings of fire + fantribes (also a wof kid! still am. make most of my extra cash through the ever-popular fantribes on discord.)
blue lock (manga)
beastars + beast complex (both manga)
oshi no ko (manga — stopped reading it for now since it’s gone off on the deep end)
hallow knight
danganronpa (the disease infected me in middle school and it’s sadly rotted in my head permanently)
one piece (just got into it! wish me luck)
warrior cats (read this at the same time as wof and aph. no wonder i came out so gay)
other stuff too! this is just from the top of my head.
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what brought you to joining tumblr?
aphmau brought me here! i saw the community, and as a lifelong aphmau fan—with a rewrite in the works by the way—i just had to join in. tumblr’s been on my radar for a while now to join!
what/when will you post?
i’ll be generally posting my art and ramblings! unfortunately, i probably won’t have a very set schedule, but i’ll try to post at least once or twice a week.
what should i stay for?
if you like my personality or art style, then you should stick around! i can’t promise i’ll be talking about every fandom i’m in, but a few that have always stuck with me are danganronpa, aphmau, and wings of fire. those three will probably continue being posted about throughout my tumblr career, so if you like that sort of content, i might be up your alley.
my inbox—is it open?
it’s currently open! but please be patient with me, i’ve only ever lurked on tumblr before. actually using it is currently a mystery i’m uncovering.
any sideblogs to be aware of?
currently i have one other account for my mcd and myst rewrite! it’s called @iyo-mcd-rewrite! hopefully the link worked for that—if not, you’ll often see me reblog posts from it.
i might make others for my two other big fandoms (wof and danganronpa), but for now they’ll be contained in this main one!
do you have other accounts?
discord — iyokko
instagram — iyokko__
toyhouse — iyokko
twitter — iyokko185998
where do i contact you?
i’m most active on discord and toyhouse, but if you dm me on insta or email me, i’ll get it at a later date! twitter i am at a loss for on dms. that’s all for now!
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ansbobcar · 8 months
When will this suffering end for my fanfic to beginnnnnn (big rant)
What I personally like when I write fanfics is expanding upon the universe given to me. In the case of Mashle, expanding and creating new spells in the power system while adding my own characters, probably expanding upon the other magical races that exist in this universe. SPOILERS FROM THE MANGA, ANIME ONLYS BE WARNED
Maybe I'm thinking too deep into this but like I don't understand howwww or when the Divine Visionaries (DVs) joined. There's either some sorta retcon plot from the actual manga to the fanbook to the wiki or something because... nothing is adding up?
It matters to me okay because I'm writing an Orter x OC fic and they're both DVs.
Let me show/explain to you the confusing plotholes/retcons that I don't know how to consider and hopefully by the end of it I can see through the fucking problem.
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1. The DV inbetween Rayne and Orter who was killed
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In chapter 77, Renatus Revol (the Immortal Cane) revealed to Mash that the DV before Rayne and after Orter was killed and it's implied to have been from Middle School Aged Domina (13-14). So roughly 2 years ago from canon.
This implies that Orter Madl is the 2nd newest (alive) DV from our current lineup. And we can also deduce that the age he started serving as DV is 20-21. BUT WE DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW WHO THE FUCK THIS MF IS?
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The confusing thing is that the FANDOM WIKI (idk why I trust it still) states that Domina killed Orter's JUNIOR Alex Elliot(21) (according to the wiki) instead of a DV and basically after that BECAME A DV so that means he was over 20-21 when he became DV BUT HE'S 23 WHEN WE MEET HIM?? Let's assume he was 21 but that means his junior is older than him--YOU SEE WHY I'M CONFUSED????
2. Agito Tyrone and Renatus Revol (+ the other DVs)
The fandom wiki's trivia section which is the only fanbook (likely thing i've read) states that these two joined around the same time. There is a big problem though.
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Agito is 22 and Renatus is 26. There's a 4 year gap between these two but they joined around the same time...
My logic tells me that if they came together as a pair, it wouldn't be possible for Renatus to have joined when he was 18 because Agito is in middle school. Meaning they would atleast be 19 and 15 respectively. If they came consecutively after the other that leaves the door for some more possibilities though.
However, it's majorly implied in the plot itself that in order to become DV you gotta be part of the magic schools and then later on compete in the Trimagicathlon to figure out who is the new DV of the year.
Like honestly, other than Ryoh, Kaldo (who I firmly believe to be 1st and 2nd longest serving respectively), Orter and Rayne, the others are just verrrrrrryy unknown placement wise.
Don't even get me started on Tsurara. SHE'S 20 AND IDK WHEN THE HELL SHE JOINED!!!!?!? The two ways to counter this is 1) she skipped some grades because as head/part of the Magic Research Administration you gotta be smart, 2) headcanon how many years she was in it even though she clearly joined before Orter somehow ;u;
Why does this matter for me? BECAUSE RINKA's (my oc) BACKSTORY NEEDS THESE MFS IN THERE.
3. So what do I have currently?
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This is currently the only ass conclusion I could come up with (including Rinka) because shits just confusing man I'm gonna assume that they're like the JJK School system in which for high school they have 4 years instead so that 19-20 isn't unexpected. I kinda wish the plot had a sense of time. That's why and how it's possible for these ages to work (Sophina and Orter hitting 20 is probably to do with their birthdays or entering the year lower, idk man shits confusing). That means Alex Elliot... you're now 19 and a Divine Visionary instead of a Magic Police Cadet or whatever it's called.
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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butterfly--empress · 4 months
....About that Attack on Titan Series...
Well, well, well......I wasn't going to make this post, but fuck it, we here and I feel like ranting into the goddamn void, it's been a WHILE.
If you enjoyed this series from beginning to end and don't have the emotional maturity to understand that I don't fucking LIKE THIS SHIT. DO NOT REPLY
I don't have patience and I will block you on sight! As we fandom old's say: Don't Like? Don't Fucking Read!
Anyway onto the rant...
it's June 2024 and I finally after so many years, watched this show because it was recommended to me and I brought into the hype because I had NO IDEA just how derisive S4 and the series finale actually was back in the height of it's day.
I had always meant to eventually get around to watching the show and maybe even reading the manga alongside it, but as the years passed, I just never found the urge to pick it up.
And now that I have, after believing the show was great from beginning to end...
GOD, I sure wish I could get back the time I spent watching the entirety of Season 4, that Finale, and feeling utterly annoyed that a writer chose to end their story on such a nonsensical plot.
In fact, I sort of wished I never bothered at all to be quite honest.
The short of it: Seasons 1 to 3>>>>>>Season 4 and that awful ass Finale.
Very unfortunate too. This is just another case of 'great ideas, bad execution'.
And I'm not sorry but the more I think about it, the more I just cannot turn my brain off, suspend my disbelief and gaslight myself into accepting season 4 and that fucking finale as peak writing.
That shit was awful, the fact that seeing the latest interview from the creator himself, just reaffirms how strong the author's intent was when writing this last arc!
It wasn't the fact this was bad on accident, or that the creator ran out of ideas, OR the story got too complicated and complex, OR that he couldn't commit to what he already established in earlier seasons.
If his words are to be taken at face value from that interview:
It's not that this guy is a bad writer, Attack on Titan's last arc's messy writing:
-Plot holes and too many subplots that go nowhere
-Last minute ass-pulls and Deus Ex Machina that make no damn sense.
-Adding time travel-esque powers out of the blue, and it amounts to nothing in the end.
-Never giving an actual satisfying reason why Eren *couldn't defy his fate*.
--We not gonna talk about his mom...
-I'm not gonna bitch about that Ymir subplot about her loving her abusive ass slave master/husband, after what was already established before this point was fine by itself...nope, not going there...
-That god awful confusing asf 4yr time skip. (listen, I don't know NOR do I care at this point, if this time skip was elaborated on in the manga. This was just a poor attempt to hand wave away the obviously inconsistent switch OR lack of development to the characters I followed since ep 1.)
-The stagnation of already established characters we were with since the beginning and basically being replaced by new characters: the MINUTE the Marley characters took center stage, something in me just KNEW, the original crew were being replaced but hoping to GOD I WAS WRONG. --Turns out my gut feeling was correct and it makes me dislike these character more than I already did.
--Yeah, I really did not care AT ALL for the Marley crew. There's just something about shoehorning in new characters that I have no attachment to and telling me, they are now the real protagonists (who get sudden plot armor and make it alive by the end, with no real consequences...in a series that had no qualms about killing just about 90% of the characters I actually gave some fuck about and knew since ep 1 feels very contrived.)
-The unnecessary death of fan favorites that amounted to NOTHING
--I'm not...I'm just going to leave THIS ONE ALONE because I'll be here all fucking DAY and boy I'm doing enough ranting as it is.
~If You Know, You KNOW!~
-I'm not going to rant about the female characters because 1. we'll be here all day, 2. to be fair: most of the characters sort of fell flat regardless of gender anyway. (But I def get that the female cast in particular was done so dirty in the last arc. It's one thing for shounen writers to write one dimensional female characters...you have to be some kind of SPECIAL to create two-dimensional, even three-dimensional female characters only to downgrade them to their lowest common denominator. THE AUDACITY, THE INSULT TO MY FUCKING INTELLIGENCE!)
-I'm not going to bother about the shipping: it's obvious that a certain ship was going to be canon but god, do I really need to bitch about the utter lack of meaningful development to get it from point A to B?
--Then again, maybe it was supposed to be toxic? Lord knows it fits well into the clusterfuck of the last arc of this story.
--Honestly, I was more into a non canon ship that developed thru friendship naturally onscreen anyway, so I have no horse in this race.
-The BIG ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM of mixes messages, that maybe, certain extreme ideologies are correct and justified.
--Yeah, we gonna leave this one alone too...Honestly because this is actually the one thing I don't think was intentional, even if the blatant implications of it are there...and I don't want to make assumptions of the man's politics and what he believes, and his worldview (outside of his personal feelings about himself), I don't know him personally.
--I will however, rant to high hell and I do think he utilized and underutilized the allegory he borrowed from real life history; which led to the unfortunate 'Fantastical Racism' that happens in AoT.
--The slaughtering of poignant thematic themes, period!
--That bad ending (not that it's tragic per se, but just thematically bad).
~~Are you starting to see a pattern??~~
He didn't WANT to allow his story to progress 'naturally' in the direction it 'wanted to go'.
Isayama didn't want to commit to anything he established. The story is the way it is, because he INTENDED it to be this way.
Eren fails to be a great hero OR antihero (depending on how one sees it) because Isayama doesn't think he, himself is a great person even if others tell him he is. (Ring a Bell?)
And I think it's a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow. Your time was wasted theory crafting, giving the creator the benefit of doubt, all for him to basically say, because he suffered from a serious case of 'Imposter Syndrome', you are an idiot for ever thinking this story was great, was suppose to be more than it is, and that his success isn't earned because he doesn't feel that way and you have to feel that way too.
The creator wanted a nihilistic, myopic, depressive ending. Worldbuilding, lore, cohesive storytelling be DAMNED, because he let his negative feelings about himself bleed way too much into his work.
He wanted the message if there was one at all: there's no point in putting hope in humans because 'we're all just trash anyway', people will always fight, good people shouldn't sacrifice their lives to help humanity or put any hope into humans evolving to change our ways, so why try to find another way, and maybe 'Hitler was right'.
It gets worse when the creator HIMSELF, out of his OWN MOUTH, stated; if he WANTED TO, he could have given the story a better proper send off. He knows what he wrote, and he knows that the natural, better progression of the story he created would have been better received by the fans and critics alike, if he allowed it to go in that direction, but he didn't want that.
Granted: I'm all for writers doing ultimately what they want with their stories, for better or worse.
But that's not what he wanted. And that's what I take from all of this.
However what pisses me off, is that he should have been HONEST about the story/themes/message he wanted to portray from the start.
I don't have a problem with tragic, depressive tales and it's themes, if it is done right. This was not done right and we know it wasn't, because you can look at past and even present discussions and arguments throughout this fandom and see that people have valid reasons to be very upset. (No one likes for their intelligence to be insulted when the story takes them out of the immersion to the point, that the critical thinking jumps in, and now a person is starting to realize that a lot of writing choices that they ignored before, because the story was still good, are now flaws. Stories don't have to be PERFECT, but once those flaws can't be ignored, people begin to see them as the red flags that they are. We might be hopeful, that these flaws or plot holes will be course corrected at some point, but we will not ignore, when we see the trajectory of a story's plot going downhill to the point of no return. AoT's story went beyond the Point of No Return...ON PURPOSE!)
What grinds my gears about this entire situation is that, we have a creator here, who purposely build up a story, world, characters, and themes that the audience expected would follow through and make sense, given what we have of the story.
Only for the creator to fail spectacularly by trying to fucking subvert the audiences' expectations, and seeming to really not give a damn that it's what he wanted to do from the start.
Despite whatever issues he feels or has about himself, it sours whatever sympathy I may have for the guy, because in a way, what he decided to do of his own free will, seems very jaded and quite narcissistic...
It's the audacity for me.
People were lead on, lied to, and wasted their time for nothing.
Character motivations, deaths, sacrifices, the themes, worldbuilding, all of it, amounted to NOTHING.
We were idiots to put good faith into the author. We were idiots to think, this story was worth it. For some of us, it felt like a slap in the face if you were an original fan since the story's inception and honestly, your resentment for sticking with it til the end for ten plus years for an unsatisfying bullshit finale is very valid.
TL:DR: AoT's ending is trash because the Author wanted it to be trash, and that's really, unfortunately what it all amounts to.
Soo, yeah, I don't think I can really say much more than that.
Man should have just stuck with Keeping It Fucking Simple Simon and just ended the story where literally everybody dies from fighting giant ass flesh eating zombies called titans.
Edit: GOD, and here I thought I finally fallen into another great shounen on the same level as FMA:BH after the constant disappointment, that is MHA's last arc.
...Maybe I'm getting too old for anime, at least 'shounen'....idk...anymore
At least Spy x Family can't hurt me...
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sheepishmastectomy · 1 month
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms
rules: list your ten favorite characters from ten separate fandoms, then tag ten people!
hi @sasheneskywalker! thanks for tagging me ^^ i will be so good and not use all dc
Joey Wilson Current obsession. I think about him so much… He really can do it all. I think he should have another ooc villain arc (as a treat).
Ryou Bakura The OG… I know he wasn't explored that in depth in the manga but he's so important to me. Really love that he is a huge nerd.
Nanami Kiryuu She is the calf bringing herself to slaughter, unknowing… She's so special to me. Her rivalry with Anthy is my everything.
Luo Binghe This guy, on the other hand, is bringing himself to slaughter with a knife and begging for it (but also doing the cutting… Complicated young man).
Rock Lee He never stopped believing, and I love him for that. My man!!! I miss him sometimes. He was cute in Boruto, too.
Spinner Done a great disservice by Horikoshi but HE LIVED BITCHHHHHHHHHHH. Okay sorry I am just so happy he didn't die. MHA spoilers ig. Ultimate gamer who I have to stan.
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester I told myself I would not fall for his dubious charms when I started playing. That was a lie. My man is so complex… Number one guy I miss roleplaying.
Zack Fair Wahhhhh he is destined for a terrible fate but he cares so much… IDK man I imprinted on him as a teenager like a baby duckling.
Jean Moreau Reading the Sunshine Court over and over because I'm so invested in his journey. Literally jumping out of my skin banging on the door for the next book.
Hideyoshi Nagachika
HE LOVES KANEKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the way he came back was so so so cool and he's so dedicated and he's so SMART and he's such a badass and he is THE SPECIAL GUY OF ALL TIME!!!! ppl did not believe me when i said signs were pointing to him being alive... they said it was wishful thinking... FOOLS!!!!!! FOOOL!SSSSS!!!!
okay anyway :) if you'd like to play, i'd love to see ur faves! @myriadism @vagueconfusion @beemotionpicture @dennydart
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2n2n · 3 months
How could Tsukasa call Hanako at the border and not hear him , because hanako was able to sense him many times in the manga, such as the Mitsuba arc , and when he and Yashiro wanted to fall , why is he convinced that Hanako hates him??
*gets wistful* I wish we could really know why Tsukasa is so prone to concluding Amane hates him.... it might just be in Tsukasa's nature.
There are simply people in this world who do not easily imagine their value, especially not in people they see as 'above' them (more impressive, more attractive, more capable, more wonderful...).... as far as we can tell, Tsukasa was not uniquely neglected by their parents as a child (before age 4), so there is no conditioned or trained sense of being worthless; and yet, it is second-nature for Tsukasa to imagine Amane's "isn't that obvious?" means "oh, it is obvious? It's obvious he would hate me, so that's what he means!"
There's just no world Tsukasa could think "it's obvious Amane likes me!"
Something in Tsukasa's heart that makes him believe it is not possible. It's probably just the way he is.
Some part of the fault for the perseverance of that belief may lie with Amane, who dislikes talking about his feelings. He's likely to turn things into a joke, or become distant. This causes even Nene-chan grief in understanding if he is in love with her. If even a cute older girl Amane sexually harasses cannot be so sure what his feelings are, there is so little chance for 'strange-looking annoying younger sibling' to see them. Why would Amane love Tsukasa? He isn't a funny, pretty girl of his type.
Tsukasa can ask Amane directly, multiple times, what he feels, and Amane won't answer "I love you so much!" or "you're my favorite person!". When Tsukasa says "I love you, Amane", Amane does not reply, "I love you, too". Amane has this reluctance in him, every time.
do you think your sense of being loved could survive reactions suchas this?
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The easier conclusion may be hatred.
Amane attempted to communicate his feelings through the shinjuu, through the binding of their souls, but it didn't get through to Tsukasa as being an act of love. Would most people truly understand a murder-suicide as an act of pure love? As imprisonment in a boundary as pure love? It's debatable....
Sumire struggled to interpret being Hakubo's yorishiro as being loved.... she could glean some sense of importance in it, but without reassurance from the man himself, she was at a loss. Perhaps this space is nothing but a prison, then.
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I don't think it is Sumire or Tsukasa's entire fault, for not being capable of reading someone who will not tell them directly how they feel ........ (though Hakubo is actually more innocent, because he's just too stupid to understand his own feelings ................ )
Even concerning Nene-chan.... she attempts to lead Amane into a confession in the far shore, but Amane refuses.
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Amane, he's difficult.....
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Even the (english...) fandom itself interprets many of Amane's actions & phrases to Tsukasa negatively. It's almost unrealistic to imagine Tsukasa, the person receiving it for years, as thinking optimistically.
as for believing Amane would not come to Tsukasa if he called,
we don't know. There are a great many years that transpired between the Yugi, which we haven't seen.
Tsukasa could have cried out for Amane to help him as a child, when they were alive. Or, he could have cried out to Amane while dying. Or, he could have cried out to Amane after dying, as a ghost, or as a yorishiro, in his boundary or otherwise. Amane could have doggedly ignored even years of Tsukasa crying, for all that we know of their past.
The Yugi's past is greatly obscured to us ...
we might come to understand Tsukasa's pain in time, and we may also come to understand just why Amane couldn't respond to those cries.
The thing important to remember as a reader, is that Amane DOES love Tsukasa, of course! Somehow, he ignored Tsukasa's voice calling for him, anyway. He likely did hear it, & willfully chose to ignore it-- enough that Tsukasa truly believes beyond any doubt, "he won't come if I call him; he never has before."
There's either a VERY VERY good reason Amane couldn't respond, or no good reason at all! HAHA... well, either way, it will surely kill us all!!! It will surely have something to do with Amane's love.....
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bi-hop · 3 months
reigen arataka or miles morales for the character ask game . teehee
I'll do both hehe
How I feel about this character: one of the funniest characters ever created in the history of manga. like, yeah, he's also incredibly well-written, but god... the material? the manga is funny. the anime is funny, often in contrast with the manga. the edits??? CLARK NEWMAN?
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I was a serirei warrior back in the day (I forget my ship tag for it though) and I still like it a lot. I think that's my sole reigen ship
My non-romantic OTP for this character: *stares off into space wondering if saying Mob makes sense* Mob probably
My unpopular opinion about this character: this is such old discourse and probably isn't relevant anymore but back when I was deep in mp100 fandom (espertsubomi? anyone remember that URL), there were these two camps that pissed me off. either reigen was like completely absolved of doing anything wrong or he was depicted as Literal Satan. nuance? a crumb of nuance please??? why are we sanitizing or utterly demonizing this well-meaning but messy freak... help me, it's growing so cold... the demons are closing in!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: again when I was in the fandom I made up a few adult OCs for him to hang out with and the joke there was that he was somehow continually falling in with the most random crooks. I think it was a play on Serizawa's esper terrorist past? anyway I don't know if I'd want his friend group to all be criminals hiding that from him now, but I do think he should. like. talk to more people his age-
How I feel about this character: Miles unironically saved my life at one point, so naturally, I adore him. when I get back to reading his comics, the prom chaperoning of him and his girlfriend is back on!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly, at this point, I'm just a Miles x Tiana truther. other Miles ships are fine, I just like them best and want them to never end
My non-romantic OTP for this character: MILES AND BRIELLE RAHHHH!!!!! Also Miles and Shift, Miles and Kamala (and Sam and any other Champions member), and Miles and Billie. All different dynamics of course. OH AND MILES AND NORMIE the friends ever. I'm glad their bond is still intact even though Miles very much did get left behind in knock off Chuck-e-Cheese that one time so Normie could eat a man alive for his not-crush
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My unpopular opinion about this character: I really do think people who like the Spider-verse movies should read his second to last and current runs. like I'm not forcing anyone but you really should! so many cool things going on with him
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I don't think I really have something like this for Miles right now. he has a steady romance I like, his brother Shift is back, he goes to therapy now for anxiety, he has his own nemeses, he still teams up sometimes with certain chill villains, etc. I can keep going. I'll accept whatever happens next for him
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readreactrant · 3 months
Why is episode eleven of Oblivion battery actually so fucking GOOD!?!?!
We've got one episode left and I'm practically begging for someone, whoever the fucking hell is in charge to go "Oh my bad, we've actually got 24 eps scheduled not 12 oopsie"
I'm having way too much fun watching, wish i had screencaps from all my favorite moments this episode but i was just so enraptured I forgot I was gonna have to say something. Too lazy to go back now so we just make due.
Chihaya and Todo have been my favorite characters since day one and believe me why I say I expected the most generic ass template backstories for them that would be rushed through just to make space for Kei and Haruka.
I would have been fine with that cuz I simply enjoyed seeing them on screen, the whole team is a delight but what the show does super well in my opinion is mixing in the goofiness with such heavy themes. Yama's deep seaed insecurities, Kei's amnesia, Todo's yips, Haru's subtle devastation at losing a part of his best friend...it all blends together so well and pulses with a kind of refreshing look at the challenges I see faced by teenage athletes in sports animes.
Usually it's all just, become stronger, play better, beat rival, prove mean team wrong (which isn't bad, I'm a knb fan, I follow blue lock and I'm at S2 of haikyuu so I do not be minding) but here it genuinely feels like I'm watching te characters go through these changes an explore their relationship with base ball and their teammates. The sport has hurt them so much but they love it despite all that and I think that's the real pull of the show.
I don't know if it's okay for me to call Chihaya's struggles body dysmorphia and eating disorder but that hit the close to home I felt shock. Of all things that could be his backstory i wasn't expecting any of that but it was handled so well I felt near tears.
Y'all I love him so much.
And he and Todo look so fucking GOOD together especially when taunting Kei I CAN'T.
It kind of just reminds me of Free, no overly elaborate life stakes competitions, just drama, angst and beautiful character work.
All in all, good fucking show, hope they stick the landing in a way that'll make me say "Fuck exams I'mma read the manga now." That's all I want but it's so busy. I frankly expected I'd hate this more than wind breaker but I'm only going to talk about that elephant in the room after episode 13. Bucchigiri made me lose fate in mappa but they pulled through with this one.
Is the Oblivion Battery Fandom alive? Or even a thing? Let me know I don't want to be left alone and obsessed after next Tuesday plss TT
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kaus-quietis · 7 months
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Greetings, Anon! Thank you for your questions. I have to admit, even in the past, I refrained from posting reactions or speculations as BSD chapters release, but you already knew that, so I will indulge you. I'll answer each part of your ask. BSD ch113 thoughts below, manga spoilers ahead.
♠ "What was your raw reaction?" It was not a calm, quiet one, I can tell you that. No, in fact I screamed with excitement as if I was in a Roman amphitheatre and my favourite gladiator just got back up on his feet, out of sheer force of will, grinning and sweaty. My scream was the fastest way I could "verbalize" the fact that I was overjoyed to see him alive again, even if it's in the 15th century, and on top of that he seemed to be some kind of spy monk all chained up and having what seems to be a ridiculous amount of fun getting caught and discussing with Bram. This is all very in-character for him.
♠ "Was that something you expected?" Absolutely not. Yes, yes, I truly did not expect a jump back in time and this infobomb drop, despite the fact that we did get a few hints that Fedya seemed present at past events when all the other character really appeared younger than him (near the end of S4ep3, where on a rooftop Fedya says "It's not V, it's Five" and I am seriously like bruh I give up what I want to say is I need more data to work with, what am I supposed to do with this, rationally speaking?). However, we can't yet extract anything conclusive from this. Is he ageless? A time-traveler? Immortal? Does he revive? When was he born? Was he born at all or created differently somehow? Is he of BSD's world, or an external one (Beast liveaction finale anyone?)? Is this all within the Book and he's just… idk flipping the pages? Anything is possible and I refuse to spend a lot of time working with incomplete data. This is not very follower-friendly (as in, my blog is basically inactive in-between), I know and I apologize, but if after many chapters there will be something worthwile to add to my essay (with what Fukuchi said in ch113 I already have important stuff to add), under those circumstances I will consider writing an update. It's not yet time.
♠ "<Was that> something you felt different for the characterization we all made for Fyodor?" Hmm, I would hesitate to refer to a characterization "we all made" for him (I wish! T o T), because my analysis and blog are but a tiny tiny part of the fandom (I think…? I wonder about my Fedya essay's reach or influence sometimes). But let's say here we refer to one that comes close to what I tried to show in my essay. In that case, I would say that there is nothing to fear here in this chapter, but it's very understandable to have massive trust issues at this point. We went through a miserable, miserable time when the previous ones made the guy who visually memorized a full deck of used cards somehow not notice Chuuya wearing contacts and fake vampire teeth, despite knowing the vampire race since… well, the 15th century! I cannot even begin to describe what I felt reading ch111.5-112, I was beyond repulsed. Lovers of "villain" characters understand the following thing well: in most media, our fav has to lose, he has to die or disappear at some point, with rare exceptions. I, too, know this well, but that was no compelling way to solve BSD's villain threat. I still don't know how BSD will wash away that narrative stain, as I consider it, but then again one of the reasons we love this manga is that it keeps us on the edge of our seats and the most absurd yet fun turns can happen out of the blue. We can reasonably ask ourselves: ok, what is the purpose of showing Fedya's backstory now? If it's for build-up, we can already start grinning like Cheshire cats. What could possibly be next? I'm cautiously optimistic, things look in-character and good to me. Very good, in fact.
♠ "Or do you think it is later on going add some depth to his character?" Backstories are shown usually for a very clear purpose. We don't know the purpose yet, but if it's done well, then… then my whole essay could be at risk lmao (and I love this sensation). New info could add so much depth to his character, in fact, that his previously observed traits could gain new meanings, or even contradictory ones. Whichever it will be, I think it's pretty safe to bet on "his backstory will be very relevant".
♠ Bonus: even if I enjoy going "full analytical" and enter conference speech mode when asked, I am driven by strong emotions, by which I want to say – I am not immune to assassin/spy monk Fedya chained up like that and having the time of his life again. I missed seeing him entertained like that, and his current …………. visual representation in the.. uh. ..chapter, yeah, well, it's doing things to my Depeche Mode-worshipping heart.
Anyway, to conclude with some facts we know as of now:
a. Fedya and Bram are inside the Bran Castle, close to the Romanian city of Brașov, "deep in the Carpathians" although not built at high altitude itself. It's basically a fortress built between 1377-1388, with several later additions. The BSD representation of it is very accurate to how it looks today. It's near perfect, actually, I applaud.
b. Bram mentions King Matthias, and in this context that can only mean Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary for 1458-1490. The meeting between Fedya and Bram thus happens some year during his reign, when Transylvania was still part of the Kingdom of Hungary. What is still strange to me is that I can't pinpoint Bram's exact position, as in… were his people independent? Or avoided? I feel like I need to re-read past Bram-related chapters to think about this.
c. Nevermind Bram, the things that Fukuchi says, those are the real goldmine here, but the gold is still… encrypted? I mean: Fedya made the DoA plan (more than confirmed now), and because Fukuchi asked for the condition to keep casualties under 500, Fedya respected that and we got entertained for like half of the whole BSD manga: using coin bombs for terror, for economic/political destabilization, using the vampire infection to avoid further violence, these things. The more you think about it, the more insane it gets. Since Fedya agreed to this condition, it means causing (more) deaths and violence were expendable things to him. (But imagine this: Fukuchi said "I want max. 500 deaths" and Fedya said "Yeah I can do that", now if Fukuchi would've said "I want max. 2 deaths" I really believe Fedya would've still said "Yeah I can do that". What can't he do, especially since murder for murder's sake isn't his goal?). This is in perfect harmony with his "necessary deaths only" approach so far, and much much more. There are far more implications in what Fukuchi said, which I won't type out here now. Gotta keep them and build around them for a future analysis update.
This was a rather long read, but still, I hope this satisfies your curiosities, Anon. *bows dramatically & disappears in a borderline insufferable ENTP way*
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marumafan · 2 days
hi!! I'm so happy that you're still here (I first found your blog when they announced the new manga). It's been years but I'm glad the fandom is still alive (hello everyone!!) 🥰🥰 I'm having kkm flashback since I stumbled upon my yuuram bookmarks 2 days ago XD I'm curious, do you also read fanfiction? if yes, do you have any recc? Sorry if this has been asked before! Thank you so much for keeping this fandom alive (I can't speak Japanese to save my life 😭). I hope you stay healthy and happy!
Hi there! Sorry, I don't read kkm fanfiction XD I just like the canon, and would like to see how it actually ends.
Thanks for the well wishes. Maybe people in the comments and reblogs can help you out!
Have a nice day!
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lys, hi. this video randomly popped up on my fb -- yes, it's the most accessible socmed platform where im from - feed (a friend shared it), and i just got so sad again.
obviously, this is fiction, right? and i usually am so good at releasing it all out once im done internalizing it in my head. it's very stressful lol but i think it makes media content enjoyable, at least for this sort of media. the song isn't really something i've given a second listen - or even a full listen - but oh it works so well for this scene.
but i just get so sad, so incredibly sad whenever i think about canon eremika. as a sucker for well-meaning (lol) angst, their story was so beautifully written, but damn. i think i said this in an ask years ago...that i read your work as some sort of escapism, like 'oh it ends well for both of them' kind of thing. i dont ever do that with other anime/manga/fandom-centric entertainment etc; thinking about them just hurts a bit too much for an irl feeling. i need to think of them happy and flirty and cranky and just alive in that silly little place in my head reserved for media consumption. little nico doesnt hurt too
tbh, we cant really ask for canonical representations right? most writers dont write them that way anyway, but i feel like i could see canon eremika in your works, if they were ever given the chance to live out different lives in different worlds, haha. ig that's what happens when the emotional range has been fleshed out in canon material (tho at what cost??).
until know, i still cant laugh at those memes of mikasa developing an attachment to birds and whatnot because it's just really sad. lol like the dark humor doesn't work for me here.
anyway, that's all! i hope you're doing ok. maybe im just feeling blue because i just had a session of root canal treatment and the cost + post-session pain make me want to sob too. considering a dental implant after all this because if im going to go thru this, might as well do it for something that's guaranteed to last lifetime (with good bones & proper care ofc)
sending you my love, in the most non-weird way, if that's possible haha
AWW ANON SENDING U MY LOVE RIGHT BACK !!! I have never had a root canal but I think both my parents have and they fucking suck from the sounds of it, so wishing you a speedy recovery!!
oh god the fucking song tho 😂😭 i don't think ur alone, that song kind of hits different, I feel like I saw it on insta reels or something recently and I was definitely crying. I ALSO JUST CRY A LOT THO !! I was crying bc I watched the fast and the furious the other day , like who am I?? Media has the ability to bring it out in you!! Especialyl AOT!! ACTUALLY U KNOW WHAT THO IT WAS ANGEL BEATS THAT WAS MAKING ME SOB THE OTHER DAY, I ABSOLUTELTY SOBBED!!
I think I have emotionally removed myself enough from canon eremika that it doesn't phase me anymore, like I have not and likely will not rewatch AOT ever or any time soon at the very least because I just have no desire to put myself thru it bc I am simply too attached!
As far as me writing canon eremika goes, as I always say, never say never! So far, captain Eren is the closest I'm getting LOL! Altho I think i do have a few canon EM drabbles somewhere in the depths of my blog! I would like to write canon EM, but i don't know how i'd do it tbh. Like how I could spin a happy ending for them other than cabin EM which I did attempt but didn't finish as usual!! you never know what type of garbage I'll cook up tho 😂
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mythical-lotus · 3 months
Weird confession, but as someone who has been in the Kuro fandom since (oh god I feel old) at least 2016, I actually haven't read that much. Or at least, not until tonight. I read the entire series up through the Campania Arc religiously as a teen, because I'd found a way to get a hold of it, but I somehow never managed to get a hold of later issues. This wasn't a huge problem for me, because I feared no spoilers and would decifer the current plotlines through Wikipedia, random out-of-context screenshots of manga panels, and whatever random theories were floating around at the time. I kept reasonably up to date on the deaths and happenings: the reveal of the Twins didn't shock me, Agni and Snake's deaths stung but held no surprise, the same to be said of Doll's return- but knowing is very different than experiencing.
So, tonight, for the first time, I read through almost everything, from the end of the Luxury Liner Arc to the escape to the Opium Den.
And oh. The grief.
And you already know all of it. You cried too, you were frustrated by the mistakes the characters made, that got them caught or got them hurt, you know- and there's nothing more to say. I could write and write and write about the unfairness of the children, how they loved so deeply, both sacrificing over and over to make the other happy, and only by chance was one chosen over the other to die. But you already know and have already wrote and wrote and wrote, and wept while you went about it.
There's not really a point to this post, I feel. It's just a profound sense of grief, to think that I stopped and lingered for so long after the Campania- arguably when the characters were at their best (Agni and Snake were alive and allies, the Undertaker was a physical adversary but not an emotional agony to our Ciel, butler and master seemed actually kind to one another, saying "rest now, you have done well, good and faithful servant"), and now to read as everything spirals down, lower and lower - the deaths, the reveals, the loss of things valued deeper than oneself and one's name.
Yes, I think that this is grief. It can't possibly end well, for any of them really. But I wish it could.
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eshtaresht · 2 years
aaaaaaaa this episode.... it caught me off guard, I have lots of feelings and hopefully a couple of coherent thoughts
tbh I'm really excited about the changes (to the manga) they introduced in this episode, I like the direction so far
turns out vash and naï had different abilities from the start, and it's quite likely that vash felt lesser that his twin even during their time with rem (naï says that making food for him is "a waste" and vash uses the same sentiment when he was rescued). I'm guessing that vash's ability is to give away energy (but he's not self sustaining), while knives can only take from others (but he's eco friendly), which was already touched upon in previous iterations, but very briefly
plant lore! one of the things I didn't like about og anime is how vague all the plant stuff was, I had to read the fandom wiki to understand what they were. very based of stampede to go all hard sci-fi on us
the way vash refuses himself basic needs when he feels guilty.... and how this continues well into his adulthood.... his ass is not coping!!!
sequences after the fall were the most emotional, man! my boy vash got so much trauma from seeing all the dead and dying and feeling like it's all his fault... give him a hug now!!!!! but at the same time he actually was complicit and daaamn I can't wait to hear the full story there
idk if I got the vibe right (maybe subs were a bit misleading), but luida made up that rem saved them? it seemed as if she only said it to give vash a reason to live, and it's partially true (rem did try her best to save everyone), but ship three and a bunch of others survived mostly because they were lucky and not because rem managed to break the code. please correct me if I got it wrong. although I kinda dig the idea of vash glorifying rem while she was just as helpless as any other human in this situation
hair darkening confirmed... we were right to be worried all along. it's interesting that even in the earliest flashbacks he already has darkish eyebrows, hmm... what did this kid do? 👀
once again, wish there were more side characters, but luida and brad were pretty wholesome. wonder is they're still alive and how old is vash in this version (probably younger than 100 if luida is alive)
a bit sad that we didn't get to see the gang interacting while vash was blacked out, I was really looking into it. but at least we saw him with that clunky shoulder piece removed. from the teaser it seems like his new hand won't be all that different tho
love all the slutty outfits people were theorising about.... but that turtleneck? yep thats peak slut fashion and transmask swag. nothing will ever top the manga version but I still support it
next episode is gonna kill me.... and something tells me that the time vash spent unconcious is gonna be all the rest he gets. DAMN. still manifesting scar reveal
now to predictions: after ep 6 I thought that we'll visit the seeds ppl this time around and we kinda did, I just didn't expect for a flashback to last a whole episode and more. ep 9 is pretty obvious from the teaser and in 11 vash should already be in july so that the season finale can happen in at least two episodes. then 10 is probably gonna be all about getting to this final destination. could be that the gang gets separated by that time ('cause vash will push them away), but they'll all still be in july when shit hits the fan
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