#i wish so badly that i had went into an English teaching degree
rosesradio · 8 months
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nat-20s · 3 years
Wonderful! Au Part 7! (also on ao3 here) another episode only installment, and obnoxiously fluffy! Have fun!
Martin, tired: Hello everybody! Welcome, or welcome back, to a very low energy episode. We have had, as the kids say, A Week Tm.
Jon, equally tired, but fond: Is that as the kids say?
Martin: I don't know, and perhaps worse, I don't really care. I guess I could ask Jeremiah next time he's over, but I'm not sure if that would actually help.
Jon: Shockingly, I don't think two year olds have their finger on the beating pulse of youth culture.
Martin: Hmm, maybe not. Speaking of Jeremiah, he's part of why the format of this episode is gonna be a bit different than our regular. On top of me dealing with a frankly obscene amount of inventory management, and Jon being swamped with grant writing-
Jon: I never want to look at proposal guidelines again-
Martin: we were on babysitting duty for our favourite neighborhood hellion-
Jon: Hey, Jeremiah is a very sweet kid! I know he's a toddler, but we shouldn't be slandering him anyway.
Martin: One, we're not even using his real name, I don't think that counts as slander, and two, exactly, he's a toddler, he's by default a hellion.
Jon, teasing: This coming from the person that actually wants one?
Martin: I..look, if anything, the last few days have shown we should not be permanent parents.
Jon: But?
Martin:...There's no but.
Jon: I don't believe you! Are you lying for my benefit or the audience's? Because someone spent the last five days wearing one of the largest grins I've ever seen, exhausted as it may have been.
Martin: Okay! Fine, I admit, I liked having a kid around. I still think it would be a bad idea to do it full time, but I dunno. I wish we weren't both only children or something. We would make such good uncles.
Jon: Should I should have taken that teaching job after all?
Martin: Perhaps. After all,
Martin, singsong: An English teacher, is really someone!
Jon and Martin, singing together: If only you, had be-come one!
Jon: Honestly, though, I was considerably underqualified. I'm much more suited to my current job, even if it doesn't have quite the same impact on the "shaping of the next generation" or whatnot.
Martin: Wait, you actually care about qualifications now? When did that change?
Jon: This coming from Mister "master's degree in parapsychology"? And it was probably around the time that the world ended from taking on a workload I was ill-suited for.
Jon: Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Martin: Oh, of course. Definitely nothing literally apocalyptic in our pasts, no siree, nothing to see or speculate about or make weirdly involved forums for here. Uh, anyway, long introduction not so short: Both of us have been averaging about 4 hours of sleep, so any sort of actual research was not on the table.
Jon: If any of you are wondering why we didn't just say that we're both very much worn out and thus we'll be taking a week off, it's because we're both deeply, deeply stubborn.
Martin: It's one of our best shared qualities that has never caused any conflict between us, ever.
Jon: In fairness, sheer stubbornness does account for, what, 75% of the reason that either of us are still alive? And it hasn't caused a major conflict between us in a good three years.
Martin: That's true. We've become a deeply boring, relatively conflict free couple. Which fucking rules, by the way. To all the couples out there: I highly recommend being boring. It is so nice. We've gotten to go to the farmer's market so many times.
Jon: You do love the farmer's market. I would say that it's the access to fresh produce, but I think you just like the attention that one yarn seller gives you. Can't believe you would take advantage of a crush to get discounts on wool. How did I marry such an opportunist?
Martin: Ollie does not have a crush on me. They're just friendly to everyone.
Jon: Bullshit. I certainly never get an extra skein or stitch markers or delicate fabric cleaner tossed in my bag. Actually, I think I've been charged more for committing the crime of having married you before they could.
Martin: I'm..70% sure that's not true, but every sentence we speak, we stray further from even pretending to be on topic. So, to everybody listening, this is the itty bitty episode! Basically, we're only doing small wonders and user submissions. If you want details or backstory for things we like, too bad, come back next week. Jon, I believe you're first this week?
Jon: Oh, right. My first small wonder is cat names.
Martin: Delightful, but unsurprising. Though, I would've expected either more or less specificity. Why cat names as opposed to pet's names in general, or, like, military title names?
Jon: Well that's simple enough. I've simply never met a misnamed cat, even if the name itself wasn't to my personal tastes, and I think that speaks to the wonderful universality of cats.
Martin: This, of course, implies that you have met animals that were misnamed.
Jon: Oh, I have. I once met a papillion dog named Meatball.
Martin: Now I know you don't like food names in general for pets, but are you sure that Meatball didn't suit the dogs personality? I've known some "Meatballs" in my lifetime.
Jon, only half-mock offended: Of course it didn't fit, Martin. She was a lady. A nervous, jittery lady, but a lady nonetheless.
Martin, laughing: And what, you've never met a dignified cat with an undignified name, or vice versa? Would you be okay with our cat being named Meatball?
Jon: I would be upset if our cat was named Meatball, because we named her and we're above that sort of thing, but, technically speaking, she could have been Meatball in another lifetime and it wouldn't have been wrong. You see, all cats are a mix of both extremely austere and little baby idiot.
Martin: Oh, is that the scientific terminology?
Jon: It is. Now, while there's probably some amount of, er, normative determinism or confirmation bias or something that results in a cat with a more dignified name seeming to possess more of that austerity, as all cats have both, any name can, potentially, fit. Hence why it's wonderful.
Martin: I..accept your proposal for now, but I think more research needs to be done. Maybe we should visit the shelter this weekend and test your hypothesis.
Jon: Hmm. I think we may need to visit multiple shelters, actually. A large sample size is necessary for any sort of veracity, obviously.
Martin, imitating Jon tone: Obviously.
Jon: Glad you agree. What's your first small wonder?
Martin: Tofu!
Jon: I..didn't realize you liked that much?
Martin: Well, I don't get it very often since I know you can't stand the texture, even though it is not like 'worse scrambled eggs', and you're a horrible food thief-
Jon: Lies and slander. We readily share. If I'm a horrible food thief, you have committed the exact same, if not worse, crime as myself.
Martin: Well, we are thick as thieves.
Jon, groaning: You're thick as something alright
Martin: Rude! My beloved husband-
Jon: -uh huh-
Martin: whom I love and trust with my most tender of hearts-
Jon: -an oddly cannibalistic turn of phrase-
Martin, badly suppressing laughter: Oh, my god. I want a divorce, then I can put tofu in as many dishes as I like. I'll triple my protein intake.
Jon: It'd never go through. I'll burn the papers. No, wait, I'll burn down the legal offices where the papers are kept.
Martin: Hmm. While my experiences with it have been, uh, varied to say the least, I do have to admit that arson is one of the more attractive crimes of passion. I suppose I'll take you back.
Jon, flat: I'm so very grateful.
Jon, genuine: You do have yet to actually tell me why you think tofu is wonderful, love.
Martin: It's just a good food! It's neutral enough that you can toss it in pretty much anything with a sauce, you can bake it, you can fry it, whatever. Plus it's what? two? Three quid? I spent many years of my life living off the cheapest, saltiest approximation of noodles you could imagine, and half a pack of tofu, a little bit of sesame oil, and some green onions went a long way to both making it more filling and less sad. 
Martin: Plus, I feel like it often gets decried for being something it's not? It's so often viewed as a meat substitute or the vegan alternative option, and so when people try it, they often go in with a false preconceived notion of what it's going to be like, and then end up disappointed. They're all like, 'ugh, this doesn't taste like turkey!' and yeah, of course it doesn't. It's the oatmeal raisin cookie of the protein world, a perfectly good and tasty treat on its own, but if you want chocolate chip, it's not gonna work.
Jon: Martin you don't even like oatmeal raisin. I'm the only one that ever eats them out of the multipacks.
Martin: Well, yeah, but I don't like oatmeal raisin because of its flavor, not because I think it should be chocolate chip and fails. It illustrates my point. Also, just for balance, is your next small wonder oatmeal raisin cookies?
Jon: No, though, maybe one of these weeks. They are good. But no, um, my next small wonder is being married.
Martin, let out a high bark of a laugh: Being married is a small wonder?!
Jon: Small wonders doesn't mean a lack of importance! Or even significance in our lives. Half the time we even end up spending just as much time chattering on about them as the things we actually research. But, yes, I didn't feel like researching the concept of being married. For one, a lot of the history of it is depressing and patriarchal, and for two, it's not something I really feel any need to elaborate on. Being married. I very much enjoy it. I recommend it for anybody that's found someone that they want to marry, and who wants to marry them. I really recommend being married to Martin Blackwood, I think I would enjoy it significantly less if it was to anybody else, but one: we typically try to make the wonderful things in this show  applicable to more than just ourselves, and two: I got there first, so I believe the appropriate thing to say here would be; neener neener and/or everyone else can go suck it, Ollie.
Martin: Well...
Jon: Well, what?
Martin: Saying you got there first is technically not true-
Jon: What?!
Martin, laughing like a bastard: Sorry, sorry! Couldn't resist! Jon, you already know that you're my first real realationship, how would be married before fit that?
Jon: Hence my surprise at the notion! I cannot believe you! I give you my trust, my earnestness, and belief-
Martin [only laughs harder]
Jon: and you throw it in my face for a bit. I take back everything, being married is a nightmare, because sometimes your partner thinks he a fucking comedian and you just have to put up with him because you love him and want to live the rest of your life with him or some such nonsense. Not worth it, if you ask me. My turn to ask for the divorce.
Martin: Babe, hate to break it to you, but both of us are guilty of doing bits that the other doesn't like, it's an integral part of  a healthy marriage, and secondly, you knew who I was long before I proposed. You should've said no when you had the chance.
Jon: Hang on, you proposed?
Martin: Yeah? This isn't part of a bit, of course I proposed. I'm even pretty sure you were there. The whole visit back to Scotland trip? I finally made you a sweater and said it was because we would now be immune to the boyfriend curse?
Jon: No, no, I remember all that, but it wasn't the proposal. It was a reaffirmation of the proposal. We had already decided to get married.
Martin: Well, yeah,, I wasn't just gonna spring that on you, we had had conversations beforehand-
Jon:  No, I mean, I had already proposed. I asked you to marry me a good three years earlier, and you said yes, which is a proposal by any definition that I know.
Martin: Jon, love, darling, apple of my eye, fire of my soul, I mean this in the nicest way possible, what the everloving fuck are you talking about?
Jon: In the ambulance ride when we, uh, moved here. It was the thing I said to you the second I saw your eyes were open.
[An audible pause is left in the recording.]
Martin: That does not count.
Jon: How does it not count?! I asked you to marry me, you very emphatically said yes, that's the de facto definition of an accepted marriage proposal!
Martin: It doesn't count because you were half-delirious with blood-loss, and I had a traumatic brain injury that the hospital was very surprised I made a full recovery from. No court in the world would consider anything we said then more than pain driven ramblings, let alone, I dunno, contractually binding.
Jon: Well, I knew what I was saying well and clear. Just because it was desperate doesn't mean it wasn't sincere. I didn't realize that you weren't as cognizant when you accepted.
Martin, snorting: Yeah, didn't really need to be cognizant to say yes. I've wanted to marry you since the train ride to Scotland.
Jon: Wait, really? Martin, we hadn't even been on a date.
Martin: And yet we were on the lamb together, which I honestly think is more romantic than sitting in some restaurant somewhere trying to get through icebreakers. Also, back up, from your perspective we've been engaged since 2019? What did you think we were doing in the interim?
Jon: Uhh..
Martin: Yes?
Jon: There are people that have long engagement periods, and it's not exactly like we were in any sort of position to get married for awhile. Especially not that first year.
Martin: Okay? And?
Jon: And..I sort of thought you had changed your mind. For awhile. Was rather surprised that you kept living with me, considering that, on the worst nights, I was convinced you were going to storm off and leave me forever any minute now. Hence why your proposal was rather relieving.
Martin: Oh, Jon, love. That is so very ridiculous, and so very you, and so very close to many of my own fears and doubts. Do you have any idea how terrified I was to float the idea of marriage to you? Half the time I was convinced I was just meant to keep you company until you found someone better. And, Christ, we'd, from your perspective, been engaged the whole damn time. Fuck.
[Jon, after a beat, starts laughing. It has a slightly hysterical edge to it. Martin joins in. It takes a minute for the laughter to subside enough for them to speak again.]
Jon: I'm rapidly realizing that our entire romantic relationship would've been, if not more successful, a hell of a lot faster if we weren't both complete fools.
Martin: You're realizing that now? I think I've known that since the CV incident. I've definitely known it since the Lonely.
Jon, with a slightly tired chuckle:Yes, yes, something probably should've tipped me off earlier. Shockingly, observation of our own personal romantic trends is not always a strong suit of mine.
Jon: Anyway, please tell me you have another small wonder, this has gotten wildly of track.
Martin: Since we're talking about marriage anyway, I think my next small wonder is having a shared reference in your wedding vows. Our friends had "I have been, and always shall be, your friend" in theirs, and I made Jon cry with a slightly altered Lord of the Rings quote in ours.
Jon: First off, we were both openly weeping long before that point, secondly, I defy anybody to have been through half of what we have and then have the love of their life look them in the eyes and tell them "Leave you? I never intend to. I am going with you, if you climb to the moon" without at least tearing up.
Martin: There wasn't a dry eye in the audience, either. Granted, the audience was only 20 people, but that was also literally the only time I've seen Eloise show a strong emotion, so I'm pretty smug about it.
Martin, soft: I still feel exactly the same, you know. If you're climbing to the moon, I'll make sure the rope is strong enough for two.
Jon, soft: I know, love.
Jon: Though, to be fair, the moon is also significantly more pleasant than many places we've been.
Martin: God, I hate how much that's true. Look at this barren, oxygenless rock, at least it's not actively trying to kill us. Practically a honeymoon location.
[Martin sighs]
Martin: I am so tired. Let's do the user submissions then take a very long nap.
Jon: Please.
Martin: So, first submission is from Josie; They find it wonderful getting cards from their friends. They say they're lucky to have so much love in their life and have friends that care enough to send them things. That is wonderful Josie! We have a drawer in our house dedicated to every loving card we've ever received since the move, and they're always such a nice reminder of the people in our lives.
Jon: We should really organize that drawer, but, yes, agree with the sentiment. Even the cards from people that are no longer in our lives are lovely, I think. Those connections are very much meaningful for both of us, whether they're active or not.
Martin: That's very true.  Next submission is from Lys, who submits the sound of leaves crunching under your feet in the fall. Ah, that's a classic.
Jon: I just felt myself relax imagining it. I wish it was autumn.
Martin: Don't we all? Alright, for the last submissions, I'm grouping them together as they follow a similar theme. Jadwiga submits the feeling of waking up well into the morning with the sun shining through the window and your cat laying next to you, and Oran submits when a dog falls asleep with its head in your lap.
Jon: I can heartily recommend at least one of those, considering that's how we try to wake up most mornings. The Duchess is a dutiful darling girl who spends every night with us, and she's usually still there when us humans rise.
Martin: I bet you'll agree with the other when I finally convince you to get me a dog for my birthday.
Jon: It hasn't happened yet, so I wouldn't hold your breath.
Martin: But you don't even dislike dogs! You're just as happy to pet them when they pass by as I am.
Jon: Being fine with an animal isn't the same thing as wanting to adopt one for yourself! We don't even know if The Duchess would put up with a dog.
Martin: I bet she would. I bet we could get a big senior dog who's the calmest animal you've ever met with those soft eyes and a little grey on the muzzle and she would cuddle up in an instant. And we did say we should visit a shelter or three this weekend..
Jon: I think you're rather callously taking advantage of my exhausted state, but I suppose we can look. 
Martin: Hell fuckin yeah. So, I think that'll close out the episode, and as we always say at the end, uh, go take a nap and get a dog. Not necessarily in that order.
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tbr-agency · 4 years
after party.
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synopsis ∣ It was a surprise and she had Ahrin as her back-up if things turned out the wrong way but of course happiness doesn’t last long for Hyunji.
timeline ∣ November 2020
characters ∣ Jung Ahrin, Yoon Hyunji (The Bloody Roses), Got7, Gwan Aelia, Hwang Eunbin (Ace of Devils)
a/n ∣ tension between the girls, sad!Got7 especially the maknae line and Mark.
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“Thank you for accompanying me, Ahrin - I’m sure the Got7 members would love your gift! You’re the best!” Hyunji hugged the older girl as they enter JYPE building - causing the leader to giggle as she squeezed the maknae’s cheeks in adore.
“You know I would be glad to accompany any one of my girls if I had available time,”
“Oh really? Or do you low-key wanna see Mark this time?” Hyunji smirked, seeing Ahrin rolling her eyes slightly as they walked past the lobby - the leader had a good eyesight as she immediately pulled Hyunji to the staircase.
“What— Why?! Who did you see?” Hyunji whispered as they had their backs on the walls and by seeing Ahrin’s face, she must have seen the executives or someone who she wanted to avoid talking to.
“Ace of Devils members,” Ahrin muttered and Hyunji’s face went expressionless then giving a roll in the eye.
“Oh… I thought you saw Park Jinyoung as in the PD-nim or someone—
“I don’t mind bumping into him. He’s a nice guy to talk to if the conversation weren’t about work, maknae-ah.” Ahrin explained as she took a peek outside and when the coast was clear, she pulled out Hyunji as they hurriedly went into the elevator.
“I’m avoiding A.O.D because you know… I am not fond of their leader and you know there is that tension going on with our group and their group,” Ahrin added.
“I very well know about that. I heard that Eunhee and their leader recently got into an argument - and it isn’t related to work.” voiced Hyunji while pressing the level of their destination.
A sigh was heard from Ahrin as she shakes her head lightly - assuming what’s the argument was about.
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“Make a wish first, Yugyeom!”
“Yeah! And don’t forget to do super sexy aegyo!”
“Super sexy aegyo pleaassee!”
Laughters came from the other Got7 members as they saw Yugyeom blowing out the candle then making an aegyo face to Jackson, Jinyoung and Bambam since they were recording him.
“I’m gonna send this to Hyunji!” Jackson yelled after seeing Jinyoung and Bambam finish recording - not wanting his voice to be heard in their recordings.
“Hyung! No! Oh god.” Yugyeom whines, kind of panicking if his girlfriend would see his aegyo side. To be honest, Yugyeom rarely shows aegyo towards Hyunji.
He wanted to show his manly side more to Hyunji. He wanted Hyunji to lean on her more - Yugyeom wanted Hyunji to say he is manly instead of a cute guy.
“Everyone, please get back to practice in about 10 minutes times!” An announcement came from their new bodyguard - Gwan Aelia, causing some of the members' expressions to turn slightly sour.
“Noona, can we eat the cake first?” Bambam asked with a little bit of pout to the leader of Ace of Devils, Aelia as she tilted her head slightly.
“The cake can be eaten later, Bam. Practice comes first.” Aelia answered simply.
“No fun!” Bambam whines, running towards Jackson asking the older one to begged Aelia. Jackson somehow whispers towards Bambam.
“Ask Jaebeom hyung or Jinyoungie. She doesn’t listen to me,” Jackson gestured towards Jaebeom and Jinyoung who were in the corner, somehow talking - mainly teasing, to Yugyeom.
The JJP hyungs were teasing Yugyeom on The Bloody Roses’ sending a video message individually, in their own group chat - congratulating and wishing Yugyeom on his birthday.
Yugyeom was very happy - he was loved by his noonas.
“Can we eat the cake, Eunbin? It’s Yugyeom’s birthday. We usually eat the cakes no matter—
“I’m just doing my job, Aelia and I. JYPE said—
“But we are grown ups. We have been in this industry for more than 5 years. I don’t—
“Mark.” Jaebeom called the older one out after seeing and hearing the conversation Mark had with Aelia and another member of Ace of Devils, Eunbin. 
Jaebeom could tell that Mark was pissed for some sort of reason - which was weird, because Mark wasn’t the type to get pissed easily.
“But it’s Yugyeom’s birthday. We always eat cake in the practice room. JYPE doesn’t say anything whenever we do this.” Mark argued, his voice wasn’t loud as he was frowning towards Jaebeom.
“Okay, okay. We will eat cake, alright? Calm down, hyung..” Youngjae sooth the older one, as he was wrapping his arms on Mark's shoulder - pulling him out of the conversation while rambling to Youngjae quietly.
Jaebeom turned towards the 2 girls as they were glaring towards Mark and Youngjae’s way.
“I’ll talk—
“You don’t need to. We will inform the executives.” Aelia coldly cuts off Jaebeom as she walks away from Jaebeom, causing him to frown slightly. Eunbin could only bow towards Jaebeom - following her leader.
“What’s with them?” Jinyoung appeared beside Jaebeom as he just shrugged - his eyes following Eunbin, seeing her stopping right outside the door.
From Jaebeom’s eyes, it seems she was talking to someone and after a few words, she walks away to reveal who was the one who she’s been talking to.
“Oh!” Jaebeom loudly exclaimed, causing the Got7 members to look where he was gazing at to see Hyunji, somehow looking towards Ahrin with a slight frown.
“Noona!” Yugyeom was the first one to run towards Ahrin as he engulfed her into a tight hug.
“Hyunji-ah!” Jackson yelled loudly as he ran towards her for a hug too - following Yugyeom’s way of hugging Ahrin.
“What’s with her?” Hyunji pointed towards the door, as she questioned the other boys who just smiled slightly.
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“That’s weird.” Hyunji muttered as she was sitting in a circle with the rest of Got7 and Ahrin beside her. 
The boys were telling their experience with their new bodyguards and the things they told them were bad.
“They disregard our opinions and feelings - sadly, we can’t express it.” 
Youngjae was the last one to confess as he was looking at Ahrin and Hyunji who somehow had a notepad on their hands and a phone.
Hyunji looked towards Ahrin as the leader was busy writing down and with the last words, she stopped the voice recording. 
As soon as she pressed the button, there was a giggle coming from Bambam - causing the 2 girls to turn towards him.
“I’m sorry! I know it’s a serious situation but you two looked funny when you were serious.” Bambam was covering his mouth, trying not to chuckle - making Jaebeom to cover the younger one’s mouth.
“Of course! You can’t expect us to laugh!” Hyunji dead-panned, earning a slight chuckle from the older ones. 
Her gaze turned towards Yugyeom who was already gazing at her - once he met her eyes, Yugyeom quickly looked away in shyness. 
Yugyeom feels shy because it’s been a while they met although they would always facetime each other - ever since JYPE didn’t allow Got7 to meet up with The Bloody Roses.
“Right! Yugyeom-ah, this is from The Bloody Roses - everyone's gift is all in the bag.” Ahrin already got onto her feet as she ran to a corner to bring 2 large  shopping bags that filled with stuff. She quickly went towards Yugyeom’s side and placed the bags in front of him.
“And this is for the other members! Let’s just say it’s an early Christmas present!” Hyunji added as she pushed the bag towards Mark since he is the eldest.
Mark took a peek towards the bag to sew-knitted scarfs and a bunch of other gifts. He took out one of them and he noticed there were names in it so Mark distributed the gifts with the help of Jinyoung who was just beside him.
Yugyeom on the other hand had already checked what was inside the bag - to see a bunch of stuff like clothes, small boxes, different knitted scarfs and there were letters.
“Hyunji-ah… thank you..” Yugyeom muttered, feeling emotional as he looked up towards Hyunji who was smiling while winking to him. 
“Oh my god! Did you girls knitted the scarfs?! It’s so soft!” Jackson was hugging the material, alongside Bambam. Youngjae was already going facing towards the huge mirror, with Jinyoung and Jaebeom as they were wearing it.
“You have to thank the maknae line for the idea of knitting the scarfs. They wanted to make scarfs for you guys and because there were 7 of you, Haejin, Chaeun, Eunhee and I decided to help.” Ahrin turned towards Hyunji with a proud smile while ruffling the younger one's hair - followed by a bunch of ‘Aww’s from the Got7 members especially the hyung line.
“Got7! Please get back to practice!” A feminine voice was heard causing all of them to turn towards the voice to see Aelia standing by the door. Ahrin and Hyunji immediately stood up, making the other Got7 members stand up.
“I’m surprised that you didn't understand simple english that The Bloody Roses—
“We were about to leave,” Hyunji cuts the older one, causing Aelia to snap towards Hyunji as she turns towards Ahrin.
“It seems you need to teach your members some respect, Ahrin.” 
The Got7 members could only eyed each other as the atmosphere turned 360 degrees.
Hyunji was about to step forward but Ahrin held onto her arm tightly - making Hyunji to turn towards Ahrin, seeing the older one smiling slightly while tilting her head.
The younger one’s eyes went downcast, stepping behind Ahrin slightly. As much as Hyunji wanted to fight Aelia badly, the maknae knew she had to keep herself together - for Ahrin.
Aelia’s eyes somehow traveled towards Mark who was somehow staring towards Ahrin, but somehow his gaze immediately went downcast.
The current Got7’s bodyguard head tilted towards the door.
“The door is waiting for the two of you ladies,” Aelia stated with a hint of sarcasm - this time, Ahrin didn’t hesitate to glare at her slightly before turning towards Hyunji, gesturing to the younger one that they have to go..
Ahrin didn’t hesitate to bow towards the Got7 members while making eye contact with them. A small smile was formed on Ahrin’s lips in an attempt to tell them that she would somehow help them with their worries.
The Bloody Roses’ leader was about to leave but Mark grabbed a hold on her arm, causing Ahrin’s legs to stop abruptly while snapping towards him.
“Thank you… for the gifts,” Mark thanked while making eye contact with him and Ahrin somehow tilted her head to the side so that Aelia wouldn’t saw her face expression - for the first time ever, Ahrin winked towards Mark in public before gazing towards the other members with a slight glare.
“Oh.. noona..”
“Wow.. so cool…” 
Bambam and Youngjae didn’t hesitate to tease the older girl as she turned her back towards them, as she went straight towards the door without even looking towards Ace of Devil’s leader.
Hyunji on the hand simply bowed towards the Got7 members without looking them in the eye. 
It was weird for Hyunji, she felt like she lost - as if she lost to Aelia. Her eyes somehow went downcast as she walked past Got7’s current bodyguard, feeling Aelia smirking towards Hyunji’s way, all the way as she exited the door.
That daughter of a b— urgh
Hyunji groans slightly as she shakes her head slightly.
Yugyeom’s voice made Hyunji turn to the back and by the time she glanced to the back, she was already met with a broad chest covering her sight - knowing he was hugging her tightly.
“Yugyeom! She’s gonna—
“I don’t care! Please do something, Hyunji-ah… The hyungs are having trouble with the new management,” Yugyeom slightly pleaded towards Hyunji, with a slight frown on his face.
Hyunji could only sigh, then planting a kiss on his cheeks.
“Ahrin will try her best - with Eunhee of course,” Hyunji smiled sadly. 
The way Yugyeom looked at her - it was as if he wanted something back.
“Please, Got7 wants their old bodyguards back,”
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masterlist : Got7 Bodyguard Au
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Antonio and Pablo Agama headcanons
Leoncio Renato Braganza-Olmos was a dashing cavalry officer, just recently promoted when he met Altagracia Luna Quelempan-Agama,a healer working in the army camp. It was during an army dance, this being the years before Shuriki, and the camp was celebrating its recent victory. Like a classic fairytale, their eyes met across the room. He introduced himself and bowed, they danced, and fell head over heels for each other. Their backgrounds were quite different with Leoncio coming from a long line of esteemed army men much like the Villalobos of Avalor City. In fact, the Villalobos family was one of their greatest rivals for the Olmos family wanted to move out of serving the borders of far away villages and achieve glory in war on foreign land or against dangerous malvagos that seemed to attack the city.
Altagracia was a mestiza, a mixed race girl of indeginous tribes that prided themselves from descending from the great Maruvians and of the more pure blood Spanish descent. Altargracia was very much inspired by her indigenous side, working hard with others to keep their culture and knowledge of medicines and textiles alive. Though, there was not much discrimination for her mixed blood, as many actually wanted to learn the secrets of ancient Maru, people still sometimes taunted them for their superstitions and outdated ideas. Both their families cautioned them from getting married, fearing that their backgrounds would be too different.
However, the couple did not care. Their backgrounds meant little compared to their love for one another. She wanted to support him in his army battles and patch him up in the privacy of their own home and Leoncio adored his at turns intelligent and fierce wife who may not be able to hold a spear but could verbally spar with the best of his fellow soldiers.
Though the life of following army camp after army camp was tiring, they leaned on each other and were thanful to have the other by their side. Eventually came the day when Leoncio got a sword through his thigh. It broke stright through the bone and sidelined him for nearly a year. He eventually healed despite fears that he’d have to be amputed, but he would live with a permenant limp and had to retire from his life of sword. It happened to be excellent timing for Altagracia was pregnant with their first child.
They settled into Altagracia’s home village where Leoncio was aimlessly lost at first, unsure that he had any skills for citizen work but with Altagracia’s guidence and help, he found his way to work as a part-time picker on pepper plantations while Altagracia continued to work and sell her weaving wares and herbal medicines.
Their first son, Antonio Lautaro Agama-Olmos was born at dawn, a loud and robust baby. A direct contrast to their second son, Pablo Sergio Agama-Olmos who was born at midnight, similarly loud but skinnier.
The family was small but happy. Leoncio being a particularly proud father, trying to teach his sons fighting tricks and boast of his great victories. However, one day, Leoncio left without a trace. Perhaps he left because life in a small village bored him, maybe he had found another woman, or maybe he wished to start over fresh in Avalor City without the burden of caring for a family or the hauntings of his former officer glory. It could have been any one of these reasons but no one would ever know for he left no note.
Altagracia received no sympathy from her family who had warned her that a wealthy man like he might get bored with her, warnings she blithely ignored. She had more help from the Olmos’ who pitied her and felt similarly abandoned for Leoncio sent no word either to them. Besides it went against their honor to abandon someone who was part of their family. They sent Altagracia an “allowance” of sorts monthly and Leoncio’s younger brother, Fernando even offered to marry her to make up for his brother’s grievous actions and give the boys a father. Altagracia politely refused, her pain was too strong and she  wished never to see any of her husband’s kin ever again.
Altagracia reluctantly accepted the money as she needed it for her sons, and packed up, took up her old name, and moved to the village over the plateau. (I imagine it to be very similar to Curicó in Chile. You know, mountains on either side, a central fertile valley for agriculture, humid and wet). She couldn’t stand the humiliation of everyone knowing her husband left her and wanted to start fresh even though the rumors and pitying stares still plagued her when she moved to the new village near Mesa Roja. Words traveled fast.
Despite the money sent to her, she couldn’t buy a house with enough space for all her weaving so she couldn’t open her own weaving shop. But Altagracia was determined to make do and used the stables that adjoined her home to house her looms and set to work by herself to create the most elaborate, quality ponchos, clothes and other items till she became the known as “la mujer de la telar.” The money the Olmos did sent them was set aside for special nonessential things like archery sets or a professional portrait since Altagracia decided any essential items like food or clothing, she would pay with her own work. Those luxeries Pablo proudly boasted about since it set them apart from their little less-off farming neighbors, and he’d often sell these goods for a price. That is until Altagracia found out and threatened to stop buying him things if he wasn’t going to use it himself.  
Antonio had been 7 at the time, Pablo only 6, and if that one devastating event wasn’t enough. That was the same year that Shuriki came to power. Music and the old festivals were banned. Altagracia was one of the few people who was happy with this new arrangement since she’d much rather not be reminded of dances or anything happy like that. The boys however, were sorely disappointed by the thought of no more spring harvesting festivals with the children’s races or the games and such. And the addition of Shuriki’s guards patrolling the perimeters to quell any underground rebellions was an unnerving new normal to add to their lives.
Though the boys were too young to truly understand the full context of what was going on, they came today follow their mother’s mantra of “make do with what they have” and made their own fun without the festivals like marbles or pretending their were great trapeze artists like the traveling circus they saw or exploring their new home and the surrounding wild. Antonio’s particularly favorite game was pretending to find lost treasure which influenced his later career.
By the time Antonio was a teenager, he came to think of himself as the new man of the house. He saw how Leoncio’s departure affected their mother. She threw herself into her work, and doted on them more than ever. But she was so distrustful of others especially the rich who she now thought saw people like her as playthings or beneath them. He heard the rumors and taunts of other kids that “they” were the reason their dad ran away. And he vowed that he’d bring fortune to the Agamas name. They’d be known for something else than their disappeared dad.
The one obstacle to his big plan was his own brother. It seemed Pablo had inherited their father’s propensity for wanting glory and their mother’s sly tongue. He fancied himself as a poor man’s merchant (more accurately a con man) and had been cheating people out of their money with goods that he overhyped or stole from people for them to buy it back at exorbitant prices. Antonio often chewed him out for these things especially since it could reflect badly on their whole family but Pablo defended that they wouldn’t want their dear Mama to worry more than she had to, beside he was doing his part as a dutiful son to give her money any way he can. Even though he made plenty of enemies that way. Their neighbors, the Palomas, especially. 
Their mother did notice the tension between both boys and often had to drop subtle reminders and wise proverbs like “Family isn't an important thing. It's everything,” or “The important thing in a family is not being together but being united.”
But they both possessed the same stubborness and their differences grew anyway. Antonio was a studious student, paying attention in class while Pablo often skipped because he felt there was no point. Most people didn’t use the lessons on geometry or English in their daily lives, they learned their family trade and that was that. He much preferred to wager and make bets with the boys and flirt. Antonio had also entertained thoughts of marrying girls he had crushes on but he knew that would doom his dream. Once he got married, he’d have to stay settled down and he didn’t want that so he staye dcelibate though many women, allured by his muscular build, did try to tempt him much to Pablo’s disgust (Poor Pablo, he wanted to be tempted. That's all he wanted!). But Antonio was different. Their teacher, Professora Risquez thought Antonio had potential, he had a passion for history and the stories of treasure hunters so she told him about the field of archeology. It sounded like a dream to him! Being able to find lost civilizations that told them of where they came from and what they did just like the ancient Maruvians.
He couldn’t get the kind of education at home. Not there where the highest level was 12th grade. Professora Risquez offered to sponsor him to go to the University of Avalor. He would live with her parents in their house in the city and he could pursue a degree in archaeological studies. It was a perfect plan and Altagracia was thrilled for her son, and Antonio was similarly thrilled. He was getting one step closer to his dream of bringing fame to the Agama name.
The only one who was less enthusiastic was Pablo who thought Antonio was acting stuck up and superior to him which he kind of was. This led to their first major fight, leading them to never speak to each other for the next twenty eight years.
Antonio hunkered down on his studies, but it had been quite a shock when he first arrived in the city. They had so many more modern convencies like carriages instead of carts and shops for everything and the port brought all sorts of peoples and stories of distant lands that he could never imagine. He even saw a professional circus that put the traveling circus he saw in his childhood to shame.
 Then there was the actual university, the small school with its few teachers and lackluster substance had not prepared him for rigerous testing and academic tone of the unversity. But Professora Risquez’s parents had been former professors themselves and helped him with his study habits and time management. As for the kids, some were nice, some were snobs, a regular crowd of all kinds of people. Though sometimes those classist snobs sniffed at his “village peasant” accent and how fast he talked (Chilean spanish accents is known for being the fastest-spoken) so he learned to modify his fast to his slower, guttural sound. 
It got stressful at times but the one thing that kept him going was the passion for archeology itself. Each book he read, he yearned to know more, to learn more, to go out and explore and find the routes himself which he did every summer, even managing to secure his first glimpse of fame when he found the Heiroglyphic Staircase of Maru.
Pablo stayed at home, helping his mom with selling her wares and occasionally take odd jobs about town. Eventually, he got bored with the poor provincial village and decided to set out for his own. Altagracia gave her blessings since she had enough money to get by on her own with her work and the allowance from the Olmos. Besides she felt that maybe it would encourage Pablo to grow up a little especially now that he was out of Antonio’s shadow. He offered his services as a salesman to various small businesses but often quit when he felt ready to wander again or because he wanted a larger cut than his employers were willing to give him. He also decided to do his own version of treasure hunting and find items from the trash or wild or sometimes laying around someone’s backyard and sell them, often adding they belonged to some famous royal or legend or had magic properties. Then splitting town before his angry customors found out they were tricked.
Meanwhile, as Pablo scraped by, Antonio was sending money and letters to their mother with each new discovery he found. He had gotten his biggest dream as a result with the fame and universities begging him to come vist and give lectures. He did so especially if Professora Risquez asked, but he found the fame wasn’t as appealing as he thought it would be. Lectures, especially preparing them, were boring and he didn’t sell his items rather he gave them to museums to study. He much preferred the thrill of the adventuring and the excitment of finding treasure than anything else.
Then came the day he ventured to Obsidian Island. He had been so sure of himself, having sort of bought into his own hype, and that this would be his greatest find yet. But he had not anticipated for the gecko curse to be real! He freaked out when he was first transformed finding his brain sharing the instincts of a gecko’s and he’d often be distracted by his gecko instincts. Which he had stayed in that form for years.
Meanwhile, Pablo had come home from his itenerite wanderings after his mother wrote to him to come back. He had been 5 years since she had last heard from Antonio. Pablo had no information to give her on that front, but it didn’t matter because she needed him now that her arthritis was acting up and it was harder for her to move. Eventually, she had stopped moving completely and needed to move around in a wheelchair. Pablo cared for her during her final days and then Antonio came back.
He finished his adventure at Obsidian Island, and no longer a gecko, he had to apologize and explain to everyone he had known what had happened. His first trip was to his dear mama who had wept with joy seeing Antonio alive and well and that he had not abandoned her as she had thought. Pablo was put-off. Finally, he had time with their mama but once again Antonio, the golden boy outshone him and “saved” the day.
The next day, Altagracia died, seemingly ready to move on after seeing her son again. Pablo and Antonio tersely arranged the funeral together, maintaing some politeness to each other. But that all exploded after the funeral. Pablo made some comment of how nice it was for the famed and renowned Antonio Agama to find time to visit and how he had done all the work when Altagracia was ill and Antonio made her think he had left them just like Leoncio. Antonio shot back that he didn’t mean to not contact them. He was a freaking gecko! Those were exnuating circumstances, and it wasn’t like Pablo was so concerned about his welfare since he hadn’t written him so much a letter since Antonio left for college. This left them in fury and they refused to talk to each other again.
Until the will came and both were given parts of that treasure map aka The Family Treasure. After the events of that episode and Elena’s song getting stuck in their head thus reminding them, they decided to patch up their relationship and spend more time with one another with Antonio even inviting Pablo to his next archeological adventure so they’d have plenty of time to talk or find more things to fight about, but they’ve come to sort of like it that way.
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littlemiss-rio · 5 years
plain black coffee: Does your TC drink coffee? Do you know how they take it? Bonus: If they bring it to class, what does their mug/thermos look like?
- cherry blossom tea, to literally everywhere, in a starbucks cherry blossom thermos, although now that she’s cut her hair again she might go back to the black one
cold brew: How do you imagine your TC spends their Saturday nights?
uhhhhh working, but not her teaching job, the stuff she does for her friend’s company/her cousin’s company/watching football/watching musicals
iced caramel coconut milk macchiato: Have you cried over them?
not over them but surely i used to cry so much at her
iced mocha: Do they know how you feel about them (or do you think there’s a chance they do)? Do you want them to?
she does but she thinks its like super platonic, well she knows i “like” her but also that i’m mature enough to tell that it’s not “love”. i dont think she knows i want to kiss her really badly which is a blessing
white chocolate mocha: Describe how you realized you liked them. Was it love at first sight? Did it hit you suddenly or come on slowly?
i broke up with my exgf, and to get over exgf i slowly fell in love with p who i’d kinda? had a tiny crush on when i was still with exgf. i think seeing her every single morning kinda makes you fall a little bit in love. god i stared at her for like a whole year just wishing i could talk to her/be closer to her
iced vanilla latte: If you could travel with them to one place, where would it be?
japan!! we ARE going actually!! well corona kinda fucked up the plans but we’ll figure it out!! (we like the same japanese idol group)
cappuccino: What do you admire the most about them?
everything. shes the smartest, kindest person i know. she isn’t sweet though kdsfj she made me realise you can be kind without being sweet at all lol
americano: Do they drink or smoke that you know of?
ohhh she drinks, but like beer (i drink vodka? so i think beer is kjasdf lame). we hung out yesterday and she smoked in front of me but i’ve known for ages because i went to school drunk once and she lectured me by saying “you can only choose one vice in life, and drinking is the stupid one. i chose smoking”. shes jkashf not a conventional woman
ultra caramel frappuccino: What is your favorite scenario in your head that you’ve made up of the two of you? (come on, you know you’ve done it 😉)
we’re abroad, i go out to a bar trying to find someone to sleep with, she tells me its dangerous and stupid, i tell her i have needs, she tells me “well ill do it with you then”, we go back to the hotel room and [redacted], we proceed to act like a couple for the entire trip (feat. me kissing her neck while she does her makeup) its lovely and sweet and amazing
java chip frappuccino: What is your favorite physical feature of theirs?
… i really fucking like her.. are they freckles? idk but i like her cheekbones and her nose a lot and tbh her eyes are nice but i literally just told her they were ugly yesterday
iced soy latte: What kind of music, movies, and TV shows do they like?
idk about music, she got a film degree and likes japanese movies, she doesn’t watch tv i think she watches football
pumpkin spice latte: What cute/funny/weird habits do they have?
… she pretends to be a cat to get me to do things for her.
iced cinnamon dolce latte: If they were an animal, what would they be?
chai tea latte: Do they have social media? If so, what accounts? Do you follow them? Do they follow you?
she has facebook that i stalked, and an instagram that she just started using because of corona online schooling boredom, and she watches my ig stories… which makes it weird… because i swear a LOT and complain about everything and she doesn’t understand english that well and doesn’t know that you can use the phrase “fucking” as an exclamation instead of an action. i use the phrase fucking a lot.
strawberries & cream frappuccino: If you could reenact any scene from a movie with them (and have it be real if that makes sense😂), what would it be?
any kabedon scene ever
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imagineiero · 6 years
Grade A
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teacher/student frerard fanfiction (smut warning) teacher!frank + student!gerard
Frank didn’t set out to become a teacher, in fact he’d spent the majority of his school career despising the very profession - the source of his unhappiness, along with relentless school bullies. He’d been intelligent enough to get a scholarship and spend a year or so studying in university before dropping out and pursuing his dream as a musician, that was how his life was supposed to be planned out - he’d imagined it since he was four years old and sat in a speak-easy watching his Grandfathers band play, music was his life - he was born to play, it was in his DNA.
The crash hadn’t been part of his premonition, he hadn’t expected his dream to turn into a nightmare and he definitely didn’t see such a tragedy signalling the end of his career. He’d lost his best friend that night, as well as band-mate and Frank just couldn’t see himself getting back up on stage without his right-hand man, maybe it was cowardly - or maybe Frank was just shaken into an easy life, one with minimal risk and hearts intact. His family, especially his Mother had been happy to hear of his decision - while they knew that music was his love, his everything - they had attended the funeral with broken hearts, only thankful that it wasn’t their son they were burying.
It had been six years now and Frank was turning thirty in the fall, he still played his guitar everyday - he couldn’t ever give up that part of him, it was like an extra limb - it was part of him, a piece of his heart. He’d obtained his teaching degree rather quickly, his partial university education helping him bypass some of the coursework - he was rather well known now in Jersey as someone who had the skills to tutor even the lowest performing student into an exam-worthy scholar.
Frank didn’t work in a school, couldn’t bring himself to set foot in the building he had wished to burn to the ground barely twelve years before. Instead he’d set himself up a private tutoring service from the comfort of his own home, he’d take on one student at a time with weekends at his leisure - it gave him the time to focus on his clients fully instead of going from one student to another and mixing up their school-work. He’d met a diverse range of people through his tutoring, he taught all ages - anyone from little Rosie Michaels who was a seven year old in special education to fifteen year old Johnny Byers who’d been kicked out of school for setting fire to a science lab.
All of his students flourished, maybe it was his style of teaching and laid back attitude that helped him connect with the younger students. Frank made a pact with himself not to become one of those boring old teachers who’d lost the love of their craft years before and instead took it out on those they taught. It was working out fine for him as the years went by and last year he’d even managed to win a community nominated award for services to children - he was achieving greatly, he felt like he’d found his path in life and things were going well.
Gerard was his latest student, he’d been tutoring him for three months now and the boy was improving thanks to Frank’s dedication. Gerard was 19, he’d been held back a few years in school due to lack of progression - his Mother said he’d been bullied badly, to the extent that he refused to attend school and as a result failed to graduate. Frank wasn’t sure what to expect until Gerard showed up on his doorstep on that first Monday morning.
To put it nicely, Gerard was a total sweetheart - He walked shyly into the large open-plan room that Frank had dubbed his classroom, his soft black hair framing his pale, pixie-like face. Gerard was feminine to say the least, in fact he was androgynous and downright beautiful - Frank couldn’t help but notice the sway of his hips and the way his eyes widened so innocently every time Frank spoke to him. To top it all off, Gerard was wearing a baby pink dress - his milky thighs peeking out between the midway hem and a pair of white thigh-highs, Frank’s throat dried up at the sight.
Over the coming weeks Gerard began to ease into student life, overcoming his initial shyness and becoming more comfortable with Frank. His teacher was having a less than easy life though, in all his years of teachers he had prided himself on the fact he had never been attracted to one of his students, and though Gerard was 19 and fully legal it still felt immoral and wrong, but he just couldn’t help himself. He wondered sometimes if Gerard could see the effect he was having on him, wondered if he knew that the way he sucked on his lower lip made Frank’s jeans tighten just a little - wondered if he could see the way Frank’s eyes trailed the length of his body as he entered the classroom each morning.
Frank decided that it wasn’t completely weird that he let Gerard into his thoughts when he touched himself at night, it was just imaginary after all - where was the harm? He couldn’t deny that the thoughts of Gerard with his soft cotton dresses, bitten-red lips and doe-eyes gave him the most intense orgasms he’d ever experienced. It both excited and pained him to spend so much time with Gerard, wishing that they had met under different circumstances because Gerard was definitely the type of boy Frank would ask on a date.
“Hey Sweetheart, did you get that homework finished for me?” Frank asked as he heard the faint patter of Gerard’s white slip-ons coming down the hallway.
They’d built up a routine now, Gerard would arrive at eight-thirty each morning and let himself in - Frank would be in the kitchen making breakfast for them both, making sure to pour Gerard a coffee to get him to wake up a little, the boy hated mornings almost as much as he hated Math class.
“Yes Sir” Gerard hummed, sliding into his chair at the table and getting out his English essay “Did you sleep well, Mr Iero?”
“You know you can call me by my first name, Gee” Frank reminded him as he did every day “I slept fine thank you, did you?”
“Okay Frankie” Gerard bit his lip, swinging his legs a bit as he watched Frank walk over with the coffee “I slept okay, had a bad dream but I went back to sleep for a bit.. that’s why I look messy today.. I overslept”
“You look fine-..” Frank frowned, placing the mug in front of him and turning back to retrieve a plate of pancakes “..-real pretty, I like your dress today”
“Thanks Frankie” Gerard blushed, sipping at his drink before waving his hand furiously in front of his mouth “Ouch-Ouch-Ouch!”
“Careful Gee, it’s hot” Frank mused, repeating the same words he used every morning when Gerard was too quick to drink his caffeine
They went through their morning routine as usual, sharing pancakes and coffee as Frank marked Gerard’s work and Gerard got started on his next task.
“You did well on this one” Frank praised, sliding the essay back over to Gerard who grinned happily “A few spelling mistakes but nothing too major, it’s a really great piece Gee - you’re really improving”
“Thanks to you, Sir” Gerard smiled, resting his chin on his hand as he blinked up at the older man
“Hey, you’re doing the hard work - I’m just helping a little” Frank replied modestly “Right, so shall we start reading the next chapter in our book? I want you to do a little mock test on it later on”
Gerard nodded excitedly, they’d been reading through their current book for a few days now and it was slowly becoming Gerard’s favourite read. It told the story of a young girl who wore pretty dresses and an innocent smile to seduce her older crush, Gerard couldn’t help but feel excited at the thought of trying out such a plan on his tutor. He’d seen the way Frank would stare at him when he thought he wasn’t looking, it had start off as innocent glances at first but the heat was rising between them and Gerard longed for the day when Frank would forget his morals and just take him.
They were curled up on the sofa now, Frank would always allow Gerard to get comfortable while he was reading to him - he tended to drift off and not concentrate otherwise, besides it made a difference to being cooped up in the classroom all day. Gerard would kick off his shoes and curl his legs up underneath him, leaning against the back of the sofa as he turned to face the older man who would read sonnets and plays and fiction with his smooth, velvety voice - unaware of the effect it had on his student.
“..-and so she put on her favourite colours, knowing the way her blush contrasted with the pink puff of her sleeves - before making her way to his study, praying he would be alone-..” Frank concentrated on the pages of the book, his thick-framed reading glasses making him look even cuter than Gerard had anticipated.
“Do you think that she was bad, Sir?” Gerard piped up, tilting his head to the side
“Bad?” Frank frowned, marking the page with his fingertip “Do you think she was bad, Gerard?”
“Well.. she’s trying to seduce him, but she’s much younger-.. isn’t that bad?”
“I guess-.. I guess in that kind of situation it would be the older man that’s wrong, Gerard” Frank tried to explain carefully “Because he’s the one who should know better.. it’s not right what she’s doing, no-.. but the older man should stop it before it goes ahead, he’s the adult in the situation”
“Because he’s older?”
“Yes and No-..” Frank licked his lips slightly “.. it’s not wrong because he’s older, it’s wrong because she’s still under-age.. and whether she consents or not, it’s not her decision - not really.. it’s statutory rape, however you look at it”
“What about if she was older?” Gerard reasoned “If-.. If she was the legal age but, but he was still older than her.. is that wrong?”
Frank ran his fingers through his hair, the situation hitting a little too close to home for his liking “I guess it’s how you look at it, I mean-.. I believe that two consenting, legal age people can be together but-.. but I guess it’s frowned upon a lot by people, it’s just perspective”
“I understand” Gerard nodded, biting the inside of his cheek so he didn’t look too elated at the fact Frank had basically just said it would be fine if he and Gerard were together.
Frank went on from where he left off, reading out sentences oblivious to the thoughts and emotions swimming through Gerard’s head. He figured that now was as good a time as any to make a move on the older man, especially after what he’d just said - he only wondered now if Frank liked him back, had he imagined all the longing glances and attention? Only one way to find out.
Gerard stretched his leg out, pretending to straighten the hem of his thigh highs and taking the opportunity to brush his foot against the inside of Frank’s calf, pretending that he hadn’t noticed the hitch in Frank’s breath and the way he stuttered over his word, mid-sentence. When he’d finished messing with the stocking he left his foot where it was, pressed up against the inside of Frank’s leg - gently caressing him over his jeans.
Frank paid no attention after the first contact, choosing to carry on with his reading - much to Gerard’s delight - it was when Gerard’s foot began to rise closer to his knee that Frank’s eyes flickered from the text to the white-clothed foot between his legs yet still he made no move to push Gerard away, instead trying to refocus on the task at hand.
“..-his infatuation was becoming too strong, he was weak to resist the angelic nymph-..”
Frank took a sharp intake of breath, eyes shooting up to Gerard who was watching him innocently - waiting for him to continue, acting unaware to the fact his foot was resting against Frank’s inner-thigh. Frank swallowed thickly, looking like he was debating something in his head before glancing down at his book and continuing, his voice sounding a little higher and more unsure as he went on.
Gerard was enjoying himself now, he could see the effect he was beginning to have on the older man from the way his entire body had stiffened and the way his Adam’s apple would bob up and down as he repeatedly swallowed. His foot began as a light caress but gradually grew stronger, the pressure increasing as he ran his foot along the inside of his thigh, stopping just barely before his crotch and only when on instinct Frank’s hand darted out to grab him, his loose grip on his ankle holding his foot just barely touching his crotch.
“G-Gerard-.. What are you-..” Frank breathed, the book dropping to the ground noisily though neither of them bothered to give it a second glance - they were too caught up in the charged stare they were currently sharing.
“Nothing, Sir” Gerard bit his lip, raising his eyebrow slightly in challenge
Frank swallowed the lump in his throat, his eyes showing hesitation before he loosened his grip entirely on Gerard’s ankle, leaving him to press his foot tentatively against Frank’s already tented jeans, eyes widening as the ball of his foot grazed the outline of Frank’s arousal.
“G-Gerard-..I-..” Frank whispered hoarsely, unsure where to put himself at this point but not strong enough to push Gerard away, not when he was touching him so intimately, it was all he’d dreamed of for months “G-Ger-..”
“Shh..” Gerard whispered, moving forwards to place his fingertip over Frank’s lips “Please don’t make me stop..”
“I-..I-..O-Okay-..” Frank stuttered out, blinking softly
Gerard moved his foot away, carefully sliding his way into Frank’s lap and planting himself over his teacher’s erection, his forearms draped gently over the older man’s shoulders.
“Is this okay, Sir?” Gerard asked innocently, tilting his head slightly
Frank nodded quietly, unable to form words as his hands lay planted stiffly at his sides
Gerard pushed his slender fingers through Frank’s hair, pushing it back slightly as the older man’s eyes fluttered shut momentarily. He slowly removed Frank’s glasses and placed them down on the table, tracing his fingertips down the side of his cheek and jawline, his lips parting as he watched curiously. Gerard gently brushed their lips together, pulling a quiet whimper from his teacher before he pressed them together properly, sliding his arms over his shoulders and feeding his fingers through Frank’s hair.
Frank came to life now, his hands gently resting on Gerard’s hips, thumbs caressing circles against the soft cotton of his dress as their mouths moved in sync. He gasped lightly into Gerard’s mouth when the boy rolled his hips, pressing deliciously against his tight jeans - setting his entire body alight with burning want. He tentatively swept his tongue along Gerard’s lower lip, pleased when he parted his lips and allowed him entrance, their tongues fighting against one another until Frank overpowered him and dragged the tip along the roof of his mouth, making him whimper softly.
By now Frank was more confident in his actions, pushing one hand against his bare thigh and travelling beneath his dress, squeezing at the flesh of his thigh as Gerard rolled his hips again. The younger boy’s fingers found their way to Frank’s shirt, not hesitating before unfastening the buttons deftly, his fingertips pushing the material from the teacher’s shoulders and trailing down his tattooed chest. Gerard broke the kiss to mouth his way down Frank’s neck and collar bone, biting down playfully on his clavicle as the older man sighed breathlessly.
“Mm.. do that again-..” Frank murmured, tilting his head back against the sofa
Gerard clamped his teeth around the soft skin, running his tongue over the bite repeatedly as he gently sucked a purple bruise into his canvas. He pulled away to admire his work, pressing a soft kiss to the blemish - pleased with how blissed out Frank looked already with his bitten red lips and half-lidded eyes. He traced his fingers over the tattoos decorating Frank’s torso, dragging the tips down until he could tease just beneath the waistband of his jeans, glancing up at him expectantly - pleased when Frank nodded, bucking his hips up just enough for Gerard to unfasten his belt and shimmy the offending material to the ground.
Gerard sat himself in the space between Frank’s feet, looking up at the older man who sat naked awaiting his next movement. His cock stood proudly, curving towards his stomach - Gerard couldn’t help but lick his lips at the sight, making Frank’s mouth water as he kissed his way up the inside of his thigh. Frank couldn’t believe he’d found himself in this position, he’d fantasised about it way too much but hadn’t ever considered it becoming a reality.
Gerard’s fingertips raked against the sensitive skin of Frank’s inner thighs as he lips and tongue followed the trail, gently wrapping themselves around his thick cock - his thumb sweeping over the tip and soaking up the first beads of pre-cum. Frank let his eyes flutter shut, his head lolling back slightly as he relied on his sense of touch to feel everything Gerard was submitting him to.
The sensation of Gerard’s hot breath blowing against his leaking tip made his breath hitch and he held it for what seemed like forever until Gerard’s mouth engulfed him and he let out a low groan, his hand unconsciously finding its way to Gerard’s mess of hair. He pressed his tongue flat against the underside of Frank’s cock, teasing along the prominent vein as he inched his way down - only stopping to breath through his nose when his face was buried in the wiry hairs at Frank’s base.
“G-G-..Ohhh..” Frank murmured, gently tugging at Gerard’s hair as his eyebrows furrowed, lost in the feeling and never wanting it to end.
Gerard’s fingers toyed with his balls, rolling them around before edging backwards and stroking his fingertips against his perineum making Frank buck involuntarily into the back of his throat. Gerard moaned, desperate to have his mouth filled as much as possible - he’d been dreaming about his teacher for weeks now, surprised in himself that he’d managed to wait this long.
He began to slide up and down Frank’s erection, pleased when the older man would momentarily lose control and thrust up into his mouth. He pushed his hand further beneath him until he could stroke his fingers around his tight rim, spurred on when Frank whimpered a desperate “P-Please Gee.. oh fuck, please touch me-..”
He wasted no time in sinking two fingers past his tight ring of muscle, Frank loved the burn - letting his eyes roll back as he pushed down on the intrusion, alternating between riding on the two digits and thrusting up into Gerard’s pretty little mouth. Frank’s movements began to stutter after a while and Gerard was excited to have his tongue coated in release but his teacher clearly had other ideas, backing away just enough to stop his movements.
“W-Wanna fuck you-..” Frank grunted out between breaths
“You want me to ride you, Sir?” Gerard asked sweetly, using his best puppy dog eyes as Frank whined quietly at the word ‘Sir’
Frank shook his head, nodding towards the other side of the sofa “Hands and Knees”
Gerard obeyed him, resting his forearms on the arms of the sofa and waiting for further instruction
“Good boy” Frank slurred, clumsily climbing to his feet. His eyes were dark and lustful now, all responsibility discarded and replaced with a need to ruin the pretty boy offering himself up to him.
He flipped the hem of the dress over Gerard’s hips, revealing his pale blue panties barely containing the bulge between his legs. His fingers were rough against the soft material, rubbing at Gerard’s erection and pressing his fingertips gently against his balls - tracing all the way back until he could trace the crease of his ass, swatting him sharply and pulling a desperate whimper from the younger man.
“So fuckin’ pretty.. look at you..” Frank groaned hungrily “.. all laid out ready to play”
He wasted no time in tugging the material down past Gerard’s thighs, leaving them bunched at his knees and pressing both hands against his ass cheeks, parting them until he exposed the fluttering pink hole. He massaged the meaty flesh for a moment, pulling him apart and then kneading him back together until finally without warning he pressed his tongue against Gerard’s rim and pushed all the way in, dragging a strangled cry from the younger man as he ground back against Frank’s face desperately.
“Oh-..Oh-.. Oh Sir.. Oh Frankie-.. Oh don’t stop.. Oh please-..” Gerard chanted, fingertips digging into the material of the sofa, his cock leaking profusely between his thighs.
Frank’s tongue worked expertly, stretching him open until he was pliant and needy - letting his saliva coat his chin as he pressed as deep as he could, rubbing his open mouth against the desperate entrance before pushing two fingers past the rim without warning. Gerard cried out his name louder this time, a tone in his voice he’d never heard before - a brand new moan all for his teacher, he’d never felt this close before - like Frank was keeping him dancing dangerously on the edge but refusing to let him topple over into his climax.
By the time Frank was three fingers deep, Gerard was incoherently babbling - riding desperately on his fingers and driving Frank wild. He pulled out without warning, leaving Gerard to whine - head lowered between his arms as Frank left momentarily to find protection. He returned barely a minute later, his cock sheathed up and ready to go - Gerard gasped as he felt the head of Frank’s cock against his entrance, slowly edging inside him with his fingertips leaving crescent moons over Gerard’s hips.
He was slow and careful, bottoming out a few moments later with a sharp exhale, his fingertips caressing the soft skin of Gerard’s hips as they both got used to the tight hole. The air was thick and silent apart from their synchronised panting until Frank began to slide out with a groan, thrusting back in quicker than before and dragging a punched out moan from Gerard’s lips.
It didn’t take long to build up his rhythm, one hand planted firmly on his hip and the other buried in his mess of hair, tugging gently with each movement. Gerard’s cock was leaking profusely between his legs but any thought of the soiled material beneath them was long gone when Frank began to circle his hips, slamming relentlessly into Gerard’s waiting hole, stretching him impossibly open as Gerard whined and whimpered beneath him, Frank’s name falling from his lips along with expletives.
“Oh.. F-Frankie..Please-.. Harder-..” Gerard chanted “D-Don’t stop-.. Please-.. Ah-..”
Frank used all his strength to pound into him repeatedly until the familiar heat began to pool in his stomach, swirling lower and lower until he was crying out Gerard’s name and spilling over inside of him, pulling the younger man into climax along with him. They collapsed in an exhausted heap, limbs tangled and Frank’s face buried in the space between Gerard’s shoulder blades.
“I like this lesson” Gerard murmured a few minutes later “I definitely think you should teach this way more often”
Frank snorted, snaking an arm around his middle “You definitely get an A for that one, Gee”
Frank didn’t set out to become a teacher, in fact he’d spent the majority of his school career despising the very profession - the source of his unhappiness, along with relentless school bullies. He’d been intelligent enough to get a scholarship and spend a year or so studying in university before dropping out and pursuing his dream as a musician, that was how his life was supposed to be planned out - he’d imagined it since he was four years old and sat in a speak-easy watching his Grandfathers band play, music was his life - he was born to play, it was in his DNA.
The crash hadn’t been part of his premonition, he hadn’t expected his dream to turn into a nightmare and he definitely didn’t see such a tragedy signalling the end of his career. He’d lost his best friend that night, as well as band-mate and Frank just couldn’t see himself getting back up on stage without his right-hand man, maybe it was cowardly - or maybe Frank was just shaken into an easy life, one with minimal risk and hearts intact. His family, especially his Mother had been happy to hear of his decision - while they knew that music was his love, his everything - they had attended the funeral with broken hearts, only thankful that it wasn’t their son they were burying.
It had been six years now and Frank was turning thirty in the fall, he still played his guitar everyday - he couldn’t ever give up that part of him, it was like an extra limb - it was part of him, a piece of his heart. He’d obtained his teaching degree rather quickly, his partial university education helping him bypass some of the coursework - he was rather well known now in Jersey as someone who had the skills to tutor even the lowest performing student into an exam-worthy scholar.
Frank didn’t work in a school, couldn’t bring himself to set foot in the building he had wished to burn to the ground barely twelve years before. Instead he’d set himself up a private tutoring service from the comfort of his own home, he’d take on one student at a time with weekends at his leisure - it gave him the time to focus on his clients fully instead of going from one student to another and mixing up their school-work. He’d met a diverse range of people through his tutoring, he taught all ages - anyone from little Rosie Michaels who was a seven year old in special education to fifteen year old Johnny Byers who’d been kicked out of school for setting fire to a science lab.
All of his students flourished, maybe it was his style of teaching and laid back attitude that helped him connect with the younger students. Frank made a pact with himself not to become one of those boring old teachers who’d lost the love of their craft years before and instead took it out on those they taught. It was working out fine for him as the years went by and last year he’d even managed to win a community nominated award for services to children - he was achieving greatly, he felt like he’d found his path in life and things were going well.
Gerard was his latest student, he’d been tutoring him for three months now and the boy was improving thanks to Frank’s dedication. Gerard was 19, he’d been held back a few years in school due to lack of progression - his Mother said he’d been bullied badly, to the extent that he refused to attend school and as a result failed to graduate. Frank wasn’t sure what to expect until Gerard showed up on his doorstep on that first Monday morning.
To put it nicely, Gerard was a total sweetheart - He walked shyly into the large open-plan room that Frank had dubbed his classroom, his soft black hair framing his pale, pixie-like face. Gerard was feminine to say the least, in fact he was androgynous and downright beautiful - Frank couldn’t help but notice the sway of his hips and the way his eyes widened so innocently every time Frank spoke to him. To top it all off, Gerard was wearing a baby pink dress - his milky thighs peeking out between the midway hem and a pair of white thigh-highs, Frank’s throat dried up at the sight.
Over the coming weeks Gerard began to ease into student life, overcoming his initial shyness and becoming more comfortable with Frank. His teacher was having a less than easy life though, in all his years of teachers he had prided himself on the fact he had never been attracted to one of his students, and though Gerard was 19 and fully legal it still felt immoral and wrong, but he just couldn’t help himself. He wondered sometimes if Gerard could see the effect he was having on him, wondered if he knew that the way he sucked on his lower lip made Frank’s jeans tighten just a little - wondered if he could see the way Frank’s eyes trailed the length of his body as he entered the classroom each morning.
Frank decided that it wasn’t completely weird that he let Gerard into his thoughts when he touched himself at night, it was just imaginary after all - where was the harm? He couldn’t deny that the thoughts of Gerard with his soft cotton dresses, bitten-red lips and doe-eyes gave him the most intense orgasms he’d ever experienced. It both excited and pained him to spend so much time with Gerard, wishing that they had met under different circumstances because Gerard was definitely the type of boy Frank would ask on a date.
“Hey Sweetheart, did you get that homework finished for me?” Frank asked as he heard the faint patter of Gerard’s white slip-ons coming down the hallway.
They’d built up a routine now, Gerard would arrive at eight-thirty each morning and let himself in - Frank would be in the kitchen making breakfast for them both, making sure to pour Gerard a coffee to get him to wake up a little, the boy hated mornings almost as much as he hated Math class.
“Yes Sir” Gerard hummed, sliding into his chair at the table and getting out his English essay “Did you sleep well, Mr Iero?”
“You know you can call me by my first name, Gee” Frank reminded him as he did every day “I slept fine thank you, did you?”
“Okay Frankie” Gerard bit his lip, swinging his legs a bit as he watched Frank walk over with the coffee “I slept okay, had a bad dream but I went back to sleep for a bit.. that’s why I look messy today.. I overslept”
“You look fine-..” Frank frowned, placing the mug in front of him and turning back to retrieve a plate of pancakes “..-real pretty, I like your dress today”
“Thanks Frankie” Gerard blushed, sipping at his drink before waving his hand furiously in front of his mouth “Ouch-Ouch-Ouch!”
“Careful Gee, it’s hot” Frank mused, repeating the same words he used every morning when Gerard was too quick to drink his caffeine
They went through their morning routine as usual, sharing pancakes and coffee as Frank marked Gerard’s work and Gerard got started on his next task.
“You did well on this one” Frank praised, sliding the essay back over to Gerard who grinned happily “A few spelling mistakes but nothing too major, it’s a really great piece Gee - you’re really improving”
“Thanks to you, Sir” Gerard smiled, resting his chin on his hand as he blinked up at the older man
“Hey, you’re doing the hard work - I’m just helping a little” Frank replied modestly “Right, so shall we start reading the next chapter in our book? I want you to do a little mock test on it later on”
Gerard nodded excitedly, they’d been reading through their current book for a few days now and it was slowly becoming Gerard’s favourite read. It told the story of a young girl who wore pretty dresses and an innocent smile to seduce her older crush, Gerard couldn’t help but feel excited at the thought of trying out such a plan on his tutor. He’d seen the way Frank would stare at him when he thought he wasn’t looking, it had start off as innocent glances at first but the heat was rising between them and Gerard longed for the day when Frank would forget his morals and just take him.
They were curled up on the sofa now, Frank would always allow Gerard to get comfortable while he was reading to him - he tended to drift off and not concentrate otherwise, besides it made a difference to being cooped up in the classroom all day. Gerard would kick off his shoes and curl his legs up underneath him, leaning against the back of the sofa as he turned to face the older man who would read sonnets and plays and fiction with his smooth, velvety voice - unaware of the effect it had on his student.
“..-and so she put on her favourite colours, knowing the way her blush contrasted with the pink puff of her sleeves - before making her way to his study, praying he would be alone-..” Frank concentrated on the pages of the book, his thick-framed reading glasses making him look even cuter than Gerard had anticipated.
“Do you think that she was bad, Sir?” Gerard piped up, tilting his head to the side
“Bad?” Frank frowned, marking the page with his fingertip “Do you think she was bad, Gerard?”
“Well.. she’s trying to seduce him, but she’s much younger-.. isn’t that bad?”
“I guess-.. I guess in that kind of situation it would be the older man that’s wrong, Gerard” Frank tried to explain carefully “Because he’s the one who should know better.. it’s not right what she’s doing, no-.. but the older man should stop it before it goes ahead, he’s the adult in the situation”
“Because he’s older?”
“Yes and No-..” Frank licked his lips slightly “.. it’s not wrong because he’s older, it’s wrong because she’s still under-age.. and whether she consents or not, it’s not her decision - not really.. it’s statutory rape, however you look at it”
“What about if she was older?” Gerard reasoned “If-.. If she was the legal age but, but he was still older than her.. is that wrong?”
Frank ran his fingers through his hair, the situation hitting a little too close to home for his liking “I guess it’s how you look at it, I mean-.. I believe that two consenting, legal age people can be together but-.. but I guess it’s frowned upon a lot by people, it’s just perspective”
“I understand” Gerard nodded, biting the inside of his cheek so he didn’t look too elated at the fact Frank had basically just said it would be fine if he and Gerard were together.
Frank went on from where he left off, reading out sentences oblivious to the thoughts and emotions swimming through Gerard’s head. He figured that now was as good a time as any to make a move on the older man, especially after what he’d just said - he only wondered now if Frank liked him back, had he imagined all the longing glances and attention? Only one way to find out.
Gerard stretched his leg out, pretending to straighten the hem of his thigh highs and taking the opportunity to brush his foot against the inside of Frank’s calf, pretending that he hadn’t noticed the hitch in Frank’s breath and the way he stuttered over his word, mid-sentence. When he’d finished messing with the stocking he left his foot where it was, pressed up against the inside of Frank’s leg - gently caressing him over his jeans.
Frank paid no attention after the first contact, choosing to carry on with his reading - much to Gerard’s delight - it was when Gerard’s foot began to rise closer to his knee that Frank’s eyes flickered from the text to the white-clothed foot between his legs yet still he made no move to push Gerard away, instead trying to refocus on the task at hand.
“..-his infatuation was becoming too strong, he was weak to resist the angelic nymph-..”
Frank took a sharp intake of breath, eyes shooting up to Gerard who was watching him innocently - waiting for him to continue, acting unaware to the fact his foot was resting against Frank’s inner-thigh. Frank swallowed thickly, looking like he was debating something in his head before glancing down at his book and continuing, his voice sounding a little higher and more unsure as he went on.
Gerard was enjoying himself now, he could see the effect he was beginning to have on the older man from the way his entire body had stiffened and the way his Adam’s apple would bob up and down as he repeatedly swallowed. His foot began as a light caress but gradually grew stronger, the pressure increasing as he ran his foot along the inside of his thigh, stopping just barely before his crotch and only when on instinct Frank’s hand darted out to grab him, his loose grip on his ankle holding his foot just barely touching his crotch.
“G-Gerard-.. What are you-..” Frank breathed, the book dropping to the ground noisily though neither of them bothered to give it a second glance - they were too caught up in the charged stare they were currently sharing.
“Nothing, Sir” Gerard bit his lip, raising his eyebrow slightly in challenge
Frank swallowed the lump in his throat, his eyes showing hesitation before he loosened his grip entirely on Gerard’s ankle, leaving him to press his foot tentatively against Frank’s already tented jeans, eyes widening as the ball of his foot grazed the outline of Frank’s arousal.
“G-Gerard-..I-..” Frank whispered hoarsely, unsure where to put himself at this point but not strong enough to push Gerard away, not when he was touching him so intimately, it was all he’d dreamed of for months “G-Ger-..”
“Shh..” Gerard whispered, moving forwards to place his fingertip over Frank’s lips “Please don’t make me stop..”
“I-..I-..O-Okay-..” Frank stuttered out, blinking softly
Gerard moved his foot away, carefully sliding his way into Frank’s lap and planting himself over his teacher’s erection, his forearms draped gently over the older man’s shoulders.
“Is this okay, Sir?” Gerard asked innocently, tilting his head slightly
Frank nodded quietly, unable to form words as his hands lay planted stiffly at his sides
Gerard pushed his slender fingers through Frank’s hair, pushing it back slightly as the older man’s eyes fluttered shut momentarily. He slowly removed Frank’s glasses and placed them down on the table, tracing his fingertips down the side of his cheek and jawline, his lips parting as he watched curiously. Gerard gently brushed their lips together, pulling a quiet whimper from his teacher before he pressed them together properly, sliding his arms over his shoulders and feeding his fingers through Frank’s hair.
Frank came to life now, his hands gently resting on Gerard’s hips, thumbs caressing circles against the soft cotton of his dress as their mouths moved in sync. He gasped lightly into Gerard’s mouth when the boy rolled his hips, pressing deliciously against his tight jeans - setting his entire body alight with burning want. He tentatively swept his tongue along Gerard’s lower lip, pleased when he parted his lips and allowed him entrance, their tongues fighting against one another until Frank overpowered him and dragged the tip along the roof of his mouth, making him whimper softly.
By now Frank was more confident in his actions, pushing one hand against his bare thigh and travelling beneath his dress, squeezing at the flesh of his thigh as Gerard rolled his hips again. The younger boy’s fingers found their way to Frank’s shirt, not hesitating before unfastening the buttons deftly, his fingertips pushing the material from the teacher’s shoulders and trailing down his tattooed chest. Gerard broke the kiss to mouth his way down Frank’s neck and collar bone, biting down playfully on his clavicle as the older man sighed breathlessly.
“Mm.. do that again-..” Frank murmured, tilting his head back against the sofa
Gerard clamped his teeth around the soft skin, running his tongue over the bite repeatedly as he gently sucked a purple bruise into his canvas. He pulled away to admire his work, pressing a soft kiss to the blemish - pleased with how blissed out Frank looked already with his bitten red lips and half-lidded eyes. He traced his fingers over the tattoos decorating Frank’s torso, dragging the tips down until he could tease just beneath the waistband of his jeans, glancing up at him expectantly - pleased when Frank nodded, bucking his hips up just enough for Gerard to unfasten his belt and shimmy the offending material to the ground.
Gerard sat himself in the space between Frank’s feet, looking up at the older man who sat naked awaiting his next movement. His cock stood proudly, curving towards his stomach - Gerard couldn’t help but lick his lips at the sight, making Frank’s mouth water as he kissed his way up the inside of his thigh. Frank couldn’t believe he’d found himself in this position, he’d fantasised about it way too much but hadn’t ever considered it becoming a reality.
Gerard’s fingertips raked against the sensitive skin of Frank’s inner thighs as he lips and tongue followed the trail, gently wrapping themselves around his thick cock - his thumb sweeping over the tip and soaking up the first beads of pre-cum. Frank let his eyes flutter shut, his head lolling back slightly as he relied on his sense of touch to feel everything Gerard was submitting him to.
The sensation of Gerard’s hot breath blowing against his leaking tip made his breath hitch and he held it for what seemed like forever until Gerard’s mouth engulfed him and he let out a low groan, his hand unconsciously finding its way to Gerard’s mess of hair. He pressed his tongue flat against the underside of Frank’s cock, teasing along the prominent vein as he inched his way down - only stopping to breath through his nose when his face was buried in the wiry hairs at Frank’s base.
“G-G-..Ohhh..” Frank murmured, gently tugging at Gerard’s hair as his eyebrows furrowed, lost in the feeling and never wanting it to end.
Gerard’s fingers toyed with his balls, rolling them around before edging backwards and stroking his fingertips against his perineum making Frank buck involuntarily into the back of his throat. Gerard moaned, desperate to have his mouth filled as much as possible - he’d been dreaming about his teacher for weeks now, surprised in himself that he’d managed to wait this long.
He began to slide up and down Frank’s erection, pleased when the older man would momentarily lose control and thrust up into his mouth. He pushed his hand further beneath him until he could stroke his fingers around his tight rim, spurred on when Frank whimpered a desperate “P-Please Gee.. oh fuck, please touch me-..”
He wasted no time in sinking two fingers past his tight ring of muscle, Frank loved the burn - letting his eyes roll back as he pushed down on the intrusion, alternating between riding on the two digits and thrusting up into Gerard’s pretty little mouth. Frank’s movements began to stutter after a while and Gerard was excited to have his tongue coated in release but his teacher clearly had other ideas, backing away just enough to stop his movements.
“W-Wanna fuck you-..” Frank grunted out between breaths
“You want me to ride you, Sir?” Gerard asked sweetly, using his best puppy dog eyes as Frank whined quietly at the word ‘Sir’
Frank shook his head, nodding towards the other side of the sofa “Hands and Knees”
Gerard obeyed him, resting his forearms on the arms of the sofa and waiting for further instruction
“Good boy” Frank slurred, clumsily climbing to his feet. His eyes were dark and lustful now, all responsibility discarded and replaced with a need to ruin the pretty boy offering himself up to him.
He flipped the hem of the dress over Gerard’s hips, revealing his pale blue panties barely containing the bulge between his legs. His fingers were rough against the soft material, rubbing at Gerard’s erection and pressing his fingertips gently against his balls - tracing all the way back until he could trace the crease of his ass, swatting him sharply and pulling a desperate whimper from the younger man.
“So fuckin’ pretty.. look at you..” Frank groaned hungrily “.. all laid out ready to play”
He wasted no time in tugging the material down past Gerard’s thighs, leaving them bunched at his knees and pressing both hands against his ass cheeks, parting them until he exposed the fluttering pink hole. He massaged the meaty flesh for a moment, pulling him apart and then kneading him back together until finally without warning he pressed his tongue against Gerard’s rim and pushed all the way in, dragging a strangled cry from the younger man as he ground back against Frank’s face desperately.
“Oh-..Oh-.. Oh Sir.. Oh Frankie-.. Oh don’t stop.. Oh please-..” Gerard chanted, fingertips digging into the material of the sofa, his cock leaking profusely between his thighs.
Frank’s tongue worked expertly, stretching him open until he was pliant and needy - letting his saliva coat his chin as he pressed as deep as he could, rubbing his open mouth against the desperate entrance before pushing two fingers past the rim without warning. Gerard cried out his name louder this time, a tone in his voice he’d never heard before - a brand new moan all for his teacher, he’d never felt this close before - like Frank was keeping him dancing dangerously on the edge but refusing to let him topple over into his climax.
By the time Frank was three fingers deep, Gerard was incoherently babbling - riding desperately on his fingers and driving Frank wild. He pulled out without warning, leaving Gerard to whine - head lowered between his arms as Frank left momentarily to find protection. He returned barely a minute later, his cock sheathed up and ready to go - Gerard gasped as he felt the head of Frank’s cock against his entrance, slowly edging inside him with his fingertips leaving crescent moons over Gerard’s hips.
He was slow and careful, bottoming out a few moments later with a sharp exhale, his fingertips caressing the soft skin of Gerard’s hips as they both got used to the tight hole. The air was thick and silent apart from their synchronised panting until Frank began to slide out with a groan, thrusting back in quicker than before and dragging a punched out moan from Gerard’s lips.
It didn’t take long to build up his rhythm, one hand planted firmly on his hip and the other buried in his mess of hair, tugging gently with each movement. Gerard’s cock was leaking profusely between his legs but any thought of the soiled material beneath them was long gone when Frank began to circle his hips, slamming relentlessly into Gerard’s waiting hole, stretching him impossibly open as Gerard whined and whimpered beneath him, Frank’s name falling from his lips along with expletives.
“Oh.. F-Frankie..Please-.. Harder-..” Gerard chanted “D-Don’t stop-.. Please-.. Ah-..”
Frank used all his strength to pound into him repeatedly until the familiar heat began to pool in his stomach, swirling lower and lower until he was crying out Gerard’s name and spilling over inside of him, pulling the younger man into climax along with him. They collapsed in an exhausted heap, limbs tangled and Frank’s face buried in the space between Gerard’s shoulder blades.
“I like this lesson” Gerard murmured a few minutes later “I definitely think you should teach this way more often”
Frank snorted, snaking an arm around his middle “You definitely get an A for that one, Gee”
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phanfictrashalex · 6 years
Don’t Be a Brat
Please don't come for me. It is currently 4am, and I'm depressed. I needed something to get my mind off of life.
words: 1112
Summary: Dan likes his teacher, Phil, and he gets annoyed at Dan. They fuck.
Tags/Warnings: Smut, swearing, teasing, riding, studentxteacher, REALLY badly written.
It was a normal day for Phil. He had to get up early for his job, teaching. He honestly didn't know why he went into it. It wasn't ever something that fit his interest, and he really hated teenagers and literally anyone under that as well. He knew that he had to do something with his life though, going to University and getting a graduates degree in English didn't really help.
He actually loved teaching more than he thought he would, well some parts of it. He loved seeing everyone show up, even when they obviously want to leave. He actually enjoyed all of his classes besides one. He didn't necessarily dislike that class, but there was one student that always tried to fuck with him.
He wouldn't ever say this to anyone, because he could get fired, but he quite liked the student, Dan. He knew that nothing could ever happen between them because he's a teacher and Dan's a student. But it doesn't hurt to dream.
Dan is 18, which wouldn't make it entirely illegal, but it's still illegal because he is a student to Phil. Dan was in Phil's last English class for the day, which made it even worse because he would always try to stay back and flirt with him. Phil knew one of these days that he was going to snap at him.
Phil gets to school pretty early, which is normal for him, he never liked being late to anything. He put his things down and started mentally preparing himself for the day. He normally didn't have any trouble out of any of his classes, which he was thankful for. But today was something different, he had trouble out of his first and second hour classes, which never happens. Today he really wasn't in the mood to deal with Dan's bullshit.
7th hour came around, and he knew that he was fucked. He was already having a bad day. Sometimes the boy can be an angel and make everything better, when they don't really need to be, other times the boy can be the devil at the worst times. Today he was worse than he normally was.
Every time that he walks into the classroom, Dan winks at him. Now Dan knows that it could probably get him into trouble, but at those points in time he really doesn't care.
Dan interrupted Phil a lot more than he normally does that day, and he talked back to him a lot more than normal. Phil was fed up with Dan's bullshit, he knew that he could just give Dan what he wanted, but he knew that would be too easy.
"Dan, see me after class." Phil had said after Dan made a sassy remark. Everyone started whispering and giggling. Everyone at that school loved Dan, so writing him for detention never did anything. They always just talked to him and let him do whatever the hell he wanted. Which didn't really happen with anyone else.
When class was over, everyone left and Dan darted for the door. "Hey Daniel please come in here and speak with me." Phil said. "Daniel, please explain to me why you're being such a brat."
"I don't know, probably because you won't ever fucking notice me unless I go out of my way. You're really fucking beautiful, but that's enough of that unless you do you know want to fuck me, if not than I'm going to leave now." Dan said teasing Phil by shaking his ass.
"You know what, I'm going to give you what you want if you stop being such a brat all of the time, got it?" Phil said, really fucking annoyed.
"Yes, sir. Please take me to your place" Dan said, already submitting to the elder.
By the time that they got to Phil's apartment, Dan was already hard. He was thinking about all of the stuff that Phil could do to him, but probably wouldn't in the car ride. He knew that he just wanted to be a good slut for his teacher.
When they got to Phil's apartment room, Phil roughly pushed him into the wall, but not enough to hurt the younger boy. He knew giving Dan what he wanted, also meant risking his job, but that hardly came to mind in that moment, because Dan was stripping down into nothing right in front of Phil.
It was such a beautiful sight for Phil to take in. He knew that this is what he wanted, forever. But, there was no need to get sappy then because they were about to fuck.
"Hey Dan, are you uh-" Phil began to ask, "No, just fuck me please." Dan immediately replied.
Phil moved from him, and lead him to his room. It wasn't anything special, just really nerdy like him. But, that's where he had the lube and condoms at.
Phil started with one finger, quickly following another. "Tell me if anything hurts, I really don't want to hurt you." he said.
After a while, when he felt that Dan was stretched he added a third and final finger, just to make sure that he was stretched enough to take Phil.
"Can I ride you please?" Dan said, greeting Phil's eyes, which darkened with lust. He knew that he had to grant the younger one's wishes now, as he didn't know if he would ever have this moment again.
Phil nodded, Dan grabbed a condom rolling it onto Phil's dick, followed by lube and slowly started down, trying not to hurt himself.
Phil grabbed his hips, taking control a little bit but letting Dan take his time. When Dan started to pick up the pace, so did he. He started meeting Dan with his hips on the way down.
"More please!" Dan moaned out, Phil having found his prostate. Phil changed the angle a little bit, and started nailing Dan's prostate right on with every thrust.
"I'm close!" Dan said breathlessly.
"Me too." Phil said, right as Dan started to come.
As they both came down from their high, they were exhausted.
"Thank you, Mr. Lester." Dan said smiling at him. "Dan, unless you think that it's necessary please don't tell anyone. I could lose my job and get put into jail" Phil said, face flooding with realisation.
"I won't, plus I'm graduating in a few months, so it wouldn't really matter." Dan sighed, "Please tell me this isn't one of those fucks and you leave and I never talk to you about it again because I see you as so much more than just a fuck buddy." Dan says, a little discouraged.
"It isn't, Dan. Trust me." Phil replied, smiling at Dan.
They fell asleep, with Dan in Phil's arms.
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cinnarina · 6 years
an rambling post about my my life in japan that nobody asked for:
i like my job so far. mostly. some parts of it give me anxiety but weirdly, being in the classroom teaching kids isn’t one. most of my gripes so far are teacher related, and it’s not that the teachers i work with aren’t nice, because everybody has been super nice to me and i know they’re trying. it’s just that often, things aren’t explained to me and i’m just expected to know what’s happening and what to do and it’s like ????? ahhhh!!! i have the most anxiety for my third school, because i haven’t started there yet. i was supposed to start on monday but then i had to go to the hospital and i’m really worried that taking a day off will make them think badly of me...and when i met them before they seemed like my most serious school and refused to use any english with me, so i think it will be a big struggle. i have no idea what i’m supposed to do for my classes, so for my first day i’ll walk in with flashcards and everything that i need for my intro lesson and just hope that it’s enough. i go there three days in a row next week, so i guess by wednesday i’ll know whether or not i hate my third school or not, so by that point it won’t be so much of a mystery anymore... i really hope that they let me have full responsibility for planning the classes, so that i’m the one who knows what happens and the HRT are the ones who have to stress and figure out what i’m doing. it would be more work for me but it would be worth it to not have to deal with the emotional stress.
the worst thing about living in japan (apart from the 9 hour time difference from my friends and family back home and not getting to cuddle my dog everyday) is definitely the heat. but i’m hoping that it will get easier as it gets into autumn. today when i went outside it was about 24 degrees and it was perfect, but admittedly thats because today was cloudy and rainy so it almost felt like home.  i don’t have a friend group here yet, which is the main thing that will determine if i stay for another year or not. i’m pretty introverted and all of my spoons are spent at school, so it probably won’t bother me too much if i don’t make proper friends here, because i have proper friends back home (permitting no one forgets about me...which i keep joking about but I'm highkey very concerned that i’ll come home and my friends will have moved on but lets not think about that) - but it will mean that i’ll feel less of an obligation to stay and more of an obligation to return home. i think i’ll have to live the 7 months that i have here as if that’s all i have, and do as many of the things that i want to do that i can. i do really wish that i had my friends from home here with me so that i could share it all with them, though. i like my little apartment here, it already feels like a little home but - if i stay here longer, i definitely think i’ll move. i’ve been here for almost one month and already injured both of my legs (which i’m prone to doing because of EDS) and walking up to the fourth flour everyday is killing me. i don’t just mean that i’m unfit so i end up out of breath and sweaty because like, who cares, no one sees me when i get up to the third floor and i can hop straight in the shower and cool down - it’s that it causes me physical pain at the best of times and it’s even worse if i do have an injury. plus, at my schools my classes are mostly on the third and fourth floors so i spend all day walking up and downstairs. let me tell ya, my step count has never been so high - and i don’t even have my phone on me for majority of the day at school to count my steps, so if i don’t come back to the UK at least somewhat physically fitter than i was before i left, then i am going to be so PISSED.
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philomathstudies · 7 years
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Introduction: Hi! I’m Annie, I recently graduated as valedictorian of a class of almost 700, and I’m about to be a freshman at Johns Hopkins (go blue jays!!). High school was some of the best and worst moments of my life, and looking back, there are so many things that I wish I’d done and things that made me successful, so I wanted to share them! Of course, disclaimer, these tips may not apply to everyone!
(These tips generally apply to all classes, but if you have a specific subject you want tips on, I’ve taken these AP courses: european history, world history, us gov’t, macroeconomics, lang, lit, calc ab, chemistry, physics 1, physics c, environmental science, art: drawing, biology, human geography, chinese, and art history. Feel free to message me!)
College applications are a crapshoot- I can’t begin to tell you the number of incredible, brilliant people with extraordinary, international level achievements that got denied at top schools in favor of those lacking those accomplishments. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean those who got in don’t have qualities that earned them a spot, it just speaks to the unpredictable nature of the college application process. When deans of admission at top schools openly say they could reject all admitted students and build the same exemplary class from the waitlist, or that they have enough qualified applicants to fill 3 or 4 classes with, there’s a certain amount of luck involved. Therefore I urge all rising seniors to go into this process realizing that the odds are not in your favor. I went into the process with too much blind hope, too confident in my ability to be that lucky 1 in 10 (or less) that would gain admission, and I was sorely disappointed. So that leads me to my next tip…
Don’t do things just for your college application- Those slim acceptance rates are the exact reason I urge you not to join things solely for how good they look on a college application. It seems counterintuitive; wouldn’t they give you a better chance of acceptance? However, my point is not to dissuade you from extracurriculars, but rather to commit to ones that genuinely make you happy. As I wrote above, the process is so competitive that even international achievements may mean rejection, so don’t waste your high school experience by dedicating so much time and effort to something that you feel obligated to do.
Try everything your freshman and sophomore year- My biggest regret is not joining clubs where my passions lie simply because I was too lazy or scared of things like public speaking my freshman year. It’s much more intimidating to join as upperclassmen, and you may not be able to participate at all the levels/in all the ways people who have dedicated 3-4 years can. Even if you don’t think its for you (like debate for me because of my fear of public speaking), I urge you to expand your horizons and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Many clubs give you great opportunities to build leadership, public speaking, etc. skills and to find your passions.
Know both sides of the flashcard- I learned this tip from my organic chemistry class, and I’d never though about how useful it is. For example, if you’re memorizing polyatomic ions, it’s extremely important that you know both the formula and the name, as either version may show up on the exam. Not doing this also makes the weaknesses in your memorization evident- whenever I study vocab, I tend to glance at the side with the term and only memorize the definition. This meant that when I was given only the definitions, I couldn’t remember the word they defined, because I was so used to being given the vocab word and responding with the definition. 
The first lecture of the unit is one of the most important for STEM classes- I know the beginning of the unit can often seem like the perfect time to tune out, as it goes over information you’ve previously learned or the easiest material of the topic, but it often forms the foundation for everything else in the unit. For example, the first lecture on a stoichiometry unit will probably teach you dimensional analysis, a skill integral to calculating molecular or empirical formulas, moles or grams of a substance, etc. 
Buy/sell books secondhand- Everyone knows how expensive college textbooks are, but between SAT and AP prep books, and books for English, high school books can cost quite a bit of money too. Unless they redesigned the exam recently, you absolutely don’t need the newest edition of the review book, so buy from upperclassmen and then sell it to underclassmen the following year.
Learn to self study- Unless you’re really lucky, you’re guaranteed to have a teacher who doesn’t teach, teaches badly, or whose teaching style just doesn’t work for you. Personally, I find that self learning, especially if I’m struggling because resources such as textbooks and online explanations, and videos seem to contradict, really helps me understand the topic throughly. In AP bio, my teacher had us create claymation videos on the processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis independently. It was incredibly frustrating and confusing because all the resources described the cycles in varying degrees of details, but I felt like I genuinely understood the topic, instead of having been spoon-fed the information and memorizing it. Obviously, this method isn’t very efficient for frequent use, but the key is to try to understand the material independently instead of going to the teacher the moment you hit a snag. 
Keep your backpack/binders/notebooks reasonably organized- When teachers ask for homework to be passed up and you have to dig through mountains of papers in your backpack, not only is that super stressful, but a lot of teachers won’t let you turn it in after they have already collected all the papers. I was definitely guilty of being lazy and just stuffing papers, once I got them, into my backpack instead of taking a few seconds to slide them into a binder, and as a result I got 0s on lots of homework because either I couldn’t find it at the time or because everything was so messy I didn’t remember there was homework. Try to have some sort of organization system going on or at least a homework folder, because those 0s add up and can be the difference between an 89 and 90. 
You’re gonna get senioritis, badly, and that’s ok- I’ve always been the type of person who did every homework assignment and was very focused on grades, so the idea that I would completely let myself ago seemed absurd to me. Don’t underestimate what senior year does to you. I can honestly count on one hand the econ worksheets that I actually turned in during senior year, and I made my first B in a grading period during the spring. I was very stressed about how awful my grades were, but unable to muster the energy to do anything about it. And you know what, it’s ok. It’s senior year, you can give yourself a break. Yes, your senior grades are still important for college applications, so don’t go from straight A’s to straight C’s, but for the most part, all the hard work is behind you. Do keep in mind that these habits may haunt you when you’re a college freshman. I haven’t started classes yet, but based on how little I studied for the math placement exam for my college, senioitis doesn’t magically end when you graduate, so don’t let it get completely out of control during the year. 
Learn how to do math without a calculator- If you take either of the AP Calculuses or the SAT, you need to master this skill because there are sections of the exams that are strictly non-calculator.  Beyond that, when you get to calculus, you’ll be introduced to complicated concepts, where not being able to multiply by hand will drag you down. 
Keep old notes- Not only for finals, but some topics are very interdisciplinary, like biochemistry, so it’s very important that you have a working knowledge of both biology and chemistry. As you take advanced classes, such as for me, taking physics c after physics 1, it will be assumed that you have completely mastered the basics, and they will be skipped or referenced very quickly. It is very useful to look at notes on the basics, which provide the foundation for the advanced material you learn. 
Invest in a whiteboard- Whenever I was learning about processes or cycles, from the Krebs cycle to organic chemistry mechanisms, it was really useful to practice drawing the steps over and over again. Then when it came to the test, I could do a brain dump and draw out the information as a reference. 
Understand formulas instead of blindly memorizing- This basically has physics and calculus written all over it. In physics, you should be given formula charts during exams, and in any case, something like F=ma isn’t terribly hard to memorize. The problem comes when there are a multitude of formulas that are derived from one of the fundamental equations. Of course, deriving from scratch each time is incredibly tedious, but I want to dissuade you from simply memorizing it or storing it on your calculator, because that means you probably don’t understand the physics behind it. What makes physics so difficult and different from any other subject you’ve taken is that every problem will have a slightly different scenario that tests your understanding of the physics behind it. 
Use all the time given to you during tests- I know I hate looking back through my test because I just get so bored halfway through, but missing points because of silly mistakes is honestly the most frustrating thing ever when you had plenty of time to check. Depending on if I have time, I like to cover my original work and resolve the question. If checking answers is not your thing, try slowing now when you first see each question, and checking your work briefly each step. 
Form study groups- Talking about something, especially teaching it to someone, always helped me remember something so much better than reading it on paper. It’s also so important to have second interpretations of the information you’re studying to ensure that you don’t make a huge misconception.  
AP students: released/practice exams are your best friend- Obviously, they’re the best resources for studying for the AP exam, but they’re also a great tool for a hint at what your teacher’s tests may look like. AP teachers have access to tons of College Board material and will often use questions directly from old exams. 
If you start getting confused during a lecture- Many times this is because I didn’t pay attention during the very beginning, so I’m missing that important foundation I talked about in the previous tip. Of course, I typically wouldn’t recommend doing things other than listening to what is currently being taught, but in this case, I would just get more confused and it’s a waste of time. So I discretely go back to my previous notes and focus on understanding them. 
The most stressful part of schoolwork is just thinking about your assignments- There’s always specific period of time that threatens to kill me- a week where I had two competitions simultaneously, in cities 3 hours apart. When you’re taking 7 AP classes at the same time, just reading over your to-do list will make you want to cry. Even on a normal day, as I go to classes throughout the day and my list of homework gets longer and longer, it makes me so stressed to where I’m planning out how to finish everything and I’m no longer listening in class. It overwhelmed me so much that I just wanted to take a nap and avoid school. But every single time, stressing about the work I have is 1000x worse than sitting down and actually going through each task. I find that what had seemed impossible before was very doable, and many times I even finished early enough to relax before bed. Keep a positive mindset, don’t underestimate your abilities, and have the discipline to start working immediately on the hardest days, and you’ll be fine. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the workload that is able to be handled by one person can work for another, and things like mental illnesses are things I have no experience in, so this is definitely just something that worked for me and is not applicable to everyone. 
Best of luck with high school! If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask!
My AP World masterpost
Asks I’ve answered about school
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tell--your--world · 7 years
In today's world of formal education, the first thing you might be wondering is, who am I to give writing advice? What are my credentials? Do I have a degree in English? Have I taken creative writing courses? Am I a published author? No, no, and not exactly. What I do have is a college ready score on my GED, eleven years of writing experience, and a great deal of positive feedback - as an author of fanfiction. I can imagine many of you are getting ready to back-click now. You might be thinking fanfiction isn't real writing, or that those who write it are too lazy or unimaginative to create their own worlds. Well, let me ask you something. What happens when an author writes a sequel to one of their own books? They already have their characters developed and their world established. Does that mean the sequel takes no effort to write? Of course not! Stories don't start with characters and worlds. They start with ideas. Characters can give you ideas, but they aren't the story. Let's say our hypothetical author was curious about a minor antagonist from their first book and wanted to know more about him. All we know from the original material is that he was an avid follower of the main villain, and was left devastated by the death of his master. Assuming the author is skilled at building characters, they already know why he was so loyal to the villain and why he took the loss so badly, even if it wasn't mentioned in the story. Maybe the villain saved his life once, and they eventually became friends. The author might start wondering what that friendship looked like and how it developed, or perhaps why the villain saved him to begin with. Wondering about the characters generates ideas, and finally the author decides to write about them. But what if the world established by the original material doesn't have the characters and locations required by the new story? The author has to create new ones, or further develop old ones. If it's the latter, they need to keep the characters close enough to their portrayals in the first book that readers can recognize them under different circumstances, especially if they had enough scenes to develop clear personalities. If they go with new characters, they need to be as interesting and believable as the original cast. These are only a few of the things an author needs to do to write a new book in a preexisting world, but the point is, no one calls them lazy for building on material they already have. Quite the contrary, many fans will love exploring the world and its inhabitants in more depth. The only difference between this and fanfiction is that the fanfic writer doesn't own the original material - the creation process is exactly the same. If you remain unconvinced, feel free to hit that back button now. I can't stop you. But if you're willing to read on, let me tell you a bit about myself and my development as a writer.
My first foray into writing was a story for Super Mario World at age eleven. Each chapter was two to four handwritten pages, and the quality was about what you would expect from a kid who didn't want to waste time figuring out where paragraphs went or how words were spelled. But I had fun, and although I eventually lost interest in that first story, I didn't stop writing. I couldn't - the ideas wouldn't let up. The next five years were a flurry of creation. I dabbled in both original works and fanfiction, though I rarely wrote more than a few pages before losing interest and moving on to the next idea. I wrote my own bios for video game characters, came up with new villains for them to fight (and wrote bios for them too), and even outlined plots for the imaginary games the villains would appear in. Backstories were a special favorite, to the point where, at age sixteen, I finally gave up the present day to write about my favorite character's youth. I still consider that story to be when I truly started writing, despite the years preceding it. Before then I rarely used paragraphs, freely mixed upper and lower case letters, and was generally lazy about how I wrote. But when I started work on this one, I promised myself that I would break those bad habits. And I did, though it would be more accurate to say they just fell away. By the time I finished the first chapter I was cringing at the sight of things I had written just days earlier. Syntax isn't the only reason I consider that story to be the true start for me, however. Humor had always been my default genre because that was what my one-person audience enjoyed. But after a few light-hearted chapters, my writing “voice” began to develop. And it was dark. The story slowly became more serious until I found myself writing about mental health issues and abuse. I was a little unsettled, but continued to write whatever came to me. I also began reading about psychology and mental illness, and applied what I learned to my story. I had discovered research.
Sixteen chapters in, just when my main character hit rock bottom and I was transitioning into the part of the story where things improved, my audience of one declared the story “too depressing”. It had never occurred to me until then that I was supposed to “control” the story and make it turn out a certain way, and it wasn't a good lesson to learn. I tried to make the next chapter more like the beginning of the story - to “fix” it - but the results were jarring at best. I experienced true writer's block for the first time, and the story died soon after. I didn’t stop writing, but I did keep subsequent works to myself. Because even though I didn't want to continue that first story, the theme wouldn't leave me alone. All of my new ideas contained elements of abuse, mental illness, and general powerlessness. I played around with plots and finally settled on one that was more action/adventure than psychological drama. It didn't come as easily as its predecessor, but it still flowed well. I was pleased with it. Then I discovered my former audience reading it, despite my previously telling them they weren't allowed. At first it didn't matter: they said it was the best thing I'd ever written, and that I'd gotten much better. So I let them continue reading and kept writing until, once again, it was denounced as “too depressing” just as things were about to improve. I'm sorry to say I made the same mistake a second time, and tried to force a more cheerful chapter before giving up entirely.
But there's a saying that the third time's the charm. Not long after that disappointment, I became enamored with a different series and began to write about that instead. The first few attempts were false beginnings, more to get a feel for the characters than anything. But it didn't take long for an idea to come, bearing the same dark themes as the previous stories. Once again I began writing, but this time I didn't keep it to myself. When the first chapter was ready I added a warning for dark themes and posted it on a couple different fanfiction sites. I couldn't believe the results. This time around the story had no lighter beginning - it was bad right from the start. Yet no one complained. No one said it was too depressing. Instead people expressed concern and sympathy for the protagonist, and said it was well-written. I'll admit, I was ridiculously pleased. The next chapter received the same results, and so did the next. My audience now was vast, and it liked my twisted little story. So I wrote more. Humor, romance, horror, angst, drama. Whatever the genre, people enjoyed it. Over time I learned how to use humor to make the serious moments more powerful, how to convey emotion through the characters’ actions, and how to cut out unnecessary words to make the narrative flow. My writing style and voice continued to develop, and the praise went from merely “well-written” to “amazing” and “fantastic”. I can't guarantee that this blog will teach you the same lessons. Maybe you've already learned them. Maybe you like your style as it is and don't want to change it. Or maybe you feel like you're doing something wrong, and my blog is just another in a long list that you've visited in search of answers. Whatever your skill level, experiences, and reasons for being here, all I can do is offer advice and hope it helps. And if you're still sceptical because my experience comes mainly from writing fanfiction, consider this: the entry you just read wasn't fanfiction. Judge my abilities as you will.
If you're curious about my fanworks or want a better idea of my abilities as a writer, you can find my fics on the following sites: just remember that older stories and chapters don't reflect my current writing style, and are slated for editing. My AO3 account: http://archiveofourown.org/users/DarkDecepticon My fanfiction.net account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4428055/ If you wish to support this blog on Patreon, you can do so here: https://www.patreon.com/darkstarofchaos
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renatedagmarmilada · 7 years
who ever is on the machine now is pressing my inner artery right leg and left lung. They have signature torture of their own which I recognise after a while. What ANNA decided was /well the banned psychiatrist Mark who has been running this/ for taking my work and using it as their own creations, they had to put all illnesses on me that they have, as ANNA was very annoyed to find that we were very healthy.. -you people have straight legs, straight etc etc.. /??/ and were lo...
lab is concentrating on putting as much of Fekete's work into the brains of those who are cancerous and will activate in a decade - Anna jun sec Min of Health wishes EVERYONE in the country to use some of Fekete's work, to make it the largest phase out ever, and so that her staff cannot be sued or blamed for NEGLIGENCE as she is incapable of running a lab or anything else and got her positions by other means, meritocracy means nothing to the people at the Ministries anymore -// - at death, what is left of my work will be returned to me, but too late to use it..
It is called a phase out from life,/actually fraud, larcony and manslaughter/ the lab members and their families take over all that was mine, and in that way destroy me, called mirroring. Destruction and reduction therapy it is called, my poetry, my stories, my paintings, my works etc so they have brought in all their illeg children to the lab to become the Managers there in two years,that way no one will check what murders their father had committed... and it continues in the same old way-Palin was on the machine, as were other stars of the TV- one tv personality said: now I wonder each day if I am to die of cancer as so many have and are doing..
john Fielding /board of st barths Hospt/ had my lap top stolen and has now stolen it from the thieves, and took the hard drive out, so Fay Fielding could write our lives, every word, every letter, every picture ---I KNOW IT IS SICK BUT WOULDN'T THEY HONESTLY BE BETTER WRITING UP JEWISH LIVES-- I know Jews in USA etc who had most interesting lives, met interesting people--- we are quiet artisans and farmers. never grand, never over the top...
every illeg child of Harry Irwin and Blanche and Mr Meyer 35 at the lab being trained as future managers, has to dub remote or cause all people in Fekete's lives to say nasty things about her -involuntary actions.
Using illegal remote new technology by britain's silent killers at lab st barths Hum Res--we created respiratory problems for Fekete by pressing her lungs with the beam /mainly one Pakistani operatives, because many of them smoke heavily-I dont smoke but he wanted to repeat that..Each one was to damage some part of my physic and cause me difficulties remote-/ pressed to severe pain point time and again over the years.Now the cheats, killers and thieves illeg children of Dr h...
The Russians are on the link now-boy there said: they stripped people in Russia like the lab jews are stripping Fekete ---- but not quite as badly as that.. jews are greedy animals, we always knew that..
Ministry of Health was to blame. all the civil servants and Minister were all sleeping with ANNA then bossess of St barths Hum Res /the former boss Steve had also been her lover/ so they moved her to the Min of Health --and agreed to what she was doing to you and hundreds and thousands of others in the country-- and still do..
John Fielding board of st barths to keep him safe from law- killer when operative hum res. former Romford car sales man-- comes into the lab st barths hum Res daily-- for further investigations.. he is moving all your data, parents, all of you to his home. His daughter Faye Fielding, who gained her art MA by using your paintings, has written up all your poetry and essays, is now writing '' a novel'' let us not say HER NOVEL-- by using your life story loosely, and all on the data.. even your dad's life.. We know more about him than you do-- not enough she uses our work, she uses our lives to write about.. Anna jun sec Min of health, we will sell it for you.
quote - we do that in the mental homes, we hit them continuously till we can get them to do what we want.. but Fekete knew and went with it. lab thought Fekete would think the politicians were with her if we put on the macrosound in their names, but she didn't - knows about imprints etc. so far Rob Lockwood has been the meanest of them all, lived rent free when he didn't know where to go, then copied my stories and sent them to the BBC..
Really EYE OPENER for me---interesting fact someone has just put to me- several people who were friends have stopped being friends- saying: SHE / ME has problems..ok now, evidently IN ENGLAND THEY NEVER SAY -THE COUNTRY HAS PROBLEMS.. IT IS YOU THE VICTIM OF THE COUNTRY'S PROBLEMS WHO IS BLAMED FOR THE COUNTRY'S PROBLEMS.. I don't have any problems, I am quiet, work hard but pace it now I am older, paint well, write well, teach well, eat carefully, don't drink, don't smoke,...
English thinking- lab st barths is totally powerful in UK- when my english /actually a celt/ daughter in law got a second on her nursing degree and I got a first on my language degree, they swopped them round, because I am a foreigner and she was not!! we cannot have foreigners coming top in everything.. the lab said. It is not permitted to ask for check on marks, only for sexual harassment the office said- It was so bad in class, at times, though I am a mother speaker, they...
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