#my dad will deal but he’s also just pissed because he thinks I dont try hard enough
rosesradio · 8 months
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intrinsicepiphany · 7 months
Okay tumblr lets talk theories again.
(my brain rot + knowledge of religion has me all up in Hazbin Hotel right now.)
Today I want to talk Biology! Mostly because I made the poor choice of going to Twitter's chaggie tag and looking at the comments...
So can we discuss Why do so many people keep trying to apply HUMAN biology to the Half-Demon Nephillim daughter of an Arch-Angel?!
Okay I'll start at the begining and work my way to the reasons why if Charlie really wants a kid with Vaggie both of them being assigned female at creation probably isn't going to matter.
Let's start with Lucifer!
So as far as has been shown in the show Lucifer is an original Archangel even down to his lovely 6 red wings. This makes him one of the most powerful beings in heaven.
(If we go by bible text he was actually a favorite until his dreams of free will led him astray and depending on the text he merely has to admit he was wrong and ask for forgiveness to return)
Now looking at everything after this fall he has never lost his Angelic Abilities. His default powers are still angelic gold.
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We do see he also has a Full Demon form when he is pissed. Interestingly enough his crown also doubles as a halo in this form. Also note for later just how much Charlie resembles him in both forms.
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This suggest that at root biology Lucifer is still an archangel with demon traits. This combination is most likely what makes him the strongest being in hell by a long shot. The only reason others even have power is purely because he doesnt care enough to flex his power and has no desire to actually rule.
Now on to Lilith!
What do we know about Lilith?
Well we know she was a created human not born.
She was Adam's equal
And she left and got with Lucifer before the fall.
So here is the deal... I dont think Lilith can be classified as a sinner. She didnt die to end up in hell and in fact she fell before hell was really a thing. she helped create it after all. (Plus you know Charlie exsists)
So what IS Lilith? I think Lilith as one of a few Actual Demons. And if we have to classify her she'd be closer to a Sin. I actually think of Lilith as the Sin of Pride in Hazbin Hotel not Lucifer. We are even told that She created pentagram city and developed hell while lucifer kept to his workshop in depression.
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Now let's talk about this scene for a second. Lilith fell from heaven/earth Alive and possibly even immortal since human kind was immortal before Eve took the apple.
Lilith gains power from her fall into hell. She develops demon like attributes and seems to have musical based magic. She also seems to retain or get immortality. So what does this fall mean? It means that Lilith was NOT HUMAN by the time Charlie was born.
So what does this mean for Charlie?
Well for one Charlie is NOT just some Hellborn. She is by Definition a Nephilim but she is not half-human. She would most likely be considered a Half-Demon, Half-Angel Nephilim.
This would explain her expansive (if never used) power base. The official power ranking has her tied with Lilith with only Lucifer being more powerful. Which makes complete sense. She is the Heir to the entire thing after all. (I actually think this is why Alastor couldnt make a deal for her soul and settled for a favor instead)
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She also inheirited Angelic powers from her father. As seen by the fact that her default magic is gold. Which means she has angel blood in her veins. Lets be honest i wouldnt be surprised if she ended up bleeding gold in the future.
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In fact she seems to have inherited most of her abilities from dear old dad.
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Im pretty sure that just by shear ability and magic if Charlie wanted a kid she could probably create/magic one into exsistance no matter who her partner was.
But lets review Vaggie just for fun! Because I have thoughts
What do we actually know about Vaggie?
Well we know she is an angel. I say is because I dont think Lute or Adam actually have the power to cast an angel out of heaven AND she gets her wings back. This would mean she is not actually a sinner she would be closer to a fallen angel like lucifer.
We know she speaks Spanish and seems to be of Hispanic nature. BUT! Do we know if she was ever really human?!
We know Adam claims to have named her Vaggie. This could suggest three things
1) exorcist take on a new name when they join. But if this was true why wouldnt she leave this name behind and return to her human name once in hell? It would have kept her secret better and you'd figure she would want to leave behind the negative feelings that would come with her exorcist name.
2) Adam in his self-centered ways misheard her real name (maybe something like Aggie from Agatha or Maggie) and thought she said Vaggie or actively chose to misinterpret her name and she never cared to correct him. BUT Once more why would she not just return to her real name once with Charlie in hell?
Or 3) And this one is the real kicker. Vaggie is a Heaven-born Angel.
If the answer is 3 than it would imply that she was never human which brings her closer to lucifers biology.
Some other interesting things to consider about this last theory. Lute and Vaggie resemble each other a great deal. In fact, all the exorcist seem to have a similar body type. (I mean you could argue its the uniform but even without the uniform the resembalance between lute and vaggie is uncanny) and if I remember correctly at one point the exterminators are refered to as sister? I mean this could mean sisters-in-arms BUT What if ALL exorcist were heaven-born?
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If they were never human this could explain both their ability and their desire to slay sinners. Much like Sera they wouldn't have any sympathy for the dammed because they wouldn't have any possible family that could end up down there. They would also have Very little connection to or concern for former humans. After all like Adam said they had their chance and they screwed up.
So in the end what does this all mean?
Well I actually already kind of said it
1) Fandom really needs to stop applying human biology to Charlie. She is a half demon half archangel Nephilim with incredible magic.
If charlie wants a kid she can probably magic one up no matter the obsticles please stop asking artist and writers how it is possible for her and vaggie to have a kid/get pregnant if they are both women - the answer is Charlie Magic.
2) all 4 of the above have the potential to be way stronger than they have been shown in the show.
3) Charlie is a potential BadAss and is just too nice to go full tactical nuke - this will be covered in my next ted talk.
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Whenever the truth about Recreation TM comes to light, i dont think Adrien’s going to be mad at Marinette for lying to him????? He’ll probably be hurt and frustrated and dealing with a lot, but I think, based on how he’s acted before, he would probably be like, “please don’t lie to me like this again, but i understand why you did it, that is such a heavy burden to carry on your own and i respect that you were trying so hard to protect me and you shouldn’t have had to do that” because its *Marinette* and he KNOWS she’ll listen when he says this and that she does care about his opinions and autonomy and whatnot and he knows theyll recover and itll be okay in the end. And he also knows about keeping secrets from *her* because he was afraid theyd hurt her. He knows how she’s feeling and trusts her to Learn.
HOWEVER. I think *Chat Noir* is going to be just,,, absolutely pissed when he finds out that Ladybug lied to him after ALL of that,,, that she decided to just Carry The Burden Of The World all on her own and suffer and not share her moral struggles and dilemnas with him when he is literally supposed to be the heart of the team,,, when he has spent SO LONG fighting to make her understand that she doesnt have to be alone and she can and should be open with him,,, after literally the Entire plot of season 4 occurred ,,, and she turned around and was like “yeah no one else should have to worry about this im just going to Keep My Secrets forever.”
And i am looking forward to it IMMENSELY . Like. My GOSH can you IMAGINE the potential fight. Think of the new situations for emotionally charged identity reveal fics this opens up. Imagine him finding out his dad was hawkmoth and hes like “yeah okay that checks” and is hung up on ladybug lying to him because theyre supposed to be best friends. And then shes marinette and he’s like. Oh. And then they fight and cry and then maybe kiss idk . Anyway im actually thriving with the finale at this point im having the time of ever
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a-mel0n · 26 days
This stupid "Your Name" Bucktommy AU won't leave my brain, and while I don't have enough faith in my writing skills to actually write the damn thing (and it would be my first fanfic... ever?? and that's a project that seems a bit too big for me lmao), I DID write down what I'm picturing some of the "rules" Buck and Tommy have for each other while in the other's body. Mostly just for fun. (Because Tommy would be switching in 2006, the iPhone does not exist yet, so all of his notes are written in an actual physical journal. All of Buck's notes would be on the Notes app of his phone)
TOMMY: 1) Evan, stop running into burning buildings when you don’t have to while in my body. If I wake up in a hospital bed for the fifth time this month, I might actually lose it.
its part of the job to save as many ppl as possible. also u don’t even feel the pain when i get injured in ur body.
You’re right, I don’t. Unfortunately, the pain from having a wooden beam fall on you doesn't just magically go away when we swap. Just... be more careful? Please?
fine. i’ll try and keep ur hospital visits to a minimum.
2) Can you stop flirting with people on calls? Or at the very least give them your number and not mine? In the last week alone my contact list has nearly doubled because you keep giving people my number. 
dude its not my fault you’re more popular while i’m you. just think of it as me being ur wingman! how u dont have a girlfriend is beyond me btw. hot chicks love firefighters and ur a good looking dude
Jesus Christ, Evan. For the last time, I’m single by choice.
3) Don’t shower while in my body
already dont
4) Don’t go to the bathroom while in my body 
5) In fact, unless you’re at work, don’t change any of my clothes while in my body. 
6) Do you really need to spend so much of my paychecks on cooking supplies? I have enough pots and pans already. 
whats the point of a pantry if its half empty. be thankful ur getting actual food now via my leftovers instead of the utter tragedy that was the state of ur fridge when we first started swapping places.
7) Don’t make a scene while at work. 
your boss sucks ass and his stupid orders are going to get people killed. im not gonna listen to him if hes making bad calls while lives are on the line
8) Don’t pick up the phone when my dad calls.
got it
BUCK: 1) quit going to eddie’s basketball pickup games. he keeps inviting me while i’m in my own body and its getting harder and harder to come up with excuses as to why i can’t go. it's kinda awkward.
I thought you’d be more grateful, Evan. You’re the coolest guy on the court when I’m you. 
2) are you making movie references when ur me? bc chim keeps asking when i got so “cultured” and the other day maddie asked when i watched the princess bride. 
You haven’t seen the Princess Bride? I’m leaving you a surprise for tomorrow. Check your couch when you wake up. 
did you spend my OWN money on a dvd??? i don’t even own a dvd player. i own every streaming service imaginable.
3) keep the finger guns to a minimum?? idk why you do them so much but both hen and chim have said smth abt it
4) if u get a call from someone called connor or kameron on my phone just let it go to voicemail its personal stuff and i'll deal with it
Evan, you could have told me you agreed to be a sperm donor yourself. Finding out because Connor and Kameron showed up at the fire house was more of a shock than finding out over these memos would have been. 
they did what?????
5) don’t talk to my parents
6) No rule about undressing? 
dude idc. i’m not gonna stop you from taking a piss in my body if u need to. as long as you like. don’t have sex with someone while you’re me? oh wait hang on i DO have a rule about undressing
Wasn’t planning on it, but good to know. 
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natlovespink · 2 months
Unpopular options on TLOUS fanfics/ and more
1. Ellie would never let you strap her down😭 I'm sorry if you ok with that, that's fine. I'm not judging, but home girl would NEVER let you do that to her.
2. Stop making Ellie seem like a man. No, she's not gonna pick you up and throw you. I also don't think she's this big dommy, mommy. idk why, but I don't see it.
3. I don't like Ellie x Abby. I'm sorry, I dont see it happening.
4. I also don't like how some people write Abby just because she's built like a "man" doesn't mean she acts like one 😭
My opinions on a the TLOUS game in general.
1. Joel is a bad person. I love him, don't get me wrong, but Joel did some really awful and gruesome things that didn't need to be done, but I understand.
2. All of abby friends deserved it but Owen and Mel which I'll talk about later. But they all deserved it they way they talked about how they KILLED KIDS!? was crazy and Manny showed how cooky a d unfair he was and how disrespectful they were to Joel's body.
3. Mel was not in the wrong for not liking abby. She only wanted Mel to come so she can keep Joel alive so she can keep hurting him. Then abby always seem to get in the way of her and Owen's relationship. Owen isn't perfect but the fact that he told abby not to kill Ellie and he said she went overboard showed how he had a little bit of humanity and what he said about thr fireflies being terrorists.
4. Let's stop acting like Abby is perfect 😭 she's to me sadistic. It's kind of the fact that she liked killing scars and even killing CHILDREN them saying it was their fault!? But not just that it's the way she killed Joel after he helped her it's all Joel knew was that someone was gonna cut a little girls head open to TRY and fix humanity Joel didn't know that man he did what he thought was right.
5. Dina had EVERY RIGHT to leave Ellie🤷🏾‍♀️ people say she left because she thought ellie was dead.but she knows ellie, and she knows she's not gonna let anyone do anything TO HER. She just didn't want to deal with the fact of losing another loved one, and Dina was tired of fighting and having to stick by Ellie and this obsession.
6. Tommy forced Ellie.to go after abby which is why we got the ending that we got I understand how hard it must be losing pretty much all you biological family is hard but damm he saw how good ellie had it and it's got ruined.
7. Naughty dog forced us to feel bad foe Abby Ik she may not know what the fireflies where really up to but other then that she and the other wolf members had it good growing up🤷🏾‍♀️ and I don't know what abby expected not for Joel's love ones to come after her? I only started liking abby because of how she took care of Lev and me.readimg fanfics. 😩 but other then that I don't like her and never will really feel bad for her.
8. I'm sorry but if it was Abby vs Ellie again Abby would win🤷🏾‍♀️ Ellie is a 5"5 skinny girl vs a 5'10 muscles Abby would win and the only reason she didn't was because all her muscles where gone.
9. I like the ending of TLOUS 2 Ellie saw Joel In Abby and she realized she can't hold this grunge and surprisingly I feel Joel wouldn't want Ellie to track down his killer and make it her life mission and he would be PISSED at Tommy for making Ellie track down Abby.
10. I feel like is Abby knew what the fireflies where doing she wouldn't stand for it. Not even if her dad said it was for humanity I feel like she would belive what he was doing was wrong.
11. Ellies NEVER gonna get over Riley that was her first love, and I feel like she loved Dina but never the way she loved Riley, and that goes for her relationship with Cat too.
Hiii sorry for my English again 😅 now these are MY OPINIONS
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ghostismybbygorl · 2 years
Okay heres how id vibe with cod characters
First off i think my call sign would be 'mouse'
Bc im small i can scurry around places pretty quick and i can escape out of a situation fast as well that or cause i sneeze like a mouse
Id be a sniper and demolition expert ngl
Legit i would call him dad 24/7 not like in a daddy kind of way but like legit a father figure
he'd just roll his eyes and accept the fact that he has another kid he has to take care of
100% would smoke a cigar with him though id smoke those tiny cigarillos (my brother smokes cigars and ill smoke a little with him)
Gift giving is my love language so whenever id visit a new country id buy him a cigar from there
I have a hat like his and i WILL wear it around and mimick him
Id do the grunts and everything
I feel like id be on more missions with him than anyone else
Definitely would hang out in his office to keep him company and annoy the shit out if him
Dont let anyone near us
wed be doing diabolical shit especially since im an arsonist and free will plus military grade explosives plus mouse and soap. have the fire department on speed dial
We'd be the reason price is greying faster
100% stealing his shirts and hoodies they'd be so big on me
Im gonna be up front with this one
We'd be fucking. I'm down bad for this man
We'd annoy the absolute piss out of ghost. He can handle one soap but TWO hes gonna need the backpack leashes for us
Quoting vines and tiktoks ON THE DAILY
Jam seshes in the car would be 100% perfect
We'd have a snap streak and its only stupid photos we take
Im recording everything he does i know damn well hes always in a silly goofy mood
Definitely in the blunt rotation
He's definitely the type to find my snack rations and eat them in front of me
Lots of hugs and kisses for this man
Except when he eats my snacks
Wed play fight all the time. When i'm really close with someone ill start "beating them up" (just be faking to fight you)
Oh this poor poor man
Have sympathy on him because he's going to try to avoid every ounce of my being
And i wont stop that
Im giving him hugs left and right this man needs some love
I feel like once i start cracking dark humor jokes he'd open up to me
100% would be making the most absurd worst dad jokes and laughing about it
We'd text on the daily mostly just me sending him memes and him sending a 👍🏻or a 👎🏻
Im stealing his hoodies and his masks
Id probably piss him the fuck off to be honest
Id give him so many gifts to make him happy i know he crinkle's his eyes when he smiles
In the blunt rotation too but i think he'd just join for the company and not smoke that much
Id be over in his room if im overstimulated and i don't want to deal with people
Id have him proof read my fanfiction and he'd be my personal dictionary cause i cant spell for shit
Did i say big brother vibes cause HE WILL BE MY BIG BROTHER
Id steal his hat so many times but like not in the ride a cowboy kind of way
Id buy him the most ridiculous hats and he will 100% wear them
I feel like he was a spondgebob kid so i know damn well we'll be quoting some of the lines
Part of the blunt rotation as well
When I'm upset he's the one id rant to
Definitely would vibe in a room without talking to him in general
He's most definitely the one to keep me from being unhinged
Totally would listen to murder podcasts together
So at my previous job we had to wear full body harnesses and we played this game called the carabiniere game where you take a carabiniere and hook it on to someone without them knowing and you see who can put the most on them
Soap, gaz, and i would be playing it 100% all the time with each other.
Id also grab them by the harness and pull them around or clip myself to them
Let me get a video from my old job and just put em here and id just explain
Okay back to writing
Once again id call her mom and she's just gonna have to deal with it
Id definitely spend time with her outside of work (especially since she lives in maryland my family lives up there) which gives me more of a reason to visit her lol
Shopping sprees i feel like she's a frequent shopper at tj maxx and target
I also feel like she gives the best life advice so id come calling if im in a predicament
Okay so i am partially fluent in spanish, my god mother and best friend are Mexican so I've been around Mexican culture the majority of my life
definitely calls me niña or cariño
I feel like he'd roast my spanish and doesn't correct me if i say something wrong
100% my drinking buddy
I feel like he'd be very protective over me
Id be his date (platonically) and hed be mine to all the family gatherings
Fucking Mexican families are so much fun too. party my tia throws one and im there two shots of tequila in my hand listening and damcing to music
We'd text on the daily i feel like he'd frequently visit me and my family in the south as well he'd be the life of the party at my tia's parties
He's the one that corrects my spanish and WILL only speak spanish to me until I understand whst he's saying
Insert him pointing to a random object and says it in spanish
I feel like we wouldnt bond much but we would you know?
I also feel like he gives great life advice
Id kick him in the balls
He's the type of guy i avoid or ruin his reputation
Absolutely despise him
Completely roast that motherfucker
Drop kick him
He pisses me off so much
Gives off leo and cancer energy
Id 100% try to fight him even before Alejandro would
Tbh id probably get killed by one of his shadows bc of it
Sweet babe i would help him through an axiety attack
id hug him every-time i see him
Definitely would say uppies and have him put me on his shoulders
He definitely wont see me at all ( im 5'4) so he would definitely have to crouch down to see me
His nickname would be bear cause of how big he is
I feel like when he'’s comfortable around you he’s very out going
I have no clue how to speak german but i will act like i do
He's in the blunt rotation as well
Thats all i got for now 😊
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scourgethewhorehog · 2 years
... no serious though how do you have a comic with so much daddy issues and never touch on generational trauma and the disconnect between pre and post war knothole? its very reflective of the people behind it, sure, and i dont mean that in a judgey way- i understand that many experiences in my life have made my view of it very different than the average audience/writer and that like me trying not to put it in a way that sounds too much like "we live in a society" but like, ill take that risk to say that so much of sonics asshole moments can be explained by the inability to cope w/ everyone suddenly having parents! a government that isnt just Evil where the situation is more complex bc its his girlfriend/ex gf but still best friends dad who is still doing fucked up things but he cant just go beserk and not just that, giving into their expectations. sallys father is DIFFICULT. he does many fucked up and questionable things that tbh even the narrative doesnt condemn sufficently for my liking. he tries to segregate roboticized mobians, he tries to suppress a democracy, that mind you, was proposed PEACEFULLY.
sonic being kind of a dick and a brat can be easily explained by the fact that he was living in the woods with his lost boys and everything was as simple as beating robotniks ass and now suddenly hes being thrust into a political landscape that hes right in the middle of because his childhood friend had to be the fucking princess! and his whole world has changed drastically, everyone is very happy about it too! its suppose to be a good thing but years of his life his problems were different. and then you add on the fact he missed an ENTIRE YEAR of his friends existing and is displaced and alienated because of this, he is a year behind everyone adjusting to the drastic changes, and THEN he deals with MORE bullshit. sonic is allowed to be a little fucking stupid and rude hes 15 and he thought the world was just going to be him and his friends as usual together for the rest of their lives and he cant even be upset it all got turned upside down because technically this means everything is okay now, except it isnt because theres new problems. this is also why the 25 years later plot pisses me off once again and im so glad its another universe because the idea that they just would repeat the whole cycle again, sonic would just become complacent with everything, and just kinda?? settled down??? his entire coping mechanism is being a war weapon and u think he just going to get married be king be okay with everything and be normal????
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maddsmallow · 1 year
hi im gonna complain about people seeing hank and connor as father and son under the break so if you see them like that maybe dont read. like you do you but if this is gonna upset you then. dont fuckin read it lmao
if tumblr puts this in the fucking tags even tho i didnt tag it 1) im sorry, and 2) im gonna be fucking pissed im just trying to vent on my own got dang blog
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cropped out the person who made these tags because i dont even know them and also im not a fucking asshole thats gonna put someone on blast like that but. this is the EXACT problem i have with hank and connor as father/son. i dont even mind connor seeing hank as a mentor or something like that (even tho i personally disagree with using the term "father figure"), but it's the "connor is like a new chance for hank to be a dad" that fucking gets me. do you not see all the different CANON reasons why that works completely against hank's character, and takes away connor's say in the whole situation?? hank IS a dad. he's a dad to a dead boy. basically his whole fuckin personality is him mourning over the loss of cole because he loves him SO much. you think he's gonna cling to the first mentee he's had since cole's death and immediately have him replace his dead fucking child? that's like, making hank give into some kind of fucked up delusion. that's mentol illness luv. imagine misunderstanding a character THAT badly.
and that isnt even getting into the whole "you're taking away all of connor's agency as a fully grown adult man" thing. he's not a child. he's an android that was activated only a few months ago, sure, but he was literally created to be like 27-33 or something. he deals with guns. he looks at pole dancers at the eden club. he works with murder scenes. you literally ARE taking away all of his agency as an adult man by seeing him as some little puppyboy that needs a dad to take care of him.
i mean of course you can take these characters and do whatever you want with them outside of canon, they're basically just barbie dolls lmao. but to claim that it's CANON that hank would think of connor as his own literal son, that he thinks that before the game's even over?? absolutely fucking not. those jokes of hank being like "who's my son?" and connor answering "me:)" and hank's relationship bar goes up, it's cute i guess but if that happened in the game? if that was a real choice in the game? hank would've shot connor without a second fucking thought. hell no hank would've thought connor was anything CLOSE to what cole was to him. hank straight up would've murdered the real connor and not even been upset about it when sixty told him so. david cage can eat my entire ass for agreeing that they're father and son, he just said that because he's a homophobic piece of shit, and that's literally the ONLY thing ever to point at them having that sort of relationship.
and i'm not gonna sit here and be like "but anyways here's all the reasons hank and connor are TOTALLY in love" because i dont actually think that's canon either. i'm just playing with them like barbie dolls lmao. my problem is people taking subtext that doesnt fucking exist of them being "like father and son" and claiming it's the be all end all of their whole relationship. their view of them as father and son is the ONLY way to see them. which is just not fucking true. there's NOTHING in canon to support them as being anything but close friends or enemies. that's it. and then they come onto these posts about hankcon, which obviously have NOTHING to do with them since they dont ship it, and tell the OP who ships them "fuck you." like?? you could have just scrolled. you could have just kept fucking scrolling. you fool. you moron. what happened to ship and let ship. just fucking move on, jesus christ. stop taking the time and effort out of your day to go out of your way to 1) make yourself upset by seeing this content and not just blacklisting it and blocking the posters, and 2) making someone else upset that you took the time to be a shithead on something that obviously wasn't even meant for you but made THEM happy. just stop !!! log off!! touch grass!! and this goes for hankcon shippers who do the same!! what the fuck is wrong with you!! we're all just here to vibe and love on these dork ass characters!!!!! fuck !!!!!!!!!!!
also it's super cringe when bryan dechart is playing the game and you're all screaming "wow best father son duo everrrrr" in the chat as if that also doesnt make bryan uncomfortable because he's gotta be super fucking careful about how he fuckin speaks about his character to everyone and not piss off all the rabid father-sonners by insinuating they're only friends. just. shut the fuck up. hankcon shippers who try to shove it in other people's faces also need to shut the fuck up. jesus fucking christ
IN OTHER WORDS. old man yells at cloud is basically me rn
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^actual pic of me
anyways here's a cookie 🍪
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roseworth · 1 year
hello it is the tangled fan back for more! I was thinking about how underrated cass and eugene's friendship is.
I think they understand each other more than they like to admit which is why they tend to butt heads. they both need to prove themselves at the castle and are very sure of themselves. I think eugene is annoying on purpose but he doesn't realize how much it actually hurts cass that he rose in importance so much compared to her stuck where she is. and cass doesn't understand how eugene has been living on the streets and this is really important for him. so they have to learn from each other, have to understand where the other person is coming from. and when things get dangerous, they do respect each other's strength and quick thinking and can work together.
I think part of why cass doesn't like eugene is because she was planning on catching flynn rider to prove to her dad that she's strong enough to fight. who better to catch than the man her dad hates the most, right? then his crimes get absolved and he's just hanging out in the castle and she resents him for taking her chance to prove herself. he got what she has been looking for her whole life. lots of potential character development with learning to let go of the past.
when cass betrays them there should've been some focus on how eugene is hurt because cass throws their progress back in his face. he wants to trust her but he just can't, he didn't grow up trusting people easily. he has to make an effort to forgive her, especially after seeing rapunzel so distraught and being mad on her behalf.
I think they shouldn't be 100% buddy-buddy like there should still be some rivalry and old grudges but hey that's life! also they're both dating rapunzel so they have to deal with each other or else the polycule falls apart
(sorry for the mini character study I just had to share this with someone who understands)
!!! ALL OF THIS!!!!! cass & eugene have such a fun dynamic since theyre both similar in personality but like exact opposite in everything else
like at first it makes soooo much sense that cass hates eugene bc not only is he annoying and will never go away. he also is there and sort of in charge of her (well. not necessarily "in charge" but hes the princess's boyfriend so he ends up getting some clout) just because he stumbled on what the entire kingdom had been looking for for 18 years, meanwhile she had been trying her whole life just to be taken seriously so obviously shes gonna be pissed off when he can come in and just do whatever he wants. not to mention he joined the guard just because he had nothing else to do even though cass had been trying to for years !!! and i looooooove your idea about her plan to catch flynn rider bc YES she would want that !!!!!!!!! she wants to do something to make her dad pay attention to her so catching the criminal is the best way to go. but then said criminal gets all his crimes pardoned and is also making her life a living hell just by existing. she should get to kill him
for eugene... i think he has less of a reason to dislike her other than that she was probably mean to him first and it just kinda kept spiraling (so funny. this is ideal) but also to him i feel like cass kinda represented everyone else in the kingdom in a way? like just because he brought rapunzel home hes not just suddenly Everyones Favorite Person so cass constantly being like "kys and leave my house" is sort of. voicing what everyone else is thinking.
and THEN theres the fact that their relationship goes from "bickering because they hate each other -> bickering like siblings -> uh oh now shes trying to kill them!" i just. ough. they liked each other and they were FRIENDS!! so it had to have been hard for him to see. all that. i dont think cass really thought about him at all bc she was focused on rapunzel BUT for eugene.... like you said he doesnt trust easily! so putting his trust in someone and having it broken HURTS. however. i honestly think that he would forgive her pretty easily afterwards. he loves giving people second chances given everything that happened to him so he would not have a problem forgiving her
actually side tangent there. sometimes i see people saying that its out of character for eugene to forgive cass in the finale but um. no. look at every single person hes friends with. i dont think hes drawing the line at cass's mommy issues. "but she tried to kill rapunzel!" ok?? so did varian but he and eugene still made an amber bazooka together after it happened. after she died saving the world i think he'd be fine with her
anyways all that to say. i agree! i love their friendship! i love them butting heads over the stupidest shit ever and i love both of them going out of their way to insult each other. sometimes i think about cass calling him "fitzherbjerk" and eugene seeing a dead snake fall out of the sky and going "friend of yours?" and. yeah. i just love them :')
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vagueiish · 11 months
fuck i wish i could write. oliver just signed the deal with raphael (because he constantly feels like he's doing nothing to help the party or anyone and putting his soul on the line is the very least he could do, even though he helps everyone and also is like.... at max approval with the whole party and has finished or done the majority of everyone's personal quests)(he's trusting the emperor less and less, for Reasons, which i guess would involve more writing because it involves personal backstory shit, and he's already burned the bridge with gortash by crashing the party at the iron throne and saving wyll's dad, so his options to deal with the tadpoles are becoming fewer and fewer)(so. raphael it is. for now...?)
and astarion's basically just like 'well that was stupid, but what do i care, it's not *my* name on the contract lol' (even though oliver's apparently the first person he's truly cared for, bb, what are you doing? is this a 'id rather you hadn't, and i'm actually kind of upset but don't know how to deal and also you're a fuckin adult and made your choice, so what's the point in saying anything' moment or what, i am having trouble deciphering this right now)(and i know the dude is an ass, i dont expect him to be Nice, but your honor, theyre in love. and he did sound kind of pissed about it! or irritated/sarcastic??? but! how did he mean it? my brain is not cooperating, i hate this, lmao, i wish there was a follow up convo or something so i could pin down this fuckin plot bunny)
(and i mean. this is deviating into headcanon/oliver as tav specific territory, and is me trying to figure out how it'd figure into the thing i'd wind up writing for this if i do, and again, astarion is an ass and all that, maybe not the most emotionally mature dude in the realms to put it mildly, but he'd know, right? eventually, at least??? that he fucked up saying that? that however he actually meant it, it's going to sound very much like 'i don't actually care about you' to the first person he professes to actually care about?)(and in terms of oliver's canon timeline, i think he signs well after his own 'personal quest' would have occurred. so astarion would know about oliver's mother and all that baggage. not that he'd necessarily know what do to with it, but he'd probably have heard her be all 'yeah, i never actually cared for or wanted you, soo....')(which is an oversimplification and the whole situation is quite complicated, but. that's the gist he gets, so anyway...)
and then karlach. my love. the bestest of girls, she's angry and insisting on going to avernus one last time to save oliver's fucking soul because she's awesome and also because he's her friend and, tangent, i wish there was an option at all times to hug her, whether as a friend or lover. she deserves all the hugs, romantical or platonic or whatever, fuck, i want to hug karlach so fucking bad
and there is something *there* with all of this because oliver, sweet and sad and self-loathing, wouldn't have any of her help. he'd want her to let it go. gently, at first, but of course she doesn't, so then he gets pissed. because this is his decision. because it's not her name or anyone else's on the dotted line, so why the fuck does she care? (hm. sounds familiar.......) let it go. let him help for once, not be a burden on the party for *once* (as if he hasn't spent the whole adventure bending over backwards not just for our merry band of adventurers, but everyone he's come across)(because it's not enough, never enough, it'll never be enough to make up for being him) he isn't worth the trip to avernus, isnt worth her forcing herself to face that place again. and he's rarely loud or angry but he's both now, the exhaustion and frustration and uncertainty and fear re: the future that he's been trying to ignore pouring our of him, horribly misdirected at probably his best friend in the whole group, so of course the rest of the party is going to hear it and it's just.... there is something here, i feel it in me bones
(also. tangentially related, but didn't raphael imply that fucking up the contract would fuck over the whole group and not just whomstever is signing it? said something about hanging you and your friends from meathooks while watching the world burn??? so either he's full of shit or the contract actually fucks over everyone if broken, which..... oliver as tav would not have signed if breaking it affected anyone else, so this might all be moot. i dunno. just rambling)
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craw-dacious · 10 months
The things I did by Lolo-ro fic review
Chapter by chapter, until i got distracted by the story lol.
Still fairly new to marauders but am loving it.
summary review: I truly adored this fic, probably my fave Wolfstar so far. I thought the worldbuilding was fantastic, as well as the characterization of baby Harry. Fairly angsty, but with plenty of fluff to make up for it. The raising Harry idea is becoming one of my favorite tropes, and this fic did an amazing job of weaving parenthood into a world that is still filled with complexities and evil, as well as lives outside of the main characters.
Chapter One
Again, the aftermath for Remus is getting me
So so so sad, and him believing Sirius innocent  makes it worse
The traitor shit is horrible to deal with emotionally im sure
I am upset to realize just how much remus ignored harry in the books/canon
Like thats ur nephew fr come onnnn
Chapter Two
Aw he’s doing a good job as a dad
This fic is making him out to be very forgetful, fully forgot about both harry and Sirius
The pacing is much more clear in this which I enjoy quite a bit
Cutesy Christmas, cutesy harry
I do feel like we need to get the Weasleys involved tbh baby Ron and Harry is PEAK
Chap 3
Pls dont let that annoying ass bitch be important, if theyre in trouble bc of this shit ill kms
Shut up Hagrid he needs everything he wants his parents ARE dead brother
Okay actually I like that annoying ass bitch a lot, this is very good
I guess he actually is spoiling him tbf
Ok so he’s actually forgetful as fuck. Forgot Harry’s birthday, forgot about Sirius AGAIN.
Like actually what is going on is his brain damaged
This chapter has been depressing
The fight IN AZKABAN how will this turn into legit wolfstar if they are so mad they fight WHILE SIRIUS IS IMPRISONED
But also he didn’t talk to a single person for 12 years in canon im gonna kms
Marauders is making me realize just how shitty and sad canon was bruh, remus and Sirius were like ALONE, obvie remus did shit and wasn’t a complete waste but its just so SAD
Literally obsessed with alastor moody he’s so fucking cool and we BARELY KNEW HIM in the books because of FUCKING CROUCH
This chapter was incredible, good baby harry, good angst, good FIGHT (love romantic arguments, make me nostalgic) (imy [REDACTED] we fought so cutey)
Ok I think I complained earlier about this, but it’s important for there to be conflict and issues when there’s this much trauma. Great plot choice. Also makes it 20x more interesting
Fuck Peter. I fucking hate Peter.
Chapter 4
Ugh stupid muggles messing everything up
Someone should try to kill them all off or something idk they’re getting in the way
But this is shaping up to have some LEGAL ISSUES which I LOVE because im a fucking NERD <33333
Harry is so cute. I actually prefer this to the last baby Harry bc he has sm more personality.
Almost forgot the meat of this chapter omg its good im getting distracted
Sirius and Harry together was a NEED bruh actually so cute
And I talked to you kate about this earlier but remus has been different in other fics and I do kinda like him in this one, he’s more depressed and stressed than normal, but the forgetfulness almost lends itself to aloofness in a way that fits him
I very much appreciated him being so kind to Sirius. While I understand him being pissed at him for thinking he’s a traitor, the man is in Azkaban, like you’ve got to chill out, talk to him about this stuff when you have more than 15 minutes and less dementors
Anyway that scene was nice, I like the idea of their little family
Chappy 5
Good shit again
THIS is the perfect chapter length, not so long I forget what happens but no so short I have to stop reading every five seconds to review
The werewolf prejudice is a big thing in this fic, im not sure how I feel about it. Obviously from an equality standpoint, werewolves should be seen as human. Yet, there is something to the idea that the actual transformed wolf is very dangerous. I’m worried the wolfsbane study will be viewed as Remus “hiding himself” or something like that, when it should be viewed as a solution to the one thing holding werewolves back.
This can’t be compared to real life discrimination. You can’t be like “so you hate minorities” because none of the minorities I know turn into wolves once a month bruh
Anyway, Dumbledore being morally grey-ish, making mistakes but always anti-voldy. He’s such an interesting character. I like his presence in the book as well. Hagrid should come back soon he’s so nice.
Chap 6
Permanent pass <3, so cute. Having to abandon muggle friends? Not cute. Fuck Dumbledore, but only like a little
Not a dumby stan or hater tbh hes just a little silly in both directions
I’m so conflicted on this situation. Yes, it SUCKS that Sirius thought remus was the spy, but it’s not necessarily damning. It’s likely he convinced himself of it because it was the most painful option so it must’ve been the truth. It seems like fear, almost, and jealousy of the wolves over him? Might be over analyzing and overomanticizing but that is what im seeing atm.
The teaching position goes fucking CRAZY man, If remus was my history teacher my life would be GOLDEN
Do you think remus lupin would be a good addition to upper H hall yes or no
Chapter 7
Jesus fuck I forget how sad all this shit is sometimes
To begin with, the teaching position seems great. I do wish Remus would understand that he’s qualified for it
Speaking of teachers, I would love to see who the DADA teacher is, I know its not permanent but still fun
Anyway, I think 7 kids would be the end of me. I love children, and I still relate to Remus far more than Arthur in that scene, there’s actually no fucking way.
Like yes give me a shot I cannot do it, the strong drink joke was a good cover because I am sure its Arthurs greatest desire
Also, love him just dropping interest about muggles, would love to see that chat actually play out but it seems unimportant
But maybe it’ll be how he catches worm tail …
Azkaban visit was good, Sirius is being less racist, and Remus is being kind. Wish they would love each other again already but slow burn wins <3
Also you could just tell that Sirius missed harry, very cute
Chapter 8
Heart hurts, poor Sirius 
I said that remus should be nicer
Chapter 9
Okay, information has been gained
Sorry for short 8 summary
So Sirius FORGOT that he and remus broke up, which is CRAZY
There’s a whole lot of forgetting in this fic im realizing, very relatable
I would actually kill myself
I’m sitting here pondering how I would react in this situation and genuinely tweaking just imagining it
He needs to go break it off with him, he can explain, there’s not really another option for him. If he maintains this it���s going to end poorly. I’m assuming he’s going to do that anyway, as it creates the most drama and is fantastic for the plot
I do think Remus is underestimating the importance of being taken even somewhat seriously by the Wizengamot. I know it’s not what he fully wanted but it’s legitimate progress.
Chapter ten
This chapter INFURIATED ME
Also im gonna start skipping chapters bc otherwise the review will be long asf
Snape is a piece of work, obviously. Like Remus isn’t being shitty to you and you were a fucking death eater man. Also he despises children which is a red fucking flag
Just let him pet your stupid cat motherfucker
Unless its secretly regulus as an animagus that would be sick asf I saw fan art the other day where he was a cat and it was good
Moving on, im appreciating the slow burn on discovering Peter. Like they easily could have discovered him 3 chapters ago when remus was first there. 
Chapter 11 & 12
The enchanted parchment
Leaving him on delivered is crazy actually
Literally reads exactly like the GHP texts between me and [REDACTED] LMAO
“I guess I’ll talk to you later, assuming you’re at soccer, imy!!”
Actually devastated reading this im going to be honest
Lots of shit going down, forgetting and memory issues are such an interesting plot device, it makes any part of the story unreliable, and confuses the reader just a little bit. It also creates a lot of dramatic irony, which can often be very sad and tragic
Also, order members calling voldy “Voldemort” all high and mighty is a bit strange considering that they all chewed harry out about calling him “He Who Shall Not be Named”
Snape stole the parchment read it and slipped a potion into lupins chocolate that he would give to Sirius to sabotage their relationship
Bc Dumbledore told Snape everything as his extra special spy obviously
Ok so I was wrong it was dementors again. And remus told Sirius about the breakup. Which is, the right thing to do I guess
This is so hard for everybody man, Sirius’ perspective is heartbreaking
At least it shows his chats with dumby, who happens to be the funniest person in this fic
Chapters 13 & 14
Reconciliation came a bit too easily but thats alright, I want them to be happy
The amount I would give to receive a cat for Christmas. I want that so bad bruh.
Ok at least they’re acknowledging how bad Remus is with dates
Okay him being a dog seems helpful, I do feel like that should have been noticed a while ago
Honestly am feeling a bit lost in the romance, long distance pining is not my fave but hopefully Sirius will be freed before long and they can be happy for once.
I just am so curious as to why they broke up, I know thats the point but it just doesn’t make sense
Also ignore my random theories I keep throwing about, I dont actually believe snapes cat is regulus or that Snape poisoned Sirius its just fun
Chapters 15-16
They explained the plan so I know it will go horribly wrong
Still not happy. I dont know what I expected
2 chapters and they’ll kiss, im expecting a huge fight in chapter 17
Chapters 17-20
Ok this is strange. The relationship dynamic has developed very differently than I thought it would. They really need to figure out this memory I’m sure it all a misunderstanding or some stupid shit like that
Someone thought someone else killed somebody else
Also why is this so mirroring to me and [REDACTED] from like July forward
Distant over text/parchment, not allowed to say I love you, basically only physical, guilt for things I couldn’t remember
Except for the baby and trauma and everything
Last fic was me and remus being the same this time it’s Sirius. When am I going to consume content and not think about [REDACTED] again Im tired of him being in my brain
Chap 21-22
I also talked about [redacted] with ppl for like an hour and a half last night it was terrible
Did it again the next night bro why is that rat still in my head
The memories are throwing me for a loop. On the one hand, everything is devastatingly sad. On the other hand, they’re all being emo and need to get it together
Sirius getting “lost in his memories” is a cool idea though, I’m liking the new magic thats being explored in this fic
I need them to have a huge blowup fight. Like a massive fight that sucks and is terrible. I don’t know how they’d do it but I need it
Also I think I can take one more “oh poor Sirius” memory until I blow my brains out. Big whoop your plan failed and you were insecure about it, I’d reach out to the closest person to blame to. I blamed [REDACTED] for not winning an award at model un, not his fault. Sirius can blame Remus for his plan failing and have a moody moment then move on, trust can be rebuilt.
Last five chapters
Ok everything is happy again and the reunion went FANTASTIC
The one thing I feel like I haven’t commented on enough in this fic is Snape
His character is well done, he’s so mean and bitchy but not like completely evil which is just hilarious, I love his and Remus’s dynamic its very good
I also think his relationship with Harry is funny, and I’m glad it’s not as shitty as it started out.
“Harry, friendly and bright-eyed, took the opportunity of silence to lean onto the counter, put his face right up to the goblin’s, and say, “Meow.”
Remus pulled Harry off the counter, embarrassed, and plopped him on the ground. “Don’t meow at people, love.”
That is actually the silliest cutest thing I’ve ever read in my entire life. Literally would birth a child rn bc of how cute that is. Jesus fucking christ bruh
Can they stop making out in public. Like in front of one other person in public. Its so awk
My criticisms are growing though, there are a few things im concerned about but im gonna finish the story before I discuss
Why can I not escape my Draco phase. One sentence about “the little Malfoy” and harry going on playdates and I RUSH to think about how that changes their school dynamic and how they treat each other and all this shit
Looks like they’re leaving some loose ends on purpose, telling not showing a lot here at the end tbh
This is the first time ive actually been obsessed with a child character hes ADORABLE
Gonna read the epilogue before writing my final review, but don’t want to take it in for my review
Ok. Done. Having to write this a day after finishing because I fell asleep right after
My favorite parts
ANGST: very well done, miscommunication can sometimes be overdone but I feel like it worked this time. I loved how easily apparent the love that was still there was. 
Humor: This fic made me laugh out loud multiple times. This was mostly Harry, but there were a couple of moments from the doctor guy and Arthur that made me giggle
CHILD: literally have never seen a child portrayal that was this good. Like literally from beginning to end it was good. I’m sure some people would read this fic and say 2 yo harry is too advanced, but he’s so bright and I feel like growing up with Remus would breed him to be a talker. The accuracy of the 8 yo and 11 yo at the end was good as well, it ticks me off when people fuck up ages of a child, especially one so parenting-focused as this
Depth of world building: I could truly see this world, like I understood the flat, I understood the weasleys, I understood the dorm at Hogwarts. The scene at their graves, everything was great.
Now my weaknesses
Some underdeveloped plots
Peter: they brought up having to talk to him, made it a big deal with getting a memory and then just abandoned it and said “remus had the perfect memory.” Then, the memory was SO MUNDANE. I’m sure the author just fucked up and had to figure something out, which is fine, just was a little dissapointing.
Poison: this is another where I think the plot just ran away from the author, but I was expecting something more than “Sirius asked them to fix it and they did”
Some(?) characterizations
Remus was perfect. Sirius was a little too nice, he’s volatile and little bitt crazy and I got less of that in this fic. Sometimes it was perfect. This isn’t really a criticism, more “it could be a little better”
Overall: 8.3/10
I truly adored this fic, probably my fave wolfstar so far. However, I know this is just because I love children and loved baby harry so much, so my rating is attempting to be unbiased.
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thwackk · 2 years
Could you give more lore about your Lego movie au? Sorry I just have brainrot over your doodles, I love your designs so much
I dont rlly have any lore, it was just a dream I had where everyone was there and it played out almost like a movie. It was silly, as a lego movie should be.
But there was also a main focus on batman and superman’s relationship specifically where superman is still pissed and personally hurt abt something bruce did years ago (I have no idea what he did, the dream withheld that info from me) and so bruce, suddenly deciding to be a part of the league and try to be friends with everyone and act like the past never happened, (im gonna say this takes place probably uuhhh a month after the events of the lego batman movie so bruce is in the process of changing for the better) made clark a little salty.
With him being the generally kind and understanding man he is, he tries not to make a big deal abt it and acts (mostly) normal to Bruce, but he does and says alot of subtle passive agressive things to bruce throughout, and they kinda buttheads with each other for most of the film (can I even call it a film??) This plays out in, 90% of the time, a comedic fashion because it’s just legos LMAO.
Flash and Green Lantern were there and were already a pre-established couple because of course they were, it’s MY subconscious we’re talkin abt here and it rlly likes to yell at me “WHAT IF THEY KISSED” when it comes to those two. Diana was there and so was Aquaman but i’ve never given him a design for this, (sorry) maybe i will someday. They were like the team mom and dad just a little bit, they were kinda the middlemen, break up the fights, Diana made them get along through threats and being scary, that kind of thing.
Hal and Barry (mostly Hal) were that annoying couple that like to give advice, or like everytime bruce and clark started ‘yelling’ (more like just aggressive talking) at each other he’d lean over to barry and say smthn like “see, now this is when they kiss” idk I just remember weird little specifics, I can’t remember the whole dream like plot stuff and what happens, i just remember this dream was LONG and VERY specific. Part of me thinks it was my subconscious way of yelling at Batman because he makes me so mad sometimes
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My night was awful. It started out Okay; i was at my grandma's apartment to see my dad and we played some games. Came home to mom's car not being in it's spot. My brothers and I assume she went to go run an errand, so we go inside, find her boyfriend, and unwind from being out all day. I was dealing with friend drama at that point too.
Half an hour later my mom calls me and tells me what to make for dinner, because she's out at a local "Social club" (Bar, but members only) with a friend. I think, "Great, maybe she wont drink though. She's been going sometimes and only having one".
7:30 passes. At 8 my brother asks me when we should make dinner, neither of us are hungry so we postpone.
8:30 passes, we make dinner because it's getting late. While we're making the food, friend drama dies off and they start joking around in the gc -all good and at that point i was ready to have a relaxing end of the evening.
9:30 passes. My friend moves a virtual birthday party for an acquaintance up half an hour (10) so i get started doing dishes. While im getting ready to do them, i start hearing noises and voices in the "back room" (small room at the back of the house that has the back back door, connected to the kitchen through another door) but no one's coming in. I cant tell if they're crying, laughing or just talking, but someone kept leaning on the door. I waited.
9:45 my mom opens the door and stumbles in; i immediately notice she. is. drunk. Her face is flushed, she was having trouble walking in the door, and she was slurring her words. I dont remember what the first thing she said was, but shortly after her friend also walks in. Her friend was tall (pretty) and significantly less drunk, i dont even know if she was tipsy. But it was a bit of a relief she was here too. My mom went upstairs -struggling- her friend followed a minute after. They came back down after my mom gave her a tour of the house, and then they went to the backroom to talk.
So far, so good right?
I was still uncomfortable so i finish dishes and other night-time responsibilities (Feeding the rabbits and refilling their water), then take my computer and phone to my room to camp out till morning (and for the birthday call).
Sometime during beginning of the call (10:15ish?) i start to hear arguing downstairs. Now, my room is above the kitchen, i have a "back room" to my room and i can usually hear when people are arguing in that room, from p much anywhere in my room. Sound carries. I couldnt make out everything they were saying, but it was b a d , and at one point my mom came inside the house shouting, and up the stairs shouting, and slammed doors so hard it shook the walls of my room, "[friend's name] Fuck you, [boyfriend's name] Fuck you. FUCK ALL OF YOU". My friends on call all heard it.
So im trying not to have a panic attack while getting a link for everyone to watch the movie Birthday boy picked out, and while we watch the movie the argument is still going but downstairs or in mom's room i dont remember. I had one earmuff off on my headphones so i can listen if she starts coming to my room for an argument, i pulled up an audio recording app just in case, because at this point I'm scared of a repeat of 21st of last month.
At some point it dies down, my mom left briefly, came back and was still pissed off but not slamming doors, just muttering things i didnt make out. She never came to my room because i wasnt supposed to have my computer in my room past 11 (it died at 11:20 anyway, in the middle of the movie, sad) nor am i supposed to have my phone there ever (she never notices, im about to be 18 anyway, my mom stopped caring with my older brother when he turned 18).
I stayed in my room the whole night, door closed. I dont close my door unless im doing....things, or unless im scared of what's on the outside of my room. But this causes problems in the summer and winter because my room isnt temperature controlled; the backroom to my room is unfinished, theres a crack in the side wall and a big gap in the door going to it. Heating doesnt go to my room, so closing the door = closing out all the nice warm air. I was cold.
I also was supposed to clean the bathroom last night. I was going to do it after dishes and before going to the virtual party, but my brother got shouted at for opening the back room door while my mom was in it (He was trying to take out the trash), and i didnt want to have to deal with her drunk ass while asking if anyone needed to use the restroom before it gets taken over for 30 mins to get cleaned.
So yeah i had a bad night. Im exhausted, i was exhausted before the shit with my mom happened, Im exhausted after having a small panic attack, Im exhausted from trying to figure out what room my mom was in, I'm exhausted from holding my pee all night because i was scared i'd run into her, Im fucking. exhausted.
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weebsinstash · 2 years
block him and don't think too hard about it. it's okay if you feel bad, but keep him blocked. just do it and push it to the back of your mind! definetly a walking red flag cut him off and you'll be good!!
Well like. I keep telling myself "oh, give this dude a chance, maybe he's just extremely socially awkward, maybe he's from another culture and he doesn't realize this is weird" but like. Here
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Like uh. Am I talking to an axe murderer or something or does he genuinely not see this as bizarre. This dude dodges questions like Matrix bullets. I'm almost wondering if he's testing how gullible and weak willed i am or something. And guess what 💀 my dumb ass never blocked him bc I brought up he was coming off as really creepy and he apologized and shit but like. This kind of. Reeks of. I dunno. It's very bizarre. Said he liked my name and wanted to see if I wanted to be friends but he said that only after I had to question him so. Now I just feel like if I block him now then I'M the asshole. Which is fucked up right?
Also like even if he wasn't acting sketch as fuck he says he lives in Florida and he's 24 so 1. He's younger than me 2. Florida sucks and 3. We could never meet in person or whatever so idk what his game plan is. I lowkey feel like he's looking for girls to try and get them to send nudes or something. His English is also kind of off to me which doesn't inherently mean anything but idk it just makes me think of phishers and scammers
I would just. Also like to point out. How it just. Is really jumping out to me that my trauma manifests as risking my own safety to placate others. Because I can list so many things wrong with this entire interaction and im sitting here talking about video games with him because I feel guilty to end the conversation 💀 fucking. Stupid ass voice in the back of my head "but what if you block him and hurt his feelings 😥 you don't want to make someone SAD do you"
Like dude if you're seeing this right now this entire thing has given me so much fucking anxiety about randomly talking to people. Straight up the only reason I replied is because of THIS blog and I assumed maybe he knew me from here or ao3 but. Nope! Just homegrown lonely dude randomly hitting me up?
God. God. Fuck. This is actually really starting to piss me of, less now about him even and more about how I can't even. Choose for myself. Protect myself. I dont know. Jesus. Every time I'm about to go through with it I either get a new nice message that makes me feel bad for considering it or. I dunno. I dunno how to even verbalize this. I guess I have a psychological idk THING about being terrified of upsetting people (i guess because my brain instantly correlates someone being angry or upset with the immediate threat of physical violence onto myself, thanks dad)
this is not even like. The only weird message I've ever gotten. I feel bad even talking about it because Im the one having the conversation and letting it continue. I should just try and smoke and sleep soon. I've been working overnight shifts now and when I get off work I just feel too drained to deal with this kind of thing. Idk. Hopefully I make some sort of decision soon so I can at least stop beating myself up over the indecision
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wildstar25 · 1 year
How does Arsay feel about Lahabrea and Elidibus? Did Pandemonium change her opinion significantly about either of them?
[ pandaemonium normal raid series / endwalkwer 6.4 spoilers ]
Arsay does not like Mr. Bread. Like at all. She gets what he’s about; but unlike Emet who falls more into “people do crazy things for love” and “thousands of years of depression will do that to you” territory, Lahabrea is the “oh yeah I would do all that evil shit actually. Wouldn’t even be that hard of a switch tbh” type. It pisses Arsay tbh! She’s someone who tries to find the best in anyone but Laha makes it sooooooo hard for her.
She’s also got like parent baggage, and was friends with her good buddy Erich before meeting Bread in pandae so him being a shitty dad just ruined every chance for himself. Also, she thinks splitting himself in two to not deal with his trauma was maybe a poor choice even if he had good intentions behind it (Arsay voice: just bottle up your feelings like the rest us, dumbass 🙄)
( also I think it’s funny that both Lethe and Arsay have beef with him for different reasons. Lethe's beef is absolutely more petty than Arsay's but still! )
Okay now for my sweet baby boy my soft child my beautiful cloud puff Themis…
She never really wanted to fight Elidibus, even when he was parading around in her dead friends body (though that was a sore spot for her)…. Okay maybe she wanted to rip his head off when he kidnapped y’shtola but that was a #PanickedGirlfriendMomentTM and Arsay did still try her best to talk to him during that bit!!! She felt sad for him for sure when she learned about his sacrifice and the state he was currently in (no memories, primal, etc.) , but he had caused so much bullshit and hurt a lot of people as an ascian that she was honestly kind of relieved to finish him off once and for all. When she met Themis, she recognized his voice right away. it was far too distinct! She would have be on the edge had his last action for her (by her account at least) been a helpful one. She could also recognize that this was a much softer, kinder incarnation of the phantom she helped seal in syrcus tower all those moons ago. Hoping this would be a fresh start, like it was with hades, she made no mention of future events. The two became friends of course! but that made it all the worse for her when she walked away from pandaemonium for the last time. it hit her like a brick in that moment, she was to be forgotten by him, he was to become the heart of zodiark, they would become enemies, and fight to the death. It pained her little kitty heart!! and because of endwalker character arc growth she actually had to go through the those emotions and not just pretend like they dont exist!!! She definitely kicked a few rocks around in Elpis and muttered some vulgarities towards stable time loops. After composing herself she of course went back to the Aitiascope. The conversation with Themis there doing a lot to relieve the emotional turmoil she was now holding on to. They could still be friends, even after trying to kill each other that one time :') Arsay is really happy about that!! She hopes in the next life they get to be friends again!
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dragonfruitsoup · 2 years
Hi there! I wanted to ask in honor of Sasori'sbirthday(cause it was his birthdayright?): have you ever thought of an alternative AU, where he and Baki switch roles, so Sasori becomes the sand sibs sensei, and Baki would become Deidara's partner in Akatsuki. Like, I like this idea a lot. It would've benefited and given more development to all if them. Sure, we'd lose the likeable, funny dynamic between Saso and Dei, but who says they can't have one as enemies who "absolutely do not like each other" (they actually do). Like imagine, Saso training with Kank. Spending time and guiding Gaara. Underrating Temari (cause I think Chiyo said at some point that Suna is pretty sexist?) During the fight with Sakura against him. Just for her to get super string, shut him up, so now he religiously drinks his respect women juice. And give more development to Baki too, like this dude makes 0 appearances after the Gaara rescue arc, lol. Anyways, I think it's a great idea, what's your opinion?
Pd: and also imagine him and Kakashi interacting. Kakashi's dad killed Sasori's parents I think? So they can't stand each other at 1st, but then they get to know each other, and become friends as a result. That would be cool.
hello friend!
i swear i didnt forget about this, it's just been a heck of a week. it was his birthday! (11/8)
now, i started responding to this and got COMPLETELY derailed so we're gonna try again where i stay on topic haha
i have never once thought of baki joining the akatsuki, but i constantly think of sasori staying in the village and becoming a (very reluctant) teacher/team leader. my man is miserable and i love that for him.
there is this absolutely flawless piece of dialogue & art that lives rent free in my mind and is immediately where i go to any time i imagine sassy remaining in the village.
1- baki
baki with deidara can go one of two ways for me. what we see of baki when he's introduced is that he's clearly managing to wrangle these walking nightmares, with some degree of success. so, like, he clearly has the patience to deal with reckless murder children. although, he could only be dealing with them because they're the kazekage's kids and he doesn't wanna be left to rot in a ditch somewhere....he does murder the fuck outta hayate right off the bat, so like. it's possible he's willing to just dispatch of dei the second the kid pisses him off, but he's also clearly dedicated to his missions, so maybe the kid'll survive. 
either way, i think baki and kakuzu get along great in the 'long suffering partner to literal children' club. (kisame, who actually likes his partner, crashes club meetings constantly like 'but did i tell you about the time he...!!!')
2 - sasori 
now, if you're chill with my personal little headcanon that sassy is cousins somehow to the sand brats, then i guarantee that he will pull the 'sorry. cant. conflict of interest.' card CONSTANTLY. will claim there’s bias, and we can’t have a case of nepotism. (he says, blank faced, as if he’s not talking about the kazekage’s children)
if not, however, then i'll say i personally can't see him taking on anyone who isnt a puppeteer. he has a brand. BUT FOR ARGUMENT'S SAKE! i want his absolute fumbling on how to teach temari. i am living for this mental image. because, as far as i remember, we never see a single puppeteer use a jutsu that doesn't involve puppets. like. not once. (aside from chiyo's forbidden zombie technique. doesnt count). sassy must know how to do something without his puppets, but does he??? little tem rocks up and demands to use a fan and sassy just stalls like 'how...how does that work???? you mean you want to physically hold that weapon? you dont want to use chakra strings??? whhhyyyy?????' sassy having to learn a whole new skill set because she won't budge and she absolutely calls him a coward who can't do it and like fuck will sassy let that stand. (sand sibs learn very quickly that the best way to get their leader to do something is to attack his pride.)
kankuro is obvious. little genin kank, fresh out of the academy, starry eyed to be working with his idol. completely heckin smitten. and then he realizes this, what, late-20s? early 30 year old? spends most of his time when not training them just hunched over a workbench in the dark, filthy and greasy and gross and completely unable to remember anyone's name if you come knocking at his door. he's brilliant! he's genius! his knowledge and techniques are unparalleled! but he's got classic 'grad student who hasnt eaten anything but coffee or left the library stacks in three days' vibe as soon as he's off shift. kank spends equal amounts of time learning from sassy and bullying sassy into staying the fuck alive because who else is gonna teach him??? this is the best of the best, don't you dare leave me to pick this up on my own! sassy has an obvious soft spot for the kid though. i mean, he'll die before he ever says that to kank's face, but! he absolutely gets called out when the jonins hang out. (if said jonin has to miss their next mission due to mild food poisoning, oh well) likes to challenge kank and pick his brain about puppets. they work well together, when he's not being a pompous bitch. 
gaara is probably the one sassy has the hardest yet easiest time with. he's absolutely willing to just let this kid do his thing, but at least leave the bodies intact! (sassy, no!!) if sass stays in the village, he's probably not the one who murdered the third and thus has no experience with sand techniques. like, not even by proxy of using a puppet. and it's not like the kid needs training in it!! the kid's fine! little pisspoot gaara, throwing a murderous tantrum and sass just staring him down, blank faced. kank, pleading, because that's his teacher! his favorite person! don't make him mad! i dont want you to die! and sass just, still deadpan, 'im already dead inside.' shukaku screeching about how he likes this one. the bizarre bonding over nihilism. temari is so gd done with these idiots. gaara, bringing back bodies when shukaku needs to rampage, like a little cat! coming back from the chunin exams like 'how do you get past the intense bloodlust?' and model citizen sassy responding 'you don't. you just redirect it.' sass, utterly fucking deligted to pawn off his tiny brittle garden on someone else because he hates trying to remember to water those fuckers. (sass simultaneously disappointed because now he doesn't have a supply of bodies for his experiments)
now, i think we're losing an absolutely golden opportunity of baki still leading sand brats while sassy has his own team for the chunin exams/invasion arc and the absolute EXHAUSTION that baki is feeling the entire time, but! sassy just letting his team of sand sibs do what they want, he doesnt care, as long as they stick vaguely to the script and then watching gaara get wrecked by lee and thinking 'huh, kid's probs not gonna take that well...' and then watching gaara in his little malted milk ball during the fight with sasuke and thinking 'well fuck, there goes the plan...hope the kage doesnt pin this on me.' AND THEN! watching his team stumble out of the woods at some point, beaten and bruised and clutching each other and sassy having to reevaluate everything he knows about these kids in like ten seconds. sasori, crashing on the sand sib's floor, face first, when he breaks the news about rasa, because gd, now he's responsible for these walking disasters. like. he already was, no one in that room has any illusions about rasa's parenting skills. but gdi, he did not sign up for this. 
3 - kakashi
listen. listen. i am LIVING for sasori and his cricket shoulder pads glaring across that funky little shed the first round of the chunin tournament took place in. kakashi is sweating, there is so much going on with his squad, and now he's got some redheaded asshole burning holes through his skull??
sasori and kakashi, who never really meet before the chunin exams because they both pull the ‘i dont want a team’ bullshit. kakashi because trauma and a lack of socialization and sassy, well probably for the same reason, but mostly just because he doesnt want to.
this is, of course, assuming that sasori even knows what kakashi looks like. he's used to granny bitching about this man who killed his parents (valid), but he doesnt know what he looks like. he finally recognizes the name though, when someone (naruto) yells his name and then it's fucking on sight. he knows that's not the man who killed his parents, but, eh, close enough. (figures he'll get him during the invasion, misses his chance. is extremely fucking bitter about this. and then his kid befriends one of kakashi's kids? what??? reluctant guardian hangouts while the jinchuriki dorks go out for snacks and training and play games and just. uuuuggghhhhh. sassy is miserable. kakashi apologizing for sassy's parents one day. sass begrudgingly accepting it because he is intimately familiar with the feeling of losing a parent and fuck, he does not want to trauma bond with his enemy, gdi. he can't believe this is his life.)
here i was, trying to keep this short and i just babbled more haha. sorry bout that! anyway.  
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