#i wish there was someone to blame. i mean there Is but it wasnt really her fault so i cant blame her really.
scattered-winter · 9 months
last grief vent post lads
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bastardwhoisnamedrat · 2 months
I'm so angry it's like: hair trigger anger. Gotta work on that.
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etherealstar-writes · 4 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: thirteen
part one here
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liked by ellatoone, alessiarusso99, leahwilliamsonn and 5000 others
yourusername: i'm so proud of you guys!! euros champions wooh!! 🤍💙
lottewubbenmoy: 💙💙
ellatoone: tysm!!
alessiarusso99: 💙💙💙
leahwilliamsonn: nahh what is that photo of me ↳ yourusername: lookin buzzin ↳ ellatoone: buzzin fr
stanwaygeorgia: still can't believe you wore that old rusty metal's jersey instead of mine 😔 ↳ lucybronze: it's because i'm her fav ↳ stanwaygeorgia: you wished
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(doing a bit of timeskip and let's pretend it's been like around two months since the euros bcuz yeah)
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ guys look at what leah and i found this morning
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ well i was gonna offer you but leah said you were busy
stairway WHAT NO I WASNT
willlybum oh well that's so sad
earpsy so this is why you were late to training
willybum i forgot we had training
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ more like wanted to forgot
willybum oi don't expose me like that
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ :)) so how's training going
neev y/n save me from this torture we'll go to nandos together and drag jessie along too
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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neev added flaming hot
flaming hot stoppp not this nickname 😭😭 and we can't go to that nandos place anymore did you two forget? we're banned from last time
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ and who's fault was that miss flaming hot
flaming hot i blame niamh for all that
neev bruh you were literally the one that said you could handle the flaming hot sauce fleming and then practically screamed dramatically about how you were dying which got us kicked out
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ it was incredibly funny ngl i mean you couldn't really tell the difference from jessie's face and her national jersey colour
flaming hot stop ittt you two are meanies it literally wasn't that bad i recovered fine
neev um you were literally crying the whole day jessie
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ and we had to buy you like twenty iced drinks for you to finally cool down
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look this is you finally calming down after your twelfth drink
neev yeah not our fault you can't handle any spice flaming hot fleming but we're still kidnapping you and taking you to another nandos place tonight
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ we sure are
flaming hot i'm gonna pull a houdini
lotte oooh i wanna come along to nandos!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you're very welcome to
stairway me too!
neev absolutely not
stairway excuse you how can lotte come with you guys but not me?!
neev bcuz she isn't annoying like you are
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elton no wayy you guys
willybum oh my god i do not have the effort for this today what is she going to say
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh no
the REAL karate kid
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ona batlle uh should i be scared?
kie very much
flaming hot what is happening?
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elton did you guys know that you can lick someone's elbow (also known as their wenis) and they can't feel it
lotte righttt of course i needed to know this
flaming hot HELP WHAT 😭😭
neev the fact that i just saw georgia look at me after reading that seriously concerns me
the REAL karate kid unfortunately it's true 😭😭 she licked my wenis
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ ..... yeah i have no words
ona batlle 😭😭
steph what the hell 😭😭
rusty metal i wondered why everyone stopped working out and started looking at each other ella, i do not wanna know why you know that, and can everyone stop trying to lick each other's elbows it's freaking me out 😭😭
kie i'm convinced ella has no thoughts behind those eyes it is just elevator music. on repeat. all day. every day.
stairway i think lucy's wenis needs a licky lick
rusty metal georgia get the hell away from me
elton ALSO if you look at any object near you right now you know in your head what it would feel like when you lick it like the texture and stuff
mccard nahh that's insane i haven't licked everything near me so why would i know how it would feel?
lotte why did i just see rachel and millie taking glances at each other
flaming hot of course she would do that 😭😭
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steph is this just a daily occurrence for you guys? is this normal?
door knob i'm sad to admit that it is
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i'm kinda glad i'm not near any of this rn
flaming hot fr
neev well i wanted to know if my brain was tricking me or not
esme you didn't need to lick it tho mate 😭😭
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alex nahh i'm done i'm leaving the gym just saw daly start walking towards bright like she was preparing to lick her i can't witness this today 😭😭
kie why am i not surprised that it's ella that started this again?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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ona batlle amen to that
steph seconded so glad kyra and charli aren't in this chat to contribute to this chaos omg
flaming hot amen fr 😭
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ omg kyra and cha cha! we need to add em in here too
stairway wait a sec y/n YOURE NOT BRITISH?!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nopee lived in england almost all my life but proud aussie here 💪🇦🇺
steph ayeee 🇦🇺
willybum i cannot believe this
elton you're an imposter fr
neev and here we thought you were one of us
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ heyy i am an honourary lioness member isn't like lessi half italian?
thet REAL karate kid yeah?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ see and she's playing for england i can support both the lionesses and tillies
willybum okay but now that the wsl is starting the more important question is which club do you support?
stairway oh yeah
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh uhh i gtg do something really important rn talk to you guys later! bye!
neev y/nnnnn dont forget our nandos!! i'll be waiting!!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i won't! better be prepared fleming
flaming hot oh no
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
part fourteen here
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p41nty · 6 months
adam katz has done way too much shit and y'all just let it slide we all know about the ableism in the show and the fact he blocked who dared criticize him, but let's talk about the blatant ZIONISM of this man:
he had an isreali flag in his instagram bio until he was called out for it.
he said he put it there for "jewish pride" BITCH THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE, THE GENOCIDE HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 70 YEARS
he originally wanted to delay an episode for ONE DAY "to express our condemnation of violence"… sounds like shitty white man capitalist performative activism doesn't it
when he was called out he deleted his twt, privated his instagram and blamed it all on "harassment" and "death threats". what a fucking coward. y'all yt ppl love using the word "harassment" as a fucking buzzword
his mother, jill katz, openly expressed her support for isreal and was following the IOF on twitter. guess the apple doesn't fall far away from the tree.
we should kill this fucker already
do i even have the mental capacity to reply to this coherently.
adam is not his mother? he doesnt share the same views? hes made it explicitly clear he does not support the genocide. hes a jewish man who wanted to celebrate jewish pride but all of you motherfuckers think that just because someone is jewish means they support israels actions. news flash, they DONT.
have you even been on twitter to witness the threats actually happening? i have SEEN people be absolutely horrible to that man and send him death threats and harass him. but just because hes a white man you seem to think he just throws around that word to get sympathy. how is he gonna SEE any of the sympathy if he doesnt have any accounts to begin with?
and im not gonna pretend i wasnt pissed off at ae's shit episode delay, i was. i was infuriated that they thought one day was enough.
they heard us and changed it in the end didnt they? they listened to us and delayed it another week to make room for more awareness
of course at the time preferably not air it at all as it would act as a distraction from what was happen but ae is kinda going downhill so im not really surprised + the ableism thing has been going on for a while with the entire team and not just adam on his own (this is not defending him im mentally disabled myself so seeing him do this stuff is also harming towards me)
"blocked people who dared criticize him" because it resulted in him getting harassed. he unblocked them and apologised + put out a public apology about it later on (and it was well written might i add) since he had to step back and take a breather due to all the harassment he received
let me say this again.
the fact youre wishing actual DEATH on him makes you no better.
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vtuberconfessions · 4 months
rushia defender anon here- point proven w at least two people being like "its not victim blaming to say she knew what she was doing and shouldve expected it!!! as long as i think she didnt deserve to be told to kill herself its not victim blaming" i dont think u know what the term "victim blaming" means
people who have never been in a situation where you are receiving hundreds (in her case thousands) of death threats while mentally ill will NEVER see what she did as not premeditated for attention or the fallout as anything but "getting what she deserved". i genuinely do wish everyone who thinks she "had it coming" for being gfe or that she "knew what she was doing went against her contract so its her fault the harassment got worse" for trying to clear her name to make it stop gets put in that situation someday. youll change your tune, if you live thru it.
if you think u can handle urself better, i wish you knew what it was like to live w severe mental illness and be told thousands of times per day that u are a whore and should slit ur wrists and watching people burn things w ur face on it, and follow u whenever you try to make a fresh start. maybe for some people its just plain ignorance to what that kind of situation is like, but for some i genuinely think its just "menhera girls are attention seekers and everything they do is for clout" and i hope those people develop mental illness and see just how "for clout" our lapses in judgement really are.
maybe this all sounds harsh but its just my experience as someone whos name was formerly out in the public online who got lots of hate (in my case there wasnt really any main source that was my action, but rather actions of someone i barely knew who i was perceived as being friends with) and got blamed for "giving it attention" when i addressed it. probably also my experience as a menhera girl in the vtubing fandom- both in the way /vt/ motherfuckers think menhera means and the original 2ch subcultural meaning. she didnt deserve it, and it wasnt for clout or attention and she doesnt "clearly like it" or whatever the fuck the antis riding her dick say because shes still affected by being constantly told to off herself.
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dollcherray · 7 days
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✮⋆˙ Smg3 x reader who didnt go back to normal after meme rehab
✮⋆˙ Request: Hello! can i request smg3 x reader who wasnt able to get back to normal when they were back from the meme rehab?
✮⋆˙ Notes: lost the request:( but here ya go anon who requested me! (if your even seeing this), reader was sent to the meme rehab along with smg4, also, this is just a funsie little thing i was doing before the hiatus and i got some time to finish some quick writing, requests are still not open, sorry little sillies 😭🫶🏼 this is short and not proofread.
✮⋆˙ Type: Angst/comfort, Headcanons, romantic.
✮⋆˙ Song: Army dreamers - Kate Bush
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♡ First things first: he felt guilty to send you to the meme rehab with SMG4, i mean, he loves you so much but your obnoxious "memeing" was starting to annoy and disrupt the others and his works, so he hesitantly throwed you into the back of the bus with SMG4, even if his gut feeling was saying not to.
♡ He felt so guilty for sending you into the rehab, he greatly regrets it, he wished he never made his decision and that he listened to his gut feeling, because you would have been okay, but no, of course he had to make the stupid decision to send you to that godforsaken place.
♡ SMG3 blames himself so much for how you are now, he cant forgive himself for 'destroying your happiness', the worst part to him is that the last time he saw your normal self was when he was 'mad" at you, SMG3 just wants everything to go back to normal, this boy is so so sad please someone give him a hug </3
♡ He would try to get you back to normal with his meme powers with SMG4 (who was forced to) but when that doesn't work, he tries to re-teach you about memes and etc to see if you can get back to normal.
♡ Talkin' about SMG4 he is secretly mad that the "degenerate" could get back to normal and you didnt, SMG3 probably contemplated either to steal the blue boy's meme lobe to put in your brain.
♡ It was so weird to him, and horrible at the same time, your sweet and caring touch suddenly turned into a robotic and cold one, no display of emotions other than cold ones, like you were truly a robot.
♡ Although you are this monotone robotic self, he still loves you, he has hopes one day you'll go back to your "normally fun" self, so you can make him smile again, so he can finally take the guilt off his chest.
♡ We dont talk about the doctor... let's say he is at another location... 5 different locations to be more precise, how lucky.
♡ SMG3 would sometimes try to get Mario to do his weird shit to see if it can actually pop something in your mind, but he stops doing it since he finally sees how stupid it sounds, he's just desperate, he wants to get you back to normal!!!
♡ The crew tries helping him by trying to show some memories of you before going to rehab, videos, photos, anything, but sadly, it was another failed attempt.
♡ The crew sometimes tries to comfort him by trying to tell and show him that it wasn't really his fault, and if anything it was more the crew's fault for bringing that idea in the first place, but no matter how much they would try to prove he's innocent, he always mentally judges himself.
♡ Well, seems like he'll have to try and re-teach everything to you, but don't worry, he'll be patient for you, oh god how he wishes he would have yanked you off that bus the moment his gut feeling told him to.
♡ "tell your baby, that i'm your baby"
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fcknstar · 1 year
,, the one you need "
- harryosborn x reader x peterparker
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a.n : ngl, im slightly proud of this. i truly didnt wanna drag this cause ik, it can be borinngggg but yea.
warnings : none
**lowercase intended**
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it wasnt easy for harry to openly admit his love for you knowing that his best friend felt the same for you. harry was the one who knew you first and introduced peter to you thinking it was harmless. so when he found out that you both started meeting up and went on dates broke him terribly. he didnt know who to turn to, didnt know who to talk to about his little crush he had on  you. harry couldn't even face his best friend when hes talking about the dates he went with you. 
so when you found out that peter was back with gwen after all the dates, you were heartbroken. well, saying that you were heartbroken is an understatement. just when you thought you might be able to have your little romeo and juliet moment, it gets crushed into pieces. i mean, you tried your hardest to be happy for peter. but you just couldn't because when looking back, you realized you were just a rebound for peter. he probably didnt even like you. but you were wrong, peter liked you. 'liked' because peter had feelings for you and gwen, but gwen won his heart faster. you liked peter. he was sweet, caring. you couldn't name a flaw in him even if you tried your hardest to. 
harry was there for you when you needed someones shoulder to cry on. it made harry feel sick knowing that his best friend basically used you and wasted your time, knowing that you could probably spend it with him. 
" yea but it hurts you know.. i wish i wasnt that foolish, god.. " you mumbled, taking a sip of the tea that harry made you. 
" well, you didnt know so i wouldn't blame you. you shouldn't take this so hard okay? there are way better people in this world than peter and you know that.. " harry looked at you. he wished you knew exactly what he meant. 
" there are people in this world that would treat you better, treat you better than he can. just give it some time alright? " you nodded when his words were processed. harry was right. he always is. 
" thank you harry.. really. i dont think i could even leave my bed if it wasnt for you.. " you chuckled. it was about time that you moved on. maybe it wasnt your time to find a lover. you knew itd be hard to find the one that truly loves you. you find it hard to truly find someone, seeing that your parents relationship isnt even steady, you were scared that itd happen to you someday. harry wanted you to look at him the way you looked at peter. big dreamy, doe eyes that lights up whenever he walks into the room. 
opening his arms softly towards you, harry offered you a hug. its a tradition for both of you to share hugs because it comforts you both. smiling softly, you embraced harry. you felt harry rub your back comfortingly, tightening the hug as a 'thank you'. 
you knew exactly what harry meant by " there are better people in this world that would treat you better " you were just too scared that such history would repeat itself. but what if its worth it? what if hes the one you need?
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 11 months
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episode 8 time, this rewatch has made me realize the title cards' style don't actually alternate every episode. is there a pattern to them or what?
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starting off with nika and martin telling the rest of earth house about miorine starting gund-arm inc and lmfao at nuno just calling that shit out immediately. yeah her ulterior motive is being a giant lesbian
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honestly had kinda forgotten how averse to the idea of working for miorine the whole of earth house was at the beginning
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before the break up arc i thought this frame was going to be important for dealing with prospera especially when later on miorine is shown for being one to keep receipts (ie. the photo she took of the kids who threw the spraycan or whatever at martin's head). but nah i guess she was just recording everything prospera was gonna have to say about gundams etc
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i know prospera's priorities are hella skewed from her own trauma, but i honestly don't blame her for keeping this from suletta for as long as she did. no one on mercury needed to know about this and suletta wasnt in any danger while piloting aerial
i think if anything, it probably shouldve been information to be divulged to her prior to leaving to asticassia, but even then im not sure given suletta's personality early on. like she wouldnt have blabbed about it but it may have always just been more dangerous for her to have that knowledge
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musemetachi again and one of the most iconic prospera shots lmao
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and of course mio isn't buying any of this shit
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important points being made, but like... why didn't she just ask herself lol
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enter the shaddiq plot and it's kinda funny how suletta immediately pins the issue at hand here and why shaddiq is trying to pursue gund-arm. meanwhile miorine can't even fathom that being true
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kinda funny to have miorine of all people telling earth house to look on the bright side after they see how much money theyve got to work with. though i'm pretty sure this is just her early naivety
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miorine rembran, prospera mercury told you to check your privilege
i guess i don't really have much to say on earth house standing their ground against building weapons since lmao its objectively good and all the coming work with earth house allows miorine to not be so prickly and realize there are people out there who will be her genuine friends
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i wonder if by the end of the series guel even realized shaddiq was in love with miorine lol
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literally what even is sarius' deal against gundams
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well, he was right i guess
in rewatching this episode, its hard not to feel so frustrated with shaddiq. like sure, she was likely never going to return your feelings, but could you not have just said something instead of all this posturing and trying to play white knight lol
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something something suletta doesnt even hug her mom in greeting
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i don't think anyone at earth house could have even fathomed the idea that miorine would have found something for them to focus on besides weapons
man, i wish miorine and dr cardo could have met lol
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god this fucking promo video lmao
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i wonder if even if its a tiny miniscule amount, but if prospera holds any sort of respect for miorine choosing to have gund-arm inc focus on what the vanadis institute was originally doing. thats honestly something i wish we'd had gotten at all some point
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mio please
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as soon as suletta starts talking about how much fun shes having, mio just gets the softest look on her face and lays her head against suletta's back and gosh is it cute lmao that is a girl in love
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what did she mean by this lmao
i dont want to know what cheering someone up is code for for maisie
interesting scene set up with the grassley girls to have sabina be the one to speak out their plan if miorine doesnt go along with it easily as well as having maisie call out the fact that shaddiq wouldnt want to do something to hurt miorine (laughing at this latter point imagining all the grassley girls clowning on shaddiq for his thing for miorine)
the stakes are all slowly building up but it still isnt nowhere near 2nd cour stakes. not sure if i'll get to episode 9 today because thats another favorite and just like my episode 7 rewatch, it may end up being 2 posts lol
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totally-sapphic-posts · 6 months
I'm sorry maybe this isn't gonna be entertaining. Can I have an advice? I met this person online, we chat sometimes mostly in groups but this time I adventure to chat one on one a little more. Days goes by and we talk a little more, nothing serious, just two strangers sharing thoughts. one day she had a problem and said I was the only one talking with her and she needed to let that out,we talked, she calmed down, we were fine. Since then we started talking a little more and more, about our day, jobs, family, share videos, say gm and gn. She had all my attention and I think I had hers. Until one day I said gm and there were no answer until hours later, strange, I ask later if she was busy and her answer was no. Days go by and we talked less, hours went by without answer, no gm texts, nothing about her day, after a couple weeks I ask her if something happened, I feel her distance, she said no, it's that sometimes she needs attention and sometimes she fixated in other thing but that I don't have nothing to worry about. But nothing changed, more weeks and more distance, a little worse, I noticed she wasnt sharing anything with me anymore, not her day, thoughs, plans, videos, pictures, we talked everyday but much less and hours apart when it used to be minutes, it was like she forgets my message or she didn't wanna answer me, bc I knew she talk on the group and with others but not me. I approached again and ask if she wanted this, if she didn't want to talk to me I would understand but please tell me. She said yes and no, yes because she felt a connection with me and no bc she wasn't good mentally and didn't want to connect emotionally and she knew she wasn't a good friend rn. I said she hasn't to be perfect but I needed to know that she still care for us, she said yes. I wanted to talk about a way that she felt okay not talking with me if she doesn't want to but letting me know she was okay or at least think about me, she said later. We talked two more days with the same answer after hours, you could tell it was when she didn't have anything else to do or talk with. And then.. we didn't talk for three weeks. We were chatting and I did a comment about something, I answered and she never replied, she didn't even open the chat, until weeks later. This group where we met, I keep my distance from, I don't talk there anymore for various reasons, but she's still there and talk with everyone at any time, actually it appears she had a gf there now. I don't know if I love her like more than a friend, I care deeply for her. I don't know if I'm overreacting or shouldn't feel like trash. I've been months crying waiting for her, wondering what I did wrong. I don't know what to do anymore . I'm sorry this is too long, can someone advise or k*ll me. .?
I’m so sorry this happened to you. If she’s moved on, just know it isn’t your fault. And just because she wasn’t in a good mental space doesn’t mean you can’t be upset about how all of this has made you feel. You didn’t do anything wrong and it sounds like she just didn’t have the capacity at that moment to maintain anything. I can’t say much about her since I don’t know her, but I can say that you don’t need to blame yourself for how things went.
Allow yourself to be sad. Process everything that has happened and how you’re feeling about everything. It’s really important that you process your feelings and allow yourself to feel. Be kind to yourself as you heal, and when you’re ready, move on from her. Because, while she may be struggling mentally, you don’t need to allow her to make you feel bad.
Wishing you the best ❤️
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yandere-daze · 2 years
🦋 HELLO!! IM BACK AGAIN!! I HAVE A LOT TO SAY!! (after days of trying so hard to find the words to articulate my thoughts) first of all, thank you so much for writing your thoughts on the ideas that i shared! i really love the way you write shu... i find it accurate, and i get overjoyed seeing more content of him! i hope you know that the asks i put in are not requests, and that you willingly answer them because it interested you and made you happy. sometimes, i feel a bit pushy... but i hope you dont feel that way. if you do, then i apologize for my behavior!
shu aside, i would also like to say that i read your thoughts about your anzu favoritism post... and!! i!! (flops to the floor) I LOVE HER and honestly ANZU BRAGGING ABOUT YOUR FAVORITISM TOWARDS HER IS SO FUNNY... i love how you also wrote the possible reactions of the idols regarding anzu's profound pride.
while reading your anzu centered works though... i cant help but think that if i get transported into their world, id probably be the most comfortable with her along with arashi (IF i wasnt aware of both their obsessive tendencies...). how about you? who do you think you would stick to if you got into the game? now im wondering who the most dangerous characters are...
i also thought of this. what if the player, who was already in the game for quite a while, broke down in front of the idols? because while the attention may all be pleasing at first, no doubt they'll get overwhelmed sooner or later. i think there are multiple types of reactions: those who feel pity, those who blame themselves, those who blame others, and those who take advantage of your weakened state. I WONDER IF I MISSED SOME... i would absolutely love to hear your thoughts about this.
i think that this has been quite a long ask. i cant believe that this is the first thing i write after learning how to type past the character limit. (yay~!) thank you once again for your company, and i hope you have an amazing day or night!
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Finally getting to this ask now, sorry for the wait! First of all I´m so so happy to hear that you like how I portray Shu! He´s such an interesting and complex character so I can´t help but be a bit scared that I´m going to write him a bit out of character. So this reassurance is just really really nice! A very special boy🥺 I also wish that there was more content for him ( or yandere enstars in general) but I´ll just have to put in the effort myself and deliver ^^
ANZU MY BELOVED!! I love the enthusiasm for her, she´s so pretty and nice so it´s very fun to write her as being pretty unhinged in this AU >:) She deserves to brag a little, as a treat. I swear writing all the different reactions was fun for me too, we love to see the idols be jealous and pouty
And yeah, absolutely! I´m answering asks because I enjoy doing it, no worries ☺️
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, stalking
Who would I stick to if I was transported into the world of enstars? Also some characters reacting to the player breaking down after having to deal with all of their affections for so long
Hm who would I stick to if I got into the game? Anzu and Arashi are good choices, I agree. They´re both nice and doting towards you and they aren´t as intimidating as some of the other idols, just very approachable! I think Ra*bits and Ryuseitai as a whole are pretty safe to be around. Even when they´re yandere I feel like their behavior would be pretty tame compared to the others and they would be so nice to you! Nazuna and Chiaki in particular love to help you and are always there for you if you need assistance with anything.
I mean how are you supposed to be uncomforabtle around someone as open and passionate as Chiaki? He´s such a great guy!
Trickstar also feels pretty safe though I feel Subaru might drag the whole lot of them down a bit because of his antics sometimes fjsbf like he´s nice and all but I feel like he would be pretty overwhelming to be around after some time. Consider how he is in canon and then imagine him literally being obsessed with you 🙃 Makoto also is a stuttering awkward mess around you so it might be a little hard to hold a conversation but he´s not the problem here
Would definitely stay away from Eichi, Ibara,Tori, Izumi, Rinne and Shu though. Like, I love you my pink haired blorbo but he´s either kind of harsh and rude or he´s so obviously obsessed with you that you´d start to feel stifled and uncomfortable real quick
I think the others are pretty self-explanatory kbdhlahbdhla
And yeah honestly, while the attention would be nice at first, it would get very overwhelming really quick. Like all of these people swarming around you all the time and especially when you find out about their yandere tendecies you would want to get out of this very fast. You have literal *stalkers* here at ES and people who would murder to have you to themselves. That´s fucking scary
The breakdown is inevitable at this point, the only question is how many people would be around to see it happen.
I haven´t written anything for him in a long time and that needs to change so, Natsume! He would definitely use this to his advantage though he also kind of pushes the guilt onto the others having wronged you instead of recognizing that he too played a part in this. Goes up to comfort you by putting a hand on your shoulder and telling you how sorry he is that everyone has been bothering you so much. He knows some secret places inside the building so why don´t you to with him to a place no one else knows of? He really is so sorry about all of this but it seems like that´s the only way for you be safe from all of these pesky idols :/
Mika feels kind of guilty about this entire thing, probably aware that his stalking didn´t help your mental state but he also just can´t stop doing it. He knows he´s not worthy of your love yet but he still needs his daily dose of being near you and watching you! So he isn´t really going to stop with any of his creepy behavior..... He may get a little feral though once he learns that all of the other people at ES have been bothering you. None of them are worthy of you either so maybe he needs to take matters into his own hands to deal with them
Honestly Nazuna´s yandere behavior is just going to get worse from this. He´s already the protective worrywart kind of person so to see you break down like this hurts a lot to see. It kind of reminds him of himself and how he felt in the past and he feels truly bad that he contributed to your pain even though he only meant well. The way he feels about you isn´t right, he knows, but now that your mental state has spiralled like this, the urge to protect you and make sure you´re okay has just gotten stronger. He knows he´s no saint in this entire ordeal but there are even worse threats in all of this. His utmost priority will be keeping people like Izumi or Kaoru away from you.
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writing-good-vibes · 10 months
What if Roger somehow makes his way to Ambrose and tries to bring Corey home..and what if, in this case, Micheal wasnt there to stop him..but Bo was 👀
oh anon, how this got me thinking. the very short answer for you is: roger would be dead. end post.
but that's jumping ahead, so lets go back just a little bit, we have a lot of questions to grapple with.
why is roger trying to find corey in the first place?
say corey got out of haddonfield without much suspicion -- it was awful easy to let the cops assume michael, the notorious killer, killed all those people -- he just wants to wash his hands of the whole place and ends up finding a new home in ambrose. a home with someone who understands, someone who is making him worse but corey doesn't care anymore because anywhere is better than back home.
maybe roger feels bad, thinks corey is having a breakdown after his momma was killed. he knows better than anyone what corey has been through, and he also knows that corey always listened to him. he thinks if no one else is going to save this kid from whatever trouble he's getting himself into by running away, then it's going to be him. maybe he even sees it as making amends for everything the town did to corey after the accident -- roger knows corey didn't kill jeremy but he's never told corey that. maybe if he can just tell corey that he knows it was an accident, that he doesn't blame him, it'll bring corey back from the edge.
now, what would corey do if roger showed up unannounced?
corey knows the routine, he's helped bo and vincent catch their prey more times than he cares to think about. he knows that's what's going to happen to roger. but roger recognises corey -- how couldn't he recognise him? -- and makes a scene before corey can get even one word out.
bo knows something is up, and while they leave roger in the garage, bo takes corey downstairs to "have a word". corey ultimately spills everything, that roger was his boss and they used to sleep together and it didn't end well. he's hesitant to tell bo about the accident because even the twins don't kill kids, but he does anyway. and bo understands, because of course he does. bo isn't jealous of roger, why would he be? knowing about roger even reinforces bo's want to keep corey around -- i mean, this proves corey's "relationship" with bo isn't his first rodeo, he's been so dutiful for someone once, he can be for bo too.
corey was never going to leave with roger -- why would he ever want to go back to haddonfield? but does he really want roger dead? or, more aptly, does he want to kill roger himself, or let bo do it?
seeing roger again unsettles corey. they haven't seen each other many, if any, times after the trial and corey never felt like his feelings of anger and heartache and grief could be valid because it was the allens who were allowed to suffer.
corey knows roger is going to end up dead, so he wants to get everything off his chest. bo is his usual "charming" self and brings take roger up to the house. roger figures out that corey must have a thing with bo, he can see the way corey looks at him, see's how corey reacts when bo talks to him. but roger also knows that corey probably just latched onto bo because he's in a vulnerable place, just like he was when he latched on roger.
they let roger talk -- asking corey to come back to haddonfield, telling him he knows jeremey's death was an accident and he doesn't blame him, telling him they can work things out and that it's okay. everything will be okay. corey hears him out but doesn't hear him, he's been through too much to forgive roger now.
corey says everything he wishes he'd said years ago. how much he liked roger, how he knows roger was just using him, how everything is roger's fault. roger still thinks this is some breakdown, so he listens and tries to reason with corey -- he's sorry, he is, but corey really needs to come home. there's a strange tension there because what does roger mean by home? corey has no home, his parents are dead, he's barely gone under the radar for the murders. surely roger doesn't mean home with him? after all this time, corey isn't going to be fooled into thinking that roger still cares about him, that they're going to be together.
so, who kills roger?
corey loved roger once, or thought he did anyway. killing him would be hard, but he's already killed his momma so how hard can it really be to kill some guy that used to fuck him?
bo is chomping at the bit, he's more than happy to do it himself, but he can see something rise in corey, all the past hurt and anger comes back to the surface. i think watching corey kill roger would get bo's rocks of more than if he did the job himself. he encourages it, he watches, he cheers it on. bo praises corey for it, and we all know how much of a sucker corey is for praise.
i don't know if roger would end up as a statue. maybe he would, vincent has no reason to waste a perfectly good body, but corey wouldn't be happy about it. his only ask is that they put roger somewhere corey doesn't have to see him frequently.
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golbrocklovely · 10 months
not the same anon but i wanna add to the alcohol thing. go out,have fun, do you but stas has posted herself out drinking and celebrating getting drunk,being hungover, and curing that hangover with more drinking. i dunno what’s happened to kat, it was probably already in her but she does a lot of this often now almost as if this were the go to choice of beverage. they both have posted themselves pregaming to go out and get drunk and one of them just posted a tiktok where both are holding 2 drinks each. Im honestly glad someone else pointed this out and noticed it too because most of the fandom seems to praise them and treat it like the anon said all cutesy and silly when its not.
I remember last year people blaming snc as a bad influence on the girls for drinking and look now. It wasnt snc it was them. the boys are working and theyre fine. these two are using this as a crutch. also how can you not feel emotionally,mentally, and even physically exhausted going out every night and doing this.sam legit quoted stas last year saying she rather drink than eat.
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i'm gonna combine these two asks together since they are about the same thing. hope you don't mind.
this is kinda long so... i'm sorry about that.
so the last time i talked about this type of stuff/the last time i got asks about stas and kat drinking was back in 2021/22 and any time i made the same argument i'm gonna make now, i got chewed out bc ppl misinterpreted what i said and felt like i was minimizing alcoholism. as someone that has had family members on both sides have addiction issues with alcohol (along with other things), i'm not one to be blase about alcoholism. this is also not me shrugging off the real issue that stas and kat could have addiction problems.
however…. we don't know them. we only see what they post. and it's not impossible that they make it seem like they're drinking a lot when in actuality they might only be having one or two drinks. does that make what they're doing any better? no. i'm not making that argument. what i'm trying to say is that we shouldn't jump to conclusions when we don't know the full story. plus, you can't diagnosis someone via a couple stories and snapchat or two. that's just reality.
does that mean that them joking about being alcoholics is cool? no it's not. it's really dumb at the very least, and extremely dark at the most. my hope and my personal belief is that they are just partying a bunch and made some tasteless jokes. i remember when i was in college, basically the same age (if not younger) as them, and ppl around me would joke about being alcoholics. i didn't find it funny, but they did. and i'm gonna assume that it's the same thing with them. that it's not them casually telling their fanbase that they have addictions issues, but more "omg isn't it so funny how we drink every night when we party??"
i don't think this behavior is great, especially since a lot of snc's younger fans have drifted into being these two girls' fans. it's not cute to aspire to be drunkards in your early 20s. you wanna go out and have your fun, so be it. but be realistic about what your limit is. also, you don't have to hit your limit every night. you don't have to drink every night either.
but again, as i stated before, i don't think they actually have addiction issues. if they did, that's for them and ppl close to them who know them to discuss and figure out. not for us to speculate over a couple stories and snapchats. i don't pay attention to them enough to really know one way or the other, but regardless i think it's best to not assume something's wrong. if it is really that much of an issue to anyone reading this, maybe reach out to them somehow and tell them you're concerned. or if it's too triggering, which is totally understandable, just block them and move on.
i truly wish them the best, and i hope their fans know that excessive drinking is not good for you.
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guster-animations · 2 years
gonna write a video review soon but here are the notes i wrote as i read stellarlune for the first time. not sure if im gonna put all my opinions in the video so here it is. warning: there’s a Lot
(bolded points are unanswered questions)
who tf is elysian
(later in reading) or theyre having a baby .-. or both??
fuck no are they actually reintroducing foxfire into the main plot
ok theyre doing glimmer now shes elysian im calling it
shes a poc!! fan freaking tastic it would be annoying if she wasnt
HHAAAAAA trix theyre really doing all the reveals… wait this is the only reveal. rayni has only been here since book 8
wow they really did not need another addition to the main cast (rayni)
where is the gay. give me lesbiana already
rayni calling out fitz’s low involvement in the narrative… and him getting anger issues at that
how long is this dialogue going to be… pg 120 to 168?!
dislike how stirullinh is just regarded as a single entity. at least make them gayer
oh so rayni’s just going to be in jail for the rest of the book ok that makes sense
love how sophie butts into the conversation reminding us that she, the main character, hasnt spoken for like half the chapter
“are we seriously going to let sophie tell us what to do” says stina, who is on a secret government team led by sophie
sophie being unnecessarily mean to fitz WHYYYYY why are we twisting fitz into someone who is a bad person?? i hate this so much
keeper gang breaking up my beloathed…
is this a 9/11 reference???
(screenshot of text saying “Besides, anyone who’s studied basic battle strategy knows you have to take down the greatest symbols of power—preferably in a big, dramatic way if you want the public to submit to your rule.”)
oh this cache opening thingg is going to be SUPER long
is shannon’s self insert oralie??? shannon does think of sophie as her child
alright last call for nb elysian here we go
wow incredible hetero love story just what i read this book for
wait hold on wheres elysian
halfway thru and so far it’s been all fluff and no action or huge revelations. if youre gonna reveal trix do it earlier for gods sake this is unbearable
ro is DEFINITELY gonna be a big discussion point in the video. she is present for the entire first half of the book (minus the cache section) and clearly only there to keep the mood lighter and she directly acknowledges an awful lot of the series’ glaring problems. almost like shannon KNOWS they’re there and is trying to deflect the blame and place it on the characters instead through ro
ro is not subtle at all. including her saying that sophie’s probably gonna have to kill lady gisela herself. gee okay awesome can’t wait for the final battle next book. i bet its gonna be just as awfully drawn out as what you’ve put me through today. thanks stellarlune
are they saving ALL the emotional revelations for the climax?  elysian, trix’s identity, amy’s dresses all at once?  at least give me SOME drama this is agony
sokeefe-biana thing mentioned please at least follow up on that by the end [of the series] ik it’ll probably be disappointing but i need some sort of closure
grady edaline fitz etc being simplified to stereotypes/one note
fitz only being used to add flavor to sokeefe… at least sokeefe is a good ship. i dont hate sokeefe for what it is i hate it for what it stands for and i will die before i ship it
(screenshot of text saying “And almost as if her Mentor knew—even though he couldn’t possibly—he leaned in and murmured, ‘In my experience, you can never trust a Guster.’”)
lolllll i wish ^
even though i hated foxfire in book 1 its actually pretty nice to have it back again?  we havent had foxfire since books 2 or 3 so its kind of nostalgic and a nice break from the drama. and obviously exposition of some sort
ojhhhhh so redhead marella IS intentional and not an artistic choice on the cover. both disappointing and not at the same time
(a screenshot of text that reads “‘At least Sophie has updates,’ Dex snapped. ‘What have you been doing? Following Linh, Marella and Maruca while they do important stuff?’”)
how did you know [i was doing exactly that], dex dizznee ^
ok so fitz is trying to be the voice of reason and sophie’s moral caution but it conflicts with his actions in flashback so sophie doesnt trust him?  ok yeah that makes sense
“thanks for not looking at me like im defective” special abilities [vs talentless ppl] metaphor for ableism real???
the cognate inquisition is gonna end in another sad breakup isnt it
tiergan queercoding [has gone to hypothetical] level 13
FITZ IS INSECURE!!! he thinks sophie isnt fully honest with him because he doesnt deserve her trust!!! we did it!
and sophie’s aversion to honesty comes from the trauma she experienced from 7 years of exposure to the thoughts of everyone around her! oh my god its almost like theyre BELIEVABLE CHARACTERS
im glad we didnt have to sit through the actual cognate inquisition because that would be boring as hell but why doesnt that happen more often? skipping through the boring parts?? why do i only see this in telepathy class
for a split secobd i let myself believe that this is leading up to a sokeefitz threesome. stupid brain
i am being SO VIGILANT about not hearing any spoilers or opinions. i havent even skipped to the last page of the book! im doing awesome im so proud of myself
absolutely in LOVE with how good of an analogy for racism and ableism this whole series provides
oh so linh and tam are suddenly unbreakable again yeah sure
does white-purple-yellow-pink mean anything?
the books close to being over, is this gonna lead into a long climax [at meeting with trix]
also very glad they just cut straight to the meeting with trix after saying it would happen
“such dramatics” says vespera
here it comes…… the big trix reveal………..
ah here comes the climax
there is a much more singular and alternating focus on characters than legacy/flashback’s widespread all-at-once thing
oh boy its him again. the awful familiarity of this dialogue. i hate it
we still havent gotten to the climax…
what about amy…
peeked ahead. the frenchmen did not lie. the entire country of france has regained my trust
wrote “hold on has he gone numb holy shit” and deleted it too soon HOLY CRAP
numbness manifests as depression for keefe!!!!!!
ope yep training with grady. that was sudden. it’s every 12 year olds dream
fully expecting the climax to be a big showdown/ambush on the elysian island with gisela
wait hold on was this the only fight scene in the entire book. 
(a day later) oh right vespera died. does that count as a lame minor character death or a major character death.  i have to cross something out on my bingo card
i wouldnt call the death “lame” so major character death it is
WAIT there’s still hope for elysian to be nb. if im proven right and there’s a plethora of explicit queer characters as soon as book 10 opens that would be both amazing and horrible
ok in conclusion this was DEFINITELY better than legacy and probably better than flashback and nightfall. lemme rate eqch book to see how it compares
8.5.  7.5/10
9. 7/10
plot: 7/10
characters: 9/10
pacing: 4/10
writing: 6/10
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weirdbabs · 1 year
i will say, now that ive had time to ruminate on it a little, i dont really like what the show is doing with the fireflies. we havent seen much of them, just in the boston episodes, but what little theyre giving me and how theyre portraying fedra as well is making me 😬 a leeeetle bit sus
gonna put this under cut bc it got Long
i mean. right away theres a difference in how were exposed to them in that the game gives us news clips letting us know whats happened over the 20 years, how cities have been placed under marshal law, how riots have broken out as rations hit all time lows, how the fireflies started fighting back and how their public charter calls for the return of the branches of government, how fedras started holding public executions for “alleged fireflies”. the show doesnt give us anything like that, instead shows us that little boy who they let in and test, before promising that they were going to take care of him and he was safe now only to cut to the burn cart/pit where we find his body is. sure that lets us know that theyll lie and promise to protect you only to kill you but you can argue in their favor. he was infected, theres a short incubation period and who knows when he was infected, they did it in a gentle way (seems like euthanasia), they made an effort to help him. they saw this boy faint and they brought him inside the qz. the game fedra wouldnt have let him in even if there wasnt the chance he was infected, there were issues with rations as it was.
there are changes in what were shown of fedra too, little but they add up. we dont see them pulling people out of a condemned building and shooting anyone who tries to run/resist. we dont see any evidence of people being selected for “outside work duty”, but instead see people volunteering for work in hopes for extra ration cards. we dont see the ration line that hasnt opened yet, that people have been waiting in for who knows how long bc theyre running low. dont get to hear the guy telling his friend to keep his voice down when complaining about fedra bc otherwise he might die. sure they still have their public executions for unauthorized entry/exits of the qz, sure they still hold tess in a cell overnight bc they think she might be a firefly, but theyre still shown overall in a kinder light
and then we have the introduction of the fireflies. in the show theyre holding ellie, chained to a wall, who we learned they snatched off the street. they leave her like that, come check on her once or twice a day, take notes and leave. they dont even give her a change of clothes based on the fact shes wearing what she was when she was bit. i didnt see any bucket or anything so i dont know what they were doing for her bathroom situation cause they sure as shit werent gonna let her out of their sight. when we meet ellie in the game, shes free to move about the room shes hiding in as she wishes. shes hiding there by choice, bc she specifically sought marlene out after she was bitten. she knew for about 3 weeks that she could be the cure rather than finding out the day she was being shipped off.
when it comes to meeting “the queen firefly herself”, marlene is shown in show to be strategic and cunning. shes planning on how to get her troops out of the city by causing as much chaos as possible, spread the fedra soldiers thin and hope to keep them distracted so they can hopefully sneak out unnoticed. in the game theyve been planning on leaving the city for weeks (presumably from the moment she realized ellie was immune) and they went quiet. but fedra needs a scape goat, they need someone who they can blame the problems on, someone other than themselves who the qz can hate. so theyve been picking fights, hoping to rile them up. the fireflies are in a desperate situation trying to defend themselves rather than taking a stand
and then of course you have them changing it from the fedra hunting joel, ellie, and tess down under the assumption that they were fireflies (tying into what is reiterated throughout the game: that people are just as dangerous as the infected) to a hoard of infected chasing them, and removing the fireflies helping overthrow the pittsburgh kansas city qz (who wanted them to help take the fight to other qzs, and were instead captured and hung by the citizens)
and then in episode 7 they made one of the biggest changes yet in terms of the fedra/firefly dichotomy. in the show, the mall has recently been hooked up to the power when fedra opened a new block of buildings, which allows riley to show ellie the best day of her life. she knows about whats in the mall bc shes been stationed there by the fireflies, this 16 almost 17 yr old is stationed there alone in a building that hasnt even been properly cleared.
but in the game its a completely different story. the mall didnt suddenly gain powere, its had it the entire time. riley reveals this to ellie and we learn that fedra has the ability to provide power to every part of the city, they just say that it doesnt work as a way of controlling the populace. the fireflies dont have anyone stationed there, fedra do. a soldier named winston who was there to prevent people (and infected) from sneaking into the qz, who riley and ellie were sorta friends with and who taught ellie how to ride a horse.
by making those changes in left behind, suddenly you can make the argument that fedras not that bad. sure in some places like the kansas city qz theyre terrible but in others theyre actually trying to help the people! look how they expanded the qz! they got the power up and running and suddenly places like the mall work bc of that! look at the soldier who gave the warning to joel! sure he doesnt want to lose his supplier but he didnt have to give him the warning! and inversely you can make the argument that the fireflies are just as bad. look how they left a 16/17 year old alone with bombs! look how they open fire on the streets without care of whether they hit civilians! look how they view their personnel as expendable!
it feels like theyre gearing up to be like “actually the fireflies are just as bad as fedra” and im afraid if they go that route theyll have some shit take like “fighting your oppressors using aggressive/violent tactics makes you just as bad as the oppressor” or “if the fireflies make a cure theyll use it to ensure the people are under their control” or some shit like that
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reason why I dont trust the “i lift others up but nobody lifts me up” mentality anymore is part because it is kind of a nice guy ( tm) mentality.  
Before i get flamed just hear me out. This is not what i mean. What I mean is.. how do I explain it. Helping others but having hard time helping yourself and feeling upset that others wont do what you have done for them is a valid feeling. In fact one’s struggle such as this is very valid. But what I mean is.. the mentality that “I will do things for others so that others would do for me”. And that is kind of the problem. Now again, I get it that people struggle and they dont actually flat out want that, but they could wish for it subconsciously without truly acknowledging it. Some may, idk, build that idea (”I only look out for others and i do it for others beacuse thats who i am”) in their head because they are afraid of [appearing] selfish [so much] (or were abused to believe thinking any good for themselves is bad) they want to turn a blind eye to any wish they have for themselves to the point they want to appear only as a savior who doesnt think about themselves and kind of lie to themselves about their deep desires, by turning their wish to be helped into “I want to help others” idea.
If you helped others because you want to and because it makes you happy, then.. when you are struggling Why is the first feeling that is the source of your negative emotions - is the thought that the people you helped didnt go to same lengths for you? Maybe that means you dont [just] help because you enjoy it.
being upset that you spent all energy on others and when you need someone you dont get anything is valid and its a big struggle. But .. on the other hand, what about the people [you] helped? 
help itself is an act of [aiding] someone [in need]. Helping literally means helping someone who is [struggling], who [cant] defend themselves. Some people literally [use] help and make themselves happier and comfortable true. But some people get help because they have no hope left. Some people get help because they cant get out. Because they suffer from unfairness and mistreatment and got the worst from life, or because they are not abled enough to get the bare minimum. 
And then , You come in because helping others is your thing. And you give those people the bare minimum they need because you Love Helping others. They didnt ask for you specifically, they didnt complain, it was entirely Your choice to help because you said you love doing it.
And they are thankful because you showed them kindness.
But then you feel upset and claim they used you.
Imagine though. You are disabled, you have been struggling, you cant really do much because your life is.. greatly limited. And then someone appears and does something to you - their act of kindness. You battled your illness or disbility your entire life and you will keep doing it, and one random gesture of kindness was like a small drop compared of the ocean of issues you have, but it was very kind of them anyway and you are thankful anyway.
..and then, that person says You are a monster, you dont care, you make them suffer because You didnt do same for them. They claimed they did So much for you.
You feel your soul crack because you never asked them to come into your life in first place, it was Them. They said they did it bc they wanted to. You cant move, you cant do things because you are disabled or because you have an illness that prevents you from doing things you always wished you could do but cant do. And that someone blames You for not doing things in return for them. They decided for you who you are and said that you didnt care about them, and more lies about you. They blamed their suffering on you: A person (you) whose disability or struggle was something out of Your control. 
That person wasnt even there for the most part of your suffering and pain, the lifetime you spent alone battling your illnesses, traumas, crises, but they did One thing and claimed ALL credit for it, and got mad you did nothing in return.
The person wants to help others because of their trauma and issues. be it not feeling good enough, or not wanting others to go throug what they have. No matter the intention, thats still unhealthy. But person says “I cant do any other way, because loving myself is hard!” or “Its easier said than done” and yes. I agree its hard. But it doesnt negate the fact that your willingness to throw yourself into fire “for others” (when in reality it is not for others but bc you avoid harder path) will make you even more bitter and will make your life harder. What’s the difference in terms of suffering anyway: enjoying self-satisfaction in helping others too much and ending up struggling alone, or hating yourself for having to work on yourself when you dont want to love yourself and over time getting help you needed? Different paths, same amount of struggle. Except the former is just more enticing and.. easier.
I hate it how popular it is to excuse people who actively choose to do “easier” path because they have trauma and struggle. How much is it excused to use others to clear one’s name and blame others later on. How okay it is to disregard a person’s feelings - the one one uses to feed into their savior complex.
Helping someone who was hurting and in such pain just to later on insult them and what they went through just because you go through hard time, using their struggle as your sob story and making the person feel like they were nothing, or worse, a monster for being in need for help.
Its not really a vent or personal story. But it is something scratching on my chest. Im not saying all people who help others are bad. There are people who dont do that when they help others. There are people pleasers who dont do that stuff. What Im saying is, there are some people who are that way. Who say and think they are helping and who say all sorts of stuff. But they use others, act entitled, and dont look into what others need or go through. Those people just “help others” because they just want to.. idk. Do good i guess. But they dont have regard for anyone they ‘help’ or dont do their homework and dont look into what others need, and also treat people like cardboard, only look ing at their own feeling. Demonize others. 
..and if you care about them and want them happy, they get angry at you and say hurtful stuff, make up lies that you dont care or “dont actually help” them when you simply cant.  They insist you are a ..thing. that doesnt care or wants them happy, but when you say you want them happy and loved, they yell at you to shut up. They want to help people but treat them like ‘cowardly’ ‘shallow’ ‘evil’ ‘ forgetful’ and themselves as above them. They decide everything for you and dont let you do much and then blame you for not being enough.
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MoC gives me the vibe of being someone who cares about branding waaaay more than producing a quality product. She used to be crazy active on the bjd subreddit and her comments always made me feel like she was trying to put her name out there/ marketing herself as opposed to just being there to talk about dolls. Maybe I'm wrong, but the whole thing with her first doll really solidified that feeling. People were giving her really good constructive criticism (i.e. praising hard work and effort, while also giving suggestions for improvement in a polite way) and she brushed them off and even made some comment about how she's sculpted a lot of miniatures, so she knows what shes doing (which, I mean, cmon, her first doll looked like a middle school art project). After that she whined on another subreddit about how people praised her work until she wanted to sell, completely missing the point that a) until right before she opened sales, she never made it super clear she was selling her doll, b) she never once asked for constructive feedback and c) she was asking a professional price but wasnt presenting professional work. She pretty much dropped off of reddit after that, except for a couple posts here and there. It made it seem like the only reason she was so active was to build her brand and sell her doll, and when that didnt happen she bounced.
And then there's all this stuff about her casting service. She posts pics of her OC or her personal collection but the only photo of her casting is that one heavily filtered closeup of her new doll. She clearly hasn't built up her finishing skills, if the j0ker head is anything to go by. I dont blame @ce for getting a master from someone else. And whats with that weird flex of working at @pple and t3sla??? Unless she posts photos of stuff she resin cast while working, it means absolutely nothing and it just looks like a bragging point.
I dont think shes a bad person, or a scammer, but I think she's overestimating her abilities and is biting off way more than she can chew. Her ideas are really cool (that LED lightning bolt thigh looks awesome), but I wish she focused more on her artistry and skills instead of her "brand."
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