#i wished them birtday they say thanks
babypetri · 7 months
I miss sending funny videos to my friends
#you may think petri whats stopping you#not anxiety for once#because i dont get the same effort from them#i feel like they dont care#im not their part of life anymore#while yes i did go silence for weeks but that was because i was overwhelmed and socializing was too much#i barely talked with my family and i forces myself for it i didnt want to worry them#i had trouble sleeping a brain that wont shut up i cried at nights i feel terrible#i told them i had hard time socializing send messages was too much i stop going on the internet even#but i got kinda get better i guess and everything back to normal then oneday they no longer talked#i wished them birtday they say thanks#i wish happy whatever holiday pr special day it is#but they dont text unless i texted first#while i understand all of us are busy but how much time its gonna take for someone to wish their friend happy birthday#just a simple message would be enough#but none came#i put reminders that starting ro remind me their birthday days before just so i can at least wish them happy birthday#wanting a simple “happy birthday petri” message is too much i guess#twice they do the same and im no longer talking yo them#well except the one friend i made at university we talking time to time#and she wishes me happy birthday even if late because her own life is kinda too much going on#she was so sorry that she missed my birthday but that was fine i got one friend that remembers#i would send her but she dont get to same jokes as my older friends#also last time we had english she was not okay with it?#oh great im getting sad again at night again
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thelost-in-time · 11 months
"Happy birthday!" Fern said with a wide smile, placing a huge chocolate cake in front of Lost and Ace.
"Here's a little something for you, I know you enjoy it," she adds with a smile.
"Klee helped make it too! I got to put the decorations on!" The little girl shouts excitedly, jumping up and down. Lost inspects the decorations: Several red and blue candles, chocolate letters spelling "Happi birtday Lost and Ace" and A LOT of sprinkles.
"It's beautiful," Lost says, ruffling the little girl's hair. Ace gives her a questioning look, but quickly puts on a smile after receiving an elbow in the ribs from his sister.
"Yes, it looks great," he says, sounding almost convincing. Well, it's convincing enough for Klee, anyway, because she gives both of them a hug before scurrying off to play somewhere.
Next, a familiar figure steps forward.
"It's not cake, but I hope you'll appreciate this as well," Xiao says, handing Lost a bouquet of qingxin flowers. The smell reminds her of the beautiful mountains of Liyue and many nights spent at the top of Wangshu Inn, looking at the stars while safely nestled in Xiao's arms.
"Of course I appreciate them. They're beautiful, Xiao. Thank you," Lost says with a wide smile.
Xiao leans in for a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you like them. They're just as beautiful as you."
After Xiao comes a taller man, his blond hair slightly messy. "A happy birthday from me too," Gepard says. Only now Lost notices he's carrying something. He sets two mugs down in front of the siblings, and the sweet smell of chocolate immediately reaches their noses.
"I made hot chocolate for you. It's a special recipe from my family... Serval and Lynx helped but it together. They couldn't make it today, but they both wish you a wonderful day. Also..." He goes a little red now, straightening his back.
"I got a special task from Serval."
Gepard clears his throat and begins singing Happy Birthday. He's clearly nervous by the slight shaking in his voice, but it doesn't sound too bad.
Once he's done, Lost claps enthusiastically, Ace joining in after a moment as well.
Somehow the clapping seems to make Gepard only more nervous.
Lastly, Fern approaches them again with a smile. "I hope you liked your presents from everyone, and maybe they could bring a little joy to this day. Here's a little something from me, as well."
She hands Lost an envelope. Inside of it is a small card.
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This is so sweet, thank you so much, it means the world to me 🥹🫶
I hope we'll always be friends too, because you make life worth living, and I'm so, so glad to have met you.
You've definitely helped make this day special, and I honestly would have never gotten this far if I didn't have you or your support.
You're one of the most important people in my life, and I'm really glad to have met you. Here's to hoping we have plenty of more happy memories together, and a long time of friendship too.
Ily sm /p and I truly am thankful for you being here. You're not only an amazing person, but you're also a really good friend too, one that I know I can always rely on.
So thank you for being my friend, and thank you for all that you've done for me so far too, I shall also always be here for you if you ever need someone to rely on too, and any problems we may face, we can get through this together, because I wouldn't have anyone else by my side other than the greatest friend I've ever had.
Thank you, ily /p 💛
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Welcome home, Dexter
It's Bella's birthday and Ina surprises her with the cutest little puppy ever! Pure fluff :)
Writing this kind of helped me. We lost our dog 2 weeks ago, so writing this helped me a lot.
Also a big thank you to @kulaykape for helping me with getting some inspiration :)
@domakir @dopeyouth @thedaft1 @citybornchick @astrangeandunusualgirl
Ina was very, very nervous for the next upcoming minutes. It was 4.45, Bella should get home from classes any moment now. Today was Bella's birtday, and Ina was going to make sure it was going to be one to never forget. She was going to make Bella's childhood dream come true.
*5 months ago*
Ina had a good band with Bella's parents, and she decided to call Bella's mother, planning on asking her what would be the perfect gift for Bella. Bella does so much for Ina, without her even knowing, she wanted to give her something that would tell her how much she meant to her and how serious she thinks their relationship is.
"Hello, ms. Fiennes, how are you?"
"I'm good dear, how about you? How's my little girl?"
"I'm good. We're good. Everything is going great."
They talked for several more minutes before Ina cut to the case.
"Bella's birthday is coming up in a few months. I want to give her something she's been wanting for a long time. Do you have any ideas?"
Ms. Fiennes simply laughed.
"Ina, sweetie, if you want to give her something she really wants, the answer to that would be a dog. Our neigbours used to have a black-brownish Golden Retriever she always walked and played with whenever she could. We also caught her telling that dog the problems she was having when she was going through something rough. We could never afford one because we had no time nor money, but if you want to give her her biggest wish, it would be a dog."
Huh. Ina always wanted a dog herself, and she knew her and Bella were ready for it. They were living together and were together for almost 2 and a half years now. And sure there was enough money, time and space in their appartment.
"Thank you, ms. Fiennes. I think I'll know what to do now. One question, do know any names she would like for a dog?"
"She always told us that if she would ever get a dog herself, she would name it Dexter if it was a boy, and Ella if it were to be a girl"
Dexter... that name had a nice ring to it
"Thank you for telling me."
"It's okay, sweetheart. Good luck! And if you'll ever get her a dog, make sure the dog will meet their Grandma and Pabby."
"I will make sure they will meet you very, very soon"
With that she hung up, opened her laptop, and started to look for the perfect dog.
*3 months ago*
Ina just arrived to the shelter to pick out their perfect dog. She told Bella she had to go to a night conference and that she had to go alone. Bella was a little suspicious, but believed her in the end. When Ina stepped foot in the shelter, her heart exploded with cuteness. 6 black little furballs stormed at her, making happy noices and licked her all over her face. Ina took her time, talking with the owner and observating the puppies. One caught her eye, the furriest of them all, cute, clumsy, and kept climbing into Ina's lap. It was decided. This little one was going home with her soon. Ina made the arrangements with the owner, signed all the papers and planned when she would pick this little rascal up.
*24 hours ago*
Ina came back to the shelter after buying a pillow, food and water holders, and a lot of toys for their soon to be best friend. She had bought a few balls, a lot of stuffed animals and a squeeky pear, which she knew Bella would absolutely love. She also bought a collar for him. A red collar, with the name 'Dexter' on it in golden letters.
When she stepped in, the puppies were a little bit bigger, but still furry and still very, very clumsy. But, Ina recognised her little friend the moment she stepped foot into the shelter, because that one came to her the fastest, and seemed to be the most happiest, almost like he knew he would come home with her. She talked for a bit with the owner, writing down everything she needed to know for the little puppy's first few months. And when it was time to go, the little furball said one last goodbye to his parents before being picked up by Ina. "Come on, little friend. Let's go home." Ina smiled softly and applied the collar to him. "...Dexter"
It was 4.55 and Ina did one last check if everything was on the right place. The squeeky pear on the table, the note next to it, and Dexter hiding with Ina in their bedroom. Ina's heart froze as she heard the front door open. "This is it, Dexter. This is it!!" Ina whispered excitedly to Dexter, and giving him a little kiss on his forehead.
"Babe, I'm home! Where are you, baby?" Bella asked. She walked towards the table and saw the squeeky pear lying on it. Next to it was a note. 'Squeeze me :D' was written on the note. So she did, she squeezed the pear, and when she did, Ina opened the door to their bedroom and Dexter started to run towards the squeeking sound.
When Bella heard the sound of little tippetytaps behind her, she turned around. And there he was, the black, fluffy, little furball, running excitedly towards Bella. Bella gasped, and fell to her knees, as the little pup was jumping up and down in excitement.
"Why hello there! How did you get in here buddy?" She said with the biggest smile on her face. Ina was watching her secretly through the door opening, being so insanely happy to capture this moment where Bella and her own dog meet each other for the first time. Dexter couldn't be more happy, jumping and barking (those tiny little barks were enough to make Ina's heart melt). Ina didn't even realise she had happy tears in her eyes until she felt them fall down her cheeks.
Bella kept petting the dog, and then she noticed the collar. "Why what a beautiful collar you have!" She saw the name on top of it. "Dex...ter?" Realisation hit her as Ina walked into the living room and sat next to her on the ground. "Ina, is this what I think it..." Bella was truly speechles. Ina smiled and kissed her cheek. "Happy birthday, sweetheart." On that moment, Dexter started to lick Bella's cheek, as if giving her a kiss too. Now happy tears started to shine in Bella's eyes too. "But I never told you... I mean how did you.... how did you know?" Ina smiled, patting Dexters head and putting an arm around Bella's waist. "I called your parents. I asked what would be the perfect gift, and one thing led to another, and here's Dexter." "Thank you. So, so much. I've always wanted a dog." "Me too, and now, we have many, many years to enjoy little Dexter here." Bella smiled and kissed Ina in the most grateful way ever.
*the following evening*
After a lot of cuddling, putting Dexters stuff in the living room and letting Dexter get to know his new home, it was time for bed. "Now, Dexter" Ina started "this is where you're going to sleep! You'll have a lot of nice dreams here" Bella smiled to herself as she saw Ina interacting with Dexter. It was the purest thing ever. "Sweet dreams, Dexter, tomorrow is going to be a very fun day" they left the livingroom door and bedroom door ajar, so that they could hear if everything was going well with Dexter.
*One hour later*
Ina and Bella were both asleep, until Bella felt something down her side. "Mmmhhh.... that tickles, Ina" "I'm not doing anything, sweetheart" Ina said, and Bella put their light on and pulled her blanket up, to reveal a very furry, smiling little Dexter. Apperantly it had been storming, and Dexter got a little scared. "Well hello there, mister. Where you scared of the thunder? Do you want your mommies to protect you?" Dexter gave Bella his best puppy dog eyes, as if asking if he could stay. "Well," Ina started "it's your first night, let's keep him here, just this once. But this will not be a habbit, understood, little man?" Little did Ina know it was going to happen a lot more times.
*three weeks later*
Ina, Bella and Dexter just came home from their evening walk. "Okay Dex!" Bella started "let's see if we can teach you some tricks." Ina took her glasses off, and took a treat in her hand. "Okay now... sit!" Dexter looked confused at Ina, so she tried again. "Dexter, sit." But Dexter was in a playful mood, and took Ina's glasses off the couch and started to run away. "DEXTER NO! COME HERE" But Dexter was already on the other side of the room. Ina's serious mode got on. "Dexter, this is not behaviour we want to see in this family. Now give me back my glasses." And just when Ina was about to grab the glasses from Dexters mouth, he ran away. Ina tried many more times to her her glasses back, but Dexter ran away from her ever single time. "Ina, he's a pup! You shouldn't treat him like he's a student! Or as any person!" Bella said through her laughs. "Well, you try it then! Winner gets to top tonight" "Hah. You, little miss, have got yourself a deal." "I am a smart, dare I say intelligent woman with a pHd, I can explain human behaviour and I've been nominated for awards for my research, I'm sure I can get a dog to drop a pair of glasses." "Shush! It's my turn now" she walks towards Dexter. "Oh Dexter come see what I've got! I've got the squeeky pear! Much better then some glasses, right? Come get the pear, boy, come get it!" She threw the pear, and whit that, Dexter dropped the glasses and runned towards the pear. Ina's eyes were wide and her mouth open. "Here let me close that for you" and with that, Bella closed Ina's mouth. "Looks like you have to prepare yourself for tonight. I'm top tonight."
So Ina did.
And Bella fucked her silly that night.
Ofcourse with the bedroom door closed, because they knew Dexter wasn't, and will not ever be ready to see that kind of things. Little do they know Dexter will be able to open doorknobs later.
*4 weeks later*
Bella was alone at home, crying. Ina had left home for work while they were having an argument.
"Sometimes I feel like work is more important to you then me."
"Bella, stop being sad over every little thing. I don't have time for this." She snapped back. And with that, left for work.
Dexter woke up from his little nap, and heard Bella crying. He went over to her and tried to cheer her up. He sat next to her on the couch and started to lick her tears away. Bella started to laugh a little. "You're a good boy, Dex. Sometimes Ina is a little stupid, but we love her anyways, right?" And with that, Dexter lied down, putting his head in her lap.
Later that night, Ina came home. She had a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates with her. "Sweetheart, I'm very sorry I-" she cut herself off, because she saw Bella sleeping on the couch with Dexter in her arms. Ina couldn't help but smile a little. She put a blanket over the two of them and started preparing dinner. 'I guess a dog does make you feel happier, even when you're sad' Ina thought, as she was cutting up vegetables.
*one month later*
Ina and Bella were snuggled up on the couch together, with some snacks lying on the table, about to watch a movie together.
When the movie started playing, Dexter walked to them, sitting right before them, and introducing something he has never done before. 'The Infinite Stare'. When Dexter does this, he will stare at you without looking at something else, until you give him what he wants. "What does he want?" Ina whispered. "I have no idea" Bella whispered back, as she grabbed a piece of cheese off the table. She noticed Dexter's eyes following her hand, or more specificaly, the piece of cheese. "Oooh is that it?" Bella said excitedly. "You want the cheese? Can you catch it? 3... 2... 1..." and with that she threw it. And cute as Dexter might be, he is also very clumsy, so he tried to jump, but fell down to the ground. "Oh no, are you okay, Dex?" But Dexter simply ate the cheese, turned back to the couple and asked in his own way for another one. "This is going to be a long night." Ina mumbled. Bella chuckled and gave her a kiss on the lips. "Don't pout, babe, it's all part of the progress." She said, as she gave Dexter another piece of cheese.
When the movie ended, Bella had fallen asleep on top of Ina. Ina turned down the tv, made sure Bella was lying okay, and picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to their bedroom. Of course Dexter supervised, making sure Ina wouldn't drop Bella. After they settled in bed together, Ina could see Dexter's little puppy eyes over their bed, begging to come up there with them. Ina tried to be firm, but who could say no to those puppy eyes? "Alright Dex, come on." She patted on the bed. Dexter jumped, but fell off first time. Ina facepalmed herself, but couldn't help laughing. Then, Dexter jumped again, and was lying between her and Bella.
Dexter nuzzled his head in Ina's neck, so Ina had both Bella and Dexter in her arms. As she caressed Bella's stomach, and fluffed Dexter behind his ears, she couldn't help but feeling happy.
'Maybe this is what true happiness feels like' was the last thing she thought before she fell asleep as well.
The end
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heartxclouds · 4 years
Diabolik Lovers: Wrong Blood-Prisonned Bridal;;Part 1
[C]♡. Hello! Welcome to this blog..
This is my first try on writting my DL AU, which is called Wrong Blood-Prisonned Bridal if you are new to it! I think that I am experienced enough in writting so this is why I took the courage to write it! I do hope that you enjoy and follow the instructions clearly because yes, I have a rules in here- It isn't forced but you still need to view the rules. 📄
Rules;; {+ Instructions}
If you click on a OST link, you can hear the music ^^
When something is written in italic, it means that it's a wisper.
I would appreciate it if you have enjoyed the story, that you comment or like! Like that it makes me want to continue! If you need to give me constructive critism please send me a PM (Private Message).
In here there will be some spooky things so if you dislike that a lot, please proceed with caution. PS: Niko is a gypsy, that isn't meant as a slur. Niko is a girl that travels, does fortune telling and dances. So don't worry. I'm not here to offend.
If you see a edit with subtitles, read the subtitles! And if you can't see a image clear? Click on it!
Some edits are old or come from friends! I will credit them don't worry, they will be credited in the section 'Information'. And for the old edits, I'll put old in the end of the post in section 'Iformation'.
Thank you for reading the rules! I hope you enjoy this now. 🎃🍂
It was afternoon, at this time.. Many kids were playing. Screams of joy because of hide and seek, sometimes pain because they fell and even tears or joy because they were laughing so much. But there was one little girl that wasn't in the mood for playing. She would rather read books at this time of the day, she had secretly picked out some books out of the small library of her mother. Vampires..What were they? Monsters- Bloodsuckers- Creatures of the night... The little gypsy girl was amazed by these stories but also terrified. Welcome to the world of the small Niko Riverdale.
Winter.. It was cold but fun, Niko turned six years old not long ago. She felt like she could be a adult any second. Niko loved to play as the little adult.. But to be honest, it was scary. People always had some type of disgusted look when they spotted a gypsy, and it was like this everywhere. But on the possitieve side.. Some people could be nice and accept them, even enjoy they're dances. A gypsy was never meant to have a bad view.. Being a gypsy was seen as some kind of culture too. The priest always said that God hates gypsy's.. That if you were one, that a spirit will haunt you.. Kill you.. Destroy you. All kids from Niko's age knew the dark reality already, God? Hah.. When did God help? That's what they were thinking.. But Niko thought otherwise, she believes that God is good.
-"Mom.. Why do people hate us?"
Niko was holding the hand of her mother while they were walking back home. Reading hour was finished and Niko had hidden those vampire themed books in her bag before her mother got to see it.
-"Ah.. Don't worry about that honey.. You know.. In this world there are people that can hate you without a good reason.. That is why we need to be strong."
Her mother had felt some un-easy feeling.. Excactly, why did people hate them? She didn't know the answer herself... She held the hand of her daughter slightly tighter, they would go to the cathedral before getting back home. She entered the building and went to the small praying spot that was there. She looked at her daughter, she would need to pick a different one.. Niko went to the Maria statue that wasn't too far away from her mother.
-"My God.. I'm here to ask you questions.. I hope that I don't bother you at this moment but..Do you hate me? Or my mom..? My gypsy people..? You know.. Today some kids didn't want to play with me.. They're parents didn't want that.. Even if it was my birtday.. Hmph.. And God, I'm 6 years old now.. That's a lot, right? Hehe.. Will you please answer me..? I now pray this in the name of our saviour. Amen.."
Niko did the quick cross sign before walking back to her mother, that seemed to have finished her praying. Niko held the hand of her mother.. Did God hear her? Will she get the message..? Who knows.. Maybe God, had a surprise.
After getting home, having dinner and having a bath.. Niko was relaxed and ready to read some more about the nocturnal horror creatures.. Curiousity really killed the cat.. And Niko was clearly the cat in this example. The moon was up.. The beautifull blue moon that shinned in Niko's room, Niko could observe those beautifull night skies forever.. She didn't realise that is was already 2 AM, Niko would be in trouble if her parents found out that she was still up.
But strangely a sound ruined the silence.. Crying.. Rather disturbing. A fenale voice? Calling out for help but it all sounded like a echo. For a kid this could be creepy looking, but for Niko.. She was worried.. Not about that sudden visit in her house of a crying voice but she was actually concerned about the feelings of the person.. Did they need to escape? Was there a killer outside? No.. Not at all. Niko got out her room and walked down the hallway.. The wood plancs made a creak sound. The more Niko approached.. The more the crying became louder. She could see now.
A woman with pretty long white hair was sitting on her knees on the floor. Her clothing was white too- She also had some kind of long blue see-through scarf, she also had white gloves, pretty ones that people always wore when they were from a rich family.. Her skin was pale, as pale as porcelin.
-"Umm.. Miss..? What's wrong? What is happening..? Are you hurt..?"
Niko was a child with good manners but it was kinda weird.. How did that woman come in? The door was locked, the windows too.. Who was this woman? Or what is she? The crying didn't stop but when Niko placed her hand on the shoulder of the beauty, then she turned around and held Niko's shoulders tightly.
Niko felt paralyzed.. A random woman just came here and was finding her child.. Her child is broken? He needs to be fixed? That woman didn't look normal at all either.. She was way too pale for a human being.. It was dead skin colour.. She had long fangs too.. And also you could see through her..? A ghost-? A spirit?! Niko's eyes were tearing up- God, can God explain?! Why don't Niko's parents hear this?! Was she crazy?! Niko just got out the grip and ran to her room and locked it, she got on her bed and hid under the covers.
-"God please.. Make it stop.. Make it stop.. I'm scared.. Don't give me to Satan.. Not the devil, I beg you.. Do you hate me? Is this my curse now?"
This was a bad experience for a child, it could be traumatizing.. Niko was praying for this to stop, but then she heard the loud banging against her door- She was screamed.. The woman was still crying and screaming.
Niko hugged her knees, she was way too scared to say anything or open the door. Niko cried in her sleep.. In the background she could still hear the crying.. The crying of a female vampire ghost..
It was night time, a few nights have passed since that incident and that woman always kept her awake- Screaming and crying.. Niko was hidding under the covers- Hoping that it would stop soon. She held her bunny plush close, it was a white bunny with red buttons as eyes.. It clearly was a old design, but she loves it. The banging on the door soon stopped.. But it replaced with a wisper. Was Niko getting crazy? Hearing wispers in her head.. That made Niko just hug her plush tighter.
-"Go to the forest.. In the forest you'll find a mansion.. I need you to fix him.. Please"
Niko looked down- She letted out a sigh.. Even if her parents forbid her to go out at night- She would do it- Like that the nights without sleep will stop..Maybe. Niko puts on her small brown boots and then got out the house after grabbing her plushie and wearing a yellow jacket, it matched her eyes perfectly. Now, Niko got in the dark forest.. Why did she forget the flashlight?? She hugged her plush tighter.
-"It's you and me mister carrots.. We will finish this.."
You could hear in Niko's voice that she was scared- She planned to get back home and get the flashlight.. But it already was too late- Her house wasn't visible anymore. Was she lost-? Niko started to tear up, she felt stressed and she could sense that there was danger close by. Niko didn't trust the sound of breaking twigs and leafes that were being crushed.. Without further hesitation, she started to run- She didn't care that she could see nothing- Her mind told her to run. And she was lucky that she started running now, because the hungry wolves were out now, howling and groaning, they wanted the eady prey that was there now.. And the prey was Niko. A girl her size and her age was as easy as catching a mouse.
{ [Wolf howling|https://youtu.be/66HKBdZe_WA]}
Niko was screaming while running- But nobody was there to save her- But God must have heard her wish.. The mansion- It was there- Right infront of her! Niko quickly openned the door and got in. She heard the wolves outside, they were howling and sniffing where she was hidding. There was a moment of silence soon.. Were they gone? Niko peeked through the window to see if those carnivores were still there and it seemed that they dessapeared.
-"Hehe!! No dinner for you guys!"
Niko giggled happily, she was happy to stay alive- But soon after her short victory dance, she felt something.. No.. Someone behind her- She gulped and then slowly turned her head to see a tall man.. His eyes were some type of dark pink and his hair was purple- He also was wearing glasses. Niko stepped back as her eyes were wide from how scared she was- Will he hurt her..?
-"Entering the house of someone like that is really dissrespectfull. You need to learn some manners."
The male was getting straight to the point- His expression was serious and he clearly wasn't happy with Niko's action from before. Niko quickly openned the door and ran out- This was unexpected. She never knew that someone lived there.. No wonder that it looked so clean.
The man with glasses sighed as he watched a albino with the corner ofhis eye.
-"Oh.. So you did decide to come for dinner. I am waiting for your apologize. The dinner is cold and everyone is back to their rooms."
The purple haired man walked away, slightly annoyed. He puts his gloves on in a more comfortable manner as he was walking. The albino narrowed his eyebrows as he gave off a 'tch' noise, he just got back from the garden not long ago. Who was that girl though? How did she find this hidden mansion? He wondered.. But he won't think about it too much. He went to the dinning room.
Meanwhile, Niko had ran away from the mansion.. Fear was described in her eyes. But then- Her house, she saw it.. And yet, she didn't run far away from the mansion. Magic? How? She turned around.. Only trees were seen. How in the world? The small brunnette ran quickly to her home and her parents waited for her.. Crying tears of relief and ordering her to never ever do that again but.. Will she keep that promise-?
✧.*ೃ༄9 Years later...
The sound of the flutes and tambourines filled the streets, the gypsy's were there.. And it seemed that Niko and her sisters were the ones to dance. The same thing happened once again, for some the disgusted look and for some others there was the look of enjoyement. The gypsies how flexible and gracious moves- They always had a beautifull performance in mind. After the dance performance, niko and her sisters earned some money.. They will use this for food and clothing... And for Niko's mother, Rei. She was doing fortune telling to get money for the small house that they have.
The golden eyes of the brunnette spotted a animal..A cat..A white one to be specefic. She stared at it for quite a while- The cat looked at Niko and purred before walking away. Niko sighed a bit as she furrowed her eyebrows. Then Niko realised that her siblings were already going back home- She better quickly catch up with them.. Niko openned the door of the house and watched her father, he was laying on his usual dark blue couch.. She sighed and went to him, seeing that he was sleeping for bow. Niko smiled softly and puts a blanket over her father.. You could sleep better if you were cozy and warm. Niko remembered that she needed to handle something quick- She went to the door and openned it.
-"Where are you going?"
Her big brother John saw that she was planning to leave..Even if it was almost dinner time. He placed the wood in the fire, it was spring and yet it felt like it was still winter.
-"I'm going to the church.. I'll be back home soon though, see ya..!"
Niko got out once more and step by step made her way to the holy building..To be honest, the church was scary.. All dark colours and paintings of suffering- Even some god statues were scary. But Niko always felt much calmer when she saw the Maria statue. She closed her eyes and held her hands together.
-"God.. It is already nine years and three months that this ghost is haunting me.. The cries, they scare. Please help me..Give me a sign to freedom. In the name of our saviour. Amen.."
Niko could not live forever with this kind of ghost that visits her each night. Each time begging to save her child more specefictly her son.. What was this all about? She letted out a sigh- A sad one.. A concerned one. Was this all in her head? Was Niko getting crazy? Her parents and siblings didn't realky believe her.. Her mother did but she didn't know what to do. She rubbed her forehead and just went back home after doing the little cross sign. Niko really believed that god exists.. That someone is watching you.. Sins, Actions, Desires..Wishes. It was scary and yet so releaving in her opinion. After having dinner and a family talk, it was time to prepare for bed. Niko took a shower to refresh herself, she brushed her teeth, got in a fresh nightgown and then finnaly got in bed.
{ [OST|https://youtu.be/aG-39UWA4u0]}
Niko knew what will be going on tonight, she just hoped that it will stop. Each time, she repeats that hope. 12 pm.. It's almost time, Niko's eyes stayed open- She probably won't be able to sleep this night again. This was a punishement.. Was it really though? Niko didn't know but it was horrible to go through.
-"Go..Go.. Go back to the mansion.. He needs you.. You need to make him happy. Please. That's my only wish.."
-"W-Why can't you just leave me alone?"
-"Go..Go.. Go back to the mansion.. He needs you.. You need to make him happy. Please. That's my only wish.."
This repeated over and over again. Niko tried to get a other answer but it still was the same the "Go..Go.. Go back to the mansion.. He needs you.. You need to make him happy. Please. That's my only wish.." was always repeating. Niko had enough, she will go back there, early in the morning to not get wolves or other wild animals after her.
And she really did this plan. In the morning, around 5 am, she got up and got in her red gypsy dress and she wrapped a yellow scarf around her waist, she also puts on her yellow bandana after that she had brushed her long brown hair. She took a quick toast from the kitchen and frowned. She will return back home like last time, she was sure that it would happen as planned.
-"Let's get done with this"
Niko mumbled after getting out and going to the forest. Niko could see now where she was going. It wasn't dark, it was sunny already. The brunnette tried to find the mansion, but it was nowhere to be seen. It really annoyed her, she wanted to not be haunted by that woman anymore, she didn't want to struggle anymore with it. This was going to be the end. Did she really need to wish for the mansion to appear out of nowhere??
Niko ran through the bushes but that caused her to trip, she shook her head and got up after wiping some of the dirt away. But then.. When she lifted her eyes back up to normal. It was there- The mansion that she searched for for hours long. Niko stepped towards the gates-
Niko gulped when the gates went open on it's own. This was..Magic? No way. She must be dreaming. Niko slapped her cheeks with her hands.
-"Gah.. Niko-chan.. Wake uppppp..! Owie-"
Niko stopped slapping her cheeks and took a big inhale before taking the courage to enter the territory of the mansion. A certain stress overwhelmed Niko, it was uncomfortable... As if she was going in some type of haunted mansion. The crows were watching Niko, some letting out their loud bird noises.. These type of birds were mostly around graveryards. Which made this give more of a creepy atmosphere. Niko knocked on the door and waited- She learned last time that shouldn't just enter a house/mansion out of nowhere.. But hey she had no other choice. Niko saw that the door openned.. But weirdly nobody was behind it. Anyone would be running away from this already..No? Niko would have loved to do that but she really wanted to get the spirit away from her. So- Niko got in and looked around..
-"Helloo?? Someone here..? Uh.."
Niko wanted to check first of course. And yet, there was no reply.. Maybe they weren't home? The brunnette wanted to know what the woman meant. 'Make him happy' 'Fix him' 'He needs you', her only wish. The spirit meant a person? Of course- Niko facepalmed. The brunnette still felt that same uncomfortable feeling, that feeling of being watched. This place wasn't safe.. It wasn't safe at all!! Niko had shivers running down her spine. Blood.. Blood running down the walls, Niko's visions made her think that.. This mansion.. It had bad secrets.. Secrets that nobody should ever know about.
Niko's mind kept telling her to run. Run for your life. Run for you freedom before-
Niko had ran back to the front door, it won't open?! No no- This wasn't the plan. God, what did Niko end up into?! Tears ran down her cheeks as fear took her over once more, was she trapped? Was this a prank??
Niko felt a hand on her shoulder.. She hesitated to look behind, but after some seconds she did. A albino man, right there..Glaring down at her with his intimidating look. Niko could not take it anymore.. She fainted. The man catched her in time and groaned.
Run for your freedom before it's too late..
It's too late...
He snarled when he saw her exposed neck with her black chocker necklace. He seemed to hold back something- He seemed to control it for now. The man openned his lips to speak out his words;
End of episode 1... 🍂
Information section:
Time taken: Started on 6 oct 2020- Finished on 14 oct 2020.
Credits;; Story (@me); Edits (@Me) Niko at the gates (Old edit)
I hope that you enjoyed! And I also hope that you would like to follow my journey of Wrong Blood!
See you soon... 🎃
I had posted this long ago but I wanted to share it here too♡
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lorem64 · 4 years
happy early birtday!! I'll forgot to send you an ask on the actually say cause I'm a mess so I hope you don't mind me sending it now So yeah happy birtday!!! I hope you'll have an amazing day
Thank you for the birthday wishes! Don't worry about it being early cause I'm late to reading this 😂
I appreciate the message!! Thank you very much, and yes my day was awesome!
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