#while yes i did go silence for weeks but that was because i was overwhelmed and socializing was too much
babypetri · 7 months
I miss sending funny videos to my friends
#you may think petri whats stopping you#not anxiety for once#because i dont get the same effort from them#i feel like they dont care#im not their part of life anymore#while yes i did go silence for weeks but that was because i was overwhelmed and socializing was too much#i barely talked with my family and i forces myself for it i didnt want to worry them#i had trouble sleeping a brain that wont shut up i cried at nights i feel terrible#i told them i had hard time socializing send messages was too much i stop going on the internet even#but i got kinda get better i guess and everything back to normal then oneday they no longer talked#i wished them birtday they say thanks#i wish happy whatever holiday pr special day it is#but they dont text unless i texted first#while i understand all of us are busy but how much time its gonna take for someone to wish their friend happy birthday#just a simple message would be enough#but none came#i put reminders that starting ro remind me their birthday days before just so i can at least wish them happy birthday#wanting a simple “happy birthday petri” message is too much i guess#twice they do the same and im no longer talking yo them#well except the one friend i made at university we talking time to time#and she wishes me happy birthday even if late because her own life is kinda too much going on#she was so sorry that she missed my birthday but that was fine i got one friend that remembers#i would send her but she dont get to same jokes as my older friends#also last time we had english she was not okay with it?#oh great im getting sad again at night again
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chosos-mascara · 1 month
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all my love, suguru
chapter 5
summary: after an unexpected night spent with your close friend, you find yourself pregnant, and unable to tell him so. will you be able to come to terms with this news, or will it destroy the delicate relationship you’d had left?
chapter warnings: mentions of declining mental health (suguru), general angst, secret pregnancy/child
30 months before
"I have something I wanted to talk to you about." You're watching him at his desk as you walk into his classroom, closing the door meekly behind you. The sickness coupled with this anxiety is overwhelming; exhausting. You're roughly ten weeks along, your first scan recently booked for two weeks time, all while Suguru is none the wiser to your current condition.
He's grading papers from a recent mock exam, and it's apparent he's much more interested in the stacks before him than you as his eyes barely rise, the red marker still between his fingers. You sigh. "Suguru, did you hear me?" He looks up from the reports, bags dark beneath his eyes. You pause in your actions as you mull over his expression. "Are you okay?" There's that concern you had for him that night, back again. You wonder if he realises that, too. Or perhaps you were only procrastinating by creating some sort of conversation, though it's better to open with something like this, isn't it?
"Sorry, what's up?" Suguru acts casual, but he can't deny that your visit is just adding to the mounds of stress he feels in this moment. He doesn't have the energy to pour into conversation, he can barely read these student's scrawny handwriting. "I was wondering if we could talk?" You begin to walk closer with some hesitance, stopping at his desk. He looks up at you, and finally puts that pen down.
"What about?" He's nervous. "Well, I just..." You trail off, your chest heavy. Your hands are shaking, even with one placed over the other. They're clammy, and god, you feel so sick. "That night, when we..." Again, you're not able to finish your sentence, instead averting your gaze to the wall and swallowing. "Listen," Suguru stands, and when you look back to him, you frown. "I don't think we should pursue anything." 
You stand in silence for a few moments; he's completely missed the mark. Raising your hands, you shake your head, trying to gesture to him that this wasn't what you'd intended, but it's lost on him when he continues.
"It was a misjudgement, I didn't consider how this could impact our lives, and for that I apologise." You stare wide eyed. You couldn't tell him how yes, this really has impacted your life, because you realise now how wrong this would go. This truly was a secret you'd have to bring to the grave, because you're sure he'd never speak to you again either way.
"You're right, I'm sorry." It's weak, and all you manage to push out.
Suguru feels reams of guilt when he watches your head bow, hearing quiet, defeated words from your lips. He's lying to himself if he truly believes this is for the best, because no one makes him feel quite how you do.
He replays that memory most nights, wondering if he should have given you a chance - he didn't even let you get a word out before he was pushing you away. He spent years wishing he'd done something different, wondering if anything would change if only he'd had opportunity to speak to you again.
He thinks of that memory when he's walking to Yaga's office, opening the door to be met with you.
Suguru thinks he's finally lost it, because why, after two and a half years would you be here, sitting at Yaga's desk like you'd never really left? His hands are brought upward to rub into his eyes, and he blinks once, twice, squeezing them closed before finally focusing back upon your seated frame. You're definitely there, you're definitely real. 
Suguru hadn't even noticed the child sat to your left until moments later, a small doll between her hands, her hair worn in a short ponytail. He doesn't linger over her presence for long though, because he's drawn back to you.
The door had clicked open moments ago and you had prepared yourself for Suguru's berating, though seconds tick by, and no words come. You're still sat in silence beside your daughter and opposite your old boss after a minute's pass, still an empty seat at your right. You know he's shocked by his hesitance to enter, but the suspense is only twisting the knife embedded into you upon his entry. In this limbo, you're left to ruminate on every doubt that had grown over the past few years, on every bad decision you've made leading up to now. 
Finally, after a minute or so of deliberating, Suguru decides to discern the reason for this meeting, and uses his curiosity as encouragement to come and sit in that empty chair.
You've no alleviation from his stare even when he's seated. He's taking you in, the new you, the mature you, still contemplating his sanity as he wonders if you're just a fragment of his madness. There's still an internal struggle while he wonders why you're here, and what this could possibly have to do with him. Suguru does manage to voice a few words through his turmoil, ever downplaying his mental state with his relaxed tone. 
"I thought you left jujutsu society?" 
His voice still feels like honey in your ears, his presence beside you causing your skin to prickle with cold, goosebumps breaking the surface. Eyes that had been glued to Yaga's desk finally lift, and you turn your head to face him after all of this time. Brown eyes greet you, purple bags weighing the skin down. The glint of hope that Suguru could forgive you begins to ebb, your lips tightening. 
"I did." Your answer rings true, at least. Your eyes falter when you can't take his gaze any longer, instead averting to sit at his lips, then shoulders. He looks the same as always, but his aura feels different. There's sombreness to him now, and you blame yourself for leaving. 
"Should we begin?" Yaga clears his throat uncomfortably, and you're reminded of his presence. You nod with deep reluctance, removing your sight from the man that still holds a place in your heart. "Geto," Yaga begins, and you focus on your breaths. This is it, it's really happening. "You're being assigned a special case; a new student." He gestures toward your Keiko, and Suguru leans forward so he can look past you, his emotionless expression interrupted by disgust. 
"She's a toddler?" His disapproval is thick. "Yaga, are you insane?" Suguru remembers the last person assigned to his care, and her untimely death. This was no world for a child, it was barely a world for him, either. Everyone seems to get on with their lives after witnessing tragedies, and he still doesn't understand how. He has never been left unscathed by the things he's seen, but he's sure to handle those massacres better than a child who would stand at his knee's height. 
Yaga peers to you behind his glasses, and you can feel the luxury of your silence ending. 
"She's at risk if she doesn't learn to harness her cursed energy." You speak, praying for his compliance. "I don't want her to get hurt, Suguru." 
Suguru stares at your expression, looking up, and down as he processes your words among the many racing thoughts he houses. Who was this child to you, why would you care? But after all these years he's brewed upon his actions, paired with the fact he can stare into you and see nothing but kindness and care, his objection merges into something else. 
He doesn't speak, but he doesn't have to, because you've already seen it on his face. He'll help. 
"Thank you." Your words of gratitude are genuine, and they're spoken to him with care. It feels a bit like you're the only two people in the room, studying the other with a sense of longing. He swallows back the old feelings that are trying to push through, and turns to face Yaga once more.
Throughout this meeting Suguru glances to that girl, a question pushing the back of his mind. Who was she to you?
Keiko's in bed when he knocks. At first, you're spooked by the sound and your cursed energy is focused into your fist, though looking through the peephole eases your fears. Your flame dissipates, and you open, not sure what to expect from your night-time visitor.
"What're you doing here?" There's a small dip in your voice. "It's late." You try and mask your unease, though he's able to read you like a book.
"That evening, before you left - what were you going to tell me?" 
When you look closer you realise Suguru's hair is loose, strays floating out from his bun, a redness at his ears from where he'd been toying with the lobes. It doesn't take you long to realise what he's referencing, and you open the door wider. You have to accept your fate, that it's now, or never. "Come, take a seat." 
Those are words Suguru didn't want to hear. Since your meeting, he's been asking himself the same question, who is this child? And why should Suguru of all people be summoned to teach her, when he's sure Satoru would've not only volunteered himself, but been better at the job in every way? 
Then he thought about her hair colour, and how he didn't get to catch her face. The timelines, the fact she's staying with you - the pregnancy test. He kicks himself for not questioning you at the time, and for dwelling over these surely disconnected details, until he thought to that afternoon, when he shut you down with haste. He thought about your body language, and how stupid he was to assume that's what you were going to suggest, how self centred he'd been the entire time. 
He sits down quickly with his heart feeling about to leap out of his mouth, a warmth coddling his ears. 
"A few weeks after we slept together, I realised I was late." You start from the beginning as you stand opposite him. You can't look at his face, arms crossed, you stare at his feet. "I wanted to tell you that evening, but you made it clear you didn't want anything else, and I got cold feet." 
His anxiety fades, morphing into a feeling he can't quite place his finger on. It might be that in this moment, Suguru can truly say he's experiencing heartbreak, and the repercussions of his own actions. If he'd have just checked up on you, things would've gone so differently.  "I have a child?" He speaks slowly, unsure of himself. It doesn't feel like it's sinking in, those words don't feel as if they are describing his own life.
"She's yours." Your confirmation sends prickles over his skin. Your things are still mostly in boxes, though there's a photo you've already set out beside the TV, one that you pick up and hand to him. It's you and Keiko, taken on her 2nd birthday. You'd had to celebrate alone, but you decorate anyway, a big '2' balloon within the background. She's smiling, her baby teeth showing while cuddled into your side. It'd taken a while to get a good photo with her, standing your phone on the couch and using the timer function, though after a few you had come out with this one. It was perfect. 
Suguru holds the frame between his fingers, looking at the little girl beside you. She looked a lot like him, the same eyes, the same shade of hair, but she housed your smile. Tears clouded his vision as he wonders how he's missed out on two years with someone he should've been there for, he's missed so much already. 
"Why did you come here?" Suguru asks, a warmth rolling over his cheek.  "She inherited your technique." You swallow. "A few weeks ago, we came into contact with a curse, but before I was able to exercise it, she ingested it, just like you. A few days after that, she was witnessed by a grade three, and we were called upon by the higher-ups." 
"I never wanted this for her, Suguru. I just wanted to watch her grow through normal means - I know it was a lot to wish for, but she's my baby. I can't bare to picture her dead in some ditch after they rinse her of everything she has." 
"I'll refuse to teach her." He's desperate through his tears, mind racing. "Then they'll just find someone else. There's really no point, unless you're really adverse."
"Why couldn't you have just told me?" He talks as if his words are sapping his lifeforce, and you only watch as he slumps forward, heartbroken and confused. That guilty feeling has hit a new high. "Same reason you shut me out after that night - I was scared, and decided it was better to leave than to face what we did." It's wrong to defend your actions, they should be unforgivable. But, Suguru doesn't seem to put much energy into his disgust with you, because he's just too upset. "I've missed out on two years of my child's life, that's not the same." His hands shake, whether it's rage or distress, he can't tell.
"I'm so sorry." You bow your head, ashamed. "I was so scared, please forgive me." Suguru looks up at you, a heavy breath on his lips. It's not as if you hadn't tried to tell him; he'd practically shunned you. It wasn't fair to give you all the blame, even if it would save his sanity. "Do you wanna meet her?"
"Keiko, baby." She's clutching a small bear against her chest when she walks through the door, rubbing her eyes. The small girl's brown hair is a little messy, and she's still in a pair of cutesy pink pyjamas. "I want you to meet someone." You voice to her slowly while holding her little hand, your heart racing. There's no textbook answer when it comes to difficult parenting decisions, and uncomfortable situations. How do you tell a two year old they have a father in which they've never met?
Suguru's reluctant to look at the doorway when he hears you two coming through. This is the biggest moment of his life, meeting his child, his heartrate reflects this in it's unforgiving pace, his breaths leaving him before he's ready to breathe back in. He'll have to count down, he thinks, to force himself to look at his kin - there's no way he can surely meet her eye otherwise. Five seconds and he'll look, four now. Three, and he's sweating, shaking at two, swallowing harshly before he counts one, eyes forced from their spot over the floorboards to flicker up at the little girl standing at her mother's side.
God, it feels like nothing on this planet has ever mattered to Suguru, because in those brown eyes, there's so much innocence. He can feel his heart melt as he recognises so much of himself in her, his DNA, used to build such a perfect daughter with the cutest version of his character. Her huge, wide eyes, cute roundish nose - but her lips are all you. 
This child is a part of him he didn't know existed, a jigsaw piece melded to fit right within his chest. There's some kind of primal urge to protect her at all costs, to hold her closely, which is why Suguru finds himself at his knees with open arms in search of her comfort, to have his forbearing body embraced by his entire world. A child he'd never known is suddenly the key to his happiness, because she is everything he isn't.
"Hi." He wants to say more, yet a million words couldn't describe how he feels. Suguru can't decide on what to say, so instead settles with that small greeting. She smiles at him nonetheless, and you watch as his eyes soften, a smile over his lips.  "Hello." Her voice is small, much like her stature, and she's still sleepy. Suguru puts a hand over her shoulder, and you find yourself overcome with a grin you can't hide. Despite your anxieties, you know Suguru will love her as much as you do.
"Remember I told you about your daddy? This is him." You're gentle, and you're not sure she'll understand entirely, only seeing that family dynamic on films and tv shows. You'd told her a few times she has a daddy, though she's never seemed all too interested beyond that confirmation. Though she stares at him wide eyed, a smile growing over her cheeks. 
"Daddy!" She repeats, and Suguru has to stop himself from breaking apart at that name. When he'd felt hopeless, weak and depressive, so many times he wondered if his existence would ever improve. Whether he'll be anything more than a sorcerer for jujutsu society to rinse, toss into battle and bury when things grew too difficult. He's grown to be Satoru's friend and not much more.
But with this child before him, he sees some form of light. There's a reason for him to keep going, because he doesn't want his girl to feel anything he's endured. He looks to you for the first time since laying his eyes on her, to your watery eyes, and his heart feels disgustingly full. This is what he's been missing out on. 
a/n: sooo this is it. i hope it met your expectations, honestly i really wanted to put more into this ending and i feel i could've done better, but life has been such a whirlwind as of late. i think this is the last post i'll make before finding myself on a hiatus, so think of this fic as a semi-good-bye. thank you so much for all of the love i have received, it truly means the world!
 @hojoslutoru  @itztamar @magey0412 @strflp  @kaeyakaikai @animeisforkings @emikisses @boredwithwrath @karazorel7 @tomiokasecretlover @mrsoharaa @magey0412 @thisbicc @aemiliabruno @zenys @sukunaspillow @caixgee @ssetsuka @pinkpunkdynamite @harlamarie @cephei-ea @dazailover1900
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rizsu · 2 years
mansae, mansae, mansae sunarin, kenma, bokuto, kageyama.
sum. ib ( inspired by ) mansae from seventeen (kpop) !!
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suna rintarō
inarizaki student suna — he thinks he's cool & slick when talking to you but he gets a little fidgety because of his overwhelming feelings for you
comes up to you in class like "yo" but it's not just any yo, it's a "yo please let me be your boyfriend i love you" but he's not going to say all that.
you guys are deskmates so he sneakily reaches out to hold one of your fingers saying "damn, it's cold today!"
suggests café study sessions when there's no practice (this is an excuse to be with you)
professional volleyballer suna — oh he's still awkward but a little bolder. we all know suna's the cameraman for ANYTHING so yes, he does use you as his personal photo dump.
definitely has your chats pinned. his screentime is high but when you're available to talk? that goes up to HOURS.
when he confessed to you, it was really sceneric. like you know all those fancy restaurants, 5 star hotel weekends, cute little dates to some garden— i mean he has money so why not spend it??
after any match, he comes over > throws himself face down on your bed > begs for you to massage his back > sleep.
kenma kozume
nekoma student kenma — you are his personal room. leaves everything in your care if he has practice or won't be able to use his switch at all.
kenma the typa man to take years before he confesses. he has plans he cannot afford to mess up. meticulously planned plans.
when his class is over he immediately makes his way over to your class and waits until you're out.
conversations usually go like:
"hey, let's go to the gym" > "what about lunch??" > "we can send lev for lunch i dunno."
he LIVES for the way he can just not talk and yet you two would be in a comfortable silence.
uni student & gamer kenma — drives to your house so you guys can go to university together.
if your courses are different — he waits for you at the caféteria and then you guys go wandering about waiting for the next course
if your courses are the same — sits next to you and you guys end up gossiping the entire class. "oh right did you hear about lev's interview?? it was.. something..!!" #1 lev hater (he loves lev)
invites you over for "just the weekend" but you end up staying the entire week.
kageyama tobio
karasuno student kageyama — awkward. very awkward. i know you guys saw the way he freezes up at anything that's not volleyball.
"uh- damn- hi- uhm, can you help me??" yeah you gotta help him or else he can't go to the practice with seijoh to settle his beef with oikawa.
really shy?? he literally cannot form a proper sentence without having hinata's help from the sidelines. sometimes he goes mind blank while staring at you.
does he answer anyone's messages? hardly. does he answer yours? immediately.
professional volleyballer kageyama — still awkward but not as much. isn't as bold as suna but he doesn't think before speaking and just lets it out. you can be wearing rags and he'd be like "wow you look so pretty.."
has this one pic of you furiously scooping out ice-cream while wearing some powerpuff girls pajamas as his lockscreen and wallpaper.
holds your hand like his life depends. he's asleep? holds your hand. scared bc of the horror movie? holds your hand. walking into the house? holds your hand.
a cutie honestly.
bokuto kotarō
fukurodani student bokuto — he does NOT care! will let you know he likes you and will court you until you give him an answer.
likes it when you massage his head after practice but you have to restyle it ++ tries to fit you in on any trips whenever they're going to practice with nekoma/karasuno/some other school
there was this one time he walked you home since he "lives nearby" but it was like?? 6pm so your mom made him stay over. she adores him.
lets you use his volleyball jacket(?) and loves it when he sees you down the hallway wearing it. whether it's tied around your waist or you're wearing it, he loves it.
professional volleyballer bokuto — made you his personal manager. talks A LOT about you when drunk,, to the point where sakusa had to tape his mouth shut.
"yeah so like y/n's so pretty i just wish—" "please shut up bokuto."
stole one of your perfumes bc he loves your scent and cannot live a day without your scent (exaggeration but you get me).
once bokuto messages you, there is no end. he WILL tell you every little detail about his day and honestly you love it :(
he can SING. whenever you guys are driving about it turns into a karaoke session.
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averyiconthequeen · 26 days
averyjameson: overwhelmed
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Both Avery and Jameson are going through tough times in their lives, which takes a toll on their relationship.
warnings: angsty, also maybe a little suggestive content idk !!
There is something special about Italy, and to be honest, it cannot be accurately described in words, you can only feel it. Every time you’re here, everything just seems different.
It was spring break and everyone had been terribly busy with studies and work for the past few months, so it was decided to meet here at one of Avery’s villas. Grayson's idea. From now on, he didn't run away from his family, but wanted to be close to them. He also wanted to take a boat ride with Lyra on Lake Como and watch the sunset. Isn't it amazing how love and therapy changes people?
Everyone was supposed to come except Nash and Libby. Of course, they wanted to spend time with everyone, but when your kids turn three and they start talking non-stop and being everywhere, all you want after a while is just some alone time together. So, they decided to leave the twins at Zara's and go somewhere quiet and enjoy the silence, at least for a couple of days. But really, it was out of the question, because they will definitely miss the babies too soon and show up on Zara's doorstep the very next day. Not like it’s their first attempt to do so.
Grayson and Lyra had already been here for a few days and were now lost somewhere in the gardens. Xander had only arrived a few minutes ago and was now on the phone with Max, who should be arriving in a couple hours as well.
“I don't want to sound dramatic, but I'm pretty sure I won't survive here without you among these...” hearing the door open, he turned around. “It's Avery. Alone.”
“Okay, I love you. Hopefully I’ll be okay when you arrive, it’s like being around divorced parents.”
“First of all, no, it’s not. Second of all, it’s only their freaking business. And finally, if anything new happens, let me know! Love you,” she hung up and he smiled. Yes, they were that kind of couple. Gossipers. And what’s wrong with that? It’s not like they’re judging someone, just… discussing.
“My second favorite person in the world!” Xander made his way to the girl he hasn’t seen in almost three months.
Avery smiled brightly, taking a few steps to him as well and hugged him. She missed him dearly. They texted each other almost every day in their shared chat with Max, and knew everything that was going on in each other's lives, but seeing him in person was different.
He helped Avery carry her bags to her room and they fell into a discussion about the new series they’d started watching. After an hour of talking about everything, they went downstairs, and Avery knew Xander wanted to ask her, but for some reason he held back.
When they got down to the spacious, bright kitchen, which overlooked the lake, they realized that Lyra and Grayson still hadn't returned. Interesting.
“Are you still mad at my brother?”
Of course, it was only a matter of time. Honestly, she thought he would do it as soon as he saw her. She also knew that Jameson wasn't saying anything to him about it, even though Xander was worried. Did it hurt him? A little bit, yeah. Xander had shared more with him than the others, but he figured Jameson probably had his reasons right now and didn't push him.
He knew the situation in a nutshell. Only that something had happened and that Jameson and Avery were trying to pretend it hadn't. That was enough to put two and two together.
“I wasn't mad at him,” she denied, but Xander didn't believe it. He knew her too well, and when it came to Jameson, it was always so obvious. “Maybe I was mad, but not anymore.”
It was almost two weeks ago. Jameson got a minor trauma at practice. Minor bruise, but it will only remain minor if treated immediately. The trouble with this guy is that he almost never stops until he gets what he wants, a win. Almost. His number one rule: don't make Avery worry too much. She wanted him to be safe, and when he could control it, he wanted to be that safe for her.
However, the thing is, when you're in your 20s, you decide it's now or never and push yourself until your anxiety eats you up. “You can do more, you have to do this, you’re worthless if you cannot achieve this, there’s too little time ahead”. Emotions and there are a lot of them.
All too much, still not enough.
And that's why he broke his number one rule. He kept going until the pain got worse and he ended up in the hospital.
They argued for a few minutes and for the first time, their code word “Tahiti” didn't resolve anything, because when they started talking clearly, things got even worse. It ended with Avery running out of the room, and Jameson not even trying to stop her. They didn't speak for two whole days after that.
It happens in every relationship; there comes a point when you fight and don't make up right away, on the contrary, you stay angry with each other and you don’t want to listen, even if you’re clearly not right. The question is who goes through these obstacles together, and who only remembers each other after a few years, being far away and thinking whether it could’ve turned out differently? This is a kind of test of how strong the love is, whether it is true love, whether there is trust and respect in it.
Avery and Jameson loved each other. That was why Jameson had shown up at her apartment at night on the second day of their mutual silence. She was studying for an exam that was due in two days, and even though she knew the material perfectly, it was her only distraction from her anger at him.
Oren let him in. Jameson appeared in her living room just as Avery was about to text him. They stared at each other for a few seconds, and that night was the first time they made up without talking about it. At least they didn't have so much anger in them anymore.
It could hardly be called reconciliation, however, because even though they were back on the phone every night, talking about how their day had gone, those conversations had gotten shorter; despite the messages in the middle of the day that they missed each other, something had changed, and it frightened them both. That was partly why they had come separately.
“Well, he's going to be mad. You know, when he finds out about Matt,” Xander shrugged, looking at her with again, so worried eyes.
Avery gasped and was going to say something when she heard his voice.
“Who’s Matt?”
Jameson Winchester Hawthorne stood leaning against the door, with disheveled hair, frowning eyebrows, and those challenging and bright green eyes, and all Avery wanted to do was walk over and kiss his stupidly handsome face.
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Max arrived shortly after Jameson did. There was an underlying tension in the air that had never been present before when Avery and Jameson were in the room. It didn't take long for her to grab Xander's hand and ask the just returned Lyra and Gray to show where they were hanging out today.
It was just the two of them now, and it was clear that either they were right now resolving whatever they had going on or they were continuing to pretend.
Avery sighed and turned away from him, facing the window. She couldn't bear to look at her boyfriend, because this unpleasant feeling suddenly has returned, and she still wanted things to go back to the way they were before. All of this made her too emotional and she didn’t like it at all. It was stupid, wasn't it? Felling so much over such a small thing. Only it wasn’t a small thing.
“So, we have secrets now, Heiress?” he came closer, and now she could feel his warm breath on her neck and smell his perfume. It wasn’t fair.
“We don’t. I just didn’t get the chance to tell you.”
Well, it wasn’t a lie. First, she'd forgotten with all her studies and work, then they'd had a fight, and she just hadn't thought about goddamn Matt.
Jameson gently took her hand and turned her around so that they were now looking at each other.
“What's wrong, Avery?” he waited patiently for an answer, trying to ignore that look in her eyes. Either she wanted to punch him in the face or kiss him. He wouldn't mind both.
As for her, Avery did, in fact, want to do both, but more to punch him because he asked “what's wrong?” instead of saying “Tahiti”. Why are they like this?
She wanted to say, “Nothing I couldn't handle on my own,” but that would only make it worse. Avery indeed could handle a lot of things on her own, but she also knew how important it was for him to be there for her, no matter what.
Matt was in her Economics class and wouldn't leave her alone for a week. He flirted with her and made inappropriate jokes. Avery knew he knew she had a boyfriend, it was obvious without saying, but he still didn't stop. After telling him she wasn't interested and repeating that she was in a relationship, he still texted her, somehow finding her phone number.
“Matt is a prick who didn’t leave me alone. Oren handled it.”
“Sounds like something I should know, huh?”
“Oren handl…”
“Avery,” Jameson took a step back, running a hand over his face tiredly. “This isn't us, Heiress. You had so many chances to tell me, so why didn't you?”
He looked somewhere over her shoulder and this was her chance to finally see him. Jameson was tense and looked so stressed, and if she hadn't known him, she would have thought he was angry with her.
Avery wasn't trying to hide anything from him, no. Max found out about Matt by accident. She'd called her the moment Avery had gotten the weird message from the guy, so she'd told her right away. Xander was with Max that day, so he found out by accident, too. After their conversation, Avery almost immediately loaded up on work and her school assignments, and by the time she was done, thoughts of Matt didn't even visit her. All she wanted that evening was to hear Jameson's voice on the phone and experience no more stress.
“I was thinking more about exams than him. And you were busy training every day, you were already pushing yourself...”
“I'm never busy for you, you know that, Ave,” he shook his head and looked at her again and immediately regretted it. He had broken his second rule: don't make Avery cry.
Why did her eyes fill with tears? She didn't know the answer to that question herself. Suddenly all the thoughts she'd been trying to ignore, all the stress of the endless work, of being scrutinized by everyone, of worrying about him and fearing about their relationship, came crashing down on her at once.
“I know and I was going to tell you, but it's all sorted now,” she wanted him to know there were no secrets from him. They were in a shitty position as it was. “Jameson, I will never give up on us, I want you to know that. But it scares me. And it hurts me that you won't let me in,” her voice cracked and she closed her eyes to keep from crying. What was the point of these tears anyway?
“Avery, no,” she suddenly felt his fingers gently stroking the skin under her eyes, and the touch somehow made her breathing much easier. “It's not like this.”
Sometimes you get so confused about life that you don't know what you want out of it. People like Jameson always want more, and that feeling doesn't go away, and in the end, you’re just getting overwhelmed.
“You're too hard on yourself, and I get it, you want to be the best. I get it. But what's the point of this,” she placed a hand on his still slightly sore rib and looked into his eyes, a sadness in them. “If it can make you lose everything you've worked so hard for?”
Avery was right. But that thought, the realization of it, only came now. There was nothing pleasant about the fact that he'd been injured, but there was nothing surprising about it either; it happens sometimes. He lost control on a corner and went off the track, managed to get back but ended up feeling pain in his rib. However, the fact that he had continued the drive, feeling the pain, knowing the consequences, was foolish. It was a practice run, not even an actual race. So, what was the point of it? Plus, he lost the chance to race for three weeks after that, which made it all worse.
He was blinded by thoughts of future victories, of responsibility for the team (ironic, right?), of not doing enough, and it ended with him missing out on the feelings of the most important person in his life. Jameson knew how worried she was about him, and yet always so supportive. God, would he have gotten through all of this if it wasn't for her support? He knew for a fact, it would be so much harder without her.
Jameson wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him, resting his chin on the top of her head. She was just as overwhelmed, and then some asshole wouldn't leave her alone. What kind of boyfriend was he after that?
"I'm sorry," he whispered into her hair. "I felt on edge, so angry with myself and I couldn't stop it. Or didn't want to. Fucking masochist, you know me. I was so caught up in it."
“We both were,” she wrapped her arms around his torso. “I felt so exhausted, you won’t believe how many times I was thinking about dropping out and quitting everything. We didn't even try to listen.”
“I won’t let it happen again,” he promised and Avery believed him. After all, she won’t let it happen again either.
Sunset crept into the room, illuminating it with golden light. Avery and Jameson stood there, holding each other, their quiet voices seemed to be the only sound in the entire house. They were finally listening to each other, talking more about their feelings, smiling, joking, kissing.
It still felt different, but in a good way now. It was as if a new lesson that life had taught them had been learned.
“Do you remember the first time we were here?” asked Jameson, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
“You mean the time you went to jail three nights in a row?”
“Yeah, that time,” he grinned. “Can you blame me? One girl wouldn't stop throwing dares at me.”
“Yeah? I'm sure it's not her fault you don't know how to not get caught,” she remarked playfully.
“Anyway,” Jameson took her by both hands and led her to the balcony. “I'm talking about our first evening here, almost like this one, the sunset, music- and you told me I was the hottest person you'd ever met-”
“I didn't tell you that.”
“Mm, right,” he kissed her palms and placed them on the back of his neck, wrapping his arms around her waist. “After my first arrest, we were dancing and I promised that every time I fucked up, I'd make it up to you, so you'd have no choice but to forgive me and love me even more. So, I'm gonna do it, and you're so not ready for it. Completely Queen treatment.” Jameson spun her around, making her laugh.
“Well, now my expectations are super high.”
“Good,” finally, he leaned to kiss her. It wasn't a gentle kiss; it was as if they were making confessions to each other all over again, as if no matter how many “I love yous” came out of their mouths, it wasn't enough. All the stress, the unnecessary thoughts, the anger all faded away and it felt like they were on top of the world again.
They were dancing slowly and listening to the silence around them, Avery's head resting on his chest, and he held her like he never wanted to let go.
“I kind of want to punch this wanker- What’s his name again?”
I was feeling really sad, man, and didn’t want to deal with it, so i decided to let it out in the writing :) also Xander called Avery his second favorite person in the world guys 🥹🥹 and they hugged. their friendship >>
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my other works:
averyjameson: safe place
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missezramay · 1 year
ted lasso, post-finale thoughts.
I went into the finale thinking yeah, if the writing serves, I can accept any outcome even if it's not exactly what I want. Instead, I was hit with a plethora of mixed emotions I didn't expect to have. Confusion, anger, hurt, annoyance, small bursts of joy in between, and just deep sadness. Almost 20 hours later and I'm still incredibly dissatisfied and processing. For the most part, finales should provide a feeling of celebration and relief. I... don't feel any of that.
I'm just really trying to pinpoint why I'm so sad.
Of course everything inevitably has to come to an end. Of course Ted was always going to reunite with his kid. Of course it's not about winning or losing. Of course Tedbecca can remain platonic if that was always the plan. Of course that's the way life goes, but...
For a show (and this season particularly) that constantly encouraged us to 'believe' and 'hope' in the idea that 'everything will work out', all those 75 minutes did was take me on an unsettling, emotional journey for no concrete reason other than to mess with the audience (the opening scene was just adding salt in the Tedbecca wound I've had since S2). Because everything in a macro sense, "worked out". But the WAY it "worked out" does not sit well with me?? And it's supposed to? For a lot of people (on Reddit/Facebook, lol), it was enough?? Richmond not technically winning and Ted leaving like that without so much as a tear? What am I missing??
When I tell you I'm trying to embrace the good parts, I'm really trying. Yes to KBPR & the women's team, Yes to Colin kissing his fella, Yes to Rebecca & Mae & the guys owning the club, Yes to Roy becoming Manager.
So... why am I still so upset? Hmm, let's see.
The boys' musical number? The cutest. Ted didn't think so.
Nate's apology? Heartbreaking. Ted didn't bat an eyelash.
Rebecca begging twice for Ted to stay? Ted, absolute silence.
Beard staying/getting married in London to his toxic gf? Comic relief, haha, fine. Except Ted wasn't there as Best Man.
Don't even get me started on the huge disservice to the Roy/Keeley/Jamie triangle.
Now listen, I get that he misses Henry & Henry misses his dad. I'm not that cold. A father/son's love is important. It was always the catalyst for this show; for him to work on himself so he can be a better father unlike the one he grew up with. That's fine.
But on this particular week. His last week with his Richmond family. There was NO sense of him being sad to leave them. He can be sad about missing Henry but he can ALSO be sad about leaving. No, he just completely checked out. He let everyone pour out their hearts (Hannah's getting her third Emmy, mark my words) to him, and he just stone-faced the entire time.
The argument is that he was internally processing, he was overwhelmed, he was trying to distance himself so it would hurt less. Fair points, okay. But this is a television show, moreover, A FINALE. TV characters, while relatable, are heightened versions of ourselves, there so we can better process our emotions and learn to handle things better in our real lives. Ted deserved MORE dialogue and displaying MORE emotion than whatever this was.
We're never going to see him again. We're over here crying along with Rebecca, Nate & Beard, but he didn't sob once. Even though he spent three years building a family with them. I even thought, hey at least he left his legacy with Trent's book but newsflash, he wanted his name taken off that too! Complete erasure.
I just feel so robbed of better moments. Like there were nice moments here and there. But they could've been BETTER. Honestly, Nate & Rebecca's breakdowns were close to perfection, so much love there. But the lack of dialogue and Ted not reciprocating? Broke ME.
I just cannot. understand. this. choice.
Massive sigh. I'm just truly baffled by the way everything wrapped up and not getting the satisfied feeling that one half of the viewership got. Maybe I'm in the minority, but that means something. It carries weight. Also, for a "three-season arc" that was planned well in advance, why all the rewrites and parallels and fakeouts... it's just cruel. But as the theme says (and maybe this was a warning all along), yeah, I guess this might well be it.
This show has given us so much and the last season flailed for the most part. I don't want to disrespect the show by being negative and cynical (looks like I failed!!) or cast blame on anyone in particular. The cast/crew are amazing people and I'll be grateful for being a part of the journey but I'm just so sad and this feeling sucks and I will never get over it.
Going to miss them. x
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arianamidnight · 7 months
Hazbin hotel fic
My AU that's why it's OOC and pretty far from cannon
Warnings: swearing, mention of violence, ships (Varlie), tickles
Summary: Vaggie had enough of hotel residents teasing her about Charlie. But, what if the person she'll fall out on, didn't mean it? And, moreover, will take it personally?
Vaggie growled, sitting on the sofa in the lobby. She was so done! Whole this week, after Charlie went to the VoxTec to help Angel Dust and came back... Ugh, so annoying!
Vaggie stomped her foot. After Angel Dust gave her Charlie with "I think this is yours" phrase everything went fucking bad. At first she didn't pay attention to this. But, shit!
Next was Alastair. Charlie got really emotional towards one of his usual puns, and started sobbing. Radio demon didn't think about anything better than call Vaggie and give her Charlie, with "I assume, this is yours, my dear". That already made Vaggie's eye twitch.
Next was Husk. That time he gave princess a bit too hard alcohol, and she while getting drunk started crying because Niffty killed the bug. And again, what happened? Vaggie was called, Charlie was tossed into her arms and told: "This is yours. Not my problem."
Vaggie stood up and started walking around the lobby growling. Yes she was Charlie's girlfriend, but that didn't mean that she was the only one who would calm princess down!
Vaggie rapidly turned around to walk towards the opposite side of the lobby, and... Almost bumped into Lucifer, who was carrying something.
"Sorry, your majesty" sighed Vaggie and took a deep breath to calm down. She was Charlie's first helper, so she couldn't let herself show so inappropriate behaviour infront of the ruler of hell.
Vaggie blinked. Did she hear a sob?
Vaggie looked up from the floor and noticed that the "thing" Lucifer was holding turned to be... Charlie, warped in the blanket, in tears.
It was the last drop for Vaggie. She growled in fury.
"I swear to Edem, if you would say this is yours I won't look that you can kill me in one go, and won't hesitate to try to rip your throat!"
From this harsh words Lucifer gasped, and even Charlie stopped crying.
For Lucifer it was worse then a blade into the heart. Ruler of hell looked down, and his body started shaking.
"O-oh... Actually I was about to ask how you calm Charlie down in such situations, because you were with her for so long... And I wasn't in her life at all and am the worst father ever..." after finishing this sentence, Lucifer was barely holding his tears.
Vaggie gasped when she realised how much she fucked up. Fallen angel gently put Charlie on the floor, covering his pain with slight smile.
"As I see my Little Apple calmed down, s-so I would b-better l-leave..."
Lucifer took a deep breath, tears falling down his cheeks, and teleported away with spark of golden light.
"Dad, no!" Charlie tried to stop him, but it was too late.
Vaggie blinked in shock. She felt so much guilty right now. She knew HOW Lucifer loves his daughter! And how badly ruler of hell regrets not being part of her life for so long! Of course seeing Charlie cry for the first time in his life he would panick, and look for someone who has experience. For someone like Vaggie!
Charlie looked around, hearing a strange sound. Princess of hell sighed, when she noticed her girlfriend on the floor with wide eyes.
"C-charlie... I... I'm s-sorry! I'm s-so s-sorry... I d-didn't mean t-to! C-charlie! I swear, I...." Vaggie wasn't able to talk straight. Guilty, fear, sadness. All this feelings overwhelmed her at once.
Charlie walked towards her girlfriend and sat near her. Princess of hell hugged Vaggie.
"Shhhhh~ It's okey, Vaggie. I know you didn't mean to" Charlie whispered into her ear.
A few minutes passed in silence, Charlie and Vaggie cuddling on the floor. Finally Vaggie took a deep breath.
"Thanks Babe... I'm really sorry for hurting your father's feelings. Just..." Vaggie sighed.
Vaggie never talked with Charlie about those situations, but looks like now was the time.
"Wait, what?!" Charlie gasped after her girlfriend explained reason of her outburst.
Vaggie nodded with a sigh. Charlie shook her head softly.
"Silly. You should have told me about this much earlier. Please, don't hide from me if something is making you uncomfortable. Deal?" Princess of hell stood up and landed her girlfriend a hand.
Vaggie grabbed Charlie's palm and stood up with a smile.
"Deal. From now on I would immediately tell you if something will get on my nerves" Vaggie chuckled. But after, she remembered Lucifer and got a bit nervous.
Charlie immediately noticed it and smiled.
"Don't worry, Vaggie. I know how to cheer dad up. And... I will need your help~" princess of hell giggled misciviously.
Vaggie snickered. This girl was definitely a ball of cheer and mischief.
"I'm fully in, Princess~" Vaggie winked to Charlie, making her blush.
Lucifer was curled up under the blanket in his room. Tears were running down fallen angel's cheeks. He fucked up, again. Normal father must know how to deal with his own daughter in tears! But, Lucifer didn't know... When Charlie entered his room, in tears, he started panicking. So pathetic! Ruler of hell, panicking because his daughter is sobbing! All demons would lose any respect if they'll find out! And the fact that he can easily kill half of them won't do a thing.
Fallen angel whined. He was so done. Probably, Alastor was right and he is pathetic piece of shit. Charlie deserves so much better than him...
Suddenly the door opened slowly. Lucifer stuck his muzzle out from under the blanket. Fallen angel saw that person who entered his room was Charlie.
Oh, she wasn't alone. Vaggie was there too.
When Lucifer noticed Charlie's girlfriend he got back under the blanket. No, no, no! He didn't want to be called pathetic and bad father! Now again! Now now...
"Daddy?" Charlie called softly, sitting on the bed corner.
Lucifer didn't answer.
Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other. Vaggie sighed.
"Your majesty, I wanted to apologize. I really didn't mean to yell" Vaggie walked towards the bed and kneeled down on the floor near Charlie.
Lucifer slightly peeked out of the blanket.
"R-realy?" hesitantly asked ruler of hell.
"Yes" Vaggie nodded. "I didn't mean to remind you of the past. And now I feel really bad for hurting your feelings. It's just..."
Vaggie sighed. Charlie put her palm on Vaggie's shoulder for emotional support. Vaggie smiled gratefully.
"It's just that during last week, Charlie got emotional and cried a lot of times. And all those times I was one calming her down. I got really tired that everyone would just think that it's my duty to calm her down" Vaggie growled slightly, getting annoyed again. Charlie started playing with her girlfriend's hair to calm her down.
Lucifer got out from the blanket. Fallen angel nodded to himself. This explained a lot. Vaggie always was really polite with him. Why he didn't think that something must have happened to make Charlie's girlfriend aft this way?! But no, he must have started overthinking!
Lucifer sighed and shook his head.
"I forgive you, Vaggie. And I apologize for the bright reaction. I was pretty stressed lately" ruler of hell looked down, feeling embarrassed that he was acting like a child.
"Don't worry dad, it's okey. You don't need to apologize~" Charlie hugged her father. Lucifer hugged his daughter back with a smile.
"Thanks Little Apple" fallen angel closed his eyes. His daughter was one and only person who can make him feel comfortable really fast.
But then...
"But I am not happy that you were all stressed lately. You definitely need some cheering up~" Charlie giggled misciviously, and hugged Lucifer tighter, keeping him still.
"L-little Apple! W-what are you..."
But fallen angel wasn't able to finish the sentence. Suddenly he felt Vaggie squeezing his knee.
"Eeeeehihihihik! Nohohohoho! Vahahahaggie! Nahahahahat... Eeeeehihihihik, thehehehere!" ruler of hell immediately burst into giggles, squealing from every squeeze.
"Whoa, you vere right Charlie. It seems like a baaad spot~" Vaggie chuckled playfully, as she continued squeezing Lucifer's knees.
"If you think this is bad, then look~" Charlie giggled and took a deep breath.
Lucifer's pupils went wide as he realised what is about to happen.
"Chahaharlie, plehehease mehehercy!~" begged fallen angel, giggling from the knees tickles.
But, actually both Lucifer and Charlie knew that fallen angel he can easily teleport away, or shapeshift into the snake. But ruler of hell was really enjoying the tickles from his daughter and her girlfriend.
When Charlie blew a raspberry on the side of Lucifer's neck, he burst into bubbly laughter. Vaggie even stopped squeezing his knees, facinated with the sound.
After the second raspberry, fallen angel got hiccups, what made his laughter more rapid and high pitched.
After hearing her father hiccuping, Charlie stopped with raspberries. She let Lucifer go, and he fell on the bed in giggling and hiccuping mess.
"Dad, you okey there?" Charlie snickered.
Vaggie was looking at this interaction with soft smile. Those two definitely needed father and daughter bonding.
"Yehehehes, I'm hic fihihine" Lucifer bubbled and then took a deep breath.
"I wanna apologize again for my behaviour, your majesty" said Vaggie softly.
"It's okey Vaggie. Thanks to your sneak attack I feel much better." fallen angel rolled his eyes with a smile and sat on his bed.
"Oh, about that..." Charlie look down with guilty smile.
Vaggie and Lucifer shared a look.
"Little Apple?"
Charlie giggled nervously and shrugged.
"I just wanted to say that I didn't cry for real this time. Sorry dad, but I just wanted to prank you." princess of hell admited.
"Whaaaaat?!" Vaggie and Lucifer growled simultaneously.
Charlie looked at her father and girlfriend with puppy eyes and ingratiating smile
"I'm sorry?"
Vaggie sighed.
"Babe, it sounds like a question, rather than as apology." Vaggie tried to sound stern, but couldn't help a soft smile.
Lucifer shook his head, embarrassed. How came he didn't notice that Charlie was pretending?
"Little Apple, you're so naughty!" playfully pouted Lucifer.
Girls giggled.
"I'm so getting you back for it" added fallen angel with miscivious smile.
"Now I at least know who she got this miscivious attitude from." sighed Vaggie, and all three of them burst out with laughter.
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Phone call.
Alex Keller x Ex wife/husband reader (Y/N).
Phone calls are all he needs when he feels alone and overwhelmed. He already knows who to call to ease his mind.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Warning: nothing serious, as always grammatical and spelling errors.
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It's pretty early in the morning for Alex, he didn't sleep, it's the 3rd time this week, he left the bed hours ago, unsure of what to do, he's just walking around, the smell of gasoline, ashes and the serenity of the night vanishing is all that fill his lungs, some soldiers are awake too, but they're not trying to talk to him, many of them probably are feeling in the same way as him, exhausted.
His brain is floating in the air, the silence is Peaceful but also crushing. Suddenly the memory of your voice echoes in his mind.
When you and him signed the divorce papers you weren't happy, but also there were no signs of anger, all ended in good terms, he always loved that about you, your self- control, since then he occasionally calls you to make sure you're doing well, because even if you're not together anymore, he still takes care of you and he still needs to hear your voice.
You're literally his first contact on the list, the beep causes anxiety, somehow he fears one day you will not pickup the phone.
«Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...» the sound of music and then your voice.
- Hello?
- Y/N? hi!
- Alex, hi, what time is there? Isn't it Early?
- Ah, yeah, it is... What about you? It's kinda late, no? feels like it has been years since we talked.
- Yes, but in fact, our last call was three weeks ago. Are you having sleeping problems, again?
He can't lie to you, you can read him very well.
- Yeah, but... it's alright, And you? Why are you still awake?
- Ah, you know a paramedic rarely sleeps.
Both let a little laugh escape, but you can hear it in his voice something is bothering him, there's a long pause before one of you can talk again.
- What's going on Alex? Is Farrah okay?
Your voice is calm and soft, he likes that, he misses it, just sometimes. He's observing the sunrise while the sound of whatever you're doing and your voice singing fills the silence.
You're making some Mac and cheese while you're waiting for him to talk, you know he will.
- She's alright. What are you doing y/n?
- Mac and cheese, your mother's recipe, remember?
- fuckin' hell, yeah, i haven't eaten it in a while, but I can taste the flavor in my mouth.
Both start to talk about those days when you learned how to make that pasta, when he got sick for eating it for a whole weekend. For some minutes he forgets the emptiness that was bothering him, until you talk again.
- Alex?... Why did you call? Talk to me.
He loudly sighs.
- Do you remember when we talked about the divorce?
- Of course. Why?
It's a bittersweet memory, you remember the day of that conversation, how he told you he wanted to divorce, why he wanted to leave and continue working far from home, it hurt and was painful, but you found the courage to understand and respect his motives.
- Well, you told me it was fine, that you would be okay, but now I don't know if I did the right thing, sometimes I want to go back. Do you think we made the right decision?
- You did..., we did. Listen, perhaps I never said this before but I signed those papers because... Alex, I love you, okay? and I'll always want you to be the best version of yourself, even if that means to stay behind or admire you from afar.
Both stay in silence, you're smiling, you understand, he wanted to hear something like that. He wanted to hear you're still supporting him.
Both are still on the call, talking about your work, how many people you saved, you even talked about the new grocery store and the prices, he told you about a funny joke Farrah made some nights ago, modification he did in a gun, he feels better when you're laughing, when you're talking, he's good knowing everything is cool between you two.
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cybrpwup · 1 year
ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴇ || ꜱᴏꜰᴛᴡɪʟʟʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Softwilly x f!reader !
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Warnings: smut, angst, unprotected sex, riding, sub Nick maybe a little?, language summary: Nick and Y/n get into a fight :( requested?: yes ! ↳ “perhaps a softwilly / f reader smut, maybe quite like angsty“
Not even an hour after his girlfriend left did Nick become so overwhelmed with guilt that he was out of bed and standing in Y/N’s doorway with head in hands and a million apologies. She gauged his sincerity with brows furrowed in thought. Nick sniffled, stifling tears as he watched her watch him.
He was an absolute wreck: beyond the dark bags and prominent veins in his eyes, there was something else, something besides regret: deep, unsettling fear. Nick was afraid that his outburst would be it for him that Y/N would realize how pathetic and shit he was (or at least he thought himself to be); he feared she would leave.
Y/N stepped forward and placed a chaste kiss to his lips, accepting his apologies. Nick continued to spend the next two weeks, making an effort every hour of every day to do or brainstorm what he could do to regain her trust completely. Never wanting her to think he could or would go off on her again.
Twitter - Y/Username · 202X-12-10 “I’m going off social media for a couple of days. If I survive, you will be hearing from me next week. #staysafe”
Nick read the tweet over again. It was not the most outlandish thing ever for someone to go on a break from social media's toxic environment and especially from twitter. No. It was not the most outlandish thing ever, but it was enough – the tweet, the wording, the timing – for a certain degree of concern.
When Y/N did not pick-up his call – Nick thought maybe she was in the shower.
And when Y/N did not reply to his texts – he considered her phone might be on silent.
And when Y/N did not respond to either in six hours – he wondered if she might want time to herself.
And when Y/N had not reached out to him in eighteen hours – Nick went to her apartment.
Y/N opened her front door as if in slow motion, giving Nick time to take her all in. Apart from some baggier joggers than usual, a shirt with dye or some other dark stain around the collar, and untidied hair, she looked…well…normal. And that was good, right? He went to see her because he was worried and there she was looking fine and safe and like herself.
“Hi,” she spoke low but not timid.
Both stood for a breath in silence, looking at each other. More so, Alex felt he was looking at Y/N, and, while her eyes were meeting his, she herself was not. A thousand-yard stare, that is what people called that type of look, but Alex never thought he saw it in person until he saw it from Y/N.
Nick sighed with relief. “Hi, babe.”
He asked, “Can I come in?”
“Sure.” Y/N backed up from the door allowing her boyfriend a few steps inside.
“I got you some breakfast; it’s your favourite,” Nick forced a chipper tone into his voice as he brought the bag he was holding low to his side, up near his face, and smiled like he was posing for a deliveroo advert. “I’ll plate it for you if you want.”
“I already ate cereal this morning.” Y/N dropped her gaze and headed towards the living room; she added an apathetic, “Thanks, though.”
Nick took the food to Y/N’s kitchen and put it in the fridge. He returned to see Y/N sat on her sofa, flipping through her continue watching list on netflix; he sat down beside her.
He asked, “What are you watching?”
“I don’t know.”
“We could watch something together.” He nudged her shoulder with his. “I’ll grab a blanket, and we can cuddle – you love that. What’s that movie you wanted to show me, remember, the one we were gonna watch on your birthday but weren’t able to? You remember the name?”
Y/N sighed, not taking her eyes off the screen. “We didn’t get to watch it because something happened with that week’s footage, and you were in a panic call with Isaac and them for three hours.”
“Oh. Right, right,” Nick said more to himself.
All the lights in the room were switched off. It would have been pitch black in the space if not for the bright screen and all the window curtains being drawn, letting in the somewhat obscured natural light of the chill morning. Nick watched as Y/N clicked through her continue watching list to the end and then started over again. Her grip on the remote was loose, and her eyes uncaring.
He said, “You seem tense. I could run you a bath, would you like that? It’d be nice and warm, relaxing. Put bubble bath or a bath bomb in there – make it smell nice.”
“No.” Y/N’s jaw became rigid as she spoke through her teeth, “Please don’t.”
“Last time you were down like this, you liked it when I ran you a bath.”
“Yeah?” Y/N spun her head to face him as her face took on an all-over wicked expression, her shoulders stiffened as if she were about to jump into a fighting stance; with a cruel curled lip, she continued, “Well, last time you were ‘like this,’ you yelled in my face telling me to fuck off.”
A small whimper escaped Nick’s mouth at the change, and for the first time that morning, it was him who dropped eye-contact. He babbled out, “I thought we were past that. I apologized; I didn’t mean it. It just happened.”
“No, it didn’t!” Y/N yelled and took to her feet. “Nothing we do ‘just happens.’ No matter how quick the decision was – you chose to shout at me. In that half-second before, you knew what you were going to do – you knew you were going to lash out – and you knew it was going to be at me. And a half-second is a hell of a long time for you to have backed out, for you to have not done it, but you did.”
Y/N moved to face out a window, away from Nick; she sighed a long sigh that ended with a hiccup. A near minute passed before she turned around, with eyes wet enough to shine even in the low light. She said, “It sucks. It sucks because we didn’t choose to be how we are, and we did nothing to deserve it. But no matter how screwed up the chemical balance in your brain is, you’re still responsible for your actions, Nick. You being here now, playing nurse or whatever, that doesn’t change what happened.”
“Neither does being cold and pushing me away.” Nick jumped to his feet as well; he stood still, gesturing with palm-open hands as he spoke. “You need support right now, even if you’re too stubborn or proud to admit it. Or maybe you feel like it would make you a burden to reach out. You’re not a burden, Y/N.”
He searched her eyes for a break in their hardness as he continued, “Just because you feel something, doesn’t mean it’s true. And that sounds so simple a concept to grasp, but you and I both know it’s not. I’m trying to grow and learn as well. I am. I’m not here to try and further make things up to you – I’d like to be able to, but that is not what I’m doing right now. I’m here because if I were to walk out now, knowing how upset you were, I would hate—” his voice breaks on the last word, and he starts over, “I would hate myself even more than I already do.”
“Nick, I—”
“You can hate me, Y/N.” A tear slips over his waterline. “I’d understand if you did, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m here for you. I’m always here for you.”
Y/N crossed the room and crashed into Nick in an embrace that should have left one or the other bruised. Both clung to one another tighter than ever before. And as Y/N had her hands wrapped around him, she felt how Nicks shoulder shook slightly. It was comforting to know that it was not just her who was struck with emotion, who was being vulnerable; it was them together. As it should be
“You really hurt me, Nick,” Y/N said, her words muffled from how she buried her face in his shoulder.
He kissed her hair and whispered back, “I know. I’m so sorry.”
Nick’s eyes met hers, lowering his face and pressing his lips on her soft skin. His lips met hers, and so does his other hand on the side of her face. The kiss is sweet, soft and screams “I’m sorry.”, “I’m so stupid.” and “I’ll never do it again.”
It should have been a quick small kiss but when she started to pull away, Nick wasn't ready to let go. Pulling her head forward, he leaned into her lips with a groan.
He hovered over her, his lips pressing kisses to her neck. When his lips touched the part of her neck that melted her insides, she gently sighed.
"Is this okay?" Nick mumbled against her jaw and it felt like her brain could short-circuiting. His lips felt heavenly against her skin, making goosebumps rise in his wake.
"Yes, this is perfect. Keep going." She softly urged. His hands found her stomach before they wandered more, it's the only way he’d be able to learn how to navigate her body. His hands slid up her body, feeling the hem of her bralette before sliding around her back. His lips met hers in a languid kiss- soft and slow. She moaned softly against him as he pressed his hips into hers, the pressure pushing his growing hard on against her heat. The sounds she was beginning to make sent shockwaves of pleasure through him, heating him up from the inside.
Her arms quickly wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to her, despite her feet tippy toeing to reach his tall figure. He lifted her off the floor and her legs wrapped instinctively around his waist she could feel his long fingers pressed against her skin through her joggers. As swollen lips were reuniting, he gestured her hips against his firm waist causing her to let out a whimper. The sudden friction against her core caused warmness to travel all across her body.
His fingers found the back of her bralette and he could only hope he could figure out how to get the clasp undone. He distracted her with his lips and by gently grinding his cock against her, the heat coming from between her legs making him so hard it hurt. Thankfully, the clasp popped open and he pulled the fabric off of her body.
As Nick’s lips and hands wandered her body, an even more explicit feeling coursed through her veins. She wanted- no, needed more of him.
“Nick,” She let out softly as she continued to rock herself against his hard on, all the tension she’s had for the past month soothed against her pants.
“We’ll talk about it later.” He whispered in response. And with that she was content with what was happening. She nodded and pressed her lips against his cheek.
Their eyes met and It felt like they were in a trance. She lifted her head towards the hall, non-verbally telling him to take them to her room. He smiled and turned his body towards the room.
She fell back onto the bed, her legs leaving space for Nick to lay between them. She made a sound that matched his, and quickly things intensified. Shamelessly, Y/n and Nick indulge in each other's bodies. Completely forgetting the prior conflict and now instead focusing on the feeling of grinding against each other. The layers of fabric and underwear creating more sensitivity and friction, quickly working both of them up.
Once Nick had Y/n laid out for his display, he took her all in. He never usually took the time to admire her and he took all the time now he didn’t before to take her in.
"You're so perfect, Y/n." He whispered, his eyes drifting over every inch of bare skin presented to him. Her cheeks flush even deeper as she whispered back a quiet 'thank you' before he reaches down to spread her legs wide for him to slot himself between and her arms loop around his bare shoulders.
Taking a break from the borderline make out session the two of them were having, Nick struggled to keep his composure. Breaking away from the girls lips every few seconds to replace the breath of air that was lacking from his lungs before deciding he wanted to actually breathe and moved onto her neck. Placing his forearms at either side of her head as he peppers the underside of her jaw with his lips. She let out a moan and squirmed in response, Nick chuckles between kisses.
“You like that, huh?” He whispered against her skin.
She did. Of course she did, but there was no reason for Nick to gloat about it. An idea formed in her mind, and a smile painted her face, wrapping her legs around him and pulling him closer. It caught Nick by surprise and his arms weaken, pressing her body more into his growing bulge, she slowed her hip movements and he attempts to use his hands to steady himself, but he fails and falls back onto her.
“Fuck.” He groaned beside her ear, and she bit her lip in arousal.
“Yeah?” She whispered in a condescending tone. “Yeah, you like that huh?” She mocked his previous words, and Nick struggled to say anything.
Right then he was all moans and whimpers. That along with his sweet words of encouragement to keep her hips moving. Breathless quick, “Just like that.” and “Keep going.”
She really let him enjoy the moment, but now that she was in control, she definitely hadn't forgotten about the fight. That and Nick’s bullshit reasoning. Sure, she believed him, but regardless, the whole situation was still on her mind. Now a bit annoyed as well as turned on by her boyfriend, she releases Nick from her grasp and for him the denial is instant.
“What th-” He whined, but it's quickly cut off by Nick being pushed onto his back.
Already desperate for the other’s touch, clothes are swiftly discarded before getting a new position. One where she was on top of Nick.
“Are you sure you wanna do it like this?” He reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear
“I wouldn’t get in this position if I wasn't sure.” She told with an underlying attitude he was too distracted to pick up on.
Slowly, with patience and lots of little and not too little noises, she sunk herself onto Nick. A moment passed to get used to the position before she could start moving. And already Nick was struggling to keep up with her - normally it started slow and things would progress based on the both of them. But right now, she was throwing that out the window and instead doing this the way she wanted to. And truthfully, Nick didn't mind one bit.
He adored watching her on top of him, a new found favorite position discovered. Moans of names left their lips as Nick’s thumb swept against her nipple and Y/N felt a ray of lightning hit her core. He could feel her nipple hardening at his touch as he proceeded to do the same with the other nub. As he toyed with Y/N’s breasts he lowered a hand to her hip, guiding her down onto his hard dick and with the impact of both of their cores meeting they both let out groans, not daring to stop the growing feeling of impending orgasm in both their stomachs.
“Fuck.” The word is sharp and quick. “Fuck, fuc-ahh just uh- like- that. Just like that.” He encourages her.
“Promise me you’re never gonna do anything that stupid again.” She blurted out him, mind partially still on the situation.
“I won’t.” Nick whined.
“And you’re not gonna yell at me.”
“No n-never.” He reassures.
With Nick’s promise in mind, she pressed a kiss to his lips, feeling the coil wind tighter until it snapped, and her back arched with a silent moan. She clamped and convulsed against him as Nick chased his own orgasm, pulling her hips down harsher. For those seconds of pure bliss and pleasure, she thought about nothing but her boyfriend. Not as the guy who hurt her. Or ruined her birthday by not watching a movie with her. But as her boyfriend. Her Nick.
Feeling her gush continuously around him drove him over the edge and he slammed into her, stilling as he came inside. She moaned as she felt him fill her up. Once down from his high, she climbed off him and laid beside him, exhausted.
“Are you gonna do this every time we argue ?” He asks between breaths once the post orgasm clarity hits, his chest rising and falling.
“Next time,” she said with a chuckle, “I’m kicking you out”
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haihaihaitani · 1 year
4:46 PM ~ *Chifuyu Matsuno*
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Summary: You forgot your umbrella. Luckily Chifuyu has one to share.
Pairing: Chifuyu Matsuno X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 760
Warning: Tooth rotting fluffiness
Taglist: @soulangel
Rain. Of course it was raining. And of course you forgot your umbrella. Really, you should have known better. It’s been raining all week. Why would today be any different?
With a dejected sigh, you slid down the wall and sat in front of the door. It was the only thing you could do at the moment. There was no way you were going out in that storm! You didn’t want to get soaked or sick.
Another thing you didn’t want to do was wallow in your self pity. Sure, you had no one to blame but yourself but that didn’t mean you wanted to think about it. It was your own fault you were in this situation and you were the only one who could get you out of it. You searched your bag to try and find something to block the rain.
“Y/n?” A soft voice called out to you.
You glanced up to see Chifuyu looking back at you with concern in his eyes. “Oh, hi, Chifuyu. Heading out?”
He nodded. “Yes, I am. Did you lose your umbrella?”
“More like I forgot it.” You admitted with a groan.
“Oh, I see.” He pulled an umbrella out of his bag and you winced internally. It seemed you really were the only one who forgot one.
“You don’t live too far from here, correct?” He asked.
Blinking in shock, you hesitated. He wasn’t implying what you thought he was implying was he? “Um… yes?”
Apparently he was, because he said, “Well, you can walk with me if you’d like, since I have an umbrella. I don’t mind sharing.”
Matching blushes painted themselves on yours and his cheeks, so you decided to glance outside at the storm. Making your decision, you stood up. “Alright, thank you, Chifuyu. I really appreciate it.”
He nodded. “You’re welcome, Y/n.”
The two of you walked outside, Chifuyu making sure neither of you got wet. While he kept his eye on the umbrella, you helped avoid big puddles. It was an excuse to not look at him.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a little crush on him. Correction: a massive crush on him. But then again, who wouldn’t? He was smart, sweet, and strong. He could make anyone smile just by smiling first. Chifuyu truly was like an angel on Earth. Obviously, he was sharing his umbrella with you when he didn’t have to!
A truck was rumbling towards the two of you and you jumped out of the way so you didn’t get splashed. This caused you to grab the umbrella to steady yourself and knock shoulders with Chifuyu. He paused and grabbed your other shoulder to keep you both stable.
“Are you alright?” He squeaked out.
“I’m fine.” You nodded shyly, averting your eyes. However, you noticed that your hand was practically on top of his. That must have happened when you grabbed the umbrella to steady yourself. Your cheeks burned hot and you slowly removed your hand.
“Sorry.” You mumbled.
“It’s okay!” He answered a bit too quickly.
The rest of the walk passed in awkward silence. You couldn’t seem to shake the blush that was keeping your cheeks warm. It also didn’t help that your hands broke out into a cold sweat. Seriously, now was not the time to be acting like a shy, lovestruck child!
However, when you snuck a glance at Chifuyu, you noticed that he looked nervous as well. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought he looked positively flustered. But you didn’t have time to ponder that idea, as you had arrived home.
“Well this is me.” You muttered.
He nodded, still holding the umbrella over you so that you could fish out your key without getting wet. “See you tomorrow, Y/n?”
You nodded and locked eyes with him. All of a sudden you felt the overwhelming urge to kiss him. But that was absolutely crazy! He didn’t like you the way you liked him, right? Well, there was only one way to find out…
“Bye Chifuyu.” You said and then kissed his cheek. You rushed inside before he could answer, your heart practically beating out of your chest.
Chifuyu touched his cheek where you kissed him and felt his heart skip a beat. If he didn’t know any better, you seemed to like him too. As he set off in the opposite direction to where he lived, he silently hoped that you would forget your umbrella tomorrow so he could do this all over again.
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Hiya! Could I request some headcanons of Michael when he has a crush on someone but doen't know how to handle his feelings? And he's like afraid to admit he has a crush on the reader bcuz of the whole hardcore goth personality.
Of course! It’s like a headcanons/fic thing. I hope I managed to type up what you were looking for! I hope you enjoy 💞
- Michael is a nervous wreck of a person all wrapped into one
- He’d known you for a while, and even though the two of you were extremely close, it was hard to actually look at you sometimes
- Not because he didn’t like you or anything
- In fact, it was the complete opposite
- He liked you so much to the point that he couldn’t even force himself to look you in the eyes at times
- And even though he was a person, too, his gothic personality kind of stumped him from confessing to you
- It wasn’t very hardcore to talk about feelings, so he tended to just shut up and keep to himself besides the moments he spends with you on a daily basis
- That was, until he started avoiding you
- His feelings were overwhelming, and the easiest way to avoid it was to leave you alone and hope that his crush would diminish
- He didn’t realize how much it affected you, though, which is what led to the situation of you all but cornering him to get an answer
- You surpised him with a visit to his apartment, and after a few short responses, you had him backed into a wall, accusing him of hating you for some unknown reason
“Michael, what the hell is going on with you?! What did I even do to you?” you snapped, staring up into the man’s eyes. They widened and he was quick to shake his head at your words. “No, (Y/n), you didn’t do anything to me.” Michael replied hurriedly, trying to ease the situation. Throwing your arms up in the air, you turned and walked away from the male, leaving him to follow after you. “Well, it sure as hell seems like it. I’m going home. You’re not gonna sit here and avoid me, then just expect me to take it.” you argued back, grabbing your bag from the couch seat it was laying on.
Michael chewed on the inside of his cheek, thoughts running through his head a mile a minute. He couldn’t lose you, your friendship was too good to lose. It was the closest he’s felt to actually dating you without the actual dating part. “(Y/n), wait.” he sighed after a moment of watching you leave his home. Reaching out to place your hand on the door knob, you looked over your shoulder at the curly haired man. Your brows were straight, a look of uninterest on your face. Michael stared at you, trying to formulate the words to say to you in this moment.
He looked down at the floor, the off to the side, before he scoffed at himself. “Do you really want to know why I’ve been to busy to hang out with you?” he asked, already knowing the answer. “Yes, dammit. You’ve been like, pushing me away for weeks now. And each time, you have given me no reason as to why I just want to know what the hell is going on.” came your reply, you hand leaving the doorknob as you turned to face him, crossing your arms over your chest. Raising your eyebrows after a moment a silence, Michael sighed, moving around to plop down on the couch. Patting the seat beside him, you made your way over, sitting down beside him.
“Michael, what’s wrong? Is there anyway I can help?” you inquired, placing your hand on the man’s knee. “Fuck, I’m about to sound like a damn middleschooler.” he smiled to himself, eyes landing on the hand you had on his leg. “There’s really no way to say this that doesn’t sound cheesy as fuck, but I have feelings for you. Do with that information as you please, but that’s the whole reason I’ve been brushing you off. I didn’t want to ruin anything between us, so I just figured if I stopped hanging out with you so much, the feelings would go away. But, as it goes to show, ignoring you… it just seems to be the worst idea I might have ever had.” he finished speaking, flushing everything from his system in one speech so that it wasn’t any more awkward than it already was.
“So… let me get this straight… The reason you’ve pushed me away and barely talk to me anymore is because you have a fucking crush on me?” you clarified, amusement in your words as you looked at his face. “That’s what I said, now wasn’t it?” Michael asked, looking at you with a smart ass look. The comment made you glare, but you couldn’t help the smile that crawled over your features. You began laughing, Michael joining in as the situation began to settle over the two of you.
Tears were bubbling up in your eyes when you finally quit laughing. “Michael, you are so fucking stupid.” you giggled, leaning your head on his shoulder. “I told you, it sounded like some middle school shit, right?” the tall man laughed out, throwing an arm around your shoulders. “Well… I like you, too. So stop fucking ignoring me or I will kill your ass.” you said, turning your head to look up at him. Michael smiled sweetly at you, dipping his head down closer to you. You met him in the middle, craning your neck up to catch his lips with yours. The kiss was short and sweet, almost like sealing the deal on the next level of your new relationship.
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
OP IDEA ok so William takes 🩰 darling out to the ball after their marriage. And she is all dazzling (like empress sisi of Austria or Christine daae) and despite her scandalous marriage to William and lower standing in high society, the men are enchanted by her, greeting her and savoring whatever time she can spare them with their greetings. The women, are obviously crueler to her out of jealousy and competition (cuz NO WAY a street rat bagged someone like William lol). Tldr the night is somewhat nice (the glamour and blitz of the waltz) but it was also stressful due to how overwhelmed she felt by the nobles. I like to think William just felt very protective of her to shield her from their eyes , but a tad bit jealous whenever she genuinely smiled or laughed at jokes made by the men
Omg yes she is actually based on Christine Daae so I actually squealed when I saw this. Also in act 2 of Phantom of the Opera when she is engaged to the viscount you can see in masquerade the change when the other girls/ballerinas are dancing how distant she had become to her friends in her engagement, this may seem like nothings but in act 1 after Think of Me, all the ballerinas go to congratulate her showing that they were once friends.
I’m rambling but the Phantom of the Opera is one of my favorite books and musicals
The Games We Play of Dust and Ash (Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist)
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I don’t think William would take his darling to many balls and parties, one because he does not go to many, two he would only bring her if he had to 100% had to because he knows how vicious women of the aristocracy can be and many of the men present attended the ballet where she worked and had relations with some of the ladies these. When he did bring her along it would have to be for some sort of special occasion that couldn’t miss, like a holiday party or a new years ball.
She enters in on her husband’s arm but when they enter the ballroom she is swarmed by other young gentlemen and while it is no crime or scandal to talk or even dance with a married women at a ball William certainly does not enjoy it since it makes her so overwhelmed, she doesn’t know how to handle conversation with people like them, but he has trouble denying the fact that it does make him slightly jealous but he tries to tell himself not to worry since she is his wife after all.
But when they kiss the back of her hand and she smiles at them or when they ask her for a dance and she says yes when William is standing right there…
That irritates him to no end.
But then there are other side of things…
It was after they returned home from one of the parties, she had gone off to the washroom while William was speaking to Albert so he was slightly distracted but he certainly clocked on how long she was gone and her change in expression and behavior, keeping her head low as if she was ashamed, the tears that built up in her eyes that she was trying to hide, and then the flinches of fear whenever someone would touch her. Then when they get home William notices her silence and she has not gotten ready for bed at all, even keeping on her gloves. He tells her to get changed multiple times as nicely but as firmly as he can but she still refuses and then when he is nearing his wits end he grabs her like a parent would with a stubborn child and takes off her glove…
Her wrist was bruised, not broken but at least sprained…
She doesn’t make eye contact with him as her speaks to her, his voice dropping as he stares down at her…
“Who did this to you?”
He is practically disgusted when he hears that she was harassed in the hallway by a few other women, calling her all sorts of horrid names and one of them even shoving her to he ground and kicked at her wrist so she couldn’t catch herself. Needless to say William would be livid
A few weeks later and those women’s families have lost a great some of money in investments and can no longer pay for their daughter’s dowries if they were ever to be married, shame.
From then on William would never let his wife leave his side outside of their home, holding onto her hand or his arm around her waist at any event and this scares away both jealous young ladies and bold gentlemen.
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queenshelby · 7 months
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
PART 51: Mother
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Lots of Angst, Age Gap, Miscarriage
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A week had passed and, just as you slowly recovered from your miscarriage, your excitement grew to see your mother again for the first time in over 15 years. 
Although you struggled with mixed feelings—anger, resentment, and fear—the overwhelming desire to reconcile with her prevailed.
After all, she was your biological mother, the person who bore you in her womb and gave you life. The knowledge was impossible to ignore, and as Cillian held you close, you couldn't help but fantasize about finally having a mother figure back in your life.
By this point, you had already spoken on the phone and you learned that the authorities in the US had separated you from her during the immigration process. Neither of you had a visa at the time and while she was being deported, you were placed into the Forster care system where you struggled to cope.
Over the years, she searched tirelessly for you, desperately trying to track you down and bring you back into her life. 
For years, she lived in hope that fate would reunite you but she never found out where you were until she saw a photograph of you in one a magazine, attending an event with Cillian. 
The article claimed that you were lovers and this revelation shocked her. Shocked because it meant that you were alive and, most importantly, safe. Overwrought with grief, she reached out to Cillian's agent who ignored her emails, thinking that this was a hoax and then she spent all of her savings to fly to New York and attend his premiere, hoping that you would accompany him. 
Unfortunately for her, however, you didn't. You had to remain in Ireland as your spousal visa was being assessed, leaving her to approach Cillian instead.
Cillian was also the one who was picking her up from the airport a week later now seeing that you were still dealing with the aftermath of your miscarriage and weren't allowed to drive. 
He drove you to the airport early morning to pick her up, and you were struck by how much your nerves resembled a tight knot in your stomach.
The memory of your last encounter with her—a tearful goodbye inside the US Detention Centre where you were left behind—haunted you, and you grappled with conflicting emotions. Anger, sadness, longing, and fear wrestled within you.
"Hey, breathe," Cillian whispered soothingly, sensing your anxiety. "Remember, she loves you just as much as you love her," he reminded you, placing a comforting hand on your knee. "She didn't abandon you and you will be able to reconnect now," he assured you, the warmth of his touch radiating through your jeans.
"I know, I know," you stammered before taking a deep breath and focusing on the task ahead.
"Good," Cillian nodded, his expression filled with support and understanding. He knew better than to push you any further, allowing you to gather your strength for the encounter.
As the car approached the terminal, your palms began to sweat, and your heart raced with trepidation. A feeling of unease washed over you, and your stomach churned with anticipation.
You gripped the armrests of the passenger seat, clenching your fists tighter and tighter as you stared out the window at the bustling crowd rushing past.
"Okay, I'm going to park the car in the long-term parking lot," Cillian announced, breaking the silence as he maneuvered the vehicle into a vacant spot. "We can wait for her at arrivals," he added, turning off the engine.
"Sounds good," you mumbled, reluctantly unbuckling your seatbelt, your legs stiff and heavy.
You knew full well that no amount of preparation could prepare you for this moment. Nevertheless, you had to face it. 
Stepping out of the car, you felt the crisp autumn air hit your face.
The weather was cold, but it did not dampen the intensity of the situation, only adding to the mounting anticipation.
"Let's go," said Cillian, reaching for your hand.
His grasp was firm and reassuring, his knuckles tensing beneath your touch.
You laced your fingers firmly with his, allowing the connection to strengthen your resolve.
The walk seemed endless as you followed Cillian towards the arrival hall.
The sound of people chattering surrounded you, and their faces blurred into indistinguishable masses.
You focused on the ticking clock above the information board, watching the minute hand move in slow motion. Each second dragged on, stretching the seconds into eternity. Your heart echoed loudly in your ears, pounding relentlessly against your ribcage.
"Don't worry, she'll be here soon, and you will get to know each other again. It will be fine," Cillian murmured in your ear, pressing a kiss against your temple. His lips were warm and comforting, providing solace amid the chaos surrounding you.
You nodded, your throat constricting, making it difficult to speak. You scanned the crowded airport lounge, searching for a glimpse of your mother.
Your pulse quickened every time someone caught your eye, mistaking them for her. But each time, your heart sank a bit lower.
Cillian squeezed your hand, offering a comforting squeeze. "She's going to be here, Y/N," he whispered, his tone filled with confidence. "Just give it some more time," he urged, urging you to stay patient.
The tension within you mounted as you waited, and your impatience grew stronger with each passing second. Finally, you spotted a familiar face in the crowd. Your heartbeat accelerated, and you instinctively clutched Cillian's hand tighter. "There she is I think," you whispered, pointing at her.
Cillian turned around, and his gaze followed your finger. "Yes, that's defiantly her," he confirmed. 
Your heart skipped a beat, and you could feel the lump forming in your throat. Your palms began to sweat, and the butterflies in your stomach intensified. The realization that this was truly happening consumed you, threatening to break down the barriers you had erected all these years.
"It's going to be grand," Cillian whispered, his grip tightening around your hand. "Just relax," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the din of the crowd as you watched your mother walking toward you, dressed in a simple, elegant outfit, carrying a single suitcase.
She looked different from the woman in the photo, but the resemblance was unmistakable. The same bright eyes, the delicate nose, and full lips. Time had taken its toll, but the essence of the loving mother you remembered remained.
The distance between you narrowed, the gap closing faster with each step she took. You watched as her eyes flicked nervously between you and Cillian, her gaze darting to your hand intertwined with his.
"Hi," you called out tentatively, waving a shaky hand. The mere utterance of the word "hi" unleashed a torrent of raw emotions coursing through you. Your breath faltered, and your voice cracked under the weight of suppressed feelings.
Your mother stopped mid stride, her eyes widening in recognition before tearing up completely. 
"Y/N!" she cried out, her voice shaking with emotion. "My baby girl," she sobbed in Spanish, hastening towards you, her suitcase forgotten by her side.
Cillian released your hand, stepping aside to allow space for the reunion. He watched with a swelling heart as you stepped forward, meeting your mother halfway.
Her face contorted with grief, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she threw herself into your arms. "I got you back," she wailed, hugging you tightly.
You closed your eyes, letting the scent of her perfume fill your senses. It was a mixture of lavender and vanilla, a scent that instantly brought a sense of nostalgia and comfort. You breathed deeply, taking in the moment, savoring the warmth of her embrace.
"Mum," you managed to utter, your voice hoarse and weak. "I...," you whispered, unable to form a sentence, holding her even tighter. She reciprocated the gesture, her tears soaking your shoulder.
"It's okay sweetie. I never forgot about you," she confessed, her voice quivering. "I dreamed that one day I would hold you in my arms again," she continued, clutching you tightly. "I never gave up," she added, squeezing you tightly.
"I know," you cried, releasing her but holding her hands in yours.
"Oh, my darling," she murmured, her eyes brimming with tears.
"I missed you so much," she whispered, wrapping her arms around you tightly.
"Look at you," she marveled, gazing at you admiringly. "You're so beautiful," she praised, her voice quivering with emotion. "I cannot believe how grown up you are. A beautiful young woman," she added, her voice wavering.
"Thanks, Mum," you responded shyly, looking down at your feet. "And you haven't changed at all," you smiled, noticing her radiant smile. "Save for a few wrinkles here and there," you teased, pointing at her forehead.
"Of course, I have aged, mi hija," she chuckled, patting you affectionately on the back before turning towards Cillian and giving him a quick hug also. 
"Thank you, Cillian," she said, her voice cracking slightly. "For bringing me to my daughter, "she added, her eyes welling up with gratitude.
"You're welcome," Cillian replied confidently, his posture erect and proud. "I would do anything for Y/N," he added, flashing a grin at you.
"That's true actually. He so would," you chuckled, smiling at Cillian.
"So, shall we head home?" Cillian asked, breaking the spellbinding silence between you and your mom as he noticed how some people were taking photographs of him, which was always something that was bothersome for you both. 
"Yes," your mother agreed, nodding eagerly. "I would love to see where my daughter lives these days," she said to you, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she tried hard to communicate in English.
"I've been dreaming of this moment for so long," she added, her voice quivering with emotion as Cillian reached for her suitcase and led the way towards the parking lot.
Half an hour later, you arrived at your new home by the coast, a spacious house with a nice garden near the beach. 
Cillian parked the car in the driveway before helping your mother with her luggage.
"We only just moved in together, so I hope you like it," you told her shyly before walking her inside, which is when, immediately, her jaw dropped. 
"Wow, it's absolutely gorgeous," your mother exclaimed, her eyes scanning the entire length of the house, awestruck.
"Isn't it?" you chimed in, leading her inside. "This is the living room and there is another one upstairs, like an entertaining area or something," you pointed, gesturing towards the cozy seating area with plush couches, bookshelves and large windows overlooking the ocean.
"And when I'm done decorating, I promise it'll be even better," you giggled, seeing that the house still contained some rather dated features. 
"It's a big house for just the two of you though, isn't it?" she commented, her eyes wandering around the spacious rooms. "I mean, there would be plenty of room for some children, don't you think?" she suggested playfully, her eyes twinkling with delight, causing your heart to drop. 
You had not told your mother that you had not one, but two unplanned pregnancies, both of which ended in miscarriage. 
The thought of bringing such pain and loss into her life seemed cruel, especially considering the circumstances of your reunion. Besides, you had yet to fully come to terms with what happened yourself.
"Can I make you a cup of tea?" you thus offered, ignoring her question while Cillian stood there, not knowing what was being said between you in Spanish. 
"That would be lovely," your mother said, not pressing you on the matter. "I will put my stuff away first though," she noted, indicating the hallway where her suitcase lay.
Cillian raised her suitcase, holding it aloft with ease and walked it to her bedroom on the ground floor.
Your mother trailed behind him, peering curiously at the interior design while you busied yourself in the kitchen preparing tea.
"Thank you for taking care of my little angel," she murmured appreciatively, setting her belongings down gently. "She seems very happy here, with you," she observed, looking at Cillian intently. 
"It's my pleasure," Cillian replied earnestly, his gaze locked onto your mother. "She is everything to me," he confided, his voice softening. "And I love her a lot," he insisted, his eyes glistening with sincerity.
"I am glad to hear that," your mother commented, studying Cillian closely.
"I can tell you're a good man," she added, observing your bond. "She's lucky to have you," she concluded, smiling broadly.
"Thank you," Cillian replied humbly, his eyes lingering on you. "She makes me feel incredibly happy," he admitted quietly, glancing briefly at your mother before looking away, seemingly embarrassed.
"You're welcome, my dear," your mother cooed softly, reaching out to caress Cillian's cheek before he disappeared to give her some privacy. 
To be continued...
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lala3244 · 5 months
Obsession (Duskwook)
~Hi! I am back. I am sorry for those who follow me for the Obey ME content but I went back to my Duskwood obession actually... Especially with the new game coming up soon! I had to write this story because it will feed my need for obsession and possessivity and darkness. Also I invented new characters for this need. There is no warning for this part. It starts actually quite softly :)~
I arrived in Duskwood early in the morning, Jessy had come to pick me up at the bus station. It had been a long journey to get there. I was exhausted but antsy to see my friends. It took me a while to decide to go meet them. I wanted to let them settle back into their lives again after everything that had happened and for months I had hoped, every day, that Jake would text me to say he was still alive. The hope dwindled slowly as days then weeks then months passed without a word. I would also text Lilly once a week to ask if she had heard anything then every two weeks then once a month and that was when I decided it was time to meet them. I also did not want them to think I went there just to meet with him. 
Jessy saw me getting off the bus and pushed the other passengers to then jump into my arms. I stumbled a bit and laughed, hugging her close to me. “Hello to you too, Jessy.” She looked back at me and smiled. I could see her eyes shining with unshed tears. “You are finally here!” I chuckled and hugged her tighter. I tried to remember this moment, the pure happiness emanating from the red-haired girl was so overwhelming, it caught my breath. We stayed embraced while the passengers were trickling down around us, avoiding us, some of them cursing at us but we did not care. Finally, we pulled away, I went to grab my bag then I followed her to her car. The bus stop wasn’t far from her flat but walking with my luggage would have been a trek especially after the long trip. We hadn’t said a word yet, we were just content with the silence between us. We had talked a lot over the phone the last few months, we were just glad to be in each other’s presence. 
Jessy’s flat was like her personality, bright and colourful. I felt at ease, she showed me quietly her spare bedroom and I put my bag on the floor. “Thank you Jessy for having me.” I sat down on the bed and she did the same. She grabbed my hand and sighed. I looked at her, she looked nervous. I squeezed her hand. “What’s wrong?” She sighed again and looked away, avoiding my gaze. “I need to warn you. Jake is here.” My grip loosened and I stood up. “Wait… What?!” She nodded, looking down at the floor. I scoffed. “Okay, everyone knows?” She nodded again. I rubbed my face with my hands and I sat down again. “I had a long trip, I am exhausted. Do you mind if I go to bed?” She shook her head and left the room. I was still wearing a jacket so I took it off then my shoes. I plopped down on the bed. It was very comfy and I realised how tired I was. I was really mad at Jake, at my friends too but I guessed that he had asked them to not say anything and as usual he decided for me. I heard a knock at the door and it opened on Jessy. “Sorry to bother you, I forgot to tell you that we are all going to the Aurora tonight. That’s why I told you about him because he is going to be there and he actually has a girlfriend.” I hummed too tired to be upset. She was about to close the door. “Wait, come here.” She approached the bed. I pulled her towards me and hugged her. “I am sorry about my reaction earlier, I know it’s not your fault.”
I must have fallen asleep right away because when I woke up, Jessy was gone and I had no recollection of her leaving. I looked at the time. I slept all day. I heard a soft knock and the door opened quietly. “Hey, we’re leaving in an hour.” I hummed and stretched. “Yes, sorry I slept that much. I was tired apparently.” I heard her giggle and I smiled. I stood up from the bed and started rummaging in my bag to get some clothes nice enough for a night out. I asked Jessy if I could use her bathroom and she showed me where it was and where the towels were. I thanked her and I showered. The warm water felt nice, I wished I had a shower before falling asleep but well… As I was washing my body, I remembered what Jessy had told me. I couldn’t believe Jake was here, in Duskwood. I was getting excited but then my heart sank when I remembered more. He had a girlfriend. I scoffed to myself. My initial excitement morphed into anger. I tried to calm down as there was no point in getting angry. It was what it was. I left the shower and finished getting ready. 
We arrived at the bar. It was already crowded but I could already see some familiar faces. I smiled fondly at the sight. I grabbed Jessy’s hand to give myself some courage. We entered the bar and headed towards the bar where Jessy’s brother, Phil, saw us. We ordered some drinks and while he was getting them I watched the group. Thomas and Hannah were already there. They were still together, even though when she came back it was rocky for a while but they talked it through and it was getting better. I did ask what would happen to her after the investigations but no one wanted to tell me so I let it go after a while. Lilly was also present, she was talking to a couple I didn’t know. I looked at the girl. She was beautiful, a real model and well dressed then my gaze fell on the man. He was tall with black hair. I frowned. Was it Jake? He looked bored, barely listening to the two women. I saw him checking his phone discreetly then he smirked. He lifted his head to look around the bar and he looked straight at me as if he knew me. My heart skipped a beat as I realised who it was. I blushed under his intense gaze and I cleared my throat. I avoided his gaze and turned my attention back to Jessy. I smiled at her, still feeling my cheeks going hot. The young woman looked at me and giggled. I ignored her and grabbed my drink. Phil came around the bar and finally hugged me. I was surprised by the gesture but I welcomed it. 
After chatting with the bartender for a few minutes, we finally joined the others. Lilly saw us and she approached with a big smile. We hugged, I was really happy to finally meet her. We had a rough first encounter but after the investigations, we had gotten closer, calling and texting each other quite often. Thomas and Hannah, who saw the young woman walking towards us, approached as well. It was a bit awkward with them. I still hadn’t talked to Hannah and I never talked with Thomas since Hannah came back but I was happy to finally meet them as well. When we finished the greetings, Dan and Cleo arrived. I met them halfway and took them in my arms in turn. Lilly grabbed my arm and she led me outside as we went further from the bar entrance, she started to talk. “I need to talk to you.” I turned to face her. “Is it about Jake? I know Jessy told me.” She sighed and rubbed her face. “I know. We agreed that she should tell you. I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you when I knew but he made me promise. I tried to talk to him, to tell him that he should, at least, send you a text to let you know but he said that you deserved to move on and to forget him…” I scoffed, shaking my head. “Right. As usual he decides for me.” She gently touched my arm when we heard footsteps behind us. We both turned around and Jake was standing there, a blank expression on his face. “I only wanted to protect you.” I stared at him and scoffed again. Lilly excused herself and left the two of us. She walked away but turned her head for a last look and smirked at me. I frowned but brought my attention back to the hacker. 
I crossed my arms but then I decided I didn’t really want to talk to him. He didn’t want me in his life, that was fine, so I started to walk away. He grabbed me by the wrist. “Wait.” I stopped and he made me face him. “Can we talk?” I shrugged. “What is there to say? I am guessing that you are not on the run anymore so clearly you don’t want me in your life. That’s fine with me.” He still showed no expression on his face but I could see his jaw working. His hand was still holding my wrist while I talked. It kind of threw me off my thoughts. I looked at it then in his eyes. There, I saw an ocean of emotions. Fear, love, guilt, shame. He still wasn’t talking but his eyes portrayed his feelings for him. My anger faded slightly and I relaxed. I tilted my head, waiting for him to finally talk. He put his hands in his pockets and cleared his throat. I frowned. “I am ready to listen but I don’t want to hear you apologise because if you were, you would have done it differently.” He nodded and he started to talk. I was pleasantly surprised to hear his voice. It was deep with a nice accent. “At first, I didn’t contact you because it was too dangerous, for you, for me and then, I discovered a way to finally get free. It took me months to find what I needed. It’s complicated to explain right now. When I was finally free, the first thing I wanted to do was to call you but I didn’t know how you would react and I got scared. It’s not an excuse, I know. I acted by cowardice.” I listened and nodded. “Okay.” Jake tilted his head, slightly surprised. “Okay?” I hummed. “Yeah, what else can I say? I agree. You are so used to being alone that when you could not be, you were afraid. But not so afraid that you have a girlfriend now.” I smiled tightly. He looked away. “I had an accident and ended up in the hospital four months ago. That’s where I met her. She gave me some attention, I was flattered.” I nodded again. “Okay.” He chuckled. “Are you sure?” I smiled. “Of course. I wasn’t expecting much but just a simple text would have sufficed you know.” He took his hands out of his pockets to cross them. “I agree, now but I always kept an eye on you.” I laughed. “I don’t know how to take it but, I guess, I am not surprised.” Deep down, I was flattered, my heart beating faster. A comfortable silence settled between us while I looked at his eyes, telling me more than his words ever could. I blushed under his gaze again. The bar’s door opened and we heard someone calling Jake. We both turned our heads and we saw his girlfriend walking towards us. She wrapped her arms around his and leaned against him. “Jake, why don’t you introduce me to your friend?” I looked at him, expectantly and saw a hint of annoyance that disappeared as soon as I saw it. “Sure, Angela meet…” We were cut off by Jessy screaming my name and Angela laughed. “You didn’t even need to say the name, someone did it for you.” I smiled. “I am sorry but I have to go. But it was nice meeting you.” 
They walked back with me and Angela entered first. I turned towards Jake. “By the way, Jake, I am glad you made it alive.” I walked inside the bar while he still stood there by the door and I could feel his eyes on me. Jessy was waiting for me at the bar, a huge smile on her face. She pushed a drink in front of me and her brother joined us. People were starting to leave so he could sit down with us for a bit. We chatted for a while and I could still feel Jake’s eyes on me. I knew he had a problem with Phil but that was months ago and it was over text, surely he wouldn’t be jealous of me talking to him. Since Phil got out of prison, we had been texting and calling a lot, he was much more than I first believed and he was genuinely nice to me. I turned my head to look at the group and saw Jake watching me with a stoic face but I could see anger flaring up behind his eyes. I shook my head and went back to the discussion with the siblings. 
Phil looked at the time and stood up. “Right! It’s time to go!” I stood up and went to grab my stuff. Jake walked over to where I was standing. I ignored him, I knew what he wanted to tell me. He gently touched my arm. “Can I take you somewhere tomorrow morning?” I looked at him, surprised and shrugged. “Sure.” He smiled slightly. “I’ll come to pick you up at 8.” I nodded, thinking that was way too early. “It’s early, though.” He laughed. “I know, see you tomorrow.” I laughed and waved him off. I joined Jessy and we both walked back to her flat. The walk from the bar felt like hours but it was nice. It was a warm night and we talked a lot. The more I spent time with her the more I felt close to the young woman. She hadn’t had it easy but she was still a bright light in people’s lives, especially mine. Over the last months, she made me stronger with all her support and kindness so I tried to do the same for her. We arrived at her apartment and we both got ready for bed. I put my alarm on and finally fell asleep. 
I woke up with a jump by my alarm. I turned the alarm off and I groaned, while rubbing my face with my hands. I got up and went to the bathroom straight away to take a shower. There was nothing better after a night out, especially when I needed to go somewhere in the morning. I got dressed and ate some breakfast. I took my phone and opened it, I noticed a new app and clicked on it. I didn’t remember installing it last night or why and I realised it was a messenger app. There was already a thread so I pressed on it. A text was already there:
*I installed this for you. You can use it whenever you want to talk to me. Or if you want to talk to me. :)*
I smiled as I recognised the smiley but after a few seconds, the text disappeared while another one appeared in its stead. 
*Good morning :). I am already there but take your time.*
I was still smiling, my heart skipped a beat and beat faster. I realised I had missed texting him. 
*I’ll be there in 5 minutes.*
I watched the message being sent and both of the texts disappeared again. I made a mental note to ask him what this was all about. I left the flat after leaving a note for Jessy to let her know what I was doing and I took the spare key that she had left me just in case. I went outside and I saw the hacker leaning against the hood of his car. I circled around the car and decided it was well fitting for him. It was black with smooth lines. He was watching me and I stood in front of him. “Nice car!” He laughed and walked to the passenger’s door and opened it for me. I sat down and we drove off. 
We arrived in the forest and I saw the entrance of a cave. My heart sank when I saw traces of a fire. Jake walked in front of me then stood metres from the cave. I stopped next to him, looking around the surroundings. “This is where I got out.” His voice startled me, it was a whisper and I could feel the pain he tried to hide. I hummed to encourage him to talk more. I was watching him, I could see him relive the moment. It looked like a painful memory. He finally explained how he made it in a hushed voice. He got burnt in the back, he obviously had the scars. “It was a pain I had never felt before. I was about to pass out when I heard voices. I lost my will to live as I thought it was the FBI but when I woke up, I was in the hospital.” I rubbed his arm to comfort him. “I don’t know who the voices were but I had been looked after, my burns were healing properly and there was no sight of my pursuers.” I smiled tightly. He looked down at me and smiled softly. “All I thought was you. You were the one thing that kept me alive, the one thing that made me walk out of that mine.” I nodded, I didn’t know what to say, it didn’t really feel like it. “I got some rest for a few days then I left the hospital. I got help from a friend and she helped me with proving my innocence.” He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. “I wanted to finally be free for you, to finally meet you but the more time passed and the more I chickened out.” I laughed as I remembered telling him this once. He sat on a big rock while he still held my hand so I followed him. He grabbed my hips and pulled me towards him, hugging me, his head against my stomach. I was surprised by his gesture, I didn’t think he would be that affectionate already towards me. I froze for a couple of seconds before putting my hands on his head. I gently scratched his scalp and he leaned into my touch, humming softly. “No one knows.” We stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other’s presence. I forgot that I was mad at him and I was just happy he was alive after what he had been through because of me. “If I had a choice to do it all over again, I would do it the same just to be in this moment.”
I stopped what I was doing and I looked at him as I furrowed my brows, waiting for him to explain further. He finally looked up at me and I saw a vulnerability in his eyes that made my breath hitched in my throat. I caressed his cheek and smiled to reassure him that he was safe, his soul was safe with me. His phone rang and he pulled away from me to grab it. He looked annoyed as he answered the phone. “Well, I have to go. Angela is waiting for me.” I nodded, my heart sank at his words and I started to walk back to the car without waiting for him. I heard his footsteps following me and I entered the car. He sat down seconds after me. I looked at my phone and saw Jessy asking me to join her at the Rainbow café. I looked at the man who was starting to drive away. “Can you drop me off at the Rainbow café?” He nodded and I looked away at the scenery moving past us. I could feel him glancing at me from the corner of my eyes but I didn’t move. I was trying to process my feelings about the man who was driving next to me. He stopped in front of the café where I saw Jessy, already sitting down, waiting for me. I turned my head towards the hacker and smiled. “Thank you for the lift.” He grabbed my hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing it softly. “Thank you for your time and for listening to me.” I looked at my hands then at his eyes, I saw gratefulness in them. He had always trusted me and he was still trusting me. my heart swelled at the gesture and at his words. I said my goodbye and joined the red-haired girl.
Thank you for reading. Tell me what you think would happen?
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mrsjavierp · 9 months
Where you belong?
Chapter 5 - Die For You
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 2.4k
So, I'm using narcos universe, but screwing up the timeline because we need plots and things for our couple. Nevertheless, just a warning for the accuracy of the series. Btw, I'd love to know about you're thinking about it so far! Your opinion is really important! Tks <3
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
After an investigation we did together with the CIA and the Mili Group, we finally had proof about La Catedral. 
Steve, Javier and I were discussing the possibilities and what Noonan would authorize. At the end, I knew what to do first: talk to Gaviria.
We were running against time and Escobar again...
"Yes, ambassador. I know it's risky... But I know we can screw that MF and try to bring Escobar to the US. I'll talk to Gaviria, let me handle it." 
Noonan sighed, I finally won.
"Don't disappoint me, Y/LN. You've done a hell of a job in NYC and have been doing it in Colombia. We trust you. You've got a backup plan?"
"Yes. Already on it, even with plan A working. We're not stopping until we get the motherfucker."
"Good luck, keep me posted."
I called Steve and Peña to my office. 
"I'm heading to Bogota. I need to talk to Gaviria in person about it all."
"I'm going with you, jefe." - Javier said.
"No need to. As a matter of fact, I need you both here... We need to be ready to all that'll happen to La Catedral. My gut is feeling really bad."
They both knew what it meant: bad things for sure. My gut were never wrong, unfortunately. Sometimes early, but never wrong.
When I tried to reach, none of them were available.
Something is off... I reached even for Connie and she lied to my face. I'm gonna chop someone's head off.
When I arrived back at the office, my head was spinning: 
An informant confirmed Moncada’s and Galeano's deaths a few days ago, meaning that Escobar was losing his senses.  Was that the La Catedral effect? What will be his next move? The Colombian media were, by the way, publicizing it badly. Noonan would fuck me and the rest of the DEA, probably, if she didn't got fired before that. I knew how the US thought about it. And, the cherry on top: Javier and Steve missing.
I was really fucking overwhelmed. 
A couple of hours later, while I was tracing possible steps for Escobar, trying to think like him, Steve showed up at my office. 
"Murphy, what the fuck? Where the fuck were you?"
At the same time, Javier barged in: "Y/LN, I've gotta talk to you, it's urgent! I think Steve..."
"Hey, man."
"Peña, close this fucking door now!" - I yelled, furious.
I turned on the TV.
"Watch it: it's a fucking disaster. The Colombian army is outside La Catedral, Sandoval just entered... Brace yourselves."
They looked at each other, in silence.
"Here's what I think and what I'm doing: I'm suspending both of you, for a week. Stay low. I know you both tipped the media. Major Wysession told me about what you asked him, Peña... Don't you ever do that again. When I arrived here, I told all of the DEA to be straight with me and I'd be straight with you... Don't go to Wysession or Noonan or anyone. Come to me. I'll handle it. And Murphy, let me guess, Cali? Co-operation proposal?"
Steve swallowed hard.
Javier turned his face away from me.
I poured a glass of whiskey for myself.
"You better hope that Noonan doesn't get me fired."
"Y/LN, yes. Cartel de Cali kidnapped me. They didn't like that we helped kill a few of them, but apparently there was someone innocent among them..."
His words faded away as the TV announced about Escobar's escape.
Narrator's POV
Escobar ran off again. 
Noonan got... A nice retirement.
You maintained your position, since Crosby knew and liked how you worked, but didn't stop you from hearing a bunch of shit.
You send Peña and Murphy to check La Catedral, but nothing worked.
"Here's the deal, niños. We're moving to CNP headquarters. Pinzón is such an ass, but I'm working on it. He hates our kind, but who doesn't in Colombia? He threw the tip line on my lap and I'm giving it to you."
"Telephone Operator? Really? Fuck me..." - Murphy complained.
Javier was... Distant. Weird in your eyes. You pretend not to care.
Something is off... - you thought.
Weeks passed since he last touched you, in that pool. A few casual happy hours, catching glimpses. Smirks. 
When you touched yourself, even without your vibrator, his image was right there: crystal clear in your mind.
You were almost giving up drinking your beloved whiskey and dear cigars... To be healthy? 
Fuck, no.
The whiskey's flavor and the cigar's scent remind you of his breath. You wanted to keep him far, but it was becoming unbearable.
"Be patient, you two. I'm not allowed to say much for now. At least pretend to do something. I'm working on our budget and relations with both governments."
After a few screw ups from the agents, as they captured Bush and became a joke, the days were appearing longer and harder. You were practically going insane to prove Crosby, the soon to be new ambassador, that your new, big and, overall, expensive plan was going to work.
You only needed a little luck...
Until it happened: the tip line handed to you three La Quica, one of Escobar's sicarios.
"Pinzón, I'll be a car and two men. Don't make me push further. We're just checking, we're not going to alarm'em." - you told him.
He sighed, made a joke about the fake calls... But said yes. 
As you all prepared to go, Murphy received a call from Connie and she told she was leaving Colombia.
"No, Con, please... Just listen!" - Steve was desperate.
"Murphy, go to the airport. You're not going with us. Go talk to your family, now!" - you spoked at him and he ran off.
"Let's go, boys. We all want La Quica." - I said.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"I swear, I don't know this one!" - Javier defended himself.
"I already told you, we don't care, Peña. But is this new? It's gotta be, as you don't know it..." - I joked, my heart was a little broken. 
The other cops laughed, as Peña rolled his eyes.
I didn't want to admit that his fame towards prostitutes and brothels made me jealous and a little resentful. 
He'd never know about how I felt nor my... Preference for a certain sextoy baptized after him.
"Stop by the payphone, back here." - I hid my gun and put on a cap, to match my jeans, sneakers and plain shirt. I could pass without no one noticing. - "Vamonos." (Let's go)
Me, Javier and one of the cops got out of the car, one by one.
But someone spotted us and told La Quica.
Out of the sudden, we're running around and, at the market, behaving as a predator hunting a prey. 
That place was so hot, so crowded... I couldn't see anything... Until he glanced before my eyes.
"Gotcha, pendejo." - I ran as fast as my legs could and a bit more. 
A fucking cross-fire started out of the blue and I had to hold a little.
Fuck! - I cursed alone.
I needed to think fast: we're just four and didn't know who to shoot.
Fuck it! I'm going after him! - I decided.
"Someone cover for me!" - I yelled and ran off again. I didn't have an answer before going.
Narrator's POV:
"Fuck! Where is she?" - Peña yelled.
When the shots stopped, they saw how the Colombians were frightened. They just wanted peace, not gringos and narcos shooting around.
"Where the fuck is my jefe?" - Javier asked again, screaming, to the other cops, seeing red, looking for you. The veins on his neck were bulging.
The backup arrived shortly with Pinzón.
"My men are looking for her, she went after one of the big fish. Some nerve the girl got, gotta say." - Pinzón mocked.
The other cops held Javier, asking for him to calm down.
Javier'd burn all the fuck down, until he finds you.
"Let me go. Not in the mood." - he said to the poor guy.
"Peña, look! It's her!" - He pointed out to you, a little bit hurt, your pink shirt torn and dirty.
Smiling like a kid on Christmas morning, you came out of nowhere, a little hurt, a few bruises starting to appear, your blouse dirty and torn up... But still looking pleased: a victorious agent.
Coming closer to Peña and Pinzón, you start:
"¡Mis amigos, mira que cosita más bonita tengo acá! I'd like to formally introduce you to this pendejo... Not La Quica this time, but we've got Luiz Rodriguez." (My friends, look what a beautiful thing I've got!)
"In my car I have a bag with 50 grand. If you give me one hour, I can make it ten times bigger." - he offered.
You burst out laughing at him.
"Oh, mi regalito..." (my little gift) - You had started, as one of Pinzón's men put on some handcuffs and you fondled his cheek. - "You're going to Disneyland. Don't worry, we're gonna take so much care of you, mi tesoro." (My treasure)
Javier knew you're mocking that sicario, but he still felt something awful on his chest, 'cause you're supposed to call him those sweet names, not that thug.
Arriving at the building, you and Javier went to the locker room, to change before going home. 
"Y/N, you scared the shit out of me. Luiz did all of these injuries? Or has anyone helped him? I swear, if there's someone else, I'll..." - he started, looking worried at you.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"No, Peña." - I interrupted him, as I searched for clothes in my locker. - "You're not doing anything. I can take care of myself."
Javier punched his locker hard as fuck.
"I thought I lost you! Don't ever do that again!" - he yelled.
I laughed, in a sarcastic tone, observing him. He seemed actually worried. 
"You know what, Peña? I don't care!" - I lifted my blouse, showing my huge scar on my ribs. - "Can you see it?" - his face shifted from pissed to desolated, as my eyes watered. He looked at another place. - "No! Don't turn! Take a nice long look at it! - My tone was so harsh. His eyes were so sad. - I always take care of myself! I've been alone in this world for as long as I remember, Peña. It's not my first fight on the field, it's not gonna be the last!"
His face was devastated... He felt sorry for me?
"Are you sorry for me, Peña? Oh, grow up! Why do you even care if I die or live? I know you hate me! And you know what? I fucking hate your guts as well!" - I screamed.
He remained silent. Why?
I started to change to a black shirt. I needed to leave.
I walked to the door, but when I noticed, he was behind me, holding it, not letting me leave.
"Y/N, cariño, I know you can take care of yourself, you've been doing that for a while now..." - he whispered in my ear. - "I heard you, by the way... Yes, I heard while you took care of yourself almost every night."
I swallowed hard, thinking:
Oh fuck, he heard me... Oh no...
"However, you called out my name, didn’t  you?" - he continued.
I leaned on the door pressing my back against it, turning to face him as Javier got on his knees and looked at my with those puppy brown eyes and said:
"Let me make your fantasy come true, cariño... Let me be your good boy, your obedient soldier."
His hands started to take off my boots and socks, one by one.
After that, he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly, so slowly, put it down to my feet, throwing it somewhere...
There I was, only in underwear and a shirt, my skin felt hot. 
His eyes never left mine.
I took off my shirt and bra and, lastly, his hands took off my red panties, at a slow pace, as if he was trying not to scare me off.
There I was, naked in front of Javier. 
He seemed to be thinking on what to do first, until he said:
"Tell me what you want, cariño. Let me be your good boy."
I just nodded positively.
"Words, please. Use your big beautiful mouth, cariño."
"Y-y-yes, Javi... Put your lips on me, show me how good you are..." - my voice barely came out.
He smiled, picked up one of my legs over his shoulder exposing me. His lips met my folds, oh so soft, so delicate... My hand grabbed his hair, pulling closer. 
He explored me, without any rush, as if he wanted to last as long as possible... Teasing my hole, opening me up with the tip of his tongue, fucking me. My clit throbbed, as my pussy clenched around his tongue.
I bit my lips, trying to stay quiet, my eyes closed. I couldn't look down, I was almost ashamed.
"Mmm..." - I sobbed, pulling his hair harder.
He slipped two fingers in me, and taking his mouth off me, said:
"Look at me, cariño, open your beautiful eyes while I make you feel good. Am I doing, at least, a nice job?" - he smirks, knowing he was. I opened my eyes, looking down, probably blushing. No one ever made me look as I was being eaten out. - "A little reassurance won't kill you."
"Y-y-yeah, Peña..." - I managed to say.
Oh, fuck.
His thumb met my clit, putting a gentle pressure as his middle and index fingers touched my g-spot.
"You can do better than that, cariño..." - he grinned, asking for more. - "You wet half of my face, Hermosa, you can call me Javi again."
"¡Hijo de puta!" - I cursed. - "Make me come on your lips, for God's sake... Be my good boy, Peña." - I asked.
He smiled and got back to suck my clitoris, making me shake under his touch. 
I came so hard, dripping all over Javier, calling out his name.
He took off one finger, slowing his pace. A very satisfied "hum" came out of him.
"You taste like heaven... You were such a good girl for me, cariño... But I'm greedy, you know? I want more from you and your sweet little pussy." - he smiled. - "I wanna see you beggin'... I'm not stopping now."
I was still burning from my first orgasm. 
Javier Jesus Peña was trying to kill me, for sure.
My hand traveled from his hair to his cheek, caressing him. 
"Javi... I'm only gonna say this once: do what you want with me. Do what you want to my body. I'm yours for tonight."
His finger left me, leaving me empty. 
Oh, fuck.
He stood up, looking deep in my eyes.
"My place or yours?" - he questioned. 
"Yours." - I responded, barely breathing.
He picked up my clothes, helped me get dressed and we went to his place.
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kwockwoc · 9 months
Do you think that Seiji would be the type to say a pick-up line? What would be the most Seiji-appropriate line he would say?
you've got pretty eyes (800 words, sfw, below the cut)
you've got pretty eyes
Seiji, with some trepidation, opens his Tumblr Inbox.
He narrows his eyes at that. Why anonymous?
He reads the ask.
He re-reads it.
A few seconds pass.
New tab.
Search: best ever pick up line
Scroll, scroll, scroll.
Search: best ever pick up line gay
Scroll, scroll, scroll.
Search: best ever pick up line gay tips tricks guaranteed success
Scroll, scroll, scroll.
No, no, no.
> Nicholas Cox (Husband)
Nicholas’s voice, sounding a little harried. He’s obviously outside. Seiji can hear – traffic, maybe? – and voices in the background. “Seiji? Honey, what’s wrong?”
Seiji clears his throat.
“Hello. What did I say to you when I asked you out? The first time?”
After a second of stunned silence, Nicholas laughs.
“What? Why – what’s brought this on?”
“Um. Nothing,” Seiji says, because admitting to his dearly beloved that a random Tumblr anon ask had triggered a cascading series of self-reflections and self-doubts would probably make him sound even more oversensitive than usual.
“Well – honey – I don’t think I remember,” Nicholas admits, his mouth a little too close to the mic, like usual, and Seiji loves that, even though he should probably be miffed by the fact that his spouse doesn’t remember how they kickstarted their relationship. “It was a while ago.”
“Yes, I know. I just thought you might remember.”
“I wish I could remember, honey. I really do.” Nicholas sighs. “I think – uh – I think it would’ve been something cute. Something like, is this piste taken?”
Nicholas laughs again, and Seiji grumbles.
“No, no, that wouldn’t have made any sense, and I was more bold than that,” Seiji says. “I think it would have been something about your ass.”
Nicholas lowers his voice. “Seiji, you might’ve thought you were bold, but you really weren’t. There’s no way you would’ve said anything about my –” there’s a pause, as if Nicholas is checking who’s around – “my ass when we were sixteen.”
“Well – I wanted to say something about your ass.”
Nicholas sighs. “Are you sure it wasn’t something about my fencing? Something jokey? Something about corps a corps?”
“No, I think I’d remember that,” Seiji says. “That would have involved some planning.”
“Hmm. Yeah, you’re right. And I’d remember it, too.”
They lapse into a few moments of comfortable silence. Nicholas breathes into the phone in a way that’s distinctly… his. It’s similar to the way he snores, gentle and regular, perfect –
“I think I might have said something about your eyes,” Seiji says, before he becomes overwhelmed by meditation on the beauties of Nicholas’s autonomic nervous system. “You’ve got pretty eyes, sweetheart. I’ve always liked your eyes.”
“Oh, thanks, honey. Dad reckons they’re just like grandpa’s,” Nicholas says brightly, and Seiji groans.
“Yes, I – I already know Robert’s opinions on your eyes. And please don’t talk about your grandfather while we’re discussing our dating history.”
“But grandpa was hot,” Nicholas says, a little reproachfully. “You’ve seen the photo.”
Seiji buries his face in his left hand, keeping the phone pressed to his head with his right. “Sweetheart, we’re not debating whether your grandfather was hot,” Seiji says.
“What were we debating?”
“What I said to you to convince you to date me,” Seiji repeated, patiently. “The –” he exhaled, nosily. The words seemed clumsy, teenagerish. “– the pick-up line I used.”
Nicholas laughs again. “Honey, I’m real sorry, but I’m gonna have to go soon. Like, now. I’m meant to be on bus duty. We can talk about this when I get home, if you want.”
“No late practice tonight?” Seiji asks, hoping that the answer will be no. Nicholas and his assistant have been working with two of their most promising épée students an extra night each week, to get the kids ready for individual competition – the Illinois junior NAC in November. Seiji knows, without being told, that Nicholas is an excellent teacher, and an even better coach. His students adore him. Everyone adores him. Seiji adores him.
“No, Seiji. No late practice, I promise. That’s Wednesdays only now, and Silvia’s doing most of it anyway.”
“Okay. That’s good.”
“All right, I’ve gotta go. The kids are getting out of class. Love you, bye!”
“I love you Nicholas. I love you very much. Bye now.”
Seiji puts the phone down.
Eventually, he returns his attention to the laptop, screen glowing in the home office.
He reads the ask a third time.
He clicks Answer.
Dear anonymous,
Thank you for the ask.
I was not and am not generally given to deploying – as you put it – pick-up lines, although I am convinced that there was something I said that was not only extremely witty but also deeply passionate and endearing that convinced my now-husband, Nicholas Coste @fyeahepee2002, to embark on a romantic relationship with me.
If you require advice or support in obtaining a romantic partner, I suggest a web search. There are many useful and enlightening websites with practical advice.
Seiji Katayama  (@expertfencingadvice)
He clicks Post now, and moves on.
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Interesting anyways, saw your requests are open 👀
It's about y/n (male reader) who is the son from the prison director, I think her name is Momoko and he is the new cell mate from the four main ones. He got the Japanese side from his dad who he k'lled for reasons. It's at first platonic but maybe he builds up a relationship with Nico. Maybe have them go on for adventures in prison, and maybe the secret of y/n is going to revealed
Take all the time you need for writing it
THERE IT IS!! MY FAVORITE PHRASE!!! "Take all the time you need for writing it" Ily
Also, Momoko is also Japanese, so if (Y/N)'s dad is Japanese then...Yeah, (Y/N) got his Japanese side from both his parents duifgidfg
YO the way I said I don't write angst. but then type this as if it was second nature sidjfosijfdi I just really hate bad endings, and I know the angst lovers would drown me in angst prompts if I allowed them--- This ain't proof read btw
Nanbaka Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading! Tips are very appreciated!
TW: mentions of murder of parental figure (not described), hints of domestic abuse
Nico x male! reader
Tumblr media
"Roll call! #69!"
"You have bed hair. #25!"
"What are you laughing at? #11!"
"When will you stop using so much product? #(N)!"
"Over here."
"Good. #15!"
A moment of silence before Hajime grabbed the bars in the door window, "#15!" "I'm here, I'm here. Geez."
Another day at Nanba Prison, building 13, cell 13. Actually a rather special one, seeing Jyugo spent the whole night sleeping in the cell and had yet to open the door to sneak out. But it was also special because of another reason. Exactly one week ago #(N), (Y/N), was transferred to cell 13.
Something a certain cellmate didn't want to miss out on celebrating. Nico was pretty attached to (Y/N) starting from day one. But besides sitting together to watch anime, (Y/N) never showed any interest in doing any activities with any of his cellmates. He's been invited to their little breakouts numerous times, but he always declined. Nico actually got on his knees and begged him to come along, more often than not. Which resulted in Uno trying to convince him too, but to no avail.
Dragging him along with force wasn't an option either. (Y/N) has proven he's not to be messed with, and his cold glare alone was enough to make them back off. But by far not enough to make them dislike him. Especially Nico. One of the main reasons why he loved his new cellmate so much is BECAUSE of that. He's so mysterious, strong. And so many other exaggerated adjectives the green-haired saw in him.
"I don't need to get beaten up for no reason.", was (Y/N)'s reasoning. It actually went a tiny bit deeper. You see, he was actually the son of the warden, Momoko Hyakushiki. He already feels incredibly embarrassed to be inprisoned, in his mother's prison nontheless, but what if she also found out about him trying to break out? It didn't matter if it was for fun (which is how Uno tried to convince him to come along), attempted breakout is attempted breakout.
(Y/N) didn't want to be associated with bad people more than he already was. His heart was at the right place, and he wanted his mother to know that. That's why he tried hard to be a model inmate, doing whatever he was told by the guards, always being on time, never causing any trouble,... Yes, that was him. A good guy. A functioning member of society.
Not some ruthless murderer who felt like not wanting a father anymore. He was pushed and pushed and pushed to the brink of insanity, and while he didn't believe what he did was the right thing to do, it wasn't something he could've prevented in the moment of self defense.
Perhaps this was the reason why (Y/N) didn't want to grow close to his cellmates. Rather not be close to them incase they find out about it and then push him away.
And while Uno and Rock found his behavior kind of odd, they all decided to just leave him be. But knowing Nico, he couldn't sit still for long, and certainly didn't take 'no' for an answer.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Startled, the male let go of the mountain, which consisted of his futon, in his arms, giving Nico a sideglare, "What?" The bright smile the green-haired shot him sealed his fate.
An everlasting scowl was planted on (Y/N)'s face, barely keeping up with Nico's quick step as he was dragged along by the arm. Nico didn't seem to mind, sending a lot of smiles his way, "So, what game do you want to play first?", they stopped in their tracks in the middle of the Arcade room. (Y/N) only sighed, letting his gaze wander from game to game, taking in the vibrate colors and cheery background melodies.
His fingers itched to start playing any of these, but was he ready to admit that mere minutes after he, oh so firmly, insisted on staying in the cell? Nope. But trying to leave wasn't an option either. If he played the next simple step right, he'll be playing without admitting anything.
"I dunno.", paired with a slight shrug of his shoulders. An invitation to let Nico decide. "Then let me show you my favorites!" Perfect.
...Nevermind, maybe it wasn't that perfect.
It didn't take long for (Y/N)'s pokerface to disappear without him noticing. And even though he still couldn't relax his muscles all the way and let loose completely, he found himself genuinely enjoying his time with Nico. His cheery personality was contagious, makes one wonder if that was one of his diseases.
The stories Nico started to tell were hilarious, pulling laughter out of (Y/N)'s lungs again and again. This was the first time Nico had heard the male laugh. It made him feel all warm and giddy "Haha! You seem to be having fun! That makes me happy!" It became really hard to deny Nico's observation, not that Nico would've believed him anyways. "I'm having lots of fun too! We should do this more often!"
A tempting thought, really, but it would go against the very first rule he put up for himself when he transferred. ...Was he...Was he overthinking this? Or was he starting to play it down, convincing himself it was no big deal even though it definitely is? In all honesty, (Y/N) started to feel a new emotion tugging on his heart; jealousy. He wanted to be part of those stories the green-haired talked about so fondly.
But what caused this sudden change? It wasn't like he never had the desire to befriend people and create memories together. In actuallity, it was him who swallowed it down in attempt to protect his heart. He didn't want to give in. He didn't want to let it out, but he didn't want to keep it in. What to do? What to do? What to do?
The joycon shook under his vice grip around it, visualizing the conflict that was bubbling up inside of him. This felt so wrong, but also like he needed it. Like an unbearable thirst, turning to mud water to quench it. And when Nico layed his hand upon his own and looked at him with concern in his eyes, he snapped. And cried.
It was too much.
That was many weeks ago. Many, many weeks. The sound of sirenes weren't new to (Y/N), but the thrill of being the cause of them definitely was. Who knew breaking out could be so much fun?
"(Y/N), watch out!" Just in time, (Y/N) managed to lean backwards to dodge a giant ball that was coming from a high spot on the wall. Uno took ahold of his arm before he could tip over completely and tugged him along, "You good?" The (Y/HC)-haired nodded, the shock of that close hit wearing off as he shared a grin with the blonde.
"Guys! This way!"
Uno and (Y/N) joined the other three at the end of the big room, Jyugo just opened a hidden door in the corner. They all squeezed in quickly, not without complaining about how close they were to each other, and as soon as they did, the door closed again, leaving only the boys' imagination to explain the deafening noise coming from behind it.
Letting out a big breath all at the same time, the prisoners allowed themselves to relax for a moment. "This was certainly a new approach of them.", Rock commented. "Yeah, but it was pretty dumb putting the door somewhere so predictable. They seem to have a thing for corner doors.", Jyugo added, shrugging.
That made (Y/N) tense up, "That sounds like a trap to me.", he started to sweat, mumbling on, "You know I enjoy doing this with y'all, but I really don't want my mom to find out about this..." Nico was quick to rush, as best as he could in that tight space, to the males side, "Don't worry! Hajime would never allow the warden to find out!", his cheery reassurance was accompanied by a small hug.
But before it could shake a reaction out of the male, the room began to shake instead...
Heavy, hot breath hit the cold night air, forming small clouds. (Y/EC) eyes looked around, trying to figure out where he ended up. "Oww...", a whine interrupted him, as his eyes settled on the green-haired laying next to him, face first on the ground. "You okay?", his mumble was accompanied by a growl of pain of himself. "Yeah, I'm okay. Egh-", Nico shook the dirt out of his hair, before turning to the other, "What about you?"
Watching those ruby eyes filled with concern look him over like that shook a memory awake. A memory he came to see as his favorite.
"Earth to (Y/N)! Heeeeellooooo!" "WH- Yeah! Yeah, I'm alright! Stop waving your hand infront of my face." Doing as he was told, Nico retracted his hand, giggling, "You're so cute when you're flustered!", the green-haired's giggle would've been contagious if it wasn't for the fract (Y/N)'s face felt like it was on fire. "And what do you mean by that, huh?"
"You often zone out when I'm looking at you, then go all red when you snap out of it!" For a moment, (Y/N) couldn't push out any words, just sounds, blabbering. Thought Nico was the oblivious type. Or maybe...he just paid attention.
"Anyways!", (Y/N) snapped his head in a different direction, "How did we end up on this roof? And where are the others?" Nico crawled closer to the other, sitting down next to him, "I dunno! This place is full of suprises. That's why breaking out is so much fun here!"
Finally a smile reached the (Y/HC)-haired's face as well, "That's true.", his gaze wandered up into the night sky, the stars were as beautiful as ever. But he couldn't admire their beauty for long, being interrupted by a sudden weight on his shoulder. Nico laid his head on it, smiling up at the male in a somewhat soft manner, fairely new to the usual energetic boy, "I really like your smile, it's so pretty. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I see it!"
Was it happening?
Did he feel the same?
It's too much-
"(Y/N)...you know, I- I really like you! Like-like yo-"
The sudden silence was deafening to the ears, confusion was written all over Nico's face, while (Y/N) was starting to shake. Too much, too fast. He wasn't prepared! He wanted to tell him that the feeling was mutual, he really did! But he...he had yet to tell him about his secret. There was no way he'd let him in without being 100% honest.
The green-haired laid a hand on (Y/N)'s, trying to calm down the shaking, "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) knew he couldn't run away from letting it out. How will he ever learn to let loose when he keeps binding himself down? With something he had absolutely no controll over.
He wanted to be able to trust, to be able to love.
And that made him snap all over again.
Hiccuping was the only thing breaking the silence. (Y/N) was starting to regret several life decisions. Ever defending himself, ever letting Nico drag him along, ever letting go of his facade, ever letting Nico hear his laugh, ever growing close to his cellmates, ever falling for Nico...It was all too much.
His back crashed to the hard ground, arms tightly wrapped around his neck. The wet feeling on his chest confused him, heck, the whole body weight on him confused him. "Nico...?"
"You're a hero!", the green-haired's voice was muffed, and you can practically hear the tears he cried, "You're a hero!", he lifted his head to lock eyes with the male he tackled to the ground, "You did it to protect your mom and yourself! You never had the intention to just do it! It must've- must've been so tough for you! I would never think you're a monster!"
In an instance, (Y/N) reciprocated the hug, wrapping his arms tightly around Nico's torso. And they cried in each other's embrace until Nico slowly pulled them both up, letting go was not an option though, as he grips the males hands in his own, "You're so amazing...", another smile broke through his teary face, slowly coming down, "After all that's happened to you, you're still so full of joy...I didn't know your story until now, but...I knew you had it hard either way. And how you're still able to shine is what I like so much about you."
The way the green-haired blushed as he went on, made (Y/N)'s heart skip beat after beat. It's too much, but not in a bad way, for once. It's too much, but- "I really want to be with you, so...knowing you trust me so much to tell me that makes me really happy!"
"I...I like you too...", a whisper, a shaky whisper, clearly overwhelmed, but it was okay.
Nico let out a hearty laugh, tackling down (Y/N) once again. They're laughter was just music to each other's ears. And they could feel each other's hearts just banging inside their chests.
"THERE YOU ARE #25 AND #(N)!!"
"Save yourselves!"
They're in trouble, but they're okay.
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