#i won't be able to remember what i watched much less my feelings on it but i will try to cut it down shorter next time
Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 17: My Brother Is A Robeast Season 1, Episode 18: Zarkon Is Dying
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Episode 17: My Brother Is A Robeast We're introduced to the Polluxians! King Kova is trying to ally himself with Doom by offering up his son Avok to become a robeast to destroy Voltron Except Zarkon thinks he's weak, so he's putting him in a gladiator fight, Lotor is just being a hater in general lol
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Avok fights and wins only for Lotor to have a fit and try fighting him himself before obsessing over his younger sister Romelle who looks exactly like Allura Oh, and the youngest sibling, Bandor, is there cheering his brother on too They're all supposed to be Evil, but knowing what I do, it's really sad since the siblings don't seem to understand what becoming a robeast means, they're excited about that transformation
As usual, there's some double-crossing as Zarkon plans to destroy Avok after he destroys Voltron but Lotor is doubting only because he's gaga over Romelle On Pollux they send a challenge to the team and mention their planets' legend of long-lasting feud, two royal brothers of Arus were waiting to see who inherited the throne from their sickly father, one was good and the other not so much, obviously the good one got the throne while the other got sent to Pollux, making it Arus's evil twin
I wish the anatomy of these guys got played with more, it would've been cool to see some differences, maybe it's something in golion
The team chooses to fly to Pollux as Voltron to try and make peace, apparently every century Pollux's orbit puts it real close to Arus, so it's a quick trip More double-crossing, Kova doesn't actually want to split Arus and instead wants to rule the universe himself but Coba (Haggar's cat, yes it's confusing) is spying and Lotor already knows their plan Kova seems very arrogant, no wonder people paint him as a horrible father in all the fanfics I've read that he's in
The team has sewer time lol, they're trying to sneak into the castle after pollux refused to answer their message of peace At some point they're swimming and Keith pushes Pidges head under the water, dude what the fuck lol It's to get inside the castle though, and they end up basically rock climbing their way in which is wild
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Look at him, so confident he can bust them into the castle, and he's right to be
Bandor and Romelle have a slight heart-to-heart, he's sad because Avok doesn't recognize him now that he's a robeast (that's rough kid) and Romelle isn't happy that there's going to be a war in the first place, Bandor got red pilled so hard :/ he's believing in Lotor's lies
Pidge fucks up and gets caught by Bandor who holds a sword to him, but Allura and Romelle go to their respective kid brothers (at this point Pidge is one for her) and meet, freaking out everyone since they look identical Allura begs Romelle to start a peace with her while Bandor is going nuts at the thought of even working with Arus Coba (cat) spots the scene and now the castle is surrounded by enemies which turns into a shoot out AND THE TEAM PROCEEDS TO JUMP OUT OF THE NEAREST WINDOW, insanity
Voltron doesn't have a time limit then, at least not now, since the team manages to land in the water and get back into the big guy which means Avok-beast gets sent out and he legit disarms the blazing sword from Voltron, good for Avok, but they take their new wrestling fight to the nearby bay and Voltron shocks him
Now Zarkon's plan starts as the Drule fighters start blasting at both of them, making Avok freak out and swim out to sea which freaks out Romelle who tries to chase after him but ends up kidnapped by Lotor's officers I don't think the team saw that because they chase after the fleet ship but don't stop the extra ships that leave, including the one that Lotor is in with Romelle Oh nvm Bandor told them and they know Lotor has to stop at Arus because his ship is kind of fucked so the team is taking him with them to get Romelle back, new ally acquired!
/episode end
Episode 18: Zarkon Is Dying I sure fucking hope so
Lotor takes a very dramatic walk to a different witch who makes a Rose-beast (lol) for his next attack on Arus, but he's then told that Zarkon is gravely ill and actually seems worried for once Haggar does a weird seance to ask for guidance on how to help and sends Lotor to get a berry that grows on Arus to cure his father, funny how everything fits together
Apparently the boys are helping build a school for the kids in a nearby town so Allura helps her maids forage in the nearby woods for lunch, except Lotor also lands in there and uses some of the potion he was given earlier to make some plant robeasts, rotten timing honeslty
Obvs the ladies are trapped and Keith leaves Pidge in charge of the kids and takes the other two with him after they noticed birds circling above where Allura is, he mentions that the birds only circle when something or someone is in trouble, so I wonder if they're an omen of some kind
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oh these things are HORRIFYING
Lotor starts talking big game with Allura but Keith tarzans his way towards him with a gun in his hand and knocks him onto a nearby branch, very iconic of him LMAO After all 3 guys tarzan in to swing the ladies out of danger, minus nanny who keith goes back for, they run out of the forest so Pidge can hold off the freaky mutant trees while the team gets to their lions
"they're only a bunch of tress! I think I'll start a forest fire!" Smokey The Bear would be disappointed in you Lance
The trees fused together as if they were in Dragonball or something and end up catching Pidge and Allura who tried to hit it head on, so Keith Lance and Hunk resort to playground tactics and knock the guy over by black pushing him onto red and yellow I wonder if this is where VF got their idea for episode 2 lol
It's voltron time except the tree robeast grabs them by the legs are starts SWINGING THEM AROUND AS IF HE WERE DOING A WEIGHT THROW Hunk and Allura throw fire at it though and voltron is free to form blazing sword and cut it down
Back at home he almost forced the other witch to drink poison for failing him, but she convinces him to give it to Zarkon instead, except when he drinks it, it actually heals him even though there weren't any berries in the thing Zarkon says Haggar has protected him from poison, so he can't die from pathetic attempts like that bummer
/episode end
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ceoofglytchell · 12 days
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Summary: That fateful night on Driftmark Aegon has made a promise to you, one that he has even once never forgotten, while you were gone. However now six years later you return to him and- gods be good- he is going to make that promise a reality and he most certainly won't let you leave him another time.
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Strong!Niece!Reader
Word count: 4214 words
Warnings: incest, Reader is described of having Strong like features, Reader is Rhaenyra's and Harwin's second child, fluff, angst, longing, thoughts of major dubcon (it’s only a thought and does not really happen), kinda miscommunication, hurt/comfort, allusions to smut, aegon being miserable, no mention of Y/N
Notes: I was not feeling good last week, but I am back now with this piece here, but I’m not sure if it’s good. But, as always, feedback and criticism is always appreciated and please remember that english is not my native language. Enjoy 💛
"I promise that one day I will marry you."
Never once in your life have you forgotten the promise that your uncle Aegon had given you six years ago on the shores of Driftmark. Yes, he was drunk, and yes, he knew that your families would never let a union between the two of you come to be, but a boy could dream. At least that was how he had justified the vow later on when you had to separate the following morning.
You have always wished that your beloved uncle would fulfill his very promise one day, but unfortunately the chance got slimmer and slimmer the more years passed and the more protective your mother has gotten over you, because as Rhaenyra's first and only daughter nothing was easy.
You were born with brown curls and hazel eyes like your brothers, making the sin your mother had committed all the more obvious to anyone else, a walking reminder of her carelessness. However you were born much smaller in comparison to your brothers and even as you grew you remained petite and delicately looking, which caused Rhaenyra to fuss over you like a mother hen constantly, as if she feared you to be a porcelain doll that could shatter into a million pieces with just a touch. She certainly treated you this way.
Aegon however has always seen the watchful eyes and silent warning glances of his half-sister to be more of a challenge than an actual prohibition.
The prince had always been enamored with you, his little niece, but he has always bottled up all his hidden feelings for you within himself so it was only natural that one time where he had swallowed down cup after cup of dornish wine and you sat by him and held his hand after he had been scolded by his grandsire, the words spilled out of his mouth like a river.
He had barely been able to remember it the next morning, but as he saw the flush on your cheeks when he stood before you to say his goodbyes, he knew that you knew. It was either a curse or a blessing, but even as he had watched you leave with your mother, brothers, and a few of the servants, he had known that he would see you again one day and if he did, he would take you as his wife.
You were not sure what you had imagined when you and your family returned to King’s Landing after so many years to assure yourselves that Lucery's claim to the island of Driftmark was defined and would not be contested, but no matter how easy this task seemed to be on the first look, you quickly learned that this was not the case. Vaemond Velaryon and your great-aunt Rhaenys had also come.
However, their presence brought you less out of the concept than to see Aemond beating Ser Criston during sparring on the courtyard as if the man was nothing but a normal knight and not a loyal and trusted member of the King’s Guard. His cold look, when he had seen you and your brothers, made a shiver run down your back and a spark of fear set its roots within yourself, even if you had nothing to do with the tragic loss of his eye.
On that dark night you were with Aegon when it had happened. The older prince had drunken too many cups of wine and stumbled down the stairs that led down to the beach and hit his head. You had sat with him afterwards and watched over him, while he had clung to you as if you were the very last thing that kept him rooted to this world and that kept him from loosing himself to the darkness within his heart.
And then he had given you that promise. That one terrible promise that has been on your mind every single day, which had taken a special place in the depths of your heart. He had promised to marry you and you knew that he would do it, if you would get permission, which you doubted, however, because your mother wanted nothing to do with her half-siblings whatsoever.
You were reminded of said promise when you faced him again in the throne room after six long years; He and his family dressed in Hightower green and gold and you with yours in Targaryen red and black. The difference could not be greater and the tension that lay in the hall could be felt by everyone.
You tried to stick to your mother's words, you really did, but over and over again your warm gaze found his and every time you caught him staring right back at you, an unknown glimmer in his amethyst colored eyes, which you neither could nor wanted to explain.
However, things escalated quickly and your mother quickly pulled you out of the throne room by the arm, leaving the headless body of Vaemond Velaryon behind on the cold stone floor, for which your stepfather was responsible, the word 'bastards' echoing in your ears. It was not easy to be confronted with the truth after all these years, which your mother tried to hide so convulsively, although it was obviously in everyone's eyes and the entire realm knew the truth of your parentage.
Your shocked eyes found those from Aegon before you vanished behind the doors and you immediately knew that this was not the last time you would see him that evening- and you were right.
Your maids, who were also some of your closest friends at the same time, were currently dressing you for dinner when it suddenly knocked on the heavy wooden doors to your chambers, which still looked exactly the same before you had been forced to leave back then. Without having allowed him to come inside, Aegon stepped into the privacy of your old chambers, which were illuminated with flickering candles, whereupon the servants stopped tugging uncomfortably on your hair and stepped away from you, bowing their heads as was custom.
"You may leave us," you told the other women, whereupon they all looked at you with a questioning frown.
"But princess-" "Please, I can do it."
Neither you nor the maids knew really whether you meant your hair or the prince who stared at you without having lost a word so far, which was extremely untypical for your uncle. However, the cup of wine in his right hand was familiar and you immediately became painfully aware of how much you had missed him.
The moment the doors fell shut again and you both were alone in the room and actually stood in front of each other for the first time again in six years, a bright grin broke out on his face and he slowly took a few steps to get closer to you. "Welcome home, little butterfly."
You didn't know exactly what it was; the nickname, his voice, which had matured, or the fact that you finally looked at him again after such a long time, but you couldn't help but close the distance between you two and jump right into his arms.
Aegon was surprised for a brief moment, but he immediately returned your gesture and wrapped his arms around you as well and pressed your slender body tightly against his, burying his nose into your long brown curls, which were half put together into a braid, which was not finished, because you had sent your handmaidens out of the room as soon as you had laid your eyes on him.
He could hear how a quiet, content sigh escaped your lips, whereupon he felt himself relax in your embrace and he felt his grip around his golden cup of wine loosen slightly as if you were the sole cure for the addiction he had developed. After all these years and although you both have grown and changed, you still fit perfectly against him like the last piece of a puzzle that had finally found its rightful place.
"You cut your hair," you noticed with an audible smile in your gentle voice and you immediately snuggled closer to him as if the sole thought of being parted from him for a second time was unthinkable for you.
"And you have grown- if only a little."
You hit him playfully against his shoulder and leaned back a little so that you could look him into his lilac eyes, which you noticed no longer held the same glint as they had back then. In addition, deep dark circles under his eyes adorned his handsome face and he had become even paler, which was why you feared that you needed to worry about his health. He also looked very much tired. However, these little details did not change the fact that the man in front of you was as beautiful as he had been back then if not more.
"Still feisty, I see, butterfly."
"You did not forget it," you noticed with an almost melancholic smile on your rosy lips. Ever since you were children and a small white butterfly had landed on your head in the Godswood, which would happen two or three times more over time, he called you by the name of the animal, since you were probably just as fragile and delicate, you mused. At the beginning you did not really enjoy it, but over time you wanted to hear him say it over and over again- now too.
"Of course not. I would never forget you, my darling."
"Stop it." You looked down onto the ground so that he would not see the obvious blush on your cheeks, but he did regardless. As for you, he paid attention to everything, every little detail.
"I did not forget my promise to you either." The prince said and stroked with one hand over the length of your arm, which was covered by a silken red sleeve. Actually, you did not want to wear a red dress to dinner, as it would only illustrate the fronts between the two sides of your families, but your mother insisted on it. You personally have always preferred lighter colors.
"Really? You appeared to be very much... drunk when you gave it to me, Aegon." You carefully replied while you hesitantly grabbed his hand, the contact igniting a feeling of warmth in you, which you had been longing for as well.
"I was drunk, that much is true. However, I always am and I remember very well that I said that I would marry you."
"This was so long ago-" you said with a quick shake of the head, because you knew that time did not change anything about what he felt for you and what you felt for him. A marriage between the two of you would never be agreed to, even if you could not imagine marrying someone other than him. The hatred between the two sides of your family was just too big and your love would not mend the crack again.
"No, I am serious. Be my wife, please. There is no day that I did not think of you and wanted you to be by my side." He reached for your hands and held them firmly in his own as if that alone could convince you to marry him without further ado and preferably that evening right after having had dinner. He would not allow you to get betrothed, because then he would lose the opportunity to have the only person who has ever taken care of him and who has actually listened to what he had to say. If you were not there, he was miserable- the last few years have been proof of it.
On the other hand, you were completely perplexed and overwhelmed with the situation. You wanted him. He was the only one who had never treated you like a fragile doll or a mindless duckling, but just like a girl like any other and you liked that. You did not want to be considered weak by everyone- of all the dragons you rode Silverwing, by the gods, you were not weak. It was bad enough that you were a dragon rider and your mother did not allow you to ride as much as you would have liked.
Unfortunately, the truth was that Rhaenyra and Alicent would never agree to a union between him and you. They would rather die or burn in the seven hells and you wanted to save yourself the pain that would follow if you asked and the two older women would vehemently forbid it even if nothing spoke against it and it would actually serve to strengthen House Targaryen for future generations. Unfortunately, it was more likely that at some point he would marry one of the daughters of Lord Baratheon or his own sister Helaena and that you would have to marry Lord Cregan Stark eventually.
"You don't know me anymore. If you excuse me, my prince, I have to continue preparing myself for dinner now.”
With a jerk you pulled your hands out of his and sat down at your dressing table, trying to ignore him and push him away from you, because you would not be able to allow your feelings for him to bloom now and in the end you would have to spend your life with another. You would not be able to bear it. The prince looked at you with an expression of utter disbelief on his features, until then a flicker of anger crossed his gaze and he stormed out of your chambers without hesitation, the door falling shut so loudly that it made you flinch.
You just wanted to protect him as well as yourself.
Later at dinner you watched Aegon drowning himself in alcohol and staring at his plate without touching the food at all. Aemond, who sat on the other side of the table, stared at your siblings and you at all times, not letting you out of his sight, until it suddenly escalated and a single toast made everyone become aware of how fragile the bond that held your family together actually was.
Shortly afterwards, your mother informed you that you would return to dragonstone the very next morning and you felt right in your decision to have pushed away the man for whom you had deeper feelings for. It was better for both of you. At least that was what you kept telling yourself.
You told that to yourself when you came back to your rooms and found them empty and dark, you told yourself when you sat alone in front of the fireplace and loosened your braids, when you undressed, put on a light nightgown, and you kept repeating it to yourself when you climbed in bed at last and slowly began to fall into a peaceful sleep. You would not be able to bear the pain that would follow if you allowed yourself to actually be with him.
Aegon still felt the taste of dornish wine on his tongue and its effects clouding his senses when he stood in the middle of the night in the darkness of your bedchambers and stared down at your sleeping form in your bed, the moonlight that fell through the windows illuminating your soft features like you were the very image of the Maiden. He was slightly shaky on his feet and he was well aware that he should not be here, but he just could not control himself. Your rejection before dinner and the way you refused to speak a single word to him while you had sat beside each other had robbed him of his last bit of sanity and he just had to know what you felt.
He had a simple plan; slipping inside your rooms unnoticed, tainting your honor and showing his mother the proof of it in the morning, because then she would have to agree to a union just like his half-sister, since you would ruined for any other man. His plan had been so simple, he would just have to tear the blanket right of you, push your nightgown up to your hips and take his pleasure, but when he approached the edge of your bed and saw how peaceful you looked like sleeping, he could not bring himself to do it.
The prince felt a lump forming in his throat, his heart becoming heavy and he could not help but kneel on the floor next to the bed, while he buried his face next to yours in the pillow in the hope that you would not notice the tears of shame burning in his eyes. You should just sleep on and never find out that he was even here. He was a monster for even thinking of ruining you.
He sobbed into your plush pillows, his hands fisting the silken bed sheets tightly when he suddenly felt something stirring beside him on the mattress, but he did not raise his head just yet. He did not want to look you in the eye after what he had originally come for.
"Uncle? What happened?"
Your gentle voice was like a balm for his soul, but he still continued to quietly sob into your pillows. You did not even ask why he was here, but what had happened. Even now you took care of him, although you had wanted to distance yourself from him a few hours ago for a reason that he simply could and would not understand.
"What have I done? Why are you pushing me away from you? What has changed?”
You quickly rubbed the remnants of sleep out of your eyes and you began to caress his back with your small hands, which made a shiver run down his spine and the tears on his wet cheeks slowly started to dry because no new ones fell, at least not right now. Like always, your touch calmed him.
"Why are you here?" You asked him instead of giving him an answer to his previous questions, because you could not tell him the truth. To see how the man you loved cried on the edge of your bed because of something that you had done when you had actually just wished to protect him from that very pain was making your heart shatter into a thousand pieces. You did not want to feel this pain nor did you want him to experience it. What have you done?
"Don't go," he murmured and finally raised his head slightly again to look at you with his reddened, swollen eyes, even if the room was dark and both of you could barely make each other out in the dark.
"Don't leave me a second time, please. Not again... don’t do this to me."
You sighed and sat up in bed, because this was exactly what you had not wanted to happen. His sensitivity was no secret to you and you knew how much you meant to him and how much he meant to you. Your mother had decided that you would return to dragonstone and you could not argue against her decision after what had happened today at dinner. Your house was more fragile than ever and if the others were to find out what you felt for each other, it would be the stone that would set a giant chaos into motion. It would be the end of Haus Targaryen as you knew it.
"Go away, Aegon," you murmured and sat down in such a way that your knees were pressed against your chest and your arms were wrapped around your legs as if you wanted to give yourself a hug to comfort yourself.
“No, please ... darling, don’t," whimpered the older prince and climbed next to you on the soft mattress, desperately searching for your gaze and your closeness. He wanted to pull you into him, love you and never let you go again even for a small second, because you were the only thing in this world that gave him something akin to a glimmer of hope, a light in the deepest darkness of his broken soul.
"Don't call me that!" You suddenly spat at him loudly, which immediately made him wince and made hot tears burn in his eyes once more, threatening to spill over his pale cheeks.
You have never been angry with him before. Never.
"I love you! Don't you see that? I love you so much, but I cannot live with the pain of loving a man that I cannot call my own.”
That was it. The words and the truth were out and he had heard them. His suffering broke your heart, but he deserved to hear these three words from you at least once. You loved him, you truly did, but a miracle would need to happen so that you would be able to live out your love. It was not his fault, nor was it yours, as it was the hatred that has been burning between your mothers for years- a hatred that would probably never vanish.
Aegon was speechless. For a moment he just shook his head in disbelief, which made his white curls fall over his forehead, but it did not prevent him from looking into your beautiful face and seeing in the desperate look in your dark eyes that you were serious. "But I already am yours, am I not?"
"Aegon..." Your shoulders sagged even further down and you pushed your legs even further against your upper body, the sight of it making him miserable, because he did not want to imagine what would have happened had he actually went through with his plan and he would have taken you without your consent and made you his without warning. You would probably have shouted and fought back and he could never have forgiven himself for it and you would never have forgiven him either. No, he was glad that he had not done it.
He carefully approached your trembling shape on the bed and he tenderly wrapped his arms around you and pressed you against him as firmly as he could. Now you started to sob into his shoulder bitterly and he started to slowly rock you back and forth, while he buried his nose into your brown hair like he had done earlier, because your scent always seemed to calm him down, but your hair was also a sign for everyone else that you should not exist and that you, being a bastard, would be monstrous by nature, but he could not care about that in the slightest. You were beautiful on the inside and outside and one day he would prove it to you- perhaps even tonight.
"Marry me?" Back then it was a promise, now it was a serious question and he meant it with every fiber of his body. You were meant to be his wife, even if your love would be a scandal in the eyes of the gods, but he has never been a religious man anyways.
"I can't, uncle, I can't."
Aegon started to place soft and slow kisses on the top of your head. He began his exploration on your hair, then wandered down to your forehead, brushing his lips over your eyebrows, over your cheeks, which were wet from the tears that you shed for him until he reached your own lips, which looked so soft and inviting that he could hardly hold back.
"Marry me." He whispered against your lips and he looked for your gaze to see what was going through your head. Your eyes had always been the mirror to your soul.
His voice, his pleading tone, his warm breath that stroked your face, and the sudden closeness to him was just too much for you.
You do not dare to say it, but a simple, barely noticeable nod on your part was enough and the prince kissed you as if his life depends on it, his hands wandering over every centimeter of your body while he gently pushed you to lay on your back and he hovered over you, not separating his mouth from you for even a split second.
The rest of the night you both drowned in a sea of desire and pleasure, years of wanting and yearning coming to its climax. At some point, his hands had sneaked under the fabric of your nightgown, undressed you, while you had returned the favor at the same time, whereupon he had not lost any time to show you what it would mean to be his wife and you enjoyed every single second of it.
Neither Aegon nor you really listened to the argument that followed the next morning after your maid had told Rhaenyra who she had found laying next to you in your bed and what had to have happened at night based on the red stain on your sheets. Insults got thrown around, voices became louder, but you merely snuggled closer to your lover, who protectively wrapped an arm around your waist and leaned his head to yours while a feeling of happiness flooded him.
You were his now and neither his mother nor yours could ever take you away from him ever again. It was too late for that now.
Love was often said to be the death of duty and Aegon Targaryen would not give a single shit about duty for the rest of his life if it meant he got to forever hold you in his arms like this and love you like you deserved.
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Nepo baby Mindset Challenge:
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Disclaimer: this challenge is considered to make it fun, not overcomplicating it.
Here i am with my first challenge and i wanted to make manifestation fun so you won't overcomplicate it and keep being bored while manifesting your desires.
What is a nepo baby?
"Nepo baby, short for nepotism baby, is a term referring to celebrities whose parents have succeeded in the same careers. The implication is that, because their parents already had connections to an industry, the child was able to use those connections to build a career in that industry" By Google.
Okay so we do understand the term now.
Let's use it now as a Mindset.
What is a nepo baby Mindset?
To make it short, it's just having the Mindset that you'll get whatever you want no matter what and you'll know for sure that you were born to be successful and having everything you've ever wanted, getting pampered by everyone and getting the best treatment you Always deserved.
How to manifest with it?
Just getting into the Mindset and embodying it, you'll get that confidence and you'll feel like you're on the pedestal.
Seeing something in the 3d and against what you're manifesting? HELL NAH! I HAVE IT ALREADY AND I'LL GET WHATEVER I WANT ! PERIOD !
Someone calling you delusional? Nope, i have everything that i want cause i said so.
Feeling my desire is too good to be true to have it and deserve it? Hell nah, i deserve receiving all my desires cause i'm THAT girl/dude and i Always get what i want cause i said so.
Feeling Like i won't be successful and have my desired career? Nuh-ah✋🏻🤨 i was born to be successful and to getting everything i desire, nothing is too much for me, i deserve to know more.
But..i don't see it in my 3d😢 where is it? The Fuck? I already have my desire 🙄💅🏻 what are you talking about? I HAVE IT IN MY 4D SO IT'S DONE! CREATION IS FINISHED! PERIOD!
Those are the example of the Mindset and how to act when encountering the 3d.
And now i want you to make a list of your desires and when i tell you GO CRAZY YOU'RE LIMITLESS, write all your desires in any app for writing or even on a piece of paper.
Okay just so you know, don't Settle for less, you'll get everything you want because you said so.
You Can use any method you want but the point of this challenge is to have that Mindset and to have that perfect Self-concept.
Do this challenge whenever you want but just to let you know that you deserve everything and your subconscious gonna work so hard to give you your desires cause YOU'RE THAT QUEEN 🙄💅🏻.
I'll suggest an affirmation that i found when i watched a video of my favorite youtuber of LOA and here it is:
"i deserve to be/have [insert your desire]"
This affirmation is a combination of perfect self-concept and feeling Like you have your desire.
For this challenge there's no specific Time crunch, you Can Do it as long as you want, and you Can make your own rules and deciding how long your desire will take to manifest and choose your own affirmation.
And remember to make it fun.
: ̗̀➛Embody a nepo baby Mindset.
: ̗̀➛ choose what you want to manifest or make a list.
: ̗̀➛Persist in your assumption and you'll receive your desires in the 3d.
Don't forget to mention me when you do the challenge and i want to see your Success story baby🤘🏻😆🤘🏻🔥.
Have fun~
_ Xoxo, Eli
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ineffably-human · 1 year
The day Guillermo slaughtered a theatre of vampires, Nandor looked up and actually saw him. 'My name is Guillermo de la Cruz' burned like a silver knife in his brain. And that's the day Nandor started rooting for him.
Making him a bodyguard, insistent that's what he was. Watching him so carefully. 'Push back. Break the rules. Talk about yourself. I can't do it for you. If I do it for you then you've already lost.' Guillermo slapped him and his eyes lit up. Guillermo fought him, and he only wanted more. Guillermo said 'I can kill you whenever I want, I choose not to,' and it's what he was waiting for.
Nandor stands at the train station, feeling awake for the first time in months as he considers all the variables. The normal bite won't be enough, not for a Van Helsing. He'll have to drink someone right away, just to be sure. Will it feel the same for him, to hunt a human the way Nandor's watched him hunt a vampire? Maybe if they do it together. Maybe there's a lot that Guillermo can do very easily, if they do it together. Maybe there's a lot Nandor can do, very easily, if-
(...he's not coming. Well, familiars have balked at less.)
It's such a genuine surprise when he reappears. Why everything happened doesn't matter, exactly; Guillermo doesn't fight to get any of it back. He's so angry, so ready to leave, and by all rights Nandor should let him. But all he can feel is the instinct to stop him. Perhaps if he has actual love in this house, something to fill the void... Maybe there's one more thing Guillermo can do for him before his exit.
It's a strange year. Guillermo is not in his service, so much as he's a friend charged with service. His mind is so pulled in different directions - raising the Colin-creature, helping at the club, buying his gaudy new clothes that aren't vampire-like at all. Talking on the phone, sometimes in the other language he speaks, sometimes in secret whispers Nandor doesn't try to figure out.
If Guillermo doesn't want him to know, then he doesn't. He can't begrudge him a life outside this house anymore. It's like Guillermo has remembered how to be human.
Maybe he has. Nandor takes him to fight, wants to see that fire in his eyes again, but Guillermo only wants peace. They never talk about him becoming a vampire. Guillermo doesn't ask once. At the wedding, Guillermo promises to always be there when Nandor is afraid. Nandor wonders what 'always' means to him.
When he meets Freddie, things click into place a bit. Nandor is happy for him, truly. Suspicious, of course - this is a stranger in their home, one who clearly doesn't know their secrets. But such a kind and engaging stranger. And intriguing, like a little secret corner of Guillermo Nandor has never been able to reach. Nandor has been so lonely lately, he keeps getting everything he wants and yet he's lonelier than ever -
Nandor fucks up. Nandor fixes. Or does his best, anyway.
Guillermo goes to London one day, comes home with a look in his eyes like something broken. They don't talk about it.
Guillermo is back to dusting. He sits beside Nandor and smiles, placid and friendly. 'So, what's next?' But he doesn't ask. And Nandor can't ask it for him. That's not how this works.
And suddenly, Guillermo is a million miles away. Suddenly, Guillermo would rather be anywhere than with Nandor.
He talks about being a vampire for the first time in a year, but there's a strangeness to it. A wariness. When they laugh at the idea, he doesn't push back. There's no fire.
Something is wrong, honestly wrong, but Nandor can't bring himself to think about it seriously. Guillermo still runs from even the thought of their orgies. (So it can't be what he's thinking of, can it?) Their first big crisis as a household in a while, their bodyguard is nowhere to be found. (Is he a bodyguard anymore? A familiar? A lot more like Laszlo's familiar, these days...)
'I'm not going to be around forever.' Well, fine. He can survive that. He's survived far worse, and so has Guillermo.
And Guillermo is not just here right now, but is alive right now - wonderfully, blessedly alive - and Nandor won't be forced to think about his death for a while yet.
The one thing he knows for sure is that Guillermo would never do anything to hurt him, to hurt any of them. And maybe that's why it never worked out. You have to do so much more than survive, to be a vampire.
-- When everything that happened becomes clear, when his rage fades to anger fades to acceptance, there's still responsibility. Responsibility to his familiar, responsibility to his friend.
And when Guillermo's heart is too full, and spills over whatever bloodlust he had, Nandor wishes he were surprised. Guillermo has iron in him but it's been forged into a shield, after all this time. There are no little leftover bits Nandor might have helped him shape into a pair of fangs.
Guillermo can feed a family, or defend one, or defend himself. But he won't kill unless he has to, and his own survival - or his own happiness - is not a 'has to'. Fine. Guillermo has fought for him. Nandor can fight, too.
His own anger still needs a more constructive place to go. So he looks at Guillermo's wretched sire - who never even wanted to be a vampire, and then made a vampire so thoughtlessly. Who hasn't come to see Guillermo, who couldn't figure out how to help him, who doesn't even know that he's in pain.
Nandor drives a stake into the heart of a vampire. And it feels good.
Maybe now, he can also be angry at himself a little less.
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ur-average-anime-kid · 2 months
Bakusquad Boys Crushing HCs! (Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki, Sero!)
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Katsuki Bakugo
*He is the definition of he's being mean to you cause he likes you (which is not ok but yk what Im on abt) He LOVES to tease you its his favorite pastime
*He will follow you around he is always the leader and he finds no one else besides All Might and you that is someone he like so he loves to follow you but when you call him out on it he gets super mad
*He is not a blusher you will not be able to read his expression so when he confesses its a total shock
*He likes to spar with you, thats how he gets his feelings out so if you spar with him he is even more head over heals, I feel like if he is upset about something he won't say it until he's fighting then he will just scream it at you and expect you to keep fighting as if he said nothing
*He keeps tabs on you always he asks your friends where you are or he just follows you himself he has a very good memory so remembers most of the things you tell him
*He will share headphones with you but you better not tell a soul..
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Erijiro Kirishima
*Being the manly man he is he is very gentleman like and super duper sweet to you (He opens doors, gives you his jacket, etc..)
*He is VERY protective he is worse with possessiveness than Bakugo is in my opinion because Bakugo thinks he's the best so no one can take your attention but Kirishima is very possessive and protective of you
*He is clingy similar to Bakugo he follows you begging for your attention he is the kind of guy who will like "Hey! watch my trick!" and do like a flip or kick into the pool then run to go see what you have to say (You better tell him he's amazing..)
*He is insecure as we know he's trying to gain more confidence in himself so he can get very needy so he always wants to be hanging out with you and he is kinda a compliment fisher but only form you <3
*He lets you dye his roots red or style is hair before school or anytime you want
*He is brain rot. you can't tell me other wise he will ask you if he's rizzing you up
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Denki Kaminari
*He is a big flirt but the second you even wink in his direction or flirt back its all over he is blushing and stuttering
*He's like Kirishima he will do tricks or show you things so he can get your approval on his cool moves
*Hes the type of guy to try and lean against the door frame to look like sexy and mysterious then he misses and falls over. He's very clumsy around you and he will fall or trip over nothing when you enter the room
*He is constantly teased by Bakugo and Kirishima about his crush on you so its pretty obvious that he has a crush on you so its not as surprising when he confesses unlike Bakugo
*He is also a perv as we know so be prepared for his weird comments weather in ear shot or to Mineta but they are only towards you not the other girls so Mineta begins to question his feelings for you! Hes like the normal perv (if that a thing ;-; ) like he keeps his thoughts to his friends and he won't act on it
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Hanta Sero
*I just know he's the quiet kid (Idk I just know yk) he is very shy around you until he gets comfortable with you
*He likes to make you little things out of tape as a little gift and he leaves them for you without telling you its him but you know its him but you won't tell him you know
*He is also a follower and he wants to go where you go he also invites you to hang out with him and his friends because it makes him feel less shy around you
*He is that one guy who leaves you notes along with his little tape animals thinking you don't know its him but it is obvious when he uses the nickname only he calls you as the opener
*He really likes compliments SO much he is a little insecure compared to his friends who he thinks are amazing at what they do so give him compliments
*You would probably be the one to confess first I feel like he would be teased for not asking you but when you do it for him its exactly what he wanted!
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gyll-yee-haw · 8 months
im actually in love with all your donnie darko stuff, after being starved from donnie darko content you fed us
i was wondering if you could do a smut for him where reader squirts for the first time then he becomes obsessed with it and makes her do it over and over again?? tysm ^-^
Thank you so much, babyyy <333
I hadn't written too much about Donnie before, but I'm in love right now 🥺
Well, this is filthy, absolutely filthy (thanks you, I love it), overstimulation
Warnings: squirting, creampie, dirty talk, masturbation (m and f)
Like 1k words
"Come on, baby, I know we can find the spot... I don't mind if I have to fuck you in 13 different positions, do you?" He kisses your neck as you giggle.
"Are you sure, Don?" You sigh. "It was so messy..."
"Fuck, baby, it was..." he grabs your waist, keeping you still under him as he starts rubbing your clit slowly. "Can't get out of my head how fucking wet you got, it was amazing, wasn't it?"
You nodded, biting your lip at the memory of last night's activities, when Donnie made you squirt for the first time. Not even you were aware you could do that... all you remember was that he had you on all fours, gripping the sheets, balls deep inside of you... and something felt different. It wasn't like you were going to cum, it felt like you really needed to pee, out of nowhere. You were too embarrassed to ask him to stop, so you decided to try your best to just hold it. But he was fucking you so good, so hard... you just couldn't control your body very well.
And then it happened. You knew it wasn't pee, it was something you had never experienced before... but it was followed by a whole new sensation of relief, and by Donnie moaning like a wild animal at how hot that was.
And when the two of you woke up the next morning, he was rock hard just remembering it. He needed you to do that again.
"Oh, Donnie... feels so good..." you bucked your hips as he rubbed your swollen clit faster.
"I know, sweetheart." He slowed down until he stopped, making you moan in frustration, trying to grind on his hand. "Shh... hey... it's okay, I'll give you what you need. But you can't come yet, okay? Need you desperate."
"But... but what if I can't do it again? You won't be disappointed, will you?" You felt anxious.
"No! Of course not!" He looked at you with a mix of worry and absolute passion. "I just want to try it, okay? Nothing in this world could make me love this pretty pussy any less, my angel."
You smiled, spreading your legs wider, as a sign you didn't want to waste any more time. He returned your smile, staring to stroke his dick dangerously close to your entrance.
He entered you slowly, hissing at the way you squeezed him. He began thrusting gently, until you soaked and welcomed his entire length.
"Deeper, Donnie..."
"Fuck, say that again, my love." He smirked at your dirty talk.
"You have to get deeper, you were so deep yesterday..." you moaned more than you felt like you had to, just to give him a show.
He helped you rest your legs on his shoulders as he started going faster.
"Is this deep enough for you?" He chuckled as he watched your eyes roll back at how good he was hitting that exact spot at this new position. "You sure as hell feel tighter... fuck!"
"Donnie!" Your legs started shaking. "Think... think I'm gonna do it..."
"Fuck, baby, please..." one of his hands went to your belly, applying pressure right where you felt his cock already pressuring enough. "Push it out for me, you can do it, pretty girl..."
You felt it rush out of you harder than the last time. On the position you were this time, you could see it soak his belly. It was so hot, it made you dig your nails on his back, enough to make him bleed.
"Fucking hell, oh jesus..." Donnie cried out, fucking you harder than ever. "You're such a good girl..."
"Donnie, I need to cum, please, give it to me..." you begged.
"Yeah? Hurry up, baby... you soaked my cock too fucking good for me to be able to hold it..." he said before crashing him lips into yours on a passionate kiss, hand sliding between your legs to rub your clit again.
Luckily you weren't able to hold it either, pussy contracting around his cock as you came hard. He filled you up seconds after, he couldn't even think about cuming anywhere else when he was that deep inside you.
And when he pulled out, he could have cried at that scene. The way you were soaked from squirting, plus his cum dripping out of you...
"Keep your legs spread for me, baby, don't move..." he asked, and you obeyed.
You looked at him in shock, as you saw he was stroking himself... cock not even fully hard, because that would be humanly impossible.
"Too hot, baby, can't waste this sight..." he whined pathetically, absolutely overstimulated, but physically unable to stop.
"Careful not to hurt yourself, Donnie." You mocked him. "I'm not going anywhere... there's no rush..."
"I know, but..." his cock throbbed as his hand moved up and down, making an obscene wet sound. "Too hot, feel like... need to cum more..."
"Right... get those balls fucking empty for me, then..." you gathered his cum, leaking out of you, rubbing it over you clit, starting to touch yourself for him.
Yes, it did hurt a little, but you understood him. You craved more.
The two of you moaned in sync, smell of sex in the air and sheets absolutely ruined under you. None of that mattered at the time.
Donnie came first. Shooting his load directly into your clit while you rubbed it. That scene and the extra lubrication it gave you had you throwing your head back and screaming his name as you came hard.
Took a while for the two of you to be able to talk again.
"We need a shower." He chuckled, watching your filthy state.
"That's easy." You shrugged. "But you're gonna need a new mattress if you keep making me do that..."
"Sounds worth it to me."
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signedeclipse · 1 year
r u taking requests 🥲? if u are can I ask for headcannons on muichiro, obanai, giyuu and shinobu x reader on what they would do if the reader is really tired and a huge sleepy head in general it would be so cute <333
Giyuu | Muichiro | Obanai | Shinobu [X Reader]
In which their s/o is always exhausted and has a hard time staying awake.
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He himself was never a very high energy or high demand individual
But next to you, he looked like a kid during their first sugar rush
You were always either leaning him or tucked away on the most comfortable surface nearby, dozing off
No, you weren't apart of the corps, so he didn't have any reason to force you up
You had your own job and you did it when you had to, and when he was away he would always come back to a clean house with all the chores done, along with you napping in bed
To be fair, Giyuu just assumes this is normal
I mean, he would do the same if he could, but he had a lot of duties and training to tend to
He loves cuddling up with you though, you keep the bed nice and warm for him
Muichiro isn't really sleepy, but he does gaze off extremely often
You are both totally lost together, because he just found out the wind makes noise and you were half asleep on the floor
If you were in the corps, you'd never be sent on missions together because somehow together the effects are worse on one another
You do get your missions done when together, it just means less details are remembered and those can be extremely vital
When home, Muichiro makes you lay your head in his lap wherever he goes- usually outside- while he stares at something of interest and just thinks
One thing he does often is speak his thoughts out loud around you, because he knows you won't take it too seriously or make fun of the nonsensical things he comes up with
Sometimes he just stares at you, and wonders what you're dreaming about
When you wake up he tries to guess, he is only getting more accurate!
It's not that he is very energetic, but Obanai likes to do small, menial tasks to keep himself occupied
It might be tending to Kaburamaru, small exercises, or renewing his bandages
He refuses to sit down, and even if he does, he will be working on polishing his blade, or eating a meal
For this, he makes you move a lot to wherever he is if he is home
Sleeping is something you do a lot, he knows you're always tired if you don't, so he doesn't want to force you awake or make you feel bad for it
Instead he just wants you to follow him when he moved to another area, and you can sleep there until he moves on again
It keeps you somewhat active, but also brings him comfort in knowing you'll still be there, even if silent and often unmoving
You were very comfortable to be around considering you were mostly silent or spoke in a melancholic tone
Since she was always studying or tending to others, it helped her plenty having someone like that around
Someone who would watch over her and encourage her to be productive while not distracting her from her work too much
But as a doctor, she also understood that if you stayed still in the comfort of the mansion too often, you might become deficient in important vitamins
" You have to go outside once a day, dear! It's not good for you to stay like this all day! "
She says it like it's fact, and she's probably right
So long as you go out once a day for a small walk she is happy
Set up a hammock on the porch of the butterfly mansion where you can sleep in the sun rays, so you get all the vitamins you need even while asleep
If she has a young slayer alone in any of the healing wards, she will ask you to sleep there so they feel better with company
Even if you are tired, she knows you'll get up to help someone who might need something or is becoming ill
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Authors Note - Me too reader I love sleepin,,, I hope I was able to right up to your wishes, and thank you so much for requesting! This was pretty much all my most favourite hashira lol
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dreamsinmoonlight · 4 months
I have a yandere alastor idea for you... Could you do it? Imagine the reader being one of the unfortunate people who was killed by the alastor when he was human... Human! Alastor never felt these strong feelings for anyone, until the reader appeared in his life, the reader was a kind and caring person with everyone, always treating everyone the same... Now I imagine when Alastor discovered that these feelings were love for the reader, but the reader rejected him because he already loved other people... Maybe Alastor, in his desperate and psychotic environment, unintentionally killed the reader...
(now currently) the reader became an angel and was chosen to help Charlie at the hotel (of course the reader doesn't know that Alastor is at the hotel and this happens after the battle)...
Now what would happen?
(Fudge knuckles, this, um, it set off something in my head because I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Admittedly couldn't imagine turning down Alastor but I can try to imagine it for this XD
Um I would have started this earlier but I was watching stuff with my friends yesterday when I got this. Point is I'm creating it now despite wanting to space out my creations, oops~
So i wasn't sure if you wanted the reader to be male or not (since you said "because he already loved other people") so I'm going gender neutral again on this. Sorry if you wanted male specifically >w<
Alastor uses "doe" as a petname for you which yes is female but I like the idea of it so I apologize for that.
Totes writing this after looking deep into my Alastor plushies eyes and while watching A Haunting in Venice. Don't ask why.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Characters: yandere!Alastor, angel!reader
Pairing: Guess
Genre: What genre does yandere being yandere fit in? Hurt? Ain't no comfort here
Summary: Sir Pentious should have told you, oh god, why did he not warn you.)
Oh Doe
Emily assured you this would be a lovely thing; she spoke with excitement and sweetness and love of her dear friend Charlie, of that wonderful princess of hell. And the newcomer Sir Pentious, well he had plenty himself of his time there, of his growing friendships and those strange fascinating souls for whom he'd given his life. For whom he was sent up to heaven, redeemed at last. It was hard for you not to be excited, your wings all a flutter as the portal opened to allow you entrance to Down Below, to Hell. To the Hazbin Hotel.
You found the place extremely warm and it took you a moment to remember that of course it was such. It was Hell after all. You smiled as you did so and approached the hotel, amazed by it's grandness. You'd heard about the great battle between the exterminators and the hotel residents; the loss of Adam had been both a great blow and an admitted relief in some. He had been many things to many people, you mainly saw him from a distance like most angels, but the idea that an angel as powerful as him could be felled sent emotions through Heaven that were less than pleasant. You of course never feared though, a kind soul through and through, one able and willing to see the good and warmth in all. Even, you'd be the first to admit, that of perhaps those who certainly didn't deserve it.
Your eyes found the design fascinating. There was something familiar in it, in the silhouette of it, of the flash of it, the strange apple shaped tower. And the one opposite to it, strange and ominous, and in it something felt as it was watching you with far too much interest. You felt, for the first time in decades, shivers down your spine and could half remember a voice.
"Oh doe, my doe, you have done something terrible. You've broken something deep inside me and you won't even be good enough to fix it." You had not thought about it in a very long time, those words, the last thing you heard from a voice as smooth as velvet, sweet as honey, and poisonous as a viper. It dug deep, it was embedded in your soul, for better or worse, along with all the regrets and sadnesses of a life left unfinished.
"Oh you must be the angel Emily told me about!" You were ripped from your memories by a voice and your wings expanded in surprise as you looked towards the door to see what you had to guess was Charlie Magne herself.
She was bright and cheery, the strangest sight of sunlight in the depths of Hell, but her eyes sparkled and she ran over to you, taking your hands in hers and shaking them excitedly, "Oh, Emily said an angel would come down to help but really after everything that happened, you know with the trial and the fight and all of that, well, who really thought that Heaven would really send down an angel? And to help us no doubt! I'm so excited, seriously, really, just-"
"Charlie," said the voice of Vaggie; she was another angel, Emily had mentioned her, and she looked at Charlie with a soft look before turning her eye to you. It was so....it was hard to describe, not entirely hostile, not certainly friendly; you knew very little of her, of her fall, of what happened, but you suspected that she had less than friendly memories of angels. Still you smiled warmly back at her, not blaming her her feelings, how could you when you didn't truly know her; you certainly hoped to change that with your time here.
She was not the only one looking at you with at least a little suspicion. In the aftermath of battle and rebuilding, there would of course be such for an angel walking up to the hotel. The tall one, the spider sinner Angel Dust, tilted his head at you with eyes hidden by sunglasses, hands on his hips. Beside him was Husk; Sir Pentious had called him the bartender, he had not mentioned how fluffy and soft he looked, with his own wings ruffling behind him with a look even more suspicious than Vaggie's own. To both still you smiled and waved, hoping to make friends, to prove yourself.
There were more; you knew there were because you'd been told. But try as you might, while you remembered Sir Pentious mentioning how Lucifer often was around, not there currently of course, and there was supposed to be a little one-eyed maid named Nifty, Sir Pentious' love Cherry Bomb, you couldn't quite remember who else he mentioned. You knew there was one more, one more resident, one more sinner. Who....who....
"Come on, let me show you around," Charlie said and there again was that bright smile. You liked her, she was a warm kind soul; she reminded you of what everyone always accused you of being. Yet deep down you couldn't help but feel you weren't though, that Charlie was kinder, that Charlie was sweeter.
Because Charlie wouldn't have broken someone's heart like you had.
She dragged you along, such strength for such a small girl, and you were delighted by the beauty of the inside of the hotel as well. Down your back you still felt the chills, still felt the sensation of being watched, but you told yourself it was nothing and enjoyed the tour.
"Husk is the bartender of course, Angel is our resident....well, resident; our housekeeper Nifty is running around somewhere," Charlie said cheerfully, showing you all around, "And my dad is currently at home but he'll be back soon; oh he'll be so surprised to see you, we haven't had an angel here since...oh...well..." she trailed off and looked embarrassed.
You laughed sweetly and smiled at her. "No worries at all princess, I understand. The situation was terrible and on behalf of Heaven, I am so sorry for what happened; you never should have been put in such a position to have to fight to protect yourself like that. But you all survived and Sir Pentious spoke so lovingly of you all, I am delighted to have the chance to meet you and assist you with redeeming souls so they may come to Heaven too."
Charlie looked at you and you recognized it, though it felt strange coming from someone as sunshine as her. It was a look you were well used to, one you had gotten a lot in life, when you helped someone who was down on their luck by giving them everything in your pockets, when you showed kindness and love to any and all around you; people didn't always understand, they didn't often want to. Charlie, you suspected, did on both regards but having grown up in Hell, though she too saw the good in all around her, there still must be a part of her that felt uncertain when faced with a true kindred spirit. You noticed from the corner of your eye Vaggie's expression change, of course she would see it too, to something a little softer but still with plenty of apprehension. You were not fake though in your goodness; you had become an angel for good reason, Sera and Emily had always told you so.
Something felt like it was chuckling and you could have sworn you heard it again. "Oh doe, my doe, how is it you can brighten up a whole room with that bleeding heart of yours?"
"Ooooooh!" Charlie said and proceeded to capture you in a massive bearhug; the strength of a hellborn, especially Lucifer's daughter, was quite impressive and you blinked a few times before chuckling.
She continued. "I like you a lot, you seem like just what we need!"
"Oh great another softie just like our princess," said Angel Dust, walking up behind you both.
Charlie let go of you with a pout. "Angel, what's that supposed to mean?"
"That means you're too soft for your own good and so are they," Husk said, "Which, by the way, what even is your name anyway, angel?"
"You know my name," Angel Dust said playfully and nudged Husk, making the sinner grumble.
"Not you, spider, the actual angel."
"Oh me," you said, smiling again before stating your name.
You didn't expect how pale he got. You didn't expect that someone as furry as him could even go pale. Maybe it was just that his eyes widened and you got the sense he recognized your name; you opened your mouth to ask what was wrong, why he was looking at you like that but he grabbed Charlie's arm, tight if her wince was any indication.
"Princess, we need to talk, now," he said.
"Husk what's wrong?" Charlie asked and Vaggie frowned as the cat-bird sinner pulled her away from you and down the hall.
You watched as Vaggie and Angel Dust threw you a confused look then Husk one before following after him, leaving you there, alone. The hotel was quiet, they moved far enough for whatever was on his mind for you to not hear; you choose that it was probably something important and you weren't too worried. Of course they didn't trust you entirely yet to talk about important things around you, not after what happened. You kept your smile and your faith and decided to take the chance to look about the hotel for yourself.
There were many floors and many rooms. Most were empty, many were locked; you thought to yourself of how beautiful this place would be when more souls came, to be redeemed and finally go to heaven. Oh it would be wonderful, full of voices and singing and laughter and happiness. You know you were chosen for this role but you certainly couldn't have imagined any better one; to help people was something you very much enjoyed doing and this felt like the best way to do so with your afterlife.
Yet the happy thoughts felt...cold here somehow. Colder still as you kept walking. The sensations continued, of being watched, of something staring. You tried to ignore it, certain it was nothing. That surely the shadows weren't somehow watching you; that was all that there were after all, just the hotel and the shadows.
Your own little tour led to a specific door and you weren't too sure what brought you there. By your estimates it was the door that would lead to a room connected to that strange tower, the ominous one, the one you'd felt had been watching you. You stood before the door for a moment, staring at the doorknob before pulling yourself together, your wings fluttering, your heart racing a little. This was silly, you were being silly; you reached out for the doorknob to open the door.
It opened on it's own, before you could even touch it, and from inside you heard something familiar. Jazz music, a taste of home; it touched your heart and your smile turned soft and nostalgic, reminded so much of those days when you'd been alive. Visions of New Orleans crossed your mind and without thinking you stepped inside, entranced by the music; you started to sing along, knowing this song by heart.
"Oh doe, my doe," said a voice and while the music kept playing, you no longer could hear it, for the blood that couldn't rush that did rush past your ears as the good memories faded away.
He'd always played it, a dedication just to you he always told you. That melodious voice, that bright smile; it was tinged, tainted, but the crackle of radio filter to it reminded you of the days sitting in your living room, listening to him talk, never imagining what he truly was, who he truly was. Your dearest friend, for years and years.
"Alastor." The name tasted like fear on your tongue and you turned to stare, with eyes as wide as a deer's in headlights, at the tall figure who stood there, gently closing the door behind you both.
So much had changed yet not much at all. He still smiled so friendly, so warm, and you once believed so much in it, in what soul could be behind it. Until the day he confessed and you, foolish, foolish you, who loved and loved and loved and didn't know yet how to take being loved, had turned him down. He'd called you his doe, then he'd stabbed you through the heart.
His smile twitched and he tilted his head, red eyes focused on you. He wore a monocle instead of glasses, you thought feebly to yourself how you'd liked the glasses; the slightly tattered coat, the neat little bowtie, the essence of suaveness, the sharp claws clenching so lightly a long thin cane with a microphone on the end, it all suited him in some way. You remembered his hair as brown; it now was reddish, red like the rest of him. Red like your blood must have been on his clothes.
"My doe," he said and reached out with one hand, cupping your chin; you were frozen, unable to resist, unable to speak anything but his name in a terrified whisper, "It seems Heaven's sent you back to me."
You didn't want to die. You were sure he would kill you again. But he continued to smile, with those sharp teeth like a sharks he had, and looked you over, examined. "I must say, I'm not surprised you're an angel; you always were one, you just needed the wings."
That hand moved, from your chin to one of your wings and a whimper left you as you felt him stroke your feathers, biting your lip and closing your eyes.
"The question is though, my doe," he said and his tone never changed; it was playful, light, and ever so dangerous, "Do I let you keep them or do I rip them off of you? Can't have you escaping me again, can I?"
"Alastor, please," you whispered, begged, "Please..."
"Though if I did that Charlie might complain," he said and chuckled, "And I wouldn't want that. Promise me then, my doe, promise me you won't try to run away."
"I promise." You just wanted to be safe, you just wanted him not to hurt you. You remembered death, it had hurt so much.
"Good doe," he said and pulled away, patting you on the head, "Now come on, remember to smile; you're never fully dressed without one."
He smiled at you and you smiled back. Not because you wanted to. But because something, deep down, from that day, from all those days you'd spent with him, and all the days you knew to come, that if you didn't, it wouldn't end well.
The door burst in soon after and Vaggie seemed on the attack while Angel grabbed you to pull you behind him, Charlie apologizing over and over, "I didn't know, Husk told us all about what happened, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let you wander off on your own".
"No worries princess, I was just greeting our new angelic guest," Alastor said with cheer and friendliness.
Husk glared at him, his wings expanded, his eyes narrowed. You tried to reassure Charlie; you couldn't even really reassure yourself. But something in seeing her so worried, Husk so on edge, Vaggie with her spear and Angel standing there as if he could or would do anything, make almost seem like this could still be okay. You could still see the bright side in this, goodness, the light.
Even when facing down the greatest devil you knew.
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loveandleases · 24 days
Hey lovely! here's a prompt: "You deserve to be loved." between MC n Kara <3
i don't remember which prompt list this is from now! It got kinda angsty, well what can we do!? More below the cut~
"Why didn't you answer the phone?" Chris asks, their voice slightly robotic as they make their way through another tunnel. Headed somewhere for work with their father. "I told you Chris, I was helping-"
"I'm sure my dear sister realizes that you need to speak to your partner. Besides we need to move into our new place in a few weeks." Kara sighs, in part due to the last load of boxes she pushes along her new apartment floor. The other part...well she would rather not say. "Chris, I said I was sorry for taking MC. But I wouldn't have needed to if you warned me ahead of time that you would be moving in together." Kara gives you a soft smile as she stands to wipe the sweat from her brow. Your phone rests precariously on top of the boxes you carry into her new living room. "C'mon Kara, you knew MC and I were going to move in together eventually." Kara nods at that, she did know. It was inevitable with how the relationship between the two of them was progressing. As was an engagement. Which she knew would be fast approaching. She knew that and yet, at the same time knowing she had to move out of her shared apartment with Chris was still a shock. "Anyways," Chris clears their throat, catching your attention as you stack the boxes on top of the others on the ground. "I won't be in until late next Friday. So, I won't be able to make it to your birthday. I'll make it up to you, promise." Chris coos the last word. Though their honeyed promise did little as MC's shoulders slump, they had expected as much since Chris's father had promoted them to their new position. Yet it still stung to know another event would go by where they don't get to see their partner. But, it was for the greater good, the greater good being their future together. "Well you better bring me back something nice." Kara watches as you rub the spot between your neck and shoulder, a sigh escaping your lips as you stare at the ceiling. Trying to hide the hurt behind your eyes. She knew Chris cares about you, but it still made her feel uneasy when she noticed they were spending less time with you than they had previously. "I'll call you when I get there. Love you." Chris says, voice quick as you reply and hang up. Kara gives you a small smile, walking over to wrap an arm around your shoulders, "Lucky for you. I'll be here. I know just the way to celebrate a birthday." She ruffles your hair, as she grabs the phone and tosses it onto the counter. No more interruptions for the rest of the day if she could help it. "Thanks Kara, really. It's not too bad. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder right?" A look crosses her face, quickly to be covered with her sweet smile. One she uses to reassure you from time to time, no hidden meaning, no malice. "You know Mc, you deserve to be loved." Her words are almost a whisper as she looks you over. Her friend, someone she has come to care for. "Well, it's a good think I'm with Chris then isn't it?" She nods, "Yeah.." She meant the word, yet it still felt rough coming from her mouth. Unsure why, maybe the fact that she missed her sibling? Maybe the thought of Chris putting their work ahead of MC left a bitter taste in her mouth? Yet, Chris was doing this to better themself, and their life. That should make them happy. They would never hurt MC, Kara was sure of it.
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marika-misc · 2 months
Mental Health & fandom
tw : mentions of Neil Gaiman and JK Rowling, mentions of suicide ideation (in the past)
Note : this is my personal musing and should not be read as facts or an universal truth.
(very long post)
I was never - ever- able to casually like fictions. When I like something it becomes a safe place of sort. A refuge if you will.
As far as I remember, I have been an avid reader and a lover of fictional worlds in books, movies, tv, podcats, etc.
For me, works of fictions have always been more than just pieces of media to consume. They are a get away when things get too much and they often feel like the only thing that can comfort me in a time of need.
I love more or less every kind of fictions. I have pet peeves, yes, and things I can't/won't read or watch, but I love them anyway because I know they bring comfort to other.
I like it so much, that it became my job (I'm a librarian) and nothing makes me happier than a patron telling how they enjoyed something. Even if I don't like it and wouldn't read it/watch it myself. I love when people like things.
So, fictions can't be a casual enjoyment for me. They are part of me and of what I am. When I like something, it consumes me and spreads through every aspects of my life. And yes, sometimes it's a little bit too much maybe ? But, so what ?
For me, being alive is a choice I make every day. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not, most of the time it's neutral. Being alive is hard. Life is hard. And the world is a violent, messy and loud place. So, if fiction helps me to keep going and find joy in this life ? Hell yeah ! Who cares ?
Numerous works helped me through the years to stay alive and deal with changes.
When I was 8, it was books by Enid Blyton. When I was 10, it was books by Agatha Christie and Gaston Leroux When I was 13, it was Titanic and Celine Dion (ilu Celine) When I was 15, it was Gundam Wing for 6 months When I was 17, it was Prince of tennis for about a year But between 14 and 25, it was mostly Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Globet of fire was the first book I read in english. It took me 6 months, with a dictionary. It was also my first real foray into the world of fanfictions. I had read some before, but with HP, I binged like crazy. I read in french and in english. I printed pages and pages of fics in my highschool library. And I made arts. Lots of it, now lost in the ether.
I re-read the whole serie every time I had to go through changes. It was with me when I moved 500k away from where I grew up and helped me through 3 house moves.
At 25, I moved from HP to other fandoms, but it was still very dear to me and I kept going back to it from time to time. I was on the waiting list for Pottermore for example and still occasionnaly binged fanfictions.
When JKR started to be more vocal with her bullshit, I was chocked and disgusted. I felt betrayed. And it was also the first time that I felt like I was a traitor for enjoying a thing. I couldn't be a good ally if I admited to like HP, right ? So I gave away my books and stopped interracting with the work. I even started to judge people who still bought things HP related. Because HOW could you still give money to her ? But deep down I kind of understood how difficult it was to part with something that meant so much for so many of us. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to give her money and I don't plan to. But it's easy to judge other and forget that the real piece of shit is JKR, not the fan who buy a gryffindor pair of socks and/or write fanfiction after a grueling day at work. It's unfair to have this purity weight to bear all the time and judge people for how they chose to interract with a thing they like. And it certainly doesn't do much to tell people how to feel and how to be "good".
Also, being an ally is not just refraining to buy something HP related. But it's a whole other subject.
Anyway, after HP, I started to fall even harder in the fandoms I was a part of. A fair number of them being "problematic".
First thing first, liking a "problematic" media is ok imo. I know they are not perfect and I acknowledge it. I'm still allowed to like them. Nobody can dictate how I feel.
Second thing : some of these fandoms saved my life. Glee litteraly stopped me from jumping in front of a train and for at least two years, Merlin was the only thing bringing me a little bit of joy.
Nobody can take that away from me.
Recently, Doctor Who and Our Flag means death prompted me to go to therapy again and made me realize A LOT of things about myself.
And there is Good Omens. Good Omens is my current hyperfixation and really what kept me going these last few months. I fell and I fell HARD. Probably because I needed fiction to keep myself afloat and it was there for me. It's kind of funny, because I had read the novel more than 15 years ago (I came to it when reading a lot of Pratchett) and even if I liked it at the time, I still liked other Pratchett's works better. It all changed with the tv show. I wouldn't say it's better than the novel, but it's different and the changes made (and also the fact that DT is in it, lets be honest) spoke to me a great deal. So I became invested. And I began to create again. After years of art block and only drawing sporadically, I was drawing nearly every day and finding great joy in it. Good Omens kept me alive and gave me my creativity back. It was (and still is) so important to me, that I decided to get a tattoo of the first two sentences of the novel. It's a whole design with a book, a sword, a snake and apple blossoms. It goes from my right shoulder to my elbow. I got it done in april.
Three months later the allegations against Neil Gaiman came out.
It hit me hard. Harder than with JKR. And I wasn't even a fan of his. But what he did (because I chose to always believe the victims) horrified me and made me angry. So angry. Angry for the women who suffered first and foremost, but also angry for the fans who grew up with his words and now feel so betrayed and overwhelmed by what is happening. And I'm angry for myself. Very selfish of me, I know. I'm angry, because Good Omens is my safe place and I have now to fight to keep it that way. It still brings me joy, but it also brings me anxiety and seriously fuck you Gaiman. Fuck you. Fuck you for tainting a source of joy and creativity for me. Fuck you for dirtying Terry Pratchett's legacy. Fuck you for being an abuser and proving again and again that none is really safe in the world we live in. I hope you'll pay for what you did, even if I know you will probably not.
This is so not good for my mental health. Also, how do you cope when you have the words inked on your arm and are reminded everyday of the shitshow going on ?
I hope Terry Pratchett wrote them. Not you. But how would I know ?
I talked about it with my therapist because my anxiety was out of control (again) and we did some EMDR work on it. It helped me clear my head a little and reminded me that I was not in the wrong to love something and to find joy in it. I agreed to wait at least a year before deciding if I wanted the tattoo to be covered (not the snake, sword and apple blossom part ; the book part). I could do it now, I even have some designs in mind, but I'll wait to be certain and not take a rash decision because I'm hurting. I will not give him my money anymore, but I don't want him to take the joy and comfort I find in Good Omens away from me. I won't let him. I won't let anyone.
I don't want to do what I did with HP again. I don't want to negate something I love and which brings me joy. So I will rip this book and show from his dirty hands and keep them close to my heart where it's safe.
Maybe it's not being "good" or "moral". Maybe I shouldn't separate the art from the artist and preach for Death of the author. Maybe.
But I'll do it anyway.
My own moral compass is strong and I will not deny myself again.
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rustytrident · 2 years
i think the hc that occupies my brain the most is the "demonic nature is kinda like human world animals' instincts" so here is the breakdown no one asked for: why i believe demons are much less scary after you actually get to know them!
so, in case it hasn't been evident in my three posts and some lint i have about obey me on here (sarcasm) i am obsessed with the idea that even the most powerful of demons aren't able to resist their demonic urges. like their brain kind of blacks out?? and they do whatever tf either demon brain or sin brain (or both) tells them to do.
lucifer checks himself out on every. single. reflective. surface. fixing his collar, combing his hair, straightening his sleeves – he absolutely hates when he realises he does it but demon brain goes "oohhh!!! it's me im here!!" and sin brain goes "ihavetolookmybestatalltimespleasetellmeilookgood". every time he catches himself with his hand midway through his hair he sighs and tries to go on with his day (one time satan and belphie pranked him by putting mirrors everywhere) (they didn't know lucifer has memorised the layout of the hol and can walk anywhere with his eyes closed).
mammon is that one kid that touches anything shiny and sparkly. you could be wearing highlighter and just feel a poke on your cheek. turn around. it's your demon boy. his pupils are dilated. finger still on your face. half a toof fang sticking out of his mouth. fucking elated. glittery shiny sparkly holographic things are his demon brain cocomelon. sin brain just hoards any and all glittery shiny sparkly holographic things he can find. whenever he's upset he watches those slime or chalk asmr videos but they have to be the ones where the creators use a whole bag of glitter (or! or! the ones where people flick brushes full of glitter above their cameras in slow motion yknow the ones).
leviathan has to be quirky different not like other girls. he has to be the one with the most marine knowledge in the family, the one with the most ruri knowledge in the family – you get the point. i believe he has a touch of the demon tism so if you think you know anything about his special interests no you don't. he was actually there when it happened so joke's on you. yes he did witness the creation of the first amoeba now move. he's also that younger sibling that sees you get praise for doing something and does the exact same thing to get praise too. sin brain goes "if they get that then i have to have it". you see him wearing your clothes sometimes and when you think back you remember you got a compliment on it about a week ago (week agoo 🕺💃) and like yeah. makes sense (pls tell him he's pretty pls).
satan has chewy toys and wears a retainer pretty frequently because that wrath may be chronic but them teeth won't stay there for long if he keeps baring them!! he buys new ones once a month because he absolutely tears through them and everyone is just used to him popping in his acrylic retainer every time lucifer comes in the room. he isn't even half ashamed of his toys because trust me it's not a cute sight. this man is one of the most imposing beings you have ever encountered creating holes with his teeth in places you believe there weren't any before through what you're guessing used to be something green and made of rubber, but you aren't too sure. you ask him what's wrong and he just stares at you blankly and goes "nothing? why would anything be?". it's just a casual case of both demon and sin brain going "AUURGHHHDHS *chomp*". absolutely feral unicorn man with the straightest teeth you've ever seen.
asmodeus is in the same predicament as lucifer when it comes to checking himself out but instead he embraces the moment. and checks other people out too, as long as what they're wearing catches his attention. he's a very touchy demon so you can find him absentmindedly having his hands on you without even realising he does it: twirling a strand of your hair, playing with your fingers, tracing your jawline. it's just that demon brain goes "ohoho!! my humnan look at my humin go!!" and can't not touch you after that. he also bites. you think it would be mammon or beel but nope it's asmo!! you're just too pretty and he wants to feel close to you!! don't bring it up though he gets embarrassed. you know that meme where person a says "i wonder what i taste like" and person b says "i can help with that" and a imagines a kiss and b imagines biting person a? yeah, inside asmo are two wolves.
beelzebub is the randomest fucking demon in that household idc. he's always so quiet and you never know what he's thinking until one day he brings home a human world ostrich like it's nothing and gives it a "tour of its new home"??? absolutely insane. he also buzzes randomly?? like you'll be hanging out in the common room and all of a sudden you hear "bbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" only for another brother to go "beel. i can't concentrate on my book. please refrain from buzzing inside the house"??? hello??? i think he's got a passion for cleaning too (thousands of years of food and blood stains, crumbs and mould have taught him a couple things) so he is always ready to assist in cleaning his brother's rooms and won't stop until they look brand new. his most demon brain moment is when he lifts things. doesn't matter what or how heavy it is, if he sees something new around him he has to give it a little lift. same thing with the people he's fond of. you have been grabbed by the armpits one too many times to have an impromptu simba moment for three seconds, only for beel to just go on with his day, no explanation. what a demon *sighs dreamily*.
belphegor is the most like his familiars (or at least his habits are most prominent). you see the demon chewing and chewing and chewing like one bite of food and if you dare look at him weird he gives you the cow stare (pls tell me you know what im talking about). you see him in full demon form running headfirst into a wall with his horns (#satan_and_belphie_bonding_activity) and if you dare look at him weird he gives you the cow stare. kinda like his twin, he does random moo or hffphhhmp noises according to his mood without realising ("no belphegor, you can not destroy every wall in this house with your horns" "moOOO"). demon brain goes brrrr with some human world grass and some sunshine. like he absolutely loves being in that mediterranean countryside, twirling some grass between his fingers, eating it, living his life. best brother to go on a picnic with hands down.
fucking dorks *heart eyes*
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hongtiddiez · 9 months
last twilight ep 7 thoughts, feelings, etc
ALRIGHT i ran my errands, caught up on pit babe and playboyy to relax, and now i'm doing my speedwatch. i took some notes while watching the first time and they're a fucking MESS but hopefully they help me remember everything i want to comment on because without fail i always forget something.
you'll all be glad to know this week's meta bullshit from me is far, far less romantic and wistful than last weeks. you've all been spared by my adhd brain not being able to piece together a single poetic thought.
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i kind of knew from this moment the trajectory the episode would take. Day is clearly nervous but not defensive - this isn't out of the realm of something Mhok would do for him but with recent context it probably feels fairly intimate. i think this was a really good indicator of what we're in for.
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there's a collection of sunflowers in Day's room, tucked away in the corner, not unlike Mhok tucking away his feelings for Day's comfort. the poor things are shrouded in shadow, away from the light. the pain is unending and forever.
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Day's flashback to the kiss has me curious. his eyes are closed so he's not even thinking back to seeing what he can of Mhok up close. as he reminisces about this kiss is he simply remembering the sensation of Mhok's lips on his own? how his hands curled into Mhok's jacket? and i'm sure we've all seen the post but - was he thinking of the way Mhok tasted like cigarettes? this isn't to romanticize his disability, i'm just genuinely wondering what exactly he's drawing on here in this moment, because it's clearly something significant to him.
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Porjai just keeps getting prettier every episode and it's making me insane. i just think i should be allowed to take care of her.
"I'm jealous of Day's ability to make you smile."
this makes me think Mhok's smiles have been few and far between, and maybe Porjai has been looking to bring out that smile for a long time. does she ever worry that maybe someday Mhok could end up like Rung? does she worry about finding him too?
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oh i so very badly want the context for this, i want to know everything. but also, it's really not that surprising. not when we've seen the things Mhok has done for Day. Mhok lives his life in extremes; anger, kindness, protectiveness, his work, etc. everything Mhok does he puts his whole self into it and it's nice to see his love is no different, because why would it be?
i'm once again in awe of what P'Aof has done with Mhok and Porjai, though. they live together so easily and naturally. there's nothing strange or awkward about it, just two people surviving life together. it's such a breath of fresh air.
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Day just cannot catch a break when it comes to August. this has to hurt so fucking badly, the pity has to feel amplified by 1000. not only was August trying to force himself to like Day back because he's blind, but also because he was thinking of leaving. Day is a stronger man than me because i would be frothing at the mouth pissed.
but once again, Mhok doesn't let Day stew in his fish tank. he encourages him to go out and resolve his feelings, even if that means screaming at August and letting out all his hurt and frustration. he's seen what happens when Day lets his hurt fester and he won't let it happen again, not while he's around.
"He's a lot stronger than I thought. It's me who's so weak that I let him down."
as much as August pisses me off, i do think this is him realizing his pity was misplaced, and he failed Day in that way, so he gets some redemption points here. (still think he's a stinky bastard man tho)
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the immediate distance Mhok puts between himself and the group never fails to hurt my heart. i get it, he's there for a job, but their relationship has progressed past that - now even moreso, and i cant help but wonder if this is his attempt at keeping a distance, curbing his expectations, reminding himself that while his role is to be by Day's side it's only in a professional capacity.
i love that Gee acknowledges him with a little head nod, occasionally looks in Mhok's direction as if to include him, she's just - ugh - i love all the women in this show so fucking much. i just wish someone would invite Mhok over sometime, encourage him to join the conversation (like they did back at the party.)
sometimes Mhok really is the embodiment of a shadow - both of Day and of his former self (for good or bad.)
(he looks so fucking sexy leaning like that with his shirt tucked into his pants tho, whew.)
Gee also becomes one of my favorite people for asking Day to take the photo of all of them. she just gets it, she includes him, she doesn't act like he can't do things, she even insists he can, she's just !!! the women of all time in this show i swear!!! I LOVE WOMEN!!!!
also the "you don't drink coffee, girl spill the tea" from Gee is just so good. she knows a diversion tactic when she sees one.
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i want this expression framed, she's so cute, HELP.
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i wish i had the time and energy today to make gifs for this week but ugh. the journey Mhok's face went on here to end up at quiet resignation. because he did figure. someone like Day? with someone like him? because we know Mhok's opinion of himself isn't great, largely influenced by his incarceration and reintegration into society, i'm sure, along with his guilt. but there had been that little bud of hope, a little sunflower seed that had bloomed just a little too far, reached for the sun a little too much. it must feel like a weed in his chest.
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the way Day says 'here' so softly, with so much vulnerability made me feel like screaming. he doesn't know what his feelings are for Mhok yet (you can't tell me he doesn't feel anything) but he knows he doesn't want to lose Mhok and the sudden idea of it is terrifying. Mhok is the only person that really understands him, one of the only people he's comfortable around anymore, and he can't lose that. he doesn't want to go back to the dirty fish tank.
i also think this was an indicator to Mhok that maybe Day doesn't know how he feels, and maybe he can get away with flirting in tiny, subtle ways because from here on his secret flirting game is in full effect and it's so fucking cute. he's careful not to completely push past Day boundaries, but to test them in gentle ways.
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THE SHOES MY BELOVEDS. we all know what i feel about these shoes after last week and i'm so glad to see all of my stupid babbling confirmed here. i love that Mhok constantly mends things instead of throwing them away. the sentimentality of items means something to Mhok and we love him for that.
we also got a proper 'sweet dreams' this episode, finally!! thank you subbers!
so many shots of feet this ep tho and lemme tell you as someone that HATES feet, this was rough.
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oh you are so smitten. Day realizing Mhok is warm, warm in his own way, warm in such a gentle and understated way. UGH. you would've thought he knew after everything they've been through but sometimes people need a reminder and maybe something to drive them to pay closer attention. our boy is BESOTTED. kicking his feet and giggling. i think this is the happiest we've ever seen him.
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so here's where i'm probably going to wax poetic the most. Mhok is finally opening up to Day in such an incredible way. he brings Day to his home with no fear of pity or judgement. he brings him into this sanctuary created by him, his sister, and Porjai and he cooks for him and cares for him and in letting him in Day sees even more how impossibly warm Mhok is.
what's even greater is there isn't a single moment where Day is jealous or questions Porjai being there. Mhok has told him she's expecting and he's never weird about it, just kind and understanding and it's all so normalized, it's fucking beautiful. Day even takes the time to encourage Porjai, to share about his mom, and about the strength it takes to be a single mom. P'Aof i adore you.
Mhok has planted jasmine simply because he knows Day likes it, and maybe now he likes it too. and he brings Last Twilight home to practice reading (i'd always wondered how he managed to read without stumbling over himself lmao) and he's done it so much that now Porjai wants to name their child Mee, wants to create this connection to Day forever.
and once prompted, once Day knows enough to ask, Mhok opens up about Rung, talks about her more. Day comments on the warmth of the house, something started by Rung and cultivated by Mhok. it would be so easy for the house to feel cold and clinical, especially knowing what happened here, but Mhok has kept it a home - warm, inviting, comforting - all the things Mhok has been to Day.
the noises took me by fuckin' surprise tho, i genuinely looked around my house like who the fuck is making all that noise and then i was like OH THOSE ARE-- OKAY--
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and I know people are like haha P'Aof has a scent kink but like. idk. maybe it's just me but scents are something i'm drawn to. i remember the way someone smelled more than i remember their face. i recently took a shirt out of my closet and immediately started crying. it smelled like face powder and perfume. it smelled like my grandma. the leather jacket pushed to the side smells like cigarettes and horses, like my dad always did.
scent is such an ingrained memory, something that is so hard for our brains to let go of. every time i get a familiar smell it knocks me on my ass, and i'm so glad to see some of this represented in these shows.
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this absolutely warmed my heart. whatever is going on with Night and Day is clearly more on Day's side than anything else. Night clearly loves his brother and i'm just fucking DYING to know what is going on that is causing Day to drive a wedge between them. sure, Night hasn't been perfect, but there's love there and that counts for so much.
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and what exactly are you doing here??? this is a charity run for blindness - does he know someone that is blind other than Day? did meeting Day inspire him to participate? has he spent time talking to Mhok about Day and maybe the difficulties of his blindness? i am filled with questions but i love this character so much, he's just so kind.
Day's hesitation to cross the finish line was also something i found so interesting. it felt long, possibly too drawn out, but Day needed to think, needed time to understand that if he crosses that finish line, if he accepts Mhok's request to be his boyfriend, their lives will never go back to how they were. things between them will change forever, whether the relationship is a success or otherwise. it's an incredibly mature thing of Day to do, even if it felt a little lengthy for us, the audience.
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i strongly believe that in addition to Mhok Porjai is going to be a big driving force in Night and Day's reconciliation. i would love to see Porjai gain Night's side of the story, Mhok gain Day's side of the story, and the two of them working together to see how they can reunite these brothers.
also if i had a nickle for every time P'Aof paired Mark with a pregnant woman in his shows i'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it's interesting it has happened twice.
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while i, like everyone else, hope the mock proposal is a parallel we get to see later i want to focus more on this moment.
i forget who said it, it's long gone to the depths of my dash by now, but someone commented that disabilities do not stop for love, and fuck is that so true. i love Mhok's concern, his immediate reaction to soothe, and the way he seems to feel Day's fear as his own. and poor Day, he can't even enjoy this moment of bliss with Mhok because of course, of course something like this had to happen. it's so fucking real in the way Last Twilight has been this entire time.
the constant excellent representation of disabled living has been incredible to see, i've seen so much of myself in this show (even though my disability is so very different) and it's been like a warm blanket put over very single comment: you're too young to be disabled, you aren't THAT disabled, you're being dramatic, etc.
from the bottom of my heart, thank you P'Aof and team.
tag loves: @benkaaoi @callipigio @infinitelyprecious (as always tell me if you want to be added {for LT only or all meta} or removed!)
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shuuuuush · 1 year
Summary: Niko had been ignoring you for a few weeks, and this wasn't the first time you decided to confront him.
Warnings: angst (warning bc I usually don't write angst yet here we are 🤟)
A/N: YESS HAHA MY FIRST ANGST AND FOR MY BBY TOO , honestly just went with the flow when writing this hope yall like it ;_;
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When you first dated Niko, everything felt like a dream. You were both deeply in love with each other, and you would spend almost, if not all, of your time with one another.
Whether that would be going out to spend time with each other, visits to places, or just being near each other while watching a movie and eating snacks.
One memory you won't ever forget was when Niko first kissed you. It felt like the ending of a romance movie honestly, everything with him was just so perfect.
You loved this relationship so much, and you were sure Niko did, too. You would do anything for him.
But now, you weren't sure he would anymore.
The past few months, you've tried to overlook everything.
Maybe he was tired.
Maybe he just wanted to relax after being so busy all the time.
He's been pushing you away for a few weeks, and then when you ask about it, he suddenly avoids the topic and acts all lovey again. Apologising and then buying you gifts to suppress all the questions.
You thought at first when this happened, it would all go back to normal again.
But then the cycle repeated.
Pushing you away for a while and then coming back only for apologies and gifts and then pushing you away again.
What was going on with him?
The man you remembered and fell in love with, would yes be a bit busy but he loved you, would spend most of his time with you and never would have let you felt ignored or less than what you are.
Sometimes you would get into fights, asking him why he was ignoring you and not there most of the time, you understand that he's a YouTuber obviously he's busy but you only need a bit of his time.
You don't want to disappear fully from his life.
And you sure as hell hope he doesn't want you to leave either.
He would brush it off, apologise, and kiss you. Sometimes, throw in a gift there, and you would be ok, for a couple of days, contacting each other and then it happens all over again.
You put so much effort into making things right with him, keeping the relationship happy and reestablishing things after a fight.
You never lost hope that Niko would come back, and be his usual self, the one that you fell in love with.
But honestly, you were getting tired now. Hope used to burn in your heart, strong, feeling as if you could take on any challenge with him.
But now that fire was dwindling, almost to the point of extinction.
Needing to know whether that fire in your heart should be extinguished forever or reignited, you decided to arrange to talk with Niko.
This time, you aren't going to accept all those simple apologies and kisses. You needed to be firm, and you wanted to make sure of one thing.
If he really truly still loved you.
You arranged to meet up at his house, since that would be the most comfortable, and he wouldn't be able to come up with some excuse to ignore this conversation since he lived there.
Walking up to his door, you rang the doorbell, and you took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves, as you didn't know what was going to happen.
Of course, you wanted things to go well in the end. But realistically, was that going to happen? Did you prepare your heart for heartbreak? The answer is no. No you didn't. But if the truth needed to come out then so be it, you needed to know.
The door swung open, and you were greeted with the face of the man you loved, Niko. Briefly observing him before you walked in, his hair was dishevelled, and he was in his classic NDL hoodie and sweatpants.
Clearly, you were overdressed for this casual meet-up that you knew he thought this was.
He moved out of the way, holding the door open for you to enter. And you walked inside, you took off your shoes and put your jacket on the coat rack. You wanted to at least be respectful.
You both walked over to the couch and sat down on it. Niko turned to you while you still faced forward.
"So what did you want to meet up for?" He asked, looking at you.
"Can I not just meet up with my boyfriend? Why do I have to have a reason." You looked down at your feet, not making eye contact. You needed to talk to him about this problem, so why can't you get the courage right now?
"Well, obviously you can, but it is a bit strange."
Taking a deep breath, you turned to him, finally making eye contact. He then looked surprised as he could see in your eyes the firmness and seriousness. He could now tell that this wasn't just a casual meet-up. It was serious.
"Niko. These past few months have honestly been insane. Our relationship is falling apart, and I don't know if you can see it." You decided to be straight up and tell him. It was hurting you to beat around the bush.
"Every time I try and contact you, you either ignore me for a few weeks or apologise simply, and then we're alright for a couple days, and then the whole cycle of ignoring me happens again. Niko, what is going on?"
At that last part, your voice starts to break.
You didn't care if you looked desperate.
You were tired of all this.
Niko sighed, running a hand through his curly hair. He started to speak but then he cut himself off, looking away.
You placed a hand on his shoulder, making him turn to look at you. You used to understand him, his eyes would explain everything to you, or even the slightest twitch of his mouth you would be able to understand.
But now you just can't read him at all, it's almost like there was no emotion, nothing to be read.
He faked a laugh, one you knew wasn't real, and he took your hands into his, "Y/N, come on. You know I've got a lot to do these days. I'm sorry, come here." He leaned in towards you, but you pushed him away, earning a shocked look from Niko.
In his mind, did you just reject a kiss?
You backed away into the couch, crossing your arms. Clenching your jaw, you were starting to get annoyed at the situation. You looked directly into his eyes.
"No kisses, no gifts, no amount of "sorrys" can make up for this. These lost moments, Niko."
Saying words like these to Niko, although true, started slowly cracking your almost heart.
"I'm sick of patiently waiting for you when you won't even arrive," feeling hot tears start to develop at the back of your eyes. You tried to blink them away to look strong in front of him, "I feel that you're not even trying in this relationship anymore."
"Y/N, I've tried, honest, I've tried to get us back together to be happy again like we were." He tried to hold your hands, but you pushed it away.
"But it wasn't enough, was it?"
"Please just-"
"No, Niko. No. I've given you so many chances, and you blew it all."
This time, you couldn't hold in the tears. The strength to do it had crumbled. And you let them fall.
"I want a partner who can actually be there for each other. All I wanted was a bit of your time. Now it's hopeless, and honestly, I'm losing my mind, Niko."
Seeing you cry like this stabbed Niko in the heart, the first time seeing you cry in front of him, and he hated it.
He hated that he was the cause of you crying.
But what could he do?
Did you even want to be with him anymore?
"Y/N..." His brows lowered and his lips thinned into a straight line. He held a hand out to you but then retracted it, not knowing whether or not you wanted to be hugged right now.
He ended up pulling you into a hug, resting his chin on top of your head, as you cried out into his chest.
You let him hug you because in this state you were in right now, you couldn't think straight.
"Please just give me one more chance." He whispered, his voice so quiet you would only be able to hear it if you were an inch away from him.
After your tears felt like they flooded all out, you breathed in and let yourself go from Nikos' grasp.
Looking for answers in his eyes, you told him, "Niko, please don't play with my heart right now. Don't lie to me. Tell me the truth."
"I need to know, do you still love me?"
His breath hitched in his throat, eyes roaming yours, "I..." and then he nodded, "I do love you."
You didn't believe him. Why would he hesitate if he truly loved you? You could see it in his eyes. He didn't have the same love, the same fire as you both did before.
Standing up, looking at him one last time, you headed towards the door, putting on your shoes and jacket.
"Y/N, where are you going?" Niko swiftly ran up beside you while you were getting your things and held his hands out in confusion.
"Goodbye, Niko."
Turning to leave through the door, you could hear his protests behind you.
But you ran to your car and started it, reversing out of his driveway. You saw Niko in your side mirror trying to catch up to your car.
Halfway on the road back to your place, you pondered the situation, a lump in your throat developing, and your eyes became itchy.
You thought you made the right decision?
So why does your heart hurt?
Why were you crying?
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Taglist: @b4tasquad @p3drii @n1kodl @elora-k @slutforpablogavi @enhacolor @amwife
Mutuals Taglist: @b4tasquad @p3drii @vctrvn-ls @allygatcr @slutforpablogavi @kennysboxergf @n1kodl @amwife
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kerizaret · 5 months
Hello everyone and welcome once again to my brain! Today I want to ramble a bit about
✨️ Tsukasa and Rakunosuke (Emu's grandpa) parallels ✨️
Because I feel like we don't talk about them much. Or at all actually
Now, I'm not pulling this out of nowhere. It's quite literally stated at least once, outright, in the game, that Tsukasa is really similar to Emu's grandpa (or even twice – but the other time I'm unsure 100% whether its about Tsukasa specifically, which I'll get to later). That's not to mention the other little things throughout the stories that I think similar between the two
So here's just some thoughts I've had on the topic after rewatching some events, more or less cohesive
1) Tsukasa's PXL auditon & WMS speech
Starting at the very beginning, we've known ever since the wxs main story that there's something in Tsukasa that has drawn Emu in to him already the first time she's ever saw him, at his audition for PXL, which made her hire him herself. She says "found you" at that moment, as if she's been searching for someone exactly like him. Out of all the possible candidates who applied who she might've seen, why Tsukasa specifically?
It could be just about him boasting about making fantastic shows, which of course is a part of it. But I feel like this isn't all, that there was something else that she noticed, that maybe she didn't fully realise at that moment
Then later, in Wonder Magical Showtime, after Tsukasa's motivational speech, Emu specifically thinks back to that audition and how she felt something special there. And, most importantly, she thinks it as if she's talking to her grandpa – like he's somehow tied to it, to her realisation that Tsukasa is the one
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Putting aside the fact they were fighting for Rakunosuke's park, which obviously makes Emu think back to him, there's something more. Emu doesn't think anything of the sort about Rui, even though he was the one who came up with the night show, or about Nene. Nor did she mention any kind of this strong feeling/conviction about having them on the Wonder Stage in the main story
She's focused on Tsukasa, because he's the one that brought all these people together and gave them the last push they needed to fight for PXL. He's the one they listen to, he who understands what this park was all about and why they need to save it. He's standing on the stage her grandpa built, looking at all those people working here, and he's leading them, telling them this dream CAN be made a reality and it's more important than anything else
And I feel like she could have looked at that and been reminded of her grandpa a bit, with how much he loved the park he built and brought people together with the same ideals and love and made dreams come true
2) Miles
Speaking of WMS, I'm sure we all remember Miles, the sorcerer Tsukasa played in the night show in WMS, and how he was a character very clearly based on Rakunosuke. It's not very surprising it's Tsks who got this role, but it's still interesting to me. It feels like no-one else would've been able to get this character right and neither would Emu as Shao with someone else playing Miles
I won't get into what "Miles" Tsukasa says in the play, because that's just the script and not a representation of Tsukasa himself, but I do want to draw attention to the specific scene where Emu's father is watching the night show and looks at Tsukasa, then says this:
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This is the first time that – i suspect – Tsukasa is outright "stated" to be like Rakunosuke. Here I say "suspected" since I'm not 100% sure of it for two reasons. One of them being that as we know, the ensekai translation is sometimes often bad. For that I looked up the original text as well as an old translation of the event on YT to check for differences
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The line ends up being similar in meaning, more or less, but a bit more vague. That also ties to my second doubt though, which is that Emu's father might be referring not to Tsukasa himself, per se, but rather to the character of Miles he's playing
I feel like both can make sense, in their own way (and the event is a Tsukasa focus for a reason, too), but for here I'm throwing it more as a hint than any kind of outright proof. Food for thought
3) Tsukasa and Rakunosuke's deams
Then, as we reach Popping in my Heart! and learn more of Rakunosuke from Riley's pov, there's another interesting thing that pops up. That is, the fact that Tsukasa and Rakunosuke share the same dream
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And then, that's when Emu confirms what I've talked about before – that this whole time, she's felt something about Tsukasa being so reminding of her Grandpa
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So Tsukasa has all this time "carried the same spirit" as Rakunosuke – which is possibly the reason why Emu has been feeling strangely drawn to him from the beginning
4) The Wonderland SEKAI
Hey. Hey. Remember this line?
(tl by tsukasa's #3 fan on YT)
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Yeah, this one. The same reason why wxs even has "Wonderlands" in their troupe name
You know what else has Wonderland in its name?
That's right! Tsukasa's SEKAI!
Tsukasa's SEKAI. A different world that's created from his feelings, that's a place born from his desire to make everyone smile with his shows. A world that just recently expanded to include plushies representing all those different shows – different worlds – wxs created as a troupe. It's a world that Tsukasa, in a way, made by himself (albeit unconsciously)
Oh did I mention the Wonderland SEKAI is also, primarily, pre-wl, a theme park? With a big ass ferris wheel and several stages and a castle and a train and a merry-go-round, a rollercoaster and more? You know, kind of just like Phoenix Wonderland? Which was built by Emu's grandpa?
Do you ever think about that? That both Tsukasa and Rakunosuke "made" their own "Wonderlands"? That the SEKAI is so similar to PXL? Because I do
Anyway. Those were the main similarities or references I noticed, but I still have some few other miscellaneous thoughts i had aside from that that I'll sum up a bit quicker
Tsukasa and Emu's grandpa both care more about the shows (& pxl) themselves and the effect they have on people to make them smile than any kind of fame or recognition
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A reminder, too, that despite the movie's popularity, nobody really knew that Rakunosuke worked on "Smiley" (or that it was even a Riley Entertainment movie at all)
There's also the fact that both tsks and rknsk get stuck more on the excitement they want their audiences to feel rather than on the technical sides or worries about how it would be possible – as seen with Rakunosuke convincing Riley to include all his dreams and ideas in "Smiley" without focusing as much on the budget and all to install that wonder in the viewers, and Tsukasa doing anything to perfect his acting, and also agreeing to most of Rui's stunts and experiments and production ideas as long as it gets the audience to become more immersed
I noticed as well that they're both people who wear their hearts on their sleeves, who easily get emotional and enthusiastic, who empathise a lot with the others' emotions and struggles, becoming happy when something good happens to them
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^ he cried here. And later at the fan festa seeing nene sing confidently and happily he teared up again
And also just *gestures vaguely at pandemonium event and Rui's "tsukasa's friends' happiness is his own happiness" line*. Yeah
Most importantly, Tsks and Rknsk both care so, so much about shows ending with smiles and not tears
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And overall about everyone smiling and being happy. Like Tsukasa telling Emu in the main story, on the ferris wheel, that when her grandpa meant making EVERYONE smile, it included Emu, too, and he wanted to make sure she's happy as well
There's also everything with Emu, too. The way she's very clingy with Tsukasa, always throwing herself at him (not that she isn't with everyone, but she does seem to jump at him the most often)
She's also implied to open up a bit more around him – in Smile of a Dreamer, when wxs expressed their worries about emu hiding her problems, KAITO implies that its unusual she "hasn't told EVEN Tsukasa"
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And it's Tsukasa who first understood that, despite how it may seem that "she always is so optimistic and says whatever's on her mind", in the end "the bigger the problem, the less likely she is to talk" (paraphrased quotes from smile of a dreamer). And also underdstood what's the most important to her and how to give her a push to voice her worries to them
It's Tsukasa who Emu first got so scared of leaving their troupe and her behind
I simply feel like Emu is aware of the similarities her grandpa and Tsukasa share and, subconsciously, trusts him a lot and gets attached to him easily
Anyway. This is just a bunch of thoughts that came to mind that I wanted to share and hear your thoughts on maybe too. I love emukasa so much they have such a great dynamic, and I feel the implied similarities between Rakunosuke and Tsukasa add a lot to that too. I'm really curious if it'll be something they'll explore more in future events. Because I feel these parallels are there for some reason
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thequietkid-moonie · 7 months
Meeting someone who doesn't exist
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[ ONE-SHOT ] [ Hanako, Yashiro & Kou ]
[ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun / Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
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I saw something similar to this happening in two of my favorites stories and I was like fuck off, I'll write about it!!
I enjoyed writing this SO MUCH!!! I hope you enjoy reading it too ❤️
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One day an interesting aparition started to wander around the school, no one really knows from where it came from or how long it has been here, not even the supernaturals knows about it, even the leader of the seven misteries were surprised the first time he saw you
Hanako, as the leader of the seven, has to make sure you wouldn't be here to cause problems to humans or supernaturals, so when he finally noticed you he started making his research, aproaching you in hopes to solve this peacefuly (and dragging Yashiro and Kou with him). Words more or words less, Hanako was very clear with his intention to know you better, mainly your name and your reason to be there, however he encounter a problem that he would never guess it could happen, you cannot answer his question because you don't know the answer
All of them were surprised by your answer but tried to help you remeber, is normal to ghosts to don't remember about their previous life as humans so they just assumed it was that (or wanted to believe that it was that), is more likely that they end up dragging you around the school in hopes that something, anything could bring you memories (honestly, it was more Kou and Yashiro's idea), they drag you all around the school, the classrooms, the clubs, even where the borders are but nothing was of use, you couldn't remeber anything, you couldn't even remember your name
The whole situation was not only weird but also suspicious, deciding to move forward more cautiously all of them (mostly by Hanako's hand) started to drag you with the supernaturals in hopes that they could be of help, even just an advice could be of use. When the options began to run out they opted to even try to search for your book with Tsuchigomori, but it was usless since you don't know your name; as last resource they visited the first mistery, asking their help in an attempt to know more about your past, but they couldn't help neither because you don't have a past
In a attempt to be able to solve the confusing puzzle you are, Kou had even resorted to ask Teru for his help, making him promise that he won't get violent with you (or Hanako) right away before even letting him meet you, Teru accepted only because his brother asked him and for how he talked about you he actually wanted to know you (because he wanted to make sure you weren't just hiding your intentions and be a threaten), but the moment Teru finally met you he was completely taken aback, he take a full moment to watch you closely, trying to comprehend you, but at the end his conclusion wasn't better than from the others, according with Teru you shouldn't be even here, you weren't human but you weren't a supernatural neither, you simply aren't anything, even when they can see you, talk to you and even touch you you just don't exist
No matter what they do to try to help you or find out more about you, the more they try the more strange the situation turns to be, they can't help to feel completely worry about you, specially when you don't seem too bothered by it, yes, you may be surprised by everything and worried at first but no matter what else you find out there is always the feeling inside of you that tells you that it is okay, you don't have to afraid since this is the way it should be
At some point, and thanks to their help, you did finally was able to understand that you being here was an error, some time ago you had given up to not only your life but your complete existance, you had been completely erradicated from the world for a greatest good, something that, in your eyes, was totally worthy of the sacrifice you were doing and you don't feel any kind of regret about your decision, even if at this point you don't remember anything about it and you know you shouldn't even be there you were at peace about it
Hanako was completely confused, he didn't undestand at all, Yashiro were terrified by the posibility of you don't existing and even being an error your presence, and Kou couldn't just bring himself to even accept that fact, it was too much to process for the poor guys, and yet seeing you take this situation so naturally was even more confusing. They couldn't just undestand nor accept the fact that you shouldn't exist
How could you say that you don't exist or shouldn't be here when they can see you and touch you? You had even became their friend! All this time that all of you were trying to trying to find answers you had share a lot, you were having fun, getting all confused and worried together, and all of that wasn't a lie, you did laugh and worry with them, you talked and shared a lot with them, you can't just came and say that you shouldn't be here now
By trying to help you (and probably try to cope with the shock) Yashiro bring out the thought that since you are here then you exist! even if the world refused to aknowledge you they can see you and that is more than enough for them to know that you exist, so with that it mind Yashiro, followed by Kou and Hanako, were now determinated to give you a new life, to aknowledge your existance, and the first step to do that was giving you a name
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muffinrecord · 2 months
Ooo all this stored info is great!
But my previous ask was about the english archive app, the thing they left behind after the english magia record eos'd. Do you have anything on that?
I'm sorry aaaugh
Uhhh Honestly I do not. The archive app was very buggy. It's been a while so others can correct me if I'm wrong, but if you had too many characters then it didn't record any of your account's progress.
Oh! Actually I found one screenshot I took. Here:
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The images never showed and if you tried to watch the transformation video, it just gave you Tsuruno's. Needless to say, I was pretty disgusted by how useless it was and deleted it pretty quickly.
Thinking back on it, I'm thinking that the archive app at the end for NA was made by maybe one or two people who were probably overworked/underpaid trying to deliver a product that ultimately didn't work. I'm thankful that the development of the archive app gave us another month before NA's EOS though, because it gave me more time to record things.
However, for the upcoming JP Archive, we do have some select information. And it looks like it's going to be different than the one for NA.
There was a big livestream earlier this month that combined Magia Record news with Exedra news. I made a post that just copy+pasted Raz's thorough summary from discord: you can check out the link here.
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It looks like you'll be able to see what girls you had along with progress on them (how many slots, magia, doppel). It doesn't look like you can look at card art, but you can see their sprites?
NA looked like a modified version of the archive, while this looks like you can see the girls in the character screen.
From the earlier Exedra stream summary, we also know that we'll be able to see:
Your Magical Girl info screen, from which you can view all of your Magical Girls and their levels/Memo Slots/Magia Levels/Transformations, etc.
Your info archive, which shows off the information of all the Magical Girls, Memoria, Doppels, Witches, and Uwasa that you have encountered during you Magia Record career.
So it combines the Archive with the Magical Girl Info screen?
The last thing I want to say is that the NA Archive sucked, but that's because I think we weren't going to get one in the first place-- it's been a while so my memory might be wrong on that. It was sort of thrown together at the end to placate angry players.
I don't think that JP is going to be as buggy and messed up as NA was. It still sucks that we won't be able to view events in the archive but it appears that the version we're getting is more comprehensive. Additionally, just based on the way the game is going out at the end, I feel like the devs do care about the player experience. Some things are very slow at getting fixed-- for example, the issue with Kimochi capped numbers-- but they were eventually fixed. This is for a game that is going to EOS in less than ten days. They didn't have to jam a bunch of cool events for two-ish months (THAT BRING THEM NO MONEY) but they did, and I think it's because-- despite all the flaws and the predatory nature of gacha games-- the devs do care about its players.
Maybe. I dunno. Probably?
My point being, I am tentatively hopeful that the upcoming EOS archive app will be far more useful than the NA one and much less buggy.
I hope this helps? I apologize that I didn't have a video or screenshot for you more than that one. I think I remember people posting images on the subreddit, if that helps with giving a direction to look for.
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