#i won't brag
blurred-cat · 8 months
i've been telling folks i'm gonna publish books for years so much so that i think they don't believe me anymore. i get skepticism and placating nods these days. which. good. because when i finally realize my shit done i won't even tell them lmao. supporters will get advance copies tho.
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zaacoy · 2 years
Short freenoodles focused comic inspired in part by takakmimi's freenoodles post on twt!!
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starrysharks · 1 year
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pirate duo (i haven't decided on the third member's appearance yet...)
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STOP bragging about how much you're overworking yourself. STOP making it a competition how little sleep you get each night. STOP trying to be worse off than anyone else in the room when it comes to health, work, relationships, school, or anything like that. you're not helping yourself, you're not helping anyone.
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nightwingsaregoths · 25 days
so sorry for Morrowseer... he was an advisor for the queen and met a fiery end, but if he existed in real life, he would have been that type of person who's been complaining about his horrid work-life balance for the past 5 years and has around 6 hours of sleep a night, makes Moon's blood pressure shoot up from merely existing in the same space as her mother (usually Morrowseer stays in the living room and Secretkeeper watches Netflix off her phone at max volume in the kitchen) but it's okay because they're keeping the marriage together until their only child turns old enough and leaves the house. Also drops comments about IceWings and SandWings and RainWings while Moon slumps in her seat and stares awkwardly while refusing to think about the very real people who flashed through her mind. He's also on medication for something and has one of those middle aged male afflictions that he'll have until the day he dies. We suspect that his genetics'll take him out in 30 years. Unfortunately, his sacrifices have done much for the family and Moon still feels guilty as he gripes about it. Still makes Moon feel like garbage when he compares her to all the other NightWing kids in the neighborhood, whose coursework, GPAs, and extracurriculars he knows in detail from all that NightWing parent gossip (he's still clowning on Farsight for letting Fierceteeth go to the community college). Also says something to Moon that will affect her psyche for years and then yells at her for being clearly affected by having a parent like him.
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
squinting at a course i'm in rn just like. do I already know everything you're going to cover?
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sadruru · 3 months
Look at my baby goat ❤
I'm just bombarded with gifs and my requests today, seriously. My life's desire to live is now up a full 40%!
She pranked you ~
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Art by 💖@alis0vvs 💖
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laurelindebear · 4 months
Every now and then, in the summer when the heat makes the asphalt smell just so, or I stop into the mini-mart in the evening, I am suddenly nineteen in Paris, on my own away from home for the first time. I am young again, and I am old. I am another person who cannot be me yet. I am the one who knows who she will be. I am her and I am me, and in my mind's infinity mirror I am all of mes in between: floating in a memory forever, every now and every then.
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non-un-topo · 5 months
Okay so I could not sing before T and I still can't, but I'm absolutely stoked at how I'm able to hit much lower notes than before
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gardenianoire · 4 months
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my one lunch break is my one break and this is the coworker that was "helping" me in my class yesterday. And by help I mean she sat and a chair and left me to do everything by myself
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girlboyburger · 6 months
33 for the artists ask thing!
33. have you taken a lot of classes for art?
not really! i took standard art classes offered in grade and highschool and attended less than a year of college in pursuit of an art degree.
...and then i realized college was kinda bullshit and dropped out. <- (this is awesome and i'm proud to be a college dropout and i'm not joking) BUT! i had *one* really cool professor who loved anime and had a fursona and they are massively the reason i didn't give up on art as a career.
i'm a strong believer in the internet having almost any class/tutorial/guide that you can think of for Free, so nowadays i'll watch youtube vids or look at free classes to try and hone my skillz
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yanguazalie · 1 year
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Moxy has joined the 100+ club! >v<
Here’s Mandy’s if you care 
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himejoshibutch · 7 months
"i hope jakey dies" did so much for the lesbian community...
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typicallyexceptional · 8 months
So uh.
I graduated today.
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killa-trav · 28 days
i still can't believe i actually have a degree like WTF
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likeabxrdinflight · 7 months
I am so sleep deprived and delirious lol but I still cannot believe I got the internship that I got. for safety and privacy purposes I don't think I can namedrop it, but trust me if I said the name, you'd recognize it.
and this kind of thing doesn't typically happen to me. like in terms of my academic achievement, I've certainly achieved. but always like...at the B-tier, you know? Like I'll have a high GPA but I'm never the valedictorian. I graduate magna cum laude, not summa cum. I get a nice scholarship at the lesser known state school and not the more competitive Big Ten school. I get into a PhD program but not a well known one (or one that provides a competitive stipend for that matter). B-tier. And I was always okay with that- you don't need a fancy Ivy League school on your degree to be a good psychologist or get a good job. a degree is a degree at the end of the day.
so when I applied for this more prestigious internship I knew it was a reach, and I never seriously considered that I would get it. I applied to a lot of other safer, smaller sites, thinking I'd more likely get one of those. Honestly I was honored that I even got an interview at this site, but genuinely I thought that was as far as it would go. like it was cool to be invited to the interview and that was good enough for me. so when I was waiting to hear where I would match I had fully written off this site as a serious possibility.
so to end up getting it is such...like I cannot emphasize enough how much this kind of thing does not happen to me. I never get these kind of A-tier, name-brand opportunities. this is wild. I can't believe I get to go home this summer and have the bragging rights for once.
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