#i won't gatekeep but i do know when i need to stay away
genderqueer-karma · 2 years
actually i'm super tired of being in fandoms at this current moment. y'all annoy the shit out of me. at first i was entertained as if i were a king/monarch and the fandom people were members of my court; but now it's so... bland? i'm tired of the same discourse and nonsense. i'm definitely gonna step away from fandoms for a while
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sanaexus · 3 months
please please please- "this better be a fucking joke"
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keeping your phone back in your pocket, you try to think of an solution which isn't the easiest thing to do when your ex is breathing down on your neck. but hey! positive thoughts only right? he didn't recognize you yet, which made sense considering the last time he saw you, you probably looked like an oompa loompa with a haircut that could rival michael kaisers's, but that was in the past (right?)
suddenly something clicked, if he didn't recognize you, you could just leave without being noticed and feeling bad. so that's exactly you tried, until a voice called out to you.
"leaving so soon?" the heterochromatic called out.
"just like you did every time?" oh. OH. you weren't supposed to say that, you didn't even realise you said that.
he let out a chuckle, "credit where credits due, i was a pretty stupid kid."
"pretty is bit of an understatement no?"
"debatable, i guess i own an explanation huh?"
"you kinda sorta definately do."
"well should we head out? not anywhere far away of course, just not with much people around"
"yeah alright" is all you said before you follow him to some corner of the arcade, looking around you spot a certain blue-headed man, an unconscious smile graced your lips, which didn't go unnoticed by the man beside you.
"who's got you smiling like that?"
"can you shut up and get to the point?"
"yeah yeah, but before i do, just hear my side out i know it doesn't excuse what-"
"nothing's ever gonna excuse cheating ok no sorry continue"
"like i was saying before i was VERY rudely interrupted, i know no matter what i say, it won't justify what i did but that aside-"
suddenly you see a mop of light blue hair infront of you, T-posing for 'asserting dominance' "DON'T FEAR WHEN I AM HEAR-oh fuck wait am i interrupting something important?"
"gaslighting gatekeeping girlbossing of course" the man flipped his almost non existent hair and shaking some of that gyatt
"get out please get out oh my god why are you like this"
hiori before glaring at the purple headed-man, "this creature is staying?"
"yes now go, i'll call you when i need you okay?" you do a shoo-ing motion as hiori skips away.
"right uhm are they always like that..?"
"no, not really, now please for heavens sake stop stalling and explain yourself already"
"right so uh i'd like i was a very dumb high-schooler, and no doesn't excuse me cheating but i was a horny fuck, and you were always so busy i just couldn't do it anymore.."
"first of all you're still a horny fuck, and second why didn't you just end it then why did you have to resort to cheating..?" you were trying really hard not to cry but the voice crack probably gave you away, even just the thought of you not moving on from him nearly 2 years later, disgusted you.
"i don't know, i liked you i really did and i didn't wanna lose it but i didn't want to stay either, and i couldn't exactly explain myself, so i resorted to cheating." he explained, it was confusing if he really was feeling guilty and regretful.
"oh, uh i forgive you, ok no i don't but i've moved on from that, we were just kids and shit happens and i can't always hold it against you relationship goes both ways and so does the break up."
"i'm glad we got that cleared out wait you forgive me, so does that mean i can take you out on a date maybe?" he asked a bit hopeful
"oh my god aik-oliver you haven't changed at all, have you?"
"not aiku this time? you wound me, but is that a yes?"
"nope i still need some time to think uh how about you give me your number and i text you within this week if we can go out?"
"yeah that sounds nice." you take out your phone handing it to him as he types his number and saving it as "baby daddy"
"oh ew oliver ew!" you make fake gagging noises.
"hey! i'm not that disgusting...right?"
"i never said that, you're putting words in my mouth, but it was nice meeting again i'll see you around yeah?" and before you could reply you run off to find hiori and when you don't (big shocker) you figured you'd let the gc know (big mistake btw)
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please please please ¡! - an isagi yoichi social media fic
synopsis modeling was fun, especially when you go to make friends and what happens when that exact friend goes to the same high school? the friendship of course continues into college. where you get your heart broken and the internet gets to know but then you meet a certain someone that makes you fall for them. so what happens then? chaos.
taglist is open¡! : @fairlyfuji , @semisutopia, @someprettyname , @csbnova , @ashlovelys , @chateaaa , @yeurisstuff , @starchivves , @m3gitsune ,@muffin-0 , @gojosexpiredcum , @bbmsxlene , @profesionalglazer
divider by @/xxbimbobunnyxx. all credits to her!
sorry guys no funfacts today 🙁 GUYS TRUST ISAGI WILL COME JS LET ME COOK PLS 🗣🗣💯💯🤬🤬😎😎💣💣🔥🔥‼‼💯💯🔛🔝
also I AM SO SORRY WHY IS THIS SO BAD WHY CAN'T I WRITE SHIT OMG I'M GONNA CRY also maybe double update bc i dont wanna fall off and seeing 99+ notifs makes me happy
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 9 months
As the year wraps up, I gotta get something off my chest, don't worry I'm not making a habit of this. Even though I know that the people who it's pointed at won't read or care, and the people who do see the resemblance to themselves likely won't be the ones I'm talking to. but I just had to delete multiple asks again, and it's stuff I get all the time, so I'm going to indulge in a little angry rant that you're free to ignore. Because seriously, I LOVE getting asks, I'd turn them off if I didn't. but some of ya'll REALLY don't understand there's a person on the other end of this. ...also, this is explicitly not pointed to the happy anon with the super long slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad post last night, you're cool. I was just a really tired last night and hit delete on accident.
- Every time a post gets reblogged, it finds more monsterfuckers, but also more non-monsterfuckers. A less monstrous person doing well or winning does not mean you're the only monsterfucker here. don't fill my inbox with multi-paragraph "everyone here's supposed to be a monsterfucker" hate essays every time a monstrous option isn't in a massive lead, take it up with your followers if it matters to you that much. -Some of you are fine always voting against bone devil no matter what, but can't comprehend something auto-losing for a different reason. Like "I hate heat." Or strong smells, or frogs. Sometimes people don't like the option they chose, they just hate it less. I see the merit in near any option I post, even if it's not for me...but seeing why you like it doesn't me I do too, stop asking me to take sides. - Or the opposite, one of the most common tags is "I love both, but I have a core memory or fetish with one so that's my default." Choosing one doesn't mean they hate the other option and you specifically. I'd happily fuck them both, but one indulges a fetish more core to me than some of my organs. - Someone who would fuck a werewolf or manticore or such is a monsterfucker, even if they don't go further. You don't get to say they aren't a REAL monsterfucker because you decided their preferred monsters aren't monstrous enough. Do you to see someone thirsting over a butch and say they're not a REAL lesbian because you decided that's not girly enough? There's no need to be elitist or gatekeep. Especially in an ask, but also in general tbh.
- I'm a basic bitch too sometimes! Just because we like the weird stuff doesn't mean we have to start hating the basic stuff and those who indulge in it. kinkshaming goes both ways, neither of which should be sent to me. You are not the standard by which all is judged, you being relatively more kinky does not make them objectively less kinky. - Seriously, if tumblr is anything, it's the "Labels" site. where people come to learn thier labels, give themselves labels, show off thier labels, surround themselves in similar labels until they forget it's not the only label. Often while saying they hate labels. It's not even the monsterfucker website, Tumblr's just more neutral toward it instead of openly hostile. I get the disappointment, but don't direct it to me. TLDR: That shoggoth or whatever isn't going to become real and fuck you because you flooded my inbox with rants on how "anyone who didn't choose X is fake, and all ya'll aren't TRUE BELIEVERS of the ONE TRUE MONSTERFUCKER GOD." Sarenrae on a bike, It's my blog, and I say everyone's welcome as long as they stay civil. so be civil before I take the anon button away. At least some people have the guts to show their face when insulting anyone who likes ___ over ___
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kassandrasdisciple · 2 months
~~~ batman CC spoilers ~~~
Honestly this is the best DC project in years and a return to everything that was good about the og animated series whilst including all the elements of DC cannon that have been created or expanded upon since.
Just a few of my favorite things:
- the SETTING, going back to the 40s noir vibe is a perfect choice, the fights are beautiful and not overcomplicated by gadgets and tech, also allows for some gratuitously beautiful shots that play with shadow.
- batman's age, I don't think Bruce is ever given an age in the show but he seems to be mid 20s early 30s and still an urban legend as the batman, we don't have to waste time with an origin episode/season but we still get to experience a Gotham who doesn't fully trust their vigilante.
- VILLIANS, for me the stand out was harley quinn, divorcing her from the joker allows her character to fully shine, she stays somewhere in the grey but still firmly an antagonist. It's one of the gripes I have with new harley that once she leaves the joker she always becomes more of an anti-hero/hero, keep my girl villainous. Also her psychological background is in full swing, I've always believed Harley is most dangerous when she's in your head and the show leans fully into it. Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss indeed.
- villians pt.2, keeping the theme of the animated series we have our villians for villainy antagonists like penguin and thorn who seem to live on in their counterparts, onomatopoeia and firebug, but we also get nuanced character arcs for 2-face, Natalia and clayface, echoing baby doll and calender woman.
- supporting cast, I'm only familiar with the comics in passing but if attorney Barbra is a new invention then whoever thought of it needs a raise. Also aging her up to be in her early 20s is an incredible change from the animated series where she floated around the freshly 18 mark. It makes her a hero in her own right even if she isn't batgirl (yet), and let's us see Gothams worst and how she's already fighting for change.
- Supporting cast pt.2, Montoya! My beloved, I'm not sure where her romance with harley is going but I can't wait, it's great to see such an archetypal noir cop, even more so than Jim, who speaking of I love as well, his want to protect the city but also butting heads with barbie on methods is perfect characterization in my option.
-baby bruce, horrifying, I love him. Alfred has personal beef with harley now, the second he saw an opportunity to throw that man in therapy she gives him valid paranoia of the entire profession just as he was thinking about trying it properly, I know it's on sight for him going forward.
- art, I've binged the animated series many times at this point and it's a running gag in the fandom that some frames are ... unique. Obviously the animators were working with what they had, but the step up in fight choreography and flow is spectacular, the whole show is a love letter to old batman with a new varnish of the animation productions of today.
Overall an amazing show that had me laugh and gasp in equal amounts, it took itself seriously in a way most superhero media won't do anymore, I distinctly thought in ep.9 when batman swings away from Montoya and Jim "wow they didn't put in a stupid snark about him being dramatic or having a nice ass ect" and it's like a breath of fresh air.
As far as nitpicks go I wished we had more of Bruce in isolation, or having real conversations, but I realize the focus of this season was his loneliness and how the final episode states he's opening up more to the 3 main supporting characters. I'm also worried for how important the joker might become but that's basically instinct at this point (please kill him off, i want to see the reactions).
Going forward I can't wait to see if we get any follow up on the Easter egg characters, killer croc, the 4 Robin's, king tut. I'd love to see the batman as a dad he's got a lot of kindness modern adaptations don't include, but still that overwhelmingly lonely nature. I'm hoping harley and the joker never cross paths in this universe but I won't hold my breath and I'd like to see if we will get a batgirl/oracle storyline as well.
Anyways looking forward to the confirmed second season, and if you read this without watching the show, start now.
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scribeforchrist-blog · 2 months
The Gate That Opens
+ Ephesians 4:2 With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,
+ John 10:3 The gatekeeper opens it for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out
    God can lead us out of anything, but we must want to be led. Sheeps are animals that wants to be led; they don’t know where to go or what to do, the shepherd is constantly leading them away from cliffs and anything else that could harm them Still, some of us don’t want to be sheep. We want to be bulls, be untamed, and go and do what we want, but the more we refuse to listen, the more that voice gets smaller.
    God can open doors for us, and we can hear him speaking and refuse to go because it doesn’t look like what we want. We discussed this the other day because it's not what we want. We say oh no, I'm not doing that; or WHAT IS THIS? This can't be of God because this isn’t what I asked for, but what does God require of some of us to walk in this season ,with him leading us and we are following him? Is that possible for some of us to do? Is that possible for us to do it without grumbling and complaining, probably not in are earlier years with Christ it’s easy to say we grumble and fought against his will but as we grow we realize that what he wants for us , is best.
   Verse 4: When he has brought all his own outside, he goes ahead of them. The sheep follow him because they know his voice.
     A lot of us haven’t gotten to this part in our lives with God because we know God knows, and we follow. Some of us are still trying to figure out if we can do what we want and have him there, and we can’t, but to make God the head of our lives and to follow him, we must let him show us the way and follow. He has seen ahead in our lives and sees the dangers for us if we go this way, but some of us ignore Him. We don’t realize that GOD IS THE KING OF KINGS & that God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, but some of us know this, and we deny him having the power and the authority over our lives.
  Why do we belittle him but think he's so great simultaneously because we don’t know what we are doing? We must stop going back and forth with him and start giving reference to God, and giving God what he deserves, which is respect; if we respect and know God, we will honor him by hearing him, and honestly, this takes time; this takes getting used to walking in him it’s called TRUST, we must trust in him like the sheep trust the shepherd BECAUSE HE’S, OUR SHEPHERD.
 Verse 5: They will never follow a stranger; instead, they will run away from him because they don’t know the voice of strangers.”
  Another thing, as sheep, we must do is run away from people and things that don't resemble Christ. Many of us won't do that because we are comfortable with what we know. We don’t understand how someone who’s not of God can break us spiritually if we aren’t careful or if we aren’t strong enough. This is why we run away from and stay on the path he’s given us.
  As believers, we must trust that whoever he reveals is false. They aren’t meant to be there. Are you okay with letting go of this falsehood of teachers and preachers and following the Holy Spirit until he shows you what you need? We might think that the person we listen to or the person we follow is true, but when God shows us who they are and their spirit isn’t of God, we must stay away.
  We don’t know what we need. We can have clues and feelings, but God is the only one who knows what we need and what we must do to stay connected with him. The sheep dwell near where they are supposed to be because it's safe. Are you where you should be? Are you dwelling in his presence?
  Verse 9-10: I am the gate. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture. 10. A thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come so they may have life and have it in abundance.
  Jesus goes on to refer to himself as the gate. He said if you enter me, you will be saved, and we will find what we need in him because we went through the gate and nowhere else. We have so many places where we can get peace, so many places we can get love, and so many places we can get what we think we need, but only when we believe. We follow him, we can get exactly what we need, and Satan only wants to steal, kill, and destroy; he has no plans to provide; he wants to take everything we have if we let him when we do what we want, we are leaving room for him to steal our joy, steal our peace, don’t allow the enemy to do this to you go into the gate which is Christ and follow your shepherd, and trust that the gate you’re going through is what he wants of you.
 Verse 12: The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So, when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then, the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.
  I have followed people that I think are of God, and they weren’t, and God showed me this by me going to him and praying to him.  When we pray to God and allow him to speak, he can show us exactly what we need. Some doors in life don’t work, but no matter how many times we go to Jesus , his gate will always be open and available; some people say you have to pray this much for him to hear you or for you to speak in tongues and that’s how he hears you. Still, Jesus is the gate, and he’s available when other people and things aren’t. All we must do is come.
  ***Today, we learned that Jesus is the gate and that other people are just the hired hands; a lot of us rely too much on the hired hand to teach us to show us the way when we need to go to Christ, we need to be led by him, the hired hand will teach us what will make us happy , he will entertain our itchy ears. Still, Jesus and true teachers will always teach us things that will cut, but it’s meant to show us a better way. Are you ready for a better way ask the Holy Spirit to teach you?
  Jesus wants us to follow him; as we go through life, we will meet or hear wise people, but that doesn’t mean Christ wants us to feed from them. But we must always seek God and ask God, is this a man or woman of God, or is this a false prophet? Or Is this the path you want me on? Sometimes, we get lost on our path because we never stop and ask God is this of us; we must do this in every aspect of our lives. Allow Jesus to be the gate for you.  ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for everything. We appreciate you in every way. Lord, we ask you today to help us follow you and help us go to the main gate, not the back door. Lord, help us trust in you and not our emotions. Lord, we ask you to continue to help us through our days and help us seek you with our whole hearts. Lord, we need you every day; please help us to hear you; in Jesus Name, Amen
+ John 10:13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.
+ John 10:14 I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep, and my sheep know me—
+ John 10:15 Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.
Proverbs 22
2 Samuel 4
Leviticus 22
Judges 21
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bisexy-legend · 2 years
Also I have a theory about Ava in the other dimension. When Michael arrived he was a little boy and Reya probably had no use for a little boy so she let him age, she trained him, groomed him as a soldier.
But Ava? She’s already a soldier (or as much of one as Reya needs). She already has the halo, she’s strong in her youth. I think Reya would probably keep her that way, regardless of how much time had passed, because she needs Ava for the war that’s coming. So emotionally yes the years apart might be difficult for Ava- we don’t know. But physically I think she could still be the same Ava even if she spent decades apart from Beatrice.
I don't think Michael was trained as a soldier at all, the poor guy was sending flying around like a crumpled up paper plane all the time lol 😂. But I agree with you that Reya had a purpose for him, not a soldier but just as a bomb, the thing is that I don't think that Reya is the devour of worlds, bear with me cause I will have to explain my theory on the holy war but I swear it rounds up on yours about Ava's aging, so when Adriel is fighting Ava he says that if he fails it will fall to Ava to stop the devour, he says that he needs to imprison God (Reya) to have enough power, my theory is that Adriel was Reya's champion to help her defend her realm against the Devour using the Halo (part of her own power), but he became too power hungry and ran away, seeking all the power for himself. I think that Michael was sent back not as a soldier to defeat Adriel but as bomb to hurt Ava and damage Adriel (it didn't kill him but created enough distraction for Ava's back up plan to work). I think that Reya's main goal was to get the Halo bearer on her realm to be her new champion, she can't fight the war alone, and that's why she didn't kill or take the Halo from Areala but instead gave her a weapon to imprison Adriel, but to do so Areala ended up dead, I think that maybe the plan was actually putting the crown on Adriel and both of them going to the other realm maybe? But to put the crown of thorns on him she had to sacrifice herself and then the lineage of warrior nuns began. I feel like the terasks main goal is not to kill the Halo Bearer but take her to the other realm, even Ava said when she put on the crown that they were gatekeepers. I think Reya wanted to hurt Ava because she knew that the Halo Bearer would never go willingly, but she would if she was mortally wounded and it was the only way to heal her (Reya reactivated the Ark and it worked the exact amount of time it took to get Ava inside).
So if my theory is even slightly correct, Ava is Reya's new champion against the Devour of Worlds Adriel warned about, which means she's already fighting the Holy War on the other side. I don't think she will age at all, I think being the Halo Bearer and therefore Reya's champion won't allow her to physically age (as Adriel didn't age on earth). But I think that she will spend a lot of time there maybe even a whole lifetime (70 years would be the equivalent more or less for a month away on earth) and either she won or lost the war on that side, having spent that many years without Beatrice and the OCS sisters will definitely take a huge emotional toll on Ava. I don't think they will age Ava either way, 'cause that would mean losing Alba, but if my theory is wrong and Reya is actually the big bad they will have to face, we can only hope Ava doesn't stay there long enough for her to completely corrupt her mind. (but Dark!Ava fighting everyone would be pretty cool and oh the angst we would get)
Oh, and I just remembered that when Ava kisses Bea goodbye she says "In the next", making Ava spend 60+ years (a month in real time) in there would make her line even more powerful because when they meet again, for her, that will really be the next life.
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steely-eyedmissileman · 2 months
The Vampire Diaries, Ep. 2x09
y'all, i could not be more excited for this episode if i tried.
we begin with a flashback to fourteen ninety. katerina had a baby out of wedlock (it was obvious what was happening way before she said it).
klaus is the oldest vampire.
stefan and elena are still kind of broken up is the vibe.
i hate jeremy/bonnie so much. i despise them. for full clarity, i love bonnie so much and i quite like jeremy. individually. individually, goddamnit. i also don't mind them as a friendship, but i do. not. want. them to get together. luckily, another love interest for bonnie arrives to save us all. unfortunately, she does not shake his hand.
elena's going to talk to katherine. she asks caroline to cover for her, and it is in this moment that i realize that caroline becoming a vampire made her much hotter and better. i was initially disappointed when she was turned, but it is, by far, the best thing that has ever happened to caroline as a character.
elena goes down to the tomb, caroline moves the stone door, then she leaves. elena doesn't enter the tomb itself, but uses a stick to push things to and from katherine. genius move! katherine tells elena 'you have the petrova fire.' in the past, katherine was forced to become english after her family disowned her due to the baby.
caroline, meanwhile, is being really good at gaslight gatekeep girlbossing stefan into staying away from elena. she tells stefan that she told tyler about her vampiric nature. this distracts him very efficiently.
katherine reveals that she stole the moonstone.
what rose doesn't understand is that damon gets off on people being mean to him. i don't remember the context for this note, but i think it stands alone very well. the two of them are going to a coffee shop to meet someone who might be able to lead them to klaus. and this vampire is amazing. he's been in college since he was turned. he has eighteen degrees. if i became a vampire, that is what i would do! i am obsessed with this grad school vampire. i love his vibe!
in the past, rose turned katherine to keep her bff alive. katherine became a vampire, so she couldn't be used for the sacrifice. elena can stay alive by doing the same thing herself.
stefan is taking care of caroline because she reminds him of lexie. caroline kind of can't believe that stefan has a friend. stefan says, 'you say that with such a discouraging amount of surprise, caroline.' i love their friendship so much!
jeremy is late to his quasi-date with bonnie. his lateness seems to be typical. bonnie runs into her new love interest and his dad. they're from louisiana, which i happen to know is where the originals is set.
back to the grad school vampire! i am obsessed with him. (i told my friend about him and she said that he's doing what i would do if i became a vampire, so we're all on the same page here.) elijah is outside the coffee shop. (i literally cannot recognize him. i had to ask my girlfriend if we were supposed to know who that guy was.)
stefan has figured out what caroline is doing. 'i'd believe the whole innocent act a little bit better if i didn't know how good you were at providing a distraction on demand.' he then asks, 'is she with damon?' to which caroline, correctly, responds, 'ew. no.' stefan presses her for elena's whereabouts, but caroline stands her ground. 'i am your friend but i'm also elena's friend.' caroline, i love you.
katherine reveals that the originals need to sacrifice caroline, tyler, elena, and bonnie to complete the spell to lift the curse. she says, 'better you die than i,' which is so completely katherine, it's kind of funny.
stefan finds elena and says that he 'won't let anything happen' to elena. i don't think he has that kind of power.
klaus killed katherine's whole family, painting a very vivid picture of what will happen to jenna and jeremy. katherine wants to stay in the tomb now because none of the originals will be able to get to her.
rose and damon have sex. they also turn off their emotion switches. however, rose reveals, 'it's a lie, you know. there's no switch you can turn off. sure, when you're a newbie but after a couple of hundred years...you just have to pretend.'
elena now blames herself for everyone being in danger. 'i can't blame anyone else anymore because it's not because you came into town or because you and i fell in love. that's not why everyone that I love is in danger. it's because of me, everything is because of me.' i want to hold her. darling, you didn't ask to be born, and you certainly didn't ask to be born a petrova doppelgänger. even though your existence has set this course of events in motion, it isn't your fault. you didn't choose this, and so it can't be your fault.
thank goddess, grad school vampire is okay. never mind, he's being compelled by elijah (elijah can compel vampires?!). and now he's dying. no i love him! mr witch (new love interest's dad) is working with elijah.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I was dreading to open your blog and read your reply, cause I knew the slander would be too much 😐😐😐😐 I'm simply closing my eyes. Blocking the haters (aka user baekhvuns). I actually stayed up late to watch the match and it was not worth it, thankfully Sanhwa went live and their Lego shenanigans were more exciting 💀 I kept yelling "wake up, Madrid, Ancelotti use your fucking brain and Gavi get off the pitch!". Benzema in his salty era, yikes, I know he's mad that his goal was offside and so am I, but come on.
Moving on........
I just hope that if the allegations against Gr**nw**d are true, the girl won't go through the same shit again. 🙃
Yeah the Atiny I met has been following Atz around since last year, that's why I blocked her and stopped interacting with her recently. She's not dangerous, but how manu times do you have to see them? That Judy girl is so fucked, she thinks she's doing something??? And is besties with NCT???
Fucking LSM destroying his own company, ffs I've always said he'd be the downfall of SM. Chris Lee what a dumb greedy bitch, no wonder these two are related. But speaking of dumb people. The delusion and saviour complex is huuuuuge. And did you see that "SM with Hybe" Twitter account???
Avocados don't like snow so I'm not shocked your uni closed ajshaisshhajahwkkaa. Pls stay inside it's safer and cosier 😭. Omfg knife crime typical London behaviour, sigh. Paris is bad too lol, not the safest place, Berlin is better, but the city is also on my shitlist, too privileged. Kai you don't need to go there
"Your guys's hierarchy" hey, don't group me with them Brits, I'm just an outsider who has been studying the UK behaviour for years 😭 Brummie accent was once voted the least appealing, but foreigners are obsessed with it cause of PB, so hilarious. I like beans on toast, I'm afraid... BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ME BRITISH OKAY.
I remember when Hwa apologised he couldn't dye his hair black yet, because of Imitation?!?!? Some people had the audacity to comment on the grey hair 🔫🔫🔫🔫
Cornish accent is sometimes called "the most American of UK's accents" but they're not like deep South, Cornwall is nice and fun! I guess the difference between most Southern English accents and Cornish is that they roll their "Rs". I have some friends from there, one got into performing school as a child and they asked her mother if she could "get rid of the village accent" huh?! She wasn't even from a village
Breaking Wommys hearts kusuahsjsjauaah but I'm not complaining 🥰 yes to fencer or racer Hwa
WHAT did you just say about the nose 🔫🔫🔫 my feelings are soft, I just wanna perform some cannibalism ok. let me bite Seonghwa's nose in peace!
Finally some Atz x fashion interaction! Seonghwa next pls 🤗
Liking anything when you're over 25 is illegal Baek, so have fun while it lasts. Later it's just taxes, mortgage, 2 shifts etc. no happy days in sight 🤗
Everyone's screaming shaking and crying trying to find Seonghwa's winter MD, but ever since I saw the blurred previews I knew I had to have him, so I'm safe! I'M GONNA EAT HIM I REALLY WILL!!!! THE HEART BLUSH?!?!?!? I'M UNWELL
This is bad for me, a cat boys enthusiast 🙄
Pls look away OP, you don't need to perceive him. In constant battle with myself, because I wanna gatekeep Seonghwa, but also want everyone to know and praise him 🤧
My rockstar gf! and Mingi toooooo
I'm on the floor actually. The 2nd photo 🥴🥴🥴🥴
👀👀👀 but girlie was stressed msjsjdjsjabsnswjsh
Hwa is watching The Alchemy of Souls, I won. Also TAoS Hwa AU...... 😊
And can we talk about KQF2 name... it's pronounced"SAIKERS"?! Say XIKE lmaoooo - DV 💖
I was dreading to open your blog and read your reply, cause I knew the slander would be too much 😐😐😐😐 I'm simply closing my eyes. Blocking the haters (aka user baekhvuns). I actually stayed up late to watch the match and it was not worth it, thankfully Sanhwa went live and their Lego shenanigans were more exciting 💀 I kept yelling "wake up, Madrid, Ancelotti use your fucking brain and Gavi get off the pitch!". Benzema in his salty era, yikes, I know he's mad that his goal was offside and so am I, but come on. Moving on……..
anon… ur in for a ride,,, both ur teams LMFAOOO 😭😭😭😭 BARCA COOKED!!!! HUMILIATION? HUMILIATION !!!!! AND WITHOUT OUR MAJOR PLAYERS???? GETFOOO AGAINST THE SAME REAL MADRID??? HELP RHQKDHQKDHKW TAKE GAVI OUT???? TAKE VINI OUT BRO WAS WWE-ING ON THE GROUND AND DIDN’T GET A RED AND DISRESPECTING THE REF???? 🔫🔫🔫 and now the second leg with pedri, dembele, lewa ???? cOOKING !!!! forever rm’s owners <;3 no wonder they got bodied
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and man united ??? 7-0??? LMFAOOOO?????? WHAT THE FUCK???  THIS IS TERRIBLE FHWNHDK
I just hope that if the allegations against Grnwd are true, the girl won't go through the same shit again. 🙃 /// Yeah the Atiny I met has been following Atz around since last year, that's why I blocked her and stopped interacting with her recently. She's not dangerous, but how manu times do you have to see them? That Judy girl is so fucked, she thinks she's doing something??? And is besties with NCT???
tbh i hope someone finds a loophole in the case and gets him to be held accountable, his careers def gone & he’s def not playing for the england national team 🤚🏻 they’re already shit wouldn’t want them to become even more,,,
anon ur friends are 👁questionable👁 NOOO SRS THE NCT JUDY GIRLIE WHAT IN THE WORLD ???? hoping sm sues her bc what tf?? their bodyguards need to bodyslam her some sense
????? he’s nicer than me fr
Fucking LSM destroying his own company, ffs I've always said he'd be the downfall of SM. Chris Lee what a dumb greedy bitch, no wonder these two are related. But speaking of dumb people. The delusion and saviour complex is huuuuuge. And did you see that "SM with Hybe" Twitter account???
THEYRE SO 😭😭😭 WHAT EVEN IS THIS “kpop is slowing down” it never was that famous to begin with!!! its really mostly on twt which for some = worldwide,,, but i have to say even those not remotely into kpop know solder sm groups,, i wonder why kpop slowed down,,, maybe bc everything is about achievements now 🔫🔫 the saviour complex of this company and man needs to be studied,, the music quality deteriorated and now mr hybe will come to save it with it’s auto tune <3 one thing i liked about sm was the insane music quality they had,,, doing this shitshow online is so tragic to see,,, I DID AND WHAT THE ABSOLUTE SHIT IS THAT 😭😭😭😭 the artists coming on their bubble to say “i don’t know what’s happening but im with u” bro 😭😭😭
Avocados don't like snow so I'm not shocked your uni closed ajshaisshhajahwkkaa. Pls stay inside it's safer and cosier 😭. Omfg knife crime typical London behaviour, sigh. Paris is bad too lol, not the safest place, Berlin is better, but the city is also on my shitlist, too privileged. Kai you don't need to go there
WILL DO 🫡 no bc wth is this knife problem in uk 😭😭😭 there’s so many true crime cases on it like??? kINVES BELONG IN THE KITCHEN KEEP THEM THERE! i feel like france and ny is the same thing,, the pickpocketing 😭🤚🏻 speaking of berlin,,, is this an accurate representation FBKWHDKW
"Your guys's hierarchy" hey, don't group me with them Brits, I'm just an outsider who has been studying the UK behaviour for years 😭 Brummie accent was once voted the least appealing, but foreigners are obsessed with it cause of PB, so hilarious. I like beans on toast, I'm afraid… BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ME BRITISH OKAY.
YEAH SO TECHNICALLY UR A BRIT 🔫 u become what u eat and live in 🤚🏻 no bc the brummie accent, and the nottingham accent how DO U EVEN UNDERSTAND THEM one of my cousins is from nottingham and she spoke to me and i ???? went pass my head,, so fast i just stared at her nodded <3 STOPPPPP THATS SO NASTY MY FATHER HAS AN OBSESSION WITH THE BEANS ON TOAST WHY DO U ALL EAT LIKE ITS STILL WW1 COME ON 😭😭😭 UR BRITISH RBWMDHWK PEAK BRITISH
sorry what is this  
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I remember when Hwa apologised he couldn't dye his hair black yet, because of Imitation?!?!? Some people had the audacity to comment on the grey hair 🔫🔫🔫🔫
some people should have their rights taken away
Cornish accent is sometimes called "the most American of UK's accents" but they're not like deep South, Cornwall is nice and fun! I guess the difference between most Southern English accents and Cornish is that they roll their "Rs". I have some friends from there, one got into performing school as a child and they asked her mother if she could "get rid of the village accent" huh?! She wasn't even from a village
AHHHHHHH hopefully they’re not just exactly like how americans are personality wise,, NOT THE VILLAGE ACCENT NOOOO 😭😭😭😭yOU GUYS ARE BRUTAL CALLING THEM OUT ON EVERYTHING 😭😭
Breaking Wommys hearts kusuahsjsjauaah but I'm not complaining 🥰 yes to fencer or racer Hwa /// WHAT did you just say about the nose 🔫🔫🔫 my feelings are soft, I just wanna perform some cannibalism ok. let me bite Seonghwa's nose in peace!
wommy’s need to be shown their place 🤚🏻 not but there’s seriously like no woo fics in atiny writing community now 😭😭 fencer hwa and a racer hwa,, but what about a hockey player hwa <33 I SAID NOTHING ???? WHAT DID U READ 📸💥📸💥 📸 i saw this video the other day that explained ur liking for vampires i WILL find it by the next time i answer this HOPEFULLY why bite when u can take a seat
Finally some Atz x fashion interaction! Seonghwa next pls 🤗 /// Liking anything when you're over 25 is illegal Baek, so have fun while it lasts. Later it's just taxes, mortgage, 2 shifts etc. no happy days in sight 🤗
FINALLY!!!!!! BALMAIN AMBASSADOR SOON 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻 seonghwa and of mingi for versace ?? would pass out,, LMFAOOOO will use my 20’s as a excuse to travel and live my yn moment <3 anon how’d ur mortgage going, how’s the job? HOWS KR BEEN
Everyone's screaming shaking and crying trying to find Seonghwa's winter MD, but ever since I saw the blurred previews I knew I had to have him, so I'm safe! I'M GONNA EAT HIM I REALLY WILL!!!! THE HEART BLUSH?!?!?!? I'M UNWELL
U ORDERED IT RIGHT???? GOD BLESS U IM ON MY WAY HIDE UR DOOR UR KIDS UR CATS UR PC’S IM ON MY WAY he looks like he’s about to join a furry con / star in a red velvet mv
This is bad for me, a cat boys enthusiast 🙄//// Pls look away OP, you don't need to perceive him. In constant battle with myself, because I wanna gatekeep Seonghwa, but also want everyone to know and praise him 🤧
My rockstar gf!  and Mingi toooooo /// I'm on the floor actually. The 2nd photo 🥴🥴🥴🥴 //// 👀👀👀 but girlie was stressed msjsjdjsjabsnswjsh
no bc how dare they do this photoshoot for japanese albums and not for korean ones! WHY ARE THEY SO EXPENSIVE AND THIS???? 😩😩 seonghwa for calvin klein when
Hwa is watching The Alchemy of Souls, I won. Also TAoS Hwa AU……😊 //// And can we talk about KQF2 name… it's pronounced"SAIKERS"?! Say XIKE lmaoooo - DV 💖
anon we’re finally getting the return of shoujo with stunning animation 😭😭
hot take, but they’re kinda right
0 notes
serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐚 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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I got a request for our dearest gentle sexy joshua, so here it is!
tbh I don't think joshua would think too much of getting in a relationship
just like the members, he is very focused in his career, so it would take some time for him to notice love for someone else.
probably a highschool friend, a coworker or a staff member he really gets along with
i don't think he'd be into meeting and getting in a relationship with brand new people around him, he needs to know them
maybe, if he sees that you're a foreigner that seems nice, then he'll approach you in the streets
being the gentleman he is he stays very polite and respectful, he doesn't want to bother you too much or invade your personal space.
he is a very warm person overall, very cheerful and open-minded. It's easy to talk with him, about literally anything.
since you get along things could go fast, at least for you.
since he doesn't know you that much, joshua will see you as someone he knows, no more no less
like he has to realize he spends a lot of time with you, more than with anyone else, because of the members
they'll be like "you're seeing them again? You saw them yesterday, and the day before!"
and he'd be surprised, because they are right, because he didn't notice, and because they noticed
he'll start acting weird around you lmao
and he'll ask help from the members, who told him that he could be in love with you
he was like "what? no, i don't know them since that long"
and the members would answer "well it's been a year now" lmao
idk if he'd actually ask you out, or if you'd do it
i think it would be just mutual realisation? if that makes sense
like he's at your appartment one evening and you talk about everything and nothing
you joke around and burst out laughing together
and you just look at each other like something just happened between you two
you don't really need to declare your relationship as official, you just both know that it'll work and that you're in love with each other
now hong joshua as a boyfriend
he gatekeeps you from the members
when they ask if you'll come to watch them practice, he'd be like no they won't meet y'all go away
at some point you go see them by yourself because you want to
the members love you ofc, and they're surprised that you can keep up with joshua's chaotic energy
hes just too much sometimes
game afternoons? he'll cheat for sure
he made you food? wrong, his mum did it for yall
he teaches you how to sing? okay but he will tell you that you sing well when you actually don't
crafty days? he'll make you a bracelet/canvas/other with a mistake when spelling of your name
cute nickame? he called you "sarcastic fringehead" on his phone (which is a weird looking fish)
anyways he's funny overall lmao
smutty part below
joshua knows SO much
like he knows more than you do about your body
a great talker as well
knows the right words to make your knees buckle
the right moves as well
he knows damn well where to put his hands to make you feel good
not on the rough side in bed tho, not a lot at least
he's a dom, but like a soft dom
very much into praising and admiring your body, you'll feel like a queen/king with him
very vocal man, when he's not praising you hes moaning
like moaning
doesn't care if people hear/see you (except if it makes you uncomfy)
is willing to try many things in bed, as long as you both are okay with trying stuff
definitely not into knife play
won't go for many rounds, maybe 2, 3 if he's at his best i guess
the best with aftercare as well!!!
comforting words, helping you washing up and cuddles with no end!
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xiaosweetheart · 2 years
yandere xiao hcs ig <3
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character: xiao <33
genre: toxic ? but sfw technically
warnings: yandere xiao; reader is probably a lil insane too LMFAO they jus go along w it like yeah haha hes so silly i love him <3; gn reader; overpossessiveness, jealousy; mentions ? of murder (def nothing explicit); man idk these are yandere hcs just proceed w caution
a/n: more shit to feed yall w while we wait for sfb pt2 <3
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         ↬ oh my god. i have so much to say ab yan!xiao .............
         ↬ he is absolutely an obsessive stalker, and maybe a little bit delusional + paranoid too. xiao'll follow you around all day, regardless of if you call his name or not — he's just worried about you is all !! </3 and, to be fair, it's genuinely coming from a place of concern on his behalf <//3
         ↬ xiao is delusional in the sense that he has a nasty little habit of thinking of you as a weak little mortal </3 you're fragile and in need of his protection !! why can't you see that? :/
         ↬ and he's paranoid ab you leaving/abandoning him :( but you wouldn't do that, right? you'll stay by his side forever, won't you ??? ofc you will <3 bc you love him <33 and, in his mind, that means Only he can have you and your attention
         ↬ now. i certainly don't think he'd be a yandere right off the bat — i think his feelings for you would slowly grow for you as you wormed your way into his heart, until those feelings turned into somethimg more, and something more turned into a burning obsession. you were so pretty, and nice, and were always so patient with him, waiting for him to open up to you in his own time, never pressuring him, but letting him know that you were always there whenever he was ready
         ↬ and so, eventually, your relationship began. xiao was. shockingly (physically) clingy with you. he always seemed to be by your side, even if you were going to the habour — he'd often find himself accompanying you there.
         ↬ "to keep you safe obviously," he'd say bluntly when you asked him about why he always followed you around and never strayed too far from your side. you thought he was kidding, for the most part, laughing it off and thinking it was really just bc he felt lonely without you (and tbf, you weren't wrong ab either)
         ↬ honestly ............ i don't think you'd notice he's a yandere at all until some people start to go missing ............... and even then he covers it up relatively well
         ↬ xiao's a smart guy, and he truly is tired of senseless killing, so he tries to keep you all to himself to avoid that problem 💖 he quite literally gatekeeps you from everyone else, and one time, he even Hissed at a guy he thought was being a little too friendly w you
               ↬ he really doesn't want to, but he'll kill anyone who he percieves as a threat (stealing your attention away from him); this extends to friends, family, anyone you talk to for too long without so much as including him in the conversation or paying him any mind
         ↬ you never took any of his jealousy or weird overpossessiveness to heart tho !! you thought it seemed reasonable, given how old he was and how much he had lost, so you purposeful overlooked his .......... Peculiar behavior
         ↬ within the relationship ........... he's actually rather insecure. he's absolutely Terrified of you leaving him, so he'll do everything in his power to make sure you stay — even though you've told him a million times that you're not going anywhere; that your love for him is unconditional. he just. he can't believe it /??;?=??/???? someone as perfect as you loving someone as vile as him ???????
               ↬ from an outside view, no one has ever seen xiao so. so ........... clingy! what kind of spell had you cast over him ? but from the inside view, that's just how he is <3 sure, it was a little tiring, w his near-constant demand for attention, but you didn't mind <33
         ↬ don't get it twisted tho — every now and then he'll just disappear entirely for weeks or months at a time bc his insecurities got the better of him; he's undeserving of you, so he'll isolate himself from the world either until you find him, or until he's decided he misses you too much to be gone for another moment
         ↬ coming back around to his overpossessiveness <3 xiao'll give you lil wearable gifts as a way of marking you as his (i mean. he'll Cover you in hickies too but we're not talkin ab that rn)
         ↬ he'll get you lil necklaces or bracelets, maybe even some earrings ! and sometimes, he'll make you a qingxin flower crown for you <333 but his favorite gift he's given you by far was a slim, black collar — which looked most like a choker w a buckle than anything, save for the little silver heart tag w his name on it <3
         ↬ it serves as a constant reminder that you're his <3 even when he's not by your side, the slight pressure makes sure you don't forget ab him, not even for a moment <33
         ↬ n you're not allowed to take it off either !! not ever !!! bc he'll know. and neither of you rlly wanna deal w those consequences :/
         ↬ xiao would never hurt you physically, he wouldn't be able to live w himself if he did, but his words are sharp, and sting long after they've been said. he'll feel bad if you start to cry tho !! :( holds you in his arms n kisses your tears away </3 even if you try to fight him initially, he knows you'll be better again if you just let him help you (ironic 😒)
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i-know-geography · 2 years
Yandere Lumine(webtoon) characters general headcanons
Tw:Yandere,killing mention,manipulation mention and obssesive stuff.
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He's a Protector and selfless yandere.
Lumine is just so soft and kind,and a little shy too.
So you never thought he could be brutal.
He's gonna to get himself into fights if anyone bullies you.
And that's why Calla and her gang don't mess with you.
If someone becomes a real threat to you,Lumine won't think twice about transforming in his werewolf form and protect you.
But he's also a pacifist,so no one's gonna die,at least on purpose.
He's always by your side,like an obidient pet dog.
He cares about what you think,and would never take you away,he loves when you're happy with your other friends and family.
The best yandere of this list,let's agree.
"(S/O)! Why are you crying? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?! Please tell me! I need to know who dared to hurt you!"
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He's a manipulative and lucid yandere
Kody never thought about love,until he met you.
Since he can't do magic,he's not capable of kill or hurt someone.
But he still being able to manipulate you.
Gaslighting,gatekeep and some little lovebombing,that's his way to your heart.
He just make you believe that people are bad,you can only trust him.
He also talks pretty much about his feelings and traumas with you,sometimes he really need to open up with someone,and some other times he's just trying to make you feel pity.
He believes that he can't make nothing without you,so he's very dependent of you.
He knows that the things he's doing are not right,but he just can't blame himself,he's just afraid that you may leave him,just like Elijah and Calla did...
"It's just that...i don't wanna be alone,you're the only one that cares...So you'll never leave me,right?"
(a.k.a DILF)
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He's protective,semi-lucid and is between a selfless and selfish yandere
When he fisrt met you,Aiden just found you so amazing...he knew he needed you in that moment.
He will hire you to neptune headquarters,just for him to stay close to you.
If you don't know how to fight,he's gonna teach you.
He's just gonna love if you like Kody and treat him well,he's happy that you like your future stepson.
^Yeah,he thinks that you both are going to get married one day. But just when both of you are ready.
Sometimes he just feel that need to keep you away from the outside world,its dangerous! What if you get hurt? Or Killed?
But he also know that you can protect yourself,and that keep you away from your family would be bad...he just can't do this.
If anyone even dare to hurt you,Aiden's just gonna kill brutally whoever did that.
You're just so precious for him,everything about you is interesting and beautiful for him.
"There,there. It's okay,the danger is gone,just like i said,i'm gonna protect you forever,my sweet (S/O).~"
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She's a lucid,manipulative and selfish yandere.
Sometimes she doesn't see you like a human being.
She just see you like some kinda of prize that she have won and no one else can won something like that.
She just shows you around,always telling that you have to be by her side! Just her side!
Other times,when she's more calm,she seems to see that you are not a prize.
She likes any affection that comes from you. Hugs,kisses,holding hands...anything!
She uses her traumas and sadness to manipulate you to stay with her,but she also feel good on talking about this with someone.
If someone mess with you,she's just gonna make that person life a hell,let's just say that she's gonna do the same thing she did to Kody:Extreme bullying.
"You are so lucky to have a girlfriend like me! Be grateful,(S/O)! You'll never find other person that love you like i do."
(My baby,need to protect)
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He's an obssesive,delusional and selfless yandere.
Elijah is not agressive or manipulative like the others on this list.
He just has a VERY HUGE obssesion
He has pictures of you,some of your itens,dammit,even some of your shirts.
He knows where you live,what are your hobbies,your whole family...
He knows almost everything about you,basically.
He's very touch starved,loves when you hug him back.
He can get himself into fights for you,and mostly he lose all of them.
He wants you to be happy by his side,but if you don't love him,he's going to understand,your hapiness is what matter's.
In his mind,he believes that his obsession is normal,it's just love,right?
"I can't stop thinking about you,you are so perfect and sweet. I wanna be by your side forever and ever!"
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
so I was shocked seeing some pjms shipping jm with taemin(shinee) and some are not popping out veins over that,,but I made a mistake of commenting on that tweet saying that jikook could be real..let me tell you the hate I received from solo pjms 😭have never been attacked online like that,,the insults and the cursing that were flooding on that innocent tweet made me almost deactivate I had to go on private and deleted my comment...Now what shocked me is that they didn't attack that pjm shipping jm with taemin but only me who mentioned jikook as a pair,why are they so riled up with jikook but okay with people shipping jm with other idols?..Are they scared bcs they know there's a chance jikook could be real or are they just gatekeeping jm.?😭
I have had my own share of arguments with solo stans,but I just realized that solo pjms are worse than any other members solo stans worse than tkkrs.. same ppl who dragged a solo hobi stan and the pason deleted her acc, now I didn't know the same thing will happen to me 😭...I'm even afraid commenting of jm focused accs bcs I don't know what is considered forbidden to them..I with just stay on jikook spaces on twitter..I'm still recovering 😂..anyways I wonder what this people will do if jikook ever comes out as couple
Well they are SOLO stans...
If they liked anyone else in BTS other than JM they wouldn't be SOLO stans.
It's easier for them to ship two ppl they like together than support a relationship where they hate one pair vehemently. And whew do they hate JK's fine ass. Whew😩
They be the ones screaming JK an abusive boyfriend abusing Jimin cos he hates him, wants to tap his milk for free while doing the gawk gawk 69 with a random hoe in cheap motels.
When the aliens come I'll tell them this is brain damage. A whole bunch of em.
Personally, I ship JM with everyone 💀
Recently I hopped on the JiLizzo train😩
That hey Jimin got me weak in the knee. Love it for them.
Kinda into the burgeoning Micheal Jackson xJimin ship too. I might be a pioneer of that ship not gonna lie. Have a few edit up on the internet somewhere- it's making rounds😊
Now that you mention Taemin... I might just have a KaiminJimicheal foursome YT channel up soon🤞🏾
Most times I'm really torn because I like anyone who likes Jimin or whom JM likes. PJMs fall somewhere on that spectrum because they like JM- who is a member of BTS, which is a band I happen to like too.
It's when they broach into hater territories I have a problem with them- cos then they hating on other people I like. Hobi, JK- the list go on and on.
I keep saying Solos are a part of the Bangtan ecosystem. You've seen the numbers on Instagram. I'm not about to beat JM solos out of the ecosystem when it's like but we need the numbers to even shit out😩
It's everyone for themselves BTS for us all out here. We saw it coming a mile away.
It's all ot7 till it's time to pursue Solo careers| IG and then some members are fucked real hard.
Numbers don't lie. And it would be a cold day in hell before one of those fucked members be my Jimin I'm sorry. I will not stand for it. IT'S NOT HAPPENING. NOPE. MM MM.
When I come across OT7s attacking PJMs really my blood boils. Yall will attack JMs fans and then yall will not follow JM on Instagram or support him like you support your bias😒
All the fake woke JM Jikook stans who helped clap other JM stans out of the fandom for calling out toxic Tuktukkers and fake OT7s how our stupid ass feeling now?🤡
Worse they turn a blind eye at other people's Solos and enable them hence why those members been able to cultivate such large uneven numbers FULL OF SOLOS.
OT7 is a breeding ground for certain member's solo stans EXCEPT JIMINs.
Kill the PJM they yell.
It's the double standards for me.
Not that Solos are a bowl of sunshine they are real asses won't lie. It's the constant baraging, constant attacks on other members like you don't need to bring one member down to lift your bias up. Insecure much?
You don't have to hate one member to love another. It's stupid. Foolish, counterintuitive. Very toxic and Puttin level deranged.
The bangtan fanscape is huge. Solos are part of that fanscape. I don't advocate for pushing them out of the ecosystem. I advocate we all act civil, respect boundaries, stay out of each others business. Just like your bias' post and go. Just buy his merch and go. Just stream his music and go. If you OT7 buy ALL MEMBERS' MERCH AND GO. STREAM ALL THEIR SOLO MUSIC EQUALLY AND GO.
If I come across a Solo tearing down another member I'm putting paws on em. If I come across an OT7 fake supporting and being biased to the detriment of other members I'm cutting their throat. YUP. I'm allergic to witchcraft which is exactly what this is.
And listen yeah, OT7s would have attacked you just as rabidly. Which is what fucks with my brain- How the hell does OT7s and Solos act alike WHEN IT'S JIKOOK BEING SHIPPED.
Someone explain this to me in tiny alphabets cos it really be messing with my frontal lobe, I AM NOT UNDERSTOOD.
Naa cos Solos hate Jikook because they either hate Jimin or Jungkook. Ot7 WHAT THE FUCK YOUR PROBLEM IS.
And they do it under the guise of Jikook are brothers they not gay, stop reading gay into their every interaction- but when it's SOPE or TAEKOOK or NAMJIN then suddenly it's chile these motherfuckers gay on God.
What I want is an open fight.
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I want to pull bitches hair, scratch their face, bite their nipples and choke them in the most violent way possible.
Sorry you got jumped sis. That's what happens when you don't look before you cross the damn road🤣🤣🤣🤣
You get run over by trucks and tricycles. Lmho
Should have called me to the fight damn.
Naa cos I would have stayed and fought 🤣
Also slip me this Jimin Taemin fan account lemme see sommin👀
Were they grinding on each other or just holding hands?👀
Forget it. I'm not shipping JM with anyone this month. Jungkook has been through so much when JM got ill. It's not fair to him after everything he's been through to ship Jm with other people 😒
But Taemin is hot as fuck. Kai too. And they make really good music. They kinda like Jimin too.
Still not a reason to ship JM with them.
Free Jungkook.
They are gonna ship JM with someone he spends little time with, talks to once in a blue moon, barely interact with on screen, rarely show kindness and warmth and generosity and affections to while ignoring the man who is always by his side, at work and off work, attends to his needs, is always around for him, protects him, comforts him, keeps him company, thinks about him, loves on him, makes him laugh, shares his meal with him, is his companion, takes so much space and shares his life with. YOU MAD OR INSANE?
Don't worry Jungkook. I got your back😊
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pinwheelfunhouse · 3 years
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🎪 harland // he/they // 24 🎪
requests: open!
masterpost (+ fnaf edition)
‼️ empty blogs w/ default avatars get blocked on sight ‼️
reblogs > likes
main: @slashpaws
gifs from these videos!
personal carrd here!
requesting rules and dni under read more!
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if you have a request for a character not on my fandom list, just ask about it! if it doesn't match my 'won't do' list, there's a good chance i'll still do it! and if you can, please send a photo for reference!
please limit requests to one per ask! it's easier to organize for me that way! you can send in multiple asks for multiple requests though!
please respect my dni and stay away if you match anything on it!
you can be as vague or as specific about requesting as you want! including the types of stims you do or don't want!
i'll also happily do non-fandom requests, like animals or just aesthetics in general!
kin, d/a, fictive, oc, and sona requests are 100% okay!
even if i've already done a character, you can re-request with different/specific stims if you'd like!
i reserve the right to deny any request for any reason!
fandoms i will do:
five nights at freddy's
team fortress 2
resident evil
night in the woods
my little pony (please specify gen!)
super mario
black butler
lego batman movie
don't hug me i'm scared
faith: the unholy trinity
emily wants to play
mystery skulls
the owl house
there is no game: wrong dimension
rusty lake games
the stanley parable
house of ashes
dying light
soul eater
sonic the hedgehog
bendy and the ink machine
hazbin hotel
invader zim
poppy playtime
helluva boss
youtubers/their characters (ask first, extremely selective about this one, will only do youtubers i know and watch. you can check the listography on my main for a list!)
fandoms i will not do:
a.ttack on titan
h.arry p.otter
s.outh park
r.ick and m.orty
b.luey c.apsules
d.ream s.mp
f.riday night f.unkin
c.ult of the l.amb
other things i will not do:
anything yandere/kink/bigotry related
you fit the usual dni criteria (lgbt+phobic, racist, ableist, fatphobic, antisemitic, nazi, pedo or pedo sympathizer, anti-blm/anti-acab, etc...)
you are pro-trump or support any of his ideals
you are a terf/transmed/truscum/anti-mogai
you are a bi/pan/poly/omni/aro/ace exclusionist
you are an anti-anti/proshipper/fujoshi/fetishize lgbt people in any way
you ship pedophilia, incest, abuse, or irl ppl (s.ebaciel, f.ontcest, a.ftoncest, s.coutspy, the re8 lords together, ch.eavymedic, etc...)
you are a kink/ddlg/cgl(re)/petplay/yandere blog or reblog/post this sort of content (sfw age/pet regressors are totally fine)
you are anti-kin (unless you are/support factkins; in that case, do not interact) or gatekeep kinning
you are anti self-dx or a syscourse blog
you support scott cawthon or "stand by scott" after his controversies
you support, follow, or defend anyone who matches any of the above criteria in any way
everything i post is okay to tag as kin/me/id! f/o, comfort character, and system tags are also 100% okay!
i work a full-time job with weird hours so requests might take a bit to get to, please be patient!
you can ask me to tag anything you need! i try to tag the most obvious things but i can always add tags for those who need them! i tag triggers as "[trigger] //" (for example: flashing // or blood //)!
if you like one of my boards, please consider reblogging rather than just liking! a lot of times the links in my posts break them so they don't show up in tags for everyone, so reblogging helps out a lot!
when doing a character i'm not familiar with, i can only go off vibes or colour palette, so if you want something specific associated with them please let me know!
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bitchesgetriches · 4 years
Hi bitches, and other asks: a request and some cultural advice for those looking to relocate to Europe given the impending shitshow stateside. You all have my deepest sympathy. I don't envy y'all.
Firstly, please could you stop using the term "Asylum" for "relocation to Europe because I don't like the state of the US."
There's two very different reasons for this: Firstly, while I absolutely know that some of you are in real shitty situations, asylum has a pretty specific meaning and conflating "the US is not living up to the standards of a functional modern democracy and institutionally homophobic" (true!) with "my country is locked in the middle of a brutal proxy war, the US military dropped cluster bombs on my home, and it's a capital offence to be gay" is a bit of a shitty thing to do.
Secondly, and simply, because you won't get it. Not a single EU country will grant you Asylum. We're (wrongly, IMO) finding reasons to turn away the Afghanis and the Yemenis. Whatever *our* thoughts on the merits of your case, you just don't have a gnats chance in hell. So if you're looking for *asylum* resources you're gonna bark yourselves up the wrong tree. Wrong playbook, sweetie.
So how *do* you come over? Glad you asked. Look for Schengen work visa requirements, look for countries that allow student immigration to study and specifically ones that allow you to stay and find a job afterwards, look for shortage occupations in your chosen country (which usually come with more relaxed requirements) and build your skillsets around them, learn the national language and learn it well. Research which countries offer a the most realistic path to citizenship for you once you live there and work on meeting every single one of those requirements (as a general guide, most European countries are 5-7 years of residency plus culture and language tests). Like it or not, Europe will treat you as an economic migrant. So goddamnit be one that they can't say no to.
As for citizenship by descent - there's about 7 EU countries that offer it, plus Spain for descendents of Spanish Sephardic Jews. Each country has different rules, so check each one. As another general guide, you're going to likely need at minimum a grandparent born on their soil.
And lastly, a few social tips: If you're gonna go down this route, please, please be respectful. I say this mostly for your own ability to make friends in Europe rather than gatekeeping, because depending on how you go about this is gonna depend whether you get here and you're welcomed, or whether you're another goddamn yank coming over here, shouting their mouth off and thinking she's European (it doesn't matter if you're Texas born and bred, you're a yank to us - hey I didn't say we weren't ignorant too 😉). Nothing, nothing pisses off a European faster than an American whose grandma once drank a glass of whisky while singing auld lang syne saying "Hey, I'm scotch just like you!". Honey, you're American. (and that's okay!) No one in Europe care about your hypenated Americanisms and on the whole we find it a really weird cultural phenomenon (not meant to sound harsh! Just meant as a cultural explainer). So however excited you are about discovering your grandda came over from Co. Mayo, get used to embracing the fact that, to us, you're American. American-American. So live it! You'll make loads of friends if you take a slightly self-depricatory approach to your country, share weird things America does and generally accept in advance that Europe - as far as the Europeans are concerned at least - is just better in every way and there's no point fighting it. Americans who act (mostly) like Europeans are really pretty welcome over here and you will likely get showered with praise for how you're "not like other Americans". (I apologise for this in advance. It's cringe. I know.)
All in all, be respectful, learn, and don't treat people's cultures as objects. Europeans can get VERY defensive. Americans (and other europeans) who pick up second citizenships for economic reasons rather than cultural reasons are often kinda frowned upon by the residents of that country, so don't go shouting to strangers about how you obtained citizenship to run away from America - people don't appreciate their citizenship being considered transactional or a cape to be worn when it's useful. Many European countries have laws requiring renouncing any and all previous citizenships upon taking theirs for exactly that reason.
All that shit aside - good luck. None of this is meant to scare you, but hopefully to give you a good grounding of how to approach this socially as well as practically. And of course, Europe is a wide and diverse place. All this is generalisations, but you will find pockets and places where this is different as surely as you'll find die hard trumpers in the most liberal 'burbs of California. Hey, we even have a few over here. Do what I say, not what I do: no one likes someone who generalises all Europeans with the same brush - there's a world of different cultures and traditions and it's a myriad of places - one of which I hope makes you feel very welcome. Good luck getting out, kiddo. You're gonna be fine.
I have nothing to add. This is such wonderfully kind and nuanced advice. We’re so glad you wrote in to share! 
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bearpillowmonster · 3 years
Horizon Zero Dawn Review
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The game that critics have been raving about for years and I just haven't played. I heard a lot of people say "this needs a movie" but they say that about any game that dares to be a little bit cinematic because I personally disagree.
That first part is rough, the story seems so in your face, predictable and bland but I think the problem is that it didn't know how to put in its exposition. I think it naturally builds up as it goes on, getting bigger and broader, it's just those first experiences that can be a slog because you're pretty much learning what style you're going to play in.
I got more or less everything I expected, crafting, a skill tree, various weapons. What I didn't expect though are dialogue options. You can choose normally up to four paths, an intelligent one, a compassionate one, and a straightforward one. You don't have to worry about the stress of trying to reach a specific ending because there's really only one, the only thing that affects it is the amount of people that are in it. So does that make the choices irrelevant? Yes and no because there are different dialogue options and like I said, which means that you can get certain characters to like you more given the option you choose but not in the same way that relationship points work and I definitely felt the draw to do that whenever I came across my first side-quest.
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Side-quests are interesting, I love tracking things in games, though it's rare that you actually get the chance to do it and here you have a good amount of opportunities. Is that all though? Far from it. I actually found myself searching for side-quests because the first two were so satisfying. It really only began to show its hand a bit more after those quests. As I mentioned, there are a lot more RPG elements than I first imagined but it starts to send you on scavenger hunts, especially that Dreamwillow one, that one I actually laughed out loud at every time I was turned away. It also starts to gatekeep to where it recommends that you be a certain level which is...odd? I mean at face value it looks like you could rock basically any combat situation that isn't context sensitive. Leveling up gives you abilities but they're more like Deus Ex on that front, where it's just for preference and upgrading, not necessarily strength. The only thing you improve on offense wise basically boils down to having the right materials or units to buy weapons then a matter of finding modifications. Other than that, leveling up seems to just increase your health. It really just depends on the quest too because I'll play one above my level and be fine then play another that's actually under my level and feel stuck.
Now I only played it on normal mode so something like "Ultra Hard" is bound to be more demanding but as far as actual side quest content, I feel like they have potential but just need tweaked, give me more stuff for major characters that affects their standing with me. Rather than having each quest be contained in its own story, have it affect you later in the game, let your actions be shown, give it rewards and consequences. There are some really great side-quests but there are also some crappy ones, it doesn't pass that threshold that most RPGs fall under or anything. However, I did find myself doing side-quests at my own free will and the ones that I didn't like or couldn't do at the time, I just skipped and focused on something else, I felt a lot more freedom with this game, like I didn't feel forced to grind or do a certain number of side-quests or really do anything. It encourages you to explore and play the way you want to play and I respect the heck out of that. Maybe it's different for other players though.
Perhaps my favorite actual side thing was the Cauldrons for those who actually played this, you'll know why. For those who didn't, just know that it's cool and let it be a surprise for when you go to one. You might expect these big set-pieces and bosses like Uncharted or GoW, but it's not really like that. I genuinely think that this is more video-gamey than it lets on which certainly takes up its runtime. One addition to side-quests that I would like to see is one where you don't know it's happening. For example, in this game, you'll come across random hunters who are attacking or being attacked by machines but rather than just going on about your day and them going on about their's, I want to fight off the machine and the person say "You saved my life, my name's Jara, I live in the town nearby and want to repay you." so you go there and there's trouble so it starts up a side-quest. Now don't get me wrong, there are PLENTY of instances of people getting attacked actually being a mission but most of the time someone in town will just tell you "I haven't seen this person in a while, can you go check on them for me?" It's the art of subtlety and also just doing a good deed and getting rewarded for it. It's a conscious choice and split decision rather than just another checkmark on your list to complete.
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Now I won't bother listing the characters and rating them but there's a certain aspect that has me really enthused So, Aloy is an outcast and a lot of these side missions and scenarios reflect her, you'll see the way she can relate with other characters, making it almost poetic in a subliminal kind of way. Then they add this tribal and futuristic setting to it where Aloy acts as the medium, there are parts of the game where she questions the tribe because they cut themselves off from technology and just don't know any better and we as a viewer know that but having the main character view things in 'our' lens is pretty genius. To top that off, they give her enough personality to be her own character while giving us enough power to influence her so that we ourselves can REFLECT WITH HER. It's not her character that I'm impressed with, it's the layout of the story.
So, how is the main story? It's kind of like the Flood scenario in Halo if I'm being honest. I'm not going to spoil anything but it's passable, like I said, it's not like an Uncharted and it's not like a movie. The visuals just look good at times (I took all the pictures in this review myself and so much more!). I'd call it a futuristic/tribal mix between Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Skyrim but I see elements of a lot of things. (Also since it's post apoctalypic, you find items that we see in modern day, like how they call keys, "chimes"! They think they're windchimes because there are no more cars! I love that!)
It actually does a pretty good job at being an open world considering that there are tons of things to do on your routes as well as collect but it's not so much so that it seems unfeasible, as I said, I found myself doing a good chunk of the side stuff just because it was fun to do and I'm not even close to a completionist for any game. If you mess up, healing plants will still be there. As long as you save, enemy parts will still be there. A place can be cleared out and conquered so that enemies don't come back. The actual towns are peaceful so you can't get mangled by any bots outside of scripted instances.
The graphics are pretty good but I can see some error here and there, nothing necessarily game breaking but the animations and AI are definitely janky at times. It's pretty obvious from the get-go but I'll do my best to specify and give constructive criticism on what I found wrong with certain aspects of the game. Rost is slow, like slower than walking speed but that's not to speak for all NPCs, some run, some you don't need to follow, it was really just him. I've had NPCs who fight but miss every single time on simple enemies (that might not be a bug, that might just be a funny bit that someone decided to add in). Sabretooths have jumped through walls (granted the walls were kinda broken but I'm not sure if those big boys can fit when they can barely find the entrance) I found myself jumping to a ledge or on a rope but not land it and just drop (it really boils down to loosening the hit box for that). Which to add on to that, I would like more places to climb and jump to in general (other than stupid mountains). I felt like there wasn't really enough that I could climb and the places that I could, could've been a bit more obvious that I could, maybe even make it viewable with your focus if you don't want it to be visually outstanding. There's a day and night cycle and while I like that, I found some of the contrast to be annoying because I could be staring a ladder right in the face and not even know it sometimes because it would be so dark. I'm not going to complain too much about it because I didn't turn my brightness up, I just left it at default and I would assume the PS5 version fixes some of those little things.
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Now, this one is kind of a gray area: Hiking up mountains. Skyrim, Fallout, and Death Stranding went too far and gave little to no barriers. They had you looking for sweet spots that weren't there in order to cheese your way through an area either on or off a beaten path. But I would compare this to something like GTA where it's not as bad and does have its limits but might need tightened up some more because I can certainly get to places that lead to nowhere.
I've made headshots that don't make contact or damage while using precision. Part of that problem was that they could be high up in a tower (which have spikes sticking out) and I would hit ABOVE the logs, to make a headshot but since it was in that vicinity, it registered that as the spikes' hitbox so it wouldn't cause any damage and just alert the enemy (same if I was in the tower, looking down). Input lag where I hit up button on the D-Pad to regain health and I have to keep pressing it. If I had to guess, you have to meet the requirements of not taking damage, staying still, etc in order for it to actually work but it doesn't really have a reason to do that and it doesn't "tell" you that those are the requirements (as far as I know).
During the final boss, one of the enemies hit me into a rock wall, trapping me inside of it and the boss was already half health so I really didn't want to have to restart (I also didn't know how far back the checkpoint was) so I kept shooting stuff and eventually the boss destroyed the wall, allowing me to get out (timed section, by the way). There have been a few times where a tree or leaf or something is obstructing a cutscene and sometimes there will be a mech in the background screaming over the NPC talking, which I'm sure is due to the cutscenes being real-time which is still pretty impressive. Now are these errors all the time? No, not at all, I'm just pointing out that some times these things happened and that I felt it needed ironed out but I wouldn't call this half baked or an unfinished product or anything, it's nowhere near that level. I get that there are so many NPCs that it's hard to account for them all with facial animations but whenever they're talking, it seems pretty static and sometimes the lips don't line up. There's this one guy who says that he got lost in a sandstorm but he's standing in snow. Again, little nitpicks in an otherwise great game.
Now, I got this game for free as a Playstation promotion but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be great, I played a little bit of that Ratchet & Clank reboot that was offered and I wasn't impressed, I quit after the first few worlds and was glad I didn't buy it at launch, (despite being a classic PS2 R&C fan) but we're not here to review that. I also played Abzu and loved it but it was short so it was definitely worth a play but maybe not 60$ (I actually think it's 20$ at this point though). With this game, it's the whole complete edition with DLC and everything, it has the length, so it really just boils down to "Would I have spent money on it otherwise?"
I think I would've if I knew more about it because I think it just got better and better after that first part of the game. It's marketed a bit differently than what I ended up getting but I found myself pouring hours into this game and loving it for one reason or another. I actually bought Shadow of the Colossus along with it (which is considered a cult classic) but I liked Horizon so much better, definitely worth its full price in my opinion. (So your promotion worked on me Sony, congrats) It has its problems but the potential is there and I feel like a sequel would probably iron out a lot of my troubles with it, so it's definitely a franchise worth investing into.
If you're interested in what I thought of the DLC alone (if you didn't get the Ultimate edition and are wondering if the extra content is worth it) I have a separate post that goes into that here.
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An In-depth Elven perspective on Mind Power Subliminals (p2)
This is PART 2 of my post HERE. Please read that one first if you haven't!!
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She goes on:
"...I am tired of people thinking this work is about subliminals. I do not give a s--t about the subliminal community or what they think of me. What I do is so far beyond this. That community is a pebble compared to the mountain I offer."
"I never even shared my magnum opus. The most powerful beautiful hybrid to exist. Affirmations are thousands of words long and the most beautiful affirmations ever written." "What kind of inspiration graces such a person? [...]They trashed me because they wanted an excuse to steal my work for their own. They wanted to tear me down so they could rise. They are not able to match my level of creation."
"I shall not ever make a subliminal again. This was a gift I was preparing to give. These humans showed me they did not deserve such a gift."
"You think you should be held at the same level as me? I am looking for generals, captains, and warriors. You first have prove yourself to me as soldier before you can be upgraded to a captain or general. I want to forge you to be among the most powerful in the cosmos."
"I won't give power away freely. I will test you and put you through the trials. You have to show me you are worthy. You want me to write a post to prove myself to you? It is you who needs to prove yourself to me! I have shown you who I am."
Hey, maybe I'm being a hypocrite for saying she can't gatekeep the Elven Path this way, while claiming she is not part of the Path herself... but it all comes down to one truth for me:
This is not Elven wisdom. This is not Elven love. All of what she said is just... arrogance--dare I say human arrogance--plain and simple.
And I am fairly certain she doesn't even identify as Elven herself, she is just speaking for us.
But it's bullying and arrogance under the guise of 'tough love'. As the old saying goes, you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar... and all of her posts and interactions with others just reek of vinegar. She was trying to vet her followers by being as offensive as possible, to find those who she could make the most promising of lemmings out of.
I am trying my best not to sit here and armchair diagnose her, but I will say this reminds me of a narc's rage fit. The temper tantrum they throw when no one wants to take the bait and follow them into their highly decorated cave. We are all foolish idiots and ungrateful peons who are ~ jUsT jEaLoUs ~ for not accepting their bait gift.
The very phrase "I won't give power away freely" goes against the nature of the Elven Light Path. It is not a lineage of power passed down from a great Elven leader to their followers. It is a journey unique to each who walk it. We are here to inspire others to find their power within themselves and Light inside of them. We are not able to "give away" any power of this sense because we are not the makers of our power, we are the wielders of it. And that goes for any human person on this earth, in this universe, no matter what your soul connects to. No one is above or below another. We all hold the same amount of power. It is simply a matter of claiming and wielding it. But NO ONE can give it away or grant it to someone else. We simply are to share our gifts and inspire others to do the same. It doesn't mean life will be all sunshine and rainbows, or to ignore the bad things that happen.. quite the contrary. It means we focus on the darkness to bring in the Light.
And we do this with the powers we can give away. The power to inspire and encourage and give hope. To heal. Or to warn and help others understand. These are the gifts we are given to give away, but these are not the powers she is talking about.
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She talks about making soldiers or warriors out of her listeners/users quite a lot.
"Not all warriors are equal. Not all beings are equal in power. You have to work for what you become." "I am exactly what is needed to prepare us and get us through what is to come. I fight alongside my warriors. I lead the charge into enemy lines. You have yet to see the full power of my wrath."
Seeing herself as a the General and commander of it all, of course. But what she seems to fail to understand is that while yes, not all warriors ARE equal, that doesn't mean they have less power. It just means they hold a different type of power.
I am one who she would probably call a weakling. I am a novice Priest, and a Lunar Elven Soul. But I do not fight the way she fights. I am not hardhearted or determined for justice a way a solider on the frontlines might be. The way that she describes a soldier to be.
The real war is not with flesh and bone. It is not a physical war that can be fought with rage and wrath against people here and now. It is a war that takes place in the spiritual. The mental. The emotional. The psychological.
It requires wisdom, kindness, love, compassion, empathy, a humble spirit and a servant's heart. It requires the ability and strength to not allow human conditioning of pride and power to cloud your mind. It requires knowing when to speak and when to hold your tongue. It is more akin to a chess match, not a game of tag.
Yes, an army needs foot soldiers who can directly combat the real world forces here against us... but to deny and discount the true war in the spiritual is a real red flag.
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Alright. I've been rambling for a while now and I think I've made my point. Mind Power is a woman who took the concept of the Elven Light Path, as if she was speaking "for the Elves" and was using it as a way to...well, control others. Or attempt to. So the claims of her trying to control people? Not so far fetched.
She does not speak for us as Elves, for the non-human bodied Elves, or those who walk the Elven Light Path. If you have been drawn to the path, but stepped away out of fear because of her, I can assure you, that is not what this path, nor those who truly follow it are like. One can follow it alone, or walk it with friends. While we have shared experiences and are able to connect, the Elven Light Path is NOT a cult or exclusive club and should NEVER feel that way. If you are truly curious, I would suggest learning about it through the High Elven Wisdom and Love videos.
I am glad Asherah Aphrodite is far from the subliminal community and seems to stay out of the Elven Light community online as well (at least on Facebook and Youtube, from what I can see). Her Facebook group seems to still be up, and has a good number of members. I can only hope they realize the kind of person she is soon.
I know it's kind of old, stale news but I wanted to give my input because I wasn't around during the height of the drama surrounding her, and as someone familiar with both subliminals and the Elven Light Path, I felt compelled to give my perspective on it!
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