#i wonder if thats a lion snake thing
thatgirlwithasquid · 2 months
Ask game for writers:
Very low-pressure rules: Tell me which fic of yours was the MOST FUN TO WRITE (if you want to). Like, which one did you have a BLAST writing? Feel free to share, to rec, to tell us WHY they were fun, etc etc
Tagged by @harringroveera (which I'm only just getting to, whoopsie! thanks for tagging me xx)
Probably had the most fun working on my Detroit: Become Human fanfic Thirium Pooling in His Chest (Bleeding Different, Feeling the Same)-- which I am just now seeing has gotten over 500 kudos????! What the hell, when did that happen? Dead chuffed with that because I think that's my best written fic. I'm so proud of it, and I had so much fun writing from Connor's POV and playing with the android side of that. Also just had a great time with it because, as I'm sure most fans of the game will agree, there should have been an opportunity to deviate there; it would've been so cool. Plus I just adore the dynamic between Connor and Hank so, given that the fic centred around them, it was just such a blast :D
And while it's not finished, and I've not picked it back up in a little while, I adore Dear Moor Monster of Mine. It is really no secret that I am still Wolfblood obsessed--fell in love with the show at age 8, and am honestly and unapologetically still besotted with it now that I'm 20. So getting to play around and bring two of my favourite things together to make my Harringrove Wolfblood AU is just so amazing. When I have less on my plate I will be back to finish off that last chapter and continue the series <3
I genuinely do not think I could separate these fics to pick one I enjoyed working on most. They're both so dear to me.
No pressure tags (sorry if you've already been tagged!!): @medusapelagia @origamiplushie @brightside-of-the-upsidedown @bigdumbbambieyes @billyhargrovesupsidedownshadow
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years
un-exploding lion primary + snake secondary
I reckon my primary is Lion, maybe? My values often boiled down to “if I care about it, I care, if not then … **** it.” 
Probably an internal primary. Lion is certainly possible.
I’m normally very ambitious. It’s almost impossible imagining my life without this cause. At some point in my life, I’ve become my cause. I embodied it completely I couldn’t see anything outside of it. All my relationships, all my decisions were in service of the cause. However, lately I learn that it doesn’t do to hide myself behind to cause just to avoid my insecurities.
Ooooh, someone seems a little Exploded. Is it possible that you’re healing from an Exploded Lion primary? (and if so, the note about insecurities is some good insight on what it feels like to be inside an Exploded Lion primary.)
I realize that I can just risk getting myself exposed and it’s ok that not everything in my life relates to my cause. I mean … my cause will always be the most important things in my life. But having fun and cherishing relationships are important too, because in the end, when I’ve done all that I want to do. I wouldn’t be alone surrounded by charred bridges and enemies on all sides.
Yeah… that can be the problem with being an Exploded Lion primary. (I’m really thinking Lion for you. Snakes explode and burn a little differently.)
I’m not content working under anyone. I want to dictate my fate and my cause. I want power but not to satisfy my ego. I want it so I can dictate my cause and see it happen. I loathe those who yearn for power just for the power’s sake. Power must be earned and it must be used justly to make a positive change in this world rather than to satisfy one’s ego.
This cause is not really learned though. I’ve never second thought it. I only know I have to do it and it is right for me. It just makes sense on its own and it would be betrayal of self not to do it. There is not much to be said here, because this cause has been rather stable for as long as I remember.
Oh you’ve got a Loud lion primary.
It might vary in intensity (from ‘all that matters’ to ‘vital, but not the only thing that exist’) but it never changed.
You might be a Double Lion (a Revolutionary.) This bit about changing intensities is starting to sound kinda Lion secondary.
Ideally, what I want to build is a fishing company that will empower indigenous communities. I will use the resources harnessed from it to better the environment, support ethnic issues, cultural preservation, community growth and environment conservation. If I could manage to go that far, the dream would be to give full, unconditional scholarships to anyone with the heart and desire to do some good to society. I don’t want anyone to struggle like I do. I don’t want to see any more people ripped from their home, their culture. I don’t want to see any forest or sea crying in pain anymore. That is my ambition. That is my cause.
The fire you’ve got! Yeah, you’re intense. You’re really intense. I’m doubling down on Double Lion. Sure, your cause might be focused around people and communities, but it’s coming from a Lion place. The Righteous Cause.
(and also this tendency to just… not really care if you burn bridges. Very Lion, not so much Badger.)
There is a ruthless side to my morals, because I have no qualms about crushing those who might get in my way. I will offer peace and negotiate first but if they refuse, I will delete them.
Like, I know English isn’t your first language, so that’s probably influencing your word choice here - but I have to say. I am kind of loving the ice-cold rawness of I will delete them.
I don’t care much if people will love or hate me. I don’t do it to be loved. I only do it because I believe it is right. But as I mentioned, cause comes first, but relationships will be cherished too.
Really loud Lion primary… but keep an eye on that Explosion risk. Make sure you’ve got people who sometimes tell you you’re wrong. Don’t go all supervillain on me. :)
For secondary. I’m not sure… maybe not Badger? Nah, it’s hard. I’ve never really analyzed my actions.
lol lion
I’m comfortable with both planning and improvising. I think it’s impossible to stick to either improvising or planning. A plan without improvisation will be rigid and stale, but an improvisation without purpose or plan will just be another waste of energy. So, I use both at equal amount all the time.
Hmm. I’m hearing models, but that’s also generic enough to apply to almost anybody.
I’m inclined to trust my instinct more than apparent fact though.
… because you’re like, a REALLY LOUD Lion primary.
Even if the fact of the situation might point out ‘NOPE!’ if I feel it’s alright, I’ll still go for it. My hunch saves my skin for so many times I usually just trust it.
You just live in your primary all the time, huh?
I can relate to bird because I’m avid reader and I love gathering random knowledge just for the fun of it. Excuses be damned, if I want to learn, I learn. If anything, I don’t like learning because I need to. I want to learn when and what I want to do.
Again, could apply to any secondary (filtered though that lens of LION PRIMARY of course.)
I usually plan out the objectives, what I need, why I need and how I will make it happen, then execute it by improvising, but it’s still in service of the preplanned objectives. But if the plan doesn’t work anymore, I will just ditch it and go with whatever in front of me. Sticking perfectly within the plan will usually hamper my effort. But not having plan at all will make me aimless too.
This is very interesting, because I think we’re working with different definitions of “plan.” When you say plan, you seem to mean “goal” or “endgame” ie “What I want” (which of course goes right back to all the Lion primary business.) Like, you gave me a really coherent rundown of your objectives. You want to start a company doing a specific thing, eventually progress to giving out scholarships, etc.
But to my mind, that’s motive, and it’s different from the “planning” a Bird secondary likes to do. Bird secondaries like hoarding tools. They like steps. But you “execute by improvising.” “Go with whatever is in front of me.” You’re a very driven, very focused Improvisational secondary.
When I deal with people, the more I think, the worse I become.
… improvisational secondary
Yesterday, I had a big fight with my family. I exploded out, like really loud. But that was all a ruse.
Wait just one second. Are you a SNAKE secondary? Who likes to present as (or possibly even model) Lion secondary, Captain Kirk style?
Because I changed midway to being quiet and understanding which get me on top of the fight. On the inside, I felt neither angry nor happy. At that moment, I just … did it. I did not plan it. My temper just rose rapidly and then it dissipated when the moment came. And when the fight was finish, aside of adrenaline rush, I didn’t feel anything.
I think you’re a Snake secondary.
I’m not very comfortable with intentional deception. I’m a terrible liar when I tried to actively lie.
Yeah, see. “Actively lying” is a skill, it’s something you’ve got to prepare and plan for. It’s really more a Bird thing. What you do… probably doesn’t feel like lying.
But misleading or trickery are quite ok for me.
If some people want to think they are the top dog, let them. They will do all the work and I can just work on whatever I need without interference. It still bothers me sometimes when people think I’m omega dog but it’s fine, so long as I get what I want.
You’re not the Revolutionary, you’re the Robin Hood. Of course you are.
I’m normally very blunt and tactless. I have terrible temper that explodes quickly but I can just ignore it and perform too.
Some of this (who am I kidding, a lot of this) probably goes back to that semi-Exploded primary, but it’s also possible that you either model Lion secondary, and/or spend a lot of time in Neutral.
This might be unrelated but I’m often ignored and blend into the background, rather than apart from the crowd. One of my friends mentioned that while he knew how passionate I am about the cause ‘I’ve never seen to take any actions about your cause before’ until I went and made a speech in the mob. I am that unseen. I prefer working in the shadow, spinning webs and emerge into the light when no one can do anything about me anymore. Working so openly in the light feels odd for me.
… I think that’s the most Lion Snake thing I have *ever* read.
When I work in team, people tend to either love me (because quality of work is usually high) or hate me (because I can be really demanding.) When I work, I expect effectiveness and independence from my team. I don’t like micromanaging.
Another little hint that you’re an Idealist/Improvisational combo. You are the definition of a Big Picture person.
I give them the catch, and criteria. How they want to accomplish it is completely up to them.
Which is a really, really Improvisational way to work.
I believe there aren’t a correct way to do things. So long as the job gets done and all underlines met, it’s fine if you want to take short cuts.
It is … very long. So, I thank you for reading it to this paragraph. I genuinely really appreciate it. I really, really love this tumblr and I hope to learn more about SHC. It’s just sooo interesting and refreshing. Keep it up :)  Additional info: I’m ENFP 9w8 So/Sp
I think that the people who write in for sorting help fit into two general categories. There are people dealing with a Burning issue that masks their sorting… and there are people who are SO INCREDIBLY LOUDLY one sorting that they simply can’t see it. The way you can’t hear your own accent. Anyway, you very much belong in the second category.
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maskyartist · 3 years
*slams in* yall thought you saw the last of my headcanon rambles about specific characters but yall gonna see me today YALL GONNA SEE ME-
anyways Augustus Aquato headcanons for yall!! :D this is gonna be kinda all over the place cause, unlike my other rambles, Augustus has an actual story??? and isnt just kinda thrown into things as a 1 dimensional antagonist or background character? so its a lil disjointed but idk im here to ramble n vibe
Augustus time babeeeey
Tumblr media
- puttin it out there, this man is bisexual and u cant convince me otherwise like hes got the vibe anyways-
- before he and Donatella branched off together to make the Aquato Family Circus, he was definitely part of a bigger, more well funded production to keep things afloat for himself and his Nona. in my heart n soul, he used to also do animal taming. had a lion n tiger n they were both the sweetest damn things to him and he loved em both very much.
- Augustus is actually the YOUNGEST in his family, having two brothers before him. so in a weird way, he gets where Raz is coming from when it's revealed just how he feels.
- hes got hydrokinesis just like the rest of his family, of course, and im of the full belief in visualizes into the snakes that Maligula also had. a sign that while his powers are his own, he still hasnt forgotten what this power did to his country. what this power did to his family. its a trauma that'll never leave, but it gets easier to face it when he knows HES in control of the snakes, not some other force or person.
- alternatively, hes awful at pyrokinesis. this man nearly set his hair on fire once hes terrible at it. he tries very hard! hes able to do sparks or light small embers within his control! but once it starts to grow it gets worse.
- he gives up parts of his meals for his kids or his Nona. he also definitely eats last out of the family, gets his first bowl when others are gettin seconds, cause he likes making sure everyone has enough to eat for the night and for tomorrow.
- he still speaks Grulovian! shouldnt be that much of a shock this is here but he didnt just forget the language when he was brought to the states. he and Nona still talk in fluent Grulovian, and he definitely teaches it to his kids. its a bit of a learning curve for them, but its still something he does try to keep up with. it'd be a shame for the language to just kinda...die out yknow?
-THIS MAN LOVES HIS KIDS. i should NOT have to say this but some of yall need a reminder. Augustus isnt the perfect father, he never has been and never will be, but the fact is that he holds an undying love for his kids and thatll never EVER change.
- hes actually pretty smart but like...mostly with math n numbers n stuff like that. Donatella usually leaves the money counting to him since Augustus does quick math in his head like no ones business. numbers are surprisingly simple for him and he weirdly likes the counting? its easy stuff. this also means his kids will sometimes ask him random ass difficult math questions and he'll answer just flawlessly in record time. so far no question has bested him yet.
- but to backpeddle off that last one, anything besides numbers? yeah hes all heart no brain. cant do science thats not his thing, and he knows the bare basics for a few things but yeah his high knowledge points are train-related smarts, numbers, and acrobatics related.
- SPEAKIN OF TRAINS!! he's loved trains ever since he was a lil kid in Grulovia. he'd watch em exit the station with such childlike awe and wonder and that feeling never faded no matter HOW old he got. he doesnt really have the money for his model train hobby, but he managed to save one lil train from being destroyed. it needed repairs so he brought it to bed with him to poke n prod at it so hes still got that one, but other then that he kinda just enjoys trains from afar. he also knows so much about how they work? like so much. he could be an engineer if he didnt have the circus goin.
- hes a great singer. old love songs sung to his wife while swaying gently in the dead of night, gentle Grulovian lullabies when his kids cant sleep, SUPER old Grulovian songs his Nona taught him and they sing together sometimes. music is just an important thing to Augustus so he sings a lot.
- this man is the sewer. learned from Nona on how to do the patches. Dona COULD do it but Augustus usually spots the rip or tear first so he usually just starts lookin for fabric before Donatella can offer to do it herself. they dont MATCH sure but it adds character. plus he thinks its sweet when his kids go to him for fixing rips or tears or adding patches to their clothes.
- there is quite literally, NO place Augustus would rather be then where he is right now. he has a beautiful, smart wife, 5 wonderful, albeit dramatic and a lil bratty, kids, and his aunt even if their relationship is a bit...rocky right now. he wouldnt give up what he has for the world. he loves his family, he truly does, and he hopes now hes able to do them proud by being better then who he was before.
alright thats all i got rn, maybe another day i'll draft out my whole backstory idea for him cause i got thoughts but for now enjoy this Augustus content. or dont! idk all this is my opinion n thoughts. but i love Augustus so i got so many thoughts n feelings
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Final fantasy 7 prompts number 74
1. Zack rocketed out of the slide and strait into the nearby wall. All Angeal had to do was glance at the food tray lying next to his student to figure out what happened.
"Zack-!" He began, intending to chastise his protégé. But whatever he was about to say was lost when a blur of black and silver shot out of the slide. The next thing he knew, Sephiroth was staring cooly up at him from his position on the floor, his own tray abandoned a few feet away from them.
Zack started laughing
Aka Zack can convince anyone do do stupid shenanigans with him, not just Cloud
2. Zack and two other 3rds found a large pile of scales, laying curled up on the beach while out on a mission. They surround it and are preparing to pounce when the serpentine body unravels to show the torso of a man.
The three freak out a bit and ironically yell at the man to stay calm. The blond just blinks at them before rising up and up and...the man was the snake. Or was the snake a man? Either way, Zack ends up befriending him and bringing him home as a suprise birthday(?) present for the General. Seph needed a friend, and Spikey would be perfect!
In the meantime, Naga! Cloud lives as Zacks secret roommate
3. A were-chocobo is running around Shinra tower and Cloud is fed up with people assuming that it's him
4. Sephiroth accidently gets left alone with an infant and he panics for a while before excepting his fate
(Its funnier if its insane sephiroth)
5. A Sephiroth fan stalks time traveler Cloud, believing him to be a threat to their precious idol.
They find out something important and foil all of the blonds plans
6. Willingly walk into the lions den and let reunion take over. The implants will let you keep your rationality without alerting Sephiroth, mostly by creating feedback that makes the madman hear whatever he wants to hear. For all intents and purposes, you will appear to be his perfect puppet. Thats then you'll stab him in the back. Literally.
At least, that was the plan...until Sephiroth started hugging him and sobbbing. Then the silverette started talking about feelings and how neither of them would ever have to be lonely again. Cloud was honestly a little scared by this seemingly sudden mental breakdown and couldn't help but wonder what exactly Sephiroth was hallucinating from the feedback
7. Cloud cut through the fabric of spacetime, just barely managing to escape his silver haired stalker yet again. He didn't even have time to be relieved however, as a Cait Sith popped out from behind a nearby tree. "Oh, hey Cait." He greeted casually.
The robot didn't reply, choosing instead to stare at him in silence. Odd, considering "Cait Sith" was a chatterbox, even on a bad day and Reeve would never be so rude. "Reeve?" The blond asked, concerned.
The cat recoiled, as if startled by something before running off. "Huh." He made a mental note to ask Reeve about his Cait Siths when he got back to his home dimension.
A slight tremor made him pause. Looking to his left he found the source: a litteral stampede of Caits! And they were headed right for him!
He later learned this was a world where he was the villain instead of Sephiroth...after he was captured, of course
8. Cetra! Lorekeeper! Cloud laid his mother to rest after her sudden passing, but instead of taking over her duty as guardian of the sacred sights, he decided "Well, the planet is doomed anyway." And set out to walk in the footsteps of his ancestors.
He just wanted to see the world beyond the snow-covered pines and travel the old nomadic routes carved out by his kin. Kinda like a final lap, to say goodbye. Too bad there where so many people wanting to kidnap him...kinda puts a wrench in his plans.
Based loosely on the song Lullaby of the Moon by David Vitas. I like the twist at the end
9. Shinra and Wutai role reversal au
10. Au where Sephiroth didn't actually die in Nebilhiem. He came to inside the mako and swam away and contemplate his life decisions and decided to fake his death. (The events of OG, AC, etc remain unchanged)
He can't bring himself to actually cut his hair, so he dyes it and ties it back into a ponytail.
He lived through all of the tragedies, living life as a normal everyday worker...until a man with a crimson cloak walks into his life with the blond from his nightmares.
11. Sephiroth is terrible at cooking, despite following instructions to the letter.
Every year he makes these amazingly awful cookies. No one was brave enough to tell him that his food tastes like burnt mud, so he obliviously assumes that people are avoiding him out of fear. (He's kinda right.) So he hunts people down and gifts them to whomever he manages to catch, looming over them ominously with a blank expression until they eat.
This year, Zack gets caught.
12. Time traveler Cloud accidentally winds up mentally connecting with just about all of SOLDIER after his connection with the Sephiroth of his timeline is severed.
Instant regret. On the other hand, all the information flooding through his head is great for sabotage! :D
13. Time traveler Sephiroth and Genesis getting into arguments, which leads to Sephiroth telling Angeal about Gens recent (illegal) escapades.
Gen threatens to dye Sephs hair rainbow, and the silverette calls his bluff
Sephiroth is still wondering how Gen managed to do it...and so well too...
14. Time traveler Cloud au, buuuuut he somehow accidentally bodyswaps with Angeal.
Both are confused.
15. Veld slumped in his chair. The vice president was not making his life easy, that was for sure.
He glanced up to stare at the ceiling, only to find something unexpected there. An envelope was literally duct taped above his desk. How long has that been there?
Upon actually reading the letter inside, he quickly holsters his gun, grabbed a few extra rounds of ammo and walked out the door
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bitchiha · 4 years
The Hokages Office (Yamato x Reader)
A/N: this is dedicated to all my Yamato stans (esp uhhh-hatake and papashi) You’re both lovely and I think it’s about time i fed you, my fellow whores <3 I wrote it on and off for about like four days... and I think I did horny tree man some justice. Ending was a little rushed and it’s semi proofread :(
Warnings: this is like a fucking porno script okay bye like it’s all smut. Li te rally all of it. Like there’s maybe like 4 paragraphs that don’t include horniness so... yah. Public sex I guess?? Just look at the title.
Summary: Ever since Tenzou was assigned to team Kakashi, he has been dying to get you alone. However, it seems to be quite a difficult task when you’re always running away flusteredly, he is beginning to lose his patience.
— —
From the moment Tenzou was assigned to Team Kakashi, he could not stop thinking about you; Lady Hokages new assistant.
It was like your flustered face was burnt into the frontal cortex of his brain, numbing his self restraint with every shy smile you gave him. He could never manage to get you alone though, in fact all of your exchanges were just polite and short and in the presence of either Shizune or Tsunade. The hungry beast inside of him constantly lashed out for more. Lord help him, he needed more. But no matter how hard he tried, it seemed the universe refused to give him what he wanted and that beast was always left unsatisfied.
His patience was wearing incredibly thin. It’s been months since the two of you met and the amount of times he’s had to take care of himself because of you was borderline pathetic. He just couldn’t stop thinking about you. The way your skirt clung to your waist, or the way you’d look up at him through your long lashes with those adoring eyes...
His day at the office started with the usual boner. He had barely managed to last five minutes in the building before it happened.
The halls were completely empty, save for you rushing down the passageway — straight towards him. He stood there shocked, his feet felt like they were cement blocks holding him in place as he watched your preoccupied figure practically run straight for him at an alarming pace. There was a paper fisted tightly in your hand as you ran through the empty hall. It was probably some paper Tsunade had you go fetch, Shizune being to busy to do so herself. You didn’t seem to notice him in your state, you got so nervous over the littlest things. So much so that you were blinded by them and the inevitable fate was that you two were most definitely going to crash into eachother and all Yamato could do was wait with a twisted excitement.
You slammed into him with as loud thump. He could feel your breasts pushed right against his chest and your hair brush the bottom of his chin. A gasped slipped from your muffled lips, your face pressed to his chest. Once you realized you had knocked into another person, whose heart was beating 100 miles per hour, you peered up at them. When you recognized Yamatos face you managed to retract your body embarrassedly, but the damage was already done to Yamato’s now tightening pants. A look of surprise was set across his face as he processed the lingering feeling of your body against his, this had to be the most pathetic moment of his life and a record breaker for the worlds fastest boner.
But ss Yamato observer these past few months, your nerves bad blinded you and you didn’t seem to notice. “Y-Yamato! I’m so sorry!!” You said as you avoided eye contact, “I-I’m just.. I’m just a little behind with schedule and I can’t seem to find Shizune to give her this—“ you breathlessly babbled, he wasnt really focusing on any of the words you spoke though. The only thing he was thinking about was how he wanted to make you stutter out his name like that again, the sound was practically tattooing itself onto his brain.
As usual, before Yamato had the chance to respond, the two of you heard a sound from down the hall. He watched as your face perked up, like a puppy at the sound of a squeaky toy. You turned away from him, glad for an opportunity to escape, “That must be her!” And you were off again, shooting down the hall leaving Yamato to stare after your disappearing figure and to deal with an raging hard on..
And here he was now, about a half and hour later, alone in the Hokages office. The boner still prevelant, more than before as the thought of your body pressed against his was superglued to his brain. He was grateful that his pants were loose fitted and made it a little difficult to see, but he honestly didn’t put up much of an effort to hide it anymore. Lady Tsunade has already seen the imprint of his pants grow gradually bigger these past couple of months, there was no use in trying to hide it anymore. He debated if he should just go jack off in the bathroom, it wouldn’t matter if he was a little late, right? Afterall, Tsunade clearly didn’t care about her own tardiness.
The sound of someone’s footsteps approaching caused him to stop his internal debate. Instead, he listened carefully as he try to identify the owner of the sounds — was it Tsunade? No... They were too fragile to be Tsunades, she walked with much more authority.. Shizunes? Not likely. They were too light to be Shizunes, who’s steps were always frantically beating the ground as she chased the Hokage about. No.. These steps were definitely y/n’s and she seemed to be rushing straight for the office.
His heart rate sped up at the thought, straightening against the wall. Was it too good to be true? He silently prayed to see the shy girl appear as he watched the closed door intently. Desperately trying to manifest the sight. The footsteps got closer, and closer, and the door knob began to turn.
“—Lady Hokage!” You screeched breathlessly as you stumbled into the room, a huge stack of papers balanced in one hand as the other whipped the door open. Bingo.
He watched with surprised eyes as the poor assistant begin to nervously babble out an apology for her tardiness. It took a minute for you to collect yourself and realize there was no one to hear your apology. When you did, you let out a sigh of relief at the empty room, clearly failing to notice Yamato behind you. No wonder you were still an assistant in training.. your nerves were worse than Shizunes. He observed indulgently as muscles in your back untensed through your blouse and you sighed in relief, placing the stack of papers on the already cluttered desk. Your skirt rising up just the way he pictured when he thought about you in the late hours in the night, causing a scratching from the hungry beast inside the observing Shinobi.
You quickly thanked the empty room for the salvation of escaping Tsunades wrath, hanged wringing to together with relief. The little display caused Yamato to chuckle quietly, resulting in a startled yelp from the assistant. You stumbled backward, leaning your body against the desk, facing the Shinobi who had been behind you. He noticed how your legs trembled a little, like a baby deer and he couldn’t repress his excited smirk. This is just how he pictured this.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you, y/n.” He said with a sly smile as he straightened up and peeled his body off the wall.
“N-no thats okay!” You managed to yelp out, bowing respectfully to the ninja, your vision lowering with your movement, catching the tent in his pants. Your mouth fell open a little at the sight. You were bent in a bit of an awkward position, your legs were still shaking causing you to rely on your arms leaning on the desk for support. Nonetheless he appreciated the gesture and how you pretended not to see the obvious surprise in his pants as you straightened up again. You were always such a good girl, always so respectful, but he didnt fail to notice your lingering eyes.
Yamato chuckled again at your wandering gaze fueling this dream in his hesd. Yeah, he’s struck gold, that’s for sure. The sight of you all flustered like this, all because of him, it caused another stirring in his pants and a boost to his confidence.
“Do you you know what you do to me, y/n?” He asked in a falsely nonchalant tone. His body carrying him towards the desk, not before making sure to lock the office door.
“What do you mean, Y-Yamato?” You nervously sputtered out, dodging his question as he came closer, like a lion approaching it’s prey. He couldn’t waste anymore time. This whole thing was a sign. It was a damn sign from the universe. Having you here, in this room that he’s fantisized about taking you in so many times, it was a gift. Afterall his waiting, he was finally getting rewarded and had zero intention to take this opportunity for granted.
“Not gonna answer?” he finally reached you, body towering over yours, repeating those same words he thought about saying to you before. Both his arms coming down on the desk, caging your body between them as he whispered, “I guess I’m just going to have to show you then.”
He watched your parted mouth with vigour, waiting for a protest or a sign of objection, but nothing came. Instead he watched the slick of saliva coating your tongue as your open mouth stuttered, attempting to say something, but only mindless splutters coming out. It took everything in him to prevent himself from just devouring you right then and there.
You stared at him with a doe eyed look, his clouded eyes meeting yours to pool into your irises. His bold advances were new to you, you’d never had someone do this to you before. But you werent complaining, you’d always wanted this — wanted him.. but you could never tell him and to see him so eager and hungry for something — for you — had done a wonderful job on soaking your panties.
Your shaking legs were pushed apart by Yamato’s knee, taking the look in your eyes as a sign of permission. You felt your legs giving out as your arms struggled to hold you up. Luckily his hands snaked around your waist and hoisted you up onto the desk. He drank up this innocent little way that you acted and he wanted nothing more than to have your legs shaking under him for an entirely different reason.
You felt your ass pushing the stack of papers you placed down previously, making room for you on the cold wooden table. There was a sound of brief swooshes, papers slipping to the floor as your mouth fell open a little more.
Before you had the chance to manage some some sort of comment about the papers in your shaky little voice, he leaned his head closer to yours and you instantly making you stop your thoughts in their track. You felt his hot breath against your mouth. You tried to say something you really did, but the only thing that came out was a whimper. He chuckled again, his lips brushing against yours as he did so. You wanted this just as bad, didn’t you? Then he wouldn’t want to make his little angel wait. Without further notice, he pressed his lips to yours.
He was much better than you at the kissing part, probably because he dreamed about this on a daily. His tongue swiped over yours eagerly, the sensation made you moan giving him better access to your mouth. Sliding right in, his tongue swirled around yours almost immediately. You immediately gave him dominance, causing him to groan into your mouth with satisfaction. He savoured how you let him drink you in, his fingers roaming about your body as he did so. They started at your waist, one coming down to your thigh while the other moved up to your chest.
After he couldn’t continue without suffocating, he pulled away. A string of salvia connected your mouths together and he brought a hand to his lip to break its connection, watching it fall back against your chin. You were too lost in what had just happened to bother wiping it away, allowing Yamato to mentally take a picture of the sight. He pressed your ass towards the edge closer to him, allowing your core to collide with his bulge. You let out a gasp, hands gripping onto his shoulders for support.
“See what you do to me? Do you know how long I’ve wanted this? You wanna know what I do when I go home everyday after seeing you in these little skirts?” His eyes never leaving yours as he spoke, the look in his eyes was borderline animalistic. “I stroke my dick to the thought of fucking you on this desk.”
Your response was just a jerking of your hips towards his own, what he was implying was too much for you. It was an involuntary action, but you were glad your body had done something other than just stare at him. “I— Y-Yamato... I didn’t know that.”
He scoffed, but it was more of an “of course you wouldn’t know” kind of sound. His hands travelling up your blouse and beginning to undo the buttons one by one. “How could you know? I can never get the chance to tell you how I feel because someone’s always barging in. So let me show you then, let me show you exactly how you make me feel.”
As his actions process, your reaction a little delayed due to all the cloudiness in your head. Your mind was swimming in the heat of his words. Once you managed some coherent thoughts, your hand flew up to his, pausing his work on your shirt. “Wait! W-What if Lady Tsunade hears? What if she comes back? Yamato.. I.. we can’t..” despite your hand atop of his, he swatted it off and resumed unbuttoning your blouse with a snicker.
“Then I guess she can watch, you’ve tortured me for months y/n. There’s no way I’m stopping now. Not when I’ve finally got you to myself.” And the truth is that you didn’t want him to stop either. You’ve wanted him just as much as he was wanted you, your desperation allowing you to stop your worries and let Yamato continue.
He stopped with the buttons once they were about two thirds undone, open enough that he could get a perfect view of your chest. Shoving the blouse down your shoulders, he gave himself a more clear view of your bra and your collarbones. The bra was a simple lace white fabric and he could see your erect nipples peaking out, causing him to practically drool. They’re even prettier than he imagined. He shoved your bra straps downwards, pulling the fabric covering your flesh with it, giving him full access to your now unclothed breasts.
He immediately dipped his head down to kiss and lick the flesh, his brain recording all of your sounds of pleasure. Your arms tightened around the back of his neck, little panting moans escaping your lips at this new feeling. Then he began to suck at one of the buds, his tongue eagerly swirling around it, the gasp that left hear your mouth fueled his assault further. He could your noises becoming muffled, you had bitten your lip to stop yourself from being so loud. He pulled away with a pop to look up at you, “You’re so responsive. So loud for me. I bet you want this just as much as I do, huh?” He could practically feel the heat radiating of your face, you looked like you were going to burst. So much so that you only managed to squeak out a yes.
“Huh? I can’t hear you, y/n. You weren’t that quiet a second ago,” god he was enjoying this, “I guess I’ll just have to find out for myself then.” Those words puzzled you, unsure of what he meant for a moment — but as you felt his hands travel down to your skirt you knew exactly what he intended to do.
His hand bunched up the fabric of your skirt, holding it up to allow him to view of your white panties, matching your bra. He couldn’t help but groan at the sight. “Wow, sweetheart. Were you wearing these in hopes that I’d see them?” He crouched down infront of your legs, one hand still bunching the skirt up while the over came down to stroke your clothed core. “You’re a little angel.”
Shocks of pleasure shot through you as he continued to stroke your clothed pussy. Causing you to grip the edge of the desk. The sensation only became stronger as he pushed your panties aside, dipping a digit slowly into your already soaked core. Yamato let out a sound of approval at just how ready you were for him. “See? I knew you wanted this just as bad as me, y/n.”
You wanted to say something, talk to him the way he was talking to you, but you were such a flushing mess. Finally, after you adjusted a little to his fingers and the pace, you managed to say something through your panting moans. “Yamato please... I want to make you f-feel good too.”
Those words caused his pace to falter for a second, he looked up at you with a satisfied smile before his pace completely stopped. His fingers laying still agaisnt your plush walls while his thumb pressed against your throbbing clit. “You want me to feel good too? Oh what a good girl you are. But don’t worry, I’ll feel good soon too. I Just want to make sure you’re ready for me first.”
His eyes returned to your wet core, watching as his fingers pushed in and out of you. He didn’t know when he would get this opportunity again, so he needed to cherish all the future jack off material he could get. You squeaked when he entered his second finger into your core and he moaned lowly as he watched your pussy struggle to take two of his digits. “God you’re so tight, how’re you gonna take my cock?”
“I’ll take it! I promise I can handle it!” You managed to respond as your eyes squeezed shut. Being the shy girl you were you didn’t have much sexual experiences prior to this, but that didn’t mean you didnt have fantasies and right now Yamato was doing a good job at fulfilling them.
“Such a determined girl, so good for me.” He grinned at your responsiveness as his thumb circled your clit, eyes trained on your pussy. He felt you begin to clench around him and he looked up to watch your face build up with the anticipation of a little death.
“Not yet, sweetheart. You’re gonna cum on my cock like good girls do, okay?” You nodded furiously as you began to hold back your impending orgasm. Just when he knew it was too much and you were going to spill over the edge, he stopped, retracing his fingers completely and standing up.
You hated how empty you felt as they retracted, but you knew what was coming next was going to be even better. As Yamato began to fiddle with his pants you took the opportunity to press a kiss to his lips. The gesture was surprising knowing how shy you were, but the kiss was so soft and sweet he forgot about undoing his pants and let his hands roam your body. His hands came up to palm your breasts, causing you to gasp into the kiss. That innocent noise making him lose his restraint again, shoving his tongue into your mouth. He dragged it along your gums, your teeth and then swirled it around your own muscule, it seemed as though he was trying to memorize every ridge and crevice you had.
You pulled away to gasp for some air, and he took a moment to look at your dishevelled appearance. Blouse tugged down, hanging onto your shoulders as your breasts peaked out courtesy of him shoving the fabric down earlier. “I’m gonna fuck you know y/n. And I want to do it with you bent over this desk.” He stepped back, giving you enough space to comply with his wishes. You nodded obediently, eager to please him. Standing once again on your shaking bambi legs, you turned around.
Your wetness was practically slipping down your legs as Yamato hiked up your skirt and pulled your panties down. He bent down to lick a small dribble of your slick that had began to slide down your thigh, his sudden desire to taste you taking over him as he licked further up towards your heat, savouring every taste his buds could collect. Greedily he starting to lap at your soaking core, faster and faster his restraint failing him miserably as those heavenly sighs left your lips.
There was just so many things he wanted to do to you. He wanted to do every fuckable thing to your pretty body, but he simply didn’t have the time. Reluctantly pulling away his tongue — a whine escaping your lips as he did so — he stood back up again. “You’re making me get carried away here, y/n.” He scolded teasingly before straightening himself up and fussing with unzipping his pants.
You were practically shaking with excitement as you heart the sound of the zipper giving way and the gentle whisp as the fabric falling to his knees. Listening intently to the sound of his boxers slipping down his thighs next, you let out an excited noise feeling his cock slap against your ass.
“So excited aren’t you? So eager for my cock. Gosh, I bet your play with yourself at night to the thought of me having my way with you.” He slides in unexpectedly as he finishes his thought, causing your hands so slip against the table. You lose your balance, arms stretching against the desk, back arching allowing even more of his dick to sink deeper into your tight pussy.
“Gosh you fit just right.” He groaned, letting himself completely sink inside you, the sight of your new position made his mouth water. Your tits were pressed against the desk as you arms splayed you out infront of him. His cock twitched at the sight, he didn’t want to cum too fast, but this was just too much.
He began with slow eager strokes, absolutely drunk on the noises you were making and just how warm and welcoming your pussy was for him. You moaned loudly at the feeling of him stretching you out like this.
Suddenly, he became very curious about something. He picked up the speed of his thrusts, the angle of this position giving him wonderful access to your sweet spot and he made sure to hit it every stroke. “What do you use when you think about me?” You a manged so slide your head against the table to look at him, cheek burning as you did so. There was a little bit of saliva that was beginning to pool out of mouth and when Yamato saw your sinful face he only became more violent in his pace and that only made you make even more sinful faces.
“What do you fuck yourself with when you think about me?” He repeated again, adding a much more aggressive thrust to the end of his sentence, showing he wanted you to answer it. The thrust caused your tits to drag further on the desk making a squeaking sound, only to be retracted once again as Yamato dragged your ass back onto his cock.
How could he expect you to respond when he was practically making you see stars? “I..” you said some incoherent words and Yamato slowed his pace down just enough for you to get your head back on.
“Come on sweetheart, I need to hear you say it. Tell me, tell Yamato.” When you still couldn’t answer his pace practically stopped. He made the slowest thrusts possible, each one managing to hit that heavenly spot inside you.
It’s like he was making it difficult on purpose. “F-fingers! I use my fingers.” You managed to finally stutter out, tears sprinting against your eyes.
That answer must have satisfied him a little because his pace began to quicken somewhat. “And what do you think about when your fingers are fucking your cunt? What do you think of me doing to you?”
“This!” You didn’t even have to think about the answer. This was exactly what you would think of, what you would daydream of as he stood on the office reporting to lady Tsunade..
Now that answer was definitely the right one and before you knew it he was pushing into you again at a rapid pace. “Ngh, that’s right. I knew your mind was wandering everytime we‘re in the same room. Your much dirtier than you’ve lead on, such a naughty girl.”
You couldn’t respond, the only sounds you managed to make were moans of pleasure as you felt yourself clenching more and more around his cock. “Oh you’re gonna cum now aren’t you? All over my dick, just like in your dreams.” His words fueling your orgasm as he felt you spasm around, him cumming all over his dick. He watched as your cum seeped out a little between his thrusts. Studying your face he memor the way it was pressed into the desk, your mouth open and your tongue peeking out, a thin film of drool puddled around your quivering mouth as he continued to fuck you through your high.
After a few more thrusts Yamato knew he couldn’t hold back his orgasm anymore. Your numb brain could somewhat piece it together too as you felt his cock twitching inside you. You’d both thought about this moment many times before and the one thought that always set you over the edge the fastest was when he let himself spill inside you.
“Yamato,” you mumbled hazily as you seen his own contemplation through foggy eyes. His pace was getting sloppy. “Can you cum inside me, p-please?”
As soon as he processed what you asked him, he came right into your sore little cunt. It took a surprising amount of strength for the shinobi to keep standing upright and holding your hips to his own at the pure bliss of his high. Holy fuck, that was so much better than anything he’d imagined.
The two of you stayed silent for a few minutes, trying to collect yourselves. As he began to pull his dick out of you the mixture of both your orgasms dripped out from your legs. He turned you around so you were laying on your back as he gingerly cleaned you up, lacking the resources to clean you up properly he settled on the tissues on Tsunades desk. Then he moved to pick up the fallen papers, letting you lay on the desk like a little doll until you were finally back from your high.
You were so fucked out that he had to help pull your panties back up for you, as well as adjust your bra and rebutton your blouse after he finished with the stack of papers.
Had he been too rough? You seemed like you were enjoying it when he was ramming into you, maybe he let himself indulge a little too much...
Your sweet little voice broke him out of his thoughts, “Yamato, would you help me go home please?” He watched your trembling little legs as you tried to stand, he was glad his wish from earlier had come true; your legs were wobbling for a different reason now.
“Of course, y/n. You were such a good girl, you did so well.” He pressed a kiss to your lips before wrapping in arm around your waist and guiding you out of the room. “What’re you gonna tell Tsunade now that you’re leaving early?”
You smirked to yourself, Yamato not noticing as he unlocked the Hokages door with his free hand. “We won’t have to worry about that.” Unbeknownst to the man holding you, you had grown impatient with your lack of alone time with Yamato too.
So lady Tsunades absence and everyone else’s for that matter, well.. that wasn’t some gift from the universe, it was an elaborate plan you had made yourself. You’d kept them all busy so you could finally have some time with Yamato. Turns out you were so much naughtier than anyone at the office could have thought thought.
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(Open Rp)  Summer, Romance, Science fiction Au, And Drama in " Creation Of the Soulmate"
Ever Since Kicked Ron out of her House and her Life Because of His Vile Betrayals and His Vulgary behavior, Whats worse.. is the Murder of her Unborns. She want Nothing To do with him Nor His Vileness.. So She Decided to Move to the Other Country and Places Where she can Forget all about Ron, His cruelty, And Her Dark age of her Broken heart. She Kept telling herself," You deserve better than this, You Don't Need Him, You Don't Need anyone that Would Break you, You Don't let anyone Break your down and destroy your Dreams and your Hope and even your heart..You Did the Right thing Saphira, You Do whats The Best of  Yourself and Your beloved Children.." And you know what, She's always about herself..So As Many Years had passed..She was alone, watching Movies and eating ice cream and talking to her beautiful cats, When Her heart was telling her that, "Thats It..your alone for the rest of Immortal Life...what are you going to do?"..Saphira realized that she is alone and she needs to find a wonderful man of her life.. but She was afraid to be heartbroken again... But She Works as a Scientist after all since she moved in and start fresh.. She began to head to the lab and try to create a Person but with a Dna Of the Animals.. But She has to be More Careful What She chose a right animals... She can imagine Of the man.. with a tail of the Snake like a naga..or a Horse of the centaur.. but.. Nothing to chose.. until... She decided to use the Potion that "Can" give the Dream man the Ability to Shapeshift, So She decided to use the Fish, Snake, horse, Jaguar, Tigers, Lions, Birds, Elephant as well and even The wolf Dna. She combine it along with the potions, But One thing that was missing.. but she shrugged and began to make it.. as it turns into a Slime creature in the Prostetic womb as she sighs..
Saphira: Great... Another Failure... I Would've Named him (muse name here) *Sighs*...I guess.. I had to.... Cancel the Reservation and head back to my Home...alone..*lower head and left*
After She left, She saw the Handsome Scientist guy as her face turns pink.. But then She Snapped out of it and sighs..Saying to herself ," no no.. I'm not Worthy for love...No one is worthy for love.." Saphira head home While the handsome scientist saw something moving in the prostetic Womb as he sticks his hand inside and then suddenly.. it grabbed him and bit him like a vampire bat.. as it ooze out completely and Forms a handsome and sweet version of the science guy and sees Saphira left home..and he has a sweetest idea..and he began Shape into a Sweet Beautiful Red Face finch and began to flew over to her home.. Inside of her home where saphira was sitting on the couch eating ice cream and then suddenly She hears the tapping from the window and saw a cute red face finch bought beautiful flowers as she gasp. "Oh my, its lovely.. thank you little finch~" She said with her sweet words and smiles.. but faded.. but then the Finch began to flew off and got her a beautiful cherry blossom branch as she blushed and smiles "aww thank you so much." She said as the Finch chirped and began to head to the bush and suddenly.. she hears the groan..and she saw...
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painted-crow · 4 years
I haven't been on tumblr in a hot century so it feels a little weird to be writing a submission to you... but I just bingeread most of this blog and your way of explaining the shc system is so gloriously comprehensible that I really want to pour my brain out at your feet and have you explain the bits to me.
I hope life is treating you well and thank you for the awesome blog you run. The way you describe things and the way you help people sort themselves is clear and clever and so very kind of you to do, and that's what I appreciates about you. :)
(This was a chunk of a submission from someone who ended up sending in a second version that I answered in depth, but the fan mail portion from this first version was so sweet that it seems mean to just delete it. So here it is, as a #cutie post. 😊)
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thenightau · 4 years
((TW: Generalized gore, vomit))
The deity sighed within its castle of destruction. The walls were rotting and covered with vines and moss and mold. In the distance was screams of those who hadn’t lived such peaceful lives. The wind picked up the scent of blood, rot, and desestation. It lounged in a chair made of human bones, legs thrown over the arm of the chair, and its blue hair falling behind them as they stared up at the ceiling. 
“Uuugggh. Im bored.” It muttered, turning onto its stomach and puffing its cheeks out in a pout. “I should check on that SMP. I wonder what they’re up t-”
“Your dastardly-ness!” Came a small, squeaky voice of a man. And it turned its head. The man was mortal, a spirt enslaved in this hellish place. “Words come in from Builder. He needs your help-”
“What?” It asked, sitting up with a wide grin. “You’re telling me. Alexios. Needs my help?” It leaned forward, and the mortal coward back at the gleam in its eyes. 
“Yes Endanger.” He said, “Builder wrote that he needed your help containing Night before-”
“Oh.” It deflated, relaxing back in its chair. “Bo-ring. Go get him to have Protector fight his battles.” It waved its had dismissively. 
“But your dastardly-ness. Protector… can’t.”
“...What?” It asked, eyes narrowing in on the mortal like a lion’s on its prey. 
“Protector… is dead. Night killed her.”
“HE WHAT?!” 
The mortal coward under the shaking roar that was Endanger’s voice. Endanger stood, extending it’s hand as a battle axe, caked red with blood, flew into its hand. It stormed towards the door as the human stammered to explain. But Endanger didn’t hear an ounce of it. It slammed the door shut, yelling behind it to make sure nothing got better in its absence. 
Builder paced within the night, pulling his hair as most of the hermits slept. Save for Xisuma, who was watching over Grian and Wels like a hawk. He stared uselessly at a large map plastered to the wall, his brain trying to come up with something, anything that might help him defeat his sibling. But no matter what thought crossed his mind, it was always met with;
‘Protector wouldn’t think thats a smart idea.’ 
‘Protector wouldn’t like that.’
The thoughts made him want to scream out of frustration. He kicked at the wall holding the map, watching as the item frames crumbled to the ground. He let out a slow sigh, leaning down to gather the papers and put them back up before anyone saw his stress induced anger. 
No. He had to stay calm. Collected. For the sake of his son. 
He heard a loud, shrill battle cry. One that came from the heavens and made the hermits jolt to attention. Builder looked up, seeing a blur of blue in the sky before it landed in a ball of smoke. 
Endanger as joined the server
“Endanger! You came! Oh thank void-” Builder smiled, but that smile faltered as the war god stood slowly, skin still steaming. 
“Oh-” muttered Cub
“My-” gulped Bdubs, sweating nervously. 
“Void.” Xisuma cured, eyes wide at the god in front of them. 
Endanger was tall, as was the rest of them. With longer blue hair parted heavily to the left with the right side shaven. In its hands held a battle axe, one still oozing with blood. Covering its chest was a pale dark purple colored chest plate, wearing skin tight clothing underneath it that was tan in nature. 
But that wasn’t what horrified the hermits, no. 
It was the multiple gashes on the deity. The burned, charred hands and feet. Its face was horridly mauled, and Xisuma briefly wondered how the hell that thing saw anything. It was glaring heavily, but not towards the hermits. 
Its anger was directed at Builder. 
“L-Listen, Endanger-” Builder stuttered, waving his hands around and taking a step back from the clearly angry god. 
“You mean to tell me. I had to find out. My sister was dead. From a servent?” The god, known to mortals as Endanger, or the god of brutal war, snarled, its axe pointed at Builder. 
“I’m sorry! I was just busy with trying to get the other hermits back and-”
“Wait wait wait. Hermits?” Endanger looked at the mortals, who all inched back at its gaze. Its eyes locked onto Iskall’s, who was still mostly in his own daze and not paying attention. “You.” It pointed to the other, “You’re Iskall, right?” It asked, and Iskall looked over, nodding a little. 
“Yes. Why?”
“You’re Doc’s friend. Right?”
“I mean we’re all friends-?” Iskall looked at Builder, confused by this gods questions. 
“Then where is he? I don’t see him in your ranks.” Endanger asked once more. Iskall paused, afraid to tell this deity the truth. “Answer me.” 
“Hes… with Night.” Iskall said, eyes glued to the axe in the others hand. Endanger went quiet at that. It seemed to ponder something, only for a few mere moments before it’s angered expression turned into a large grin. 
“Well then. Lets go get my disciple back.”
Xisuma was crouched beside the god, and had to breath through his mouth as to not smell the heavy scent of rotting flesh that came with it. Endanger was grinning, completely hidden by the brush of the jungle. Nearby was Iskall’s half burned Omega tree, the start of Grian’s mansion, and the start of Mumbo’s…. Mega base? 
He slowly looked at the god, whose eyes were narrowed in front of it, peering through the bushes and looking about ready to pounce. Its clawed and charred fingers were curled tight around its battle axe’s handle, the sharp blade shining in the dim light. Endanger glanced down at him, only flicking its eyes over at him. 
“Do you want to know how to scare a god shitless?” It asked. 
Endangers voice was… odd. To say the least. It sounded like at least two people talking at once, it sounded sharp and cold, hissing like a snake. And yet it sounded joyful and mischievous. 
“Uh… Sure?” Xisuma asked more than said, but Endanger nodded anyways. They only waited a few more minutes in the jungles humidity, before Endanger’s body tensed, clawed feet digging into the ground as it got ready to pounce. 
“Follow my lead.” 
Was all Endanger said before an ear splitting war cry left its lips, well. It seemed like a war cry. To anyone else it sounded like a banshee screech. It leaped out from the bushes, catching Night fully off guard as it slammed its battle axe into the ground, Night barely missing. 
“SHIT-!” Night hissed, Beside them was Doc and Stress. Well… Doc and Princess. 
Xisuma rushed forward, and used his sword to try and knock Doc down, but was simply met with a sword rivaling his own. 
Endanger laughed, pulling its axe from the ground as its milky white eyes bore into Night’s through the mask. “Did you really think I wouldn’t show?” It taunted, swinging its axe brutally fast. It heard a yelp as Princess ducked down to dodge the swing, creating wither roses to hopefully still the god. The blackened thorns tore into Endangers skin, infecting the god with the withering effect. 
But it did nothing. Endanger ripped the vines from it, lunging once more for Night. The other drew their sword, barely blocking the axe in time. 
“I was counting on it actually. Just wanted to get to you first.” Night grunted, sending a punch to the other god, even if just to make them back away. Their fist collided with Endanger’s nose, and a loud crack followed by blood flow indicated they broke its nose. 
Endanger stumbled back, before glancing over to Princess, who had instead focused on trying to subdue Xisuma. It grinned lowly. 
“You hurt my disciple. You killed my sister. And you think I’d join you?” Endanger asked, its axe hooking around Princess’s waist and drawing her close. 
“Fuck. No.” 
Princess drove its clawed hand through Princess’s chest, the mortal gagging on her own blood as she shakily looked up at Night, fear flashing through her face before Endanger ripped out the mortals heart. Princess’s body collapsed onto the floor, before it vanished. 
Stressmonster101 was mauled by Endanger 
Endanger grinned at the look of horror Night was inevitably giving it. Endanger tilted its head back, mouth opening at it raising the still beating heart above its mouth. Its long tongue wrapped around the organ. Before swallowing it whole. 
“Thanks for the snack, Night. Now. HOW ABOUT THE MAIN COURSE?!” Endanger’s axe drove into Night’s arm, nearly cutting the limb in two. Night just straight up fled with their wound, vanishing into the dark of the jungle. Endanger laughed, blood dripping from its hand as it turned to face Xisuma and Experiment. 
Xisuma had ran into the jungle a small ways, vomiting onto the ground. Experiment stood in horror as the deity came closer. It rested its bloodied hands on his shoulders, falling to its knees. 
“Doc? Can you hear me?” It asked, and Experiment dared to growl at it. 
“I am not Doc.” It said, and Endanger laughed. 
“Always so feisty.” It sighed, before lifting Doc onto its shoulder. “Well. I have what I want. Hey wimp! Come on! Lets go back to the other wimps! Wait till they hear bout this!”
Xisuma groaned, slowly standing on shaking legs as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand. 
“How about we don’t horrify the others to the point of throwing up?”
AAAAnnnd!!! I’m back and able to post one shots on this account again!! :DD 
Happy New years everyone! Take this as my present to you all! ~Ollie
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yellowninjaleopard · 4 years
Autumn winds chapter fourteen: fighting fire with freedom
Autumn and the others looked above them as they walked through the path towards the castle, multi-coloured lights flew above them, speeding from the direction of their destination, suddenly, the lights sped towards them and each light tackled them, one by one, Sending bandy, irro, Jodie, katt and penny falling back. Autumn saw this as well as frisk. [*Guys! Are you ok? Get up!] They seemed to be unconscious, "autumn, what do we do?" Autumn paused for a bit before speaking [*we have to continue. We can't leave them here, cmon! Help me carry them.] autumn lifted bandy into her arms and carried katt on her back, frisk lifted penny onto her back and carried irro in her arms, nona and wimsum carried Jodie, they continued onwards, as they approached the dreamurrs home, they came across an elevator. [*Alright, let's go.] As they got in, they braced for any monsters to greet them suddenly, however, it never happened, and so, they entered and pushed the button. Autumn turned to frisk. [*Yknow...its..Ok if you have other friends here. I wouldn't restrict you from making friends just because I'm gone. I just thought you should know that] frisk turned to autumn with hesitant eyes, but spoke. "I...I did trade lunches with one kid at school. And we're friends, i...I was afraid to tell you." Autumn snorted. [*Frisk cmon! Your acting like i would kill the kid, I'm not a yandere yknow!] The elevator came to a stop, frisk, autumn and Nona stepped off of the elevator and continued down the stone hallway towards the dreemurrs home. "Mana, where's the guards?" Said Nona, looking up at the older kids for reassurance. Autumn shrugged. [*Guess they have no enemies.] Frisk muttered "must be nice". As they rounded the corner they finally reached the dreemurrs home. [*This is it, don't get scared guys.] Autumn put her ear against the door, when no sound was located behind it, she contemplated how to open the door. Frisk and autumn looked at eachother with blank faces in realisation, they had no free hands. Autumn looked at frisk again [*what's the odds of using your mouth?] Frisk looked at the door handle and back at autumn, then both began to count [*three, two, one, FIVE!"] frisk huffed in defeat and walked up to the door, she clenched her teeth around the door handle and pulled it down until it swung open with little resistance, frisk then used her foot to gently push the door until it was wide open enough for them to go in, again, no guards. Frisk spat out the taste of the metal door handle onto the floor, Nona gagged at the site of saliva on the ground. "Ew that's gross Frisky!" Frisk shuddered. "Tastes like dirty pennies." Frisk then looked into the dark house before stepping inside, autumn used her leg to close the door behind them, frisk walked slowly along with autumn and Nona, autumn used her foot to feel around for the stairs, eventually she found them and started to descend down. [*They said the barrier was in the basement, not much father now.] Frisk nodded and followed.
As they reach the base of the stairs, they are met with a long hallway that leads to a turn, as they walked, they could see a long balcony that peared over the city as it lit up the night, "pretty.." Nona mutters in awe, as they continued, the balcony ended with an elevator on the left and a door back into the castle on the right, [*we should come back to the elevator if the barrier isn't down the path] Frisk nodded and walked forward, pushing the door open and entering, inside was a beautiful sight. An arched ceiling surrounded by marble pillars along a lengthy hallway, the light shining through the stained glass windows bathed the room in a glowing yellow ambience, a cathedral.
[*Woah, this is like a church.] Autumn and the others walked forward, her sneakers tapping against the smooth floor, "i wish we all could've fallen together... Yknow, me, you and the other kids, maybe this adventure could've been different..." Said frisk, seeming troubled. Autumn looked at frisk with a solumn expression before putting bandy and katt down [*don't worry about this place, besides, chara ain't gonna stop unless we make him, so let's get back home. And change the world!] Frisk looks at autumn with wonder "Change the world?" Autumn laughs, frisk puts Jodie and penny down and looked at her "your right, i will not submit to him, although the surface has bad memories, it's still the only place left for me, besides, i have you guys!" Frisk smiled [*that's the spirit!] As they stood halfway through the hallway, there was a sudden rumble that scattered the dust above, frisk and autumn looked around [*what was that?] The rumbling of the corridor seemed to awake the others as bandy stirred and sat up. As did the others "w...What's going on? What's that noise?" Said bandy as he stood. [*Guys, i think something is about to go down.]
Jodie held katts hand as they stood, katt looked at her confused by her action, Jodie saw this and shrugged "it uh...Just felt natural." Said Jodie , a light pink dust spreading across her face. "Guys, i think we need to run" said frisk, but to where they were to run was unknown, suddenly, the vibrations of the room had sent them to fall on their behind and all fours, the group huddled together to form an alliance of protection against whatever was coming, suddenly, the door to the cathedral was caved in and scattered across the room with a thick cloud of dust, autumn sheilded the children by turning her back to the debris, gaining a hit on the back with a medium sized rock [*ah!] Autumn turned around to face the culprit of the destruction but was met with a horrific sight, the Culprit was a goat like creature that resembled asriel or so autumn thought, its fur was now a darker shade of white with a blood red fade, it's tail long and whipping back and forth resembling a lions tail, it's legs and feet were now replaced with goats hooves and it's knees were bent backwards, the creatures face contained four black eyes thats pupils were slit and red, like a snake. It had long, oak brown hair draping from its face and covering its eyes, its mouth gaped open displaying two rows of sharp and blunted teeth-HUMAN TEETH. It's long, lanky arms hung loosely at its sides, its neck twisted and searched the room until it's eyes finally landed apon the children, though its head was littered with brown hair and sharp lengthy horns, it's nose flared and exhaled smoke.
Autumn and the others stood and looked at the creature in horror, bandy held onto autumns hand for dear life and reassurance that this wasn't real. "Asriel?" Frisk uttered. Penny chimed in "that isn't asriel. Chara must've successfully bonded their souls together, what we're seeing is a combination of human and monster, i forgot its name but some say it's similar to a wendigo." Said penny, in a frightened yet matter-of-fact tone. Autumn looked at frisk who was clutching their hands and begging for the world to move backwards and drag them to safety, sadly, Nothing happened.
"guys, we..We need to go. We can't let that thing near us." Katt whispered in horror. Autumn shook frisks shoulder gently [*buddy, katts right, we need to go, like now.] Suddenly, the beast spoke again, this time, with more control over it's vocabulary skills.
"what great delight.....To KILL you all, once more..."
It was then reality finally reached the group, This was real.
"RUN!!!!" Shouted frisk as she darted towards the door at the end of the hallway. Autumn was in front of her, suddenly, a strong force pushed frisk into autumn at high speed, sending them tumbling across the room, autumn skid against the ground holding frisk in her arms until finally their misery ceased, autumn looked down at frisk, frantically checking their face, before helping her up and darting towards the exit with the others, the group bolted through the exit, suddenly they hear a scream, it was Nona. Autumn ran behind and picked her up for she had tripped and was directly under the beasts gaze, autumn ran to her aid and carried her towards the others, the ceiling began to collapse from the beasts force and trapped them behind a stone wall of debris, autumn held Nona close, before pulling away and smiling at her. [*Its ok, the monster can't hurt us.] Frisk then tried to get up, but was pulled back by her clothes, or so she thought, she turned her head​ to look at the damage, only to discover her leg was trapped under a chunk of marble the size and weight of a refrigerator, frisk screamed and kicked at the marble as delayed pain shot Through her body, autumn saw this and frantically got up and rushed to frisk [*holy crud! Guys help me push this off of her!] Autumn began to push the chunk of rock, the others helped and pushed together, with enough force, frisk was finally free from the large stone, she retracted her leg immediately and clutched her boot covered ankle as tears flooded down her face, autumn rushed to her side "holy crap! Her leg is broken!" Exclaimed bandy in shock, autumn hugged frisk as she breathed deep and ragged in pain, katt spoke up "we have to get her to a hospital!" Jodie corrected her statement "we have to escape first."
"are you still alive, humans?" The monsters voice rumbled the halls "my deepest apologies, i am still getting accustomed to this new body." Their voice was laced with malice and deceate, yet also, a bit coy, they were having fun with this..
Irro suddenly yelled to the other side "SHUT UP YOU HELLSPAWNED CREEP!" the others looked at him in shock, irro looked at them with a confused look "what? We're underground, so Our parent's will never know if we swear, right?" Autumn opened her mouth to argue but paused in Thought. [*No, we won't stoop to their level, we are kids. Irro, we're still kids, let's keep going.] The children got up and ventured through the hallways before reaching a bright light, they heard the feint sound of birds behind the barrier. Frisk rushed to go through but was pushed back, autumn helped frisk up. [*Maybe we have to go at the same time.] The others thought, then held eachothers hands and looked at the barrier, their eyes glowed different colours, but before they could, the beast entered and towered over them, they looked back at the beast with glowing eyes, as they spoke in unison. "Vessel of the black heart, you will not destroy humanity for your own benefit, we did not die for your pleasure, you, shall, remain, buried here." The monster stepped back as the children approached, "you foolish children, it is your only salvation!" Frisk spoke "asriel! Don't do this! There's another way!" The beast screaches and lunges for frisk, autumn ran infront of frisk and swung her bat, striking the beasts head with a sickening crack, breaking its neck, the beast fell to the floor, it's nose and mouth dripping with blood. Frisk fell to her knees and covered her mouth, autumn looked at frisk and hugged her. [*Hey....I...I'm sorry...You understand i had to protect you, frisky...] Frisk sobbed and leaned into autumn's embrace, she couldn't accept this, not like this..
To be continued,
[*knowing your friend still had a merciful heart, fills you with COURAGE 💛]
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exhaustedarts · 4 years
Um idk if you wanna do this or if you are busy but since im trash at writing could you write some angsty deceit with another dark side? i feel like i dont see enough of those. please do it theres no new fanfiction ~lion asker
Ok, so this was oddly nondescript, but I mean *shrug* sure. I just cooked this up like 30 minutes ago but hey it works! If you like it feel free to ask for more writing!
Deceit sat at his desk with his hands on his face. “Idiot,” he hissed to himself. Earlier that day, he had stumbled upon a box full of pictures. 
‘Patton must have left this here or something,’ Deceit had thought. Picking up the box though, he noticed yellow purple and green on one of the photos. It was out of his snake eye, so he couldnt be too sure as he was both nearsighted and a little bit colorblind out of that eye. 
He stared at it, noticing that it was memories. 
Deceit sighed to himself, getting out a sheet of paper and a pen. 
‘Dear Virgil,’ he started. 
‘I would like to say I’m sorry. I have not been kind to you as of late. Unlike me, you have a reason to be mad.’
“I said I’m sorry, Vee!”
‘I owe you an apology. When you said you were leaving that day, I acted impulsively. It was never my intention to drive you away for good.’
“Oh my god…. Virgil, I-”
‘I feel a great deal of regret about it to this day. Not a day goes by that I dont hate myself for it still. I only wanted you to stay where I thought I could protect you. I was acting in my own self interest, not thinking of the consequences my action held.
Lately we have not talked, even still I can tell that you are not the person that you used to be. You are changed. Confident. Happy. As much as I hate to say it, Virgil, you truly are better off there, but not for the reasons you think. You are happy there, also healthy, with love and care that I tried to give but simply did not know how to. 
Even if it hurts, I’m happy for you too. While you have a more stable famILY now, just know that I loved our little unstable one. 
I have been doing some thinking lately. I know you don't like me now, but in out past, … there aren't words to describe it. I don't think there ever will be, if I’m being honest. It all fell apart the day you left. I have no means to guilt trip you, or even confidence that you will even care enough to read this, but I want to tell you what happened. 
Once you left the so called dark sides, Remus became even more chaotic. He did not take well to the fact that not only his brother left, but also what he took to be his best friend. Never had he been so violent before. He didn't take it well at all, and I still think that he is struggling to cope. Never has he been the most stable, but he went off the charts. That was when he started to kill things. It was always small things, but he had killed them nonetheless. This is still something he struggles with today, also. 
We haven't even seen Depression since you left. I wonder if he killed himself. He was your best friend, though like Elsa. He only answered to you. His door is locked and bolted shut, though when you left boards and nails appeared there, closing him off for good. 
I don't know if you remember what I looked like back then. I was scaled completely on my snake side, but then I started it, I pulled out the scales. I was sick of them and I hoped that if I could be rid of them, if I could be normal, then I could have you see me as less of a monster. I only succeeded with around my eye and mouth, which is why it looks the way it does. None of them ever grew back.’
Screaming. Blood. The only time Remus was truly terrified.
 ‘Again I apologize. I never did mean to hit you that one time. I never meant to be the reason you hate us. I never meant to hurt you. I tried my best, but just like the rest of me, it fell short. I love you. I truly do. I always will, even if I try to hate you. I will always see you as the kid you used to be before you knew about the light sides. Before you started to resent me. I hope that you read this. If not, well, thats fine. Just know one thing: You’re still welcome here for anything. Food, to drop by, to see if Depression is alright.. Or if you want to talk. 
I love you still, Deceit.’
Deceit sat back in his chair. He got an envelope and sealed it, using his neatest writing on the front to write ‘Virgil: please read’ and he took it down the hall and slid it under Virgils door soundlessly. He stumbled back to his room, feeling like a weight was lifted off his chest. 
Virgil watched a small packet come sliding under his door. He peeked out of his room and saw the leg of Deceit disappear.  “Virgil: please read.”So he did. All the way to the end.
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softforcal · 6 years
Rivals : Hogwarts!Lashton
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Summary: was going to be an HC but it was too good to pass up. basically You’re a Slytherin Quidditch Captain rivals with Quidditch Luke and Ashton and you all hate each other, angst ensues but you start to realize under the anger is another feeling, a more dangerous one ;)
Original Request: “ Have you done like a Slytherin reader x Gryffindor Luke or Gryffindor Ashton (or both together?????) If you haven’t I have a few words for you, hate sex, house rivalry, and a lot of playful calling the other house lame (also the rest of Hogwarts would be shook at the relationship)”  - anon
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: no condoms (but ya’ll should know by now that in my hogwarts!5sos stuff i just say they have an anti-cum spell because i’m lazy) smut, angst, rivalry, the good shit. 
at first, it had been just you and Ashton. as team captains of Slytherin and Gryffindor, it was only natural. but after a while, Luke, the co captain, joined in on the fighting. teachers knew to keep your teams away from each other in classes, and most classes were assigned with the rivalry in mind, keeping the snakes away from the lions.
So when Luke and Ashton walked into ‘History of Magic’ class and immediately heard your laugh, they both froze. Ashton’s skin prickled as his hands formed into fists. Luke groaned audibly which drew your attention. 
“who let the fucking snakes in this class?” Luke sneered as they glared at you, walking past your table while you met their gaze with narrowed eyes.
the entire class held their breath, wondering what would happen. as soon as Luke and Ashton reached the Gryffindors in the back everyone let out a sigh of relief. class continued but every time you leaned over to whisper something to your co captain, Luke and Ashton felt their blood boiling.
they could barely stand to be in the room with you and it was driving them both wild. as soon as class ended you left and at least that eased the tensions.
it was all over the school. you hadn’t had a class with them since second year when the rivalry began so this was uncharted territory. the only time you were ever in the same vicinity was when you were playing against each other but during that situation, the rage was always obvious.
Ashton was known for focusing all his bludgers at you, something that had probably started the rivalry in the first place. 
it was like the whole school was on the edge of their seats waiting to see what would happen during the second class. the teachers even had a staff meeting to discuss repercussions for bad behaviour, eventually deciding on detention and possibly game suspensions.
the two of them entered the class, eyes landing on you in a predatory manner. your grip was tight on your table as you met their gazes, not about to back down if anything happened. 
then Luke said it. loud and clear. “fucking snakes.”
you were on your feet before you could stop yourself, “you wanna say that to my face Hemmings?”
“yeah. i do.” he said, turning and squaring his shoulders as he looked down at you from his staggering height, “you’re a fucking snake.”
“well you’re an arrogant asshole.” you stated. 
Ashton stepped in, his usual hazel eyes a shade darker than normal as he gritted his jaw, “Better than being  a selfish deatheater.”
“oh so just because i’m in Slytherin that makes me a death eater?!”
“if the snake tattoo fits.” Ashton growled.
the entire room was quiet and just watched the interaction, no one knowing whether or not to step in. you were holding your own, which was saying something. 
Hemmings and Irwin were known for being aggressive which, when paired with their height, usually intimidated anyone who they set their gaze on. but not you. yes you were shorter but you were a credit to your house as you stared them down.
before it could go any further your teacher arrived. she instantly realized what was going on, “Hemmings. Irwin. Y/L/N. you all better get to your seats.”
you stared at Ashton and he stared at you, a muscle in his jaw feathered. none of you ready to back down. “she started it.” Luke growled.
“fine. have it your way Hemmings, detention at 3:00 for all of you, if any of you are late, you won’t be playing the match this weekend.” your teacher stated and from her tone it was obvious she was not messing around.
“great job Hemmings.” you said between clenched teeth.
“it’s your fault you fucking snake.”
“name calling? how fucking juvenile!” 
your teams jumped in before it could go any further. two Slytherins grabbing you and pulling while the entire Gryffindor team in the room had to drag away two of their biggest, strongest members.
Luke shoved the hands away, muttering a curse before walking to his table in the back, shoulders hunched with anger. Ashton followed as they sat at their table, eyes glaring into the back of your head.
they stayed that way the entire class. 
As soon as class ended you left the room and they both snickered, feeling as if, in some odd way, they had won.
but the anger was still there, bubbling just under the surface. word spread across the entire school and at lunch, all eyes were on the three of you. they glared from the Gryffindor table but you seemed oddly unaffected, although it was obvious you were trash talking the two of them.
Ashton’s knuckles turned white as his grip on his knife tightened, teeth clenched so hard he was worried they would shatter. 
Luke watched your lips, trying to make out what you were saying. 
You knew that they were on edge and you felt Luke’s gaze on you so you did what any mischievous, angry Slytherin would do. you bated him. making sure Luke could see your mouth you turned to a classmate and said: “i bet they’re just such assholes because their dicks are small.”
Luke was on his feet before he could stop himself and the entire great hall turned to look at him. two Gryffindors grabbed him and Ashton had his hand on Luke’s shoulder, “what?” he asked.
Luke tore his gaze from you, turning to Ashton, “she said our dicks are small.”
as soon as the Gryffindors in the vicinity heard that, four more jumped in to grab at Ashton. it took the entire team to drag the two boys out of the great hall while your table grinned at them. 
the teachers watched from the head table nervously. they’d all heard of the detention and already they were staring to think putting the three of you in one room may not be the best idea. but how else were they supposed to solve the debacle? they couldn’t just let you fight each other.
the next few classes seemed to last hours. Luke and Ashton couldn’t focus. their brains were too distracted on you and the rage they both felt. and bringing their dick size into it was the last straw.
Ashton’s foot bobbed up and down while he stared at his desk, fingers tapping some random rhythm while he tried to steady his breathing. but every time he got calm, he’d think of you again and he’d go spiralling back into that pit of anger that he’d found himself in more and more often. 
for some reason his brain kept going to the dick comment. it was a low blow. something he must have known you, a Slytherin, were capable of. but for some reason it still shocked him that you’d go to that low of a level.
Luke sat next to Ashton, arms crossed over his broad chest. he couldn’t even think straight he was so mad. he wished in that moment that he was a beater like Ash so he could hit things at you during the next match. 
class ended and the two stood. “so the plan is we get there,” Ashton began, “and we sit as far away from her as we can. no fighting.”
Luke rolled his eyes.
“no name calling.” Ashton stated firmly this time.
the two arrived at detention and the teacher looked up as the two lions sat down at the very back of the class. “if she’s fucking late i swear to god-” Luke began but you entered the room and he shut his mouth.
the teacher stood up, and looked at the three of you, “you all know why you’re here. i suppose there’s no use talking about it so just do your homework, i’m sure thats punishment enough.”
she sat down and you all pulled out paper to write. and of course, being a Slytherin you weren’t about to give them any satisfaction of anything so you began to tap your pencil on the desk, making an audible noise.
you heard a crack behind you and you grinned, assuming one of the blondes had just snapped their pencil. 
“Can... can you get her to stop making noise?” Luke asked from behind you.
your teacher looked at you then at the boys behind you, “Y/N is it necessary for you to tap your pencil?” 
“it helps me think.” you said sweetly.
“I’m sorry Mr. Hemmings, she’s not being very disruptive you’ll just have to ignore it.”
“how long do we have to be here?” Ashton asked after a few minutes.
“an hour should suffice.”
the air was thick. with tension. with silence. 
everyone in the room was on edge and it was obvious. the hour lasted forever but when it was done your teacher sighed, “there will be no more fighting in my class room, if you must let out anger at each other, do it on the pitch, am i understood?”
you all agreed and disbursed, the same thing on all of your minds: the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin that would take place a few days later.
the week passed agonizingly slowly. your teams were on edge and it was the most you and Ashton could do to keep everyone calm, even if it meant ignoring each other and putting your rivalry to the side.
Luke was raging every day and that much was obvious but he wasn’t about to second guess a direction from his captain. Luke watched you like a lion watching his prey and although Ashton tried not to, whenever his gaze landed on you, it was full of anger as well.
as your teams walked onto the pitch, the ref decided to skip the initial handshake, tensions were too high.
everyone in the stands were on the edge of their seats. it would be the game of a lifetime and they all knew it.
Luke and Ashton paced at the end of the infirmary bed. Pomfrey had assured them that their seeker would be fine, just unconscious. 
you stood in the doorway looking at the two anxious men. not angry. just anxious. not cocky or arrogant. just scared.
“is she going to be okay?” you asked, voice drawing both of their attention.
Luke’s fists clenched at his sides as he began to walk towards you but Ashton cut him off by grabbing his arm, “this is not the place.” he stated.
“then where?!” Luke growled, eyes on you.
“i know a place.” you sighed.
it was about time you all sat down and discussed everything. your rivalry had gotten worse and worse and it had to reach a breaking point sometime. the two of them followed you out of the infirmary and down the halls that were fairly deserted. the door appeared and the three of you entered the room of requirement. 
it looked like a therapist office and part of you wanted to laugh at the rooms choice in set up but you knew it was not the right time.
you sat across from the two guys. Luke leaning back and crossing his arms while Ashton opted to sit forward elbows on his legs, “our seeker will be fine.” he stated finally,
“no thanks to your house.” Luke glared.
“i play to win Hemmings.” you stated, “besides, Ashton was the one trying to knock me off my broom all night-”
“but he didn’t.” 
“he could have!”
“he didnt!” Luke repeated moving forward and uncrossing his arms.
“your team was going to loose anyways!” you growled.
Luke was on his feet in seconds as were you as you tilted your head up to meet the angry blondes eyes. he was practically growling, a true lion.
Ashton stood, the most collected of the three of you but he was on the edge of anger, one more thing out of your mouth and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to stop himself from joining the fight.
“we’re all angry-” he began.
“fucking right we are!” Luke screamed.
“you two call me a snake every day and you both glare at me all the time and say i’m a death eater-”
“well you make the most annoying fucking sounds with your pencil and you’re always trying to fight us and you told everyone you think we have small dicks-”
“oh did that make you insecure Hemmings?!” You said, making yourself sound empathetic, “is it because you have a small dick?”
suddenly his lips were on yours and you were shocked at first but his teeth sinking into your bottom lip drew you back into the moment. he grabbed your hand, moving it down to the front of his pants, “does that feel small to you snake?!” he growled against your lips.
you looked up at him with wide eyes, words caught in your throat.
“i think he’s expecting an answer.” Ashton said, voice a low rumble. 
then you remembered: i’m a fucking Slytherin.
you remembered your allegiance to your house. you looked up at Luke, narrowing your eyes, “i’ve felt bigger.” 
Luke scoffed, pulling away from you and rolling his eyes, “you are such a bitch!”
Ashton grabbed you, spinning your body so your back pressed to his chest as his hands on your hips kept you firmly placed against him. his breath on your neck sent electricity through your body as you grinded back against him. 
“you going to call me small too, Snake?” Ashton asked, teeth nipping at your ear.
your hands covered his on your hips and you looked directly at Luke as you said: “feels average.”
Ashton’s laugh vibrated through your body.
“so you wont mind taking us both then? seeing as we’re average?” Ashton said, finally pressing his lips against the sensitive skin of your neck. you bit your lip to contain a moan and Luke smirked at you as he approached your front again. 
you thought about it. could you take both of them at once? Luke’s gaze was a challenge, as was Ashton’s question... and you weren’t about to back down now. 
“i could take both of you on in my sleep.”
Luke’s lips were on yours, hands cupping at your face as his fingers went into your hair, pulling slightly and eliciting a small moan from your lips. Ashton worked you out of your pants, pushing them down before his hands reached to the front of your button up school shirt and he just tore it open.
buttons scattered across the floor and you pulled away from Luke, about to turn and yell at Ashton but Luke grabbed your chin, forcing your eyes to his again, “not a fucking word.” he growled.
once again you were conflicted. but as you looked into the blonde’s eyes you made a choice then and there. you’d never backed down from them before but... in this situation it was acceptable. 
and the way the Gryffindor was standing in front of you screamed ‘Dom’ and it was the sexiest thing you’d ever seen. Luke grinned as it became clear you would follow his instructions. his hands helped Ashton slip your shirt to the floor. Ashton’s lips pressed to your neck, teeth grazing the skin.
Luke toyed with one of your bra straps, pulling it away from the skin and letting it smack back down when he released it. he watched your reaction, waiting for a flinch that never came. 
you’d play the sub part but you were still a fucking Slytherin. 
his lips pressed against yours again, biting down on you lip and sucking while Ashton slipped his hand down the front of your panties.
you began to try to take off Luke’s shirt and he allowed you to but as soon as you went for his pants he smacked your hands away, “should I add impatient to your list of shit traits?” he sneered, hand wrapping around your neck as he looked down at you. 
you narrowed your eyes at him but kept your mouth shut as he grinned, “lion got your tongue snake?”
Ashton giggled from behind you and your fists clenched at your sides, “don’t press your luck.” Ashton warned from behind you, unclasping your bra. 
Luke’s eyes darted to his Captain behind you and he backed off a little, removing his hand from around your neck. “so how are we doing this?” he asked, question directed at Ashton.
“I’d say skip the foreplay, she’s wet as fuck already.” his lips pressed against your neck and a shiver ran through your body, his hand moved from between your legs up to your mouth and you sucked on his fingers, eyes on Luke who groaned loudly “fuck.”
Luke undid his belt and Ashton pulled his hand away, you could hear him doing the same behind you as you stood and waited for instruction. As soon as Luke was naked he approached you, grabbing your face and pulling you into a kiss while he led you to the couch. He sat down and you immediately straddled him. he moved himself to your entrance as one of his hands wrapped around your throat again.
you slid down onto him, resisting the urge to moan and give him the satisfaction of noise. his hands moved to your waist as he begin to guide you to start moving. as soon as you began going up and down you couldn’t help the sounds that started to leave your mouth as you buried your face in his neck to try to muffle them.
a hand in your hair roughly pulled your head back as Luke made you look him in the eyes, “still think i’m small?”
you considered your options and realized, if you said yes, he’d probably stop. and god, you didn’t want him to stop.
you shook your head.
he grinned, “i think i’m going to need you to say it.” 
“you’re not small.” you said quietly.
his grip on your hair tightened, “don’t play dumb, you know what i want.”
he let go of your hair and began moving his hips up to meet yours and was hitting a spot so deep it made your toes curl as whimpers left your mouth, “you’re so big Luke.”
“do you love it?”
“what do you love?”
you groaned in frustration an he stopped, hands settling on your waist and forcing you to be still. you could have died right there as you met his challenging gaze, “i love your big dick.” you said, choking back on your pride as the words left your mouth.
you waited for him to move but he didn’t, instead he smacked your bum lightly, “get up and on all fours, gonna suck Ashton for me.”
you slid off of him, body mourning the loss of him as you moved on the couch so you had your hands on the armrest, bent over so you were in the perfect position for Ashton who was waiting for you while Luke got ready behind you. 
“gonna show me your mouth is good for things other than talking back?” Ashton asked as you grabbed his dick, opening your mouth as you took his tip.
“make her tell you you’re big.” Luke suggested from behind you as he teased your entrance.
“i don’t need her to tell me, she’ll be choking soon enough.” Ashton said, running a hand through your hair before his grip tightened. 
Luke slammed into you with no warning and your body jolted forward on Ashton, making him hit the back of your throat. you let out a small sound that made Ashton groan. as Luke pulled back so did you, and as he thrust, you moved forward again, matching his pace on Ashton.
a hand came down on your ass and you moaned loudly around Ashton and he began to thrust towards you, dick going deeper and hitting the back of your throat again, you gagged a little and heard a laugh, “told you.” 
Luke’s hands were firm on your hips and you hoped knew there would be bruises the next day. another smack, another chorus of groans. 
“fuck mate, she’s so tight.” Luke said, voice low, another smack. he continued to pound into you while you worked on Ashton but Luke was hitting this spot that was driving you wild.
you clenched around him and a flurry of curse words left his mouth, “fuck it, i’m cumming.” he announced, pace somehow going even faster. his groans were low and angelic as he came, giving a few final thrusts before stopping, chest heaving before he pulled out. 
Ashton pulled out of your mouth as Luke went to collapse on the other couch, finding his wand in his discarded pants he muttered a quick spell (the anti cum spell fam, told ya’ll im lazy) and then he pulled on his pants, watching lazily.
unlike Luke, Ashton didn’t bother teasing as he pushed into you, hands brushing along your bum, “you did a number on her Luke.” he mused.
for a moment you thought he would be gentle.
you were wrong.
a loud smack echoed through the room and the sound you made was down right sinful. it was the hardest hit, by far. 
and you had loved it.
his hands went to your waist and he easily moved your body back and forth to meet every snap of his hips. Luke may have been longer, but Ashton was thicker and both of them had your body going insane.
“you like this don’t you?” Ashton asked as he continued to pound into you.
“yes what?”
you thought about it for a moment, “yes... captain?”
it was more of a question and both Luke and Ashton burst out laughing, “fuck that was kinda hot.” Luke mused.
it was odd since you were, in your own right, a captain. but in this situation it was obvious who was in charge.
“still hate me?” Ashton asked, a hand coming down on your ass.
“fuck! yes. i fucking hate you!” you moaned, hands gripping the arm of the couch. 
there was just something about the whole situation. the anger, the rage, that made your body feel electric. you could feel yourself rushing towards your high and Ashton could too, “don’t fucking cum until i say so.” he growled, hand coming down on your ass again which only made you closer.
he thrust harder into you, making your body jolt forward each time as you focused on the feeling of him filling you. your moans got louder until you were at the edge and so was Ashton, “fuck, cum.” he instructed, pumping into you while your body fluttered around him, convulsing from your high. 
his fingers dug unto your hips as he came as well, letting out a low groan. after a few more thrusts he pulled out and you collapsed onto the couch, pulling your legs to your chest as you tried to catch your breath.
you heard Ashton mutter a spell but you didn’t open your eyes.
a few minutes passed.
“she looks fucked.” Luke’s voice said, sounding close. 
“sit up.” Ashton instructed, a hand going under your arm as he helped you into a sitting position. he knelt on the ground in front of you, helping put your feet in your pant legs and then he pulled them up, “gotta stand for me sweetheart.”
Luke held out his hands for you to grab as he helped you to your feet while Ashton pulled your pants up the rest of the way. Luke had your bra and helped you slip it on.
Ashton looked at your ruined shirt, buttons still on the ground. he took out his want and said a spell, the buttons lifted and flew back to the fabric, strings attaching again. you’d heard that the Gryffindor Quidditch captain was also a pretty great wizard but you’d never seen it for yourself until that moment.
thats probably why he’d been so nonchalant about ripping it off, because he knew he could fix it. he handed it to you and you slipped it on.
you noticed your panties peaking out of Luke’s pocket and you groaned, “seriously?”
the tall blonde grinned, “finders keepers.”
at least none of you seemed to be angry anymore which was... a different dynamic than you were used to, to say the least. 
“we should head out.” Ashton stated, “gotta check the infirmary again.”
you’d almost forgotten about their unconscious seeker but you nodded, “okay.”
Ashton gave you one more once over before turning and walking to the door Luke, following. they said nothing as they left. but it’s not like you had something magical to say either.
you sat down on the couch, wondering what the fuck had just happened.
“where’ve you been?!” one of your friends asked as you sat down at the Slytherin table for dinner.
“haven’t seen you since after the game.” another Slytherin stated.
you sighed, “had a nap. i was exhausted.”
it was partly true. after Luke and Ashton had left, you’d passed out.
your friends stared at you and you sighed again, “what?”
“well... you have a hickey.” 
your hand flew to your neck. you hadn’t had a chance to look in a mirror. thats when you remembered that while Luke had been playing with your bra straps and Ashton had his hand down your panties, his lips had been on your neck. 
“so who’s the guy?” you friends smirked.
you groaned, “i don’t want to talk about it.”
your eyes drifted over your friends shoulder to the front of the great hall. Ashton, Luke and their seeker had entered. the seeker looked fine but she was leaning on Ashton.
you felt heat run through your body as your fist clenched on the table. it took you a moment to realize what you were feeling: jealousy. 
“at least their seeker looks fine.” one of your friends mused.
your other friend tilted her head, watching the trio, “you know, if Luke Hemmings wasn’t such an asshole, he’d be cute.” 
you’d managed to avoid Ashton and Luke the rest of the weekend but you couldn’t avoid them on Monday as you went to class. you hoped they would ignore you.
you hoped they were going to be chill about the whole thing. you hoped they’d just forget about it.
but part of you, a part that you really didn’t want to think about, hoped that maybe they had been thinking about you all weekend like you had been thinking about them.
you were talking with a friend when Luke and Ashton entered the classroom. they were almost past you when Luke stated “nice neck.”
you turned, brain immediately trying to come up with a sassy response but all that could come out of your mouth was “nice face!”
it was not your shining moment that’s for sure.
Luke laughed and the two continued to their place in the back of the class. you looked down at your desk, feeling a blush rise through your body as your friend stared at you slack jawed, “what the fuck was that?!” she whispered.
“i really don’t want to even talk about it.” you groaned.
the class went by excruciatingly slowly. all you could think about was the way it had felt to have both of them. it was the most distracting thing.
when class ended you stood to leave, hoping to get out of there before either boy could come after you. as you walked down the hall you let out a sigh of relief, thinking you were safe.
thats when a hand grabbed yours and suddenly you were being pushed against a wall in a small, deserted off shoot hallway. Luke grinned down at you, “think you could avoid us all day?”
Ashton leaned against the wall next to you, “sorry about your neck.”
it took you a moment to process the fact that he’d just apologized to you. sure, he’d been sort of sweet after he’d literally fucked your brains out but you had assumed that was a post orgasm sign of weakness. 
“its fine.” you breathed. and now you were being soft and not getting mad at him? 
“why’ve you been avoiding us?” Ashton asked. 
he actually looked concerned.
Luke looked like his usual asshole self but Ashton... well, this was a different side to him. he was almost caring... understanding. 
“sorry i didn’t get a memo saying we all gave up our rivalry.” you said, sass in your voice.
Luke grinned, “aw you still hate me?” he leaned down, lips inches from yours.
“definitely.” you breathe, voice not mustering the amount of confidence you wished it had. 
“fucking hate you too.” he said, almost kissing you before pulling away and leaving you wanting more.
“come to the room of requirement later. after dinner.” Ashton stated.
“I don’t think thats a good idea.” you answered. 
Luke rolled his eyes as the two of them began walking away,  “something tells me you’ll show up anyways.”
“fuck you Hemmings.”
he looked over his shoulder at you, “you have.”
it had been three weeks since the first time. 
three weeks of avoiding them both during the day and then sneaking off to the room of requirement at night. 
marks were kept in places no one else could see. 
but they were toeing the line. especially Luke. he was the one who truly played with fire. 
you and Ashton, as captains, were more able to keep a level head but Luke wouldn’t know was self control was if it smacked him in the face and said “hey, tall boy, i’m self control, ever heard of me?!”
he had a thing for still causing altercations in class that would get you both fired up. hate sex was definitely his sex of choice. 
Ashton had frequently shown his softer side, even going so far as to say you played really well in a quidditch game against Hufflepuff. of course he had said it while he had thought you were sleeping after he’d just made you orgasm five times in a row but it was the thought that counted. 
you had a match against Ravenclaw and you were ready for it. as your team got ready for the whistle to blow, signifying the start of the game, you focused on the snitch, ignoring the Gryffindor seating area where you knew Luke and Ashton were sitting. 
it was a particularly windy day and part of you had wondered if the game would be canceled but there you were, wind whipping at your robes as you bolted after the snitch. 
about forty minutes into the game a bludger came out of nowhere and before you knew what was happening you were falling. 
Ashton leaned against the wall outside the infirmary while Luke paced back and forth in front of him. “how much fucking longer do you think the Slytherins will be in there?” he asked finally.
“until she wakes up probably.” Ashton shrugged.
Luke glared at Ashton before peaking through the door, “she’s still unconscious.” he stated.
“you gotta calm down mate.” 
“i am calm.” Luke snapped, “you calm down.”
Luke was conflicted. when it had started, the hate sex had been great. but as the weeks had gone on he’d started to feel things... things he’d never ever thought he’d feel for a Slytherin.
but he’d always been able to brush them off, pretend they weren’t there.
and now they were front and centre.
his mind was spinning and the only thing he cared about was if you were alright. it scared the shit out of him, but not as much as the thought of loosing you. which was insane, after all you were just unconscious, he knew you would be fine. and yet, that knowledge didn’t calm him down. it didn’t make him feel better.
a few voices drew Luke’s attention back to the infirmary door and when he looked in, it was obvious that you’d woken up.
Luke made a split second decision, muttering “fuck it.” as he pushed open the infirmary doors, Ashton groaning and following.
your friends were all fussing over you and none of them noticed the two Gryffindors until your gaze landed on them standing behind your friends.
“what do you two want?” one of your friends glared immediately.
“are you okay?” Luke asked, ignoring your friends and trying to sound nonchalant but his worry seeped through the cracks, visible all over his face. 
“i’m fine.” you stated.
“you.” Luke said, turning to one of your friends, “you’re the beater aren’t you? where the fuck were you when that bludger went for Y/N?”
your friend let out a little squeaking noise in shock, crumbling under the obviously angry Gryffindors gaze, “I-”
“Luke, i’m fine.” you stated again, “calm down.”
“i am calm!” Luke yelled.
Ashton’s hand went to Luke’s shoulder, “keep your voice down mate.”
Luke’s frantic eyes went to you. the only thing he wanted to do was wrap you in his arms and kiss you but there was a wall of Slytherins in front of him and Ashton’s hand on his shoulder would definitely have stopped him. “fuck!” Luke shouted, turning and leaving the room.
“sorry about him.” Ashton apologized before turning and following his friend.
all your friends turned to you, “okay, now you have to explain what the fuck is going on.”
word had gotten out about Luke and Ashton’s visit to the infirmary.
you were fine and you were even able to make it to dinner that night. as you walked into the great hall, eyes went to you. people began whispering.
everyone had guessed that Luke had a thing for you but people weren’t sure if you had a thing for him or not. 
you’d told your small group of Slytherin friends and they had been shocked, unsurprisingly. appalled would be another choice word because “Luke Hemmings is an asshole!” but they generally agreed that “Ashton isn’t the worst Gryffindor ever.”
but... they all had to admit: Luke being worried about you was cute.
but it was confusing as fuck for you. because until that moment he’d never been soft. never.
Ashton was always the one who cuddled after sex. Ashton was the one who would toss you your clothes and kiss you before they left.
Luke was the one always asking if you still hated him. the one who, when finished, would go sit across the room and watch. he’s the one who would leave without saying another word.
you had considered dating Ashton. and Luke was a great fuck but you hadn’t really thought of him as a relationship type. which had made things simple. but now... not so much.
Luke and Ashton approached the Great Hall, “are you calm yet?” Ashton asked.
Luke rolled his eyes, “no.”
“well maybe we shouldn’t go in there.” Ashton suggested, “you might do something stupid.”
it was a legitimate concern.
“is it really the worst thing in the world for me to be nice to her?” Luke asked.
Ashton shrugged, “i’m not the one who said you couldn’t be. you did that to yourself.”
Luke groaned, it was true, “i... I like her. fuck. i like her a lot.”
“yeah. me too.”
“shit. what do we do?” Luke ran a hand through his hair.
“we’ll have to talk to her about it. but obviously you need to go see if she’s okay, so,” Ashton put a hand on Luke’s shoulder, “you’re a Gryffindor Luke. Be a lion-”
“and not a pussy.”  Luke finished the saying for him. he took a deep breath, mustering up all the courage he could, he stepped towards the Great Hall then stopped and groaned, “fuck, all the Slytherins are going to be staring at me though.”
“do you want to know if she’s okay or not?”
Luke took a deep breath, squaring his large shoulders. then he walked into the Great Hall.
all the snakes turned to Luke as he walked towards you and your friends where you sat near the end of one of the long tables. he stopped in front of you, eyes looking you over, “you’re not in the infirmary.” he stated.
“yeah.” you said awkwardly, trying to ignore your table mates who were all gawking at him.
“you’re okay.” he stated.
“uh huh.” you bit at your lip, “Luke do you want to sit down?” 
Ashton walked up behind Luke who was staring at you with an open mouth, “that’s probably a good idea.” Ashton said.
you looked at your friends, “make some room.”
they all gawked at you, “seriously?!” one of your friends hissed, a girl who hadn’t been in the infirmary and probably had no fucking clue what was going on.
you rolled your eyes at them as the girls hesitantly made room for you on either side as Luke and Ashton sat down. Luke turned sideways to look at you, straddling the bench, “i was worried.” he stated.
“i can see that.” you almost laughed. this boy really had no idea what the fuck he was doing, “like i said earlier, i’m fine. now what’s this all about?”
you looked between Luke and Ashton. 
“this isn’t the place-” Ashton began to say.
“i want to get to know your friends.” Luke interrupted.
everyone in the vicinity, including you and Ashton stopped and stared at him. he was the self proclaimed Slytherin hater. and now here he was. at the table. saying he wanted to make friends.
he turned abruptly, looking at a girl across the table, “i’m Luke.”
“Harmony.” The girl said her name.
Luke nodded, looking at the next girl, “I’m-”
“Luke. yes. we all know who you are.” she glared but when you gave her a warning look she sighed, “i’m Winnona.” 
the girls all went around and introduced themselves, Luke paid close attention to each name, repeating the tough ones to himself. it was obvious he was making an effort. and it was shocking. 
Ashton had a natural charisma and within minutes he had your Slytherin friends laughing. he was telling an elaborate story about his first tattoo with a muggle artist when Luke grabbed your hand under the table, his thumbs brushing over your palm as he turned it facing up.
his eyes watched his own movements and you’d never seen him so soft before in your life. “who knew all it would take was me getting hurt for you to realize you actually like me.” you teased quietly.
he smiled, laughing slightly as he continued to look at your palm.
Ashton carried most of the conversation but Luke tried to get involved. when dinner ended the three of you stood and the entire Great Hall watched the three of you leave in confusion. 
the mystery of which one of them you were dating remained #unsolved.
as soon as you were away from prying ears and eyes you said: “so what is this? a week ago i would have said we were all just fuck buddies but it feels like that’s changed.”
“we both really like you.” Ashton said, “so if you’re up for it, i think Luke and i would both be down to give this a try as something more.”
the school was obviously waiting for answers about your dating life which meant keeping it a secret was difficult at first. 
it had only been a week and you were at one of their games, Slytherin vs Hufflepuff. they both played brilliantly and Gryffindor won.
you couldn’t help yourself, running onto the pitch. Luke was closest and you ran into his arms, he lifted you up and your legs wrapped around his waist as you pressed your lips to his, smiling into the kiss.
as he set you down, you were both aware that everyone was staring.
you heard someone mumble, “i told you it was Luke not Ashton.”
but then Ashton walked towards you with a smile as Luke let you go and you went into Ashton’s arms, grabbing his face and kissing him as his arms wrapped around you.
audible gasps erupted around the three of you.
Luke approached, wrapping his arms around you and Ashton. you all enjoyed each other, ignoring the stares and the whispers. after all, they were courageous Gryffindors and you were a bad ass Slytherin, if anyone could take this shit, it was you three.
to say that people were shocked would be an understatement. they would have been shocked at you being friends with Luke or Ashton, let alone dating, and definitely at the fact that you were dating both. 
oddly enough, the two lions were able to win over the Slytherins. it was obvious how soft they both were for you. 
the Gryffindors were harder but one harsh look from Ashton or Luke would get them to fall in line.
besides, Gryffindors had to get used to you because you were around a lot. Luke and Ashton had very high sex drives and once you were all out as a couple, they preferred the safety and comfort of their own room. luckily enough they had a shared room but the noises still kept most people up late.
Luke had become soft as fuck for you but they were still down for angry, kinky sex. somehow it worked. you all pushed each other to be the best.
there was still friendly house competition but nothing like it had been. 
you usually didn’t have to play Quidditch against each other but you all promised not to let game outcomes affect anything... except the sex. angry post quidditch match sex was always something to look forward too.
Luke and Ashton would come sit at the Slytherin table most of the time, your friends having warmed up to Luke with his awkward and weird introduction that first day he’d sat down. 
you could all still be absolute assholes, but at least you were assholes together. 
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sodiepoppa · 5 years
uuhhh tagged by the awesome @winter-soltis thamnk u my dude
Post 6 random facts about yourself and tag 10+ people to do the same! 
uhhh alrighty lets see if i even have 6
1. I have owned dogs my entire life!! And one bird ghrgh he was a cockatoo named Rocky,, as for my dogs, my first dogs were a rottweiler named Bear and a lil wiener dog named Teddy! Since the two of them passed I’ve only had one other set of dogs (which are the loves I have now) which are two commonbreeds named Blaze and Bella! I had a third, Blondie, but she passed recently and I miss her a lot,,, I really want an indoor pet though- I love cats to bits and I would love to have some sort of reptile(I love snakes and lizards thgrhhg) or a rat!! I want a rat baby really bad,,,
2. I’ve been told I can sing? Personally,, I like to sing whenever I’m alone and I think I sound reasonable but I find my voice very high pitched and embarrassing too hgrhgh its a very strange balance
3. I am the one tall female in my entire family, I’m taller than both my mother, grandmothers(on both sides) and my aunts and am pretty close to being the same height as my dad and grandpa but I’m pretty sure I’ve stopped growing at this point which makes me sad :(
4. I am very big into disney(the movies, not the company, greedy assholes)!! I love all their old animated movies and am very big into the fandoms for almost each one (The Lion King is my favorite and I’ve been in the fandom for,,, probably 14 years?) I’ve got tons of useless disney movie facts as well as a hoard of plushies and collectible toys ghgh- though I am just an animated movie buff in general,, I love 2D animation to bits
5. I’m currently studying psychology! I think its both very interesting and very important- I really want to be able to set up my own practice in the future to help people- I’d really like it to be a balance of both natural and medical, hopefully pretty well rounded
6. Uhh I’m running out of things,,, I suppose I would’ve liked to make music- like to be able to toss together beats and what not for songs or to remix them but I’ve never had the proper tools to do so and I haven’t the faintest idea where to start, so hgrhgh for now I will sit and enjoy every glorious song that comes my way
I shall taggg uhh @susies-fandom-wonders @trash-person2002 @introvertedphantom @one-groovy-rose @999-picarat-puzzle @genderfluid-todoroki @pan-crow
I think thats all I’ve got- you don’t gotta do it if you don’t wanna!!
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wisteria-lodge · 4 years
badger primary + lion secondary (bird model)
Hi! I am so hyped to find your blog - I have been following SHC for a while now and this is one of my hyperfixations lmao. Anyway, I am wondering if you are able to take the time to help me figure out my primary and secondary. I have a hard time trusting my instincts and experiences because of PTSD.
I’ll keep in mind that you’ve probably dealt with/are currently dealing with some burning. 
Even though I have an idea of what I could be, it will be nice to get some external validation. (I’m bad at explaining my internal thoughts sometimes).
That is something that Lion primaries struggle with… but it might also be a burnt secondary thing. 
My morals are largely based on social justice oriented structures of oppression. I have always felt this even growing up but after I finally learned the actual language for the power structures that uphold oppression in school (like capitalism), I realized that I’ve always intuitively used some kind of structure like that to assess morality but it was nice to learn the language and be able to talk about it and explain it to others. 
Definitely leaning Lion primary for you. 
An example would be as a child when I found out that Nike was using child laborers to make their sneakers, I just boycotted Nike and told my family I was boycotting Nike. 
I’d be really interested in knowing what the thought process behind this decision was. Was it “child labors are people too” (Badger) “This is Wrong!” (Lion) or “this piece of information makes me re-think my model of how the world works” (Bird.)
Currently, I am struggling to be a good “Daughter” (i’m nonbinary but my family expects me to be a nice afab daughter) who performs family duties well, and living who I am authentically. It makes me super miserable.
You’ve got Lion somewhere in your system. Either primary, secondary, or both.
The thing that keeps me stuck between lion and badger primary is while I do find things right and wrong and sometimes, a lot of what I find right and wrong is based on people. For example, I get annoyed at a lot of activist communities because they like to play this I’m the Next Top Activist game, and start shaming people who are not able to give their 100% to the cause, and I think that just… super ableist. I often struggle with being in activist groups for that reason because I find myself disagreeing with the ways they may intentionally and unintentionally exclude people with disabilities, or people in other marginalized groups. And the minute that someone is joining a cause to advance their own agenda and profile or ease their own guilt…they’re no longer supporting the cause in my opinion. I can’t just be nice to a politician without really trying to suppress my desire to call them out. It’s really uncomfortable to - like for example, asking a politician for money even though that money was our tax money in the first place. 
This is interesting. And this part actually got me thinking Badger because - it’s just so focused on groups, organizations, and communities. What really makes you get up in the morning is this feeling that all people matter. So you’re  tuned into issues of accessibility, and what’s happening with our tax dollars. But then, you are also crossing out categories of people yourself. Like, if they’re not a True Believer, you don’t want to deal with them. If they’re a politician, you don’t want to deal with them. It’s a very Badger impulse, but be careful there. 
My secondary is tough because while I try to plan, I always forget about my plan. I end up improvising on the spot, and I like shortcuts, but I also cannot pretend to be someone I’m not. It’s hard for me to deal with workplace professionalism and act respectable as I always have to think about what I can’t say or else I will get in trouble. I’ve gotten in trouble in the past for my mouth.
The badger side of me shows when I am noticed for showing up at things I support. I tend to take on supportive roles in the causes I’m involved in because of my lack of energy (I deal with a lot of mental health stuff that limits my energy) and I’m also dealing a lot with my neurodivergence which makes communicating and public speaking sometimes difficult for me. 
I don’t tend to take on leadership roles willingly, but I notice people always coming up to me and asking for my lead on things because they notice what I’m doing. I got my current job because my supervisor approached me at the company holiday party and asked if I would be interested in applying because she noticed the work I did in my previous role. 
Everything about this is very Lion secondary, *especially* the bit about easily falling into leadership positions. Lion secondaries are inspirational, and they tend to gather armies around them. 
I grew up super shy and things overstimulated me a lot so thats why the lion secondary sometimes feels like it doesn’t fit me. 
Probably your Lion secondary was somewhat burnt when you were younger, but it seems REALLY fiery now. 
Ok I realized I rambled a LOT (lmao hyperfixation). Please let me know if you need more info from me if this isn’t enough! Also, if you are out of capacity and don’t get to this, that’s ok too. Thank you so much for reading and for your time!!
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I’m sorry about another ask! I submitted a post yesterday (frantasticlyfran) and I realized I forgot to include why the quiz would sometimes put me as snake primary! So a lot of the choices in my life I made because of my mom. My mom is a cancer survivor. I originally went to study film and biology because I thought that making health info accessible would have saved my mom a lot of trouble with chemo and its awful side effects. Now, I am doing more policy work and studying mental health because I realized that I enjoy working on the ground with people more than doing work that seems removed from why I’m doing it (which film sometimes feel that way). The film world was also really awful to me on principle and the way that it doesn’t pay its workers, or the way it tokenizes communities of color. Now, I still think about my mom a lot as I study mental health and how I want to make mental health accessible for low income, queer, and trans communities of color. 
Sometimes it can be really hard to see your own primary, because you only live inside your own head. It’s hard to see the forces that dominate your life as things that don’t dominate the lives of everyone else. 
Anyway, here is a list of communities you are specifically concerned with and motivated by:
Chemo patients
The film industry (derogatory) 
Underpaid workers
Low income people of color
Queer people of color
Trans people of color
You’re a Badger. 
As a kid, because I struggled with social cues (yay autism lol), I also tended to stick to a few friends and tried to model their behaviors and expressions. That is why sometimes the test would put me as snake primary.
Yeah, that’s an Actor Bird model. I’ve got one too, for the same reason. 
The other thing I forgot to mention was the fact that I sometimes come off as a bird secondary because I like to be prepared when it comes to bringing a ton of stuff when I’m traveling. I end up overpacking and bringing maybe way too many things and sometimes it’s like super not practical. But I do tend to come off as prepared because I’ve also gotten in trouble with others for not preparing enough in the past lol because people would get upset at me for not providing them guidelines or preparations when I usually just, jump in and learn on the spot and forget that others need me to provide guidance and prep work.
Lion secondary, Bird model.
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ellistruggle · 6 years
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@thatsthat24 Pattons Room how I imagine it :)
Virgils Room / Logans Room / Romans Room
(more details under the cut)
at last, Pattons Room! i am really not satisfied with it but i dont know why so I might as well post it. My thoughts on that one were, it has to be colorful, and cozy and i hope i got that right. Also i really wanted to show Pattons Love for the others. and there are many references that he just, has so much love and dedication for the others. since we dont know the next sides yet, i didnt include them. i didnt want to make something up but be sure, if we would know them, there would be some dedication for them in this room as well. Just because Patton loves everyone =) so, are you ready for some CLOSE UPS! WOHOO
so imma put the photo wall here first. I wanted to have as many memories stored in this room as possible. i wanted to make every photo meaningful, deep, and a really big part of Thomas’ or the Sides past. But then i realized i just put too many photos in there for my limited artistic abilities and ended up scratching some ideas. You can see mostly pictures from Thomas’ instagram redrawn badly, some thumbnails or screenshots from videos, some motivational quotes and puns and a really big Poster of the four main sides and thomas =) i hope this works for you guys.
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so. i asked which plushies Patton would have in his room. Many of you answered and i am really thankful for that! at that point tho most of the lineart was already finished and i didnt want to change up too much. so there are just a few plushies in the room. The blue teddy was a gift from Logan, to thank him for the comfy slippers. it is light blue with a little pink and Logan thought it would fit really good to Pattons aesthetic. 
the clock: since it is established, that patton has no problem staying up until 3am watching parks and rec i made this clock as far away from his bed as possible just so he has to get up to turn it off... it mostly doesnt work and patton still falls asleep after he turned it off.
The candle: you know how Virgil is probably most comfortable talking to Patton rather than the others. so in order to say thanks for the support Patton always gives him, Virgil gave him this purple candle, because the scent helps Virge to calm down and he thought it would be nice, because Patton seems to have some troubled feelings as well. you can tell Patton flipped out and will forever be thankful. (it smells of lavender)
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Here are some books where i thought Patton would definitely have those in his room. the three blue ones are written by Logan. (from left to right: words you are using wrong, Why puns are bad, why 3am is a bad time)
the green thin book is his sketchbook, where he writes down why he feels bad, when he feels bad. a small puppet of Virgil guards this section of the shelf.
the others are pretty self explainatory =) ( from left to right: Dealing with fears, Dealing with non happy emotions, how to make gifts, Optimism)
under these, there are more books. From left to right:
Having a Blast with Roman (where he writes down the adventures he and Roman have every now and then)
Good Times with Deceit (another reminder that Patton has really much love for everyone)
Motivational Puns (gotta stay true to the branding)
Learning with Logan ( i think Patton is really eager to learn new things and Logan is glad to help)
Taking Care of Virgil ( i think that is self explainatory)
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Logan lent Patton a book on Kant. He currently reads it before bed and a little puppet of Logan guards it. also there is a #1 Dad mug with milk for obvious reasons.
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the box under the bed. thats where Patton stores extra paper for new motivaitonal posters and other crafts he makes for himself and the others. 
a winnie pooh plushie because its his favorite disney movie, a pink cat blob plushie and a green dog blob plushie on the right side... i needed more plushies for the room okay? (also @pipapatton pointed out, these remind her of cosmo and wanda =D it wasnt intentional but i let you interpret )
also a yellow snake plushie with a bowler hat for reasons.
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here are more books. 
the purple one on the left: Caring 101 - this book is a guide for caring about a suffering friend . obviously patton wrote that one
perfect puns 101 - how to be the perfect dad (obvious)
Memories and how they work (to understand one of his functions better, yknow... with all the memories and stuff))
All about nostalgia
Moral Compass - Myth or Real? (probably a gift from Logan. to understand the basics of morality a bit better)
there is also the christmas gift from virgil on the nightstand.
a golden compass from Roman because he thought it was funny (moral compass and all)
the small golden book is where he wrote down gift ideas for the others.
the jar - okay so. everyday he gets a small paper and writes down one thing that made him happy on that day. let it be “ate a cookie” or “filmed a video” or just mundane things like “got out of bed earlier”. he then folds it and writes the number for the day on the backside and puts it in the jar. That helps him to stay positive and optimistic about the day. (i did this last year and it was really nice to think about the positive sides of the day rather than what went wrong, i can only recommend =) and i thought it fits in the room
also he has cat slippers for obvious reasons
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his desk: its filled with crafting stuff such as crayons, stickers, scissors, washi tape and such. just to be able to make more posters and gifts for the others. a roman puppet guards the desk, so he can be more creative =)
also there is his diary.. i wonder whats written inside ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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here is a lion plushie to represent roman, a blue owl to represent Logan and a black Cat to represent Virgil. he always has these on his bed =)
THAT WAS IT PEOPLE !!! thank you soo so much for all the comments, support and reviews i got for these artworks. they really took forever to make and i hope i didnt disappoint =)
if you like my art and would like to support me, consider bying me a little coffee on my ko-fi page? if not, its totally fine =)
reblogs and comments are HIGHLY appreciated
@lamp-calm-sanders @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @xxashwiixx @davidthetraveler @eclectichedgehog @anxiousklutz @i-am-hughesless @missmashmain @romanasanders @aquilacalvitium @ziallwarrior @just-fic-me-up @angered-turtle @sanders-sides-thuri @pandagirl0730 @notalwaysthevillian @virgiliananxiety @alkimara @thesoftestlittlepuffball @grumpymoonbird @llamaavocado @angst-patton @pearls-of-patton @toujours-fidele @teacupfulofstarshine @mandeebobandee @praiseforphan @hopeful-gaming1205 @lostwithoutmyblogger-wink @owlish-lesbian-rebooted @wicked-delights @aaydence @roxiefox234 @book-of-charlie @bobolovesoze @punch-you-with-friendship @smearly-a-little-blog @wildheart49 @vigilantvirgil @mauvelavender @arentordinaryvillainsadorable @emilynoti @brileyluvsyoutube @shesavampirequeen @echomist13 @lydiaisstilessanchor 
i am sorry if i tagged anyone who didnt want to be tagged! also some people on my list couldnt be tagged (i am v sorry for this too) 
if you have questions, headcanons, stories or anything regarding these rooms, please let me know =)
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daemon-not-a-demon · 6 years
I've been thinking. If we lived in a world where everyone had daemons, some of us would be having a really hard time. I'm days away from turning 19 and although Aramis knows he's a great horned owl, I still see him as a fox sometimes. Other than that, where I live, owls are still seen as omens of death. Now, this doesn't bother me really because I will not hesitate to hit back of someone were to bother us about what we are. But what about the people who are too good to claw someone's eyes out?
Yess discrimination and similar issues are definitely things people are talking about--but I also wonder, how would those stereotypes of these animals be affected by us having daemons?
See, if we all one day suddenly got daemons I can definitely see this being a Thing. Like, people with vultures and ravens and black cats and snakes being villified, and those with lions and dogs and horses being romantisized. (those that are villified/romantisized would vary from culture to culture of course; like, in my culture, owls represent wisdom, while in yours, death)
But, if we lived in a world like Lyra’s where daemons have always existed, I’m curious how that would be different. For example, in Lyra’s world, those with dog daemons are usually seen as servants, those with wolves (or other big predators I assume) as soldiers, those with more “regal” forms like birds or big cats as scholars...of course, that’s only in Brytain, where she lives. Who knows what it’s like in Texas, or Nippon, or High Brasil? (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, those are countries on the HDM map!!!) 
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pepperpaprika · 7 years
S3 Squeeing
Under the cut, mostly nonsense. :’D I’ll do a proper review once I digest it maybe!
First watch, no subtitles, GO.
(I’m sorry about name spellings)
huh they still have the same opening.
ah yes the zarkon shiro moaning
ahhh i forgot the robovoiceover thing the bom have need to add.
skirts seem to be a status symbol with galra.
oooh nice torpedo, hunk!
omfg an actual parade.
pooegian? aw cute name. im seriously getting avatar flashbacks tho.
planet keffron, feathery ears
freedom fighters.
intergalactic fashion pirate coran- YES
lance is all about the glory lmao
you can tell they ALL know they stepped on keiths landmine.
this guy is hunched.... OMG SHES A CHAMELEON.
galra empire is most massive... it seems like it could rule another ten thousand years.
poor boy.
oh hey pizza roll and pig in a blanket.
LOTOR a;lskdas;klj -Exiled prince -halfbreed at best, no honor -generals can fight for the throne -fighting beside your forces is considered lowly.
alskdjaskdjaskldj;asjkd;lasjkd;laslk;jdlasjk;dklajsd HES SHORT
Your own agression is your undoing.
oh he was expecting to be killed wasnt he.
arena is to the death confirmed.... so how did that robeast survive.
I mean sure theres an audience but still.
oh wow that guy has wolverine hands.
pet the kitty
let him rot with the ice worms~
LOL theyre all looking at lance... i guess they agreed beforehand.
nice seaside mediterranean city
is that an elephant?
whoah chameleon girls antenna is super long.
HOW DID THEY LAND GENTLY. oh i see... hmn ita racial.
whoah. she strong.
oh my god. HES THERE.
well i like how chameleon girl is like ty lee
LOL how allura chose the colors.
aw ladies first.
LOL PIDGE. lajkasdjasl;kdj
30 mins of lance sitting in the lion.
but im not you. i cant beat them like you.
"no black lion"
oh. shes part snake not lizard?  DID SHE HYPNOTIZE HIM
oh. they have warp technology.
Lancey Lance. JUST A PHASE. lmaooooo. HIS BEST LINE.
controls dont respond like the red lions.... hmm..
Allurance shoulder touch. well I didnt see that coming.
There's something different about that lion... its pilot isnt in control.
lol keith thanks coran but not lance. I mean its not his fault this time, technically.
weve seen enough, retreat.
LOL zarkon has a son allura: deeply disturbing.
"I'm glad it was you."
Episode 3
fkljas;kdfsaklj YES GO ONE ON ONE
lol yes this was gonna suck from the start.
man this is a trainwreck.
oh man theyre not gonna be able to form are they.
How disappointing... indeed, Lotor.
oh no keith playing straight into his hands.
nice planet tho.
huh Hunk has been really careful of allura huh :o its kinda interesting that hes the one who woories about her most... ope theres lance
'its not about the team its about the mission" - very telling.
lol he looks like orochimaru in that helmet, lotor.
generals call him lotor. interesting
alkdjasdkjsa NOOOO
oh no hes gonna capture allura first.
ohhh no she dropped into the abyss.
aw shes super scared.
lol yes keith you followed him into his trap.
"oh em gee"
abbb ok she must want to be guided. makes sense.
ahhh there we go 3 eps in before voltron can be formed.
HUNK IM A LEG pretty cool right. IMMORTAL WORDS.
lol allura you were never gonna be the last alteans alive unless youre a lot worse at shapeshifting than you thought.
I love this science talk.
oh its a wormhole.
ahah a time capsule ship of alteans. Nice.
Orrr not.
whoah lots of arms on that one. IS IT SLAV.
wheres slav anyway.
aldfjlkqwlk;jehs ITS THE ACCENT.
"I MAY BE CRAZY"Nice slav.
;ldkaslkak I LOVE ITTTTT
its nice that all the new chars are girls.
alkjd;askdjasjkl;d I CANT EVERY TIME SVEN TALKS.
preservation of life. is the highest prioirty.. interesting...
I love how sven has a mullet.
Voltron can travel between realities. I love this plot device.
ohhhh no. oh nooo. shes doing it WHY ARE YOU SO BLIND.
awww the mice are so SAD.
i cant stop laughing whenever i see Sven.
;lkvsdf;aldkas;lkd LOL SVEN SVEEEN. lol shance with sven?
NOOO DONT TAKE IT TO LOTOR. though thats probably needed to make a comparable weapon to voltron.
alk;sdjaskj SHIRO
oh wait this is a dream isn't it.
whoah. such hair.
wtfffff is happeniiing. STAGE 3??
wow the animation quality went up tho.
hmm thigh wound.
anime snow...
aw haggar, its ok.
Yep thigh wound. Niiiiice legs. oh nooo.shiro.
interesting. an oasis of warmth. ohhhh NO NOO NO. GET AWAY.
lol shiros face. he's so done.
but somethings not adding up.
why was he allowed free?
eiii the return of the term "years"
lol yes why dint they GO WITH HIM.
but how did his hair get so long??
Lotor is on bad terms Haggar. I AM THE LEADER BUT I AM NOT MY FATHER.
holy shit that arm looks like shiros arm.
alksdjasjd OMG MEMORIES.
oh new white undershirt.
"they need you you know." Keith talking about himself.
oomg. omg.
...OH NO
Leave the math to pidge. LOL. solid advice.
LOL keith defers ofc.
oh no.
oh its lotors guards.
lol they believe shiro ofc.
oh so it IS her.
aw yes allura grab lances scruff.
ohhh no. this is a rift.
lotors brains vs shiros brains. hmn.
ooooh no.
I wonder if Throk is still alive and can snitch.
Shoulder touch.
SOFT LOOK. The black lion has chosen you.
landing codes? what? whoa lotor. SO THAT PLAN WAS TO SET UP THROK? HES THAT PETTY??
episode 7
alluras already old there huh
and lions are super recent.
Minerva? Onerva?
oh ships vs clean energy.
why does she sound so dead???
also zarkon used to be so small
so blue lions are flirts. hmn.
isnt it with lance now??
live foreverrr.
Enerva is Haggar??
ohhh thats why his eyes are pink. SO THISIS THE BIRTH OF DRUID MAGIC, THE PARTICLES.
....THATS IT??
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