#i would LOVE to work on an ice cream barge
aikoiya · 1 year
This is just as amazing as the underground cheese bunkers.
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jgracie · 2 months
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❝ do u think u could write a percy x daughter of psyche reader headcannons, maybe one where shes super emotional bc psyches the goddess of the soul and stuff 🤍🤍 ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of psyche
pairing percy jackson x psyche!reader
warnings none
on the radio . . . delicate (taylor swift)
“Y/N, can you help with something?” Piper said as she barged in your cabin
Being Psyche’s only child, you got pretty lonely watching everyone else interact with their siblings. Luckily, the Aphrodite cabin decided to ‘adopt’ you, seeing as you had your emotional intuition in common
That’s how you became good friends with Piper, and how you ended up in this position: being dragged out of the comfort of your cabin and all the way to the beach
Proudly presenting you to the boy you recognised to be Percy, son of Poseidon, Piper said, “Y/N's a daughter of Psyche, she can help!”
You looked at Piper, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “I can help with what?” 
Percy answered for her, “this hippocampus is in pain and won’t tell me anything. I inspected it for cuts or anything like that, but she looks fine!” You didn’t need to hear him to tell he was exhausted. His aura had spots of dark red signifying his tiredness
You gave Percy a smile, channelling all of calmness in yourself as you said, “it’ll be okay, I’ll take a look.” You were glad to see it work - the red spots lessening. Using your voice to influence people’s emotions was something you were still working with Piper on 
As soon as you got near the hippocampus, you knew what was up. Once you got it to relax, you told them, “she’s not hurt, she’s pregnant.”
After that day, you started hanging out with Percy more. Well, if you called ‘doing occasional checkups on Sweetie the hippocampus’ hanging out. 
The two of you, along with Will Solace from Apollo, guided the hippocampus through her pregnancy. You read her emotions and Will administered the necessary medical support
Percy was just there because he’s a child of Poseidon and the hippocampi really wanted their lord to be there, as they believed it’d bless the child
When Sweetie finally gave birth, you couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. You really enjoyed spending time with Percy, and now you didn’t have an excuse to
Could you just ask him to hang out? Sure, he’d probably agree. But you wouldn’t do that. Stuff like this is really delicate to you, and needs to be treated with utmost care
Luckily, he did the asking for you
“Y/N!” Percy yelled. It had been a day since Sweetie gave birth, what could Percy possibly need from you?
You turned, “is Sweetie okay?” Ever since that day at the beach, you’d grown really attached to the hippocampus, and would hate to hear that something had gone wong
Much to your relief, Percy said, “Sweetie’s fine, I just wanted to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have even known she was pregnant. Do you wanna get ice cream with me later today? My treat.”
Your smile widened and warmth flooded your heart, “sure, Percy, I’d love that.”
The ice cream broke the ice between you and Percy, and soon enough you were laughing as if you’d been friends your whole lives. For someone who isn’t a child of Psyche or Aphrodite, Percy was pretty good with people
Your issue is that he’s too good. When he’d shoot you one of his handsome grins, or gently pull you into his chest as you’re about to bump into someone, or check you for scrapes after a game of capture the flag, you couldn’t help but fall in love 
However, he was so oblivious. Every time you read his aura, you were disappointed at the lack of pink in it. How could he still see you as a friend? 
Confused, you decided to consult the Aphrodite cabin
Another night, another sleepover at the Aphrodite cabin. From the perfume samples to the face masks, you loved it all
Clapping her hands, Piper sat on the floor next to you, completing the circle. Instantly, all of her siblings stopped talking, “we have something to discuss. Y/N, if you will.”
“So, I like Percy–” you heard squeals from all directions. Piper shushed them, “continue.”
“I like Percy, but I don’t think he likes me back. He does things for me - things that I associate with romance - but every time I read his aura, there’s nothing,” you sighed
The circle was silent as the Aphrodite kids thought of solutions to your issue. After a minute, a girl piped up, “have you done anything to show that you like him?” 
“Oh yeah, I gave him one of my chocolates yesterday.” Instantly, you felt judged, “I don’t do that for anyone,” you added
The girl next to you turned and placed her hands on your shoulders, “that’s the issue, Y/N. Sure, to you that's the epitome of romance, but it's a little too subtle for most people, babe. You’ve got to really show him you like him! If you do, then he’ll start thinking of you romantically, y’know?”
By the morning, you made your decision. You’d show Percy that you liked him
Meanwhile, Percy scarfed down yet another potion, grimacing at the taste
You see, Percy liked you too. But he was smart. He knew you’d be able to tell immediately if he liked you, since his aura would give his feelings away. So, what’d he do? He begged asked the Hecate cabin for a potion that’ll hide his aura
Considering you hadn’t said anything about it so far, he thought it worked
He felt bad lying to you, but he couldn’t have you knowing, not yet. Percy wanted to plan the perfect confession, and he couldn’t do that with your powers at play
With his aura concealed, Percy left his cabin. He was going to head to breakfast when he found you sitting at the steps of Cabin 3
"What’re you doing here?” Percy said, startling you. You were too nervous to knock on his door, so you opted to wait for him to leave his cabin instead
Taking a deep breath, you said, “Percy, there’s this movie I really wanted to see, and I was wondering if you wanted to see it… together?” You took his hand and looked down at your feet, too scared to check his aura
“Sure! Do you wanna come to mine or should I go to yours?” Percy replied, blushing. If this didn’t scream the fact that you liked him, he didn’t know what did
You looked up. His aura was the same - yellow, meaning friendship. You felt yourself tear up and ran, hoping he didn’t get suspicious
He did, of course. Percy chased after you until you got tired and he could finally catch up, “what’s wrong, Y/N?”
You snapped. You were getting sick of all of this, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Percy! I’ve been trying to figure you out for weeks! You always do romantic things for me but your aura’s still yellow, and it hurts, Percy, so I’d really appreciate it if you stopped leading me on!”
Percy felt like such an idiot. He explained that he did like you and the yellow aura was just because of the potion he got from the Hecate kids
Since you still had some doubts, he dragged you to the Hecate cabin and asked them to give him a potion that’d reverse the effects of the first one
As soon as he downed that one, his aura turned bright pink
True love
You started dating soon after. That night, you watched the romance movie you’d picked out and Percy held you as you cried about how cute the couple is
You can’t hide your emotions from Percy. Just because he can’t read auras, doesn’t mean he can’t tell when his favourite girl’s feeling down!
Whenever someone even thinks to tease you for being sensitive and emotional, Percy immediately gives them a lecture, telling them he’s sorry they don't have half your emotional complexity
He’s always asking you to read his aura, since he's very curious. It barely changes when he’s around you, almost always mostly pink 
You still tell him though and he gets this super proud look on his face and it’s really cute 
You’re really glad you have Percy because now you have someone to rant to about all the media you consume and how it makes you feel. Sometimes he spaces out because your voice is so soothing, but he makes up for it
You two are PDA central. Percy also has lots of feelings, so you always have to be touching in some way
You told him your mom's sacred animal is the butterfly once and now whenever he sees one he instantly thinks of you
“Oh my Gods Y/N is watching over me!” “Percy that’s a moth” 
Every day Percy thanks Piper and her mother for letting you guys cross paths, because your path and his are forever intertwined now
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batneko · 1 year
bowuigi love spell idea
Some wannabe Big Bad got it in their head that the reason Mario is so successful is he's got the Ultimate Sidekick in his own brother. What better way to defeat him than to kidnap Luigi and cast an elaborate unbreakable love spell on him? Romantic love will beat brotherly love, right??? (No.)
Obviously this doesn't go well, Mario rushes to Luigi's rescue and beats the snot out of the villain along the way. But it just so happens that one of the many complicated components of the spell was stolen from Bowser, and he barges in to get it back just as the spell is reaching its peak.
Nobody notices what happened at first. Luigi is so happy to be rescued that he thinks he's just feeling especially grateful to Bowser, even though his help was accidental. On their way out Bowser finally sees the magic circle on the floor and the items placed at various points and mutters "isn't this a waxing moon heart prison?"
Later, when Luigi is lying in bed wide awake thinking about Bowser of all people, he remembers that Bowser had known the name of the spell. No need to worry Mario about this. Surely if Luigi just... asks nicely? (And he really wants to see Bowser too, that's a bonus.)
Bowser thinks the situation is hilarious, but doesn't hesitate to help Luigi when he asks. Unfortunately he's lost track of the book he read the spell in (Luigi politely doesn't ask why he was reading about love spells in the first place) and can't remember all the details. They search the castle but find nothing.
Luigi comes back a week later. They do some more searching, try out a couple curse-breaking methods. Nothing. Bowser offers to let Luigi come back again, and finally Luigi asks why Bowser is being so nice about all this.
"I know what it's like to love someone who doesn't love you back. Wouldn't wish that on anybody."
So Luigi comes back the next week. And the next. And the next. At one point he accidentally refers to it as "date night" and Bowser laughs at him but starts calling it that too.
It's nice spending time with Bowser like this. It's REALLY nice. Sure, the feelings are artificial, but that doesn't stop him from feeling them. Having Bowser's attention, making him laugh... it feels good. Luigi almost forgets he's trying to STOP feeling this way.
It goes on for months, until finally one day, after one more failed curse-breaking attempt, Bowser asks, "What if it never works?" "I'll leave you alone," Luigi says. "I'll get out of your hair for good." "Would that be so bad?" Bowser asks. "Is it really so AWFUL being in love with me?" "No..." Luigi admits. "But you deserve someone who loves you for who you are." "You're the only one who thinks that and that's just because you're cursed," Bowser says. "I mean it. Not just because of the curse, I don't think there's anybody who doesn't deserve to have somebody love them." "Then stay," Bowser says. "Be that somebody." Luigi finally realizes what Bowser's saying... what he's been hinting at for weeks, actually, and Luigi refused to see it. "I could be good to you," Bowser says softly. "I could make you so happy." Luigi gets up and leaves without a word.
It's the hardest thing he's ever done, but he tells himself it's for the best. What if the spell does break one day? He'll stop loving Bowser and shatter his heart. And even if that doesn't happen, it's not good for Bowser to settle for artificial love.
So Luigi goes straight to Mario (okay, after ice cream and a cry sesh) and tells him... most of the truth. He lets Mario believe that Bowser has been annoyed with the situation this whole time. Mario knows a lot of people who know a lot of people, so one quest later they've finally found an Old Master Wizard who remembers the spell.
"Just wait it out," the guy says. "Don't make any rash decisions, and you'll be good in a month." "...what." "Yeah the waxing moon heart prison only lasts until the moon is in the same phase it was when it was cast, then you've gotta top it up." "Is... it possible to top the spell up by accident?" "Not a chance, it's nearly as complicated as casting it the first time. Don't worry! You'll be back to normal in four weeks."
It's been four MONTHS. And Luigi never noticed his feelings changing... much. They seemed to go from infatuation to something deeper but he can't remember when exactly.
Did he fall in love with Bowser for real?
Did he break Bowser's heart by leaving for nothing?
On the way back Mario keeps staring at Luigi, waiting for an explanation, but Luigi can't give him one. He shakes Mario off before they reach home and makes a beeline for Bowser's castle.
It takes a lot of apologizing before Bowser will see him, and even after explaining that the spell has been broken for a long time now Bowser still doesn't seem interested in anything Luigi has to say. So Luigi gives a big flowery speech about all the things he likes about him while Bowser glares in silence, but at last Luigi ends it with, "I love you."
It's the first time he's actually said those words. He's talked about "the love spell" and "my feelings," but he's never said "I love you" to Bowser's face.
Bowser picks him up and kisses him.
"I love you too." "Oh! Great." "It's gonna be a while before I can remember that it's not magic making you love me." "I understand." "So you'll need to tell me. A lot." "I can do that!" Luigi says.
He's got a lot of time to make up for.
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thecuriousquest · 10 months
Baby Bird
Tag List: @issamomma
Warnings: Platonic yandere themes, pretend the drinking age in Japan is 21, manipulation, threats, isolation, grounding as a punishment
Request: Heyy, just wanted to say I love your writing!! Here’s a request/idea of your interested- Yandere older brother hawks when he catches u sneaking out to see your friends who he forbid u to see
Checkout my Master List here.
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“Keigie,” you sing to get his attention, calling him by an old nickname to butter him up.
“Yes, my sweet baby sister?”
“Can I go out with some friends tonight?”
Hesitantly, he looks at his watch. You can see him trying to come up with a reason to not let you go out.
“I did all my chores and homework, and it’s not a school night! I can be back before eleven. Please?”
With a hand on the back of his neck, he turns you down. “I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s good for you to be out that late.”
“Keigie, I’m nineteen! I want to go out and have some fun. Please?”
“Calm down. Yelling is only going to get you grounded.”
You can’t believe him. No, wait, that’s not true. You knew this would be a possibility. You tried to make as little excuses as you could for him by doing your homework and chores. You even waited for the weekend to come before you asked him. Taking a deep breath so you don’t get too emotional, you close your eyes and sigh.
Opening them, you look at him coldly. “Fine, Keigo, I’ll just stay in my room for another Friday night and not enjoy another weekend with my friends.” You turn on your heel and pad up to your room, slamming the door shut once you get there.
Not even thirty minutes later, he gets a call telling him he has to do a job. It’s a major threat, and his quirk is fit for the work that needs to get done. He knocks rapidly on your door. Once you tell him that he can come in, he pokes his blonde head in your room.
“I have to go to work. You stay here. I’ll take you out for ice cream when I get back. Okay? Love you, Baby Bird.”
Pouting because HE gets to go out, you cross your arms. However, you know how important “I love you” is to Keigo. This could end up being the last chance you have to say that to him.
“I love you too, Keigie.”
He smiles at you with a lopsided grin. Leaving the house, he flies away to the site of the attack.
You look at your phone and bite your lip, wondering if you could get away with it. You don’t know how long Hawks will be gone for. Sometimes, it’s only up to an hour. Other times, less frequently, he could be gone for up to five hours. It all depends on the job he’s working.
Taking a major risk, you decide to text your friends, telling them you’ll meet them at the bar.
You’re having a great time with your friends. You all ordered chips and dip. You even have tacos to munch on. Using your fake I.D, you managed to get yourself a vodka soda. You never had one before now, and it only makes you want another one.
“No, remember when Mizuki fucking fell down on the dance floor, and Y/N’s heel broke when she tried to help her up, and she ended up falling on top of Mizuki?” Hibiki bursts out in laughter as he tells the story. You’re surprised he was able to make it through relaying the events of that night because he’s about to fall out of his chair from laughing so hard.
And then he’s so drunk that he does fall out of his chair, and the entire table is giggling and chuckling. You’re slamming your fist on the table because you can’t catch your breath.
As you prepare to finish off your vodka soda with a final few sips, Hawks barges into the bar, ruining the relaxed and hilarious atmosphere you had built over the last two hours with your friends.
You didn’t realize he was there until you hear a very familiar voice yell, “She’s underage, you asshole!”
Turning around, you see Hawks shoving your waiter aside and stalking towards you. He grabs your glass. “This better be a fucking virgin if you know what’s good for you.” He takes a sniff of your drink. “Oh, you’re fucking dead. I’m going to roast you alive when we get home.”
You’re a little tipsy but not shitfaced drunk like Hibiki. Standing up isn’t difficult, and you try to walk as fast as your heels can carry you. It isn’t far.
A hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you into the chest of one pissed off big brother.
“I thought I told you to stay at the house. I’m pretty sure I made myself clear, sis.”
Feeling bold from your liquid courage, you puff your chest out, and you can see that Keigo doesn’t like it at all.
“Yeah, well, I’m sick of you always telling me what to do just because Ma and Pa aren’t around anymore. You can’t keep locking me up in my room. It’s fucking annoying.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? With all of the things I do for you, I never throw them in your face, but I do so fucking much for you. All I ask is that you obey my rules! You know the reason why I can’t let you go out on your own. I have targets on my back. Someone could kidnap you to get to me. If not hanging with your friends is the price you have to pay to stay safe, then fucking pay it because your friends don’t mean shit to me. You do. Your life is what matters to me the most.”
It must hurt your friends to hear a pro hero say he couldn’t give a fuck about them. However, his words hurt you even more. You don’t even know how to respond because you feel like he’s making so many fair points.
When your eyes lower, Keigo knows he has won the argument. He pays your tab and drags you out of the bar before flying you home. The entire way there, he contemplates how to punish you.
“How did you even find me,” you ask as you turn your head slightly so he can hear you.
“I tracked your phone. Now, be quiet. I don’t want to hear another word from you tonight.”
Once home, he decides to lock you in your room until morning. He claims he needs to cool off before giving you a punishment. You only nod your head before hearing the lock on the outside of your door click.
You can barely sleep, and when morning arrives, you feel groggy and fatigued. Keigo raps on your door loudly, knowing that it will make you regret drinking.
You groan as he opens the door. He walks in with water, two headache pills, and breakfast on a tray. He sets it down on your bedside table before taking a seat on your bed. He looks like he’s been thinking about something all night because of the little crease between his brows.
“First of all, how did you get into a bar?”
Sighing, you reach into your bedside table drawer for your wallet. You pluck your fake I.D., handing it to your brother. You rationalize that there’s no point in hiding it from him. He’ll just tear your room apart in order to find anything incriminating.
Keigo looks at you with determination. “You’re doing your schooling online for the rest of the year.”
It feels as though your stomach has been punched with an iron fist. “What?”
“You heard me. I can’t trust you, so you’re doing your classes online. I’ll show you how everything works tomorrow. This is your punishment for going out behind my back.”
“But, I want to go to school in person and see my friends!”
“Yeah, well, I wanted to go out and get ice cream with you after work, but we all don’t get what we want.”
In that moment, you attempt to slap him, forgetting his quick reflexes and experience as a pro hero. He grabs your wrist and glares at you.
“Do you really want to make it two years?”
Your lower lip wobbles as tears well up in your eyes. “No, I don’t.”
“Then apologize.”
“I’m sorry…”
Keigo releases your limb, and you turn away from him, crossing your arms. You actually can’t believe he’s going this far. Usually, he would just lecture you or ground you for a few weeks. This is entirely different. There are seven months left in the year, and he plans on grounding you for all of them just because you went out drinking with your friends.
“Hey, don’t be like that. Even though this is a punishment, I still love you. I always will. I’m doing this for you. I have to protect you from the people who might want to use you to get to me. We can still have some fun and hangout together. I’ll take you out for ice cream and pizza later on in the week if you behave yourself. Okay?”
When he doesn’t get a response from you, he reaches over and grabs your shoulder, trying to get you to look at him. Your expression is miserable. Not even pizza and ice cream could sway you into a better mood.
Tears soak your lashes and cheeks, giving your E/C eyes a glassy look.
“Can you just leave?” your breath hitches on the last syllable, and it utterly breaks your brother’s heart.
The winged hero sighs and nods. “Sure. If that’s what you want. Take your medicine and eat something. It’ll help with the hangover,” he explains as he stands up and leaves.
“I love you, Baby Bird,” he tells you right as he’s about to close the door.
Keigo stands there for a beat, waiting and hoping for you to say something in return.
Closing your eyes, you wipe your tears away. “Love you too, Keigie.”
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milksuu · 7 months
Imagine Yone having a wife, which the rest of Heartsteel doesn't know about, I mean they never asked, and then one day he brings a child to the bands apartment. Since his wife has to work late hours and the nursery is already closed, he has to take care of their child. What would the reaction of the band be? And how would they be with children? (Also the wife is the reader since I love self indulgence with Yone)
❥ prompt: Yone never talked about his personal life. The Heartsteel gang had a few assumptions, but they were just theories. Nothing proven. Until the gang found a toddler running around the apartment. ❥ content/warnings: fluffy fluff, gang shenanigans ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel & yonexreader!gn!kid
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"What the hell is that thing!? And since when did Yone spawn anything into existence!?"
Kayn isn't used to children being within a five-foot radius of his presence. He tends to not surround himself with booger eating, snot crying, whining little crotch gremlins. Even worse, their damn parents.
Kayn's chaotic nature in public can't be stifled. And he's met his fair share of parents trying to lecture him on his behavior. He always has two words ready for such an occasion: Fuck off. And then proceeds to flash both middle fingers in the air, and laugh when the child behind the fuming parents drops their ice-cream. Absolute poetry.
This was a little different. Scratch that—a lot different. Not only does he know the damn parent (Yone) but the child has managed to infiltrate his room, and infect everything with a thousand unnamed child born diseases. He's about ready to blow a casket. Until the kid accidentally starts playing his Pentakill vinyl album on the record player. That's when he saw a rockstar be born. The way that little tyke started headbanging would put a bunch of mosh pit psycho's to shame. And the screeching? A future screamo lead-singer, easily.
An all out heavy-metal concert ensued. With Kayn rifting his guitar with the song instrumentals, and the kid jumping and screaming into a cheap cordless mic he found under his bed. When the song ended, Kayn chanted "Jump! Jump!" into the mosh-pit of one. And you don't need to tell a child to launch themselves off of anything twice. The tater-tot squealed and laughed, being caught in Kayn's hands and praised into the air for a killer performance.
From the bedroom door, an audience member leaned cooly against the frame. Clapping at the spectacle. "Dada!" The kid raised their fists higher into the air. "I'm a rwockstar!"
Yone lifted a brow, crossing his arms in pure amusement. "I can see that."
"Y-Yeah. Next time, tell your kid not to barge into other people's rooms," Kayn coughed, quickly setting down the kid and patting them towards Yone. "Teach it some manners, o-or whatever. So that I don't have to deal with it."
Yone chuckled under his breath. Taking his child by the hand, he smiled. "Come with me. We should go before someone gets a little too attached."
Kayn huffed red. Slamming the door and shouting behind it, "WOULD NOT!"
So, there was a child. An actual living, breathing one. Stumbling. Running around. Knocking things over. Yelling at the wall and ceilings like some deranged lunatic out on the city streets. What a disaster. What a nightmare. Aphelio's wasn't scared by most things; monsters, zombies, ghosts, spam mail. But children were terrifying creatures. Destructive and loud. The worst kind of combination in a singular human being. Kind of like Kayn.
He swore he broke out into a cold sweat when the child barged into his room. Not quietly at all. His heart pounded. His fingers turned cold. And his eyes trembled against his computer screen. He hoped the child would grow bored of terrorizing his room like some miniature version of Godzilla. He also hoped someone would see the calamity, take pity on him, and come to his aid. Someone like Sett.
He then heard a familiar note. He cursed himself twice. He shouldn't have left his electric portable keyboard out in the open. Aphelios turned cautiously in his chair. He swallowed hard and braced himself for a horrific sight. He thought he'd find the child bashing the keys in or trying to pluck the knobs right off. Instead, he saw a small round face filled with wonder at the sound. Carefully, the child pressed another. Smiling, delighted by the next note. Aphelio's eyes rounded. That's when he saw a little bit of himself.
It didn't take long for Apehlios to gather his spare headset and cord link. He plucked the kid up and placed him right on his lap at his desk. He was going to show this little one all the instruments in his digital toolbox. The workflow of an absolute musical genius. And they were going to make a mixed bite that would leave people speechless.
"Oh! Oh! Dat one. Dat one." The toddler tapped Aphelio's hand against his computer mouse. A few clicks and the instrument was spliced into the mix. When Aphelio's replayed the bit, the child kicked their legs back and forth, clapping their hands together. Wanting to gauge the tots overall opinion, he flipped between thumbs-up and thumbs-down. Back and forth. The little one took his hand, and kept it thumb-side-up with a cheeky grin. And they both nodded in agreement. This mix was a certified banger.
"Hey, guys. Has anyone seen my phone? Nevermind. Found it! Someone's totally random kid has it. Wait—HUH!?"
Ezreal doesn't mind kids so much. They could sometimes be a lot of fun. The only thing Ezreal can't handle is once a crying session starts, or a random tantrum erupts. He gets a little nervous when the meltdowns start. Because he has no freaking clue how to handle it. So for the most part, Ezreal does like kids—from a distance. Where he can smile and laugh at their antics, without having to actually deal with an emotional ticking time bomb. Kayn was bad enough already.
The other thing he can't deal with is someone messing with his phone! And unfortunately, his habit of misplacing it has caught up to him. Because now a toddler has it. Deleting and messing up his apps. Possibly trying to look for some silly game he doesn't even have installed. And if Ezreal thought he was fast, well, this kid took the crown. Call that tyke 'Lightning McQueen', because they were leaving sneaker marks on the floor.
But this game of chase had to come to an end. Ezreal caught up to the road-runner, and slipped the phone right out of those tiny fingers. Ezreal cheered himself thinking he won. Ezreal quickly figured out he was actually about to be the biggest loser. He witnessed those round eyes growing in watery magnitude. Face wrinkling with pure, unfiltered raw emotion. The hiccups increased in volume, and those puffed cheeks were getting more red by the minute.
"H-Hey! Don't cry. No, no. Shhh—Shhh! It's okay." Ezreal smacked his hands together, begging and pleading for mercy upon his sensitive soul. Ezreal sunk his top teeth into his bottom lip. He wasn't prepared for this at all. And if Yone ever found out he made his kid cry, then mostly likely, he'd make sure Ezreal was crying too (and bleeding) on the floor. Then forced to clean up his own murder scene!
A few quick taps and he knelt down with the hiccuping toddler. With the cat filter setup, Ezreal pretended to be a kitten; meowing and licking his paw and rubbing his cheeks to clean himself. The kiddo sniffed back their brimming tears, giggling when they saw they had their own whiskers and ears! After a couple of loud meows, the child hopped up and down. "Doggy next! Doggy next!" One tap and now they were puppies, barking and panting.
Many cute pictures were taken. Ezreal picked out a few and messaged them to Yone.
[Yone:] Thanks. The wife will be happy to have these. [Ezreal:] np! 😋 [Yone:] By the way. Have you finished cleaning the bathrooms? [Ezreal]:..............................................yes. 🤗 [Yone:] Finish the bathrooms. Now. Or I'll be confiscating your phone for a week.
Ezreal almost broke down in tears, falling to his knees. He was so close to having his own meltdown. Just from the sheer thought of losing his phone privilege's. Honestly, he should be off the hook for entertaining the kid and sending cute pictures. Life totally wasn't fair!
"Well, hello down there. You wanna play a game or—shoot. I didn't mean to scare ya'h off! I swear I'm a nice guy if ya'h give me a chance!"
There was no doubt about it. Sett really, really, liked children. There was something about them that brought him joy whenever they were around. All of his personal baggage and adult stress would simply melt away from a simple giggle or smile. And Sett had his fair share of babysitting other single-moms' and their children while growing up. It was one of his part-time jobs from middle to high school. All to help Ma' with paying the bills.
Unfortunately, kids didn't seem to like him too much (at first). With his overwhelming mass, they'd think he was some sort of monster. The one their parents told them would gobble them up if they didn't shower before bed. So, here he was, trying to entertain the little one. But anytime they caught sight of him, they'd cry in terror and scamper away. Sett had to think bigger. He tapped his chin a couple of times before a light bulb went off above his ears.
He laid out the scene in his room. He thanked his Ma' for one of the plushies she sent came with a tea set in the box. He went as far as to grab a few outfits and materials he stitched up as small replicas of larger projects him and K'Sante worked on. Him and the surrounding stuff toys were dressed appropriately for the most exquisite tea-party. Dress, hats, neck pearls and all!
Curiosity always got the best of any child. When the tater-tot heard the laughs and conversations, they had to sneak a peek. And once they entered the room, the child found Sett sitting on the ground, surrounded by his plushies, all served with tiny cups and plates.
"Oh! Quiet down everyone. The prince/princess has finally arrived. Mr. Chonk, please. Show our honored guest to their seat." He motioned his tea-cup to a free spot at the 'table'. The child glowed with excitement, scurrying to their designated placement. With a fancy tilt of their teacup, they took prim and proper sips of their tea. "More tea, Mr.Swett?" The toddler wiggled forward and picked up the teapot.
"Why, yes. I would love some more. Thank you." Sett raised his cup at the offer. The giggles and excitable conversation could be heard throughout the entire apartment. It wasn't long till the rest of the gang stuck their noses through a crack at the door. Opening the door, they couldn't help but burst with laughter at the display. Ezreal, of course, snapping pictures. Aphelios chuckling to himself behind his mask. Kayn roaring with laughter and tears. And K'Sante commenting on how he'd never expect some of his designed outfits would be used at a kid's tea party. "Nuh-Uh. You can't come in." The toddler hoped on their feet, pushing all of them all out the door. "Dis invitation onwy. No stinkers!"
"That's right, fellas. No stinkers." Sett laughed, raising his pinky into the air. "This is an exclusive tea-party. Better luck gettin' invited next year. Right?"
"He-He. You think you have what it takes because you are Yone's kid? Show me and prove it."
K'Sante grew up with a large family. Brothers, sisters, first cousins, second cousins, the neighbors next door and their kids. Heck, even that laundromat lady his mom was friends with and her kids. Actually, just about everyone in the community. Seemed like it was always a party at his parents home. No matter the day or week, K'Sante had always dealt with a high-energy household. And when the adults pulled out the bottle of Akpeteshie, you knew it was going to be a rager. And at the kids table, K'Sante was in charge of watching over the parade of younger children.
Being a certified older sibling within his family unit, and apparently, Heartsteel as well, handling one little wasn't going to throw off his cool or cramp his style. In fact, he was more than prepared. If there was one thing he knew from growing up, kids loved to play dress up. And he had a full wardrobe of runway worthy outfits.
K'Sante busted out a long carpet down the hallway. Borrowed some plushies from Sett, and made them the audience and judges. Dimming most of the surrounded lights, the hallway bulbs illuminated the catwalk with intensity. Let the show begin!
"Higher energy! Yes, show them a 'ting or two about what fashion truly means." K'sante clapped his hands as the kiddo strutted down with dramatic sass. "That is it. Right there. Now, finish them off with the look." At the end of the carpet, the child titled their head back, and narrowed their eyes before sharply turning with a fling of the boa around their neck. K'Sante cheered, pushing one of the stuffed animals as if it passed out from sheer cut-throat fashion! He blew kisses into the air. "They can't even handle you right now. You are new, you are fresh, but also timeless. Molded by the hands of Gods. Your power is infinite."
Wardrobe changes were a must. K'Sante wasn't going to let such talent go to waste. His work of art and the tiny fashion model would display it all for the world to see. Well, the stuffed animal world, he had to remind himself. Seemed like a game of pretend was feeling like a real runway gig! And after the runway show was over, it actually wasn't truly over. K'Sante had pulled out a magazine from behind a display case. Showing the kiddo a picture of their father walking down a runway in an all black-attire event. "Dada," the kid placed a hand against the glossy page. "Supah cool."
"That's right." K'Sante said proudly, puffing his chest. "And your Dada looks cool because I am the one who designed his suite. But, I'll give him credit. He is a pretty cool guy all on his own."
an: this req was too cute to write omg. sorry if i just focused on the gang and the kid, rather than the yone x reader part you also requested. felt it was getting a bit long, and i wasn't sure if i could incorporate it well enough. very sorry about that. but don't worry! i have another yone x reader req. incoming.
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leeofthevoid · 3 months
Not so Meet-Cute
Part Two: Did we or Did we not?
Farleigh Start x Reader
a/n: This is just a thing I had in my drafts.
Word Count: 2218
Warnings: Strong language, Explicit Content
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You and Farleigh didn’t exactly have the meet cute you desired to have. 
It was the most awkward meeting you had since secondary school and it sucked ass. India hyped you up so much about how great he was and how you could at least bed him for one night since he was just that good.
Yeah…No fucking way. 
Everything went okay for the date but man, he didn’t even try. Flirted with all the girls and guys you walked past while having that park date his cousin and India prepared for the two of you. Apparently you two would click like puzzle pieces, but what did those two know about games that make you think hard. At the end of the ‘date’ you were left with two melting cones of ice cream while Farleigh had a different woman in his arms, flirting with her. A fucking twat. 
After a year of getting over that disaster, you are so tired of university and the fact that you had no avenue to destress, or what common folk say sexual frustration. You needed sex!
“India, I don’t think putting me in a shirt that spills my boobs out will attract the attention you think it will.” You comment as she hands you this corset type black top with matching A-line red skirt. “Relax, love. It’s our first day back in university and you deserve to turn heads.” You huff out a sigh of defeat and just grabbed whatever it is she asked you to wear. 
You put it on and felt like the air was squeezed out of you. “My! You look so gorgeous babes, I’d snag you up if I swung that way.” You rolled your eyes as she adjusted the clips behind your top, making it at least breathable. Guess you won’t be eating today. 
India was right, you did get a decent amount of attention. Even got yourself to turn heads from multiple people. Damn that diet and exercise bit your mum asked you to do with her over the summer payed off well. People started to reserve seats for you that you had to fight to get the year before. They complimented your hair, your eyes, your body. Well at least you had free lunch. 
Everything went well…Until a little disaster happened. It was your afternoon class and you might have had a little too much of Annabel’s vegetarian sandwich when you heard a small tear on you. You looked down and it was your top, not big enough to be of alarm though, maybe get it stitched after your classes. 
It did not go as planned. It started to rip off half an hour into class and you had to slide out from the room to run to the nearest bathroom. You barged in and opened the only cubicle that was working when the whole corset ripped in the middle of your chest, exposing your boobs if you didn’t hold on to it tightly with your hands. Curse these fabrics. Your friends all had classes and you didn’t even bring your own sweater. In short, you are fucked. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Your wails were silenced when you heard a crash and the sound of footsteps hurriedly coming in, followed by sounds of…Kissing? No, moaning! Fuck!
“You’re doing so good for me, now be a good boy and open that door.” That voice sounded familiar and you were not excited about it. The other person…Guy whines as he tries to open your cubicle. The fuck is up with these bastards. 
“Shit it’s locked.” 
“Then force it open!” The more annoying voice said as the one pulling your door tries harder. After a few annoying and grueling moments of their struggle, you opened the latch and scowled at them. “Do you fucking mind?” You said, clutching the cloth on your chest as the other guy’s eyes widened. 
Holy fuck? Isn’t that Andrew? He was an apparent pussy-enjoyer and acted like that hetero straight guy. Guess the closet can be invisible. 
“Oh fuck.” Andrew said as he ran out of the bathroom. You are now left with that annoying shit you were praying to be so wrong about. 
“Hello, Farleigh.” Voice dripping with distaste, clutching on your top harder. 
He chuckled as he looked at you. Up and down with a wolf-whistle. “You look scrumptious, darling. Least you can do after ruining my little afternoon fuck.” He smirked, leaning on the door of the cubicle. “This is the women’s bathroom you little shit or did all that disease you carry finally blind you?” You said with annoyance,  crossing your arms over your chest securely, but your struggle didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Would have been a good insult if you weren’t in a bit of a situation yourself.” The sing-song voice was just adding more insult to injury. He was having a blast. 
“Well at least you get to witness what nice looking tits look like.” You proudly said while you sat on the cover of the toilet, crossing one leg over the other. “What good are those tits you flaunt if no one even sucks them.” 
“It’s called class, Farleigh. Bet you don’t even know the term ‘standards’. Yeah you should try that.” 
“Little Andrew too low for you?” He had an amused expression, waiting for another jab. 
“I guess you just take scraps now at this point. You desperate bitch.” You smiled up at him and raised your eyebrows. 
It would have been a victorious moment if your stupid corset did not eventually give out. It ripped fully and loudly like it sided with Farleigh. You clutched on it for dear life, eyes full of fear when you heard Farleigh’s guffaws. 
“Fuck! You know if you-you…Pffft.” He doubled over and clutched his stomach. “Shit, okay I’ll stop now. Pfft. Yeah okay I’m done.” 
“Fuck off, Start!” 
He collected himself and gave you a little smirk. “But…I’m your only hope at this point.”
He was fucking right. You had no choice. That evil grin on his face was slap-worthy but you wanted to go back and change without flashing the whole campus. You sighed in defeat and rolled your eyes. “Fine. Can I borrow your sweater?”
He smiled at you and looked at the spare knitted sweater hanging around his waist. “I mean…” 
“On one condition.” 
You groaned, “What!” 
“Well…A favor for a favor.” 
This bitch! Seriously! 
“Spill the fuck up or I will fuck your face up.” He gave you a challenging look before clearing his throat. 
“Go to my dorm later. I need to destress.” He winked as he threw you his sweater that you quickly wore to conceal yourself. He left before you could ask more and now you owe him a favor. 
Knowing Farleigh…It was a hundred percent sexual in nature. 
India heard about it, minus the Farleigh part. She just assumed a desperate boy offered you his sweater and tried to shoot his shot. 
You wish it was, could have been easier. You got to change into a more reasonable shirt but still kept the skirt going when India suddenly got a text from Farleigh. 
“Hey babes, remember that hot american cousin Felix has?” 
“…Date cheater?”
“Yeah. Well he told me to remind you about the favor.” 
You rolled your eyes and stood up. “India I have somewhere I need to be.” Your best friend was confused but simply nodded her head. 
You knocked on Farleigh’s door and immediately got pulled in. “What the fuck?” 
“Annotate my essay.” He pulled you to his desk and gave you a pen then jumped on his bed. That was…Unexpected. He was in thinner clothes, hands occupied with a book. Said nothing else to you and read his book. 
What the fuck? Okay then. 
The room eventually fell silent as you worked on his paper. Imagine being in your former shitty date’s dorm, annotating a decent essay. It was crazy. 
“Are you done?” He broke the silence, sitting up on his bed with a bored expression. It’s probably been an hour and surprisingly, you were done. “Yes, actually.” He wasted no time walking and leaned on the table, looking over your shoulder, checking your work. 
“Wow, tits and brains? You are the package.” You rolled your eyes while you looked up at him, eventually locking eyes. “That’s it? No weird sexual favors that usually get asked around?” Farleigh chuckled.
“Would you have given me a handjob if I asked?”
“See?” Well. He does have a point. You weren’t very discreet about disliking him. Even Felix knew about it. He squinted his eyes and then tapped your nose. 
“Actually…Wanna make-out? Just bored.” 
You know, if it weren’t for the lack of sex and fun, you would have never. But the curiosity and the boredom got to you too. 
“Sure.” You shrugged and broke eye contact by looking down at his desk again. 
“I mean, you did ruin my make-out session a few hours ago so…” You looked back at him with a scowl, his face visibly closer to yours.
He bit his lower lip, suppressing that fucking smile of his. “You know, what never min-“ 
Getting cut-off mid-sentence with his lips on yours was…Annoying. It was kind of an enjoyable annoying though. 
He was quick to spin the chair you sat on and held on the two armrests while slowly kissing you. Soft and tender like you imagined. 
He pulled you up the chair, hands snaking on the small of your back and the back of your neck, pulling you closer. The obvious size difference was a struggle, pulling you into his bed while you both traded desperate kisses. 
He sat on his bed, pulling you to straddle his lap. Man this fucker really loves dragging you around like a ragdoll, but the insults can wait. Pushing away from each other didn’t even last a few seconds until one of you pulled back in. 
He was so nice. So delicate. His lips were soft and his tongue, god his tongue worked wonders. He knew where you liked it and where you’d react, sliding down your bottom lip and exploring your mouth. He chuckled lowly when he could get a moan out of you, and even more so when his hands held a more sensitive part of your body. The room got degrees hotter than how it should be. 
“How far are you taking this?” You asked, out of breath. 
“Anything off limits?” His ragged voice, deep and velvety worked wonders on you but you had to stay vigilant. He’s still Farleigh.
“Anything down is a no-go.” 
“And tits?” 
“Fuck fine! Since you were so easy to insult the-“ He cut you off again with that big hand of his , massaging on your breast. It was just the right pressure to make you gasp. “Fuck.” You whined, causing you to wrap your arms around him. 
All of a sudden his door burst open. “Farleigh you won’t believe this, India said Y/N  got her shirt-“ Felix looked at the two of you on Farleigh’s bed, gossip cut short.
“Damn it Felix, knock mate. This is the fifth time!” You quickly got up from his lap and fixed yourself. “Hello, Catton. What did India say?” 
“T’s nothing. Carry on.” He quickly closed the door behind him and left. 
“I’m going.” You said while looking for your things, Farleigh just nodded and fell back on his bed. “See you around.” He said as you closed the door. 
The days after felt normal. India got the appropriate rundown of events that happened, excluding the parts that she would definitely share Felix. There were a few changes, being with Farleigh in the group. Having a bit more colorful back and forth when you are in the same space. The playful smirks and coy smile he has when his arms are wrapped around other people. Maybe let’s not forget the lingering touches he gives you when people are too occupied. 
“You know, that little toy you brought is interesting.” You jolted up as Farleigh dropped on the couch, bottle of cheap wine in hand. “Don’t get too interested now, I just managed to catch that one.” The party was muffled from where you sat, only the ones that passed out or was making moves with eachother settled in the living room with the two of you. “Speaking of, where is he?”
“Mhm?” Farleigh nodded then took a swig of his drink. 
“Huh…” There was a visible look of dumbfoundedness on your face when you realized you lost your date for at least half an hour now. “Holy fuck, I just lot my ticket to shagville.”
“Oh god…Ew!” Farleigh cringed, scooting away from you. “Seriously? Shagville? The fuck are you, ninety?”
“Oh, you’d want that so bad huh?” You teased. 
A comfortable silence enveloped the room. Farleigh continued to take drinks from his bottle while you lit up a joint he borrowed from you once in a while.
He blew raspberries, playing with his bottle or poking you. “So…”
“Wanna make-out?” He asked, voice slurring a little.
You shrugged, checked around th room for a few moments and just accepted the fact that your date is not coming back. 
“Sure.” You shrugged.
He nodded and stood up pulling you with him in search of a place to fool around.
a/n: Part two?! SMUT?!
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thisismeracing · 11 months
lewis + peaceful + fluff xx
Peaceful | LH44
⸺ the one where you go on vacation with Lewis at a Private Beach. ✓ no warnings.
⁕ one word, a thousand stories blurb night (closed) ⁕ my masterlist and my taglist
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"Do you miss the hectic schedule, the racing, the non-stop working?" Yn asked, nails lightly scratching Lewis' back. He was sitting between her legs, head on her tummy and fingers laced with her free hand.
"I love racing, I love the thrill of it, the traveling, the fans, everything, but at the same time, these breaks we've been spending together are my favorite moments." He confesses, tightening his grip and moving his face to kiss her exposed skin. It was their third getaway together, and it was simply magic because they got to disconnect from the world and connect with each other. "I like it better to be here with you. It's soothing. I get my fair share of hectic during the season."
Yn closed her eyes, enjoying her boyfriend's voice, his soft skin against hers, the sun's warmth on her face, the smell of sea salt, and how peaceful being with him felt.
She never thought love could be that gentle. People always told her true love would be devastating, that it would barge into her life and steal her thoughts and feelings, almost like making her a hostage. Yet, Lewis gave her a sense of serenity, he knocked before getting into her life, he was patient with her, and he waited for the right time. He had her thoughts and feelings, but she had his, and so it never felt like a stolen thing. It was given. And he gave her so much love.
"These are my best days...with you. I've had my best years." She whispers though they are the only ones at the beach.
Lewis props his head looking for her eyes, when he finds his lips tip up in a smile and it's like there's a second sun because it glows and radiates warmth like it, "babe, get ready because I'm not leaving and you're living your best years with me until your last day on earth."
Sunshine, happiness, peace, affection, your favorite ice cream flavor, a rainbow after the rain, being with Lewis Hamilton felt like all of this, and more. What Yn didn't know yet, was that being with him would soon feel like sharing his last name too.
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: I didn't quite like this ending, but I could totally picture this scenario cuz Lew is such a sunshine soul. So soft and warm, and cuddly. I love him *giggles into my hands* I hope you guys liked it, don't forget to leave me a commend/reblog/follow me *mwah*
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lovesickonmybed · 7 months
Hello! Just found your blog. I loved your stories with Billy Eddie and wedgies, and I need more. I liked the one where the reader gave it to herself and he says that he’ll help her explore it. I just imagine like him randomly forcing her into a very painful/uncomfortable hanging one at random times for various hours, or doing other wedgies and forcing her to keep them for a long time. Stuff like that, and I would love more of you’d be willing to write it!
First of all thank you sm!! So sorry this was so late but I at least got punished for taking so long lol.
NSFW under the cut and warnings for wedgies, humiliation, degradation, brat taming, and dub-con.
After finding out that you're into wedgies your roommate had started giving you them around the house. You'd be in the middle of doing the dishes and the next thing you know you're being lifted off the floor and your panties are being rocketed between your cheeks as Eddie lifts you up and then runs off laughing.
On one of your days off you're sleeping peacefully in bed when Eddie comes barging in and grabbing the leg holes of your panties, pulling them upwards until the fabric stretches to fit over your shoulders. You squirm and whine uncomfortably as you try to remove it but he slaps your wedgied ass hard. "Go back to bed, nerd, I did you a favor."
After a long day at work you come home exhausted and over everything. As soon as you step in the door you're grabbed by Eddie. He shoves you face first against the front door and grabs the waistband of your panties, pulling till it reaches your mid-back. "You have a good day at work, loser? I'm shocked you didn't end up hanging by these granny panties in one of the fitting rooms, you would've deserved it for being such a loser."
You cry out in pain and try to tug your panties out of his hands but he's stronger than you. He starts leading you back to his room, "Eddie what the hell?!" You exclaim, trying to get away. He pulls your panties tighter and holds it close to him like a leash.
"Keep walking, nerd, unless you want the wedgie to end all wedgies." You let him manhandle you into his bedroom as he drags you over to his closet door. He picks you up by the leg holes of your panties and attaches them to the coat hooks on his closet door. You're forced onto your tip toes so you're not hanging by your panties.
"Eddie what the hell?!" You exclaim, trying to free yourself. He slaps your hands away and grabs his handcuffs.
"Behave, goddammit. You used up the last of my hairspray so you're gonna stay there for awhile. You're in timeout but for nerds," he explains as he handcuffs your hands in front of you so you can't even try to get yourself down.
"Seriously, Eddie? I had a shitty day at work, get me down!"
He laughs in your face, "Nuh uh, you're gonna hang out until you can cool off, got it nerd?"
"Eddie I swear to god when I get down from here-" You yell.
Eddie cuts you off, "Sorry, do I need to gag you too or?"
"No! No gags!" You exclaim.
"Then you better keep your pretty mouth shut and chill out, got it nerd?"
"Got it..." You mumble.
You're forced to dangle by your panties for almost two hours before Eddie decides you've earned your freedom. Eddie is kind enough to get your some lidocaine cream and an ice pack as an apology.
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
˖ ֗ txt and big spoons!
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⋆ ࣪ 🌿 ミ i have no idea what goes in my head. ot5! x fem! reader.
ਏਓ... WORD COUNT/ 1265!
.... WARNING: IT GETS MORE AND MORE UNHINGED AS YOU GO DOWN! extremely unrealistic.   ִ° ⋆ 
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so we already know that our boy likes his bites large.
likes why is it even called mouthful if you're not getting a glasgow smile. 
so when you wake up one day at night and when you're going to the bathroom next to the kitchen.
you hear something and you grab your barbed baseball bat that you keep beside the fridge that you use whenever beomgyu barges in crying for more doritos
you tiptoe to the kitchen and you see a silhouette moving. 
with one hand on the switch and another gripping the bat you're ready to swing. 
but you come face to face with your boyfriend stuffing a big ass spoon of his favourite ice cream into his mouth. 
it being lodged in a way that he can't even yell. 
but you can
so you yell and he's surprised and working on his instinct he flings the tub at you to defend himself 
because he hadn't registered that it's his girlfriend. 
so now he's icing your forehead on the floor of the kitchen while apologising profusely while you sit there contemplating how he even stuck that huge spoon into his mouth. 
he's a big spooner, like the actual term of it. 
and he likes to assume he's the ever loving cute boyfriend who loves to cuddle 
but the problem is that everytime he spoons you
you feel like getting smothered by a giant monster that could only be conjured by lovecraft. 
you know the creator of cthulhu. 
his extra large, lanky limbs snaking on top of you like a very familiar scene of a specific genre of anime. 
not hentai, it's when you get strangled by said tentacles in hentai.
and you refuse to tell him that because you know he will get sad 
you'd rather squeeze fresh lemon into your eyes before telling soobin what is equivalent to,
"your love smothers me." 
so after days of contemplation, and suffrage you come up with the perfect way to save both you and your relationship. 
everytime you feel his hold getting tighter and your oxygen level depleting
you just punch him slightly in the gut which causes him to turn back times and if he wakes up you pretend to sleep. 
so he won't be able to bring it up with you. 
and once he's a bit away from you.
you distance yourself from him, so that you're able to sleep without having to worry about dying randomly on a wednesday night. 
beomgyu ...
beomgyu is literally a thumbelina. 
he's so tiny and precious and adorable. 
you had never thought much of it. 
probably because you were like, oh yeah my boyfriend is so adorable. 
what you didn't know is that he's keeping a secret from you. 
so this one time, you were eating your breakfast in the afternoon, as one does. 
with your milk poured in the bowl, you get a call as you leave to pick it up. 
beomgyu appears and he is like, 
"wheee a big bowl of milk."
and then takes most of his clothes off and transforms into a tiny little fairy and dives into the bowl of milk to give himself a good, beautifying bath to begin his day. 
but his relaxation soon turns into panic when he notices your figure approaching. 
so beomgyu resorts to hiding in the milk, but as you pour the cereal into the bowl. 
his stress level keeps on climbing on a peak he didn't know he was capable of. 
beomgyu knew his love for you would consume him one day but he didn't expect you to consume him before it happened. 
that too literally. 
beomgyu is thanking everybody and seeking forgiveness for every and any sin he has committed in his lifetime as you take a spoonful of your breakfast. 
beomgyu feels as though his time has finally come when he finds himself lodged on your normal spoon, which now is a giant vessel of death for him, with a few of the fruitloops to keep him company. 
but maybe his stress level had reached its ultimate peak and broken the meter because before you can even grasp the little bug looking thing is actually your boyfriend. 
beomgyu appears before you, drenched in milk in only his underwear. 
and that's how you find out that your boyfriend is a shape shifting pocket fairy.
at first you were like okay that's weird, that's suspicious. 
now having him everywhere is kind of cute. 
but i'm afraid yall became that couple. 
those who don't even go to the bathroom without each other. 
taehyun is not a violent person by nature.
that's what you always assumed. 
like you saw this man was well known in the campus for annihilating your three lineages without speaking a curse word.
so yeah everyone knows how dangerous he might have been despite being a man of non-violence. 
but that all changed then you were practicing a ritual to debut as the new witch in your clan around 3:33 am. 
the last thing you expected was taehyun rushing in behind a panicked huening kai, who missed your pentagon by mere inches, and behind him was taehyun holding a metal spoon in his hand, probably aiming at huening kai. 
you don't know what happens next but as soon as taehyun steps on the ring, it triggers some sort of lights to go off and taehyun starts levitating. 
and before you can see what had transpired, taehyun had disappeared. 
right before your eyes. 
because of your ritual. 
you were rightfully panicking, dialling your coven leader's number with your shaky fingers when a dishevelled taehyun appeared back into the circle. 
the spoon was gone and taehyun looked extremely traumatized with his clothes tattered and donning a stubble. 
"i think i altered history…" 
and then next day you find out that taehyun shortly became the closest assistant of isaac newton because after the apple fell on him and taehyun's spoon punted from his hands to isaac newton's head, further proving the theory of gravity. 
also later you both find out it was his 200 IQ and the vibrations from his metal spoon that flung him back in the past. 
huening kai… 
he's your local superhero. 
but he's still new so he's kind of still clumsy but he's so cute. 
always says it's the power of community and love that helped him save the day. 
and half of the population believes him, because his control over his power is um… 
like if you knock into the windows of a high rise building, and crash into the stalls along the street because you haven't learned when to stop and brake properly. 
public isn't gonna love you all the time. 
but it's still cute to some people I guess. 
cause other half of the population find it extremely adorable!
and he got like 6 fan pages. 
if we avoid the 10 other hate pages. 
so how you knew him is one of the days he was practicing his flying after drinking three cans of red bulls. 
it started fine, until it wasn't. 
and before huening kai could gather his thoughts he comes crashing in through the open balcony of your living room. 
proceeding to break half of the stuff in there. 
with his mouth open, because screaming obviously. 
the spoon full of chocolate cake you were holding in front of your face placing itself perfectly inside his mouth. 
breaking his acceleration and causing him to stop skidding. 
with your spoon stuck in his mouth. 
"wow that's a big spoon but good cake, did you make it?"
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PERM' TAGLIST: @impureperhaps @full-sunnies
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ravisinghs-wife · 1 year
Could you please post jameson hawthorne x reader dating headcanons?
Jameson Hawthorne dating headcanons
warnings: not proofread, I wrote this in like 20 minutes, not any besides that (let me know if I missed any) a/n: suprissee, I'm still alive🤭
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you met through Xander
you and Xander are already friends and go to the same classes and stuff and get paired up in a project
you go to the Hawthorne House to work on the project with him, and there you meet Jameson
he barges into Xanders room to ask him something super random like where the skipping ropes are and then he notices you
you are the most gorgous thing he has ever seen and you immidiantly become friends
you exchange phone numbers and always hang out at school and his house
but anyway
he would definitely make you a playlist
also having a shared Spotify playlist where you keep adding songs until it's 20 hours long
it's actually just a bunch of Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey and Harry Styles songs mixed
he would take you on the most advantourus and insisting dates you ever had
a cute date at a fancy restaurant? never heard of it
on you first date he would probably take you to play laser tag or something
this boy has so much energy
he's always running around
he's the definition of golden retriever boyfriend
his favorite ice cream is definitely cookie dough
he'd wake you up at 4 am to eat ice cream with him and watch a movie because he can't sleep
he'd make an extremely big deal out of your birthday
he throws you the best party ever and makes sure that only people you like are invited and has SO many activities planned where he knows that you'll love them
his love language his definitely physical touch and quality time
your always sleeping somehow on him and he's always brushing through you hair <33
you'd stay in bed until 10 am and just cuddle
this man gives amazing cuddles
he just wraps both hands around you and holds you tight until you fall asleep
he's always touching you in some sort of way
be it your hand that he's holding, the hair stand he's playing with or holding his arm on your lower back and giving you support through it
this man loves board games
always has chess, uno etc. with him
playing bowling together <3
you would be besties with his brothers
you already are with Xander since you knew him first but through you relationship with Jameson you get closer with his other brothers
you four (five with Avery) would definitely play tag
staying up late just to talk
on the phone and in person
when you‘re aways from each other you just stay up on the phone and call each other all the time lol
also just being in each others present/being in the same room and doing separate things like you homework, reading your current read, drawing journaling or just scrolling on your phone
you guys are so in love with each other it's almost pathetic
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being the st. cassian chamber choir members younger sibling
pairing: st. cassian chamber choir x gn reader (platonic)
warnings: swearing and mentions of violence
a/n: inspired by a conversation @juneberrie and i had <3
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Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg
babies you
literally refers to you as “the baby” to the rest of the choir
“sorry guys i have to go pick up the baby!”
also she keeps you away from your parents at all times
makes you lunch because she knows they’ll give you a cheese sandwich made from human breast milk…
her sandwiches are normal cheese!!
anf also gives you apple juice
she loves you sm and is very overprotective, sending mischa to destroy anyone who bothers you
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Noel Gruber
acts like he’s annoyed by you
(he is not, will literally kill for you and secretly loves you v much but obviously he’s never gonna tell you that)
calls you little dumbass
would switch between being nice to you and being mean
“good morning you stinky ass hoe! you look great” <3
forbids you from doing any reckless without him
ocean would definitely try to befriend you
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Mischa Bachinksi
THE overprotective brother
can and will murder someone for you
upset over something? someone will be mysteriously disappearing tonight
head pats are a thing
when he walks past you best believe he’s patting your head
you sleep in the basement with him because his parents were ready for toddlers, not you two
yes you know about talia no you haven’t met her no you don’t know if she’s real
he also plans to take you back to the ukraine with him <33
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Ricky Potts
you hear random star trek music and the cats musical from his room at like around 2am
invites you to watch with him
a good brother <33 looks out for you and probably gets the choir too
i don’t think hed open up to you about zolar until your like 13 or you find a notebook filled with it and force him to explain
has like a 6th sense and somehow knows when your upset
and he barged into your room like “what’s wrong and do i have to send penny after someone”
speaking of penny she LOVES you
your older sister figure
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Jane Doe/Penny Lamb
the best sister ever
gives you piggy back rides
the choir will be waiting for her before rehearsals and she just has this child on her back
“uh… who’s your friend?” “this is my sibling y/n”
ricky comes over a lot so you get close with him
he can’t give you piggy back rides but he gives penny little things to give to you
she doesn’t have a licence but she takes you to get ice cream everyday
would buy you the whole stand if you asked
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Constance Blackwood
helps you with hw <3
if you can’t figure something out or just give up she bribes you with sweets to make you finish it
it works every time
a movie lover and will binge watch anything with you
also gets you into a lot of fandoms
cough httyd cough
a trolls 2 fan and gives you the most SERIOUS FACE EVER when you make a pinkie promise with her
it’s actually scary
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taglist: @phoneymedic @juneberrie @starlit-epiphany @presidentroarie
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laz3otakugirl · 9 months
Everything to hide
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A/N: Look guys, I got issues. I can only imagine this man as a daddy istg.
Stepdad!Robert Pronge x little!Reader: Your mom goes on a trip to Vegas and comes back with an ice cream man as your new daddy
TW: RAPE/NONCON, dark, age regression (if ya'll aren't into that just in case), ddlg, blackmail, threats, spanking, dumbification, degradation, choking, reader uses a pacifier and nursing bottle
This is explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Let's be honest. You knew letting your mom go on that trip with her friends was a bad idea, but after everything you also knew she needed something to use as a distraction. Your aunt had died a month ago as a victim to one of the many serial killings happening in your city, her mangled corpse was hanging from your guys' tree, it's been chopped down ever since. Your aunt was your mom's arm to cry on after your dad died, and now she was gone too. For the longest time, it was just your small family just outside the city filled with love and laughter, now it's empty and quiet. The shock of it all almost took your mother with her and despite your efforts, she was barely getting better. Two weeks later, she comes barging through the front door with a dopey grin and a pair of glasses with a smoky smirk right behind her. You freaked out that she just brought a random man she married, but after talking with her you realized that he was the only thing that has made her smile in so long. You relented, it wasn't exactly like you could do anything anyways, they already got married back in Vegas.
At first, you thought he was sleazy but he ended up being kind and thoughtful enough to your mother. It warmed your heart to see her so happy. You thought he was pretty creepy until he offered you some popsicles he made himself and you were hooked. Every time you got a "special" treat it gave you tingles, the way he smiled and watched you eat them had you feeling tingly too but you'd never say that out loud. Now it's been 4 months, and you've all gotten used to each other. You still live with your mom and worked from home to keep an eye on her in case she'd have another breakdown.
You were nervous about Robert moving in at first, after your dad had died it seemed like you were a lost kid again with depression and your intrusive thoughts kicking in. So you could only do what you knew and had allowed yourself small moments to regress in the small area you managed to set up in the basement. There was a built in bed on one of the sidewalls that your father built if there were ever guests. You ended up utilizing it and had set up string lights and some comfy blankets and plushies. There was also a small built in shelf that you could put your laptop on and watch cute shows. All of it was setup behind the stairs so you could have a little privacy, your mother usually never comes down because the basement was your dad's personal area but to you, it felt safe.
Your mom had just left for business trip to Korea and you and Robert were waving her goodbye from the front door. As you went inside, his hand gently brushed against your lower back but you didn't think much of it. Going to the kitchen to grab a beer, Robert looked at you and said, "How are you doing with work, honey? Do you think you're gonna be okay without your mom?" He knew your mother would check in on you a few times while you worked to make sure you took care of yourself. At times, it seemed like you wouldn't sleep for days if you couldn't get something done. "I think I'll be fine, she reminded to set alarms to eat before she left." He comes up to you now and brushes your stray hairs, "Ok well, if you need anything I'll be right across the hallway." The way he says it has you a little off put but you brush it off knowing he's always been a little creepy like that from the first time you met him. After you thank him, he kisses your forehead and walks off to his and your mom's room.
It's been hours now and your eyes are starting to sting from staring at your screen all day. You look back at your phone and it's already 10pm, guess your eating some crackers and spray cheese (fuck off, it's delicious). You stalk off to the kitchen and grab your snacks, as you're walking back to your room you notice the basement door is cracked. Your heart drops and so do your snacks, you can't tell if the thumping sound in your ears is your heart or the sound of your feet running down the stairs. Once you get down there, all you can hear is loud groans and rocking coming from behind the stairs, you look back in horror and there he is. Robert could hear you from upstairs and was already looking in your direction as he fucks your pillow, "Aawww shit sugar, looks like you find my secret. Then again, I found yours a long time ago." Your eyes start to tear up, "H-how did you kn-know?" He's getting riled up from seeing you cry and starts going harder and rougher, "Baby, I found out a long time ago. I knew about your little secret from the first time I gave you that ice cream when you got out of school. His eyes darken with amusement at your shock, "Don't you remember? Your dad brought you to my truck after you got bullied and bought you a little treat. God you're cute little mouth licking that cream had me so fuckin' hard. Seems like you're dad caught onto me and rushed you out." At that point, you're freaking out and try to rush to the stairs. As your fingertips brush the doorknob, a pair of thick arms come dragging you back down and push you onto the ground. A hand grabs your hair and you can feel him grind his hardness onto you. "You didn't let me fucking finish the story sweetie. Ugh I was pissed off at your piss poor excuse of a father for taking you away, I'm so glad I killed him." Your screaming and kicking as he yanks your shorts down, "I spent all this time trying to figure out how to keep you, only for that stupid bitch to find me outside your window. Had me so fucking angry, I strung up that cunt's guts as a little present. God, your terrified face was hot I wanted to fuck your mouth until you choked." He's pressing one hand against your throat as the other is grasping his dick and trailing precum against your cunt. "Only took a little bit of watching to find out your mom was taking a trip and followed her there to marry her. Ah fuck! All these year of waiting, and you're my little girl now! My precious little baby, fuck after watching you on the cameras I set up, I couldn't get enough!! Your sweet little lips sucking on your paci and that fucking bottle ugh! I'm finally taking what I fucking deserve!" He shoves in all the way and you're screaming from the pain, he's so big and it's brushing against all of the right spots now. Your mind is hazy and you drop limp from the pleasure, eyes rolling back. "Fuck yes, there's my dumb little baby. Seeing you go dumb while rubbing that tight little cunt on your stuffies had me drooling. Huh baby? You want me to fuck your brain dumber? You want me to cum inside you? Ah shit yes, I'm gonna cum inside of you!" You're pleading and shaking your head no and he thrusts into you a few more times before you feel the rush of cum flow inside of you. He's petting your hair and shushing you as you sob. As you get up, he pulls you down over his lap and gives you a few hard spanks, "Tell your mother and I'll send her ass right to hell with the others." Crying in his arms now you say, "Okay..." "Say 'yes daddy, I understand.'"
"Y-yes daddy, I un-understand."
"Good girl."
A/N: HOLY SHIT THAT WAS DARK! Yeah yeah I'm fucked up but I really wanted to write something pretty horrifying with Robert. I'm planning on writing some little shorts of what he's done before the Reader found out so let me know if you guys' would want that. But thank you so much and let me know if you guys enjoyed it or not!
Bye loves!
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seethesunny · 3 months
Prompt: Joel/Tess on a date but Sarah (knows Tess and adores her) doesn’t know yet that they’re dating, catches them at the movies or at the mall. Something innocent and adorable yet very smoochy!
It's been a while since I got this but this prompt was lovely! Happy belated birthday @bignosebushybrows and hopefully you had an amazing day ❤ and fingers crossed you like it:
When her uncle barged loudly inside their house, calling her downstairs and immediately showing her the keys of the car looped around his finger with a flashy grin, Sarah hadn’t thought much of it. Really, she would, over all things sacred, hate it if someone else had been entrusted to watch over her. 
But uncle Tommy was fun and, hopefully her daddy wouldn’t know if she lowered the voice inside her head just a little; Sarah liked going on with him because he let her do things on her own. 
Now, she did love her dad. More than she could try to put into words, more than she could ever describe, more than the countless stars that adorned the countryside sky when they visited the old ranch where they grew up. However, she was growing older, and there was so much freedom a girl of her age could get under the vigilance of her parents. And she had long gotten used to her daddy being overprotective, it was for her own good, and there was truth to it sometimes.
Tommy rolled the windows down and clicked on the radio, humming along, and she beamed on the passenger side.
Yet she liked this, and it wouldn’t do her harm. At the end of the day, there was someone supervising her, and Sarah understood her own limits and what risks she could encounter. 
“You gotta try the new arcade.” He said, messing up her hair, laughing at her scoff.
She couldn’t stop smiling, having talked long enough about that with her friends over the phone. 
“Sure will.” She agreed eagerly, wrinkling her nose at him playfully.
“And what are you gonna do while I’m nowhere to be seen? You aren’t gonna be scared, aren’t ya? ” He teased half-heartedly, earning a giggle out of her as he took a turn and drove through the park, a shortcut he always reminded her existed when they went this way. 
“I'm gonna use the money my daddy gave me, buy me some fries.” Sarah shrugged, playing with the bracelet around her wrist. “And you should take out Maria on a real date.” 
Tommy gave her a sidelong glare before staring ahead.
“Uncle, meeting her at the mall only is a disgrace to the Miller’s last name.” Not for the first time Sarah scolded, and Tommy almost put his hands up in surrender. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He joked, elbowing her gently while she frowned, right as they approached the parking lot. “Listen, I promise this is the last time.” 
“It better be.” Sarah gave, that chiding tone the same one she brought out so similar to her dad’s, and then she remarked seriously, elbowing him back. “You should buy her something nice.” 
Maria was a cool, charismatic woman who worked at the cash register in one of the stores—she had forgotten the name now—and her uncle was infatuated. He would use the excuse of taking her to the mall for an ice cream or to shop around, but then he would flirt with her while Sarah looked around, and it became common. 
Right now, her daddy had no clue, and she had zipped her mouth shut. 
Once inside, Sarah counted her money twice as Tommy mocked her without malice, barely disguising his impatience.
Maria’s store popped into view when they took the escalator, and Tommy kissed her forehead to her light-hearted complaint.
“Don’t get too far, ‘kay? And if you need anythin’ you know where to find me. Go have fun, kid.” He squeezed her shoulders, trusting her and letting her acknowledge it as she nodded. 
“Please, bring up the date before we leave!” Sarah exclaimed, waving a hand in the air before disappearing into a bright, big H&M store on her left. 
She took a break at the food court when she got thirsty, all the walking and observing and trying on clothes tiring her some, so she sat close to the cinema entrance and ordered some cinnamon sugar pretzels after drinking her lemonade. Munching on them, Sarah squinted in the fluorescent lights above her head.
It couldn’t be him, right? 
Sarah was sure of one thing: she could recognize her daddy on a crowd, and he just stood out with his physique. And he wasn’t alone! His arm was banded around a woman’s shoulders, leaning on him, and when she saw a glimpse of her face- 
“Ish that Tesh?” She murmured around a mouthful of food, crumbs drizzling around her lips; Sarah brushed them aside, pretzels being set apart as she scanned them thoroughly, not being noticed.
Accidents happened, and she could mistake some random couple; nonetheless, some meters between them couldn’t fuzz out the truth. Sarah leaned on he elbows, attempting to capture more as her daddy whispered something on Tess’s ear, who in turn smacked him gently on the chest and pressed their lips together. Oh, oh, so it was something serious.
Tess had been a constant presence in her life whose encouraging words were always at the ready, who had figuratively taken her under her wing since the first day, who was confident and relaying both—she was friend of the family, had known her for so long. The past summer, she had spent so many hours at their home teaching her how to work with clay, starting with easy things since Sarah was a beginner.
Had she been so blinded by her own joy as to not notice the signs? Tess surely showed up more, and her daddy had been a bit weird, in the sense that he would act differently around her, and once Uncle Tommy picked at him because he called her during work hours… 
Her heart almost leaped out of her chest, the dawning realization sticky like the cinnamon on the pad of her fingers, a gasp spilling out of her lips as they walked towards her seat. 
Sarah froze as there was no way she was exiting without being noticed, clutching a napkin to clean her fingers anxiously and blinking repeatedly at the wait for the inevitable.  
Warm eyes spotted her, their conversation drowned before being completely shut down, and then it was their turn to still like a deer caught in headlights.
Tess’s hands were intertwined with his, and Sarah fixed on it before her gaze darted between them, chewing the inside of her cheek.
The first one to regain her composure was Tess, laughing nervously. “Hey, hi Sarah. Nice to see you here.” 
Sarah rubbed her palms, clasping them together as she locked eyes with her daddy, who looked as if he wanted the earth to swallow him whole. 
“Uh, baby girl.” He greeted gruffly, strained, but not dropping Tess’s hand at all. “How long have you-” 
“You have some explainin’ to do.” Is what Sarah opted to answer after chosing her words carefully, approaching them openly. 
Tess was the one who tilted her head and offered a relieving, small grin, offering her other hand. “Let’s go for a walk then.” 
Joel sighed heavily and scrubbed at his face with a hand, staring at them both afterward. “‘S a long story, Sarah.” 
“Got nowhere else to be, Daddy! I suspect we’ll be here for a long period of time.” She yelled to jab at them, who shared a quick, fleeting look, giving in easily. “At least you were in good hands.” 
A complicit wink at Tess—they both busted in giggles, he rolled his eyes, and urged them forward.
She wasn’t ready to go home yet.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Kiribaku with a male darling who deku suddenly goes yandere for
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Request(ed?): Yes! – hi! I have a request. Okay so, kiribaku x (m) reader are dating but what if Deku becomes yandere for reader? I honestly think deku is the most ‘best’ yandere bc he writes everything down and no one would believes the sweet boy would be so fucked up. Also headcanons are fine and no nsfw please :) — requested by anonymous!
Warnings: Cursing, a little bit of ooc Katsuki(?), nothing else; please lmk if I missed anything!
Authors note: This is quite chaotic, sorry if it’s bad anon. Stay well please!!
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Having Kirishima and Katsuki as both of your husbands is very chaotic; not only are they extremely possessive, but they both love to cling onto you every chance they get, especially after a hard day of doing hero work.
Most likely, based on how you caught both of these guys’ hearts is by being a doctor, a cafe worker near their building, or another hero who’s climbing up the rocks to be in the top 10 leaderboard. These are probably how you met Izuku, the number 1 hero.
Deku was hypnotized by you immediately, seeing that you were the most handsomest person he’s ever met; including being sweet as sugar. He knew it was bad to fall for his childhood friend’s significant other but he couldn’t help himself! You are just so TBA
From then on, Izuku would try to hang out with you… which pissed Katsuki and Kirishima off. This spiraled for the next few days: you hanging out with Izuku, him whining when you don’t and having to deal with both of your boys whining for attention right when you come home, huffing in annoyance when you leave; even for work.
It was all fun and games till Katsuki caught you in the act getting ice cream with Izuku… which caused him to explode the moment you got home; which, ended up with Kirishima trying to calm down Katsuki before he did anything irrational and caused the relationship a tear that may or may not be fixable. Of course, because of how angry Katsuki gets, you had decided to leave; ripping the arms off of Kirishima when he had begged you to stay.
But, when you arrived on Izuku’s doorstep, sobbing in the harsh rain, shivering in the cold… he had been heartbroken, a bit angered towards Kacchan. As he assured you, bringing you in and rushing you to take a warm bath; one that you very much deserved and left out some of his old high school clothes for you. When you came out of the shower, he smiled up at you, your favorite food laid out and Netflix ready for you. He then offered a hug which slowly ended up in a cuddle session. Slowly, but surely, he made his way to your lips and kissed you passionately. Releasing from the kiss after a minute, he confessed his love for you: “I love you so much, it pains me to see you not being treated not correctly; so please, be with me! I can treat you better.”
Before you could answer his pleas, the door was hit with three loud bangs, two recognizable voices yelling outside: “Get him out of here, Deku!” – “Keep it down, Katsuki! We don’t wanna scare him, be easy.” When you opened it, Katsuki snapped his eyes at you, with Kirishima pulling you into his chest; whining, petting your hair, and asking if you were okay. Quickly, Katsuki barged himself in and pushed Izuku to the wall: “What the fuck did you do to him! I’ll kill you!” Right before Dynamight could hit Izuku, you yelled out for them both to stop and ‘relax’.
Izuku slightly smiled, seeing that you, his deity, were defending him; Katsuki scoffed at your words, “What the fuck do you mean he didn’t do anything? He’s fucking obsessed with you; he follows you all the damn time!” Kirishima tightened his hold on your forearm, narrowing his eyes towards Deku as Izuku spoke up: “Exactly, Kacchan, I make sure he’s protected, unlike you two.” He said cockily, “So why don’t we share him?” He offered, looking directly at you.
Then… that’s when all of them agreed to share you, which quickly caused more chaos within the relationship. Now, having Katsuki and Kirishima in the relationship was enough disarray and possessiveness, but now with Izuku? It’s way more suffocating.
Izuku and Kirishima are both delusional and worshiping yanderes, always wanting to please you; wanting praises from you like it’s a rare token from a fair. But, Katuski keeps them in check, usually making them back away when you snap at them and want to be left alone.
All of them are jealous of each other at the start, meaning a lot of competitions are coming forward. Who can cook your favorite food in the least amount of minutes? Of course it’s Katsuki. Which one of them can buy your favorite candy? It’s Izuku, I mean… he has a few books written about you. Which one can find your tickle spot? Well, now all of them are looking at you like predators ready to pounce on their prey; hope you can survive from the fit of laughter you’re about to feel.
Being with all of them is quite overwhelming at first, like the headcanon above, they all have competitions, this goes with your affection… 24/7. Not only are you gonna be pulled into a lot of hugs, kisses, and be picked up like a ragdoll, you will have to deal with the intense cuddle sessions that take place after they come home from work.
The sleep schedule is very hectic. Normally, Katsuki forces you in the middle while you lay on him, the other two surrounding you with their warmer temperatures. Other times, Izuku will lay on your chest, letting his head sneak its way into your neck to kiss your face while you hear Katsuki whine and Kirishima huff for your attention. At times, if you get up to use the bathroom/or get a cup of water, Kirishima or Izuku unconsciously searches for your body to cuddle more into; though, the minute they both figure out you’re not there… chaos ensues.
Thanks to your huge husbands, you have a bunch of clothes and hoodies you can steal to wear! Not only does it look humongous on you, no matter how tall you are, but they all look at you like a million dollars that was just found on the ground.
Due to them being all pro heroes, they get up very early; depending on your status, they will either let you sleep in, come back home after an hour or more and cook breakfast while trying to keep quiet on who brings you breakfast. Other times, they will let you come with them and help you lift weight, making sure to compliment you!
Izuku mostly does the house work, making sure to help vacuum, clean the dishes, and make your lunch that they all helped that night before is made perfectly for work.
They’re all super duper protective of you, meaning if you work… it becomes a bit difficult. Now, they wouldn’t force you to quit (even though they hate it) but they will try to stop by at your work a lot of times, coming in to deliver your lunch and talk to you; occasionally bringing you out at an expensive restaurant. After work, Katsuki or Kirishima make sure to pick you up and ask how your day was; sadly, Izuku isn’t able to be there.
If you have any troubles with people, either in public or at work, they will stomp up the corporate and immediately demand the person(s) be fired. Nobody dares hurt your feelings, it gets even worse if you come home in an upset mood.
Katsuki and Kirishima love to pick you up; Kiri mostly gives you piggy-back rides, never allowing you to say negative things about your weight. Katsuki, on the other hand, doesn’t give much thought and casually throws you over his shoulder while grumbling ‘how annoying you are’.
Izuku absolutely loves to pick you up in bridesmaid style, feeling the closeness of you and arms wrapped around his neck; it never fails to make him feel fluttery emotions in the pit of his stomach.
The house is usually filled with yelling, though, it’s mostly Katsuki and Izuku bickering back and forth: “What the fuck! Why did you do that, Deku?” – “I didn’t mean too, stop yelling! You’re gonna wake him up!” – “I’m not yelling, you dumbass!”. But, the minute you come down, yawning whilst rubbing your eyes… more yelling ensues with Katsuki blaming Izuku, Kirishima laughing as he pulls you into a hug.
Because of the chaos that’s in the house a bunch, at least one of you guys pick an activity to do each weekend: going to the museum, aquarium, eating out, or staying home to watch movies while eating popcorn.
Speaking of movies, you three all have a bunch of nice movie nights! Sandwiched by all each other, watching a TV show that’s very much your guys’ interest and food plastered all over the table.
All of them are worry freaks, especially Izuku. If you get a single cut, even if it’s a paper cut, Izuku is immediately wrapping up the wound whilst b
If you love to game, Kirishima is definitely your guy to go to! Not only will he play and help you with the games, but he’ll even allow you to buy whatever games you want. Katsuki, on the other hand, gets very chaotic and angry when playing; if he dares loses, he gets so mad and ends up breaking the controller… yeah, let’s not go back to that one time please. Though Izuku is fairly okay, he would much rather watch than play because of his huge hands, he may or may not accidentally break the controller.
Years of being pro heroes comes with its prices, meaning insecurity of scars and nightmares tend to plague their mind from time to time; making sleeping and looking at the mirror hard sometimes. Izuku’s face, chest and arms are decorated with thick, scarring, making his hugs quite warm. If you compliment them, he’ll be very quiet and maybe start to cry; you make his day better.
This goes the same path of Katsuki and Kirishima: the scars plastered all over Katsuki’s hand due to his quirk makes hand holding very solid and warm, something he likes. Kirishima’s face and chest are his worst, the scar on his right eye makes it harder. But, when you both place gentle kisses on their hands, chest, and face… at times eyelid? You’ll see a very vulnerable side of these puppies that nobody rarely sees but yourself.
My masterlist || If you enjoyed this, please reblog and comment instead of hearting, it helps grow my content. Thanks for reading!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work
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thexmistress · 8 months
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Moving on | Toji Fushiguro
Toji angst/possible happy ending? ||| WARNING ABUSE DEPICTION||
The taste of blood always disgusted her, but for some reason she couldn't unclamp the inside of her cheek that she held hostage. Her nerves was running haywire and as she glanced down at her phone checking the time she internally cursed the man she love.
It was almost 7pm and he had promised he was going to be home before then to attend his son school play. This was Megumi's first elementary school play and he was the lead, she still remember the day when Megumi and her barged into the house to tell him the exiciting news. Toji, as always, was reluctant at first and his only reaction to them was a straight face saying he's not going due to something important coming up for his job. That night ended into an argument between the husband and wife, just might be the worse one yet.
She sighed as she grabbed her purse that was sitting on top of the kitchen table and called Megumi's name. The young child skipped from the living room filled with nerves and excitement "Is dad coming?" He asked sounding hopeful looking up at his mother, her heart shattered into a million pieces when she noticed how his eyes gleamed with anticipation. She sighed and only answered that his father got caught up at work and wouldn't be able to make it this time. She promised the boy who was know no longer smiling that he'll attend the next one. But as they were both leaving out the empty house they knew that was far from the truth.
~~~~~~[After the play]~~~~~~
It was now hitting 1am and Isami was blankly watching the Tv screen. Haven't blinked in 2 minutes her eyes were starting to water. But whether her eyes were watering due to the lack of moisture or due to her absentee husband was hard to decipher.
Megumi was fast asleep in his room, she let him have ice cream and candy after the play to cheer him up but of course that didn't work. He went straight to his room the moment they stepped in the house. Matter of fact the young boy barely even spoke to his mother on the way to the play and after. It broke her heart.
If she would've known how incompetent Toji would be in the emotional and physical department would she had married him? But how could she have known? He was never like this when they were together before Megumi came into this world. He was always present, attentive, gentle, and in his own way loving. Isami tried to mentally date back to the day where it all went wrong, the day she never expected he would hurt her
~~~~~~[Flashback 6 years ago]~~~~~~
"WHY IS THERE A FUCKING CONDOM IN YOUR BAG!?" The young pregnant woman questioned, her heart wasn't even beating straight as she was following the large unbothered man down the stairs to the kitchen. Usually she would take her time going down the stairs due to her 8 month belly making it hard for her to see her feet, but fury and hurt guided her blind spots as she followed behind Toji. She stared at him in disbelief as she watches him sigh and begin to make coffee. She felt like her throat was constricting but manage to speak
"Toji, do you hear me speaking to you?" She weakly said making him sigh in annoyance. He turned to face her "I do, but I really just rather not talk about this right now, I got a bad headache and you yelling just makes it worse" she was shocked by how indifferent he sounded about the situation. So was she supposed to just brush it under the rug? But what about how she felt? She looked back at the man who took one more glance at her and went to the fridge scanning what he can take with him to work.
She was burning holes at the back of his head, should she really let it go for now? Will they talk about it later? She never been in a situation like this before, she was only 22 while he was 28. He was her first everything literally, and sometimes it felt like he used that to his advantage, knowing she wasn't going to go anywhere......... and he was right. She felt the waterworks about to break the dam so she walked away from him letting them fall freely
~~~~~~[Present Day]~~~~~~
She felt a tear come out her eye but she quickly wiped it away. It's been a while since she last cried, she was numb to being hurt it seemed but after seeing how Megumi is starting to change its beginning to break her heart all over again.
As she stared at the tv screen she imagined a life where her and Megumi were living together free from the dark cloud and maybe later on being raised by a man that would love Megumi as his own. She began to tear up at the thought of that. She's been with Toji for 8 years, she's 28 now, and can't even imagine living without him or separating from him. She hated how weak and dependent she felt.
The front door opening breaks her from her thoughts and she turns her head to see her estranged husband walking toward her. She glanced at his hand and of course as always no ring. That caused her to mentally roll her eyes.
He came to her and kissed her on her forehead "how was the play?" He asked as he sat down next to her leaning back into the couch carefree as if he didn't just hurt Megumi and her again.
She felt annoyed "how was the play? You would know if you was there" she replied snippy. He sighed "I would've went Isami but I got caught up at work"
"you got caught up at work or was your dick the one that got caught up?" She accused folding her arms across her chest as she looked up at the man with hatred and hurt. He turned to face her annoyed that she would even say that
"You're still stuck on what happened 6 years ago? I told you it was a one time thing and I never did it again after, stop with the childish accusations, it's pissing me off" she could feel his anger rising by the second
"YOU NEVER TOLD ME ANYTHING!" She yelled at him in his face which was the wrong move because he grabbed her forearm pulling her extra close to him. He stared down at her with those green eyes filled with mix emotions
"Why do you always resort to yelling, our son is sleeping" she rolled her eyes at him ignoring the pain "how would you know he's asleep when YOURE NEVER HERE? IM MORE OF A FATHER TO HIM THAN YOU ARE!" Before she knew it she was harshly pushed to the ground and the sound of something cracking filled her ears. She whimpered in pain as she touched her wrist that failed to break her fall. She looked up at the man she didn't even know anymore that was towering over her. She couldn't even recognize him whether that was due to the tears clouding her eyes or the fact this man was no longer the Toji she knew.
The eyes that once looked down at her with love and passion now looked at her with the same two constant emotions that were at a constant battle with each other. Guilt and Anger. But, as always, anger ruled Toji's world. But still as Toji looked down at his wife he knew she was going to brush this under the rug like she always do and try to forget this happened to save the marriage.....to stay with him.
But he was tired of it. Tired of being in this marriage knowing he does nothing but hurt her and Megumi. He wasn't the best father and most definitely wasn't the best husband. He should've known he wasn't ready to settle down and have a family with her, his life as a bounty hunter was his priority and the moment she had told him she was pregnant he still don't know why he married her when he knew he wasn't ready. Even though he loved her so much that at that time marriage felt right but sometimes love just wasn't enough and It felt like he was wasting her years by not being what he knew he wasn't going to be able to be for her. He knew what he had to do since she wasn't going to do it no matter how much courage she tried to muster up. He had to rip the bandaid off for her and Megumi's sake
"Let's get a divorce"
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slytherinshua · 1 year
here i am 😈😈 okay so congrats on 100 very well deserved 🙏💞 and I'd like to request #16 from fluff, #10 from sickness (if sunoo was the sick one id actually cry but no pressure) , and #17 from action for sunoo pls and thank u and ily and take ur time writing no pressure lmao 🤭🤭
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In Sickness & In Health
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. sickfic ig. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: sunoo has a cold. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: sunoo x reader. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 614. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: diaaaa ty for requesting omg this was so cute i loved writing it!!
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Your boyfriend was sick, and your boss was giving you overtime for the 4th time this week. It was completely unfair and you wanted to punch someone in the face for your luck. But that would be a bit uncalled for, and you were sure Sunoo would laugh at it.
After a little persuading (arguing) with your boss, he let you have the weekend on account of a “sick relative.” Sure, you didn’t specify how sick your “relative” was, or the fact that he was actually your boyfriend, but your boss didn’t need to know.
Once 5 o’clock rolled around, you rushed back to your apartment. You picked up some painkillers and other medication from the drug store, as well as some mint chocolate ice cream before you walked through the door.
Apparently, you weren’t as quiet as you thought, because when you finally opened the bedroom door, Sunoo was already sitting up groggily. It was very clear that he had just woken up from his adorably messed up hair, disrupted sheets, and a Sunoo head-shaped dent in the pillow.
“Oh no- Did I wake you up?!” You asked quickly, and he just giggled and nodded, suppressing a cough that tried to surface. “I’m sorry.” You murmured.
“It’s okay.” He yawned, “Can you give me a hug? I haven’t seen you all day, and I missed you.” He pouted, giving you puppy-dog eyes as if he needed that to convince you. You would give him a hug regardless.
“Hold on- I have to navigate through the ocean of tissues before I can hug you.” You said, grabbing the trash can and throwing the tissues in their proper place as you made your way to Sunoo.
“Sorry about that- I wasn’t really thinking about where I was throwing them.” He explained and you laughed.
“You don’t have to apologise for anything, baby. As long as you work on getting better, that’s all that matters.” You said gently, finally reaching him and wrapping your arms around him. He sniffed, hugging you as tightly as possible.
“Do you still have a headache?” You asked, referencing the text he had sent with updates on his condition. 
He shook his head, “Sleeping made it go away. I’m just a bit sniffly still… As you could probably tell from the tissues.” He laughed, and you were glad he was still keeping his spirit up despite falling sick two days ago.
“Tired?” You asked.
“Yeah… You kinda just barged in here.”
You cringed, “Sorry for waking you, baby. Go back to sleep.”
“Can you stay with me? I really missed you.” He asked hesitantly, clinging onto the sleeve of your shirt as if you would leave and then he’d never be able to get you back.
“Of course, anything you want.” You let him pull you down next to him on the bed, his arms wrapping around your waist as he snuggled closer and got comfy. You smiled, pressing soft kisses all around his face to make up for the fact that he wouldn’t let you kiss his lips.
“Do you have work tomorrow?” He whispered, already half-asleep.
“Nope… I’m all yours for the weekend.” You said satisfactorily, happy that you were able to spend time with him uninterrupted for two more days.
“Really?” His voice was quiet as he fought to stay awake. You hummed, stroking his hair and making the battle against sleep all the harder for him. He eventually lost and you heard his breathing soften and his body relax as he drifted off to his dreamland.
You kissed his cheek, whispering a, “Get better soon, baby…” You fell asleep yourself, your arms still wrapped safely around him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ enha taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @yeonjuns-bluehair,, @syrxiee2,, @ddenoudepression
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