#i would be SUCH a good language and linguistics hyperfixator
brethilach · 2 months
blessed with an unyielding obsession with linguistics but cursed with monolingualism into adulthood because my family and schools never bothered to teach me anything other than English so learning a second language is So Difficult
if anyone has advice for how to make learning a second language easier please let me know. thank you <3
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AITA for doing things that would trigger my partner.
🖖🏼to find it
my (19f) partner (18x) has been through a lot of trauma, so have a good few ptsd triggers. one of these is a specific conlang; lets say klingon for the purposes of this post. its a trigger because of an emotionally abusive ex-partner. the thing is, im lurking in a few virtual klingon groups because im interested in the linguistics of it. i also have another friend whos learning klingon and was the one who first convinced me to learn it a while ago. i was learning klingon before I met my partner and was hyperfixated on it for quite a while. i dont talk about it to them but they know that i paused learning klingon a while ago because of my adhd new hobby excitement wearing out. also, part of the reason i didnt return to learning klingon when i started to become interested in it again was because i didn't trust myself not to fall back into hyperfixation mode and talk about it to everyone i see, including them which I think they feels a bit of guilt about. now i feel the urge to learn it again, and a local klingon group has started doing in person meetups where i could talk about and in klingon. i trust myself now to not talk about it to them and keep any klingon materials away from them, but i also dont know if its an ah move to do something that i know would definitely trigger them if they saw me do it and how they might feel about me leaning it and either not telling them after saying that id stopped learning it or telling them and risk triggering them. its also not necessary for me to learn the language. i just enjoy learning and speaking it and it helps me connect with my friend and meet new people. my partner is in therapy but they have more pressing issues than not being able to deal with a conlang so they likely wont lose this trigger anytime soon.
I'm almost certainly overthinking this.
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paeliae-occasionally · 4 months
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material
Thank you @drchenquill for the tag!
Where do I start? The years of hyperfixation have all lead up to this.
Ancient Greek history, especially the Persian wars, Athens and Sparta, Homer and Herodotus and Ancient Roman history especially Caesar, Augustus and Trajan and the Virgil, Aeneid and Ovid’s metamorphoses. I have had this hyper-fixation for a long time as well as studying classical civilisations for a few years and learning Ancient Greek and Latin as languages.
My world. I have currently got 4 extremely long notes documents of just worldbuilding, on top of scenes and character stuff, and they are only expanding. I know the vast majority of this by heart because it has been in my head for so long.
Physics. I am currently studying it and it is so cool. Exhausting and difficult sure, but discovering how the world works, and problem solving has always been my forte. I just need more people to rant to about cool physics history and new discoveries.
Linguistics. Dude etymology is so cool. How we can trace words back centuries and reconstruct how ancient languages might have sounded based on current progressions, and how we see language developing around us. I also love conlangs. I have written 3 myself for my world, 2 of which developed together so you get fun loan-words and interactions. Also writing systems! How the medium effects how words are written and … I know this is a rant for an hour challenge but I will stop myself there on that one or I would write out the full 1 hour of thoughts.
The Magnus Archives. Legendary horror podcast of you haven’t listened to it! The concept of fear is portrayed so well and the representation is incredible, from LGBTQ+ to disability, neurodivergence, you name it. I would recommend this even if horror podcasts are not a thing you are really into. The characters are all incredible even people who only appear in one episode are still talked about in the fandom because the characterisation is that good. (Shout out to my guy the plumber who just ignored the fears so much that they had to bring a whole new cult to come and help)
There are more, but I am going to stop myself there. I will tag @just-emis-blog, @illarian-rambling and @sunglasses-in-the-bentley +open tag to anyone else who wants to rant to me about your interests. I would love to hear about them <3
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papercrown444 · 1 year
to clarify i'm not one of those transracial people or whatever even tho i do have like my own personal issues with my identity regarding race ethnicity nationality whatever
but i love and adore asian cultures, not even in a fetish way in the most geniune and pure way you can imagine ok i love the languages i love the food i love the media and goodness me do i love the people 😇😇 (south asia is my current hyperfixation)
this also goes with my fascination with religions (islam especially) idk but because of my extensive knowledge about the basics and more i've been asked if i'm a muslim 😲
until further notice i am agnostic [i don't know whether or not to believe in a god] but i was raised christian and i am culturally christian too.. but i don't personally associate myself with a certain religion but i love how it can positively impact people's lives and just in general how it impacts cultures and interpretations and just ugh philosophy ...
to summarise:
my parents are 1st generation immigrants from west africa who came to england and now i exist which is why i'm british but i'm also black
i don't speak any other languages, but i've learnt japanese for 3 years, and i'm progressing slowly, yet i have a good amount of core knowlege (omds i love languages and linguistics)
i'm a gcse french student so i do know a chunk but i still don't know how to conjugate for the life of me but my french accent kicks ass
i know a couple of arabic words (kos omak) and i would like to learn it in the future
i'm looking at learning hindi potentially idk 😲
oh and i also know west african pidgin (which also means i know creole too) but i'm super embarrassed to speak it
all of my languages are self-taught with the aid of language learning apps but one day i hope to get a japanese teacher since i can find a french teacher within my parents' community (rare colonisaton w)
EDIT: OH MY GOSH I FORGOT TO MENTION ARABS BROO when i see an arab its on site bro my eyes are not blinking once omds i love their furniture and their girls and guys when they aren't sexist n racist (maskedarab ur bbg but cmon now)
enta mozza
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kikyan · 2 years
hi! i hope you doing great! <3
can I have male obey me matchup please? (the only character a wouldn’t like to be matched with is asmo but don’t get me wrong i love him my whole heart!!! just don’t feel like it)
i’m a girl, aries, 18, enfp, my pronouns are she/her. i could be really shy sometimes due to my bad anxiety, but mostly i’m very sweet and bubbly person, i deeply care about my friends, and i’m super affectionate with people who i love. also, my love language is physical touch!!! i’m also very sensitive and emotional person, but i’m fully open with my feelings only with close people in my life. my height is 5’5, i have a petite figure, have some boob, long brown hair and green eyes, i would describe my style as a hyperfeminine <3 i’m polyglot and i speak 6 languages, and i’m studying linguistics in uni. i’m obsessed with rabbits and bunnies and all the bunny-themed items!
hope it’s okay! sorry for my grammar, english isn’t my first language. i hope you have a nice day <3
So sorry for this being so late but here you are! I match you with Leviathan and the runner-up being Mammon!
Breaking down from your sign and your MBTI, your sign is Aries and unlike the stereotype that Aries are hotheads, I want to offer up that Aries are just more in tune with their emotions. From your MBTI which is ENFP, you're someone in tune with your feelings and others. You're outgoing and open-minded. You tend to be positive and have a someone lively approach to life. Your main goal/focus is establishing emotional connections with others and making those feelings heard/seen. You also want to create a space/relationship where others can be honest about their feelings to/with you. You're a bubbly and charismatic person, so I think Levi would simply adore you!
Levi is an otaku but before that, he was a well-known war general. He's often looked down upon or mocked, but you could be the safe space he confides in. He's enthusiastic about the shows he likes but insecure when talking about them to someone he cares about. He may be insecure talking to a stranger, but at the end of the day, it's someone who doesn't matter. His S/O is different. He longs to be in your good grace and earn your affection. I pair you up with him because you both are enthusiastic about your hobbies and likes/dislikes. Both care very deeply about feelings and want to create meaningful established relationships. I think Levi would understand where you're coming from when you say you have a love for bunnies. It's a hyperfixation and he knows a lot about that. Overall, I think you both suit each other. When you both get close, you can really be open about everything with each other. You can create a safe no judgement zone for Levi when he wants about his interests and hobbies and he can create a safe place where you feelings are welcome. Around him, you both will learn to build each other up while also improving each other's behaviors. Creating a safe space for one another! I am a yandere author so if there was no yandere here it would be weird so with that being said, again disregard my previous fics because I will be redoing the headcanons. Levi is clingy, way too clingy. Sure you've build a healthy relationship but Levi's insecurities would get the better of him resulting in anxiety induced thoughts. What if you leave him? What if he was only kidding himself when you said that you'd be together forever? He cares about this stuff a lot and trust me, he'll be on you like a hawk. Constantly observing you, waiting to see when he needs to interject. I honestly think he would be the type to kidnap you or simply hold you hostage in his room, ushering apologies and that he only did this to protect/salvage the relationship you guys had.
Mammon! Basically anything I said for Levithan, apply that here. Mammon without a doubt already does what he can to provide you with a safe and secure place to speak up, but who does it for him? I think with your love and support, you will be able to make him confess his feelings for you and his feeling in general without the need to hide behind. As a yandere, he'd react the same. One main difference is that he would probably worship you. You're kind, sweet, enthusiastic, etc. He lights up when he sees you smile and talk about how bunnies or gush over something bunny themed. He may want to preserve that feeling, not only do you bring him up but that smile on your face, he wants to keep it. He would be your protector, puffing up his chest and making it known that you're under his protection. He'll work behind the shadows and he'll stain his hands red just to see you smile again. You'll never know what he's doing for you.
Hopefully you enjoyed your match up! Thanks for the support!
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chimericchaos · 2 years
As someone who had a Conlanging hyperfix in the past some friendly tips for you:
As you've noticed creating a "true" International auxiliary language aka auxlang is really hard hence why others attempts (like Esperanto) often stick to one language family, although I have heard from other auxlang creators that they find trying to create something that moves past those barriers is really fun, so I wouldn't worry too much about that unless you decide it's to too many problems. Which also brings me to the point of how if you want to spend the time browsing conglanger areas I personally would recommend looking into those who have tried to create posteriori auxlangs/engineered conlangs (the subtypes I know that are closest to yours) and see what they struggled with and/or how they approach anything you might be having troubles with for ideas and inspiration if you want.
And well you did mention not wanting to actively learn linguistics, which fair enough, it'd feel wrong of me not to recommend that you look at least into the IPA aka International Phonetic Alphabet. It can be a bit complex at first but is one of the main ways conglangers and ligustics represent sounds across language and what individual sounds each letter/syllable/ext makes in a language which can be extremely useful for keeping things both consistent and teaching others (with a bit of extra googling to find their native languages equivalents to the sounds). A lot of Conlanging focused resources on the IPA also will go at least briefly into sounds that are common cross language families so that might be of interest to you, idk lol.
Thanks, no idea what an auxlang was before now, so we added it to our list of stuff to dive into.
And yes, we already knew about the IPA, but that is a good tip and honestly everyone should be familiar with it.
This was definately helpful, been a little busy recently so not much progress made, but a basic model is there. Will update with tags whenever this gets updated!
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bandofchimeras · 11 months
hey dude, sorry not trying to be an ass w this but I saw u had a post where in the tags you used delusional and narcissist as pretty derogatory insults towards the govt. Bashing the government is good and great but using terms that we (at least currently) need to describe mental illness (and definitely associate with it!)... in ways like that... its ableist and dehumanizing and leads to more abuse, even if it feels innocent, because if everyone who's a narc or who's delusional is dangerous....that's everyone w/ npd, or a schizospec disorder, or any other things.
Sorry this is long, and again, not trying to be rude! Just wanted to inform you and ask that you maybe be a little more careful with word choice in the future :)
hey anon, yeah thanks for your concern. I do understand the movement to change language usage around mental illness and destigmatize. And it is well intentioned.
Unfortunately, narcissistic and delusional are still pretty generally derogatory words. A person with NPD may not cause harm simply by virtue of having the diagnosis but we all agree narcissism itself isn't a fun cool trait to have. Delusions are obscurations of reality.
We still say manic, depressed, obsessive, etc in both outright negative ways and descriptive but not morally loaded ways. to me it's just part of language, and the ethics of most derogatory language does depend on who's using it.
I'm absolutely behind not calling everyone who sucks a narcissist. and would like people to stop saying "I'm being OCD" or "that's so bipolar," "he's a schizo" and so on. The "delulu" trend online is weird and fetishizes mentally ill people.
For context: I am a person with a narcissistic tendency, due to my childhood. My life has been a long train of psych symptoms... delusions of grandeur, maladaptive daydreaming, hallucinations, psychosis, derealization, depersonalization, dissociative identity states. psychology is one of my longest hyperfixations simply because I needed to understand my experience. it's been helpful and unhelpful in different ways. Pathologization is a phenomen that can't be understood separately from language, culture, history, and violence.
And yet I don't really have a problem with calling things crazy, insane, or batshit. in fact I find power in redefining and playing with these terms. I've been called crazy in a demeaning, invalidating way. And yeah, I'm a lil crizazy, a bit unhinged one might say. But if a motherfucker calls me crazy to invaldiate my argument, I instantly know they've lost. They're being weak, and abusive. It will also piss me the fuck off. I may want to show them what "crazy" looks like. The better angels of my nature will whisper "keep your head."
With the movement to neutralize mental health terms, what's always confused me is the understanding of language itself. I experience words autistically - they have multiple overlapping meanings all the time. Words are like composite images composed of billions of instances of use, fluttering and evolving as they are spoken and written. Vernacular is messy, sputtering and ever changing. Therefore words carry a multitude of connotations. When different people say them in different contexts you can see and hear different implications.
So, I really don't care if a dude at work says "that's fuckin insane bro" ...to a gnarly kickflip. Or a devastating news article. Insane delineates the magnitude of his emotion. It's out of bounds. Something normies and straights would try to contain, institutionalize, label. Christ, that's juicy. It's why I adore skater boy lingo and teen slang. It's careless and crunchy.
English itself, especially corporate and institutional English, can be a strict, bland, and often abusive language. My fellow autistic homies tend to enjoy a rousing jaunt down into the annals of historical parlance for our everyday linguistic transactions because it's fucking boring, the clinical way we are expected to speak here and now.
So therefore: thanks for your message calling attention to my words and their impact.
There are deeper better more poetic words to call the government and frankly I believe the best ones might be found in other languages.
All in all, you're right that "narcissistic" and "delusional" are not the most accurate, potent words to describe the US government. How to convey the twisted, detached from reality, spirit of that entity best in language, though, I need to expand the lexicon. Maybe using these words is cheap. Maybe it covers over the intentionality and corruption at play.
So I'm going to open this up to some language play - and ask you, anon, and anyone else what words can we find to convey the negative meaning of delusional (detached from truth) and narcissistic (inverted and self concerned to the point of dysfunction), in English? or in another language?
I hope you can take this in good faith not as a deflection but really engaging with your ask.
Being language corrected can trigger my harshest defenses. I can feel in my body all the times someone has punished, invalidated, dismissed something I've said because of using "uncivil" or foul or imperfect language. In general, trying to conform to correct ideological forms of language is like, major wretched, dude.
Hell my dorky ass disingenuous nerd of a brother yesterday called a message I sent the family group chat about Palestine "blasphemous" because I said " my god" and used it as an excuse to delete every impassioned exchange we had so the "children wouldn't see," - him be racist, cough. can't make this shit up.
But that's my background. Catholicism is a mental illness. (Sorry in advance to all mental illness havers for associating you with Catholics)
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ransprang · 3 years
hello!! could i get an arcane matchup? i'm a pretty feminine enby, any pronouns, bi with a slight preference for guys. i'd say i'm an ambivert, maybe slightly more extraverted. my friends say i'm witty, and i really like learning random stuff. like so much of my time is watching video essays or documentaries. i'm also super into linguistics, history and film, mostly horror. also epic gaming, especially rpgs. i have chronic fatigue, but like mentally I'm very energetic if that makes sense lol.
i'm pretty moody sometimes, and i'm either super into one thing for months or constantly flitting between hyperfixations. my dream job would definitely involve entertainment in some way, mostly acting. also i have dyscalculia so maths scares me. boo.
my type is either MILF/DILF, or Chill Smart People™️. also tall people, I'm pretty short. i love talking, so i do best with people who either love long discussions or like listening a lot lmao. my love language is probably quality time or physical touch, touch starved gang rise.
tysm 💖💜💙
thanks for the requesttttt <3
your arcane match up is.................CAITLYN!!
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- She is easily a mommy gf who is ALSO chill & smart. Caitlyn would be able to hold convos with you or lend a listening ear. She's really good at both.
- She is Arcane's tall queen so no need to worry about that.
- Your wits and intelligence would be very attractive to her. She'd share the same interests as you when it comes to watching documentaries and learning about history.
- For gaming she kinda seems more into solo player or indie games. Nothing intense so you can probably game with her.
- She'd be supportive of your career choices even if it doesn't bring in much money since she's filthy rich (also she's just sweet)
- If a maths problem is scaring you she'll hold you tight and teach you how to overcome it.
your MILF,
admin sar
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clove-pinks · 2 years
Late at night and I am reading linguistics blogs and trying to think of how to describe my love of linguistics, which is not at the level of a hyperfixation/special interest for me, but a broad, long-ranging interest like my love of botany.
I use the tag "language" because I'm hesitant to even use the word linguistics, like Mr. Gotcha is going to pop out of a hole and say, "Oh?? You like linguistics? Describe all languages!" I feel I don't pass whatever minimum threshold of knowledge is required to claim an interest in linguistics.
I'm monolingual, I can barely read French and my understanding of spoken French is beyond awful, I can understand only a bit of Spanish, and even my first language needs work. At least once a week I have to look up some English grammar question or word definition. I am fascinated by language, but not exactly Good At It. (If you asked me to diagram a sentence I would probably faint).
I feel like at least part of my interest in language/linguistics is a burning desire to be understood, to unlock the secrets of communication. I was reading about the autistic tendency to need to use EXACT language and thought yup, I definitely have that. I want to use the precise terms for things, and I am so afraid of being misinterpreted.
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vanitasshotlock · 2 years
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This is a sideblog. If I interact from my main no I don’t :)
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I suffer from extreme paranoia and anxiety, so Xan and Vani aren’t names that I actually use. If you see me using my real name at any point, no you don’t :) If you see me interacting from my main, idk who that person is totally not me :)
I’m disabled (physically and mentally, and I refuse to elaborate on this) and my energy and attention is all over the place. I may leave this blog for seven months without a word for no reason and then come back to completely spam the dash for eight days for no discernible reason. It’s how it be sometimes.
I appreciate clear communication since I don’t always understand implications. I can usually tell tone pretty well but all the same if you use tone indicators you are an MVP.
Do not ask me about anything invasive (orientation, gender, location, my name, my appearance, ethnicity, nationality, etc.) because I will not answer. This is both because of my mental health and because you are not at all entitled to know that information. If you feel like you are, that’s on you, and I recommend that you block me. I refuse to divulge any more information than I already have.
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I don’t have a DNI. It doesn’t really stop anyone from following me or interacting with me if someone wants to, but all the same, please be polite and respect my boundaries and I’ll do the same for you. Obviously if I break your DNI (or equivalent, I guess?), please let me know. If you interact with me and I’m not following/interacting with you but I break your DNI, I’ll give you a heads up and you can decide where to go from there.
I don’t appreciate people claiming that foster/step/adopted/etc family aren’t “real” family. This is the only hard rule I’ll put down because I assume everyone else who would break my DNI would be immediately blocked on sight anyways. If you claim non-bio family isn’t “real” family, you are, in fact, a piece of fucking shit and I will break your kneecaps. You know those people exist and can hear you invalidating their family, right? It’s an assholish thing to do and I want nothing to do with you. Send me hate over this if you want, but it’d really just seal the fact you’re an asshole in stone.
That’s all the hostility I have for that, but obviously if you think we’re not going to get along, just block me. Save us both some time and peace of mind, I guess.
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Inch Rests:
Square Enix games (esp. Kingdom Hearts & Final Fantasy)
Assassin’s Creed
Arkane games
RWBY (please don’t start discourse about it I’m so sick of it please)
Star Wars (Legends and some canon)
Way of the Househusband
ATLA (but not LOK and the movie doesn’t exist lol)
Fire Emblem (Awakening, 3H)
Harry Potter (sort of? It’s an old hyperfixation I can’t get rid of send help)
Persona series
Yugioh (DM, GX, 5Ds, Abridged)
DC Comics (Batfam, Smallville)
Danny Phantom
Dragon Age
History (classics, medieval, WW1/WW2)… (Kemet, Roman Empire, Greece, China, Japan, Anglo-Saxon England, Vikings)
Psychology, sociology
Myths (all sorts, not just mythology but like… folklore, urban legends, stupid shit like Inuits having 50 words for snow, they’re all so good to me)
Political theory (not an invitation to start a debate, but I do always appreciate book recs because I find politics and the psych behind it interesting)
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tenthgrove · 3 years
La Squadra Autism/Neurodivergence Headcanons
I’m currently feeling sad because ableism is a thing, so to comfort myself I’m smacking La Squadra with the autism hammer. Here are my headcanons for who in La Squadra is autistic.
CW: ableism, ungodly amounts of self-indulgent validation
I’m not the first to suggest this boy is autistic, and it’s part of the reason I love him so much.
Very intelligent, but struggled in school due to his neurodivergence and was mislabelled as a disruptive problem child, even when he genuinely tried to please people.
Not diagnosed since his family didn’t know anything about autism and his teachers wrote him off as ‘naughty’, but after he joined La Squadra, Gelato was like ‘hey you should look into this’. Ghiaccio’s realisation was pretty much immediate.
His loud volume doesn’t always mean he’s angry. Remembering the volume that normal people speak is a genuine difficulty for him.
His main stims are pacing and leg-bouncing (I feel you man). His current main hyperfixation is linguistics.
He sometimes gets overstimulated, usually visually (bright flashing lights etc) so he prefers nighttime. Also, emotions make him anxious, both his own and other peoples. Rarely, he has been known to go non-verbal. Usually tries to hide himself away when this happens.
Used to be better at masking but made the conscious decision to abandon it once he realised the stress it was causing him outweighed the benefits. Risotto actively encourages him to be himself.
Still suffers ongoing problems with anxiety and self-esteem due to ableism he faced in the past. Incredibly grateful to his team for giving him the first environment that is accepting of him.
Okay, hear me out on this one.
A combination of autism and solitude left him with no idea how to interact socially as a child. He didn’t realise there was anything different about him until he left home at 18.
Didn’t even know what autism was until he was well into his 20s, at which point he had the classic ‘oh’ moment I’m sure many of us can relate to.
The years between joining the mafia and getting put in charge of La Squadra almost broke him for this reason.
Eventually however, he came to learn social rules by utilising his strengths- impeccable attention to detail and a logical way of thinking. He interprets a social situation not by instinct like a neurotypical person would, but by reasoning.
Ironically, he actually mastered this to the point where his reading of body language is better than the average neurotypical. This can be seen in the way he analyses Doppio. Note how he verbally explains the process in a deductive manner.
His go-to technique for masking is to just not speak. You can’t say anything weird if you don’t say anything at all.
Hyperfixates on certain eras of history. When he does speak, he occasionally can’t help but slip in bits of information about the stuff he knows.
Doesn’t have many overt stims. Instead, he d̵̡̺͙̍i̶̧̝̹̘͌s̶̤̖͂̓͊͘s̶͇̏̄̌͛o̸̦͔̙̍̍̊ĉ̸̰̥̬͛́̐í̶̱͖͙͉a̶̞͕͆͆̔̽t̶̫̬̘̊́̏ͅé̵̩̕s̸̨͎͍̦̈́̒.
The best part about a character with no canon characterisation is that you can project on them however you want.
Autism and ADHD combo baby.
Only person on the team with a childhood diagnosis, not that it did him any good. His parents just wanted a label they could stick on him to explain his different behaviour, and were disappointed when they realised he couldn’t be ‘cured’.
Similar to Ghiaccio, he was mislabelled as a problem child, but in adolescence he increasingly used rebellion as an active strategy to protest against the shitty way his family treated him. This went on in an endless spiral of his parents treating him worse and him acting out as a result until they finally disowned him at 17.
Being an autistic extrovert, he often seems weirdly excitable when meeting new people. But each night he lies in bed and thinks about every social situation he’s ever fucked up.
Eventually did learn to do a decent job of masking (mostly just by channelling Sorbet’s energy) but he doesn’t like it and only bothers for his Passione superiors.
Has a lot of stims and is incredibly fidgety. Used to have quite overt vocal tics but now they only come out if he’s especially anxious.
Would have adored the modern self-led neurodivergence movement. All the rainbow infinity badges. King.
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neelcatsims · 2 years
Ask Game
@memoirsofasim tagged me! tysm I’m genuinely so excited to get tagged in something lol
Rules: Tag 9 people you would like to get to know/catch up with
Last song: Ghosting by Mother Mother
Last TV Show: oof I haven’t really been watching a lot of TV lately so the last thing was Owl House! doing a rewatch with a friend of mine once a week.
Currently watching/listening to: A looooot of youtube mostly. it’s been a pretty hectic week at work so I haven’t had a lot of free time that I haven’t dedicated to playing sims with a random youtube simmer in the background.
Currently reading: Lindsey Ellis’ sequel to Axiom’s End, The Truth of the Divine. I actually haven’t finished it even though I started it ages ago bc I don’t want it to endddd. I’m also reading a book about the history of French as a language but that’s been an on again off again reading journey for years, but it’s genuinely a cool book. I think it’s called The Story of French? written by a couple of linguists, one of which is french and the other is quebecois. Did u know that French is the like the 4th most spoken language?? it’s all over Africa bc colonists suck lol
Current obsession/hyperfixation: I go through hyperfixations really quickly, my sims hyperfixation is just barely starrrrting to wane, but I guess the most active one is the song Glitter by Daisy the Great. It’s SO GOOD. I’ve also been really fixated on my current project - I designed a collection of apparel patterns that I’m mocking up in the Sims, but it was designed to be used IRL as well. I’m super excited to have portfolio work that’s new bc I haven’t worked on anything big since before I graduated from art school last year.
Tagging, and pls feel free to ignore if you’ve done it already or just like, don’t want to lol: @bobapplesimblr @dieicide @berryconfetti @mangogarden @estah @enchanting-whim @geeky-simz @colormeberry @holocene-sims
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elenothar · 3 years
for the end of year ask: 13, 17 / 19, 24 - and even though I can guess the answer XP 11, 12 :)
Thank you <3
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
I don't consistently listen to music when writing, but when I did this year I cycled through various Chinese artist. I probably listened to Zhou Shen the most.
Oh, and the Guardian soundtrack, that's good writing music if you don't mind being ambushed by feels every other track.
17. fics you’ll continue next year
I'm most actively working on a Dixing linguistics fic (aka yet another Shen Wei character study, aka The Spring of Experience 2.0: The Language Edition). Other WIPs I'm determined to finish include: a short alternate identity reveal fic with Shen Wei & Li Qian, the Singer HPS AU, the accidental marriage AU and the lighthouse keeper thingy I'm co-writing with @eirenical
24. favorite fic you read this year
Absolutely impossible to choose - I read a lot of fic, particularly when I've just entered a new fandom and there's a lot of great Guardian fic.
So I'm just gonna throw out two stellar fics from my bookmarks:
Only the plum trees, by marycrawford (Guardian)
The Tourakom-Goldenlake System of Communication, by Emnot (Tortall)
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year & 12. favorite character to write about this year
I'm sure you did indeed guess it (and so would anyone who has spent two minutes on my blog this year...) - Guardian and Shen Wei. I fell into that series in February and haven't looked back. Long may this hyperfixation last :D
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lady-byleth · 3 years
I’m curious now, at what point in linguistic development does something go from being a dialect to being a distinct language?
That's a good question. A dialect would have to take an extreme off ramp from its base language, I'm assuming. Unfortunately my linguistic knowledge is restricted to what I can remember from my hyperfixation back in grade school (which was 20 years ago whoops I'm old) which is enough to know how a dialect comes about but I'm by no means an authority on what goes beyond that
I just love languages and grammar and dialects, but if someone knows this pls, for the love of God, don't leave anon and me hanging!
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hello! I hope you're not swarmed in all the matchup requests lol, but I have to say - they're great! I love how detailed they are and how much work and thought you put into them! It's admirable, to be honest.
But of course I came here for my own matchup lmao. I'm polyamorous so I'm okay with multiple matches (if you want to, ofc).
So, I'm an INTP, aesthetically edgy, nonbinary.... something, ig. I'm a retired weeb that became a kpop stannie and an e-girl/e-boy but I'm still very much a nerd when it comes to entertainment, like video games and stuff.
I've been told that I look intimidating ever since I was a kid and people tend to be lowkey scared of me at first - add to that the fact that I don't talk much with strangers and have a permanent murderous gaze. But once you force your way into befriending me I become a very loyal and chaotic middle school boy with a negative amount of braincells.
I used to be known as a cryptid - never took pictures, never left my room, so quiet you'd never know if I'm currently in the same room as you or not (my friends would call me irl Kuroko - yes, that even applied to when we played basketball in school). But then, one day I decided that I'm bored of being boring and turned into the loud, vulgar, hot friend (according to my friends, again) that you'd book a room with in a closed off apartment complex but then decided to get some kebabs at midnight and then had to climb over the fence once you got back because the gate man has already left for the night. That was not oddly specific at all.
I know that what I'm doing is usually dumb and dangerous and that's exactly why I do it. I'm dumb but I'm not an idiot, y'know? I also have problems with authority lmao. And while I love doing all the dumb stuff with my friends I'm extremely protective and always take the blow or make sure no one gets actually hurt. Self-sacrifice is a personality trait 😌💅✨ Also, I still have a crippling social anxiety but after mastering the art of dissociating I can go out in public!
I'm not a very affectionate person - I don't really like physical affection all that much. I'm cool with hugging, hand holding and cuddling but in moderation. I express my love towards those close to me by doing favours and helping them. You'll also know I like you and am comfortable when I stop with all the "uwu i love u ur so amazing" and start throwing (not genuine) insults around or bully you (affectionately). I'm also straight up emotionally constipated.
There's very few things in life that I take seriously and even less things that I care about in general. Because of that I can seem very apathetic and dishonest. That being said, I *do* have hobbies and interests (hyperfixations, actually), I don't have an artistic soul but I do a lot of different art (drawing, dancing, singing, rapping, makeup, fashion, etc.) - but my heart belongs to the world of linguistics.
I'm quiet pessimistic on the inside but I just implement it into the typical Gen-Z humor and ignore all my (often serious) problems. I prefer keeping a happy, funny, loud persona in front of others - I'm the distraction and mood maker!
I'd want my partner(s) to first and foremost - be my best friend(s). Someone who isn't very emotional and can solve problems with logic and in a calm manner. Someone who'll be happy with us just existing and vibing next to each other.
Also someone who'd wrestle with me. Or at least would let me throw them around a little, lol.
My faves are Levi, Belphie, Beel and Monie but I think I match with the first two better, imo.
Thank you in advance! Hope you're having a great day/night!
Ahhh thank you for your kind words!!! >w
Okay so I think you are in fact a great match to each of your favourites for a different reason!
So in canon I don’t think there much info about their take on mono/poly relationships. Sure, besides Beel all of the other candidates are known to get jealous easily but like being poly is not cheating lol. I’m not sure if someone already made HCs about this but I think it would take so much time to convince Levi that theres not one, but two (or more) people who actually love him oh god. But I think the others mentioned above would be ok. 
So I decided to match you with Mammon! 
 Okay so when it comes to aes I think you and Mammon would make a matching couple! 
Mammon also plays games from time to time, so you could spend some time gaming together. He is surprisingly good at them! Obviously Levi could relate to your otaku past, but that is the past. 
I think your intimidating exterior would probably give off Lucifer vibes to Mammon at first. This is not something to worry about though - Mammon has a tendency of stealing or using people (he’s not crushing on) + he also looks down on humans. (these are sometimes ignored in the fandom but it’s all canon) So sure he is definitely stronger than you, but I think he would be less likely to pick on you like that if you have a pretty but intimidating face. 
He is also one of the more loyal demons, so you have a priority on the same spot! 
I think he would definitely support your chaotic ideas and steal kebab with you at night. You would annoy his brothers a lot and he would get you into trouble very often! So be prepared for some lectures by Lucifer. 
The fact that you self-sacrafice might end up getting you in danger but Mammon is also protective so it’s just the two of you protecting the other while doing someting silly.
Mamon definitely has many favors to ask for, so it’s nice that you don’t think of that as a turn-off! However make sure he doesn’t use you
 His love language is giving gifts so in return you can expect him to get you something! 
I think he likes affection but definitely not in public and he will deny wanting a hug from you with his life
Okay so the fact that you actually call out your friends when they are being unreasonable is something that comes in handy! Mammon gets bullied a lot by his brothers - sometimes there is no reason, but other times he is not innocent at all. So it would be nice if you could shape his personality a bit! 
I definitely see him with a partner who cares about appearance, so you being into makeup and fashion is a good bonus! He wants to set you off on being a model after all
He is definitely outgoing so you being able to sing and dance are great additional points! He will definitely show you off at some bars so be prepared!
I don’t think he is very fond of linguistics as really the only thing that gets him going is cash. He would probably look up how to make the most out of being a linguistic and he will definitely have a conversation with you about his findings
You two could definitely hit it off as best friends first! I mean he will not confess early, being a tsundere and all.
 Okay so Levi would be better at solving difficult situations logically as he is an admiral at the navy. However there is a reason why Mammon is the second strongest that gets overlooked sometimes! If an issue arises he has ideas to solve them! These are not always very great ideas and they might sound silly but most of the time they work! 
Mammon is definitely the best candidate to play-fight out of the potential candidates!! I imagine him being much stronger than you and giving you a hard time but he is not a sadist at all so he will let you win at the end 
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