#i would have added pictures but I couldn't decide on what to use
goldendaydna · 2 years
Ya know what? I think I will scream into the void about Robbie's character design
Reminder that this is a random person on the internet and what I say below derives from things my silly little brain thinks.
The amount of connections from his human form, his Ghost Rider form and his personality is so dang cool. When you look at his human form and you look at his Ghost Rider form you still know which ghost rider he is even if you take away one of the main components which seems to be his jacket, you can even know which ride is his.
Design wise, I love that his skull isn't your average skull, ya know in a sea of ghost Riders with a lot of them having normal skulls. It makes a viewer just KNOW Robbie isn't you're traditional Ghost Rider. I'd include his car into that but I won't cuz there's been a horse as a ride before and there are so many other vehicles as rides now. (And as it should be cuz it would just be pretty silly if all Spirits restricted their rides to just motorcycles. They need to get things done, lol.). Also I think we can call it a skull cuz like, what else can be done? It's got the shape, and it's not a helmet, there is an organic jaw fused to it, just saying.
The v shaped scar and the single white streak in his hair, boom, the center flame on his skull. Heck it even makes a connection to the blower on the hood of his car.
Adding to that, because the flames on his skull are directed and channeled through holes in the back of his head, the center flame, his eye sockets ,and his mouth; can make for a better gauge on his emotions and what he's feeling due the size, shape, and location of be it flames, sparks, smoke and even the appearance of molten metal.
Just imagine a scenario where Robbie is transformed like
Gabe: Robbie are you ok?
Lisa: Yeah cuz you are sparking and smoking like crazy right now
Ghost Rider Form Robbie who just missed out on a good sale for groceries cuz of Eli's bs: I'm good.
Then there's his car in general. Not only does it have a history with Robbie, it becomes an extension of himself and he would be a liar if he says he doesn't like it. It lets him do things he hasn't been able to do freely before, like race or take his little brother to school or just out the house in general. Heck, it let's him be a mechanic with an actual car XD.
Still going on about the car but I have to say this. The fact that Robbie is a Mexican American and his ride is a car has to be 100% purposeful. Cars have such a rich history for Mexicans and Mexican Americans. Especially in California and Texas, and some of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. From revolting, to artistic expression, to family connections. It's really too bad that the comic's run was cancelled cuz there could have been so many cool topics to mention stuff about it.
Onto his apparel, when he's Ghost Rider it becomes that of a racer. Something Robbie loves to do and is VERY good at. I don't even need to point out his leather jacket in his human form. The tight shirts mentioned in the comics are more of a reflection of his situation. They are too small for him and it's more than safe to assume he doesn't bother with new clothes until they cannot be used anymore, cuz that costs money that he can't afford to spend. Grey jeans, black jacket combined with a white hoodie, or just a simple t-shirt, it's simple monochrome and it's harsh. Much like the hell charger. Also two jackets in Cali? Either becoming a Ghost Rider did something for him to be unbothered or suns heat be damned the drip is just too important.
Now we move onto his eyes and some of the scars. I just personally love it when powers or superhuman abilities are given to characters and they leave a physical mark cuz they are physical reminders to the character in question that they are no longer the same. It can also gives a chance for side characters to make note of or mention.
(This one is more headcanon-ey) Even with his teeth. With some of the other riders all their teeth look pretty flat, at least from what I've seen but it's a pretty safe bet to say genetically Robbie is one of those people who have a set of sharp little canine teeth. That get longer and sharper in his Ghost Rider form which are visibly the most organic part of his skull when transformed.
I will say, I think his white hair streak being something he dyes is a missed opportunity, but that's just me. Eyebrow slits are always cool so there is that. That undercut and the little beard patch just makes sense. The plug earrings, also cool. Just, I love Robbie's character design. It's more modern than his predecessors, and it very much so says "Yes. It cannot be denied, this kid is Latino." And it's fresh and respectful and gives him his own personality. It's a 10 out of 10 for me.
I'm also not gonna talk about weapons, they just seem pretty inconsistent throughout his appearances so I don't got much to say on that.
Did I miss something? Probably but it is what it is lol.
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zosanbrainrot · 19 days
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part 06!! and the end of Act 1
01 02 03 04 05 06
I don't have anything else storyboarded right now, I have the dialogues for Act 3 written down, but for the 2nd Act I'm gonna have to rewatch parts of WCI. I'm also thinking of a different approach, more like a series of illustrations not a comic, but idk yet, I'll have to rewatch and see!
It's not like I'm actually using a 3 Act structure as in 'a method of writing a story', I don't know how to and I haven't tried learning that (YET). I just think its neat and reflects how I divided my artistic process. I've always seen this story in my head as 3 parts.
And before I delve into part 06, I can't stop myself from saying that....... part 05 really needed another closeup on Sanji's face. If I ever try and repost it to another site then maybe I'll add it (between the panels of Ichiji & Zoro and the closeup on the spear, it would help the rythym but also strengthen the emotional connection, before Sanji shuts himself off)
Anyhow part 06
Most panels were a breeze, but the last two, my god, I just couldn't get them right for the longest time. In the end my favourite panels are the closeups of Luffy and Nami, I should really draw them more.
Here's how this panel in particular went:
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I did like how the pose was looking in my first rough pass, the face is scrunched, the shoulders are high with tension, the direction is consistent
Couldn't execute it though... I think in the first rough sketch the camera is looking at Luffy slightly from above? Like he's leaning into it. That's why the shoulders can be so high up, but I didn't realize what it was when trying to clean it. So when cleaning the sketch I drew the head on the same level as the camera which made the whole pose look flat, also in this weird angle, like it's not fully 3/4, but it's not facing forwards either.
I didn't know what wasn't working, so I doubled down and tried with the lineart, but it didn't magically help. It just looks like he's slouching.
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4. so I tried to rethink the pose and commit to a 3/4 view. I like that more of the neck is visible now, you can feel that he's leaning forward with the scream, but I think I could have pushed it a bit more still
5. with linework I made some small changes, like a bit shorter hair, smaller nose and the eyes pushed back a bit. I also added the scratches and filled in the black parts
6. added flat colors & shading!
Last panel with Sanji was even harder to draw hehe
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so I thought this would be easy bcs I wanted to basically redraw the panel from the anime
that's why my rough sketch was extremely rough, I didn't think about it much
and then I had so much trouble with it lmao You'd think that it would be easier when you're covering the character's face, but I was in this undecided space of on one hand wanting to show the pain on Sanji's face and staying truthful to the anime scene on the other. I also found it super diffucult to show the emotions without the eyes
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4. The pose in 3. also wasn't working so I tried to make him more slouched, like he's curling in on himself more, it was definitely a better direction. I tried going into lineart from here but I didn't like how the fingers were turning out
5. So I decided to get a new ref and took a picture of how I'd make this gesture myself. With this pose I also changed the position and angle of the face slightly, bcs it would have created a very small space between the hand and the nose and I wanted the two shapes to connect
6. I really liked the hand, but was having trouble with the hair, it felt too short, still couldn't get the face right either
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7. so I elongated the hair and worked on the face some more and was finally happy with what I had!
8. added colors! At first I had it colored like the other panels, color just on Sanji then gradient on the bottom helping it fade to black, but it wasn't sitting well with me. Maybe because the space above his head was too big and I didn't want to have a background here and also wasn't adding the little floating pieces to the carriage scene (these were reserved for the grass battlefield)
9. SO! I made Sanji's figure darker and also added a darker shade to the whole scene and I think it ended up working really nice. Like he's drowning in the darkness, the only element piercing through it are Luffy's words. It also just fills up the space better lmao, feels less empty visually
Its gonna be A WHILE, before I have updates for this, I'm gonna have to start with the rewatch anyway. Right now I'm gonna have to focus on finishing my extra pieces for the @rdtriozine !! If any of you read this far you may as well check it out lmao I have a full illustration spread there and gonna have spots for a fic too ❤️ I just need to draw them!!! AGHHHH
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xitsensunmoon · 3 months
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My first ever comic con! And first cosplay too. Of course it's gonna be my boy :] Ramblings about the process are under the cut(Let me know if?? You would want me to elaborate with process images for any of the steps?)
The costume took me forever to make, as I've never done any machine sewing, sculpting, fabric dying or spray painting before but learning all of these was so fucking fun!! I never realised just how many different skills go into making a cosplay but it was so worth it!!!
Almost all of the clothes(except the hat) were purchased first as bases, but all of the detailing was added by me. All of the fabric used was originally just scraps that I was given for free so I needed to learn how to dye and dye all of the stars, they were originally white.
The sewing machine was its own beast that brought me tons of frustration from the lack of skill and knowledge (it was devastating to find out that 95% of fuck ups were my fault and not the machine's lmao). But as a result, a hat sewn from scratch, all of the fur trims, embroidery on the corset, stars and the collar(which is very hard to see on the pictures unfortunately) was all added manually. The stars and the stripes(on the back of the cape) were attached using heat-and-bond adhesive (I WISH I knew about such thing just when I started working on this. It would save me so much time and nerves.)
Then I found out about polymorph(mouldable plastic) and it has become the next thing I wanted to learn, to sculpt the claws and the fangs(yes, they're handmade jfksjs). The claws I then primed and painted in trillion coats because I wasn't satisfied with the colour of the spray paint. The fangs I moulded to my own teeth and then stained with tea to match the colour of my teeth :)c
As for makeup, I used Mehron Paradise water activated paints. At first I wanted to try to save money and bought myself Snazaroo instead, which unfortunately turned out to be a waste. Snazaroo didn't hold on my face for longer than 2 hours, cracking and peeling awfully. Mehron on the other hand survived 11 hours of me smiling, talking, emoting and such and didn't even crease at the smile lines(I'm actually shocked about that). It obviously works like any other makeup which means your skin texture and wrinkles won't go anywhere but Mehron's elasticity pleasantly surprised me. It did obviously smear from sweat and saliva(if you're eating and licking your lips) but if you don't touch the skin it just dries again, self setting. But if it's dry it's fully smear-proof. Highly recommend!
And last but not least, I've decided against painting my hands as it was very risky that I will stain everything I touch at the smallest hint of sweat. So instead I got myself gloves-tights(? Not sure how they're called but it's made from the same fabric as tights) and painted them with normal acrylic paint(did you know you could dye fabric with acrylic paint? I personally didn't), then heat set with an iron and voilà, they're reusable, my hands are not stained after an exhausting day and I don't stain everything I touch. It worked wonderfully which honestly was a surprise as I was really sceptical that acrylic paint will somehow stay in place.
I think this whole thing took me minimum of 6 months with big-big breaks for my school and life in general. But I'm really proud! This project taught me so many new skills and I couldn't have been happier about learning new knowledge, even if it sucked to fail in the meantime.
Everyone at the con was really nice and gave me a large confidence boost even tho it was my first time and I had no idea what I was doing. Taking photos with other people was really awkward/new for me as I hate cameras so I really had no idea how to pose/behave in front of one. But that's okay I think. This whole experience definitely made me want to do this again, so I think that will come with experience. Thank you for reading this far, hope you enjoyed this little summary :)
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Prom Night, Eddie Munson
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Word Count: 1.2k~
Dustin loved hearing Eddie Munson’s stories. He had countless stories about anything and everything, none of which were ever boring. In his mind, Dustin could only hope he’d be as cool as Eddie with his guitar and never ending knowledge over dungeons and dragons one day. Because of his love for the man, Dustin imagined how prom must’ve been for Eddie, and with one question, he got Eddie to recall the entire night.
“How was prom for you?”
Eddie had been putting off anything that involved prom. He didn’t even care to look at suits or ties as he had already decided he wasn’t going to go. He didn’t have a girlfriend, and the girl whom he wanted to go to prom with was way out of his league, according to him. She was his best friend, and everyone knew that, but they also saw the longing look he had in his eyes every time he looked at her. Eddie felt like he loved her like no other - but how could he tell her that?
The day of the prom, most of the girls were absent toward the end of the day as they were all allowed to leave early to get ready. However, there was one girl Eddie was surprised to see still at the school. As much as he loved spending time with her, he questioned her as to why she was still there and not using the time the school had surprisingly allowed them.
“Why not?” She retorted, leaning back in her chair with a small shrug. “No one asked me, so why bother.”
Her words made his eyebrows quickly go down in confusion. How could no one have asked her out?
Instead of asking her exactly that, he sat back in his chair. “I’m not going either,” he sheepishly admitted, rubbing a hand against his arm as he bit his lip nervously. In his head, he pondered if he should just ignore his hesitation and worry, and just go for it? He always tiptoed around letting (Y/n) know about his true feelings for her, but there would be no tiptoeing now.
“Hey,” her voice broke him away from his anxious thoughts, causing his head to snap to hers. Immediately, his eyes were locked on how pretty she looked at that moment, making his mouth move before his thoughts.
“Yes, pretty girl?” Eddie asked her, making her cheeks turn to a deeper red as her lips unfolded into a huge smile. He had never called her that before, but she liked it - she liked it a lot.
“Why don’t we go to the prom tonight? And see all the moron football players try to bust a move to Madonna,” (Y/n) suggested to Eddie, making him laugh loudly in the school’s library they were sat in. No one was around to care though, and (Y/n) certainly wasn’t going to complain about Eddie.
“I would love that.”
Eddie’s response to her invitation to prom would leave a forever lasting mark on their relationship, a good mark though. Before picking her up, Eddie sat in his van, clad in an old suit of his uncle's while anxious thoughts raced through his head. "A beautiful girl going out with the weirdo, what could go wrong?" he questioned himself, the worries of other people's reactions to seeing them together flashing through his mind.
However, once he arrived to her home and went inside (with a hastily made-corsage he put together with a rose and couple strands of baby's breath, no less), all of his fears and worries simply disappeared after seeing her in the (f/c) dress she wore that night. Sure, Eddie had seen her dressed up a few times for picture day at school, but this was a sight he never witnessed before. Her hair was pinned and curled, her dress looked perfect, she wore makeup that only enhanced her features, but most of all, Eddie couldn't look away from the bright smile she had while staring back at him. In that moment he knew he would never regret his decision.
“I wasn’t going to go,” Eddie explained to Dustin, leaning his head back against the chair with a small huff. “I was very anti-prom since I couldn’t grow a pair and ask a certain pretty girl out,” he further added, a smirk curling at his lips as memories of him and his beloved before they started dating flashed through his head.
“What pretty girl was that?” Dustin asked, making Eddie throw his head back in dramatics and roll his eyes. However, just as he did that, his brown orbs caught sight of the woman he loved walking toward him. Taking the opportunity laid out before him, Eddie quickly leaned up from his slouching position before throwing his arms around (Y/n) as she came up beside his chair and pulling her to sit sideways on his lap. His actions only made the girl giggle as she situated herself in his hold, used to her boyfriend’s antics by now.
“This one right here,” Eddie pointed out to Dustin, his arms now wrapped around her waist. To get more comfortable, she reciprocated his actions and wrapped her arms around his neck, causing their gazes to meet each other. Eddie’s smile only grew at the sight of her (e/c) orbs shining back at him as he lifted a hand to push her hair back, something he often found himself doing out of habit. “but thankfully, she came and asked me out.”
Before she could ask what their conversation was about, Dustin quickly interjected with a question of his own. “You asked him out?!”
Immediately, realization flashed across her face as her mouth formed a small 'o' shape. “Oh, are you talking about prom?” She reaffirmed, turning back to face Eddie. Still smiling, he nodded dopily at her as he remained entranced by the way her hair happened to fall that day.
Now smiling warmly, she turned her attention back to Dustin. “Well, technically, yes,” (Y/n) explained, letting out a small laugh afterward. “but it was more of a ‘hey, you wanna go crash the prom with me?’ kind of deal, and he totally went for it.”
“I couldn’t have asked for a better prom date,” Eddie stated, making (Y/n) giggle once more while she leaned farther into his hold.
“I think I’m more than just your old prom date at this point, right?” she murmured to him, making him flash his teeth at her with a bright grin. In front of them, Dustin turned away from the sight of the two as a warm feeling spread over him. He wondered if he had that same lovestruck look on his face when he gazed at Susie, or vice versa.
“Oh, most definitely, love of my life,” Eddie clarified, leaning down to press a kiss to her arm currently resting against his shoulder. At the same time, (Y/n)'s grip on him only tightened as she moved forward to connect their lips in a slow, small kiss, still careful not to do too much in front of the kids. Pulling away after a few moments, the same entranced look came over Eddie’s face as he spoke up once more. “You are so much more than just an old prom date.”
With that, (Y/n)’s smile only grew more before she moved to rest her head on his shoulder, looking up at him. “I’m glad,” she murmured, their eyes remaining locked on each other as giggle fell from her lips. “Because you're so much more than just a prom date to me, love of my life.”
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alotofpockets · 10 months
Just a scratch | Katie McCabe
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Pairing: Katie McCabe x Reader & Meadema x Platonic!Reader
Prompt: "It's nothing, just a scratch."
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 945
You were beyond excited when Katie asked you if you’d like to meet Myle for the first time today. Ever since Katie had showed you the pictures of Beth and Viv’s little puppy, you’ve been wanting to meet her. Katie adored how excited you were and couldn't stop smiling when she looked at your happy features, while she drove the both of you to Viv and Beth's house. 
You give Beth and Viv a quick hug before rushing over to the little puppy, who was sitting on the arm of the couch looking at you with her head tilted to the side. Very intrigued about meeting a new person but also waiting because she's still a little shy. 
Katie laughs at the way you just flew past her teammates, and greets them properly, before heading into the living room with them. You were already sitting on the couch with little Myle slowly making her way over to you, sniffing her new surroundings to see if she liked you.
The trio watched how your face lit up when Myle climbed onto your lap. Tears welled in your eyes the moment the pup tried to bump her little head to your hand, letting you know that she was ready for you to pet her. Katie made sure to snap a few pictures before handing Viv the present you got for Myle. It was a little red scarf with white pom poms at the ends, representing snowballs. She had instantly reached for the scarf at the store, your girlfriend was a big fan of Christmas, and claimed “Myle needs something festive this holiday season too.” You had simply kissed her cheek at her adorableness and grabbed and added both the scarf and an actual toy to your basket. 
Viv opened up the presents and put the scarf gently around Myle’s neck. She started strutting like she was on the catwalk, making all of you laugh. When she fell over the little pom poms, Katie picked her up, and asked you to take a picture with the little Christmas pup. After playing some more Myle made her way onto your lap, where she fell asleep peacefully. 
“Hey, so we actually had a question for the both of you.” Beth says as she takes Viv her hand and sits down with you and Katie. “We were wondering if the two of you would like to be Myle’s godparents. What do you think?” Katie looked your way, her face lighting up when she saw how happy you looked by the question, as you were eagerly nodding your head. “I think that is a yes from both of us.” Katie answered for the both of you. She places a quick kiss on your temple, “You’re adorable.” She whispers when moving back. “And with that, y/n, we wanted to ask you if you would want to take care of little Myle when we are away for national team stuff. We could arrange it however it would work best for you, of course, you could stay here or we could train Myle to be at your and Katie’s place. I know you guys have Coopurr too, so if you say yes-” Viv wasn't even done with her sentence but you didn't need her to continue, you were ready to accept. “Yes, I would love that.” You say, stroking the little pup in your lap over her head. 
Since Myle was still asleep on your lap, you decided to stay at the Meadema household while the rest of the girls made a quick trip to the grocery store, since you and Katie were going to stay over for dinner. It wasn’t long after they left that Myle woke up and made her way over to her bowl of food and started eating like her life depended on it. You chuckled and pulled the pup away from the bowl, not wanting her to choke on the food, “Easy girl, there will be more later.”
You grabbed the toy you got her and started moving it around, to distract her from her food bowl for a bit. She started running after it, wagging her tail wildly. You loved the cuddly puppy so much already. She took the toy in her mouth and tried freeing it from your hands by roughly moving her head from side to side. Since she was still so little, her efforts didn’t result in much, so she started using her paws to push your hand away while pulling back with your head. She got the toy from your hand, only because one of her nails scratched the back of your hand and you dropped the toy as a response. Myle looked worried when you shook your hand, her big eyes watching you, “Oh no, it’s okay, little one. It’s just a scratch.” You say while petting her. 
When the girls get back, you and Viv start preparing dinner while Beth and Katie plop down on the couch, quickly followed by Myle, who had already gotten tired again from playing. You enjoyed a lovely dinner together, before you had to go back home. You didn’t want to say goodbye to Myle but you knew you’d see the little puppy soon again, and couldn’t wait to fulfill your godparent duties.
Back in the car Katie leans over and places a kiss on your lips, “You’re going to be an amazing godparent to Myle, and I can’t wait to get a thousand pictures of the two of you cuddled up together when I am away with the team.” You were looking forward to having another little cuddle buddy for when your girlfriend was away. 
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nexysworld · 1 year
Gym Adventures
Read on AO3 🖤 Requests are Open 🖤 Masterlist
Summary: Leon and Chris convince you to go to the gym with them for the first time. While you're not super keen at first, what you don't expect is the additional activities you manage to get up to.
Or: Hot gym-shower threesome with Chris and Leon. Pairing: Chris & Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, Smut, Thigh riding, blowjobs,throatfucking, shower sex, unprotected sex, double creampie, p in v sex, threesome, dirty talk, praise, sex in a public place? (no other people there tho.) No use of Y/N
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Looking at yourself in the mirror, you let out a sigh and gave yourself a once-over, turning to get a full picture of your appearance. You wondered if this outfit would meet the mysterious criteria of being "gym appropriate." It was the fourth outfit you had tried on, and none of them felt quite right. Tossing another top onto the bed, joining the pile of discarded clothes, you decided to take a different approach.
As you pulled on the fifth top of the day, a knock on the door interrupted you. "We're going to be late. You know I was joking when I said 'dress to impress.' I promise no one cares what you wear to the gym," Chris called out. He and Leon had been taking turns trying to convince you to make a decision on your attire so that you could finally get going. They had been persistent in convincing you to join them at the gym in the first place, and it had taken them a week to succeed.
"I know that," you replied. "Just give me a few more minutes, okay?"
If you were being honest, the issue wasn't really the clothing, but the idea of working out with them in general. They were both so fit from their jobs that it made you feel self-conscious, regardless of what you were wearing. Coming to this realization, you opted to throw a sweater over your current outfit and opened the door to a startled Leon, who was now taking his turn to knock. Apparently, you had taken longer than just a few minutes this time.
"Oh, there you are. I thought we were going to be late," he said with an awkward chuckle.
"How can we be late to a 24-hour gym?" you inquired as he stepped back to let you pass.
"It was just a figure of speech. I thought you were never going to leave the room," he explained as the three of you made your way to the front door, heading outside into the crisp night air. You had agreed to go only if there wouldn't be anyone else around, so they suggested going in the middle of the night.
Upon arriving at the gym, you felt relieved to see that there was indeed no one else there. It eased your anxiety a little. Entering the building, the two men immediately took it upon themselves to show you around, pointing out different equipment and asking about your interests. "Uh... the treadmill, I guess," you replied, not fully absorbing all the fitness information they were throwing at you.
"Are you sure that's all?" Chris raised an eyebrow.
"No judgment from us," Leon added. "We just thought you might want to work on your strength too." He flexed his arm playfully. You rolled your eyes, but it did manage to make you laugh.
"No thanks, maybe next time. I think the treadmill is just fine for now," you said, taking off the oversized sweater and tossing it aside. The lack of response from the two men with you was odd since they always had something to say, especially Leon.
"Everything okay? Did I do something wrong?" Suddenly, anxiety washed over you, thinking you may have done something silly like turning the machine on incorrectly. You turned to look at them and saw that they were both staring at you before immediately whipping their heads in other directions, trying to act cool.
"Oh, you're fine," Chris said, turning to face the weights. "We were just keeping an eye on you, making sure you didn't blow up the machine or something."
Leon seemed uneasy too, already walking towards a piece of equipment whose name you couldn't remember. "What Chris said. Just making sure you're okay."
‘Well, that was weird,’ you thought to yourself, stepping onto the treadmill. It wasn't like them to not hover, especially if there was even the slightest chance of you hurting yourself. You let the thought go, assuming that the gym was their domain and maybe they were just serious about their own workouts. However, the silence as time went on did make you feel a bit uneasy.
You decided to put in your earbuds, listening to some music as you ran, tuning out everything around you. Every now and then, you glanced over at one of them, thinking you caught them staring, only to see them quickly avert their gaze when they noticed you looking. Their increasingly strange behavior puzzled you, but you chose to ignore it, focusing on your music and your run.
You hadn't realized how much time had passed until your music stopped, concluding your workout playlist. Breaking a sweat and feeling a satisfying burn in your legs, you stopped the treadmill and stepped off. Raising your arms above your head, you stretched from side to side before bending down to touch your toes. The stretching felt great, and although hesitant to admit it, running in the gym instead of the humid outside air did feel a lot better. Maybe Chris and Leon had been right about going.
When you looked around, you noticed that Chris was nowhere to be found, and Leon seemed to be finishing up his own routine. You took it as a cue to grab your bag and make your way over to the showers. However, in your distraction, you accidentally walked straight into the men's showers, only realizing your mistake when you stopped abruptly, seeing Chris facing the showerhead in his stall, steam radiating from around his lower half.
A lump formed in your throat as you watched them. You knew them for a while, yet you couldn't summon a memory of ever seeing either of them without their shirts much less naked. You had gotten a sense of their bodies through their work clothes and the thin material of their t-shirts, but this was entirely different.
Your eyes followed the water droplets that glided down Chris's back, each one collecting into all of his perfect curves before sliding off of him. His body moved like a masterpiece beneath the shower water. You felt warmth fill your stomach as the spark of desire began growing.
'I should go. I should go before he catches me--' Your thoughts were interrupted before you could act on them.
"You know, they say it's not polite to stare," Leon's silky voice purred, his warm breath tickling your ear from behind.
"I wasn't staring!" You protested louder than intended. Turning around, planning to scramble past Leon, you saw that he was disrobed as well, wearing only his underwear.
'Fuck, he's fit too,' you thought, your eyes fixed on his well-carved body. It was like someone had taken a lingerie model from the pages of a magazine and put him in front of you. Heat rose to your face, embarrassed that Leon had caught you peeking at Chris in the shower, and now you were completely frozen in place, ogling Leon as well.
"Are you sure about that, Princess?" Leon's lips stretched into a mischievous grin. You found yourself unable to look away from the trail of hair below his navel and then to the band of his black boxers. Your nipples became hard against your bra and your panties clinging to you with an uncomfortable wetness as you fought for words to respond.
To your dismay, Chris had heard part of the commotion and turned to look at you and Leon. "What the hell?!" You couldn't tell if he was more irritated or confused as he stared at the two of you.
“My apologies, Redfield. It appears our young lady here can’t help but stare,” Leon joked, lightly caressing your cheek with his thumb. Annoyed and embarrassed at his comment, you batted it away.
"What are you talking about?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Attempting to duck out of the steam-filled room, you were stopped by Leon. "Oh, don't be shy now, Baby. Why don't you tell Chris what I caught you doing, hmm?"
Huffing your cheeks and crossing your arms like a child, you didn't want to give in to Leon's teasing, but you still felt guilty about your own actions. Swallowing your pride, you turned to Chris. "I walked into the wrong shower by accident, and I may have... been staring... I'm sorry." Your face was flushed with shame as your eyes met his brown ones.
The steam of the shower station partially obscured your view of Chris, so you could only see the contours of his pecs and broad shoulders. The patchy brown hair clung to his chest, emphasizing his thick muscles and wide shoulders. He was built like a linebacker and every inch of him screamed strength. "Now, why would you be doing that?" he asked with amusement in his voice, well aware that you were examining him.
"I... I don't know," you chewed your cheek nervously. "Look, it was a mistake. Let me just get out of here to the women's room. I'll shower, and we can head home."
"No need for that, you're already here," Leon offered, clicking the lock into place on the door. "See? It's just me and Chris. You won't have to worry about anyone else coming in." Leon walked past you, shedding the last of his own clothing before taking a stall and turning the water on.
Chris shrugged. "Leon's right. You might as well stay. Besides, you wouldn't want to worry about any potential wandering eyes," he teased, letting out a chuckle that made your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"Shut up! You know, I caught the two of you gawking at me out there too!" you retorted.
"Did we now?" Leon shouted over at you, and you could swear you heard him laugh under the shower. "Because I certainly don't remember that."
"Me either," Chris added, crossing his arms. "I only remember observing you for your own safety."
Not wanting your pride to be chipped away any further, you huffed, ending the conversation and walking over to the farthest stall possible to take your own shower. You knew that they wouldn't immediately see your unclothed form due to the distance and steam.
Turning on the shower and stepping inside, you relished the feeling of the hot water hitting your skin, washing away the sweat and easing the tension in your muscles. Closing your eyes, you did your best to just focus on the relaxation of the shower. However, images of the two men kept flooding your mind. The heat in your core never fully went away, but would come back in waves each time you pictured one of them … or both of them. As you ran a hand down your own body, you stopped just a moment to tweak at your budding nipple quietly hissing in pleasure before working your hand lower and lower, until your fingers were between your legs rubbing at the sensitive bundle of nerves there.
Each twitch of pleasure had you biting your lip to stay quiet as you desperately worked at yourself. Normally you were one for a much slower build of pleasure, but all you wanted right now was relief so you could finish your shower in peace, get dressed, and head home. Despite your internal prayers, you weren’t seeming to get any closer to your peak, taking far longer than expected.  Unbeknownst to you as well, the men had started to worry in your silence and the extended length of your shower.
“Oh.” You heard, eyes snapping open to see Leon and Chris standing before you, both having towels wrapped around their hips. If you had been embarrassed before, you were downright humiliated now.
“We were just coming to check on you. You’d been in there a while.” Chris said, breaking the tension.
“Guess now we know why.” Leon added, amused. “Bet you were thinking about us too, weren’t you Princess? Staring wasn’t good enough, was it? You looked pretty desperate, pawing at that little pussy like you’d die if you didn’t cum.” 
The sound of Leon's words had left you stunned, unable to move as a wave of desire rushed through your body. His vulgar words destroyed any resistance you had almost instantly, and any response felt trapped in your throat.
“I’ll take that silence as agreement then.” Leon chuckled. “Poor thing, looks like you weren’t even getting anywhere. Guess we better help, so we can get you home.” Leon moved past you, dropping the towel from his waist before pulling you down to sit on his thigh, while he seated himself on the little bench inside the shower.
The second your bare pussy made contact with his leg, you let out an involuntary mewl, pleasure jolting through you slightly. He had you facing away from him, putting his hands on your hips to help glide your slick cunt over the muscle of his toned thigh. The most pathetic noises left your lips as he did so.
“Shit, I think you were right Leon, so desperate.” Chris said, ditching his own towel to enter the shower stall and kneeling in front of you. He cupped your face between both hands. “Be honest, you were thinking about us, weren’t you, pretty girl?”
“Y-yes.” You admitted with a choked whine, hands coming forward to get purchase on Chris’ shoulders as Leon jostled his leg purposefully, sending an added spark of pleasure to your clit.
“What did you imagine sweetheart? Were we taking turns fucking you, passing you back and forth until we were done, or did we pleasure you together?” Chris let go of your face to move his hands down to your chest, using his thumbs to rub circles over your puckered nipples making you whimper.
Leon stopped all of his movements and held you in place. “He asked a question, Princess”, he said softly as he peppered your back with sweet kisses.
“T-together.” You managed to get out. As a reward for your honesty, Leon resumed helping you grind down onto his thigh while Chris worked your breasts before capturing your lips with his own in a tantalizing kiss. The taste of his tongue made you dizzy, and your hips tried to go beyond the speed Leon had set.
"That's right," Leon said, his voice low and deep as he removed his hand so you could go at your own pace. "Do whatever you need Baby." His thigh felt like a blissful cushion beneath your heated folds and Chris' kisses had you hot and hazy.
Chris' thumb circled one nipple as his other hand squeezed and massaged the swollen mound. Without warning he pinched down on one of the the sensitive nubs, sending waves of electric heat straight to the core of your body. You were surprised at how good everything felt, already so much closer than you had been using your fingers, and the two had barely done much to you. "Gonna cum." You mumbled into Chris' mouth.
"Go on baby." Chris encouraged. It didn't take long before you felt that familiar rush of pleasure darting from your core all throughout your body, making even your fingers and toes tingle.
They held you steady for a little bit giving you the chance to come down from your high and catch your breath. By now you could feel the hot length of Leon's hardened cock resting against you, and even with half your brain gone you knew Chris was likely in the same predicament.
"Look at you so beautiful right after you cum." Chris cooed, tilting your head up to look at him. "Think you can help us out in return sweetie?"
"Mhm." You nodded lazily. Chris coaxed you up from your spot on Leon's lap and readjusted you, so you were bent down face to face with Leon's cock, ass up for Chris.
"My turn to see that beautiful face." Leon smiled, stroking himself a couple of times. You watched as the tip leaked a few beads of pearly precum and darted your tongue out to lap at it. He hissed in pleasure before rubbing the head against your lips. "Shit baby, so eager already." Your tongue played with the head for a bit more before taking him into your mouth. You began to bob your head, sucking with increasing speed until you felt hands fisting your hair. "That's right baby, take it all."
You felt Chris move finally, dragging his own cock down the length of your slit to gather some slick. "I'm gonna put it in, ok?" You couldn't respond, but gripped Leon's thighs tightly, feeling the head beginning to build in your core again.
As he sunk himself into your pussy until he was bottomed out, you couldn't help but nearly choke down on the cock in your mouth. "Fuck you're tight, relax baby, you don't need to push me out. Gonna make you feel so fucking good." Chris said, kneading at your ass while he stopped to let you adjust.
Drool was pooling around the base of Leon's cock as you moaned around it. "God you look so beautiful like that." Leon said, wiping some spittle away with his thumb. "So fucking pretty with my cock down your throat, what a good girl taking me all the way." His words made your dripping cunt clench around Chris.
"With the way you were looking at us earlier I'm not surprised, your little pussy likes it when you're taking two cocks at the same time." Chris said, sliding himself back out and slamming back in to the hilt, making you moan around Leon's length. He pulled back out until only the tip was left before pushing in again.
You were doing your best to focus on moving your head up and down to pleasure the man in front of you, but it was hard getting your brain to focus when you were getting railed from behind.
Leon chuckled. "I think our Princess has been rendered a little too dumb to keep up. That's ok baby, just let me use that tight little throat of yours, you just relax." He said, tightening his grip on your hair bucking his hips up to fuck the tip of his cock farther down your throat before pulling you up to let you breath. "Such a good baby, taking me so well, choking on my cock." Leon praised as he pulled you back down taking in each gagged noise you made as he bucked back into your mouth.
"You like getting fucked like this baby?" Chris asked, picking up the pace, balls smacking against your clit with each movement.
"Mff!" You responded with eyes unfocused as your nose was buried in the wiry hair on Leon's pelvis.
Chris grunted, thrusts becoming slower but harder. It wasn't long before you felt him twitch inside of you, filling you up with his hot cum. "Fuck baby." When he pulled his softening cock out, he used two fingers to scoop up some of the leaking cum, rubbing it against your clit just enough to stimulate you, but not enough to get you across the finish line. "You wanna finish her off?" Chris asked, looking at Leon.
In response, Leon popped you off of his own cock. "Want me to fuck his cum right out of you baby?" He asked, pulling you up so he could kiss your swollen lips and the tears streaming down your cheeks. You nodded, scooting to sit back onto his lap, sinking down onto his cock. Between your own spit, wetness, and the cum spilling out there was no resistance. You gripped Leon's shoulders for support, and he held you by your hips helping you bounce.
"That's it baby, come on." Leon was already close from your throat and it took nearly all his willpower to not cream the second you sank down on him. "Doing so well, cum for me baby." He cooed as he used his grip on your hips to speed up your movements.
You were so close yourself that his words sent you over the edge, clamping down around him, legs shaking as you whined. "Oh, fuck." He said as his own orgasm ripped through him, finishing inside of you.
You flopped forward into his arms, exhausted. He rubbed your back softly while he came down from his own peak. "Such a good girl, took us both so well."
You shifted uneasily on his lap, your muscles aching from the sudden love-making and your earlier workout. Your legs were beginning to feel cramped and uncomfortable.
“Here baby, stretch out for me.” Chris said, helping you sit beside Leon. He wiped you down gently with your wash rag to clean you up, before he used his large hands to work the knots out of the muscles of your thighs, moving down your legs. It caused a dull ache at first before the pain disappeared completely, leaving you with jellied limbs. Your whole body felt heavy and your head was in and out of a relaxed twilight state. 
You yawned, rubbing your eyes, entirely exhausted. The two men gently propped you up, as they assisted you into your clean clothes. As you waited for them to finish cleaning and changing into their garments, you absentmindedly used your gym bag as a pillow and dozed off until you felt someone picking you up.
The shifting of gravity caused your eyes to open again in a small panic. “It’s ok, I’ve got you.” Chris said softly. “Just taking you back to the Jeep so we can get you home and to bed.”
The slight breeze from the nighttime air felt nice against your skin as you were carried outside and buckled into your seat. Leon sat next to you, letting you lean against him while he gently played with your hair as Chris took up the driver’s seat. “What do you think Princess, wanna come to the gym more often with us now?” Leon asked softly.
“Mhm.” You answered, closing your eyes again, drifting off to sleep at the sound of the ignition starting.
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thevestigeofvanillaan · 10 months
nerdy!kyle x popular!reader.
content: female reader, smut, "y/n", talking through snaps (snapchat, partial)
pervy nerdy kyle🤝slutty popular y/n
ive been inspired by @bro-flov-ski (go follow!) so here's this..
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you had him in a choke hold. he couldn't breathe in your presence. as you walked past him in the hallways with your little skirt hiking up, your coy smile, and eye contact; he held his breath.
kyle let out a big sigh when you turned the corner, stan asks "dude why don't you just ask her out? you guys snap all the time and she clearly has a thing for you."
"are you crazy?" kyle looks at stan with wide eyes. "someone like me could never be with someone like her. she probably likes some jock or something." his phone buzzes and he's excited at the noise, quickly checking it and smiling when he sees your name on the screen.
"don't look at me like that, we only snap because that's what girls do." kyle shoves stan in the shoulder before walking into chemistry.
he was shocked to see that you moved your seat next to where he'd been sitting. you sat so pretty, your thighs looking so plump for him and your breasts so close to slipping out of the tight shirt youre wearing. he almost instantly felt hard at the sight of you, on your phone not even recognizing his perv ass staring at you as he made his way to his seat.
you look up in surprise when you hear the chair being pulled next to you. "oh, hey kyle didn't see you there." you smile pretty at him, resting your chin in the palm of your hand as you stare at him with a face full of lust.
"hi y/n." he mumbles briefly, taking a seat.
the bulge in his pants was too obvious, he knew that. you thought it was so cute though, that he couldn't help himself around you. it even turned you on a little.
in front of your whole class, he was rock hard at the mere sight of you. how cute, covering himself with his jacket. "what do you have to hide, ky?" you giggle.
he looks at you with a nervous expression and you only laugh harder. he was so precious. you crossed your legs and used the one higher to graze his leg with it. you watch him avoiding your gaze, refusing to look at you, looking at anything but. you watched as he bit his lip and sat up.
poor thing was probably so desperate for you then. "im sorry, that must be so hard for you.." you say quietly as you rub his leg with your foot, going higher up with each graze.
you could hear his breath hitch and his lips quiver slightly and decided that was enough teasing.. for now.
later that day when you were home you decided kyle had you on delivered for too long and sent him a more.. bold snap of you.
you were in a tank top and panties and decided to take a mirror picture for him. you added a caption saying "wydd".
he responded quickly once you'd double snapped him. although, he took a minute to respond. must have been looking at the picture for an extra minute, you figured.
you were surprised to see his snap being a mirror picture of himself, shirtless in gray sweatpants which make it easy to see the imprint in his pants. it was captioned "thinking about you".
that was the boldest thing you'd seen him do. turned on by this, you respond with a picture of you with your tongue out. captioning it "yeah? what kind of thoughts? dirty ones?".
again, quickly responding. it was a picture of him with his tongue out too. captioned "would it be weird if i was?".
"it'd be hot" you respond. "what kind of dirty stuff are you thinking about kyle?".
"idk.. fucking you?😂" (unironically using the laughing emoji is such a nerdy kyle thing btw).
"felt so bad for you in chem today, wish i could have helped you with that.."
"oh yeah?" the snap was a picture of him and you could tell he was doing things off camera.
so naughty of him, but it was so hot to you. this nerdy boy being so desperate and hard for you.
you send a picture of you cupping one of your breasts through your thin tank top. "yeah ;)."
"maybe you could help me next time?" he replied about two minutes later after having you on opened. must've been looking at the picture pumping his cock, so desperate for you.
the truth was that you were desperate for him too.. teasing yourself wishing it was his fingers instead of yours. you couldn't get off to the fact that he wasn't the one touching you, you needed him, bad.
the next day was a friday and school went on as usual until chemistry when you saw kyle again.
when you saw him already sitting down as you walked into the classroom suddenly the air felt thicker. you wanted him but you had to keep your cool.
sitting right next to him, he stares. blatantly staring directly at you with a cocky grin. you'd never seen him like that before.
"hey." you say trying to sound casual.
he chuckles softly, still smirking at you while shaking his head slowly, looking down "hi.".
oh his laugh. his little breathy chuckle. it was so attractive.
"wanna hang out after school?" you asked. what was the worst that could happen? it's a friday and you wanted to see if those texts would go through in person..
his eyes dart to yours and he looks serious before he laughs softly. "naughty girl, aren't you?".
"what? no!" you shake your head and laugh. "i mean only if you.." you make eyecontact again and both laugh and look away awkwardly.
"don't be afraid now," he starts to play with one of the bracelets he was wearing. "i won't bite you unless you want me to."
you laugh and cover your smile and the teacher begins the class finally.
the time after school rolls around and you decide to text kyle when you got home. "still down to hang out?"
he responds quickly. "yeah, my place?" he says.
"sure," you send. "can i head over now?"
when you got there you knocked on the door and a couple seconds later there was kyle standing at the door, inviting you inside to his home.
making casual conversation as he leads you to his room, your pinkie interlinked with his.
"yeah" he responds and sends his address and you drive over to his house which isn't that far from yours.
you giggle as you sit on his bed next to him, as close as you could be. his thigh against yours.
"so what do you wanna do?" he laughs almost awkwardly. he was so handsome as you were looking into his eyes. his beautiful eyes which spoke to yours.
you laugh at what you were about to say. "i think you know what i wanna do.." you smile down and use your pinkie to draw pictures on his knee.
"oh do i?" he smirks.
"mhmm.." you mumble and your faces get closer when you slowly move to straddle him, him guiding your hips to the right place as you slowly begin to grind against him. you could feel his hot breath against your open lips and your eyes flutter shut as your lips make contact with kyle's.
they meet again but with more passion and for longer this time and both of your breathing gets heavier. your grinding becomes more synchronized and everything becomes unreal.
his hands traveled your body, trying to memorize every curve before tapping your thigh softly. "can i?" he asks, playing with the hem of your shirt and you nod into his neck with a hum, still grinding against him.
he takes your shirt off and you lift your arms so he could do so easier, quickly moving your hands to either side of his face before kissing him passionately.
he hums into your mouth in pleasure of his cock being dry humped, especially by you.
this felt like a dream.
"please.." you mumble quietly into his ear. "ill be a good girl, need you so bad, ky.." your hands caress his chest and his head falls back before he nods with a soft chuckle.
"okay, okay.. it's okay baby. im not going anywhere, okay?" he hushes you, holding your hips to slow you down so he can give you what you want. "you want my cock?"
you nod. you wanted it so bad. you were so wet already he didn't even need to do anything to prepare you.
he helped you take off your skirt after you got off him and he laid you down on his bed gently, placing a pillow behind your head and upper back to ensure that you're comfortable.
unzipping his pants and taking out his cock and teasing his own tip with his thumb as you watched intently. mumbling as you rub your thighs together, he rubs them and gently moves them apart. "hey, hey.. it's okay. you ready?"
"mhm.. please, ky." you practically whine and he lines his cock up with your entrance before slowly sliding in.
"fuckk.. you're being such a good girl for me, huh? that's it doll, just like that f'me.." he groans before he whimpers softly when his whole length is inside of you. his whimpers.. they were addicting.
you whine at his noises and the feeling of him stretching you out so good with his fat cock..
"you okay?" he asks, moving a chunk of hair put of the way of your eyes so you could look into his eyes. "look at me, doll." immediately you look up into his pretty eyes. "you ready for me?"
you nod.
"no, no baby. you gotta tell me you're ready.."
"mm ready ky.. please." and he thrusts hard into you, making you gasp and moan loud. he laughs and continues thrusting into you at a pretty fast pace, groaning at the feeling of your tight wet walls clenching around him.
wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you, scratching at his bare back, definitely leaving red scratch marks but you hadn't cared. not when he was making you feel so good..
his voice, the things he was saying, the situation, him.. it was all so much and it got you so close so fast.
him too. he was ready to crack so soon. but he wouldn't cum before you would..
fucking hard into you as you moan out his name in pleasure. "fuck!– ky, im gonna—."
"you are?"
"mmmhmmm.." you can't help it, you were so close.
"fuck baby me too.. where–" you cut him off.
"in me please ky i need you to fill me up so bad i need you.."
and with that both of you were reaching your climaxes together.. loud moans and heavy breathing filling the whole room before almost silence falls apart from the breathing.
he laughs when you two make eye contact and you smile. "what?"
"nothing.." he laughs again.
"no! what?" you giggle and sit up, backing away from him.
"nothing! i just never thought i would have ever done that with you.." he responds.
you couldn't help but smile at him.. "me either.."
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Lips anon! Reader gifting Miguel a nude portrait. He was expecting literally everything but that and had to double take for the first time in years. It's certainly not a bad surprise. Quite the opposite really 🤭
Straight to the beginning of his private collection, for his eyes only. He does his own commission later 🤭
🤭🤭🤭❤️ (Im adding the read more from now on to make it easier to navigate through the blurbs ✨~)
Portrait inspired by this one 👀
Sighing, you scrolled through your phone, trying to get a perfect gift for Miguel. Mugs? No. He had a little collection on his own and always ended up using the same red and blue one Gabi had given him on Father's Day, stylographic pens? He barely used them. Probably more t shirts his size since you were using them more than he was.
Giggling at the thought your fingers typed the idea. And then, it came like a revelation. That scene of the Titanic, replayed in your watch list. A drawing perhaps? No. A painting. A painting shall be. You kicked feet and squealed for yourself as Miguel only watched you curiously.
"What are you up to?"
Giggling you shook your head.
"A little secret."
The studio painting was a professional one that did exactly as they had advertised, portraits and nsfw portraits for couples. Despite the initial nervousness and lack of confidence, the woman in charge of your portrait cheered you up. First, they would take pictures to capture your form. Then you'd have to decide the the theme.
Reinassance. It was impossible to not love it.
A small scenery was set up, and soon, your pictures were taken and they'd tell you that the painting would be ready in a week.
You certainly couldn't wait, but you knew that the gift was going to worth the wait.
The doorbell rang and you shoot up from the seat to receive the package. The painting was a medium sized canvas, carefully wrapped in a box with a bow. Your body erupted with thrill, upon seeing the portrait. You looked like you really belonged to that era and someone had taken you as a muse.
You seemed natural even, it was gorgeous. Couldn't wait for Miguel to see it. You wrapped the thing back and placed it on his office's desk. With a
"For your eyes only" a little heart at the end of it scribbled.
Miguel came from work, shoulders slumped with an 'I need coffee' face. You kissed him welcome but remained quiet on your little endeavor.
He disappeared into the bedroom to change and then he went to his office. Your nerves wrecked as you heard the rustling from the box. And then silence.
In fact, Miguel was a bit weirded out by the white box laced in a bright red bow in the middle of his desk. He had read the note and bit by bit unwrapped the portrait.
His eyes widened in surprise and his mouth gaped. Every curve he knew like the back of his palm was painted with such delicacy that made his heart and something else throb. His cheeks grew warmer and his breath hitched for a second. Stunning. It was erotic and artistic. So so beautiful. You peeked in from the doorframe and giggled at his reaction.
"Ven pa'cá" (C'mere)
You approached him with a bashful smile.
"You like it?" Large arms hoarded you to then sit you on his lap as he brought the portrait to his eyes once more.
"More than that. Finally someone paints you the way I see you."
Your hands covered your face in embarrassment
"Ah stop it. Just thought it was a good gift."
"The best so far." He kissed you and looked at the portrait again, "Just look at you. Toda preciosa y mía." (All precious and mines)
You hugged him and nested your head on the crook of his neck.
"Love you."
"También te amo, chaparrita."
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thejakeslayla · 1 year
╰─▸ ❝ distance ❞ - ,, park sunghoon
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pairing bf!sunghoon x gn!reader ୨୧ genre fluff, slight angst? ୨୧ wc 1k ୨୧ req; prompt 24 (deciding on a list of Netflix shows they will only watch together); dialogue 41 (“you’re just the cutest.” “you’re the only one who is allowed to say that.”);
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you settled in, making yourself cozy under the blankets, propping your head up with pillows, your phone now in your hands. the clock struck 10 pm, and you eagerly anticipated a call from sunghoon. it had been his second week on tour, and you were longing to see him again.
as you scrolled through twitter, you watched clips of your boyfriend from today's concert. after a while, you opened your clock app to check the time in sunghoon's current location. just as you were about to click on the city he was in, his name and a cute picture of him smiling popped up on your screen. you glanced at yourself in the preview and answered the call.
"hey, y/n!" he exclaimed loudly, his still-sweaty face appearing on your screen. you could hear the sounds of the rest of enhypen in the background, indicating he was still backstage.
"hi, hoonie. how was the concert?" you asked, secretly admiring his face. suddenly, his video paused, and you furrowed your eyebrows, feeling confused. it soon resumed, and you saw niki's face.
"y/n! i missed yo–" "hey, niki! give it back!"
you laughed at niki's face. "riki, give sunghoon his phone, please," you requested after a few seconds of the younger member dodging his hyung.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry about that," sunghoon said after getting his phone back. "he's hyperactive after concerts, he gets the zoomies, y'know," he explained, and you nodded.
"i've already changed, just waiting for the car," he added, moving the camera down to show himself sitting with sweatpants and an oversized hoodie.
"looking good, baby." you smiled at him.
fifteen minutes later, sunghoon arrived at the hotel and instantly flopped down on the bed. you were used to seeing him like this, not only after concerts in seoul but also during calls, that slowly became your routine. he always called you as soon as he could and stayed on the call until one of you fell asleep.
"before the concert, i saw this new movie trailer," he broke the silence, lifting his face from the pillows and now looking at you. "we should go see it."
"we also have to finish the other million movies we haven't watched," you replied. "at this point, a good list would be nice."
upon hearing your words, sunghoon gazed at something out of your view, deep in thought. "you know, that's not a bad idea? as soon as i'm back, we should have a movie marathon."
you placed your phone down, hearing sunghoon's muffled "hey!" as you grabbed a notebook. then you adjusted your phone so he could still see you and looked at him.
"give me some suggestions, and i'll note them down."
he began listing some movie titles you were familiar with and others that were new to you. when you heard one of them, you paused.
"no, absolutely not. we're not watching that," you protested, and he raised an eyebrow.
"what do you mean? it's a good movie," he argued, and you shook your head.
"hoonie, that was the most boring movie i've ever seen."
"it's just your bad taste," he teased. "okay, if you have better movie taste, enlighten us, y/n."
"okay," you began. "so, my first suggestion is 'yuri on ice.'" you looked at your phone, waiting for sunghoon's reaction.
"oh, you think you're sooo funny," he said in a monotone voice, which made you laugh.
you couldn't see it, but the corners of his lips curled up as he watched you genuinely laughing. it warmed his heart to be the one making you laugh like that.
"you're just the cutest when you're like that, you know?" you said after a minute or two of laughing.
"you're the only one allowed to say that," he replied, leaving you feeling flustered. you put your head down, hiding your face in the notebook you had been writing in.
"y/n," he whined, "let me see you."
"no, i'm a mess, and it's your fault," you said, pretending to be offended.
"i wish i was there to see you," he almost whispered, though your phone was on max volume. you lowered the notebook and looked at him.
"what did you say?" he noticed your face peeking at him, and now he was the one feeling flustered.
"i just wish i could be there with you. i miss seeing your face, feeling your body close to mine, i miss kissing you, watching those silly movies with you, holding your hand," he said after a few seconds of silence, as if he were mustering the courage to say it. "i miss you."
you couldn’t help but feel tears welling up in your eyes, you missed sunghoon as well, so much it was painful. he quickly noticed your tears.
"hey, love, please don't cry. we'll see each other soon, okay?" he reassured you.
you nodded, wiping away your tears, but it was pointless as even more escaped your eyes, slowly rolling down your cheeks.
"i miss you too, hoonie," you finally said, your voice breaking.
"my baby," he said, his voice soft, as if it was healing the fresh wounds in your heart. "you have to be strong, okay? just two more cities here in the us, and i'll be back home."
after a few minutes of sunghoon calming you down, saying sweet nothings, and repeating that he would be back soon, you finally stopped sobbing. you placed the notebook on your nightstand and lay down, your cheek pressed against the pillow.
your conversation about movies continued, but sunghoon soon noticed your responses getting shorter or you simply replying with a soft "mhm" in varying tones that matched the conversation.
"love, is your phone charging?" he asked.
"where's your little hoonie?" another question. you opened your eyes and searched for the penguin plushie sunghoon had given you as a gift for your first anniversary. you quickly grabbed it and held it in your arms. closing your eyes again, you heard sunghoon chuckle.
"good, good. go to sleep, okay, love? i'll be here. do you want me to keep talking?"
you answered with another hum. just hearing his voice relaxed you, and he knew that after multiple times of you falling asleep on the call as he spoke.
he continued to talk, but after a few minutes, his voice became muffled as you started falling asleep for good. when sunghoon noticed your slow and steady breathing, calm expression, and the fact that you didn't respond anymore, he sighed, a soft smile on his face. he took a screenshot of your relaxed face and settled down more comfortably.
"i can't wait to see you and fall asleep with you, baby. i love you so much. sleep well."
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requests: open; prompt list © 2023 — all rights reserved to user thejakeslayla, please do not steal, plagiarise or translate any of my work !
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sage-green-matcha · 1 year
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pampering Ethan will all your friends!
Content includes: fluff!
"Okay Tara, truth...or dare?" Anika smirked. You all sat in a circle in your room, candles, and flashlights on. The power had gone out, the storm outside only getting louder.
"Truth" she smiled, already knowing the response of everyone. "Okay, boring" Mindy smiled. "Is it true...that you like Chad?" Anika knew what she was doing when she asked, Tara's face turning red. "No, no!" she shook her head, an awkward laugh falling from her lips. "That is the biggest lie! I see how you look at him" you teased.
"That's disgusting" Mindy made a throw-up noise. "Tara, you're lying" Anika rolled her eyes. "Okay, okay I might..." "See!" You laughed, the question moving now to you.
"Okay Y/n, since you wanna play like that. Truth or dare?" You already knew what you were gonna pick. "Truth, duh" Tara smiled. "Who really gave you that hickey last week?" You paused, all the girls staring at you. "I don't like this game" you shook your head. You knew you couldn't tell them, they would tease you till your death.
"You have to answer! You made me answer" Mindy laughed at Tara's comment. "No, I can't say, I can't" Anika glared at you, Tara with a stupid smile on her lips. "Do we know them?" You nodded. "Is it a guy?" "Yea..." "Ugh, well okay the Tara and Y/n rumors are flunked" your mouth dropped. "She just said she likes Chad!!"
"Whatever! Who is it?" "I'll do a dare, I'll do a dare" you shook your head. "Okay fine. We dare you to tell us who you hooked up with" You furrowed your eyebrows. "That's not fair"
They wouldn’t leave you alone, bickering and teasing you about it till you were tired. "Okay! Fine" Before you could say anything you heard knocking on your window. You all jumped, scared at the sound. "What the fuck was that?” You shrugged. "Sounded like knocking" Tara added. The window was drenched in rain, but you could still see the light figure of Ethan, who had once again climbed up to your window. "Is that Ethan?" Mindy's eyebrows furrowed.
You sighed, walking over to the window and clicking it open. "Oh..." Mindy gasped, laughing. "The cats out of the bag guys! It was Ethan Landry...well well well. That was unexpected" she joked. "We all already knew, don't be mean Mindy. We just wanted her to admit" Tara joked and you rolled your eyes.
"Oh...hi guys" he smiled. "Okay, enough" You dragged him to the bathroom. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had people over! You weren't answering your phone and...I got worried" You hid your smile. "Sorry, as you can see the power went out and my phone died" he placed a kiss on your lips, melting Into it.
"Sorry about Mindy, by the way" he shrugged. WYou helped him dry off, putting his sweats into the dryer and giving him one of the shirts he has left in the past.
His hair dried weirdly, and all the product washed out. It was still curly, and a bit more fluffy. "Ethan, your hair looks dumb" Mindy added. "It's so much softer, leave it like this" You ran your hands through his hair. "This was supposed to be a girl's night" Tara grumbled. "He looks like a girl" Mindy laughed.
"You guys are so mean" Ethan just rolled his eyes, shaking it off. Mindy decided she was bored, pulling out all her face masks. "Ethan, wear this one" The packaging was pink with a Hello Kitty on it. "Okay..?" He tore it open, Holding up the slimy paper.
"Ew...this goes on my face?" "mhm," you helped him unravel the slimy paper, placing it on his face.
"You look so dumb!" Mindy laughed, the mask with Hello Kitty's face on it. He did look like stupid, but he was clueless so it was kinda adorable. "Okay Mindy, enough" you rolled your eyes with a smile.
Next thing you knew the girls were giving him a "makeover" Tara held his hand, adding the pink glitter nail polish to his nails. Anika redid his hair, adding products while Mindy used a face roller on him. You found it adorable how they were pampering him, taking pictures as they focused.
“Guys, am I pretty yet?” He mumbled, frozen while they worked. “No” Mindy mumbled, Tara letting out a giggle. “You’ve always been pretty E” you couldn’t tell because of the mask on his face, but he was blushing, hard.
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
23 asks! Thanks a bunch! :}} 🌠
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She does! Her name is Gloria :))
And if my motivation and health stays in my favor.. ya'll will learn a bit more about her and Bonnie soon... 👀👀👀
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(Referencing this post)
The secret 9th eeveeloution, ghost type! <XD
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....Whelp, guess I'm canceling my Netflix account! <XD
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(Monopoly post in question)
It was mostly a joke, XDD but none the less I'm sure no one would have taken it too much to heart! Its well known that Grim and V have a very strong bond so no one would have been surprised XDD
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
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AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD I'm glad!! :}}}
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(Comic in question)
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I just slap the watermark on the drawing as its own layer and lower the opacity :00 usually putting a back blob cloud behind it at lower opacity if more visibility is needed!
....If that made any sense at all--
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This is amongst the highest compliments my fanart can receive. Thank you 🥺🥺🥺
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:DD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you love it!! :}}
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Alas, I do not have a good tablet or stylus.. :((
But that's ok! I think I'm getting better! <:D .. I hope so at least! <:}}
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I haven't really ironed it out yet.. but one thing stays consistent. It sucked.
I wanted to create a situation where Mario and Luigi both did not want to go back to Earth. Sure there are things that would undoubtedly bother them a bit that I couldn't just whisk away. Never seeing another human again, never seeing any animals again.. Never hearing human songs again.. never tasting the food from Earth again..
But what I could do is make their old lives so horrible, that they were both willing to give up what they had for this new life as the "Hero's of Legend."
I pictured Mario and Luigi both being very poor. Just barely making it paycheck to paycheck. No friends, no family. No sentimentals even. Perhaps their childhood home burnt down.. so no family photo albums or old plushies to be attached to..
I couldn't decide what kind of relationship they had with their parents.. but either way, they've passed on. They worked a crappy job as plumbers which they both hated. They lived in a cruddy apartment that was too small for them. Rotten neighbors, disrespectful customers..
I pictured them having this terrible company van or truck that always broke down and stunk of cigarettes thanks to the previous owner. They were drowning in debt and bills. Trynna pay off the van, trynna buy new clothes, trynna by food...
I even imagined some of their bills and debt were medical related. I imagined Luigi being very ill and them being unable to afford food and medicine.. So Mario stole food from his clients. Maybe even robed a store or two. Now they've got "criminal" added to their list of problems.
They hated their apartment. They hated the van, they hated their neighbors, they hated people, they hated the world. They hated their lives. The only thing they had the room in their hearts to love was each other. The only thing that didn't hurt them or make them cry was each other. The only thing that made living in this horrible world worth it, was each other.
Then the mushroom kingdom came along.. "Hero's of Legend?" Magical powers? Kind people who care about us and respect us? No more debt, no more bills, no more van or apartment, no more stealing, just.. adventure. And they get to experience it all with their most favorite person in the world?
Why would they ever want to go back?
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Alas, I do not know of any. :((( But I can imagine that the crew is nerdy enough to make their own shanty! A theme song of sorts. And you can bet that Seafoam would take pride in that song and sing it loudly with the rest of the crew! XD
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@neo-metalscottic (100,000 reblogs post in question) (Octo clarification post)
Awe! That's so kind! Thank you!! :DD And I've been very glad to see my condition improve too 😌 though I'm not quite out of the thick of it yet.. :(( I hope I can fully beat it soon! <:))
As for the Great green toad king and company, I have actually never heard of them before! <:0 Though it would be very easy to label them as some far off kingdom and not put much thought into it <XDD Perhaps some of the species found in that kingdom could have become wandering travelers like Wario and Waluigi? Maybe we'd see them that way? :00
Now I know mentioning Birdo was a joke XDD But I do have plans for the Birdo species! :00
I had this idea that Yoshi's used to be smaller, about the same size they are in canon. Back then they acted as these passive.. almost farm like animals..?? In a way?? The toads used them to haul carts and as a form of transportation. Like horses! But eventually the Yoshis discovered "Yoshis island". A fruitful island planted in the middle if a giant river. A large sum of the Yoshis migrated from the forest and began to live there. Eating the super fruits and veggies it produced and slowly transforming into the giant mega Yoshis that are there today.
However, not all the Yoshi's left. A fair amount of them were kept and somehow made their way to the coast near Daisy's Kingdom. After generations and generations of Yoshi's eating red cheep cheeps and living in the water, they transformed and are now called Birdos. In present day Yoshi's and Birdos are extremely closely related, though they look a bit different from each other. And while Yoshi's come in all different colors, most Birdos grow up to be different shades of red, Pink and purple due to their red cheep cheep diet. Just like flamingos! :D
Anyways- on to the Goombas. The Goombas start out as these very poisonous brown mushrooms and are brought to life by Kamek. They form mouths and the poison that they originally had becomes poisonous saliva. So when they bite someone the poison does its job.. Even if who ever they bite is somehow immune to their poison, their bites are still nasty. They're dirty creatures and they really shred you up.. So the chance of natural infection is there none the less-
And WHAAAT?? Illumination whyyyyyyy 😭😭I love Toadsworth you had no right to scrap him--
And wow! That last battle looks crazy! My only question is who's this guy?? <XDD I don't recognize him!
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Anywho- thanks again for the ask! Feel free to send more Mario ones, or not, which ever you please! I'd love to read what ever you may send :}}}
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8 0 0 0 P A G E S ? ? ?
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That is the most cursed creature I have ever seen- XDD
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I wanna say Louis has the most wins, buuuttttt Seafoam is so much bigger than Louis.. I feel like he would have the ability to overthrow him just by using his own body weight XDD Its hard to say!
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(Ask was sent in response to this post)
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Oh- in order to make these ask posts I take screenshots of the asks, crop them, and then compile them all together. Usually I put them together on Tumblr desktop, so they're all blue.
But recently I've been batting some health problems and have been stuck on the couch all day.. which means that I've been making my ask posts on Tumblr mobile. Which is all black themed for me :00
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Aw, thank you! Though I advice eating it with a spoon actually! In order to scoop up the tears of the characters- XDD
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:0 Sponchbop! :DD Its hard to feel down with him around!
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I have written many stories where characters have lost family or friends to death... but as for a character that was in the main story and I actually drew them? ..Not that I can recall! :0
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 days
Author....Halloween is the only time where the dead can go to the realm of the living as in they became more y'know physical as in people can see and interact with them...
Ghost reader watching over dipper,mabel and their friends going on trick or treating and they still refuse to see stan and ford (they're just making those 2 more miserable) but when the townsfolk see them they want to thank them but couldn't shake their hands or hug them but reader can touch them without a problem
I can just imagine that the townsfolk’s has a memorial or a statue dedicated to you, whatever for it can be up to interpretation.
So when you were watching over Dipper, Mabel, Candy and Grenda as they wandered down the decorated streets of gravity falls in their colourful costumes.
dipper and Mabel decided to dress up as salt and pepper.
Candy dressed up as candy
Grenda dressed as a princess from a show she was into currently.
They all looked fabulous and adorable that it made you wish that you were still alive to take a picture of them, but you were more then content to settle with supervising them as they went from door to door collecting treats.
Obviously you were aware that this was the only day where you could actually interact with anyone of the living realm but still you were adamant in keeping yourself away from Ford and Stanley, whom were also chaperoning the kids for once. However you also manage to catch one or two groups of people looking over at you and whispering amongst themselves for one of them to go up to you. Looks like they could see you even if you did try to hide but thankfully Ford and Stan were out of earshot when one brave soul did managed to walk up to you with a gleam in their eyes.
‘Hi! I just wanted to thank you for saving all of us and all…such a tragedy what happened to you though…’ the young woman trailed off as she looked over at the monument that mayor Fiddleford had commissioned for you personally, the hero of gravity falls they called you and according to candy and Grenda, you were being taught to kids in history lessons at school.
Which you were very touched by, but thought was unnecessary.
‘It’s fine, I just done what needed to be done for the betterment of everyone.’ You told them.
‘Even if it meant loosing everything?’ The young woman inquired.
You looked over at Dipper and Mabel who were waving happily in your direction, followed shortly by everyone else, you smiled at them before you looked back at the young woman. ‘I was more then willing to loose everything if it meant seeing everyone embrace a brighter future because of it.’ You replied with the shrug of your shoulders.
The young woman smiled ‘I would ask for a hug but…’ she trailed off and you couldn’t help but laugh as you pulled the woman into your arms, patting her back reassuringly.
‘It’s perfectly fine! Besides you can’t fully embrace me but I can perfectly embrace you to make up for it.’ You told her as you pulled away, seeing tears shine in her eyes. ‘It’s going to be okay.’ You add. ‘We made it.’
‘You saved the town for us.’ She whispered, ‘I just wish there was more we could’ve done-‘ you put your hands on her shoulders and squeezed.
‘I did save the town, so please treasure it where I cannot okay? That’s all I ask.’ You tell her and the woman smiled at you.
‘Okay.’ She said, ‘I will.’
‘Good, now have a happy Halloween kid.’ You told her as you gently pushed her towards her group of friends, watching as she rejoined the group with a bright smile and walk down the road as she told her eager friends, who looked about ready to clamour over the others just to hear of her brief interaction with you.
‘Great uncle/aunt y/n!’ Dipper cried.
‘Come on we’ve got more houses to rob of candy!’ Mabel added and you couldn’t help but laugh as you walked towards the kids, feeling in content with the fact that Gravity Falls was going to be okay without you.
Unknowing of the fact that Ford and Stan were paying respects at your grave by putting down flowers that Ford has picked up from another dimension during his thirty years, flowers that glowed a beautiful blue/red/purple colour.
‘Happy anniversary old friend.’ Ford said as he puts down the last of the flowers. ‘Wish you would reveal yourself to us so that we can apologise, but I respect your wishes if you don’t for I don’t blame you and hope you’ll rest peacefully knowing that the town is thriving because of you.’
‘You’re a true hero, and we’re the idiots.’ Stanley adds just as a particularly cold breeze brushed past them both.
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imaginemalereader · 2 months
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Anonymous request: Imagine Reid noticing you having a panic attack at a crime scene.
Working for the BAU required a strong constitution to be sure. The things you witnessed, both the victims and the killers themselves, would take a toll on anyone.
You'd gotten pretty good at handling a lot of it. Some of it was just exposure over time and what that didn't cover you had little coping mechanisms you could use as needed. Very little rattled you these days.
There didn't seem to be anything all that special about the latest case. Serial killer in Pennsylvania, torturing his victims before killing them. While of course every case was unique, there wasn't anything in Penelope's brief that stood out to you denoting this one would be a particularly memorable case.
Ready with your go-bag, you and the team hopped on the jet for a short flight up to the area. On the flight it was decided that you, Reid, Prentiss, and Morgan would go to the crime scene while the others got set up at the station and began talking with the victims' family members.
You got the scene, ready to see what the pictures had shown you before.
As you all arrived, you each took to a slightly different aspect of the scene. You went ahead and went straight for the body first. The local police had already photographed and collected evidence so the body was covered. You lifted the sheet and began looking for all the details that the camera couldn't capture.
You couldn't quite place the feeling in the pit of your stomach as you studied the victim, turning over the details Penelope had told you all about the victim on the flight over. Connecting those details to the man lying in front of you along with the knowledge of what had happened leading up to their arrival here.
Normally, such things didn't phase you. But today, something about all of it - the victim, the torture, the disposal of the body - it just clicked with you in the worst way possible.
What had started as a pit in your stomach grew and you tried to act casual as you covered the victim once again and stepped away, pretending to study the surrounding area. Your back turned to the others as you felt your heartbeat picking up. You clenched your fists, trying to still the shaking in your hands. The fact that you felt out of control and unused to the situation only added to the discomfort and fear you felt. Not only was something about this case causing you extreme distress, but you really didn't want the team to see. You'd worked hard to prove yourself and you didn't want them seeing you losing control like this.
Your breathing was shaky as you tried to take quiet fast breaths, unable to breath deep and slow the way that with a clearer mind you knew would help. It seemed to be successful, at least at not drawing attention to you even if it did nothing to ease your panic.
"[Y/N]?" Spencer's voice came from behind you. "Are you okay? You've been quiet. Normally you share all your observations out loud." He said.
"I'm fine." Your quiet, shaky voice betrayed you. You didn't want to draw the attention of the others, it was bad enough Reid had noticed you weren't acting normal right now.
Spencer came up next to you. He noticed easily your tightened fists and the rapid, shallow rise and fall of your chest.
"Hey, [Y/N], can you try and take a deep breath, nice and slow?" He said gently.
You shook your head, unsure of everything right now.
"I think you're having a panic attack. I know it seems really hard, but you will feel better if you can just breathe a little slower." He said.
You focused on your breathing, managing to at least slow it some, still faster than normal but now it wasn't quite as fast as the pounding of your chest.
"That sounds a little better." He said encouragingly. "Does it feel a little better?"
You held up your hand, with a little space between your thumb and index finger indicating that it was helping.
"Good, that's really good. Close your eyes for a second and just think about your breathing. If it helps, you can try counting. Inhale for four seconds."
He counted aloud and you managed to time your breathing to his counting.
"Now hold it for four."
Again he counted. Eyes closed, his voice was the only thing you heard and you held your breath.
"Exhale now."
He counted out four again and you slowly released your breath. The pounding of your heart had slowed some and it was easier now to steady your breaths.
"Thanks." You said.
"Of course."
"I don't know what happened. I've done this so many times, I don't know what set it off but it just came on and I couldn't breathe and it just felt so bad and I don't know why." Your words rushed out.
"Sometimes there's not a reason for panic attacks, they can just come on. Maybe something about this subconsciously reminded you of something that set it off."
You sighed, the tension leaving your shoulders as they dropped.
"I feel stupid. I've always handled this fine before."
"You're not stupid." Reid assured you quickly. "Panic attacks don't make a person stupid. You know, Nikola Tesla likely suffered from panic attacks and he was a brilliant inventor. Not to mention that studies show that around 3% of adults have a panic disorder but 11% of people may experience a panic attack."
You managed a small laugh at the fact Reid had those statistics ready off the top of his head. Listening to him explain it, reassuring you in the most classic Reid way, you found your heart rate slowing down again and your hands stopped shaking.
"That, that actually does help. Do you, um, do you think you could not tell the others about this?"
"Sure. But, you know, you can ask for help if you need it. There's nothing wrong with that."
"I appreciate that Reid. I see why they gave you a PhD."
Reid smiled at that. It had been hard, seeing you struggle and being unsure if his advice would actually be helpful. But, he was glad it did and that you trusted him with this.
"So," you said, "back to the case?"
"Back to the case." He agreed, and the two of you turned back to the body and the rest of your team.
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leviathansshadycorner · 7 months
Be Realistic ( Leon x reader)
Short blurb because I'm in a mood - Yes based off of that Britney broski audio lmao Warnings: low self esteem reader, body issues ALSO I LOVE ASHLEY GUYS SO DW DW SHES MY BBG SHE JUST SEEMED APPROPRIATE TO USE IN THIS SCENARIO LMAO
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Rebecca and you sat at the edge of the backyard, both of you sprawled out on the lawn chairs. Claire had thrown a summer pool party, deciding it'd be a smart idea to invite people from work. Ada and Claire were chatting among themselves, sipping away at their colorful drinks, Luis urging everyone to put on sunscreen, and Carlos, Jill, and Chris having a competition to see who could do the best cannonball. Among the partygoers was Ashley Graham, the owner of the house in which Claire was throwing the party.
"She's so gorgeous," Rebecca comments, her sunglasses protecting her brown doe eyes.
"I know." You added, the two of you ogling at Ashley's beauty. She wore a cute brown-colored two-piece, with a metal ring in the front that held the top together, which accentuated her complexion and made her appear like a Victoria's Secret model.
"Hey guys, have any of you seen Leon?" Ashley called out, holding the deflated pink dolphin in her hands.
His name made your stomach twist, and you swear you could've felt your heart pang. The way his name rolled off her tongue was so natural, almost melodic.
"Right here." Leon came out from behind the glass sliding doors. He was the only one still in his normal clothes, deciding he was too cool or some shit for the pool party.
The man walked his way along the perimeter of the pool to Ashley. His muscles showing as he carried the air pump to the girl.
"Dumbass, why did you bring it all the way out here?" Chris commented.
"Easy access." Came Leon's response.
"Thanks, Leon!" Ashley beamed, her pouty pink lips curling into a smile that even made your heart flutter. Leon stood close to her, handing his hand out for her to give him the floaty. She complied, and handed it over, their exchange making your eyes lose their gleam.
"My hero." Ashley was excited, her floaty finally being of use.
Rebecca noticed you from the corner of her eyes. She knew about your little huge crush on Leon. The girl watched as your face crept with sadness- dare she say- disappointment.
"Kind of funny how he's still in his normal clothes." She tries to distract you. "Typical Leon."
You looked at her and smiled, "I know. I was hoping to see him shirtless." The two of you giggled, letting out cackles, Ada and Claire looking your way to see what the commotion was about.
"Why don't you go ask him to take it off?" She teased, turning her body to look at you.
"Hmm, maybe." You said boldly, even though you knew you'd rather fall in the pool and drown than do that.
"Bet. You won't." She smirked, challenging you.
"Pftt I totally would." You played yourself up.
"Then go." Rebecca eyes you.
After being riled up by Rebecca, a burst of confidence shot threw you. It couldn't be that hard right? You and Leon bantered and flirted on missions before, so what difference would this make? Plus it was totally appropriate for you to tell him off about his weird pool attire or rather lack of it.
"Watch me Chambers." You told your best friend as you got up from the lawn chair. You were wearing a (top of your choice) that you brought a size too small to make your figure pop. The shorts that you wore were Rebbeca's basketball shorts that she had let you borrow last minute after you changed your mind about wearing a one-piece.
Feeling confident in your tight outfit you began to strut toward Leon and Ashley, the sun's beams hitting the floor making the cement beneath your feet warm. As you approached you caught a glimpse of yourself in the glass sliding doors. Immediately your confidence shrank.
How could you have been so delusional to wear this out? It looked nothing like the way you pictured it in your head. Your model like posture returned to that of a hunchback as you shamefully scurried past Leon and Ashley, walking along the whole edge of the pool, stopping by the coolers to grab two waters, and heading back to a frowning Rebecca.
Leon and Ashley to focused on judging Chris and Carlos' Cannonballs to notice you.
"What happened?" She ask as she noticed the shift in your demeanor.
"Nothing." You sighed handing her a water.
"(Y/n) we already have water." She pushes her sunglasses up to her head as she stares at you. You take a seat on the same lawn chair.
You whined. "Why didn't you tell me I looked like shit?" It was only loud enough for her to hear.
"What you don't though.." She reassures you as she places a hand on your back. "(Y/n) you look hot!"
You didn't believe it. Surely she was only saying this because as your best friend she was obligated to. Your mind flashed back to the image of you in the glass doors. Your hair was flat yet awfully frizzy at the same time, you stood like a toddler who barely knew how to walk, and your legs looked like they were overflowing in Rebecca's tiny shorts. To make things worse you were sure the chlorine from your previous dip had made your skin look all dry.
You looked around for the oversized shirt you came here in. When you found it you shielded your body from the eyes of the partygoers.
"(Y/n).." Rebecca looked concerned.
"I don't know why I even tried talking to him. I probably look like an idiot." You leaned on Rebecca's shoulder as you two blankly watched the Beefy Brazillian splash into the pool.
"Because you like him. And I'm pretty sure he likes you too." She giggled.
"No- he likes Ashley." You said defeated, your emotions coming out now that you'd made yourself vulnerable. You saw the way those two looked at each other. They had something you wish you had with Leon.
"I don't think so." She wraps her arm around your waist. Smirking when she notices Leon glance over at you two.
"I think I'm just gonna accept my Leon-less life." You said leaning into your friend for comfort. Your eyes occasionally glancing over at an out of place Leon as he shouts at Chris.
"What? You're just not gonna try?"
You sighed. "There's really no point Becca."
She scoffed, "(Y/n)- you're totally out of his league. You can get him if you wanted to."
"Becca!" You groaned, your inner teen always came out when hanging out with her. "I can't. Have you seen the way she looks? She can get him!" You laughed, deciding to find the humor in your failed attempts at love.
"Oh (Y/n) you can too!" Her short hair bounced as she shaked you.
You turned around your hand practically digging into 's shoulder as you stared at her dead in the eye. "Be realistic. Be so fucking for real." You shook her back, your voice that of a goblins.
The two of you laughed as you spewed out nonsensical noises.
The conversation then shifted to celebrity crushes, "You think I have a chance with Josh Hutcherson?" Rebecca lays down on the lawn chair.
"Hundred percent yes." You replied, "What about me and Nick cage?"
"I see that." Rebecca smirks.
"Wait. What about me and Da-" Before you could finish your sentence Leon's shadow loomed over you, causing both you and Rebecca to jump.
"What about you and who?" He asked as he took a seat on the lawn chair you were previously on.
Your heart fell to your ass. "Oh my god you scared me." You and Rebecca giggled.
"You're not going in the pool?" Leon asked, leaning back in the chair.
"You know we were about to ask you the same thing. What's up with the clothes Kennedy?" Rebecca raised an eyebrow, she then nudged your shoulder.
"Yeah, lose the shirt, Leon." You said on cue. A fire growing in your stomach.
"I will if you do." He hooked his hands under his grey shirt as he began to pull it off.
Scratch that. The fire in your stomach was now a full-on Volcano.
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wires-and-hellfires · 6 months
hello I was wondering if I can request a vox x overlord reader dating but it’s a secret since it could mess up something with work anything like that but one day they were at club and while they were making outside in the alley and someone goes outside and sees them making out and takes pictures and it gets on the news and like everywhere
Stolen Moments
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Pairing: Vox x overlord! reader
Description: You both agreed your relationship was best kept a secret, but some things are out of even an overlord's control.
Warnings: Thievery, Vox being jealous/possessive, mentions of weapons, mentions of soul contracts, Valentino mentioned being creepy,
Author note: Ahhhh thanks for the request, this was a blast to write! Added some details because I'm dramatic lol. Hope you enjoy!
The second you got his text you were out the door and down the back stairs.
The city was busy downtown at this time of night, filled with drunks, gamblers, dancers, and everything else hell has to offer. Going through the crowds would be tedious and time-consuming.
Glancing at your phone again, you moved towards the pipes on the wall behind your apartment building and pulled yourself onto the roof.
There were faster ways through the city if those knew where to look, and one did not become the overlord of thieves without knowing how to move quickly and unnoticed.
Halfway to the location, a sinner perched on a roof startled as you landed next to him, reaching for a gun.
"It would be best for both of us if you never saw me and went back to... doing whatever the hell you were doing up here," you murmured, watching his eyes go hazy and grip on the weapon slacken before continuing on your way.
You reached the back alley of the club in record time.
Vox paced behind the building, his screen illuminating the darkness.
As you approached, purposely making your footsteps audible, he spun around and closed the distance between you two. Allowing him to maneuver you against the wall, you blinked up at him as he loomed over you.
"Hey, woah, okay then, nice to see you too-" but he didn't respond with his standard grin and remark about needing to be close to you or some bullshit, instead, just continued to stare, as if memorizing your face beneath him. "What's got you all worked up?"
And that set him off.
"Fucking Valentino, the wrinkly prick, needs to learn when to keep his fucking mouth shut-" and oh, yeah, you knew where this was going.
You met Valentino earlier that week, entirely by accident, and had it been anyone else, you would have 'persuaded' them to forget about you and moved along, but as another overlord, he would be difficult to convince. So, instead, you let it go. That was clearly a mistake.
He'd been creepy then and was seemingly still being creepy now, if Vox's possessiveness was anything to go by.
"-who does he think he is? Calling you a 'thief of hearts' like he's fucking clever-"
Vox knew you were in the middle of planning a job, the bastard, and he still messaged you an ominous "come here quick" text? What an asshole.
"-doesn't he know you're mine-"
Vox paused in his sentence, arms mid-gesture.
"He doesn't know I'm yours because we haven't told him. Or anyone. You know that."
You and Vox had decided early in the relationship to keep things private.
Your job was easiest if you were a nobody, just another face in the crowd and a shadow on the wall. Dating Vox would mean everyone in the Pride Ring knowing who you were and what you looked like.
Beyond that, Vox was a businessman and prided himself on his reputation. Though most people didn't actively dislike you, being in a relationship with the overlord of thieves may bring some scrutiny to him and VoxTech.
Grabbing his bowtie, you pulled his face closer to yours, grinning as he stumbled and caught himself on the wall behind you, effectively caging you in.
"Besides, you forget, you're mine too-"
His screen glitched and you couldn't help but laugh, tracing the edges of the monitor.
"How about you show me that I'm yours, huh?" you asked coyly, watching his gaze move down to your lips.
Preparations for the heist could wait.
When you two pulled apart again, he smiled softly at you, looking more like the Vox you knew in private, the Vox that was yours.
You were a bit possessive too, who wouldn't be when he's looking at you like that?
He was so distracted that it took him a few moments to realize what you were holding as you dangled his wallet in front of his face, smirking in triumph.
Regardless, he just sighed and took a step back, straightening his blazer.
"What? I think I deserve compensation for you interrupting my work and making me come all the way here."
"Baby, you already have my card, what do you need my wallet for?" he asked, exasperated.
Try as he might, you could see the fondness in his gaze anyhow.
"Fine, fine-"
Grinning, you handed him back his wallet and kissed the corner of his screen as you slipped past towards the entrance of the alleyway.
"-now go play nice for Velvette like you promised, and I'll see you at your place later, yeah?"
It was only after you'd left a meeting that evening, a new soul under contract, that you saw the photos.
Passing a TV store, you glanced at the news playing on one of the displays and froze.
That was you. You and Vox. Kissing.
"-is dating the overlord of thieves! Said to be able to steal anything, even souls, we have to wonder-"
The photo wasn't great quality, but clearly, it had been circulating for a while, as they managed to identify you and your status as overlord.
Ignoring the prickling stares on your back, you slipped into an empty antique shop and called Vox.
"Send a car, I'm coming over early."
"Ah, so you've seen the news then?"
"Already on it."
Arriving through the back entrance to avoid the crowds of reporters, you escaped into the elevator up to Vox's floor.
Vox was waiting for you when you stalked into the living room.
"Did you know?"
He didn't hesitate.
"No, no I was a bit busy at the time. Besides, that phone was ancient, it probably wasn't on my servers." He paused, and, sensing your mood, added, "I'm sorry this will affect your work."
Well, that was rare.
Vox wasn't one to apologize unnecessarily, his ego was typically too big to even consider saying sorry unless someone told him he needed to.
But if he didn't know, well...
You sighed.
"It's alright, not your fault. Too late to scrub it from online, anyhow, everyone has already seen it."
Moving closer, he wrapped you in his arms, warming you from the chill of the outside.
"Hey, bright side, they think we look good together!"
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volturiprincess · 2 months
You Kill Me (Pt 2.)
Caius Volturi x vamp female reader
Summary: The confrontation after part one. Warnings: Angst, foul language, mentions of sexual harassment, Caius' sinister side peeks (I think thats all?) A/N: FINALLY! Man it took a while but I mean I got writer's block with this one. I really wanted to dive a bit deep with this and I added a couple back and forth POV between reader and Caius (I almost added a Marcus POV but I changed my mind). Thank you to everyone who has been patient with this one-shot, I hope I did not disappoint. But as always...Enjoy💙 Word Count: 6k+ (My longest one so far)
(Here's Part 1)
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(This. Was. His. Era. Again Jamie did him justice🥰)
We stood in silence, I wanted to say something but I didn't know what exactly. I must have been too deep in thought because when I looked up he was gone…..
Oh gosh. What have I done? Why didn't I just say something to him, anything really could have worked at that moment and maybe I would not of hurted him. I never wanted to hurt him in anyway, he’s my mate for fucks sake. Even if I'm still getting used to the idea of having him as my mate, or just being around vampire civilization again, I would never want to harm him. When I pushed him away the hurt his eyes reflected, hit me.
Why am I being so difficult with him? You would think finding your mate just clicks for one and everything in your life finally makes sense, you get a sense of being even but no I decided to just make this once in lifetime experience so complicated. I have been in communication with Carlisle of course via letters, and when I tell him about me and Caius, I can already picture him shaking his head in disappointment each time he reads my letters. He understands why I'm being like this but he finds it totallyunnecessary for me to act like this toward my own mate, he keeps telling me you only get one in this lifetime. 
I decided to head outside to the gardens, where I usually spend my alone time until I see Marcus there. It seems he was expecting me. 
“Hello Marcus, fancy seeing you here”
“I would say the same thing but we have matters to discuss, dear”
I guess Caius got to him already, even if Marcus never shows any sort of emotions, right now he's giving me the same look Carlisle would give me when I did something absurd. He motions for me to sit with him, which I join him instantly.
“I am already going to assume you know what I'm about to say?”
“I have a hunch of an idea”
I couldn't look at him because the look he's giving me was pure disappointment, I felt like a child being scolded by their parents. I know that feeling all too familiar, I was the ‘wild card' apparently compared to my brother when we were younger, father had a knack to always scold me even when it's something as little as forgetting to put away a cup. Carlisle had it easier compared to me, I was molded to be this lady that society would approve of, I was designed to be the perfect wife according to my father. Mother would have never wanted me to be raised like this, she was the one who encouraged me to read, she was even the one who taught me how until she passed away when me and Carlisle were 5. 
“Let’s start this off simple, how are you feeling?”
That is a very good question, how the fuck do I feel? Sure I feel confused, that's all I have been feeling since I found out about being mated to Caius but I mean I feel disgusted. I feel disgusted with myself, I heard stories over the years that the Volturi were supposedly these power hungry coven who are just ruthless but now I feel like I'm the true villain here. What kind of sick person– err vampire in this case– turns their back on someone who has been nothing but loving and patient with them? Caius, even if he has  been interesting with his tactics of showing affection, has only been patient with me, and how do I return the favor? I push him away and basically stomp on his heart.
“Elaborate on that”
I really do feel like a kid currently.
“I feel terrible because I broke Caius heart” 
“And how?”
And now I feel like I'm in a therapy session.
“For months I turn away from our mate bond and refuse to give in, he does not deserve that, actually screw that he does not deserve a mate who just shuts him away for no reason”
“Oh but there is a reason to your uncalled behavior”
“Isn't there always a reason for everything?”
“Yes, which is why I'm asking you why are you being like this?”
“I dont know”
Of course I know why, I'm scared to give into the bond, what if I’m not good enough for him. What if I fuck up or something and he decides I'm not worth, that I'm not worthy in being his mate. I know you can't pick who your mate is or anything but he could do so much better than me, a person worthy enough to be his queen. Other than the fear, I'm angry. I've been forced to be here forever and don't even have the chance to see my brother. I miss him, he was all I had left of my family and now I have to be away from him. And my past trauma is always lingering.
“I doubt that”
“Marcus, no disrespect to you, but why are you invested in me and Caius? I know he's your brother and all but…why?”
I saw him look off to the distance, almost like I do on a daily basis when I'm reflecting on thoughts or events throughout the day. But I could see his expression change, instead of the disappointed look he had not that long ago, he looked gloomy which was his usual expression before I started to talk to him. 
“I told you about my…” I saw him take an unnecessary gulp ”late wife…Didyme,right?”
“Yes you did, she sounded like a lovely being, I would of loved to of meet her”
“She was, I mean she is. What i'm trying to say is I don't want to you or Caius to end up like me, I have had my brother in my life for so long and to see him finally find his mate, makes me surprisingly happy, I might not show it but internally I have a bit of peace”
Oh the guilt I have right now is no joke, the way he is speaking makes me worry more about the situation I created with his soul brother. The day he told me about Didyme was when I healed her favorite flower, he only told me a bit about her, her personality, features, how her smile could brighten any room, how with just a touch his worries and sadness would be like if it never existed. He truly loved her and the way he is barely going through life does make me sympathize for him big time. I actually make sure to check up on him at least once a day, from just asking him about the latest book he has read to just asking him to oversee my work in the garden, it's not much but I can see a bit of change in his eyes. 
“But I also do not want to see you suffer, I don't know what you are trying to accomplish with this behavior but you have become an important person to me. I view you as a sister I never had, makes me a bit envious of Carlisle since he has the honor to call you his actual sister.”
“Marcus I don't know what to say, I'll be honest with you but I view you as my brother as well, I see a bit of Carlisle in you”
“We are getting off topic but I appreciate your honesty dear, the point of this conversation is to come to your senses and accept Caius as your mate, I can see your bond with him weaken, you are doing nothing to nurture it, he was kind of trying but not in an effective way, in a way you two are acting like children, now if you will excuse me, I have matters to attend to”
He took off before I could even close my mouth at his revelation. He does make a point, I need to stop this ridiculous behavior I've been having and be willing to accept Caius as a mate. 
Caius POV
Humiliated. Disappointed. Defeated. Embarrassed. Furious. And Shameful. Who does she think she is? Was it perhaps my fault for pushing her and just throwing myself at her with that kiss? What was I thinking in doing such an action on her? I would never act like that or think to do it, I am a gentleman, I might not show it but I have never had no intentions to be this way. I still blame her. She is the one who has made me a whole different being. My brother has told me once you find your mate, everything just clicks, they are your equal side and they supposedly make you a better person. He’s wrong, since the minute I saw her I knew she would be trouble, I knew she would not be the right fit for me. 
How could she push me away like I was not worth anything. I have feelings. Wait? Do I? I never understood the purpose of expressing feelings. We feed on humans, I have no sympathy for them only that they keep my thirst down. But when I saw her, I felt the world stop, my main focus was on her and only her, not only because of her beauty but the aura she gave. I for once felt my unbeaten heart beat, I felt like I was suffocating from her scent, but at the same time I felt at ease. I still do not understand her purpose of being difficult with me, if I didn't spend our longest time together arguing with her I would've gotten answers to my questions.  
Maybe it is my fault as well, I have not been there for her. Marcus advised me to spend time with her to actually get to know her. He also warned me that I should be easy with her, she will never be able to see her family unless they come here. But what do I do instead? I basically seduced her with my charm and thought that would be enough to seal the bond. What an idiot I can be, but at the same time I at least tried to give into the bond, unlike her. She would just turn away from me and act like I was some low life, like a pest in a common sense. Who gave her the right to treat me in such a way? Maybe her brother was the one who influenced her to be this way with me? I knew that vegetarian vampire had it out for me, it only makes sense since he left, he probably knew she was my mate this whole time. 
She's such a child to top it off. Running away from a bond that is grander than any bond to existence, and yet she turns away from it like a coward. Just like her brother, always going on and off from having mortals or not. In the time she has been here, she is still not drinking human blood. I thought by now she would have converted to our diet but it would seem I was wrong. Another thing to add to my list of changes; being wrong. I have always been right and if someone goes against me then they will end up being sorry. She’s changing me more than I care to ever want.
It's been a month since I last saw him, even before I would at least catch glimpses of him or he would approach me. He’s nowhere, I even asked some of the guards if they have seen him but I was met with disappointment. Not even Aro or Marcus have been any help, well I haven't actually talked to Aro yet, he still creeps me out. My mind has been rehearsing over and over in what I will say to Caius, it's all I can really think of.  And to think it's only a month, it has felt like an eternity, considering I have been around for a while now, it cannot compare to this month alone. I think I am finally losing it, I believe I am going mental now. The way my mind is being filled with endless thoughts and worries is really pushing me into a not so pretty mindset. I want to cry but I know I am unable to, I want to scream but what will that solve? I want to run away but Demetri would just track me down in an instant. I want to drown myself in books to at least distract my mind but I know whatever I read it would only be twisted and I would be thrown back to thinking about him. 
I even stopped  hunting, I haven't had not one ounce of blood since the last day I saw him. Why do I deserve to satisfy my thirst when I hurt my mate? Oh my mate, how much I am longing to be in his arms right now, telling him how sorry I am. To tell him what an idiot I have been this past half year, to tell him my fears of not being worthy of him, to tell him it's me and not him no matter how foolish that sounds. It's the truth there is nothing wrong with him, not even his anger issues bother me, on the contrary I love how he is not afraid to show his intense emotions out. Oh? I said the L word, well it's no issue to me because I think I do love him. How fucked up is that really? It took for him to stop coming up to me to finally realize I do have love for him.
I have been spending this whole month, when I was not looking for Caius, pacing in my room growing more and more mad. Not the emotion mad but like mentally losing it. But I think I am also mad, I mean I am trying to make it up to him but he won't even give me a chance. It's frustrating really. Oh no. Is this how Caius was when he was trying to seal the bond but I just turned away from him? Now I am really feeling the pain and guilt, this torment is just so painful for anyone to face. I made him go through this, I really am a monster.
I fell to my knees in defeat as I buried my face into my hands, the venom started to fill my eyes. All my walls started to crash down on me and I could feel myself almost physically hyperventilate as I was trying to remember to calm myself. I felt my old human self creep up. In my human years I would have my breakdowns after each lecture my father would give me. His talks about me being the ideal respectful woman would get to me too much.
His preaching never got easier, he even would force me to attend his social gatherings with other men so I could be viewed as an available choice as a wife. When my dad was not having an eye on me, those men would stare at me shamelessly, it made me feel gross and caused me to have a desire to be alone. Another reason why I avoided any type of civilization when me and Carlisle went our separate ways. 
Maybe that’s another reason why I was also being harsh toward Caius, I feared he was going to be like those men. It didn't  help his case to be proven wrong when he kissed me or the way he seduced me endless times. I need to talk to him. 
Caius POV
I feel foolish avoiding my own problems. I tend to get to the bottom of things but in this case it's different. How can I solve this? Wouldn’t it make sense for her to come up to me and apologize for her childish acts? The way she wouldn't even look me in the eye when I talked to her? Or how she would respond to me with a snarky remark? Gosh I think I love her attitude, even if she did hurt my feelings by rejecting me, I think I fell for her more each time I would approach her. But when she pushed me away, I noticed her attitude was true. Why would she want to be with a vampire who has the title of the ‘ruthless one’ out of the three? I never cared for what others think about me but with her, everything suddenly mattered. I wanted her to accept me for me.
My reputation means everything to me, I am the one who does not show mercy and I am the one to not give second chances. As for her, I would give her endless chances if it means she gets to be mine, only she can get her way with me. I would not let anyone know how her rejection has hit me, I would rather let my anger take over me to let others know she has no effect on me. Why is loving someone so hard? Love for me was always something I viewed as a weakness, look at me for merlin sake, I feel like being locked up in a room and refusing to be out and about. 
It is what I have been doing this past month, I been in my art room staring at a blank canvas. My muse, my inspiration, and my desire to create a masterpiece has left me. Before her I would decorate my walls with weekly original art from whatever came to my mind. And yet when she turned away, my yearning vanished like I drop my helpless dead meal fall to the ground after I drained them. 
A while ago I was painting her, I happened to decide to work outside on a little platform reserved for me only and I happened to spot her in the gardens. I never revealed myself to her but I had a perfect view of her staring off into the distance, the right lighting was even hitting her and the scenery around her was every artist's dream come true. 
I only got to sketch the background because I wanted to spend more time on just her. How she was posing unaware of my eyes on her, how her lips were slightly parted, how the wind picked up her hair slightly after each breeze. How her eyes held so much emotion while her other facial features stayed relaxed. She was and still is breathtaking to me. I could spend hours drawing different sketches of her if she were to let me, I even got an idea of a new statue to add in the gardens, it would be of her.
She’s like a reincarnation of Aphrodite, no I am mistaken she is more bewitching than the goddess herself. How have I gone a millennium's without witnessing such beauty in my life? I need her, she’s my missing muse. 
When I was finally mentally composed enough I walked down one of the many hallways to head to the throne room. I have a feeling he might be there, I don't know where else he could be and nobody has told me about his whereabouts. I arrive hoping to see him there but only Marcus and Aro along with some of the guards who are within the shadows are there. I want to yell at them but I compose myself. 
“Aro, Marcus, where is he?”
Aro who as always tends to act unaware of things unless it is of interest to him decides to mess with me.
“Where’s who?”
“Look I have kept my patience for a while, but if you dare to test me today I will gladly knock you out again but this time it will be a month”
The hidden guards stepped out from the shadows after my little threat, already recognizing them I knew I could take them down. I was lucky that Jane and Alec were not around because my chances of winning would be low. 
“Why should we tell you where he is? Haven't you hurted him enough? I seen his thoughts I know the suffering you have put him through since your arrival”
I wanted to rip his head off so bad. How dare he meddle into mine and Caius' life? Soul brother or not, what me and Caius go through is our own business. I know he makes some sense about the suffering and pain but I have gone through my own pain also. Marcus settled a hand on Aro shoulder before I could think about attacking him
“Aro it is not our business to intercept into our brother and his mate's issues, my dear y/n he is in his art studio. Felix? Demetri? Would you mind taking her to his studio?”
They were both by my side and led me away. Good thing these two were taking me away, they are the only ones who would manage to stop me from attacking. It was a quick sprint and they nodded toward two large mahogany doors, it looked like it was indeed doors to an art room. It also seemed handcrafted, I had never seen such gorgeous details on a door before. I opened the door slowly to do a small peek into the room to see if he was there. He was there on a stool with a loose button up shirt that was open at the throat and he had some casual black slacks. His hair was a bit messy even and yet he was the most striking being I have ever seen in my lifetime. 
His gaze snapped at me as I was closing the door, his irises were matching his pupil from his lack of feeding. His eyes also matched mine, since I was also pushing away the need to feed. He watched my every move like a cat watches a mouse before pouncing on it.
“What do you want?”
“I-I I want to talk to you”
“Is that so? Took you a month to come to some senses did it?”
Well that hurt, I already knew he was going to be a bit sharp with his words yet that line hit me a bit hard.
Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe I still need time to be able to calmly talk to him. No, no keep yourself together y/n, I need to do this for not only my sake but for Caius.
“Well go on with it, I don't have all day”
“Look if you are going to start having an attitude with me then maybe we need to wait another day then to talk”
“I am not with attitude, I am just trying to get to the point, I don't like to dance around issues”
I took an unnecessary gulp like Carlisle would do when he would break bad news to me.
“I love you”
The pencil he had his hand fell to the ground and that was the only noise that was heard after my words. 
“I know you're probably thinking, how cruel can I be to say that after everything that has happened between us but it's the truth. It's always had love for you within me but I was scared to open that door, you see I wish we could turn back time and I could explain to you everything that has been going through my mind before that fateful day. I wanted to tell you something but you left before I could and-”
“Then explain to me why you have acted like a child”
His voice lost its sharpness, instead it was soft, the same softness his eyes reflected currently. I wanted to melt on the spot by how sweet he looked.
“Before I was turned, my father would display me like some doll to show others of my availability as a wife, when he was not looking the men he was presenting me to would basically undress me with there eyes, some of them would be brave enough and leave lingering touches on me after I would shake their hands, the only males in my life I trusted after that was Carlisle, even in my time when we were apart I was never near civilization, I feared for the day I would have to be around others.” He stood up from his stool but he stayed at a distance from me still.
“When I saw you I thought it was time to heal completely from my trauma, but with the way you would approach me it gave me slight flashbacks from the past, and it made me recoil from you a bit, but at the same time I wanted to be by your side. What didn't even help my case was I had a fear of not being enough for you. How can a vampire like me who has such fears be worthy of a king like you? You deserve someone who doesn't still feel an ick when she’s around others for too long. I felt if we were to talk sooner then we wouldn't be in this position but no you just did a quick and go, made me feel unworthy of your time even”
I wanted to say more but I decided to give Caius a space to talk also, I wrapped my arms around myself for comfort and looked away from him. I feel exposed and anxious just standing here in silence, waiting for him to say something. Please say something already.
“I was not expecting you to even start this with those words”
I knew it was strange to say that but I mean I wanted to reassure him I do have feelings for him.
“I think you make a great point in we should of had a civil conversation at the start of this to avoid our current issues, I-I apologize for my behavior, it was uncalled for and inappropriate of me to try to nurture our bond by seducing you in such a way, you should of been treated like a queen with respect and love. But you are wrong of not deserving me, on the contrary I feel like it's the opposite, you deserve someone better than me, after all the shit I put you through without knowing what you been through, Marcus advised me to be there for you and yet I was hardly there”
I felt my eyes fill with venom again but I was still not looking at him so he was not aware of how I was reacting to his declaration. 
“But at the same time I thought it was a bit foolish of you to try to back away from me, you should know from now on that when it comes to you, you can tell me whatever you want, no matter how harsh or straight forward your words might get, I can take it, you are my mate after all. I never want you to feel uncomfortable around me or feel the need to distance yourself from me either because I cannot bare being separated from you, incase you haven’t noticed I haven't been feeding lately either, much like I can see from your once glowing amber eyes that I manage to fall for, but back on topic we can work on your healing process together, no matter how long it takes we do have forever after all”
I looked up at him finally to be met with eyes filled with venom too. Not really having control over my mind or body I ran to him to pull him into a deep hug. His arms not thinking twice wrapped around me like if it were second nature to him. At that moment it felt as if our issues never existed and we were happy once again, so this is how Marcus felt with Didyme, now I understand why he was so worried for us. I would rather kill every being who dared to harm Caius in any way, than to see him suffer anymore than he needs. We fit perfectly into each other, it felt like we were molded into one another, it felt like home. I'm finally home in the arms of a man I can trust and…love. 
I looked up at him and gave his cheek a kiss. I was going to kiss his lips but decided to pull a Caius in this situation with a simple “Com tempo”. He smiled lazily at me at the sudden realization that I used the same two words he said to me a while back. 
“I'm willing to go into this bond fully, no more avoiding you because that only causes more harm for us. I don't want to be separated from you either because with all honesty the moment I saw your eyes I was enchanted by you, for a moment I saw a whole future with you and even though I was recoiling from you after each encounter with you, I couldn't help but fall for you a bit each time. Even that kiss made my stomach weirdly flip” 
He caressed my cheek with his thumb while his other arm was wrapped snugly around my waist as we was listening to me. Whereas my hands rested on his chest, I was trying very hard not to look at his exposed chest and or his collarbone, because even this small exposure of skin looked like art. 
“I vow to never become one of those filthy sorry excuses of men, if I could I would hunt them down one by one and drain them completely. No one will harm you, I would certainly never dream of creating such misery for you. But why don't we take some time to spend together and just get everything out. Hmm?”
“I would love that Caius”
He leaned in to give my forehead a tenderful kiss that would have woken Sleeping Beauty herself up. 
‘Dear Carlisle, 
As I write to you, me and Caius have come to be in a better position. We are spending more time together and we have brought up any miscommunication we failed to address from the beginning and solved them up one by one. We are at a point where I feel like we have known each other since the beginning of time. I never felt more at home since before mother passed. Caius really is my other half, we even spend hours in his art room, drawing whatever. He tends to create masterpieces of me being his muse. I even included a painting to this package I am sending of the painting I did from my garden here in Volterra.
I feel more comfortable around the others even, that ick I would tell you about is finally gone and I could spend hours with the guards who I have grown close to. I can never forget to tell you how whenever I talk to Marcus, I see a piece of you in him, I miss you so much but this is the closest I have to having you near me. I hope you and Esme plus the kids are doing well enough. Maybe soon enough we'll see each other, and tell Alice I forgive her, I now know her true intentions and I thank her”
Love y/n”
As Carlisle finished reading out loud the letter to Esme he smiled at the part of seeing his sister soon. But he did not forget to mention to Esme a ‘Finally” after realizing his sister is finally happy with her mate.
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