#i would like to formally apologize for my previous tags but It Must Be Said
sweateroverlord · 1 year
something something barbie communism analysis coming in from the tumblr.com
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beaubokuto · 3 years
━ iv. what you broke
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pairing: tobio kageyama x f!reader
genre: enemies to lovers, royal!au, angst
summary: prince tobio kageyama is cruel. he was known to be vindictive, revengeful, other synonyms for anger’s embodiment. you were not quite as interesting: a simple village girl with a knack for stealing things and a wish to kill the prince.
a/n: i love writing this fic so much
tags: angst, royalty, swearing, medieval, fantasy, enemies to lovers, all characters are aged up, minor depictions of violence (dueling, training, a little bit of blood)
previous chapter  ━ next chapter
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You did not change before following the guard out of the room. You just followed quickly behind the burly man in your cloak and dirty clothes. If the prince wanted to request your presence, you would come as is. 
The sun had completely gone down in your time meeting your roommates, though the darkness did not do much in the already dark corridors. As you followed, it became instantly brighter as you entered the main wing of the castle.
The castle itself was dark. It was created by the Dark King long before your time, and he was as his name threatens. He took over this land and forced others to build him a castle of the darkest brick. From then, his lineage contained the same demeanor. Dark, mysterious, all together authoritative and intimidating. 
You were annoyed at the thought.
The doors to the throne room were massive, arching three sizes above your head. The ceiling became taller, the room lighter against the dark brick and wood, and the Kageyama crest stared directly at you as the guard opened the door.
Tobio Kageyama was sitting in his throne when you entered. His throne sat just slightly shorter on the right hand of the king’s, made of silver instead of Black Gold (the richest form; the throne must be very uncomfortable to sit in). Soon that would be his seat.
The King and Queen were no where in sight. This was a personal request.
He sat straight up, hands resting on the arms in attention. You would expect a crowned prince to be more relaxed. Perhaps a leg over the arm or something interesting.
“Prince Tobio.” You greeted. It was formal to greet the royalty first; however, calling him Tobio was the opposite.
“Already you mock me.” He tilted his head. The crown stayed perfectly in place. “Guard, you may leave. She is fine, there is no need for a chaperone.”
The guard simply nodded and left the room, closing the large door behind him.
“I must inform you that Shoyo was not given my permission when granting you this.” He told you instantly. His blue eyes were the same color as the crest on the clasp that held his cloak around his shoulders.
“Are you telling me to leave?”
“Then why tell me that?”
“Because,” He returned to sit straight up. “After he did, I heard that you were excellent with a sword. I happen to be trained in the sword as well. I hope to find our inevitable duel interesting.” A pause. “However, this is not why I asked you in here today.”
“To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting with you privately?” You asked, sarcasm dripping off of your tongue like honey.
You watched as his shoulders relaxed with a roll of his eyes. “You are going to be a difficult one, aren’t you? I asked you in here to tell you some of the rules before you go into training tomorrow. Every one else here has had their introductions; they’ve all been training for quite a bit now.” Another pause. “I am being generous.”
“Informing me of the basic rules and regulations for my training... ah yes, thank you for doing the bare minimum.” You scoffed. “Tell me, Tobio, how long have you been this generous?”
In one motion, he was standing. His movements were so fluid and complete that you hadn’t even registered that he was walking; it was as if he floated to you. 
Standing in front of you, you could see his anger at your disrespect. 
“With every word that you have directed towards me, you have done nothing but disrespect me, my position, and my virtue. Continue to do so, and you will be removed.” Tobio said, voice low and against your ear. “If you wish to stay, I suggest minding how you speak to me.”
He leaned back. You caught your breath that you hadn’t realized that you were holding. 
Calling to the guard, “Guard! We are done here!”
“Wait, you never gave me the rules.” You blinked at his back.
“My apologies.” Tobio walked back to his throne. Sitting, he continued, “My guess is that you will figure it out. It being the bare minimum, after all.”
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"We have a newcomer today, so we will be doing some introductions.” The trainer spoke. His voice was monotone and casted silence among anyone listening. He stood taller than everyone else in the room, including the other trainers, even though you were sure he was your age. “My name is Kei Tsukishima.”
The Knight Training room was a large room in the dungeons below the dorms. It was stained in blood and cleaned spills that left dark patches in the black brick. In the center of the room, there was a large circle painted in light grey surrounded by two smaller circles. The walls were lines in varying weaponry and training courses, along with fake bags shaped like people and targets.
“Welcome to Knight Training.” Another trainer added. He was a tad bit older, with dark hair and had a quiver strapped to his back. His voice seemed deeper, too. “I am Tetsurou Kuroo, I specialize in archery and survival techniques.”
“I’m Koutaro Bokuto!” The buff one added. He stood with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. He had a scar that crossed from his nose, through the left side of his lip, and curved back to his left cheek; it made his smile lopsided. “I specialize in knife throwing and hand to hand combat. Yamamoto, remind me to finish your D-4 later.”
Akari nodded to him from beside you, not caring for his lack of formalities.
“And I am Keiji Akaashi.” The last spoke. He was the shortest, yet stood tall. He also seemed incredibly bored by the introductions, as were you. “I specialize in the spear and hunting, including stealth and gathering.”
“I specialize in the sword.” Kei Tsukishima added. He turned to you, eyeglasses hiding his eyes. “So, newbie, you will be with me.”
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As it turns out, the knights were rather informal people. They seemed to be formal with royalty and in public, but they talked casually the entire time you were in the training area.
You were sure Koutaro Bokuto swearing would be the most entertainment you have ever had.
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“I was told that you are excellent with a sword.” Tsukishima said once it was just you two. You had followed him directly to the area furthest to the left, where you found an array of swords and targets. 
“This is the second time in two days that has been told to me. Who is spreading this rumor?”
He shrugged. “Just people. I want you to show me what you can do.”
“Show you what I can do?”
“Yes.” Tsukishima nodded his head to the box of swords. “Pick a sword and show me on the dummies what you would do if they were enemies.”
He gave you no other instructions. You were used to your own sword, the one that sat on your hip. So you reached for it. He didn’t seem to mind.
Unsheathing your sword, you stood in the circle of fake people. They were rather realistic looking, despite no true facial features.
Quickly and effortlessly, you brought your sword down on the dummies. In only a swift movement, you had taken off one head and another’s arm. You finished with a stab to the last’s throat.
“I see Shoyo was telling the truth.” Was all Tsukishima said. “Although, next time you must inform us of carrying your own weapon. Follow me.”
The rest of training consisted of you traveling between the trainers. But they maintained your closeness to Tsukishima.
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Yua Ito and Akari Yamamoto met you back in the quarters. You were all complete in sweat, wear, and tire. You were sure your face had dirt and grime on it, as well as your messy hair.
“You didn’t tell us that you were that good with a sword!” Yua exclaimed as she changed, not caring for the presence of others. “You don’t even need training!”
“Don’t be so dramatic.” Akari sighed. “You are good, I admit. But you still need training.”
“That’s why I am here, is it not?” You offered.
Yua giggled at your sarcasm, and Akari raised a brow. Most of the trainers and others at training were informal and spoke in sarcastic tones. They couldn’t have been that surprised.
“I like you.” Akari said, collecting a pile of clothes to go bathe.
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Dinner for the knights was quite eventful.
Beside the training center, there was another large room in similar dark brick and grey accents. This room had small windows near the ceiling, large tables lining the middle, and buffet style tables on the outer edges nearest the walls. It was the most food you had ever witnessed.
Meats, potatoes both fried and mashed, fruits and vegetables, fish and other harbor foods, breads that were warmed, frozen desserts and chocolate... you had no idea where to start.
“First meal here?” Tsukishima appeared behind you. Without his knight gear on, he was just as tall and brooding.
“It is that obvious?” You looked over your shoulder instead of turning around. He walked closer. “I just don’t know where to start.”
“I always start at the right side, near the breads. It leaves the necessities first and the desserts and sweets last.”
“Are you always this kind to new knights?”
“You are greatly mistaken.” Tsukishima shrugged. “I am not kind, nor are you a knight. Not yet, at least.”
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The following days consisted of non stop practicing. The schedule was easy to follow: train at sunrise, have lunch, continue, and then dinner. Lights out when the sun sets. Repeat.
However, several days in, you started to notice a new presence.
Tobio Kageyama would watch from the outer stands that lined the walls. He would sit, guard at his side, and analyze the training. Without a single word.
One day, you felt his gaze on your back as you attempted knife throwing. It wasn’t too difficult for you, but it was far different than your usual heavy and long sword.
One of your knives hit the target directly where you had aimed, it’s head, and Bokuto cheered happily. He exclaimed, “you are going to be excellent at your first duel!”
You shrugged off his praise. And the prince’s stare.
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“For today, we will only be practicing for the first duel of the season.” Tsukishima stood in the center of the circle, arms crossed and voice echoing. “We will go by how long you have been in training.” His eyes turned to you. “Which means you, newcomer, are last and will be fighting against whoever wins.”
“The rules are simple.” Kuroo stepped up. His voice seemed deeper. “You will fight with your weapon of choice. You can win by three ways. One, you manage to get your opponent out of the circle. Two, you have them on the ground for three seconds or more. Or three, they simply cannot continue.”
Akaashi spoke, “There will be no killing, nor major injury. We will step in and announce the winner before then. Other than that, expect to bleed and fight with all you have. This is training to be a knight on the king’s court, not practice for games.”
“That being said,” Tsukishima looked at some parchment in his hand. “The first duo will be Akari Yamamoto and Ren Sato.”
You stood beside Yua as they battled in the circle. Akari was amazing at knife throwing, you’ve witnessed it throughout the past several days. Ren was an older man, older than anyone in the room; but he must’ve been here a long time and have had the money to return through the years. 
“I had no idea Akari has been here that long.” You muttered to Yua. “To be the first duel, I mean.”
“She’s been here for years.” Yua didn’t take her eyes off of the pair fighting. “Don’t say anything, but I am not sure she wants to be a knight. Her father is one, so he got her into the training program. But each year, she never makes it to the final duel.”
You turned to Akari, who threw the knives directly where she knew to. She was strong, tall, and had all of the qualities of making a perfect knight. You wondered why she was delaying her career.
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The winner of the series of duels was a man named Kaito Hashimoto. He was around double your size, both in height and build. His weapon was a spear, which was perfect for you because you planned on being very close to him. A distance weapon like a spear had no victory over a close ranged weapon like your sword.
You informed the trainers of your personal sword, and they agreed to allow you to use it during the duel. “Although, in the final duel against the king, you must only use the weapons provided.” Kuroo told you. 
The duel was a blur in your vision. Like most days when you spent a majority of your time sparring Kiyoko, you placed the entire world out of view and only focused on the enemy in front of you.
Kaito Hashimoto had laughed when you entered the circle. As if he had already won.
You remembered small pieces of what happened. You remember witnessing Tobio Kageyama’s entrance into the training area, finding his place in the stands. You remember opting for offense immediately, knowing that he would be surprised at your lack of defense. You remember using all of your strength and weight behind every attack. 
You laughed when you had him knocked down for five seconds. Because you had won.
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"Congratulations.” Tsukishima announced. “For this duel, our top ten will continue. Although you will get a small advantage, being our overall winner.” 
“We can discuss that advantage later.” Bokuto said. “For now, I do believe that our crowned prince has something he would like to say.”
Everyone stood in a hushed silence, attention fully on the man in black and blue.
“I do have an announcement.” Tobio Kageyama said from the center of the training ground. All of you surrounded him, standing on the outer edge of the circle, clinging to his words.
You crossed your arms over your chest. You were still sweaty, heavy breaths rolling out of your mouth in huffs.
“In two days time, I will be crowned King.” He said. The silence was deafening. “And with that, many kings and rulers from other kingdoms will be arriving to bare witness to the event. After, we have a week of balls and festivals. 
“I wanted to give my thanks to all of you for your effort and training. You will have the entire week off. I invite you to all of the events that will take place at the castle. This includes the crowning.”
You felt your jaw drop. You looked over to Yua and Akari, who both shared the same expression. You would be at balls, at fairs and festivals, with the royalty of the nations.
You’ve heard stories from Kiyoko of balls, of extravagant parties and drunken nights. You’ve heard stories of the other princes and kings that rule the kingdoms that are on the other side of the outlying woods. You’ve only ever heard stories.
And none of them excited you.
They were always something to brag about. They were always something that made other’s seem better, seem richer. If you heard someone in the town streets talking of going to such events, you would turn away and steal something from their bag as punishment for making you feel inferior.
Being able to attend yourself sounded like the perfect time to practice.
You felt someone’s eyes, and you looked up to find Tobio Kageyama staring directly at you.
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tag list: @immxnty @elegantlykpop @thechaosoflonging @starryparkrr @cosmotoic @tooruluv​ 
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saiilorstars · 3 years
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Chapter 1: Welcome Back
Current Story Masterlist  // Previous story // Maleny’s Masterlist
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x OFC
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
Requested tag: @ocfairygodmother​ @anotherunreadblog​ @transformerfan97​ @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
Story Summary: As they wait for the arrival of their long lost son, Klaus & his family face the prophecy spelling death for them all. Meanwhile, Maleny comes face to face with a past left buried within her thousand lives. She's faced with the one truth that she never thought would happen. Has her heart always belonged to the same man? The truth may sting and the enemies will take the advantage. Against their enemies and losses, Maleny and Klaus come up with a new promise: they will come back to each other in the end. First, they must save each other.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
The Quarter was having a relatively calm night, as had been the custom for several months now. No one could have ever guessed there had almost been yet another battle among the supernatural. Thankfully, everything had calmed and although there there were still unresolved issues, there was no more threats coming to the Mikaelsons.
Well, perhaps Klaus could think of one but it was no threat to others besides him. He had forgotten how chatty Maleny could be when she learned new things, or when she was simply excited.
"And did you know they made chocolate red!? That is so weird!" Maleny laughed, while flipping through a magazine. "And then I heard about what humans really think vampires are!" she laughed again, "Do you know you're supposed to glitter outside?"
Klaus seemingly paid more attention to the bed covers' edges than her. Maleny was straddled over him, holding a magazine in her hands, and rapidly telling him all she was discovering of the new world. Frankly, that was not what he pictured when he'd suggested they move back to his room earlier in the day.
After a while, Klaus snatched the magazine from her hands, tossing it over the bed. Maleny pouted and gave him a glare, "I was reading that! And you weren't listening!"
"I was, selectively," Klaus said calmly, languidly turning his head to her. He moved up halfway to meet her 'pout' and proved that he was, indeed, listening. "You want to try the red chocolate, you can't believe they put pineapple on pizzas, the fact there's reversible sweaters bewilders you and yes, I did know of that ridiculous glittering rule."
Maleny stared at him a full two minutes before teasingly smiling, "Hmm…" she put her hands over his bare chest, "...all I heard was you watched that Twilight movie."
"I would rather dagger myself than ever watch that," Klaus rolled his eyes, "Humans are idiots."
"So broody," Maleny continued to tease, "How do I make that go away?"
"I have some...suggestions..." Klaus passed a hand down her hair and to her arm.
Maleny chuckled. They had somewhere to be yet they had fooled around for quite some time, and now he was less than half-dressed and she was still in sleeping garments. "While that is mighty tempting, I want to read a little more. Every accomplishment these humans have made is amazing. Is it true there's an actual place in Europe where the streets are full of water? And people have to literally sail on boats to get through?"
Klaus nodded, "Venice is quite beautiful. I suppose you'll have to see for yourself when we visit."
Maleny's eyes lighted up at the insinuation, "We're...we're gonna go? Are you serious?"
"Of course," Klaus reached to run a hand down her loose hair, "I was thinking of a family trip for when Nicolas came home."
"Ooh, I like the idea," Maleny gasped at the idea.
"I thought you would…"
"I do," Maleny grinned, giving him a kiss. One kiss soon turned into a second, which then turned into a third, and suddenly Maleny found herself being flipped over. She now gazed at a smirking hybrid above her, "Don't we have an art exhibit to go to? Your art exhibit?" she innocently questioned.
"It can wait a little while more," Klaus pressed another kiss to her lips, soon turning into dozens more.
~ 0 ~
Amarrah Collins grimly walked alongside Vincent Griffith down a street where police lights were flashing and brightening up the 'do not cross' tape that covered nearly half the street.
The French witch sighed as they grew closer to the crime scene, "Tell me again why it is you decided to call me in?"
"Well," Vincent coughed awkwardly, "to be honest, my first choice was Cami but she's not answering-"
"She wouldn't," Amarrah agreed with a small smile, "She's a bit busy dealing with the matters of this Quarter. Seeing as she's now controlling it, she's got a lot to deal with."
Vincent threw her a playful glare, "Oh, and she's a bigshot now?"
"Hey," Amarrah elbowed him on his side, "she's doing good and you have to acknowledge that."
"True, true," Vincent nodded, "I thought because of her psychology experience she would have some insight on this crime. But you're not so bad, seeing as you were an officer in your days?"
"Detective," Amarrah corrected with a smirk.
"Ooh, maybe you're better than Cami," Vincent shared a chuckle with her. "Now listen, me and all the P.D. have a relationship that goes back to that nastiness with my ex-wife. I'm their expert in anything that even seems occult. And every so often, they come across the aftermath of some black magic and they call me in."
"Hmm, and I'm to assume they've ran into something even you haven't seen yet?"
Amarrah's question was never answered as they turned for an alley where they were greeted by a blonde man, presumably a detective. "Is this your friend the shrink?" he nodded to Amarrah who frowned at such a distasteful greeting.
"Hey, I'm a Detective and you need to learn some manners," she gave him a pointed finger.
Amused, the man smiled, "Detective? From overseas? Well, you should have said so."
"You didn't exactly give me a chance," Amarrah slightly lightened up. "I'm Amarrah Collins."
The man took her hand to shake and introduced himself as well, "Detective Will Kinney. Now, I'm not trying to be rude but I was really hoping the shrink would be here."
"Technically not a shrink," Amarrah clarified, "And she's a bit busy. But I'm pretty good myself with strange cases. What am I doing here?"
"It's an impressionable sight," Will warned as he led Amarrah and Vincent further down the alley.
"Oh believe me when I say I have seen impressionable sights all my life," Amarrah shared a look with Vincent, almost laughing at the irony. However, once they passed a dumpster and saw the corpse, the smile vanished from her face. "Although this would be a first…"
"Maybe now you would consider having your almost-shrink friend looking into this," Will patted her arm before leaving the two.
"Clearly a vampire," Amarrah announced several minutes after the Detective had left.
The victim was a middle-aged man, dressed in a fancy black suit. He had his wrists and elbows held up by ropes, making him seem like a puppet. What had horrified Amarrah was the gruesome, wide slash the man had from ear to ear, still dripping fresh blood.
"Which one, precisely?" Vincent raised an eyebrow at her.
"Well, we'll have to figure that out ourselves," Amarrah gulped but could not, for the life of her, take her eyes off the corpse.
While unpleasant, Amarrah found traits she could easily identify from a vampire. She didn't know whether to thank the Mikaelsons for her newfound knowledge of the vampire world or be ashamed of herself for being unfazed with the work before her.
"Well, I'm no forensic psychologist, but whoever did this took their time," she started making conclusions to Vincent, "He bled- a lot- which means he was alive... but it was like he just stood here. These ropes are just for display," she gestured, "He wasn't bound- there are no marks on his wrists, no signs of struggling or clawing…"
"He was compelled," Vincent said what she had been trying to get at, "Maybe Rich-Boy pissed off the wrong vampire."
Detective Kinney came back to join them at the moment and cut off any vampire talk immediately. "How are you guys doing over here? Tell me you got something."
Amarrah quickly came up with a less supernatural conclusion. "It seems methodical. Precise. The wounds might have a special meaning to the killer. Not a formal ritual, but intentional. And, the things we do on purpose, we tend to repeat."
"Well," Kinney looked mildly impressed with her work, "that's not going to bode well for us."
"I'm afraid not," Amarrah agreed with a resigned sigh. She knew the next person they would have to talk to.
~ 0 ~
Now dressed in a white blouse and leather black pants, Maleny strode into the lounge room where Freya was sat on the ground with Hope, attending to her. "You forgot this, Freya," Maleny said, holding a small golden necklace as she joined the two.
"Sorry, I forgot to put it back on her when I took her out of the bath," Freya apologized and moved to handle the matter herself when Maleny waved with a hand she would do it herself.
Maleny pushed her recently curled hair behind her shoulders and got on her knees. "It's fine," she sat back on her legs and gently put the necklace around Hope's neck, "There we go, sweetheart," she kissed the toddler's head. "Now you be sure to show that to your Mummy again, alright?" she raised the necklace's locket and opened it up, revealing a picture of Hayley inside, "Who's that, Hope? Mummy. It's your Mummy."
Freya watched the toddler intently stare at the picture inside the locket. Since breaking Hayley's curse had turned out to be much more difficult than was assumed, Maleny had taken all measures so that Hope never forget who her mother was. The necklace had been a gift from her, and every chance she got she made sure to show the picture of Hayley to Hope.
After a while, Hope looked up from the locket and squealed as she reached for Maleny's golden necklace. Maleny laughed and picked her up, "Excuse you, young lady, I had this one," she pointed to Hope's locket, "bought for you so you could leave mine alone."
Hope paid no more attention as she gripped Maleny's necklace. She babbled to herself instead.
Maleny sighed and looked up at Freya, "Kids…"
Freya knew the word meant millions for the blonde, and especially now considering that Nicolas had made no such appearance nor contact. While Maleny tried to keep strong and simply wait, it was getting more difficult. To say, even Klaus often found himself impatient and broody over the subject. Their patience was slimming and Freya wondered when the couple would reach their breaking point and go in search for Nicolas themselves.
"So, where exactly are you headed?" Freya then asked as an attempt to disway any bad feelings. "If I'm correct Klaus' artwork doesn't open to the public until tomorrow night."
"He says he wants to give me a private tour," Maleny smiled deviously, instantly making Freya raise a hand and stop her.
"Spare me the details or I jump out," she warned. Maleny laughed at the antics but didn't continue.
Elijah walked in at that moment and smiled at the sight of his niece, probably the only thing that managed to make him smile nowadays.
Maleny smiled at him, "You wanted to hold her?"
"No, no, um…" Elijah seemed restless, unable to decide what it was he wanted. In another time, it would have surprised Maleny, but knowing what had happened between him and Cami, it had become a rather usual thing for him.
Freya exchanged a look with Maleny, and partly to help her brother, she offered a distraction, "Were you coming in to make plans for tomorrow? It's the full moon and I assume you want me to go with you?"
"I'd offer myself but…" Maleny made a face, "...I don't think Hayley's quite ready to see me yet. I bet she's still pissed - and with great motives."
Elijah didn't exactly want to agree with her and make her feel worse, so he simply waved a hand and said back, "I thought tomorrow I could just take Hope myself. Give you a night off," he looked at Freya.
"Are you sure you don't deserve a night off?" Freya challenged, "Perhaps several days off...or a week…?"
Elijah looked to the side, aggravated the same thing was being offered to him - take a break from the Quarter. "No, I'm fine, thank you," and with that, he left the room.
Freya shook her head and walked to the couch, plopping down, "Poor brother, he's suffering a lot."
"Yeah, well, he's not the only one," Maleny reminded.
"But it's her fault, you know," Freya shrugged.
"No, it's not. Cami's angry too, and she's hurt. It's gonna be some time before either can move on from what happened."
"If you ask me, I think Cami's doing a lot better than Elijah," Freya gave the blonde a hard look, more inclined to defend her brother. "She's taken the reigns of the city and hasn't remotely directed a word to Elijah, me, or even Klaus. It's like she's trying to forget we exist and frankly I find that rude."
Maleny playfully rolled her eyes, "Oh, Freya, if you knew the Cami I knew, you would see she's barely keeping herself from falling apart."
~ 0 ~
The following morning, the newest leader of the Quarter had gotten up early to train with Marcel at St. Ann's church. The place had been remodeled into a training gym for anyone interested no matter vampire, wolf, witch, human, etc. At the center of the place stood a large cage made of chain-link fence (and reinforced with steel for those tougher visitors). This was where Cami and Marcel currently were, sparring with each other. Marcel was having quite a surprise as Cami nearly managed to get him from one angle. She ultimately pinned him to the fence.
"How's that?" she grinned ecstatically.
Marcel arched an eyebrow, using Cami's momentary distraction to turn the tables over and pin her to the wall. "Now I told you, don't get cocky," he laughed and released the blonde from his neck hold.
Cami rolled her eyes but smiled anyways, "My bad."
"But you are getting far better," Marcel praised sincerely after a minute, "You've improved over these months and I'm proud of you. You'd be quite the challenge in a real fight."
Cami light heartedly nodded her thanks. Although she hadn't explicitly told Marcel the reason for her endeavoring to train harder, he had already made the assumption it was to make sure no one would ever so easily snap her neck anymore - no one would ever break her again.
"Although," Marcel's voice pulled Cami from her thoughts, "if you do get into a fight, you'd have a hell of a backup with the guys," he nodded over to the other vampires working out in the room.
Cami rolled her eyes, "They're not an army. And I wish you'd stop calling them that," she laughed, "One of these days they'll take it seriously."
"C'mon, just a little joke between a previous city holder to the new one," Marcel nudged her, both sharing another laugh.
"You could have been with me, both of us looking after the Quarter," Cami sobered up and warmly looked at her friend, "And the offer still stands, you know. I don't know much about politics and you definitely know how to keep things in order."
Marcel shook his head, patting Cami on the arm. "It's better this way. If I were to take back the Quarter, sooner or later Klaus would endeavor to take the crown again. There's just too much tension boiling. At least with you, we know Klaus wouldn't, and couldn't, hurt you even if he wanted to."
Cami chuckled lightly, shaking her head disappointingly. She had kept her words to Amarrah and done what she could to help more people out. After officially quitting school, she kept the long-ago promise she made Elijah and took her place at the factions meetings. Although it was tough to convince the other faction leaders, which now also included Davina (being Regent of the witch covens), agreed to let her lead the city in a peaceful manner, both for humans and vampires. Because of her, the Quarter had had many months of peace.
That wasn't to say she had much peace, however.
"Cami?" Amarrah called as soon as she and Vincent came into the place. Cami nodded and walked out of the fighting ring, along with Marcel, and headed to the two mortals. "We have a problem," Amarrah announced while Vincent pulled out his cellphone. "Last night there was a murder and we're pretty sure it was a vampire."
"Or vampires," Vincent made sure to add in. He handed the phone now showing the pictures of victim, which Cami took and began to swipe through as she and Marcel studied the injuries.
"Gnarly stuff," Marcel sighed, already beginning to assume who could have done the murder.
"Yeah, the guy was torn apart," Amarrah shook her head, "I mean, there are no obvious puncture wounds, but whoever did that had to be a vampire. And nobody heard any screams, so he had to have been compelled to just stand there and suffer."
"Since when are you into this stuff?" Cami raised an eyebrow, curiously looking between the two.
"I'm a Detective, remember?" Amarrah laughed, "They were looking for you but got me instead."
Marcel stuck to the subject more seriously and handed back the phone to Vincent, " You think this was us? The guys know better than to leave a body in the streets."
Vincent didn't seem to buy it as he gestured to the other vampires in the room, "How well do you know your guys?"
"It doesn't make sense for us to leave dead bodies on the streets," Cami cut in, "That would eventually get into the headlines which would make tourism drop. We don't mess with our food supply, Vincent."
"Maybe someone new lost control?" Amarrah offered an alternative that could very well be plausible.
"Maybe you guys should consider that our guys aren't the only vampires in town."
Amarrah then frowned, even Cami understanding the implication, "You don't think this was work from the Mikaelsons?"
"They're a hot mess whether they want to admit it or not," Marcel put his hands in a neutral manner, "Klaus has 'patiently' been waiting for the arrival of his long lost son who still hasn't even made contacts. And Elijah…" Marcel cast a sideways glance to the blonde vampire beside him, who was already shifting awkwardly, "...kinda had trouble of his own," he left it at that out of consideration for Cami. "Pick one."
"They wouldn't," Amarrah declared, far more sure than the other three with them. Frankly, she was surprised Cami could believe that.
"Listen, I know you all like to think Maleny can control Klaus but the truth is sooner or later he'll cut loose because that's just who he is," Marcel shrugged, not sorry to say the utter truth - at least his view on it anyways. "This is some wicked fairy tale you all like to think, but if you want a real suspect go to the compound."
As Marcel turned to leave, Amarrah mumbled a couple words to Vincent and he walked out as well. Afterwards, Amarrah sharply looked at Cami, seriously asking, "You don't actually think Elijah could do this right?"
Shifting to her side, Cami quietly answered, "I don't know."
The answer didn't seem to please Amarrah, in fact it almost made her angry. "You're not gonna let these feelings cloud your mind are you? It wouldn't be fair."
"Oh none of this is fair," Cami waved a hand at the witch, "I'm only saying that maybe, for a moment, one of them lost control. I'm not accusing them, it's just an idea."
"You're such a liar," Amarrah rolled her eyes, "I'll let you know what else I come up with Vincent. And don't worry, I won't tell Mal any of this nonsense you and Marcel just uttered."
Cami playfully rolled her eyes and waved goodbye to the French witch, choosing to forget the moment they had just passed through. That was what she tended to do nowadays anyways when it came to the Mikaelsons - forget and move on.
~ 0 ~
"Oooh, I like your dress, Miss Mikaelson," Maleny laughed as Freya quickly looked down to her going-out dress as if she'd forgotten what she'd put on.
The two blondes were in the courtyard, Maleny coming down from the stairs, while Freya looked into her bag for her last things before going out.
"You clean up nice yourself, Miss Rowan," Freya winked.
"I don't know, is this what you wear to an art exhibit?" Maleny chuckled sheepishly as she looked down at herself, truthfully unsure. She had opted for a tight dark blue dress that reached above her knees with an open black jacket over it.
"Don't know, but it goes great at a party," Freya nudged her with a smirk, "You said you'd come with me the next time I went to one."
"Ooh, I did say that, huh?" Maleny made a face, clearly remembering the promise she made to Freya after having to decline the same type of offer in favor of a dinner with Cami and Amarrah.
"Get away from my date, Freya," Klaus warned as he approached the two blondes from the downstairs corridors. "She's already said 'yes' to me a long while ago."
"Also true," Maleny pointed to him in thought, "Oh dear…"
"Lighten up," Freya momentarily frowned, "She can come to my party first and then go to your exhibit."
"Or," Klaus gave her a smirk, as they probably assumed what he would say next, "she could go to the exhibit...and stay there."
"She said yes to me before she said 'yes' to you!"
"Okay then," Maleny cut in between the two siblings, holding her arms out to keep the two from continuing arguing, "How about I go to Freya first, party a little, and then I meet you at your exhibit and stay there for as long as you like?"
"Maleny," Klaus tilted his head, his tone implying he wasn't quite agreeing with her.
Maleny turned to Klaus, languidly draping her arms over his shoulders, "Oh c'mon, your sister doesn't know the city as much as I do. I'm there, one hour, two hours and then I switch venues...where I will be all yours."
"Oh, brother," Freya muttered under her breath, almost gagging at the sight.
"Using your charms will one day fail you," Klaus warned her while pushing back a strand of her hair.
"I doubt it," Maleny cheekily grinned, "I learned it from the Mikaelsons - among other things."
"You're almost one of us," Freya spoke up behind them, over her gagging moment and now smiling at the two. "You know...except for that big 'Rowan' at the end of your name."
Maleny blushed and removed one hand from Klaus to stand sideways and glance at Freya, "Well, it is my name," she said quietly, twiddling with one of her blonde curls, blushing fiercer as she felt Freya smirking wider at her.
"You could always change it," Klaus casually said, misunderstanding the implication his sister was trying to give him.
Maleny let her curl drop and lightly sighed, "I guess…" her tone went slightly sour, and disappointed. It's not that she expected something grand for her to truly become a Mikaelson, but she did want a little something more than just 'you could always change it'. Feeling a little more disappointed suddenly, she looked at the two siblings, "I forgot my purse upstairs."
Freya watched the blonde take her sudden leave with almost a sense of amusement. She waited until Maleny was completely gone before teasing her younger brother. "For a man that's lived a thousand years, you sure are clueless."
Klaus arched an eyebrow at the woman, displeased at the insult, "Come again? What, pray tell, have I apparently done this time?"
Freya laughed and stepped towards him, "You really didn't see how disillusioned Mal was after you so poorly suggested she just 'change her name' like it was a piece of paper."
"But...it is," Klaus said slowly, still not understanding the problem, "In fact, with us, it's only a matter of changing how you introduce yourself. There's no need for legal matters."
Freya rolled her eyes, wondering if this was what it was to have brothers. Were they supposed to be clueless? Well, she already had to tend to a clueless Elijah who would simply not admit his true feelings for, and directly to, Cami. And now she had to deal with Klaus, who so stupidly did not see what it was Maleny actually wanted. She supposed with Klaus, it was a little easier considering the two were actually together and in full knowledge of what they felt for each other. It was just pointing out the delicate details that needed to be resolved.
"Let me ask you some simple questions, alright?" she began calmly, "Have you ever pictured anything else for you and Maleny?"
Although Klaus couldn't see what she was trying to get at, he went along with her questions. "'Anything else'," he mimicked her tone, "was simply a child," he smirked triumphantly, "And as we all know, that's been resolved."
Freya upheld her calm look despite it looking like she was losing. "And...beyond that?"
"What else is there, Freya?"
"How about the 'forever' part? The part where Maleny is turned so the 'always and forever' can actually be 'always and forever'?"
The question immediately put Klaus in a mood, "That is none of your business," he declared and made to leave...but Freya wasn't having it.
"So that's your plan, then? Ignore the inevitable truth until Maleny has aged and is no longer that youthful blonde you're so used to?" Klaus stopped walking, but kept his back to her. "Maleny is mortal again, brother, and by nature's law she will age," Freya continued, "Do you intend to leave her like that? Bury her down at the graveya—"
"ENOUGH!" Klaus boomed and turned back for his sister, stalking up to her, "You will desist in any of that sort of talk...especially when Maleny is around."
Freya sighed, completely unalarmed despite having provoked a great rage in her brother. "Don't be upset because I'm calling in the truth. And that was all just to make a point."
"I'm not interested in your point," Klaus scoffed.
"My point was trying to get you to see how disappointed Mal was when you so poorly told her to just change names because she expected more."
"Oh my God," Freya had a small laugh to herself, "Do I have to go buy the ring myself and ask her to marry me instead?" The realization struck Klaus, and hard, and for a minute he was left frozen in his place. Freya laughed again, patting his shoulder, "There we go, brother. Ponder on that, will you?" she looked past him to the stairs, where Maleny was quietly making her way down. "Looks like my date's here—Mal!"
"I'm ready," Maleny assured as Freya walked towards her. "Klaus, I'll be there in about an hour and a half," she called to the hybrid, but he simply waved a hand at her while still overthinking on Freya's "point". Maleny gave him an odd look as Freya led her out, "What's gotten into him?"
Freya snickered, "Some words."
~ 0 ~
Cami walked into her place and flicked the lights on, sighing at the large mess of boxes she still had lying around, but soon got over it upon seeing Amarrah inside. "Uh...hello!?" Cami blinked, shutting the door behind her.
"Hello," Amarrah was sitting on the couch looking through a police file of the same victim she had come to Cami for information on. She looked up with a cheery smile, "I sent Vincent home, thought you could help me better instead. You want a drink?" she got up and walked for the kitchen.
Cami continued to cluelessly blink, remaining in place, "Um...what exactly are you doing here?"
"Looking for more information on the murder case, clearly," Amarrah returned with two glasses of bourbon.
"Why, exactly, are you here?" Cami raised an eyebrow, blankly taking the drink from her once it was handed. "Not to be rude, but...why?"
"Because I thought we could work on it together," Amarrah shrugged and returned to her seat on the couch. She opened up another file and slid to the edge of the table, where Cami was. "I thought you could help me out on the vampire details."
Cami sighed and finally walked over, picking up a paper and skimming it, "I don't know what I can do, Ams. You're the Detective, here."
"Yes, and you're the vampire here. Do you see how we can make the perfect team?" Amarrah tilted her head, giving the blonde a look.
"Alright, fine," Cami put her glass down on the table, "but I still think it's worth asking Maleny about this."
"Absolutely not," Amarrah shook her head as she returned to her work, "I just don't think Klaus or Elijah did this. They've got no reason to do so."
"I still think you should at least talk to them," Cami persisted, leaning back on the couch, "At least give them a chance to tell you if they did it so you quit doing unnecessary work."
Amarrah sighed, finally relenting, "Alright, fine. We can go—"
"Oh n-n-n-n-n-n-no," Cami shook her head and began getting up from the couch, completely refusing the idea, "I am not going anywhere near that compound-"
Amarrah rolled her eyes, "We can ask Maleny and Klaus, they're probably at the art exhibit going on tonight. Plus, I know for a fact Elijah's in the bayou."
Cami narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms in suspicion, "How?"
"Because it's a full moon tonight," Amarrah sighed, thus relieving Cami, as well as also reminding them both of their guilt for still being unable to help Hayley and their closer wolf friends, Alton and Yamilet. "So," she pushed herself up to her feet, "Now you want to come with me?"
"Yes," Cami said, still acting like she was being asked far too much.
~ 0 ~
At St. James Infirmary, the setting for the art exhibit, Klaus had been impatiently waiting for Maleny to finally make an appearance. Two hours had passed and yet there was no sign of the blonde. However, he did get a rather surprising visit instead from an old "friend", Lucien Castle, whom he hadn't seen in over a thousand years. His impatience of Maleny subsided mildly after a couple of drinks with Lucien.
In the end, a blonde did make an appearance...along with a French dark-haired woman.
"Give me a moment," Klaus motioned to Lucien as he got up from their table and went to greet the two women, "To what do I owe this visit?" he smirked, "Mal's not here and I doubt Elijah will be making an appearance."
Cami deeply sighed in irritation, "I'm here on business," she snapped, "And I intend on making it short before you make another round of jokes like you commonly do."
Klaus rolled his eyes, "What do you want?"
Amarrah cleared her throat, "Someone tortured and killed a local. Left the body right out in the open. I think it was a vampire."
"Last time I heard vampire business was now your department," Klaus pointed to the blonde, "Don't bother me."
Cami was near losing her temper with him, "We need to know if it was you or Elijah that did it so Amarrah knows what to tell the cops."
The accusation was surprising but caused far more amusement to Klaus than anger, "You think I left a sloppy mess out in the street? You have confused me for a simpleton, clearly. And as for Elijah, don't bother. He rarely goes out nowadays."
"We're being serious, Klaus," Amarrah gave him a scolding look, "The victim was found like like a-"
But Klaus had lost interest in the conversation and turned to walk away from the two. The only reason he stopped midway was because of the familiar scent that had wafted in from the entrance. Maleny straightened herself up and walked further into the room, but was stopped as Amarrah and Cami passed by.
"You need to teach your boyfriend some manners," Cami snapped, making Maleny rapidly blink, barely able to process when Amarrah added something as well.
"Look, Mal, we really need you guys to look into the latest of murder victims," she pleaded, "I'll send you the file later."
"Wh-what?" Maleny uttered after the two women had left. Slowly, she continued walking and met Klaus with a questioning, yet not completely 'there' look, "Do I want to know?"
"No," Klaus shook his head, quickly instigating her to smile. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, he smelt traces of alcohol on her. "Why exactly were you late?"
The grin on Maleny's face widened as she giggled, "I may have...tried some drinks…" she tilted her head to the side, catching view behind him. "Why exactly is that guy looking at me like I'm his next course meal?"
Klaus glanced over his shoulder, following Maleny's gaze to Lucien who was sitting and smirking their way. "Dinner, snack…" he even said to joke, "...appetizer?"
"Klaus," Maleny said, rather shaken up at the man's bluntness.
"He's merely joking, love," Klaus started leading her towards the table, "Although you probably would feel less scared if you hadn't had too much to drink."
"It was a party, what did you think was gonna happen?" Maleny rolled her eyes, "I was being a good friend to Freya who didn't want to drink alone. And don't start with me. Who's your friend?"
"Old acquaintance. Nothing more," Klaus said quietly, a hint of reluctance in his tone that Maleny didn't pick up on.
"Old acquaintance?"" Lucien frowned, feigning offence, "You wound me!"
They came to a stop at the table where Lucien had already gotten up to greet the blonde. She stared him up and down for a minute, "You're kinda cute," she remarked, earning quite a response from both men.
"Ooh, I definitely like your friend, Nik," Lucien laughed while Klaus tried not kill him there and then.
"She's not my 'friend'-" Klaus began when Lucien cut him off.
"Even better," he made one step closer to Maleny but Klaus immediately blocked the way with himself.
"She's not my 'friend', she's mine," Klaus finished with an air of triumph.
Maleny tapped his shoulder, making him look back, "I'm not property you know," she said calmly, the amount of drinks clouding her real emotions. "I do have thoughts and feelings."
"Yes, and at the moment I fear they aren't at their best," Klaus gently motioned her to come forwards.
"They are," Maleny insisted and took a deep breath and started over again. "What was your name again?" she asked Lucien.
"Lucien Castle," the old vampire took her hand and kissed it.
The blonde smiled at him warmly, and as she looked at him she began getting brief flashes of...a hallway?
...My lady, why are you crying?…
…No reason, simple...family issues…
...Absolutely no one should make you shed tears...
Maleny crinkled her nose as a familiar painful jab took over the side of her head. "Oh," she came back with a gasp. She had been sat down at the table, and had both men attending to her as if she were dying. "I'm sorry," she mumbled, still feeling rather hazed, "I don't know what happened…"
"I do, you had too much drink," Klaus frowned, already thinking of berating Freya when he saw her again.
Maleny briefly looked at him for the comment and instead focused on what she had saw and heard in her mind. She knew exactly what they were, or at least what had seemed to happen. She would never forget that type of head pain. It was a memory that had tried to resurface. The scenery was completely new to her, as well as her new persona. Things went by so fast she couldn't understand it. She supposed now that it had tried to come back, it probably would be making another attempt soon. The only thing that concerned her was if it was normal for the pain to still come with them, as this was her original body, her own mind.
"Mal," Klaus' voice brought her back to the present. He was holding her hand, trying to see if she was in yet another trance. "Mal, are you alright?"
Maleny kindly smiled, "I'm always alright. Whatever it was, it passed. However, I do think I should see what had Amarrah and Cami so concerned. It seems like you already found yourself a drinking buddy…" she glanced at Lucien, "...and I definitely wouldn't want to crash a guy's night, so maybe it's best I take my leave."
"By all means, do stay if you'd like," Lucien smirked at her.
"Lucien!" Klaus snapped, making the other vampire raise his hands in a non-threatening way.
"I was being polite!"
Maleny chuckled and got up with ease, "So it's settled. Although," she walked up to Lucien, "You seem like the typical rich vampire guy that knows how to have fun…"
Lucien nodded with great pride, "Well…"
Maleny suddenly turned serious, "Keep your little girlfriends off him," she pointed back to Klaus, "or I will personally drive a stake right through this heart," she tapped Lucien's chest with a wide, sarcastic smile, "Got it?"
"Very feisty for an apparent mortal," Lucien remarked in amusement.
"I look out for what's mine," Maleny calmly declared and stepped back to where Klaus was, now addressing him, "And if you let those hands get on you, I'll kill you. And when you come back, I'll kill you again."
"Understood," Klaus smirked at her, "Ma'am."
Maleny rolled her eyes, "Oh, shut up," she grabbed her purse from the table and walked off.
"Where'd you pick that one up?" Lucien curiously asked as the two watched the blonde leave, "She's certainly no where near like the psychopath you had during our time."
The reminder provoked a tensed silence to break between the two men. In all the centuries, Klaus hadn't once thought about the redhead and he wasn't going to have any details of that time be told near Maleny. However, now that Maleny was gone, his curiosity was able to get the best of him.
"Have you spoken to her?" he quietly asked Lucien.
A grim, distasteful look spread over Lucien's face, "Aurora and I parted ways centuries ago - thankfully. You know I never had desire to see her after what she did to Cecilia."
"Yes," Klaus nodded, recalling the event that had occurred right before his family was forced to run from Mikael again. "The tragedy…"
"It wasn't a tragedy!" Lucien snapped and turned on him, suddenly angry, "It was murder. Aurora killed her out of spite, and ruined—"
"Lucien!" Klaus raised his voice, stopping the vampire midway in his passionate fury, "It's done," Klaus said quietly, not as indifferent as he might have been had he not discovered Maleny had also gone through similar cases.
Still heavily feeling, Lucien snatched his drink from the table and headed for the bar for more, grumbling under his breath.
1002 A.D. France.
Keeping his promise that would save his life, the servant Lucien had introduced the Mikaelson siblings to his master, the Count de Martel, under the name of the real family he had been sent for (but had been killed in a feeding spree by the vampires). He hadn't been sure how the event would go down, for the Count was smart and would be suspicious of the children of the Count de Guise whom had never been mentioned. Thankfully, with his instructions, the Mikaelsons had successfully charmed the Count de Martel and were now taking joy of the party the castle was holding.
Now, as his status only allowed, Lucien stood at the side of the room simply looking at the ongoing celebration when Klaus approached him.
"You've proven to be an immense help," he remarked to the servant, meaning it to be as close to a 'thank you' as it could get.
"Oh. Of course, my lord," Lucien replied, rather bashfully.
"Though, I must say, you don't seem at all disturbed about leading us into your master's home."
Lucien sighed and glanced at Count de Martel, "My master is a cruel drunkard who torments his minions for sport. Beggars who seek supper. Vassals who cannot pay a debt... like my own father."
Klaus nodded with understanding, "Ah," following the glare sent to the Count.
Lucien continued with sudden anger, "All these gentile folk, behind their silks and their jewels, are slavers. Killers. Whatever evil you are, you walk among greater evil still. What do I care if you kill the lot of them?"
But then laughter carried over, grabbing both of the men's attention. It belonged to a dark-haired woman who had taken to a rather odd dance with another young man. And it was as if Lucien had never been angry in the first place.
"Who is that?" Klaus asked, curiously.
"The Count's niece - Lady Cecilia," Lucien replied, never taking his eyes off the dark-haired woman, "Her parents passed away years ago and the Count took her under his protection with his children."
"Children?" Klaus repeated, now more interested in the story.
Lucien nodded and gestured to the incoming young man and woman on the other side of the room. "The Count's children- the Lord Tristan and the Lady Aurora."
Klaus suddenly became more interested in the bright redhead Aurora, "She is exquisite."
"Ah, yes," Lucien agreed carelessly, "Um, as her brother is wicked, might I suggest that you avoid them completely?"
Klaus followed the steps the redhead took, "But would she really be a threat, even to one like me?"
"She is an intelligent one, do not doubt it," Lucien warned, but it went over Klaus' head as he became more entranced by the strange woman.
At a club heavily packed with all sorts of people, Freya was dancing with some new women she had met after Maleny left. She had to stop dancing, however, after her cellphone went off. She covered one ear to listen to Elijah on the other line.
"Did I misinterpret the kind of exhibition you're attending?" Elijah asked, sounding bemused by the loud music he could hear in the background.
"I switched venues!" Freya chuckled.
"Forgive me for cutting into your free night, Freya, but I am in desperate need of help," Elijah said, sounding equally frantic which made Freya rush to the outsides where she would be able to hear better.
"What's wrong, Elijah?" Freya asked, concerned.
"There are hunters in the bayou and I fear Hayley has fallen into one of their traps…"
Freya's eyes widened, "Oh, dear…"
"I need to search the bayou but I cannot do it on my own. Plus, someone needs to look after Hope."
Freya nodded in understanding, suddenly getting an idea of just who could help him scour the bayou for missing wolves. "Okay, I'll be there - I have an idea."
~ 0 ~
The art show was over, and while the people had left, Klaus and Lucien remained inside, both still drinking yet Lucien still in a foul mood from the earlier reminder. Frankly over it, and partially wanting to get back to Maleny and see how she was doing, Klaus approached Lucien and got straight to the point.
"Lucien- what are you really doing in my city?"
Lucien sighed and turned to him, "News has spread, old friend. Every vampire in the world knows you've been attacked. A number of times, nearly killed."
Klaus rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore the matter, "Oh, well, I can assure you that all those who stood against me ended up either desiccated, dust, or dinner."
Lucien lightly laughed, though still seemed unusually nervous, "Yes, but... what if it had gone the other way, hmm? When Finn was killed, we all learned the truth- the life of every vampire is linked back to the Original who begat the line. Kol's death confirmed it. Two entire lines of vampires wiped out! As you can imagine, the threat level doesn't sit well with those of us who remain."
"Anyone fearing death as a result of my demise should come see me!" Klaus sarcastically smiled, "I'll be happy to reassure them."
"Of course. You and your siblings are mighty, indeed. Though, the attacks on you show that you are not completely invulnerable," Lucien continued, "While you've wallowed in your family affairs, your progeny have grown somewhat... restless. The world is a finite place, territory limited. And even ancient vampires are not above vicious turf-wars. What if I told you there's a growing conflict between the remaining three sirelines? Suppose one of them wanted to annihilate the other? By killing Elijah? Rebekah? You?"
Although the idea was rather unsettling, Klaus easily hid it, "So, you came all this way to deliver a warning?"
"Think about it! Kill an Original, wipe out an entire line of competition! A tempting goal, made more so by the fact that your family isn't so intact with each other."
"My family is hardly weak!" Klaus snapped, coming closer to Lucien so that they were face-to-face. "In fact, we are unkillable- the last of the white oak is gone."
Lucien narrowed his eyes skeptically, "Are you so certain it's all gone? Every last splinter of it? Vanished for good?"
Klaus responded by grabbing him from the back of the neck, harshly squeezing it, "Lucien, if you had even the slightest inkling any fragment of white oak still existed, of course you would tell me."
"Easy, Nik," Lucien cleared his throat as he removed Klaus' hand from his neck. "You are my sire. My fate is linked to yours," he reminded the crucial detail, "If you want to know what I do about the dangers you now face, trust me enough to come with me. There is something that you must see."
"I have other places to be at," Klaus stepped back from him, highly suspicious.
"I assure you want to see this," Lucien insisted, motioning to Klaus for them to leave. "It spells your family's ending, and I think that little blonde of yours wouldn't be so happy."
Klaus sighed, once again caving to something that, one way or another, led back to Maleny.
~ 0 ~
Out in the bayou, Elijah was impatiently sitting at the front porch of the cabin with Hope in her stroller, the setting being meant to have been a Crescent wolf reunion due to the full moon. However now it was going to be a life saving night, or at least trying to find Hayley. Suddenly, Freya appeared a couple feet away from him and Hope...but she was not alone.
"Camille," Elijah breathed in as he rose to his feet, awed to have Cami so close after so many months.
Cami looked to the side, clearly uncomfortable being there. "Freya said there were wolf traps out here and you can't find Hayley?"
"Yes," Elijah nodded.
"I'm here for her, Alton and Yamilet," Cami clarified, watching Freya walk to the stroller. "Otherwise, Freya would have had to poison me to get me here. Shall we get going?" she gestured to the trees behind her.
Elijah nodded silently, and soon the two sped off to begin their hunting tasks. Freya sat down on the steps and turned Hope's stroller so that she could see the baby.
"Hello, sweetie," she smiled softly at the almost asleep toddler. "You'll have to excuse your Auntie Freya, I've had a few big-girl drinks tonight."
Hope stretched her small arms over her head as her eyes slowly closed, falling asleep there and then. Freya sighed and looked out to the dark bayou, hoping that all turned out well for the missing Crescent wolves.
~ 0 ~
Amarrah walked into the lonely Mikaelson compound where after shouting for Maleny a couple of times in the courtyard, she was promptly scolded by the blonde witch.
"There is no need to shout," Maleny appeared from one of the downstairs room, holding a cup of coffee in hand.
"You look plain awful," Amarrah declared after a minute and Maleny came to sit down at the couch.
"And it's not from the special drinks I tried tonight, I promise," Maleny sighed and leaned back on the couch, rubbing her temple. "What's wrong, Ams? And where's Cami?"
"Oh, Freya stopped by and said Elijah needed her help in the bayou," Amarrah decided to cut the explanation short.
Maleny raised an eyebrow, looking surprised, "And Cami just said 'yes'?"
"It was urgent," Amarrah coughed awkwardly, hoping Maleny would leave the subject alone.
"Well, did you need something?" Maleny, thankfully, moved on. "I know Klaus was a bit rude to you guys earlier. What exactly were you talking about with him?"
"There's murder case going on and I'm pretty sure it was from a vampire. The guy was compelled not to scream or call for help. He was left hanging like a puppet on strings with his face cut."
"That's awful," Maleny scowled at the idea, "but why come to Klaus? He's not exactly in charge anymore."
"We just wanted to know if he or Elijah had cut loose or something and..." Amarrah motioned what the others has suspected.
"What!?" Maleny leaned forwards, looking indignant of the accusation. "You think Klaus or Elijah did that? Why the hell would they leave the guy out for everyone to see? Plus," she shook her head, "they wouldn't do that. Elijah's refined, sophisticated, it's not like him to be so messy. He barely leaves the place anymore, anyways. And I know Klaus wouldn't do that either. It's not exactly his forte to leave his victims like a doll. It's not them, Ams."
Amarrah sighed, but before she could say she agreed, her phone rang. She pulled it out from her bag and saw it was from the Detective and answered. "Hello?"
"Hey, it's Kinney. Wanted to let you know you were right."
Amarrah gulped, "Oh...really?"
"It happened again. So, if you're not busy, I could use your brain."
"Yeah, of course," Amarrah nodded and hung up. Maleny was staring at her, expecting an explanation. Amarrah thought for a minute and decided she should see for herself what was happening. "Can you come with me somewhere?"
"Just as long as there's no more alcohol," Maleny sipped one last time from her coffee cup and got up, straightening her blouse. After getting home she had changed into more comfortable lounge clothes, consisting of a simple blue blouse with dark jeans and boots.
"I promise you there will be none of that," Amarrah mumbled and grabbed Maleny by the arm to lead her away.
~ 0 ~
Cami and Elijah came to a stop in a small clearing in the woods after seeing a steel-jawed animal trap meant for the wolves. Heavily annoyed, Elijah walked for it and began to break it apart as loudly as possible to get the responsible hunters out into the open. After a few seconds, he heard the clicking of a gun behind.
"What the hell are you doing?" the hunter demanded.
Cami and Elijah exchanged a look before Elijah stepped forwards,feigning innocence, "Oh my goodness, where are my manners? Permit me to explain-"
But he quickly sped up to the hunter and snatched his gun before throwing him to the ground.
"Elijah!" Cami turned just as a second hunter appeared.
Elijah used the gun from the first hunter and threw it at the second like it were a javelin, causing the barrel of the gun to impale the chest. Afterwards, he took the first hunter, who'd been trying to crawl away, by the back of the shirt and put him down to the ground.
"Lesson one of the hunt: Lay the bait," he slammed the hunter's foot into another of the traps, making it clamp down on the ankle.
Elijah remained unfazed and merely stepped back, adjusting the cuffs of his shirt. Cami, who'd been only standing so far, roughly swallowed down as Elijah met her stare. She felt a chill run down her back as he stepped towards her. She would never admit it to anyone else, and after admitting it to herself she would try and push the thought away, but she felt so attracted to him at that moment.
The only thing that broke her from her embarrassing thoughts were the three laser sights pointing at Elijah.
Cami whirled around to the direction from which they were coming from. "Lesson two," she mumbled and sped off, leaving Elijah to follow.
It didn't take long for them to corner the remaining hunter in another part of the woods. Being closer, Cami grabbed the man by the neck and raised him, angrily glaring.
"You're gonna give me the precise location of every last one of those stupid traps," she warned him, "And we also want the routes used by any of your other men."
"I-I don't know-" the man barely got to say when a different person, a woman, appeared out of nowhere and lunged for him.
Cami stumbled back from such force as the man was tackled out of her grip. The woman clawed and clawed until the man was dead. For a minute, Cami and Elijah could only stare as the man was marred to death. When it was all done, the woman rose to her feet, and with nothing on, she revealed she was a Crescent wolf.
"Yamilet…" Cami breathed in, both relieved and terrified of the woman's conditions.
"Good to see you, blondie," Yamilet greeted with her usual sourness. "I have a question and I expect to be answered with the utmost truth: Where. Is. Alton.?"
"We...we don't know," Elijah replied, currently looking to the side out of embarrassment and courtesy.
Yamilet wad too preoccupied with her missing boyfriend to care who saw her or who didn't. "There's traps set all over this place!" she gritted her teeth, more furious than ever, "If I don't find Alton rest assured this time I will come after all you Mikaelsons with all I have."
Cami cleared her throat and looked down, "We'll find him, we promise."
Yamilet rolled her eyes, no longer so trusting of them all. "Sure," she sneered, "Right after you break this curse, right? Spare me the crap and let me follow the scent of the remaining hunters, no?" she started picking at the hunters shirt, intending on using it as a makeshift dress until she found proper clothes.
Afterwards, she joined the hunting and followed the scent of the remaining hunters - who all died soon after - and came across a truck. Immediately, Yamilet felt her stomach churn as an awful smell penetrated the air.
Elijah went towards it, hesitating a minute to pull the tarp covering the back. But in the end, he chucked it back, and revealed at least half a dozen dead werewolves.
"Oh my God!" Cami exclaimed, horrified at the sight. She and Yamilet rushed towards it, but in the end only Yamilet dared to touch them.
Yamilet began hyperventilating at the idea that one of those wolves could be Alton. Her hands shook as she reached towards her companions, her eyes watering up.
"Alton? Alton!" she whisper-shouted as if someone would respond back.
Behind her, the feeling of overwhelm started washing over Cami and Elijah. Neither of them knew if Hayley was in there as well, and it just terrified them to their core that they were perhaps too late to help them.
Without taking notice, Cami inched closer to Elijah, close to tears herself. Elijah put an arm around her, bringing her to him, but both were too distraught to remember their situation.
~ 0 ~
Maleny was not one to feel comfortable around police crime scenes. She would never understand how Amarrah once decided to willingly do this for a living.
"Detective," Amarrah came up to the blonde man with Maleny coming in a couple seconds behind. "Oh, um, this is my friend," Amarrah gestured to the blonde witch, "She knows a thing or two about these odd cases."
"I do?" Maleny blinked, looking at Amarrah in confusion.
"Detective Will Kinney," the man shook her hand nonetheless.
"Maleny Rowan," she politely said back, feeling awkward in such a different setting. "So, Ams said you found another victim?"
"Unfortunately, yes," Kinney sighed, looking at Amarrah, "And in the same type of position as the first one."
Amarrah nodded and so Kinney began leading the way to where the victim was. "Of the same background as well?" Amarrah questioned curiously.
"Yes, high status," Kinney nodded, turning for another alleyway. This time the victim was just at the corner. It was another man, dressed in a rich suit, and was propped like a puppet.
As soon as Maleny saw it she became horrified. But no less than a second did she began to feel that annoying jab on the side of her head. For a minute, Maleny felt the world around her fade away as two voices in her head became prominent.
...this is sick torture, Tristan…
...as the son of the Count, I do punishments as I see fit….
...it is immoral, inhumane…
...yet you allowed far more immoral things to continue...
After Kinney had left, Amarrah finally took notice of the distant look on Maleny's face. Concerned, she gently shook Maleny by the arm. "Mal? Are you okay?" Maleny snapped out of it quickly but it still took her a moment to remember where she was. "Maleny, what is it?"
Maleny slowly laid eyes on the victim again, her horror and shock replaced by confusion, and...familiarity. "I think...I think I've seen this before," she whispered with nothing but utter dread.
~ 0 ~
Hayley was angrily screaming and pounding against an invisible barrier Davina Claire had trapped her in. It was beyond ridiculous, and infuriating, to be trapped by a witch on the only night she could see Hope.
Davina returned to the room completely at ease, holding clothes in her arms along with other supplies.
"Davina, let me out of here right now, or I swear I will kill you!" Hayley shouted at the teen but it was of no use.
"You can try," she sarcastically motioned, "Or, we can have a polite conversation."
Hayley was in no mood to 'converse', not tonight at least. "You magically kidnapped me on the one night that I can see my daughter. Do not talk to me about "polite!""
Beginning to grow frustrated, Davina rose her voice, "I drew you here to help you!"
"Amarrah and Maleny asked you months ago to help them break the curse, and you said no!"
Davina looked to the side, trying to hide her guilt, "The Regent of witches can't be seen doing favors for the Mikaelsons."
And though Maleny wasn't technically one, she was already branded as one of them. Since she their fallout of bringing Esther Mikaelson back to life, Davina didn't exactly want to do anything for Maleny and her...people. She was still upset with Maleny for having played that foul trick that cost her Kol's resurrection. But now the tables had turned, and she was in need of assistance...just not from Maleny this time.
"But, maybe we can help each other," she looked at Hayley sternly as she tossed a blood bag through the invisible barrier. Hayley threw her a dirty look but feeling the ravenous hunger inside, she dropped to her knees and started drinking from the bag. Look, I have access to the witch ancestors. I can channel the power of the one who created the spell that cursed you. You can be free, Hayley."
Hayley licked the blood that had gotten on her fingers, and slowly rose to her feet. " Under your terms, I'm guessing." Davina sighed, guiltily looking down, but Hayley saw an opportunity she wasn't going to waste. "Spill."
"There's a witch in the 9th Ward who hates that I'm Regent. She tried to kill me. If I retaliate, I'm starting a civil war, and I don't want to do that."
"Fine," Hayley said without a second thought. "Just tell me who you want dead."
~ 0 ~
After finding another wolf turned human - Jackson - who was injured due to a trap, Elijah had them all return to the cabin. It was there that Cami made her choice to leave, as there was the special hour coming up and she needed to be back in the city to oversee 'feeding time'.
"You can't go," Yamilet said, her no voice no longer sour. She was extremely shaken up by the sight of dead wolves, and the fact Alton was still no where in sight wasn't helping her. "You need to help me." She glanced back at Elijah who was tending to the injury on Jackson's leg. "They won't help me," she shook her head, knowing their main priority was going to be Hayley.
Cami could see that happening, since Jackson had no idea where Hayley was. "Okay," she considered, "then come back with me, and...we can get Ams to do a locator spell. If Alton's human and…"
Yamilet's eyes lowered, quietly finishing for Cami, "...alive."
Cami awkwardly cleared her throat, "Um, yeah. If so, then she'll be able to find him. Okay, so come back with me."
Yamilet nodded, glancing back at the other two men, "I'm going with her," she declared to them, "We have five hours until we turn back and I'm not going to waste it on some woman when my boyfriend's out there too."
"Agreed," Jackson got up, "I want Hayley - she's my wife."
"Then we split," Cami looked at Elijah, doing her best to remain rigid. "I have to get back to the other vampires."
"Thank you Camille," Elijah said honestly, "For your assistance."
Cami nodded and gently took Yamilet away with her.
~ 0 ~
"Are we actually doing this?" Maleny paced back and forth in Amarrah's living room while the French witch surfed through the internet and made notes of the murder cases.
"If you meant 'researching the possible murderer' then yes," Amarrah looked up from her laptop with a sly smile. "What's the big deal?"
Maleny stopped pacing to face Amarrah, biting her lip nervously. "You're kidding right? That's the guy that's apparently friends with Klaus. What am I going to tell him? 'Sorry, my friend thinks that your friend is on a killing spree'."
Amarrah rolled her eyes and returned to her work, "To be fair, Klaus doesn't exactly have nice, sane friends."
"Ams," Maleny sighed, plopping down on the couch chair, rubbing a hand over her face.
"Maleny," Amarrah took on a stern voice, "you said this guy, Lucien, just got here tonight - the same night the murders started. That's worth of suspicion. And Klaus doesn't have to know you told me."
Maleny shook her head, resting her arms on the sides as she thought back to those brief memory flashes. She may have been out of it in the beginning, but she was certain they started just when Lucien Castle returned...was that worth of suspicion?
"What do you know of the guy?" Amarrah asked, missing the thoughtful look on her friend's face.
"Hm?" Maleny's eyes flickered to the dark-haired woman, "Um, nothing really. Klaus just said he was a friend - acquaintance, actually."
"Hm," Amarrah mused as she clicked on a link that led to a video that seemed to be about a donation the man had made. "Well, your boyfriend's acquaintance seems to be some rich boy…"
"Yeah, kinda figured that out on my own," Maleny muttered, flushing when she recalled her imprudence during their first greet and meet.
"He's the CEO of some important company - Kingmaker Land Development," Amarrah continued and unplugged her earphones, pulling out the cable so that the rest of the video she was listening to played out loud for Maleny.
"Listen to the advice of your superiors, then do better! Study the weaknesses of those who outrank you and eliminate them from your own experience. Authority is meant to be challenged! Great achievers refuse to stand in shadows."
Amarrah then paused the video, giving Maleny an 'I told you so' look as the blonde grew concerned. "I need to go talk to the Detective," Amarrah got up and stuffed her laptop in her bag, "I won't tell him anything, maybe just...sidetrack them for a while until you get Klaus to do something about this new friend of his."
~ 0 ~
Freya had gone back to her club as soon as Elijah had returned for Hope. Even though she was still partially drunk, she was relatively surprised to find Cami entering the place. Upon seeing the blonde witch, Cami walked towards her.
"Didn't think you'd be back," Freya mused as she grabbed her drink from the counter.
"I went for my friends, I found one, and now I dropped her off in a place she can get the help I can no longer provide," Cami said sternly, and looked to the side.
"Mmm, just like that?" Freya arched an eyebrow before taking a full shot of her drink.
"Yes, just like that," Cami rolled her eyes and returned her gaze to Freya, "Now, I'm back for business here. It's almost midnight, Freya."
"Well, I'm not wearing glass slippers…" Freya began, but soon realized what Cami was trying to say and groaned, "Do you have to turn the best club in town into your personal blood bank?"
Cami lightly smiled at that, "I know, I used to hate it when I finally learned what really went on in this city. But this is how Marcel used to run things and I'm going to follow in his footsteps. It's how it works. We feed on tourists, compel them to forget, locals turn a blind eye. That's how NOLA works. So, unless you want to become an appetizer-"
Freya raised a hand, "Pass," she pretended to shiver and started on her way out. However, as she went by, she grabbed the hand of a young man and pulled him with her, "This one's coming with me!" she announced and the man went with her without a problem.
~ 0 ~
At the compound, Klaus had already returned from his...interesting...visit to Lucien's apartment, and after getting a notice from Elijah that Hayley was missing, he went straight to find Freya. Finding her no where, he opted for a phone call...of course there was no response.
"Freya, I'm aware that 21st century technology remains a mystery to you, but when you see my name pop up on your phone, you answer it," he left her the voicemail in grave annoyance, "Come home. Immediately."
As he hung up, he heard footsteps from the entrance and dramatically sighed when Maleny came in. "Well, and here I thought you would be resting and getting over your 'special drinks'."
Maleny rolled her eyes, "I did, and then Amarrah came over with the news of murders happening outside. Do you know, she's pretty sure your new friend, Lucien, is responsible for it."
Klaus scoffed, "Your friend isn't exactly the smartest—"
"Hey," Maleny scolded him and dropped her bag onto the couch, pulling her phone from her pocket, "she has evidence and it kinda fits."
"So this is what you did in the meantime I was out? Play detective?" Klaus mused, slightly amused as Maleny handed her phone for him to see.
"I know a thing or two about vampires if you haven't noticed," Maleny motioned him to take a look at the pictures Amarrah had sent to her phone earlier. "Amarrah thinks Lucien is torturing and killing humans in the Quarter. There have been two victims so far and," she sighed, "if you ask me, it's just creepy."
"Lucien would never be so sloppy," Klaus rolled his eyes before taking a look at the pictures of the victim.
Maleny arched an eyebrow, "Hm, seems like you know him a lot more than you've told me. For acquaintances, I mean…"
Klaus was too stunned of the photos to respond back, "There is a familiar method to this particular madness…" he said quietly, the face cutting making him slightly nervous.
"You need to make sure the latest victim is the last one," Maleny took back her phone, seeing the brief nervousness flash through his eyes.
Klaus replaced his nervousness with amusement. "Are you suggest I kill my oldest friend?"
"Ah, so he's a friend now," Maleny raised her eyebrows, feigning surprise. "Well, listen, the NOLA PD can't take down a thousand-year-old vampire murderer, but you can. You're the smartest, and the strongest, and the scariest."
"Are you trying to persuade me...or flirt?" Klaus chucked her cellphone to the couch, turning to her with a smirk as he pulled her towards him.
"I'm not kidding," Maleny sighed but suddenly took a sniff, "Um...you smell like perfume," she declared, tilting her head, "And it's not mine."
"I visited Lucien's new place and he had a party," Klaus began but Maleny pulled herself away from his embrace.
"Look, I know you let me threaten you because I can't actually do anything, but it is upsetting when you deliberately try to get women's hands on you," Maleny crossed her arms and looked to the side.
Klaus chuckled in amusement at the blonde. "I assure you nothing was deliberate," he took her hands and gently brought her back to him. She huffed and turned around, giving him her back. "Mal…"
"Don't 'Mal' me," the blonde muttered, "Go get your murderous friend to stop. Next thing we know, I could be the next victim."
Klaus slid his arms around her waist, both amused yet still serious enough to assure her, "If anyone would even consider that, they wouldn't live to see the morning."
Maleny turned her head to meet his look, pleased to hear his response. "Nice to know I'm cared for here."
"Always, my love," Klaus pressed a kiss to her lips, relaxing when Maleny returned the kiss. Although he was basically suspecting of Lucien himself now, he didn't want Maleny anywhere near Lucien, nor researching information on the man. The last thing he wanted was for Maleny to learn of the part of his past Klaus didn't think she was ready to hear, nor one he was ready to tell.
~ 0 ~
Amarrah and Yamilet, who was now properly changed into Amarrah's borrowed clothes, walked down the street in a heavy rush. After Cami had brought Yamilet to Amarrah's, the French witch performed the locator spell on Alton and found a peculiar result across the Quarter. They didn't know if Alton was trying to get to them, or perhaps was lost, or thinking that Yamilet herself had been killed in one of the wolf traps, but they had to get there. Unfortunately, they stumbled across a new crime scene.
"What is going on in this place?" Yamilet muttered to the witch beside her, having been told by Cami of the two earlier murders. "Wasn't Cami supposed to be taking care of the Quarter now?"
"This isn't her fault," Amarrah shushed her as she saw Detective Kinney making way for them.
"Who's that?" Yamilet eyed the blonde man with mild appreciation.
"You have a boyfriend," Amarrah hissed. She didn't exactly want to run into Kinney at the moment seeing her laptop with all her notes on the case had mysteriously gone missing after seeing him last time. She didn't understand how it could have gotten away from her, but it had and she felt overly irresponsible because of it.
"Amarrah?" Kinney came up to the two women wearing a polite smile, "Miss," he nodded to Yamilet.
"Look, I know I'm supposed to be helping," Amarrah sighed, glancing at Yamilet, "but my friend really needs me right now."
"Actually, Ams," Yamilet looked between the two, getting the feeling the man was staring at them a little too suspiciously, "I can go get Alton on my own."
"What?" Amarrah blinked, "But we need to go together. I want to help you-"
"And you have," Yamilet assured with a small smile, "But, um, there's only a couple of hours left until, I, um…" she made a clawing motion to remind of the full moon passing, "...so maybe it's best I start heading out on my own."
Amarrah sighed, "Okay, but be careful. And I will find a way to...help...both of you."
Yamilet nodded, "Good," she meant to so sound authoritative and chuckled, giving the French witch a hug before leaving.
Amarrah watched her go feeling mildly guilty before facing Kinney. "So, what exactly do I do this time?"
Kinney glanced over his shoulder in the way Yamilet walked off in, and responded with a different topic. "You know, I've seen you in town before...with the two blondes - Camille O'Connell and Maleny Rowan. Thing is, the O'Connells have an unusual history with strange deaths, unexplained behavior, grave-robberies, be-headings, missing persons, police reports with entire sections blacked out. Now she's acting like she's the boss…"
By the time Kinney finished, Amarrah was stunned that he had all that knowledge about her good friend.
"And then your other friend," Kinney chuckled a little, "-the irony- has no background whatsoever. No history in the Quarter - she just popped out of nowhere. Only detail available, and only because we can see, is the fact she's with the mysterious philanthropist-slash-artist Klaus Mikaelson. And then you, you just...came out of no where, much like Miss Rowan. Highly praised Detective coming in yet doing no such thing to get herself on the force here as well…?"
Amarrah gaped with an open mouth, "Um, so...what is this? Some sort of accusation I make weird friends and don't work on what I studied to be?"
"No, I just think you three women are a lot more than you're giving off to the public. There's something you're hiding, and I'll figure it out."
"O-okay," Amarrah blinked, still quite out of it after all she heard. She watched the man walk away from her and became nervous. She worried that the man could get himself into trouble over a simple curiosity.
~ 0 ~
Much later, Freya returned to the compound with her new friend she had picked up from the club. It didn't take much to get to the making out part in the courtyard. Of course, Freya didn't count on her brother to come in and interrupt.
"Freya!" Klaus appeared a couple feet from them, unusually bright, "It's about time you brought a gentleman home to meet the family." He stepped towards the young man, "I'm Freya's brother. And you are? No, don't tell me. Let me guess- Brad?"
There came a giggle from upstairs, where Maleny was residing, "Try Chad, they're always called Chad in the movies."
Klaus pointed to her in agreement and continued, "What are your intentions for my sister? Shall we discuss a dowry?"
The poor human man was terrified when Klaus let his hybrid-eyes came out. "Bro, what the...?"
"Leave. Now," Klaus ordered, momentarily serious.
Maleny laughed when the man ran out in terror. "And the award for 'most annoying little brother' goes out to…" she gestured towards Klaus, who only laughed more.
Freya, meanwhile, gave them both a playful scolding look.
"He was drunk! No one will believe his story," Klaus gave her a smirk.
"You two can make out at every corner of the house but you make the first guy I bring home run away," Freya sighed, only lightly annoyed.
"You can still catch him outside," Maleny called as she came down the stairs. "He was kinda cute." At the sharp look Klaus gave her, she reminded, "Unknown perfume still on you."
"I thought we went past that…"
"I may have forgotten a lot of things but not that one."
"Was there something you two actually needed?" Freya cut into the looming argument, "Or did you just plan this little skit while I was gone?"
Maleny took a sigh and nodded, "We need you to perform a locator spell. Hayley's missing. I don't trust myself without anyone with me."
Freya smiled, "You are more than capable of performing that on your own."
"But seeing it's Hayley out there, we didn't want to take a risk," Klaus said that time, exchanging a worriedly look with Maleny. Both knew Hayley was still raging of what had been done to the wolves and honestly weren't excited over this disappearance.
"'ll need the best connection to Hayley. You'll have to wake Hope," Freya announced sadly, hoping to God there would be no more fighting tonight.
After bringing Hope downstairs and using her for the spell, Freya got straight to work and searched for Hayley. However, she only practice for about a minute before she gasped and abruptly stopped.
"I can't find her," she said quietly, eyes looking over the map before her. "There's nothing- ... It's like she doesn't exist."
"...Or she's dead," Klaus offered another, very plausible, idea, not too pleased.
"No! No. No!" came the voice of a distressed Jackson who rushed inside, 'You have to find her."
"You're here…" Maleny blinked, slightly alarmed.
"Where is Hayley!?" Jackson plainly ignored her and demanded from Freya, whom had tried to do the spell again.
"She's...she's not coming up," Freya shook her head after coming up with the same results. "I don't know what's happening."
Before Jackson could say anything back, he doubled over in pain. Realizing he was turning back into a wolf, Freya stopped her spell.
"Klaus, the chains!" she exclaimed.
Klaus handed Hope to Maleny and rushed to retrieve the chains. But even as Jackson went through the pain of the changing, he continued to plead for Freya's help.
"Freya, please! Please do the spell again!"
Freya glanced back at the table, knowing there wasn't anything else she could that would work. Hayley would not come up anymore, the reason why still such a dread to them all. Klaus returned with the chains, and dragged Jackson to a threshold to chain him up.
"I can't go a month withou- AHH!" Jackson screamed, doubling over again.
Suddenly, he stopped. There was no more pain, no more bone snapping. The changing...stopped.
"It stopped…" Jackson said after a while, much in awe as the others.
~ 0 ~
Much later, Davina looked away the special candle that was to keep Hayley and her pack from changing back to wolves. With a normal lock and a magical one, no one would be able to get through to it but her.
When she turned around, she came to find Marcel coming in. "There's a problem," he sighed.
He led the young teen towards a café shop, specifically the one belonging to Karen Nguyen, the very woman Hayley was sent after. Davina was petrified to see dozens of smoldering, ashen corpses lying in a pile over the patio. There were already other witches, loved ones of the dead, crying over the corpses.
Cami appeared beside them, startling Davina, as the two hadn't exactly spoken out of the faction meetings. But of course, this was part of business.
"There's eleven bodies," the blonde said, "a lot of pissed off loved ones. They thought it was a vampire thing, but all our guys are accounted for at the Abattoir."
Davina gulped as they watched the son of Karen Nguyen, Van, appeared at the scene and discovered his mother was one of the victims. That wasn't what Davina had wanted, at all, and now she had caused a massacre.
~ 0 ~
As Maleny placed down Hope in a playpen, Klaus took out his phone to dial for Lucien's number as they had agreed. "Put it on speaker," Maleny said calmly, her back to him as she made sure Hope was fine. "I want to hear what he says about it."
Though Klaus wasn't too fond of the idea, he did as she wished.
"I taught you better than to leave your leftovers in the street!" he began as soon as the line had been picked up, "My streets."
It sounded as if Lucien was a little out of it. "You'll have to elaborate, mate."
"Two bodies were found sporting rather memorable lacerations. Are you exorcising your demons by carving up the innocents of New Orleans?"
Lucien laughed weakly, "Oh, your family is full of unfounded accusations today. And if I was the culprit, why would you care? We used to make fantastic messes together."
Maleny turned to Klaus, giving him another suspicious stare, questioning him over Lucien's last words.
Klaus ignored her as best he could, for her eyes - while shiny and entrancing - could be very ominous and raging. "There is a delicate balance in this city. There are rules."
"Ah, and people you care about. You can't afford to have weaknesses like that right now."
Maleny crossed her arms, further displeased of what she was hearing.
Klaus promptly looked away from her, knowing he would be paying for that one tonight. "Speaking of weaknesses, there is a wolf chained to my wall who claims he took a chunk out of your arm. Come see me. I'll give you my blood in exchange for your word that the killings will stop."
"I'm afraid your family dog missed the mark, friend. Barely a scratch. No venom breached the skin."
"You listen carefully, friend - my city has enjoyed months of relative peace. If that peace is in any way disrupted, the next gruesome murder will be yours!"
"Now there's the Klaus I know," came the amused response of Lucien before hanging up.
With a heavy sigh, Klaus put away his phone. As soon as he looked back to Maleny, she was already in front of him, staring at him in mild irritation. "So, I'm just a weakness, then?"
"Lucien has a way with words that—"
"Mhm, nice story," Maleny cut him off, patting his arm, "You know, I'm starting not to like this 'acquaintance' of yours. He's making you lie an awful lot."
"Find me in my room when you can get your stories straight."
Maleny gave him a smirk as she walked past him out the door. She wasn't actually angry, but she was mildly annoyed Klaus couldn't just tell her what was the deal with this Lucien Castle guy.
~ 0 ~
The night had almost passed and as it did, Jackson remained chained in case he would suddenly revert back to a wolf. But when he saw the changing didn't happen, and the sun had come out, he was angry the chains hadn't been removed and that Hayley hadn't yet appeared.
Freya stood a couple feet from him, awkwardly trying to see if she could help him in any way that didn't involve a locator spell or taking the chains off. "Can I get you some water, or... something?"
"Let me out!" Jackson ordered, yanking on hid chains, "It's dawn, I haven't turned back yet. It doesn't make any sense. I need to find Hayley."
Freya sighed and came towards him, placing her hands on his chest, using her magic to try to decipher what was going on. "I can still feel the curse in your blood. Something's restraining it, but you could transition at any moment."
However, Hayley appeared and shoved the poor blonde witch into a nearby column that temporarily knocked her out. Jackson gaped at the sight of his wife covered in blood from head to toe.
"Where the hell is that bastard?" Hayley panted in rage as she sniffed out the two culpable people that kept her away from Hope. Getting the scent of one of them, she backtracked and saw someone coming down the stairs in a hurry.
"Freya?" Maleny was calling, having heard a funny noise from upstairs she hurried to see if Jackson was still his human self. "Freya-" unfortunately, she got herself entangled into something worse - an angry mother. "Hayley!" she gasped as the brunette hybrid sped up to the stairs.
Hayley grabbed her in a choke-hold, harshly pinning her against the staircase rail. "Do you have any idea what you have taken from me?"
Maleny was well aware Hayley was leaning her farther over the rails and for a minute became alarmed. Someone in anger was bound to do horrible things. "Hayley, you need to calm down—"
Hayley shook the blonde violently, "Don't you dare tell me to calm down after months of being cursed!" she squeezed Maleny's neck, causing the blonde to gasp for air. "You took Hope from me you—"
"Hayley!" Maleny sputtered, her frail hands trying to claw Hayley's off her.
"How could you!?" Hayley kept squeezing, knowing it would only take a quick snap to instantly kill the blonde.
During her distraction, Klaus appeared from upstairs and shoved her down the stairs, and would've done more if he was not more preoccupied with Maleny's condition. Maleny violently coughed as the air filled her lungs again. Klaus grabbed her forth, quickly checking to see if she was alright. She only had the growing red marks from Hayley's hold but she was going to be fine.
"You want to fight, fine, but be a little more decent and come after one that can give one back," Klaus turned to Hayley, missing Maleny's momentary irritated look for his comment. "Do not ever attempt to do that again."
Hayley picked herself back up, glaring at both. "All I see are the two people that took my daughter away from me."
"Klaus, don't—" Maleny barely got to say when Klaus sped downstairs to start the fight she had foolishly prayed wouldn't ensue. "Stop!"
Hayley roundhouse-kicked kicked him in the face and sent him across the courtyard. She sped up to him and continued to throw punches.
Maleny hurried down the stairs and saw Freya waking up, as well as Jackson breaking his chains and setting himself free. "No!" she exclaimed, causing Freya to look over and see what was happening.
She cast a spell that kept Jackson back and away from the fight.
"Let me go! He'll kill her!" Jackson shouted, both angry and fearful for Hayley.
"He'll kill you!" Freya snapped.
"I'll get them to stop," Maleny muttered and turned back for the courtyard, catching sight of Elijah coming in and trying to intervene. "STOP IT!" she screamed so loud it managed to draw attention, but only for a couple seconds. She sighed and looked all around, seeing Elijah helplessly trying to stop his brother and Hayley, while Freya struggled to hold Jackson back with her spell.
Exasperated beyond all doubt, she drew on her magic, and caused everyone in the scene to get aneurysms. She waited until everyone was down on their knees before she stopped.
"You're all terrible people," she said afterwards, looking worse for wear herself. That amount of power cost her some energy but she was not going to let anyone get hurt, or accidentally die.
"You're one to talk," Hayley spat as she stood up, still glaring daggers at her.
Maleny rolled her eyes, passed from the apologetic, guilty phase. "Oh shut up, you're no innocent dove yourself my dear."
Hayley's hybrid eyes came out and she sped up to Maleny, raising her head as if to show her superiority over the blonde. Not a minute later did Klaus cut in-between the two, pushing Hayley away.
"No, Klaus, let her," Maleny went around him, heavily nervous but more than ready to speak what she had to say. "I'm not going to hide behind you." But still, Klaus didn't move and kept his protective stance against Hayley. Maleny sighed, but figured if Hayley didn't move Klaus wouldn't either and therefore she began her rant. "You're a hypocrite," she declared, only provoking Hayley's hybrid side to re-emerge and step towards her.
"Excuse me?" Hayley arched her eyebrows, "You curse me and I'm the hypocrite here?"
"First of all," Maleny stepped towards her as well, "It was Dahlia who sprung the curse out of nowhere. We didn't plan it!"
"Right, on a plan neither of you thought to share?" this time it had been Jackson who made a response.
"There was no time!" Klaus snapped at him, "Or did you forget you were already midway out of the bayou with my daughter? On the run?"
"We had to get her away!" Hayley exclaimed, "Your family was only hurting her!"
"That's a crappy excuse and you know it," Maleny accused and endure the glare sent her way.
"You can make up excuses all you want, Maleny, but I was only trying to do what was best for her," Hayley frowned. "You two," she pointed at Maleny and Klaus, "took her away from me. You are cruel, and murderers of the very wolves that would have laid their lives for Hope. You took my daughter from me!"
"So. Are. You," Maleny calmly said, bitterly laughing at the accusations and angered Hayley more. "In fact, no one here in this bloody place is innocent. You're a hypocrite for trying to make it seem so."
"What the hell—"
"Or have you told anyone of the massacre you caused over in the witches' territory?" Maleny's questioned left Hayley silent for a moment, and confused the others due to their lack of knowledge of the subject. Maleny smirked at the brunette hybrid. "Thought I didn't know about that? That's what happens when your friend is the leader in the Quarter now. I don't know how you did it, but I'm sure Davina was the one that brought you back and in exchange for a curse delayment, you killed those people. And don't even deny it because all the evidence points to you. You claim we're the evil ones but you're no better. You killed people's' parents and that was on purpose. That was your goal." She then turned back and pointed at Jackson. "And taking Hope and Hayley from where they belonged was your idea in the first place. You were going to take a little girl's father from her. And," she sighed and pointed her finger at Freya, startling the blonde witch that she was now next, "you killed your mother and we never even touched on the subject, but when Klaus did the same to Mikael everyone went nuts. And Elijah," she sourly smiled, "you daggered your brother after taking a decision that did not belong to you. Klaus," she turned to him, "you killed your father, brought back your mother only to be killed hours later. And as for myself, I ensured Kol remained on the other side where he's probably being tortured daily by the spirits of New Orleans as well as letting my friends suffer in a curse I couldn't solve. So," she finally returned her gaze back to Hayley, daring Hayley to challenge her again, "is there any other bloody detail you want to discuss concerning loyalty and innocence?"
Hayley swallowed hard, suddenly all the rage and insults she had thought of gone from her mind. She hadn't quite counted on being put on the spotlight like that, a thought everyone else shared with her.
Maleny deeply sighed, "That's what I thought," she said rather irritated herself. "No one is innocent here. Now, I do apologize for what happened, because that was no where near what we had planned. But we would never take away your daughter from you. Or are you forgetting how someone took mine from me centuries ago? Hope is upstairs, and she does know you love her. But mine? My son has made no contact with me, nothing to show that he's coming. Maybe he's not coming back, maybe he's…" she looked down, the realization finally setting over her shoulders, "...he's over the fact he had parents in the first place. Go see Hope, she's up there, napping."
Being uncomfortable was the last thing Hayley pictured when thinking of returning to the compound. But, she was, and she didn't quite know what to do.
"Go!" Maleny exclaimed, her voice abruptly breaking.
Hayley rushed to go see her daughter upstairs, Jackson quickly following her. Everyone else felt the thick sense of guilt, and melancholy for their previous actions.
After a minute, Klaus went for Maleny, "Let's—"
Maleny shook her head, "I think I just want to be alone for a while." He agreed with a small nod, and only because he saw her weariness from lack of sleep finally catching up to her. Rubbing her sore neck, Maleny walked for the stairs, ignoring the looks she received from all three siblings.
Once she was gone, Freya spoke up, and not pleased herself. "That was nothing of what I was expecting," she admitted with a long sigh.
"Yes, Maleny has always had a way of pointing out our faults without being rude about it," Klaus sighed as well, unlike the others not as surprised of what happened.
"I still believe perhaps we can cut the tension by allowing Hayley and Jackson to have their own space," Elijah suggested, immediately receiving a hard look from Klaus. "Hayley has missed many months of Hope's development, and perhaps this can do well for all. There's a new apartment right across the street, so that Hope would never be out of our hearing-shot."
"I think it would be a good idea," Freya agreed, nodding her head. "Intentional or not, the curse did happen and it did break a lot of families. Let Hayley spend time with her daughter for all that she missed out."
"It's only temporal, brother," assured Elijah, able to see the fear of Hope being, once again, taken flash through Klaus' eyes. Only somewhat on board, Klaus gave the nod and allowed Elijah to go set things up.
~ 0 ~
Amarrah loudly slammed her hand on the top of Kinney's car, startling the man into looking away from the radio. She was unamused, irritated, and frankly indignant. "I've been meaning to talk to you about my missing laptop and notes?" Kinney shot her a wide smile, almost amused with her. That only infuriated Amarrah, "You think this is funny? I could report you for that."
Kinney raised a hand and with the other handed her back her laptop. "All the interesting stuff was password-protected, but I knew Vincent wouldn't just pull you in for kicks."
"He wanted Cami, not me," Amarrah clarified blankly, upholding her annoyed face.
"But he brought you in nonetheless and I doubt he did that because 'there was no one else'. He knew you knew your stuff. You're not an amateur."
"I would thank you for the comment but I'm kinda of upset with you if you haven't noticed."
Kinney smiled smugly as he got out of the car. "I finished up the end of that video you were watching. Lucien Castle? Highly motivating. Feeling like my best self already."
Suddenly Amarrah's annoyance vanished from her face and was replaced with due concern for the man. That was exactly what she wanted to avoid. "Nothing's concrete, I was just...looking into the new tourists that came in yesterday," Amarrah swallowed hard.
"And the brief notes on him?"
"Just...brief. It's nothing set on stone."
Kinney stared long and hard at the French woman before warmly smiling. "You could very well report me but you haven't, because you know I was right about your family. You're not a suspect, Amarrah. I'm actually looking out for you. I think you're mixed up in something much bigger than you realize."
Amarrah would've scoffed at such irony if she was conversing with anyone else. "Trust me, I realize." She was going to add more onto that when she heard snippets of the radio from inside the car. "Wait…" she turned to the car, "Turn up the radio…"
Confused, Kinney reached inside and did as she wanted. As soon as he did, they both heard announcements over the murders.
"While police refuse to release information, sources allege that a manhunt is on for a possible serial killer. Two violently mutilated bodies entirely drained of blood have been recovered..."
"How the hell did they know about the blood?" Kinney anxiously, and beyond confused, looked at Amarrah, the witch unable to come up with anything herself.
~ 0 ~
Back at Lucien's apartment, he had the very journalist behind the newest article that consisted of all the murder details. He took a glass of blood from her and headed into his bedroom, leaving the journalist to look over her article for a while.
He meant to return the briefcase that consisted of ingredients he used to cure himself of Jackson's bite, but became distracted by a leather-bound journal in the trunk. He picked up the journal and opened it up to the same page he always did when he came across it. Even though the drawing was over a thousand years old, he firmly believed the drawing of Cecilia de Ark remained as beautiful as she had been in her time. But then came the memories of her tragic ending, and he felt the fury that he had felt on that day...and never ceased to disappear completely. Those who caused her death would have their ending, and very soon.
~ 0 ~
Freya walked into the lounge room with an ice pack in hand, and found Elijah nervously pacing back and forth. "Dare I ask what's wrong now?" she sighed, slightly amused.
Elijah eyed the iced pack for a minute, when Freya gestured to her bruised forehead, and he dismissed it. "I received some unsettling information from Lucien Castle. I don't trust the source, but I... trust you."
Freya nodded, and in the next couple of minutes she had him and Klaus downstairs in the courtyard, preparing a spell that consisted of Klaus' blood and several other herbs.
"If you fed on this prophetic witch, her blood is still in your system. If there's a weapon that can kill you, we need to know," Freya lighted a tall, black candle and placed it on the center of the table where it would be surrounded by other small, lite white candles. She grabbed the bowl with Klaus' blood and put it down in front of three strips of papers with Norse runes on them, meant to have the names of the three remaining Originals.
Nervously, Freya dunk her fingers into the bowl, thus beginning the spell. "No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve."
As soon as she did, she felt the overwhelming power curse through her body. Her two brothers became concerned when blood began oozing from her right ear. She chanted louder, and more aggressively, but as she did more blood appear came from her other ear, and nose.
"Freya, stop!" Elijah reached out for her but Freya was now in depth with the visions of the -so-called prophecy.
She saw Elijah's painting that hung in one of the rooms being splashed with blood, as well as a beast with large, long and sharp fangs roaring and blaring out bloody teeth.
Out of the nowhere, the three strips of paper burst into flames. Freya came back, gasping deeply and opening her eyes. Although the flames slowly died out on their own, Freya looked worse for wear.
"It's true," she said grimly, "You have a terrible shadow over you. Rebekah, too. If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall. One by friend, one by foe, and one...by family."
~ 0 ~
New York
A young woman with straight, long black hair, finely dressed and wearing black, rounded sunglasses, walked into a diner, momentarily scanning the area until she spotted the person she came in for. She walked towards a booth where a young man was sitting. She glanced over a map settled on the table, and the laptop sitting in front of the man.
Upon seeing her, the young man smiled and motioned her to sit across him, "I'm glad you came."
"You knew very well I was on my way back to England," the woman berated him in a thick English accent, but smiled widely as if unsurprised the man had pulled that type of stunt. She pulled off her sunglasses, revealing bright blue eyes behind, and leaned forwards, "So, what was so important you just had to pull me from my jet, Xavier?"
The man, Xavier, chuckled and turned his laptop around, immediately capturing her attention. Xavier smiled proudly then, "Good, huh? I found that a couple hours ago."
"Lucien Castle," the woman breathed in, "What about him!?"
"It seems like he's donated a large amount of money to clean up a bayou, near…" Xavier drew out the word as he went to the map of the United States, pointed to the spot of New Orleans, "...here."
"Really? And you're telling me because…?"
"Well, over the last year or so, there have been reports of strange disappearances, and fights in the French Quarter. And now suddenly the old vampire Lucien is heading over there? Why?"
The woman's eyes widened, the delight pouring from her eyes, "You think, that...he's there?"
The man smirked and gave a nod, "I am willing to bet my life that if you were to go there, you would find Klaus Mikaelson."
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demivampirew · 4 years
Keep Calm and Go to London chapter 13
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Synopsis: This is the story of (y/n), a successful actress, musician, musical producer and songwriter. After battling depression and breaking up a long relationship, she seeks for a change of air, escaping LA for a while going to visit some friends in London and there she meets Henry. -Disclaimer: some chapters are mostly smut.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Triggers:  not triggers for this chapter (I think so 😁 )
Tag list: Here’s the incredible people who showed me support (thank  you   so much for that) and people who asked me to tag them too  ☺️   (I   think I will write a few chapters of this story, if you want me to  tag   you, tell me ☺️   ) @cavillanche @mary-ann84 @henry-owns-these-tatas @yespolkadotkitty @dancingwendigo   constip8merm8   penwieldingdreamer iloveyouyen  littlefreya  wondersofdreaming  alyxkbrl solariumss  sweetybuzz25 @thethirstyarchive @agniavateira   @honeyloverogers @hell1129-blog   @lunedelorient​  @michelle-1185​
How nice was to be able to wake without the noise of cars and drivers screaming at each other. It was so calm there. Henry was still asleep, with his arms wrap around you. Gosh, he looked like an angel. You wanted to prepare breakfast for him, so you moved slowly, putting his arm on the bed carefully so he wouldn't wake up. You grabbed a pair of red pants, a white hoodie and a shirt to wear underneath. You made a big effort not to made any noise. When you left the room, Kal surprised you running towards you, excited to see you. You petted him and rushed him to the kitchen, so he wouldn't bark in front of the bedroom door and wake Henry up. You were studying his Instagram Stories and tried to replicate some of his previous breakfast and made some tea and toast for you. You couldn't contain the chills and tingles in your body when you felt his body pressed against your back, while he hugged you and kissed you on the neck and the cheek. You laughed as a reflex of the tingles and then turned around to kiss him. - I made you breakfast- you told him as you ran your fingers through his hair. - I see and smells delicious, I must say - he replied and kissed your forehead - It could smell delicious but taste horrible- you joked and he grinned - I'm sure it's pretty tasty. You spend part of the morning talking about all the smaller things than you hadn't talked during your time apart. Things that you did while you were on LA, funny things that Kal did, etc. Later, he decided to train with the machine that he had on the house while you use the time to check houses in London. You wanted a house as close to Henry's as you could, but the house had to be big. You needed to have enough rooms so you could have room to store your instruments and you also wanted a room that you could turn into a small recording studio. After some time researching, you found the perfect one. It had three small floors. It was white on the outside and luxurious on the inside. It had the main room and two guest bedrooms, a gym, a small cinema and a pool room. It had a gorgeous patio and a terrace that was also great. Your emailed the link to the sale to Brian and asked him if he could contact the people for you to see if the house was still available to purchase. You realized that once that you moved to London, you'll need to get yourself an assistant because you would no longer rely on your agent to do everything for you. You offered to prepare lunch and make risotto. Henry took a shower after training and joined you in the kitchen and helped you with the cooking. - I don't have to work tomorrow either, you know- he told you - I know, that means that we'll have another day to spend together, right?- you asked, excited - Yes. And there's another thing... - What? - Tonight I'm going to a friend's house to watch a Rugby game. - That's great! You deserved to spend time with your friends -you encouraged him- we can hang out tomorrow. - Actually, I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?- he asked - Really? You want me to meet your friends? - you questioned surprised - Absolutely! - he assured you - Do you think that your friends will be ok with me going too? - I've already asked and yes. Besides, is not like is just men in there, all my friends always bring their girlfriends and wives. - Oh, so great, I will not be the only lady in there. - No.- he said grinning- plus, one of my friends in that group is a girl. - Oh, yeah? - you asked, raising an eyebrow- Is she pretty? - She's like a little sister- he answered, making sure that you wouldn't be jealous and you laughed. - That's ok. I'm not going to tell you not to be friends with a girl. You can be around a woman and doesn't have to mean anything more than a friendship. I have male friends I'm close to. They have been there for me for better and for worst so yeah, you can be friends without anything else going on. - you said and smiled at him and he smiled back.- Oh, by the way, I need to give you a heads up. - What? - I don't know shit about Rugby.-you admitted and Henry laughed. - That's ok. I'll explain to you later if you want or you could watch the game and try if you can understand something or go to talk with the other ladies that don't care much for the game.
You put on a black short skirt dress with a black vegan leather jacket on top; a nice pair of black short stiletto boots with long black socks underneath. For makeup, this time you went with a different approach a did a black smokey eye. As for your lips, you only put gloss, so it wouldn't be too much. You looked like if you were going to a fashion show instead of a house of Henry's friend to watch Rugby, but you wanted to cause a good impression. He was one hell of a man, you didn't want his friends to think that he could do better. More than all, you wanted to believe it yourself, that there was no one better out there for him than you. Henry was waiting for you in the living room. He had a light grey Royal Marines hoddie, a pair of blue jeans and a beanie of England's Rugby team. He stood up as soon as you showed up and looked at you astonished. - You look alluring. Like...I cannot tell you how much I wish to cancel the plans right now and run to the bedroom with you. That's how beautiful you look. I mean, you always look beautiful, but right now, you look "you're going to give me a heart attack" kind of beautiful. - you rolled your eyes and called him exaggerated and then kissed him, leaving a little gloss on his lips, which made both of you burst into laughter. His friend's house was lovely. Homie. You recognized him and a few faces from a picture that Henry had on his place. His friend introduced you to his wife and said: "This is Henry's girlfriend, y/n". Everyone knew who you were, you were famous around the globe, your face was easy to recognize, but he still introduced you to everyone as "Henry's girlfriend". Henry was greeting his friends and chatting with them, as his friend handed him a cold Guinness and offered you one as well, but you rejected it and decided to go for soda instead. You sat next to Henry and while he was talking with the group, you were lost in one thought "Henry's girlfriend". - Babe?- Henry spoke to you, touching your knee to call your attention. - Yeah, sorry, I got a little distracted. I sucked with names and I was trying to memorize all before I forget them.- you lied and smile. - They asked me how we met and I was telling them that we ran into each other at Simon's party.- he explained to you - Yeah. I wasn't even invited. Not really. Was more like "ok, you can bring your friend, now leave me alone" kind of case I'm sure.- you joked and the rest joined you. - So you met at the party and started to date? Who made the first move? -asked one girl curiously. - Well, that depends. Technically, both. He asked me out as a friend and then I visited him to thank him for the date and after a lovely chat and, thanks to said friend, already knowing that he liked me, I told him that I liked him too, and the rest is history. - you said and look at him and smiled and he smiled back at you and kissed you. That caught you off guard. You have never been kissed in front of other people before. It felt weird but nice. A bit uncomfortable, but like a warm hug at the same time. He put his arm around your shoulders and watch the game with his friends. You didn't pay attention at all to what was happening, all you did was stared at his face as if it was the most perfect painting that you've ever seen. He caught you looking at him a couple of times, smiled and kissed you and gave his attention back to the game. You love how passionate he was about his favourite things. After the game, he and the rest of the group spend some time discussing the game results and then just talk. You liked his friends a lot. They were funny, nice and real. For those hours that you've been there, you weren't "y/n, the superstar, the legend", you were " "Henry's girlfriend, y/n". It was nice for once to feel like a normal person. After you left, you picked up Kal from his assistant's place and then headed home. Once there, you decided that was time to address the elephant in the room. - You know, your friend introduced me tonight as your girlfriend. Did you told him that I was "your girlfriend"?- you asked, trying hard not to blush. Henry sit on the couch of the living room and looked at you, a bit nervous. - Yes and no.- he answered and that confused you- I didn't call you "my girlfriend", I called you "my girl".- dammit! you could feel the warmness of your cheeks. - Oh... - I should have consulted with you first before I told my friend.-he apologized - No, that's ok. It took me by surprise, that's all. - So, you want to make this official then? - he questioned - Hu? - you asked speechlessly - Do you want to be my girlfriend? I totally understand if it's too soon for you for a formal relationship, but for me, I already know that I want to be with you, so was the point of a wait when I already have what I want, except for the right to call you my girl. - Yes. - Yes, what? -he asked raising an eyebrow - Yes, I want to be your girlfriend, silly. - You said and he looked at you with a big smile. He was still sitting on the couch, petting Kal who was sitting next to him- Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill, if you don't stand up and come and kiss me right now I swear...- you didn't have the chance to finish the speech. He was already grabbing your face and kissing you. Then, as you put your arms around his neck, he put his around your hips, pulling you closer to him.
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Aces in Space Chapter 5
Happy Ace Week Y’all!!!!!!! 
Ok I am so Excited for this part (I hadn’t planned for it to be during ace week but it actually works perfect!)
Roman is finally getting to go to the support group he told Butch about! I put a reminder of what Butch looks like because I’m also introducing a new character, Hannah, her reference photo is below (one of my real-life model friends, she’s cool:) as well.  Tags: @sunshinepascal​ @rentskenobi​ @maybege​ @obaby-wan​ @princessxkenobi​
I’m going outside to muck about with my lightsaber again, I’ll add the links to the previous chapters tonight :D Enjoy and thanks for reading!!!
Warning for excessive cuteness y’all this gets adorable 
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 (Roman at the support group at the local library, brought Butcher along, 2 months dating)
Roman is absolutely certain it’s been years since he sat in the passenger seat. Thankfully, it isn’t Butch’s first time in years driving or he’d be thrilled to get out of the car. As it stands, they’ve been sitting in the parking lot of the local community center (its adjoined to the library) for three minutes and neither of them have moved. It won’t make them late, they got here 26 minutes early out of a panic induced need to be over-prepared, but it doesn’t make the silence any less awkward. Butch had insisted they would look even more out of place in the suits they’re both used to wearing so they’ve somehow ended up in jeans (again) and t-shirts (Butch added a flannel but Roman is convinced it’s to hide his side-arm and not to ward off any chill, the rolling of the sleeves further cements this thought). Roman settled for a band t-shirt that Erica had bought him though he’s never heard their music, and he has a leather jacket but he’s somehow convinced it’ll look like he’s trying too hard if he puts it on.
“It’ll be cold in there boss. Always is” Butch says helpfully, as if he knew the struggle of the other man, though his eyes haven’t left the window since they arrived.
“Yes. Well.” Roman starts, unsure where exactly this sentence is going “I’m, glad, you came along.”
Butch huffs out a laugh, “Well, Ms. Erica is a good one, so if you coming around here helps keep her around, I’ll be along as long as you want me” He finishes smiling at Roman and Roman is certain that he’ll never find anyone as good as Butch as long as he lives, no matter the standard of measure.
“We better get in there.” Butch speaks again helpfully.
“No, no,” Roman starts “best wait till 45, any sooner we might be the first one’s here, and I’d like to avoid that.” Butch shrugs again, conceding the point. He supposes they’ll be facing this either way, sooner or later.
When they do make it in, Roman walks to the desk with every intention of finding out from the librarian where he should be. He’s put on his business air, he can feel it, and it’s a nice change from the panic of the parking lot. He starts in a low tone to avoid startling her “Ma’am?”
Her eyes shoot up and then to his right where no doubt butch is looming, she swallows, then smiles and looks back to Roman. “Yes? Can I help you?”
Choosing to ignore the obvious glance that was directed to Butch (he has every intention of inquiring further into that during the car ride home) he pushes on. “Could you tell us where to find the, well, the support group for Asexuals?” He has to take a breath in-between but decides to be brave about it, using the full title instead of ‘aces’ reminding himself that this is for Erica. Her eyes widen slightly, then flit between the two of them and Roman realizes in a moment how they must look and decides there isn’t anything for it other than to grin and bear it.
“Oh,” she starts, and sounds, almost disappointed? “Yes, down the hall and the room on the right. They should be starting soon.” She indicates with a (rather long) manicured fingernail.
He nods then, giving her a small smile, and starts down the hallway, only getting a few steps in before realizing Butch isn’t following and he hears a small “what’s your name?” from the large man as he turns. The sight shouldn’t be shocking, Butch is a grown man after all, and fully allowed to find people that interest him but he’s become so soft in the moment; leaning over the desk to look deeply into the eyes of the librarian who is now looking short of breath.
“Hannah.” She manages to gasp out and Butch smiles kindly, “I’m Butcher, but I go by Butch pretty often”. He seems to have gotten nervous halfway through and is looking at his feet, but she’s smiling and reaching to cover his laced fingers that are on the desk. “That’s lovely” She says, smiling like Butch was a bouquet of flowers. Butch looks up, slightly shocked, looking at their hands (his dwarf her own to a ridiculous extent Roman notes) before looking back up to her eyes.
“Not as much as you are”
It’s the final nail in the coffin before they both start giggling and Roman is absolutely certain he’s never seen anything so adorable (even as he goes to a support group in order to better understand his girlfriend). Butch stops laughing before she does, pausing to appreciate her (Roman knows that’s what the look on his face is, he looks at Erica like that all the time now himself) before he watches Butch tell her he better get on now. Roman has the decency to act as though he were extremely interested in the shelves to his left- away from them- before he’s rejoined by a Butch who has the softest grin he’s ever seen on his face. As they walk down the hall Roman decides to leave the whole thing till they’re in the car again, if the dopey smile is anything to go by, he won’t be getting much from Butch anyway. He takes a deep breath at the reminder of what they’re both walking into, ignoring the urge to feel ridiculous, and brings out his phone to open the notes app before sliding it into his pocket again. They walk through the door, Butch first, he’d insisted on the drive over that he was still Roman’s bodyguard and would act as such, and find a group of about 15 milling around the room quietly, cake and bottles of water sitting on a table on the far end of the room. Beyond that (and Roman has to suppress the urge to sigh audibly) is a circle of chairs. They’re approached by a smaller blond boy, who greets them with an energy filled “Hello! Are you here for the support group for aces?” he pushes the large rimmed black glasses he wears further up his face as he looks between them and Roman exchanges a glance with Butch before answering
“Yes, is um, is there a protocol to this?”
He blames his nerves for the formality of his response, but the boy seems too thrilled with his presence to be bothered.
“Not at all! We all grab a snack, because cake am I right? And then head to the circle, though, to be honest, most of us couldn’t sit in a chair to save our life.”
Despite his confusion at what he’s sure is a joke the boy is assuming he’s in on, he nods. “We’ll just, help ourselves then.”
The boy nods back at him before freezing and exclaiming “Oh God! I forgot!” his hand shoots out and Roman knows Butcher is already having a conniption at the outburst before the boy finishes “I’m Tom! Jenny says it’s important to tell people my name when I meet them”. His eyes flit behind him as he mentions the other name and a similar looking woman, an older sibling maybe, Roman thinks, smiles affectionately. Roman nods to her then, before bringing his eyes back to the boy, shaking his hand with a “I’m Roman, and this is Butch”. He doesn’t think he needs to add more but the boy’s brow seems to furrow as he shakes Butch’s hand.
“Do, um, are you both Ace?” It’s a timid question but Roman can tell the boy means well, he can also however see the woman, Jenny his mind supplies, making her way over to them quickly.
“I’m so sorry” she says, barely reaching them before apologizing “Tom hasn’t quite learned yet that not everyone wants to say” her hands find the boys shoulders and he turns with a protest “Jenny! I’m almost 22! I’m not a child!”
“Have you said hello to Marie yet?” She changes the subject “I think she brough cookies today”
Almost immediately the boy lights up and is off to explore the new person. Jenny’s eyes go back to Roman, “I’m sorry, he’s on the autism spectrum, I’m still working with him about filters”.
It’s Butch that cuts in this time “It’s alright, I had a sister who was too, I’ll keep him company”. He walks to the snack table then, leaving a stunned Roman alone with Jenny. As long as he’s known Butcher, he never knew he had a sister, let alone one on the spectrum. He makes a mental note to ask Butcher about that on the car ride too. He turns back to Jenny then and manages a smile.
“I’m uh, well, neither one of us is ace” he sees tension begin to fill her body at that so he rushes on “but my girlfriend is and, I want to better understand the whole thing. Butch is here for moral support.” He jerks his head to indicate the other man in case she hadn’t heard the name and hopes for the best. She does seem to relax at that, eyeing him gently “That’s sweet. Of both of you.” It’s said kindly, and somehow, Roman is already feeling more comfortable about this.
He stays a little longer after they finish to ‘confirm next week with jenny’ give Butch time to get a phone number from his librarian and tells Butch he’ll meet him at the car.
Chapter 4 Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Chapter 1
13 notes · View notes
syms-things-5 · 4 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Fourteen
Previous Chapter HERE
Warnings: Language, NSFW Language
Tags: @jennmurawski13 @kelbabyblue
Note: Apologies, this is a repost from yesterday for reasons I won’t go into now. i hope you enjoy this chapter!
Chapter Fourteen
Sarah jostled with the mail as she entered their building, trying hard not to knock over the newest fresh plant currently adorning the entrance. They usually took it in turns to handle the post and whatever parcels the Supervisor had signed for that day but she was starting to feel a little short-changed as Shanna had consistently more post coming her way these days. Sarah realised she needed to get out more. Carting everything up the stairs was starting to become its own workout. Today’s treasures involved two Nasty Gal packages, a package from Pottery Barn, a box from Amazon, and what appeared to be a free sample of a Louis Vuitton fragrance. Sarah might just keep that last one to herself.
Jocelyn had sent another care package of sorts her way but it only served to remind Sarah that she had not called her folks in over a week. Ever since the accident, Jocelyn had been so consumed with worry that she had taken to sending Sarah articles ripped form magazines and gift cards for relaxation therapies. Despite Sarah’s many protests to the contrary, Jocelyn was sure Sarah was struggling with some form of undiagnosed PTSD. She’d read about it in a magazine. “If affects upwards of half a million American every year, honey.”
After successfully dodging the neighbour’s schnauzer, she eventually reached their floor and was just about to turn her key in the lock when the door swung wide open. Before she had time to react, she was brought face to face with a stressed-out Shanna, hair dripping wet from a shower. Not her favourite Shanna it had to be said. Not even in the Top Ten.
She grabbed Sarah by both shoulders. “I don’t know what I’m going to wear, Sarah! I’ve got less than an hour!”
“And hello to you, too!” Sarah smiled broadly, almost comically so, before Shanna lowered her head in embarrassment and moved out of the way so Sarah could physically get into her own home. She held the packages up. “Maybe there is something in here?”
Shanna shook her head. “No, they’re more summery. More formal.” She’d started fluttering around Sarah in a panic. “Do you still have that leather midi skirt? Do you think I could fit into it?”
“Uhh yeh it’s in the back of my closet somewhere.” she remembered. “Might be a bit warm, though? What are you gonna wear with it?”
“Well it’s a punky kind of bar, think it has live music and stuff so I thought maybe that Rolling Stones t-shirt and the maroon boots? Keep my hair down and casual?”
“So basically all of my clothes?” Sarah retorted. Shanna pressed her hands together in prayer and gave her the best pitiful smile she could manage, one she knew Sarah couldn’t resist. Shanna seemed to genuinely like this guy and if this guy was as charming and as smart as she told her he was, Sarah was sure she would like him, too. Hell, he’d be best friends with Scott and Chris in no time so long as he enjoyed football, Sam Adams, and didn’t put points on Shanna’s licence.
“Give me five minutes and I’ll see what I can pull together. Do you wanna borrow that heart necklace of mine? If you’re wearing your hair down, it’s probably best you avoid wearing earrings unless you want me to cut you out of them again.” Sarah shouted as she walked into her room unaware that Shanna had followed her closely behind.
“Oh god I hadn’t even thought that far. You know what, I might just cancel. This is just too much right now and I’m not even sure if he really likes me as anything more than a friend.” She feigned a dramatic flop onto Sarah’s bed, one arm landing across her forehead. Sarah delved through her closet to locate the desired items. If Shanna was threatening to cancel the date already, it must be serious.
“How many of you are going to this club?” Sarah asked, emerging from the closet doorway.
“Don’t know. Think three or four from my department and another couple from his?” she responded, hopelessness evident in her voice. Shanna never did well with vagueness where guys were concerned; everything had to be black and white with her.
“Come on, you’ve still got time.” Sarah encouraged as she carried some clothes and a couple of pairs of boots towards the bed. “Dry your hair and we’ll figure this out, OK?”
“Have I told you how much I love you lately?” Shanna pouted and Sarah tried to shrug off the pit growing in her stomach from her words. Shanna used every ounce of energy she could muster to get up and drag herself back into the bathroom leaving Sarah shaking her head.
It was only a rare occasion when Shanna took less time getting ready in the bathroom. Sarah had fond memories of shouting through the door back when they were at college and deciding to move in together required a complete 180 degree shift in her expectations. Still, in less than half an hour, here she emerged fully dressed, primer and foundation applied, and hair dried accordingly. It was a miracle of epic proportions and if she hadn’t shoved some false eyelashes into Sarah’s hand, Sarah would have snapped a photograph to send to the family as evidence that their little girl was growing up.
Thanks to her professional, steady hand, Sarah was always the eyelash-fixer among their group. While fixing a couple of lashes to the corners of her eyes, Sarah’s phone buzzed. It buzzed a couple more times in quick succession and she would have managed to ignore it had it not been for Shanna’a roving eye.
“Looks like someone wants you.” she murmured, trying her hardest not to move as Sarah held the glued lash in place with some tweezers.
“It’ll just be Audrey probably.” Sarah responded in no rush to check for herself, keeping a firm hold on what she was doing.
Shanna tried glancing to her side one more time to catch who it was but couldn’t quite make it out. It buzzed again. “I’d hate for you to miss out on a date with Greg on account of helping piece my pathetic love life together. Oooh maybe we could double-date!”
Shanna’s exclaim nearly caused Sarah to lose her grip on the tweezers but a sharp intake of breath convinced Shanna to give up the inquisition. “Sorry. Sorry.” she held her hands up as an apology before feeling Sarah’s hands relax as she moved across to the other eye.
Sarah was pleased to see Shanna eventually leave their apartment. Not because she wanted the peace particularly but just because it was nice to see her get excited over a guy that wasn’t Ben. She looked gorgeous, too. Sarah was quite proud of her work. If it wasn’t to be a proper date, it definitely would be after tonight. Robbie would be an absolute fool to miss out.
It was only when she slumped dow onto the couch and spent the next hour or so flicking through television channels that she remembered her phone had buzzed earlier on. She reluctantly peeled herself off the sofa and retrieved it from where it had originally landed on her bedside table. Honestly, it was like Shanna had taught her nothing.
From just two messages, Chris had attempted some mild flirtation with her before asking her if she knew what in God’s Name Penhaligon’s was.
Sarah 8.19pm: Perfume I think. Pretty old school brand. Why?
Chris 8.23pm: Mom wants it for her birthday. Never heard of it before. Scott thought it might be some kind of scarf??
She googled the name to make sure. Last thing she wanted was to end up ruining Lisa’s birthday celebrations with a present she absolutely did not want. Her birthday was something she took with increasing seriousness as each year passed by and her children and grandchildren grew older in front of her eyes. There was always a party of sorts, a massive cake, perhaps a theme, and a “suggestion list” for possible gifts. Well, they say “suggestion” but rarely did anyone dare deviate from “the list”. Sarah hadn’t yet considered buying a present but if Chris was already looking, she would no doubt need to catch up.
Sarah 8.34pm: Yep, pretty certain it’s a perfume. Pretty pricey. Good shout.
Sarah started scanning through her phone as another couple of messages caught her eye, some she had accidentally missed from earlier in the day. One from Audrey. One from Greg that she was not expecting.
Greg 7.02pm: Great news! 29th is set up. All you need to do is say the word! Don’t know how long I can hold the spot open so let me know as soon as you can. Have a great evening x
It took her a moment to register what he was talking about.
Chris 8.37pm: Cool THX What are you wearing??
Sarah stared down at the phone. She felt light-headed. There was far too much going on for this time of the day. She wiped at her forehead with her sweater sleeve and took a deep breath.
Sarah 8.41pm: You wouldn’t be interested lol
Chris 8.42pm: try me..........
He had a surprising habit these days of cheering her up.
Sarah 8.46pm: Nah I look a mess. Get out while you can.
Her phone started ringing almost as soon as she’d pressed ‘send’, Chris’ name flashing on her screen. She contemplated not answering now that her mood had taken a turn but she knew he would work out something was wrong and immediately dive over.
“Hey,” she answered, trying for a jovial tone but coming up just south of delirious.
“Hey you,” he smiled through the phone, happy to hear her voice. “In all the years I have known you, Bernette, not once would I describe you as looking like a mess.”
She laughed down the line. She made the right decision.
“...you are far too cute to ever be a mess. Do you know that? Like, I can already picture you with your sweats on, your hair tied up, soft skin...” he trailed off with a low sigh that she was sure was filthier than he intended it to be. “Man, that really does something to me.”
“You really know how to charm a girl. Have you figured this Penhaligon’s thing out yet? Was I right?”
“Don’t change the subject.”
She laughed again. “Sorry. Sorry. I’m not great with flirting over the phone. You should know that by now.”
“Then do it with me in person.” he proposed as if it was the easiest solution in the world. As if she wasn’t going to be distracted with thoughts of work and studies enough to not focus on him entirely. And he didn’t deserve to be second best.
It would have been all too easy to allow him to come over. Forget about overthinking things again. There truly was no one better at making her feel good about herself these days. Like, honest, through-the-bone good about herself, whatever that entailed. Goosebumps raised on her skin at the thought.
“I’m pretty whacked to be honest and...”
“What’s going on? Are you feeling alright?” he asked, concern evident in his tone. Whatever he had been pottering about with in the background had stopped all of a sudden.
“Yes! Yeh, I’m fine. Just...I dunno, boring. Plus, it’s Friday night! You should be out with the guys or whatever. Shan said Scott is having issues with Zach again. Is he OK?”
He laughed at her second lame attempt to deflect. He knew something was going on and he knew she knew he wouldn’t give up easily.
“Is Shanna there?” he asked.
“No, she went out with some friends.”
“So why don’t you ask me to come over and I’ll make you feel better than fine?”
She was lucky she was sat down or that her legs were crossed underneath her as she lounged on the couch, her back against the arm rest. His tone was causing her to feel things she shouldn’t be focussing on. What must it feel like to always be confident of your effect on people?
“Do you wanna come over?” she asked, treading lightly, not entirely anxious should he decline.
“I’ll be there in twenty.” He ended the call almost as abruptly as he had dialled it.
She remained where she sat for a moment, Greg’s text message still lighting up her screen. She wasn’t expecting for things to suddenly be so easy for her and it was strange how opening herself up to more possibilities could cause her to feel so immobile.
She would need to move at some point and as a helpless and as confused as she now felt, she knew it would look far too obvious to Chris if she bid to make herself up. She also didn’t really have the energy to do so. Lord, Chris really should have taken the out when he had the chance.
“Have I just walked into a teenage girl’s bedroom?” Chris asked, taking a look around as he entered the apartment not long afterwards. He clearly found the scene amusing although Sarah couldn’t under stand why. It was partly Shanna’s home after all. He should be used to girly mess. “What’s going on?”
“Shan has a date. I was helping her to get ready.” Sarah replied, humourously holding up the hairdryer like a trophy before dumping it back in her bedroom. “Sort of, actually. She doesn’t quite know if it’s a date date or a friend date.”
“I was told those didn’t exist.” Chris smirked, reaching for a bottle of water from her fridge.
“Well, she’s dressed up for one. Looks gorgeous.”
“I think you look gorgeous.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Chris, you don’t need to make any more effort, OK? You’re already in the apartment.”
“I think it bears repeating is all.”
He swallowed half the bottle of water before fixing her with a semi-quizzical stare. He tried to figure out what was going on as he watched her potter around the kitchen table, swiping something away into a cupboard, phone grasped in her hand. “What’s going on? You sounded weird on the phone and now you look like it as well.”
“Nothing’s wrong.” she answered far too quickly and tried to shrug it off but his body language told her he wasn’t buying it. She wasn’t sure what was bothering her more in this moment; him knowing her too well, or that he knew he knew her too well.
“OK, alright, well, it’s Friday night and I’m happy just hanging out and doing whatever but you can also talk to me as well. I’m not a monster.”
“It was her turn to look back at him, unsure of her next move or indeed his. she wondered if he was very likely regretting his decision to meet her now when twenty minutes in the opposite direction would take him to one of his favourite downtown dive bars. Instead, he rested against the side of the kitchen doorway, arms folded, a softness still present in his facial expressions. He seemed hesitant of what to say and she didn’t like the slight awkward air surrounding them. She didn’t want to venture into work-territory either.
“Do you want me to go, Sarah?”
She looked back up at him after a short spell spent staring down at her feet. “No. I don’t want you to leave. I’m just...there’s something...” she paused to re-evaluate her words. “You know what, it’s find. It’s nothing major. Of course I’m glad you’re here now.”
He pushed himself off from the counter and moved towards her, accepting of the greeting smile now covering her face, the bottle of water still in his grip. “Cool. Shall I follow your lead then, or...?”
“Do you wanna watch a movie or something?” she suggested, more casually than he would have liked. She didn’t know what to say to him now that all of her brain space was taken up with possibilities and wanting to call Audrey with the news. Chris hadn’t factored in watching a film but she seemed like she wanted a little peace and quiet and he had pretty much dived into the apartment as soon as she gave him the green light, eager as he was to see her without threat of Shanna walking in at any point.
“Movie sounds good.” He bobbed his head in agreement, content in their surroundings for now.
At some point towards the end of Searching, Chris quietly excused himself to go to the bathroom. Realising something was about to happen and not wanting to have to explain it to him after he returned, Sarah put the film on pause and headed into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. She had held him at an arm’s length for most of the night, the couch seeming longer somehow, but was now feeling a slight chill despite the thick sweater reaching midway down her thighs. He would no doubt have been cosy to snuggle up to but she was still pondering Greg’s message and couldn’t concentrate on much else.
Her demeanour hadn’t gone unnoticed by Chris. A couple of times he caught the glare from her phone screen illuminating her face from below and wondered who had gotten her attention this evening. He stopped himself from making an obvious joke and was disappointed that she hadn’t noticed him glance across at her several times during the movie. He wasn’t much interested in watching it. Telling the truth, he’d seen it via a DVD screener Matt had sent him months earlier but she’d mentioned she was looking forward to watching it and in all honesty, he had figured they would curl up together and he would have still gotten something out of it.
“Chris? Do you want a cup of tea?” she hollered from the kitchen doorway. No response for what seemed to be a long, long minute. She switched the kettle off and began pouring him one anyway. She could always drink two if he didn’t want it.
“Chris?” she shouted again.
She walked into the lounge to place the cups down and clocked the bathroom door ajar and seemingly empty. Maybe he left without telling her. In all fairness, she wouldn’t have been surprised or annoyed. She’d barely given him a moment of attention for the last two hours.
She wandered slowly down the hallway first passing Shanna’s bedroom before reaching her own and finding him stretched out across the bottom of her bed. She giggled and leaned on the side of the doorway. He looked rather comfortable. A little too comfortable. Maybe he wanted some company?
“What are you up to, Evans?”
He tilted his head up to find her standing there. “I was wondering how long it would take for you to notice I was gone.” He leaned up further and rested on one arm to fully take sight of her. His eyes appeared a little dopey, a thing that always seemed to give away his nefarious intentions. From the angle he was now lying in, the size of his bicep looked ridiculous. It could not have been an accidental move and she’d be lying if she said it wasn’t working for her.
“Are you bored? You can absolutely go if you have a better offer, I promise I won’t mind.” she offered by way of an apology but he stayed looking at her, not moving or responding to her offer. Being caught under his glare like this was unnerving to say the least. His hair looked a little messy from where he had been lying down yet he still made zero effort to move at all.
“I’m not bored.” He finally spoke, sincerity lacing his voice. “Are you? You seem distracted tonight.”
She didn’t know how to respond except to say he was right and to apologise again. She hadn’t figured out what to say to Greg yet so explaining her thought process to Chris wasn’t going to get her very far. It was times like this, when he was looking at her like that, that she wished she had the confidence to try and shut him up the old-fashioned way.
“Come here...” It was barely a whisper and she would have doubted he had spoken at all if it wasn’t for the hand he was now holding out towards her. He didn’t blink once.
She couldn’t refuse him and moved slowly to stand in the middle of his now-parted legs hanging off the end of the bed as he sat up. She watched as he closed his eyes when he felt her fingers smooth through his hair. There was something so calming about her touch, the deliberate graze of her nails sending little shocks down his spine. He wasn’t normally fussed by a woman playing with his hair even if occasionally he liked it when they pulled on it but something about her slow, tender touch was unlike anything he had felt before.
He moved his hands to the side of her thighs before pulling her legs down to either side of him. “I love looking at you from here.” he whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist making sure she couldn’t get away from him.
She moved in to kiss him, softly at first before she felt his tongue glide along her bottom lip, a wordless request for her to open up. He paused for a second, taking her in while she caught her breath before kissing her deeper than before. She pulled his t-shirt up from the hem and he reached up over his back to grab it and whip it off in record time. Not one of his proudest moments, it caught on his watch as he tried and failed to fling it to the side of them and he made a mental note to try that move again when he felt her chuckle against the side of his neck. He didn’t much mind being a dork in front of her. She knew he wasn’t as cool as he made himself out to be.
His hands found their way into her hair as he caressed the strands out of her face. He loved how silky it felt between his fingers and how faintly it smelled of coconut, her signature smell by now. Her hands gripped his wrists before slowly moving up his biceps and grasping at his shoulders while he pulled her down onto him to allow her to feel how hard he was becoming from her touch. He wanted to know she was only thinking about him. She felt him push up into her core and arousing her even more. His breaths were getting shorter while his hands moved down her sides in an attempt to hook into her leggings and drag them down and off her body. She moved a hand away from his shoulders to help him with his mission but a tapping sound soon broke her from her reverie.
“Wait.” she was still holding on to his arms to steady herself until things went quiet and his hands froze on her waist. Their breathing levelled out quickly and Chris threw her a confused look. “Do you hear something?”
“What?” He gasped. “No, nothing.” He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her back down to kiss him hard. His hands firmly gripped her ass until she was putting pressure back where he wanted it. She quickly forgot what she was thinking about while he moved her slowly along his growing length. He moved one hand up her side, dragging her sweater up with it so his fingers could finally feel her skin underneath. Her hands were pushing down on his chest a bit harder and in a moment that took her by total surprised he quickly flipped them over so she was lying underneath him, completely encased by his strong forearms.
Kissing her was so easy he couldn’t believe he hadn’t done it sooner. Her lips were soft, some of the softest her had ever touched. He figured she kissed like she wanted to be kissed, and he wanted to kiss her back like no boy had ever kissed her before. It was soft and hot and breathy and turning him on immensely. Neither was trying to win a battle but rather seeking and enjoying their closeness, the sharing of this one single sensation, outside world be damned.
The prospect of being uninterrupted was giving him all kinds of ideas. Her breathing was hot against his skin and he knew she was in the zone with him. They’d never particularly been slow and up until this point, he hadn’t much minded but he knew there was some part of her she was holding back and honestly, it was thrilling to him that he was determined to figure her out.
Pinning her underneath, one hand reached down and grazed the inside of her thigh. A little more pressure just over her clit caused her breath to hitch with a sudden squeak ever so slightly until they smiled back into their kiss, tongues massaging together. Honestly, he could carry on doing this for hours if he knew for sure there would definitely be another time they had this opportunity.
She opened her eyes to find him resting so close above her and evidently relishing the way she was lightly tickling the back of his neck with her fingers. Another languid kiss followed before he caught the side of her neck between his teeth and pushed himself against her core, her wetness increasingly apparent to him. She was growing accustomed to his need to tease her like this that she almost missed the scraping sound that had returned, only this time it was louder and sounded like it was coming from just down her hallway. She would have loved nothing more than to continue focussing on the hot breath now ghosting across her neck and shoulders but, panicking, she grudgingly pushed him off her.
“Fuck, what is that?”
Helpless and slightly dazed, all he could do was watch her get up from the bed to stand by the door. With an ear close to the gap, she listened out for another sound. Quieter than before, she swore she heard what sounded like shuffling followed by something being dropped on the ground.
Spying him about to protest, she shook her head. “Nope. Nope, that’s definitely something.” She proceeded to tiptoe out of her room and down the hall towards the kitchen, her bare feet treading ever so lightly and managing to dodge the one creaky floorboard. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting to find but felt a brief surge of confidence knowing the vision of Captain America might alarm whoever was attempting to break in to her home and presumably try to murder them both. He was 6 foot and built like a tank, he could absolutely save them both if push came to shove.
Of course, no one was there that she could immediately see. Maybe something had fallen off the wall instead, or perhaps had been knocked over by a strong breeze coming in via the open window in the lounge? Maybe she was hearing things after all or maybe it was a burglar but they got startled and ran away when they heard footsteps inside. Maybe it was just their neighbour moving around next door but it sounded a little too close for that. She resorted to the only thing she could think of in that moment and picked up a spatula just in case.
Chris was reluctantly putting his t-shirt back on when he followed quietly behind her, shaking his leg to relieve some of the tension in his boxers. Something banged again but this time she was sure it was coming from outside of her front door. He could now hear it as well but wasn’t entirely sure what she was hoping to accomplish with a plastic spatula in her hand.
She held her finger up to her lips to stop him from making any noise and peered through the peephole. She couldn’t see anything. Gingerly, she decided to open the door and jumped backwards when there, on the ground hunched up and leaning against the door frame, was a rathe intoxicated Shanna. Her bag had been emptied in a hurry like she’d been trying to locate her keys, and her coat was falling off her shoulders. She was half-asleep.
Chris snorted from somewhere close behind Sarah unable to contain himself, instantly familiar with the view in front of him. Sarah exhaled with some kind of relief that they were safe from a mass-murderer.
“I don’t believe it...” she spoken quietly.
“I do!” Chris could barely stop the laughter coming out now.
She and Chris moved to help her into the apartment, each grabbing her under one arm. Chris bared the majority of her weight while Sarah carried her bag and as a many contents as she could find. They managed to manoeuvre her into her bedroom where she promptly fell forward, head first, onto her bed,
“Fuckin’ waster,” he laughed heartily before Sarah punched his arm to stop him  from waking her. the room fell silent for a moment before the unmistakeable sound of Shan snoring took over. Chris closed the door behind them before following Sarah to the kitchen where she collected the remaining items that had fallen out of her bag. Picking up her phone, she checked for scratches.
“Well at least she didn’t lose it this time,” she held up the mobile to him but noticed he couldn’t stop grinning. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” he shook his head. “I just wish I’d taken a picture of her. Scott would have a heart attack. Always told her she couldn’t handle her drink!”
“i don’t know how you’d explain getting hold of a photo of her.”
“Oh yeh, good point.” he chuckled in reponse. They regarded each other for a moment, Chris clearly hopeful they could pick up from where they left off.
“I think you should go,” Sarah thought apologetically.
He paused before answering, expecting her to have been joking. “Why? She’s passed out on her bed. She’ll be asleep for hours. Do you have any idea how many times I have seen her like this?”
“Have you any idea how many times I have seen her like this? She’ll wake up in the middle of the night and get into bed with me and it’d be a lot easier to handle if I didn’t have to explain to her why her bother was also there.”
“Sarah, we could throw a rave and she wouldn’t wake up.”
He was making no effort to move, instead fixing her with a stare waiting for her to recognise how ridiculous she sounded. His hands pinched at his hips and he looked a foot taller than before
“Seriously, Chris, you’re just going to have to leave.”
He took a couple of steps towards her, bare feet padding along the hard, cold floor. “I haven’t see you all week.” He moaned, hands reaching out for her hoping the memory of where they had been would be enough to convince her he should stay.
“That’s not true. You saw me the other day.” It was a weak response. Even she knew that.
“That’s not what I mean and you know it.”
She offered back nothing. She had no response. He was disappointed and equally as frustrated with his lack of a decent comeback. He should definitely stay. He should be rocking her world right this moment and whispering filthy things into her ear but instead, all he could do was stand there and shake his head in defeat. When he made eye contact with her again, she looked somehow smaller in some way and he found it hard to continue being frustrated with her. He understood what she was doing as much as he didn’t want to.
Resigned, he shuffled towards her and embraced her in a hug. She felt him semi-hard against her tummy, briefly doubting her choices. It stirred something exciting inside her to think she could make him feel that way and mentally chastised Shanna for cock-blocking her. She felt bad for kicking him out like this.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you.” she whispered.
He loosely pulled away from their hug and looked down at her. He playfully raised an eyebrow and looked down at her lips, still pink and swollen, before chastely planting a kiss on them.
“I am absolutely going to hold you to that.”
Shan finally made an appearance the following morning looking like death warmed up. She’d somehow managed to remove her clothes but had a pyjama top on backwards and her hair was sticking out in all directions. She had Sarah’s expert eyeliner and a false lash smudged down one cheek.
Sarah was eating breakfast and checking the news on her phone when she saw the creature from the black lagoon emerge into her kitchen. Stifling a laugh at the sorry sight standing before her, she felt a pang of sympathy seeing every step cause her pain. Shan just pouted at her before taking a seat at the kitchen table, resting her forehead in her hands while Sarah fixed her a glass of juice and some aspirin. She took it gratefully before groaning.
“Remind me never to do shots again.” she stressed. Sarah knew it wouldn’t last, not with that Boston blood coursing through her veins. “Was Chris here last night?”
Sarah froze, a sudden ring clouding her ears. “Erm, no, he wasn’t.” She turned to put her bowl in the sink and tried to hide any blushes. She didn’t know who felt more like shit in this exact moment.
“Oh I could have sworn I heard him is all.” Shan said, more to herself than to anyone else. “God, it’s good he wasn’t. He’d have a ball game seeing me in that state. How awful was I?”
“Not very,” Sarah lied again.
“How did I even get home?” she asked, trying to piece together the flashes of memories that kept racing through her mind.
“Um, I think your friends dropped you off in a taxi and you somehow managed to get up the stairs but then I guess you couldn’t find your keys...?” Shan managed a puzzled look. “You were slumped against the front door.” She refilled her glass with juice. “You’ve been in bed for, like, twelve hours.”
“Shit, we must have started early.”
“Well it happens to the best of us.” Sarah sat next to her and pushed a loose piece of hair out of her sweaty, red face. “Your hair looks OK! I don’t think there is anything stuck in it this time.”
Shanna laughed for the first time before her head panged in revenge.
“So? Did anything happen with Robbie?” Sarah asked, a cheeky grin crossing her face. By the look on Shanna’s face, the answer was a resounding “no” but it could very well have been the alcohol-induced hurricane currently running though her head.
“Well, it was a great night regardless. You’d love the bar. I think we ran into that guy, the porter from your hospital? Pat something? Did you know he plated in a band?”
“Um, no, not at all. Wow.” Sarah was trying to picture Patrick with an array of different instruments to see which suited him before remembering the awkward time he attempted to drum Phil Collins’ ‘In The Air Tonight’ with two scalpels. “Actually, he does seem the type. I’ll have to let Audrey know. She’ll love this.”
“He sounded pretty decent. It’s not just punk music or heavy rock. I think we should all go one night. Maybe as part of Mom’s birthday week.” Shanna perked up a little, proud of the idea that had materialised in her head against all odds. “It’s amazing what people can do when they put some effort in. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Where you might be now if you just took a chance.”
Following a night of heavy drinking, Sarah wasn’t expecting such an existential conversation at this point in the day. But it was a good point regardless. She grabbed her phone from the table and typed out a message to Greg.
“Yes. I’m in.”
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faewhump · 4 years
Unseelie Pet: 24. Chapter
In a brief moment of clarity Alex makes a mistake and has to pay for it. 
Previous Masterlist Next
Content warnings:  referenced dubcon, blood, dehumanisation, stress position, restraints, captor bonding, drugging (faerie food)
Tagging: @galaxywhump @whumpsideblog @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @slaintetowhump @thewhiteraven73 @ohmywhump @deluxewhump @ariirenn @u-n-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l @swordkallya @a-terrible-pun @frnkieroismydaddy @insanitywishes
The next morning Alex was very glad to see that he had been given proper clothes again. It had been a long night, even after they’d returned to his room from the party, and so he had slept in long. Despite his rumbling stomach he ignored the hearty breakfast laid out on the table and went to get dressed first. He slid out of the silken nightgown, his body still aching all over, and quickly put on the leggings and tunic that he’d been given for today. Wearing proper clothes that actually covered him had never felt this relieving before.  
After that he sat at the dressing table to put in his favourite pair of small pearl studs, because although the piercings had healed out by now Malachi still preferred him to always wear earrings. Looking up he caught his reflexion in the vanity mirror and froze.
The person in the mirror looked at him with big soft eyes, their hair well-groomed and shining, if a little mussed up by sleep. They wore clothes that looked simple but were fine enough to fit a noble, but the bejewelled golden collar covering their neck told a different story. Of course it was him in the mirror, and yet he barely recognised himself.
In a way he didn’t look like himself at all, he looked like a pampered faerie pet. Nausea rose in him as he realised that that was exactly what he was. A tame pet, submissive and obedient for his master, always sweet and never resisting, nothing but a mindless plaything for the Fae. Just last night Malachi had put him on the end of a leash and showed him off in a most indecent outfit to a whole room of other faeries, and afterwards… Alex balled his fists, just thinking of the way he had acted and begged made him feel sick. His reflexion filled him with so much disgust, he just couldn’t stand seeing the docile pet any longer.
His fury overshadowed everything else as he picked up the heavy hairbrush from the table and slammed it into the mirror with all his strength.
Staring at the shards he remembered how upset Malachi had been months ago when he’d done something similar, and as quickly as it had risen his anger dissipated again. He jumped up, feeling horrified with himself, as well as terrified of what Malachi would do once he found out. Last time he’d made him piece the mirror back together, so maybe he would expect something like that again? Without hesitation he got to work, desperately trying to fix the mirror as fast as possible.
By the time Malachi came to visit him his hands were covered in cuts and there was blood all over the shards. Alex flinched when the door opened, his despair increased even further; Malachi was back, but the mirror was still broken. The other mirror had fitted itself together perfectly once the last piece had been in place, but this time it wouldn’t work.
“What is the meaning of this?” Malachi asked sharply.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please I’m sorry,” Alex wailed, unable to stop himself from crying. “I broke the mirror, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why, but I’m trying to fix it, please master, please, I’m trying to fix it, please don’t punish me too harshly, please I’m sorry – “
“Hush, pet, hush,” Malachi soothed and helped Alex up from the floor. “I see that you tried to fix it, such a good boy who learned so well – but look at this, my poor sweet thing cut itself!”
He steered Alex to the bed, sat down and pulled him onto his lap. Carefully taking Alex’s bleeding hands into his he looked them over and chided him gently. “You have to be more careful, darling. Just look at this, you could have ruined your hands.”
“I’m sorry,” Alex sobbed, feeling even more guilty than before.
“Shh, it’s alright. The mirror isn’t an issue, it can be fixed in seconds. And we will fix your hands too, no need to worry.” Malachi kissed his forehead, then called for the guard outside to fetch Lady Áine.
“So you aren’t mad?” Alex asked meekly, glancing up at Malachi.
Malachi smiled. “No, I’m not. All things break eventually, and you even tried to fix your mistake and apologised so sweetly. It was just an accident; you didn’t destroy the mirror on purpose.”
Alex squirmed uncomfortably, biting his lip. “N-no,” he stuttered, unable to meet Malachi’s eyes. “It – it wasn’t an accident, I – I did break it on purpose, I’m so sorry, I don’t understand why, I just – I just was so angry at my reflection, I don’t know why, please, I’m so sorry.”
Malachi stiffened. “I won’t deny that I am very disappointed with you, pet,” he said, causing Alex to tear up again. “I truly wouldn’t have expected something like this from you now.”
“I’m sorry, I know I was stupid, I’m so sorry, and –“ Alex swallowed. “And I understand that I deserve to be punished as harshly as my master thinks is appropriate.”
For the split of a second Malachi looked incredibly pleased, then he schooled his face back into a strict expression. “That was a very good apology, my dear. You will be disciplined, yes, but first we must take care of your poor hands.”
As if on cue Áine entered the room.
“What can I assist you with, Lord Malachi?” she asked politely, and her eyes widened in concern when she noticed the blood.
“I’m afraid my silly pet broke a mirror and cut itself on the shards,” Malachi explained, and Alex looked down abashedly.
“I see.” Áine stepped closer, already critically regarding the mess of Alex’s hands. “That shouldn’t be an issue.”
Malachi nodded. “Good. I will leave you to it, then.” He gently manoeuvred Alex off his lap to sit on the bed, then stood up and motioned him to stay where he was. “Behave, pet,” he said sternly. “I will be back with you shortly.”
Alex followed him with his eyes as he left the room, in a way already wishing for him to come back, and yet horribly scared of what would happen once he did. He obediently held out his hands to Áine at her direction and tried his best to hold still while she carefully wiped the blood away. Noticing his clear distress she gave him a reassuring smile.
“It’s alright,” she said soothingly. “Accidents happen, and we’ll have your hands fixed in no time.”
Slowly Alex shook his head. “It was – it wasn’t an accident.”
Áine looked surprised. “But why would you –“
“I – I’m not sure, somehow I just –“ He swallowed. “Somehow I just really, really hated how my reflection looked like a pampered pet in the mirror, and I – I just couldn’t –“ He looked away, blinking away tears and unable to articulate himself further.
“I’m so sorry I can’t help you,” Áine whispered so quietly that Alex wasn’t entirely sure he’d heard her right.
Confused Alex looked at his hands where her magic was already numbing the pain and worked on closing the wounds. “But you are helping me,” he said. “You always help me.”
Instead of explaining what she’d meant Áine only smiled sadly.
“Can you try moving your fingers for me?” she asked once the wounds had closed, and Alex immediately obeyed.
“Everything feels good again,” he reported. “Thank you, Lady Áine.”
“Yes, thank you a lot for your services,” Malachi agreed, and with him Alex’s fear returned as well.
“You are most welcome, Lord Malachi,” Áine said formally. Throwing a glance at Alex she asked, “Would you like me to stay? If I understand the situation correctly, I will probably be needed in a again short while.”
Alex’s breath hitched; he knew that what she offered was to stay for his punishment in anticipation that she would need to heal him afterwards. Apart from handing out quick slaps Malachi always disciplined him in private, and Alex was glad for it. Though if someone else had to witness it, he would rather have it be Áine than anyone else. She had been the only one who’d seen the aftermaths of his punishments so far, and she was always kind to him.
“Thank you for the offer, but it isn’t necessary as your help won’t be required urgently,” Malachi declined.
Áine nodded. “Very well.” She turned to leave, throwing one last glance back at Alex, whose attention was solely focussed on Malachi, staring up at him with big eyes.
Malachi stepped closer and reached out to pat his head. “You are so cute, darling. Not even begging me not to punish you, just obediently accepting whatever I will give you. We have come such a long way; I always knew you could be this perfect. I am very proud of you, sweetheart.”
Alex blushed, focusing on the feeling of flattery inside him, and pushed the small stirrings of anger away.
Malachi sighed. “But sadly we still have to deal with your misbehaviour.” His tone turned strict once more. “Get up on the bed, pet, on your knees.”
Alex quickly scrambled to obey and followed Malachi’s directions to spread his legs and fold his hands behind his back, nervously holding still while the Fae bound his wrists with soft rope. Malachi then guided him to bend over and pulled his arms up behind him, tying them tautly to the canopy. Next he wrapped four more ropes around his ankles and knees, tied them to the bedposts, and thereby effectively immobilised him. Alex now had to balance on his lower legs, holding his upper body horizontally with his stomach muscles to avoid putting too much strain on his shoulders and arms.
“Shh, pet, relax,” Malachi soothed, gently running his hands over Alex’s body. “Though well, ‘relax’ is probably not the right word.” He chuckled quietly. “Since your misdeed is clearly rooted in a lack of control, this punishment should be appropriate to teach you, don’t you agree?”
“I – I guess, master,” Alex said.
“Good. Now, one last thing –“
Alex’s eyes widened when Malachi presented him with the detested muzzle. He still opened his mouth to take the metal bit between his teeth and didn’t resist as Malachi buckled the straps tightly. Lastly, he wrapped a strip of dark velvet cloth around his head, leaving him both gagged and blindfolded.
“Be a good boy and learn,” Malachi told him sternly, checking over all ropes and straps to make sure they weren’t too tight. Then his hands disappeared, and Alex heard his steps retreat.
Alex’s heart jumped when he realised that Malachi had actually left him alone like this, without even hinting at when he would come back. Breathing deeply he tried to calm himself, of course Malachi wasn’t staying to hold his hand, this was supposed to be a punishment after all. At first it didn’t seem like much, the position was uncomfortable but not overly so, and while not being able to see or speak was scary, it wasn’t nearly as bad what he’d expected. However, his opinion on that was quick to change.
Time went by, and soon the strain on his limbs increased wickedly with every passing second. His muscles were burning, and he tried to shift his weight to no avail, the bindings were holding him too tightly. Whenever he attempted to take some strain off his stomach and legs the ligaments in his arms and shoulders screamed in protest and vice versa. Hot tears slipped from his eyes and soaked into the blindfold, everything hurt so much, and he wasn’t even able to beg or call for help.
He didn’t know how long it had been since Malachi had left him and desperately wished for his return. What if Malachi had forgotten about him? Or if he didn’t think of how much more breakable than faeries humans were? His quiet crying turned into uninhibited sobs only muffled by the muzzle, and he swore to himself that he would never, ever follow his emotional outbreaks again. He was so distracted by the pain that he didn’t even notice Malachi’s return until he touched his arm.
His crying increased from relief when he felt Malachi gently stroking over his aching shoulders and heard him talking softly. Malachi first took off the soaked through blindfold, and Alex blinked against the light while he untied his arms and legs. Utterly exhausted Alex slumped against him, everything hurt.
“You did so well, darling, I’m very proud of you,” Malachi praised. “Did you learn your lesson?”
Still unable to speak Alex nodded enthusiastically. Malachi smiled and pressed a kiss against his forehead, then finally removed the muzzle. Alex squealed with surprise when Malachi picked him up and carried him to the bathroom, where the tub had already been prepared. The warm water did wonders for his sore muscles, and afterwards Alex was unable to do anything but whimper as Malachi rubbed ointment into and carefully massaged his aching limbs. Next he picked Alex up again and carried him back to the bed, allowing him to curl up at his side, and proceeded to feed him treats.
Soon the calming effect of the faerie food joined pleasant buzz he already felt after the bath, everything was so warm and soft. Malachi was there, talking to him, taking care of him, and Alex almost felt as if he was in a dream. The punishment had been harsh, but now he was forgiven, and all was good again.
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yourperfectflaws · 4 years
HYDRA’s Pet ; 03
Pairing: James Bunchan Barnes x HYDRA!Reader, Avengers x Reader (Platonic/ Familial)
Series Summary: As HYDRA’s favorite experiment, you were trained to follow orders perfectly. But, when you’re taken from the only home you’d ever known by the Avengers, you find yourself more lost than ever. However, out of all the things that could have happened to you, you’d never expected him to be one of them.
Chapter Summary: Your sexy ass is introduced to the team and then scheduled for reprogramming. 
Warnings: Adult Language
Word Count: 1.5k (sorry this one was so short. T^T)
Author’s Note: Again, don’t worry Bucky is coming soon! (nextchapterperhapsahhhh)
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Prologue // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter (Coming Soon!)
January 18th, 2017 ; Avengers Compound
After coming back in to check on you, Steve told you that you’d have to stay the night in the compound and then you’d be introduced to the rest of the Avengers in the morning. And when you woke up, you saw him standing in front of the door with a pair of shiny, metal cuffs in his hand. You looked at them and then back up at him with your heart pounding in your ears. 
“They’re just a precaution, don’t worry,” he assured you as he put them on your wrists, as if he was calming a rabid animal. But you weren’t even mad because it was working. “It’s because we have a few members of the team who aren’t sold on you just yet.”
He brought you out of the cell— which did have a key pad on the wall next to it— and into an elevator that took you up to the ground floor of the building. There you walked up a flight of stairs and into a lounge area where the entire team was waiting for you. 
When you walked through the door, you felt the heat of their stares boring through you. You tried to present yourself with confidence, but it was rather hard considering you were in handcuffs. Among them, you recognized the redheaded woman and the man with the bow. They looked at you without a hint of malice, which surprised you. You would have thought that they would be the ones that opted for you to be cuffed. 
Then, a dark haired man approached you with an insincere smile and shook your cuffed hands. Your fought the urge to bring them down on his head.
“Hello... Y/n, was it?” He asked more to Steve than you, who nodded. You recognized his voice as the man in the iron suit. “It’s nice to formally meet you, my name is Tony Stark and though I don’t appreciate you trying to murder my friends, it seems that this ‘star spangled ding dong’—” he threw his arm over Steve’s broad shoulders. “—sees some potential in you.” 
“Okay, Tony, that’s a little harsh,” said a man with graying, dark hair, like Tony, but a softer voice. He approached you, along with another man, who had dark skin and extremely short hair. “My name is Dr. Bruce Banner, it’s nice to meet you, Y/n.” He shook your cuffed hands with a warm smile. 
“And I’m Colonel James Rhodes,” the black man said with a firm nod of his head. This prompted the rest of the team to introduce themselves as well all while Tony was giving you threatening looks. You were starting to get the feeling that maybe he didn’t like you. But you also didn’t really care. 
The redheaded woman was named Natasha Romanoff and the man with the bow was named Clint Barton. There was also Sam Wilson, Thor— who was, by far, the most likable—, and Wanda Maximoff. They had mentioned that there were a few members missing who were too busy to meet you that you’d see from time to time. You didn’t really care as long as they left you alone. 
“I have a question,” you asked as they had begun talking among themselves. They turned to you, a few with surprised faces, and waited for you to ask what was on your mind. “What is this thing?” You pointed to the metal collar around your neck. 
“Oh that’s Wakandan tech. It’s a strength suppressor, I think.” Tony answered while engrossed in his tablet. He seemed to remember something because he looked up at you and quirked an eyebrow. “Speaking of Wakanda, I’m going to let you know for safety reasons we’re sending you there for rehabilitation.”
You felt your heart drop. They were going to do what? You took a few steps back. Steve noticed your distress and placed a warm hand on your shoulder. 
“We’ve got to get whatever HYDRA put in your head out of it,” he clarified. “Don’t worry, they’ve done it before.”
You didn’t say anything but let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Your nerves ignited at the possibility of more tests. You could practically smell the sanitation solution. The sticky bed. The sharp tools. 
“Hey, look at me,” Steve crouched down so he was at eye level with you. You hadn’t realized it but you were staring a hole in the carpet. “You’ll be back in no time, I promise.” 
You stared at him for a few long seconds. As much as you desperately wanted to, you couldn’t feel any hatred or animosity for him. It irked you to think that you were actually starting to like him. Them. 
“Okay, the ship is here,” Tony announced. Well, maybe not him. 
Steve turned to you. “Alright, let’s go—“
“Actually, can I take her up? I’d like to have a private conversation with her.” Natasha forced herself between the two of you. You watched as Steve’s eyebrows knit together and his mouth formed a light frown. “Not anything to worry about, Steve. Just a friendly conversation between women.”
Though he could tell that she had ulterior motives, he was in no place to argue with her. So, all he could do was watch as you left with his friend. 
As you walked along the pristine corridors, you admired the architecture. It was extremely beautiful but you couldn’t help the jealously that stirred within you. You had lived in a dirty, rusty base your whole life and their compound was so spotless and pleasing to look at. You couldn’t help but imagine yourself wandering these halls every day. 
All of a sudden, Natasha stopped in the middle of the hallway, breaking your train of through. You tilted your head when she swiftly turned to you. Her face was hard and you could tell that she’d been suppressing her anger. 
“I know you’ve got the rest of the team all wrapped around your finger, especially Steve, but I don’t trust you.” She pointed her finger in your face. You stepped back to avoid a potential attack. “Why don’t you have a life before HYDRA got to you? There’s nothing but a number in their system.”
“HYDRA is my parents,” you said in the same robotic and monotonous voice. Natasha’s eyebrows shot up to her hairline. 
“You’ve said that already. Do you mean that they raised you?”
Something inside you desperately wanted to get on her good side. To be vulnerable in front of someone. It was extremely strange and you’d never felt anything like this before. 
“I was told they took me in as a baby and raised me in the base. They’re all I know. They gave me purpose,” you explained. Then you realized something. “Now that I’m here, I don’t have one anymore.”
Her eyes softened. “How about I give you one then?” She suggested, which surprised you. “Your new purpose is to go through this rehabilitation and come back a new person, okay? Can you do that for me?”
Though it seemed she hated you, she was being undeniably sweet. It wasn’t her sweetness that surprised you, but your reaction to it. You could feel your chest lighten and it scared you. The thought of living with these people was becoming more and more appealing and you didn’t know what to do. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? You’ve been staring off into space for two minutes, Y/n.” She placed a soft hand on your shoulder. 
Realizing that you appreciated her words, you stood and gave her a firm salute. “Thank you.”
“What?” She took a sharp step back, eyes wide. 
“Thank you for giving me a purpose, Natasha.” You smiled genuinely for the first time since you could remember. Your rising chest felt strange and almost unnatural. 
“You’re welcome, Y/n.” She returned the smile. “I hope that when you come back, we can both be friends.”
“Me too,” you said without thinking. It surprised you how easily you said that. 
“We should get going, they’re probably wondering what the hell’s taking so long.” She laughed and you both resumed walking towards your destination. She took you into an elevator and down another hallway. At the end you could see a steel door. 
Outside the door was a large, Wakandan ship. The steely metal gleamed in the sunlight and nearly blinded you as you both approached it. A handsome, dark-skinned man met the two of you halfway and smiled. His expensive looking clothes were as handsome as his face. 
“Hello, you must be Y/n. I am king T’challa of Wakanda. It is a pleasure to meet you.” He bowed to you and you returned the gesture, though your movements weren’t as graceful or elegant as his were. “My sister is waiting for us back home.” He then turned to Natasha. “I can take her from here, thank you.”
Natasha nodded and said her goodbyes. You watched as she left through the door, which made a loud click when it shut. 
T’challa placed a polite hand on your back and walked you to the gleaming steps. You walked up in front of him, the wind blowing right through you, and into the strange ship. You began to wonder what on Earth would be in store for you this time. 
I apologize for not updating as quick as I wanted to but I accidentally deleted my draft and I had to write the whole thing all over again. Not to mention that I have online school and am working on a WEBTOON. 
Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Have a great day and stay safe!
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lantur · 4 years
royai week 2020: day one, “letter”
summary: It’s a running joke in the office that even if Hawkeye were to be shot at her desk, she would put together a complete and professional memo, date, time, and subject line and all, before calling a medic for assistance. Re: Request for medical leave, effective immediately.
Or: Roy and Riza exchange a series of memos on November 18, 1910.
rated: e for everybody
tags: partial epistolary format, pre-canon
words: 3642 | read on ao3 
Roy receives the invitation on the third Wednesday in November. It has been slipped in with several memos from Grumman’s office. The invitation to the annual Central Officers’ Ball is printed on the finest stationery he has ever seen - heavy ivory card-stock with golden trim and deep emerald green lettering. He takes in the details with a single glance. The last Saturday of December, at Central Command. Six in the evening. Formal attire. Dinner and dancing. 
He has barely spent any time in Central since being posted to East City Command and promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Frankly, it’s surprising that he even scored an invite. Grumman must have had something to do with it. In the midst of one of their chess games earlier this autumn, the Lieutenant General had been musing about some of the connections made at the Officers’ Ball some decades ago, and how helpful those connections were in advancing his career. Everything you want in life is a relationship away, Mustang, Grumman advised, before putting him in checkmate. 
Roy smiles, folds the invitation in half, and tucks it back into its envelope. 
He tears off a sheet of memo paper and begins to write. 
Date: Nov. 18, 1910
Time: 3:15 PM
To: Hawkeye
From: Mustang
Re: Svensson (New Optain) 
Reviewed Svensson peer interviews. You may strike him from the list due to reported issues with temperament. Proceed with followup on Nilson. 
Postscript: Please clear your social calendar on the last Saturday of December. 
 Date: November 18, 1910
Time: 3:30 PM
To: Lt. Col. Mustang
From: Second Lt. Hawkeye
Re: Svensson (New Optain)
Svensson has been removed from the list of contenders. Nilson interviews are attached. 
Postscript: Schedule is open on the last Saturday of December as requested, though I would not recommend attempting to interview a potential candidate so close to the New Year. Most individuals will be traveling to see family at that time. 
Date: Nov. 18, 1910
Time: 4:30 PM
To: Hawkeye
From: Mustang 
Re: Nilson 
Nilson appears promising. Thank you for being proactive on completing these interviews and transcriptions in advance.
Postscript: We will not be attempting to interview Nilson on the twenty-sixth of December. You will be accompanying me to the annual Central Officers’ Ball. Expect to leave East City by late morning of the twenty-sixth. We’ll return on the morning of the twenty-seventh. 
Lt. Col., you may have misunderstood the purpose of this event. The Central Officers’ Ball is a social event, not a professional meeting. The plus one that officers receive is intended to be filled by a spouse, partner, or date, not a member of one’s unit. I am sure that you will have no difficulty finding a suitable companion. 
Roy throws a discreet glance over to Hawkeye’s desk. She’s sitting up straight, telephone held to her ear, undoubtedly making further inquiries about the next candidate on their list. The Second Lieutenant looks as calm and composed as ever, and had been perfectly collected while dropping off the memo at his desk. It’s all a sharp contradiction to the empty memo lines on the sheet before him. 
Second Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye never leaves a memo line unfilled. Only Falman is as attentive to detail as she is. It’s not unusual for Hawkeye to chastise Breda and Havoc - not to mention him - for poorly composed or incomplete memos. The purpose of a memo is to share information, as well as to keep a record of communications, she has lectured them, a dozen times. If any fields are missing, you’re providing your fellow colleagues with an unclear picture of the situation and opening the door to any number of miscommunications. It’s a running joke in the office that even if Hawkeye were to be shot at her desk, she would put together a complete and professional memo, date, time, and subject line and all, before calling a medic for assistance. Re: Request for medical leave, effective immediately.
Roy twirls his pen through his fingers, and he can’t help but grin. 
Date: Nov. 18, ‘10
Time: 5 PM
To: Hawkeye
From: Mustang
Re: Incomplete memorandum
Hawkeye, I regret that I must reprimand you for the memo that you delivered to my desk earlier this afternoon. Several fields were missing, including date, time, address information, and subject line. This could have opened the door to any number of miscommunications, or even provided your colleagues with an unclear picture of the situation. 
Postscript: You said you would follow me “into hell” but you refuse to come with me to the Central Officer’s Ball? I’m not sure what that says about your conviction - or if you just think the ball will be worse than hell itself. 
Hawkeye reads the memo at her desk and looks so momentarily wounded that Roy feels sorry for her. He grabs another sheet of memo paper, scribbles a few lines, and delivers it to her desk before she can even pick up a pen to respond to his first note. 
Re: Disregard previous memo
A civilian would not be an appropriate companion for this event. It is a mission-critical operation, not a mere social engagement. I need somebody sharp and perceptive at my side to assist with evaluating the individuals we meet, most of whom will be members of senior staff. I require a second set of eyes to pick up on existing social networks and spot any opportunities for suitable connections that could help with my advancement. I can think of no better set of eyes than yours. 
 Date: November 18, 1910
Time: 5:15 PM
To: Lt. Col. Mustang
From: Second Lt. Hawkeye
Re: Incomplete memorandum
I extend my sincere apologies for the incomplete memorandum earlier this afternoon, Lt. Col. It will not happen again. 
As the event on the twenty-sixth of December is mission-critical, I will be happy to accompany you. Any guidance that you can provide on dress code would be much appreciated.
Riza works steadily at her desk. Roy surveys her for a few long moments, resting the top of his pen against his chin thoughtfully. 
She notices his scrutiny and deliberately angles her chair so that all he can see is the back of her head.
Date: 11-18-10
Time: 5:30 PM
To: Hawkeye
From: Mustang
Re: Dress code
Formal attire. Don’t fret too much about it. You’ll look stunning beautiful gorgeous nice no matter what you wear. 
We’ll discuss further as we approach the operation. 
Riza blushes faintly when she receives the memo. She folds it twice, into a tiny square, and then tucks it into her pocket, before proceeding to his desk and standing at attention. “Is that all for today, sir?” 
Roy leans back in his chair and gives her his most disarming smile. Riza’s eyes narrow slightly. “You’re dismissed, Second Lieutenant. Enjoy your evening.”
Roy feels oddly cheerful for the rest of the night.
Date: December 25, 1910
Time: 11:15 AM
To: Hawkeye
From: Mustang
Re: Grumman meeting reschedule
Yes, you can go ahead and reschedule my meeting with Grumman to 2 PM today. We’ll push the Smith meeting back an hour. 
Postscript: I’ll pick you up at your place at 11 AM tomorrow. 
Date: December 25, 1910
Time: 11:30 AM
To: Lt. Col. Mustang
From: Second Lt. Hawkeye
Re: Grumman meeting schedule
The changes to your schedule have been made. Please be sure to review the files that Smith sent over prior to your meeting with him at four. 
Postscript: Do you plan on driving? I can book train tickets for us today.
Yes, I plan on driving. You really didn’t have to look so alarmed when you read my earlier note. I’ll let you choose what we listen to on the radio, if that helps. 
Date: December 25, 1910
Time: 12:30 PM
To: Lt. Col. Mustang
From: Second Lt. Hawkeye
Re: Tomorrow
I suppose it does, sir. I’ll bring coffee for the road.
Roy looks up from the memo and grins at Hawkeye. His Second Lieutenant gives the towering stack of paperwork on his desk a meaningful look, but her lips quirk up in a hint of a smile.
Riza is, uncharacteristically, two minutes late on the morning of the twenty-sixth. At two minutes past eleven, she emerges from the door of her apartment building, looking somewhat harried, carrying a canvas bag over her shoulder, a long garment bag slung over her arm, and a covered travel mug of coffee in each hand. She’s in civilian clothes, a gray skirt, knee-high boots, and a pink sweater, and Roy admires the look for a moment before he slides out of the driver’s seat to assist her. It’s bitterly cold outside, even with his overcoat, gloves, and scarf on. 
“I’m sorry for my lateness, Lieutenant Colonel,” Riza says, the moment she sees him. “It’s just this stupid garment bag - it’s very unwieldy.”
“Two whole minutes, Hawkeye. It’s unforgivable. We’ll be late for the entire event, and blacklisted from all future occasions.” Roy relieves her of the coffee and opens the back door for her, allowing her to unload her canvas bag and the garment bag, which she folds carefully and places beside his neatly pressed dress uniform.
They settle in the front, taking a minute to sip their coffee in comfortable silence, curling their hands around the mugs for warmth. “No one makes coffee like you do.” Roy breathes in the steam, savoring the scent.
Riza shrugs modestly. “It’s just a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar stirred in with the cream, sir. There’s nothing to it.”
She’s eyeing the radio, set to the monotonous sounds of East City Public Radio, and Roy sighs. It’s an age-old battle between them, going back to a happier, simpler time, years ago, when they were both living under Berthold Hawkeye’s roof. “Go ahead and change it.”
Riza puts on a jazz station without argument. The roads between East City and Central are unusually empty today, and Roy delights in the ability to go fast, the music in the background, the scent of coffee lingering in the air, one of his two closest friends at his side. Even though she isn’t nearly as thrilled with the ability to drive fast as he is.
“What’s in the garment bag, Hawkeye?” Roy glances over at her. “I almost offered to come shopping with you. I thought I could pass on some of the sartorial insights I’ve learned after growing up with so many sisters, but then I realized that might be seen as inappropriate.”
“No, sir. You don’t say.” 
Roy grins at the deadpan. “Insubordination, Second Lieutenant,” he replies, not meaning a word of it.
Riza settles herself into a more comfortable position in the passenger seat. “It’s a lovely dress, if I do say so myself, Lieutenant Colonel. Tangerine orange silk, sleeveless, fitted through the bodice to the knees, and flaring out from the knees to ankles. There’s a two-foot long train as well.”
Roy shoots his Second Lieutenant an appalled look, and she gives him a tiny, smug smile.
They book neighboring rooms at Central’s nicest hotel, just down the street from Central Command. It’s four by the time they check in, and they disappear into their own rooms at once to get ready. Roy takes a drink from the mini-bar in his room - just a small one, just to calm his nerves - before going through the routine of shaving, showering, getting dressed, slicking his hair back. By the time he’s finished, he can barely recognize the man in the mirror.
Roy leaves his room with the intention of finding Riza at the hotel bar for a pre-mission briefing. Instead, they both step out of their rooms at the same time, locking their doors behind them, and for a moment, Roy can’t do anything but stare. Finally, he recovers, raising an eyebrow at her. “Tangerine orange?”
Riza smooths her hands down the skirt of her dress somewhat self-consciously. It’s a silken fabric, high-necked, sleeveless, fitted close to her chest and waist, the skirt flaring out from the waist as it falls to the ground. It’s green - not the true Amestris green, but a dark, shimmering emerald green. The color is a striking contrast to her hair and her amber earrings. “Not quite,” she says. “It’s not too much?” 
“Not at all. You look lovely, Hawkeye. You could be the First Lady of Amestris.” 
The implication of the words hit him the second they leave his mouth. Thankfully, Riza misunderstands. She reaches for his arm, and then curls her hand into a fist, bringing it back to herself somewhat self-consciously. “You don’t think it’s overstepping for me to wear this color? I wouldn’t want to offend Mrs. Bradley.”
“Definitely not,” Roy insists. “Relax. I’ll buy you a drink at the bar to help ease your nerves. Now, come on. We have time for a quick pre-mission meeting before we head over to Central Command.”
The Central Officers’ Ball is exhausting. Roy becomes acquainted and re-acquainted with several dozen high-ranking officers stationed at bases across Amestris. He wears his most charming smile, engages in his wittiest repartee, and constantly watches and listens - not just to the officers he’s talking to, but the people in the vicinity. The Hero of Ishval, men and their wives say, over and over and over again, and his smile never falters.
He has surprisingly little time with Hawkeye. They socialize separately for most of the night - divide and conquer, he had told her, on their drive from East City to Central. Despite the crowds, Roy catches sight of her often, locked in a dance with this or that colonel or general, or conversing quietly with men he recognizes as adjutants of some of the Central Command senior staff. He’s mildly surprised to see that Hawkeye seems to be quite a hit with the younger officers and adjutants, and some of the not-so-young ones, either. 
But it shouldn’t be a surprise. Riza has always been someone with intense focus, and when she trains those clear, lovely, amber-colored eyes on a man, listening to him in that calm, intent way she does, it must make him feel like the only man in the room. 
Not that he would know.
Hawkeye’s looks certainly don’t hurt, either. Her dress, hair, jewelry, and cosmetics are quite a bit more understated than the other women in attendance, but she’s stunning, regardless. His eyes aren’t the only ones lingering on her tonight. But the other men aren’t her commanding officers, and Roy clears his throat, and finds a group of Brigadier Generals from Central Command to converse with.
Riza appears by his side at the next break in the music, and Roy politely excuses himself from the group. “How has your night been, Hawkeye?” he asks softly, leading her to a more quiet corner.
Riza glances up at him, a satisfied gleam in her eyes. “It’s been very productive, sir. We’ll have a lot to discuss on the drive home.”
Roy can’t help but laugh. “You worked the room even better than I did. If I didn’t know it was you out there, I wouldn’t have believed it.”
Riza accepts a glass from a passing waitress with a nod of thanks, and takes a sip of the champagne. “I’m surprised to hear you say that, Lieutenant Colonel.”
“What can I say, Second Lieutenant? You have certain advantages with this crowd that I don’t.”
“And what would those be, sir?” Riza asks, straight-faced. 
“Oh, look, Hawkeye,” Roy says, suddenly very interested in the waiter moving past them. “Can I interest you in some canapes?”
The canapes are delicious. They share a savory biscotti, and when the orchestra resumes, Roy nods to the center of the ballroom. “It’s the last dance. Shall we?”
“I--” Riza hesitates, evidently taken by surprise. “I suppose that’s all right.”
Now, that’s the Riza Hawkeye he knows and--
Roy grins, and immediately suppresses the rest of the sentence. “Ah, Second Lieutenant.” He rests a hand over his heart, feigning injury. “The enthusiastic response that every man dreams of.” 
Riza places her hand on his arm with a small, resigned sigh. It’s the same sound she makes when she looks him dead in the eye in the office after telling him to stop procrastinating on his work, and adds that she should be paid more. Roy leads her to the floor, and he takes her hand, placing his other hand on her back, as Riza rests her hand on his arm. 
He realizes, too late, that this is the first time he’s touched her like this since the weeks immediately after Ishval.
Since you maimed her, his mind elaborates helpfully, and Roy fights the urge to wince. 
He doesn’t feel the scars underneath the silken fabric of Riza’s dress. And it’s not like the fabric is thick. Over the past year, he’s wondered how the burns have healed, even though the ease of Riza’s movements, their natural grace, seem to indicate a complete recovery.
Roy glances down at her, worried, wondering if this is the reason she had hesitated to accept the offer to dance. If Riza is at all troubled, she shows no indication of it. Her hand is relaxed in his own, her expression calm. She looks genuinely at ease, for the first time tonight. They’re close enough that he can breathe in the scent of her hair. Vanilla, the same shampoo she has used for all the years he’s known her. 
So Roy tries to appreciate the music, the lovely sounds of the forty-piece orchestra. He tries to glance around at the men surrounding them and identify which ones he and Riza hadn’t conversed with tonight. He tries to think about anything except how good and how right it feels to have his subordinate in his arms. 
He can see the Fuhrer and his wife through the crowd. Fuhrer Bradley holds his wife close, resting his chin on top of her head. A rare, tender gesture, one that appears incongruous from such a fierce-looking man. A man who had signed off on the slaughter of the Ishvalan people. The First Lady is wearing a dress remarkably similar to Riza’s, though it’s violet and not dark green. 
Even with the music, Roy can hear the soft swish of Riza’s skirt as they move. The warm glow of the low lamplight catches her hair, her eyes, her amber drop earrings. 
“The green was a good choice,” Roy murmurs, even though he shouldn’t. Just like he shouldn’t imagine the two of them ten years from now, standing in the Fuhrer and the First Lady’s place. 
“Thank you, sir.” Riza’s voice is barely audible. 
There will be no extravagant holiday parties for them. His tenure as Fuhrer will last only as long as it takes to strip the power away from the military and hand it back to the people. If there’s any justice in this world, his tenure will end with a firing squad. 
The music comes to an end, and they release one another’s hands.
They say their farewells, lingering to socialize a bit more with the potential new allies formed tonight. It’s midnight before they head back to their hotel, and they slump back against the wall of the elevator in exhaustion. Roy’s eyelids feel heavy, his head aches slightly, and he is overly conscious of Riza’s shoulder, a few inches from his own. He’s so used to seeing her shoulders covered by the dark blue wool of her uniform coat that it takes an effort not to stare whenever he sees her in civilian clothes. 
It would be so easy to lean into her. He sees that Riza is tired too, in the sharp, impatient movements of her hands as she hitches up her skirt enough to pull off her high heels, right there in the elevator. But he doesn’t, just like he doesn’t stare at her legs. 
“Questionable, Hawkeye,” Roy comments, as they make their way down the hall, back to their rooms. Riza’s steps don’t click on the marble floors as they have all night. “These floors may look spotless, but I wouldn’t want my bare feet all over them before getting into bed.”
“That’s what the soaking tub is for, sir,” Riza replies, and Roy is momentarily distracted by the mental image of her slipping off the ballgown, the emerald green silk falling to the floor.
They come to a stop in front of both of their rooms and turn to face one another. “Thank you, Second Lieutenant,” Roy says. “For accompanying me.”
“I was happy to do so, Lieutenant Colonel, despite my initial reluctance. I think we worked well together.” 
“Do you want to come in, to discuss the connections we made tonight?” Roy asks, and he can’t bear to look her in the eyes. He stares at a spot just above her head instead. “I’ll mix you a drink.”
Riza looks at him steadily. She swallows, and Roy watches the movement of her throat, and imagines running his fingers through her hair, gently pulling her head back, kissing her neck. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, sir.” 
The worst thing, by far, is that he’s not imagining the reluctance in her voice. 
“Of course.” Roy forces his most carefree smile. “Sleep well, Hawkeye.”
“You too, Lieutenant Colonel.” 
They retreat into their separate rooms. Roy closes the door behind him, locks it, and leans against the door heavily. He runs his fingers through his hair, mussing the impeccably slicked-back style, and all the breath leaves his body in a sigh.
He stays there, for a long while. He thinks of Riza, in her room. And finally, Roy makes his way to the mini-bar to pour himself a drink.
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flowerpowell · 5 years
Unexpected (Drake x MC)
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A/N: Hello from my hiatus! I’m still not active but I thought I’d schedule a new chapter so you dont have to wait so long. I’ll reply to comments to this and previous chapters when I can. Thank you for being patient with me and I hope you’ll like this chapter; I’d love it if you left some feedback for me! Characters belong to Pixelberry (except for my OCs)
Rating: PG
Word count: 2253
Tagging: @gardeningourmet​ @delightfullypinkglitter​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @akrenich​ @blackcatkita​ @desireepow-1986​ @dcbbw​ @kingliam2019​ @the-soot-sprite​ @mskaneko​ @thequeenofcronuts​ @dr-ethanjramsey​ @badchoicesposts​ @burnsoslow​ @annekebbphotography​ @alesana45​ @addictedtodrakefanfic​ @walkerduchess​ @ao719​ @texaskitten30​ @lodberg​ @cordonianroyalty​ @emichelle​ @siriusxxvideos​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ @samihatuli​ @choices-lurker​ @i-miss-trr​ @drxkewalker​ @nikkis1983​ @innerpostmentality​ @msjr0119​ @bascmve01​ @mind-reader1​ @edgiestwinter​ @drakesensworld​ @queenjilian​ @princessleac1​ @saivilo​ @yukinagato2012​ ♥
“Dad, you can’t just punch people like that,” Riley gave Drake a pack of frozen spinach and he held it near his eye. Riley’s father sat on the other side of the room and studied him warily.
“I can do what I want, that man here brainwashed you!”
“Dad! He didn’t brainwash me, what are you talking about?”
“Trent, honey, maybe we should--” a woman sitting next to him, Riley’s mother as Drake guessed, tried to calm her husband down but he didn’t let her finish.
“I spent years and years raising you. Giving you food, money, clothes, home. And you get married without even telling us about it? Your husband didn’t even care to follow our traditions! He never asked me for your hand. None of you contacted me. I did not approve of this marriage and I do not approve of it now.”
“But Daddy,” another woman tried to cut in and Drake thought it must have been Riley’s sister. She looked more like their father while Riley looked more like her mother. They both had dark hair but Riley’s was long and with red ombre while her sister’s were much shorter and almost black. The ladies had also different eye colors, Riley’s bright blue ones contrasted with her sister’s brown eyes.
“Shush. I’m speaking,” the man scolded his daughter and Drake knew he already hated the guy. He hated him from Riley’s stories but after meeting him in person, he hated him even more. “When you said you wanted to go to Europe I thought you wanted to do something valuable, learn something, make money. But instead, you marry the first man you meet. You’re such a disappoitment, Riley. You always were. How silly I was to believe maybe you’d change.”
“Dad!” The sister stood up but one look from her father silenced her for good. Drake looked at Riley; her eyes were fixed on the floor, not willing to make any eye contact.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Drake stood up to face Trent. “I will not let you speak to her like that. This is my home and if you have a problem with us being married you can complain somewhere else. She’s my wife now and you’re not allowed to insult us. She is not, and never has been a disappointment.”
Riley looked up at him, shocked. He was angry. She never saw him that angry. He looked like he was ready to fight and when she glanced at her father, he looked like he was ready to kill Drake. Her mother and sister both looked equally shocked.
“Don’t you dare talking to me like that. You take my daughter away, brainwash her and insult me?”
“Your daughter is not your property, she can do whatever she wants. And now I ask you politely to Get. Out. Before I call the cops,” Drake hissed. Trent looked at him before shaking his head.
“You did this to yourself, Riley! You ruined our family!” He said before storming out. His wife ran right after him.
“Holy--” the sister started before pulling Riley in a hug. “Are you okay? Are you?” She looked at Drake who nodded in response.
“I’m Danielle, Dani for friends,” she extended her hand and Drake shook it.
“Drake. Nice to meet you. I’m going to... I’m gonna make some tea,” he looked at Riley worriedly before leaving the sisters alone.
“I’m sorry, I had no idea we were coming to you, Daddy said it was a business trip,” Dani whispered to Riley, still holding her close.
“It’s okay. I know what he’s like.”
“Sooo... I’m not gonna yell at you, even though I should, but why didn’t you tell me you got married??Drake seems like the best guy for you!!”
“Dani, you’ve known him for like five minutes,” Riley chuckled, sitting on the couch and pulling her sister with her.
“That’s enough, I can read people, you two are so good together. And the way he stood up for you? Don’t tell father but it was ah-mazing!”
“Okay, so how did you meet? How did he proposed? Ooh, do you have any pictures from the wedding?”
“Dani... I need to tell you something...” Riley started and Dani’s face fell. She needed to tell someone. Someone she could trust. The only person knowing the marriage was fake was Liam, Drake’s friend and Riley felt like she needed somone on her side to know that too. She quickly told her everything, about the restaurant, Bartie, accident, Madeleine, Bianca, weird videos from Karlington. At the end of her story, Dani didn’t seem moved.
“Well, if you ask me, that marriage is totally not fake. No fake husband ever looks at his fake wife like Drake does.”
“Like what?”
“Like he loves you and wants to protect you. Like he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you. Like he cares, like he--”
“Oookay, that’s enough. You’re too much of a hopeless romantic and see love everywhere,” Riley shoved her playfully.
“Yeah, yeah, lie to yourself more,” Dani answered and Riley bit her lip. She wasn’t lying, was she? Their marriage was fake and they didn’t have any feelings to each other.
Or did they?
After four cups of tea and three hours of catching up, Drake drove Dani back to the hotel she was staying in with her parents. Despite hating Riley’s family, he liked her and he was happy that Riley had at least one person in her family who was normal.
When he came back home, Riley was in the kitchen, washing the dishes and cooking something.
“Hey...” he started, entering the kitchen and smelling something good.
“What’s that? Smells amazing.”
“It’s just some rigatoni with beef. And some spinach on the side,” she motioned to the spinach Drake put near his eye a few hours before. “I wanted to apologize for my father. He’s not aggressive, he just hates when things are not as he wanted them to be.”
“It’s okay,” Drake shrugged. “It’s not your fault, you don’t have to apologize. How are you?”
“But I do have to. I’m sorry he was so harsh and rude and--” she bit her lip as her voice wavered slighly. She tried not to start crying and Drake noticed her efforts.
“Hey, it is not your fault. You’re not responsible for what your father is doing,” he wasn’t sure what to do or say, he just wanted her to feel better. Without thinking too much about it, he wrapped his arms around Riley and pulled her close. He felt her tears on his shirt and he wanted to yell at her parents for upsetting her so much.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have,” Drake whispered, pulling away slighly, worried he crossed the line. They were a fake couple after all.
“No, it’s... I needed that,” she answered and he pulled her closer again. She snuggled against him, allowing herself to be vulnerable at least for a few minutes before having to face the reality again.
At that point she wasn’t sure how fake their fake relationship was. She didn’t know what that strange feeling she felt towards Drake was and where it came from, the only thing she knew was that for the first time in forever, she felt safe in his arms.
“Dani, you look okay,” Riley rolled her eyes when she saw her sister was smoothing her dress for the tenth time since they arrived in the palace the next day.
“Maybe you should’ve mentioned it that Drake’s friend who married you two is a flippin’ king!” she hissed and started fixing her hair. “Do I bow? Is my dress formal enough? Should I cover my shoulders?”
“Dani,” she chuckled, “Liam is not that kind of King. Just be yourself and treat him like a normal person he is.”
Dani sighed and Riley’s eyes met with Drake’s. He smiled at her and she smiled back.
The day before was a weird day for their ‘relationship’ and Riley felt like something broke, as if the barriers were not there anymore. They went to sleep together, without arguing or even teasing. He pulled her close wordlessly and she felt relieved she didn’t have to ask him for it. For some unknown to her reason she found comfort in his closeness.
“Good morning everyone,” Liam greeted them, interrupting Riley’s thoughts.
“Hi, this is my sister, Danielle, I told her everything and she said she wanted to help with the investigation.”
“Nice to meet you, Danielle. I trust you’re enjoying your stay in Cordonia?” Liam smiled as he took Dani’s extended hand and kissed it.
“Dani is fine,” she blushed when Liam finally let go of her hand. “Cordonia is beautiful, your majesty.” She curtsied awkwardly and Liam chuckled.
“Liam is fine.”
“You said there was some news?” Drake asked and Liam reluctantly turned his attention from Dani to his friend.
“Yes, the camera footage from Madeleine came back from the laboratory. The video is legit, no photoshop, no remakes, it’s authentic.”
“Madeleine, you little--”
“That’s not all. The police officially drew back from the case. I still have my investigator and one guard incognito in Karlington though.”
“I can’t believe it,” Drake shook his head and Riley took his hand into hers and gave it a comforting squeeze. Dani smiled noticing that, mentally laughting at her sister’s poor attempts to convince her it was a fake relationship.
“I’m sure sooner or later they’ll make a mistake and we’ll catch it. All we can do right now is wait,” Liam patted his friend’s back and turned to Dani.
“Would you like some apple tea? I know Riley is not a fan and Drake only drinks it if it comes with whiskey.”
“I’d love to,” she answered and curtsied.
“You don’t have to curtsy to me, you know. It’s probably more uncomfortable to me than to you.”
“Oh, oh, I’m sorry! I just never met a King and I’m afraid I never read any Royal protocol so I’m not sure how to act, which is quite annoying to be fair because I was taught to be prepared for every possibility and now I see I failed but it’s fine! I’ll read it tomorrow and I won’t make this mistake ever again, your Majesty.”
“Liam,” he corrected her, chuckling. He didn’t know Riley very well but he could tell how different the two sisters were. Riley would sooner yell at him than curtsy and Danielle just made a two-minute speech apologizing him for curtsying.”
“Right. I’m sorry, sir.”
“Shoes! I’m sorry Liam,” she corrected herself, trying not to facepalm herself. She was so focused on her mistakes that she missed amused looks that Riley and Drake exchanged.
“Shoes?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, yeah, Nana taught us that. Riley never followed that though. Shoes for shit, duck for fu--” she composed herself. “Can I get that tea, I’m feeling slightly unwell?” She started fanning herself with her hand and Liam quickly went to the back of his office to make tea.
“Well, well, well. I have never seen you so flustered before, Dani,” Riley gave her sister a questioning look.
“He’s the King,” Dani whispered in response. “I don’t know how to act around Kings.”
“Mhmm,” Riley commented as Liam came back with the tea. Dani took the cup gladly and took a sip.
“Good?” Liam asked and she nodded.
“Really good. I like the addition of mint, it makes it taste more fresh.”
“Okay, I gotta go because my mom has an appointment and I’m taking Bartie now,” Drake stood up and opened the door, turning to look at Riley. She gave him a big smile in return and asked, “Dani, you’re coming with us?”
“I can drive you later, if you want to,” Liam offered quickly.
“Yeah, I’ll come with His Maj—Liam.”
“Okay,” Riley shrugged and kissed her sister on the cheek before catching up with Drake. When they left Dani turned to Liam.
“They are so in love. Please tell me you’re seeing it too.”
“I do, actually. And I hope they will see it too one day. I’ve never seen Drake like that, he seems so much happier now, despite everything that is going on.”
“Yeah, same with Riley. But I also know she’s the most stubborn person I know,” Dani sighed and took a few last sips of her tea.
“Drake’s more stubborn.”
“We should get them together. Make them see how in love they are.”
Liam studied her for a moment and Dani felt like she crossed the line. The Royal protocol probably forbid such things. She was just about to apologize when Liam spoke.
“I’m in. Drake deserves the best and Riley seems like she’s the best for him.”
“Riley deserves the best too. We have a deal?” she extended her hand, hesitating slightly when thinking about the protocol.
They shook each other’s hands and Liam smiled at the thought of spening more time with and getting to know Danielle Brooks.
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verai-marcel · 4 years
Midnight Promises (Vampire!Arthur x Fem!Reader, RDR2 Fanfic, 18+, Part 1 of 2)
Summary: After your first night with Arthur, he was determined to just enjoy your existence while he could. But three months later, Arthur has a change of heart and goes after something he swore he’d never do: making you his forever.
Author’s Notes: This is probably one of my most ambitious plots yet; not sure if my writing is up to snuff, but I tried, I did. This takes place about three months after Midnight Rendezvous.
Tags: angst, vampire Arthur, supernatural elements, sex, HEA, tw: assisted suicide, tw: death, tw: blood
AO3 Link is here, sweetheart.
Chapter 1 - Hope Comes
Word Count: 2866
The past three months have been absolutely wonderful. Sure, you and Arthur had your differences, and sure, you had to adjust how you lived to maximize your time with Arthur, becoming a full night owl and eating more meat so that Arthur could feed off of you without feeling guilty, but it was all worth it. The more you thought about the future, however, the bleaker it looked. As you grew older, he would stay the same. At some point, you’d have to move away because people would notice that he wasn’t aging. And at some point, he would look more like your child because of the aging difference.
As you pondered these things one night, staring at the full moon outside your window, you heard Arthur come back from his job as a night guard at the local ranch.
“How was work?”
He shrugged. “Same as usual. Nothin’ really goin’ on. Gives me time to think though.”
“I see.” You looked up and took a deep breath. “Arthur?”
“Is there a way I can be with you… forever?”
“You know I can’t turn you into a vampire.”
“I know, I meant, maybe some other way?”
Arthur was silent for a little while. “Let me have a think on it.”
You turned to see Arthur, looking at you with a serious expression. 
“What is it?” you asked softly.
He stepped closer to you and took your hands in his. “I’ve been thinkin’... about your question.”
Oh. You knew exactly which question. You had asked him a month ago, and had pretty much forgotten about it after a few days when he didn’t give you an answer. Now you waited eagerly for Arthur to continue, but he just fiddled with his hat some more.
“And you found an answer?” you asked.
He scratched the back of his head. “We’ll need to go on a trip. To see my maker.”
“Wait, but I thought you couldn’t approach another vampire’s territory?”
“She knows we’re comin’. At a certain point, you’ll have to go the rest of the way alone.”
You swallowed, but you gathered your courage. If there was a way to be with Arthur forever, you would brave facing another vampire on your own.
He put his hands on your shoulders. “I wouldn’t send you by yerself if I didn’t trust her. She’s… well, you’ll find out when you meet her. Kindest person I ever met.”
You nodded. “But what about you? How can we find shelter during the day?”
“Don’chu worry. I remember the way there, took note of all the caves we can hide in. And my tent’s got two layers of black canvas. I’ll be fine.”
“Alright, sounds like you got this handled.”
“O’course, darlin’.”
After making some excuse to your bosses about seeing a dying relative of yours on the eastern side of Ambarino, you and Arthur packed up and set out on two horses, making your way across the mountains and forests of Ambarino. It took three nights of traveling just to get to the edge of the other vampire's territory, and another night to get within range of her power. You knew you were getting close, because Arthur started to lose a bit of his self-control.
"Arthur!" you yelped as he bit you just a little too hard on the fourth night. 
He pulled away at the sound of you in pain. "I… I'm sorry darlin'." He swallowed, licked his lips, and scooted away from you. "I think I better not feed from you until we're out of her territory. Even a little trace of her power is makin' me more… aggressive."
You nodded. “I understand. At least clean my neck,” you said with a smile, hoping to make him feel less guilty about the bite.
He moved closer to you once more and slowly licked the drops of stray blood from your neck before kissing the wound in apology. “I’m sorry,” he repeated.
“I forgive you,” you said as you patted him on the head. When he pulled away from you, you took his face in your hands, your thumbs caressing his skin. You looked into his beautiful eyes. “Will you be alright?”
He closed his eyes and held his hands against yours. “I will be, once we’re out of here.”
In the middle of the fifth night, you and Arthur came to the foot of a mountain path in Ambarino. You looked at Arthur, who had stopped and was staring up the path, a painfully sad look on his face.
After another moment, he turned to you, the wind suddenly picking up and blowing strands of his hair around. The clouds that had covered the moon moved away, and the silver light shone against the land, making Arthur look ethereal in his stillness. You had forgotten for so long that he was something other. His eyes glowed red in the night, a bright red, unlike the burgundy hue you were so used to seeing.
“I can’t go any further.”
You blinked. Then you took a deep breath. This was why you were here. You could do this. You had to do this. Alone.
“I understand,” you finally said.
“Follow this trail up until you see a small fork to the left, with three stones dividing the path. Go up that way until you see a wooden gateway that says Willard’s Rest. Past the gateway there’s a cabin, but don’t go up to it. Stay at the gateway until you’re summoned.”
You nodded.
“Her name is Charlotte Balfour. And she’s the strongest vampire in three states.”
You rode up the trail, leaving Arthur to return to the cave the two of you had used the previous night. He had hugged you, kissed your cheek, and told you to be careful and that he’d be waiting for your return. You had your dagger on your thigh holster, your pistol that Arthur had given you on your hip holster, and a letter from Arthur, which would probably protect you more than the other two items.
It was a steep trail, but the horse that Arthur had chosen for you was nimble and steady. You urged it onwards until you reached the gateway. The sun was beginning to peek over the hills to the east, and you wondered if you would have to wait a whole day before seeing the mysterious vampire.
Just as you were about to turn around and find a spot to camp for the day, you heard a door open and close in the distance. Getting off your horse, you hitched him to the gateway post and waited.
A woman with dark hair and a graceful posture glided down from the cabin, picking her way along the stone path. As she came closer, you saw that her hair was a bit mussed, her skin pale, but her eyes glowed that same bright red that you had seen in Arthur’s eyes a few hours before.
“So,” a melodious voice said, “You must be one special lady to have captured Arthur’s heart.”
You opened and closed your mouth, unable to reply, and resorted to just shrugging. “I suppose,” you finally said.
She laughed. “You sound like him.” Then she smiled, her eyes a little sad. “How is he? Is he doing well?”
“Yes, he is.”
“Good.” She closed her eyes and smiled. “Good,” she repeated. Opening her eyes, the red glow disappeared.
“Come,” she said as she turned and walked back up the path. “I believe you came for answers.”
You followed her back to her cabin, confused by the fact that as the sun rose across the landscape, she seemed unaffected by the light.
The cabin was cozy and humble, not quite the grandeur you had been expecting. But it was comfortable and felt like a real home, rather than some ostentatious example of power.
“Would you like some tea?”
“Yes, please, Ms. Balfour.”
She waved her hand. “No need for formalities here. Just call me Charlotte.”
You nodded and told her your name.
“Beautiful name,” she commented. “So how did you meet Arthur?”
You told her the story of how you two had met while she fixed a pot of tea. As she handed you a cup, she sniffed and snarled softly. The red glow in her eyes returned for a few moments as she backed away from you before turning around and took a deep breath. After a tense minute, she turned back to you, an apologetic smile on her face.
“I’m sorry, I caught a whiff of Arthur’s scent on you, so my instincts took over. I’m terribly sorry about that. I used to be… much better about my reactions.”
“Used to be?”
She nodded sadly. “I’m growing weaker these days.”
“Arthur said you were the strongest vampire in three states.”
Charlotte laughed, a hearty, sincere laugh. “He always thought better of me than I deserved. I’m strong enough, I suppose.” She sat down next to you and poured herself a cup of tea. “I can still stand the morning and evening light, but when I was stronger, when Cal was with me, I could walk outside at midday for a few minutes before being burned.”
She twisted her cup on the table as she stared into the liquid, as if she was telling a fortune. “I suppose that’s why Arthur asked me about you. Because he remembered what I had told him about Cal.”
You looked at her, confused.
She looked back at you, her face serious as she reached out and touched your hand. “May I share a story with you? Then you’ll understand why Arthur asked me to talk to you.”
You nodded, and she began her tale.
“I was only 24 when I was turned; I was about to be betrothed to some old man, so I had run away in the night, desperate to escape my fate. But I was captured by some men who took me to a brothel to work for their boss, a vampire. He took a liking to me and made me his personal assistant, and on occasion, his snack. Because I was good with numbers, he made sure I was off limits to everyone, but I still had to… service him.”
You noticed that Charlotte’s hands tensed on her tea cup and got the idea.
“One night, another vampire came to town and attacked him. She hated him, and when he used me as a shield, she accidentally impaled me. As I lay dying, she killed him and forced me to drink her blood, saving me. She trained me, taught me how to survive. She taught me everything, gave me copies of her books, and after a year, told me to go to the New World and live quietly there, for Europe was getting too small.”
Charlotte took a sip of her tea before continuing.
“So I did. She arranged everything. She sent me letters, asking me how I was doing. I always wrote her back. And then, after a few months, the letters stopped. I continued to live my second life, feeding off men who would never remember me, giving them a taste of heaven before I took what I needed.”
A dreamy smile appeared on her face as her brown eyes warmed; they reminded you of hot cocoa on a winter’s night.
“Then I met Cal. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen, and when we met at the docks for the first time, I knew he was special. I wanted to protect him. I didn’t want him to know what I really was.”
“How did he find out?” you asked, enthralled with her story.
She shook her head, a wry smile on her lips. “I had gone for too long without feeding. I didn’t want to touch another man, let alone get him in bed and feed from him. I only wanted Cal. So I settled for drinking from animals for a while, and he found me, crouched in one of the animal stalls by the docks, feeding from a pig! Can you believe that? How embarrassing.”
She chuckled, covering her eyes with her hand, still feeling the embarrassment of the moment as she recalled the memory.
“But you know what? When he discovered my secret, he accepted me. He told me, ‘Lottie, if you need to feed, will I do?’ And that’s when it all clicked in my head. The final letter from my maker. The reason she had both warned me and wished me luck in finding the perfect mate.”
Charlotte leaned in closer to you, like a woman sharing fresh gossip with a friend.
“A human can bond with a vampire; the human gains the same lifespan as the vampire, and the vampire gains an eternal food supply. It’s a give and take, a co-existence that benefits both parties.”
She sat back again, as if it was in her nature to maintain a straight posture. 
“He courted me, despite knowing everything. And it worked. I fell deeply in love with him. When I finally agreed to bond him with me, he looked at me like he had won the biggest prize.”
Charlotte suddenly paused and looked up at the ceiling. “I miss him so much.”
You opened your mouth to ask her what happened to him, but quickly closed it as you saw her eyes close and her lip tremble for a split second. Then she opened her eyes and turned back to you as if nothing had happened. “We were together for three hundred years,” she said.
“Three hundred!?” you gasped.
She nodded. “He would still be with me now, if not for us being robbed by bandits out here.” She wrapped her hands around her arms, and you reached out your hand to her; you wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to tell you any more, that she didn’t have to dig up these painful memories if she didn’t want to, but she held up her own hand.
You slowly put your hand back down.
“He died to protect me. He died to save me. He died because he loved me.”
She took a deep breath. You knew vampires technically didn’t breathe, but from what Arthur had told you, human habits often remained.
“Men came while I was asleep, and he tried to get them to leave, but they shot him, in broad daylight. I could have stopped them, all he needed to do was come wake me… but he wanted to protect me. He knew I was weak in the sunlight. He didn’t… want them to hurt me.”
She shook her head, still disbelieving that it had happened.
“They didn’t find my sleeping chamber below the house, but they turned everything upside down. But I didn’t care about that. I ran outside and found Cal.” She took a shuddering breath. “He was already dead. I cried for days after I buried his body.”
She took another deep breath.
“I’m telling you this because you need to know. You must treasure your life, treat it as more important than anything else, even Arthur’s.”
Your eyes widened, but you remained silent, letting her continue.
“Arthur can heal. Vampires can take so much more damage than a human can; we can heal bullet wounds and broken limbs in a matter of hours.”
She took your hand in hers. “But you, you are so much more fragile. Please, if you become Arthur’s bonded mate, treat yourself with the utmost care.”
You nodded. “I will, I promise.” 
Charlotte stared you in the eyes, looking for any semblance of weakness. But you were stalwart in your word. You understood what it truly meant to protect his happiness.
She finally nodded, accepting your silent strength. “Good. I’ll teach you the ritual.”
She went over the ritual, how it would feel, how it needed to be done, and when it needed to be done. The full moon was tomorrow night, so if you wanted to do it this month, you would have to get back to Arthur soon. She also gave you a book with the ritual described inside, and you scribbled her personal notes down in the margins, as the book was written very dryly and was not as descriptive as she was. After you had made your notes, she offered you the guest bed to sleep in for the day, as she was about to go to sleep as well.
“I know we’ve only just met, but Arthur has written much about you,” she said as she was leading you to the guest room. 
“Oh, that reminds me!” You pulled his letter from your bag. “He said to give you this.”
“Oh?” Charlotte took the letter, unfolded it, scanned the first line, and looked back up at you. “Did you read this?”
You shook your head. “I wouldn’t invade his privacy like that.”
Charlotte smiled warmly at you. “I’m happy he’s found someone so loyal.”
You smiled and thanked her for her kind words, and went to bed with a happy feeling. You were so close to being with Arthur forever. There wouldn’t have to be a goodbye.
Chapter 2 here.
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enchantedbride · 4 years
A Ballad of Brimstone.02 (2/2)
<02. But Let Me Go Back to the Start> (2/2)
Tagging: @curiousobsession101, @goldenworldsabound, @foreveryours-mouse, @juliannos
Warning(s): Brief Profanity, Discussions of Being Kidnapped
A/N: Alright, part two of two! Joey meets Lucifer and a few of his brothers, and confronts Diavolo about her circumstances. He presents her with a deal, one she isn’t sure is ultimately fair. But it may be her only option. 
The assembly hall was vast, just as spacious as the halls that preceded it. Joey could see the dark sky through the towering windows at the far side of the room. Banners and tapestries adorned the walls. The room itself was lit by candelabra spread across the tables in the room. 
The dim lighting gave an ominous feel to it all. The feeling was only intensified as Joey made her way down the walkway up and her footsteps echoed across the room. Her eyes trailed from the windows, to the flickering of the candles. But her eyes fell to the group that awaited her. 
Five men sat in chairs at the front of the room, in an arrangement that seemed almost reminiscent of a courtroom, but not quite. One seat was on a platform that resembled a judge’s bench, while seven seats were directly below it. Four of the seven were occupied, as was the seat on the platform. 
“I’m relieved to see you’ve made it here safely, Joey. I was quite worried when you didn’t appear in the assembly hall as you were meant to. I owe Barbatos and the Little Ds a big thank you for finding you.” 
Joey turned her attention to whomever spoke, seeing quickly that it was the man in the highest seat. The others were dressed in a black uniform much like Mammon’s. But his uniform was a distinctive red, contrasting against the others. 
That must be Diavolo, thought Joey. And four of the seven brothers Barbatos mentioned. I met Mammon already and he was taking Kat back to where she would be staying here. But there’s three chairs that are unoccupied. I wonder why? She also pondered for a moment a piece of what he said. ‘Little Ds’… that’s what the little demons are called? Makes sense, I suppose.
“As do I,” Joey replied simply. “Are you Prince Diavolo, then?”
“That’s right,” he confirmed. “It’s nice to meet you Joey. As Prince of Demons, I welcome you to the Devildom and to RAD.  I’ve been very much looking forward to meeting you since I approved Lucifer’s selection of you for the exchange program.” Diavolo then smiled at her, gesturing to the table in front of him and the other council members that were present. “Please, have a seat.”
Friendly seeming sort, isn’t he? But under these circumstances, it only made her more on edge, not less. “Thank you,” Joey replied with a bow of her head before walking up to the table and seating herself in the middle to have a clear view of everyone. “Wait, is that considered acceptable etiquette here?”
At this the prince of demons laughed. “Oh what you did was perfectly fine.” He paused for a moment. “Barbatos told me you’ve been told some of the basics about why you’re here. He also mentioned you were delayed a bit because you saw your fellow exchange student in the hallway and persuaded Mammon to let you console her when you saw her in distress.”
Joey looked at him expectantly. Was he going to be mad at her for that? Because she wasn’t going to apologize for trying to be kind to someone who looked like they needed help. 
“Barbatos said you were kind and brave to do so, and I agree. I definitely think we need someone with compassion and courage to be in our exchange program,” he expounded. “But from what I’ve read, you’re also a very thoughtful, intelligent, skilled, and open-minded person as well! I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all to say you’re absolutely perfect for this.”
Joey could feel a blush creeping up her face in reaction to the shower of praise she was suddenly receiving. “I don’t know exactly what you’ve read about me or what kind of information you have, but I definitely think some of that is exaggerated. I’m definitely not courageous! And I’m not so sure I would say skilled per se.”
“Oh come now,” Diavolo replied, letting out another laugh. “Is going up to a stranger you don’t know to help them not a form of courage? Or persuading someone you have reason to believe might say no to allow you to do something? … Or keeping a veneer of composure when faced with a sudden change of circumstance?”
Joey resisted the urge to grit her teeth. Right. He already has an idea of how I feel about all of this.
“It also takes skill to persuade someone, or console a person successfully,” Diavolo argued. “We have information on you and aspects of your personality and your history. But, I have someone now whose directly witnessed you in action. And, I trust the judgment of my right hand. I believe you are those things, and I believe they factor into what make you an ideal candidate for the exchange program. Speaking of which...”
He then looked down to the council member sitting directly in front of him below. “Even if you’ve been given some of the basics, there are still some important things we need to go over with you before we send you off. And of course, I’d like to introduce you to the other members of the Student Council that are here. Actually those two things are pretty closely intertwined. " Joey raised an eyebrow, at which Diavolo smiled, and turned his attention down to the council member sitting directly below him. “And with that, I will hand things off to you from here, Lucifer.”
Lucifer, she thought. So that’s him. He wore the same uniform as everyone else, but with a shirt underneath his jacket of a different style than the others. He was very clean and polished looking, Joey observed. Uncomfortably so. 
“Good morning, Joey,” he greeted her. “As you heard from Lord Diavolo, my name is Lucifer. I am Vice President of the Student Council here at RAD and the right hand of the prince.”  He raised a hand to cover his chest, and bowed his head slightly. “Speaking on behalf of the entire student body at this great and storied school of ours, I offer you a most heartfelt welcome.”
Oh. Joey felt her face flush a touch of pink once more. His voice is… a lot deeper than I expected. 
“Th-thank you. I appreciate such a cordial welcome. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lucifer.” While it affected her response, she more quickly shook the feeling this time, less flustered by a voice that sounded appealing to her than someone flooding her with compliments. However, it seemed the instance didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Aw, she flusters so easily! How adorable.~” She turned her head to see another member of the student council smiling amusedly at her. “I must say you picked a really cute one, Lucifer.” Joey kept her gaze averted from his however, annoyed by his remark. 
Just ignore him, Joey, she told herself. 
Lucifer sighed. “Please pay him no mind, Joey. My younger brother, Asmodeus is fond of making such remarks.”
Joey frowned. Asmodeus huh? He wouldn’t happen to be the Avatar of Lust, would he? Because if he makes comments like that, that’s my first thought. 
“Ugh, how rude! I was simply voicing my approval of your choice of candidate, Lucifer.”
Lucifer ignored him, bringing his attention back to Joey. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well. I will be taking over explaining things from here. What exactly has Barbatos told you about so far? If I know what you’ve already been told, I can simply move on to information that hasn’t been covered yet.”
“Well,” Joey started. “I was told that I was summoned here by Prince Diavolo to take part in an exchange program between the Devildom, Celestial Realm, and Human world intended to encourage understanding and respect between the inhabitants of each. There are two other human exchange students and three angel exchange students that will be attending school at RAD while three demons will be sent to the Celestial Realm and the Human World respectively. I was told the duration of the program will be a year.”
At this Lucifer smiled. “Very good. Barbatos is excellent in his duties as ever.” He then folded his arms. “In that case I will start with the basics of what you’ll be expected to do while you’re here. You will be given tasks and assignments to complete throughout your stay from RAD, and at the end you will be asked to write a paper about your experiences as an exchange student here.”
“Makes sense. Although, I’m guessing the tasks and assignments I will be completing won’t be quite like what I was working on for my grad studies in the human world.” Joey voiced her thoughts aloud.  “Also, what sort of requirements are there for this paper I have to write?” She was unaware of the flow of her own facial expressions as she could be at times. But, what Lucifer said in reply showed that he caught the moment at which her nervousness showed.
“You’re not being asked to write a master or doctoral thesis. You can take it easy,” he said, in a tone that was almost but not quite reassuring, “It is more for our benefit to determine the success of the program and give direction as to where to go once the program has concluded.”
“Oh! I see. It’s just an opportunity to give feedback in a more detailed and formalized manner?”
“Precisely,” Lucifer confirmed with a nod. “Lord Diavolo is willing to do whatever needs to be done to see his endeavors succeed. And I certainly will do whatever I must to see that end as well.”
Well, if Kat is anything to go by, he doesn’t seem to be willing to take criticism about abducting participants in his plans. 
“You’re very loyal and devoted to Prince Diavolo,” Joey observed. 
At this comment Diavolo laughed. “I’m very lucky, aren’t I? Lucifer is not only my right hand, but my most trusted friend.”
“You repeat your flattery from earlier, I see,” remarked Lucifer.
“Well, things haven’t changed since then, have they? It’s true,” Diavolo countered, “It’s also why I entrusted you to not only select who would take part in the program, but look after the two of our three exchange students who don’t possess magic to protect themselves here in the Devildom.”
“Look after?” Joey asked. “I was told Lucifer appointed Mammon to look after Katherine, and they were on their way to a place called ‘the House of Lamentation’.”
“Yes, I did,” replied Lucifer. “I have been tasked with overseeing both of you for the duration of your stay here. This isn’t just keeping an eye on your performance in class however. There are those in the Devildom who oppose Diavolo’s desire for change, or simply don’t care, and would do harm to the exchange students. The students from the Celestial Realm and the one human who possesses magic have the means to fight back, but both you and Katherine do not. As such, I was tasked with your safety as well.”
“In order to keep both of you safe during your stay, I have firstly arranged for you both to stay at the House of Lamentation. It is the dormitory for members of the Student Council aside from Lord Diavolo.”
“That makes sense.” Joey nodded. “If we’re living in the same dorm it’s easier to keep an eye on things.”
“Indeed,” said Lucifer. “Secondly, I have appointed one of my brothers each as a guardian. You of course have met Mammon now, whom I chose as Katherine’s guardian. As for you… I’m afraid it took more time to determine who would be most suitable as your guardian.”
At the moment, another of the council entered into the conversation. “What he means to say is that he didn’t trust anyone enough to come to a decision right away.”
“I was right to have my doubts. Were it not for the workload I already have to deal with, I would have taken up the task myself,” he argued.
“Well, you’re taking a more active hand in Joey’s case than Katherine’s. Why does Mammon get less scrutiny than I do? We all know he’s scum! Considering how much trouble he gets into, that doesn’t seem fair to me.”
“Both of you are trouble. But in your case I have particular reservations. But you are also the most likely to take your job as guardian seriously, hence why I appointed you, Satan. You should consider yourself grateful I gave you the task at all. I’ve given you the chance to prove yourself.”
Joey turned her attention to whom Lucifer was speaking to. “Oh, I’ll more than prove myself,” proclaimed the council member, “Not for your benefit, though.” 
Lucifer then turned back. “Joey, this is Satan. He is the fourth oldest of us brothers, and the Avatar of Wrath. While he is not an ideal candidate, he was the best choice when it came to appointing a guardian for you.”
“Lucifer really likes to speak ill of his brothers. He is the Avatar of Pride after all,” remarked Satan before he fully turned his attention to Joey. He leaned forward in his seat and gave her a very warm and friendly smile. “Hi Joey. It’s really nice to meet you. Don’t take what Lucifer says too seriously, okay? I’ll do my best as your guardian to make sure you have a good experience here in the Devildom.”
“Nice to meet you too, Satan,” Joey answered back politely, an unsure half-smile tugging at her lips. “It seems like you and Lucifer don’t get along.”
“Doesn’t take long to figure that out, does it?” He chuckled.
“Don’t be fooled by Satan’s friendly outward appearance, Joey. It is only an act,” Lucifer cautioned her. 
“If you continue to say such nonsense Lucifer, you’ll just scare Joey. And I bet she’s already scared enough as is. She doesn’t need more of that right now, does she?”
Lucifer sighed, furrowing his brow once more and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Are you done?” 
“Almost. I have one more thing I’d like to say to Joey,” Satan answered with a smirk. “I’ll be heading back with you to the House of Lamentation when we’re done, Joey. I’m looking forward to showing you around and getting to know you a little. Do you like to read, Joey?”
“Sometimes.” Joey replied. “Sitting down with a cozy book or an audiobook on my phone is a nice way to pass the time. Although I’m more of a gamer myself.”
“A gamer, huh? Levi might take a liking to you pretty quickly then once you two meet. He’s into video games too.”
“Leviathan, the third oldest,” Lucifer clarified, exasperation showing in his expression for an instant. “He is the Avatar of Envy. He was supposed to be here and at the previous meeting, but didn’t show up. I will have to deal with him later for that.”
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan and Asmodeus. That’s five. I’m guessing the guy whose been quiet so far is either the youngest or second youngest then. Which means it’s the other of the two that’s also not here…
She had to admit even if it was an act, she appreciated that Satan was being friendly to her in the moment. But all things considered, she couldn’t help but wonder if Lucifer’s politeness and Diavolo’s friendliness were also facades. Barbatos said Diavolo was honest, but how could she know that for sure? She didn’t know any of them. Sure, she was taught the usual folktales of demons lying and manipulating humans to get their souls as a little girl. But she considered the former, and the fact she had been abducted to be the most important in currently weighing whether to trust them now. 
“You didn’t really get a proper introduction to Asmodeus before did you?” Satan asked Joey. “Asmo is my younger brother and the fifth oldest among us. He’s the Avatar of Lust.”
“I’m glad someone gave me a proper introduction!” Amsodeus huffed, before he looked at Joey and flashed her a charming smile. “Hey there Joey.  I’m absolutely thrilled to meet you!”
“So you are the Avatar of Lust then. I suspected that might be the case earlier.”
“That’s right! Of course you know we each represent one of the seven deadly sins. But it doesn’t sum about what we’re about in terms of personality. It also gives you an idea of the sort of powers we have.” Asmodeus leaned back in his chair, resting his cheek on his hand as he kept his gaze on Joey. “Would you like a demonstration of mine? All you have to do is look into my eyes.”
Joey shook her head emphatically in refusal. “Sorry, I’m really uncomfortable with direct eye contact. Always have been.”
“Awwww. You’re no fun.”
“It’s for the best in this case. You best be wary of Asmo’s gaze, Joey. He can charm most humans who look into his eyes,” Satan warned her. “And once you’re under his influence, he’ll eat you.”
“Don’t say that!” Asmodeus protested. “Besides, none of us are allowed to eat Joey. Or Kat.”
So he would eat me if given the chance. Good to know. Joey was no worse off than before. She had wondered if any of these demons would eat her if given the chance and now she knew for certain at least one of them would.
At this a loud grumble echoed. 
“I’m so hungry…” said the brother who had yet to speak. 
“I’ve told you twice during our last meeting, Beel. I won’t tell you again. Behave yourself,” Lucifer snapped. “All of you!” He sighed, turning quickly to Joey. “This one is Beelzebub, the sixth eldest.”
“I’m the Avatar of Gluttony,” explained Beelzebub. “And I hope I can get something to eat once this is over. I’m really sorry Joey, but you look delicious and it’s just making my hunger that much worse.”
Asmodeus laughed. “I would be inclined to agree with Beel, although you don’t look delicious in just one sense.~”
Of course the Avatar of Lust would say that. “I’m about as appealing as a sack of raw flour thrown against the wall. You have much better options.”
“Oh come now,” Asmodeus brushed her off with a chuckle.
“Now, can you stop being a creep for five minutes? Because I’d really like to leave if you won’t.”
 Before this could continue however, Lucifer stepped in to regain control of the conversation. 
“I was going to introduce my brothers in a more orderly manner then this, you have my apologies for the disorder you see before you, Joey. And my younger brother’s rudeness.”
“It’s okay,” Joey assured him. It really wasn’t.
“There’s no need to be dishonest about your discomfort, Joey,” Diavolo interjected. “Asmodeus, please don’t make our guest uncomfortable. No harm is allowed to come to her, especially not from her would-be housemates.”
“Thank you, Diavolo.” Lucifer exhaled, his gratefulness towards the prince evident in his relieved expression. 
“I’m sorry you’re so hungry, Beelzebub,” Joey turned her attention back to second youngest brother for a moment. “Maybe you’ll be able to get something to eat when this is over.”
“I hope so,” Beelzebub replied. 
“Now,” Lucifer continued. “I have something to give you, Joey. Of course Satan and I are the ones primarily in charge of your well-being here in the Devildom, but all of the brothers are entrusted with lending you their strength. We will be living together, but you should have the means to reach us even when we’re not all in the house.”
He stood up and walked over to where Joey sat, pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to her. As she took it from him, her hand briefly brushed against his, and she instinctively shivered when she felt how cold the leather of his gloves were against her skin. 
Joey turned the object over in her hand to get a better look. “A smartphone?”
“It’s a device identical in nature to one. It’s called a D.D.D. It can make calls, send text messages, and has many apps on it that are much like those you might be familiar with in the human world. It is preloaded with the contact information of myself, my brothers, and Prince Diavolo. Should you need to contact us at any time, you need only use this to do so.” 
“Thank you,” said Joey. 
“There is another important feature of the device that you need to know about,” Lucifer continued. “One of the Apps already on the device is one called ‘Nightmare’. You have no magic, so you can’t defend yourself properly against those who would do you harm in the Devildom. But, it also means you are at a disadvantage when it comes to completing your tasks for RAD, which include mock magical combat.” 
“So I’ll be learning how to fight with magic? But… just not with my own.”
“Yes, exactly. You’ll be using a measure of our power- that of the seven brothers through the use of Nightmare,” said Lucifer. “Well, ‘borrowing’ would perhaps be the more accurate term in this case. But you understand the idea.”
Joey nodded. She thought for a moment, not sure what to say next. 
“Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“So there’s you, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, and Beelzebub. Whose the last brother? Was he also supposed to be here?”
Lucifer felt silent for a moment. Before he could answer, it was Beelzebub who spoke up. 
“That youngest brother is my twin brother Belphegor, the Avatar of Sloth,” he said. “He couldn’t be here because he’s one the students from here that got sent up to the human world.”
“Oh, I see.” Joey answered simply. Lucifer took a moment before he was about to answer. I wonder why. It could have meant any number of things, and Joey was not about to guess with almost no information to base it off of. 
“It is unlikely you will meet him. He will return once you are sent home,” Lucifer added. 
Joey nodded. “I see.” She felt a somber air fall over the room for a moment. “So, I’ll be doing mock combat at RAD, what else will I’ll be learning?”
“Ah, yes, the curriculum and the nature of your tasks,” Lucifer was quick to switch tracks, looking almost relieved at the change of subject. “Your primary task will be to polish up your soul so you can acquire the power to resist demons.”
“So I’ll be learning how to resist being manipulated and giving into temptation?”
“You continue to catch on quick,” Lucifer noted, smirking for a moment before he became serious once more, “As I mentioned to the previous exchange student, demons like humans with nice souls. Or, to put it another way, they are like jewels that demons will do everything in their power to get. They will use their wisdom and abilities they have to tempt humans into giving up their souls- for power, fame, whatever it is the human desires so badly.”
“I’ve heard stories about that,” Joey said. “But when you mean a ‘nice’ soul… I… well, I’m not sure I understand. It seems like a rather vague description.”
At this Lucifer chuckled, the brief smirk from before returning, but not leaving so easily this time. “A ‘nice’ soul would be one that is pure, genuine, worthy of respect. A soul that doesn’t so easily fall.” Joey felt his gaze more intensely focused on her for a moment, causing her to feel discomfort. I don’t like this, she thought. “Other demons at RAD will have tasks assigned to them at RAD just like you. In other words, eithers humans will be tempted by demons, or demons will lose against the shiny and noble soul of a human and make a run for it. It’s something of an experiment, to find out who will win.”
“So I’ll be learning to resist demons, while demons will be learning to tempt humans,” Joey concluded. 
“Yes. That is the heart of it.”
“Will the other students be trying to tempt me then?”
“They might. But it’s up to you to resist them if you do.”
Well fuck. I guess I’d be screwed then. I may have a strong will but I’m kind of easy to manipulate in some ways. Joey shook her head. “And if I lose? Will I forfeit my soul?”
At this Lucifer laughed. “There’s currently no penalty set at the moment.” As he said his next words, his voice lowered. “Would you like me to think of one?”
“NO!” Joey exclaimed perhaps a little too forcefully. You look WAY too pleased with the idea of inventing some sort of punishment for me if I fail.  “I mean… no. Just the thought you might think of one is enough of a deterrent.” 
Lucifer laughed again. “If only that were enough to deter my brothers from getting into trouble.” He studied the scared look on Joey’s face and shook his head. “There there, don’t give me that look. Don’t take it so seriously. You won’t have to do your tasks  completely on your own. Of course I’ve already told you about the use of Nightmare in case of mock battles. But, we will also lend you our power and the help you require to complete your other tasks at RAD as well.”
“Considering my very soul may be on the line, I think I’m within my rights to take this very fucking seriously,” Joey argued, her composure slipping slightly. “Actually before, you continue, I think I need to say something.”
“Go right ahead. I’ve actually come to the end of what I was going to cover with you before I sent you on your way.” Lucifer sighed. 
Alright, here goes everything. I probably won’t do much better than Kat. But at least I can say I tried.
“Actually this is more towards Diavolo then you, but, the fact of the matter is that I was brought here to the Devildom without being asked first. You abducted me from my home.” Joey stood up, placing the D. D. D. back on the table. “However noble your goal is, that’s not okay. 
“I want to go home. NOW. And I want Katherine to be allowed to go home as well.”
“Unfortunately, that’s not an option,” answered Lucifer. “You were chosen. This isn’t something you can change.”
“I can’t change it, or you won’t change it?” Joey argued. “Let’s not dance around the issue. The fact of the matter is that I’m not a guest here. I’m your captive. And so is Katherine. Were all of the exchange students brought here this way?”
Now it was Diavolo’s turn to sigh. “I was worried this might come up in the conversation. Actually I was hoping… no, it’s not important. You’re right, this needs to be addressed.”
The demon prince also stood up, coming down from his platform.
“Lord Diavolo?”
“It’s alright Lucifer,” Diavolo assured him. “Firstly, no. Only you and Katherine were brought here this way. The third human exchange student, Solomon, as well as the three students from the Celestial Realm, were extended an invitation and accepted said invitation.”
“So why do they get the choice and we don’t?”
“It was easier to do so in their cases. I specifically wanted at least one of our exchange students to be an ordinary human, of extraordinary ability and character and was lucky enough that Lucifer found two suitable. After all, what better way for the other two realms to understand humans than to interact with those, who much like most of their kind of have little to do with demons, angels, or magic.  But, most ordinary humans nowadays don’t believe in demons, and if they do they certainly don’t trust them. And for good reason, given our history,” Diavolo remarked. “It made the prospect of bringing such candidates here tricky. After all, if we were to extend an invitation through a letter, a call, or a text or even in person, would you believe it let alone accept it?”
“Probably not, I have to admit.” Joey answered him. “But how is the answer to that bringing us here and then refusing to give us the option to, well, refuse?”
Diavolo kept his eyes on her, though it was hard for her to tell exactly what he was thinking. He said nothing, simply maintaining an intense focus on Joey. It was almost unsettling.
 The others looked to the demon prince with anticipation, clearly wondering what response he would give. Eventually, he opened his mouth to speak, a barely audible exhale escaping his lips.
“You want to change my mind,” he stated matter-of-factly. “And I want to change yours. But you’ve already demonstrated your will is something to contend with. Well, Joey, so is mine.” He approached the table where Joey was sitting, until he was standing directly across from her. “Nothing you say can persuade me to release you or your fellow human at this very moment. But that said, I have to wonder. Who do you think has the stronger will between us, Joey?”
Joey frowned. “Yours, probably.” Joey didn’t have a lot of confidence in herself most of the time. She perhaps had more than she did in the past, which was hardly any at all. Her determination to help others could push her through her insecurities. But, at this moment she didn’t want to overestimate her ability to best the prince of demons in a battle of wills. Or at least a hypothetical one. 
“You would think that. I am heir to the throne of the Devildom, after all. I do have considerable power and a will to wield it,” he agreed. “But, you, a supposedly ordinary human, managed to resist my call strongly enough that it caused complications. And this was while you slept. Imagine if you were awake and fully aware… fully in command of that will of yours.”
“You overestimate me.”
“I really don’t think so,” Diavolo countered, his voice disarmingly cordial and gentle. “You have the capability of being determined, willful, brave. Even in the face of powerful demons who could easily kill you. If anything, I think you’re underestimating yourself. Listen, I have a proposal. Neither of us will budge at this moment. But… it’s possible that eventually over a period of time one of our wills could overcome the others while pitted against the other.”
“What are you suggesting exactly?” Joey questioned, feeling her nerves flaring up. 
“A compromise of sorts. But really, it’s more of a test of your will against mine,” he explained, “I will still send you and Katherine home when the year is complete. I absolutely will not send you home now. These cannot and will not change. But… if you can perhaps eventually find a way to persuade me to send you home early, then I will. If of course, you still wish to leave.In the meantime, you will take part in the exchange program as normal.  But, I will do everything in my power to persuade you to stay, just as you will try to persuade me to let you and Katherine leave.”
Joey found herself feeling guarded. It sounded like a very dangerous gamble on her part, and one Diavolo was very confident he would win if he was even suggesting it in the first place. Or at least that what she assumed was the case on the prince’s part. 
“I don’t trust this.”
“I’m not asking you to trust it. At least, not right now. I hope you will come to trust me eventually. Perhaps we can even be friends. I would like that,” Diavolo replied, a smile and a more jovial tone of voice returning to him. “But, I am asking for your consent. I didn’t give you an option before. I myself felt I had no good options for how to to handle this. But I am giving you a choice on how to go forward now. What do you say?”
Joey resisted the temptation to grit her teeth. 
“Is it really a choice? My options are this or nothing.”
“Please Joey. I want you in this program. I need you in this program. I could just force you, but I think I’d much prefer to win you over. I’d much prefer to be won over. The whole point of this program itself is to change the minds of demon, human, and angel alike. This is actually perfectly fitting, don’t you think?”
Do I really have a choice? Do I really? 
“... … Okay,” she relented. “Okay, I’ll agree to it. If it means we have a chance of leaving at all then I’ll take it.”
At this Diavolo grinning ecstatically and laughed mirthfully. 
“Wonderful!” The prince shook his head. “Joey, I’m so happy you agreed, and I’m also very relieved.” He then turned to the others. “I think I’m even more excited for the next year then I was before. I look forward to seeing how things unfold.” He then turned back to Joey, his expression disarmingly welcoming as it was when this all started. “Good luck, Joey. Truly, I have the highest of hopes for you and for the exchange program! And with that, I will let you and Satan go so he can take you to the House of Lamentation and get you settled.”
Joey looked down, an unsettled feeling gathering in the pit of her stomach. I feel cheated. 
“Alright.” Satan then stood up, coming down towards Joey as Diavolo went to take his own seat once more. “Let’s go, Joey. The house isn’t far from here. When we get there you can relax for a bit. I’m sure you’ll need it after all of this.”
“Probably,” Joey admitted. She stood up, taking one last look back and Diavolo and the others. She found her eyes settling on Lucifer for a moment and saw his gaze flitting between her and Diavolo. 
I’m in hell, she thought. In both the literal and not so literal sense. Fuck me!
“Well then, shall we?” 
Satan’s words pulled her back to the present. She turned to him and nodded, following behind until she caught up and walked alongside him out of the room. 
And now I’ve agreed to a very dangerous game. No no no no there’s no way I can pull this off! But I have to or we can’t leave any sooner. Assuming they’re really going to let us leave at all! God I’m such a fucking idiot. I’m so screwed!  And Kat might get hurt too because of me!
“Joey?” As soon as they were out of sight of the others Satan’s voice broke the silence between them.
“Are you alright? I can’t imagine what must be going through your head right now.”
Joey frowned, feeling another wave of anxiety come up behind the current wave of panic she was feeling. “I don’t want to talk about it if that’s alright.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah I’m sure. Sorry Satan. Maybe we can talk about this later?”
“Okay.” Satan sighed. “For what it’s worth, you’ve every right to feel angry about this.”
Angry barely begins to cover it. 
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” So this my fate. For now, at least. 
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persephonescat · 5 years
Birds and Other Supernatural Phenomenons
Warning for violence!
Ch. 1    Previous    Next    Masterpost    AO3
Ch. 4: Bloody Noses and Broken Bones
She smelled blood. Why was she smelling blood? 
The ground seemed not to exist anymore. Was she falling? She could no longer control her body, nothing worked the way it should've. She wasn't sure what was wrong, maybe everything. 
Was the sky still there? Or did she just imagine it? The cold air stung her eyes and she saw nothing but unforgiving gray and sickening purple. Everything was too loud, even though there were no sounds, were there? There was something shiny, so, so shiny, somewhere in the back of her mind she was supposed to know it was the Sun, but she was looking at the ground, how could she see the Sun?
Oh, right, there was no ground. There was no sky either, she knew that because the birds started falling like cheap toys, she could hear their bones crack as they collided with something that should've been the concrete but of course it wasn't.
Her heart wasn't beating. She didn't know how she noticed but once it was there her thoughts started flashing crazy fast, she couldn't follow them, she tried to blink to clear her mind but her eyes weren't real. She knew her organs were just an illusion too but she tried to breathe nevertheless. Instantly, some kind of maniacal happiness drilled its way into her skull (it hurt). After all, there was no air to breathe in, right? Silly.
She realized time stopped working and she heard herself laugh regardless of not having a physical body. Something was melting. "Reality," she thought cheerfully, reaching for the dense liquid, its color not similar to anything she ever saw. It felt like silk and oil and cream, smelled of expensive cosmetics and herbs and death.
On a Tuesday afternoon, with the Sun shining and the birds chirping on the trees, a normal person would never have thought that the city was home to some of the most ruthless criminals on the planet.
For the untrained eye, Gotham looked just like any other concrete-jungle; a little sad, a little shady, a little bit mean sometimes, but otherwise safe. However, Marinette saw the wordless ways of communication between the residents, the way mothers glanced into every alley before turning around the corner, the teenagers walking in large groups to be safer.
If you were a young girl in Gotham and weren't either a complete idiot or in possession of the strength of a hundred Bruce Lees, you didn't go walking around alone. Not to the post office, not to school, not to get Nutella at two AM (no matter how sad that was).
These rules got stricter the deeper Marinette dived into the city. It was fascinating how in only so many minutes, the business and relative safety of the Wayne Tower disappeared as if it was never there to begin with. 
Crime Alley was the darkest, most dangerous part of Gotham, the cream of the cream, one could say, as long as the cream was brown like dry blood and rotten to its very core. It wasn't always like that, but time tends to bring the worst out of everything. 
Marinette was halfway to St. Anthony Street when she heard a weak voice.
"Okay, just... please, don't hurt us."
"I said give me your wallet!" said a slightly louder voice. 
Marinette leaned against the wall and glanced around the corner carefully. A man almost twice her size was standing with his back turned to her, holding a gun to another man's chest, who shielded a little boy with his body.
The smaller man put his wallet in the mugger's outstretched hand. The bastard put it in his back pocket then eyed the man's shaking posture, looking for something else to steal.
"Now, your watch." The little boy whimpered as his father reached to take his watch off. Marinette moved quickly and silently, the way an animal moves in the final moments before killing its prey. By the time someone could notice her, she was standing behind the mountain of a man, her hand already hitting the painful point on his nape, just under his skull. 
The mugger yelped and started falling forward but Marinette was already there, hitting the gun out of his hand before he could accidentally pull the trigger, yanking him back by his arm, away from the father and son. She rubbed the pressure point inside his bicep as she stepped in front of him, making sure his arm wasn't strong enough to grab her, then took a well-controlled breath and let it out while swinging her arm and hitting his nose from the bottom, knocking him out completely. She made sure not to let go of his arm until he was on the ground, she didn't want him to break his skull when he landed on the concrete.
Once they were all safe and sound (some less than others), she wiped her hands in her light blue jeans and looked at the shaken up family. The father was staring at her blankly but the boy looked genuinely scared. Of her. She took a step backward, thinking about apologies and explanations. 
Why did she do this? She could've had waited until the man let them go and confronted him farther away. She should've taken his gun sooner and hit his ribs instead of his nose. That would've been less frightening to see, right? God, she was an idiot. 
The father's grateful voice pulled her out of her thoughts.
"Thank-... thank you. You saved our lives." The little boy stepped out from behind his dad and nodded sheepishly.
Marinette took a shaky breath and realized the mugger's gun was still on the pavement. How could she forget that? She quickly picked it up, checked it with practiced movements (akumas weren't the only thing in Paris), and made sure the safety is on before giving it to the father.
"Do you know how to handle a gun?" she asked mostly for the sake of formality. She was pretty sure people in Gotham were prepared enough when it came to guns. She made sure to mask her accent, it wasn't that hard to find a french girl in this city, and she had to be careful.
"Yes, I do."
There was a small pause.
"Umm..." she shifted awkwardly, "could you not tell the police I was here?"
That wasn't enough. She knew it. She had to give him something that could justify lying to the cops.
"I'm here with my class, and I think I wasn't supposed to wander this far... I just don't want to get into bigger trouble, I'm sorry."
The man nodded, holding her gaze; a vow of silence holier than any oath made in curt. It came from gratitude and kindness.
She quickly said her goodbyes and took off just as the man dialed the police. She sure-as-hell didn't have enough time to visit the crime scene now.
When she got back to the meeting point, thirty minutes before the time they agreed on, she realized her mistake: she didn't have a pair. It was too late. She was forced to go sit with Mrs. Bustier and the stressed-out tour guide, then the teacher insisted that she sat next to her on the bus the way back to their hotel.
By the time she managed to get her off her back, it was already time for dinner and she was seriously considering to kill herself with a fork.
When she climbed up to the roof, Jeremy was already there.
"Hi. What's up? You look like shit," he greeted her.
"Thanks, it must be the jacket."
"You know what I mean."
"I mean, is it more like dog poop or goose poop? Because you see, I was going for the first one, but now I'm concerned-"
"Okay, I get it, I'm sorry!" he said, interrupting her before she could enjoy the situation any longer. She grinned at him in response.
"What's up with the Eskimo-gear?" he asked, gesturing at the red scarf and gloves she was wearing.
"Bold words coming from a guy in a ski mask."
"It's not a ski mask, okay?"
"Yes, it is."
"But it's cool."
"It's cheap."
"Ohh, shut up Miss Give-Me-All-The-Blankets-Or-I'm-Gonna-Freeze-Right-Here-And-It'll-Be-Your-Problem!"
"That was one time!
"We've only known each other for a day, one is plenty enough!"
She stuck out her tongue and sat down next to him.
"What's that?" she asked, noticing something in his hand.
"This? Well, yesterday we talked about child-psychology and stuff and there is this guy, Tamás Vekerdy, who is pretty good, so I thought I could show it to you."
"Okay, just let me get the blankets," she said, standing up.
"Bring extras this time!" he shouted after her.
"Bring your IQ this time!" she shouted back.
Your comments keep me alive enough to write after getting home from ten hours of school, so they're highly appreciated!
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Tag list: 
@northernbluetongue @vgirl-10123 @theatreandcomicfreak @interobanginyourmom @crazylittlemunchkin @zerotosiki @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @my-name-is-michell @shreky-boi
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beaubokuto · 4 years
━ iii. what you broke
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pairing: tobio kageyama x f!reader
genre: enemies to lovers, royal!au, angst
summary: prince tobio kageyama is cruel. he was known to be vindictive, revengeful, other synonyms for anger’s embodiment. you were not quite as interesting: a simple village girl with a knack for stealing things and a wish to kill the prince.
a/n: criticism is always appreciated <3 this one was fun to write
tags: angst, royalty, swearing, medieval, fantasy, enemies to lovers, all characters are aged up, minor depictions of violence (dueling, sparring, no major bloodshed)
previous chapter  ━ next chapter
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“I would have the opportunity to duel the prince?” You asked. You felt eagerness creep into your skin. It was your dream for years.
“You would be best not to sound that excited.” The flame boy said with a smile. “He would be king by then, but yes. You would have the opportunity to duel him, if you wished to do so. I am coming to you directly with an offer. Accompany me to the castle tonight in preparation.”
“I have the money.” You reached for your bag. “I planned to speak with General Shimizu today.”
“No need.” He waved you off. “Keep the money. You can find an excellent sword with... what is that? A moonful?” You wished you could wipe the look off of his face. “As I said, I came to you directly. Allow me to introduce myself.”
The orange haired boy stood and bowed only slightly with his his chin, hair creating a halo of light around his head. He was much shorter than you remembered, perhaps it was because your attention was focused on the prince. You mentally reminded yourself to be aware of your surroundings.
“I am Shoyo Hinata, son of the Flame and best mate of crowned prince Tobio Kageyama.” He recited. When he brought his burnt orange eyes to yours, he seemed to glitter. “And I am appointing you a training knight, if you wish to accept.”
“Why?” You did not bow. You did not move. Your eyes flickered to the general’s, who still sat at the table. “Why are you appointing me directly? What is the trick?”
“There is no trick, only treats.” Hinata joked. “You have peaked my interest. I believe that you peaked the prince’s interest as well.”
He brought his hand forward to allow a flame to dance around his fingers. It was a small fire ball that circled his palm and twirled through each digit as if it were a real person.
“Besides, I think it would be fun, would it not?”
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You agreed. How could you not?
Hinata gave you an explanation as to how everything would work, and you listened. It was a simple process: you would live with other training knights in a wing of the castle, you would spar and train and prepare for the duels at the end of each week with them and some of the actual knights, and you would either proceed or you would fail.
Not everyone would become a knight, even if they paid their dues. You were determined to become one. You were brilliant with a sword, even the daughter of the general thought as such.
You had to think of a plan. You had weeks until your duel with the prince.
And you decided that your duel with him would finally be his end.
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“I cannot believe you are leaving me here to dwell by myself.” Kiyoko complained as you readied yourself. 
“You have plenty of other friends.”
“None that will spar with me.” She sighed. You gave her a look, and she shrugged. “None that are a good duel, rather.”
“Speaking of other friends.” You pulled the parcel out of your cloak. “This is from Tanaka.”
“If it is from him, I do not want it.” Kiyoko waved it off as if it were a bug flying too close to her face.
“He claims it to be an apology.”
With that, Kiyoko lifted a brow. She reached from her sitting position on the edge of her bed. Her bed was rather soft, so she had to physically move up to reach you. You wondered what that was like, to sleep on something that squishy. Perhaps you would know soon.
You handed her the gift.
Her nimble fingers untied the knot and tore the paper off, revealing a white box with a note.
She read the note in silence and proceeded to open the gift, revealing a beautiful necklace made of blue and silver. You couldn’t tell exactly what it was made of, but you knew it was as beautiful as she was.
“Wow.” You sighed before you could hold yourself back. “That’s gorgeous.”
“He thinks he can simply purchase his way through an apology.” Kiyoko tossed the necklace back into the box. You almost reached out to make sure it was all right. “He is mistaken.”
“If you are to tell me to accept the gift and a note claiming what I already know, you are a fool.” She turned to you. “Now, let us get you ready to leave. You cannot wear the same thing every day in the castle as you do here.”
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Shoyo Hinata waited for you.
You had only your clothes, a small bag of clothes that Kiyoko gave you (easy to move in and comfortable sleepwear, she told you), your sword at your hip, and your pouch of coins. 
General Shimizu nodded goodbye as you headed for the door. You turned to thank him for his kindness, to which he said “I cannot wait to work alongside you weeks from now.”
It made you grin.
Hinata attached your bag to the side of his horse, aware of how you watched his movements with intensity.
“I am not here to kill you. I would have done it by now.” Hinata told you. He still stared at the task at hand. You looked at the back of his head, his hair looking like hair rather than fire. 
“You watch as I disrespect the prince only to appear at my best friend’s house to offer me an amazing opportunity.” You crossed your arms. “There is a saying about things being too good to be true.”
“You know, you should work on your trust issues.” He said as he hopped onto the horse. “It will make your life so much easier.”
His informality made you blink in confusion. You barely ever heard someone talk without honorifics, even Kiyoko talked to you in formalities most of the time. You thought it was simply because she was a bit older than you, but hearing someone the same age as you speak with the tongue of friendship was strange.
“What?” Hinata looked down at you. “Are you coming on or what?”
“You speak as if we are friends.” You finally said. You climbed onto the horse to sit behind him. 
“Oh right, sorry!” He giggled and sent you a smile. “I forget sometimes that we are supposed to talk formally. Which do you prefer: commoner, my lady, knight?”
“Why is my name not an option?”
“Because isn’t calling you by your name a bit informal, my lady?” He looked over his shoulder one last time before giving the horse a nice pat on it’s head, making it move towards the castle.
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“I want you to repeat yourself.” Tobio Kageyama sighed with a pinched brow. 
“She’s in the training quarters now.” Shoyo Hinata said without missing a beat. He stood in front of his best friend with a huge grin and fire in his eyes. “Would you like to introduce yourself?”
“You witness this girl have blatant disrespect for me and for the crown, yet you bring her to my home with an offer of free training and living.”
“That is exactly what I did, yes.”
Kageyama sighed once more, attempting to push back the anger that resonated in his chest.
“You should see her with a sword, Tobio.” Hinata continued once he realized just how angry he was. “Watch her first duel in three days time. I promise you, it will not be in vain.”
“And how do you know of this talent?”
“I watched her and Sir Shimizu’s daughter practice together.” Hinata said. “I talked to the General himself, and he claims that she is excellent and had been saving up for years. She will be great, I promise you.”
“And her duel with me?”
“You may want to practice a bit harder. No offense.”
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The Knights Quarters sat in the left wing of the castle. The darkness of the castle only seemed to get darker as you made your way through the hallways, mentally noting where you had been. 
There were four rooms for the men training, all full with at least ten beds. There were only two rooms for the women. As it turns out, you were only one of three females who were training.
The rooms were dark, only two lights along the ceiling and small windows. The beds were spread along both walls, totaling to ten. Each bed had a hanging piece underneath for storage and a dark wooden bedside table. 
One of the girls seemed to had been training for a while, sprawled out in her claimed bed. She had short brown hair and piercing light brown eyes. She had a scar along her shoulder that you took notice of. The other had long light brown hair tied into a plait, freckled skin, and blue eyes that gleamed at the sight of you.
“Welcome to Knight Training!” The blue eyed girl greeted with a smile. “I am Yua Ito, daughter of the Hunter. This is Akari Yamamoto, daughter of Sir Yamamoto.”
“Hello.” You placed your bag on an empty bed. You introduced yourself, adding, “Daughter of a merchant.”
“I heard Shoyo Hinata offered you this position directly.” Akari spoke up. She lifted her head only slightly from the pillow. “You must be good with your weapon.”
“I plan to get better.”
Akari smiled, though it felt melicious. “How ambitious. Cannot wait to see you in action, chosen one.”
Yua smacked her thigh, but Akari only rolled her eyes and closed them again. Yua turned to you, smile back onto her face.
“Do not pay attention to her attitude.” Yua waved it off as if it were an annoying fly. “She’s naturally like that.”
Before you could reply, the door to the room opened.
Your name was announced by the man at the door. He was of a large build, with thick armor and you could count at least four knives in plain sight. He must be a soldier, or a body guard of sorts.
You hadn’t even sat down yet.
“I am she.” You said, with as much formality as you could. 
“Your presence is requested by the prince.”
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tag list: @immxnty @elegantlykpop​ @thechaosoflonging​ @starryparkrr​ @cosmotoic​
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darkmindsotome · 4 years
Risque Rouge pt15
Tagging: @umbralaperture​ @otome-smut-queen @silver-fox-of-azuchi @tsundere-mitsuhide @jennacat84
General warnings for the whole fic: Angst, some fluff, Mental health issues, emotional things, trauma, blood, death and possible triggers. Please read responsibly. 
Darkmindsotome Masterlist
Chapter 15
As plans went this had been perfect. It was an accident that could have happened at any time and in any part of the city. He was lucky to already know exactly where he could find a coach without its driver, all he needed was the perfect moment. Everything was arranged and it would have been considered simple bad luck that someone should be fatally crushed under the sheer force of the runaway horse dragging its carriage. It would have worked, should have worked.
Latour looked at the failure of what should have been a gloriously devastating demise. His eyes burned with hatred as he watched the female interact with the two men from his hiding place.
“Curses!” He hissed as his fist pounded the wall of the building before, he spun on his heel snarling as he walked away.
This had to be an out of the frying pan into the fire moment. Evie watched the two men in a silent standoff feeling completely useless. It was true she had run and she was scared. Yes, Comte had been part of the reason for that but he hadn’t hurt her. She did wonder about his approach when they were at the café but not once in all the times, they had been together, was he anything less than pleasant and kind.
Evie was more than aware he had every right to be upset with her right now. Acting the way she had must have truly hurt him. She saw the pained look in his eyes when she reflexively slapped his hand away. There was more there though, he had a melancholy look that was complete forgiveness. It was as if he would accept anything no matter how much it hurt him as long as it was what she wished. It hurt.
While her chest constricted in the grip of a coiling serpent intent on crushing her the man blocking her spoke.
“What sneaky games are you trying to play with this girl? Are you not entertained enough?” There was a tangible threat from the man shielding her from Comte. He was speaking without formality which could have meant he didn’t care to be polite to a potential menace but the fact Comte called him by name must mean they knew each other.
“I am not playing games, sneaky or otherwise. Genevieve is my charge and in my care.” Comte was smiling that same smile he had on his face when talking to Arthur.
“Then why was she so terrified of you just now?” Napoleon moved slightly and Evie had visions of this entire situation going bad fast. She didn’t know if Comte was aware of the look on his own face or if it was a miscalculation on his part because right now it was more taunting than intimidating. For all the mistakes made so far, she didn’t wish to have one result in a fight in front of her. She broke free of the human barrier, with pain lancing up her leg and placed herself between the two men.
“Please stop.”  She gave a quick glance to Comte over her shoulder before turning to Napoleon. “Thank you, Monsieur, you rescued me.”
To say Comte was stunned would have been a very accurate description right now. This woman really did seem to swing on a pendulum to the point where she was hard to predict. He thought he had scared her and she would not go anywhere near him so why was she standing as if to protect him now?
“I only did what anyone would do.” Napoleon seemed to be equally perplexed looking at the sudden change in the woman who was basically a trembling mess only minutes before. His green eyes looked behind her quizzically towards Comte who didn’t know what to say.
He had felt and still did feel terrible for how he handled everything back at the café. Hindsight has a way of making every situation seem like a bad move and he already was well aware even without the help of reflection that his approach was a terrible choice.
“No, you did more because you were the one to risk yourself on my foolishness.” Evie lowered her head the trembling in her body was still very likely to make a repeat appearance but right now she was determined to make sure nothing else happened. “What this man says is true. I am in his care, he is my sponsor. It was true I was careless and running but…”
“Evie.” Comte’s voice was quiet. His eyes fell on the back of her lowered head in awe.
She was hurt she had been scared and still suffering the aftermath of everything that had been said and done. He could feel it, he felt her swirling emotions as strongly as if they were his own, the pain in her taking grip on his own body. Still, she was trying to smooth over a situation that was nowhere near as drastic as she thought it was. A wry smile formed on his face and his expression softened as he watched her. She was stronger than she knew and so beautiful. Napoleon didn’t miss the subtle interaction and looked at the young woman in front of him as if he just remembered something.
“So, you are the Mademoiselle from the mansion?”
“You know me?” Evie looked up her emerald eyes finding his clear jade green ones.
There really was something about this man, it was different from Comte and also different when compared to the other soldier in the mansion. It was a quiet dominance that gave subliminal weight to anything he did, even standing still talking with him projected the idea you were talking to a born leader.
“Of you. Sebastian informed me of a new guest and said that they were a lady.” The air around Napoleon felt much friendlier as it seemed the misunderstanding from before had all but been forgotten. Evie looked back at Comte. He said he would tell the rest of the guests himself, not that she wanted to pry into why Sebastian had been the one to inform this man instead.
There was obviously a little tension between the two men, it wasn’t bad, but it was certainly one that came from a place of respect rather than blind trust. It was very hard to explain and she didn’t even understand how she could feel something so slight from people she had just met.
Uncle had always said she was very sensitive and observant but this was more, it was a feeling that she instinctively didn’t question. People talk about intuition but that had always seemed a little off to her. Even with a strong intuition it was easy to second guess and lose yourself. This was a profound sensation and it was strange because it felt a lot like being more than one person at once in her own body.
“Genevieve this is Napoleon, he is also a guest of mine.” Comte issued the late introduction after the conversation finally seemed to allow for it.
“Is there anyone in Paris who is not a guest of yours?” Evie’s question was out long before her good sense could talk her out of it. Her eyes went saucer round and she clamped her hand over her mouth. “Erm…”
By this point, Comte was used to her little outbursts. Whilst they still had a tendency to catch him off guard, he was inclined to look upon her fondly rather than feel the desire to chastise her. Besides judging by her reaction and the way she was currently looking she was giving herself a much harsher lecture than he could. While Comte and Evie were looking at each other a loud eruption of laughter burst forth from Napoleon.
“Pff -- Bwahaha!”
“I’m sorry.” Evie muttered her apology flinching when Comte placed a hand on her shoulder. Noticing her reaction, he retracted his hand. The brief touch of warmth he felt freezing over as he felt the penalty strike him as he feared it would if he hurt her. He tried to ignore the way that information sat like a steel weight in his chest. Convincing himself he should be content with simply watching her.
“No don’t be I – hahaha – I’m glad to see the shock didn’t do any damage to your body or conviction. Haha pardon. I like how honest you are.” Napoleon was struggling to stop himself from continuing his peel of laughter his shoulders were still shaking as he tried to stifle it and speak.
“If we are finished here, I think it would be best to return home.” Comte interjected which seemed to help Napoleon gather enough power to get his laughter under control.
“Home?” Evie asked curiously before taking an interest in the people around them. The gathering of onlookers was a little smaller but she was very aware that even if they had returned to their previous tasks they were still glancing in her direction.
Still, when Comte said home he meant the mansion and there was a feeling of chilling dread that filled her chest as she thought of that. Could she go back there and cheat what she feared most in her mind? Would she avoid being the source of someone else’s pain or would she fail and have another torment to add to her collection?
“Yes, we need to tend to that ankle of yours.” Comte drew a little closer, sensing of her rising anxiety.
He wanted to take her hand as he had always done but she recoiled at his touch and he did not wish to be an added source of her discomforts. He hoped that his words could be enough reassurance to her and she would choose to come back. He tried to ignore the selfish desire he had to be alone with her once more. He wanted to apologise properly and allow for dialogue to once more be open between them. He knew how detrimental the passage of time could be as it passed by removing the opportunity to speak freely. The only survivor of the situation being the air of extreme awkwardness that hung like a cloud.
“I don’t really…” Evie hesitated and winced again the pain in her ankle silencing her.
Napoleon hadn’t pushed for details and he was not stupid enough to get in the middle of a lover’s quarrel. He could see the concern in Comte’s eyes as he watched the young girl with black hair. He had seen similar looks in the eyes of men on the battlefield. It was a look of understanding your fate is in the hands of another and acceptance that their actions would define the world to come.
The woman was curious, it wasn’t that he was immune to her charms he felt them keenly drawing him in. It made him instinctively wish to help her. It was strange and he had felt something similar when he had experienced meeting Comte for the first time.  He took a certain level of pride in being a good judge of character and he found her to be interesting, honest and trustworthy.
“I’ll join you as well as I was on my way back anyway.” Napoleon spoke up in response to the idea of returning. He had been on his way back anyway so it was of little concern to him if he travelled alone or with companionship. If his presence meant that the young lady should feel more settled than if she were to travel with only le Comte for company then he considered it his duty to do at least that much.
“Did you not ride into town?” Comte enquired feeling a deflated sensation taking hold of him.
“Not today.” Napoleon didn’t seem to care or notice the shadows crossing the amber eyes of the pure blood Count. He did, however, slip his arm around the waist of the injured girl. He did it in such a way that it was completely natural, a silent declaration of the fact this is where it should be. Evie could not find the words to protest and found her weight naturally leaning on the strong arm around her as Napoleon guided her towards the carriages.
Comte knew it was to support her and help her. He knew it was a purely platonic motion and there was nothing meaningful about it. Logically he knew all this and still a dark whisper in his mind had him questioning every small glance and muscle twitch between the two now walking in front of him.
“Well isn’t that splendid?”
“So, it failed.” Amos sat mulling over the ill-fated news as he watched the foam dissolve on the head of beer in his glass.
“Yes. There was interference and the female found protection at the most inconvenient time.” Latour had appeared like a tempest and was working his anger out on a bowl of nuts crushing the shells in his bare hands, placing their contents to the side. He didn’t really like nuts, he didn’t really enjoy any human food anymore. It was all ash in his mouth.
Blood was all he craved to slate his thirst and fill his belly. Alcohol provided a change in pace, whilst providing natural cover from the passing observer. Cigarettes helped keep him busy, it was a throwback to his time as a human. Watching the curling smoke from the lit shredded tobacco, how it filled his lungs. It helped him focus, it helped him think and it blocked out some of the atrocious scents of the cattle around him.
“Not by the Reo’s doing?” Amos asked watching the bowl of mixed nuts grow empty. He was a little pleased that his disciple had learnt to vent his anger in a way that drew less attention to him. He remembered how troublesome it had been in previous years during training when he had been forced to keep a tight leash on him or risk exposure.
“No, it was another. One from the mansion although they are not part of the familia.” Latour reached a particularly stubborn walnut and after squeezing it towards its obliteration he finally seemed to relax.
“Did they suspect foul play?” Amos drank the dregs of his pint and scooped up a handful of the freshly shelled nuts on the table.
“No, My Lord” Latour confirmed what was possibly the only saving grace of the misadventure. Failure was not an option Latour knew it would spell the end of everything for him. His master had no use for tools that could not fulfil a task.
“Good, then there is still a chance we can approach the matter again.” Amos smiled the lamplight caught the very tip of his exposed fangs before he expertly moved his head playing it off as a trick of the light for anyone who might have seen it.
“What would you have me do?”
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vivxwrites · 5 years
Doctor’s Orders
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*not my gif*
Word Count: 764
Summary: Carol is a little shit, basically (and a massive dork)
Warnings: Fluffier than a marshmallow
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
A/N: Hi friends, this was requested by an anon not to long ago so I hope you like it nonnie. It’s in the same universe as my other two Carol x Doctor Reader fics, I’ll link them above. And nonnie I know it’s short and I apologize if you’re disappointed but I think it’s adorable.
Previous: What’s Wrong With Your Face // Follow-Up Appointment
You grinned and let your fingers fly across the keyboard as you replied to a text from Carol. As soon as you had got off shift you sent her a text and the two of you had been texting back and forth ever since. 
Your phoned blared out the ringtone for FaceTime and you dropped it in shock. Carol was FaceTiming you? On your day off? Shit shit shit. You ran frantically around your room and hastily applied flattened your bed-head down in the mirror before situating yourself in a casual position on your bed. You picked up the call and smiled brightly, “Hey.”
“Hey yourself doc.” Carol smiled back at you.
“Must you call me doc?” You rolled your eyes good naturedly and Carol laughed boisterously.
“Well it is your contact name in my phone.” Carol smirked at you and you let out a groan.
You were about to throw her a snippy response when you saw the notification that Carol had taken a live photo popped up. You hid your face in a pillow, “Really Carol, a live photo when I look like this?”
“Personally I think you look beautiful.”
You pulled your face out of the pillow and glanced at her. She wore a serious expression and you fought back a smile and a blush, “Yeah, whatever. Why’d you call me anyways?”
“Oh I completely forgot. I, Carol Danvers, would like to formally ask you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), on a date tomorrow night.” 
You cracked up with laughter. “You’re such a dork. I’ll go out with you under one condition.”
She hummed, “Oh, and that is?”
“Change my contact name.” You smirked at her and she glared back at you.
“You drive a hard bargain.” Carol narrowed her eyes at you and the two of you engaged in a staring contest. Her eyes were starting to water and you grinned victoriously.
“Give it up, Danvers. I win, you lose.”
She blinked and pouted at you. “Fine. But I’m picking you up and paying.”
You gasped in shock, “Like hell you are.”
“Them's the rules. Unless you still want to be called doc, doc.” She smirked triumphantly, knowing that you would have no choice but to agree to her terms.
“Fine. You pick me up and you can pay, this time. And don’t you worry Danvers, I will have my revenge someday. 
“Mhm I’m sure you will doc.” The corners of her eyes crinkled with happiness and you had to hold back from drooling at the sight.
“I’m about to hang up.” You said it with a straight face but Carol could hear the smile in your voice.
“No don’t leave me.” She whined and you thought it was adorable.
“Fine let’s plan this date then.”
“Nuh uh. It’s a surprise.”
“Carol no. How do I know what to wear?”
“Carol yes. And just wear your scrubs, you look hot in them,” she paused and gave you a cheeky smile.
“Don’t say it Carol, don’t you dare say it.” 
You gave her a look of deadpan, “I hate you.”
“Hate you too, babe. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Carol wait, what do I we-” That little shit hung up on you. 
The next morning you scrambled around the room and tried on at least six different outfits before you finally settled on one. Carol had texted you with a time and nothing else so naturally, you got ready two hours in advance and stared at the clock for the remainder of the time.
The knock on your door finally sounded and you raced up to fling it open. Your jaw dropped at the sight of Carol grinning in your doorway, a bouquet of red roses outstretched in her arms. You gingerly took them and leaned up to give Carol a peck on her cheek. “Thank you, you didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to make up for calling you doc, doc.” 
“Carol stop. You’re making me feel like punching you.” You pouted and Carol give you a quick peck on the lips. 
“Turn that frown upside down doc, we’ve got a date to go on.” She grabbed your hand and laced her fingers through yours before guiding you out towards her car.
She pulled the passenger door open for you and did a weird bow, “M’lady.”
“Carol you’re such a dork.” You reached up and booped her on the nose and she playfully tried to bite your finger.
“Only for you doc.”
“If you don’t stop I’m going to leave.”
“Is that an order, ma’am?”
“Yeah hun it is, doctor’s orders.
A/N: Hello again. Um if you liked this go read You’ve Gone Soft Danvers because they’re pretty similar and I love them both. I think that’s it for today, thank you to everyone who dropped me a nat req and go listen to my favorite Nat song. Thanks, Viv :)
Permanent Tag List: @aesthetiff @captainwonderwidow @autumnjackson4
If anyone wants to be added let me know. :)
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