#i would like to thank my remaining braincells for actually doing their job while i was making this
asliceofoceanmist · 2 years
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pete looking at vegas through the episodes /// vegas ver.
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risingsh0t · 11 months
apologies that this took me forever! i was tagged by @aragorngf @corvosattano @minaharkers @jackiesarch @marivenah @aartyom @leviiackrman @nightbloodbix @chuckhansen @fenharel @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @detectivelokis and @sstewyhosseini , THANK YOU ALL MWAH 💖
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definitely a difficult task, but i think willa has potential to retain this title. she's protective, compassionate, and a good cook -- like what's not to love?? yet she also has her complexities because of hard decisions she's had to make and her loyalties. i put a lot of myself in her story and she has one of the most thorough backgrounds i've given to an oc. i find she brings me a lot of comfort and i'll continue to return to her.
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technically, this title would probably go to my shepard since i played the m*ss effect trilogy in high school. but, she's not very well developed aside from the general base character. therefore i'm giving it to wren...who's not very old. a year and a half old. but oc creation is more of a recent creative outlet for me so she's definitely going to stay extra special.
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my spider-woman and my crochet artist girlie. very excited about both! although piper kind of swept in and took the braincell while i was still working on yaz.
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i mean. she's a demon who tortured people in hell for centuries. and not a demon looking to be reformed or anything, she literally thrives off chaos. she's not constantly aggressively mean though.
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i...actually have a lot of soft ocs apparently 😭 but nicole has such a big heart. despite the people she's lost, she remains a warm and kind and fiercely protective presence for those she loves.
honorable mentions: juliet rhodes, oriane, willa lau, piper perrault, cyrus virani, daeana velaryon
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she just doesn't really like talking or people. she assumes they'll let her down if she gets too close. but she's a hard worker and her jobs require some amount of socializing so she'll do it lmao
honorable mentions: logan campbell, darcy campbell, poe newman, kerenza astrya
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has a phD, is a librarian. she's worked and lived in several different countries. speaks six different languages. she intimidates me, honestly.
honorable mentions: wren elsher, melina holmes, piper perrault
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my silly guys. zane kinda has himbo energy, tries to be a good father but doesn't always do the "right" thing. with cyrus it's pure vibes. kate specifically brings out the dumb in him because he's so smitten.
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a punk pop princess! she'd be so much fun to have as a friend... and she's an extremely loyal, ride or die, friend.
honorable mentions: willa lau, piper perrault, nicole ortiz, anzu adachi
tagging: @indorilnerevarine @loriane-elmuerto @calenhads @shadowglens @leondaltons @malefiicarum @morvaris @umbertors @ladysanjo @florbelles @unholymilf @confidentandgood @jacobseed @arklay + anyone else who wants to! sorry if you were already tagged and/or did this forever ago!
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agentbluefox · 2 years
I desperately want to hear your thoughts on Frankie and Face (also can't wait to see that rant about Face and his father)
First, thank you for enabling me to rant about this. Literally rubbed my hands together when I got your ask and was like ‘my time has come I am going to go OFF about this'
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^^ actual footage of my last three braincells upon receiving this ask. (this got so long. it’s below the cut to spare everyone)
(I’ll preface this by saying I’m mostly looking at this from an in-universe perspective, not really criticizing the writing choices or why the writers/directors did certain things)
I’m going to briefly talk about season 5 as a whole because I think it’s linked to the thoughts I have on Frankie. I actually didn’t dislike season 5. It’s far from my favorite, but I feel like it is misunderstood to some extent (especially in fanfics). Or maybe I just like my interpretation of it. Either way, it wasn’t a bad season, and it provided a lot of interesting character moments by putting them all in situations we hadn’t really seen before.
However, the entire tone changed, the dynamics changed, and the overall story and interactions just felt a little... off.
Frankie is... fine as a character. If he were the protagonist/sidekick of some other show, he would be fine, he’d probably even be an interesting character. But he just doesn’t work in the A-Team. At least not in the way that the writers seemingly intended. The team, for four seasons, has operated as a single cohesive unit. You can TELL that these men have worked together for years, you can tell they’ve been though war and hardship together. This also means that it’s very clear that each of them has a purpose within the unit.
Hannibal is the leader and everyman in a sense, Murdock is the pilot and backup, B.A. is the muscle, Face is the con-man. That doesn’t mean the roles aren’t occasionally interchangeable or they don’t have other jobs or abilities, because they absolutely do, but at a very basic level, they all have a job and a place and it works well within the dynamic.
Then we get to season 5 and several things happen. First, the tone is different from the outset, the stakes are higher, there’s not so many fun missions or lightheartedness. The team isn’t just helping out the little guy anymore, they’re following orders from a man none of them seem to really respect, and doing jobs that none of them really seem to want to be doing.
At the beginning, through the trial, we really get to see the team’s loyalty to each other on display. This is great. But while the stakes remain high through the season, the dynamics go through a shift. Starting, I think, with Frankie. First, we see Hannibal taking Frankie under his wing, almost as a mentor (a dynamic that we’ve most often seen between Face and Hannibal in the past). We’ve never heard of this guy, suddenly Hannibal trusts him so we’re supposed to trust him. This MIGHT have worked if it was handled a little differently. As it is, it feels cheap and contrived. (especially since Frankie is just really full of himself from the first introduction) Murdock was right when he pulled Frankie aside and told him “It’s my team, not our team.”
So Frankie is taken into the team as a fifth member. The problem is, there’s no place for him within the cohesive unit that we’ve been presented with for the past four years.
And since there’s no real place for him, it became necessary to create one. The issue is that his place tends to overlap A Lot with Face’s. From his skillset to his relationship with the other characters - particularly Hannibal. The other additions to the team in the past (Amy for example) have added their own skillset/perspective/etc. They added something that the others couldn’t. Which I just felt wasn’t the case for Frankie.
We have scenes where Face is teaching him to pick a lock or to scam people, which at first is a little endearing. Like, okay, Face gets to teach someone else the ‘tricks of the trade,’ if you will. But very quickly, we start to get scenes where it’s just Frankie doing all these things that Face always handled. Frankie is redundant, and the narrative makes no attempt to give him his own niche. This leaves Face as a redundancy himself.
And to be fair, it’s not even just Frankie, it’s the rest of the team too. ‘The Spy Who Mugged Me’ is a great example of that. And, objectively, I like this episode. It’s a fun story and it’s neat to see Murdock taking on a role that’s so opposed to the one he usually has. But once again, it is Face’s role; one that he’s not being allowed to fill, which leaves him basically as an extra. And here we do see quite a strong reaction from Face, after Murdock leaves him out on the balcony all night (I love Murdock but I just want to shake him for this tbh). He hasn’t been allowed to fulfill his role on the team, and then when he’s completely removed from the equation, nobody even notices. Might just be my interpretation but he feels sort of reserved this whole season. Like he’s drifting a little bit, with no reassurance that he really is vital to the operation of the team. Something that I think he needs more than any of the others.
He tries to leave in season 5. Something he’s done once before, though the circumstances were different. This is an interesting decision, because it means he’s giving up the pardon, despite being the one constantly looking for the normal life it would provide. That being said, I personally don’t think he ever intended to actually leave. I think we were seeing him at the end of his rope, realizing that this isn’t quite what he wanted, and this was, in a way, an act of desperation. To see if his team would try and stop him, or to see if they would follow him. What he was proposing was basically to go back to the way things were. Being on the run, helping people THEY wanted to help, instead of performing glorified chores for Stockwell, and watching his place on the team be given over to an outsider.
B.A. said early in the series that Face would be in jail if it wasn’t for Hannibal, and I think this is absolutely true. Face is the most vocal about wanting a normal life, but I think he’s the one least suited to it in many ways. He’s never had a normal life. I don’t think he would know how to stop. He enjoys it, just like the rest of them do. With Frankie there, I think he probably recognized that he was potentially replaceable and that, if they get the pardons, he might lose his team for good.
I got the sense that they were all in a sort of survival mode in the last season. They cut it really close with the trial and their ‘executions’ and then they’re offered a chance at the pardons. I got the sense of “none of us are happy about it, but we’re going to suck it up and make the best of it because what other choice do we have?” Maybe Hannibal realized he could have got them all killed and that’s still a very real possibility, so the focus now HAS to be on getting the pardons, and he’ll deal with the fallout later (Face, Murdock’s mental state, etc.). Unfortunately, that means we have the team at a low point in many ways.
Now, I have my own headcanons about what happened after the finale (which I will either make a post about at some point or write a fanfic about), but I think at some point, the balance these characters has is pushed completely off kilter, forcing them (Hannibal mainly) to take a step back and evaluate where they are and what needs to change. Recognizing that their operation worked because their dynamic worked, not just as a team but really as a family, and that maybe the pardons aren’t really worth all the trouble they’ve caused.
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binch-i-might-be · 3 years
✨ announcement✨
as many of you have probably noticed through my repeated breakdowns, I really have not clue what I want to do with my life lmao!
well! I’ve been rubbing my two braincells together to come up with some kind of plan lately, and I... have an idea I guess?
I’ll be asking for less hours at work and hopefully get an extra free day every week like that, and then I want to start writing a book with the intention to publish it.
currently, I’m considering two options for that: an idea I’ve had for a while set in modern day, probably in the line of a family-drama and self-discovery.
or, and this I’m kinda gravitating towards while also being very nervous about it, reworking Thin Ice.
now, Thin Ice ‘Verse the series will remain on ao3 even if I decide to go with this.
the series is just very much unplanned for the most part, and reworking it into a book with proper arcs and an overarching plotline would be fun I think! obviously I would change some names and do some actual research lmao, but yeah.
idk why I’m typing this up, I guess I just need to tell someone. I’m not telling my family and probably not even my irl friends.
this feels incredibly huge to me. I haven’t produced original work with the intention of publishing since I was in my mid-teens, and I know I wouldn’t be met with support if I told my folks this was the plan again, but I think I just have to try.
there really isn’t much else besides writing in the way of jobs for me, so might as well!
thanks for reading, guys :)
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wickxdangels · 4 years
Seamus Finnigan Imagine; Blow it up.
Helloo! I’ve been a little offline because i’ve been dealing with writers block for a bit but slowly trying to conquer it, so that’s why i haven’t been posting much lately. I’m back today with another HP imagine, it’s not that long but it’s cute :) love you all! hope you enjoy it xx
Pairing: Seamus Finnigan x Reader
Warnings: None I believe
Request: Can you do a Seamus Finnigan imagine where he's got a crush on a Slytherin in his year who's best friends with Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley and good friends with the rest of the Gryffindors so she's commonly defending her friends from her housemates but she never cares what they say about her but Seamus does and it causes him to eventually blows up (pun intended)? Can't wait for your writing to come back!
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Being an Slytherin can be difficult sometimes…not only because of your pureblood stuck-up parents, who only care about what people think of them, but you also had to endure sharing the same common room with idiotic assholes who you could swear had only one braincell left to work with.
That was Y/n’s case.
It was known that those in Slytherin were cunning, ambitious and resourceful, often leaders who proved to be a role model for many. Yet she often would think how someone like Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle made it.
Probably the sorting hat sorted them in Slytherin out of pity, she thought.
“Merlin’s beard! You two don’t have anything better to do? Like I don’t know, brewing your bloody potion!? We are literally in the middle of class! And if Slughorn hasn’t said anything it’s because he’s dead asleep!”she complained as pointed at the Potions professor who was literally asleep and almost snoring in his chair, then she stared at them rolling her eyes as the rest of the people in the classroom muttered things like ‘finally’ ‘yes, someone said it’. They weren’t exactly liked in Slytherin… or Hogwarts in general to be honest; she still tried to figure out how Draco put up with Tweedledee and Tweedledum here everyday.
“What’s got your knickers in a twist, blood-traitor?” Crabbed replied, a smirk playing in his lips as him and Goyle looked at her with their usual mean stare.
“You know, instead of coming up with lame comebacks as usual, you two should really try and at least work once in class. You two don’t want to be held back, right? Don’t go around feeding those rumors if you know what I mean..” she snickered, holding down a laugh as Ginny besides her managed to control hers as well.
Rumor has it that those two got held back, so when we all got here for our first year at Hogwarts, they were already repeating it. She didn’t know if those rumors were true after all, but they kinda looked older than they seemed to be. Their mental age anyways, remained the same or even younger.
“You know, you should really try to control that mouth of yours. Your mud-blood friends won’t always be there to have your back and you know that.” he replied, looking at Ginny and Luna before raising his brows at her, they were really trying to scare her.. too bad they looked to dumb to even spark any kind of imaginary fear.
“I’m not even the slightest bit scared of both of you. I know you two don’t do anything without Draco and we both know Draco won’t be laying hands on me anytime soon..” she muttered, squinting her eyes at them. “So, as his minions you two should know better. Now, shoo!”
“You little bitch—” Goyle tried to come up with better insults before someone stepped in the delightful convo they were having.
“You really should know better than to insult a lady, mate.” the Gryffindor, whose specialty was pyrotechnics said. “And it also seems like she’s the one winning here.. why bother to keep going and embarrass yourself further, huh?” Seamus commented with a chuckle on his lips.
In the back, while everyone was very much busy with paying close attention to the conversation they were having, Dean Thomas softly walked towards Crabbe and Goyle’s desk and dripped a mysterious liquid inside of it before walking back to his place again and throwing a little paper towards the professor who suddenly woke up
“Finnigan, shut up. This isn’t with you.” Goyle sneered at him.
Seamus looked at Dean who just nodded, he then stared back at Goyle and Crabbe. “You know, one day everything will come back at bit you in the arse… or blow you up, who knows..” he commented, shrugging as he then walked back to his shared place with Dean.
“Kids! I hope those potions are going good! Now, last step it’s to add some of red liquid besides the cauldron and you’re all set!” Professor Slughorn said as he waved his hands to the students, signaling them to proceed, ignoring the small argument going on.
Tweedledee and Tweedledum just gave Y/n and Seamus a stink stare before going back to their posts, Y/n looked back at Finnigan with a grateful smile on her lips and flushed cheeks as he just winked at her before bumping arms with Dean and waiting for their small mischief to happen.
So, while everyone was dropping in their liquids, the two Slytherins leaned in to see their potion that was turning a weird color.
The rest of the class stared at their own cauldrons as they emitted a soft mist.
“Okay, kids! I see that all of your potions got the soft mist it’s supposed to emit! Now, that's..—” sadly Slughorn couldn’t finish his sentence about doing a good job cause suddenly all that could be heard in the classroom was a big and loud boom!
A grey cloud of smoke covered pretty much the entire desk belonging to Crabbe and Goyle, the students closest to them were coughing and swiping away the smoke as Y/n looked in curiosity to them, before looking back at Seamus, who was currently high-fiving Dean with a victorious look on their faces.
“That’s not how it’s supposed to turn out..” Slughorn commented while stroking the back of his head. “I would like to see you two in my office, the rest of you can go.” he added, both boys who had their faces covered in grey dust coughed as they walked behind the professor, blaming each other for what had happened.
The rest of the class quickly got their bags and left, Ginny ended up leaving with Luna as Y/n stayed behind. She quickly grabbed her bag and approached Seamus and Dean’s desk, both of the guys were still laughing and grabbing their things.
“That was quite the explosion..” she said with a smile on her lips, looking at the guys who chuckled with her. “I believe a thanks is in place to you two.”
“It was actually Finnigan’s idea.. and I have to leave, I’m late for my Quidditch practice..” Dean quickly explain with a smirk before looking at both of us and leaving.
“I kinda knew you were behind it.. after all you’re the who’s got a way with explosions..” Y/n said as he looked at him.
“Well, what can I say?” he smirked looking back at her. “They had it coming, they’re always a pain in the arse to you.” he commented with a shrug and a lopsided smile on his lips. “I just had to step in for my favorite Slytherin.”
That very last sentence made her flush once again, her cheeks felt warm as she looked down for a moment before lifting her eyes to stare at his face, she softly got closer to him and deposited a sweet and soft kiss in his cheek, dangerously close to his lips. “Thank you, Seamus. I really appreciate that, no one has stood up for me quite like you have.” she confessed with a shy smile.
The boy in front of her was now sporting red cheeks as his hand rested on the place she had just kissed. “U-uh, yeah, absolutely! Whenever you need someone I’m your guy!”
She giggled at his words before giving him one last look and walking outside the classroom as Seamus sat down on the chair for a bit.
“Okay, next goal… ask her out.”  
He said to himself as he chuckled, before walking out of the classroom to meet with Dean and talk to him about what had just happened.
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blooddrop-palace · 4 years
Project Updates - What to Look Forward To
<3 Hello all! I've realized (humbly) that I have a small following of very nice people that seem quite interested in what I've written so far, and after seeing some mutuals post update-status posts, I thought I should share what's going on with my projects, also. (Thanks for the encouragement, @queenmuzz!)
Updated Dec-10-20
Sons of Fortune
Probably somehow my main focus now, though I am steadily working on other works. Currently working on the “In Between” special short before I start on Chapter 12.
I would also like to talk a little bit about my plans for this story: if anyone has paid attention to this story's tags, yes, I am touching up on the plots of most of the games. In fact, all of them, and the anime. (I already dealt with DMC4. No, I will not tear apart Fortuna lol.) Not all relevant tags are in, yet, because small spoilers. It looks like it's going to be a long while before I even get to the Temen-ni-gru, though. (There is a reason why that event is getting pushed back.) I want to have fun with the family fluff that is the twins each learning how to parent, first. 
Hell Froze Over, and We Shall Reignite It
The drama of it all! Dante and Vergil are finally back from Hell, and Nero doesn’t even know his mother is now standing right in front of him. Meanwhile, even I’m anticipating seen how Snow and Dante is going to handle the obvious things currently unsaid... and I have a feeling a small measure of stupidity is still going to be involved.
Current chapter progress: Outline complete.
It's going to feel so interesting, shifting from "Fortune" back to Reignite. I get to write Sera and Vergil falling in love all over again, with a different set of circumstances. Whoa.
And, and... Nero meeting Sera... odd that I'm saying this as the writer, but I have a "I hope he likes his mom" feeling going on. 
Also, no doubt Dante's brain is going to 404 when he sees Snow. 
Nico prepares popcorn.
This is Not an Office Rom-Com
I have... about 8 new skits planned out. Nothing more written just yet.
That’s all I’m saying about this for now. =P
Hierarchy of Kings
Purely indulgent M/M romance of Vergil and an OC, existing all thanks to
Working on chapter 2. 
I know I said 3 chapters only. I might have lied depending on how much I want to write. It's supposed to be just... awkward fluff of a listless part-devil who somewhat-recently lost his mate, got in a bit of a tiff with his brother, and now his children are trying to set him up with the prospective-king-of-hell, Vergil. 
I think about this one a lot but I haven't written anything new for it yet, only because "Fortune" is taking over my life right now, haha.
Through the Lens of the Beholder
Okay, so...This story has no real plot. As a result, my drive for it is purely down to "if I think of a badass or cool photograph to describe." There is a TINY bit of plot. Only a little. And I don't know when I'll update. But this is why I'm trying not to START new projects. Four  is a lot already! But because this one is supposed to be simpler than the other two, I will most likely finish this one before the others, so I can open a new project. 
Speaking of new projects... Here are things ideas bouncing through my head:
- I still have a prompt from @maybeishouldwait sitting in my inbox. I WILL have it done one day, when I find the perfect way to write it. 
A whole, entirely royally late set of Dadgil week fics.  Yep. I want to write them. They just won’t be on time. 
Written in Ink
A plot-less post-DMC5 story. 
I say plot-less. There is a plot. The plot is:
Dante: Damn it, Verge, are you trying to turn my office into a zoo??
In which Vergil compulsively starts contracting strong demons he's defeated, left and right, because he's discovered "the joy of pets." The demons all take on a dark animistic form and things get wild. 
A Persona and DMC fusion/AU
I have no title for this yet, and I absolutely cannot start this one until I have finished one of my other big projects. This one will take a lot of big planning, because I am making a new plot, using the mechanics of Persona, with DMC characters and setup.
What I want to write, is a teenage Nero as the protagonist, trying to solve a mystery... probably starting with the sudden disappearance of his mother. (Most likely Sera.) And he meets a lot of "new" people, and even finds new family... and yes, he will find his dad. (I'm thinking he'll know about Vergil, though. At least in name and a photo? Isn't that an interesting difference?)
For those of you not familiar with Persona, the major theme I really want to play with is that of the protagonist growing as a person (and in power) by befriending different people that helps them grow as a person. Each party member and important NPC is represented by a Tarot Card, signifying the type of journey the protagonist (The Fool) "embarks" with that character. There is growth in both the protagonist and that characters. 
Again, this is ambitious to try and pull off... but it's in the back of my head. I'll focus on it once I've cleared some other stuff. 
Sugar Sweet
A somewhat short-chapter series reader fic... of a surgeon/doctor!reader (barely 30 and good at what you do) who often saves the lives of shady people (e.g. mafia) because you care about saving lives, not the politics. But you do make good money out of it. (Hey, you gotta be at least a bit morally ambiguous if you're going to deal with devils.)
You meet one mess of a young mercenary named Dante, who is totally not human and deals with things like having bullets healed into his back, and he can't reach them to cut them out. 
Dante doesn't care about bills for his office, or a lot of the debts in his life. You don't know where his money is going, or if he even makes much money at all (for the kind of specialty work he does? Money's going somewhere, but that's none of your business.)
You won't pay Dante's bills, or his debts, but he will accept pizza and ice cream. And new parts for his jukebox. And maybe a motorcycle. Or a new coat. Or a new car...
And you might complain to him about your dumb patients. Or just listen to him talk about his job. Or you two watch a movie together.
And this just continues. For years. 
Tokusatsu DMC fusion/AU
So. First thing's first: I'm a big fan of Sentai/Tokusatsu. What is that, you might ask? It's a Japanese genre, and if you're familiar with Power Rangers, that's derived from Sentai. 
Basically: Masked heroes with transformation gadgets, sometimes with motorcycles, fighting against evil. ("Magical girls" but strictly the opposite, a lot more physical combat involved, may involve upgrade gadgets, and not strictly limited to male heroes though mostly a male cast. Also not strictly for male-only audience. Girls like the eye-candy, too. :eyes-emoji:)
Why am I thinking about this?
Because I have found out that: Vergil's VA, Dan Southworth, was the Quantum Ranger (WHICH WAS RED). Nero's VA, Johnny Yong Bosch, was a Black Ranger and a Green Ranger. 
...And Dante's VA, Reuben Langdon, had a role in a Japanese Toku show as "B-Fighter Yanma" forever ago???? (HE WAS BLUE!!)
What am I going to do with this info? I'll let you know later. But my Sentai/Toku-loving little heart is about to burst with hyperfixation overlap. 
If I ever write this out, expect it to be just as cheesy as an actual Kamen Rider show. Or, at the very least, expect some art. I love Kamen Rider stuff!
Family Fantasy MMO
Snow introduces Dante, Vergil, Nero, and Kyrie to Final Fantasy 14 (because that’s the MMO I play) for family bonding. Yep. Mainly for silly indulgence.
Stardew Valley Visit
Post DMC5, Vergil and Dante accidentally end up going on a vacation when they try to leave Hell. No pairing with the farmer, but instead just a relaxing and somewhat introspective moment of the boys being stuck with most of their power temporarily sealed, learning how to take care of a farm, and maybe do a bit of healing by interacting with the townsfolk while they try to find out where their swords went and how to get home. 
Otherwise what I would call the “re-colour of Nero and Snow” AU. 
What if Vergil was found by Kassy’s family and raised among them? What if Dante ended up briefly in Fortuna and then convinced Sera to run away from the island?
What if we have a Nero who, though brash, is outwardly more soft and open-hearted, and has red-orange and gold colours instead? What if we have a Snow who is named Chiyuki, who wields her katana more like Vergil does, and has a more ice-queen aura about her, and has a teal and blue colouring about her?
This is my excuse to switch up the pairings, but also write Vergil being taught to fight more like an assassin. 
Raised by the Blade
Imagine: Yamato, cracked, broken, and separated from her Master... desperately searching for a way to get back to him, and ended up washed up on the shores of Fortuna. Humanoid, but clearly not if anyone saw the cracked, broken, and no-normal look of “shattered” in her torso, that she would have to keep covered. 
Made from the power of Sparda, she is pale with white hair... and she finds herself drawn to the orphanage...
Where she finds the toddler that is Nero.
Devil Hunters’ Podcast
Nico “accidentally” finds entertainment in recording the Sparda Family arguments as they talk about hunting; after all, they all share one braincell. 
Ascended Monochrome
A white angel remains by the side of Nelo Angelo. Mundus was not pleased by the behavior of his second creation, from the human woman that he had picked up with the treacherous Son of Sparda. But he later discovered that by using her, he could keep Nelo Angelo complacent. Eventually, underestimating love will be his downfall.
Fall to Royalty
A story of where Vergil wins against Mundus the first time, and takes the throne of Hell. But what is he to do next? Eventually, ruling Hell seemed meaningless when there was no one by his side, so he goes to seek out the Lady Knight that he had vowed to never think of or go back to unless he had obtained the power he sought.
Doppelganger Woes
So, I heard Capcom retconned Gilver to be some sort of imitation created by Mundus. I’m all for this! And I’m going to DO something with this.
Side-Project: DMC Tarot List
I started on this maybe months ago; and I have a tentative list oh what characters go with what card and a few detailed descriptions. I think I should confer with
at some point about this, and anyone else interested in, well, Tarot stuff. 
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ambersky0319 · 5 years
Amber Rambles about a Story-
So I wanna ramble about an original story, the ideas I have for it, the characters, the world in general and the one person in my house that would listen and give good feedback or ideas and knows the basics of what I have planned is currently asleep so
There's a lot here oof-
So to start off I wanna scratch the surface that is the world before I delve into the characters
The story(from what I have planned it'll take place over 11 books) takes place mainly on an alternate-earth that is more dystopian/sci-fi ish and an original fantasy world I've been calling Fandahli. The first part of the first book takes place in Fandahli, and the second and third parts on this alternate-earth.
The earth is basically unified, most people speaking a new language just known as Emor(basically English under a different name). Technological advances have come to a stop, or so it would seem. The world is pretty much American culture having taken over media, erasing other cultures, etc. They now call themselves Emorians. Not a good place to be.
They had created an organization about twenty-five years before the story takes place, at the time called Prosper, but later it renamed itself as Tempest. The organization was less of that and more like a government experiment, combining animal genes into the genes of humans in a certain way to create the 'ultimate human'. Originally, the Emorians created them to keep everyone in line. These humans were trained to be assassins without the government's knowing however and it wasn't long before Emorian officials began to disappear.
Now Fandahli! Fandahli is a world that's very similar to Earth, but is held together by magic(in this universe, Earth also technically has magic but it's very little/very weak and has been dormant for so long it's been forgotten). It was created by four Cinomeds, powerful beings that have powers no one still on Fandahli has. These four are: Rikki, Angel, Serranidae, and Aki.
Along with that, the most two important continents on Fandahli are Vola and Tione.
After the War of Cinomeds, where Angel rebelled against her companions, the land was pretty much destroyed. But portals to other worlds remained open and the land healed. Humans then arrived after discovering one of the portals, but soon after the portals all closed once more, trapping them there. The humans adapted, gaining magic to help them survive, and changed their name to Dalis.
The Dalis split over the different continents, and then into different kingdoms, and grew from there. The main kingdom focused on is Tongyi, located within Vola. It remains spring there no matter the time of year.
The powers of the Dalis vary, but usuaily end up being one of these:
Barrier creation and weapon creation can sometimes occur within the same Dali, though it isn't too common- but it's not rare either
Aside from Dalis, there are also Dragons. The dragon species vary on where on Tione they come from, or if they come from a different part of Fandahli. I'm still designing some of them.
And then there are the werewolves. Most werewolf villages are peaceful, and are respected by all Dali. It's believed to be a great dishonor to fight any werewolf village. I'm still developing the werewolves as well, I just know they play important roles within the story itself later on.
Back to Cinomeds cause I forgot an important detail!
After the War of Cinomeds(thought to be a war of gods by the Dali, they're also thought to just be legends), Angel was forcefully split apart. Her soul was torn and although Rikki(the one who defeated her) believed that she was gone for good, it seemed that she would just be reincarnated into two other people(Dalis for a long while, later encompassing both Fandahlian species and Humans) that when together could possibly turn into her. It was rare that any of the reincarnates actually met.
The other Cinomeds fell into a deep slumber until the portals would be reopened.
I feel I've rambled long enough about the world 😅 how about my babies next?
Evanna Mays
Evanna is a force to be reckoned with
The youngest queen to ever rule Tongyi, taking the throne soon after her (quite hated)mother's death. She took the throne midway through a war with another kingdom
Evanna herself is loved among her subjects, though many often try to tell her to do or not do certain things. Try to give her restrictions
Like don't fight on the front lines, have an heir if you're gonna do that, just stay on your throne, don't go to other kingdoms it's too dangerous
Each person fails
Especially whenever they bring up an heir, cause it's not like she doesn't like kids she just never wants to have a biological one
And she refuses to marry someone with a kid so they'd become her heir
She's Aro/Ace if ya didn't catch on
Her family all has bright red hair and pastel blue eyes. They're the only ones in all of Vola with these traits and are quite recognizeable.
She later adopts and people get off her case about having an heir because he is her son just not her biological son but that changes nothing cause she loves him and will fight anyone who thinks he's not fit for the throne
Dani Mays
The adopted son
He's just like Evanna, rushing into battle, and citizens of Tongyi just panic because oh fuck he's gonna die he's more reckless than her-
Very social but people treat him so differently cause he's the prince that he can't seem to make any friends and he h a t e s that
Then two humans come into his life and he is very very bi
Queue a whole love-triangle subplot that goes well
Dani adores reading and learning overall, spending hours in Evanna's old study
Becomes King far sooner than he had wanted
Life goes to hell not long after coronation and he suffers from depression and nothing's good for anyone during this time
Does he get a happy ending? Who knows
He doesn't
Oh also he's a biromantic asexual boi and proud
Leona Carter
Young woman with a troubled past, Leona is a very stubborn and apathetic human
Is a high-ranking member of Tempest
It was a last resort in a difficult situation and she's just glad her heart is still beating
Is pretty well-off so long as she follows orders
But if course she later joins a rebellion after becoming very gay for one of her targets that she now refuses to kill for other reasons
Slow burn subplot ensues
She nearly dies many times
95% of the time she does not care if she dies
Just wants a peaceful life
Does she ever get it?
Eventually, after losing something really important though
Marie Sydney
Marie had a decent life, great parents and an awesome protective older brother, and his new daughter
Yeah that all shattered after something happened to her and she was left to cope by herself cause she wasn't sure what to do about the situation
She just adopted a fifteen year old btw who has no idea about her situation
Then she meets Leona
She thinks Leona's great, but there's something off about this news reporter
And then Leona reveals her actual job and the original reason she ever asked Marie out and she's sobbing and a gun is in her hand but she's placing it in Marie's and begging for Marie to pull the trigger
Turns out Marie was a target but Leona just can't kill Marie, not knowing what's happened to Marie nor what could happen now that the two grew close. But Leona's incapable of taking her own life
Marie doesn't pull the trigger
Life somehow gets worse as she's tangled up in this whole Tempest bullshit
Falls for Leona in the process and is very conflicted about it
Taylor Sydney
Adopted by Marie at 15
Her life's pretty normal until a portal is discovered and when she's a high school senior her class is forced to learn about Vola and Tongyi specifically. They eventually go to Tongyi through the portal
Turns out her Mom and Leona know the queen of Tongyi cause things have happened
Meets Dani and Jeremiah
They find out they can form Angel and that's when shit really goes down
Things happen, love confessions made, near death experiences, loves drifting apart, etc. etc.
Doesn't have a happy ending
Jeremiah Canales
My trans boi
I love him, he gets mistaken for Evanna's son quite a lot, usually by humans
He identifies as pan, and doesn't experience dysphoria. Oh and he was a Tempest Engineer for awhile
His family was pretty accepting of him once he reconnected with them(originally drifted apart cause of reasons I have yet to create)
Is pretty much the only braincell Angel has when formed
He feels really, really guilty that weapons he created were used to kill dozens of people and somehow equates that to him killing them even if he was forced to make the weapons
Oh and Deathstriker(highest ranking member of Tempest) uses his Tempest name and despite being absolutely awful in every way refuses to deadname or misgender him
It's the one thing he'll ever appreciate Deathstriker doing
This ain't even all the characters(obviously). There's still Kord Sydney, Chloe Jansen, and Neva Sydney, all of whom are still being developed. Deathstriker, and all the Cinomeds. Past Angels that will be relevant at different parts of the story. And many other characters that I've never even mentioned in the past.
Anywho fair warning, the series does not end quite that happily. I'm hoping to make the last chapter(an epilogue) to have a bittersweet feeling but idk I'm debating it.
Anyway if you got this far....
Thanks? I think? Idk I've never had anyone get this far I think in any original thing I've ever made- if you got this far tho here's some hearts cause I love you for taking some sort of interest in my personal creations 😅
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Ask Naboo
Author: Nonexistantpup
Year: 2010
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Naboo, Bollo, Spider Dijon, Rudi Van DiSarzio, The Braincell, Howince, Moss/Roy
Bollo slid his glasses up to his forehead and rubbed his hairy temples with two fingers. “It no good,” he said with a frown. Naboo looked up, annoyed. He was busy relaxing and smoking and hated to be interrupted. “What’s no good?” “Books no add up,” Bollo said. He sigh. “Bollo warn Naboo that monkeys not make good book keeper.” “What are you saying?” asked Naboo, with an impending feeling of doom. He’d have said he had a bad feeling, but didn’t want to steal Bollo's favourite phrase. “Need money,” Bollo explained. “Stop paying the losers workin’ downstairs then,” said Naboo. “Done that. Sold beach house too. No more money. What else can Naboo spare?” Naboo frowned. There was his submarine, but he never felt comfortable without one of them in the house. His Rudi & Spider memorabilia couldn't go either, of course, and his rug collection was pretty vital. “We better fix this,” he said unhelpfully. “Otherwise I’ll have to sell you, Bollo.” Bollo paled. Or - well, he didn't really pale. His fur remained the same colour. He seemed unnerved, however. “But - Naboo need familiar!” “I know,” said Naboo. He tapped his chin. “We need make money.” Naboo clicked his tongue and took another drag from his hookah. “I suppose I can go back into pop psychiatry,” he said thoughtfully. “I do sort of miss it. Hearing about peoples’ problems. Imparting wisdom. The regular income...” “What about Bollo?” asked Bollo. Naboo shrugged. “You could be my editor.” Bollo seemed appeased by this idea, and put his glasses back down onto the table. “Now,” said Naboo, “Call up the newspapers and tell them I'm willing to reinstate my relationships column." Dear Naboo, I can’t fulfill my partner’s sexual needs anymore; I'm exhausted! If it was just a good, hard romp four or five times a day, it would be no problem, but he’s practically insatiable! He has eight cocks, you see, which means every time we make love, we do it eight times in a row, each time lasting at least a month and a half. Now, I'm not great at mathematics, but I contacted a local mathematician, who informs me that 4 x 8 x 1.5 equals 48. Which means that every day, I have sex for over forty-eight months - in other words, more than four years! I'm exhausted! What should I do? - A Worn-Out Woman ‘Worn-Out Woman’, As I see it, your options are threefold. 1. Dump the freak and get some sleep. 2. Let me tell you the story of the broken flute. Once upon a time, there was a flute. One day, he tripped over one of his shoelaces and fell onto the footpath, breaking to pieces instantly. All the little shards of flute were scattered all over the place, causing passing bare-footed pedestrians to cut their feet. One of these pedestrians happened to be a passing eccentric billionare, who limped home, not realising the shard was still in his foot. The shard of flute had never been in a mansion before, and hopped off gleefully to look around, and liked the place so much that, that night, it cut the millionaire's throat while he slept and inherited his entire fortune. See what I'm sayin’? 3. Get over it. Sure, it may be hard to deal with at times. I get that. But think about it, yeah? You’ve got a man who alters the very laws of physics, the axioms of reality, just in order to have enough time to spend in the sack with you every day. There’s not many men who would do that. Love, Naboo
= =   
To Naboo, How can I make my boyfriend take our relationship more seriously? I mean, we have so much fun together and I know he cares about me, and yet whenever people ask him about me, he lies as if he’s ashamed, saying he is merely changing one of my strings. I love him, but if this doesn’t change, I don’t think I can go on seeing him. Please save our relationship? - Irritated Instrument Irritated Instrument, I had a similar conundrum in the forties, as it happens, when my girlfriend at the time wouldn't admit to being deeply in love with our cutlery drawer. They got together eventually, and are still together today, I believe, and expecting their second child. There are two options I can reccommend: 1. Don’t give up! If he cares for you, he will come through. Speak to him openly and honestly and tell him how you feel. 2. Give up! He’s a loser who seems to enjoy getting off with inanimate objects anyway. Find somebody more your type - a cello or perhaps a ukulele if you’re strung that way. Love, Naboo = = Deer Naboo, It’s got to the point where I just don’t no what to do anymore. I am married with children, yet I can’t seem to think of anything except the other people I’d like to shag and how much the drudgery of an unhappy marriage is marring my carefully pampered image. It would be alright, you know, but the person I’d really ideally like to fool around with just sees me as her boss. I’ve tried everything! I invited her to work late, and she worked late. I told her she was cute and she said ‘thank you’. I even custom-designed a sparkly soot, just to get her attention, but she still doesn't notice me. I'm starting to doubt my dead sexiness and although I know I have quite an important job, my work ethic is crumbling like a fresh piece of shortbread. What can I do?! - Suffering Cell Suffering Cell, I have some words of wisdom for you, although I can’t be sure they will be anything new. You have not been specific about many of your problems, but my crystal ball has kindly filled in most of the blanks. What you must consider very seriously is this tale - the tale of the ant and the grasshopper. Once upon a time, there was an ant and a grasshopper. They were experiencing a fruitful summer. For the whole season, the ant worked hard, storing up food for the winter while the grasshopper just hung around smoking joints and watching the telly, not collecting any food except for what he wanted to eat that day. The ant warned him that laziness came with consequences, but the grasshopper didn't care. When winter came, the ant had a huge stockpile of food - enough to keep it and its family nourished all the way through until spring, while the grasshopper was left outside, cold and hungry. He had run out of weed and the electric company disconnected his telly. Desperate, he knocked on the ant’s front door to beg for food, but frustrated with the grasshopper’s lack of responsibility, the ant said he would only share his family’s food if the grasshopper sold his body, prostituting himself off to the ant in exchange for food. The grasshopper, who wasn’t into that kind of thing (in fact, he was a bit of a prude) turned away in disgust, and the very next day he hopped aboard a plane, smuggling himself in the luggage of a slightly inebriated badger. He found himself on the other side of the world, where it was summer and food was plentiful, paid his way out of debt quickly and hired a lawyer so he could sue the ant for sexual harassment. I hope this has cleared some things up for you. Love, Naboo.
= = Alright, Naboo? Probably are. You seem to be pretty on top of things, being a shaman and that. Anyway, I live with a friend of mine who drives me nuts. He has no taste in clothes or music (ie. wears tweed and listens to jazz), is finicky (ie. Control Freak!) and I just fancy the pants off him. Well - not literally. Do you think it would be possible for me to actually do that though? But that’s not my question. See, he's taken to walking around the place wearing nothing. Well, nothing except this monocle of his - something to do with ‘going au naturale with class’. Whatever the reason behind it, it’s making me mental. I can’t even fancy the pants off him from afar, because a whole lot of the time he ain’t wearing them to begin with! So, what do you reckon? - A Very Randy Socialite Very Randy Socialite, You batty crease. Can't you tell? He's trying to seduce you. Just don't do anything unless you're sure there’s nobody else in the house, yeah? Love, Naboo P.S. I mean it. If I hear you two humping away in the next room, I'm throwing you out on your naked arses. I don't need that shit.
= =
Dear Naboo, I'm having the most awful trouble getting girls. See, I'm not bad to look at and I'm a clever, sensitive man, but none of them will look past my career. I am a homocidal maniac (hoping to climb the ladder and become an official genocidal maniac). I can't give that up! How can I get girls to accept me? - Bloody Lonely Bloody Lonely, I had a friend with the same problem. He worked in Dickson’s and girls could never come to terms with it, judging him and all that. Here's some wisdom that helped him and will hopefully do the same for you. This is the story of the green crow. Once upon a time, there was a crow. He was a normal crow, except for the fact that he was green and looked like a big, feathered, mouldy potato. In fact, one day Marilyn Manson saw him and was so disgusted that he kicked the poor crow into the recycling bin at a local primary school. The green crow was very upset, especially since he was such a huge Marilyn Manson fan he had a milky lens in one eye and hadn't drunk any water since 1997. Depressed, he sat in the recycling bin for days, ‘caw’ing miserably. On the fourth day, however, a whole lot of colourful craft paper cuttings rained down on him. The green crow was newly inspired. He found some old chewing gum and made himself a turban and cloak out of the colourful paper. From that day on, everybody treated him with respect because they thought he was a mouldy, green, feathered shaman and Marilyn Manson issued a public apology. That should clear up your problems. Love, Naboo.
= =
To Sir/Madam (I'm sorry, your name is quite androgynous), I must admit I am quite distressed. My best friend and I are always doing things together. We should be seeing girls but instead we’re always in each other’s company like an old married couple. I'm at the end of my tether. Thank you in advance, - In A Flippin’ Rut In A Flippin’ Rut, The answer to your problem is so simple, I'm frankly staggered that you’ve even found the need to ask my advice. Obviously, you and your best friend are meant to be together. The real problem is just that you have all the elements of a successful marriage except for a healthy sex life. So, you know. Get it on. Duh! Love, Naboo P.S. I do have more specific advice regarding what you should do, but it is inappropriate material to have published here. Send me a private email and I shall tell you the story of the phallus-shaped coral.
= =
Dear Naboo, Just what kind of an advice columnist are you? My friend wrote to you, complaining that we can't meet anyone because we're "like an old married couple" and you send him some story about coral willies and tell him to seduce me in the most disgusting way imaginable. You are obviously a pervert and shouldn't be allowed to give advice to anyone. -Thoroughly Repulsed P.S. Just to clear things up, we are NOT like a married couple in any way. 
= =
Thoroughly Repulsed, That’s gratitude for you. From your indignation, it’s pretty clear to me that the seduction worked. If you wanted it to happen in another way - one that perhaps didn't involve an aquarium, smelling salts or three feet of chicken wire - you should have stepped up and made the first move on your ‘friend’ long ago. What are you, some kind of selfish, absent-minded, narcissistic slacker? You pompous bloody wanker. Love, Naboo P.S. Whatever. P.P.S. Bite me. P.P.P.S. Prick. P.P.P.P.S. Watch your step, yeah? Or I will turn my back on you.
= =
Naboo, I'll have you know that the seduction did NOT work. What I saw when I got into work this morning made me want to vomit. It's pretty clear to me that you're a wanker with nothing better to do than corrupt perfectly nice people with your kinky fantasies. My friend and I haven't spoken to each other all day and it's been very awkward for the both of us. I hope you're happy. -Repulsed P.S. You're the prick. And how dare you call me narcissistic. 
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valeriemperez · 6 years
Tbh, I’m not feeling optimistic in Todd’s direction for the show. If we assume he’s been in charge since 4x15, then he’s really only given us two good episodes and a whole bunch of flops. Everything that sounds promising is all in the future (reporter arc, Dawn Allen) which is exciting until you remember this show has never been good at follow-through, especially season to season. (1/2)
So far his AJK-free episodes have just been compounding on the things that made this season a drag (Ralph, Harry, Caitlin’s split personality) and reducing/erasing the things that made it bearable (Westallen, Devoe/Marlize’s evil mutual partnership). I understand he has to wrap this story up somehow, but what he’s still choosing to focus on in order to do it doesn’t say great things about what he considers important. (2/2)
I’m not feeling particularly generous towards him at the moment, and yet I am compelled to defend him now. First, your opinions of flops is different from mine because I quite liked 19 & 20, and even the back half of 18. The main problems with the recent eps for me have been that Ralph lingered, we didn’t know the Thinker’s plan, and WA didn’t get to be lovey-dovey. Two of those were gone this week, and it was enjoyable to me.
In my humble opinion, the Harry and Caitlin stories are consistent and thematically connected to both the villain arc and Iris’ role as leader, so I’m not about to say they’re terrible just because those aren’t my favorite characters. Iris being the leader proves that scientific knowledge isn’t the only kind that matters, while emotional intelligence is actually very useful. Harry being ‘punished’ by the narrative for trying to defeat Devoe alone just as Caitlin is rejecting the team and Iris’ help to get her powers/alter ego back is also clearly going to circle back to “we’re a family / we’re the Flash,” which Iris has been the champion of all season. It’s also a dark parallel to Devoe, who pushed his wife away in favor of his own skills so much that he’s just lost her - which will probably be his downfall.
Anyway, here are things that 100% did happen once AJK left and Todd was in charge: Iris is going back to journalism next season (and actually mentioned using her skills this week!), Iris was literally called Barry’s lightning rod, and Iris had a physical showdown with Marlize in which she gained the upper hand using her quick thinking.
Yes, I want more domestic WA moments. Yes, I want to see Iris’ journalism onscreen and see an arc of career growth for her. But I do not believe 4.14 - 4.20 has been as awful of a stretch as some others have. 
The Flash season finale description indicates that team flash gets help to defeat DeVoe from an unexpected person, do you think it will be Marlize or Mystery Girl?
At the risk of upsetting people, I think it means Ralph in the mindscape. My guess is Dawn will only show up after Devoe is defeated, while Marlize will hopefully have defected to Team Flash before then. I think they’ll both be important, though!
do you think quentin will be the only fatality/exit from Error this season or should we brace ourselves for some killing? I don’t mind quentin dying, his story’s been over for years but im more worried about curtis/rene/dinah? any ideas if the actors signed for s7?
I feel like someone else will be in danger, but I can’t imagine them losing another series regular.
Do you think Jessica and Candice would like your pic to throw us off? They wouldn’t do that, right?!? I just want her to be revealed as Dawn or a gender bent Bart! I wouldn’t be okay with Jenni since Jenni is supposed to be darker skinned per the comics.
I do not, lol. I think they retweeted/liked because it was obvious after this week’s episode and they’re excited. Not to mention Candice followed JPK, which is a great sign. I’m with you in hoping she’s not Jenni, but she is for sure a descendant of Barry and Iris.
Why are people getting their hopes up that it’s “dawn” helping them in the finale when all know it’s marlize since candice and kim filmed a lot in star labs together in the finale
Yeah, I agree it’s not Dawn - although she will of course be in the episode. I definitely think Marlize will help, but we can’t forget that Barry picks Ralph up in Devoe’s mind, too.
CS complained last year on not wanting KF. Then she suddenly wants her back all because they exchanged Post It Notes. Also, did you peep her saying “No, I will” when Iris said “We will get her back”. She’s always been “Me, Myself And I”. So for those that say she could have lead Team Flash, she’s abandoned the team countless times before. She could very well do it again.
Abandoning the team when the going gets tough is 100% Caitlin’s motto, which is why I think Dawn had never met her before.
I think the fact all the shows dropped in the ratings is more just a reality CW knew was a long time coming. Listen I love Fl@sh but there was no way it was going to escape the disaster of live ratings in general dropping. I think if anyone has a better understanding of the new ratings reality it be CW. The president more or less predicted it would happen years ago. I just don’t think people need to freak out imo
Agreed. CW doesn’t care and Flash is safe. I’m just saying the producers might care about the negative feedback and try to write a stronger/more balanced season now.
Anon, I would love for your dream (CW doing a PSA) to become a reality, too. But as usual, us fans have to do everything around here. IWDS was born because fanboys AND the media was harassing CP and her character. She didn’t deserve that.
It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.
“What pisses me off is the very people that harass her thinking she’s out of line for defending herself. I wanna drag them all.” I wish I could do that myself, but I’d lose more braincells and eventually stoop to their level. Let’s just be thankful that CP is getting more love from people nowadays.
Absolutely! She’s getting more recognition, and hopefully one day that’ll turn into meaty roles.
ACK! I was (not stalking) your Twitter and saw you ship Pepperony too?! I love them!! I love that somehow Tony of all people ended up in the most stable relationship in the MCU universe, if you ignore a certain movie that will remain nameless. I don’t need or want another Iron Man movie, but not gonna lie, I would totally watch one if it gave us more of them.
YES! Pepperony are wonderful, and I love the crap out of Tony. He always wants to help people despite his myriad of issues, and he spends time to fix his mistakes. And of course, he’d be nowhere without Pepper.
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