#i would not have remembered half these songs/tracks otherwise
are there any specific songs that remind you of your own favourite character from a show/game/books (Kirby for example) ? can you make a song lists? :)
(…are you baiting me with Kirby 👀)
Tbh I‘m more of a "epic fights scenes and other random scenarios“ person and have no idea how character playlist people even manage to find all these songs that somehow actually fit their character. But trying is always an option, so!
(Just to be clear you wrote „remind you of“, not that they actually to actually fit 😅)
The Green Greens and Gourmet Race soundtracks from the Kirby series specifically
Whatever this genre of music is. Just the entire thing. It sounds like sunshine, rainbows and good vibes
This one‘s probably a really weird choice, but there’s some sounds in the background that for some reason heavily remind me of background music from Kirby (like it’s from canvas curse or mouse attack or smth?) theres not even any real resemblance to anything from these soundtracks, but I can’t get it out of my head. (…also Kirby bosses exist.)
This eve song specifically because of this amazing fan animation
The Smash bros Brawl and Ultimate themes because Kirby really was the MVP of Subspace/adventure mode
Also, while it doesn’t remind me of Kirby himself at all, it is the theme of a really cool bird, and this series also has a theme of a really cool bird , so it fits!
Spampton Deltarune
I DONT KNOE HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME- Leave me alone. …*sigh* [BIG SHOT]. I don’t even care about this character. Didn’t even fight the boss yet either. That line is literally the only thing I know about him. But the song also sounds the way he looks, if that makes sense. (It’s quite catchy! Also I came across the song before deltarune lol)
Ocarina of Time/Majoras Mask Link
Hidden Citizens- Out of Time if the name doesn’t already explain it, idk what could
Any variation of the oot title theme (technically doesn’t count since it‘s *the title theme* but it’s originally from Zelda 1 so…ehh)
The Oh Hellos- Where is your Rider. Headcanons and a fic I read somewhere.
Aviators- Red Water Dreams, there’s like two lines that kiiinnndaaa fit that my brain decided to latch onto
Hans Zimmer- No time for Caution and Tick Tock aka part of the interstellar soundtrack (could throw the whole soundtrack here tbh but those two have the ticking sounds so)
Alex Clare- Hummingbird my 10 years ago barely English understanding brain heard the very last two lines of the song and instantly stuck it here because Navi
Mans Zerlmeröw- Heroes which is kinda on the nose
Everything that Theophany does which 100% does‘t count since it’s literally re-imaginations of the Majoras Mask soundtrack but yeah no I mean LISTEN TO THIS. PLEASE.
Twilight princess Link
Also Mans Zerlmeröw- Heroes; how poetic
Every song/soundtrack in existence that even remotely sounds like the Hidden Village, ever
Apparently I had, for some reason, a „male“ (they just edited the pitch of the song to be lower) sped up version of the song Running with the Wolves by Aurora on my playlist all this time. I guess it kinda fits here??? Idk
Old town road , I wish I were joking
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lauvgoods · 5 months
head over heels  ︱  jj maybank
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SUMMARY : jj makes it his mission to find out how you feel
GENRE : fluff
𐙚₊˚⊹ 🦢 you’ll forever deny it, but it’s clear to anyone who has ever seen the two of you that jj maybank is your kryptonite. 
even before you realized you liked him, he would be the first to make you crack a smile, rolling your eyes at how absolutely stupid he was being. he knew how absolutely stupid he was being, but if it got you to laugh, he’d do anything. there was just something about those big blue eyes of his and that dumb, dumb grin that would chip away at your annoyed exterior, and you hated it. 
for jj, on the other hand, he had already been planning out in the back of his mind a thousand ways to ask you out if he could just get a foolproof sign of you liking him. 
it takes a little over three months in for you to realize how much you’re genuinely falling for him and, as you’ve told yourself, how could you not? lots of people go on rants about how much the person they like is different from everyone else, but with jj it’s undeniably true. this boy, oh this boy, shows more interest in you as a person than anyone you’ve ever met, friend or otherwise. he knows how to poke and prod at you without crossing any lines, which you find odd since he isn’t exactly known for having the best verbal filter. 
It’s like he somehow keeps track of everything he can find out just to surprise you out of nowhere with just how much he seems to remember (yet somehow can’t keep track of the date). the book you talked about wanting to read three weeks ago? “you ever get to that? talked about it nonstop for half an hour, how ‘m i supposed to forget that?” that one song you’ve randomly mumbled the lyrics to while cleaning? “yeah, looked it up ‘n it seemed pretty catchy.” even down to what you talked about wanting for your birthday months in advance. this boy makes it his mission to know every single little thing he can about you. he totally doesn’t put it all down in his notes app to come back to later on.
the point is, jj’s never seemed to be a romantic, and maybe at first he’d thought of you as a challenge. a mission. a puzzle to work out. and damn if he’s not determined. there hadn’t been a sign that you were interested when he would start calling you all these little nicknames in a hope to get even the smallest reaction out of you, though it’s clear he doesn’t know about the silent screaming WHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCK looping in your head every time he calls you “baby” with, again, that stupid smirk of his. as far as he knows, it just makes you get this weird look on your face and you freeze up before pretending like it never happened.
it’s one night when he’s going on and on (and on) about this after a few drinks with john b. where his best friend just starts looking at him with the most deadpan look on his face, like he’s an absolute idiot. which, after he realizes, he can’t help but agree with, since he’d never thought of your lack of reaction as a reaction. thinking back, he doesn’t know how he didn’t see it sooner, seeing as the guys you usually rant angrily about to him later on for even thinking they’d had a chance. he was the one you always went to even though kiara would probably have been more than happy to agree with you on every bit of it. 
the next time he calls you princess, he doesn’t let it go. he doesn’t go along with you trying to switch up the conversation, doesn’t even have that smirk this time that’s always made you think he was just being, well, jj. he just looks at you with a look you haven’t really noticed before, probably because you’ve been a little too in your head to pick up on it. that, and he mostly saves it for when you aren’t looking, when he can really take you in for everything you are. 
it’s that look, that deep gaze that makes you feel like he’s staring into your soul and like you’re the most incredible thing he’s ever laid eyes on, that finally gets the reaction out of you. the one he’s been hoping for. the moment your cheeks start to go warm, start to turn the slightest shade darker, is when he breaks out into the biggest grin you’ve ever seen. you’re so caught up in it that you haven’t even noticed how close he is, how close you’re getting to him. 
but it’s when he whispers in what’s probably the softest tone you’ve ever heard, asking if he can kiss you, and you’re nodding before you can even realize what’s happening because your heart is suddenly pounding and you can barely focus with how your stomach is doing backflips, that you truly realize how head over heels you are for him. 🕯️⋆˙ᝰ.ᐟ
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my-proof-is-you · 4 months
You’re On Your Own, Kid - Pt. 1
Inspired by a line of the song You’re On Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift that I feel fits the hunter lifestyle: 
You’re on your own, kid
You always have been
Summary: You’re used to being on your own. You’d been on your own as long as you could remember. Could Sam show you that it isn’t the only way to live?
Sam x Reader
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Your eyelids fluttered, the throbbing in your head keeping you from opening them all the way. 
The last thing you remembered was the door to the warehouse banging open loudly behind you. You had turned to see two very tall men bursting in with their machetes raised before everything went black. 
When your eyes finally adjusted to the light, you looked around to try to figure out where you were. You were no longer in the warehouse with six vampires, which was at least a good thing. As far as you could tell, you weren’t dead, either. Even better.
Along with your throbbing head, you could feel a stinging sensation at your neck. Your body felt weak and your limbs felt heavy. It was like you’d been hit by a truck. You tried to sit up but immediately fell back as your head began to swim. 
“Whoa, hey, slow down,” a voice said from a few feet away. You turned your head to see the taller of the two men that ruined your hunt walking into the room you were in, which seemed to be a bedroom. Your hackles raised immediately. You wished more than ever you were still armed, but knew you didn’t have any of your weapons on you. 
“Where the fuck am I?” you asked, your voice harsh. 
Your view of the man sharpened as he got closer, helping you make out more of his features. Besides being very tall, you noticed that he had long, shiny, chesnut hair; soft hazel eyes; and a chiseled jaw. You would have found him attractive if you weren’t currently scared he was going to murder you and drink your blood.
His hands raised in front of him in an attempt to calm you. It was a nice gesture, considering you couldn’t have fought him if you tried.
“I’m Sam,” he said, sitting in a wooden chair next to the bed you were in. “My brother and I were hunting the same vampire nest as you.”
You rolled your eyes, swearing to yourself when it made your head pound even harder. “So you are the ones who nearly got me killed?” you asked, annoyed.
“Yeah,” he said, scratching the back of his neck, “sorry about that. We had no idea you were already in there, otherwise we would not have barged in the way we did.”
You sighed. “So what actually happened? It’s a little fuzzy.”
“Well when we–unfortunately–distracted you, the vampire right behind you hit you over the head, knocking you unconscious. We had to start fighting the other five, and while we were doing that he started to drain you. Thankfully, we got to you before he finished the job. Not before you lost a good amount of blood, though.”
“I had it under control,” you said, not sure if it was entirely true. Sure, they distracted you and you got attacked, but taking on six vamps at once was something you’d never done before. 
“Sure, sweetheart,” you heard someone sarcastically say from the other side of the room. The other hunter was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed. He was slightly shorter than Sam, and had shorter, dirty blonde hair and green eyes.
Sam looked like he had to actively keep his eyes from rolling. “This is my brother, Dean,” he said flatly. 
“Well, Dean,” you started, getting more frustrated by the second, “I did have it under control. I’d been tracking that nest for weeks, so forgive me for not thanking you for the save. Especially since I wouldn’t have needed it without you,” you spat. 
Dean huffed, turning and leaving the room. Sam gave you a half smile, apparently not put off by your attitude. 
“Hey, I get it. We stepped on your toes. I’m sorry about that–” he paused, realizing he didn’t know your name. 
“Y/N,” you said cautiously. 
“Y/N,” he repeated, his eyes changing somehow. They became even softer, if that was possible. It brought your guard down the tiniest fraction, which you hated. 
“You never answered my question,” you said quietly but still in a harsh voice.
He shook his head a little, seemingly to clear it. “Sorry. You’re at our bunker–er–home…which happens to be a bunker.”
You tried to make sense of his words but came up short. You just didn’t have the energy yet. Sam seemed to put the pieces together, quickly handing you a sports drink. 
“Here. You need to replenish. You lost a lot of blood.”
You looked at it with suspicion before taking it, glad to see the seal on the cap was still intact. One could never be to careful with strangers. You weren’t exactly a trusting person, anyway.
“Thanks,” you said after drinking nearly half of the bottle. “I’ll finish this and be out of your hair.” You sat up slowly this time, sitting on the edge of the bed and trying to get your bearings. 
“Listen, Y/N, I know we aren’t currently your favorite people, but there’s no need to rush. It might take a few days for you to feel one-hundred-percent, trust me,” he said, that same puppy-dog look on his face.
You narrowed your eyes, curious. You had no doubt that he was speaking from experience. It was just another perk of being a hunter: life-threatening situations.
“I appreciate it, Sam, but I really prefer to be on my own,” you said, attempting to stand. You swayed immediately, and you were sure you would have ended up falling on your face if it weren’t for his quick reflexes. 
“You can go back to being on your own when you’re healed,” he said forcefully, his hard arms hooked under yours. He sat you back down on the bed and you huffed. 
“Fine. Two days and I’m out of here,” you said grumpily. Sam rolled his eyes but didn’t argue. You got the impression he’d dealt with attitude like yours before. 
“I’ll bring you some food in a few minutes. Just try to relax, okay?” He left the room and you felt a half-smile on your face before quickly pursing your lips, slamming your walls back up before they had a chance to crack.
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“Dude, what are you doing?” 
Sam sighed. “What does it look like?” He poured the steaming chicken noodle soup from the pot into a bowl. 
“It looks like you’re giving our food to some chick who doesn’t want our help,” Dean said, gesturing to the soup from his spot near the refrigerator. 
Sam rolled his eyes. “I’m not gonna let her starve here the next two days. I’m going to offer her food. If she doesn’t want it, fine. But I’m at least going to try.”
Dean rubbed a hand down his face. “Sam, why do you even care? I know you’re a softie, but this girl has made it pretty clear she thinks we’re just getting in her way.”
Sam wasn’t sure why he cared. He told himself it was because you were wounded and therefore probably more grumpy than you would have been normally, and that he should give you more of a chance because of that. 
“Dean, you are a pain in the ass sometimes, too. Doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be taken care of.”
“Whatever you say, Sammy.” He left the kitchen, chuckling to himself about something. Sam ignored him and finished getting your soup, placing a spoon in it and grabbing a napkin before heading to your room.
“Soup’s on,” he said, pushing open your door. You gave him a glare that said you did not appreciate his pun. He didn’t care, though. At least you weren’t actively trying to leave.
He placed the tray on your lap and you eyed it warily, just like you had the sports drink he’d given you before. 
“Y/N, if I’d wanted to kill you, don’t you think I’d come up with a better way than poisoning your soup?” Sam asked, one eyebrow raised.
You huffed. “I guess,” you said. “Thanks,” you mumbled, picking up your spoon.
Sam smiled, glad to hear the pleasantry even if it was reluctant. He took a seat on the wooden chair next to your bed, ignoring your furrowed brow and slight lean away from him. 
“So, where’re you from? What got you into hunting?” he asked.
You rolled your eyes but took a sip of your soup. He could see you visibly relax a little as the warm liquid hit your stomach. “Like I’m gonna tell you anything personal about me,” you said dryly. “I don’t need some demon after me when it tortures you for information about other hunters.”
Sam exhaled a laugh. “Wow. You have trust issues. Anyone ever told you that?”
“It’s how I’ve survived this long,” you replied. “Not sure how you have.”
“So you’ve been hunting a long time, then?” Sam asked, smirking that he’d figured out the littlest bit of information.
“God,” you said, exasperated. “If I tell you one thing about myself, will that get you off my back and out of this room?” 
Sam chuckled lightly. “For now.”
You sighed. “I started hunting when I was fourteen, okay?” You looked down at your soup, which Sam noted with satisfaction was now half-gone.
“Thank you,” he said genuinely. He got up, not wanting you to have to ask him to leave. “I’ll come get your dishes later. Just holler if you need anything.”
He left your room, closing the door behind him. You weren’t exactly friendly to him, but he couldn’t help but smile to himself as he walked away from your conversation.
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@malfoysqueen14 @divadinag@lynne1993@awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​@onethirstyunicorn@sammykb1994@lilulo-12@mellorine-paprika@tranquility-or-chaos@collette04@hoboal87@chevyharvelle@miraclesoflove@defenderrosetyler@babypink224221@calaofnoldor@beatifuldisaster018@satans-0-spawn @coffeebooksandfandom@supernatural3002@lainxcas@mylovelydame21@mrsdeanfuckingwinchester@lovely-lynns-likes@ppeachygemss@screechingartisancashbailiff@metalfangirl@vicmc624@polina-93@hobby27
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Studio Musician
Semi x gn!reader
When the studio told you that they found a fill in guitarist for your band, you were wary. Most studio sanctioned musicians had an ego, they often wanted to force you to change your music to fit the way they played- but you couldn’t argue this time. The album needed finished to make the release date and your fingers were broken. Your drummer, Ichiya, had never been more anxious, he knew your dislike for studio musicians and was afraid you’d replace him since it was his fault- he hadn’t actually meant to do it, but the bass player Mei had convinced you to prank him with a scare after the band had watched Friday the 13th together. He didn’t recognize you under the hockey mask, slamming his window shut on your fingers as he screamed in panic. You didn’t hold it against him, but being an up and coming rock musician boosted his confidence, it didn’t quell his anxiety, so you just tried to reassure him every day that you wouldn’t leave him behind.
So here you waited, sagging in a chair at the soundboard as you waited for the guitarist.
Who was running late.
The sound designer swore he would be there any minute, but you were getting irritated the longer he left you waiting. It had already been twenty minutes passed the agreed upon time, you had other things to do besides waiting to argue with some guy that you weren’t changing the song to fit how he thought it should sound!
Tossing your head back, you scowled at the ceiling, ignoring the studio workers that flitted about the room in preparation and review of what you’d already recorded. “Doesn’t this guy know what being on time means?” You groaned, noting the clock read he was now thirty minutes late.
“Hey! Sorry, I’m here. Traffic is a nightmare.”
Lifting your head, you regarded the bowing man just inside the door. Why was he wearing a dress shirt? You could even see his tie dangling to the floor in front of him. “Better late than never. You received the tracks and sheet music, right?”
“Yes?” He answered in a questioning tone as he stood up straight, regarding you where you sat. You were glad you were already annoyed, otherwise how pretty he was might cause different attention issues. “Could you get the singer for me so we could get started?”
The studio staff around you seemed to freeze- you weren’t exactly known for having an easy going nature while you worked, even if you treated them with what most musicians viewed as more respect and friendliness than they deserved. They also knew you were having a bad day after forgetting your pain medication on the table of the apartment you shared with your band mates. Half of them had secretly placed bets on whether you’d even still be here when the guitarist showed.
Bracing for an argument, they watched as you scoffed, “I am not here to serve you. Get in the booth and show me what you’ve got.”
The grey haired man furrowed his brow, looking more like he was remembering something than he was preparing to snap back, “Wait a second, I know that voice from interviews… are you Y/N?”
“And we have a winner.” You rolled your eyes, standing from your seat and gesturing to the sound booth door you couldn’t open with a cast on your dominant hand, “Are we gonna get started or what? It’s already late and I have more mixing to do tonight.”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” He pulled his guitar from the case, gently fixing the tuning as you moved back to glaring at the ceiling. You just wanted to get this over with. You wished you were at home, watching tv or pranking Ichiya again because you were terrible at learning from mistakes or- “Can I make a suggestion before we start?”
The sound designer choked on her drink as the question came out- she was a huge fan of yours but panicked any time someone would question your music, she didn’t want to see you kicked from the studio. Your gaze shifted to meet his, fire burning in your irises, “What suggestions?”
He shrugged- were you even going to learn his name before it got printed on the album?- and finally finished setting up his guitar, “Just wondering if you could play me the tracks first so I can hear how you wanted it to sound outside of the sheet music.”
Your gaze was scrutinizing as you stared at him like he’d grown a second head, before finally giving a nod, “I’m sure Dahla can bring those up for you.”
The sound designer waved her hand at his question, you gestured to her, “Dahla. Our sound designer. Do not raise your voice to her, do not make demands. Make a request in a normal tone and she’s usually happy to comply.”
“Uh,” he blinked, unsure why he was being given this information, “Do you guys have shitty luck with studio players around here or something?”
“You could say that.” You gave her a pat on the shoulder, and she immediately queued up the first track, letting him get a feel for it before he disappeared into the sound booth.
It has been three days of working with the same musician, and you still didn’t know his name. Normally you wouldn’t care, when the recordings finished you generally went on your way and didn’t give them another thought, but unlike the others he respected your music. Unlike others, he heeded your words about the way to treat Dahla. Like Ichiya, she suffered anxiety that she majorly overcame to get a job working with artists she admired, but any time she was treated poorly it racked at her self esteem. This guitarist had been the first in a while that you could watch her willingly engage with. And you found yourself watching him more and more as the editing sessions and recordings continued. At the end of the final recording, Dahla just had to open her mouth about it, “So, Y/N, are you going to take him out to celebrate finishing? You know, like you usually do?”
You absolutely did not usually do that, but she mentioned it in front of him for a reason, making you stutter, “Uh, sure? If, you know, if he wants to. We should still be able to find somewhere open, if it’s not too late at night.”
It was pushing eight o clock, there were plenty of places open, but at the same time it gave him an out to claim he had to be up early or that he couldn’t go for one reason or another.
“Sounds fun, will you be joining us?” He shined that smile you’d realized was damn near perfect at Dahla, who offered up an easy laugh.
“Oh- can’t! I have to get the final cut to the agent, and Ichiya and Mei demanded I bring the hard copies over tonight.”
His brow furrowed, “Couldn’t Y/N just bring it home with-“
“Nope!” Dahla cut him off, waving and smiling, “It’s my job as the sound designer to make sure everyone is happy with the finished product.”
Blinking, the man turned to you as if looking for help, but you just sighed, “I would just let it go if I were you. Stubbornness is one of the reasons her tracks are always perfect.”
Dahla knocked her hip against yours as she stood up, slipping her jacket on, “And it’s why you always request me when working in the studio. Now, I’m off, have a great night you two!”
The man- you really needed to learn his name- raised an eyebrow as she scurried out the door, “She’s not a subtle one, is she?”
A bark of laughter escaped you, you hadn’t thought he caught on, “No. No, she is not. But how about that bite to eat?”
“So, what do you do?”
He was caught off guard by the question, blinking at you, “I play guitar?”
Rolling your eyes, you turned in your seat at the ramen counter to look at him, “Thanks, genius. I meant, what do you do usually? I figured it was safe to assume you didn’t wear a suit the first day because that was how you dress to play guitar.”
“Oh.” His cheeks flushed, “Yeah, sorry again for being late. Traffic actually wasn’t bad, but I got held up at my day job. Was afraid to say it because I didn’t want to studio to take the job back.”
“Not like they could.” You smirked, waving your still casted hand, “I can’t play. All the musicians staffed by the studio refuse to work with me. So they called in a…”
“Civil servant Semi Eita, at your service,” he mock saluted, “I work for the government, but music is my passion. Why do the other musicians refuse to work with you?”
You hummed, chuckling as you looked back at your bowl, “I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’m not exactly a ray of sunshine. The musicians that have filled in before- say when Mei was sick or Ichiya managed to slam his fingers in a car door- they always tried to make me change the music to fit their style.”
He scoffed, “It isn’t their music to change.”
“Exactly!” You exclaimed, “But it labeled me as hard to work with, especially since I take part in the whole process up to when it actually hits the shelves.”
“You didn’t give me much trouble, aside from when I made you wait.”
“Made me wait and assumed I was studio staff.”
Semi winced, playing with his chopsticks to avoid looking up at you, “Yeah, not my best move. You look different outside of your stage get up.”
“My stage ‘get up’ isn’t a look.” You laughed, “I just happened to be very dressed down for a day in the studio when we met. Can’t do my full look with this cast on.”
He seemed to regard you for a moment, before offering a shrug, “You look good either way.”
You snorted, giving him a funny look as he seemed to realize what he said, “I was kidding- you know that right? No sane person would do that much work for an every day look.” He nodded, but you didn’t think he was even registering your words as he stared into space with a stone stiff posture. “Uh, Semi? You okay?”
He jerked to look at you, eyes wide despite the usual confidence you saw in him, “You know my name?”
Cringing, you gave him an embarrassed smile, “I didn’t until you said it, when you said you worked for the government.”
Was that a flash of disappointment in his eyes? “Yeah, that makes more sense.”
“To be fair, you never told it to me when we met. Which is probably my fault. I was annoyed you were late, and then I was glad you were late because if I stayed annoyed I wouldn’t get distracted from the work.”
“Why would you get distracted?”
“Cause you’re hot?” You were confused, didn’t he know that?
Suddenly the confidence you knew came back, a smirk sliding onto his face, “You think I’m hot?”
“I assume most people do,” you countered easily, sipping your sake, “I mean I have working eyes.”
“Good to know.” He answered, more to himself than anything, the smirk never leaving his face that night.
If your tour a few months later happened to have his band as the opener, many fans speculated that he must have impressed you- it was common knowledge that he was credited on the album after all. No one ever confirmed or denied the allegations, because, well… the reasoning was for you two to know.
No matter how much Dahla and Ichiya gave you shit about it.
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inmymagnetoera · 2 months
Cherik as This Isn't the Place - Nine Inch Nails (specifically the lyrics but the music also fits)
Heyy hope you like it! I really enjoyed writing this fic about the song you chose and I hope I understood the lyrics as best as I could. Enjoy the reading!♡
This isn't the Place where I thought we would see each other again.
Charles was playing with the empty bottle in his hands. In a few minutes, it would join all the other empty, sticky beer bottles scattered around the room, a little reminder of how much his life had started to suck.
Hank hardly cared about it anymore. Sure, he made sure his professor was still alive and that he didn't overdo the serum, but otherwise he had other things to think about, like constantly trying to track down Alex and Raven. He let his hand go soft and the bottle fell to the floor, making a sharp noise but not breaking. These days it was easy to trick his mind. Now that his telepathy was gone, combined with the constant drunkenness and drugs he took, imagining had become much easier and so, he closed his eyes for a few seconds and when he opened them again, he was there.
"Hello, old friend." He said in a small voice. He felt his smelly breath and was almost embarrassed to appear like that in front of Erik, but then he remembered that Erik wasn't really there and that he really didn't give a shit.
"What happened to you?" He asked him looking half disgusted. In his imagination, Erik was always half disgusted.
“Oh you know, life.” He said almost laughing. Erik wrinkled his nose.
"You know." He said moving his neck to one side, knowing that if Erik had really been there, he would have kissed the thin line forming on his skin.
"I thought we had more time." Charles said almost inaudibly.
“More time for what?” Erik's projection asked as he sat down next to Charles.
"For everything." He said looking back at him with watery eyes.
"Travelling, playing chess. There was an Italian restaurant not far from one of the hotels where we stayed, remember? If we had more time I would have taken you there and then I would have kissed you when you complained that the waiter was making me the sweet eyes." Tears were now streaming down his face and onto his greasy red robe.
“How did you know I would do that?” He asked, touching Charles' wet face with a finger.
"Because I know you." He said, pursing his lips. He lay down on the bed and let his eyes close.
"Will you carry me to bed?" He asked before falling asleep.
When he woke up he was actually in his bed. His mind told him that it had been Hank to carry him or himself and that he simply didn't remember getting up, but his heart liked to think that Erik had done it.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Memories 2021 Discs 1 - 3
So I asked again when I said I was going to watch memories in full if you would be interested in commentary from me as I did so. There were a lot of people who said yes, so here we are! I have officially watched BTS Memories of 2021. Here are my thoughts as I went. There were 7 DVDs in this one. Reminder that these aren't going to be smoothly written out thoughts. You get these like I'm live reacting, texting my bestie or live tweeting. Lol it'll be in like bullet point format sort of, just... a commentary post as I go. Lol Hope you enjoy anyway! Let's go!
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Disc 1
BTS PTD On Stage in Seoul:
Track List:
1. On
2. Fire
3. Dope
4. DNA
5. Blue & Grey
6. Black Swan
7. BST
8. Fake Love
9. Life Goes On
10. Boy with Luv
11. Dynamite
12. Butter
13. Airplane Pt. 2
14. Baepsae
15. Disease
16. Telepathy
17. Stay
18. So What
19. I Need U
20. Save Me
21. Idol
22. Epilogue Young Forever
23. Spring Day
24. Permission to Dance
The whole first Disc and half of Disc 2 was just the concert. Which was their online concert in Seoul before they were able to go do their PTD Concerts in the US later that year. This concert was held on 211024. I'm honestly not going to talk about this too much as for memories I'd rather get to focus on all the making films and behinds, which is what yall are really wanting my thoughts over I'm sure. Lol but I love watching them perform. I remember watching this concert for the first time and all the timeline meltdowns over the stages. I love JK giggling so hard and something 2seok said to him that he could barely sing during life goes on too, as well as telling all his haters to f**k off this concert too! Love it 🤣 and I adored how Tae kept encouraging everyone saying they were doing a good job and the other 6 members kept checking on him and otherwise including him, even from afar at times in the parts they would normally do together that they couldn't since Tae was chair bound due to his knee injury. How they all gathered around Tae while singing Airplane pt 2 😭 I missed seeing him front and center with everyone else for sure. And their voices are so crystal clear and beautiful and lovely 😍
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Disc 2
Seoul D-Day Making Film:
Everyone arrives to the venue VISIBLY NERVOUS. Ugh my babies. They are so cute. Everyone eating before the concert, staff providing some really yummy food. JK and Jin both sharing and joking a bit over not being able to sleep from nerves. JK ticking Jimin to get his attention and telling him that he the food looks delicious. Lol Post over that Here. And the shared smiles between everyone as they start shaking off nerves and sleepiness. Everyone's concern for Tae and wanting him to not push it and rest and get better during that first meeting. They love him. Jimin hugging on Hobi for warmth during the start of rehearsals. Cuties. Not even 5 minutes in and I'm going to start to cry!! Tae staring at the floor all sad during B&G rehearsals as he had to sit away from the group. Jimin singing for rehearsals while staring at Tae who is staring sadly at the floor and the captions telling us they were planning to sing this part while looking at each other and being next to each other originally 😭 my heart! Tae dancing lightly during sound heck regardless of his injury and afterwards when leaving the stage, JK running up to check on him and ask how he is feeling after all that. God, my heart can't handle all the affection and care they give each other. Jinkook randomly bickering over the Fire Performance lol and then Jimin showing up to sit with JK and review the songs/set. And boy do they sit close and practically on top of each other. And their super soft tones 🥺 Post Here. They are so cute for real. Hopekook joining the pre-show ARMY chat and talking with ARMY. Their giggles 😍 I love seeing it from their side too.
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Everyone getting ready to go up on stage and Jimin lightly tapping Tae on the cheek in encouragement and everyone telling him to get better soon. Ugh. All this babying and loving on Tae makes me so happy. Cant forget about Jin choking Tae on stage during DNA lmao The editors making fun of us during a few clips of the Black Swan saying ARMY couldn't make up their minds about both wanting BTS to cover up but also unbutton more 🤣 Jimin walking off stage to get ready for the encore with Tae. I don't think they left this man alone once! And then Jimin again walking with Tae after the concert. Jimin offering to carry Tae since he is limping a bit and holding his hand and cheering him up and sticking by his side 😭 it really is so touching seeing how much they love and take care of each other. Jimin is such a good friend. Jin looked so cute walking out of the stadium in his little hair bow. And yoongi looked like a whole dream in his sweater!
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Seoul Self Cam Interview:
This was cute little self cams where they each walked around the stadium and talked pre concert about how they are feeling, their worries and hopes for this concert and future concerts. As well as mostly just talking about how much they miss army and performing for army in person.
They also did a small interview based on the PTD lyrics that was really cute. Hobi said he avoids overeating, drinking and working out to prep for concert day. Tae answered that his favorite part would be the new intro for Butter and how much he liked it and how he thinks ARMY will love it (we did)! Yoongi saying they were hit with the wall of reality when it was realized for sure they couldn't have army at the concert and that it was hard. 🥺 JK saying that youth is a feeling and it's about the present moment. Jimin was called BTS's mood maker and said that On, Save Me and Idol reflected BTS's energy on stage together really well. Namjoon was the best leader and said that even though they've known each other forever and don't need to talk to know things about each other, it's always still important to keep talking and keeping telling each other I love you so that they make sure they always know it. Jin saying that Idol is his comfort song from the set list because it's upbeat and fun but also has meaningful lyrics.
Disc 3
PTD Merch and Poster Making Film:
They look so cute and stunning during their solo shoots! Hobi pretending to flatline during JKs photoshoot is so funny 🤣 he gets it. Lol the funniest quartet for a unit, taekooknamseok! JK couldn't play the prop drums on set so he and Tae instead obnoxiously drum on the table while waiting for photos 🤣 and Jimin with yoonjin who all randomly start reminiscing about BV1! They are so cute. Jimin, our little fairy, with the cutest poses on his solo shoot too. Lol the first shoot of the group photos we see and JK is smiling so big while everyone else is serious and his "oops" face as he notices and gives a more serious expression too is so cute! And not JK unbuttoned his shirt further for the next set of ot7 photos! 🤣
During the poster shooting when they are on a break and getting retouched up, Tae keeps reaching up past JK and Hobi to mess with Jimins hair or ear. Lmfao and the first time Jimin thought it was JK and the second time he turned around, realized it was Tae and tried to get around Hobi to go get him back 🤣 their giggles!! And Tae doesn't stop! Lol even DURING the photos he reached over to try and ruffle Jimins hair again 🤣🤣 Jinkook immediately play boxing and fighting as soon as they *think* the shoot is over lol just to have to get back into photo mode again. Staff asking Jin to please fold his arms for the photo. Jimin instead taking Jins hand to hold it in his own and Jin holding onto Hobis arm. All of them cracking themselves up 🤣 2seok giving ending comments of the video at the exact same time and being asked if they planned it. "No, we are just naturally in sync" 🥺😍 JK leaning over Yoonjins shoulders and Jin just holding onto JKs hand over his shoulder with both of his hands so cutely 😭🥰
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PTD VCR Making Film:
Everyone shooting their individual mug shoot scenes and the editors just going "they aren't troublemakers. They are so cute." Relatable content 🤣 and then we of course just have Jimin handcuffing himself to Jungkook for fun. Post over the Handcuffs Here Lol and Hobi dying laughing when Jimin wiggles himself out of the handcuffs without even needing to open them! And when staff was telling Tae about the paperclip scene he looked so baby and innocent and then he actually did the scene and the vibe change 😳
We then moved on to the next VCR set with the Vmonkook unit! Lol Tae valiantly trying to teach Namjoon how to hold the pool stick so sweetly. And eventually the staff just taking the stick away from Joon and giving it to JK and saying that Joon can just drink something instead and taekook will play pool for the shoot 😅🤣 JK sliding across the pool table "like a seal" to get into position for all 3 of them to look over their "suspicious plans" and making Vmon laugh so hard when it's supposed to be a serious scene. Lmao they are so funny.
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And we get the next subunit! Which is SopeJinMin and I love them. 2seok are the cutest with the tiny dancing together on the bench. I love them. The absolute chaotic dance party that they had. Lol and when reviewing the footage Jhopes absolute excitement and hype over Jimins shirt riding up when he was jumping around dancing. Telling him he should raise his arms up more so that his abs flash more often 🤣 Jimin saying that he untucked his shirt before the shoot so that we would get "accidental" ab flashes. I need him to chill!! Lol
Ot7 shooting at the PTD general store. Lol Jimin taking the paper towels from set to give to his mom 😭🤣 they are so sweet. Jhope and Jimin acting out a skit where Jhope buys Jin in a shopping cart 🤣🤣 lol and then JK coming out and seeing what's going on and taking over to violently spin the cart around like crazy with Jin in it. They are insane 🤣 and the little kids on set laughing so hard and thinking it's so fun so JK picks her up and spins her around in his arms a bunch too 😭😭 MY HEART to which Jimin comes to return the favor and scoops JK up and spins him too. Lol JK smiling so big 😍 He also then has JK get on his back and when Hobi asks JK how much he weighs lately, JK answers and says he has lost some weight recently, to which Jimin confirms saying that yes, he has been lighter lately. And JK then picks Jimin up too. Man, they HAVE to just be constantly picking each other up everywhere they go lol. Taekook and their new shoulder bump handshake they do before filming kicks off again is so cute. Jimin giving the little girl a balloon and touching her chin so cutely before giving a mischievous smirk over his shoulder at JK who tried really hard not to smile at how cute Jimin was being. God, they are all so cute and sweet and silly. Vmin hanging out and giving cute dancing tips to the little girl and then she dances with all 7 of them. She must've had the best day!! And I'm adding my post over some more of the jikookery moments in the VCR Making Film Here too.
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PTD Practice Making Film:
I can't believe we are kicking this making film off with my yoonmin loves playing basketball together. What a good way to start practice!! My yoonmin basketball post. This was day 1 of ptd practice and it took place on 211012. We of course have dance leader Hope! And Hobi just trying to get everyone going and into position for the end of On, and we have taekook alternatively smacking/hanging off each other and off Hobi himself with Joon also trying to get them to chill. Only for Jin to grab JKs butt as they get into their line up 🤣🤣 the beautiful chaos. Hobi giving Yoongi instruction. Jimin in the background feeling up JKs abs just because he can lol JK started to yank Jin back and forth by the neck of his hoodie and Jimin retaliating for Jin by flicking JKs nipple 😂 JK wrestling Jin down and laying on the back of his head (like a tortured verison of their butter A lol) and everyone just ignoring their antics as per usual. IM NOT EVEN 2 MINUTES IN THIS VIDEO IS SO CHAOTIC! Everyone gets more serious for Black Swan though as it has a new intro. Hobi counting out the beat for them and then turning and clarifying the count with Jimin as for which one they move on. I love when we see our main dancers take charge and lean on each other like that. Vmin just giving each other a big hug during their fake love practice 🥺 JinKook fighting over who can make their hand go up higher during the ending pose lol. And then we have 3J discussing practice and concert logistics during the break and deciding what to do before they end practice for the day 🥺 Hobi leading practice for the new Butter intro and helping everyone make sure they nail the moves. When Jimin accidentally messes up his arm placements after they review the film of the practice, Jimin goes and curls up in JKs neck. Lol his safe place for sure 😍 My Post for that moment here. They work so hard. TaeJin dancing together so cutely!! Jimin getting caught by JK about to pour water over him when Jimin thought his eyes were closed 😂 JK then wearing and ending up napping on Jimins beanie and Tae waking him up in the cutest and most softest way. My Nap post here. Tae giving suggestions for a better stage and everyone praising him for his good ideas 🥺
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The next day of practice is once again kicking off with yoonmin playing basketball together. I wonder if most of their practice sessions start off that way while they wait for everyone to either get there or be ready to get started. That would be really cute. Day 2 was the very next day and actually also Jimins BIRTHDAY! We know because his outfit (minus the hoodie he wore in the live) and accessories and hairstyle match up perfectly with when he went live for his birthday. So did JKs outfit match up. Suga always noticing Hobis cute acorn bags. 🥺 which led to trainee day memories of Suga having a similar bag and Tae kept taking it, which Jin then mentioned that Tae kept stealing his jacket back then too. Lol Poor Tae 😂 Jimin saving his soulmate by starting practice back up again for Black Swan 🤣 Chaos reigns during Stay Practice. Lol Yoongi dipped to just go shoot more hoops. Tae randomly finds and starts playing a trombone and Jin and JK take turns holding a mic up to make his playing louder in turn with their singing. Lol Jimin just dying laughing through it all. Jimin being shy about Save Me and starting it off solo and holding onto JK to try and make him stay with him. Lol which he ends up coming back to stay with Jimin! And teases him with the save me choreo, with Tae also joining them. The Save Me jokes will never die! Jimin also being the biggest Young Forever fanboy and looking like the happiest person ever cheering on Hobi during his verse 😍 JK lifting Jimin in the air and Jimin holding a pose while he sings and JK slowly spins him in the air like an angel. Lol please they are so cute 😭😍 It fit so well!!! Jimin being the angel he is on his birthday! Vhopemin jumping in a little mini dance circle is so cute. I love these practice films! My Post that covers more of the Jikookery from this Film.
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PTD Rehearsal Making Film:
The video basically opens up with them all filming their solo shoots that will be their mirrors for Blue & Grey. And just unnecessarily showing us namkook working out in Black Swan outfits while waiting their turn 😅🤣 they get all wrapped up for rehearsals in the cold. Jimin decided he wanted to film Tae and chases him around the entire stadium filming him as Tae runs away 🤣 Hopekook loving the cold and dancing to stay warm. Yoongi once again pointing out Jhopes cute acorn bag 🥺 Tae comes and whispers something to JK with his mischievous smile and JK clearly didn't feel quite up to making trouble and Tae was all why notttt before checking something under his shirt and then moving on to go dance for Jin and Jimin. What was he wanting?! 🤣🤣 random cuts of Jikook dancing and goofing off together through the whole soundcheck are so cute. And of course, Jinkook boxing. Yoongi climbing up on the couch for BWL and the editors adding cat ears too him and captioning it like he climbing a cat tree 😭🤣 Jikook talking about Blue and Grey with the director and Jimin borrowing JKs mic to do so. And JK just sticking around, waiting for Jimin so they can leave together 🥺🥺 My Post over that Here. And Jin being so sad about something making his white jacket stained 😭 Jimin talking to cameras in the corner, with JK just chilling right there with them. Those two are stuck like glue always. Well, JK is there until he thinks Namjoon stole his shoes, then he is chasing Joon down yelling for his shoes back. They weren't his shoes though lmfao! Poor Joon. Wrongfully accused 😂 Jhope coordinating where they will pick up with rehearsals tomorrow with staff. He really does such a great job helping everyone stay focused and works so hard! It's amazing to see.
Day 2, dress rehearsal time! Jimin in his sleeveless tank for the first set, the staff were worried about him so he said one of the staff gave him his jacket to wear so he wouldn't catch a cold 🥺 and they show us Tae starting to limp and getting hurt. Nooooo 😭 god. Watching him hurt is so upsetting. The members go through more of the Rehersal while Tae leaves to go sit with the med team and get checked out. Everyone taking a break as soon as possible and immediately hustling over to go check on Tae. 😭 Jimin literally sticking to him and keeping a hand out for him when they are walking back to the stage to finish rehearsing even if Tae sits through the choreo. He is so upset and everyone is clearly worried for him too. Tae leaves to go to the ER and Jimin shouting to call them as soon as he is done 🥺 but they all continue through for the rest of the Rehersals. Jikook jumping off the couch at the end of BWL and going for a hug or light touch or something but we get cut straight into Dynamite without seeing their cuteness! Jimin was cutely snuggled up to Jin though for a bit on the couch! Joonie getting so distracted by dancing with Jimin to the Dynamite live band that he forgot his cue to go high five/trade center stage places with Jungkook and JK turns and was confused to not find RM 🤣 oops! Jimin does a weird pose on stage. Jin, no questions asked, just poses with him. The way these guys match each other's energy is my favorite thing. Lol jikook randomly rock paper scissorsing on the carts. And Hobi being the cutest cart driver. My favorite being their adorable weird came out of no where, matching each other's energy jumping conga line during Idol. Lmfao JK imitating Jimins spring day dance over and over and looking at Jimin every time to make him and everyone else laugh is so precious. Yoongi singing Tae's spring day parts since he isn't there 🥺😭 And then JK joining yoonmin for their back to back part, leaning on them both and then just hanging out tucked onto Jimins shoulder for a bit. He is so cute 🥺 the way Yoongi was making Jimin laugh by covering all of Vs parts! Jikook walking off stage together, arms around each other, loudly thanking everyone and everything for their hard work. Each other. The staff. The chairs. Even the moon! Lol and they also mentioned Tae who they were missing! They are so cute. Jimin giving his ending thoughts to the camera while holding his phone and texting Tae the whole time who was telling Jimin he had watched the rest of the rehearsals too. I love that they were in contact as soon as they could be. You know Jimin was worried as was everyone else! And adding my post at the end here about extra Jikookery during these Rehearsals. I love seeing how hard they all work for real!
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And this brings me to the end of the first 3 discs of memories 2021 and the end to part 1 of my thoughts over memories 2021. Which is mostly about how much I love all 7 of these guys and how much I admire their passion for performance and how hard they all work. I'll be back soon with more of the discs in part 2! Thanks for letting me share!
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untilthenextencore · 10 months
Nights To Remember Ch 2.: Flashes & Flickers: Light & Shade~...
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In the car, Robert saw a transformation occur in Dahlia. A fire lit in her eyes. Her body grew tight. Expectant. As his was too, albeit for a completely different reason.
As a familiar DJ howled over the radio, she called out. "Mag, mind changing the channel? I love Wolfman, but I'm in the mood for something else. Try KRLA or something."
"Mag" or Magnet obliged. He turned the dial as he turned the corner.
A voice crooned from over ten years ago.
"Those Oldies But Goodies remind me of you~..."
He knew who it was.
Knew what she wanted.
Magnet knew too, hence his turning the dial in just the right direction.
Art Laboe.
Dahlia proved them both right as she recognized the station instantly.
"Yesssss…" Dahlia hissed.
Magnet flicked an amused grin back at her through the rear view mirror.
Robert's eyes were drawn to her too. In full. Closely watching. He saw her toes curl. Her fingers tightening over her small clutch purse & book. Fingers tightening. Toes tightening. Body tightening. Anxious. Expectant. Excited.
Was this how girls were like in making their way to their concerts?
He saw an aura grow around her. Bated breath & something swirling about her in the smoky haze in the car. Cracks in the veneer. Little glimmers of light peeking through from within.
She was coming alive.
Or about to.
Memories of her dancing & carrying on with her friends at the Chuco flash through his head. Drinks & dancing.
Robert dancing with dusky maidens under the stars. Making him feel home sweet home. Little Mexican Maureen facsimiles. More Indian beauties. More weaknesses. More indiscretions. More things to apologize to the actual, original, one & only true Maureen to.
Robert danced with her too. Dahlia. Bopping around to the rock'n'roll songs they grew up & cut their teeth on. Robert even managed to snag a few slow dances with her. Under the same stars & streetlights.
Until Jimmy appeared out of the ether seemingly. Sidling up to them & spiriting his girlfriend and then fiancee away & into his own arms. Slowdancing with her himself under the stars & streetlights. The flashes of lights both from that & the headlights & taillights of the classic cars that surrounded them all bathed them in a flickering warm glow that matched the warm glow that seemed to emanate from the couple themselves.
Just as Jimmy would want & the only way he'd have it.
Light and shade.
That memory sent him rocketing back to the present. The present that had him beside Dahlia in the backseat as she went from allowing her body to flit from two extremes in her response to the best Art Laboe could play; melting at ballads to winding back up at the rocking tracks as they played. All the while, that same sharp, inscrutable look remained in her eyes. Deep brown depths alight with more than the passing flicker of a streetlight. All as they were similarly surrounded by a tight phalanx of headlights & taillights.
That last bit quirked the corners of his mouth & would've made him laugh had he not been otherwise occupied.
No, instead as Dahlia's head craned back & let yet another sweet ballad from yesteryear wash over her, Robert's head craned back, peering myopically into the following headlights & trying to make out any familiar faces amongst the blinding beams.
No luck.
He thought he saw a familiar town car. Perhaps even a familiar curly black head. But would he ride in the front seat? Was he just seeing things? He didn't know.
All he knew was that as ever, a half an hour or so alone with the lovely young Miss Dahlia was never enough for him. But now he found it stood true for a whole different reason entirely.
As Magnet gunned the engine along with the twanging guitar of Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" Robert's stomach clenched to match his fist. Twanging guitar. Mentions of someone who could "play guitar like ringing a bell". He knew someone like that. Someone who was hot on their tail. Whose smoky dragon breath curled hot on the back of his neck, tickling the golden curls there.
Magnet's driving chugged the car along like the train alluded to in the lyrics. Robert was the conductor. Or at least he had been. The chain of cigarettes he took down produced the smoke.
Dahlia's fingers on her right hand stayed "strumming with the rhythm that the drivers made". Her left hand shifted over Robert's. Clearly, she sensed his nerves. Even if she didn't understand them or why he was in their clutches. He just was. She wanted to help. That was that. Even if he didn't want to talk. Wasn't ready to talk. She was there for him as a friend. That was all that mattered.
The contact elicited two reactions in him at once. It both soothed his soul. And inflamed him. In a way she seemingly had no idea. To paraphrase Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes, the very song that was playing then as she did that; "If she didn't know by now, she'd never, ever know."
She didn't know.
But he did.
Magnet did.
Peter did.
Virtually everyone else did.
Especially a special someone.
One whose stately diamond ring glinted in the flickering light as it circled her left hand's delicate third finger. One whose slim delicate fingers paired with his massive fucking hands in strumming with the rhythm that the drivers in his head made, playing his guitar like ringing a bell, like a fuckin' menace.
The PreRaphaelitic faced, star-suited dragon lord himself.
Paganini with a pick.
James Patrick Page.
The one Robert remained keenly aware of as he verily sensed the town car trailing them mimicking each twist & turn his "getaway man" Magnet made behind the wheel. Johnny B. Goode himself. Hot on the trail of a "country boy" who - despite his best impulses - always seemed to telegraph his wants & needs to be a little bad. Impish. Impulsive. Impetuous.
Peck's bad boy.
Plant's bad boy. Anthony Plant's bad boy. With Page's good girl. His best girl. His wife. His fuckin wife!
And though he never did anything really. Though never crossed the line. Never behaved untoward with Dahlia. Page knew.
Page knew.
He knew.
He knew Planty.
He knew Plant's tastes in women. Hell, he knew Planty's fuckin' wife! He knew Dahlia fit right in line with Planty's tastes. How sometimes the only thing saving some stupid journalists from telling Mrs. Page from Mrs. Plant was that Dahlia was just a few inches taller.
He knew Robert. He knew how he took to loneliness. He knew how it was on the road & how easy it was for Robert to go looking for company. How easy it was for his eyes to go astray.
And how easy he found it & how often it was that Robert's eyes found themselves straying to her. Straying on her. Her face, her eyes, her curves, her entire figure, her hair, her smile, her whole self, her entire being.
He saw. Even when Dahlia didn't.
He saw how he looked at her. How often he looked at her. The way he looked at her. He knew that look. He'd seen Robert give it to other women before. Women he intended to take to bed.
Jimmy had given girls that look before himself. He'd had similar results. But that was before Dahlia. Before he gave it to Dahlia. And after a slow seduction, months of letters & calls & a pen pal friendship that blossomed in between her on and off relationship with Jim Morrison, that he found himself the first to take Dahlia to bed. Not just any bed either. His bed. When she visited England in the spring of '67 & stayed in his then new house. Pangbourne.
Prize won.
But he found there was no moving on from that point. She was in his blood. One taste. And that's all it took. She was his. No matter what. Even if it took a while sealing the deal. No matter. He'd do whatever it took to ensure that. The deal was done.
Robert knew the whole story of course.
He also knew that it was Jimmy's knowing that look, and knowing those results, first hand no less, that only made it so Jimmy did his damndest to ensure that only he could get such a result when giving Dahlia that look. Not anyone else. And certainly NOT Robert.
And as Robert registered another pat of his hand by Dahlia, he smiled. Both from the tenderness shown. Classic Dahlia as ever. And for how succinctly Eric Burdon was then summing up the many things that had been whirling about his mind then, in yet another old song from years past.
"Well, don't you know that no-one alive…
Can always be an angel…
When things go wrong I seem to be bad…
I'm just a soul who's intentions are good…
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood…"
The situation found itself more succinctly - if vaguely - summed up when Magnet slowed the car to a stop & parked, announcing. "We're here." Then "Mag" jerked the handle shortly, opening the door wide and supplanting the last strains of Eric Burdon & the Animals with a slow, slinky bluesy intro.
Dahlia instantly perked up, recognizing the sound & crooning. "Ohhh! I love that song. C'mon Robert, let's go!" And with a series of clicks, the unclicking of her belt, opening of her door by Magnet & the hurried clicks of her heels towards the music as it swelled, she was gone.
Robert was left to finish his last cig, brooding, contemplating, mulling over Big Jay McNeely voice as it drawled out the first line. The words teasing him in their seeming concise reading of him upon arrival.
"There is something on your mind~..."
As ever, this is forever under construction~...
Hope y'all enjoy~!...
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
Stick Season (9/14)
Summary: After Finn dies, Kurt leaves everything he knows behind without a trace. His hometown, his family, his boyfriend. When his dad has a medical scare, he returns to Lima, one year after breaking Blaine’s heart with no explanation.
A non-chronological series of one shots and drabbles set in this universe
Tropes/Genres: Angst, Reconciliation, Grief, Alcoholism, Mentions of Major Character Death, Mental Health
Track 1: Northern Attitude // Day 9: Same Old Country Song
Words: 1162
Kurt has forgotten how to be a fucking human being, apparently.
He wants Blaine, loves Blaine, never stopped loving Blaine. Kurt wants him close so dearly, but can’t help except push him away. It’s infuriating.
He wants what they used to have, the waves of security that washed over Kurt whenever he was nestled safely in Blaine’s arms. He wants the laughter shared through inside jokes, like how Let’s have a Star Wars marathon actually meant Let’s dip and go make out in your room. Kurt wants everything to go back to the way it was, but that isn’t possible.
He’s not the person he used to be. There’s been efforts on his part, to get back to who he was before bitterness jaded him into the cynic he is today. He quit drinking, and though he’s fallen off the wagon a few times, it’s been nearly half a year since his last sip. A few stumbles, however, were to be expected when he didn’t really stop to better himself, but out of guilt and shame. 
If you were to put shame into a petri dish and shove it into the dark and damp crevasses of your mind, anxiety would grow on it like a deadly fungus. Everyone thinks that only depressed people turn to the bottle, but Kurt’s nerves prove otherwise. A coping mechanism is a coping mechanism even if you think you’re just a kid who gets a little too nervous in large crowds. It’s a coping mechanism when you think you’re just having fun with some friends. It’s a coping mechanism when you take a sip because you’re stressed about school, and wake up face down on your boyfriend's lawn.
It’s a coping mechanism even when you insist it isn’t.
He’s changing. He’s trying. Fuck, is he trying.
But what if it’s not enough? 
What if, after the last year, Kurt’s soul is missing the shine that was there before grief dulled it? Blaine would be foolish to want him back when he’s this broken.
If Kurt gets too close and he isn’t how Blaine remembers—how he hopes—he’d have every right to just up and walk away. Kurt can’t even forgive himself, how can he expect Blaine to forgive the old attitude he’s adopted after spending a year in the dark?
So why the hell is he here, standing out in the cold and staring at Blaine’s familiar figure, playing the guitar through the frosted windows of the Paper Tiger? 
He’s in the middle of a set, so Kurt is able to sneak in without distracting him, feeling the winter chill thaw, like just being around Blaine lights a fire in him.
He plays some cover about gay cowboys that Kurt can’t help but smile at. The crowd is a little less receptive, but not angry or outraged, which honestly is about as much progress as Kurt could have ever hoped for.
Blaine looks so happy, so in his element here. Despite what he may think, from what Kurt can see, he’s better off without him. 
He should leave. Again. Go farther this time, and maybe he won’t be such a nuisance, such an unpleasant disruption to Blaine’s healing process. What the hell is Kurt even doing here, in a bar, when he's feeling so, so anxious and there are so many people and they’re all drinking around him and god, he wishes that were him, he wishes he could just have one drink—just one, and maybe the raging fire scalding his nerves would be doused for even just a seco—
“Alright, so, I know you guys usually like my covers of the classics.”
Blaine’s voice cuts through all the noise, and for the first time in too long, the static in Kurt’s brain is silenced. 
“But, uh… I’m gonna play something original for you tonight. It’s a really special song to me. It uh, started off as an anniversary present that I never got to give, and over the past year has morphed into something totally different and unexpected but uh… You know what? I think I’ll shut up and just sing for you.”
When the audience’s laughter settles, Blaine starts plucking at his guitar’s strings, and Kurt prepares himself for the worst. Sure he’s about to bear the brunt of all the anger and confusion he’d caused in Blaine’s life. Leaving lima, then showing up at his house. Their conversation at Sam’s party, and Kurt leaving. Again. 
Kurt forces himself to stay, smothering the cowardly little voice in his mind that wants so terribly to leave. He should hear what Blaine has to say, even if it hurts.
You try covering the cracks in your walls with paint But I love staring at them so beautifully shaped Everyday I wish you’d see what I could see And your hand in mine fits so perfectly
I’ll never want a new lease I’ll never trade you in You’re the home that I want Perfectly imperfect
I’ll come home to you I’ll come home to you
Even though you’re gone I’ll leave the light on Hopefully you can see The path back to me
I’ll never want a new lease I’ll never trade you in You’re the home that I want Perfectly imperfect
I’ll come home to you I’ll come home to you
You try covering the cracks in your walls with paint But I love staring at them so beautifully shaped
It’s not what Kurt expected, and he swallows down the lump in his throat. He’ll be damned if he breaks down in the middle of a bar full of strangers.
Watching Blaine pack up his set, Kurt pulls out his phone and goes to his recents, knowing all the calls he’s been dodging from Blaine will be at the top.
On the other side of the room, Blaine freezes, and Kurt’s heart goes still. “Hi.”
“Hi…” He repeats dumbly. Because he’s an idiot. He’s forgotten how to human. Still, he hasn’t forgotten how to love Blaine. That’s something etched into his heart forever. “You at Paper Tiger?”
“Yeah, just finishing up, actually.”
“How did your set go?”
“About as well received as it can be in a town like this. No one heckled me to try and play Wonderwall, so, progress.”
Kurt can’t help but let out a small chuckle. “I really liked that last one,” He finally admits. “The one about home being a person.”
Blaine smiles, and even if there’s a trace of sadness behind it, Kurt’s heart swells. “Thanks… Full disclosure, uh, you’re the inspiration on that one.” He pauses, apparently barely processing Kurt’s words. “Wait. What do you mean you liked it?”
“Turn around.”
Blaine turns around in a flash, dropping his phone from his ear to his side and staring in awe.
Kurt swallows. “Hi… again.”
“Can we talk?”
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marciabrady · 2 years
I used to like Belle but after seeing how hard BatB staff tried to prompt her like "Not Like the Other Girls" her character soured to me. I just bought a book called The Disney Princess - A Celebration of Art and Creativity (which is beautiful! I recommend it!) and when I came to Belle's part, director Kirk Wise said something about how Belle was very protective of her father "unlike Ariel" (as if Ariel didn't attacked Ursula in RAGE when she turned Triton into a polyp. That was the first time in the film where we saw Ariel at her angriest.), and it reminded me so much of when Linda Woolverton would say that she created Belle to no be "another insipid heroine" and really, is cool they wanted Belle to be an intelligent and independent young woman but why the need to tear down the princesses that came before her? This mentality behind her creation which is also shown in the movie by showing Belle against the Bimbettes to prove how "she's different from the other girls" really made me lose interest on her :/
See, that's ALWAYS been the thing about Belle and the general discourse that's permeated every extension of her character's existence (whether you're talking about the universe her film exists in or her fandom or her creators) for as long as I can remember. It's not enough that Belle is smart- she has to be THE smartest, and all the other princesses have to be idiots. It's not enough that certain people believe she wasn't looking for her prince- she has to be THE first who's never looked for a prince while the other princesses are all passive wimps who wait for a man to rescue them. I think her character and her creators- of these Linda Woolverton and Paige O'hara have inflicted the most damage- have really began the trend of pitting the princesses against one another. I mean, at a panel where there were four princesses a few years ago, each was asked what their princess contributed to the lineup and Anika Noni Rose spoke to how important Tiana was as the first black princess. Paige promptly interrupted her to say that Belle was the first brown-eyed, brunette princess...since Snow White. Like, what?! ALSO. Nothing about Belle if you actually think about it is revolutionary? In many ways I think she's a step down for princesses.
For starters, she doesn't even have an actual song in her movie? I guess you can count the reprise as one, but it isn't even a full song, so when Paige sings for events, she has to mash together Be Our Guest and other songs because Belle doesn't even have her own. Which is insane to think about considering Ariel, whose LITERAL plotline for an act of her movie is that she doesn't have a voice, and Aurora, who everyone discourages for not having many lines, have their own respective songs and reprises. Meanwhile, Belle doesn't have her own song, and Jasmine after her only has a duet (which shows Belle's trend/negative influence). Furthermore, Belle was the first princess who got half-billing. The previous films were Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (not Snow White and the Prince, and many times it's shortened to 'Snow White'), Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and The Little Mermaid. Belle's film is Beauty AND THE BEAST. After this, the movie was literally ALADDIN and omitted Jasmine altogether, and now we have movies like 'Tangled' and 'Frozen', where the titles are purposely not "too girly" so as to attract wider audiences that would otherwise be turned off by names implying a more female heavy cast. Also to note, this is the Beast's world, with his castle, his character arc, and his journey that we're tracking, not Belle's. Snow White is the princess everyone drags in comparisons to Belle, but I actually think Snow White fares so much better from multiple plotpoints?
Belle's passion is reading, and many bring this up as if it's completely relevant and proves her character is super intelligent, but it literally never comes into play or impacts the plot in any way? Meanwhile Snow White is also clearly literate (she can read the Dwarfs names on the bed) and she demonstrates her intelligence by being able to take the names on the bed and attribute it to each dwarf accordingly without even knowing them. When it comes to struggle, they're not even comparable. Snow White is an orphan, forced servant, who's grown up under an abusive stepmother who practices magic and can kill her at any time. Belle is the daughter of a wealthy landowner with no responsibilities. It's fine she doesn't want to marry Gaston, but she also has no trade or way for supporting her father. We don't even see her tending to her barn. She literally just goes into town for a book- which she gets for free-and then later leaves her house in search of the Beast's castle. Like? Whereas Snow White is literally the victim of a HOMOCIDE attempt by the monarch of her country, Belle is welcomed into the Beast's kingdom (whereas her father was imprisoned) just by virtue of her being beautiful. Everyone fawns after Belle in her movie. She goes from the village where she's idolized (I refute the idea that she's an outsider and find it, frankly, RIDICULOUS. They sing about how beautiful she is and Gaston- who has the most social clout in the village- wants to marry her. The Bimbettes even mentioning wishing they were like her. This is hardly being an outcast) to a castle where she's equally idolized for being a beautiful woman that can potentially break the curse. She never has to work for anything and, at multiple times in the movie, just ends up leaving because things are too hard. On the other hand, Snow White, as previously mentioned, is raised by an abusive stepmother who forces her to be a servant, tries to kill her, and then, when Snow White begs the Dwarfs for sanctuary in their cottage, they initially deny her. They're not taking her in because she's beautiful like Belle- she literally has to convince them to let her stay by offering that she could cook and clean for them (these being the only marketable traits she knows as she's been forced into servitude by another woman since childhood).
Belle has no consequences either. Which leads me to address the point about her father.
For everyone who says she scarifies herself for her father and it's this deep thing, her actions in the film actually say otherwise? While she does say 'take me in his place instead' she's barely in the jail for like 10 minutes. She's immediately swept off to a private chamber with a magic wardrobe and teapot. She refuses to go to dinner because she doesn't want to see the Beast, but 10 minutes later, Be Our Guest happens where an entire enchanted castle is cooking anything she wants from her. Then, she's told she can do anything she wants but just not to go to one room. And what does she do? She goes to that room, and not only does she go to it, but she lifts the glass protector from the rose and tries to touch it. How is that not stupid but Snow White eating the apple is??? Also I might add, everyone views Snow White as an idiot for helping the old hag, but no one thinks twice about the fact that the Beast was cursed for NOT helping a similar character in his film...but I digress. When she's yelled at for trespassing, she forgets she exchanged her life for her father's a mere 20 minutes ago and runs away...seriously lol this is the woman everyone said is so strong for sacrificing herself. Like it's ridiculous! Also, not to mention, but she rejects Gaston's proposal in the end of the movie where he says he could say her father if she marries him, so it's not like Belle is totally there to save her father time and time again. She promised to take his place but broke that promise SO EARLY into the deal. Also, the woods she runs into after breaking that promise? She has to be saved by the Beast after wolves almost kill her. Meanwhile, I didn't notice a man saving Snow White from the woods she had to flee into after almost being murdered by a court-appointed huntsman but...that's none of my business💅
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e8luhs · 2 years
since cataclysmalbound has been p much abandoned in favor of refactoring (i assume?), would u ever consider talking abt more of the plot of cb that you didnt manage to get to? or does refactoring borrow enough of the story that it would be too risky? im v curious abt the fate of the characters! also hi if youve noticed somebody listening to the cataclysmalbound playlists. that was me <3
THIS IS SO SWEET im actually shocked that people are still getting into cataclysmalbound or are at least remembering it fondly all these years later. like it wasnt THAT long ago in the grand scheme but it feels like its been such a long time since i was working on it. im glad that people can still enjoy what was put out :,,)
i dont think i would ever completely reveal everything i had written for cataclysmalbound from start to end, because first of all it is a little bit embarrassing to look at my writing from when i was 15 years old now that i am 20, and second of all with cataclysmalbound i had a plan for about half of it and was flying by the seat of my pants for the other half of it. which was just how my writing style was at the time, and thats definitely something that has changed a lot for me since then. but that just means a lot of things werent fully fleshed out so its kind of hard to share. probably a little disappointing for some #cataclysmalheads to hear but it is what it is
HOWEVER, here is some random trivia that i am okay with revealing as a treat
sebran was going to go grimdark at some point due to being exposed to the horror terrors (just lose it go crazy go stupid ahhhh). the whole sequence was going to be called sebrovania btw because lilia cantripped my friend lilia cantripped composed a track for that, called sebrovania of course, which you can listen to here. lilia is so fucking awesome for making this and other songs for cataclysmalbound by the way.
kapreo was going to become a rainbowdrinker. rivian was also going to godtier. fucking OBVIOUSLY vergas died at the end but i think that was pretty clear to everyone on the planet. yay <3
each act was going to be named after a tarot card, and the events that would take place during each act would correlate with the card. so act one was the fool because it was of course the beginning, but also because of everyones innocence around the true nature of the game until its too late. act 2 was the hanged man, act 3 was the tower. those three were the only ones i ended up figuring out cards for because i didnt know exactly how long i wanted cataclysmalbound to be
the base premise for the universe that refactoring is set in (vitium) came from my favorite arc that i had planned for cataclysmalbound where lyreni and vergas were going to both be warring via the code and altering reality through it as well. thats really about it though. i thought it would be cool to expand upon that. anyways see below for my favorite note about said arc:
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refactoring really doesnt bear any resemblance to cataclysmalbound otherwise. at the very start of its creation, i did take some traits from the cataclysmalbound characters and used them as jumping off points for creating the new characters, but honestly 3 years down the line my brain guys have been developed SO far beyond those super initial concepts at this point that even i forget about their roots sometimes
so yeah. hope this helps and thank you for asking :)
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sinceileftyoublog · 2 years
Prince & The Revolution Reissue Review: Prince & The Revolution: Live [Remastered]
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Syracuse, New York, March 30th, 1985. Jim Boeheim would go on to coach many great Syracuse Orange men’s basketball teams in the Carrier Dome, but the best thing to ever appear there was on that night. Mere months after releasing Purple Rain, Prince decided to cut that album’s tour short so he could keep working on material. (If you’ve ever heard Sign O’ the Times, you know it was the right decision, not to mention Around the World in a Day and Parade.) But what a swan song he and The Revolution gave the Purple Rain tour. The remastered version of Prince & The Revolution: Live, released last month, shows the perfected live show of one of the greatest albums of all time.
“Hello, Syracuse, my name is Prince, and I’ve come to play with you,” he says to introduce “Let’s Go Crazy”. The key word here is not play--and play his guitar and piano, he does--but with. As much as Prince put on a show for people, he invited them to play along with him. When he passed away in 2016, Neko Case wrote on Twitter: “I remember in the 80's people thought so many women loved Prince cause he wore a G-string. We loved him cause he wanted to know us.” I think about that statement often when listening to this concert. As he delivers the soul blues of “How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore”, a B-side to “1999″, his falsetto whimpers and creaks. At one point, he asks, “Does your man have an ass like mine?” Was he bragging? Probably. But he also wanted to make sure the folks in the crowd were getting what they wanted, in more ways than one. He lets out similar screams on the slow-burning Purple Rain B-side “God”; when he sings, “Did it matter who ate the apple first?” he’s explicit about his desire to elevate female sexuality to the forefront. In this sense, his infamous stage antics--humping the stage, adlibbing orgasms--aren’t just antics. They’re an invitation to express yourself, sexually or otherwise.
Of course, the reissue is worth it alone for the showmanship. The supercharged introduction of “Let’s Go Crazy” has everything you want in a Prince performance: Bobby Z.’s mammoth drum fills, Eric Leeds’ skronking saxophone, that, “Is this the best guitar solo I’ve ever heard?” feeling more than once in the same song, whether from Prince himself or Wendy Melvoin. The band inflects jazz into the barroom piano trills of “Delirious” as Prince channels James Brown, screaming, “Somebody call me a doctor!” His scream--gravelly as ever--elevates “1999″ into full-on raw territory. Believe it or not, Prince is a master of space, too, using the stop-start and moments of silence to his advantage, pumping up the crowd in anticipation during moments of “Take Me With U” and “Possessed”.
It’s clear Prince knows he could have milked Purple Rain for as long as he wanted. It was an instant classic. He ends the concert (including multiple encores) with 7 of its 9 songs, from the taut, zigzagging funk of “Computer Blue” to extended versions of “When Doves Cry”, “Baby I’m A Star”, and the title track. The performance of the title track is the best I’ve ever heard it, including the live version from Utretch from 2020′s Sign o’ the Times reissue, even the greatest Super Bowl half time show performance ever. Codas galore, 18 minutes could have lasted 18 hours. You could say the same thing about the reissue itself.
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Vinyl Obscura, Ep. I: Lone Justice - S/T
Do you remember the first album that you ever bought, whether it was on CD or vinyl? My first album was The All-American Rejects’ sophomore album, 2005’s Move Along, at least a year or so after it came out. I saw ads for the album on TV, and I really liked what I heard, especially for a 12-year-old kid. That began my love for music, as well as my love for physical media. I began to head over to my local Target, Best Buy, Walmart, and eventually Half Price Books, FYE, Borders, and Books A Million, where I’d find anything I could sink my teeth into.
I grew a fond attachment to physical media as a kid, and I still have that attachment today; there’s something wonderful about physically holding one of your favorite albums, whether it’s on CD or vinyl. One of my favorite parts of collecting is finding very obscure and niche bands / artists that never got the success they should have. That can be due to a lot of things, but there are loads of unknown and obscure bands out there. I’ve been starting to rebuild my CD and vinyl collections after selling off almost everything I had a few years ago, but something I’ve found myself doing recently is purposely looking for (usually used and vintage) CDs and vinyl records from obscure bands that were lost to time.
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve picked up a handful of cheap CDs and vinyl records of bands that I’ve never heard of. I don’t review older albums anymore, unless it’s for an anniversary, but I wanted to start a series where I talk about obscure, unknown, and niche bands that I find, ultimately seeing if these bands and artists are unfairly forgotten about. I love making random discoveries, especially when I can find albums for a couple of dollars each that are what I’d call hidden gems.
Welcome to Vinyl Obscura, where I talk about bands and artists that may not have gotten the success they deserved. These albums can be from any band, decade, or genre, but we’ll examine these records to see why they did or didn’t deserve better than they ultimately were treated, and if they’re worth hearing all of these years later.
For the pilot episode in this series, I wanted to start off with the album that gave me the idea, at least a couple of weeks later — Lone Justice’s 1985 self-titled debut album. I found this album, along with pretty much everything else in the first handful of episodes from this series, at Half Price Books, where I found a bunch of cheap vinyl albums and some CDs. The album cover got me curious, as well as seeing the album came out in the mid-1980a, but who is Lone Justice?
Lone Justice is an alt-country and country-rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1982, and from everything I read about this band, they were slated to be the next big thing. Both Dolly Parton and Linda Ronstadt co-signed this band, and that seems to be part of their downfall, as this band was very hyped up to be huge. Hell, vocalist Maria McKee was compared to Parton at the time their debut album came out, so what happened? It seems as though the hype for this band was way too big not to implode; they had to put out the most mindblowing album in the entire world, otherwise they would crash and burn, which is sort of what happened. The general consensus was that their debut was pretty good, but nothing worthy of the kind of hype they got.
They broke up after making one more album in the late 80s, and it’s a shame, because Lone Justice’s self-titled album is actually quite good, if not great. It’s one of those albums that really should have been huge but never caught on. I don’t quite understand why, either, especially after listening through this album quite a lot. Aside from McKee’s fantastic vocals that really do bring to mind Dolly Parton in spots, the band’s sound is tight, catchy, and a lot of fun. Hell, there’s a song written by Tom Petty on here, called “Ways To Be Wicked,” and it’s my favorite track here, so why wasn’t it huge?
I’ve been trying to answer that question, but I can’t seem to find the answer. This album is a great mix between country, rock, and a dash of punk. It’s nothing you haven’t heard before, but it’s still executed really well. This is a short and sweet album that will find you going back to it over and over again. I don’t know why this band never blew up, but they really should have. Lone Justice deserved better, but maybe they can finally get their due, because they’re apparently back together. They just dropped two new songs and have a new album on the way, so that’s exciting, especially almost 40 years later after this album came out. I’d gladly recommend this if you want to hear an obscure 80s country-rock band that should have been way bigger than they were. I scored this album for $2.99, and if that’s not a good deal, I don’t know what is.
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keefwho · 2 months
April 03 - 2024 Wednesday
This morning I went outside and picked stuff up around my bathroom window since thats where my parents have been piling some stuff. I shifted it over in front of the garage door with their other stuff, also picked up things that have rotted or otherwise evolved into trash. I took my shower without the noise of my phone or anything to get some thinking time. For breakfast I made my last breakfast sandwich and rice since it was the most convenient thing.
On stream I warmed up with value studies of trains that turned out pretty cool, it was a way I hadn't tried before. Then I sketched a commission out and started on 57's. We got into a vigorous argument about the throwing capability of Vive and Index controllers in VRchat and to me it proved how he actually is so unwilling to be proven wrong that he will try to twist an argument into something else, among other things.
After work I did my workout and I made a new rule that I need to cut it off at 1:30 no matter what. It makes it so that I have adequate time to shower and motivates me to do it even if I don't have enough time because I know what the cutoff is so I'll at least do some of it. So I did a little over half with the time I had. I had to start a fire at my parents place since mom couldn't get one going and that was a little annoying. For lunch I made a pretty good quesadilla, better than I thought it would turn out at least. I watched Twitch on mute because I didn't want to hear people but I wanted the visual stimulation. Also thought about how weird it is that we stare at screens so much.
I was better today about sticking to my afternoon schedule but still not perfect. I did today's request and worked an hour on my own art. I drew this goody cakeification idea where my otter is transformed into a cake. Then with my last 9 minutes I worked on BR's avatar. That was important because usually I'd shirk those last insignificant minutes but today I remembered that every minute counts and I was able to do a solid couple things in 9 minutes.
After work I almost immediately hopped in VR. I was feeling very very lonely and was hopeful that either BD or DS would end up joining me while I did jigsaw puzzles. I did puzzles for a little over an hour alone before DS wanted to Just Dance so I got off to do that with her. I did really good today except for the last couple songs where the tracking was awful.
In bed we did our puzzles, read 2 chapters of Monster High 2, and played Kingdom Hearts. I beat the Lion King level today and was flabbergasted that Sora turned into a lion.
Today sucked because I was lonely all day and in my head about a lot of things. My self opinion was extremely negative and while I knew that, I didn't have the strength to act on anything that might help. I tried to accept how I was feeling and accept some of my circumstances. Instead of distracting myself or trying to rationalize it away, I took it head on and felt the pain. It didn't help very much today in terms of relief. But I'm sure it helped me push through at least a little of it.
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bluevelvet-room · 3 months
in case anyone wants it, thoughts about new and improved big bang (royal) (yet untitled) (potentially a song lyric from hit musical "hadestown", yet to decide WHAT lyric), here is some scattered thoughts about it that i have had relatively recently (under a readmore in case anyone does NOT want it)
1) im yoinking hamuko's stuff. she doesnt get stuff. well she gets her hairpins but otherwise she does not get stuff (or at least she doesnt get her phone)
2) im also putting her in a funeral kimono when she wakes up bc it feels more fitting than the gekkoukan uniform. in case you're keeping track that means she now has wayy less info to go off of
3) remembered that the phantom thief costumes also ostensibly Spawn Weapons and now am strongly debating giving her a scythe in place of her naginata.
4) she still gets min's evoker. it's non-functional (to her) (this seems safer than implying it could potentially be used as a real gun in the right scenario. my explanation is it having to do with her own personal cognition viewing it as unable to harm her or others, even if she doesnt know that)
5) this one is more a general vibe but you GUYS. i couldve been implementing orpheus theming this ENTIRE TIME she is LITERALLY going to the BOTTOM OF THE UNDERWORLD to save SOMEONE SHE LOVES, even MILDLY UNKNOWINGLY. im going to bring up orpheus so much you dont even KNOW
6) in making sees just Not Know hamuko is there and potentially preoccupied with other things (phantom thieves and minato being missing) i can also make hamuko a bit of a brat. im already having fun with this
7) when initially writing big bang i did write like half of a full chapter from ken's perspective and then discarded it to focus on hamuko exclusively. am now playing around with a mitsuru perspective before knowing about hamuko, just to kind of establish the sees side of things, and then an akira perspective every so often as well? we'll see where that goes. idk
8) might break aigis down horrifically. as a treat. as in months long repairs horrifically. but she'd get found earlier
9) STILL deciding where im going with akira's backstory and general vibe bc it actually changes,,, a lot. p1 parenting him would make the whole thing a little sillier but idk if that's the Vibe here
10) could probably make theurgy come up. on hamuko's side of things. SomeHow.
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cannoli-reader · 7 months
My notes watching Wheel of Time: Season 1, episode 3
Posted on readandfindout.com on 11/19/2021
4:00 – Not sure how I feel about Nynaeve using a weapon. Not that there’s anything wrong with it per se. But it’s just her thing, that she’s not a killer, but a Healer.
7:27 – By “you won’t” he meant “succeed” of course. Because Lan.
7:50 – Yes, Perrin is gone, too. Nice of you to remember.
9:30 – I kind of feel like it should be obvious to WoT Novices that the Dragon Reborn is probably not Perrin or Mat.
10:46 – Perrin was not nearly so sanguine ITB about Egwene’s channeling, and he should not have been, because that’s super dangerous as Verin points out in the next book, and Perrin’s deal is that he understands the dangers of things and grasps the importance of controlling power instead of using it. Because he’s really strong and waves heavy objects for a living and doesn’t want to hurt anyone. And also, the One Power is the reason for every single aspect of WoT that is worse than the Real World, so people are more afraid of it than anything.
I kind of feel like they don’t get this and think they are fixing Perrin here, by making him supportive.
11:15 – And Egwene wants to go back home to look for their friends, instead of heading to Tar Valon. Like or hate her, like or hate this aspect of her character, it’s a big deal for her! Hell, ITB, she was adamant about not delaying their journey to the Tower for even the slightest detour even after Elyas demonstrated how much better off they would be in his company. Perrin even went on an uncharacteristically sarcastic mini-rant about it.
12:45 – Nynaeve would never require coercion or pressure of any sort to heal someone who was sick or hurt, for any reason. That is her thing. It’s as much her thing as Egwene’s ambition or Perrin’s caution. She would never hold out Healing in order to pressure someone into doing what she wants.
14:25 – Why be coy about her tracking? ITB she offered an explanation of her skills unsolicited.
I just realized that maybe she was embarrassed ITB in Baerlon, because she actually was more subconsciously relying on the link to Egwene and did not want to admit she was actually following a feeling she could not explain. Which, in turn, might explain her reluctance to answer Lan. Except in this version, there is still no explanation of how she then found Lan and Moiraine, rather than being drawn in Egwene’s direction.
17:28 – I like the dream if it’s Baalzamon trying to make Perrin fear the wolves, otherwise, wolves in his dreams were protecting him from Baalzamon. And shouldn’t be eating his dead wife.
17:40 – I’m imagining those snarls are wolvish for “Damnit Young Bull, we’re trying to help! There’s food over…no, not that way! Crap, someone find Long Tooth to talk to these idiots.”
20:13 – I feel like maybe the show people don’t know what the point of those cage things actually is. They are intended to make people die of exposure, a long, slow suffering. Not to hoist them up as target practice. One of those cages whose occupant is riddled with arrows looks like he was mercy-killed.
20:30 – Is this Whitebridge or Baerlon? It’s got a bridge, but it’s kind of shabby and miney for the former.
21:14 - >resigned sigh< I’m half expecting Min to be winning a drinking contest in this place. TV writers being all super-original and whatnot.
21:43 – Thom?
22:00 – Okay, guitar.
22:21 – Is this good singing? I can’t tell.
23:55 – A song about how sad LTT is would not be something people in the Third Age would appreciate.
24:52 – Saw that coming a mile away. Hood dude was a clear and obvious Film Pickpocket, but if he managed to get Thom, I’d have shut the browser window. Thom picking HIS pocket was the only way to stay true to the character. Happily.
25:07 – Please don’t let “donation for the gleeman” become the new “Toss a coin for your Witcher”.
25:13 – So with that essential character service out of the way, we can go on with Thom taking advantage of two hard-up young men in over their heads, because his mercenary attributes and greed are a thing with him.
25:53 – “Aawooo! Seriously, Young Bull! You’re going in the wrong direction for hunting or water. Just hold up, Long Tooth isn’t far!”
28:09 – Careful, barmaid. In Rand’s experience, doing the dishes means sex.
Ah, good thing she’s setting him to chop wood. No innuendo or euphemisms there.
29:00 – They don’t use scatological profanity in WoT. How hard is it to stick with “bloody” and “burn me” and “blood and ashes”? What’s gained by having Mat say “shit” all the time.
29:59 – Or sexual profanity. Not least because that tends to have sexist connotations.
30:17 – There’s a reason why Rand is mentioned as taking off his coat when doing chores for his room and board. It’s confining and gets in the way, especially a long flappy one like he’s wearing. Would it be too much trouble for TV writers to ever do a little manual labor so they know these things? Anyone who’s ever split wood would feel that shot was wrong.
32:02 – What exactly are we getting out of this whole scene in the bar? Turns out this is Breen’s Spring, so it’s not like this is an important locale they need to establish.
32:28 – This is NOT Mat! Even with the dagger affecting him for much longer, even when it has him thinking Rand will abandon him if he can’t keep up, he still sticks with Rand, protects him when he’s weak and gets him food and shelter.
32:55 – I don’t think the locals know the barmaid so well because of enforced familiarity, but because she’s prone to blabbering to even a stranger she was belittling moments ago for being lazy and useless. This is Sanderson all over again. Jordan wrote a million characters. We don’t need all this screen time devoted to a useless original one who serves no purpose.
35:56 – This is, like, exactly the opposite of how the Tinkers are presented. Why would you ever trust these creepy people without an intermediary like Elyas vouching for them?
36:30 – They haven’t actually been welcomed to the Tinker camp, because the show thought it would be better to have them seem creepy and shocking, so you get zero points for sticking with the book dialogue.
36:59 – “You both look awful and this is being said by people who appear not to have washed our top-knot man-bun dreadlocks in forever.” Why is so much TV dialogue putdowns, insults or mockery, even, or especially, between friendly characters?
38:18 – It’s almost like Perrin and Egwene tucked into their food so emphatically because they really want to finish and get away from the most evil person from Downton Abbey and her husband, Taika Waititi.
38:42 – Yay. Took off his coat.
38:47 – See, this is what I mean. You can dig into the barmaid’s comments to infer that she’s impressed with Rand’s work ethic and output, but it’s all negative. First, she’s questioning why he’s working when she let Mat off an hour ago, then she’s ironically noting that he’s chopped enough wood for the next year and when he asks for confirmation that he’s done enough to earn food and shelter, her manner of agreement is as if she’s trying anything but to say, “yes, good job, thank you.”
39:28 – And she’s only being actually nice when she’s being a good LGBTQ ally. Because that’s the highest virtue. And they’re playing it for laughs, so it’s not even like this is being woke.
39:53 – WHY have Rand and Mat each exchanged more words with the bar woman than with Thom? Or maybe even each other since coming into this town? They might have spent more time with her, each, than Lan and Nynaeve have interacted.
40:02 to 40:16 – Lan sitting on his horse looking over a cliff. Why? You couldn’t have him just ride up to Nynaeve and Moiraine and say he found it?
43:06 – “Stop acting like a bloody white-veiled Aiel” doesn’t have the same ring to it. Thom knowing about Aiel honor also feels wrong.
44:20 – I like Thom kind of teaching Mat a moral lesson here and being a good example. He doesn’t get enough credit for that ITB.
45:19 – And we’re back to the barmaid. She had better be a Darkfriend at this point.
48:00 – Okay. Better, but predictable. And no, the braid doesn’t make you look like Egwene when you’re easily 50 pounds heavier than she is and the nose ring only highlights another proboscis-related difference.
48:30 – I suppose it would make sense for a gleeman to have some knowledge of Aiel customs, even if he didn’t bury the guy properly, but you’d think that with that knowledge would come questions or speculation as to what one was doing so far out of his homeland.
50:36 – Dana the Darkfriend.
52:24 – Predictable can be satisfying. There was no way this monologue was ending without Thom’s knife suddenly sticking out of her. But it’s only satisfying because she’s been so annoying and pointless and taking up too much of the episode, not because she is actually scary as a chubby woman in a bulky dress trying to hold off two fit men.
54:38 – Since when do Aes Sedai address each other as “(Name) Sedai”?
How did we get through the introduction of the Tinkers with no reference in the whole episode to the Way of the Leaf? That's like a vegan's diet - they find a way to work it into every conversation.
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yuuana · 1 year
Music Monday #221: ATEEZ - Limitless  release: March 2023 genre: Kpop, Jpop
Yeah, I know, I've been MIA again. But you knew ATEEZ was going to bring me right back, right? Of course you did.
For their first release of 2023, ATEEZ have given us another EDM-meets-hard-rock track in title track LIMITLESS. Soaring vocals pair with lyrics all about empowering yourself and reaching for your goals. While Hongjoong's raps have more of his signature growl, in contrast to previous release Halazia, the sung passages are mostly in the members' falsetto ranges. On the other hand, doing that makes for a strong contrast with the overdriven guitar and pulsing drum and bass lines in the backing track. If I didn't know better, I would think this was a shounen anime OP ... on the other hand, ATEEZ has released several anime OST songs now, so it's definitely a style they like and are comfortable with. And then we get to the bridge after the second chorus and the backing track completely drops out for a whole five seconds, leaving us with just San's sweet voice singing "風を受け自分追い越すのさ" (kaze wo uke jibun oikosu no sa | with the wind in your face, overtake yourself), and I get chills that don't stop even when Wooyoung picks up the repeat of the chorus. The MV feels very much like a callback to the Rocky video released last year for their Japanese EP BEYOND : ZERO with all of those gym shots. But this time, instead of boxers, the team is split between four fencers and four archers. Anyone familiar with ISAC will likely be unsurprised that Yeosang and Jongho are in the archery team, along with Hongjoong (who was their first alternate for archery in 2022) and Yunho, while Seonghwa and Mingi, San and Wooyoung making the fencing pairs. The first half - the training sequences - have some dangerously sleeveless shots for San and Yeosang, although one might argue the latter half, with the fencing sparring, is the more dangerous. Sure, the foils all have tip guards, but remember kids, even in a friendly sparring match, use proper protection! The return of the archarchist-ic encircled A symbol marks this as (probably) another piece in the lore puzzle, but what the piece means is a bit open to interpretation. Up to now, that symbol has been mostly linked to Halateez, but this MV shows a world too clean for what we've otherwise seen of Halateez. I suppose that could mean what we're seeing is all training simulations from inside a holodeck-like environment ... or it could be some other alternate reality instead. Between this being a very fresh release and it being a Japanese single, there hasn't been the same round of promotions and talk about where it fits into the lore. Limitless is out now for purchase wherever you buy your Japanese music and on all the usual streaming suspects. Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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