#i would rather learn to live without electricity than keep doing this
oca-rinn-a · 1 year
Hearing people talk about the need to build more affordable housing in the US makes me physically sick with frustration. The "housing shortage" is artificial. We need redistribution, not continued production. I get that the laws aren't there. They should be. I'm so tired of people pretending there aren't dragon-hoards of vacant housing. We don't need to build more, we need a revolution to let people fill in the spaces which already exist in their area. Not letting someone have a house that's been empty for years, just because they don't have money... I can't understand it. It's the most basic thing. Once you have shelter, you can start to come back to yourself enough to get the rest of your life together. *sigh* I understand that building more houses is necessary under this stupid fucking system, because a revolution is much more difficult and slow, and people need housing ASAP. I just get so mad thinking about how there are physically plenty of spots they could be (There are over 20 vacant homes in the US for each homeless person), and people are using profit and capitalist principles as an excuse to keep them from being there.
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sakuraharukaaa · 5 months
just a short, fluffy fanfic about my baby son that I wrote in like an hour ♥♥ too lazy to publish on ao3 for now, but maybe later
word count: 1197 words
It’s the smallest things in life. The little things that slowly creep into his daily life until they become a part of his routine. 
People are so adaptable, Haruka can’t help but think. It’s somewhat of a motto, though the connotation used to be negative in the past. He used to think of himself as someone durable who can withstand whatever life throws on him. He always believed that staying firm would keep him safe in the troubling currents of life. He didn’t realize that he, too, can change so much. 
It starts with Nirei, who shows him a pack of tea he got the day earlier. 
“It’s my favorite!” He says ever so enthusiastically. He insists on Haruka drinking it. 
But I don’t like tea that much. It stands on the tip of his tongue, yet he doesn’t say it. The taste is just okay. Barely passable, if he’d be honest, but for some reason he cannot refuse when Nirei shoves the almost-full box into his hands. 
He writes it off as something to put in his cabinet, a single box in an empty shelf – what a laughable idea. He can’t really drink it though, since he doesn’t own a kettle.
Suou is always too perceptive. Haruka finds it mildly annoying, especially when he sticks too close to Nirei. Something about an instinct to tell him off, to tell him that Haruka knew him first, and he shouldn’t be so chummy with Nirei. 
That weasel approaches a couple of days later, talking about Nirei’s favorite tea, because of course he’d know about it. 
“It is quite good, I was surprised.” His smile is odd and sometimes uncomfortable, but Haruka learned to live with it. The hostility wasn’t targeted towards him, it’s just a general warning. “You should drink good tea in a good cup.” 
So he gives Haruka a weird mug with some calligraphy on it. It’s not legible, in no way it is, and Haruka still doesn’t own a kettle. 
He mentions the kettle debacle – off handedly, really – to Kotoha, and she immediately breaks into laughter. It’s a strange noise and he’s about to comment about it, when she suddenly stops. 
“Hold on, do I have an old one?” She speaks quietly, more to herself rather than to him. “It has to be an electric one.” And she leaves for the back storage room without saying a thing. 
Trust her to be a problem solver, of course. She emerges from the storage room with an old, gray kettle. 
“You have to be careful with the cord.” She says with a shy smile that doesn’t suit her. “If you pull too strongly on it, it will expose the wires.” And only then Haruka notices the tape around the end of the cord, a shoddy fix he assumes. 
Honestly? It’s better than nothing. 
So he takes the kettle. 
(Haruka doesn’t even like tea, he’s more of a coffee guy. 
He could make coffee with the kettle in his home, if he so desires, but it takes a long time until he realizes that. By then, he finds an appropriate excuse – he cannot make coffee as good as Kotoha’s with this old thing. 
Better stick to the tea.)
The next one is Umemiya, who somehow heard about the kettle incident. Probably got the information from Kotoha by torture (read: annoying her). He thinks it’s okay to turn it into a charity case, or so Haruka assumes because he never truly understands him. 
So he stops Haruka after a long, long day where nothing worked out, and his big, dumb smile is too blinding right now. 
“I hear you’re furnishing your room!” He’s far too energetic and Haruka grits his teeth. 
APARTMENT, not room, he almost says, and he doesn’t believe that a single box of tea and an ugly mug and an old kettle warrant the use of the word furnishing. It’s literally three items. 
“I thought I’d give you this!” At first Haruka doesn’t realize what this is, until he notices that the hand holding a pot is extended towards him. 
“No way.” He flat out refuses. He can’t believe he was called to the rooftop for this shit. Behind Umemiya, Hiragi is giving him a resigned sympathetic look. 
Umemiya has plenty of reasons why he should take the plant – of course he does! – and at some point Hiragi exasperatedly signs him to give up. 
His pride takes somewhat of a hit when he comes home with that plant that evening. 
(Sugishita gave him a watering can. 
That bastard actually gave him a watering can. 
He doesn’t say anything but he leaves it on Haruka’s desk alongside fucking four pages of how to take care of plants. 
Jesus Christ.)
It’s after a training session when he goes around the neighborhood with Kaji on a semi-patrol (more like an excuse to get candies because Kaji was running low and Haruka didn’t want to test his patience). Haruka doesn’t eat that stuff so he buys a drink at the vending machine next to the store. When he puts the change straight into his pocket, he catches Kaji’s slanted eyes judging him. 
“Really? That’s barbaric.” And Haruka has to summon all of his self restraint to stop himself from saying that Kaji is the barbaric one for making the nasty lump on the back of Haruka’s head. He doesn’t need another one to match the first. 
The next day, he receives a coin purse. A bit worn out at the seams, but it looks it was taken good care of. He is silent when Kaji hands him that, already knowing not to put up a fight. 
Haruka, unfortunately, doesn’t like coin purses or wallets, so he leaves it on the window sill, next to the plant. It doesn’t feel like it belongs inside the kitchen’s cabinets, so the window sill it is. 
Over the next weeks, it becomes worse. He gets a phone case from Kiryuu – a pink one with cherry blossoms to match his name, and he gets a huge water bottle from Tsugeura that was supposed to have some motivational quote on it, but Suou points out the English doesn’t make sense. When the other guys catch wind of that, they start giving him small things too. It is mostly stationary, but some of his classmates went to town on it. Someone gave him a small radio, which was neat and actually useful, but on the other hand, he got a fucking fork with a handle that was painted like a train. He did use it though, because no one was there to judge him for that when he was eating, and it certainly was more useful than the hot girl calendar he got. 
It’s all so odd when he’s home during the weekend, and he’s drinking tea from his ugly mug and eating with his train fork and staring at the plant on his window sill. It did grow nicely, that he has to admit, and somewhere along the way, it grew on him. 
That doesn’t mean he’s going to take on that offer for a second plant though. 
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I've often heard that it's not okay to put any sort of worldbuilding info(dump) in a prologue. But what are the parameters in which it would work well? I know Avatar has done it and it was fairly brief but I'm just curious as to how far one can go with "infodumping" in a prologue without it becoming boring to the reader. Also if it does get to the point where it is too much or not necessary then what are some ways you can explain worldbuilding in the story when every character is usually in the know of how the magic system works or whatever?
Info-Dumping, Prologues, and Weaving In Details
First, it's important not to confuse "info-dumping" with providing information in your story. Info-dumping is specifically when you use exposition to "dump" a whole bunch of information into the story at once, rather than weaving those details into the narrative through a balance of exposition, action, and dialogue. In The Hunger Games, for example, details about Katniss's life and the oppressive world she lives in are doled out between exposition (her first-person thoughts), dialogue (with Gale), and action (walking through District 12, hunting outside the electric fence, the Reaping.) If it had been info-dumped, the entire first chapter would just be Katniss "telling" the reader all of those things rather than the reader getting to experience some of them through action and dialogue.
Prologues have a very specific use, are rarely needed, and are often misused--which is why writers are typically told to avoid them all together. Prologues aren't there to be used as an expository introduction to your story's world, characters, back story, or situation so that the reader is up and running in chapter one. Prologues are meant to house a scene (or small group of scenes) that take place before the main timeline of your story but which provide critical information and details the reader must know going into the story. Just as with any other scene or chapter, prologues need to be a balance of exposition (explaining), action (things happening), and dialogue. A good example is the prologue at the beginning of George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones. The scene takes place north of the wall and features some Night's Watch rangers encountering a White Walker. This scene is important because it sets up the hidden conflict at the heart of the story--the battle between humanity and the magical undead ice beings from beyond the wall. While we do certainly get some expository information in the way of world building, character details, and back story, it isn't dumped on the reader. Some of it is expository, but the rest is woven into the action and dialogue as these characters range beyond the wall and encounter the White Walker.
Even when your characters are "in the know" about the details of your story, that doesn't mean they can't think about them, interact with them, or talk about them. In the real world, we may not do that a lot, but books are not the real world. Books are a storytelling device which requires you to transcend some everyday realities in order to keep the audience informed of what's going on. Part of that means finding ways for your characters to think about, interact with, or talk about things that will help deliver the necessary details to your reader. For example, in The Hunger Games, we get a lot of world building details and Hunger Games set up through action and dialogue while Katniss walking through District 12 to meet Gale, and then hunting with him in the meadow. The entire scene exists solely to introduce the reader to Katniss, her world, the people who are important to her, her internal conflict, and the story's external conflict.
Have a look at my post Weaving Details into the Story for more help. Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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plantify · 1 year
This post is based around TTCC, and is entirely about headcanons I have about Suits/Cogs, mostly about their physiology, how they're created, etc. I might write more at some point. (Also I am sorry if this is extremely long and incoherent, I tried to at least break it up into sections with big titles and colored text)
What are Suits?
Suits are a “race” or “species” of robotic beings within the world of Toontown. 
The ones seen within the game are Cogs, which is simply what employees of C.O.G.S. Inc. are called. Other businesses may have a similar naming formula, a different one, or none at all. (e.g: S.C.R.E.W. Ltd calling their employees Screws)
Considering that the world that Toontown is in, is in fact a cartoon/cartoonish world, this would by technicality make Suits a type of Toon. (I believe the term "Toon" to just be the characters that exist within that cartoony world or whatever) Therefore. they are still bound to the same wacky physics that Toons are, though they do not always interact with it in the same way. Think of it as two different kinds of cartoons interacting and living in the same world.
Toons would be more akin to rubberhose ish/Mickey Mouse/Ducktales style compared to whatever the Suits would be like, though that doesn’t mean the Suits don’t have some of those properties as well.
Most Suits probably wouldn’t even know what a Toon is, since they are scarce throughout the world, and the ones seen in the game are isolated within the area they live in. 
Life Details (Organs, Sustenance, Etc)
Suits are very much like humans (which do not exist in this world). They have distinct lives, personalities, traits, desires, etc. 
Unlike humans, they do not typically die of old age, though they can begin to weaken and die because of SIDE EFFECTS of ageing without maintenance that is usually easily attainable. Because of this, many Suits live for a long, long time. There is still a bit of a limit though.
Suits cannot catch viral or bacterial illnesses, (I mean obviously they're robots) but can get sick from overexertion, overexposure to temperatures they aren’t built to withstand, or physical damage. In very rare cases, malware can be an issue.
They have “organs” within their bodies, and require sustenance to survive. They CAN eat “normal” food, though more often than not their food would be stuff like coal, oil, paper, metal, etc. Stuff that vaguely resembles human food but is made of stuff like what I mentioned.
Their “blood” (if they have any) would likely be some form of fluid, or pure electricity in some cases. Nearly all would not cry or sweat the same fluid as their “blood”, as the human parallel would be crying or sweating blood, and that's just no. (Think how people sometimes draw robots as having oil blood, yet also crying that same oil) Much like how the human body has more fluids within it rather than just blood.
Some Suits may use “alternative” sustenance, such as plugging themselves into outlets or using other means to absorb pure electricity, though not every Suit can do this. Suits who can do this are rare, and a special kind of physiology is needed for this to be done without short circuiting themselves/otherwise hurting themselves.
Suits do not produce waste in the way humans do, other than sweat and tears.
Their brains are like processor chips. Though most Suits have to learn information like how humans do, some Suits have the special ability to simply upload and download data like a traditional computer. Suits who can do this are also rare, for similar reasons as the chargeable ones.
 Despite this, all Suits can have everything stored in their chips stored in real time to databases in the event that they perish or are irreparably destroyed, to be transferred into a new body. Despite this, it may not be the most common technology, and may be costly, so Suits still try to preserve their lives and bodies. The Cogs have this technology. How they're able to keep it up for so many Suits is a bit of a mystery. Something fishy's going on, probably...
Most Suits have to sleep in a way similar to how humans do. They must get a healthy amount of rest. Stuff like insomnia and restlessness still exists for most Suits. It is necessary in order to preserve energy, prevent exhaustion, the wearing down of their parts, as well as being a quick way to cool off.
Just like humans, it is not necessary to have a bed to sleep, but it has the same benefits for Suits as it does for humans, though it's a bit more likely to see Suits falling asleep on the floor/standing up than it would be for humans.
While asleep, a Suit is merely unconscious, but they still function, much like humans. Same thing with comas and being unconscious. 
If their processes are completely stopped, they will die. However, Suits can last a lot longer with their processes completely stopped, compared to humans, as they aren’t biological, and won’t rot or whatever if that happens to them. If they can be reactivated, and their vitals weren’t excessively damaged, they can be resuscitated.
Suits that can absorb electricity do not NEED to sleep, as they can merely be charged back to full power. These Suits may or may not choose to sleep anyways, and may gain the other benefit from it, aside from energy regeneration. 
Suits have to be maintained to keep themselves functional and clean. Especially when they get injured. They are unable to naturally heal in the way humans can. (Maybe some can with nanotech or whatever but that's getting into extremely sci-fi ish territory which isnt bad but I don't wanna go too in depth/thoughtful about that kind of thing, especially since a lot of things are possible in a cartoon world like this one)
Minor injuries like small cuts, scratches and dents are easy to repair, to the point where it can be done manually. 
Sort of like how first aid kits/bandages/etc are sold at pharmacies. Literally just patch yourself up with polishing kits/anti dent/spare parts or whatever
They can't go through healing processes like how humans do, but they're lucky since if a bone is broken or whatever, all they have to do is get it repaired and then they’re fine. (I wish it was like that for US!!!)
More severe injuries may require healthcare and/or more surgical reparations. Severe injuries are able to debilitate or even kill Suits if they’re bad enough. Injuries like gashes are still easy to fix, but stuff like loss of limbs is harder. In the case of limb loss, a replacement can be made to fit that Suit, typically within a few days. 
Internal injuries and extreme damage to inside circuitry and vitals may take longer to fix, but are still way easier to fix than with humans, for obvious reasons. Too much will kill the Suit, though :/
Life Details (Physique)
They are more often than not humanoid in appearance, though some Suits may have extra limbs or proportions less akin to those of humans. Some may not even be humanoid at all, like being centaurs or whatever, though said Suits are extremely rare. Some may be semi-humanoid, like the Cog Bosses. Suits may receive surgery of sorts to change body type, though it would be difficult to change a 10 cm tall Suit into a 20 ft tall Suit, for instance. There are limits, and crossing them adds extra risk of dying/ending up with psychological damage.
While most Suits have a discernible face, mouth, eyes, and have the usual set of limbs, some may not have a face, or have a face that does not vaguely resemble that of a human’s. (Like how Cogs in-game range from having human-like faces, to object heads, to animal heads, etc) Some may have entirely different limbs, other than just arms and legs. 
A Suit can have their face/entire head modified/changed, as well as the rest of their bodies. Some may want to get entirely new heads, though many tend to get attached to the one they already have. Think of it sort of like plastic surgery and actual surgery, except to a more extreme degree. Despite this, there are still limits, and extensive surgery may damage a Suit physically and/or mentally.
The most common type of Suits tend to range from anywhere as short as a few centimetres, to as tall as nearly 20 ft tall, though most fall within the range of 4-9 ft tall. Obviously there's height diversity among all Suits
Some Suits may be built to be specially resistant towards things compared to others. One Suit may be built to resist extremely high temperatures, while another might legitimately just start to melt in those same temperatures.
Life Details (Psyche)
Suits are not evil by nature. The reason why such a high number of them are very pro-industrialism, pollutive, toxic towards fun, etc, is because they were conditioned to be that way because of the way their society is structured, and the needs that they need to survive. 
Despite this, there are still Suits that may enjoy fun or even be Toony in nature. Some may enjoy nature, and dislike the pollutive, industrial nature their world is so full of. Toons tend to be very ignorant to Suit culture and the personality differences between Suits, and understandably so considering what it must be like from their perspective, being invaded and all. Still ain't great to be that way for obvious reasons, though. Many assume all Suits are evil and the same.
There would still be entertainment within Suitopia and other Suit cities/society, much like the many kinds that humans are familiar with. 
How are Suits created?
Suits are created, most commonly within factories, though some Suits may be skilled enough, either through innate knowledge or through learned skill, to create another Suit on their own, making them the “parent”.
When a Suit is created, they awaken already having some base level knowledge of themselves and the world around them, under most circumstances. As a byproduct, “child” Suits are not really a thing. They can exist, they just typically don't. (Being born into the world as an adult must suck)
Suits can be made without a specific purpose, and that is how many are created. They will find one on their own.
Those that are made for a specific purpose will usually already know how to fulfil said purpose. For instance, being built for a specific type of job will generally cause you to be naturally skilled at it. Meanwhile, Suits who are hired for that same job without being created for it may have to learn it. They typically have a form of fondness for fulfilling said job, but may lose it over time, or not have it to begin with, which may result in wishing to pursue something else.
What are these factories like?
It depends. There are many kinds. Some factories may build the base model of the Suit, some may build only the skeleton, some may even build the entire individual, appearance and all. Some Suits are built with the purpose of serving the owner of the factory. Big variety in purpose for these factories and whatnot.
Many factories are automated, run without owners, with the sole purpose of creating new Suit life. Other factories may be owned by a company or force, such as those run by C.O.G.S. Inc. 
What about all the clones of Cogs we see?
All the “Standard” Cogs (e.g: Pencil Pusher, Flunky, Cold Caller, Money Bags) are clones created with the sole purpose of serving C.O.G.S. Inc. Despite this, they are all created with their own individuality and personalities, and are all different.
They mostly identical while working for C.O.G.S. Inc. as it is a “dress code” of sorts within the company to dress and appear that way.
Their facial and body appearances may have slight/moderate differences between one another, whether it be a quirk with how they were built, or a change they chose to make. The Cogs seen in the game are all 1:1 identical because of limitations. Same goes for Skelecog skulls. (For skelecogs, an example I think of a lot is how I wish Two-Face skelecog heads were two faced as well) They typically fit the face.
They are allowed to change their appearances so long as it does not violate the “dress code”. (Still have to be able to tell what Cog they are. A Big Cheese can't get a head that is not in fact a big cheese. A Glad Hander can't make themselves look TOO much like a Hollywood, etc.)
(Speaking of Hollywoods, they're referred to as “Mr. Hollywood(s)” ingame, though they can go by Mr, Ms, Mrs, Mx, and more if they choose, or forgo having that title at all.)
Standard Cog models that appear very feminine/masculine (e.g: Mingler, Glad Hander, Corporate Raider, Name Dropper) can be the opposite gender of ““what their model would suggest””. Yes, we can have Minglers that are men, enbies, etc. They may or may not choose to slightly alter their appearance to match this.
It is possible for these creations to stop serving their creators and direct their own life. It would be inhumane (or whatever Suits call it) to create mindless drones, and not give them these opportunities. 
A Cog like this could end up changing their appearance or getting an entirely new head/body to compensate for the lack of restrictions to conform to.
If you made it this far and actually read the entire thing (without scrolling by to get to the bottom instantly) I profusely apologize for putting you through this. If this catches on and you're interested, I'm open to hear your thoughts on the lore, and suggestions, whether it also be for the lore, or for a better way to format this.
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hikikolol · 1 year
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*cravity as pervs*
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
♡ park serim
i see this in a setting where you and serim met at the gym
you were having troubles doing weights alone without your best friend there to spot for you, she decided to cancel her gym subscription because she was moving in another part of town and the gym you both went to became too far
serim walked over and told you that he would help you
going behind you, he stared surprised at the view of your ass
serim's the type to feel guilty to be a bit of a perv but he couldn't help it, the sight was delicious
just so happened, a few days later, he was the assistant instructor for your yoga class at the same gym
oh serim had a field day, he stood at the back of the class. where you were
his perfect view
thank fucking god he had cycling tights under his shorts, it helped him hide his hard on a little better but it felt too painful for him
oh what's that? you need help arching your back? he's on it
if only you guys were alone, he'd make your back arch alright
he slowly leaned his body onto your ass as he helped you arch your back and man did that make you wet
♡ ma allen
allen's your best friend
he has always went to your place to wind down but today was different, he decided to invite you to his place today after a movie
giving you a perfect cup of hot choco, you went to cuddle up on him to watch another senseless series
what is that you feel?
oh he has a boner...from you sitting on his lap
looking behind, you see his eyes shut tightly but oh man was he riled up
i see allen as the type to feel really guilty to think about such erotic thoughts about you but he just can't help it when you look like that
the thought of corrupting you runs through his mind 24/7
it's a secret but he leaves his hoodies w you just to take it back unwashed so he can jerk off to your scent
his hands always lingered whenever you hug. specially way lower than your back
seeing you in leggings or skinny jeans riles him on too much
♡ koo jungmo
it's been at least a few months since you've started learning how to play an electric guitar, you were getting to an expert level on it
you have thought of cancelling your lessons but your teacher, jungmo, insisted that there were still things to learn
jungmo on the other hand just can't bear not seeing you all focused in front of him so even if you wanted to cancel on his lessons, he insisted and offered to come over for free instead
i mean, you did find a friend in him
he was always hyperfocused on how you'd lean down to look at the chords and strings of your instrument, leaning down gives him the perfect view of your chest
thank god he has his own guitar to hide his hard on every time he came
his favorite position is when he's behind you, staring right down at your tits whilst he teaches you where your fingers should be placed
his hands lingers a little too long on your thigh whenever he points out something you did wrong
the way he'd use his eyes to fluster you up is... god
when he gets home, he bolts to his bedroom just to think about you, you, and you. your tits, your ass.. fuck that feels good, so good for me
♡ seo woobin
woobin lives right next door to your apartment
the sweet neighbor who never fails to give you food whenever he cooks too much for himself, rather it isn't always an accident, he just wants an excuse to see your face
paying for such cheap rent in the bustling city warrants your walls to be paper thin
woobin knows this, but you don't
the moans you create at night flows through the walls and heightens woobin's libido almost every night when you pleasure yourself
does he feel bad for eavesdropping? yeah, he feels a sense of guilt
but your oh so good moans keeps him alive at the nights when he feels the loneliest
how he wishes it's his name coming out of your mouth
his hands linger a little longer whenever he gives you the casserole of a dish he made
giving you such a sweet smile every time you would walk past him but oh you were so wrong when this man is full of sweetness
honestly, he just wants to bend you in so many different ways until you could only scream out his name
♡ ham wonjin
working with wonjin at a local cafe was the most fun you've had in a job
he'd be very attentive whenever you would need help with anything
your work uniform though, consists of a loose beige colored shorts, paired with a white buttoned up shirt, all tied up with a slightly darker beige apron. it was a themed cafe, you were working with handheld animals whilst making the drinks
the shorts of your uniform was a great fit on you and wonjin would 100% agree
the amount of times he has thought about fucking you in the backroom...
your sweet smile that flusters him up in an instant
boners behind his apron every time you would lean down to pick something up
the way you would lean on the counter on your breaks, the perfect view for your ass to be out oh how easy would it be to fuck you right then and there, grinding on your ass
your shorts riding up whenever you would sit cross-legged on the backroom's floor eating your lunch
he'd be giving you the most dangerous stares unbeknownst to you
♡ kang minhee
your brother's sweet and kind best friend
or so you thought
minhee has been visiting your house for more than he visited his own
spending time with your brother is minhee's favorite hobby, mostly because he knows he'll get glimpses of you when he's there
you never kept your door fully closed, the noise of the house brings you comfort to know that you aren't alone
minhee knows this and fully takes advantage of it
when everyone is asleep, except for you
he'd sneak out of your brother's room just to take a peek into your room
laying on your stomach, ass perfectly in view for minhee whilst you watch on your laptop
you never liked wearing shorts when you're about to sleep so minhee has always had a field day at this time of night
wearing only underwear and an old tight crop top, this was such a great view for him and he'd thank god for giving this to him on a dailt basis
the amount of times he had to stop himself from going in your room to fuck you was immense
staring at you for straight 15 minutes, he had to get out of there and continue on to the bathroom for a quick session
♡ song hyeongjun
never did you think that your oh so innocent classmate could think of such carnal desire on your body and soul
hyeongjun just wants you
he wants you to ride him
he wants you to take all his pride away, strip him bare and let you use him
he wants everything you have to offer and he'd never shy away on any command you give him, just say. one. word. and he'll be on his knees ready to pleasure you
people were intimidated by you, you have a resting bitch face and no one would dare come close
except for the sweet angel that graces you with his everyday good morning smile and wave
you thought nothing of it, you do it back, but you just go back to your comfort resting face after
but hyeongjun lives for it, one smile and he's done
thinking of ways you'd have him under your hold
his hair bunched up in your hands as he oh so deliciously eat you out
your moans as he does his best to behave under you
oh lord what have you done
♡ kim taeyoung
you have always been on taeyoung's best interests
i mean, you've been his crush for the longest time
but recently, his mind wanders way too far
what would you look like when your body is sprawled all over his bed? breathing hard when he hits that certain spot
how would it feel inside of you? your mouth?
would you let him use you whenever he wants? would you have a high sex drive?
thoughts pondered on taeyoung's mind as he glances at your way, sitting beside him during a lecture
your skirt riding a little higher than you'd like but never noticed through the shaking of your legs
oh how nice would it be to just push that skirt a little higher to put his hand in-
"you good?" taeyoung's eyes shot up, giving you a nod saying that he was dazing off
how long could he still last without touching you intimately, he's losing his mind
maybe he should invite you over to watch some movies, maybe move from there, yeah
♡ ahn seongmin
the sweet sweet junior from your course
he gives you sweets every morning, saying it would energize you from the boring lectures
the sweet junior who chases you after class just to bid you a safe trip home and a good night ahead
the sweet junior who would sneak little notes in your bag without you noticing
the sweet junior who, behind those sweet sweet eyes, lies lustful ones
eyes that dreams of your twisted face of pleasure when he gets the chance to finally have you
the chance when you, completely mark him as your own
he wants that, he's dying for it
he wants you to let him feel all the pleasure in the world and he knows you can. with just one touch, he'll be gone
he wants the feeling to be edged by you, he wants to know how it feels to be led
the feeling where his world is gonna crumble down and all he needs is to scream out your name as he releases all his pent up juices when you finally let him
oh fuck he accidentaly whimpered whilst he gave you the deliciously wrapped candy
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invadernurse · 9 months
Catching Flies (Revised) Ch. 14
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
Overall rating: Teen
Summary: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. That’s what they say anyway.
Teacher!Reader makes the mistake of trying to help the two most troubled kids in your class. This leads to forming a science club, learning some childhood psychology, adopting an alien older than you, and somehow catching Professor Membrane’s interest.
Afab Non-binary Reader;
The reader does have a last name: Nemo– which means no-name.
Chapter One |Master post |Ao3
Professor Membrane's altruism had spread to most of the city over the next few days. The official story was that it was Membrane Labs' way of giving back to the community in time of need, though you wondered secretly if it had more to do with the Professor's guilt regarding the whole situation. 
Just when you thought you couldn't have more respect for the man. The new transport system made getting around the city so much easier, and the air seemed fresher in the dingy neighborhood where you lived. You could open your window and not be gassed by the noxious fumes from the freeway and the trains next door.
But the rest of the electric grid was still a work in progress, and your old coffee pot and other essential electronics were fried from the various power surges as they tried to fix things. You could live without television, and the lights and appliances were under your renter’s insurance. 
But your coffee pot. That you mourned the most.  
You made a face as you made a cup of instant coffee, stirring it as you looked out the window and reminding yourself it was a small price to pay. Things could be much worse, all things considered. It was at least caffeinated, and school had been canceled this week, if not longer, meaning you didn’t have to be fully energized to get through the day. 
Your new phone had given you quite the head start compared to your peers. While the rest of the faculty was trying to figure out how to deal with the EMP disaster, you had finished your paper grading, plugged away at recreating your planner for the remainder of the year (glad you used a notebook for your notes) and had been reassured that everything else had been saved to the Membrane Labs cloud.
Your new phone rang, cutting through your morning compilation with its vibrant cheery tune. You were still astounded at how different, how futuristic it was compared to what you were used to. For instance, instead of a crackly tinny voice over the phone, a holoscreen popped up when you answered, showing Dib grinning on the pale-blue screen. "Mx. Nemo!" 
"Hey Dib," you greeted. "Enjoying the vacation?"
His smile waned as his expression shifted into a mix of obvious disgruntled guilt. "Uh, not exactly. Dad has restricted the internet to just 'educational' websites, and Zim can only come over if we're working on homework or the project. Which, uh, is part of the reason I called you." 
“Oh?” Your own smile faded, replaced by wary concern. Why--how-- could that relate to his reason for calling you. Surely nothing good… 
"Well, dad is working in the lab trying to catch up on his work after the last few days,” Dib started innocently enough, “but Zim and I really want to work on this project. So we were hoping that if you’re here, then you can keep an eye on us, and dad's terms would be met…"
The proposal sounded fair, but you couldn't help but feel like he had ulterior motives. Yet no matter how many times you tried to figure out what it could possibly be, you came up blank. 
This was the trouble with having students whose intelligence rivaled your own. 
"Well, if your father is okay with it..." you finally answered. Surely Professor Membrane could figure out if his own son was up to something. (Hopefully.)  
Dib smiled-- rather mischievously, you noted. "I'm sure dad made it pretty clear you're welcome any time, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you would call." 
Call. Professor Membrane. The thought echoed in your mind like the heavy toll of a bell. It was one thing to be emailing him, but to call him?
Yes, he did say to call him if needed, and had even given you his number(s). Yet the idea of calling the Professor over something like this left you unsettled. What exactly were you going to say?"Hey Professor, do you mind if I come over today to babysit your son and his friend?"
Which, five minutes later, is exactly word for word what you asked Professor Membrane once he answered his phone, before continuing on with:"The boys wanted to work on their project and said they needed supervision." 
"Ah, I see. I suppose it's my turn to apologize," he turned slightly away from his project to focus on you. Or at least his own holographic display of you. "I hadn't anticipated Dib would ask you as a way to circumvent his punishment." 
"I take it that's a no, then?" You mentally scolded yourself. Dib was grounded, so of course he wouldn't be able to work on his extracurricular activities. (And now Professor Membrane thought you were an idiot for being tricked by such a simple ploy.) 
"Well, not exactly…” Membrane sighed. It was odd how-- despite his facial expression virtually completely obscured-- you could still tell he was deep in thought. “I cannot find any fault in the request. However, I don't want you to feel indebted or compelled to entertain Dib on your precious time off." 
Oh, you hadn’t even thought of it that way. That was even more embarrassing. “I don’t have that many hobbies...or friends,” you admitted, wishing for once you had just a plain phone where he couldn’t see you turn a bright red. “And those two are rather special to me. I don’t mind supervising them for a little bit. Unless you feel it interferes with Dib’s punishment, that is.” 
"I could never deny my boy's passion for science, even when he is in trouble. Nor…" Professor Membrane trailed off, pausing for a moment. You wished you could see his face and be able to read his expression as he apparently stared off into space. 
"Professor?" You asked after the silence stretched on. 
"R-right!" Professor Membrane snapped out of his thoughts with a faint jerk, almost as if he had completely forgotten you were still on the call. "Yes, of course. You are welcome to come over, Mx. Nemo. Anytime. I'll, uh, update the security programs to recognize you as a visitor. Have-a-good-day, bye!"
The connection feed suddenly cut off, leaving you very confused. That… was not at all like the Professor. He was usually always so composed, not...flustered. That was more, well, a 'you' kind of reaction. 
What would cause him to fluster like that? Where had his thoughts drifted off to? 
Surely something work-related. Maybe he had just realized something critically important. Or was inspired with a possible solution for a difficult problem. 
It surely had nothing to do with you. 
"I could never deny my boy's passion for science, even when he is in trouble. Nor…" could I refuse the chance to see you.
Despite never speaking the words, the thought still resonated in his mind. Along with how close they were nearly spoken out loud, 
For the sake of science, what had he been about to say?
He had known that he had been inching closer to being compromised by the lack of sleep, but hadn’t thought he was that sleep deprived! Yes, he could acknowledge that he was attracted to you, but that didn't mean he had to act on his impulses. In fact, since he was now aware of his feelings and therefore biases towards you, he planned on curbing his actions back into what could be considered ‘friendly’ and not allowing them to evolve into anything different. 
His life was dedicated to science. He had vowed to do his utmost best to make the world a better place. Raising two children was distraction enough from his life's work, it wouldn't be logical to pursue a relationship with you. 
Yet this was proving to be one of those rare times where he found himself tempted by such illogical things. To allow something other than his work or family to occupy his thoughts. To indulge in the feelings that were (rather irrationally) trying to affect his actions.  
He was…he was tempted by you, and he wasn’t quite sure how to handle that. 
You weren't sure what Professor Membrane meant by having the security programs recognize you as a visitor. After all, though you could imagine he had quite the security system protecting his home, you couldn't recall seeing any kind of cameras or anything when you were there last time. 
Thankfully nothing happened as you approached the dark gray home, though this time you looked closely for any signs of a security system out of curiosity, and di
At least, that you could see. But Dib seemed to know you were at the door before you could even knock. "Hey Mx. Nemo! Zim's on his way, so…"
"Dib-human!" Zim interrupted as he clambered over the fence separating the Membrane home from the neighbors'. "Why did you call me at such a Tallest-forsaken time?" 
"It's noon, Zim. That's hardly an indecent hour," you rebutted as he approached, faintly concerned how discombobulated he looked. Granted, it could just be from apparently being woken and rushing on his way over…  
"Without school I...lose track of earth-time," Zim grumbled, looking rather sheepish. “My natural circadian rhythm is opposite to that of your stupid society’s.”
It took you a moment to translate that into words, and realized he was just admitting he was a natural night-owl. Which made plenty of sense. "That I can understand," you agreed as Dib ushered you both inside, leading you through the house. You gave Gaz a wave as you passed, who barely acknowledged your presence as she played her video game. 
The garage in the backyard looked normal enough on the outside. Except you were pretty sure it was bigger on the inside as soon as Dib opened the rolling door. Tons of odd things you had no name for were stuffed inside, mixed with more 'normal' items like a lawnmower and such. 
It had to be a storage for Professor Membrane's items, yet none of them quite matched the...aesthetic of his other items. You kept your thoughts to yourself...at least until you reached the back of the garage while the boys dragged out a table with supplies, apparently knowing exactly what they needed and what to do. 
"What the… what is this?" You swore as you looked at… Well, your mind wanted to call it a spaceship, though you knew that couldn't be right. It was nothing like the one you had seen in the (fake) news articles and the odd conspiracy video you watched.  If anything, it was more akin to what you imagined a ship from a sci-fi story would look like. 
"Tak's ship. We were trying to repair it, but haven't been able to work on it since Project 13." Dib answered distractedly, not that it actually answered your question. Tak’s ship? Who (or maybe what?) was Tak, how did they have a ship? Was it really a spaceship? 
Then you recalled the emails you had with the Professor a few weeks earlier, and how he had mentioned Dib and Zim had been working on a spaceship. You had thought he meant perhaps a model, or something made from spare parts. Not something that looked this advanced. 
Or real, for that matter.  No wonder they seemed to be handling everything else so easily. 
While your mind was still reeling with the unexpected discovery, you found a place to sit and brought out your phone in hopes you could work on your teaching plans while the boys worked on the rover. After all, you couldn’t exactly actively contribute when they far surpassed your own skills when it came to engineering. You were literally just a babysitter-- making sure they didn’t start fighting, or blow anything up. 
You weren't sure how much time had passed between working and reading and watching the boys before Zim threw a tool in frustration, snarling words you had never heard before but knowing they were meant as curses. You were ripped from your novel you had been reading and had a flash of panic before you were able to control your instinctive fear. 
"Don't you dare blow it up again!" Dib swore, protecting the machine, which was little more than wheels and the needed machinery to make it move. Which-- from your little knowledge-- it was not doing. 
Zim didn't pay any attention but hissed ferally as he tried to claw the machine despite Dib holding him back. "It's evil! Cursed! It must be destroyed for defying the mighty Zim!" 
"Calm down," you tried to sooth as you stood. "What's going on?" 
"It's not responding," Dib said as he kept the rover base away from Zim. "I'm not sure if it's a mechanical failure or maybe a program issue." 
"Neither! The mighty Zim makes no mistakes!" 
"Hey, mistakes are a part of learning, which is what this whole project is about." You pulled Zim back and knelt down so you were eye to eye with him, though his attention was still focused on the rover. "You two are amazing, but no one is perfect. All that matters is you do your best to learn from the mistakes." 
He finally met your gaze, his anger diminishing. "Failures are not tolerated in the Irken empire." 
Ok...what? He had said that with such firm conviction and absolute steadiness that it sent chills down your spine. 
There were so many questions running through your head. Who told him failures were not tolerated? What the hell was the Irken Empire? Was that a family thing? Was it the reason his parents left him? How much did that simple sentence impact his life? His outlook? 
But this wasn't the time to question it. You needed to defuse this delusion (if you remembered that psych book correctly.) 
"But, this isn't the Irken Empire. This is a project to help you learn, and hopefully for fun. I know originally it started out as punishment, but hopefully you don't see it as that anymore." 
Zim opened his mouth to argue, closed it, then repeated a few more times before looking to Dib, almost asking for help. 
The other boy shrugged his shoulders, "They're right. You're not part of that anymore. Let's ask dad to see if he can figure out what the problem is." 
"And he won't be...angered?" Zim cautiously asked, glancing between you and Dib. 
You wanted to hug him so bad, but figured it wouldn't be the best thing to do right now. 
Dib scoffed, "Nah, you've seen him, he loves a challenge. And this is a challenge." 
With an encouraging nod, the three of you returned back inside. Dib hit the small button next to the door in the kitchen, which you assumed led to the downstairs. 
"Yes?" Professor Membrane, a small screen flickering to life. 
"We need some help," Dib said, holding the rover base up. "We’re not sure if it's a mechanical issue or coding, or…" 
"I'll be up in a minute," was his simple reply. Not angry or annoyed, just matter-of-fact. Yet as you waited at the kitchen table with the boys, you remembered the awkward ending to the phone call earlier that morning.  You hoped to the universe it was just a one-time thing, yet you feared the worst at the same time. 
But when Professor Membrane appeared, he barely acknowledged you as he sat at the table, taking the rover from the boys. You sat, feeling virtually non existent and very out of place as they discussed the problem. Most of the terms flew over your head, making you feel rather idiotic, even as you tried to work on your own project. 
"Ah, this coding patch here. We'll have to figure out how to separate the GPS from the controls after all. Steering it manually instead of using the GPS as guidance." 
"Ugh," the boys groaned in unison, but pulled out a tablet and started to go over the strings of code. While the two talked amongst themselves, silence hung between you and Professor Membrane. You kept your focus on your phone, though you were acutely aware of him beside you. 
"So," he started with a rather awkward cough, "how has your afternoon been?" 
You blinked in surprise as you met his gaze, close enough to once again see his eyes behind his goggles. It felt… more personal when you could see his eyes. He wasn't the untouchable, world-famous scientist, just...a really mysterious, admirable person that you liked. A lot. More than a lot. 
"Ah, good," you stuttered after a moment, looking away and fiddling with your phone. "Just working on getting things prepared for school to resume while watching the boys. They've been rather well behaved today." 
Professor Membrane hummed thoughtfully, "I know Dib has realized the consequences of his actions, though I wonder about Zim…."
The boys were too involved in their project to notice your conversation had turned towards them. You thought of Zim's earlier statement, and wondered if part of his fear of failure was related at all to it. Sure, he couldn't be punished the same way as Dib...but maybe had still learnt his lesson. 
"I doubt either of them will do anything like that in the future." Or so you hoped, but you pushed that dark though away. "Besides, with the expo in just a week, hopefully they will be too busy. I just hope they will have time to finish everything." 
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as he chuckled. "Those boys would have it done in less than twenty-four hours if we let them." 
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museywrites · 1 year
Xiantober 2023 - Day 4: Ghost!Xian
Word Count: 5,064 Pairing: Wangxian Tags: Ghost Wei Ying, Major character death (kinda? He's a ghost), altered characters ages, murder, death
"Wei Ying is dead." 
The news devastated the town. Another life gone, and far too soon. His parents wept and the town mourned the loss of such a charismatic young boy. 
Wei Ying died at the age of 10, murdered by the hands of some cruel person and left in the middle of the park to be found. He was the latest of a string of murders in the town, the youngest by far, since most victims had been young women in their 20s. 
Wei Ying was also the last of the victims in the town.
It was a weird experience, attending your own funeral. 
Wei Ying stood beside the grave, watching as the casket was lowered into the ground. He glanced around at his friends and family, saw their tears and their grief. Anger bubbled inside of his transparent chest.
Then, by chance, he made eye contact. The young Lan boy from down the street who Wei Ying had desperately tried to befriend, but he was always too shy and ran away, always avoiding A-Ying.
Yet right here, right now, surrounded by the people he loved most who couldn't see him,
this young boy was looking directly at him with wide eyes. 
Wei Ying lifted his hand hesitantly and waved. 
Lan Zhan's gaze flicked to his hand, then back to him, and just as hesitantly, he gave a little wave back. 
And that was the start of Wei Ying's new life.
Or rather, life in death. 
He attached himself to Lan Zhan, following him around constantly. 
At first, Wei Ying didn't have enough energy to talk to Lan Zhan, or to touch the living world, he was just there. 
And truth be told, it drove Wei Ying up a wall.
He wanted to talk to Lan Zhan so badly, but for once in his life, he had to shut his mouth and all he could do was listen. So he did.
He followed Lan Zhan around constantly, sitting with him as he did his school work, rolling around in the air as the Lans sat silently for meals. Occasionally, Lan Zhan would write questions down in his notebook and let Wei Ying point to letters to spell out answers. It wasn't the most efficient, but it kept Wei Ying from going crazy. 
Then, one night, almost a year after Wei Ying's passing, a massive thunderstorm hit.
With each roaring crack of thunder, the house shook, and Lan Zhan huddled under his covers, terrified. 
Wei Ying felt powerless, he wanted nothing more than to help his new friend. Without thinking, he reached out and touched Lan Zhan's hand, both boys startled when they felt contact. 
That;s when they learned that the electricity from the storm helped give Wei Ying more corporeal form. He stayed beside Lan Zhan all night, holding his hand until he fell asleep. 
For years, their friendship went on like this.
Lan Zhan remained the only one who could see Wei Ying and he never told anyone about him. 
As Lan Zhan began to grow, so did Wei Ying. 
By the time both boys were fifteen, Wei Ying had learned enough about his life after death to alter himself, aging right beside Lan Zhan, but he also learned how to manipulate his surroundings. He could touch Lan Zhan whenever he liked now, not just during storms, he could pick up light objects and move them short distances. 
His favorite thing to touch was Lan Zhan's ribbon he always had braided into his hair.
By the time the boys turned 18, Wei Ying hand, unknowingly, learned to project his voice just enough for Lan Zhan to hear him. 
To keep himself from going insane, Wei Ying often would prattle on about everything and nothing just to get things off his chest.
Today was one of those days.
"Lan Zhan, I'm so bored."
"I mean I'm glad you can see me but I miss talking! I can't remember the last time I've had a conversation that wasn't through pen and paper!" He whined, laying back in the air with his arms crossed behind his head.
"Mn, even when we were little, Wei Ying loved to talk." Lan Zhan answered nonchalantly. 
"Exactly! I'm a social butterfly! I'm meant to talk and interact! And I mean, I'm totally cool with the fact you're the only one who can see me, but I wanna talk to you too!" He huffed "How am I supposed to tell you how handsome you look! Or that I don't like that Su She guy who keeps flirting with you at school! I'm so glad you graduated, but I doubt that's the last we'll see of him."
"I believe he is going to the same college as us."
He chose 'us' since Wei Ying always attended classes with Wei Ying and Wei Ying had helped pick out the college. 
Wei Ying sat up abruptly. "See!! He's definitely stalking you! How can you... be so..." He paused, his gaze meeting the warm honey of Lan Zhan's.
"Lan Zhan...?"
"Can... Can you hear me?" 
Wei Ying's eyes widened before he darted around the room excitedly, knocking over several things in the process. 
Lan Zhan didn't get a moment of silence for almost two weeks.
Then the boys turned 20. 
Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had an... interesting relationship to say the least. Wei Ying was dead and Lan Zhan was the only one who could see and hear him. They were best friends. 
It should have been the end of it.
But Wei Ying couldn't deny the jealousy he felt every time someone flirted with his Lan Zhan. When their touches would linger too long or when they would put themselves in Lan Zhan's path so he couldn't move on.
One such person was Su She. He had a weird obsession with Lan Zhan and Wei Ying hated it. He talked badly about him behind his back, but would always be extra touchy. 
Today was one of his touchy days. His hands had gone to Lan Zhan's arms five times too many, and Wei Ying had enough. Without thinking, he kicked Su She in the back of the leg, making his legs buckle and he stumbled to the ground. 
"Who--" He whipped around to see no one there and paled slightly, but quickly cleaned up his fallen books and hurried off.
Wei Ying took to doing this often. He'd pull his hair, push him, knock his things out of his hands, until Lan Zhan scolded him.
"What?" Wei Ying reeled back a little, he had never heard Lan Zhan talk so firmly to him. 
"Stop harassing Su She."
Wei Ying tensed, his eyes narrowing. "No! He keeps harassing you." 
"Just ignore him."
"Why? Do you like him or something?" He snapped. 
"Wei Ying." He said firmly, not liking being accused of such a blasphemous thing. 
Wei Ying's eyes widened before he glared at Lan Zhan. "Fine." He turned and took off down the hall, disappearing into one of the walls. 
Lan Zhan sighed before he headed to his next class. The last thing he wanted Wei Ying to be classified as was a poltergeist. He wouldn't put it past Su She to try and have Wei Ying exorcized.
Unfortunately, this little misunderstanding led to their first fight. 
For the first time in ten years, Wei Ying refused to go near Lan Zhan. He knew he was being childish, he knew he was blowing this up from nothing, but Wei Ying was hurt.
He knew the day would come when Lan Zhan found interest in someone... But did it have to be now? Did it have to be him?
Wei Ying wasn't sure what to do with himself, so he left. 
He wandered aimlessly until he found himself at his own home.
His parents had long since moved, the memory of their son's murder weighed heavy on them. Wei Ying couldn't blame them, but he did miss them. 
With a sigh, he flew off to the cemetery, settling down against his tombstone. 
For almost two weeks, this went on.
Wei Ying avoided Lan Zhan constantly, refusing to return to Lan Zhan's home, refusing to go to the school. And when Lan Zhan came looking for him, he hid. 
He realized if Lan Zhan was finally interested in dating, then he couldn't be around him anymore. It would hurt too much.
It was on the fifteenth day of avoiding Lan Zhan that Wei Ying was wandering the town when he felt a cold chill run down his spine, as if every part of his body wanted to dissipate into the ether. 
He glanced around in confusion until his eyes landed on a man.
Wei Ying wasn't sure where he had seen him before, just just being near him made his ghostly body feel uneasy.  He didn't want to be near him, he didn't want to see him. 
He needed to find Lan Zhan. 
Without hesitating, he turned and hurried back to Lan Zhan's apartment.
When Wei Ying first got there, Lan Zhan was nowhere to be found, but he didn't want to risk missing him by going out to find him, so he waited. 
It wasn't until well after midnight when Lan Zhan returned. He was exhausted, and Wei Ying could see how unwell he looked.
"Lan Zhan! You're home! I'm so sorry abou-- Lan Zhan are you okay?" 
Lan Zhan heaved a sigh and moved further into his apartment before he sat on his couch, head in his hands. 
"Hey! Lan Zhan, I said I'm sorry, don't ignore me, okay?" 
But he got no response.
Panic filled the ghost and he tried to grab onto Lan Zhan's arm, but his hand phased through him. 
No! No! No!"
"Lan Zhan?! Lan Zhan, why can't I touch you anymore?!"
"Wei Ying..." 
"Yes! You can still see me, right?!" 
"Where did you run off too? It's been two weeks."
Wei Ying stilled, looking at his best friend, at the only person who could see him... used to see him, he was suddenly hit with the realization that if Lan Zhan couldn't see or hear him, then Wei Ying would truly be alone. 
"...Is... is this my fault?"
Wei Ying sank onto the couch beside Lan Zhan, his heart and his mind heavy. 
"Lan Zhan... I'm not ready to be alone yet." He said quietly, knowing that no reply would come.  
"This is all my fault. If I had just listened to you.... if I had just stopped messing with him..."
Wei Ying's thoughts were cut off when Lan Zhan's cell phone rang, and he sighed, pulling it from his pocket. 
"Yes?" Lan Zhan frowned. "Tomorrow? Ge, I really don't want to have a family dinner right now... a guest?" 
Wei Ying watched Lan Zhan, a frown on his lips. Then, as if by some divine intervention, Wei Ying had an idea. He recalled the fight night he was able to touch Lan Zhan, and without thinking, he reached out and touched Lan Zhan's phone. 
He felt the small zap of electricity, before Lan Zhan frowned. 
"Ge, my phone is dying, I'll call you back tomorrow. Yes, I'll be at the dinner." He assured before hanging up and looking at his phone oddly. "I haven't used it all day." 
Then he jumped when he felt a brush against his skin, looking over, half expecting Wei Ying, but saw nothing.
But it gave Wei Ying the information he needed. In an instant, he was running around the house, draining the power from all of Lan Zhan's electronics, not caring that he was causing the lights to flicker or the microwave to go off. He needed Lan Zhan to see him!
Lan Zhan, however, was mildly freaked out by the sudden happenings in his home. That is, until he caught sight of Wei Ying standing in front of the TV. 
He was more faded than usual, but he was there! 
"Wei Ying?" 
The ghost paused, he looked over in shock before his eyes widened then promptly filled with tears. He hurried forward and crashed into Lan Zhan's chest, hugging him tightly. "L-lan Zhan!!!" 
"Wei Ying?! Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you. Do you know how scared I was?"
Yet he wasted no time in hugging the other back. "Why are you so hard to see?" 
"I don't know! I was so scared you'd never see me again!" 
Lan Zhan frowned and hugged him close, glancing around at the electronics going haywire. "It's okay, Wei Ying. You are here. I am here."
The two stayed in their embrace for several long, needed minutes before Lan Zhan finally pulled back and cupped his face. "Wei Ying, I've been worried sick about you. Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for you?"
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Lan Zhan." He whined, "For leaving, for messing with Su She, for being such a brat! I'm so sorry!" 
Lan Zhan frowned, he had never seen the other breakdown like this, not even when he told him his parents moved away. 
With a sigh, he pulled him close and hugged him once more.
"Everything's okay now. I'm not mad, so don't cry anymore, okay?" 
Wei Ying only nuzzled into his shoulder and sniffled. "You came home and couldn't see me... or hear me... I thought... I thought that--" 
"Shh.. it's okay... I can see you just fine now..." He assured.
"Is that why you were messing with my electronics?" 
"You did a good job, Wei Ying... maybe you were just out of energy." He supplied, carefully coaxing him to sit with him. 
It took another hour for them to both truly calm down, and by then, Lan Zhan was exhausted.
It was already well past his bedtime, and he was so relieved for Wei Ying to be home that he passed out on the couch. 
Wei Ying stayed pressed to his chest the whole night. 
The next morning, Wei Ying told Lan Zhan about his week. About how he stayed at the cemetery, but most importantly, he told him about the man. About the feeling he got when he saw him.
Lan Zhan frowned, and for the first time since they met, he decided to ask Wei Ying a very personal question.
"Wei Ying... how did you die?"
"I-" He frowned. "I don't really remember?"
"You don't remember?" 
"No... I remember going out to play," he glanced down at his hands. "I was exploring a part of the city I've never been to before. It was old and rundown. I--" He frowned, his body flickering lightly. "I remember hearing something weird... and then pain."
"There was so much pain." He shook his head and touched his throat. "I remember... crying... and... then I woke up and no one could see me or hear me. I found out that I was killed... and then at the funeral you saw me... but that's it." 
Lan Zhan frowned.
"The news said you were murdered. It was a closed casket funeral. Your murderer was never found." 
"Could... could the guy I saw be the guy who killed me?" 
"...I am not sure. If you wish to look into it, we can pull up the articles on your death later."
Wei Ying nodded.
For now, they needed to go to Lan Zhan's uncle's home for dinner. Or at least, Lan Zhan did.  But Wei Ying had no intention of leaving Lan Zhan's side again. 
So once he got cleaned up, they headed off to Lan Qiren's home. 
When they arrived, Xichen greeted Lan Zhan warmly and led him inside. 
"So, who is the guest you mentioned?"
"It is a few guests, actually. Do you remember the Wei family who lived down the street?" 
Lan Zhan stopped. "...I do." 
He nodded. "They've come to town to visit their son's grave."
He explained lightly. "Uncle invited them over. And an old acquaintance of theirs and uncles is here as well." 
Lan Zhan nodded lightly and glanced at Wei Ying, wanting to make sure he was okay, but instead, he saw the ghost still standing in the entryway.
His eyes were wide, his body stiff. He refused to take a step. 
Lan Zhan frowned and glanced at his brother. "Ge, I'll join you in the sitting room in a moment. I forgot something in the car." 
"Of course." 
He waited for his brother to leave before he went to Wei Ying.
"Wei Ying? Are you alright?" He asked softly, "If... if seeing your parents is--" 
"It's not them." He shook his head. "He's here. The man I told you about. I can feel it. I... Lan Zhan, my whole body feels like static." 
Lan Zhan frowned and gently took his hand. "Wei Ying, it is okay. I am here, he cannot hurt you again..."
"But he can hurt you. he can hurt your family... my parents. I... Lan Zhan if he... if he is the one who killed me--" 
Lan Zhan glanced towards the living room and sighed. "Stay with me. Don't let go of me, okay?"
Wei Ying nodded. 
"If it becomes too much, we'll leave." Family be damned. If this man really was the one who murdered Wei Ying like Lan Zhan suspected, then he wanted to find out who it was, find a way to prove he was guilty. 
So into the room they went.
There, sitting at the table, was Lan Zhan's uncle and brother, Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren, and then a man that Lan Zhan did not know. 
"Wangji, you remember the Wei’s, right?" 
"Mn. It's a pleasure to see you both." He bowed politely to them and Cangse Sanren smiled warmly.
"Oh, you've grown so much since we last saw you." She spoke warmly, but Lan Zhan could see a tiredness in her eyes.
Lan Zhan gave her a faint smile before his uncle introduced their other guest. "I don't believe you've ever met before, Wangji, this is Wen Ruohan. He used to be a business partner of mine and the Wei's."
Wei Ying's gaze landed on the man in question, his hold on Lan Zhan tightened. 
For a moment, flickers of forgotten memories came rushing back. The sound of someone screaming. The sound of something unnatural cracking. The sound of something wet hitting the ground.
Wei Ying was certain if he was alive he would be hyperventilating right now. 
He remembered tripping and making a lot of noise. He remembered trying to run. 
He remembered being grabbed. 
Wei Ying did not die quickly. 
The anxiety and fear in his body began to grow, and without warning, Wei Ying fell forward, his ghostly form falling into Lan Zhan before dissipating. 
A cold child traveled down Lan Zhan's spine before his whole body shivered violently. 
"Wangji? Are you alright?" Xichen stood, but 'Lan Zhan' held a hand out to ease him.
"Sorry, I'm okay." He bowed in greeting to Ruohan before taking his seat. 
All dinner, 'Lan Zhan' kept his mouth shut and his eyes downcast. He listened as Wei Changze told them that the 10 year anniversary was approaching and they wanted to do something special.
He learned that every year on the day of his death and on Wei Ying's birthday, his parents come to visit him. This year, however, they wanted to hold a memorial service in honor of their son. 
"It truly was a tragedy." Ruohan nodded. "They never did catch his killer, did they?"
"No." Sanren hung her head. "The authorities said that the murder was in line with the others that had happened, but after A-Ying, the trail went cold. They had nothing to go on." 
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"I just hope his soul is at peace."
Lan Qiren nodded in agreement.
"I'm sure he is." 'Lan Zhan' said lightly, surprising the family since it was the first he spoke. 'What happened to Wei Ying was awful.. and... I didn't know him well, but he was always happy. I'm sure he's found a way to be happy now." He met Ruohan's gaze. "And I'm certain they'll find who hurt him one day." 
Cangse Sanren smiled warmly and nodded. "You're right. He was such a lively little boy. He tried so hard to be your friend, you know. But you were so shy." 
He nodded a little, glancing down at his food again.
It had been a long time since he's tasted anything... he almost forgot how good food was. Even if this was bland.
The rest of the meal went on in silence, complying with the Lan eating habits. 
As soon as they finished eating, however, 'Lan Zhan' stood and bowed to everyone.
"I apologize. I should get going. I have a test in the morning I need to study for." 
"Of course, I'm glad you could come, Wangji." Qiren nodded to him. 
"I should get going as well. I have a business meeting in the morning." 
"Of course, thank you for coming, Wen Ruohan."
'Lan Zhan's' lips tipped into a frown. But he bowed to everyone and headed out. He thought he was in the clear as he reached his car, but he felt eyes on him and glanced up. 
Ruohan was approaching him, a frown on his lips. 
"Have a good evening, sir." 'Lan Zhan' said politely before getting in his car and locking the doors.
He let out a long, slow breath, and with a light mist leaving him, Wei Ying suddenly sat beside him in the passenger seat.
Lan Zhan coughed a little and glanced at Wei Ying. "I didn't know you could do that."
"Neither did I." Wei Ying glanced out the window and saw Ruohan getting in his own car. 
"Lan Zhan... be careful driving home." 
"Mn."  He nodded and started his engine before heading off.
Wei Ying kept his eyes on the car following them, an uneasy feeling in his chest. "Lan Zhan,"
"Im sorry for taking over your body..." 
"It's alright. I never should have made you go in there with the way you were feeling. Are you feeling any better?"
"Good. Let's go home." 
The car stopped following them. 
Thankfully, the next two days went by smoothly, Wei Ying stayed attached to Lan Zhan's
side, refusing to leave him. 
A few times, he got the same spine chilling feeling and he knew Ruohan was nearby. He was always careful, guiding Lan Zhan towards more crowded areas and away from the lingering threat.
However, the night before the memorial service was to be held, Wei Ying felt the chilling feeling once more while he and Lan Zhan were at home. 
He frowned and moved to slip through the wall briefly before he returned quickly. 
"Lan Zhan," he hurried to his side, trying to stay calm.
"I want you to text your brother and tell him to call the cops. Tell him someone is trying to break into your apartment."  
"Please... just do it..  and get something to protect yourself. Ruohan is here." 
Lan Zhan frowned, but complied.
As soon as the message was sent, Lan Zhan heard his door rattle slightly and he quickly and quietly got up to find an object he could use to defend himself. 
When the door finally swung open, Lan Zhan had turned all of the lights off and was staying out of sight.
Wei Ying directed him where to move to avoid the intruder. 
"Oh come now, A-Zhan." Ruohan's voice was dripping with malice. "I know you're here. Come out, I just want to talk." 
Wei Ying knocked something over in the opposite direction and Ruohan lunged. 
Unfortunately, when Lan Zhan tried to use this as a chance to escape he knocked over some decor he had, catching the other's attention. 
Wei Ying's eyes widened as the man whirled around with such determination that he was on top of Lan Zhan in a heartbeat.
The glint of the knife in his hand caught Wei Ying's attention, and without thinking, he picked up the closest object, a small potted plant, and chucked it at him, hitting Ruohan right in the head. 
He whipped around to see who threw it, but that gave Lan Zhan the chance to throw a hard punch to his jaw, knocking him off of him.
The two tussled on the floor for several minutes, each time they switched and Wei Ying wasn't able to get another throw in. 
However, all movements stopped when a rather… muffled sound echoed in the room. Ruohan was leaning over Lan Zhan, panting hard from wrestling with him. He jerked his arm back and Wei Ying heard the unmistakably familiar sound of flesh ripping. 
"...Lan Zhan?" 
"That's what you get, you damned brat." Ruohan stood, kicking the poor man while he was down. 
Lan Zhan coughed up blood, rolling onto his side as his hands tried to put pressure on his wound. 
"Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan no!! No, no, no!" 
Ruohan scoffed. "I don't know how you figured out I did it, but this is the end for you." He readied the knife in his hand, preparing to strike again when the sound of sirens blared in the distance. Ruohan glanced over, his eyes widening before he scoffed. 
He glanced down at Lan Zhan, who was trying to crawl away and slammed his foot against him,
knocking him back to the ground. 
Lan Zhan collapsed with a pained grunt, and Wei Ying couldn't handle it anymore, he surged forward, his body colliding with Ruohans. 
There was a bit of resistance, but Wei Ying took control.
"Help is on the way, Lan Zhan." He said softly.
He felt sick, every ounce of energy he had went into making sure Ruohan didn't move. He could feel the anger, the hate, the greed, the darkness that was Ruohan's mind. He couldn't understand how anyone could live this way.
The sirens were outside now, and 'Ruohan' rose the bloodied knife into the air as if he was going to stab Lan Zhan. 
"Drop your weapon!" 
'Ruohan' stood up straight and dropped the weapon away from Lan Zhan before he kicked it towards the cops.
As soon as the cops rushed forward, Wei Ying exited Ruohan's body. The man instantly began to struggle, but Wei Ying didn't care. He hurried to Lan Zhan's side, desperately trying to help put pressure on the wound, but his hands were going through him.
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, it's going to be okay!" Wei Ying wasn't sure if he was comforting himself or the other, but he was trying. 
The paramedics rushed in shortly after, quickly taking Lan Zhan into their care. 
Wei Ying had to back away when he realized he was sapping energy from their equipment. 
He watched in a panicked state as Lan Zhan was moved onto a gurney and rushed from the apartment. 
For three days Wei Ying sat on the couch, waiting, feeling himself fading in and out. He didn't care. All he wanted was to know that Lan Zhan was safe.
When the door finally opened, Wei Ying looked over in a panic, finally standing from the couch. 
He watched as Xichen carefully helped Lan Zhan into the home. He stepped away from the couch as Lan Zhan was carefully lowered to the soft cushions.
"Wangji, you really should stay with me or uncle." 
"No, I am fine." He assured him, carefully adjusting himself to be more comfortable. "You should go home and rest." 
"..." He sighed, but nodded. "Call me if you need anything." 
"Of course."
Xichen squeezed his hand before leaving. 
Wei Ying stayed back, afraid to hurt him anymore. Not that he had much energy to begin with, but the fear was still there. 
"Won't even come sit with me?" Lan Zhan teased and Wei Ying whined. 
"I-- you're safe." Was all he could say.
"I am." He opened his arm and Wei Ying carefully took the spot, hugging him while being mindful of the wound.
Wei Ying did everything he could to help him the next few days, doting on him as much as a ghost could.
The pair was snuggled up on the couch when they saw the news.
"Suspect Wen Ruohan is currently being transported to Gusu maximum security prison following the attempted murder of Lan Wangji. Police took Ruohan into custody this past weekend after receiving a call about an alleged break-in." 
"When police arrived, Ruohan had already stabbed his victim once in the abdomen. Police apprehended him and an official investigation was opened." 
"Police found several artifacts in Ruohan's home linking him to the string of murders ten years ago.vA red ribbon covered in blood that was identified as belonging to 10 year old Wei Ying. Engraved acupuncture needles belonging to the late Wen Qing, a silken money pouch belonging to the late Luo Qingyang, a citrine necklace belonging to the late Qin Su..." 
The list went on.
Trophies he collected from each of his victims. Ruohan was expected to receive maximum punishment. 
Wei Ying slumped against Lan Zhan, a soft sigh leaving him. "I'm glad... glad he's finally gone." 
"As am I." 
Wei Ying nuzzled him lightly before he closed his eyes.
"Wei Ying?" 
"I want you to promise me something." 
"Stay with me. Stay here beside me until I die. And when I die, I want you to move on. I want you to let go so we can have a chance at reincarnation. So we can be together."
Wei Ying's eyes snapped open and he looked at him in shock. He saw the determined expression, could feel how serious he was. If he had a heartbeat, he was sure it would be fluttering.
"I promise. I promise, Lan Zhan. From now until the end of time, I am yours and only yours."
"Mn." He nodded, pleased with the response, and without thinking, he leaned forward and pressed a soft, chaste kiss to his lips. There was a cold pressure against his lips, just like when they hugged. It was everything he had hoped for. 
"...Lan Zhan?" 
"...if you can kiss me... what else do you think we can do?" 
Lan Zhan's ears burned a deep red and he coughed lightly, drawing a playful grin from his ghost companion.
13 notes · View notes
izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
There were SEVERAL new notes that were scattered around Clint's home, all left by a CERTAIN spider boyfriend. The note system was his favorite, and he refused to ever stop doing it. The notes are as followed: The first note had been left right on the front door.
'Hawkbae <3 I might not be home tonight :( : ( Something came up, it might take all night. Nothing to worry about though! - Pete ❤' The second immediately next to the first.
' By the way I found your phone in the bronx? I put it on charge for you in the roooom. - Petey ❤ '
The third was next one was on the arm of the couch, next to an extra pair of pajama pants and Peter's warm and cozy hoodie next to it.
' If you watch star trek without me, I will know.. and I will pout! But I found a new show you might like! I put it in your watchlist on amazon! - ur captain ❤ '
The fourth was on the fridge.
'Oh mighty landlord~ I fixed that one broken dishwasher in 1A Also managed to get around to fixing some of the electrical in the main lobby, and I fixed 2B's dishwasher! OH! and the one busted mailbox that was making the weird noise! - ur humble assistant ❤ The fifth note was waiting in the fridge on top of a fresh gallon of chocolate milk as well as a few baked goods. (not a single clue on the fourth that the fifth even existed inside.)
' prettttty bird ❤❤ I saw you were running low on milk so i got you some more, and i picked up a few other snacks. The pie is all yours, freshly made by YOURS TRULY, also I made the building some cookies and I made you extras! - ur friendly little baker ❤❤❤'
The sixth note could be found could be found new the takeout menus. (Peter liked to think he knew his boyfriend's routines rather well.)
'hey hungry bird ❤ I already called ahead your usual place they should be bringing your food by soon. (And if you are late they should have left you a note to call them and they would swing by why yes i am a PREPARED SPIDEY!) - a prepared boi ❤' The last note could be found in the bedroom right next to Clint's alarm clock and a little wrapped present. Inside the box was a little black bracelet. It was a special kind that was especially made for long distance couples (Yes he knows they aren't long distance but away missions are sometimes a bitch and they are needy asses)
'Hey love, I know it's a little silly, but I saw these.. and you know with our jobs I thought maybe? I'm already wearing mine. I love you - Forever yours, Peter ❤'
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It was bound to happen, their first few months of this relationship had been stable; several months actually. Long enough time, although with the nature of their lives and who they were? It had seemed they had both FALLEN FAST.
That was kind of HARD NOT TO DO. The guy had quips and thwips, could keep up with Clint's talk (out talk him any day), was as dramatic as Clint was (an impossible task). He's been in this as long as Clint as too, so he's known and he still goes about all of this trying to maintain two identities. Something that Clint had always wondered if he should have done, been precious about, but than he sees how it affects Peter and he's maybe glad that he never had been.
Peter's smart and kind, the typical stuff that everyone always says in romance movies. By far no where perfect, and the fact they were both risk takers (and had been at odds once or twice before about work was proof of it). HE'S LEARNING CLINT, KNOWING HIM. One of the few who will know Clint; all the detail he wants and gets out of him. There's a whole twenty something years of his life, before the Avengers, before anyone knew him. PETER GETS ALL OF THEM IF HE WANTS.
In a lot of ways, Clint knows that they were similar. Reflections upon each other; although he would argue that Parker Luck is a lot better than Barton Luck. NOT SOMETHING THAT HE'D SAY. That would actually end up being an argument, or not something that would go over well. He'd take Parker Luck any day over Barton Luck. HOPES that their relationship is running on Parker Luck than his own. STILL HE KNOWS THEY WORE THE SAME HATS SOMETIMES.
They had each other's keys, lived half here and half there. Something about the heart living where the other was at. There had been the few funny times, when they couldn't coordinate with each other to save their lives. Peter ending up at Clint's, while he's at Peter's. HOME MADE IN TWO PARTS. They laughed at those times, calling each other over the phone and razzing the other for being at the other's place. DEBATING WHOSE COMING TO WHO.
The past two weeks, they have felt more like passing ships. It was inevitable, with seeing each other for less hours in a day or not even the whole day. The city being slammed with attacks, with supervillain schemes and plots that the Thunderbolts were called in on, that would bleed over into days long worries. DEMANDING ALL OF CLINT'S ATTENTION AND HIS LEADERSHIP. He slept at the fucking office last night, after a very late drop in at a meeting because it's been that kind of the week. Had to call Peter from the office, just to chat with him and tell him that he was missing him again tonight. Clint rarely stayed at the office if he could help it, but the team was tired or had more on their plates, so he had sent them home and stayed back and did all the reports, sat through the debriefing with Helen and than with the Mayor Luke Cage. PRESS AND ALL KINDS OF SHIT.
On top of that, Clint has been doing some UNDERGROUND work that he absolutely had to be careful with doing, like the Captain America network that he helped when Steve called in on him. Any work like that, whether it was simply exchanging information and offering tips or actually suiting up and bringing weapons, if any of that came up while he was working for the mayor's office and Thunderbolts? That would be trouble for him. Clint's not leaving people hanging though, not arresting other superheroes, and he's helping his fellows. IF HIS DAY OF RECKONING COMES? SO BE IT.
He's down, there's a slump to his shoulders as the end of the day comes. Clint hasn't had his phone in over three days, which he has no idea where he lost it. Probably T-Bolts patrol or an emergency call. Depression has been creeping in, something of which Peter and his therapist has noted, to which Johanna had asked him how he was going to practice healthy coping and manage it. HE KNOWS THE ANSWER SHE WANTS.
Getting to his front door, which he had come to second (Peter's place had been empty). He'll worry about his phone later. YET ⸻ SQUEEZE HIS HEART AND LUNGS. There's a note on the door.
FIRST ⸻ This sticky note, green in color, starts with HAWKBAE. Occasionally, as a joke not joke, he wonders if he should change his hero name to that. If only, because the nickname amuses him so much. A SIGH HEAVES AS HE READS. Clint hates to think that, of course, with how his week has been going. Barton Luck would double down, and he's not seeing a certain man tonight. It's okay, but he does wonder (nothing to worry about though!) about where and when Peter has even gone off. If it's Spider-Society stuff, which is the one he worries, because he knows about the whole multiverse, getting displaced or trapped in another universe. EARTH-666 WAS A MONSTER HELLSCAPE. It's the reason he has a joke grudge against Brian Braddock and the country of the British. No longer can a Smiths song be enjoyed. He will in fact, worry a little about Peter, and hope that he comes home in one piece and no bruised ego either. He'll spoil him, absolutely when he got here; or he'd go over there.
SECOND ⸻ The next sticky note is a different color, orange, and shorter than the first. Signed with Petey and a heart; he is his GODDAMN HEART. Oh, so it had been a T-bolts patrol that Clint had lost his phone. What had gone on that day he was walking the street of the Bronx like a beat cop? It doesn't matter, he has his phone back and possibly a lot of texts, emails, and missed call to catch up on. A call to Peter later, NEEDED. Honestly, was there a word for more than needed?
The two notes are plucked off of the door, than he's fumbling with his keys until the door unlocks. When he enters in the apartment, he doesn't quite know what to do with himself at first. How many days had it been since he was here? It's not that long again, but after spending the night in the HQ, it had felt longer. No boyfriend here. DAMN. The duffel bag he is carrying, gets half tossed to the side of the couch as he decides he had just needs to sink into the couch for a few minutes. HE JUST NEEDED THAT. Tv remote acquired in hand, flicking through what he was going to watch, until. . .
THIRD ⸻ a pink note is noticed. He picks it up, reads it and there's that twitterpated feeling that he gets about Captain Dork of the Spiderprise. While readding the note, his eyes draw over to notice the pajama pants and a hoodie. One that Peter tended to throw on when he was walking Lucky, of whom he imagines is at Kate's since Clint has been too all the place the past two weeks. I WILL KNOW... AND I WILL POUT. His face was cute when he pouted, but Clint's hart could not handle a pouty Peter. TWITTERPATED FOR HIM.
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He had still been in his thunderbolts uniform, so he turns on the amazon app to see what Peter had put on his watchlist. Clint stands with a groan, to get up and shuck off his uniform. It's kind of dropped dropped to the side of the couch. He can worry about that later when his battery is charged up. HAPPIER ALREADY WHEN HE'S IN PETER'S HOODIE. It smells like him, wonders if it's so weird that he hugs himself and smells into the hood. Clint's on the couch, paying as much attention that he can spare for tv show until his stomach gets rumbly.
FOURTH ⸻ There's another note, blue, on fridge, that's new amongst the other notes he keeps up. OH MIGHTY LANDLORD, has he smiling. A half laugh, which ends in a full laugh a his eyes scan the note. HUMBLE ASSISTANT. Was he going to call Peter his humble assistant next time they get frisky, a little roleplay to add the spice? Absolutely, that was happening. GET HOME TOMORROW, PETER. He's glad that Peter's been able to check in with the tenants while the five boroughs of New York have been slammed with calls for the Thunderbolts appearance. He knows everyone loves Peter. HE DOES TOO.
The fact there was a note on the fridge, should have alerted Clint that another note was coming. Why wouldn't there be a note in the fridge? He was pretty sure he's eaten a sticky-note left by Peter before, because he put it in the fridge and Clint wasn't paying attention.
FIFTH ⸻ Yellow note. PRETTY BIRD. Stop flirting with me in notes, Peter, and COME HOME TO DO IT IN PERSON. Clint was going to blame Mayday for the reason he was low on milk this time. HE HOPES HE SEES HIS BUG SOON TOO. Watching all her favorite cartoons, naptime, the games they play, and then teaching her how to be the coolest Honorary Hawkeye (sorry Peter and Spiderman). Clint goes for the milk, and a few snacks but he was definitely going to order something in as there's no way he's cooking with the exhaustion that seeps in his bones.
That leads to the next note that he will find. IT'S LIKE PETER IS FOLLOWING HIM AROUND. ❝ I swear, Parker, if you are Truman Show-ing me! ❞ He says out loud, with a laugh to himself as he goes to look through the takeout menu pile underneath the landline phone. It should maybe bother him how much Peter knew his routines, knew his mind. Perhaps, it's creepy, but instead he likes the feeling that he's watched over by Spiderman. HE JUST FEELS VERY LOVED.
SIXTH ⸻ Red. HUNGRY BIRD. They hadn't shown up and he hadn't noticed a note, which makes Clint wonder how many minutes he had missed Peter by. The usual place, usually needed an order head, because of the distance and traffic, preparation time. So he should be expecting the food in twenty minutes and HE'S OVERWHELMED. Laughing at the way that Peter signs off on this note. PREPARED. How that knucklehead ever has any self image issues (he knows how and why; clint sees peter's) when he's absolutely wonderful, loving, and a total dork. ADORABLE DORK. CAPTAIN DORK. ADORKABLE.
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The food arrives, with Clint leaving them a big additional tip and he's eager to dig into whatever Peter has ordered for him. HE DIGS IN. Crashed out on the couch, with the tv on for two hours. A slice of pie (he can make pie, holy shit, he's going to be obsess over that fact) and some cookies were had. He never has to try to bake again with Peter being around. Clint does saves a little bit from everything from the takeout order, just for Peter. Puts it in the fridge, so that he had something to eat when he got back in from whatever was keeping him all night. Writes a note himself to stick on the front door before he locks the door.
Peter <3
leftover in fridge for you
romance is not dead
you = my whole heart
Clint <3
He knows what his therapist would say, but he also knows that he was tired. That he's done about as much self-care as possible, and half of that was a result of the six notes that he had in his pocket. CLINT GOES RIGHT TO HIS BED. That's when he notes the little wrapped box in Spiderman themed wrapping paper. DORK. HIS BOYFRIEND IS A DORK. Followed along with it comes the last note, that he's noticed.
SEVEN ⸻ Purple paper, his favorite color. HEY LOVE. He's so deep in love with him, they both were. It's been a long time that he's had a new love, and how Clint hopes so much that this last. No other shoe dropping, no luck running out, no time being up. HEY LOVE. Clint's unwrapping the box that Peter has called silly, which he'll be the judge of that. There's a black bracelet in it, which Clint normally does not wear much in terms of accessories. A watch here and there, hair ties on his wrist (not that he ever needed them for his hair; but for flinging at people and now, he used them for Mayday's wild hair when it was bothering her). He looks back at the note. I LOVE YOU, FOREVER YOURS, PETER. Clint loves him too, and he hopes that forever lasts.
He kisses this note, which may be silly, but there's no one around to judge. ALREADY WEARING MINE. He reads the little paper that comes with the bracelet, from the company about what this was and how it worked (he can tell that Peter had taken it out already; meaning there must have been some set up done). Clint puts it on, an immediately he's pushing at the sun on, which blinks a dim light. He presses a few times, hoping, waiting for it to reach Peter. WONDERS IF HE COULD FIGURE OUT WHAT THE VIBRATION RATE WAS. They could do morse code with these, if they work.
A few minutes place, it goes dark and he reaching over for his phone. He lays down, tucking himself in and dims the brightness on his phone immediately to go to his text messages to CAPTAIN DORK OF THE SPIDERPRISE, ignoring everything else.
Before he even gets the chance to text anything, the bracelet light up and vibrates ⸻ WARMTH SPREADS. The warmth spreads between the cold and hollow spaces between his bones. FLUTTERING. Butterflies flutter through his stomach, up through his chest cavity, than get caught in his throat. SWALLOWING. CONSUMING. ⸻ He has got to be too old to feel this amount of love, to be this giddy over a bracelet vibrating, and FILLED TO THE CUP with love. He pushes the button again, how obsessed and distracted were they going to be about this?
Clint opens back his phone to text Peter.
[ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> I love you
[ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> Stay safe
[ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> Call me as soon as you can
3 notes · View notes
purplesurveys · 1 year
Would you rather have another job?  I’m fine where I am now and the career field is something I want to continue be in; but I mean yeah, I’m not gonna lie to you, scenario-wise it’d be cool to experience something new. Like working on the brand side for once (I work in an agency), or even be relocated to another country altogether. Relocation is a dream, but I feel like there’s still lots to accomplish here. I don’t feel like I deserve that big a win just yet.
Did you ever live in a house with more than one story?  I currently am. It was my childhood home that didn’t have more than one story.
What room of your home do you spend most time in?  This is a no-brainer – my room. I work from home here, so that’s already automatically 8 hours of my day in my room.
Is your second toe longer than your big toe?  Just a little bit.
Have you ever given yourself a tattoo?  No and I don’t think I could ever do that. I can’t even put eye drops on my own without squirming.
Do you own any clothes you wouldn’t wear in front of your mother?  No. I do own tops that are on the revealing side and have already gotten a fair share of earfuls from my mom in the past, but those sermons haven’t fazed me in years.
Do you have health insurance?  Yes.
What are some medical issues you’re currently dealing with?  Scoliosis is an everyday thing I deal with, but other than that I’m fine.
Why did you last take pain medication?  Headache.
What physical traits have you inherited from your father?  My eyes, I think? Idk my face is generally a very hazy blend of my mom’s and dad’s and I can never tell which physical traits I got from either.
How about your mother?  ^ ...Yeah.
What personality traits do you wish your children would inherit from you? To care about political and social issues, to be curious about the world, and to be bold and vocal such that they are confident in standing up for themselves.
What parts of the world are your ancestors from?  Probably just the Philippines. I doubt I have any ounce of Spanish blood in me.
Have you ever had a strange pet, outside of the normal animals people keep?  Nah, we’ve only had dogs, a cat, rabbit, birds, and goldfish.
Do you believe in astrology?  Couldn’t make me a billionaire to make me start biting into that crap.
Do you drive an electric car?  I don’t. There’s no, like, market for it either here. You’d waste your money on a Tesla because it’s not like charger stations for e-vehicles are readily available.
What are your opinions on global warming?  I think it’s too late for us to do anything about it - this planet is fucked regardless of any changes we make. < I am pessimistic about it too, yes.
Do you like facial hair on guys or do you prefer the clean shaven look?  I don’t have a preference mainly because to me facial hair is a hit or miss. It can look good, but it can also look gross.
Who was your first celebrity crush?  Zac Efron and Ashley Tisdale from High School Musical.
Are you good with kids?  I was great with them as a teenager but I’m not sure how I hold up now. I have no way of knowing either – I am rarely around kids, haha.
Are you usually late, early, or right on time?  Right on time, or a few minutes late at worst. Pre-pandemic Robyn who was obsessed with making it an hour early to things would be horrified to learn the latter. But I dunno, going through the pandemic and the other rough bullshit in between...changes your outlook in life. I try not to get hyperfixated about time now, among many many many other things.
Are you good at applying makeup?  I don’t care for it and I know I would be horrible at it, especally if I attempted to do any blendy blendy contoury stuff that’s trending. I stick to foundation and concealer, which is hard to fuck up.
Do you like pastel colored hair?  I find it okay, but I would personally never get it for myself. Too light.
What do you think about the most?  Work – the next event, the next time I have to go overtime, the next deck I have to finish, the next Word doc I have to whip up from scratch. I’ve been  obsessively trying to break the habit because I’m finally coming around to the fact that work is not everything, but at this point I’ll say that work and worrying about work still eats up most of the space in my head.
Do you like to see it snowing outside?  It doesn’t snow where I live.
Do you have your national flag hanging up anywhere outside your house?  No, that’s not practiced here but I’ve seen it done in other countries. Patriotism to that level is quite fascinating to me.
Have you ever been in a choir?  Not particularly but whenever we had mass in school the batches would always get divided into main and second voices so that the whole student body acted like a choir.
Do you look older or younger than you actually are?  Younger. I always get checked if I’m not a minor...
When is the next time you’ll be up on stage?  No idea.
Where did you spend your last birthday at?  It was at home! It happened to be a holiday so I just gathered my friends at my place for dinner. D-DAY and Yoongi’s Disney+ documentary also came out that day so we just had a little listening party and watch parties for Haegeum and the docu as well.
What was the last show that you watched a full episode of?  I’m not so sure...maybe Friends? I can tell you the last full vlog I watched though was Smosh’s.
Is there anything you need to work on doing soon?  Not anymore. I had weekend work I wanted to get done to lessen my load for tomorrow, but I already did that earlier today.
Were you ever a boy or girl scout?  Nope.
Do you take your medications in the morning or at night?  I don’t take any.
Have you ever bought a YouTuber’s merch?  Nah. Most of my favorites are foreigners and it’s so hard and expensive to get their merch shipped all the way here, anyway. The most I’ve done for YouTubers are attend YTFF 2015 and purchase a membership tier for Smosh.
What is the best type of donut?  I like any kind of donut as long as it is not the filled kind. I never got the appeal of those.
Do you like thrift stores?  They’re fine! I’ll stop by if I see something I like. I used to snob them but when I saw how nice the offers can be, I began frequenting them.
What is your town known for?  Pilgrimages and giving you an awesome view of the Metro Manila skyline.
Have you ever used a fake name at Starbucks?  Yeah maybe once or twice as a teenager; it’s not something I think of doing when I’m at Starbucks.
What color is your lava lamp?  I never had one of those. I wanted one when I was younger, but it was seen as an unnecessary expense.
Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character?  I never had any Lisa Frank thing.
What’s your favorite movie that you remember seeing in the theater?  Some Stuart Little movie.
Do you know anyone who has ten cats?  I don’t think so. Have you ever had a cat?  Yes, we adopted Arlee and had her for a few years.
Have you ever had a dog?  We have had three – Kimi, and at present Cooper and Agi.
Have you ever any other kind of animal?  We used to have goldfish, chicks, lovebirds, and a rabbit.
Have you ever had a pet rock?  No.
What were you voted in the senior class polls?  We don’t have that tradition.
Who was your favorite teacher in high school?  My music teacher. Hated the class, loved her.
Do you want to give your kids common names or unique names?  In a hypothetical world where I have kids, common. I know what it’s like to have an ever-so-slightly-not-so-common name – I lived through it – and kids were already brutal at that point.
What collection are you thinking of starting?  No new ones; I just want to keep my BTS collection growing.
What are five of your favorite stores at the mall?  I don’t go to malls for the stores, tbh. I always just head to a café or restaurant – occasionally I’ll visit a bookstore but rarely to actually buy anything.
Do you organize your clothes by color?  Nope, I don’t group my clothes a certain way.
What do you want to name your first child?  Mia, Emilia, Isla, and Charlotte have been my favorites as of late.
List ten favorite girls names.  ^ Those four, and also Isabella, Ava, Arden, Elizabeth, Harper, and Lily. Ooh Elliott, Inez/Ines, and Dylan are also beautful.
List ten favorite boys names.  Liam, Mason, Seth, Noah, Jacob, Lucas, Ezra, Matteo, Gabriel, Rocco. I don’t have a lot of favorite boys’ names so I struggled with this one actually hahaha.
What season do you want to get married in?  We don’t have seasons; but October-November or January-February seem ideal so that the weather is a little forgiving. Purposely blocked out December because people aren’t likely to RSVP given the Christmas season haha.
Is your Pinterest cluttered?  No. I never use Pinterest beyond looking for pegs for work, and I never curate my feed or create folders or anything like that.
What is your favorite insect?  I don’t have any.
What bugs scare you?  Most of them, if not all.
Who picked your name, your mom or your dad?  Dad picked the first, mom picked the second. So they’ve told me.
What are your siblings’ names?  Nina, Joaquin.
Have you ever fallen asleep in a significant other's arms?  Sure.
Do you have a television in your room? If you do, is it one of the old school big ones? Or i it a new flat screen?  I do. It’s a flatscreen but not a new model; we’ve had it since 2008.
What was your favorite cartoon or television show as a child? What about movie?  Spongebob was my favorite show; Toy Story and Lizzie McGuire were my favorite movies.
Did you have sleepovers at your friends' houses a lot as a child? Or did your friends come over to your house more often?  I wasn’t allowed to join sleepovers and I didn’t have enough friends to host my own, either. My first proper sleepover was in third year of high school.
Do you have any significantly older siblings?  Nope, I’m the eldest and our gaps aren’t too wide; with my sister it’s 2 years, with my brother it’s 5.
When opening presents on Christmas or birthdays, do you first try to guess what is in the package? Do you tear the wrap off slowly, or just rip it to shreds? Are you polite no matter what the gift, and say you love it anyways?  1) I never guess; we all have vague ideas of one another and our interests anyway and if I were to guess I’d 100% be wrong all the time; 2) I immediately rip it; 3) Yes. Well I always legitimately appreciate whatever is given to me, so faking my reactions is a non-issue. A gift is a gift and if someone had taken their time to think of what to get me and spent for it, it’s more than enough.
What happened last time you got drunk?  Played trivia questions with Angela, Hans, and Reena. Possibly talked about how big and fat of a crush I have on Namjoon.
What are you listening to?  Amygdala, Agust D.
Which parent do you feel the most affection for?  Dad, no question. Easier to tolerate, appreciate, like, love.
How do you feel about God?  "If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness." A quote that reached fame by being found carved in a concentration camp wall. And I will forever agree with it, violently so. <-- I like this answer. < There you go.
Which platform do you use to listen to music on the most?  Spotify. YouTube on my work laptop as I can’t seem to get Spotify to work on there.
Who do you care about the most?  Myself, my close friends, my pets.
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boxernco · 2 years
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I have discovered a lingering presence of energy around the corpses of the deceased. This energy was difficult to harness, but I have finally found a way to contain it. I have been volunteering at the local cemetery, and during the night shift I have managed to gain access to one of the more unkempt graves. It was in such a state of disrepair that part of the body, and the energy it keeps, was exposed. I am still unsure what to do with the energy, but I feel it could be incredibly powerful. The cadaver was from 1799, and still the energy remained with  it. This could be the breakthrough of a lifetime. Arthur has grown suspicious of my project, but I am sure that he'll understand, just as soon as I can find a way to utilise this. The energy has been interfering with electrical signals within the laboratory and the house, which may make it much more difficult to hide, but it also means that I may be able to infuse the energy into an object somehow, and make it more potent.
This energy may be more than I initially realised. It has been changing radio stations, and television channels, and I believe it may have been trying to communicate with me. Whatever this energy is, it's sentient. I need to infuse it into something quickly, I cannot guarantee that it will stay in one place forever. Perhaps I could use this energy not to create something, but someone. But I must work quickly, I fear that if Arthur learns of what I am doing, he may become upset. But I believe that this could solve many of the unethical  practices present in modern science. This could be a way to create an ethical way to test medicines, if I can find a way to create a being that cannot feel pain.Whilst I would rather have come to such a discovery without meddling with the dead and any sentient energy they leave behind, this could save lives. It could prevent accidental overdoses during testing, or risking severe allergic reactions. People may not understand yet, but they will. I have a feeling this discovery will pay off. This is a means to an end. This discomfort I currently feel will be worth it.
- An excerpt from the journal of Dr. H. McCormack
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
Poly!Yandere! Big Three in a Relationship
Request: Maybe poly!yandere! Big Three x reader? Maybe sfw and nsfw hcs? 👉👈
A/N: I really like the big three. I think they’re really interesting characters and i hope we get more of them
Being in a relationship with the Big Three would be anyone’s dream. They’re all attractive, high-ranking heroes, and seem to get along great with each other. It’s the dream to be in their relationship. They’re fawned over and most people would gladly trade places with you. To date the Big Three is truly something to be proud of. They might be obsessive, but that only adds to their charm. Who can blame them? When you’re heroes, you make enough enemies eventually. They only want to protect you and if that means using their connections and resources to figure where you are and with you, then it might be a bit extensive, but it’s only because they care for you so much.
While polyamorous relationships aren't unusual in hero society, it is still a bit of a rarity- especially when they seem perfect like the Big Three. You have the childhood best friends, the beauty queen, and then you, the sweet, little naïve partner who is coddled and cared for. You’re the talk of the news- magazines, headlines, interviews and whatever else there could be, it’s about you and your relationship. While you would have preferred to be kept on the sidelines- the less that know, the better- they can’t help but be thrilled. Now people will know who you belong to without having to say a word. It’s a nice relationship, where they each hold a different part of power over you, keeping you nice and submissive, letting you fall onto their lap as they tell you that you can’t go anywhere now. You can’t start a new life when everyone knows who you are and who you are dating.
Tamaki still holds a bit of his more introverted nature, and when he isn’t out protecting society, he’s at home with you. He has you in his strong grip, sitting beside him as he bulks up for his next day on the job. He loves to touch you, to have you on his lap as his face is buried in your chest, his nails pressing into your skin, dragging down when you try to move away from him. When Tamai is in charge of you, he hardly ever lets you go out. He much rather have you to himself, where no one can witness you nor him. There really is no escape in the home that you share. He knows all the hiding places, and has made sure- along with Mirio- to place cameras where he thinks that you would hide. If you ever seem to entertain the idea of leaving, he’d fall into such a depressive state that the rest of the household would be angry towards you and you can’t have that.
Nejire is sweet. She holds a bit of motherly tendencies, cooking for you, bathing you, and even dressing you up as if you were her little doll. She loves to keep you in such a cute state, to make sure that you look the best that you can be- after all, you are dating the Big Three. Her curious nature makes it perfect- she’s so calming to talk to that you often forget just how powerful she is, just how much control she has over you. All your worries and insecurities are questioned, counter-attacked, and in turn, when he brushes just a bit too harshly on your hair, she reminds you that you can’t really break-up with them if you wanted to. It wouldn’t work out. You don’t have friends. You’ve cut off your family. Who would ever take you in? Especially if they learned just how heartbroken they were if it were your fault.
Mirio is the one who treats you with the most care, he hardly ever gets angry at you. He really is like the sun- bright and all consuming. If you’ve ever gotten into a spat with another, he’s always the first to help you mend things. He’ll do anything to make you smile and will gift you whatever you need in order for that. In turn, all that he asks for is that you stay around him for the longest. Just latch onto him and let him worry about everything that has to do with the household. If you need to go out, he’s sure that Nejire can make time and in turn, he’ll let you take his card- seeing as you don’t have one. He’s so happy, so cheerful, that when he does get angry, it’s terrifying. Tamaki was right. There really is nowhere to hide in the home, because he always seems to find you. His grip is firm, digging and bruising your skin as he tells you to never disobey and run off again. Once done, he flips the switch and he’s wiping your tears and telling you another joke as he pulls you to his arms.
While having a train or a foursome isn’t all that uncommon, they also like to take turns. Tamaki will fill you with his quirk, tentacles inside of you as his cock is buried deep inside of your aching hole. In the sidelines, Nejire will have her hand wrapped around Mirio, and you’re sure if there weren’t tears in your eyes, you’d see her spirals flickering in and out. Mirio’s fingers will be buried knuckle deep as they watch Tamaki rail you. Nejire will have her tongue lap at your sex, her quirk in effect, your body tense and on pins and needles as she keep you close to her, suckling on your sweet arousal. Mirio and Tamaki will have their hands on each other’s cocks, Tamaki’s face red as he watches you orgasm while Mirio pumps his cock, even if semen has spilled. Mirio will be relentless, pushing your face into the mattress, his hands gripping and teasing at your pebbled nipples. Nejire will be perched above on Tamaki's cock, both trying to watch as Mirio fucks you senseless.
If you did fail to listen to either of them, then they’re less than kind to you. They’ll spread your legs, tease at your waiting hole and press soft kisses against your slit, as they tie your ankles and wrists. A vibrator is pushed inside of you, your body shaking and teased at by either their mouths or hands. They edge you until you’re crying. Tears streaming down your face and wetting the bed sheet under you, your hands in tight fists as you beg and cry to not misbehave again. You have to promise to do better. To smile more and hold their hand, to listen when they say that they’re tired from work. You have to be a good little house pet, and know them. They care for you of course, but it’s hard to believe that when they keep rejecting your orgasm just to see you cry.
They all really just like to see your face contort into something less than innocent. They want to see you cry, to see you shake and beg for them to slow down or to give you a break, but they won’t. You have to please three different people who all have amazing stamina and at the end of it, you’re left overstimulated. Your body shakes throughout the night and any type of touch is jolts of electricity shot through you. And even then, when you’re crying and gripping onto scarred skin, your pleas of rest are shushed with a kiss as you’re lowered onto a cock to sit on. If it isn’t cockwarming, then you're meant to kiss at Nejire’s cunt until she lets you up, but there’s also a part of her that just wants to please you. She’ll kiss at your sex and suckle on your arousal until you’re patting at the top of her head to let you rest, that’s it all too much.
This is more of Nejire’s thing, but she loves to have you suck on her breasts. It’s one of the few times she isn’t trying to fight for your attention or get jealous at how the others make you cream all over their cocks. She gets to have you for herself. To feel your mouth latch onto her nipple and tease the hard bud with the tip of your tongue. It’s the few times you ever get to have her so nurturing. To pet your hair and have her other hand teasing with your sex. All you have to do is suckle on her breast, to hollow your cheeks and beg for her to make you orgasm while her fingers are deep inside of you massaging at your gummy walls that clench around her. It’s one of the few times that she’ll ever be sweet during sex- petting your hair, allowing you to cream, and rest. All you have to do is nurse on her and thank her.
In the earlier parts of the relationship, you still wanted your freedom, you wanted to go out and live a life separate from them, but they were able to snuff that flame out. Even now, you hold onto your stubbornness and they can’t help but coo at how silly you’ve gotten. They'll wrap a collar around your neck and force you to walk around on your hands as you don puppy ears with a tail placed inside of you. You aren’t allowed to walk on all fours, or speak and if you want something, you’ll have to nudge at a leg and point at what you want. It’s humiliating but you can see just how much it arouses them- the tent in their pants, the hands that pull on your nipples, the way the toy is moved around inside of you. You’ll learn our place soon enough and when you have, they’ll treat you to something nice as a reward.
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Handcuffed together
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Summary: Loki and you hate each other, but are both part of the Avengers. They are fed up with you two fighitng all the time and hancuff you together, so you can learn to tolerate each other.  Word count: 3.132 words Warnings: Smut, dubious consent (it is consentual, but not specificly said), angry Loki, degrading  A/N: Based on a idea from @the-best-phineas. Hope you like it! If anyone has an idea, or suggestion just let me know :)
Click here for chapter 2 Click here for chapter 3
With a loud click the handcuff around your wrist closed. You immediately tried to unlock the cuff, but it wouldn’t give. “Like that would work” Loki commented. You gave him a glare but turned your attention back to Tony. “Seriously, this is not necessary. Give us another chance” you begged him. “Look, we are all sick of the two of you constant fighting, it is effecting the team and the missions we’re on. And all that magic-crap makes everything worse. So, until the two of you can tolerate each other you’re cuffed together. And you’re both not allowed on missions before you finish this one” You sighed heavily but knew that arguing more was futile.
“I must say, you’re taking this better than I thought you would” Tony said to Loki. “Escaping handcuffs isn’t that difficult, Stark” Loki replied. Tony secured the cuff on Loki’s wrist. He then walked hastily to the door. “Oh, one more thing. These handcuffs are designed so you can’t use your powers” Tony said and quickly exit the room. Loki immediately tried to escape his cuff with magic, but nothing was happening. You tried as well, but got the same result, nothing. You met his eyes, which were full of anger. “I thought escaping from handcuffs wasn’t that difficult” you said sarcastically. Loki didn’t break eye contact. The anger was radiating off him, you swore you could physically feel it. He didn’t say anything but turned around and walked away. When you didn’t move he yanked at his side of the cuffs and you were forced to take a few steps in his direction. “What the… LOKI..” you started angrily, but he didn’t react. He kept walking while ignoring you. Right now, you had no other choice than to follow him, trying to keep up.
He pushed his bedroom door open with so much force, you thought it would break. He walked towards his bookcase and was taking out different books, flipping through them. You had enough and yanked at the handcuffs, making the book in his hand fall on the ground. “STOP. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING” you yelled at him. He gave you his angriest look, the one he said he reserved specially for you, because he never met anyone who was as stupid and annoying as you were. And that included his oaf of a brother. “I am finding a way to free myself from you” he spat. “So, just stand there and try not to get in the way” he turned his attention back to the bookcase. “You can’t just walk away and drag me along” you grumbled. “Apparently I can” he said with a sly small on his face. You yanked at the cuffs again, making Loki drop his book again. He turned to face you, grabbed your throat with the cuffed hand and pushed you hard against the wall behind you. Your scream was cut off by his other hand covering your mouth. He wasn’t chocking you, but the tightness off his grip wasn’t comfortable enough for you to relax. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, which was weird. It shouldn’t.
He pulled his hand away from your mouth after standing there for what felt like eternity. “Look, I’m much stronger than you are. So, I’m going to find a way to free myself. The only thing you have to do is staying out of my way” he growled. He let go of your throat, but still stood extremely close to you. “Yeah, this whole act doesn’t scare me” your voice hoarser than you would have liked. Loki chuckled “Look, when you had your powers you had some sort of defense, even tough it was weak. Without your powers.. you don’t stand a chance against me” You slapped him hard across his face. His face turned sideways, but his cheek didn’t show any red mark. He slowly turned his head to face you, giving you a wicked smile that sends chills trough your body. He didn’t say anything, just stared at you. But both of you knew, you had just proofed his point.
The rest of the morning you two sat on his bed. Loki was busy reading different books and he sometimes grumbled in annoyance. You were playing a game on your phone, trying to ignore him. Loki snaped his book shut and threw it across the room. You looked up from your phone “I assume the search is not going well then?” you couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at his frustration. “Just shut up, it’s not like you are any useful” he replied. He sighed and laid down on his bed. His put his cuffed hand on his chest, which meant that your hand also touched his chest. When he felt your hand, he puts his hand down beside him, pretending it didn’t happen. “We could pretend to like each other for this afternoon, and we surely will be free before dinner” you said. Loki didn’t reply. He sighed heavily “Fine” he muttered. He got up from the bed, which mean that you had to crawl to his side to get up as well. When it took to long he grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet in front of him. Not anticipating this move, you stumbled and fell into his chest. His free hand immediately grabbed you by your hip to steady you. A weird feeling was spreading from your hip through your body, you couldn’t quite place it. When he dropped his hand you still felt his touch. “Shall we?” he said. You nodded and followed him towards the living room. But there was no one there. Loki walked towards the kitchen, with you close behind him. There was a note on the kitchen table.
Loki and (Y/N), The team had to leave for a mission. We will be back in two days. Don’t kill each other. - Natasha
Loki crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it through the kitchen. “Great, just great. Two day stuck with you” he said angrily. “Lucky me, two days in the presence of a god” you replied with as much sarcasm as you could. Loki gave you an angry glare, which you ignored. He stormed out of the kitchen, yet again dragging you along. After a few steps you yanked at the cuffs and halted in your track. “Look, we both want nothing more than the be free of each other. But we’re at least stuck with each other for two day, so how about some rules?” you started. Loki didn’t say anything but nodded.
“First, discussing where we are going, no more dragging me along and doing whatever you want” you started.
“No talking unless absolutely necessary” Loki replied.
“No more threats, or throat grabbing”
“No more punching”
“How about no touching of any form?” you said.
“Fine by me. Also, no more singing. You are really bad at it”
“No more insulting me!!” you half yelled
“Don’t make insulting you so easy then!”
There was a long silence. “We sleep in my room” Loki said. “IF you behave this day, I MIGHT consider letting you sleep in the bed” you rolled your eyes at that comment. “I accept that we sleep in your room, but only IF I sleep in the bed too. Otherwise, we sleep in my room” you said. He smirked “If you weren’t so insufferable I might even enjoy this little negotiation” You couldn’t help but smile at his comment “same for me” you replied.
The rest of the afternoon went by rather peacefully. Loki was reading books and you were watching a series on tv. There was one awkward moment when you had to use the toilet, but you had to admit that Loki did his best to give you all the privacy you needed. So, you did the same when he had to go. Your stomach started to rumble, you were getting hungry. “Shall we order food?” you asked Loki. After a very long discussion you both finally agreed on Chinese food. In hindsight it wasn’t the best idea to eat Chinese food when you only have one hand. During dinner, your hands sometimes touched each other, by accident. But every time you felt his hand against yours spark like electricity shot through your body. You suddenly forgot how to breathe and didn’t know where this was coming from. You were hoping Loki didn’t notice and try to ignore the feeling.
After dinner things basically stayed the same. You put on a movie and halfway through Loki decided to watch it too. But none of you said a word to each other. After the movie you were getting tired. “Can we go to bed?” you asked. Loki nodded and the two of you walked to his bedroom. That was when things got a little awkward. You both turned your back towards each other when the other undressed. Loki had pulled down his pants and his shirt, which was now hanging on the chain of the cuffs. You were currently undressing yourself, getting rid of your own pants and pulling your T-shirt over your head, hanging it next to Loki’s on the chain. You currently were in a bra and thong, mentally slapping yourself for not thinking this through this morning. Worst off all was that it was in dark green, which was a colour you wore often before Loki joined the team. When Loki turned around you saw his eyes roam your body, suddenly you felt extremely exposed. You noticed that Loki was more muscular than you thought, if he were any other man on the planet you would have thought his body was attractive. You cleared your throat, snapping Loki’s eyes to meet yours. If you didn’t know any better you thought you saw a slight blush on his cheeks.
He walked towards his doors and turned down the light. His room was completely dark, and you couldn’t see a thing anymore. You heard Loki walk and felt your hand pulled towards his direction. You were hesitant to move, not wanting to trip or bump into something. “Why are you not moving?” Loki asked annoyed. “I- I can’t see a thing” you replied. Loki walked closer to you, his free arm grabbed your shoulder, and he took your cuffed hand with his. You flinched from the sudden touch, not expecting it. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you” he said. “I know, you just startled me” you replied. He guided you towards his bed and let you get in first. “Thanks” you whispered. “Just go to sleep” he replied. But sleep did not come easily. It was difficult to find a comfortable position, because of the handcuffs. But somehow you managed.
The light shining through the curtains woke you up. Loki was still fast asleep, he looked peaceful. He was laying on his side, facing you with his free hand underneath his head. His cuffed hand was on top of yours. You slowly moved your hand from underneath his. His eyes snapped open, and he looked at you. You were both silent. He cleared his throat “Breakfast?” he asked, you nodded. You both decided it was a good idea to make pancakes. However, cooking with handcuffs on was more difficult than anticipated. Especially since Loki wasn’t much of a cook. You got frustrated and told him to just get out of your way. You finally had the batter how you wanted and picked up the bowl to bring it near the stove. Loki, wanting to get out of your way, choose the wrong direction making the two of you bump into each other. You lost your grip on the bowl and it fell on the ground.
“Seriously?!” you asked angrily. “It’s not my fault you don’t watch where you’re going” Loki replied equally angry. “Why are you incapable of just admitting you’re not perfect and say sorry?”
“Why do you always look to me when someone has to take blame for your actions?” he spat back.
“You are the most insufferable person I’ve ever met!”
“God” Loki corrected.
“I’m not a person, I’m a God!”
“Some God you are, you can’t free yourself, you can’t even make your own pancakes” you replied sarcastically.
“I suggest you chose your next words very carefully” he warned you.
You being you, decided to ignore the warning. “You might think yourself a God, but you are the only one who does” you said, knowing it would get some sort of reaction out of him. Loki used to cuffs to spin you around, your back against his chest. His cuffed arm was around your throat and his free hand around your stomach, holding you in place. “If you don’t shut up know, I make you” he whispered in your ear with a dangerous tone in his voice. Your whole body felt on fire, yet again. Before you knew that you did it, you pressed your ass against his groin. “Oh, you like this don’t you?” he purred in your ear. “Shut up and let me go” you said, trying to squirm out his grip. “No, you want this” he said.
“I don’t” you replied.
“That’s a lie”
“Like you would know. You may have the title God of Lies, but like we established... you’re no God” you laughed.
“I don’t need to be the God of Lies to know. You heart rate is up, your pupils yesterday dilated when you saw me shirtless, and your voice is higher. And the best thing is, your needy body betrays you” he laughed back.
You had enough. You kicked the back of your foot against his shin, but Loki didn’t even flinch. “Bad choice, kitten” he said. Without warning his teeth sunk into your neck. Instead of making your scream it made you moan louder than you would have liked. His hand on your stomach travelled downwards, going straight for your core. He cupped your heat with his hand and one of his fingers strokes between your folds. Revealing that you indeed were turned on, and already extremely wet. “Hmm.. such a needy slut you are” he hummed. You wanted to protest, you should protest, but alle words had escaped you. Your breathe was ragged and you knew you what was going to happen.
Loki spun you around, pushing your upper body on the kitchen counter. He held his cuffed hand in your hair, forcing your hand behind your back and your head down. You tried to squirm away, but Loki wouldn’t budge. “We both know you can’t escape and we both know you don’t want to. So now I’m going to fuck you, maybe you think twice next time you talk to me like that” he growled. His free hand hovered over the buttons of your pants and in one smooth motion he opened them. He pulled your pants down, caressing your butt. Goosebumps were starting to form, and you felt yourself grow wetter from his touch. Loki had freed his erection through his zipper, still wearing his pants. He stroked his shaft up and down your slid. Slightly dipping through your folds, coating himself in your wetness.
Without warning he thrusted inside of you, making you cry out in pleasure. He started thrusting in and almost out of you in a very quick pace. His cock filled you up completely, even reaching your g-spot when he was fully inside of you. You started to rock your hips, meeting his pace. “That’s it, good girl” he praised you. It made you blush and clench your walls around his cock. He left darkly at your reaction. You felt your orgasm starting to build up inside of you. Loki’s animalistic way of fucking you was becoming too much. Right before you reached your high you moaned out loud “Oh my God” Loki stilted deep inside of you. “What did you say, darling?” he mused. “I- .. just keep going” you replied, hoping he would let you come undone. He leaned his upper body over yours, his lips right by your ear. “Just repeat it, if you want to come of course” he purred. You didn’t respond and thought about giving up your climax. Loki slowly moved pulled out and back inside of you. He knew you were close and was using that against you at the moment. “What’s wrong, kitten? Usually you’re so talkative” he chuckled. He was keeping his slow pace, keeping you on the edge but not pushing you over it.
You groaned in frustration. “Fine, I said oh my God” you said annoyed. Loki picked his pace up slightly, but nowhere near how fast you needed him. “So, you do admit that I’m a God?” even tough you couldn’t see his face, you just knew he had his signature smirk on his face. “Yes” you said to gritted teeth. Loki just laughed “Now, was that so difficult?” before you could answer he was thrusting at a fast pace. To your surprise Loki himself was starting to moan slightly, muttering things under his breath about how tight you were and how good you feel around his cock. It didn’t take long before you reached your climax. When you reached your high you couldn’t help but cry out “Oh my God Loki” adding fuel to his thrusts. He came right after you.
He collapsed on top of you, leaving feather light kisses on your neck. He pulled out of you and handed you a kitchen towel to clean yourself up. You pulled up your underwear and pants, not being able to look Loki in his eyes. You grabbed another bowl and started on a new pancake batter. Loki stood right behind you, hands on either side of you. He was nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck. “If I knew this would shut you up, I would’ve done it much sooner” he mused. “That was a one-time thing, don’t get any ideas. I still hate you” you replied. “Oh no, new rule. Every time you anger me, I’m going to fuck you like the slut you are” You knew it shouldn’t, but you felt yourself get excited again. “It’s only for a day and a half, so I just won’t make you angry” you replied dryly. Loki laughed “Kitten, even if we’re free from these cuffs I am still going to fuck you. You laid with a God and now you’re mine” You scoffed “That’s not how it works” Loki pulled you closer against his chest and cupped your breast with his free hand. He chuckled when you gasped and closed your eyes. “It is. By the time, the team is back, you will worship me like you should”
Click here for chapter 2
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Knight in Shining Red Armor | Dante + Child!Reader (DMC 4)
A/N: Hey so this is a rewrite of one of my first (and only) DMC fic from like...2016. This takes place post-DMC 4
You can read the og one on my DeviantArt! But if you're here for the new one then I hope ya'll enjoy!
Summary: Child!Reader was taken under Dante's wing after being saved from a demon invasion, but even years later he hesitates to tell them what he truly is, fearing they'll resent him for his demonic heritage.
"Hey, um..Dante?"
"What's up, kiddo?" The red-clad devil hunter asked, though he wasn't completely paying attention to you. Rather he was sitting at his desk, feet kicked up as he was flipping through a magazine.
Meanwhile you were roaming around the shop, stopping only to gaze at the massive curved sword with glowing gems hanging on the wall behind him. He mentioned claiming many weapons--"Devil Arms" as they were called--from defeated demons, but you were curious about their names.
"Just wondering..what's that sword behind you called?"
"The Sparda. It sealed the barrier between the Underworld and human world. Nero went through hell and back, quite literally, to return it to me, so don't even think about touching......it?"
Dante put the magazine down as he turned to see you holding the Sparda in your small hands. You smiled triumphantly, but stumbled a bit before the blade accidentally slammed into the wooden floor, making you wince.
Yet your little act amused him, as he chuckled and shook his head. "You're a little too young to go devil-hunting, I'm afraid. But maybe one day you will."
"And maybe you can help pay off Dante's debt, too." Trish lightly joked as she entered the room, taking the giant sword from you and putting it back on the wall.
Her words were responded by a groan from the male, who went back to reading.
"Whatcha reading?"
Dante slowly lowered the magazine to see you sitting on his desk, but he just snapped it shut and tossed it into the trash, out of your line of sight. "Nothing that eyes like yours gotta see."
"Okay....ooooooh, what's this briefcase?" Hopping off the desk, you ran over to Pandora and crouched down to poke the skull emblem.
"Pandora. That baby can turn into six hundred and sixty six different weapons, but...right now we only have access to seven." Now he was feeling like an exhausted teacher on a museum trip, trying to explain each exhibit to his hyper first graders--the exhibits being his Devil Arms.
Yet as you ran around asking him about more of them, he couldn't help but see his childhood-self reflected in you. Just full of energy and never-ending curiosity and optimism.
Yeah..he definitely saw the resemblance.
Eventually you decided to leave him be and dash off to your room.
And only then did Dante drop his smile, sighing as he put both feet back on the ground. He ran a hand through his hair before dragging it down the side of his face tiredly.
"You know..you'll have to tell them eventually." Trish reminded.
"How, though? That kid's afraid of all demons..hybrids or not. I'm pretty sure saying "oh by the way the guy who rescued you is actually half-demon" is gonna send 'em running, and...I can't risk that." He shook his head, gazing at the jukebox in the corner.
"But I think [y/n]'s old enough to comprehend the concept of not all demons being evil," Lady chimed in after overhearing the conversation. "Just give it to them straight and I'm sure they'll understand."
As much as Dante wanted to argue, he saw that she had a valid point. But he still worried...
How would you react?
It's been a few years since he saved you from a Mega Scarecrow, though it turned out that more demons invaded your neighborhood, slaughtering everyone you knew and loved. And as he took you back to the shop to patch you up, he could see the terror in your eyes, any traces of innocence long gone.
No child should have gone through such a tragedy.
A tragedy that he was all-too familiar with.
After the defeat of the Savior, things have been looking up. You've regained your happiness as you lived in Devil May Cry and learned of Dante's tales of devil hunting, though the memories of that horrible night never truly left you alone.
Along with that, just seeing a demon is enough to make you run and hide, and you were terrified when you first met Nero and saw his demonic arm.
From that incident alone, Dante became extremely reluctant to tell you of his own demonic heritage.
He just didn't know if he's only hurting you more by keeping it hidden..
Later that night, you were plagued by yet another nightmare. Different demons, same neighborhood...same deaths of your loved ones.
But in this one Dante got hurt, too. And you tried so hard to be brave for him, even shouting in the demon's face...but in the end you failed as it snatched you away, dragging you into the darkness of the Underworld before he could reach you.
Although you calmed down since awakening, you wanted to be sure he was alright.
So with what little moonlight shone in the shop's darkness, you located the worn sofa where Dante laid. He was engrossed in some TV program, though after sensing your presence his eyes flickered to you.
No words had to be exchanged in order for him to see what was wrong, as he sat up and patted the spot beside him. You smiled in relief and climbed onto the sofa, snuggling into his side as he wrapped an arm around you. "Th-Thanks, Dante."
"No prob. So uh..another nightmare, I guess?"
"Yeah, but..they hurt you, too and...I-I tried staying brave. I shouted at them to leave you alone and..they didn't listen. But...I think one of them looked scared of me."
"Wow." He raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Gotta say I'm impressed."
"Absolutely. Y'know demons are used to seeing kids scream and cry, not take a stand against them. Plus that's pretty epic of you to defend me, so thanks." With a smile, he ruffled your hair.
"You're welcome," you giggled a bit. "But..I really just wanna be as brave as you. I mean...Nero says you laugh at giant demons and tease them all the time. How do you do that without being scared?"
"Well..it comes with the business. Getting them riled up just makes the fight more fun. At least for me. You might think I'm crazy but if ya decide to hunt demons one day...you'll see what I mean."
"But until then, could I watch you fight one? Like a big bad one?"
"..kid, there's a reason I never took you on any missions." Dante sighed, swallowing back the growing lump in his throat as he carefully planned his next words. "And how I always...bounce back from getting smacked by a demon tail. No human would be able to withstand that without some broken bones."
"Oh?" You tilted your head. "Then..how can you if you're human?"
"....because I'm not fully human."
As much as he wanted to shut up, he decided to tell you the truth once and for all, not sugarcoating anything:
He explained how his parents were a demon and human--a forbidden romance which resulted in himself and Virgil being born. His bloodline allowed them to blend in with humans, exercise their demonic abilities in battle, and even tap into their true demon forms.
All the while you listened silently, with not much emotion on your face. So it was hard for him to tell what you were probably thinking in this moment.
It scared him.
"...and that's it." He sighed, closing his eyes and looking away from you. "So go ahead and hate me if you want. I won't blame you for-"
"Can you show me?"
Dante blinked stupidly as he swung his head back towards you, wondering if he heard you right.
"I...wish you told me before, but I don't wanna be scared of demons anymore." You smiled a tiny bit as you elaborated. "Especially not one who helped me. So...can I see your other form?"
"...a-alright. Just...if you get scared I can turn back instantly, so don't freak."
"I won't."
He had doubts you'll keep your word, but he got up and activated his Devil Trigger form. As he opened his eyes, you gasped upon seeing how much they were glowing--being orange rather than blue. Red electric sparks danced around his metallic body as he observed you close, anticipating your reaction. He expected you to scream or cry.
Yet..there was only curiosity and wonder in your eyes.
"Scared yet?" He asked in his distorted voice, crouching down in front of you.
Not even the way he spoke startled you, as you just shook your head. "I was wrong all along..not all demons are bad."
"Not even this one?"
"Nope. You look awesome..like a knight in shiny red armor."
"...wow..I um...." For once, the talkative devil hunter was at loss for words. But when you learned forward to hug him around the neck, he was completely shocked.
Earlier in the day he thought of countless worse-case scenarios, and yet...the best-case was happening right now.
You were accepting him, hugging him even.
He couldn't believe it.
Dante smiled as he wrapped his arms around you, making sure his armor spikes didn't hurt you. "Thanks, kid. It really means a lot that you're not terrified anymore........[y/n]?" He was concerned about your lack of response, before realizing you were dozing off.
'Damn..I might make a pretty good dad, after all..' He mused, standing up and making the trek back to your bedroom. Then he set you down and tucked you in, relief and warmth in his heart.
He had a feeling that your nightmares won't be so bad anymore. Now he felt like he could truly protect you.
Because he was gonna be your knight in shining red armor.
"Jeez, man. Quit clanking around shit and---AH!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!"
"Shhhh! Chill out, Nero. You'll wake 'em." Dante was quick to shift back to his human form once he was outside your room, glaring at his nephew. "Why are you so freaked out? This ain't the first time you've seen my devil form."
"But still..why in the middle of the night?! Thought we had company."
"...just go back to bed, kid."
"Don't call me kid!"
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Hi Keri.
I hate my husband. I never wanted to use that word....but, I'm done. The cheating of all varieties. The lying. I mean, he wasted 13 years of my life. He never wanted to get married. But he only went through with it because he proposed, so he thought he had to marry me🙄🙄
He has spent thousands a month on cam girls and other things. Our phones have been shut off, 5 or 6 times in less than a year. I went without food for 3 weeks at one point. I was too embarrassed to ask for help.
Which leads us to now. We are still living together...through January at least because neither one of us has a penny to our name. I try to keep busy when I'm at work, there isn't much I can do when I get home, but I'm just so tired. I'm filing for divorce this week. But I wish he would just go away.
Everytime I see him, it just makes me nauseous. I'm so tired. Even though I can't afford rent by myself...I'd rather he just pack up and go away. I don't love him anymore. I'm too hurt.
The only reason I'm not leaving is complicated, plus, I shouldn't have to leave. I'm where I'm supposed to be.
Sorry for letting this drag on. I'm so tired.
I am sorry you are going through this. Divorce is hard as hell and it's so much harder when you are dealing with things like financial instability on top of all the emotional hurt.
Make sure that everything you possibly can have separated already is. Get rid of your cell phone plan if it's under his name or has him on it. Get a pre-paid. A lot of plans are reasonable and have unlimited data for a set price. Make sure the electricity/water isn't in his name. That way he can't shut it off on you. If it is in his name, see if you can get it switched to yours before you file if you are the one who is planning on keeping the place where you are staying.
Make sure you protect yourself both financially and emotionally. Get it in writing that he will be out of the house by X date. Put an alert on your social security number (if you live in the States) so he cannot try to open lines of credit in your name.
I have learned from experience that divorce brings out the worst in people and they are completely unrecognizable from the person you once knew.
Sending you hugs, honey 💘💘💘💘
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harryspet · 4 years
positions | b.barnes & p.parker
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[warnings] dark!bucky barnes x reader, grey!peter parker x reader, petplay, abduction, collars/bondage, brainwashing, noncon/dubcon oral sex, degredation/dehuminization, sex slave training, some weird shit 
A/N: So I tried something new and this is kind of a test to see if people like it. I’m into it so I figured I might as well write it :) if you don’t know what petplay is ... google it 
In which Bucky trains you for your new owner, Peter Parker. 
word count: 4.3k
main masterlist
taglist: @cherienymphe​ @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @buckysbunny @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @lovemassivelybeautifulbouquet @what-is-your-wish @brattypeony @hermayone @buckysugar @mischiefmanaged011  @visintaes @cherienymphe
You dipped your head down, trying to get your fingers closer to your mouth you could pull out the gag tightly wrapped around your head. Your cheeks were wet with mascara and tears and your body was completely sore, having been wrestled, bound, and thrown into a cage. Leather cuffs decorated your wrist, ankles and were even wrapped around your thighs, all connected together by chains and leaving you positioned in all fours. 
You even felt a tightness around your neck which could only be a collar. 
Where are my clothes? 
Of course, he knew you were a tourist, having asked him directions to the club you were supposed to meet your friends at. He joined you and bought an entire round of drinks for you and your friends. You were broke so how could you turn down drinks from such a nice guy? Who cares if he was trying to get into your pants, your friends would help if he got too handsy. You remembered dancing with the older and extremely handsome man for most of the night, actually enjoying being pressed against him. 
You remembered the dark brown hair that he pushed back from his face, the stubble you felt against your cheek when he spoke in your ear. 
You were supposed to take the pill he offered you together but now you knew his must have been a placebo. Your friends saw his face and they’d help the cops find you. That’s what you told yourself but as the hours that felt like days went by in the dim, concrete room.
You weren’t alone, you knew that, you could hear the moaning and whimpering of other girls that you assumed were locked away just like you were. You were being sex trafficked, you assumed, and the thought was suffocating you more than the gag was. You began to hyperventilate and, no matter how much you tried to control your breathing, you couldn’t stop yourself. You welcomed the darkness of sleep and hoped you would wake up in your hotel room. 
You awoke to the sound of tapping on the cage, your heavy eyes blinking open to find the man who was responsible for your kidnapping. Unlike the smile he wore when you first met him, the look on his face was stoic as he bent down to examine you. 
He said his name was James but his friends called him Bucky.  
“Look how beautiful you are even when you’re crying,” He said, a pain in the back of your throat when you realized the tears were starting again, “Look at those eyes … I knew you had the face for this.” 
He reached towards you, pulling up the hinge that was keeping the cage shut. It was a simple contraption but with your limbs pinned by leather, it made the simple task impossible to do. He opened the cage, reaching into his back pocket, and pulling out what looked like a …  leash, “C’mon, doll, let's get the hard part over with,” He was going to lead you around like a dog? You backed yourself up further, suddenly thinking you might be safer inside the cage, “I’ll give you another chance ... “
You shook your head, an inaudible sound of protests coming from your mouth because you were gagged. He clicked his tongue, “That little collar around your neck, that's the one good girls wear. Would you rather wear an electric one?”
You paused, your eyes widening. This was even worse than you assumed and, although you were shaking, you let him attach the leash to the collar. He stood, pulling on the leash. It tightened the more you hesitated and you found yourself struggling for air. You crawled out onto the cold concrete, unable to stand up. 
The room reminded you of a basement or a mad scientist’s lab, concrete walls, one wall lined with cages, another covered in what looked like torture devices, and a metal table in the middle of the room, “There you go, good girl,”  He started pulling you further along and but you couldn’t coordinate your movements. The feeling was so unnatural. You finally got a look at the other girls but, unlike you, they weren’t bound like you were. Some were sleeping peacefully and the others had their wide, wanting eyes on Bucky as if they desired his attention. 
Growing frustrated, you started to pull back, but it only choked you further. You struggled to make actual words come out but you were loud against the gag, though your efforts were probably futile. He forced you to crawl over to the table, where he paused before he was suddenly wrapping his arms around your torso. 
He lifted you onto the table and, for a short moment, you imagined the muscles that were probably underneath his black shirt. The cold of the table sent a chill through your body, adding to the eerie nature of the room. As you tried to move into a more comfortable position, resting your bottom back on your feet, you felt a sharp sting to your bottom, “I didn’t tell you to change positions,” You heard him say, and when you tried to turn your head to look at him, he spanked you again, “Face forward, pet.”
You tried to blink away your tears as you turned your head away, “Are you naturally obedient … or are you just scared out of your mind, huh?”
You weren’t sure either. The only thing you knew was that you wanted to be miles and miles away from where you were now. Were you even in New York anymore? 
“The fear will go away,” He said and you felt him messing with the leather cuffs wrapped around your limbs. He tightened them in areas that were loose and made sure they were secure. When he got to your gag, you didn’t expect him to untie the cloth from around your mouth. Before it was loose enough, “Speak and the shock collar goes on … nod if you understand.”
Slowly, you nodded. Trying to protect yourself, you decided you would be obedient for now. When there was a clear chance of escape, you could take it. The gag being gone gave you back some comfort but your lips trembled. You wanted badly to say something, to reason with him but he seemed set on doing whatever he was going to do. Whatever he did to those other girls … 
You felt a hand on your waist, it wasn’t rough, but his touch sent warning signals through your brain, “From now on, the only words I should hear from your mouth are ‘Yes, Master’. Do you understand?”
Your lips did not part to utter those words which led to a spank on your bottom. You yelped at the initial one and his assault continued until you gave in. You squeezed your hands into a fist, embarrassment rushing through you, as you finally said, “Y-Yes, Master.”
Sounding triumphant, he moved on to the next part of his inspection. Still looking forward, you were pulled to the side when he grabbed a hold of your hair. He separated it, almost neatly, into two sections, tying each side into a ponytail and effectively removing it from your face. Next, you watched him walk over to his wall of torture tools. 
You looked at him then down at the restraints around your wrist. You pulled your hands in opposite directions, testing the strength of the chain connecting them. When he approached again, he was holding another black item. You tried backing away but he grabbed a hold of your arm, “Shhh,” He spoke, sounding more annoyed than calming. You weren’t sure what it was until it was right in front of your face. Black leather straps attached to a metal ring. When he grabbed your face, forcing the ring into your mouth, you thought you might choke once again. Like the cloth gag, he tightened this one behind your head, “There, that’s better. Your first, big reward will be getting to take off that gag … in the meantime, you’ll learn how to beg without using your words.”
He held your chin in his hand, the other touching over your hair. For a moment, he seemed to look at you with adoration. 
For the next three weeks, you’d stay in that cement room for almost twenty-three hours of the day, Bucky only letting you out for your “lessons” or to let you relieve yourself. He’d told you a while ago that you wouldn’t do anything without his permission, not even go to the restroom. It was dehumanizing which you knew was the point of all of this. You were already starting to feel relieved whenever Bucky appeared because it meant you could come out of the cage. 
He often walked you around the room, letting you practice coordinating your movements. Humiliating as it was, your favorite thing was when he’d take off the restraints, letting you stand up, as he bathed you. 
Today, things were different, “It’s your lucky day, pet. We start house training today.” In the morning, he came down the stairs, and, this time, he led you up them. Undoing the chains but leaving the cuffs allowed you to move more freely but you learned that he still wanted to crawl. It made you feel small, in comparison to the massive house that was built above the basement. The home was sleek, expensive, and clean as well as full of grays, whites, and black colors. 
Bringing you into the living room, The living room was illuminated by the tall windows and you could see the thick green trees outside. You definitely weren’t in the city anymore. You could run now, if you could find a way out. So far, you hadn’t spotted a front door but maybe that would be the obvious out. He was a professional after all and your escape would take some critical thinking. 
Right now, you were focused on not being punished. From the moment Bucky decided to move the ring gag, you’d do anything to keep it off. You’d gotten used to the feeling but it was still painful and it didn’t make you feel any better about yourself when you were constantly drooling on yourself. 
You soon learned what exactly Bucky meant by housetraining. Instead of spanking, Bucky decided on a new positive reinforcer. With everything you did right, he gave you little bites of chocolate which you became grateful for. The food he served down in the basement didn’t resemble anything tasteful. 
First, you went through positions. 
Stay, Sit, Heel, Wait, Come, Stand, Bed or Crate, and plenty more an adult woman could easily do but fight her cognitive dissonance at the same time. You tried your best to not focus on the embarrassment and remembered the food … you even took comfort in the soft pats on your head and bottom, a reminder of human contact. 
“When I tell you to Mount, I want your face down and ass in the air,” The command was simple enough but Bucky sensed your hesitance. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen every inch of your body already, “Face down,” Bucky urged you, his voice deep and commanding. 
Slowly you moved down to the carpet, your bottom in the air. You felt him standing behind you, probably taking in the view. He placed his feet between your legs, kicking them apart and allowing him a better view. He was quiet for a moment and you began to assume the worst, jumping a bit when you felt a hand on your bottom, “Face down,” He commanded again and you pressed your cheek to the carpet, “Good. Don’t you worry, sweet thing. I’ll leave this hole untouched for your future owner … though I am tempted.”
“Up,” He said, grabbing ahold of the leash attached to your collar. He led you towards the white, leather couch, taking a seat while pulling you in between his spread legs. Leaning forward, Bucky’s held your face in his hands, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip. Bucky watched the panic in your eyes, the uncertainty and fear that was still lingering, “Things will be so much better when you realize you rather be a dumb, little puppy … the overthinking, the anxiety, you can let it all go, let someone else take control.”
You began to shake your head and Bucky grabbed your chin roughly, his eyes darkening, “You’ve been good all day, don’t start now,” He said, his grip still tight, “I think you need to show me a little bit more gratitude.” You watched him begin to wrap the leather leash around his hand, over and over, until he had all the control of it. It pulled you closer to his crotch as Bucky leaned back against the couch. 
“I’m sure you’ve done this before, right?” He smirked, undoing his belt, and unbuttoning his jeans. 
“Please-”  You yelped as he pulled you even further. 
“Pets don’t get to make demands. I don’t want any thoughts going on in that little head that don’t involve your mouth being around my cock. Understand?” Another rough pull. 
You nodded, “Y-Yes,” You rushed the words out, “Yes, Master.”
“Good puppy,” He spoke condescendingly, reaching into his briefs to pull out his cock, and he touched it against your cheek, letting you feel how hard he already was, “If you make me cum fast enough, I’ll let you sleep upstairs tonight.”
You’d never fully admit it to yourself but the prospect of sleeping in a real bed, at least not sleeping in a cold basement, sounded a lot more appealing than the food. Though you were hesitant, you knew how badly you wanted to stay upstairs, even if that meant you had to be with Bucky. 
You grabbed the base of his cock with your hand and put the tip of him in his mouth. As Bucky’s head tilted back, you began to work your magic which wasn’t much seeing as how you hadn’t been in many relationships. You worked him into your mouth slowly, trying not to trigger your gag reflex, while you stroked his bottom half. “Good girl … good girl,” You heard him whisper, trying not to find the way his face contorted in pleasure as attractive. He took you away from everything, you had to remind yourself. 
As time went on, you could tell he was getting close. You swirl your tongue around his tip, anticipating his orgasm. He grabbed you by your ponytail, pushing you further down, as he came down your throat, “Swallow it all,” He grunted, “Good girl.”
You did swallow it all though it was hard to hide your disgust at the taste. Bucky looked amused, once again taking your face in his hands. He had a thing for your lips, that much you understood, and you wondered if he wanted to kiss you. Maybe it was another thing that was oft limits and to be saved for your true “owner”. 
That night, Bucky kept his word though you slept at the end of his bed with a pillow and blanket, your collar chained to the bedpost. Somehow, it was the best night's rest you had in weeks.
“This is … impressive,” Peter breathed out, stuffing his hands into his pocket in order to keep them from fidgeting. The sight of women displayed before him, each one of them beautiful, was reddening his cheeks which he hoped Bucky didn’t notice, “And you’ve trained all of them yourself?”
Like he was showing off one of his greatest accomplishments, Bucky smiled. Three of his “pets” sat on their knees obediently in the area in front of the fireplace. All tourists and all of them had something special Bucky noticed about them. Holding two glasses of bourbon, he handed one to Peter to which Peter accepted politely, “Tricks and all. Piper there has been with me for over a year. Feel free to touch and try out the merchandise, they love it.” 
The girls did seem eager to get their hands on him, with warm smiles and flirtatious eyes. Though they loved Bucky, they’d been trained to work hard so that one day they can be adopted by someone else. All they had worked for would be worth it once they were chosen.
Peter’s eyes widened, “Actually, I don't think-”
“Not your cup of tea, Pete?” Bucky raised an eyebrow, bringing his glass to his lips. 
“No, uhm, that’s not it,” Peter said. The entire idea of this was becoming a little too real for the young Avenger. He knew what had led him here, the loneliness of being a superhero, and the inability to get close to someone out of fear that his enemies would target them. That's how he lost MJ and he’d promised himself that he’d never hurt like that again, “I’m not sure about … all of this.”
Bucky placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder, giving him a look that father might give a son, “You have a lot of empathy, that's why,” Bucky explained, “But you already do your part to society, saving people and risking your life. It’s okay to be a bit selfish and take back from the universe. You deserve it, kid. Besides, I’m sure your left-hand could use a break every now and then.”
Peter shook his head, trying to hide his amusement, “Ha ha.”
“C’mere, let me show you something,” With his hand still on his shoulder, Bucky led Peter over to the basement door, “I’ve never shown anyone where the magic happens. My customers usually see one of the girls, gets over excited and immediately wants to buy one.”
The lights flicked on and illuminated the staircase. As they went down, Peter’s eyes were wide with curiosity, feeling as if Bucky was the villain and he was entering his evil lair. Well, his feelings weren’t totally wrong, “... do they usually test them out too?”
“Usually, yes …” Bucky trailed off, realizing something, “You’d like someone untouched, I can tell. There’s someone that I think would be perfect for you.”
The two walked along a long corridor until getting to a room full of metal cages. You were the only one left downstairs, the other girls were ready to be sold, and you were sleeping peacefully like you did most time during the day. After seeing Bucky leading the other girls away, you didn’t expect to see him for hours. Now that he had returned, you were perked up, and even more curious about the man with him. 
Seeing someone new made you want to cry out for help but that would be stupid. If he was with Bucky, he was probably into Bucky’s sick business too. They stopped in front of your cage and Bucky crouched down to open the lock, crawling out as Bucky beckoned you by waving his hand. 
Peter’s heartbeat quickened at the sight of you, watching how your eyes darted back in forth between the two men. You seemed just as frightened as Peter was, “Sit,” Bucky told you and, hesitantly, you sat back on your knees, your hands in your lap. Though you were still naked, you’d earned your way out of the restraints except for your collar of course. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she? I haven’t named her yet but I’ve only had her for a few months.”
Bucky ran his hand over your hair and then down your back, his hand resting on your bottom, “Yeah, uhm … yeah,” You connected the dots quickly, realizing the man with the light brown hair and kind eyes was interested in buying her, “She already seems very behaved.”
You looked to Bucky to see his reaction and he had a proud look on his face, “We had an issue about two weeks ago but it was easily corrected,” You cringed, looking away, remembering the week you spent with the electric collar on all because you’d tried to run to the front door. You could still feel the current rushing through your body, paralyzing your muscles, “She is very sweet, good with her mouth and she’s a cuddler, that’s why I think you’d be a good match.”
Bucky stood and you wished for a second that he’d keep caressing your back. He’s spent most of the last week with the other girls and you hadn’t slept upstairs in ages, “Would she really be ready after two months?”
Bucky sighed, “I’d have to keep her for a few more months. It usually takes more than a year,” Peter nodded, “But, for my friend, I’ll make sure she’s ready as soon as possible. So?”
Peter looked you over again. There was something about you that was different … special, even, “She’s the one,” Peter said, surprising himself and Bucky smiled. 
You didn’t know if you’d be able to recognize yourself in the coming months but, just like that, your fate was sealed. 
six months later … 
You remembered your last night with Bucky. He reminded you every day it seemed like that you’d be going to Peter soon. You’d curled up in his lap, letting tears fall down your cheek as Bucky wiped them away, “I know it hurts, pet,” He spoke soothingly, “Peter is a good friend, you’ll see me soon. Besides, it’ll be nice not having to share, won’t it?”
Bucky took your silence as a sign of acceptance, “That’s my good girl,” He cooed and you tried to keep in your sobs as you accepted his comfort. He leaned down to kiss your forehead and then your cheek. It was the perfect distraction and you almost didn’t notice that he pricked your neck, filling you with a sedative, “When you wake up, you’ll be somewhere new, but I want you to be on your best behavior. You’ll listen to him … you’ll comfort him because he’s your new Master. You can do that, right?”
“Yes …” Your voice began to trail off as your eyes got heavy, “... Master.”
“Goodnight, pet.”
Peter awoke the next morning to a phone call. He rolled over in bed, picking it up, “Hello?” He asked groggily. 
“Mr. Parker, you have quite a large package here. Should I send it up?” It was the man at the front desk downstairs. Peter was confused at first since he hadn’t ordered anything but the realization hit him quickly, “Mr. Parker-”
“Yes, send it up, please!” Peter was already hurrying out of bed, looking around the room for clothes. Peter was expecting you tonight and he thought he’d have all day to get things ready for you. When he finally made it out of the room, there was a knock at the front door. Taking a deep breath, Peter answered. One of the bellhops rolled in the package which was wrapped in red wrapping paper and a bow. Just in time for Christmas in a few days. 
Peter waited for the bellhop to step out and tipped him handsomely. Even if the man did think Peter had made a shady purchase, Spiderman wasn’t exactly a figure you wanted to go against. A lot had changed since he was a teenager, a lot for the better. He wouldn’t be standing in the foyer of his penthouse apartment if things hadn’t changed. Peter couldn’t buy his happiness, he knew that, but he had a feeling you could change things. 
Peter carefully unwrapped the paper, trying not to startle you further, but it seemed that it was too late for that. As Peter crouched down at the opening of the cage, you had pushed yourself to the back of it, your knees pulled to your chest, and tears dry against your cheeks. 
You looked different, Bucky having dressed you in a new, light pink collar as well pink ribbons to decorate your pigtails. He’d even given you a dress though it was tight to your skin and barely went over your bottom. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise” Peter said, opening the door to the cage, “I’m Peter, remember? … do you want to come out?”
He was asking you? Bucky never asked what you wanted. 
Peter racked his brain for all the training information that Bucky had given him, “Come,” Peter said, remembering the word from the manual, “ … please,” He added. 
You moved slowly, getting onto your knees as you slowly crawled out onto the cool, marble floor. Up above you could see a shining chandelier and looking around you could tell there was much to discover. Peter, kneeling beside you, said, “This is your home now,” He informed you and couldn’t help but wish Bucky was here. You were already missing his bed, you even missed when he would come down to the basement and set you free, “I’m going to take care of you from now on.”
Peter was your Master now, you had to remember that. You belonged to him now and, unlike with Bucky, you belonged to him solely. 
You trusted Bucky. And when you were finally reunited, he’d be overjoyed that you’d done as he told you. Bucky wanted you to be happy here and he wanted you to make Peter happy so that’s exactly what you’d do. 
“Do you like it, Princess?” Though you still had dry tears, your lips pulled into a thin smile which surprised Peter.
Princess, you liked that name. 
The younger man, reach out, and you took the opportunity to brush your face against his hand. Peter stroked your face as you nuzzled into him. You loved his touch and you craved more of the feeling. You pushed closer and closer, causing Peter to fall back on his bottom as you climbed on top of him. Still grinning, you placed soft kisses along his neck and then on his chin. 
He laughed, sitting up on his elbows, “I’ll take that as a yes. How about a tour?”
Anything to make you happy, Master.
hope you enjoyed!!
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paperficwriter · 2 years
Day In and Day Out (Day 3 of Batarou Week)
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When Garou came to live with Badd, the hero resigned himself to having adopted another animal rather than living with a partner. It was accurate at first, with how Garou prowled around, situating himself wherever he liked (even if it wasn’t in a place he had been invited to be), taking things that he wanted without asking, and lazing the day away while Badd went out to pummel monsters.
Of course, the good part was that in many ways Garou was as affectionate as a pet too. When Badd came home, he met him at the door, excitedly rubbing against him, regardless of his gross state. He crawled into bed with him, resting his head on his chest, nosing at his neck and ear and insisting that he pet him until they both fell asleep. And there was humping, but…Badd didn’t exactly use rolled-up newspapers to handle that.
Days off were a bit more complicated.
“Garou, I gotta clean up the apartment.”
“Noooo…stay in bed with me.”
“This is the first day all week I don’t gotta patrol! Zenko’s gonna kill me if it gets any worse.”
Garou let out a thin, high whine, latching himself onto Badd’s body. Somehow he had managed to keep the human monster’s hand out of his pants but now he was literally wrapped around him with all his long, tight limbs.
“Fine.” Badd used the deep stores of energy that he usually got paid to employ and hoisted himself out of bed, Garou in tow. “Have it your way, Stretch.”
One of the many problems Badd had had to learn to deal with when it came to living with the ex-hero-hunter was that their relationship was like one rock and one hard place, both of their stubborn natures clashing until someone got tired—not gave in, not agreed, but very specifically were worn out by the elements of time and fatigue.
“This is the pot on the stove all over again,” Badd groused as something pulled in his leg.
Garou gave his neck a petulant chew. “I used it for tea. It was perfectly clean. It didn’t need to be washed.”
“I don’t know how many times we gotta have this talk, Garou. If ya use somethin,’ ya clean it.”
“I’m not wasting my time on something that just had water in it.”
“And ya didn’t have to use it anyway! That’s what we have an electrical kettle for, dumbass!”
The pot sat there for a month until Zenko eventually washed it. However, when unyielding idiocy became a point of contention in social outings, no one else understood what a pot on a stove had to do with anything, but it always devolved into Badd and Garou arguing.
This time, the breaking point came when Badd was dusting a shelf in the living room. Garou gestured at it with his chin. “Missed a spot.”
That was when they started rolling around on the floor after Badd dropped Garou on his back.
And then that might have led to other horseplay, and that might have wrecked Badd’s thoughts of changing the bed because that was hard to do with two bodies in it.
“Can’t believe you got me back here. Pain in the ass.”
Garou snickered, reaching over to play with the hair on the back of his neck. It was all a mess; Badd never put it up on days off. “Yeah, you really tried to stop me, Metal Bat.”
“Tch. Stop this,” he challenged and leaned over to give him a hard smooch, knowing that Garou would do the exact opposite. Sure enough, they didn’t part until Garou was happy with the full-contact map he had made of the inside of Badd’s mouth.
But the thing was…as time went on, certain things just started happening that were so seamless that Badd almost missed them.
The way Garou would join him in the kitchen when he was making dinner, scooping up dirty dishes to make room for the cutting board, tossing out the shitty ends of vegetables and fluffing the rice when the appliance sang its little song.
And then he started being around more when Zenko got home instead of slinking off to Badd’s bedroom. And, sure, sometimes “helping with homework” was talking about how “math was bullshit,” but when Zenko wanted a snack after school, Badd found Garou more than once holding her up with one arm as she picked whatever she wanted from the pantry.
There were family nights with movies and board games.
And outings with the three of them at the festivals.
Before Badd knew it, he wasn’t always coming home to having to do everything himself after a whole day of hero work. Sometimes the dishes were done. Sometimes the floor was swept. And once or twice there was dinner ready, even if it was either rice with almost-rare meat and zero vegetables or a curry possessing a unique blend of flavors (good luck asking Garou what was in it— “What recipe?”).
He thought about these things when he lay down next to Garou at night, a cool, lean cheek pressed into his as his long arms made him a tight little spoon. “‘Ey, G.”
Badd touched his cheek and angled his face back to kiss him. “Love ya. I’m glad you’re here with me.”
Garou smiled and nuzzled him back. “Love you too. But we’ll see how glad you are when you see I ate the last pudding.”
Well. There would always be those moments, too.
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