#i believe in me
soulinkpoetry · 9 months
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They say you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Sometimes you do. Sometimes you have to show some people what you’re made of. What hurts the most though is when you have to prove wrong the people who should’ve believed in you the most. Ironically their doubts are what gives you the strength and determination to fight harder.
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Update on my Life
What happened so far ... a long time ago ...
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I was so tired of all the talking and arguing and bickering and judging. And I thought: It's time to move on! I need some Good Omens in my life.
And lo! So much has happened lately:
I have found a new family and new friends
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photo courtesy of @bil-daddy and @docdust
I have found a new congregation (not a church!)
I became a disciple of Bildaddy the Shuite (and also a bit of a friend)
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I got a job as 666th scrivener at the @shutanictemple
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photo courtesy of @bil-daddy and @docdust
I have been promoted to 666th Senior Administrator of the Shutanic Temple
We have started an orphanage for kids (human) for a whole bunch of kids --> @shutanic-temple-orphanage
I am truly blessed with choices
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This is me with Crowley. I met her on a the rather dreary occasion of a mass crucifixion. We were both there to mourn a friend.
I feel so seen
I was assistant wedding planer at the wedding of @bildaddyanduziraphale-aremarried
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I have become a muse to artists
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Artworks by @lacking-hydration and by @lafakiwi-draws-archive
@shutanic-temple-orphanage is now all set up with a petting zoo. Here is a rare glimpse of its outskirts:
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me and @bil-daddy on our way to feeding the greedy bunch ...
I have my own music video now:
Loretta - You'll be a woman soon.
On January 18th @bil-daddy and my humble self opened the @shutanic-temple-art-gallery
I proposed to @gandalf-big-oos
(Stay tuned for further developments ...)
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spookysalem13 · 10 months
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I'm working on creating ✨️ something for myself that I can be proud of. Come this time next year I hope to see the goal I'm working on be paying off in beautiful 😍 ways 💜.
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laura-dns · 1 year
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Have a good night 🩷
Insta : @laura-dns
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strang3n1ghts · 8 months
gunna get violently high and eat 20 chicken nuggets
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autumnaaltonen · 8 months
Trust your instincts, especially if you've been cultivating them for years, through the most difficult situations. If someone puts you down and makes you feel small for your efforts and beliefs, remember what you stand for, and why.
Never feel like a burden on your friends. If they love you and trust you, you're allowed to do the same. You are not too much.
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abrighterspark · 10 months
this time, i don't let words delay me...
deflate me... dictate me...
this time, i won't let words sway me
from chasing the furthest stars
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icarusgirl · 9 months
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trust the process
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endellyon-art · 7 months
hmmm there are a lot more details in gothic cathedrals than i thought
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a-o-i-h-a-r-u · 2 years
Forse perdere la speranza è veramente la cosa peggiore.
Tutto perde di significato, non ha più senso impegnarsi, sacrificarsi,tentare di inseguire i propri sogni, perché non c'è più speranza che qualsiasi cosa bella accada... l'unica cosa sensata che rimane da fare è fermarsi, non impegnarsi più, non sforzarsi più, non sacrificarsi più, non sognare più... cancellare tutto il futuro; smettere di Vivere. Sembra una cosa assurda e difficile da fare, così, su due piedi, pensandoci a freddo e invece... è la morte della speranza che automaticamente trascina con sé tutto quello che di bello c'era nel futuro immaginato e desiderato, porta con sé la voglia di fare, la voglia di vivere ancora, e ancora, e ancora... così.
Per mantenere viva la speranza bisogna necessariamente pensare positivo, essere ottimisti, vedere il lato bello della maggior parte delle cose; è sopravvivenza, serve a non morire nello spirito. È difficile, e anche se la me di ora in questo preciso momento non pensa quello che sta per dire, dico che... ne vale la pena. Vale la pena spalancarsi gli occhi con le mani per vedere la luce, per vedere le cose belle, per continuare a vivere e inseguire i propri sogni. I sogni ci riempiono il cuore, si realizzeranno e ci renderanno fieri e completi e meravigliosamente NOI. Ne vale la pena sforzarsi (anche) per vedere il bello delle cose; è pesante, è difficile... al momento direi "che vita è una vita così in costante sforzo anche per riuscire a vedere una cosa bella che ti faccia andare avanti?", è un esercizio, verra sempre più naturale... spero.
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nebulouscoffee · 8 months
Late night activities (re-reading all the comments on 'Pretenders' just to psych myself up to posting ONE update)
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aromanticannibal · 9 months
i didn't sleep since yesterday 2pm but at least i have a good meal
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laura-dns · 1 year
Having fun on a boring night with Snapchat 🙃
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
okay. i'll be back in 30 minutes. new idea. i will post a speak now request tonight damn it.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I just wanted to keep you all updated, but I probably won't be active for the next two days because I have finals and a lot of homework to pile through!
But the good news is once Tuesday is over, IT'S SUMMER! I'll hopefully be writing more and be a lot more active!
Wish me tons of luck! I love you all, make sure you stay super hydrated and well! Sending good vibes and hugs <33
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State of Being Imaginative
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I am an Imaginative person.
I imagine worlds in my mind. I draw worlds in my art. I write worlds in my fiction. I create all the time. I create to escape. I create to share with others. I create to express.
My imagination is so expansive. I was always told it would go away as I got older. But it hasn’t. It’s simply evolved. But it’s still so so active. Constantly active. Constantly creating new scenarios, new ideas, new worlds, new characters, new everything.
I have all these ideas. They seep in from my unconscious. And I lose a good amount of them. But there’s always more. Als ways so much more. My conscious mind is brimming with imaginativeness.
I’ve been called talented. Talented in my art. Talented in my writing. And I am humbled by the compliments. They remind me that I am an Imaginative person. But others don’t need to validate me. I know that I am. On my own.
I am an Imaginative Person.
Discussing Strengths Challenge
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