#i’d like to give him and Claus brown eyes but. we’ll see
otterskin · 4 years
Dumb Details From the Loki Trailer I noticed but then got too serious about
First - apparently it’s not a trailer, so I guess we’ll get ‘Trailer 1′ later? ‘Exclusive Clip’ hardly seems accurate, but hey, I’m not Disney’s marketing division. I wouldn’t live in a shoebox if I was.
Dumb detail no. 1:
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Owen Wilson’s jacket is...weird. Look closely.
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And another shot:
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Yeah...his jacket has a ‘reversed collar’. It’s a cut-out rather than cloth folding on top. Huh. What a strange design choice. What could it mean?
I’ve no idea, but that I watched the trailer enough times to notice this should concern you.
Detail No. 2
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In this scene, we see what we can presume to be President Loki’s ‘Throne’. Notice the candy-canes. This is a Santa Claus throne, presumably from some mall Santa. This whole place might be in a mall, judging by the stuff in it.
But the Loki in this shot is not President Loki. Notice that he’s wearing brown pants, a thin brown tie, and the beige shirt he’s seen wearing in other parts of the trailer after he's apparently joined the TVA. President Loki wears black pants, a green vest and a wide green tie with a golden clip that resembles Loki’s little chevron he always has (more on that later).
So it would seem that Loki might meet President Loki here. President Loki might even be addressing him at the end of the trailer. It’s possible that his minions turn on him because there’s two Lokis and they don’t know which is the ‘imposter’. 
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Speaking of, there’s a minion with bicycle handlebars grafted to a football helmet here, likely meant to resemble Loki. I dig it. There’s also cans of food scattered among the rubbish here. Makes sense that food production is non-existent since everyone has resorted to wearing license plates and spoons. Love how tattered the whole aesthetic is.
This reminds me of the opening Michael Waldron’s script ‘Worst Guy of All Time’, which featured a similar post-apocalyptic setting after the ‘worst guy’ ruins everything and makes himself king of the ashes. That’s likely what’s happened here, but I hope that Loki isn’t anything like Logan Paul, who was the inspiration for that title character.
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Ah, the mysterious female character watching a meteor shower WAY TOO CLOSE UP. But my eyes are drawn to one thing...
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What is that oblong object with a shiny handle? Could it be...
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A sword? I do love swords. Did you know there’s a bunch of pictures of me in the stock photos for ‘Fencing?’ That’s my cred for loving swords.
I suspect that this female character will be an amalgamation of Amora (shudder) and Sylvie and an alternate Loki of some kind. This sword is currently in her possession, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it or another timeline version of it becomes the Loki Show’s Loki′s weapon. 
Loki has lacked a ‘weapon of his own’ in the MCU for quite some time. I mean, yes, he has his little knives, but they are many and disposable and something he chose for himself, rather than the two legendary weapons wielded by Odin and Thor, Gungnir and Mjolnir. In fact, throughout his appearances, Loki has seemed to want such a thing of his own - he briefly had Gungnir, and then the Gungnir-like scepter, and even tried to lift Mjolnir.
One might ask why Odin would’ve overlooked such an obvious show of favouritism. Why give Thor a storied weapon and leave Loki empty-handed? Heck, even Hela had the Necroblade.
In Thor 1, we might’ve assumed that the Casket of Ancient Winters was perhaps intended one day to be given to Loki, as it is shown with Mjolnir in the Vault and thus connected to it and the children who would inherit it.  But in the comics, Odin did have another weapon of storied history put away for his second son: Gram the Sword.
It was locked for eons by Odin in a special vault which required five keys to be opened, and it was meant to be for Loki if he be worthy.[2] The five keys were infused by Odin with the powers of "journeys", "endurance", "secrets", "new beginnings", and "brotherhood", respectively.[3]
The sword, like everything else in comics, has a complicated history full of take-backs and twists, but let’s just leave it at ‘it’s a representation of Loki’s worthiness and belonging in the trifecta with Odin and Thor as a King of Asgard’. It gives him ‘equality’.
In the original mythology, it’s wielded by Sigurd to kill the dragon Fafnir, and the only relation it has to Loki is that Loki is partially responsible for Fafnir existing in the first place (my username is nod to this myth by the by. Sorry Ottär.) But hey, maybe that means we’re getting a dragon? The Fafnir would be very cool.
Or it could just be a bit of rebar in this mining quarry.
Then again...it appears somewhere else...
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It’s easier to see in motion, but that’s a sword swinging on this person’s back.
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So the hooded figure is this lady...shall we call her Amylkie? Does that mean she’s the antagonist of this show? Well...maybe, but I suspect the true antagonist is foreshadowed here  -
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So, what’s going on here? A young girl (Young Amylkie? Some other TVA prisoner that the guard is watching over? An oracle, A Norn, or a kid who wandered off from the tour group in a basilica somewhere?) She’s giving Mobius M. Mobius a...piece of chocolate. Maybe he saw a Dementor, I dunno. I suspect it’ll be a MacGuffin of some kind later. He looks pretty concerned here, which contrasts with his ‘another day at the office’ blaséness when dealing with Loki. But of course this is the eye-catcher:
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So, Norse Mythology. It’s been Christiannized. You can thank Snorri Sturluson for that, but you can google all about him later. Let’s just say that he made many Norse figures into equivalents for Christian ones. Baldur is Jesus, pure and a sacrificial lamb who dies for a greater good. And the devil is...Loki. Something the Marvel comics and the MCU have continued.
Here we have a devil, dressed in green and with a distinct shape on his chest:
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Hmmm...wait...I know that weird horny shape...
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Ah. I’d say that cinches it. This is meant to be Loki. If you look at the devil’s hair, it also resembles Loki’s, being shoulder-length and black.
So, what’s devil-Loki doing? Laying an egg? Trying out a foot massager? For a second I thought it was a moon, but we see the moon over his left shoulder, amongst the stars. Which means this is - probably the Earth.
...Dammit; I live there.
So Earth is barren and being devoured by flames, likely caused by this Loki sitting atop of it (in a throne, no less). Aw gee, things look pretty bad, don’t they?
But wait - what’s that? Under the Earth (and, possibly, under the earth)?
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It’s a plant. A shoot, to be exact.
Back to Ragnarok for a second. Ragnarok isn’t the apocalypse (something we see a lot of in this trailer - all of it seems to be exploring the end of days). Ragnarok is the fire meant to wipe out the old and fertilize the ground for the new. And after the gods have died, what happens? Well, Baldur emerges from Hel, one of the only surviving gods (hmm, seems him dying worked out, didn’t it?). He’s joined by Líf and Lífþrasir, who are the new first man and woman, who’s names mean ‘Life’ and who are pictured, usually, with plants and new life. It is they who are tasked who growing a new Yggdrasil after the destruction of the old. The previous first man and woman are Ask and Embla, meaning Ash Tree and Vine/Elm tree, so there’s a theme there. 
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So a new sprout, possibly a tree, growing out of the destruction of the old.
This fits with Loki’s role as understood in mythology. He checks the arrogance of the gods, including when they tried to achieve immortality (sorry, Baldur, nothing personal), and that keeps the gods at their best. After Loki is imprisoned, the gods become weak, unhelpful and foolish, and Yggdrasil starts to rot. Eventually Loki escapes and returns along with Surtur (who also resembles this figure) to burn it all to the ground. This is also referenced in Thor:Ragnarok, with Loki releasing Surtur in the Vault, a place of thematic importance to Loki and one that represents the hidden secrets and sins of Asgard). You could say Ragnarok continued into Infinity War, where Loki played an important part in aiding Thanos’ destruction, giving up the stone to protect his brother and essentially dooming the rest of the universe - but also ultimately leading to its salvation, even if, like Myth Loki, he wasn’t around to see it.
So, we see Amylkie literally start a fire in the trailer -
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- in fact, this whole trailer is awash in flame -
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It’s fire, fire everywhere and she’s setting them!
It’s possible Amylkie’s our big bad, but I think there’s a chance she’s either a red herring, or, much like how Loki ‘worked’ with Thanos in The Avengers, she is the pawn of a greater foe -
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  - a Loki bent on destruction, for some reason or other. The TVA is obviously aware that this is the case, and it seems like they might be trying to ‘fight fire with fire’ by enlisting one Loki to combat another. The villain could be President Loki, since there's evidence of 2 Lokis in that scene - or maybe that's one of many Lokis, and the Big Bad Loki is being played by Hugh Grant as Old Loki. In any case, it would appear that Loki will be coming face-to-face with the worst versions of himself, and many of them. And, if I’m right about this scene:
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...Loki will likely eventually discover that even his ‘good’ timeline ended in the destruction of his people and home, plus his own gruesome and torturous death. Although I think the TVA will keep that from him, and just show him the happy parts in an effort to inspire ‘good behaviour’. Until Loki inevitably discovers the rest of how that timeline played out and realize he’s been lied to. I don’t imagine he’ll take that very well...
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Damn, even our ‘hero’ Loki is burning stuff down! Does this mean that Loki is doomed, always meant to be an avatar of death and toasty destruction?
Well...let’s go back to that stained glass.
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Hmmm...wait...I know that weird horny shape...
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And there’s something else...the bottom of the Earth is being lit up, and not by fire. Light appears to be coming off this little plant.
What colour is this plant again? That’s right, green. Green is the colour of new life and growth and change and...hang on, I’ve heard that before, too...
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Hang on hang on HANG ON... let me have a look at the shape again.
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That’s...a letter. An L? For Loki? Like in the title sequence?
Wait...no, a different letter. An older letter. After all, Loki is old Norse. How do you spell his name in that again?
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ᛚᛟᚲ ᛁ -
And ENHANCE on that third letter!
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This, my friends, is a Kenaz/Kaunaz, or what would become 'K' in our alphabet. It is also known as the 'Loki Rune' (and the Ulcer Rune, for some reason. I suspect Odin understands why). It’s used to spell his name, but is also used on his own to represent him. Heck, it's even his Superman 'S' in the comics:
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Runes are more than letters - they are symbols for concepts. So what else does it mean?
Primarly, it means ‘torch’.
And also ‘knowledge’ (ken). As well as ‘growth, change, the search for truth, decay, arrogance, elitism, feminine, kinship and creativity.’
...Okay, that’s a lot, but you have to admit it fits.
More specifically, it means ‘Mastery of the Fire’. As in, someone who has learned to tame fire so that it is helpful, not harmful. To bring light and, symbolically, knowledge.
There’s another way Loki’s been associated with fire - in the Wagner Ring Cycle, Das Rheingold, the opera that inspired much the Thor films’ aesthetic and certainly their helmets, Loki is called ‘Loge’, which means ‘Fire’. He’s usually dressed to match, too -
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Many trickster figures are associated with fire. They are usually called ‘Fire-bringers’ - See: Raven, Lucifer, Prometheus, etc. They are often complex figures with a foot in different worlds, but who nonetheless help mankind with the gift of ‘fire’ - although they usually pay for it, and tend to be self-destructive.
(Side note. Lucifer means light-bringer, which is what luciferase is named after. Because it glows. Which is helpful in labs. In case someone needed to know that.)
Moving from a destructive fire-starter to a fire-bringer seems like a great character arc for Loki to take, especially given his rehabilitation in pop culture, the comics, and even wider culture. Loki has gone from being seen as an evil, deviant, destructive character to one who’s seen as a patron of the arts and creativity, of stories rather than lies. Heck, some scholars of Norse Mythology even posit that he’s the closet thing to a protagonist Norse Mythology has, so I guess that backfired, Snorri!). Being dressed in green and with the sprout clearly also being stylized after his Kaunaz, there’s foreshadowing that he’ll be capable of growing good things even out of ashes.
So, to sum up: Being ‘Satan’ sounds pretty bad, but with a little letter re-arranging like we see in the title sequence, you can be...
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...practically a saint. Maybe even a saviour.
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Merry Christmas, everybody.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Omg! Jumin with 6 and 20 for the Christmas list pleeeeeaseeee? Thx!
Omg YES I’ve been so excited to write this
Jumin Claus - Jumin Han
This is from my Christmas / winter prompts list !
6. Don’t go work. Stay home and cuddle with me instead
20. You want me to dress up as... Santa? For the kids? Me?
Summary: another year, another RFA Charity Fundraiser. You and your husband are determined to make it great, no matter what it takes
It was disgustingly early. You and Jumin had stayed late setting up the stage last night for the fundraiser party. You hadn’t gotten home until midnight, and even then you still had to warm up, shower, get ready for bed... you hadn’t even gotten 5 hours of sleep.
Yet there he was, getting out of bed, stretching, running a hand through his hair. “Jumin,” you whined, pulling the blankets up further on you, “come back.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, a hand reaching over to stroke your hair. “Merry Christmas.” His voice was deep and groggy.
“Jumin, it’s 5:30.”
He sighed. “I know. I have a few things I want to do at the office before the party.”
“Noooo.” You pulled him closer to you, causing him to fall back into the bed. You laid on top of him, successfully pinning him down. “Don’t go work. Stay home and cuddle with me instead.”
He surrendered to you, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close. “Okay... but I might have to stay late tomorrow.”
“Worth it.” You pressed a kiss to his lips. “I want to spend all of Christmas with you.”
“You’re adorable, my wife.” It made you giddy to hear him call you that. “What time do we have to leave for the fundraiser?”
You yawned. “Not yet. We can leave at 9 or so.”
“Can we go back to sleep then?”
You nuzzled your nose into his neck, inhaling his scent. He smelled like lavender, likely from the bath he ran last night, and drier sheets. It was so comforting. You couldn’t help but shut your eyes. “Mhm,” you murmured. “G’night.”
He kissed the top of your head, getting comfy again. “Good night Love.”
This time you were the first to wake up. Oops. It was 8:40. So much for leaving at 9. You were confident the others would be able to keep the event running smoothly if you were a few minutes late.
Jumin looked so handsome sleeping. His eyelashes were so long, his lips so smooth, his hair was hanging in front of half his face. Most importantly, he was smiling. You couldn’t stop your heart from skipping a beat. You wanted to let him sleep even longer.
But you didn’t want to force more work on Jaehee.
You reached up to press a kiss to his jawline. “Jumin,” you whispered.
His eyebrows furrowed, a crease forming on his forehead. You traced it with your fingertips. You pulled yourself up a little higher, leaning over to whisper in his ear: “We’re gonna be late.”
He laughed, his chest shaking with each chuckle. “Ah well. This is why we pay people.” He shifted his hand on your waist to the back of your neck. “The roles have reversed. Now I’m asking you to stay in bed.”
You sat up from your position, a sly smile on your face. “This time I have to decline, unfortunately.” You bounded off his lap. “You said you got a new Christmas dress for me?”
He sat up in bed, leaning back on his elbows, watching you make your way to the closet. “I did. It’s hanging up.”
It caught your eyes immediately. It was a beautiful, long-sleeved burgundy velvet dress. The sleeves were covered in lace, the skirt fell to the floor. It was beautiful, and felt pretty warm too.
“Jumin!” You bounded over to him, leaping onto the bed to tackle him into a hug. He used the momentum to roll over on top of you, pinning you down on the bed. “I love it.”
“That’s amazing. I’m so glad you like it. You’re going to look so beautiful.” He leaned down to press an open-mouthed kiss to your neck, causing you to shiver at his touch. You pushed him off you playfully, getting back up.
“What do you want for breakfast? I told the chef to take off today so it’s whatever I can make,” you asked, making your way back to the closer to pick out some shoes.
“We can just have toast. We’ll eat more during the event.” You heard rustling. He was finally getting up.
He wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder. “You want tea too?” You asked. He grunted in approval. It made you laugh. You started moving further into the closet, dragging him along behind you. “What color suit are you wearing?”
“Black. Thought I’d keep it simple.” One hand left your waist to pull out the suit, a pinstriped shirt joining, of course.
Jumin liked it when you picked out his ties. Your fingers slowly went through the ties, feeling the textures and looking at the colors, trying to decide which would best fit. Luckily he had a burgundy one to match your dress pretty well. You pulled it out and held it up to him. “Like it?”
“Love it.” He took the tie from your hands. “No denying we’re a couple.”
“Our wedding was trademarked as ‘the wedding of the century.’” You giggled. “There’s no denying we’re a couple to begin with.”
“Well, yknow.” Jumin uttered out, a bright red on his face. “I just like being seen with you.”
You kissed his cheek. “I’m gonna make us food.”
“Please do.”
As you put the toast in, you thought about how you were going to do your hair and makeup. In actuality you didn’t have much time to get ready. Maybe you should have skipped breakfast altogether. It made you nauseous thinking about how quickly you had to get ready. You should’ve hired someone to do your hair.
Still, you tried to push those thoughts out of your mind and focused on not burning the toast and prepping the tea correctly. Once it was all done you called Jumin in.
He was all dressed up already. Everything perfectly In place besides his hair, which still needed gelled slightly to stay in place. “Wow. You look handsome.”
He smiled, taking long calculated strides to you, pulling you in for a longer kiss. “Thank you. I still need to do my hair though.”
“You’re telling me,” you snorted. “Me too.” You rushed off to the bathroom, plugging in your curling iron. You were kind of lousy at doing this, but you could do it if you believed in yourself enough! Maybe.
He must have noticed you were gone. You could hear his footsteps approaching, and then there he was, setting the two plates on the counter in the bathroom. “You know we’re allowed to be late.”
You pulled makeup out of the drawers. “I know. But I feel bad.” You threw some brown eyeshadow in your crease. Jumin held some toast to your mouth. You took a bite. This was how things were going apparently.
You packed a sparkly gold on your eyelid. Jumin grabbed the curling iron, spinning it around in his hands a few times. “May I?”
“I don’t know how well it’ll go but... I guess,” you shrugged, focusing hard on making a smooth line with your eyeliner. You grabbed your phone to call Jaehee, putting it on speaker.
“Hi Jaehee! We’re running a little late because someone didn’t want to get up,” you explained, giggling at the pouty face your husband was giving you.
“That’s okay. Things are slow at the moment so it’s not too-“
“Ow! Jumin!” He had pulled your hair with the iron. He mumbled his apologies, kissing your cheek.
“Are you two okay?”
“I’m doing her hair. It’s going very well,” Jumin explained. As if.
“Something like that. But I’m getting ready as quickly as I can. We’ll be there soon.”
“Please do...” Jaehee trailed off. “I think we have a problem. We may need your help.”
“Oh! Okay! I’ll hurry. See you soon.” You hung up the phone. “We need to hurry.”
“I’ve done one strand.”
“Uhhhh,” you looked at your reflection. “Great. Perfect. We’ll put the rest up.” You reached for a hair tie, situating the hair into a bun on the top of your head, pulling a few strands loose, including the one Jumin had curled. You threw on a dark lipstick matching your dress. Did you have time to do your foundation? Heck no. You powdered your face. That would have to be good enough.
“Will you get the shoes I set out, Honey?” You called, grabbing your dress and all the appropriate undergarments, pulling them on quickly.
“It’d be my honor.” Jumin knelt down, lifting your dress slightly and helping you step into each heel, securing it in place with the strap. He kissed your ankle. “You look magnificent.”
“I’m glad. We need to go.”
Jumin held your hand as you left the penthouse, taking two security guards with you. Fortunately Driver Kim was already waiting for you. You all clambered into the car, you sitting close to your husband so that you could tie his tie. It was a thing. He liked when you did he for him. Once you were satisfied with how it sat, you kissed his cheek, burgundy lipstick staining the side of his face.
“I should have checked to see if it transferred.” You licked your thumb, wiping it off. “Sorry bout that.”
He grinned, grabbing your hand. He looked out the window as you passed by the event to park. “Looks pretty nice.”
“We did a good job. I hope nothing too bad is wrong.” The second you parked, you got out of the car, rushing towards the stage of the event where Jaehee was stationed. Jumin followed behind, but struggled to keep up with your speed walk.
“Jaehee! What can I help with?”
“Same as last time,” she sighed. “Our Santa cancelled last minute. Again.”
“No way! But we’re supposed to have a lot of kids here this time.” You had advertised that this was family friendly, with Santa and reindeer and crafts. So this was kind of a big deal. “Is Seven not coming?”
“No. Still on security.”
You glanced at your husband, catching up to you, sighing completely out of breath. A small smile formed on your face. “I’ll see what I can do,” you told Jaehee.
“Is everything alright Assistant Kang?” Jumin asked, regaining his composure.
You reached over and grabbed his arm, pulling him with you. “Let’s take a walk.” He followed you along.
“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” He asked. The chance of him saying yes would have been zero, but... maybe there was a shot if his wife asked him? You were in a tough spot.
“Our Santa cancelled,” you stated simply.
“For real!? We promised the kids he’d be here.” Jumin ran a hand through his hair frustratedly. He bit his lip anxiously. “Wait...” it seemed he was connecting the dots.
“Will you maybe do it?”
“You want me to dress up as... Santa? For the kids? Me? Are you kidding?” He halted the walk, pausing to stare at you. “I...”
“Please Jumin. You’d do great. And we need someone to do it.” You let go of his hands, clasping yours together. “Don’t make me beg,” you pouted.
He sighed. “What’s in it for me?”
“You’d make your wife happy.”
“Well I thought I already did that.”
You groaned, frustrated. “Fine. I’ll make it up to you.” He raised an eyebrow. “We can discuss the terms later.”
“Fine. But only if you’ll come tell Santa what you want for Christmas,” he winked.
You literally facepalmed. “Okay! But you can’t be inappropriate.”
He kissed your cheek. “Okay. Help me get all Santa’d up?”
You grinned, grabbing his arm and leading him to the back where the Santa costume was. You untied his tie, taking your time undoing each button, folding each layer of clothes as he took them off.
“You are so lucky to have me,” Jumin commented. You could see a bright smile on his face. You pulled out the iconic red coat, helping him put it on. He was unhappy with having to wear a fake beard and hair, but he got over it quickly.
He wasn’t Santa. But he was good enough.
“Do I have to do a voice? What do I do?” He was nervous. You could tell by the way he was wringing his hands.
“Just ask what they want for Christmas. You’re a nice old man. It’s easy.” You tackled him in a hug. “I love you so much. I’m gonna leave first and then you leave a few minutes after so nobody suspects a thing.
The kids seemed to like him. He was shocked when the first one clambered onto his lap, but he got used to it quickly, smiling wide at each child, listening to what they got for Christmas and what they wanted next year, taking note of it, asking more questions. You want a skateboard? What color?
He even answered the ridiculous questions the kids had. How he got to the event. How he covered all the houses in the world. Who was naughty and who was nice. How the reindeer fly. It was adorable.
About halfway through you took him aside for a hot chocolate and cookie break. That didn’t stop kids from coming up and giving him hugs, thanking him for the presents. He got down on his knees to speak with them every time. He stayed in character the entire time, even when you thought you were safe. He was not ruining any magic.
Finally the night was coming to a close, the line slowed down. You made your way to the back of the line, waiting patiently for your turn to see Santa. Finally the time came. You carefully sat on his lap, there was no way to make this look appropriate dear lord, balancing your rear end in the air and only letting your thighs touch his leg. Legs closed tight, hands folded on your lap. Please nobody take a picture of this.
“Now I’ve heard you haven’t gotten your Christmas present yet,” Santa began. “What is it that you want?”
You giggled. “Honestly, with all the commotion I forgot all about presents. Uhm... I don’t know what I want. To spend time with my husband I guess. He’s been hard at work and I haven’t seen him for a while.”
“That’s quite unfortunate. I bet he misses you too. I know I miss Mrs. Claus.” His voice was deep and cheery. It didn’t even sound like Jumin. You burst out laughing.
“What do you want for Christmas, Santa?” You asked, giggles still in your throat.
He stared at you, absolutely blank-faced. “Well... I’m Santa. I don’t get presents. I just give them.”
“Boring. I bet Mrs. Claus will get you something quite nice,” you winked at him.
“I hope you have a nice Christmas with your husband.”
“You too J- uh, Santa.” Your cheeks were red. You climbed off his lap and tried to ignore the fact that that was the strangest encounter of your life.
Finally the event came to a close. People started leaving. You helped Jumin get out of his Santa gear and into his normal clothes. He looked exhausted, but satisfied. You finally left backstage, hand-in-hand, husband and wife once more.
“There you are!” Zen approached the two of you. “Wow... I’ve gotta say, that was a great acting job up there.”
Jumin pulled on his collar, seemingly uncomfortable. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah... what?” You joined in.
Zen’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh, I thought... I thought you were... nevermind. I don’t know why I thought you’d agree to something like that.”
The two of you laughed, making your way away from the party to a secluded spot, much like you had last Christmas.
“You were so great,” you complimented, holding his cheeks in your hands. “I appreciate your help more than you could know.”
“I actually had a lot of fun,” he confessed, his cheeks lighting up red. “And I decided what I want for Christmas. Or my birthday or something.”
“What is that?”
“A child of our own. Talking to all of them... I want to raise a child that’s just like you, maybe even like me. Raise them right. Let them be a kid, enjoy their childhood. No stress from the company. They’ll believe in Santa until they’re 12, at the very least.”
“Although I can’t just magically get pregnant, that does sound nice.” You smiled. He pulled you into a hug.
“Really! You really want that?” His voice was one of disbelief.
“Of course I want a family with you Jumin. Not just one kid, maybe two. Or three. I don’t know.”
“I-“ he pulled back to look at you. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too.” You pulled him in for a kiss. “Well... are you ready to go home?”
“I sure am,” he pulled you closer to him, closing all space between the two of you. “I’ve heard you have a few favors to repay me for.”
It was a restless night to say the least, but maybe Jumin’s wish came true as a result.
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 50: Flowers for Christmas
As promised, here’s the special Christmas episode of the main storyline of this blog. And as I also promised, it features Nico Flores’ debut in the main narrative. As it happened earlier with Remus and as it will happen with any canon character introduced in this narrative, his introduction will not mimic the canon introduction at all, but it will be a totally independent story to fit what has already been told in earlier episodes. One thing I wanted to say is that this story takes place in a near future where the virus has just been defeated and the pandemic is over, that’s why there’s no longer social distancing or masks in the story. Let’s hope this future of fiction soon becomes a reality, but until then, remember to wear your mask if you need to get out and take all precautions, for your own health and the others’.
It also happens to be the 50th entry in the series since it made its debut on February 2019. I hope you’ve been liking it so far and that whatever comes in the future is also of your liking too. Fair warning that after this episode, I’m going to take a little break of a few weeks, to take a rest, at least from the main narrative, although I’ll still be hanging around somehow as usual, publishing little things here and there. So, I hope that you all have the merriest Christmas and that you have a good start of 2021. Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and until next time.
P.S. If you enter Tumblr.com through a web browser (on PC or on the phone), NOT through the app, and enter the episode through this link, you’ll find a especial interactive musical surprise alongside the narration. Sadly, it doesn’t work on standard dashboard view or on Tumblr’s phone app, but you should be able to read the text anyway.
SYNOPSIS: Thomas has a little job as an actor in a mall, for a one-off Christmas show. Just as he’s about to enter the mall in a rush, he bumps on a stranger that crossed his way just at the same time. Thomas is immediately mesmerized by the stranger’s face and immediately starts feeling something for him.
WARNINGS: Romantic prinxiety
[Thomas is running out of the house, rushing to the car]
THOMAS: I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!
[Thomas gets to the car. Logan rises up in front of him]
LOGAN: Okay, Mr. Figurative White Rabbit Sanders. Have you got everything?
THOMAS: Of course I do, I’ve got my credentials, I placed my costume in the car trunk last night, I programmed the address on the GPS, I’ve got everything, except that I programmed the phone 20 minutes later than I should by accident, so I’m late! Don’t make me waste more time, Logan, I gotta go!
LOGAN: Are you sure you’re not forgetting something?
THOMAS: Yes, I am.
LOGAN: Are you really, really sure?
THOMAS: [trying to open the car unsuccessfully] Yes, I am! Why doesn’t this gosh dagnabbit car open? Don’t detain me, Logan!
LOGAN: [smirking] Okay, if you’re so sure, go ahead, I’m not holding you back. What are you waiting for?
THOMAS: It’s this door, it just won’t open! I gotta go and this door won’t open, dang it!
LOGAN: Well, what do you need to open the door, Thomas?
[Thomas suddenly stops, then frowns and looks at Logan]
THOMAS: Couldn’t you just have told me I had forgotten to get the car keys instead of making me look like a doofus, Logan?
[Logan looks at Thomas with the same condescending smirk while Thomas just groans and goes back to the house to get the keys]
[intro sequence]
[Thomas parks the car next to the mall. Then he gets out, grabs his costume in a bag and closes it, then starts running to the door. Before he gets to the door, a stranger who hasn’t seen him crosses his way and Thomas can’t help bumping onto him. They both fall on the ground]
STRANGER: Oh, goodness!
THOMAS: [trying to pick up his things scattered around him] I… I’m so sorry, I was in a hurry, I didn’t see you and…
[the stranger, who has stood up already offers his hand to help Thomas stand up]
STRANGER: It’s okay, I didn’t see you either, and I was also in a hurry. Let me help you.
THOMAS: Thanks, I…
[but Thomas can’t finish the sentence because when he looks at the stranger he gets stunned over the cutest face he’s ever seen in his life. It’s a Latin American guy roughly the same age as him, with dark hair, light brown skin and a goatee, a little skinnier than Thomas, wearing a blue shirt and a backpack on his back, and with big black eyes which make Thomas feel as if inevitably attracted to two black holes. He smiles at Thomas while offering his hand. Thomas just can’t react over that vision as he feels his heart pumping harder]
STRANGER: [suddenly concerned when Thomas doesn’t grab his hand] Are you okay? Did you get hurt or something?
[Thomas returns to reality and grabs the stranger’s hand, who helps him stand up]
THOMAS: I’m fine, thank you. But are you okay?
STRANGER: Oh, don’t worry, I’m fine. Let me help you with that. [pointing at Thomas’ things scattered on the ground]
THOMAS: Oh, I wouldn’t want you to get late to your appointment, Mr…
STRANGER: Mr. Flores, but you can call me Nico if you’d like.
THOMAS: [giggles] And I’m Mr. Sanders, but you can call me Thomas.
NICO: Nice to meet you, Thomas. And it’s okay. If we pick this stuff up together, we both could be on our way in no time.
THOMAS: Thank you so much.
[Thomas and Nico start picking up the things. As they’re doing so, Thomas takes a quick look at the backpack. Various pins are there, but one pin in particular grabs his attention, a pride pin. He also sees a key chain hanging from his pocket, with an image of Jack Skellington from Nightmare before Christmas. He quickly looks away when Nico stands up]
NICO: Well, I think this is all. Here you are.
[Nico gives Thomas the things he’s picked up]
THOMAS: Thank you so much, Nico.
NICO: Of course. Well, I’d love to stay here and chat with you, but I gotta go now. I hope to see you again someday. It’s was nice to meet you, Thomas, have a nice day!
THOMAS: Have a nice day, Nico, nice to meet you as well!
[Nico smiles one last time at Thomas, then he rushes inside the mall. Roman rises up next to Thomas]
ROMAN: Wasn’t that the cutest vision ever, Thomas!? And to top it all, he’s gay, so you’ve got a chance with him!
[Virgil also rises up]
VIRGIL: He was cute, indeed, but Thomas, weren’t you in a hurry?
THOMAS: [suddenly scared] Oh, dang it, I’m late!
[Thomas rushes into the mall. He tries not to run so as not to attract people’s attention, but he walks as fast as he can. Roman and Virgil follow him]
ROMAN: And judging from his key chain, he loves Nightmare before Christmas! He must be exactly the kind of guy you could get along with. You should have asked for his number, Thomas. He said he hoped to see you again, but we don’t have any means to contact him. What if you never see him again?
THOMAS: Well, that’s over and done with… I admit that guy looked really cute, and he also looks cool and kind.
ROMAN: That’s an understatement. [Roman’s theme music starts playing] When he offered you his hand, he looked like a prince sent from heaven, ready to save you from the perils upon you, and then he would let you ride with him on his horse and take you to his castle and…
VIRGIL: [snapping his fingers, music stops] Houston calling Roman, get back to planet Earth, please!
ROMAN: Sorry, I got carried away.
THOMAS: Yes, you did. But you’re right, I should have asked him for his number or something. [sighs] I probably will never see him again.
ROMAN: Well, maybe we’ll see him again around the mall today and have a second chance to talk to him. It’s Christmas time, the season of miracles, isn’t it?
VIRGIL: We’ll see. For now, you must focus, Thomas. You had a job to do, remember?
THOMAS: Yeah… When they asked for actors in that announcement, I never thought it was for this, playing one of Santa’s elves in a little Christmas musical play in the middle of the mall, with barely no time to rehearse and with the costumes sent to us by mail. I just hope that the tights don’t make me look too weird, I didn’t have time to try the costume on. Gosh, this work dynamic feels too rushed, but at least the pay was good, so I can’t really complain…
REMUS: [rising up] Wouldn’t it be nice if Nico saw you with your elf costume, Thomas? You couldn’t be sexier. A total piece of cake, if you know what I mean! [wiggles his eyebrows]
THOMAS: Remus, don’t! Besides, I would die of embarrassment if he saw me like that. Maybe it’s for the best that he left in such a hurry. Okay, there’s the scenery, and right there, there’s the office where the guy at the phone told me I had to change. And speaking about the phone… [looks at his phone] Looks that I’m not that late after all. I have just enough time to change. If I’m quick, I’ll be ready just in time. I shouldn’t have worried so much.
VIRGIL: My bad.
[Thomas goes to the office followed by Roman and Virgil, while Remus sinks down]
THOMAS: That’s odd, there’s no one here. I hoped to talk with the boss and finally meet him. We’ve never talked in person, only with his secretary on the phone after I answered the call. They sent me the outfit by UPS the day after I got the part.
ROMAN: I wonder how that boss will look like? How will we recognize them, Thomas?
THOMAS: I suppose we’ll meet them on stage, Roman. Well, I have to change now, and there’s a door that reads locker room, so it must be there. Let’s do it.
[When Thomas enters the room, he goes livid, after finding Nico just buttoning a Santa Claus costume]
NICO: [equally surprised] Thomas? What are you doing here? Don’t tell me that…
THOMAS: [nervous giggle] Yeah, it seems we’re gonna be work mates, at least for today. I’m playing one of the elves. I can’t find the boss anywhere, so I figured I’d have to change in this room.
NICO: [happy smile] What a coincidence, right? Well, don’t stay there, come in. I’m almost done. Um… the boss told me the other elves are already in costume, waiting for us. So you better hurry. There’s a folding screen over there if you need some privacy.
[Thomas showed some relief over seeing the folding screen]
VIRGIL: Thank goodness, I don’t know if I could have coped with it if you had had to change in front of him.
THOMAS: Yeah, that would be neat.
[Thomas goes behind the folding screen and starts changing]
THOMAS: So, how did you get this job? Are you an actor too?
NICO: Oh, so you’re an actor? That’s neat. No, I’m not an actor, not professionally at least, although I’ve done a couple things in community theater. I… just needed the job to get some extra income, you know? I’m a writer, and sometimes, the amount of work is not high enough.
THOMAS: Oh, that’s cool! What kind of writer, if it’s not too nosy to ask?
NICO: Of course it’s not. I write anything, but my thing is poetry and songwriting. And I’m also a playwright. It’s my dream to make it big on Broadway someday with a musical of my own.
THOMAS: Oh, you’re a playwright and songwriter? Well, other than an actor, I’m also a singer. And I also dream on being on Broadway one day. Maybe you could show me some of your work someday?
NICO: You’re a singer too? My, you seem to be a man of many talents. I’d be glad to show you some of my songs. Maybe you could try one of them if you like them and are suitable for your voice? Maybe later, after the show, if you’re free?
THOMAS: Yes, I’m free. I can’t wait for it, Nico.
ROMAN: [pumped up] Thomas, have you realized… that you just got a date with him? [bopping] Oh, my goodness!
VIRGIL: Relax, Roman… Can’t believe it’s me who said that… It’s only a professional meeting, where they will discuss their opinions about each other’s art, that’s all. Wow, I sounded like Logan there… The point is Thomas shouldn’t have his hopes too high for the time being.
ROMAN: Well, you start with a professional meeting, and the next day he PROPOSES to you! Imagine… Nico Sanders… or Thomas Flores… or even better, Nico and Thomas Flores-Sanders or Sanders-Flores. [squeeing] Gosh, you’ll look so handsome in your white suit with a red necktie when Joan takes you to the altar!
THOMAS: [whispering with the lowest voice he can so Nico can’t hear him] Guys… please… would you mind? I need to get dressed and I can barely move in this small place behind the folding screen with you two around… Please, could you sink down for a moment?
ROMAN: Oh, sorry… Okay, Thomas. [sinking down] See ya later on stage.
VIRGIL: [also sinking down] I’ll try to calm him down in the Mind Palace, Thomas, but no promises. See ya.
NICO: Are you ready, Thomas?
THOMAS: I’m almost ready. My, this suit is so tight, I can barely put it on. I hope it doesn’t rip apart right on stage, that would be embarrassing.
NICO: Don’t worry, it will be fine. When they make these elf costumes they usually make them tight, I don’t know why. As if elves building toys shouldn’t prefer wearing a more comfortable and professional outfit.
THOMAS: [giggles] Yeah, you’re right… If you’re ready, Nico, you don’t need to wait for me. You can get to the stage whenever you want. It’s no use that both of us get scolded over being late, I can take it, don’t worry about me.
NICO: Nah, I’m fine. The show can’t start without us anyway… and I like being here and talking to you.
[Thomas’ face goes red and he feels his breathe stopping for a second]
THOMAS: You… you do?
NICO: Yeah, of course. You bring up good conversation and that is increasingly difficult to find these days. I enjoy your company.
THOMAS: Well… thanks, Nico. I… I enjoy your company too…
[Thomas was trying to fit his shoes in, but out of nervousness, he loses balance]
THOMAS: Oh, shoot!
[Thomas falls on the folding screen which falls down making a lot of noise]
NICO: Oh, goodness, Thomas! Are you all right!?
THOMAS: Dag nabbit, this outfit is impossible to wear! It’s too small for me!
[again, Nico offers Thomas his hand]
NICO: This is the second time I have to grab you from the floor, Thomas. Did you get hurt?
THOMAS: [standing up with Nico’s help] No, I’m fine… and I promise I’m usually not this clumsy. It’s just…
[Janus rises up]
JANUS: Don’t tell him the truth or you’ll blew it up!
THOMAS: … it’s just that I’m nervous over the performance, and scared that I’m not gonna wear this outfit as I should.
JANUS: Nice recovery, Thomas. It’s too soon to tell Nico that the reason you’re clumsy is because you’re totally nervous over making a good impression to him because you think he’s the cutest guy you’ve ever seen in your life. You don’t want to tell him that yet, right, Thomas?
NICO: Did you say something?
[Janus quickly sinks down]
THOMAS: [nervous] I was saying… no, I’m not gonna make this outfit work. Look at me. The elf shoes are all tiny, I can’t close the zipper on my shirt, and the beanie is too small for my head! This is all a disaster!
NICO: They obviously have sent you the wrong size for your outfit, Thomas. You can’t get out like that.
THOMAS: But I have to make it work! There are no other outfits available, are there? If I don’t get out, I’ll lose the job! Oh, why didn’t I try this outfit at home earlier? I’m such an idiot!
NICO: It’s okay, calm down, we’ll find a way to fix this… [looks at Thomas’ clothes, then at himself and suddenly shows a lively smile] And you know what? I’ve got an idea. Help me put the folding screen back up.
[Nico and Thomas place the folding screen as it was]
NICO: That’s right. Now, get back behind the folding screen and take the costume off, everything.
THOMAS: What? But…
NICO: [grabbing Thomas’ hand] Trust me, Thomas.
THOMAS: [nervous] Okay…
[Thomas gets behind the folding screen and starts taking the costume off. Nico also starts taking his Santa costume off]
NICO: When you take it off, hang it on top of the folding screen, okay?
THOMAS: Okay… Will you explain to me what are we doing?
NICO: Sure. We’re gonna switch places.
THOMAS: [nervous] What? But…
NICO: Don’t worry. Do you think with the big white beard that Santa Claus wears, they’re gonna notice the difference?
THOMAS: But the boss will notice you dressed as an elf. You don’t have any beard or garment to conceal you, and both of us will be in trouble.
NICO: Don’t worry about me, Thomas. I… know how to deal with the boss, and the most important is to make the show work, so I’m sure he would agree with this. The show must go on, isn’t that what you, actors, say on stage when difficulties arise?
THOMAS: Yep, that’s our motto.
NICO: Well, that’s my motto now. We’re gonna make it work, no matter how.
[Thomas and Nico pass each other the different garments of their costumes over the folding screen and get dressed, then Thomas gets out of the folding screen and stands in front of Nico]
THOMAS: This is much better. This is my size.
NICO: I thought so. It was a little big for me, and I intended to fill it with some stuffing to simulate Santa’s belly. You’re more muscular than me, so I knew that the costume would be just perfect for you. And I also knew that the elf costume would be just the right size for me. It’s perfect. Maybe they got the sizes mixed up with our costumes? True, we can’t put the stuffing in your costume, but who said that Santa has to be chubby? He can be perfectly portrayed by a handsome fit man like you.
[Thomas blushes]
ROMAN: [rising up, squeeing] Did he just call you a handsome fit man!? Oh, goodness, Thomas, I think he has a crush on you too!
[Thomas makes a subtly angry gesture to Roman to make him shut up. Roman sinks down, but Nico notices Thomas’ gesture and shows a face of concern]
NICO: Oh, I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. People tell me that I shouldn’t be so outgoing about my opinions, but I’m truly saying it as I think it, Thomas. I apologize again if I made you feel awkward. We’re at work after all and I shouldn’t be so unprofessional.
THOMAS: No, it’s fine, don’t worry… And… I thank you for your compliment. You’re very kind, Nico.
NICO: You’re welcome. Okay, you look great, but here’s the final touch. Your beard.
[Nico helps Thomas put the beard on]
THOMAS: Um… ho, ho, ho, am I right?
[Nico chortles]
NICO: Yep, as I thought, you look great. Okay, do you need a few minutes to take a quick look to your new lines, or…?
THOMAS: No, it’s okay. It’s a good thing that I learned all the lines they sent me by the mail, to know my cues when I was playing the elf. I know Santa’s lines by heart, and the songs are Christmas classics everybody knows. The only thing that worries me is that I didn’t have time to rehearse his part, and Santa has a big song at the end of the show, so I hope I can do it right.
NICO: None of us had any time to rehearse, unfortunately. It seems the boss wasn’t called with anticipation enough to use the stage and there was no budget to rent any office to rehearse in private or with anticipation. Corona is still very recent, you know, and there’s still some reluctance to rent spaces for activities like this. But don’t worry, you can do this, Thomas, and if we can’t make it perfect, at least we’ll do our best, won’t we? Well, you’re ready and I’m ready too. Let’s go. They’ll probably wonder where we are at this point.
THOMAS: I just hope that we don’t get in any trouble with the boss over being late and over the swapping of roles.
NICO: There won’t be any trouble, Thomas, you’ll see.
THOMAS: How can you be so sure, Nico?
NICO: You’ll see…
[Thomas and Nico get out of the office and head to the scenery. A group of people dressed as elves and other characters, who were having a drink in a nearby cafeteria, finish their drinks when they see them and get to the scenery too. One of the elves approaches Nico]
ELF: Um… Mr. Flores, what does this mean? Weren’t you playing Santa Claus? And who’s playing him in your place?
NICO: It’s okay, Cynthia, there was a problem of costumes and we swapped places. It will be fine, he learned all the lines too, right, Thomas?
THOMAS: Right, I’ll do my best.
ELF: Okay, Mr. Flores. You’re the boss, after all…
[The elf goes to the scenery with the other elves, while Thomas looks at Nico with a face of surprise]
THOMAS: Wait, what? What did they mean by that?
NICO: [nervously] Sorry I lied to you, Thomas… The truth is… that I am the boss of this show, I wrote and produced it.
THOMAS: And you were gonna star in it too, like Orson Wells, right? Why didn’t you just tell me? Have you just been… playing with me? Making fun of me? I feel like a fool…
NICO: [really concerned] Goodness, I’m terribly sorry, Thomas, I didn’t mean to make you feel like that! It’s just that… [noticing the other elves are staring at them, waiting for them to start rehearsing] Well, there’s no time to tell you right now, so I’ll talk to you after the show. Now we must focus, but please, promise me you’ll give your best and that you’ll give me a chance to explain myself after the show. Promise?
THOMAS: I always do my best onstage… Mr. Flores, you didn’t even need to ask me for that. I’m a professional.
NICO: [begging face] But will you stay for a while after the show? ¿Por favor?
THOMAS: [sighs] Okay, I will… Let’s get the show on now.
NICO: Thank you, Thomas.
[everyone gets on stage and do some rehearsals. Although clumsy at times, the rehearsal goes fine. Then, the mall starts getting filled with an audience waiting to see the show]
THOMAS: Wow, I didn’t expect there would be so many people to watch our show…
NICO: Just do it like you did it in the rehearsals, and you’ll wow everyone. Break a leg, Thomas!
THOMAS: Thank you, Nico… I mean, Mr. Flores.
NICO: Please, you can still call me Nico. It truly would mean the world if you did.
THOMAS: Okay… as you wish… Nico. Okay, the show is about to start.
NICO: Everybody on your marks!
[the cue music starts. The elves dance around Santa Claus and sing different classic Christmas songs and do some dialogue about how busy they are making the toys for Santa. Then, at the end, Thomas as Santa, sings]
Merry Christmas by Thomas Sanders
THOMAS: O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till He appear'd and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! O hear the angel voices! O night divine, O night when Christ was born; O night divine, O night, O night Divine.
[after finishing the song, the audience cheers and applauds. Everyone on stage takes a bow, then the audience leaves the place. Most of the cast leave the stage but Thomas and Nico stand there]
NICO: Thomas, you were great! You told me you were a singer, but I didn’t expect you to be that good!
THOMAS: [taking off his beard] Well, thank you so much, Nico. I’m surprised myself, I didn’t expect that, with so little time of rehearsal, I could do it like that.
NICO: You have a natural talent, I’m telling you.
THOMAS: Well, thanks again… Now, you wanted me to stay after the show. What did you want to tell me?
NICO: Yes… well… First of all, I apologize again for hiding that I was your boss all the time. I swear I didn’t mean to play with you or to make fun of you. It’s just that… I didn’t feel strong enough to tell you.
THOMAS: But why? I don’t understand.
NICO: Well, we were having such a good conversation, like two casual pals enjoying each other’s company… I didn’t want any sort of hierarchy to ruin the mood, or that you couldn’t be casual with me because of that.
THOMAS: You still could have told me. There was no reason to hide it at all. I wouldn’t have changed my behavior for that. You can be respectful while maintaining a casual attitude.
NICO: Yes, but… I didn’t want you to treat me “respectfully” as you put it. I didn’t want any kind of hinders in our talk, because I felt that that kind of hindrance… eventually wouldn’t have let me do what I increasingly wanted to do the more I talked to you.
[Roman and Virgil rise up behind Thomas, listening to Nico]
THOMAS: What do you mean?
[Nico starts blushing]
NICO: Well… if I had to behave like a boss or a cold manager all of the time… there are certain limits one must not surpass. Because when a dynamic of power like this is established, some interactions could be seen as an abuse of power, and I didn’t want you to feel like that at all. I wanted us both to be completely free to interact so that, eventually, if I had the guts… I could tell you… [hesitates, really nervous, before speaking] … that I think you’re really cute.
[Nico looks away, ashamed. Thomas blushes, while Roman is ajar and speechless, and Virgil’s eyeshadow suddenly turns bright and glittery purple]
NICO: I’m sorry if I’m making you feel awkward, and I know this is really unprofessional, but I had to say it because our work is done, so I’m not your boss anymore, and I don’t know if I’ll ever have another chance to say it or even if I’ll ever see you again. And I really needed to let it out.
[Thomas holds Nico’s hand]
THOMAS: Wanna know something? The truth is… I really like you too.
NICO: You do?
THOMAS: Yeah. From the moment you offered me your hand when we crashed on the front door of the mall… when I saw your face, that cute face of yours, it was as if I had been struck by a thunderbolt. You should have noticed, how nervous and clumsy I was while we were talking. You may have thought it was because of all of the costume failure. In part it was, of course, but mostly it was because… we both were there, all alone, talking so casually, and I liked you more and more by the minute, and I was so afraid to mess everything up and that you thought I was a fool or something. That’s something that happens to me a lot, that I don’t take my chances when I see them, and I really wanted to take this chance and get to know you, and hope that you liked me.
[Thomas and Nico look at each other, almost like mesmerized by each other’s glance. Then Nico notices there’s a mistletoe hanging above them, as part of the decoration set, and chortles]
NICO: Do you believe in destiny, Thomas?
NICO: Well, first, we crash at the door, then I order the wrong size for our outfits and they happen to be perfect for each other, then you being an actor and singer and me being a playwright and songwriter… and now look above you.
THOMAS: [looking up, he smiles] A mistletoe.
NICO: I know it’s a fake mistletoe made of plastic and paper, a simple prop, and that it really doesn’t count, but still, it’s very funny that I noticed we were standing right under it, just when I wanted so badly to do this…
[Nico kisses Thomas, taking him by surprise as he was still looking at the mistletoe. After a couple of seconds of surprise, Thomas starts kissing him back and hugging him. At that time, Roman and Virgil start squealing, jumping and dancing with each other. Virgil’s eyeshadow shines so much that it leaves a trace of sparkling glitter in the air as he’s bopping and dancing and spinning with Roman. Then Roman, out of pure happiness, holds Virgil and kisses him. After a moment, Nico releases Thomas, who can’t help showing a silly smile]
THOMAS: Wow… I… you… don’t you think we’re going too fast? We barely have just met and…
NICO: [a little scared] Oh, sorry, perhaps I shouldn’t have done that. You’re right, we have just met and perhaps I shouldn’t have…
[Thomas puts a finger on Nico’s mouth to silence him]
THOMAS: Don’t you dare apologizing for this, Nico. Do you have any idea of how happy you have made me feel right now? I… I thought I’d never experience this feeling again, and thinking honestly, I don’t care if it feels rushed or not. When you know, you know, right? And, rushed or not, I can recognize this feeling without any doubt: I love you, Nico. And even if it doesn’t work in the end, I’ll never regret giving this a chance from minute one, like we’re doing. Don’t you agree?
NICO: [smiling] Yes… yes I do, Thomas. And I love you too.
[Thomas and Nico share another kiss while on the mall the song “All I Want for Christmas is You” is heard through all the speakers]
[ending card]
[Thomas returns back home, he couldn’t be happier. Roman rises up right after he gets to the living room]
ROMAN: Congratulations, Thomas! That was a score in every way!
THOMAS: I can’t believe it! I thought this day would never come, and now…!
ROMAN: And he’s so cute, Thomas! SO cute!
VIRGIL: [rising up, his eyeshadow is still bright purple] Honey, do I need to get jealous, or something?
ROMAN: Oh, sorry, I…
VIRGIL: [excited] I was kidding. We’re all parts of Thomas, it’s only natural that we all like Nico. Congratulations, Thomas!
THOMAS: Wow, you must really be in a good mood if you’re making jokes, Virgil.
VIRGIL: Of course I am! I’m really excited about what comes next! It’s been so long since we… since you’ve been in a relationship like this.
THOMAS: Yeah… I just hope it doesn’t end like the last one…
[Virgil looks at Thomas with a serious face and his eyeshadow suddenly turns pitch black]
VIRGIL: Thomas, don’t say that… Why should it end like the last time? Nico doesn’t look at all like your ex.
ROMAN: Yeah, he’s so cute, and handsome, and cool, and kind and talented and…
VIRGIL: Okay, okay, calm down, Roman. I can’t believe I’m the one asking people to relax… You’re right in everything, but let’s hear Thomas.
ROMAN: Sorry.
THOMAS: Well, it’s too soon to tell, of course, but even so, I’ve already got so invested in this… that I’m scared that something goes wrong and everything goes to waste… again.
VIRGIL: Thomas, it’s only natural that you have that fear after the last experience. And I’m sorry, I’m the one who’s putting that fear into you because I’m the one always worrying about you losing the people you love… because when you said you loved Nico, you really meant it right?
THOMAS: Yes. I mean… it probably is too soon to use that word… but I think it was love at first sight. I didn’t get to have this feeling with my ex until we were way into the relation, but with Nico, it’s just like his soul and mine just blended together as one, as if we were two pieces of the same soul destined from our very beginning to be together, you know? And I was convinced that only happened in romcoms and fairy tales.
ROMAN: Well, now you know better, Thomas. As an expert in romance, my advise about your worries is… just take it easy. Take each day of this relationship as it comes and let love build up slowly but surely, as if you were laying bricks to form a strong house. It is hard work, but the result is worth it, trust me. [looking at Virgil] I know it’s worth it. And don’t think too much in the future. Live the present and enjoy each minute you spend with Nico as if it was the last. Just do your best to make it work, and everything will be fine, you’ll see.
THOMAS: Thank you, Roman. Wow… What a Christmas gift that Santa has decided to give me, right? Merry Christmas, guys.
ROMAN: Merry Christmas, Thomas.
VIRGIL: And may the new year be better for all of us.
THOMAS: [to the viewers] Yep. For all of us. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you, and until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals. Peace out!
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mikkomacko · 5 years
Christmas Magic 1
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It was still crisp and bright outside the day the form came home. The balcony outside their apartment was littered with crunchy leaves of browns and yellows and reds, all different shades even if they all fell from the same cottonwood tree growing right outside. The one Kevin The Tenant swears needs to be cut down before it falls on the complex or its strong roots ruin the foundations. Every spring he swears it's coming down, and every spring Ophelia's pretty green eyes well with tears at the thought of her tree coming down, and yet every spring it's still there, the thick branches and leaves casting shadows on the tiny hall of their home.
They sat in the window ledge by the balcony where the tree had shaken leaves off, Harry humming quietly as he unlaced Ophelia's little brown boots, tossing them into the doorway of her room to trip over later.
"It's a carnival daddy," Ophelia spoke, voice always so soft and feathery, even when she was so unbearably excited about this carnival that her toes wiggled in her socks. "a Christmas one. Mrs. Frank said Mr. Clause might be there!"
"Mr. Clause, huh?" Harry hummed, pretending to be very thoughtful over this class trip. It really wasn't much of a big deal. The carnival was in the city, set up in the park with ice skating and music and games and lights and a Christmas parade. Mrs. Frank picked a weekday to attend so the crowd wouldn't be too rowdy for a group of four and five year olds. Harry himself was even invited to attend, like all the other class trips, because Ophelia is quite awful at going anywhere without her dad.
Ophelia nodded, her brown curls bouncing and a begging smile splitting her face. Harry smiled too, falling onto his butt on the wood floor, and admiring the beautiful girl sitting before him. He had no reason to say no and even if he did, how could he? He'd bestowed an unfathomably huge love for Christmas time in his daughter as well as a good heart and kind soul. There was nothing Ophelia could've possibly done in her whole life that would constitute a no from Harry.
"Tell you what," He climbed up from the floor, helping her down from the windowsill and leading her to the little dining table that's sat in the corner of the kitchen, right next to the bulletin that's always overflowing with pictures and doodles of their family. "I'll sign this for ya but you gotta promise me you won't have a cry if I can't go with ya, ok?"
Harry's sure he'll be able to go but he'd hate for his girl to get her hopes up and then have them cut down.
Ophelia eyed the form apprehensively, pink lips pursed to the right as she mulled over the idea of Harry not going to the carnival with her. He sighed softly and lifted Ophelia up onto the table top, hands cupping her little face.
"Ya know that whether I'm there or not you'll be perfectly safe." He whispered as if sharing the most illuminating secret ever spoken. "I'd never send ya anywhere that I wouldn't go myself and I'd never expose ya to people that would purposely hurt ya, ok?"
Ophelia blinked at him nervously, fiddling the little fingers that barely fit around Harry's thumb. "What if they accidentally hurt me?"
"Accidents happen, but I promise I'll send your card with ya and I'll always go save ya."
Her fingers stilled, one hand reaching out to fist the edge of his shirt. "Really promise?"
"Really promise."
"Okay daddy."
"Ya still wanna go?"
"Yes please."
He grinned. "Then you got it baby. I'll sign it and send it with ya Monday."
Ophelia beamed and Harry removed his hands so he could see the dimples sinking into her soft cheeks. Her hand tugged on his shirt, and her head tilted up, long eyelashes kissing her cheeks and Harry knew what was she requesting. He always knows.
"Love ya nipper." He murmured, hunching over to kiss her forehead even though it makes his back ache.
"Love ya daddy."
The leaves blew away days ago, the balcony outside their little home now weighed down with piles of snow that have Ophelia giddily smiling every time Harry carries her past the window. The hand turkeys on the fridge, one the size of Harry's palm and one the size of Ophelia's have been replaced by drawings of reindeers and Santa Claus, and Ophelia's ever growing Christmas list that will be mailed to the North Pole by the end of the week. Multicolored lights wrapped around false green garland have been tacked around all the windows of the apartment with a matching set on the mantel above the electric fireplace. A little pink stocking with her name stitched in cursive letters hangs next to the bigger blue one that's labeled with Harry's name, both of them swaying as the vent above releases warm air. The holiday advent calendar on the coffee table has six of its doors open, each one containing a different piece of SpongeBob themed candy. Yesterday Harry had gotten one of those gummy patties that only tastes good if you eat it one layer at a time. The toy nativity set that usually goes on the coffee table is missing the donkey but Harry doesn't have much time to worry about it before he's stepping on it, the donkeys pointy ears prickling the bottom of his foot.
"Bloody f-"
"Daddy!" Ophelia squeaks, eyes wide as Harry hops on one foot and rubs the bottom of the other, glaring down at the offender. He can't blame the donkey too much, after all Ophelia is the one that left him on the floor.
He huffs, returning to two feet and bending over to pick up the little barn animal. He holds it out to Ophelia, eyebrows raised expectantly and her little eyes widen, chin tucking down to hide behind the scarf around her neck. "Sorry daddy," she says shamefully, twisting her sock clad toes into the wooden floor.
Harry nods, shoulders sagging as he places the donkey among the other toy creatures. "S'ok pet just try to remember next time. Don't need ya killing daddy, huh?"
She grins, relieved that Harry's not upset with her, and skips to him, leaping up with just enough time for Harry to hook his arms around her before she goes crashing at his feet. "Don't want that 'cause then I'd have no daddy to make dinner or go on class trips with."
He chuckles, setting her on his hip and adjusting her scarf. "Speaking of class trip, let's get going. Don't want to be late." Ophelia nods eagerly, wiggling to be set down. Harry tugs his waterproof boots on, helping Ophelia tie hers because she still struggles with it no matter how many times she practices bunny ears.
Harry got Ophelia tucked into her wool coat, zipping it up to her neck and pulling her scarf out so she's not suffocating. She requests her earmuffs, watching him with stars in her eyes as he kneels down to adjust them on her head, the pink fabric getting lost in her wild mane of curls.
"Gloves daddy?"
Harry grins, nodding proudly. They've had this routine for years but it's still nice being reminded that she pays attention to him. He pulls yellow mittens over her little hands, kissing both of her fabric covered palms when he's finished. Ophelia tugs her backpack over her shoulders while Harry pulls on his own coat, buttoning it up to his chin since he hasn't got a scarf. He puts on a beanie of the same shade of pink as Ophelia’s earmuffs and some black gloves.
He unlocks the front door, peering down at Ophelia and asking, "Ready to go bubba?" She nods eagerly, latching get fingers around his gloved thumb. Harry grabs his keys off the hook, double checking that the fireplace hadn't been left on or the fridge open. When he's sure everything is settled, he pulls open the door, allowing Ophelia to hop over the edging of the door, a habit she's had ever since she started walking. He shuts and locks the door behind them, dropping his keys to his pocket.
"Right then," Ophelia bounces on her toes. "let's go have us some fun."
The entire park, covered in snow from the storm last week, has been turned into a winter wonderland. Paths lined by candy cane lights lead to all the different areas: Santa's Shopping Center lined with Christmas stores, Character Circle where you can meet Santa and other winter holiday icons, the ice skating rink, the North Pole, and Wonder Park which is basically a little pavilion that always has live music surrounded by a frosty wishing moat.
The rest of Ophelia's class really enjoys Character Circle, all of them happily sitting with Santa for photos or building a toy with the elves. Ophelia, however, was insistent on staying in Wonder Park, forcing Harry to sign her out early so she doesn't have to go to the other areas with her class. She managed to pull Harry to the front of the crowd, right next to the wishing moat and within ten feet of the band currently playing.
Harry sits her on his hip, swaying them back and forth as a girl dressed as Mrs. Clause sings a bouncy version of Jingle Bells. She follows a simple dance routine with backup dancers dressed as candy canes and Ophelia is looking at her with such fond eyes Harry wonders what she sees in the girl.
Yeah, she's got a lovely voice, soft and smooth with just a bit of rasp on drawn out notes. And she's quite a cute dancer, tripping over her black heels a couple of times, never actually falling but flushing pink with embarrassment. Also, well, she's cute. She's really cute. The kind of girl that draws more attention with her personality rather than her looks but, is still breath-taking due to the aura around her.
Harry may or may not have the same loving look in his eyes as Ophelia, only looking away to give his girl a quarter for a wish. When her set ends, Harry and Ophelia holler as if she were a Grammy winner, both of them deflating when she leaves the stage.
"Alright nipper," he puffs, bouncing Ophelia to his front so he can look at her. "what do ya say to a photo with Santa? Need to send one to Nana for her fridge."
Ophelia shrugs but the droop of her smile and shoulders tells Harry all he needs to know. He wipes under her red nose with his sleeve. "If ya take a photo we'll come back to hear more music?"
"I only want to come back if she's singing daddy."
"The girl that just sang?"
Ophelia nods, wrapping a lock of his hair around her finger. "I want to see her again. She feels magic."
"Magic?" Harry murmurs, confused as to what Ophelia means by that.
She just nods, laying her head on Harry's shoulder. He decides to just let it be, pushing his way through the crowd and towards Character Circle. His head feels a bit swirly as he walks and his stomach so full it almost hurts, and Harry wonders if that girl really was magic.
Running the pads of her pointer fingers under her eyes, y/n shakes her head in disappoinment. Every year the radio station puts on this carnival and every year she swears she'll buy waterproof mascara to keep her makeup from running down her cheeks after the snows got caught in her eyelashes. Yet every year she ends up in the restroom after every little performance, wiping mascara clumps off her frost bitten cheeks.
Y/n throws her bag over her shoulder, the bells attached to her Mrs. Clause outfit jingling. No matter how many different ways she tries to fold that darn costume, the bells always break free. Jingling with each step, she exits the restroom, ready to find her car and get home. Not that she doesn't love Christmas, it's her favorite time of year, and working the carnival was one of the best things about her job, but after hours of standing on a stage in a dress and tights (that don't do much to keep out the cold) and singing Christmas carols, she's ready to get home.
"'Scuse me?"
Y/n jumps when something taps on her arm, the scared voice immediately rising panic in her chest. And standing by her leg, shivering in the cold with tear tracks on her red cheeks stands a little girl. Y/n notices her big green eyes full of unshed tears and the way her bottom lip trembles and she realizes that something is wrong and the girl is absolutely terrified. Something hot, like a fire in her belly, stirs up and y/n ushers the girl to the side of the snow covered path, standing between her and the crowd of people.
She crouches down, not caring that the knees of her jeans are getting wet. "What's the matter sweets?"
The girls little lip trembles even more, a few tears trickling down her cheeks. Without thinking y/n reaches out to wipe her face, soaking up the tears in her gloves. "I lost my d-daddy."
Y/n coos, pushing the messy baby hairs off her face and smiling encouragingly. "Don't worry sweets, we'll find your daddy. Can you tell me the last place you saw him so we can go look for him?"
The girl blinks her doe eyes, a tear running down her cheek. She sniffles, lifting her hands up to hand y/n something. Y/n takes it from her, realizing it's a homemade identification card. She reads it over, smiling at all the little hearts on the card obviously drawn on by whoever made the card for her.
Hello! My name is Ophelia Styles and if you have this card it's because I misplaced my daddy (or he misplaced me). I tend to be very scared without my daddy because I love him so much and I know he'll be scared without me too. Please call the number below and tell my daddy that I'm found and safe and not crying too much (even if I am) so that he doesn't worry. Thanks for your help!
Listed below is a phone number, one that y/n punches into her phone as fast as she can with her cold fingers. She hits call, holding the phone up to her ear as it rings. Not even two rings later does a man answer, a rushed "'ello!" coming through the speaker.
"Hi, is this Ophelia's father?"
Something like a gasp and sob leave the man's mouth, and y/n notices Ophelia inching closer to her. Her Bambi eyes are searching y/n's face for any sign of comfort so she smiles.
"You've got her? Is she ok? She hurt?" The man asks hurriedly, obviously still panicking from the disappearance of his daughter.
"She's just fine," y/n soothes. "She's found, safe, and not crying too much."
A relieved sigh comes from the other side and y/n takes that as her chance to let him know where they are. "We're over by the shops and cafe's, right next to the restrooms and concert pavilion."
"That's on the other bloody side of the park!" He squawks. "Lost her over by the Christmas characters!"
Y/n gawks, looking at Ophelia curiously. Somehow she managed to cross the whole park without getting hurt, finding solace in what's probably the busiest area of the carnival. "Oh, would you like me to take her over there or wait here?"
It's a silly question to ask because she can already hear him pushing through the crowd, definitely trying to get to Ophelia as quickly as possible.
"Could you just stay there for me? M'already on my way."
Y/n nods, forgetting that he can't see her. "Absolutely," she agrees, looking over Ophelia as she trembles and tucks her red nose into her scarf. The poor thing is freezing. "Actually would it be okay if I took her into the Cocoa Cafe? She just looks like she's freezing and it might take you a bit to get over here."
He hums, seeming to contemplate the idea. Y/n hopes he agrees because Ophelia really looks like she could use a warm drink. "May I speak with her real quick?"
Y/n hands the phone over to Ophelia, finding it funny that he even asked. Of course he can speak to his daughter, she's his baby after all. Ophelia clutches the phone in her mitten covered hand, bringing it up to her ear and murmuring a little "hi Daddy."
Y/n waits patiently for a few minutes, trying not to look like she's prying as Ophelia seems to be answering random questions about food. It's not until her green eyes meet y/n's and she says firmly, "I really like carrots daddy," that she realizes her father must have set up a series of coded questions that'll let him know if she's ok and comfortable. Y/n wonders if he's lost her a few too many times or if he's just a protective dad.
"Ok. Bye daddy."
The phone gets handed back to y/n. "We okay, sir?"
"The Cocoa Cafe you say?"
Y/n hums an affirmation.
"That sounds good. Thank you for all your help."
Warmth swirls in her gut, a lot more peaceful and welcome then the burning heat from before, and she can't help but grin at how genuinely grateful the man sounds.
They exchange good byes, y/n promising to call him if Ophelia needs anything before hanging up. She tucks her phone in her bag, looking up to be met with a warm gaze and a dimpled smile that makes her heart ache. "What do ya say we go warm up while we wait for your daddy, huh?"
Ophelia nods, reaching for y/n's hand when she climbs to her feet. She doesn't hesitate to hold her little hand in hers, swearing to keep her next to her and safe until her father gets here.
Y/n can't help but fawn over Ophelia. The girl is just so cute, especially when y/n asks if she wants extra whipped cream on her cocoa and she just looks up through her eyelashes, nodding gently with her little dimples sinking into her cheeks.
They receive their mugs of cocoa, y/n having ordered one for Ophelia's dad that has extra marshmallows because "daddy loves marshies," and she finds a booth that's fairly close to the entrance, offering to let Ophelia sit facing the door so she'll be able to see when her dad gets here. She nods at that, tip toeing in her boots to place her mug on the table next to the other two.
"Can you help me with my coat please?" She asks, holding her arms out wide to expose the zip of her jacket.
"Sure thing sweets." Y/n unzips her coat, hanging it by the hood on the edge of the booth so it can dry and won't be wrinkled. Ophelia tugs off her earmuffs, shaking out her frizzy head of curls like a lion waking up from a nap. She hands them to y/n without a word, only giving her enough time to place them on the table before she's asking for help pulling off her mittens.
The fabric is soggy and cold, making her wince as she peels them off to reveal Ophelia's angry red fingers. Y/n lies them on the table to dry, taking both of Ophelia's hands in hers and gently rubbing them back and forth. She even goes as far as blowing hot air on her little digits, smiling when she notices the smiley faces drawn on her yellow polished nails.
"My daddy does that before bed," Ophelia says, removing her hands to do the same to y/n's. "He warms my hands because they're always cold and then he presses kisses," she pecks her chapped lips against the back of y/n's hand. "like that."
Y/n, glowing from how endearing she finds Ophelia, squeezes her little hand just once and nods towards the booth. "Why don't we drink our cocoa and you can tell me more about your daddy, if you'd like?"
Ophelia nods excitedly, clambering into the booth across from y/n. She sips her hot cocoa, whipped cream sticking to her upper lip. Before y/n can suggest she wipe it off, Ophelia's launching into a story of her father stepping on a donkey every morning and that he almost uses a no-no word but she manages to stop him. And for some reason unknown to y/n, he always has Ophelia apologize for the donkey leading her to believe this is some kind of toy.
In the blink of an eye Ophelia is standing on the booth seat, beaming the happiest smile y/n's ever seen in her life and waving towards a man that's rushing (and stumbling) to their booth.
"Daddy!" Ophelia squeals, launching herself into the air. The man leaps forward, yelping as he manages to catch her against his chest. Y/n, feeling like she's intruding on a personal moment, turns her attention to her hot chocolate, stirring the cinnamon stick around until it's blending brown into the whipped cream. She tries not to listen to the two talk, but it's hard when she can hear how utterly relieved they are to be reunited and it warms her chest more than the drink ever could. Especially when her father's voice, deep and raspy croaks out, "missed ya so much. Ya scared the life out of me Babycakes," and she can hear him sniffle when Ophelia whimpers a quiet little, "missed you daddy. Sorry for scaring you."
The people in the cafe are watching the scene with an air of confusion, one lady seeming to pick up on the fact that the man had lost his child because she's shaking her head at them. Y/n catches her eye, glaring at her until she returns to her drink.
"We got you cocoa daddy," Ophelia squirms in his arms until he sets her on the booth. "with extra marshies!"
He chuckles, a nice raspy laugh that makes y/n's stomach stir. It flips upside down when he finally looks at her, bright green eyes and dimples that he clearly passed onto his daughter. And if y/n thought the features were cute on Ophelia, she can't even describe how good they look on him (even if his eyes are a little red and puffy as if he'd been crying).
"You must be our hero!" He greets, looking between her starstruck gaze with such intensity she wants to giggle but also cry a little.
"I wouldn't say hero," y/n shrugs, trying to keep her smile from growing too big.
"No?" The man hums, sitting in the booth next to his daughter. She attaches herself to his bicep, rubbing her cheek against the fabric of his coat and y/n can't stop the little coo that leaves her lips. "Just a super star singer with pretty sweet dance moves?"
Her cheeks flush, eyes widening a bit because she'd seen them! They watched her perform, they were the ones that had cheered stupidly at the end. Despite her shyness, she shrugs and says teasingly, "I'd say a super star dancer with a pretty sweet voice."
"Think ya mixed them up," he laughs. "spent too much time out in the cold in stockings and a dress."
Y/n laughs, maybe a bit too much considering it was a mediocre joke but he's awful charming, she just can't help it. "It was a bit cold. Still trying to get feeling to my toes."
"I warmed her hands daddy." Ophelia pipes up, smiling proudly at y/n.
"You did?" He gasps excitedly.
She nods. "Just like you do! And she did it to me too because you got me gloves that stay wet daddy."
He frowns a bit guilty, pecking the top of her head in apology. "S'good thing we were lucky enough to stumble upon-" he looks at her expectingly.
"y/n." She likes the way he says her name. "She saved the day, huh?"
"I came to find her daddy."
They both freeze at her words, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What's tha' love?"
"I got scared. You were going to the Grinch and my fingers were cold so I ran back here to find her. She can make the Grinch nice."
Y/n flushes at Ophelia's words. She left her father because she wanted y/n to make the Grinch a better person in her eyes. She ran away from man that's probably protected her her whole life to come back to y/n? Someone she didn't know?
Y/n sips her hot cocoa, trying not to appear too concerned as he firmly scolds Ophelia for doing such a dangerous thing. He makes a point of reminding her that it terrifies him to think he's lost her because he loves her more than anything (y/n almost tears up at that) and to just tell him next time she's scared. Ophelia, pouting, nods shamefully in a way that has y/n feeling a little guilty. She wonders how he ever manages to scold her.
"M'sorry for all the trouble." He apologizes to y/n, rubbing Ophelia's arm as if trying to tell her he's not mad just upset. "Can't thank ya enough for taking care of her and being so sweet, 'specially on the phone. Don't think it's very fun speaking with a hysterical father."
Y/n shrugs, blushing under his thanks. "It was no problem. She's really sweet and adorable. I enjoyed chatting with her."
He seems a bit surprised at her words but doesn't common on it. Instead he chuckles, shaking his head embarrassedly. "I just realized I never introduced myself. M'Harry, Ophelia's dad."
Harry. Such a simple and common name but something about it being tacked onto him feels special, unique. Y/n smiles, endeared by the feeling radiating off of him. Harry.
"Nice to meet you."
Harry returns the sentiment, thanking her for the warm drink and asking if it's alright for them to stay and warm up a bit. Y/n agrees, not able to hide her excitement. She can't help but love Ophelia and Harry, both of them creating this comforting giddiness in her chest. She can't stop blushing every time tells her something remotely sweet and complimentary, dimples sinking into his cheeks as if trying to pull her into them. Harry's handsome, so handsome it's almost unbearable, and he's charming. Enough to have her giggling like a school girl. So when he thanks her for everything again, offering to make up for it with a date on Saturday, she happily agrees, and well, who can really blame her.
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intoanothermind · 5 years
Snow - Jack Frost
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Word Count: 3665 words
- Jack Frost x reader
Synopsis: What if you had someone to look out for you, even if you didn’t know it?
It was easy for my younger sister to piss me off. Extremely easy. The days when children would go out to play in the snow or have imaginary friends are gone. Nowadays children were too busy with their video games and computers to live the best part of childhood. Caitlin, however, still seemed to believe in what she called Guardians of Children, and that was extremely annoying.
"Come on in, Cat, you'll get a cold!" I shouted my sister from the window, taking refuge in the cozy and comfort of the house. "If Mommy sees you out there, I'm the one who’s going to hear a lecture!"
Caitlin stopped laughing and jumping over some snow and turned toward me.
"Just a little bit more, Y/N, please!" - she asked.
I sighed, knowing pretty well that if it was up to her, she wouldn’t return any time soon. I closed the window quickly so that the freezing wind would no longer bring snow into the room. Not that I didn't like snow - because I did - but I didn't want my mother complaining to me. I adjusted the heavy overcoat around my body before facing the cold outside the house.
“Come on, Cat!” I stopped just a few feet from the seven-year-old, hugging myself in a failed attempt to warm up as my short curls hit my face because of the wind.
Caitlin looked sadly at me, nodding. She turned somewhere between a large snowman near the garden exit to the street and me.
"Sorry, Jack, but we can play tomorrow again." She said, grimacing.
I took a deep breath, trying to be patient. When I was younger, my childhood was not filled with imaginary friends and children's legends, but neither was it because I was busy playing video games. I was actually taking my time trying to hide from a drunk and abusive father. Caitlin was lucky that our parents broke up shortly after she was born and he never showed up again. But my past left a mark on me that wouldn't be erased any time soon - and I was grateful Cat didn't have one either.
"I can try, Jack, but you already know she's a hard head." Caitlin spoke into the air, and I frowned. What was happening?
“Cat?” I caught her attention, confused.
“Y/N, Y/N!” She came running to me, jumping happily. "Jack Frost wants to try to make you believe him! He said he has something important to tell you for so long now!”
I shook my head in denial, suddenly wanting to throw myself into the snow and scream that I couldn't stand her talking about this Jack Frost anymore. Instead, I counted to ten.
“Caitlin.” I crouched in front of her, taking her little hands. "You have every right to create an imaginary little friend, but I don't see him." I tried to soften my words when what I really meant was that this was all a made up story from her mind.
"I said she was a hard head." Cat spoke again with the empty space beside us. She was silent for a few seconds while I only felt a sadness flooding me as I thought that in a few years she would not believe any more of this. "I promise I'll keep trying, Jack!"
"Let's go in, Cat." I tried to convince her once more. ”Before Mom arrives with Aunt Jenny. You don't want to get grounded for being in this cold, do you?”
Caitlin shook her head. I got up, still holding her little hand, and walked together toward the door of the house. A stronger gust of wind hit me and I cringed into my clothes that no longer felt so warm.
“Y/N.” muttered Cat beside me and I looked down at her. She looked back before speaking again. "Jack wanted me to ask who do you think sent the blizzard when you were ten."
I stopped walking and Caitlin almost crashed to the floor.
No one knew what had happened ten years ago, not even my mother, and Caitlin were still inside her womb. When I was ten, my mother still didn't know anything of what my father did to me. She spent most of the day in the magazine office and only came back at the end of the day. One day, my father appeared earlier and more drunk than usual and found me on the backyard swing which was almost impossible to see from the outside. It was the first and only time he'd crossed the line of beating, almost sexually abusing me. By the time I was almost completely undressed, crying and screaming, a blizzard came in mid-fall, and my father was so drunk he could barely stand the strong wind. I had time just to run and lock myself in my room until my mother arrived. Later the news reported that there had been snowfall only in a small area of the city.
“W-What do you mean?” I stammered at Caitlin, looking around us, startled.
"Jack says he saved you more often too, whatever that means." Cat laughed softly, as ignorant of the real story as she should be.
As I turned to her, I glimpsed a silhouette next to both of us, but it was so quickly that when I turned my gaze to it, it was no longer there. I hugged Caitlin against my body and leaned in to kiss the top of her head as I felt a lonely tear trickle down my cheek.
"That's my story, Cat" I whispered, closing my eyes as the pain in my heart intensified and a huge wave of tiredness hit me hard. “We'll talk another time.”
“Faith, but Jack ...?” She tried once more, but a sob escaped my lips.
“Please.” I muttered.
She looked where I thought I saw the figure and smiled too sadly for a child her age.
“Don't give up, Jack. I wish I could tell her, but this is up to you.”
I didn't argue with her; we simply walked in and left her watching some movie of any of the princesses while cuddling me into the comfort of my bed. I didn't care if it was Christmas Eve and my mom and aunt were coming for supper, I just wanted to forget about it for a while.
~ * ~
As much as I rolled in bed, I couldn't sleep. I had decided to come down and have supper with my family, but that didn't last long. Since there was a child in the house who believed in Santa Claus, she made us go to bed early so we wouldn't stop him from bringing her toys. Any other day I would be complaining but my head was so heavy that I just accepted her request and stayed in my room. The conversation I had earlier with Caitlin when I picked her up outside was always playing again and again in my head, and it took my sleep from me. There was no other way to know what had happened seven years ago. No one but me knows, because my father was so drunk he never remembered when he beated me.
Was what Caitlin was telling me true? Was the Jack Frost expression really more than an expression?
"Y/N ..." I heard someone calling me and looked at the door.
Cat was there, in her long pajamas and a stuffed penguin in her hands that had been mine when I was younger.
“Can't sleep, love?” I asked, sitting on the bed and indicating that she should come to me.
Caitlin climbed into my high bed, even with a little difficulty. She tucked herself with me under the cover and we settled into a pile of pillows.
"You could try to believe Jack." She said softly in a sad voice.
I sighed. “Come here, Cat.”
I sat cross-legged and placed my sister sitting on them in front of me. I hugged her tightly, resting my chin on her small shoulder. She hugged my arms reflexively, leaving Luckey the penguin aside. I felt that I needed this hug more than she did.
"It's a little difficult, but I think I'm starting to believe it." I muttered to her, and with amazement I realized I was being honest. She was smart for her age, wouldn't invent something a boy who controls snow when she could be doing something more productive.
“Really?!” Cat turned to me with a giant smile on her face.
“Perhaps.” I laugh softly at her animation.
Caitlin smiled somewhere near the door. I felt the room temperature dropping slightly.
“He is here?” I asked, looking around, but I still saw nothing.
“He's leaning against your bookshelf.” She said and I immediately turned my gaze to my bookshelf.
Nothing looked different, and I still couldn't see anything.
But it was my bookcase ... No one comes close to it!
"Tell your friend that if I see any snowflake in my books, he'll suffer the consequences." - I shouted.
Caitlin laughed, and for a second I thought I heard a second laugh, which wasn't mine.
“Can you see him?” Cat asked, turning her head and looking at me with wide, hopeful eyes.
I sighed again. "Not really, but I thought I heard him laughing."
“What made you believe so suddenly?” - she asked.
“It was not suddenly.” I answered. "But no one knows about the blizzard of ten years ago."
“He knows.” Cat pointed to my bookcase. “What had happened?”
I felt my eyes water.
"I'd rather tell you when you're older." I laid a kiss on top of his black hair. I didn't really mean to tell her.
“You're right, Jack!” She shouted, startling me and jumping off my bed. “She needs more proof!” She ran to the door and closed it. “Do that cool window drawing thing!”
I frowned in confusion as Caitlin ran back under my covers.
“Cat, what's up?” I asked, confused.
“You'll see!” She exclaimed excitedly, pointing at my bedroom window.
I followed her gaze, wondering if my sister really was crazy and I was even more for believing what she says. But as I looked out at the window, something surprised me. The glass was slowly freezing from the edges to the middle. I widened my eyes, startled - this was not common, no matter how cold it was. Something was being drawn on the ice, and when I was ready, I realized it was a boy holding what looked like a staff.
“He's drawing himself.” Cat murmured beside me, looking marvelous.
I glanced at her quickly, and when I looked back at the drawing, there was a hole in the window ice and the doll was in the air, as if flying. And he flew. It circled the room until it stopped just above Caitlin and me and finally exploded into thousands of snowflakes.
I no longer knew if I was amazed in a good or bad way.
"That's ..." I muttered, feeling the snow fall on us.
I looked up and finally saw it.
I saw him.
He looked about my age, wearing brown pants and a blue sweatshirt and holding a stick-like staff. Snow-white hair and ice-mesmerizing blue eyes. He was charming.
“Can you see me now?!” He asked with a smile that almost took my breath away.
I smiled too, unable to avoid it, and nodded.
“Finally.” He smiled even more and I felt my cheeks burn. He stepped closer and held out his hand. “Can I show you something?”
I looked at Caitlin, as if wondering if it was okay for me to go with him and leave her alone.
“Come on, Y/N!” Caitlin almost pushed me off my bed.
“Easy, easy, I'm going!” I laughed at her, accepting the hand that Jack held out to me. The icy touch of his fingers on my skin made me shiver and I hoped neither of them noticed.
Jack led me to the window, but I stopped him from going on and turned to my sister, who came with us, still in awe.
“Cat, I'll try not to stay out too long.” I promised.
“Just try to believe him, please.” She begged and I kissed her forehead. I didn't know what he would say to me, but I would try to believe it. “I'll be waiting for you here.”
“Okay.” I said finally.
“Hey, little one.” Jack caught her attention. “Merry Christmas, and don't forget to leave the cookies with a glass of milk. North likes those with lots of chocolate chips.”
Caitlin's eyes sparkled and she nodded fervently. Jack smiled at me and I felt my heart racing. He opened the window wider enough for two bodies to pass without any problem. He wrapped my arm around my waist, pulling me tighter against his body, and I hugged his neck, afraid of what would come.
"Jack, what are you ..." He flew off before I completed my sentence.
I looked down, realizing we were very far from the ground, and I hugged him tighter. I heard his laugh in my ear, a laugh that ready. Shortly after he did some maneuvers in the air. In one of them, Jack was throwing me up, still holding my hand, and for a second I felt like I was flying by myself - until I started to fall and seconds later I was already over his body, safe with his arm around me again. I never stopped screaming at him to stop scaring me.
"You, Jack Frost, definitely don't know the meaning of a safe flight!" I shouted, but not really pissed at him, and heard his laughter once again.
“But that's the funniest part!” He flashed a childish, mischievous smile.
“Not when I almost had a heart attack!” I exclaimed.
“It wasn't even that much.” He still had the smile on his lips. “But we're coming soon.”
Before long, Jack landed on the roof of one of the big houses in a part of town I had barely passed by. He sat down and indicated that I should sit between his legs. A little embarrassed and with cheeks possibly redder than a clown's nose, I sat where he asked and settled me against his chest. Leaving the staff beside him, he wrapped his arms around me. I barely cared about the cold I felt after that.
“It's almost time.” He whispered against my ear and I shuddered.
“For what?” I asked.
Jack laughed softly. “You'll already see. Trust me and believe your sister's stories.”
I closed my eyes tightly, forcing myself to believe everything I thought was Caitlin's imagination, and finally opened my eyes.
And then I saw it.
Golden sand rising over the horizon and spreading across the sky. I was confused at first, but soon my mind lit up.
“Sandman?” I asked, turning to Jack and seeing him smiling at me.
“The one and only.” He answered and mumbled some things I barely understood. “... 3 ... 2 ... 1! Merry Christmas, Y/N!”
I smiled and felt Jack's icy lips lay a long kiss on my cheek - he hugged me a little tighter. In the distance I saw something I expected even less - a reindeer sleigh.
"Jack, that was ..." I turned to Jack, wide-eyed and almost speechless.
“It was North, yes.” I saw in his blue eyes that he wanted to laugh at me.
“What's he like?!” I asked, unable to hold back.
"He's an impulsive Russian, a little scary, and the Behaved and Naughty lists are tattoos on his arms."
“Wow!” - was all I could say. After several minutes in silence, I finally had the courage to say. "What was that Cat said you had to tell me?"
Jack sighed, and for a minute I thought he wouldn't say.
"I wish you knew that I was always by your side, protecting you from your father."
I shuddered at his mention. "Why, if I didn't even believe you?"
I noticed that he swallowed hard.
"Because I broke one of the most important rules of being a spirit." He muttered, and I turned to him, confused. His blue eyes sparkled as he analyzed my face. “I fell in love with a human.”
I lowered my head, confused, surprised and shy. I had no idea what I could say.
“Sandy!” Jack exclaimed and I noticed someone ahead of us. He was short and chubby, with spiky golden hair. He was very cute. “Can you do that again?!”
Sandman nodded, waving at me. I waved too and he waved his hands, spilling golden sand. The sand went high and exploded in fireworks.
It was truly beautiful.
~ * ~
Jack dropped me at my bedroom window around one in the morning. I wasn’t sleepy, but he said he was afraid my mother would appear in my room and realize my absence. I fell silent, thinking Caitlin was still sleeping. As I stepped on the floor, however, the lamp light came on.
“Cat?” I muttered.
“You took too long.” She muttered, holding Luckey in her arms. He took a few steps towards us and hugged my waist tightly. I hugged her back, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
"Did you stay up all this time?" I asked, and she nodded. “Did you get to see him?”
“No, but I saw when the cookies were no longer there.” Caitlin said, and we laughed. “Can we open the presents?!”
"Why don't we just open tomorrow?" I asked.
“Caitlin, Y/N, I need to go.” Jack interrupted, and I turned to him immediately.
“Already?!” Cat and I asked, and I ignored the burning in my cheeks.
“Sadly, yes.” He replied, looking straight at me as he waved his staff.
“Can we play tomorrow?!” Cat bounced up to him, hugging him shortly after.
Although a little surprised, he reciprocated.
“Of course, I had promised, didn’t I?!” He flashed another smile that seemed to lighten my mood.
Caitlin released him and came to my side. Jack looked at me with a look I couldn't decipher and nodded. When he was half out, I decided to take action, whatever it was.
“Jack!” I exclaimed and he turned his gaze to me.
I ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his neck before sealing our lips. He looked surprised at first, but wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me close. When I parted my lips, I felt hot. No matter how cold his touch and his kiss - everything about me seemed to boil. I buried my fingers in his soft strands and lightly scratched his neck, almost smiling as I felt him shudder under my touch. As much as I knew - as much as I felt - that this was his first kiss, he kissed well, it was something I had to admit. I relaxed completely and I felt finally at easy.
When I was already short of breath, I realized that something was falling on us.
I pulled back, a little breathless, and Jack gathered our foreheads, laughing slightly.
"Sorry about that, I couldn't control it." He murmured against my lips.
I pulled back slightly, still in his arms, and looked around.
“Are you kidding me that whenever you kiss my sister you will snow?!” Caitlin asked indignantly not far from us. When I looked at her and saw her with a lot of snow on her hair and shoulders, I realized the reason for the indignation.
“Sorry, I said I couldn't control it.” Jack apologized again, kissing my cheek shortly after.
I hugged him tightly, feeling his cold temperature controlling my heartbeat.
“I'll be back, Y/N.” He murmured against my ear making me shiver again.
“Promise?” I murmured against his ear too.
Jack stepped back to look into my eyes and I was mesmerized by his blue eyes again.
“Promise.” He said, and his eyes flashed. "I will always come back to you." He said, then pull me for another unforgettable kiss.
I didn't want to let him go, but I needed to. So when he was blown away, all Caitlin and I did was run to the windowsill.
"You know that was my gift, don't you?" She said and I looked at her confused.
“My gift to you.” She smiled at me as she hugged my waist. "It took me a long time to convince Jack to finally declare himself to you!"
I was so surprised that all I did was laugh as I hugged her shoulders and looked back at the horizon.
“He'll be back, Y/N.” Caitlin said as she followed my gaze. "He'll come back for you, sis."
“Yeah, he will.” I opened a sincere smile. I had not opened one for a long time.
I stared at the fading silhouette in the distance and finally realized how crazy Christmas had been that year and how much my life would change.
Jack Frost has changed my life.
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“Santa Claus Came In The Spring” by Benny Goodman (Day 8 of 31)
For @viridianrebooted ( @viridianvenus ) who asked for Gosalyn and Drake’s first Christmas together. I hope you like it!
Gosalyn won the Twelve Days gift-off. Not only because she had the even days (though that was easily 90% of it), but because she was a pretty good gift giver.
Which Drake wouldn’t have been able to guess during their very first Christmas together.
It had been a struggle, but he’d done it. Scraped up enough money to get the hockey equipment Gosalyn had been eyeing, the newest Wiffle Boy game, and a few pairs of socks because it really wasn’t Christmas if you didn’t get a pair of hideous socks. These were more practical to go along with her hokey gear, but this was his first Christmas as a parent, so sue him.
He hadn’t expected it be so hard to put Christmas together. Or so expensive. But he had started from zero. Never liking Christmas, Drake hadn’t bothered to buy any decorations for himself. And putting up anything in the Tower would have alerted Darkwing’s enemies to the location of his hideout, which was the exact opposite of a secret hideout, thank you very much.
But now he had a house and a sidekick and a mortgage and a child. And she was expecting Christmas to be… well, Christmasy. Which went against all of Drake’s baser instincts.
Gosalyn deserved the magic of Christmas, though. Whatever magic he could scrounge up.
He tried hard not to think about the eight Christmases she’d had before meeting him because that’s when his anxiety would kick in, telling him he had to live up to the (literal) ghosts of Christmas past.
Decorations had been step one, which Launchpad had thankfully provided this year.
Baking was step two. And Drake hadn’t ever really been great at that, but needs must. Out came Grandma Lulu’s cookie recipe and four batches of failed cookies later, he had a dozen that were only half-burnt. His kitchen may need a remodel after all Drake had put it through; Christmas took no prisoners.
Step three was Christmas shopping, which he’d just managed to finish that morning.
And now he’d crossed all the wintry bridges. Completed the customary holiday necessities and had nothing more to do but sit out the rest of the season and try to survive.
But those pesky ghosts cropped up just as he thought he might have a handle on this whole “Christmas” thing.
“Hey, Dad,” Gosalyn said, bounding into the kitchen where Drake was trying to coax a lunch out of his stove. “When are we gonna go around the neighborhood and see all the Christmas decorations, Dad?”
A few weeks ago, Gosalyn had finally started calling him “dad.” And now she used it more than necessary, as if afraid he might forget that’s who he was. As if he could ever forget that with this small firecracker of a kid constantly underfoot.
He reveled in having her around. And in being called “dad.”
But he’d be lying if he said the term didn’t completely terrify him. It was such a complicated thing, this dad business. It’s who he was and he was happy that she was willing to call him that, and yet.
The responsibility.
It weighed heavily on him sometimes.
All the time.
Every waking moment.
It was the most stressful thing he’d ever done and he had gone up against Taurus Bulba a few months ago.
“Did you want to go look at lights?” Drake asked, stirring the soup and wondering why it wasn’t boiling yet.
“Oh, uh….” The change in Gosalyn’s energy was as apparent as the sun suddenly disappearing. Drake glanced down, finding her shuffling her feet and wringing her hands. “O-only if you want to. I… I’m okay doing whatever.”
His new parental instincts were setting off alarm bells in his head, alerting him to something being wrong.
Setting down the ladle (until recently, he thought it was just called “a big spoon” but no. It had a name. Ladle. God, he was so out of his element), Drake faced Gosalyn fully. “We can go look at lights,” he offered, trying to keep his tone light. Noncommittal.
“I-I don’t wanna ruin anything you have planned,” Gosalyn insisted, looking up at him. “It’s just….” She dropped her gaze. “It’s nothing.”
Drake knelt before her, wondering if he should take her hands to calm her down or if it was better to leave her alone. He was hopeless at this.
“Honestly, kiddo,” Drake said with a chuckle, “I haven’t planned much of anything.”
When Gosalyn still wouldn’t meet his eyes, those fingers wringing one another for dear life, Drake chose a different tactic.
Reaching forward, he gently took her hands in his. “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on.”
Gosalyn shook her head. “It’s stupid.”
“I’d like to hear.” Drake cradled both her small hands in one of his and used his now freed hand to tilt her face up until their eyes met. “If you want to tell me.”
She sighed before explaining, “I used to go see the Christmas decorations around the neighborhood with Grandpa. Every year. I thought it was something everyone did, but you hadn’t said anything about it, so I— I told you it was dumb.” She lowered her eyes once more.
Drake moved his fingers from her chin to her cheek, caressing her downy feathers. “It’s okay to miss your family.” Even if he felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of them getting eight Christmases with her already.
“But it’s your first Christmas,” Gosalyn said, her impossibly large green eyes finding his face. “I didn’t want you to feel bad about doing weird tradition stuff.”
Drake held back a wince. “You can tell it’s my first Christmas on my own, huh?”
Gosalyn gave him an exasperated look. “You burned a lot of cookies, Dad.”
He couldn’t help it. He laughed. Trust this girl to know exactly what was wrong and try to fix it in her own way. Which one of them was the parent here?
It seemed that he could burn more than just cookies, though because the soup started to smoke.
Leaping up, Drake turned off the stove and moved the slightly brown sludge to another burner.
Glancing down at his daughter, he sent her a smile. “Go get your coat. We’ll get some food and look at Christmas lights.”
She perked up. “Really?”
“Your green coat,” Drake instructed, placing a hand between her shoulders to guide her out of the kitchen. “It’s cold out there. And get a hat!” he called as she raced up the stairs.
They didn’t manage to walk around the neighborhood that night. They got distracted by the decorations downtown and in the park. But Gosalyn was beaming, chattering to him all night, so he must have done something right.
Next year.
He’d put up lights on the house and take Gosalyn around the neighborhood.
Later that year, on Christmas morning after all the presents had been opened, Gosalyn had crawled into Drake’s lap, saying, “I didn’t get you anything.”
She’d been so small back then; when she would sit in his lap, he’d been able to rest his beak atop her head. Which was exactly what Drake had done in that moment, saying he didn’t mind.
He hadn’t said what had been in his head, afraid of coming across as too saccharine. But he’d thought it every year after, too, when she’d point out the discrepancies between the number of her presents vs. his.
You’re all I need, Gos.
Even now, surrounded by plastic toy drums sprawled around their TV set that bespoke of Gosalyn’s gift giving victory, that was all Drake could think.
Sometimes he still burned dinner.
And sometimes he made jokes in uncomfortable situations and ended up making things worse.
And parenting was still the most stressful and terrifying thing he’d ever done.
But she was worth it.
Glancing at Gosalyn with a scowl, Drake muttered, “I’ll beat you next year.”
Gosalyn pat him on the shoulder. “That’s very ambitious of you.” With a grin, she bounded out of the room.
Well worth it.
Now what was he supposed to do with twelve drums?
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heavensenthobi · 7 years
Winter Wonderland [Jin Fluff]
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Summary: Seokjin proves that he goes all out for Christmas
Pairing: Jin/Reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.5k
A/N: I know it's not Christmas Eve but I'm gonna write so much Christmas themed fluff it's not funny ^^
Christmas was always your favorite time of the year. From the holiday lights and Christmas cookies, all the way down to the charity and love, it was spectacular. Seokjin, your amazing boyfriend felt the same. Every year since you two have been together he'd go all out with the decorations and baking, and you loved every second.
To celebrate you both being together for 3 Christmas’, Jin told you on Christmas Eve, he was taking you somewhere special.
“Babe, are you ready to go?” You tied the scarf around your neck and slipped on your boots and made your way towards your handsome boyfriend.
“All ready!” You smiled kissing him sweetly. He intertwined your hands and pulled you out your front door and to his car.
“Are you sure you don't wanna tell me where we're going?”
“No princess, I'm not telling you! But you'll know soon enough!” He smiled pulling a scarf out of his pocket.
“Now, turn around and let me tie this around your eyes.” Puzzled you slowly turn around and let him blindfold you with his fuzzy scarf.
“Jin!? Is this absolutely necessary?” You could hear him laugh.
“Of course it is baby! I want it to be a big surprise!” You sigh and give in to his wish. You could feel him grasp your hands and guide you to the car. After he shut the door, you fumbled with the seatbelt, managing to buckle yourself in successfully. When Jin opens the door, a cold rush of air hits you causing you to shiver before he shuts the door and turns the car on. Instantly a warm rush of air filters into the car and soft Christmas music starts to play.
“All settled y/n?” Jin asks grabbing your hand. You nod and smile.
“It's not a very long trip, but it's not short either. That's all I'm saying.” He says with a hint of a smile in his tone. As soon as the words left his mouth, he backs the car out of the driveway and pulls out, heading to the unknown destination.
After what seemed like an hour of driving, the car finally comes to stop.
“Are we finally here?” You exclaim with excitement in your voice.
“Yes, honey we're here!” Quickly he gets out of the car and opens your door, helping you out.
“Can I take this off yet?” You ask.
“A few more minutes, We're only in the parking lot!” Jin laughs, holding your hands helping you walk towards the mystery location.
“Alright babe, you ready to take the blindfold off?”
“I've been ready since you put it on.” You giggle. You can hear Jin chuckle as he goes to untie the knot.
“On the count of three! One, Two, Three!” He quickly removes the blindfold to reveal what seems like a Christmas village. As you scanned the scene before you, you took in the many breathtaking lights and Christmas themed shops.
“Oh, Jin! This is beautiful! Where did you ever find this?”
“One of the staff members told me about it, she said it was the perfect place for someone that adores Christmas!”
“It's amazing! I love it so much!”
“I'm glad you like it baby, but this is only the outside, we still have lots to explore inside!” He grabbed your hand and tugged you towards what looks like a gingerbread house with a sign hanging above it. In bright blue paint, it read ‘Winter Wonderland’.
“Oh, Jin this is amazing!” He opened the brown wooden door for you and bowed like a dork
“After you my lady.” You blushed and giggled at his dorkiness and entered the small wooden house. Inside a man dressed as an elf was sitting behind a desk with a huge smile on his face.
“Hello, folks! Welcome to Winter Wonderland! How many is that gonna be?”
“2, My beautiful girlfriend and I. It'll be under Kim Seokjin” The elf nodded happily typed his name into the computer. He smiled and passed us two tickets and a map. Jin yet again held the door open as we walked into the festive Christmas village.
“Holy Christmas!” Jin exclaimed, looking wide-eyed at all of the holiday spirit.
“This is absolutely breathing!” You agreed with a matching expression. Carolers were walking about singing festive songs while small children ran around with pure joy written across their faces. Many of the themed stores had delicious smells wafting through the air. You squeezed Jin’s hand and smiled.
“Can we go explore then!?” You exclaimed, trying not to jump up and down in excitement.He grinned down at you and nodded.
“Of course Princess! Where do you wanna start first?” You scanned the area, looking to see what would catch your eye.
“How about there?” You asked pointing to a gingerbread house. The sign said, “Make your own Christmas Cookies”. Jin followed your finger and nodded. The two of you walked hand-in-hand into the warmth of the sweet little gingerbread house. Once the two of you were inside, the smell of baking Christmas cookies was stronger, making your mouths water. A stout older lady dressed like Mrs. Claus was walking around helping little kids and couples alike mix, bake and decorate their cookies. When she saw the two of you waiting by the door, she walked over with a warm smile on her face.
“Oh, Hello! Are you here to make some cookies with me?” We smiled and nodded.
“Well come on in! Don't be shy, Call me Mrs. C!”
“I'm Jin, and this is my girlfriend y/n.” The older woman smiled and showed us a table with red and green jars of ingredients, a candy cane striped jar with kitchen utensils. and cute little gingerbread mixing bowls.
“So here we have all you'll need to make and decorate your cookies! The estimated time from prep to decorations is about half an hour to 45 minutes, it just depends on how many you both make.” She said smiling. She handed us both aprons and a paper with the recipe.
“If you need any help, just let me know!” The older women said as she walked towards a group of children decorating their cookies.
“Alright princess, this isn't the first time we've made Christmas cookies, so that'll be a piece of cake!”
“Of course, it's cookies! It's simple.” You said as you put the apron on and picked up the recipe.
“Alright let's get this thing started, where's the flour?”
After the cookies were mixed and put onto the cookie tray, “Mrs. C” put the cookies into the oven and said they'd be done and ready to decorate in about 15 minutes. Jin decided it would be a good idea to go next door to the Cafe. Once inside it smelled like fresh coffee with a hint of peppermint.
“Do you want me to order us some hot chocolate?” Jin asked. You nodded and found a seat next to the window. Almost as soon as you sat down, Jin came over with two cups and sat down as well.
“This place is amazing, I wanna live here!” You said laughing. Jin took a sip of the hot chocolate and nodded.
“I wouldn't mind it either, Christmas 365 days a year would be great.” You reached across the table took his empty hand into yours.
“We need to make this a tradition, as long as we're together we'll come here on Christmas Eve, deal?” Jin grinned.
“Deal.” After you two finished your drinks, you walked back to the cookie place. Once again you were greeted by Mrs. C, who informed you that the cookies were cool and ready to decorate. Jin pulled Mrs. C aside and whispered something to her. She instantly had a big smile on her face and nodded enthusiastically. Jin bowed and walked back over to your table and took 4 of the dozen cookies you made. He grabbed a bag of icing and walked to Mrs. C. You were completely confused but shook it off and continued to decorate your cookies to look like festive tree ornaments. Minutes pass and Jin was still working on his cookies with Mrs. C.
“Jin?” You called, placing a cookie onto a Christmas plate.
“One-second baby. I'm almost done!” You finished off the last cookie and admired the work you did. A few minutes later, Mrs. C walked over with a plate of cookies.
“Your handsome boyfriend did an amazing job on these cookies, my dear!” She set the plate of cookies in front of you. You looked down at the red and green cookies. Each cookie had a word, once put together they read “Will you marry me?” You gasped and looked for Jin, who was beside you on one knee. Your hand flew to your mouth as you muffled a gasp. Tears rolled down your cheeks as he pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket.
“Well, what do you say princess? Will you spend Christmas with me forever?” You nodded and smiled. Jin stood, placed the ring on your finger and kissed you sweetly.
“I'd say these were the best Christmas yet.” Jin said grabbing a cookie and taking a bite. You smiled and nodded as Jin kissed you again, this time with cookie crumbs on his face.
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Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @yoshifics, which was a nice surprise!!!
Tagging: I won't specifically tag anyone because this one is a doozy, but I implore you to try and do it if you want to do it!!!
On to the show
the last …

1. drink: diet mountain dew ((my mom is addicted and well...the apple doesn’t fall far))
2. phone call: most phone calls are forced upon me, but the last one was my mom telling me to take another important phone call i was unwilling to pick up
3. text message: my friend Sarah
4. song you listened to: Not about Angels by Birdy
5. time you cried: uhhh. I know it was recent but I don’t know specifically what day. I really cry for no reason sometimes idk. 
6. dated someone twice: I’ve never dated, and I don’t think I'm willing to start either at this point in my life
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Never been kissed
8. been cheated on: never dated
9. lost someone special: My grandpa and friendships that never worked out.
10. been depressed: I’m not diagnosed because I don’t talk about my issues to a very extreme degree, but I’m pretty sure I’ve been depressed.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never had a drink of alcohol
favorite colors
12. Blue
13. Purple
14. Black
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yasssss! Every new friend I’ve made has been a blessing! I’m looking at you, mutuals!!!
16. fallen out of love: Never been in love 
17. laughed until you cried: yes, it is a beautiful thing to experience. 
18. found out someone was talking about you: nah
19. met someone who changed you: Again, looking at you mutuals
20. found out who your friends are: I found out that a friendship I'm in is toxic, but I’ve not yet worked up the courage to break it off yet. Other than that, nah. 
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: never been kissed
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: uhhhh. I don’t really get on my Facebook so I don’t know how accurate this statement is, but I’ll say yes!
23. do you have any pets: My family has a miniature dachshund. And my sister has two king charles spaniels so I count them too since she is over all the time. When I am old enough and living alone (( I don’t think I’ll have met someone/ect by this point but we’ll see where God takes me)) I want a king charles spaniel((they were breed for cuddling)) and maybe a black cat but I’ll have to think about that one since I’m allergic. 
24. do you want to change your name: I like other names but I’d never change my own. 
25. what did you do for your last birthday: My last birthday was Fathers Day so it was really just whatever he wanted to do. I’ve not really done anything for my own in awhile. Bright side is that I told my Dad I’m his biggest dad joke. 
26. what time did you wake up: 10 because I’m being lazy as much as possible before that turns into 5 for swimming.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: well I was talking with my friend, pattonpending. If the deer thing had happened to thomas I was off making puns on his twitter posts. 
28. name something you can’t wait for: Is it sad that I can’t think of something. Maybe going back to school so I can see my non-pocket buddies. 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Today
31. what are you listening to right now: Somebody That I Used to Know cover by Christina Grimmie
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes. My ((evil)) high school swim coach was named Tom and some guy at my campus is named Tom and although I’ve talked to him, its really just saying hi to him. At my campus, everyone greets everyone. Its a very social atmosphere which is good for when Ive got a full introvert battery and want to talk. 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: Myself 24/7. I really need to treat myself with more kindness.
34. most visited website: I don’t think there is ONE website I visit the most. It really depends on the day.
35. hair colour: Dark Brown ((It has red in it but you can’t see it))
36. long or short hair: Long. I’ve not had a haircut in awhile.
37. do you have a crush on someone: does a friendship one count? Like I really value our friendship/ want to be your friend. I don’t have any romantic ones and don’t think I ever have
38. what do you like about yourself: well I can draw, and people say my mannerisms are cute, Im tall(6 ft), I have a gold ring around the middle of my eye, and I give good hugs :)
39. piercings: none at all
40. blood type: no idea
41. nickname: Tator tot, Tay, Tay-Tay
42. relationship status: single wondering if I really want to mingle or if I just want cuddles.
43. zodiac: Gemini
44. pronouns: She/Her 
45. favourite tv show: So many ugh. I’ll give a few: Merlin, Doctor Who, Hetalia, Star Trek ((DS9 is my fav)), Teen Wolf, Supernatural, and Parks and Rec
46. tattoos: Im too indecisive to choose, but no. 
47. right or left handed: Right-handed.
48. surgery: nope
49. piercing: none
50. sport: I’m a swimmer and I swim the mile((1650 yards)). It takes around 20 minutes to finish it. 
51. vacation: I went to Germany and Poland in May. It wasn’t to visit happy locations, but I really wanted to visit Germany in any way. I took German years ago, and love the culture. I am sad to say I’ve lost a lot of it which is why I follow some German blogs on here.
52. pair of trainers: ((Tennis shoes?)) Yes. The sport of swimming doesn’t let you get away with one type of training. We do land training ((we call it dryland)). So, I have a pair for that
more general
53. eating: Nothing yet today. Pasta is my fav food.
54. drinking: usually diet dew. During the school year coffee is a sunday thing and I drink lemonade instead of soda. 
55. i’m about to: Eat.
56. waiting for: nothing atm
57. want: Uhmm. I want to be hugged by someone taller and stronger. I was so touch starved going into college I actually prayed to Jesus to give me someone who will give lots of hugs ((thats a little sad looking back)). I just wanted the kind of hugs that dean would give cas or the one hug merlin got when he was found coming out of a bog. I found someone who gives hugs, but not the hug where you feel protected and engulfed in. Im usually the one giving that.
58. get married: My idea of any sort of romance is like the New Girl situation where you have someone who totally understands you and all your quirks but still loves you. Not really looking for anything sexual, just cuddly. 
59. career: looking to be an art teacher.
60. hugs or kisses: Hugs!! Idk anything about giving/ receiving kisses sooo...
61. lips or eyes: uh....
62. shorter or taller: I don't mind either (( are we talking about friends or...?))
63. older or younger. I dont mind either
64. nice arms or nice stomach: People usually use me as the shoulder stomach thing so idk. I really do want to be in the other role at some point. 
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant. Last time someone asked me out I panicked so hard I cried. 
67. kissed a stranger: Nope.
68. drank hard liquor: never
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes. When you lose a contact lense, they go off into the void to be lost forever.
70. turned someone down: yes ((see 66))
71. sex on the first date: Never had sex and never dated
72. broken someone’s heart: Not that I know of
73. had your heart broken: nah
74. been arrested: Listen buddy if I am like that spongebob moment where he’s crying and saying I'm a good noodle. So getting arrested is hardcore not something I plan on doing.
75. cried when someone died: yes
76. fallen for a friend: nope
do you believe in …
77. yourself: no but I am trying to work on that
78. miracles: yes
79. love at first sight: yes
80. santa claus: nope
81. kiss on the first date: idk
82. angels: yes
83. current best friend’s name: I can’t choose. 
84. eye colour: Blue/green ((it varies)) with a gold ring around the middle
85. favourite movie: I can’t choose. I have such a soft spot for Rise of the Gaurdians though. 
Thanks for tagging me @yoshifics! This was long and hopefully I overshared something about myself to the internet! Be kind to yourselves!!!
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