#i’ll make nice coffee for the occasion
januaryembrs · 4 months
WHEN YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW | Spencer Reid x Sunshine!Reader
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Description: Sunshine rookie gets a boyfriend, and Spencer can’t help but think he would be so much better for her. But that definitely isn’t the jealousy talking, right?
Length: 8k
Warnings: nothing really, jealousy? talks of sex? embarrassment? Mention briefly of vomit because of allergic reaction.
main masterlist.
author’s note: I want to write for these two until my fingers are two little stubs and even then I’ll learn with my toes. Can be read as a stand alone!
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He thought he was going to be sick when he saw her that random Thursday, leaning against her desk, a sweet, bashful smile on her face. Or, more specifically, Spencer thought he was going to need to at least sit down when he saw the man standing next to her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, the little daisy earrings Penelope bought her for her birthday almost laughing at his gobsmacked expression. 
He liked Agent Taylor Bingley. He respected the fresh faced desk jockey from the third floor that swanned around their bullpen, usually discussing warm up routines with Luke. He was quick on his feet, a pretty decent shot. Never missed a report, never tardy, even offered his parking spot up to Spencer on more than one occasion because he didn’t mind the long walk from the other lot. He flew under the radar, and when he was noticed, it was because he was a particularly kind soul. 
Spencer didn’t think he’d ever seen him without those rosy cheeks that made him look almost always sunburnt, or that trademark boyish grin a handsome guy like him had down to a tea. So it really shouldn’t have been such a surprise to see him lingering around his sunshine girl. 
Except she wasn’t his, not by a mile. They just spent almost every second of the work day together.
“Check it out, rookie has an admirer,” Tara said, the heels clicking against the floor as she passed the door, where Spencer seemed to have stopped, his eyes narrowing at the happy couple, “Can’t say I blame him. She’s a pretty girl, don’t you think, Spence?”
She didn’t realise she was rubbing salt in a superficial wound, but Spencer felt his jaw feather with annoyance. Because she was beyond a pretty girl, she was honey and all the months of Spring and a hot drink on a rainy day and finishing a good book and the dessert your mom let you have on your tenth birthday. Not that he could admit that. So he just nodded, right as Taylor leaned over to kiss the apple of her cheek. 
She shied away, smiling to her lap and playing with her fingertips, not looking up from her little potted plant that sat next to her on her desk, and Spencer knew it was because she floundered when people gave her too much attention.
Like when Garcia had said her blouse and bun combo she’d worn the other day made her look like a sexy teaching assistant, she’d stammered something close to a thankyou and headed to the kitchenette to get herself a glass of water. Or when Rossi had said the bangs she had cut herself two weeks ago looked cute, that his daughter had been desperate to try something similar, she’d spilled her coffee down her front not even two seconds later because she had been so occupied telling the man it was no big deal. 
“Morning, Doctor Reid, Doctor Lewis,” Taylor said, his pearly white teeth gleaming with that West Coast, surfer boy tan that made Spencer want to huff. The man was insufferable. Well, correction, he was insufferably nice for someone Spencer was desperate to pick apart with faults the second he’d seen her preening over their sunshine rookie. 
“Morning, Agent Bingley,” Tara said civilly, smiling back at the Agent that passed them to head to the elevators. She caught a glimpse of Spencer, and was quick to make herself scarce in the interest of needing to check in with Penelope, because she knew what that stormy look in his eye and the way his lips pressed into a thin line meant, profiler or not. 
Spencer didn’t pay much attention to Lewis leaving his side, not that he was trying to be rude, his eyes were zeroed in on the way she fumbled around her desk, looking for imaginary mess to tidy, which included rearranging the pots of glitter pens and highlighters next to her monitor, only to put them back exactly how they were before. 
“Agent Bingley, that’s new,” Came a voice over her shoulder, that made her jump in her seat, and her expression was skittish when she swivelled around, Spencer towering over her with calculating eyes. Luke rolled his chair around the divider to lean in on the conversation, having witnessed the whole thing in high definition since her desk was right next to his. 
“Oh, Taylor?” She squeaked, and Spencer didn’t need to touch her face to know it had gone hot just by the way she simpered and fiddled with the hem of her knee length skirt, avoiding their gaze, “Yeah, he took me to the aquarium at the weekend and we got lunch. It’s not really serious or anything, I don’t think,” 
She seemed unsure, her lips pursed together and a tiny crease between her brow he hated, and it was then Luke’s deep laugh rumbled next to them. 
“Does he know that?” Luke asked, and she shot him a look, wide eyed and confused, as he cleared his throat, “I was thinking I could take you out again in that pretty red dress-”
She threw a wad of scrunched up notepaper at him, an embarrassed smile on her face as she shook her head at him, “You have spent way too much time with Penelope, you’re turning into gossiping school children,” 
But she seemed happy, like the thought of the conversation she’d had with Agent Bingley made her all the more girlish herself as she giggled lightly, her gaze meeting Spencer’s empty expression. He wished he could hide his jealousy better, perhaps even seem happy for her. She deserved someone soft and saccharine and humane like Bingley, not a rough shell of what once was a brilliant man. He knew he should feel somewhat pleased for her, at least now he had empirical, hard evidence on why he couldn’t have her, but he couldn’t. 
“All I’m saying, rookie, is if you got that man bringing you breakfast and sweet talking you after one date, you’ll have him wrapped around your pinky by the time he’s your boyfriend,” Luke chuckled, and Spencer thought he might just burst a vessel with how hard he clenched his jaw at that dreaded b word. 
Alvez had no idea just how much he had twisted a knife in Spencer’s gut, which was plunged even further when he saw that sparkle in her eye when she looked up at him. 
“Ignore him, he’s a busy body,” She chirped, her teeth peeking from her lips when she hid a grin, “You wanna get coffee later? Taylor brought me tea and I’m dying for the good stuff,” 
Spencer nodded with a small smile, because her attitude was infectious, and selfishly thinking that Bingley couldn’t be that perfect for her because she only ever wanted tea when she felt sick, usually towards the start of the month that he guessed was in correlation with her menstrual cycle but would never ask. She wouldn’t want tea for another two weeks, and would likely take an extra shot in her cappuccino today because this was when she felt the most lethargic.  
Swivelling back around in her chair to log onto her computer, she remained completely oblivious to his inner turmoil. 
For once, Spencer wished he’d been late to work.
Two months. They had been dating for two fucking months. As far as Spencer could tell, from Penelope’s need to chatter about their sunshine rookie and her hot, stud muffin of a boyfriend, things had only been official for about five weeks of that time, but it hadn’t stopped Spencer from wanting to swallow glass because that would likely be less inconvenient than seeing the two of them together. 
Taylor usually brought her breakfast whenever they would get back from a case, which infuriated Spencer because he always bought her tea. She was a people pleaser, Spencer knew it before he had ever thought of her as anything other than the shiny newbie with too much joy and doe eyes he’d never seen before. But now, knowing her better than anyone else in the office did because she practically shadowed his footsteps, it was blaringly obvious to him that she had either never told him she didn’t like tea first thing in the morning, or he had never bothered to take notice. 
Spencer felt an odd puddle of smugness and fury when on more than one occasion he saw her pouring it down the drain, cold after sitting there for hours until it was unbearable and she couldn’t force herself to drink anymore. It was obvious to him, so why wasn’t it obvious to her own boyfriend? Spencer thought bitterly. But then Agent Bingley did leave a sour taste in his mouth these days.
Speaking of which, Spencer felt that pang in his chest the way he always did when the happy couple walked into the office together. Her hand was usually in his, though she seemed to simper under the weight of the team's glances; knowing and teasing as he’d take her to her desk and whip out the to-go pastries that he’d bought them that morning. 
“Morning, Spence,” She skipped past his desk, Taylor trailing behind her like a dog, though she seemed not to mind keeping him waiting a moment as she spoke to her friend, “How was Doctor Who?”
He smiled despite his grudge, because she always remembered what he said. He’d told her once that Thursdays were his evening to watch the show, and every time Friday morning rolled around, she’d bound up to lean over his computer and ask. 
“It was okay, I’m excited to see what they do with a Female Doctor, even if I’ll miss Capaldi,” He replied earnestly, and her eyes filled with glee. 
“Did they give her a new one of the doo-hickies they have?” She asked, his chest butterflying with an aching sort of affection because she seemed to remember everything he ever told her. 
“Sonic Screwdriver?” She nodded her head, even though Spencer knew she didn’t quite understand the show entirely, “Yeah, I prefer Sarah Jane’s Sonic Lipstick however,” 
“I wish I had one of those, I could reapply and save the world, how cool would that be?” She said, and they laughed together a little, before Taylor popped his head over Spencer’s computer with that dentist white beam and his excitable eyes, bluer than any sea rolling onto shore. 
“Morning, Doctor Reid,” Agent Bingley said, and the smile withered from Spencer’s face, morphing into a civil nod, his expression unreadable. 
“Morning, Agent,” He said, his eyes tracking back to his screen as he suddenly found Emily’s group email about staff room fridge etiquette invigorating. 
Taylor must have taken it as a sign the Doctor Reid was busy and finally let him have a minutes peace, that is until she took a seat at her desk and he leaned next to her, handing her a warm bagel. 
Spencer heard them chatting for about ten minutes, of which he was trying anything to tune them out, including roping Luke into their own conversation. It wasn’t until there was a lapse in the chatter that Spencer’s ears pricked up, and he heard her stand up from her desk, eyes wide as she spat a mouthful out into a tissue. 
“Does this have coconut in it?” She asked somewhat fearfully, Spencer’s head whipping around to her little corner of the bullpen. Her little self help stickers dotted around her desktop stared back at him, her reminder to ‘drink water’ almost horribly ironic the second he’d heard her question. 
His stomach dropped when Taylor frowned, “Yeah, it’s coconut and raspberry, is-is that not okay?” 
Spencer was quick to stand up out of his own seat, rifling through his satchel to dig out his water bottle, making it to her desk in just two long paces and handing it to her without another word as she looked up at him worriedly. 
“If you need to puke, it’ll probably be for the best so that you can get the traces out of your stomach. You can’t have the steroids before you hurl or it won’t work,” He soothed, and she nodded, sipping on his water with shaky hands, and Spencer was quick to catch the way her skin had a slight sheen to it that hadn’t been there before. He put a hand on her shoulder, trying to gage if she was well enough to make it to the bathroom on her own or if he would need to drive her to the ER. Either way her expression worried him. 
“I-I thought it was white chocolate,” She peeped, looking extremely sorry for herself as she dumped the chewed up brownie in her bin, and Taylor almost appeared at her side, looking entirely lost as he stroked a hand down her hair. 
“Talk to me, what’s wrong?” He asked, seafoam hues trailing down her sweating face in terror. 
“She’s allergic to coconut,” Spencer cut in, his tone a little harsher than needed, and her boyfriend’s expression wilted like a kicked puppy. 
“Shit! You never mentioned, I’m so- I’m so sorry, honey,” Taylor went pale, and she didn’t look much better as she pushed past the two of them, heading for the bathroom, Spencer a single pace behind her. 
“I got her, don’t worry,” He called over his shoulder to Agent Bingley standing there like a gaping fish, his hand running through his blonde sweep as he watched her all but running out of the office, Spencer’s long legs keeping up with her. 
“Is your skin getting prickly yet?” Spencer asked. Swouldn't go into anaphylaxis, at least not as far as they knew, but the large hives that would appear on her chest and neck and the vomiting was not ideal. She kept a tray of steroids in her desk incase an accidental cross contamination happened (and because Spencer had forced her to have some on hand), but seeing her panicked eyes as she tasted the chalky fruit had made him fawn over her like she was marked for the plague. 
“Neck is getting itchy,” She replied, tugging at her collar and pushing the door to the unisex bathrooms open, heading for the nearest stall, “You don’t have to stay for this bit, it’s not-”
He cut her off by sweeping her hair into a ponytail, as if to tell her to stop worrying about him, and he stroked a hand over her arm to let her know he was right there, because he knew she really hated anything gory and gross like that. 
He hushed her when she’d try to apologise, hand her his bottle of water in between moments where her whole body seized.
And for a minute, she thought that Spencer might be the only person who she’d ever let see her like this. Not Luke, or Garcia and certainly not Taylor. 
The thought of it kept her quiet for the rest of the morning. 
They seemed to move past the whole debacle quickly. Luke said Taylor had taken her to a fancy restaurant uptown to apologise, making a huge point to avoid the coconut banoffee pudding like it was an explosive. 
“You guys are so cute, you’re like Jane and he’s literally your Bingley. I swear your kids are going to be sweet enough I could drizzle them right next to ice cream,” Penelope said over the SUV console speaker, Spencer in the driving seat and her in the passenger, flicking through her files as they approached the victim’s house. 
The rookie blanched, “Woah, woah, kids?” She protested, and even Spencer felt himself nearly swerve the minute the bubbly IT geek said it. She looked shaken, awkwardly chuckling and reaching to tuck hair behind her ear, “Slow down, Garcia, we’ve not even- you know what, I think we’re talking about the wrong thing here-“ 
“You’ve not even what?” Penelope burst out, her need for the lastest gossip overwhelming the reading of the room. She swallowed heavily, shifting in her seat to face out of the window, her knees touching the door with a thud, “Have you guys not had sex yet?” 
“Penelope!” The woman screeched, her face hot and gobsmacked that she’d even said it out loud. 
But it was telling enough, and Spencer’s face whirled over the console to her, guilt written on her features. 
“I just assumed you guys had done it seeing as both of you are the hottest couple I know, I mean I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you if I was a guy-“ Penelope tried to save herself in the only way she knew how, by digging herself a deeper hole. 
Spencer’s hand shot out for the centre screen, “We’re losing you, Garcia, you’re breaking up, bye,” He pressed the end call button, and he didn’t need to look at the girl’s face to know she was the epitome of mortified. 
Spencer opened his mouth to say something, the awkward silence of the car killing him as much as he knew it was her, but he thought better of it and clamped his mouth shut. It took him a minute before he opened his mouth to speak again, if not to ask her if she wanted to stop at a drive thru for breakfast, but she beat him to it. 
“I was going to say we’ve not even said I love you yet,” She murmured, keeping her body entirely swivelled away from him, her arms crossed over her chest in an attempt to make herself smaller, as if she could just smush herself into the seat so he wouldn’t say anything. She cleared her throat, scratching her wrist nervously, “But I guess that’s also true too,” 
“Why not?” Her eyes snapped onto Spencer when he braved those two words, and he sensed he’d overstepped some sort of boundary before he realised it sounded like he’d been speaking about the latter, “Why haven’t you said it?” He clarified. 
She went quiet, her shoulders shrugging being the only sign that she’d heard him, gaze trailing back out her window. 
“He’s not said it yet either, and I don’t think I want him to. Not yet at least,” Her voice was soft, heavy as if every single one of them was coming from her heart, “Love is such a big emotion I think if he did say it, I wouldn’t know how to respond. Like, if I’m going to say it back to someone, I want to be sure I feel it otherwise it’s like I’m betraying everyone else’s version of love, you know?” 
He thought she might just be an angel bottled up and thrown into his life, and he sometimes wished he could take a look inside that head of hers because how she had protected her beautiful look on the world after seeing so much hurt staggered him. He had become cruel and cold and heavy where she looked at the lecherous shithole heading for disaster they called Earth and saw right to its soul, gave it a hug, told it she would care even when no one else would. 
He tore his eyes from the road, and took in the outline of her face, mindlessly watching the pedestrians on their daily commute to grab lunch, a dog peeing against a lamp post, a motorcyclist bobbing and weaving in between the midday traffic, her doe eyes never missing a trick.
Forcing his gaping expression back on the road, because he might just swerve and hit the damn rider off his bike if he let himself get lost in his little dreamscape that consisted of nothing but her and her face and her thoughts and her words, he cleared his throat, not sure how to add to the poetic, rose tint she seemed to see the world in.
“That’s good, that you’re taking things at your own pace, atleast,” He said, not particularly profound but at least it was something, “You shouldn’t do things just because someone else wants you to, even if you think it would make them happy,”
“But I like making people happy,” She countered, her expression troubled as she looked over at him with a quirked brow, “I like making you happy especially,”
“What makes you think I’m not happy?” Spencer asked, his mouth drying up, his stomach flipping in cartwheels when she giggled to herself like for once she was the smart one snd he was the one who needed teaching.
“It took you three and a half weeks to crack a smile when we first started working together,” His jaw clenched, because he was the one who counted the statistics. Perhaps he was rubbing off on her. “Honestly, I thought you hated me. I thought a seasoned agent like yourself probably would get frustrated teaching the dumb newbie the ABC’s, even ones that admire him. But then I thought, instead of getting so butt hurt about it all, I could just give you a reason to smile and you’d see that I’m not just a useless rookie learning to roll over for treats.”
Spencer’s throat bobbed. He’d hate himself forever for being so cruel to her those first few weeks, the clipped tones when she’d add something in a particularly chirpy voice, the way he would forget his manners sometimes when she’d bring him a coffee, because his head had been so deep in survival mode that being nice didn’t matter. Being nice had got him nowhere in Mexico, in fact it had shown his soft underbelly and drawn a target on it. 
“I never hated you,” His voice croaked out, weak and pathetic, and it's times like that he remembered ten years ago talking to her would have made him blush, pop a boner, and lose half his IQ all in one go. Coughing, his knuckles turned white at the wheel, and he avoids her gaze that feels like a pitfall trap, “It’s difficult to go back to how you used to be when you’ve got a thousand eyes on your back waiting for you to lower your guard,”
“I know, I know that now, I jus-” She floundered, worried she’d touched a nerve, but he stopped her by leaning over the console and putting a gentle hand on her kneecap.
“Relax, I know I wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around,” Spencer said, his timbre quiet but honest, “You were one of the few things I looked forward to, if I’m honest.”
“Really?” She said, agog, like she was waiting for him to turn around and say it had been a joke, “You didn’t think I’m too loud or, like, too much?”
“How can there be too much of you? If your body wasn’t in correct proportion, your organs wouldn't function-”
“Spencer,” She said, though he knew she was smiling even without having to look, “You know that’s not what I meant,”
“I know,” He replied, a smug little smile quirking on his own lips because he loved making her happy too, “No, I could never find you too much.”
She simpered under his words, his hand a stoked flame on her skin as she brought her fingers over the top of them to squeeze them together, before she changed the subject because she knew her cheeks might just explode if they heated anymore.
They were back from a long case, one that had made everyone tired and grumpy, especially because they needed to swing by the office for an hour of admin even Emily couldn’t wriggle them out of. 
And ofcourse, as he always was when Spencer was feeling like he was already about to strangle someone out of annoyance, Agent Bingley was right there when they entered the lobby.
She hadn’t slept well on the jet, despite Spence loaning her his jumper to use as a pillow, and she was in desperate need of coffee, the kind that Spencer and Penelope forced her to try instead of the cold caramel thing she liked. She’d even go for one of Luke’s zero sugar, zero milk atrocities right now.
“Hey guys, how was the flight?” Taylor jumped in to ask, and everyone gave some sort of variation of a groan because that was exactly how it had felt. His attention turned to her, as she pulled up the rear with Spencer attached her her hip because she had been practically sleepwalking the entire way there, “Hi honey,”
“Taylor, hi,” She said, her eyes perking up when he held out a hot take away cup for her, “You really didn’t have to,”
“Nonsense, herbal tea is supposed to alleviate headaches and help get you to sleep,” He replied, his other hand behind his back quickly whipping out to produce a bunch of flowers in front of her face.
She barely had time to flash him a grin to hide the disappointment that it was nowhere near as caffeinated as she’d like, nor that she didn’t even liked herbal tea, before a bunch of lilies were thrust her way.
“Lillies,” She said, her hand covering her chest at the touching sentiment, “Taylor, you shouldn’t have,”
“I know they’re your favourites,” The blonde replied, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and effectively putting a wall between her and Spencer, whether he meant to or not. Her expression wavered, and Spencer's eyes went straight to her, waiting for her to correct him. Because they weren’t her favourites, not even in her top five. Hyacinths were. Or Foxglove. Or Delphiniums. Not Lillies. 
She nodded wordlessly, and the three of them headed for the lift, where the rest of the team held the door for them, her expression tiptoeing between guilty and smiling, Taylor’s almost ecstatic to see her after her long few days away, and Spencer’s entirely pissed off that the sun kissed jerk couldn’t see every sign blaring in his face. 
“I might have to cut off the stamen when Ace comes over,” She queried, her eyes roving over the beautiful white petals opening towards her like a book.
“Ace? Who’s Ace?” He said, and Spencer and JJ exchanged a glance, because the whole elevator was now privy to their conversation as David pressed the six button. Taylor reached forward to push the three for himself.
“The dog I foster sometimes, the one I told you about. He helps me when I need to talk through some things. He’s a very good listener,,” She said with a dopey smile on her face, her eyes casting over her boyfriends face with a willing expression, because she knew for a fact she’d told him at lengths about the bouncy Spaniel that adored her, “He comes over for playdates, but the pollen inside lilies are poisonous to dogs,”
Taylor scrunched his nose up, “Ugh, I hate dogs, they’re so slobbery and the always seem to smell awful,” He commented, her face dropping the slightest in a way that made Spencer’s hand curl into a fist, because how dare Agent Bingley take that away from her, “I thought you were a cat person?”
“I like them both equally, but Ace is sweet. He curls up on my legs after we’ve gone for a walk,” Taylor still didn’t seem convinced, and she felt stupid for even mentioning it, well aware that the rest of her team were listening in on her childish description of the old dog that wanted nothing but love. 
“Why do you need a dog to talk anyway, babe? You have me,” Taylor said, in a way that was supposed to sound comforting but made Spencer want to shake him and tell him to listen to a damn word she was saying. Her eyes dimmed, and she looked at the lilies again, feeling entirely ungrateful for wishing they were something else, and the elevator doors opened onto the third floor. Taylor kissed her cheek and waltzed out of the lift with a quick goodbye to her team that was returned in murmurs. Turning to look at her, his body already in the anteroom of his own floor, he smiled sweetly at her, “I love you,”
JJ and Emily whipped their heads to her face, expecting to see some kind of puppy love blossom there, only to find wide-eyed panic, her smile slowly slipping. Rossi cleared his throat when she said nothing, the air turning stale as the team waited for her response, Taylor looking at her expectantly, and she wished the ground would open up then and there to swallow her whole, because that would probably be better than whatever this was.
Tara nudged her shoulder, waking her out of her daze, Luke scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, and it was then after a beat more of silence that Taylor opened his mouth again, “Babe, did you hear what I-”
She leaned forward to press the close door button, her doe hues in full flight mode, her fingers only picking up the pace when her boyfriend took a step closer towards the elevator, and Emily brought a hand over her mouth in muffled laughter when the doors slammed shut in front of him, their sunshine rookie entirely spooked and needing a quick exit.
The tiny metal box went silent, Spencer watching her face meld from alarm to horror, to sheer embarrassment.
“I mean, I’ll give it to you kid, that’s one way to do it,” Rossi said, patting her on the back and she shoved her face in her hands, the stems of the dove white flowers brushing against her cheek roughly.
“Please tell me that didn’t just happen,” She groaned through her fingers, JJ chuckling as the doors to their own floor opened up.
“Oh honey,” She said, rubbing the girl’s back gently, leading her out onto the BAU carpet that felt harsher against the souls of her shoes than it ever had before, “I think what you need is a coffee and a long talk with someone who isn’t a dog,”
Spencer watched her shuffle to slump down behind her desk, her expression still rattled and lost, JJ’s eyes flicking to him every now and then in a way that urged him to be the one to do just that because it was obvious by now who she talked the most openly to in the office.
But by the time he’d braved walking over to her desk, she’d already rushed through her report, excusing herself home for the day, and he knew her well enough to know she needed some breathing room before he could approach the subject, otherwise she would shut the doors on him too.
He hated the spiteful part of him that revelled in Taylor’s expression when that metal screen had slammed in his face.
It was three days later, and she had enforced a strict ban on talking about that day in the office. For once she didn’t look like she was going to break her resolve either, since every time someone tried to weasel information of her she would either pretend she hadn’t heard, or would excuse herself to make her fifth coffee of the day, or even had thrown her paperwork on the floor when Luke had pushed her for an answer just for an excuse to avoid the topic.
In fact, Spencer himself had been tempted to get her alone because he knew she would crack without much pressure from him, though the thought of using her trusting nature against her seemed wicked, and so he stopped himself and settled for curiosity.
It wasn’t until they were away on a case and they were shoved in a room together that the subject of Taylor was even brought up, and even then it was entirely out of his control.
“I’ll take the couch,” Spencer said, his eyes falling on the double bed in the centre of the room, striding over the other side of the room to throw his to go bag down on the two seater sofa that would wreck his back.
“Don’t be silly, we can just share the bed.” She said, as if it was the most obvious solution, which it was, “I sleep talk a little, but just give me a shove and I’ll shut up,” 
Spencer paused, watching her fumbling around her bag for her toothbrush and paste.
“Won’t your boyfriend mind?” He asked, his palms clammy because he worried for a moment it was wrong to bring it up, and his chest butterflied when she froze, “Sorry, I know you didn’t want to talk about it, I just thought I wouldn’t like my girlfriend sharing a bed-”
“We broke up,” She said, taking pulling a large pink shirt out her bag and some strawberry printed shorts, her toiletries stuffed in her pockets, “So don’t worry about any of that stuff, we can share,”
And she waltzed into the bathroom without any more explanation, the lock clicking behind her and leaving Spencer alone with his thoughts.
They had broken up? Was it because of what happened in the elevator? Was it because of what Penelope said in the car? Was she the one to break up with him or the other way around?
Spencer felt like a gossip, even though his thoughts had gone no further than his cranium, and by the time she emerged from the bathroom, fresh faced and in her pyjamas, he had already changed himself, tucked himself under the cover in the hope she understood they didn’t need to talk about it if she didn’t want to.
She smiled at him, tucking her dirty clothes back in her bag and heading for the bed, slipping under the plush duvet with a soft ooft. 
“Light on or off?” She asked, her finger hovering over the switch beside their bed.
“On, if that’s okay?” He replied and she nodded wordlessly, shuffling down under the covers, pulling them up to just below her armpits. Crossing her arms over her stomach like she was snow white waiting to fall into a poison-laced slumber, her eyes bore holes into the ceiling, and his thoughts banged loudly against his temple. The silence of the room seemed to only turn their avoidance tactics into a cacophony they couldn’t ignore.
“If you’re going to ask questions, I might as well tell you before we get back to Quantico.” She said finally, her sigh heavy and exhausted and she looked over at him, his brunette locks splaying over the pillow in waves, his facial hair scratching against the sheet when he flicked his head over to her too. 
Hazel had never been such a pretty colour than when they sat in silence for a moment, staring at one another, almost daring the other to speak first. He swallowed, his mouth watering at how she looked, tucked under the sheets, her body lax and soft under her pyjamas, her hands skimming over her stomach nervously.
“Is it because of the day in the elevator?” Spencer asked after a few minutes, breaths suddenly becoming difficult to regulate naturally unless he forced them to be, because he was so close to her under the covers, his entire body too long and gangly for just a twin bed, he could smell her shampoo and conditioning combo in full force. Her spearmint tongue rolled words around her mouth for a minute, dropping down to his Star Wars shirt he felt childish for wearing the minute he saw her looking at it.
“Kind of, he just wanted us to move so fast, it just kinda made me nervous, but I always thought being nervous was supposed to be good, you know?” She sighed, forgetting to breathe in between her splurge of words that had been building up inside her for weeks, “Like you said the feeling of excitement and fear are almost identical so I think I just convinced myself I was being dumb and I was being a bad person for not just giving him what he wanted. I’m supposed to love him, right? Being his girlfriend and all that,”
He had said that; because scientifically that was exactly correct. The hormones released during love and during fear were, down to their core, chemical matches, and it felt funny she’d remembered that fact considering she made him feel somewhere in between too. He knew she was special, just as much as he knew the idea of tainting her with his core terrified him. Like he secreted some kind of radiation that would ruin her if she got too close for too long. But he couldn’t help it. How do you stop yourself from wanting something good? It was just science. A Pavlovian response. 
“You’re not supposed to do anything. There’s no timeline for how you feel, and you can’t force yourself to feel something any quicker or stronger than you do,” He said, shaking his head when she bit her lip, her fingertips playing with one another ontop of the sheets.
“He wanted to know when I was ready to have…” She swallowed, her cheeks heating, “Intimacy with him. A-and it’s not like I’ve not done it before, I had a boyfriend in high school, but I just felt like with him…”
“He didn’t pressure you, did he?” Spencer asked, his brows furrowing as he felt a surge of annoyance flash through his blood that she had wound herself up so much just because of some guy who couldn’t keep it in his pants for a few months. 
Her eyes widened, taking in the storm brewing in that beautiful woodland gaze of his, and she shook her head quickly, “No, no, nothing like that. This was all on me, it was all just me being dumb,”
“You’re not being dumb just because some guy didn’t like the answer you gave,” He corrected, exhaling deeply and letting his frown drop, because he knew she hated when he did that, “Why didn’t you want to, if you don’t mind me asking?”
She shrugged, looking back up at the dusty lamp shade hanging from the ceiling, the cobwebs that smattered around the wooden panels.
“I don’t know, I just kind of never saw the two of us.. becoming intimate, you know?” She said, her tone sheepish like she was in confession and he was a priest sat on the other side of the divide. He looked over at her, scanning the outline of her face, but she seemed adamant on avoiding his gaze, because she knew she would spill everything the minute she looked at him. With Spencer, there were no secrets, and that was entirely the problem. 
Spencer’s lips pursed, thinking of exactly the right thing to say to such a delicate soul when she was laying herself hypothetically bare for him. 
“You don’t have to be intimate in a relationship if you don’t want to. No one who loves you should ever make you feel like there’s an expectation or like you owe them that,” Spencer explained softly, edging his pinky finger out the tiniest bit to catch the back of her hand that now lay flat on the bed, her head turning up to meet his round forest hues that looked down at her with more softness than he’d felt in a long time. 
He wished he could stay here with her forever. In the quiet of this room, they were just the two of them, not Doctor Reid and the Special Agent he had a huge hopeless crush on that was years his junior and thought she could fix everything wrong with the world. 
“I know,” She sighs, and his heart caught in his throat when her pinky raises up to meet his own, the tips of their fingers brushing against one another like they were meeting each other for a slow dance. He had touched her many times before, but there was something illicit about this time. Like their skin had become oppositely charged and was pulling the other one in with an electric crackle, “He never pressured me but I felt like I could have tried harder to want it.”
“If you don’t want it, you don’t ever have to have it. A lot of people reach your age when your frontal cortex is developed and realise they might be asexual, it’s not a bad thing-” He tried reassuring her, but she was quick to shake her head again, bashfully ripping her eyes away from him to look at their caressing fingertips. 
“No, no. It’s not that I never want to be intimate ever, I just never really felt comfortable around him enough to let myself want it. Like I couldn’t just be me with him, I was just being what he wanted me to be. Like he never really knew the real me,” She explained, and she rolled over onto her side to face him, her other finger coming up to absentmindedly trace over the prominent vein that ran up his arm, stopping just below where his old needle scars were at the crook of his elbow. If she saw them, she didn’t say a word, but Spencer felt like she was trailing a flame over his skin. He thought if she took his manhood in her hand she’d probably get the exact same response from him, because with every invisible swirl and line she drew over his skin, he felt a heat ripping through his loins. “Does that make sense? Like I didn’t think he would like the ikky parts of me so I ended up putting on a charade,” 
“Y-yeah,” He replied, and his stammer made her look up, eyes wide and innocent as she watched him all but falling apart under a single fingertip. God he was pathetic. Mid thirties and nearly finishing in his boxers over a pretty girl touching his arm. Only it wasn’t just a pretty girl. It was her. His sunshine girl. “But I don’t think you have any ikky parts, to be honest,”
Her eyes deepened into pools of awe, and he watched her trail a glance down his nose to his mouth vulnerably.
“Spencer, you’re being too kind,” She whispered, and he swore his chest lurched.
He cleared his throat, and moved to roll over towards her too, hoping to disperse some of the energy that was clogging between them, only for it to become dialled to a hundred, trapping them in a tiny box where they were looking at one another, laying on the bed they were being forced to share and almost holding hands, because committing to full thing was scary like they were ten years old in a playground. 
“Of course that makes sense. It’s much healthier to form intimate relationships with people we trust and feel safe with than rushing into things,” Spencer tried to breeze past the tension, but her breath was fanning over his face, almost tripping him over his words, because she was still looking at him like he knew all the answers. Because he usually did. Except for this time. This time, he felt like he was walking blind towards his point, “Not that one night stands should be shamed or anything, but it’s much better to engage in sexual intercourse with someone when it feels right,”
She breathed out deeply, licking her lips, and her finger movements stopped. 
“So it’s just a when you know, you know, kind of thing?” She asked, her brows pulling together in a saddened frown, “I’m not, like, broken or anything?” 
He sat up on his elbow, grabbing her wrist tight enough she would listen the minute he said it to her, because he never wanted to hear her say that again, “There is nothing wrong with you, you hear me?” She looked up at him with glassy eyes, wide and shocked to see him so desperately insistent over her, “You feeling secure is more important than any guy out there, no matter how nice they are, got it?” 
She nodded after a beat, because she thought her brain might have stopped working with the way he was leaned over her, looking down at her with a glimmer of the harshness he’d been drowning in when she first met him. These days he seemed to have mellowed out the tiniest bit, except the straightforward tone he held with everyone else who wasn’t her, or the general heavy handedness he didn’t seem to realise he was capable of. Like in the way his warm, rough hands gripped the skin of her wrist, his expression somewhat frustrated though not with her as he looked down at where she was half beneath him.
“Spence?” She whispered into the electricity between them, her eyes trailing over his nose again and ghosting over his half attempt at facial hair. They were just whisps, but they suited him embarrassingly well. He didn’t reply, just stared at her to wait for her response, “I feel safe with you, you know that?” 
He swore his heart was thumping out of his chest. She looked divine under his hand, sweet like a pudding begging him to taste, and he couldn’t help it when his thumb trailed up the side of her jaw, brushing just under her bottom lip, and she seemed to press herself further into his touch, a cat being scratched behind velvet ears.
“You’d tell me if you ever wanted me to stop, wouldn’t you?” He murmured, gooseflesh crawling up his arm when she nodded, her eyes boring holes into his soul when she looked up at him like that.  
“Always,” She answered honestly, blinking at him once, twice, before she took a deep breath for courage, “But what if I never wanted you to stop?”
Spencer nearly moaned when he crashed their lips together, and he heard her squeak in delight beneath him, his large hand cupping her jaw, weaving into her hair, tugging her closer. She felt like her was consuming her whole, and she had no qualms about it, not when she reached a hand up to his shoulder and tugged him even more on top of her, the weight of him on her chest comforting and achingly right. 
He pulled away to breathe for a moment, but she was chasing his lips, her touch maddening and he swore his brain switched off when she ran a hand up his spine, slipping under his shirt and tracing over every one of his vertebrae making him shiver. Her lips were stronger than any craving he had ever felt, the instant dopamine rush embarrassing for a man of his age, so hardened by the world reduced to putty, ready to beg for more because now he’d had a taste of her ambrosia, he didn’t think he could ever think straight again. A man sent crazy by forbidden wine.
He pushed her hair away from her face, using his long fingers to wrap around the back of her head and pull her impossibly closer to him, his other arm skirting down to her clothed waist and pressing their bodies together. She whined in his mouth, and Spencer thought he could finally die happy.
He pulled away to let her catch a gasp, her fingers carding through his long, brown curls, scratching against his scalp in a way that drew a low growl from his throat. He needed more, needed her, more than the air he gulped down ravenously and he found himself kissing at her soft neck, her head tipped back in bliss as he kissed every inch he could.
“The reason I didn’t want it with Taylor,” She choked between manic breaths, her hands holding onto him so tight he knew she didn’t have any intention of asking him to stop, “Was because it didn’t feel like this,”
Spencer wove their fingers together, pushing her hand above her head as the other came up to tilt her face towards him, looking into her bleary eyes for a second, their noses ghosting past one another, her mint breath delicious on his lips.
“It never feels like this, baby,” He whispered, their foreheads pressing together before he gave into her again and pressed his lips against hers so hard she whimpered into his mouth.
And she believed him.
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earthtooz · 2 months
jealous ratio because i really like him like that, fluff, reader is a menace
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“who gave you those flowers?” 
ratio’s voice is demanding and snarky, eyes ablaze with a similar kind of disgust when you walk into your home with a bouquet in your arms. putting your keys on the counter, you greet him with your usual smile and prance over to place a kiss on his scowling expression.
which softens momentarily at the feel of your lips on his skin.
“hi, veritas,” you greet.
“welcome home, love,” he murmurs in return, smiling when looking at you, but the scowl returns when he makes eye contact with the flowers. “who gave you these?”
“aventurine did.”
the world freezes over with ratio’s silent rage and you’re the only one untouched despite being the catalyst. searching for a vase nearby, you’re more than content to let his possessiveness simmer, in fact, it’s something you are used to now.
when you manage to dig up an empty vase from a cabinet nearby, ratio’s footsteps scurry towards you.
“you’re keeping them?” he asks.
“why wouldn’t i? they’re a gift.”
“a gift? 
he’s fuming, absolutely fuming now as he watches you fret over the bouquet, trimming the ends, putting water in the bot, arranging them to look nice and lovely, all whilst your lover stared at you hawkishly. you pretend not to notice the way his eye twitches occasionally, allowing him to watch you work.
his mind must be working at a million thoughts per second, so you’ll just let him be until he can talk to you again.
“why did he give you flowers? there must be an occasion that i am unaware of.”
after finishing your final touches, you turn around with all the garbage in your hands and walk past the scholar. he follows. “to say thanks. he recently consulted me for one of his projects and the results were fruitful, so he bought me a bouquet in gratitude.” 
pink roses. last time ratio read, they were supposed to symbolise gratitude, the ideal choice to send to someone who has helped you. 
“well. if that’s the case then he owes me a planet’s worth of flowers.”
“lighten up, veritas, he was just being friendly.”
“friendly?” he all but snaps. 
“yes, friendly. is there an issue with that?” 
“that gambler being friendly implies to him being up to no good.” he attaches himself to your hip, hovering over you as you make a mug of coffee. “he is a menace, an undesirable anomaly, a type one error, i advise you keep your interactions with him limited. only one of us should need to deal with his antics so i suppose i’ll have to bite the bullet on this one, darling.”
“you are so brave, my hero. are you done? anymore talk about aventurine and i might just think you’re in love with him.” ratio splutters at your wild accusations, missing the way you smile under your breath. then, you throw your arms around the scholar and he doesn’t return the embrace, still dumbfounded. “i missed you and the first thing you do when i come home is talk about another man.”
he scoffs, lifting you up onto the kitchen counter. there, he rests his hands on either sides of the counter beside you. “your mouth is twice as foul as his.”
“and yet you still love me.”
tomorrow, you return home to a luxurious bouquet of red roses sitting on the kitchen island.
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i'm writing this as a pregame to the diluc fic i have in the works.
© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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saetoru · 1 year
I’m now on my hands and knees BEGGING for bully Gojo who is (secretly) DISGUSTINGLY IN LOVE over the reader PLEASE ANY CRUMBS I WILL TAKE
(you don’t actually have to write this it was just a nice thought)
idkkkkk if it’s rly bully gojo—but he’s definitely a real cunt for sure.
i just think about an asshole! gojo a lot like he’s ur lab partners or something and he does that stereotypical jerk move where he’s like “seriously ?? her ??” when he’s first paired with you. and he’s just naturally an douche, yk ?? wears sunglasses indoors and makes jokes at the professors expense under his breath that gets him snickers and snorts from his frat guys in his class. has to be asked more than once to “please keep it down in the middle of class” by wtv prof he’s in class with.
and he ofc makes u do all the work bc he can’t be bothered—and on the rare occasion that he is bothered, he just does a poor job that’s the bare minimum and sloppy enough that ur like wtv i’ll just do it myself. and then ofc sometimes u don’t have a choice but to meet up to finish something after class every now and then—he wouldn’t care to, but he actually needs to know the stuff for the final report he has to write individually, so he begrudgingly meets up with you, and sometimes you notice his friends give you an amused look when he walks up with them. they snicker before they leave as he sits with you. sometimes they make a snide comment here and there like “have fun with ur super hot date” that makes him roll his eyes—he doesn’t do much to hide the look of distaste on his face.
but then—and he doesn’t even know when it happens—you start to slowly grow on him. because ur actually pretty snarky urself, sometimes making a dry comment here and there about the professor and his stupid bald headed self. sometimes a girl in the distance laughs too hard a group of guys that u roll ur eyes and mumble how “if i had a voice like that i’d never laugh in public” and it makes him snort a bit without meaning to. sometimes you stare daggers at the person who has their music so loud thru their headphones they can’t help but notice u and turn it down in embarrassment. ur actually not as much of a pushover as he thought—you just genuinely think he’s too incapable to help u out that you’ve just shrugged him off and started doing his part. it’s an easy weekly lab class anyway, you don’t need him—and then he realizes that u rly just don’t care for him. his little snickers at u with his friends and their snide comments roll off ur back bc well…he’s him—an asshole little frat boy and u didn’t expect anything better from him. so it makes him a little intrigued—maybe a little wounded in his pride, deep down, because no one has ever been indifferent to him before. they’re either madly in love, or they hate his guts, or they follow his lead. either works—he still gets the attention he craves.
but u just don’t rly care. and ur actually pretty cool, and kinda sorta funny in a way no one else is. he likes it…and fuck, now he’s starting to like you. he can tell bc when his friends ask how his little date with you went, he starts getting a bit huffy ab it bc they don’t need to talk about you. they don’t even know you…but also….its not a date. and that’s the worst part. sometimes it feels like a date. almost—sometimes you both decide to take a break in between and go get a coffee or a light snack. sometimes he’s even paid (to which you look mildly shocked before politely thanking him) and you both walk back to the library while u make light banter and it’s…well, fun. and nice. and your laugh is pretty. and your smile is kinda cute and he (though he hates to admit it) rly likes it when u laugh because of him.
and then things start to get messy—really, he didn’t mean for it to start this way. he really was meaning to ask you in a genuine manner to see u again once the semester was finished. because he’s actually started pulling his weight—he wants u to see him for someone who’s smart. satoru is actually rly rly smart and no one knows it because he doesn’t rly show it but he is. he wants u to see that side of him—somehow there’s some sick validation he rly needs from you knowing he’s not a dense frat guy who drinks and fucks until 3 am every night. so he starts doing his parts and actually communicates with u about sections. so starts ur texting routine—sometimes a little longer than u rly need to for just doing a lab together. sometimes it’s “did u hear ab that girl in our class getting dumped in front of the kfc ??” and sometimes it’s “god our prof rly needs to get some pussy” and other times it’s “look what the guy who sits behind us just posted on his story” and it leads to a few long convos that admittedly…are rly fun. ur so fun. he likes it. he rly does like u and he thinks maybe….maybe he’s grown on u too and you know what ?? satoru’s always a jerk but ur nice and who’s to say he can’t be nice too ?? just for one person. for u, he can be a nice guy—u carried lab all on ur own long enough that u deserve it anyway.
until he gets swayed in that way only a coward can. in that way you do when ur used to being “the man” around ur friends and ur too pressured to keep up that energy for appearances sake bc u don’t wanna be the laughing stock who softened up for “some nerdy chick who’s a nobody.” so he laughs when they laugh at the fact that ur probably “still a virgin who’s never touched a guy before” and then they’re patting gojo on the back and shoving at his shoulder as they laugh harder and suggest that “y’know what would be so funny man ?? if u took her virginity. you could probably do it.”
the thought is sickening because…satoru wouldn’t want to fuck you like that. god, you have him caring about when and how he fucks you—in fact, just thinking about you lewdly makes him feel guilty. disrespectful, even. you’re more than a fleshlight for his dick. since when did he become so respectful ?? but he doesn’t know how to say no, especially when everyone starts agreeing one after the other—and oh no, now they’re betting on how quickly he can do it….and oh, now it’s not just fucking. now it’s “how long until you think she’s head over heels for you? man, that would be a sight, huh ??”
and….well, satoru decides it couldn’t hurt, right ?? he does want to be romantically involved so that would include you being head over heels. hopefully. fingers crossed. and he doesn’t rly want to seem lame in front of the guys either, so he gets to keep both sides of the coin, so is it really that bad ?? maybe not the right idea but certainly the right execution. he’ll treat you well—that much he’s confident of. so he forces out a laugh and says “gimme a month or two, you’ll see.”
and a month or two they give him. and a month or two it takes—but not for you to be head over heels. it’s him who’s utterly and completely obsessed and fallen head first and whatever else they say to describe love because wow. this must be what it is. this must be that stupid fairytale shit they always talk about because fuck, no one has ever looked at him like that. like he’s some miracle to this earth and some wonder only you know of—like you hope it stays that way and that he’s yours and yours alone and no one else comes in to take him away. satoru really likes being yours, it kinda feels better than you being his. being yours means you hold him like that at night and wake him up to a kiss between his brows and sometimes, when he gets those migraines he’s prone to getting, you always seem to know. always seem to understand when to close the blinds and keep quiet and wrap him up in the covers as you rub your thumbs over his temples soothingly.
he almost forgets about that silly little bet he made two months ago when he’s around you. actually, he forgets everything when he’s around you. he’s only ever thinking about you, you, you. when he comes back to his frat house, on the other hand, they’re all gathered around waiting for the newest details. how you must’ve been so pathetically star struck by him. how you must be embarrassingly bad at kissing. how you must stutter over every other word around him. how you must be making a complete and utter fool of urself trying to impress him and be someone you’re not bc the real you would never pique his interest.
they’re wrong ofc. if anyone’s star struck, it’s satoru bc how the hell are u so…cool ?? and so funny and witty and carefree ?? and you’re good at kissing—have him chasing your lips with a whine every time. sometimes you even chuckle at him when he does and make him blush a bit. he’s the one who stutters over his words when he sees you in your little date night outfits. sometimes he watches you drink from your straw and his brain short circuits a little until you snap at him and ask him in confusion if he’s alright. but the real kicker ?? it’s that if anyone’s pretending, it’s satoru. you’re always just you—unapologetically so, that it’s endearing and beautiful and so unearthly he wonders how he got so lucky. but him ?? he’s always acting like some guy he’s not. some chivalrous guy who opens doors and pushes out seats and kisses the back of hands and waits at least a few dates before even considering fucking. some nice, sweet, genuine guy who’s deserving.
he’s not that—never was. if you knew the real him, you’d leave in a heartbeat. it’s a scary thought. a raw feeling he doesn’t like. makes him feel all self conscious and insecure and all that weird shit he never thought he’d feel.
he tries. so hard, he tries to make them forget about that silly little bet and just slowly drop it and maybe even forget ur dating so he can just stay living this peaceful little fantasy with you—but that’s stupid. that’s naive. it’s been 4 months and enough is enough—the guys need to see the look on ur face when u realize what a fool ur being and satoru is “being a lazy ass who’s too comfortable not having for work for pussy these days.” so then there’s a video going around. it’s everyone gathered around on the couch drunk and talking about you. and satoru. you both, in fact. how it’s been two months and u seem desperate for his attention with the shrill little voice you use to call him toru, baby! it’s so, so fucking embarrassing, they say. how you think he likes it. (he does. god he does so much, it hurts. he loves it, actually, when you call him that. makes him feel special in a way he never has.) but then, the worst, most disgustingly nauseous part of the whole thing is when satoru laughs along and plays into their awful words. just lets them talk about you like you’re some piece of meat. something for him to chew up and spit out after he has a taste or you. not even worth savoring and enjoying. he laughs along and agrees—you’re nothing special and he can’t wait until he’s free of you.
that part hurts. that part sucks the most—when he acts like he didn’t tremble under your touch every time you kissed him. like he didn’t beg you to stay just five more minutes! before walking out the door to go home. he acts one way in front of you and one way in front of them and what’s worse ?? you don’t know which one is real. couldn’t tell even if your life was on the line to decide. because there’s no way he’s that good at pretending to be desperately in love, no fucking way. but there’s also no way he can be in love if he’s talking about you like that. that’s not what love is—that’s not what love feels like. that’s not what it means to someone.
you don’t know which satoru is the real one, but you know that neither is worth your time. not if he can’t stick to it.
it’s terrible thing—the way you break up. it’s messy and teary and he’s begging, he’s actually begging. he never thought he’d do that. but he doesn’t even hesitate to plead for you to hear him out. baby, please let me explain. wait, please don’t walk away—please just listen! i can explain.
he can’t explain, though when you as him to. stands there with a bitten bottom lip and teary eyes that are pleading you to just stay with him. to overlook this and just … ignore it like it’s nothing. like what he did and said was just nothing and you can shrug it off like you’re nothing too. like your feelings are nothing and so is your worth and that’s why you should just ignore the way he absolutely destroyed your pride and reputation and dignity and worse….every ounce of your love.
such deep, raw, pure love—it’s almost enough to heal every dry crack and crevice of this earth and bring it back to life.
you look at him with teary eyes and something so broken, it makes him feel like dirt beneath your feet.
“it’s embarrassing, satoru,” you hiss that night through tears, “you’re in your twenties getting a degree and you’re still just a high school bully. life’s really gonna kick you in the ass some day.”
life’s already kicking him in the ass as soon as you walk out. the air is colder. the world is dimmer. food doesn’t taste as good and fuck—there is just so much loneliness when you have no one to be yourself with. when there’s no you.
but he supposes you’re right though—he is just a bully. it’s pathetic, really. and maybe it’s for the best. maybe you don’t deserve someone who’s only ever known how to feel good because someone else doesn’t.
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bluetimeombre · 8 months
ׂ╰┈➤ She’s like a shot of Espresso
You work in a coffee shop and suddenly Jacob is a coffee enthusiast
This man has been appearing in my dreams, he’s just begging for my attention. Btw I totally don’t work in a coffee shop…
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Teenpopbuzz: we've found jacbobelordi favourite coffee spot! the actor has been seen visiting there on three separate occasions
304k likes 211k comments
user: hubba hubba
user: so princess diana coded
user: he's so pretty
user: breaking, jacobelordi goes to coffee shop THREE times
user: daddy
user: babe,,, come back, the children miss you
user: what i would do to be a coffee cup and sit between his lips
user: help someone said he's princess diana coded
Jacob was not a nervous person. He never got nervous and never felt awkward. But this was a trip to the coffee shop he'd frequented and he'd slowly started to get the shakes before every time. What the hell was wrong with him?
He knew what was wrong with him, his friends knew what was wrong with him. He had a crush. A crush on the pretty barista who served him every time.
The cafe had only been opened an hour but he was there and so were you. He realised you were there most days, with a smile and style.
The bell over the door dinged as he walked in and as you finished serving your customer. It was all quiet inside as he strode to the counter.
'Hi,' you smiled as the other customer walked away.
'How you doing?' he asked politely.
'I'm good, your usual?'
He grinned. 'You know it already.'
'Of course. Any plans today?' he knew you were probably just making conversation, but it still felt nice to talk to you.
'Nothing much, just got this book I want to finish.'
'Oh yea? What you reading?'
'Grapes of Wrath,' he said. He moved along the counter with you, keeping conversation.
'You know if you like Steinbeck you should try East of Eden, it's my favourite book.'
You went into describing the book and he listened intently, smiling at you as you got excited over the book. He came in with his own prompts too.
‘Sorry, im keeping up,’ You apologized, sliding his coffee over.
‘No please, I love to hear it. I’ve got nothing much on.’
‘Finishing a Book, very important business,’ You tell him.
When another customer walked in, it was his cue to leave, slowly and looking back at you like one hundred times.
Jacob opened the door, calling to you one more time, completely ignoring the customer that was there. ‘I’ll see you soon!’
You smile and blush.
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liked by… yourusername, sydney_sweeney, enews, tchalamet & others
Jacobelordi: I’ve heard East of Eden is a good read
1m likes 782k comments
user: aesthetic king
user: he’s so pretty
user: babygurl
user: 😍😍
user: I will bet so much money that’s from the coffee shop he likes or something
user: he’s so bf!!! I need him
user: he was written by a woman people!!!
user: how is he so gorgeous!!
user: I am free and single to hang out on Thursday Jacob, I’ll be free Thursday for us to date if you are free on Thursday
user: I want you
user: he so cute fr
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liked by… yourfriend, yourfriend, yourfriendsfriend and jacobelordi
Yourusername: oh no!!! I’m posting my three favorite things! Coffee, books and books! Hope a cute guy who has an affinity for these things doesn’t slide into my dms
105likes 20comments
yourfriend: she’s cute
yourfriend: ur so cool urg!!!
yourfriend: the caption, ur so iconic 😭😭
user: jacobelordi follows her?!?
Jacobelordi started following yourusername
Yourusername started following jacobelordi
Yourusername DMS
Jacobelordi: 📚
Jacobelordi: oh no, I accidentally tripped and dropped all my classics full of my annotations with all my interesting ideas and thoughts
Jacob had a mission.
Your cafe was busier by the time he got in around lunch. It had been a busy week and beside talking to you through instagram, there hasn’t been much chance of a chance to see you.
So boy was he gonna see you today. And he had a plan.
He walked in and couldn’t immediately see you but saw your co-workers, another guy and another girl at the counter. He lingered around. What if you weren’t working today? But he was sure you were, you were always in on this day.
He caught sight of you, talking to a couple out for lunch and he smiled, tapping the book in his pocket.
After you left them to eat their lunch, you strode over. He noticed the blush on your cheeks, he’s hoped you’d be just as nervous.
‘Hey,’ he smiled as you slid behind the counter.
Your co-workers wondered away, clearly trying to make it look as if they weren’t listening.
‘I actually brought something for you,’ he said, suddenly wanting to hide behind his cap.
‘For me?’
With a grin, he slid over Grapes of Wrath. ‘It’s my copy, annotated and that. I just thought you might like to read it.’
‘Oh my god, thank you!’ You practically caressed the book. ‘It’s so funny cause I actually have something for you-‘ then, you pulled out east of Eden. ‘My copy. Not quite annotated but there’s a line or two underlined.’
‘Oh woah,’ the two of you laugh about it, thumbing though the pages.
Finally, Jacob knew he had to ask. He couldn’t not. ‘Maybe, if you’re free- and if you’re up to it, we could meet up and chat about it- and other things of course.’
You watch, blushing.
‘A date!’ He suddenly announced. ‘I’m asking you out on a date.’
You nod. ‘I would love to go on a date with you, just let me know when, you have my number.’
Confused, his brows furrowed until you helped him. You flicked open the cover and on the first page of the book, your number was scribbled.
And he knew, he was in bad.
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Teenpopbuzz: new couple alert?! Jacobelordi has been spotted out and about with a mystery girl a few times now, could this be his new lucky woman?!
856k likes 445k comments
user: that should be me!!! Holding your hand!!
user: omg they’re so cute!!
user: isn’t this yourusername, who works in the cafe?
user: he’s literally just taking pictures of her, it’s so cute!!!
user: she better sleep with one eye open
user: I’m in love with them
user: he looks happy eeeekk
user: yourusername
user: ok I’ve stalked yourusername, she works in the cafe he’s been seen at
user: they’re so cute
user: I like the dog
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liked by… yourusername, florencepugh, emmachamberlian & tchalamet
Jacobelordi: six months of free coffee! Thank you my love x
tagged: yourusername
1.1m likes 802k comments
user: he made it official!!!!
user: my parents!
user: she’s actually so pretty wtf
user: I can’t tell who i want to be more
user: the fact they met through the cafe she works at, talk about meet cute
user: telling my kids this is Romeo and Juliet
user: omg the free coffee comment, hahahah
user: do you think she’s seen saltburn?
yourusername: <3
918 notes · View notes
junosmindpalace · 3 months
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🎧 it's so sweet, knowing that you love me.
synopsis: celebrating their birthday...w/ the hq gemini men!
pairing(s): timeskip/present!hajime iwaizumi, koshi sugawara, shoyo hinata
content: references to 2024 dates but doesn't need to be strictly speaking (iwa's is more 2021), food (in suga's and hinata's), very short and brief angst(?), otherwise all fluff and fun!
total wc: 3.6k
a/n: it was my birthday a few days ago (june 17th) and i thought i would celebrate by writing for some gemini characters! i know shoyo is a cusp but i wanted to write him too </3 also this was my first time creating a graphic please be nice i am aware its a little plain </33
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The clock in your living room reads 11:55 in the evening; Hajime’s birthday is five minutes away. 
You both have work in the morning, so you should be in bed sound asleep. Everything has been done as normal; the whole nighttime routine of eating dinner (that you insisted on making) together, showering, brushing your teeth. Except instead of completing the routine by cozying up in bed, you’re cozying up on your living room couch, the light in the kitchen on, and the blue light from the TV keeping your tired eyes in a trance. 
Hajime’s arm is lazily outstretched over your shoulders, your fingers intertwined with the hand that dangles beside your head. His other arm is bent sideways on the couch pillow, head against his fist as he watches through bleary eyes the movie in front of him. Though your eyes are trained on the action on the TV, your ears don’t process the mumbling that pairs with it, too engrossed in your low conversation about each others’ day. 
“—and Hinata wanted something more to do for himself, so I’ll be reviewing his progress and seeing what I can do. Seriously, the guy is a monster at times. Sometimes it’s hard to believe I’m really looking at him, with how far he’s come since his high school days.”
“They all seem to be of another caliber now,” you replied somewhat drowsily, yet no less engaged.
“They’re intense, that’s for sure,” he sighs, bringing his head to rest behind the cushion and leaning closer toward your own. “But they’ve always been like that.” 
He’s completely unaware of the time and date approaching as he drones quietly about the day he’s had. He notices, on occasion, your glances up at the wall where your clock was located, and thought you were anxious to get to sleep.
“Hey,” he nudges your knee with his own. “you wanna head to bed?”
“Hm? No, no, not yet. Keep talking, I wanna hear.” 
Upon your insistence, he obliged reluctantly, resuming his chatter for a little while longer as you hum and nod. 
He feels comfortable like this, with your head against his chest, body snuggled close to his side, the low hum of the TV, the dim light. He, for a moment, finds his eyes gently closing unconsciously. You wait for him to continue his explanation at a pause, but are only met with the quietness of the TV. A slight stir prompts Hajime’s eyes to open immediately, and he shifts a little as he takes in your face, peering up at him through small eyes.
“You sleeping?”
You placed a hand on his chest as you turned your body to look at the clock. It now reads 12:04 in the morning. You rub your eyes and reach for the phone on the coffee table in front of you, and when it blinks to life, it blinds you with the time and the new date.
June 10. 
“Ugh, put that away,” Hajime groaned as he turned away from the straining light on your phone, lolling his head to the other side against the couch cushion. You quickly slid it back onto the table, and then collapsed again against your boyfriend’s chest, hugging his middle tightly and digging your chin into his chest as you looked up at him with a wide smile.
“Happy birthday, Haji.” 
His eyes reopen slightly, and he angles his head toward the clock to view the time for himself: 12:05. 
He tucks his chin in so he meets your gaze and the sweet, tired smile on your face, and finds one of his own, tired yet tender, slowly propping up the apples of his cheeks. So that’s why you had been eyeing the clock, all for him and his silly birthday. Of course it would be you who remembers his birthday before he even does. You were sweet and thoughtful in that way.
“So that’s why you wanted to stay up a little longer, huh?” His tone is a faux annoyance for only a moment before his arm around your shoulders curls a little tighter in endearment, and he knocks his forehead against yours, gently and playfully, as you let out a short giggle at the gesture. “Thank you, baby.”
“What do you wish for?”
“To get some rest,” he yawned as he pulled away, going to sit up from the couch. 
“Why would you say that? Now it won’t come true!”
Your weight on his lap and arms now thrown around his neck anchored him to the couch. He gives you a deadpan look as a hand finds its way rubbing gently up and down your lower back, while the other slowly snakes itself under your legs.
“Oh, I’ll make it come true.” 
You squeal when he sits up and scoops you up in one swift motion, and you throw your head back in quiet laughter as he walks the two of you to your bedroom. 
“Haji, you know, it's your birthday. I should be the one carrying you.”
He snorts, and shakes his head. “ It’s my birthday, right? I get to do what I want.” 
Sugawara was dejected when he realized he had to work on his birthday.
As if the universe was taunting him, this year it fell right on a Friday, just one day off from the weekend. 
If he were honest, however, it wasn’t too much of a bother. He mentally groaned about it the evening before and morning of, but all in all, his birthday was a fleeting thought in his mind. Work and everyday busyness replaced the thought with lesson plans and mental preparedness to handle a classroom of young children after an exhausting week. 
He hoped, at the very least, however, that you would recognize the oddness of the day, do a little something to acknowledge it. Maybe a small cake or a nice breakfast. Maybe a little present. Hell, just a small, intimate murmur of a happy birthday accompanied with a sweet kiss would elevate his heart. Yet every time he looked on at you, you were preoccupied with preparing yourself for work, just as Suga was. No fancy breakfast was prepared, no gift sat on the table by the door, and the only kiss he was able to snag was a hurried one on the cheek as you wished him a good day, and headed out the door and into your car. 
So Suga’s birthday was not off to a great start. 
But again, it’s only a birthday. He almost feels a little dumb, getting all worked up over it, especially as an adult. So he makes the most out of the day as he always does with his kids and their lively attitudes, plus the wind down time and lack of work reserved for Friday’s brightens his special day from the dejected morning he experienced earlier.
Little did your boyfriend know of the plans you had in store for him.
As humble as Sugawara attempted to be about his birthday, you knew that he liked having it acknowledged. He was appreciative of any and all kind birthday gestures, from simple greetings to thoughtful presents. And you wanted your present for him to be thoughtful. Memorable. Surprising, exciting, and able to convey the sheer amount of affection you hold for him, though you doubted that any gesture could entirely convey such a thing. But your mission this year was to sure try.
You had taken the day off to get everything under way. Pick up a nice cake you ordered a few days before, with Suga’s favorite flavor of icing and batter, along with a neat and heartfelt Happy Birthday written on top in cursive. 
Once the cake was tucked away in your fridge, your next stop was a party store. Perhaps you may have overdone it with the decorations, you had thought to yourself when you examined your two (full) shopping bags as you walked back to your car, but there was just so much to choose from, and you were sure Suga would like it all! Banners, balloons of impressive and wacky sizes and shapes, streamers, confetti, party poppers; you couldn’t pass up a single thing, not when you imagined his enthusiasm over each one. 
Your final stop was for restocking on foods and drinks. Besides the cake, you bought a couple of bottles of fancy alcohol (the one’s he’ll often eye and make fun of how posh they sound), a couple of his favorite snacks and beverages, and the like. 
By the time Suga arrived home from work, he’s exhausted, yet somehow invigorated by the idea of seeing you. He lets himself into the house with his key, letting out a tired I’m home, heart picking up when he spots your shoes neatly organized in the genkan, and joins his own beside them as he pads further into your home toward an alluring smell. 
The light is low in your living room. It’s enveloped in a yellow glow compared to the blinding bright white that startles him awake and strains his tired eyes in the morning. The first thing that comes into his line of sight, besides you, already in comfortable clothing with your back turned and managing something on the table in front of you, is a neat and beautiful cake on the coffee table in front of your couch. 
Your living room is full of more animated color than usual; batches of balloons occupy the corners and a few are scattered, some hovering aimlessly, on your floor. A Happy Birthday banner hangs from above the threshold into the room. Suga, once the initial shock and surprise wore off and was able to fully comprehend that it was all for him, felt that he may burst into tears. 
You hurriedly turned around upon sensing a new presence in the living room, and gasped when it was none other than your boyfriend, briefcase in hand, and staring dumbfounded at you and the sight of your decorated living room.
“Ko! I didn’t expect you to be home this soon!”
“Traffic was sparse.” He managed to get out past the lump in throat, but once he realized how stupid he appeared, he shook his head in an attempt to feign nonchalance. “So! What is, uh…what’s all this?” 
Your brows shot up, and you gave him an exasperated smile before walking over to him. “It was supposed to be a surprise,” you said slyly, wrapping your arms around his neck, with Suga immediately reciprocating with a hand to your back. “I was still setting up some stuff because I was under the impression that I still had some time before you came home.”
“Oh, so you wanted me to get stuck in traffic, is that it?” He teases in a faux annoyed tone, but it’s quickly betrayed by the smile that immediately stretches back over his face. 
“In this instance, yes!” You laughed, grinning yourself when he began to pepper kisses all over your neck and face, curling his arm around your waist to keep you secure against him. You laughed breathlessly through the assault, attempting to push away the ticklish sensation. But Suga’s energy had just been replenished fully, and his heart elevated the highest it ever could. 
“It’s perfect, all of it. Thank you.” he halts his assault to mutter against your skin through his lovesick smile, and it brings a grin to your own lips as you bring him in for one final kiss on his lips, one he immediately attempts to deepen. 
“Okay, okay,” you laugh as you pull away when he whines and chases after your lips. “Now that you’re here, let’s sing!”
He laughs too, letting you drag him further into your living room, abandoning his briefcase by the wall as he sat himself down on your couch, and you came over with the lighter you were previously fiddling with to light the candles on the small cake. 
All he could think about as you sang to him enthusiastically was how giddy he felt, and how lucky he was that he was spending his birthday in such a manner with you. And when he blew out his candles, the wish at the forefront of his mind was to spend many more birthdays with you in this manner
(and maybe a new car). 
Even as you shooed him into the bathroom to change into more comfortable clothes as you cut yourselves slices to enjoy by the TV, and afterward retreated to bed, he muttered, “I’m still mad that you tricked me, by the way.” as the two of you closed your eyes.
Which earned him a swat to the chest. 
Shoyo absolutely cannot deny the fact that he’s had a great birthday since the moment the sun rose in the sky.
His special day began with an influx of texts and calls from family and friends to wish him a happy birthday, and use the opportunity to catch up with him. Nearly every moment of his morning was taken up by a different phone call that he took as he prepared himself for the training he had that day. When he arrived at the training center, his team immediately pounced on him, greeting him with enthusiastic cheers and a round of singing. 
And while he can almost say his birthday was perfect, with all the texts and calls he received and the thoughtful birthday treatment, his one and only regret was the fact that you weren’t there to celebrate with him.
His birthday this year happened to coincide with travel for upcoming tournaments, which unfortunately meant that you wouldn’t be celebrating alongside him in person. But just because you weren’t there in the flesh to hug him tight and sing loudly in his ear, it didn’t prevent you in the slightest from doing whatever you could virtually to make him feel good on his special day. 
At least, he had hoped it wouldn’t.
He had picked up your call eagerly on the day of his birthday, and grinned from ear to ear as you sang to him loudly and exaggeratedly. When you finished your song and exchanged all your morning pleasantries, to his absolute dejectment, you had informed Shoyo with a guilty tone that you would be unable to call or text for the majority of the day. 
“I’m sorry, Sho, something suddenly came up for work, and I’m going to be swamped. I’ll call you tonight, I promise!”
The disappointment he felt was tremendous, yet he easily covered it up with an understanding nod and reassuring words that he’d stay up to catch your call. It wasn’t like he was really expecting your schedule to be free the entire day so he can call and text whenever. Besides, he was miles away from you; it would be selfish for him to expect that your schedule would be all free for him when his wasn’t. 
So Shoyo made the most out of his birthday without you, and there wasn’t a moment where he wasn’t grinning. Enjoying delicious meals, being on the receiving end of all sorts of enthusiasm,  excitement and birthday traditions from friends, family, colleagues and fans alike; each kind birthday gesture lifted his heart to Cloud 9. 
The day concluded, after practice in the training facility when the sun began to die out in the sky, with Shoyo’s team insisting that they treat him to a celebratory dinner at some nice restaurant with some excellent international cuisine, allowing him to get a small taste of home. And Shoyo’s stomach was starting to churn, and it wasn’t like he was about to pass up a free meal…
The company took cramped spots in a booth inside the restaurant, bringing a few spare chairs to form a full circle around the large, polished wooden table jutting out from the wall. The setting sun meant that there was still some time before the restaurant could anticipate a more busy dining area.
Shoyo was spoiled with trays of meat, bowls of rice, and all sorts of other cuisine that he sampled from the plates of his colleagues. By the time the sun had nearly fully disappeared beneath the horizon, each one of their appetites was satiated, full and content with their meals.
As if Shoyo’s birthday couldn’t get any better so late into the day, it was about to become complete in the most unexpected and perfect way imaginable. Though the team was full, they could spare the appetite for a dessert, the most fitting conclusion for a birthday: because what’s a birthday without a cake? 
Shoyo’s team accompanied him home with eager conversation, yet strange occasional whispers among themselves. Perhaps all the celebration was all a little too much? 
When they arrived in a large group by his front door, Shoyo took notice of poorly hidden sly smiles and eager eyes from the teammates across from him, exchanging them among themselves as he fiddled with his keys. 
He’s the first to step inside the dark room, calling out to nobody in particular an I’m home!, as was routine for him to do. His heart suddenly stops, however, when he hears a voice answer. 
“Welcome back!”
His teammates burst out into chuckles and giggles. “Ah, it looks like our dessert is here!” One of them nodded his head toward the living room. 
When Shoyo makes his way reluctantly further into his apartment, initially confused, his furrowed brows immediately relax when he turns on the overhead light, and he feels as though the breath had been stolen from his lungs and hitched in his throat. 
At first, he thinks that perhaps he’s gotten a little homesick being without you, his special person, on his special day. He’d been thinking of you in intervals at every peak of his day. Surely now his exhaustion is crashing down on him, making him see things?
But your eager grin and short laughter as you took in his shocked expression tells him otherwise. You were here, in the flesh, standing right before him--
He all too suddenly finds himself squeezing you tight in his arms, and you immediately reciprocate with one hand coming around his neck, collective aww’s and teasing ew’s going round at the affectionate sight.
“Hold on there, Shoyo, the cake!” 
He quickly steps away when he suddenly feels an object collide gently with his side, and he only partially lets you go as he steps back to look at a box you were holding in your other hand. You grinned at him. 
He doesn’t dare let go of your hand even when you set the cake down and urge him to take a seat on his couch, taking an electronic candle you had bought on your way to his apartment and placing it at the very center. His entire team begins to sing to him once more as they crowd around him on the couch and around the table, this time with you joining in standing beside him, and his smile feels almost painful with the way it doesn’t falter for a second. 
When the song ends, a round of cheers go around the table, and you remove the candle to place it in a napkin. You turn toward each other, and you place a hand on his shoulder as you lean down to give him a kiss on his temple and mumble a more quiet, personal happy birthday. 
And just as he was about to lean over to capture your lips in an enthusiastic kiss, let thank you after thank you fall from his lips for such a grand surprise, all for him, you grabbed hold of his head, turned it back toward the cake, and shoved his face right into the center of it. 
Gasps and cheers alike went around the table, and the rest of his team laughed at the bold and sudden gesture. He could hear your own soft laughter as his face gradually emerged from the cake, and the shrills and hollers from his teammates grew louder as they took in the sight of the icing and chunks of cake sticking to various sides. They continued to bark out laughter as he wiped the chunks away from his eyes, staring at them on his fingertips before turning toward you, hiding a smile behind your hand as you mouthed over it an I'm sorry.
Shoyo rose silently halfway from his seat, leaned over toward you, and before anyone could properly call on what he was about to do, smeared the cake on his hands onto your own face, and a new wave of audible surprise and amusement went around the table.
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?”
“I hear you, Shoyo,” one of his teammates hovered over his seat as he took a large chunk of the cake with his bare hands, and immediately smeared it onto his colleague beside him. “You look better like this, anyway.”
The table erupted into chaos, with the remainder of the unassualted teammates running away from the assault. 
“Quick, scatter, before they get us too!” 
“Oh, you aren’t escaping that easily!” 
Running, breathless laughter, and shrills of alarm rang out in a chaotic symphony throughout the apartment, but amidst the chaos, only you and Shoyo remained by the couch side by side, hunched over laughing at each other’s ruined faces. Despite the ruined cake, the madness in his home, and the icing running down your faces, Shoyo’s heart thrums with love and happiness, and he steps forward to cup your cool cheeks and halt your giggles by capturing your lips in a deep and (literally) sweet kiss. 
Now, perhaps, Shoyo could say his birthday was perfect.
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return to masterlist.
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xomakara · 1 year
It Started With a Kiss
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SUMMARY |  You always spend your birthdays with DoJaeJung since your birthdays all land in the same month. After being friends and fuckbuddies with them for the longest, you're finally ready to have all three of them as your birthday present. PAIRINGS | DoJaeJung/Fem!Reader GENRE |  filthy smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, slight dom/sub theme, oral sex, fingering, mouth stuffing, anal play, pet names, foursome(?) RATING |  Mature LENGTH |  6,277 words AUTHOR’S NOTE |  This was also sitting in my computer waiting to be uploaded LOL. I don't even know if I would call this a foursome...maybe? IDK, i normally write one on one smut so this was a bit of a challenge for me. Hope it turned okay.
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February 28 – Your Birthday
It was a quiet day until a knock sounded on your front door as you opened it to reveal Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo. You frowned, the three NCT members making their way into your apartment, taking off their shoes and sliding their feet into the slippers that were reserved for them whenever they came over. You watched as they made their way towards your kitchen, the oldest of them pulling out a barstool from the counter island and the younger of the three opening the cabinet to pull out four coffee cups and start up the coffee maker.
“Not even a simple hi or anything?” You mumbled, watching them.
“Hi,” Jaehyun gives you a small hug and kiss before making his way towards the other two.
“Hey, Y/N.” Doyoung called out, patting the barstool next to him.
“Join us for some coffee.” Jungwoo gave you a mischievous grin. Why was he looking at you like that?
“Did we miss the memo that this is my apartment?” You muttered and shrugged, closing the door behind you, knowing full well that the other members of NCT would be knocking on your door sooner or later. No doubt with a large cake, balloons, and alcohol. “I’ll take tea instead, Jungwoo.”
You’ve been in the industry longer than any of the NCT members did and you thought it was your lucky day the moment that you met Doyoung. You remembered how he congratulated you on your comeback, made small talk about being fascinated that you were still active in the industry for such a long time. You met Jaehyun soon after while filming for a drama series, met Jungwoo while hosting a music show together, and then eventually you became friends with all of the members after running into each other in the apartment building where you all lived.
Once you found out that there were six NCT members that all had birthdays in February, Johnny had the smartest idea to celebrate everyone’s birthday all on one day. And it was decided that yours would be the day that they would celebrate it since you were the last one to have a February birthday and that it was the last day of the month, not including leap years.
Couldn’t you just have a simple birthday by yourself?
But then again, you always spent your birthdays alone before you met this bunch of chaotic men.
You had to admit that it was a nice change of pace even if you got annoyed by them every now and then.
You opened the door to the fridge and pulled out the container of coffee creamer and milk, putting them on the counter for whoever wanted what. It happened on most weeks when Doyoung, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, or DoJaeJung as you like to refer to them on most occasions, would come over to your apartment and hang out with you over coffee and TV. Out of all the members born in February, you had a closer relationship with them.
A more intimate friendship.
You had slept with Doyoung just once. You remember that first year where Johnny suggested that the February Gang celebrate everyone’s birthday on your birthday. You and Doyoung had snuck away from the party all tipsy and to avoid getting shit-faced drunk. You recall hanging out in Doyoung’s room, talking about random things, him leaning in and kissing you, you pulling at his clothes and before you knew it, you woke up in Doyoung’s bed the next morning. You remember the feel of his soft hands, the kisses on your body and you wanted a repeat of that.
You’ve never slept with Jungwoo as of yet. But you really, really wanted to. You accidently kissed Jungwoo during one of the music show shootings that you both hosted. It was meant to be a chaste kiss on the cheek but Jungwoo had suddenly turned his head and your lips landed on his. Since that day, Jungwoo would flirt and get handsy every chance he could get. Not that you would complain. His long fingers worked magic on your body.
You kissed Jaehyun because Mark dared you. You were at a party with the guys and one of the WayV guys decided truth and dare would be the perfect game to play. You knew it was just an excuse for the guys to try and attempt stuff with you or to hear your most crazy fantasies. So you decided to kiss Jaehyun not once, but twice, that night. One for the dare and the other because you really just wanted to kiss him. After the second kiss, Jaehyun made sure no one was around before dragging you to the bathroom and fucking you on the sink counter.
You’ve fucked Jaehyun the most.
He was just insatiable for you.
You never told them but you wanted to know how it would feel to have sex with all three of them. Would they agree to it? They obviously knew about each other but they’ve never disagreed about sharing you. Doyoung would hold your hands and kiss you on occasion, Jungwoo would get really handsy and Jaehyun always reached the limit of wanting to have sex with you. Even if the other two were in the room.
They seemed to be okay sharing you.
You stood next to Jaehyun, who handed you a mug filled with tea instead and brought it to your lips. The aromatic scent filled up your senses and you couldn’t help but sigh in contentment.
“What’s with that sigh?” Jaehyun asked, leaning against your counter as he watched you. “Sounds like you were quite satisfied.”
“Oh, shut up Jaehyun.” You mumbled, the male grinning from ear to ear. Doyoung had a smile on his face and began to sip his coffee from the comfort of your barstool. “I already know that I’m going to hate today. Please shoot me now.”
“Are you sure about that?” Jungwoo raised his eyebrows in a teasing manner. He was taking in your outfit−the short mini skirt, the too tight shirt that looked pretty sheer… were you even wearing a bra? “It’ll be a shame to see you go when you’re looking pretty sexy today.”
“I hate you, Kim Jungwoo.” You retorted, puffing out your cheeks.
Doyoung chuckled, noticing that Jaehyun had a smile on his face while watching you. What was he staring at? Looking in the same direction as Jaehyun, Doyoung coughed and looked away, gesturing to your outfit. “That’s short, Y/N.”
“Hmm?” You looked down at yourself and noticed that Doyoung was talking about the short mini skirt you had on. “What’s wrong with my skirt?”
“What’s not wrong with your skirt?” Jaehyun inputted as he looked you over once more. “You look fucking hot.”
“Please don’t change clothes on our account.” Jungwoo chuckled, watching as you flipped Jaehyun off.
Doyoung shrugged, refusing to look at your clothes. “I’m just saying. You’re going to be in an apartment filled with guys you know.”
“But it’s still my apartment. Plus, it’s my birthday. I get that Johnny wanted us all to celebrate today like we’ve been doing years already. But it’s still MY birthday. I still got to look good even though we’re just staying in.” You reminded him to which the older male nodded, muttering that he forgot. Feeling bold, you slid into Doyoung’s lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. “But Doyoung… Don’t you like the fact that it’s easy access to you know, fuck me?”
Doyoung raised an eyebrow. He was taken aback when you slid into his lap but when his hands laid on your hips, his eyes seemed to darken. “I’d rather have you wear that around us than the others.”
“Don’t pretend you don’t want to fuck me, you three.” You shrugged your shoulders at the three of them. You looked over to Jaehyun, noticing that he was staring intently at your blouse. “Tell me why we’re having the party at my place? We could’ve had it at one of your dorms. We all live in the same, damn building.”
“Our place is crowded with a crap load of stuff.” Jaehyun slowly teared his gaze away from your clothed upper body. “When you have loads of guys living together, it gets crowded even if we clean the place up.”
“Well the boys in the other dorm claim their apartment is clean but I doubt it.” Doyoung muttered, looking everywhere but at you. It was taking all the energy he had to not succumb to whatever emotions he was having. “Johnny thought it was a great idea to use your place. It’s just you in this big, humongous apartment.”
“Plus, I don’t think you want to find all the porn that’s probably scattered about the dorms.” Jungwoo inputted, grinning as you raised your fist at him. “I mean if you’d like to see our sexual preferences, be our guest.”
“I know all of Jaehyun’s kinky preferences, so I’m not worried.” You winked at Jaehyun. Giving Jungwoo a cheeky smile, you said, “What kind of kinks do you have Jungwoo? Show them to me?”
“Really?” Jaehyun chuckled, a finger running along your arm. “C’mon, Y/N. Today’s your birthday. Can’t you be nice for once?”
“I’m always nice!” You exclaimed, giving him a frown. “I’m so nice that I’m literally offering up myself to you three and you guys aren’t doing anything about it.”
Jaehyun raised his eyebrows, a small smile coming to his lips. “Tempting as that sounds…”
“Come on!” You whined, sliding off of Doyung’s lap. “Can’t we just tell the others that the party is cancelled because I just want to spend it with you three?”
“And do what, baby?” Jungwoo asked, his eyes looking your body up and down. “Did you just want to fuck?”
“Now, now, kitten. As much as I want to get my hands on you, it’ll have to wait.” Doyoung shook his head in amusement. Kitten? Why did it sound so sexy when he called you kitten? “Can you be a good girl for us? The others will be here any time soon.”
“We can discuss this later, princess.” Jaehyun nodded his head, leaning forward to kiss you. “And then we can reward you if you’ve been a good girl.”
“Okay…” You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest, the fabric of your shirt clinging to every curve of your body. It took forever for Jaehyun to tear his gaze away from you and when he did, he excused himself to use the restroom. 
Doyoung got up from his seat and turned to you, a curious look on his face. “You really want to have sex with all three of us?”
“Yeah…” You sang, looking at him. You bit your bottom lip. “I thought about this for a long time, Doyoung. I want you all to fuck me. That's my birthday wish.”
“Fuck, baby.” Jungwoo ran a hand through his hair. “You’re killing me over here.”
“Jungwoo…” You trailed off, your hands at the waistband of his jeans. “Please, please can I suck you off?”
“I thought we agreed that if you were a good girl for us, we’d reward you?” Jungwoo raised an eyebrow, looking down at your lustful face. “You’re not being very good right now, baby.”
Doyoung lightly pulled you away from Jungwoo, his hands coming to rest on your ass. “You’re absolutely wet for us, aren’t you kitten? Wearing next to nothing underneath that outfit.”
“How did you know what I was wearing underneath?”
He let out an amused sigh. “Who was the one that accidently sent me a text of that semi-nude pic that was meant for Jaehyun?”
“Shit, I forgot about that.” You cursed yourself and face-palmed your forehead. You looked at Doyoung and Jungwoo, your face stating the fact that you were indeed sleeping with Jaehyun on more than one account. “I’m so horny for you three. I don’t know if I could behave.”
“Yes you can, baby.” Jungwoo answered, his thumb caressing your top lip.
Doyoung grabbed his phone from his pocket and raised an eyebrow, his fingers flying over the screen. He looked at you and gestured to the front door. “I’m going to head out for a bit. Johnny just texted me and said he needs help carrying things over to your place. Come on Jungwoo.”
“Does he still need an extra hand to carry things?” You shook your head and followed the men to the front door. “There’s seventeen other guys and still need you to help him? What the hell did they buy? The whole store?”
“Knowing them, probably.” Doyoung shrugged, pulling on his shoes. He nodded back at your apartment. “Don’t be doing naughty things while I’m gone.”
“Be our good girl.” Jungwoo added.
“I’ll be good.” You answered, watching as they cackled, their backs retreating out of sight. You shook your head, closed the door behind you and turned towards the living room. At the same time, Jaehyun opened the bathroom door and looked around, trying to locate Doyoung and Jungwoo.
“Where did the other two go?” He asked, his face in confusion.
“They went to go help Johnny .” You replied, going up to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. “Something about needing help carrying things? I think the boys bought the whole store.”
“Well that can’t be helped.” Jaehyun chuckled, his hands coming to wrap around your waist. “I finally get to have you alone now.”
You chuckled, looking up at him softly. “Were you waiting for them to leave this whole time?”
Jaehyun eyed you over, his fingers teasingly touching your bare skin as he slid them up your shirt from your waist. “With that outfit on? I’ve been dying to take you here and now.”
“I’m supposed to be a good girl, though.” You replied, cupping his cheek. You stared at his deep dark orbs. “As much as I would love you to fuck the living daylights out of me, the boys will be here anytime soon. And I actually want you all to fuck me. But first I should change.”
“What? Why?” Jaehyun bit his lower lip. He followed you to your bedroom and paused when he noticed that you began to undress. “But you looked so good in that outfit.”
“Of course I did.” You gazed back at him as he took in the state of your undress. You were shrugging out of your shirt and threw a plaid buttoned down shirt over your shoulders. You left the buttons undone, a sheer bralette covering your assets.
“Is that my shirt you’re wearing?” Jaehyun questioned from behind you.
“Yep! You left it here a few days ago and I haven’t done laundry and your shirt was somewhat clean.” You replied, swinging the hem of his shirt about. “Does it look good on me?”
“That explains why I couldn’t find it this morning.” He leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms across his chest and had to admit that you looked damn good in his shirt. His eyes widened when he noticed your sheer bralette and the fact that his shirt was hanging loosely on your body. “That’s not exactly a bra Y/N. Were you being a little adventurous or something?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” You chuckled and turned to face him, the cool air hitting your naked skin that wasn’t covered by clothes. “And it’s still a bra Jaehyun. Although it doesn’t offer that much protection.”
“I’m just saying...” He chuckled, throwing his head back in laughter. “Like something as thin as that could contain those massive tits of yours. But I really, really like it.”
“You’re such an idiot, Jaehyun.” You chuckled along with him. “Why did you think I wore it today?”
Most girls would have normally covered themselves and screamed their heads off when a guy would catch them half-naked. This case was completely different since Doyoung, Jaehyun and Jungwoo often caught you changing and although it bothered them the first couple of times, they’ve gotten used to the fact that you often roam your apartment with little to no clothes on. 
One of the few perks of living alone you told them. You made some rules that since it was your apartment, you could be naked (or at least little clothed) from the waist up whenever you want, and that they should just get used to it. Jaehyun adapted quite well and so did the other two, but occasionally Doyoung would still blush when he would see you walking around in a bra.
“You gonna cover up?” Jaehyun asked as he reached your sides in a matter of seconds and took the sides of his shirts to start buttoning up the fabric. He slid one hand under the shirt you wore as he caressed your naked skin softly.
“I have no choice since you’re already buttoning it up. Don’t want the others to see my massive tits huh?” You teased him, watching as his eyes turned hazy with lust. Normally Jaehyun was the one to tease you non-stop but there were times when you got the upper hand. You started to undo the zipper to your short mini skirt and shimmied out of it, only to throw on some dark jeans. “Don’t you only want me for yourself?”
He studied you, his eyes scanning the sleek lines of your body. “I do want you for myself. But I see the way Doyoung and Jungwoo look at you.”
“Do you like them?”
“Of course I like them.” You turned to him. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. The looks they give you when you’re not looking. Doyoung has that kind and gentle nature, Jungwoo is mischievous just like you. And those smiles you give them. I don’t know what to think.” Jaehyun shook his head. He placed his hands on your shoulder, looking down at you, capturing your attention. “I know we’re not dating or anything so I can’t really tell you who you can or can’t fuck.”
“So you’re okay with sharing me?”
He nodded, cupping your face to make you look at him. “If you want to be shared, then anything for you, princess.”
“Noona! We’re here!”
“Y/N! Where do you want me to put the drinks?”
“Where’s your Bluetooth speaker at noona!?”
“Oh, the others are here.” Jaehyun pulled away and gave you a small smile. “Remember to be good if you want all of us, princess.”
You followed him out to the living room where it was crowded by all twenty members of NCT. When the boys saw you, they started to sing in celebration of your birthday. 
After a while, Doyoung and Jungwoo pulled Jaehyun to the side when they saw you conversing with Johnny and Ten. Doyoung looked at you in concern before looking at the younger man. “Are we sure we want to do this?”
“I’m totally fine with it,” Jaehyun answered.
“She’s been such a good girl for us, Doyoung.” Jungwoo said. “It’s her birthday and that’s probably what she wanted as a gift.”
“How did we all end up lusting after the same girl?” Doyoung asked, running a hand through his thick hair. “Not that I’m complaining. Thinking about fucking her with you two…sounds pretty hot.”
Jaehyun let out a chuckle before coming towards you. He turned to face you, only to plant a kiss on your forehead in front of the other NCT members. “Happy birthday, princess.”
Your eyes wide, you touched your forehead. “What was that for?”
“It’s your birthday. I think you deserve it.” Doyoung grinned as he joined the group.
You narrowed your eyes. “What are you guys planning?”
“Your after party.” Jungwoo whispered in your ear, silently motioning to you, him, Doyoung and Jaehyun. “You’ve been such a good girl and I think it’s time to reward you.”
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"Jungwoo, please..." 
You had your back to your bedroom door as you rode on Jungwoo’s thigh. You were both kissing, Jungwoo running a hand down your leg, his fingers slipping beneath the fabric of your shirt to meet with delectable skin. You were on fire, skin burning every time he brushed his fingers over your tantalizing flesh. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, your lips to his, your chest plastered against his. The magic was unbearable.
Doyoung and Jaehyun were still in your living room trying to shoo everyone out. The others were complaining, Mark mostly accusing the guys of wanting to fuck your brains out.
Jungwoo helped you shimmy off your jeans before he slipped a finger underneath your panties, and slid it against your already wet pussy. He teased, his thumb coming to rub your sweet spot, eliciting moans from you. You clutched his shoulders, your body arching against him, your head thrown back. You bit on your lower lip to keep from screaming out loud.
"You know you wanna scream, babe..." Jungwoo whispered against your ear, as he slipped his finger in you. “Scream so that Doyoung and Jaehyun can hear your pretty voice.”
You panted, Jungwoo’s finger slowly pumping into you. "Oh god, Jungwoo."
Jungwoo slowly removed his finger from your pussy, your juices covering his digit. He lifted his finger to his lips and in one long flick of his tongue, he tasted your sweetness.
"Baby, you taste good. Real good~" Jungwoo muttered.
"I was thinking..." You started as you went up to him and slid your hand down his chest, your fingers drawing his shirt up over his head.
Jungwoo looked oddly amused as he unbuttoned his jeans and helped you slide the fabric off. "You were thinking?"
"I was thinking about what I wanted you all to do to me tonight." You stood on your toes and kissed the side of his lips, hands sliding his boxers off. You then trailed your hands along your body, removing pieces of your own clothing one by one. "I wanna take charge tonight..."
"Is that what you want, babe?" Jungwoo asked, giving up as you pushed him towards the bed. The back of his legs hit the edge of the bed, his legs giving way as he suddenly sat on it.
You were aware that Doyoung and Jaehyun were finally in your bedroom. You heard the sound of clothes being removed and thrown around your bedroom. “Yeah. I want to suck your cock and then have you fuck me, Jungwoo. I want Doyoung to eat me out and then fuck my pussy. And I want Jaehyun to fuck my ass.”
“Fuck that’s hot.” Jaehyun muttered, leaning back against the wall as he watched you kneel in front of Jungwoo. Doyoung, still with his pants on, had sat in your vanity chair, his hand cupping his hard on. 
"Show me, Jungwoo. Teach me how to please you." You looked up at Jungwoo.
"Touch me, Y/N. Baby, touch me where it hurts the most." Jungwoo moaned out, his hands balled into fists at his sides as you let your hands slide down his tight belly to enclose his surging cock. Jungwoo stiffened involuntarily and inhaled sharply. His balled fists got tighter, his short nails digging into his palms. His eyes slipped closed in sweet agony.
But he didn't stop you or joined in the fun.
Jungwoo sat there unmoving and allowed you to examine, caress and toy with him to your heart's content. It was the strangest of emotions. He had to hand it to you, you never failed to surprise him. When he was with other girls, he had fucked in about every possible position known to man, but he had never done this. He had never sat bare-assed and unmoving while a beautiful naked young woman made him her own personal plaything, driving him out of his mind with her searching hands and incredible body.
Jungwoo let out a sigh of relief when your hands released him. Fighting the powerful impulse to drag you on the bed, take you and hammer forcefully into you, he bit the inside of his jaw when you scooted down his body.
He drew a sharp intake of air when you impulsively lowered your face and brushed a butterfly kiss to the smooth head of his penis. It jerked against your lips and you lifted your head.
"I could," you started, "lick my fingers and make you wet. Or, I could simply lick you wet with my tongue. Which one?"
His breath dangerously short, Jungwoo tried to speak, to tell you it wasn't necessary, that he felt wet already from your explorations. But he didn't say a word. More than anything he wanted to feel your lips and tongue on him. At the same time he was afraid he would cum if he allowed it.
Finally he said, "No, baby, I-"
But you didn't listen.
Delicately, taking great care not to hurt him, you bent to him, put out your tongue and licked lightly upward, all the way from the base to the tip. A great burst of air rushed out of Jungwoo’s tight lungs and he anxiously grabbed your arms and pulled you up.
"I thought you would like that," you said, your brown eyes afire.
"I do like it," he said. "Too much, in fact."
You smiled and laid a gentle hand on the hard flesh you had just licked. "Can I?"
"Go on," he croaked and placed nervous hands on your thighs.
"Watch to make sure I do it right." You said, your voice in a whisper.
"Fuck baby," he ground out.
Choking with sensual excitement, Jungwoo watched unblinking as you raised onto your knees on the bed to straddle him, wrapped a gentle hand around his rigid cock and carefully placed the tip just inside of you. You took your hand away and slowly, sensuously, lowered yourself onto him.
"Ahhh," Jungwoo groaned as he easily slid up into your warmth.
"Oh fuck, Jungwoo." She echoed his ecstasy.
Matching Jungwoo’s lust with your own, you gripped his ribs and began the erotic, rolling motion of your hips. Thrusting, you held him prisoner with your strong gripping thighs, pounded him with your rocking pelvis, punished him with your gyrating hips.
You could hear Jaehyun moaning and Doyoung’s soft gasps in the background as you continued to ride Jungwoo.
Loving it, loving you, Jungwoo reveled in this wild, uninhibited display of fierce sexual hunger. A deep, powerful hunger that matched his own and lifted him to new heights of carnal pleasure.
Flexing the muscles of his ass, driving rhythmically into you to meet each of your frenzied thrusts, Jungwoo watched you and was as excited by the sight as the feel of you. Your hair whipped around your face and shoulders, a damp lock clinging to your cheek. Your breasts, with their tightened nipples, danced and swayed with your sensual movements. And between your gripping thighs, the damped black curls were meshed with the black coils of his groin.
Such a powerful aphrodisiac.
"Jungwoo, Jungwoo..." You began to chant his name as you panted anxiously.
"Yes, baby," he groaned out, grateful your release was at hand, knowing that he couldn't last much longer.
"Oh, oh, oh!" You gasped as he gripped your thighs and speeded his movements, driving into you, triggering your deep and lingering orgasm. “Fuck!”
For several long seconds, you were lost in the throes of a shattering release, out of control, begging Jungwoo for an end to a joy so intense you could stand it no longer.
The fervent squeezing of your burning body took Jungwoo with you into paradise. His deep groans matched your whimpering cries as together you both attained the ultimate in ecstasy.
When it subsided, you sagged down onto Jungwoo's chest and fought to regain your lost breath. When finally your intermingled heartbeats slowed and he could breathe freely again, a happy Jungwoo grinned and teased, "Hmm... that was a good ride huh?"
You let out a laugh, eyes sparking with amusement. "The best ride of my life."
Jungwoo winked at you and turned your bodies towards the mattress, laying you on your back. "Ready for more fun? The night isn’t over yet, baby."
"Mmhm..." You moaned as Doyoung replaced Jungwoo’s spot. You hooked your legs around his waist, his cock getting big. 
“My turn now, kitten.” Doyoung latched his lips onto your nipple, suckling them, licking them, tugging at them. Your body was on fire again as you clutched at his shoulders tightly and looked into his lust filled eyes.
Suddenly and without warning, Doyoung bent his head down and kissed you. A kiss that captured your breath, weakened your knees, and caused a pulsing in your lower regions.
Your hands trailed up to his chest to link at the back of his neck. You tried to pull him closer but was startled when he cupped his hands around your buttocks, pressing so close that you could feel the length of his arousal.
Doyoung continued to ravage your lips. You tore your lips away and softly whispered, "I want you to go down on me, Doyoung."
He smirked, his hands at your waist so fast, so willing. “I can do that.”
He followed you, your lips kissing your mouth, trailing to your jaw, down your neck, your shoulders, the valley of vast skin above your breasts. Doyoung trailed kisses down your stomach, his hands spreading your legs further apart as his lips reached the springy dark curls guarding your sweet pussy. He sniffed the scent of you before slipping his middle finger into your wetness, his other hand creeping up along your body to cup your breasts, kneading them, grazing your swollen nipples. He watched your response as he thrusted his finger in and out of you. Your eyes were close, lips parted slightly, hands fisting the sheets.
“Ah... Doyoung...” Your moans escaped you. The feel of his hand on your breasts was wonderful but the feeling of his hand down on your pussy was magical. You couldn't explain what you were feeling, what he made you feel.
His finger still in you, Doyoung placed his mouth on your swollen, pulsing pussy, giving you great pleasure as he licked and laved, and gently tugged. He added another finger into you, thrusting a couple of times before removing them and replacing them with his mouth and tongue.
“Fuck, ah!” You yelled out as you felt his tongue. He slid his tongue into your warm, wet flesh and swirled it around, his mouth sucking, making you wetter. He felt you tense and he didn't want you to come just yet.
At least not without him.
Doyoung rose above you, positioning himself between your legs, his arms resting on the pillow beside your head. He gazed into your lust fogged eyes. “Are you ready for me, kitten?”
You glared at him. “Just hurry and fuck me, Doyoung.”
Understanding your meaning and chuckling, he lowered his rockhard cock into your sweet, succulent warmth. He stopped before burying himself the hilt, giving time to adjust to his size. He felt you squeezing your inner walls as he continued to stretch you, invade you.
Breathing heavily, Doyoung panted, “Fuck...”
You grasped his shoulders and bit his neck. It was all the permission he needed as he drove himself home, his length finally buried in your pussy. Doyoung retreated his cock out of you then slammed back in, only to repeat the process all over. There was a jolt of pleasure as his hips grinded against yours. You wrapped your legs around his waist, lips meeting for a kiss.
It was a heated kiss as he continued to thrust. You matched his movements, your hips moving to match his rhythm. Kissing his way to your breasts, he latched onto a nipple and you cried out, hugging his head to your chest. The pleasure was too much for you, that she tensed and cried out his name.
“Doyoung!” You climaxed, holding him in your arms. 
Doyoung felt you tense. He continued to thrust up in you, going in deeper, harder, faster. He heard you cry out, feeling your love juices leaking from your body. Then he thrusted into you one last time before spilling himself in you. 
Before making you his one and only.
He collapsed on you, head on your shoulders. Opening your eyes, you smiled. "I don't think I can move now...”
"I can't move either." Doyoung lifted himself on his elbows to look at you. He kissed your shoulders and then your lips. “But you still have to give Jaehyun what he wants, kitten.”
Doyoung moved to join Jungwoo who was sitting in the corner, watching with interest. Jungwoo was clearly geting off watching you fuck other men.
Jaehyun approached the bed, lips in a mischievous smile. “Fuck princess. Just watching Jungwoo and Doyoung fuck you hard like that, was hot.”
Jaehyun stared at you, his dark brown eyes gazing into your own. He imprisoned them, as he brought his lips down against yours. A jolt slammed through your entire nervous system, your eyes closed, and his lips began to move, thoroughly and possessively exploring each tender curve.
Jaehyun felt your lips soften involuntarily, felt your arms give way, your breasts coming to rest against his chest. One of his hands, which was holding your wrist, lightened its pressure at the same time his lips increased theirs. He deepened the kiss, his other hand shifting soothingly over your sides and hip. He slid the tip of his tongue along the crease of your lips, seeking entrance, insisting that they part, and when they finally did, his tongue plunged into the sweetness of your mouth and slowly withdrew, then plunged again in blatant imitation of the act he was beginning to crave with dangerous determination.
You  gasped beneath him, stiffening, and then suddenly all the tension poured through you. He was a lover now- ardent, persuasive, gentle, wanting. Tenderness overwhelmed you and, with a silent moan a helpless surrender, you curled your hand around his neck, lips moving on with awakening ardor.
Jaehyun’s mouth became more demanding, his tongue seeking, stroking, while his hand slid restlessly up your naked body, caressing your breast, then down again...
“All I wanted was to squeeze this nice round ass of yours,” He muttered as his hands slid down and around, closed over your bare ass; he kneaded, and heat raced across your skin. Fever followed, a hot urgent ache that swelled and grew as he evocatively plundered your mouth, as he held you close, lifted your hips against him, and suggestively molded your softness to the rigid line of his erection.
You moaned, hot, hungry, and wanting.
Wanton. Eager. Determined.
Your breaths mingled, heated and urgent; from beneath heavy lids, your eyes met, held.
Locked as he shifted his hand and touched you. Stroked and caressed, intimately traced. Your breasts rose and fell; your teeth closed on your lower lip as he opened you. As he teased, glorifying in the slick heat of your body, then slowly, deliberately, slid one long finger into your ass. Then he slipped another in with the first, thrust deeper, faster.
“Oh fuck, Jaehyun.”
He settled between your legs, spreading you wide. Removing his fingers, he shifted his position, caught one of your knees, and lifted your leg to his hip. Set it there, then traced back with his palm, around, until he found you slick and swollen, hot and ready.
And then he was pressing into you, hard, hot, and much larger than usual. Your lungs seized. You felt your body stretching, him pressing inexorably in.
Your body arched as he did, bowed, tightened, tensed against his invasion. You felt the restriction, felt the pressure build, but he didn't stop; he pressed deeper, deeper until he surged through to the hilt.
"Did you get bigger, Jaehyun?" You gasped. “Did seeing Jungwoo and Doyoung fuck me get you turned on?”
He chuckled and then he moved. He filled you, sank into your body, sheathed himself in your heat. You arched upward with loud moans. Stunning pleasures built inside you, gaining intensity...waited on the brink of passion as Jaehyun continued to thrust in you, harder, deeper, faster, skin slapping on skin. “Fuck princess…your ass is so tight. Look at how it’s squeezing my cock.”
"Dammit, Jaehyun!! More!" You screamed out.
"And?" He withdrew from you, the tip of his length just barely in you.
"Just fuck me hard, deep, and fast, Jaehyun!!" You exclaimed, nails digging into his shoulders. You wrapped your legs around his hips, bringing your pussy closer to his body. The action made him drive in deeper, faster and harder. He continued ramming into your ass, his fingers thrusting into your pussy, soon spilling his cum into your body. He still thrust into you, ever so slowly, riding his climax out to the end before slowly pulling out and collasping on you.
You both held each other in your arms, Jaehyun kissing your forehead, while you rained kisses on his chin.
"That…" You sighed as you burrowed yourself further into his arms, motioning for Jungwoo and Doyoung to join you on the bed. “...was the best sex I’ve had hands down.”
"Round two?" Jungwoo asked, stroking the side of your hips as he laid next to you.
"It depends. Are you willing to let me take charge again?" You asked, your eyes twinkling.
"If this means us getting to fuck like this again…" Doyoung muttered, kissing your temple.
You nudged him. "So that means you’re all okay with sharing me?"
Jaehyun’s laugh was deep and contagious. "Anything you want, princess. It’s yours."
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
a drabble of joel rolling a joint then holding it to my mouth to inhale plEASE goD I BEG YOU
anything for my dear Mya ♡
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A/N: baby gets what baby wants 😤 This was 100% self indulgent and I have nothing to be sorry for lol
~word count: 2.8k~
Summary: after a long day patrolling Jackson, Joel asks you to come over for a nightcap and a smoke. You eagerly agree.
Warnings: smut, fingering, praise kink, pet names, good girl, teasing, flirting, banter, sexual tension to the max level, Joel is an expert flirt, begging, paraphernalia, puff puff pass, mentions of drinking, doing drugs, dubious consent/consent under the influence, Joel and the reader almost get caught by Ellie, dirty talk, filth, NSFW, +18 minors dni!
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When your patrol partner; Joel Miller, asked if you wanted to come back to his place to have a nightcap and a smoke, your brain barely registered your lips moving at the lightning speed to immediately say yes to his generous invitation.
His brow raised in your direction when you eagerly responded to him. Albeit, it was an incredibly long day so he expected you to be more willing than if it were any other occasion.
Leaves crunched under your in-sync boot steps. The sun was beginning to set along the horizon, turning the sky into brilliant hues of dark purple, magenta, and orange. Fall sunsets were your favorite, especially with Halloween steadfast approaching. The air held a slight chill that had you wrapping your arms around your body, hugging yourself gently.
Joel chuckled at this and had half the mind to offer you his jacket; but he didn’t want to cross a line. He unlocked his door to his cozy abode that he shared with Ellie. You’d been in Joel’s home a handful of times but only in the daytime. Seeing it at night was a whole new experience. The fading sun casted warm shadows over the furniture that inhabited the living room. The sage green couch pushed up against the wall and it appeared to already be well-loved.
“Go on and make yourself at home. You wanna have anythin’ to drink? Got whiskey..and more whiskey..” he chuckled warmly as he hung up his coat and rifle along the back hook on the wall alongside the door.
You could see the muscles beneath his well-worn flannel clench with the mundane movement. Jesus Christ, you were screwed.
“I’ll have a splash of whiskey, thank you.” You bent down, unlacing your boots and set them alongside his before hanging up your coat. You sank down into the couch with a content sigh as he grabbed two glasses from the kitchen. “Hey, Joel? Is Ellie not in tonight?”
“Nah. She’s at Dina’s havin’ a sleepover. She’s practically livin’ there at this point. Nice girl, makes El happy and that’s all I really give a damn about, y’know?” He popped the cap off the bottle of whiskey with his teeth, pouring a decent glass for himself, and a little more than a splash for you.
“They’re really cute together. Never seen your kid smile that much, except when she’s around Dina.”
“Yeah tell me ‘bout it.” He gave you his signature grin as he sat down alongside you, knees bumping into each other as he handed you your glass. He lightly clinked his glass against yours before he took a hefty sip. “Jus’ nice that she’s gettin’ to live a normal life now. S’all I really ever wanted f’her.”
You gave him a little grin over the rim of your glass as they taped together. You took a generous sip, sinking further into the couch cushions. “She’s really lucky to have you, Joel.”
He chuckled as he set his glass alongside the coffee table before grabbing a tin box that rested comfortably inside one of the coffee table drawers. You casually watched him pull out a jar of weed, and some fresh rolling papers. “I think it’s honestly the other way around fo’me. I’m really lucky t’have her. You wanna roll this one, or do you want me to do it?” He looked over at you casually watching the way your lips rested along the rim of the glass.
“I actually don’t know how to roll..you wanna teach me? When’s the last time you even rolled a joint, old man.” You teasingly asked as you lightly shoved his shoulder.
“You ain’t ever rolled before? Well, my dear, you’re in luck because I happen to know how to roll some of the tightest joints your pretty eyes have ever had the pleasure of feasting upon.” He declared with a subtle wink. “I ain’t that old sweetheart. Don’t let the gray fool ya. Last time I rolled one of these babies was..come to think of it, can’t remember. Probably back in my college days. Tommy though? He never stopped.”
“Hmm. You think you still got it in you Miller?”
“Me? Absolutely. It’s like ridin’ a bike.” He laid the paper out as he leaned over the table, grabbing a few small nuggets of marijuana and sprinkled it onto the paper. “Y’know, I’m really surprised that you said yes to comin’ over tonight. Thought you hated me or somethin.’”
You took another swig from your glass, setting it alongside his. “Hate you? No. Not even close to hating you. You’re just intimidating at times, and sometimes I feel like I’m gonna say the wrong thing and piss you off or something.” You said with a nervous laugh crawling up from your throat.
“I’m intimidatin’? Who woulda thought.” He snorted under his breath. “I highly doubt you could say anythin’ t’me that would piss me off. I really enjoy your ramblin’ when we’re on patrol together. Makes the time go faster.”
“Yeah, man. You’re so fucking intimidating. Like a walking fucking fridge. Or a bear..either or. Phew! I totally thought my rambling annoyed the hell out of you.” You let out a sigh of relief.
“Did you really just fuckin’ call me a fridge? That’s a new one I’ve never heard of before. ‘Supposed to be a compliment? I’m serious, darlin. You’re extremely easy to talk to, and very easy on the eyes.” His smooth twang nearly had you jumping his bones right then and there, but you were afraid of crossing that line the same way that he was.
“Joel Miller, are you flirting with me right now?” Your tone was light, teasing but you couldn’t help but shamelessly check out his side profile as he was bent over the side of the coffee table, licking the paper with one broad stroke of his wet tongue.
Your thighs subconsciously clenched together.
“Absolutely. I am flirtin’ with ya. Want me to stop? Don’t wanna go and cross any boundaries or nothin’. I uh—just think you’re really attractive. Have thought that for a while.” He smoothly admitted as he rolled the paper inwards, sealing the marijuana inside with precise precision.
“How long are we talking here? No, I don’t want you to stop. Keep going, I am enjoying the flattery.” You lightly giggled. “It’s your lucky day, Miller. I find you to be painfully attractive.”
Joel couldn’t help but chuckle as he used the tip of his nail to pack the weed down. “Wow, look at us. Haven’t even started smokin’ and we’re already admittin’ dirty secrets? Well, aren’t we just naughty.”
“The naughtiest.” You agreed.
Joel reached over with the unlit joint between his fingertips as he placed it between your parted lips, letting it rest along the plush skin of your lower lip. “Hold that fo’me. Good girl.” He praised you as he grabbed his little box of lighters. “Ellie and I collected most of these from old gas stations and stores we’d come across. Amazin’ what you can find even in an apocalyptic world. Huh?”
You did as he said as you gingerly held the joint between your lips, reaching into the box of lighters to pick one out. You ended up picking the one that had red and orange flames licking up the side of the lighters cartridge. “Exactly, you never know what you’re gonna find out there.” You handed him the lighter, watching his eyes lock on yours as he lit the tip of the joint for you with a spark from the lighter.
“You wanna sit in my lap? Y’know—just uh cause it would be easier for us to pass it back and forth.” He boldly asked.
“Wow, you sly dog. That was bold, even for you Miller. You weren’t kidding when you told me to make myself at home, huh?” You took a deep inhale as the lit end burned a bright vibrant orange. You blew the smoke up towards the ceiling before placing the unlit end into Joel’s lips. You wasted no time to crawl in his lap, with your thighs on either side of his hips. The close proximity was already making your head deliciously spin.
“I don’t joke about those kinds of things darlin.’ M’very serious with this stuff.” His free hand found purchase around the skin where your ass meets your thigh as he took a long drag.
“Oh? What other things are you serious about Joel?” You replied with a soft hum.
“Mmm. Lots of things, darlin.’ Could always show ya, if you want.” He placed the joint back between your lips, his thumb lightly brushing along your lower lip in the process. “Goddammit. Those pretty lips of yours are doin’ somethin’ to’me. They look so fuckin’ pretty wrapped around that joint. Think you have it in your heart to spare this old man a kiss? Think I’ll end up dyin’ if I don’t get a taste.”
The first thought to spring to your mind was, ‘what the fuck is in this weed, and where can I get more of it.’ And, ‘holy fuck. Is this really about to happen?’ You took a long, deep drag, lightly blowing the smoke past his head before you reached behind you and set the joint down against the ashtray so you could drape your arms loosely around his neck. “You wanna kiss me Mr. Miller?” You cooed softly.
“I want to kiss you so fuckin’ bad babydoll. So bad.” He whispered smoothly.
The kiss started off as a light brushing of your lips before it turned into a proper one. Joel’s one hand stayed firmly wrapped around your thigh while the other was cradling the back of your head as he kissed you deeply. He swiped his tongue along the seam of your lips, and once you granted him access, his tongue soon tangled with yours. The kiss grew more fervent, heated, as the seconds ticked by.
“S’okay. We don’t gotta rush or anythin’, sugar. Just let the weed do all the talkin’ for us. Say, did I ever tell ya how fuckin’ gorgeous you are? Mmm. No? Well, I’m sayin’ it now. You’re goddamn stunnin.’” He mumbled hazily against your lips. “So fuckin’ pretty.”
Your fingers tangled in his soft tendrils of salt and pepper hair, tugging it gently as you scooted yourself further into his lap. The air was growing heavy with lust as your jeans began to feel ten times tighter now. “Joel.” You whispered between kisses, “can I take these off, please? Fucking dying in these things”
“You just lookin’ for an excuse to get naked in front of me? You don’t gotta ask, babydoll. Told ya to make yourself right at home.”
You reluctantly detached your lips from his, a string of saliva connected your lips for a moment before you were sitting up and popping the button off your jeans. You shimmied them down your thighs, and past your ankles, giving him just a little show as you tossed the denim to the floor.
His fingers brushed over the lower back tattoo that was etched beautifully in your skin. A heart with barbed wire, it was fitting. “This one of your college days choices?” His thumb brushed along the ink, eliciting a shudder to roll down your spine.
“Yeah, do you like it?”
“Fuckin’ love it.” He rasped, coaxing you back down into his lap gently. “C’mere.”
“You gonna touch me, or keep asking questions Miller?” You were kissing him once more, biting down on his lower lip and tugged it out before gently releasing it.
“Mmm. Someone is awfully eager. C’mon, be a good girl and ask me nicely.” He teased.
“Please fucking touch me Joel. Or I’ll do it my goddamn self.” You threatened.
That’s all it took for Joel Miller to slowly dip his fingers under the thin fabric of your panties. His broad middle and forefinger brushed between your slit, gathering up the pooling arousal between your sticky folds. “Fuck me. You’re so fuckin’ wet. This all fo’me? How generous of you honeypie. Such a sweet little wet cunt.” He hummed as his fingers rubbed tight circles against your clit, causing your back to arch up towards his touch like a magnet.
“Mhm. It’s all for you. I’ve been dreaming for this to finally happen. I’ve wanted you for so fucking long. I almost had me jumping your bones earlier.” Your lips parted as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Oh? Now you’re havin’ dreams about me, sweet girl? That’s cute. Didn’t know you had that much of a crush on me. Woulda made a serious move sooner if I had known.” He detached his lips from yours, swollen with your kisses as he peppered them down your jaw and throat. “Want me to play with ya a little? We’ll do whatever you wanna do. No pressure.”
“I want you to make me cum with your fingers alone. I want to see if they’re really as skilled as they look.”
Joel let out a low growl as he playfully nibbled on your skin, soothing the pain his teeth inflicted with his tongue. “Think I can easily handle that darlin.’ Why don’t ya grab that joint again while I fuck ya with my fingers. Wanna see your pretty face ride through the high.”
He used his thumb to push your panties to the side for easier access as his middle and forefinger lightly circled your tight went hole. You were wet enough for both of his fingers to slowly sink knuckle deep into your pussy. His fingers were inside you at a deliciously deep angle that already had you seeing stars as he curled them inwards.
“I knew you had a tight pussy, sweetheart. Didn’t know she was gonna be this fuckin’ tight. Fuck. Can you imagine how tight your little pussy is gonna be clenchin’ on my cock? Dunno if I’m even gonna fit baby.”
You struggled to reach behind you and slip the joint back between your fingers as his fingers pumped in and out of your tight wet walls with practiced ease. With a shaky exhale you placed the joint back between your lips taking a long, and deep inhale. “Another—another night Joel. I promise. Just keep going. Don’t stop.” You pleaded as your hips slowly rocked into his hand.
“That’s it. Nice n’slow fo’me now. Yeah, that’s it. Good girl. Good fuckin’ girl. Can feel ya clenchin’ down on my fingers, sweet thing.” He curled his fingers in a come hither motion while he used his thumb to lightly rub circles against your clit while you rode his hand.
The air was growing heady, musky as you moaned out his name through hazy smoke that circled your bodies like halos. The joint was placed between Joel’s lips as you continued to rock and roll your hips. Just when you were about to hit your high, tasting your impending orgasm on your tongue, the door lock jiggled and Joel was quickly throwing a blanket over your bodies as your hips stilled along his fingers.
An exhausted looking Ellie strode in through the front door. She didn’t even see you and Joel on the couch as she trudged up the steps to her room.
Joel let out a shaky breath of relief when she didn’t notice the filth taking place on the couch. Just to be safe, he brought his freehand against your mouth before he resumed the motions of his fingers. He kept the joint between his lips as his fingers pumped inside of you at an unforgiving pace.
“C’mon. You gonna cum all over my fingers, sweet girl? Gonna coat them fo’me? C’mon. I know you’re fuckin’ close.” S’okay. I gotcha.” He praised you softly as you let out a hushed sob against his hand that covered your mouth. Your hips stilled as he slowly slipped his fingers out with a boy-like grin.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You giggled, plucking the joint from between his lips to finish it off.
“Like what? Like the way a man knows he’s completely and utterly fucked? I thought you enjoyed that typa of thing darlin.’”
“Mmm. Yeah, you are most definitely fucked, Joel Miller. It’s alright. I am too. We’re both fucked.”
“In the best way possible.” He added on.
What was left of the joint was ashed out before Joel was cuddling up with you on the couch like the soft teddy bear he truly was.
“Do you think Ellie saw us when she came in?”
“Nah. She didn’t even look ova’here. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. She knows just how bad of a crush I’ve had on ya anyway.” He lightly kissed the curve of your spine as you were pressed against his chest.
“Oh, of course she did.” Your eyes fluttered shut gently as a small grin graced your features. High off Joel Miller, and his joint rolling skills; what a fantastic evening indeed.
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Tag list: @cavillscurls @sinsofsummers @morning-star-joy @cupofjoel @dinsdjrn @thetriumphantpanda @darkroastjoel @chaotic-mystery @korynnekorynne @kirsteng42
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delirious-donna · 3 months
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Tales From The Housekeeper [Extra Drabble]
story summary: Your best friend lets you crash at her place over the spring break since you have nowhere else to go. Little did you know that it isn't actually her place. Instead, it belongs to a tall (grumpy) hot guy who finds you in his apartment–her brother.
an: despite never being seen, the developing relationship between you and Kento has been witnessed up close. Mrs McGarden has been Nanami's cleaner for many years and she knows in her heart what is happening within the walls of the apartment... a little diary that I thought was a fun idea.
warning: none, SFW, fluff and humour
Series Masterlist
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𝓜𝓻𝓼 𝓜𝓬𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷’𝓼 𝓒𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓛𝓸𝓰
𝓒𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓮: Nanami Kento 
𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓼: general tidying, kitchen deep cleaned once a week and trash to be removed, vacuum and mop every other day, windows on a Friday, ad hoc jobs as and when 
𝓒𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼: very polite, young professional man, values his privacy, has a younger sister who has been known to visit unexpectedly (she has her own key for the door, keycard for the elevator and the passcodes), sister aside it is unusual for others to be visiting. Enjoys homemade bread and good coffee (reminder to bring by baked goods every now and then – especially banana bread and caramel pecan muffins) 
𝓢𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼: steer clear of anything overly floral, prefers subtle scents that evoke a sense of cleanliness, use Tom Ford Ébène Fumé reed diffuser in the master bedroom 
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No incidents to report. Apartment was empty on entry. Kitchen deep cleaned, skirting boards and cupboard doors included. Trash emptied. Took receipt of laundered items – left on master bed as requested. Replaced diffusers in living room and both bathrooms. 
Strange phone call from Miss Nanami, client’s younger sister. I… I don’t know how to feel about it all. Over the years of my employment, I have grown very fond of Mr Nanami and whilst I do not see him most of the times I am here, on the occasions we do cross paths, he is always courteous and easy to converse with. That being said, I am not sure if I wish to be a part of the scheme she has proposed. I will have to think on it this evening, perhaps I will run it past Mr McGarden to see what he thinks of it all… 
Oh, before I forget. No other incidents to report. Linens from the beds stripped and remade with new sheets. All floors hoovered or mopped as planned. Plants watered. 
I don’t know if my conscious will hold out, but I have decided that I could not ignore the plight of Miss Karin’s friend. What kind of woman would I be if I were not to allow a young woman a safe place to stay? I’ll be honest, Miss Karin was extremely persuasive… she would make an excellent lawyer. All I have to do is act oblivious if asked, which should not be a problem given the upcoming business trip. It might be nice to have a feminine presence in the apartment, and I can remove all trace of her before Mr Nanami returns, of that I am certain. 
One broken coffee mug (I expect my clumsiness was a result of my slightly frayed nerves) and I have left a note with the promise of replacing it. Couch cushions fluffed, blankets refolded and the ceiling fan and other hard to reach areas dusted. Counters sprayed down with disinfectant. List made for tomorrow – operation deep clean. 
If I listed everything here it would take me an age. Suffice it to say the apartment is spotless, and I have left a Tupperware box of fruit scones for Mr Nanami to take away with him on his trip (my guilty conscious acting again and Mr McGarden was rather upset that there were no leftovers for him). Funny that I didn’t see his luggage out of the closet yet, perhaps he is packing last minute. I am both nervous and excited. I feel like a co-conspirator of some awful heist! 
I am a nervous wreck… I barely slept last night and found myself starting work far earlier than normal simply because I couldn’t relax. All last-minute details straightened out. Mr Nanami had left for work or the airport by the time I arrived. Unusually there were some leftovers from the previous evening left out – a crystal tumbler with a hint of whisky in the bottom and a bowl with the stems of grapes. It’s not like him to not pick up after himself but maybe he was in a rush. I left as quickly as I could, not wishing to startle the poor girl who would be staying in the apartment. This is going to be fine, right? Oh, dear lord, what have I let myself in for… 
If I avoid being fired it will be a miracle. From what I’ve heard there was a mix-up and now Mr Nanami knows of his sister’s scheme and apparently, she might have thrown me under the bus too. I will be having words with her as soon as she deems to answer my calls, the little madam. I caught the barest glimpse of the guest this morning as she was heading into her room, she smiled and I got the sense that despite the confusion, she is happy to be here. 
Mr Nanami, on the other hand, had less to say to me than I thought. He asked if I had known about Miss Karin’s plan and I couldn’t play dumb, not under his gaze. The man can be intimidating without really trying and I hope to goodness he hasn’t scared the poor woman. Rather than react with anger, he simply tightened his jaw and gave a firm nod. There is something different about him, I’m not sure what makes me say that, call it woman’s intuition. I am on reduced hours until his guest leaves and I can only hope he doesn’t reconsider my offer of resignation. I really would miss him as a client. 
There is something brewing here, I can feel it. What I claimed as woman’s intuition is now so much more. Mr Nanami is more relaxed than I have ever seen him, and he wears it well. It is nice to see him looking less tired, his eyes are brighter, and I would swear he smiles more frequently. His companion is doing wonders for his mood and no wonder, she is such a lovely young thing. Very intelligent, witty, and most importantly, she doesn’t let anyone walk over her. We have chatted once or twice but only for a minute. I like her, and I don’t believe I am alone in that sentiment. 
I keep forgetting to detail my tasks, I would forget my head if it weren’t screwed on as Mr McGarden likes to remind me. Linens changed. Laundry ordered for collection on Monday morning. Floors cleaned. Mug replaced from last week. Plants watered and pruned. 
Oh, my days. I don’t know what to think. The atmosphere continues to change every time I visit. Today it seems the two of them have ventured to the National Museum together. Would one consider that a date? Maybe I am reading into things too much. Too many Mills and Boon novels in my nightstand. He deserves happiness. Money can only afford so much. I’ve worked for Mr Nanami long enough to want to see him settle and be happy. I dare not get my hopes up but it’s impossible when I witness these furtive little glances between them. It’s also rather funny how they seem to fall silent whenever I am within earshot. It reminds me of my courting days… 
Living area straightened, a dog-eared book found down the side of the couch cushions, and I doubt it belongs to Mr Nanami. His bookshelves are stuffed full, but each book is in pristine, unread condition. The man simply does not have time for reading. Maybe they will change. Floors cleaned. I can’t help but notice that the apartment feels far more lived in than it ever has. Diffuser changed in the master bedroom. 
She left. I don’t know what else to say. The apartment is a mess, well, as messy as I’ve ever seen it. Decorative ribbon on the living room floor, a half empty bottle of whisky on the kitchen island, two mugs unused but set out… Mr Nanami refuses to speak to me, refuses to even meet my eye. I’d take it for anger if I didn’t know better. There is guilt in his gaze. Whatever happened yesterday, he won’t be drawn on the matter. I’ve thought to call Miss Karin but is it my place? Never have I seen the man so dishevelled and utterly miserable. I suspect he hasn’t bathed as I can smell the lingering alcohol when he slouches past. I don’t like this. I should have never meddled in his affairs. Just when I thought he might have found someone to brighten his days… oh, it’s such a mess. 
Kitchen disinfected, dishwasher emptied and reloaded. Living area tidied except for the ribbon which I dare not touch. Bedrooms… the guest room is barren and sad. Mr Nanami prevented me from stripping the linens, in fact, he practically shooed me from the room. Bathrooms cleaned. There is a lump in my throat as I write this. I wish I had never been a part of any of this, not when it has seemingly ended so disastrously. What shall I do? I suppose that nothing would be the best answer, it is not my business to meddle in. 
No one was home. I worry that Mr Nanami is not eating, there is very little trash and no leftovers in the fridge. I couldn’t help but peek inside the bedroom next to his and I found it exactly as it had been the last time I was here. The sheets are made but the ruffles show the clear form of a body huddled atop the bed. I’m not sure if it’s from the poor girl or if Mr Nanami has taken to sleeping in here. A sadness remains and I’ve taken to completing my tasks as quickly as possible to escape the gloom. If things have not improved over the weekend… perhaps I can offer a friendly ear? I doubt he would accept the offer, but I can’t continue on like this and feeling partly responsible. 
Windows washed. Floors cleaned. Empty liquor bottles taken out for recycling… he never normally drinks this heavily.  
I was running late today, and of all the days to fall behind. It must be serendipitous! The key was barely in the lock when my phone rang from the depths of my bag. Lo and behold… Miss Karin had finally returned my calls. I was halfway through giving her a mouthful when she cut me off with seven words that I will remember for years to come.  
He left work to go find her. 
I’m in shock. Never have I known Mr Nanami to leave work before the day was done. In fact, he often worked far later than he needed to just to stay ahead of the competition. There was something in Miss Karin’s voice, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but she knows more than she was letting on. I could have cried on the spot. 
Linens changed although I have again left the guest bedroom. Kitchen deep cleaned. Plants watered and pruned. Dusting done. I took the liberty of baking some bread whilst I was here. The sun was long down by the time I left. I guess I lingered in the hopes of maybe seeing them both, but it wasn’t to be. There is hope in my heart once more and I will nurture it. Mr McGarden picked me up this evening and listened to me on the drive home. He told me about a saying from the country he was born and raised in… ‘whits fur ye’ll no go by ye’, which means what is for you will not go by you and I believe that in my heart. 
There will be a happy ending, or I will eat my hat! 
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alisonsfics · 9 months
high school reunion date
pairing: tony dinozzo x reader
summary: last minute, tony ends up as your date to your high school reunion. old foes from high school make you feel bad about yourself, but tony is there to comfort you.
word count: 2.3k
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“So, I have some bad news.” Abby said. Her cautious expression told you how nervous she was. She was so worried you’d be mad at her.
“What do you mean? Is everything okay?” You asked her, concerned. She hesitated.
“You know how I said I would go with you to your high school reunion tomorrow? I got a call from my aunt, and she needs me to come over tomorrow night, so I can’t go. I’m so sorry.” She told you.
You calmed down once you realized no one had gotten hurt or anything. “Abby, that’s fine. Family stuff comes first. I get it.” You said, giving her an encouraging smile.
She pulled you into a hug. “Thank you so much for understanding. I was worried to tell you. I hate being a flake so much.” She rambled.
You giggled to yourself, wrapping your arms around her. “It’s okay, Abby. I promise.” You told her.
Gibbs came storming into the room. You looked over your shoulder at him. “Back to work, please. I need to talk to Abby.” He said. You nodded your head and hurried towards the door.
You headed to the break room before your desk. You were only halfway through your work day, and you were already tired. That could only mean one thing. Coffee.
You entered the break room and spotted Tony making himself a cup of coffee. You noticed two cups of coffee in front of him. “One of those days?” You teased him.
You hadn’t even seen Gibbs drink two cups of coffee at once, and he was a next level coffee addict.
“Actually, this one’s for you. I was gonna bring it to your desk. You seemed a little tired.” He said, turning and handing the cup to you.
You instantly felt your lips curve into a smile. It was hard for you to not smile around Tony. He made you feel like a giggly teenage girl.
“Thank you so much. You are a savior.” You said, graciously accepting the cup.
Then, an idea popped into your head.
“Do you have any plans tomorrow night?” You asked him, curiously. He cocked his head to the side. “You asking me on a date?” He teased you with a wink.
You playfully elbowed him. “My high school reunion is tomorrow night. Abby was supposed to go with me, but something came up. I am desperately in need of a date. I need someone I can talk to if it all gets too awkward. Please, Tony? There’ll be a bar, and I’ll pay for your drinks?” You tried to convince him.
Tony didn’t need much convincing.
“Calm down there, sweetheart. I’ll be there. You don’t need to convince me.” He said, stopping you from rambling. You felt your cheeks heat up at the affectionate nickname. He’d never called you sweetheart before.
“You’re the best.” You said, giving him a hug. He chuckled and wrapped his free arm around you.
“And what will you be wearing to this special occasion?” He said, jumping right back into teasingly flirting with you.
“A nice dress, and before you respond to that, remember how good of a right hook I have.” You said, innocently smiling back at him.
He nodded to himself, taking a step back. “Then, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said, smiling at you. He started to walk past you and leaned in towards you as he passed.
“I look forward to seeing you in that dress.” He whispered in your ear and then kept walking.
The butterflies that were in your stomach multiplied. You didn’t know how you were going to survive a whole evening with Tony.
Later the next night, you had just finished getting ready when you heard Tony knock on your door.
You grabbed your purse and headed for the door.
As you swung the door open, you were too busy admiring Tony to see the way his eyes raked down your body.
When your eyes finally met, you noticed that he was standing frozen still. “Wow, you weren’t kidding. It’s a really nice dress.” He said, unashamedly checking you out.
“You like it?” You asked, spinning around for him. If it was possible, his eyes got even wider.
“Let’s just say I’m happy Abby backed out.” He said, smirking at you. He held his arm out for you to grab and led you to his car.
Like a true gentleman, he opened the car door for you and then walked around to the drivers side.
“So what’s the deal tonight? Am I just your friend from work who's tagging along or am I acting as your boyfriend to make someone jealous?” He asked you.
“Just my friend from work. So you’ll have to keep the ogling to a minimum.” You said, letting him know you’d seen him staring.
“That might be a challenge, but I’ll try my best.” He replied.
You both walked into the reception hall at the hotel where the reunion was being held. You immediately started recognizing faces.
Tony looked over at you, waiting to follow your lead. “I’m going to need a drink for this.” You said, taking a deep breath.
As if on cue, the most popular girl in school came over to you. Mindy was the most judgmental and backstabbing person you’d ever met. You avoided her throughout all of high school, and you planned to continue doing that.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you. I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” She said, looking Tony up and down.
“Mindy, this is Tony. He’s just a friend.” You said, introducing the two of them. Tony stuck his hand out and shook hers politely. He immediately noticed the tension between the two of you.
“Oh, you don’t have a boyfriend? I guess nothing’s changed since high school,” she said, hiding behind a fake laugh.
You clenched your jaw and felt your body tense up. Then, you felt Tony’s hand on the small of your back.
“I will go get you that drink.” He leaned in and whispered in your ear.
Mindy watched as Tony walked away. “So, what’s Tony’s deal?” She asked, with a sly smile. You felt your stomach churn.
“Not looking to date,” you lied, protectively. The idea of Mindy hitting on Tony made you feel sick to your stomach.
Mindy picked up on how much it bothered you. “Maybe I’ll just have to convince him.” She mentioned.
“Is divorce number four even finalized yet, Mindy?” You asked, cocking your head to the side.
One way you had changed since high school is now you were used to carrying a gun. That meant that standing up to a high school bully didn’t phase you.
“Always looking for number five though. Tony’s not too bad on the eyes either.” She continued. You dug your nails into the palm of your hand.
“Not sure that rude women are his type,” you said, walking away towards the bar where Tony was.
You saw Tony waiting for your drinks, and he was talking to the man standing next to him. You wondered why the man looked so familiar. You assumed it was some acquaintance from high school.
Tony saw you approaching out of the corner of his eye. He turned to face you. “Speaking of, here’s my date for the evening.” He said, gesturing towards you.
The man turned to look in your direction. You met his gaze, and you realized why you knew him. It was your ex-boyfriend, Derek.
“We actually know each other already. It’s nice to see you.” He said, his eyes raking down your body.
“Ahh, ex-boyfriend?” Tony asked, putting two and two together. You slowly nodded your head.
So far, your evening sucked. You had run into the two people you didn’t want to talk to or ever see again.
Without really thinking it through, you wrapped your arm around Tony’s waist. For once, you wanted to make someone jealous. You wanted to show him how far you had moved on.
Being partners meant Tony knew how to read your mind in any situation. He quickly picked up on what you were doing.
“I guess that makes this a little awkward.” He quipped, grabbing your waist and pulling you in closer to him. He leaned over to you and kissed your temple.
Not knowing what your plan was, Tony started to improvise. “If you don’t mind, I actually love this song,” he excused to the two of you, and started guiding you towards the dance floor.
“I didn’t think he’d be here.” You said, leaning over towards Tony.
“It’s fine. He seemed like an asshole anyway.” He said, rubbing his hand comfortingly on your back.
Tony wrapped his arms around your waist and started dancing with you. As soon as you started to relax in his grip, one of your friends from high school came up to you.
“Hey, it’s so good to see you. I was just talking to Derek. I didn’t know you had a new man in your life.” She said, smiling at you.
You put the fake smile back on your face. “Yep, this is Tony. We work together.” You said, introducing them.
She quickly excused herself because she spotted someone else she wanted to talk to.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes. You dropped Tony’s hand and headed for the exit. He was quickly following behind you, but you weren’t stopping for him.
You had had enough of people from high school being shocked at the idea of you having a boyfriend.
On top of that, you felt mortified that Tony was seeing their reactions. You were embarrassed, and you never wanted to be embarrassed in front of Tony.
You walked out the front doors of the hotel, hoping you had lost Tony in the crowd.
You heard his footsteps as he chased after you.
You wiped some tears off your cheeks. “I’m sorry I made you come to this stupid thing. This whole thing was a bad idea. I just want to go home.” You said, still too embarrassed to face him.
“Hang on, let’s just talk for a second” he said, grabbing your hand and spinning you around to face him.
You could see the worry in his eyes. Tony always did everything in his power to protect you. He had a vague idea as to why you were upset, but he knew there was something more to it.
“I shouldn’t have dragged you to this. This was all a mistake.” You said, looking up at him through tears. He cupped your face and wiped the tears off your cheeks.
“You don’t need to apologize for anything. I just want to know what’s making you upset and how to fix it.” He said, calmly.
Tony had never cared for anyone as much as he cared for you.
“I feel like everyone from high school is so successful. They’ve all gotten married and had kids, and they’re CEOs of companies. I don’t have any of that.” You ranted.
He brushed your hair out of your face. “You have so many successes. You aren’t less successful than any of those people. I’d say you’re more successful than all of them combined.” He tried to reassure you.
It didn’t help. You still felt like the girl that had nothing to say when asked what was new.
“You’re great at your job. You help save people everyday. You’ve saved my life more times than I can count. You’re generous and caring. All of your friends know they can rely on you to be there for them. Forget any of those people. Maybe they have fancy jobs, but they’re assholes. And you’re not, you’re amazing.” He said, grabbing both your hands.
You could feel the butterflies in your stomach as Tony looked at you. He was looking at you so intently you thought he could see into your soul.
You leaned your forehead against his shoulder. “I appreciate that you’re trying to cheer me up, but it just sucks that I can’t even pretend to have a boyfriend. Everyone we talked to looked so shocked at the idea of me having a boyfriend. And they’re right, because I haven’t had a boyfriend in years. I have to resort to making you pretend to be my boyfriend.” You rambled, still feeling self-conscious.
“What do you mean, pretend?” He joked, trying to get you to smile. The comment took you by surprise and a giggle slipped through your lips. “Tony,” you whined, still smirking.
“Just trying to make you smile, sweetheart,” he said, giving your hands a squeeze.
You noticed the twinkle in Tony’s eyes. You were mesmerized by him. You always were.
Tony always knew the right thing to say, and he always made sure you knew how much he cared about you.
“What if it wasn’t pretend?” You asked, your eyes locked on his. You could almost see the gears turning in his head. “What are you saying?” He asked, cautiously.
Before you could chicken out, you cupped Tony’s face and kissed him. He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you back.
You could taste the scotch on his lips as he kissed you. He pushed his weight against you and backed you up against the wall.
You let your hands move to cup the back of Tony’s head, tangling your fingers in his hair. Tony was toying with the fabric of your dress.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach. This was the last way you expected this evening to end.
You both pulled out of the kiss. “God, I really like you, which you clearly know now.” He confessed. You held on to the collar of his shirt, keeping him close to you.
“This is how I dreamed this night would go. You as my charming date, getting to show you off to everyone from high school.” You told him, smiling cheesily.
“What do you say we go back in there? Just us? We can dance and drink. We’ll just ignore anyone that you don’t want to talk to?” Tony suggested. You quickly nodded, and he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @supernaturalstilinski @stephv213 @warriormirkwood @one-sweet-gubler @narliesstuff @bibissparkles @happygirl-0408 @lizthewriter
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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aaakikoo · 4 months
random low effort Attack On Titan headcanons
-> I’m back from the long ass break lol, I’ll try to most more regularly <3
-> nothing is 18+ so everyone can interact, some of these could be a lil icky n they could give ur favs an ick but some r rlly sweet too <3
-> this a guy ver ill do a girl ver soon!
-> girl ver
listens to rap but fails to rap as fast as the rapper so it turns into him mumbling.😭
has a collection of funk pops
doesn’t have a mid, or bad but TERRIBLE spice tolerance.
thinks that his loud motorcycle is hot
his breath smells like onion sometimes
surprisingly doesn’t sweat alot
his fav colour is sage green and black
tries to act manly infront of mikasa but ends up looking stupid
argues with armin but when he proves him wrong he says “that’s exactly what I said!” 💀
doenst use sunscreen
tries to make food for armin and mikasa but fail so the trio end up making food together instead
lends armin his clothes
drinks jet black coffee every morning
his breath always smells like mint
has a collection of polo shirts
get sad/offended when he sees those tiktoks of ppl saying that blue eyes are scary.
listens to true crime on the daily
is very very organized like WAYYYY too organized, on his desk his pens, papers, clips etc are all sorted out in different containers, his clothes are washed and ironed perfectly in his closet with each drawer, his bathrooms smells so expensive all the time.
wears those shorts with longer black shorts underneath
has little/to no hair on his body expect his face
has a pet parrot
is allergic to dogs
this man has a collection of colognes but only used 3 of them.
also has a tie collection
unlike eren he only knows how to cook the basics, coffee, salads, pancakes, cereal, eggs and bacon, pasta & noodles.
he isn’t super organized but like to have control, I feel like he’d have an obsession with vacuuming especially the living room.
watched BEN 10 as a kid
Fav colour purple
smokes cigs, but only sometimes.
calls his car “his lady”
loves to paint/draw
he’d be one of those guys who wear shorts and a tank and no socks around the house (nun wrong w that)
hairy legs but no hair on his arms n chest??? 😭
asks to borrow ur Netflix
spam comments under his partners posts
loves frank ocean
surprisingly I feel like Connie would know how to bake and very responsible when it comes to that.
still has the hand writing of a 7 year old
has a collection of tote bags
has a silver piercing in his left ear
loves chunky belts and chunky silver rings
a huge fan of ariana grande
doesn’t like sea food
loves to watch reality tv and get involved in drama
a nice gym bro
doesn’t smoke but drinks on occasions like he really takes his chance
has fully loaded biceps
has 3 suits. Black, grey and navy and rotates between them.
has seen every show/movie on Netflix
black coffee everyday as well
loves to collect exotic types of tea
has a skincare routine of face wash, moisturizer and sunscreen
uses a bonnet when he sleeps
doesn’t eat meat
listens to rain ASMR when he can’t sleep
always has a bottle of water with him everywhere
his showers r 30 mins long
only wears suit pants
has a wallet with a pic of Hange in it
his fav cake is cheesecake but only eats it if the biscuit ratio is bigger than the cream cheese
loves red tulips
reads the news paper and listens to the radio everyday for 15 mins
eats only eggs and bacon with orange juice for breakfast
has a huge collection of suit shirts that he wears everyday
carries a small comb around
has a pen in his chest pocket
when he sees a good looking man he always admires them out loud
has 2 colognes that he rlly likes and wears
really good at cooking
tries to say Gen z slangs
a huge MJ fan
loves Sherlock Holmes
a hairy man
loves dogs
only uses sunscreen on his face
has a little bit of a sweet tooth
uses Vaseline all the time, he has a tub at his place, a tub in his office and a stick with him all the time
lactose intolerant
loves to rewatch his childhood shows/movies
loves salty things, actually he eats quite literally anything
scared of animals
has a fear of heights (??)
actually really great with kids
always rushes to the other side of the car to open the door for his lady
sucks ass at cooking
he is really strong but doesn’t have very good stamina
loves to play video games
very good at literature, wants to be an author (modern AU)
nut allergy
has long fingers
very shy and doesn’t really have an opinion on anything
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redhoodkisser · 7 months
a little more warmth
jason gets a day off and he decides to spend it with you! his lovely stay-at-home girlfriend!
warnings : none!
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The day finally came! He managed to convince Dick to take over his patrol for the day after countless times of begging him, and it paid off nicely. He was currently at the supermarket, grabbing two boxes of microwavable popcorn and your favourite snacks. He already had (almost) everything planned. He cleaned the apartment this morning while you slept, made breakfast, kept you company while you did some work, cuddled with you on his bed, ordered takeout, and it all came down to his final plan for you. It had to be perfect!
By the time he had everything picked out, his arms were full of every snack you liked. He was determined to make this night special for the two of you. To make up for the other nights they weren't able to enjoy together (because Bruce and Damian were all over his ass, scolding him for skipping out on patrol a few times to spend quality time with you.) They can’t blame Jason; he’s just a man in love with you, his lovely stay-at-home girlfriend. He was so excited to come home to you, to kiss you, hold you and watch a movie with you.
For whatever reason, the line was super long at the counter, and now he had to make you wait even longer. “C’mon, c’mon..” He muttered as he tapped his foot, checking his watch every 5 seconds and getting impatient at every second that passed by. Guess he just had to bear with it and wait as patiently as possible. As patiently as possible, he reminded himself.
After an hour of standing in line at the supermarket, he was finally back at his apartment with packed plastic bags in his hands. He saw you sitting on the couch, watching something by yourself, and he smiled as he took in the sight. “Hey, sweetness.” He greeted her, placing the packed plastic bags on the coffee table before her. “You up for movie night?” You looked up at him and saw that stupid grin he had on his face. He leaned in, planting a few soft kisses on your neck. You let out a small giggle, nodding at his question. “Of course, Jay. I’d never say no to you.”
“You pick the movie; I’ll microwave this for us.” He said as he picked up a smaller plastic bag that contained the two boxes of microwavable popcorn. “Okay! Make sure they’re still warm when you bring them here!” She yelled from the couch before grabbing the remote and pausing the cartoon she watched. She scrolled through the vast array of movies, trying to find one they could watch together. Horror? Nah, you’d only watch this on special occasions like Halloween; it isn’t something you’d watch on a movie night together. Romcoms? Tempting, but not for tonight. Fantasy? Also tempting, but she wanted something more.. cartoonish, like what she was watching earlier. She got bored of scrolling until she found the perfect movie for them to watch together.
Jason returned on time perfectly with one massive bowl of popcorn, drizzled with just the right amount of caramel from top to bottom. He sat down next to you, placing it on top of your lap, and you felt the warm feeling of the bowl against your skin. “Thank you, baby.” You thanked him, leaning in closer and planting a small kiss on his jaw. “You’re welcome, my lady. Now, what movie did you pick for us to watch?” He asked you before looking at the screen, letting out a groan.
“You’re kidding. Zootopia? That’s not romantic!” He complained. “I thought it was a perfect movie for us to watch! Plus, you told me I could pick.” You said with a slight frown on your face. He knew he couldn’t say no to you, so he let out a defeated sigh and just gave in. “Okay, okay. Anything for you, sweetheart. But next time, we’re watching sometime more romantic so I can distract you whilst watching it.” He teased you, watching your cheeks redden. You gave a gentle smack to his shoulder.
“Watch the movie, Jason.” You said as you pressed the ‘Play’ button, and the movie began playing. He smiled as he moved closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder.
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note : my back was killing me while i wrote this; gotta get out content for you guys 🏃 anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this! have a good day/night :)
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drabblesandimagines · 2 years
Good Days & Bad Days
Pairings: Sebastian/reader, Sebastian/farmer
Word count: 1,086
You’d got into the habit of waking a few minutes before your alarm clock. You guessed your circadian rhythm had finally synced itself to the early morning starts. You didn’t mind as long as it wasn’t ages before, but a few minutes was perfect as it meant to you could turn it off before it rang and woke up Sebastian.
It had taken your husband a few months to settle into your early morning routine when he moved onto the farm. He was much better at not going to bed late into the night, but it wasn’t necessary for him to join you at your 6am wake-up call so you did try your best not to disturb him too much when you got up. On occasion, he did get up to make you a coffee before sneaking back to bed but that was fine by you. Although the farm was large, you’d found a good routine to your mornings and you could get most of your everyday tasks done before 10am and have more of the afternoon for other things.
You turned off the alarm and crept out of bed, throwing on your dungarees as quietly as you could for the morning’s graft – you’d take a shower when you were done for the day. You’d checked the weather report the day before and it was meant to start off drizzling before heavy rain settled in early afternoon so you didn’t think any of the animals would be interested in leaving the comfort of the barn, but you’d at least give them the opportunity…
You returned to the house just after nine, calling it time for a coffee break. As you predicted, the animals seemed pretty cosy in their respective buildings and had shown no interest in leaving. You’d giving them all their morning pet – Sebastian had been amazed you could remember which ones you still needed to greet – milked the cows and collected the eggs, done a bit of weeding and got even harvested some vegetables. You had your eyes set on repairing some of the crumbling fence posts but you definitely needed a coffee before you started wielding a hammer.
You were surprised to see Sebastian wasn’t in the kitchen yet and you peeked through the door to see a lump in the bed, huddled under the covers.
You made two cups of coffee and carried them through to the bedroom, placing his mug carefully on his bedside table.
“Morning, sweetheart.” He greeted from underneath the covers, giving you a small fright as you thought he was sound asleep.
“Oh! Morning – I didn’t think you were awake yet. Coffee’s hot.”
“Mm.” He grunted in response, but he didn’t emerge.
“You okay in there?” You sat on the edge of the bed, clutching your own mug of coffee in your hands.
“I just… I just feel like sleeping today.” The lump in the cover mumbled.
“Oh, one of those days, huh?” You squeezed what you thought was a limb – not sure if it was a leg or an arm. “That’s okay, Seb. It’s gonna be a pretty miserable afternoon out there so I don’t think I’ll have a ton to do once that rolls in, but I can go into town and let you sleep.” Sebastian had been honest about his down days from the start of your relationship – they weren’t frequent and usually after some reassurance he had his day and the next was better.
His head popped out under the covers, well, enough to reveal his eyes at least under a mop of bedhead.
“I wouldn’t say no to you joining me back in bed.”
“Oh, yeah?” You smiled, “Hey, we could play video games in bed too, it’s been ages since we’ve done that.” A few months ago, on a trip to Zuzu City, you’d picked up a secondhand games console with some games that you could play as a two or four-player when Sam and Abigail had come round, and a copy of Frogger especially for Sebastian. On your return home, you’d dragged the TV right up to the edge of your bed, plugged in the console and you’d both gamed long into the evening. “And there’s pizza in the freezer. Only if you want to do all that, though.” You quickly added, realizing you’d gone off on a slight tangent of Sebastian’s bed day request.
“No, that sounds nice. Can we do that?”
“Of course we can, Seb. Whatever you want.” You took a big gulp of your coffee. “Mm, I’ll get all the important stuff done before this rain heads in and then take a shower, but then we can do whatever you want.”
“Thanks, sweetheart.”
You kissed his forehead as he stayed buried under the covers. “Go back to sleep if you want, don’t worry about the coffee.”
“Hmm. Are you saying that because you want another cup?”
“Shush, you! I’ll have you know this is my first, actually.” You took another big gulp, “Right, back to the grind. See you in a bit!”
A few hours later, you had showered and dressed in a clean pair of pyjamas and treated yourself to a mid-afternoon nap cuddled up with your husband. Early evening, you’d cooked the pizza and brought it back into bed – cheesy crumbs be damned - before setting up the television and games console at the end of it. It had started off as friendly competition at first, but now you found yourselves competitively nudging each other as you battled through Jumino Kart. You got slightly ahead at one point and suddenly a hand was held over your eyes, leaving you blind as you mashed the buttons in desperation.
You pulled his hand down, only to find he was now further ahead than you and soared past the checkpoint. The screen displayed “Player 1 wins!” and he stuck his tongue out at you as you folded your arms and glared.
“There’s no honour in a cheater’s victory.” You protested.
“Oh, and you blocking my view the last round was totally above board.”
“That’s my handicap as a newer Jumino Kart player.”
“Uh-huh…” Sebastian smirked, before he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down onto the bed onto his chest in a hug. “Thank you for today, sweetheart.”
“That’s okay, I enjoyed it too.” You cuddled into his chest. “I love you - good days and bad days.”
“I love you - good days and bad days,” he repeated, kissing you on top of your head.
PS: I'm taking requests! Check out my Requests post for further info <3
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god-complex-12 · 2 years
You’re Welcome
Pairing: [Ghost] Simon R. x reader
Pronouns: he/him
Fandom: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
Quote: “Atta boy. Go bite their heads off.”
Description: Valentines Day with ole Ghosty boy.
Disclaimer: Ghost is bbg.
Master list
Word count: 910
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Y/n held his breath as he slowly and carefully made his way down the hall. He smiled, giddiness filling his body as he couldn’t wait to see Simon’s reaction. He had made him a nice warm breakfast for him to wake up to. Y/n opened the door to their shared bedroom with his foot and closed it behind him.
When he walked in he saw Ghost standing up to get pants on. “What the hell are you doing?” Y/n asked, seriously.
“Getting dressed..”
“Go lay down before I throw this cup of hot coffee on you.” Y/n threatened.
Simon slowly pulled his legs out of the pants he had just tried to put on, and crawled back into bed. He stayed quiet as he waited for y/n’s approval.
“Good. Thank you. I made you breakfast in bed, love.” Y/n said with a smile, placing the tray of food in Simon’s lap. He then put the mug of coffee on the nightstand.
“Thank you, but why?” Simon asked, picking up the fork.
Y/n stared at Simon. “I’m sorry, what?”
“What’s the special occasion?” Simon asked, putting a bite of pancake in his mouth.
Y/n tried not to laugh. “No, reason. I just wanted to be nice.”
Simon gave the man a small smile. “Well, thank you. It’s good.”
Y/n chuckled in amusement as he got back in bed. “Tell me when you’re done, I’ll take your dishes.”
“I got to go out today. Me and Soap are gonna go over the next mission plans.” Ghost said.
Y/n smiled, a surprise waiting to make its way in plan when the intimidating man said he'd be out. “How long will you be out?” He said, picking up the now warm mug, and handing it to Simon.
“I should be back before 6. Is that alright?” Simon then downed the warm coffee, taking it all in multiple huge gulps, chugging the entire drink.
Y/n stared. No matter how many times he’s watched Ghost chug his coffee it still shocks him. “Yeah, that’s alright. Just text me when you’re on your way back.”
Y/n got up from the bed, taking Ghost’s dishes.
“Will do, sir.” Simon said, saluting before getting up from the bed. Y/n chuckled as he left the room to go wash Simon’s dish.
While y/n was cleaning up the man’s dishes, he got all geared up. When y/n walked back in the room, Ghost had his signature mask on. “You’re so hot when you look like you could rip my throat out.” Y/n said.
Ghost stared at y/n. “... your taste in men scares me.”
Y/n chuckled and placed a kiss on the fabric mask under the skull one. “Hey, my taste in men got me you.” Y/n then pat Simon’s back making for the bed. “Go get ‘em, cowboy.”
“Don’t treat me like a dog.”
“If i was treating you like a dog, I’d say, ‘aw, you’re just my good little boy, going out there and following order’s to protect those who need it.’” Y/n said, getting under the covers.
“I’m done with you, I’m leaving.” Simon said, heading towards the door.
“Atta boy. Go bite their heads off.”
Simon groaned in annoyance. Y/n laughing, “I love you!”
“I love you too.” He heard Simon mumble.
After a few seconds y/n heard the door open and close, indicating Ghost had left. Y/n then allowed himself to take a quick nap before setting up the house.
Ghost quickly unlocked the door to him and y/n’s shared house. He tore off his mask and sighed. “My love, I’m home, and I found out it was valentines, so I got you chocolates..” Simon’s voice slowly lowered as he examined the rooms. It was slightly dimmed, by pink wonderful smelling candles.
“I see you found that out already..” He then saw rose petals trail up the stairs. “This is so cliche.” Though he sounded annoyed, he couldn’t help the blush spread across his cheeks. He then turned the corner, watching the trail lead to their room.
He then slowly opened the door. Looking onto the bed to see y/n laying there with a rose in his mouth. He then saw y/n press a remote and ‘Careless Whisper’ began playing. Y/n winked.
“What up, baby?”
“Oh my god..” Simon then pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Get over here big boy, and give me a kiss.” Y/n then sat up, and Ghost slowly made his way to the other man. He placed a gentle kiss against y/n’s lips. Simon then slowly looked around the room.
“Why’d you do all this?” Simon sat down next to y/n.
“Because I love you, and this is my day to show it.” Y/n smiled, reaching to their bed side and grabbed the flowers. “And these are for you.”
“Flowers?” He asked.
“Pretty flowers, for my pretty boy.” Y/n smiled.
“I’m a lieutenant for crying out loud, I don’t need flowers.” He grumbled.
“Would you like me to take them back?”
“No! This- … this is nice. Thank you.”
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your alien husband prepares for the wedding
General Plot: You have some appointments to prepare for your wedding.
Kherae Alien (Idreod) x female reader with glasses
Word Count: just under 4k
W: nsfw smut scene, outdoor sex, vaginal sex, a tiny bit of angst/comfort
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“Master Dessin has told me to inform you he will be away from the tower for the near future,” Airies said, as you looked over the orphanages accounts in the morning. 
Since Idreod had gifted it to you, you were serious about managing it. You wouldn’t handle the operations personally, of course, but you needed to hire a responsible manager. His comment drew you from your work. 
“Where did he go?” you turned and asked. 
Idreod frowned from his desk. 
“I don’t know my lady,” Airies said, “he didn’t present a destination, he only said he wouldn’t be here to pick up his stipend this month.” 
You blinked. 
“Oh,” you said, biting your lip. 
You hoped this didn’t have anything to do with the plan he’d been talking about. What could he have meant by that? Idreod snorted. 
“Don’t worry about him, (Y?N),” he said, “he’s most likely gone to a pleasure house. He’ll come back when he’s run out of money for females and booze.” 
“Mmm” you said noncommittally and tried to return to your work. You couldn’t help worrying about Dessin. He seemed like the reckless type and you hoped he wouldn’t do something foolish that would get him into trouble. You wiped your lips absently. 
“What are you thinking about?” Idreod asked. You glanced up to find him looming over you. 
“Oh…ah…nothing,” you said, “just working out who I’m going to hire for the orphanage.” 
“Come,” he said, holding out his hand, “there are important meetings we must attend together.” 
You looked down at the violet dress you were wearing. It was very cute, covered in bows, but probably not appropriate for a meeting with dignitaries. You looked a bit like a cupcake. Idreod’s eyes followed yours. 
“Don’t worry,” he said, “I had the maid’s choose your dress for the occasion.” 
You blinked up at the shop sign above your head. 
Carmelle’s Fine Pastries and Cakes. 
“Is this the place?” you asked. Idreod set his jaw as if he were going to war. 
“This isn’t the only stop today,” he said, “We have a number of decisions to make regarding our wedding. Cake is first. I’m told the cake flavor and design are essential to the guest’s experience. It must represent the bride and the groom’s taste and the theme. I don’t personally care for this baker, but his cakes are the best in the city. Airies assured me we must have one of his cakes.” 
He took your hand and drew you inside. 
“Good Morning Archduke!” a handsome man in an apron beamed, wiping flour off of his hands. He had fluffy, caramel hair and hazel eyes, with deep dimples in his cheeks when he smiled. This man was made of sunshine and rainbows. 
 “I’m Anthony Carmelle! I’ve been waiting for your arrival! Come! This way! This way!” 
He paused for a moment and his eyes focused on you. 
“Oh my! Is this your fiance? A sweet little strawberry!” he chuckled at you. He pulled you into his arms and led you by the elbow to a little table with a white tablecloth. 
“Sit down my sweet,” he said, “would you like coffee with your cake or tea?” 
“Coffee would be nice,” you said. 
He snapped his fingers and a skinnier, freckled young man appeared. It was obvious he admired the baker greatly because his eyes barely left him. 
“Philip, bring us some coffees!” 
“Yes sir!” the young man said, disappearing. 
You glanced at Idreod to find him burning holes into Anthony’s head. 
“We’ve come for cake,” he muttered. 
“Yes, yes,” he said, waving a hand, “I’ll have Phillip bring the cakes out soon, but let me first congratulate you on your wedding. How did you meet?” 
You opened your mouth to speak, but swallowed a gulp of air. 
“We…uh…” you stuttered. You weren't good at lying on the spot. 
“(Y/N) is the daughter of one of the president’s of one of my companies. I met her in passing in his office one day and I asked her on a date,” Idreod said smoothly. 
You liked that story. You wished it were true. 
“How lucky for you,” he glowed, “fated meetings are so sweet.” 
Philip returned with coffee, so you didn’t have to talk about it any further. Anthony pet him affectionately on the head, and you watched his face turn red as a tomato. He hung around the table like a lost puppy, waiting for his master’s next order. 
“What flavors do you like, miss strawberry? Sweet, bitter, savory? I would happily feed you cake all day, but we should narrow down the options.” 
You were sure you heard Idreod growl. Anthony smiled at him and tapped his chin. 
“A panther,” he said, “that’s what you remind me of.” 
You giggled and Idreod’s eyes flashed at you. 
“Um, flavors,” you said, getting everyone back on track, “I’d like something creamy and maybe floral. What do you think, Idreod?” 
“I don’t care for sweets,” he said, “just pick what you like.” 
“Ah!” Anthony exclaimed, raising his finger, “Philip. Bring the rose cake, the lavender cream cake, and the Blackberry-Rosemary cake.” 
Philip hustled off only to return a moment later with plates stacked up his arms. He carefully arranged them in front of you. 
“The rose cake is a classic. Simple and sweet. The lavender cream is lighter and the blackberry-rosemary is a more refined cake for a higher-end effect.” 
You took a bite of each and twisted you lips on the last one with the spoon in your mouth. 
“I can’t decide,” you muttered, popping it out. You scooped a bunch of the rose cake and without thinking jammed it in Idreod’s face. 
“Try this and tell me it's too sweet” you demanded. 
He looked startled and his mouth dropped open, letting you stick the spoon in. He swallowed and you waited. He looked at you, his cheeks darkening. 
“I need to try the others,” he said more quietly than you were used to. 
You shrugged and scooped up some of the lavender cake, feeding it to him. He took a bite and let you feed him the last one. 
“I should try them all again,” he said. 
You appreciated how seriously he was taking this and fed him another round of all three. 
“I’m sti-”
“The Archduke has had enough, don’t you think? Save some for the lady!” Anthony cut in, pouring you some more coffee, “what does his highness think so far?” 
Idreod cleared his throat and straightened. 
“The blackberry-rosemary is not too sweet and has a complex floral flavor that I like,” he said. 
You both radiated sunshine at him. What a thoughtful response. 
“I think we should get that one,” you cheered, happy you found one he liked, “I like that it’s a bit fancy. I would have never been able to afford something so interesting on my sal -ah. Um…I mean…” 
You blushed, realizing you’d almost given yourself away. The daughter of a company president would have been able to afford whatever cake she liked for her wedding. Anthony just smiled at you and put his hand on yours. 
“Let the archduke spoil you,” he said pleasantly. 
“If you’ve chosen we should go,” Idreod grunted, pulling you up in his arms, “we have some venues to tour.” 
“Thank you! Bye! Your cakes are delicious!” you shouted over his broad shoulder as he carried you out of the bakery. 
“Goodbye miss strawberry!” you heard Anthony call before the door slammed behind Idreod. 
The next stop was a large church with a soaring spire. 
“Is this the venue?” you asked, pointing to the giant cross. 
“Airies said human women like to get married in churches. This is the biggest one in the city,” he said. 
You didn’t finish your thought because a raven haired woman wearing a lot of perfume tipped towards you on her platform heels. You bit your lip as she leaned into Idreod. She was exactly the sort of woman who he would be seen with. She wore a tight, designer white suit with layers of glittering jewelry. 
“Archduke Zovith! Welcome to Ashtead Cathedral. I’m Maryln Shore, the events manager. I’ll be showing you the space today.” 
She glanced at you, before turning her attention back to Idreod. 
“Please don’t worry, I know how these sorts of marriages work. Everything will look perfect for the photos,” she assured him. 
You frowned. These sorts of marriages. Of course she knew this was a contract marriage. You didn’t look at like the sort of woman Idreod would be marrying. Tears stung your eyes and you wrinkled the corner of your dress, feeling childish in it. 
“Let’s begin the tour,” Idreod said with his usual shortness. 
Maryln took him by the elbow, but he pulled away. 
“Without touching me,” he snapped. 
He grabbed your hand and pulled you behind him. 
The cathedral was beautiful, with high ceilings and stained glass windows. The depictions in the windows were a bit frightening, though, displaying bloody angels battling demons. You sighed, tuning out Maryln as she explained the history of the building. 
“How many people can this accommodate?” Idreod asked. 
“About 2,000,” she explained. 
He nodded in approval and you pouted. Of course our wedding was going to be a big show. It had to be in the right place. This church was not your style at all, though. You weren’t even Catholic. 
“Why don’t we discuss the details privately?” Maryln purred at Idreod, when you’d reached the front of the cathedral, “your fiance can go look at the garden while we work.” 
Idreod looked down at you, but you were fighting back tears. 
“Do you like it?” he asked. 
You couldn’t look at him. “It’s not really my taste, but I don’t know…” you murmured, looking at your shoes. 
“It’s probably hard for someone with such a humble background to comprehend how grand this venue is and how lucky you are to have access to it. Women reserve this cathedral for years in advance,” she hissed. 
Of course you didn’t know that. You didn’t know anything about these things. You weren’t born to be an Archduchess. You were just a paid actress and probably not a very good one. This place was much too nice for you and you didn’t even like it. You would look dull compared to all of the gold and iron. 
“I’m going to wait outside,” you squeaked, running away. Tears ran hotly down your cheeks as you rushed out of the front door. 
You took one step outside and your feet lifted off of the ground as Idreod swept you up in his arms. 
“Where are you going?” he asked, holding your chin so that you looked at him. 
The tears tumbled over your cheeks, flowing openly with embarrassment. 
“Hic…Hic…I…just…this place…it isn’t…hic…for me…” you mumbled through tears. 
He looked at you for a moment. 
“Oh, I’m sorry (Y/N),” he said, “I thought human women liked churches. I was only tolerating that viper because I was told this was a coveted venue but if you don’t like it we won’t choose this one. Where would you like to get married?” 
You peered up at him through your swollen eyes. 
“Really?” you asked, “I don’t know…I guess I’d always imagined something simpler.”
You paused. 
“Like what?” he asked, “always finish your thoughts.” 
You took a breath. It was stupid, but you’d already opened your mouth. “There was a waterfall on Mount Verda that we always used to visit when I was a kid. They raised a bridge in front of it and I always thought it would be nice to meet in the center.” 
He looked at you very seriously and stuffed you into the car waiting outside of the venue. 
“Wait, what about Maryln?” you asked, you’d just left her without saying anything. 
“Who is Maryin?” he asked. 
You blinked at him. 
“The events coordinator at the cathedral,” you explained, though you felt maybe you didn’t need to because he was already shaking his head. 
“We’re done with that place,” he said and shouted for the driver to take you to Mount Verda. 
“But it’s not a big place,” you argued as you drove out of the city, “I don’t think you can fit 2,000 people. It probably won't work.” 
He looked at you as if you were dense. 
“We’ll hire drones and a camera crew and have it broadcast in the nearest lodge. Then we’ll throw the reception dinner there,” he said as if the answer were obvious. 
“Do you think it will be grand enough?” you asked, “you are the Archduke. Getting married on a rickety bridge isn’t very fancy.” 
He smiled down at you and brushed your cheek with his thumb. 
“Let’s have a look at it,” he said. 
Your heart thumped as you leaned back in your seat and tried to doze. You were worried he would think it was stupid. It wasn’t really that pretty, just a small waterfall with a bridge in front of it. There was just enough room below for maybe thirty people to stand and observe. There was no way he would approve of it, but it might be nice to visit it again. 
Idreod suspected you had good taste, but he still wasn’t prepared for how beautiful the trail you directed me to was. It was a narrow path through a cathedral of green leaves. Wildflowers dotted the underbrush and ferns tickled your ankles. 
Idreod took off his shirt so he didn’t sweat through it and dappled sunlight made his purple skin look almost pearlescent.
You heard the waterfall before you saw it, a gentle thunder in the distance. A stream appeared from uphill filled with crystal clear water and fat fish. 
“The bridge is just up here,” you said pointing. A moment later, you looked up into a rainbow cloud as the wind carried mist off of the surface of the falling water. It wasn’t extremely wide, or high, but it was surrounded with blooming vines and butterflies flitted in and out of the sundrenched fog. The sun shone off of the mossy rocks, making them sparkle like emeralds. It looked like some scenery conjured in a dream. 
“This is lovely,” he told you. 
The bridge you’d been referring to was above you, stretching between two high ridges on either side of the fall. Idreod could imagine meeting you at the center to exchange your vows, just like you’d described. It would be beautiful. 
You were right. You couldn’t fit 2,000 people there and he wouldn’t want to. Part of the beauty of this place was that it was cozy and sweet. A crowd of people would ruin the atmosphere, not to mention, trampling the flowers. 
“It’s perfect,” he said. 
Your eyes popped open, wide with surprise. 
“Really? It will work?” you asked.
He nodded at you. 
“In this setting, you will shine the most brightly, my jewel,” he said. 
Your cheeks darkened and you gave me a small smile
He leaned down and kissed you. Your arms went around his neck as they seemed to like to do and he lifted you off of the ground. You felt so small in his arms. He could lift a lot more than a human man. Your fingers wound in his hair, spurring him forward. 
His hands were all over you. One hand cupped your round bottom, while the other grasped your head, holding you to him. He stumbled forward until your back hit a mossy tree. 
Your mouths were locked together, while you shared breaths. He yanked your panties off of you with one forceful movement and you squealed into his mouth. He smiled into yours. 
Idreod was so gluttonous for your body. He knew he was a terrible Kherae. He did horrible things without a care, but the guilt that he carried with him couldn’t dull his infatuation with you. He had to have you, no matter what he had to do to keep you. If you didn’t love him yet, he would chain you with lust. 
He jerked down the neck of your dress, revealing your breasts to him. He sucked one into his mouth, listening for the hitch in your breath. When it came, he flicked the little bud with the tip of his tongue while you writhed in his arms. 
“Oh…Idreod,” you moaned. 
He moved back and forth between the two of your nipples while you murmured his name, your soft fingers finding his horns. They were so sensitive and when you touched them he lost all sense of himself. He wanted to drown in your pussy, dying a happy Kherae. 
His hips jerked forward instinctively and he forced his zipper down, breaking it, but he didn’t have time for that. He was too busy thrusting into your wet channel. 
You gasped and shouted at the intrusion and he paused, worried he’d hurt you, but when he looked in your eyes, they were filled with ecstasy. You kicked him with the heel of your foot. 
“Yes! Yes!” you insisted.He chuckled into your breast and thrust into you again. This time you squeezed his horns and he went somewhere else, rutting you like an animal. 
Your velvety core squeezed his as it sucked him into you and he gasped into your neck. 
“You’re so tight,” he exhaled. 
“Fuck me!” you begged and I he followed his queen’s orders, pounding you into the tree while leaves fell like confetti around you.  
Idreod turned you around and set you on your feet. They barely touched the ground. He held you up by your hips while he drove into you and you frantically braced youself against the tree in front of you. You’d never been a size queen, but his cock was massive and it felt like it was in your stomach. 
You couldn’t do anything but hang on and drool a little bit. He fucked you with a desperate brutality you didn’t know you wanted. Your feet lifted up off of the ground as he held you up by your knees, laying you back against his bare chest. The satin of your dress fluttered around you like bird’s wings as you moaned in bliss, your head falling back, exposing your neck. 
His fingers found your clit and teased you while he nibbled your throat. 
It was incredibly lewd, being exposed so openly like this in public. Anyone who walked up the path would get an eyeful of his dick entering your pussy. Your heart pounded in your ears and you hurtled towards an orgasm. 
Your  pussy spasmed around him, milking his cock shamelessly. You’d never felt more out of control. Your body surrendered to his in ways you never expected. 
“Let go,” he muttered in your ear and you tumbled over the edge of the cliff, coming in his palms with a scream. He slammed you down a few times on his cock before taking his own release inside of you Gently pulling out, he carefully cradled you in his arms and sat down heavily to rest for  a minute. You felt his cum spill down your leg and oddly it made you warm. 
His fingers played with the tips of your hair while you caught your breath. 
“I don’t ever want you to think I don’t want you,” he said.
“What?” you asked, still a bit dazed and not sure if you heard him right. 
“Today, you thought I didn’t want you because that woman was a fool, but that’s not true. She was stupid to dismiss you so easily. I want you so badly, I’m afraid what will happen if I can’t have you,” he said, his voice gravelly, “I want to keep you locked up so tight you can’t escape me.”
Sunlight lit his golden eyelashes making them sparkle. You cupped his cheek.
“I don’t want to escape you,” you said quietly. 
He laughed. 
“Because you are so good. I think my brother was right. I feel like a monster,” he admitted. 
You turned his face to you. 
“I don’t see you that way,” you said. 
“I’m not a good man. When I saw you on the street that day, I knew I wanted you. I would have taken you whether there was a contract or not,” he said. 
You looked at him, confused. 
“When you saw me when?” you asked. 
He blinked down at you and cocked his head. 
“When I rescued you from the kidnapping. I planned on taking you to wherever you were supposed to be going and get your information so I could do whatever I had to do to get you, but you said you were going to my building so I recognized you. That just made my plan more convenient.” 
You held up you hands. 
“Wait a minute. Wait a minute. That was you? Not Dessin?”
His eyebrow went up and his nose wrinkled like an angry cat. 
“Dessin?” he asked, “what does he have to do with anything?” 
You laughed. 
“Dessin told me he rescued me. I couldn’t see you without my glasses. With the translator, it took some time before I was able to tell your voices apart, so it was easy to trick me. How funny, he must have been trying to impress me,” you chuckled. Now he had stolen two kisses. 
“That bastard!” Idreod growled, squeezing you tighter, “when he comes back I’m going to-”
You grabbed his cheeks. 
“Do nothing,” you said, “because you are a good big brother and he’ll probably be incredibly embarrassed.” 
He didn’t seem convinced, so you kissed him to sweeten the deal. 
“Fine, I will agree to your terms, but that’s an incredibly dangerous power you have,” he said, nuzzling your temple with his nose.
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hangesfavles · 8 months
Kitties and Compromises
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4.3k words. nonbinary hange x fem reader, but readers gender is only mentioned twice.
Summary: Hange really wants a cat, and you don’t. On your way to work one day, you hear a distant meowing in a sewer drain.
No warnings btw! This is sfw and just fluffy <3
a/n!: hi! i don’t usually write fanfics. this is actually my first time seriously sitting down and trying to write a fic, but i was inspired by an experience that happened to me fairly recently!! i’m not sure if i’ll write any more fanfiction, but if y’all like my writing you can send in a request, but i can’t promise it’ll be done quickly 😓 i’ll probably only write wlw, nblw, or nblnb! as for characters, i’d be interested in writing for hange, yelena (from aot), moira o’deorain, junker queen, chloe price, or hazel callahan! also ik not that many people will probably see this, but if you like hange fanfics puh LEASE check out @abbyslev on tumblr and @sweetgirl_r on ao3! bc i love their works and they’ve both indirectly inspired me so much! pls read their work its amazing <3 cross posted on tumblr and ao3, pls don’t steal my writing btw :3
What were the odds of something like this happening to you? ​​Hange simply must’ve been manifesting this into the universe. The day started just like any other, waking up in the morning next to your spouse, Hange. You always wake up before them, reluctant to leave the warm comfort of Hange’s embrace. Even when they’re asleep they find ways to be clingy, whether that be trapping your body against their own as they cage you with their arms or simply latching onto your back and nuzzling your hair, it always makes mornings that much harder. You always admire their sleeping face before leaving your shared bed; Their peaceful expression and lack of their usual eyepatch reminds you how much they trust you. You groggily slip out of their arms, eliciting their normal whimpers and sleepy pleas for you to rejoin them. You kiss their cheek, not even bothering to respond to their words. You know they won’t remember their words or your own regardless. You get yourself dressed in your boring, formal work attire required for your office job. After fixing your hair in the mirror, you head to the bathroom first. You grab your toothbrush from the holder, smiling as you do so. The sight of Hange’s toothbrush next to your own always makes your heart flutter. Despite having lived with them for quite some time, you always fall victim to the butterflies in your stomach when you see your items mixed with their own. Simple things, like their “Best teacher” mug gifted to them by one of their students next to your plastic and faded Hello Kitty cup you’ve had since childhood, or your coat hanging on the same rack as theirs.
Your next stop is the kitchen. You always make lunch for yourself as well as Hange the night before, otherwise they’ll skip lunch entirely or on rare occasion buy fast food. It never bothers you, though. You love being able to do nice things for them. You know they appreciate it, because they send sweet ‘thank you’ messages along with a photo of them eating it every day without fail. Seeing their smile while eating the food you prepared specifically for them makes your effort completely worth it. You grab your food, placing it into your bag.
The third and final place you head towards is the living room. You grab your laptop- previously discarded- from the coffee table and place it in your bag as well. You groan softly with annoyance as you remember how Hange had distracted you last night from finishing a particularly long assignment from your boss. You had been working diligently for a few hours before Hange arrived home, demanding attention from you. You can’t even blame yourself, because how could you say no to your loving spouse’s puppy eyes? Not to mention the fact they had also enticed you by offering to watch a new movie with you until it was time to make dinner. That’s another action that never fails to make your heart beat faster in your chest. They make dinner while you prepare tomorrow’s lunch, always on the counter closest to them. You sigh as you think about the fact you’ll have a little bit of extra work to do while you leave the house and enter your car to drive to work.
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Hange loves you. Everything about you, and anything that comes with you. They love your day-to-day routine, never growing bored even when doing monotonous tasks and chores. Things they had hated previously have magically become more interesting, like grocery shopping or doing laundry. But even so, something felt… missing. They were 100% sure this feeling has nothing to do with the love they have for you, or the love you have for them. They undeniably and unconditionally love you, otherwise they wouldn’t have proposed to you. They knew early on into your relationship that they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you by their side. Because of this, they want to have a family with you. Neither of you had been particularly fond of the idea of having children- at least, not yet. Having a child is a lot of work, as well as an incredibly big time and financial commitment. They want a cat. They knew that they wanted a pet cat before they had even moved out of their parents’ house… However, they also knew that you were against the idea. They’ve been begging for the past few months about how badly they want to adopt one, only to be shut down by you, saying how expensive it would be to buy one, as well as the essentials for it: a collar, carrier, grooming supplies, litter box, litter, a scooper, toys, food bowls, food in general, as well as occasional vet visits. Between both of your jobs, you and Hange live comfortably. If the two of you agreed to cut back on recreational spending, they were sure buying a pet was within reason, but they knew you didn’t want to. You enjoyed being able to go on nice dates with them on occasion, to the movies, aquarium, dinner, art museums, and sometimes you even do escape rooms together. They also savor the dates you go on together, but that doesn’t stop them from asking you at least twice a week if you’ve warmed up to the idea of owning a cat. Spoiler alert, you haven’t. So imagine their surprise when they receive a video call from you in the middle of class, revealing you holding a dirty, gray kitten with one hand.
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Really, what were the odds of this happening? After getting out of your car when you arrived at the office building, you hear loud, high-pitched cries coming out of a nearby sewer. Your kind heart wouldn’t and couldn’t ignore it. You follow the sound, crouching in front of the drain, that’s when you see it. The tiniest kitten you’ve ever laid eyes on, seemingly trapped at the bottom of a sewer drain. You jog as fast as your heels can take you, alerting your boss about the situation, telling him you’ll clock in as soon as you can help the poor thing. He graciously allows you to do so, a perk of being a dedicated manager. You jog back towards the drain, kneeling down to look at the kitten again. You were sure if you called the cops that they would take hours to show up, if at all. Instead, you search for the phone number of your local fire department.
Saving this goddamn cat was a long process. Who knew removing the cover of a drain would take so long? It had taken over two hours to remove the cover, and then another forty five minutes to lure the kitten close enough for the firefighter to grab. The kitten was left in your care after it was safely removed from the drain. Luckily, it was dry except for its paws. You were considering what you should do at this moment. The kitten doesn’t seem to have a collar, and you can see a few fleas crawling around on its back. You realize that you simply can’t place it on the ground to roam free once more, what if it’s hungry? What if it gets hurt or stuck again? You’re not sure you would be able to sleep at night knowing you abandoned the cat. You figure you should first and foremost take it to the vet to see if it possibly has an owner who microchipped it. Before doing so, you decide to do what any rational person would do, call Hange. You feel bad for bothering Hange when you know that they’re working, but you wanted to tell them what you’ve dealt with for the past three hours.
When Hange feels the vibration of their phone in their pocket, illuminating from your call, they know that they should answer. They hold their phone in their hand before glancing around their classroom, the eyes of their students peering at them curiously. They chuckle nervously. “...Ah, pardon me for a minute! My wife is calling me. Feel free to chatter while I’m away, just be sure to keep it down, okay?” They give the class an awkward thumbs up and a matching smile. They aren’t sure if you’ve ever called them while they were working, and they feel a pang of worry as they step out of their classroom and into the hallway to answer the call.
The look on their face was priceless. Their eye widens a little with confusion, their lips parting as if they wanted to say something, but they clearly have trouble finding the words. You speak before they do, explaining briefly how you heard the kitten crying, the amount of time it took to save the small creature, and how you plan to take it to a vet to see if it has an owner. After you’re finished speaking, Hange is quick to ask you “Can we keep it if it doesn’t have a chip? C’mon, pretty please? This opportunity is perfect! We won’t have to pay hundreds of dollars to adopt one, we just gotta cover the essentials!” They beg you, barely even stopping for breath as they plead quickly. “I don’t know, Han… Let me take it to the vet first. I’ll let you know what happens from there.”
Hange has been on the edge of their seat all day. You’ve been sending them updates, albeit slowly, considering the kitten is being tested for multiple things, like parasites, ear and eye infections, and other long term health conditions like feline leukemia. What they know so far is that the kitten is- according to the vet- probably a girl, not microchipped, and the poor thing is infested with fleas. You had mentioned to Hange that the vet said it’s a little bit early to tell if she’s really a girl, but that she currently looks like one. Hange has never been so attached to their phone at work before. They can’t help but glance at it between sentences, hoping to see their screen lit up by a message from you.
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Today has been tiring, despite not even truly having gone into work. You’re stressed, nervous, and worst of all, bored. Your boredom doesn’t help your running thoughts. Instagram can only distract your brain so much when all you can think about is this kitten you’ve unwillingly bonded with. The longer you sit in the waiting room, the more you realize how worried you really are about being able to keep the kitten, despite your initial reservations about keeping a stray animal. She was just that cute. Throughout the whole car ride to the vet, she sat in your lap obediently, even curling up into a ball and purring. Not once did she cry or try to escape your lap. She had only started crying once you left her alone with the vet, and that broke your heart more than you’re willing to admit. You already feel like you have a bond with her, and it would be devastating if she happened to be sick or injured. What you’re waiting for right now is for her to use the bathroom. Number two is preferable, but they would work with number one if that’s all she could do. You silently thank yourself for stopping by a grocery store to get her some canned cat food, which she had eaten in the car on the way here. After waiting in the vet for a whopping 4 more hours, they had concluded all of the proper tests. The vet calls you back into the exam room, ready to talk about the results. Apparently, she ended up doing number 2 when she was left alone in a kennel. “Hello Mrs. Zoe!” He says with a friendly smile. “So, I’ll start with the bad news. Our little friend here has plenty of fleas, which I’m sure you saw already, and after running tests on her stool, I found that she does indeed have a parasite.” After hearing his words, you feel your nervousness festering more than ever. You nod at his words, urging him to continue. “But, there’s plenty of good news. The parasite is nothing life-threatening. She just needs to be medicated every day for a week. Other than that, she is entirely healthy. Do you plan on keeping her?” You think about your answer for a moment, but inside, you knew your mind was already made up. You had plenty of time to think about it in the waiting room, and you can’t deny the fact you’re already smitten with the small animal. You nod at him, a small smile appearing on your face as well. “Well, that’s great! You’ll have to come back tomorrow or the day after to pick up her medicine. We’ll give you a call when it’s ready to be picked up.” He flashes you another award-winning smile before leaving the room to retrieve the kitten. “Congratulations, she’s very well behaved.” He comments as he hands her back to you carefully. “Thank you, doctor. My spouse is going to be absolutely over the moon.” You giggle softly as you hold her once more and leave the office. You hold the kitten in one hand, and reach into your pocket to check the time on your phone. By now, it was almost time for Hange to get off of work. You sit in the car, the kitten once more making herself comfortable on your lap. You try not to think about her fleas as you take a moment to video call Hange once more.
Hange had just finished their last class of the day when you called. They were sitting at their desk, grading some old assignments before they officially left school. This was typical for them, because they absolutely hated dealing with the traffic caused by all of the other teachers, as well as students and school buses leaving the area at once. They see your call and immediately answer with a huge, dopey smile on their face. “Hi, love!” They exclaim, evidently excited for whatever updates you’re going to give them. When the video loads, they aren’t met with your dazzling beauty, but another small, adorable face. You can’t help but giggle as you look down at your phone, the angle making the kitten look funny. She paws the screen in front of her. “D'aww!! She’s so cuteee!” Hange squeals with excitement at the view. You giggle lightheartedly at Hange’s childish excitement. Their enthusiasm for the world around them was something that drew you in immediately about them, and it is still a trait that you adore. “Isn’t she? She’s so sweet and well behaved.” You move the phone away from the kitty, instead showing Hange your face. “Has she melted your cold heart already?” They tease with a soft chuckle. “Oh, shut up Hange!” You giggle at their joke anyways. “I’m just teasing, love. Soooo… Is she ours? Is she healthy?” They ask excitedly, but they already assume that the answer is yes, considering how happy you seem to be. “I just got done speaking with the vet, apparently she has a parasite.” You notice Hange’s lips part into an ‘o’ shape as you say this. You can also notice the concern morphing its way into their features. “But he said that after being medicated for… like… a week or so, she should be perfectly fine.” Hange’s earlier excitement makes a comeback, the worry melting off their features as they squeal a bit. “C’mon, we have to keep her!” They whine and plead. “You love her already, it’s obvious. Stop avoiding the question.” A pout forms on Hange’s lips as they try to convince you for the umpteenth time to have a pet. You sigh softly at their cute expression, giggling breathily at their antics. “I do love her. And you’re right, this is a perfect chance for us to have a pet since we didn’t have to buy her. I guess love is about compromise, or whatever… And since I know how much you’ve always wanted a cat, we can keep her.”
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Hange had rushed home in record speed. It’s shocking that they got home in one piece without any tickets or crashes. You were right in the assumption that they would be over the moon about this perfect coincidence, Hange wanted to meet her more than anything. You have been home for a bit by the time Hange arrives at your shared home. They practically launch through the door, before realizing their excitement might startle the kitten. When you hear the door opening, you greet them at the door with your arms open wide. They quickly rush into your embrace, lifting you up and enthusiastically shaking you around. They place a chaste kiss on your lips before putting you on the floor once more. “Not that I’m not excited to see you, but where is she?” They ask with childlike excitement. They’re practically bouncing off the walls. As if on cue, a high pitched cry emits from the bathroom. “I have her in the bathroom right now and I put a blanket in there with her. We’re-” Your sentence is cut off by Hange making their way to the bathroom, carefully opening the door. You smile at their excitement, following after them. “Make sure she doesn’t get out. We’re gonna need to give her a flea bath before she can leave the bathroom.” Hange mumbles out a ‘mhm’ before kneeling beside the bathtub. The kitten is looking up at them with big doe eyes. Hange is doing all they can not to squeal and shout from how utterly adorable she is. You decide to take a seat on top of the closed toilet, simply content to see your partner so lively. Hange carefully outstretches their hand to the animal, who seems to back away the tiniest bit. “Heeeeyyyyyyy baby…” They whisper quietly. “Pspspsp…” The kitten sniffs Hange’s finger skeptically, but doesn’t react otherwise. They take this as a sign that it’s okay to pet her. Two of their lithe fingers scratch at the top of the kitten's head, much to her content. Hange mumbles sweet, hushed words to the animal that you can’t really hear. The world around you seems to grow blurry, as you tune out everything else that isn’t your partner and your newfound pet. There wasn’t anything else worth caring about at the moment. The tenderness Hange displays, a stark contrast from their typical erraticism, has your heart thumping in your chest. Hange has always been equally caring as they are observant. While Hange will probably always be excitable, they’re very aware of other’s emotions. They know when someone is overwhelmed or tired, or maybe shy and nervous, meaning they always know when they should turn it down a notch. Quiet moments with them were always your favorite moments. Moments where you two could simply be, without the need for conversation or action. Moments like this morning, where you can stare at their tired face without any ounce of uncomfort. Hange scoops up the kitten into their arms, holding her near their chest, seemingly unbothered by the fleas littering her body. They look up at you, smiling with their teeth and giggling. Their eyes are squinted shut by how much they’re smiling. Even as you’re lost in thought, not fully aware, you smile back at them unconsciously because it’s second nature. You snap out of your trance when you see a flea jump off of her body. “Yuck.” You say, squishing the bug with your shoe and picking it up with a piece of toilet paper. “I picked up some flea shampoo when I went to get her something to eat.” You say, holding up a purple bottle. “She won’t like this, but put her in the sink.”
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The two of you have spent the better part of an hour picking the rest of the bugs out of the kitten's fur. The flea bath helped substantially, but there were still some that crawled around. Neither of you have spotted bugs for a few minutes, so you retire from your task, wrapping the small animal in a towel as Hange holds her, trying to transfer their own warmth to her. “She’s such a sweetie.” They coo softly, bouncing the kitty as if she’s a small child. “We should feed her soon. Did you get anything else from the pet store?” They ask, tilting their head at you as they ask. “No, she got really antsy when she was alone for too long, so I tried to run in and out as fast as possible. We’re gonna have to go back.” “Oh, but we can’t leave her to go out, what if she thinks we abandoned her!?” They ask you with puppy eyes. “We can’t take her out, she could still have fleas. I can ask someone to watch her while we go out.” You say, pulling out your phone to text one of your and Hange’s shared friends.
Levi and Erwin step into your home, the former appearing to be intensely displeased. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this on a weekday.” Levi grumbles, while Erwin smiles politely at you and Hange. “He’s being dramatic, it’s no trouble. You two will only be gone for an hour before we head home again.” Erwin chuckles, walking to the living room, where the now dried kitten sits on the couch. She runs and hides at the sight of so many people. “Thank you guys for doing this, I know it’s last minute.” You chuckle nervously at Levi’s obvious irritation. “We didn’t exactly have the luxury to give you notice, Shorty.” Hange teases, grinning as Levi rolls his eyes. “Whatever, three eyes. Get going so we can get home already.” Hange pouts, not only from the nickname, but also at the fact they’re being rushed out of their own home. You try not to burst out laughing at the nickname. “Three eyes is diabolical.” You choke out, opting to take their hand and head out, hopefully so Hange doesn’t feel embarrassed. “We’ll be back soon, thank you again!” You wave, before hopping in the car with a pouting Hange to get supplies for your currently unnamed pet.
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Who knew shopping with Hange would take so long? You knew, actually. You were vaguely aware of the fact that Hange’s erraticism isn’t the best trait when trying to go shopping quickly. You’ve only been shopping with them a few times, and after an hour of bouncing around the store, it becomes a little bit tiring. This doesn’t even account for the many different random items they tend to pick up and insist they need. A similar thing happens when you attempt to shop for your cat. You asked Hange to find a decently sized litter box, and they come back to beg you for toys they think look funny, a bed shaped like a ramen cup, a hat for the kitten, and a matching onesie for her. You have to refrain from twitching your eye as they entirely forgot to get the litter box you tasked them to find. You end up putting the toys, bed, and hat in the basket, since you planned on buying her these things anyway. “Han... My beloved... You forgot the litter box.” You watch as they chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of their neck. “Right... Be right back.” They turn away, determined to get the litter box, (and only the litter box,) while you decide between two bundles of kitten food.
Hange finds you once more, looping their arms around your waist. You’re momentarily shocked, but you quickly recognize the scent of them surrounding you. They place their head on your shoulder, proud of the fact they managed not to pick up anything except the litter box. They poke your cheek, giving you a grin. When you turn your head towards them, they tap their finger against their cheek, silently asking to be rewarded for completing the task you gave them. You roll your eyes playfully and give them a soft peck.
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You return home after an hour and a half, being slightly delayed by Hange’s typical short and ever-changing attention span. Erwin helps you and Hange bring in the bags of cat necessities. You and Hange tiredly plop down on your couch once you’ve finished, feeling tired from all the events of the day. Levi sighs from beside you. You and Hange look at him, seeing the cat curled up and sleeping on his lap. “This damn cat wouldn't leave me alone. Always craving attention, like it can't survive without constant petting. Needy little furball.” He grumbles. Despite his attitude, he still allows her to sleep in his lap, which you and Hange are both grateful for. He carefully picks her up, shifting her into Hange’s lap instead. They both try their best to ensure she isn’t disturbed by the transfer. You stand up as Levi does, seeing the couple out. “Thank you both again for doing this. We’ll see you guys on Sunday for dinner. It’s our turn to cook this week!” You giggle. Erwin pats your shoulder in a dad-like fashion. “Don’t mention it. Levi was loving the attention she gave him. See you Sunday.” He smiles. To this, Levi rolls his eyes, elbowing his lover lightly as you see them out.
Once again, you plop on the couch beside your own lover. They look at you with worry. “What are we going to do with her? She’s gonna be so scared if we leave her at home, all alone...” You raise your eyebrow, wondering where this conversation is leading. “I’m sure she’ll get used to it. It’s impossible for us to have someone watch her every day while we’re at work.” In response to your words, they cover the kitten's ears. “You’re evil! How could you talk about our daughter that way?” They pout, giving you puppy eyes. You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully at their joke. “You know...” They start. You look at them tiredly, knowing you probably won't like whatever comes next. “We could always get another to keep her company.”
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billietherock · 1 month
There was no Weirdmaggendon (pt4)
By: Billietherock
Chapter 2- The Mindspace
Stanford Pines was never one for sweet gestures, especially one as basic as this, making the mindspace look… almost homey. No he was used to the smell of Ozone and the wisps of unsolved advanced calculus. At that point the smell of Jasmine tea was almost uncomfortable, off putting even. He raises an eyebrow and looks at the expectant triangle.
“So, what’s the occasion? You really made this place look like… not a lab?” Stanford stammers, as good with words as he ever was.
Bill revels in Ford’s surprise, he revels in how uncomfortable the man was with basic interactions, even with someone he’s known for a few years now.
“Oh come on Fordsy! I can’t do something nice for my most faithful follower?” Bill takes a bite out of a delicately decorated cupcake” have a seat buddy! I made everything from scratch! Even the atoms!”
Ford looks at the spread in front of him and sits down, sure he was still skeptical, but now more honored than anything. Bill has done small stuff in the past, but nothing as thoughtful as this. And did he say that he, Stanford Pines, was Bill’s most faithful follower? Ford holds that pride in his chest, letting it show with a smile spreading across his face.
Stanford notices the picture floating through the mindspace, he points at it as he thought he saw his own figure.
“Hey Bill. Is that me?”
Bill doesn’t even turn to see what he was looking at, he snaps his fingers and the picture goes up in flames. A fireplace puts itself together like a lego set, as Bill flicks his wrist the blue fireball flies into the fireplace, making a small explosion. Bill’s eye is wide and the corners of his form are tinged a light pink.
“Oh, I must have been mistaken then.” Ford mutters as he takes a sip of his tea, it tasted weird.
Bill stuffs another pastry in his face,” yeah, you must be cause I, I don’t just have pictures of my followers just, Floating around. That’s what stalkers do and I am not a stalker.” He blinks or winks in his case,” you let me in~”
Ford nods and takes another sip of his tea. It tastes metallic or, he runs his tongue over the roof of his mouth, iron-y. He looks at the tea, he scans it over and over again, and decides to skip on the rest of the meal.
Bill notices this, deciding this was the moment to drink his own tea. Ford kinda grimaces, but he slowly picks his cup back up. He looks at what he assumed to be something organic at this point, it was a little too thick. Bill raises an eyebrow as Ford puts the tea cup down once again.
Bill starts to grip his cup hard, but not hard enough to break it. Peer pressure didn’t work… he wasn’t just going to pressure Ford into letting use his mind rent free if he wasn’t even going to drink his tea.
Bill back petals quickly,” so Fordsy, how’s work on the portal going? I’ve noticed you slowing down a bit.”
Ford looks up, dragged from his thoughts,” ah. Well… nothing a few cups of coffee won’t fix. And Fiddleford is trying to move his family out here, so eventually I’ll have him full time.”
Bill doesn’t even hide how annoyed he was at this comment, causing Ford to stammer,” well if that’s not fast enough for you then I can start having Fiddleford try and find some extra help an-“
Bill puts his hand up, causing Stanford to stop talking, he keeps a straight eye but he was even impressed with himself, he can have Sixer stop mid sentence just with a simple gesture… yet he can’t make him drink his tea. Bill rolls his eye at that thought, it doesn’t matter, he has this much control over the guy, the rest should be cake.
Bill tries to soften his gaze, he’s gotten better at it but it still looks like he’s staring daggers, Ford visibly shrinks in his seat, but Bill was just choosing his next few words carefully.
“Oh Sixer~ you being slow isn’t your fault,” he says slowly, making sure Ford wasn’t scared off by his reaction.
It seems to work as Ford sits up again,” it’s not? How so?”
Bill wanted to roll his eye again, it was almost predictable, it always goes the same with these guys,” oh Sixer. It’s really quite simple! It’s that stupid humanity of yours!”
(Thanks everyone so much for your support! I’m having a blast writing this and the chapter keeps getting longer and longer! Please continue to enjoy this as much as I love making it! Is there is any grammar or spelling mistakes I will fix that in due time!)
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