#i’m a bit worried about actually putting them into action lol
ectoplasmer · 1 year
#temptation to write about warrior cats is strong but sleepy tired influenced by school might be stronger#some part of my brain that i haven’t used since middle school got activated earlier this week and i just. cannot stop thinking about my fan-#-clans >_< i’m putting actual effort into the world building this time!!#sort of#i just want to make it different from the actual series and not just a copy and paste of dotc#i have personalities in mind for the founders now and where they came from etc#i have a decent idea on how i want the clans to actually become a thing#only issue is. actually writing the story/timeline and making characters to fill in the gaps…#especially with how many cats are usually in a clan + who would come from the tribe + finding loners/kittypets/etc#i have to actually be creative and make stories/ideas on how that happened#i have a few ideas for characters already but#i’m a bit worried about actually putting them into action lol#i want to make the kittypets more knowledgeable on twoleg things because two of the founders-#-have clans based around ‘space’ more or less#and cats in the main series don’t usually know the names of planets or constellations or what a galaxy is#this could easily be fixed by me just changing the clans to be different but. i’m attached :(#and then i want them to know concepts like what music is what ‘monsters’ actually are etc#i want to make them more human and fleshed out since they live so close to them!!#i just. feel like that might be a bit out there in terms of warcat writing >_>#i etill get nervous about making my characters too perfect or mary sue like dgjdhsj early fandom experiences ruined me#*still#anyway. hi.#rainy.file#delete later
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rayalltheway · 6 months
A lil fic snippet for @journeytomonkiekid !
This was supposed to be part of soemthing bigger but I lost momentum lol but here we have Wan Ji and her father-in-law (my oc) hehe
“So, you’re not…back to life, exactly?” Wan Ji asked, hoping that question somehow came out okay.
“Well, we are…“ Zhuang Jie answered, not sounding any less neutral than before, but he still took a sip of his tea before continuing.
“I guess the best way I can put it is that we’re still technically ghosts, just in…fully corporeal forms. Even Changbiyuan can’t fully summarize how that works, so apologies, I’m not that much better off.” He smiled to himself a bit at that, clearly taking some humor in it, which made Wan Ji relax a bit more. She was alone with the elder man in Macaque’s dojo right now — who had made himself scarce during this topic of conversation, for fairly obvious reasons.
Despite the mutual understanding (at least, there was an assumption of such), Wan Ji noted that the lack of his son’s presence did bear some weight on Zhuang Jie — and when Wan Ji looked back up at him from her own drink, she saw the concern in his eyes as he regarded her.
“Does it bother you?” He asked, his tone genuine.
“What?” Wan Ji’s tails fluffed up a bit in surprise, and she quickly raised a hand in frantic reassurance. “Oh no, no, not at all! I just wanted to make sure I didn’t say or…assume anything…insensitive…” she explained, self-consciousness starting to grip her — but Zhuang Jie’s expression softened quickly, and he chuckled. She couldn’t help but hear Macaque at that moment.
“Don’t worry about that, I appreciate it. I don’t think there’s any easy way to put it. We both were dead, and…now we’re not. But we’re not going anywhere.” He said gently, and Wan Ji saw his eyes leave hers, gaze deepening at the purple training mat in front of them. “Not again.”
Wan Ji was still a little bit in wonder about this whole thing. Macaque having a father and stepparent who came back from the dead, sure, that was incredible and complicated…she wasn’t sure what to expect at first. But now she was seeing how this man was capable of such pure paternal warmth, in words and action. Even more so that it was currently directed at her. She was pretty sure he had genuinely smiled at her more in this one conversation than her father had in years. She…wasn’t really sure how she felt about that, honestly, so she was trying not to dwell on it. Besides, that didn’t matter right now.
“I am so sorry that you went through that, Zhuang.” Wan Ji spoke empathetically, welling up a bit when thinking of this sorrowful subject she’d been learning more about piece by piece over the last few weeks. “I can’t even imagine what it must’ve been like.”
“It’s alright. And please — don’t try to.” He said, looking back at her with reassurance. “I don’t want to overwhelm you with this topic if it’s uncomfortable to hear about. But don’t worry about offending me — I’m too old for that now.” He said with a joking smirk, and Wan Ji let out a snort.
“Point is, if you have any other questions, I’m fine to answer them, kiddo.”
“…You and Changbiyuan?” She questioned. Surprisingly, Zhuang Jie nodded without hesitation.“Of course. They’d like that, actually.” He stated plainly, and Wan Ji felt taken aback.
“Really?” She couldn’t help but say aloud, and she quickly felt herself regret it, her face warming in embarrassment when Zhuang Jie raised a brow at her questioningly.
“Sorry! It’s just, Macaque told me a little about…” She paused when feeling that same sinking in her gut, that same chill running over her…the memories of that demon.
“...What happened to them.” Zhuang Jie listened patiently as she took a moment to get her words together. “I guess I figured that asking them about it directly would possibly be…triggering for them.” She finished, nervously glancing up to see Zhuang Jie’s reaction. He was nodding contemplatively, unangered.
“That’s a fair assumption to make. When it comes to certain…details, you’re not wrong.” He clarified gravely, taking a moment before smiling lightly at the younger woman.
“But here’s the thing about Changbiyuan — you don’t know them well yet, but once you do, they’re an open book. Sometimes too much of one.” He said, and Wan Ji smiled back at him. It was sweet, hearing him talk about Changbiyuan. About Macaque, too, and seeing this…trust he was placing in her, a woman he basically just met. She briefly wondered just what she was missing.
“They definitely have many horrible memories, we both do. But they cherish the good ones with all of their heart, and want them to be known. If you want to ask them about their family…I think will make them really happy. Especially in this case. You’re someone we both hope to be close to.”
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t0ast-ghost · 8 days
S3 EP21 (The Cloud Minders) oookay I genuinely don’t know what to think of that title
- OMG Kirk actually records his diaries on the bridge that’s so funny
- The chair swivelled so hard when Kirk got out of it that he had to go back to steady it with his hand
- The got roped into this one… (you see cause there’s a rope. It’s funny I promise)
- hi Margaret, I see you’re back (referring to the fact that Margaret Armen wrote this one)
- KICK !
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- “I have never before met a Vulcan, sir.” “Nor I a work of art, madam.” I’d melt personally
- I have a feeling the disrupters have very reasonable demands
- Kirk sleeping while Spock internally monologues contemplates. Relationship goals.
- OKAY but the back of Droxine’s dress is so fucking cool. Peacock aesthetic.
- OKAY but like this other lady’s dress tho. The deeper blue. (Self note: draw Spock and McCoy in the dresses)
- “You only take a mate once every seven years.” Yeah but he’s married to the doctor and captain aboard the ship
- Droxine wants him so bad goddamn
- “Extreme feminine beauty… is always… disturbing… madam.” “Spock!” As soon as Kirk calls him he’s outta there.
- Vanna is in the right here. Droxine is awful.
- This is such a good episode omg
- it’s showing how rich people delude themselves and justify having lower classes by reducing people to functions and workers.
- FLASHING LIVHTS HOLY HELL (careful showing this to your photosensitive friends)
- Is Kirk going to get put in the torture machine this episode? (Edit: no)
- Spock, Droxine is a rich idiot who is very used to justifying her actions with self inflicted ignorance, DO NOT PERSUE HER
- hiii McCoy hiiiiiiiii
- no fuck off mccoy fuck off doesn’t matter if they’re slightly intellectually ‘inferior’ they still deserve rights and they’re still obviously intelligent life
- oh okay the gas is causing slight brain damage but still. The disrupters are in the right. And they’re gonna help them, yay!
- The Advisor said “erect” lol
- Kirk, obviously the Advisor knows that in order to stay in power he needs the Troglytes to stay confused, disorganized, and separate from their part of society… he’s doing this ON PURPOSE
- Kirk, go down there and punch the Advisor, please
- “Captain, if you are apprehended deliberately violating the High Advisor’s orders, he will be within his rights to have you executed if he chooses.” “If you’re about to suggest that you contact Vanna, the answer is negative, Spock. That goes for you too, Bones.” Bones so readily goes to suggest himself but is immediately shut down. Kirk knows their bullshit
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- “Hours can be centuries, just as words can be lies.” That goes so hard wtf
- So why doesn’t Kirk beam out of there with her and directly to the caves? Well there wasn’t any trouble anyway but whatever
- LMAO the mask is so silly omg omg
- What the fuck. With his bare hands? (Edit: I’m talking about mining rocks. Promise.)
- Why did he cause a cave in? Omg he’s an idiot.
- Kirk is so done with these idiots. He’s just gonna put them in a cave and let the gasses get them
- Kirk’s not doing well… McCoy and Spock are very worried about him
- Kirk’s ass I really like Kirk’s fighting style, lots of kicks and a little bit of whacking
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- “I don’t like filters or even masks. I like the word ‘protector’ much better.” Did some Trekkie’s call masks this during the pandemic?
(He doesn’t but the vibes were terrible)
Teleplay by Margaret Armen
Story by David Gerrold & Oliver Crawford
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mollyjeanne615 · 1 year
Could you please write a song adapting Ted and Charlotte’s conversation/flirting/argument in The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals before he leaves her alone with Sam?
Like… there’s the genuine love between them; their respective issues, fears and unhealthy beliefs getting in the way of it; their regret that they can’t just be happy together while also not taking action to make that happen; the stress of being stuck in an alien zombie apocalypse; Charlotte’s grief over and Ted’s resentment of Sam; and their difficulty actually communicating all the previous things. And of course, the sexual tension. I just think that all of those layers interplaying would make a really good song. Especially since their dynamic wasn’t explored much in the show.
There could even be a coda where Ted, after leaving, muses that he could have done better, but he’s been very careful to never give her reason to expect better from him, so she’ll get over it. They’ll be back to their version of normal soon enough (messy as it is). So he doesn’t need to go back in there and apologize or say some heartfelt shit or anything. Then the final notes are the first ones of “You Tied up My Heart”.
I say this every time but holy SHIT this was fun
So I tried to get as much of this prompt into one song as I could - it doesn't cover the entire scene, so there would be a little bit of dialogue between this and "You Tied Up My Heart," but I think it captures a lot of their relationship and connection. There could also totally be some underscoring from this going into the next song in a full production. (Also this wouldn't be in a full production cause they wouldn't be singing, but I dream.) I also cheated a bit with the orchestrations - I've been trying to make them as playable by the original bands of the shows as possible, but for this I switched out the bass part for a second guitar cause why not. There's a little bit of "Time Bastard" in the opening synth part, and there's a pretty big motif/reprise/stolen chord progression in the bridge of the song - I was trying to think of other Hatchetfield songs relating to Spankoffski stories and sexual temptation and all that, and I think this one did the trick lol. I'm super proud of the demo for this one - it came out somewhere between "Dead Girl Walking" from Heathers and "D.O.A." from The Lightning Thief, and I'm really in love with it. Hope y'all enjoy!
In the Worst Way
CHARLOTTE: Ted!  I can’t believe you’re thinking about that at a time like this, the whole world could be coming to an end!
TED: Yeah.  Exactly.  The whole world’s gone to shit and you’re worried about what someone else might think about you?
CHARLOTTE: Well, when you put it like that…
You think you’re such a good, good girl You pick your nails, you hide your stress But it’s the end of the fucking world So you can afford to decompress
You put your image on a throne You crumple underneath the crown But you need to grow a backbone Before it breaks you down
You’ve been in bed with a scumbag But baby, can’t you see You have a chance to upgrade To a sleazeball like me
So if I’m dying tonight I’ve got a great way to cap off my life I’ll be going out doing the thing I love Screwing around with another man’s wife Maybe there’s better things I should worry about today But I’d rather be here with you So let me say I want you in the worst way
CHARLOTTE: Oh, you’re such a horny bastard.
TED: Always have been, always will be.
My body’s telling me to run My mind is saying you’re no good But I need something just for fun So I guess I probably should
I’ve wished upon so many stars To be more confident and crude So I’ll embrace the love that’s ours With a badass attitude
TED: Okay!
There’s something in my gut that says You might still be alright Cause I need someone to love me Before we bite the dust tonight
So if I’m dying today I’m gonna let you lead me astray I might be meeting my maker pretty soon So I’ll get down on my knees and pray Maybe there’s better things I should worry about today But I’d rather be here with you So let me say I want you in the worst way
Ooh, I want you in the worst way, yeah
My happiness is coming first, I won’t be on my own Let all those without sin cast the first stones I’ll do all I can so you’ll never be alone At least until we kick the bucket
But should I just stick with the devil I know
Well, you know what, fuck it!
They make out passionately as a rocking electric guitar solo backs them up.
So if I’m dying right now I’ll spend this moment breaking a vow There’s nowhere else I need to be And I needed a little break anyhow Maybe there’s better things I should worry about today But I’d rather be here with you So let me say Yeah, let me say I want you in the worst way
Let’s let the chips fall where they may
I want you in the worst way
My husband’s brains fell out today
I want you in the worst way Maybe there’s better things I should worry about today But I’d rather be here with you So let me say I want you in the worst way
They kiss again on the button of the song.
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wisteria-cherry · 10 months
forty days and forty nights (day nineteen!)
(it’s funny how what was meant to be a stand-in title is actually the official title, lol.)
(i think i’m too far into the series to change the title now😭)
day five of bakugo being absent from the shop. normally, you’d use the term missing-in-action, but you’d banished the word from your vocabulary because the possibility of it was scarily real.
however, you’d promised mio that you wouldn’t let it distract you. you did indeed get through your shift nice and undistracted. after your shift, though, you found yourself turning right instead of left. you walked and walked before you found yourself in front of dynamight agency. how curious. you were already there, so you might as well go in, you figured. automatic doors made way for you as you entered.
the agency was huge. the lobby itself had remarkably high ceilings and it was all decorated in a modern style, displaying wealth in every way short of gold chandeliers. it’s not at all somewhere you’d imagine bakugo working. you kind of imagined more… destruction. maybe a burn hole in the carpet or a smashed vase.
everyone there, heroes and people in suits and other professional-looking types hurried around, all of them seeming to know exactly where they were going. you wished you felt the same. you looked around, trying to find someone to talk to, before locking eyes on two familiar faces.
“um, kaminari, right?” you walked up to the yellow-haired man, whose back was facing you and had an arm wrapped comfortably around a purple-haired girl’s— jiro, was it?— waist. kaminari turned around, and you instantly relaxed. finally, a familiar face.
“oh, hey, kacchan’s buddy!” kaminari grinned. jiro smiled politely and you smiled back. “have you met my girlfriend? you haven’t, right? this is kyoka, she’s awesome.”
“nice to meet you.” kyoka held out her hand, which you shook.
“likewise.” you replied.
“so, what brings you here?” kaminari asked curiously.
“i’m not sure,” you admitted. “i was kind of wondering if you knew where bakugo was.”
“a mission, or something.” kaminari shrugged. “i’m here to figure it out myself ‘cuz he hasn’t been here in awhile.”
“you visit often?” you ask curiously.
“yup. strictly business.” kaminari nodded solemnly. jiro snickered.
“business, as in, trying to convince him to play mini uno with you?”
“okay, that was one time-“
“or maybe business as in trying to bribe him into saving a cat you found stuck in a tree because you said it would ‘look funny’?”
“again, one time-“
“or business like coming to nap on his couch in his office because ‘his is the comfiest’?”
“…okay, so that was more than one time.”
“it’s never business.” kyoka told you with an used expression as kaminari now pouted. “but we are here pretty often. bakugo’s our friend. we’re a bit worried about him.”
“me too,” you admitted. “i know you went to high school with him, so i’m not exactly as close to him as i’m sure you are, but i do hope he’s okay, wherever he is.”
“so do i.” kyoka sighed.
“it’s so annoying!” kaminari groaned. “only ei and mina know what he’s doing and apparently they’re sworn to secrecy.”
“sworn to secrecy? why would they need to do that?” you inquire. kaminari shrugged.
“probably ‘cuz it’s kacchan. kacchan likes his privacy.” kaminari sighed dramatically. “well, all we know is that he went on a mission and now— poof!— gone.”
“well, let me know if you find out what happened.” you sigh. kaminari smiled and nodded.
“yeah! lemme add you to the bakusquad group chat.” kaminari pulled out his phone, opened it, and handed it to you. “put your number in!”
“okay.” you typed your number quickly and returned it to its owner. kaminari fiddled with it for a moment before smiling contently.
“all done!” he announced.
“i’ll be going, then. thank you, kaminari. and it was nice meeting you, kyoka.” you smiled. kyoka smiled back.
“good seein’ ya, (y/n).” kaminari beamed. “later!”
“later,” you replied before leaving the agency.
once you got outside, you inhaled a deep breath of the crisp october air.
“god, i hope he’s okay.”
“okay, that was one time—“
(don’t forget to comment + give ur thoughts :)
@k0z3me @cherryblossomclarity @jazzafaye5294 @stevenknightmarc @failingstudents-blog
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kamomie · 10 months
I really tried to do a more general commentary on Q!Foolish, but it does focus more so on the recent happenings OTL
Quick note, I’m working with the information we have as of July 30, so things might change and my views and interpretation of q!Foolish might not hold next month LOL
Q!Foolish is a complex character, who doesn’t fully understand consequences in relation to other people, largely because he is unable(currently, might change) and unwilling to view issues from another person’s perspective. He’s self-centered and it’s starting to become a problem for himself and others. This is not to discredit his good sides, which I also touch on, though a little less because this got long just talking about the first part. At the very end I list a few of his traits I don’t touch on in the main text, but I feel deserves to be pointed out too.
Now let’s start! Long read ahead!
One of my key takes on q!Foolish, is his inability to fully understand consequences, while simultaneously being aware of the possibility of consequences, but simply choosing not to engage with those ideas and thoughts. This is because he has a self-centered view, and so when he does think about consequences, he thinks about it regarding himself, and not others. Now, self-centeredness isn’t bad, as I’ve stated before, however it becomes a problem when it starts actively hurting others.
Him arresting q!Tazercraft shows this. While he has sporadically shown a bit of worry for them, he’s largely unbothered. He seems aware that there will be consequences, but it seems like he doesn’t quite understand the severity. Add to it that his focus is still on himself, “It’ll be a lonely path” he says, as if it’s somehow unreasonable for his friends to be angry with him after this betrayal. He simply lacks interpersonal understanding regarding these sorts of negative situations. He seems unable and unwilling to see it from another perspective.
This is not to say he’s completely unaware of others, he’s shown plenty of times that he does have interpersonal skills and understanding. One example being that he understood that people wouldn���t take kindly to his actual reasoning for agreeing to help the federation arrest q!Tazercraft, and so he lied and gave a reason most islanders would agree with and understand. But, again, this is one of the instances where he fails to factor in the possible consequences of his words, because if the truth comes out, people are likely to get angry at him for lying on top of his other actions. There won’t be a possible redeeming in the others saying, “well, at least he was honest with us”, that’s already been blown.
Another example of him ending up being aware of how others might feel, is when he got killed by Pomme. He perfectly knows not wearing armor puts him at risk, and he knows that when he instigates a playfight, there is always a risk one might get downed. However, he simply doesn’t care about the risk, to him it’s just whatever, he can easily brush it off and laugh at it, because to him it’s not a big deal. In this instance however, he becomes aware of how Pomme feels, and so he reassures her. This is an example of him realizing that his actions caused another person to do something that they felt bad about and ending up holding himself accountable for what happened by reassuring Pomme. This, however, seems to be more of an exception to the rule.
Either way, q!Foolish is so sure of himself, that it rarely occurs to him that he might be the issue or that others might not see things his way. And as I’ve said, when it does occur to him, he shuts that line of thinking down. It’s very evident when he talks about his work with the federation, that his focus is entirely on how it’ll affect him, and not how it’ll affect everyone around him. It seems that to him their reactions would be the problem, and not that it’s his actions they’re reacting to.
This part is not entirely confirmed canon! But if we assume q!Foolish to be some sort of immortal, then to me, he gives off this sort of young immortal vibe, that’s a bit arrogant, as if he sees himself above whatever could happen. Like, obviously he’s gonna be fine, right? While also a bit unknowing and uncaring about other people. Kinda like “You’re just dumb if you don’t agree with me/understand me LOL”, not meaning to be malicious, but coming across as entirely unsympathetic. 
Anyway, this is why I hope he gets forced to face the consequences for this traitor arc. I so badly want to see him handle something where the harm was done to others and not to himself, because he can easily brush off the consequences of his actions that harmed himself, but it might surprise him that he can’t brush off the hurt he caused q!Tazercraft.
Another interesting aspect of q!Foolish is his whole “I’m just a silly little guy!” thing. I think he does this for two main reasons, enjoyment of life and unpredictability / getting underestimated. Let’s start with enjoyment of life. Q!Foolish wants to enjoy life, be silly and see where things take him. His easygoing nature can be seen in how quickly he forgives people, how he generally acts, his attitude towards armor and dungeons. It can also be seen in his parenting, as he seems to be one of the more easygoing parents.
Now, I’m not team bad parent q!Foolish- Largely, I think he does great parenting Leo, however his easygoing nature does occasionally create less than safe situations. as an example, when he does dungeons with eggs, his easygoing nature paired with his silliness, will often manifest in him seemingly not taking the eggs safety seriously. He’ll ask the eggs to protect him and send them headfirst into danger, because he fully believes it’s the best way to live and that nothing bad will happen. Add to this that often when he’s with eggs other than his own daughter, he wipes his hands clean of responsibility. “If anything were to happen, it’s not my fault”, is an iteration of what he’ll say. This is not to say he doesn’t care; I’d say, the eggs probably bring out some of his best sides. I think the reason why he doesn’t want responsibility for them, is because it’s one of the instances where is aware of just how terrible the consequences would be to lose them.
But his easygoing nature and silliness also lets the eggs have fun, in a way that they often don’t get to with their parents. Q!Foolish will start playfights with eggs and let them beat him and kill him, all in good fun. He’ll encourage them to do waterdrops and to try things out for themselves.
It also often extend to the other Islanders, they often have a lot of fun with q!Foolish. It’s especially noticeable when q!Bad spends time with him, those two can get really silly with each other and it’s honestly so funny to watch.
Now let’s talk about the unpredictability and getting underestimated. I don’t think q!Foolish is stupid, I do however think he overestimates himself and how well he can handle certain situations. But I think a part of his overt silliness is a way for others to underestimate him. It’s a way for him to feel in control of his narrative. It also creates an air of unpredictability, as it can be difficult to tell when he’s being serious. This is also a part of why people allow his pro-federation tendencies, because surely, he wouldn’t seriously sell them out for a cloud or whatever he fancies in the moment? This unpredictability also serves as a an out for him. He can simply say “Well I’ve always been like this, it’s your fault for trusting me?”, meanwhile he’s been benefiting from this trust and care he’s received from his friends.
The reason I say q!Foolish overestimates himself, is because I think he’s started to realize he’s being manipulated by the federation, however, he thinks that because of this knowledge he has the upper hand, but I think he’s actually playing right into the federations hands. And it’s the same with the other islanders, he thinks he has the upper hand by being deceitful and lying about Richas, and that it means he can deal with whatever comes his way. He just fails to realize that if anything slips out and if he continues this path, the floor will crumble beneath his feet.
Other traits I’ve observed from Q!Foolish:
-Acceptance. He’s shown many times he’s a live and let live type of guy, which ties into his general self-centeredness, because to him doing something others might not agree with, doesn’t matter if he isn’t the victim.
-Adventurous. Q!Foolish, likes going on adventures and trying new things. Not afraid to do something new.
-Hardworking. He’s proven many times with his builds that he’s hardworking.
-Loyal. However, it’s reserved solely for his closest family, Vegetta and Leo.
-Patient. I touched on it a bit above but wanted to add a little something onto it. His patience at the start of the qsmp was slightly above average, after Leo’s arrival, it’s only gotten better.
-Charming. Q!Foolish has a lot of charm, and it helps him tremendously, both gaining friends and staying out of trouble.
-Friendly. Almost always friendly and approachable.
-Perfectionist. Again, ties in with his building skills, he’s very meticulous with his builds and want them to be as perfect as possible, though he’s not overly perfectionist, he’s able to recognize when he’s building something for the first time it might not be perfect, but instead uses it as a learning experience.
-Procrastinator. Often ties in with being a perfectionist, because it requires a lot of focus and so you might stop for a while to catch a break.
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jazzy-art-time · 5 months
I didn’t post about it on my mod blog because I didn’t want to dampen the spirits that everyone else was having but I’ll mention things.. briefly here before the year ends.
If you just follow me for art then you prolly wont know what I’m sayin!! Carry on soldier. I will post more art again soon, it’s just time for me to post a long text post that prolly 90% of the people here wont know wtf I’m on about!!
Putting under the cut to avoid long post/put that negative crap under wraps
This year was horrid for me. In many ways but.
The entire thing with the stalker/doxxer went.. a lot deeper than people realize it was. That’s due to me just not mentioning what happened directly but It wasn’t just hate and harassment and doxxing it was..
Abhorrent. I’ll spare the nitty gritty details, to be Frank idk what good it would do to mention it all.
But even so, I was not the best person this year due to this.
I became irrational and paranoid. I left places suddenly without a word (or was being told to and did so out of fear). I stopped talking to a lot of people and became more of a concept than a person to many. Got snappy and bitter a lot of the time as well. Just overall became afraid of everyone and didn’t trust anyone at all and it made me someone I didn’t want to be.
Regardless of the situation I was going through, I shouldn’t have acted in a lot of ways I did. I can play the “I was being abused so wehh it’s ok how I acted” card all I want but the reality is.. it wasn’t really cool of me. I’m a grown adult, I’ll own up to that.
And I know I caused a lot of people worry by my sudden disappearances or mood changes. I was too focused on trying to protect myself and those I cared about that I became a bit?? Of a prick. And honestly I feel like I caused more damaged trying to “protect” other people from the situation. Irony is a cruel mistress.
I let someone else get too much control over me and my actions and let them use my own mental illness against me and make me somewhat nasty.
But it wasn’t right of me, no matter the circumstance.
But it’s all over now! All over now… for now anyways. But I still have to look at the mess left in the wake of everything and try to reassemble what I can.
So, if you were someone who was effected by my irrational and erratic behavior.. I do apologize. Idk what real “good” me saying that does.. but I don’t want to just not say anything at all.
I’m not saying all this as a like NYEHEHE IVE APOLOGIZED AND NOW I EXPECT EVERYTHING TO RETURN TO NORMAL that’s not what’s happening trust me lol. This is just my own guilt welling up a bit and me chucking it out into the world for the time being
I’ve been drafting and deleting a post like this all week because I didn’t want to go into a new year just brushing everything aside. But kept wondering what good it would even do or who would even give a shit.
But. Here is this post! It exists, for now! Who knows I may wake up tomorrow and go WTF NO and delete outta paranoia. Idk!
All in all…
I’m going to spend 2024 trying to rebuild myself. I haven’t been.. myself in nearly 2 years due to everything (and IRL circumstances as well that I won’t get into).
I have a better support now. So that helps me and has been helping me get better again. Not just in recovery and help with legal things but like. Just emotionally keeping me in check lmao
So I hope in 2024, things will be better. If not for me, then for others at the very least.
I know this post was long and negative and repetitive, but if I spend too long revising it I’ll just delete it again.
Idk if anyone will actually read this but??? Shrugs. Oh well. If anything I’m being selfish and just posting this for my own personal “”closure”” if you will
Happy new years, see you all around.
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thomashoes · 1 year
Thinking about.... JeanLuc
One of the few straight ships that actually makes me cry bc of the angst around them. I've been thinking about them since yesterday but I couldn't write it down cuz i fell asleep lol. Enjoy~
Modern AU
Straight ship (if you dont like, scroll pass, tnx <3)
kinda longer than my usual cuz i cant control myself
probably has typos and grammatical errors since i didnt check--
Jean and Diluc are coworkers (Jean as CEO and Diluc as her PA). Diluc was supposed to be CEO but he refused the offer when his father, Crepus died and his brother, Kaeya went MIA. Everyone thought that they did not get along well since Diluc speaks bluntly and is often misinterpreted as rude while Jean, although she’s strict, has a more gentle aura around her. Both of them are pretty much the talk of the town (office??) since they are both good looking. Jean’s toned body (thanks to pilates) and Diluc’s buff structure and "mysterious" background that makes every woman (and some men) in the office swoon.
EVERYONE talks about wanting to either sleep with them or date them, there's no in between. But what the office doesn't know is that they're married and have been for 5 years. Only their close friends and family knew of their union. They didn't wear their wedding rings because it was 2 sizes small (thanks to their musician friend) so instead they wore it around their necks. Also, Jean just kept her maiden name and Diluc, although he did try to talk her out of the idea, accepted her decision.
However, one day Jean overheard Donna say that she will ask Diluc out again during the end of the year ball. Normally Jean wouldn't be surprised by this but this was DONNA and that woman keeps on bugging her husband despite him politely rejecting her multiple times.
This caused Jean to be out of it which did not go unnoticed by Diluc, so he decided to confront her about it when he handed her her 5th coffee of the day. Jean confessed to him about Donna’s plan and Diluc just told her not to worry about Donna and that he’ll handle it when it happens. And, of course, Jean trusts her man so much it's sort of amazing (absolutely ridiculous as Lisa told her).
On the night of the ball, Donna approached Diluc and asked to speak with him alone at the balcony. Jean and Diluc locked eyes before Jean discreetly waved him off as she spoke with Eula. Around 10 minutes have passed and she still hasn't spotted Diluc. So she went off to the balcony and as soon as she arrived there, Jean saw that Donna lunged forward to kiss Diluc and had sadly succeeded. Just as Jean was about to angrily march at Donna, Diluc pushed the woman away firmly.
“I already told you I’m married and you need to stop this nonsense” he enunciated firmly. “I don’t see a ring on your finger! Please Diluc, stop resisting and lying to me,” Donna desperately wailed as she gripped his arm tight. “My wife would not take this action lightly anymore if you keep this up,” Diluc, once again, remarks harshly. Donna scoffed and then smirked, “She’s not even here. What are you gonna do? FaceTime her? I know you only have like 10 contacts there and none of them are of your wife’s!”
Jean decided to step up, “Actually, she’s gonna file a harassment report to the HR and put you under investigation.” she sharply denoted as she walked towards them. Her heels tapping against the tiled floor loudly despite the party ongoing inside. “I’d love it if you back away from my husband, Donna. I have tolerated you long enough because you are an excellent worker. However, my patience for you has become too thin for my liking and this is the last straw.” jean disclosed as she crossed her arms with her chin up. Donna looked at the both of them back and forth with her mouth opening and closing, resembling a fish, before she excused herself and left the two of them alone.
Diluc smirked at his wife, “well that confrontation took you 7 years,” he teased her "A bit earlier than I anticipated." Diluc chuckled. Jean blushed and looked away, “It's because I trusted your judgement and knew you are capable of handling this kind of situation. But today…. I’ve had enough.” Diluc held her hand and kissed her knuckles, staring at her blue eyes the entire time. “Does this mean that it’s time to let the company know?”
Jean bites her lip before nodding, “I would feel better if we did, yes.” Diluc chuckled at her before tidying his suit, “I believe I deserve some sort of reward for tonight’s hard work. I had to deal with that for what felt like an hour—”
Before he could finish his sentence, Jean grabs his face and kisses him. “the audience be damned” was the last thought diluc had before kissing her back.
Because tonight, he will be giving all his attention to his wife only.
"Also, I'm beginning to wonder what name you put under my number since Donna said--"
"A-ah well..."
(T'was Dandelion Tights)
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daisybellejpeg · 1 year
Hello, Daisy. I have a few questions. They are related to the Dr. Bright debacle, so feel free to delete this if that makes you uncomfortable.
First of all, are you okay with people making posts linking to your testimony? I've made some posts containing the Google Doc titled "Skeletons in the Amulet", and if this makes you uncomfortable, I will delete them.
Second of all, there are people with DID that have fictives (alternate personalities that take the form of a fictional character) of Doctor Jack Bright. Many of these people are not comfortable with the use of Elias Shaw, and some have outright stated that Shaw is triggering. What would you suggest for these people in this situation?
Honestly feel free to ask me about adminbright anytime. This goes for anyone who has questions about my testimony or the situation in general. The bastard has me blocked on Facebook but I still have the logs— that and I’ve figured out that being extremely detailed with receipts makes it harder for bright apologist squealers to cry “Political Corectness” or “Buzzkill” without looking like they’re backing up a nonce lol. I’m not a stranger to giving testimony on trauma in general and am more than happy to put on a brave face if it means others can stay safe and informed.
Now onto the two parter:
1. Fuck. Yes. Say no more. It puts AB on edge to hell and back. Actually, Mx. Peters has gone on two Facebook tyrades regarding my testimony before nuking their Facebook to private. They have other victims even irl that they’ve met at faires n cons, I still keep in touch with one actually.
The more this gets out alongside the aht message and Cimm’s video, the more impact it might have in fandom spaces they frequent. As of now they’re banned from two events due to the mountain of evidence that’s now levied against them. More awareness=less future victims. Use my doc as many times as your little heart desires.
2. Imma be real with you chief I am not a licensed shrink nor do I have full knowledge of DID aside from having three really good friends who have it. Actually it worries me quite a bit that there’s bright fictives given the whole possession fetish aspect of the character and how it enticed the sicko who created him. Only advice I can give is that you are in mostly full control to curate your personal experience online. Make use of the tag system here, mute words on Twitter, the works if you’re really that bothered by Shaw.
(Edit to add given that it’s been brought to my attention that this part can be confused for me still talking about people with DID, I’m talking about fully neurotypical people who use the character) I have several people who still use bright despite the trove of info on how that can be potentially dangerous blocked on here. It’s so weird to flex stanning some 40 year olds possession fetish character that they used (along with their position of power) to actively predate on minors and young adults but go off I guess?
If anyone gives me shit about Shaw tho? I bite back. I won’t tolerate being heckled about taking steps to minimize and prevent further damage from my groomer in this community in an attempt to heal from the shit I went through with Peters.
I was taken advantage of as a child when I was 9, once again when I was 16, and finally by bright when I was 20. The latter will be the last time I let it slide. I made a promise to myself that I will protect not only the past victims, some of whom I’m friends with, but also young impressionable fans from this lowlife coomer and their undeserved legacy. I will cyber bully (in Minecraft) anyone who tries to slam me for it. I will be the ultimate buzzkill for any indignant bright stan and call them out for indirectly sheltering the legacy of a predator. I’m not the only person tired of the character either. Many people on the wiki are and will side eye you at best if you complain about the overdue action being taken regarding bright the character.
I hope this answers your ask! Feel free to ask any additional questions if there’s anything I missed.
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groenendaelfic · 1 year
King Wilhelm crimes?! I support King Wilhelm rights but most importantly King Wilhelm wrongs 😌💜
Tell me as much as you want on this idea please!!
I, too, very much support King Wilhelm wrongs! 👑💜 this is both the most vague as well as the longest file in my wip folder and mostly deals with my feelings re sovereign immunity in general and the fact that as king, Wille can't be prosecuted for his actions.
(I have an embarrassing amount of irl notes on that, so I practically have to turn this into a fic now)
One of my favorite things about Wille is the fact that he's both impulsive, as well as capable of long term scheming and seeing plans through, and I love that combination.
Now add to that Wille being King as well as something happening to Simon/Ayub/Rosh which requires haste, shadiness and worse to be resolved, and well ... Wille would go all out to help no matter what, and Simon would have all the some moral dilemmas but not enough to stop Wille.
I mean Wille pulled a rifle on his cousin knowing he'd get away with it. Even if you ignore the cousin bit, August is still a noble and not a nobody. But what if the 'antagonist' was an actual criminal or at least someone everyone'd consider shady?
How far would Wille go, both as a snap decision to get them out of immediate circumstances as well as in the long term?
I have a bunch of incoherent snippets and different plot string ideas already, but nothing specific yet apart from drabble no3 I posted a while ago, naively thinking doing so would satisfy that particular itch (spoiler: it did not):
"I am the King," Wilhelm says, not meeting anyone’s eyes. "So you’re saying you’ll up and run and let us fend for ourselves then?" Rosh asks, anything but amused. "You get that you’ll never have to worry about paying rent or putting food on the table, don’t you? You’ll survive a scandal like this. Unlike us, the lowborn trash you're too ashamed to stick up for." "No," Wilhelm says, a plan slowly beginning to take shape in his mind. "What I’m saying is that unlike you I have absolute immunity from criminal charges. My father being regent doesn’t change that."
This is still very much at the 'throwing things at the wall' stage though, and will remain so probably until after s3 airs, because they've already started filming, and I really want to finish ALaWHEO before s3 comes out and well ... I already fear I'm cutting that close considering all that's still to come there lol
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Alright so AU huh? Mmh well if you know me you know that I love Deltarune. Guess what AU the deltarune fan base hasn’t made yet, at least to my knowledge. The Borrower AU
SO, guess it’s my job huh? Alright, here it is the Borrower AU for Deltarune aka
So the basis of this AU is quoted simple, the darkners and the dark worlds are the borrowers and the world of borrowers within the walls. Darkners are tiny about borrower size (around 4 inches on average but with such size variations it can vary haha!) anyway, the darkners used to help the giant Lightners in the light but one day something happened, and the darkners didn’t dare go back out to the light. Many believe the Lightners left them and Chose to ignore the darkners, others believe the Lightners did something to make darkners want to hide. Who knows the real reason.
The dark worlds mostly remain the same, being in the same buildings as they were in game, the only difference is that they are living in the walls, floors, and ceilings. Here’s the cool bit, the darkners still have their powers but they have one extra one, they can turn into the object that represents them. At least to a certain degree. For example Lancer would turn into his card, the Queen (while yes is probably the computer) would be able to shift into a microchip or even a small mainframe or flash drive. I haven’t really decided on that yet haha.
Anyway, the story would be quite similar with kris and susie discovering this hidden world and exploring it. How? Well of course they get shrunk! They have to travel through the dark world to find the fountain that shrunk them and close it in order to get back to their normal size. However even after the fountain is closed the darkners stay darkners, they just lose the ability to hide in plain sight. So susie and kris can let the darkners decide to stay in their current homes or come with them to a new home where they don’t have to worry about being seen by other Lightners.
Now what about our favorite two lads? I’m talking Jevil and Spamton of course? What makes them, them in this AU? Simple really, they talk to a lightner. They learn and got help from a lightner or the knight (since I’m still not 100% sure the knight is a lightner but eh) Both had contact with a lightner and got different things from them. Jevil learned more about how small he really is and how little of an effect he would have on the larger world around him, to which he responds that since his actions wouldn’t matter, that means he can do anything. He also plays with this lightner a lot and this made the kings upset because his interactions with the lightner was putting everyone in danger. So they locked him up. Meanwhile spamton meets mike (who I’m assuming is another darkner but I’m not 100% sure) and mike introduces him to a lightner who supplies him with all these items and trinkets. He becomes well known as one of the best borrowers in the walls, until the lightner and mike just disappear one day. Then everything goes downhill. He is forced to go borrowering after not actually doing it for awhile and often trips up. Lucky there is a robotic action figure hidden away somewhere that might help him escape this little nightmare he’s found himself in.
Anyway those are just some thoughts of mine about this lil AU haha. Also I tried to design some borrower versions of the lads, might redesign them but I honestly like how they look. I really like Jevil’s big bells lol.
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If you have any thoughts, ideas, or even questions about this AU, let me know! I’d love to hear/answer them!
Also for anyone who wants to be a little self indulgent, imagine finding your favorite darkner as a borrower/tiny. Just a little version of them. Maybe they were taking something from you, or perhaps they got stuck and now need you help. Either way, enjoy the daydreams heehehhehehe!
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elflock-magician · 11 months
Are you comfortable with Levi x Hu fluff?
I am!! I actually wrote some fluffy stuff of them a bit ago but didn't post cause it felt a lil to short- lol. I'll prolly write something longer about them later. Here's the oneshot:
Summary - Levi and Hu are both absolutely exhausted from a long day. So it’s comforting for the two of them when they finally get a few precious moments alone together. 
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Both Levi and Hu had a lot of responsibilities. They both put a lot on themselves. Levi tried his best to be strong for his friends. And Hu tried her best to be mature and motherly for her peers. The two of them put a lot on themselves. Especially with how their situation had been getting more tense recently. And especially more so with how the two of them had to constantly break up fights between Nico and Ace, and even some between the others. But Nico and Ace specifically were practically like bickering siblings recently. But regardless, Levi and Hu had a lot on their shoulders. This led to the two of them being quite tired by the end of the day. And at the end of the day when they were both exhausted, they were grateful to have each other. 
“Good evening, Hu.” Levi stated as he entered the movie room. “Oh! Good evening to you too, Levi.” Hu replied. Hu was sitting in the movie room, watching a drama movie. “It’s getting rather late.” Levi commented as he entered the room and shut the door behind him.
“Indeed.” Hu chuckled weakly, “I was simply having trouble sleeping. So I was just trying to take my mind off of things.” She explained. “May I join you?” Levi asked. “Of course!” Hu replied and pat the spot next to her on the couch. Levi sat down, though he too seemed rather… tense. But much less so around Hu. It was probably due to the situation earlier that day.
“Thank you.” He said and smiled softly over at Hu. Hu blushed slightly, “Of course.” She replied. “The movie I’m watching is a Drama. It’s a very good story. You’d quite like it, I think.” She added. “I see.” Levi replied as the film played out in front of them. “Hu… If I may ask, why were you having trouble sleeping?” He asked. Hu seemed a little caught-off-guard. A lot of times people tended to ignore Hu’s problems and issues. No one was ever concerned for her. Because Hu was constantly pushing herself to be responsible.
“Ah. Stress, simply. Nothing to worry about.” Hu replied. Levi, though a little hesitantly, put his arm around Hu. “Uhm… Well…” He blushed slightly at his own actions, “While that may be so… Try to relax. We are in this together, you know.” Levi stated. A smile crept onto Hu’s face. She leaned against Levi.
“Yes. We’re in this together, after all.” She said. She seemed to calm down. 
The both of them sat in comfortable silence. It wasn’t the awkward kind of tension-filled silence, it was just… nice. The both of them were tired and wanted to get some sleep, and simply enjoyed the company of the other. The drama movie played quietly in the background of the dark room. Hu had fallen asleep, leaning against Levi’s chest, sooner than later. And Levi had done the most dad behavior thing he could possibly do and fell asleep, like, ten minutes into the movie, and had his head flung back as he slept. The two of them really looked like an old married couple. They felt so comfortable and safe around each other. And for both of them, just being close was good enough.
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chirpsythismorning · 10 months
Why do some people say the strikes won't be over until March next year? Like whoa that's taking it too far, neither side can afford to wait that long and it's starting to show
I haven’t seen any speculation about March personally, but I do know that it’s hard to be confident right now because we don’t know if the studios are being genuine about wanting to make a fair deal.
In fact, from what I understand the studios' most recent official proposal, while it did finally at least acknowledge the main points of the writers' demands, it used language that still made room for loopholes so they don't actually have to honor those demands in action.
While it's great that the studios are finally at least coming to the table to talk, there is bound to be some back and forth between them and the WGA for quite a bit, especially if the studios keep drawing out the process by trying to cheat their way out of this. Then there's still SAG, and as of now they have not been contacted by the AMPTP yet to set up re-negotiations. It's unlikely that will happen, at least not until the WGA is closer to making a deal. We'll have to see how all that plays out within the next couple weeks and going forward.
As of just a couple weeks ago, the Emmy’s announced they would be postponing the ceremony until January 2024, as the event requires talent to attend, although they obviously can’t during the strike. I’m guessing that January was the latest trajectory they could imagine, so they pushed it to that, as opposed to postponing it to like September/October only for it to have to get postponed again in the case that the strikes still weren’t resolved by then.
Honestly, I'm just at a point in general where I'm accepting reality as it comes. We should know by now that nothing is guaranteed and we're better off accepting that, otherwise we're bound to be disappointed regardless. I mean for fucks sake we're still reeling from a pandemic that is being projected to come back full force by the end of the year, with possibly even more cases than we've seen in the past. If that were to occur, filming could be put on hold AGAIN. And honestly if it comes down to that, the least of our worries will be a TV show.
NGL my brain can't even properly compute s5 happening because it's not in fact happening yet and it's been that way for so long. I think until it's at least halfway filmed, i'm just going to be stuck in this mindset of viewing it as a far away fever dream. As depressing as that sounds lol
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ohnococo · 17 days
i LOVE your nsfw writing. It's mind blowing. How do you do it? can you share some tips? coming from someone who's never had any experience in that department
First off, I am thanking you, cherishing you, offering you freshly baked muffins and the drink of your choice 🥺
And I’ll actually try to get a little more in depth than usual with my process so I’ll put it under the cut! (Spoiler: I am rambling as usual)
Disclaimer that sometimes I just bang shit out lol, especially for characters I feel more “comfortable” with (Mista from JJBA, Ijichi, and ones that are now more solidly “my interpretation” like Fight Night Sukuna). In those cases I just go with my gut first and foremost and have a fairly fleshed out NSFW scene then touch up after.
I also used to maybe write one thing a year, never had outlines, felt like everything needed to be as much of a final product as possible when it hit the page and the biggest thing that helped me with my writing flow is to start where I’m interested. Inspired to write something because of one random image or action in your head? Don’t worry about how to get there just yet. Throw down some points or a random sentence or line of dialogue. Suddenly get inspired for something to happen later? Don’t leave it til later, skip ahead (or back) and put down whatever is in your head! I basically never write a scene from beginning to end. I jump around and flesh it out as I go, then make sure it’s cohesive/flows well once I have something more substantial written.
Remember, no one is seeing that page until you’re good and ready to show it so it doesn’t matter what it looks like, it’s just a little boost to jumpstart things!
(And if you need help getting that boost or sudden inspiration for NSFW and find it’s not coming on your own, what I either do is find people who like that character or maybe are on the same wavelength about them and “thirst” I find talking with others really gets your brain working. That or I just daydream! Daydream and then pull things that work from that to put on the page.)
So, I’ll use the first chapter of Fight Night as a concrete example, because that could be (and was originally) a standalone. I knew I wanted a few things happening in the scene: semi-public sex in a club, a little size difference there with Sukuna’s monster hog, a blow job, and reader riding Sukuna (not all of these things happened in the final product, the flow and opportunities to develop the dynamic changed it as I wrote/edited).
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This was a starting point for me actually writing rather than “outlining” (or what could be considered outlining in my process). From there I skipped around. Noting things like “reader tells sukuna to get his cock out,” then going back before the above bit and noting “reader makes out w sukuna in front of others, not so much with going further in front of others” then jumping back later and writing a little of reader adjusting to how big Sukuna is, etc etc.
Sometimes I can piece a whole scene together like this, but anytime I get stuck and am not immediately moved to write another part of the scene, I read through from the beginning. This is where flow comes together for me. I fill in gaps (is there foreplay? What kind of foreplay? Position changes? What kind of mood is there in the sex? Slow and sensual, playful, rough? Are the characters the type to talk during? Moan? Whine? Groan?)
Another thing that helps me flesh out NSFW scenes is thinking of the specific people in these scenarios. I try to make my scenes specific to the characters present, if I feel like you can easily swap out Toji for Gojo or Gojo for Choso etc etc, I don’t personally feel like I’ve done my job. Gege has given us enough to make these characters distinct, the way they fuck will be too.
Basically, I do a lot of thinking (or even writing) that never ends up in the final product. It’s so much easier for me to write NSFW scenes when I feel like I have a grasp on a character or characters. Even if it’s straight porn without plot, I’ve still got the plot in my head - what is the dynamic here?
Do they know each other already? Are they in an established relationship? A budding relationship? A situationship? Etc etc
Have they done whatever is happening in the scene before? Or is it the first time? Is anyone nervous?
Are the characters gentle? If they are, are they gentle because they’re nervous of hurting the other person? Or because they’re nervous since it’s their first time with that person? (Or first time in general - or first time trying something) or are they gentle in a slow, sensual way?
Are they rough? Rough and playful? Rough and mean? Etc etc
These types of questions and considerations add color to the basic actions. From there the questions can branch off again and again to flesh things out.
Going back to fight night as an example: the sex is a little rough, but not because Sukuna doesn’t care about the partner enjoying it (which could be a feature in a different story or dynamic), but because he enjoys rough sex. I try to convey that it’s not out of carelessness via Sukuna considering foreplay and expressly telling reader “I didn’t stretch that cunt open for nothing.”
There’s opportunity to show the dynamic between characters and the personality in these things too. We see banter between them, and a little back and forth (that they both enjoy) in the lead up to the scene, and that can be shown during the scene too - like when reader finally gets their bearings riding Sukuna, but he purposefully throws off their rhythm by thrusting up. It’s playful, a little teasing, there’s so many little actions that can communicate a dynamic like that and make a NSFW scene fun!
In the end I always do one final read through to check for errors and flow, this often leads to adding things here and there, swapping things around, getting rid of things, etc etc, but I read through until I feel like there’s nothing else to add or change (or until I’m sick of looking at it and ready to thrust it into the world lol).
I hope this helped or was at least interesting in some sort of way 💛
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singaporesainz · 5 months
if you're still doing the hot takes 👀
basically my main one is that i consider that all the drivers are probably arseholes/annoying to some extent bc lets be honest you do NOT get to this level in sports, especially in motorsports without being a bit selfish and they are all young(ish) men who have mostly grown up with privilege and/or definitely have it in buckets now. sure some of them have made more fools of themselves by saying silly things in public but i do think that i wouldn't want to meet any of them/ probably wouldn't actually really like them if i got to know them
idk if that sounds mean 😭 because there are some of them that i do like and respect for different reasons but i think we all need to calm down about putting guys on pedestals. it takes some of the argumentative edge off if you just assume that all of them are regular people with flaws or things about them that you won't like so much, whether they are highly publicised or not. trying to make your fave look better by pointing out flaws/actions of other drivers just gets sooo old.
that said i dont think theres harm in highlighting nice/good things that they do bc we need positivity too!
random other takes: i think everyone should just stay out of wags business, lando not having a win doesn't mean he's a flop or worse than oscar/george/whoever people are comparing him too now, yuki has actual real talent even if he makes mistakes sometimes under pressure (and everyone talking about his "attitude problems" need to bffr), and despite everything i DO feel so bad for nyck lol
I think that you’re right about drivers being assholes and annoying to an extent, but not because of privilege but because they’re just boys 😭 privilege & wealth don’t go hand and hand with being a dick, so I don’t think you’re giving these drivers enough credit. Now I’m not saying they’ll be your best friend upon meeting then or they’ll be the happiest person ever, but I think MOST of them will be kind. I mean between the interactions I’ve seen with Charles and Alex, and what Dax has said about Daniel, I don’t think you have to worry about all of them being dicks. I understand the fear of meeting them though, bc I also have that fear but more so out of breaking the fourth wall. It’s weird, my brain.
And yeah, I always say that there’s a way to support your fave driver without putting down another. I don’t understand why people who bash on other drivers spend the energy when they could be using that time to focus on their fave. I’ll never understand that side of the fandom and I’ll probably go insane before I ever do.
Random takes -> everyone should leave wags alone, lando shouldn’t be compared he’s riding his own lil wave— but also no drivers should be compared has heavily as he is currently, yuki is 100% a strong driver and is just hindered by the car he’s given, and i love his little outbursts I don’t CARE what people think, & nonnie I also feel so bad for nyck.
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strawberrybyers · 2 years
twd series finale spoilers
ok for the first 45 minutes i was getting worried because all the action was happening and i was questioning how will they wrap everything up?? it felt a bit fast paced for those 45 minutes, but i think i only felt that way because i knew this was the end.
once all the action was over and the scenes became more sentimental, that’s when i felt relief that okay i think this is actually going to be a good finale
rosita’s death had me bawling my eyes out 😭😭 i saw a spoiler, so i knew she was going to die, but regardless it made me sob and the way they filmed her last moments was just heart-wrenching
the scene of luke’s death where kelly, connie, magna, and yumiko were all together crying also made me cry a lot. the acting was amazing in that scene
idk i personally think they should’ve killed pamela, but i guess they wanted to put her in jail to show they’re making a pivot in the way they do things and aren’t going to just constantly kill everyone
i love that ezekiel became governor and that mercer became lieutenant governor!!
yumiko and magna getting back together is something that is very important to me!! love a win for the gays <3
daryl and carol telling each other that they love one another was so <3 <3 i love their friendship and watching the journey of their characters over the past 11 seasons has been such a delight. i’m not someone who was rooting for them to start dating (not that i would’ve cared if they did date!) but i just always saw them as really good friends and family than romantic partners, so for me i loved their ending. i do just wish daryl didn’t run off alone because i wish he would finally just settle in one place and be with his family instead of always on the go, but i understand for the spin-off they needed him to leave
the tribute of all the characters who have passed made my heart heavy. so many characters i loved passed away in this show, but that’s the reality of life. the ones we love will die and we will have to try to find a way to move on without them
daryl saying “we ain’t the walking dead” was kind of corny to me lol. sometimes the title of a show or movie being included in the dialogue works, but sometimes it doesn’t and this was one of those moments where i don’t think it was necessary for the title to be said in the show lol
RICK AND MICHONNE!!!!!! my favs are finally coming back to me! seeing them made me smile soooo much. i’m so fucking excited for this spin-off and to see where rick has been all these years
the conversations between negan and maggie in s11 have been really intriguing to me. this final convo between them was touching because all i have ever wanted is for maggie to be okay and knowing that she is in a place where yes, she’ll never forgive negan, but she can begin her journey to coexist with the grief and heal makes me happy for her. i am also very excited to see what their spin-off is going to entail as their dynamic is very interesting and they set up their relationship very nicely to make you want to tune in into their spin-off
overall, it was a good finale. i won’t say it’s exceptional or anything, but i enjoyed it and it did what it needed to do. it had its last battle, people died, people mended relationships, people were saved, the show ended with showing the progress that’s been made in their communities and that life goes on. it felt like a real-life ending about civilization experiencing a zombie apocalypse. it was years and years of experiencing grief, death, loneliness, greed, war, corruption, starvation, fear, hard-work, survival, and love in such a damaged, chaotic world which all eventually led to finding a way to actually being able to create a world filled with civility, stability, and democracy.
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