#i’m at least sure most of the new people aren’t bots lol
scham-wcan · 9 months
wow what are y’all doing here, hey hi welcome to the scham shack
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sid471 · 3 years
So, okay, listen. A lot of the time on my Ironwood posts, someone mentions that RT, or someone working at RT, said that ironwood’s prosthetics represent him “Losing his humanity”, politely asking for a source for that 😗. I think that there has to be more to it than that. One of our main 4 has a prosthetic, and a very prominent side character has prosthetics. Our villains have prosthetics. No one treats any of these characters any differently .-. There’s never any horrified reactions to these characters because of their prosthetics.
Cinder is… a different case, but for once this isn’t about her lol. Let’s look at Penny instead. Penny was entirely metal and yet no one, besides the villains, treated her like a robot. Everyone treated her as a person, like they would anyone else.
“You think because you have nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me?”
“You’re not like those things we saw back there. You have a heart. And a soul I can feel it! 😄”
“Her soul is who she is.”
“The metal parts are just… Extra. 🙂”
All of these were said in regards to Penny. None of these exactly scream ‘I hate prosthetics’ or ‘These people aren’t human’. Hell, most of the time, new people Yang interacts with don’t even react to her arm. And the people who do are just… genuinely intrigued by the arm’s capabilities. Yang’s arm is just… her arm y’know? Same thing with Maria, no one reacts to her eyes. Here’s what I THINK they meant when RT said ironwood is “Losing his humanity”.
What is Atlas known for? Its advanced technology, very good. I’ve said before that Atlas relies too much on its technology and soldier bots. Which is why Mantle, and a lot of Atlas proper, just goes into complete disarray when Watts hacks into Atlas’ system. Even the Fall of Beacon, Cinder is able to use the Queen Virus to make Atlas look like the bad guys because of Atlas’s over reliance on soldier bots. Where I’m going with this is simple: Ironwood was BECOMING another soldier bot. Which was a good thing! In his eyes at least. Ironwood hates emotions, he hates FEELING things.
And this isn’t a stretch, he SAYS this. I don’t remember the exact episode and the exact time stamp, but I remember it was Ironwood and Oscar in the Vault and he said he almost envied Salem for not having feelings and never hesitating. This is what I think anyway.
In conclusion: Sure, maybe RT, or that person at RT, WAS just being an ableist prick. But I personally don’t think so. I think it was a poorly worded sentiment, perhaps made in the moment, I dunno I wasn’t there. But I really don’t think it was intentionally malicious.
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mrsmess · 4 years
Faves and fails of SPN (season 15, finally):
Favorite episodes (in chronological order):
15:4 Atomic Monsters - Demon!Sam flashbacks! Dean in a beard! Some old fashioned banter! Meatman! Beaverdale! Love how Sam starts arguing w the parents in the parking lot - Me too, Sam, me too. Loving the self-aware monster. I know Becky is problematique™, but I dig her, so, all kinds of fuck Chuck. He must die, and when he does this is the episode I’ll think about.
15:6 Golden Time - Badass protection spells. Dean in a robe and a hot dog pyjamas. Cas going by Clarence. Jogging Sam. Eileen! God I ship her and Sam, and I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that I don’t ship him w anyone. Liking this ep a lot, every little side plot. Nice. And Eileen is back and I know it won’t last but like, that was awesome.
15:10 The Heroes’ Journey - Pretty neat intro. Monster on monster violence to the sound of Clair the Lune. Oh, and excellent casting of Garth’s kids. Regular people trouble... Awesome! Brilliant! This is the kind of meta storylines this show should deal in, exclusively. Oh my Garth! Explosives! Why isn’t every episode like this?
15:11 The Gamblers - Oh, is this another lucky coin episode? In that case yes please! More inconsequential bullshit kindly! Loving Sam staying in touch w Eileen. Hey guys, remember when you did the gambling thing w your years? And the rabbit’s foot? Good times. Will this be an equally good time? I hope so. A god! Excellent. ”Lady, I’m Tolstoy.” Yeah ya are, and i’m dead. The guys and Fortuna bashing god. And I'm equally delighted and distraught over the lore that god created man, man imagined gods and god decided to create the other gods to play into man’s ideas, or as a distraction.
15:13 Destiny’s Child - Omg the intro! Savage garden! I’m dead. Jack w the sandwich, why is that so funny? Cas is a gem this episode! ”’Sexually intimate’?” Lol. That’s what you get for trying to speak plainly, Cas! Hunter Corp. I’m dead, again. Keep the different Deans and Sams coming! I’m digging this! Why would they send ‘em to Rio? They could be your buffy-bots!
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15:14 Last Holiday - Weird people popping up in the hq is awesome. And Dean’s immediate instinct to yell for Sam reminds me of me calling mr mess for everything! ”Shouldnt you be in the woods? Nymfing?” Monster radar? Oh, oh this is excellent. So mrs Butters is capable of murder when home and family are threatened, good for her. They better not kill her. I can accept them returning her to the wild. Yes! Did I call it or did I call it? Good Supernatural, good boy! And Dean making a cake for Jack! My heart.
Fail episodes (in chronological order):
15:2 Raising Hell - Rowena! Instant win. Ketch. Instant lose. Ketch undressing Rowena with his eyes = rating plummeting. Jeez. A bit dangerous even joking about the GoT finale, don’t you think? Rowena and Ketch full on flirting... this is hell, I'm being punished.
15:3 The Rupture - Don’t call him god! His name is Sucky-Chucky. The shock of Cas! “You’ve been playing us the whole time!” This is how it works Cas, where have you been? They're always solving problems like Jason Mendoza. In-Dean-angry-voice: “Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.” Rowena! And Sam! No!
15:5 Proverbs 17:3 - Listen, spn, it’s your last season and if you like just wanna stop writing and casting women completely rn i won't stop you or hold it against you (also why are these ladies identical?). We’ve had a terrible run but lets just let bygones be bygones.
15:8 Our father, who aren’t in heaven - Gosh, having Eileen in the show is painful, I’m just constantly expecting a piano to fall on her head. *Ugh* Sucky-yucky-Chucky. But hey, at least everybody else looks better alongside him. Case and point: I never rly cared that much for Donatello, but it’s great to see him, and Michael’s back, sure is nice to see him too.
15:9 The trap - Ugh. Main plot shit and Sucky-yucky-fucking-Chucky. Fail. Although the flashforward to jan 6th 2021 was a hoot (but probably not meant like one, huh?) Dean’s monologue in purgatory though... gosh. This show would be nothing w/o Jensen Ackles. Omg the kiss! Nice. However, the show at this point has lost the ability to offer any sort of pleasure. Because like Sam, we know which way this will go. They used to have some hedonism working for the characters but now they don’t even have that.
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15:20 Carry on - You know what? I’m not gonna make this post longer than it already is talking about the last episode of Supernatural, that has been done better by people w real grievances w the show. The kindest thing you can say about the finale is that it just as well could’ve been jammed into a few extra minutes added to the previous episode.
Mediocre mentions:
Drag me away (from you) - what is this ugly cell interface? The opposite of product placement. Yay! Retro episode! And they got the same actor to play Dean, neato! Dean admitting he had a hard time handling hunting, that always gets me. Woah! That scream effect without reverb was kinda startling. And the camera zooming in on the little porcelain clown even though Sam is nowhere n- oh shit. This was an interesting episode
Inherit the earth - Goooood I hate Chucky. Barefoot Sam is okay though. Digging this soundtrack too. Very un-Supernatural. Nice to meet ya Betty, but I wouldn’t pull up a chair if I were you. Always a fan of the shiteating grin. Jack, stripping god of his power, that’s so hot. And again: kudos to the soundtrack! The Youngbloods and then Jackson freakin’ Browne! And you know, it’s clichéd and kinda vacant, but also kinda nice. I’m cool with the story ending like this. Why did they have to do another one? Supernatural has never known when to quit, and this is the very real backside of this.
Honorable mentions:
I don’t know who this Ardat chick is but killing Ketch puts her instantly in my win column.
Winchester-dumb, new household term.
”Feels like were taking a big, probably stupid risk. Feels good.” That made me feel good too.
I’m vastly enjoying this dark-art hippie couple in Unity and Jack’s interaction w them.
Cas launching straight into his dramatic I-will-not-let-you-end-your-own-life-speech when Sam casually mentions he’d like to talk to death in Unity, that angel has seen some things, and he has learned.
Those are some pretty pretty death effects on Jack in Despair/The Truth.
Obviously Misha Collins
Things that makes you go hmm:
Which of the clowns is this supposed to be in Back and to the Future? Because the one from season 2 was a monster, right? So he would’ve gone to purgatory. You know what? I’m not an expert. I try to not pay too much attention ’cause it makes me funny in the head. But just, y’know, a general objection.
Here’s my deal w death as a looming threat in this show: it holds no weight. And even if it did it has been painted as the ultimate relief, unless you go to hell, these characters know for a fact that there’s a potentially blissful afterlife, so their attitude towards death should be, what? More pragmatic, I think. And it’s partly why Ackles is wasted on this show; That man can deliver a death monologue like it’s nobody’s business, too bad all those words have been rendered meaningless after 15 seasons of this shit!
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Summing up:
So, I did not go into or leave this season happy, I knew how it would end and I was sad for everyone the show screwed over (more than it already had). Which really meant that I always had to force myself to watch another episode, knowing what was coming. But I had to see it through. I did, so I’ll give myself a pat on the back and get to work on my own personal selection of episodes that will henceforth represent spn to me. A selection I’ll enjoy all the way through. All in all I think the most frustrating thing about the show is how it insists on taking itself so freakin’ seriously. It has always done horror *and* humor best and this whole heaven and hell aspect has never sat right w me, and in any case they should’ve leaned more on “supernatural” narrative tropes (if you will) getting out of their plot problems, gambled some more and thought a bit more outside genre conventions *especially* in their main arcs, they opened up so many opportunities that they never even used. They could’ve been more like Buffy, or Doctor Who. That said, I’ll always get that spn-itch, and when I do, I’ll be happy to have seen all the episodes so I’ll know which ones to avoid.
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signaturedish · 4 years
I found out that there is a name for struggling with emotions and hilariously it's making me feel an emotion that I can't identify. But I finally, FINALLY have a word and explanation and it is so GOOD. Alexythymia. Anyways, I bring it up because I'm especially curious if you think any cybertronians may have this? My first thought was honestly Megatron. XD - Optical Admirer (P.S. I'll send a second with what it is in case you don't have time/energy to look it up.)
So to explain alexythymia, I gotta explain how emotions happen. The body has a physical reaction to something and the brain translates that + the situation to an emotion. Alexythymia means either the body doesn't produce those signs in the body, or the brain can't interpret the signs. A fast beating heart could mean many things, arousal, fear, anger. Most people would know while staring at something scary that it's not because they're horny. People with alexythymia aren't sure... - OA 1/5
... what they're feeling. They may not even recognize there IS something to feel. This isn't psychopathy btw, people with alexythymia could have an angry face, gesture wildly, and be yelling... and not know they're angry. They can feel emotions, but the body may not show them well or their brain seriously can't identify even the clearest of signs in themself what the emotion is. They can also label emotions incorrectly. For me, I have two that emotions often get shunted to. - OA 2/5
Amusement and Frustration. If I feel a lighter emotion, a 'happier' one I guess, I usually just call it 'amused'. If it's heavier and 'sharp', I call it 'frustrated'. Those are the two I often use because they're what I often translate from my body. Most of the time, there is nothing for me. I do have other emotions, but I'm trying to keep it a tad simple. This may or may not be the norm (shifting emotions), but I read of at least another person doing it, but with anger and fear. - OA 3/5
This means people with alexythymia do also struggle with empathy too. If we can't really identify our own emotions, it's hard to identify emotions in others. Not impossible, for absolutely sure. It's often a struggle though, especially in similar looking emotions. It does lead to interpersonal problems, but can be overcome with time. We just have to manually learn how each emotion looks on a person in particular, and how to react to that emotion. Which leads me to the last part! - OA 4/5
We often end up memorizing 'procedures' for how to react to situations. Our emotions can't comprehendingly or quickly lead us through situations that require such. So we memorize what other people do and how they react. Honestly, this does lead to problems where everything feels fake, because a good chunk.... kind of is? We do care about people though, we just may not have the words. With training and therapy, recognizing emotions can get better, but will always be a struggle. - OA 5/5
Thanks so much for this information, Optical Admirer! I’ve never heard of anything like this but it sounds so interesting! One of my favorite gen ed courses in college was physiological psychology because the way people function and percieve is so complex. It’s fascinating! 
This sort of disorder sounds very nuanced and interconnected with other atypical psychologies but I can’t help = but wonder what sort of physical component might contribute to this. A deficiency somewhere? A difficulty transferring information between hemispheres? I did look this up lol, but it’s new and largely related to cognition so there doesn’t seem to be much certainty, unfortunately.
I don’t need to tell you any of this of course, I’m sure you’ve heard it all before. Thank you for sharing your experience and I hope your alexythymia doesn’t cause you too much trouble in your day-to-day life. 
If you don’t mind my saying so, you sound very well put together and from my perspective, empathetic and compassionate. I’m so glad you have access to resources such as therapy and that they appear to be effective. I have a relative with very mild autism that mostly affects his emotional maturity and empathy so while I can’t speak to this sort of challenge myself, I can say that I have seen and appreciate the conscious effort that goes into being social and connecting with others. 
If you would like to share any other experiences (in anon or privately) I’m always here!
As for how this psychology might be applied to the transformers...
You have more authority on the subject so let me know if you disagree with any of this!
Honestly, a lot of Decepticons could be safely considered alexythymiac. In my au, a majority have tweaked with their own programming for streamlining specialties and gaining an edge in combat against the Autobots and their social protocols were the first to go. Lack of empathy and social awareness run rampant in their ranks.
Frenzy doesn’t bother addressing any of his issues, he’s not sure how he feels and he interacts haphazardly with basically everyone to the point of gaining a reputation for being spastic and temperamental. He’s not, but he doesn’t bother correcting that perception, he doesn’t care for anyone outside his handler. So long as he can infiltrate and communicate the information he recovers, he can validate himself. 
Seekers largely dodged this trend because their social intricacies are their edge and quick, long-lasting bonds are what make them terrors in flight formations. But bots like Megatron now have difficulty handling nuanced emotion or reading it in others. They aren’t emotionless by any stretch and are fully capable of social bonds, it’s just more difficult to take on and maintain. 
Megatron especially filters most of his emotions through rage and pleasure. This may have once been habit in his grandstanding to appear without weakness, but now it’s a reality. It’s not that he doesn’t feel anything else, but it’s easier to attribute whatever that emotion is to either camp and actualize from there.
Optimus could be considered the poster child for alexythymia as Wikipedia has led me to understand it. Just like those with the condition, he is caring and aware of his perceptions. And while he is very good at managing himself and his own emotions, he has a great deal of difficulty with direct, physical empathy in real-time. It’s hard for him to anticipate how someone dissimilar from him might feel, like he’s honed his self-perception so finely that now he’s only an expert on the exclusive psychology of Optimus Prime.
Bumblebee is bad at interacting with Harry, for example, because he’s never been around a child and has a poor understanding of them. Optimus has been around countless children, but because they’re so removed from how he thinks and behaves he can’t easily identify their emotions or extrapolate on why they feel the way they do. Just like those with alexythymia, he needs to consciously establish every emotion on an individual and study their inner workings to connect with that individual. 
All of them can, have, and will, establish strong connections, it’s only their rate of success and necessary deliberation that is different from other, more social bots. 
What do you think? Did I miss one? Did you disagree with any of these? Let me know why! 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever had FOMO (fear of missing out)? Sure, I’ll get it quite often cause there’s always so much going on. If so, what's caused it? The last time I got FOMO it was when Blanch and Andrew made plans to have a drink Friday evening a few months ago, but they invited me by the time I was already home for at least a couple of hours. Fortunately for me the hangout never pushed through that day haha. Are you happy with your social life? I’m a lot happier with it given how dismal it used to be. I’ve since reconnected with some high school friends like Ciamae and my relationships with my orgmate friends are stronger than ever. If not, what would you have to do to change that? Have you ever hosted a party? If so, what kind of party was it? No. I don’t want to bear that responsibility lol I feel like I’d be awful at planning it and that I’d turn out to be a lousy host. I’d rather go to someone else’s party.
What's the best thing you can cook yourself? Meh, don’t remind me of my nonexistent cooking skills. Are there a lot of graffiti around your neighbourhood? No. It’s a gated subdivision, so not only is that not allowed, but the people living here probably aren’t into graffiti either. They’ll be pretty common once exiting the main gate of the village, though. What kind of a phone do you have? iPhone 8. What kinds of stuff do you have on your keychain? I only have the keys to my car and front door. I used to have a rainbow Mickey Mouse that Gabie got for me as well as a UP keychain thingy, but both of them fell off at some point so I stopped including non-key things on my keychain because I was really sad about losing those trinkets. Have you ever made something with your own hands that you're proud of? Yeah. I forgot which province that was in – I think it was Vigan? – but they had a pottery factory that we visited and I was able to make my own small vase. I wasn’t able to take it home because they said firing it would take a couple of days, so I only have a photo of my work as a souvenir. If so, what is it? ^ I’m pretty sure I already posted a photo of that vase on one of my surveys; I just don’t know if this is also the exact survey I answered before lol. What is your favourite Jack Lemmon film? I haven’t watched any of his work. I’ve always wanted to see The Apartment though. What is your favourite David Hyde Pierce film? Unfamiliar name so I had to look him up...andddd after Google I’ve learned I haven’t watched any of his work. A bit of an impressive portfolio though. Have you ever made your own soda? (Soda Stream doesn't count!) No. Do you have a hobby that forces you out of the house? If so, what is it? I don’t feel forced out of the house by it lol but I do love going to museums and trying out new restaurants and what food they have to offer. It’s not as demanding as having Pokemon Go as a hobby as I like doing either on my own time. Have you ever been part of a theater group? No. If so, did you get any lead roles or mostly supporting roles? Which IM app do you use the most? Messenger. For a brief period during the quarantine my friends and I gave Telegram a shot since they also have games in there, but that only lasted like two weeks since the game bots were too wonky. What's the most ecological thing you do? I think it would be segregating my trash. I’ve forgotten most of the things my old school taught me but that’ll forever stay etched in my head, and I’m really grateful that my university also has separate trash bins to allow me to continue the practice, because so many other public areas don’t. My former music teacher, Ms. Ettie, also taught us to ‘save the polar bears.’ It’s essentially lessening your paper consumption by always folding your notebook leaves in half, but she’s always used ‘saving the polar bears’ with us both as an easy way for us to remember, and because it’s a cute way to put it. What's your favourite board game? Why do you like it best? I don’t really like playing lots of board games and I don’t get to encounter them much either. I always end up having a hard time following any of them – especially the new ones that seem to have much more rules :/ – and board games are too expensive these days anyway. Besides English, what other languages can you speak? Filipino. Besides English, what other languages can you read? Filipino. I’ve also been learning Spanish on Duolingo, but I’m still very rusty and despite being familiar with many words and phrases it’s still hard for me to read complete sentences altogether. Do you think you could make it as a chef? No, the kitchen and I have never been friends. This has baffled me for a long time because both sides of my family are known for their cooking, and my own dad is a chef. I dunno what happened to me or my siblings or cousins lol. What's your favourite kind of tea? Unhealthy, sweet, artificial/powdered iced tea. I also like the tea they give out at fancy hotels that are hot, thick, and almost taste like nothing since they make me feel fancy hahaha but I don’t get to have them a lot, so. How do you like your tea? ^ Just the first one I mentioned. I’m not much of a tea girl so the powdered iced teas are already enough for me. What thing/person/happening has made you the happiest you've been? There’s been many things that have made me extremely happy but I suppose I haven’t been as happy as the time I passed my dream school and the time I asked Gab out again and she said yes. Girls, do you ever just say "Fuck it!" and go without a bra? Yes. It’s hardly noticeable whether I’m wearing a bra or not because my chest is really tiny, and in fact it looks even more unnatural when I wear a bra because all of them are just too big for me, even the ones with the smallest cup sizes. Because of that I can alllllllways get away without wearing a bra in school and no one would bat an eye. What's the most freeing thing you've ever done? So far it’s been driving out of town by myself. Have you ever had a restaurant dish that was made with bugs? Unfortunately no. They had bug dishes in Vigan but the menu said their availability would depend on if they’re in season, and unfortunately we were there at a time when they had no bug dishes and I had to settle with the next most exotic thing they had, frog legs. The next place I wanna get to try bugs in is definitely Thailand. If not, would you even want to try one? Yup, I just said I do. Do you think today's kids are really impatient? In the same way that adults are. A lot of kids are exposed to the internet now, so I suppose they’re influenced to be impatient a lot quicker what with the possibility of their videos buffering, websites loading slowly, and other factors like those. But then again I don’t know if I’m making sense; I haven’t had to handle and observe a young kid in years. Have you ever tasted birch sap? Nope.
How about the young buds/shoots of spruce trees? I haven’t. Which edible flowers have you tasted? I don’t think I’ve tried any of them? And answering no to the last three questions has made me realize how inexperienced of a foodie I still am haha. What has been your worst restaurant experience? I can think of three but there were always external reasons as to why they were bad. 
Mad Mark’s was really bad and we had to follow-up so many times for each of our meals AND our check, but I’m not as resentful towards them since one of the seemingly only two servers present was pregnant. 
Barcino’s service was also quite awful and we waited an hour for our food, but we forgave them since it was Valentine’s and the place was ridiculously busy. 
Probably the worst experience comes from a family dinner at Shakey’s, but only because it was my parents’ fault. I had no problem at all with the service but I think my mom and dad just decided to be extraordinarily snippy that evening and criticize every single thing our server – and eventually, the manager – did. It was really embarrassing and I remember spontaneously crying out of frustration at their childish behavior lol. We ended up walking out with my mom sneering “your service sucks” to the manager and me giving him an apologetic look. It was so brutally embarrassing, eugh.
What's the most immature, adolescent thing that still makes you laugh? Probably Pewdiepie jokes. Have you ever had a life threatening condition? If so, what was it? Nope. Do you ever compare your life to somebody else's? If so, why? Eh, it’s something we can’t help but do sometimes. What is a food item or a dish you absolutely cannot stand? Fruitcake or food for the gods. Have you ever had a custom print done on a shirt? If so, what was it? Not me personally, but I’ve ordered t-shirts with custom prints back in high school for our events. What does your favourite mug look like? I really only have one mug and I’ve described it so many times on here, so I just looked for it on Google this time and this is what it looks like. The design turns blue when the beverage inside is hot, and it gradually fades back to black as it cools down.
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Do you ever copy surveys to Facebook Notes and share your answers? Mmm nope. I’ve only taken surveys and posted them on my Tumblr. What's the best thing about today? I found out Keeping Up with the Kardashians is coming to Netflix by June and I CANNOOOOOOOT be any more excited for it haha. Do you ever read other people's survey answers? Yes, always. Everyone I follow on here writes very well and it’s always interesting to read their answers :) Do you like daytime or night time better? Why? Nighttime. I don’t really like the sun and I’ve found the nightlife more suitable to my personality, interests, vibe, etc. What's your highest level of education so far? I’m taking up an undergraduate degree but I’m supposed to be graduating this year. The schedule is still wonky due to coronavirus, but I have hope in graduating. I still 130% don’t know if I will be taking up law but I’ve had family and friends lightly nagging me to try taking law school entrance exams in 2021. If you could have any job in the whole world, which would you like? A travel blogger/vlogger. Describe your ordinary day. Back when life was still...normal, I’d drive 1-1.5 hours before my first class so I can beat the traffic, but usually I’d still end up in bad traffic because that’s Metro Manila for you. What I would do on my free time depends; if my schedule was freer I’d go to Skywalk to hang with friends, but sometimes I’ll have errands to run like printing something at the internet cafe. I have nearly-daily meetings in the afternoon so I’ll have to go to those too; and then 1-2 times a week I’ll drive to Ortigas so I can see my girlfriend. It was a very hectic schedule and I miss it a lot. Would you ever have a UV tattoo? A what now? What is the brand and colour name of your favourite lipstick? I don’t have one. What do you like on your tortilla? Just whatever goes on a fajita. I don’t really have tortillas much. How about inside your pita bread? ^ All the same, just whatever goes in a shawarma as it’s one of my favorite food. What do you like in your burger? I answered this in a previous survey but I wouldn’t hesitate to order a burger if a menu says it has caramelized onions, brioche buns, and some kind of secret special sauce because that always makes me curious haha. I’ll sometimes go for bacon, jalapeño, or eggs too, but not always. How about on your pizza? I only ever order quattro formaggi; I never have the heart to order anything else as it’s my favorite variety of pizza heh. Would you ever take part in a games club? Probs not as it’s not really my hobby. If so, what would be your ideal club? I dunno, this question is quite vague haha. I suppose if there’s an club or org that bands together people who love history, debates about it, or likes watching documentaries on different history topics, I’d jump on it. Would you be able to give a speech on your favourite subject right now? Sure. We used to have several impromptu speech exercises in my public speaking class and no matter how much I dreaded each of them I always did quite well, so I got convinced that I must have some sort of talent or skill in it that I never got to discover until I had that class. Do you work better alone or in a group? Depends on what needs to be done. If there’s a video that needs to be done or a poster that has to be made, I’d be much more comfortable if I was in a group cause then someone else could take over those tasks.
Are you more comfortable as a leader or a follower? It also depends. If I like the topic or task we’re given, I have no problem leading the group. Which one of your friends have you known the longest? For how long? Angela, 15 years. What is your favourite song right now at this very moment? It’s a local song called Sino by Unique Salonga. It’s not a recent song anymore, but I came across a fan video of Unique performing it in a gig and just fell in love with it all over again.
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marvelmymarvel · 5 years
Hi just submitted a request and also I was just wondering if you have any tips for new writers on starting a blog and such?
Hello!! I got your request and I am excited to write it! It's very specific and if that means your 20th birthday is coming up then HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Now for the tips... (Aka things I wish I knew before starting this blog!)
Long post ahead so read if you want to know how I set up my stuff and some advice for beginning a writing blog <3
Story Setup and Ideas:
When starting a writing blog, begin writing for one fandom that you are truly passionate about. For me, it was Band of Brothers at the time which is why my blog is heavy with it. Now, I am a multi-fandom blog and knew I would be when I began and if you would like to be multi one day as well don't be afraid of starting small. It's best to start small and with one fandom so you don't feel overwhelmed.
Now that you have your one fandom, find your favorite character or characters and write!! Heres how I write a story:
Figure out the idea, this can come from a moment with a friend, something I saw, or a song I heard. Once this idea is in your head write it down!! I have papers full of ideas and when I get in the mood I will refer back to them.
Figure out the pairing. This should come with the first part but sometimes I don't know exactly WHO I want it to about so play around with the scenes in your head. Who is the reader kissing? Who fits with this song??  Who would fit the feel of this scene? Those are some of the questions I ask myself if I don't know a pairing.
Set up the post. This is something I wish I did in the first part of my blog as it took a long time to fix every post so they look the same. Heres how I have them set up and feel free to use or take from this setup for yourself <3. With the Text Post option:
Pairing (Bolded and with the header size)
Synopsis: It was a rainy day in the park but he kept her warm inside.
Trigger Warnings: Blood (This isn’t needed if you have no warnings but you can have it anyway and just put none)
Song: Song Title - Artist (Link: ---------) (Again, not needed unless you have a song that you wish for people to listen to)
A/n: (Finally the authors note, again, it's not needed but I like to talk a lot lol)
Gif/Banner/Etc (Heres where I add a gif of the character I’m writing for or something else that kicks off the story and drags people in. If it's not your gif, either credit the owner if you can find them or simply say its not your gif. I just now began doing this as I have a lot of gifs that I obviously didn’t create and I want to credit them)
Story (Here I like to put a keep reading after a paragraph that is sure to bring a reader in. Your goal is to make them click that ‘keep reading’ option)
Tags: (If you have people that want to be tagged, add them here) 
Hashtags: #bucky x reader #bucky imagine #bucky Barnes imagine #bucky Barnes imagines (Basically for your hashtags at the end, make as many as you can but do not, I repeat DO NOT tag a character that is not important. For instance, if you are writing a story for bucky x reader and the reader has no important ties to steve do not include him. If there was a love triangle in which a reader will read both, then it is alright. Don't clickbait, that's all we ask ;) Adding to that, go ahead and just tag the character itself as well as the fandom!!)
That's how I set up my stories but I would like to let all the baby blogs know that Tumblr has this weird thing called an algorithm, and it sucks. You will not see your post show up on any of those tags for at least 48 hours. Once you post multiple things to that tag or they have ruled that you are not a bot then your stuff will show up. This was a stressor so I hope this knowledge calms you down :)
If you have a hard time with scenarios, ask for ideas!!!
Make rules if you are accepting ideas and don’t be afraid to turn down requests you don’t like/feel comfortable with. It will not alert the user that you deleted their ask so do not feel bad!
Stick to your rules and make sure your blog is a healthy and safe environment.
Once you are ready to move on to more fandoms, go ahead and try it out. If it becomes too much cut it back down. Also, don't be afraid to move away from the fandom you started in. Sadly, I am not as ‘intrigued’ with BOB like I once was. That doesn't mean you won't occasionally write for your beginning fandom but tastes change. 
Do what makes YOU happy.
Because mental health is real and I want all of my baby blogs to be happy, I’m going to let you know some tips and tricks to stay calm.
Remember, this is a blog and you are able to step away for as long as you need if things get stressful.
Remember that the faithful and caring followers will stick around and support you no matter what. You aren’t alone and you don’t owe anyone anything.
I have like 5 requests in my inbox and I know that those who requested know I will get to it but if I don't, I don't. They will not attack me. 
Any follower who attacks you should be reported and blocked immediately. Never let someone make you feel trapped.
When you feel burned out (we have all been there and I still am) do not push yourself. If you are only able to do one story a month then that's okay. Even one story a year is alright, just don't feel like you have to deliver. Your personal life and wellbeing come first. 
If you feel like one of your stories is shit, know that you are putting yourself down and do not delete it. I have one story that has 0 likes and never has that ever happened to me, but I refuse to take it down because I like it. 
Writing should be your escape, not your jail cell. (Something I had to tell myself a lot last year and I wish someone told me)
If you feel stressed and want your followers to know that you’re doing alright just need some time then post a lovely message to your Tumblr and call it good. Most likely, you’ll get messages and comments hoping that you feel better, those are the best followers.
Personal Safety Section:
So my moms a correctional nurse (Aka a nurse at a jail) and she is very protective of me being on the internet. That being said here are some tips I have for you to be safe (Again feel free to ignore some or agree to all, these are just my beliefs and I do not shame anyone who doesn't follow them!):
DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR REAL NAME UNLESS YOU KNOW YOU CAN TRUST SOMEONE. The name I have on my blog is VERY similar to my real name but for safety reasons, I don't go by my real name. Only like 2 followers know my real name and even then it took a while before I said it. 
DO NOT POST A PICTURE OF YOURSELF: God I sound like a boomer, but really you shouldn’t just up and post a picture of yourself unless you really want to. I have thought about posting a pic but thought “Yeah no...”
DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR ADDRESS/CITY/STATE: I have only ever said on my blog that I am in the midwest of the US, but that's it. Never ever give anyone your address/city or your state. 
DO NOT GIVE OUT OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF: This can include your school, age (if below 18 because of predators), phone number (unless a friend that you trust), etc. 
BE CAREFUL. When someone messages you, don't be afraid to chat but if things feel fishy stop responding and block the person. 
Okay, my mother side is done ranting... Just be careful kiddos. As a certified adult, I can say that the internet is scary and that as a teenager (a whole year ago) I did stupid shit... So if you are a teen (Especially below 18) just be careful and think before posting anything personal. If you have any other questions or comments, go ahead and let me know. I am open ears. Also dear anon, please tell me this blog when you get started, I’d like to follow you :)
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kyusako · 5 years
Toxic Party Members?
Today, my new friend invited me to play a game of League today. Except... I didn’t expect to be playing with his friends as well. So I thought, okay. Why not, right? I was excited to play, since it’s been a while since I have.
Well, as it turns out, they aren’t the most... Decent people.
My friend is alright. He’s a pretty nice person. He’s chill, encouraging and is a nice listener.
His friends on the other hand... Well... I remember this one guy in particular. The moment I entered the party, he pretty much insulted me. “Anyon the Bitchai”, he called me.
And it was at that moment that I knew... I fucked up.
So um... Already off to a bad start. My friend told me that he said sorry, though I highly doubt he’s sincere, since he didn’t even apologize to me directly. I mean, I was there so he surely could’ve. And if he was indeed trying to be funny, well... He wasn’t.
Maybe he’s trying to pretend to be a cool, funny person in front of his friends, but there’s a line between being “funny”, and just being plain rude to a pure complete stranger you haven’t even greeted yet. Seriously. That was your first sentence???
Anyway, we played a few games. One ARAM and two SR.
ARAM was... Okay. I guess. We lost, but I’m not bothered by it.
The first normal game, we lost as well. Surrendered because... Yeah... There was no winning it. I haven’t played ADC in normal for months so... Sorry I guess? At least I wasn’t exactly feeding. =m=
The second normal game, I got to play support, which is what I normally play, as it caters towards my normal play style more. And I decided to play Yuumi, because I just felt like it, I guess.
His friend decided to play Yasuo in the bot lane so okay. Start of the game, I attached to him and he was mocking me for it, calling me a rat.
He’s probably saying that, feeling like Yuumi is an irritating champion or something, but I felt uncomfortable. I mean, I don’t know if he’s saying that because he’s annoyed since I played poorly in the other game either. I really can’t tell which.
So we played, and at one point, he was pretty much scolding me, saying that I wasn’t trying, for missing my Q when the enemy was running away with low health. Like, sorry for missing, I suppose. And I missed once geez. I’ve been hitting every single other time, so get over it.
Anyway, I was already completely stressed out because I’m forced to partner up with a guy who can’t even show basic respect and courtesy to me. Feels like I’m in high school all over again... Now I have to deal with him nitpicking at every single mistake of mine. Like dude, I’m an unranked newbie so chill out!
At least I’m not the one who keeps running straight into the turret without minions around~
At a later point in the game, he died and I decided to hop onto my friend, who was playing Malzahar. And I definitely played much better.
He’s the only person I didn’t mute, not that it made much difference, but at this point I basically wanted to stick to someone who’s not constantly flaming me.
So I did my Yuumi things, and I was finally actually able to focus and play better now that I parted ways with Yasuo (and muted everyone). QwQ
So we won... I got an A+... Apparently... Somehow...
Tumblr media
I seriously don’t understand how the grading works in this game... ><”
Well one thing’s for sure, he was not getting the tilt-proof honor.
Right after the game, I basically cried lol. I am never playing with his friends again. It’s been a while since I felt that hopeless in life.
What went through my mind Me in game: Please kill me. Literally. Me IRL: Please kill me. Literally.
That feeling when you’re having a mental breakdown during the game, nearing an anxiety attack, and you gotta pretend and act like nothing’s happening because you don’t want to be reported.
Believe me, I can handle it when friends are rude to me. I know them and I’m usually more rude to them than they are to me, and we all know nobody’s serious.
I can handle it when complete strangers are rude to me for no reason. I just roll my eyes because they’re just assholes and I can mute them in game.
But it seems I can’t handle it when teammates who are friends of my friend (but not my friend) are rude to me.
I don’t even blame the game itself, because I have met many players who are chill, whether or not things are going well. I believe it all boils down to one’s character.
Now I see why my friend didn’t want me to meet them.
*sigh, lie, cry, die* T^T
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razzberriezz · 6 years
Challenge Compilation
Since there are so many new blogs and challenges popping up, I thought I’d compile them (or those that I know of) in one post so newer blogs can see if they want to try their hand at some older challenges! These aren’t in chronological order or anything, just in the order I remember them. If I missed any then please message me/send me an ask so I can edit this post! I’ll also try to be updating it every time I find a new challenge ^^
EDIT: Updated on 1/8/2018! 2nd EDIT: Updated on 6/2/2018!
On Tumblr:
1. 25 Day Style Savvy Challenge by lauraplaysgirlsmode
2. 7 Day Style Savvy Challenge by sportystylist
3. Mix N’ Match Challenge by me (razzberriezz)
4. Off-Brand Style Challenge by alinatron
5. Decades Challenge by braviaryaviary
6. Lolita Challenge by thetrueslyblue
7. 30 Day Cosplay Challenge by gracellot-is-tired
8. Upcycle Challenge by lavender-cloud-lounge (is now vintage-angel-doll) --> This challenge doesn’t actually have an official name, but I’m calling it the Upcycle Challenge for now because you take an item you hate and incorporate it into an outfit that you like/suits it, which is essentially what upcycling is (I think?)
9. Disney Character Challenge by eurekanchic
10. Themed Shop Challenge by eurekanchic
11. c-horale’s 25 Day Challenge by c-horale --> On OP’s blog it says 25 Day Style Savvy Challenge, but there’s already a challenge with that name so I changed it a little.
12. Colour Palette Challenge by retro-beat
13. Style Type Challenge by zriana
14. Style Savvy Surprise Me Challenge by alphards-asterism
15. One Style, One Colour Challenge --> Not posted on Tumblr, but has been posted on discord by braviaryaviary. The idea is to create an outfit that match a specific style and colour e.g. Pink Lively or Green Feminine. The reason this challenge is listed under the Tumblr section is because thetrueslyblue has already done something quite similar to this! I’m not sure who had the idea first, so equal credit to both lovely people.
On other platforms:
1. 30 Day Outfit Challenge by Marzipanini
2. Brand Challenges by Marzipanini
--> 2.1 Retrobeat Challenge  --> 2.2 April Bonbon Challenge  --> 2.3 Enid Chen Challenge
3. Daily GM4 Bot Challenges by GM4BOT --> This bot is in Japanese, but basically every day it’ll generate 3 categories (for example, Preppy, Dotty and Cardigan - just use google translate to find out what the categories each day are), and you have to create an outfit using items that satisfy at least 2 out of the 3 categories as a whole. So you can make a preppy outfit using mostly dotty items, but not every item needs to be dotty (and you can leave out the cardigan if you want) - as long as your outfit satisfies the conditions you can go ahead and tag the bot on twitter ^^ Check the #ガルモお題bot tag for example outfits!
There’s now an English version created by Perfidie! You can check it out here!
4. Monthly Fashion Show on the Style Savvy Discord --> Not a challenge, but more of a place to show off your outfits and have fun with others who love the game as well! *THESE ARE NOT CURRENTLY ON A FREQUENT SCHEDULE*
4.1 Weekly Events on the Style Savvy Discord --> While there’s a monthly fashion show on the discord, there are also weekly events to take part in, like Cosplay Wednesday and Fashion Failure Friday lol. I think the titles are pretty self-explanatory.
4.2 Mini Competitions on the Style Savvy Discord --> These happen more frequently than the fashion shows, they’re like mini challenges where we randomly select a theme from all the suggestions on the server (The most recent one was “Make an idol group with 2 NPCs!”) and since it’s all in good fun, you can have multiple entries! There’ll be judging by the owner of the server + our mods but no prizes - it’s just a chance to show off your creativity! *THESE ARE NOT CURRENTLY ON A FREQUENT SCHEDULE*
- To get an invite to the server, please PM me.
5. One Item Challenge by Marzipanini
6. Mismatched Outfit Challenge by Marzipanini
7.  Pannier Skirt Challenge by zriana --> I don’t know if this has been posted on Tumblr, but OP has posted it on the Style Savvy discord! The idea is to make outfits of every style - but using the poofy, princessy pannier skirts! No limitations other than that.
8. Office Look Challenge by braviaryaviary --> Pretty sure this hasn’t been posted on Tumblr, but the idea here is to make an office-appropriate outfit using brands known for more non-conventional looks! So no using feminine/chic/girly items! Another variation that OP has come up with is creating office looks based off of different characters, like making a Bowser-inspired receptionist look!
9. Inktober Challenge  --> Another one posted on our discord! The idea was brought up by Symphony, who found a list of prompts that translate nicely as fashion/outfit themes here! This could also work for any other Inktober lists that you’ve found ^^ Another link provided by Symphony is this Princesstober list, which I am absolutely going to do at some point!
10. IRL Comparison Challenge by Baby✰Doll✰Princess --> Once again, from the Style Savvy discord! Try to remake some of your IRL outfits in any Style Savvy game and post a comparison of the two! Custom items aren’t allowed, but other than that there’s no limitations that I’m aware of.
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pawprintedpages · 6 years
Tag game
Thanks for the tag, @dutch-polyglot !
Rules: answer the questions then tag people!
Nickname: Lexi
Gender: woman
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 5’0”/152cm
Time: 4:15pm
Birthday: i’ll just say it’s in August
Favorite bands: I’m so out of touch with pop culture lol most of my favorite music is from the early 2000s but I usually like specific songs rather than an artist
Favorite solo artists: ^^
Song that is stuck in your head: Woman Amen by Dierks Bentley
Last movie: Love Simon
Last tv show: One Day at A Time (so excited it’s getting a third season!)
Why i created this blog: To learn how/find motivation to study since I pretty much skated by without studying in high school and college has kicked my butt because of it
What do you post/reblog: mostly study tips, sometimes “studyspo”/notes pictures if i feel like it, fun facts about languages or biology, college/adulting advice, and anything else remotely studyblr-related I just find useful or interesting
Last thing you googled: “pokemon luna colina saltaguas” because I’m playing pokemon moon in Spanish and having more trouble with the map & the new game features than the language lol (though the slang from Spain does get a little confusing when I’m into the game and don’t want to bother looking things up)
Other blogs: @melodylikeamemory for everything not studyblr related (though I don’t really post often on it anymore lol)
Why the url: I was pre-vet when I started this blog so it made a little more sense, but my cat & dog do tend to step/sit all over my homework so it still fits :)
I follow: 131
Followers: Technically 70 but at least half are probably bots or accounts that aren’t active anymore haha
Lucky number: I really don’t have one tbh
Instruments: Flute, alto Saxophone, and singing. I took piano lessons as a kid but I didn’t get very far, although I still like to mess around with it from time to time
What are you wearing: Still in my work clothes lol- jeans and a black t-shirt
Dream job: Right now I’m torn between translation/medical interpreting and some kind of ecology/conservation bio fieldwork that would let me travel… anything that lets me combine my biology and Spanish degrees really since I don’t want to choose between them
Last book you read: The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan
Top 3 universes: Oh boy I read a lot of fantasy so this is hard… Harry Potter for sure, then the Old Kingdom from Garth Nix’s books, and I’m blanking on the name for this one but the world where Enna Burning and The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale are set
I tag @rav-studyblr, @ashes-to-roses, @studying-ana, & @hiddencatstudies
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bramblepaws · 6 years
HHRHHGH mumbled annoyances abt the bcb discord below the cut
idk if i should put this in the tag or not............idk, people will find it maybe, if they dont that may be for the best LOL
im gonna pull the constructive part out of the complaining so if all ur looking for is that, here:
- I’d like there to be more work done to keep people on-topic in the channels - Should really be separate channels for BCB-specific art and general art - Having a channel or a set of channels that’re for Adults to talk about the comic would be great (obviously no nsfw talk, but more mature themes are able to be discussed like mental illness, sexual harassment / assault, abuse, etc)
the next chunk is just me complaining, skip to the last section if you just wanna see What I’d Do Differently
i finally left the bcb discord today because Jesus Christ there is literally NO channel where people don’t spam shit i dont care about
started out following Every BCB-related channel, that turned out to be way too cluttered so i muted everything but the two bcb discussions channels, the bulletin channel, and the art channel
but people FREQUENTLY go off-topic in the bcb discussion channels. and also are like, weirdly inflammatory about what they say? honestly it just seems like a lot of people in the discord are Really Young, which is fine, but i wish there was a channel for like. adults to discuss the comic. because i get young people having an interest in it and im All For That, but it often led to a lot of really immature shit happening? and maybe the perpetrators of that weren’t young, maybe they were just immature
but like there’d regularly be shit posted in the discussion chat (for theories! and opinions! about the comic! which sounds great! until u go into it!) that was like.... “i’d love to just punch lucy” “mike can die in a fire” “david is the worst” etc. like .. i like, hearing people’s opinions, but, jesus? can we not like. talk about our opinions on different characters without resorting to That
plus people went off topic ssssooooo frequently, you’d start off in one channel talking about mike/lucy and all their problems and then it’d somehow switch to one person telling everyone else they were idiots for not seeing that lucy is garbage and THEN it’d switch to some random topic. 
even in The Place For Art people went off topic a LOT (one time i contributed to the conversation and that was the only time i saw anyone get called out for posting in the wrong channel, ironically, dkjgnfkjgndf MY BAD THO FOR ENCOURAGING IT)
not to mention people spam the “show me old art” command in the art room and like..... Blease. please go do that in the room that’s Specifically For Bot Commands
also i’d really like to see an art room for General Art and a room for BCB-specific art. im only there for the bcb art. specifically for the NEW bcb art. 
i guess my biggest frustration with it was just how often it Wasn’t about bcb, even tho bcb was all i was there for? idk it wouldve been nice to have discussions with people, but the few discussions i got involved in got WAY out of hand really quickly (with people zooming off topic or guilt-tripping others or saying characters should die). better organization of channels would also be nice. idk. 
back to semi-constructive: 
if i made my own bcb discord server (which i wont, because that’d be rude to the creators who put a bunch of time / effort into making this one), here’s how i’d do it:
Area for general topics, not related to BCB. - General (where Whatever can be talked about) - General Art - Bot room (bot commands used) - Meme room - Music room (song recs, playlists, maybe videos) - Maybe a room for discussing / recommending other comics. - Maybe a room /specifically/ for venting in bc people seem to like doing that 
Area for BCB specific topics. - General BCB (just talking about Whatever in relation to the comic, can even be shitposts/memes as long as they’re on-topic) - Page Update Room (nobody BUT the page updater can talk, that way people can have alerts to this on w/o getting clutter) - Discussion room (talking about the characters / the story, making sure to include in the rules that saying shit like “x character sucks” and “x character should die / get beat up” is not cool, as well as rules abt Being Nice To Vero) - BCB art room where candybooru posts are shared (as they’re uploaded) and people can share their bcb-specific art
Area for Real Adults (over 18 at least, maybe even pushing it to 21 & over) - General - BCB-specific discussion (can just talk about bcb in a place where There Aren’t Kids) - BCB-specific Extra Adult Discussion (talk specifically about mature topics like mental illness/etc)
and then i’d have mods that like regularly pushed people into the right channels or encourage everyone to keep each other in check. 
idk i think that’s it...... if i think of anything else to add i’ll do that,,, later
i might like. ask oliver if i can make an adults-only BCB channel (specifically banning nsfw art/talk tho) that’s more for like... discussion and such that is More Mature. maybe. idk. i’m gonna have time once im Out Of College
and a final disclaimer: im not Against kids liking the comics, im just in a very different place from people younger than me in like... how i view the topics. in fact im in a Very Different Place from me 3 years ago wanting to talk about the comic. so if ur young and you like the comic that’s fine! it’s good! i just want to be able to Also talk abt it with my peers
oh and another final disclaimer: i know Oliver is doing his best w/ like.. running this discord & keeping up with everything, it seems like A Lot. fully no shade intended here, i just wanted to like air my personal grievances with the discord. & i understand that a lot of my frustration is due to.... the type of people that post the most in the discord. which is why i’d vote for a Mature Area (god i sound pretentious saying that, im so sorry). 
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the-energon-hole · 7 years
It's me again :-) can you write sfw headcanons of bayverse optimus, ratchet, ironhide, jazz, and bee with tsundere human s/o? They're all cool and tough but the second the bots get hurt, the human runs up to them kiss their boo boos~
((A/N I am actually not 100% thrilled with how this one turned out, so I apologize if it is a little sub-par, I am not very familiar with Japaneses Arch types, I haven’t watched anime in a very long time- I have quite a few issues with it a whole lol.
I hope that this is at least ok and a little bit of what you asked for, anyway
Optimus Prime
-There were a lot of rumors that were circulated around the top secret military base, which is a really funny thought when it is said out loud, but when you sit and actually think about it- it makes a lot of sense. The soldiers here have nothing to do here in the middle of nowhere but their job, and on their down time have very little things to fill the void of boredom. It was natural for rumors to begin and spread through close-quarter living like this, you just wished that the rumors weren’t revolving around you and your “personality problems”. You had quite the reputation of being a hardass, someone who is unnecessarily cruel for absolutely no reason- and honestly what was the point of fighting those rumors? Not only did it help maintain some semblance of power you had over some of these soldiers, it also helped keep the troops a little more entertained telling horror stories about their encounters with you. It was alright, you didn’t mind being the bad guy all the time, because those in your inner circle know you aren’t the hard-ass that everyone keeps painting you out to be- and really, that was the only thing that mattered in your book.
-Once, when your friend Optimus Prime returned to the base extremely dinged up and damaged, let’s just say that day your reputation for being a hard ass was wiped clean and you became the subject of a new rumor mill- “I’m a jerk, but only when my wubby bubby Prime isn’t hurt in the infirmary”. It was a weird rumor, and it made some of the soldiers no longer respect you, but you just couldn’t help yourself feeling such strong emotions that day when the Prime came back looking like he was kicked around and stomped on by some bot bigger than him- and that is saying something considering he was a very big mech. You were nearly in tears as you sat and watched Ratchet work on returning the Prime back to his full health- and that was the start of the crack in your hard perceived personality. The proverbial nail in the coffin to your facade was when you thought you were alone in the infirmary with the Prime, and you let it slip how important he was to you and how you wouldn’t know what to do without him- which is an ok thing to hear on its’ own, but as it turn out they were also watching and saw you give a small friendly smooch onto Optimus’ faceplate. You just wish the soldiers were a little more creative, as again, “wubby bubby Prime” did nothing but make you mad, and you ended up yelling at the ranks until they came up with some better insulting names… It turns out they aren’t exactly the best at being creative- but that’s ok, yelling was enough to make them not only think you were a hard ass again, but now you were a crazy hard ass. Optimus knew you were a big softie, but he would keep it to himself all the other times you broke apart and were a sweet and kind person.
-You were a little hard to get along with, due to your harsh words and your prickly personality, but you really were a good person underneath. You believed in the goodness of man, and you believed in people’s good spirit and will. You really did- but over the years your tough life and hard endeavours had caused you to be a little bit cynical and bitter than you would like to admit. People actually actively avoided the infirmary where you worked mostly throughout the day because they just didn’t want to deal with your bad attitude. It wasn’t your fault that most of these soldiers and politician did stupid things to put themselves in unnecessary danger, and if you were being honest, you hated all this conflict and war between humans themselves in the cybertronians you find yourself caring for. War was stupid, and if people just took the time to sit and talk then maybe they wouldn’t feel the need to put people’s lives in danger for absolutely no reason. Life wasn’t that simple though, things weren’t always black and white, and sometimes you wished that they were.
-Ratchet was a little sick of your bad attitude sometimes, and didn’t understand why you called him a close friend yet you continued to treat i as if he were nothing. Humans were a strange species- their biology was the easy part, but their psychology makes no sense to him. Also their need to build small structures, even in the presents of bigger and hardier life forms, they refuse to build things up to cybertronian code- he couldn’t count how many times he has scraped and scuffed his frame on narrow hallways and small door frames. You always seemed to get angrier ad angreier every time he would come back with a small nick or cut, but it wasn’t until he made himself bleed energon did you change your tune about his injuries. He came into the infirmary holding his side rather tightly, and as you passively asked what happened, he noticed your demeanor change once he declutched his side to weld the small wound shut. It looked like you weren’t really listening to his words- which wasn’t all that uncommon between the two of you but his sensors indicated that there was a big emotional shift in your body. Before he could ask, you began to do something he never thought you would, you asked if he was alright- and if he was in any major pain from his wound. He said that he was fine, but you didn’t believe him- you have never seen the old fool bleed before… it was a little scary to know these giant titans are actually vulnerable to physical attacks. After that situation, it was easy to say you got even more upset with Ratchet if he injured himself, but you were a little more gentle on him when he would bleed a little bit of his life fuel.
-There was a lot to be said about what it takes to be someone who has to deal with politicians all day long- spoiler alert, it isn’t very fun and you always have to believe the one fact of life, that someone is always lying about something. Politicians are absolutely the worst kind of people, and will do or say anything to save face, needless to say it has caused you to become a rather bitter and angry person- your cynicism makes it a little hard for anyone to get close to you- which is honestly ok with you most of the time. You had a soft spot, at least for some people- and most recently some bots, but it was rare to be seen. You believed in tough love, it was a way for you to be strict to those around you- to prepare them for the real world of disaster known as the game of red tape and gaslighting,  basically dealing with real people and real power. Bumblebee was no exception, you really liked the bot, but boy was he too naive for his own good- too trusting and relaxed, he needed a big dose of reality, and you really don’t want to be there when that happens… On one hand he needs a good slap in the faceplate to see just how conniving and manipulative humans are, but on the other hand it would be a real shame for him to lose his sense of what is good and right- to many people in power lose sight of what is important, and that is what makes this world truly bad.
-You never really saw much of the combat side of things when it comes to your job and how you are involved in the Autobot cause, but the one time you saw the outcome of the real war these bots were facing, you had a big dose of reality slap you in the face. It was ironic really, you were the one getting reality checked for once, and you don’t think you have ever felt this way about anyone in a very long time. You saw poor Bumblebee injured and waiting on a medical table built for the bots, and you couldn’t help but gush a little over how happy you were that he was ok- it made him question you a little bit, but the attention was much appreciated. After that moment though, it was back to being your cold and hard self, and Bumblebee wasn’t afraid to say outloud how much he missed the softer side of you which was followed by a joke about how he should injure himself again just to see it. That wasn’t funny at all, and you made sure you let him know how gross and irresponsible that was and would be.
-Sometimes it was just easier to be mean than it was to be nice- not to say that you don’t like being nice, it was just hard to let your real emotions shine through when all people do is judge and hate you for it. Your appearance doesn’t help the fact that most people perceive you to be a brute rather than a lover- it was probably why you went into military work in the first place, it just sort of matched your personality and appearance. You learned long ago that people whom are willing to break down your barriers and find that soft squishy center underneath, those are the ones that you should be keeping around and trying to impress- not all these phoneys who put ona happy face and pretend to like you only to get something out of you. No, anyone special enough to see past your hard appearance and even harder personality was well worth keeping around, even when they are few and far in between.
-You would have never thought that the somebody whom could break through your hard exterior skin could be a big robot from outer space, especially if that robot was a trigger happy fiend like Ironhide was. He was a one of a kind bot who took your abuse with a grain of salt and simply laughed at you for being so bitter and angry all the time, saying things like you need to let loose and shoot more guns and to stop being such a downer all the time. It was always a back and forth between you twom but it was a back and forth you looked forward to everyday- that is until you heard about that bit ol’ bot getting hurt in a shooting range accident. When you went to visit him he was playing it cool like nothing ever happened, but he had his arm blasted off and he was leaking energon everywhere. The way Ironhide tells it, you basically melted into a pile of a sobbing mushy mess as you told him to be more careful and that you wouldn’t know what to do without him. He was kind of glad things went back to normal between the two of you when he was all fixd- he liked the harder personality you a little bit better than the crying mess in the infirmary.
-You went into your elected seat promising all of your constituencies and voters that you would bring about great change o their area ,and that you would do everything in your power to make the world a better place- even if that meant becoming a liaison to a bunch of giant robots from space, aliens essentially, it wasn’t what you had in mind but it was what you had to work with. You had a reputation for being rather hard and cruel, and you had to be in your line of work, everyone always lied and everyone is out to get you, that was how the world worked. You didn’t hate the bot you were supposed to be working with everyday, but his lazy demeanor and his go with the flow vibe bothered you quite a bit- you have to have a plan for everything, you can’t just sit back and watch life go by without a plan. It was mostly you yelling at him, and him laughing about how stuck u you are, but there was a sense of trust between the two of you, as you knew how each other would react and function to new ideas.
-You didn’t think your soft spot for Jazz was all that big, until he came back to base badly wounded and leaking all kinds of strange fluid. He was going to be ok, but out of commission for awhile- and you made sure he was as comfortable as possible. He would make all those stupid jokes about how he has never seen you so sweet, and how you should be like this more often. You just huffed and told him to stop being stupid, and to hurry up and feel better do that you two could get back to business doing work to harbor peace between mankind and Autobots. He kept his thoughts to himself, but he laughed as his own processor said to get hurt more often, maybe you would learn to relax a little if that were to happen- he doubted it though, because as soon as we was well enough to leave the med bay, it was back to business as usual between the two of you. It was ok with him, and it was ok with you, and in the end that was all it took to help patch up Autobot-human relations.
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roguekriger · 7 years
Tag Time!
TAGGED BY: @the-shifty-cow ! Thank you kindly! (I meant to do this earlier but I just started another Mass Effect playthrough and I is distracted)
RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag ██ blogs you are contractually obligated to know.
TAGGING: @thxchampagne @cauldronfalls @spacejampire @haaska @rareastrees plus anyone else who wants to do it! (I’m sorry I have so many other people I’d like to tag but can’t think of at the top of my head!)
Nicknames: Rogue is the main one since it’s my alias on LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I also get called N7 a lot. My actual name isn’t the easiest to make nicknames for soooooooo
Gender/Pronouns: Male - he/him
Star Sign: Aries
Height: 6′2″ some people will say I’m 6′1″ or 6′1.5″ and those people are LIARS
Time: 11:32 PM (Eastern Standard Time)
Birthday: March 22
Favorite Bands:  Lord off the top of my head Linkin Park (RIP Chester), Two Steps from Hell (technically Orchestra but close enough) Smallpools, Starset, Disturbed (video is kinda dark), Stuck in the Sound, and AC/DC. For things that aren’t technically bands (which I listen to more often tbh) there’s Drunk Girl (one of my all time favorites!), Hermitude, Hollywood Principle, Daft Punk, Destroid, Niklas Ahlström, C2C, and Shirk. There’s definitely more but good lord can I not remember them rn
//Imma put each name as a link to their best song (imo) in case ya wanna listen
Favorite Solo Artist: Literally the ONLY solo artist I follow and listen to on my own accord is James Durbin. Sure I listen to all the mainstream artists but he’s the only one where I actually buy his music and listen to him regularly.
Song Stuck in your head: I’m almost always “rapping” the first verse of Survival by Eminem (that song has picked me up out of some bad times more than once) but currently and almost always I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire by The Ink Spots is stuck in my head.
Last movie you watched: Pitch Perfect 3 which I may add was awesome and better than the second one
Last Show: My dude I have to many shows but the last one was 9-1-1
Why did you create you blog?: Buddy if I had an answer for you I’d be ecstatic but considering the clusterfuck of content I post ranging from mass effect to the stupidest shit posts in existence I would technically say that when I created this 4 years ago was simply for the spicy memes and funny ass text posts but then it more became a blog to keep with my fandoms and yada yada yada.
What do you post?: Well going off of ^^^ mostly Mass Effect, humor (shitposts are humor right?), occasional news or PSAs, space stuff, anything sci-fi really, Gregor the Overlander even tho this fandom is pretty much dead lmao, and really most video games especially like Bioware and Bethesda
Last thing you googled?: Baikal Rift Valley distance from upper mantle            (I HAVE MY REASONS)
Other blogs: I have two other blogs on tumblr and no where else
AO3: Okay I didn’t even KNOW what AO3 was until like a few months ago and I’ve read like maybe two fanfictions in my life but I have written one piece for Mass Effect 3 (should be on here somewhere I think I posted it for N7 day) and a novel length one for The Underland Chronicles which I’m still writing.
Do you get asks?: Lol no
How did you get the idea for your URL?: Okay so...I’m honestly not sure. Ever since Spore came out I’ve loved the word Rogue. Don’t know why, I guess I liked the whole fight against the current lone wolf kinda thing and that’s pretty much what a “rogue” is. As for Kriger, well I also love mythology and history, specifically of Greek and Scandinavian/Norse origin and I believe if my memory serves me right Kriger translates to Warrior in Norwegian. I mean I’ve used this URL for years now so even if that’s wrong its whatever at this point
I follow: 449 blogs which honestly I’m pretty sure a good 80% are inactive if not more. Plus a few friends that...well...aren’t around anymore. For various reasons.
Followers: 419 but that numbers gonna drop because I just KNOW more than half of those are probably porn bots and when I finally gain the motivation imma block em
Average hours of sleep: When I don’t have class or many classes probably around 8 hours but if I have a lot of classes (like last spring) probably 5 to 6
Lucky number: 8, the vertical infinity sign
Instruments: I use to know a few songs on the guitar and piano but idk I never kept with it
What are you wearing?: Andromeda Initiative shirt and jeans! Plus my dog tag
Dream Job: Okay so it’s always been a cross between astronautical engineer for NASA (which is what I’m going to school for) and game developer. I’ve also played with the idea of founding my own engineering company but that’s like way off in the future
Dream Trip: I’ve always wanted to go to Scotland and/or Japan. But honestly a dream trip would be to some ancient ruins in some tropical location or one of those gorgeous nature trips like in the canyons in Zion. Or space, I REALLY wanna go to space. Yeah scratch the other stuff. I wanna go to space. Fuck yeah.
Favorite Food: Beef Carpaccio from Brio straight up. I fucking love it. I’d kill for it. I can’t get ENOUGH OF IT. Also sushi.
Significant Other?: HA. HAHA. HAHAHAHAHA. Oh man that’s funny. My dude my longest relationship was 3 months I would LOVE to have a name to put here but alas I am unlucky and not the most sociable.
Last book I read: Damn I wanna say it was The Underland Chronicles since I reread that at least like once every year but holy shit I can’t remember what was the last book I read. Fuck that’s depressing for some reason.
Top 3 fictional universes: Mass Effect, Fallout, The Underland Chronicles
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bsinoranges · 7 years
In which it gets sappy
Tagged by the amazing @lethesomething!!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
So uh. BS is actually short for bittersweet, but now it doubles as my in-joke for BS in whateverCourse -- hence the in. So BS in oranges.
Then it’s bittersweetoranges because i read this fic called bittersweet and it was damn good to me at the time. Also my favorite fruit is orange.
...I’m bot good at giving names nor titles. Haha.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
Hm. Overall, that would be my KuroYachi one-shot The Lights in the Sky are Stars. It was sort of my love letter to the KuroYachi ship, and so I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be able to add on to it.
For subscriptions that would be my still unfinished brofest piece, The Thief, the Witch, and the Fae. This one is my bid at making an interesting take on certain characters and dynamics in a dark fantasy setting. Futakuchi is the lead if only because @haruhi02 accidentally gave me his name when I asked for random characters.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
A freezing link from Breath of the Wild. Well, why not? Haha. I love Link, I love Breath of the Wild, and when I resurfaced back on tumblr botw recently came out and also the free icons.
(the rest is under a cut because it’s long and sappy)
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
Well. I won’t name favorites. Frequent commenters tho... they’d be my friends from chat, so shoutout to @lethesomething and @haruhi02 because you guys are great.
To be fair, I don’t think I post frequently enough for people to keep their eyes peeled for me.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Boy, do I. Basically anything in my bookmarks are the things I regularly return to read. Quite notable, however is anything by bigspoonnoya. God. I love her work. From the HQ to the BNHA to the YOI.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I bookmark more than I subscribed. Buuuuuuuuut I’m subscribed to a grand total of 4 works, and I’ve bookmarked 62 fics.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Fantasy. Hands down. There’s three-ish urban ones, then there’s two full-on fantasy pieces. The rest are slice-of-life.
There’s just something about fantasy that makes me really happy. It might be the freedom to make, or that I like using fantasy as a substitute for when I want to comment on current events. But usually I like writing things that are fantastical.
Someday I want to make write a slice-of-life that makes the mundane fantastical, and then vice versa. If only because it’s the little things that steal my heart and imagination every single time.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
Four wonderful people are subscribed to me, while 12 are subscribed to my stories. For bookmarks, I have a total of 24. ^^
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
Many of my topic matter don’t really make much, if any, waves -- at least that’s what I think. I’m only afraid I can’t do justice to my dark/fantasy elements, because that would be a real shame.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
First it’s definitely finishing what I start. My multichaps aren’t incredibly long, but I worry a lot about continuation and future chapters that it spoils writing the present one, so I hope to work on that.
Next is my exposition and narration. I can only say “Name smiles.” so much before I think I write in a horribly stale matter.
... Does writing romance or any sort of sexual or romantic contact count? Cause, boy do I need practice.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Is YamaYachi popular? KuroYachi? I’m pretty sure they’re an okay and accepted ship. But in any case the rarest pair I’ve written is KuroYachi, and then KamaFuta. Because those pairs need more content, and I’m pretty willing to fill them.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
I have 9 works in total. Five of which are completed oneshot, and the other four are unfinished multichaps. See the trend yet?
One of the finished oneshots is the longshot Nowhere in the Sea. It’s the first fic I finished in my whole 17 (at the time) years of living.
Of my unfinished things, one of them is an anthology (that I should probably close since I’m not planning on updating anytime soon) and then the three fantasy pieces that has a lot Worldbuilding™.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
H A H A.
Hm. So, I switch between Google Docs, Sublime Text 3, and OneNote. But there’s a whooping 17 unwritten stories in various states of disrepair.
I’m most excited for the YamaYachi one, and also the sprawling ensemble cast one. :D
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I mostly keep them in my head. So they flit in and out of my memory like deadlines. On the rare occasion that I’m possessed by the idea, I’l have written the idea down and then some on anything I find convenient at the time (laptop, phone, or paper.)
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Yes. @haruhi02 was my partner for the hq fantasy fest thing. She was with me when I finished my first ever fic Nowhere in the Sea.
16. How did you discover AO3?
I was friends with this author back in FF.Net, and she had an AO3 account. Then, I branched off her fics to read the FE:A fics.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
LOL. Of course not. I can say, with confidence, that I am probably obscure.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Fun fact, the first fan fic I wrote was an unfinished novelization of the Swan Princess (Nest Family Entertainment), and then an illustrated re-telling of Barbie’s Princess and the Nutracker. I started seriously pursuing writing around... the grade 5, when my bully of an English teacher said I had a talent for writing. If I had any it remains to be seen. But it was my friends back on FFnet. The likes of Mafi, and Tune, and Loke. They were there for me during my baby days writing for a fandom. We weren’t in the same fandom, but they inspired me so much.
Also I really like Philip Pullman and J.K. Rowling and thought it would be awesome to publish and write books.
Today though, it’s my friends in the chat who continue to inspire me everyday.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
I don’t think I’m qualified. But if I should, it’d be to stay strong and welcome to addictive cycle of happiness and misery. Because there’s nothing like writing that one perfect scene -- it’s worth all the stress and the struggle.
Also. Writing is like wine, it get’s better with age, but it doesn’t mean that you like wine.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
I plot a lot. Like a lot. But I throw out a lot through the window when push comes to shove. Sometimes I’ll outwrite what I’ve planned or plan something new and then I’ll get flung into a crisis. Haha. Fun.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
The worst comment I’ve had is spam on Nowhere in the Sea. I just wish I had more comments. #NoShame.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Smut. A bit of action, but action is easier than doing the sexy.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
I’m focusing all my energy on Amor Fati, which is my gift for the fantasy exchange. I need to finish that because it’d be sad if I didn’t. And, most importantly, I want to make my giftee proud.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
The plan is to keep up with my plans. I have no shortage of plans. Hahaha. But I do plan on finishing up Amor Fati then finishing either Scales or The Thief, the Witch, and the Fae before moving on to other projects.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Nope. It would probably be better if I did, but acads just eats a lot of my time.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
I think it’s arrogant to think that I did, but I guess I did. I was 13ish -- two years after fifth grade -- when I took writing more seriously... And looking back my writing style changed. ^^
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
I love all my stories for different reasons. To be honest tho, it’s what I haven’t written and am yet to write. I love The Thief, the Witch, and the Fae for it’s dark and heavy atmosphere. Scales for its hesitance and its secrecy. Amor Fati for the melancholy and for its world. Nowhere in the Sea for being my first in a lot of things (but also it’s magic system and world gdi). Lights in the Sky are Stars for it’s sweet fluff. Class Pizza for its tomfoolery. So on and so forth.
As much as I have a hard time looking at my writing, I won’t deny that I love them for the things that they are and could be.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
... Probably my anthology? It reminds me of bad memories.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Here, still suffering but instead out of school (hopefully) and knee deep in some sort of job.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
The planning and the talking and the crying and the reading.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
The writing. Or maybe that point between the first scene and the third. Something like that.
33. Why do you write?
Why don’t I? Writing is me. I’ve did things for the sake of reference, I’ve devoted a lot of myself to writing and the idea of writing. I love it. It’s an amazing way to express.
I wouldn’t give it up for the world.
Sooo. For tagging. @spacegaykj and @astersandstuffs and @slothesaurus if you guys don’t mind ^^. Feel free to ignore if you want. Thank you for the time.
Also double tagging @haruhi02 because I can.
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ficdirectory · 7 years
The Fosters: Our Thoughts on Episode 5x03 “Contact”
Time for another twin recap of The Fosters.  As always, check out @tarajean621‘s thoughts on Jesus and brain injury representation in italics below:
You Could Have Told Me You Were Out on a Date/It’s Not a Date. Sorry/This Isn’t a Date?!  Hahaha!  How awkward.  Mariana, just along with Callie and Aaron to watch Ximena roller derbying...
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Maybe We Could Go Out Sometime Without Your Sister?  What Do You Wanna Do?/Anything/Okay.  I’ll Make the Plan:  Callie, maybe you want to be a bit more specific with Aaron here.  
It’s Not Like I’m Asking You to Get Someone Out of Prison or Prostitution.  Or Maybe You Just Don’t Care ‘Cause You’re Graduating Soon:  Mariana!  Settle down.  Callie can’t help you distribute the underground school paper.  She can’t get in more trouble.  Find someone who can.
Thanks for Helping Out/Unlike Some People...  Mariana.  Just because Moms are thanking Aaron for helping doesn’t mean you need to get all unnecessary with Jesus.  Seems like there’s a lot going on in the kitchen, and sometimes, when that’s happening it’s easier (and safer) for us to just stay put.
I’m Sure They Miss You/I’m Sure They Don’t/I’m Sorry.  What Was That?  Oh, I love how Mariana’s comment to Jesus went unchallenged but his jab at her was immediately called out... <-- Sarcasm
Jude.  Jude.  Jude!/What?  Hahaha!  One of my favorite parts.  Also I love how Jesus is waving to get Jude’s attention.
I Have to Do a Self-Portrait/How About We Take Candid Photos of You and You Can Decide Which Looks the Most Like You/That’s Actually a Great Idea/Thank You.  I’m Full of Great Ideas:  Of course you are, Mariana.
I Have an Idea, Too.  What If Everyone Writes My History Paper, and Then I Pick Which One Will Get Me the Best Grade:  Hahaha!  I miss your hilarity, Jude.
Five Hours Chained to a Deep Fryer/At Least You Weren’t Chained to the House All Day/I’m Sorry.  Were You Actually Talking to Me Just Now?  That’s Amazing:  Oh my God, Brandon, LOL.  Also Moms, please tune into this portion of the conversation...Jesus is really over being at home all day every day.
Moms?  Can I Go Back to School?  ...Seriously.  When Can I Go Back?  I’m Bored and I’m Missing Out on Everything/We Understand, Honey, But.../Honey, Let Us Talk to Your Doctor, Okay?  Okay but Moms seriously need to stop dodging this conversation.  Jesus is entitled to an education.  (Seriously.  It’s the law.)  A brain injury does not preclude him from that.  And to have Lena in particular, who is an educator, not already on the ball about this just seems out of character and irresponsible.  I would think she would be all over this, and his biggest advocate, having experience within the school system for so many years.  Can we stop with the educational neglect, please?
Stef and Lena have been back at work for weeks now, leaving Jesus essentially unsupervised all day at home.  (Unless you count Gabe, but I do not think Moms do.)  The fact that they deem Jesus stable enough to not warrant constant supervision from a health standpoint along with the strides he has made in all areas of his recovery should at least mean that school should be seriously considered and discussed.  
We Invited the New Neighbors Over for Dinner/You Invited:  Ooh, Stef and Lena.  A little tension?
You Bought the Tickets?  You Didn’t Ask Me What I Wanted to See/’Cause You Told Me to Plan Everything/So, What Are We Seeing?/You’ll Find Out Tomorrow:  To me, it’s just common courtesy to run things by your date, even if you’re the one planning it.  It’s not just a date for one.  I’m totally with Callie here.  If she’s asking, point blank, what the movie is, the polite thing would be to tell her.
Why Are We Inviting the New Neighbors Over? We Never Did That With the Old Ones/Well...Mom Went to High School with Tess.  [She] Was Mom’s First Girlfriend:  Wow, Lena, TMI for the children...
Maybe We Could Talk to His Doctor But After What He Did to Brandon’s Room?/We’re Going to Keep Him HOME Until We’re Sure He Can Handle School:  Mothers.  What even is this conversation?  An education is not a privilege.  It’s a right.  (Not just for the rich and white and nondisabled!)  Jesus shouldn’t be denied the opportunity to go to school because he destroyed Brandon’s room.  
I would understand, “Jesus doesn’t get to do [something he enjoys] until he helps pick up the mess in Brandon’s room.”  But to withhold school?  Literally makes zero sense.  Give him consequences that make sense, Moms!
For the record?  Cutting off a person’s social interactions, activities and education as an attempt to control their behavior?  That’s abusive.  Also, this is not 1974.  Being disabled in public is no longer a crime, and disabled students are afforded a free and appropriate public education as of 1975.
He’s Still Not Talking to Brandon.  What Are We Gonna Do About That?  Um, Lena, were you not present at family dinner where Jesus did speak to Brandon?
Gabe Is Entertaining.  How Do We Feel About That?/I Borrowed the Garage for 30 Minutes:  Well, let’s consider this.  Gabe lives in the garage.  You let him live there.  Was this with the understanding that he would never have people over?  (Also, how are you gonna feel when you realize it’s Mariana and Jude in their secret newspaper meeting, and not Gabe at all?)
Wide-Wise or Long-Wise/Do You Mean Vertical or Horizontal?  Are You Stoned?  Noah.  Seriously.  But I am glad to see that Jude seems to be over his desire to get high.
Don’t Have Much to Compare It To, But I Liked It:  Brandon, your love life so does not interest me.  But it was interesting to see a girl (who’s a bit older) on TV without a ton of sexual experience.
Jesus is Having Trouble with His TBI.  He Gets Angry and Kind Of Explodes/Are You Still Playing For Him?  Okay, what universe am I even in right now?  First of all.  Jesus is having trouble with you, Brandon.  You guys need to stop blaming every legitimate reaction that you don’t like on his TBI.  And secondly, I don’t even know what to say about Grace asking if Brandon’s still playing for him.  Music can do a lot of things for people, but it cannot magically heal brain injuries.
Sounds to me, Brandon, like you do not want to own up to the actions you took that led to Jesus “exploding.”
You’re Installing Security Cameras in the School?/Some of the Students Don’t Feel Safe.  This Will Reassure Them:  Drew, forgive me if I don’t take your word for it on how ‘reassuring’ security cameras are.
Mr. Turner, Your Vote Was Not Valid/If Ms. Porter Won’t Resign, She’s Fired:  Wow.  Glad it’s not a sure thing yet.
Why Are You So Dressed Up?/I’m Not/Why Are You So Dressed Up?  Twins!  Also, Jesus and Callie spoke for like the second time ever!
It Wasn’t My Idea.  Aaron Told Me to Wear a Dress:  Sounds like Aaron’s making a lot of decisions for you, Callie...
Miss You.  Can U Video Chat?/Sorry.  Working on Bot:  Ouch.  And Emma’s not even keeping Jesus in the loop about World’s at all...
The truth is, people can and do pull away after you become injured.  This is realistic.  And it sucks - especially as Emma seems to be the only person outside of his family that Jesus has been able to see, given Moms’ nonsense school ban.
That’s Right, Your Ex-Girlfriend’s Coming to Dinner/Dressing for Tess, Are We?  Okay Brandon and Lena, back off of Stef a little bit.
Can You Put That in the Dishwasher?  Because Brandon was right there, and it’s his plate, but Mama needs to put it in the dishwasher.  
Didn’t You Guys Steal a Car?/And I Get Grounded for Stealing a Garden Gnome/You Stole a Garden Gnome? That’s Hilarious!  Oh, we’re learning all kinds of things at this dinner party, aren’t we?  Stef and Tess stealing cars.  Logan stealing garden gnomes. (That sure was a knee-slapper, wasn’t it, Mariana?  LOL.  I love her.)
You Like Seafood?  We’ll Start With the Shrimp Fritters and Patatas Bravas:  Wow, Aaron.  You ordered for Callie, too.  
I’m Sorry.  I Didn’t Mean to Scare You:  Though I definitely did appreciate him apologizing to Callie for taking her picture without her knowing.
I’m a QB/It’s Good You’re Tall.  You Can See Over Your Lineman:  Hahaha!  OMG, Mariana, so awkward, but so funny!
You’re a Big Guy.  You Ever Play?/I Used to Wrestle, But--/We Didn’t Encourage Football:  Seriously, Lena.  Can Jesus get a word in?
It is so frustrating that Moms will not allow Jesus to complete a thought.  And the way it is playing, it seems as if it is because they are constantly worried that Jesus will flip the table over and rip his shirt off in a rage at any moment.
I wish they would attempt to respectfully hear him out, however Moms seem prone to dismiss his concerns or shut him down.
As a Doctor, You’re Not Concerned About Concussions?/Absolutely:  Valid concern.  One of our brothers got three in a row playing high school football.  Doctors still cleared him to go back and play.  He made the decision on his own to quit for his own safety.  But perhaps not dinner conversation, Lena?  (Also, I’m mildly annoyed that that Tess keeps being addressed as if she’s a neruosurgeon instead of an orthopedic surgeon.  She works with bones, Moms, she’s not an expert on the noggin.)
Why Are Girls Always Left Out of the Contact Sports?/Because Girls Channel Their Aggression Through Tweeting/Jesus:  Oh I love how even this back and forth comment to Mariana earns another warning from Moms.  <-- Sarcasm
Moms are seriously monitoring every single word that comes out of his mouth.  Let him speak.  
Oh. My. God. Does Your Girlfriend - Who’s on the Wrestling Team - Know How Sexist You Are?/I Was Joking/You Better Be.  She’ll Dump Your Ass:  But Mariana threatening Jesus that Emma will dump him just skates by unacknowledged.  
Mariana knows Jesus has been feeling vulnerable about his relationship with Emma, so this comment was extra crappy.  Made more crappy by the fact that no one called her out for it.
We Like Football/We Just Don’t Want Our Kids to Get Hurt/You Don’t Have to Play Football to Get Hit in the Head and Screw Up Your Life, Right?  Watching this now, it’s obvious that Mariana’s comment about Emma touched a really raw nerve and has Jesus feeling insecure all over again about the state of his relationship with Emma.  He can already tell she’s pulling away, and she likely wouldn’t be if not for his brain injury.
This is a legitimate statement.  Why must it be treated as an outburst?
Can I Be Excused?/Yes, You May:  Tell me again how Jesus is so irrational and angry.
Well, I’m Sure Your Neurologist Told You That Damage to the Frontal Lobe Can Cause Sudden Aggression.  Sometimes Unprovoked:  Okay but you’re not a neurosurgeon, Tess.  So you really don’t need to keep feeding into this idea that Jesus’s logical reactions have no basis.  And also, Moms, what is up with outing all of Jesus’s private medical info to the brand new neighbors?  Whatever Jesus wants them to know, he’ll tell them himself.
I’m so over this Aggression Is A Symptom storyline.  Make it stop.
He Seems Like a Sweet Kid/He Is.  He’s Such a Sweet Soul.  He Just Can’t Control These Outbursts of Anger:  Thank you, Dean!  But seriously Lena, what outburst of anger?  You weren’t dismissing Mariana’s reaction to Jesus talking about her tweeting as an outburst.  Or Stef’s reaction to being teased about dressing up for Tess.  Just because Jesus has a brain injury does not negate the validity of his feelings.  (And I wish Jesus could hear Lena say he is such a sweet soul, instead of what he overhears later on...)
Why does Jesus need to stuff his feelings in?  To spare yours?
From What You Guys Have Told Us, His Physical and Cognitive Functions Have Improved and That’s Huge:  Holy God, Moms.  Just how much have you overshared with Tess and Dean???
I’m assuming that Stef also shared every excruciating detail about her double mastectomy as well - Tess is a doctor, after all... <--- Sarcasm
He Really, Really Wants to Go to School.  Just, We’re Not Sure/I Think He Should:  Except feel free to give advice here, Tess.  Seriously.  Jesus deserves an education.
[School] Can Create Added Stress as Well/Have You Thought About Getting Jesus an IEP?/Yes, Of Course, We’ve Thought About It.  We Will Have Him Evaluated When We Feel He’s Ready:  Lena, you can’t keep Jesus in a bubble the rest of his life.  He needs to go to school.  Yes, there’s going to be stress there.  But the point of an IEP is so that he’ll have the accommodations he needs in that environment.  No, it’s not a cure-all, but that is literally what it exists for.
And when exactly will Jesus be “ready” for school, Lena?  When his brain injury magically goes away?  When he acts the way you want him to act?  You can’t use school as a bargaining chip.  It’s just gross.
If, at the beginning of the series, we heard that Jim Pearson was not allowing Jude to attend school?  The viewing public would overwhelmingly see that as abusive.  This is abusive as well.
One on One Classroom Aide/Definitely Something We Can Look Into/Yes, I Know:  If you know, Lena, then what the heck is up with all of your defensiveness?  Sorry these words aren’t coming from someone you’d prefer them to come from, but you and Stef need to hear it.
(And while I know aides serve a purpose in school settings, they also do a heck of a job alienating a kid socially.  I speak from experience.  I hope if Jesus does get one, that they’re respectful.)
Lena, you do not get to use Jesus’s right to an education as an excuse to be petty.
I’ll Make You a Deal.  One Week.  You Don’t Play Video Games.  I Don’t Get High:  I did like this scene between Jude and Noah, though.  They have some good chemistry together.  (Though I wonder if they still will when Noah’s not stoned?  Has he ever not been high when he and Jude are together?)
Look at Jesus’s Photoburst.  He Didn’t Even Bother to Narrow It Down to One or Two/That Sounds Like Jesus:  Maybe he wanted you to have a lot of options, Callie.  But my gut says it’s probably easier to hit a button and send them all at once than it is to look at each one and try to narrow it down...
Wish I Was This Girl/You Are/Wow.  Harsh/You’re That Girl, Too.  You Have a Lot of Layers.  That Other Picture is Just You With Some of Them Peeled Back:  Brandon, so nice of you.
So Resting Bitchface Callie is Just One of My Many Layers?/It’s Not a Bitchface:  Hahaha!  I loved the commentary on resting bitchface Callie.
Is That Why I Haven’t Heard You Playing Music?/Well, For One, Jesus Smashed My Keyboard, So.../We Have a Real Piano:  Tell him, Callie.
OMG Brandon! I’m glad Callie finally stated the obvious!
We Find No Grounds on Which to Fire Ms. Porter.  She’s Still the Principal of Anchor Beach:  Thank goodness...
You’ll Never Get Another Job in Education.  And You?  One False Move?  And You’re Next:  Wow, that’s bold, random school board lady.  Threatening Lena...
What the Hell is This?/Vive La Résistance:  Yes, Lena!  (And yes, Mariana!  Fly your drone and drop those papers!  So cool!)
Property of ABCC STEAM Club:  Oh no.  So sad your drone crashed, guys!
I’m Sorry I Didn’t Want to Jam/So I Got All Weird: OMG Brandon and Grace, look at you two dorks, hahaha!  Clearly you’re made for each other the way you sing to each other about your feelings.
We Can’t Do The Paper Anymore/Why?/Because Drew Will Cancel Prom and Everyone Hates Me Enough as It Is:  I’m loving getting to see more of Mariana and Jude’s sibling dynamic.
I Don’t Like Surprises.  I’ve Had Too Many Bad Ones.  So I Need to Know the Plan, Even If You Make It:  I loved this conversation between Callie and Aaron.  I love how respectful it is.  And I love that Callie did mention that Aaron took a bit too much of the control, telling Callie how to dress, what to eat and picking the movie.
Hey.  Thought You Were Gonna Call Me Today?  Totally been there.  Where you want to send the text, but you’re not ready for the response you’ll get...
I Was Wondering if I Could Try Out For the Team?/Is It Cool With Your Parents? Yes, if cool means I’m Mariana and I foraged my mom’s signature, then totally.  (Also, I love Mariana’s green nail polish, and I really am hoping for a strong friendship / mentorship between Ximena and the Adams Foster girls.)
Have You Given Anymore Thought to What Tess Suggested?  Getting Jesus an In-Class Aide?/Suddenly You’re Ready for Jesus to Go Back to School Now That Dr. Tess Medicine Woman Thinks It’s a Good Idea?  Every time this scene starts with Lena on the phone, I always think, “Oh, good!  She’s talking to ABCC about what needs to happen to get Jesus evaluated for an IEP!”  But nope!  I get that the timing of Stef changing her mind about Jesus going to school is suspicious.  (It is.  She’s shown zero indication that Jesus going back to school was even something she would consider prior to this conversation.)  But the bottom line is?  If Jesus were in any other minority group, holding off on sending him to school would be ludicrous.  Why is it okay here?
It is not okay.  There is no reason he should not be enrolled.  Lena (apparently Jesus’s official caregiver) has been back at work since roughly 4x15.  About a month has gone by since then by my calculations.  A month of Jesus sitting at home alone all day - apparently so stable medically that he does not need constant supervision.  
Jesus’s visual disturbances subside enough that he is able to read in 4x18.  It has been close to two weeks since then from what I can gather.   I can see putting off school up until this point, but after that?  I can see no reason that school is not part of an ongoing conversation.  Accommodations and IEPs take time to be drawn up and put in place, but they cannot be utilized until the appropriate meetings and appointments happen.
I Honestly Don’t Know What to Do About Jesus.  We Can’t Be in Denial About The Fact That He Is Unpredictable.  He’s Potentially Dangerous.  And We Don’t Know If He’s Gonna Get Any Better.  I Mean, He May Be Like This For the Rest of His Life.  Stef, Sometimes, I’m Actually Afraid of Him:  Wow, Lena.  Seriously?  I can’t tell you how many ways this devastates me.  First of all, because Jesus overheard the whole thing.  Secondly, because your ableism knows no bounds!  Jesus literally was not out of bounds in any way this episode.  So I really wish the harmful brain injury representation would stop already.  
Because you know what that leads to?  Fans commenting with remarks like, “I’m scared of him, too.”  Comments like, “He’s violent and scary.”  “He’s a monster.”  “IDK why they ever messed up his character.  This isn’t the real Jesus.  He’s like a whole new person now.” “Thank God Emma loves him,” and “Jesus is going to think he is better off dead.”
How does a portrayal that constantly dismisses the legitimacy of a person with a brain injury’s feelings help that part of the population?  It’s only alienating them more and putting them in more actual danger, because if people are going to watch this show with zero experience with a brain injury themselves or as a family member or friend, they’re going to see a stereotype (that people with brain injuries are violent and need to be put in their place or handled violently before they can become violent) and a damaging disability narrative (which is that when you become disabled, you become a burden to your family.  And the only validity your experience has is how it effects them, because all of your own feelings are “just a symptom.”)
Please let Moms and the family become aware of the harm they are doing.  This is beyond damaging and has real consequences for real people.
Your son has a brain injury.  His brain is altered.  He will make improvements, but yes, he will be “like this” for the rest of his life.  So start seeing him as a human being, not just a list of symptoms.  Start talking with him, and more importantly, start listening to him.  Network with other TBI survivors as well.  Send him to school.  And please, check your ableism.  Because your harmful disability attitudes will hurt him far more than the injury has.
For more: Fosters Recaps
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Writing Influences
A few years back on LJ I wrote about what had influenced my writing the most. It still remains relevant to this day so I thought I should reblog it.
A Trip Through a Wardrobe, UFOs, and Things That Go Bump in the Night
My oldest influence has to be my love of fantasy, sci-fi, and the paranormal.
From the Hobbit, to Narnia, to the Last Unicorn, to the original Dragonlance Trilogy. Fantasy was my first love. Movie-wise, Willow comes to mind, as well as The Never Ending Story, Krull, Troll, and The Princess Bride.  They were bedtime stories when I was little, and the movies I begged to watch over and over and over again. So they’ve definitely had a lasting influence on the kind of stories I like to read and write.  Someday I will write an epic fantasy. Just wait. LOL
Sci-Fi was no less present, though in the form of movies and tv shows greater than books.  Dr Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and Buck Rogers.  Babylon 5, Jurassic Park, The Last Star Fighter, and Space Raiders.  Those are just to name a few.  I could also list cartoon influences as well.  Exo-Squad, Invasion America, Thundercats, Transformers, Go-Bots, and Xyber 9: New Dawn all come to mind.  Book-wise, there’s always The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and a smattering of books like The Time Machine, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and War of the Worlds.
They aren’t concrete influences. Nothing I can point at and say - that was what made me want to write. Or that’s why I write this way. But it was by reading and watching all these that I came to love what I’ll refer to as the Art of Storytelling.  What any of these may or may not lack in others minds when it comes to Writing, I adore because they tell a Story that you never forget.
Paranormal isn’t so much something I watched or read.  Not in the way I can list the above. Sure, I can say I watched X-Files, Watcher in the Woods, and The Lady in White.  But that was because I was already drawn to it.  I guess I’m the kid who never outgrew ghost stories.  Some of the people may remember shows like Sightings.  The older Unsolved Mysteries.  The original version of Ripley’s Believe It or Not.  It was by watching these that I came to find a fascination with mysteries and the paranormal.  The things that can never be fully explained.  But like my love of storytelling, my love of the paranormal and mysteries was a general influence.  All encompassing rather than specific.
Every War Has Two Sides
When I was a kid, my least favorite subject was history. Given that I’m a self-proclaimed history nut, you’re probably all looking at me like I’m crazy.  Salmon, you don’t shut up about history. You research for fanfics, right?  Oh, but I hated history as a kid.  Only Cs and Ds I ever got outside of Gym class.  Bored me to tears.  Then I had a World History Teacher in Middle School. She didn’t turn me into a History Nut, but she did profoundly affect my view of history, and through it my writing.
Two incidents come to mind, and one was when we were discussing what we had now that they did without in the past.  No lightbulbs. It sounds funny, but seriously, that was a discussion. They didn’t have lightbulbs. They had lanterns and candles.  And, being obnoxious 7th graders, one of us called them stupid.  The class laughed. But, whoa, did we get put in our place.  When our teacher asked how many of us in the room could make a lightbulb.  If we were plucked out of our comfy, modern homes, and dropped in the Middle Ages.  Could we build a lightbulb?  You never saw a group of school kids shut up so fast.  And my teacher told us that it looked like we weren’t any smarter than the people who lived in that age, so maybe try to have a bit more respect.
The second time was a simple thought she left us with one day while discussing the numerous wars that had occurred.  Every War has two sides she told us, and history is written by the victor.  It was a profound thought.  That the wars we were studying we only really knew by how the side that won wrote about it.  What would the other side write?  What didn’t we know about because they never did?  To this day, I think that has definitely influenced my view of history, and how I craft my stories.  I guess I discovered that life wasn’t black and white, just shades of grey.
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geekysweetie · 7 years
CocoPPa Play Star Girl Fashion Revised Review Updated for 2018
I had previously reviewed CocoPPa Play Star Girl Fashion here. It is a cute anime dressup game for IOS and Android Devices. Many of my complaints were about lack of free gacha and how long it took to earn free gacha plays. – That has since changed. Now almost every gacha gives you one free play, just like in Dream Girlfriend, Fairy Doll, Animal Boyfriend, Moe Can Change, and Dream Boyfriend. The first time I reviewed CocoPPa Play, that was not the case, and while nearly every other dressup game I have played let you take at least 1 free spin on each gacha, it turned me off a great deal to CocoPPa Play in my first review.
CocoPPa Play deserves a new review, because now, with the frequent free gacha plays (new gachas are added almost daily) and there’s always constantly an event going on, so it’s honestly the game I spend the most time playing on my mobile phone, and I love it lol. Also I may have not understood how the events work, and new events have also been added since my old review, and it’s not as difficult as I thought to earn even further free gacha spins. In my old review I say the gacha tickets cost 20,000 points. They now cost 10,000. I don’t know if it was an error on my part before, or if the price has been lowered, but it is nice much easier to get free gacha tickets.
My show in #cocoppaplay #kawaii #anime #dressupgame #cute #mobilegame
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Sep 16, 2017 at 9:56am PDT
I have a ton of pics of CocoPPa Play on my instagram. I will sprinkle a few throughout this review. Unlike my previous review, I now have a lot of pics of my own models (as well as using some screenshots from the official app store pages).
So let’s take a 2nd look at CocoPPa Play below (Please note parts of this review have been repurposed from my previous review, while other info has been added, edited, or in same cases removed):
Title: CocoPPaPlay (the Android version is called Star Girl Fashion but it is the same game).
Genre: Dressup Game
Platform: Mobile (IOS / Android)
Grab it on IOS: https://itunes.apple.com…
Or Here for Android: (For some reason, it’s called “Star Girl Fashion” here, but same game, even same icon that the Itunes version uses) You can pick it up here: https://play.google.com/…
Geeky: 1/5 
Sweetie: 5/5 
Overall: 70 / 100 70% C- Good Game for Girls
Concept: 10/10 The concept of CocoPPaPlay is simple – play “gacha” machines or enter monthly events to win new outfits. Outfits consist of different layers, such as eyes(facial expression), hair, clothes, shoes, hand accessories (purses, stuffed toys, swords, etc), hats, glasses, pets, backgrounds, and other items – This allows you to really fine-tune and make unique avatars. Similar to games like Pokemini (which I reviewed here) or Line Play.
Gameplay: 9/10 I covered the basics above: There are a number of “lottery” style games (gacha machines) where you’re awarded an item for your outfit by paying or using a gacha ticket.
There are also numerous events to win exclusive outfits. It seems the events change every week or two and that never a day goes by without some type of event going on. Events fall into one of a few different catagories:
In all events you can earn “Lucky Tickets”: These items you can earn for free by cheering for other players shows or completing quest objectives. The lucky tickets can be used to try to play the lucky event gacha to win items/energy drinks, and/or used to raise your charm level for the event – I recommend trying to max your charm first. (similar to the events in Dream Girlfriend (which I reviewed here) Having high charm lets you get event points and rewards much quicker! Therefore its best to max it out asap. If you rank high based on your total event points at the end of the events, you get rare limited items.
Catch Requests: In a catch event, after cheering for other players’ shows, a creature will appear on your screen with a few different catching options above it’s head and showing a percentage of how likely you are to capture them. You can “chain” successful catches to get bonus points, but once you miss a catch, that bonus is reset. If you chain enough catches you’ll go to a special bonus round after your 11th catch, where you see three creatures. In this bonus round, catching at least 2 out of the 3 will take you to yet another bonus round with a super rare creature to catch for massive amounts of points. I like to save my double point and guaranteed accuracy catching glove items for these two rounds.
Fetch Requests: In a Fetch Event (as I have called it), there will be multiple “quest givers” who request items from you in exchange for event points. Go cheer for other players shows and complete quests to earn the requested items, then return to the events page to turn in your items for event points.
Beam Requests: In a beam quest you find characters again by cheering for other shows. Some characters are more rare than others. Once you find a character, you use a beam to “zap” them to transform them somehow. After transforming, they award you points, more points for more rare characters. You can request help, or help your friends take down difficult characters and get lots of points. This event is fun because it goes very fast with large groups of friends.
My entry for #CocoPPaPlay #snapcontest #fashion #dressupgame #anime #kawaii #cute #freegame #mobilegame
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Nov 23, 2017 at 10:51am PST
Fashion Snap: Dress up your avatar to suit a theme, and vote on “who wore it better”. You can earn a lot of gacha tickets in these events. They’re also the most fun in my opinion. New themes come very quickly – every day I believe. Fashion Snap often times requires you to use at least 1 item from the associated event gacha.
Fashion Labo: Fashion Labo (which I’m guessing stands for Fashion Laboratory) is very much like the Fashion Snap events – also Fashion Labo will be going on along side any one of the other events above. Fashion Labo is different from Fashion Snap in 2 ways: The frequency of the theme changing is much slower, and length of the entry periods for each theme are much, much, much longer in Fashion Labo (spanning several days or even a week or so per each theme). Like Fashion Snap, you dress up to match the theme, and judge other people’s entries. The other big difference is you earn blue and gold hearts that can be exchanged in a special shop for more rare items in addition to those available via the rank and leader boards and as quest rewards etc. Be sure to spend your hearts, because they do not roll over to future Fashion Labo events.
My #fashionlabo #fashionlaboratory #anime #kawaii #cute #dressupgame #character in #CocoPPaPlay #pleasevoteforme
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Dec 21, 2017 at 5:53pm PST
Overall, it cycles through these event styles, in a scheduled and precise way, so that you can anticipate what the next event type will be and plan when you want to play the game. I don’t know the schedule off hand (I don’t really pay that much attention to it) But let’s say it goes something like (this is not correct, just made up to illustrate my point:) If the cycle went like:
Fashion Snap
then it would start again with Fetch and work in the same order again down that list.
And it would coincide at times with Fashion Labo.
NOTE: Fashion Labo is easy to miss. I missed a few of the themes this month. Because the icon for Fashion Labo is pretty much ALWAYS on your screen – Even when Fashion Labo ends, it lets players check their scores, view the contest winners, and etc by clicking the icon. So if you aren’t paying SUPER CLOSE attention, and notice that the icon has new artwork – thus indicating a new round of Fashion Labo, it’s easy to miss. I’m just going to get in the habit of checking that page daily. I recommend you do the same.
That’s about it for events. One of my favorite things about this game is that there is ALWAYS an event of some type, and thus ALWAYS rare time limited release items. So many items. Between these events and limited time gachas.
There’s also a club feature. You can at any level, any time, and for free, create (or join) a club. You can get bonuses in the events above by having club members where certain items or do certain tasks so clubs are really useful, you can also use them to chat and make friends which gives the game a nice social touch.
You also can take on quests from NPCs within the game, which when you complete, will add new items to their shops, and unlock new cities to explore, and grant you some free outfits. When a city “levels up” they have a sale with half priced items – but I never buy them – because I’m hoarding all my Smile Points to use in the gachas.
As a “bonus”, there’s another app by the makers of CocoPPaPlay, where you can customize your cellphone, with new icons, background images, wallpapers, lock screens, etc. This other app works best on android – because sadly, apple has a lot of bloatware that you cannot delete or modify – for example, the camera, you can’t change the icon for it on apple, the only work around is to download a 3rd party camera app, and hide your other icon in a folder somewhere. Email is another example, for example, you have to download Gmail, and hide the default mail app. You also can’t change the phone or text icons at all on the apple iphone. But it still makes your phone about 90% cuter – though it also makes your phone a little slower, as it adds an extra step whenever you click on one of the new icons it is only a shortcut to the actual program so you get prompted if you want to open the “page” with the following application. (At least on Iphone.) This other app also acts as a social media site, and if you link up your CocoPPa account to your CocoPPa Play account your avatar is carried over to both apps and appears on your social media wall – you earn some free items in both apps for linking, and can more easily login/retrieve your account by having both apps active.
That about covers it for gameplay.
#mobile #games games pictured include: #pokemon #pokemongo #lovenikki #nikki #dressupqueen #cocoppaplay #lineplay #shallwedate #wizardessheart #wethegirls #pokemonduel #zookeeperbattle #romancediary #romanticdiary
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Nov 1, 2017 at 5:49pm PDT
Customization – 10/10 – The number of items available is incredible, and many items have already retired, rising the demand and you get “bragging rights” if you have a super rare/old/obscure item equipped and well, I see this game being around 2-3 years from now, so even if you start playing today, in 2-3 years you too will have those rare items everyone else wants and be admired. I like games like this where they retire items fairly quickly. Pokemini is another example of really time sensitive items. That to me really increases my drive to play these games. So while others may not like this feature, to me it’s a huge plus.
Story: 2/10 – There’s really not much, if any, story – I think there was some type of story presented at the beginning, but it’s so bare bones I forgot it quickly. It’s mostly fetch quests and cheering and there’s also quite a few typos or improper grammar and awkward sentences thrown about in the game. Each event has a story, but it’s so similar to every other event story. Just replace X with Y. “X escaped, lets go catch them” where X could be a dog, cat, fairy, some other creature depending on the event. or “My X is broken, let’s zap it with our beams to make it work again” Where X could be spaceship, magic wand, or hotspring or any other number of things. But yeah really, this is not a game you play for story.
Characters: 6/10 – Characters get high marks for cuteness – but really have no purpose or substance, other than serving as mascots because the game lacks a strong story.
Graphics: 10/10 This game is super cute, the mascot girl who guides you through the story and quests is adorable, and the sheep mascot is also cute and he helps run your club. Your avatar and the items are very nicely drawn and large. a Good variety of items and different poses, and the ability to layer many items to create your avatar make this game very very appealing for anyone who loves cute things.
Music: 5/10 – Music is standard mobile type music. It’s cute and catchy, but ultimately only consists of 3 or 4 different tracks which means the more you play it, the more it starts to annoy the heck out of you lol.
Cuteness – 10/10 – to balance out all the negative things I have to say about this game, added this lil bonus in here –  the main reason to play this game is because it’s so cute.
Replay Value: 10/10 – It gets repetitive, is super time consuming, and annoyingly “expensive” if you want VIP items – but in the end, the lure of those time sensitive items keeps you wanting to press on to replay and get new items. It’s a very item-centric game. But that’s not a bad thing.
Overall: 78 / 100 78% C+ Good Game for Girls
CocoPPa Play Star Girl Fashion Revised Review Updated for 2018 was originally published on GeekySweetie.com - Geeky & Kawaii Anime, Tech, Toys, & Game Reviews & News
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