#i’m going to start a new farm i think. and i’m gonna set it up for co-op from the start to be smart
cultofdixon · 8 months
“I love you” told in a silent way
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Eldest Greene!Daughter • The archer and eldest Greene daughter grew close when they met and even turned into a few things. Little did they know that they were expecting • ANGST/SFW/NSFW - Implied Sex / Quickies / Hickeys / Biting • TW: Canon Violence / Injuries / Self Harm Scars / Nausea / Talks of Abortion / Amputation / Pregnancy & Birth
Requested by: Anon
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Daryl tried to be sneaky when it came to getting one of Hershel’s horses. He thought it be easier to maneuver through the woods on horseback instead of his bike. Wouldn’t be as loud either.
The man didn’t know anything about horses. Especially with putting the saddle and reins on. But he was trying to be quick so that none of the Greenes would notice.
Little did he know he was being watched.
“You forgot the saddle pad. Protects their back from the saddle…the friction and all”
The youngest Dixon quickly dropped the saddle and didn’t think of aiming his crossbow given the woman he turned toward didn’t seem to be armed.
“Who the hell are you?”
“The owner of the horse you be takin’. Don’t care if you do just thought you might need a hand before you take off”
“I’ve got more questions first—-“
“You want a name or somethin’? Or like why didn’t I show my face when your group stumbled into the ranch with a half dead boy?” She tilted her head after saying all that, watching the man’s body relaxed when she said all that. “I’m Y/N Greene. The eldest Greene daughter and I didn’t show my face because I’m not all too friendly with strangers and my old man isn’t all too proud of me”
Now Daryl was completely relaxed for some strange feeling growing in his chest. This total stranger didn’t leave out anything in the initial meeting…he didn’t feel like he had to pull it out of her.
“Can I at least get your name?”
“Daryl. Uh Daryl Dixon”
“Well nice to meet yea. Let me help you get the saddle on and you can take’em wherever you need to go”
“Ain’t gonna like…question why I’d be takin’ your horse?”
“The best thing about being invisible…is I already know why you’re doing it so I’m gonna help in my smallest way” Y/N got the saddle pad from the open cabinet in the stable approaching her horse to get him set up. “You’re trying to find that Carol woman’s daughter? I’d be careful when riding. Nelly is skittish sometimes”
“That’s understandable when a sicko comes by”
“I’m saying…be more careful with anything as small as a mouse when ridin’” Y/N warns as she tightens the saddle on carefully before taking the reins and handing them to Daryl. “If you don’t come back before nightfall, I’ll come and get yea”
“Not gonna need it” Daryl frowns gripping the reins keeping his gaze to the floor until she started to walk away when he brought his eyes back on her.
When Daryl left the farm, Y/N made her existence known to the others from his group given only Lori and Daryl knew of her. Lori only knowing because she accidentally stumbled across her when she needed air after learning what happened to Carl.
The eldest Greene still kept to herself but started to be help to these new people whenever it was asked. She even understood what Maggie was talking to her about when it came to how strange some of them were with one another. But also being mainly an observer, she told her sister more details.
“Have you seen that Dixon guy recently?” Y/N asks her sister Beth watching her shake her head, leading her to leave the house heading toward the stables.
To her surprise, Hershel stood in a bit of a mood when noticing their horse was gone.
“You know who took her?”
“Yeah and I gave the okay. Now I gotta—“ Y/N went toward one of the stalls when Hershel grabbed her upper arm. “Seriously old man. What now?”
“I don’t trust these people” Hershel sung the same tune ever since this group joined. Y/N quickly pulls her arm out of his grasp avoiding eye contact as she pinches the bridge of her nose to contain herself from exploding. “First we lose another of our people because they were left alone with this guy”
“To save the sheriff’s son—-“
“Then the Glenn fella is hitting on my precious Maggie—-“
“She’s a grown ass woman who can make decisions for herself—-“
“Then your stupid decision to let one of them use one of our horses led them to ask for—-“
“SHUT IT” Y/N hissed. “I ain’t bein’ blamed for stupid shit, dad. You’re a sweet old guy that wouldn’t turn away good people but of course it’s driving yea nuts how high maintenance it is. Now get out of my way”
Her father didn’t leave the stables and watched her go into one of the stalls to push over some hay to reveal her hunting rifle strapping it on her.
“What are you doing?!”
“Going out to save one of them from whatever bullshit he got himself in”
“Seriously?! How can you easily let someone in? How can yea risk your life—-“
“I have given too much to this world that I’m not about to let it take from me. Yeah…I may not know much of this guy but some cosmic whatever is telling me he’s worth it” and with that Y/N left for the woods.
Y/N didn’t walk aimlessly like the Dixon fella might have because she grew up in these woods. She’s seen his crossbow and knows he’s a hunter but unless you know your surroundings, you’re learning as you go. Which meant the fall that Daryl took when Nelly bucked him off, Y/N knew the spot he’d fall into. Daryl had just pulled the arrow out of his side to take out the walker trying to get him but when the sounds of another undead came, he knew he was done for.
Until the sound of gunfire rung through followed by a thud. Daryl in his exhausted state looked up from where he fell finding a blurry blob that was Y/N with her rifle still in a readied position. He scoffs slightly out of annoyance toward himself mainly but a bit toward her that he directed to her when she slid the side of the slope reaching him.
“You’re an idiot…”
“Says the one bleeding” Y/N frowns setting her rifle down beside her, helping Daryl sit up with some resistance. “Gotta close that better or you’ll bleed out before we get back”
“Why do you care? If Merle were here he’d make jokes about a girl touchin’ me”
Y/N sort of ignored his words. Merle? Must be family or at least someone close he’s thinking of because of the blood loss. Least she didn’t have to worry about hallucinations…at least when she’s there.
“I just do. Is that a good enough answer for yea?”
“For now”
“Good” Y/N shrugged off her flannel leaving her in a tank top making the heat rise to Daryl’s face as he turned away when she brought her shirt around his torso to apply pressure to the wound. “When we get back, the old man will patch you up”
“How’d yea even know I’d end up here?”
“I know these woods a bit too well, Dixon”
“So…yea could’ve warned me?”
“Nah. Then that would be doubting your abilities now wouldn’t it?” Y/N frowns bringing his arm around her shoulders hearing him groan when getting back on his feet.
Getting back to where they were was a struggle and resulted in Y/N carrying Daryl on her back to the best of her ability. A few bumps along the way but they made it. Now it was a slow walk back to the farm.
Though neither of them could’ve calculated what’s about to happen, to happen.
Once the two were in the clearing, Y/N heard muffled shouting while Daryl clung onto her really feeling the blood loss get to him. His feeling instantly changed when he felt her tense beside him when the group of men came running over. Daryl scoffs straightening up the best he could, glaring at Rick who held his colt in his face once again.
“That’s the third time you pointed that thing at my head” Daryl scoffs. “Gonna pull the trigger or what?”
Then the ring of a shot powered through and nicked Daryl in the head. The force caused him to fall over and Y/N to instantly approach his side to get him on his back making sure he was still breathing.
“I was kidding” Daryl groans, squinting his eyes from the pain in his head as Rick and Shayne quickly came over to help the guy onto his feet while Y/N got up continuing to carry his gear and grow an unsettling taste in her mouth when Andrea came running over admitting to her firing.
Dale noticed the look in the Greene’s eyes and felt the need to step in front of Andrea when she made her way over to them.
“Next time, if you’re ever unsure about the shot you’re about to take? Don’t take it” Y/N kept her cool and even shot the girl a temporary smile that faded into the resting neutral while she caught up with the others.
The poor guy laid uncomfortably in the bed while Hershel got to work on his stitches. Once the info about Sophia’s possible whereabouts, Hershel couldn’t help but speak his mind.
“If you didn’t go out in the first place, my daughter wouldn’t have felt obligated to save your ass”
“No one told her to come and save me. I would’ve come back somehow”
“Given your injuries, Dixon. Be a little more thankful that Y/N girl went and saved yea” Rick scoffs picking up the map from the bed and leaving to give the man some time to rest without people bothering. Hershel followed behind Rick watching him bother Y/N to get her input on their whereabouts regarding Sophia.
Night came and everyone was having dinner in the dining room while Daryl stuck in the room he was in. Carol came and went, gave him food and thanked him for not stopping his search for Sophia. He didn’t wait to leave until the house fell quiet indicating everyone was asleep. But right as Daryl was about to sit up, Y/N quietly pushed the door open resulting in the archer scrambling to cover his back.
She’s seen them but before his sake, she wasn’t going to say anything. Y/N tossed a bottle of Tylenol in Daryl’s lap making him relax and the sheets fall from covering him. “The old man is gonna want to check your bandages later. Change them and check for infection. Yknow, the good stuff”
“At this hour?”
“Man was a vet. Overnight shifts to check on the more critical asked for late night checks. Yeah you’re a person but it’s just how he does things”
“Can’t…You like check them for me? I hate being in here”
The pondering look on Y/N’s face took a minute before falling into a neutral expression with a hint of a smile followed by a shrug.
“Your tent is the furthest from the group yeah? By the bike?”
“Wild guess”
“But I’m right, right?” Y/N smiles warmly. “I’ll have to get some stuff then meet yea there. But go out the back, that door doesn’t squeak when opening it” she tells him back on her way out of the room.
It took him a bit to get out of the house given he was stitched up and sore from the incident still. But he didn’t think he took that long when finding Y/N leaning against the tree closest to his tent smoking.
“How long—-“
“I just got here. I am faster than you given the circumstances”
“I wasn’t the one that fell on their ass after carrying me up that slope” Daryl scoffs approaching his tent to unzip it but bending slightly caused a whole lot of pain that he stopped. Y/N tapped his shoulder indicating for him to move as he did with a groan followed.
The Greene tossed her cigarette to the ground and stomped it out before opening the tent letting him in first obviously then entering herself.
“You’re gonna have to take your shirt off again, or at least unbutton enough just for me to get to your bandages”
Daryl sat on his cot with a huff and a bit of an annoyed look infused with self-hatred. “You saw’em”
“I only saw what you’re willing to show” Y/N brought herself to her knees setting her first aid box next to him on the cot watching him from the corner of her eye take off his shirt dropping it on the floor next to her. “You’re not the only one riddled with a past, or…scars that explain it. Alright, may I?” She reached to touch the bandage waiting for his approval which was a nod from his end.
Her touch is so…light Daryl thought watching her work with taking the bandage off with wetting the adhesive so it wouldn’t tug at his skin. Gentle… he held the new bandage for her watching her double check her dad’s handy work. The slightest concern graced her features but immediately dissolved.
“My stitches would’ve been neater. But it’ll do the job” Y/N comments as she took the bandage from his hand and started applying it.
“You also some form of doctor in this family?”
“Fuck no” Y/N laughs lightly. “I’ve lived in the city for so long that I’ve encountered my fill of chaos probably within the first year. But ten years later is when I decided to sell my soul back to this fucking farm”
“You hate it here?” Daryl questions instantly, watching Y/N clean up her stuff before leaning back on her hands on the ground. “This shit is a luxury. Even before the apocalypse”
“Mm. I don’t know you well enough to go into grand detail about why this place is really just a burden. But you’ve seen how the old man is. Imagine being his kid on the receiving end to his bs”
“I guess that’s fair” Daryl slipped his shirt on when listening to her speak. “Some parents aren’t fit to be parents”
“As much as that is true, maybe even speaking from your own experience. Most situations involving multiple children, there’s always a favorite. But in this case, there’s the disappointment and the two perfect daughters”
“Why are you sharing this with me?”
Y/N shrugs reaching into her back pocket taking out her pack. “You’re relaxed aren’t you?”
She got that right. She got him to stop thinking about his injury, and a little bit about how his search was pretty much a failure.
Once Y/N put her lighter away after lighting her cigarette, she only took two puffs before Daryl carefully leaned over taking it from her mouth to give it to himself.
“I’m taking that as my leave” She laughs lightly as she brought herself to uncomfortably stand in the tent, hunching over just a bit.
But as Y/N reached to take her kit, Daryl took a hold of her wrist tugging her into his lap catching a bit of a confused look from her. Making his anxiety rise slightly that he read her kindness wrong and part of her didn’t expect much.
“Do what you plan on doing, Dixon” Y/N brought her arm around his shoulders as her other hand gently made sure his bandage was secure but also place itself on his cheek.
It took him a second longer to think about his action before pressing his lips against hers. The softness of her lips against his made his heart start racing and her hand moved from his cheek to his chest to confirm such.
When the morning came, Daryl woke with a groan sitting up in his coat to find beside him being empty but Y/N still remained in the tent getting her jeans back on. He admired the work he done on her neck but his eyes fixated on the burn scars he caught a glimpse of resting on her thighs. She could sense the staring and tensed only for a moment until her pants were back on.
“There’s not enough make up in the world to cover your attack on my neck and chest. But I don’t give a fuck who notices”
“Don’t know about your family, but these folk don’t know when not to include themselves in other’s business. They are def gonna ask where mine came from” Daryl chuckles lightly bringing himself to completely sit on the cot referring to his own hickeys that were more on the neck and shoulder. Including a bite mark that Y/N couldn’t help herself last night, it was either that or wake the whole tent city. “It’s still early”
“Yeah but just like your folks, my family is nosey. Especially my sisters.” She sighs while buttoning up her flannel even if she does prefer it open, just needs a minute to get inside and in her room before the interrogation starts.
Y/N turned to Daryl once she sat on the ground to get her shoes on as she could sense the hint of worry coming from the man and she could only assume was toward what he saw.
“We’re not so different” Y/N states finishing tying her shoes. “Mine were just. Self inflicted”
He couldn’t contain his concern even if in his own special way it was only noticed through his eyes and body language. Y/N could read him and part of Daryl worried about that.
“You stop?”
“Don’t be—-“
“I ain’t gonna be one of those nut jobs that tell yea “please stop for me”. Only you can really make that decision”
“Well, I did. When I moved back”
“And how long ago was that?”
“Three months before the world ended” and with that Y/N took her leave, leaving the first aid kit with Daryl giving her a reason to come back.
Even if a part of him wanted to go after her.
The two had their alone time a few times before news of “walkers in the barn” spread to the group. Daryl felt a sense of betrayal since Y/N cares so much about their safety in the past few days that she didn’t tell him anything about it. But when he went to the back door where he’d usually meet her, he heard shouting from inside coming from her.
“Walkers in the goddamn barn, old man?!”
“People are in that barn. Good people. I’m protecting the—-“
“They’re already gone! They stopped being themselves the second the infection spread from the bite”
“You don’t know that”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Y/N scoffed pinching the bridge of her nose trying to contain her anger and failing. “I swear to god if I open it—-“
“—You wouldn’t—-“
“—-and find mom in there after you said she just “disappeared”. I’m going to prove you she’s not mom anymore”
Daryl couldn’t help but flinch when he heard the ring from the slap that came from Hershel’s hand meeting Y/N’s cheek. Normally one would cry but instead she kept her composure and decided to reframe from saying another word or she would’ve acted instead. He quickly stepped away when the door flung open seeing the anger in her eyes and body language. The single tear that rolled off her cheek made him act without realizing and gently brushed it away watching her relax but not enough to fall into his arms and stay there. She pulled herself away shooting him a temporary smile before walking into the woods behind the house to clear her head.
The eldest Greene only returned to the shouting happening and then sudden gun fire which led her to grabbing hers on the way over to the commotion happening by the barn. Y/N froze beside her father watching Maggie comfort him while the others started shooting down the walkers that flooded out. She heard quick footsteps coming as she stopped whoever, Beth, from going any further as she held onto her. She held her as she sobbed watching the dust settle and one walker left started stumbling out.
Daryl quickly latched himself onto Carol before she could even get close to her daughter. Her sobs grew louder the more she was restrained from seeing her little girl that was soon ended by the sheriff that left her all alone in the first place. Rick will forever take that as his fault and won’t ever forget it.
It took them all a second to adjust to what happened as Daryl helped Carol on her feet only for her to thrash out so his grasp from anger and loss. Y/N did her best to keep Beth away from the carnage but she slipped from her grasp causing her to follow her little sister to the pile of walkers.
“Beth, no that’s not—“
“That’s our mom!” She cried as she brought herself to her knees beside the corpse pushing the one on top of it off her. “Ma…”
Her screaming caused everyone to act. The men quickly grabbed at her pulling her away from the reanimated corpse as Y/N quickly came through and slammed her foot into the skull of the sicko. There was a pause in the chaos of Beth screaming, Carol sobbing, and a few of them bickering. Just a pause to let what happened sink in.
“Y/N…” Maggie exhaled watching her fixated gaze to her foot coated in the aged blood as she slowly lifts her foot and stepped away. “Y/N, wait!” She quickly followed her as Y/N made her way past their father.
“I never should’ve come back” Y/N frowns continuing on her way to who knows, and on her route she took the pack of cigarettes out from her back pocket tossing them to the ground which only those who knew would understand.
But she kept her lighter.
After taking care of a few things, Daryl was finally left to take care of himself. Even if he wasn’t going to. His anger feasted mainly on himself compared to being toward others, granted he doesn’t have any reason to be mad toward anybody except for maybe Rick or Hershel for that barn bullshit. Or Shane. Hell he was frustrating himself. He wasn’t going to do anything with her in that sense but needed to find her.
It didn’t take much searching because as much as she hated the place, Y/N stuck close for a lot of reasons. Daryl only found her when she tossed an acorn at his head from above where she sat on one of the branches.
“Obviously looking for me”
“Not for that though.”
“I didn’t do anything if you’re thinking—-“
“No. Well, not entirely” Daryl shrugs watching her climb down the tree to be level with him. “You stalled. Stayed in…the corpse”
“If your mother turned, and you had to end her the way I did…you wouldn’t move right away.”
“Thankfully my mom died in a fire she caused”
“Thankfully?” Y/N scoffs watching him shrug again which made an ill laugh escape her lips. “I wish she didn’t die that way.”
“I wish you didn’t have to be the one to end it. Entirely. I’m sorry”
“Daryl…” Y/N frowns looking him dead in the eye waiting for it. Waiting for him to say it even if his anger started to get the best of him in the moment. “It’s not your fault”
“It’s not”
“But it is!” Daryl snapped in her face realizing she flinched and given all the feelings in the air that day, she couldn’t keep her guard up in that moment. “She wasn’t even mine. Not my daughter. How could I blindly care so much?”
“I was like that in the beginning of whatever we are”
“Caring so blindly. I didn’t know you and I came and saved you. Well until that annoying blond put a bullet in you…almost. Then I saved you. In my own way.” Y/N crosses her arms bringing herself close enough to lean against the tree she was just in. “Sometimes, you just care and don’t need a reason. Then the more you know a person all the reasons come to light”
“I care about yea, yknow. Even when I didn’t know a thing”
“You cared about her, without knowing a single thing. From what I heard, there is a person at fault but even then? Rick shouldn’t bully himself for a child running from danger. Kids don’t listen. That’s why they have parents to care for them. Or siblings. It’s harder when the kid has to care for themself. But that’s beside the point…” She turned her head in the direction of the house. “It’s all a shitshow. The end of the world. But we make do with it. Care about those we’ve just met or learned more about in such a little time”
“We need all the people in our lives for as long as we can” Daryl frowns bringing himself closer as Y/N moved her arms to her sides watching him get close enough that she could feel his breath on her. But he brought his forehead to rest against hers, feeling her hands find purchase on his neck. “You’re allowed to fall apart”
And she did. In the comforts of his presence then his arms…and his warm embrace. Things continued to escalate at the farm that eventually, it was set ablaze. All the commotion caused everyone to scramble, lose a few, and meet up on the highway. Daryl’s anxiety shot up when he couldn’t find the eldest Greene sister with her other sisters that were driven to “safety” by Glenn and Hershel.
Then the rustling of the woods were heard and few thought it was more of the walkers. But suddenly, Y/N stumbled out falling against the slope that led to the freeway and before any of her remaining family could rush to her…Daryl was already at her side helping her stand and she was met with a tearful gaze coming from the man that she didn’t care about keeping it a secret anymore…Y/N pressed her lips firmly against his for a short lived kiss before he brought her entirely in his arms holding her.
“Oh you so owe me” Maggie made the comment toward Beth as she glares at her sister. A bet was made. If that wasn’t clear.
“How long have—-“
“No time to act like a father right now. We need to find shelter for the night.” Rick cut off Hershel and gave Daryl a look to start the ride with his bike since he can maneuver and find a path easier. But instead of Carol being on his bike, Y/N took that spot rightfully and not like Carol was complaining.
It was a short ride but long enough for Daryl to realize Y/N’s trembling from the shock of watching her home burn and the struggle of getting out of there alive. She didn’t go unscathed but the cuts were small and not so deep. Daryl still took care of them.
After Rick’s whole speech, it was time to call it a night and stick close to everyone. Daryl took first watch which meant Y/N sticking with him.
“Your old man didn’t look too happy about us”
“He’ll have to get used to it.” Y/N whispered to him feeling his arm snake around her shoulders keeping her close. “Cant believe it’s gone”
“I’m sorry”
Y/N shrugged a little before bringing herself closer to him enjoying the warmth he emitted. “Least I got these on my way out” she pulled out her pack of cigarettes which made a laugh escape Daryl’s lips.
It took some time to get used to the idea that they were going to be moving a lot until something more permanent came along. But they also needed something permanent to come by the end of nine months because Lori was pregnant.
Everyone noticed how stressed Rick would get when Lori would shut him out for his decision making that lead them here so a few did their best to keep that level low.
“Daryl and I are gonna go hunt for dinner while my old man and Carol set up camp for the night” Y/N informs Rick on her way out. “Glenn, Maggie, and T-Dog should be back soon with whatever they scavenged from the few houses around”
“Thanks Y/N, be back before nightfall” Rick stated watching her nod before following Daryl out of the house they decided to make their shelter for the night.
As much as they did what they told Rick what they were going to do. They planned on other things.
“Fuck—-“ Y/N cursed adjusting herself against the counter even with Daryl pinning her against such. “Maybe we do this on the floor next time” her hands slipped resulting in Daryl picking her up still deep inside her velvety walls and forcing her against the wall.
“Better?” He huffed watching her arms move to find purchase around his neck.
“Yes, please continue” Y/N begged as Daryl instantly latched his lips against hers picking up the pace thrusting inside of her using the wall to his advantage so he could bring one of his hands to her clit helping her reach her release.
Her toes curled and heels dug into his back when she reached her high and felt Daryl remove his hand from her clit to have a better grasp on her while he quickened his pace and thrusted harder reaching his own release, spilling inside her warmth. They held onto each other catching their breaths.
“Holy shit…” Y/N gasps softly when Daryl adjusted his stance still inside of her. “So…”
“Round two?” He smirks followed by one appearing on her features pressing her lips against his. Before the two suddenly flinched to the sound of a spring lock. “Shit”
“Mm. Maybe later?”
“Imma hold yea to that, sunshine” Daryl kisses her once more before pulling out of her helping her gain her balance using himself as her steady.
After helping clean up, Daryl checked the trap they set pulling out a raccoon that unfortunately met its end. Y/N stepped out carrying a few finds that would help a few with keeping warm during the colder nights. Blankets, sweaters, etc.
“Think we should set up a few more traps before we head back”
“Sounds good” Y/N extended her hand for Daryl to hand off the raccoon so he could set them up. “I’m gonna put some of these things by your bike so I can sweep around”
“Be careful yeah? I’ll join yea when I’m done”
Y/N kept the catch attached to her backpack on her while the blankets and clothes were left on his bike. She went through a few houses near the one they both were in and stopped in one of the few two stories finding a few more canned goods and took note of how secure the building was. Maybe they could move there for a few weeks? She thought while stepping through the place some more, stopping at the fireplace finding the photos coated in dust. She extended a hand toward one deciding to dust it off and find an old married couple behind the glass. They looked happy. In love. Y/N didn’t quite understand the feeling she was feeling in her chest when staring at the picture of a random couple.
“Anything good?” Daryl’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts as she sets the picture back where it was.
“Nothing I haven’t already put in my bag. I’m ready when you are”
Heading back was quiet and that didn’t concern Daryl much given it was getting late. But Y/N started to act off that it even concerned her. She was more exhausted than usual, finding herself sleeping more in her spot of the house wherever they moved, she ate less, took more of the first night watch shift, and went out less with Daryl. Every time she did, Daryl mainly kept an eye on her and their conversation was smaller than usual. This has been going on for a month, and they’ve been house hoping for three so far. It was about to become winter.
Y/N was taking a longer night watch given Rick, Daryl, and Glenn decided to head out for a small hunting trip to bring back enough game to last them through winter. Even if Daryl said he was going to hunt through the cold months just not as frequently. She was once again lost in her thoughts while looking out into the darkness staring occasionally at the trigger line. Worrying about the group, missing Daryl, fearing what could happen—
“Sweetheart?” Hershel whispered for those sleeping inside but was loud enough to get Y/N’s attention. “How are you feeling?”
Ever since the fire, Hershel has been trying to rekindle the father daughter relationship with his oldest. Even if in her head, he’s always going to be her dad and it wouldn’t take much to repair it. He’s already apologized enough. But she expected it again tonight.
“I’m tired”
“I’ve noticed. Are you falling ill with somethin’? I can go out with Maggie to go look for—-“
“No, no. I’m not sick” Y/N frowns watching her dad take a seat with her. “I don’t feel good. Yeah…but the other thing is just. I love him but I’m afraid to tell him”
Hershel couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him which only brought a glare and a huff out of his daughter. “I told your mother that I loved her, first. She didn’t say it back and honestly? I didn’t expect her to. I just want her to know that I loved her. Then a few months later she tells me she loves me too. For some they say it immediately back, or they take a while. But that doesn’t mean what they do for you, has zero trace of love toward you.”
Y/N couldn’t help the little tears that spilled from her eyes when her dad said such. Hershel gently brought his arm around her shoulder bringing her in so she could rest her head on his shoulder continuing to cry if she needed.
A couple more days passed and the sick feeling turned into vomiting and migraines every other day. Y/N couldn’t shake a feeling and decided to act on it.
“Y/N…” Beth shook her older sister awake as Y/N slowly sits up looking to the other side of her seeing Daryl still fast asleep then she turned to the window finding it still dark out.
“What’s wrong?” She whispers tucking the loose hair in Beth’s face behind her ear.
“I started my period…and I don’t have anything…”
Y/N nodded knowing exactly what she was asking as she tugs her pack over to them rummaging through it. She then realizes she missed her period.
“Uhm. I don’t have anything, love. Maybe ask Mags in the morning? I’ll ask Carol if she’s stumbled across any”
“Okay…” Beth frowns watching her sister go into her bag knowing she at least had pain meds and gave it her to see a small smile form for a moment before she shuffled back.
Her anxiety started to eat at her and she knew the only way to know for sure is to get a test. But that will wait for the morning.
“Hey I’m gonna take a car into the nearby town. Sweep the place one last time before we move again before the weather goes from just cold to snow”
“Sounds like a great idea.” Rick stood up grabbing his coat. “I’ll tag along with you and Daryl”
“If Daryl wants to tag along. I was gonna ask Mags” Y/N states receiving a confused and concerned look from Daryl while her sister lights up with a smile. “Maybe you and Glenn can do one last hunt and check the traps before we move?”
“Alright. But he’s gotta keep up with me like yea do”
“He will” Y/N laughs softly smiling as Daryl snuck in a kiss on the cheek when no one was looking. “We’ll be back before nightfall”
“Yeah I’ll make sure to get some baby stuff if we come across it” Rick tells Lori only to be met with an avoidance in her gaze as her hand stayed on her already showing belly. Y/N couldn’t help the staring toward the two before squeezing her eyes shut and quickly stepping out once she got her backpack and a coat.
Maggie took care of driving and Rick took the passengers, leaving Y/N alone in the backseat scribbling in this journal Maggie found for her on a run with Glenn. She mainly wrote her concerns and the obvious one plaguing her mind was
Is she pregnant?
They were reckless, now he’s going to leave her.
Does he even like kids? He doesn’t talk much to Carl…
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong” Rick frowns looking out the window as Maggie turned to him for a second with a confused look. “She’s mad about it all. What happened with Shane and being pregnant in the apocalypse. She thinks because she had a c-section she’s more likely to have another and we don’t have the tools for it. So it stresses me out…thinking I’m gonna lose my wife. But I can’t voice those concerns because she’s mad at me. Pregnant and mad”
“Pregnancy makes women feel all their emotions times 100, Rick. It’s going to be rough for a while” Maggie pats his shoulder glancing back to find Y/N looking a bit more pale than before. “Sis, you alright?”
Without another word, the second she felt the car stop…Y/N quickly ran out ditching her things and going to vomit into the near by bushes. Maggie frowns unbuckling her seatbelt and about to check on her when she noticed her journal in the backseat. Her hesitation made Rick get out to check on her older sister while she picked up the book to read it.
Maggie wasn’t going to tell Y/N she read it. But then read those entries and felt the same anxiety her sister felt for a moment.
Maggie gave Y/N some time to recollect herself after bolting out of the car. But she didn’t mean to corner her in the pharmacy section of the mini grocery store.
“Mags what’s up with that look on your face?”
“I uhm. I’m sorry”
The apology caught Y/N off guard until Maggie just let it out.
“You’re pregnant?” Maggie frowns and the negative look on her face only made Y/N feel so much worse on the matter. But instead of tears, it was anger.
“AND?! So what if I might be pregnant? Like that isn’t going to be a fucking issue when we already have a pregnant woman in the group and look how she and her man are doing. I haven’t even said I love you yet to Daryl and I don’t even know if he wants kids” then the tears suddenly broke out as she stared at the pregnancy test box she had in her hand. “I can’t get rid of it. I don’t want to lose him. The universe took too much from me already, I can’t lose anymore” she sobbed, Maggie didn’t wait another second bringing her sister into her embrace holding her protectively.
“Y’all are gonna try and see if that car works? Just the two of you?”
“It’s not the first time I hot-wired a car by myself” Y/N stated with Maggie nodding to confirm such.
It’s not that Rick didn’t trust the two, it was going to be night soon and that was his concern. But he also needed to get all their findings back.
“Fine. But you have to camp out if it gets too late”
“We’ve got this. If the lights work, we’ll drive back” Maggie smiles as Rick sighs letting them rock and leaving.
The two gave each other a look and Maggie went into her bag taking out the few pregnancy tests handing them to Y/N. She went back inside one of the buildings to do her business while Maggie got started with hot-wiring the car.
“Y/N I don’t feel good…”
“Yeah I know, bug. I’m sorry I’m working as fast as I can” The sixteen year old Y/N tugged on the wires from under the dash to get the car started while her baby sister Maggie continued to groan in the backseat. Being left to babysit while the folks went into town was killer. Especially when no one expected Maggie to have a skyrocketing fever.
“Sis…” She cried the entire drive as Y/N did her best to be a smooth driver into town and to the nearest ER.
“I’ve gotchu, bug. Everything’s gonna be alright”
“Everything’s gonna be alright” Maggie frowns rubbing Y/N’s back as she did her best to contain her tears while they drove back.
“It won’t…it just won’t” Y/N wiped away her tears taking the remaining time back to collect herself. She took out the cartoon of cigarettes from her bag staring at the thing knowing her sister’s gaze to burning a hole into the side of her head. “I’m not going to do them, bug” she frowns rolling the window down and tossing the box out hearing the sigh of relief.
“Good…I need to keep you safe. So it keeps my niece or nephew safe”
The smallest joy brought a temporary smile to grace Y/N’s features even if the uncomfortable anxious feeling clawed at her back over how Daryl will react.
When they arrived back, both Glenn and Daryl were waiting outside the house that was lit from the fire T-Dog got started in the fireplace to keep everybody warm. Glenn instantly went to Maggie’s side checking her in his anxious way that was immediately reassured. But Y/N remained in the car with her head down, driving Daryl nuts internally until he noticed Maggie give him a look to join her and that only made his anxiety worse.
“What’s wrong with—-“
“Just let them be. Cmon, gotta give Beth something” Maggie smiles tugging Glenn along back inside until it was just Daryl and Y/N.
The archer shut the door once he entered and before he even said a word, the eldest Greene daughter exhaled.
“I’m pregnant”
Daryl expected more from her but was met with her silence and honestly, that made him worry for her instead of thinking of his feelings about the news. This explains why she hasn’t been feeling well—-but she could’ve let him in. Makes sense why she wanted to go on a run with her sister—-but he could’ve been there for her. Y/N found out alone for a moment—-yet Daryl could’ve help her the second she did.
“You thought I would leave yea”
Y/N instantly shot her head up turning to him as if he read her mind. Daryl gave her a bit of a disappointed look that was met with brimming tears.
“I’m not gonna leave yea. Never.” Daryl stated as fact which led the tears to spill. “I just wish I help you through it. Yeah you had your sister. But you mean so much to me and this is our future. I wasn’t gonna go anywhere before, I definitely ain’t now” he finished his thought as he stepped out of the car rounding to Y/N’s side and gently pulling her into his arms letting her sob into him as he protectively held onto her.
The winter started to present itself and the news stayed within the three (four if you count Maggie blabbing to Glenn, which was only a matter of time before they all knew). Which led to once they found their home to hold off the winter, Daryl brought himself inside after checking the one trap he placed sitting down beside Y/N.
“There’s something we’ve got to say to you all” Y/N started and felt anxious with everybody staring. Guess the fire took away more than just their safety, but her confidence.
“She’s pregnant” Daryl finished resting a hand on her thigh gently rubbing his thumb in a soothing motion for her to relax.
Before any positive thing said can be thrown up in the air. The shocked expressions turned instantly to confusion and toward Lori when she scoffed toward the news.
“Seriously?” Lori beckoned Y/N to confirm it herself as she did with a nod even if her expression fell when the woman started laughing. “Great that’s just great”
“No, shut it Rick. It was already trouble taking care of my pregnant self. What makes y’all think we can take care of two? You two should’ve been more careful and found abortion pills”
“Woah! You don’t get to get to be a bitch just because you’re pregnant” Carol hissed drawing a shocked expression out of the Grimes who quickly turned to her husband for a defense. “No you started this on your own and you will finish it”
“None of us asked for you to be pregnant.” T-Dog adds abruptly. “That shit just happens sometimes. No timing is ever perfect”
“But still—-“
“No you don’t get to talk to my——“
“girl like that” Daryl snapped cutting Hershel off. “Don’t take a good thing and fucking stomp on it just because you’re miserable. You have to remember a few of us have some bullets against yea and I ain’t afraid to fire every single one of them if you come at her again” he frowns bringing his arm entirely around Y/N keeping her close, ignoring the tense look on Lori’s face as Rick’s disappointment turned to a bit of sadness when hearing such. But it was quickly shifted to a smile when his son turned to him then toward the two.
“Congratulations?” Carl laughs the tension away resulting in Beth quickly moving over to hug her sister as Hershel made his way patting Daryl on the back before kissing the top of Y/N’s head.
They were going to be okay. Their village will make sure of it.
The winter months were brutal and miserable for everybody. They had to move once through the cold because the roof collapsed in a section of the old house that made it dangerous for everybody. The group ditched their cars and stayed in the neighborhood just for the winter because of the snow. They’ll go back to the cars later, T-Dog and Beth took care of carrying their extra items that weren’t apart of everybody’s individual packs. Carol and Hershel took care of getting the fire going and getting food for the day ready, Hershel also took care of checking both Lori and Y/N every now and then to make sure they are alright. Rick, Glenn, Maggie, and Daryl were the ones in the watch rotation and as much as he protested, Y/N would tag along with Daryl.
“I’m not that pregnant yet, Daryl. I can go out with you.”
“It’s snowing”
“I go huntin’ by myself all the time and I’d rather yea stay warm than suffer with me”
“And you think it’s going to sit well with me having you suffer the colder conditions?” Y/N glared at the man getting frustrated with the back and forth, Daryl was going to argue again when he noticed both of her sisters shaking their heads not to try. Pregnant or not, she will continue to argue until she’s blue in the face.
“Fine. But layer up” Daryl states letting her get ready as he goes into his pack taking out his poncho to put it on over his layers.
The two went through the center of the neighborhood, Daryl hating the snow and Y/N enjoying it. He only hated it because it made tracking animals difficult and before he could tell her about heading back…
“I love you” Y/N tells him watching him freeze in his place as she anxiously adjusts the rifle on her back gripping the strap. “I don’t expect you to say it back now or in a few months or years. I just needed you to know that I love you and you mean so much to me”
Daryl brought himself close pressing his lips firmly against hers bringing his arms around her. They enjoyed themselves for the moment until Y/N heard shuffling and expected a walker but when she looked behind him. There were deer. But when Daryl got a look, he stopped her from readying her rifle which brought out a confused look from her until she noticed a buck making its appearance along with two babies.
Now they were watching the family just be, making Daryl look over to Y/N watching her smile at the display as he brought his hand to rest on her small bump. She glance to his hand for a second before smiling more and resting her hand over his before continuing to look at the deer family. Thankfully on their way back they got a bunny and a few squirrels that made themselves known in the winter.
It wasn’t long before the warmer months came back and Y/N couldn’t ride on Daryl’s bike anymore. She stuck with Glenn and Maggie and with the moving from house to house increasing. T-Dog and Rick took lead with sweeping the houses they come across before the group resided but Daryl followed behind after checking on Y/N. But when herds came through, they didn’t wait and went straight back into the car and only the road.
“Let’s go hunt” Daryl tells Rick watching him nod as Hershel held him back to talk about Lori’s condition given she’s in her ninth month compared to Y/N in her seventh.
Daryl picked up his canteen from his bike going to Y/N and making sure she kept hydrated when the weather got dangerously hot.
“Gonna go hunt with Rick. We’ll be back soon”
“Stay safe, yeah?”
“You too” Daryl quickly kissed her cheek before going with Rick.
The two stumbled across the prison, which then led to the group taking out walkers in the field to give them shelter for the night before heading inside. The group huddled by the fire talking about Rick, what the prison could do for them, and a few miscellaneous things. Maggie happily let her older sister use her lap as a pillow as she laid on her side using her blanket to cushion her belly from the ground.
“Lot of movement today?”
“Yeah…fucking think this baby loves kicking my ribs” Y/N huffed out a laugh as Maggie brushes back her hair smiling at her watching Daryl return to the group with Carol. He knelt behind her resting his poncho over her before getting comfortable. “Done with watch?”
“We’ve got a gate. Besides, if shit happens it’ll alert all of us and Rick hasn’t left the gate”
“You check on him?” Y/N whispers to Daryl when she moved onto her back for a moment to look at him.
“Do I have to?”
“No, but he shouldn’t have to burden what’s going on with him alone. Even if you don’t quite understand it”
Her words rung in his head especially when they dealt with the prisoners, then the Walker outbreak, losing Lori, almost losing Hershel and Carol…it was a lot. Things seem to only escalate and it didn’t help that all the commotion rendered Y/N speechless and she hasn’t spoken a word the moment Lori died.
She could die too
He will raise this baby alone
What will happen to her family?
She can’t die
She won’t die
Y/N stayed by the gate when they left and she knew her dad and Carol were watching her every move that when the cars pulled in she stepped away after opening one of the doors herself even when Carol came with her protests.
The car pulled in and Y/N waited for Daryl to come out but when everybody except him, she gave Rick a confused look while he hung his head.
“Daryl’s not coming back” Glenn ripped the bandaid off watching his partner shoot him a glare for not taking easy. But in Y/N’s head he did the right thing by just going for it.
“We ran into his brother and he’s not a great guy” Rick started. “But blood is blood from what Daryl told us…we just. Can’t let someone like Merle in the prison with us. He’s not a good guy and I’m sorry but Daryl’s not—-“ when he reached to lay a hand on her shoulder, she immediately smacked it away.
“You touch me and I cut your goddamn fucking hand off” Y/N glares at the retired sheriff watching him nod and step away. She glances down to her belly shutting her eyes tight turning away from everybody and started walking back to the prison.
This baby is half her and half him.
If the roles were reversed, she would’ve left with her sisters.
But that doesn’t make it okay for him to go.
“Has she spoken to anyone? Was snapping at Rick the only thing she said?” Carol asks Maggie as she nods while the concern grew on her face.
“Our daddy went to check on her and the baby. Heartbeats good. But going from a lot of movement to it being still…He thinks we should only worry if it stops for the remainder of her pregnancy.”
“Someone should get her to move. Walk around the prison or somethin’. Sitting there will make it worse for her” Hershel shared his concern as the three looked at Y/N sitting on the mattress Daryl pulled out for him originally on the catwalk.
“Nah. Get in an actual bed” Daryl protested Y/N sitting on the mattress but she did anyway.
“Last I checked a mattress is an actual bed”
“Don’t be smart with me, woman” Daryl sat up leaning into her space watching her stern look fall when he started showering her in kisses. “Least lay down with me”
“I wasn’t gonna stay sat up this entire time” Y/N playfully shoves him.
Y/N brought her attention to the young grimes bringing himself up with stairs with two bowls of food. Carl sat down beside her handing her the second one but she refused.
“Please?” Carl frowns watching her gaze turn to him with a look of ‘why?’ as in why would he be doing this for her. “We’ve…uh. We’ve lost enough people”
A sigh escapes her lips as she gently caresses the young one’s cheek giving him a small thoughtful smile before taking the bowl from him and eating.
“Y/N whisperer” Maggie whispers to Beth as the two were the ones to have Carl send up the bowl because Y/N wouldn’t snap at somebody who recently lost their mom.
They both froze when her gaze turned onto them when she finished the bowl of stew. Y/N handed the bowl to Carl as he stacked the empty bowls getting up but noticed her get up with him. She struggled at first and gestured toward one of her sisters to help as Beth quickly made her way up the steps helping her.
“Take a walk with me?” Y/N asks her youngest sister as she smiles nodding. Once the two met the end of the steps. “You too?” She asks Maggie watching her smile warmly.
Soon the three sisters were on the other side of the prison walking in silence and staring at the occasional walker but kept their focus on what’s in front of them.
“If something happens to me. The two of you will take care of them yeah?”
“Nothing is going to happen to you, sis. Nothing” Maggie’s smile instantly faded when her sister said such.
“I know, bug. But please”
“This is your first. Nothing like what happened to Lori will happen to you…” Beth frowns trying not to cry at the thought of losing her older sister. “Can’t lose you…I won’t have it”
“Beth, sweetheart, I know everybody is going to do everything they can to not let the worst case scenario happen…I just. Need the reassurance”
“They will be loved and cared for…if worst comes to worst.” Maggie brought her arm around her sister as Beth did the same, both on either side of Y/N. “We all will be okay”
The moment they got close to the main entrance, the gates were being opened to let in Daryl with his brother Merle shortly behind him. Y/N watched Maggie retract at the sight of the older brother as she brought herself over watching Daryl light up slightly but avoid her gaze.
“So you’re Merle”
“And you’re the woman my brother knocked up. Boy would not shut up about you being the reason he needs to come back. Who woulda thought someone softened my baby brother” Merle smirks and before another word came out of Y/N, everyone around watched her sock the man hard enough in the face that the force knocked him on his ass.
“Your brother is amazing to me even if I want that punch to also be at him for leaving” Y/N frowns looking down at Merle as she held her belly a moment followed by a sigh. “But that was a hundred percent meant for you”
“You just fucking met me”
“You kidnapped my sister and her partner. Beat him to a pulp and let that disgusting man touch my bug.” Y/N stared blankly at the man as it held so much anger that made him nervous. “Just be glad Daryl is your brother. Or I would’ve put a bullet in yea” she stepped away with Beth and Maggie following her while Daryl helped his brother to his feet.
“I like her” Merle smirks and was immediately manhandled by Rick to be put in their makeshift cell since they’re living in the actual ones. The same cell Michonne was in until she got on their good side.
Daryl hesitantly went to the catwalk finding Y/N there as he brought himself to sit with her. The silence was killing him but the way she soften when he returned to her. She couldn’t help but take his hand into hers while the other continued to rub circles on her belly.
“Are you—-“
“Oh I’m mad. But I have to keep calm or the baby won’t move” Y/N frowns feeling him let go of her hand to bring his on her belly thinking it will work…and it did. It was the smallest kick but it got tears to form in Y/N’s eyes making Daryl wipe them away and try to contain his own for his actions. “Are you okay? You ain’t going to leave again right?”
“Right. I ain’t leaving…I promise. I really promise this time” Daryl brought his arms around her holding her as she adjusted to lay comfortably in his embrace.
The plan about the governor escalated and succeeded. He was no longer a threat, but they lost so much in the process. Y/N found herself in the field where they buried their own, holding a flashlight for Daryl as he was burying another body. But it was his brother. The others wouldn’t approve but Y/N knew how much Merle sacrificed and thought he should be honored in a way. Daryl appreciated it. Even if he couldn’t control the tears that fell when he finished burying him. Y/N the best she could, wrapped her arms around him resting her cheek against his back.
“He did good”
“He did good…”
About a month went by and the Woodbury infusion went smoothly, and those started helping making the prison more of a function home. The one finished thing was the water plan that T-Dog brought up, thankful for him.
“You’re hovering”
“Okay?” Daryl scoffs leaning against the cell door to their room. “It either me or your old man”
“As if he’s not already there” Y/N turned to him with an annoyed look listening to Daryl sigh before Hershel made himself known. “I’m not going to fucking pop”
“That’s a creative way of putting it. You’re close to your due date. We want you to be safe”
“Yeah whatever.” Y/N pushed herself up and off the bed as they both were quick to her sides. “Okay I will kick that fake leg and make you fall and kick him in the balls if you both don’t stop hovering”
“Okay I will listen but I ain’t stopping him” Hershel pats Daryl’s shoulder. “Call me or Dr. S for any change”
Daryl nods watching him go as he gave a blank look to his girl crossing his arms. Y/N instantly glared at him but he kept his stance.
“I want to take a walk”
“I’ll go with yea.”
“Fine. But I’ll punch you over if you pick me up when I’m too tired” Y/N waddled past as he crossed his heart before following behind her.
There was a lot of commotion outside. Rick started working on the farm with Maggie, Glenn and a few Woodbury folk were clearing walkers, Tyreese was helping Carol build the outdoor grill along with Sasha helping with getting tables in, Beth was taking care of Judith as Carl rambled on about some comics that Michonne found for him, and Michonne was out on her weekly runs. Daryl helped around but mainly took the morning and night shifts when Y/N was asleep so that he would be there for her the rest of the time.
“Nah, we ain’t having a boy anyway”
“I get it. But if it happens we still need a name”
“Robin goes both ways”
“God you’re so fucking lucky I like that name. And Fallon. But not for a boy name”
“Mmm…” Daryl glanced around thinking about a name for her sake. “Mark”
“Do you like Mark?”
“Then why did you—-“ Y/N scoffed. “Hunter’s mark?”
“You wanted boy names” Daryl shrugs. “Mark is a name. Hunter is also a name”
“Next thing you’re gonna say is Striker and that’s because of a brand of crossbows” Y/N continued to walk leaving Daryl a bit surprised that she knew that before catching up with her.
They were walking for two hours and Daryl was confused for half of the walk wondering why she even decided to walk for that long. Until she went back inside grabbing onto his shirt giving him a pain filled look.
“I thought it was nothing”
“What was nothing?”
“The fucking pain, Dixon. It’s too much”
It clicked a little late for Daryl but he instantly picked up Y/N only for her to start punching his chest in protest. “HERSHEL!” He shouted for the man while bringing his girl to the infirmary of the prison.
“Stop” Y/N whines hunched over in the bed as the contractions were awful for her. She smacked away Hershel’s hand when he tried to get a blood pressure cuff they found on her. “It’s too much. I’m not ready” she sobbed.
“I know sweetheart but the baby is. I’m gonna—-“
“Hell fucking no. I’m not having my dad check down there” Y/N covered her lower half with the blanket as Daryl felt her squeeze the crap out of his hand. He can take it.
“Beth. Get Caleb right now” Hershel shouted watching her exit the room as a small group formed at the entrance. “Unless you’re helping. Keep that area open”
When the other doctor arrived, Y/N was already reaching an uncomfortable amount of pain as she leans into Daryl feeling him rub circles on her back not like it did much. The words the doctor was saying weren’t registering but when he gestured for the blanket to look making her nod quickly.
“Yeah baby ain’t waiting. She’s crowning. We have anything for gloves?” Caleb asks as Hershel shakes his head before handing him a towel to catch the baby in. “Well alright.” He set the towel down for a moment and dunk his hands into the bucket Glenn got once he was asked earlier so it would be a bit more sterile. “You have to push on the next contraction”
“No…” She whined gripping Daryl’s hand tightly again. “It hurts I don’t want to”
“You have to sunshine. You have to push”
“But I’m tired” She whined followed by sobs as Daryl brushes the hair out of her face pressing his forehead against hers.
“Cmon sunshine. We gotta meet our little one” He whispers to her looking her in the eye as her voice started to tremble. “I love you. I love you so much Y/N. You’re being so strong right now and gotta continue to be alright? You gotta push now”
Y/N started to sob even more from the pain, the anxiety, the deceleration. She nodded listening to her partner as she waited for the next contraction to push resulting in her screaming which had a bit of an echo through the parts of the prison close to the infirmary.
“Good almost there” Caleb reassures. “One more big push”
“One more sunshine. One more and our little one is here”
One more push…led to the room filled with sobs. Tears from Y/N continued, tears broke out from Daryl, and the loud sobs that erupted from their baby girl being handed to the mother. Soft congratulations left the doctor’s mouth but nothing registered as the two’s attentions were glued to this little girl. A healthy little girl.
“You did good, mama” Daryl choked up wiping his tears looking at their little girl in her arms finally calming down. “She’s perfect, yeah?”
“So perfect” Y/N sobbed through a smile turning to him as he instantly kissed her. “I love you…”
“I love you” Daryl smiles keeping his family close.
When night fell, they moved back into their cellblock once everything was cleaned up and Y/N was well enough to walk. She was fast asleep in their bed as Daryl was wide awake sat up in the bed beside her holding their little girl that looked up at him with the same blue eyes he had.
“You are…so perfect, Robin”
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grimesgirll · 7 months
you look forward to your car rides with rick.
you love your group too but sometimes a long car ride helps you unwind and recharge when your social battery is low and you just need to stare out the window at some grassy hills. besides, most days rick let you choose the soundtrack for your drive so you could DJ.
the only cds you'd had when you met up with the group were your signed cds that you couldn't part with: your parents' favorite foreigner album and taylor swift's sophomore album. after playing those albums front to back and hearing "double vision" one too many times enough to nearly ruin the song for you - and rick too probably - you set out to find some new tunes. you and daryl came back from a record store with a crate of old cds - it was a shame that you couldn't preserve the records but you had yet to run into a working record player that was worth your time. nonetheless, you found fleetwood mac albums, soft rock compilations, and music to mellow your trips.
you were itching to see him today. you’d been preoccupied mass producing buckwheat cereal and it was never a good time with him. you lavished the opportunity to spend time alone with the perpetually preoccupied rick grimes.
rick is waiting for you when you climb into the car. hickory curls frame his face which is sunburnt from all the time spent outside finishing up the harvest.
“hey,” you greet, pulling the car shut and shifting into your seat.
“hey there.” the sheriff farmer replies gruffly, hands already tensed and gripping the steering wheel.
you don’t need to ask what’s wrong because you already know: carl.
you love the boy but he wasn’t playing the part of the pacifist farm boy rick wanted him to. you don’t blame either of them. rick was right to rein carl in after he fired on that boy from woodbury as he surrendered.
that shook you up a bit too, but you remembered that carl was young and after weeks of planting, it won’t hurt to let the boy kill a walker or two on fence duty. there’s at least no reason for rick to give him shit about it.
rick’s so pent up though. it could be not just carl but the young infant going through the four month sleep regression.
settling judith for the night seemed to be a never ending battle, every battle a losing battle. you’d managed to take the little girl off of rick’s hands so he could sleep but she rarely went down for you either anymore. the baby that was once happy to fall asleep in your arms before bed was now fighting bedtime with everything she had.
your leader was saddled with stress. you can see it in the white of his knuckles against the steering wheel and how he doesn’t say anything before starting the car and pulling out of the prison, the gate being pulled behind your car by glenn and daryl.
almost forgetting to put in the new cd in your lap, your eyes are glued to the steering wheel. navigating whatever you have with rick is treacherous when just the sight of his taut hands has your breath picking up.
the two of you had no opportunity to get away lately. it’s not like you’re going to pester rick or jump him in the fields.
you’d already heard a, “later, sweetheart” earlier this week and it made you want to curl up into a ball.
waving the cd so rick can see, you ask if he likes the eagles. he shrugs. not much of a response.
“i’m gonna pop this in,” you inform him and lean over slightly to eject the cd currently residing in the media console - one of daryl’s buffalo springfield cds - to slide in an eagles’ greatest hits album.
he doesn’t pay much attention, just keeps his attention on the road and his knuckles wrapped around the steering wheel.
the sound of a guitar transitions you into the first song, which you think is aptly named. “take it easy” is exactly what rick should do but the song doesn’t seem to lighten his mood.
you two sit in silence. this isn’t unusual for you guys. sometimes you go quiet on parts of the drive.
rick breaks the silence.
“you like older stuff?”
i like older, rugged, handsome ex-cops with hands that can-
“i like all kinds of stuff.”
the older man laughs. “just wouldn’t have pegged you for an eagles girl.”
“it’s dad rock. don’t you like it?” you ask, catching his blue eyed gaze.
he slouches his shoulders. “they’re not bad. i would’ve liked if you put on that fleetwood mac cd a bit more.”
you grin. “i’ll remember to put their greatest hits cd on next.”
what you should be doing is reaching back to grab the cd booklet from the backseat but you’re fixated on rick. he’s driving, hyper focused on being aware of his surroundings again so he doesn’t notice the path your eyes take from his hands on the wheel to his pants. he doesn’t see your eyes cloud with thoughts of you two.
“pull over.”
“what?” rick questions, shooting you a skeptical look. “why?”
“i really have to go number one.”
he scoffs. “that’s why you wanna stop?” he shakes his head at you. you’re always asking him to stop on the side of the road for you to pee or find a dilapidated bathroom to go in. “next time, you gotta go before we leave.”
you nod, working overtime to conceal the early signs of victory on your lips. rick heeds your request and pulls into a rest stop parking lot, telling you to make it quick.
“be right back!” you chirp and use the bushes behind a gazebo to maintain your angle - and actually empty your bladder.
then you’re hopping back into the car and pressing the passenger side button to lock all of the doors. your hand stops rick’s when he goes to start the car, using the other to unbuckle his seatbelt. you’re in his lap by the time you’ve gotten his seat reclined by pushing down the lever.
the dark haired man is chiding your name. “what are you doin’?”
“helping you relax.”
“we gotta get on with our run.”
“i think you having fun is a bit more important.” you argue as you undo his belt. “why don’t you just relax?” you smile at him while you turn up the music slightly.
the sheriff rasps your name. “we have to stay vigilant.”
you send him a look that his him straining in his baby blue boxers. “rick, the doors are locked. we’ll hear a walker if they come up and we can drive away. just trust me and relax.”
it’s hard to argue when you’re tugging down his waistband, hands finding him and fondling him until the only sounds coming out of his mouth are pants.
opening up nice and wide, you slip him into your mouth. you smile when your tongue on the side of his length is met with a breathy moan.
one of rick’s hands are on the back of the center console and the other is pressed against the driver’s side door. between you wandering up and down his shaft with your tongue, he feels cornered. even more so when you take the opportunity to guide his hands to your hair.
it takes a few minutes but rick is no longer preoccupied with scanning the perimeter or heavy under the worry you could always sense under his skin, distracted by the curve of your ass. just leaning with his head back, basking in the soft rock playing and the woman so keen on relieving the pressure that weighed down on his reddened shoulders.
“such a good girl,” he’s gasping.
you move faster. suction your lips a little tighter. you haven’t been fooling around with rick for long but one thing is true without a doubt for him; he’s long and thick. you still haven’t mastered what must be some kind of witchcraft to fit all of him down your throat without gagging, but rick doesn’t care. as long as his dick in your mouth, he’s not complaining. especially not when you look up at him with his cock halfway down your throat.
success bubbles in your core and even with rick stuffed down your throat, you’re beaming. you’ve managed to get him to sit back and take a moment to enjoy himself - to enjoy you.
but you realize that your work is far from done when your favorite farmer cums down your throat, relishing the moment despite his still rock solid cock. he pulls your mouth off of him after you swallow, seemingly relishing the sight of you, lips in a pout in his lap.
“it’s your turn,” rick growls before fervidly dragging you to the backseat to pin your hips down and return the favor.
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Chapter 8: Golden Hour
From: You Catch More Bees With Honey Series
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Pairing: Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader
Summary: The sun sets on Bucky’s last week of the deal to work on your farm
Word count: 2,138
Content/warnings: kissing, cuddling, shaky voices aka holding back crying and emotions, avoiding a sensitive topic, drinking, pet name usage
Author’s Note: Although this chapter is kinda sad, I think it’s sweet to see how much they care for each other. You can really tell neither is looking forward to the separation but they’re both too stubborn to say something about it.
This is a shorter chapter, too, but I hope you enjoy! I’d love to hear your feedback!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Bucky stayed on the phone with Andy for the better part of an hour to make sure he had all of the information. According to Barber, since the cow was given to you ‘in good faith,’ legally, you could keep it without being considered as in debt to Cole. That was a relief, and throughout the weekend, Bucky was being…well, Bucky. His normal controlling self, or at least as much as he could be while still under your roof.
All you wanted to do was enjoy your midday snack on Sunday afternoon before heading back out to do some minor maintenance work when he gave you an update.
“I’ve already gotten Jensen to set up an appointment with a vet who can scan it for chips or any nefarious devices to make sure we’re not being tracked or listened to.”
You stoped midway through biting your granola bar, gesturing with it out to the side of your house where the cow had been staying in surprise.
“Jensen? My ex, Jensen? You’re really working together? I thought you hated him. Fixing the cave wasn’t a one-and-done?”
Bucky shrugged as he looked through your cabinets for something to satisfy his cravings, already half-tired from starting to repair a shed with you and finding schematics for a porch swing. “Well, I technically do hate him, and it’s more like he’s working for me than us working together, but I saw how he’d give up anything to help you, and someone with that quality is worth keeping around.”
He finally settled on a cheese stick and a couple crackers before turning to face you. “Plus, the fact that somehow you don’t hate him helps a little, but I’m still gonna keep him in check.”
You smiled and nodded, throwing away your wrapper and going for another sip out of your water bottle. “Hm, I see. I hope that new training you sent him through will prove useful for the future. Seal his loose lips right up.”
Bucky stopped mid-chew, afraid to look at the knowing smirk on your face. You really were too perceptive for his own good. “Um, yeah. Be a shame to waste it on someone we don’t plan on using. Now hurry up and finish that water bottle. Gotta make sure you’ve got enough energy to finish the repairs on that shed this afternoon so your little cow has a place to lay her head outside. Plus, Curtis is coming over later to help me with a surprise and I’ve gotta make sure I’m ready for him.”
“I wouldn’t be worried about my energy, cowboy. Hope you can keep up.” And with a wink, you polished off your water and walked toward the door to slip on your boots and get back to work.
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After a mostly restful weekend, you woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Monday morning, the last of the month, the last of- no. You didn’t want to think about that. Instead, you took this early hour as a chance to be productive before you had to get Bucky up. A chance to fill your mind with anything but that thought. You figured you’d get a jump on gathering the eggs. You had time to make a breakfast casserole, that could be good. And then do the crossword from yesterday you hadn’t touched? And maybe read? Really, anything to keep occupied before you had to face the music.
Before you knew it, the oven beeped to signal the end of the casserole’s bake time. You pulled it out and slipped off your oven mitts, running on the cool wooden floors in your socked feet to the staircase and going up to Bucky’s room.
You lightly knocked on the door and cracked it open to see a lump tangled up in the old comforter. As you slowly crept forward over the creaky floor, you could just barely make out the rise and fall of his body. You hated to wake him as he looked so peaceful, but it was time for work, and sleeping in any longer would just postpone the inevitable and waste your valuable time together.
You took a seat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his shoulder gently. “Jamie, rise and shine. Time to get going.”
He groaned and rolled over, squinting at you through the one eye he could pry open.
“Hmmmm. Honey, didn’t I earn an extra five minutes? I’ve been so good and done all the shit you’ve asked of me lately.”
You let out a breathy laugh at his gruff morning voice as he reached out for you, throwing his arms around your hips and shuffling to place his head in your lap. You stroked his hair, basking in the early morning moment.
“Watch your tongue, but yes, you did, and I gave it to you fifteen minutes ago, so get up and ready for the day.”
Bucky grumbled lowly against your jean-clad thigh. “Fuck off, Steve.”
You remained silent until he turned his head up to look at yours at the lack of response. Bucky’s tired eyes were met by your firm warning glance, causing him to backtrack immediately.
“Um, sorry, I, uh… I meant of course, honey, excited to start my ….” His voice began to shake. You could’ve finished the sentence for him. You knew what he was going to say. His last week on the farm. But you didn’t. You didn’t finish his sentence because you didn’t want to hear it either. You simply patted his head and nodded, your eyes slightly more watery than before. You tried to play it off as a yawn before gently lifting him from your lap and standing again.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought.” Your attempt at a snarky reply came out as a whisper, caught somewhere in your throat, where you attempted to clear it out before starting again. “Breakfast is already cooked, just cooling right now. I’ll go ahead and serve it up. I hope you’re dressed and ready, downstairs before it gets too cold.”
By the time Bucky had the chance to process your words and demeanor and nod, you had already turned around and headed back downstairs.
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Besides the successful vet appointment, the rest of the days of the week were quite similar to the way Monday went, although Bucky kept getting up earlier, and pushing you to stay up later, not wanting to waste a single second with you.
The farm work went smoothly, much faster than you had recalled your first weeks with Bucky being, considering he couldn’t do a single thing without you by his side back then. The two of you still worked alongside each other, but now it made everything go twice as fast instead of creating roadblocks.
The fields were getting long enough to make hay bales, so you officially got to take Bucky up into the big green tractor and show him the way to properly weave and maneuver through the fields to cut it, turn it, and bale it. You didn’t miss the way he smirked when you told him the piece of equipment you’d be using for the job. That song, ‘Big Green Tractor,’ had played several times in the bar and it didn’t take too long for Bucky to catch on to the innuendo, but he didn’t do anything about it…yet.
For some of the other tasks, Peter came along, too, learning how everything worked. He caught on quickly, which was reassuring because you weren’t sure how things were going to be without Bucky by your side in the coming weeks. The increased speed on everything helped you to finish up earlier than usual, too, giving you most of the night for just relaxing with the two of them. Well, mainly Bucky, since Peter stayed out of the way when he could. You’d had enough time to hang out for a couple hours before dinner, then finish up the evening checks and milkings, and then go back to decompress before bed.
That gave plenty of time for you to go do something with Bucky, just the two of you outside of chores, outside of his scheduled phone calls, to just be. And then each night, after you changed into pajamas, Bucky crawled into your bed with you, his arms wrapped you in a tight embrace, holding lazy, yet deep conversation until the first one between the two of you fell asleep.
This new arrangement with no signs of Bucky returning to his old quarters allowed Peter move into the house. Sure, it may not have been that exact room in favor of one of the other guest rooms, but you insisted that now that the rest of the crew had finished up their work in the mines, there was no sense in him staying alone in the barndiminium. Especially if he was to be here for the foreseeable future.
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Another night, another chance for you and Bucky to enjoy the sunset out in the rocking chairs, facing west. Except, Bucky wasn’t the biggest fan of any sort of seating with armrests that might block your closeness, so the two of you sat pressed up against each other on the front porch swing, the surprise for you that Curtis had come over to help Bucky build earlier in the week.
You weren’t all alone in these moments, though. Sure, all the people around you knew to stay away and give the two of you privacy in these times, but it was different for the farm animals. As you leaned back against Bucky’s chest, his arms around your waist and head tucked over your shoulder, satisfied yet worried thoughts filling your heads, the two of you would laugh as the sheep and cattle dogs would run up to you, accompanied by the mini highland cow that you’d decided to let Decks name the next time she visited.
The week had flown by already, full of nights like this, the two of you sitting in the glow of the golden hour that Bucky would surely miss in the city, sharing kisses and everything you could think of.
The air was just cool enough on Friday night when the sun went down to make a bonfire. Cherry had the night off for once, so Curtis had brought her over for a small picnic in one of the fields before joining the two of you by the fire.
You and Bucky had made an ice bucket of beer for the occasion, sipping lightly throughout the easy conversation, your back to his chest as his was against a log, the both of you sitting on an old quilt. Curtis and Cherry were doing the same as you got to know the girl who seemed to be stealing his heart.
“So Houston, huh? How do you feel about here?” Bucky gestured across the fire to her with his bottle.
“Yeah, kind of glad to be out of there, though. Have some time to take it slow away from the city, ya know? What about you? You’re not from around here either, right?”
You did your best to hide your wince at Cherry’s response. Sure, she was just being nice and holding genuine conversation. You couldn’t blame her for not knowing the way you and Bucky were trying to ignore any topics that even came close to his departure or what he was doing here in the first place.
Bucky was much better at hiding his true emotions, though, a product of his livelihood. “Yeah, city life has been good to me. Doesn’t mean I don’t love it out here just as much, though. I think I’ve gained a whole new perspective on this place and the people just from a month.” He gave a small smile with his response which Cherry returned with a nod before Bucky leaned forward to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“I feel that. I kind of already feel at home. But you’re not sticking around, right? Curtis told me this was one of your last nights in town.”
There it was. She said it out loud, creating a pang of pain in both your and Bucky’s chests. He cleared his throat, throwing a quick glance at his stoic pal across the fire, and Curtis seemed completely unbothered. Perhaps he wasn’t aware of how much you and Bucky cared for each other. And maybe he was right for that. As soon as Bucky left, he had to go back to his normal, busy schedule that poor Steve had been maintaining this whole time, and then some. Bucky wouldn’t have space in his schedule to come back here or worry about you for anything but business, right?
You let out a shaky breath as Bucky rubbed his hand along your side, responding just barely loud enough to overtake the crackling fire. “Yeah.”
Next >
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Bonus A/N: when things heat up to be pulled apart…I’m sure there a scientific term for that (entropy?)
Series Taglist: @scuzmunkie @openup-yourmind @vicmc624 @hawkeyes-queen @blackhawkfanatic @morgthemagpie @buckybarnessimpp @calwitch @thesarcasmqueen-22 @mrsnikstan
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swarvey · 3 months
paper rings | harvey x f!reader
Harvey returns to his friends for more advice; you overhear an interesting conversation.
a/n: a.k.a., you two are unbelievably oblivious to each other.
btw, please lmk if you'd like to be added to the tag list for this fic!
ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4
paper rings masterlist
chapter three: how you get the girl -> "remind her how it used to be."
Elliott nodded slowly after listening to Harvey's recap of his meeting with you. The doctor had called both Shane and Elliott for a "quick meeting" at his apartment as soon as he left your farm — though, Shane, unsurprisingly, did not pick up, so he sent him a quick text to come by when he had time.
"So, what do you see as my plan of action?" Harvey asked, fidgeting with his hands. "Should I be . . . direct with her?"
Elliott hummed. “Well, you’ll have to be more than direct, my friend,” he decided, a thoughtful glint lighting his eyes. “It’s been years since you’ve seen her, yes?”
“Yes, I haven’t seen her since she graduated college.” The singular sentence itself saddened Harvey, deflating in his seat. “I’m a horrible friend, aren’t I?”
“Precisely!” Elliott exclaimed, only making his guilt worsen. “After such a prolonged period of time away from each other, does it feel fitting to simply tell her your feelings? No,” he said, before Harvey could put together an answer. “The time you two spend together now is imperative — you must spoil her, cherish her, show her how much you care before you tell her.” 
Suddenly, three knocks sounded throughout the apartment, and Harvey quickly stood to answer it. He opened the door to reveal Shane, a six-pack of beers in hand.
“I was asleep,” he explained bluntly, walking in and taking off his shoes, “but after I heard Marnie going on about the new farmer, I figured we’d need these.” He lifted the drinks, walking over to Elliott before setting them down on the table. “Anyway, I could hear your spiel the entire way up the stairs, pretty boy,” he huffed to his friend, already starting to open three cans. “Can’t say you’re too far off from what I was thinking, which is a first.”
Harvey returned to his seat, gladly taking the beer offered to him. “So, you agree?”
“Pretty much.” 
“My point stands,” Elliott said proudly, taking a victorious sip of his drink. “Now is not the time to rush your sprouting relationship  — good things come with time, as they say.” Shane grunted in agreement, visibly displeased that he was on the same page as him.
Harvey fidgeted with the tab on the can, brows furrowed in thought. “I should get her gifts, then? Or buy her meals?”
“That may prove to be too much,” Elliott replied, shaking his head. “The last thing you want to do is scare her away, friend.”
“Don’t be a kiss ass,” Shane summarized.
The doctor pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “This is helpless — what am I supposed to do, then?”
“Talk to her,” his friends said in unison, though one sounded much more exasperated than the other.
“Recall the past,” Elliott continued, leaning forward. “The good, the bad; the exhilarating, the mundane, remind her of it all! Then, after remembering the wonderful times the two of you had, she will realize what she has been missing all along has been right in front of her.”
Harvey laughed lightly at the thought. “I doubt she’ll think that,” he sighed. “It’s been so long since we’ve spent time together, not to mention I have no idea if she’s seeing anyone or not.”
“And what if she is?” Shane asked, perking a brow. “I mean, honestly, is the world gonna end? You’ll live, bud, believe me — there are plenty of chicks who dig doctors.”
“I guess you don’t understand,” Harvey replied, shaking his head and staring down at the table. “She’s really been the only one I’ve truly seen myself being with.”
“Bull,” his friend replied, leaning forward in his seat. “You went to college in Zuzu City, didn’t you? No way you didn’t find any girls over there.”
“That’s beside the point.”
“So you didn’t date anyone? ”
“Did I not just say that isn’t the point here?” Harvey looked up to meet Shane’s smirk. “No matter who I’ve seen in the past, no matter who I see from this point forward, my mind has and always will return to her. It’s like I’m drawn to her, like my body gravitates toward her, it doesn’t make sense.”
“My bad, doc,” Shane apologized amusedly. “Didn’t realize you were such a sap.”
“With the right person,” Elliott started, smiling knowingly, “anyone can be a romantic, dear friend. That, I can guarantee.”
Groaning, Harvey leaned forward and let his head drop in his arms, remaining still as his friend comfortingly patted his back.
What have I gotten myself into?
You hummed absentmindedly as you walked back into the heart of Pelican Town, the sun finally starting to feel a little warmer on your skin as it steadily rose. You were amazed at how colorful and lively everything looked — the strikingly blue birds, the merrily pink flowers, and even the townsfolk seemed to be blossoming in the spring. You eyed the clinic as you walked past it, noting the makeshift ‘Closed’ sign taped to the door, smiling slightly at the thought of Harvey closing it just for your arrival.
As you made your way into Pierre’s General Store to look at what’s in stock, you were immediately greeted by Pierre himself, his face lighting up as you stepped through the door.
“Hey, it's the new farmer! I'm Pierre, owner of the local general store,” he introduced, meeting you in the middle of the store to shake your hand firmly. “Though, if you rack your brain a bit, you might remember seeing me from time to time as a kid.”
Mouth agape, you scanned the storeowner up and down before exclaiming, “It’s you! Your girlfriend had short green hair, didn’t she?”
“I guess it was shorter back then, so yes! Once girlfriend, now wife, of course,” he corrected, arms crossed proudly as you quietly applauded him. “Glad to see you back in town. Now, I’m sure you know a great deal more about farming than I do, but I do know that my stuff is the best in town.”
And really the only stuff in town, you wanted to say, though you kept your mouth shut. “Good to know,” you replied instead, starting to slowly make your way around the store. “Oh, wow, these are just beautiful! I didn’t know you sold flowers, too.”
You stopped in front of a stand near the register filled with bouquets. The colors ranged wildly, some being a simple white while others flaunted a flash of red. All of them, though, were equally stunning, not to mention they smelled amazing. You immediately thought of Harvey helping you move in, how he had even been willing to close his beloved clinic for a day to set aside time for you.
“How much are these?” you asked, pointing towards the flower stand.
Pierre’s eyes widened slightly as he glanced between your finger and the flowers. “The bouquets?” he clarified. “You’re wondering about the price of a bouquet?”
Confused, you tiled your head. “Yes. Why, are they expensive? I just thought it would be nice to get Harvey a thank-you gift for this morning—”
“Ah, I see!” Pierre exclaimed, cutting you off and laughing loudly. “You know, I typically don’t do this — and don’t expect any more special deals — but I’ll give you one for half off.”
“Thanks, I guess,” you said, mumbling the latter half of your response as you half expected to get one for free. Still, you picked a bouquet with a good mix of all the colors and handed a few coins to Pierre. “Could you point me towards Harvey’s house?”
“Oh, he lives above the clinic,” Pierre replied, quickly counting the coins in his palm before dropping them in the register. He looked up at you with an odd smile, as if he knew something you didn’t. “There’s a door all the way at the back that leads up to his apartment.”
“Thanks. I’ll see you soon, Pierre!” With that, you left the store happily. You were slightly worried Harvey might have locked the clinic’s door, but after tugging it open, you wasted no time finding the door Pierre had told you about.
As you walked up, though, an all too familiar voice made you stop mid-step.
“I guess you don’t understand,” you heard Harvey say. “She’s really been the only one I’ve truly seen myself being with.”
“Bull,” another voice said. “You went to college in Zuzu City, didn’t you? No way you didn’t find any girls over there.”
“That’s beside the point.”
“So you didn’t date anyone? ”
“Did I not just say that isn’t the point here?” You couldn’t say you weren’t stunned. You’d never heard Harvey sound so peeved. “No matter who I’ve seen in the past, no matter who I see from this point forward, my mind has and always will return to her. It’s like I’m drawn to her, like my body gravitates toward her, it doesn’t make sense.”
“My bad, doc. Didn’t realize you were such a sap.”
“With the right person, anyone can be a romantic, dear friend. That, I can guarantee,” a third voice chimed in.
You were shocked. No, more than shocked — in complete, utter disbelief. Harvey? Feeling that way for a girl? You huffed in annoyance, crossing your arms and looking up at the door. For a moment, you were angry your childhood friend hadn’t mentioned anything about this girl of his, but you could hardly blame him. Why would he, after the two of you stopped keeping up with each other regularly? 
You quietly made your way back down the stairs, trying your hardest not to slam the door. As you started to head back to your farm, you ran into the green-haired woman you recognized as Pierre’s wife.
“Oh, hello!” she said happily, smiling brightly at you. “You must be the new farmer! I remember when you were this tall, you know.” She put a hand on her hip, and you smiled as normally as you possibly could back to her.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you replied, desperately wanting to go home. Before you could make your escape, Caroline gasped, looking directly at the bundle of flowers in your hand. Shit.
“My, a bouquet already? Who—”
“They’re for me!” you quickly explained, cursing yourself as you felt your cheeks begin to warm. “I, uh, needed some decoration for my house, and I thought these would do!”
She nodded slowly. “Of course.” Caroline touched your arm lightly before walking towards the store. “Let me know if you need any help settling in, okay? We live right at the back of the store!”
You yelled a quick thanks and practically bolted to the path toward your house, swearing under your breath. Your heart beat heavily in your chest as Harvey’s words kept ringing in your head, for some reason making you more flustered than you normally get.
It’s like I’m drawn to her, like my body gravitates toward her, it doesn’t make sense.
If something didn’t make sense to Harvey, you knew it had to be bad. As you finally opened the door to your home, you collapsed on your bed, bouquet falling beside you. After a few moments, you sat up abruptly, scowling at yourself. Why’d you care so much anyway? You laughed humorlessly at yourself. Honestly, who knew the thought of him having a crush would be that bewildering? He was a grown man, after all, feelings like that were normal. Perfectly normal.
That night, you hung the flowers upside down beside the wall on your bed, hoping they’d dry nicely and make their beauty last.
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1989butcher · 2 years
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daryl dixon x reader
he gave you a pair of oversized boots a long time ago, and you’ve kept them ever since.
set: alexandria, you got separated when the prison fell.
2.7k words
FLUFF!!!!!!!! i <3 fluff. this is my first fic pls be nice to me 🥹
I’ve been walking for months with nothing but a near empty backpack and boots that are far too big for my feet. The last time I slept with four walls was a long time ago at the prison. I haven’t even fully began to process what happened, I simply haven’t had the time.
When this whole thing started, I was visiting my brother in Atlanta. I didn’t know when my parents dropped me off at the airport in Michigan would be the last time I saw them. I lost my family, well everyone but Glenn, but after enough time I gained a new one.
The people I met in Atlanta, the ones that made in to the Greene farm, were some of the best people I had come across in my life. I never thought I would enjoy chilly nights eating rabbits, oddly enough I had one as a pet when growing up. Glenn never failed to remind me when I would be eating one, which led Daryl to tease me about it every time he brought one home. “This one look like yours?” He would always bring it to me first. I turned away quickly. “Stop!” I covered my eyes. I think a smile would curl from his lips. I would almost laugh out of anger. I knew every time he did this, he would come right to me to rub it in my face. “I wish I never told you about Thumper.” I said, basically talking into my shoulder. I turned to him on the log I was sitting on, still covering my eyes but peeking in between my fingers. “I ain’t ever gonna let you live this down.” I sighed, while he turned on his heel and walked away.
Glenn was sitting opposite of me, with Maggie of course. “Whatever happened to the little guy?” Glenn asked, his fingers intertwined with Maggie. Couldn’t even begin to believe my big brother found love at a time like this. I went back to building the fire, slower than before in hopes the archer would make a joke about it. “I dunno, after like five years I’m pretty sure he died, but mom said he ran away. Either way, he got a better fate than he would now.” I replied, staring into the dimming fire. I’m sure Maggie said something about rabbits on the farm, but that’s where the memory stops.
The farm being overrun was something inevitable, especially after we found out walkers were living in the barn. I’ll never forget standing there with Daryl, as he ran to Carol to stop her from going after Sophia. I don’t think he will ever forget that either. I know he blames himself, no matter how many times I said it wasn’t his fault. He would hold his head in his hands and I would rub his back, telling him ‘it’s ok’. He would shake his head and always reply no, or more like “Nah.” I just wanted to be there for him and take away his pain.
Speaking of pain, my feet were throbbing. I have been walking on this road for what feels like years. I don’t even know how much time has passed since the prison fell. I think living there was the happiest I had ever been. Our small family from the farm turned into a full on community. We farmed, had animals, kids went to a sort of school (if that’s what Carol wants to call it), and so much more. Runs were sort of fun, although Daryl never wanted me to go. One time, Glenn, Maggie, and I went on a run and promised to be home by sundown, as usual. I was hardcore third wheeling, but that was my brother and Maggie had become my sister. We were singing in the car, celebrating the canned foods we had found in an abandoned mini-van. Laughing, it almost felt normal. It was night when we returned, since we went a bit farther than we predicted. Rick, Tyreese, and of course, Daryl were waiting at the gate as we pulled up. They looked worried sick but I think the three of us were grinning ear to ear. When I stepped out of the car, unscathed, I saw the archer sigh in relief. “Don’t tell me you were worried Daryl, how sweet!” I teased him, handing him a crate of food. He huffed a quick “whatever” and I turned away and smiled. I think he saw me smile, I hoped he did. I never did tell him about the warm way he made me feel, quite literally warm. I was constantly cold, and he would always be bringing me back blankets or jackets. He even replaced my beaten converse with boots. Boots that were too big, but boots none the less. I also never told him they didn’t really fit, but I loved them too much to find a new pair.
The sun was glaring in my eyes. I laughed at the fact that pre-end of the world, I would have wanted sunglasses to avoid wrinkles from squinting. Even though nowadays, all everyone does is squint. I say everyone as if I have seen a single person since all those weeks ago. Feels like a lifetime has passed.
I decided to take a turn down a road with lots of tire tracks. Maybe I could actually find some sort of shed for the night in a few hours. Cook my very own rabbit. Daryl would be proud. At this very thought, I heard a rustle in the woods. I quickly grabbed my knife strapped to my hip. It indeed was a walker. It growled as it slowly made its way from the forest floor towards me. I walked up to it, shoved my knife into its grey skull, and kicked it back into the forest floor.
I brushed the hair out of my face after putting the knife back in a belt loop. “Where am I supposed to put it?” I asked, as Glenn handed me the knife I carry now. He walked away, passing other weapons out from a run he came back from. Those strong, warm arms came from behind me, with a soft grunt he took the knife from my hands and spun me around, wrapping his fingers through the loops on back of my jeans. His dark hair covering his eyes, he looked through the hair at me. Lifting the knife up for me to see, he slid it through a belt loop. “Got it?” He asked. I nodded in reply, my cheeks red with the fact his hands were still on my waist.
I couldn’t take these memories anymore. For all I knew, they were all dead. Or if some weren’t, they assumed I was. I’m sure of it. My family was gone, again. And I couldn’t help but blame myself.
I don’t want to replay that day in my head with what I could have done differently. That heartbreak would kill me. So I kept moving.
As I kept walking, I could swear I heard children laughing. A noise hard to come by these days, and even harder now after being alone. I surely wouldn’t recognize myself with the knotted hair, covered in dirt and blood, some of it was mine.
I picked up the pace, almost as if I was expecting children to come run and laugh by me. I looked around and saw down the road lots of cars lined up. People had to have done that. Survivors had to have done that. I think I was running at this point, I couldn’t tell. My feet have been numb since the last time I slept.
Around the corner from these cars, I saw a wall with a sign that read “ALEXANDRIA”. Holy shit. A town. With walls. I knew walking up to the gates was a bad idea, but at this point if they shot me, they shot me.
My brother was gone, with his wife who became my best friend. Our leader was gone. Same with his son and baby that I had grown extremely close to. The archer, too. And I wouldn’t admit it, but I love that archer.
I walked up the gates, my feet were stunned I had stopped moving. I quietly knocked, with a coarse “Hello?” I hadn’t talked in days, the last drink was from a river probably a day ago.
A man with a dark mullet and khaki shorts opened the gates ever so slightly. “Who are you?” He asked.
“My name is Y/N, is this your community?” I was basically begging. I was fighting tears from welling up in my eyes. A real person.
“I’m not at the liberty to discuss that with you.” He replied sternly. He looked around, as if someone was going to give him an answer. He held a large gun, clearly he didn’t know how to use it. I was frustrated, and I could take him down if need be, but I was going to be civil about this.
“What is it, Eugene?” someone asked him from behind the gate. I swear I’ve heard the voice before, but I thought it was pure exhaustion fueling my delusion/
“One moment, please hand over your weapons.” The man, assumingely named Eugene said. I handed him my knife and my pistol, that maybe had one bullet left in it. Just as quickly as he opened them, he closed the gates. I still had my pocket knife in my backpack. One of those tourists ones with your name on it. Daryl brought it back for me on a run once, and I’ve never used it. Just kept it, like a token.
“I know this knife.” The faceless voice gasped. Now, instead of just the solid wall, both parts of the gates opened and there she was.
Maggie. Maggie Rhee. Tears in her eyes as she held the knife at her waist, her wedding ring my brother gave her shining in the sun. “Y/N?” she said at an almost whisper. I went to reply, but no words came out. Those tears I had been fighting came out in full force as she crossed over to hug me. Her hand at the back of my head as we knelt to the ground to hold each other. Maggie was here, Glenn had to be. And if they were, who knows who else had made it.
I cried into her shoulder for a moment, until she grabbed my face to brush the hair out of my eyes. “I can’t believe it’s really you.” I smiled back at her, bringing her in for another hug. After a few more minutes of tears, we pulled away, stood up, and shut the gates behind us. “Wait here.” she said, running into a house.
I stood there, wiping tears with my shirt. “I’m Eugene.” the mullet man said. Staring awkwardly at me. “Hi.” I said back, taking a deep breath. He went to say something else before someone came out of the house with Maggie, her hands covering his eyes.
I slowly walked towards them. My heart dropped to my stomach and I swear the world stopped. Maggie used her other hand to say ‘Shhh’ to me. I could barely keep it together when she finally removed her hand from his eyes. It was Glenn.
Before he realized it was me I had already gone to hug him. Crying into his thin shirt and sinking to the street. “Oh my God.” he said in reply, coming back down with me, doing the exact same thing Maggie had done. He kissed my forehead and I felt his tears drop onto my head.
“I’m so sorry.” I cried to him. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve listened, I should’ve stayed with you.” He shook his head, sniffled and pulled away. “It doesn’t matter anymore, Y/N. I’m here. Your family is here.” He picked me up from the ground and Maggie came in to hug us again, going to kiss Glenn and wipe his tears. We all sort of exchanged ‘how on earth did you survive’ and ‘you look like shit’ before they took me walking up the street, careful not to tell me about anyone who had died, but who was here. Rick, the kids, Michonne, Carol, Sasha, some people named Tara, Rosita, Abraham, who had come with Eugene. I was in complete disbelief of an entire neighborhood that was safe.
None of them were outside, so seeing me was going to be a surprise, but they had skipped over a certain archer I was missing. While we came up to the porch that Glenn said was Rick’s, I found myself asking if Daryl was here. The couple exchanged looks. Fear took over as I assumed the worst, until Maggie took my hand and nodded. “He’s here, too. Been looking for you for weeks, actually.” My stomach was full of butterflies, even though it had been empty for weeks.
“He was looking for me?” I asked in disarray, the tears that had finally stopped were going to start all over again. My stomach dropped. He searched for Sophia everyday, all day. He never stopped and the heartbreak he has was unbearable. He was sure it was his fault she was gone, and he hadn’t looked hard enough. Glenn nodded. “Ever since,” he looked at Maggie, who looked away onto the street, his voice now lowered “ever since Beth died, he hasn’t been the same.” My heart had broken into a million little pieces. I squeezed Maggie’s hand, quickly saying I was sorry before she assured me she was going to be okay.
Another death that Daryl would blame himself for. I’m certain of that. Probably blamed himself for me running off too.
I followed the pair inside to where Rick was holding Judith on the couch. My first thought honestly was, holy shit a COUCH.
He stood up and smiled, quick to hug me with Judith propped on his hip. He kissed my cheek and brought me in close. I buried my face in his shirt, kissing Judith after. His shirt smelled of fresh laundry, a smell I hadn’t known for a long time. Rick was the most fearless man I had ever met, and I’d be dead without him. All of us would be.
“You’re here.” he broke the silence. I nodded, wiping my tears away. “Don’t know how, but I’m here.” I replied. He smiled again, looking up the stairs to Carl. He raced down them and tackled me into a hug.
“Y/N, I thought you were gone!” He exclaimed. I wanted to reply I thought I was gone too, but instead just laughed. “You couldn’t get rid of me that easy, kid.” playfully knocking his hat off his head. He laughed and flicked me back. “Daryl is not going to believe this.”
My eyes grew to the size of saucers. I was bursting at the seams. I wanted to see him more than I needed a shower at this point. I was looking out the window Rick was seated in front of when I said “Speaking of Daryl, where is he? Where’s everyone, I need to-“ The question didn’t matter anymore. There he was on the street, looking directly through the window. Almost through me. He took a few steps back, as if he was going to take off running. Like I was a ghost.
If anyone said anything to me, I couldn’t be sure. My legs carried me out the door and down the stairs, and into his strong arms. Arms I hadn’t felt in a long, long time. The ones that held me late at night when I was cold, the ones who taught me how to shoot, even shot his crossbow once, the ones I cried into when we lost the farm, the ones I took naps on during long car rides. Home. I was home.
We didn’t say anything to each other. He had dropped his crossbow in the road where he was now holding me, face snuggled into my neck. He was crying. I reached up to rub the back of his head with my hand. “Been awhile, huh?” I whispered, sarcastically, desperately trying to break the silence. He pulled away, tears hidden under his overgrown hair. “Thought I lost ya” He put his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and smiled. “Never.” I said, placing my hands on his face. His response was the same, putting his hands on mine and giving me the gentlest kiss to ever touch my lips.
Didn’t think the entire community had to watch this go down, especially since that was our first kiss, but it makes for a fun story now. We both sniffled and looked into each others eyes, his blue ones glistening with tears. “Didn’t know I had to go missing for you to kiss me like that, Daryl.” Hearing myself say his name made my heart skip a beat.
He broke eye contact and looked towards the ground. “See ya kept those boots.” he remarked. I pulled his gaze back up to meet mine.
“I thought after long enough they could bring me home.”
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surachibee · 10 months
if you’ve been following a lot of my recent stuff, you’ve probably noticed (or maybe you haven’t, idk!) that I’ve been tagging a few art posts as ‘pitverse’. You’ve also probably noticed that I’ve provided no context to these posts what-so-ever! and that sucks! So to explain a bit, I present:
”surachi what the heck is pitverse”
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Okay, first. ‘Pitverse’ is a working title. Maybe. It’s cheesy, but I kinda like it because it’s cheesy.
Anyways, if you’ve been following me for a while, you may or may not remember this art where I designed a bunch of pits that were loosely based on the different ending to the original Kid Icarus on the NES. Some took influence from different places (eg. the solider ending heavily drawing inspiration from Kid Icarus: of Myths and Monsters) and some were completely made up (eg. the farm ending’s design). It was fun! And it pretty much started this whole idea to begin with.
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I’d draw some stuff here and there for it, but other than that I never really did much with the idea other than ‘oh hey look designs’. That is until it came up again a couple years later when I started to get *really* into oMaM stuff, which led to me coming back to the idea of a weird multiverse thing.
Thanks to a few friends, we talked about it and eventually it became like a four-swords adventure multiverse labyrinth thing. Pandora’s Labyrinth times twelve. So as it is right now, it’s like a hypothetical game where some new *evil big bad* takes a handful of Pits from different universes/timelines and plops them into some pocket dimension of different levels and challenges, and together, they have to find out what the heck going on.
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Right now, I think I’m gonna try to keep it to three Pits for simplicity sake. Obviously, Pit from Kid Icarus: Uprising has to be here, that’s our guy. He’s also the protagonist! He’s left relatively unchanged in this AU. This also takes place in a post-game setting, so he’s already fought Hades. This applies to the other guys as well, even if their hypothetical “games” and adventures aren’t actually real (Factor) or heavily rewritten (Myth) here.
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Good news is that Uprising Pit can still communicate with Palutena! But he’s the only one out of the bunch that can. (Would’nt that have been nice? Imagine all the work you could get done with THREE Palutenas [haha reference]). In this AU’s logic, Uprising’s world in the pocket-dimension what-ch-ma-have-it space is closer to the one where this takes place, so (Uprising) Palutena is able to establish a decent enough connection to at least communicate, though it’s not the best. The other Pit’s worlds are further away, so communication with their respective realms are off the table. This also causes other problems like occasionally “bugging out” and forgetting stuff since they’re so far from their original worlds. So Uprising Pit got kinda lucky.
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Speaking of other Pits, there’s other Pits! Both of them draw inspiration from things previously done/involved in the franchise so they’re not entirely made up, but they do stray pretty far from their source material. Anyway..first, we have Factor! He’s heavily inspired by Factor 5’s rendition of Pit from their “Icarus” project back in 2007-2008 that was turned down. Here, this AU’s interpretation of the idea is a little more in line with the franchise’s overall light-hearted and goofy nature. (In this AU the Pit’s are taken from different points in time, so he would’ve been plucked from the future. I did this so 1. They all could look visually distinct from each other, and 2. the thought of Factor going “oh he doesn’t know about [x] yet” or Uprising Pit insisting Myth to NOT go after the wish seed in the future was funny.)
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Next…there’s Myth! He’s based on Kid Icarus: of Myths and Monsters, and besides a few plot points he’s pretty much just a modern take on the character. He was easier to pin down because while the concept of Factor’s story was interesting, being banished from the heavens for some unspecified crime, it’s pretty vague in comparison. With Myth, there’s an entire game with a plot to go off of, even if this AU strays a bit from it.
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That’s pretty much the basics of this AU! Just a couple of Pits going on an adventure getting into other-worldly shenanigans. I’m having a ton of fun with it and hopefully I can develop the idea more as I go along. Thanks for reading! There’s some extra footnotes and miscellaneous doodles below.
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• This AU follows the idea that oMaM takes place in a different timeline than Kid Icarus: Uprising, hence it not being referenced (at least not on purpose, I’m looking at you aurum track accidentally having the same intro motif) or mentioned. Plus y’know, Sakurai not knowing it existed so there’s that. Might as well rework it into a weird explanation. (coping)
• All of these worlds take place in different timelines, so Factor isn’t an older version of Uprising Pit, nor is Uprising an older version of Myth. They’re all still Pit, and all of them have fought Medusa, but it had different outcomes (somewhat based on the endings) and at that point they diverged from each other. • I’ll probably change the naming of the Pits at some point. While they’re good right now, I’m not sure if I wanna keep Factor named after a company. Might have their names based off the titles of their respective games, so instead of “Factor”, “Myth”, and “Uprising” it’d be “Icarus” (based on the project’s internal name), “Myth”, and “Uprising”.
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jackiequick · 4 months
Blah Blah Blah [ Once Upon A Time Fanfic] ❄️
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Pairing: Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard x Prince Charming/David Nolan
Set during Season 4, Episode 11 - "Shattered Sight"
Characters: Cadence, Anna, Kristoff, Regina, and Baby Neal.
Summary: With the spell cast, tension runs high as Snow, David, and Cadence are trapped in the Storybrooke police station, bickering and revealing hidden grudges.
Note: I just wanted to have some fun, I didn't think much of it, it's some of my favorite scenes from season 4. Also I just wanted to make Cadie the annoying little bitchy sister in this fic haha
Click here to get to know Cadence Nolan
The spell was cast. People were pissed off. Outside in the town of Storybrooke, everyone was partially trying to kill each other. Inside the station that had just a few seconds ago been filled with smiles and laughs, now held eye rolls, yelling, and full-blown surges of anger.
Snow and David were seated, separated in cell blocks next to one another. Cadence was handcuffed to a front table, near Kristoff who sat on the other end of the table as she was trying to smack the crap out of him. Meanwhile, Anna, who wasn’t affected by the curse, paced back and forth, keeping watch, sort of stressed out.
The only one calm was baby Neal, who was peacefully napping, without a single care in the world.
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“Finally, I’m seeing you clearly,” Snow stated with a scoff.
“What do you see?” David replied with a half-smirk.
“A fraud. A shepherd who has no business being royalty.”
“Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles. WHO ALWAYS RUNS AWAY.”
“I can’t believe I had a child with you.”
“Who knows? Maybe you didn’t? Could be Whales!”
“Oh, shut up! You’re one to talk, David. You ran away from the farm and the castle more than anyone,” Cadence yelled, standing up but being pulled back to the table.
“Whose side are you on?” David yelled.
“Neither! You fell for THAT little brat? Katherine was much better.”
“KATHERINE?! You never liked me,” Snow shouted, “You were jealous because I stole your brother from you and that your EX-boyfriend’s mother hated you.”
“Oh, please." She remarked, "You fell for the wrong TWIN BROTHER! You thought it was JAMES NOT DAVID for months, he lied. You lied back.”
“At least I didn’t shoot my man!”
David glanced at her, “Your man? Oh look, she cares!”
“Shut up, I wasn’t talking to you!” Snow yelled, turning back to his sister-in-law, “So?”
“You shot him with a bow and arrow. You’re an annoyed little princess who thinks she’s always right. NEWS FLASH NOW, you ain’t. If you were right, you wouldn’t have married him or met me,” Cadence yelled.
“YOU LITTLE—you never let anyone help you.”
“I should’ve left you to drown years ago in that lake.”
“I should’ve let you get caught by those wolves.”
Both girls kept arguing with David jumping in shouting at both his sister and wife.
Kristoff rolled his eyes, “If this is what marriage is like, I’m glad you keep postponing ours.”
“You were gonna marry him, Anna?” Cadence asked with a laugh.
“Oh, don’t you start.”
“He sucks.”
“He farts so bad, never shuts up about his reindeer and oh—“
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Anna sighed, “You know what? I’m gonna go find my sister. And you two stay here, where you can’t annoy anyone. Expect me with your words.”
“You ran away from me! Anna, he’s a cheater, you wanna marry that?” Cadie said, spilling the beans.
Anna gasped, “You cheated on a princess, Kristoff?”
“He moved to Arendelle the next day.”
“I’m so sorry. Kristoff never ran away from me…I think?”
“That’s because he always had a thing for redheads, sweetheart.”
Kristoff shouted, “HEY! That’s it! You are a spoiled little rat-”
“You’re the one who couldn’t settle on a career!” Cadence yelled back
“You were a child farmer.”
"And you chose to be around ice and snow. You know who can do your job better? January!"
“Ice work seemed better at the time! So I studied it!”
“The whole town is FROZEN! Why are you selling ice for?”
“Stable boy.”
David and Snow kept fighting, while Kristoff and Cadence kept bickering. Anna tried to handle The Charming couple, but Snow kept making remarks, saying she was a murderer, causing Cadence to snicker with David barking over her.
Anna said sheepishly, “But you’re in love right? That has to count for something.”
“Love?! Ha! The moment I met her, she hit me with a rock!” David shouted.
Snow sighed, rolling her eyes, “Someone slip me a poison apple and put me out of my misery.”
Kristoff yelled, begging, “Me! Pick me.”
“Oh, shut it, Iceman!” David barked.
Kristoff bit back, “Oh ‘Iceman’? Who are you calling ‘Iceman’, ‘Stableboy’?”
“You! AGAIN the whole place is frozen! What are you selling ice for?!”
“You left us like it was nothing!”
It went on for a while. Until a certain figure showed up. Running into the station dressed in a black gown, was Regina with a fierce growl and a smirk. Cadence scoffed, Snow and David looked annoyed, Kristoff was searching for something to knock himself out with, and Anna was plain out confused.
Cadence muttered, “This is gonna be interesting.”
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my lucky day. I originally came here to kill Emma, but now I get to kill the two idiots who started it all! And their personal sidekick!” Regina yelled.
“You know who you are!”
“I served your ass for years.”
“But you went running back to them.”
David scoffed, “Well, in our defense, we didn’t tell Cora about your secret boyfriend.”
“Yeah, it was her!” Cadence agreed, pointing to her sister-in-law.
Snow furrowed her brows and remarked, “ARE YOU SELLING ME OUT?!”
“SHUDDAP! You all deserve to die, not just for what you did, but for your whining!” Regina shouted over them, pointing around to the trio, “But your punishment should fit your crime. You took my first true love from me, and now I’m gonna return the favor. By taking your baby.”
The trio yelled and shouted over one another for Regina to stop, as she poofed Kristoff and Anna away, throwing Snow’s door open and tossing Cadence into the same cell as her brother.
Snow and Regina squared off, with swords. The fighting soon commenced, dueling out in front of the shared cells. Soon enough, Regina towered over Snow nearby the desk. Across the desk stood the stroller.
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“CAREFUL! The stroller's not under warranty anymore.” David called.
Snow strained, “You said you bought it new!”
“It was slightly used!”
Cadence recounted, “It was gently used!”
Snow grunted, kicking Regina off her, swaying the sword towards her midriff as she pushed back.
Regina glared, “Tell me when you’re tired of missing, Mary Margaret.”
Snow half-smirked, “I only have to hit you once.”
She swung and missed, Regina pushed her away, and both slipped on the flooring of the station. They used everything around them to fight: stacked papers, clothes, and small figurines. One of them was a tiny dog and a deep blue sweater.
“Hey!” Cadence called out.
Snow looked over her shoulder, “Is that my sweater?!”
“You never used it.”
“I was saving it for an occasion.”
“Like when?!”
Regina looked around to see if Cadence stole anything from her as well. However, as she was distracted, Snow took the upper hand, wrapping her arms around the woman and slamming them both against the cell block.
David and Cadence tried to take the upper hand, helping Snow as Regina pushed herself away from the trio.
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The fight kept going back and forth, with David and Cadence watching like two school kids. They tried breaking out of the cell, but it was no use.
They screamed and shouted the whole time, even making remarks to Snow and Regina.
“Uppercut! Lock her onto the table,” Cadence yelled toward Snow. “Seriously?!” David looked at his sister.
“I’m helping!”
“At least tell her to swing the sword upwards to cut her cheek or something!”
“Oh, good idea! Snow, do that!”
Suddenly, a burst of magic flew across Storybrooke, hitting the Police Station, causing everyone to feel like they were slapped across the face and pushed forward like they were asleep. Breaking the short spell.
They all looked around, oddly confused, seeing swords in hands, papers on the floor, small figurines, and the front desk being pushed backwards.
Regina looked down at herself, seeing herself in her Evil Queen dress with her hair all messed up and dropped her sword. Cadence saw herself snickering as it turned into a set of giggles and laughter.
Regina looked ridiculous, honestly.
“What am I wearing?” Regina asked.
Snow looked at her, breaking into a small fit of chuckles that turned into laughter, followed by Regina laughing alongside her.
David was leaning against the bars of the cell, snorting and laughing so hard, he rolled onto the floor.
That's all folks! Let me know what you guys think Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff Paul @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @djs8891 @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @sofia-falcone @rooster-84 and etc
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hsr-texts · 1 year
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find your cinderella
꒰‧₊˚✩彡‧꒱ ┊ ━━━━ chapter two
꒰⸝⸝₊ʚ♡ɞ ┊ streamer!reader x mystery hsr character ꒱
꒰⸝⸝₊ʚ♡ɞ ┊ otome event ꒱
꒰ ☰ WORD COUNT ┊1.5k ꒱
꒰ ☰ DESCRIPTION ┊ ━━ When you do an unboxing livestream for your subsribers, you find an invite to an exclusive event called the "Find Your Cinderella" masquerade gala where you are guaranteed to find your supposed true love, as a rather enthusiastic manager told you. ꒱
꒰ ☰ NOTES ┊hooray it's finally here! and also we get some cameos hehe ꒱
previously ┊masterlist
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After seeing the results of the poll, you decided to set up your stream and waiting for the stream to fill up with people.
You grinned at the camera and greeted them, “Hey guys! Due to popular demand, I’m gonna be playing Freya’s Gate 5 for this stream.”
Before turning to play the game already, you noticed some text pop up in the corner of your screen.
“User130 donated 100 credits and left a note: Congrats on getting invited to the FYC Gala! I hope you have a fun time :)”
A grin pulled at your lips. “Thank you so much for the support, User130! And I hope you’re having a great day!”
This specific account has been a long supporter of your career as a streamer. They’ve been regularly sending donations biweekly. Even though they weren’t big amounts, you appreciated how long they’ve supported you even when you were just starting out.
“Alright, let’s get to playing! I’m planning to finish the main storyline here, maybe play some multiplayer with a few friends, and grind some exp to make sure I don’t like, get my ass beaten by the final boss,” you narrated what you were planning for that session, “I should probably level up some equipment too so battles won’t be as hard.”
You continued playing, going through the plot and reacting to it with your viewers. A few laughs here, a comment there, then the occasional “pause the game and then discuss your theory with your viewers” moment.
Taking up streaming was a good idea now that you thought of it. Playing games alone just didn’t feel as fun without someone to enjoy it with you.
Another player was requesting to play with you.
You checked the ID.
Your eyes lit up, recognising one of your friends. You clicked “Accept” immediately.
Her avatar popped up next to yours after a moment of loading. Yeah, your lag hasn’t been too good lately but hopefully once you finished setting up your new PC, it’ll be running as smoothly as a hot knife sliding down soft butter.
“Hey,” GGSWolf spoke into voicechat when she entered your world. Although you weren’t entirely sure who she was, you could tell she sounded quite young. Was she a highschooler, maybe?
“Hey, Wolfie!” You greeted, grinning.
“You need carrying? I saw you’re almost about to fight the boss.” Her voice seemed quite nonchalant, like this was about as easy as breathing for her. Sometimes you were envious of her skill when it came to games.
“Yeah! I just need to farm some mats to ascend my Grande so that I can cheese the final boss with the Airstrike Technique.”
“Good idea.”
The two of you entered the dungeon that had the best drop rate for the harp fragments that you needed. It started out great but…
“STILL NO DROPS?!” You exclaimed in frustration, looking at the loot you got for finishing the dungeon quest.
You could hear a soft pop from Wolfie’s mic. Seemed like she was chewing on bubblegum this whole time. “Wow, did all your luck run out after you got that invitation to the Gala?” She commented.
Groaning, you rested your head on your desk. “Maybe…”
“Yeah, my coworkers got invited too. One of them didn’t want to go but our boss said it was mandatory so he ended up accepting the invite too.”
You raised your head, confused. “Wait I thought you were a highschooler.”
“I’m older than that, dummy.”
You checked the chat and saw that they were just laughing at your sudden terrible luck.
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“Hey you guys are such MEANIES!” You gasped in mock hurt. But then you turned back to your game, “So do you think I’ll be meeting your coworkers there?”
She hummed. “Well, the first one’s got a pretty distinct personality but the dude is about as social as a rock. You might come across him once or twice. The other one is more chill but she’s got a bit of a sadistic streak.”
“Ohh I see.” Considering the rules of the masquerade, you couldn’t actually find the identities of the other participants. You supposed that the event organiser wanted the event to stay true to the theme of Cinderella.
"Well, since clearly your luck is terrible right now, I can trade you some harp fragments,” Wolfie said. “I need some sword fragments. Prefarming for the new paladin.”
“Oh my god, you’re a lifesaver, Wolfie!” You exclaimed joyously, immediately right-clicking on her avatar and pressing the trade button on the dropdown menu.
She accepted the request and the two of you traded your materials.
Since you still needed more harp fragments, the two of you ended up grinding the dungeon for a couple more runs until you could ascend your Grande.
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Bright colors flashed repeatedly on a screen, spelling out the word “JACKPOT”
The casino was lively as ever. The food was delicious, the fine decor provided a luxurious ambiance, and most importantly, adrenaline and pleasure rushed through the air as people lost themselves to the depravity of gambling.
The person grinned, looking at the screen. “Hehe, my luck is wonderful as usual. Praise Aha that I have such luck.”
A woman dressed in office clothing approached her with a device. “Sugo, we received a new report from the folks in the lab.”
They turned to her. “Oh?”
“It’s about the anomaly.”
“Ah, yes, yes, why don’t we discuss this somewhere private?” They collected their earnings from the slot machine and placed all of it in their pocket. One would wonder how they managed to fit such a huge pile into a tiny pocket but perhaps that was just one of the many mysteries of the entity.
The event organiser led her to a private lounge reserved for VIPs. They sat down at opposite sides of each other.
“So what exactly did you want to say?” Sugo asked, taking their mask off. Their eyes flashed with intrigue.
The woman nodded. “Yes, we run a few simulations between the anomaly and other participants one by one. Out of all of them, we found what could be their best match.”
Sugo grinned, quite pleased with this news. “Oh, how wonderful. I can’t wait to see if they’ll naturally gravitate to their best match or end up getting the wrong person, hehe.” They hummed. “But unfortunately we’ll have to cut this scene short.”
“Huh…?” The woman was confused.
“They’re watching us after all. I can’t give out spoilers so soon!”
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After that was all done, Wolfie excused herself and left, saying she had to play another game due to maintenance being over. Apparently there was a new update and she really wanted the new banner character.
You decided to end the stream there, telling your viewers you’ll just beat the final boss on the next stream since farming materials for Grande took so long with your terrible luck. A pity.
After turning your setup off, you suddenly realised you forgot to do your groceries for the week. “Aw crap,” you spoke to yourself, going to check your pantry for what you needed.
You typed down your grocery list real quick and dressed up in casual clothes, taking your wallet and placing it in your pocket.
The afternoon sun shone down on you as you walked towards the grocery store. It was quite a stroke of luck that it wasn’t too far from your home. Going to buy stuff you needed didn’t take too long; Though, thinking about it now, perhaps the convenience of having a store so close by meant that you wouldn’t have to think about buy groceries much and that’s why you often forgot to do them.
Ah, well, it wasn’t too big of a deal.
You walked into the store, feeling the air-conditioned air hit your face. How pleasant.
Taking a cart, you made your way to the aisles where you could get the stuff you needed. However, on the way there, you spotted a familiar person.
They turned around and immediately noticed you, eyes lighting up. “Hey, funny running into you here, huh?” Your friend commented, chuckling. “You’ve been pretty busy with your streams, haven’t you? How’ve you been?”
You smiled in return. “I’m doing great! I actually got an invite to this super cool event called the Find Your Cinderella Gala,” you told them.
“Oh right! I actually saw the news on Trotter. Turns out there’s a whole bunch of celebs joining the event. You’re super lucky!” They responded. “I hope you have fun. Make sure to send me some updates and gossip after, yeah?”
“Heh, sure,” you chuckled.
Your friend nodded, satisfied with your answer. “Though, speaking of celebs, I recently got these tickets to a concert. You wanna go with? A bunch of friends are really excited since they like this band a lot.”
You considered it for a moment. It’s been a while since you were able to go to a concert. Maybe it’ll be good for you since you’ve sorta been cooped up in your house, making content for your fans.
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tempurafied · 2 months
OKAY SO!! I'm in no way a professional writer, or tbh any good at writing, I kinda just write. And what did I write? Angst. And now I'm gonna share it here. :-)
Dannie x Shane
Angst. Hurt. Cliffhanger?
Shane didn’t know how to deal with these feelings at first. He began to feel this way about Dannie after a year of dealing with the farmer. Oh, how he desperately tried to deny those feelings, waving them off as admiration of their strong bond. But the heart wants what it wants, and Shane’s heart desperately wanted Dannie.
One day, after mulling over the idea and playing it out in his head, Shane was ready to tell Dannie. He shot Dannie a quick text, his fingers shakily gliding over the screen.
Shane: “Hey, you busy?”
Dannie: “Nope, watching some cartoons with Vale. You?”
Shane: “Bored out of my mind.”
Shane: “Why don’t you drop Valentina off here with Marnie and Jas? They wouldn’t mind. And we can go out for drinks?”
Dannie: “Sounds good. We’ll be there in a minute.”
It really did feel like a minute, what with their farms being so close to one another. With a soft knock, Dannie walked in with Valentina in his arms. He smiled as he saw Shane leaning against the counter waiting for them. He could hear the TV in the other room, assuming Marnie and Jas were already there.
“Hey, got here quick, huh?” Shane teased, pushing himself off the counter and walking over to Dannie.
“Who says no to drinks with their best friend?” Dannie teased right back, a low chuckle escaping his lips as that smile of his remained on his lips.
There was some quick conversation between everyone before Dannie eventually dropped Valentina off with Marnie, him and Shane then leaving the house. When Shane started making his way to the lake and not the saloon, Dannie raised his brow.
“I thought you said we’re getting a drink?” he asked, keeping at Shane’s side.
“We are, I just…wanted a quiet night tonight. I miss it just being us, y’know?” Shane replied with a nervous laugh. His heart raced thinking about what was to come.
The two made it to the lake, taking a seat at the old, rickety dock. It was a familiar spot for them, Dannie often swinging by to make sure Shane was okay. Tonight, it’d have a whole new meaning. The two spoke about everything, casually speaking amongst drinks, able to tell each other anything.
Dannie and Shane were about a beer and a half in, when Shane finally had enough of his brain’s yelling. This was it, he was going to tell Dannie.
“Hey, Dan? Could I…ask you something?” Shane asked, his voice slightly shaky. His cheeks already being pink from the alcohol was not helping.
Dannie raised his eyebrow, picking up on Shane’s shaky tone. “Of course,” he nodded gently.
Shane nearly held his breath, not ready and ready at the same time. His grip on the aluminum can tightening and crinkling under his hold. His eyes met Dannie’s before he began to speak.
“Dannie, you have become…pretty much the closest person to me. Whenever I need a shoulder to cry on, it's you. I can't think of the past two years without thinking of your smiling face. I…I think I’m in love with you. And..I was wondering if you’d…maybe want to start going out?”
As for Dannie, he sat there in stunned silence. He let out a quiet huff of laughter, shaking his head softly.
“You're kidding, right? That was a joke? You actually liking me?” he asked, raising his brow. He didn't have that playful edge in his tone like he usually had, making Shane panic.
“W-What? No! I..I really do love you! Do you…not feel the same?” he muttered, almost bitterly knowing the answer. Of course this would be the answer. Why would Dannie like me?
“Shane. We’re both dudes. Two guys….they can't date. They don’t date. It's not natural,” Dannie added, a small frown growing on his lips as he spoke. He finished off his beer, setting the can down beside him and standing up.
“I’m going to go get Valentina and go back to the farm. …I don't want anyone knowing about this. We’re friends…but I’m not queer, Shane,” Dannie said sternly, eyeing Shane down with disappointment before walking off. His boots echoing and growing distant as he walked off.
Shane sat there, stunned, heartbroken even. He expected Dannie to reject him because, well, it's him. Who’d want to date him? But this…this was worse.
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tauforged · 9 months
do you have any tips for someone who wants to get into warframe for the first time?
- don’t start with the duviri/drifter quest when given the option. it’s cool, don’t get me wrong, but it will be very confusing and you won’t revisit any of the stuff that’s touched upon until way way later in the game. start off in the origin system, the story progresses a lot more naturally from that start point. i don’t really know why they made this an option.
- you dont HAVE to buy platinum. they start you off with like 50 i think? it’s not necessary for anything aside from buying additional warframe/weapon slots. everything else is cosmetic or optional. you can get mroe plat later on by trading with other players (if you do want to buy plat for cosmetics or whatever, i recommend waiting until you get a discount as your daily login bonus. iirc they range from 25, 50, or 75% off. they’re pretty much entirely random though so don’t feel obligated to use one if you do get it and don’t need plat at the moment so it goes to waste. you’ll get another)
- even if you decide you don’t like a weapon you end up crafting, you’ll be better off if you level it up to the maximum rank (30) before selling it rather than trashing it outright, that way you won’t have to go back and get it again later on in the game in order to complete it. the more stuff you level in full, the faster you progress through mastery ranks, and some stuff is mastery rank locked so you’re gonna wanna pay attention to your progress.
- you’re gonna wanna join a clan as soon as possible. you can find some via the recruiting channel, or probably by asking around on social media, idk. i started my own (not recommended unless you’ve got a group of friends you can rally or feel like recruiting to fill out your ranks in order to actually get stuff done) so i don’t really know what the clan recruiting scene looks like. having access to a clan dojo makes life a lot easier (and can make finding people to play with less of a hassle too)
- the story itself doesn’t really pick up steam until you start the ‘natah’ quest. in between the start and there, you’ll mostly be doing a lot of running around trying to familiarize yourself with the setting and playing catch-up. don’t worry too much about all the stuff they throw at you all at once. almost all the quests are replayable through your codex if you ever want to refresh your memory, and for those that aren’t, the wiki is… usually a pretty decent source as far as summaries go. i’d take it with a grain of salt though.
- this one especially tripped my sister up so i’m gonna touch on it: you’re going to be required to do the ‘heart of deimos’ quest in order to progress past mars on the star chart. IMHO, this quest REALLY should not be mandatory so early on in the game — you aren’t going to be able to make heads or tails of anything anyone is telling you. don’t be afraid to breeze thru it w/o paying much attention and circle back around later in the game, preferably sometime after you finish the war within or at LEAST the second dream. i genuinely don’t know why they’re throwing baby tenno to the wolves on this one. just know it’ll all make sense later i prommy
- don’t worry too much about the open world areas like the orb vallis, the plains of eidolon, or the cambion drift at first. they’re very cool (and you’ll be introduced to them via their respective quests) but they can be overwhelming to new players and the difficulty spike might be frustrating, especially before you’ve unlocked a majority of the tools available to you.
- this game has been ongoing for over ten years at this point - there’s a LOT going on. take your time progressing at a comfortable pace. don’t be afraid to ask around for help if you’re stuck on something or getting frustrated trying to farm a specific part or material.
- if people try to talk down on you for being a lower mastery rank or w/e they’re literally just being an asshole. MR isn’t indicative of skill so much as it is a representation of how much gear you’ve leveled, which is basically just an indicator of how much time you’ve spent playing - a chimp smacking a keyboard can feasibly hit legendary after enough attempts. you’re fine. hell, i’ve been here since 2013 and i’m only MR 19 LMAO
- the ‘meta’ for this game is wildly subjective due to the vast customizability of builds. take everyone’s opinions with several grains of salt and don’t be afraid to experiment on your own to see what works for you
- dont read general chat. it’s not worth it. nobody in there is as funny as they think they are
- the most important part of being a tenno is having fun and being yourself :)
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stardewrotsession · 1 year
Note: I am a Sam supporter/simp and have not been able to write anything else but him, please send help. Also, there was a post I saw that inspired this and I have no idea where it is now, I’ve been searching for an hour, I’m so sad.
Sam x Reader
His Insecurity
The evening breeze brought a sense of calmness with it as the farmer began to walk back from the museum.
The sun had just recently set, and you had made it just in time to donate all the new gems you found within your collection of geodes. Now, all that was left to do was to go back to the farm, check on the animals, cook dinner, and relax.
Although it was just the beginning of Fall, The Valley was already starting to cool down. The gentle wind sent chills down your spine, silently thanking Emily for giving you a spare jacket the day before.
As you were heading back, you noticed Sam leaning against the stone bridge, looking out at the trees.
It was unlike him to be out at this hour except on Fridays, when you’d see him with Sebastian and Abigail at the saloon. But it was 7:30PM, and there were no signs of him leaving anytime soon.
“Hey,” You say.
You notice him jump a little at your call, not expecting you to be roaming about at this time.
“Hey Farmer,” he greeted.
His eyes were slightly red, his hair messed up by the wind, and his expression seemed a more somber than usual.
“Are you doing okay?” You ask softly, while walking up next to him.
He hesitates before slowly shaking his head.
“Not really, no,” he responds. “I was gonna go to Sebastian’s, but it’s probably too late now.”
“He stays up for a while,” you comment while looking out at the trees. “I’m sure it’s not that late.”
Sam laughs softly.
“Yeah, you’re right. I think I just don’t wanna bother him right now.”
“Do you want me to leave you alone right now?”
He shrugs wiping his eyes and before leaning against the wall of the bridge in front of him.
“Actually, I think I’d like the company right now… if you don’t mind.”
You nods your head and put your backpack down, leaning over to the wall and looking over at him.
“What’s on your mind Sam? I’m all ears.”
“It’s just…” He sighs before continuing. “My dad’s been gone for a while now. Is it bad that I’m losing hope..?”
You frown, realizing you’ve never met his dad before.
“Back on the beach, I told you children should have hope… but I think you should too,” you say softly. “But I understand. It’s hard to have it sometimes.”
“He always comes and goes,” Sam continues while starting to grab a pebble. “It’s not his fault, I know it’s not. But it’s kinda hard, on Vincent. And mom too. It’s better to try to distract them, make them happy. That’s what I would want.”
You watch as he throws the pebble down the river, watching it bounce on the water twice before sinking.
“You know,” Sam says. “My mom thinks I get mad at dad. For leaving.”
“Why do you think she believes that?” You ask.
“I don’t know,” he answers honestly. “Sometimes she hints at it. Like how she’d say he always cared about me when we’re alone. Or bring up random memories to make sure me and Vincent don’t forget him.”
“And… are you mad at him?”
“I’m not really that mad,” he replies. “Not anymore, anyways.”
Sam takes a shaky breath, closing his eyes and looking away from you.
“I… I just want him back.”
You didn’t really know how to respond.
He was always so happy go lucky, so positive and upbeat. It was hard seeing him like this, on the brink of breaking down. Yet he was still trying to compose himself, for you.
You pulled him into an embrace and wrapped your arms around him, hearing a soft mix of a gasp and a sob from him. He hugged you back while looking up, still trying to keep his tears from staining your clothes. Still, his efforts were in vain when he felt a wave of tears beginning to rush down his face. You didn’t mind though. It brought you at ease, knowing he trusted you enough to let you see him like this.
You two stayed like that for awhile, hugging in silence as the starry night painted the sky.
“Thanks,” he said quietly. “It feels nice to talk to someone about this.”
“I’m here to listen to whatever you want to tell me,” you said reassuringly. “Whether it’s about skateboarding, playing guitar, working at Joja, or this. I’m here.”
“Thank you.”
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kafus · 6 months
i’m going to be honest i do not know if i have the passion for pokemon X to go into meticulous detail like usual and towards the end of my playthrough i was really starting to feel burned out on it so this post is gonna be kinda short and discussing my admittedly mixed feelings (shoutout to XY stans im so glad you love this game, this post is very subjective)
first, here’s all my hall of fame stuff and whatnot. i spent 51 hrs on the main campaign - the pic of my trainer card was taken directly after beating the game and the pics of my team were taken right before the league.
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despite having mixed feelings abt this playthrough i did get really attached to my team, Sai, Knife, and Taser in particular :]
it’s worth noting that afaik i caught every single encounter available in the game before beating it, including tuesday exclusive rotom and thursday exclusive banette. and shortly before beating the game i ascended to Duchess rank in the battle chateau
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i also farmed a metric fuckton of berries and did some other tasks so suffice to say i have interacted w this game’s features a lot
all that being said i have two main takeaways from beating X again for the first time in a decade and one is gameplay related and the other is story related
first, gameplay wise, i was surprised by how easy X is - i think “pokemon is too easy now” is a tired criticism that isn’t usually accurate or fair, but it’s really hard not to feel that way about this game in particular, coming from experience with playing both modern and old pokemon games extensively as an adult. this game definitely isn’t balanced around its own exp all and there are SOOOO many trainers to fight which means if you like fighting all the trainers when possible (which i do, and i dont have issues like this in other pokemon games) you overlevel extremely quickly. i’m unsure if XY was balanced without it first or something, but this is definitely an issue i haven’t seen to this extent since. i am aware i could have played with it off but since it’s the first pokemon game to have it and it’s given to you so early i wanted to see what the intended experience was with it on
on top of that, all gym leaders only have 3 pokemon! most boss battles in the game had so few pokemon, it honestly felt strange. i love gym battles and stuff in pokemon games, i love using unorthodox strategies and going in underleveled for fun, and i play every pokemon game on set mode w no items in battle by default casually so there’s almost always some sort of thinking i have to do, but w X i was so overleveled and the gym leaders had so few pokemon that for the most part it was just spamming A for a minute and then it was over. at the very least when i beat the league i had some fun with it and set up with my unevolved skiddo w bulk up to tear through diantha’s team
bc of how braindead battles were for me in this playthrough i mainly got enjoyment from pokedex completion which is something i always find fun and X is no exception - most of those 51 hrs are probably me looking for rare hordes and whatnot, i had a blast with the encounter variety in this game and trying to collect everything possible as i went. i also thought the berry fields and battle chateau were super cool and i interacted w those a lot daily. there’s a lot i could say about the smaller features too, super training, amie, the PSS (best online service for pokemon ever btw), o powers, restaurants in lumiose, etc, but i don’t have the energy to get into it rn. suffice to say when X’s side features they shine, they do really shine, even though i found the main campaign underwhelming
as for story…
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when i started this playthrough all i really remembered from playing this game when i was 13 was the post-e4 sequence with AZ (still made me tear up as a 24 year old lol) and the cool xerneas encounter cutscene, and they are definitely the highlights of this game because the story of XY is what i was most disappointed by, i was really hoping i’d find new appreciation for it despite what everyone says about the story being weak and i really did try so it’s a little frustrating the game just didn’t deliver
yeah the pacing is weird and the rivals might as well have the depth of cardboard cutouts (one note and completely unable to be characterized outside of their roles) but that’s not really my main issue w the game. i don’t think i picked up on this stuff as a 13 year old but as an adult playing i was really uncomfortable with pokemon trying to make a story about literal genocide and eugenics but handling it so carelessly. like some of the dialogue actively disturbed me and i don’t think the writing is good enough to convey the nuance of what it’s TRYING to say, especially to kids, which i think is necessary for topics like this
i assume that they were trying to say something about the obliviousness of adults and people in general because of Sycamore being so blindly trusting of Lysandre and also totally incapable of accomplishing anything himself (seriously how did anyone like this guy, it must solely be because he’s french and hot, dude dropped out of learning about mega evolution bc he just Gave Up, and then he shoved that on some kids as if it was new research but it wasn’t, and then when lysandre tries to commit genocide his apology is so halfassed and Nothing, and also dialogue implies he’s not even doing professor shit he’s just goofing off while you save the world and do his research for him, it’s not charming it’s Annoying and irresponsible) but god damn i dont think it came off how they intended. all of the adults in this game are blind to what’s going on (even having their holocasters spied on) and give sympathy to Eugenics Man but even after the world is saved, new NPCs after the fact still express sympathy to Lysandre and the main characters like Sycamore don’t properly make up for their behavior. the game’s writing just sort of excuses everyone being a dipshit about literal eugenics and doesn’t properly apologize to the children who took a stand (the apologies given were basically nothing) in a way that i think is genuinely irresponsible considering the subject matter. it’s one thing for a pokemon game to have lackluster writing and another for it to have shitty writing when something so analogous to real life like this is involved. plus the plot moves on from the events of team flare so quickly it just feels Silly tbh and its not helping the writing’s case
idk i think XY had some interesting lore and history (btw that museum in lumiose city is super cool) and the potential with AZ was crazy and that post-e4 sequence still hits like a train, but the poor handling of the eugenics topic and the shitty pacing really took me out of it. i’m glad that after this pokemon scaled back the sheer gravity of its subject matter just a bit because oof
if i wrote this directly after beating the game my thoughts would probably be more organized so sorry if this isn’t making my points effectively but yeah idk. i’m still on and off working on my friend safari and i plan to do more in X eventually but for now i am good
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bigtreefest · 3 months
Chapter 3: Outskirts
From: Handiwork Series
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Pairing: Mechanic! Farmhand! Curtis x Bartender! Reader
Summary: You’re enjoying your time growing close with Curtis, until you learn something new about his friends and family that sets off an intense weekend
Word count: 4,510
Content/warnings: Teasing, kissing, mentions and consumption of alcohol, swears, kidnapping, rude people, observations, tiredness, mentions of the mob and light mob themes
Author’s Note: Takes place at the same time as Ch. 7 of The Rainmaker and Ch. 10 of YCMBWH
I can’t wait to hear your feedback in all forms! Thank you for reading!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
< Prev | Series Masterlist | Next >
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You could consciously feel the way your body started to ignore the sound of metal clanging echoing through the garage on another Wednesday afternoon. Another day of Curtis walking you through repair steps, and every part of the engine, and demonstrating how they’ve all changed since your old truck was made, comparing it to the more modern versions sitting at the other stations.
Curtis was about to walk you over to the other, newer truck in the shop this morning for the third time when you cut him off.
“So it’s done, right? Everything looks in place, you just keep tightening random bolts, except the wrench doesn’t move, so that means it’s done… right?”
For someone who had just been rattling off every known fact about trucks that he could think of, Curtis was oddly quiet now. Silent. And looking at your feet until you placed your hand under his chin, bringing it back up. You scrunched your nose and tilted your head to the side, looking into his mischievously knowing eyes that simply blinked at you. Every time those irises are revealed, it’s dangerous, and he knows it, but you’re the one winning right now.
“I’m right, aren’t I? You’ve been finished with my truck for hours. Probably even days. Or perhaps weeks.”
He nodded, moving to put his hands on your hips, then thinking better from the grease caked into them, placing them on his own hips of his coveralls instead. “Yeah.”
You leaned in to give him a kiss on the nose, returned by raised, expectant eyebrows from you not leaning in for a full kiss.
“See? I listen. I pay attention. Caught everything you said. Now clean up and tell one of your boys they’re taking over for you today. I’ve got something special planned.”
Curtis smiled brightly. That was your favorite, a beautiful change from his normal serious face. He laughed all the time; with family, with friends, with you, but each smile was still a treat.
“Something special? For me?”
You nodded, smiling right back. “You bet. So go home, get showered, and I’ll do the same. Then I’m picking you up and we’re gonna head out because I finally have a car again.”
You closed the hood of the vehicle, grabbing the keys off his work bench, before giving him a quick peck on the lips and hopping up into your truck. He kept standing there, hands on his hips, shaking his head and laughing. Dang, he couldn’t pull one over on you, that was for sure, but he was excited for what the day held.
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You pulled up in front of Curtis’s place, a small single-story home on a neighborhood street at the edge of town. After all this time, you were surprised you hadn’t seen it before. It had been over a month, after all. Most times, he really just came to your place, or took you over to the farm house, where you’d been much more often lately, keeping Bee company while Curtis did farm chores.
You turned off the truck and walked up to the front door, Curtis coming out onto the porch before you could even get there. He trotted down the steps to meet you on the walkway, reaching out his hand for yours, and using it to pull you close to him, finally perching his hands on your waist. He stood there, eyes looking between yours as the two of you swayed back and forth.
“So you gonna tell me where we’re going?”
You shook your head, snaking your hands around his waist, as well, tracing upward to feel the firm muscles of his broad back. You could physically feel the way he began to relax in your touch before you pulled away abruptly, seeing him rise an inch from tensing up again.
“Not a chance. Now get in the truck, can’t be late!”
Curtis groaned playfully and walked, taking his sweet time after you’d pulled away from him and ran to the car, rolling the windows down.
You pulled out of his driveway and started on your way, hoping you could remember the relatively simple directions since you didn’t want to give it away by putting it in the GPS.
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The drive was pleasant, like all the others before, but this time, you got to savor sporadic glances at Curtis enjoying the landscape. Most of the time, it was you sitting close to him, staring out at the scenery, but with you driving, you got to see things from his side, and you loved it. He kept himself close on the bench seat, too, his arm over across the back of it, drawing circles on your other shoulder.
The breeze blew through the cabin, slowing down as you turned into the parking lot of the local distillery. Of course Curtis knew where you were going the entire time, but he let you be excited and proud of yourself for the destination. It was somewhere he’d never seen the inside of yet.
You pulled into the lot and threw your truck in park, finally turning to face him as much as you could in the seat.
“Surprise! One of the brand distributors came by the other day and offered us a free tour of the place. Plus, at the end, there’s an extra special surprise I negotiated with him for you.”
Curtis smiled and leaned in to kiss your nose at the bright look on your face. “Extra special, huh? We should get going.”
You went to turn and open your door when Curtis stopped you. “No, you already drove and surprised me with this. Let me at least do one nice thing for you.”
You rolled your eyes as you rolled up the windows and watched him scoot across the bench and out of the truck. Curtis could faintly hear your voice from the outside, saying, “You already covered my truck repairs. I think you’ve done enough,” as your arms were crossed and your gaze followed his walk around to your side.
He opened your door and helped you down, keeping your hand in his. “Sorry, didn’t quite catch what you said. Was it ‘never enough?’ I could never do enough for you? Because I agree.”
You took a step to bump your shoulder into his for the purposeful mishearing and continued to the door of the distillery.
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The tour was great. The distributor you had met walked you and Curtis through the entire distillation process, showing you how they got the signature flavor and the differences between the batches.
At the end of it, he took you and Curtis to a back room with a bar and a bunch of whiskey barrels. Empty glass bottles lined the walls and you could see a bunch of mixing equipment all around. Curtis looked over to you with a curious cocked brow.
The two of you took your seats as the distributor walked you through the meanings of small batches, letting you pick your bottles and mix whatever barrels together that you wanted to create the best flavor. You had pulled him to the side, though, to ask a question, to which he happily nodded, bring out a third bottle and setting it in the counter. Curtis looked at you with a curious tilt of his head.
“What’s that one for?”
You shrugged. “Your cousin. I know her reserve of the good stuff has been getting low. Peter, that new little farmhand, told me she takes a shot with him after every time that Cole guy visits. I hope that’s over soon, though, he seems…how do I say this? Okay, don’t judge me for it, because I don’t want to put down the company she keeps…but, kind of awful? Despite all the gifts? Like, she’s miserable lately. Every time I see her, it’s like there’s a cloud over her head.”
Curtis dismissively nodded to you, although he didn’t really want to. He knew what was going on with Cole, and with Bee, but he hadn’t told you yet. He just wanted to enjoy this great gift with you first, and then he’d let you know. It was sort of important for what was coming this weekend with Decks coming into town, but instead of dumping all the information now, he just settled with, “well I think that’s a great idea. You’re right, she’s due for a new bottle and I think she’ll love it.”
His face was even, stoic almost, but you let it slide. It had been a long day, and maybe the two of you just needed to get out of here and eat.
Once you’d filled your unique, ornate glassware, they sealed and wrapped them up for you to take home.
As you were walking through the parking lot, skipping ahead of Curtis, who was carrying the three boxes with your precious bottles as he’d insisted, his face looked…concerned? Pulled in on itself.
Opening up the back door of the truck and sliding in the three boxes under the seat, you stopped Curtis from walking away when he had handed you the third one.
“Hey, hey. Wait up. What’s going on? Did you not like this? Was it too much?”
Curtis propped his one hand up against the side of the truck, hardly caging you in, more for his own support as he looked down at the ground. He sighed, thinking for a moment. Ain’t no time like the present.
“No, no. Not at all. Nothing like that. Just…what you said about Bee in there. I think she’ll really appreciate it, and I think she really appreciates you and the way you’ve been around for her, even if it’s only been a little, since Bucky left.”
Ah, so some of this was about Bucky? You turned around from tucking in the boxes, shutting the half door and leaning up against the driver’s side, trying to catch Curtis’s eyes.
“Well, I just did what any good friend would do. I think she’d do the same if you dropped off the face of the earth.”
Curtis looked up at you with a grimace. “True. But you should know, Bucky’s coming back.”
You perked up, running your hands up and down the front of Curtis’s shirt, trying to relax him, understand why he was having the physical reaction he was.
“Curtis, that’s great! Why do you look like it’s not?”
He looked up at the sky for a second, moving his hands to his pockets and standing up straight.
“Well, because he’s not coming back to the farm under the best circumstances. Why don’t we get in the car and I’ll tell you more on the way to the farm.”
You nodded, your face still covered in a tentative uncertainty of what he could be referring to, before you put your keys into his outstretched hand. No use driving if you were gonna swerve at some apparent earth-shattering news.
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On the way to the farm, Curtis told you everything. Who Bucky truly was, the nature of his dealings with Bee, and how it all related to Cole and some guy named Lloyd.
As you were pulling into the long driveway to the farm, you had your eyes closed and your hand on your forehead, trying to remember the onslaught of information.
“So Bucky’s in the mob?”
“And Bee is partnered with him?”
“And Cole, who’s also a jerk you went to high school with, wants to take Bee’s farm?”
“And some dude named Lloyd, who’s associated with Cole, is Bucky’s…how would you even say this…mob nemesis?”
“And Bucky used to date Lloyd’s sister?”
“See, that’s where I’m not sure. I’ve got my suspicions, but neither of them said such outright.”
You nodded along, seeing it all line up. “And Bee made a bet against the farm for both Cole and Lloyd to step away, once and for all? And that’s taking place this weekend? And Decks is playing in her place?”
“Yeah, you got it.”
You blew out a breath as you pulled up to the farm house, Bee and Peter already waiting outside to greet you since you’d all be having dinner together tonight.
“Well dang, I think we might need to crack that new bottle open already.”
Curtis gave a half-hearted laugh, opening up the car door and preparing to greet his cousin. “I think you might be right about that one.”
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The weekend came, and preparations for the bet were in order. You had spent the previous night at Curtis’s house so he could get you up early to take you to the farm since he had chores and you had some last-minute details to smooth out. Bee had been busy the rest of the week doing farm chores, preparing to have this weekend open, so this was the first time you were going to hear the whole plan of the day.
Decks, Bee’s college roommate, was going to be coming into town for a single game of pool, winner takes all. You’d met her once before, and she seemed nice, but this entire ordeal felt…intense… and you felt terrible that it seemed like it all fell on the poor girl’s shoulders.
Far too early for your liking, considering you’d worked a shift the previous night, Curtis drove you over, dropping you off in the living room with a kiss, before heading out for the first round of chores. You took a quick nap on the couch before you were gently woken up by Curtis, already back from his morning rounds.
He took you out to the front porch where you sat bundled up in the blanket you had snatched, talking with Peter in mild conversation. He was a sweet kid, more than willing to do whatever was asked of him, but poor thing had been away from home for a month. Hopefully when today and everything was over, he’d get to go back home, but from the way he talked, you could tell he wasn’t sure if that would happen, either.
You watched as Curtis went up to chat with his cousin, the two of them watching a Black SUV pull into the driveway. Out of it stepped Steve, who you remember being alongside Decks the first time you met the two of them. Well, technically the only time. He happily greeted them before you were directed to come into the house and start making plans while Curtis stayed on the porch.
As you were sitting there on a stool around the kitchen table, you were half listening. Your brain was still tired, trying to catch up, but you were just there enough to comprehend and plan out the day. Apparently, Decks was coming soon in a car with Bucky, but you found it weird that she wouldn’t accompany Steve. They were all coming from the same place, right? So why drive separately? Ah, and then Bee said it. Decks was mad at Steve. Wonder what that was about.
Either way, they were set to arrive soon, but all you knew was that Decks was to be kept in the right mental state to win the game. That was the main focus. To get just the right mood and to distract the competitors, though, she needed the right clothes, but it didn’t sound like she had been informed of it yet, so you raised a question to Bee.
“So how are we going about that? If you didn’t already ask her to bring a dress?”
She smiled over to you, probably grateful you’d finally joined in on the conversation even if your voice was still raspy with sleep. “That’s the thing, I was hoping you might have a good outfit in mind. Something cute, but not too revealing. Comfortable in fit, but not in style. Shorts underneath, of course.”
You smiled back. “I think I have just the thing. But also, aren’t you a little worried to be doing this all in public? The bar will be busy tonight, I’m working, and I know they’re not gonna shut it down since it’s such short notice.”
You were nervous. This all felt like such a huge deal now that today was the day. The actual consequences, and your proximity to it were sinking in, but you were sure it was nothing compared to what poor Decks was going through. Being mad at Steve, plus having to see him today, plus being responsible for saving the farm? You were lucky you and Curtis were so far removed compared to that.
You watched her think for a second. “Well I assume a public environment makes them less likely to pull anything over on us, plus Bucky is sending a bunch of guards. But I’d rather have several of witnesses if I get shot-“ she gasped, looking at everyone with wide, imploring eyes, “but don’t tell Decks that’s a possibility! Don’t even plant a thought like that in her mind. Keep her feeling safe, and angry, and confident if you can. She needs it, okay? And if you forget your role, just remember it’s whatever Decks tells you to do, alright?”
You nodded. You’d do your best, but Peter seemed just as nervous as you about the whole thing. It was all put to a stop when you heard another car pulling into the driveway, though.
You walked out, watching Bee sprint to Bucky and jump into his arms. When they came back towards you, Bee stood by your side as Bucky quickly ran into the house. You watched as Peter went to get into the car to wake Decks, handing back a box of pastries to Bee that you gladly picked through, grabbing a croissant and offering Curtis a bite. As Decks emerged from the car, promptly after having decked poor Peter for waking her from her slumber, she greeted all of you, followed by snubbing Steve. Man, she really was mad.
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Midday found you sitting in Curtis’s lap in the porch swing, listening to the ongoing conversations of the friends, catching up on what happened within the last month between planning events for the day. Everyone was heading out to do their own tasks, as Steve asked you for the keys to your apartment to set up for the afternoon where you and Bee would be taking Decks to eat and get dressed for tonight’s match.
Curtis had to leave you, heading back out for another round of chores with Peter, so you went to sit on the couch for a little while until Bee had a request.
“Hey Cherry, I’m not sure how Decks will react if I go up there. I’m pretty sure you’re the only one of us around that she doesn’t have a vendetta against, so could you grab her and tell her it’s time to head to your place?”
You nodded, immediately getting up and heading towards the steps, because if you hovered in anticipation, it probably wouldn’t happen. You were a little scared of Decks right now, with how angry she seemed this morning.
When you got to the door, you knocked softly, peeking in to see her sprawled over the bed. You spoke softly, with a smile on your face in an attempt to placate her.
“Hey, Decks. I know you’re probably in game mode, but Bee thought it might be a good idea for you to come over to my place. We can pick you out a nice outfit for tonight. Eat something, maybe? It’s my understanding you haven’t had anything since early this morning and apparently, from what I’ve been told, ‘the good stuff’ is waiting for you at my apartment. And it’s no boys allowed for this afternoon. You get to do whatever you need to get in the zone without distraction. How does that sound?”
She shot up from the comforter, and that was the first time you got a good look at her face today. She looked exhausted, and distraught. You were sure some time with just the girls might help, though, and you were more than willing to do her makeup if that’s what she wanted to feel her best.
You ran down the steps and out the front door where Bee was waiting for you in her truck. You hopped up and slid towards the middle.
“She coming down?”
You nodded, double checking the clock on the dash. Looked like you’d have plenty of time to relax at your place.
“Yeah, but I gotta tell you, she’s not looking so hot. Like, I know I’ve only met her once, but she looks worse than you did the first week Bucky left.”
Bee rolled her eyes with a light scoff. “Cherry, I was not that bad. I was fine.”
You tilted your head to the side. “I feel like we’re good enough friends now that I can say you were miserable. Why do you think I came around so much? You needed someone, and I feel like Decks might, too, but she also seems to be shutting us all out.”
Bee sighed, drumming her fingertips against the wheel. “Okay, okay, yeah. Whatever, you’re kinda right. Just…we’ll figure it out. Cater to her at your place if we can. Be around but not too clingy. Hopefully Steve got her some stuff she’ll like.”
After her surprisingly kind agreement to you, you finally saw Decks emerging from the house, coming and sliding into the passenger side of Bee’s truck, squeezing you between the two of them. She was quiet, but ready to go.
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The time at your apartment seemed to do her good. She enjoyed the pasta Steve had left for her, as well as the music played from the record player that had been dropped off. It made it much easier to get along as you and Bee shuffled through your closet, pulling out potential outfits before settling on a nice tennis dress with shorts underneath. Decks was surprisingly compliant and calm as you applied light makeup per Bee’s instructions, an attempt to do anything necessary to distract Cole and whoever he might be bringing. You kept in soft conversation and let Decks continue to play through vinyl records in York room until you all had to go to the bar for your shift and the impending game.
Once you walked in, you immediately went to clock in, leaving the other two girls to head towards the guys at the booth they’d found. Curtis was quick to come up to you, discussing all the plans one last time and informing you on all the failsafes Bucky had in place. You were relieved to have not seen Edgar on guard anywhere, given the night off and replaced by Bucky’s men. That was good, he didn’t need to be put in that kind of danger, but you had to carry on like nothing wrong was happening, so you did.
It was a busy Saturday night that had you slinging drinks like usual, as you tried to keep an eye on all the action. You watched Steve rush Decks off somewhere after putting his hat on her head. You were sure that didn’t mean what it usually would around here. Her head was down, but it didn’t seem like they were up to anything. Her mood was far too sour and somber for that. Maybe he had to show her something important, but whatever they had done in the break room worked, because she emerged from it with a vengeance and energy you hadn’t seen all day. You watched as two men came into the bar, heading straight for Bee and Bucky in the meantime, joining for the pool game.
To anyone else outside, it probably would’ve seemed like a normal-ish interaction. Sure, it was sort of stiff, but that’s because you were looking for those subtleties. That was the last thing you observed, though, as you heard a customer calling for you at the other end of the bar.
She was shorter, with dark hair and pleasant features, which probably could’ve been admired if you couldn’t taste the bitterness of her aura.
“Hi, what can I get for you?”
She rolled her eyes as if you were wasting her time by simply asking that. “I need a Gin Fizz, and I want it long shaken with egg white. And then I’m going to need a gin martini, extra dry, shaken as well.”
You nodded and got to work, pulling together the ingredients for drinks that were far from what people usually drank around here. She looked the part of what she ordered, too, with her whole ‘wealth whispers’ aesthetic of unbranded, yet crisp clothes. The type that you don’t know the brand, unless you’re in the know. Every so often, you’d get an out-of-towner like that, home to see family, or maybe someone else’s family, or just passing through, unable to find a better place to stop, so you didn’t question it so much as feel a little annoyed.
You took the time to shake the ridiculous drinks, after being interrupted by her probably four times with an adjustment, and then a change of mind just a second later. You were pulling out the special glassware she requested each be served in, which were not the traditional choices you had already put on the counter, when you heard commotion break out. You went to quickly pour the drinks, but when you looked to hand them over and she wasn’t there. You went to look for Curtis to see if he saw where she went, but when you turned towards his stool, he was gone, too. Beyond the view of the gap where Curtis just was, you could see Steve was dragging a flailing Decks towards the you and away from her pool game, grabbing her attention and slipping something into her hand.
Patrons began pulling away from the bar and towards the pool tables as you continued to try to look and find where Curtis went. Decks jumped behind the bar with you, her eyes frantically searching the immediate area, but her body was facing you.
“So tell me what happened. When did Curtis disappear? Did you see anything?”
You frantically shook your head, the worry and gravity setting in that she couldn’t find him either. “No, a-all I know is that some girl asked me to pour her a drink. She had a bunch of specifications, and when I made it and turned back around, Curtis was gone, and so was she.”
Decks looked at you with surprise and concern, and…fear? “What did she look like?”
“I don’t know? Kinda short, dark hair? Annoyingly fit? Now that I think about it, kinda like the female version of the guy you were playing pool against. That’s not a coincidence, is it?”
You watched as she threw her head back and grumbled loudly in the bar that was essentially in a huge fight now. It definitely wasn’t a coincidence and seemed pretty bad.
“Ah, shit.”
Next >
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Bonus A/N: I really liked this chapter for Curtis and Cherry until…ya know…the end of it
Taglist: @evelineangel66 @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
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shamrock313 · 6 hours
Heyy so I heard alot of buzz this weekend about Monsters-Menedez brothers. Did you get to check it out? My brother watched it and basically said he followed the trial in real time, and not a lot of that stuff Ryan put into the show was true. I didn’t see the first season, but I’m definitely going to start it this week.
Also did you see how it already got renewed for a third season and Ed Gein will Charlie Hunnam. Some one said watch season 4 be John Wayne Gacy played by Jacob Elordi 😭
But I did start watching Bel Air, it’s really good! That whole cast is perfect and beautiful!
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Also I think I might have a bit of a crush on Charlie Hall
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I'm currently on episode 7. It's okay. Like I'm in agreement with your brother its very different. Before watching, I found a documentary about the case on Tubi and it was interesting. I feel like a lot of people should do that first (if they haven't already) and then watch the series. I plan on finishing it and then watching another documentary and reading up on what was fact and fiction.
I was planning on watching something cute and and I was like "Oh I should watch Fleabag" until I remembered the heartache from THE PRIEST
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I read the letter Erik wrote to Ryan Murphy, which makes me a lil uncomfortable for what is to come for when Charlie Hunnam playing Ed Gain. Speaking of Gain, I went to Zak Bagans Haunted Museum and can say that was the creepiest room for me. The second room I didn't like was the prison room that was filled with Gacy, Bundy, Manson, and he who must not be named items.
I see that they have a (well I don't think it's Ryan, I think it's his collaborator) doing the Aaron Hernandez Story.
I wish they would discuss cases that are not talked about or unsolved such as:
West Memphis Three
The Survivors of Anthony Sowell (There's a 2016 documentary about it)
William Bradford and the Unidentified Models
Sam Little (that asshole)
Gary Heidnik (another crazy mf)
Freeway Phantom
The Oklahoma Girl Scouts
The Disappearance of Johnny Gosch
Fox Hollow Farm
Dominique Dunn and Rebecca Schaeffer
The Stayner brothers
Danny Rolling
As ya'll can see I'm a true crime girly. I know @theloverscardtarot is gonna be like "Don't forget Villisca!" I have more cases that should be discussed due to lack of evidence, victims being poc, sex workers, being apart of the LGBTQ+ community, stalking, trauma, and survival.
I get that Ryan is doing the ones who are generally known, but give light to the victims who are unidentified. Give light to the survivors who can tell their story. Help the cases be brought back to life and can potentially give family closure or a new set of eyes to look at the cases.
I think by the time I'm done, I might need a Schitt's Creek marathon so I can see Noah Reid
Also I watched Terrifer for the first time! I need to find the other Terrifer movies!
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Glad you like Bel Air! I haven't watch it. I don't think I'm going too, but Charlie looks like his mom. For those who don't know his mom is the woman off Seinfield basically he's a nepo boy. Very well off family. Not dragging him, just giving facts lol
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jadedrrose · 2 months
𝐀 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧'𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧
art/other info is available on my masterlist.
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Silence hung over the room, looming over Rose in a way that felt threatening, as though it was suffocating her. Her secret was revealed, exposing the truth about who she really was. And the two men in front of her said nothing, instead staring at her, right into her soul.
Fighting to hold back tears, her gaze shifted towards Sooga, hoping perhaps he’d be able to bring some comfort to her. But he didn’t move, nor say anything.
“You’re… not Yiga?!” Master Kohga then shouted, finally breaking the choking silence. 
Eyes darting back over to her leader, Rose then looked to the floor, and she nodded, shamefully. “I’m only… half, though. My father was fully Sheikah, and my mother was just a Hylian.”
“That explains why you are able to so easily use the ancient arts,” Sooga concluded, “the day we met- you accidentally transported yourself when I attempted to grab you.”
Feeling more shame burn in her veins, Rose frowned. “Yes… and I… I’m sorry,” she continued, “I know now you’d never harm me.”
“It matters not,” Sooga replied. “It is in the past, before we’d become acquainted. I do not blame you for your fear. However I believe it was a good thing that it occurred this way; as you were able to awaken your ability.”
Kohga then made humming noises, scratching his chin animatedly. “So Sooga evokes things in you, got it.”
“I-I’m sorry?” Rose stammered, taken aback.
“Just an observation,” Kohga chuckled. “But anyway, I’ve decided; Sooga will oversee your training. I don’t know what is going on between you two, but it’s clear your energies mesh well.”
Sooga nodded, “I agree. I do not understand it myself, but something about you is rather… clear. I can sense your energy far stronger than I can with anyone else.”
Somehow, the comment bothered Rose. In an odd way though. And rather than make a face, it caused a slight blush to dust over her cheeks. Why was Sooga so different compared to other men for her? It was true; she could feel his energy fairly strongly, and despite the circumstances in which they’d met, he was the only male she’d ever felt safe around since her childhood. “Yeah, I… agree too,” she finally responded. 
Master Kohga then piped up again, with another question. “So, do you know which Sheikah family you belong to?”
“Not exactly,” Rose replied. “Just that my surname is Hanako. But as far as I’m aware, my father and aunt were the only two left.”
“Hanako…” Kohga mumbled, crossing his arms. “That sounds familiar…”
“Perhaps an old enemy?” Sooga asked. 
“No, no… urgh, I can’t place where I’ve heard that name before!” 
“Well… it probably doesn’t matter, since my family weren’t significant people,” Rose sighed. “I was told my family was only ever good at farming, and I believe my father left Kakariko to be with my mother, after they found out I was to be born. My aunt had left earlier for unknown reasons.”
“Sounds like quite the scandal,” Kohga shrugged. “But I dunno, I’m gonna have to keep thinking about where I’ve heard that name before.”
Sooga then took a step forward. “I believe it is time we begin with Rose’s training. You can think about her family name all you need later.”
“Yeah,” Kohga agreed, “I’ll go get things set up with the tattoo guy. You two, er, I guess you can start basic training with her.”
“Yes, Master Kohga,” Sooga gave a bow, Rose following suit. He then led her to the door, and down a couple halls over to his personal training room.
Aside from his actual quarters, it was the only room he hadn’t taken Rose into during the tour he’d given her the previous evening. Stepping inside, Rose gazed around it, taking in her new surroundings.
The room was quite large, with four large pillars in the lowest part of it. Two ends of the room were bordered with a slightly elevated level, one of which being the side they had come from. And at the highest point were what seemed to be small elevated hallways, made of wood. Rose saw no way into them, however. Gazing up at them, she wondered aloud; “what’s up there?” 
Sooga turned to Rose, following her line of sight. “I store items up there.”
“What kinds of items?” 
“Parts for making and repairing my swords,” he then gestured to the right side of the room. “Though my work table is over that way.”
“You make your own weapons?” She questioned, both eyebrows raised in slight surprise. “You must be quite the handy-man.”
“Only when it comes to weaponry…” Sooga muttered, looking down at the stone floor beneath them. 
“So how do you get up there?” She then asked.
“There is a ladder within that wall,” he nodded straight ahead, “though it is closed off as I don’t want anyone sneaking up there.”
“Oh,” she hummed.
Sooga then began to walk away, down to the lowest level, stopping at the edge of a large mat. Following, Rose headed down the stairs and onto a walkway, which led to the center of the room. That being the mat, and upon stepping on it, Rose found it to be quite soft. This must’ve been where Sooga did most of his training. Looking to her right, she was then able to see the spot where he worked on weapons.
Many dual swords hung on the wall around the work table, all in the same long-bladed katana style, but each had different details. The work table, which was made out of wood, had what seemed like roofing over them. It was something she hadn’t seen anywhere but the hideout. Atop the table was what Rose could only guess to be equipment for sharpening or repairing blades on it. Looking away and studying the rest of the room from a new view, she then thought of another question.
“Do you train all of the blademasters here?” Rose asked.
“I do not,” Sooga answered. “You are the first to be properly trained within this room.”
What a privilege Rose was receiving. Among all the others, too. Why did she receive such special treatment from Sooga and Master Kohga? She could only assume it was due to her powers. 
“What will we start with?” 
“Well, you already know most sword combat. We could spar so that I can decide if you need improvement. But I feel the most important thing now is that you learn to use the ancient arts effectively.”
“Oh, well I… actually taught myself the whole, teleporting thing,” Rose then added. “After we met for the second time… I just, uh, figured it out.”
“Show me, then.”
“Alright,” Rose walked over back to the bottom of the stairs she’d come from, and took in a deep breath, remembering everything she’d taught herself. Focus on her own energy, not where she wanted to be. Imagine herself at the destination.
Forming the hand sign she’d seen him make previously, Rose focused, and after a moment of concentration, she quickly disappeared and reappeared about ten feet away from where she’d just stood. Opening her eyes, she smiled and looked up at Sooga, who she now stood in front of.
“You’ll need to learn to do it quickly. Knowing how might just save your life.” He said, “but you did well, especially for being self-taught.”
She nodded, only slightly annoyed with the response he’d given. “Can we start there?”
Sooga nodded. “If Master Kohga’s theory has any truth to it, then perhaps you’ll be able to learn it easily.”
Giggling, Rose smiled again. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll see.”
He then chuckled, the deep noise somewhat startling her. It felt odd, though. She didn’t feel so surprised that Sooga, as serious as he was, was humored, but rather… she was surprised at the way the noise made her feel. It was as though she felt a sense of yearning, all the while her stomach felt like multiple fairies were dancing around in it. It then dawned on her; she’d never really had friends before. Looking up at Sooga, Rose’s lips parted in a silent gasp. Was he her first actual friend? No wonder she felt so weirdly about him. She then couldn’t help but smile, which seemed to confuse Sooga.
“What?” He demanded, his head tilting ever so slightly.
“I just… realized, um….” Rose could feel her face warming up again. “You’re my first, um, real friend…”
“Friend?” Sooga repeated, crossing his arms.
“Yes, um,” she then awkwardly paused, worried that perhaps he didn’t return the sentiment. “Well, you know… that’s at least how it feels. Nobody’s ever… talked with me this way or, um, laughed with me…”
Sooga was silent, and Rose could only pray he was maybe feeling glad underneath that mask, but at the same time, she feared that she’d upset him somehow.
“That’s… nice,” he then said, causing a dropping feeling to happen within Rose. But then he continued. “I must admit, outside of Master Kohga, I haven’t really had an actual friend either. Though that is different from what I feel with you.”
Rose smiled again, beaming up at him. “I’m glad to hear it.”
“That I have no friends?” Sooga bantered, amusement evident in his tone.
“No!” She gasped, bursting out into laughter. “That- that you consider me a friend, too!” 
Sooga chuckled again, though much more audibly this time. “Apologies. I was only messing with you.”
Shaking her head, Rose smirked. “I’m aware. Now- um, the training?”
“Right,” Sooga unfolded his arms, and got back into teaching mode. “Forming the hand sign,” he then did it, “can be useful. But not in moments where you need to quickly escape, or for certain move sets.”
“Move sets?” Rose asked, “what do you mean by that?”
“Certain attacks, rather,” he clarified. “I will demonstrate. Stand in the center of the mat.”
Doing exactly as he said, Rose then watched as Sooga drew a couple of kunai from underneath his belt. 
“I will not use them on you,” he said, holding one out for Rose to look at. “However I would normally use them for this particular attack.” He then put them back underneath his belt. Unable to even see them now, Rose was rather impressed. They were entirely hidden. 
“When I use this move set, inverted eye symbols will appear around you,” he informed her. “Do not move when they appear. They hold enemies in place and struggling against them will only weaken you.”
Nodding, Rose started to feel a little nervous. What if she breathed too much? Would something so simple harm her at all? But she reminded herself: Sooga wouldn’t harm me.
Disappearing into a puff of smoke, Rose’s eyes widened as Sooga reappeared about ten feet in the air, as he made a throwing motion with his arm. One Yiga symbol was now to her left, and as he appeared again, another showed up behind her. This continued until several surrounded her, and even though she was certain she wasn’t moving in the slightest, she could still feel the constricting hold of the attack. Sooga then finally reappeared for the last time, standing in front of her. “Had this been a real fight, I would have thrown the kunai at you each time I transported myself. And now, I’d be sealing the symbols, which would cause them to explode,” he explained. “But I don’t want any harm to come to you,” he added, the symbols all disappearing with the wave of his hand. 
Releasing a heavy gasp of air, Rose realized she’d been holding her breath that entire time. “So… should I learn to do that, too?”
“Perhaps,” Sooga answered. “But I think you have much more potential with those powers of yours.”
She shrugged, feeling unsure. “I’d like to learn Yiga techniques, though,” she mumbled. 
“You will,” he reassured her, placing a hand onto her shoulder. “However, you’ll be able to do far more than any of us can, should we combine your powers with the arts.”
Rose couldn’t disagree with that. 
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Sooga then said. “Now- I’d like you to practice transporting yourself.”
“Alright,” she sighed. Closing her eyes, Rose tried the exact same technique she’d taught herself with, only this time, her hands remained at her sides. Thinking of spots she could teleport herself to, Rose remembered that there was a wooden chair pushed against the desk on the right side of the room. She imagined it within her mind, focusing her energy on herself; picturing herself being next to the chair. 
It happened much quicker this time. With a poof, Rose was delighted to open her eyes and find she was exactly where she’d hoped to be. 
“Very good,” Sooga praised. “The speed of which you transported at was much quicker. Try one more time.”
Giving him a smile and nod, Rose opted not to close her eyes this time, and instead kept her eyes on Sooga, imagining herself where she wanted to be. 
Within a second, she reappeared directly in front of him. She half expected him to be startled, but the man didn’t even flinch. Was it possible to surprise, or even frighten him? Well… she could think of one thing that had gotten that sort of reaction out of him. And she didn’t need that happening again. Forgetting the thought, she looked at where she assumed his eyes would be, giving him a slight smile.
“That was excellent,” he replied, head tilted down at her. “I had thought you’d master it quickly. I’m glad to see I was correct.”
Rose smiled, again. “Well, if that’s out of the way… what’s next?”
Sooga hummed, presumably thinking about it. “That day we first met- I had observed you training, and when you’d held your hand in the air, the inverted eye appeared over your hand.”
“Oh, yeah… I have no idea why, honestly,” Rose recalled. To think it had caused her to be so frightened in the moment, and now she wanted to do it again. 
“You said you’re of Sheikah descent, which is… a partial explanation,” Sooga then said, crossing his arms. “Though I do not understand why it would be inverted.” 
“Neither do I,” Rose looked down at the floor between them, sighing. “My only guess is that it was a manifestation of the anger I was feeling at that moment.”
“I don’t believe that would be the reason,” Sooga replied. “We Yiga do not use anger to fuel our powers.” 
Rose frowned. “Then I… don’t know.”
Silence fell between them, both pondering over the mystery at hand. But there was no explanation to be found, at least Rose thought so. “It’s not because I was like… thinking about you guys, right?”
“No,” Sooga replied. “If that were the case, then the Sheikah would be having the same issue every time a fight occurs.” 
Rose shook her head, brows furrowing. Then what was the cause?! Her parents hadn’t… lied to her, had they? But for what reason? None of it made any sense.
Sooga’s head then shifted upward, and he began to speak. “Rose, we should speak to Master Kohga.”
“Huh? Why?” She asked, confused.
“I have a question for him,” Sooga responded. “Come,” he then turned towards the door, walking away.
Following behind him, Rose had to sprint for a second to catch up. “Did you think of something?” She questioned, but Sooga did not reply. He simply kept marching forward, directly to Kohga’s quarters.
When they arrived, they were let in immediately. Kohga was laid on his back, a massive pile of banana peels beside him. He then jumped up, grumbling and stomping his foot. “What do you think you’re doing, interrupting my nap!” He snapped, before pausing at the realization of who he was yelling at. “O-oh. You two again.”
“Master Kohga,” Sooga interjected. “I’ve thought of something. You mentioned that Rose’s family name sounded familiar to you, yes?”
“Uhh, yeah,” the older man yawned, “why?”
“Was there ever anyone in the clan who shared that name?”
Kohga paused, before shaking his head. “Not that I can remember. But it’s possible,” he added, “I mean, you could look it up in the records, I guess.”
“Exactly my thought,” Sooga nodded, before turning back to face Rose. 
“After dinner, we shall head down to the library to search through the clan’s records.”
“Oh. O-okay,” she replied, unsure. She doubted her family’s name would be in there, but it seemed as though Sooga was certain they’d find some sort of evidence. “Um.. why not now?”
“I’d like to continue assessing your skill,” Sooga answered. “We shall return to doing so at once.”
“Wait! Before you go,” Master Kohga shouted, “I arranged that tattoo stuff for ya, Rose. You can get it whenever you have time.”
“Oh, okay,” she nodded. “Um… I assume that won’t be until Sooga is finished assessing me, as I’ll need time to heal.”
“Yes,” the taller man confirmed. “Possibly within the next few days.”
“Alright, well, if that’s all, then shoo! I wanna sleep,” Kohga waved them off. 
“Of course, Master Kohga,” Sooga gave him a bow, to which Rose quickly mirrored him. With that, they left the room.
Returning to Sooga’s training room, Rose followed him to the center of the room, once again onto the large mat. 
“So… what’s next?” She asked.
“I’d like to see how you perform in sword-fighting,” Sooga replied. “While I know you’re already ahead of the blademasters, I’d like to see exactly how skilled you are.”
“Oh,” Rose nervously replied. So she was going against Sooga, then? “R-right now?”
Sooga nodded. “Although it appears you do not have your katana. I’d like you to transport to your room and get it.”
“Alright,” she sighed. Just to her room and back? That couldn’t be too difficult, right? She’d never transported between walls, but since the steps were the same, it would hopefully be easy. Following the same steps she’d taken earlier, Rose then blinked to find herself now standing inside of her room, just as she’d hoped.
Smiling, she turned and grabbed her pink katana from where it leaned against the wall beside her bed. Tying it into place on the back side of her waist, she transported back to the training room, directly to the same spot she’d been standing in a moment ago. 
“Very good,” Sooga mumbled. “Now. I’d like you to practice the way you did when we met.” 
“Before you attacked me?” She inquired.
Sooga gave her a silent nod, to which she returned that. Drawing her katana, she thought back to that day. If her memory was correct, then she’d been focusing her anger and frustrations into her training. She was pretending to fight a Hylian knight. 
“Um, do you have a target?” She then asked, remembering her poor wooden dummy that she’d abandoned that day. 
“I do,” Sooga then went behind one of the four tall pillars, returning with a dummy. Though unlike her’s, this one was in good condition and mostly made of hay. After handing it off to her, he retreated to the side.
“Thanks,” she positioned it, and then breathed in deeply. Imagine it’s one of those damned knights.
Brows furrowing, Rose got into stance, before spinning and doing a double slash-attack on the dummy. Then, she dipped downward, as if she were dodging an attack, and thrusted her sword upwards as she rose, slicing through the target. A smile then formed on her lips. She hadn’t trained like this in a while. It felt good. 
Jumping back a couple of feet, Rose then raised her katana into the air, striking it down and sending thorns flying from it next. The thorns cut through the hay, disappearing into the dummy. With that, she held her left hand up high and channeled her energy, vines beginning to form in her palm. Aiming her hand at the dummy, vines rapidly sprouted and raced towards it, quickly consuming the entire thing. Had it been a living, breathing person, they would have been suffocating. 
For her final move, she locked the vines in place, ceasing their growth. With a light run to start her off, Rose teleported herself behind the dummy at the last second, flying about four feet in the air above it. Crashing down, her katana’s blade pierced through the center of it, and as she landed, the entire thing crumbled to pieces. 
Catching her breath, Rose stood up and looked over at Sooga, awaiting his thoughts on her performance.
“Well, you certainly destroyed one of my training targets,” he mumbled, stepping back onto the mat. “I had no doubt about your skill, to tell the truth.”
“Is that… a good thing?” Rose tilted her head in confusion, while sheathing her katana.
“Indeed,” Sooga replied. “There’s a reason they refer to you as Hyrule’s finest bounty hunter. Now. I’d like you to try fighting me.”
Now she felt nervous again. “Okay… it’s just… last time we fought, I… was obviously not doing well. You’re so strong and all…”
“We will use sparring weapons. They’re made entirely of dulled wood, and will be unable to cut you.”
“That’s… a little reassuring, I guess,” Rose sighed, as Sooga went back behind the pillar again, returning with three wooden sticks that had been vaguely carved into the shape of swords.
He handed her the smallest one, and kept the other two for himself. Holding them the way he would with his regular dual swords, he got into position on the mat. “You strike first. No powers allowed.”
“Not even transporting?” Sooga shook his head, giving her a silent ‘no’. Understanding, Rose also got into stance, thinking of what to try on him. When they’d fought on the day they’d met, he’d been able to somehow predict her every move. Now, she knew that he was just keeping a very careful watch on her. So, she’d need to be unpredictable. 
Beginning to run towards him, the sparring stick held in a way as though she were going to try and stab him, Rose allowed herself to slip to the ground at the last second, sliding behind him. But just before she could land a hit, Sooga twisted his upper-body to block the attack with one stick. 
“Clever,” he hummed, amusement evident in his tone. 
A chill going down her spine, Rose quickly followed his movements, seeing that he was about to fully twist around to try and hit her with the other stick. Rolling away, she could feel the stick hitting the ground right beside her. Being unpredictable seemed to be ineffective, then. Did nothing work against this man? Jumping to her feet, she spun around and swung the stick forward. 
But he blocked again. And again, as they both hastily moved, each trying to land a hit on one another. At the very least, Rose was proud to see that she’d been able to block or dodge his attacks, too. So she had improved, after all.
Although her slight ego boost didn’t last long in the end, as Sooga continued to fight, seemingly without breaking a sweat. Though she couldn’t tell for sure, of course. Regardless, Rose found herself growing weaker, as keeping up with the elite blademaster’s agility and precision wasn’t something she was used to. He, of course, dedicated his entire life to becoming stronger. Rose, on the other hand, had perfected her skills to her own liking, and hadn’t found it necessary to be overly powerful. Although that was now a thing of the past. 
Blocking a downwards attack from Sooga, Rose felt her arms shaking as she tried pushing against his two fake blades. She managed to hold him back for a few seconds, but her right arm quickly gave out as Sooga pushed harder. With the majority of his strength freely shoving against her, Rose ended up falling onto her back with a heavy ‘oof’, the training sword falling to the ground beside her.
Sooga was quick to kneel at her side, holding out a hand to presumably lift her up.
“You did well,” he praised, and though she couldn’t see through it, Rose had an odd feeling that he was smiling underneath the mask. 
Taking his hand and watching as it easily enveloped her’s, Rose smiled in return with a breathy “thank you”. 
Sooga brought the brunette to her feet with ease, though his hand lingered for a slight moment. It must’ve been for only a second, yet still, Rose found the gesture… strange. She couldn’t exactly describe how it made her feel, either.
“You truly have improved since our first encounter,” Sooga then added. “You were able to keep up with me for quite a while.” 
“Maybe, but be honest; were you going easy on me?” She asked, giving him a slight smirk.
“I was not,” he answered. “Though I was when we met.”
Rose was surprised to hear that. Eyes widened just a bit, she stared up at him with her lips parted, but she didn’t know what to say. “…what? Really?”
“It is the truth,” he spoke. “I am not a deceitful man.”
Rose then smiled again. “Yeah, I’ve come to learn that,” and then her face felt warm, but maybe it was just from the fighting. “I trust you. Fully.”
“As do I with you,” he replied.
So maybe the heat wasn’t from their training. Ignoring it, she decided to ask something, even if it was a bit risky. “Enough to see your face?”
That certainly caught him off guard. Tensing up and pausing, Sooga simply stared at her for a few seconds. “…not at the moment.”
Furrowing her brows, Rose couldn’t exactly make sense of his reply. “So does that mean, like… soon?”
“We’ll see,” he said. “Though it’s more… personal, than the trust we are discussing.”
Rose shrugged. “I get it. I’m just curious, is all.”
“Clearly,” he muttered. “But they say curiosity killed the cat, no?”
Rolling her eyes, Rose pursed her lips. “Mmhm. Because knowing what you look like will kill me.”
“It just might,” he chuckled. 
“Will you describe it, then?” She pleaded, perhaps a bit childishly. “I trust your word, don’t I?”
“…another time,” he decided.
Groaning, Rose crossed her arms, “alright, fine. Anyway, uh… is it dinner time yet? I’m starving.”
“Considering we have spent the majority of today training, I’m not surprised to hear that,” Sooga lightly shook his head. “But, yes.”
“Great!” Rose cheered. “Because now that I think about it… I haven’t really eaten since we left the stable.”
“I’m shocked you haven’t collapsed, then,” Sooga said, sounding rather concerned. 
She shrugged again. “Eh, it’s fine. But anyway, could you take me to the dining hall?”
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Leading Rose into the large room that was the Yiga Clan’s dining hall, he watched her closely as all the maskless faces in the room stared at them, some quietly looking, while others whispered and openly gawked at them. 
The young woman glanced from side to side, seemingly observing everyone’s dinner plates. 
“Do… you guys just eat bananas? That’s it?” She asked, audibly confused.
“For the most part, yes,” Sooga answered, in a much quieter voice. “Though with our ranking, we have more options available.”
“Does that mean we get, like, a private chef?” 
Her questions humored him. “No, nothing that extreme. Just a separate dining hall. It is off to the side there,” he gestured to their right, where the entryway was. “Come.”
Rose eagerly followed behind him, almost like an overexcited dog would. She hadn’t eaten in a whole day, no? Perhaps she was desperate to get to the food. Entering the small dining room, Sooga was a bit surprised to find it empty. Typically, Master Kohga was never late for dinner. But then again, they’d lost track of time while training, so Sooga didn’t exactly know what time it was. And to add to his surprise, it seemed that a third chair had already been added for Rose, directly across from his regular seat.
“You’ll sit here,” he informed her, running a hand over the wooden chair as he passed by it. Then he directed her over to the other end of the table, where an assortment of dishes lay out. Some portions had been taken already, which confirmed Sooga’s theory in thinking that Master Kohga had already stopped by. “Take anything you’d like,” he then added. 
But Rose was focused on something else. Following her gaze, he had nearly forgotten about Master Kohga’s giant banana horde, piled up as though it were an offering to Ganon himself. “Those… are mostly Master Kohga’s,” Sooga explained. “Though we are allowed to eat some.”
“By some do you mean we’d have to split one or something?” Rose giggled.
“Not that little,” he then grabbed two from the pile, holding one out for her to take. “Would you like one?”
“Uhh,” she hesitated, biting her lip. “Will I be banished if I say no?” 
Pausing, Sooga tried to understand what she possibly could’ve meant by that. “What?”
“Bananas… make me sick,” she sighed, averting her eyes. “But I guess they’re your main meal around here, so…”
Sooga then laughed, and not only had it made Rose jump, but also surprised him a slight bit. It’d been so long since he’d found anything this humorous. If this was only day two of having her around, then surely this woman would manage to have him in tears by the next month. 
“What’s so funny?” She demanded, pouting now.
“Forgive me,” he chuckled. “Nobody will banish you for not eating bananas. If anything, Kohga would simply say ‘more for me’ and move on.” 
Sighing, she took her plate from its spot in front of the chair and began placing food onto it. “That’s a relief.” 
Feeling curious, Sooga watched to see what she was gathering. He really didn’t know what foods she liked, especially if mighty bananas were not a part of her pallette. 
Rose seemed most interested in the less-meaty dishes. That, and she took a good amount of the freshly baked bread, plus a couple of vegetables. Then, she seemed to freeze in thought, her finger curled over her lips.
Glancing up at him, she then asked; “do you guys have any tomatoes around here?” 
“I can check the kitchen,” he answered. 
“Not if it’s out of the way,” she began to object, but Sooga had already made up his mind. If she desired tomatoes, he’d bring her the entire stock if she so wished. 
Leaving the room, Sooga marched through the dining hall and into the kitchen, ignoring how the now partially empty dining room went from being filled with loud chatter to hushed whispers as he passed through. 
There was one cook in the kitchen, though they were looking over supplies rather than making anything.
“You,” Sooga nodded toward them, as they bowed to him. “Hylian tomatoes. Where are they?”
“Uhhh,” the soldier hesitated, glancing around the room. They scattered over to a shelf, pulling forward woven-baskets to look through them. After a couple of seconds, they turned back to him with a handful of tomatoes. “Will this be enough, Lord Sooga?”
“I believe so,” he replied, taking them. “Thank you.”
Leaving the kitchen, he quickly made his way back to the private dining room, feeling rather eager to present the tomatoes to Rose. 
“I have your tomatoes,” he announced upon entering the smaller room, holding them out for her. 
Her eyes lit up, and a bright smile formed on her lips just after she swallowed the water she’d been drinking. Something about her when she was happy… It made him feel odd. As though he were overcome with an illness. 
“Oh, thank you Sooga!” She grinned, taking them from his palms and placing them onto her plate, immediately cutting one apart with her knife. 
“Of course,” he breathed, wondering if he should add an ‘anything for you’  or not. But in the end, he said nothing else and grabbed his plate, before remembering that he hadn’t taken his mask off around her yet. Just after he’d said she couldn’t look, too. Internally groaning, Sooga put the plate back down and sat. 
“You’re not going to eat?” Rose questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“I will,” he replied. “When you’re done, as I need to remove my mask…”
“Ohh,” Rose hummed. “I totally forgot. I can turn away, maybe?”
“That won’t be necessary,” he shook his head. “I can wait.”
“No really,” she then began to scoot her seat sideways. “I’ll face this way and you can face the opposite way.”
Giving in, Sooga turned his chair too. He then grabbed his meal before carefully removing his mask, placing it on the table. 
With that, the two ate in a comfortable silence. Sooga gave Rose quick, cautious glances, but not once did she attempt to sneak a look at him. He was thankful for her respectfulness. 
She finished her meal a bit earlier than he did, which made sense considering she’d started eating before he had. She waited patiently, still sitting faced away from Sooga. After a couple more minutes, he finished and secured his mask into place, turning to face her. 
“So… now what?” She asked.
“We head to the library to search through the clan’s records,” Sooga said. “I will show you the way. Come.”
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scarisd3ad · 10 months
You’re the greatest thing we’ve lost
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Part of the to the end and back series
A/n - not really anything to do with Daryl or the apocalypse but a little world building so let’s travel back 6 years to when reader first left for college.
Summary - deciding to leave your family to move out of the small town you grew up in and to the city for college was a hard but necessary choice.
With a sigh, I and my granddad finally finished packing the last bit of my belongings into the back of his pickup truck. Going to college was a tough decision, and although my grandparents would have loved me to stay back, help on the farm, and maybe work at a restaurant in town, I had my heart set on becoming a doctor. It was also a good idea. I wanted to be more than a mom, or a farm hand. I wanted to provide for my family if I ever decided to start one, and being a doctor would do just that.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” I asked, brows furrowing together as I stared down at the cross necklace that adorned my neck. One that ended up in a drawer two months later because I decided ‘I just didn’t believe anymore’. Maybe it was because I finally could think for myself when it came to religion.
“Why the hell would I be mad at ya?” Granddad asked. I shrugged. “Dunno just- because I’m leaving,” I whispered as my arms crossed over my chest. “You need’t leave honey, need to be better than your grandma, and I,” he whispered. As tears welled up in my eyes, I nodded in agreement. The thought of leaving and never being able to return left me feeling anxious. I had the biggest dreams, but what if I was just not able to accomplish them because of my attachment to home? “What if I miss you?” I whispered. He grabbed my hand in both of his and caressed it with his thumb. “Then we’ll come out and see ya, honey”
“What if I miss home?” he sighed as he let go of my hand “Then ya can come visit, everythin’ will be alright” I nodded, Maybe everything would be alright. Perhaps I could handle it, but the thought of going to college still made me nervous. Although it was only an hour or two away, my entire life was going to change. I would have to make new friends, sleep in a new bed, and attend new classes. No longer would I be in my small town with the same 50 people in all my classes.I would no longer be sleeping in my childhood bed with my little brother no more than 2 doors away. There was going to be more than a room between my brother and me, which was something I had never experienced. “yeah” I whispered. “Everything will be alright” I added. I walked over to my brother and threw my arms around his shoulders in a tight hug.
He was only a couple of years younger than me, so this was the beginning of the end for us as we knew it. In a few years, Matt would go to college and then we’d both move to different states or towns. Then we’d only talk to each other on the phone or at Christmas and Thanksgiving. That happened to my mom and her sister, so who said it couldn’t happen to us? I desperately didn’t want that to happen. I wanted my brother to live in the room next to me forever.
“I’m gonna miss you,” I whispered as I buried my face in his shoulder. “Me too,” he whispered as his arms wrapped around my torso. “I love you so much, Matty,” I mumbled. His left hand begins to rub small circles into my back as he grumbles a quiet “Love you too” he was too embarrassed to admit how much we both loved each other; he was a typical teenager when it came to expressing his love for his family. “don’t steal my room” I giggled as I blink back tears, “I will” he said as a laugh vibrates through his chest. I slapped his arm as I pulled away from the hug. He had gotten taller than me during the summer between his freshman and sophomore years of high school, so now I sadly had to look up to even speak to him. “I do love you Matty” he rolled his eyes. “don’t call me Matty,” he murmured. Matty was his baby nickname. The nickname we’d coo lovingly when he was a baby and toddler, but now we just called him in moments like this or when we wanted to tease him. Despite his annoyance around the nickname, he’d always be Matty to me.
“My baby, my Matty!” 2-year-old me screamed when my mother tried taking newborn Matt away from me. He had always been my baby, even when I was 4 and teaching him how to talk. Or when I was 7 and walked him into his first day of kindergarten, he held onto my hand with a backpack 10 times his size on his back. And even now, when we were 18 and 16, I was going off to college and probably wouldn’t see him for months. He was still my baby. “don’t be a jerk, Matty,” I whispered as I shoved his arm teasingly. “I love you too,” he whispered as his arms crossed over his chest and his cheeks turned red with embarrassment.
Even though none of his friends were here, he still was so embarrassed to show love towards his sister. “Just come visit sometimes, okay? Don’t want you went for long” I nodded. I didn’t expect to stay away for more than a week. I knew I’d probably be right back in this driveway next weekend doing the same thing. “I won’t promise.”
“I’ll call you when I get to my dorm, k?” he nodded. “Yeah okay” I watched as his eyes pool with tears. Crying was not common for Matt; I don’t think I had seen him cry since he was 12. “I’ll miss you,” he muttered as he blinked back tears. “a lot...May-maybe I can go to Georgia State too and we can share an apartment when I move up there,” he whispered. I smiled as tears pooled in my eyes as well. “Yeah, t-that would be cool.”
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