#i’m literally the bravest boy ever
ramicat · 4 months
shakinn crying g throqing up barfing kn the floor rolkjng over and dying
(spoke to 3 entire new people online and actually it went fine)
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sabo-has-my-heart · 11 months
hi! I’ve just found this blog! I’m getting back to one piece after a long time and was wondering if I could please ask for an Izou, Ace and Marco HC’s?
So you know how Luffy idolised shanks a the red hair pirates as a kid? How about the mentioned three with a little girl who’s maybe the daughter/granddaughter of the bar owner and sees them quite often (maybe the island belongs to whiteboard) and is always excitedly following them around when they visit. How about her saying she’ll become a big brave pirate and wants to marry them once she’s old enough? Like a little girl crush maybe?
If you’re not comfortable with the crush then her being a big fan of them is fine! Thank you!
This is so cute! Just this adorable little girl with her little girl crush like kids do sometimes (I know I had one). As a note, just because she has a childish crush, does not mean that this is romantic in any way nor do I condone such things!
Warnings: slight Wano spoilers, little girl crushes
Word Count: 690
     Every time you saw their ship on the horizon, you couldn’t help but become giddy. He was coming, he was almost here, you’d get to see him again! Your ‘first crush’ as everyone called him. You were insistent that you were going to marry him though! You weren’t just a stupid kid! You were going to be one of the biggest, bravest pirates out there. You were going to become so great that Whitebeard would have no choice but to change his ‘only guys’ rule and allow you to be on his crew! Then once you were on his ship you were going to marry your love! Until then, you’d greet them at the docks, running towards their ship as fast as your little 10-year-old legs would allow.
100% thinks of you as a kid sister.
He thinks you’re the most adorable little girl ever.
Just so sweet and cute.
If he were the kind of person who ruffles hair, he’d totally ruffle your hair.
Instead he dresses you up in nice kimonos. 
You’d wanted to dress like him so you’d tried wrapping a bed sheet around yourself.
He’d chuckled and helped you out, saying that next time he’d bring you a real kimono. 
Said you looked like a little doll once you were dressed up and in make-up. 
When you’re not around, he asks if there’s any little boys interested in you. 
Partially to protect you and partially so you become interested in somebody your own age (seriously, he’s 43 pre Marineford!)
Still encourages you to follow your dreams, whether that’s becoming a pirate or simply protecting those you love. 
Tells you all sorts of stories about Wano, his sister, Oden, and the other samurai.
Also tells you a lot of Wano fairytales.
Has taught you how to shoot. 
Seriously, he cares about you, you’re like family to him.
Tries, repeatedly, to tell you you’re too young for marriage (and too young for him, cough cough) or to be thinking about marriage.
Lots of head pats.
Indulges you and lets you play nurse.
You do actually help him when they dock.
You help him with organizing things, restocking, and ‘bandaid duty’.
You literally just hand out bandaids to people who ‘need’ them. 
Being the adorable little girl who follows him around, he’s noticed a lot more people needing bandaids while they’re at your island. 
Has let you curl up for a nap while he was in phoenix form. 
Niece-uncle vibes. 
Always sighs in exasperation when you say you’re going to marry him no matter what.
He doesn’t want to crush you, but he doesn’t want to indulge that either.
Tells you that being a pirate is hard work and tries to encourage other things while not crushing your dream to become a pirate. 
He wouldn’t mind if you became a pirate, but for safety reasons, he’d rather you take over your mother’s bar.
Because of his phoenix form, people call you his ‘duckling’.
Omg, ALL the big brother vibes!
Calls you his little sister, ruffles your hair, just so much big brother shit!
It makes you pout. He’s treating you like a kid!
You’re his future wife, how dare he treat you like a child!
You claiming to be a big, brave pirate reminds him of Luffy.
He absolutely encourages it and says that you’ll totally be accepted onto Whitebeard's crew
Knows you likely won’t
Plays pirates with you so long as you don’t pretend he’s your ‘pirate husband’. 
Defends his decision to play with you by saying that he doesn’t want to crush your dreams
Which is kind of true, but he also loves being a big brother to you. 
Is the least strange of the three to say you want to marry him. (he’s 20, not 40)
Still doesn’t want to indulge the idea of getting married though.
For so many reasons.
Tells you so many stories about Luffy.
Calls Luffy your ‘other big brother’.
Treats you kind of like how he treated Tama.
Teaches you all sorts of things like tying knots, navigation, etc. things you’ll need to become a pirate. 
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juanitasuniverse1144 · 4 months
I’m a theorist, I have so so so many headcanons it’s ridiculous. This could also be called ‘I explain questionable theories and you get upset because I managed to keep it in universe’.
One of my headcanons I’m exploring right now is kink/*wink wink* with my book Darkest Desires 🩷💙 (Genuinely writing it has been so hard and I’m losing resolve but it’s coming along!)
Now, when you think of our cinnamon roll couple you probably don’t go to the same place I do mentally so lemme break it down:
⭐️ As a person who is throughly traumatized and hangs out around a generation almost exclusively traumatized, I can say without a doubt most of us have multiple kinks (and shady ones at that).
Resulting headcanon: Bruh come on. These two are so traumatized, especially Steven. Sure he grew up pretty innocent, but trust me, innocence is sadly (and thankfully) not forever. Of course Steven still cries at everything and loves to sing and gets excited over nothing and he’s ADORABLE but well… once he is introduced there’s no telling what the hell is going to happen but it’s bound to be interesting.
⭐️ Connie is a sci-fy nerd. It’s in her blood, she loves to read, she’s savvy and smart. They literally acted out The Familiar Unfamiliar. Connie is nothing short of a dork and we love her for that.
Resulting headcanon: Connie totally writes and/or reads fanfiction. In Dark Desires, that’s the segue into kink because on one of Connie’s tabs is a bunch of saved kinky stories.
⭐️ Steven is a giant puppy boy. He’s playful and tries to be cheerful and his puppy dog eyes are a direct attack on you specifically. He’s so so cute 🥺 Someone who possess all that strength and is yet so gentle is just super powerful to me. Like he could destroy a whole lot before anyone got close to taking him down, and yet he chooses kindness almost all of the time.
Resulting headcanon: Steven is a power switch. He’s kind of a selfish lover, and I totally 98% believe Connie accidentally becomes a pillow princess most of the time. He likes to do the work to make her feel nice, it rarely ever crosses his mind to help himself along. Her pleasure is his, so it would make sense to me that regardless of the position, Stevens the gusto. The ones you’d expect to be gentle lovers are the ones with the most bang to their buck often, and Steven is a very passionate and expressive man. That would totally translate into “snuggle time” with Connie. *exhales* Wow keeping that PG-Debatable was hard.
⭐️ Connie is finally in control of her life after picking up that sword and swearing allegiance to the Crystal Gems. She doesn’t need to wield one anymore (not really) but she’s one of the bravest and fiercest knights in Gem Culture (and how can she not be with not dying in her weak human skin suit). Stevens hyperaffectionate, sweet and genuinely starving for her at all times. She’s independent so sometimes it can be too much, but she most often humors him with those cheeks still soft with baby fat and his cute face.
⭐️ Resulting headcanon: Submissive leaning switch. Period. COME ON, the people who fight the hardest in their everyday life could never be a full submissive, just like Steven probably isn’t a full dominant. Puzzle pieces. Of course she likes teasing and bossing him around (with consent) and of course Steven would do anything she asked him to do if he can find a way to do it. But sometimes your giant half alien boyfriend/fiance/husband is stressed and needs to release some stress in a healthy way that ends with cuddles and nap time.
I guess this is where my headcanon maybe diverges from things based on factual personality traits but I think Steven grows up to be a little jaded. It often happens when a lot of people your age just don’t relate to the things you’ve been through. You chameleon (mask) to match people’s energies if you can find the tolerance for it, but you never really truly feel like you fit in unless you’re with other traumatized people. Plus, hanging out with humans is gonna round him out a little, and he’ll pick up on human things especially geared towards men (though I personally think our Stevens closer to Gender-Fluid just leaning on masculine pronouns as preference).
⭐️ Resulting headcanon: Stevens a terminal flirt once he hits his middle to late 20’s. He likes when Connie blushes, he thinks it’s adorable so I’m sure Steven would spend a lot of his time flirting with her (now whether or not it’s working is the question) using his Universe Charm~ 😂 I’m positive Connie would find it hilarious with him shooting finger guns and being a goofball with curly hair and baby cheeks.
Anyways, no one asked for this and I’m screaming into the void but I had to get this out or I would die.
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vividviverrid · 10 months
make the word tag 🖊️
thank u for the tag @kahvilahuhut !!!!!! :))
RULES: Using the 3 random words given to you, you have to write a scene either using all 3 words in one scene OR write three separate scenes using each word separately.
my words were chair, moon & beverage ; i tried to figure out what to write for beverage but i just COULD NOT omfg im so sorry. so there's only two 😭
i tag anyone who sees this with the words fun, gold and stars!
i. chair
“Sit down, please,” Xorna says. “Goodness, even the guards are scared of you.”
Jessica continues pacing through the main room of the castle, her boots stomping several loud thuds into the tile beneath. She’s biting her fingernails, making furious noises between each gnaw that really are starting to scare the guards, Xorna can sense. She’s ignoring Xorna, which is the bravest thing she’s ever seen any human do.
“I just don’t — I don’t get it,” Jessica hisses. She doesn’t stop moving, continues fluttering about the castle like a fragile Earth moth. “Soren’s not -- I mean, he’s always had a dark sense of humor, but he’d never threaten anyone else unless it was for a good reason.”
“Maybe he thinks you’re a good reason.”
“He should know I wouldn’t want him to hurt anyone.”
Xorna gives her a sad look. She approaches Jessica with caution -- as if approaching a terrified, cowering creature -- and places a hand on her shoulder with a surprising amount of tenderness, an amount she could never have imagined exerting for a human before today.
“If I let you sit in my chair, will you finally talk to me instead of at me?”
“What do you care? You’re a de—wait.” Her face twists. “Your chair… the throne? You’d let me sit in the throne of this place?”
“...Desperate times. What do you say?”
ii. moon
Zee buries his head in his hands. It’s cold out, dark. He can feel things like that now -- physical sensations like cold and pain, mental sensations like cold and pain. There aren’t a lot of stars in Knife’s Edge; the sky above is merely a flood of black with white specks scattered across it like scraps of street litter. There’s no point in looking up, and he’s too familiar with looking down, so yes, he buries his head in his hands, runs his fingers over his insectoid-rough skin, and tries to remember what a lack of sentience is like.
But he’s not even allowed peace. “Hey, bee boy. You lost?”
It’s Ivy’s voice. He groans, makes a point of his sigh. 
“That’s a loaded question,” Zee replies, through sharp teeth.
She takes a seat next to him on the bench. “I feel that.” Ivy laughs. “It’s kinda easy to get lost, isn’t it? Here at the mansion, and also, just, like, in general. It’s all so fucking complicated. We didn’t sign up for this.”
“I didn’t sign up for any of this. I don’t even want to be here.”
“Yeah, I don’t either, but life isn’t always fair, Zee. Sometimes you just gotta deal.” Ivy begins humming, an indiscernable tune. “Ugh, I can’t believe I’m fucking saying this. You have to look at the bright side. Sure, the person who created you is batshit insane and evil, and sure, now you have to kill the person who gave you life, but…. but you know what? I’m not helping.”
“You’re trying, so thanks. I just can’t see any bright side.”
“Then look at something bright?” Ivy suggests with a telling laugh. “C’mon, Zee. Look at something.”
Zee groans again, but his hands recoil to his sides. His eyes open, and he looks up on instinct.
“The moon’s bright,” he says.
“There you go. There’s always a bright side, even in total darkness. Sometimes it’s a literal bright side, and you’re just looking at the moon, but at least the moon is still there.”
“That’s too profound for someone like you.”
“Well, it’s mainly Winter’s brownies talking. Think of it this way: at least you don’t have to do this shit alone.”
Zee nods. “Yeah,” he says. “I guess.”
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irish-urn · 2 years
LWD: “Male Code Blue”
OKAY I FINALLY FOUND A WAY TO WATCH THESE AGAIN (and I just... Don’t wanna do any more work today. I’m done; no more).
Gosh, Casey is looking some pretty for a family supper... And George sticking his tongue out at Nora? (older!Dasey anyone...?)
My gosh. Neither Sam nor Casey have ANY chill. Nora says the word, “crush”, and they both flinch wildly. Like, I know this is a TV show and they have to make it ~obvious~ but my gosh. My dudes. I am embarrassed for you.
Oh, Sam. I can already see why Sam/Casey don’t work out: he struggles to stand up to either Casey or Derek.
Welp, Sam. If you didn’t want Derek to know about your thing for Casey, you’ve sure ruined that now. The hardness in Derek’s voice and the look he just shot Sam... Oh boy. Poor Sammy. He doesn’t deserve this. He deserves a kinder TV show.
PAUL YOU ARE THE BEST. That grin you get when Casey starts gushing about Sam -- like. You just genuinely care. And then the way you ask about Derek’s feelings... You are SUCH a good guy. And perceptive!!!
OKAY, COSTUME DEPARTMENT, YOU ARE ON FIRE!!! That guy walking in front of Derek with the “Didn’t your parents teach you how to share sweatshirt” RIGHT AS DEREK SEES CASEY AND SAM FLIRTING. Damn, Costume Dept. You understood this assignment.
Derek clarifying that step-siblings are also off-limits according to the Male Code... I don’t know if that’s him cutting off Sam’s argument that Casey isn’t his sister -- because, bless Sam, but he’s been very consistent in calling Casey and Derek stepsiblings -- or him clarifying it for himself. Maybe both? At this point in the game, Derek doesn’t seem to mind calling Casey a sister (or sis) if it benefits him...
And just when I think Nora is a better parent than George, she shows that she’s as out of the loop with their kids’ lives as him... And now they’re having this conversation about literally this very thing... George, George, George... I’m gonna have to think about this for a while. Because I... I like you, but my gosh.
Derek, you are trying to convince yourself that you’re okay with this, and you are so obviously not. I wish the camera would actually let you be alone with your emotions for one minute. It would do you a world of good.
Casey is so brave. I love her so much. Look at her trying to talk to Sam about things. She is so brave.
DEREK, YOU LITTLE CREEPER, watching from around the corner!!! Also, also: I think he feels bad for Casey. Maybe Sam too, but he’s watching Casey try not to cry, and it’s like... He doesn’t understand what his heart is doing. That’s the face of someone feeling things they don’t understand. 
Passive-aggressive Casey is hilarious.
Lizzie is the best sister. What an excellent support to Casey and her craziness.
Every now and again I see how Sam has handled Derek over the years, and I’m glad he has SOME backbone. And all these comments about Derek making ALLLLL the rules...
(something something about Derek making the rules and Casey following them... let me sit on that one for a while)
Edwin (1) calling Casey his sister when she’s not around is the cutest thing ever; and (2) offering to give Sam girl advice because he’s gotten his first girlfriend is also FANTASTIC. And then he actually gives good advice. What a good boy.
So. George and Nora have just DISMALLY failed a quiz about how well they know each other, hear Derek and Sam wrestling, and don’t even go to check it out???? They just! I just!! YOU. GUYS. No WONDER Lizzie is mad. I’m mad!!!
Sam actually grabbing Casey by the waist to keep her from killing Derek. Honestly the bravest thing he’s done all episode. 
...is Derek fixing his collar a nervous habit? Is that something he does to give himself a moment to think? (He looks VERY nervous/almost scared right now in the face of a fierce Casey.)
Casey spinning on Sam to shout at him -- I adore her.
The way Derek looks at her when she’s shouting at Sam... I think it’s a mix of relief that she’s no longer screaming at him, amusement at her (because I think he is often WILDLY amused by her), and evil glee that her and Sam might not actually get together... He is still, however, offended when she calls him an idiot (drama king).
And then he gives permission. He’s not hiding that he’s not happy about this, but... Still. Look at his growth!!
Sam, you should have LISTENED TO YOUR HEART. Both Venturi boys are DUMBOS.
Okay. Do I think Derek is aware he has feelings? Yes. Do I think he knows what these feelings are? ...unsure. I can see him ignoring them, pretending that they’re not what they are... 
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‘Where are we going, Niki?’ Cel asked, glancing around the corridor, trying to trace the path that her friend was dragging her down. Usually she’d have managed it, but not today. Not after her worries about Freddie had surfaced. Not after the little boy who was like a younger brother to her had all but shrunk away from her because of what some -
‘There was a noise,’ Niki said, cutting her thoughts off. She could hear the barest trace of fear behind his voice, snapping her attention to him in an instant. ‘Down here.’
‘And you want me to check it out?’
Nikolai shrugged. ‘You are the bravest -’
‘Flattery will literally get you nowhere, Holland,’ she assured him, but she was already slipping her wand out of her robes. Already trying to figure out if she should stun and then ask questions, or dare a moment to figure things out.
‘In there,’ he said, nodding towards what looked like little more than a broom closet.
‘If it’s Mrs Norris again -’
‘Cel!’ he whined.
Celine huffed, shook her head ever so slightly, and then hauled the door open.
The thing was barely open a crack before she felt hands on her back. She stumbled into the darkness, collided with something squidgy. Before she could round on the door again, she heard it click closed. Cutting off the sounds of Nikolai’s laughter.
Behind her, someone cursed in Spanish.
‘Dante?’ she asked, murmuring her wand alight.
His scowl filled her vision, but seemed to soften ever so slightly when he realised it was her. His dark eyes flicked to the door behind her. ‘How’d he get you here? Tell you there was free prank materials.’
Cel rolled her eyes. There was no point trying the door, it would only irritate Dante, and she couldn’t imagine that he hadn’t already attempted the same thing.
‘You know George owns a prank supplies shop, right Danny?’ she countered, a small smile curling her lips. It was only now that she realised he was the squidgy thing she’d collided with. In the small space of the cupboard they were practically nose-to-nose. She could feel his breath tickling the side of her face.
‘And you constantly take advantage of that?’ Danny’s voice was low, the barest hint of disbelief behind it.
‘Of course not, Dante,’ she said, trying to stand a little taller. She didn’t know why the comment had irked her, but she felt the need to defend herself. ‘Why would I do that?’
‘You wouldn’t.’
‘Why would I ruin…? What?’ Cel’s anger dissipated as his words finally got through to her, even though he had spoken softly.
Dante angled his head slightly, as if he were bowing it to her. She felt his breath on her cheek when he spoke. ‘You are many things, Celine Newton, but a person who takes advantage of others? That’s not one of them.’
Cel felt the heat rushing up her cheeks. She lowered her wand as if that might dim the light enough for him not to realise.
The small smirk on his lips gave away that her luck had run out.
Forcibly, she turned her attention away from him, away from his lips and the urge to finally step over that line of friendship that she had been dangerously tightrope walking for months now.
She shuffled around in the space so she could rest a hand on the wood of the door. ‘I guess you tried all the usual spells,’ she said, more statement than question. ‘I’m going to kill Niki when we get out of here.’
Dante chuckled softly, reached around her waist to try the handle. No such luck. ‘Not if I do it first.’
Once again, she tried to ignore the tickle of his breath, tried to focus on getting out of the enclosed space. Nikolai may have had good intentions with his little attempt to help them finally brave their feelings, but she wasn’t grateful for it. They would, eventually, figure things out for themselves. It was just a matter of being patient, and in this case, Cel was happy to wait for them both to be comfortable.
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homoose · 2 years
😬🧸🛏 bc I love love
pairing: Hotch x gn!reader
content warnings: a lil sad boi mome, dummies in love, vague mention of case-related violence
emojis: confessing feelings, exes with feelings, only one bed (and I’m throwing in showing up at the other’s door begging for comfort from @brywrites 2nd prompt!)
a/n: hi! i love love too 🥲 this is SO dramatic my god lmao DON’T come for me about any cringe okay
Thanks to a desperate call from an overwhelmed sheriff in rural Oklahoma, the team was doubled up in the only hotel in town while investigating a series of brutal and ritualistic murders. Everyone had paired off as usual: Derek and Spencer, JJ and Emily… Except Alex was speaking at a conference, and Rossi was away on unspecified “business.”
Which left you. And Hotch.
A few months ago, this would have been the dream. Being able to find comfort in your significant other after a grueling day of crime scene photos and hostile rookies? It was quite literally the perfect scenario.
That was, until Hotch put an end to your relationship— abruptly, awkwardly, and without warning— six weeks ago.
You considered yourself lucky that you’d kept it to yourselves. And that you’d never accidentally slipped during a night out. And that Hotch didn’t tend to share too much of his dating life with the team. Because if they’d known you were together— and then not together— you didn’t think you’d be able to handle it.
If any of the team had noticed anything awry, no one had mentioned it. Working together was slightly uncomfortable, but you’d worked too hard to get here. You’d fought for your place in the Bureau, and you’d worked years to become skilled enough for the BAU. A few uncomfortable moments wasn’t going to ruin that accomplishment.
As soon as Hotch returned with the room keys, avoiding your eyes, you knew your fate had been sealed. The both of you put on your bravest faces as you all split up to the various rooms spread throughout the tiny hotel.
The walk to the room was silent. Hotch carried his go bag in one hand and the key in the other. You kept your eyes on his back as you followed him down the hall, and prayed for the miracle of two double beds. Hell, you’d even take a cot.
Hotch swung the door open, holding it for you as you passed inside. You sighed at the layout of the room: a tiny desk, a ratty chair, a television set from 1996… and a double bed. One. Singular.
“I’ll take the floor,” Hotch immediately announced.
You dropped your bag onto said floor. “Don’t be stupid, Hotch. You’ll never sleep. And at the risk of sounding like Reid, do you have any idea how filthy that floor is?” Your lip curled in disgust. “And anyway, if there’s ever been an incentive to solve a case quickly,” you gestured between the two of you, “this is it.”
With that, you turned to the tiny bathroom, closing the door behind you and immediately stripping down for a shower.
You were quite proud of yourself for the quip. Maybe it wasn’t the most kind or mature way to handle the situation, but he hadn’t left you much choice. He hadn’t spoken to you in private since ending things, and it wasn’t like you could ask him about it at work. And you definitely weren’t going to show up to his apartment, not when Jack would almost certainly be there.
If it wasn’t feigned nonchalance and witty one-liners, it was going to be tears and embarrassment. And that was absolutely not an option.
You emerged from the shower with a sense of resolve. You could handle a few nights in the same bed with Aaron Hotchner. It was work. He was your boss. He was not your boyfriend.
You could handle it. But you’d have preferred a king size bed over the double.
The mattress dipped in the center from years of wear, which gave it a slant that felt rather like the side of a mountain. This was fine when both parties were awake and able to maintain distance. But then it was five hours later and your alarms were going off.
Hotch had always been a quick riser. One alarm and he was ready for the day. You required a bit more time. As such, your first alarm was set for 5:05.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you heard the alarm go off, felt the bed shift, and heard the room go quiet. But you were comfortable and warm, snuggled up against the pillow, and so you enjoyed the additional nine minutes of sleep.
The second time the alarm sounded, you were slightly more awake, and you reached toward the table to shut it off. Before your hand came in contact with the phone, however, the alarm was quieted. And the pillow was… quite firm. And it smelled… quite familiar.
All at once you shot up in bed, head colliding with the chin of your companion.
“Sorry, sorry.” You rubbed your head and peered at Hotch through bleary eyes. “You could have told me to move over.”
He shrugged. “You were tired. I didn’t mind.”
You swallowed. “You still could have said something.” You moved from the bed, grabbing your bag and heading to the bathroom.
The case progressed rapidly. The victims were all the same age, same build, same complexion, same hair. In a town this small, it was easy enough to narrow down the suspect pool, and it snowballed from there. The take down was relatively smooth, and though it was a late night, Hotch made the call to fly out on a red eye.
You’d handled it. You’d made it through to the other side. You’d slept next to your boss, your ex, and you’d kept it cordial and professional.
You were also well and truly heartbroken.
It hadn’t hit you until you realized that the scent of his shampoo had permeated your shirt. You thought you’d moved on, or at least that your feelings had dissipated. And then you woke up next to him, and you smelled like him, and he was back in your head like he’d never left.
You slept well that night, if only because you cried yourself to sleep.
You’d gotten used to the paranoia of your phone going off on a weekend day. It happened often enough that the anxiety had shifted to a sort of acceptance. Sure enough, by mid afternoon, a text came through from Hotch. You sighed aloud at the message— it had been less that 24 hours since taking off from Oklahoma.
You decided to allow yourself five more minutes to read your book before answering.
The door buzzer startled the book straight out of your hand. You caught your breath and picked the book up off the floor, setting it on the coffee table as you rose to answer.
“It’s me.” Hotch’s voice crackled through the speaker. “Can I— is this a bad time?”
Your panicked heart skipped a beat. “Um. A bad time for what?”
There was a beat of scratchy silence over the intercom, and then he answered, “For us to talk.”
“Aaron…” You closed your eyes and let your forehead come to rest on the door frame. “I don’t have anything to say.”
“That’s okay. I have more than enough for the both of us.” You heard his voice crack on the end. “Please. Just give me five minutes. Please.”
You let go of the intercom button and paused to consider. This is what you’d wanted, right? A chance to air things out, to figure out what went wrong, to yell and scream at him. It was a lie that you didn’t have anything to say. But everything you wanted to say was pathetic, and that was the last thing you wanted to be.
But you supposed you could listen. What was another fracture in your already broken heart?
You buzzed the door and waited while he ascended the stairs, unlocking the deadbolt and standing in the door frame. When he rounded the top of the stairs dressed in jeans and a quarter zip, you took a deep breath in.
He crossed the threshold in your apartment, and you stood in silence for a long moment, just staring at each other.
“I’m sorry.”
The words didn’t burst from his mouth, but rather they dropped into your lap like an anvil. And then he murmured your name and repeated them. “I’m so, so sorry.”
He clasped his hands together briefly and then shook them out, as if shaking away the nerves. “I know it’s not fair or ethical for me to put you in this position. But I— I made a horrible mistake. And I understand if you can’t forgive me, but I can’t live with it like this anymore.”
You folded your arms across your chest, defensive but protective all the same. “You’ve got five minutes.”
He nodded and began, “My life with Haley was the life I thought I’d always have. I’d never known life without her, so when she was gone, it felt like that was it.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Like it was just going to be me and Jack. And I was fine with that. I preferred it to the alternative, actually. Because moving on with someone else felt like a betrayal. Especially because I blamed myself for her death.”
You watched as he fiddled with the hem of his sweater. “And then I met Beth, and I started to go a little easier on myself, but I didn’t know what I was doing.” He shrugged. “I’d never dated as an adult, and it was fun and exciting, but then it was over. And it was amicable, and I wasn’t heartbroken, but it was the end of another life— life with Beth. And I think I sort of let myself return to the idea of that being it.”
He raised his eyes to meet yours. “And then you walked into my office. And you were smart, and driven, and kind. Blisteringly funny, and fiercely loyal, and an instant fit for the team.”
You slowly uncrossed your arms, waiting for him to get to the point.
“And over those first few months I realized that I had been living another life all along— my life with the team. And they’re so much more than that, of course. They’re family. They’ve seen me through some of my darkest days, and they’re the first people I think of when I’ve got something to celebrate.”
His eyes filled with that warmth that you’d become so accustomed to over the past two years. He gestured vaguely with his hands. “And then you just— you blended into it so quickly that I missed the part where you became more.”
He shifted his weight back and forth a bit and admitted, “But then it felt like we were hiding, and I felt Jack getting attached, and I got the paperwork for the transfer to California.”
“Hotch, I was never interested in that job—”
“I know,” he interrupted. “I know that now. But I didn’t then. And it was— long distance was not going to be an option. And I had to stop things where they were before it became life with you. Because I didn’t think I could handle losing that, too.”
He took a deep breath and expelled it on a sigh. “And then this week, I—” His eyes glossed over at that, and he shook his head. “The double bed, and all the victims that looked like you. It— it was too much. Like this sick reminder that I had already lost you.”
He moved imperceptibly closer. “And maybe I have lost you. If I have, you can be honest, and I’ll be— I’ll— I’ll be your unit chief. I can do that if I have to. Because I know what the team means to you, and I would never take that from you.” He pressed his lips together, gathering himself. “But if I haven’t lost you yet, I— I’m asking you to consider having a life with me. A real one, in the open, with Jack and the team and all of it.”
It was quiet for all of ten seconds, just the labored breathing between the two of you holding back tears. And then you were wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burying your face in his neck. His arms came around your waist, holding you tightly to his chest.
“You haven’t lost me yet, Hotchner,” you whispered. He squeezed you even tighter, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. You held him a moment longer before pulling out of his arms to continue, “But you’re on thin ice, so— you better watch it.”
send me an emoji combo for a blurb!
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
the danny bunch helping you with a panic attack
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hiiii!! so i wrote this because i struggle with severe anxiety and panic attacks are common for me. this weekend has been absolute crap for me SO i’m writing this for myself and anyone else who struggles with anxiety out there. this is based off the symptoms i normally get with my anxiety, but i know they’re not uncommon so hopefully all of you can find some comfort in this maybe :)
alex kerner: it really doesn’t take much for him to start understanding. he notices your quietness and sort of touchiness because you’re trying to pretend nothing is happening, and when he’s like “woah hey, what’s wrong?” you just like. lose it. and he’s sort of confused but doesn’t show it as you cry and like, gasp for breath. “i know you can’t breathe but let’s just try… there, you’re doing great.” after that he’s literally the most supportive and always lets you grab him when you need to and recognizes the signs. he always tells you how proud he is of you after you’ve worked through it and you’re laying against him catching your breath as tears silently roll down your cheeks.
niki lauda: okay i have like a THING about this. at first he’s like. “??? what’s the problem?” and like doesn’t understand why tf you’re having a breakdown and being all irritable and touchy in the moment. (tbh he’s very unhelpful the first time because he’s just like “if you don’t have a specific reason to be panicking then like,,, stop?? tf??”) but he later apologizes and promises he’s going to start trying his best to help you. he lets you twist his curls and grasp his hand, “niki i feel lightheaded” “i’ve got you, i’ve got you. you’re going to be okay soon enough” and like if you get overwhelmed in public places that man literally has no shame in being like “let’s go, come on” to make you feel better because niki gives 0 craps about what people think (as we know). though he doesn’t ever fully understand it doesn’t mean he isn’t your #1 supporter
zemo: this man is? a mental health expert? a therapist?? i mean i’m sure he’s had his fair share of panic attacks and or depressive episodes, so he is like on the ball right away. don’t want to be touched? no wait you actually want to hold his hand? okay don’t touch me but talk to me- nO not that topic switch topics wrong vibe wrong vibe- this man literally deals with anything you throw at him. and when you’re embarrassed after the attack calms and you’re just kinda crying and covering your face, he’s assuring you that you aren’t a burden and he’s so proud of you for allowing yourself to feel how you needed to feel and made it through even though it was uncomfortable for you. this man doesn’t want to lose anyone else and he is just SO incredibly supportive like pls #zemoismytherapist?
andrea marowski: oh, baby boy. he probably gets freaked out that you’re freaked out the first time it happens. luckily you kinda know how to get through it as best you can by yourself, but he’s just so sad and like “i should’ve helped more i’m so useless omfg.” and personally (i apologize fellow andrea stans) i feel like he’s not as good comforting in the moment as he is after. like he gets kinda overwhelmed and nervous when you’re having a panic attack, but he’s very good at aftercare and being there for you after. he’s very cuddly and wipes your tears while you kinda hiccup and get all embarrassed. “you are the bravest person i know, i love you.” he always makes you tea and just lets you cuddle him, and even if you don’t talk much he’ll talk to you and just tell you about anything and everything which makes you feel all safe and warm and fuzzy with him🤍🤍
sorry about the lack of content i’m literally just 😀 lately i stg i’ll publish more stuff im so sorry but here’s a quick hc
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wishuhadstayed · 3 years
It Takes a Village
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Word Count: about 3000
Summary: when the Hotchner fam is in need, it’s a good thing to have many helping hands. Part 9 to Begin Again.
Warnings: mentions of blood and pregnancy complications
Author’s Note: I really am sorry for that cliffhanger y’all. 😬 I’m just glad you still love me after being gone for like, a literal year. Shoutout to @agent-laufeyson you’re the best 💜 (PS, please ignore Haley in the below gif, also please picture Hotch in the hospital in casual clothes.) 😌
Previous Chapter
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For a moment, Aaron’s whole world stopped turning. A cold, familiar sense of dread settled into his chest at the words, “You all may want to sit down for this.”
“Not again,” he thought. “I can’t do this again, we can’t do this again.”
“God please,” he begged internally, slumping into a chair, “if you’re listening, please don’t take her. We need her.”
Suddenly, the voice of a surgeon cut through the silent room like a knife.
“Sir, your wife lost a significant amount of blood. We had no choice but to perform an emergency c-section. Although your daughter is slightly pre-term, she seems to be in good health. However, we would like to keep her a while for monitoring.”
“And my wife?” He inquires, voice trembling with fear.
“It was touch and go there for a while, but we were able to locate the source of bleeding and get it under control. Your wife is out of surgery. She’s stable, but she is very weak and currently asleep. She will also be hospitalized for recovery. At least a week most likely, maybe longer.”
“Mama’s gonna be okay?” Jack pipes up.
“Yes, she is buddy,” Aaron replies, ruffling his hair. “Thanks to that doctor.”
“Thanks for making my mama feel better.”
“You’re most welcome,” the surgeon replied. “You and your dad can go visit her now. The rest of you will have to wait. She needs her rest. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you doctor,” Aaron says, shaking his hand with a sigh of relief.
“You go Aaron,” Rossi encourages, clapping him on the shoulders before he even had a chance to turn around. “Go see your wife and baby. We’ll wait.”
Entering your hospital room, Aaron thought your sleeping face was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Sitting on the side of your hospital bed, he grabbed hand as you stirred awake.
“Hello Angel,” he murmurs as you take everything in. “You gave us quite a scare,” he mentions, softly caressing your face.
“The baby,” you whisper, touching his hand.
“Ssssshhhh,” he soothes. “The baby is fine. She’s in the nursery. You just rest okay?”
Instant relief washes over your face. “Jack?”
“I’m right here mama!” he exclaims, scrambling into Aaron’s lap.
“I want to see the baby,” you tell Aaron.
“I know darling, but you really need your rest.”
“I NEED to see her, Aaron.” You plead.
Taking the hint, he begins to rise. “Jack why don’t you stay with mama, while I go talk to the nurse, okay?”
“Okay Daddy,” he agrees, climbing in the bed next to you.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better mama,” Jack says, looking up at you with the sweetest face.
“Me too, baby,” you reply. “Are you ready to meet your sister?”
“Yeah!” he exclaims with a look of excitement. “Can I hold her?”
“Of course you can buddy, as long as you’re careful,” Aaron replies as he re-enters the room. “The nurses are bringing her down.”
A few minutes later a nurse arrives holding a tiny pink blanket. “Who wants to hold her first?” She inquires.
“You should hold her first, Aaron,” you suggest.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he insists. “You’ve been the strongest, bravest mom I know already. You should hold her first.”
As the nurse places the tiny, squirming bundle with her father’s dark hair in your arms, all the stress and chaos of the day seems to just melt away.
As you free a tiny hand from the swaddle so she can grasp your finger, her eyes flutter open.
“She’s perfect, isn’t she?” you wonder aloud.
“Absolutely lovely,” Aaron muses, draping his arm around your shoulders. “Just like her mother.”
Meanwhile, cooped up in the waiting area, the BAU team began to grow restless.
“Maybe we should get out of the hospital and go shopping while we wait,” Garcia suggests. “I think Y/N deserves all the gifts and pretty things today.”
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” JJ questions.
“TARGET RUN!” all three women exclaim in unison.
They all wandered the aisles like kids in a candy store.
“I’m getting her balloons,” Penelope says. “Like so many pink balloons. Nobody can feel bad with that many balloons.”
“Flowers,” Rossi chimes in. “We should get her plenty of flowers to make the room cheerful.”
“We’ll have to get those from hospital gift shop,” JJ comments.
“I’d want chocolate,” Emily suggests. “Chocolate helps everything.”
“Look,” Morgan says, showing a pink stuffed bunny to Garcia. “It’s cute right? For the baby?”
“It’s perfect, Derek,” she assures, grabbing his hand. “Very cute.”
“Oh, a memory book,” Reid mentions. “So they can write down details every day.”
“Leave it to the genius to pick out a book,” Morgan jokes with a playful shove.
“Settle down, boys.” JJ cuts in. “As much as I’m sure she’ll appreciate the pretty gifts, she did just have a baby,” she reminds the group. “She needs some practical things too, trust me.” As she picks out a blanket and a pacifier, Henry begins to grow restless. As she picked up a snack for him, another idea crossed her mind.
“We should get something for Jack, too,” she thought aloud. “LEGOs. He loves LEGOs. And some gummy bears.”
A sudden ringing startles everyone.
“Ssssshhhhhhh,” Garcia commands as she puts the phone on speaker. “It’s Y/N! Quiet!”
“Hello my angel dear,” she lilts, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m very tired, but otherwise happy and healthy,” you report. “Is everyone with you?”
“We’re all here,” JJ chimes in.
“Hi everyone!” You reply. “In that case, I have news. The nurses have said that we’re allowed to have visitors first thing in the morning, if you’d like to see our newest addition.”
“Oh, wild horses could not keep us away, ma’am.” Penelope assures. “We’ll see you all bright and early.”
“Not too early, Penny,” you remind her. “You gotta give me a chance to wake up first.”
“Right, sooooo 10am then?”
“It’s a date.”
That evening, you soaked up as much family time as possible before the wave of visitors began. Aaron was a natural, as you’d known he would be from seeing him with Jack.
Watching him with the baby was quickly becoming your favorite pastime. The look of sheer enchantment on his face as he held her close and rocked her made you fall a little more in love with him every moment.
“Daddy loves you so much,” he coos to the tiny bundle in his arms.
“What?” he questions as he catches you watching.
“Oh nothing,” you reply, ruffling Jack’s hair as he slept by your side. “Just wondering how I got so lucky.”
“I think it’s me who got lucky. I thought I’d never love again. I was so closed off. I was prepared to spend the rest of my life as a single dad, doing everything on my own. Now,” he chokes out, “now I’d fall apart without you.”
“Good thing you’ve got two of us now to keep you boys in line then,” you return with a wicked grin. “She’s got you wrapped around her finger already.”
When you awoke the next morning, you were greeted by the most beautiful sight. Aaron still asleep in the recliner next your bed, his arm cradling the sleeping baby on his chest. While you hated to disturb the peaceful scene, you knew the team would be arriving as soon as the clock struck 10.
“Aaron,” you whisper. “Aaron, wake up,” slightly louder this time. He stirs awake, moving slowly so as not to wake the sleeping child.
“What is it babe?”
“The team will be here soon,” you inform him.
“Ah. I should go get ready,” he replies.
“Mama, can I hold her while dad gets ready?” Jack asks, startling the both of you.
“Oh buddy, I didn’t realize you were awake,” you say to him. “Of course you can hold her if you want.”
Jack scrambled into your lap as Aaron rounded the bed.
“Just be really careful with her bud,” Aaron reminds him as he settles the baby on his lap.
“I will dad,” he replies.
As Aaron walked away, the baby’s eyes fluttered open and she let out a small cry.
“Here, why don’t you give her a pacifier?” you suggest.
“Sssshhhh, don’t cry,” he says, giving her the pacifier, and then softly stroking her head.
“What do you think about your baby sister, Jack?”
“She’s pretty, Mama, just like you.”
“Thank you baby,” you reply. “That’s very sweet. I love you.”
“I love you too, mama.”
“And I love you all,” Aaron adds.
A short while later, a knock at the door alerts you that your visitors have arrived.
“You ready for this?” Aaron asks as he walks to the door.
“I’ve never been more ready. I just know they’re gonna be so in love with her.”
Aaron opens the door and the team flows in with their myriad of gifts.
Penelope hands off her bouquet of balloons to Derek and rushes over to hug you.
“Oh Y/N,” she gushes, cupping your face. “You look beautiful. It’s so good to see you, we were all worried sick.”
“Thank you Penny,” you reply, eyeing the room. “I’m assuming the shopping spree was your idea.”
“Oh shush woman,” she scolds. “You deserve it. We wanted your room to cozy and pretty because we heard you’re going to be here for a while. Sue us.”
“Thank you all for the gifts, you really didn’t have to do any of that,” you reply, tearing up as you address the whole room. “Just being there for us when we needed you the most was all we could ask for and you’ve gone above and beyond.”
“This is the least we could do, really,” JJ assures, softly rubbing your hand.
“Oh fine, be modest if you insist,” you reply with an eye roll. “I’d open all the gifts now, but I imagine you’re all much more interested in our slightly earlier than anticipated arrival.”
Seemingly for the first time since they came in, everyone notices Aaron’s presence and the little pink bundle in his arms.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” you continue, “the announcement you’ve all been waiting for. Introducing Miss Savannah Rose.”
“What a lovely name,” Emily chimes in.
“Thank you,” Aaron cuts in. “We would have told you all sooner but we actually just decided on it while we were here,” he says beaming down at his perfectly content infant daughter. “You can all hold her if you like.”
“I’m sure we’d all love to,” JJ replies, “but i think we should leave that you for now. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to spoil her rotten just as soon as she gets home.”
“Right! We just wanted to check on everyone and make sure you have everything you need,” Garcia adds.
“Well thanks to you guys, I think our hospital room is pretty well stocked. I just wish I could say the same for the nursery,” you say with a shrug.
“What’s wrong with the nursery?” Rossi inquires.
“I’m afraid that’s my fault,” Aaron admits. “Between me traveling so much for work and Y/N being pregnant and taking care of Jack, it got pushed to the wayside. I thought we had a bit more time.”
“Aaron, how many times do I have to tell you it’s not your fault?” you soothe, reaching for his hand. “We’ll figure it out together.”
“I know, I just wanted everything to be perfect for you.”
“It already is dear,” you assure him with a smile. “Why don’t you go get some coffee, you look exhausted.”
“Good idea babe,” he says, settling the baby into your arms.
“I could use a cup myself,” Morgan adds.
“Derek, I need your help,” Aaron pleads, once out of earshot of the room.
“Of course man, anything you need.”
“We’re going to be in the hospital for about a week while Y/N recovers and I’m desperate to have a nice nursery for her when we get home, but I obviously can’t leave her alone. I know it’s a lot to ask, but is there anything you could do to help?”
“Sure thing man, don’t worry about it. That’s the best gift I could hope to give you.”
“You’re the best,” Aaron replies, slapping him on the shoulder. “Just don’t let Y/N find out, okay? I want it to be a surprise.”
“My lips are sealed,” Derek promises.
That afternoon Derek had the whole team assembled in the nursery to get started.
“Alright everyone,” he begins, “We’ve got one week to make this the best surprise gift possible. Let’s make it happen.”
“What color should we paint it?” Penelope inquires.
“Got that covered already,” Derek replies while opening a paint can. “Purple. Hotch said it’s Y/N’s favorite color.”
“Oh Derek, it’s perfect!” she squealed, squeezing him tight. “She’s gonna adore it.”
“While the two of us are painting,” Penny addresses the group, “why don’t the rest of you do some some shopping?”
“Great idea, baby girl.” Morgan chimes in. “I think they’ve got the basics from the baby shower and I saw a crib and changing table in the garage, but I’m sure you guys can find things they’re missing.”
“Oh I think we’ve got this,” JJ states confidently. “Let’s get this show on the road,” she commands, herding Emily, Rossi, and Reid out the door.
When the group arrived back at the Hotchner house several hours later, the nursery walls were covered in a soft shade of lavender; as were Morgan and Garcia.
“I don’t know how you two managed to get any paint on the walls,” JJ said with a grin.
“Smile for the camera, you two,” Emily cuts in, snapping a picture on her phone as the couple hug and smile in their paint splattered clothes.
The next day conversation flowed as team was busily assembling furniture. Rossi, Reid, and Morgan worked on the crib while Penny, Emily, and JJ tackled the changing table.
“Let me know if you ladies need any help,” Morgan mentions casually.
“Oh right,” Emily grumbles, “because OBVIOUSLY the women need a big, strong man’s help, right?”
“I didn’t say that,” Derek counters. “I was just offering.”
“Oh not only will we get ours done without your help, we’ll get it done faster,” Emily challenges.
“Oh yeah?”
“YEAH!” all three women reply in unison.
“You’re on,” Morgan accepts.
“Oh you’re so going down,” Penny taunts, throwing pieces of plastic wrapping at Derek.
“Losers buy sushi for lunch?” Rossi suggests.
“Oh that could be pretty expensive for you Dave,” JJ comments. “You sure you’re up for that?”
“Ha ha, very funny,” Rossi says, rolling his eyes. “We’ll see about that.”
Two hours later, as JJ and Emily were finishing up the crib, the men came dragging in, arms full of takeout bags.
“Say cheese!” Penelope squeals as she takes their picture. “For the bragging rights.”
The next days were spent putting the finishing touches on the room.
A purple gradient butterfly mobile above the crib from JJ.
A bookshelf with a fully stocked library, specially selected by Reid. Emily places her floral covered photo album on top.
Lavender curtains with a shimmery overlay, Penelope’s contribution.
Derek’s stuffed bunny, carefully laid in a white gliding chair with purple cushions, which was generously paid for by Dave.
Derek lays a soft shag rug over the hardwood floor and drapes a plush floral blanket over the edge of the crib.
“I think that about does it, guys,” he says with a look of pride.
“You know, I bought them that photo album,” Emily comments, “it would be a shame if we didn’t put a few in there as a gift.”
“Yeah, but how do we get a picture of the whole group?” JJ wonders out loud.
“We could set a timer,” Penelope suggests.
“Yeah, but who sets the timer?” Reid asks, as he turns to see the whole group looking at him.
“Seriously guys?”
Between the camera falling over, closed eyes, and Spence not making it back before the timer, it took a few tries before there was a good group shot.
“And now a funny one,” Penny insists.
Once the photos, including the bloopers, have been printed and arranged in the album, JJ makes sure to write descriptions for each in the margins before setting it back on the shelf.
“Good job team,” Derek announces. “Our work here is done.”
After all the chaos surrounding the birth and a full week in the hospital, nothing felt better than standing at the door of your house with the love of your life and your two beautiful children.
“You ready to finally get some rest, baby?” Aaron asks as he ushers you inside the house, one solid arm arm around the small of your back and Savannah in her carrier on the other.
“Yeah,” you sigh, dropping your purse on the coffee table and slipping off your shoes. “I just wish we didn’t still have to worry about the nursery,” you groan, plopping down onto the sofa.
“About that,” Aaron says with a mischievous grin, offering you his free hand.
“What are you up to, Aaron Hotchner?” You muse as he leads you down the hallway.
“Just trust me,” he assures, coming to a halt in front of the nursery door. “Close your eyes,” he requests.
“What is going on here?” you inquire again.
“Just close your eyes please, darling,” he asks. “For me.”
“Alright, alright,” you comply, “this better be good.”
“Don’t open them until I say so, okay?”
“Yes sir.”
With eyes closed and Jack close by your side, you hear the door open and the rustling of paper inside the room.
“Alright,” he whispers, sliding his arm around your shoulders. “Open your eyes.”
Taglist: @ange-must-die @agent-laufeyson @poetsacademia @hotchners-slut @arganfics @ladyreapermc @rousethemouse @less-intelligent-spencerreid @tgibstan @themanip @word-scribbless @quillvine @glizzieborden @miss-united-ace @samayoshito @hotchnerundercover @pedropascalian @thenewnormalforensicator @crowdedimagines @sagittarianwolf @kleff03
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
The whole time traveling children has me feelin some type of way tbh. Imagine Mirio, Kaminari, and Tamaki walking into their respective rooms and there are just small children vibing. Mirio with his daughter, Kaminari with a daughter and Tamaki with a son. 😭
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as i said, parent!bnha is SUPERIOR
A/N: So, instead of making these separate asks, I’m just going to make it one giant post. I thought it would be easier that way. Probably the only post that’ll have more than three characters lol
Warnings: none
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Kaminari Denki:
when kaminari walked into his room, he didn't expect to see two children on his bed fighting like wild animals
the younger girl was totally beating the boy’s ass tho
kinda embarrassing bc she’s gotta be like, seven, at most
as if it’s not the weirdest thing he’s seen (bc it’s not) he rushes in to break them apart
he manages to separate them with his arms 
the boy with yellow hair snaps his jaws at his sister’s fingers
“hey! bad! no biting!” he scolds
the little girl blows a raspberry and taunts “yeah! papa says no biting!”
the older sibling just rolls his eyes “rat”
meanwhile, denki is literally malfunctioning
the only person’s pants (and heart) he’s been trying to get in to for the past three months was y/n’s and he sure as hell would remember if he did
he didn't have kids
especially one that was his age
“sorry! you two are cute, but i’m not your pops”
thus, they begin to tell denki about how they mayhaps followed him and their mother into a dangerous mission and got hit with a time travel quirk
denki just nods his head
tbh, he’s not that weirded out
weirder things have happened
but, he does have one question
“who’s the lucky woman?”
coincidentally, you bust into his dorm room, wet from a recent prank and head steaming with anger
“Kaminari Denki!”
his son juts a thumb over to you
“the woman that’s about to murder you”
“oh say less”
his life literally couldn't get any better
before you get the chance to throttle him, the little girl jumps in your arms and your anger is immediately quelled 
“hey mommy! i just wanna let you know that it was [son’s name]’s fault that we followed you when you told us not to”
you’re to busy trying to get them from killing each other to comprehend anything that’s going on
kaminari is in a love-struck gaze bc hot damn, he won the jackpot, huh?
if he wasn't in love with you before, he’s in love with you now
you and your feral children
it was nice being God’s favorite
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
funny thing was
kirishima woke up from his afternoon nap with his mini-me in his arms!
at first, he was really confused as to why there was an 8 yr old boy with spiky teeth and (your hair texture) black hair on his bed
he thought he was dreaming
then the little boy bit his nose and grinned like he had done the funniest thing in the world 
did he get hit with some duplication quirk?
and what was that he said...daddy?
as in, father?
kirishima is wide awake now, but before he can ask the kid what’s going on, the boy is up and making use of his punching bag
he decides it wouldn't hurt to get a morning work out in, so he decides to humor the kid
after a mini workout, kirishima is in near tears as the boy tries to flex the little muscles he has 
eventually, he gets the kid to tell him what happened and finds out he was hit with a time travel quirk of some sort
instead of being weirded out, kirishima is ESCTATIC 
he has a family in the future 
he’s so excited and proud that he just has to show his son off to his friends!
the first thing he does is go and bother bakusquad in the common room
he’s bragging like shit to them and his ego swells as they all swoon over how cute and handsome the kid is 
you and bakugo come out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about and the little boy excitedly runs to you and jumps into your arms 
“momma! you’re here! you’re so pretty! why’d you marry daddy when he looks so unswol?”
it’s silent before bakugo fucking dies of laughter 
“y-you finally let shitty hair hit it? and got knocked up?? LMAO”
everyone’s dying and kirishima wants to die
he can’t believe this was how his long-term crush on you was getting outted
by an 8 yr old boy
so not manly
you look confused before you put the pieces together
the kid did look like you and kirishima
you want to console kirishima about the crush that you lowkey knew he had on you, but your son was one step ahead of you
with a gracious smile, he hits bakugo’s head
“what the fuck kid!?”
“don’t make fun of daddy, uncle bakugo! at least daddy didn’t faint at his wedding″
Bakugo’s contemplating murder and everyone’s rolling on the floor
even ten years later, bakugo still holds a grudge against your son
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Togata Mirio:
i’m about to kill y’all w this one
since year one, mirio has been feigning over you 
but 1) you were too dumb to notice 2) you both were really busy with, y’know, school and 3) he lowkey gave up bc he thought you deserved better
so imagine his surprise when he sees this four year old girl on his bed
and she looks like you with his features
mirio might not be the brightest crayon in the crayon box
but he’s got eyes
and it wasn't like he’s memorized your features to the T
the tiny girl is swinging her legs absent-mindedly before exploding with happiness when he sees him
she runs to mirio and he catches her with open arms 
“daddy! daddy! i got hit with the coolest quirk at school today!”
proceeds to tell him about her best friend discovered her quirk and it was a teleportation quirk 
mirio can’t help but giggle along with her even tho he knew it was a scary situation for the parents
speaking of which...
he innocently asks her who’s the mom
“mommy is the prettiest mommy in the world! she has e/c eyes, hair like me, and the most beautiful s/c skin! her name is togata y/n!”
if he wasn't geeking before, he’s geeking now
not only did he manage to marry you, but you let him be your baby daddy?
big bet
mirio doesn't even care at this point
he’s parading around UA with the fattest smile as he introduces his daughter to damn near everyone 
everyone’s freaking out bc wtf when did mirio get someone pregnant??
maybe he should've explained himself, but he sees you at your locker and makes a b-line for you
“good morning, y/n!”
he doesn't notice that you slam your locker close and hide the confession letter you wrote to him behind your back
you’re a stuttering mess and he’s too busy basking in the fact that he’s holding y’alls child 
y’all look like a mess
but he’s ready to lay it on thick when the little girl kisses your nose and cheers,
“mommy, i missed you”
he explains the situation 
you cant help but smile, “you know this could potentially ruin the timeline?”
and you feel like melting as he gives you the softest smile 
“there’s no way I’m letting that happen. not when i end up with the woman i’m in love with. we’ll just have to twist fate together”
and twist it you did
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Tamaki Amajiki:
tamaki wasn't the bravest person ever 
and he knew his crippling anxiety got in the way of a lot
but he had never been more proud of himself for managing to invite you to his room
it was supposed to be a study date
despite how bold you normally were, he took comfort in how nervous you seemed 
now, you two were leaning in, about to kiss
and then a voice from behind interrupts 
“uh, am i interrupting something?”
you two let out the ugliest squeal and jump 50 feet away from each other 
you’re all over the place, trying to explain the situation
tamaki’s heart is barely beating at this point
it takes the kid, who looks about 16, about thirty minutes to calm you down and revive tamaki
explains that he’s from the future and a descendant of tamaki’s family
decides to leave out that you two are his parents so he doesn't risk possibly erasing himself from the space continuum 
that would be bad
despite how surprised you two were, you two take it rather well 
you three spend the day together bc you and tamaki feel this weird sense of responsibility for the guy even though he’s only two years younger
the boy is trying his hardest not to expose himself, but it’s so hard
you two are asking him everything from his favorite food to if he has any siblings
he’s good at pretending that he’s cool, calm, and collected, but he wants nothing more than to jump into his parents’ arms and cry about how scared he is of messing up
but he won’t 
bc he’s a strong boy
but he slips up
“how far are you down the future?” tamaki asks
“uh, about like 100 years or so--”
“you’re lying”
the kid nearly chokes on his food as his father blinks at him
you try and scold tamaki but he continues
“i don’t mean to be mean, but your nose twitches when you lie. y/n does the same thing”
that’s when the jazz record stops and everyone is staring at one another
this time, you nearly pass out
y’all had a kid together???
the boy, coincidentally, starts fading and he thinks he fucked up
now he’s full out sobbing into the both of your chests, scared that he’s disappearing
despite the news, you and tamaki calm down, look at each other, and hold your son
“don’t you worry, baby” you coo, kissing his fading hair
“i have a feeling we’ll see you quite soon” tamaki comforts, closing his eyes
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Bakugo Katsuki:
bakugo finally understood when his mom said
“the meaner you are to your parents, the nastier your kids will be to you”
he regretted being such a demon bc his kid was literally the spawn of satan
katsuki didn’t need an explanation to know that that...thing was his kid
he looked damn near identical to him with features that he couldn't quite place
but anyways, that wasn't the focus rn
rn, he was trying to figure out a way to keep that animal caged
as soon as katsuki took his eyes off him, the six yr old ran out the door as fast as his little legs could carry him
“catch me if you can, you old bastard!”
yup, it was his kid
his son is blasting his way through the halls, skillfully evading Katsuki’s grabbing hands 
he’s wildly laughing as he flips and turns through the doors, watching with glee as his father falls on his face
multiple times
the small boy latches on to a cupboard and smirks
“no wonder mom always beats your ass! you weak!”
katsuki nearly looks like the devil, eyes white, and face red with fury
his pride suffering by the second
he’s about to cuss the kids to hell when you come out of the kitchen, confused
you were about to ask why katsuki looked like a rat with rabies before you caught sight of a basket of fruit teetering on the edge of the cabinet, above the little boy’s head
“look out--”
the basket falls on the kid’s head and he’s on the floor, reeling from the hit
katsuki would've normally laughed his ass off, but he felt kind of...concerned?
he watches you run towards the child who’s trying his hardest not to cry
the boy holds his head, fat tears in his eyes as you pick him up and coddle over him 
“i’m sorry, baby. I'm sorry i didnt get there in time” 
cue the waterworks 
the boy is full-on sobbing into your chest about how his head hurts
you bounce him and kiss his forehead as katsuki checks over the red bump 
“you’ll be okay, brat” he comforts, voice softer than usual
in that moment, katsuki can’t help but notice how much a family y’all look like rn
then the dots start connecting and he goes 
oh shit 
so, maybe, he’s had a tiny crush on you
and it didn’t help that you two were friends with benefits bc yall were horny teenagers
but who knew he’d get the balls to ask you out on a proper date one day
he was such a simp for you gosh it was ugly
“you have to be more careful from now on,”  you say to the boy 
the brat suddenly looks innocent and katsuki wants to throw him
“sorry, mommy. i’ll be gooder”
the look on your face is priceless 
bakugo uses it as a chance to kiss you 
“i guess now’s a good time to tell you that i want to be your dick on demand but with feelings and shit, dumbass”
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docholligay · 3 years
The Green Knight: Yet and a Definition of Greatness
So I avoid talking about the poem, by and large, because I’m not sure that it’s terribly relevant to the actual thing we’re discussing, but I am going to bring up that in the poem, not only is Gawain already a “Sir,” but he gets to be one of the bravest and most loyal and whatever whatever of Arthur’s knights, which sounds more dismissive than I mean--I really do enjoy the original--but I think, whereas the older version is about proving what you are, this version is about becoming what you wish you were. What you might be. And how that’s not an easy straight line, but a series of hills and valleys. 
How to become what you might be requires tests, and struggles, and failure. 
I think one of the greatest endcaps for this is the dialogue from Gawain himself at the beginning and end of the movie. We have Gawain saying, “I’m not ready..I’m not ready,” and then at the end, literally the last ting he says in the movie is, “There. Now I’m ready.” The whole movie has been about him getting ready for the real test of himself, and things he has had to lose and gain in order to be a knight, in order to be ready. That’s the whole reason that we only see “The Green Knight” come up at the very end, is that story hasn’t been ready to be told before now, and he, himself, is the Green Knight (More on this in a later post). 
“Are you a knight yet?” Gawain is asked, at the very beginning, and we repeat that word again several times in the beginning, the idea of yet. Most noticeably, we see it used by Guinevere, when Gawain is asked specifically by Arthur to tell a him a tale of himself, and Gawain says he has not story to tell. Yet, Guinevere says. You have no story to tell yet.
It that word “yet” lies all the possibility of the things that Gawain could be, and it contrasts him directly with the company he sits in, dull and dishwater grey, they are ghosts even before they have died. They also have no story for Arthur, but note that there is no “yet” with them. They are only “were.” A legend, by necessity, has a past but no future. 
After he fails the test of temper and mercy, Gawain confesses that he fears me may not be meant for greatness. Given that he’s having this conversation after getting into a barfight, again proving that his temper rules him, and so he may not be fit to rule, I think that’s fair enough, but what I think is interesting here is Arthur’s response:
“You have mud on your face.” 
It’s funny, when you see it in theaters. But it reveals something too: The idea that Gawain is blighted, but it need not be a permanent condition. A failure is only a temporary thing. You can always wash the mud off your face. He doesn’t answer the question, because that’s not a question he can answer, it’s an answer that only Gawain himself can give. He is meant for greatness if he chooses to be great, there’s no “being born to” anything here. 
And what does greatness mean? It’s a fair enough question for a movie that’s about the price of seeking it. Essel asks him, before he sets out, “Why greatness? Is not goodness enough?” and some of this slips back into the green sash as a symbol of cowardice, and how those who love us would rather not love a hero, when it comes right down to it, but this is not that post, so let’s instead talk about if Gawain even has an idea of what it is to be great. 
I would argue he does, but in the beginning, it’s a little boy’s idea of what it means to be great. It’s this very Arthurian, very neat idea of what it means to be a knight at all, the idea of what it means to win honor. It is not kindness, or generosity, or temperance, or any of these things. By the end, Gawain himself is confused by what he seeks in all of this, and whether or not its possible to find at the end of the road. 
That is part, I think, of what frightens him at the end--though of course I think that some of it is just the thought of death and the natural world, more on that later--but the idea that this whole journey he’s been on has not proven him out in the way he thought it might. That he might die still not knowing if he ever lived by his values, because I’m not convinced he knows quite yet what those are. 
I think this movie succeeds best in moments like that, because it’s making a very human connection to this very fantastical experience. How many of us could easily define the values and morals we live by? Not the ones we wish we lived by, but the ones we actually do? The enigmatic experience of defining what it is we expect from ourselves, of saying what it that would make us great, I think that’s far more affecting than anyone who is always brave, always loyal, always sure. 
Maybe goodness would be something he could attain. But greatness, that a hard thing to bear, and a line one never truly crosses, and maybe the closest he gets in the end is acceptance of the fact that one way or the other, there will be a story of him. He has a story to tell, whether it is told by him or of him, and he no longer has to live in the yet.
On Doc and The Green Knight
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Prompt: Geraskier modern au. Jaskier bringing Geralt home on holiday. They’re pretending to date so Jaskier’s parents won’t bombard him asking when he’ll find someone and when they’ll have grandkids. Maybe even a fake engagement? They’re both pining without even realizing and maybe a mistletoe kiss on Christmas Eve will open their eyes. (geraskier-trashh)
Dani <3 I always seem to vibe with your prompts! Once again this is 2.3k. I didn’t get the mistletoe in but... well. I’m pretty happy with it. Fake dating at Christmas!! 💖
Warnings: Some hurt/comfort feels, I’m pretty sure everyone cries at one point or another, lots of pining. ______________
Jaskier and Geralt stood in the doorway to Jaskier’s old childhood room. One single bed was pushed up against the wall, posters of Jaskier’s old favourite bands plastered around the room. Jaskier was gripping Geralt’s hand too tightly, having not let go from when he’d dragged Geralt upstairs to get away from the interrogation of his family. Geralt let out a long sigh and pulled them both into the room, dumping his rucksack on the ground in the corner.
“Ah, I. umm…. I seem to have miscalculated,” Jaskier stammered.
“No shit.”
“I thought, you know. Huge mansion!” He flung his arms out as if to make a point. “I didn’t expect that we’d have to… you know.”
“It didn’t occur to you that it might look strange if we don’t share?” Geralt asked, raising an eyebrow.
Jaskier huffed and put his hands on his hips, tossing his fringe from his eyes. Geralt was moving around the tiny room, his banged up bass case finding space next to Jaskier’s violin, his black hoody thrown over the old desk chair in the corner. Jaskier felt a tug at his heartstrings as he watched Geralt carve out a space for himself in Jaskier’s old bedroom, just like he’d carved out a Geralt sized space in Jaskier’s hearts oh so many years ago. Jaskier flexed his fingers and pulled his necklace pendant into his mouth, this was such a bad idea. What had he been thinking?
It was own bloody fault for lying to his parents for years behind Geralt’s back. It had just been so hard with their constant pressure to find a partner whilst he was pining helplessly over his best friend, so he’d lied and for five years he’d managed to find excuses for avoiding the family Christmas meet up. This year his luck had run out and he’d had to come clean to his friend. He’d thought Geralt was going to murder him at first, his face had gone bright red with rage and he’d not said a bloody word, which was just Geralt all over. Over a tense dinner of instant noodles and boxed wine, Geralt had muttered that he’d do it… and so, here they were.
“Yeah, well, I forgot.”
Geralt rolled his eyes. “You forgot? That you’d told your parents that we’ve been dating for five years?”
“Six years… Our anniversary was two weeks ago,” Jaskier muttered, shuffling awkwardly on his feet and giving Geralt a sheepish smile.
“Our anniversary? For fuck’s sake, Jask.”
“I’m sorry! I meant to tell them we’d broken up but—”
“But what?”
“—but they always seemed so happy that I wasn’t alone, and to be honest it was nice.”
Geralt scoffed. “Nice?”
“Yeah,” Jaskier sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I. I didn’t feel so alone.”
Geralt sighed and pulled him into a hug. Jaskier buried his face in Geralt’s chest and whined. “You’re my best friend, Jask.”
Jaskier closed his eyes, grateful that Geralt couldn’t see his face. He could feel the lump in his throat, a dull never-ending ache in his chest. Best friend. That’s what they were, he should be thankful that Geralt allowed him that much, but fuck he loved him so damn much. No matter how much Jaskier flirted with Geralt, called him cute little nicknames, and practically admitted his love for his friend on a daily basis… Geralt never saw him as anything more than a friend, but god he drove Jaskier mad. He was always so damned thoughtful all the time, cooking dinner when Jaskier was at work even though Jaskier could never return the favour, hence the instant noodles for dinner, or letting Jaskier choose the film when he’d had a bad anxiety day, which happened more often than he liked to admit.
Geralt was his best friend, he was the bestest friend that anyone could ask for so really Jaskier couldn’t complain. He was just… hopelessly in love.
He laughed and pulled back from the hug. “Don’t you mean boyfriend?” He waggled his eyebrows and bopped Geralt’s nose.
“Hmm, fine, but we have got to break up by next year.”
Jaskier’s hand flew to his heart, gasping as he totally pretended to be completely heartbroken. There wasn’t an ounce of reality in the way his heart literally felt like it was shattering in a million pieces. He scoffed, covering up the way his hands were shaking by tugging at the edge of his jumper. “Fine, but I get to dump you.”
“Nope, it’s your mess. I’m breaking up with you,” Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier put his hands on his hips and glared at Geralt. “As if you would break up with this arse!” He laughed and turned to wiggle his butt at Geralt.
“I’ve seen better.”
Jaskier gasped and turned to poke Geralt in the chest. “Take that back!”
“Not going to happen.”
“Geralt!” Jaskier flung himself dramatically into Geralt’s arms, Geralt caught him as he always did, and Jaskier pouted up at him. “You’re mean.”
“Are you boys fighting already?”
Jaskier squeaked as Geralt dropped him to the floor. His mother was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed in front of her chest, a smirk on her face. “No. No no no. Of course not, nope. Geralt?”
“No, Mrs Pankratz.” Geralt pulled him to his feet and Jaskier wrapped his arms around Geralt’s waist, placing a sloppy kiss on his cheek.
“All good here, mother!”
“Dinner’s ready, hurry up.”
“We’ll be there in just a jiffy!” Jaskier sang as he leant into Geralt’s side. As his mother’s footsteps faded off down the hall he reached up to whisper in Geralt’s ear, “Showtime, darling.”
Geralt groaned. “Fuck.” ________________
Dinner wasn’t going too badly. Luckily Geralt and Jaskier had been best friends for most of their lives so there wasn’t much they didn’t know about each other. Honestly the only thing really missing from their friendship to make it more of a traditionally romantic one was the snogging. They went out of friend dates all the time, they lived together, and in all honesty they loved each other. Jaskier just made sure to double the use of pet names in front of his family, and he allowed himself to touch Geralt as much as he wanted, which was pretty much always. They held hands on top of the table, awkwardly eating one handed. Jaskier brought Geralt’s knuckles to his lips in between main and dessert, winking at his friend. It was so fucking easy to believe this was real. For two days he was getting everything he ever wanted. He was going to be heartbroken when this was over.
Geralt flushed and growled under his breath before kissing Jaskier’s cheek, much to delight of Jaskier’s parents.
“Julian, you know we won’t be offended if you want to kiss your boyfriend properly?”
Jaskier’s heart sank and he gripped Geralt’s hand tighter. They hadn’t discussed this. They really should have discussed this, but Jaskier had assumed two days without kissing in front of his parents would have been fine. Of course, his mother would decide to be cool. “Mother, really?” He groaned and hid his face in Geralt’s arm.
“You’ve been dating for six years, Julian. Your father had proposed by then when we were dating,” his mother sighed and smiled ever so sweetly at his father. “Don’t be shy, honey.”
“Mother!” Jaskier whined.
Geralt cleared his throat and Jaskier gazed up at his friend. There was a mischievous glint in Geralt’s eyes that Jaskier did not like the look of. He shook his head slowly at Geralt but it was too late. “Actually, Mrs Pankratz. I umm… I did have something to ask Jaskier,”
“The umm… well I wrapped it, but I guess now is as good as ever,” Geralt stood up and pulled Jaskier into the living room, ignoring his protests. Geralt pulled a small wrapped box from the tree, kneeling at Jaskier’s feet as he hand him the box.
Jaskier’s eyes went wide… what the actual fuck was happening? Jaskier thought back to his Christmas list. It was mostly nerdy shit and stuff for his instruments… nerdy shit. “Oh bollocks!” He yelled as he remembered a very specific piece of costume jewellery he’d asked for.
Was Geralt about to fake propose using the ring… like… the ring…  from Lord of the Rings? Oh god, he was going to die from embarrassment. Jaskier’s hands shook as he tore at the wrapping paper. The velvety box fell into his hands, the familiar Elvish inscription was pressed into the black velvet. He hid a laugh behind his hand as Geralt gently took the box and opened it. Jaskier barely heard the shrieks from his mother as Geralt winked at him.
“Jask, the last,” Geralt paused and scowled “six years of my life have been the happiest of my life.”
“Geralt,” Jaskier whined, his heart thumping in his chest despite the fact he knew it wasn’t real.
“I’m thankful that I finally stopped being afraid of what I felt, feel, for you, and umm, well asked you out,” Geralt licked his lips, he actually seemed nervous, which was utterly ridiculous. He was a better actor than Jaskier had anticipated. “Can’t imagine how different today would have been if I hadn’t made the choice that day, the choice to be brave instead of a coward.”
Jaskier couldn’t help but reach forward to cup Geralt’s cheek, his hand moving on its own accord. “You’re the bravest man I know.”
Geralt laughed bitterly. “Not always, but ah fuck, you distracted me.”
“Sorry?” Jaskier giggled. “Would it help if I said yes?”
“Yes,” Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier knelt down opposite Geralt. “Yes.”
And then they were kissing, because that was what you did when you got engaged, wasn’t it? Only they weren’t really engaged, they weren’t even dating. Tears streamed down Jaskier’s cheeks as he kissed his friend with all the feelings that he could never admit, holding Geralt’s face in his hands. They were both panting by the time they pulled apart. “I love you, dear heart.”
Geralt, to Jaskier’s surprise, was also crying. He smiled sadly back at Jaskier as he brushed the tears from Jaskier’s cheek. “I love you too, Jask.” And then he slipped the ring onto Jaskier’s finger.
Jaskier swallowed and bit back a sob. “Fuck.”
Geralt tilted his head and glanced towards the ceiling. Jaskier nodded, hugging his arms around his chest. “I think we need a moment alone,” Geralt muttered and scooped Jaskier up into his arms.
Jaskier mother, also crying because apparently Christmas Eve dinner was a disaster, nodded. “Take all the time you need, darlings."
Geralt nodded and Jaskier hummed pressing his face into Geralt’s neck, desperately trying not to lose his grip on reality. They weren’t engaged. The mantra ran through his head obsessively. One more day, they would exchange presents, maybe a standard kiss under the mistletoe and then by next year’s Christmas Geralt would have broken up with him, and Jaskier’s parents would be none the wiser that it had all been a ruse.
A ruse, an pretence, an act.
Only it wasn’t an act, not for him.
“Fucking shit balls,” He mumbled into Geralt’s shirt as his bedroom door was kicked open. Jaskier practically leapt from Geralt’s arms and into the mess of bedsheets, hiding from the love of his life and pseudo fiancé.
“Jaskier, I’m sorry. I took it too far.” Geralt mumbled, sitting down on the bed next to where Jaskier was curled into a ball.
“No,” Jaskier mumbled. “I just overreacted, I… ah fuck it. I wanted it to be real. I’m sorry!”
“You,” Geralt stammered. “You wanted it to be real?”
Jaskier laughed haughtily and threw off the covers, wiping his eyes and glaring at Geralt. “Of course I fucking did. I told my parents we were dating… for six fucking years!”
“And you never once mentioned any of this to me?”
Jaskier rolled his eyes. “Because I couldn’t lose you!”
“I didn’t want to lose you either.”
Jaskier’s eyes went wide as he gaped at Geralt. “Hang on what? What does that mean? Geralt? Please do not tell me that means what I think it means!”
“I love you,” Geralt whispered “always have.”
“No, no no no!” Jaskier whined as his head hit the headboard. “Fuck.”
Jaskier laughed, the disbelief and sheer happiness in his heart overwhelming him. “Oh my fucking god, Geralt!” Geralt growled and stood up but Jaskier caught his hand. “Don’t you see?”
“No, care to let me into the joke?”
“We could have been dating for years!” Jaskier cried and then slapped a hand over his mouth, not wanting his parents to hear their argument. “This,” he waved his left hand at Geralt. “could have been real?”
Geralt frowned, his gaze flickering between Jaskier’s hand and his eyes. He sighed and a faint smiled graced his lips. “Maybe we should try dating first? Proposing on the first date is a bit much.”
Jaskier laughed and pulled Geralt into another kiss, his tears ones of happiness this time. He stroked Geralt’s cheek as they pulled apart. “What about the second date?”
“Jask,” Geralt groaned.
“Ok, the third date,” He laughed and Geralt shut him up with another quick kiss.”
“Your turn to propose,” Geralt mumbled against his lips as Jaskier slipped his hand up Geralt’s shirt.
“I don’t think I can beat proposing with the ring, dearest,” He giggled as Geralt pushed him back against the mattress, his nose running along Jaskier’s jaw.
“You’ll think of something.”
Jaskier grinned as Geralt’s lips crashed against his. He would think of something, something spectacular, but for now he was too busy kissing his boyfriend, grand marriage proposals would have to wait until next Christmas. They could make it a tradition. ________________ Tag list: @alwenarin @slythnerd @davidtennan-t @flippinfricks @innocentcinnamonpun @marvagon @elliestormfound @geraskier-trashh @panerato @moonysourenza @artistsfuneral @hailhailsatan @wherethewordsare @havenoffandoms @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @electricrituals @geralt-of-riviass @00qtee @kittynannygaming @stinastar @scribblesonmapleleaves @thecomfortofoldstorries @fontegagrilledcheese @anythinggoesfandoms @veritasrose @trickstermoose67 @nonegenderleftpain @ohheytheremiss @kueble @love-more-today-than-yesterday @kozkaboi @llamasdumpsterfire @skai6
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siriushxney · 3 years
⊱┊ searing light | chapter one
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— pairing ; darkling!dream x sun summoner!reader
— au ; shadow and bone
— wordcount ; 1.7k
— warnings ; cursing, talks of war, no dream yet but he will appear somewhere in the next few parts!
series masterlist | next
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the fold was scarier then you could've ever imagined — it stretched for miles upon miles, casting a shadow down upon where it stood. down onto the land of ravka. for centuries the blackness of it stood tall — no way to get through, under, or over safely. but despite the risks and dangers, with war raging on both sides of the country — you had no choice to go through for resources.
climbing out of the back of the truck, you could feel the rocks digging into the soles of your feet as you walked alongside the rest of your squadron — the cheap leather boots that were supplied to you and the rest of the first army, doing nothing to shield your feet from the rough and jagged ground. but despite the aching state that the boots left your feet in at the end of the day, you reminded yourself daily that it could've been worse. you could have been on the next skiff to enter the fold — the chance of coming back being slim to none.
anything was better than going into the fold.
“Y/L/N, why don’t you keep the move on?” another cartographer bumped their shoulder into your own, knocking you out of your tense state, and urging you to continue moving down towards your new camp.
everyone in ravka knew what the fold looked like — it was hard not to when it stood at unreachable heights and stretched the length of the country. but despite this, you had never been this close. no one ever spoke of the coldness it radiated, bringing a chill and goosebumps to anyone that dared to near it. and the thing that no one could have prepared you for at all was the sounds.
the sounds of the creatures that lived inside of the black barrier, screeching at deafening volumes and with such ferocity that it could send even the bravest of man or woman running for the hills.
with a deep breath and encouragement for yourself running through your head like a mantra, you pushed forward, closer and closer to the fold.
“Y/N!” you stopped in your tracks — the other cartographers passing you with quick feet and watchful eyes. turning, you caught a glimpse of a boy that you knew all too well — wilbur. while he was also in the first army, he was named a tracker due to his brilliant mind and tracking skills — skills that proved to be beneficial numerous times, making him one of, if not the best tracker in all of ravka. “you know, for a little mapmaker like yourself, you sure do have quick feet,” wilbur threw his arms around your shoulders, pulling you to continue walking beside him.
“you know, for an amazing tracker like yourself, you do stick out like a sore thumb — what if you're on enemy territory? they're gonna spot you from miles away, you tree.”
“I’ll have you know that despite my large stature, I’m quite good at blending into my surroundings — that and I don’t wear bright colours like them,” wilbur halted, standing awkwardly as he watched the group clothed in bright purple, blue, and red observed and trained with eagle like eyes — their hands drawn to grasp in front of their body as they waited their turn to strike the dummy.
them — the grisha.
grisha were people, much like you and wilbur, who were gifted with abilities like no other — abilities that could either take, or save a man's life. there were three orders of the grisha — the corporalki, the order of the living and the dead, who had people known as heartrenders, healers, and tailors; the materialki, the order of fabrikator’s who had people known as durasts and alkemi; and then there was etherealki, the order of the summoners, who had people known as squallers, inferni, and tidemakers.
but there was one being that you had heard about — someone they named the darkling. a grisha who did not possess an ability like any other — instead, he had the ability to summon and control darkness itself. a walking horror story with the ability to wipe out dozens if he wished.
he came from a line of them — a line consisting of only his families blood.
“I can feel their ego wafting onto us from here,” wilbur whispered slightly, not wanting any of them to hear due to their nature to lash out at people they considered ‘lower’ than themselves.
“no kidding,” you looked around the area in wonder, before looking down to your hands — a map that the head cartographer had handed each and every one of you before you arrived at the camp, displayed your tent being directly where the grisha now stood. “wait… this is where my tent is supposed to be, is it not?” you spun slightly as if it would magically appear.
wilbur stopped your spinning, and guided you towards a different area of the base. “they moved our tents this way, in order for the grisha to have more room — as if the entire upper region of the base wasn’t enough for them,” he couldn't help but grumble out now that he was farther away from the gifted individuals, throwing one more glare before looking ahead once more.
you casted one more look over your shoulder as you followed beside him — one grisha catching your eye for a moment before she turned away. the purple of her uniform — something that they called a kefta, catching your eye instantly alongside the grey embroidering on it. she was a durast — someone who could manipulate things such as steel and glass.
as much as grisha were dangerous and cold — they had a knack for looking their best at every waking moment, with a style that could kill. quite literally.
many of the first army stood shoulder to shoulder as they were awaiting orders — the general standing overhead with a paper in hand that no doubt held the list of names of the unfortunate people that would be ushered onto the skiff that would cross the fold.
wringing your hands nervously, you waited for your name or wilburs to be called, hoping and praying to any saint that would bother to listen. wilbur dug his elbow into your shoulder lightly, drawing your attention to him. “we’re among the youngest batch of the first army — we’re in the clear,” he spoke his words with such certainty. but as much as you wanted to believe him, you couldn't.
“I don’t know… I have a weird feeling, wil,” you gave him a serious look, only to be brushed off with a roll of his eyes. “I’m serious — somethings not right.”
wilbur brought a hand to your forehead, feeling for any sign of heat that could indicate sickness, before lowering it slowly and leaning it. “maybe you should rest — I think all those waffles you’ve eaten are making you fall ill,” while his joke was lighthearted, you couldn't help but sigh.
sigh over the fact that he didn’t believe you in the slightest, and sighing at the fact that you haven’t had a full meal, let alone waffles, in over five years — merely table scraps left over from the grisha’s wonderful and elegant meals they were served daily.
“attention soldiers! tomorrow is the first journey through the fold of this season, and we are taking volunteers!” the room laughed at that, the general included — no one sought out to enter the fold — you were selected and that was final. “knowing that none of you will volunteer however, I have taken it upon myself to select a group of you that will accompany the second army across the fold.”
the first army was full of people like you and wilbur — mapmakers, trackers, and ordinary soldiers that could barely hold their own in a fight. mere children when they entered the army, chosen based on how healthy they were. if you could walk, talk, and breathe normally — you were selected.
the second army however, is what the battles were one with — with grisha only ranks, they dominated against the fjerdans and the shu, two nations that had it out for ravka.
no one could bring themselves to laugh this time around — all too weary and nervous to crack a joke.
“entering the fold tomorrow will be… malyen oretsev, atlas cooper, wilbur soot...” you turned to wilbur in horror. “please come to the docks at 1600 for deployment. that will be all soldiers,” the general stepped down from the stage, leaving a room full of shocked, scared, and relieved soldiers.
he tried to put on a strong face for you, but you could see through it as if it were glass. the man that he was today had retreated into the scared and small boy who could never fight for himself. “wil…” you could only whisper tearfully, knowing full well that this moment could be the last time you’d ever see him.
wilbur slapped on the best smile he could in the situation, and pulled your into a hug. “I’m going to be okay, you hear me? if not you can kick my ass,” he laughed lightly in your ear, not able to hide the way his voice shook.
“I can’t kick your ass if you're hurt,” your mind searched for some way that you could fix this — perhaps it was a mistake? or maybe he could get out of it through faking an injury or a sickness. “what if I shot you in the foot?”
“you have a terrible aim.”
“if it means you stay, wouldn’t you take the chance?”
“I have to go.”
“Y/N,” he gave you a look — a look that you had given him minutes before. “I have to go — I have orders to, you know that.”
an order was an order. there was no way out. no amount of arguing, begging, or offering could buy your way out of doing something no matter what your case was, or what the order was. wilbur swore to follow orders at the beginning of his first army career, much like you had.
“I promise you I’ll come back to you.”
“you better,” your head lowered to his chest once more, basking in the warmth one more time before you had to let him go.
if there was really anything as saints, you prayed for them to watch over him.
he had to come back.
because you didn’t know what you would do if he didn’t.
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— word bank
grisha [gree - shah] — unique individuals who have abilities
ravka — a country in the books of shadow and bone
corporalki [core - pour - ral - kee] — an order in the grisha
materialki [mat - eire - al - kee] — an order in the grisha
etherialki [ether - ree - al - kee] — an order in the grisha
fjerdan [fee - yair - den] — the ethnicity of fjerda residents
shu [shoo] — the ethnicity of shu-han residents
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johnsspacesuittight · 2 years
literally holy fuck this episode of bad buddy!! I am crying so hard, Pran has suffered so much because of all of this, like I totally get now why his mother was so upset, but she put ALL of that on him instead of dealing with it herself, and he is just the kindest most caring boy who only ever tried to do the right thing and he never deserved to be hurt like that, my feelings :,,(( and the fact that through all that the person who has loved and supported and understood him the most is the person he was told to hate I’m :(( I’m so glad he stood up to her and called her out on lying, he so deserved to yell in her face about it
also huge creds to Pat for telling his father like that, like I’m not surprised he has always been the bravest and loudest of the two but still that took guts and I’m so proud of them both 
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sorting pjo characters into hogwarts houses
okay so i haven’t been posting lately so i’m gonna do this lol
percy- i don’t freaking know, he’s like literally every houses traits, but based on one post i saw somewhere where it talked about how your house isn’t what you are, but rather what you value. like neville may not have been the bravest person in 1st year, but he valued it. so with this logic, i’m putting our boy in hufflepuff
annabeth-queen is literally salazar slytherin reincarnated. yea she’s smart, but she’s the most ambitious and cunning person you’ll ever meet. she’s constantly trying to go above and beyond, and her goal was always to make something permanent, pretty slytherin to me
hazel- gryffindor. she literally raised a giant then killed it despite the price of her life, and faced said giant (and more) again and was a badass the whole time. not to mention she canonically swears. and is just like brave, yk?
leo- oooh this is a hard one but i’m gonna say ravenclaw. my boy was doing complex math at like 8 years old and designing battle winning ships at 5 with crayons. also ravenclaws are me and therefor so is leo valdez cause i said so
frank- gryffindor (like his best friend hazel). he slowly overcame his issues and grew into a leader. also screw mars and his bitch ass “blessing” frank is brave without that crap and went on a quest with his best friend and some kind of water god type guy to alaska where he was doomed to fail and is the kind guy to tell someone “you’ll have to get through me first” then destroy said person before turning to smile at the other person and being like “you wanna bake cookies with me?”
jason- uhhh gryffindor in the main character type of way (like @hufflepuff-apollo-kid said [x]) he was trained into being the guy that everyone naturally follows into battle, and i think had he had a different upbringing he’d be a ravenclaw
piper- slytherin. mean bitch vibes and she gets shit done. you go to HER when you need something
drew- also a slytherin. very similar to piper, but she’s even meaner and she’s the sibling you go to when you want someone gone. she could kill with looks (and her nails)
nico- literally a hufflepuff. this boy spent his time travelling making friends with deities so forgotten only the ancient ancient greeks might remember hearing of them. (ie-hestia, bob, at least a few gods from other pantheons, and everyone we haven’t heard about [yet])
thalia- okay so i think all children of zeus have this natural gryffindor instinct, where they feel like they have to prove themselves, and this is seen by them always being in leaders positions. *ahem daddy issues ahem* if she fought that urge i’d say a cross of slytherin and gryffindor
will- the kinda hufflepuff that’d name your bones as he broke them if you hurt someone he loved. also i feel like he has slight ravenclaw hints, but i haven’t finished toa yet
meg- somewhere between slytherin and gryffindor and possibly some hufflepuff
okay so that’s all i can think of rn lol
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goldentournesol · 4 years
The Receptionist and the Profiler (One)
Chapter One: Wins and Losses
(Spencer Reid x f!Reader)
Series Masterlist
General Masterlist
If you’d have told high school senior Y/N that she’d be working at the FBI after graduating college, she would have never believed you. Not only did she have zero interest in law enforcement, she also seemed to lack any athletic skills to back her up. She was nothing like her fiancé, who’d had his heart set on joining the bureau since middle school. She and Grant Anderson were friends in high school and ended up getting together during their junior year. Anderson proposed to Y/N during her second year of college. She’d graduated almost two years ago now, but the wedding date was unknown. They’d been dating for four years and engaged for another four years with the wedding nowhere to be seen. He’d been the first and only boy–and man, to ever pay her half a mind. To her, that was good enough. Hell, she’d been with him for eight years, if she’d wanted to leave him, she’d have left long ago. Right?
Imagine her surprise when he’d told her that his new boss, Aaron Hotchner, was looking for a receptionist for the BAU. Fresh out of college, landing a secure job? That was a miracle, and she really did have to thank her fiancé for it. But everyone around her was so cool and she was just…there. Her job was basically to sort through files, organize Hotch’s meetings, among other things like making reservations at the hotels the agents stayed at on their cases. 
The Agents of the BAU.
They were essentially the coolest people she knew.
First comes Agent Gideon, one of the founders of the BAU. His ability to read people scares her sometimes. How can one man’s beady little eyes have the ability to read people like they were some kind of book stowed away on a dusty shelf? A shelf only he can reach.
Then, comes Agent Hotchner, the unit chief. A stoic man with an even more stoic face. He’s a man who, to put it lightly, takes his job very seriously. On more than one occasion has she met his wife, Haley. They made a beautiful couple in her eyes and they’d just had their child, Jack Hotchner. She never knew how a baby’s face could be so wrinkly–yet so cute. Haley and Aaron were high school sweethearts, much like she and Grant. But that seemed to be the only aspect they shared. Despite his suffocatingly hard shell, Aaron was a loving man. That much was obvious. She wondered if Grant had ever looked at her the way Aaron looked at Haley.
Agent Derek Morgan, where to begin? He was tall, dark, and every bit handsome. His charming nature made all the ladies of the sixth (and fifth, and seventh, and eighth and–) floor swoon over him anytime he walked by. He is one of the bravest men she’d ever known. His ability to put himself in the place of the unsub was something she’d only heard stories about–but it gave her chills every time.
Next comes Agent Elle Greenaway, one of the most headstrong women Y/N has ever met. Her bluntness can come across as harsh, but she knew a woman in law enforcement had to stand her ground to be treated with as equal respect as her male counterparts. She admired her strength.
Agent Jennifer Jareau, or as Y/N knew her, JJ, was a kind hearted, compassionate woman who’s way with words absolutely blew Y/N away. The way JJ handled the media with such finesse was simply astonishing. She knew she could never string together the right words like JJ seemed to, up on those podiums, in front of all those nosy reporters. It was mind blowing to watch her in her element.
Penelope Garcia, or otherwise known as literal sunshine embodied in a technical analyst. She was the best at what she did, hacking, searching, filtering. It was a science, and Penelope Garcia made it look easy. She and Y/N had grown close since both of them stayed at the office while the other agents flew around the country, solving cases. They’d often spend endless lunches together in Garcia’s ‘batcave’ as she called it and was practically hellbent on teaching Y/N how to use Photoshop every chance she got.
And last but certainly not least, Dr. Spencer Reid. She’d never met a man with a more brilliant brain. He was known as the resident genius, the expert on well–everything. The man had an eidetic memory and the ability to read 20,000 words per minute. Is that not the most impressive thing on the planet? Nope, he just has to have three PhDs in three of the most complicated fields of study: mathematics, physics, and engineering, achieving all three before reaching 22 years of age. 
He had joined the bureau about a year after Y/N had started there. She could remember their first interaction like it was yesterday. 
He had been in and out of meetings before spotting Y/N at her desk, where she usually stayed during her lunch break, at least for the first year she was there. She was halfway through a cup of mixed berry yogurt when Spencer came up to her desk to ask where the breakroom was. Y/N directed him to the room and followed his gaze to the yogurt container in her hands before he left.
“Did you know that the origins of yogurt are pretty much unknown, although historians agree that there was no mention of it before 5000 BC? It’s thought to have been invented by the Mesopotamians.” He said as he pursed his lips and raised his brows, as if realizing he made a mistake too late.
“No, I didn’t know that! That’s super cool. You must be Dr. Spencer Reid, right?” She said, giving him her full attention, which made him slightly more nervous than he had been previously. He nodded, a shy smile on his face.
“And you’re…” he looked for her name holder, “Y/N Y/L/N.” 
She giggled and the sound activated some kind of blood rushing mechanism right up into his cheeks, “Yup! I’m the BAU’s receptionist slash Agent Hotchner’s assistant, you know, nothing fancy but I like to think I’m pretty good at sorting through files.” She raised a brow and gave him an adorable smile and suddenly Spencer wasn’t so nervous to talk to her. 
She seemed way more interactive and easygoing than just about 98% of the people in the building. He wondered if it was because she wasn’t an agent. Spencer also wondered if gaining a title like ‘Supervisory Special Agent’ would make him cold like the others, but then he remembered he has three doctorates and already introduced himself with the honorific. 
She picked up on his silence, “You know, you have nothing to worry about, I overheard Agent Gideon talking about you landing the job with Agent Morgan.” She nodded her head towards a tall, muscular man, who Spencer gathered must be Morgan. Spencer smiled back at her, her words easing even more of the tension he collected in his shoulders.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, you should see the massive list of exceptions they have to make to let me into the field.” He said with a ghost of a smile on his face. She had to physically repress a laugh. And right then and there, the seed of a beautiful friendship was planted.
Fast forward to two years after that interaction, Spencer and Y/N became pretty much attached at the hip whenever he was actually in the office and not flying around the country catching serial killers. Their desks were quite far from each other, hers right near the glass doors of the BAU and his across the room right near the railing that had Hotch and Gideon’s offices as well as the conference room. It gave them both perfect views of each other, which they used to send each other encouraging smiles throughout the day, maybe a funny face or two. He always had a way of making her smile, she hadn’t felt the fuzzy feeling of friendship in years. Besides Garcia, Spencer was the only person who had made an effort to get to know Y/N. In the past two years, she’d say Spencer knew her better than anyone else, possibly even Anderson, but that was surely because he was a talented genius profiler…
Budget meetings at the FBI were definitely the most boring types of meetings in the world. She had to be there because she was the one making all the reservations at the hotels, but once they began talking about the jet and fuel consumption–Y/N totally spaced out. Spencer enjoyed the meetings, though. It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that Y/N would sometimes space out and let her head fall against his shoulder. The weight of her head brought him inexplicable comfort and joy. He hates it when people come near him, when did it become so endearing to him for her to trust him enough with such a simple gesture? He found himself attending the meetings and sitting next to her whenever he got the chance, hoping that one day, maybe, just maybe she’ll allow her head to rest upon his shoulder again. Perhaps it was pathetic, but he found himself feeling overjoyed at the thought of budget meetings, they became the only thing he’d look forward to. 
He wondered if this was how Anderson felt when she rested her head on his shoulder, but then his knee would start bouncing and he’d practically feel the envious monster growing in the pit of his stomach, so he’d stop. It certainly didn’t make it any easier to stop when it was so easy to look over and find Anderson leaning against her desk and flirting with her. Technically, he has every right to flirt with his fiancée, but that didn’t stop jealousy from coursing through Spencer’s veins violently.
The team had just landed last night, they were coming back from a case revolving around the famous actress, Lila Archer. Apparently, she’d had a stalker. Y/N couldn’t wait to hear the details of the case, she had watched almost all of Lila’s movies. She eagerly awaited Spencer’s arrival. Just then, she heard the ding of the elevator and saw a very sheepish -and flushed- Spencer with a very playful Morgan hot on his tail.
“Morning, pretty girl!” Derek halted his seemingly incessant teasing to greet her as they walked towards her. Spencer was oddly quiet as he tried to pass by, offering her a small, awkward wave instead of his usual smiley ‘good morning!’, but Derek grabbed him by the strap of his messenger bag. He made it his mission to embarrass Spencer as much as humanly possible when he woke up this morning. What Derek didn’t know was that Spencer wanted Y/N to be the absolute last person to know of what happened. Spencer shifted uncomfortably and was positive he was sweating more than he ever had in his 24 years of life.
“Morning, Derek! So, tell me all about it! Did you meet her? Of course, you met her, duh! What was she like? Was she a stuck up diva like her character in Wins and Losses or was she more down to earth?” Y/N questioned curiously with a hint of excitement.
“Oh, I think pretty boy here has all the answers you could ever wish for. After all, it wasn’t me who made out with a hot movie star in her own pool.” Derek laughed, eyes squinting as he clapped Spencer on the shoulder proudly. Neither of the two men caught the way Y/N’s face dropped. Spencer was too focused on looking anywhere but at her and Derek was too triumphant to look anywhere but at Spencer’s -alarmingly- red face. He attempted to clear his throat when the few seconds of stunned silence became much too suffocating. Derek turned back to Y/N just in time to see her collect her jaw from off the desk and morph it into a smile.
“Spencer Reid, you did what?!” She attempted to laugh in order to lighten the mood, hoping the two profilers wouldn’t pick up on her dis-ingenuousness. 
They hadn’t, thankfully.
Spencer’s shy eyes met her curious ones as he tried to imitate Derek’s proud smile,and he could have sworn he saw a sort of unfamiliar heaviness in her gaze, but it disappeared as soon as it came. 
Could it be? Was she feeling jealous? There’s no way, she thought. But what else could be behind the not so subtle burning feeling in her chest? 
“Um, yeah. She kind of pulled me into the pool with her…” he recounted with a small voice, scratching the back of his head nervously.
“And?” Derek said in anticipation, despite already knowing.
“Alright! We kissed a few times, what’s the big deal?” He huffed, turning to look at Derek and resisting the urge to punch him in the face for embarrassing him in front of Y/N.
Garcia suddenly appeared next to them, catching the looks between the two agents and Y/N’s shocked expression, “Oh! Are we talking about boy wonder locking lips with miss Lila Archer in her pool?”
Spencer’s face dropped, “How do you know about that?!” he all but screeched.
“I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere.” Garcia wiggled her eyebrows at Spencer before sharing a knowing look with Derek which led to a prompt punch to Derek’s arm from him which then led to an over exaggerated yelp of pain.
“I’ve also got photos!” Garcia said, quickly pulling out her PDA and showing Y/N.
“Garcia! How?!” Spencer exclaimed, but it was too late. Y/N was already scrolling through the photos, laughing.
“Spencer, you sly dog!” She laughed, though the situation awoke an unprecedented, seemingly underlying feeling of envy. Spencer rolled his eyes in embarrassment and stormed off in the direction of his desk, leaving the three of them behind. 
The rest of the day went by smoothly, although Y/N had to keep fighting against the way her chest felt tight every time she remembered those photos. She had a feeling she was never going to watch Wins and Losses ever again.
next chapter
feedback is always appreciated!!
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