#i’m quite a bit under the weight limit so i don’t think it’s anything to do with my fat ass lol
moodymisty · 5 months
Perhaps a 40k character of your choice and someone not very comfortable in their body? Shamelessly self inserting I guess. Thanks so much! ☺️
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author’s note: Decided to do Guilliman. You didn’t specify anything (which is fine!) so I kept it vague for you. Enjoy!
Relationship: Guilliman/Fem!Reader(no pronouns are used, but reader compares themself to Fulgrim's wives and also mentions wanting a dress so femcoded one could say)
Warnings: None really
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You wonder how Macaggian history can be so, boring. These history tomes Guilliman had given you while interesting, have largely been unbearably dull; Filled with little more than debate and the trials of leadership.
You had far preferred what Russ had once told you about the history of Fenris when you asked, though you’d never dare speak that to your beloved Primarch aloud.
Said primarch returns to your shared room not moments after you think of him, raking a hand through his own short blonde hair.
It’s quite late, the moon is high in the sky and has been for awhile now, and you assume he hasn’t had any rest in multiple days given you’ve seen little of him these past few. He’s been even busier than usual, since visiting Terra. Even if he has his Commanders take over a good portion of his duties while away from Ultramar, his duties on Terra tend to overtake his time and then some.
With nary a hello, Guilliman climbs onto the bed you’ve been reading in and swiftly lays down on it. The bed groans under his weight despite having been made for someone of his size.
He much larger hands reach to grip you by the waist and pull your closer, laying his face on your stomach overtop of the fabric of your nightgown. Your legs go over his left shoulder, as his left arm curls around your bottom, hip, and up your side to hold you close.
He sighs into your belly.
“Give me a moment, if you will. I’m at my limit with these men today.” You assume he means his fellow primarchs. “Let me enjoy you for a bit now that I’m free of them for the time being.”
You want him to be happy, but you can’t help but shift a bit under him, nervous as he speaks so overtly, and touches you with so little hesitation.
“Are you sure you’re comfortable?” You whisper, nervously twirling a piece of his blonde and ever so slightly grey hair around your fingertip.
“Yes. You are perfect,” He says, your eyes widening at the declaration. You're so offset by it your mind wanders and can’t help but mumble:
“I find that hard to believe…”
You feel him suddenly tense, and he lifts his head to look at you.
“You do not believe me?”
He almost seems insulted by it; Like you think he’s a liar. You shake your head as you look away from his furrowed brow. You hadn’t expected him to spear you to the wall so harshly for your self-deprecating comment.
“No I just…” You grunt in frustration at not finding the right words. The Macragge tome he'd given you lays at your side, and you push it away a bit more. “I sometimes just think there are people out there far more, physically suited to stand beside you than me.” He loses some of his insulted demeanor, but his brow stays furrowed as you pick up pace and begin rambling.
“I mean, look at some of Fulgrim’s wives they-“ He cuts you off with his stoic, firm voice.
“You know how Fulgrim is. You know why and how they look the way they do.” He sighs, the wrinkles around his nose and eyes exaggerating for a moment. “Forget all of that.” He points a finger at you.
“And don’t bring him up again, I’ve had quite enough of him and his comments for quite some time.”
You smile a bit, and he softens. He’s glad you find his aggravation amusing somehow. You do wonder what Fulgrim commented about however; Though you know he has a habit of sometimes treading a bit too far into Roboute’s personal life. Into everyone's personal life honestly, though Roboute having you has made him the prime target of Fulgrim's gossip and colloquies.
His hand squeezes you reassuringly, arm continuing to awkwardly cradle you. He raises his other hand to brush his thumb across your cheek for a moment.
“You are perfect to me. You don’t need all of those lavish things.” He adds on. “Unless you want them, of course. I won’t deny you anything I can give.” Your smile gets wider, and he feels your body relax against him.
“I don’t need any of it,” You pause. “But if a dress showed up one day I wouldn’t complain, per se.”
Thankfully Guilliman can tell you’re clearly joking, and rolls his eyes. You speak up again a bit more subtly.
“Or maybe something a bit more, delicate? You could pick it.”
Guilliman takes a moment to catch your meaning before he awkwardly coughs, looks at you gentle but expectant smile.
“I’ll, see what I can do.”
Guilliman swiftly ends the topic by returning his head to lay on your stomach, and rest his eyes for a moment to the feeling of you raking your fingers through his hair.
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lightlycareless · 6 months
Imagine: naoya and y/n have been happily married for years, and y/n has Lesley Gore's "You don't own me" as ringtone because it makes naoya so embarrassed, he would be like "love, I have already apologized 🥺"
PS: love your work, you alone are making justice to naoya's character. Your characterization of him is canon in my mind.
Awww this is 🥺 man I feel so bad for him haha. But it's true, once everything is healed and nice, this man will still feel that he could never make up for his mistakes 😭 you'd be there to reassure him, though :) ❤️
Anyways, I've decided to apply some creative... differences to this. Mainly because I wanted to get really angsty with it mwahahahahahahah (also, it's not noted here, but there are some things that will remind her of those days, so she will avoid anything that might make her remember that. The two are in love, but... it's a difficult path. but trauma always is.)
Also, thank you so much for your lovely words!! I do try my best :') I'm so glad that you liked my characterization!! This man is capable of more... under the right circumstances 🤭
warnings: a bit of angst. naoya is deeply regretful. you're supportive. mentions of abuse (not really, but something bad is implied)
happy reading!
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“—this is why I don’t like going out with you. Nothing ever seems to be of your liking!”
“If you have such a bad time with me, then why don’t you leave?!”
“I might as well!”
Naoya was never one to overhear gossip (coming from strangers, that is.). Thought it to be incredibly boring, dull, mundane, especially from civilians. What could they even experience? Their boring 9-5 job? Yeah, no thanks.
Yet, something about this conversation didn’t elude his attention like it used to, and before he knew it, when he was once focused on your voice, he was now nothing but attentive to the hurtful words of the couple nearby.
They weren’t directed at him, obviously, nor did they refer to anything he could take personally…
But the weight of his past makes it impossible for him to look beyond his own guilt, instinctively attaching their words to his own actions. Like he was the one they were discussing.
Naoya knows he was a… less than desirable man at the beginning of this marriage. He doesn’t claim otherwise, he can’t, since there are still many things to make amends for…
Things that he knows he’ll never be able to; for the atrocities he committed to you… they’re unspeakable. Even with the promise he made to spend of the rest of his life making it up to you, one he doesn’t intend to let go.
But… will he ever amount to it? Can he do so?
He’d rather die trying, than never at all.
“Another one?” You ask when he suggests going to another store. The two had come on a date at a shopping mall, intending to pick up some things needed for the apartment, alongside enjoying each other’s company; Naoya’s work had been quite demanding as of lately, and he intended to get his dosage of you, enough to cover a whole month. “But I thought you wanted to head back already…?”
“Yes, but then I thought we’d make the best of our visit here before leaving instead. Who knows when we’ll be back?”
“Oh, well… if that’s what you want…” you frown, a bit unsettled by his sudden change, which was only to worsen.
“No! I mean—we can do that too if you want to.” Naoya interjects.
“You’re not making much sense…”
“What I mean to say is that we can do whatever you want.” He scurries to explain. “Just say the word and I’ll do it.”
“I... don’t have anything in mind, really. Going home sounded good.”
“Are you sure? We can go somewhere else too. You know I have no limitations.”
“I think I’m done for the day—”
“Home it is. Would you like the estate, the apartment, or your parents’ house?”
“My parents house?? But that’s—that’s on the other side of the country!” you gasp; and while you’re always appreciative of Naoya’s willingness to go above and beyond, this was actually a bit… excessive—and that’s saying a lot coming from him!
“What do you mean and? We can’t just hop on a plane and leave!”
“Of course we can.” He corrected. “We can leave right now if you want.”
“Again with the—Where did this come from?? Is everything alright, Naoya? What’s gotten into you??”
“Nothing! Is it wrong to want to please you, too?” Naoya frets.
“Too?” you repeat. “What do you mean by that?”
“It’s—It’s nothing. Just tell me what you—”
“No, it is important. It has to be if it’s affecting you like this!” you cry. “Tell me, Naoya. Please. I thought we agreed we could tell each other everything!”
“It’s nothing you don’t know already.”
“Like what?” you frown. “What do I already know?? You’re not making any sense!”
“That I don’t deserve you!” he condemns. “That I’ve done terrible things to you that I can never erase, no matter how much I try—and that perhaps you’d be infinitely happier with someone else; someone… that isn’t me.”
Even with the large, noisy sounds of the lively mall, silence manages to quickly engulf the two soon after, drowning you in the pain Naoya’s unexpected words gave you, piercing your heart and the hope you’ve placed for the future of this relationship.
One created with the notion that everything bad had been left in the past, ready to move on… only to realize, it wasn’t that easy to do so. Suddenly coming back, in the most unwanted, painful way you could’ve imagined—seemingly unprompted, but equally damaging to Naoya’s sentiments.
“That’s… that’s not true.” You eventually murmur, looking at him, while Naoya’s eyes remain glued to the floor. “None of what you’re saying is true.”
Then why do I keep feeling this way?
“… you don’t… believe that… do you?” You continue, managing to get a glimpse of his face, which reflected nothing but sadness and disbelief towards your words.
“It seems like all I do is hurt you.” Naoya laments. “No matter how much I try, I’ll never be able to escape—"
“Don’t say that—that’s not who you are.” You interject, stepping closer to him. “We’ve come a long way from where we began, you’re not that same man from before.”
“But I keep making the same mistakes, I keep hurting you.”
“It’s not easy to leave behind what you thought normal for all your life—or to accept them as mistakes…” you take his hand. “So, when you do fall back into your old ways, but bounce back right up… It shows you’re trying. It shows you’re regretful and want to do better.”
“I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”
“I know.” He lifts your gaze to yours; you place your other hand just above his cheek, giving him a soft smile. “And… I know you don’t do it intentionally. I’ve seen your heart, the pain you went through and how it affected you. But I also saw what you’re capable of, the love you’ve harbored, how you longed to share it, and… how lucky I am to be the one to earn it.”
“…I’m the lucky one.” Naoya leans into your touch. “To have found a wife so compassionate…”
“We’ve both done things we’re… not proud of. But that doesn’t mean we’re eternally bound to them. As long as we’re regretful and strive to do better… it’s all that matters.”
“But when is enough?” Naoya murmurs. “When will I stop feeling like this?”
“I don’t know. There are some things we can’t stop, we simply… learn how to live with them.” You admit. “I wish it was possible.”
He frowns, looking away.
“But I do know one thing, though.”
“…What is it?”
“That I love you. With your faults and virtues—and everything in between. Is what makes you, you, Naoya.” You giggle, he gives you a tight smile. “And I’ll spend my whole life telling you that until you believe it yourself!”
He chuckles; seems that both have made lifelong promises that neither intends to forget anytime soon.
“I love you too.” Naoya professed. “Thank you for everything. You’ve given me so much, probably even more than what I deserved—that I’ll spend my whole life making it up to you.”
“You don’t have to, Naoya. You only deserve more.” You reassure him. “But really, you don’t need to make it up to me! As long as you remember the love we have for each other, and that I’ve long forgiven you, is enough for me.”
At your words, the tears Naoya was trying his best to hold back finally slide down his cheeks, which you quickly wipe away with your thumbs, before giving him a smile and pulling him closer for a peck on the lips.
“Everything is going to be fine.” You promised, he looks back at you. You kiss him again, taking him into your arms and hugging him. “If you don’t mind me asking, however… what happened that made you feel this way? Did I do something?”
Naoya sighs, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“No, never. It was just something stupid, actually. Some people arguing, that’s all.”
“Oh.” You blink, quickly understanding why he’d feel insecure about your relationship; the familiarities were too close for comfort. “That’s… unfortunate.”
“It reminded me of how we used to be… how I’d treat you.”
“That is long gone. We’ve worked past that and now, we’re in a much better place.” You snuggle against him. “Both figuratively and literally.”
“Do you still want to go home?”
“Yeah, all this shopping made me tired. Unless there’s something else you wanted to see?”
“No, I was mostly suggesting things for you. I’ve been feeling tired for a while too, now.”
“We can arrange something else for another day, then. For now, I just want to head back home, lay on the futon, cuddle underneath the covers, and maybe watch a movie… how does that sound?” you grin. “I can even prepare some popcorn, if you’d like!”
He chuckles.
“It sounds wonderful.”
Just like his new life with you. Something he never thought he’d receive, nor deserved, at least in the beginning of his marriage.
Until you proved to him otherwise, showing him that the ways of his clan, those forcefully imposed on him, didn’t determine who he was, who he could become.
That he had much more power over his life, the ultimate decision on what to do remained on him and no one else.
It was to be a difficult path, one promising bumpy roads, which will probably never end if he were to be realistic…
But it’s just as you said. As long as both know, deep inside, that they’re doing their best to overcome these obstacles, as well as remembering that they’re always there for the other, alongside their ever-growing love… nothing else mattered.
It was you and Naoya against the world.
And he wouldn’t want it any other way.
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🥺 I believe Naoya will always feel undeserving, even when they have a kid together and whatnot. He comes from a very difficult family, so be prepared to face these kinds of situations when in a relationship with him 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
omg i can imagine it already, when he's super old, reflecting on his life he had alongside you, his kids, and probably grandchildren too... only then will he finally admit he's happy with the life he had. jfc i'm crying goodbye.
Anyways, I know I deviated a bit from your imagine, but I still hope it was to your liking! the angst between the two is real, but so good too....
As always, thank you so much for sending in this! Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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hell-drabbles · 11 months
Minhyeok 2
Summary: Often you pull Minhyeok to help you out with visualizing scenes for your various novels. And, obviously enough, this always leaves him hot and bothered. You know he can’t help it and it entertains you that he still continues to go along with your demands.
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“Alright, pull your legs back a bit if you would,” you walked towards Minhyeok, who was laying on his bed, and tapped the side of his bare thigh, “Just grab your thighs right here. Go back as far as you can go.”
His thighs may not have the most fat on them but they’re plump enough to work. There’s a specific scene you’ve been meaning to write of a character of yours inviting the main character into a mating press. While you could just find the visuals directly online, your brain, unfortunately, works best when you have something physical you can interact with. You need to experience the pose with all five of your sense, if you can.
Honestly, it was just a joke when you asked if Minhyeok he could do this specific lewd pose, but the fact he actually agreed with you had you committing to the bit just so you don’t embarrass him. He’s a lovely man and you don’t want to step on his pride a little too much.
His cheeks are already flushed with shame as he pulled back as asked, ass not quite sticking in the air like you needed. He was stiff, as though his muscles were locked and refused to let go. Odd, since you knew him to be pretty flexible.
“Like this?” Minhyeok murmured out with strain. The only thing barely keeping his dignity was his underwear. Thing is, you didn’t ask him to strip down but you’re not going to say anything for his sake.
“Hmm, not quite,” you put one knee on the bed, “Mind if I help with the pose? It’s going to be pretty intimate though.”
Minhyeok let go and let his limbs flop on the bed. He covered his eyes, the flush on his cheeks spreading down his neck and over his chest. “…go on ahead, please.”
He’s so adorably honest. ‘Please.’ Minhyeok is a naturally polite man, to a pretty manipulative degree, but you can tell what’s his manners and what are his true wants.
Minhyeok went through a full body shudder just by you grabbing the back of this thighs. Goosebumps bloomed right under your palm and you spotted his fingers digging into the pillow beneath his head. Not in fear, but in anticipation.
You spread his legs apart and had to bite back a laugh when his hips jutted up for a second. It was slow, but you can see the outline of his hardening dick beneath his underwear, weakly twitching before beginning to follow the beat of his heart. Just to give him mercy, you ignored it.
You slid your hands up–Minhyeok bit back a moan–and pushed his knees until they were almost to his shoulders.
“If you want to stop, you know the magic word,” you reminded as reassurance.
Sweat started to dot his chest, giving his skin a unique shimmer. And his nipples were flushed pink and pebbled.
“I’m…” Minhyeok sighed out after a gulp of air, “I’m fine. You can continue.”
“Alright, alright,” and only then did you slot your hips over his, pinning his ass down on the bed. You felt his muscles clench up once more. “Ah, careful! You’re gonna rip something.”
Minhyeok was shivering, little yearning moans barely able to escape his tightly sealed lips. He covered his mouth, exposing his deeply red face and dilated pupils. He was entirely enraptured by you, unable to focus on anything else.
A stain began to spread on his underwear before leaking clearly down his belly.
Poor man. He’s reaching his limit.
“Hey, do you want me to help you out?” You smiled down at him. You always asked every time he gets likes this, though he always replies the same thing.
“I-it’s fine. I just… I just need the bathroom… Please…” His voice was soft, meek, vulnerable.
You let him go and Minhyeok dashed into out his bedroom door. You gave a quiet chuckle under your breath, putting your weight on your hands as you leaned back.
You’d think he’d eventually stop agreeing to do these things. But no, he’s stubborn.
What a strange man, that Minhyeok.
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Preview of Chapter 5 of Love and Fate
I'm still sick! Still writing though. Enjoy!
Shen Yuan nodded, bringing his free hand to where his and Binghe’s had been clasped together most of the day. He moved to cradle Binghe’s palm as his thumbs lightly stroked his hand. “I didn’t know what to think after you came back. And now so much has changed in such a short time. I.”
He hesitated and Luo Binghe let him, eyes focused on his face while Shen Yuan remained looking at their hands. After several long moments of slight frowning, he prompted cautiously, “Is this about yesterday?”
“Binghe, you’re the most important person in this world. I mean that this world is, quite literally, yours for the taking. You could have anything, anyone, and I’m not. You don’t know what I was like before I died but guys like you… well would never even pay attention to guys like me even if I was looking for that kind of thing,” he admitted. “You were quite literally a fantasy and I was seen as pathetic for looking past that to see the depth of you and your experience. In a lot of ways, I was straight up pathetic, but I did and do care about you. I always will. And something that scares me is that you will one day see me as I am deep inside and want nothing more than to be rid of me.
“Yes, you are too young for me for all that we are only a bit over four years apart in age, but the issue is what your age means. I know just how much life you have left to experience and how it will change your outlook on things. I adore you and want you to be happy. I’m not so arrogant to think that what you have learned would cement itself into your brain and supersede all that you will experience. I want you to be sure, that’s all.”
Luo Binghe stared at him, speechless and dazed because what was he talking about?! He was so confused! Did he somehow think Binghe would regret becoming his husband???
“Shen Yuan,” he tried slowly, trying to give his mind a chance to catch up. “I do not understand. I am sure about you and the other Luo Binghe is proof that my conviction is unwavering even under more difficult circumstances. You make me happy, just as Yuan-ge made the other me happy. He didn’t have to do anything to achieve that but be himself and by that Binghe’s side. I don’t want the world you claim is mine; I just want you.”
“You shouldn’t limit yourself,” Shen Yuan responded, almost scolding.
“You consider my desire to marry you limiting myself?” Luo Binghe asked in disbelief. “A-Yuan, beloved, you died because you were enraged at the thought of me having an unhappy ending. You have fought fate itself to make me safe here, have taken on the weight of the world to ensure my very future. How could having the honor of being your husband be considered limiting?”
Shen Yuan frowned at him and Luo Binghe felt like he was going crazy. Just, just–! He shuffled to the side a bit and nearly bowed to the man as he said, “What I want is to have a family, A-Yuan. Parents would be nice, but I want to make a family with you. I want to be yours as I pray you would allow yourself to be mine.”
“But, your empire–”
“I don’t want it!” Luo Binghe exclaimed. “If it meant I couldn’t have you, I don’t want it! It didn’t make the other me, the first me, happy, nor did his gigantic harem. A-Yuan, we could leave Qing Jing Peak, leave the cultivation world today, and I would love making a home with you of ease and happiness. No, I would love making a household with you, because you are my home. I would marry you right now if you would allow it, that’s how sure I am of you. And please don’t say it’s because I’m young; the other me was here and he felt just as strongly about this as I do. 
“Stop waiting for me to find something or someone better, A-Yuan. You’re it, for me. You’re my ultimate goal, my desire, my happiness, my heart. You are the reason I would destroy this world, because a world without you in it does not deserve to exist. I love you, and I say that because I know no better word for it. I told Liu Qingge and I will tell you; I have absolutely no shame when it comes to you and how I feel about you. The sun would burn out like a candle wick before I stopped loving you. What do I need to do to make you understand that? For you to believe that any hesitation should be your choice alone rather than based on a fear of my wavering heart. Please, just tell me and I’ll do it. Tell me, Shen Yuan.”
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All Clones Go To Heaven
Crosshair & Mayday
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Summary: The aftermath of the avalanche on Barton IV from Mayday’s perspective. (written in third person limited)
Pairings: None
Characters: Crosshair, Mayday, Mayday's Squad
Tags & Warnings: angst, hurt, comfort, death, afterlife, may also cause uncontrollable crying, apologies in advance
Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Notes: A companion piece to this post. I don’t know anything about the lore behind the Star Wars afterlife, so if you do, please no hate! It’s just fanfiction. As always, please enjoy 💚
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It’s cold. It’s dark. It’s heavy. These and numerous other thoughts floated around Mayday’s mind as he laid motionless under the frigid snow. The pressure and weight of the icy precipitation crushed his chest, making it difficult to breathe. He was fully engulfed in a tundra prison.
He inhaled and exhaled slowly, just as he was taught in training as a cadet. Never panicking for even a moment. He flexed his muscles to move his arms and legs in an attempt to escape, but they wouldn’t budge. The weight and angles of the pressurized snow were too great to overcome. 
This is it. He resigned. I’m finally going to die here on this mountain, just like my squad. Can’t say I didn’t see it coming. He wrestled with his mind, trying to not think about death by suffocation, until his thoughts finally landed somewhere else. I hope that clone got out. I can’t have another one die on me.
It didn’t take much longer for his senses to begin fading away. The asphyxiation was taking its toll on him. He lingered in and out of consciousness, hoping at any moment that death would stop toying with him and just take him. Death was such a tease, and not the kind he liked. Much unlike his former men, who were chronic pranksters.  
However, as he lay there, nearing death’s edge and reminiscing the days when his squad was together, he heard a muffled sound coming from above. One by one, small fragments of light pierced through his snowy covering. Just as hope of a rescue brimmed from the surface, he passed out. 
Mayday started to crawl back into consciousness as he felt hands lifting his torso. He grunted as his lungs began to fill with oxygen once again. He felt a hard object behind his back and could hear someone speaking, but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. His brain was still scrambled from lack of oxygen and the pain around his torso slowly increased.
“Come on,” Crosshair prompted as he attempted to lift the commander out of the snow. “We have to move.”
Mayday grunted again, this time from the pain of his crushed chest. Each breath was an excruciating endeavor as his lungs attempted to expand inside his broken ribcage. He knew he had no chance of surviving in his condition and all the pulling was not helping. 
Through forced breaths, he spoke to the young clone. “Go, I won’t make it.”
Not missing a beat, Crosshair put the Commander’s helmet on his head and shivered out a soft. “We don’t leave our own behind.” 
The old and worn helmet wasn’t much protection from the elements, but it was better than nothing. At the minimum, it kept the howling wind out of his ears and made his already labored breathing a bit easier. Nonetheless, the journey back to the outpost would be a perilous one and neither clone was promised survival.
Still moving in and out of consciousness, Mayday could feel his body being pulled out of the snow. The blunt movements were painful, but he didn’t have enough energy to fight the young clone’s efforts. He felt his left arm wrap around Crosshair’s shoulder as he was lifted to his feet. 
They moved along the mountainside slowly. The air was gusting and frigid, but his chest burned like fire. He knew he was critically injured, and most likely bleeding internally, but that didn’t stop the young clone from dragging him along through the deep snow. 
They stopped every so often to catch their breaths and reposition themselves, even though no position was comfortable. As they trudged along through the night, the wind began to howl and the snow stung like daggers against their prone bodies. A blizzard was coming and they needed to find shelter quickly. 
Crosshair led the limping pair to a small outcropping on the side of the mountain, with barely any protection from the storm. Mayday could feel the young clone’s body pressed tightly up against his, huddling them together as best he could while they waited it out. He could barely open his eyes, but he would never forget the fear on Crosshair’s face.  
Come morning light, the duo started again towards the outpost. This time Crosshair gave Mayday his sniper rifle as a walking stick. The make-shift crutch did help a little, but Mayday knew it wasn’t going to be enough. He wasn’t making it out of this situation alive, even if they did make it back to the outpost.
They marched forward, both clones breathing ragged, half frost-bitten, and on the verge of death. As they crested the last hill, Mayday, through glazed vision, could see the outposts' platform. Maybe they were going to make it. Maybe they would survive this. Maybe they live to fight another day. 
“About time you two returned,” the Lieutenant sneered as the two ragged clones staggered forward and fell to the ground.
“He needs a medic,” Crosshair exasperated as he removed Mayday’s helmet.
Mayday coughed as the blood pooling in his chest crushed his lungs. It’s alright, son. He wanted to say to reassure the young clone. 
“I see you didn’t retrieve the crates,” the lieutenant huffed in disappointment. “Which means you failed your mission.”
You mean we failed our suicide mission. Mayday jested to himself.
“Did you hear what I said?” Crosshair pleaded. “Help him!”
Once again, wishing to convey his thoughts to the young clone, but unable to, he let the words loose in his mind. It’s going to be okay, kid. Clones die all the time. I’ll be fine.
“Certainly not,” the lieutenant sneered. “That would be a waste of the Empire’s resources.”
A resource. That’s all we are to them. Things. He wished he could muster the strength to convey his thoughts out loud, but his breath was gone. I hope you remember this, Crosshair. Don’t become a tool of the Empire like me. You’re worth more than that.
“You...,” Crosshair breathed out in desperation, “he’ll die.”
Mayday coughed again, more forceful than before. He could feel his life slipping away second by second. This was it. His breath was leaving his body one last time. Goodbye, kid. He thought one last time before drifting into death’s arms.
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It was dark once more, but this time, it wasn't cold. No, this time was different. Mayday found himself standing alone in pitch black. He swiveled his head but couldn’t see anything. It was an endless void as he turned around in circles, trying to gather intel on his new surroundings. 
However, like any good soldier, he started marching forward. To where, he did not know. To find what, he was uncertain. But he knew he had to start moving. There was an internal compass somewhere deep inside his soul that guided his footsteps along an invisible pathway.
As he continued his journey through the darkness, he began to feel warm. It was an odd feeling and contrasted what he had known for the past year on Barton IV. Nevertheless, it was inviting, calming, and effortless. His body felt lighter and his skin began to tingle. He was being lulled.
Without warning, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end as he sensed a presence ahead of him. His first instinct was to grab at his weapon, but there was nothing there. The shocking realization that he had nothing and was nothing set in. All his gear was gone and he was vulnerable. 
He took a deep breath and stepped closer to the presence. He couldn’t make out what it was, but it was definitely other-worldly and not something he had run into before. He cocked his head to the side and squinted at a tall figure outlined in a dull silvery light. He stepped closer to investigate.
“Welcome, Mayday,” the looming figure spoke with a booming voice.
The clone commander was taken aback as his hands started to tremble in front of the presence. “Who are you?” he asked. 
“I am the Maker,” the tall figure answered as it bowed its head low to meet Mayday’s gaze.
“Is… Is this death?” Mayday asked with hesitation. He didn’t know how he knew to ask, but something inside him prompted it.
“Yes, it is,” the Maker answered.
“I see,” Mayday said as he brought a hand up to pull at his beard in thought. “Are… Are my men here?”
“Yes, they are,” the Maker answered again.
“Sir, can I see them?” Mayday asked with excitement and expectation in his voice.
“Perhaps,” the Maker answered. “It depends.”
“Depends on what, sir?” Mayday asked.
“On your judgment,” the Maker answered deeply.
“Judgment?” Mayday rhetorized in confusion.
“Yes,” the Maker continued. “All who pass through my domain must be judged. So tell me, Mayday, why should I let you pass on?”
The clone commander thought about what to say. It was a tough question and not one that any clone ever thought about in their lifetime. Clones were lab creations, made to be disposable. Did they deserve to live a happy afterlife as much as any other lifeform? 
“I didn’t do much to deserve much, sir,” Mayday began. He shook his head and sighed. “I was bred to kill and created to die. And I… I lost my entire squad. My brothers followed every order I gave them and died. Their deaths are on my shoulders. So, perhaps, I don’t deserve anything.”
The Maker shifted its fluid form into a pondering posture as it looked into the depths of the clone commander’s soul. “But were you a good soldier?” the Maker asked.
“I’d like to think so, sir,” Mayday answered semi-confidently.
The Maker straightened its posture and once again loomed its large silvery figure over Mayday’s tiny frame. Mayday took a few steps back, in awe of the enormity of the Maker’s presence.
“Commander Mayday,” the Maker’s voice boomed as the clone flinched. “A clone you were created, a life-form you are no less. You followed your orders and served your men well. They gladly laid down their lives under your command as each one spoke highly of your leadership.”
Mayday cracked a small sad smile. “They did?”
“Yes,” the Maker answered softly.
Mayday let out an anguished sigh. “They were good men. Some of the best.”
“As are you,” the Maker pointed out. The Maker paused and let silence fill the room as it peered further into the soul of the clone standing before it. “I will now pass my judgment upon you.”
Mayday straightened up at attention, ready and willing to accept whatever judgment the Maker had for him. All he hoped for was to be reunited with his men, wherever they were. Or if not, then at least be at peace knowing they were safe from any further harm.
“Mayday,” the Maker boomed. “I judge you as a good soldier. Loyal, brave, strong, and true. You did well in your short life and you earned the love and respect of many around you. I now grant you access to Paradise. Enter and join your brothers in peace.”
Mayday smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. He was going to see his men again. Before his thoughts could trail off any farther, a vertical light in the middle of the dark void showed forth. He put his hands up to shield his eyes at the brightness, as the light grew wide, like doors swinging open.
He slowly put his hands down and looked into the bright light. He hesitated for a moment, but the Maker prodded the clone to move forward. As Mayday came closer to the light, he could see a group of figures standing together, bathed in the golden light from where they stood. It was his squad.
Mayday ran forward, eager to greet his men that he missed so much. Tears brimming in his eyes. It really was the most glorious sight and all he could have ever asked for. It was them. All of them. They were there waiting for him, their leader. 
“Commander!” one of the clones yelled in excitement as they waved their hand in the air. “What took you so long?” The clone beamed with joy.
“You’re late!” another clone yelled. “Uh, I mean, you’re late sir!” The squad laughed.
“Thank goodness,” one of his men breathed out in a sigh of relief. “We were getting bored without you and these four idiots have been such a handful.”
“Come on in and join us!” another one of his men shouted in excitement. “Hexx and Veetch are already here and getting way too comfortable.”
“Aw, yes!” the last of his men cheered. “The squad is finally back together again!”
Mayday chuckled and without even trying to keep his composure, cried. His squad, his brothers, his family, were back together again. Finally, they were home. Mayday lunged forward and brought his entire squad into a big group hug, toppling them over like bowling pins. 
“Hey boys,” Mayday smiled and leaned into the embrace. Desperately clinging to each one as tight as he could. “Glad I could make it.”
As the group got up and walked back into the bright light of Paradise, each crying, laughing, and falling over the other, Mayday took one last look into the void and remembered a certain clone. I hope you find your squad too, Crosshair. Then, turning with a big smile, he followed his brothers into bliss.
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12. Roger/Charlie
Okay, so you requested Charger however we agreed that anything you sent that were repeats to something Read sent would become Jeddie prompts so!!!!
This is Jeddie!! And it's Explicit!!! I think I'm going to continue this particular "fic" with another prompt because I really want to limit myself to completing these prompts in one sitting. So!!!
Tagging the Squad: @stobinesque @inairbinad @starryeyedjanai @spoookysix @xenon-demon @hellion-child @scarcrossdlvrs @patchworkgargoyle
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Eddie threw his head back with a gasp, his eyes wide as Jeff’s deft fingers worked him open, hooking upward against his prostate with every slide. It was perfection, laying beneath his best friend as he was taken apart slowly but surely, thick fingers inside him and plush lips against his throat.
It was one of those things that they never considered when they were younger, to blow off steam like this together, but now that they were older and going through dry spells at the same time, it seemed like a simple enough thing. They were best friends, they trusted each other, and they were smart enough to call it quits before any sticky feelings bubbled up.
At least, Eddie hoped, Jeff was smart enough to call it quits. Because Eddie had been carrying a torch for the man for most of their friendship and the regular sex was not helping that at all. But it was regular sex with Jeff, and he’d be stupid to turn it down.
“C’mon, man, I’m ready,” Eddie whimpered, his cock twitching as it dribbled out another thick drop of precum.
“Yeah, me too,” Jeff chuckled before pulling his fingers out and grabbing the lube to slick his cock.
With a shaky laugh of his own, Eddie went to roll over, to get his knees under himself and face into the pillows, but Jeff’s slick hand on his hip stopped him.
“I want to— I wanna see your face this time,” Jeff said softly, and Eddie felt his heart thump erratically against his ribcage.
“That’s so gay, Jeff,” Eddie teased lightly, grinning broadly even as he felt his heart climbing his throat in panic. How was he supposed to pretend he wasn’t in love with Jeff while looking into his eyes as his perfect cock ruined him just a little bit more?
“I just had my fingers in your ass and missionary is gay?” Jeff asked with a little smirk that was absolutely devastating.
“Don’t make the rules, Jeffy,” Eddie singsonged as he wrapped his legs around Jeff’s waist, grinning up at him even as his heart raced painfully in his chest.
At that, Jeff just chuckled and focused on lining his cock up with Eddie’s hole, pushing against the loose ring of muscles until the head popped inside. Eddie gasped at the intrusion, willing himself to stay relaxed as Jeff slowly sunk into his core. Finally, when Jeff bottomed out, he dropped onto his elbows above Eddie and met his gaze, holding it as Eddie adjusted to the weight of Jeff’s cock splitting him open.
“You okay, Ed?” Jeff asked sweetly, brushing a couple sweaty curls off of Eddie’s brow.
And Eddie wasn’t okay. He was perfect, he felt so good and so cared for. He was full and held and loved but he wasn’t okay. Eddie was in love with Jeff, and it was going to end everything here and now, and he would lose his best friend.
He couldn’t say any of that, though, so he took a deep breath and tried to reassure Jeff.
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified,” Eddie blurted, and his eyes widened in panic.
He hadn’t meant to say that right now, or ever really. But with Jeff’s dark eyes staring into his own, his plush lips so close and his hot breath puffing across his cheeks, and his cock settled deep inside his core, Eddie couldn’t stop the confession. Bracing himself for Jeff to pull out, he started to unwind his legs from around Jeff’s waist, only to have a thick moan jolted out of him when Jeff rock against his ass.
“That’s a relief,” Jeff sighed, pulling back and thrusting back in deep and hard.
“W-what?” Eddie gasped, moaning as he lifted a hand to wrap around the back of Jeff’s head, rocking down to meet Jeff’s thrusts.
“Jesus, Ed, can we talk about this when my balls don’t feel like they’re about to explode?” Jeff asked, kissing Eddie’s cheek. “I’m in love with you, like, so fucking in love with you.”
Eddie turned his face to capture Jeff’s lips in a frantic kiss, holding the back of his head tightly as they devoured each other’s mouths and Jeff’s thrusts grew more powerful, more demanding.
“Yeah, we can talk later,” Eddie gasped against Jeff’s groaning mouth. “We can talk so much.”
“Yeah,” Jeff grunted, grinning as he pressed close for another deep, searching kiss.
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50stressballs · 7 months
So fun fact when I was a kid my mom decided I wasn’t active enough. So she bought me absurdly expensive running shoes I did not ask for, dragged me out in the below freezing east coast weather, and started me on this “couch potato to 5k” challenge.
Every day after school, we ran. First it was 5 minutes a day, then 7, then 10… you get the gist. I think after 2 months we were running about an hour every day. By the time I quit running when I was 10, my mom and I had run 3 5ks together over the span of a little over a year.
A little after stopped running, I noticed some pain in my right knee. It got a little bit worse, and a little bit worse, and a little bit worse… and then five years later, when it had gotten to the point where I couldn’t pay attention in geography class because I was in constant pain from having to sit all day, I finally went to the doctor.
They told me the cartilage under my kneecap was worn down from overuse. It’s called chondromalacia patellae—also known as “runners knee.”
The thing is: When we were in races, and I was overwhelmed, I told my mom I wanted to stop. I told her I was in pain and I needed to slow down. I told her I didn’t like running.
And you know what she said to me?
“Suck it up.”
And I’m not saying “don’t tell your kids to exercise.” Your kids SHOULD exercise—not because of any bullshit weight reason or anything, but because they’re kids, and it’s good for them. Good for their bones, or whatever.
And I’m not saying “don’t exercise WITH your kids” either, because again, they should be exercising a little. And if you being there helps them stay motivated, that’s great.
What I am saying is: Listen to your kids. Trust that they know their own limits better than you do. Even if you think that they’re being over dramatic, or whiny, or whatever—don’t take the chance.
I’m 20 years old now. My knee still hurts. I have a whole suite of other, unrelated chronic conditions that would be improved if I exercised more. And I try to, I really do. But it’s kind of hard to do squats when just one makes your knee feel like it’s on fire for the rest of the week.
Listen. To. Your. Kids.
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martyrmurdock · 3 years
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♡ pairing: matt murdock x gn reader
♡ word count: 1.1k
♡ tags: fluff, one vague suggestive line, baby as a pet name (for matt)
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matt murdock isn’t exactly a morning person. as someone who has to juggle his nightly activities as a vigilante and his daytime duties as a lawyer, matt treasures the limited amount of rest he manages to scrape by on. (how he’s able to function as a contributing member of society with so little sleep, nobody knows. foggy used to think it had to do with matt’s enhanced abilities, but in reality, matt sustains himself on multiple cups of coffee a day. the level of caffeine in his system is worrisome, to say the least.)
since matt would often hit the snooze button whenever his alarm clock went off in hopes of just a few more minutes of sleep (which would then lead to much more than a few more minutes), he used to have to rely on foggy spamming his home phone with calls to get out of bed on time for work.
emphasis on used to.
since you’ve moved into his apartment, matt is now woken up by much more pleasant means than the automated voice of his home phone repeating foggy’s name over and over at full volume. (however, there is still the rare occasion where foggy has to call to make sure that matt wakes up on time.)
matt’s an incredibly light sleeper. he’s also incredibly attuned to your body. so, he almost always wakes up at, or close to, the same moment you do. his keen ears pick up the way your breathing pattern changes as you slowly rouse from your slumber.
he keeps quiet, though. his eyes remain closed as he waits for you to wake yourself up more. he listens to how you rub the sleep out of your eyes before shuffling a little closer to his back. you shimmy your legs to twine with matt’s own and wrap an arm around his shoulder. the slight twitch of his lips threatens to betray his wakeful state to you, but luckily, you haven’t lifted your head off of your pillow to gain a glimpse of his face.
“baby,” you whisper. your breath fans across the back of his neck. with your arm over his shoulder, you splay a hand across his firm chest, lazily dragging your fingers back and forth over the comfortable material of his shirt in mindless motions. “it’s time to wake up.”
matt doesn’t make a noise in acknowledgment. he doesn’t shift or move or anything. his chest continues to rise in a slow, steady rhythm as if he were still asleep.
“i know you’re awake, baby.”
matt doesn’t fight the quiet grin that begins to stretch across his lips. mindful of how he’s still in your embrace, he carefully flips onto his other side to face you. he tosses an arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to his chest.
“i’m not quite awake yet,” he replies in a voice low and raspy from disuse. his eyes remain closed as he speaks. matt has no plans of getting out of bed anytime soon, especially if you’re in the bed with him.
the corner of his lips curls up. matt revels in his effect on you, listening intently to the slight increase in your heart rate at the sound of his morning voice.
“baby,” you say again, pouty and sleepy, and matt is thankful that you do not have enhanced senses because then you’d be able to hear the way his heartbeat goes a little unsteady at how the pet name falls from your tongue.
you shift around a little bit, causing the bed to sink slightly under your weight, and gently unwind your arm from around matt to place both of your hands on his chest. you glide your hands over his pecs until your palms reach the hem of his collar and curl the ends of his brown hair around the tips of your fingers. matt melts at the comforting touch, tilting his head further into your hands, so you can continue playing with his hair.
“if you don’t get out of bed soon, foggy’s gonna call.”
matt groans at the reminder, burying his face into the crook of your neck. matt would rather not have foggy interrupting the bliss of this morning by telling him to get his ass out of bed after teasing him about having a long night with you. (the only long night that matt had was getting his ass handed to him in a disgusting, decrepit building. to be fair though, it was after he fought around ten other guys who were adequately trained in fighting, so he thinks he should be cut a break for not being on his a game.) you take the change in angle as an opportunity to drag your fingers through matt’s hair, trying to tame his bed head to the best of your ability.
“fog and karen can take care of the office this morning,” matt mumbles, providing an excuse for why he doesn’t need to get out of bed just yet. a noise of contentment escapes him when the blunt edge of your nails gently scratches against his scalp.
“they need you, baby,” you softly reply. there’s no need to whisper, but you feel like it’s much too early in the morning to make so much noise. “c’mon, i’ll get up with you,” you say as you try to untangle yourself from matt. he tiredly grumbles when you cease playing with his hair and move to prop yourself up against the headboard. 
after a deep exhale, you swing your legs over the edge of the bed, ready to get up and take on the day. but before you can stand up, matt loops a hand around your wrist and gently tugs you closer to him. when you turn your head to face him, to tell him that he has to get ready for work now, he cups your cheek and presses a kiss to your lips.
the words that you were preparing in your mind die out immediately.
the kiss is slow, lazy and lethargic as if you have all the time in the world to spend together. although you were caught off guard by the action, you’re quick to reciprocate, placing your hands on matt’s shoulders to steady yourself. 
when you both finally pull away, there’s a soft smile on matt’s lips. unable to help yourself, you lean in once more to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“c’mon, let’s get up.”
and although matt would much rather spend all morning in bed with you, he follows you as you get up to help him get ready for the day.
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oumaheroes · 2 years
An interaction if Arthur were the old man instead of Francis in Reset would be really fun!! ;)
I couldn't flip it AU style, so have a bit more of Old Arthur with France right at the end!
‘I’m curious.’
At the sound of his voice, Arthur turns away from the window to Francis. He is driving like a fool, one hand lazily on the top of the wheel, the other propped under his head on the side. Arthur has half a mind to tell him so.
The other half still doesn’t quite know where he is.
‘About what.’
Francis gives an easy shrug and a half smile, ‘You.’ His eyes flick to Arthur’s briefly before finding the road again, ‘What you’re thinking about.’
The car ahead slows, caution before a turn.
‘What I’m thinking about?’
‘Why does it matter.’
‘It doesn’t,’ as soon as they were on a straight, Francis moves to drive one handed once more, ‘I’m just curious.’
‘I’m not thinking about anything.’
‘We both know that’s not true.’
Arthur takes a slow breath in, feeling his lungs expand in his chest, and holds it. Keeps it until it begins to burn and only then lets it go.
Francis gives a soft laugh through his nose, ‘You’re stalling.’
‘Yes. I am.’
They pass into a village, the road widening, just, to let cars spill onto pavements on either side. Speed limit to thirty, hunched squat cottages forgotten either side of flats to bleed the modern into the old. Francis drives in silence until they are back on the narrow country road at the other end, saying nothing as Arthur watches it all pass by.
‘I am curious,’ Francis says eventually, ‘because this has not happened before. To us, never before to us.’
He chances a look at Arthur again. Arthur sees him just out of the corner of his eye but remains resolutely watching the road ahead, as if taking in as much as he can until-
Arthur clears his throat. ‘To us?’
‘Yes. Me and you. We have never known before that- well.’ Francis smiles, voice softening, ‘As I said, usually we see each other afterwards. We go until the very end, until we cannot go any more. So, this is different. And I want to know what that feels like.’
Arthur shakes his head slowly. A sudden flash of noise and colour: swords in mud, the wild eyes of a boy below him as he kneels, blood on his hands, with the world guttering into smoke and screams around him.
Then, it is gone.
The car engine rumbles the seat under him gently. Arthur turns his hand to press palms to his thighs and pushes the weight of reality back in.
‘It feels,’ he starts, the words eager to escape without him realising, ‘Like I am dreaming. Or like I have just woken from a dream- that time in between when you cannot tell the two apart.’
He swallows, tastes the sea, and his breath catches, ‘Like I am full of something. Memories and ideas that aren’t mine but feels like they once were. Or that I am at the end of a play, remembering as the lights dim that I am only an actor, nothing more.’
He stops, confused. Forgotten truth thrums inside him, so tangible and close to the surface that it hurts.
Francis waits until he is sure that Arthur is done and then nods. Arthur thinks that he will say something in return, will comment on what Arthur has just said and acknowledge it as impossible. Deny it, tell him that he’s wrong- ‘It’s not real. It’s all in your head. Don’t worry, you’re fine.’
He doesn’t. He rolls his shoulders and sighs, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, ‘It is cruel of me to ask,’ he says instead, ‘I’m sorry.’
They continue on in silence, and Arthur focuses on the trees.
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kunikuzxshi · 3 years
I just read some of your sub Shig stuff, and I didn’t know how much I would love the concept until I read yours!
I really like the thought of his crush trying to teach him some manners. Like just pinning him somewhere, not giving him ANY relief unless he says please. Maybe even calls them sir/mistress? And they’ll stop immediately if he insults them or gets too impatient. They’ll taunt him like, “All you’ve gotta do is be nice. That’s it! Then you’ll get whatever you want.” And UGH HE HATES IT but at the same time they’re making him feel incredible.
~ 🌹
I swear I'm starting to convert more of you guys. Y'all have to be looking through my screenshots at this point, thats EXACTLY my type of shit. Like don't get me wrong, whining for Shig's cute and all but its so much better to have a guy that could literally kill you in one hit on his knees. I don't have anything against him being both, but like personally I like my serial killers whiny and needy, and considering I only simp for Shig, he's the biggest victim. I'm also the only dominant one in my friend group, and they act like its a crime to be the one on top
Boutta pull out my private drafts for this, hold up
Minors DNI. Just because I let y'all follow for the sfw stuff doesn't mean you can get away with reading smut <3
If anyone's wondering what they described, I believe its this one
Sub Shigaraki x Dom Fem! reader
One of your hands was wrapped around his throat, just barely applying enough pressure to keep him from breathing properly. His pale skin seemed to glow under the dim light while it only made yours stand out that much more.
He's not even sure how it got to this point.
Your free hand moved to cup his chin, forcing him to look at you before brushing your lips against his briefly, just long enough for him to lean forward to catch yours, inexperienced lips trying to force his tongue into you mouth
You pull away, pulling him onto your lap, his legs straddling your thighs, your eyes scanning his chest down to his legs. He just looked so pretty, his cock already so hard just from a few simple touches.
"You're so goddamn pretty like this, y'know that, don't you? C'mon, just tell me what you want, I'll do it for you if you ask nicely," you start, taking a moment to give him a quick, sloppy kiss, "It's that easy Tomu."
His words were barely recognizable, only the word 'please' being loud enough for you to hear correctly, everything else sounded like a mix of whines and blabbering.
"What's wrong? You're so quiet. It's just us, no need to be so quiet with me." You cooed, moving his hair out of his face, your other hand grabbing at his shirt.
Instead, he just buried his face into your neck, murmuring something seemingly along the lines of 'just do it already, you're taking too long', his words still quiet and once again, barely recognizable.
This time though, instead of asking him to speak up again, you just assume you know what he wants, slowly unbuttoning his jeans, just watching the visible parts of his face turn red. Small whimpers escaping his lips every time your fingertips get just a little to close to his boxers, his breath hitching at the thought alone.
The second he feels your skin against his bare cock, he almost looses it immediately. A single loud, drawn out moan escaping his pretty lips. It's so hard for him to stay quiet once you start moving your hand, instead, he opts for biting your neck in order to muffle his sounds.
Once you speed up your movements though, its a whole different story. He detaches his mouth from your neck, throwing his head back, holding onto your shoulders for support. His legs go weak, and he'd probably fall on his back if you weren't holding him. The amount of noise coming from him is strange considering he won't talk unless he's desperate, and even then he's awfully quiet. Maybe its just the same little mix of moans and pants, but he's just so much louder.
"My little toy likes that, don't you? You're doing so good... just sit still, I'll take care of everything from here, ok?" You say, pressing kisses against his cheek, pulling away only to have his lips smashed against yours.
His hips involuntarily start bucking into your touch, desperate for anything he can get from you, his tongue trying to squirm past your lips. His arms wrap around your back, one hand tangling in your hair, pulling you closer to him. His legs start shaking just a little bit, and his already sloppy kiss getting worse.
When he finally pulls away, there's a string of saliva connecting you two. He just looks at you, his eyes glazed over and hazy. His mouth hangs open, drool spilling down his face as his cock start twitching, just before you pull your hand away.
"Hey! I-I wasn't done yet! Please mistress, just a little longer, please? I didn't do anything wrong..." He whines, his hips thrusting into thin air, the tip of his cock red and swollen.
He almost starts crying, his voice cracking every time he even tries to speak. Even then, anything he can get out ends up as a broken plea, a promise that he'll listen.
The familiar warmth of your skin against his almost makes him cry, your thumb rubbing the tip of his cock, but nothing more. A cracked whine slipping past him, his mouth moving to press desperate kisses against your neck. Anything that he can think of, he'll try.
"If you wait just a little bit, I'm sure I can give you something better, got it baby? Just be patient, you'll get what you want."
He starts biting his lip again in a pathetic attempt to stay quiet, anything that might get you to do what he wants. You gently push him off of you, laying him on his back before sitting in front of him.
You start removing your clothes, leaving your bra and your panties on. He almost jumps at you, his hands instantly moving to your back, trying to unclip your bra. Eventually, when he finally gets it off, he starts grabbing at you. One of his hands moves down to your panties, pulling at the waistband, but not removing them. His other hand starts massaging your soft mound, cherishing the weight of it in his hand.
"Can I..? Is it ok for me to, mistress?" He asks, dipping one finger under the waistband, slightly tugging them down.
You nod your head in approval, watching as he struggles with getting your panties off at first. Instead of letting him go further though, you push him back, touching yourself. He tries to grab your hand to replace it with his own, but you just slap his hand away.
"Why don't you just watch for now? You can do that for me, right Tomura? Surely my little toy can at least give me that much." You say, slipping a finger into your entrance.
He just sits there, not quite sure what to do. His eyes move back and forth between your hand, and your face. Every time he gets close, you just push him back, reminding him that he has to be patient if he wants anything else.
When he's had enough of you, he grabs you and pulls you on his lap. His fingers start trailing down your sides, one of his hands holding you in place. Your protests fall on deaf ears, his thumb already pressing against your clit.
He only stops once your hand once again, wraps around his throat. One good squeeze, and he snaps out of it, immediately pulling his hand away. Pathetic sobs emerge from him, looking down to avoid your gaze.
You start kissing his neck, caressing his cheek. "I told you to wait. You couldn't even give me that much, could you? How sad. Maybe I should go find Dabi, I'm sure he would listen better than you could."
His arms wrap around your waist as he buries his face into your shoulder. Tears start spilling down his face, his voice cracking every other word as he begs you to stay, to give him another chance, he can do better.
You pull his hands off of you, pushing him onto his back, giving him a quick peck. He wraps his legs around your hips, grabbing at whatever he can get his hands on, clinging onto you tightly.
You sit up, crawling over to his chest.
"How about this. If you be a good boy, and actually wait this time, I'll let you have your fun. If you don't, I won't let you do anything." You say, your thumb tracing his collarbone. He nods, staying as still as he can.
You crawl on top of his face, and he pulls you down, his tongue going to work almost instantly. His tongue laps up your juice, taking a quick dip inside of you. Your soft moans only encourage him, his hands moving to grab your thighs as his nose gently nudges against your clit. His thumb starts to work on your clit as his tongue delves inside of you, his grip on you thighs becoming almost bruising.
You try to get up just enough to reposition yourself, only to be pulled back down, his hand moving to your waist. The obscene sounds coming from him mix in with your quiet pants. Your soft praises encouraging him further as you hand grips his hair.
He groans against you, each sloppy lick seems to excite him more than it does for you. His fingers start rolling your clit between them, each noise you make only seems to get covered by his.
You bite your lip, muffling the groans spilling past your lips, though once you reach your limit, it doesn't help one bit. You scream, your grip tightening on his hair as you finish. He doesn't let you up just yet, his tongue licking up everything you have to offer before releasing his hold on your thigh.
You move in front of his cock, spitting on it before giving it a few quick strokes, watching his eyes widen and his mouth open.
"How about you beg? I'm sure a little slut like you would be willing to do that much. My pretty boy just wants to sink his cock into his mistress, don't you?" You tease, running a finger along the length of his cock.
He nods quickly, his eyes shutting tight as his hands grip the bedsheets. You watch his eyes fly open just from the feel of your thighs around his cock. He moves his head up enough to watch you, one of your hands grabbing his shirt as you line up his cock with your slit.
You start sinking onto his cock, biting your lip painfully hard as he starts squirming underneath you, one of his hands moving to grab your hip.
Once you're fully seated on his cock, he starts thrusting his hips up, pathetic whines falling from him. His hold on your hip tightens, trying to hint at what he wants. Soft whimpers emerge from him as drool starts slipping past his lips once more.
One of your hands tangle in his shirt as you start moving, the noise he makes immediately increasing in volume, his eyes trained on nothing but your figure on top of him. His back arches, and his hands turn white from his grip on the bedsheets.
You start increasing your pace, picking up your hips only to slam yourself back down on his cock. His hand moves to your chest, taking one of your breasts into your hand, increasing his grip there instead. Quick I love you's fall from him. You stop, moving his hair out of his face, giving him a quick kiss as he tries to deepen it with no success.
"Do you want me to keep going? If you tell me exactly what you want, I'm sure I'll let you do it." You say, running a hand through his hair.
"I wanna- fuck, I wanna cum inside you! Please! I'm so close, don't you want to be filled up too? Please mistress?" He begs, his eyes starting to water. You can feel his cock twitching in you, and his grip on you increasing.
You pick up your pace again, watching his expression quickly change. He starts panting, squirming underneath you as his fingers dip into your hips, and you're almost certain that there will be bruises there in the morning.
His moans increase in frequency, and he starts getting louder. His legs go weak as his grip loosens again, eyes shut tight as he thrusts his hips up to meet yours before spilling his seed into you.
His panting slows, and his breathing slows again. He pulls his hands off of you, letting you rest on his chest. He nuzzles his face into your neck, peppering kisses along the side of your neck.
You could've sworn you heard him mutter a quiet 'I love you', but he wouldn't admit it anyway.
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Could u also do the four with an S/O that can read them like a book, and just out of no where knows what’s going on and gives random (good) advice? Thank you so much!!
Agh, anon, your requests are a breath of fresh air—feel like I'm going back to my roots with these classic headcanon-type posts 😭💜 I figured this would be a good post to go into some of the problems the boys might have, if you don't mind!
The Boys with an S/O who can read them like a book:
• His latest projects, practical and obscure, have not been going well as of late
• He's in a slum and can't seem to get out of it, trying incessantly to fix the various issues to no avail
• It's not often he gets like this but it's here and he's irritable—unable to peel himself away from his projects even late, late into the night when he should be in bed
• You find him up way past the hour in his lab, having heard him tapping his instruments, shuffling around the space, he's not making an effort to be subtle but generally no one approaches him in these times
• Well, except for you
• He doesn't quite notice your presence until he turns around to find you leaned on the doorway
• "You know, all this stuff isn't going to run away from you," you say diplomatically. "It's going to be here when you wake up in the morning. So why don't you go to bed, Donnie?"
• "Because I have to figure out what's wrong," he sighs. "If I don't do it now, I'll..."
• You walk over and take the empty pipette from his hand, setting it down on the counter behind you. "You have all the time in the world to tackle this stuff; you really should go to bed, Donnie. Like I said, your projects aren't going to be gone in the morning, or the next, or the one after that. You shouldn't live life with a constant sense of urgency."
• It may not be what he really wants to hear, but he can't deny that he is impatient at times and tends to prone to anxiety when things keep going wrong.
• "You...may be right. Possibly. Maybe," he says, a hint of defeat. "Okay. I'll go to bed."
• Kisses the top of your head on his way out.
• Someone to understand and give him a gentle perspective without judgement is a very welcome change
• Leo always has a looming feeling of being unprepared
• What if Mikey won't be paying attention when he needs him to? What if Raph has an explosive episode on the surface and puts their mission on the line? What if Donnie's equipment fails them at the worst moment?
• It's why he's always harking on everyone to make sure everything is in place, pushing for training, trying to avoid creating conflict. He just wants everyone to be safe, and so the micromanaging begins.
• His brothers have been more uncooperative and uncoordinated than usual
• Meditates excessively when these things are on his mind, today being no different—he enters a distant state of mind while doing mundane tasks and his usual practices that makes him feel unapproachable
• You find him doing it yet again, he's cleaning his portion of the lair and re organizing things he's already organized
• "What has you so frazzled, Leo?" you ask.
• He doesn't even respond until he's done setting his books back in order.
• "Nothing," he says. "I'm doing what I always do."
• "You sure?" "Because it seems like you're stressing right now."
• "I'm fine. This is how I relax."
• You take a seat on the edge of his bed. "So you are stressed?"
• Leo hadn't seemed to notice the words he'd used but knows he can't backtrack.
• "You can trust your brothers, you know that, right?" He sits down as well and sighs. "Even when you guys are a little...off beat, you always pull through, don't you? That's why you're so good, it's because you can improv and adapt. There have been times where you are totally not on the same page and still managed to make it out, and pretty successfully, might I add."
• He contemplates for a minute. You're right; with or without all of his excessive efforts, they always found a way.
• "Hearing it from someone else makes it easier to see, I guess. Thank you, (Y/N), I'll keep that in mind."
• The surprise advice is unexpected but appreciated, as no one can make him relax like that besides Splinter
• He doesn't realize just how obvious he is when he's bothered
• Genuinely confused when point out his fiddling with random stuff, going back and forth to the kitchen more than normal, a little quieter than you're used to. Weirdly enough, he gets a bit lethargic when things like this crop up because he thinks so much
• Like now. He's used to being low-key criticized for his natural behavior and mindset, but a guy can only take so much, can't he?
• He doesn't want to feel like a kid and like he's incompetent, yet he feels that way at times due to how people talk to him
• He's fidgeting with some trinket on the couch when you approach him and seems unenthusiastic
• "Oh, what's up babes?"
• "You're doing the thing again," you say with a chuckle, "being told you're doing something wrong feels pretty bad, huh?"
• He's a little confused
• "What do you mean?"
• "I mean that sometimes your family doesn't understand that you function a certain way and, there's nothing inherently wrong with that, but at the same time, we have to be conscientious, don't we? Not every criticism is a personal offense, so try not to take it to heart too much, babe."
• He takes a moment to process, but you know he's got it when his eyes light up and he puts down whatever he's messing with
• "How come you like...always know what to say, angelcakes? You're so smart!"
• Will end up coming to you instead when he's got a problem if Leo or Donnie's a part of it, because they used to be his go-to, but telling it to his partner just hits different
• Your words actually stick with him and he's not too stubborn to take them in stride
• To be honest, Raph doesn't do well with being confronted while he's angry in general...
• Tends to blow steam off in his gym or practicing with his sai (or, if he's in a REALLY bad mood, knitting) though can only spend so much time doing that
• Not before you say something, at least
• Raph is a highly emotional person, not limited to anger. But this of course makes him an accident waiting to happen at times because of his intense disposition, so his attitude can be shit-starter, especially with Leonardo because he envies his position leader
• So, he's been clearly fuming and you've decided it's time to say something
• He's at his weight bench repping it out
• "Have another argument with Leo?"
• "Something like that."
• "You understand he's under a lot of pressure, right? That being team leader isn't that easy?"
• "What would you know?"
• "It's not hard to figure, Raph, you guys are being actively hunted and the responsibility's on him to keep you safe when Splinter can't be there. Yes, that's you too. Try putting yourself in his shoes and think about how that would make you feel. It's hard? Yeah. I know it's not what you want, but you have your own special place in the family, and no one can replace you. Think about how much Leo and the rest of your brothers would flounder if you weren't there. They need you where you're at, just like you three need Leo. You're their big guns, big guy."
• Of course, he doesn't want to admit that you're right, that hurts the pride
• But deep down he knows that it's true.
• "I'll tell y what, baby girl, you've got the nerve, I guess. I ain't saying you're right or anything, but..."
• He's always going to remember this, but unfortunately, he won't always heed your advice. It gets lost in the moment and it's his personal problem that he must deal with himself.
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callmeshakespurr · 3 years
Hey, if you're requests are open could you do a Rick Flag × Male Villian Reader (fluff) idk something cute where Rick Flag ends up falling in love with Male Reader, and the feeling is mutual. Idk you can fo what you want with it. ❤
Rick Flag x Male Reader
Requested: yes
Category: fluff, just a little bit of angst
Warnings: slight torture (?), i mention a knife like,, once
Note: I haven’t watched Suicide Squad in some time, so this could’ve turned out just the tiniest bit yandere, I hope you don’t mind! Also- I kinda struggled with this cause its my first time writing an actual one shot, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways (:
Tysm for requesting, hope you enjoy it <3
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“Where is he?”, Amanda Waller called out as she walked down the hallway, towards the high security room you were currently kept in — Colonal Richard ‘Rick’ Flag not far behind her.
Her call grabbed the attention of the two guards, who stood in front of your cell.
“Is he in there?”, Amanda asked again, approaching the door with fast steps. One of the guards nodded and opened the thick metal door to let the director and the colonel in.
Amanda Waller had tried to get her hands on you for almost five years now, after you first made an apperiance in a club, killing two people. After that, several assassinations followed. Nobody knew who you exactly were, what you looked like, who you worked for; you were like a shadow — what people then came to call you, Shadow.
The major reason of why nobody could get a hold of you even in the slightest bit, was because you always vanished before anybody could even spot you.
After two years of not being able to catch you, the police gave up on further investigation in your cases. Amanda didn’t break so easily though. She wanted you in one of those cells she kept so many freaks in already, and she wasn’t going to give up until she had you sitting behind one of those metal doors, unable to escape her.
After all these years of going after you, she did manage to find out two major things about you. Why you always managed to escape without anyone catching a glimpse of you, and what your weakness was.
All these things led to the present situation.
You sat in a dark room, the only light source being a small lamp, dangling from the ceiling. Your ankles were tightly cuffed to the chair you were sitting on, on your wrists and neck you felt something cold and heavy, which seemed to send small electric shocks through your body every few seconds.
You weren’t sure where you exactly were, since you passed out before they got you. Hell, you didn’t even know who ‘they’ were.
You closed your eyes, trying to concentrate on your thoughts, which was not as easy as you hoped it would be. To say that you were in pain was an understatement. The electricity flowing through your body kept you from thinking straight, and send a wave of pure pain through your limbs with every shock you got.
A female voice ripped you from your trance, and you slowly opened your eyes again, head still hanging low. You knew that voice and you knew that you didn’t stand a chance anymore.
“Your powers won’t work anymore, unless i allow you to use them, so don’t even try.”, that voice belonged to none other than Amanda Waller, probably the only person on this planet you actually feared. You were never scared of what her minions could do to you, no. You were scared of what she could do to you if she ever managed to get you — which almost happened on several occasions.
You clenched your fists, trying to ignore the pain that came over you again, as you frantically tried to somehow sort your thoughts and find a way out of this, but nothing seemed to work. There was no way out of this. There was no escaping this. The feeling of helplessness washed over you, a feeling you didn’t like at all.
“You’re Y/N L/N, you’re a teleporter, thats how you managed to always vanish before the police got to the crime scene”, Amanda spoke, watching you as you sat there on the chair, staring at the ground, unable to move a single muscle. “It took me some time, but i managed to figure out how to block your powers”, she continued, taking slow steps towards you “Teleporters are extremely sensitive to electricity, some mightve even already died due to the constant pain if they were in your place.” She stopped right in front of you, looking down at your slumped figure, the only thing restraining you from falling over being the thick metallic handcuffs that kept your hands tied behind the chair.
Amanda grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at her. Your sight was blurry and it cost you a lot of strength to even keep your eyes open, but you did manage to make out the silhouette of a rather tall person standing at the entrance of the cell, watching the whole scene, before your focus was back on the woman in front of you. “You’re actually a very pretty boy, Y/N, and very smart too, it’s a shame that you decided to end up like this.”, she said, before letting your face go. “Rick, take him to get the injection, then get his things and introduce him to the team. After that, you can take him to his provided cell.”
The man standing at the door — Rick, you assumed — made his way towards you, as Waller left the room, leaving you to the colonel.
Rick helped you out of the cuffs, that kept you strapped to the chair. Looking at you, he almost felt bad, you looked so drained and helpless. He had never exactly agreed with anything Amanda Waller did, but seeing what just a few hours under her control did with you was another level of not agreeing with something she did.
“Can you stand?”, the colonel asked and you nodded, slowly rising from the chair. Your legs wobbled beneath your weight and you instinctively grabbed onto whats next to you, which just so happened to be Ricks Arm.
After making sure you had gathered enough strength, he began to walk with you towards the door.
time skip
It’s been a little over a week now since they’ve brought you here — you think. Every day was the same. Sitting on the cold floor of your cell, staring at the camera in the corner of your ceiling, some guard bringing you food, you not eating it, some guard taking it away again and reporting everything to someone, more staring at the camera, someone bringing you food again, you not eating it again, the guard taking it away again and reporting everything, all over again, everyday.
The only slightest bit good and entertaining thing was the colonel — Rick Flag, as you learned was his name — checking up on you every now and then when he didn’t have anything better to do. You didn’t quite understand why Rick was making efforts to look after you, just for you to not answer his questions anyways, but you appreciated it. It made everything a little more bearable.
Of course, you were one of the bad guys, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t have a life outside of assassinations.
When you weren’t working for other bad guys, you loved to just sit in your apartment and read, you loved to go onto high buildings and watch over the city. You dreamed of leaving everything behind and exploring the world someday. You worked at your favourite coffee shop, hell you even had a cat. The thought of your only friend being probably already dead or suffering made you sad, but what could you do about it?
Sometimes, you wish you hadn’t picked the path you were on, but looking back at the time you chose to work for the bad guys, you didn’t really have a choice.
Your train of thoughts was interrupted, when you heard the door to your cell open. Hoping it would be Rick, you looked up, your eyes only half open from the lack of strength you had. What you did not expect was to see Amanda Waller standing in front of you, Rick Flag behind her.
“Stand up”, the woman demanded. You listened, as it was of no use to resist her orders. You slowly got up on your feet, which didn’t last long, since you almost immediately fell over, landing painfully hard on your knees. To your suprise, Rick immediately rushed to your side, helping you stand up again.
“I don’t need him on missions like this”, Waller spoke as she watched you lean onto Rick for support. “Take him to the base, the council and I will be waiting there in the meeting room for him.” With that, Waller left again.
The way to the car wasn’t long, but with you almost not being able to stand on you own, let alone walk on your own, it took a little longer, which only fueled your anxiety. The ride to the base was even worse though, since nobody talked and you had five guards sitting around you.
Finally arriving at the door of the meeting room, which was located in the base, the two guards standing in front of it immediately opened the door as soon as they saw the colonel.
The room was quiet at an instance, when you stepped a food inside, Rick following very close behind you — just in case something should happen.
Amanda Waller stood in front of a group of suit wearing men who all sat at one big round table, most likely discussing something. She gestured you to come next to her, to which you complied.
“And who is this now, Director Waller? A new addition to your group of- freaks?”, asked one of the men as he looked you up and down, probably doubting that someone like you could be much of an good asset.
“This, Gentlemen,”, she grabbed your arm and moved you a little forward, making you almost tumble “is Y/N L/N or ‘Shadow’, he was an assassin for almost five years now, working for several other bad guys. Nobody got a hold of him till now due to his teleporting ability. He has over a hundred confirmed kills and not once did anyone ever get near him. I’m using these electric cuffs”, she grabbed your arm again and lifted it up to present the metal cuff, which was secured around your arm “to block his powers, which means he cannot teleport, as long as the electric shocks are on full power. As soon as I turn down the power a little, he can use his power, it is more draining and limited to a certain radius, but it works. I have him under full control and I want him on the team.” Murmurs broke out between the people in the room, as soon as she finished.
“I’m sorry, director, but do you really think it’s a good idea to put another- another misfit on that team? They’re bad guys and will always stay bad guys, and their freaky abilities make them even more dangerous.”, one of the men in suits spoke.
“As I said, I have him under full control, gentlemen. Let me demonstrate.”, Amanda spoke, turning to you, as the people sitting at the table sat back.
Waller took out some kind of remote and tapped on something. First your body tensed due to all the stress and pain you were under at the moment, but as soon as Amanda tapped on the remote, the electric shocks suddenly weren’t as intense as they were before, and your whole body relaxed, your eyes almost watering due to the wave of relief washing over you.
Rick was more than tense while watched the whole situation, only realizing in how much pain you actually were when Waller turned down the intensity of the electric shocks emmitting from the metallic cuffs you were wearing.
Waller looked you in the eyes with a serious expression on her face. “You disobey, you die, got that?” And suddenly you remembered the injection they gave you, when they first brought you here.
Seeing you had no other choice than obeying her, you simply gave her a small nod and looked around the room, taking in every detail. You looked at the small table in front of you, spotting a sharp knife, which you figured was put there by Amanda specifically for you in this exact situation.
With fast movements, you grabbed the knife and teleported to the other side of the room, holding the knife to one of the mens throat. Everyone in the room stiffened even more, and you heard at least three guns clicking.
Looking up, your eyes met Rick’s, before you looked over to Waller, who was already fixated on you. You slowly pressed the knife more against the man’s throat, wanting to see what Waller was going to do. The next electric shock came and you almost yelled out in pain, letting the knife fall, teleporting back to Waller and falling to your knees, clutching the metal around your neck.
Rick wanted to rush to help you, but was quickly held back by Amanda, gesturing him to wait.
“As you can see, I can control his powers however i want to, and should he disobey in any way, or should his powers bolt”, she tilted your head with her finger, than pressed onto the spot on your neck where they injected you, “he dies.”
Still staring at the ground, you swallowed harshly. You’ve never wanted to go back in time and undo all the bad things that happened so badly like in this specific moment. Maybe if you’re parents hadn’t ever found about your ability, you would still be at home, with your family, not here, being tortured by some government lady who wanted to use you as a weapon.
“There’s one more thing. I don’t need him on any mission in this shape. He needs to recover, quickly, and while doing so, I want him under Rick Flags complete supervision. It might cost a little more effort, but think about of how much use he will be for us”, Amanda said, a mischievous expression crossing her face for a few seconds, that going unnoticed by you and pretty much everyone else in the room.
time skip
Three whole months had passed. You’ve been staying with Rick ever since Amanda Waller announced that he had to fully supervise you.
The time you spent with Rick made you feel as if everything wasn’t so bad after all. Occasional talking here and there, Rick cooking something for the both of you every now and then, you almost felt normal again — weren’t there the electric cuffs reminding you of what was real every few minutes.
Over the past three months, your sleep only got worse. You got used to the constant pain by now, but the electricity didn’t only affect you physically, it also messed up your thoughts like hell. Sometimes you didn’t know where up and down was anymore, everything was all over the place inside your mind.
That was also the reason, you were up right now, in the middle of the night, sitting at the big window in your bedroom, looking over the city. You hugged your knees tightly to your chest, and rested you chin on them, letting a few tears slip. You hadn’t cried in a long time, but you were just so exhausted. You were never this close to giving up than right now. Nothing seemed to ever be okay again, you couldn’t do anything but accept your fate.
Being to entangled in your own thoughts, you didn’t hear your bedroom door open.
It didn’t take Rick a long time to spot you in your place at the window. He just came home from a mission that Amanda Waller had wanted you on, but Rick insisted on giving you a little more time to deal with everything.
The tall man closed the door as quietly as he could behind him, which seemed to not be quiet enough, since you jumped slightly at the noise, quickly standing up and turning around. Rick gave you an apologetic look, before slowly walking towards you, “I’m sorry, I should’ve knocked, I just wanted to check up on you and see if you’re alright-“ “It’s fine, I’m fine”, you interrupted him, wiping your tears quickly, taking a deep breath.
Rick frowned, he had never seen you cry before. He cared too much for you and he knew it, he just couldn’t help himself. Stopping in front of you, he looked down at you, only for his eyes to meet yours. For a moment, you both got lost in each others eyes, before you ripped your gaze away, looking to the side.
“Do you want anything else from me?”, you asked shakily, getting a little nervous with his burning stare on you.
“I actually do, yes-“, he hesitated for a moment. You looked up at him with a questioning expression. “Close your eyes”, you complied, closing your eyes slightly, one hand moving to hold onto Rick’s shirt so you didn’t lose your balance. You felt him lean down slightly, till you could fell his warm breath on your cheek. You surpressed a shiver, as he carefully tilted your head.
Now, you didn’t really know what to expect; you and Rick had gotten closer but you weren’t sure, if there were actual romantic feelings, or if he just pitied you, so a kiss wasn’t exactly what you expected. But you definitely would’ve expected it more than what happened next.
A small ‘click’ echoed through the dark room, the next thing you knew was, that all the pain suddenly disappeared. Your eyes watered when you felt Rick’s fingers carefully removing the heavy metallic cuffs around your wrists and neco, pure relief washing over you. Your leaned your body onto Rick’s, unable to support your own weight for a few moments.
When you had finally gained control over your own body again, you moved back a few centimetres and looked up to Rick, who met your confused eyes. “I couldn’t bear to see you in so much pain any longer, so I triedmy best to convince her and I’d say I’m lucky that she trusts me with you.”, the colonel smiled a little, raising a hand to softly carress your cheek. Your eyes widened. He quickly removed his hand again and apologized, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
Rick took a step back, still being careful so you didn’t lose balance again, “I should go, and you should sleep, you need to be well rested and-“
You were fast to interrupt him by taking a quick step towards him, getting a little on your tiptoes, before pressing a small kiss to Rick’s lips. You carefully looked him in the eyes again, “I don’t know either, but it just felt like the right thing to do.”
It took the man a few seconds to process what just happened, but when he did, he was quick to kiss you again, his soft lips over yours, moving slowly, as you kissed back. He put his hands on your waist, while you locked yours behind his neck. You kissed for a few moments, before the both of you had to breathe again. “Thank you”, you whispered against Rick’s lips, before receiving another small peck. “Sleep with me tonight?”, he asked quietly, getting lost in your eyes again. You gave him a small nod, allowing him to pick you up and carry you to his room, both of you smiling as you fell onto the mattress.
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tahyal · 2 years
💌 hello angel, I hope you are well! how is life treating you?
I was hoping to ask you for some guidance, or just your blatant opinion. I’ve always admired your wisdom, your closeness to spirit and I deeply trust your willingness to answer anything to the best of your ability.
Truthfully I am seeking out other options + opinions on how I can lose weight, healthily. I know you’re well versed in the natural remedies and holistic methods by means of taking care of the body. I am mindful about my eating habits, I work a job in which I am on my feet almost all day, I work out (not as often as I used to, but enough to sate my desire); yet still I’ve gained more weight in the past few months than I’d like to admit. I’ve sought out help from my doctor, who suggests I’m perfectly healthy. I understand that my body will ever be changing and it’s normal to have almost a “second puberty” at my age. But it’s hijacked my happiness and the way that I see myself now is so distorted. I had a similar experience a couple years ago (drastic increase in weight, feeling depressed/anxious. then finally finding the drive to love and sculpt my body.) I wondered that it could be a past lesson, cycling it’s way back to reinforce something in me. This time feels different. I just feel a sort of spiritual or mental block. I want to be able to love my body enough that I can really look at myself and feel healthy, and be able to physically see the changes I’ve made.
sincerely, a woman at her wits’ end 🥺
Hi love! Sorry about this!
This is not a medical diagnosis but it might be Thyroid related. Sometimes our T3 and T4 levels can come up normal but the thyroid might still be under functioning, that is not to its optimal level. So doctors will usually brush it off / not consider it.
This can lead to stubborn weight gain, hair loss, digestive issues, skin issues, stress, anxiety, etc.
Some ways you can support your thyroid :
- Never skip breakfast, when you do you put your body under stress. Always make sure you have at least a fruit and some type of protein
- Don’t drink coffee before meals, always after. Coffee after meals can act as a thyroid booster, you just have to be properly fueled before taking it, and take it with milk/cream and a natural form of sugar
- Eat plenty of fruits
- If you can handle them, eat organ meats such as liver, they’re packed with essential minerals and nutrients - Shellfish as well
- Make sure you properly salt your meals, you need iodine
- Don’t exercise too much, when your body is already depleted/slow to function, you don’t want to further deplete your already scarce resources. Rest and do low impact movements
- Sleep well, the body restores itself at night. Cut out blue light, no screens before bed, and do a few reps of deep belly breathing
- Try to limit grains for a little bit, as well as gluten, those two are quite harsh on the system. Prioritize sourdough breads, and if you’re consuming grains soak and cook them well.
- Spore based probiotics can also be of great help if you tolerate them well, the Youtheory brand one is pretty great
And finally, I highly recommend browsing through Noelle Kovary’s instagram as she has herself recovered from thyroid issues! She gives amazing health advice.
That’s all I can think of right now! I hope it helps, please don’t hesitate to ask more questions.
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double-hoe-seven · 3 years
Conjugal Visit
Summary: Its time to visit your husband at good old Belle Reve Pairing: Robert DuBois/Bloodsport x Reader Word Count: 1,830 Warning(s): Smut, prison sex(?), allusion to violence and murder. 18+ MINORS DNI (DO NOT INTERACT)
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"DuBois, you have a visitor!" One of the guards shouted while he scrubbed the floor. "I'm not in the mood to fight with my daughter and I under no circumstances want to see Waller," he growled. "Well then you're in luck, it's the only other person in your life from the outside," the guard said bored. "What? I'm not ready for a visitor." "Too bad. Let's go." The guard was getting impatient. Reluctantly, Robert got up and followed the man; at least he'd showered that morning. He followed them to one of the private visitation rooms; there you sat, wearing black boots, jeans, and t-shirt, and a midnight blue leather jacket with the black rings on your left hand. "You're a sight for sore eyes, love," he smiled as the guards uncuffed him and repeated their usual warnings before leaving the room, locking the door behind them.
"If I'd known you were coming I might have shaved," he commented as he approached you, pulling you into his embrace with he was close enough. "I don't know, babe, I quite like the beard. It makes you look distinguished," you said with a hum as you wrapped your arms around his neck loosely. "That's just a polite way of sayin' it makes me look old, innit?" He asked with a stifled chuckle. "Older and handsome, love," you corrected. "Did you come here to just take the piss at me or do you have a better reason?" He teased before leaning down and capturing your lips in a hungry, impassioned kiss. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you flush against him.
A deep groan left him when you gently bit and tugged his bottom lip, smirking up at him. "Needy little thing, ain't ya, love?" He hummed as he tossed your jacket aside, hastily doing the same with your shirt before scooping you up and laying you on the cheap bed in the room. His lips dropped from yours to your neck, leaving a trail of light bite marks in the wake as he trailed his lips down to your chest. "I don't know why you bother wearing bras when you visit me, love, they only get in my way," he chuckled as he unclasped the black lace of your bra, discarding it with a grin. "Because I'd rather not be led through a prison with-" your words were quickly cut off by a surprised moan when he leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth. His tongue circled the bud as he suckled gently, rolling the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
Robert alternated between the hardened peaks until you were a moaning, squirming mess beneath him. Your hips rocked against his needily as a whine escaped you "Robert..." "Use your words, love," he teased with a wicked grin. He chuckled to himself when you only shot him a glare. He unzipped your jeans and pulled them and your underwear down teasingly slowly; he pulled you to the edge of the bed and kneeled down throwing your legs over his shoulders. "I think this might be one of the things I miss most while I'm here, being able to just go down on you whenever the fuck I want," he said in a soft mutter as he ran his thumb along your wet slit. "Trust me, hon, you aren't the only one who misses it," you mumbled. Your back arched with the first swipe of his tongue. Two of his fingers teased your entrance before slowly pushing in as his tongue circled your clit slowly. What started out as slow drags of his fingers and tongue turned into him fucking you with his tongue and fingers, stretching you to prepare for him. He didn't stop until he felt your walls tensing around his digits, when he did he quickly pulled his fingers out and licked them clean, a small pleased groan leaving him as he watched you pant softly, a needy hunger in your eyes. He always did love bringing you right to the edge.
He quickly shed himself of his orange prisoner's uniform, taking his member into his hand as he climbed in bed over you. "I'll be outta here soon enough, love, then I'll take you somewhere proper and romantic," he promised before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, followed by a slow sensual kiss to your lips as he slowly pushed his length into you. His hand stroked your cheek when he felt you tense up, your tight warmth stretching to its limits to accommodate him "that's a good pet, takin' my cock so well." You wrapped your legs around his waist tightly while your nails dug into his shoulders.
Each slow drag and push of his hips pulled gentle moans from you. His pace quickly built up and he tightened your legs around him. "Is that the best you can give me, love?" You teased when he settled into a series of long, deep, slow thrusts. "Aw, does my needy little princess want it rough?" He almost cooed in false sympathy while slowing his hips. When you started trying to move your hips against him for any more friction than what he was giving, a small whine escaped you when his hand moved to hold your hips down "use your words, pet. Tell daddy exactly what you want or I'll just keep going slowly until I'm ready to finish." "Want you to fuck me until I leave here with a limp," you managed to say after a minute of trying to steel yourself.
The squeak that left your lips when he suddenly pulled out turned into a loud moan when he slammed back into you, setting a new brutal pace. You angled your hips up some so each thrust brought the head of his member harshly against your g-spot. "Fuck, Robert!" You moaned out louder when his thumb started rubbing fast tight circles on your clit. "That's it, little bird, sing for daddy so this entire fucking shithole can hear," he husked before nibbling and tugging on your ear lobe. "Say my name, Pet. Tell everyone who's you are," he growled, pinching your clit when your only answer was a moan that escaped your slightly parted lips. "Yours, Robert! All yours!" You moaned out, eagerly trying to match his thrusts but finding it harder to keep up with his roughness and brute force.
Soon, Robert sat back on his knees and pulled your hips flush against his with each more forceful thrust managing to hit even deeper places, places that were quickly bringing you closer to the edge. "Fuck, your warm walls are squeezing me so tightly. Play with your clit for me, yeah? I want to see all of you come undone but don't you dare cum until I say," he muttered lazily. He sat up fully and spread your legs a little further apart, transfixed on the sight of his length disappearing into you and coming out with your sweet nectar. You nodded and bit your lip as you traced shapes over your little button. "Good girl," he mumbled, his thrusts getting shorter but quicker, more of a rapid rutting. He smirked when he saw how hard you were trying to hold off "alright, Pet, you can let go." He might've whispered the words but they were clear to you.
As you came, you moaned out a series of curses and his name, your entire being quaking. Groaning as your walls tightened even more, he fell forward over you as he joined you in climax. His body covered yours while his forearms kept his weight off of you, his hips slowly rutting into you as you both came down. He planted a series of soft, languid kisses up your neck and along your jawline before finally kissing you softly, one of his hands coming up to gently brush some loose strands out of your face. Robert carefully maneuvered your bodies so he was laying on his back with you on his chest, his arms around your waist while his index finger absentmindedly traced shapes along your spine. You both laid there in comfortable silence, your rapid breaths slowing down were the only sounds in the room.
"Do you really think you'll be out of here soon, love?" You asked him hopefully, looking up at him with a small frown. "I do, darling. It won't be long before Waller comes with another suicide mission for me to lead," he grumbled before pecking your lips softly "I'll be home with you before you know it though, yeah?" "You promise? I miss waking up to your face between my legs," you joked. "Believe me, love, I miss that too. You always have been my favorite breakfast, or meal in general," a sly smirk crossed his face and he chuckled when you slapped his chest. "You're awful," you joked. "Baby, I'm an assassin, I'm not exactly a role model for anyone. I mean, for fucks sake, I almost killed Superman and if given the job again I'd take it," he said casually. "I know you would baby, maybe this time you'll succeed," you teased with a grin. "Watch it love or I'll have to bend you over my knee," he warned, squeezing your ass with a wicked smirk. "Oh no, please don't sp-" you started saying sarcastically before his hand quickly came down with a loud smack. "Wanna try that attitude again, princess?" He cocked his brow while he waited for your answer, giving you a quick kiss when you didn't say anything else.
Before either of you could react, the buzzer of the door unlocking and opening sounded and a woman walked in. "DuBois, Mrs. DuBois," she greeted flatly, unfazed by your nudity as you tried to cover your bodies with the sheet. "Fuck are you doing here, Waller?" Robert growled. "You have a new mission. And this time your wife's coming along. Isn't that right, Tracker?" She said. "Excuse me?" You and Robert said simultaneously. "That's right. We know about your side gig hunting down people the law let off. If either of you refuses to come on the mission or tries to abandon it, I'll hand over our evidence to the proper authorities. You, my dear, with not only be put in jail but you'll lose your license to practice law. Even if you managed to get it reinstated, nobody will hire a lawyer who knowingly married an assassin, the same one who put Superman in the ICU," Waller explained calmly. "You're threatening my fucking wife?!" Robert shouted as he sprung out of bed and pulled his boxers on. "I'm doing it for the safety of our country and the world," her voice was so eerily calm. "Robert, calm down. If it gets you home sooner, I'll do it," you told him as you sat up, using the bedsheet to cover your modesty. He looked at you like you'd just grown another head, in complete disbelief.
Tag Team: @bdffkierenwalker​
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spicysoftsweet · 3 years
the devil is a fornicator, incubus!sukuna x reader
summary: sukuna, a well-known incubus is quite fond of you.
warnings: home invasion, noncon, double penetration, size kink ig, degradation, monster form! sukuna
a/n: there is no plot here just porn lmao. enjoy.
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It’s the dead of night and the incubus has returned, you realize once you’ve awoken in a shock of blinding pain, only to gaze directly into the demon’s endless eyes hovering over you, illuminated dimly by the pale moonlight that streams through your thin curtains.
He grins, revealing rows of gleaming sharp teeth.
“Did you miss me?”
His voice is a snarl that drips heavily in sarcasm, seemingly echoing in the silence of the room.
Tonight, much like every other night, you’re not sure how you ended up caged in two sets of arms stronger than wrought iron, your mind steeped in a deep, impenetrable fog and your body languid and stretched to the limit as you’re all but impaled over a monstrously sized pair of cocks. But it’s a matter of course - the demon Sukuna has picked you and continues to choose you again and again.
There’s more than one reason he’s called the King of Curses.
Aside from the fact that he has claimed you only because you are eternally damned, expletives fall out of his mouth as naturally as rain drops from the sky; harsh, caustic is the feel of his rough hands on your skin, if you can really call them something as human as hands.
“You’re pathetic, really, sniveling all because of a little pain?”
Even though his voice is light and jeering, you’re not meant to answer and you don’t dare to. All you can do is whimper, and your soft, miserable sobs delight him.
“You should be thankful I’ve become somewhat partial to a weak, worthless little thing like you.”
The palm that presses down on your neck, making it hard for you to draw air into your lungs, is so heavy - heavier than the weight of his body that carelessly crushes your fragile one.
Even if he is holding most of his weight, you are still so tiny, so small in comparison to his huge figure. He’s massive, truly, but you’re not exactly sure how large he is...  he visits you under the cover of dark, and you swear the size of his shadow varies each time. 
But the configuration of his form is always the same, and he makes good use of his supernatural anatomy - a hand presses on your neck, another grasps relentlessly at your hair and tugs mercilessly, and two more are placed oppressively on your hips, gripping tightly enough to leave blotchy discoloration on your skin. A tongue that protrudes from somewhere within the dense muscles of his abdomen laps furiously at your bare skin, now covered in a thin layer of sweat from the heat he generates. The rough, wet strokes only worsen your sensitivity but you barely shudder because he holds you so still that you have no agency to move.
But where could you go?
You want to explode.
“It hurts, doesn’t it? Being splayed out like this?” His head lowers so that he can whisper directly into your ear, as he continues to pet your scalp. His fingers curl around your neck, and you gasp involuntarily; you can practically feel the way his lips curl into a smile, his cheek is so close to yours.
Of course it hurts. It hurts so bad, it hurts so good, your heart hurts, your pussy aches.
“I’m too big, aren’t I? You can’t take me in that tight little cunt of yours, can you?” 
It’s true - you shouldn’t be able to take him. In fact, you’re amazed that he manages to fit despite everything, however painfully so, and if your head were a bit clearer, you’d wonder if it’s a bit of magic that keeps you from splitting in half so that he can have his fun night after night. It does help that you’re dripping wet, seeping around him enough that you can feel the unmistakable moist sensation between your legs that is your arousal, more slippery than perspiration.
“What would you do if I got bigger inside you? Will I tear you apart, little one?”
Please have mercy.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks and your body is quivering, and if it weren’t for the fact that he has you pinned down, unable to move an inch, your whole body would be convulsing. You are too full, too tender, too stimulated and he’s barely even moving yet, aside from the occasional tortuous twitch of one of the penises inside you. It’s torture, the way your body clenches desperately around him, pleading for some friction. The rise and fall of your chest as you pant in a strained, almost wheezing cacophony - you don’t dare whine, you’ll take whatever he offers you - seems to delight him, and his hand releases around your neck. He thumbs instead at your quivering lower lip, his own lips pressing onto your neck.
It’s almost a mockery of tenderness, the pecks he gives the curve of your jaw as he jams two fingers now down your throat making you gag. 
He loves to hear you choke, and he sinks his hands into the futon so that he can grasp handfuls of your ass and lift up.
Once he adjusts himself so that he is kneeling onto the bed and your hips are hoisted off the ground, he pushes deeper inside you and you cry out around his fingers in your mouth.
But once he starts moving, you are too stimulated to cry. 
Sukuna fucks you loudly, lewdly, animalistic groans and foul language filling the air as he thrusts in and out of you like you’re nothing but a mere cocksleeve, ignoring whatever screams and moans come out of your mouth. You move so quickly, slammed almost perpendicularly against his pelvis, hard, that your thoughts go from fogged up to scrambled until you’re dizzy and wordless, sniveling, forgetting how to form the words to beg him to stop.
Do you want him to stop? Being fucked dumb maybe the only good part of this curse after all. 
He plays with your pert nipples as he slams you down onto his cocks; he shifts you upright briefly, sitting with his legs crossed to minimize his own effort as he pistons you up and down forcefully onto his lap.
Too many eyes focus in on the grotesque, fucked-out expression you make, your tongue lolling out helplessly and your breasts bouncing recklessly as he moves you.
“You almost look half-decent like this...” he teases, a pleased smirk gracing his hideous smirk. Again, he has to steady you, bringing your arms behind you and holding you taut so that you don’t collapse onto him,  you are nothing but a brainless toy, after all. By this point of the night, he can’t expect you to keep your posture. He’s not that cruel.
“You’re no different than a little lamb. Innocent, cute, powerless. I could swallow you whole.”
You let out a drawn out moan from an orgasm that springs forth from so deep inside you that it reverberates throughout your whole body and he laughs. In fact, he cackles wildly as you jerk violently forward, your shoulders almost risking dislocation as you move due to the fact that your wrists are still firmly in his grasp. 
“Aren’t you going to beg me to stop? Or are you just going to keep cumming like the dirty little cursed slut you are?”
You know he won’t stop. Not for hours. Not until he eventually releases hot, sticky, endless ropes of cum inside you until you pass out, until the next morning where you wake up in a cold sweat after repetitive nightmares of giving birth to hellspawn.
His two upper hands cup your face that is exhausted, weary, miserable, and dazed from fucking that will go on endlessly and for as long as he feels like it. Sucking away all your vital energy. Ruining your soul. Wrecking your body. 
His fingers caress your skin, even if he’s still pounding relentlessly into you and you’re only a few more strokes away from another gut-wrenching climax.
Sukuna kisses you passionately and you don’t think, because if there is anything you know for a fact, it’s that the devil is a liar and tonight’s lie is that you’re anything more than a hapless human he likes to fuck.
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popi-the-fatui · 4 years
(that no one asked for but here they are anyways)
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A/N: this man needs some luv. Long post, there is a whole iceberg under the “read more”. Also, I tried to keep a Gender Neutral reader so pls DM me if there are any mistakes!!
🐋 Let’s bust some myths first: contrary to popular belief, Childe has no experience at relationships or intimacy at all. Non. Cero. The Venn diagram of romantic/intimate stuff and things Childe has done is a void. But it’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just that he hasn’t had the time to experience any of these things because he is a busy man: between fighting, training and being a Harbinger, there is not a minute left for him to indulge in other things. 
🐋 The problem with this is that Tartaglia is a people’s person. He WANTS to be able to have someone that he can do these things with. At the end of the day, when he comes home tired after a mission, all he wants is someone to be waiting for him with cuddles, hugs, kisses, reassurance, caresses, or just a simple “how did your day go?” Because of this, he has a lot of pent-up love that he has not been able to give. 
🐋 In that note, he is also incredibly touch-starved: not only does he want someone to give that love to, but Childe also craves to receive it. When was the last time he was touched by someone in a context that was not a fight? He loves fighting, obviously: he has trained for a big part of his life to be able to defeat everything and everyone. But he is also just a human, and there are limits to how long a person can go without a loving touch. 
🐋 So when he finally falls victim to the first signs of infatuation, this poor whale man will have an internal battle: do I reach for them? Would they be better off if they never meet me? Will they accept me? Has my reputation already ruined this for me before it even began? How do I approach them? Do I look presentable? Am I going to scare them away? Childe will be torn between wanting to protect you from himself (as the Fatui business is not an easy pill to swallow for everyone) and protect himself from you (his heart would not handle rejection/disgust very well), and wanting to KISS YOU AND HUG YOU AND KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU BECAUSE ARGH WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO ADORABLE.
🐋 So he finally decides to compromise between these two stances, and let YOU decide whether you want him as a friend, a lover or a stranger. He starts greeting you whenever he sees you in the streets, subtly asking if you would like him to join you in your commissions, inviting you for lunch/dinner after a mission so you can recharge your energy, asking if you want to go and share drinks with him and Zhongli. You know, friendly stuff friends do. And he doesn’t even try to hide the happy smile that escapes him whenever you say yes to him: when it comes to you, there is nothing he needs to hide. Well, except for that one thing. 
🐋 He knows that you know he is somehow associated with the Fatui, if his constant trips to the Northland Bank aren’t enough to tell. Usually, Childe dislikes going around things as he much rather hit straight to the point (being the point a fight, a deal or just a simple conversation). But he has grown so addicted to the sensations you make him feel that he can’t help but to try to postpone that tiny little detail about himself for later. He has never had anyone who genuinely wants to spend time with him and that can keep up with him. Childe knows he can be quite intense and that rumors about him aren’t really rumors but WARNINGS, and to finally have someone, even if you’re just friends, that is actively trying to get to know the real him means so much, and he doesn’t want to let that go as selfish as he knows it is because there’s a chance you could get hurt (emotionally and physically). 
🐋 Unfortunately for him, everything that goes up must go down, and that fateful day comes when his plans to take Rex Lapis’ Gnosis blows back to him. After that brief, tense conversation with La Signora and Zhongli, Childe’s ego can’t be any lower: it’s not often that he loses, and much less often that he loses while feeling like a fool. He wants to scream, fight, punch, kick. Anything to take out the impotence and anger he is feeling right now. 
🐋 You found him in this state while you were looking for him to see if he was alright because a WHOLE ASS PALACE JUST FELL FROM THE SKY and you’re very concerned for him as you haven’t had any news directly from him and all you know is that apparently Childe was the cause of it?
🐋 As soon as he sees you, his blood-lust disappears and he no longer wants to fight something: he wants to cry from shame. Shame at being found in this state. Shame at failing. Shame at what you would think of him now that the cat’s out of the bag because from the look in your face is EVIDENT that now you know how far his relationship with the Fatui goes. 
🐋 He falls to the ground, tears finally coming out and he is crying ugly sobs while hiccuping nonsense about how he is a weak, pathetic, disgusting failure and it’s not fair it’s not FAIR IT’S NOT FAIR IT’S NOT-
🐋 “Look at me” you softly call to him, but he is panicking and hyperventilating and not responding to anything that’s outside of his head, so you decide to sit on your knees in front of him, gently cupping his face with your hands, caressing his tears away with your thumbs. 
🐋 “Childe, look at me. Please?” You try again, carefulness in your tone as to not startle him. And when he finally reacts and looks up, you don’t see Tartaglia the 11th Harbinger, nor Childe the fatui flirt. All you see is a broken man that carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, exhausted from constantly fighting against everything the world has thrown at him, and your heart aches for him and wonders how long this man has suffered alone, how long has he suffered in silence. 
🐋 “It’s okay, Childe. You’re okay. Can you breathe for me?” You position yourself behind him and put your hands on his shoulders, rubbing circles with your fingers to further calm him. “Breath with me, yeah just like that. Now hold it for a bit and then release it. Keep going, I’ll do it with you. I’m here”
🐋 Childe finds himself finding it easier to breathe with each inhale and exhale, and when he is finally going down from his high, catharsis hits him HARD. Is this what he has been missing all of his life? Is releasing all that pent-up frustration supposed to feel this good? And he feels a little selfish, because he knows he doesn’t deserve your comfort after the stunt he pulled, but Childe can’t help but become putty under your tender touches and your soft words, and he wishes for a different context, for a different past in which he never fell into the abyss, never joined the Fatui, never felt that the only way to survive was to fight. Instead, he wishes for a past in which he is traveling because he wants to, and he meets you, and he courts you and makes your cheeks heat up at something he said. And you are not touching him because he had a panic crisis that he himself caused. No, he imagines the both of you after a dinner date in Liyue. The sky is dark and the stars are shining but the streets are still full of people laughing and talking and the light from the lamps are reflecting beautifully in your hair. You are walking near the harbor, and you are holding his hand and he is giving you a kiss on your forehead because he can’t help himself. In another life, he would have found you and loved you the way you deserve and the way he needs. 
🐋 But he knows that now is too late, and all he has left is a mind full of regret because he did, in fact, hurt you. How could you trust him after this? How could you WANT him after this? So imagine his surprise when the first thing that comes out of your mouth is a soft “Are you ok now, Childe?”
🐋 “I- how- what?” He mutters in disbelief. Why are YOU asking HIM that? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
🐋 “You had me very worried back there. I thought you would stop breathing at any moment. You are not hurt, are you?”
🐋 And he laughs. A high-pitched, almost maniac laugh. “You know I was the cause of all of…” he says, moving his arms to signal, well, everywhere “...this, right? I believe you now must know what my real business in Liyue was, and that I’m not just some random Fatui officer”
🐋 “Well… I kind of suspected it? How many ‘random Fatui officers’ are carrying a Vision, huge amounts of Mora and have so many ‘meetings’ at the Northland Bank with the Qixing themselves? I mean, I didn’t know you were a Harbinger, but I did know that you were a higher up in the organization. I’m not dumb, you know?” you answer light-heartedly. 
🐋 “Then why would you keep hanging out with me? If you knew all of that, then you for sure must have known that people tend to keep me in a ‘do not trust’ list. People are wary around me, and they should! If you knew of the things I’ve seen, the things I’ve DONE. The reputation surrounding the Fatui, especially the Harbingers, wasn’t built on nothing, you know?”
🐋 “Don’t get me wrong. I do have somewhat of an idea of the things you do for a living. And let me be clear: I certainly do not condone it. And to be honest, I know that things between us would be easier if you weren’t a Fatui and I actually wish you weren’t one” you can feel how his whole body deflated at that, and even if you are sitting behind him, you just know he has a pout on his face, so you resolve for hugging him from behind and rest the side of your face between his shoulder blades, and continue. 
🐋 “But in the past weeks, I also had the opportunity to get to know you. Not Fatui you. But human you. I know that you have a family that you love very much and you do everything in your power to protect them. I know that you haven’t had it easy, and that some scars you have still hurt. I know that you absolutely can’t eat with chopsticks, but your pride refuses to give up and you try anyway. I know that you’re a passionate man that holds his dearest people close to his heart. I know that you hate when I’m sad so you’re willing to make a fool of yourself if that means I’ll end up laughing. I know how you wait outside of my building until my window lights up after you get me home so you are sure nothing happened to me. I know by the way you sometimes disassociate from the world around you that you are thinking of home and returning to your family” as you speak, you feel something wet falling on your upper arms, and realize that Childe is silently crying. You have half a mind to stop, but you also know that he needs to hear this, so you tighten your hug a little in reassurance. 
🐋 “I also know that whenever I see you with a new wound, I can’t help but worry for you and my first instinct is to check if you are okay. I’m now familiar with the way my heart skips a beat whenever I get to see one of your genuine smiles, especially when the reason behind them is that you get to spend some time with me. I know my eyes soften when I see you talking about something you’re passionate about. The truth is, I care for you, Childe. I really do, Fatui or not. Harbinger or not. And yes, while I would rather you not be one, I still can’t help but long for your company because you make me happy. Because I love you. So don’t underestimate me. I’m strong and so are my feelings. You being a Fatui is not gonna change that”. After this, you two sit in silence for a few minutes, but it’s not an awkward one despite your confession. You know he is gathering his thoughts so you move one of your arms that is wrapped around Childe’s torso to card your fingers through his hair, mindful of the knots that had appeared after the battle. If he doesn’t believe your words, then you sure hope he trusts your actions. 
🐋 Childe is the one who breaks the silence when he asks “How could you possibly love someone like me?”. If you weren’t sitting that close to him, you wouldn’t have heard it. He says this so softly, so gently, almost as if he was trying to convince himself and not you. 
🐋 “Silly boy” you laugh warmly. “Did you hear anything I just said?” You ruffle his hair, and finally, FINALLY, you can hear him giggle a little. “You don’t get to decide who I love. That’s my choice, and I choose to love you”
🐋 No kisses were shared that day. No grand, magnificent romantic gestures were made. Only the silent promise of two young lovers to love and cherish each other as they were. And maybe, just maybe, you could work things out, together, to build yourselves a brighter future. 
🐋 So after all has been said and done: congrats! You are now the proud s/o of Teyvat’s biggest simp. 
🐋 Childe is your number one fan. Everything you do is carefully recorded in his mind for later use. He has to go on a mission away from you? Be prepared to be pampered and being taken on several dates the previous week so this clingy man has something to hold on to. 
🐋 Also: he is shameless. He will not be afraid of making out with you in plain daylight on a busy street. But fear not! If you happen to not be a fan of PDA, he will try to be low-profile. You are, afterall, a person he treasures and can’t live without, so your comfort comes before his needs. Now, I say “try” because he will still demand to hold your hand and give you the random kiss on your cheek. 
🐋 HUGS. FROM. BEHIND. Watch him giving you hugs like Oprah. You are buying something? Cooking? Chilling? Expect to feel a pair of long limbs wrapping from behind you in a tight hug like a koala. It’s his hourly vibe check. 
🐋 Very jealous and protective of you. He is very afraid that one day you’ll realize there are plenty of people better than him and you’ll leave him, so please remind this simp that he is more than enough for you. 
🐋 He also has nightmares from the time he spent in the abyss and will take sometime for him to realize that he is no longer there, so give him a few minutes for him to come to his senses and then please for the love of the Tsaritsa cuddle the life out of him. Also on this note, I have the headcanon that he prefers being the little spoon. That, or facing each other and he rests his face in the crook of your neck while leaving little pecks there. 
🐋 Also you discover, to your surprise and as stated at the beginning , that this man has absolutely no idea how to do relationships. To compensate for this and to give you only the best of the best (as you deserve), he spends time in his travels to read romantic novels to have an idea of what to do, so don’t be surprised if he says or does something corny or cringey. 
🐋 The most chaotic “meet the family” you’ll ever have. As soon as he takes you to Snezhnaya, you will have all of his siblings running and tackling you into a bear hug (he sends A LOT of letters to his family about you and if you read them you would not be sure if he is talking about you or a deity).
🐋 He also tries to keep you out of anything regarding the Fatui. It’s a relief that you finally know about how deep his person runs in the organization, but he also wants to spare you from the details of what he does unless something is really bothering him. 
🐋 All in all, this golden retriever is your biggest hype man and the most loyal boyfriend. You will never get bored with Childe, as everyday is an adventure with him and he will make sure you to make you as happy and loved as you make him feel.
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