#i’m really excited about his heterochromia lol
akkivee · 2 years
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how we feeling about jyushi's possible heterochromia???? moonlight/blue??? aquamarine/blue???
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lil-red-reaper · 3 years
So the first two chapters of Roman Holiday were released as a preview on the iBook/Apple Books app
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And the first chapter gives us a handful of new information and revelations on Neo.
Spoilers under the cut!
Her real name is revealed to be Trivia Vanille while “Neopolitan” is actually the mischievous imaginary friend she had as a child. Her natural hair colour is brown while Neopolitan’s is stated to be pink.
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Trivia’s version of Neopolitan also possesses the iconic brown and pink heterochromia we’re used to, but as for Trivia’s eyes it’s not fully stated. There is a scene where her mother (whose eyes are brown) looks into her eyes, but then flinches and looks away which makes me curious.
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Her family is very well off financially with her father being the City Manager of the Vale City Council. His name is Jimmy (possibly a nickname, maybe his real name is James like Ironwood lol) Vanille while her mother is Carmel Vanille.
It’s also revealed that Trivia was seemingly born mute and can’t talk, relying on a communication board much to the frustration of her parents, most notably her dad who is quite honestly a HUGE jerk to put it very lightly.
Her mother seems kinder, and defends Trivia for having an overactive imagination, a name drop at the semblance Neo possesses, but it’s apparent she also doesn’t really understand her daughter either.
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All of this is quite interesting to me and I’m excited that we’re finally learning more about Neo and her past.
Looking forward to reading the rest of the book!
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
hihihi!! could i request a st ship for your ship game? all of your answers to the others have been so beautiful. if you don’t want to, thats totally fine!!
my pronouns are she/her or she/they, and i go by Ash
i am 5’7 (which i am very proud of i like being tall)
i have like, lightish golden brown hair but it’s purple at the ends right now lol
i have a form of heterochromia in my eyes that make the inner rings gold and the outer rings blue green (if that makes sense?)
i am bi greyace <3🏳️‍🌈
my MBTI is INFJ, and honestly sometimes i feel a little more ambiverted than introverted but i do love alone time. my personality basically consists of my special interests, like nature and science and photography/film. so ig passionate is the more accurate description? anyway, my personality is i guess a mix of my love for things and people with some sarcasm thrown in
hobbies include infodumping for hours (lol), guitar, playing with my dog, and writing. oh and daydreaming abt traveling the world.
i am vegetarian and i feel the need to clarify that before i say that i do not like meat. i also dont like cigarette smoke because i have ~sensory issues~. as for more mundane things that i do or dont like, i love cardigans and being cuddly in blankets, and i also love listening to my friends talk about their passions.
i speak french and i think thats pretty cool
my body type is like, medium? idk i do yoga and im strong but i dont look particularly athletic? i am pretty tan considering the rest of my family is extremely pale (haha, theyre irish and i’m adopted.
as always, if you don’t want to answer please don’t feel like you have to!! if you do, i’m looking forward to reading what you think! xx
i ship you with...
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eddie munson!
how you met: you were in family video one day, just hanging out and distracting your best friend, robin, from her shift one day. you were browsing the shelves and calling over to her to ask how different movies were when you heard the bell on the door and a voice. it was eddie.
his first impression of you: you were quiet. why were you so quiet? what was going on in your head? eddie immediately became obsessed with getting to know you and cracking the code of who you are. ESPECIALLY when robin made you laugh with a stupid joke and he saw you cover your mouth and your eyes widened as you giggled. HE wanted to be the one to make you do that.
how you got together: turns out you talked more the more you got to know someone. and eddie loved that. he, of course, found this out because he charmed you into hanging out with him more. he could listen to you talk about any topic on the planet for forever. anything you talked about had him intrigued. he was especially interested in the fact that you were a vegetarian. i mean, how cool was that? eddie was never a huge lover of animal products anyway, so he actually decided to try being vegetarian himself, which excited you instantly. you decided to have him over to make a vegetarian dinner for the two of you, and you asked eddie to get something from the fridge. he went over to grab the ingredient, but as you looked at the recipe on your phone, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and hold you tight. you blushed and turned around to ask what he was doing, when eddie smiled and kissed you on the nose. he couldn’t tell how you felt about that, so he instantly let go and started apologizing, but you just giggled and reached out to grab him hand, letting him know that him doing that was perfectly fine, and that he could kiss you on more than just your nose if he wanted. he grinned and took advantage of that offer right away.
what he likes most about you: your sense of style! eddie actually didn’t start wearing rings until he met you, and he instantly loved the ones you had. as a fidgeter, he really thought they were perfect, and instantly took to wearing some himself. (he also gets you some too ahsdjk <3) he also loves your quiet boldness. even though you’re a pretty reserved person, you aren’t afraid to be yourself and he loves that about you. physically, he is OBSESSED with your eyes. he could study them for HOURS because of just how gorgeous they are. the specs of all the rich colors?? he didn’t even know there were that many hues in existence.
what you guys enjoy doing together: eddie thinks that you being able to speak french is the coolest thing ever. he wants to learn to speak it too, so you start tutoring him, and you make him this cute little book of vocabulary and everything. on your birthday, eddie comes over and grabs your guitar from the corner of the room and surprises you by singing you a cute little love song he wrote in french for you (very surprising, as cute little love songs weren’t his style, but you brought out something new in him that no one else saw except for you). other than music and french, you guys often talked and planned for the day that you would both leave hawkins and explore the world together. nothing made you happier than seeing the gleam in his eye as he got excited about traveling the world with you. it was adorable.
bonus headcanon: when eddie realized that you got sensory overload from smoke, he swore right then and there that he’d NEVER smoke around you, and he’d try to cut back in general. you thought this was sweet of him, and you actually bought him some candy cigarettes as (somewhat) of a replacement. not that he smoked cigarettes as opposed to weed often, but he still appreciated the gesture. (and so did you!)
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suggiebabe · 4 years
How Some MHA Boys Would Play MC with Their S/O
A/N: HEY GUYS! I was gonna post something like 2 days ago, but lost motivation, and now its in the drafts!! Still no motivation to write it, but I want to write this one since I’ve been playing w some friends recently hehe
Parings: Bakugou, Shouto, Hawks, Kaminari, Tamaki x Reader
Warnings: Cursing and fluff (literally all my warnings ugh)
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Does NOT want to play with you at first
After you tell him that not even you can beat the Ender Dragon, he takes this as a challenge, and immediately downloads the game
When you first start the game, he is one to strategize on how to actually become good. Like he searches up what to do sometimes just to make sure he can be the strongest (he doesn't tell you though, to you, this all came from his own brain)
He literally never dies, like what the fu ck
When it comes time to build houses and bases, he builds super far away from you
Doesn’t share any of his materials either
“Suki, can I have some sugarcane? Pretty please?” 
“Go find some yourself dumbass” 
“But you have a ton of it!?! Can’t I just have a little?”
“No.” with ZERO hesitation 
When you aren’t online he’ll put some in your chest cause he feels a little bad for saying no
He actually finds and beats the Ender Dragon quite quickly, but what else do you expect from Bakugou? The most competitive person probably on  this earth?
After he beats the game, he probably won’t play it again
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Agrees to play with you just because you seem so excited about it, and he is a WEAK man when it comes to your happiness 
Follows you around like a little puppy until you die in a cave and he has no idea what to do, cause you’re back in spawn, and he’s now alone
He offers to go back to you, but when you tell him to keep going, he has the BEST luck with finding diamonds
(Ok I’m gonna say it, but Torodoki is probably a SIMP for people that teach him how to deal with special emotions, so he’s mega simp for you uwu)
When he comes out of the cave, he offers to give you ALL of his findings, but you refuse to take all of it since he found all the diamonds n all that good stuff
He still gives it to you anyway, cause he’s not really playing this game for himself
He’s actually really good fighting wise, so when you’re building y'alls base, he’s on night watch for the bad guys
You guys live together of course (beds next to each other OhMyGosh) 
Probably tames a cat with heterochromia 
“Sho, its like you! Let’s tame it!!!” 
He tames it first try and names it “Todoroki #2”
Ender Dragon takes a while to beat, but you beat it nonetheless!!!!
He really only plays when you play, cause that’s the only reason why he plays lol
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He already knows what it is, and he agrees when you ask him to play it, because he takes this as an opportunity to bully you (ofc all in good heart)
He doesn’t tell you he knows what it is though, so he tricks you into “teaching him how to play” just to waste your time
Once he gets tired of that act, he just starts to play it as a pro and you are just ?????
Hes super good at mining and building
Always comes out of caves with diamonds, and not just 1 or 2, but like 6 or 8
His base is SO COOL, boy oh boy, does this man know how to build
Ofc he has a pet parrot, and he names it “Parrots”
Bad thing is that he knows how to use red stone, so when you’re not online the only thing he does it set traps up all around your house
He feels bad that sometimes they actually do end up killing you, so he always lends you diamonds and whatever materials you need
He’s already beat the Ender Dragon, so he knows all the tricks on how to beat it (I’m like 90% convinced that he’s played it during his high school years) 
He’s on and off of the game, constantly starting new worlds since he finishes his others
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He was the one to ask you to play with him
This boy wants to do everything with you, from mining, to farming, to building
When the two of you go mining, he’s the type to dig the gravel on top of him, and die cause he couldn't get out, which makes you need to stop whatever you’re doing to get his stuff
Makes you wait for him while he goes back down to the cave and then you guys can keep playing together
You both only have 1 base, and 1 house, because he doesn’t want to risk dying you dying from mobs
Both of you share your materials with each other, since you both go mining together it only feels natural to share 1 big storage area
“Kami why do we have 3 enchantment tables? We only needed one??”
“I made an oopsie earlier, now we only have 8, my bad!”
The Ender Dragon is a CHALLENGE!! You both are pretty okay players, so beating it takes a lot of time
When you finally beat it, Kami probably puts the head on top of y’alls house, just to show how epic it is
He plays without you sometimes, but when you play without him he gets sad :(( (hypocrite much??)
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He hesitantly accepts your invitation, but its only because he’s new at the game, and he doesn’t want you to see him be bad at it
He would probably play a lot when you aren’t online, then excitedly show you all the new materials he got while mining when you come back online
Swears he’ll protect you from any mobs that try to come your way while you build your shared base cause he’s not all that good at building
He doesn’t want to live alone, because he just likes sharing things with you
The more you two play the game together, the more bold he becomes with his skills
Turns out to be insanely good at mining and fighting so when you two go to caves together, he always seems to come out with more than you probably ever will
Tamaki is very good at thinking, that’s like his main thing, so everything he does went through a thorough thought process, which explains why he’s just so great
“Tama, I feel like you’ve played this game before.. there’s just no way you’re better than me when I’ve been playing it for years”
“Bun, what could I do to make you believe me?”
After a long debate, you settle on him giving you a diamond chest plate
The Ender Dragon is a HASSLE. Tama never actually ends up beating it, he just goes for moral support
He also is on and off with the game, only picking it up once every 3 months or so, but when he plays, HE PLAYS.
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Another A/N: I hope u guys enjoyed it, I was so close to writing for 4 days in a row, but then my brain said “no <3″ and I lost all the motivation for 2 whole days!!!!! I’m back now, lets see how far I can go!!! Also might turn on requests, but I’d probably get like 2 LMAO
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 3 years
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Why is 2021 the year of heterochromia in anime characters
Yeah so Heike Monogatari episode 1 dropped real sooner than expected. This is the show to keep an eye on because oh shit Naoko Yamada on direction and Aoi Yuuki in the lead role, poggers!
In the former’s case she’s unfortunately no longer at Kyoto Animation, but I only know her as a name in some credits and so don’t want to judge her decisions here, and given the arson attacks I’d understand if she wanted something completely new. Her direction is as on-point as ever, really highlighting the subtle body languages to communicate feelings, though with some very almost bombastically expressive facial expressions from some characters for comedic effect which helps alleviate the tone and all. Was digging it.
On Aoi Yuuki’s end, holy fuck I’ve never heard a performance like this from her. You kinda need to hear it tbh, but it’s one that’s manages to communicate a lot with so little. This child wants to put on the bravest and most confident front she can, but cannot hide how deeply wounded and traumatised she is. This is communicated through as much as holding back tears during big bold statements, but also with smaller things like grunts and breaths she takes. It’s a very intimate performance from her and one I’m really excited to hear more of. Could end up being my favourite single VA performance of the year, honestly.
Now those two things are what I was watching the show for, but in terms of other areas it’s fairing interestingly enough. Period drama with some slice of life elements about a guy who’s a higher-up in some clan that propagandas the world into believing they’re hot shit and kills those who disagree - and his encounter with the daughter of a man who lost his life to said clan. Also they both have magic eyes. It’s gonna be one of those shows I might struggle with since it’s looking to be very political with a bunch of similarly-named characters, but the core experience of watching and listening to this is just so mesmerising that I don’t really mind.
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Like fuckin hell this show is an aesthetic yo. And also Kensuke’s on soundtrack to add another incredibly exciting staff member to the list.
Yeah so uh, yeah lol. This is a very exciting show to be watching and I’m super glad to be picking it up.
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amortentiaboys · 3 years
How about Heterochromia? 👀
floyd! thanks for the ask love, hope you’re having a good week 💕
Heterochromia is another seedling WIP (aka: it currently has a grand total of zero words lol) but it’s one of the ones that i’m more excited about! it’s definitely inspired by the fact that every single person harry meets immediately tells him that he has his mother’s eyes.
it’s going to be a soulmate au where through some Obscure Magical Lore (lol) some wizards are born with Amor Verus Heterochromia: one eye is your biologically inherited colour, while the other is the colour of your soulmate’s. so what would happen if voldemort’s dark magic got in the way of this? what if harry’s vibrant green was a result of the failed killing curse? (i also headcanon that lily’s eyes were a much softer green, and that’s why people do a double-take when they see harry because yes, he does have his mother’s eyes, but there’s something slightly off about them).
some backstory: baby draco LOVES the idea of having heterochromia whereas when harry first hears about it, he thinks it’s mental. draco slowly becomes more disillusioned with the whole idea whilst *hating* harry and his stupidly green eyes. harry still just wants to be his own person and to, you know, have one school year where he’s not in constant mortal peril.
and the story would kick off just after the war, when harry’s eyes begin to change.
and that’s all i have at the moment! thank you so much for asking about this one, it really is one of my babies 😍
ask me about my wips
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gretavanfleetposts · 3 years
Hey! Could I get a ship please? I’m a 20 year old premed student. I am very passionate about medicine and being a doctor. Right now, I see myself working as a pediatrician in a small town. But I also really love working with the elderly, so I may do family medicine so I can take care of everyone lol. I really want to live in a small, rural town with lots of outdoorsy things to do. I want to build a cottage and live the cottage core dream with my four kids and farm animals;)
I have brown hair, central heterochromia, and fair skin. I look a bit like a young Jennifer Connelly/Claire Danes in Romeo and Juliet. I love the outdoors and want to visit all of the national parks. I’m southern, so I have excellent manners. I’m really good at making conversation with older people. I also really love to read, write, and listen to music. Traveling to all of the National Parks is my main bucket list task, and I want to travel in a camper van with my husband to all these places.
My MBTI is INFJ and enneagram is 4w3. I am shy at first, but very loud and goofy around people that I trust. I don’t really care if people think I’m weird. Ive been told I have a kind soul, and I love making people feel good about themselves. I do deal with some mental health issues, but I’ve been trying to work through those and I think having anxiety/depression has made me a kinder person overall.
Although medicine is my dream, the thing I want most in life is to be happily married with a bunch of kids.
Thank you!
Hello, my love!
❤: You are so inspiring! The way you care for people and just want to help others, that really is amazing! I think it takes such a special person to devote their life to others and you clearly are a special person. I also 100% support the cottage core life; that really is the dream, isn't it. You seem so adventurous too. I can tell you're just very sweet and fun to be around. Can we be friends?
Ship: Jake
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Because: Jake would be so enamored by you and your love for others. I definitely think that's something you share. And he would constantly be bragging to people about his partner who is going to be a doctor. He would be so supportive. And he'd love taking you out into nature when you need to decompress from the stress of your studies.
Whenever you had an upcoming break from classes, you and your boyfriend Jake would pick a national park at random and plan a trip
This break, the two of your were taking advantage of the warm weather and were going on a roadtrip to Yellowstone National Park
It one of the few spots left on your large canvas map that didn't have a red X drawn over it and a picture of you and Jake with a park sign in the background pinned next to it
You couldn't be more excited
Jake packed the car early in the morning and you gathered all the snacks for the drive
You set off, listening to a playlist the two of you had made together
Jake rolled the windows down to let the warm breeze blow through the car and through your hair
The sun was just coming up as you set out and it casted a fiery golden hue over the horizon
You sang and snacked, talked and held hands
The stress of school was left far behind you
You watched in wonder as magnificent nature passed you while you made your way to your destination
The sun glowing over the mountains was truly a sight
Turning to Jake, he caught your breath more than the view did
His hair was blowing back and his face and chest were lit with a golden light that just enhanced his features
He glowed
He was ethereal
You could hardly believe he was real. Real and yours
He caught you staring and gave you a warm smile before turning his eyes back to the road, using his right hand to rub circles into the skin of your thigh sticking out beneath your sundress
You leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek
There was nothing you loved more than these trips
I hope you liked it! Thank you for the request!
Ships are currently closed
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pixelatedrose · 3 years
hey big man :D ! it’s been a while and w o a h — callahan, mr. mcblithe, looks absolutely stunning :0 !! he looks like he’s glowing and it’s wonderful. i love the detailing on his lil suspenders and the open shoulders are really pretty. oh! and the little cogs with the shiny gem thing are nice, do they have any significance or are they just there to look cool (which they are definitely succeeding in) ? also, his wiNgs are so lovely!! they’re so big and they look so soft, they’re just breathtaking, i love them :)) i hope you’ve had a wonderful day and you enjoy the rest of your night! remember to drink water if you haven’t recently, love you loads dude 💛 !
Bee!!!! I love yoouuu!!!! :DDD
Okay okay okay
Lemme talk bout my boy Cally-ham McBlimp
Starting with things you mentioned- the open shoulders is also because he's wearing a halter top in the pic (bc fight me halter tops are the ONLY viable piece of clothing if you have wings-) HOWEVER!!!!
In the current narrative, Callahan's sweater does simply just have open shoulders. And THAT'S because in the current narrative!! He doesn't have wings!!!!
The cogs on his belt don't have any story significance, they're simply just decoration- like a fancy belt buckle- and also are indicative of his occupation as someone who's part of the tinkerer's guild!!! Thas all :]
Now the CRYSTAL is a LOT more interesting as it seems to have significant story importance. This crystal as a milky white opaque gemstone that faintly glows, it acts as Callahan's sorcery focus. As a young adult/teen, his uncle (the man who raised him since his parents passed when he was a very very little child) gave it to him, telling him it was a family heirloom and that he should keep it safe and with him at all times. And he's done just that!! For the most part.... he's made a single alteration to the gem, having filed the top part of it down to make it better fit the metal frame its attached to- a frame he made himself. This seems like it will have......effects, later down the line- I'm SO excited to see what my dm has in store for me.
There's so so so so much i can and want to be able to tell you bout my boy Callahan McBlithe, my good ol m8 Cally-ham, my bro my friend my child, but i don't wanna force ppl to read to much so I'm gonna hide it under the cut from now on-
Okay okay okay
So to talk about Callahan, we gotta talk about Montgomery Silverbeard, or Monty for short.
So, Callahan is a dwarf.
Monty is not a dwarf, but he IS a human RAISED by dwarves.
Monty is in the tinkerer's guild.
Monty has a mechanical Dog named Weller that runs on the energy of a crystal he has.
Monty always wears his goggles.
And one last thing we should know about Callahan before I continue, is something my dm specified that i preciously mentioned in the og post i made about Callahan, is that he has heterochromia, one blue eye and one brown one, and that Callahan also always wears his goggles when he's out in public.
Fun shit >:3c
So first things first.
The first session happens and Callahan gets introduced to the party through the means of Remmy- a character I don't have the time to explain other than through his title; The Entity- and things go great.
Well, great is relative i guess cause i mean the party did kinda forget he was there so ._.
But at the very end, as everyone is going to bed and Callahan is about to start walking home, Monty catches him and says he'll walk him home
They start chatting and shit and as they're walking, Monty stops for a moment and takes his goggles off to rub at his eyes.
And as he takes off his goggles, Callahan sees his eyes.
And he's heterochromatic.
One blue eye. One brown eye.
And Callahan stops and just stares for a moment and says. "You're...you're heterochromatic?"
Monty kinda glaces back and responds, "yeah. Has something to do with my birth parents, I'm sure of it."
And Callahan is quite for a moment. And then he slowly, silently pulls his goggles down around his neck to let Monty see his eyes too.
They kinda blink at each other.
Monty catches sight of the crystal at Callahan's belt and asks him where he got it, tells him that its a crystal like that that keeps Weller alive.
When Callahan tells him that it was an heirloom, Monty looks at him and just says, "I think we may be a bit closer than we expected, Callahan."
Anyway that's all i have the time to tell about right now, but there is still SO much more i could talk about- from Uncle Mar-Mar, to Remmy, to the second session, to the plot to Fuck The Queen, to the con-artist mini-sesh- dude i love this campign with all of my being, its not even funny how in love i am with everything about it
In any case!!!! Thank you so much for checking in, Bee!!! I love you a ton, and sorry i haven't been active, I've been caught between d&d and school and that's all I've been doing lately lol
My schedule should free up some after graduation, but i can't guarantee that since I'll be starting work right after as well, but I'll try to be better!!!
As always, Stay Fresh and Minty, Bee!!! Ily and i hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!!! <3 :D
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First off AHHH congratulations on 400!! That’s so exciting I’m so happy for you!!
Second, could I get a ship? I’m a libra, bi 💗💜💙, 5’3 (well 5’2 and 1/2) and I’m Cuban and I have brown hair and brown eyes (fun fact my left eye has segmental heterochromia which I only recently found out about and I just think that’s super cool). I have like a medium-ish build(?) or like ⌛️ ig (I’m so bad at this sorry lmao). I’m pretty introverted (I’m an infp) but once I get comfortable with someone I’m pretty annoying lol. I like to read that’s pretty much all I do and I’m also a musician Ive been playing the trumpet for 8 years now and I also sing but I’m insecure about my voice so I don’t sing sing like with groups. Ooh I really like puzzles and I love watching the stars though I live in a city so I don’t get to see them often. I love rom-coms that’s my favorite genre but I also love watching/reading things that will make me cry? Like watching the vow and me before you broke my heart but I really enjoyed those movies. I love love love musicals like waitress, falsettos, dogfight (my favs that I have also cried to). My ideal (first) date would be like a carnival maybe just cause there will always be something to do and it’s noisy but a good noisy because quiet makes me anxious which.. odd. My favorite flower 🌻 I love sunflowers and atm my favorite color is purple but that changes often. I’m really interested in traveling and learning about history (my favorite core subject in school) and uhhh idrk what else to put here I’ve never had to think about myself and I don’t think I’m that interesting lol. Thank you and again congratulations!!!
Hiya, I had a lot of fun with this so hope I could deliver you a satisfying ship (I feel like it ended up being more of a small, personal mini fic... whoops)!
You are interesting don’t sell yourself short, hun. And thank you so, so much and hopefully enjoy!! 💜💜
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You and Jack were close friends long before you two finally got together. You met him kind of accidentally and he immediately put on his charms and began flirting with you. You were probably a bit taken aback at first but once he dialed down the straight-forward flirting you two became quick friends. Don't get me wrong, the flirty banter didn't stop, but it will take you two some time before you confess to each other. So, yeah... definitely Friends to Lovers for you!
Your more introverted nature compliments Jack's more extroverted and straightforward one perfectly. Be prepared for a lot more flirty and especially goofy banter when you're together and sudden, unplanned trips and dates. Because this cowboy is very busy, so when he gets off of work (or a mission) earlier than expected he won't waste one second to get home to you, throw you over his shoulder and drag you on a date.
He likes that you can keep up with him and his fast-paced life but he absolutely loves how you often just take that hastiness and stress out of it. He enjoys days where you two are relaxing at home and he would definitely like to do puzzles with you. Sometimes though he just likes to listen to you talk or he’ll place his head on your lap while you quietly read. And when you read to him or even softly sing whatever tune you have buzzing in your head in that moment he'll melt against you and fall asleep within minutes.
This sappy cowboy would absolutely love to go star gazing with you. Just lying on a blanket on a field, far away from any cites or light sources that could block your view of the stars, cuddled up in each other's arms and feeling his steady heartbeat underneath your fingertips while he draws slow circles on your arm. Talking about your day, about musicals or movies you want to watch with him someday... about anything really or just enjoying the silence and harmony for once. Oh, but when you turn to look at Jack you'll notice that he hadn't been watching the stars at all but staring at you instead.
He will definitely travel with you to all the places he had to go to but had no real time to actually appreciate while on a mission. He had been in a lot of different places but he never really saw them before. So if you want to travel with him to Mexico, Singapore, Greece, Spain, Italy, France, it doesn't matter he’ll agree immediatly. And if you want to share some historical facts while visiting those places he'll listen enthusiastically. He just loves to hear your voice but especially when you eagerly and proudly share your knowledge with him.
I really hope you enjoyed this, haha, I’m nervous! 🙈💜
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carrotcouple · 4 years
Ahhhh! OK! Soooo, I usually tend to always talk about Hypatia and Vlad as antagonists. So let’s talk about Rio today!
Rio is the God of Flows! He’s from a story rooted deep in Japanese Mythology (basically all the main characters are Japanese Gods. lol. I’m a huge Japanese Mythology nerd so.) There is not actual God of Flow in Japanese Mythology, not that I know of, of course. Rio can manipulate things that flow. While it’s obvious that means water, air, and stuff like that, his power is a little more complex than that. Rio manipulates the flow and not the thing itself. He can get water to flow faster or slower. Depending on how he manipulates the flow, he can control water. HOWEVER, if he comes across stagnant water, there is nothing he can do. It has to be flowing. Despite obvious choices like water and air, Rio actually likes to manipulate earth. How? I’ll get to that in a moment. 
His choice weapon is a really long mace. It’s long and elegant, probably as tall as him and at the end is the mace. we don’t know what it’s actually made of, but it looks like really pale and pure silver. He uses this to manipulate flows. 
Rio like to manipulate the earth. Now this is actually pretty scary when you think about it, but you know how the earth is always shifting? As in the plates underneath us? Yeah. He can mess with those. It’s a little time consuming though, so he only causes an earthquake or volcanic eruption if he’s not fighting with his life on the line. Instead, Rio slams his mace into the ground, causing the ground to shift? break? bend? vibrate? And using that, he can basically make spears out of the earth. If he’s fighting against people who are also trying to have each other’s backs, this is very very very powerful. 
Personality wise....meh, Rio is really rotten. (He’s super pretty. LIKE SO PRETTY. but he’s rotten). He likes to poke people where it hurts. When he finds something interesting (usually a person), he’ll seek to break it. He loves fighting people who are weaker than him or have something they value, because he can well....yeah, you get the picture. At one point in the story, Rio manipulates his opponent into losing their temper and while they’re off guard and angry, he aims for that person’s aide. He once promised not to kill someone, so he didn’t. Instead, he hurt them a lot while keeping them alive. 
Rio is actually really smart. He knows what fights he can pick and which ones he can’t. If he sees someone who’s pretty strong approach him, he leaves the scene asap. He can figure things out with just minimal information. It’s how he taunts his prey so well. 
Rio is categorized as a fallen God of sorts. He kinda messed with someone who became very powerful later on and that person waged a war against him. A lot of people died in that war and Rio was ruled out as the main offender. So he was sealed away. He eventually does break out because he’s well. RIO. And once he breaks out, you can imagine he sets off to carry out a very well planned and long term revenge. 
I mentioned Rio is pretty. HELL YEAH HE IS. He’s got silver-white hair that is like realllly long. It reaches his ankles. It’s straight and sometimes he half ties it. Sometimes he braids sections of it so it won’t get in his face (quickly calls out @maddyisenough, he’s exactly your type). He’s pale in complexion and if he were a human, that skin color would look kinda sickly. He’s got heterochromia; his left eye is a dark blue while his right eyes is forest green. He wears a kariginu most of the time, in varying shades of white, grey, black and red (sometimes green, but rarely). 
And that’s all about Rio!
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star-villager · 4 years
Ezra: Month 1 of Animal Crossing New Horizons!
Hello all! I’m here to tell my journey of the first month of New Horizons on Cillia Island!
There’ll be lots of pictures! I hope you enjoy! Future updates will probably be daily because this is... long at first... but I promise it slows down!
This post covers 32 days (skipping a few). It is indented to be a fun, long, read! I’ll say it’s a 10-15 minute read just to be on the longer side!
-Ezra; Island Resident Representative; Local Island Decorator; Mayor of Cillia (if it had a mayor hehe!)
Thursday, March 19th, 4pm -7GMT. The virus is present, but just starting. I have been home for not even 24 hours of my job that was supposed to keep me out of town all March. I make a phone call to a local Gamestop, asking if they’re still open, and how the midnight release of Animal Crossing is going to work. The worker tells me I can go pick it up right then, because they’re going to be closing early and had JUST gotten a phone call from corporate that they could give it out early - you can assume what I did /immediately/ after lol.
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Starting was incredibly easy! I’ve had my dead name as my New Leaf Mayor forever, and I loved that city name so Ezra and Cillia it was! And we began! My starting villagers were Cherry and Roald with Cherry Trees (fitting!), and I said I wasn’t gonna restart no matter what... so here we go!
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I picked a town that had a West Beach River Mouth as well as a South River Mouth - which matched my town in New Leaf! (The south exit, and the flow of the river - but the west exit would be where my original upper waterfall was so the shape was the same). Picked northern hemisphere (where I am). And placed my house right in a river bend (with the initial plan to section me off into my own island within an island!). Cherry and Roald’s homes were placed along the west-running river right at the top, with not much effort or forethought. Not that it was a bad thing! I knew they wouldn’t be permanent villagers, but wanted to give them some beautiful scenery while they were here.
I can definitely tell that I’m still acting and thinking like a mayor even thought I’m only an island rep. ... this doesn’t change bwahaha!
Day 1 March 19th, was all setup and prep for our REAL day 1! Blathers already was about to have a decent encyclopedia, and I was getting nook miles left and right - already expecting a house instead of a tent the next day. I wasn’t too surprised, I’ve done this song and dance before, and I’m just here to have a great time in my island paradise! Getting Blathers was definitely my highest priority!
Day 2 March 20th, was... difficult... giving 15 things to Blathers one at a time and finding 30 iron for the Nooklings was excruciating lol - but getting fossils and a pole vault to absolutely DECIMATE the weed ecosystem filled me with a glee that I’m sure you can understand. I managed to upgrade my house, get Blathers and Nooks Cranny all in one day *whew*. Now, time to have some fun!
I build my first QR code which was a cool outfit I called PRIDE Coat! It is a black coat with drawstrings and pockets on the front - a lil’ trans flag on the left arm, a bi flag on the right arm, and my (pretty decent!) attempt at a rainbow of paint (in the gay flag colors) falling down my back! And I made an Iwatobi Swim Club Beanie to match the one I wear every day!!
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I then played with my Passport a bit to have my title be “Future Fish” which is Free! Eternal Summer (the second season’s) Ending Song!!!! Which I thought was SUPER cute and VERY me. (It’s my second fave anime. I plan on making a Reigisa outfit in the future!!).
Already by the end of Day 2 I had my hair customization options, the tool wheel, and the DIY that I needed to buy. Everything Nook was offering I managed to get my grubby little day 2 hands on! So you KNOW my hair went to pink pigtails IMMEDIATELY. And took /many/ photos. But since my outfits are all the same just imagine the ones you just saw but with pink instead of blonde!
With that it was time to get my 3 villagers that would accompany Cherry and Roald (This correlates to getting the iron for Nooklings!) I wanted to grab the first 3 villagers that I saw just to try some new friends this go around - as I had already planned on making my New Leaf family my permies! So my first three were Ketchup (nice!), Hornsby (Aww!!), and... GALA!?!?
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Well how convenient! That was one permie immediately out of the way!! Welcome back, Gala!!! So excited to have you on the island!
Then I caught an Oarfish and saw *GASP* WISP!!!! To which, I immediately ran up to him and demanded he bring my girlfriend, Cece the Squirrel, to the island. He, instead, got spooked, had me collect his spirit, and offered me items. *sigh* Ok - can’t get Cece that way - so I decided to sleep!
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How naive I was...
Day 3 March 21st, was both good and bad! I had access to Nooklings, but that was about it. Blathers was getting a crowded amount of critters outside his roped off building, but it would be all worth it, tomorrow. But!! I found my first spider island! Which I sold off to Nooklings and happily went to sleep!
Day 4 March 22nd, had SO MUCH to offer! Blathers, Daisy Mae, Harvy, WHEW. Pretty sure I had a visit from Gulliver either today or yesterday, too! Nothing could POSSIBLY ruin this day!!
Oh how wrong.
How so terribly wrong I was.
Animal Crossing New Horizons is an incredible game that lets you invite so many villagers to your island!
All of them. But 14.  
14 Villagers from New Leaf are not available. The Sanrio Characters. And the Amiibo Characters.
No Felyne. No Ganon, Epona, Medli, or W. Link. No Viche or Inkwell. No Rilla, Chai, Morty, or Etoille.
No Toby.
No Chelsea.
No Cece.
To say that I was devastated would be an understatement. I was absolutely crushed. Not only were 3 of my permies out, but the one villager I couldn’t live without, wasn’t allowed in the game. She didn’t even get a poster.
So I did what any crushed lover would do, and made a memoir to her.
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And it started raining. Poetic. (I was only cheered up slightly when I got to catch a Coelacanth!) I didn’t do this until much later (April 4th) but for the sake of not talking about her too much, I would open New Leaf and wrote her a goodbye love letter, which, honestly, makes me tear up whenever I read it.
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And I went to sleep.
I have nothing for Day 5 other than scanning all my amiibo cards for the POSTERS which are UNDOUBTEDLY my FAVORITE new feature in the game!!
Day 6, March 24th, GALA MOVED IN! I was so excited, and it was definitely needed. My best friend also came over and we goofed off and we met each other’s villagers! Then I went to an island tour and got A PANSY HYBRID ISLAND!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I went crazy. Absolutely destroyed that ecosystem. I went full feral. MINE. ALL MINE!!!
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And I caught my first Sturgeon!! Which was awesome because I only had the rare fish left in my March collection! Trying to get a Golden Trout, I made many many fish bait, and got the 200 clam achievement! Which was exciting because that unlocked “Mermaid” for titles!! I doubt I’ll change from Future Fish, but Mermaid would be a second pick!
For Day 7 I went to a good friend’s village and desperately tried to make Chiyuki Fujito’s blue dress from Runway de Waratte... it didn’t work... but I like the attempt! (Will send pics in messenger if you’re curious!).
Day 8, March 26th, was the day ISABELLE WAS HERE!!! Welcome to your island paradise, QUEEN. I definitely dressed for the part ;)
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This, of course, opened up tunes and flag options! Flag was incredibly easy. It’s going to stay my picture of Cece until she’s added back into the game (which will probably be never, so...)
The tunes was much harder for me. But since I couldn’t think of anything else I made it “SO. NO. CHI. NO. SA. DA. ME.” from the first Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Opening (which is, ironically, what is playing as I type this... SO NO CHI NO SA DA ME <- was written in time with the music playing. Incredible.) It’s definitely not going to be that forever, but for now it makes me giggle!
Nothing for Day 9 except for a SICK tarantula island :) love those furry babes! I also built my campsite! Tomorrow was going to be big!! Who on Earth was going to move in!?
Day 10, March 28th, now, I have what I like to call “chaotic luck”. I’ll catch the bus, but my gosh did I almost miss it. I was absolutely positive I failed that test, and I did, but the question I messed up doesn’t count and I passed! Cece isn’t in the game but do you know who’s at my campsite??
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Can you even imagine my face??? Can you IMAGINE the jaw drop??  I moved him next to me IMMEDIATELY.
Day 12, March 30th, I saw kicks for the first time!!! Love that funky newsie skunk!
Day 13, March 31st, I saw Flick for the first time!!! Went on a mad tarantula hunt and made BANK. Fun story, I thought both Flick and C.J. were girls, so when I learned Flick was a boy I was really upset because I thought a canon gay ship was now straight, but WHOOPS they’re BOTH boys! 😎 Nice.
I also saw Celeste for the first time!!! Gosh how I missed her!! I actually sat and got all 200 stars in one night, just because of how much I like wishing on falling stars!!!
Day 14, April 1st, The Nightmare Begins. Love him or Hate him, Zipper was here. I won’t go on about the eggs. Everyone talks about the eggs. They sucked, fishing was a nightmare, not a big fan. I would end up not getting all the sakura DIYs which was very upsetting (but I’ll just get them next year). In INCREDIBLE news I got a golden trout!!! Which was the last thing I needed in my March encyclopedia - and it was on to April hunting! Every night thing I could get, I did! So I decided to set up my last 4 houses, and focus on getting K.K. Slider finally to my island!
The first house sold naturally to Pecan! NICE! I love squirrels so much! She was very welcome!
Day 15, April 2nd, in the interest in getting new villagers, I went on a tour and there she was: MERENGUE! She’s, truthfully, not a favorite of mine. She’s SO cute, but not someone I wanted permanently. However, she’s my other best friend’s FAVORITE and she doesn’t have a switch. So, there was NO WAY I wasn’t taking Merengue onto my island. I haven’t sent my friend pics, yet, but I hope I can soon!! She’s gonna be so happy!
Today was the first day I met C.J. which... stunning. Absolutely jaw dropping. I’m SMITTEN with a TAKEN BEAVER. He calls me fashionista. Asks about my anglersona. Takes selfies of/with me. He’s truly the ideal. I’d invite him back any day!
Over the next 3 days, Freya and Bruce move in as my last 2 villagers giving us a grand starting total of: Cherry, Roald, Ketchup, Hornsby, Gala, Raymond, Pecan, Merengue, Freya, and Bruce! Not bad not bad!
Day 19, April 6th, THE BEST GIRL IS HEEERE. LABEL CAME TO MY TOWN FOR THE FIRST TIME. I might have cried, honestly. I cannot believe someone that incredible would want to come to my island. She asked for me to give her an official look. Are you kidding me? Easy breezy. For my perfect outfit she rewarded me a Label Hat. Oh? DESIGNER? I was awestruck. The design was IMPECCABLE. The flavor was IMMACULATE.
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One of my villagers also happened to gift me a Pink SPRITE COSTUME??? I, honestly, have never been more in love with an outfit in my entire life??? A pink Peter Pan outfit??? LEGENDARY.
Day 20, April 7th, I don’t quite remember what day K.K. Slider visited the island when I hit my 3 star rating - so we’ll say it was today lol. That meant ISLAND EDITING, but I didn’t know what to do, yet, so I didn’t worry too much about it!
Label’s hat came in MORE COLORS in the store today. YOU BET I bought all of them. The talent. But this meant that I had a pink hat to match my pink sprite costume and you bet I was LIVING my best life. I had also finished the Anklyosaurus which is my FAVORITE dinosaur so I was LIVING it up.
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Later, Ketchup would approach me and ask to move. I was happy for her to explore new lands and bid her farewell, and gave her a sweet goodbye. With that, it was hunting time, and I found the perfect villager that would set everything in motion.
Day 22, April 9th, Label VISITS AGAIN!!!!!! Unfortunately, she asked for a sporty look, which I couldn’t pull off perfectly :/ So no new item from her... but my OUTFIT WAS FIRE AND WE WERE MAD CUTE TOGETHER.
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Day 23, April 10th, the villager has moved in, the cryptid gyroid herself, COCO!!!
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And her moving in gave me a BRILLIANT idea. I’d like to keep it under wraps for now, but I’m so, so, SO happy she’s here!
Day 24, April 11th, The Fishing Tourney. The Summer tourney will be significantly easier for me, now that I know you can double your points by fishing with someone else, but it took me HOURS to collect all the clams and get to 300 points. It wasn’t really worth it, but I love fish so much so I wasn’t going to miss a SINGLE thing. I got that gold trophy and I’m SO proud of myself.
Also my fishing outfit could slay for MILES
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Straight Fire.
Day 25, April 12th, With a golden trophy in hand and the last day of eggies, I was feeling really confident. I had the means and the idea to change cliffs + water for a couple days and just... made what my brain came up with! I’ll keep this vague for now, because I’m really excited about the final results! Just know that everyday I edit a little bit more and come up with more ideas!
Day 26, April 13th, Happy Homestuck, Neil Bangs out the Tunes, and Thomas Sanders goes to the Wedding Day!! And it did NOT disappoint. Label for A 3RD TIME!!! She must like me as much as I like her >w<!! Today she gave out her cap!!! It’s, honestly, not my thing, I’d rather stick with the brim hats, but I do think they’re cute!! So I would buy them all the next day! The Able Sister’s haul on Day 27 was oh my gosh amazing!!! They had the cap, of course, but they also had THE OTHER SPRITE COSTUMES!! Which I bought all of them. And now I wear, near exclusively, this outfit in 5 different colors bwahaha!
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Day 30, April 17th, I got my first golden item!!! The slingshot! Nice! Over the past few days, I’ve just been designing, moving houses, and building ramps! Learning new myth debunks, stuff like that!
I was also blessed with 3 encounters :OOOO I didn’t know this was even POSSIBLE!?
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Day 31, April 18th, Disaster Strikes. I’ve been moving so many homes that I didn’t consider that a villager couldn’t move in because you were already doing a home thing for the day. So when I went to invite camper Gonzo to my town he declined!? I was devastated. He was SO cute and I thought he could move into Bruce’s house to keep the peace of personalities! I think he’s someone in the future who I’ll ask for a poster of or ask for an amiibo card of! I know I’m going to check the campsite first before moving any buildings from here on out! D’:
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And that brings us to today,
Day 32, April 19th, one month from the day I started. I’ve been having the TIME of my life! There’s definitely been some ups and downs, but I have a goal in mind and it’s keeping me so focused! I organized an entire flower field today!! Due to a turnip mishap, I happen to be 2 days ahead of everyone, but I have been good about time traveling other than that. This means that I am fortunate enough to get my Nooklings upgrade 2 days early and they’ll be open tomorrow!!! I’m... I’m so excited!!! I NEED more flower seeds!!!!!!!
The future looks incredibly bright on Cillia island, and I cannot wait to hear about everyone else’s month!!
Thank you for your time. Please enjoy these random favorite photos of mine!
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3 notes · View notes
Magia Record 4 | Uchitama 3 - 5 | Eizouken 5 | Iruma-kun 17 - 18 | BnHA 76 - 79 | ID: Invaded 5 - 7
Magia Record 4
There’s a fish behind Iroha. Also, I was confused about the ketchup cake thing Jenn mentiond in one of her posts until I saw it here.(On a related note, ketchup cake seems to really exist…but only in Canada.)
Ah! Tsuruno. I’ve heard of her from reading around about this mobage.
The coding of the episode went funny again…
I feel like despite this being everything Madoka was, this seems to have lost some of the charm somehow. I’ve been reading that others are having similar experiences, though. Update: I think I know why now…although there are magical girl events fuelling the entire thing, the show is currently more bent on being a CGDCT. That’s why I’m not so happy with it…I dunno about others, though.
I suspected Séance Shrine was Mizuna Shrine…I mean, it was right behind Iroha and co.
Who was that blonde girl…?
I thought I just saw face-stealing aliens swoop in (i.e. someone didn’t bother drawing in the girls’ faces). I thought that was just a Bones thing exclusive to BSD.
“Olibe oil” (sic). Also, there are creepy blue (green?) figures walking the aisles…
I notice Iroha needed an extra bounce to get over the gate.
What’s that orange marking on the girls’ faces…? Update: Reading the wiki reveals it’s the Witch’s Kiss, or something similar to it.
Uchitama 3
Well, it says “chome” but gets translated to “street”…which is a bit weird. A chome is a city district, which functions much like a street but isn’t the same.
I just realised the title card has a dog’s face on it. Maybe next time it’ll be a cat’s face…
Oh my gosh, it’s a Yu-Gi-Oh duel! Teenager-ness…(?) What is that (LOL)?! *squints at screen* Oh, chuunibyou. That makes sense.
They even materialised the (Gon’s) chair! (LOL)
At least this matchup isn’t Bull vs. Momo…thank goodness(!)
I seriously love how much skin they make Bull show…(LOL…?)
Well, if the race to the top is exciting then the race to the bottom should be humiliating, no? That’s how these things work.
LOL, just seeing a badass dude that’s meant to represent a wolf howling like one is hilarious. (But seriously, are any of these neighbourhood dogs a Bad Enough Dude, to paraphrase an old game meme?)
Don’t Naruto run, Pochi! It’s dangerous!
Ahhhhhhh, so that’s why people call Pochi “Shiro” and feed him tofu…
The video got encoded funny again…
Uchitama 4
This is like Wakasa all over again…
The “My Name is Gon” title is a reference to “I Am a Cat” (Wahagai wa Neko de Aru). It actually doesn’t have the word for “name” in there, which is a bit weird…Update: It’s about the day-to-day introspection and life of a cat and the wagahai suggests the cat thinks rather highly of himself, so I’d assume the former (applied to a dog of course), if not both of those things to be part of this.
The fact that Gon doesn’t move his mouth while telling us weird things (such as how Bull’s sweater reminds him of an old lady in Osaka) is hilarious. It’s almost like a play with Gon as narrator.
See? That titlecard has a different dog’s face now! (I believe it’s Kuro’s, actually.)
This series is actually really informative about cats and dogs!
The Detective Conan parody cat is pretty interesting in regards to how the series wants to play with the human/animal dichotomy.
Now the titlecard has a cat’s face.
This song is so energetic! The banners are pretty funny too – I mean, “trying to get a ripped body” is impossible for a dog, right?
Yyyyyyyyup, Ume is singing this song (Sanchome no Hoshi* or The Star of 3rd District*)! I’m being spoilt!
Eizouken 5
Iron Giant…I thought the name sounded familiar. Turns out it’s a Brad Bird-directed movie.
This episode is very Scott...LOL.
I like how they showed the back of the guy to correspond with the back of the robot.
Iruma 17
Gap = sukima, as you might know from a post I made re: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun puns.
“Yes, boss!” in English.
Why do people being questioned  at a koban always have katsudhum? (Hataraku Maousama reference)
Ooh, this long-haired demon from the Game or New Magic battler is hot!!!
That's the 1st time Acchan and Bakemi appear...
I'd assume the ga in Gabuko means gakkou (school).
Now it's ki su ma...(instead of sukima)
Iruma 18
Aw, Kiriwo's so cute...
...and he's now a sadist. (Good job, me...I don't like sadists much.)
The cyclops girl's name is Dosanko, huh?
Hanabi are "fire flowers" (translating somewhat literally), which is why they "bloom" in the translation.
Update: Oh, I accidentally skipped ep. 17. I was wondering how Sabro got to hold up Comecome's stall…
BnHA 76
I’m not sure how the subbers got “Go entropy! Plus Chaos!”, although it might have something to do with Saikou da! (which I made out from listening to the audio).
Okay, now you can hear them say “Plus Chaos”.
Note Overhaul’s eyecatch background is purple, which contrasts Deku’s green. By the way, the eyecatch says that Overhaul belongs to the Shie Hassaikai and not the League…the guy’s always been picky about not being associated with the League.
The one time I turn the volume off, I don’t need it (LOL).
Dame da is closer to “It’s useless” or “You’re useless” than “Naughty girl”, subbers.
The coronavirus has taught me that masks make people seem less human, especially those with weird mouths like Overhaul’s plague doctor/bird one.
BnHA 77
In one of the Discord servers where Mudamaid appears, I decided to take Chronostasis. Why? He isn’t that bad-looking when he hasn’t got his mask on, to be real with you.
Froppy uses “senpai”, not Tamaki’s hero name.
I believe Tamaki calls Tsuyu “Kero-chan”, hence “Miss Ribbit”.
I wanna cry…I know Nighteye won’t see All Might again until All Might himself dies…(and this is because I’ve read the manga – thanks Viz and Shonen Jump for doing that!)
Shigaraki makes me beg the question…where do those hands of his come from??? Update: Ewwwwwwwww, those hands come from individuals affected by Tomura’s Quirk! (I think that’s a spoiler though…)
I almost got to the point of crying. I mean, I knew it would happen, but seeing it animated…makes it worse, y’know??? (Also, I accidentally might’ve stuck my finger in my eye when I was trying to wipe away tears, so either way, I teared up.)
BnHA 78
Huh? This OP is awfully cheerful after Nighteye’s death…I think it’s called Star Maker? Update: Star Marker by Kana Boon.
Well, you do realise I don’t know about anything after this point…all over again. So your surprise will be mine too.
LOL , it’s a Titan! (Apparently – according to the wiki pages I read – Gigantomachia is based on the Titans of lore, so…that’s true in more than one sense when you take into account Attack on Titan.)
The birbs are so cute!
That was just a few solid minutes of recap. Not as bad as Detective Conan where they frontend it, but still bad.
Hmm? I thought I saw black hair on Kurogiri…?
“He’s a walking disaster.” – That’s what I’d say about Bakugou, LOL.
Shouto “Daddy Issues” Todoroki taking the stage again…not that I mind, but…isn’t this Midoriya’s story?
I think I saw a Funko Pop All Might in the ED…?
You can see someone with a red wing Quirk. Based on what I’ve read around, that guy is Hawks.
Deku’s shirt at the end says “sheets”, not “shirt” (it’s missing a small ya).
BnHA 79
“…and I like udon better!” - *facepalm* That’s not how you make friends, Yoarashi.
Gang Orca’s like the Gordon Ramsay of heroes…with much less swearing.
*laughs behind hands as kids spill out the door* Welp, this is going to be real good.
This blonde kid is basically Monoma ver. 2!!! I hate him already!!!
Oh…that’s surprisingly strategic, Bakugou…*shows image of kid being dangled by a rope* Uh…or maybe not.
Who’s this guy with the bolo tie, anyway…?
Uchitama 5
I seriously thought this cat was Nora…(Sakura)
Does “big sister” refer to Lilly or another cat…?
Oh, I was wondering why Sakura didn’t have a cat tail…turns out she’s a pig. (Huh. It reminds me of a kinder version of the Africa Salaryman mixer joke.)
I like how open the series is in regards to interspecies love. Then again,…bestiality is an absolute no-no in my books, so maybe not.
Is it just me, or is there a slight bruise around Nora’s left eye…?
It’s like a Boueibu reunion! Shirai and Ume at the baths! Yay~!
There’s something absolutely silly about seeing anime boys hide in cupboards like cats. It puts a stupid smile on my face, like Eizouken does.
“I told you to get in the bath already!” – Gaddammit, Koma!
How do Gon’s glasses not fog up in the bath? (MST3K mantra required)
Oh, Nora does have a bruise around his eye! What’s it from, though?
Way to upsell Koma’s services, Kuro. (partially sarcastic…?)
“Can I say we’re having a doggone good time?” – Remind me to check what that sounds like in Japanese later. Update: Kuro says something that sounds lik izoizo in the line beforehand and then matches it in this line. In order to match the puns, there’s a pun in the English translation too.
ID: Invaded 5
Matsuoka’s glasses thing reminds me of Kanamori (Eizouken)…
“hole experience” – Is that a pun…?
Never ask a woman her age.
Hmm…”maidenly innocence”…
Why do some people believe “never mind” is one word???
I just noticed there’s a differently coloured bar on the title card…maybe that’s how far into the episode you should be. Also, is this well a pun on “falling for you”?
I noticed the blood had a weird texture to it. Also, I noticed the woman had heterochromia bfore it was pointed out she’s not real.
I have a theory. See, John(nie) Walker is an alcohol (sake) brand, right? This is Sakaido (as opposed to Anaido, who’s the Perforator and ana = hole). It’s the same character, so (I suspect) Sakaido’s crime has to do with alcohol…
Hmm…this ain’t gonna pass the Bechdel test after all…
Oh! Post-credits segment! Keep watching.
ID: Invaded 6
“Matsuoka was injured” – Er, he still has the knife in him…?
Ohhhhhh…this has gotta be Hondomachi!
I predict Hondomachi and Sakaido are going to go head-to-head someday. Update: Or those two vs. Johnnie Walker.
There was a cut-off footprint…
Isn’t it possible for a person to kill someone without knowing their name?
*cries* Sakaido! I’ve never seen you so emotional before…!
ID: Invaded 7
So Narihisago did look like Sakaido at one point…when his daughter was murdered.
The thing that reads cognition particles has “Back ground. Rad. Lev.” on the bottom of its screen.
I don’t have the sound on right now, so I dunno what Matsuoka was reacting to specifically…(aside from the guy owning up to whatever was done.)
Interestingly, Katsuyama has the character for “win” in his name. However, this is the only link I’ve found between the serial killers and their names.
There’s a character which appears in both the word for “martial arts” and one of the (dead) professional fighters – Takehiko Fujita. It means stuff like “war” and “military power”.
Oh! There’s a bar on the titlecard and this one is up to 900 of 1200…I wonder what that means? Is that an indication of time, perhaps? Also in the bottom left, “CAM 025”.
Miyo Hijiriido?! Oh my gosh! This is new, indeed!
Okay, so the characters for Miyo look like this: 聖井戸 御代 The first character in “Miyo” is the same one that denotes “go” in goryoushin (formal way to denote “parents”) and similar words in keigo. The characters which aren’t “well” (water well) are the character for “saint/holy” and “age” (as in the period of time, alternatively “generation”), aside from the one I’ve already discussed. Therefore, I’d suggest Miyo is actually “the great detective [who ushers in a new] age” or “the great detective [of the current] age”. Update: Apparently Miyo means “age of a ruler”, as in the period of their reign (specifically referring to the emperor if it needs to be). I’ve heard there’s specific words in the Japanese language used only to refer to the imperial family…this is probably one of them. That specific name combo (as “odai”) is also a very polite way to refer to spare change, although that doesn’t seem very useful to know.
What’s that thing on Tamotsu’s wrist…? (A watch? Wouldn’t that be illegal in a prison like this?)
Interestingly, all other killers wear white. Narihisago is the only one in black (or brown…or whatever colour that is).
What would Miyo need a key for? The key to the mystery, or a physical key?
I don’t think you can see Narihisago’s face in any of the pics he has of Muku or his wife.
Ooh…Sakaido’s pretty ripped. (Me likey…not that I would like a killer…)
Why is Sakaido…or I should say Narihisago…dead in his own imagination, huh?
Hmm…Miyo wears a black singlet or sleeveless top of some sort under that cape...poncho…Holmes cosplay thing. She still has a gun in her detective form, too.
Notably, no detective wears a skirt in this world…*sigh* So much for Nancy Drew and Miss Marple…
Muku has smiley faces on her hair decs.
Does that mean you’ve met the real Muku…? (I think this is Momoki speaking about Muku.) Update: It might be Habutae, actually. I never really got a grasp on the names of the peanut gallery.
Hondomachi’s never seen the cockpit in real life, right?
Well-ception! (It’s a bit of a joke that when there’s something in something, I call it [X]ception as a homage to Inception.)
Table flip! That meme hasn’t been around for a while, come to think of it…
I find it interesting that they point to the circles of the roof when talking about pi. As you know, the circle and pi are related.
Hmm? I don’t remember seing the quote “Let us try to make this world a better place” in this episode…
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space-unicorn-dot · 6 years
SSO HTTYD AU - Jaime Ravenshield
YEET, I was actually semi-around for the talk about this one and am actually here to show up on time with a developed character to actually participate. And this is perfect because Jay is perfect for this and I guess it’s not hard to tell I’ve been literally all over getting to develop and write him more. So, without further ado!! @sso-trainyourdragon Uhhh... I also realize this isn’t done, but if I save it just to my drafts, I’m gonna lose it, not know where it went, and never finish it. So, yeah, I’m gonna tag this, and please hold.
Name: Jaime Ravenshield - Jay to friends
Age: Twenty-three
Occupation/Trade: Adventurer, mercenary
Magic: Illusions (disguising and masking things as something different, usually something a little more “normal”), Moon Circle/prophetic visions, water manipulation
Physical Appearance:
Tumblr media
Yeah, I do genuinely think his hair would be longer in this AU verse, and, I mean, ignore that this doll creator was obviously kickass Viking woman (Iloveit) and, y’know, I did what I could. BUT ANYWAY.
He’s a bit of a human tower, standing at least six feet in height, and probably some change (read: I haven’t decided an exact, so just know he’s tol), with light blonde hair and heterochromia. His left eye is a warm brown and his right is a pale blue. I went with pale blue in the doll thing because you can’t choose two different ones, but you get the idea. I do really like how this turned out, lol.
Clothes & Style: Jay is on the move often and his typical style reflects that, and his preference for functionality. He’s often carrying at least a blade with him - either a sword or a dagger/some throwing knives, but also carries a bow and quiver for easier hunting. I may or may not have found myself mildly influenced by the presence of Assassin’s Creed Origins and Odyssey lately in my life. >.>
Uh, yeah, he’s also probably almost always in long sleeves, the light armor, boots, and pants. It gets a bit cold out there. The headpiece/helmet is probably mostly only when he’s actually flying, and the cloak is probably under a similar sort of use.
Build: Fit, healthily(?) muscled? You can tell he’s active and he practices his trade well enough to get more than by on the skin of his teeth, but he’s no hulking Stoick the Vast, ya feel?
Defining Characteristics: Typically wears some sort of blue paint in a few varying patterns - either something like the stripes in the picture or some runic designs. He has some claw scars on his left arm from a bit of a closer call with some ~disgruntled wildlife, and some more with scraps of the more human kind on his torso, not that anyone will be seeing that without some platonic bonding beforehand. Don’t get too excited, kids. I mean, there’s also his heterochromia. That probably gets noticed a fair bit.
Signature: Is this talking about like writing style? Signature feature? Weapon? Style? I don’t know and I’m not a cool kid that can do that fancy make your own font sort of thing because I’m lame, lazy, and don’t have any of that fancy tablet stuff, so you’re gonna have to bear with my vague description. His writing probably has a slight slant to it no matter what he’s writing - not necessarily the “I can’t write in a straight line without a line of reference” kinda slant, but like... a stylistic one? And he’s pretty neat. Probably mildly fancy. Because that shit’s pretty.
Personality: While “mercenary” might sound contradictory to all of this, “vigilante” might work a little better for a true description of what he does. Most people just end up calling him the former, anyways. He’s grown independent and self-sufficient out of necessity, considering he was an orphan, but he’s quite the compassionate individual, almost always willing to detour from the task at hand to help someone in need. He’s typically pretty soft-spoken and understanding. He’s not a particularly open book about himself, but he’ll take time to listen. Incredibly loyal and protective of those he cares for.
Talents: In free time, he’s been fond of sketching - lots of Star, but also of some of the scenery they’ve seen on their adventures. And, he’s a bit shy about it, so he won’t really admit to it unless you really press, but he likes to sing - again, mostly to Star.
Fighting Skills/Style: Jay has always been able to rely on Star to work with him in combat situations - as a distraction, with his strength, as a quick escape option, you name it, Star and Jay would trust each other to help. As for him alone, though, he prefers a shield and a trusty bow with a good range for his combat. In a sense, he likes to fight light on his feet - nimble and dodging or parrying incoming strikes so he can work quickly with his sword and daggers instead of depending on a shield for protection. If tackling a large group, he’d prefer to move with his bow first, to reduce the enemies he must take on and reduce his change of getting detected and stuck in a fight where he’s too outnumbered to take care of himself.
Relationships: Jay’s spent a lot of time mostly on his own, mainly with just Evergray, his mentor as company. Look, ‘cause I can. I love that bastard.
As for romantic, I have no idea, lol. Jay hasn’t really been on the market for a love interest, but that don’t mean he wouldn’t be open to one if something came up.
Pets: A light gray fox with a particular fondness for puddles, splashing up water, and who simply adores when Jay allows him to come with him and Star. His name is Ash.
Origin: Somewhere high in the mountains; his memory’s a little blurry since his parents were killed when he was very young (and he’d, thus, rather not think too hard or long on it), and he was taken in after by the occasionally odd, but ultimately kind-hearted Evergray when he was young, maybe no more than six. Idk, I’m indecisive. xD Don’t make me number things.
Motivations: It’s not that his life is bad. But something feels likes its missing. The idea of seeing the world was a nice one, too, but, really, he’d also like somewhere he felt like he belonged.
Name; Starstone, usually just Star
Age: Mid to late-teens, probably, maybe an upwards of 20.
Species Name: Stormcutter
Description: Dark blue scales cover most of his body, with a very light blue undertone on his belly and his face that fades into the darker blue. His wings are also the light blue. His eyes are a deep gold color. Jay found him when he was still a young, barely full-grown dragon, with a bit of growing left to do, injured and a bit sickly, but they seemed to trust each other almost at first sight. Jay nursed the dragon back to health almost entirely on his own, only taking advice from more experienced elders, but letting few (if anyone at all) lay a hand to help.
Personality:  He’s very wise, old-soul kinda friend, compassionate, supportive, and, above all else, would do anything for Jaime and to keep him safe. While he moves and holds himself with experience showing, he’s also soft-spoken and doesn’t mind trying to keep up with the occasional antic from other younger or more energetic dragon friends. He’s the kind that would sit there with a straight face while you wave a Twizzler in front of him and, just when you’re ready to begrudgingly give up because it looks like he won’t play with you, tackle and roll you into a gentle scuffle. Would ten out of ten use his tail as a playing lure for kiddos and let them practice pouncing on them. Loves soaring in the night sky, and regularly lets Jay sleep on him in various ways. Sometimes just on his back, sometimes under his wing, sometimes even wrapped in them when he hangs upside down. Overall, really chill, loyal ride or die. Also a wise counsel; Jay regularly consults and takes his advice.
Markings & Scars: He has some grayish-white stripes running down his neck and back, narrowing as they reach his tail and only going down the first bit of it. He has some scarring on his chest and some lighter ones across his hindquarters from close calls with his faithful rider.
Fighter or Passive?: Typically passive, like his rider, but, also like Jay, not afraid to “throw hands” when push comes to shove.
Anything Else Notable?: He has never been ridden with any sort of saddle or harness. Jay’s relationship with him is founded on trust and respect and, therefore, the only thing he’d ever maybe consider would be additional armor for his friend if they were getting into something he worried his dear friend couldn’t take, but they’ve made it this far without, so it’s not very likely.
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vixenofthemist · 7 years
Todomomo Kids Appearance and Personality
Bc I realized in the original todomomo kids post I never described what they look like
Hajime is the oldest sibling, and he looks like a male Momo, with a more Shouto face
He’s hair is black (or red I haven’t decided yet but leaning more towards black) and he always keeps it short and very tidy. He always styles it by combing it (IT LOOKS LIKE THE HORIKOSHI SKETCH WERE BEST JEANIST COMBED SHOUTO’S HAIR)
He always looks a little bit stern and serious, but in the inside he’s a huge nerd
A perfect mesh of Momo and Shouto’s personalities tbh
He’s as serious about being a hero as the two of them, but he also geeks out on the inside and super liked helping people with homework
On hero duty he’s def stopped to help a kid with homework
He’s known as the Homework Hero lmao
His hero name would probably just be Hajime lmao
And since he has Momo’s quirk his outfit would probably be…. revealing <.<
But he would prefer it to be like a suit or something bc it looks nice (tear away suit??? Detachable sleeves, pant legs, etc?? Idk yet)
He helps his little sister with her homework a lot, and tries to help Haku but they have different methods of solving problems so always end up getting into small arguments about it
When he first became a side kick, he worked under a hero who he had interned under instead of his parents (even though Momo wasn’t subtle and left flyers for her hero agency around the house in hopes he’d pick the one she worked at lmao)
And in his first official villain fight it ended up being really strong so Shouto was requested as backup, and the entire fight Shouto was just like “that’s my son, look at him fighting his first villain I’m so proud :’)”
And afterward, Shouto insisted on taking pictures to commemorate
Hajime was so embarrassed lmao he was like father please we are both professional heroes and this is official business please put your phone away there are civilians watching
It was all over the news lmao
Hajime was so embarrassed and Shouto had the headline framed
(Hajime is also dating Izuocha daughter)
Haku is the middle son, and he got all the good looking features of his parents
He got Shouto’s white hair, Momo’s smile, Shouto’s blue/green eyes (and possible his heterochromia, still considering this) and best of all Shouto’s ABS physical appearance and Momo’s lower lashes
His jaw is more sharper than when Shouto was fifteen tho
His hair, when not styled, looks like Shouto’s, except it leans more towards having Momo type bangs on one side (they’re as long as the rest of his hair tho)
And when he styles his hair, he gels those bangs up in like a wave like swoosh, and he combs the rest back…(IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT EXCEPT TEDDY LUPIN ISH HAIR)
He also has light blue streaks that he dyes into his hair, because he wants to be like his aunt Fuyumi :’)
Haku knows he has good looks and FLAUNTS IT (jokingly ofc)
School field trips have definitely happened where someone tells him they can’t see past him to the view (bc all the kids inherit the tall height from Shouto and Momo)
And without skipping a beat you bet Haku said “I am the view” while posing with his hand on his hip and an overly flirtatious wink
Haku has such a different personality from Shouto at first sight, that a lot of tabloids have gossiped that he’s an illegitimate child from an affair blah blah blah, the usual dramatic tabloid gossip stuff
But…. Haku literally looks like Shouto the most besides Fujiko, so like the tabloids are basing it solely off his personality
And his personality is like permanent bouncy Momo, where he’s happy and excited to help people, with some added traits of his own and some that are from either of his parents, just combined with his more expressive personality (it’s a little hard to explain his personality rip)
He’s best friends with Kamijirou daughter, and they have very similar taste in fashion (ripped jeans (fashionable ripped ofc) denim/military jackets, graphic tees, etc etc)
Haku got his ears pierced for his fifteenth birthday, and Momo almost fainted when she saw them (Haku convinced Uncle Kaminari to take him to get it done lmao)
He got grounded ofc, and so did Uncle Kaminari
He was more rebellious when he was a young teen, but he mellowed out as he got older and at 17 he’s pretty “chill” (haha get it he has an ice quirk) and very laid back
He’s still very joky ofc, but it’s more of a mature joking/flirting
No one can ever tell if he’s flirting or joking btw
Not even he knows
He has a crush on TsuyuToko teenager whose his age, and KiriMina daughter has a crush on him (it’s the Mina in her lmao)
He often helps KiriMina daughter with homework, and she never learns anything bc she’s spending the entire time gazing at him lmao (I’m leaning towards pairing him with her, but the Tsuyutoko child is still in development so his relationship status is as well till I figure everyone out lol)
Haku’s #1 with grades in class, and he’s so serious about schoolwork that people claim his personality does a 180 whenever homework is brought up and he gets so serious and focused (it’s also why he doesn’t notice KiriMina daughter obvious staring lmao)
At the end of every test however, as soon as the teacher says times up- Haku always throws his hands in the air and creates snow confetti and party poppers out of his hands in celebration while everyone cheers at the test being over
His hero name is either going to be Fullbuster (bc his quirk is like Gray’s powers lmao) or Ice Maker
Speaking of his quirk, Haku loves his quirk so much
It’s so useful for both jokes and serious situations- perfect for him!!
He wants to be a search and rescue hero, and figures his quirk is quite useful for that and fighting villains if needs be
He’s interning under Shouto, to help learn more about his ice powers and combat stuff, and when the media heard about it they were super interested
Because Shouto and Haku interacting is only seen rarely in the eyes of the public, and they’re eager to see how Shouto treats Haku (they want to see if anything happens to feed their gossipy “Haku is an affair child” theories)
Everyone’s so surprised bc Shouto’s so supportive of Haku and they get along so well???
And Haku’s the only one who appreciates Shouto’s (terrible) dad puns so gosh dang it Shouto’s going to say them more often now Haku’s around!!! (He says them with a straight face and that’s 70% of why Haku laughs lmao)
And when they’re patrolling, they have a game of who can say the most subtle ice related things in an interview without being caught
And it’s only figured out when they’re being interviewed together for the first time, and they just both decide to not hide it anymore and just let all the ice puns fall
Momo has that interview recorded
And in another interview, during Haku’s first couple weeks of internship, a reporter asks Shouto what he thinks of Haku, and Shouto being Shouto assumed they were referring to what he thought of Haku’s potential as a hero, since they refereed to him as “Your intern Haku” (they didn’t want to say son in case it’s a sensitive topic for Shouto… the media is really focused in on Haku being from an affair tbh, poor Haku he has to deal with this shotty media gossip his whole life :’( ) but so Shouto’s answer really baffles them bc it’s it what they’re expecting yet
“Shouto sir, can you tell us what you think about… your intern Haku?”
“Hm, well, Haku has great potential. He’s always had great control over his quirk, and he’s getting the field expierence he really needs and it’s boosting his potential even further. Like I’ve always said, I have no doubt he’ll make a great pro search and rescue hero.” “Errr, that’s great- but Mr. Shouto sir, we were wondering more what you thought about him as… you know…. a son.” “Why didn’t you just say that then. Whatever. To answer your question- *tabloids hold their breathe- this is the moment they’ve been waiting for*- Haku’s a great son, always has been and always will. Ever since he was born he’s been nothing but a pleasure to take care of.” “Al-alright.. uh uh, what do you think about the rumors that he isn’t your son?” “What? That’s a rumor?” “Yes sir, it is.” Shouto turns, looking behind him at Haku, who is in the background literally making cranks out of ICE to leverage some buildings up. Shouto turns back. “Do the people who believe that rumor know how quirk inheritance works?”
Needless to say, Shouto squashed that rumor once and for all :’)
The youngest Daughter, Fujiko looks practically identical to what Shouto as a girl would look like
She has the half red half white hair, the usual facial expression, his personality- all of it!
She does have Momo’s eyes- onyx color and shape!
But that’s all she has looks wise from Momo at least until she’s older
And she also has both of Shouto’s quirks, which she’s a natural at using
Shouto dotes on her so much and Momo adores her
She’s still pretty young (only like 12-13 ish) so she hasn’t gotten into U.A yet, but when she does eventually attend, she wants her hero name to be Miss Half and Half LMAO
Fujiko isn’t as developed as her two older brothers sadly so this is like, pretty much as far as I’ve gotten with her :’(
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jozstankovich · 7 years
OHH DANG this is a longggg one, and I think I’m gunna split it into two posts (also bc I still need to answer the last 13 questions lol)  Some of these I decided to write little drabbles for as answers bc i’m having funnnn.  ^^
1) Your apprentice was brought along to one of themasquerades with a friend, who promptly ditched them ten minutes into it. Whathappened? How do they react?
Joss watched their friend disappear into the crowd, she said she’d only be gone for one dance, but Joss seriously doubted that.  Their friend was, well, a bit of a flirt and was already flitting from one partner to the next.  Joss rolled their eyes and moved off toward the edge of the room to wait.  So many people swirling around them in their bright costumes and masks was making them dizzy.  
Finding a relatively secluded corner, Joss plopped down unceremoniously at an empty table, resting their chin in their hands to watch the dancers on the floor.  They sighed, wishing, just a little that they had someone special to dance with.  At the sound of a throat clearing at their elbow Joss turned to see a masked figure in black, red hair spilling over his mask holding a hand out to them.  “May I have this dance?”  Joss’s eyes widened and they stared at the man’s gloved hand in front of them.  “Come on, I don’t bite.”  He flashed a roguish grin at them from under his mask.
Joss blinked, turning red to the roots of their hair, but took the man’s outstretched hand and stood.  “Uh, sure why not,” they replied, grinning bemusedly as their partner lead them out to the dance floor.
2) Does your apprentice get flustered over anything? Whatmake them flustered? Do they turn red? Stumble over words?  
Answered here ^^
3) How would your apprentice handle being so close tosomething that they desperately want, only to have it ripped away? What was it?
I thought about this one a long time, and there aren’t a lot of tangible things that Joss would want desperately. It would be more along the lines of a piece of knowledge (like who murdered Lucio) or their missing memories.  How they would handle it would involve pushing themself even harder than before to acquire what it is they want.
4) Talk about your Apprentices’ self-esteem
It’s actually pretty high.  When Joss was a kid their self-esteem was at the other end of the spectrum, mostly because of their heterochromia and just how shy they were in general, but as they grew older they began to accept themself and embrace their quirks.  Now they don’t even really give their appearance a second thought.
5) What’s one physical flaw about themselves that they hate?Do they have a reason for hating it?
“Look Uncle Les, look what I learned how to do!”  
Joss came bursting into the room, radiating excitement.  Their uncle stood, wiping his hands on a dirty cloth, and gave his full attention to the child in front of him.  “Well, let’s see it then.”
Joss held their hands in front of both eyes and when the pulled them away they grinned from ear to ear.  “Look!  Its called a glamour,” they explained with excitement.
“What’s that mean?”  Their uncle asked, confused.
“A glamour is a spell that can change any aspect of your appearance.  I can’t change my whole face or anything yet, but look at my eyes, they’re both the same now!”
Their uncle peered down at their face and frowned.  The pride in their little voice was heartbreaking.  “I liked them better before,” he said gruffly.  “They make you special.”
Joss screwed up their face and let the glamour fade.  “Tell that to the other kids,” they mumbled glancing at the ground.
“Ah what do they know!”  Their grandfather called from around the door.  Joss’s uncle ruffled their hair affectionately.  “I know its hard when you’re different from everyone else, but believe me, one day you’ll appreciate those differences.”
6) Do they have a personality shift depending upon certainpeople? Who does it change for and how so?
Somewhat yes.  Usually Joss is really kind of wrapped up in their own thoughts; quiet, reserved, and I’m loathe to say meek, it’s more like non-confrontational.  However, around Julian not only do they feed off of his flirtatious energy, but it emboldens them; gives them a confidence boost.  Joss is definitely more likely to take charge and be more open and forward around him.  
7) Talk about your apprentices’ backstory. How did they endup with the shop? What’s their relationship (or lack thereof) with theirparents? Traumatic childhood maybe?
Joss never really knew their parents.  Their mother died during childbirth and their father fell ill and passed not long after, so they were raised by their paternal grandfather and uncle.  The three of them lived on a little farm just outside of the city.  Their grandfather, who everyone knew as ‘Old Man Flynn’, farmed the land and took care of a few animals; cows, chickens, and a horse.  Their uncle Leslie was a scholar and a chemyst and herbalist.  He taught Joss about the healing properties of certain herbs and plants and in so doing influenced the type of magick they would come to specialize in.  
The shop originally belonged to Uncle Les, where he would sell his medicines and potions.  When Joss’s grandfather passed away they moved into the shop and began to operate it as partners.  When he contracted the plague he passed the ownership down to Joss because he knew he wouldn’t last much longer and he wanted to make sure they’d be taken care of when he was gone.
8) How does your apprentice express affection? Outwardly?More subtle-like?
For the most part I would say subtle.  Joss would be the type to give little gifts out of the blue; flowers or little handmade trinkets.  If a friend was upset they’d give them lots of attention and try to distract them or make them laugh.  However, if it was someone that Joss was especially close with, like Asra or Julian they’d be more outwardly affectionate with lots of physical affirmations like hugs, playing with their hair, or holding hands.  With Julian they’re extra touchy feely; gentle caresses, shoulder rubs, lots of kisses (they love kissing all his freckles), holding him while he falls asleep, etc.
9) Does your apprentice have any special abilities that youheadcanon and cannot be accurately expressed in the actual game? What are they?
Joss stood at the bar, nursing their drink and wondering how much longer a break the rowdy patrons would let them have.  A plump middle-aged woman with a very red face called out over the crowd for them to hurry it up. Apparently not much longer at all.  Joss rolled their eyes and grinned into their mug as they raised one finger above their head in a one-more-minute signal.  The crowd whooped and cheered as they chugged down the rest of their ale before grabbing their bow and fiddle and returning to the floor.
The woman who’d hollered at them caught their arm to whisper a request in their ear.  Joss grinned and nodded to the woman, quickly re-tuning their instrument before jumping into the upbeat song. They’d played it once already that night, but the crowd was so drunk they didn’t seem to care; many of them singing along loudly.
Joss was beginning to feel a little tipsy as well, but no one noticed when a note or two was off and soon the entire room was dancing and singing.  As they played faster and faster, Joss felt a heady rush; their fingers dancing over the strings while the bow in their hand took on a life of its own.  They spun in a circle as they played, their feet moving swiftly in time with the tempo, and when the song ended with a quavering drawn out note the room burst into a cacophony of drunken cheers.  Joss only took half a moment to catch their breath before jumping up on the table to start their next song.
Julian shook his head, grinning fondly at them from across the room.  Their eyes met for a brief moment and Joss’s responding smile lit up their face, making his heart beat faster.  It never failed to amuse him that despite Joss’s modest temperament, get a few drinks in them and stick their fiddle in their hand and they became the center of attention without a second thought.  
10) What does their living space look like? Is the shopmessy or clean?
The shop is meticulously organized.  The living quarters upstairs, not so much.  It’s not dirty, just messy.  Joss tends to leave clothes out and about and books scattered around everywhere.  Also, they do hate doing the dishes on a molecular level.
11) Talk about how your apprentice deals with emotions. Boththe ones they like to feel, and what they don’t like to feel.
Joss is pretty private with their emotions, preferring to deal with the unpleasant ones alone.  Especially sadness.  Joss will do just about anything to keep from being seen crying.  Happier emotions are more noticeable.  They often will wear a smile they can’t get rid, have a little extra pep to their step, and tend to hum or sing under their breath.
12) What happens when your apprentice feels upset?
Joss prefers to lock themself away, or go out for long solitary walks to cool off.  That usually works, but if they’re still mad after that, they tend to say things they don’t mean and end up feeling guilty for it.  Joss’s temper doesn’t run hot, so it takes a while for them to snap, but when they do it can be explosive.
13) What’s your apprentice like when sad? Do they get reallydepressed? Have they ever hurt themselves out of sadness?
When sad, they prefer to be alone to cry it out, but Joss isn’t prone to depression, and has never harmed themself because of it.  However, if they do find themself sad for long periods of time they usually push themself to keep busy in an attempt to distract themself from the pain and work through it.
14) A small hand-mirror has been sold to your apprentice.When they look into it, it shows their greatest fear come to life – conscious orsubconscious. What is it and how does your apprentice react?  
Taking a different route home from the docks Joss passed a series of drab shop fronts off the beaten path.  Sunlight glinted off something in one of the windows, catching their eye and bringing them to a halt to take a closer look. Their curiosity piqued, Joss decided to enter the dim shop for a second.  Inside, bookshelves lined the walls, stocked with leather bound tomes of every size and age, and the glass encased counters held all sorts of nick knacks of questionable authenticity.  As Joss leaned over the glass to get a closer look a withered crone appeared from behind a faded curtain in the back.  “Ahhh see something that catches your interest?” she croaked, planting bony hands on hips.
“Uh, no,” Joss squeaked, straightening quickly.  The shopkeeper chuckled at their reaction.  “I know who you are, and I doubt you’ll find anything of much interest to you in there,” she murmured mysteriously.  Joss raised an eyebrow, but the woman didn’t elaborate.  Instead she beckoned for them to follow her as she slipped back behind the curtain.  Joss followed hesitantly, but the back room held a far different aura.  
“Now these, these are magicakal items more suited to a witch of your caliber.“  Joss opened their mouth to object, but the crone silenced them with an absent wave of her spotted hand before displaying several trinkets -  nazars, and totems by the look of them.  As she spoke Joss’s eyes wandered, stopping on an ornate, if tarnished silver hand mirror.  The shopkeeper followed their gaze, trailing off mid-sentence and swooping in to offer the mirror to Joss.  
“What does it do?” Joss asked, running their fingers over the etched surface.
“There are larger more powerful magic mirrors out there, but this one, alas, can only show one thing.”  The old woman paused for dramatic effect.  “This mirror shows you your deepest, darkest fear.”
Joss turned the mirror over, a strange compulsion gripping them, and stared into their reflection with wide eyes.  For a long moment nothing happened; only their two coloured eyes staring back at them.  Then the mirror’s surface began to darken and Joss found they couldn’t look away.  Images flashed before them, each one worse than the last, tearing at their heart.  An angry mob, a gallows under a cloud darkened sky, Nadia’s stoney face looking down from on high with a distraught Portia at her side, guards leading in a prisoner in shackles, Julian’s frightened face searching for them in the crowd as the hangman coils the rope around his neck.  Their eyes meet and his lips move, I’m sorry.  
Joss squeezed their eyes shut, shoving the mirror back at the crone with trembling hands before they could see any more.  They’d already seen how it would end too many times in their nightmares.  “I’m sorry, I- I have to go.”  Joss mumbled incoherently as they half ran for the door, feeling suddenly claustrophobic in the cramped, dark back room, their heart hammering in their chest.  The shopkeeper watched them go with an unreadable expression on her face as she absent-mindedly stroked the edge of the mirror with a gnarled finger.
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secretariatess · 5 years
1, 7, and 13 for the story you are most excited to work on
Oh gosh, what story am I most excited about?  I would probably have to say Dhrake’s story, Face It (which is the last book in a trilogy), because I love Dhrake so much.
1. What’s the general plot? Dhrake hasn’t spent too much time home when Innominance sends him out again on another mission that came about because of the Lester Zysk scandal.  This time it’s against a group that has made it their mission to expose and erase all of Innominance, and there is nothing about them that Dhrake can expect.  But meanwhile, Dhrake’s nightmares seem to get worse and begins questioning if being an eraser really is the life he wants.
7. Tell about the protagonist.  Dhrake Jaysquer is an eraser for the global shadow government known as Innominance.  His job is to assassinate people who pose a threat to Innominance in some way and to provide a certain kind of encouragement for those being questioned.  He studied a specific kind of magic that would allow him to do this and have no one any the wiser.  He’s in his midtwenties, and his most distinct feature is his heterochromia, with one eye red and the other blue.  He has no family left, his father having killed his mother when he was a teen, he himself having killed his own father not too long ago, and having lost his younger sister to an illness.  Since the death of his sister the only being that’s been something of a friend to him is Cora the raven, who stole his Innominance issued cell phone and won’t return it.
13. Can you name an important item to the plot? What does it do?  So, admittedly, I’m not really good about focusing stories on items, lol.  A lot of it has to do with situations and conflicts.  But I think one important item/material is rhodium, a rare metal with the ability of stopping Gift magic -which is what Dhrake has to use his magic- by stopping the flow.  It’s highly dangerous to magickers as magickers normally end up relying on the magic they’ve learned and their body does not know how to quickly adjust from having a magic flow that alters body function so a magicker can use magic to having no magic flow.  Rare on Earth, it’s even rarer on Kaotack (where Dhrake lives) and Innominance’s opponents use it to subdue magickers.
Thanks for asking! ^_^
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