#i’m so excited to keep going through these four vacations
lovelookspretty · 6 days
lover of mine
drew starkey x actress!reader au
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— in which drew and y/n, secretly exes, must fake date in order to keep the peace at a mutual friend’s wedding, but the forced proximity makes them question whether they ever truly moved on.
warnings: sweet baby boy drew whos willing to help u, nothing else rly
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight
authors note: i wanted to give it a sort of “the proposal” / “anyone but you” type of feel !! this is obviously going to be a series so let me know if u want to be added to the tag list from now on so u dont miss an update ! <3
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your body freezes in place when you’re asked about the wedding. crap, you forgot. but it isn’t like you received any invite.
“theo sent you an invite through the mail. you got it right?” your friend, leila, asks you. leila and her fiancé theo have been your friends for years now, ever since you met leila during a movie priemere and shared respect on each other's careers. she’s been your closest friend, so theo naturally had to come along too.
“what? yeah,” you lie right through your teeth, and guilt punches you in the face when you stare right into her bright eyes. you raise the cup of coffee. “was literally jumping for joy when i got it.”
leila sighs in relief. “thank god we got the right address,” she says and you question what she means by that before she continues, “we didn’t know whether to send it to your apartment or drew’s.”
your breath is caught and you pause before your drink reaches your lips.
“drew,” you repeat, and she nods.
“yeah, but we figured you’ll both see it either way so, sent it to his place ‘cause theo said it was closer,” leila says, and you raise your eyebrows in amusement. “but anyway! before the wedding, i wanted to stay with our inner circle so if it’s possible for a little two-week vacation? the venue is close to my mom and her boyfriend’s house so we’d just be staying there. i would’ve picked after the wedding if theo didn’t already have the honeymoon planned. he’s too excited.”
“wait, two weeks?” you inquire, “who’s coming?”
she shrugs, “you and drew, libby, gia . . .” she trails off as she thinks about it, and you swallow as you set your cup down. “i forgot who else. i know it’s one of theo’s coworkers but i forgot who. let me text him actually.”
your face lights up at the opportunity to get away, and you nod. “i need to call drew actually,” you say, and she smiles and nods as you stand from your seat and make your way to her living room. “need to remind him to take the . . . fish . . . out.”
“we’re having fish tonight, yeah.”
you turn away to scroll through your contacts until you find his, then click on it. you settle down on the couch as you wait anxiously for him to pick up, and just hope that he does.
just before the call goes to voicemail, the line clears. “yeah?”
“you are such a—!” you hiss quietly, careful not to let leila hear you. “why didn’t you tell me leila and theo sent you a wedding invite for us?”
“i literally just checked my mail, alright? i would’ve said something about it as soon as i saw it,” he tells you. “i just flew in two days ago, y/n. i’m at the . . . i’m not at my apartment right now but my mail’s all on my counter. i’ll look for it once i’m home and then send you pictures of it, okay?”
you know that your situation with drew is slightly complicated. you were together for five years before ending things just a year ago.
because of your careers, you aren’t surprised that people assume you’re still dating. even close friends like leila and theo. everything was kept private. a year into the relationship was when fans even found out about you two.
you both have been looking for a time to address the breakup, to friends first for sure, but with your conflicting schedules, the time’s just never come up, and sending a “by the way, we broke up” text to an imessage groupchat wasn’t totally ideal.
even with the wedding coming up, having to be around everyone while you celebrate your closest friends, how are you either of you supposed to bring it up now?
“okay,” you tell him. “just text me when you’re free. any time before 10, please.”
“okay,” drew’s voice is soft and understanding. the line goes dead and you pull your phone away from your ear, seeing that he’s hung up.
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your expected text comes around 8pm. drew’s sent you four different attachments. all are photos of the elaborate and detailed wedding invitation. the designs must’ve been leila’s idea.
you’re surprised to see an incoming call on your laptop right after. you hover over the accept button, then click on it.
his face fills a rectangle of your screen. he’s on his phone—“do you see it?”
“yeah wait,” you mumble, clicking out of the facetime to open your messages with him, then click the first photo. “leila and theo; rsvp by september twenty-seventh.”
“the letter’s addressed to my place but they put our names on the envelope,” drew tells you, and it looks like he’s ruffling through something before he flips his camera to display his counter. on it is the envelope in question, which is addressed to his apartment, but for y/n and drew, it says.
you hum. “are you going?” you ask him.
“of course i’m going. what do you mean?”
you shake your head, “nothing.”
drew only knows of leila or theo because of you, because leila works with you. maybe he’s made friends with theo but it’s not something you’ve personally seen, so you’re just assuming that maybe since you’ve broken up, there’s no reason for him to go? especially when he’s filming soon?
you stare down at your keyboard as you speak again, “leila wants us to come on a two-week pre-stay with her and theo. and others.”
there’s a brief pause from drew, like he doesn’t understand.
you sense it immediately and continue. “like, before the wedding, she told me today about how her mom has his house she wants us to stay in, just a few of us for two weeks, then they have her wedding— i don’t know, i need to ask her more about it. i think she just wants to fly everyone out and spend more time with us before she’s on honeymoon and living the wife life.”
“could be fun,” drew says. “i mean, i can’t even remember the last time i was out with theo or leila. it might be good for us.”
you furrow your eyebrows at him through the screen, and you try to read him to see if he’s joking. “there is no more ‘us’, remember? and by the way, neither leila or theo or anybody else knows that.”
drew hesitates as if he’s trying to justify your situation.
you rub your eye before resting the side of your head against your fist, “they addressed the invitation to both of us, drew. i feel like we should at least tell them the truth so that when we get there, they know.”
drew hesitates, his eyes moving around as if searching for the right words. “yeah, i know. it’s just . . . complicated.”
“complicated doesn’t even begin to cover it,” you say, feeling frustration build up. “it just feels dishonest. they think we’re still together, and if they find out at the wedding, it’ll look like we’re hiding things.”
“we are hiding things,” he reminds you. “we’ve been avoiding the topic. do you really want to drop this bomb on them right before their wedding?”
you go silent as you think about it, because if telling them isn’t a good option then . . .
“what if we just kept up the appearance that we’re still together?” drew suggests. it draws your attention as you look up at your laptop. “for the wedding and the pre.”
you blink, taken aback. “what do you mean?”
“i mean,” drew continues, “what if we act like we’re still together while we’re there? it might make things easier for everyone. seeing us apart will just create tension. people will feel like they’ll need to walk on eggshells around us.”
you give him a skeptical look. “acting like a couple isn’t the same as actually being one. i’m not sure i can just pull it off without it feeling fake.”
“we’re not faking,” drew says gently. “we’re just playing a part for a bit. we’re professionals. it’s literally our job. we can do this for a few days.”
you pause, considering his words. “but what if it just makes things worse? what if pretending just complicates everything?”
drew’s expression softens, and he speaks more earnestly. “look, we’ve been in tough spots before. there’s been so many times on set with you and i before that we’ve had to navigate headfirst. this is no different. think of it as a role we have to play for a short time. it doesn’t change what’s real.”
you sit back, processing his suggestion. “so we fake it for now and deal with the truth later?”
he hums. “it’s not ideal, but it could save a lot of awkwardness and stress. we can be civil and supportive for their sake, and then handle everything after.”
you let out a long sigh, feeling the weight of the decision. “it just feels like a lot of work to keep up a pretense. but i guess if we’re going to do this, we need to at least figure out how to make it believable.”
“we’ll figure it out,” drew says, his voice a little more hopeful. “it’s not about being perfect. it’s just about getting through the weeks without making things worse.”
you nod slowly, still feeling uneasy but recognizing the practicality of his idea. “okay. pretend for leila and theo, and then deal with the fallout afterwards.”
there’s a faint smile on his face as he nods at you. “just two weeks, remember? we can do that,” he says. “i’m gonna head to bed. i’ll talk to you tomorrow about it, alright?”
“okay,” you murmur, and drew hangs up on you.
the facetime window closes and displays your last app that’s been open, your messages. you’re face-to-face with the photos of the invitations once more, and a part of you is overwhelmed with emotions—fear, excitement, guilt.
two weeks. that’s all it is. just two weeks with your ex-boyfriend. you can survive that . . .
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dadsbongos · 1 month
dungeon meshi gave me an excuse to write clone porn
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2.6 k words / warnings - readers have boobs and vagina, oral (laios + reader receiving), thigh fucking, porn without plot like none at all, not proofread + written while sleep deprived
summary - on your honeymoon, you and laios have a special kind of shapeshifter encounter
“Who keeps two towels in the whole house?” you grumble, pulling on the shoes you’d kicked off just minutes ago.
“Like I said, they probably keep some in the shed,” Laios is directly behind you, shoes on and wired to step outside, “Vacation houses out here are rare, but their sheds are more useful for storage than farming tools.”
“Still, did they not think to prepare a little more?” your frustration is not so easily tempered, “They knew a king was coming, didn’t they?”
“I’m sure they did,” Laios opens the front door for you, ushering you outside, “Marcille seemed pretty sure she set this up nicely for us. It’s just a short walk around the back, I could go by myself if you want to finish showering?”
His suggestion makes you sigh, you shake your head, huddling closer to him as chilled wind scathes your damp skin, “I’m just annoyed, it’s nothing for me to be so hostile about… Sorry for losing my mind.”
“I don’t mind,” he smooches the crown of your head and ventures around the house. You chase after, having to keep a hand dragging along the wall to avoid tripping.
“Laios!” you wail, unable to make him out with gray clogging your whole vision, “Laios!”
“Yeah?” you slam into his chest, letting out a muted ‘oomf!’ at the impact.
“It’s so foggy out here,” you grumble.
“It is, guess I forgot how terrible it could be.”
“Dunno how you could forget anything like this.”
Laios groans in irritation at the weather, blindly reaching out until he’s got a hand on your shoulder. Once he’s certain of your position, he reaches out again, “Here, take my hand, I don’t want you to get separated from me.”
You take the hand extended and let Laios tug you towards the shed. By the time you’re inside and the hanging overhead lantern is lit, a sudden discovery is made.
There are two extra bodies among you. You hold one Laios, and the Laios across from you holds the hand of your copy.
A gasp echoes through the room, distinctly Laios-like in passion.
Seems a monster has crossed your paths.
One Laios is taller, a mere two inches, and you think if you really stare that same Laios’ chest is slightly bigger too. He’s also smiling, beaming really, right off the bat while the second Laios’ excitement is more contained to shaking hands and meek giggles. To be fair to both, they thought they’d never see a monster again so you let the strange giddy slide.
However, your duplicate is scary in how precisely Laios remembers you. Your hair is a bit bouncier and lips more glossy than current, but she’s undeniably accurate. Its legs, the swell of its breasts, the mold of its waist -- almost as though you’re gazing through a mirror.
“This would probably be easier if it wasn’t just us,” you think aloud, looking at the two Laioses only to see them poking and prodding at one another.
“They don’t seem too keen on figuring out which is which,” your copy mumbles, earning a glare from you.
“It’s a shapeshifter!” the slightly shorter Laios (who you’re now electing to dub Laios A) shouts, “I haven’t seen one of these in forever! I thought I never would again!”
The other one, Laios B, nods and yanks Laios A’s hair experimentally, then groping his bicep, “It really feels just like I do! Soft, but firm skin and the hair texture’s exactly right!”
As if thinking in sync, the pair slowly turn towards the yous. Four hands turn unto you both to squeeze and roll down the planes of your body. Or, bodies, considering they’re petting down your copy as well.
“Practically identical!” Laios A squeals, kissing your cheek then your copy’s, “Even the plumpness of their cheeks feel the same!”
“Glad you’re having fun,” your dupe cuts in, “but shouldn’t we try getting rid of the fakes before they get rid of us?”
Oh, that little wench.
“Let Laios have fun,” you smack its arm, “You should know this is rare for him now.”
“That attitude’s terrible! He could die if we keep messing around!” it glares at you with an accusatory finger-wag, “I bet you want us to waste time, you fake!”
“You’re the fake, you fake!”
Laios A has to restrain you with both arms around your waist -- while Laios B does the same for your shifter -- to prevent you from knocking a fist into its stupid, fake face.
“There’s gotta be a way to figure out which ones the real one without breaking into fights,” Laios B fusses, hugging the shifter tighter to soothe her. Which, in turn, only agitates you more because what if that Laios is the real one, and he’s in horrible danger holding that monster?!
“We can’t just cut ourselves open,” Laios A’s chest reverberates at your back, then his hand skims down the front of your stomach, fingertips dipping just beneath your waistband, “But maybe we could tell each other’s behaviors apart some other way…”
“Oh, so it’s like that?” you tilt your head back to stare up at Laios A.
He nods, terminally serious despite the pinkish hue trailing from his cheeks to his neck, “It’s like that,” he then darts his eyes between you and your copy, “Can we?”
The real question seems to be: can you two get along for now?
Are you so devoted to Laios that you’re willing to play nice with something so grating?
You sigh and reach up to cup Laios A’s cheek, “Yeah, we can.”
Both Laioses rush to undo the tie of their trousers, only to be stopped by you and your copy -- the two of you falling onto your knees, creeping hands under Laios’ shirt and beneath his pants.
Yanking the soft material down to unveil thick thighs, Laios A above you gasps quietly at the cool air brushing his exposed skin. Your lips climb the meat of his leg, noting that Laios B’s thighs are looking a little rounder. Not that it matters, you’ll gladly bite and suck both.
Fingers dancing along the apple of your cheek redirect your attention, Laios A’s face tinged crimson. You smooch the bone of his hip, nails scaling along the back of his thighs to pull him closer. Beside your face, his cock hardens, color deepening towards his mushroom tip; he keens for more attention, unintentionally smearing leaky precum over your face as his erection twitches. You smooth a thumb along his underside before chastly pecking the weepy head.
Laios B’s hands strip your copy’s shirt, lifting it to paw at its breasts. He kisses down the column of its neck before reaching out for you as well. Rising onto your feet, you run your hands up Laios B’s back to shirk off his top -- Laios A awkwardly lingering behind your clone. His hands find the waistband of its pants, snaking beneath the lip to plunge into its panties.
You press a kiss to Laios B, he doesn’t turn to return the affection, but you recover quickly by pulling down both you and your duplicate’s bottoms. Laios A’s neck cranes over your copy’s shoulder to snatch your lips for himself. Laios B’s hands warm and calloused from labor as they careen up your waist to rid you of your shirt as well. He sucks a violet array from your shoulder to jaw, grinding his turgid girth between your thighs -- your wetness welcoming him.
Laios A moans at the sight of himself thrusting along your soaked slit, fingers quickening inside your copy until its own slick is rolling towards the floor. While Laios B releases muted groans and puffs into your ear.
“Need to be inside you,” Laios A whines, kissing your copy’s lips before striding past all three of you towards the center of the room. Laios B and you tilt to watch him.
Laios A quickly flattens his back against the floor, cobblestone acclimating to his rising body heat, he pulls you down by the waist -- then beckoning your copy via wave. One of his hands cradles your waist while the other smoothes along your copy’s thigh. Silently urging it to kneel over his face, all while his twitching cock bobs toward the apex of your thighs.
“Want to know if here’s the same, too,” Laios A murmurs into your dupe’s thighs, sharply jerking his hips towards yours.
Suddenly, large hands are burrowing into the thicket of your hair, swerving your eyes to Laios B. Your tongue lulls in time with your copy, lips brushing hers around the base of Laios B’s flushed head. Needily, he mushes your faces together, thrusting between the wet cavern of your mouths. Hands just as soft as yours slither beneath you to work Laios A inside you. Laios A snaps his knees up, feet on the floor, to aid your copy’s effort. His hips buck up, punching air from your chest as he pops into your hole.
A louder mewl slithers past your copy’s lips, Laios A’s tongue lathering its slit before pausing at its clit, bathing the bud in extra attention. His thumbs splay it open just for easier access to tongue-fuck. Meanwhile, your sleepy bouncing rhythm is interrupted by abrupt, sharp humping throwing you off balance. The only reason you don’t fall over is Laios B stubbornly holds your head still, fucking the sodden gap between yours and your clone’s faces; otherwise leaving you to your own devices. You manage to catch yourself on Laios A’s chest, firm muscles flexing beneath your palms with his throaty hums and whimpers of pleasure.
Your tongue clashes with your clone’s -- soft and wet and warm.
Pulling both your heads back, Laios B rearranges you so your clone is left squealing around his balls while he slaps the meaty weight of his cock on your tongue. Sliding toward the back of your throat, his face flushes as he hungrily coaxes your head further down. Until your molten cheeks meet the protrusions of his pelvic bones.
A hand bigger than yours (though smaller than the one in your hair) rests on your flexing tummy, pressing against the bulging evidence of which Laios is inside you. Laios A groans at the feeling, and you quickly fumble your hand over his, pressing harder with a delighted gasp that ends in a gag and choke. Their sizes are indecipherable, and if the mood were different you could almost be ashamed by how perverted it makes you seem.
Laios B throws his head back as your throat spasms around his tip, lip cinched between his teeth and brows furrowed. He forces your head side-to-side, reveling in the bend of your muscles shifting to accommodate his dick. Laios A, however, stretches his hand (a little uncomfortably) so his thumb can swish messily against your clit. Your volume grows, quickly overpowering both Laios B and your own duplicate. Spurring Laios A to hasten, jostling you with his powerful drilling paired with stimulating your clit.
The other hand of Laios A has found one of your clone’s tits, squeezing and padding the nipple with his thumb. She’s grinding down against his nose, hips jumping and muffled mewls just barely scratching past its lips into the sensitive sack of Laios B’s balls. Spit gurgling down its chin, drying against its breasts and Laios A’s hand.
Drool steadily pools at the pucker of your own lips, pushed out everytime B shoves in -- saliva splatters his hips, dripping down his thighs and soaking his base as well as your entire lower face. The quicker he fucks your face, the sloppier and wetter it gets. Which is certainly in character for Laios.
But so is the way the one on his back is staving off his burgeoning orgasm to make sure (both of) you finish first. Something he always tries.
Laios A’s hips snap up firmly, crooking up into you midair, deep as possible to ensure all his cum is milked by your cunt. He moans into your clone’s cunt, now content to let his tongue hang out as it fucks his face -- his hand still squishing its tit.
Yet something he always fails.
Laios usually cums before you, but he’s also got the stamina to soldier on until you drop.
Determined, Laios swirls your clit, fevered thrusts slowing to meet your bouncing on his cock. Another slush of saliva oozes past your lips, lubing the shapeshifter as you cry around its erection. Laios fucks you through your orgasm, evidently loving how cum spews from your weeping cunt -- leaking down his cock, over his nuts, and spilling onto the cobblestone below.
Faux Laios spits cum down your throat with a few final aggressive jerks. Your clone is the last, and the quietest, shy huffs scarcely audible between skin on skin and both you and Laios’ noisy crooning.
The shapeshifters tumble off, thoroughly exhausted, and you fare no better collapsing into Laios’ chest. He leisurely jabs the last of your energy from you before pulling out altogether. Sweetly pecking your forehead, Laios murmurs something you don’t quite catch before he rises -- still naked -- to drive off the imposters.
Snagging both by the back of their necks, Laios herds the pair towards the back wall, then scooping you up to carry towards the main house. Once your doppelgangers are locked outside, Laios can focus on getting you in bed.
You pinch the juncture of his neck, yawning into his chest, “Clothes…”
“I know, I know,” he slumps against the door upon getting inside, laying his head over yours -- eyes fluttering with drowsiness as soon as he crosses into the master bed, “I’ll go back when the shapeshifter’s dealt with. You brought more clothes, right?”
You nod clumsily. Then peek at him through heavy lashes, “How do you know I’m the right one anyway?”
(you trust him to know which you was which, you just want him to bask in this)
Laios grins, visibly excited to share as he slips you beneath the sheets, “You’re always loud when we have sex, so I knew the version of you trying to be quiet couldn’t be it. And it was too shy about sitting on my face -- we’ve been together a while so you should be used to it by now,” his expression grows somehow brighter before disappearing from your sight, voice lively from the bathroom, “Could you tell which me was me?”
“Mhm,” you wait for him to return with a damp washcloth before mumbling your own reasoning, “The other one was too rough, kept shovin’ my head. And he never kissed me,” you fling a hand out, and Laios moves his head so your palm lands on his cheek, “Which was very unlike you.”
“You’re so smart,” he muses, shifting to kiss your palm before lacing his free hand with yours and retucking it in bed so he can properly clean the mixed cum between your thighs. Then, suddenly, he’s frowning.
“Aw, what’s wrong?”
“This might actually be my last time seeing a monster, unless it's a corpse Izutsumi brings me…”
“Poor baby,” you’ll never understand his fascination -- monsters are deadly and terrible and most are ugly as sin, but you’re useless to denying Laios anything so you always indulge him, “You could sing me the mermaids’ song, would that help you feel better?”
Laios sits up straighter, finishing cleaning you off, “Can I sing to the end? I never get to finish it.”
“Of course, you can.”
Quiet, hysterical giggles leave Laios’ mouth as he slides into bed beside you, hugging you into his chest before clearing his throat to begin singing.
(you have to keep pinching yourself awake to actually let Laios finish the song before falling asleep, but his grateful little kisses on your hairline are enough thanks)
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luveline · 6 months
Hii I sent the ask for more kbd could you please write them all going on there first family holiday lovely 🤍🫶🏻
love u <3 kbd au —the harrington’s vacation !! mom!reader, 1.5k
This is a good idea, you repeat to each other for weeks. Paying for the flights, making lists, getting Dove her baby passport, packing the suitcases days in advance. 
Most of the time you agree with one another. The day you buy Avery and Beth little swimsuits Steve can’t stop smiling, and the nights leading up to it are like Christmas for Avery when she remembers (and Beth when Avery tells her). 
But the night before you’re sick to your stomach, and then Steve can’t breathe right at the airport, but you get on your plane, and somehow the girls are good. Dove cries when you land because of the pressure change, but she’s soothed by the time you’re past the gate and into the sunshine. 
“Steve,” you say, Dove strapped to your chest, world's heaviest baby bag on your shoulder, “sweetheart, we’re here.” 
He holds Beth’s hand, who in turn holds Avery’s hand, trying to pull the world’s biggest suitcase behind you without running over his own foot. “I told you it would be easy.” 
Your children look beautiful. Avery wears a sun visor cap and a blue dress with white socks and blue converse, and Bethie wears dungarees and a short sleeve top, little black converse to match her sister but unable to handle the sensory nightmare of a hat. They look ready for the sun, and excited to be somewhere new. 
Dove sleeps on your chest. “Easy isn’t the word I’d use,” you mumble, kissing her forehead. “Okay, what’s the next thing? Are we getting the shuttle?” 
Steve checks his watch quickly. “It’s another ten minutes,” he says. “Is that okay?” He points at your harness. “Digging into your side?”
“It’s fine.” You bend with your arm behind Dove’s back, turning your smile on your sweethearts where they mill around their dad’s legs. “How do you guys feel now? So happy? I’m so happy we’re not on the plane, we can stretch our tired feet!” 
“Yeah, mom!” Avery says. 
“Can we have soda?” Bethie asks. 
And okay, you promised them treats if they behaved on the plane, but you’re on vacation. It’s allowed. 
“Yeah, baby, let’s go find you a coca cola before we get on the big bus!” 
You don’t want to pay seventy cents for one can of coke, let alone three dollars for three, but everything will be free when you get to the resort, so what does it matter? Plus, Bethie really, really enjoys it. She beams at the fizzing and begs you to try it like she’s worried you’re missing out. 
(It matters. You and Steve are raising three kids on one salary. All inclusive vacations are expensive. They all needed new clothes including you and Steve, clothes and haircuts and mini shampoos. But it genuinely won’t matter if they have a good time, and make good memories.) 
“Right,” you say near the shuttle, “Avery, you hold mommy’s hand when we’re outside. Beth, you’ll hold daddy’s. No running, and try to be polite. Deal?” 
Avery twines her fingers through yours, little tiny fingers to your fully grown ones. When she looks up at you, she’s practically a hundred percent Steve, his smile, his lovely demeanour, and his attitude too. “Duh, mom. That’s an easy deal.” 
Steve ends up carrying Beth onto the shuttle, and off of it again at the resort. She’s in his arms from the lobby to the elevators and into your suite, but she wants promptly to be put down when Steve shows your two girls their room. 
“Mom, there’s bears!” She gasps. “It’s Goldilocks!” 
A huge storybook mural covers their walls and parts of their ceilings, their single beds outfitted with gossamer curtains on four posters and princess pink sheets. “There’s a castle!” Avery shouts. 
“You okay?” Steve asks again. 
You’re a little tired from Dove's restlessness the night before, but you’re happy you’re here. You nod without thinking twice about it. 
“Okay.” He pulls you toward him. Careful, he unsnaps the buckles of Dove’s harness, loosening the cords that keep her tight to your body before pulling her out. She grizzles at being moved, and he pats her back deftly to settle her before it becomes a big cry. Then he’s cradling her one handed, loosening the straps of the carrier behind your back and taking it off of you with a kindness that softens you for the thousandth time. “There, that’s better. You look like you can breathe again.” 
Steve puts his hand flat on your chest and rubs a line with his thumb. “That’s a nice smile,” he adds. 
Okay, you think. Goner, total goner, you cover his hand with yours. From the girls’ bedroom you can hear the squeal of bed springs being jumped on and the zipper on someone’s mini backpack. “Can we have fruit snacks?” Avery shouts. 
Steve’s hand moves to your neck, your face. He rubs your jawline with the tip of his thumb. “Do they have fruit snacks at the buffet?” 
“They promised they’d have everything at the buffet.” 
You sound exuberant. You are. It’s nice to be touched sweetly, and to be somewhere cool. This is the life you’d dreamed of making with him, and at the same time, you never could’ve summoned this image of him. 
You can’t wait for him to take his shirt off by the pool. You’re gonna take a whole disposable’s worth of photos. 
“You have nice arms,” you say, feigning absentmindedness.
“Thank you.” He’s looking at you funny. It reminds you of when you first started dating, he’d get these weird moments of smiling and not telling you what it is that’s so funny, which would always inspire insecurity, but has since been explained to be awe rather than disdain. He pulls Dove closer to his neck and more toward his side, offering his empty arm to you for a hug. “You have nice everything,” he says, kissing you quickly on the temple. 
“We’re actually on vacation.” 
It always seemed too daunting. The more kids you had, the scarier it seemed. But one day Avery must’ve seen a commercial on TV or heard it from one of the little girls at the park, and she’d strolled up to you to ask you about vacations and the beach and aeroplanes. You’d taken her and Beth to Lake Michigan a bunch of times, but nothing feels quite like this. 
“Let’s hope it really feels like one,” Steve says. 
“Especially for you,” you say. 
Stay at home dad-ing is exhausting. You can’t imagine he wants to be the one in charge here too. You’re determined to pull your weight, even if he isn’t keen to let you, plans for secret lie-ins and well-researched playtime clubs at the resorts recreation centres. You’re not delusional, you know you can’t do this without him. Or perhaps you could, but you’d enjoy yourself a lot less. Either way, you’re wanting to have fun too, so he can take Dove from you and wrap his arm around you like he’s the one in charge for now. It feels nice to be doted on, better when he starts his fretting. 
“Do you want to get changed before we take them down for dinner?” He backs away enough to see your face but not too much as to steal the warmth of his chest where it kisses your arm. “Showers? You need something to drink. Where’s the mini fridge?” 
“Remember what we talked about?” you broach carefully. You have no intentions of patronising him, but it’s unfortunate he’s forgotten already. “Relax, honey. That’s what we said we were gonna do this week. You don’t have to make sure everyone is one hundred percent all the time. If I need something, I’ll tell you.”
“What sort of marriage do you think this is?” he asks, smiling playfully, his warm eyes betraying how happy he is even through his worry and facade.
“One where you kiss me like you miss me all the time,” you say. 
“Oh, is that so?” He ducks down and aligns your lips, the corded muscle of his arm lean where it presses to your softer back. “What do you do?” 
“Kiss back.” 
He laughs into your lips, a smile pressed firmly to a smile. 
“Daddy, can you help me ‘i my shoes?” Bethie asks. 
Steve breathes in deep as you part, hugging you tight to his side. “Where are you gonna go without shoes?” he asks her, genuinely curious. 
“To bed.” 
“You want a nap?” 
Bethie nods tiredly. “Planes are hard.” 
“Yeah, bub, planes are tough. You don’t wanna go have dinner first?” 
She shakes her head tiredly. It’s the first hurdle of your vacation, but it’s not a terribly hard one to navigate. 
“There’s gotta be some sort of snack in the fridge, right?” he asks. 
Family nap time commences just as soon as Avery’s eaten her fill of mini sandwiches. You sleep like a baby under Steve’s arm, at least until the real baby rouses for another bottle. 
468 notes · View notes
Cool for the Summer 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power dynamics, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: After finishing your degree, you return home only to find things aren't as you left them.
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Note: Hellooooooooo. I've done it.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The heat is suffocating. There’s so many people crammed into the tight space. Enough to smother you and make you sweat. You're close to the end. 
The train is finally still and passengers rise to take down their bags and form a queue along the center aisle. You stay patiently in your seat. You’d rather wait there then brave the crowded shuffle as the impatience to disembark mounts. 
At last, the doors open and people begin to move. You don’t stand until the last person passes your row. Your suitcase is at the front of the car with the bigger luggage. 
Step-by-step you make your way up and slip your bag off the middle shelf. You haul it awkwardly to the door and the man on the ground helps bring it down. You thank him, looking only at his branded pin, and step off. 
You drag the bag behind you and hike up the smaller bag on your shoulder. You’re exhausted and it’s not even noon. The automatic doors stand open as the other passengers enter the station. You follow and wheel your bag to the side so you’re out of the way. 
You take out your phone. Your mother texted that she was here ten minutes ago. You can’t see much through the busy station. It’s summer and everyone is on their way somewhere; going home or heading out on vacation. 
You’re relieved to be back but you won’t be able to relax until you’re at your mom’s house. You can’t wait to hide in your room and catch up on your reading. After four years at college, you have a long list. 
As endless as your list may be, your reprieve won’t be. You have your degree now. You need to use it. Find a job, start your life, be an adult. The prospect is exciting but terrifying. More the latter as it entails associating with strangers. You’ve never been very good at that. 
You did so well in school because it’s all you did. You didn’t go out and party, you didn’t distract yourself with dating or drinking, you didn’t even sign up for that book club that looked fun. You only stayed in and studied and occasionally ate in the cafe instead of boiling ramen or ordering in. 
You don’t see her. You roll over to a free seat and sit. You text and ask where she is. 
The general public stirs around you, blending into your peripherals as you stare at your phone and wait. You’d be better off waiting outside. Maybe. There’s a line of taxis and it’s all clustered with people trying to claim one. 
“Ahem, excuse me.” The deep tone draws your head up but your eyes don’t go all the way. You focus on the man’s neck and the silver and brown stubble under his chin. He says your name and you sit up taller. “That’s you, right? Your mom showed me a pic. She’s just run to the bathroom.” 
“Huh?” You clutch your bag tight. 
“She did tell you I was coming, didn’t she?” He asks. 
You shake your head and gnaw on your lip, “no. Who are you?” 
You don’t know him. Not by his voice or the brief peek at his face. He’s older. Maybe her age. His dark hair is peppered with grey and his face is lined around his eyes and mouth, a few softer wrinkles in his forehead. His blue eyes are as bold as gems. 
“Bucky.” He answers as if that should be explanation enough. He offers his hand. “Finally, we meet.” 
You look around and accept his hand. You shake it. “Um, okay?” 
He lets you go and grabs the handle of your suitcase. You reach for it in panic and stand. You nearly tip over and barely avoid brushing against him. 
“She didn’t mention me. At all?” 
You shake your head. 
“Bucky,” your mom’s voice undercuts the awkward introduction. You turn to watch her flutter over. “Oh, sweetie, you’re home!” 
Your mom seizes you and wraps you in a tight hug. She usually lets you have your space. You’ve never been touchy feely but you don’t protest. It has been a while since you saw her. 
“Um, mom?” You murmur as she releases you. 
She steps back and looks between you and the stranger. No, his name is Bucky. 
“Oh, yes. You two. This is Bucky. Bucky--” 
“We met,” Bucky interrupts. 
“So sorry. I had an iced coffee on the way,” she trills. 
“Bucky?” You raise your brows in your mom’s direction. 
“You remember. I told you I met a guy,” she lowers her voice and nudges you. “This is him.” 
You vaguely remember her mentioning it after Christmas. You didn’t think too much about it. You don’t remember it coming up again. She always just said she went out or talked about chores. You wonder if she didn’t tell you on purpose. If maybe she expected you to overreact. 
“We thought we could take you out for lunch as a bit of a homecoming. That train food isn’t very filling.” She smiles. “Well, it was Bucky’s idea. He’s so sweet.” 
“Honey,” he chuckles. “Please, you’re giving me a lot to live up to.” 
“Erm. If you want.” You shrug. 
“Sounds like a plan. I’m starving.” Bucky pulls your bag away and you flinch again. “Ladies, first. Want me to get your other bag?” He offers and you shake your head.  
Your mom moves first and you quickly catch up to her. You wish she’d at least warned you. You’re entirely unprepared for this. She knows you don’t do well with new people but maybe that’s why she didn’t say anything. So you couldn’t come up with an excuse to get out of it. 
The sun beats down and adds to the sheet of sweat across your nape. Bucky looms behind you, his shadow skewing on the pavement, and you search for your mom’s car. You don’t see it. 
She leads you to a dark blue car and you stare at it dumbly. 
“Bucky drove,” your mom explains. The trunk pops as Bucky rolls your bag up. You step back as he lifts it inside. You thank him again as guilt bristles in your chest. 
You follow your mom around the side of the car, waiting for her lead. When she opens the door, you open the back one. When she gets in, you get it. When she clips in her seat belt, you do. Bucky gets in on the driver’s side and drops his keys in the little tray between the cup holders. He jabs the button to turn the engine. 
He doesn’t shift into gear right away. He does up his own seat belt, adjusts his posture, then fiddles with the mirror. You glance up as his eyes dart away in the mirror. Was he looking at you?
You pick at the hem of your sleeves button-up and lean into the door. You really hope you’re not in the way. You have that rotting sensation in your gut. You’ve ruined their day. 
“Alright, everyone buckled in?” He grips the wheel with one hand, the other hooking behind your mother’s seat as he cranes and backs out of the spot. You stare at his thick fingers as you slump down in self-consciousness. You know he’s only checking his rear window but you’re always paranoid of being seen. 
He rolls the car straight and steers between the slanted rows of vehicles. He idles behind the fleet of cabs and weaves his way through the chaos. Your mom sighs and shifts. She’s a less than patient driver. 
“So, we were thinking the new bar and grill, figured you haven’t been around to try it,” your mom explains. “But if you miss Dezi’s, we can go there. Me and Bucky love getting Sunday lunch there. You remember how we used to go?” 
Your lips twitch as you fright a frown. Dezi’s is your place. You and your mom went there since you were in grade school. Knowing she’s been taking him feels like a violation. The suspicion that you’re being replaced unnerves you. You don’t have any right to be mad about it. You’re grown now and your mom’s allowed to live her life. Thing’s change, they already have. 
“New place is fine,” you grumble. 
“Great! Megan recommended it. I’ve been dying to try it.” Your mom is elated. 
She’s never short of enthusiasm but you don’t know the last time she didn’t have a single complaint. If it’s a nice day, she’s disappointed she can’t be at the beach. If she has the day off, she’s upset she has to do the laundry, even if you offer to throw it in with yours. And when she finally gets her food at a restaurant, she laments that she didn’t order the chicken instead of beef. Maybe change is good. 
“Your mom’s a great tour guide. I don’t feel so lost anymore.” Bucky stops at a light and looks at her. “Uh, Lauren?” 
“Straight then left,” she instructs him with a point of her finger. Her nails are done. Not her usual chipped paint on her short square cuticles; she has a full set with a lovely almond shape. 
He follows her directions and continues through the green. You turn your attention out the window. You were only just home for the holidays but everything feels so different. Or maybe you are too.  
There’s nothing ahead of you no, yet everything at the same time. You haven’t found much in your job search. Every job your mom sent you, you applied. You trawled the online boards and even used the student career center for help with your CV. A dozen articles littered your feed deeming the market oversaturated. 
Another disappointment for your mom. You’re sure she won’t fail to mention this one. You exhale and twine your fingers together in your lap. 
“Tired, sweetie?” Your mom asks. 
“Uh, yeah,” you answer. It wouldn’t do any good to share your worries. You still have time to find a job. Eventually, you have to get something. 
“Alright,” Bucky flicks his blinker on and waits to turn. “Here we are.” 
He pulls into the lot of the bar and grill. It’s built to resemble a log cabin and the entire theme has a rustic tint. He slides into a spot and shuts the engine off. In the silence, your stomach rumbles loudly. 
“Hungry?” He chuckles and peeks back over his shoulder. As your mom jostles her purse and untangles her seat belt, he winks. Your blink dumbly and click the button to release yourself. 
“Sure.” Your voice creaks as you pull the door handle. It doesn’t budge. You try again. Then frantically feel around for the lock. 
“Oops.” Bucky turns and hits a switch. The locks thunk back. 
Your mom gets out first and you follow. Bucky catches up and brushes by you as he passes. He beats you both to the front door and opens it for you. You trail your mom and he stays close as he enters behind you. 
“Such a gentleman,” your mom praises and giggles. She sounds bubbly. You can’t remember her sounding like that before. 
“Table for three,” Bucky says to the hostess. 
Again, he lets you go ahead of him. Your mom is ahead of you as the hostess leads you into the dining room. You’re sat at a booth. You’re relieve to have a bench to yourself, facing your mother and Bucky, but she insists on being on the outside in case she needs the bathroom. That leaves you across from him. 
“Drinks.” Bucky intones as he grabs the slender menu. “Cocktails?” 
“What do they have?” Your mom leans on him as she reads over his shoulder. 
“Hmm, interesting. Apple cider’s a bit out of season,” Bucky comments. “Figured we should celebrate. Baby girl is home and graduated.” 
You wince at the reference. Baby girl? He sucks his teeth as he examines the menu then turns it around. He offers it across the table. 
“Think I'll stick to beer,” he says. 
“Go on,” your mom goads. “Get something special, sweetie. You earned it.” 
“Oh, it’s okay, I’ll just have water.” 
“It’s a special day,” she insists.  
“Well, er...” you take the menu and nod. You look down at the listings as your cheeks burn hot. You don’t like to argue, especially when there’s no good reason. 
You try to make sense of it. Blackberry sounds good but you’re not sure what bitters are. You don’t drink. You had one glass of wine at a New Years party with your mom’s friends a few years ago and didn’t really get the appeal. It made your stomach feel swishy. 
There’s a lemonade that sounds okay. You like lemonade. You settle on that and put the menu down. Your mother scoops it up and you apologise. You should’ve asked her if she needed it. 
A server appears and takes your drink orders as she doles out a set of larger menus. You take yours and listen as she recites the specials. You don’t really catch any of it. You’ve always done better with writing than oral instruction. She leaves and you wait for the others to open their menu before you do the same. 
“This is nice,” your mom says. “I’m so happy you two are getting along.” 
You force a smile and Bucky slips his arm around her and squeezes. Your eyes meet again and his cheek dimples beneath his beard. You quickly avert your attention back to the sandwich options.
Getting along? You barely know him. Not to mention, you didn’t expect him. No use in whining about it. He's here and your mother is happy. 
224 notes · View notes
smileysuh · 2 years
ice cold, cabin fever - part 1
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🌙 staring. Seungcheol & Mingyu x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. "come on, let’s just go back to snakes and ladders and you can pretend we’re not snowed in with no firewood and a dude you hate locked in the bathroom."
cw/ tw. threesome, daddy issues, mean/tsundere cheol, wet dreams, spanking, marking, dirty talk, choking, unprotected sex, pain kink, dacryphilia, breast play, praise, degradation, fingering, oral, hand job, blow job, multiple orgasms, overstim, edging, orgasm denial, manhandling, size kink, cumplay, finger sucking, spit roasting, hair pulling, voyeurism, I petnames. (hers) princess, bitch, whore, baby (s.coups) cheol, douche, dick, daddy (mingyu) gyu.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 25.9k
🍭 aus. e2l, s2l, step brothers Jihan, non idol, ski resort, roomies, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. so when I tell you I know practically nothing about skiing... also, the recent soop episodes have been giving gyucheol and jihan and I'm dying. I other inspo: 🙂 🙂 🙂 I pls note. this fic has so much dialogue, it exceeds the number of paragraphs allowed in a tumblr post, so it will be split into 2 parts posted at the same time I read the whole thing in one post + the bonus by subscribing to my patreon and clicking here
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“You guys aren’t going to believe this,” Jeonghan says as he enters the main area of the flat he shares with his brother and two best friends.
Three sets of eyes turn to him, and it’s Joshua who takes a shot in the dark and asks, “Did you get chlamydia again?”
“Aish, fuck off,” Jeonghan picks up a pillow to launch at his brother, “I just got off the phone with mom you idiot.”
“Ouch, since when are you telling mommy about your STI results?” Seungcheol teases, earning himself a pillow as well, that he easily bats out of the air.
“Tell us,” Mingyu urges seriously, “what did your mom say?”
“Only that our new step-sister decided to join us for the destination wedding, super last minute,” Jeonghan explains, taking a seat next to the youngest and sweetest of his friends.
“Did your mom tell her that they already gave up the cabin?” Seungcheol’s heart drops to his stomach, thoughts of powdered snow and skiing swirling on the periphery of his mind.
“Fuck if I know,” Jeonghan shrugs. “She sounds like a bit of a bitch if I’m being honest- sorry Gyu, but it looks like you’ll be giving up your bed.”
“We’re sharing a cabin with her?” The maknae’s jaw drops.
“Well she’s definitely not staying with us,” Joshua stiffens in his seat, “I don’t know what weird step-sibling porn you’re into Gyu, but we’re not that kind of family.”
“Listen,” Seungcheol leans forward, eager to keep the peace, “none of us have met her before- but your mom really likes her dad- let’s just hope she’s as nice as he is… I really doubt she’s a bitch. If it comes down to it, I can give up my bed, there’s a pullout in the cabin too, right? We’ll make it work.”
The glances all four men exchange betray how unsure they all are, and Seungcheol only wishes he was as positive as he makes himself out to be. 
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1: Thursday - Arrival
“Y/n! You made it!” your dad’s excitement should be contagious, but as you haul your suitcase into the lobby of the ski resort, you’re much too exhausted to mirror his attitude.
In fact, you’d bet you look exactly how you feel; done with this vacation before it’s even started.
Despite this, you accept the hug from your dad, trying to relax a little before he lets you go again. “Was your flight very long?”
“Too long,” you sigh, taking a deep breath before returning his question with “and you?”
“Too long,” your dad laughs. “But you can rest easy now, the hard part is over.”
Is it? 
“I’m so excited for you to meet Suelki,” he continues, “and her two sons.” 
“I’m excited too,” you really force a smile this time, trying your best to look sincere.
“Good,” your dad nods, beginning to lead you through the resort. “So listen, this trip is kind of like my honeymoon- so we really don’t expect to be seeing that much of you- Suelki and I have a suite in the actual hotel itself, but I think I mentioned to you over the phone that we booked two of the rustic cabins-”
“Yeah, you mentioned that,” your grip on your suitcase handle tightens.
“Because you originally said you wouldn’t be coming, we gave the second cabin up to Suelki’s boys’ roommates- and unfortunately, the entire resort is booked up this week, so we couldn’t get you your own room.”
“Right-” He’d mentioned something along these lines during your quick phonecall when you’d changed your mind about coming on the trip, and you’re eager to see what fix he has for this.
“Each cabin had a pullout though, so you’ll be staying in one of them, and whether it’s with Suelki’s boys’ or their friends, I really hope you use this trip to get to know your new step brothers.”
Your mouth feels dry, heart jittering in your chest at the concept of sharing a cabin for a week with two boys- 
“The wedding is on Saturday,” your dad and you have reached a door leading outside; icy air hits your face when he opens it. “And the cabins you’re looking for are the last two down this road here- cabin 6 and cabin 7. Just follow the string lights-”
“Are you-” you swallow. “You’re not going to take me out to where I’m staying?” You tighten your grip on your heavy luggage, eying the snowy path.
“Sorry darling, but your plane was late, and you’ve arrived at a bad time- Suelki and I have massages scheduled in-” he checks his watch, “ten minutes? I really have to go- but you’re a strong, capable girl, you’ll find the cabins no problem.”
This is exactly the type of behaviour from your father that you’re used to. 
Part of you had expected something to be different- you’d been hoping that the wedding jitters would make him more inclined to be compassionate to you- but it looks like he’s as intent on letting you go about it yourself as he’s ever been.
After your long flight, and now this- you’re really questioning if you should have come on this trip at all.
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2: Thursday - Arrival
“Joshie, come look at this,” Jeonghan urges, holding his tea tighter while gazing out the small cabin window.
“What is it?” his brother sighs, putting down his book but remaining seated on the couch.
“Some girl is dragging her suitcase up the path.” 
He can’t help but snicker. With the road covered in snow for the winter season, accessing the cabins isn’t the easiest task in the world. 
Having been here before, the brothers had packed accordingly, and carrying their duffles had been substantially easier than the struggle Jeonghan is currently witnessing. 
“Oh shit.”
“What?” Now Joshua stands up.
“She’s coming to the door- shit-” Jeonghan pulls away from the window roughly, and hot liquid spills over the edge of his mug, making contact with his fingers. “Shit!” he shakes his hand out-
“Must be the step sister?” Joshua suggests, ignoring the elder man tending to his reddening skin. 
“Must be,” Jeonghan hisses, putting his tea down just as there’s a knock on the door.
The elder of the two takes a seat on the couch, pulling his hoodie sleeve down to cover his hand while Joshua answers the door. 
“Hi-” your voice carries into the small space, and Jeonghan silently urges Joshua to move to the side so he can get a better look at you. “Are you Jeonghan?”
“No, Joshua,” he shifts, allowing you to see into the cabin, “that’s Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan lifts his unharmed hand, wiggling his fingers at you and offering a smile. 
His eyes quickly take you in, assessing your cute outfit- and its lack of weather appropriateness. He finds himself stifling a laugh again, shaking his head to snap himself out of it before saying loudly, “Aren’t you going to let our new step-sister in?”
You look like a bunny entering a wolf’s den, and you stop just past the threshold, allowing the door to be closed behind you.
“I guess you guys know about the cabin situation?” Your first words aren’t something Jeonghan had particularly expected from you-
You’re much more forward than your appearance gives you credit for, and he begins to wonder if his little bunny has teeth. 
“Cabin situation?” Joshua comes to join Jeonghan on the couch, reaching for his book.
“Yeah-” you swallow, “I heard my cabin got given up to two of your friends?”
“Right, that cabin situation,” Jeonghan and Joshua exchange glances, and they leave space for you to continue.
“I was thinking,” you shift awkwardly on your feet, a chunk of snow shifts off your boot and onto the wood floor, “uh- you guys aren’t really going to make me share a cabin with two of your friends, right?” 
“What do you mean?” Joshua cocks his head, and Jeonghan leans back in his seat, enjoying the scene playing out in front of him.
“Just that-” you release a deep sigh. “Guys- I’m going to be honest, I’m really tired- is there no possible way one or even both of your friends could- I don’t know… crash in this cabin with you guys?”-  there’s a beat of silence, Jeonghan and Joshua exchange glances - “like, that’s a pullout couch, right? So- at least one could stay here-”
Joshua opens his mouth to respond, but Jeonghan places a hand on his knee to silence him, taking the lead in these new family negotiations; “You might be able to convince one of them to stay here,” he tells you, “but I doubt you’d be more comfortable alone with a strange man you’ve never met, than you would be having two.”
“I mean…” you look between your new step-siblings, “these guys are your friends, right? It’s not like they’re going to- erm… try anything?”
“You’re right,” Jeonghan nods sympathetically, “let’s go over there and you can see which one you prefer to spend a week alone with.”
You shift again, releasing a groan. “I know we just met- but I’ve gotta say, you’re a bit of an asshole, you know that?”
Jeonghan laughs.
“He’s right though,” Joshua sighs. “As unfortunate as it is that your cabin got given up, there’s no chance both of our friends are going to give up their beds to sleep on a pullout in here with us.” He stands up. “I saw you were struggling with your bag earlier- I’ll carry it for you, we can go to the next cabin over and discuss the situation with Cheol and Mingyu-”
“Thanks, but no thanks,” you open the door, holding your suitcase tightly, “I’m a big girl, I’ll handle this myself.”
The new brothers watch you leave the cabin, and then Joshua heads to the window, eyes following you as you trudge down the path back to the main road again. 
“Is she still struggling?” Jeonghan asks.
Joshua lets out something between a laugh and a sigh, then he nods. “She’s really struggling.”
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3: Thursday - Arrival
“Is that your stomach growling?” Cheol groans, distracted from the Christmas film he’s watching for what must be the third time-
“I’m sorry-” Mingyu whines, hand rubbing his tummy in slow circles, “you know how I get when we go skiing-”
“Then eat more at dinner next time,” the elder man snaps, grabbing the remote to turn the sound up in the hopes it will drown out his friend’s stomach, “and make some ramen or something.”
“I’m too lazy, I can’t get up,” the large man sprawled on the couch groans, his voice switching to something more on the girly side when he says “oppa, make me ramen? We can have Netflix and ramen?”
“Aish-” Seungcheol reaches out to bat his friend’s foot.
Mingyu is the baby of their apartment back home, and all three of the men born in 95 try not to make a habit of indulging him in maknae privileges. In fact, Mingyu often ends up being the one who cooks and cleans, but Seungcheol will never admit that to anyone.
“Stop complaining and watch your movie,” Seungcheol urges, eyes returning to the screen, where Jim Carrey’s Grinch is having a similar meltdown to Mingyu’s.
A knock at the door stuns both men, their heads whipping towards the sound- then Mingyu is jumping off the couch, as if he wasn’t just claiming to be a lazy bum less than a minute ago. 
“Who is it?” Cheol groans, leaning back against the pillows, stretching his tired arms out in front of him. 
He’s never going to get through this movie if there keeps being distractions-
“Shh- it’s a girl-” Mingyu’s whispered response is another shock to Cheol’s system, and he suddenly finds himself sitting up in his seat.
“Well, answer the door!” he whispers back.
Mingyu follows through with the command, and a moment later he’s greeting you with a “Hello?”
“Uh, hi? Are you… Cheol?” 
“No,” Mingyu steps to the side, “he is.”
Seungcheol blinks at you, taking you in.
He’s definitely never met you before, so how is it you know his name- 
How is it you know the name that only his friends use?
“Then that makes you… Mingyu?” 
You’re not even looking at Seungcheol anymore, your eyes have slipped over him and returned to the large man in front of you faster than Cheol can even clock-
“That’s right,” Mingyu nods, then, “wait! You must be the step-sister!”
“That’s me,” you sigh. “The step-sister.”
“Come in,” Mingyu urges you, “and let me take your bag, I bet you’re tired from your flight-”
Seungcheol rolls his eyes, setting the remote down. It’s unlikely he’ll be returning to the movie anytime soon, and he supposes he should be friendly with you- despite his exhaustion from a long day on the slopes.
“Did you drag your suitcase all the way through the snow?” Mingyu asks, blatantly bewildered at your behavior. 
“Uh huh,” you nod, closing the door behind you and reaching down to take off your boots.
“No one helped you?” Mingyu’s tone makes the whole thing seem like blasphemy, and Cheol watches the way he fusses over you, setting your bag at the foot of his bed before rushing to help you take off your jacket-
“No one,” you confirm. “Joshua offered, but- I managed by myself, like always.”
“So you stopped at the other cabin first?” Seungcheol confirms, “Met Hannie and Josh-”
Your eyes meet, and then Seungcheol finds himself looking at your lips-
“Yeah,” you tear your gaze away, turning to Mingyu when you explain, “wanted to talk with them about bed arrangements first-”
“You can have mine,” Mingyu offers, flashing you an earnest smile.
“Really?” your eyes widen, and you look between the two men again. “You’re not uh… too big for it?”
Seungcheol feels like he’s been hit in the chest. 
If you’d had asked your question without looking directly at him, he might have been able to convince himself you weren’t insinuating anything- but it’s clear what you’re saying. It’s clear you’re clocking him as being smaller than his younger friend, clear you’re inadvertantly suggesting that as the shorter man - Cheol - should sleep on the couch.
A month ago, Cheol had suggested the very same thing, thinking you’d be some nice girl he could give his bed to.
But now? 
He wouldn’t give you his bed if your life depended on it. 
“It’s okay,” Mingyu is quick to assure you, “you can have my bed. Here, have a seat, we’re watching a Christmas movie-  did your flight serve you dinner? Are you hungry?”
“Starved,” you sigh, collapsing onto the couch, taking the corner Mingyu had inhabited earlier. 
“I’ll make us some ramen,” Mingyu tells you. “Ramen always goes well with Christmas movies.”
Seungcheol notes the way you smile at Mingyu’s words. 
He feels invisible, and most of all, bitter. He’s not happy about any of this, not the way you’d taken a hit at his pride, nor Mingyu’s new burst of energy and overly friendly demeanor.
Picking up the remote again, Seungcheol hits play, and he hopes nothing else sets him off tonight, or he just might explode.
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4: Friday - morning
Waking up is slow at first, and then it hits you all at once. You sit up, clutching the quilt to cover your body while blinking away the last of your drowsiness, eyes acclimatizing to the soft glow of the room.
Sunlight is coming through the cabin shades, and you realize two things very quickly. First, that you’re alone, and second, that you’re not where you’d fallen asleep last night.
After settling in and eating your ramen, you’d gotten comfortable on the couch. The movie hadn’t truly captured your interest, and you’d begun to doze off with the intention of waking up when the film was complete to move to the bed- 
But you have no recollection of being woken up.
You hadn’t even had any dreams. You’d been so exhausted from a day of traveling that you’d blacked out, and now, you’re left with confusion and body aches.
Someone must have carried you to bed- 
You hope it was Mingyu.
When you look down, you see you’re still dressed in your travel outfit, so the first thing you decide to do is explore the small cabin and find the shower.
Part of you is grateful the men you’re rooming with allowed you to sleep. It makes finding a routine easier. You take your time in the shower, allowing yourself to relax a little, and you consider what your day might look like.
You guess the men are on the slopes, as the skis that had been propped next to the door when you’d arrived are gone, and you decide exercise might be exactly what you need.
Besides, you’re at a ski resort, skiing seems like an obvious choice- although you’re not quite sure how it will work, seeing as you haven’t brought your own equipment-
You begin looking around the cabin for a resort map- and you’re so busy looking in all the hard places you almost miss the glaringly obvious piece of paper resting on the coffee table under a set of keys. 
Your heart lurches in your chest. You pocket the keys and open the paper to find it’s the resort pamphlet you’ve been searching for. 
Along with a map of the mountain, someone has taken the time to circle cabin 7, draw a line to the main hotel, and circled another section, which has been labeled ‘ski rentals’ in handwriting that’s just barely legible. 
There’s no other writing to indicate which man has left this for you, so you decide to assume it’s Mingyu.
Cheol had barely talked to you last night. He’d given off cold vibes; a man with walls built up around him. 
You truly can’t imagine that the quiet, brooding man had stopped to write on a map and leave you keys.
And honestly? You don’t want to imagine it.
It’s much safer to identify one of your roommates as a tall, white knight, and the other as a dark entity you’ll have to suffer through for a week. 
It makes it easier to plan on ignoring Cheol. 
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5: Friday - afternoon
Today is a good day for Seungcheol. 
He’d been worried that your arrival would mean babysitting duty, so when you’d slept in and he’d convinced Gyu to leave you be, he’d been nearly ecstatic. 
He’d clocked you as a non-skier the moment you’d arrived without the correct equipment, and despite his day job as a physical trainer, Cheol is not in the mood to be teaching anyone how to do anything.
No, he’s much happier taking the slopes with his best friend. 
Mingyu isn’t as adept with skis as Cheol is, but he’s good enough for the elder not to worry too much about him. 
After tackling a few of the harder slopes, the two men find themselves on a green run. 
It’s enjoyable to take the hill in an easy manner, crisscrossing down the incline, watching the powder fluff up and take air with each harsh turn-
The day is gorgeous-
And then Cheol spots you, and his mood drops instantly.
You’re a couple hundred feet down the mountain from he and Mingyu, and they both stop for a moment, battling the glare from the sun-
“Is that-”
“Y/n,” Seungcheol confirms with a sigh. “First the thing with her bags, now this- it’s like she’s never been to a ski resort before.”
“Maybe she hasn’t,” Mingyu cocks his head to the side, looking thoughtful for a moment. “We should go help her.”
Seungcheol scoffs. “You really think she wants our help?”
“It never hurts to offer,” the younger, more considerate man points out. “Besides, this is Jeonghan and Joshua’s new step-sister, we’re trying to be nice to her, right?”
With a sigh, Seungcheol agrees, and the two continue down the mountain, catching up to you easily. 
“Hello!” Mingyu calls out to you, in classic extroverted Mingyu fashion. This earns him a smile from you, and you stop your slow slope descent to chat.
“Hi Mingyu,” you say, pushing your hair out of your face and adjusting your hat.
You don’t say hello to Seungcheol, and he doesn’t greet you either.
“How’s your day going so far?” Mingyu asks. “Are you enjoying the fresh air?”
“Yeah- found some skis at the rental and I think I’m getting the hang of it,” you tell them, “wasn’t sure I’d be skiing much this trip but, well, here I am.”
“You slept in,” Seungcheol finds himself stating. “We weren’t sure we’d bump into you today.”
“Right…” you trail off, giving Seungcheol a quick once over before your eyes return to Mingyu, and an easy smile works its way across your face again, “Have you been skiing long? I mean, I get the feeling that I’m the only person on the trip who doesn’t have much experience with all of this- you guys all brought your own skis.”
“Yeah, we’re all big snow sports people,” Mingyu tells you. “Seungcheol was actually almost an olympic level snowboarder-”
“Really?” Now you’re looking at Seungcheol. Truly looking at him. “But… you brought skis?”
“He’d be much too fast on his board,” Mingyu grins. “Skis slow him down, make him level with the rest of us. But, he’s still pretty good at skiing too.”
“Could give you a few pointers if you want,” Seungcheol says, earnestly. 
He’d gotten a good look at what you were doing wrong before they approached you, and a few minor tweaks would have you skiing with the best of them-
“Erm, thanks, but no thanks, I think I’m good learning at my own pace for now.” 
He notes the way you avert your eyes, upper lip curling slightly with disdain. 
He should have never bothered to offer you help. 
Seungcheol takes a deep breath. “You two are probably more compatible for your level, and I want to do some harder runs. I’ll see you around.”
And with that, he leaves you and Mingyu, taking off down the mountain at a speed his friends can only dream of.
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6: Friday - evening
It’s been a good day for Mingyu, and settling in for dinner with his friends is the perfect ending for it. They order half the menu, covering the table in all sorts of foods to try together, and it reminds him of their time in university. 
While Mingyu is younger than his friends, he’d entered their frat before they’d graduated, and the bond he has with his older hyungs is truly one born out of a shared love for food. 
“Try this,” Jeonghan insists, and Mingyu opens his mouth before he even gets a good look at what’s about to be fed to him. “It’s good right?”
Mingyu can only nod happily while munching, hand reaching for his beer.
“Where were you guys today?” Joshua asks, “we missed you on the slopes.”
“Did a couple of the harder ones,” Seungcheol responds while the maknae has his mouth full, “then bumped into your step-sister on the easier hill-”
“Oh?” This grabs both Jeonghan and Joshua’s attention. “She was skiing?”
“Badly,” Cheol leans back in his chair, sipping his beer.
“She wasn’t that bad,” Mingyu insists, swallowing his food so he can defend you. “I did a couple runs with her and she wasn’t that bad, really.”
The brothers exchange a glance that Mingyu can’t read. 
He’s always been jealous of how in tune Jeonghan and Joshua are. As ‘irish twins’ - siblings born within the same year - it’s like they can read each other’s minds, and Mingyu always feels like he’s missing some crucial part of the conversation.
“Did you guys sort out the bed situation?” Joshua asks, looking down at the steak he’s cutting. He gives off an air of nonchalance, but Mingyu can tell that this is a topic both brothers are interested in. 
“I think you mentioned giving up your bed when we talked about it a few months ago,” Jeonghan adds, “isn’t that right, Cheol?”
“That was before I met her.”
The brothers exchange a glance, and a smirk works its way onto Jeonghan’s face. “Looks like Gyu got the short end of the straw, huh?”
“I offered her my bed,” Mingyu insists. 
“But she fell asleep on the couch during our Christmas movie,” Seungcheol says smoothly. “I moved her to his bed, wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easy.”
“My neck is aching,” Mingyu groans, rubbing at it, “but it was worth it. I told her she could have my bed, so she had my bed.”
“He’s so eager to help her out,” Cheol teases, pushing at Mingyu’s shoulder. “When we saw her on the mountain earlier, she refused my help, but was more than happy to ski with him.”
Joshua and Jeonghan exchange a glance that has Mingyu rushing to assure them, “she’s your new step sister- I’m not trying anything, I just want to be friendly-”
“What was that?” Cheol leans closer, “I don’t think I heard you?”
“I said,” Mingyu raises his voice, “she’s their stepsister, and I’m not trying anything!” 
“Perfect, that’s exactly what I thought I heard,” Seungcheol grins, and then he’s looking at something over Mingyu’s shoulder. “Hey Y/N, you should join these three for dinner.”
Mingyu turns to find you standing there, and his skin heats with embarrassment. 
He’s pretty sure you’d just heard what he’d loudly said to his friends, and his skin tingles with regret, ears heating-
“Really,” Seungcheol stands, “take my seat, I was just leaving.”
“Where are you headed?” Jeonghan asks, more curious about his friend than his own step-sister.
“The pool.” Cheol grabs the jacket on the back of his chair. “Have some knots in my back, but nothing the hot tub jets can’t fix.”
For the second time today, Mingyu finds himself watching Cheol make a hasty retreat in order to avoid spending time with you. And for the second time today, Mingyu finds himself eagerly attempting to help you fit in, despite his oldest friend’s rejection of you.
“Come eat,” Mingyu urges, patting the newly empty seat next to him. 
“Are you guys sure? I can always eat alone-”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Joshua laughs. “You’re one of us now, come sit.”
Mingyu is glad that your step brothers immediately start asking you questions, and for a little while, everything runs smoothly. 
Every minute he spends with you, he warms up more and more to your presence.
It’s obvious to him that yesterday, when you’d arrived, you’d been out of sorts after hours of traveling. Your temperament has improved drastically, and Mingyu finds himself laughing along with his friends at small jokes you make here and there.
The four of you spend a much longer time in the resort restaurant than Mingyu had expected, and it’s only when Jeonghan begins to yawn that you all decide it’s time to head back to your cabins.
The night is cold, but it’s not snowing, and your small group follows the poles of string lights diligently.
Jeonghan and Joshua pull off one stop earlier than your own, wishing you goodnight before heading into their cabin.
As you and Mingyu continue up the path, Mingyu finds you walking closer to him, and he’s surprised when you say “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Carrying me to bed last night,” you respond, “and the map you left on the coffee table, the one with the ski rental circled.”
“Oh, uh…” Mingyu swallows thickly, “that actually wasn’t me. I think it’s Cheol who you have to be thanking.”
‘Oh’ is right.
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7: Saturday - morning
When you wake up, you’re struck by two things. First, that you’re alone, as you were when you woke up yesterday. And second, that your father is getting married.
Your body aches when you sit up, muscles screaming at you for having the audacity to ski as long as you had with Mingyu, and you decide pretty quick that another attempt at the slopes is off the table.
You remember what Seungcheol had said yesterday, about the pool and the hott ub, and decide maybe he had the right idea about jets and sore muscles.
He can be an ass, but you suppose he uses his brain sometimes.
You change into your swimsuit, and make sure to layer yourself with comfy sweats and your parka, pool bag in hand before you set out to take on the weather. 
For the billionth time since arriving at this God forsaken cabin, you wish you’d gotten a room in the resort itself. It’s snowed over the night, but the path is somewhat cleared. Even so, the trek to the main hotel is difficult, and your muscles are even more tired when you arrive.
The resort is a ski destination, and you cross your fingers that most of its patrons are on the hills and not utilizing the various pools and saunas. 
Your wish comes true, and you’re pleased to see hardly anyone as you pass through the indoor pool to check out the outdoor areas, intent on having a hot tub to yourself-
As you’re walking along the pool deck, clutching your parka tight around your body, you notice someone swimming. 
He’s underwater, slicing through the pool like a professional swimmer. The glare from the overcast sky makes it impossible to get a great look at the athlete and you settle next to the hot tub, hoping to see more when he comes up for air. 
You’ve just taken off your parka and are wading into the hot tub when the swimmer stops at the edge of the pool. He’s in the shallows now, and he’s able to stand up, his back to you.
Droplets of water glisten down his back in the light, steam immediately beginning to lift off of his skin-
His shoulders and back look like they were crafted by the Gods, and the man runs a hand through his hair, shaking it out of his face.
You just wish he would turn to look at you, so you can see who you’re drooling over-
In no time at all, this wish is coming true, only, you wish it hadn’t, because the moment the gorgeous, well-muscled athlete turns to look at you, you’re locking eyes with your least favourite person on the mountain.
Seungcheol is as taken aback as you are for a moment.
He’d been reaching for the rail to pull himself out of the pool, but now, he’s simply frozen.
You’re practically gawking at each other, and you’re the first to break eye contact, clearing your throat and looking away.
You can feel your skin heating, and it’s not just from the hot tub, which you wish you could simply submerge yourself in and never come back up-
In the periphery of your vision, you see Seungcheol getting out of the pool, and it takes every ounce of self-restraint in your entire body not to turn and watch him.
Then, to your surprise, he gives you an excuse to look at him, calling out, “The wedding starts at four, don’t be late.”
Your jaw hits the hottub floor, and you watch Seungcheol practically run away from you.
It’s becoming an all too familiar sight. 
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8: Saturday - afternoon
Sitting in his mother’s hotel room, watching her do the final touches on her wedding look, Joshua is struck with memories of the past.
There’d been many mornings growing up where he’d sat on the closed-lid toilet, watching her brush through her hair, sometimes braiding it, before taking him and Jeonghan to school.
In the quiet of their small apartment bathroom, nothing could come between them, not Jeonghan whining for whatever reason, nor the angry father who’d disappeared from the picture when the boys had turned ten.
To Joshua, the moment feels like peace, or at least, as close to it as he’s ever come.
He can tell, by the way his mom smiles when she looks at herself in the mirror, that she’s truly happy, and it’s all he’s ever wanted for her. 
The moment is fleeting, as Jeonghan enters the room and brings with him a certain level of chaos, the kind of windswept mayhem that follows him everywhere, like a moving storm.
“Booze?” The first word to come out of his mouth.
“In the fridge,” Joshua motions to the small cooler before asking his elder brother, “drinking already?”
“Just spent half an hour running all over and making sure everyone’s doing what they’re supposed to be doing,” Jeonghan sighs, bending down to retrieve a can of beer, cracking it open with nimble fingers.
“You wanted to be the best man,” Joshua points out.
For such a small wedding, consisting of only close family and a few friends, roles hadn’t been a necessity, but Joshua wasn’t aware that scrambling around to make sure people are in place would be necessary either.
“Y/N forgot her shoes at the cabin, so Mingyu ran to get them, but by the time he got there, Seungcheol had apparently realized the heels were needed, so he’d grabbed them- and somehow they’d missed each other in the lobby-” Jeonghan cuts off his own ramblings with a large sip of his drink. 
“Sounds like quite the goose chase,” their mother’s calm voice visibly settles the best man, who takes a seat next to his brother.
“You look amazing,” Jeonghan tells her, as sincere as Joshua’s ever seen him. “Our new step-sister’s dad is a lucky man.”
“Since when did you stop calling him by his name?” Seulki laughs, returning her gaze to the mirror, fixing her veil. “Looks like you’re both getting used to Y/N though, Joshua mentioned that you all had dinner last night. Is she settling in okay?”
“I think so,” Joshua says thoughtfully.
“Mingyu really likes her,” Jeonghan adds.
Joshua nods. “And we do too.”
Their mom gives them a knowing look. “How’s Seungcheol finding his cabinmate? Haven’t you both always said he’s a good judge of character?”
“He’s also a stubborn ass,” Jeonghan grins over the rim of his drink, “so we can’t really trust his opinions on her- besides, any time she’s around, he runs the other way. I doubt they’ve talked much.”
“That’s a shame,” Seulki frowns. “I bumped into her with Mingyu on the slopes yesterday, she seemed really lovely.”
“She is,” Joshua admits. He’d also enjoyed getting to know you last night over food and drinks.
“Well,” Seulki turns to her boys, “let’s just hope Seungcheol warms up to her, but we’ll put that to the side for now, we have a wedding to get to.”
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9: Saturday - evening
The ceremony had gone exactly as planned. 
After the initial goose chase looking for your shoes, there’d only been one or two small details Jeonghan had been forced to attend to. But after it all, his mom had walked down the aisle, vows had been said, and Jeonghan had gained a father figure.
Standing at the alter next to his brother, Jeonghan had watched everything take place with a keen eye.
He’d been pleased to see the three couples invited - his aunt and uncle, and two of your father’s friends with their wives - sitting in the small venue with his roommates. And he’d been even more interested in watching his friends react throughout the service.
Mingyu had gotten teary-eyed the moment Seulki had begun her walk down the aisle, and even Seungcheol had torn his gaze from you for long enough to admire the dress.
When everything was said and done, the small party had moved to a secluded room off the main restaurant to have food, drinks and further celebration. Here, Jeonghan had again noticed Seungcheol’s affinity for having you in his line of sight.
“You know,” Jeonghan says, as he settles into the seat next to his brother, eyes fixed on his muscular friend by the small bar, “for a guy who runs away whenever y/n is around, he spends an awful lot of his time watching our step sister.”
Joshua chuckles, sipping his champagne. “You noticed that too, huh?”
“Hard not to,” Jeonghan grins, following Seungcheol’s gaze to where you’re clinging to Mingyu on the makeshift dance floor. “What do you think about those two?”
“I think Cheol better cut his losses now,” Joshua says, setting his drink down. 
“Really?” Jeonghan cocks his head, considering it all. “We’re only two days into this trip… a lot could happen before the week is done, don’t you think?”
“A lot could happen,” Joshua admits, “especially if someone like you decided to meddle.”
“I never meddle, only… help push things along.”
“In the direction you want it to go.”
“Touche,” Jeonghan lifts his champagne, gently clinking it against his brother’s discarded glass. 
“I think I’m going to go ask y/n to dance,” Joshua says, pushing his chair back and standing.
“Now who’s meddling?” Jeonghan laughs.
“Still only you.”
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10: Sunday - morning
The couch had been uncomfortable on a normal night, so Mingyu supposes it’s his own fault that he wakes up aching after a night of drinking and dancing at the wedding.
Stretching his arms over his head, he tries to ease the tight muscles in his shoulders, but he’s unable to get comfortable again.
He lays there for a few minutes, watching you dance in your cute bridesmaid dress on the back of his eyelids. He’s not sure if it’s you, the dress, or the visual combined, but he knows he’s going to remember last night for many years to come.
When he finally sits up, Mingyu looks towards your bed, and he’s not shocked to find you still sleeping. This is the third day waking up in the same room as you, and Mingyu’s becoming accustomed to the fact that you sleep in longer than he does.
He’s becoming accustomed to your cute, unsuspecting, resting face.
It makes sleeping on the couch worth it, and his sore muscles are almost forgotten- until he has to stand up, and they scream at him again.
Cheol is sitting up in his bed, scrolling through his phone, and he looks up when Mingyu stretches his arms above his head to release his shoulder tension.
‘Did you sleep well?’ Cheol mouths at him.
The two have been scared to even whisper in the mornings - scared to wake you up - and have adopted this silent way of communicating. Mingyu nods quickly, pointing back at his hyung as if to say ‘and you?’
Another quick nod, plus a thumbs up, then Cheol makes the motion of a man shoveling food into his mouth and points to the door.
Mingyu holds up his hand, ‘give me five minutes’ and slowly begins to tiptoe to the bathroom, where he can have some water, fix his hair, and change into better clothes. 
It’s a routine they’ve gotten used to, and for the third day in a row, Mingyu prays that when he exits the bathroom, by some miracle, you’ll be awake and eager to join them in the resort restaurant for breakfast.
Mingyu and Seungcheol - quite predictably - end up weathering the early morning elements without you, and it’s on the snowy path that Mingyu tells Cheol “I think I’m going to skip skiing today.”
“Really?” Seungcheol’s shock is written all over his face.
Mingyu nods. “I feel bad that we’re always ditching y/n- and we mostly go on the slopes she can’t ski on, so… I figured, after breakfast, I'd stay behind at the cabin and wait till she wakes up, then see what she wants to do today.”
There’s a long pause, and then Seungcheol sighs. “I see how it is.”
“You also walked her home last night after the dinner. Hannie, Joshie and I stayed up drinking, you usually join, but instead, you walked y/n home.”
“We were both tired,” Mingyu defends himself. “Watched a bit of a movie, then fell asleep.”
“Is that all that happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… part of me wondered if I should have stayed on Jeonghan and Joshua’s couch last night, to give you privacy.”
Mingyu’s heart skips a beat in his chest, and he fumbles with the hood of his parka. “We didn’t- we aren’t-”
“You guys danced a lot last night, then you walked her home… if it’s not like that then… well, people might get the wrong idea.”
“Who’s people?” Mingyu nearly laughs. “It’s just us here- you think anyone really cared last night?”
“I guess not.” There’s a pause, then Seungcheol changes the topic, asking, “What do you think you’ll have for breakfast today?”
It’s then that Mingyu realizes, someone did care last night, and that someone, is Cheol. 
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11: Sunday - afternoon
You’d been a little shocked to find Mingyu reading on the couch when you’d woken up from your long sleep, but when he’d explained to you that he’d stayed behind from skiing with friends to make sure you had a proper buddy for the day, your heart had melted.
After a slow start, the two of you had decided to rent some snow shoes and use the back slope trails, which is how you end up climbing one of the smaller mountains together.
“We’re almost at the top,” Mingyu tells you, pulling out the trail map provided by the resort. You try to catch your breath while he points to a spot on the paper. “I think we’re about here, so just-” he drags his finger up the green line, “this far to the top.”
“Are you sure?” you laugh, grasping onto his arm to pull yourself closer so you can get a good look at the map.
There’s a pause, then he shakes his head, “No. We could also be sort of lost.” 
“Don’t say that-” you grin, pushing at him, “you’ve been mostly using this map alright- I trust you, and your trail-following capabilities.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t though,” Mingyu insists. “Honestly, following maps is definitely Cheol’s thing. One time, we were on a road trip, and we were going down this road for half an hour before we had to pull over and he got to look at the map- we’d missed a turn and it set us back like two hours-”
“It’s easier to miss a highway turn than a trailhead,” you assure him. “Come on, we said we’d climb this small mountain, and then we can take the lift back down and finish our movie from last night at the cabin- just think about our nice, warm cabin-”
“Nice, warm cabin,” Mingyu nods, folding the map back up to put in the pocket of his parka. “Let’s go, we can do this.”
You watch the large, beautiful man pull away from you and continue your trajectory up, and you can’t help but smile, echoing the sentiment, “we can do this.” 
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12: Sunday - evening
Seungcheol had been surprised to find the cabin empty after skiing, and he’d been even more surprised when he went to the restaurant to find you and Mingyu not there either. 
However, he does find Jeonghan, who informs him that he’d seen you and Mingyu getting snow shoes a few hours ago, and Seungcheol’s heart sinks.
There’s a storm coming, and darkness has already begun to settle in across the resort- 
He hopes, for both your sakes, that you’re not on the top of the mountain, lost in the trails, when the worst of the winter weather hits.
After waiting diligently for his meal order to come through, Seungcheol ends up trekking back to your cabin with food and firewood in hand just as the snow begins to get heavier.
The last thing he expects when he enters your lodging, is to find you sitting there with a minty green facemask on, and for a second, he stands in the doorway just staring at you.
You break eye contact first, calling out “Cheol’s back!” and a moment later, Mingyu comes out of the bathroom, mid-facemask application.
“Cheol!” Mingyu beams, rubbing the green goo against his cheek, “you’re back from skiing!”
“I was back earlier-” Seungcheol closes the door behind him, “stopped here for a bit but you guys weren’t around.”
“We just got back from a snowshoe hike like, twenty minutes ago?” Mingyu tells him, looking at you for confirmation. Seungcheol watches the way you nod at Mingyu, and his friend lights up. This time, when he says “twenty minutes ago,” he says it with confidence.
“Well, I brought food and firewood,” Seungcheol sighs, kicking off his snow boots and entering the small space.
“Firewood?” You’re looking at him again, and Seungcheol can’t find it within himself to meet your eyes while you’re green in the face like this, so instead, he sets the food down and moves to the small cast iron fireplace in the corner.
“Did you think this cabin heats itself?” The question comes out much snarkier than he’d intended, and he regrets it as he begins to build the fire.
“No- I mean, I noticed it was cold when we got in twenty minutes ago- but I don’t know, I sort of assumed that maybe hotel staff would bring the wood and keep the embers going-”
Seungcheol scoffs. Of course another good deed of his would go unappreciated. 
“It’s plausible!” you try to insist.
“I never said anything.”
“You scoffed, you went like-” you mimic the throaty annoyed sound he’d made, “you went like that, a scoff- you scoffed at me!”
“Here’s your dinner,” Seungcheol pushes the bag of takeout towards you across the floor, eyes fixed on the fire he’s still building.
“What if I don’t want your food? What if I want to finish with this mask and go grab food for myself?” 
Seungcheol sighs again. “There’s literally a storm coming in- if you go out, you’re going to get windswept away- just eat the food I brought.”
“What if I don’t like the food you brought?” you insist again, and Seungcheol’s getting real tired of your bratty stubbornness. 
“You will, it’s what you’ve been eating for two nights in a row.”
This finally gets you to open the bag he’d brought, and you remove the three takeout items, eying them. “How did you know I like this?”
“Like I said- you’ve eaten it two nights in a row.”
“Why were you watching?”
“Oh my god,” Seungcheol groans, running a hand through his hair. “Just say thank you and eat your fucking food while I make this fire so you don’t freeze to death- why does everything have to be so hard with you?”
There’s a long pause, and he hears the sound of a food container opening. 
He’s thankful you’ve finally shut up and are going to eat.
“Even without the fire- this cabin is well insulated enough that we wouldn’t die,” you say after a moment. “The hotel wouldn’t be able to have a cabin where its renters could just die.”
If he hadn’t just lit the fire, Seungcheol might have considered allowing you to test your theory out of spite.
“You always need to have the last word, don’t you, brat?” He stands up, dusting his hands off on his pants before turning to look at you.
You open your mouth to respond- but quickly shrink under his hard gaze.
A moment later, you pick up the remote, and a movie begins to play.
At least in this, Cheol’s gotten the last laugh. 
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13: Monday - morning
“Fuck-” Jeonghan’s cursing does more to wake Joshua up than the knock at their cabin door had, and the younger irish twin goes to cover his ears while Jeonghan stumbles out of bed.
“Who is it?” Joshua groans, giving in and sitting up, squinting at the door that his brother throws open to reveal their eldest friend.
“Are you two really still sleeping?” Seungcheol pushes into the cabin, throwing his gloves down before gruffly kicking off his boots.
“What time is it?” Jeonghan asks, rubbing at his eyes and groaning before running back to nosedive into his bed.
“Late enough that you should both be awake.”
“Y/n’s not awake,” Jeonghan insists, tucking himself back under the covers, “and I don’t see Mingyu anywhere- why do they get a free pass from your bitching but we don’t?”
“Because they’re not my ski buddies today,” Seungcheol says smoothly. “Seriously, what’s up with you two- and why is it so cold in here?”
They all look towards the castiron fire place, and the emptiness of it gives Joshua a chill that he feels tingling through his entire body.
“We thought we had enough firewood to carry us over from the evening and into the night, so neither of us picked up any dry wood from the hotel yesterday-” Joshua begins to explain.
“Evidently you both ran out,” Cheol concludes, scanning the rest of the small space with his precise, all-knowing, eyes. His gaze lingers on the bottle of fireball on the coffee table. “Instead of running to get more wood, you guys took to drinking, huh?”
“It’s not like we were going to cuddle,” Jeonghan groans.
“So you’re both hung over.”
“Just a little,” Joshua sighs, swinging his legs out of his bed. “Give us half an hour and I can be up.”
“It’s funny,” Cheol says, moving to sit on the couch, “I just had a fight with your step-sister last night about whether we’d freeze to death if we forgot firewood- and at the same time, you guys were over here, resorting to fireball instead of an actual fire-”
“It’s not like we could go out and grab wood once we realized we didn’t have enough,” Jeonghan defends himself. “The storm was really bad.”
“And it’s going to be bad for the next few days,” Seungcheol tells them, “so you better get used to grabbing firewood every evening after dinner.”
Both of his friends groan. “Sure, dad,” Jeonghan buries his head in his pillows. “You know what? If you’re going to be like this, maybe I’ll sleep in and not be your ski buddy today.”  
“Mingyu ditched me yesterday, and now you’re ditching me today-” Seungcheol clicks his tongue, “am I really being that much of a dick this vacation?”
It’s Joshua who responds, pointing out, as thoughtfully as he can; “you have been more of a dick than usual.” 
To which Seungcheol replies, “Yeah, well, you guys have been pissing me off more than usual.” 
Except, Joshua knows it’s not necessarily he and Jeonghan who have been pushing Seungcheol’s buttons this trip- but he keeps that to himself. 
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14: Monday - afternoon
After skipping out on skiing with his friend and brother, Jeonghan had gotten some much-needed rest. Then, around lunchtime, he’d left his cabin in search of food only to bump into you and Mingyu doing the same thing.
As if that wasn’t coincidence enough, when your odd trio had entered the resort restaurant, you’d found Joshua and Seungcheol midway through their own meals.
Jeonghan had insisted you all join together, fully intending to meddle with you and your cabin mates. After all, he’d just gotten some sleep, and his mischievous mind was eager to stir the pot.
To his disappointment, the seating arrangements make poking people’s buttons difficult- with Cheol all but ignoring you from his vantage point as far from you as possible.
Despite the less-than-ideal format of your table, Jeonghan still finds a way to draw everyone into the conversation when he states, “so I heard there was a fight over cabin temperature last night.”
This earns Jeonghan a rough kick under the table from Cheol, as well as a harsh look from you. 
“Who said that?” you ask.
“Cheol did,” Jeonghan smiles through the pain in his shin, and this time, when Cheol goes to kick him, a quick movement of his leg has him narrowly avoiding his friend’s boot. “This morning, when he came to pick of Joshie for skiing.”
“It wasn’t a fight,” you go to insist, but the harsh glare you send Seungcheol’s way has Jeonghan nearly laughing.
“Definitely not a fight,” Mingyu confirms, and Jeonghan almost feels bad for the way he’s sat between you and Seungcheol. A man caught between two stormy personalities ready for a clash.
“If it makes you feel any better,” Jeonghan says, “we ran out of wood last night, and we didn’t die.”
You sigh, leaning back in your chair. “Well, that’s good to know.” 
“Y/n was saying last night,” Mingyu adds, “that she doubted we’d die without wood- hotel regulations and everything-”
“Was Cheol insisting you’d die without a fire?” Joshua’s eyes have widened, and he leans in, elbows on the table next to Jeonghan’s food. “Cheol? Really?” 
“He was just being dramatic,” you say, and Jeonghan watches the way his friend’s ears turn red at your statement.
“Says the girl who was going to go out in the storm instead of eating the food I brought for her.” Seungcheol crosses his arms over his chest, and a muscle feathers in his jaw. He’s glaring at his plate, and a thick tension blankets the table.
Jeonghan loves it.
But then something happens that he couldn’t possibly predict: your parents enter the restaurant, and before he knows it, you’re hopping up to go say hello to Seulki and your father, leaving the men to deal with the unresolved tension.
“Are you trying to start something?” Seungcheol whispers angrily as soon as you’re out of earshot, his angry gaze fixed on Jeonghan.
“Who, me?” Jeonghan touches his chest, pretending to be the most innocent person in the room. “I was just looking for conversation. Besides, we’re the one’s who forgot firewood last night, it’s quite embarrassing for us.”
“You don’t look embarrassed,” Seungcheol notes, sitting back in his chair.
“He has no shame,” Mingyu adds, nodding sympathetically.
“You’re right, I don’t,” Jeonghan’s grin widens, and he looks over Seungcheol’s shoulder to see you leaving the restaurant. “Now that it’s just us, I suppose I should be a good big brother and figure out which one of you intends to fuck my new step-sister.”
Mingyu had been taking a sip of his drink, and now he’s choking, which only adds to Jeonghan’s delight. 
“Jeonghan,” Joshua’s harsh warning bounces off the elder brother, whose smile is becoming something akin to the Cheshire Cat’s.
“Neither of us are going for your stupid step-sister,” Seungcheol growls, thumping Mingyu on the back to aid with the water caught in his lungs.
“Oh, so you’re both in denial?” Jeonghan’s eyes widen. “I’d thought at least Mingyu would fess  up.”
“Fess up to what?” Mingyu says between coughs. “I’m just being nice to her!”
Jeonghan nods. “Sure you are.”
“Why do you all think I want to fuck your stepsister?!” Mingyu whisper screams at his friends, doing a quick look around the restaurant before adding, “you guys are all horrible.”
“Cheol’s been bugging you about this too, huh?” It’s one of the first things Joshua’s really said, and Jeonghan realizes his brother is right. 
“Bet he had a lot to say about the way you danced with our sister at the wedding.”
“Were you all watching that?!” Mingyu’s eyes have widened. 
“It was quite the spectacle,” Jeonghan plays with his glass of water. “Cheol was jealous.”
“What!?” This time, when Seungcheol misses Jeonghan’s shin with his foot, the whole table shakes from impact along the underside of it. “Was not! I didn’t even dance with her- how could I be jealous when I never even danced with your stupid sister-”
“Stop calling her stupid,” Joshua’s harsh tone is a surprise to everyone, and the table goes quiet. “Just because you’re in denial about everything doesn’t mean you get to call our new sister stupid.”
“Someone’s taking their older brother role a little seriously-” Seungcheol lets out a whistle.
“Deflect all you want,” Joshua sighs, “Change the topic and make fun of me, but at the end of the day, you’re only making things harder on yourself… both of you.”
For a moment, both Seungcheol and Mingyu are put on the spot, then Seungcheol insists, “We’re not doing anything.”
“And denial is a river in Egypt,” Joshua sighs, shocking the whole table with a pop culture quote- something that’s very unlike him. “Cheol, you’re done eating, let’s leave these two and get a few more runs in before the storm makes skiing impossible.” 
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15: Monday - evening
Sitting on the floor with your roommates, roasting marshmallows on the fire while the storm rages outside, you find yourself noticing all the small details about them both.
It’s the first night that you’ve actually allowed yourself to take a breath and relax, accepting that, with the extreme weather, there is really nothing else that can be done except to work on enjoying your company.
Mingyu is easy, as you’ve grown accustomed to having him around. You’ve gotten used to his large form, the clumsiness and easy smiles.
Seungcheol, on the other hand, is something you’re newly exploring, sneaking glances at his side profile whenever you think he’s fully distracted in his marshmallow making.
Unlike Mingyu, who thrusts his treat into the fire and watches it burn, Seungcheol is meticulous about his food, preferring a spot where his marshmallow can slowly turn golden near the embers.
He’s got a pretty side profile, and there’s a stubborn set to his jaw when he focuses, eyes fixed on flames that light his face in pretty hues. 
His nose is also quite striking, and along with his strong brow, his face is altogether quite attractive, something you’ve been fighting yourself on since the moment you entered the cabin and he’d been cold to you.
There’s something about the duality of him that has your heart racing whenever he’s around. 
You’re never sure which Cheol you’re going to get.
You’ve had glimpses of his softer side, especially on your first day when he’d carried you to bed and then left you a map- then there’d been the way he brought you your dress shoes after you’d forgotten to pack them and trekked to the hotel in snow boots on the day of the wedding-
It seems as if Seungcheol is the kind of man who likes to do nice things for you when you’re not watching, but after your small altercation last night, wherein you’d realized he’s also been doing fire duty, you’ve made more of an attempt to notice small things.
 Small things like the way he takes the perfect golden marshmallow out of the fire, places it between two chocolate graham crackers, and hands it to you without a word, giving you the best s’more of the night.
He balances his kindness to you by offering Mingyu the s’more after, and you think he must be doing it as if to say ‘you’re not special, I’ll share with everyone’ but you can’t help but think there might be more to it. 
To your surprise, Mingyu is the first of the three of you to get sleepy, and after a quick washup in the bathroom, he’s collapsing onto the couch and falling asleep. 
For the first time since arriving at the cabin, you find yourself truly alone with Seungcheol, no big, human buffer to keep you both in line.
The silence is thick. Even so, in the quiet, Seungcheol gives you wide birth to go wash your face and brush your teeth while he cleans up the few items from your s’mores.
There’s hardly anything to be said, and the two of you find yourselves getting into your own beds in no time at all.
“Turning off the light,” Seungcheol tells you, hand reaching for the lamp chord. 
He pauses, waiting for your curt “okay” before following through with his statement of intent, and the room is captured in darkness.
The wind howls outside, drowning out any sounds of your roommates breathing, and for a little while, you can almost pretend you’re alone. 
In the dark, your mind begins to have all sorts of thoughts, and you surprise yourself when words slip out of you; “I’m sorry for calling you dramatic today.”
The air feels thick and heavy, a few beats of silence passing that almost convince you Seungcheol’s asleep, but then, he responds. “I’m sorry for referring to our disagreement last night as ‘a fight’ when I talked to Jeonghan this morning.” 
“It’s okay,” you say quietly. 
For a short while, you think nothing else is going to be said, but then; “Goodnight y/n.”
You take a breath, wrapping yourself tighter in your blankets. “Goodnight, Cheol.” 
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CONTINUE READING PART 2 HERE I note. the fic was too long to be posted in one tumblr post 🤪
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ash5monster01 · 5 months
Streetlife Serenade
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Chapter Three - Weekend Song 🎶
Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, money struggles, emotional vulnerability, mentions of sleeping together, minor language, just two kids in love.
Summary: You and Steve finally both get a weekend off of work and Steve wastes no time taking you on a little getaway for just the two of you. It may not be much but it’s enough.
word count: 2.5k
Two ←→ Four
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Winter 1986
If I'm gonna lose it I might as well be doin' it right
Steve can’t tear his eyes away from the clock. It had been like this his entire shift. Robin had already yelled at him twice for not helping her restock but how could he? How could he do something as mundane as putting movies on a shelf when he knew in just two hours you will be standing at your door and ready to go?
He had been working to hard anyway, picking up shifts just to fill the time when Robin and the kids were at school, and to spend more time with you. It had been back breaking and the overtime had run him down. The only thing even keeping him alive was doing a nine to five shift and knowing it was one step closer to getting enough money to share a life with you.
When the clock finally strikes five he’s out the door as fast as Cinderella at midnight, leaving Robin in his dust who just rolls her eyes because her best friend is dumb and in love. He knew he didn’t have the money to go on a trip but for the first time since starting at Family Video you both had the weekend off, so he was going to take his girl on a get away trip. Whether you picked him up, met him at the station, or rode in his car for hours. He couldn’t afford a vacation but he could take the strain if it meant going with you.
“Hey baby, you ready?” he calls out, pushing the door open to your home. When he sees you scurry down the stairs, bag hung over your shoulder he can’t help but smile.
“How was work?” you beam at him, arms coiling around his neck the minute his wrap around your waist. He presses a sweet kiss to your lips before providing an answer.
“Long, you ready?” he asks, desperate to hit the road and have you to himself all weekend.
“Yes Mr. Eager” you say, poking at his sides and he lightly flinches and pulls away.
“I’m just excited baby, we got some money to spend tonight” he grins that Steve Harrington grin at you and you just roll your eyes, used to effect he had on you.
“No we don’t but I suppose we can treat ourselves this one time” you smile back at him, knowing this was a big step in your relationship. This was your first trip together and even if it was small it meant things were getting even more serious between you.
“Yes, let’s do this thing” he claps and you roll your eyes, moving to put on your shoes. Steve shakes away his weekday blues as he lets the anticipation of the weekend envelop him. He knew pretty soon he’d be leaving with the wages he was receiving but at the very least he could treat you to something fun.
“Come on baby, take me away” he says as your hand interlocks his and you step out the door. You roll your eyes at his excitement despite secretly loving it.
You had been excited for this trip all day too, preparing and watching the clock for when Steve would arrive. Making sure you had a meal, shower, and change of clothes for the small getaway trip. When he finally came through that door it was like a breath of fresh air to your lungs. In just a few hours you’d be in Indianapolis, in a small motel, and seeing the city for the very first time.
Taking off down the road, dusk falling upon you, you fumble through the cassettes in Steve’s center console. Searching for the perfect road trip album. Just as your fingers find the colorful album art you grab it quickly and pop it into the stereo. Streetlife Serenader starting through the speakers. Suddenly Steve chuckles to himself and you give him a curious look.
“What?” you pry, hand curling around his arm on the gearshift.
“Nothing, I just think it’s funny I find a way to burn my money as quick as I earned it” he says, flashing you a smile that holds no regret. As much as you both had been saving up to get out of that crummy job, small set backs like this made it all worth it. You can’t have a future together if you don’t spend time together now.
“You’ll earn it back next week” you tell him, eyes glancing over his form. The boy you had come to love so much in the last year.
“I’d just broke even tonight, but I know it’ll be alright. There is no one else I’d rather be doing this with than you” he says, leaning over to offer a quick kiss before facing the road.
“I’m excited. I’ve never been to a big city. What do you think the canal is like?” you muse, excited to be somewhere other than small town Hawkins for once.
“Big, what do you think the motel bed will look like?” he asks, daring a glance at you and you gasp softly, hand reaching to smack his chest.
“Steven, it’s vacation. We can’t stay in the room the whole time” you tell him with the shake of your head and he laughs.
“I know Rosy but I just worked an eight hour day at the video store and am now driving for God knows how long. I’m dreaming of that bed and more specifically you in it” he tells you earnestly and your ears burn pink, proving that nickname even further. Steve just smiles at your reaction and lets go of the gearshift to lace his fingers with your own.
“We’ll be there soon enough” you tell him, lifting his hand to press a soft kiss to his knuckles.
It was shocking how the closer you got to the city, the more you could see the bright light in the distance. You had heard how cities were always awake and until now you never really understood what that meant. It’s not until the car finally meets road between sky high buildings, lit up like Christmas trees, do you understand exactly what that means. By this time now in Hawkins the street lights would barely be providing enough light to make it down the road but here, the street was clear as day.
“It’s so beautiful” you tell Steve, an excited grin plastered across your face. You can’t tear your eyes away from the people walking the streets, laughing and talking into the night air. Something you’d never see in small street Hawkins. The only night life there was in Hawkins was high school parties in the woods.
“I’ve seen better” Steve says, mischief dripping from his tone as he eyes you in the front seat. You just roll your eyes until Steve needs help navigating the hotel. After two missed turns since you weren’t paying attention to the map, do you finally pull into the two story motel.
“Hurry up, I want to see the room” you urge him when he takes to long to collect the bags and Steve just laughs.
“Says the girl who just picked on me for wanting to see the bed” he says, shutting the trunk and holding each of your bags in each arm.
“Don’t dwell on it now, let’s move it mister” you jump excitedly and he shakes his head even though he loves you and your excitement.
Quickly checking in you discover you’re on the second floor and facing the street, your excitement carries your feet swiftly up the stairs and Steve right behind you. Using the key to unlock the door you’re met with a small room, pink sheets, and brown carpet. It’s nothing special but it’s perfect. You’ve turned and thrown yourself in Steve’s arms before he even has a chance to set down the bags and the boy laughs.
“Happy?” he asks and you nod before pulling back and kissing him as hard as you can.
“Why don’t we freshen up and get some dinner?” you offer as you pull away and steve nods with a smile.
“Sounds like a plan” he agrees easily. He didn’t have the money to be spending on dinner but based on the way his stomach rumbled and the smile on your face, he would do it. He doesn’t wanna stand here and sound accusing since everybody does their share of losing, but if he’s gonna lose, he might as well be doing it right.
When you return from the bathroom content and ready to go, you find Steve has already begun to unpack your bags. Grabbing the sweet boy and his hand, you drag him out into the cool night air, illuminated by city lights and the glow of your love for on another. You never would’ve thought approaching the cute guy in the record store would lead you to this. You couldn’t imagine your life without Steve now, there was just something that made sense. You two just worked.
“Could you ever see yourself in the city?” Steve muses, shoving a french fry in his mouth as he watches you from across the table in a small diner.
“I don’t know, I don’t think so” you respond with the shake of your head, eyes glancing over the various customers here on a late night. As much as the city was beautiful there was no community.
“Why’s that?” he questions further and you shrug, eyes cast on your half ate burger.
“As much as it’s exciting, no one knows anybody here. They’re all strangers and in a way it’s really lonely. When I go somewhere in Hawkins I know everybody. I like having those relationships. Makes me feel like I belong. I don’t think anyone could ever really belong to a city” you finally tell him, eyes shining into his own and Steve smiles.
“Same, even with all the bad things that have happened in Hawkins over the years I couldn’t really see myself leaving everyone, especially the kids” Steve tells you, hand running through his hair and you grin when one strand falls right back into place, stubborn as ever.
“King Steve hasn’t dreamed of living somewhere grander?” you tease and Steve rolls his eyes at the nickname you know he hates. You use it anyway, knowing with you he’d never have a chance to mind.
“Just with you” he answers simply, stunning you silent and you can’t help the cheesy grin that crosses your face.
“Steve Harrington would move out of his parents big luxurious house to just to bum it with a girl” you say but Steve’s stare never falters, eyes locked into your own as he tries to convey every emotion he’s ever had towards you.
“Not just any girl, you” he smiles, voice just barely above a whisper, and you have to glance away from the intensity of his stare. Your cheeks burn pink, reiterating the nickname he had gifted you all that time ago.
“I’m nothing special” you say with the shake of your head, hands reaching to tuck some hair behind your ears. Steve sighs, eyes glancing along the neon lights of the small diner, taking in the smell of grease heavy in the air, and the buzz of the milkshake machine.
“Rosy, before you I never thought I’d be happy again. That I was just one of those guys who peaked in high school and never really found anyone who would love him. Then on a particularly sad day when I wanted to feel close to my Grandpa, I ended up finding you” he tells you earnestly and finally you lift your eyes to meet his own again, a smile covering your face.
“You think it was fate?” you grin, hand reaching across the table to meet his own and Steve just smiles back, thumb brushing over your knuckles.
“Maybe but that day I told you my Grandpas favorite Billy Joel song was the one that described how he felt about my Grandmother and how the right women could turn you around and heal you when you least expect it. You did that to me Rosy, you healed me” he says and the seriousness in his eyes only furthers his point. Your heart is hammering in your chest because you had been waiting a year for Steve to tell you he loves you and this is the closest you had ever gotten. You knew that he did but sometimes it was all you wanted.
“So I’ve got the way?” you ask and Steve smiles, lifting your hand to his lips. Pressing a slow and soft kiss to your knuckles.
“You got more than that baby, you got my whole heart” he tells you and you quickly let go of his hand, rushing over to his side of the booth and practically landing in his lap.
“I’m not hungry anymore, let’s go back to the hotel” you tell him and he laughs, eyes crinkling as he does and you have the urge to kiss him now more than ever.
“Now someone is finally coming around to spending time in bed” he telased you, finger poking into your side, and you roll your eyes as he pulls some cash out of his wallet.
“Whatever, let’s just go” you say, pulling him up and out of the booth to make the short walk back. The city is still just as alive as it was thirty minutes ago and Steve’s confession has made you feel more alive than you’ve ever felt. His pace is swift, eager to be back in the motel, and particularly in bed with you.
“Ooh, postcards!” you grin, eyes catching the new stand that you couldn’t believe was still open this late at night.
“Oh come on, don’t get distracted now” Steve pouts and you can’t help the giggle that escapes past your lips, letting go of his hand to file through the different cards.
“Hey, I promised Dustin I would send one every day we were here” you tell him and Steve shakes his head, arms hooking around your waist as he pulls you close, chin resting on your shoulder.
“Rosy we’re here to three days, barely” he tells you but you’re still just as determined as ever. Loving the kids that came along with being his girlfriend.
“I promised” you pout, finally landing on the one you loved and Steve just chuckles as you pay for it, scribbling a quick message, and sending it off. Preparing to walk away you don’t expect Steve to stop you, hand pulling you back from leaving just quite yet.
“Wait, I gotta write one too” he says, hands grasping a colorful postcard that says ‘Greetings From Indianapolis’.
“For who?” you question but he just hides it, scribbling the pen and address on the card quickly as he hands it to the man behind the stand.
“Don’t worry about it” he tells you and you let it go since you’re desperate to get back to the motel and spend the rest of the weekend with the boy you love.
Which in three days when you return home, you find the postcard amongst your mail with three scribbled words on it.
I love you.
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smellystars · 7 months
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Storm Warning
You’ve finally made it, after a years of hard work you and your boyfriend Lucas have saved enough to take a vacation to Miami.
You were so excited to finally take a break and relax with your handsome boyfriend. The best part is that you are always going to be outside so you don’t have to worry about Lucas’s constant powerful gas. When you both started to become serious you went through the normal stages but one thing that Lucas always avoided was farting in front of you. You never really thought about it, you let rip in front of him and he would laugh and say, “hahaha good one”. You thought that maybe he didn’t feel comfortable enough but that was wrong, “my gas can be uhhh kinda strong” Lucas said nervously. You insisted that you could take it and that he had nothing to worry about. He begrudging accepted what you said and let one rip. A stream of gas 40 seconds long excited his ass
You fell to the ground from the shaking caused by his gas. The smell filling your apartment in an instant. Furniture, cabinets and loose objects shaking and moving. “Ahhhhhhh not too bad for a small one right?” Lucas says while looking at you nervously. You pick yourself up, “oh it’s not that bad, wow you weren’t kidding about them being strong huh?” You both laugh and from then on he would give you a warning before letting rip so you could prepare yourself but most of the time just let rip after work for an hour so nothing would get damaged.
You sit on the beach soaking in the sun as Lucas runs right in front of you wearing a blue, white speedo. You can’t help but just stare at your boyfriend well trained body. While staring you hear a loud groan, “oh I’ll be right back babe.” Is all you hear as Lucas runs down the beach in the opposite direction. You wonder what that was about but remember that sushi he had ate before coming to the beach and started to worry about the effects that would have on Lucas.
You don’t have to wait as you feel the ground shaking, and then hear an extremely loud deafening sound
Sand castle topple, beach towels, bags and umbrella are sent flying all the way to the other side of the beach. Gale force winds hit you and everyone else in the line of fire. Some people get blown down the beach other dig their feet into the sand to try and make their way to one of the buildings lining the beach. a literal sandstorm created as a result of Lucas’s destructive gas. The smell of a gas station bathroom spreading across the beach and surrounding area that not even the outdoors could dissipate. As the fart keeps going for 5 mins there was a pause. You wipe the sand from your face and make a b-line for where Lucas should be. You find him on all fours panting from the extreme amount of gas that just exited him.
“LUCAS ARE YOU OKAY?” you yelled as your ears were still ringing. “Yeah sorry babe I didn’t know it would be this bad”Lucas says while panting a brownish haze now all over the beach, some people unconscious and those who weren’t are uncontrollably coughing.
“Well at least it’s over. Let’s………” you were interrupted as Lucas stomach gurgles again. You yell, “GET INSIDE, GET EVERYONE OFF THE BEACH”. The beach goers scramble grabbing those unconscious and running inside of the closest buildings. Lucas then gets up and runs towards the sea and starts to swim a bit out. You follow him swimming behind him watching each glistening wet cheeks move with each stroke. Once a bit out Lucas floats with his back facing you, he hold his stomach and tells you to get in front of him. You listen and swim to front of him and hold him by the side. He looks at you and says “I’m sorry”. In an instant the area around you was turned into a hot tub, bubbles rising constantly not being able to see into the water. Fish start to rise from the depths dead and then you hear Lucas grunt.
A giant wave is formed behind Lucas, as big as a tsunami. The wave makes way towards the beach hitting land and destroying the buildings along the beach and making its way into the city a bit destroying the closest buildings to the beach and spraying smelly water halfway ingot the city. You look at Lucas“Whew I feel so much better” he says as you both look at the destruction left in his gassy wake.
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milawritesstuff · 2 years
Can u do gavi and reader going on vacation with gavi's family plssss <3
You and Pablo walked through the airport to arrivals where his parents were waiting for you two. This was your first time in Sevilla and you were excited to spend some time with Pablo and his family but also nervous. His parents found the two of you and his dad took your luggage as you all walked to their car.
-I’m so glad you two are here.- said his mom as she opened the car door for you to step in and she gave her son a hug.
You and Pablo sat in the back as his father began to drive off. You were extremely nervous and your boyfriend knew it. You felt as he grabbed your thigh and squeezed it a bit causing you to turn around to look at him. You smiled at each other and he leaned into your ear. -Everything is going to be okay.- he whispered.
When you got to his family’s house his mom gave you the tour. -And this is where you will stay Y/N.- she said opening up a door.
-Does she really have to stay in Aurora’s room?- Gavi rolled his eyes. His mom turned to look at him. -Pablo, she will be more comfortable here. Besides Aurora won’t be here.- you smiled.
They left you alone to unpack your suitcase. You heard a knock on the door. -Can I come in?- said Gavi.
He stepped in and you smiled. He approached you and took you in for a hug. He rested his head on your shoulder. -I’m going to miss sleeping by your side.- he said.
-It’s just for a few days Pablito.- you reassured him.
That night you were all going out for dinner. You put on a white dress and began to laugh when Gavi opened the door to the room and began to whistle.
You rolled your eyes. -Pablo, please stop.-
-I’ll stop when you stop being so damn gorgeous.- he hugged you and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
Thirty minutes later you were all on your way to dinner. As you waited outside of the restaurant a little girl walked by and looked up at you.
-You are beautiful.- she yelled. Your cheeks began to burn because everyone turned to look at you. You bent down and looked at the little girl. -You know you’re beautiful too?- she giggled.
-What’s your name?- you asked her.
-Nice to meet you guapa Lucia.-
The little girl began to giggle and ran towards her parents. As you stood up you could feel Gavi’s mom looking at you. You looked at her and smiled.
-You like kids?- she asked. You raised your shoulders. -I’m an only child and don’t really have cousins but I love little kids.-
She smiled and nodded. She looked over se Gavi and sent him a smile too.
-When the time is right.- she said. -I’m sure got and Pablo will be great parents.-
That was the first source of affirmation you had received from Gavi’s mother. Prior to that you thought she in fact hated you because you were keeping her son in Barcelona. He had began to visit less since the two of you began to date.
Dinner went by smoothly. The four of you laughed and shared stories.
-And what is the plan once you’re done with uni?- asked his dad. You turned over to look at Gavi.
-I want to go do some additional classes in Italy.- you said as you took a bite of your food.
-Like stay there for a while?- his mom asked. You nodded. -It’s a year course. Once I’m done with that miss job opportunities would open up.-
-She has a wonderful plan.- said Gavi as he held your hand and squeezed it. You smiled at him. You saw as his parents looked at both of you and smiled.
You feel asleep on your way home. Your head rested on Gavi’s shoulder. You opened your eyes. -Let’s get you up to your room.- he said. You got out of the car and grabbed his hand as he led you.
-Buenas noches.- you said to his parents as you walked past them in the kitchen. They smiled and said goodnight. As you Ana Gavi were walking up the stairs you heard his mom in the back.
-Pablo, if Y/N is more comfortable switch her stuff to your room.- he turned over to you and smiled.
-They love you.- he said.
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mrshigurumasshop · 2 years
Middle Seat | H. Iwaizumi ~ your boyfriend turns out to be even a bigger gentleman than he already was
➤ ft: timeskip!iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
➤ content warning: fluff, airplanes(?), not proofread bc i’m tired
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Oh, Iwaizumi is the biggest gentleman you’ve ever known when it came to dating.
When you guys first started seeing each other, he was already top-tier compared to the other people that came along your way in the dating world. He did the bare minimum of course but he’d top each and every gesture every time you guys are together.
He offered to meet up first in separate cars once you were comfortable enough with him. And once you were he always went to you wherever you were at. He’d wait for you outside his car or he’ll walk up to get you and walk to the car right beside you. Then he’d always open the car door or any door for that matter and let you in/out first.
He’d guide you through crowds with either him intertwining his fingers with yours as you lead the both of you away from everyone else or he’d keep his hand resting on your lower back or waist and gently lead you through the crowd.
And holding your bags was something that was your favorite thing about him. Iwaizumi had no shame in wearing your purses, backpacks, and even clutches.
“The hell you looking at?” Iwaizumi sighed in annoyance as he hears his best friend snicker like a little witch.
“Why-,” Oikawa snorted, “Why you wearing a pink purse?”
“Tch,” Iwa scoffs before side-kicking Tory’s ass making him yelp, “It’s Y/n’s, dipshit. And it’s just a damn purse I’ve seen your sister dress you up like a doll and you were happy about it.”
After that, Toru wouldn’t stop his quiet whining/mumbling after gasping like an overdramatized soap opera actor. Like hell Iwa was gonna let someone like Toru make fun of him for wear a necessity - your words not his.
But today, even after all of those gestures that get better each day, the beginning of your guy’s vacation was ultimately your favorite gesture he’s done.
You guys were headed out to Spain for your four year anniversary. It was your first vacation together on a plane so were extra excited. Iwa had you carry the smaller bags while he rolled the suitcases along with a bigger backpack. He checked you guys in, went through TSA efficiently, and got breakfast. About two hours later it was time to board the plane.
Your seats were a window and middle seat so you were kind of uncomfortable being in the middle with a stranger for a long plane ride. But you sucked it up and brushed it off because you weren’t going to let it get to you.
After you and Iwa put away your carry-ons in the baggage hanger you looked at Iwa and waited for him to go in first. He looked at you like you were slow for a second with slightly furrowed eyebrows, “What’s up, babe?” he asked.
You tilted your head in confusion. “Oh, I’m waiting for you to get in first. I figured you’d want the window seat,” you said.
Then he looked at you like you were stupid. Wide eyes with raised eyebrows. You were practically ready to get scolded by him because he looked so baffled by your answer. “Why would I sit in the window seat and have you sit next to a stranger?” he asked.
You stood there in silence because you genuinely didn’t have an answer. Like you just assumed that’s what was going to happen. Counting by the more obvious look on your face, he assumed that you thought you were sitting in the middle.
He scoffed with a chuckle, “You’re lucky I love you. Go sit down,” he said before placing a kiss in your forehead.
Your cheeks burned red out of a small bit of embarrassment because he made it seem like it was obvious you weren’t going to sit in the middle. Before you could overthink the embarrassment even more, Iwa laughed making you snap out of that bubble.
“Quit thinking about it so much, sweets,” he kissed your cheek as he sat down next to you, “You’re gonna be more comfortable there. I’m not havin’ you be uncomfortable next to a stranger.”
You smiled softly as you kissed his shoulder, then his cheek, and then his lips. “You treat me like a princess way too much,” you mumbled against his shoulder with more tiny kisses.
Iwa chuckled again as he kissed your forehead, “As I should, you mean everything to me, my love,” he smiled.
Two days later, he proposed during a private dinner off the coast in Palma, Spain.
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Words: 1,825
POV: 3rd Person
Pairing: TFW x Male!Reader [Platonic]
Warning(s): The term 'wet ass pussy' is used frequently, crack!fic, embarrassment, discomfort, language, I cried laughing while writing this...
Summary: When the reader decides to listen to music in order to combat the exhausting amount of research he has to do, a certain angel hears the lyrics of one of the songs, leading to some rather...uncomfortable questions.
A monster had entered Lebanon, and no one had any idea what it was. Some signs pointed to vampires, others pointed towards a werewolf, and Dean swore there were signs of wendigo activity, but Sam was skeptical about Dean’s findings. After they interviewed the victims’ families and searched around the sites where the individuals were last seen, the group was still limited on clues that would give them a definite answer. So, they decided to head back to the bunker and do the one thing they were least excited to do;
They knew that it was going to be a gruesome task - looking through all the text in the Men of Letters bunker - to try and find exactly what they were hunting. They enlisted the help of Castiel, giving him his first taste of what researching entailed. The four of them were gathered around a table in the library, noses deep in books and websites as they scoured the seemingly endless resources at their disposal. 
After several hours, multiple closed tabs, and two stacks of books, they seemed to be getting nowhere. Everyone was starting to feel fatigued and all of them wanted nothing more than to take a break. However, despite the feeling of exhaustion, they kept going. It was different when the unknown monster was right on their doorstep.
(Y/N) let out a sigh as Sam dropped the book in front of him, a cloud of dust emitting from the leather-bound cover. He coughed and covered his mouth. 
“Care to explain why we can’t take a break from research?” (Y/N) questioned, clearing his throat as he raised a brow.
 Sam walked over to the other side of the table, sitting down with his book in hand. “The monster’s not going to take a break from killing people, so we can’t take a break from researching.” He replied, a sigh following his response. 
(Y/N) groaned. He unclipped the binding on the side of the book and opened it up to reveal the yellowed pages. “I wish these damned monsters would get a life and take a vacation.” He grumbled. 
Dean snorted from beside his brother, eyes glued to his laptop as he took a swig of beer. “You and me both.” 
“Well, if I’m going to keep researching, then I’m going to be listening to music while I do so,” (Y/N) reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and earbuds. He placed one into his ear. “Just tap my shoulder if y’all need something,” he mumbled before placing the other bud into his ear. 
He began to search through the different playlists that he made, each of them meant for a different mood he was in. There was a playlist dedicated to helping him relax, one to help wake him up, one to help him sleep, one to pump him up for upcoming hunts, and many more. At that point, the last thing he wanted to listen to was quiet, soothing music. He needed something to keep him awake and hype him up while continuing the research. Once he settled on a playlist, he clicked on the first song before setting his phone down on the table beside him. 
The music soon began to flow through the earbuds, encasing (Y/N) in his own little world as his gaze moved to the text in front of him. For several minutes, his eyes were trained on the book as different pop, hip-hop, and rap songs filled his ears. His head moved up and down slowly in a rhythmic motion as he read over the faded words, flipping the pages to try and find the answer they needed. 
Soon, a familiar tune filled his ears, followed by the words to one of his favorite songs. 
Whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house (hol' up)
I said certified freak, seven days a week
Wet ass pussy, make that pullout game weak, woo! (Ah)
(Y/N)’s head movements immediately shifted to the rhythm of the song and he fought back the urge to sing along. As the song played, he was finding it more and more difficult to focus on the book rather than the lyrics. It was a great distraction from the necessary research at hand. 
Tie me up like I'm surprised
Let's role-play, I wear a disguise
I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage
Make it cream, make me scream
Out in public, make a scene
I don't cook, I don't clean
But let me tell you, I got this ring (ayy, ayy)
(Y/N) had now completely abandoned the book in front of him as he continued to listen to the song. His eyes were still cast down at the book, but nothing was sinking in as he scanned over the same line of text over and over again. He began to sing along to the song in his head. 
Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me (Yeah)
Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me (Yeah)
I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm 'bout to be (Huh)
I'll run down on him 'fore I have a (Ayy) runnin' me
A light tap on his shoulder startled (Y/N) from his trance. He turned towards the direction of the tap to see Castiel pulling his hand back towards him. (Y/N) raised his brows as he reached over, paused the song, then took one of his earbuds out. 
“Yeah?” He asked. 
Castiel stared at him with a confused expression, opening his mouth to speak but finding himself unable to find the words that he was looking for. He looked down at the table, the floor, then back at (Y/N). (Y/N) reached up and took his other earbud out, giving Castiel his full attention.
“What’s up, Cas?” He asked once more. 
Still, Castiel couldn’t seem to form the question he wanted to ask. Dean glanced up over his computer screen and took another sip of beer. “Just spit it out, Cas,” he chimed in.
Castiel was finally able to find the words that he was looking for. “(Y/N)...” he trailed, his voice filled with uncertainty. “What is…what does ‘wet ass pussy’ mean?” 
Dean choked on his beer, causing it to spill out of the corners of his mouth. It threw Dean into a coughing fit. He scooted his chair back and leaned forward. Sam stared at Castiel with wide eyes for a moment before he looked over at his brother. He reached over and began to pat his back. Meanwhile, (Y/N) stared at Castiel with a wide deer-in-headlights look, mouth hung open. Castiel studied the three for a moment before he shrunk back into his seat. 
“Did I say something inappropriate?” He asked in a quiet tone, a look of shame crossing his face. 
(Y/N)’s mouth moved up and down, the flabbergasted expression still present on his face as he tried to think of a response. At that point, Dean had stopped coughing and his and Sam’s eyes were staring right at (Y/N). 
“Um…uh…” (Y/N)’s mind was blank, still in shock from the question. Castiel stared at him intently, sharp blue eyes seemingly piercing into his soul. Finally, (Y/N) cleared his throat and sat up. “Why, um…why do you ask?” 
Castiel gave a gentle nod toward (Y/N)’s phone. “You were listening to a song.” He said. “It mentioned something about ‘wet ass pussy’. I’ve never heard that term before, so I was curious as to what it meant.” 
“Was my music too loud?” (Y/N) asked, trying to steer clear of any explanation he had to give. He glanced towards Sam, then Dean, then finally at Castiel.
Sam and Dean shook their heads in response, their eyes still attached to him. Castiel shook his head as well. 
“No. your music was at an adequate volume. I heard it in your head.” 
“Ah…” (Y/N) nodded his head slowly. He folded his hands on the table in front of him and bit his lip. 
“I believe ‘wet ass pussy’ has something to do with sex when it is compared to the other lyrics of the song.” 
“Cas, can you please stop saying ‘wet ass pussy’.” (Y/N) spoke in a slightly strangled tone of voice. 
“Was I correct?” 
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before he looked towards the brothers, who both had mirroring looks of amusement. “A little help here,” he grumbled between gritted teeth. 
Sam and Dean both shook their heads. Sam threw his hands up, signaling that he was staying out of it while Dean smirked and reached for his beer again. “This is all on you, buddy,” he piped up. 
(Y/N) let out an exasperated sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair stressfully. Certainly, he couldn’t explain what ‘wet ass pussy’ meant to an angel, right? That was just guaranteeing him a one-way ticket to Hell at that point. He weighed his options. He could be teased relentlessly as he explained what the term meant to Castiel while simultaneously securing the number one spot in Hell next to Crowley, or he could be teased regardless and hope that he could still get into Heaven. 
He decided to save himself from any further embarrassment. 
Quickly, (Y/N) stood from his seat, the legs of the chair scraping against the concrete floor. He closed the book in front of him and brought it close to his chest.
“I think I’m going to continue researching in my room.” He stated. 
He grabbed his phone and struggled to place it into his pocket, followed by his earbuds, before escaping the room as quickly as he could. Sam and Dean watched him with smirks on their faces while Castiel just watched in confusion as his friend retreated. Sam and Dean looked at one another, Sam shaking his head before he returned to the book in front of him. Dean, on the other hand, let out a deep chuckle before turning his attention back to the computer screen. Castiel’s eyes were cast down, his lips pursed and back slouched ever so slightly. 
After a while, Castiel sat upright in his seat and placed his folded hands in his lap. 
“What is ‘wet ass pussy?” He asked, looking towards Sam and Dean for some type of answer. 
Sam and Dean looked up at him, then at each other, then back at him. 
“We’ll have (Y/N) tell you later, Cas,” Sam finally answered. 
Seeming slightly satisfied with the response, the three of them got back to researching while (Y/N) sat in his room, forgetting about the case altogether and trying his best to rid himself of the horrible feeling of discomfort he was experiencing. 
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punkette1026 · 1 year
Baby Moon- The Departure
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The day has come for the baby moon that Joel had promised you. However Joel not so keen on flying, needs a little reassurance that everything will be okay.
Here is part 2 of my Mistaken Identity One Shot. I have gotten many requests for a part 2 from readers especially @tiredweeb7 .
If you want to read more of my stories, click here for my Pedro Pascal Masterlist
This will be a multi part series if there is any interest.
Thank you for all the support and please let me know what you think!
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Today was the day. Butterflies began to fill your stomach as soon as your eyes flickered opened. Today you and your husband Joel were going on that baby moon that he promised you. A four-day getaway to the Bahamas. Four days of zero kids, room service, and just you and Joel. You were now entering your fifth month of pregnancy and boy you were just glowing. Joel couldn’t keep his hands off of you. However, dealing with your hyperactive five-year-old and a teen who was busy with sports, left you and Joel exhausted and barely any time to yourselves. Just the thought of finally being alone with your husband made your inner thighs ache. You couldn’t wait for Joel to be between them again.
Looking over, you spotted the man of so many wet dreams still sleeping soundly on his side facing away from you. Scooting closer to him, you wrapped your arm around his bare stomach and took his hand into yours. It took a second for him to stir, but as you peppered kisses up and neck and shoulder, his breathing began to change, and he gingerly squeezed your hand back. “The sun’s barely even out darlin. Why the hell are you up so early?” he mumbled, not bothering to even open his eyes.
You giggled and buried your head into his neck, “Babe, I’m too excited to sleep. What time do we leave again?”
Joel lifted his head up and peaked at the clock, “Darlin, we don’t leave till like 8 tonight. Please try to go back to bed. Lord knows when Benny will be up.” Your five-year-old tended to be up at the early hours of the morning. He was an early riser like you and would barge into your bedroom as soon as his eyes opened.
“Babe, he isn’t going to be up for a while. You wore him out chasing him around the backyard last night. Can we just start this baby moon a little earlier,” you pouted your bottom lip out at him.
“You are such a brat,” Joel groaned finally turning around to face you. He then placed his hands on your growing belly and placed a quick kiss on it, “Please be like your ol’ man baby girl and be a sound sleeper like me. I would appreciate at least one of my kids not sendin me to an early grave.”
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” you playfully smacked his shoulder. “Can I get my morning kiss now?” you battered your eyelashes at him.
Joel just rolled his eyes and leaned down gently pressing his lips down on yours. You moaned and began running your hands up his bare chest to the dark graying curls of his head. You loved the way they were silky smooth and ran through your fingers. You felt Joel start to pull away and it took all that you had to not pull him back. Your pregnancy hormones were going crazy.
“Where the hell are you going Miller?” you groaned as he began to sit up.
“I gotta take a leak darlin,” he laughed as he got out of bed. You couldn’t help but stare at his ass and thought about how good it looked in those black tight briefs of his.
By the time he got back, it seemed that your baby girl was awake too. She was kicking away at your insides causing you to groan in pain every once in a while. “I think we got another soccer player on our hands,” you laughed at the tiny but powerful thumps under your hands.
“Or maybe we can even put her in karate like we are gonna do with Ben. Maybe then she could kick those gross boys’ asses when I’m not around,” Joel joked but not really, as he got back into bed and took you into his arms. “Are you ready for a kid free vacation?”
“Yes very. Don’t get me wrong, I love the kiddos, but I can’t wait for some mommy and daddy time.”
“I can’t wait for that either darlin. I’ve missed you so much. As much as I love the late-night shower sex, I miss makin love to my wife in an actual bed,” he said as he moved the strap of your tank top and began to nibble at your collarbone.
You groaned leaning your head to the side so he could kiss your neck. “I also can’t wait to lounge around in the sun and work on my tan. Hopefully it can help with my stretch marks,” you said self-consciously. Even with Benny your stretch marks weren’t this bad this early.
Joel stopped his nibbling and took your face gently into his hands, “Hey they are beautiful darlin. It’s just a reminder that our little girl is growin in there. However, I wouldn’t mind latherin you up in sunscreen if you’d like. Gives me a chance to touch my wife all over out in public.”
“Such a dirty old man,” you laughed at him and kiss his lips. “I still can’t believe you even booked us first class tickets. I’ve never thought that I would fly first class.”
“And I’ve never thought I’d fly before,” Joel mumbled under his breath and laid back down.
You looked at him in complete shock. You thought you knew everything about him. “You’re kidding me, right? You have never flown? I thought you said you’ve been to Vegas before.”
Joel’s face grew red with embarrassment, and he pulled the covers over his face to hide it, “I did, and I drove there. I’ve just never been fond of the idea of someone else take my life into their hands in a big hunk of metal. Besides, I’ve heard too many horror stories about airports,” he told her honestly.
You pulled the covers back to take a look at him and you could see him nervously chewing on his bottom lip. “Well, I promise you that you have nothing to worry about babe. I have flown plenty of times and it’s always been smooth sailing. Besides you can’t necessarily drive to the Bahamas,” you reassured him.
However, before he could retort, the bedroom door flew open and a half asleep pissed off Sarah stood there with a giggling Benny in her arms. “I bring you your spawn,” she mumbled walking over to Joel and dumping Benny into his arms before walking off and closing the door behind her.
“Not gonna lie, she is starting to scare me,” you spoke up once she was gone. You could hear her bedroom door slam in the distance.
“It’s only gonna get worse darlin. Not to mention that we still have another 18 years ahead of us when baby girl gets here,” Joel chuckled as Benny squirmed in his arms. “Why were you in your sisters room bubba?”
“I was trying to find treats,” Benny told him honestly.
You took your son into your arms and began to tickle him, “I thought I told you that those are for her soccer team kiddo. If you are hungry, you should have come to get mommy. But sit up for a second buddy. Daddy and I need to talk to you about something. Do you remember mommy telling you that you are going to go stay with grandma and grandpa?”
“Yep, you said that they would even buy me a toy!” he smiled up at you with his big brown eyes.
“No buddy, I said that they might buy you a toy if you are good,” you corrected him. “But you are going to go stay with grandma and grandpa tonight. Mommy and daddy are leaving for a couple of days.”
You watched as his happy face slowly turned into a frown as he realized you were going to leave him. His brown eyes instantly began to fill with tears. “But…but I don’t want you to go,” he cried and threw himself back into Joel’s arms. “Don’t go daddy!”
Your eyes began to fill up with his own tears as you watched Joel comforting your son, running his hand up and down his back. “It’s gonna be alright bubba. Me and mommy will be back before you know it and we will even bring you somethin back. Besides Sarah will be with you and you get to go to her soccer game,” Joel told him. “You like goin to those.”
“We aren’t leaving for a while anyways baby, so how about I go make some French toast and you and daddy can play with your cars till we leave. How does that sound?” you said trying to prevent a melt down from happening.
“Can…can we have bacon too?” Benny hiccupped and wiped the tears from his eyes.
Both you and Joel let out a laugh. “Yes, baby I’ll make some bacon too. How about you and daddy lay here for a bit, and I’ll come get you when it’s all ready okay,” you then placed a kiss on his curly head and a kiss on Joel’s lips before getting up and heading to the bathroom to get ready.
Once in the kitchen, it didn’t take long for you to get breakfast started and by that point, Sarah was finally fully awake and came skipping into the kitchen happily. Those teenage hormones were almost just as bad as your pregnancy ones. “Hey mom, breakfast smells great,” she greeted you as she grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge.
You were still in heaven when Sarah called you mom. She started calling you that about two years into your relationship with Joel when he proposed to you. You practically broke into tears the first time she called you that when you were tucking her into bed one night. “Morning baby. Sorry about your brother earlier. He was apparently trying to get into your soccer snacks.”
“It’s okay. He is lucky that he is adorable,” she laughed. She loved her little brother so much. Being a big sister was something that Sarah had always dreamed of. “So, are you and dad all packed and ready to go?”
“Yeah, just finished packing last night. Listen though, we talked to Benny about us leaving today and he had a little bit of a breakdown. I know you are probably going to hang out with your friends this weekend, but if you see him being sad, can you just give him a hug and let him know that we will be home soon.”
Sarah could see your eyes fill with tears and came around the counter to give you one of her big hugs, “Hey’s its okay mom, of course I will. I told my friends that I’m busy this weekend anyways. I really wanted to hang out with Benny and the grandparents anyways.”
God this girl never ceases to amaze you. She was perfect and you hoped that your baby girl looked up to her as a role model. “Thank you, baby. Now go get your brother and dad. Hopefully they didn’t fall back asleep.”
“Miller men. Thank god we are about to outnumber them,” you heard her snark under her breath. You just chuckled to yourself and continued to plate breakfast. You had just put the bacon on the table when you heard Sarah call out to you. “Mom come here quick!”
Fearing the worst, you dropped everything that you were doing and took off towards the bedroom. “What, what is it?” you asked out of breath looking around the room and not seeing Joel or Benny.
Your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. However, your fears were soon eased when you heard Benny’s little giggles coming from the bathroom.
“Look mommy!”
You made your way over to the bathroom and the sight before you almost made you burst into tears again. Joel, still shirtless was leaning over the sink trimming his mustache and beard, while Benny was next to him on the counter, shirtless as well with shaving cream all over his face.
“Look mommy I’m shaving like daddy!”
“Oh, you look so handsome baby, my little man. Stay still for me,” you told him as you went over to the nightstand to grab your phone. “Say cheese for me baby. Joel, turn around and look at me.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so darlin. Just take a picture of bubba,” Joel huffed trying to get out of the way.
“Joel Miller, stand next to your son now!” you snapped at him in your mom voice. Both Benny and Sarah let out muffled giggles as they watched their father get into trouble. Joel just gave you a small frown and stood next to Benny, obviously not happy. “Now smile or else.”
“Or else what darlin?” Joel tempted you, seeming to enjoy the authoritative side of you.
You placed you hands on your hips and tilted your head with a ‘really look.’ “Joel we are about to go on vacation alone with no kids. Do you really want to tempt me?”
That seemed to put Joel in check fast. His smug smile fell, and he quickly put his arm around Benny and gave you the fakest smile ever. You would take it and quickly took the picture before any more back talk happened, “See that wasn’t so hard was it. Now hurry up and get cleaned up. Breakfast is getting cold.”
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Several hours later, after breakfast and a family day of going to the park and having a picnic with the kids, you and Joel were sitting at the airport waiting for your plane to board. You were both emotionally exhausted. You had booked your flight near Benny’s bedtime hoping you would avoid any meltdowns. However, Benny decided to throw the biggest tantrum ever. As soon as he saw you, especially Joel, heading for the door, he began screaming and kicking, trying to throw himself out of your dad’s arms. Your mom tried to convince you to rip the band aid off and just leave, but Joel couldn't leave his son in that state. He took Benny into his arms and walked him around the front yard for a bit till Benny calmed down. He then handed him back to your father and the tantrum started up again. That time you and Joel decided just leave otherwise you would be late for your flight. So, you said your goodbyes and took off to the airport, both of you trying to keep it together.
“I just feel so guilty,” you said leaning onto Joel’s shoulder. “I could still hear him crying from the truck.”
“I know darlin, I didn’t want to leave him either,” Joel sighed. “But we needed to leave him. We needed this trip.”
You knew Joel was right. This was the first time that you had left Benny for a long period of time and he had to learn to be separated from you. Especially when the baby comes, and you would most likely be having to spend a day or two at the hospital. You didn’t want another repeat of tonight.
Gathering up your things as they began to call boarding for your flight, you took Joel’s hand into yours and felt how sweaty it was, “You okay baby?”
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just want to leave already,” you could hear the nervousness in his voice.
You couldn’t help but crack a smirk and wrap your arm around his waist, “It’s going to be okay. We will probably sleep through most of the flight anyways.”
“I ain’t sleepin a wink darlin. Don’t trust these damn things one bit. The sooner we get out of here, the better,” he mumbled. Normally it was cute when he acted like a grumpy old man, but after everything with Benny, you were exhausted and weren’t going to put up with much, much longer.”
A few minutes later you were boarding the flight and you were very excited. It still amazed you that you were boarding in first class. You would have been okay with sitting in coach cuddled up next to Joel for the next several hours. Finding your seats, Joel helped you put your carry ons up above before he sat next to you still looking stressed.
As the rest of the passengers began to fill the plane, a young flight attendant approached with some glasses of champagne, “Would you folks like a drink?” It looked so good. You missed alcohol.
“Really champagne, can you see that she is pregnant,” Joel snapped at the poor woman. “What kind of airline is this?”
“Joel calm the fuck down, it’s alright,” you looked at the flight attendant take a step back. If Joel got you thrown off the flight, he was dead. “I’m so sorry ma’am. This is my husbands first time flying and he is a little on edge. Can we just get some bottles of water. I thank you very much.” Once she left to get the water, you smacked Joel in the arm as hard as you could, “Alright you need to calm down now Miller. This is starting to get old. Take a look where we are. We are already on the plane, seated, and buckled up. We are going to the Bahamas whether you like it or not. Now sit back and shut the fuck up.”
Joel knew he pissed you off because he immediately sat back and shut his eyes, like he was afraid to look at you. When the flight attendant came back, that’s when Joel opened his eyes and turned to look at her, “I’m sorry about my outburst ma’am. I do apologize. My wife is right, I’m just a little nervous that’s all. I didn’t mean to be rude.”
“It’s okay sir, it happens more often than you think. At least you apologized. Here, I brought you your water and a little gift too. Normally we give these to kids who fly for the first time but figured you could use the laugh. Have a great flight folks,” she then handed Joel the water and a set of airplane wings that you could pin on your shirt.
“Aww how cute. Look at you being a big boy,” you teased him as you pinned the wings to him.
Joel then took your hands and placed them to his lips, giving them small kisses, “I’m sorry too darlin. I’m startin to act like Benny now. Once we are in the air, I’m sure that I’ll be fine. Sorry if I’m ruining the mood.”
“You’re not ruining the mood babe. I’m just tired. Let’s just try to enjoy this, okay?” You leaned up to give him a kiss.
By the time the plane started to move, you could feel Joel’s heart start to race underneath your hand that was placed on his chest. You secretly hoped that nothing would happen, otherwise you wouldn’t live it down. You began whispering sweet nothings into Joel’s ear to try to ease his mind and just kept holding his sweaty hand. Beads of sweat also started to form above his brow as the plane began to shake as it took off.
You kept comforting him until you felt the plane start to level off. “See babe that wasn’t so bad. Look,” you pointed out the window to show him the lights of Austin fading off in the distance. “See we’re good. We have nothing to worry about now. I love you Joel.”
“I love you too darlin and thank you.”
You figured that you were only asleep for about two hours when you felt the plane jerk slightly. You knew that it was a little bit of turbulence and you tried to go back to sleep. However, all of a sudden you felt Joel’s hand clamp down on yours. When you looked over at him, he was wide awake with his leg shaking up and down. “Hey, it’s okay, just a little bit of bad weather,” you told him rubbing his hand gently. “Did you sleep at all?”
“No, damn plane moved every time I closed my eyes.”
You felt so bad that Joel was nearly having a panic attack. You wished there was a way that you could take his mind off it and then it hit you. It was going to be risky, but you definitely knew that he would forget about all the turbulence. Looking over to see mostly everyone asleep in their own partition seats and the crew was busy with other things. You made sure that the partition that isolated your own seats was closed shut and you pulled the blanket at Joel’s feet up to his chest.
“Listen Papi, I want you to close your eyes and focus on breathing for me okay,” you whispered into his ear as you seductively ran your hand up and down his chest, moving lower each time.
“Wh-what are you doing?” he asked confused and looked around to see if anyone was looking. You only called him Papi in the bedroom during your intimate moments and he immediately felt his blood start to run south.
“Don’t worry my husband. Just close your eyes and relax. Let me take your mind off of things,” you whispered before biting his neck tenderly.
Joel did exactly what he was told and closed his eyes, groaning as he shifted himself lower in his seat. Once you saw that he was comfortable, you moved your hand lower underneath the blanket to his belt buckle, trying to be as quiet as possible to not draw attention to yourself. You decided to tease Joel by running your hand up and down the seam of his jeans, filling his hardening bulge growing underneath your hand as your husband did his best to try to keep still.
“How does that feel Papi? Did you ever think you would be getting lucky on a plane?” you whispered into his ear before nibbling on his ear lobe.
“F-feels so good. N-need you to touch me,” he moaned through his teeth and bucked his hips into your hand for some sort of relief.
You loved how easily you could make him putty in your hands. It was like a rush to you. Slowly bringing your hand back up; you popped his button open and slowly pulled his zipper down with the vibrations of this zipper causing Joel to moan and buck up again. You could feel the hardness and heat of his cock brushing against your hand. A wet spot was already beginning to form at the top of briefs from his leaking tip. All you wanted to do was lean down and put him into your mouth and clean it up. Instead, you twirled your finger slowly around his swollen red tip, gathering up the salty sticky slick up before you brought it up to your pouty lips and sucked it up. “You taste so good.”
“It’s yours darlin, always yours. Just fucking touch me please,” Joel begged under his breath.
You wanted to tease him a little bit more, but you knew that you were on borrowed time. With his help, you pushed his jeans and briefs down low enough for his rock-hard cock to spring out and thump against his stomach. It was so red and engorged that you could see the thick vein that ran from his base to his head pulsating. The sight made both your pussy and mouth water. You shakily took him into your hand. He was so big that it made your already tiny hand feel smaller. You swiped for thumb against his tip and Joel hissed throwing his head back slightly. Thank god the doors were blocking your affairs.
Using the slick that you gathered up, you began to firmly pump him up and down slowly. Joel groaned deeply to himself and opened his eyes to look at the blanket that had fallen down. He could see what you were doing to him. His cock had dripped more pre-cum that began to coat your hand, making him more slick. The feeling was fantastic. “F-fuck darling, f-feels so good,” he whispered hoarsely, “Please go faster.”
You obliged giving him a firm squeeze before moving your hand as fast as your position would allow. You could start to feel his cock tense in your hand as he bucked his hips in time with your hand. His breathing started to increase, and he could feel his balls start to tighten. You leaned up to nip at the vein that was protruding from his neck and that was enough to do him in. The thrusting of his hips turned sloppy and then stilled as his cock throbbed hard and hot white ropes of cum poured out coating your hand and the blanket that shielded you.
Joel leaned back against his seat completely exhausted and released the white-knuckle grip that he had on his seat. You pulled your hand from the blanket and licked up all that Joel had to offer you. You loved the way he tasted.
“You’re gonna kill me one day woman,” he managed to get out once he calmed down enough.
You just chuckled as you gently tucked him back into his pants, “Hey at least you would die a legend. Man dies on airplane after mind blowing hand job.”
“You’re lucky I love you darlin,” he muttered under his breath as he snatched the napkin that you handed him to clean himself up.
It was just in time too, because the flight attendant from earlier came around to do her checks on the cabin. “Are you folks doing, okay? That was some good turbulence there for a moment,” she asked.
“You know what, I think we hardly felt it. Isn’t that right honey,” you looked up at Joel blushing.
“Yep, hardly felt a thing. In fact, I think I may have gotten over my fear of flying,” he smiled back at you.
The flight attendant then bid you both a good night and let you be. Reclining both your seats back, you snuggled up close to Joel as much as you could, covering you both with the only clean blanket you had left. “I love you baby,” you told him as you placed a kiss on his chest.
“I love you too darlin. Get some rest. We have four days of a baby moon ahead of us. Maybe even on the way back, we can even join the mile high club that everyone talks about,” he whispered to you as he wrapped his arm around you and placed his other hand on your belly.
“See, I told you flying wasn’t that bad. Good night, Joel.”
“Good night darlin.”
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
🗝️ Some kind of a guide seems fitting for him and because it’s me, I always think he’s out guiding a team or just you and all hell breaks loose!
Trekking through the Sahara or the Amazon or the Himalayas. Summoning Everest or just going on a fun outing for a weekend camping. It all seems like such a good fit for a Mills AU because he’s so rugged! Anything you like would be amazing!
Thank you for sharing your talent! 💗
pairing: TourGuide!Mills x f!Reader
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word count: 2k
warnings: 18+ MDNI, references to slow-ish burn, yearning, 69ing, spanking, dirty talk (he talks you through it 😩)
summary: Heartbreak takes you on a tour of the Zambian safari plains, where you trip into a vacation romance- literally.
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Waxing and poetic reviews of the ‘life changing’ tour of Zambia’s safaris had led you to book a flight at four in the morning while three glasses of wine into your ridiculous display of moping heartbreak following another failed tinder romance. Yes, the giraffes interested you, but you’d be lying if the reviews detailing how sexy the tour guide was didn’t sway your decision.
When Mills introduced himself to the group, you swore your jaw nearly hit the grasslands in shock. He was gorgeous, the golden sunshine melting his gilded irises and warming his face. You had mentally scolded yourself on the first day, because you swore you spent more time ogling his, frankly ridiculous, body than observing the herds of zebras that plodded along the dusty tracks.
Delusions set in by day three. Eating the fruits that were provided at the safari lodge, you were convinced he would glance up at you from his cereal, his eyes flicking back down to the bowl that his hands engulfed. Talking yourself out of the absurd notion only got harder when you eventually did catch him looking at you, distracted and enamoured by the mother elephant pushing her calf along with her trunk. His eyes had been warm, honey pots dripping with amusement as he absorbed your excitement, appreciating your interest in the animals he had clearly grown to love.
Day five is when shit hit the fan. In your defence, the sun was in your eyes and you’d left your sunglasses on your pillow back at the lodge— there was absolutely no way you would have noticed the fallen branch from the Baobab tree, even if you had been watching where you were going rather than ogling Tour Guide Mills’ ass. You trip over it unceremoniously, hitting the sun-baked ground with a sickening thud.
Tears spring to your eyes almost immediately, pain shooting up your ankle and catching you entirely off guard. You’re unsure if it was the sound of the impact or the agonised gasp that grabs Mills’ attention, but he’s over by your side in an instant.
“Are you alright?” He asks you, his voice both music and ridicule to your ears. Of course you would make a tit of yourself in front of him, karma loved to keep you on your toes-
“I’m fine,” you wheeze, but you are not. The stabbing pain in your ankle indicates you are far from fine, but fuck, Mills is. When you look up at him it almost takes your breath away, his long black hair tied into a bun to keep the heat of the baking sun off his neck. Strands have come loose in the breeze, framing his face as he leans close to look you over.
“You’re hurt,” he speaks plainly, and you wish a leopard would just launch itself from the bushes and carry your pathetic carcass up a tree rather than face the mortification of being the reason he had to stop the tour.
“It’s just my ankle, I’ll be oka-“
“Phiri,” Mills calls to his fellow tour guide, catching his attention with a wave of his gigantic palm, “Can you continue on your own?”
Phiri must nod, because Mills is scooping you up bridal style before you even have the chance to insist upon struggling through the rest of the tour. Your arms dart out quickly at the height he stands at when he rises effortlessly to his feet, a totally subconscious action that causes heat to swirl in your cheeks as he begins the journey back to the lodge.
It must only be fifteen minutes at the very most, but it feels like hours. Mills smells mind-numbingly delicious, a mixture of the perspiration drawn out by the sunshine and something earthy, woodsy. Soon, despite the fact you were doing nothing other than tremble in his arms, you’re sweating more than Mills is.
You can’t bear to look at him, but you can feel his eyes on you. There’s a rumble in his chest, one that sounds vaguely like a chuckle. Perhaps for the sake of not shrivelling up and dying while the vultures pick at your poor, humiliated bones, you elect to ignore the sound of amusement from him.
Hauling you into the doctor's office, Mills is a silent, hulking presence in the doorway as the doctor checks you over. The professional indicates it is most likely that you have mildly sprained your ankle, informing you that you should be back to normal within a couple of days. He concludes with a devastating blow: ‘You need to rest, though. Don’t walk on it.’
This piece of advice leads to Mills insisting upon carrying you to your lodge. This time, you find yourself leaning into the broad expanse of his shoulder, grasping the cotton of his khaki t-shirt and taking in the oaky scent that you swore if you breathed in any deeper you’d inhale the whole man.
“Here we are,” he says, the man of little words, as he moves to slowly sit you down on your mattress. You clocked the stupid fucking sunglasses on your pillow, just where you remember leaving them.
Mills, as much as he is absolutely not being paid for this, takes his time ensuring your comfort. He props up pillows for your back, your shades placed neatly on the bedside table. When you’re all settled, however, he doesn’t rush to pull away.
His eyes are dancing over the frame of your lips, flicking up to your eyes when he realises how long he has stayed in your personal space. You don’t complain.
“… How can I thank you?” You whisper. It comes out breathier than you plan, a lilt to your tone that makes it sound far closer to a moan than a steady question.
“Don’t mention it at al-“
It’s not him. It’s not you, either. You both crash into each other with insistence, moans of relief bleeding into each others mouths as you finally embrace after days of craving each other. It’s an oasis, whetting the insatiable lust that had clouded your concentration and judgement. There were only so many times you could pretend your fingers were Mills, and you had far surpassed that total only two nights into your trip.
“Hah-“ you gasp softly into the kiss as Mills’ hands wander over the tops of your thighs, squeezing at your hips and tugging your body slightly closer to him. He seems equally as needy, chasing your lips when they part from his for breath.
“Come here,” he orders softly, though it sounds more like a plea. You can’t deny him, delivering kiss after hungry kiss to his open mouth as your fingers fiddle with the hem of his cotton T-shirt.
It all happens so fast, without contemplation. He’s stripping you out of your clothes delicately, making sure to avoid your tender ankle as he carefully pulls the leg of your trousers over it. The groan of delight that rumbles in his chest when he sees your lacy white set beneath your safari garb makes your heart stop.
“Pretty Thing,” he murmurs, tracing your nipple through the lace of your bralette. It’s Mills, and the touch causes a shuddering exhale to creep from your lungs. “Here.”
That order again. It flips your stomach over, and soon Mills is moving you like a ragdoll, with such ease that it’s almost dizzying. Mills spins your body, facing you away from him before grasping your hips and pulling you back towards him.
When his mouth meets the soaked crotch of your panties, you’re arching back into his face without thinking, a loud sigh of bliss escaping you. At first he sucks at your clit through the fabric, but he loses patience and pushes the panties aside, delving into you and enjoying your taste as he laps at you with his tongue. Meanwhile, his hands explore the plains of your body, hands squeezing at the flesh of your ass and thighs. Without looking at them, they feel gigantic against your body, covering an expanse of your skin that puts the distance of the Sahara in the north to shame.
You don’t need prompting. Your hands are pushing the elastic waistband of his boxers down, his cock resting against his stomach as you push them over his thighs. Greedily, you take him into your mouth without even bothering to take in the view, desperate to taste him. The salt of his precum coats your tongue, and you both moan in unison.
“Fuck,” Mills breathes, his palm cracking against the curve of your ass. It’s not too hard, but the spank sends your heart wild, swallowing down his length and whimpering at how he stretches your throat and fills your mouth.
The veins on the underside of his cock pulse against the roof of your mouth, his hips jolting slightly as your tongue traces his frenulum. You’re so needy, letting him fuck your face despite the threat of a gag pulling at the back of your throat. It’s messy, the wet, sopping sounds obscene to your own ears.
Mills’ hands travel all over your body, up your waist, reaching forward and under to squeeze your tits. You’d wanted to make this some form of an appreciation for him carrying you across the safari-lands, but he’s insistent upon making you feel good too.
“Oh, shit-“ he gasps when you take him particularly deep into your throat, gagging around him. Mills’ head falls back onto the pillows, rocking his hips up involuntarily until your nose is pressing into his pubic bone. He’s rambling a sorry, the apology slurred and almost indiscernible over the sloppy sounds of you sucking his dick.
“That’s it,” he whispers, his hand moving between your legs to rub rapidly over your clit. You’re caving inwards at the sensation, hands grasping at the tops of his thighs as he talks you towards your orgasm. “You’re so fucking good. So hot—wanted to drag you into my room the minute you walked in here, giving me those ‘fuck me eyes’ all the time. Can you feel it coming? Huh? Your thighs are trembling. There it is- there it is.”
You cum with a whimper around his dick, mouth stuffed full of him and unable to make much of a sound— but fuck, it utterly obliterates you. Rocking back onto his fingers, onto his face, you sob as he juts his hips up once, twice. He cums down your through with a haggard groan, sinking his teeth into the flesh of your ass in an attempt to muffle the sound he makes.
It becomes a frequent pastime. A long safari ending with a quick, desperate fuck. You discuss what will happen when you return home, the two of you skirting around the fact this has become far more than a vacation hook up. He gives you his number, of course it’s a shitty Nokia phone, but it makes so much sense.
“One of the vervet monkeys took my iPhone,” he grumbles when you arch a brow at his brick phone.
For now, without the stress of leaving, Mills holds you in his arms, your hips slotted between his thighs and head resting on his chest. You’re exhausted, still recovering from your injury while enjoying as many safaris as you can— and fucking Mills every waking minute.
You feel Mills gently touch your shoulder, rousing you from the blissful sleep that almost had you. A whine creeps past your lips, eyelids heavy.
“What?” You mumble, pausing when you see Mills press a finger to his lips and point to the sliding glass doors that he had left open.
A baby giraffe, a few months old, peeks its head into your cabin. Its eyelashes flutter as it looks over the box room, blinking slowly. You can’t help but wake, a grin pulling at your lips as it slowly backs away, unamused by the lack of edible greenery.
“Wow,” you whisper, watching it begin its slow journey back to the herd, tail swishing behind it.
“Worth it?” Mills murmurs, brushing his fingers up your spine softly.
“Worth every single penny.”
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frozenjokes · 1 year
Signing Back In, Apparently - 9
Through the fizzling spurts of his slowly fading anxieties, Mumbo was beginning to feel.. light? A good feeling! Very good! Impulse had sat them all down to, in his words, ‘Get it all out on the table.’ Get on the same page. Talk.
And they did.
It took awhile for the ice to be broken, but the longer they went, the more horrified Mumbo was about just how much the four of them had left unsaid. Pearl was afraid. Afraid of being hurt, afraid of the crew being hurt, and being too late to save them. She always used the word save. Scar couldn’t do any more harm if he was dead, and god , she wanted him dead. Scar needed to suffer for the way he had played with them. Grian locked her in a tight hug when she admitted to blaming herself for his death. Mumbo hadn’t even known what had happened between the two of them and Scar before now.
Grian was.. angry? He was angry so he didn’t have to be sad, confused, betrayed, and every other range of emotions someone might feel when one of their best friends murders them. It shocked Mumbo to learn Grian still wanted desperately to know why. “I thought if I just crushed it down hard enough, I would eventually stop caring. I thought if Scar was dead, then it would go away. Now, I’m not so sure.” Mumbo took Grian’s hand in his and promised he’d find out. Mumbo didn’t recognize the pain in Grian’s eyes when he begged Mumbo not to.
“I don’t understand,” he had said. No one explained.
Mumbo probably had the most to say. Maybe it was because his own emotions were so confused? Unraveling every piece of the story felt like he was fraying the strands, leaping back and forth as he tried hopelessly to keep things simple and understandable. He was grateful when Impulse would step in and help. Usually, his insight was right. Pearl and Grian looked.. mostly distressed to be honest. Mumbo was deeply relieved when the explanation of his own attachment to Scar seemed to click for Grian. He hadn’t realized before seeing Grian’s shoulders relax, that Mumbo wanted him to understand the most. Pearl struggled with the idea, but she promised she wasn’t angry. Given Mumbo felt similarly with her desire to hurt Scar, he was more than happy to leave it at that.
Impulse insisted he had already said everything he wanted to with each of them separately, but with more than a little friendly bullying, he eventually caved. Mumbo didn’t remember the last time they had all laughed together like this. When they were alive, maybe?
“How did we ever lose sight of this?” Mumbo leaned back on his hands. He.. felt warm.
“Well I have a guess!” Grian rolled his eyes in mock-exaggeration, pushing against Mumbo’s arm.
“Ugh, Scar. Well, he did one good thing at least, bringing us all together. I can’t imagine living without you guys. Or, dying? Being dead? Gosh, imagine being dead with three other people you hate! I’d go crazy!” Pearl threw her arms in the arm, carrying the top half of her body ever so slightly away from the bottom. Grian snickered.
“Well, now that we’ve all agreed we are happier without Scar in our lives, I am declaring a Scar vacation! A Scarcation if you will,” Impulse grinned, making circles with his hand as he bowed. Mumbo clapped when no one else made a noise. “We all need some time away, I think. Even though we’re bound to him, we still have quite the range we can spend elsewhere, so I think we should take the opportunity to.. I don’t know! Hang out? It’s exciting, isn’t it?”
“Yes please, ” Grian let himself float on his back, crossing his legs. Mumbo caught Pearl’s eye, relieved to see her also looking a bit unsure.
This didn’t escape Impulse’s notice. “I know we’re all very focused on our individual goals, but Scar isn’t going anywhere. We need to take care of ourselves, first. And honestly, I’m tired! This is a mandatory vacation, so I don’t want to hear any complaints.”
“Okay, dad ,” Grian giggled, flicking at Impulse’s hair.
“Hey! You were on board!”
“You can’t force me to do anything! I’m a free spirit! A free spirit that doesn’t want to so much as look at Scar for a while! Let’s go Scarcation!”
“Just.. how long?” Pearl asked, unable to cover the apprehension in her voice.
“A week. Just a week.”
Pearl blinked, quickly sinking into a more relaxed posture, “I can swing that. Mumbo?”
“What? Yes, of course that’s fine. Sorry- do you guys feel like Scar is getting farther away? Like that pull?”
The three other ghosts paused, silent in their focus. “Oh come on!” Impulse broke it first, “Scar hasn’t gone sailing in- in weeks, right? Yesterday was probably one of the worst days of his life! Why would he go now?”
“Are we just going to let ourselves get dragged through the water then, or do we get to sit on the boat?” Pearl gave Impulse a bemused smile, patting him on the shoulder.
“Maybe we just don’t interact? Scar’s never out long,” Mumbo suggested. Impulse put his head in his hands.
“We could always just start tomorrow,” Grian suggested, shrugging.
“But we just had a moment! It was the perfect time!” Impulse wailed, throwing his hands up.
“Come on, let’s just go,” Pearl laughed, pulling Impulse to his feet, “Scarcation has already started, we’ll just separate once the boat docks.” The pull was starting to get uncomfortable now as Scar presumably picked up speed, and Mumbo wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to stay. He caught Grian’s eye, waving before he disappeared.
“Why would I tell them I’m leaving? They’ll figure it out, and they can teleport to my location anyway. God, when I first got here they wouldn’t stop because it spooked me so bad each time one just appeared in front of me! Eventually, I just got really good at not flinching so- AAUGH!” Scar’s scream was magnificent as he turned around to see Mumbo standing there, making a flying leap directly into Cleo’s arms. Grian popped into existence beside Mumbo, cackling as Cleo unceremoniously dropped Scar to the ground. Mumbo doubled over next to Grian, tears forming at the edges of his vision.
“I take it they’ve arrived?” Cleo smirked.
“Oh! Did you scare him?” Pearl said, delight evident in her tone as she pushed forward to examine Scar, still laying on the ground
“I didn’t mean to!” Mumbo jumped back, unable to keep the smile off his lips. He sat down, joined quickly by Impulse. “Sorry, I think I’ve already jumbled your Scarcation.”
“Well on a ship this small, I think that was inevitable. Alright everyone, pack in! Just pretend like he’s not there!” It took a little more convincing to get Pearl and Grian away from Scar, but eventually, they all sat, trying their best to ignore whatever Scar and Cleo were speaking about. But why was Cleo here? Mumbo hadn’t seen her in ages, along with most other pirates from the other factions. The same question was plastered on the faces of the other ghosts, and it wasn’t long before the whole group was silent, listening.
“Scar, aren’t you going to introduce me to your ghosts?” Cleo put her hands on her hips and jokingly tapped her foot. When Scar only gave a noncommittal grunt, she plucked him off the boat’s wheel and turned him around.
“No? Why do you even care? They’re my ghosts,” he scowled, shaking her off.
“Relax! I’m not going to take them from you. I just want to be friendly if we’re going to be seeing each other more often, and plus, ghosts are far more interesting than people.”
“I refuse to do this regularly. I already think it’s stupid, and honestly, you’ve made it seem like I’m not going to survive the trip in the first place.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine, you’re charming enough. Cub loves that kinda thing, which is why he’s so obsessed with me right now. It’s definitely not because I’ve started a competing business and anyone who tells you so is a damned liar.”
“Okay, this is like the fifth time you’ve brought Cub up, care to tell me who that is?”
“Trust me, it will be better as a surprise.”
“You keep implying he’s going to kill me!” Scar said, pointing an accusatory finger. Pearl perked up, but curled back in when Mumbo laughed, a sheepish smile crossing her face. She pushed him, and he pushed back without missing a beat, the two of them dissolving into a complete cat fight in seconds. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Impulse looking pleased. Pearl caught his moment of distraction, shoving her hand over his face with a short bark of laughter. Mumbo fell back on Impulse with a yelp, only for Grian to lunge past him onto Pearl, sending the both of them tumbling over the edge.
Grian didn’t miss a beat before teleporting back to Scar’s side, striding forward with great bravado, “I saved you, Mumbo! Be grateful!”
Mumbo rolled his eyes, “My knight in shining armor are you?”
“If you want to call me that, sure!” Grian happily took Pearl’s place beside him, looking quite pleased with himself.
“Ugh! Grian! You know I can’t see you in the water, how was I supposed to know you’d left?” Pearl said, appearing at Scar’s side. She laughed, eyes softening, “And you stole my seat.”
“You weren’t appreciating it enough.” Grian only caught Mumbo’s eye for a moment before both of them were distracted by Cleo’s call.
“Look, it’s right over there. Try not to crash on the spiky rocks, they’re hard to see through all the ominous, ever-present fog.”
“This ‘The Haunted Island’ is quite on brand, isn’t it?” Scar huffed, adjusting his grip on the wheel.
“Oh, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. They’ve also got haunting wails, cold breezes that send shivers down your spine, all of the good stuff! These guys have a reputation to uphold after all.”
All four ghosts stared, frozen in place. And then, almost all at once, they stood up to get a better look, clambering over each other. Mumbo felt Grian crawl onto his shoulders, and then felt Pearl scramble up Grian. Impulse floated beside them with an amused, but exasperated look.
“Where the hell are we going?” Pearl leaned forward, causing Grian to squeak and Scar to scream. Cleo was the first to turn around, delight coloring her face.
“Oh, look at that, you guys are adorable! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!”
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literaticat · 6 months
This might be an agony aunt question but, my debut was acquired four years ago, and due to delays it still won’t come out for over a year. I’ve sold other books since then, but none are out yet. I’m trying to keep writing new stuff, but lately it’s felt like a lot of work with nothing to show for it (yet), and it’s hard to keep my spirits up. It started getting really hard lately when I realized that a beloved MS would likely die on sub.
I guess I’m asking if you have any words of encouragement, based on seeing your clients go through delays and wondering if it’s all worth it. I know this is how publishing goes and I know I can take a break whenever I want, etc etc. But knowing is different from FEELING, you know?
Ugh, that's a long time to wait, I'm sorry that's happening! But also -- it sounds like you have multiple books forthcoming. That's really exciting!
I totally understand feeling "doldrums-ish" at this point. For nearly every published author, I think there's some of this -- you have worked so hard and spent so much time just getting an agent (celebration!) -- but then you realize, oh shit, that SEEMED like the destination, but actually, that's literally just the first step on the journey. OK, daunting, but you've come this far -- and then there's some excitement, going on submission, SELLING A BOOK! WOOHOO!!!! (celebration!) -- and then there are some milestones, like getting the contract, doing edits, etc, all exciting in their ways...
... and then....
... there's nothing ...
... for what feels like (and in many cases actually is) A REALLY LONG TIME.
It's hard to keep up the excitement/enthusiasm when there's nothing to feed it, right? It starts to feel kind of endless and depressing.
The good news is, there's an end to that! Soon your excitement will ramp up again when RELEASE DAY comes near!!!!!
But, and I hate to be the one to tell ya, then there is often kind of a let-down "after Christmas" feeling when the world keeps turning, and nothing has particularly changed, and you don't get magic powers or anything. :-/
I tell you all this not to be Lady Downerton, but rather just to say, hey, this is a normal kind of feeling, and it's OK to feel it. Writing books for publication is a job -- and sometimes it can be a GREAT job full of perks and fun and thrills -- and sometimes it can be a thankless or dispiriting or lousy one, frankly, just like most jobs out there!
I think the key is that you realize you are more than your job. Should you do great work and find the joy in it and all that good stuff? Yeah, absolutely! Relish the wins, bask in the satisfying parts, celebrate your achievements. But realize that sometimes it's just gonna be a slog or there will be disappointing or maddening or boring parts, and that's just part of it.
The other thing is: it's happening to everyone, even if you can't see it. It's easy to think that OTHER authors are only having win after win, because people aren't exactly posting about the boring or annoying or upsetting things on social media, yanno? EVERYONE who has successes also has failures, everyone who gets opportunities also loses some, everyone who seems to be on living on Good Ship Lollipop has also spent time on Lousy Raft Marzipan.
The GOOD news is, you can clock out any time you want and go enjoy something else in your life for a while. I promise, nothing terribly important will happen in the publishing world if you step away from your computer and go on a vacation or take a hike or find a passion for pottery-throwing. The stories (and the fun parts, and the annoying parts!) will all be there when you get back!
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kasagiggles · 1 year
Hello kasa!! If you have timee, please consider writing a genshin fic with lee childe, and lers ayaka lumine and yoimiya! (These are actually my team lol I love them so much) Probably Childe went to Inazuma (where she cannonically meet Yoimiya and become friends with her), so it'll be funny if yoimiya invite him to meet with her friends (ayaka and lumine) and lumine was like "lol I've known him from liyue", and reveal a fact that childe is ticklish lol P.S. please no foot/palm tickles it makes me uncomfortable, have a nice day!
hi there!!!
first of all this IS SOO CUTE ꉂ (˃̵ᗜ˂̵ )゛
and secondly sorry for the wait on this!! i hope you like it <3
☆ ─ ﹕lee : childe
☆ ─ ﹕lers : lumine , yoimiya , ayaka
cw: tickles!! (sfw) ✰
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“wow…” he gazed at the foreign scenery around him, the breeze was cool, gentle and welcoming. inazuma had a more lively atmosphere then snezhnaya, kids were out playing and merchants were yapping.
although he could feel a few stares every now and then, he took it upon himself to ignore them and continue roaming the streets of inazuma. his gaze rapidly went from one thing to another, trying to take it all in. things were nice when he could take a break from his harbinger life.
as he continued walking, he noticed two familiar figures chatting about near a food stall. it couldn’t be..
“well, who do we have here?” he said, sneaking up behind them. he received an unpleasant look from who turned out to be lumine, as she placed her hands on her hips.
“why are you in ina-“ “YOU’RE BACK IN INAZUMA!!” lumine was cut off by the other familiar person, the bright and cheerful yoimiya, she bounced up and down, clearly expressing her excitement. yoimiya loved everybody, and it was clear.
“ahaha… well, i guess i’m just on a little vacation.” childe claimed, awkwardly rubbing his nape.
the three all had a short chat together, discussing older memories and their plans for the future.
“my feet are getting pretty tired here, do you guys wanna keep chatting over a bite to eat?” the bubbly girl asked, “how about uyuu restaurant? let’s go!” she proceeded to happily march away before even receiving a response. lumine and childe sighed in unison, trailing after the energetic yoimiya.
as they opened the doors, the smell of fresh cuisine wafted through the air. it was enough to make their stomachs rumble. yoimiya giggled to herself, gesturing for the other two to follow.
on the way to finding a seat, yoimiya paused in her tracks. lumine and childe exchanged confused glances, as they turned back yoimiya was already across the room, chatting with a young looking blue haired girl.
lumine recognized her in an instant, kamisato ayaka of the kamisato clan. lumine was unaware that yoimiya and ayaka were so close.
as the two approached her, she apologized, “sorry for wandering like that.. aha.. but this is my friend kamisato ayaka! although i believe she is already familiar with the traveller..”
childe willingly brought his hand forward, intending to shake hands. although he was clearly unaware of inazuman customs, as ayaka ended up bowing her head out of respect. “o-oh! my apologies! i’m not used to japanese etiquette.” he said frantically, quickly bowing his head in return.
“it’s not a problem,” she said with a chuckle, what’s your name?” she asked politely.
“you can call me childe, it’s a pleasure to meet you. is it alright if we sit here? i’d love to make a new friend.” with a nod, they all sat around the table, getting comfortable on the carpeted floor.
the four instantly got along, their conversations were filled with laughter and cheer.
“lumine, how did you meet childe?” ayaka asked, wiping her chin with a napkin.
she swallowed her food quickly, almost choking on it. “it’s… a very long story that i’m not sure i can tell.” she replied, casting a slight glare towards the ginger. he laughed awkwardly, ignoring her glance.
“but i guess after some time i’ve been able to realize he’s not as bad as he seems, he just has some… interesting motives.” she scooped up a spoonful of warm, fresh rice and shoved it into her mouth.
“after hearing about you and your crazy feats. it almost seems like you’re immune to any sort of weakness..” yoimiya pondered, stirring her noodles around.
lumine snapped out of her gaze, putting down her spoon. “actually, you’d be surprised.” she said mischievously, childe stared at her out of confusion.
she couldn’t mean… childe gulped, looking away and continuing to eat his food.
while trying to take his mind off of what lumine was getting at, he felt a quick, gentle poke to his side.
“WAH!” he shrieked, curling in and dropping his chopsticks that he was struggling to use.
lumine snorted at his reaction, “see? i think it’s pretty hilarious.” she sent another evil poke towards him, easily breaking through his defence.
“stoOHOP!” he growled, shoving her away. “i don’t know what she’s talking about.” he pouted.
“you’re ticklish?? that’s so cute!!” yoimiya said delightfully, scooting over to get closer to childe.
“noho… please.. don’t do this..” he felt his heart hammering in his chest as yoimiya and lumine crept closer, whilst ayaka sat across the table with a gentle smile on her face.
lumine darted towards the ginger, swiftly grabbing his arms and pulling them up.
“yoimiya now!!”
before childe could protest, he felt a pair of hands scribbling mercilessly against his stomach.
“waHAHAHAIT STOHOHOP!” he squealed, squirming and bucking to try and escape yoimiya’s nimble fingers.
her hands were delicate, gently dancing over his body and sending a tingling sensation straight to his brain, turning it into mush.
he fought against lumines grip, but to no avail. yoimiyas soft tickles were somehow ridding him of all his strength, all he could do was laugh.
“ayaka!! come get in on this!” lumine said through her own laughter.
she froze, “are you sure it’s okay? i.. don’t want to hurt him or anything..”
lumine gave her a reassuring smile, “don’t worry!! this is how we have fun.” she had to speak loudly so ayaka could hear over childes bellowing laughter and yoimiyas cooing.
“if you insist.” ayaka scooted herself towards the hysterical boy and inspected him.
childe attempted to protest, but found himself unable to form any words.
ayaka hovered her hands over his body, deciding where she should tickle him. this was driving childe insane, the anticipation made him feel extremely giddy.
after what felt like forever, ayaka’s hands gently landed on his underarms, beginning to lightly torment the area.
“GAH!! NOHOHO!!” he pleaded, the tingly sensation invaded his body and his mind.
the torture went on for a couple minutes, although it felt like forever for the poor boy.
once lumine noticed childe was truly reaching his limit, she gestured to the others, childes body went limp as the girls removed their hands.
he panted for air, covering his face that was stained with tears of laughter.
“that was fun!!” yoimiya clapped her hands childishly.
“nohot…. for mehe…” the redhead mumbled, his chest rising up and down with each deep breath he took.
“sorry if we took it too far. but i must admit, this is pretty fun.” ayaka said, fumbling with her fingers.
lumine gave him a hard smack to the stomach, “he won’t admit it, but he really doesn’t mind.” childe groaned, punching lumine in the ribs.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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keenregine · 1 year
Just to keep the boat sailing.. Oh wow seven months ago, how can I ever top that amount of time. Seven months?! Geez. Anyways, let's just do this and move along. It has been almost a year since I moved from the hospital accommodation to the other house, can't say current because after eight months of staying there, I moved. . again. We'll get to that later. For now, we will just call the first house 'Audax', nothing special there, it's just the street name. I was together with three of my other cohort, it was a four bedroom, two tier house. I'm trying to search what type of house it is Google is not on my side today. But it looks very similar to a terraced house, only less fancy, less decorated, laced with pale bricks without those Victorian era chimneys, very industrial looking. The rent was at a decent price of, . . I'd rather not say, but it includes all the bills and internet. Good deal if you ask me, especially after the number of rejections we've been through. I chose the double bedroom on the second floor with shared bathroom, two person each floor. We don't have a designated receiving area because we converted that into a bedroom. The kitchen also became our common area, big enough for the four of us to fit in. There's also a beautiful garden at the back with a small shed or cottage whatever, great for hanging out or just to hide away. I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift, but I'd like to say that maybe, just maybe 'It's me, Hi! I'm the problem, it's me.' See what I did there, just to put a spin on my boring old narrative. Before moving in, an issue came about between me and my other cohort who immediately became my friend arriving here in UK. I will not go into further details since I won't forget that moment anyway. To summarize, we stopped talking from the first day we moved until this today. And I believe, it will not be fixed in the nearest future because we don't live in the same house anymore. We made it so easy avoiding each other while in the same roof, imagine how much easier it is now that were completely apart. In the recent years, I always found myself caught in these situations (for different reasons). It dawned on me that maybe I'm the problem. Well, life has to go on. First ever Christmas in the UK, yay 'twas great. Also, my first snow experience ever. I don't mean to sound pretentious or anything (which I think I am, but not on this matter) the snow didn't really excite me or maybe because I'm sick during these times and had to work taking out all the fun feeling within me. Lol. Felt like it was just snowflakes falling from the sky, the aftermath aesthetics though really hit hard. The best thing out of all the tragedy was Alex had a month-long vacation here with me, I'm just so glad that he took care of me, cook proper food for us, maintained my sanity and sustain my diva and baby like attitude. But ofcourse, I took him to all the major attractions that London has to offer which was loadsss by the way. And I realized how big this city is, there are over thirty-two boroughs and from each borough is a center, like an 'unofficially' declared center. Now, before I go any further and leave the most exciting 'parts' of my journey, after being in the UK for several months (I'm pertaining to myself), I managed to get a Schengen visa. Yay! it's way more convenient to travel to Europe (geographically) now that I'm here. Like, whenever I have long rest days, I could quickly go and fly across the channel. No drama, no bullshit. Went for his birthday on October, went again for my birthday on November. What a joy! The Spanish consul was generous enough to give me six months valid visa, which is already expired at this time. Getting an appointment is seriously like finding a lost treasure at sea, ridiculously difficult. The first time here in the UK (I feel the strong need to clear this, may I remind you about the time where I cried in the Spanish embassy in Saudi? yeah, that. good times) was fairly easy but with moderate effort, I was just lucky to get it at first try. Back in Saudi, everything was done for me by an agent, all I need to do was to pay and attend. But now, I need to do everything myself which is okay, but dude the appointment these days as I've said was close to none. I go online almost everyday at different times, trying to see if I could catch the fish. For a few weeks I was not very lucky, so I decided to take the convenient way, the 'what-would-Regine-do' way. I caved and paid for an appointment, ONLY for the appointment, getting the whole package would cost nearly £400-600. A great idea for business, seem like a scam because people aren't actually supposed to pay for an appointment alone. But since I don't want the hassle anymore, I end up here and believe me, I tried my best.
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