#i’ve been struggling with art and decided to try something new
bluejey · 8 months
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mio mao
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vanillawurld · 4 months
༊*·˚Sensación del Bloque
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✧.* Pair - Joost Klein x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - fluff and cussing ig
✧.* Summary - Joost finds out about his friend's new neighbor and doesn't act upon introductions until he sees her in all of her beauty.
✧.* Extra- a couple things... reader is implied to be latina, implied to have a more tanner/browner/darker complex, and reader is going to have acrylic nails and gold jewelry cuz those are my favorite things in the world rn… also i dont speak dutch so the highlighted parts are the ppl speaking dutch. ALSOO reader has a place holder smell (vanilla) but yall can change it if you want ALSOOO reader doesn’t speak dutch okay im done now
✧.* Word Count - 1,319
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Joost always enjoyed meeting new people. It always allows him to share his work with others. He can be shy about his work but it's inevitable for people to know about him and his art. People never know when they are going to meet someone new unless it's planned.
Just like any other day for an artist, Joost was working with his friend, Antu, on the production of some beats for a new song in his friend’s apartment. “Man, I'm kind of hungry I'm not going to lie,” Antu randomly said, taking his eyes off his computer to look at Joost. They’ve been working on beats since the morning and being too focused on work, they forgot about the basic essentials a human body needs. Food.
“Well, what do you want to get? I don’t feel like driving so pick a place near here,” Joost replied.
Joost felt like it was an eternity letting Antu pick a fast food place. When he finally decided where to get food, they placed an order through the phone for pick up and waited. It was a quiet couple of minutes of waiting until Antu broke the silence, “I got a new neighbor”
“Yup. I’ve been trying to talk to her but she kind of ignores me. Like she’s playing hard to get,” Antu shared.
Joist gave him a confused look, “I thought you were talking to Sofie. Did you guys stop talking or something?”
Antu looked at Joost, “No… Im still talking to Sofie but that doesn’t mean im taken,” he said, making Joost roll his eyes.
“Do you know where she moved from?” Joost asked
Antu shrugged, “I heard some of the other neighbors say she’s not from Europe though. Probably somewhere in the Americas.”
A couple of minutes rolled by and Joost decided to start making his way to the place to pick up the food they ordered. He walked out of the apartment and checked his phone to see if the order was complete. While he was checking, he heard the next door open and was met by the most gorgeous looking woman he has ever seen. that must’ve been the new neighbor Antu was talking about.
She was gorgeous. everything about her screamed “goddess”. Her hair, her makeup, her jewelry, her nails everything. Joost didn’t wanna stare, but it was hard not to. The way her hair hugged the frame of her face. The way her flawless makeup sat. The way her gold jewelry reflected on her skin. The way her acrylic nails made her hands look pretty. He was able to smell her sweet vanilla scent from where he was at. something about her, made him intrigued to know her, even though this was the first time he was seeing her.
The woman was trying to look for something in her purse and seemed like she was struggling. She ended up giving up and started walking towards the elevator past him, but what she didn’t notice was that she dropped a euro. Joost saw this and thought that God was giving him a huge opportunity to talk to her. He picked up the euro and prepared himself.
“Excuse me ma’am” she ignored him “Ma’am, excuse me” she ignored him again. He got closer to her and thats when she turned around to face him. She felt his presence. Joost was even more nervous than he was. He was up close to her and felt his body go weak. “You dropped this, ma’am” he said to her.
She gave him a confused look at first and looked at his hand that had the euro note. “Is this… mine?” she said in a confused tone. From that short moment, Joost figured out why Antu couldn’t talk to her. She didn't speak Dutch. Joost didn’t know how Antu didn’t know since he said himself that she wasn’t from Europe.
“Oh, sorry! Yes this is yours. You dropped it.” Joost said in English.
He handed her the euro and gave her a nervous chuckle. She smiled back and gently took it from him. “Thank you so much,” she said to him. Her voice was heaven to Joost’s ears.
“No, problem,” he said. She started walking away, but Joost didn’t want her to. He didn’t want to stop talking to her. He wanted more from her. “Um, ma’am” he grabbed her attention again, “did you just move here?”
“I did. 2 months ago.” she replied, “im still trying to figure out where places are and stuff. Im trying to find a good clothing store near by.”
More opportunities were coming to the Dutch artist and he didn’t want them to go to waste. “Oh, I know a bunch of stores around here. I was actually about to head out to pick up some food from a place that’s around a lot of good clothing stores. If you want we can walk together around that place,” he exclaimed.
The woman gave him a smile and a smooth giggle, “You’re sweet, but im going to pass. I want to learn on my own.”
Joost was slightly disappointed but he couldn’t complain. “W-Well if you ever need any help, im always at my friends place working, stop by anytime,” he suggested.
She nodded and continued walking, but Joost called her out again. “Uh, ma’am?” she turned around to look at him, “Can I get your name? My name is Joost” he held out his hand for her to shake.
She looked down at his hand and back at him. “Everyone here is so nice,” she commented, “My name is (Y/N),” she said while taking out her hand to shake his. Joost was analyzing every detail about her. The way she talked, the way she dressed, her smooth hand, everything. As she walked away, she turned around one last time to tell him, “I like your outfit by the way.”
He watched the way her hips swayed as she walked and was enamored. Joost smiled almost like a dork. He felt extremely giddy inside like he could jump up high like they would in those corny musicals about high school. His moment was cut short though, when Antu opened the door. “Dude, where’s the food?” he said.
“Shit, sorry. I’ll go get it right now,” Joost said while taking out his wallet.
Antu looked to his side and saw his new neighbor walking towards the elevator. He immediately connected the dots. “Bro, don’t tell me you managed to talk to her,” he questioned, but by the way Joost was smiling, he already got his answer. “Please tell me your secret, i’m being dead ass,” Antu said.
From the moment that left Antu’s mouth, Joost wanted to gate keep. He didn’t want to tell him that (Y/N) doesn’t speak Dutch she he bullshitted, “You just got to have personality to pull someone like her.”
Anti rolled his eye, “Alright calm down, buddy. I will say you are lucky though. i’ve seen men basically line up outside to see her go out because she’s always going out. Didn’t think she’d talk to a boy white as you.”
“Okay, fuck you.” Joost replied. He was shocked by what Antu said though. Having men line up for a woman who is new to the country is crazy.
“Dude, she’s basically the street sensation. You are extremely lucky to even talk to her. I’ve seen her ignore so many people. Don’t know how you did it,” Antu commented before closing the door to his apartment.
Whatever spell (Y/N) put on Joost, it was working hard. he wanted to know more about her. Where she was from, who she was, but he needed to wait. He would wait until his death to know about her. He couldn’t wait to see more of her. This was the first woman to ever make him desperate for more and it wasn’t driven by lust.
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
this was a little something... where my Latina Joost Klein bitches at
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Eight
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None except for like one cuss word
Notes: Hot off the press - I just spent my day packing my house up to move tomorrow and I’m up past midnight to get this out... You guys have been so freaking supportive and I’m excited for this story to pick up!
Word Count: 3158
Series Masterlist
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• March 11th, 2005 • Forks High School •
“Emotions.” Jasper says by way of greeting, placing his backpack on the picnic table that no doubtibly contains his art supplies.
“Everyone has them, yes?” I reply, my forehead wrinkling in confusion at his peculiar single-word statement.
“I can control them.” He answers, visibly nervous as if he were afraid he just opened a can of worms.
I watch him pull out his well-worn sketchbook and pencils as I decide how to respond to this new bit of information.
“Say something, doll.” Jasper looks almost pleading, worry setting in on his face.
“How does it work?” I question him, I’m in shock that he volunteered such important information in the middle of a school day at lunch as if it were a typical topic to talk about.
“Well, it started off as just being able to sense the emotions of humans and vampires in my vicinity,” he lets out a sigh as he begins shading whatever it is he’s working on. “Then I quickly figured out I can influence them. I can either enhance what someone is already feeling, take away their emotions altogether, or replace them entirely and give them something completely different.”
“W-wow,” I stutter, “that’s honestly impressive.” I raise my eyebrows as his eyes meet mine.
“I can also do small things since I’ve had time to hone my power, like it’s easy to find people I’m familiar with in a crowded area, within a reasonable distance. As long as I can get to know the person, orient myself with their emotions, it’s quite easy.” He glances down at his drawing as he finishes his explanation.
“That has to be rough, feeling everything everyone else is feeling all the time. You can turn it off though, right?” I muse out loud, I can’t imagine having a power that doesn’t come with an ‘off’ switch.
“Unfortunately I can’t, my family is usually pretty good at regulating the intensity of their emotions when we’re gathered at home. At school though… Sitting out here alone with you during lunch is a welcome reprieve.” Jasper turns back to his sketch as he admits that last tidbit of information.
“Do any of your other siblings have super powers like you?” I tease him, not ready to dive into that nugget of information about how spending time with me makes him feel.
“Rosalie and Emmett don’t, neither do Carlisle and Esme. Unless you want to count the staggeringly strong self-control my adoptive father possesses.” Jasper pauses, “Alice can see the future, subjectively though - she has to be searching for that person’s intent and as long as they make a decision, she can see it and the immediate effects. Edward on the other hand, can-“ but he’s interrupted by the bell signaling the end of the lunch period.
“You’re not off the hook now that you’ve enlightened me, I expect to finish this conversation.” I tell him as I stand and meet him on the sidewalk leading towards the school building.
“I would never leave business unfinished with a lady.” He says rather cheekily, trying to get a rise from me, but all it earns him is a huff of a laugh as we walk in a comfortable silence.
“Thank you for sharing that information with me, I promise not to tell anyone.” I vow soberly, meeting his eyes as we stand outside of my next class.
“I was never worried.” Jasper replies, backing away as students finish milling about in the hallway. “See you in History, darlin’.”
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I could feel his eyes on me as I stood in front of my open locker, quickly shuffling through the books I needed for my last class of the day. It’s almost like his gaze seemed to burn me alive as I felt it travel across my skin, the hair on the back of my neck rose due to my heightened state of awareness I had towards this gorgeous man. Does he know the effect he has? Is he even aware that I am utterly at his mercy? I hate to fall in line with all the other girls that must throw themselves at his feet, most of them much prettier than I, so why me? Why does he want to take me on a date?
I glance over my shoulder in the direction I know his own locker is in and sure enough, liquid gold is locked onto its target. A steady unwavering gaze stares back, so solid and intense that it constricts my chest for a moment with the pure force of it.
I turn back to my locker and grab a pen before slamming the door shut, the warning bell signaling one minute before everyone still occupying the hallway is tardy. As I turn to hurry my way to History, Jasper has made his way to stand right behind me.
“Do you like baseball?” He blurts out quickly, as if to not lose his nerve.
“It’s probably the only sport I understand, so yeah. Why?” I counter, tilting my head in question.
“My family and I were thinking of playing a game Sunday. Would you like to tag along and spectate? Bella Swan will be there, I’m sure she would love your company.” Jasper tacked on the last part as if I needed more reason to go than just spending time with him.
“As if I could say no to you and your family.” I tell him with a smile.
“Good, so you’ll want to meet them tomorrow?” He asks with more confidence than the last request, slowly taking steps backwards down the empty hall and I gravitate with him.
My mind blanks, not prepared to be sprung with such a big step in… whatever is happening between us. First he tells me he wants to take me out on a date, now I’m meeting his family? Is this some lucky alternate universe where the insanely attractive boy falls for the incredibly average girl?
No-no way, friends bring their friends over to meet their entire family before a family outing, right?
“Noon tomorrow, they’ll love you.” Disappearing around the corner of the hallway with a smirk in place, probably because I was gaping at him in the middle of an empty hall.
I glance around - an empty hallway! I’m late for class! I can’t even be mad, Jasper Hale has effectively monopolized my weekend and I’m more than happy about it.
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• March 11th, 2005 • Home •
“Hey, mom?” I ask, poking my head in her open bedroom door.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Putting down the book she was reading and pushing up her reading glasses, my mother sits up in bed to give me her full attention.
“So,” I take a seat at the end of her bed, “Jasper Hale invited me to his house tomorrow, to have dinner with his family and just hang out I guess.”
“Oh?” My mother sounds intrigued, eyebrows raising. “A date with a cute boy?”
“Not a date!” I immediately correct her, “it’s just dinner, or whatever.”
She laughs as I pick at her bedspread. “Honey, of course you can go, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Well, what?” She questions.
“He also asked if I wanted to play baseball Sunday with his fa-“
“You? Play baseball?” She blurts out, incredulously.
“Mom!” I draw out the word. “He’s invited me to hang out with his family this weekend - you’ll be cool, right? When he picks me up? No interrogating?”
“Me? Interrogate the cute boy stealing my daughter for a weekend? I wouldn’t dream of embarrassing you.” She teases me with a wink.
I stand and begin to leave, “You are insufferable, woman.”
“I love you, sweetheart!” She yells after me as I round the corner to my room. Flopping onto my bed with a smile, I’m both giddy and equally nervous for the next two days.
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• March 12th, 2005 • Cullen Residence •
“This is my adoptive father Carlisle and his wife Esme.” Gesturing to the two beautiful adults patiently waiting in the foyer as we walk in their home.
Thankfully my mom was at work when Jasper picked me up, giving me another day to prepare myself for the potential train wreck of them meeting tomorrow.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen.” I give them a smile as I shake their hands.
“Trust me dear, the pleasure is all ours!” Esme responds excitedly, her smile wide and beaming.
“The others are in the living room, beware of what you’re throwing her into.” Carlisle warns Jasper with a smile.
Throwing me into? I glance up at Jasper with my brows furrowed, a little concerned.
“C’mon, I’ll protect you.” He jokes with me, I must be missing the punchline.
As he leads me to the living room in his house, I gape at the beautiful artwork spaced throughout. “This is gorgeous, Jasper.”
“Esme is pleased you like it.”
Not having heard his mom speak, I turn from where I was ogling a painting that appeared to be ancient. “But she-“
“Can hear you from her study and I can feel her emotions, remember?” He winks at me, show off.
Finally we walk into the space where his siblings are and I realize what Carlisle meant: Mario Kart.
Alice and Emmett are sitting on the edge of the couch, deep in concentration while Rosalie seems bored from her perch in the corner by her significant other.
“You’re fucking cheating!” Emmett bellows, frantically mashing buttons on his controller.
“It’s not cheating if you’re playing someone that sucks.” Alice taunts him, a wicked grin on her face.
“You can see the future Alice, cut him some slack.” Jasper chides his sister as he leads me to an empty section of the couch.
My eyes widen in amusement as I observe the small dark haired girl, “That’s right! You can-“
“See everything I try to do!” Emmett yells, frustration setting in as his character is hit with a shell.
It’s almost laughable, Emmett’s character Bowser and Alice as Princess Peach. I sit down next to Jasper, a few inches between us as I cross my legs and he lays an arm behind me on the back of the couch. I try to keep my breathing even as I sit here, but the excitement to be spending time with him is almost overwhelming.
I watch as Princess Peach zaps the other players into miniature size and Rose reminds Emmett not to throw yet another remote at the ground, when Jasper leans in close.
“Want a tour of the house?” He asks in a whisper, creating goosebumps down my arms.
“Yes.” I respond, probably sounding breathless, but he’s standing and offering his hand before I have the chance to feel embarrassed.
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“And this is my room.” His tour coming to an almost close, since I’m still patiently waiting for a peak at all their cars.
I walk in the doorway he pointed to, stopping just inside. My eyes were immediately drawn to the bookshelves lining the wall opposite of the floor-to-ceiling windows that seemed to be a theme throughout the house. His room was much darker than all the others, warm and inviting with the shades of black and dark wood tones. Stepping closer and skirting the immaculately made king size bed, my eyes close in on some familiar titles on the shelves.
“I always see you reading and since I have quite a bit of free time, I thought I’d pick up a few.”
I turn to look at him with my mouth parted in surprise at his thoughtfulness, his hands are clasped behind his back like he’s bashful for getting found out.
“Jasper-“ but he interrupts me.
“The garage is next.” I watch him turn on his heel and disappear down the hallway.
I look down and brush my fingers on his black comforter as I smile to myself before following him, so Jasper Hale isn’t immune to his own feelings - he just doesn’t like to show them.
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Walking into the garage, my eyes skip over the beautiful cars and land on a sleek little thing in the back. A Ducati 848 to be exact, it draws me in like a magnet. Immediately I knew it had to belong to Jasper, no one else seemed like the type. Rose had her red convertible, Emmett had his Jeep, and Edward had his mom-car. Alice and Esme didn’t bother with vehicles and Carlisle had a reasonable, albeit expensive, commuter.
“Wow,” my voice quiet as my fingers brushed the gas tank, “I’m impressed, Hale.”
“You know bikes?” Jasper asks with a hint of curiosity.
“Not really, but I know enough to know that this Ducati is basically a rocket and that it must’ve cost you a pretty penny.” I replied, eyes still glued to the beautiful machinery. “Why didn’t you tell me you drove a motorcycle?”
“Not many parents let their ‘teenager’ drive death traps around.”
“Touché.” I pause, “Take me for a ride?” Swinging my leg over to straddle the beast, I lean over the tank and glance at Jasper.
I know I’ve successfully distracted him by the amount of time it takes for him to respond. Grinning, I sit back and look at him expectantly.
“Absolutely not, darlin’. No way I’m risking-“
“You have safety gear, don’t you?” I tease him as I get off and walk behind him to snag the helmet placed on the counter along the back wall.
Jasper groans and tilts his head back in mock-frustration as he fishes the keys from his pocket. I squeal as I pull the helmet on and hop excitedly towards the bike.
“You’re wearing my protective gear or no deal, sweetheart.” He lays down the law as he stalks over to a cabinet, retrieving a thick coat and gloves.
I almost protest, but he’s pulling the jacket over my arms and zipping it up my chest leaving me breathless before I know what’s happening. Even with the helmet covering my face, I’m sure he senses the heat in my cheeks as he finishes checking me over.
“You sure about this?” Jasper asks, finding my eyes under the visor with his supernatural vision.
“Are you sure about this?” I counter, the unease floating around is practically choking me in this enclosed space before it vanishes in a snap.
He flips up my visor, “Riding with someone requires trust-“
“I trust you, Jasper Hale. Completely and without any reservations or doubt in your abilities to keep me safe.” I swear my words stunned him, his mouth parted slightly as I blurted the confession. As if he realized the doubt that was flowing earlier was from him and not me.
“You are…”, he mutters his response low enough that I can’t hear as he swings a leg over the motorcycle and turns to me seriously. “Number one rule, don’t let go of me. Lean with me on turns and stay tucked in. If you need to stop, tap on my chest. Any questions, doll?” Jasper asks.
“Where are we going?” I climb on behind him and scoot close enough to wrap my arms around his waist lightly, this is the first opportunity I’ve had to be this close to him and it’s amazing. I let out a small gasp when he grabs the backs of both knees to tug me closer, bracketing my hips around his to tuck me in close. He then grabs my arms and places them over his chest, the side of my helmeted head coming to rest on his large back.
“You’ll just have to wait and see, ready?” I feel a teasing chuckle rumble in his chest, so I simply nod, excitement tingling all over from where my body touches his.
The Ducati roars to life in the enclosed space and I feel it lean to the right as Jasper taps the garage door button on the wall to open our exit. My arms squeeze him a little tighter as we launch forward down the driveway, I’m tempted to wave to Esme smiling from the porch, but I decide against it remembering his number one rule of not letting go.
This is single-handedly the best idea I’ve ever had.
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This girl will be the death of me, I know it for certain.
She could ask me to bring her the moon and I would have it in her hands in a heartbeat. Taking her out on my motorcycle? Easy in theory, extremely difficult in practice. I’ve never felt as I do right now with her arms around me, her completely pressed against my back and squeezing me at every jolt and turn I make.
Heaven and Hell, having my greatest temptation in such close proximity.
She trusts me. Completely and without doubt - her fucking words. I’m positively speechless, I’ve never had someone to myself that trusted me so wholly without needing any kind of explanation or-or proof-
And her leaning over my bike in the garage? I nearly swerve us right off the road thinking about the arch in her back, the way her chest pressed against the tank, her toes barely able to touch the ground… it took nearly every ounce of control to remain rooted while she was seated atop my motorcycle.
My only regret is not showing her the garage sooner, that image of her will forever be seared into my mind. On second thought, I’m sure my mental images were extremely loud and clear in the garage - it’s a mystery how Edward can manage to be around the couples in our family. For me at least, the emotions get too much sometimes and I need breaks.
I’ve noticed that I’ve needed them less and less since Y/n literally slammed her way into my life - breaks from everyone else that is. She not only elicits a physical reaction that no one else has ever managed to coax out of me, but she has also become a mental safe-haven. Being around her energy is as easy and mindless as breathing, if only I could breathe around her without inhaling molten lava. Everything about her completely consumes me, tears me apart and builds me back up, unmakes and makes me over and over, infinite bliss and unending torture. My singer, her blood is a symphony and I am her rapt audience hanging on to every beautiful note and praying for an encore.
My singer.
The revelation clangs through my soul and grants my body with a new purpose; her. She is mine to protect, from this day onward. My left hand reaches up to anchor myself where Y/n’s hands rest on my chest, her arms not quite long enough for her fingers to meet in the middle. I smile to myself, maybe I can allow myself this one bit of happiness, to let her in.
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sallowsdiary · 19 days
Today was a day that will go down in Hogwarts history, not because of some grand spell or daring duel, but because of my unparalleled genius in the art of mischief. It all started with breakfast, which, as usual, was a dire affair of burnt toast and runny porridge. I mean, are the house elves even trying? But then, inspiration struck like a well-aimed hex.
It was the sight of a particularly pompous Ravenclaw, Jo. She was strutting around the Great Hall with her nose so high in the air, I’m surprised it didn’t touch the enchanted ceiling. She had just won some ridiculous Arithmancy award, and she wouldn’t shut up about it. Honestly, who brags about math?
So, I thought to myself, “Sebastian, you can’t let this slide. It’s your duty to deflate that over-inflated ego.” And what better way to do that than with a good old-fashioned prank?
I decided to put my expert knowledge of Charms to use. During a lull in conversation, when everyone was too busy gnawing on their toast to notice, I discreetly enchanted her goblet of pumpkin juice. Just a tiny charm, nothing too dramatic. Every time she took a sip, the goblet would shrink slightly. Not enough to notice right away, but slowly, gradually, until it was just big enough for a pixie.
Now, I have to admit, it was pure poetry watching her try to act nonchalant as her goblet became smaller and smaller, until she was practically licking the juice out of a thimble. The best part was that she kept pretending everything was fine. Oh, the struggle! She even tried to look sophisticated while drinking from a goblet the size of a snail shell. I nearly choked on my own juice.
But then, it got better. She stood up to leave, and the goblet, by now the size of a walnut, stuck to her lips! She walked out of the Great Hall with it dangling there like some bizarre lip ornament. The entire table burst into laughter. Even the professors had to pretend they didn’t see it, though I swear Professor Black was stifling a smirk behind his hand.
Of course, Jo's pride wouldn’t let her admit she’d been pranked, so she tried to act as if it was the latest fashion. By lunchtime, I heard rumors that she was telling people it was a “new charm she’d been working on,” as if anyone would believe that.
By dinner, she’d finally managed to remove the goblet, but I could tell she was avoiding me like I was carrying a contagious curse. Not that I blame her; my pranking skills are legendary, after all.
Unfortunately, my triumph was slightly marred by a minor setback. Professor Weasley caught wind of the whole incident and gave me a stern talking-to about “responsible use of magic” and “house unity.” I nodded along, pretending to listen, but honestly, house unity is overrated. Where’s the fun in that?
So here I am, basking in the afterglow of a job well done. I’ve already started planning my next masterpiece. I’m thinking of something involving Mister Moon, Madame Scribner, and a Disillusionment Charm. The possibilities are endless.
Until then, I’ll have to keep a low profile, at least until the heat dies down. But mark my words, this is just the beginning. Hogwarts won’t know what hit it.
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retrowave-racer · 5 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 1 - TOP THRILL 2
“One of the most common after effects of the anomalies, was many seemingly ordinary humans acquiring inhuman amounts of speed. Rita Ferraro was one of them of course, but found her new ability a mix of a blessing and a curse, thus deciding to join a support group for people like her. It was in this group, she met people like Enzo, a full of himself speedster who she briefly was in a relationship with, only for that to end very soured. Rita however met many others with her ability who were kind and supportive. Topher Thomson was one of them, in the support group since 2003. They were friendly, upbeat and positive, and always trying to uplift and support others who were struggling. Topher themselves was a bit clumsy much like Rita, tending to fall backwards during high speed runs and stumbling. But they never gave up, and Rita admired that. For many years Topher was a visible figure in the support group, helping others come to terms with their new abilities, making sure people were taking care of themselves and drinking and eating enough, tending to injuries of those still clumsy and running into things, and much more. But recently, they vanished for a period of time, worrying a lot in the community. Rita got word something had happened to her friend, and was desperate to run off as fast as she could to find them. But not long later, Topher returned, seeming brighter than ever, with a new sense of style and more control over their powers than before…”
Happy Coaster Maynia Season! Im so so so excited this year, I’ve gotten so much prep done ahead of time, as I want to get the lists done in time! I have a lot coming up at the end of the month anyways so I needed to be ready for it all! But yes, it’s been so fun working on the prompts this year, I’ve been doing these template backgrounds for each day, and plan to write up little blurbs to further develop each character! Also in terms of the best of list, Im prioritizing the main, but do plan to go back to the second one once the first list is done! As I plan to make the art for the best of list a bit more detailed and with backgrounds! Stay tuned for those pieces…..
But yes! Good luck and have fun to everyone else participating, and if you are, share your art with me! I want to share as many other coaster maynia entries to my socials this year!
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cerastes · 2 years
I think my least favorite take, opinion, whatever you want to call it, is “why did Arknights not say the Inquisition was bad?”. It applies to any event, really, replace Inquisition with whatever the Authority Figure Organization is involved, and hell, I even agree with the sentiment sometimes, Arknights’ not flawless, but for the most part: You need to read better. You are playing the Game That Doesn’t Say Things Explicitly. It tends not to say things explicitly, turns out.
It kind of bugs me opening my inbox and seeing something to the effect of “I’m uncomfortable about Irene because she’s technically a cop, why is she not Condemned for it?” First of all, shame on your for wanting all of the art you peruse instantly moralized, to the point it needs to somehow involved a shovelful of The Opinion, served explicitly, at the drop of a hat. That aside, the Inquisition is not put on a good light to say the least, so even then the point is moot. Irene’s journey is very much seeing with her own eyes that “the Inquisition raised me, I respect and love the people I’ve met in it, as they do me, and the dogma surrounding the Inquisition is an important brick in the temple that is my life” necessarily is something that exists alongside “the Inquisition does in fact leave the imperiled to be doomed, and sees human life more as numbers and resources than human lives, the dogma is built, necessarily, on oppression of others as a means of fostering order and morale, and I’ve benefited directly from this privilege”, and that she has to make a decision. High Inquisitor Dario, her mentor and foster father, tells her as much: “Once you see things with your eyes, you have to make a decision”. Irene does in fact make her decision, leaving the Inquisition and the mentorship of The Highest Of Inquisitors, Saint Carmen himself, who was going to take her in and basically assure her a seat as a High Inquisitor in the future, because she found the latter realization to weight more than the former. In her own words, Irene decided to step away from this, because if she remained in the Inquisition, she’d only forever perpetuate the oppression on the Aegir, among other things.
Now, there’s definitely more to say about the Inquisition of Iberia, but I’m focusing on Irene here: Do you think it’d make sense for her to just suddenly have a moment of clarity, in the middle of all that fighting and struggling to stay alive, say “I’m antifa now, actually” and discard everything that has been her life until that moment just like that? If you do think so, I hope you don’t write anything soon. Your desire for catharsis is not unimportant, but the narrative shouldn’t have to accommodate for it in the most neckbreak way possible, and if you do need it to do that, then read something else, there are reads and games like that elsewhere (for example, Tales of the Abyss has the main character do an absolute 180 from one moment to another after a specific event in its story), but also do show some respect for the fact that Irene, in a way that resembles what anyone who just had her entire world view challenged not once, but twice (Under Tides and Stultifera Navis) would act, allows herself some time apart from the tension of the Big Happenings of the event, actually digest the paradigm shift, the loss of someone important to her, what to do with all the new information she has and what the experiences have taught her, and grow out from there organically. 
What I’m trying to say is that I’d rather have less “conclusive” overdone neckbreak moments of “you know what? Fuck this! Fuck you!” and maybe let the characters in any given narrative seep and stew into what happened and what happens from there on. Take, for example, Full Metal Alchemist, in which certain important characters have a real moment of “Hey... Are we... The bad guys?” that shapes the events of an entire, important part of the story long term, slowly, with the gravitas it deserves.
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fanficwriter284 · 2 months
Okay I finally managed to write something ... .I seriously have hit like a writing wall and lost so much writing motivation…BUT I ASSURE YOU I'M TRYING TO GET BACK INTO IT…And I’ve been missing Chelsea so much. So I decided to write about it. And I will be including @twyz’s (Btw totally check out all their AU’s and OCs and art. It’s all Chef's kiss ... .Oh? You thought I was asking? No seriously….Go check it out…I’m not asking…...Haha I’m totally joking about the threatening part…but seriously….If you love eye candy go check out their blog…) OC Gloria aka Chelsea’s older sister for anyone new here. And I will be including Benny because I’ve been missing him as well. Also be aging them up a bit you’ll see why… 
The new school year had recently rolled around, Chelsea the Ray’s youngest daughter now starting high school, now a week in. Something she hadn’t been overly thrilled about, however the youngest saw no point in complaining. School was seen more of a chore than anything, following the repetitive mundane routine. Wake Up, Dress, Breakfast, Head Out the Door, Repeat….Repeat….Repeat…
Thankfully the first week had concluded much to her relief. Gloria, the Rays second youngest, noticed something was wrong with her sister. She had been more tense than usual, normally she’d let it go but she could tell something had been nagging her baby sister and now she needed to know what. 
After dinner, Gloria ventured down the hall down to Chelsea’s room, stopping for a moment to think, staring at the periwinkle door to ground her thoughts. Her blue orbs falling on the old measurement marks slashed across Chelsea’s door frame. The memories of helping her father lineup little Chelsea against the wall struggling to get an accurate height, as the little youngest would fiddle and fidget, stretched a smile along her rosy face. Gently she did her usually two, three, one knock, to let her sister know it was her, waiting for a response.
“Come in Gloria”, Chelsea spoke from her desk.
Gloria made her way in, walking over to her sister peering over her shoulder.
“Algebra?” she smiled placing on Chelsea’s shoulder
“Yep, fun stuff” Chelsea sighed, looking up at her sister.
“You were right, Mr. Lance is a jerk”
“Told ya, the guys are not the nicest or the brightest” she responded.
“Yeah he didn’t take me correcting his math lightly” Chelsea snickered, flashing her sister a toothy grin. 
“Hehe yeah. The guys getting paid to teach and yet he can barely do that” Gloria smiled lightly ruffling Chelsea’s hair.
Gloria hopped onto Chelsea bed lightly tapping the spot beside her. The youngest followed sitting cross legged looking over at her sister.
‘What’s up?”
Gloria took a deep breath, letting it out as she scooted closer to her sister. “Hey you know you can come to me for anything right?”
“Yeah, why? Something wrong?” Chelse questioned, tilting her head.
“Well it’s just since you started school, I’ve noticed that you’ve been….a bit tense…Is everything okay?”
Chelsea gave a curious blink, “Yeah everything fine” she spoke adjusting her bowtie, “probably just school jitters. Sorry if it looks like I’ve been on edge”, Chelsea gave another smile, “and that’ll probably wear off since it’s the weekend. Pa said we’re going over to Uncle Slap’s and hanging out with our cousins. So it should be fun. I’m hoping for a barbeque. And I’ve been wanting to hear the Jamies side of the story about the blowing up the science lab.”
Gloria wasn’t buying it. Not in the slightest, but she knew Chelsea all too well and knew this was the most she was going to get out of her. She gave a supportive smile and nodded, pulling her in close, “Alright then. But remember my rooms right down the hall if you ever wanna talk okay?”
Chelsea, though not one for embraces, smiled and leaned in, “Alright”
“Wait he blew up what?”
Monday had rolled around again, and Gloria decided to keep an eye on her younger sister. Seeing if anything was truly wrong…or perhaps she was just being nosy, and her gut had been off. During lunch she spotted Chelsea sitting with Benny, and a new girl. She took a moment to study. Sandy hair, freckled cheeks, dimples, lime eyes, a light pink blouse, and a headband. She seemed friendly, sitting with the two, only then did she see Chelsea’s body tense, seemingly staring daggers into the newcomer. Gloria noticed the tightening of Chelsea’s lips, a habit she often did when she was annoyed, and the subtle scooching toward Benny. If only she could hear the conversation. 
Chelsea suppressed a frown, forcing a friendly grin at the new girl, who had taken a liking to her best friend. A liking she wasn’t fond of. Not to mention this strawberry blonde was a yapper, steering the one-sided conversation every which way. Benny had turned off his hearing aids, and somewhat smiled along, something Chelsea wished she had the power to do. Much like her father she wasn’t a social butterfly, and found herself fantasizing about duct taping the new girl's mouth shut. Her focus only regained at the sight of the new girl leaning closer to Benny and playfully tugging at his shirt. 
“I was so pissed, like , can you even believe that?! And so then my Uncle totally–”
“OKAY!.....Benny and I are going to miss our next block….We should get going”
“Class doesn’t start for another 10 minutes” the girl responded, moving closer to Benny.
“Well I don’t like being late…Earlier the better” Chelsea forced out grabbing Benny's hand and practically dragging the teen to their next class.
“I’ll come!”
Chelsea rolled her eyes, her grip on Benny’s hand tightening as she walked. Benny didn’t mind and quickened his pace, his cheeks slightly blushing at the sudden hand grab. 
Luckily the last and most dreadful block arrived. Chemistry. Chelsea was actually quite fond of the subject only she’d be sharing the class with the new girl. And today was a lab, much to her dismay Benny had been paired up with the new girl, and she was paired with the Karen of a neighbor's son, Urhighness. Who thankfully had grown more tolerable throughout the years and his time with the Rays. 
Benny hid a frown that had been tugging at his lips as he now had to endure the new girls rambling and her constant need to be next to him…Practically joined at the him. 
Chelsea now with a set of goggles read the lab report, following the procedure with precise precision, occasionally glancing over at Benny and his lab partner, feeling her grip tighten around her pencil. 
“You okay Chels? Something bugging you?”
Chelsea blinked, snapping from her gaze, “Nope…everything's peachy Ness….”
“....Right…So ya got the test tube?” He commented looking over the lab sheet.
“Yeah sure, here” she said, her eyes back on Benny.
Ness chuckled slightly, shaking his head, “Someone's jealous,” he muttered under his breath.
“Me? Jealous? Please” Chelsea clapped back, shooting him a look. 
“What? Can’t I point out the obvious?”
Chelsea shot him another look, before uttering a comeback she heard the new girl's overly animated bubbly laugh that made her snap her pencil. 
“Way to contaminate the work station, Chels”  he remarked, gently taking her snapped pencil and tossing it out, giving her one of his. 
“You’re upset your boyfriends is clearly being hit on, understandable but can we deal with your drama another day please”
Chelsea squinted, “He’s not my boyfriend he’s my best friend”
“Yeah okay. Keep telling yourself that. Because your face says otherwise. And tell your cousin that I said thanks for blowing up the old science lab, this ones a total upgrade ” he snickered.
Thankfully the end of the school day came, and Gloria, Chelsea, and Benny had decided to walk home together. Benny listened to music through his hearing aids, while the two sisters chatted. 
“So how was school?” Gloria asked,
Gloria’s face fell for a moment, but she quickly recomposed herself before Chelsea could notice, “So I noticed, a new girl sitting with you guys at lunch, what’s her name?” 
Gloria noticed Chelsea’s jaw tighten and body tense, “Cindy, can’t tell if that's her actual name or a nickname.”
“So…you two friends? Or…”
“Not friends. She's more like a tick than anything” Chelsea remarked with a slight glance towards Benny, that didn’t go unnoticed by Gloria. 
“Okay noted…I saw she was close with Ben–” 
“No she’s not. If she was close with him she’d probably bother to ask about him instead of talking about herself for a straight hour”
There was a sore nerve. 
Gloria saw Chelsea’s face flush each time she mentioned Benny. She knew all too well Benny had a crush on Chelsea since the 3rd grade but couldn’t help but smirk at the thought the feeling was now mutual. 
“Okay so she’s full of herself. Just try and avoid her like the plague. Or better yet dump her on Urhighness” 
Chelsea smirked at the idea, “Ya know you might be onto something”
The following week Chelsea managed to get a word out in conversation and mentioned Urhighness, immediately catching Cindy's attention curious as to who he was.
“He should be over– Hey Ness. This is Cindy” Chelsea grinned, motioning to her.
“...Ah yeah Cindy…I’ve heard a lot about you” he responded.
“Oh really? I’m sure they were all good things right Urhighness?”
Ness forced a smile side-eyeing Chelsea, “Many things…And I just go by Ness now…You can drop the Urhigh” he responded, shaking her hand noticing her tight grip. 
“Oh and he also thinks you’re really pretty,” Chelsea smirked, locking eyes with Ness.
“Awww thank you!” She smiled and pulled him into a tight hug.
Ness nervously chuckled, glaring at Chelsea awkwardly returning the hug, silently mouthing “fuck you” 
Chelsea could only smirk, flipping him off. 
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melodymakesart · 8 months
My Sketchbook:
I got this sketchbook for Christmas. I haven’t done traditional art for a long time and decided to get back into it since I’ve been feeling creatively stunted lately. I added some stickers, and I have to say that so far, drawing has been extremely enjoyable. Doing these little sketches has been so nice because I don’t feel the pressure to make something “good”, I just get to sketch and be messy. (Yes I know you can do this digitally too but for some reason this works and made sense to me so go with it).
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Sketchbook Entries 1, 2 & 3
Oscar’s Eyes
So the first thing I drew was Oscar’s eyes and nose…naturally…
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Princess & Charlie (First Drafts)
I cant tell you guys how long I’ve been struggling to make self-insert characters, but finally I did it. You’ve met both Princess and Charlie, so here are their first original sketches!!
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Princess - cute, adorable, innocent, fulfills my size kink and corruption kink
Charlie - fulfills my need to crush the balls of all men who have wronged me
I have like 15-16 sketches right now? But I’ll have many more and I’ll try to share a new one every day! (Assuming I have a new one daily lol)
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
Another anon wanting to say thank you for sharing your feelings and offering a space for other people to do likewise. I’ve mostly just been a lurker in the fandom, reading fic and barely even watching any streams, but I’m still gutted by the news and trying to process. And reading your blog has really helped. ❤️❤️❤️
the ironic thing is, right before this, I was starting to think about finally writing my own SBI/DSMP fanfic, only I was intimidated by the thought of having to watch all the streams first. Now I am torn between “I don’t want to write something tainted by an abuser” and “now I have the perfect excuse not to do any research, fanfic is my fandom, power to the people babyyyyy”
I figured as a big name in this fandom, specifically one that's known for how big of a fan I was of wilbur, it just made sense to offer up my own thoughts and let others offer theirs. especially since if you're familiar with my tumblr, you know how much of an active ask community I have.
I'm so glad my blog has helped at least a bit. I'm so sorry you're struggling too, but we're all in this together and I just want everyone to remember that
definitely sit with your feelings for a while to decide if you still feel comfortable writing your fic or not. but honestly I say go for it. don't let this kill the community we have around creativity and passion and art.
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andithiel · 8 months
End of year wrap up
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I am so super late to this, but I’ve done this in the last few years and I think it’s a nice tradition to look back at the accomplishments I’ve achieved. 2022 was a very bleak year writing wise, and I’m happy to say that I’ve slowly started to get my mojo back a bit. My AO3 wordcount for 2023 was 36,936 words, but I’ve also posted some shorter things on tumblr, and I actually made a spreadsheet to track my progress and tally all my written words, including those that get deleted and also those not yet posted, and according to the spreadsheet I wrote 10k more. I still have a lot of WIPs hanging around in my drive, but I’ve managed to finish some of them, and I feel like I have more energy and excitement to finish some more, so, here’s hoping that 2024 will be the year that I actually end up with fewer WIPs at the end than at the beginning (something I tried back in 2020, before the world went up in flames).
Under the cut is what I published in 2023:
Fading in Love (locked to logged in users) (Drarry, Explicit, 5k) I wrote this as a belated birthday present for @sassy-sassy3, it’s an 8th year secret relationship with a lil’ sprinkle of magical theory regarding the Dark Mark. 
I decided to try a few prompts for HD Candyhearts and ended up having a lot of fun with them: 
Second Date AO3 tumblr (Drarry, Teen, 1,3k) with an insecure Draco after having spent the night with Harry.
The microfic Taste the love (for the prompt Sweet treats)
How deep is our love? AO3 tumblr (Drarry, Teen, 762 words) featuring established Drarry bickering and absolutely ridiculous Valentine’s cards.
The secret language of flowers AO3 tumblr (Drarry, Teen, 2k) featuring the classic tumblr post the fuck you bouquet.
Pillow microfic with Draco being a little shit
Charm me 8th year drabble FWB/secret relationship sort of vibes.
Take that ride (Drarry, Teen, 1,6k) I finally managed to write a fic idea that’s been scrambling around in my brain for ages. I wanted to create a mood and a feeling with this and I’m so happy with how it turned out.
I also wrote a short fuck or die drabble that I’m super proud of: Let me show you  
Hold back the tide (Drarry, Teen, 2k) Another idea that’s been with me for years that I finally got out (despite not having written the fic that preludes this).
Thunderstruck (locked to logged in users) (Drarry, Explicit, 8k) My god, my beast, this fic resisted me and to top it all off I got covid right when I was about to finish it. I struggled with this so damn much, also wanting to create a vividness that doesn’t really come natural to me, but I’m so happy with how it came out in the end. Plus I got to collab with the amazing @fictional who, as usual, knocked it out of the park with her glorious art.
The Potter Malfoy bathroom war of 2007 (locked to logged in users) (Drarry, Explicit, 8k) Another fic that’s been with me for some time, although “only” a year. I saw the prompt for last year’s Suds when claims had closed, so I tried to forget about it but it wouldn’t leave me. I had so much fun writing this, I love writing Harry and Draco bickering and fighting with each other when we as readers know it’s basically their form of foreplay. 
When it’s exactly twelve o’clock that night (Drarry, Teen, 6k) This was also a fic one year in the making. I started writing it to post on last New Year’s Eve, but I couldn’t finish it in five days (to my own astonishment), but I’m happy it got to marinate for a while because I added a scene with Scorpius that I’m very fond of.
I wasn't tagged by anyone and I'm sure people have already done this, but if this means you get another tag, consider pointing me to your own year wrap up so I can see it! @sassy-sassy3 @fictional @mystickitten42 @uncannycerulean @goblinmatriarch @phdmama @crazybutgood @dragonbornphoenix @wo2ash @rei382 @nv-md
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gorlsgurlsgirls · 2 months
I got into sign painting in early July while looking for a job. I saw a posting for a sign painter at Disneyland and bc I’ve always been a creative type of person, I thought I could waltz right in and do it. Silly, in retrospect. Sign painting is a specialized skill and art form that has been passed down for decades. I wanted to take a class from a local artist, but didn’t have the spare money required so I thought of an idea: I would try to barter. I asked him if he would be open to the idea of letting me come do some work for him around his shop in exchange for admission to the class, and he said yes. The past few days I’ve been on site at a warehouse to help paint a wall, assisting with sanding and priming the wood boards that we’ll be using for the class, and learning how to “pounce” or perforate the paper used to mark the surface with the words or illustration. (Pouncing can be intense though - I definitely electrocuted myself on accident and I do mean electrocuted and not “shocked.”)
This has made the last few days super interesting and satisfying to my ADHD brain. I’ve been having such a good time learning these different new skills and hope that the interest will last and that it won’t just be my latest hyperfixation.
The romantic part of me hopes that this situation means something in the grand scheme of things - me struggling to find a job after deciding to leaving education and in a larger sense, struggling to find something meaningful as a career since I thought education was what I was meant to do; finding interest in the art of sign painting and design, living so close to this guy who is extremely talented, him allowing me to come do some work for him and learn stuff behind the scenes.
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azimachra · 2 months
You know what’s annoying? The fact that people are right about exercise. For years and years I told myself that I wasn’t an athlete. I’d tried more sports than I could count on my fingers and I was bad or disliked all of them. I’m slow so track didn’t work. Ice skating was fun but everyone started so much younger than I did and I felt like I would never catch up. My hand eye coordination and reaction time are actually terrible so tennis was a disaster. The list goes on.
Eventually I convinced myself that sports just weren’t for me. Everyone told me that being active in some way or another would improve my mood and help me get better sleep. I knew from experience that sports and being active would do nothing but make me (more) miserable. I relegated myself to the position of the eternal nerd. I didn’t need *sports* to live a fulfilled life or to feel good in my body.
Cut to a year and a half ago. I had some childhood experience with martial arts (I stopped in middle school because it wasn’t feminine enough or something like that) and decided after some of the quarantine restrictions lifted that I wanted to try again. the place I trained when I was younger went under during the height of covid and that sport was pretty rare so there was nowhere else to train. I chose a martial art I’d heard about at random - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - and tried it.
I’d like to say that I was a prodigy, that I understood the sport instinctually, that I was praised by my coaches for my natural talent. That, unfortunately, would be a lie. I was downright terrible when I started. Everything was so difficult. Other people understood the principles and applications in a way that I couldn’t. It seemed like everyone was either way more advanced than me or twice my size. The first few months, I was learning techniques and training but I still didn’t get it. My coach told me that the instinct would come with time. I was worried that this would just be another piece of proof that I’m not athletic, that I don’t have the body or mental fortitude. I was scared of failing, but I loved the sport. Since then, I’ve massively improved. Some things that I struggled with before have fallen into place and I’ve found new things to struggle with. I’m competent for my level and I even competed in a tournament. Has it been easy? No. Do I always feel confident in my ability? Absolutely not. But BJJ has undeniably changed my life for the better. I feel more comfortable in my body, I’ve gotten stronger and more resilient, found a new community, and yes it totally has helped with my sleep schedule and emotional wellbeing.
While I love BJJ I am not promising that you will too (although it is amazing for self defense, a skill everyone benefits from but is extra useful to women and femme presenting folks in our current society). What I’m trying to say is that despite my years of disbelief it turns out that everyone was in fact correct about physical activity/sports being good for you. It also turns out that I was wrong about my belief that I was inherently un-athletic. I also want to say that you can do this on your terms. There are so many more ways to move your body than just hitting a ball with a stick or running in circles. Don’t let yourself stay trapped in a cage with fictional bars; in an 80’s movie trope where you can only be a jock or a nerd; in a mindset that limits you from being happy and healthy. Find something that makes you excited to do because I promise, it is out there.
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synkverv · 10 months
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the color violet never seemed to glow (until i saw it in your eyes)
Chapter One: fly with me Art by: @ewanmitchellcrumbs Pairing: Alicent/Rhaenyra (Rhaenicent), Laenor/Joffrey Lonmouth (mentioned) Rating: mature Tags & Warnings: alternate universe - 1980s, fluff and smut, angst and humor, period-typical homophobia, body dysmorphia, declarations of love, drinking Word Count: 6,460 AO3: link
Summary: (King's Landing, Westeros, August 1986). Alicent was devastated when Rhaenyra first told her she was moving to the Vale to attend university. So to try and cheer her friend up, Rhaenyra promised to make this the best summer ever. She doted on Alicent, treating her to any and every activity that crossed her mind. But as the date of Rhaenyra’s departure approached, Alicent couldn't help but sink into a depression. She struggled to admit the thoughts that plagued her whole existence: she was in love with Rhaenyra. Perhaps on their final outing together, during all the shopping, eating, sunbathing, drinking, and dancing, she will be brave and say what's always been on her mind. But unbeknownst to her, Rhaenyra has the same idea.
Notes: this is my submission for @hotd-bigbang. and a special thank you to ewanmitchellcrumbs for the header, moodboard, dividers, and for organizing this event so wonderfully!! this was my first big bang and it won’t be my last. it’s been such a fantastic experience. thank you again ewanmitchellcrumbs and it’s been so great working with you!
anyway, thanks for reading! this was initially a one-shot but it grew too long for my liking so i’ve decided to split it up into two chapters (or perhaps more but don’t hold me to that!) chapter two will be posted at a later date, hopefully sooner rather than later.
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    The Vale.  
   Once a place that rarely crossed her mind now burrows into her every waking thought.  She hates the Vale.  Rather, she hates what it will take from her.  Stealing away the most prized person in her life and keeping her behind its walls was a worthy enough reason to hate anything.  She thinks about the people there, and she hates them, too.  She hates all the new individuals who threaten to invade her friend's life.  She can’t help but think of those who will replace everyone she had here in King's Landing.  A new friend group, a new boy toy, and worst of all, a new best friend.  Everything Alicent knows and lives will be nothing but a distant memory to Rhaenyra.  Fragments of an old life.  Despite her moping, Alicent accepts nothing stays the same forever.  It’s life’s impossibility.  Change is inevitable.  But truthfully, what nineteen-year-old understands that?  It’s silly to blame a location for her distress, she knows, but Alicent needs something to take the brunt of her frustration.  It helps to focus her attention on the wrong thing, or so she believes it does.  She convinces herself it’s easier to despise a place that means little to her than to despise her friend's choices.  Or worse, to despise her friend herself. 
   She’s lying on her back atop her bed’s grey-green duvet.  Her ankles are crossed and her fingers are laced together resting limply on her stomach.  Her steady breathing conceals the torrent of thoughts racing behind her eyes.  The shades are drawn, keeping the otherwise cheerful room as dark as her mood.  
   Alicent grimaces.
   What kind of person would she be if she hated Rhaenyra for pursuing her dreams and goals in life?  As her best friend, she should support her in all her endeavors.  Even if it hurts.  Rhaenyra wants to attend the same university as her mother.  So, what?   Alicent understands the need to feel close again to one’s late mother if nothing else.  
   Alicent hadn’t seen her mother in four years before her sudden illness last year.  Her father had split up the family when he took up his current job working alongside Rhaenyra’s father in the capital.  At his insistence, Alicent and her brothers came to live in King’s Landing to study and make important connections to aid their careers.  Grayce, however, refused to move and remained in Oldtown with her brother-in-law, Hobert, and his sweet wife with whom she was close.  Otto and Viserys had been friends for longer than either were married but it still shocked the whole family when he chose Viserys over Grayce.  
   Alicent wishes she asked her mother why she stayed behind.  Four years is a long time to spend away from your husband and your children.  Why not come?  Father avoids the question when I ask , she thinks, I doubt I’ll ever know why now .  
   Yet though it seemed their marriage was strained for reasons unaddressed, Alicent watched her father become ever-dutiful and caring for his wife when she fell ill.  Alicent, her brothers, and her father flew back to Oldtown the second they found out Grayce was sick.  They lived at the hospital and Hobert’s home for nearly a full year.  Grayce’s funeral was attended by hundreds of mourners from both the Hightower and Redwyne families.  Alicent and her siblings stayed under their uncle’s roof for another week after Grayce’s passing before flying home to King’s Landing.  It still surprises Alicent that they lasted that long.  Otto had grown noticeably aimless and restless following the funeral, annoying his brother, his sister-in-law, his nieces and nephews, everyone.  Gwayne later told her he suspected that their father disliked being around the family without being the center of attention, but Alicent, at the time, just believed he struggled to express his grief properly.  Losing a mother was hard enough, she couldn’t imagine losing a life partner, the second half of one’s being.
   " Allie, door! " her brother calls from downstairs.  
   She glances at the alarm clock to her right on her bedside table.  Half nine , it reads.  She’s late, as usual .  But Alicent doesn’t care.  She never does.  Not on the first day of summer or today, the last.  Rhaenyra promised to make this the best summer ever, and so far, it had been just that.  Yet the thought of it ending lingered in the back of Alicent's mind the whole time, spoiling even the best moments.  She’ll never let Nyra know though.  She knows her friend feels guilty enough about moving away and she doesn’t want to make it worse on either of them.  They avoid the subject. 
   "Be down in a second!" she shouts.  She hears her brother respond but can’t make out what he said.  Not that it matters.  Gwayne makes snide comments all the time, and they’re so often meaningless.  She checks herself out in the mirror on the back of her door, never one to leave the house unmade or underdressed.  She brushes the wrinkles out of her light jean shorts and straightens her loose, sleeveless white top.  Her crimped auburn hair is full and teased out.  It’s almost hard to the touch from the layers and layers of hairspray, just the way she likes it.  She grabs a couple of makeup products from her organized desktop and returns to the mirror, leaning almost close enough to brush her nose against it.  She quickly slathers her favorite shade of pink lipstick over her lips.  Next, she applies a modest amount of black mascara to her lashes, gently accentuating their natural length.  Father hates if I wear too much makeup… or any , she thinks as she stares at her reflection.  At least he’s not here to see it .  She looks down at her hands and frowns.  The skin around her fingers is red and angry, sporting more than a few scabs.  She used to wear nail polish to distract the eye but she couldn’t keep from picking at the pastel colors.  She grew tired of reapplying the polish day after day, so she stopped.  Her picking has never been worse, never been so obvious.  She hopes Rhaenyra doesn’t mention it.  
   Alicent snatches her crossbody purse from the hook by her door and all but runs downstairs.  She expects to find her friend inside by the backdoor, like usual, but when she gets there, nobody is there.  Garage .  Rhaenyra never knocks at the front door, not since it got Alicent in trouble for ‘bothering’ her father.  Father hates it when Rhaenyra stops by unannounced, or even when it’s planned.  Despite Rhaenyra’s father being his best, if not only friend, Otto disliked her.  It seems she was ever the thorn in his side, much to the confusion of both girls.  He refused to elaborate on his distaste for Rhaenyra no matter how often Alicent would ask.  So, the two girls agreed to keep their rendezvous and plans hidden from Otto.  Alicent only ever tells her Gwayne, the only brother who still lives with her, where she is going and who she is going with (it’s always Rhaenyra).  
   Alicent turns from the back door and crosses the house to the kitchen.  She finds Gwayne sitting at the kitchen island, a math textbook and notebook splayed open before him.  Across the room is the door leading to the garage, cracked open just a hair.
   Without looking up, he says, "Father won't be home until late again.  Make sure you're back before then ‘cause I can’t cover for you."  She nods, knowing Gwayne has plans to see his girlfriend that night.  Alicent turns to leave but Gwayne speaks up again.  "Hey."  She looks back at him, her hand on the garage door handle.
   "Have fun."
   "Thanks," Alicent says, flashing a soft grin.  “You, too.”  She pushes the door aside and sees Rhaenyra leaning casually against her bike, parked inside the open garage.  With her back to Alicent, she doesn’t immediately acknowledge her presence.  Her friend’s eyes are locked on the empty driveway and road.  Alicent smiles as she regards Rhaenyra.  Ever the rebel, she wears a bulky leather jacket over an all too familiar, clearly favored purple tube top romper.  Her long silver-gold hair runs down her jacket like a calm waterfall.  She cradles a black helmet under her left arm and rests her dominant hand on top of a secondary helmet sitting on the motorcycle’s seat. 
   “Does it work now?” Alicent asks as she closes the door behind her, breaking the silence and announcing herself.  Rhaenyra whips around, grinning. 
   "Of course.  I made it here didn’t I?” 
   “You made it all the way to Harwin’s last time, too.”  Rhaenyra flushed, playfully rolling her eyes.
   “Daemon helped me fix it up after it broke down.  It's not gonna fall apart again."  She glanced at the yellow motorcycle and made a face.  "Probably.  Anyway, let's go."  She jumps away from her bike, dropping the helmet beside the other, and takes Alicent’s hands in her own.  "Fly with me," she says, a fox-like smirk pulling at the left corner of her mouth.  Mischief flickers in her violet eyes.  
   "Why is it such a secret this time, Rhaenyra?  What have you planned?"  
   "And spoil everything?  You trust me, right?"
   "Yes, of course I do..."
   "So, hop on."  Rhaenyra pulls Alicent to the motorcycle and drops her hands.  She swings a leg over the seat and plops down onto the fabric seat.  She yanks one of the helmets down over her head and holds out the second for Alicent.  Alicent takes the helmet, puts it on, and sits behind Rhaenyra.  The seat isn’t the largest, but neither of the girls is particularly big.  They fit, but just barely.  Alicent clasps her hands together around her friend’s waist as Rhaenyra fires up the engine.  She held onto Rhaenyra a little tighter than was necessary, but Rhaenyra didn’t complain.  Alicent hates motorcycles, especially this beat-up old thing, but Rhaenyra was proud of her tinkering skills.  So, she ignores her fears.  If it makes Nyra happy, it makes her happy ( it gives her an excuse to hold on to Rhaenyra ).
   Rhaenyra speeds out of the garage and barrels down Alicent's neighborhood street.  Anxious, Alicent leans her body against Nyra for support.  She can’t help but close her eyes as they drive through the claustrophobic streets of King's Landing.  She feels the wind tugging at her hair, the red mess flying behind her like a flag.  Her hairspray fights back as best it can, but she knows the style is ruined.  Oh, well .  It isn’t something she didn’t anticipate.  Rhaenyra’s antics have ruined more than a few hairdos and outfits.  What’s one more?   
   Alicent feels Rhaenyra steering them further and further south, and then the realization comes to her.  She knows exactly where they are going even without looking.  She had lived here long enough.  If she wasn't so terrified, she would smile.  
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    A day at the beach, so it is , she thinks when they finally stop.  Rhaenyra had parked along a residential street behind the Conqueror's Boardwalk, sandwiching them in between a gold sedan and a black SUV.  The girls dismount and Alicent looks around at the buildings lining the boardwalk.  She spies countless other people walking about in their swimsuits, coverups, and regular day clothes.  It’s a superbly pleasant day to Alicent.  There isn’t a cloud in the sky but a cool ocean breeze offers some relief from the summer heat.    
   “The beach then?” Alicent asks, giggling softly.  “Why was this a secret?”
   “It’s not just the beach.”
   “What else?” 
   “You’ll see,” Rhaenyra says, flashing a white grin.  “Let’s go!”  And without another word, she dashes off towards the boardwalk.  
   “Wait, Nyra!” Alicent calls after her, jogging after her as quickly as she can.
   “Come on!  Hurry up!”  
   “I’m trying!”  She struggles to keep up since running isn’t her strong suit.  Westerosi people don’t exercise as much as they should.  When she catches up, she finds Rhaenyra waiting outside a cute shop on the boardwalk.  Just Seahorsing Around , reads the sign above the building.  Seahorse decals cover the windows, accompanying numerous more seahorse puns.  She can’t help but smile at the ridiculous place.  From the exterior, she isn’t sure what they sell inside.  Aside from jokes, anyway.  Her friend, however, seems familiar with the shop.  Just as Alicent opens her mouth to ask, Rhaenyra takes Alicent by the wrist and guides her inside the store.
   Though a modest building size, she can’t say the owners don’t utilize the space efficiently.  She eyes the circular racks at the front stuffed with hanging bathing suits of all shapes, sizes, and colors.  Flip-flops, beach bags, coolers, towels, sunscreen lotion, umbrellas, volleyballs, and sandcastle toys for little ones occupy the numerous free-standing shelves and display tables that dot the floor.  By the register, there are various snacks like bagged chips, soda, fruity hard candy, and individually wrapped Twinkies for customers.  She notes that they don’t sell anything that can significantly melt in the summer heat like chocolates and cold treats.  It was anything and everything a beachgoer could possibly want, and Alicent was almost awestruck.   
   “We’ll obviously need to change,” Rhaenyra says, still pulling Alicent along as if worrying she might get lost in the store.  “Unless you prefer your underwear.”  She winks with an open smile.  
   “No!” Alicent says.  “How absurd!”  She giggles as she pictures herself wading in the ocean water in her bra and panties.  “You know, I have a perfectly good bathing suit at home I could have brought?”  
   “That old blue and cream thing?  Nah, you desperately need something new.  Something from this decade.”  Rhaenyra drops Alicent’s arm and stops at a large rack packed with countless hanging suits, one and two-piece alike.
   “It’s only two years old,” Alicent says.
   “Whatever.  It screams Yucksville ‘75, dude.  Now,” Rhaenyra says as she begins fingering through the available options, “treat yourself to 1986.  See, now these are bitchin’.”  She pulls out two hangers and grins.  “Here, hold these a sec’,” she says, shoving the swimsuits at Alicent.  She returns her attention to the rack and grabs a few more choices.  Rhaenyra looks around the store and says, “Ah!” when she spots a changing area at the back.  “I’m gonna try these on real quick.”  Alicent hands back the suits and watches her practically skip into one of the changing room stalls.  
   She laughs to herself and begins to skim through the rack herself.  She wants something that isn’t too revealing nor too prudish like her old blue one-piece.  Yet, she has trouble finding the one .  She isn’t as confident in her body as Rhaenyra is with her perfect figure and curves in all the right places.  Alicent is stick-thin by comparison.  She worries that her bones are too visible, that her veins show through her skin too much, that she’s too tall, and other such silly things.  Still, she wants to be confident in front of her friend.  Even if she has to pretend.  She shakes her head.  She’s supposed to enjoy this day, the last day she’ll have with Rhaenyra, and she can’t let body image issues take any enjoyment away from her.  
   Alicent picks out three different swimsuits, three she would never normally wear.  She thinks they would look stunning on Rhaenyra, so why not on her, too?  
   “So, what do you think?”  Alicent didn’t hear Rhaenyra behind her until she spoke.  She turns around to see Rhaenyra posing in one of the suits, barefoot.  She is holding one hand on her hip while the other frames one side of her round face.  Her grin is infectious as she shows off a deep red bikini with high-cut bottoms and a twisted bandeau top.  Of course, that’s what she picked .  
   “I think it’s very you.”  Rhaenyra’s brows shoot up and her grin widens.
   “Good, ‘cause this is what I liked best.”  Rhaenyra’s eyes drift to the swimsuits Alicent had draped over one arm.  “Those look cute,” she says, that mischievous sparkle returning to her eyes.  Before she says anything, Rhaenyra once more attaches herself to Alicent.  Still grinning, she pulls them over to the changing rooms.  Rhaenyra opens a stall and squeezes the both of them inside, latching the thin wooden door behind her.  Alicent doesn’t protest, at least, not much.  
   “Won’t we get in trouble?” Alicent whispers.
   “For what?  We’re not doing anything.  Mothers take their little kiddos in with them all the time, what’s the harm?”  She thinks about mentioning that they are two fully grown girls, not a mother-and-daughter duo, but she gives up.  Although Alicent trembles at the mere thought of getting in trouble with authority, Rhaenyra has an oddly calming effect on her.  If she knows about that power, Alicent thinks she could encourage her to do anything she wants.  Hmph, perhaps she already does , she thinks, looking at her friend in the stall with her.  She’s a terrible influence but I wouldn’t change a thing .
   “Fine, I hope you’re right.”  She’ll keep her voice down all the same.  Alicent slings the swimsuits over the top of the door as there are no hooks or anywhere to sit in the tiny stall.  
   Despite her personal issues with her body, she never is shy to change in front of Rhaenyra.  Perhaps she’s a little coy, but Nyra doesn’t have anything different… down there .  She’s seen her friend naked more times than she can count, and vice versa.  Flesh is flesh.  Alicent shrugs off her white blouse, kicks off her black flats, and steps out of her jeans.  She throws the clothes over the door before unclasping her bra and pulling down her panties.  Rhaenyra offers to hold them instead of adding them to the crowd of clothing.  Alicent thanks her, handing them over, and takes one of the suits down to try on.  
   She looks at herself in the mirror hanging on the back wall and huffs.  It’s not to her liking.  Rhaenyra agrees, so Alicent tries the second one on.  She likes it better, but the bottom sags and makes her butt look strange.  Not an ideal look.  She grabs the third which, out of the three, is far superior.  The flounced top and skirted bottom suit her more girlish style while highlighting her bosom and ass.  She loves the rich green shade against her pale skin.  She shakes her head, raking her fingers through her hair to bring it all forward over her shoulders.  Rhaenyra peers into the mirror from behind Alicent, smirking.  
   “I have an idea,” she says.  “Switch tops with me.”
   “We’ll match.  Or we’ll mismatch together.  C’mon, please?”  Rhaenyra pouts, batting her long white lashes at Alicent.  As always, she can’t seem to say no.  Alicent signs and pulls off her top, Rhaenyra doing the same.  They swap and admire themselves in the mirror, Rhaenyra wearing green up top and red on the bottom and Alicent the reverse.  Rhaenyra shakes her breasts back and forth, making the flounced top flutter.  Alicent feels her cheeks warming and averts her eyes to her own chest.  The red top flatters her figure as well as the other, but the cut wasn’t something she would choose herself.  The top threatens to slip down to her waist any minute.  At least, that’s how it feels.  It isn’t as tight and secure as the tops she typically wears.  Father would despise me in this , she thinks.  And suddenly a thought comes to her.  She wonders if it’s always been her father’s voice in her head that says unflattering and negative things about her body.  Bravely, she pushes the negativity aside.  Father would never allow me to wear this .  But he isn’t here .  She looks at her pink lips and black eyelashes, and a soft smile comes to her mouth.  What harm is one more little secret?   She sighs, pulling the top up as far as she can without showing the underside of her breasts.  But she’ll make do if it makes her friend happy.  And she does seem so happy.  
   They gather up the rejected suits and their clothes then exit the changing room in their new swimsuits.  Alicent tries her best to look inconspicuous while Rhaenyra does not care either way.  Both are barefoot as they carry their shoes in one hand with their outfits resting over an arm. 
   “We just need a few more things,” Rhaenyra says, “then we can properly enjoy ourselves.”  I’m already enjoying myself plenty , Alicent thinks, just being with you .  She nods and follows as Rhaenyra approaches a long shelving unit that almost runs the whole length of the store.  They each pick out a cheap towel and a pair of flip-flops before heading to the front where they browse a rack of sunglasses.  Rhaenyra chooses a pair of traditional black aviators but Alicent picks a gold-framed pair with thin, pink rectangle lenses.  They aren’t ideal for fighting off the sunlight, however, they are simply too cute to resist.   
   “Any snacks?” Rhaenyra says as they near the cashier’s counter.  Alicent glances at the options again and shakes her head.  
   “I should limit my bad habits,” she answers, eyeing the chips and soda.  They each place their towels, flip-flops, and glasses on the counter.  The cashier welcomes them and begins calculating their items on the cash register.  They take turns showing the tags on their swimwear for him to total as well.  He’s a tall boy around their age, in his mid-teens Alicent guesses.  He has silver dreadlocks that dust the shoulders of his teal t-shirt and an otherwise dark complexion.  He smells both spicy and sweet, like gardenias or freshly cut grass.  He’s nothing like the average beach bum, looking out of place and uncomfortable behind the store’s counter.  She senses a longing from him.  He’s familiar to her but she can’t place where they might have met before.  School, probably.  Her eyes lock on the lanyard around his neck clasping a white name card that reads Laenor .  Hm .
   “Y’know, if you’re hungry, there’s an ice cream shop a little way down the boardwalk,” Laenor suggests. His voice is calm and quiet; Alicent has to stain her ears just to hear him.  “Just head towards the pier and you’ll see it on the way.  Wylde Flavors.  They specialize in all sorts of unique tastes… if you’re interested in that kinda thing.”  The girls shoot each other a look before Rhaenyra tells him that sounds like a fine idea.  She thanks him and flashes a tight smile.  “Need a bag?”  Rhaenyra nods her head, avoiding eye contact as she takes a tote bag from Laenor.  He smiles awkwardly in return as she packs their towels, her romper, jacket, and shoes inside.  Alicent shoves her own clothes in the bag and puts on her pair of flip-flops.  Fiddling with her sunglasses, she looks back and forth between the other two, her brows furrowing.  What’s their damage?   
   “So,” Rhaenyra says after clearing her throat, “how’s Laena doing?”
   “Oh, she’s fine, yeah.  Fine, she’s good.  She’s been, uh, overseas all summer but she calls me every night.”
   “Yeah?  What’s she doing over…?”
   “Um, in Pentos, yeah.  It’s some horse racing thing.  She competes now.  Her mare is this beast of a thing.  Scares Papa but you know how he dotes on her.”  Rhaenyra nods.
   “I remember her saying something about wanting to own a horse a few times,” Rhaenyra says with a genuine smile.  “Glad she’s doing that for herself.”
   “Yeah, yeah, we’re all very proud of her.”
   “I expect she’ll be bringing the gold home.”
   “Without a doubt, yeah.  She’d spend all day every day on that horse if she could.”
   “When does she come back home?”
   “Oh, uh, two weeks from Thursday?”
   “Nice.  Well, give my love to her and hope you’re doing good, too.”
   “I am, yeah, thanks.”
   “Good!  Good.  See you ‘round then.”  Rhaenyra throws the tote back over a shoulder, slides on her flip-flops and glasses, and takes Alicent by the arm.  Laenor waves goodbye to Alicent as Rhaenyra all but drags her outside.  All she can do is offer a confused expression in return before.  
   Sunlight splashes off Rhaenyra’s pale skin as they stand on the busy boardwalk, half-blinding Alicent.  She breaks away from her friend’s grasp with a jerk of her arm.  Rhaenyra turns back and Alicent says with a short laugh,    
   “What the hell was all that?”  She poses the question in a friendly way but doesn’t hide her bewilderment from the odd interaction.  She had never seen such an awkward, stiff conversation from Rhaenyra before.  
   “We… dated for a couple of months,” Rhaenyra admits.  “But it wasn’t a serious thing.”  
   “What, when was this?”  Rhaenyra tells me everything .  Why would she keep him a secret?  
   “While you were back in Oldtown.”  Oh .  Alicent’s expression sours.  Mama .  She feels a knot forming in her stomach, weighing her down as her thoughts put words in Rhaenyra’s mouth.  She wants to puke.    
   “Why didn’t you mention it when I came back?  Boyfriends are usually worth mentioning,” she says.  The friendliness is notably gone from her tone now.  
   “I don’t know… Slipped my mind?”  Alicent gives her a disbelieving expression, tilting her head.  Rhaenyra sighs.  “He’s a nice boy and we were hanging out a lot anyway; his dad is friends with mine, yeah?  I thought there was a spark, but… we weren’t the fit I thought we were.”  
   “That’s it?”  It can’t be.  A flurry of images crosses her mind and she shivers with disgust.  She pictures Laenor’s soft hands all over Rhaenyra, and hers on him.  Their lips touching, her head resting on his chest.  I can’t stand to think of you in the arms of anyone else.  To think their fingers brushed against your flawless skin and got tangled in your white hair, it’s torture.  Boys always lick their lips like hungry beasts when they look at you.  But you’re more than a lamb to the slaughter to me.  I wish you’d take me, feed me, eat me .  Rhaenyra looks ashamed, embarrassed, and a different thought grows in Alicent’s mind.  Did he hurt her?   But before she could ponder it anymore, Rhaenyra speaks up.
   “He’s… a queer, all right?  I realized maybe two months in that he was in love with his ‘best friend’ and not me.  I wasn’t going to be his beard.  It wasn’t fair to me and it’s not fair to him.”
   “I see,” Alicent says, relief washing over her in an instant.  “That was probably the best thing.”  
   “Yeah,” Rhaenyra says.  “Don’t, like, tell people.  He really is a nice boy and I’m not sure he’s… comfortable with himself yet.  It’s not exactly cool to be like that, y’know?”  Yeah, I know .  
   “My lips are sealed.”  Alicent pinches two fingers together and drags them across her lips.  Changing the topic, she says, “So how about that ice cream place?”  Rhaenyra brightens in an instant.
   “It’s a brilliant idea for such a hot day!  Come.”  And with that, Rhaenyra has her hand around Alicent’s wrist again and pulls her along.  There’s something desperate in the way Rhaenyra clings to Alicent. 
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   Laenor had been right, the ice cream shop wasn’t terribly far away.  But although Alicent expected to stop in a similar-sized building to Just Seahorsing Around, they instead find themselves at a small stand on the boardwalk.  An older woman greets them, telling them to take their time deciding what they want.  The girls thank her.  Alicent squints at the stand’s menu, frowning as she reads through the ‘unique’ options.  Peanut butter and chocolate chip?  Mint pistachio?  Cookies and cream and strawberry?  Lazy creativity, she thinks.  She glances at Rhaenyra who seems more delighted with the choices.  She rolls her eyes, smiling.  At least there are still normal flavors for me.  
   After a few minutes, Alicent orders a medium cup of regular mint chocolate chip.  She thanks the woman again when she is handed the food and a plastic spoon.  Rhaenyra hums, still eyeing the menu as Alicent takes a small bite.  It’s frigid!   She nearly spits her bite out, worrying it will aggravate her sensitive molar.  She holds the bite on her tongue, letting it melt and run down her throat.  I’ll let it warm a little before I have another bite, she thinks.
   “I’ll have, uh, a peanut butter— wait, no.  How about a… Actually, just a double scoop of the cookie dough.  In a waffle cone, please,” Rhaenyra says.
   “Sure thing, kiddo,” the woman replies.  She passes the cone to Rhaenyra and plops two generous scoops of ice cream on top.  They pay separately and walk further down the boardwalk.  Their chatter is nothing special.  
Did you hear the Triarchy’s new song?  
Yeah!  It was on the radio last night.  Even Gwayne said he liked it.  
It was bitchin’.  I wish Whyte Wyrm would come around, I’d kill to see ‘em live.
Maybe I’ll visit and take you to the concert when they come to the Vale.
I’d love that.  
   As they talk, Rhaenyra begins to scout out an area on the beach for them to set up.  Their arms are interlocked, the two girls now walking side-by-side without care in the world.  All the morose thoughts, all the negativity, had vanished.  She’s in a true state of bliss… until she hears it.  Alicent’s chest tightens as a wolf whistle pierces through the air behind them.  She wishes she could drop her food and cover herself up.  She wants to run away and hide from predatory eyes.  She never shows so much of her body, she knows it was a mistake.  
   As if sensing Alicent’s distress, or acting out of her own fury, Rhaenyra whips around to face the whistler.
   “Hey!” Nyra shouts.  Alicent musters up the courage to look back, too.  She’s shocked to see two boys significantly younger than herself perched on the wooden rail of the boardwalk.  Their backs are to the beach, feet swinging below them.  They are an odd couple, to be sure.  She first eyes the one with dark, greased-back hair and a yellow button-down shirt.  He is a large person, comically so compared to his friend.  His friend, the closer of the two and the whistler if his smirk was any giveaway, is easily a third of his weight.  He had sandy hair that was in desperate need of trimming as the bangs were more like curtains for his eyes.  Neither looks old enough to be in high school, but people seem to retain their youth longer nowadays.  Gwayne is almost seventeen, she thinks, and he still has baby fat in his cheeks.  Regardless of their age, they’re too young to be acting like creepy old men.  
   Rhaenyra smirks at Alicent, mischief sparkling in her eyes yet again, and chucks her ice cream cone at the closest boy.  It hits him square in the face, covering his face, hair, and the collar of his tee.  Ice cream drips from his bangs onto his pants and shoes.  He blinks through the food before wiping the rest out of his eyes.  Alicent’s mouth drops open as the second boy guffaws, slapping his friend’s back.  The first boy, his clothes now saturated in Rhaenyra’s frozen treat, growls at the other.  He lunges for the dark-haired boy, tackling him to the ground.  Alicent watches as he drives his fists into his gut over and over again.  Left, right .  Left, right .  Left, right .  The boy on the ground tries his best to block the hits with his arms, grunting as he fights off his small attacker.  She can’t help but compare them to a pissed-off Chihuahua on top of an adult Pittie.
   “Willie, knock it off!  Willie!  Stop!” the bigger boy says between punches.
   “Don’t call me Willie, Jerry !”
   “Fuck you!  You know that’s my dog’s name!”  
   “Aw, named after the dog, boo hoo hoo.”
    Rhaenyra cackles, invariably proud of the chaos she causes.  She takes Alicent’s wrist and draws her away from the ridiculous scene.  They jump off the boardwalk, landing on the sand of the crowded beach.  Rhaenyra doesn’t let go until they find a spot far enough away that neither girl can still see the boys.
   Giggling, Alicent says, “I can’t believe you did that!”
   “Can’t you?”  Her smile falters a bit, seeing a strange glint in Rhaenyra’s violet eyes.  She pushes the subconscious question aside and laughs again.
   “Of course.  It would be unlike you not to cause a mess.”  The strangeness vanishes from her friend’s features as she laughs.  “But now you’ve wasted your ice cream.”
   “It’s all right,” Rhaenyra says, but Alicent knows Rhaenyra wanted the food more than she did.
   “Here.”  Alicent holds out her cup.  “I’ve got more than I can eat.”  Rhaenyra grabs the spoon and takes a modest bite. “Have more than that,” Alicent says with a small laugh.  They take turns with the spoon, Alicent eating much less than her friend.  Before long the girls empty the paper cup, both satisfied.  Alicent tosses the trash in a nearby garbage can like she had seen the guys at high school practice do a thousand times before.  Rhaenyra holds up ten fingers. 
   “A perfect score!” she says.
   “You’re not playing favorites, are you?” Alicent asks with a smug grin.
   “Absolutely not.  I can’t help that the cutest player is also the best.”  Another smile.  Rhaenyra suggests they find a spot on the beach to sunbathe for a while.  As they start scouting, Alicent stops.  
   “We forgot to buy sunscreen.  I’ll run back —”
   “Nah, we don’t need it.”   
   “You sure?”
   “Fire cannot kill a dragon.”  Rhaenyra winks.  But I’m not a dragon, Alicent thinks.  Rhaenyra touches her arm, turns, and takes off further down the beach.  Sand kicks up behind her feet like fireworks.  “C’mon!” she calls back.  Alicent watches the sunlight bounce off Rhaenyra’s blonde hair as it dances after her in the wind.  Such impossible beauty.   Her hair must be spun from a spool of silver-gold thread.  Alicent shakes herself out of her daze and follows after Rhaenyra.  When she finally stops running, Alicent realizes how isolated they are.  She can’t see anybody else around, just the sand and the splashing waves.  It’s their private piece of land, for all intents and purposes.  She smiles.  
   “Here?” Rhaenyra asks.
   “Sure, why not?”  It’ll be nice to have the privacy , she thinks.  Rhaenyra drops the tote bag down on the ground and pulls out their towels.  Alicent takes her black and gold striped towel and lays it down over the hot sand.  Rhaenyra does the same, setting hers hardly an inch from Alicent’s.  Sitting down on the towel, she pops off her flip-flops and sets them next to her in the sand.  Both girls lie down on their backs, adjusting to achieve maximum comfort.  Alicent stretches her arms over her head, resting one arm on her forehead and the other on the towel.  She crosses one ankle over the other and steals a quick glance at Rhaenyra.  Her arms are lying still by her sides and her legs are positioned like thin, white mountains, knees to the sky.  Alicent closes her eyes, focusing on her breathing.  If she’s lucky, she’ll get a little nap.   
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   She isn’t sure how much time has passed when Rhaenyra’s voice startles her awake.  
   “This is really pleasant,” Rhaenyra says with a sigh.  “We needed this.  It’s not too long now before I leave.”  Alicent’s eyes crack open and she moves her arms down beside her.
   “Do we have to think about you leaving?” she asks, her voice low.  My whole world will change when I can’t see you every day.
   “You’re right, it’s not a happy subject.”  Rhaenyra turns her head to look at Alicent.  “Hey, I’m sorry I brought it up.”  She goes quiet but only for a second.  “Want me to make it up to you?”
   “Is that not what today is?”  Rhaenyra smiles.
   “Partly,” she says as she rolls onto her side, propping her head up with an arm.  
   “Oh?  How else will you make it up to me?” Alicent asks, smirking.  
   “Like… this …”  Alicent feels Rhaenyra’s hand sneak across her bare stomach and slip under the hem of her swim bottoms.  She freezes and so does Nyra’s hand.  The two girls make eye contact, and a silent agreement is made.  Is this real? Alicent thinks as Rhaenyra’s middle finger glides over her soft, dry clit.  It rubs back and forth, massaging gently.  Alicent’s breathing starts to deepen and she speads her legs.  She watches her breasts rise and fall as Rhaenyra’s movements grow in intensity.  
   “I love a shaved pussy,” Rhaenyra says under her breath.  Her thumb rubs against the hairless mons venus as her index and middle finger continue to work Alicent’s swollen clit.  Moisture spreads over her lips and spills down her cheeks, collecting at the bottom of her swimsuit.  Never had she been so thankful for dark clothes before.  She can feel the burning pressure building inside of her, the heat promising an explosive orgasm.  Her right leg quivers and she rolls her hips as Rhaenyra plays her like an instrument.  She hears the panting and the moans coming from her own mouth.  Rhaenyra kisses her flat stomach and she cums.  
   If she could think coherently, she might have been embarrassed she came so quickly.  She might have worried someone might see them.  But she can’t think straight, not when it started and certainly not now.  Her head is empty as her body buzzes with pleasure.  Rhaenyra leaves another kiss on her stomach and pulls her hand out of Alicent’s swimsuit.  Nyra smiles, staring up at Alicent, and sucks on her fingers.  
   “Delicious,” she says.  Both giggle softly.  Alicent turns on her side to face Rhaenyra.  They stay like that for a time, Alicent isn’t sure how long, just looking at each other.  Rhaenyra’s violet eyes seem to glow, saying everything her mouth isn’t.  But what was the ultimate experience, the very thing Alicent secretly dreamed about every night, makes their situation that much harder.  Rhaenyra will leave for the Vale and leave Alicent behind.  She’ll cry and pray to see her at every possible opportunity.  Yet, it can’t soften the sting of separation.  
   Rhaenyra’s eyebrows press together.  “Hey,” she says.  “I hate to see you in this mood.  Why not liven up and party?  Just the two of us, right here.”
   “Okay,” Alicent agrees, smiling.  As long as she’s here, she knows Rhaenyra will care for her.  She has to treasure and make the most of the limited time they have left.  
   “I’m gonna get us some booze.”  Alicent nods and Rhaenyra takes off towards the boardwalk.  She lies back down on her towel, closes her eyes, and waits.
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oheck-trainwreck · 6 months
Yeah. Okay. I guess that’s that.
I probably won’t continue much with QSMP stuff, I guess. It’s been a fun while (about 9 months for me), but now that the admins for dapper and pomme are leaving the project, I don’t think I can really watch it the same or at all anymore.
Dumb personal stuff below (might be worth a read idk)
I’ve personally had a trying few months, struggling with intense burnout but unable to take a break, trying to survive my senior year of highschool, and all the shit going down in the QSMP sphere. I’m… really tired.
But, I cant take a break. I’ve still gotta finish school, and fulfill all the various commitments.
One of my commitments is making a portfolio for my AP art class. In order to make this easier for myself, I wanted to make it about something I can hyperfixate on: QSMP.
This was a pretty recent decision, I decided that I wanted to make kind of a process-thing for a dapper and pomme centric animation about the egg-stream era. But I’m just not sure what to do now.
I think… since both dapper and pomme’s admins mentioned that they still care for their characters and like to see fanart… I think I’ll follow through. I think I’ll make one last Qsmp animation, then split and find a new interest.
That being said… I’m discouraged. I don’t have a super long time to do this, and I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do, and everything is just hard.
… I don’t know where I’m going with this. I just wanna say, I’ll probably post about the process to kinda keep myself motivated, so maybe y’all can follow along? Even though I don’t know how much longer I’ll be around these parts, it’d be nice to have some company as I navigate the burnt down forest that my world kinda feels like right now.
So, I’ll probably post the process work for this under a tag like ‘the last animation’ or something, in case you want to stick around.
Ough. Yeah. When I’m done with this animation, I’ll probably stop posting on this blog. However, I think at that point, I’ll focus more on original work, particularly on my other blog, @doodlesthebookcat
Hahhh. Take care of yourselves, watch your mental health, support victims, and don’t send hate to anyone. See ya around, I guess
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thatpikmin · 2 months
Artfight is over
With Artfight over I’m posting all of the drawings I did for my first year starting with my first drawing
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I decided to start with a silly bunny since
1. I love bunnies
2. I thought it would be nice to start in a familiar place, FNAF
It was a simple start but it was very fun and relaxing!
Second drawing is for @patchworkfox01
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When I discovered that 2 of my friends were on the opposite team, I knew I had to draw them, but I don’t want it to be simple so I added a cute background. They have a very cute oc
Third drawing is for @sages-shack
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I had a toon cat oc (which I didn’t finish their ref in time for Artfight 😔) so I went with the next interest in my live, rubberhose cartoons, and came across this guy!!
Originally I was going to add a shadow of my oc, Maxwell, being the one opening the door but I didn’t have the energy, I already struggled enough with the floor perspective and shadow
Next is
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I wanted to draw some humans so I went through dangaronpa ocs and saw this sweetie, originally I wanted to add a more detailed background and more chibi drawings of little Oliver but quickly got bored of drawing them and had no ideas for background, I’m super proud of the moth charm and braid, tho I struggled a lot with the bangs
A double whammy for
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My thirst for cartoon characters was not over, I was originally going make one then the other in different art pieces but I realized that they were made by the same artist so I combined them both to a bigger piece. I wanted to try something new with the tree textures in the background but not sure if they worked, I struggled a lot with perspective for them but I think it looks nice! just don’t look at the bricks too hard
My first ever revenge drawing with @beansmakinbooks also known as @boyswhowawa
And was curious if I could also attack another user, @witchyeevee
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I’ve been yearning to draw some of their pokemon designs from a RP server with foxes so to be attacked and having a change to do a revenge I knew I had to do them. While looking through the description I noticed that if ever drawn to be drawing with Temilly (the pokemon next to jolteon) I had to not do shading due to so many details (it was a matter of time before the month was gonna end)
My last piece being for @kolawy
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I don’t know how many times I drew their characters, so seeing their rivulet being up for attacks I had to strike. This attack was planned since the beginning of the month and never got to it till 2 or 1 week before it ended but it’s always worth it
Artfight is over, with 2 drawings not being completed before the month ended. I hope to finish the ref sheets for the remaining 3 ocs for next year which might be posted here on tumblr once I reach 100 followers
It was very fun drawing others ocs and has been years since I’ve last done this and was wonderful drawing others ocs. I hope to get to do this again next year.
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ysphcpb · 1 year
I’m glad to see more love for SOTUS! I think it’s still one of the best-written series in terms of character development, especially when you include SOTUS S and Our Skyy since you get to see them and their relationship develop over several years.
I’ve always been confused by people who say Krist isn’t a good actor. Nuances aside, his actual personality (loud, energetic, extroverted) is nothing like Arthit’s, and he was very young and new to acting when he took on the role of Arthit (quiet, restrained, shy).
Can you talk about your favorite acting moment from him in any of the SOTUS parts?
Same here, SOTUS (+ sequels) is one of my favourite shows for so many reasons, and one of them is how coherent and organic the character development is. I feel glad to have found these characters and been able to follow their story ♡
I had actually seen some instances of irl Krist, also had seen him in I'm Tee Me Too (so I already knew he's definitely not a bad actor), but it was how he handled SOTUS' Arthit - a much more colorful character - that really impressed me. I did try to narrow it down but can't pick just one acting moment that I like most, so here is a list instead 😅
1) SOTUS - EP.7
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The way his voice quavers took me by surprise when I first watched this. I realised then that Arthit wasn't only touched by what the freshmen did and finally recognised them as his juniors, but he was also probably emotional that his days as a headhazer were coming to an end. Might have been a great responsibility he got talked into taking, might have been the busiest months he'd had to juggle studies and hazing activities, and could not comfortablly be himself, but still an unforgettable and meaningful experience for both him, his friends and his juniors.
2) SOTUS - EP.13
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I love Arthit's hesitation before finally asking his question. From how I see it, he was worried if Kong could accept him and his self-perceived bad sides, if their relationship could even work, and if it's worth this risk of losing whatever seniour-juniour bond they were already having. In my view, he wasn't just struggling to decide whether he wanted to and was ready to be with Kongpob or not, but also worried whether Kong was ready to be with him, as well.
3) SOTUS S - EP.3
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I adore Krist's choice of expressions and line delivery here. Arthit stops midsentence, comes up with a way to go around it, then agrees with himself, as if genuinely expecting Kong to find it convincing (Kong does not). This scene makes me smile everytime, I can't help but wonder to myself how could a person be this endearing.
4) SOTUS S - EP.12
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This was more of a Singto scene (👏👏), but I also love Krist's reactions a lot. That initial look of betrayal and hurt quickly softens, then he looks away, engrossed in thoughts again. The lack of Arthit's inner voice in the series gives so much room for interpretation, but I see this as Arthit's realisation that perhaps his way of showing love and how private he prefers their relationship to be has failed to make Kongpob feel loved and assured. And that perhaps he's even more unfit for Kong than he already thought.
5) SOTUS S - EP.12
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I could easily see and feel Arthit's anxiety here, but also his determination. He's not avoiding or running away anymore, since the person he loves got hurt because of it. It isn't easy for someone like Arthit to announce their relationship in front of the whole company, many of whom do not know him that well and probably have been gossiping about them since the incident. I feel so proud and admire his courage a lot.
6) SOTUS S - EP.13
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I love Arthit's excited smile and the loving way he looks at Kong here, it's not something we get to see often. It's so heartwarming to see Arthit beaming with happiness and so certain of their future, that there's really nothing to fear anymore as long as they have each other.
7) Our Skyy - Arthit Kongpob
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I thought the change of expression after he closes the door here was spot on. For Kong's sake, Arthit couldn't allow himself to appear sad and only when he's alone that he finally breaks and lets it out. It must have been draining to act like nothing was wrong that whole evening, and I think Krist did a great job portraying this.
Honorable mention: this interview is too long to be called a moment, but I love every acting moment in it. I have a feeling that KS just memorised the gist of what they needed to say and ad-libbed the rest, but every word and reaction still came out so natural and authentic, as if I were watching actual Arthit and Kongpob doing an interview.
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