#i’ve never cried harder than i did playing this game
yourdeepestfathoms · 1 year
just watched RtC in-person, which brought back my hyperfixation SO!!
instead of waking up in the warehouse purgatory, Ocean wakes up in a tiny dinghy, drifting in the sea before a giant doorway. the Everdoor.
here, Karnak appears to her and tells her that she is to be a Spiritfarer, a guide and guardian to a group of spirits. her job is to help them with their unfinished business so they can move on.
the spirits she’s meant to guide? her choir, who all died with her in a freak rollercoaster accident that sent them into the spirit world in the first place.
except…they’re all in the bodies of anthropomorphic animals?
Constance- otter
Mischa- bear
Noel- fox
Ricky- Pallas cat
Jane Doe- doe
her job? help them fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
…which includes making a hit rap song, helping someone become the greatest stripper in all of the spirit world, gather a pack of sexy cat women from space, and find a girl’s head.
Ocean has her work cut out for her.
also Virgil is a rat (an actual rat) who accompanies her throughout the whole thing
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bisexualseraphim · 5 months
15 questions
Tagged by the lovely @butmakeitgayblog cheers love ☺️
Were you named after anyone?
Nope! My mum just liked the meaning of my birth name and had an interest in name meanings. All my new names (yes I have several) have just been because I thought they sounded cool.
Do you have kids?
HA! No. And definitely never will. I’d be the worst dad 🥴
When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday lol, I started my first ever proper job and was shitting myself with anxiety. It went well though!
What sports have you played/do you play?
I was a dodgeball champion in primary school before I got chronically ill! Played a bit of football too (real football not that poundshop rugby Americans play 😒) and I do miss it a little but not much to be done about it I suppose. I had fun while it lasted!
Do you use sarcasm?
Nah I’ve been around over 2 decades and have never been sarcastic in my life
First thing you notice about people?
This sounds faggy as fuck but their smile 😅 Where I live people are so miserable that when someone has a lovely smile it’s so noticeable to me haha
Scary movies or happy endings?
Ooh cheeky question! I looove horror movies and they’ve been a huge special interest of mine since I was probably too young to be watching them 🤭 BUT I do love a happy ending IF it feels earned. So I guess it depends! But scary movies overall I think.
What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, playing instruments, video games, watching movies, just chatting with friends.
What is your eye colour?
Fuck knows genuinely, I had a friend whom after years of knowing me one day suddenly screamed OH MY GOD YOUR EYES ARE BLUE WHAT THE FUCK on a sunny day so. Call me Alycia Debnam Carey cos my eye colour changes with the weather apparently 🧿🧿
Any talents?
Ummm I mean I guess I technically class as a multi-instrumentalist but I don’t think I’m that great at any of them 😅 The one thing I know for certain I’m good at is writing but I hardly bloody do it 🥴
Where were you born?
I have dual citizenship because I was born outside the EU and that’s all I’ll say 😌
Do you have any pets?
I did have a lovely sweet kitty whom I had since I was little and she was a kitten, meaning we literally grew up together, but she sadly passed away in January and it’s hit me harder than anything else in my life 😞 I think I’m finally ready to accept another baby into my life though so we’ll see if that works out!
How tall are you?
Just under 5’7 when the weight of being a trans disabled queer man in the UK isn’t compressing my spine
Favourite subject in school?
Definitely Film Studies and Media Studies! I also loved French (still do!) and Religious Studies was the highlight of my day because my teacher was a fuckin legend. Miss that fella every day honestly
Dream job?
I want to be a published author that has a semi-decent fanbase. I don’t need to be on Neil Gaiman levels of fame, I just want more than like 20 people to read and enjoy my stories 😊
I’ll go ahead and tag @lexa-griffins @dysphoria-things @northern-punk-lad @sadiewayne @reallygroovyninja @dreamsaremywords and anyone else who’d like to do it! Just make sure you tag me 😘
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thatshadowhunterlife · 3 months
Pressure Makes Diamonds (THG AU)
Summary: Winning isn't everything. It's just the only thing that matters when you have people waiting for you at home. Chrysanthemum Everdeen is the oldest of the Everdeen siblings. Her whole life is based on the survival of her and her family. When it's time for the annual Hunger Games to take place, she can't even imagine her name getting picked even with the odds stacked against her. When she is called to enter the deadly games she feels her whole world shift. Winning would mean everything to her family but her odds aren't the best. If she is to win, she has to make difficult decisions about survival, family, and love.
OR an AU where Katniss has an older sister that participated in the 70th Annual Hunger Games.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56708572/chapters/144564574
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Chapter Two
One time, Katniss and I were playing tag in the woods. While I was running away from her, I tripped over a tree root and broke my arm. It hurt so bad I almost blacked out from pain. Katniss cried the whole way home about it because she felt like it was her fault. I cried because I was in pain and I couldn't hunt until it was fixed. That in turn made Prim cry about it because she doesn’t like seeing us cry. My father scolded us all while my mother fixed me up a cast. Ashton and Gale were even really nice and brought over some strawberries to make me feel better. Katniss and my father went hunting to raise enough money for us to afford some of the fancier pain medicine for me. At the time, I thought that was the worst pain I had ever felt though. I never thought anything would ever come close. 
This is a million times worse than that pain. 
It’s like I could feel my heart collapse in my chest. All I felt was fear. The fear of leaving my family to fend for themselves. The fear of my sister being the sole provider for my family. The thought of Katniss having to take out tesserae because I’m not there makes me want to throw up even more.
My mother will completely fall apart. She’s barely together as it is. There is no way that she can take care of my sisters. My mind keeps racing in a million different directions. But they all lead to the same conclusion. My family is now in trouble because I am going to die.
I don’t remember falling, but the kid next to me grabbed me to keep me from hitting the ground. 
I look up and all I see is big brown eyes staring back into me. Effie’s voice rings through the speakers calling my name again. My legs move as if they have a mind of their own. They carry me towards the stage. 
I turn around and see Katniss running towards me. Ashton starts running right towards her and picked her up before she could get to me. She starts kicking and screaming for him to let her down. She’s sobbing harder than I’ve ever seen her cry before. “You can’t go! No!” She screams. Ashton covers her mouth to keep her quiet. 
“Go ahead Chrissy…” He says. You could hear in his voice how hard he was fighting back tears of his own. I nod silently and head up the stairs onto the stage. The crowd mumbles unhappily. 
From the stage I could see my mother crying and being comforted by some women she must’ve known from years ago. Primrose is holding her hand and just looking right at me. 
“Oh finally, she is here!” Effie says cheerfully, “now onto the boys!” She struts over to the boys bowl and grabs a name quickly. Way quicker than she did the girls that’s for sure. She opens her mouth to read the name but is interrupted by a loud thud. The whole crowd looks in the direction of the sound. Our district’s only living victor, Haymitch Abernathy, is face down on the ground. The Mayor looks incredibly embarrassed but tries to help him up. Once he is back on his feet, Haymitch throws up all over Mayor Undersee. The smell of vile quickly fills the area.
“Oh dear! How revolting !” Effie exclaims. She turns her nose and tries to get everyone back on track so that the janitors could clean up the mess quickly. Haymitch could barely stand at this point. Mayor Undersee is given some napkins to help clean up some of the vomit off of him. But man if looks could kill, Haymitch would be dead where he stood. “Let’s wrap this up, shall we? For our male tribute, the honor has been given to Sage Emrys!”
That name sounds vaguely familiar. Like he might’ve been in one of my classes at one point or maybe someone said his name in the hallways. The person who comes up the stairs, is the same one that kept me from falling on my rear. His long, shaggy blond hair is unkempt. His brown eyes were full of fear but his face showed none of that. He’s tall and lanky but didn’t look as underfed as those of us from the Seam. His parents are definitely more wealthy than mine. Maybe my mom knows them.
Sage Emrys stands on the other side of Effie as far away from the vomit as he could get. Effie puts on a big smile and announces us as District 12’s tributes. The entire crowd stays silent. They are not happy about this. I’m not sure which person getting reaped made them upset. Maybe it was both of us. While I doubt many people will miss me, at least I can feel like my presence was once acknowledged. Whether it be from the people at school or the people in the Hob, they will all remember that I was here.
The Mayor returns to the podium and begins to read the Treaty of Treason but no one is really listening. It’s the same speech every year so everyone could care less. I’m more focused on not losing my mind completely in front of all these cameras. I try to not look at my sisters, mother, or Ashton. I see Gale in the crowd for a split second and feel the tears well up. I know Ashton promised to take care of my family but his own family is hard enough to care for. My family has just lost my father and now I will die too. This will be traumatizing for Katniss and Prim. Maybe even Ashton.
After the reading of the Treaty of Treason, Sage and I face the crowd as the Panem anthem plays again. At this point, even the people that bet on the tributes had stopped. All eyes were on the two of us. I’ve never felt more self-conscious than I did at this moment. When the anthem finished, we were escorted off the stage by Peacekeepers. That in itself is pretty scary. Peacekeepers only escort criminals and dead bodies places so I wonder why they are escorting us. Maybe some tributes have tried to run away before. The Peacekeepers barge through the doors of the Justice Building while the cameras follow. 
The Peacekeepers take me into an empty room and leave me by myself. I’ve never been inside of a room so fancy looking. The carpet looked as if it had never been touched by shoes. The velvet couches look almost inviting. I only recognized the material because my mother had a dress with a collar made out of that stuff. I sit down on the couch and just stare at the wall. I’m trying to focus on anything other than the next hour. This will be the time that my family and friends are allowed to say goodbye to me. I don’t know if I will be able to keep myself together for this. I know I can’t leave here with puffy eyes and a running nose, but the thought of a final goodbye to my family is beginning to feel very overwhelming. 
It felt like I was sitting there forever before the door finally swings open. Both of my sisters rush towards me and tackle me with hugs. I hug them tighter than I ever had before. This could be my last moments with them and I need to make them count. When I could finally get a good look at their faces, I could see that Katniss’ eyes were puffy and red from crying. “Chrissy you better win!” she says into my chest. 
I run my fingers through her hair and give her a soft smile. “Of course I’ll try to win. I want to come home to you guys,” I say.
“No! You have to come home! You know how to fight Chrissy. I watched you beat up Liam that one time because he called me ugly! You can come home,” she says seriously. 
I can’t make her any promises. There will be a lot of competition. Certain districts train their whole lives for this. I’m just some kid from the Seam that happens to know how to hunt animals for food. Animals are not humans. Killing someone is something completely different than throwing a few punches. It isn’t for food or to protect my sister. It’s for someone else’s entertainment. I’m not cut out to win the Hunger Games.
However, instead of telling Katniss what I was actually thinking, I just smile and nod. “I will win. Just for you,” I say softly.
I turn to my mother, and my expression hardens. “You can’t leave them. You have to be there for them. It doesn’t matter how you feel right now, they need you more than anything. Do you understand me?” I say. 
“Yes,” She says. I could tell she was holding back tears. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly. This might really be the last time I get to hold my mother. By the way she is holding me,  she must be feeling the same way. 
“I love you,” I say. I haven’t said that to my mother since my father died. Tears well in her eyes and she hugs me tighter. 
“I love you more,” She whispers in my ear. Even now that’s the most sound she is able to muster. It’s still so comforting to hear though.  I feel her slip something into my pocket. When we break away from the hug, I reach into my pocket and look at the small object. It is a gold ring with a small diamond; this is my mother’s wedding ring. “The tributes are allowed a single token from your district. I just thought it would always remind you of home,” my mother says. I’m sure this was hard for her to part with. She kisses my head and pulls my sisters in for a hug. We all stay that way until the Peacekeepers make them leave. It felt like my heart left with them. It keeps getting harder and harder to fight back the tears. I try pacing around the room to see if that helps. Eventually I allow myself to let a few fall before my next guest comes, though I’m sure I know who it’s going to be.
Ashton bursts through the door and rushes towards me. He picks me up and hugs me. When he sets me down, he looks deep into my eyes. “You have to win Chrissy,” He says in a low tone.
“I don’t know if I-”
“No Chrysanthemum! You need to win! I know you can. You know how to hunt and you know how to survive. You’ve lived in this place your whole life so I know you won’t starve. You need to get your hands on some knives, Chris. You can win this. I know you can. I’ve never met someone else like you,” he says. 
All I could do was nod. I think I was more in shock that he called me by my name. He never calls me Chrysanthemum. He has so much faith in the fact that I’m going to come home. Maybe even for a second I can believe it too. 
“I’ll try my hardest to come home to you guys,” I say.
“Chrissy, I need you to come home,” He chokes out. The tears he had been trying so hard to keep in have finally started to surface. I’ve never seen Ashton cry before. Not even when his father died. He was always the strongest person in the room.
I do the only thing I could think to do in this situation. As stupid as it might be, I hold out my pinky. “I’ll come home. I pinky promise,” I say. He lets out a small laugh through the tears and embraces me in a tight hug. He smells like the woods still. Like home. 
We stay that way until he has to go. I look at a clock on the wall and I can see that my hour is up. Two Peacekeepers come inside to escort me to the train station. I’ve never been before because its only really used for the Games and exporting coal. It looks less decrepit than the rest of the district though.  I should have expected the hoard of cameras and reporters from the Capitol. Bright lights keep flashing in my face while people keep calling my name and asking me questions. The sound of clicking starts to give me a headache. I just try not to look at any of them to at least seem unfazed by everything that has happened today. Maybe acting tough will improve my chances at survival. I don’t look at a single camera or answer a single question. I act as if they are undeserving of my time. 
Sage Emrys on the other hand is smiling at all the cameras and waving. He hardly seems bothered at all. His hair looks a bit neater now, I’m sure his mother might’ve touched it up. People in the merchants area care about appearances like that. I bet the people in the Capitol will call him brave for not even crying. I just think he is being stupid. 
The inside of the train is fancier than I could have ever imagined. It’s like something we only read about in school. The floors are adorned with royal purple rugs and white flowers. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling tops. Burgundy velvet chairs sat at a deep reddish brown wooden table. I think it might’ve been mahogany. The walls are a deep, navy blue.
“Wow they really put down money on us,” I hear from behind me. 
I roll my eyes hard at Sage. “It’s all a waste since we’re gonna die anyways,” I say. A tall woman with pale skin and dark brown hair escorts us to our rooms. She never spoke to us which I thought was kind of rude, but what can you expect from Capitol people? 
My room is just as lavish as the rest of the train. I can’t stop myself from investigating every single door. The closet has a few dresses in there already. I guess for me to wear on my way to the Capitol so I look more presentable. Though I still think my mother’s dress was nicer. Or maybe I just miss them already. Another door leads to a gold and white bathroom. Maybe I’ll bathe in a few minutes. The bed is bigger than any other I’ve ever seen. The silky gold sheets looked alive with the sunlight from the window. Gold chairs matched the bedset. My goodness did they look comfy. Primrose would love them. The walls were the color of the trees in the Meadow. The Meadow . It hurts my heart to even think about. I can still hear Ashton laughing and Katniss and Gale bickering. I still smell the fresh scent of earth after it just rained. The wild berries. The flowers. All the herbs I would bring home. I can see Katniss and Prim’s beautiful eyes that lit up whenever I came home. 
Realistically, I know I shouldn’t even be thinking about home. I’ll have even less of a chance at winning if all I do is miss my family. I lay in the bed and let out a small, humorless laugh. What am I thinking? It doesn’t matter what I do now. I’ll still be delivered in a wooden box back to District 12. I suppose it’s nice that I get to enjoy this soft bed first. The bed smells like the fresh cut flowers you only find in the wealthier areas of my district. Ashton got me some for my birthday one year. They were roses I think.
Apparently I fell asleep because I woke up to Effie knocking at my door. “Ten minutes until dinner!” she says in her stupid accent. I sigh heavily and walk into the bathroom. I’ll be honest it took me a few minutes to figure out how to get the water working. When I got it though, hot water rained from above me. While it felt really good, I figure I shouldn’t be late to dinner. I lather myself in a sweet smelling soap, wash off, and head back into the room. I pick out a dark green dress that I thought matched the rest of the room in a way. I left my own clothes on the bed.
The dining table was filled with more food than I had ever seen in my life. Golden brown rolls, three different meats dripping in sauces, vegetables that I’ve only seen in books, and grains that were so much better looking than tesserae ones. My mouth instantly begins to water while my stomach betrays me with loud growls. Effie sat down at the head of the table. How fitting for Capitol trash. “Haymitch won’t be joining us tonight. He’ll more than likely be passed out until tomorrow,” she says. There is a hint of disgust in her voice that almost makes me laugh. I sit down at the table and the silent woman from earlier begins to serve my food. 
Sage comes in a few minutes later wearing a light blue t-shirt and black pants. His wet hair falls just under his shoulders. He sits across from me and stares at all the food. Another woman, who was also silent, serves his food. 
“Thank you,” he says politely. 
Effie looks appalled. “You shouldn’t talk to them,” she says. I couldn’t help but wonder why but I don’t think it’s a good time to ask. I begin to eat but it’s so hard to pace myself when all the food is so delicious. I remind myself to mind my manners. My mother raised me better. I look over at Sage who seems like he was also trying to not seem sloppy. “You two have better manners than the last two,” Effie says.
“And you’re as much of an airhead as I thought,” I say. Did I say that out loud? I didn’t mean to. Sage snickers across the table and Effie glares at me but doesn’t speak.
“No need to be so mean sweetheart,” Sage says, “Effie doesn’t know any better.”
I roll my eyes hard. “I’m not your sweetheart,” I snap. 
“Now now. Thats no way to talk to the person who kept you from falling on your ass on national television,” he says
Effie clears her throat. Her plate was only half eaten. I hear Capitol people like to eat less to stay skinny. Never made any sense to me as someone who had sleep for dinner on many nights. I pile more food onto my plate. I may not be able to beat the other tributes but at least I can last longer if I get more meat on my bones.
I think Sage was on his third plate. I guess he has the same idea as I do. He is definitely a healthier weight than me because he had more money, but we are both way smaller than we should be. The Careers would look at us and laugh. Career Tributes are tributes from Districts 1, 2 and 4. Sometimes they bring in people from other districts into their group if they like them enough to save them for later. What an honor right? They almost always win the Games because they train their whole lives for it. They are typically better fed and stronger, however, they are also very arrogant. Maybe I’ll be lucky and that’ll be someone’s downfall? Doubt it though. This isn’t a fairytale.
After we eat, we watch the recording of the Reaping on the television. Effie says it’s best to scope out the competition but I think she just wanted to watch it and needed an excuse. Sage and I sit on opposite sides of the couch. We watch as each name is pulled. In the Career districts, they make the Reaping so complicated. They actually fight over who gets to go into the arena. Arguing who gets to kill other kids their age. The female tribute from District 1 looks like she could easily snap me in half. Don’t even get me started on the male from District 2. He almost looked excited to kill someone. I can’t stop myself from shuddering at the thought of his face being the last one I see. Oh God why did I ever promise them I would come home? 
I barely register most of the names as they pass me by but I did catch a few. I know the male from District 1’s name is Valor. The female is Jewel I think. District 3’s tributes were Techna and Acer. Barley and Maize are the boy and girl from 9. The youngest in the arena are going to be from 11. Their faces remind me so much of Katniss and Prim. Just two little kids. They couldn’t be more than twelve or thirteen. Clementine is the name of the girl. Her brown curls bobbed up and down as she walked to the stage. You could tell the poor thing was terrified. Tears were streaming down her face. She called for her mother. It absolutely broke my heart. Cinnamon is the little boy. He didn’t cry but he wanted to. He refused to look at the crowd. The cameras abruptly switch to our Reaping. 
Katniss made her television appearance, trying to keep me from the stage. Ashton is there too. Trying to pull her off of me. This feels like the last time I’ll see their faces. My own face looks stoic. I don’t even recognize myself up there on that stage. They cut out the part of Haymitch making a fool of himself. I’m sure Effie is happy about that part. I look over at Sage. He looks lost in thought. I gently touch his arm. I think that snapped him out of it. He looks at me for a moment then shifts uncomfortably in his seat. 
Seeing the Reaping made everything feel more real than it had before. Those are the people who are going to kill me. Kids just like me being turned into murderers for the entertainment of the Capitol. Some of them are even excited about it. Silence hangs uncomfortably in the air for what feels like hours. Though I’m sure it was just a minute or so. Effie breaks awkwardness with a loud clap. “Well, I will be leaving you two now. I’m sure you two will need to be getting sleep soon,”  She says. She walks past me and heads out the room. 
“Where is Haymitch?” Sage asks. 
“Probably passed out in his room still. Effie says he won’t be up until tomorrow,” I reply. 
“We should check on him,” Sage says. 
“Trying to get on his good side, Emrys?”
“Well he is the one that’s gonna be keeping us alive,” he reminds me. 
That shut me up real quick. He’s one hundred percent right. I let out a frustrated groan and start walking towards where I assume Haymitch’s room is. Sage follows quickly behind me.  Honestly, the smell of vomit hit me before anything else so it wasn’t hard to tell which room it was. I feel terrible for the people that have to clean that up. Sage knocks on the door first. There was no answer so I called out his name. Again, no answer. 
“Has a mentor ever died before the Games?” Sage asks.
“I don’t think so. But ours better still be breathing because he’s the only one we have,” I say. Trust me, if the other victor was still alive, I think we would all be happier. I turn the knob and the smell hit me like a truck. Haymitch is sprawled across the floor in a puddle of his own vomit and a liquor bottle in his hand. I’m staring at my only hope at life. This is more depressing than going to bed hungry.  
“Look, I’m not really doing this to get on his good side. I don’t even think he has one. I just feel bad for the guy,” Sage says holding his nose, “I got it. Just go to bed. At least leave him the dignity of not letting a random girl see him naked.”
I think for a moment about what Sage’s intentions could really be. But eventually I relent. I really didn’t want to clean this grown man up. Even the thought, mixed with the overwhelming stench, made my stomach feel funny.
“Alright. Good night then. See you tomorrow morning,” I say as I leave. 
I make my way back to my room. It’s such a shame that this is the first time I’ve ever had a room this nice and I can’t fully enjoy it. I hate it. The room itself feels like a beautiful prison. A cruel joke.I sink into the bed the same way my heart has been sinking into my chest. I roll over and grab my mother’s ring from my dress pocket. I stare at it in silence. Katniss and Prim are probably asleep by now. Well maybe not Katniss. She is probably awake with my mother. They might be trying to figure out the next few weeks and how they will survive. I doubt Ashton is getting any sleep either. He probably walked to my house to comfort Katniss and my mother. Maybe they are all sitting by the fire, longing for me the way I do for them. 
The bed is so warm. The sweet smell of flowers fills my nose as I bury my head in the pillows. I begin to fall asleep to the quiet hum of the train. 
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nyxqueenofshadows · 17 days
it took me 128 hours, but i finally finished yakuza 7! as always, play diary under the cut (5k words, fyi)
had a lot of fun, there were times i laughed out loud and cried and yeah, adore the ichigang and what they bring to the series. banger of a game
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bless ichiban and his big dumb heart
masato is such a dick. reminds me of post-timeskip nishiki a bit. i like how they portray his illness tho (even if they’re super vague about it).
oh speaking of there’s sooooo much cutscene jesus christ. even for a yakuza game this is killing me, even if it’s all very good. feels like i’m watching a tv show at times.
new year’s tacky sunglasses i salute you
the bread cutscene! it really does look great, idk what possessed them to spend as much time as they must’ve done to make one bite of bread look that good but i respect it!
ponytail ichi!! he’s only in it for like 5 minutes but i already miss him
anyway hey adachi welcome to the party now what on earth do you want and why are you pestering him about it this much
this is probably gonna come up again but i feel like i have no sense of how long anything’s gonna take. i’ll be stuck in 45 minute long segments where i can’t save or do much of anything and i can never see them coming even tho i’m what, nine games in at this point?
it’s so weird walking at the bottom of nakamichi street and the don quijote isn’t there. that’s like THE landmark down there for so many games (and in real life!) and for it to be a police station feels weirdly wrong.
arakawa sr what’re you doing man? what’s with the cold shoulder? and why are you buddy buddy with omi now?
ichi and adachi really get off on the wrong foot huh, tho it’s nice to see them getting over that a bit as they work together.
looking at nick ogata it’s kind of easy to see where they were hoping to slot akiyama in. shame, too.
after the first dungeon (and boss) to test me i think i’m getting used to the combat now? obvs i’ve not got a lot to work with yet tho.
so i played the rggo version of ichi’s story like six months ago? so i knew that arakawa sr shooting ichi was a thing, but oh man. he really has no hesitation there does he. fuck. also adachi! i need him back and he’s gone :(((( at least it gave me my equipment i put on him back
nanba! grumpy guy. reasonable tho.
fake money? huh. wonder who put that on ichi. and why, too. is this gonna be to do with that commissioner guy, the one from the cabaret club.
i needed to quit so i skimmed over this a bit (which is a shame cos it was a good bit) but nanba has a criminal record??? tell me more??? (me from later: ohhh he was selling drugs on the black market. nanba... me from even later: BRO WHY)
i’ve unlocked substories! woohoo!
hamako’s great, like her a lot. yeah, show ‘em who’s boss!
wait ryo aoki is leader of bleach japan? that explains a few things. (i had it spoiled for me shhh) also bleach japan guy (kume?) can go die, i hate him. do i get to hit him at some point, please say i do (me, post game: I do, but not nearly enough.)
the bit where nanba and ichi finally get a place to live and sit talking about their dreams and being like fuck it, do what you want hit me harder than i expected. maybe it’s just where i’m at in life (or that i’m a big ol’ sap) but i teared up a bit
adachi’s back in the party, ichi’s got his hero bat, everything’s going great! can’t wait for it all to come crashing down around them when whatever the fuck was going on with the geomijul guy with the crossbow comes back at the party again.
wait wait hold on why did they translate sujimon sensei like that??? he introduces himself as ドクターすじもん and then says people call him すじもん博士(はかせ)so why not stick with that? doctor sujimon and then professor sujimon, it even links back to the pokemon stuff more (professor oak etc.) did they just want the alliteration???
anyway i lost my first fight :((( i went wandering in chinatown and they’re like twice my level up there. bummer. I’m actually gonna have to start saving my money like a real adult :(((
the noise i made when nanoha’s last name was revealed i was like OH? Saeko’s coming, right? We’re nearly there? also as someone connected to care homes if they’re using this as one big scam i’m gonna be so pissed off
IT WAS WORSE tho ngl this doesn’t seem like a sustainable business model?
finally met kashiwagiiiiiiii i love how they completely blow past him being someone you might recognise if you’ve played 0-3, he’s just like yo are you gonna pay this time. also not sure how i feel about gary buster holmes (now actually pronounced gary and not gayry) being in it. they’ve upped his japanese so it sounds even more unintelligible and foreign than his last appearance, and is it not just kind of fan service? like, i like him don’t get me wrong, but did he need to be there
yokohama is  so big :’(
the boss fight/rush/dungeon thing through seiryu hq was actually pretty fun and not too difficult, which was nice. hoshino (no, not the one from judgment but what a twist that would be) has a weirdly incongruent voice but i’m sure i’ll get used to it. also he knows smth, i’m suspicous of this man.....
ALSO what was ichi thinking about when they came out of HQ? he was clearly distracted, but about what?
they really straight up killed nonomiya huh. no amount of ‘he was secretly nice really’ is gonna make me like him tho, he was an arse asdfghjkl
SAEKO she’s here!!!! the scene where she joins the party was really sweet (even if they go from 0 to 100 really quickly asdfghjkl like they met ten minutes ago and then she spilled her entire backstory and now they’re on ‘we’ll never leave you alone again’ terms. okay?)
pun names in substories continue, ofc bubble man is called awano, of course he is
i am not gonna handle this job system well, i can see it coming (edit: actually, I did pretty well. Could’ve been more efficient about it, but overall not bad)
it’s weird seeing things that were in judgment in this game but in completely different places. like, there’s the single chase sequence at the start of the game (were they planning more? it feels like it), the search sequence where you look for nancy, and then saeko’s cheers are very similar to mafuyu’s in that one sequence. i know it’s just classic rgg asset reuse but smth about it feels different here?? (edit: I don’t know what I meant here)
ERI! oh wait i’ve gotta do the business minigame to get her in the party :((( okay plot hold on, i’ve got some grinding to do
so THAT’S how the counterfeit money fits in! assuming the bill ichiban had in his pocket is linked in to this liumang operation.
i’m really liking the longer time to get to know each character and for their relationships to develop. rgg have always been good at that but it feels like they’re really getting chance to shine here
that said i really do hate how there’s no grace period after combat and you can get stuck in a loop of enemy spawns and fights. for grinding xp it’s great but for actual fun? not so much.
is nugget two (aka omelette) just there for fan service? don’t get me wrong i’m very happy to have a chicken wandering the office again, but it’s all i can think about whenever i see her
did the management game up to unlocking eri basically all in one session. don’t recommend, exactly, but it was convenient! i also like that there’s skills linked to doing that, it’s an extra incentive to do it
after several hours of pootling around doing some minor grinding and the part time hero stuff, time to finally finish chapter 5! also why is there nowhere i can buy enforcer gear, i can get stuff for basically every other job except that one, and two of the gear shops on the map aren’t open yet...
mabuchi can GET FUCKED but anyway hi joongi
that dungeon after that, from after joongi leaves to the final boss fight with *checks notes* heavy machinery is so looooong, are they all gonna be like this? it’s just weird cos there’s two save points quite close together and then nothing for like half an hour and three floors. odd design
whoever said zhao is like a gen z majima is so not wrong (tho toned down ofc). wonder what he’s like not in front of a crowd (very good, is the answer)
geomijul let’s goooooo this was a much more enjoyable dungeon than the yokohama one, even with the random where’s wally thing it had going on in the middle.
oh so THEY’RE the ones making counterfeit money! oh! also hi again joongi. so glad i had eri for your boss fight or it might have been a little trickier (even if i had her as idol so i had two idols in the party... oops)
ALSO NANBA WTF i knew he had a sibling (it got spoiled for me :((( tag your spoilers people!!!) but didn’t know circumstances. yikes. so then if the geomijul didn’t take his brother (which seems unlikely) then who did?
it’s not even 2am yet??? guys do you not need sleep????
oh this is a loooong night.
obligatory plot/history dump section, currently feeling a lot like how hiroshima worked in y6 but with somehow more corruption. less murder tho, probably. so by the ijin three working together on their counterfeit venture and sending the money to the governor who gives it to the police this somehow keeps the balance. a balance so fragile that one man dying can upend the whole thing. guys i don’t think this plan was as solid as you thought it was.
i can’t believe i’m about to say this, but as he currently is i don’t like zhao. well no, i *do*, but i also want to punch him a bit which is good, i think that’s how it’s supposed to go.
NANBA COME ON MAN these people are clearly using you as a means to an end
also i’m not happy with how in the translation they keep saying he pretended to be homeless. this isn’t true, both in general and in the jp text. he *was* homeless. it wasn’t an act, it wasn’t a play, it was a thing he did to get what he wanted. he didn’t have a secret second place to live or a job he was doing to keep himself afloat, he was just like the other people in that camp but for the fact that he chose that specific spot and probably did at one point or another have the means to support himself. anyway, rant over
i mean it eri is so fucking op omg she’s never leaving the party
side content is going well, tho i’m getting to the point where i need money to do some of them and i Do Not Have Enough. where am i supposed to get two million yen from, game, why do this to me
i feel like they put ono michio in just cos he’s popular not cos it makes any real sense. like it’s fine, ig, but idk. maybe i’m all ono michio’d out.
i lost my first plot fight.... :((( it’s the one against nanba and ishinoda, i think i got kind of unlucky with attacks cos i didn’t have nearly the same problems the second time round even tho i was equally as prepared.
they literally could have told nanba his brother was alive and well, that would have fixed all of their problems and he wouldn’t have gone ratting out their counterfeiting scheme. guys why didn’t you??? i know they explained it sort of (and they said they underestimated how bad things were) but i still don’t see how denying him what he wanted to know helped anyone in that situation.
obligatory long lore dump via vague torture scene (this is literally the bit with hamura in judgement). i’m gonna be honest i zoned out a bit partway through but i got the gist.
nanba’s not staying :((( i get it tho.
Anyway once again hi joongi welcome aboard! get ready to get put through your fucking paces
wait so the omi were at the liumang restaurant (qijin?) to make an oath with mabuchi, or smth, and then they see him get beaten into the floor and just leave? lol what was the point
NANBA FUCKING CAME THROUGH okay i’ve been won over, sorry i was ever mean to you nanba. i don’t think anyone could refuse ichiban a second time when he looks at you with those big ‘i unconditionally love you’ eyes
mitsu returns too! interesting place to bring him back too, hopefully he comes back again later (…barely. Bummer.)
is zhao a closet tsundere
oh they killed ogasawara? yikes. nanba says it best, aoki’s plan is working really efficiently and really well, i’m almost impressed
i have everyone in the party now! woo hoo! tho it does stand out more than a little bit that everyone has a karaoke song except joongi. i know they fix that for infinite wealth (and it kinda makes sense, ig) but come on let me hear him :((((((
i did not find the yokohama dungeon fun. as a way of levelling up it’s fairly efficient but my god do i not wanna do the whole thing again
(i’m still pootling around in chapter 11 don’t @ me) LAU KA LONG IS THAT YOU i thought he didn’t turn up until gaiden, i got jumpscared by him and his tsukumo hair *some time later* his name’s CHAU ka long??? fucking bite me
finally moving onto chapter 11 can’t wait to do some more plot oh no i’m in chapter 12 and it wants 3 million yen from me. *sigh* back to the grind
masato really had a shitty night in 2001 huh. i mean he’s hardly the nicest guy, even back then, but still. will say tho that the dead guy, suzumori, was literally asking for it. if he’s dumb enough to say shoot me to a guy with a gun then idk what he was expecting.
he and ichiban have the same eyes, i think. aoki’s are smaller than ichiban’s big puppy eyes so it’s harder to tell but i’m pretty sure they’re the same. There’s no reason for this, but it’s there.
having done everyone’s drink links, i think the ending of zhao’s is my favourite (recency bias maybe) but the best overall was adachi’s? difficult to say.
also ‘pan joongi’ has me fucking DEAD some of these party chats are hilarious. i’m gonna find them all if it kills me istg
ichiban holdings nee senbei is DONE so ofc i immediately went to spend all of my money (minus the 3 million yen i needed) on gear. oops. also yeah eri, punch that dude in the face!!!
the cutscene where aoki is bitching to sawashiro about how no one told him daddy dearest was going to sotenbori was weirdly rushed? like not pacing but literally the dialogue would move onto the next bit before he’d finished speaking the lines. is that a glitch or smth? was very off-putting (me from later: most of the cutscenes in that office were like that? And only aoki’s dialogue? Ig my game glitched)
we’re in sotenbori!!!!! it feels so small compared to ijincho but it’s kinda nice. cosy. tho why tf are we starting in the grand, we don’t have the money for this and we’re not even being served by a hostess, why are we here asdfghjkl
doing the entire sotenbori battle arena was both a lot more engaging for me compared to the yokohama dungeon AND much more worth it. good gear, good money, and for levelling people quickly it’s absolutely perfect (at current levels)
man am i glad i did tho that saejima majima fight would’ve been rough if i went there immediately when i arrived in sotenbori. didn’t do too bad tho, lost eri (saejima one-shotted her from full health...) but everyone else stayed up pretty easily.  i find it interesting that after the fight tho majima says やっぱり when he’s talking about them being allies. did he twig it halfway through the fight or did he know already? and how? (the eclectic arrangement of people with ichi was probably a clue but still asdfghjkl) ALSO you’re telling me they were in osaka for two entire years and no one fucking noticed. they were IN OMI HQ to meet with arakawa and no one fucking noticed. (also arakawa says that the only people who know 3jima are there are the people in that room but that’s not true, mitsu also knows. rgg why do you always forget poor mitsu....)
poor mitsu being bullied tho :((( he’s trying his best and ichi is just like nah, i’m coming in whether you like it or not
is it me or is daigo(‘s actor) putting in a better performance in this game than previous ones. idk maybe it’s just cos i’ve not seen him in like three games
i was kind of expecting the fight in omi hq to be longer. huh. ALSO tendo is like i’m jumping sides we’re friends now, and then he vanishes from literally all cutscenes after that moment. i’m not even confident he’s outside of the party combat where the other guys were. so what happened to tendo????? are we gonna see him again or is that it? (foreshadowing is a literary device-)
figures that kiryu comes back and his first line is おらぁ! asdfghjkl and watase being like who is he? no idea??? fucking got me, bless that man. daigo’s expression in that scene was really good too, seems like he’s the only person that believed kiryu was gone. saejima and majima sure as hell didn’t.
scene with ichiban and arakawa sr on the yokohama dock was excellent. well-written, well-performed just, great cutscene. honestly that entire chunk of cutscene (slightly minus the bit where ichiban runs to arakawa sr’s body) up to and including the scene with sawashiro, ishioda and the execs. really really good
WELL that was a lot of feelings, time to go and do some side shit, ig.
the feelings aren’t over!!!!! No!!!!
sure, let’s go run in the election. why not. it does kind of hurt me personally that ichi and co. are just using this election as a sham to get close to kume and therefore aoki, and while you’re walking around people will be like ‘I’ll vote for you!’ ‘you’re better than that guy!’ and we’re really, really not (in this one single instance. every other time kume can go get fucked and hopefully unlearn all the shit aoki and bleach Japan got him to believe)
hoshino no, you didn’t deserve this : ( sawashiro….
sawashiro’s backstory is all very interesting for pretty much everyone involved (except the women cos this is an rgg game). masato is sawashiro’s son, shit, dude. Ichi does not seem to be taking this super well but honestly, fair! he’s a rough couple of days and now he’s just found out the guy he looked up to this whole time and devoted his entire life to was actually his dad, and probably knew and didn’t tell him. that’s fucked up.
MICHINO SHIRABE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME the pun names in this game istg, this is some ace attorney level shit
fuck the fight with kiryu. it’s just, so not engaging as a fight. partly cos i was a little underleveled I think but also you just end up using like two attacks on him the whole fight chipping away at his enormous well-defended health bar and I got bored. also if I have to hear him say 次は何だ one more time I’m gonna fucking riot. at least his boss theme is the best version of his theme we’ve ever had and one of the best themes in the whole game
I have complicated feelings on kiryu being in this plot at all, tbh. with the context of gaiden ig it’s more forgiveable but it just feels like he doesn’t belong there, y’know? this is ichiban’s story but all of kiryu’s mess and baggage have dragged their way in and it shifts the focus for too long. idk. I was in a bad mood anyway when I played this section so I might be being less charitable than I normally would be. I like kiryu, I like his story, but rn he’s not who I should be engaging with.
okay I’m having fun again now, the other day was an outlier. In retrospect I do like how they integrated his styles and signature moves into his moveset. and the dragon, while utterly nonsensical even in context, looked pretty cool.
anyway I ran the sotenbori battle arena one more time so now it’s time to go and punch ishioda in the face!
had some difficulties with that battle (saeko got stunned early and I had to reevaluate my whole plan) but joongi came through and overall it definitely went easier than the kiryu fight even if the mirror face thing was fucking dumb. I don’t hate it? I don’t think? but wtf was that asdfghjkl
ohhhh, that’s what happened to tendo. ohhhhhh well shit ALSO did ishioda just fucking die. did they leave him to explode on the bomb. guys, guys that’s a crime, guys-
actually really like the cutscene of aoki and his secretary (she has a name, I can’t remember it *cry*), it reinforces a lot about his character and the effect he has on people.
fascinated by the lack of security at this event where the governor of Tokyo is talking. if ichiban had been someone with ill intent aoki would’ve been totally fucked. also nick is back in the main plot, good for him
right, time to go and piss around with the side content some more rather than deal with the implication that date and Adachi are friends
MAKO-CHAN no, not having it. I saw on one of their official streams once, when they were doing the stream every day for like two weeks thing they were doing, Yokoyama say he regretted this and that it was fan service (it was the stream with ushizawa, the jp streamer). I think that’s probably fair, especially cos you don’t get to use new serena as a hideout afterwards. the scene doesn’t really add anything and date didn’t need to be there. having said that, I’m happy seeing him again and it’s kind of funny how short he is compared to everyone else. (as an aside ushizawa had some *balls* to turn to Yokoyama and be like this bit was shit asdfghjkl)
why does the kamurocho batting centre look weird. did they shorten the distance or smth? I swear it didn’t look like this in judgment. and the textures are so low res….
I liked going up through millennium tower. the floors felt a little samey after a while but it was kind of nostalgic walking through the same place you fight as kiryu in 6.
ig tendo also having the dragonfish tattoo is where they got in that detail from rggo, tho where it was sawashiro there and his was white(?) this time it’s tendo and it’s blue (and uh, not a dragonfish? But you know what I mean). I like how they mixed it in with his moveset and the names of his moves tho, that’s neat.
the tendo boss fight runs a little overlong imho but if you’re levelled it’s so much easier than any of the old guard boss fights. same for both of the aoki boss fights. like yeah, you might get swarmed a bit in that first one, but I never felt like I was in any danger. the QTEs caught me off guard tho, I wasn’t expecting any and then suddenly they throw four at me at once, come on guys asdfghjkl
everything after that HOO BOY I was kind of indifferent on masato as a character up to this point (he had his moments but I was just like blah whatever) but I’ve officially been converted. the writing in that cutscene where ichi yells at him and tries to beg him to start over and onwards from there is so so so fucking good, there’s so much character there and it’s expressed so well. I teared up at points cos ichi is so desperate not to lose anyone else, and despite everything – despite him ordering the death of his DAD – he’s willing to be by him and hold him up for as a long as it takes. it’s such a fucking ichiban moment and it’s played so well, in general and in the performance.
same for the scene at the lockers. I think that, along with the kiryu bit on the roof in 5 (either one, take your pick), is one of my new favourite scenes in the series. it’s heartbreaking.
AND THEN FUCKING KUME okay no I can be calm about it. part of me is like, this is a cop out, this is rgg studios once again having a character die instead of going through the long process of redemption and growth. but part of me is also like no, this is the perfect place to use it. aoki ryo was everything kume aspired to be, everything masato groomed him to be, and he’s absolutely the kind of person who would be sent over the edge by the reveal that aoki wasn’t real. or, well, that he had committed an unforgiveable sin. kume believes more than anything that he is doing the right thing, even when committing murder, because he believes that if he is ‘cleansing’ then therefore he *must* be in the right, no matter the action being done. he turned out exactly like aoki wanted him to, but masato wasn’t prepared for the consequences of that (I think he knew, tho), and that cost him.
I don’t LIKE kume as a character, he’s annoying, but I do think his arc is quite well done and that it’s reminiscent of the real kumes out there.
the last little bit made me cry too, where ichi is on the bridge. it’s the ‘everything sucks but there’s hope there if only you look’, it gets me every fucking time. it’s such a thesis for ichiban as a character, the game as a whole, and even the whole series.
also Adachi gets his moment! good for him! can’t wait for kamurocho to get its next new corrupt police chief asdfghjkl
also genuinely, did they leave ishioda to explode on that bomb. guys, guys that’s a crime, guys-
uh things I wanted uh, mitsu deserved some more dialogue, and I wish joongi and zhao got a bit more plot time after their respective bits. it makes sense to focus on the core four (ichi, saeko, Adachi, nanba) cos you’ve spent more time with them but it does make them feel like set dressing sometimes. eri isn’t even there (I get why but still :sad: ). also nick, the entire time he was there I couldn’t help but think of Akiyama the whole time. thematically he makes so much more sense, and it would give that scene where he calls aoki out so much more impactful. OH and mirror face can fuck off, worst plot twist to appear twice, why the fuck is he there asdfghjkl
OH ALSO the first aoki fight, it’s really jarring when that just has the generic fight theme. like, obviously he gets his own very good theme later, but they couldn’t have come up with one to slot in here? it feels so wrong
saeko DOES kiss ichiban. huh. I thought that was smth they just introduced for infinite wealth but there was actually precedent. kashiwagi being involved is killing me asdfghjkl love that man (oh he does the same for eri, interesting.)
the romance subplots do, on the whole, make me very uncomfortable. Especially iroha’s, she comes on incredibly strong and it’s not super clear he reciprocates on that, plus she’s super possessive and weird and then drops him once she’s got what she wanted. Not good. (one of the ladies does imply he’s more submissive than she expected, so at least there’s that nugget, but I’d rather not have got it like this, thanks). And the ending? What are we going for here, guys? Cos I’m not sure it works!
Dragon kart on the other hand, great fun. A little light on the subplot nonsense (compared to, say, the taxi minigame from 5) and the mini advertisement half-way through for pocket circuit could’ve been skipped, but they’re minor problems. The racers are all living out their shounen sports manga dreams, good for them. The courses are fun too!
Wait no, the party chat about mushrooms has romantic (sub)text and they cut it in the localisation! How dare they deny my Adachi/nanba dreams
What a note to end on asdfghjkl
0 notes
ruminate88 · 3 months
Fake It Till You Make It? 🥴
My aunt and my uncle said to me before “I’ve never seen anyone love someone so much as your husband loves you” 😭😭😭😭 I was thinking in my head “I just don’t see it or believe it” BUT WHY CANT I????
The first year of marriage I got cellulitis in my blood stream at Christmas and had to be hospitalized for 4 days hooked up so many I.Vs all full saline and antibiotics to basically cleanse all that stuff out of my system. I was all swollen and exhausted. You can not rest in a hospital. My husband only left my side one time ever to rush home and take a quick shower and change his clothes. The antibiotics they gave me, made me extremely nauseous so they had to give me a separate shot to cure the nausea but then THAT shot made me drowsy to where I couldn’t keep awake. Yet they kept waking me up every hour to check my vitals and make sure I wasn’t getting worse. I would say to my new man “go home and play your video games, I’m just laying here sleeping anyhow. You are probably bored and uncomfortable sitting there.”
My husband refused to leave my side… Now, I was grateful and trying to trust him with all my strength. I felt close to him somewhat but not completely. Even after Christmas, I pushed and pushed to feel close to him. I was planning our future. Our kids and old age. My husband has even talked about “when we’re older” and it almost makes me cringe 😫 ugh it sucks!!!!!!!
This morning even, before the alarm went off. I purposely laid my head over on his chest so he could wrap me up 🥺❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 I told myself “this is what you want. This is real. He loves you and he IS trustworthy.” God please I want to believe it and feel it. I’ve been so disconnected and frustrated in my heart. My husband has been the most real and genuine guy I know. When he talks about his job, I feel like he really wants to be a good employee and make his boss look good. When he talks about his family, I sense he truly has their back and puts them first. When he talks about other people, I NEVER hear him say a bad word about someone unless he thinks they’re a really bad person…. Like, he’s sooo real.
Every time my husband has made any mistake tho, I’ve jumped into the overthinking, over analyzing and worrying, that, “oh what if he’s been pretending just like Andrew did?? What if he’s been lying all this time??” 😖 it’s miserable to live like this!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!
This *invisible wall* in front of me, has me working harder than I’ve ever had trying to either get around it, jump over it or even go through it. HOW DO I REMOVE THE EMOTIONAL BARRIER???? I mean, I intentionally married my husband. I said yes to him and chose him. (Despite being trauma bonded to Andrew and forcing myself to block his number and walk away) I know I believed my new man was nicer than any of my exes and he could respect me more than anyone else!! Just…. I can’t feel it. I’ve tried to fake it till I make it. (Basically that’s awful but I mean, I couldn’t trust myself after Andrew.)
Some days I’ve cried inside so hard thinking Andrew and Cody stole my ability to feel love but that’s a lie!!!! I just know it is. They didn’t steal my ability, they broke my trust. I have to rebuild trust daily and I’m trying so freakin hard. I’ve talked to my mom in law a little bit about it and she said it was emotionally mature of me to recognize my problem and accept accountability for it. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
My husband sometimes treats me like he’s my “father” too even though I’m a lot older than him lol and he purposely gets over protective. Yet he buys me stuff as his way to “show love” and I have trouble accepting the gifts cuz I don’t feel like I deserve anything nor do I want gifts. I just want to feel good. I just always feel bad for my past. I’ve felt so much guilt and shame from Andrew. Andrew slut shamed me so much for sending him my nudes even though he’s asking for them and flirting with me. Lying to me that he loved me when he was just using me. 💔
I’m working to forgive myself too not just Andrew or Cody or Jake. It’s been a long road and so difficult but a learning process too. I am daily convincing myself my exes lied to me and that my husband is everything I’ve ever wanted and needed….. I’ve got so much to work on and do better at. ONE DAY AT A TIME ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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So I’ve been playing dead by daylight recently and searching fan art of the game so now I’m horny for slashers. Here’s a fic of pyramid head
Warning: noncon/dubcon, 18 +, explicit. Read at own risk
Pyramid Head x reader
Tumblr media
I woke right beside a generator and quickly rushed towards it. I hated when the trail started, I’m sure everyone does. And this place always made me more uncomfortable than any other. The killer being Pyramid Head gave me the hardest time. I’m used to getting caught and hooked but not caught and fondled. He’d know exactly where I was and always chased after me as if I was the only here. I wanted to get out of this school as quickly as I could. “Hey.” Feng whispered as she came to help me with the generator. I nodded her way and she told me she saw Pyramid Head on the other side of the school last. She knew I had the worst time with him. I heard the start of another generator across the hall, I guess that was the other survivors. Feng and I were close to finishing but when I saw Meg and Jake run pass the classroom my heart instantly sank and I felt uneasy. We’re they being chased. My heart beat thumped loudly in my ears and Feng and I both knew Pyramid Head was coming. But we didn’t even bother leaving the generator, we were so close.
Feng gasped and looked above me. I felt my body yanked and slammed against one of the desk in the room. Pyramid Head wrapped his hand around my neck, choking the life out of me. Feng flashed her flashlight in his face and he let me go, shielding himself from the light. I gasped and coughed, rolling off the desk and running away. I heard Feng cry out and she sprinted out the room limping and trailing blood. I helped her down the corridor and we rounded a corner to the infirmary and I covered her mouth as she cried in pain. When my heart beat stopped pounding in my ears I instantly healed her up. Using some of my clothing to bandage her wound. “Thank you Feng. Can you continue or do you need a minute?” She shook her head and stood up like she was never hurt. “Let’s go, we have one generator left.” And right as she said that we heard the doors turn on. They fixed all of the generators? Jake and Meg were really good at the generators. We left the infirmary and headed towards the Teachers room we’re we met up with Jake. “Hey! This way!” He beckoned us over and we rushed over to him. He led us to the doors that was already being opened by Meg.
My heart beat again thuddd in my ear and everyone scattered. Well everyone except Meg. She bravely stayed opening the gate even while Pyramid Head approached her. “Meg! Run!” I yelled at her. The killer turned his huge cone head towards my voice and began walking towards me. I ran down the corridor, his large very oversized sword dragging against the floor as he chased me. He was slow but not as slow as Michael. I heard the blaring sound of the gate opening. If I could just get around him I’ll be free. I ran up the stairs to the second floor and entered the equipment room. Hiding in the corner. I panted and tried to steady my breathing as I heard his sword clanging against the stairs as he came up. Should I have ran further? Maybe, but it was too late for that now. I didn’t hear the dragging of metal, I know he was on this floor. My heart still thudded in my ears, so I know he was close. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. He was absolutely terrifying. My legs shook and my body dripped in sweat. Calm down, you’ll get out of this. Just relax. I took a deep breath in and out. But I nearly lost my shit when a hand clasped over my mouth. I opened my eyes wide and panicked but calmed down when I saw it was Jake. He put a finger to his lips to shush me. I nodded and he took his hand away from my mouth. He led me out of the room and down the stairs. We crouched and crept to the door. Jake stopped when he heard clanging infront of us. He pushed me against the wall and pressed his body over mine, caging me in between his arms as we hid from Pyramid Head. My chest touched his as I took heavy breaths. “Listen. He’s just going to keep going after you so I’ll distract him and you run to the door okay.” Jake said. He looked into my eyes and smiled a little. “No, I can’t let you do that. You could be killed.” I replied back. Our whispering was pretty loud but the tension only grew when we heard the killer again. “I’ll be right after you. I’m only going to run around the floor once and head straight for the door right after.” He said. I shook my head which made Jake frown. “Do you want to get out of this alive or what? We can’t just argue until he gets us. Now when I say run, you run. Got it.” He was stern and his tone was deep. As if talking to a child. I just sighed and nod my head in agreement.
Jake peeked out the door and motioned me to follow him. We continued to crouch towards the door. When we were close to the door we heard running. Fast, heavy thudding footsteps coming right at us. We turned around and saw Pyramid head sprinting. Since when?! We scrambled to our feet but Jake tripped over his laces. When I went to go help him back up he pushed me. “Run!” He yelled at me right before the sword pierced through his body. The sword even went through the floor. Jakes blood quickly spilled and touched my boots. I pushed myself back as Pyramid Head stepped towards me. I turned around and tried to run but he grabbed me by my hair. I was so close. The gate was right there. I cried, kicked and screamed as he dragged me down the corridor. He dragged me into the teacher room by the stairs and forced me over the desk. My face against the desk while his other hand held my hip. I gasped and jumped when I felt something grinding on my ass. His hand tore my shirt from where I had ripped it to help Feng. He grabbed my bra and tugged on it a couple of times. “Wait! What are you doing?! Stop!” I tried to push myself up but he was definitely stronger than me. The little muscle I had and height couldn’t even compare with him. He was a real beast. He pulled my bra this time making the fabric rip, the wire underneath cut my skin and it came off. He grunted, pleased to see my exposed back. Trailed his huge hand down my spine. Gurgles coming from the inside of his ‘head’, as if trying to speak.
He released my hair and my body. When I tried to get up he pushed me back but still didn’t hold me down. “Agh!” I cried at the force. I tried getting up again and he slammed me harder into the wood. I stayed still knowing if I moved he would just do the same thing. He wanted me to be against the desk but didn’t want to hold me down. After a couple of second of obeying him he raked his nails down my back. Digging into my skin enough to draw blood as his hands trailed from my shoulders down to the dimples above my ass. I kept silent, crying to myself as the pain of his nails nearly had me kicking. I forced myself to stay still. I felt the flat end of that pyramid on his head drag the blood down my back, playing with it and painting my skin in my own blood. His hands came beside my body on the desk and he bang to grind his bulge against my ass again. His grinding turned into humping. He pushed up my skirt and put his hand back on the desk and humped my ass, his bulge hitting right at my covered heat. He was rough and pushed my body into the desk, making the desk shake every time his hips slammed against my butt.
I was undeniably wet. My vagina enjoying the teasing of him trying to fuck me through our clothes. Well what ever it was he wore. I whimpered and held back my moans. My hands covering my mouth. I shouldn’t be enjoying this. His humps got faster and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I moaned out and he pressed a hand to my lower back keeping me and the desk steady as he continued to thrust against my vagina. I heard small sounds of pleasure, grunts and groans, coming from him. Of course he was enjoying this. It was sick. What got him all riled up? Was it the killing? It couldn’t be? He didn’t do this to anyone else. But how would I know? I wouldn’t tell anyone about this. Did he does this to Meg, Claudette, or Feng? Would he even care whether if they were male or female? I was taken away from my thoughts when I felt his finger slide against my panty. I gasped and squirmed away, covering my breast and crawling on my ass. He growled angrily. He pointed to the desk and I shook my head. “Just kill me!” I rather die then go any further. He grunted and pointed at the desk again. “No!” I yelled. He stomped over to me and grabbed my arm. I yelped and stared at the pyramid as if looking at his face and whimpered. He pulled me up and brought me back to the desk. Gurgling and squishy sounds emanating from the Pyramid. It made me cringe. He was clearly trying to speak. He pointed to the desk once more and released my arm.
I shook my head no and he pushed me. He kept pushing me. Trying to make me to lay on the desk on my own. As he pushed and shoved me he growled. “Okay! Okay!” I yelled at him. I bent over but he lifted me back up and shook the Pyramid left and right, ‘no’. He didn’t want me in that position anymore. I used one hand to jump on the desk and lean back. He let out an approved grunt. He knelt down and the metal pyramid touched the bottom of my breast. He pushed my thighs up and apart. I stared at the ceiling and tried to remove myself mentally. Thinking of my new friends. Knowing that they’re back at camp, probably wondering where I was but safe until another trial. I gasped and nearly sat up when in felt something long and wet swipe across my slit. The pyramid vibrated as if he was laughing. His fingers moved my panty to the side but he still ripped them. His hand then came up and grabbed mine. I flinched away but he grabbed them again, gently this time. Entangling his fingers in mine, I let out a shuddered moan when the wet appendage licked my exposed folds. My hips bucked slightly and my legs rested on the edge of the desk. Did he really have a tongue? Does that mean he has a head? No, at least I don’t think so. The Pyramid was too narrow for anyone to wear.
He licked up and down my folds until his tongue slipped passed them and found my clit. “Mmmm!” I squealed through my closed lips. His right hand left my hand and used my arousal to soak his dirty fingers. I felt disgusted having him touch me like this but it did feel good. He was gentle this time. Unlike when he was humping me. I’d soon eat my words when he forced two fingers into my vagina at once. I cried and grit my teeth. My free hand pushing at his head while my other hand squeezed his. He grunted and I felt the wet muscle poke my clit. Flicking at my clit teasingly making me moan. His fingers scissored my hole, stretching me out. It felt uncomfortable since he was a big and thick man thing. His fingers moving in and out of me, the sounds of my wet pussy filled my ears. I squirmed underneath him and he groaned. His ‘tongue’ or whatever it was entered my hole between his fingers. It was longer, really long, and it licked my insides so nicely. My eyes rolled back and his fingers slowly slid out of me, holding my thigh as his tongue are me out. I felt my stomach sink in but also expand as my bladder filled up. I know that feeling. As many times as I loved it I hated it now. “Please stop I don’t want to.” I cried. He just continued and massaged my thigh. My arousal dripping down his chest and I was so close to cumming on him. He growled and the vibration sent me over. My back arched as much as it could and I cried out, I squirted over him and he pulled his tongue out. Tears streamed down my face and my legs closed when he stood up again.
I heard that thing he wore fall to the floor. He was now naked and I couldn’t look away from him. If he was clean I would be able to appreciate the massive body he owned but he was dirty and covered in blood. When I looked down I panicked when I saw the size of his cock. That’s not normal. No. Get it away from me. “Enough please! Just kill me!” I kicked his chest as he tried to grab my legs. “No! No! Stop! I said stop!” I kicked the Pyramid and he stumbled back. Groaning in pain. I guess I hit a sensitive spot. Of course I did, that heavy thing attached to his body was bound to be sore on his neck and shoulders and I’m sure it could never come off. “Please kill me, I want to see my friends.” I said. I was tired of this. This wasn’t apart of the trails. It was just escape or be killed. Why was he doing this? He shook his head and grunt, coming back towards me. His hands groped my boobs and I gave up. I was too afraid to kill myself and he wasn’t going to do it until after he had his way with me. He pinched my nipples, I whinced in pain and he immediately let go. My legs wrapped around his hips as he pressed his bare cock over my clit. Grinding on me and he played with my breast. He moved his chest closer and the pyramid lightly sat over my head. He grabbed my hand and put it on his chest. My hand touched his body. It was a beautiful body, too bad it was dirty, the scars that was on him made it more beautiful. He moved my hand down to his nipple and I grazed it lightly. Feeling it becoming hard at my touch. I took a deep breath and sat up. He moved back and I used both of my hands to touch him. His cock throbbing at my soft hands. Tracing his veins, the sculpt of his abs, the definition of his arms, appreciating his massive form. He pulled my waist towards his body, the thing I assumed was his tongue came out and licked my cheek. I shivered and let him lick my face. Sucking in my lips when it got too close. His hands held my head gently and he brushed back my untamed hair.
He pushed me back onto the desk and slowly spread my legs. He positioned his cock at my hole and I stared off at a wall. Not wanting to watch him take my virginity. But he wasn’t having that. He turned my head by my chin and made me stare at the nonexistent head that was replaced with an oversized metal cone. He pushed in and my teeth gritted. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I chanted in my head. He was huge, too big for me but he kept forcing himself in. His hips clapped against mine but his cock didn’t even go inside. It slipped up, he spread my legs wider and tried again. He slipped again and let out an irritated gurgle. “I-it won’t fit.” He nodded yes, as if saying ‘yes it will.’ I shut up and let him try again. This time he used his hand to steady himself so his dick wouldn’t move anywhere. The tip slowly moving in, I whinced and cried as the stretched became unbareable. He was spliting me apart, I wasn’t as prepared for this as I hoped I was. His two fingers didn’t even compare. He growled as he moved in further, scratching my thighs and leanig his head back. I watched his dick sink into me and I even saw the outline of his cock through my skin. Blooding dripping down his balls and my ass as he tore my hole. I mentally thanked my parents for giving me my body, I couldn’t imagine being smaller and trying to accommodate to his size. I mean to him I was of course still small but it wasn’t so bad. He let go of my thighs and put his hands beside my torso, clawing the desk, the wood chipped under his nails. I wiggled my hips trying to pleasure myself and he immediately pressed a hand over my hip. I whined when he stopped me. Again he gurgled, why did he keep doing that, I can’t understand him. He stayed still and massaged my body. Soothing the pain from me. He was all the way in, our bodies connected. I suddenly just realized that my heart wasn’t thudding like it would normally if the killer was close. It was quiet. My body eased as if there was no threat. The warmth of his hands caressing my body.
“Please move.” I begged him. Glancing off into the distance before looking back at him. He slowly brought his hips back and slowly pushed back in. I felt my slick gush as he moved, feeling myself getting wetter just from one thrust. He grunted and picked up the pace. “Ahh, please more.” My hand reached out to his chest and he held my hand. Fucking me faster. My eyes rolled back and I bite my bottom lips, smiling to myself as my body was encased in pleasure. He groaned and held my hips as he began to go harder. Pounding away at me like I was some doll, but when i slapped his chest and cried out he slowed down. Rubbing his tongue over my cheek as an apology. I nodded and his tongue licked my nipples. I didn’t feel much at my boobs but knowing that his tongue was there sent shivers down my spine and euphoric shocks through my body. His dick abusing my cervix giving me beautiful pain.
“Mm! Oh fuck! Good! Feels good!” I praised him. His hands tightened at my hips and he bucked harshly but went back to his original pace. “You’re making me feel so good.” I continued to praise him. He let out a gargle that sounded like he was happy. He likes the praises? “Yes! Just like that, right there! Ahh! Yes!” I moaned. He felt amazing. My hand moved down to my clit but he moved it to his shoulder. He put his thumb in my mouth and dragged it over my teeth, gums and tongue. I sucked on it and got another groan from him. He pulled his thumb out and placed it on my clit. Fucking me as he rubbed my sensitive bud. “Oh shit!” I yelled. My eyes squeezed shut as an overwhelming feeling of pleasure hit my body. My insides felt like mush, my pussy felt sore and numb but the way his dick hit my cervix just proved how much my body loved it. The way I moaned, panted and yelled was music to him. My body convulsed under him as I came again. My mouth hung open in a silent cry as I came on his cock. He didn’t stop, he fucked me through it. But he did go faster. The desk moving under us, it was really loud. Pushing the desk towards the wall as he fucked me relentlessly. Rearranging my guts and making me stupid over his dick. I babbled nonsense and my body was numb and weak under him. Using me however he pleased just to get himself off. Making sounds like an animal as he brutalized my pussy. It was overwhelming. Why did I like it? Why was I enjoying it? Please stop. “Don’t stop.” I panted. The fuck was wrong with me? His tongue licked my lips and I opened my mouth letting it in. Tasting blood as he explored my mouth. Using his tongue to fuck my mouth.
He slammed into me. Again and again and again. He was close, his thick cock throbbed inside me and his hips stuttered once. His tongue still down my throat. I moaned over it and sucked on it. His thumb rubbed my clit again and I bucked my hips. It was so sensitive, he made me jump and move. My orgasm built up again. My bladder filling with fluid as I felt my stomach tighten. I choked on his tongue and gasped when he removed it. He pulled out and rubbed my clit faster and I squirted again as he shot his cum over my body. My hole clenched around nothing as I came. I shudder, shook and cried out. I bucked wildly and my eyes crossed. He pressed my hips down to help me relax. I panted and took deep breaths to help me get over my orgasm. When I finally relaxed he scooped his cum on his finger and put it in my mouth. My tongue lapped it up like it was an icicle. Moaning slightly just to please him. He groaned and stroked my cheek. He then left the room. Coming back with his blood stained sword. I dropped to my knees and waited for him kill me. He pulled me up to my feet and pat my head. Just do it! I yelled in my head. He brought the sword up to my neck and slowly sliced my jugular. Gagging on my blood, the pain was unimaginable.
I woke up at camp, my clothes back on and no evidence of what happened on me. “YN! Jesus Christ what took you so long?!” Feng ran over to me. I stayed silent and just curled up into fetal position.
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bb / gg, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Jeon Jungkook is the lead singer in a rock band and failed his Biology class last semester, so he has to take remedial classes over the summer. You're the Biology TA, double major in Psychology and Biology, watching him freak out over his make-up exam because he had overslept. Both of you are surrounded by rumors. Does the title stand for bad boy / good girl or bad bitch / good guy? Who knows.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; not the healthiest dynamic tbh; slight angst due to perceived unrequited love; smut (fem reader, D/s dynamics, begging, scratching / marking, choking, handjob (he is still wearing underwear), multiple orgasms, cowgirl, hair pulling, edging / orgasm denial, cock ring usage, m-masturbation, cum-eating); non-idol!BTS – rock singer, sub!Jungkook x studious, dom!reader
yes, it's SOWOOZOO JK, both the first yellow tropical look and the shredded black shirt look; for those who wanted him to be dom!JK, there is a moment when he is but not in the way you think because that's how I operate
Jeon Jungkook was a bad boy.
Wore too much black, dyed his hair too much, had tattoos, always had girls hanging around him. Sang in a rock band on the weekends, played electric guitar, played the game of how-many-numbers-can-I-get tonight? Never gave a girl his leather jacket to wear but was happy to buy her a drink and flirt with her until she got hot with arousal.
You were a good girl.
Always wore a blazer. Crisp white dress shirt and pleated skirt underneath, usually in a dark color. Sensible heels, but always heels. Did too many units a semester because you were double majoring in psychology and biology. Always arrived to class early, always turned in your assignments on time, always turned in your tests early and aced that shit. Took physics with calculus even though you didn’t have to because it was the harder one and you wanted a challenge.
Against the wall, shoving a fist into the neck, lips to lips, teeth snapping, hand travelling down, whimpering pleas and harsh growls, keep crying, I like it, ecstasy and pain, nails to skin. Tearing clothes off, biting, marking, I own you, and then, yes, you do, mouth and tongue, aching pleasure, cocked eyebrow, mocking the pathetic whines and cries, stopping right before the end, no, please, I’ve been good, and, you take what you get, hand fitting onto the neck, squeezing the sides, eyes rolling back, skin to skin, bruising slaps that would be seen tomorrow in the mirror, traced with shaking fingers and pants of an open mouth, moaning at the memory of sky-high pleasure while lightheaded and thoughtless, desperate to do it again.
There was a rumor.
Everyone liked Jeon Jungkook. He had two smiles, an endearing one and a teasing one. Both encapsulated the kind of person he was, honest and playful. He always sang with conviction, he rapped with savagery, and his lyrics were always from the heart. He always hung out with his bandmates after their performances at bars and interacted with those that came up to him. No one ever said Jungkook was mean or rude in any way.
And yet.
There was a rumor.
A rumor that Jeon Jungkook was taken.
He was the kind of guy that always made sure a drunk girl got home safe even though he didn’t know them. Paid for their taxi and everything. He focused a lot on his music and writing lyrics he thought would connect with others while taking into account his band members. He always told the truth if a girl confessed to him, saying he wasn’t looking right now, that he was very sorry if she thought otherwise, that there was someone he was already interested in.
You slammed a hand onto the tabletop and Jeon Jungkook jumped, the shredded black shirt he was wearing falling down his shoulder, revealing his ink black tattoos on his tan skin. He was wearing a black tank top underneath.
“What’s with you? You missed the exam for your remedial class and you’ve spent the past ten minutes spacing out at your make-up exam,” you barked, pointing to his empty exam sheet. “You haven’t even filled out you name.”
Jungkook swallowed hard. “S… Sorry.”
You frowned. Why was he apologizing to you? Honestly, why did you sign up for this summer TA position again? Oh, right, money and credits. Hmph. It was really just an excuse for the professor to slack off while you did the tedious things like grading and watching over idiots that skipped class. Sorry, overslept. Hung over, probably, since this was the Jeon Jungkook. Rockstar, hottie, famous in his own way.
He could be Jesus Christ and you would still be scolding him for missing his remedial Biology exam.
“Fill out your name so at least I can fail you properly.”
Not that it mattered, since you knew who he was. He didn’t know you knew who he was, and you had zero incentive to inform him that you were indeed aware of the existence of black-haired, tattooed, chiseled-jaw, sparkly-eyed Jeon Jungkook, all due to the constant snide remarks that followed you in your wake.
You wouldn’t be such a bitch if a guy like Jeon Jungkook put you in your place.
Who the fuck was Jeon Jungkook?
This guy, this weirdo about to fail his fucking Biology exam in front of your face.
Impatiently, you rolled up the sleeves of your gray blazer and grabbed a chair, dragging it up to the table. You snapped the chair down and sat in it, smoothing your skirt. You liked to be neat. Even though university didn’t have a uniform, you liked to keep some sort of uniform for yourself. There was a sense of security in knowing you didn’t have to select an outfit every morning. Today, white dress shirt, gray blazer, pleated black skirt that hit slightly higher than mid-thigh. Every other outfit was some variation of this and, in the winter, you wore thick stockings.
You clicked your heels together under the table sharply.
He flinched at the sound.
Jungkook wasn’t looking at you. He was mumbling at his paper.
“I… I think I studied the wrong chapters…”
You clicked your tongue. Jeez.
His hand was shaking so bad that his pen was practically vibrating. You leaned over the table, grabbing his fist to still it.
Your bare knees hit his bare knees, mostly because he was wearing black jeans with giant holes in them. Jungkook froze, head snapping up, silver earrings jangling, black hair flying, undercut visible for a second.
“You want to pass this class or what?”
He nodded quickly in response.
“Good. I want to get out of here. Keep your mouth shut. Answer to the first question is A.”
His eyes widened.
“Are you… helping me cheat?” he whispered, terrified.
You cocked your head, letting go of his hand. “You said you studied the wrong chapters. I’m not spending forty-five minutes of my life to watch you panic and then ten minutes more failing you,” you replied lowly, dangerous edge to your voice.
“I… couldn’t… I mean…”
You shoved his knees open with yours, narrowing your eyes as he yelped, pleading look in those brown doe eyes. You pressed your knees on the inside of his thighs, keeping them open.
“Answer to the second question is C.”
When Jungkook didn’t move, you reached over and cupped his chin. Felt his racing heartbeat pounding through his veins, coursing through your fingertips. Stared deep into those eyes, lowering the octave of your voice, keeping his thighs spread for you under the table.
“Listen to me,” you murmured softly. “Okay, Jungkook?”
“O… Okay…”
And he did.
There was a rumor.
Nobody liked you. Maybe it was because of your high scores ruining the class test average. Maybe it was the dismissive way you spoke to people, almost demeaning. Most likely it was a combination of the two. Students talked behind your back all the time, spreading rumors. Friends? What friends? You had an average of twenty class credits a semester. You didn’t have time to make friends. And besides, why try to make friends when clearly nobody wanted to be your friend?
And yet.
There was a rumor.
You ignored such things. You didn’t need such distractions.
“It would be too suspicious if you got full marks. This score is high enough.”
“O… Okay…”
“Get on the table.”
Jungkook scrambled on the wooden tabletop as you pushed his exam aside. You were still sitting in your chair. Your head tilted, eyebrow lifting at his speedy response to your rather suspicious request.
“You listened.”
He blinked at you. “Uh… yeah?”
“Why?” you finally said.
Jungkook gulped. “Be… because you asked,” he mumbled, knees on the table, hands clutching his knees.
“You can just walk out and report me.”
He shook his head quickly, black hair flying everywhere. “I don’t want to.”
Your other eyebrow raised. He chewed on his lip, a flash of pink tongue in his movement.
“Tell me what you want. I’ll do it.”
You decided to test his conviction.
“Edge of the table. Spread your legs for me.”
Instantly, obediently, Jeon Jungkook surprised you by doing it, putting each leg on either side of you, chunky black sneakers hanging down. Shredded black shirt open, hands behind his ass, towering over you, and yet his eyes were watching you, waiting for more, begging for instruction.
You raised your chin, seeing his impressively muscular thighs and body displayed for you to take. He was so close you could smell his clean, dreamy scent, like a meadow in summer dusk, surrounded by peeking stars and blinking fireflies. Interesting.
But you didn’t need the distraction.
“That’s it. You can go now,” you said dismissively, about to push your chair back.
His legs closed in, pressing firmly into your upper arms. Your eyes flickered up to him.
Jungkook shook his head very slowly.
“Do what you want.”
You saw his chest rise and fall, his silvery voice deepening, pupils expanding.
“I know you want to do something to me.”
His erection was bulging against the zipper of his black jeans. Your eyes went back to his face. He shivered at your sharp stare. All of this was happening in an otherwise empty lecture hall, with you and Jungkook at the very bottom.
Just you and him.
You placed your hands on his thighs. He jumped a little, but scooted closer to you. You slid your hands up. You undid the button of his jeans, scrutinizing those brown eyes. He raised his hips to help you as you pulled the zipper down.
“You don’t know me,” you finally said, no inflection in your voice.
He didn’t look away. “I don’t care.”
“Hmm.” You smirked. “Bad boy, aren’t you?”
Jungkook shook his head slightly, but didn’t break eye contact as you pulled his pants to his knees and reached for his black boxer briefs. “No. I’m a good guy. I want to give you what you want.” You hooked your fingers over the waistband and nicked his skin with your nails, making him gasp, the pleasure evident in his tone. He did not try to hide it from you. “I want to be good for you.”
“Why is that?”
He hung his head a little.
“Something about… how you make me feel…” he muttered. His gaze finally faltered. You reached up and righted his chin, forcing him to look at you. Saw that Jungkook had a mole under his mouth, perfectly in the center. He had a nice shape to his pink lips. You tapped his cheek, nudging him to elaborate. “You… You’re so pretty… and smart… Everyone looks up to you because you have such good grades…”
You doubted that.
Jungkook probably had no idea that most of the school hated your guts.
You didn’t have classes with Jungkook, but you were sure he knew your name because your name was posted on the Dean’s List of the highest-ranking students of the university every semester. Also, you weren’t hard to miss. Every student moved out of your way when you walked through the halls, whispering behind their hands.
Jungkook brought you back to the present.
“I feel,” he whispered, voice trembling, gaze locking with yours. “I feel like I want to be on my knees for you.”
His skin was warm under your nails.
“Like this is where I belong, in your hands.”
You stood up.
Jungkook started, turning into a tight squeak as you placed your hand on his chest and pushed him down.
“Lift up your shirt with both hands.”
He did was he was told, revealing his toned abs and the lower half of his pecs, biting his lip, clutching onto his tank top, ears turning red as he craned his head to look down at you. You didn’t give him any satisfying response. His tan skin seemed to glow under the overhead lights. You studied his face.
Reached up and began to rub his erection through his underwear.
“A… ah…”
“Gonna make you cum like this.”
He shook his head quickly. “P… Please, no…”
You felt him swell and twitch under your hand. He was pretty big. Thick. Pretty boy with a pretty dick, probably. You rubbed the head with your palm, feeling his pre-cum leaking through the thin fabric. He wasn’t kidding when he said you made him feel some kind of way.
“Why not? Make you cum in your underwear and then you have to go all the way home covered in it. All dirty, just for me.”
His handsome face twisted with sinful pleasure at your suggestion, whimpers in his throat. His cock jerked with need, wanting it.
“O… Okay. Whatever you want.”
So obedient.
“So obedient, Jungkook,” you purred, rubbing faster.
He nodded. “For you. Only for you. Just for you.”
Was it just saying those things because he thought that was what you wanted to hear? Or was that how he actually felt? Surely not the latter, considering he didn’t really know you. You leaned over him, placing your free elbow on the table to stabilize yourself. You hadn’t even kissed him.
“You’re so hard for me,” your drawled, lowering your head, letting your warm breath float down onto his skin. “You want to cum for me, don’t you?”
“Y… yes, please…”
“You want to be my toy?”
You pressed your lips to his bellybutton, feeling the smoothness of his skin, tasting it. He moaned at your kiss, your swift tongue flickering out to that delicious skin, whining when your teeth nipped at the softness. Fuck, he tasted so good that you wanted to mark him. Looked so fucking good that you wanted to mess him up, mar him with temporary imperfections on the perfection that was Jeon Jungkook.
With breathless, lustful conviction.
You licked up his abs, increasing the intensity and speed of rubbing the engorged head of his cock, the pre-cum already soaked through and creating a slippery surface, turning Jungkook’s pitched whines to deep moans, a melody that filled up the entire lecture hall until was the only thing you could hear, Jungkook’s moans as you bit his skin, his moans as you sucked on his skin, moans as you kissed the hard muscle, cries for more at you left marks, pleading for you, sweet and beautiful, clutching his shirt so tight that his knuckles were white, the black tattoos of his right hand standing out, his cock throbbing in your hand, his hips rising to hump your palm, your name on his lips, over and over and over.
“Gonna… gonna cum…” he panted, sniffing slightly, cheeks flushing pink. “Gonna cum like how you want me to, all over my underwear…”
Your fingertips touched his side, seeing him stiffen and then shudder at your gentle caress.
“Do it,” you murmured. “Show me how good you are at listening, Jungkook.”
He bit his lower lip, jaw clenching, squeezing his eyes shut, tipping his head back into the tabletop, whining your name in his chest, your palm working him, slick and hot and hard, pulsating under your roughness. With a sharp moan, his lower lip popped out of his teeth, dark red and swollen, small mole quivering.
You felt it and heard it, the unmistakable jolt and squelch as his orgasm splattered inside his boxer briefs, drenching the fabric, drenching your hand, his embarrassed whines as he realized what he had done but still humping your hand, forcing out every last twitch of dribbling cum, causing you to smear it everywhere, coating the sensitive head and adding to the pleasure, his cheeks flushed red, eyes squeezed shut to savor the pleasure and avoid looking at you.
You crawled onto the table, still holding his cock through his soiled underwear, squeezing it, free hand slipping under his head and lifting him, his eyes weakly opening, scared and anxious, but all you did was lean down and kiss him, pressing your lips to that pure softness, exhaling his name into his mouth, his scent staining your hand, his cologne filling your nose, your whisper in his throat.
“Time for you to go home.”
Jungkook thought you would tell everyone.
You did no such thing.
Instead, you ignored him.
He would see you three times a week and, three times a week, you arrived with the professor and left with the professor. Jungkook tried much harder to attend classes, but you seemed not to care either way. He would come to the front and collect his assignment and find that you had marked it up exactly like everyone else, red marks all over his incorrect answers. You didn’t even look in his direction.
The next exam was coming up quickly.
Part of him considered skipping exam day to have one-on-one time with you again.
He jumped, jerking his head towards the hall, confused. Somehow, he had heard your voice. Or rather, did he imagine it? His teeth sunk into his lip, placing a hand on his forehead, confused. His head was confused. He couldn’t think straight. Why had he done such an embarrassing thing with you? Even you had told him to leave and report you. But Jungkook just couldn’t. Not then and not now. He had asked for it.
He still wanted it.
Nobody knew. Everybody thought he was a cocky, womanizing playboy. And he was, but not because of the sex. It was only because he was bored and that was all he could get. There was power in being on top.
And there was power in letting go.
You were bad for him.
He was a good guy.
You were a bad bitch.
And nobody knew.
A hand slapped down on his shoulder and yanked him around, the loose short sleeves of his yellow tropical shirt flaring out, making his sunglasses rattle on his face. You narrowed your eyes at him. Instant shivers down his spine at your stern gaze.
“Are you deaf?” you snapped. “I’ve been calling your name for the past minute.”
“I… S-Sor–”
You waved a hand dismissively, grabbing his right hand and slapping down a post-it into it.
“Chapters for the exam, including the date and time. Do not miss it this time. I will not let you make it up and fail you on the spot.”
You turned on your heel, letting go of his hand.
His left one shot out and circled around your arm, his rings pressing into your skin.
You jerked your head towards him, glaring sharply. “Don’t touch me.”
And you yanked your arm out of his grasp, but his legs made the choice for him, following your swift strides, his backpack hanging off one shoulder, clutching the post-it and his last strands of sanity.
“Please, wait.”
“What?” was your curt response, not looking back at him.
“Please do it again,” he gasped breathlessly, unable to stop himself.
“Do what?”
“Have your way with me.”
You stopped walking.
Jungkook walked straight into your back and banged his nose on your head. He winced, stepping back and rubbing it gingerly. He didn’t register you turning around until it was too late and you were right in his face. You raised your chin and eyebrow simultaneously.
He blinked rapidly, his tinted sunglasses halfway down the bridge of his nose.
“W… Why? Did you not like it? Was… was I bad?”
You let out an amused scoff.
The side of your lips curved upwards.
He had made you smile, even if only a little bit. Just that small thing was enough to feed his courage.
“I…” Jungkook coughed, clearing his throat before he spoke again, voice still a soft whisper in his embarrassment even though no one was around to eavesdrop. “I can be better. I can do better.”
He thought you were going to walk away again.
You reached up and plucked his glasses off his nose. Folded them neatly and tucked them in his tropical shirt pocket. Then your eyes found his again and he knew something was different. He could see you clearly now, his vision no longer clouded by sienna.
Now, Jungkook could no longer stop it.
He could feel it all over him, coursing through his veins, arousal like fire. Something about you and something about him. Jungkook could sense the danger, but he didn’t want to run even though he knew he should. He had heard the rumors surrounding you. They could be true.
And yet.
“I want it,” Jungkook breathed, inviting himself into the danger. “I want you. I want to be your toy.”
Your discerning expression didn’t change.
You reached up and gripped his chin, digging your nails into his soft skin.
He whimpered in his chest, moving closer to you.
“What’s my name?”
His brows furrowed, saying your name hesitantly.
You pulled his chin down so he was eye-level.
“Next time you say my name, I will be choking it out of you.”
Everyone thought Jeon Jungkook was the kind of guy to grip your wrist with his left hand and your throat in his right, his lips against your ear and his sweaty chest against your back as you slapped your ass into his crotch and fucked yourself with his rock-hard cock, his smirk in your ear as he provided you with a certain type of encouragement.
“That’s right, you want this dick, don’t you? Show me. Prove to me you want it.”
His fingertips tightening against the sides of your neck, listening to your pathetic cries and moans as you tried to squirm against him, brain running out of oxygen due to lack of blood, running out of thoughts, running out of pleas as Jungkook gripped your wrist, deep snarl against your hair as he roughly finished himself off using your body because that’s all you were, someone to be used by him and nothing more, neck suddenly released with a breathless gasp and shoved face first into the sheets with his right hand splayed on your back, his tattoos and your orgasm crashing down on you, his growls staining the air and a fierce jerk of his hips to spill into your tight hole and leave you moments after, nothing but a discarded toy in his eyes.
You thought.
That was what everyone thought when Jeon Jungkook stood on stage, flipping his dark violet microphone between verses and smirking like a devil, truly in command of every thought and every pair of eyes on him, surrounded by a heavy bass line and deafening drums, guitar solo tearing through the moment to emphasize the next of his lips nearing the mic again, entrancing the crowd with his beautiful lips and talented tongue.
No one knew.
You were riding him hard and fast, torn condom wrappers and used condoms littering his bed, back-to-back orgasms, his head pressed into his pillows, your hand around his neck, the other leaving long lines down his chest, scratching him so hard that it dotted red, blooming lines of pain.
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop, f-fuck…”
Jungkook was hoarsely whispering, clutching his sheets, black hair soaked with sweat, raising his chest to your nails, whimpering, punish me, punish me, punish me, and you muttered plainly with a sharp edge, you talk too much, your grip tightening again, pressing onto the sides of his neck, cutting off the blood flow, and Jungkook moaned gratefully, eyelids fluttering, the slap of your hips to his louder and louder, filling up his whole bedroom, rattling his bedframe, fucking him so hard he was slowly sliding up to his headboard.
Your name fell from his lips in pure ecstasy, back arching to shove his whole length fully into you, thick and hard and twitching with need, your slick walls clamping down on him, fitting to him with a hiss. He began to match you, breathless, lightheaded, world hazy, moaning from deep in his chest, I love you, and your reply was only tightening your grip, your hand and your pussy, harder, harder, harder.
“Aren’t you such a good guy?” you scoffed sarcastically, letting up for only a second to let him reply, blood rocketing back into his brain, flooding him with oxygen, and Jungkook sucked in a lungful of air, reeling.
“N-No…” he panted. “You’re the good girl… you’re always s-so… so good to me…”
His eyes locked with yours hazy with lust and love. You almost looked away out of instinct.
“You a-always remember… what I like…” he managed to choke out.
You left him when you were done using him.
You pretended he didn’t say those words to you. There was no point in acknowledging the nonsense that he said in the middle of being choked and barely functioning. You tapped your pencil against your textbook.
You caught yourself thinking about him.
Jeon Jungkook.
Your eyes flickered to the clock. Late at night on a Friday. He was probably at a bar. You watched the second hand of your plain silver clock tick, tick away. You never asked to watch him and his band perform even though Jungkook always made it a point to text you the address and the time.
It was obvious Jungkook didn’t want you to be his secret.
He wasn’t really your secret either. You just saw no benefit to letting anyone know there was a connection between you and Jeon Jungkook. After all, you were just using him.
You stopped tapping your pencil.
Stared at the second hand.
Heard the voices of the rumors poisoning you, saying the things they said.
She thinks she’s so much better than everyone else because she’s a nerd.
The only reason she has good grades is because she fucked that one professor.
I heard she dated him.
I mean, there’s a reason he left in the middle of the semester, right?
He had a wife!
Your eyes flickered down.
The tip of your pencil lead rolled across the page, leaving tiny pinpricks of granite.
There was never any evidence because nothing happened. Nothing happened between you and said psychology professor. He left in the middle of the semester because his wife had a miscarriage and he wanted to be with her. It had nothing to do with you. You had long discussions with him about life and existentialism, hanging out during his office hours.
Sometimes, you felt bad.
Had you kept him from his wife? Would it have not happened if he just skipped his office hours and didn’t spend them talking to you? These were irrational, foolish thoughts. They made you guilty even when there was nothing to be guilty about.
He was a nice guy, mid-thirties. Everyone liked this professor.
They blamed you because they didn’t know.
Only you knew, because he told you with tears in his eyes and thanked you for being his student.
You didn’t tell anyone, because he did not owe you an explanation and you were not going to divulge someone’s personal business that they had shared with you in confidence. You watched your reputation crumble and fall apart, watched friends ostracize you, because you didn’t tell them anything and they didn’t believe you. You watched yourself turn bitter and hateful.
Just tell the truth.
There was no truth to be told.
You put your pencil down.
Closed your eyes.
Remembered Jungkook’s face.
Your hands were in his hair, pulling hard. His hot breath was in your face, arms shaking as he held himself up, fucking you into his mattress with whines in his chest, begging you, begging you, begging you.
“P-Please… let me cum, please…”
You liked to watch the sweat clinging to his high cheekbones and neck, jaw glistening with tension, feeling his strong body between your legs, his twitching hardness sliding into you repeatedly in rough, hard smacks, squeezing him every time he was fully sheathed inside you, vibrations coursing through you every time he came down.
“Not until I’m done,” you growled and he whimpered, pleading look in those brown doe eyes, black pupils expanded, unable to cum because a vibrating cock ring was restricting his orgasm, keeping him hard but unable to climax, sending thundering pleasure through him and into you. He watched helplessly as you gripped his hair, hissing sharply as another wave of pleasure overtook you, closing your eyes to savor it, savor his swollen cock twitching inside you as he felt the intense massage of your pussy walls closing around him, throbbing around the head and driving him insane, moaning pathetically because he couldn’t follow suit no matter how desperate he was.
Jungkook didn’t ask if you were done.
He just kept going because you told him he couldn’t cum until you were done.
And you didn’t say you were done.
You stared into those brown orbs, hazy with lust and full of conviction to be good for you.
Desperate to be the best and the only one, not knowing there was no one else because no one else wanted you like the way Jeon Jungkook wanted you.
“Pull out.”
“You heard me,” you exhaled, throbs of pleasure still trembling through you. Your hands slid down, cupping his chin, nails digging into his sweaty cheeks. “Obey.”
With a pained whine, Jungkook obeyed, pulling out of you, his cock covered in your juices, wearing a condom and the black cock ring. You reached over with one hand to press the button on the remote to turn in off.
“Take it all off. Let me see your cock.”
He reached down and slowly pulled the cock ring off, taking the condom with it, whimpering at the sensitivity, his tone hitting a lovely pitched groan as the silicone squeezed the base of the head. His whole body was shaking as it fell from his hands, the veins on his length standing out, head purple-red and angry, white pre-cum slowly beading at the tip, and his face, looking down at you, waiting for your next move.
Cock waiting to be used.
You tapped your chest.
“Cum on my tits.”
You cut him off.
“You’re going to cum on my tits and then you’re going to lick it off while I watch.”
He listened.
Jungkook straddled your waist with his thighs, muscular and defined, right hand wrapping around his cock, sweat making the tattoos on his forearm and shoulder glow in the low light, smelling like sex and musk, his core tightening as he touched his overstimulated length, using the lube of the condom and his own pre-cum to add to the pleasure as he began to stroke himself, moaning as you lifted your hands and cupped your breasts, pushing them together, his eyes on the curve of your cleavage and points of your hard nipples sticking out, and then your face, an indifferent look with a cocked eyebrow, taunting him, unimpressed by his timid grip on his cock, so he squeezed harder, tighter, embarrassing cries falling from his mouth, living for the smirk that slowly began to form on your lips.
It empowered him somehow, that smirk, the little inkling of satisfaction that Jungkook wanted, needed, craved, knowing he was doing well, being good, furiously pumping his aching cock over your pressed-together tits and he couldn’t last, couldn’t help it, too overstimulated and too turned on, too in love with this to prevent himself from tipping over with a hot gasp, spilling streams of sticky white lines over your breasts, spreading them everywhere, making a huge mess because he wanted a huge mess to clean up, shoving the head into your cleavage and shuddering at the sensation of warmth to his scorching heat, able to feel the pulse of the engorged tip dripping out what was left, shivers up and down his spine, the words falling from his mouth that he never stopped saying even though you never acknowledged them.
“I... l-love you…”
He stayed like that for nearly a full minute, but you didn’t tell him to get off.
His eyes were closed, savoring the feeling.
Slowly, Jungkook gingerly removed himself, lowering his body over yours, tongue sliding out, touching your skin covered in his cum, his taste, mine, no one else’s, him on you, lapping it up, salty and bitter and yet he loved it, loved that you told him to do it, loved that you let him paint your skin with his orgasm and now his saliva. He didn’t care that you never said anything to his I love you, didn’t care that you seemed to pretend he never said it, because he would continue saying it when he was with you, hopeless as it was.
It was the small things that kept him going, sucking his own cum off your nipple and wrapping his lips around it, hearing your soft sigh of pleasure, feeling the tap on his thigh that instructed him to scoot up, the small thing of your hand closing in on his spent cock, sending sparks of pain but also pleasure, moaning into your skin as you massaged his balls with your fingers, knowing that he could take more pressure and roughness because he had just came, the small thing of your thumb rubbing the sensitive slit, his face pressing into your breasts, smearing his cheek with his cum and saliva, sliding across your slick skin because of the intensity of the high it gave him, the pleasure and the pain, his right arm coming up to wrap around you, tattoos cradling your torso.
“I love you…” he whispered to your racing heart under his ear, lost in the rhythm of your heartbeat and the firmness of your touch. Jungkook did not care if you hated him saying it.
He would continue saying it as long as he was with you.
“What are you doing?”
He placed his hand over the bottom of his phone and smiled at the cute girl that was talking to him at the bar.
“Sorry. I have to take this call. It’s important to me.”
He didn’t hear her response, because he backed away, bowing lightly, pressing his phone back to his ear.
“Ah, never mind, Jungkook.”
“No, no. What is it? Tell me.”
“You’re at a noisy place. It’s Saturday night.”
Jungkook pushed through the people, mumbling his apologies and straining to hear your voice over the thundering bass. “I finished. Well, we finished. We’re only drinking. I can leave at any time. I’ll just text the guys to bring my equipment back for me. Where are you?”
“Forget it.”
He opened the door of the club as the dial tone rang in his ear.
Looked up.
Your hand dropped to your side. You were still in your white dress shirt and navy skirt, dressed exactly like you were when at school minus the blazer. Jungkook’s eyes widened. He was in a torn-up long-sleeve shirt with the right sleeve removed, showing off his tattoos. His black hair was wild and half-wet, and he was wearing tight leather pants.
You clicked your tongue.
“I said forget it,” you repeated hollowly.
You sighed and turned around, skirt swishing in your wake.
“Wait, I’ll come with you–”
“Go back to where you belong, Jungkook.”
His hand closed around your forearm, holding tight.
“I belong with you.”
You stopped walking, silent.
“What is it? Tell me.”
You scowled. “It’s dumb.”
“So am I, remember?” he chuckled, his hand slipping down, squeezing yours. “I’m not very good at school.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment. Cars and people brushed past, but Jungkook was focused onto on your stillness, watching your eyes seemed to be thinking about many things. You hadn’t pulled your hand out of his yet. By now, Jungkook knew that if you didn’t want something, you wouldn’t be shy about telling him right away.
You started walking again. Jungkook was still holding your hand.
“It was just a moment of weakness,” you mumbled under your breath.
“A guy…?”
You didn’t answer.
Jungkook squeezed your hand. “It’s okay,” he murmured tightly. “I understand.”
He did not. He wanted to cry.
Your eyes shot to him, pinning him in place. “You don’t understand, Jeon Jungkook. You understand nothing.” You pulled your hand out of his and Jungkook let go, trying to hold his pain, trying not to breathe because he was preparing himself for the inevitable, the moment you were going to break his heart and, if it was right here and right now, then so be it, because he had said how he felt repeatedly and there was nothing more he could do than that.
He loved you so, so bad.
Jungkook knew he shouldn’t, that it was madness, but he did anyway.
But you surprised him.
Your sharp gaze softened.
“You know what they say about me. You have to know,” you exhaled, shaking your head. “You must know the rumors.”
Good girl gone bad.
Jungkook frowned. “About you and the professor?”
He watched your jaw clench.
“Does it matter?” he asked.
Your eyes shifted, not quite looking at him.
“Whether something did or didn’t happen, what does that have to do with me?”
And now you looked at him, guarded, not letting him know your thoughts.
“You…” He swallowed, trying to press the lump down in his throat. “You’re just using me, right? It doesn’t… doesn’t really matter, because in the end I don’t matter to you anyway… right?”
He did not want to cry and yet he did, because he knew he loved you. It was the small things, the way you never let up on him even in class, the way you picked days that were never the weekend and never before exams, the way you would brush your fingertips on his knuckles before leaving when you thought he was asleep, the way on the last time, the last time you were together, that you pressed your lips to his forehead when you thought he was asleep, running your fingers through his hair.
Jungkook was standing outside this bar and there were people he knew walking past, seeing you and him, but he kept his eyes on you, because the only one that mattered was you.
The one he belonged to was you.
He had decided that when he climbed onto the table that day.
He stuck his hands in his pockets and let out a heavy breath. “If people say things about you, then they say things about you. Whether it’s the truth or not doesn’t change the fact I love you. It doesn’t make me love you less,” Jungkook said, speaking at his usual volume, because there was no reason to whisper the truth. “Even if it’s pointless and crazy, I want to be with you until the day you don’t want to be with me.”
His smiled and blinked back tears.
“Even if that day is today, I will never regret it.”
In this cruel summer, you could have ruined his reputation. You could have told everyone the kind of person he really was and you didn’t. You could have spread embarrassing stories of the things you made him do and you didn’t.
Even if he didn’t matter to you, Jungkook was confident that you weren’t a malicious person.
You rubbed your forehead. “The rumors will come to you.”
Jungkook laughed. “So what? I heard a rumor that I removed two ribs so I could suck my own dick. I admit, I considered doing it after hearing that.”
You scowled, but Jungkook only smiled in return. He could see the tension falling from your face with his comment. You clicked your tongue and tilted your head, as if to say, can’t be helped.
“There’s no other guy,” you muttered. “There’s just you and you’re dumb.”
Jungkook blinked rapidly, confused.
“You say it over and over and make me think about it all the time.” You sighed heavily, running a hand through your hair. “I’m not a good girl. People pushed me away and I stayed there instead of trying to repair the burned bridges. I don’t even think I want to repair them. Who knows what will happen next? I don’t think it would be a good idea to put you through that shit.”
You sucked on the inside of your cheek, looking at him apologetically.
“You’re not the bad boy everyone says you are. You’re a good guy. You should find a good girl.”
Is that what you think? Jungkook chuckled, taking out his hand and rubbing his nose thoughtfully.
“I don’t want a good girl.”
He stepped toward you, lowering his hand and his head so that he was eye level with you.
“I love a bad bitch who can push me around and makes me their toy.”
He tilted his head, small curve on those beautiful lips, tiny mole underneath appearing with every smile.
“Which can only be you, you know.”
Jungkook didn’t try to kiss you. He only wanted to look into your eyes so you knew his conviction.
“I love you.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’ve heard you say it.”
He nodded. “And I’m going to keep saying it until the day you leave me.”
Your eyebrow lowered and you gave him an indifferent look.
“Hm. I wonder when that will be, Jungkook.”
You leaned in, but before you kissed him, he heard the whisper against his lips, felt the shape of yours as they brushed against his, words he prepared himself to never hear from you, words that he thought you would never say, and that was fine with him, because you showed it, and that was enough.
He thought.
“I love you.”
And then your lips on his and his tears fell onto your cheeks because Jungkook wanted to cry all this time and he could not stop now, knowing that he was so, so in love with you and you finally, finally said it back to him.
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loveislattes · 3 years
1 + 10 = Dark and Primal (Predator/Prey) Kink
Summary: Exactly what the title says!
Warnings: Reader is gender-neutral but does own a vagina, primal kink roleplay, semi-public sex, dom/sub, squirting, multiple orgasms, and dirty talk. Ye have been warned!
A/N: This is the first fic drabble to come from the number prompt game!
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As always, if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-Fi (here) for donations/tips and I usually have a few slots open for commissions (unless life gets in the way)!
“Tell me something,” A deep, rich voice spoke suddenly, “What’s a darling thing like you doing out here, all alone, so late at night?”
Instantly your head whipped to the side, eyes narrowing to scrutinize the tree line for any sign of the stranger, but found nothing other than darkness in return. You were about ready to continue on your trek and blame it on the sleepless night when the intruder let out a rumbling chuckle, the noise echoing around you in every direction.
Hairs now standing on end, you clutched your bag tighter to your body and asked nervously, “Who-Who’s there?”
“Answer my question, and I’ll answer yours.”
Your lips suddenly felt too dry, the night too cold, the lamp posts too dim, as you belatedly realized that you’d not seen another person on this sidewalk for way too long. It was just you and this stranger.
“I-I’m just walk-walking,” you stammered pitifully.
Dread pooled in your gut and the sense of being utterly alone and helpless intensified egregiously as one by one all the lamp posts in your line of sight flickered out.
“Ooh fuck,” you whispered.
Finally, your self-preservation instinct kicked in and you took off running. It was a dark night, the moon a sliver in waning crescent and providing almost no light. Every slap of your shoes on the ground felt like a league farther from the man. Even as your heart pounded in your ears and your lungs burned with the taste of blood, you didn’t dare slow down. How far would you have to run? Did you dare take your chances hiding out in the woods?
As soon as hope started to rise, it was quickly dashed back down.
“You humans, so fragile.”
The whispered voice in your ear tore a frantic scream from your throat, fear locking up your legs, sending you tumbling forward. Of course you would fall! It wasn’t until he laughed, a smooth luscious sound, that you realized you were braced tight for an impact that hadn’t come.
“What the…”
When your eyes finally opened, you saw the concrete of the sidewalk uncomfortably close to your face but not touching. And then you were lifted. Darkness shrouded your view as arms tightened around your torso and brought you back to your own two feet. A cool gentle breath caressed the shell of your ear seconds before you felt the familiar shape of a nose against your neck.
“I’m giving you one last chance,” he huffed bemusedly, “Think fast but run faster, little fawn, for it will take all of your abilities to escape me.”
“W-Who are you?!” you gasped out.
As the darkness left your vision and the hands retracted from your sides, he purred almost imperceptibly, “I go by Dark, but you may call me sir.”
Then all at once, you were alone. You hesitantly looked around, eyes wide with fear.
A fearsome screech of terror scratched your throat raw as you stumbled and took off as quickly as possible. You knew if you stayed on the paved path he’d only catch you just as easily as before. You had to chance the forest.
No matter how quiet you tried to be, it felt like every noise you made called out to him thricefold. Your breaths sounded like alarms in your ears and the forest floor cried out like little spies with every timid step you made.
“Oh little fawn, where might you be?”
“Shit,” you whispered in shock.
How were you ever to evade him? It was obvious he wasn’t human. There was no possible way a human could catch up to you without making noise, could track you so perfectly in a nearly pitch black forest. Of course there were also the insane reflexes, catching you so close to the ground, and his ability to speak clearly to you while being nowhere in sight.
Oh so slowly, you let your guard down as you shuffled carefully through the heavily wooded area and got lost in your thoughts; finding out what he was, felt as important as hiding from him. A soft noise of triumph escaped your lips as you spotted a rather large hollow in the base of a giant tree. Your eyes darted around one last time to make sure you didn’t see anyone before you ducked into the wood shelter.
Just as your back pressed up against the trunk, you heard a twig snap outside. The forest was uncannily quiet, no sound of animals nor wind to impede noises made by either you or him.
“A smart little thing you are, aren’t you?”
Your breath caught as fear slammed your heart into your ribcage like a drum. His voice was close, too close. Another crunch of branches and leaves drew your eyes to the right of your hollow. Even in the darkness of the woods, his black pants stood out against the greens and browns. Your assailant was wearing… suit pants? Despite the silliness of the situation, your nerves only increased as he crept closer and closer to you.
“Where are you?” he sang out lowly.
Hushed humming graced your ears delightfully as he passed you, hands clasped behind his back as if simply taking a nice stroll. You couldn’t control the way your stomach fluttered as the beautiful cadence of his voice filled the hollow. Someone so dangerous shouldn’t sound so inviting.
A quick rush of air released from your lungs as he continued on without incident and relief filled your veins. Head falling back, you let your eyes close and took deep slow breaths.
“It’s adorable that you think you’ve won, my little fawn.”
There wasn’t a word deep enough to describe the bone-chilling terror that flooded your body at the sound of his voice so close. Slowly your eyes fluttered open, only to discover a pair of legs standing in front of your only exit.
“Come out now, admit defeat, and I might even be gentle with you, darling,” he offered slyly.
“Fuck you,” you grit out.
Before you could second guess your actions, you bolted forward, right into his legs. While you were sure you didn't harm him, your actions surprised him enough to allow you the room to shove by. You had made it only a couple feet when hands were on you, one gripping your shoulder while the other pinched around the nape of your neck. A cry of shock and pain fled your lips as he shoved you face-first up against the nearest tree and pinned you with his body. Escape was looking more and more like a fool’s dream and yet you didn’t stop wiggling, trying your hardest to break free to no avail.
“Mmm, I do love it when my dinner puts up a fight, makes you smell all that more delectable,” he purred as his thigh slipped between yours, “And don’t fool yourself into believing I can’t smell just how aroused you are.”
Mortification burned up your face and you bit your lower lip hard to contain the distraught noise that threatened to break forth as he leaned into you. The pressure of his thigh served to further argue his point, your panties soaking up the slick between your thighs.
“P-Please,” you whispered shakily.
“Please what?” he mocked, “Please let you go? Now, you know I can’t do that, darling. I’m absolutely ravenous and you’re ripe for the taking.”
Teeth gently grazed the tender flesh of your throat and sent goosebumps across your flesh.
“It’s been so long since I’ve had such a sweet little human to play with,” he groaned quietly.
Fingers teased the sliver of skin poking from beneath your top, tracing the waistband of your shorts with languid little strokes; teeth mimicking the action against your neck.
“Don’t pretend you don’t want this, darling. I’ve smelled your interest since the instant you started to run,” he whispered, giving another gentle roll of his hips.
Before you could contain it, an excited little squeak escaped as you felt the hardening bulge grind against your ass.
“There it is. Give in to me,” Dark murmured, “I promise this will be an experience unlike any other.”
You didn’t dare give an answer. The words felt too wrong on your tongue despite the sudden urge in your body demanding an agreement. As terrifying as he was, there was something about his presence that intrigued you. It felt like there was a war going on in your head as you gingerly wiggled your hips back against him and tilted your head to the side, allowing him full access to your neck.
The moan he gave in return made your knees weak.
In one rough movement, you heard the tell-tale rip of your shorts being ruined and then your hips were lifted in the next.
“Ooh, look at the mess you’ve made of yourself, little fawn,” he cooed mockingly as a finger danced across your lips, “It will be all the easier to make you mine.”
That was your only warning before his cock was lined up against your cunt, thick head breeching every so slightly before he slammed in. Tears sprung up into your eyes and you buried your face harder against the bark as a pathetic cry warbled out. It was devastating and heavenly all at once. When he didn’t follow up immediately, you couldn't help but arch back into him.
“What a needy little thing you are,” he chuckled, “I’m going to have so much fun with you before I destroy you.”
Never in a thousand years did you think you’d find yourself in this position, being hunted down and fucked in the middle of the forest, and yet there wasn’t a place you’d rather be in that moment.
Dark’s pace was brutal, the position even more so. Every thrust of his cock rocked you up against the tree, bark scraping and digging at your skin. Every attempt to move back sunk him deeper inside you. It felt like a never ending sea of desire. It wasn’t long until you were begging for more, until the sting of the micro cuts on your skin was just another layer to the destructive pleasure coiling in your core.
“You want more? You want to come? Then touch yourself,” he ordered huskily, “Rub your clit and make yourself come on my cock while I claim you as mine.”
His meaning came through loud and clear. He intended to mark you in the most primitive of ways, in ways no one had before. You’d never let any other come inside you, too afraid of the risks.
“N-No, don’t-”
Fingers dug into your wrist and jerked your hand down between your cunt and the tree, forcing you where you wanted it most.
“It’s no use, darling, it’s too late,” he snickered, “You’re already in the lion’s den and there’s no escape. Not anymore. You belong to me now.”
You could feel his teeth bared a wicked smile against your skin before they clamped down around your throat. Pain exploded and pulsed through your veins with every beat of your racing heart, and yet it pervertedly only urged you faster. Your fingers shook under the duress of all the sensations assaulting your nerves but you worked them nonetheless, too lost to the desire.
His moan rumbled through your very being as you tightened uncontrollably around him, teetering just on the edge of bliss.
That one word was spoken with such conviction and punctuated with absolute abandon, all sanity lost as you seemingly became a means to an end; a prey to claim and fill.
“Mine! All mine,” he snarled against your shoulder, “Give yourself to me, now!”
His hand came to cover yours and joined in the efforts, frantically abusing your sensitive nub until finally it all snapped.
“Ah f-fuck, D-Dark, oh my god!”
Your ruse slipped as his name spilled from your lips, but you couldn’t care less as everything coalesced with a vengeance. The pain, the pleasure, the emotions. It was all worth it as your pleasure drenched your thighs, a sob falling from your lips in debauched relief. Pulse after pulse of ecstasy rocked through your core as he fucked you through your first climax into another, and then another.
Stifled grunt and moans shifted gradually into full blown snarls of bliss as he threw your hands up against the tree, pinning both with one while his other arm wrapped around your waist and held you in place.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Shot after shot of hot cum filled your core, palpable with every throb of his cock, and you couldn’t resist melting back into him. With a final few thrusts, he released your hands only to pull you in close and hold you upright as he turned, putting himself between you and the tree as you both came down from the high.
“Holy hell,” you giggled, head tilting back to look up at him.
Dark gave a little chuckle and cupped your jaw, fingers digging into your cheeks and directing you up into a gentle kiss.
“I promised the full experience. Was anything too much?” he asked.
“Mm-mm. It was perfect,” you whispered.
As best as you could in the awkward position, you snuggled back into him and pulled his arms around you.
“You can hunt me any time you want,” you admitted cheekily.
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xobrattymoonxo · 3 years
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Game Night 
Yan!Ushijima x Fem!Reader 
TW: NONCON, spanking, daddy kink, restraints, kidnaping, non consensual drugging, dacryphillia, fingering, Cumming inside, breeding kink,  mentions of pregnancy, ass play, possessive talk, yandere, fem reader
An: My first Dark fic! If you like it please reblog/ comment/ like or even leave an ask if you feel comfortable!
Word count: 2.4k
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Second person Pov
“I am so excited to watch this game! Kageyama is so hot I can’t wait to see him in action.” Mai said as she held on your arm. 
“Mai please calm down!” You said with a laugh. 
“Have you gotten a chance to see who all plays on the team Yn?” 
“No, I’ve been so busy with school lately.” Mai made a pouty face at you as you heard people start screaming. 
“OH IT’S STARTING!” Mai screamed in my ear. 
I looked out on the court as the two teams came out to warm up before the game. 
“Ushijima?” I said just above a whisper. 
“Oooh I figured you would be a Ushijima fan Y/n. He seems like your type.” 
“I think I went to highschool with him, Mai.” 
“Wait you went to THE Shiratorizawa?!?! You knew Ushijima in person?!?! How come you never told me?” 
“It’s just a school and he is just a guy.” You said casually. Mai believed your lie. Ushijima wasn’t just a guy. He was the guy who asked you out, the guy you turned down, and the guy who made your highschool life terrible. It wasn’t his fault really, he had quite a few girls crushing on him. Your rejection to him just fed the fire for them to target you. 
Your thoughts were cut short when the whistle sounded for the game to start. 
The game was underway with the Schweiden Adlers in the lead. Your friend was still screaming super loud for Kageyama in your ear. He was too focused on the game to even look your way, but it did catch Ushijima’s attention. He looked up only to instantly lock eyes with you. He stared for a few seconds before he turned away and resumed the game. You could feel your heartbeat pick up. 
You tried to remain calm for the rest of the game. The Adlers won! 
“YAY KAGEYAMA I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!” Mai screamed. Finally Kageyama looked up to the stands with Ushijima beside him. Ushijima looked up as Kageyama just turned away. You could see Ushijima say something to Kageyama as he turned back to look at the two of you. Kageyama noticeably sighed as they walked over to the rest of their team. 
You grab your friend's arm seeing Ushijima look up once again to where you were standing. 
“Can we leave now? I am hungry.” You lied. 
“Okay, as long as I can pick where!” She said to you as you began to leave. 
“Are you taking me to the Adlers restaurant.” You asked. 
“They don’t have a restaurant unfortunately.” She said with a pout. 
The two got into her car as she drove down the road. 
“Okay this is it!” She said excitedly. You looked and noticed all the sports fans outside.
“Is this where the Adlers eat, Mai?” She laughed awkwardly as you already knew the answer. "I'm sorry I just wanted to see Kageyama again!" You sighed as you told her it was fine and headed inside. 
The two of you requested a seat at the car as she heard some girls begin to fangirl .
"Looks like we found them after all." You said to her as she watched over by the door. You paid no mind to what was happening behind you but Ushijima laid eyes on you as soon as you were in his line of sight. 
You didn't notice him getting closer till the stool beside you was pulled out. 
"Hello Y/n. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Ushijima spoke. You turned to face him.
"Hello Ushijima. It has been, yes. About a year or two." You said casually. 
"Let me buy you a drink as we catch up." He said. 
"Sorry I am here with my friend." 
"She seems busy." He replied nodding beside you. You glanced back and noticed Kageyama now beside her talking with her. You turned back to Ushijima. "So will you let me buy you a drink?" 
You agreed as he began to ask you questions about your current life. After a short while you tapped your friend's arm and headed to the bathroom. 
"Mai we have to go. He's driving me crazy." You said. "He keeps asking me all these personal questions and stuff and I think he's onto my lies!" 
"Y/n you're just being dramatic! He's just getting to know an old peer. He must be Kageyama's Wing man! Let me have this please?” She begs. 
“Okay fine. We should head back out.” 
What the two didn’t know was Ushijima and Kageyema had slipped something extra in both of your drinks. 
“The plan is just to take her home and then leave right?” Kageyama asked as he swirled your friend's drink. “How are you getting Y/n out of here though?” 
“Yes and I paid the bartender a couple hundreds to slip her out the back for me.” 
“Smart, no press involvement that way.” Kageyama said. 
The two then noticed you and Mai entering back into the main area. You sat back down in your seats as you both quickly downed your drinks as something you agreed upon in the bathroom. 
Sometime passed as you began to feel sick. Barely able to keep yourself up, Ushijima offered to call you a cab after asking your address. Mai was the same way but Kageyama insisted on driving her home instead. 
Your mind started to go hazy, darkness almost consuming your vision as you laid down in the back of a car…
You awoke sometime later with a pain in your head. Eyes still blurry you went to move your arms to rub your eyes. Panic set in as you noticed your arms were raised above your head. You began to pull them harder not being able to see what had your arms restraint. 
“You won’t be able to get those handcuffs undone. You need a key for that.” You whipped your head where the voice came from. 
“Ushijima!” You yelled out. “What’s going on? Why am I here?” You began to panic. He walked over to you now bending down to move some hair from your face. 
“I waited so long to see you again Y/n. I’ve been looking for you since highschool. I love you and you ran from me.” 
“Ushijima please just let me go! I won’t tell anyone!” You cried out. 
“I have waited a long time for this.” He smiled down at you as tears began to form in your eyes. “If I undo these, will you be good?” He asked as he pulled on your cuffs. You nodded your head at him as he pulled out the key to unlock them. You instantly pulled your wrists down only to notice you were not wearing anything but your underpants. 
“Where are my clothes?” Ushijima climbed on top of you now as he leaned down and kissed your neck. 
“You don’t need them anymore.” He whispered before he started sucking on your neck. 
“Ushijima please stop.” You were now crying but he continued anyways. He lifted your shoulders up as he reached behind to undo your bra. He pulled it off the front slowly as he sat up. Admiring your breasts as they were now on display for him. He moved both hands on your breasts as he began to massage them. 
“They feel so amazing under my hands. You were made for me Y/n.” 
“Please.” You whispered. 
“Begging for me already?” He said as he moved off the top of you. He now pulled down your underpants as you moved your hands to cover your pussy. 
“Don’t.” He growled as he pulled your arms out of the way. 
“Ushijima.” He shushed you as he looked down at you with lustful eyes. 
“That’s Daddy to you Y/n.” he said in his low growl again. He moved his one hand to your pussy as he began to rub your clit. The other hand went back up to your breast. Not being able to hold in your moans anymore, you began to cry out. “You like that huh? I have dreamed of this moment for a long time Y/n.” He moved off the bed and picked you up. He laid himself down still holding onto you as he led you to come sit on his face. 
You tried to pull back as he gripped your hips roughly pulling you down to meet his face. He began to slowly lick up your pussy. 
“USHIJIMA!” You screamed. He slapped your clit as he growled. 
“What’s my name?” 
“Daddy.” You moaned out. He smirked into your pussy and he slipped a digit inside you. He started to curl it slowly inside. You whipped your head back as you tried to push away from him. He took your resistance as pleasure and slipped another finger inside. He started to move them quickly as he still sucked on your clit. You felt yourself start to shake as your orgasm grew closer. You grabbed on the headboard and tried to lift yourself from him. He slammed a third finger in as you shouted out. You came all over his chin. 
“Fuck baby, that was so hot.” He licked his lips savoring every last bit of your juices he could.
When he pulled his digits out you managed to wiggle away from his grip enough to be able to get up. You fell to the floor, quickly getting up you headed straight for the door in the room. You pulled on the handle only to notice it was locked. You began to pound your fists on the door as you screamed out for help. 
“We are in the basement of my house. No one will hear you down here.” He said as he now stood behind you. You turned and took a swing at him only for your wrist to be caught midair. "You should have just said you wanted it rough Y/n." He said with a sly smirk looking down at you. 
Before you knew it you were tossed onto the bed on your stomach and a pair of handcuffs were cuffing your hands behind your back. He sat down on the bed pulling you onto his lap. 
"After every hit count and say thank you." Without any warning he slammed his hand down at full power onto your ass cheek. You screamed out in pain as you began to wiggle on his lap. “I said count. You just got 10 more added. You better be ready to count to 20.” Before you could respond his hand came down to the opposite cheek. 
“ONE THa-thank you.” You were crying harder than before. Ushijima slammed his hand down again on the other cheek again. 
“Tw-two,” You hiccuped. “Thank yo-you.” 
He continued to use his full spike strength on your ass cheeks as you finally made it to twenty. 
“You did so well. Now why don’t we get you a reward?” He asked rhetorically of course. He picked you up and tossed you once again on the bed rolling you over so you were looking at him. “Look how pretty you are when you cry baby.” He said as he licked your salty tears streams off your face.
He lined his tip up with your entrance as he kissed you with all his power. He pulled away from the kiss as soon as he pushed fully inside you. He kissed down your jaw to your neck as he stayed still and bit down hard on your neck. He caused a small amount of blood to come out from the fresh bite. You were exhausted from the previous events so you no longer had energy to fight him back with anything but moans.
“I knew you would enjoy this Y/n.” He said licking up the small amount of blood that was on your neck. He began to pound in you at a feral pace no longer waiting for you to adjust to his size. 
“Fuck you are so tight. Just like I always imagined.” He said into your neck. He moved down slightly to your breasts as he bit down again. “You look so hot covered in my bite marks Y/n. I wish we could stay like this forever.” You could feel him bruising your cervix as you cried out from all his harsh thrusts. With every thrust you felt yourself being stretched more and more. He took his one hand and pressed it roughly on your stomach looking at the bulge he was creating inside your stomach. 
“Fuck baby, I’m so big I could rip you in half.” 
“Daddy! I’m close! Please!” You said between moans. 
“Beg or I won’t let you cum.” 
“Please daddy! I’m sorry I was a brat. Let me cum please please! I need it! I need you! Please!” You whined out.
“Fuck baby cum on my cock.” He demanded. You came undone all over his cock but as soon as he felt your pussy grip on him tighter he moaned out, “Fuck I am going to cum inside you Y/n. I will keep doing it over and over again till you get pregnant with my child. Then you won’t be able to leave me ever.”
“Please not inside! Anywhere but inside! I don’t want a baby! I don’t want your baby please! Not inside!” You cried as he grabbed your hips tightly. You felt his hot cum squirt up inside as he collapsed on top of you. 
“Fuck you’re so perfect. Our kids will be just as perfect as you I bet.” He said before he flipped you over. He shoved your face into the mattress as he raised your ass up getting on his knees. 
“What are you doing?” You cried out trying to pull away from his rough hands on your hips.
“I didn’t say we were done, did I? I have to make up for lost time, besides, you have a perfectly good unused hole right here I need to try out too.” You felt him lick your asshole as you begged him not too. “You’re my property Y/n. I will do whatever I want with you cause I own you and I will never let you go.” He said as he shoved his thumb into your puckered hole as his cock lined up with your entrance again. 
“I will pound into you from both ends until the only thing you know how to say is my name, baby.” 
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bibbykins · 3 years
A/N: The long-awaited flashback is here! It's short, but it is here! I hope this can really show the turning point in Jungkook's and MC's relationship and I would love to hear everyone's thoughts. As usual, tips are not required but greatly appreciate. Hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful day/night!
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Note: This is a part (specifically a flashback) of The Household's Bunny series, so I recommend reading at least the Prologue before this one
Word count: 3.6k
Pairing: Soft Yandere! Jungkook x Chubby! Reader
Summary: Roommates are bound to have arguments, especially when one of them is as temperamental as Jungkook, but you didn't expect the first argument to get so unbelievably personal.
Warnings: abandonment issues, mommy issues, allusions to past abuse, family issues, crying, yelling, vomiting, panic attack, exhaustion, some soft yandere thoughts, some possessiveness, jungkook is mean and the MC gets a little mean too
There was something so constricting about memories of a shitty childhood. There were times when looking in the mirror felt like searching for the child in you so you could give her the hug she desperately needed. There were times when waking up felt like a check to make sure you were no longer in the home you had to grow up in far too quickly. However, the comfort of being in a different home only came so far when you didn't have anyone beside you or even emotionally available enough to talk to.
You stayed in bed for hours before it felt like a good idea to move, almost waiting for the mirage of change to fade before it brought you back to the gym with your mom or your uncle's apartment littered with whiskey bottles and leaky tear ducts.
Sometimes putting your best foot forward each day felt so hard with all-consuming loneliness clinging to your heels.
You had started your day going through your memory box. Hindsight said that was a poor idea. The box was a sure way to get you into a bad mood. You liked to think you breezed past all the stages of grief, but just because you accepted reality didn't make it hurt any less. The box was a strong reminder of that much as it sat with a melancholic aura. The creme color faded and the thorned vines connected to roses only added to the malicious undertones of its existence to your mental health. It was full of childhood photos, your birth certificate, school achievements, and the last known address your mom had.
Ah, your mom. What a way to bring clouds to your sunny day. You don’t know why you put yourself through the turmoil of the memory box. Maybe you were hoping it would be easier by now. You were always wrong. Looking through childhood photos and finding no love in the eyes of your mother when she looked at you and watching the love in your uncle’s eyes fade with your mother’s presence. You got to the fated birthday card, thumb rubbing over the defunct address longingly. You held the envelope in your hand, inspecting the birthday card she sent you. Three words in the repetitive note written on the inside caught your eye, and not the ones you so desperately wanted from her.
Feeling a familiar pressure behind your eyes, you tossed the card aside and stood. It was time to eat, go on a walk, do anything other than this. You found your way to the kitchen and came across a silent and solemn Jungkook. His jaw was clenched, but it felt like it always was around you.
Your relationship with Jungkook so far was not very complicated, in the way it was nonexistent. He either didn’t care about talking to you or he actively didn’t want to, you really couldn’t tell. This didn’t stop you from trying, though. Like an idiot.
“I’m making food, did you want any?” You asked from your place seated on the couch, and the silence that was his response for deafening, “Okaaaay.” You sang awkwardly, “I just know that you usually don’t eat throughout the day and-”
“And what do you know?!” He snapped, blinded by his pure and unbridled, but most important unprovoked, rage of you. Your eyes widened and your body jumped. Holy shit, you had never heard him yell like this, “You don’t know anything about me, or in general, so just stop trying so fucking hard!” He was harsh in his tone and it lit your whole nervous system on fire. What the hell did you do to him?
You shook your head, not sure why he was yelling about, but it made your throat feel like it was going to close, “Look, I was just trying to be polite, but you don’t need to talk about me like you understand-”
“Understand?! What’s there to understand?” He challenged, eyes wide like he was expecting you to say something but he continued, “You’re some spoiled girl living here rent-free because your precious dad doesn’t want to take care of you.”
Your heart caught in your throat as it shattered. He was right, your dad didn't want to take care of you, but not in the way he thought. Why was he doing this? Has he genuinely felt this way all along? Was he just holding in his anger until you poked the bear a little too hard? “You don’t need to yell at me.” You stated firmly and it seemed to only make things worse.
“And you don’t need to fucking be here in the first place!” He spoke, temper long lost and you could hear his voice mix in with Jungyoon’s, all he needed was a bottle of whisky and a set of calloused hands, “You didn’t need to fucking live here-”
“You don’t know anything about me.” You spat out. Now, you were losing your temper. You could take a beating, but for only so long, especially as an adult, "And it's not like you're paying rent either, so what do you know about me or my living arrangements?" You hissed and you watched his eyes flare, making you nearly regret your provocation.
“No, but I know how you look naked-”
“Fuck you.” You spit the word out at him, something you haven’t done to another person for a while “Don’t weaponize my work or play a game that you absolutely will lose.” You warned, “I know all about you, and I can use that, because you’ve been a star since you were 15, and that sucks, that makes you mad, doesn’t it?” Your temper effectively lost as you ripped into the rage-filled man before you, “Yet you don’t know anything about me, and that must piss you the fuck off, huh?” You stood from the couch, tears building in your eyes before you could stop it.
“I know enough, spoiled rich girl.” He seethed and you laughed humorlessly at this worldwide pop star calling you spoiled and rich.
“Not only are you wrong, but you’re also a poor listener.” You shot back, “I’ve told you all before Jungyoon isn’t my fucking dad, he’s my uncle.” His mouth opened but you cut him off before he could start, “He can’t stand the sight of me so he travels for work.” Your tears are undoubtedly falling, but you can’t stop, “And you’re talking to me like this because what? You had a scandal or something?” You gave him his chance to talk and boy, he took it.
“Mona told me you know your mom.” His voice was like venom, “So, why the fuck are you here? You have your blood relatives.” He exaggerated the word like it meant anything to you, “Why are you here, disrupting our lives, acting like an innocent orphan girl around actual fucking orphans-”
“I never said I was or acted like an orphan!” You exclaimed incredulously before scoffing, “That’s why you’re mad? Because you never knew your mom and I did? Because I know who my blood family is?” You could laugh at how ridiculous that was, “I know them, so what? Where does that get me?” You looked at him expectantly but he didn’t talk, “I knew my mom, and guess what? She just didn’t fucking want me.” He was silent, but you still couldn’t stop, “I’m sure if your mom could’ve got to know you, she would’ve kept you, because you’re not insufferable to be around, you’re just a fucking asshole.” You wiped at your cheeks furiously, “But me? I had 15 years to prove myself and it still wasn’t enough. I still wasn’t enough. Jungyoon never wanted me either, he got stuck with me and had to cope.” Your voice began to break and you had to take a breath, “I was the insufferable one, so-” You stopped, finally as you regained your sense of reality and watched Jungkook who had an unreadable expression and the realization of the word vomit you spilled out to him hit you like a train as you exhaled quickly, rage in your voice quickly replaced with soft melancholy “I am the insufferable one here, so there.” You shrugged, face a wet mess, “Hope that brings you peace.” Your stomach was churning as you turned on your heel, unable to hold in your sobs. You couldn’t bear the awkwardness of waiting for the elevator so you opted to take the stairs.
You sobbed louder as the door slammed shut behind you, but you didn’t want to linger so you bolted down the stairs, the bile in your stomach signaling that you needed to find the nearest trashcan and quickly. You made it to the ground floor and spilled your guts into the small trashcan. Yelling always made you unbelievably ill, whether it was getting yelled at or yelling, the sickness it made you feel overflowed. The yelling only reminded you of-
You vomited again at the mere thought. You cried harder when you finally finished, breathing becoming staggered as you began to panic.
Fuck, they’re gonna kick you out, and then you’ll be alone again. You lost your temper, people don’t like other people who lose their temper. Why couldn’t you just mind your own fucking business and leave him be? You’re stupid. Why do you think you’ve been alone all your life? It’s because people don’t want to be near you. You’re-
“Insufferable.” You mumbled, numb, even if for only a moment.
Sure, Jungkook provoked you, but you knew better. You didn't go to therapist after therapist throughout your adolescence for nothing. You felt as if you set yourself back eons after that outburst. He didn't need to know all that about you, ever. He probably didn't even care to know, and you said it anyway, like you were gunning for gold in the trauma Olympics. You didn't want to minimize his struggles, you just wanted him to shut up and stop yelling at you. You let your eyes flutter closed as you cried. How can you complain about being alone when you're like this?
You don’t know how long you stayed there, sitting next to a trash can full of your vomit as you wallowed in your self-hatred. The all-consuming loneliness the boisterous house subdued returning with full force. Jungkook was right. You didn’t need to be here. You were only disrupting their routine.
You blew out a sigh as you staggered to the elevator, fully set on going up to your room and crying yourself to sleep after you clean up. You brought the trashcan with you, not having the heart to just leave your puke down there. You thanked your lucky stars when Jungkook was no longer on the second floor as you went to the kitchen and rinsed your mouth before going to take out the trash and take out your burnt oven pizza. Finally, you were headed back up to your floor. You watched the numbers tick by with tired eyes. You glared at the empty trashcan, electing to take it with you instead of making the trip back down to put it back. Surely, they wouldn’t need it for a few hours.
The elevator dinged as you grabbed the black plastic bin and then you were met with Jungkook. Relief flashed across his face before irritation settled on it, “Where the fuck were you?!” He asked hurriedly as you trudged past him, too exhausted to fight. You were running on autopilot the whole way up here, and you couldn’t bear another spat.
“I was on the first floor.” Your voice was low, trying to communicate you were done arguing as you lifted the bin as proof. You then set it down and went to your bathroom and began brushing your teeth.
He scoffed, “You were on the first floor for 30 minutes?” He asked as if he caught you in a lie but you nodded as you rinsed your mouth.
You were down there for thirty minutes? No wonder you felt so tired.
“Yep.” You popped the last letter before correcting yourself, “Well, I spent like 10 minutes cleaning up that bin, so not exactly.”
“Why?” He asked as if you were being ridiculous, as if he wasn’t the one on your floor demanding answers.
“I vomited.” You spoke simply and before he could ask, “Yelling makes me puke.” You were so blase about it he sighed in frustration.
You walked to your room and froze when you saw your memory box strewn about, and it was like a dam broke all over again. You looked at the photos, at the eager little girl looking for love in places she would never find it.
Old habits die hard.
Before you could even stop yourself, you sunk to your knees in garbled sobs and broken cries, “Hey, hey, wait.” Jungkook’s shaky voice did nothing to bring you back to reality as you cried. His hands placed themselves on your shoulder, making you flinch violently, much to his horror.
Fuck, he didn’t know how to do this. He didn’t know why you were crying, but he knew it was his fault, at least in part. Even if at this moment it wasn’t, his outburst surely didn’t help. Fuck, he’s so dumb. Fuck, he shouldn’t have talked to Mona just moments before seeing you.
The envy of even seeing your own mother’s face ate up at him and he took it out on you. Not to mention that he made you vomit from the yelling. He suddenly felt more like an arrogant asshole than he did before as his hands now hovered over your form and he took a moment to look at your room.
Scattered on the floor were childhood photos and ribbons from competitions. Things Mona kept in her own house, having a whole wall filled with every one of their achievements. Even Jin had a photo album of their things. And you, you kept all these for yourself. You were the only one who cared enough to save these things and he wondered how much you threw away to maintain space in the small empty box. Fuck, he didn’t know how to do this.
You sighed shakily, “You can just go.” You cried, “You don’t have to be here.” You don’t know what he could possibly gain from watching you cry.
“I know.” His voice was calm, even, “Can I help you up?” He asked and you wanted to look up at him in confusion but you didn't want him to see your tears.
You both had just ripped into each other, and here he was, wanting to help you. Why would he do that? Why would he stay when he doesn't have to? Why would he want to help you up after a fight?
Too tired to even think about questioning him and no longer angry at him, you simply scoffed, “Can you?” You sighed, not having the energy to stroke his ego and stand up without his help.
You never let people bear your dead weight, not wanting the awkwardness if they couldn’t carry you, but right now, you just wanted to lay down.
He snorted lightly, happy to hear anything other than a sob for you, “Don’t worry about me, you just cry and mind your business.” He spoke lightly, and the comment made you fight a smile. Then, he lifted you with so much ease, you figured he was trying to show off as he placed you on the bed. He looked at you after he sat on the floor before his eyes caught onto the gold foil of a 16th birthday card. You were wiping at your face as he read the card against his better judgment.
I know you must be confused, and I can’t help that. I wish I could pretend to be a mom, but I can’t. I can’t be your mom, and I never should have tried. It would be best if we forgot each other. I just can’t keep pretending, and I know you can see it, even if you don’t want to.
I’m so tired.
Now, he felt even more like an asshole. He also felt a little bit angry that your mother could just leave you behind without so much as saying sorry. She wrote like she was a teenager and you were her mother. She obviously didn't put much thought into the seemingly last message to her daughter and it made his heartbreak for you, “That was the last I heard of her.” You snapped him from his thoughts and he looked at your puffy face, “She had left months earlier, and then I got that, but she moved before I could try to see her one more time.” There was a distant ache in your words as you looked at Jungkook sitting amongst your memories.
“Is she… still alive?” He asked, not sure why he felt the need to know.
“Not sure, but it doesn’t make much of a difference, I guess.” You blew out a sigh, before looking at your papers and folded posterboards, “I was cleaning out my memory box, and I’m not sure why I do it when I know it just upsets me.” You could still feel tears leaking from your eyes as Jungkook picked up a photo of you on your 14th birthday, posed between Jungyoon and your mom. You had a bright smile on your face and they looked at the camera with a tight expression, “You can really see how much they didn’t want to be there, but that's the happiest they look in all of the photos.”
He wanted to say you were wrong, but he could see it. He could see the happy little girl trying to make up for the unhappy adults around her. He knew he should’ve asked Mona why Jungyoon didn’t try to call or visit or why she was so eager to take you in if you knew your family. He should’ve just known better. Yeah, he understood how it felt to be alone growing up, they all did, but by the time they were all 17 they had a home that wanted them. You were going to graduate from college soon and you still felt unwanted.
No thanks to him.
“I’m sorry.” He blurted and you looked at him with wide eyes, “For being an asshole, I’m sorry- and for making you cry. I just…” He shrugged, “You’re right. I was jealous you knew your mom and I already was suspicious of you and I- I’m dumb, and I’m sorry.” He looked at you, eyes a bit glossy and you wondered when was the last time someone apologized for making you cry.
“It’s okay.” You smiled weakly, “You are dumb, but that’s okay.” You chuckled when he frowned, but eventually, he also broke into a short laugh, “I think… we’ve felt a lot of the same things in different ways, so I can’t blame you.” He wondered how you could be so forgiving, and he was scared of how many times that has gotten you hurt, “I like living here and I like all of you, so I hope I can get you all to like me too, even if just a little.”
“Don’t accept less than you deserve.” He spoke firmly before he started picking up your memory box, putting things neatly back in.
He waved his hands nonchalantly, “You, sleep, I’ll clean this up and order some food.” He didn’t look at you as he said this, mostly to hide his blush, "If...If you want, I can give this to Jin. He has a whole place he keeps our stuff like this… he's really sentimental." He stumbled, still refusing to look at you.
However, he jumped when he heard you hiccup a cry. Ready to apologize, Jungkook was just about to turn to look at you until he heard you speak, "That… That sounds very sweet of you to do." You wiped a sentimental tear away as the blushing boy remained frozen.
"It's Jin's hobby, not mine." He deflected before waving his hand at you, "Sleep, I said." He frantically demanded.
You could see his ears getting red and you smiled, “Yes, sir.” You mocked in your work voice and made him freeze for a moment as you erupted into giggles while he whined, “Okay, okay, I’ll sleep.”
Eventually, you surrendered to your exhaustion as he delicately put away your papers and photos. He hummed lightly, smiling as he came across your debate team awards. No wonder he lost the fight before it even started. He turned around after lifting the box and sighed almost dreamily as he watched your sleeping face. You were beautiful, delicate, and puffy from the tears. He had the urge to keep apologizing for being such an asshole, but after looking through your achievements and your photos, he resolved to just keep proving it.
He wouldn’t let you get hurt again. Not by him or anyone, especially your mother, even Jungyoon was on thin ice.
His blood boiled at the thought of your mother for a reason he couldn’t understand. His hand extended shakily as he pulled the covers up to your shoulder and you hummed contently, making his heart melt a bit at the little smile you had. He wouldn’t fuck up with you again, not like this. He would be nice, at least a little, and first and foremost, he would order food you liked.
He froze.
Fuck, what food do you like?
He relaxed. Well, he could just ask the guys.
Fuck, they’re gonna ask questions.
Fuck, they’re gonna kill him when they found out he made you cry.
He looked back at your sleeping form, not having the heart to wake you up. He sighed, looks like he’ll just have to bite the bullet. He dreaded each moment as he quickly made an untitled group chat with the guys since you were added to their original one. He could only hope Taehyung wouldn’t change the group chat name to something stupid.
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elentiyawhitethorn · 3 years
I Dare You to Love Me | Part One
Rowaelin Month, Day 14
Skinny Dipping @rowaelinscourt
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CW: NSFW, underage drinking, language
AN: What with the Tumblr issues I’ve got going on right now, I’m not sure if this will actually tag anybody… you guys will have to let me know if this works. And yeah… this is three days late. Let’s just pretend it’s on time :)
RM Masterlist//Part Two//4720 words
“Ahh!” Aelin shrieked. “Put me down!”
Rowan laughed, entirely unaffected by her squeals. “Not until you tell me where you put my hoodie.”
“It’s not your hoodie,” Aelin cried, squirming in his grasp. “Finders, keepers!”
“You can’t hoard all of them,” Rowan protested, relentlessly tickling her as he held her in his arms.
“Dammit, Rowan,” Aelin said, writhing. “I put it in my closet.”
“Am I going to find all my other hoodies there too?” Rowan asked, finally setting Aelin down.
She righted herself and crossed her arms in indignation. “You aren’t allowed to take them. They’re mine. My own money went into them.”
Rowan snorted. “And then you gave them to me. You know, in that way people call presents?”
Aelin just scoffed. “Temporary gifts. Just until I wanted them back.”
Rowan took a step forward, and Aelin stepped into a defensive position. “Don’t even think about it,” she warned.
Rowan grinned. “Why shouldn’t I?”
Aelin narrowed her eyes. “I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
Rowan started laughed, bending over and holding his stomach.
“I hate you!” Aelin screeched. “You’re an asshole!”
Rowan just laughed harder, clutching his sides.
“It’s not that funny! I could beat you up if I really wanted to,” Aelin protested.
Rowan straightened, eyes dancing with mirth. “Alright, let’s see it.”
Aelin raised her fists the way the boxers on the TV did. She took a swing, hitting Rowan directly in the gut, then immediately pulled her fist back. “Ow!”
Rowan, unmoving, was clearly trying not to laugh again. “Wow, Aelin. Impressive.”
“Ugh. You’re just mean,” she said.
Rowan smirked and said, “How dare you slander me so?”
Aelin rolled her eyes. “I’m so done with you. We’re over.”
Rowan gasped and held his hand to his heart as if he’d been shot. “You’re friend-dumping me?”
Ignoring the sarcasm, Aelin said, “Damn straight I am! I won’t take this abuse!”
A muffled snort left Rowan’s mouth, but he didn’t stop playing along. “Whatever will I do without a best friend to harass?”
“You’ll have to find a new victim.”
Rowan grinned. “What a shame.”
Aelin rolled her eyes. “I hate you.”
“You already said that.”
“That’s because it’s true.”
Rowan simpered. “I love you more,” he teased, and despite the obvious joke, butterflies appeared in Aelin’s gut.
That was the issue she’d been dealing with for a couple months now. She wasn’t head-over-heels for Rowan or anything, but he was hot. And she couldn’t help but notice.
His looks had never bothered her before, throughout all their years as best friends, but in recent months, Rowan had apparently hit a late growth spurt. He was nearly a foot taller than Aelin, much to her displeasure, and he had muscles.
But she couldn’t say anything, of course, because they were best friends. Aelin and Rowan. Rowan and Aelin. It had never been any different. She wasn’t going to ruin their friendship over some stupid crush. Teenagers got horny. So not worth it.
“You okay?” Rowan asked, and Aelin realized she had taken too long to respond.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she reassured him, and Rowan’s face relaxed instantly. “I’m bored, though. What do you want to do?”
Rowan looked around them, searching for something to do. They were at Aelin’s house in the living room. Rowan was over late, as Aelin’s parents were on a business trip and they had the house to themselves. They had both graduated high school recently and were starting at Terrasen University together soon.
“Let’s play a game,” Rowan finally settled on.
“What game?”
“I don’t know. What games do you have?”
Aelin sighed. “We donated a bunch of stuff to Goodwill, remember? Games are a bit scarce now that the only child is off to college soon enough.”
Rowan hummed thoughtfully. “Truth or dare.”
“Ooh, okay,” Aelin said, dropping onto the couch. “I dare you to tell me all your secrets.”
Rowan plumped down beside her. “One, I didn’t chose dare, and two, absolutely not.”
“Well if you say truth I’ll just say tell me all your secrets,” Aelin whined.
Rowan rolled his eyes. “Exactly why I am not doing a thing you say. I’d never last a game of truth or dare if you were actually picking what I have to do. There’s got to be some app or something for this.”
Aelin sighed. “You just can’t come up with anything fun, Mr. Boring-Pants.”
“Says you, the insult “Mr. Boring-Pants” being the optimum of creativity,” Rowan said drily, pulling out his phone.
Aelin stuck out her tongue.
Rowan fiddled with his phone for a minute, then set it on the coffee table in front of them. A big blue button labeled Truth occupied the top half of the screen, the red button Dare below it.
Aelin leaned back on the couch and gestured to his phone. “Truth or dare, Rowan.”
Rowan tapped the truth button. Chicken. The screen read:
Have you ever committed a felony?
Rowan snorted. “I broke into Lorcan Salvaterre’s house and smashed a window in retribution for being an ass, as you well know.”
Aelin sighed. Boring, she mouthed. She pressed the button for a dare and was met with:
Put 10 different available liquids in a cup and drink it
Aelin grinned savagely. “This’ll be fun.” She stood and made her way to the kitchen.
Rowan leaned against the counter with a grin to match her own as she started grabbing all sorts of things. The fridge was open, the cabinets… by the time Aelin was done, she had a nice little collection. On the counter sat a Dr. Pepper, sparkling water, orange juice, lemonade, pickle juice, milk, vinegar, an old iced coffee, and some sort of nasty energy drink that belonged to Aelin’s father.
“One more thing,” Aelin said, already reaching for the liquor cabinet. Rowan rolled his eyes as Aelin selected a bottle of vodka.
She got out a big cup and spent the next five minutes mixing odd amounts of each liquid, making sure there was ample alcohol. Then Aelin rasied the cup to her lips, boldly gulping down the creation.
It was a feat of willpower that she didn’t promptly spit it out.
The dare hadn’t said anything about how much to drink, but Aelin wasn’t one to half-ass anything. She chugged the entire cup while Rowan laughed and egged her on.
When she finished, Aelin dropped the cup in the sink and took a moment to limply gasp against the counter.
“You okay?” Rowan got out between laughs.
Aelin spluttered. “I couldn’t make out most of the specific ingredients in my concoction, but I sure as shit tasted the pickle juice. Holy fuck.”
Rowan laughed himself silly as Aelin washed her mouth out in the sink, and they both started putting items back in their places. When they finished, Aelin said, “Your turn.”
They went back in the living room and took a seat, and then Rowan reached for the phone. Aelin shot him a look and he must have known he’d be teased endlessly if he choose another truth, because his finger landed on Dare.
Send a sext to the last person in your messages
Rowan cursed. “Please don’t be my mom.”
Aelin choked on a laugh. “This’ll be fun.”
A glare was all Aelin got before Rowan went out of the truth or dare app and clicked on his messages. The last person was… Aelin.
“Boo,” she yelled. “You just get out of everything, don’t you?”
Rowan heaved a sigh of relief and started typing something, away from Aelin’s view. A couple minutes later—probably longer than it should have taken—a ding sounded on Aelin’s phone.
>>You’re really sexy.
Aelin snorted. “That’s the best you could come up with?”
If Aelin didn’t know any better, she would have said Rowan was blushing. “I didn’t feel the need to put a lot of effort into it.”
“Please,” Aelin scoffed. “That took way too long.”
“I just… I mean… I did my best.”
Aelin gasped in mock horror. “Rowan Whitethorn, are you telling me you don’t know how to sext?”
Rowan coughed. “Um, no.”
Aelin rasied an eyebrow.
“Moving on,” Rowan said, avoiding Aelin’s gaze, “Your turn to go.” He went back to the app and set his phone down.
Aelin didn’t budge. “I seem to recall lots of texting with Lyria Alderman last year.”
Rowan was definitely blushing now. “Texting. Not sexting.”
Aelin crossed her arms.
“She sexted me. Not the other way around.”
Aelin tutted, content to draw this out and tease him. “Well I can imagine why,” Aelin said. “You clearly lack the creativity to send a message like that.” She batted her eyelashes innocently.
Rowan scowled. “And you send people dirty messages all the time, I take it?”
“As a matter of fact, I do on occasion,” Aelin replied with a smirk. Rowan’s blush deepened, and she decided to put him out of his misery—after all, she had the rest of the night to find other things to tease him about.
Aelin leaned forward and tapped the dare button, yet again.
Kiss the person on your left for ten seconds
Aelin froze.
Rowan was tense beside her as well. He was on her right, but being the only other person playing, that was hardly consequential.
“Um…” Rowan started. “You don’t actually have to—”
Aelin cut him off by pressing her lips against his.
Rowan gasped into Aelin’s mouth, but he seemed too frozen to move. She counted in her head, trying not to get caught up in the way his mouth felt on hers.
Aelin moved her lips slowly, reaching ten right as Rowan started to kiss her back. She pulled away, breathless, and flashed a grin. “I’m not a chicken. You go now.”
Rowan blinked. He looked like a fish out of water, mouth open and eyes bulging. He gulped, and tried to regain his coolness. Aelin didn’t bother being embarrassed, even knowing that she’d just jumped at the chance to have an excuse to do that.
A moment passed and Rowan smirked, clearly over it, and reached for the dare button again. Only one truth so far and counting. Aelin was a bad influence on the man.
Take off your shirt
“Better you than me,” Aelin drawled.
Rowan sent her a lazy grin that made Aelin burn inside and reached for the hem of his shirt. He maintained eye contact as he slowly pulled the maroon t-shirt over his head, and Aelin tried to hold his gaze, but it was hopeless. She physically could not drag her eyes away from Rowan’s abs. Aelin wondered if she was drooling.
When she looked back at Rowan’s face, he was still smirking.
Something had changed. Aelin didn’t know what this was turning into, but she sure as hell wasn’t opposed to it. All she knew was that her kissing Rowan had been the catalyst to this change in atmosphere.
Aelin smiled. “My turn, I suppose.”
She reached for his phone. Take a guess which option she pressed.
Do 50 push-ups
Whatever sort of mood that had come over them that had them both smirking disappeared instantly as horror rushed through Aelin’s body. She stuck out her tongue. “Fuck this.”
“You’ll kiss me but you won’t exercise?” Rowan asked drily, a smile twitching at his lips.
Aelin flipped him off and got on the floor. She knew Rowan was expecting her to fall on her face by push-up number five. She would show him.
Moving to an open space on the floor, Aelin got on her stomach, then lifted herself into position. She gave Rowan one last scowl before she started.
The next ten minutes of torture will not be detailed.
Aelin vowed to do everything in her power to erase the humiliation from her memory. And from Rowan’s as well.
Once that was over, and Rowan had about died laughing, and Aelin had about died period, Rowan reached for the phone. Mixing it up, he went for truth this time.
Have you ever had a threesome before?
Aelin whistled. “Damn.”
She and Rowan shared just about everything, but not stuff like that. Maybe other girl/guy besties did, but they had just never discussed their sex lives together, other than to tease the other. It wasn’t awkward, just not something they ever talked about.
Rowan hesitated. “I hate this game.”
“Oh, come on Whitethorn. Spill.”
He scowled at her. “Um. Yes. I have.”
Aelin grinned ferally. “When? Where? With whom? Was it good? Has it only happened once? Was—”
“That is quite enough,” Rowan spluttered. “I answered the question. It’s your turn, Aelin.”
Aelin pouted, but Rowan was right and she knew he wouldn’t budge. Still, she wasn’t entirely unsatisfied to get just that little piece of information. Knowing that Rowan was into that—or so it seemed from the look on his face—had Aelin pressing her thighs together.
This had been an awful idea for so many reasons, but gods, Aelin didn’t care. Now she was wondering what it would be like to have Rowan and another person. Aelin had had plenty of dreams about Rowan in bed in the recent months, and she knew what she wanted, but she couldn’t stop imagining what kind of things he was into.
Knowing she’d been quiet for a suspiciously long time, Aelin cleared her throat and reached for the phone.
“Dare again?” Rowan asked before she could touch it. “Sure you’re not just scared you’re going to have to answer something private?”
The piece of shit was baiting her. And damn if it wasn’t working.
Aelin flipped him off and pressed the truth button.
Explain how you lost your virginity
Aelin whistled. “I get all the fucking intrusive ones. This is rigged.”
“Oh, come on,” Rowan drawled. “Can’t be that bad.”
Aelin sighed. “I was sixteen. Or maybe fifteen, I don’t really remember. And I was, I dunno, at this party and I hooked up with Chaol Westfall.”
Rowan burst into laughter. “You didn’t.”
Aelin kicked him in the shin.
“Oh gods, is that why he creepily stared at you for the entirety of junior year?”
Aelin pouted. “He wanted to do it again.”
“Did you?”
“Hell no! He’s an ass.”
Rowan snorted. “Didn’t seem to stop you the first time.”
Aelin kicked him again, savoring the wince she got in return. “It’s your turn, shitbrain.”
Rowan smirked and pressed Truth as well.
Which person in the room would you be most likely to fall in love with?
His face slackened momentarily, then regained its smirk. Aelin frowned slightly, wondering what that face meant. But he answered, and she quickly disregarded seeing anything at all.
“You, I guess,” Rowan replied. “Not that there are many other options. Or maybe that wall plant over there.”
Aelin rolled her eyes. “I am much more lovable than a wall plant.” Rowan’s face did that thing again, but Aelin didn’t know why, so she just ignored it. “My turn.”
Done with truths for the night—one was enough—Aelin reverted to her usual choice of dare.
Go skinny dipping
Aelin’s breathing hitched. She hadn’t been expecting that. She’d been skinny dipping before, but being naked in front of a bunch of random high school guys she was currently sleeping with and being naked in front of her best friend were two different things. Not even the kiss had prepared her for this.
Rowan seemed to lose his confidence as well. “You don’t have to.”
Aelin squared her shoulders. “I told you, I’m not a chicken.”
She got up and marched to the side door and out onto the patio. Her parents’ pool lay in front of her, still and calm, lit generously by the underwater illumination.
Rowan followed her wordlessly.
Aelin took a deep breath and hooked her fingers under her shirt, her back to Rowan. She slowly pulled it over her head, dropping it beside her.
Aelin didn’t dare glance over her shoulder as she unzipped her jeans and pushed them down, stepping out.
Clad in only underthings, Aelin closed her eyes, wondering how Rowan was looking at her right now. She could hear his breathing, loud and unsteady. Aelin reached behind herself and unclasped her bra, tossing it down to the pile of clothing. Next came her panties.
Then Aelin turned around. Not 100% necessary, but she wanted to see Rowan’s face.
His eyes immediately snapped to her breasts. Aelin shivered, and she tried to tell herself it was because she was naked and a breeze had just rushed by, but she knew that it was really from the hunger in Rowan’s eyes.
Whatever the hell was happening was either going to keep happening or blow up in their faces.
His gaze dipped lower, and Aelin bit her lip to keep herself quiet.
Rowan lazily moved his gaze to Aelin’s own, a satisfied smirk pulling at his lips. “Well?”
Not to be outdone, Aelin smirked back. She turned back toward the pool. Dipping a toe in the water, Aelin smiled at the coldness. She was hot enough already.
Instead of opting for the slow and sensual climb down the ladder, Aelin moved forward and jumped, submerging herself in one sudden, graceful movement. She stayed underwater for a moment, savoring the cool temperature—though not freezing, retaining heat from the day.
Aelin pushed off the bottom of the pool and emerged at the surface, gaze immediately going to Rowan. His eyes were tracking her every movement. Aelin grinned and leaned back, kicking lightly, not quite floating on the surface.
“Why don’t you join me?”
They’d been dancing around each other all night. Why, Aelin didn’t know, but she certainly wasn’t complaining. And yet, neither had been quite that straightforward so far, and despite the smug look on her face, Aelin was nervous to hear Rowan’s response.
She didn’t have any reason to worry.
Rowan flashed a wicked show of teeth and slung his shirt off, nothing like the show she’d put on for him a minute ago. He didn’t want to wait.
Aelin held her breath as Rowan reached for his belt. There was no striptease. One second he was wearing pants. The next he was not.
It was an effort not to lose control of her body and sink and drown, but Aelin somehow managed to stay above the water while Rowan dived into the pool, the muscles in his back rippling.
Rowan had barely even broken the surface before Aelin was on him. He only had a second to gasp before she had her lips on his. This was nothing like their kiss earlier. This time she was letting loose.
Rowan quickly responded, spinning Aelin around and pinning her to the edge of the pool. It dig into Aelin’s back, but she couldn’t care less. The feel of his hands on her hips was an electric shock to her system.
Rowan pulled back, his hands still on her, and looked her down, the water doing nothing to conceal her body. He seemed to like what he saw, bringing a hand to her breast and kneading it.
Aelin moaned softly. “What are we doing?”
Rowan looked her dead in the eyes. “I have no idea.”
A moment of motionless silence passed, and then they were kissing again. Aelin wrapped her legs around Rowan’s waist, instantly letting out a whimper at his half-hard cock pressing against her.
“Anyone ever fucked you in the water before, Aelin?” Rowan whispered against her ear.
Aelin panted. “Yes.”
Rowan hummed thoughtfully. “Well, I’ll just have to fuck you better, hmm?”
Aelin nodded, her eyes squeezed shut. “Yes.”
“What’s the magic word?”
“Please,” Aelin gasped out, chest heaving.
Rowan trailed his lips along Aelin’s throat, a low chuckle leaving his mouth. “I knew you liked it like that, you little slut. You think I’m blind? You think I can’t see the way all those guys smirk at you?”
Aelin opened her eyes wide in shock. “Gods, Rowan, do something,” she pleaded. She ground her hips as best as she could against his in emphasis.
Rowan let out a feral growl and pinched her nipple harshly. “Do you know how many times I’ve dreamed about this, Aelin? Do you have any idea what you do to me when you wear those fucking miniskirts or a bikini? When you change in front of me because we’re friends and I’m not supposed to want you like that?”
Aelin, despite herself, couldn’t hold back a satisfied smile at that. “I wanted you think about me. Why do you think I did those things?”
Rowan snorted humorlessly. He hefted Aelin up on his hips, her shoulders just out of the water. He slid one hand up her skin to her neck, squeezing gently. “You’re so gods-damn sassy, Aelin. I’m so sick of it.”
Aelin could only gasp as Rowan slid into her in one swift movement, no warning at all. She was unprepared and, as good as if felt, it also stung, and the sheer dominance of the gesture had Aelin clinging to Rowan’s back and squeezing her eyes shut.
“Holy Mala,” she muttered.
Rowan’s mouth slid along Aelin’s throat. “You filthy thing.” His hands came to her hip and her breast, gripping tightly.
Aelin groaned and bucked her hips, the chilly water suddenly feeling like fire on her skin. “Move,” she rasped.
Rowan chuckled, the sound echoing across the water. He didn’t say anything more, however; instead he took pity on her and started thrusting, small, quick movements. Aelin’s eyes rolled back in her head, but she still yearned for more, more, more.
Aelin dropped her head against the concrete, entirely unconcerned with the level of comfort, content to lie back and let Rowan fuck her. She groaned loudly as he started picking up speed.
“That feel good, baby?” Rowan murmured.
Aelin hummed in agreement.
Rowan slid a hand down her body and immediately started playing with her clit.
“What about that?”
Aelin moaned. “Fuck.” She bucked her hips into his hand once more, back arching painfully into the concrete side of the pool.
Rowan only smiled as he toyed with her, or so Aelin deduced from the way his lips curved again her neck. Water started lapping against Aelin’s chest as they moved, chilling her nipples and drawing a hoarse cry from her throat.
“Dammit, Rowan, harder,” she hissed.
Rowan nipped at her earlobe, but thankfully complied, thrusting harder into her and drawing a whimper from her throat. “Like that?”
Aelin scowled at the tone of his voice, knowing from the amusement in his voice he was aware he was good at what he was doing.
Rowan slammed into her and pinched her clit at the same time. “I said, “like that?””
Aelin dug her fingers into Rowan’s back as she heaved in a breath. “Yes,” she muttered through gritted teeth.
“What was that? I couldn’t quite hear you.” Rowan didn’t let up on Aelin, twisting her clit painfully and thumbing a nipple with the other hand.
Aelin tried to hold out, but the pressure on her clit was too much. “Yes, Rowan,” she gasped, likely tearing skin off his back as her fingers dug into him. She tightened her legs around his waist and arched her neck impossibly farther.
“Good girl,” Rowan muttered, and Aelin choked on a groan, knowing this was more than anything she could have dreamed up before.
Rowan thrusted deeper, trailing wet kisses along her neck and running his hands over her body as he moved. His cock was stretching Aelin to her fullest, and no amount of time inside her dimmed the overwhelming pleasure, not even as her body adjusted.
Maybe the guys Aelin had hooked up with before weren’t much to compare to, but she was pretty sure eighteen-year-olds weren’t supposed to be this good.
Rowan groaned. His thrusts grew erratic, Aelin doing her best to meet him with each movement in an attempt to reach her own pleasure. Rowan firmly covered her clit with his thumb and Aelin knew she would be the first to come.
Sure enough, Aelin’s pleasure crested, her mouth falling open in a silent scream of pleasure. Rowan followed soon after, spilling into her after one last thrust.
The silence hit Aelin as the sounds of skin slapping and water splashing and the pair of them moaning ceased. Other then their mixed pants, the night was quiet and empty. Peaceful.
Rowan pulled out of Aelin. Breathing hard, he took a step back in the water and grinned at Aelin.
She grinned back, feeling like a maniac and not giving one single shit about it.
“That was fun,” she said. “Just one question.”
Rowan rasied an eyebrow, barely visible in the pool lights. “Yeah?”
“Where the hell did you learn to do that?”
Rowan stared at her for a moment, then burst into laughter. Aelin quickly followed, a snort making its way out of her as she cackled. Her head fell against Rowan’s shoulder and his hands came around her bare back, his bellowing laughs shaking both of their bodies.
The laughter finally died down, and Aelin shared one last amused glance with Rowan before turning sly again. “We should get out.” She traced a finger across Rowan’s bare chest. “Dry off.”
Rowan smirked. “After you.”
Aelin shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. She turned in Rowan’s arms and braced herself on the patio behind her, pulling herself up. If Rowan got a nice view as she climbed to her feet, that was hardly her fault. He’d told her to get out.
Rowan joined her as Aelin grabbed a towel from a pool chair under the house’s overhang. She toweled off her hair, watching appreciatively as Rowan dried his body.
The next five minutes were a feat of willpower on Aelin’s part as she watched Rowan dry and dress himself and didn’t jump him again. She knew it wasn’t easy for him either; not as she gave him a nice show as well, even going as far as to lean over several times to “pick something up.” Rowan just smirked and shook his head, but his eyes still tracked her body with laser precision.
They went inside, Rowan not quite touching Aelin but close enough that she could sense him behind her as she walked. They made their way back to the living room and Aelin spun around. Rowan’s arms immediately encircled her.
“Good thing I got that dare,” Aelin mused, leaning closer.
“Why do you think I chose the dirtiest version of truth or dare available on my phone?” Rowan asked.
Aelin blinked. “You—” She laughed. “You set this up.”
Rowan smirked at her incredulous expression. “Don’t look so surprised. I can scheme too.”
Aelin shook her head. “I’m a bad influence on you, Rowan Whitethorn.”
He grinned and ran his fingers over her sides. “Hey, listen. Can I talk to you about something?”
“No, I think I’m going to go take a nap now,” Aelin retorted drily.
Rowan rolled his eyes at the sarcasm, but he looked nervous enough that Aelin added, “You can talk to me about anything, Rowan.”
“Aelin, I—” Rowan pressed his lips together in a firm line, seeming to steel himself. “I’m in love with you.��
Aelin blinked. That had just been sex. It had very clearly just been sex because there were no sappy smiles or loving touches. Hell, it had been the exact opposite—flirty lips and rough fingers and choking and Rowan had actually called Aelin a slut at one point if she recalled correctly.
They were just friends. They were supposed to be just friends. There was no way Rowan actually—
“Aelin?” Rowan asked tentatively, brow furrowed and eyes filled with so much worry and regret and love…
Gods, she hadn’t been paying attention.
Aelin stumbled out of his grip.
“Aelin, where are you… Aelin, talk to me.”
She spun around and started for the door, needing to get away. She couldn’t be here anymore.
She ignored him. Aelin ignored Rowan as he called her name; she ignored the fact that she was running out of her own house with no destination in mind; she ignored everything, submitting entirely to the ringing in her ears and the piercing in her heart.
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
Ooh, you write for Greek Mythology? Perhaps Zeus kidnapping a male reader, and basically not listening to them at all. Zeus getting more and more annoyed that the reader fails to care about all the opulence, grandeur, and power Zeus has. The reader just trying to escape and struggle. Zeus deciding to teach them a lesson to respect the king of the gods?
Yandere Zeus x male reader
I was so tempted to just write a scene where Zeus just goes boop! And turns the reader into a cow 😂😂😂😂😂 Anyways, thanks for requesting! Greek Mythology is also one of weaknesses, especially Hades, Persephone, Ares, and Hephaesteus💖💖💖
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
TW: gore
Yandere Zeus:
It didn't work.
Nothing works.
You laid in a fetal position on the wooden floor of your apartment; crying. Crying because of the pain.
The pain of emptying the bottle of acid into your eyes? Partly the reason.
The pain of realisation that you've lost? Mostly.
I should've just stayed there. You cried. Should've just stayed with him and let him have his way.
It would've been far less traumatising than this anyways. This, this curse that he had given you all because you didn't want to sleep with him.
Who would've thought that Zeus, the Greek God, would have become obsessed with a mere mortal like you? And then who would have even imagined that he would kidnap you and take you to Olympus; where he would confess his love for you?
You certainly didn't. You thought that maybe you were just off your meds or that this was just a really weird dream. But the reality of the situation dawned on you the longer you stayed there; the longer Zeus made his advances on you.
You didn't get why he was so infatuated with you. Or so tolerant either. You've heard all the stories about him kidnapping others and forcing himself on them, but he never once forced himself on you. He could have, but he didn't. Instead, he kept on trying to gain your affection like one would do in a normal relationship. 
His palace was the main attraction of Olympus. Golden gates and marble floors and huge pillars showed the grandeur of the palace. Wine so sweet that you couldnt get enough of, yet you didnt get drunk and food so delectable, you could devour the entire table. How you wished you could stay here forever and enjoy these treats, but you knew nothing comes for free. 
Zeus tried to impress you with his powers, his wealth, and everything he could give you if only you accept to be with him for eternity. He had even given you the gift of immortality, which you tried to return but couldn't.
He was being beyond generous and patient with you. But you couldn't help but feel he had a sinister ulterior motive behind those charming grey eyes.
When showing off wasn't working, he started getting physical. Brushing his hands on your body, hugging you a bit too long for it to be comfortable, even forcing you into his lap.
Of course, you struggled. Who wouldn't? A powerful god comes and whisks you away to another dimension, then proclaims his love for you and offers you all the luxurious amenities one could only dream of, only asking for your love in return? When he could easily overpower you? Yeah, something doesn't sit right.
And its not just that reason alone that you kept resisting him, you know. You've heard of his wife and sister, Hera. You've heard all the stories of how she would treat her husband's mistresses and men.
You feared her, because if anything, the Olympian Gods were famous for their cruel punishments.
You really should've remembered that when you finally flipped out on Zeus, screaming how you don't need him, don't care about him, don't and won't ever love him.
That was the first time you saw him get angry, but it was gone just as soon as it came.
He collected himself and sighed. You thought you had finally gotten through to him but instead of letting you go or even strike you with thunder for such disrespect, he did something else. “You really want to return so bad? Alright, who am I to deny my love?”
He made a bet with you. "If you can survive in your world without me for... 2 months? No, that'll be too harsh on you; 1 month, I'll let you go and never pursue you ever again. And if i win, you'll do everything I say." He smirked. "What do you say? Sounds fair?"he asked you, his eyes hinting nothing mischievous.
You knew better. You knew he was playing some really heinous game with you, where all the rules are in his favour and the odds were stacked against you. But you were desperate for escape. Plus, it was only a month right? You could do it.
But you couldn't.
Zeus had given you a parting "gift". Which you had to accept in order to leave. You didn't know what exactly it was until you returned home.
You were surprised to see everything was normal. You thought that maybe you would be kicked out of your apartment, bankrupted yourself or someone was going to kill you.
No. Nothing bad was happening to you. It was happening to everyone around you and they didn't even know it.
As it turns out, Zeus had cursed gifted you with the ability to see how someone was going to die when you looked at them. And you could warn them all about it, but no one would believe you. You couldn't prevent their deaths. And somehow, everyone around you had horrible, gruesome deaths.
You had those pictures forever embedded in your mind.
You'll never forget how your tailor friend had her hair loose and they got stuck in the sewing machine, and ripped her entire scalp off, tearing away all the nerves and blood vessels.
Or how a guy from work accidentally slipped on to the rail tracks, and was run over by the incoming train; his skin and guts stuck to the tracks. They had to pour chemicals to dissolve his remains.
Or how your pot dealer owed some people, and wasn't able to pay them so they put him through a mince machine, but the machine kept getting stuck so they chopped his already mutilated body and then threw him back into the machine, piece by piece.
It was too much.
You decided to not look at all. You wrapped your eyes in a tight bandage around your head, but all thanks to him, you could see right through them.
When that plan failed, you decided to stay at home and avoid contact with people completely. But then, you could see the deaths of people on your TV, on your phone, even of people in your dreams. And the deaths were getting more gorey and disturbing.
So, you decided to pour acid into your eyes. It was painful. And for a second, it was worth it because you couldn't see.
But they regenerated back. Because he had made you immortal. Your eyes healed back with the perfect 20/20 vision.
And thats how you were in this position right now. Crying to yourself as you finally admit to that you've lost.
"Zeus."you finally whispered, not even entirely sure you did. But that was confirmed when you felt a slight breeze behind you, causing you to cry harder.
"Shhh, darling. Its okay. I'm here now."Zeus said to you in a calming voice, as he pulled you to his chest.
"P-please make it stop. I- I'm sorry! Just make it stop please, I beg you."you cried into his chest.
He ran his fingers through your hair, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. "Did you learn lesson, love?"he asked in a quiet tone.
You pulled your head out of his chest and nodded vigorously. "yes! Yes. I've learned it. You were right. I was wrong. I- I lost the bet. Just please make it stop-"you sobbed.
Zeus caressed your cheek, looking deep into your eyes. "Alright. Let’s go back home, okay? I've missed you a lot. 2 weeks apart was far too long for me, love."
When you both returned to Olympus, you were met with a woman. As you looked at her in the arms of Zeus, you didn’t have to ask to know the Queen of Olympus was waiting for her husband and you. 
She smiled at you.
“Welcome back, darling.”
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Hope you guys liked this! Thanks for being so patient!💞💞
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Just like Rindo is a realistic portrayal of what it’s like to have an anxiety disorder, Shoka is a realistic portrayal of what it’s like to have chronic depression.
It’s hard for me to pick what I like most about Shoka’s portrayal of depression, but I think it’s how quiet and easy to miss it is, to the point where I haven’t really seen anyone else in fandom talk about it. Shoka doesn’t spend her time making self-deprecating comments about herself, or talking about how sad and miserable she is, and she doesn’t get any scenes where she breaks down sobbing because she just can’t handle the weight of her struggles anymore. Instead, Shoka isolates and distances herself emotionally from others, even from those she’s closest to (such as Ayano and Rindo). She is painfully bored with life (or afterlife, as the case may be) to the point of losing interest in things she once found enjoyment in, such as her Reaper duties. She’s often cynical and pessimistic, and has a hard time mustering the willpower to fight for things she believes in, which is partially why it takes her until Week 3 to stand up to Shiba and the other Shinjuku Reapers. (And even then, she has a hard time believing she and the Twisters can pull it off.) And perhaps most glaringly of all, Shoka has complete apathy toward her own life and the continuation of her existence.
We learn from Shoka during Week 3 that she became a Reaper four years ago—one year prior to Shinjuku’s inversion. She tells Rindo that she won her Game, and when they offered her the chance to become a Reaper, she took it. But notably:
“It’s not that I wanted to be a Reaper. But I didn’t not want to be one, either. [. . .] To be honest, I would’ve been fine with getting erased. But I got a little carried away. Being able to use psychs and everything . . . it made me feel so . . . powerful.” 
Whereas most Players play the Game in order to win a second chance at life, that wasn’t at all the case for Shoka. She didn’t play the Game because she had any real interest in winning, but because using psychs made her feel powerful (phrased in a way that suggests she perhaps didn’t feel powerful in the RG). And though she agreed to become a Reaper when asked, she only did it because the idea didn’t repulse her. She would have been fine with being erased. So while most Players enter the UG (i.e. die) unwillingly and fight for a second chance, not only was Shoka not fighting for that second chance . . . but the fact that she wasn’t implies that her death might not have been unwilling.
In other words, it’s entirely possible Shoka’s death was the result of a suicide.
Shoka’s apathy toward her existence carries into the present day. At the end of Week 3, Shoka says she knows she’s going to be erased because she lost her Reaper status, but that she’s “made [her] peace with it.” Although she phrases it like it’s something she came to terms with, to be honest, we never see her really struggle with the concept. Her biggest sources of conflict with leaving the Shinjuku Reapers was leaving those she cared about, such as Ayano and Susukichi. Her own existence never really mattered to her; she never questioned once whether she was willing to give up her own life for Shibuya’s sake. Ayano did—Ayano fought to have Shoka rejoin the Reapers for that very reason. But Shoka herself didn’t care very much.
Shoka is, in my opinion, a realistic portrayal of chronic depression because, honestly, it is very much like this. I’ve had chronic depression for basically my whole life and while of course there have been times when I’ve cried it out, oftentimes depression does manifest as self-isolation (especially emotional self-isolation), as critical boredom and apathy, as a desire to not exist anymore more than a desire to actively die. (Though I have been actively suicidal in the past, too. Just thankfully not in a long time.) Shoka keeps her feelings close to her chest and while that’s really fun to meme about, in reality that is often how depression manifests for a lot of people. It’s a persistent feeling of . . . sadness, sure, but also a hollow, empty feeling that you always carry with you, where things that were once fun and exciting just . . . aren’t, anymore. It doesn’t mean you can’t find enjoyment in anything—Shoka did find enjoyment in FanGO, before Shiba and the others nuked her Swallow account—but it does mean that it’s harder. And it’s really easy to hide, and really easy for others to miss. Depression isn’t always loud. In fact, I’d go so far as to say it usually isn’t.
And I really like that they nailed that with Shoka’s characterization.
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On his knees
Klaus x Reader
( reader shows Klaus she can take control too)
Warnings: 18+, Dom reader, edging/denial, choking
That was the last straw (y/n) thought as she drove twenty plus over the speed limit towards her and Klaus’s mansion. Two days ago he had left to New Orleans without warning her and told her to “stay home like a good little pet, don’t want you getting hurt by the big boys,” before abruptly hanging up when she had called to confront him. How dare he insinuate she was weak. She was a powerful witch and just because she rarely used her talents didn’t mean she wasn’t capable of kicking ass. She was fed up with him treating her like she was less than and that ended tonight. As soon as the security system alerted her he was home the wave of anger came back at her full force. He was going to pay.
Klaus heard (y/n) pull into the driveway and could practically feel the anger coming off of her. His cock twitched having spent two days away, already needing to be Inside of her. He’d make her forget about his indiscretion with mind blowing sex like he usually did. As he heard her footsteps reach the front door he smiled ready to claim her as his like usual.
“ Niklaus!,” (y/n)s voice echoed through the large mansion as she angrily yelled for her lover. She stomped towards his art room and wasn’t disappointed when she found him there. Her heart raced as she saw his bare chest and black low hanging jeans covering a very prominent bulge.
“ hello love,” he smirked stepping away from his easel. He began to walk toward her seductively “I’ve missed you my pet.”
His cockiness pissed her off even more. (Y/n) glared at him an idea forming in her mind “ on your knees wolf,” she ordered sternly.
Klaus let out a loud laugh finding humor in her attempt to control him.
(Y/n) spoke louder as she held out her hand toward him magic flowing through her forcing him to the ground “ I said on your knees wolf.”
Klaus couldn’t believe what she had done. In all their years together she had never used her powers against him. He looked up at her a mix of emotions going through his head. He was angry she was controlling him yet extremely turned on by the display of her power. He wanted to get up and ravage her to show (y/n) who was really in charge. At the same time he wondered where she was going with this. His cock ached as he looked up at her speechless waiting for her next move. He was desperate to be inside of her.
She walked over to him and ran her hands through his curly hair, “oh niklaus you must stop treating me like I’m a powerless little girl.” Grabbing his hair she pulled his head back to make him look directly into her eyes “I allow you to take control of me because I like it.”
He was the most powerful being on the planet and she didn’t allow him to do anything he thought. Attempting to get up and overpower her he realized no matter how hard he tried he was frozen. This angered him even more.
“Be a good little pet and stop trying to break free,” she chided using his own words against him.
“ I am no ones pet,” he replied venomously. “ let me free now (y/n) your little game is over.”
(Y/n) stepped backwards removing her boots and socks ignoring him.
“ Free me at once (y/n)!”
“ not until I take what I want,” she replied casually and he watched as she pulled her top over her head freeing her breasts. He tried breaking free again the need to touch her even stronger than before.
“ let me touch touch you,” he said gently trying to gain his freedom by applealing to her sensitive nature.
(Y/n) unzipped her jeans and pulled them off throwing them to the side and smiled seeing how helpless Klaus looked. She felt him try to fight against her magical restraints and knew how badly he wanted her which made all of this even better. “ fine you can touch me.” Klaus went to speed toward her only to realize she hadn’t freed him.
Frustrated in more ways than one he irritatedly huffed “ you said I could touch you.”
Walking over to him she kneeled and pressed her breasts against him feeling him tense up. Her face only an inch away from his she wrapped both hands in his hair and moved her lips to his. They both moaned into the kiss and the friction caused by her pushing her body completely flush to his. He tried to take over the kiss with his tongue and she pulled away completely.
“Please (y/n) I beg of you, I need you.” He couldn’t take it anymore he would grovel if that’s what it took. She stood back up with her core directly in front of his face. His mouth watered smelling her arousal.
“ I needed you when you left without notice,” she slowly slid her hand into her panties as his eyes followed. He watched as her hand moved underneath the lace fabric. “ I had to take care of my self and my hand isn’t nearly as skilled as your mouth,” she sighed.
“ Then let me taste you,” he offered pleading with his eyes.
(Y/n) removed her hand from underneath the fabric and brushed her soaked fingers against his lips. Her insides tightened as she watched him lick his lips a growl leaving them.
“ do you want more? ”
“ I want to devour you,” he replied eyes glowing gold the beast in him coming forth.
He watched as she stepped out of the lace in response and moved herself so close to him he could almost reach her with his mouth. Wrapping a hand in his hair she spoke “ I will let you move your head but you will obey my orders. Understand?.”
“ whatever you want my love.” He replied giving in to her desires.
“ kiss me slowly, show me how sorry you are, show me how much you want me.”
Klaus moved his head forward slowly and gently kissed her most sensitive spot. He kissed her again putting his passion into it and enjoyed the sounds she was already starting to make. He twirled his tongue around her and felt her knees began to buckle as she tried to hold herself up.
“harder.” (y/n) whispered quickly needing even more.
As Klaus applied more pressure he felt her begin to shake and found his body pressed against the floor. (Y/n) crawled onto his face and ground herself down on his mouth. She reached one arm back and rubbed him over his jeans.
“ oh yes (y/n),” he groaned finally being touched where he so desperately needed.
She unzipped his jeans and pulled out his large member stroking it firmly as she continued to grind down onto his face.
“ do you want to be inside of me?”
“ more than anything love,” he pleaded.
(Y/n) climbed off of his face which was now glistening and worked her way down his body kissing as she went. When she reached his lower stomach she sat back and pulled his jeans off leaving him completely naked in front of her. She went back to kissing his lower abdomen and he sighed as she licked near his member. Grabbing him with her small hand she looked into his eyes and wrapped her mouth around his cock humming in approval of how good he felt. He was a fearless warrior yet a romantic and his cock was the same. It was big and hard as steel yet velvety soft in her mouth.
As her need became too strong she pulled away his cock leaving her mouth with a loud ‘pop’. (Y/n) straddled him resting her palms against his strong chest and teased the both of them by rubbing herself up and down him without letting him enter.
Grabbing his cock she placed it at her entrance “ I’m going to fuck you but you aren’t allowed to cum until I say you can.”
Klaus was going to protest but all other thoughts were lost as he felt her tightness slowly sink down on him. They moaned in unison when he was as deep as she could take him. He looked up admiring her as she began to slowly lift herself up and down on his member. He wanted to touch her so badly but watched as her hand reached down and played with her clit.
His eyes rolled as he felt her already start to tighten around him. She picked up her pace bouncing on his cock even more forcefully.
“ oh yes,” she screamed getting closer to her orgasm.
Klaus needed release so badly. “ can I come with you (y/n) ?”
“ no,” she moaned before trembling around him crying out his name. He used all of his willpower to hold back his orgasm even though he wanted nothing more than to cum with her.
(Y/n) stilled breathing heavily after her orgasm resting her body against his and kissed him their tongues entertwining. Finally regaining the energy she sat up and began to move her hips again.
“ tell me wolf do you like it when I take control?” She asked as she slowly bounced on his large cock. Trying to focus his energy on not cumming Klaus didn’t respond.
(Y/n) wrapped her hand around his throat stopping her movements completely, “ I asked do you like when I take control?”
Klaus looked at her knowing he had truly met his match. “ yes.”
With her hand still wrapped around his throat she used it to balance as she leaned down to kiss him as her hips began to move again. Sitting back up she planted her feet on the floor leaning back to give him a fill view of her body. Her breasts bounced as she rode him and he watched as her pussy stretched around him with each thrust.
When her hand went to her clit he spoke, “can I cum with you love?”
“Not yet wolf.” She responded focusing on her pleasure.
He felt her begin to tense around him and didn’t know if he could hold it off this time.
“ I don’t know if I can stop it this time (y/n),” he said strained already trying his hardest to fight it wanting to please her.
“ I want to hear you beg for it,” he smiled hearing her repeat the words he said to her so often.
“ please (y/n) let me cum.” He begged.
She moaned loudly almost there, “ no.”
“ fuck love,” he shut his eyes concentrating on holding off, “ I’m begging you please let me cum, I’ll do anything you want, you’re so tight I can’t take it anymore.”
His words sent (y/n) over the edge and she cried out “ yes, yes, yes, your cock feels so good Klaus, please cum for me.”
Klaus growled loudly his fangs dropping as she milked him with her orgasm. His vision went black and he would have thought someone snapped his neck if it weren’t for the fact he could hear (y/n) moan above him and feel her still pulsing around him.
When his vision returned Klaus looked at (y/n) amazed. He wrapped his arm around her finally free and pulled her to him lifting her from the cold floor and walking them to their large bed upstairs.
He kissed her and laughed “ you made me cum so hard I lost my sight.”
She giggled in response, “ now you see why I let you take control so much.”
He looked at her amused , “ well I might have to let you take control of me more often.”
She looked at him cockily , “ well I think tonight proved I can take control whenever I want. Remember that when you think I can’t handle the big boys.”
He snuggled closer to her, “ I’m sorry for acting that way (y/n).” He pressed his hardening member into her thigh. “ I think there’s a big boy right here you could handle again.”
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
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first fic I've ever wrote. :/
Summary: Bby boy Ushi needs some love and affection and your more than willing to give it to him, and you have some help too
Pairing: Ushijima x Reader X Tendou
Tags: MLM, Poly, Daddy kink, creampie, slight cnc, squirting, dirty talk, praise, threesome, oral sex, cum eating, nipple piercings, (lemme know if left anything out.)
Word Count: 3.3k
18+ Minors DNI
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Ushi rarely initiates sex when he has the both of you jumping him 24/7 but today he was needy, after a long day of practice he just wanted some physical affection.
But when you greeted him with a big shirt on, leaving him to guess if there was anything underneath, and him confirming it was nothing due to your heart shaped nipple piercing poking out, it made him flustered
30 mins into both you watching TV on the couch all he could think about was you, your fingers ghosting over his lips getting sticky with his saliva while feeding him the leftovers of the food you worked so hard to prepare for your two boys.
He knew he should be thinking about you this way when you’re doing something so innocent and sweet, but he couldn’t ignore the impure thoughts and the growing bulge in his pants, and neither could you.
“You okay daddy?” You asked knowing exactly what he needs.
He looked at you for a minute just staring, thinking if he just heard you say that word or it was his deluded brain playing games on him.
“What’d you say?” He hums leaning down to see you eye level seeing your glossy eyes looking back at him.
“I said… are you okay daddy?” But he didn’t just hear the sweet and softness of your voice, he also heard the desire of your voice, the same voice that would cry out in bed begging to be stuffed full, the same voice that would wake him up in the middle of the night when you complained that “your cunny was too wet” with your glowing red cheeks, and of course him and Tori would take care of that, of you, their precious little baby.
“Yes, I’m fine” He replied hoping that this feeling would leave him soon.
“Really… because you don’t look like your doing fine” You started. “In fact, you look like your having some issues” You whispered in his ear.
“Ushi, baby, you can tell me what you need” You continued, now dragging you fingers on his thigh, getting closer to his dick by the second.
“You know I’m always there for you” “In anyway…” You finished with that alluring in your voice.
Great. All his stress and stamina building up from practice and coming home to see you in that shirt, his shirt that doesn’t leave much to the imagine got him hard. So incredibly hard, not the morning wood hard or he can take care of himself in the bathroom hard, but he needed to get his dick wet hard. Like right now hard. And of course, being the good girl you were, you were here to ease his needs.
“Toshi!” You squealed as he picked you up. Him not bothering to reply as he headed towards your bedroom.
You let out a little yelp as he threw you on the bed. You watched him take off his clothes and looked at him in awe, looking at his perfectly built body not realizing how strong he was, but you could take it. You lived to please them.
“Daddy!” You cried as he was already trying to insert himself into you, not even bothering to take your his shirt off.
“Daddy no!” You whimpered.
“You can take it. You always have and look at you” he said referring to the slick dripping out of you.
And you couldn’t deny that you were in fact wet, how could you not be when you’re constantly daydreaming about both of your men.
“Look at me” he ordered while throwing your legs on this shoulders and forcing you look up to see his lust filled gaze then looking down along with you to see him lining his cock up with your little cunt.
“Fuck” he mumbled as he slowly pushed it in. With you gripping his biceps hard enough to leave nail imprints on him that’ll definitely get him teased for in the locker room later. But all he could think about was how tight you were, even after taking him and Tori multiple times you never loosened up.
“Ushi” You whined, tears running down your face and fuck did he find that hot. Was it wrong to like seeing your partner cry? You told him before it was from pleasure and you guys had a safe word just in case, but it set something off inside him, something feral.
He starts thrusting into you, slowly at first but getting rougher and faster each time, leaving you begging for more.
“Please” You hiccup. He ignores you just going harder. His grunts were music to your ears, letting you know you were doing a good job making your heart swell.  Your shirt was riding up with every thrust until it reached above your breasts, feeling the cool air hit them.
You couldn’t even think to take it off, you couldn’t even think about anything how full you felt. He bent down until his face was in your neck, making your legs open more reaching deeper inside you. You moans drowning out any other sound.
“Having fun without me?” You quickly turned your head and saw your other boyfriend, the other love of your life.
Ushi ignored him, while he kept ramming into you causing you to let out muffled whines. You could barely see him from your watery eyes and Ushi’s arm blocking your view, but you missed him so much.
“Tori” You call, trying to make grabby hands at him, getting cut off by a moan.
Toshi raised his head up until his face was just above yours, taking notice of the other man but being to focused on your little cunt to care.
“Aww baby you gonna ignore me?” Satori said walking up to both of you talking to Ushi and not getting a response.
“Hmm?” He said grabbing onto Ushi’s locks pulling his head back enough to see him. You watching the scene unfold in front of you, making you clench even more around him.
You never really got intimate with just one another, it was always the three of you, making sure no one felt left out or unappreciated. But of course, this situation has happened before. One time even leaving you crying after you walked in on them because you felt like they didn’t even love or care about you, but of course it was just a bad day getting to you. And they immediately stopped once they noticed you crying and naturally Tori ran over to you, naked and sweaty as can be, and pulled you into a hug. But that was a whole different story.
Toshi stopped fucking you and looked at the man letting go of his hair. Tendou quickly assessed the situation before him. You in a mess, and Ushijima balls deep in you.
“Aw, he didn’t even take his shirt off you…poor baby”
Tendou was the mediator among you three, Ushijima was not the brightest with foreplay or more intimate actions and you were a little baby, doing whatever they pleased, no backbone. You got off on pleasing them.Tendou usually did the foreplay, even dragging it out more than them fucking you. So, it was no surprise that Ushijima took you with barely any prep.
“Fuck baby your so wet” Tendou said, you blushing at his words.
“…You like pain don’t ya” He gathered from you dripping down his balls even though he was using you to get off and not exactly having sex with you.
You now even more embarrassed trying to hide your face in Ushi’s arm. “Y-yes Tori.” You mumbled, hiding your eyes from Tendou and Ushi looking right down at you.
“Hmm?” he let out, pushing you further, living for the red appearing on your cheeks while Ushijima got harder inside you making you let out a whine.
“Y-yes!” You stated forcing yourself to look Tori in his eyes. You didn’t even get to finish your sentence before Ushi started pounding into you once again, making you let out a muffled squeal. Your vision became blurry again from the tears that started running and the force he was fucking into you with making the whole bed shake.
You didn’t even know Tendou took all his clothes off until you opened your eyes and saw him kissing Ushi, their naked forms making you squirm under him. Your whines got their attention, Satori detached his lips from his and turned his attention towards you.
“Aww, don’t worry baby we didn’t forget about you” he said leaning down to kiss you. He knew how much you loved kissing, how much it got you worked up more than anything else. Your muffled moans were breaking into the kiss. He knew it hurt, he’d usually go for an hour trying to get you ready for him, and it still barely fit. But the look it your eyes said something else, so how could he not tease you.
“Shh, baby it’s okay” He coddled you, your poor little pussy getting destroyed as Ushi rammed into your cervix, making your whole body jump. He turned his attention back to Ushi, kissing down his neck leaving hickeys, another thing he would get teased about in the locker room, then taking his nipple into his mouth making Ushi let out a low groan.
“Fuck, you hear yourself?” He said, now rubbing Toshi’s nipples between his fingers.
You didn’t even know you you’d being letting out such lewd sounds until he told you, now muffling them because you were embarrassed of them. Which he took notice of.
He focused back on you, shoving his way between you and Ushijima. “Lemme hear them pretty moans” he said taking your clit into his mouth while Toshi was still driving himself into you.
Both of your let out loud moans, while Tori was doing what he was best at, making you feel good.
He took his mouth off so he could get a better view and found your clit again with his fingers, making you orgasm around Toshi’s cock, loving the way you moaned for him and the dazed, lust filled way you looked at him and Ushijima
“You creamin on him, then it must feel good” he referred to your cunt gushing around Toshi’s cock, you could only moan in response.
He moved his fingers to your lips, knowing your oral fixation, and how you always had to be sucking on something whether it be their fingers or dick, and oh lord you sent Ushi into overdrive just putting his fingers in your mouth out of nowhere, making him blush, which was as hard as it seemed.
Tori continued trailing his fingers over them before you just took them in your mouth, making Ushi grow inside you.
“So impatient baby” He taunted.“ m’ sorry daddy “ You mumbled. Guilt pooled in your tummy, feeling like you disappointed him, like you weren’t their good girl. He would usually punish you, but it already looks like you’ve gone through enough today and what better way to distract you than feed your fixation.
“Open up doll.” He said and you did right away, prodding his fingers deeper in your mouth hitting the back of your throat without you gagging.
Fuck. He remembers when you first tried to give him and Ushi head, and how you could barely fit any of it in your mouth, and how far you’ve come being able to deep throat them making his dick get even harder. He took his fingers out and gave a few pumps to his cock the lined it up with your mouth. He noticed the gleam in your eyes, so happy to suck his dick, like it was you only purpose in life.
He slowly put it letting out a choked-out moan. Feeling the hot wetness of your mouth could make him cum at any second, but he wanted to have a little fun first.
“Good girl.” He let out once he settled in the back of your throat, the statement making all your worries go away. He gently started pushing himself in and out of your mouth until you go the hang of it.
Ushi moans looking at the sight before him of you gagging on Tendou’s dick. “Fuck” Ushi thought. As many positions as Tendou has had you in missionary was definitely his favorite. He could see your pretty face moan and distort because of him making and see your body bounce with his every move making his ego rise.
Satori noticed Ushijima’s heart eyes at the scene below him and he completely understood what was going through his head.
“Tell em’ you love him.” He leaned down and not so subtly whispered to you.
You didn’t even to told twice before you tried your best to express your love for the bigger man.
“T-toshi” you moaned choking on Tori’s cock, using his first name knowing that it would get him worked up. And it did making him let out a groan, leading Tendou to reattach himself to his lips.
“I-I” you tried to continue. Tori enjoying this, fucking your face ever harder, having both you and Ushi’s attention on him made him feel like a King.
“Come on baby, you can say it” He teasingly encouraged taking a break from his boyfriend’s lips.
“I- L-ov-v” You struggled saying trying to do your best.
“Look at her baby” He said grabbing Ushi’s face and forcing him to look at you fucking your little cunny on his cock while proclaiming your love. Making his brain freeze up, but his body working even harder.
“L-Lov-e y-ou!” You finished. Spit and drool coming out of your mouth dripping all over him. Making him cum in your mouth while letting gout a few curses and some filthy words.
He didn’t even get to take his cock all the way out of your mouth before Ushi was already in the position he started with, his face back in your neck pushing your legs further back to reach deep inside you again.You didn’t even get a break, before he started roughly hitting your cervix again, causing your lips to hang open the cum still in your mouth drippling out.
“You crying baby?” Tendou coos failing to snap you out of your headspace. Not getting a response he looks closer at you seeing your pretty eye lashses flutter with tears, making his heart swell.
“Yeah she’s crying” He states leaning to Ushijima.
“So pretty…” he said so fondly “Make her do it some more…” He says in Ushi’s ear, setting something off within him, somehow making him go even harder and deeper than possible. Leaving you crying out for more.
“Daddy please-e!” You sobbed out to both of them not knowing what for. And with pleasure Tendou moves to take care of you, how could he not when you were so pretty begging for them.
He leaves kisses all over you face before kissing the mess he made in your mouth, moaning into the kiss how much of a good girl you were for keeping it inside. But you were too fucked out to pay attention to anything but the feeling of one of your boyfriends’ dick ramming inside you.
He then moves back to Ushi kissing him with the cum still on his lips putting on a show for you making you clench around his cock.
He settles himself behind you, your back to his chest and rolls on of your pierced nipples with his fingers and grabs the other breast with his palm, telling how much him and Ushi loved them after that one time you nervously admitted that you were insecure that your boobs were on the smaller size, and after that he wouldn’t leave them alone, telling you how pretty they were and how him and Ushijima love everything about you, since Ushi wasn’t the best at expressing himself.  
One boyfriend making you see stars and the other whispering endless praise into your ear and knowing the fact that they love you and want you this much sends your body into overload making you spit out a flood of moans.
“Yeah...he’s fucking you good baby, huh?” Tendou mocked. Kissin the tears off your face still playing with your breasts.
“yeah, ye-eah, ...yes please” You softly choked out.“
So polite…even when you’re getting fucked stupid” “Tori!” You whined.“
Yeah? You gonna cum?” He questioned, laughing at the state you were in.
“i-im’gon-nna cum!” You cried as you felt the heat in your tummy growing. “yeah...yeah! Ushi, please!”
“Fuck y/n, youre so tight” He hisses knowing that he was coming close too.
“I’m gonna make a mess Toshi! You cried feeling the orgasm, your cunt clenching around him, one hand gripping onto his arm the other squeezing Tori’s hand. You cum all over him and yourself, some sinking in the sheets. Heat rising up your spine to your face, Ushi still fucking you into overstimulation, burying his cock into you.
“Fuck y/n im bout to cum”
“Where you want him to cum doll” Tori asks already knowing. But still decides to do you the favor. But his words went in one ear and out the other. Your adrift mind only feeling overwhelmed.“
Shh baby relax” He softly said to you trying to gain your attention, but it still wasn’t working.
 “Can you answer me doll?” He said tilting your head up to look at him.“I-inside.�� You finally replied.
“Yeah? You want him to make a mess in their honey?” You quickly nod not being able to get any words out.
“You heard her.” He said to the other man finally setting him off.He falls on you, his face now on your chest him catching his breath while telling you how good you felt.
“Fuck!” Tendou said admiring the mess you made your sloppy hole clenching round nothing , you made her squirt.
The three of you just lay there for a few minutes or 30 minutes. You couldn’t tell. You broke the silence by saying how cute Ushi was acting like a baby snuggled up in your chest, while giving him a peck on his forehead. Before turning your attention towards your other man.
You try to get the words out as loudly as you can with your course voice hurting. “Love you Tori.” You attempt to say making his heart dance.
“Love you too doll, both of you.”
“You awake Ushi?” you asked playing with his hair. All you got back was a groan, making you and Tori giggle.
“Ushi… baby” “Yes” He responds with his voice being muffled by your skin.
“You know you can always tell us when you feel needy, right? We wont judge.” You voice.
“Yeah baby” Tendou adds on. “We don’t mind.” Ushijima responds with an “ok.” Now facing you, but still leaning against you
“Let’s take a bath.” Tendou says while both giving you a kiss on the cheek and forehead.You both say nothing but you both move from you position. Your exposed skin feeling cold to the air, feeling sticky from the sweat and cum.
Tori and Ushijima get up and start moving the bathroom and you try to follow but you legs can barely function and you’re already sore down there. Luckily Tendou notices your poor little self.
“You gonna pick her up?” He said referring to your fucked out limp state.
“Oh yeah” Ushijima says with his deadpan voice, walking over to you and giving you a peck on our forehead before throwing you over his shoulder. Cue you and Tendou laughing at the position you were in while Ushi’s face stays blank.
“No, like this.” Tendou demonstrates showing him how to properly hold you like the baby you were. Ushijima moved one arm under your legs and the other supporting your back, before walking to the bathroom to finally relax.
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tyongxnct · 4 years
𝑤𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 - 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑜
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pairing: Jeno x reader
special guest: Jaemin
summary: Jeno and you used to be deeply in love. Your relationship was almost too good to be true. But after a while, the perfect relationship was anything but perfect. No more talking about your problems, just yelling and shouting until you had enough. The lack of communication destroyed your relationship and moving on was harder than you two thought.
song: we don’t talk anymore - Selena Gomez
genre: angst, breakup!au
warnings: swearing
word count: 3.7k
A/N: can’t believe that i’m almost done with the series, omg. I hope you enjoy this 💖 
taglist: @alex-chann​, @aesthetichrj​
© tyongxnct on all platforms
We don't talk anymore We don't talk anymore We don't talk anymore Like we used to do We don't love anymore What was all of it for? Oh, we don't talk anymore Like we used to do
Your relationship with Jeno was almost perfect, a love just like the ones written in fairytales. You were snow white and he was prince charming, he saved you when you were at your lowest. He held your hand and never let go. You were Arielle and he was prince Eric. You would give up anything for him just like Arielle gave up her voice to be with Eric. Your love was so strong, so real, and so simple. The key was communication. You always talked to each other no matter what was going on. Whether it was about jealousy, decisions about the future, family problems or difficulties with friends. You talked about everything and anything and you always found a solution. Whenever you had a disagreement you talked about it and all the problems were solved like that.
But your relationship didn’t end with a happy ending like all the fairytales did.
The communication stopped and your relationship slowly fell apart.
“How was your day?” you asked him. Jeno was busy with his phone and you tried to get his attention.
Next try.
“I talked to my mother this morning. She missed us and I told her we would visit her this weekend I hope that’s okay for you.”
Jeno’s face lit up with anger. “I told you I was busy. You can’t just tell her that we’ll visit. A no is a no, Y/n. I don’t have time to visit your family what’s so hard to understand?”
“I know that you’re busy, but I thought that you should relax a little and stop worrying about work-“
“You want me to relax and stop worry about work? Who’s gonna pay the bills If I just relax?” he hissed. He had a long day, and he wasn’t in the mood to talk to you.
“It’s just for one weekend-“
“Cancel it. Or you know what? Just go without me. Go visit your mother and let me relax at home without you nagging about everything for once.” Jeno left the living room and entered the kitchen. A bottle of beer would help him calm down, he thought.
“We’re not done, Jeno. Can you just consider it without being an ass?”
“I’m not going to discuss this with you. I’m exhausted. Let me be, for god’s sake.”
You left him alone in the kitchen just like he wanted to be, you entered your bedroom and got changed to go to sleep. You weren’t sure If you changed, but Jeno changed for sure. He’s cold and always so moody. You couldn’t even have a simple conversation with him.
You left the apartment without saying anything to Jeno. He was at work and whenever you called or texted, he got mad. You decided to visit your family, maybe a three-day break would help your relationship get back to normal, you really hoped it would.
Jeno entered the apartment and instead of smelling the delicious food you always made, he was welcomed by silence and an empty apartment. Jeno looked around but you were nowhere to be seen. Some of your clothes were also gone and he started to panic.
He called you immediately and he was furious. How could you leave without telling him anything?
“Where the fuck are you?” he asked angrily.
“Jeno I told you that I was going to visit my parents why are you acting like this?” you hissed back.
“I-I forgot- but you could’ve told me this morning! Or last night, do you really think I can remember everything you tell me?!”
He kept yelling even though he knew that you didn’t do anything wrong.
“Are you being serious right now? You can’t even remember one thing I tell you and you get angry at me? Maybe you should listen to me the first time instead of acting like I did something wrong. I’m going to turn my phone off until Monday. Don’t try to contact me.” And you hung up without letting him speak again.
Jeno angrily threw his phone on the bed and took off his clothes to take a shower. He knew that you were right, but he would never admit that. He should be happy, he could finally relax and have fun without you being there 24/7.
You thought that he would change when you come back, but he didn’t.
He was still the same. Not listening but always complaining and ignoring your feelings. Three days with your family made you happier than the last three months with Jeno.
After another week with him, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“This, whatever this is, is not good for us! There’s not a moment you’re not complaining or yelling at me! Not a single I love you left your mouth since I don’t even know, two months! You’re always telling me that everything I do is wrong and that you’re sick of me! T-This isn’t the relationship we once had. There’s no love- just pain. All I feel when I look at you is pain a-and I don’t want that… I-I just want you to love me, but this is going nowhere. So I’m going to say it now,” you inhaled deeply, “L-Let’s just break up and stop our suffering.”
Tears streamed down your face and you couldn’t even remember the last time you had cried like this. Your heart was breaking, and it hurt so much, but you knew that he’d never do the first step and just break up with you because he hated being confronted. The communication died just like your relationship.
“Fine. Then leave. If you want to break up, let’s do it. Let’s end it here.” Jeno’s blood was boiling with anger, he thought, but it was actually pain and the fear of losing you. But just like always, he didn’t talk to you about your problems and just agreed on breaking up.
I just heard you found the one you've been looking You've been looking for I wish I would have known that wasn't me 'Cause even after all this time, I still wonder Why I can't move on Just the way you did so easily
Don't wanna know Kind of dress you're wearing tonight If he's holding onto you so tight The way I did before I overdosed Should've known your love was a game Now I can't get you out of my brain Oh, it's such a shame
It’s been almost eight months since your breakup with Jeno. With every passing second, your memories slowly faded. You moved out and moved into a small apartment on the other side of the city, far, far away from place you once called home. It took you a little time to finally get used to the fact that you and Jeno weren’t together anymore.
You weren’t actually looking for someone new, the empty spot in your heart wasn’t 100% ready to be filled again, but when you met Na Jaemin, a literal angel, you couldn’t help but slowly fall for him. You met him in a bookstore, while you were looking for a new book to read, he was working there and helped you find the perfect book and after you finished the book, you spend all of your time in the little bookstore with him. Your relationship with Jaemin started as friends but your heart skipped a beat whenever you were with him and you knew that you wanted to be more than friends. Jaemin could swear that it was love at first sight, when he saw you while you looked through the bookstore and after he got to know you, he fell even harder.
He knew about your relationship with Jeno and he agreed on taking it slow. He showered you with so much love and he was always there for you.
It was one of your friends birthdays when you met Jeno again. She was a mutual friend, and you didn’t want to go at first, but Jaemin encouraged you to face him.
You changed your outfit, even though you weren’t really in the mood to wear a dress but you still wore one. You wanted to show your sexy side to Jaemin. The poor guy always saw you wearing oversized hoodies and sweatpants, but he always told you that you looked hot and sexy, no matter what you were wearing.
“I didn’t know that Y/n has a new boyfriend.” Jeno heard someone say.
“Oh yeah, his name is Jaemin. I’ve met him a couple weeks ago and I’ve never seen her happier.”
Jeno looked at the girl talking. How would she know how happy you were before? How would she know that you weren’t happier when you were with him? You were always happy with him, he thought. Well, you were always happy until he decided to hurt you.
He still remembers how hard you tried and how he pushed you away. You gave your everything to save your relationship but Jeno didn’t care and when you broke up with him, he just let you.
But he was sure, that nobody could make you happier than he could. Right?
You have a new boyfriend, so what?
It’s been months, but you were still the only thing on Jeno’s mind. He was nervous, maybe coming to the club was a stupid decision. He didn’t know why you were still on his mind after months of pushing you away. Why is he thinking about you? Why is he always dreaming of you?
You weren’t thinking about him anymore, you moved on. You moved on and found someone new, someone who made you happier.
Why couldn’t he stop seeing you everywhere?
Why couldn’t he stop missing you?
Jeno started to panic.
He didn’t want to see you. He didn’t want to see you with someone else. He didn’t want to see you happy without him.
You were playing with his heart and his brain. You were the one who left and when you left you took a part of his heart with you and after you left, everything fell apart and he hated you. Jeno hated you because you played with him, you made him think that it was his fault and after you left, everything reminded you of him and he was broken.
But he knew that it was his fault.
No matter how hard he tried to push the thought away, that he destroyed the best thing he had, deep inside, he knew that he destroyed it with his own two hands.
While Jeno was deep in thoughts, he didn’t even notice that he was drinking and drinking and when he saw you walk to your friend with a stranger holding your hand, he finished his fifth glass of whiskey in one go. Jeno was actually drinking a simple cocktail, he can’t remember when he changed his drink to something stronger. You looked, well, you looked as beautiful as always, but the big smile on your face was almost foreign to him, he thought.
When was the last time you smiled like that when you were with him?
He couldn’t remember.
Jeno’s grip around his glass tightened as he watched that guy put his hand on your waist, pulling you closer.
You greeted all of your friends and Jeno watched you from the bar.
Jeno was jealous, not only because Jaemin could hold you, but also because of all of the other guys who looked at you. He hated it, he always hated it. Jeno hated the fact that someone looked at his girlfriend. Whenever you talked about his jealousy you assured him that there was no reason to get jealous and with time, his jealousy wasn’t as bad as it was before.
But right now, he felt like he was going to explode.
Jaemin held you tightly, he knew that Jeno was there but he wasn’t worried. After everything you told him, he knew that there was absolutely no reason to be worried. He trusted you and you trusted him.
You introduced Jaemin to a couple friends, he was nice to everyone and when you were so into the conversation with your friend, Jaemin kissed your cheek and told you that he’s going to get you and himself something to drink.
He knew what you liked, he didn’t have to ask you.
When Jaemin walked to the bar, Jeno watched him with anger in his eyes. Jaemin didn’t notice and when he leaned against the bar, right next to Jeno, he ordered two drinks. Jaemin thanked the bartender and walked back to you.
His hands and lips were all over you, Jeno’s blood was boiling.
You danced with Jaemin and Jeno was ready to leave the club, he couldn’t watch you have fun with someone else. It hurt too much. But when he was about to leave, your eyes met his.
Time stood still.
Jeno couldn’t hear the loud crowd of the club and the loud music anymore, all he could hear was your voice, your broken voice telling him that you wanted to break up.
Let’s just break up and stop our suffering.
Let’s just break up and stop our suffering.
Let’s just break up and stop our suffering.
You were suffering when you were with Jeno and Jeno realized how much of a fool he was. How he took you for granted and how he ignored your feelings.
Jeno hurt you.
You just wanted to feel loved and Jeno couldn’t give you that. You talked to him, you told him how hurt you were, how much you missed him. You were in pain and it was his fault.
Jeno realized, that he always loved you.
He shouldn’t have let you go. He shouldn’t have agreed to break up. He should’ve tried to change, to be better for you, to show you how much he actually loved you. But it was over now, you were not his anymore and it was all his fault.
You softly smiled at Jeno, even after everything he put you through, you were still too nice to him.
Jeno’s eyes were empty, just like your side of his bed, just like his heart. You filled his life with joy, love, and happiness. His heart was full of love for you, but now it was just pain and longing.
Jeno tried to smile back at you, he wanted to tell you so many things, but he couldn’t.
His eyes filled with tears, his fist clenched, his gaze left you and he tried not to cry in the middle of a club. He was so drunk and he couldn’t let his drunk self take over and hurt you further, that’s how he looked one last time at you and left the club without thinking twice.
Jeno wanted to go home and drink until he couldn’t feel that arche in his heart anymore.
I just hope you're lying next to somebody Who knows how to love you like me There must be a good reason that you're gone Every now and then I think you might want me to Come show up at your door But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong
Don't wanna know If you're looking into her eyes If she's holding onto you so tight The way I did before I overdosed Should've known your love was a game Now I can't get you out of my brain Oh, it's such a shame
six months ago
It’s been two months since your breakup with Jeno. You missed him. You missed Jeno so much, it hurt. Being apart from Jeno hurt you even more.
You didn’t know what you were supposed to do.
It was almost midnight and your heart fought against your brain.
What if Jeno missed you too?
What if Jeno thought about you?
What if he regrets how he acted and was sorry?
You couldn’t take it anymore.
You didn’t know how you ended up in front of his apartment, but you found yourself in your car. You heart won against your brain.
What if he laughs at you?
What if he kicks you out?
What if he was over you?
But, what if he wants you back?
You were afraid, you were so afraid and the second you unclasped your belt you saw Jeno with a girl in his arms.
He was holding her hand.
He was smiling brightly.
He was done with you.
The sight in front of you broke your heart once again. You didn’t think he’d move on that fast, but then again you didn’t know if he started seeing her after your breakup. What if he cheated on you with her?
You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply.  
Seeing Jeno with someone else hurt, but you realized that moment that you had to move on too. You didn’t want to suffer anymore, you didn’t want to be sad anymore. You couldn’t hold onto something that was breaking you apart. It was over and there was no going back.
When your eyes met Jeno’s, you smiled genuinely. You held eye contact for a second and you realized that he looked… broken? He didn’t look like the Jeno you once knew. Dark bags under his eyes and his eyes were red, he couldn’t even walk properly, he was too drunk and you knew how Jeno was when he drank too much.
You weren’t going to talk to him, not because you were still angry and hurt, no. There was no reason to talk to your ex-boyfriend. You moved on and you were happier than ever. You loved Jaemin so much and you felt loved, Jaemin is all you need.
You hoped that Jeno was also happy just like you were. No matter what happened between you two, Jeno was always someone kindhearted and you wanted him to be happy. You hoped that he was with someone who loved him as much as you did.
You saw that he tried to smile at you, but when he blinked you saw how glossy his eyes were and right after, he left the club.
“Baby, are you alright?” Jaemin asked you.
“Yes, I’m fine. I love you.” You once again realized that you needed to lose Jeno to find your true love, Jaemin.
That we don't talk anymore We don't talk anymore We don't talk anymore Like we used to do We don't love anymore What was all of it for? Oh, we don't talk anymore Like we used to do
The ringing of your phone woke you up in the middle of the night. An unknown number called you.
“Hello?” you mumbled.
There was no answer.
“Who’s there?”
“H-Hi, Y/n.”
“Jeno?” you sat up in your bed, your back resting against the bedframe.
“Yes… it’s me. I’m sorry that I called you this late but-“ he stopped talking.
“I- I just wanted to hear you voice.” He whispered.
“N-No please, just listen to me? Okay? Please.” He begged.
“E-Ever since I saw you at the club… I-I can’t get you out of my head- wait, no that’s not true, I couldn’t get you out my head for the last months now. A-And when I saw you again, I just… I just didn’t know what to do, so I called you and I want to tell you, that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for how I treated you. I’m sorry for hurting you, I-I’m so fucking sorry that I let you go that easily. I should’ve tried to keep you- there are so many things I regret.” He sobbed.
“I’m not done. I hate myself so much. I feel so lonely and I miss you. I miss you so much- I miss what we had before I destroyed everything- I miss holding you, kissing you and loving you.”
“What about your girlfriend? I thought you were happy with her?” you asked, there was no emotion in your voice.
“Girlfriend? What girlfriend?” he asked confused.
“Two months after our breakup I, uhm, I drove to your house and I saw you holding hands with a girl. You looked happy. I thought you were happy.” You admitted.
“N-No no, there’s no one. S-she was just someone I hooked up with, she didn’t mean anything to me. I promise you that she was just distraction.” Jeno rambled, “But what were you doing there?”
“I,” you breathed in and out, “I wanted to try again. I thought we could start over or something. I don’t know. I had missed you.”
“Y-You wanted to try again? You mean there was a chance for us to get back together?” he couldn’t stop his tears, “You mean I destroyed another chance with you?”
“It’s better this way.”
“No! I can’t believe this, I could be with you right now, I could be holding you right now. I could-“ his voice broke, “I fuck up everything. I let you suffer and I don’t know what to do. I-I love you, I never stopped loving you.”
“Jeno, I’m sorry, but I’m in a happy relationship. It’s over, I’m really sorry but-“
“No, please give me another chance, I’ll show you how much I love you, please Y/n, I love you I can make you happy, give me one last chance to make everything right-“
“I love Jaemin. I really love him. I don’t think we should be talking right now, I’m sorry but please don’t call me ever again.” You didn’t want to hurt him further but this conversation was going nowhere.
“Please, don’t do this to us, please, I love you I-I really do. I missed you voice so much, don’t hang up please. Y/n, I love you. Please tell me that you love me too, please.”
“I’m sorry.”
You could hear his whimpers and cries and you would be lying if you said that it didn’t hurt you hearing him cry like that. But you moved on and there was no way that you go back to Jeno.
“N-No, I’m sorry, so sorry for everything- I-I hope he k-knows how rare you are. I didn’t know that and then I lost you. I love you.”
“Goodbye Jeno.”
“Goodbye, Y/n…I love you.”
SEQUEL: the way I loved you
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