#side note this game made me BAWL
yourdeepestfathoms · 1 year
just watched RtC in-person, which brought back my hyperfixation SO!!
instead of waking up in the warehouse purgatory, Ocean wakes up in a tiny dinghy, drifting in the sea before a giant doorway. the Everdoor.
here, Karnak appears to her and tells her that she is to be a Spiritfarer, a guide and guardian to a group of spirits. her job is to help them with their unfinished business so they can move on.
the spirits she’s meant to guide? her choir, who all died with her in a freak rollercoaster accident that sent them into the spirit world in the first place.
except…they’re all in the bodies of anthropomorphic animals?
Constance- otter
Mischa- bear
Noel- fox
Ricky- Pallas cat
Jane Doe- doe
her job? help them fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
…which includes making a hit rap song, helping someone become the greatest stripper in all of the spirit world, gather a pack of sexy cat women from space, and find a girl’s head.
Ocean has her work cut out for her.
also Virgil is a rat (an actual rat) who accompanies her throughout the whole thing
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classicschronicles · 2 months
Hi lovelies,
I feel like I’ve just returned from ‘buying the milk’. I’m sorry I disappeared for *checks notes* 11 months, but it’s been a hectic year. I feel like if I get into it I’ll sound like an AO3 author, so here are some very quick highlights- I have just finished my first year studying Classics at university, I qualified as a fitness instructor (which is a side quest nobody asked for), I’ve become a theatre kid again, and I finally watched Game of Thrones. Studying Classics at uni is basically telling everyone that you study Classics at uni and then getting one of two reactions- “What is that? What kind of job are you going to et with that?”. To which I have no response, because honestly I’m not sure. Or the ever famous- “Oh like The Secret History?”. To which I cry inside because it is nothing like The Secret History. It is actually reading so much Thucydides that he becomes your sleep paralysis demon, and having to translate so much Caesar and Cicero that your daydreams become wishing you were in the Theatre of Pompey on March 15th 44 BC… for no particular reason. And also crying at 3am whilst you try to delude yourself into thinking that this is so dark academia core (spoiler- it’s not). All that being said- this has actually been one of the best years of my life and I am so happy I get to study what I love.
Anyways, I feel like we’re missing the most important part- and that is of course Game of Thrones. Guys. I have a crush on Jaime Lannister. HEAR ME OUT! I can fix him! I promise. I just need one chance. But also, I would fight him because why did he do my girl Brienne like that. Anyone who makes her cry can fight me fr. You know what made me cry though- Shireen Baratheon. What the fuck was that. And Ser Davaos’ finding out and his whole “I loved that girl like she was my own”. BAWLED. Anyways, it might surprise you to know that her death was actually based on a very famous greek myth- the myth of Iphigenia. So that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
Iphigenia’s story finds its beginnings in another myth entirely- the myth of Agamemnon and the Deer. Quick fun fact- the movie ‘Killing of A Sacred Deer’ is actually based loosely on this. The story goes that Agamemnon, out hunting one day, killed a deer belonging to the Goddess Artemis. This angered Artemis, not least because the deer was pregnant and Agamemnon’s little hunting accident killed both the mother and the baby.
Fast forward to some time later, Agamemnon launches a thousand ships to save his sister-in-law Helen from the Trojans at the behest of his brother Menelaus, and also the whole blood oath situation. The Spartans and the Mycenaeans make camp at the island of Aulis whilst they wait for the rest of the fleet to arrive, only to find that when they are ready to set sail once more, they cannot leave the island. There is not wind to push their ships, the air hot and heavy and remarkably still. This goes on for quite some time. Eventually Agamemnon consults the priest Calchas who tells him that the Gods (Artemis) are angry with him and demand a sacrifice. More specifically, the sacrifice of a virgin. This is also where some accounts differ- some claim that it could be any female virgin, some say that it had to be Agamemnon’s eldest daughter. In all honesty, I think the latter is probably more accurate because of the level of hesitation he shows before he makes his final decision. If he could sacrifice any virgin I don’t really think he would care.
Anyways, he obviously cant just write to his wife and say “hey babe can you please ship our eldest daughter over, I want to sacrifice her xoxo”. So he instead he comes out with an altogether more devious plan, and that is to tell his wife that the Prince Achilles wishes to marry Iphigenia before they sail for Troy. Both Iphigenia and Clytemnestra are of course overjoyed that she should marry ‘the best of the Greeks’ and she comes to Aulis where the army wait for her.
This is where it starts to break my heart a bit. On the morning of Iphigenia’s wedding day, Clytemnestra dresses her daughter and prepares her. She, of course, does not know that she is preparing her child for death. Her fathers men come to her tent and escort her and her mother to the alter. However, she never gets to say her vows because as soon as she steps onto the platform, they cut her throat and spill her blood as an offering to Artemis. Her mother is of course beside herself with shock and grief, but her husband does little to comfort her, telling her only that Artemis is appeased, and with the return of the wind he is leaving for Troy.
Euripides’ Iphigenia at Aulis, differs from this account and tells the story that on the morning of her supposed wedding, Iphigenia was aware of her fathers plan to sacrifice her and accepts with stoicism and all the bravery of a child put in an impossible position. He writes the following, heartbreaking, lines:
Iphigenia- “If only I could sing like Orpheus, father! Orpheus, who could charm even the heartless rocks into following him! If I could use such a voice and have everyone charmed, have them convinced to agree with me and follow me, then I would use that voice. But I have no such skill. The only voice I have, father, my only skill, is in my tears and, here, father, I’m giving them to you! I’m giving you my tears! I’m giving you all I have! She leans before him and embraces his knees Here, father, here is the body of a suppliant! Here is the body that your wife has given birth to. I wrap its limbs around your knees and beg you: Please father, do not cut off my life short. Let me enjoy the sweet light of day and do not force me to enter the world beneath the earth. I’m your first one, father! The first one to call you father, the first one you called daughter. Me, father! I was the first to play on your knees, the first one of your children to enjoy your love and the first one to give you a child’s love. Remember, father? You used to ask me, “I wonder, my darling, will I get to see you married one day, married and settled happily in your husband’s home, your life ever blossoming, making me proud of you?” And I’d touch your chin, my father, hang from your beard, father, like I’m doing now and say, “and what about you, father, will I get to see you, father, an old man, visiting me at my house, ready for me to repay you for your hard work in raising me?” No, you don’t remember these words, father. I do but you don’t! You’ve forgotten them and so, now, you want to kill me. Please, father! Please, in the name of Pelops and of Atreus who is your father, I beg you! Please don’t do it! And I beg you also for my mother’s sake, the woman who laboured to bring me to life, the woman who is being tortured even now. I beg you, father! What does my life have to do with the marriage of Paris and Helen father? Why has their marriage brought about my death, father? Agamemnon turns away. She continues despondently. Come, then, father, turn to me and give me a final kiss. A kiss to remember you by in the underworld, since my words have not convinced you. Agamemnon does not move. She goes over to her mother and takes baby Orestes in her arms. She swings him, sadly, gently back and forth and leans over him as she speaks to him What a weak little helper you are, my tiny brother! Won’t you cry with me, Orestes? Come on, won’t you beg your father not to kill your big sister? Come on, Orestes, even babies know when there’s trouble around! Ha! See, father? Orestes is begging you, too! Begging you by his silence. Do you not care about me any more? Spare my young life, father. Spare me! Here! Look here, father! Here are the two of us, one’s a baby, the other a grown up girl, a brother and a sister, both your children, begging you, by your beard, pleading with you… She turns and looks sadly around her, then up at the sun. That! Up there is my final argument. That light, this light all around us, will cut all other arguments to pieces. This light is the sweetest thing that can fill the eyes! The world beneath the earth is a world of nothing. Only fools would pray to go down there. I’d rather live a life full of misery than die a hero’s death!
If that doesn’t make you cry I don’t know what will. And then to top it off he follows it up 200 lines later this this tear jerker:
“C- What report shall I give to your sisters?
I-Do not dress them either in black garments.
C-Is there any word of love from you I should give the girls?
I-Bid them farewell; and make sure you bring up Orestes as a man!
C-You look at him for the last time- hold him tight!
I-(holding Orestes close): Darling boy, you helped you dear sister as much as you could!
I-Who will come to take me there before they drag me by the hair?
C-I will be at your side…
I-No, not you- that would not be right!
C-…holding on to your clothes!
I-Mother, oblige me in this: stay here! This is the nobler course for me and for you. Let one of my father’s attendants here escort to Artemis’ meadow where I shall be sacrificed.
(Iphigenia begins to move away from a crying Clytemnestra)
C-O my child, are you going?
I-Yes, and never shall I come back.
C-You will leave your mother?
I-Yes, as you see, we do not deserve this.
C-Wait- don’t abandon me!
I-I forbid you to shed tears. (C sinks to the ground)”.
In every version you read, however, sacrificing his daughter is not a choice that Agamemnon takes lightly. He is torn between sacrificing his daughter and angering his wife- but winning glory for the Greeks, or saving his daughter, but abandoning his men. As a father, he made the wrong choice, but as a king some would argue that he did what was expected of him.
I do like, however, in Euripides’ version the character of Achilles. He is adamant that he will not be privy to the murder of Iphigenia. He tries so very hard to save her and to offer comfort to Clytemnestra and genuinely I think that this might be one of the loveliest most favourable depictions of him.
This myth then gives way to part of the Oresteia trilogy and many many retellings of her Iphigenia’s story- every single one of which always make me want to cry. I can’t explain what it is- I know that the whole point of tragedy is that build up and release of emotion but no tragedy has every made me actually sad other than Iphigenia at Aulis.
Anyways, you can imagine my absolute horror when I watched S5 EP9 and saw Shireen tied to the alter, literally gave myself whiplash with how quickly I tried to look away from the screen.
I would say I hope you enjoyed reading about Iphigenia, but if you did you’re an absolute psycho! The two translations I used are from PoetryInTranlsation and Penguin’s 2005 edition “The Bacchae and Other Plays”. Hopefully, now that I’ve posted again I’ll try and be more regular with it and I hope you all have a lovely lovely week <33
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pinkkittysaw · 1 year
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paring: clive rosfield x f!reader
summary: in a fit of restlessness one night, you come to clive’s aid
word count: 2k
content: (18+ only please!) established relationship, sex is mentioned but not in detail, a smidgen of angst, selfship coded heh heh heh um (//∇//)
a/n: was toying around with the idea of singing clive to sleep but couldn’t figure out a concept for it. the concept is so intimate and romantic to meeee :) THERE’S NO DENYING THE LOVER GIRL ALLEGATIONS!!!! i listened to this song from the soundtrack and- clive and i make sweet sexy love to this every night ummmm anyway, the song is what the title is based on ^_^ be careful looking it up on youtube though cause there are in game spoilers. the song made me bawl and continues to do so. square enix we have some words to exchange!!!!
dividers by @/saradika
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It's a calm evening, a slight breeze passes through your bedroom. The stars shine brightly outside, while remnants of burning embers flicker inside the fireplace.
You and Clive are in bed, sweaty, and spent after an intense love-making session. He’s on his side, facing away from you, while you're on your back, sprawled out as far as you can next to his huge form.
The moonlight peaks through the gaps in the wall, reflecting off the love bites left on the peaks of your breasts, and if the sheet that was covering your waist was pulled any lower, a matching set of marks would be found on your inner thighs. A familiar ache lingers between them, but the feeling is a welcomed one. 
Clive isn't faring any better. A set of scratch marks line the hard muscle of his back, followed by divot marks from your nails on his shoulders and a few haphazard love bites of his own, scattered throughout his chest where you often displayed your affections.
You’re resting in a peaceful slumber before being roused awake by your lover tossing and turning in bed. He huffs, unable to find a comfortable position, settling to face you once more, admiring the peaceful expression on your face.
Though you don’t open your eyes, your voice cuts through the open air. "Can’t sleep?"
You can’t see his face, but you can hear the frown forming on his features when he speaks. "I didn’t mean to wake you," he states, bringing a hand out to caress the skin below your rib.
"It’s alright," you reassure him, turning to your side so you'd both be facing each other. Your eyes are open now, and even though you can't quite make out his expression amongst the darkness, you reach out to him anyway. "Want me to sing to you?"
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The first time Clive heard you sing was in the infirmary. He'd been confined there on Tarja's authority after returning with a severe injury from one of his outings.
You had developed a close friendship at that point. After being sent on numerous assignments together, you had grown a fondness for each other, though the lines of your relationship grew blurrier each day.
It was late in the evening when you returned, the moon taking its rightful place amidst the stars. You had scurried over to the infirmary, practically begging Tarja on your hands and knees to let you see Clive after having not been able to visit during the day. She took one look at your pitiful state, and with a heavy sigh, she caved, giving you permission on the premise that you wouldn't disturb the other patients. You nodded enthusiastically in agreement before turning and opening the door to the infirmary.
A few bearers were scattered amongst the rows of beds, with Clive all the way on the other side of the room, closest to the window. You skittered across the room to his bed, taking care not to disturb the others. Kneeling by his side, you make note of his condition. He'd been heavily sedated due to the severity of his injury, fading in and out of consciousness. You couldn't tell when he was awake and when he wasn't.
Taking hold of his hand, you press his knuckles to your lips. "Please be alright," you whisper, clasping his hand in between your own. Bringing your interwoven hands to your forehead, you recite a silent prayer in hopes of his recovery. You were able to maintain some semblance of faith; he was stronger than any other man you knew after all, but seeing him here, like this, in such a fragile state, you wavered. Calling upon the gods to keep him safe from harm, to let you hear his voice once more, and for him to live another day.
You lay his hand back down on the bed once you've finished before recounting your day. "Sorry, I'm so late today," you whisper, "I was sent out early this morning for resource hunting. It was laborious and boring as always."
"I wish you were there. You always make even the blandest of assignments more tolerable," you smile down at him, both your silhouettes bathed in moonlight. "Torgal kept me company, though, so I wasn't too lonely."
The exhaustion from the day's work catches up with you, a yawn escaping you in the midst of your tale. "I guess I should get some rest then."
"I'll visit you again in the morning."
You get up to leave when Clive becomes restless in his sleep, discomfort etching itself across his face. His hand twitches around yours, tightening his grasp. You're quick to kneel beside him once more. "Shhhhh, it's alright," you murmur, "I'm right here."
Against your better judgment, you climb into bed with him, both of your bodies smushed together on the small mattress. Making sure to keep your voice low, you sang him a lullaby from your childhood, one that your mother would use to ward off bad dreams in the night. When the song ends, you decide to stay by his side and watch over him.
It's early the next day when Tarja finds you and Clive curled up together. She smirks to herself, shaking her head in amusement before starting her morning rounds.
The first time you sing him to sleep occurs shortly after you first start seeing each other.
He was fidgeting, panting, and shivering in his sleep, tossing and turning, trying to escape the terror of his dreams. You were beside him in bed, his movements disrupting your sleep. You peer over at him, checking on the commotion. Seeing his state, you reach out and caress his shoulder, shaking him slightly. It takes a while, but he finally awakens with a sharp inhale, as if he's been starved of air. He sits up wide-eyed, taking in his surroundings, sweat covering his brow as he heaves for oxygen. You reach up from your position on the bed to stroke his back delicately, the muscles continuing to rise and fall under your ministrations.
"Are you alright?" you mumble against the pillows.
He gives a short nod in response: "It was just a bad dream, nothing you need concern yourself with."
You let out a simple "hm" before opening your arms up for him to crawl into. "Come," you beckon. Despite his earlier reluctance, he does little to resist your request, all hesitance melting from his body as he falls into the comfort of your loving embrace. His head comes to rest on your shoulder, and strands of inky black hair tickle your face. Your hand strokes up and down on his shoulder while cocooned in the silence of night.
He's already dozing off when you begin singing. Your voice soft and raspy due to the sleep that's still present. He's cradled in the sea of your warm, dulcet tones, similar to the night spent in the infirmary many moons ago. 
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The two of you had fallen into a little routine. Though less frequent since the two of you got together, Clive had been plagued with nightmares, sometimes so terrifying that he'd go nights without sleeping. He'd do anything to forget that dreadful night—anything to forget the look on his brother's face as he was torn apart by the dark eikon right in front of his very eyes.
His eyes flit over your form in the present, the scattered beams of moonlight illuminating your features. He feels a pang of guilt whenever he needs your comfort to sleep. The more he takes in your love, the more selfish he feels for doing so, as if allowing himself to indulge himself in the warmth you provide is somehow a sin. He cups the side of your face as his thumb strokes your cheek. "You don't have to, love."
"That wasn't what I asked, was it?" You tease, poking the tip of his nose before attempting to pull him closer. "Come, lay against me." Though he hesitates for a moment, he ultimately relents, unable to deny himself of you.
He rests his head on your breast, placing a few miscellaneous kisses on the lightly bruised skin, his hand caressing the soft flesh of your hip.
"I have a new song for you tonight,"
"Oh really?"
"Mhm, I kept this one close to my heart, but since you're so special to me, I've decided to share it with you as well."
"I'm honored," he mumbles, closing his eyes to fully rest against you.
Most of the songs you knew were ones you learned from other bearers during your time in the hideaway, save for the lullaby your mother sang to you as a young girl, but there was another song, one that always brought so much emotion out of you whenever you sang it. It was one from your home village, and you were blessed to have heard its enchanting lyrics performed by your mother before everything turned to ruin. Your home overrun by blight.
Starlight, say goodnight
Star bright, where have you fallen?
Starlight, say goodnight
Star bright, I hear you calling
Fire, a fire that filled the night
Fire that warmed-
You take his hand in yours and turn it so that his palm faces upward; Ifrit's flame set ablaze from his flesh. It's small while flickering in the breeze, illuminating you both with its warm glow. The flame is not too dissimilar to the one he's managed to set in your heart.
-and brightened my life
The flame is extinguished as you slide your hand up his forearm and into his palm, interlocking your fingers. The lingering warmth from his skin seeps into yours.
My guiding light, On high, my hearth, my beacon, and my hope
Clive flushes at this point, realizing that he's the subject of this song. He's the flame, the guiding light, the beacon of hope, and for once, the fire that's consumed him, made a home in his body, is associated with something good—with love and tenderness instead of destruction.
He lifts himself to press a tender kiss on your lips. "I love you," he whispers from above "I love you too." You meet each other's eyes, lovesick expressions on both your faces. He cups the back of your neck to pull you in for another kiss. One that's more passionate than the last, pouring in all the love he has for you.
On a different night, at a different time, perhaps he'd try to argue that you were more fitting of terms like hope and guiding light, saying that you had done more for him than he'd ever be able to repay you for. Instead, he indulges himself in the softness of your lips, the gentleness of your caress, and the warmth of your skin.
He rests against you once more, fully laying himself on top of you. His back faces the ceiling as he wraps you in his embrace, protecting you as a true shield should. His cheek rests on your sternum while his eyes flutter closed.
The song picks up again after he gets comfortable, his steady breaths cascading across your skin while your hand strokes his back.
A sky of scattered tears
A thousand years apart
Should they fade, I will not be afraid of the dark
For your flame still burns inside me, deep within my heart
Showing me a new tomorrow. Never too far
And when I cannot bear the pain,
I'll look up to the sky and pray-
Tears well up in your waterline, the lyrics ultimately getting to you. You recall the night in the infirmary, holding Clive's hand, fearing for his life, praying for his safety, his health, and for the gods not to steal him away from you too soon.
Your eyes skim down to his face, noticing that he's fast asleep against you. He's relaxed and peaceful, and you're thankful, as selfish as it may be, not wanting to explain why you've suddenly become so weepy.
You whisper the final lyrics in a wobbly voice, allowing the tears to stream down your face without fear. Admiring his sleeping expression, the love you have for him swallows you whole, consuming you, knowing that he's the one who’ll hold your heart for all time.
- That though our night is over, you shall always remain
Forever my treasure
My star
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
hello! i'm not sure whether your slot is still available or not. if yes, i'd like to request a mystery date matchup for your event. if not, just ignore this!
my pronouns are she/her. i'm not sure about myself, but i'm fine with both men and women. i'd like a romantic hunter x hunter matchup ^^ about the character, ah, i don't think i'd be comfortable with illumi/silva/milluki.
i'm an... well, airhead? jsjsjs i don't know, but i often say stupid things (which i didn't even realize) which make people around me: 1. laugh, or 2. look at me with tired expression. i smile and laugh easily. i'm a carefree person. while i have my own stress, i tend to let it flow. i'm a bit slow in understanding social cues. so.. yeah! sometimes i just smile in a conversation because i don't really understand what the other is talking about.
i love literature! i also love video games and movies, especially animation movies! i just love the relationships between the characters in the movie. i can be touchy, too. i love hugs. i like holding hand.
what i want from a relationship is someone who can understand me, who i can trust and trust me back, who won't betray or cheat on me. umm well, someone i can talk to? i love talking, even if i'm not the best at it.
my dream first date is amusement park date! idk, it just sounds so fun. and we can talk a lot there!!
oh i hope this is not too long. i tried to follow your matchup rules and made it short jsjsjs but i think this is still long.
anyway! thank you so much for your time. i hope you have a nice day
notes: OMG HI!!! I am so so sorry this took so long, but thank you so much for your patience. Super sorry this didn't make it into my actual event, but it will still pretty much be the same. Thank you again for waiting this long and being so understanding <3 I really hope you enjoy :) and this wasn't long at all, it was perfect!!!
the character I match you with is...
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he's a bit of a dummy too lmao
but he will help lead you both in the right direction lol
he doesn't mind that airheaded side tbh, he actually laughs at the stupid things you say
always know that you can go to him if anything is stressing you out, but he's glad that you have that mindset of let it flow because that's all you really can do
he will just grab you and press kisses all over your cheeks frfr
he loves watching movies with you and also loves animation
he doesnt give 2 shits if people call them kids movies because they are well written for god's sake!
also watching movies = cuddle time, so he really enjoys it
loves that you're touchy
really needs that in a relationship and will take cuddles, kisses, and hugs any day
he would NEVER cheat on you
he is so so so loyal and cries when he hides a little secret from you (like literally came to you bawling to say that he was the one to leave the light on in the car causing the battery to die and you just giggle at him and tell him it's okay)
he loves talking with you
you two could literally talk for hours omg
your fic <3
You walked into the amusement part with your hand in Knuckle's shaking one. You looked at all of the rides with awe while your boyfriend looked at them in fear. "It's going to be okay, Knuckle!" You said, pressing a kiss onto his cheek. "I-I'm just a little scared," he admitted. You were the only person he would tell if he was scared of anything. "We can just ride a couple! And then we can get food and stuff!" "Alright." He eyed the rollercoaster the two of you were walking to and his heart began to pound. "You don't have to ride this if you don't want to." You told him, hugging him while you waited in line. "No, I want to... It's just... I haven't been on a rollercoaster since I was a kid." "I'll be right next to you. And don't worry, this one isn't scary at all. No loops or anything." He swallowed and took your word for it. "A-Alright." When it was your turn to get on the ride, you and Knuckle buckled in tight and you promised you would hold his hand the whole time. Sure, he screamed through the entire ride, but when you got off, you saw a dizzy smile on his face. "That was fun." He giggled, grabbing onto your arm. "Wasn't it!!!" The rest of the night went a lot like that: riding rides, eating food, playing at the arcade, but it was also a lot of sitting and just enjoying the scenery and each other's company. You two would take time just to sit and talk while watching the stars and the neon lights above. There was no one you would rather spend this time with then him.
pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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disclosed-spire · 9 months
fun fact: if you look at the online map for rubicon and go to the iterator area, it forms a giant tree with the chamber in the center
Yea, iterators in a giant treehouse. Moon n Pebbles live in a giant treehouse :)
Side note semi related:
When I was in Rubicon, and I got to the last bit where the OST song: The Cycle started playing (The base of the tree bit, which got more intense as you climbed up), I started bawling. Saint managed to make me start crying, which is the first time I've cried over a video game.
Spearmaster's campaign ending was close, but Saint was the one that made me cry multiple times fhfjhhhfnfb.
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dangermousie · 2 years
S3 ep 5
All the stuff that wasn’t long enough to make their own posts.
1. The entire show summed up in one cap.
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2. Moving on...I love how Ivan is so protective of Maria. He is totally indignant at the thought Fermin is using Maria and complains to Marcos (who is all “bro, what is even the weird relationship you have with Maria?” Heh. In some sane. peaceful AU she’s a single mother and he protectively screens all her prospective boyfriends.)
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3. But he has no idea how much Fermin loves and pines for Maria. (Side note - like stepdad like stepson? I still remember Ivan stealing and obsessing over Julia’s shirt during all the angst...)
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The difference between Fermin and Hector was the same as between Ivan and Marcos - both the guys are great and principled and damn heroic, but Marcos and Hector will always put the cause first (though unlike the bad guys, never to the degree of dehumanizing anything in the way) and Fermin and Ivan would always put the woman they love first.
4. Darlings!!!!
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The title of this ep was “Life is a dream” and underneath the horror trappings, Paula and Evelyn ponder the thought that occurs to every kid at some point - what if everything is a dream including you whole existence. It guts me that Paula’s first thought about that is maybe this is a dream and our parents are still alive and Marcos gently bursts that bubble (yet she is not wrong, is she? Not fully...)
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But then when they decide they will stay in each other’s dream because they don’t want their friend to disappear. This is a small parallel of the show’s message - people who put ideals (usually twisted ones) so high as to ignore love and care and kindness are evil; our good guys have principles, have ideals, and sometimes they put them first but never to the degree of not caring about human cost; and they are driven by love.
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5. Look what is on Ivan’s shirt! Like with his 1984 shirt, the makers are being cute and I love it!
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6. I am not posting Marcos x Amelia make-out because it makes me ill. The older I get, the sicker I get. I get Marcos - he’s young, his whole life got destroyed and now the shards have been blown up, he liked Caro but she seems to be with Ivan - he’s desperate and lost seizing on any warmth. It’s so telling this only starts when he finds out his family was murdered and is so utterly at a nadir. But Amelia is a fucking adult! She makes me sick. SICK. I am so glad the show never went with “true love, it’s OK blah blah.” No, she was a distrurbed woman and a member of evil org (the signs she is off are from the very start; remember when Evelyn falls into a well because she’s not paying attention and she tries to get a 5 year old to hide that so she won’t be in trouble.) Because if you are amoral to sleep with a vulnerable minor, you are amoral scum game for most anything. I am so happy she was one of the body count.
7. And Caro finally breaks up with Ivan for good. I am happy she actually did the right thing (break up with current bf before trying to get a new one) but the irony of her doing it right when Marcos x Amelia mess starts (unknowingly to her.) It always made so much sense it was Caro who broke it off because Ivan was incapable of leaving since he knew what it felt like to be left. (And Ivan thinks he gets proof, once again, that he’s not enough and he’s the one who is destined to get left.) He does not love her any longer (if he ever did and it wasn’t desperation and dependency) but he can’t admit it even to himself.
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You know what gets me? She reaches out to him to comfort for the very hurt she inflicted and he tells her “you cannot touch me ever again” and oooooof!!!!! And she starts bawling and he tells her to please not to cry...and I never shipped them but my heart broke for their hurt here, even if was never a grand love.
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8. Julia!!!! Her taking up with her creep of a stepfather and resentment of her mother makes so much sense now - seeing the ghost of her father at the funeral (the trauma must have triggered her medium abilities) and trying to pass the message he gave to her mother but being disbelieved and treated as insane and even being committed - this story’s main characters all get disbelieved for one reason or another and it scars them (and ooof, it places Ivan’s future trust in her ability even tho he can never see any of that stuff himself into stark relief - her word is enough for him to walk into a nuclear reactor and keep walking even tho he’s facing a gun point blank, for example!)
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Mother’s Day
Summary: How the Evans and their kids treat you on Mother’s Day. These were so much fun to write and I may have gone a little over board. Anyway I hope y’all like them!
Also may have some typos since I didn’t have time to proof read it took much! (Cause ya know Mother’s Day)
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-Would forget
-The kids would come and quietly walk over to his side of the bed to wake him up. (You guys have a daughter who’s 7 and a boy who’s 4). He’ll look and them with bleary eyes and they’d be like “Dad come help us.”
-And he’s like “with what?” Already tucking himself back in
-“Breakfast for mama, it’s Mother’s Day”
-“Oh shi-“ He’s ripping the sheets off and speeding out of bed with them under his arms.
- The fridge would be empty and he’d try and convince the kids to let him just buy you McDonalds breakfast but they’d start to cry cause they really wanted to make you breakfast. So he hushes them and dashes to the store picking up an instant box of pancake mix, a carton of eggs and bacon. Also gets you come flowers and a box of candy. (He paid).
- Him and the kids get started on breakfast and they are better at it then he is. Your daughter knows how to flip the pancakes perfectly while his come out all misshapen and runny.
-They honestly don’t get breakfast done till like 10. You had already woken up and walked in on them trying to pick the egg shells out of the eggs that your son cracked. And your just smile at how hard they’re working. You’d go back to bed and let them bring it to you in bed like they want and your act surprised.
- Peter pretends like he didn’t totally forget and promises to to take you and the kids out for a funny day. (It’s probably going to be the arcade.)
-But you don’t mind. You guys have fun playing all the games together. He’ll pull you aside later and tells you how much he loves you. And he thanks you for giving him the world, and tells you how much of an amazing mother you are. He also bashfully gives you this locket he bought you a while back. It’s has all of you in it.
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- Your baby was only about 2 years old so Charles took care of all the Mother’s Day festivities.
- He had been taking pictures of you and y’all’s baby ever since they were born. Has a whole collection of them. So he decides to put them together into a scrapbook for you.
- He spends weeks in advance adding the pictures and writing little notes and memories alongside them. Paints his hand and his daughters and the cover is their handprints onto of one another.
- He makes you a really good southern breakfast, real hearty. (Charles is a really good cook and you can’t fight me on it).
- He walks in holding your daughters hand and treats you to breakfast in bed and tell you all about how he plans to spoil you. He bought you a real pretty sun dress and tells you he planned a picnic for you guys. He made sandwiches and cut them in the shapes of hearts.
-He takes you to the beach and your daughter has so much fun playing in the sand and laughing as the waves tickle her feet.
-As the sun starts setting he gives you your gift. It’s wrapped up all pretty like and the minute you open it you start bawling. And first he thinks you don’t like it but then he sees the loving look in your eyes and you look at all the picture and run your fingers gently over the little messages.
- You pull him close and press kisses all over his face. He sets up his camera and runs back as it snaps a picture of all of you. Once it’s developed you add it to your scrapbook.
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- Wakes you up by jumping up and down on your bed with y’all’s son. Screaming at the top of their lungs Happy Mother’s Day!!!
-Drags you to the kitchen and makes a grand gesture of showing you the breakfast him and your son made. They put a table cloth on the table and they have flowers in the vase. Everything is set up really fancy.
- You try to ignore the mess of dishes in the sink and the stains that litter your counters. How did they get eggs on the ceiling? And is that blood??? You hope not.
- Warren pulls out your chair for you and you thank him. You look down at the breakfast, the toast is all burnt and the eggs have shells in them. You smile and eat what you can hoping you don’t die of food poisoning.
- He planned a self care day for you. He bought you a million different kinds of skin care products and bath products. Let’s you give him and your son skin care treatments and you guys wear them while binge watching your favorite movies. Eating popcorn and all kinds of junk food in the fort him and his son made for you. Warren pretends he hates those cheesy rom coms you like but you can see him sniffling out of the corner of your eye when the wedding scene comes on.
- After you out your son to bed you take a bath with Warren and he washes your hair, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Has music playing in the background but was too cheap to pay for spodify premium so in the middle of you guys making out you hear click here for 30 minutes-
Luke Cooper
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- You would think he would forget but he didn’t. Couldn’t cook to save his life so he went out and got you donuts from your favorite place, also buys some takeout breakfast.
- You have twins they were five and they made you cards in school. They are colored all messy but you don’t care. You kiss them both on the cheek and thank them. Luke was nervous to give you his gift, he was scared you wouldn’t like it.
- He opens up his laptop and places it down on your lap. Gets into bed and sits behind you burying his face in your neck. You press the play button the screen and a video starts playing. It starts with a shaky shot of you after you had given birth to your twins. Crying happy tears and you can hear Luke sniffling behind the camera. You laugh at the memory.
- He had made you a Mother’s Day video filled with all the videos he had taken of you and your kids over the years. Your twins has started school this year so you were still sad about them growing up.
- His video let you relive all those memories of them growing up and raising them with him. When it’s done he shyly asks if you like it.
- You turn around and there are tears streaming down your face. You say it’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten. You kiss and and your kids let out echos of ewwwww.
-Luke smiles and makes a bigger show of kissing you causing the kids to giggle and run away. He pulls away and looks at you. “Do you know how much I love you?” He asks
-Not more than I love you you answer and you guys spent the rest of the morning trying to say who loves who more.
Colin Zabel
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- Spoils you the most out of all of them.
- It’s y’all’s first Mother’s Day and he wants it to be perfect. Spends all week running a round town trying to get everything and make sure everything is absolutely perfect.
- You wake up the smell of something heavenly coming from the kitchen. You see him cooking in the kitchen holding your daughter in his arms. He dances with her as he cooks, singing to her in a soft voice.
- He whines when he sees you, he wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed
- You guys finish making breakfast together, singing along to the songs on the radio. He asks you to dance with him and you do. You guys sway with one another your daughter squished between you two giggling.
- The whole house is filled with flowers, every table has a bouquet, you’re pretty sure he bought all the flowers in Easttown.
- Has a whole day planned. Filled with the sweetest activities, like a carriage ride through the park and a cake making class.
- You make the cutest little Mother’s Day cake decorated with flowers and all these little details. And you glance over at him and his cake is all lopsided and the icing is smeared all over his cake. His has icing on his nose and leans over to swipe some on your cheek. You guys get kicked out for making a mess but you don’t care.
- You guys spend all day walking around town hand in hand, Colin has your daughter in one of those baby carriers strapped to his chest. He bought you and her matching dresses for the occasion.
- He finishes the day with taking you the the station claiming he has work to finish. You guys go up the stairs and it’s decorated head to toe with balloons and streamers and pictures of you and him and your daughter. You start crying right then and there wondering how a man could be that sweet.
- Mare offers to take your baby for the night so you guys can spend some time alone. Being new parents you haven’t had much of it. He spends all night dancing with you and just talking as you eat the dinner he cooked.
- He gives you a necklace he had made that had your daughters fingerprint on it. It also has a message and his and her name inscribed on the back. He puts it on you and you guys just sit in one another’s arms. Looking at the setting sun, wondering how you guys were lucky enough to have gotten everything you could have ever wanted.
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bokubonk · 4 years
the only certainty
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warnings: angst, insecurities
content: hurt/comfort, angst, insecurities
characters: timeskip!Atsumu x reader
date: 2/11/21
word count: 1.4k+
notes: Okay so I know I said I wouldn’t be posting as much but I ended up coming with a ton of ideas so expect more updates soon lol. Also I just wanna know who tf hurt me because these ideas can’t be coming from nowhere. I’m really out here bawling while I write. Anyway, enjoy my blood, sweat, and tears :) 
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You shifted on the couch, pulling the thin blanket up to your chest. 
Tears pricked at your eyes as you remembered what Atsumu said to you two days ago. The MSBY Black Jackals had a match against another team and you came to watch. 
You first met at one of his matches in high school and he began relentlessly pursuing you after spotting you in the crowd. Although you were determined to focus on school, you slowly began falling for him after seeing his passion towards volleyball and the kindness he showed you. 
Since the two of you met, you made an effort to go to all of his matches. After all, you wanted to support him and you knew how much volleyball meant to him. 
But, you were always bothered by how many girls were around him and how he seemed to thrive off of their attention. You mentioned it to him multiple times and he always reassured you that you were the only one for him. You would answer his reassurances with a smile that never seemed to reach your eyes because no matter how many times he assured you, it seemed like there was someone out there that was just better, prettier, smarter.
It was bad enough that you started off the day feeling insecure after you overheard Rina, one of his fangirls, talking about your relationship before the match and saying how Atsumu would be better suited with her. You glanced at her and her smile, noticing how tall she was, how confident, how different she was from you.
You only felt worse after seeing her walk up to him once the team won the match, and instead of finding you in the audience like he always did, he smiled at her. 
You watched from the sidelines, feeling your heart ache the longer he talked with her and your thoughts began to spiral. You couldn’t help but wonder why he chose you in the first place when it was clear he was better suited with girls like her. 
But you decided to say nothing, plastering on a weak smile and murmuring a quiet “congratulations” when he finally broke away from his conversation with Rina and approached you. 
Atsumu rambled on about the match as the two of you made your way out of the arena with the rest of the team and you could see that he was truly proud of how he played with the huge grin splitting his face. You felt your lips curling into a smile as you stared at him but your silence didn’t go unnoticed and he paused, his grin slipping from his face.
“What’s wrong?” his eyebrows furrowed, searching your face for any indication of what had happened. “Did someone say something?”
“It’s really nothing,” you shrugged, trying to muster up the strength to continue smiling to assure him you were okay but he cupped your cheek, leaning down to stare you in the eyes.
“C’mon, just tell me,” he frowned.
“It’s just-,” you started, biting your lip as your uncertainties began growing once again, “After the game, Rina went up to you and the two of you just looked so good together.”
Atsumu was expecting a real reason as to why you were upset but instead he got another one of your unnecessary insecurities and he just wasn’t in the mood after winning the match he had practiced so hard for. His hand dropped from your face and he ran it through his hair. “Stop making a big deal out of nothing. How many times do I have to tell you for you to get it in your head.”
You swallowed back your hurt and opened your mouth to change the topic but he rolled his eyes, “Why do you have to be so insecure? It’s not like I’m dating her.”
Atsumu waited for you to respond but when you answered with your silence, he sighed, “Look, can we stop talking about this? We just won and discussing how insecure you are is only going to ruin the mood.”
“Oh, um, okay,” you murmured, fixing your gaze onto your feet and blinking back your tears.
“Are you coming with us to celebrate?” he asked, not looking back while you trailed behind him and the rest of the team. 
“I’m not feeling too well so I think I’ll just go home,” you whispered.
“Whatever,” he muttered, too caught up in his own thoughts to realize just how much he hurt you. 
You went to bed alone that night, burying your face into your pillow to muffle your sobs. By the time you realized how late it was, you saw that it was 2:00 a.m. and he had yet to come home. 
For a moment, you wondered if he was out with someone other than the team but you quickly pushed the thought out of your mind once you felt your chest ache again. 
Thoughts of whether he still loved you consumed you and you felt the overwhelming pressure to do better and be better but you knew at the end of the day, it would never be enough. 
At the end of the day, you weren’t enough. 
You left the apartment early the next morning, wondering where Atsumu had stayed if he hadn’t come home to you. But you forced yourself to focus on your job, pushing all of your anxiety out of your mind, only to come home to an empty apartment. 
With a heavy heart you got ready for bed and set up a place to sleep on the couch, knowing that if he didn’t come home yesterday, it was most likely because he was drunk and stayed at a friend’s place and would be coming home today.
You laid there, waiting for the familiar jangle of his keys and pondered whether you were making the right decision. But when he opened the door and walked right past you, you knew there was nothing left to be done. 
“Hey, Atsumu.”
His eyes widened at your use of his name and he froze in place. You never called him by his name unless it was something serious and from how swollen your eyes were, he knew it was something you had spent hours crying over.
You took a breath, trying to keep your voice as even as possible, “I think we should break up.”
Atsumu stared at you, shocked. He didn’t expect you to want to break up with him but when he recalled the harsh words he exchanged with you after the match, he winced. He never wanted to hurt you and he opened his mouth to apologize but you began speaking, your chin quivering as you struggled to stop the tears from escaping.
“You deserve better than me,” your voice trembled. “I’m just going to bring you down with my insecurities and I don’t want that.”
You took a moment to compose yourself before continuing, “You deserve to be happy, even if it’s not with me.”
“Baby, no,” Atsumu cried, shaking his head. “No, don’t say that.”
“It’s my fault. I’ll do better just tell me you don’t mean that.”
You choked on a sob, unable to bear the desperation in his gaze. He rarely cried and in the moments that he did, you always tried your best to comfort him. But now, you weren’t sure you were the right person to be wiping away his tears.
“Please, I’m sorry. I love you,” he whispered, walking over to the couch and grabbing your hands in his. “You’re it for me. There’s no one else that could ever compare.”
You stared down at your intertwined hands, “Are you sure? What if choosing me is a mistake.”
Atsumu’s heart clenched at your words. He hated himself for never realizing just how unloved you felt. How did he never notice how much you were hurting?  How much had you been holding back from him because you were afraid of making him unhappy?
“You’re the only certainty in my life,” Atsumu murmured, his gaze softening as you began tearing up again. 
“Well, you and volleyball,” he joked, making you smile. 
“I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you so you never feel this way again,” he vowed and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I love you.”
You leaned into his embrace and whispered a quiet “I love you” back. 
You knew the road ahead would be far from perfect but you didn’t mind. Because as long as Atsumu continued being by your side, you had no doubt that everything would be alright. 
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Crying Despite Pride
Originally written September 2021
Genre: comfort
Ship(s): Lucifer X MC
(genderless MC)
Trigger/content warnings: crying?
Headcanons/notes from the author: this isn’t even a year old and I was already making Lucifer cry. He should cry in game for once smh. Also I don’t think I realized when I wrote this that Lucifer’s office and bedroom are two different rooms oopsie
Brief Blurb: MC finds Lucifer crying in his bedroom.
It was late, and Simeon had walked you home from your shift at Majolish, meaning you could finally see Lucifer. You were working hard recently, wanting to sneak some of your finances into Lucifer's budget. He worked too hard and you knew the stress ate him alive. It would feel so nice to help your love out.
You hurried upstairs and into his room, unsurprised by him being hunched over his desk. However, you weren't expecting to hear sobbing. It wasn't very easy to tell, but his shoulders were shaking and the quietest bawling you had ever heard was emanating from the demon of pride himself. Carefully, you came to his side and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Lucifer?"
"M-Mm... go away..." he cried, attempting to hide his face in his hair. "I-I... u-um..."
You hushed him and carefully wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him close to your chest. It seemed to relax him slightly, even though he hated being cared for. It made his pride claw at him. "Hey, Luci, you should just tell me what's wrong." He shook his head and stared at his lap, tears plopping into it. "Lucifer, I won't force you, but you would feel better if you talked about it." You were careful about your language, not wanting to accidentally use the pact and force answers out of him.
There was a long pause, which was filled with his crying, before he spoke. "I-It's just really difficult, _____..." he mumbled, wiping his face. "My brothers are all dependent on me, and Diavolo expects so much of me, and n-no one else can do most of the jobs I take care of. I-I'm so stressed..." You cooed at him and ran your fingers through his hair. "Today I h-had to separate Satan and Asmodeus again, and then Beel ate the fridge, s-so I had to take care of that... and then it made me have to redo our budget because M-Mammon's credit card bills have been left unpaid... s-so they keep adding interest..."
Gently, you brushed his fringe back and kissed the top of his forehead. "Sweet Luci, I'm sorry..." you told him softly. "How long have you been crying?"
"I-I dunno... it makes me feel stupid, though..." he mumbled, nuzzling into your chest. "I just wanna cry... but it hurts..."
"C'mere, baby..." You carefully helped Lucifer to his feet, then lead him to his bed and laid down with him. You faced each other and adjusted yourself so he could hide in your neck. You played with his hair, humming a human world lullaby. "Am I helping?"
"M-Mmhm..." He was crying again, but a soft smile had graced his lips. You couldn't help but coo at his behavior, he was so precious. Although you felt guilty that the reason for his adorable demeanor was being overly stressed. "'m sorry I'm so weak..."
You hushed him. "Nonsense. You're doing so well."
The two of you laid like that for a while, and you were very glad he had confided in you. Once he was finished crying, you began to move, but realized he had passed out in your arms. Staring at him with awe, you hugged him tighter to yourself and nuzzled into his hair. This was what you were so lucky to have.
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Welcome Home || Harrison Osterfield
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Warnings: language I think, mentions of pregnancy, kiddos, Tommo and Haz being cute little loves, minor angst
Word Count: 2,913
Author's Note: I was so torn between this and a dad!Sam fic that I'm O B S S E S S E D with so I still might post it. This one was written a while ago, but with the magic of editing I've made it a little better haha. I hope you guys enjoy!
My Masterlist || Add yourself to one of my taglists
Harrison's schedule made it hard to be apart. You had seen a lot of time away because he and Tom are best friends. The two of them used to always travel together and that excluded you most of the time. But with that, it was always Tom working and Harrison sitting off to the side, facetiming you until his phone literally ran down to the last percentage. But when its him that's working, and he misses his wife and his little boy, it is the hardest thing ever. Hearing him bawl over the phone because you sent him a video of your son being tickled is so so sad. When he facetimes you, he won't even look at the camera, thinking you'll react negatively to him being gone so much, your son growing up without him there most of the time. When he finally did look up, his eyes were red and he kept rubbing tears from them. 
The day he finally came back was sooner than expected. He was expected back on Friday and was back by Tuesday. At first you thought it might be an intruder creeping into your son's room but upon further inspection, you found that Harrison was the more logical explanation and finding his car parked in the driveway confirmed the suspicion. Slowly standing and blinking the sleep from your eyes, you wander down the dark hall to Jackson's room. You smile when Harrison comes into sight, his hair still parted and gelled off to the side, the body of your two year old cradled to his chest. He rocks the little one who's still asleep in his arms, Harrison's head laid over Jackson's. 
"Welcome home soldier." You say gently, Haz's head snapping up, his baby blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. His hips don't stop swaying methodically, but an exhausted smile crosses his face. Gently laying your little boy down, he takes the few strides forward, dragging you into his arms and dipping you to kiss you. You giggle into his lips, holding his broad shoulders. He stands you straight after a moment, 
"You're so cheesy." You rasp out, covering your mouth and squealing when he raises you in the air, your legs binding around his waist. He chuckles low in his throat, 
"My god I missed you so much." He growls, letting you run your fingers through his hair. You lean in to kiss his nose, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
"We missed you too my love." When your son groans and whines quietly, tossing and turning in bed, Haz sets you down, eyes wandering to the little two year old, 
"If he wakes up can he come to bed with us?" He asks, like he's a second child. You shrug, stroking his shoulders over the long sleeved shirt that sticks to his muscular arms, 
"Sure." Crouching beside the bed, Harrison looks down at his little boy longingly. You remember that look as the same he had on his face the day Jackson was born. The curiosity, the fear, the love; he felt it all, mostly all at once. The way Jackson wasn't planned but you both wanted him. The way you both craved to hold this little human in your arms. And the way when this little baby was laying in Harrison's arms, he was absolutely in love all over again. And it was just the three of you for the longest time, and still. You eloped in secret, keeping it from even your closest friends and family once the stress of having a baby was over. Of course Tom was pissed he wasn't gonna be a best man, but holding Jackson overpowered that. Uncle Tom was just as in love with the little boy staring up at him as Harrison was, and when that little one started to whimper and whine, Tom was on it, calming the baby back down to a neutral temper like only he and Harrison could do. 
"You should go take a shower. I'll bring him to bed for you." You softly say, walking forward and wrapping an arm around him. He smiles, stroking the little one's cheek again as he's broken from his thoughts, 
"Yeah. I'll be right there okay?" Standing and kissing your forehead, he exits the room just as swiftly as he entered, leaving you to lean in and  kiss Jackson's forehead. He whimpers again before his eyes flutter open, blinking a few times before he frowns slightly at the sight of you before him, 
"Momma?" You smile, stroking the sandy colored locks of hair from his eyes, 
"Hi baby. Daddy's home, you wanna see him?" He's suddenly fully awake, sitting up and nodding as he holds his arms out for you. Lifting him, you carry him down the hallway, following the noise into the bathroom where Harrison is vigorously washing his hair,
"Who is that?" You quip down to your son, Harrison quickly rinsing his hair and peeking from behind the frosted glass to smile at the two of you. Jackson makes grabby hands at his father leaving you to giggle as Harrison's eyes flash in panic, 
"Daddy!" Haz swallows, 
"Ahh shoot uhm, just give me one second baby. Lemme finish my shower." You lean against the counter, pressing your lips to Jackson's temple in soft, almost non-existent kisses, 
"We can wait huh? Just stay right here?" Jackson nods, resting against your chest and tucking his thumb in his mouth. You kiss his forehead, 
"We've waited long enough now, huh lovebug?" He nods again, looking up as Harrison turns the water off. Quickly drying himself and wrapping a towel around his waist, he holds his arms out, taking the overexcited boy into them. Jackson snuggles into his father, letting Harrison kiss his hair, 
"I missed you so much buddy. I thought about you every day." You smile, rubbing Jackson's back softly as they just hold each other. Harrison follows you out into your bedroom, watching as you walk to your closet to fetch him a pair of boxers, crouching and letting him step into them before dragging them up his legs. Taking the towel, you gently ruffle his hair and toss it in the hamper, pushing him back against the bed. He practically falls onto it, cradling Jackson to his chest. He holds an arm out when you crawl in beside him, ducking under the covers and wrapping your arms around both boys when he lays Jackson between the two of you. You kiss the back of Jackson's head, finding Harrison's eyes, 
"He missed you so much." You murmur. He nods, moving hair from in front of Jackson's eyes, 
"I know. I missed the both of you so damn much." Wrapping your legs around one of his own, you sigh, rubbing his chest, 
"I love you." He smiles, leaning over your little boy to kiss your forehead, 
"I love you too. I swear to you that if I have to be gone that long you'll come okay? Just for a little bit at least. No more leaving you for that long again." You nod, closing your eyes as he kisses your cheek. He rubs your arm, humming gently to Jackson. When you open your eyes again, he glances up at me, 
"Babe?" He poses softly after a moment. You nod, reaching out to stroke his cheek, 
"Yeah?" He licks his lips and kisses Jackson's forehead, 
"Can we have another baby?" He asks. You smile, his crystal colored eyes searching your own. He sighs, looking down at Jackson, 
"I just want another one. I really want a baby girl. I just want another baby honestly." You nod, running your thumb over his cheekbone, 
“You’ve asked before silly.” You incur. He smiles when you lean in to kiss his nose, 
“And you’ve never told me yes. I just keep shootin blanks.” You giggle again, his lips trapping yours in, 
“I do want another one. I love Jax and I’m not gonna push but-” 
“Yes.” He looks up, his mouth hanging open as he looks between your eyes, 
“Yeah?” You nod, 
“I’ve been thinking about it while you were gone.” You admit. He smiles, 
“You’re amazing.” You giggle, 
“Yeah yeah, go to sleep Mr. Osterfield. All of us are exhausted.” You murmur, leaning in to kiss Jackson's forehead. He nods, rolling on his back. Lifting Jackson, he switches sides with him, laying himself between the two of you. Jackson whines, laying his head over Haz’s shoulder. Haz tsks and kisses his forehead as you drape an arm over Haz's waist, 
“I’m not goin anywhere Jax.” Snuggling into his back, you sigh, 
“I’m glad you’re home Hazzabear.” You mumble in his ear. He hums,
“Me too love, me too.” 
Harrison didn’t let the two of you out of his sight for the next few weeks. He was constantly playing with Jackson, insisting that you all be in the same room. Jackson slept in your bed for a few more days after Haz returned, Harrison holding the both of you. The only time it was just you and him was when Jackson was in his room taking a nap, Harrison having set aside this time for the two of you to focus on getting pregnant with baby number two. And around two and a half weeks later he had reshoots during the day which was when you'd discovered his wish had come true. Most times Jackson wanted to go with him which Haz quickly obliged to. One of the days Harrison had reshoots, you were terribly sick, nausea and morning sickness halting any plans you'd made. Growing excited despite the circumstances, you took four pregnancy tests and squealed and jumped around the room when all four came back positive. Quickly running to your local store, you got a few unisex onesies and pacifiers, setting up a small box with the tests and clothes you'd gotten. Nervously cleaning the kitchen, Harrison and Jackson came barreling into the house shortly after, giggling. You smile, leaning in to kiss Haz when he enters the kitchen, 
“How was it?” You ask. He nods, sitting Jackson on the island, 
“It was good. Uncle Tom stopped by so Jax was pretty happy. Got him to play some games we're normally too preoccupied to do.” He explains. You nod, Harrison leaning on the counter on his hands, bumping into the box. He glances back at it and frowned, 
“What’s this darling?” He asks inquisitively. You shrug nonchalantly, 
“I dunno… why don’t you open it, find out.” He quirks an eyebrow before turning to it and taking the lid off. Looking over the contents, it takes only a moment before his eyes widen and his head snaps back up to meet your eyes, 
"Are you serious?" You nod, 
"Found out this morning." You inform. He crumbles to his knees, pulling up your shirt as you giggle. Jackson giggles along with you, looking down at his father, 
"What doing daddy?" He poses sweetly, 
"Mummy's pregnant Jax." Harrison whispers breathlessly, running a hand over your belly. He looks up at you, his eyes sparkling in tears and a soft smile crossing his face when you pinch his chin, 
"Congrats daddy, you've got another baby on the way." He chuckles, sniffling and looking back down at your skin as if he could see the baby. You smile, stroking his hair, 
"Can I tell Uncle Tom too?" You pose. He chuckles again, 
"You'll give Uncle Tom a heart attack." He murmurs. Picking your phone up, you send a quick text to Tom, telling him you'd love to have him for dinner. He replies almost immediately saying he'd love to and he'd be over in ten minutes. 
When he arrives, he hugs you, kissing your cheek and cheerily saying, "'ello darling." He turns to Jackson, lifting him into the air,
"Hey Tommy, there's something for you in that box." You chime, jutting your chin out to the same box Haz had opened. Holding Jax on his hip, Tom struts over to the box, pulling the lid off and peeking inside. Much like Harrison had, it took just a moment and a furrow in his brows for him to understand, his eyes widening as he looks up at you, 
"Jax is gonna be a big brother?" You giggle and nod, 
"You're getting another niece or nephew Uncle Tommy." He gasps, rushing forward and drawing both you and Harrison into a hug, 
"Oh my God guys, congrats!" He cheers. You giggle once more, 
"Thank you." Pulling back, he runs a hand over your belly, 
"Great, another kiddo to spoil. God Harrison, thanks mate." Tom jokes. Harrison smiles and shrugs, 
"I want a little girl." He informs. Tom tsks and cocks his head, 
"I'll steal her. I'll steal that little girl. She'll be the cutest little thing ever and I won't be able to resist her." He tells the both of you matter-of-factly. Harrison shakes his head, 
"You're not stealing my little girl." Harrison murmurs. Tom bounces Jax on his hip, 
"Just imagine it Haz, the cutest baby girl ever layin in a lil Spider-Man onesie her Uncle Tommy gave her." You smile, Harrison laying his hand over your hip, 
"You hear this guy babe?" He asks. You nod, 
"I do. I think he could sneak her out. You know how he is." You joke with a wink shot Tom's way. Tom chuckles, 
"Just saying that if you get a little girl and she ends up missing then there's no need to panic, she's with her favorite uncle." Harrison tsks again, not responding to Tom's pestering. Tom grows bored, looking down at Jax, 
"Are you gonna be a good big brother J?" He asks,, fixing the little boy's shirt. Jackson nods, playing with Tom's watch, 
"You want a little brother or a little sister?" He asks. Jax shrugs, giggling when Tom tickles him, 
"I think you'd do really good with a baby sister little man. I think you'll be a good big brother." He adds. Leaning in, you kiss Harrison's cheek, 
"I think we gotta worry about Haz here. How good of a daddy are you gonna be to a new baby?" You ask. Tom snickers, 
"I mean I can take over your family Harrison, it's no big deal." Tom jokes. Haz frowns, 
"Uhm no. This is my family." You smile, leaning into Harrison, 
"We are your family, regardless though. No matter what, Uncle Tommy is always welcome." You inform. Tom smiles, taking the step forward to wrap his arm around you. Rubbing your back, he leans in and kisses your temple, 
"Thank you love. I love your little family. Its like you're my wife and these are my kids too. You're the sweetest." He tells you. You smile up at him, crinkling your nose and laying your head over his shoulder, 
"Someone's gotta be here when times get tough. And that's the Osterfield family." Tom tsked, 
"You're the sweetest." When the potatoes behind you boiled over,you gasp and turn in their arms, both men chuckling as you pull them off the stove, 
"Why don't you guys go set the table while I finish dinner." Haz nods, leading Tom and Jax off, a steady stream of giggles and the clanking of silverware ringing through the air softly. As you dish the food up, you smile, listening to Tom growl at his nephew, making the little boy squeal,
"Need some help beautiful?" Harrison quizzes quietly, poking his head in the kitchen, 
"Yes please, can you grab these two bowls." He nodded, grabbing the two bowls and following you into the dining room. Tom looks up, smiling as you set a plate before him, 
"Technically you could've left after I told you I was pregnant." You tease. He chuckles, bouncing Jax in his lap, 
"I was invited to dinner, I'm staying for dinner." He mumbles. You smile, sitting between him and Harrison. Looking between them you smile, 
"I love my boys. All three... maybe four of them." You tell them. Tom smiles, laying his hand face up on the table. Placing your hand in his, you take Harrison's too. He smiles, bringing your hand to his lips to kiss the back of it, his eyes glistening in love, 
"I'm so in love with you baby. You put up with all my shit and you put up with my best mate's shit. You married me and had my babies and I don't think I can thank you enough. It's tough, especially when I'm away, but you make coming back so much easier. I love you." Harrison lectures. Tom rubs your knuckles with his thumb when you click your tongue and reach forward to stroke Harrison's cheek, 
"I love you too baby. There's nowhere I'd rather be, no one I'd rather be with than you. You're an amazing husband and father and..." You look to Tom, "assistant." Tom smiles and nods, 
"You're amazing Haz." He concurs. You smile, watching a blush rise to his cheeks. You hold your glass up, 
"To our Harrison. A brave, strong, amazing man." Tom raised his glass, making Jax raise his sippy cup to be just like his uncle, 
"To Harrison." He kisses Jax's forehead, "and daddy huh little dude?" Jax nods, Tom chuckling. Harrison raises his own glass, 
"To my family. My gorgeous wife, my adorable little boy, my new sweet little babe... and my brother." Tom smiles, holding his glass against yours, Harrison clinking the three of them together, 
"To our family." 
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217 notes · View notes
kanonsarchivedblog · 3 years
Stress Relief
Word Count: 2,070
Genre: Smut
Rating: E
Character: Edward Nygma/The Riddler
Author's Note: I have absolutely no reason to have written this, other than the fact that my partner has drug me down into the depths of DC Hell. And I started listening to Codot's work again.
That, and I really adore the concept of Eddie being demisexual and viewing sex/seduction as a form of a weapon to get information.
Warnings: None
❝You say I'm bawling; I say I'm begging while you take my photo, If fake my breaking smile.❞
“Please, don’t stop.” The voice was a gasp- a tease, a smirk curling their lips up, breathless and bloodied. “Choke me harder. I know you can. You aren’t that weak, are you, Riddler?” They had taunted, even as their voice hitched, genuine fear flitting through their gaze as the cane pressed harder against their windpipe, making them splutter and gasp.
They got away.
But that’s because he let them. A game, that’s what this was. A fun little game that they enjoyed playing. It wasn’t the first time, nor would it be the last. Oh, he’d played this game many times- both with and without the acts of violence. Tilting his head left, then right, listening to the satisfying pops that filled the air as his neck popped. He rolled his shoulders slowly, feeling the tension that settled between them, deep in the tissue, nearly in the bone. He’d be sore, come morning. Nothing that a good hot shower and a decent night’s rest couldn’t help. Maybe one or two glasses of wine to spice things up.
A chuckle slipped past split lips as he worked his gloves off, flexing his fingers once they were freed of the leather grip. He’d gotten the information he wanted- that yes, that damned fool had escaped and was planning on paying a jester a visit. Which meant getting her out of the city soon, lest they end up with another fight blown out of proportion on their hands.
Someone would kill the Joker one of these days.
Who knows, maybe he’ll do it himself. Wouldn’t that be funny? To finally rid Gotham of that ridiculous copycat who couldn’t tell a joke to save his damned life, so he ripped Scarecrow off and created his own “toxin”- a laughing gas. What an idiot.
Dinner could wait. A hot shower sounded far better than anything else at the moment. Rolling around in the muck of Gotham’s side streets and alleyways was not his ideal form of cleanliness. This suit would need to get dry cleaned- soon. Tomorrow, hopefully. Perhaps he could have Echo drop it by with her and Query’s clothing. He’d shoot her a message later on about that; at this time, she’d be at her yoga class. Query would be cooking them dinner- or out getting dinner. One or the other.
Emerald gaze settled upon the reflection within the mirror, giving him pause. Bruises had already begun to form on freckled, pale skin; Gotham was no place to get sun, sadly. Then again, if he got too much sun, he’d burn- and that would be bad. Curse the genetics of the Irish. Head tilting slowly, his gaze tracked across the bruises that littered his front. The dot of the question mark scar had a bruise forming over it; an accent piece. Snorting, he shook his head and made to turn, only to pause-
Bruises around his throat were forming. Huh. He didn’t realize that when he was getting choked out, it had been that tight. Curious. Reaching up, he idly pressed against the tender flesh, a soft sound escaping him. Swallowing roughly, he turned away from his reflection to reach into his shower. Hot water poured from the showerhead- a rain showerhead, specifically. It actually hadn’t been his idea- the house came with them pre-installed, the previous owner having had a penchant for treating themself.
He can’t complain. It’s nice.
Steam began to build as he lingered, carefully examining the other scrapes and bruises that were appearing like a child drawing across a canvas with a red crayon. Nothing too deep- no stitches or butterflies needed. Not worth a trip to The Good Doctor, not tonight. Which works for him- he didn’t want to traverse across Gotham again, not in this shitty weather. As if on cue, thunder rumbled overhead. A thing for the dramatics- not his style. No, that belonged to the Batman and his little birdies.
Bruce Wayne. Just a human who happens to have a penchant for not dying.
Stepping into the warm spray of water, a sigh that would have made a nun blush echoed throughout the bathroom. It was nearly euphoric- the warmth, how his muscles began to relax. Ivy had given him eucalyptus to hang from the shower head, and oh, how they helped; the room already smelled like a spa thanks to the leaves. Reaching up, Edward drug his hands through red locks, wincing as his fingers brushed a tender spot near his temple where he’d been hit earlier. Not a concussion, thankfully- it’ll most likely just form a goose egg.
“C’mon, Eddie- you can do better than that!” The voice tickled at his mind as his eyes closed, letting the water run over his aching muscles. “Don’t tell me you’re getting lax!”
No. No, he wasn’t lax at all. The suit hid what lay beneath well. His hands wandered across his abdomen, tracing the relaxed muscles that lay beneath his epidermis. He kept to a strict regimen; it helped when he had a private gym in his house. Aerobics on Monday and Wednesday, paired with balance training; strength and endurance training on Thursdays and Saturdays. Pair all of that with running through the city from police and his fellow Gothamites, he was perfectly in shape. Nothing near Batman- but then again, he doesn’t think he’d want to look like a linebacker or a quarterback.
No, he was more of a track and field sort of guy. Or baseball. He’d been damn good at baseball.
Hair thoroughly shampooed and now with a deep conditioning mask in, he let himself relax against the heated tiles of the shower wall, breathing deeply. Calming, this was- something much needed. Reaching over, he took hold of the body wash (it was a gift from Kiyomi!) and spread it across the loofah, the rich scents of mahogany mingled with a dark teakwood and the barest hint of bourbon and cinnamon.
His mind began to drift as he scrubbed slowly at his skin. Hands grabbing at his hips, tugging him close- a hand slotting over his mouth to quiet him from yelling, breath against his throat, held back against a chest as the police rushed by, not bothering to look into the dark corner. How they stood so still in that moment, neither one moving from their position. How those hands wandered as Eddie’s head tilted back, the smallest noise escaping as the hand over his mouth drifted lower, settling around his throat and squeezing while the other hand settled just above his belt-
“Fuck.” Edward groaned, nose scrunching as he set the loofah aside to step beneath the warm spray of water. That had been new- something he hadn’t expected to happen. He also hadn’t expected to get the shit beat out of him in a fight immediately after, but good god had that moment been wonderful. Was he touch starved? Certainly not- but even he couldn’t deny how good that had felt.
The pressure around his throat had been perfect- not enough to cut off his oxygen, but enough to make his head swim with the mere thought of it. He could picture it so well- their chest to his back, their hand around his throat. He wasn’t sure who- oh, there were many faces that swam before his vision, many voices that whispered in his ear such filthy delights. His hand slid lower slowly, tracing a slow path before his fingers brushed against himself, drawing forth a soft hum of approval. There was a reason he kept a mirror in front of his bed in his room- and it was for times like this, the rare occasion someone would join him in his bed. It wasn’t as if people didn’t ask or try- oh, they did.
He supposes it’s a good thing each face that comes to mind is someone he has a form of relationship with- whether it be close friends or enemies, well, that was up for debate (and depending on the day, it seemed).
But to Edward E. Nygma, sex could be both pleasurable and a weapon. Only those he truly trusted fell into his bedsheets. Everyone else was left wanting, left high and dry or just on the verge before he slips away, leaving them on their own while he retreats with the information he’d been after. There was a word for this- not the manipulation, oh, he was well aware of how manipulative he could be. But the attraction, the need to have a form of relationship. Demisexual, he believes. Is the name for it.
A shame that there was no mirror for him to gaze into. Perhaps he should install one in his shower.
A gasp pulls free as he grips himself- but that’s not his hand wrapped around his hard cock, not in his mind at least. No- the hand is rough, calloused from years of working with a weapon. The grip is strong as it slides up slowly, thumb circling the piercing at the head- a Prince Albert- before slowly dragging back down, squeezing at the base. “God, yes,” he whispers, lost in his fantasy. He sinks to his knees, but all he can picture is their chest pressed to his back, their chin on his shoulder, watching as his stomach tenses with each languid stroke.
“Look at how hard you are, Eddie,” they would whisper, marveling at the length in their hand. Thick- the piercing sits perfectly, akin to a crown. Apt for the name it shares. “Look at this- yer already dripping.” They’d tease, thumb circling the head, toying with the piercing.
A shudder dances through him as his head tilts back, soaked strands clinging to his face. They’ve gotten long. Long enough to-
Oh, the hand leaves his throat to wind through damp ginger locks- getting a good grip before tugging. Hard. “Fuck! Yes, yes, yes,” Eddie called out, voice ricocheting back to him thanks to the natural acoustics of the bathroom. “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” his words spilled out like a sinner kneeling before the crucifix of Jesus Christ, each word holding the weight of a Hail Mary. His chest heaves as the hand strokes faster, squeezing with each tug downward, the thumb circling the sensitive glands just beneath the head with each stroke upwards. His hips cant forward into the grasp, rutting into it with sharp, high whines.
God, he thinks distantly, it’s a good thing I don’t have neighbors that live close.
“There, please- oh, please, let me come,” he pleads with his fantasy, nearly sobbing with how close he is, how high strung he feels suddenly. As if, at any moment, the marionette strings would snap and he would fall into a boneless heap.
“Do you deserve to come?” The voice asks, a growl in his ear as his hair is tugged back on again. “Do you deserve it? What have you done to deserve it? Tell me, Eddie.”
“I’ve been good, I’ve been so good,” he sobs, breath catching as he dangles so precariously close to the edge.
“Come for me.” The voice murmurs, and it’s so real he could swear he felt lips brush his ear before he falls over the edge, painting the floor and his stomach pearlescent. He groans, low and slow, teeth gritted as pleasure rolls over him in crashing waves. Good God, how long had it been since he’d done that? A good while.
He really should take better care of himself. A breathless little laugh escapes him as he blinks his gaze open, staring at his showerhead for a moment. He never did think of one person- he couldn’t. It felt wrong to do that, especially when some of them were in committed relationships. Or, they are now. They hadn’t been before. But that’s still disgusting.
Shaking his head, causing droplets to fling off to the sides, he cleans himself off before shutting the water off. The distant sound of rain greeted him like an old friend, a rumble of thunder finding its home in his bones for a moment.
He’s better than this.
The thought settles in the back of his mind, the words echoing. A familiar voice- one that he wished would leave. “Fuckin’ pretty bird,” he muttered as he grabbed hold of his towel, settling it around his waist as he stepped out. A glass of wine would help ease away the remnants of the nerves he just fucked away.
And keep the thoughts at bay.
Idly, he tapped out Moonlight Sonata on his thigh as he walked towards his bedroom.
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ask : Yes!! show us any drawings you have. Would love to see any fan art. Do you still open your writing request? If so I want to request headcanon of the brothers reaction when they found mc fainted and sick because this mc is rather hard working and pushover one.
Currently, I have no Obey Me fanart, but I am working on an Asmo piece so I hope I get finished with that!
And yes, my requests are open until I make an announcement that I’ve closed it. Sorry I was late to do this though! I kind of get too carried away and so each character is very lengthy ;;
The brothers’ reactions to finding you fainting and sick from over-working:
[] —— lucifer  —— []
Lucifer is very surprised and concerned when he finds you passed out in one of the House’s hallway one afternoon with a temperature hotter than usual.
He picks you up bridal style and carries you to your room and sets you down on the bed.
He notices that you have dark circles under your eyes, more prominent than Belphegor’s occasional ones.
He goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water, making sure that no one sees him.
Just as he was about to leave with a note telling you to text him when you wake up, your eyes open groggily.
Once he let’s you get a grip, he asks you on what made you pass out like that.
Diavolo wouldn’t like to hear that the exchange student fainting like that, surely. But he was very concerned himself.
After you explained that it may or may not be because of the work and tasks, Lucifer felt guilty. When he thinks about it, each favor he’s asked of you, you never really did decline.
He made a note to lessen your work from now one, and that you can tell him if it’s too much for you, “Because it’d be quite the trouble if this happens again, no?”
He insists that you shouldn’t go to school and take a break because, “seeing the exchange student on less than healthy conditions wouldn’t look well.”
But of course it’s more than that, and you knew.
And he does try to take care of you, now doing his paper work in your room on your desk and looking after you.
[] —— mammon —— []
Poor boy, when you collapsed in his arms, hotter than usual, just as you opened the door for him, his first reaction is panic.
He freaks out for a good five minutes before setting you down on the bed.
He thinks you’re going to die, so he just goes out bawling for a while.
Until you wake up, very confounded to see a crying Mammon by your side.
He clings to you and rambles at lightning speed once he found that you actually weren’t dead, leaving you more dumbfounded than ever.
“Wait, Mammon, s-slow down—”
Of course he eventually does, followed by a little tangent on how, “the Great Mammon d-doesn’t care for a little human like you, no, not at all!”
You ignored all that and asked him to explain.
Once you heard his story, you admitted that maybe you’ve been overworking a bit, and that’s why you’ve declined on hanging out with him—or anyone for that matter—and why you’ve passed out.
It took a few minutes for Mammon to finally work it all out, which at that point he huffs and begins to ramble about how stupid Lucifer’s giving you too much work.
You managed to calm him down before he goes and yells at his face on your behalf, and convinces him to help nurse you back to good health.
Which he agreed in less than a second, all red and stuttering.
And while you were sick, he’d go get you anything! Just ask for it and give him a few minutes and he’ll bring it back to you.
And he’s now glued by your side, spending the night with you. He’d even begin making excuses that you were still sick so you two can be around each other.
He also won’t let anyone else come close, cause he was your first, who needs the others to take care of you!?
But oh, when you’re halfway through the healing process, he will drag you to Lucifer to complain that he’d putting too much on the human without you even managing to slip in anything.
In the end, it is thanks to this idiot demon that you were now working less than before.
[] —— leviathan —— []
When Leviathan found you just fainting mid-game while you two were hanging out, he had negative ideas on what to do!
He paused the game and just put you in his bathtub bed, making sure that there was enough pillows at the bottom so that it’s comfortable.
He sees the bags under your eyes and came up with a possibility that you passed out from tiredness. After all, one-too-many late nighters also gave him that experience.
He’d just sit there by the side of the tub awkwardly, not sure what to do.
When you finally did wake up, he’d just look at you with unspoken panic while you get a grip on reality first.
Seeing you wince in pain was also adding to the panic in his mind, so he asks you how you’re doing.
You confessed you had a headache and your throat was dry, so Levi went and got you one of his many bottles of water from his supply of ‘being a shut-in’.
He asked you if you’ve bee sleeping well, to which you answered that you may or may not have been swamped with tasks and work recently.
You can hear him mutter under his breath something about your stupid tasks and why you can’t just chill and play games.
But he quickly snaps back and decides a break would be good for you.
He sets up a comfy place and just have you lie there. Maybe if he finds you awake he’ll let you borrow some of his games. He’ll probably convince you to play something relaxing like the new Animal Crossing.
If you’re in need of food or drinks, Levi will just give you some of his stock of snacks and drinks.
[] —— satan —— []
Satan’s very surprised to find you fainting whilst you were looking for some books in his room.
He sets you down on his bed and immediately looks through his books on human health. After all, something about the circles under your eyes were telling of what you may have.
He reaches the conclusion of lack of sleep and stress, something along those lines.
Uh-oh, detective time! He might gather the information more of why you weren’t getting enough sleep. You did come to his room in hopes to find books of Devildom history and Devildom laws. And sometimes he would overhear you complaining a bit of your tasks and schoolwork, and you did seem to be doing most of Lucifer’s cooking duties…
In the meantime, he prepares a glass of water for you, and a pot of tea for the both of you.
When you wake up, he asks how you’re feeling, and suggests that you take a drink.
Once you’ve finally realized what happened, he finally tells you his theory and whether he was right or wrong.
You nod. He asks if it’s something about Lucifer giving you too much work. Another nod.
That answer alone earns a sigh from him. He tells you to go to sleep and get some rest.
And once you do, he makes sure you’re asleep and goes to confront Lucifer about it.
You stay in his room mostly, the smell of books comfort you. And most of the time, if you’re in trouble of getting to sleep, or just because either of you feel like it, Satan will read you a story with a nice cup of tea.
[] —— asmodeus —— []
Seeing you passed out in front of his door isn’t a scene that he imagined. Picking you up bridal style, he decides to set you on his bed.
The dark bags under your eyes were noticed in a second upon laying his eyes on you. That enough is concerning to him. After all, sleep is crucial to your skin!
He would’ve cuddled next to you, but he needed your consent.
… However, he isn’t that much knowledgeable of how to treat a human like this.
He will probably set up some light fragrance candles for when you wake up.
And also a glass of water, cause hydration is also important.
And when you do, the first thing he does is to scold you for not taking care of yourself.
“Sleep is important for your skin! You can’t be walking around with dry skin, can you?”
You chuckle and explained to him that yeah, you might’ve been too busy with work and school to get enough sleep.
He will have a long talk with you on how to take care of your skin, and yourself in general for a long time, until you promise him that you would.
Other than things related to beauty and looks though, he doesn’t know much about the human body. So if you need something, you have to tell him.
And he will get it for you.
He’ll try all he can to get you back to health.
If you don’t have anything contagious, maybe like a headache, he could cuddle with you to try and soothe it.
He might’ve took a picture of your while asleep. Who could blame him, you’re just too cute!
Once you’re back to your feet though, he will drag you to a salon to pamper yourself properly before you can get to work.
[] —— beelzebub —— []
It happened during Beelzebub’s late night fridge raids. You came into the kitchen to get a glass of water, then just… fainted.
The sheer amount of shock and concern was enough to get him to stop eating and check on your body. Then, he’ll bring you to his room and lay you down on his bed.
Of course, his stomach couldn’t survive for long so he’d grab as many snacks as he could and emptied the fridge, then came back to check on you.
When you woke up, Beel hurried to your side, relieved that you weren’t actually dying or anything.
He asks if you were okay, and you just answered that perhaps you were tired.
The bags under your eyes were no stranger. After all, with Belphegor as his twin, sometimes he’d see them on him.
He pressed a bit further, and that alone was enough for you to tell him that you were tired from working too hard. And the fact of how humans are such fragile creatures dawned upon Beel again.
It took him a while to convince that it wasn’t something that Beelzebub could protect you from with his strength, and that all you needed was sleep.
He’ll let you sleep on his bed as long as you’d like. He’d try to position the pillows so that it would be as comfortable as possible.
And it seems that each time his hands come near you, they’re very gentle. Like he’s afraid that too much pressure might break your bones.
He will try to make soup to help you. Try. There’s no guarantee that he might eat half of the ingredients during the process.
Similar to drinks and food that he brings. Probably about half of what was supposed to be your portion gets fed to Beel.
You promised him that you won’t get this much tired from overworking again.
From then on, you can find him sending texts through your D.D.D., making sure you weren’t overworking again.
[] —— belphegor —— []
He found you in the planetarium with a mind that seems to be half-working, your eyelids drowsing to sleep every few minutes.
And sure enough, just as he arrived to get to his usual napping spot, you passed out.
He took a look of your face. It was an easy assumption for him to make that you didn’t sleep as long as you should’ve.
And so he let you. He would’ve put you in either your or his room but… that was too much energy. So he used the pillow he had all the time and shared it.
Sleeping with you under the stars were a surprisingly elating experience for him. Who knew a human’s presence could do such a thing.
He’d soon follow you in sleeping until you woke up.
In the end, it’d probably you dragging him to your room, his room, or the attic for a more comfortable space to sleep in.
In the matters of food and drinks, Belphegor would probably rely on Beel more, as he’s too lazy to leave your side.
Sleep is the best medicine, so he’ll most likely just convince you to stay in bed and sleep as long as you’d like.
He’d probably slip in with you. To which cuddles would most likely proceed next.
A bit sad once you’re back to your usual self, now that he can’t just spend his day sleeping next to you.
However he will make sure that you aren’t overworking yourself again.
And he will tell Lucifer of your problems via text.
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cozycryptidcorner · 3 years
WIFEYYYY! I think you'll really like Stardew, I know I do, and yah Sebastion is a vibe tbh. I also have a soft spot for Shane but he's like the complete opposite and his character more feeds into my desire to be needed. Gunna be honest I really wanted to like Abigail but her character just fell flat for me. The game itself is pretty chill, it's a bit mindless at times but the bits of character interaction really add a bit of life to it. I play it usually to just zone out and chill. Side note I just got done watching Encanto and was bawling through a lot of it cause of the emotional rollercoaster it put me through. My cat who was sleeping on the bed behind me heard me sniffling and immediately got up and curled under my chin in the crook of my arm(I was laying on my side) and that made me cry more 😂 she's been glued to me ever since and meows and snuggles closer when I start crying again. Animals really are just too good for this world. 💜🐼
i just also finished Encanto last night! the entire time i was like oh wow, familial expectations... being the oldest... :( I felt the same! I just got back home from mom and step-dad, so tensions have been high all christmas season, and I'm also without their very cuddly cat.
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dangermousie · 3 years
Something Happened in Bali eps 1-2 rewatch thoughts
It's really interesting, rewatching this. God, I'd almost forgotten how much I love Jo In Sung. LOVE. I mean, I love him and his nervous energy so much that I don't even notice So Ji Sub, who normally I really like. (ide note - A Dirty Carnival was the best Korean movie I have ever seen, and what made me truly and utterly lose it for him - but it was so brutally hopeless, it made me depressed for days. Go watch!) Anyway, back to the drama. 1. I'd almost forgotten how unpleasant the two guys and Other Girl are in this, at the start. None of them are monsters (though by the end the Secondary Girl comes close, IMO, even if I end up feeling a repelled kind of pity for her) but they are all in their selfish shells - it's little things, like not helping Soo Jung with her heavy bag or treating her as an extra in their lives. Even their kindness is this thoughtless kind. It's funny because I am not sure if they change in niceness quotient that much (though both the men become much more desperately vulnerable, especially Jae Min) but I guess I get to know them so well and their reasons for being the way they are, I sort of end up not caring - I end up adoring Jae Min as a character, especially, so much. Even if he is the biggest trainwreck I have ever seen as a kdrama lead in my 15+ years of watching kdramas. 2. Soo Jung. I adore her. You could see how annoyed she is she is dealing with the tour group from hell (the other 3) but the way she pushes and carries on is WONDERFUL. So is her drunken camaraderie with Jae Min. She is in another universe from the poised, iced, controlled Young Joo. But it's interesting, she seems so (relatively) well-adjusted compared to the rest of them but as the drama unfolds, you see that this hard-earned cheerfulness is a facade and she is very broken too - between her and Jae Min, I am not sure, which one is more screwed-up. For him, it's his family, but for her, it's her poverty that has made her so. Ha Ji Won SLAYS in this role (so do the rest of the cast, of course.) She’s rough, she’s desperate, she’s grasping, she’s vulnerable, she’s irresistible - in other hands you would never get how two screwed-up, closed-off men would fall so desperately for someone so greedy, so grasping, so flawed - but here you are drawn to her vividness, to her joy, to her intensity, to her unique combo of sunshine and extreme damage. 3. You know, there are hints about her screwed-upness even this early on - the scene where Jae Min offers her $$$ for a one-night stand and she calls him a jerk (and you see by his reaction he doesn't even understand that what he said was insulting - he is puzzled. In his world, everything can be bought and sold, and there is no such thing as affection.) and then asks whether he is going to pay before or after. In her world, there is no room for the grand gesture, for throwing money in his face. She leaves only because he kicks her out (giving her money but not doing anything) telling her to buy her new shoes (hers are broken) and saying "it's not fun any more" (the first of many instances she really throws him off any usual ways he deals with things). And then she trips on her broken heels walking out, sprawling in the lobby, inelegantly grabbing and picking up money. 4. One of the biggest delights of this rewatch for me is contrasting in my head the way Jae Min is going to be with her later - utterly desperate and "brought down" and willing to beg and beg and beg, and the way he is now - emotionally detached, with all the 'power' on his side - I mean, contrast his propositioning her for that one-night stand and the scene where they finally make love, a dozen eps from now. Though she is totally rattling him even now - I love the scene where he first truly notices her - seeing her in the parking lot trying to fix her shoes, eating, and drinking. She is just so REAL and alive and immediate. No wonder he's caught (and then quickly looks away). 5. Jae Min's father needs to die in a fire after being slowly cut with a myriad of razors - the scene in his office in ep 2 where he is practicing golf in his office and Jae Min flinches any time the golf club is in his vicinity, and almost stutters, just - RAGE. Increased 1000x by what I know he does later. But I confess to being amused in the scene where he is throwing things at Jae Min during the board meeting and a flunkie keeps moving things up to him to throw - folders, bottle of water, so he won't run out of things - a definition of a brown-noser.
6. I love how oddly real this drama feels in its filming - people are not glamorized within an inch of their lives and there is no glossiness, no studied detachment, no appeal to coolness or w/e. It is what it is and it knows it. God, I love this drama!
7. (The below is spoilery for the whole thing) Bali has the distinction of having the most dysfunctional couple I have ever shipped. Years of therapy were needed for those two. Yes, my OTP was Jae Min/Soo Jung, despite the fact that the otp's end was murder/suicide. I don't care, I still shipped them - the ending of the drama is one of my favorite drama moments, in actuality - Jae Min becoming more and more unhinged because of his nightmarish family and then finally he believes Soo Jung just played him in order to scam money and ruin his family with her lover. He tracks them down to Bali and finds them in bed. Ironically, Soo Jung has just finished telling her lover that she wants to leave him and go back to Korea to look for Jae Min because it's him she wants. Jae Min, of course, does not hear her (and he is so catatonic at that point, I doubt it would have registered if he did hear). So he shoots her and her lover dead as they lie there. But while her lover is dead asap, Soo Jung has time to look at Jae Min and tell him 'saranghae' which is about the most awesome thing ever - she has never ever told him she loved him before, not through all his efforts to win her heart, not even when they made love. And now she is telling him as she is dying, because it's important to her for him to know before she dies - there are no games or conditions. And of course, Jae Min snapped out of it as soon as he shot and he is falling apart as is and then he hears her tell him she loves him and his face - oh my God. And he goes outside and kills himself and I sit there bawling and hoping his horrific family all have collective heart attacks and die.
Yes. I ship THAT. I don't care what it makes me. The drama makes no bones that Jae Min is beyond messed up - I am kinda amazed he is walking and talking, to be honest. His father wins the incontrovertible award for the worst kdrama father ever and if you know kdramas you know what a feat that is. The scene where Jae Min is on his knees in front of his father, weeping and begging to be allowed to have Soo Jung and his father beats him half into unconsciousness and then tells him it's Soo Jung's fault and he will go after her next and make her disappear and Jae Min is left pleading that he did not mean it and it's not Soo Jung's fault and he misunderstood? FLAMES. FLAMES WHEN I JUST THINK ABOUT IT. So his love for Soo Jung is no help - I don't think any woman could have 'fixed' him, and certainly the hugely messed-up despite her sunny demeanor Soo Jung, with her own major issues and fragility, was about the last person to do so. However, even if they could have worked out their happiness, with the help of some really high-priced therapy, his family made it impossible - in fact they turned the screws on even worse, not caring that their actions were plainly driving him into nonfunctionality land. But then - how else could it end with all the destruction and damage and desperation on both sides and his having no experience with any expression of love that was not entangled with violence. And in context of fiction, the OTP that has the potential for helping each other but dooms each other instead is my jam SO MUCH!
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
i think tumblr may have eaten my ask but i finished the risk a few days ago and im literally still screaming about it!!!
like why did eric put brenna through hell sO MANY TIMES!!! he literally knocked her up and when she ALMOST DIED he blew her off like boY WHAT and i loved that she felt comfy enough opening up to jake about it
but he was a dumbass for panicking and breaking up with her and i wanted to kick him
but then she had such a nice convo with her dad and i literally SOBBED when her dad started sobbing and then brenna sobbed and all 3 of us just bawled our eyes out but they made up!!! and omg it was so sweet and he helped her bring back jake’s bracelet 😭😭😭 the growth
and lowkey even tho hazel was a brat i was kinda proud of her for realizing it and apologizing and saying how she felt bc there was no way her and jake (and brenna) would have been able to be friends if she kept internalizing everything and now they can all be friends and the ending with hazel and brenna and jake’s parents in the lil box watching the final game was so wholesome 😭 and when brenna got the call from georgia i SCREAMED it was the happy ending brenna needed i was so happy
ALSO on a complete side note (that made me realize tumblr probs ate the ask i originally sent) i was stalking the mindfuck series tag bc i heard a song that reminded me of it (and now im trying to convince myself not to reread it rip) and i saw you had posted about liking it and that series and the off campus series are like my top favorite book series’ so it looks like we have a hella similar taste in books so if you have any recs pls send em my way idk what to read when i finish the briar u series!!!
okay xoxoxox and if tumblr didnt eat my ask and im annoying you im super sorry!!!!
I wont lie, i still dont vibe with hazel but that whole mess of her trying to get his bracelet back to him was just🥲so fucking cute dude i just love them so much
AND YES MINDFUCK SERIES SUPREMACY!!! but omg bestie god i have so many recs, what are you in the mood for? romance? fantasy? contemporary? I HAVE GOT YOU COVERED!!
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writtenbynightlock · 4 years
Hi! Idk of request are open rn.. but could you do a hinata x reader angst? Where hinata walks in on kageyama and y/n in a position where it looks like they were cheating. But in reality it was nothing like that at all! So hinata gets very mad and says really hurtful things to them. Then word gets around school and people start to bully y/n and kags. However hinata doesn’t care. He never stood up for y/n. Then due to bullying going to far y/n loves school. That’s when y/ns best friend yams goes up to hinata and shows him the video where in fact they were not cheating. But it’s too late. Hinat already lost her. Sorry if the request is too long btw!!
Misunderstanding | Hinata Shouyou x Reader
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Note: Requests are open 💌 Please be informed here
Warning: Timeskip spoilers
Tagging: @shoyosbitchh (thanks for the request love)
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“Do I really have to do this?”
“Yes” you answer as you fix Kageyama’s jersey jacket. 
“What am I gonna do again?” 
“All you have to do is answer my questions. After this segment, I will film you in action with Shoyo. Are we ready, Yama-kun?”
You ask your classmate and the captain of the Karasuno Men’s Volleyball Team, Yamaguchi Tadashi, waiting for his go signal as he was in charge of the camera. You were in your third year in Karasuno High. You are an active member of the journalism club and your specialty is sports writing. You and Hinata have been together since your second year. It all started when you’ve done a coverage of the Karasuno High Men’s Volleyball team ever since the crows were finally taking flight in the Nationals. Pretty much to say you are close with your batchmates involved with the sport which made your job a bit easier. 
You were currently working on a special ad for the team that will be on air in the campus as a way to show support and acknowledgement to the seniors who will be having one last fight --- Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyou. In thanks to the manager, you will be also adding a special segment to the woman who’s always been there with the crows, Yachi Hitoka.  
“Camera is rolling in 3..2..1..”
As Yamaguchi gestures for you to start, you have him a small nod and put on your game face on. 
“Hello Karasuno High! The much anticipated Spring Interhigh tournament is fast approaching and our crows will be taking flight once again. With the excitement to the world of volleyball, our players have quite gained quite a few fans. Here I am with the famous King of the Court, the Karasuno Men’s Volleyball Setter, Kageyama Tobio.” 
During the interview segment, things went smoothly due to Kageyama being straightforward with his questions much to your relief. You were glad Yamaguchi was also there to help you. Usually, Yachi is the one who helps you with your journalism when it comes to the team but she had a meeting with Takeda sensei, explaining her absence. 
After the interview, it was time for you to do the final segment which was  getting to film the iconic duo in action. You told Kageyama to change into his volleyball uniform, with the setter obediently following your instruction. 
“Thank you so much for helping me, Yama-kun. Your segment yesterday with Tsukki is great too! I’m very excited to edit it.”
Yamaguchi blushed at your compliment, making him scratch the back of his head in a shy manner. 
“You’re really making it hard for us to graduate, (Y/N)-san. This will be your last feature too, is it not?” 
Yamaguchi smiles as he saw the gleeful expression on your face. He admired your determination in making the video possible as a tribute to them. Yamaguchi’s sense of determination in leading the team to Nationals has boosted but there was one question bugging in his head.
“(Y/N)-kun, you are a sports writer, right? I don’t recall them doing this extent.”
You stopped what you were doing and looked at Yamaguchi, giving him a sincere smile --- your mind instantly filled with the ray of sunshine that is currently in your life. 
“You don’t know how proud I am on how far you all have come. You five were part of the flightless crows who worked hard to spread its wings again. You were there when people would underestimate the team but you all proved them wrong, along with our seniors who graduated also. We all keep moving forward and now, you are your juniors senpais, helping them keeping the crows to keep flying. Not only that, I am so proud of Shoyo. He’s one of the main reasons why I’m motivated to do this. I’m always here to support Shoyo and to all of you --- no matter where we go after we graduate.”
After your speech, your eyes widened as you Yamaguchi’s eyes were watery and he was sniffling, making you panic a little.
“Y-Yams, are you okay?”
“Don’t look at me, (Y/N)-kun! That was so beautiful- wait I’ll be right back!” says Yamaguchi as he hurriedly went to the nearest bathroom --- not wanting for you to see him bawl his eyes out. With a soft chuckle, you turned around to see Kageyema already in his attire and was now setting up the net. Deciding to help, you went to him and gave him a hand.
“What do you need?”
“Could you hand me that screw over there?”
With a nod, you went to the tool box, grabbing the screws Kageyama.
“Do you think Shoyo will go far with volleyball?”
You ask out of the blue, avoiding eye contact with Kageyama as you just stared at the net. It’s not that you doubt Shoyo’s skills but it is a scary world out there. There will be people who will look down on him for different reasons. You just worry. You care for him so much. You admired how Hinata was able to use the mean comments against him as his motivation for him to improve his skills. His positivity and bubbly personality is contagious. He never fails to make you smile when you’re feeling down. 
As Kageyama finished the net, he gave you a smirk. 
“If that dumbass doesn’t slack, he will. If he does, I’m definitely getting ahead of him.”
A grin made its way on your face. What more could you expect from Hinata’s partner in the court?
As the two of you waited for Hinata and Yamaguchi to come, you and Kageyama had talked a bit about college plans. As the two of you converse, you suddenly noticed something crawling on Kageyama’s jersey shirt. 
“Kageyama-kun, there’s something on your shoulder” you say, pointing at it. At first Kageyama was confused to what you meant but when he finally took a look at it, it was spider --- making his eyes widen and panic, letting out a manly shriek. 
Kageyama was all over the place, jumping and swatting it away --- to the point where he tried to take the shirt off. 
“Kageyama, calm down!”
“It’s on your head!”
“It’s back on your shirt!”
Kageyama felt chills, the hairs on his skin rising as he felt it crawling the back of his neck. The next thing you knew, with Kageyama’s head covered with the shirt that was taken off midway his arms, the setter stumbled onto you, making the both of you fall on the ground with Kageyama on top. Your eyes widen at how close your and Kageyama’s faces are, the setter not able to take in what just happened. 
“Get off!”
“Can you help me put my shirt back on? I-if you don’t mind. My hands are sort of restricted” says Kageyama, pointing out that his arms were trapped in the sleeve holes. You sigh and grabbed the hem of his jersey shirt, attempting to pull it down back but the both of you suddenly heard the gym doors open.
Hearing an all too familiar voice, you quickly shove Kageyama off of you, sitting up from your spot to see Hinata who froze by the gym doors as he stares at you and Kageyama with wide eyes, his heart beating so fast in his chest.
“W-were you cheating on me?!”
“No baby! It was just an accident-”
“An accident?! It looked like you were taking off his shirt! I can’t believe you’re cheating on me with Bakageyama!”
“No, Shoyo! It definitely doesn’t look what it looks like at all!”
“I trusted you, (Y/N)!”
Tears were starting to form in your eyes, getting a bit angry and frustrated that Hinata wasn’t letting you explain your side. Kageyama noticed this and decided to step in --- defending the both of you.
“Boke, Hinata, boke! Why would I even do that to your girlfriend?! Let us explain what happen-”
“No! I’m so hurt, (Y/N)-chan! You’re the first girl ever that made me really happy but this is how you treat me? Is it because I’m not tall enough?! Is this how you repay my loyalty to you? You’re so heartless! You seem so faithful to me but behind my back, you’re a different person.”
“Don’t call me that anymore. I don’t want to see you anymore. We’re done.” 
With that, Hinata left the gym, leaving you and Kageyama all alone. You wanted to run after him but you lost your strength and collapsed on the floor, your gaze lingering at the gym doors, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Kageyama panicked a little, not knowing how to comfort you but he just stood beside you and patted your head as you were hugging your figure, too hurt by Hinata’s words. 
“That dumbass doesn’t know how to listen.”
“What am I gonna do, Kageyama-kun?”
Kageyama glances at you, a frown on his face. He knows how much you care for Hinata. He can’t help but feel frustrated also being in your position. He also felt bad to what just happened. 
“I’m sorry-”
“Don’t apologize, Kageyama. You did nothing wrong. Hinata just misunderstood.” 
“That runt will regret for letting you go. I mean, who else could keep up with him?”
As you wiped your tears, you stood up and grabbed your things, heading towards the gym doors.
“I think we’ll call it a day. I’ll message Yams that our filming is finished. I’ll just ask another sports writer to cover you and Hinata’s segment. I don’t think I can face him for awhile.”
Kageyama frowns as he saw your eyes tearing up again but he just nodded, not wanting to press any buttons even further.
“Okay. Get home safely.”
With a sigh, you left the gym heading home, feeling all too drained and hurt. You can’t believe Hinata was able to say those hurtful words to you. In attempts on calling him while walking home, you let out a frustrated groan as he already blocked your number. 
“Oh Shoyo. It was all just a misunderstanding.” 
Days had passed ever since the incident and break up with Hinata. Word got around fast. You and Kageyama had been the talk of the town as cheaters, making you lose your appetite. People were sending you dirty stares for even daring to cheat on such a pure soul. 
There was one time when you ate at the school cafeteria with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima and a group of girls suddenly went to your table, snickering at you and called you a slut. Between Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, it was Yamaguchi who was full on beast mode, defending you. 
“Don’t waste your time with these fools, Yamaguchi. They just don’t know how to mind their own business” says Tsukishima as he shakes his head in annoyance. You told Yachi, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima the whole thing. Yachi felt really bad at what happened. She was the one also who keeps comforting Hinata. Tsukishima was in charge of breaking apart Kageyama and Hinata whenever the two started to argue, much to his dismay but he just wants the team to be peaceful and focus on their practices and official games. 
Not wanting to eat anymore, you grab your bag and stood up, making Yamaguchi and Tsukishima look at you with worry. 
“Where are you going, (Y/N)-san?” 
“I’m just gonna go get a breather. I’m not that hungry anyway. See you later” you say with a solemn look on your face then left the cafeteria. 
“What are we gonna do, Tsukki?”
“I don’t know. Don’t involve me in their quarrels. It’s tiring.”
Yamaguchi sighs but then he remembers that he left his camera in the gyms while he was in the bathroom. When he returned to the gym, his camera was already battery drained. In hopes to resolve this mess, Yamaguchi checks the contents to see of the camera was still rolling. Much to his relief, it apparently recorded the whole thing. He immediately showed this to Hinata, finally clearing all the misunderstanding.   
Hinata regretted on how he acted. He felt his heart breaking even more. He needs to apologize for his wrong doings but it was too late. The twinkle in your eyes as you see him weren’t there anymore. His words really hurt you and you’ll have a difficult time in trusting him again. The bullying around the school made you feel even more damaged.
You told Hinata its best to cool off from the relationship. You needed space. You need to focus on yourself now. You just wanted to forget the words that come out from his mouth.
It was over.
Hinata Shoyo. You were my sunshine, my only sunshine. You made me happy when skies are gray --- but now, the skies weep with me.
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