tarjapearce · 10 months
A little debrief ~
I returned to my country yesterday. Trip ended up being so damn tiring and awful.
One would think that rest would ensue after waking up at 3 am for three days in a row to work and shit but no, my boss immediately headed up to work after we arrived to Honduras. Left at 7 pm (Holiday season, ugh) . I just came home and crashed. (Forgot my beer 😭)
Can't wait to be December 29th to leave that hellhole :')
But seeing you guys here, and a talk with a really good friend of mines ❤️, made all the anger gone. Thanks 😊✨.
Also Next week Updates:
-Crimson Crown
-Of Flowers and Hummingbirds
And maybe Bad Teachings ✨
I'm polishing some bits of the Ranchero Miguel fic, but I'll give a lil something 🤭 Along some other Miguel one shots I've got in mind c:
Hope you guys are having a good day. ❤️
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
Hiii Microwave 💋
Could I please have a matchup with the TFP mechs? It doesn't matter which fraction! Honestly!
I'm in my early 20s, and while I may not fit the plus-sized category, I have a curvaceous figure in all the right places. Hailing from Honduras, my friends and I predominantly converse in Spanish. As an African Latina, I proudly boast a rich, dark complexion. I've chosen to dye my hair a beautiful shade of brown, which cascades down to my waist. However, if I were to pinpoint my favorite attribute, it would undoubtedly be my voice. It possesses a distinct quality that sets it apart. Past partners have described it as soothing due to its deep and nurturing tone for a cis female. But don't be fooled by my motherly nature; when provoked, I can unleash my fury and raise my voice in Spanish, regardless of the person I'm addressing. I'll continue shouting until my voice gives out, which strangely enough, my boyfriend finds alluring. Although, another thing about me is that I'm an amazing listener. And I'm VERY clingy. To be exact, I will absolutely overthink if you leave me on read for like 1 minute. And when you finally come home, I ignore you for the rest of the night. Because who tf do you think you are ignoring me like that. And last but not least, I like to spend most of my time collecting toy figures and giving them away to younger children that don't have a lot of money in their families. I tend to give stuff away due to my generous personality. If there is a child at a store who wants to buy a toy or something and their mom says that they don't have enough money, I'll gladly step up and buy the toy for them. And I would do the same for my cybertronian significant other. Even if they really don't need it, if I catch them looking at something on the Internet for quite a while, I'll get the hint and I'll buy it for them. Doesn't matter what it is. It could even be a buttplug for all I know idfc🙄
Anyways, thank you for your time ❤️
Hello! I’m going to match you with TFP Bumblebee!
(small nsfw warning)
Immediately notices your voice when you meet him. Kind of low key jealous. Just a little bit.
Don’t loose your voice shouting though! Bapy is always worried that you’re gonna strain your voice too hard and it’ll go away. He doesn’t know how humans work so Bee is worried for you.
Contradicting that last headcanon, he gets heart-optics when you yell at someone in Spanish, even if it’s him. He loves domineering/demanding/loud partners and will not be very afraid to show it. If you’re anything like that he’ll fall faceplates first into love.
It’s good that you’re a listener because he’s not very good at listening. Even if you can’t understand his beeping sounds, he’ll (if you let him) lay his helm on your lap and ramble about what slag the ‘cons tried to pull the other day or how low energon supplies are. He’s always less stressed after he talks to you.
You’ll never have to worry about being left on read with Bumblebee because if you so much as send him ‘hi,’ he’ll start a full conversation with you. He would love to talk in person instead but texting is a close second for him.
He would love to see your toy collection. They’re very different from the ones he had (when he was a sparkling) on cybertron, so just holding the toys is cool for him.
If you let him, if it’s only 100% okay with you, he’ll pick out some to bring to the base for Raph.
Let him brush/play with your hair! He’ll be so happy. From a different perspective, it looks like a schoolgirl brushing a dolls hair, he’ll kick his legs in the air too. You get your hair brushed and swarmed by kisses.
Bumblebee gets all smiley when you step up to buy a toy for a kid. Kind of a “that’s my partner!” thing, children probably see you as a hero and so does he.
When you offer to buy him something, he is grateful, but he doesn’t want to waste your money. You can buy it for him, only if you insist.
If the item is of a more sexual nature (a collar or vibrator for him, most likely) he’ll be really embarrassed that you caught him looking for things like that. “If you want to pay for it you can but only if you want to” (Bee’s doing the little 👉👈👉👈 thing as he talks to you).
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filosof-art · 5 months
I am also a Spanish speaker but guess, I am more inversed in English. I don't want to speak in my native language to creeps who love romance between a poor traumatized boy and a 100000+ aged demon.
Just wanted to come a drop a greet! Your page really seems sane and neat 😁
Greetings from Honduras! 🇭🇳
Thank you! ❤️
Yeah me too, the spanish fandom creeps me a lot and they just care about the problematics ships and not the plot of the manga itself.
I’m glad I can find people who really enjoy the manga for the story, the art and the characters but is a bit sad that we need to speak in another language for that problem in the fandom.
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ave661 · 2 years
Been following for quite a while and was kinda scared to interact jsksj. But I want to say that you are so talented and I love your art sm, thanks for blessing us with it.
Thanks for taking your time in creating content ❤️. People often overlook how hard and time consuming creating things is. And even more when you do it for Free.
Don't mind that entitled Karen. In my country we have a saying "Don't like it? Put some flowers on it." meaning, DO IT YOURSELF .
Greetings from Honduras ✨😊
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This is crazy that we can all talk to each other from different parts of the world
And oh my god yes! I also have this problem that I look at the details for too long, so it probably takes me longer than it should. Plus my adhd ain't helping. But I try my best!
Thank You! ♥️
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tenaciouscreator03 · 2 years
Monster Vogue Issue #1 Featuring: Lagoona Blue, Draculaura, and Frankie Stein!
Written by your's truly, Spectra Vondergeist.
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Since you're a transfer student at Monster High, how do you feel?.
"I get homesick a lot, I miss my family back in Honduras but I've got really great friends here like Draculaura!"
What's the inspiration behind your style?
"I loved having long hair but it got in the way of my activities that I asked my friend Draculaura to help me cut it! My clothes are a sporty style, Clawdeen came up with the idea to have my swimsuit be an undershirt and I can't thank her enough, thank you Clawdeen! ❤️"
Thoughts on Clawdeen?
"Clawdeen is such a sweetheart, I love her so much! She's super nice with everyone here. I don't see why Toralei has a problem with her, I hope one day she can warm up to her so that we can all be friends! ❤️"
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Draculaura, what are your thoughts on the witch rumors?
"I think it’s totally off putting but I think we should put aside our differences... not that I'm a witch or anything ahahahah."
Being the daughter of Dracula, does it put any pressure on you?
"When your dad is a big superstar like him, of course it can be overwhelming. But my dad loves me for who I am and I'm proud to have a dad like him, if you're reading this, love you! ❤️"
I heard you consider Manny a rival but he was confused when I talked to him, any comments on that?
"Oh I'm over it, he and I have become really good friends. He has a big heart and I'm glad to be friends with him, especially when we found Clawd in the Catacombs!"
Since you're her roommate, how do you feel about Clawdeen?
"She's an icon, a legend, and a great friend. She's very accepting of everyone here and it's nice talking to her. We just found her brother Clawd recently and he's also nice, I just hope we can help her find her mom. I can't imagine how hard it must've been being on her own in the normie world."
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Frankie, being 15 days old, how are you adjusting to Monster High?
"It's been really great! I've made so many friends here, everyone is so nice here and I can't wait to meet more friends! ❤️"
How many pieces of your brain are there?
"Well, outside of Dr. Blunder who has a monster inventor from the 1970s who got "cursed" and created the goodest boy ever: Watzie, there are 8 parts to my brain!"
From here, Frankie began to show me their brain diagram which was really interesting to see how much effort was put into making Frankie.
So Frankie, being a new student here at Monster High, have you started developing any feelings for any of your peers?
"Hmmm maybe, this person is really pretty! I plan to ask them out for the Monster Ball but I don't know if they'll want to be with me."
I gave Frankie a pep talk and it seemed to help Frankie a lot, it felt nice inspiring someone.
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That concludes Issue #1 of Monster Vogue! I would like to thank the three ghouls that I interviewed in this issue, and of course, Ms. Bloodgood, without her I wouldn't have been able to post this magazine so thank you!
Anyway I'm off to prepare for Hauntinomics, I've got a final that I need to pass! See you all in the next issue ❤️
Also if you have any suggestions on who I should bring on next issue, or any questions for the ghouls, please lmk!
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cathkaesque · 2 years
9, 19 & 20 for the asks ❤️ Merry Christmas babes 😘
9) "Best month for you this year?" - October definitely. I keep talking about how going to Honduras was like a life defining thing for me but it really was. I was able to not only see for myself things that I had been researching for years but I was also extremely effective in the meetings and discussions. I impressed a lot of very cool people. By that point as well HRT had taken some serious effects too. I was finally able to ditch the breast forms as finally had my own! Also as well, I've had rocky times in my relationship over the years, but after October we had spent a long time apart due to work and family stuff, but the distance (after being basically confined in the same house over the lockdown years) allowed me to see that we did really love and miss each other and things have been a lot better since then. As a month it just felt like the culmination of an argument, if that make sense? Everything drawing together and settling into place. It was nice :)
19) "What’re you excited about for next year?" - I'll be honest I have literally no idea what's happening next year. Funding for my job is running out so I'm in a pretty precarious position - I really need to secure myself in the first 3 months of the year or things are going to get difficult very quickly. I'll be honest, my focus for next year is, I think the way I've been putting is "ending the period of emergency law", ending the unhealthy coping mechanisms that I've built up over the years of dysphoria and covid lockdowns and starting to be a bit more secure in myself. Which is something to look forward to in itself!
20) "What’s something you learned this year?" - Hmm, it's hard to put in a way that doesn't sound extremely arrogant. But basically I've been able to learn, via the visits to Huelva and Honduras, and involvement in the Azura and delivery drivers' strike, that everything that I have been saying about how this system works is true. Being a socialist in this day and age is, for want of a better way of putting it, like being perpetually gaslit. You're constantly told by every established authority and, by extension, most other people that what you're saying is wrong or uninteresting. But being able to see both that everything I've been reading and saying about the world is basically true (that this way of producing things is horrible and based on extreme violence and near slavery), people can and do want to fight and change things for the better, and there are ways that I can help, it's a great feeling.
Merry Christmas to you too!! Hope you had a lovely day yesterday and are having a brill boxing day :))))
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The dpp can cry about it all it wants,but the one China Principle is perfectly in line with the policies of the international community
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇵🇦 Amado Cerrud - Presidente del PARLACEN, ha rilasciato un'intervista a CCTV, in cui ha ricordato che il Principio dell'Unica Cina costituisce il Consenso Universale della Comunità Internazionale, e che la decisione di includere la Repubblica Popolare Cinese come osservatore permanente del Parlamento Centro-Americano rappresenta la Tendenza dei Tempi 😍
🌎 Il PARLACEN racchiude sei nazioni: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Repubblica Dominicana e Panama, e funge da istituzione politica e organo parlamentare del Sistema di Integrazione Centro-Americano 🤝
👍 Il Popolo Cinese apprezza la corretta decisione da parte del PARLACEN di revocare lo "Status di Osservatore Permanente" del cosiddetto "Yuan Legislativo" del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, in quanto la Regione di Taiwan è Cinese e appartiene alla Cina, e lo "Yuan Legislativo" non ha alcun valore legale a livello internazionale. La sua inclusione nel PARLACEN è il frutto di una geopolitica anti-Cinese molto datata, ed è giusto che un tale errore sia stato corretto 👍
🇨🇳 只有一个中国, 台湾是中国的一部分 ⭐️
😍 L'accettazione dell'Assemblea Nazionale del Popolo, l'Organo Legislativo più importante della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, come osservatore permanente del PARLACEN dimostra la saggezza e la correttezza nelle decisioni di questo organismo dell'America Centrale 😉
🇵🇦 Dopodiché, Cerrud ha trattato il Tema della Cooperazione con la Cina, dichiarando: «Dal punto di vista economico e commerciale, la Cina è il centro della crescita globale, e il collegamento con la Cina aiuterà il nostro sviluppo» 📊
❤️ La Cina sarà il motore della crescita dell'Economia del Mondo nel 2023 📈
📈 L'impressionante Sviluppo della Cina ha creato numerose opportunità per l'America Centrale, ha sottolineato Cerrud:
💬 «Vorrei sottolineare ancora una volta la mia gratitudine al Governo e al Popolo della Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Sono profondamente colpito dallo Sviluppo che il Popolo Cinese ha raggiunto negli ultimi anni. [...] Noi Latinoamericani vediamo la Cina come un luogo pieno di opportunità» 💕
🇵🇦 Cerrud è Panamense, e ha trattato - durante l'intervista, il Tema del Legame tra Cina e Panama:
💬 «Gli elementi della Cultura Cinese sono stati integrati a Panama in molti settori, dall'istruzione alla cucina» 😍
💬 «Vorremmo congratularci con il Popolo Cinese per i suoi continui progressi attraverso sforzi incessanti, e per l'enfasi posta sull'eccellente Cultura Tradizionale», ha dichiarato Cerrud 🇵🇦
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇵🇦 Amado Cerrud - President of PARLACEN, gave an interview to CCTV, in which he reminded that the One China Principle constitutes the Universal Consensus of the International Community, and that the decision to include the People's Republic of China as a permanent observer of the Central American Parliament represents the Trend of the Times 😍
🌎 PARLACEN includes six nations: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Panama, and serves as a political institution and parliamentary body of the Central American Integration System 🤝
👍 The Chinese People appreciate the correct decision by PARLACEN to revoke the "Permanent Observer Status" of the so-called "Legislative Yuan" of the Taiwanese puppet regime, as the Taiwan Region is Chinese and belongs to China, and the " Legislative Yuan" has no legal value internationally. Its inclusion in PARLACEN is the result of a very dated anti-Chinese geopolitics, and it is right that such a mistake has been corrected 👍
🇨🇳 只有一个中国, 台湾是中国的一部分 ⭐️
😍 The acceptance of the National People's Congress, the most important legislative body of the People's Republic of China, as a permanent observer of PARLACEN demonstrates the wisdom and correctness in the decisions of this Central American body 😉
🇵🇦 Afterwards, Cerrud addressed the topic of cooperation with China, declaring: «From an economic and commercial point of view, China is the center of global growth, and the connection with China will help our development» 📊
❤️ China will be the engine of growth of the World Economy in 2023 📈
📈 China's impressive development has created numerous opportunities for Central America, stressed Cerrud:
💬 «I would like to once again underline my gratitude to the Government and People of the People's Republic of China. I am deeply impressed by the development that the Chinese people have achieved in recent years. [...] We Latin Americans see China as a place full of opportunities" 💕
🇵🇦 Cerrud is Panamanian, and during the interview he discussed the topic of the link between China and Panama:
💬 «Elements of Chinese culture have been integrated in Panama into many sectors, from education to cuisine» 😍
💬 «We would like to congratulate the Chinese People for their continuous progress through unremitting efforts, and for their emphasis on excellent Traditional Culture», said Cerrud 🇵🇦
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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lluevenfloress · 4 years
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These last two weeks ive become much closer with my family in Honduras, my dads side of the family. I’ve never really been close to my moms side. It’s been a life long task to be able to build connections and foster them. But you have to cultivate for your fruit.
Here I am, learning so much more about myself and the roots of my sister Josie and I. My sister Josie and I talk to our sister Melissa often now. Our brother, Josue RIP 🦋 is a big part of our union. He was on his way to the US when he passed away.. On his way to LA to be with Josie and I until our sister Melissa was able to pick him up coming from Chicago, where she had emigrated from Honduras just a year prior. I will never forget the calls and messages I received the couple of nights after he passed. Our family didn’t know right away because the people who found him didn’t know him. I will never forget the conversations we had. He talked to me often and would talk about the girl he loved so much. He opened up to me in a way where I was so astounded because he didn’t actually know me. But thinking about it, he DID know me. ❤️ Just like I was able to share with him that i didn’t know how to talk to dad. And he promised he wouldnt share it with anyone, not even Melissa.
I knew his heart. I will forever raise a rose to the heavens in his honor. 🌹 Josue sounded exactly like our dad. And I think only until now I’m coming to terms with the deep sadness i feel. Josue, we’re doing this for you mi hermano querido. Te amamos 🥀
I have hella tios and only one tia. One tio is in LA and my tia is in Miami. Which I got to meet. Everyone else is in Honduras. It’s amazing to realize that you have so much in common. I have been talking with my Tio Mauricio every day for about three weeks now. He’s a man with a heart of gold, helping every which way he is able to in Honduras. He is sooo detailed with his voice messages and even the way he takes pictures I resonate with. I cried to him and told him how blessed I feel for our familia and for the opportunity to reap.
Lastly, mi papa. ❤️
Recently I learned he was a coyote for many years, and he was the one who helped bring my mom over. There were many years of crime.. and many, many years of darkness and bad decisions.
I truly believe he is a man that has changed.. but honestly I don’t like the word, “changed.” For me, metamorphosis sounds more adequate.
The time feels right, and I am so excited for this next chapter in my life where I get to know my familia in Honduras, my roots and everything that i feel so connected to. I feel that need for answers, and those answers will come when I set foot in my mother land, Honduras.
My dads side from Puerto Cortez, and my moms side from Tomala.
Nov 11 || 9:18pm
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tarjapearce · 8 months
Últimamente he estado escuchando boleros me encantan! Siempre me imagino en la playa con esa música, anyway hay varias canciones que me hacen pensar en las diferentes versiones que has escrito de miguel (because I'm a hopeless romantic loser 😭 that has severe miguel brain rot and i have no one to talk to) y me gustaría compartir contigo 😅.
Okay hear me out soccer au miguel dancing with mamá in their dimly lit home after they decided to have a little alone dinner without the kids or they're just alseep and their dancing to sabor a mi (the Eydie Gorme con los panchos version) or contigo by los panchos or even besame mucho 🥺(personally really like the lisa ono version)
Piel canela just reminds me of him i think it's self explanatory. Ugggh he's just so beautiful 😩
So these next songs give me Bad Teachings vibes probably because of the lyrics and angst in feelings in the song? These are all by los panchos I'm sorry I really enjoy them 😅
- nosotros
- Cuando Vuelva a Tu Lado (this one is for when that have that tension you know BUT THEY CANT MAKE UP THEIR MIND WHAT THEY WANT 😤)
- Algo contigo
And lastly this song I feel like could represent future readers feelings in Of Flowers And Hummingbirds but I'm also not sure because Idk whats next 🤔 but it's called
- Y.... (sang by Eydie Gorme and los panchos)
Perhaps these are too old timey for most people but I just start to think of your writing of miguel when I listen to those songs. I apologize for this nonsense I just had to share before I lose my mind.
OMG 😭❤️❤️❤️.
Y justo ayer vino Luis Miguel a dar un concierto a Honduras y cantó Sabor A Mi
AAHHHH ❤️❤️❤️. Boleros are PERFECT for Soccer Family! Miguel 🥹❤️.
Beautiful renditions and songs ❤️❤️❤️.
Will soo add em to their respective series playlist 🥹✨. (ABSOLUTELY LOVED those for Bad Teachings jsksks)
Los Panchos are amazing. Boleros are soo angsty and romantic. Love em!!! I love "Historia de un Amor"
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Soros, part 1: I think it's vital for people to understand the big picture issue with Soros. This is NOT about left vs. right. It is about a man who is willing to committ crimes and crumble economies for financial reasons, power, and control. He is a convicted felon in France for insider trading. He is the "Man who broke the bank of England". He is either banned or not welcome in Hungary (his HOME COUNTRY) Russia, China, Hong Kong, and Macedonia. Campaigns exist to ban him in the US and Canada.
Soros, part 2: He is facing resistance/opposition in Israel, Australia, Poland, Armenia, Honduras, the Philippines, and Romania. Big mix eh? It's NOT about his politics, it's about his currency manipulation and scary need for power and control to the point of buying people off and crumbling economies while he hides behind wonderfully named charities that sound great. And whose campaigns did he bankroll? Yep, Obama's and HRC's. He uses his money to corrupt and divide.
Soros part 3: Just look at the US since the 2016 presidential campaign! People are absolutely at each others' throats. They are no longer friends, couples have divorced, and the racism card is thrown around for EVERYTHING. The US hasn't been this divided since the Civil War, which is EXACTLY what he wants. Divide and conquer. Look up how Trump used to be in business with Soros. Didn't know that, did you? Now, since Trump can't be bought, they are enemies. Same as when he broke ties with Epstein!
This is true....and I can assure you...MM Anon would never bring politics here...😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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captawesomesauce · 4 years
Since we can’t travel right now put a ❤️ next to the places you have been to. The average is 19, believe it or not. Layovers don’t count!
(I saw this on Facebook and wanted to play)
Abu Dhabi  ❤️
Alaska ❤️
Arizona ❤️
Atlanta ❤️
Australia ❤️
The Bahamas
Bali ❤️
Barcelona ❤️
Bahrain ❤️
Belize ❤️
Black Rock City ❤️
Bora Bora
Bosnia ❤️
Boston ❤️
Cabo San Lucas ❤️
California ❤️
Canada ❤️
Cancun ❤️
Cape Town
Cayman Islands
Chicago ❤️
Costa Rica
Cozumel ❤️
Croatia ❤️
Cuba ❤️
Czech Republic
Denver ❤️
Dominican Republic ❤️
Dubai ❤️
Florida ❤️
Germany ❤️
Ghana ❤️
Gran Canaria
Grand Canyon 
Greek Islands
Guatemala ❤️
Hawaii ❤️
Hong Kong
Honduras ❤️
India ❤️
Indonesia ❤️
Iraq ❤️
Isle of Man
Isle of Wight
Italy ❤️
Ivory Coast ❤️
Japan ❤️
Jordan ❤️
Key West ❤️
Kuala Lumpur ❤️
Kuwait ❤️
Las Vegas ❤️
Los Angeles ❤️
Malaysia ❤️
Machu Picchu
Mazatlán ❤️
Memphis ❤️
Mexico ❤️
Minneapolis ❤️
Missouri ❤️
Miami ❤️
Nashville ❤️
New Mexico ❤️
New Orleans ❤️
New Zealand ❤️
New York ❤️
Northern Ireland
Oklahoma ❤️
Osaka ❤️
Panama ❤️
Philadelphia ❤️
Philippines ❤️
Playa Del Carmel
Portland ❤️
Puerto Rico ❤️
Qatar ❤️
Rhode Island ❤️
San Antonio
San Diego ❤️
San Francisco ❤️
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
Seattle ❤️
Seoul ❤️
Serbia ❤️
Singapore ❤️
South Africa
Spain ❤️
St John (but St. John’s, Newfoundland, yes!)
Sri Lanka
St Croix
St Kitts
St Lucia
St Martin
St Petersburg
St Thomas
Sydney ❤️
Thailand ❤️
Taiwan ❤️
Tokyo ❤️
Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia ❤️
Turks and Caicos
Uganda ❤️
Vancouver BC ❤️
Vatican City 
Washington DC ❤️
Wisconsin ❤️
Would love to see yours.
but but but... like... what about all the other places I’ve been? Ethiopia to Mali... Liberia and Guinea! Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, Bangladesh and Haiti! ... It’s a big big world and I got to see a lot of it :)  If you see this... you’re tagged to do it :)
Thanks @all-the-w-ness!
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spidermaninlove · 5 years
anon pls: part 2, I hope that makes sense. she was so protective about being spotted w t and doesn’t seem to care at all about j in that way. so unless she’s done a 180, idk. also, it’s funny how when t was spotted at her party, everyone was hesitant to believe it, but with this potential sighting, everyone is acting like they just announced their engagement.
anon pls: kind of related, I know this potential sighting is worrying (I still don’t necessarily believe it) I do think it’s worth saying that j + z will be spotted together. obviously they’re friends and will hang out. what’s more telling imo is what happens between her and t and whether she starts to act about j the way she acted about t. also their friends and family. so while this is worrying I don’t think it’s the end all be all, she clearly doesn’t care about being spotted w him (Greece).
spideyparker3000 said:I mean without photographic proof we will never know but also she didn’t say which Jacob for all we know Jacob b is back from Korea and got home and decided to go catch up with z
taessuns14 said:The fact that I just made tumblr to say this lmaoooo😭😭 anyWHO A) that girl’s talked about standing in line for in n out 3 days ago on twt and as far as I know in n out is only at the west coast so idk what she’s doing in NYC when she’s clearly l.a based B) sis tweeted about seeing Michael Jordan and Solange all in the same day in L.A a couple days (?) ago🤭 we love a celeb magnet! Or as what I would like to call it, good at making things up. Btw thanks for keeping this blog, ily ❤️
stanleymaree-96 said:Ik ur not a yta+Z blog but is there any indication that JE’s in NY or LA? Not Australia like previously thought before
pjlov said:Do you think it is weird that people are going in the pop up shop busses and yet we still didn’t get a pic of Z yet?
thecynicaloptimist said:Who knows? But that girl has a couple of questionable retweets about Tom and seems to be a Euphoria fan. She also mentioned seeing Solange and Michael B Jordan this month so... I would take it with a grain of salt until pics/other tweets surface.
pjlov said:I noticed that your followers from Latin America typed their asks without using much capitalization just like the guy from Honduras. Tom uses capitalization so I don’t think it is him.
anon pls: ok also devils advocate, they are friends, so it wouldn’t be weird for them to get dinner. obviously they could be together but I still think time will tell and people shouldn’t react like this is all the proof in the world.
anon pls: well if that’s true, ouch, but would also like proof
spideyparker3000 said:So many sighting lol some of them are probably just mistaken identity but I can’t help but feel some of them are just people messing around. The Jacob one could be true if he was on a stopover but there is no way Tom flew 11 hours back home played golf had a busy day doing stuff and then flew 11 hours back lol
3.  Batalon is in Japan
4.  Thank you!
5.  He was allegedly spotted in Hawaii and LA yesterday.  One fan account believes he is still in Australia.  
6.  If Z was in NY yesterday, we would have seen media coverage.  
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kindafitcass · 6 years
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This #tbt I'm going back to the beautiful island of Roatan, Honduras. This was a stop we made on the first and only cruise I've ever been on. This island is by far one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Pictures don't even do it justice! . . I've been feeling a bit burnt out these days. I've been day dreaming of a beachy vacation so badly lately. It probably doesn't help that my honeymoon on an island is about 80 days away! I need it and cannot wait for so many reasons! 🏖️😊 . . Anyone else feel burnt out at work once in a while? Are you taking enough time for yourself to rest and recharge? I'm still learning to do this. I always feel bad for my patients when I call in because I want them to feel better and feel guilty for not showing up for them. This is a lesson I'm slowly but surely learning. You can't save others if you can't even save yourself! . . #restandrecharge #taketimeforyourself❤️ #selfcareisimperative #travelasoftenasyoucan #daydreamingofthebeach #honeymooniscoming #roatanisland (at Mahogany Bay, Rotan Isl, Honduras)
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tarjapearce · 1 year
i was rereading some of your works and i just discovered that you’re from honduras????? WHAT
my favorite writer is from latam!!!??? 🏹🌷🩷 that’s so cool~ luv your works and everything you write (especially mi dulce cereza 🍒)
*Stopped working after reading favorite writer*
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Hehe. Thanks hun 🥹❤️ I'm working my best to finish the outlines so I can just go nuts and start posting chapters 🤭❤️
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edudenali · 4 years
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Happy Independence Day Honduras! 🌠🎇❤️🇭🇳🎆🌠 • We’re celebrating your 199th anniversary since you became free from the oppressor. You reclaimed your identity and your place in the world. You’ve made us proud and we will love you even if we’re far away. • Thank you Motherland for everything you gave me ❤️🇭🇳🙏🏽 • • • #honduras #i❤️honduras #honduran #hondureño #hondurasisgreat #hondureñoenmexico #ciudaddemexico #catracho #banderacatracha #honduranstyle #elzocalo #honduransbelike #hondurasindependenceday #diadelaindependenciadehonduras #catrachosbelike #honduransaroundtheworld #catrachosporelmundo #vivahonduras #proudtobehonduran #orgullosodeserhondureño #edücation #hondureñoviajero #travelingisliving #hondureñosporelmundo #paiscincoestrellas #honduranflag #banderahondureña #honduraslotienetodo #hondurashasitall #honduranpride (at Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFLYHyIjgqK/?igshid=uopbq6z29k1m
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edudenali · 5 years
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Hello Honduras!!! 🏖❤️🇭🇳 I just wanted to say hi from the beautifully remodeled Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in New York City, and wish you’re still having a wonderful Independence Day. • #honduras #i❤️honduras #honduran #hondureño #hondurasisgreat #hondureñosennuevayork #honduranmaje #catracho #banderacatracha #honduranstyle #apple #honduransbelike #hondurasindependenceday #diadelaindependenciadehonduras #catrachosbelike #honduransaroundtheworld #catrachosporelmundo #vivahonduras #applestore #applewatchseries4 #applestorefifthavenue #hondureñoviajero #applestorefifthavenuenewyork #hondureñosporelmundo #honduransinnewyork #honduranflag #banderahondureña #honduraslotienetodo #hondurashasitall #honduranpride (at Apple Fifth Avenue) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2dEAh5JgA_/?igshid=bra7ku4wr2zm
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