#i'll be fine in a couple of days but I had a really shitty day today
cutebisexualmess · 11 months
you ever think you're doing amazingly and then one day pulls the entire thing apart and you've gone back three steps and feel like shit again
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aidaronan · 2 years
Valentine's Day at the bar is always a bit chaotic. There are the couples who'd prefer something simplistic. There are the singles and groups who'd rather get fucked up than think about how no matter how emotionally evolved they feel the other 11 months of the year, February always tears down the walls and leaves them feeling raw.
Eddie gets it. He pours a little heavy for those ones even though he knows he'll probably have to clean up something unholy in one of the bathrooms later.
It takes him a while to notice the guy tucked away in one of the back booths. He'd seen him earlier when he came in, a white rose in his hand when he ordered a beer.
Eddie had registered him as cute, all pouty lips and perfect hair, with brown eyes that sometimes caught the light and bled green. But Eddie hadn't thought much about him after that. He'd written him off after seeing the flower, and there had been so so many drinks to pour.
"It's your turn." Chrissy tosses a damp rag at him, washes her hands, and goes back to mixing long islands at a breakneck pace.
Eddie bangs his hip on the corner of the bar, swearing on his way to clear and wipe down sticky tables. He finds rose guy nursing the same beer he'd sold him hours ago, the flower sitting in the middle of the table.
"Oh, sorry," Eddie says. "Thought this one was empty."
"It's fine. I should probably..." The guy drains the last dregs of room temperature beer. "You know what they say. Stand me up once, shame on you. Stand me up twice... Or whatever." He gives Eddie a smile that's more of a cringe, like he wishes he could take the words back the second he says them.
"Her loss." Eddie means it. If he had a guy like that, he'd be insufferable about him.
"His. I'm bi."
"Oh." Eddie glances back at Chrissy, her eyes already searching for him. "I have to get back before they go full Helm's Deep on the bar, but I tell you what. Next one's on me. Alliance of the lonely queers and all that." Eddie gives the guy a pat on his shoulder.
He doesn't really expect the guy to stick around, but he does. He takes Eddie's generous offer in the form of the cheapest beer on the menu, and he moves from the back booth to a seat at the bar.
When Eddie fucks up making a drink because he couldn't hear the order, he slides it next to the guy's Natty Light. "Please stop forcing yourself to drink that. It's painful to watch."
"It's fine. Brings back memories." "Of what? Vomiting outside of someone's shitty house party?"
Eddie can hear him laugh even over the noise. It's the best tip he's gotten all night. (Though he does notice the $5 the guy slips into the tip jar when he thinks Eddie's too busy theatrically mixing a mojito.)
"Alright bitches!" Chrissy hops up onto the bar with all the grace of someone who has a box full of old cheerleading medals in her closet. Eddie cuts the music, and her voice carries like she's leading a pep rally. "Last call!" She points at the crowd of drunks, most of them familiar enough with the bar to play along.
"For alcohol!" they finish for her, some of them rushing up to the ordering stations even while they holler.
The call and response goes on for a solid 30 seconds or so. Mid-pour, Eddie catches the stranger's eyes and gets a smile for it that almost knocks him on his ass. Eddie shakes spilled whiskey off his fingers.
"One more time," Chrissy yells. "Last call!"
"For alcohol!"
"As always drive safe and fuck safe." Chrissy pretends to curtsy in her jeans. "Cab numbers and condoms next to the payphones. Tip your bartenders or we'll find you." She hops down off the bar and starts taking final orders as the bar starts to empty.
Even after they shut down the register, the guy doesn't leave.
"Who's the dreamboat making eyes at you?" Chrissy asks, scrubbing glasses so fast Eddie's surprised she doesn't sprain her wrist.
"He is kind of a dreamboat, huh?"
She sighs. "I'll give you five minutes to secure a date, and then I need you to help me close so I can go home and take a hot bath. God, I want to cut off my feet."
"I want to replace my lower back with Terminator parts, so I get it. Thanks Chris." Eddie grabs a bar rag and makes his way down to the end. The stranger sits up straighter on his bar stool.
"Hey." An awkward scrub of the back of his neck. "Sorry if I misread anything. I can go if you aren't..." He fiddles with the now-limp rose, thumbing gently over one of the thorns. "Like I know you're working so you might have just been being-"
"Relax," Eddie says. "You didn't misread anything, dude." Eddie smiles at him and wipes drink rings off the countertop.
"Oh." A breath of relief. "Thank God for that because you...you're..." He shakes his head.
"Because I'm what? I will fish for a compliment for hours, man. Don't test me."
"And I will ruin shit by talking too much."
"Try me."
The guy sighs. "Because you're nice. Don't get me wrong, you're hot too. With the hair and the ripped jeans. Plus I've been making bets with myself all night about how many tattoos you have. But I don't need hot. I need nice. And you're nice."
"Oh." A beat. Eddie chews on his lip. "I don't know actually. How many tattoos I have, I mean." Ugh. "Like, I do try to be nice obviously, to everyone and especially to pretty guys. But if I got five different tattoos and then I connected them all into one piece, is that still five tattoos or is it one tattoo?" Seriously, Eddie has thought about this topic so much. Too much. "So depending on how you do tattoo math, I have anywhere from seventeen to twenty-nine tattoos. What's your name?"
"Steve. I'm Steve. Harrington."
"Oh, we're doing full names?" Eddie realizes he's been wiping the same part of the bar over and over again and stops. "I'm Eddie. Munson. So..." God, it's incredible that Eddie's still nervous given the situation, and yet. "So there's a 24-hour diner two blocks from here, Steve Harrington. Meet you when we're done closing up?"
"I question you referring to a Waffle House as a '24-hour diner,' but that sounds..." Steve laughs softly and ducks his head. "Nice. It sounds nice."
Eddie returns his soft smile and watches him leave, dropping the battered rose into the trash on the way out.
He and Chrissy close the bar in record time, and he sees her onto her bus with a kiss on the cheek.
"Have fun," she says.
"Enjoy your bath."
"God, I so will."
Eddie's halfway to the Waffle House when he runs into a street vendor closing up a little booth of bouquets meant for Valentine's Day stragglers. He finds himself thinking about that sad white rose, wondering if anyone's bought Steve flowers lately. Or ever.
"I'll take those yellow daisies," Eddie says, forking over a bit of cash. He second-guesses himself three or four times before he slides into the booth across from Steve and watches his face light up.
"My favorite color," Steve tells him. "And daisies are my favorite. My great-grandma always had them in her window when I was a kid. When my parents left town, we'd play card games in her living room and eat homemade fudge."
Silently, Eddie vows to get Steve Harrington yellow daisies as long as Steve will have him around.
"Mine would always drag me to bingo," Eddie says. "I loved it."
By the time they've both finished a stack of pancakes, Eddie has Steve's number scrawled in the blank space between 2-5 tattoos. Steve has Eddie's written on a napkin along with plans for their next date.
They talk on the phone every day until Eddie meets Steve for dinner, handing him a bouquet of happy yellow daisies, accepting a handful of deep purple calla lilies in return.
It's nice.
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wosoluver · 3 months
Part 2 - previous
Lena Oberdorf x reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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Lena's pov
"Morning" I said coming into the locker room the next day. I look around, but I don't see Y/N. Not seeing Ana either, drives me to conclude they are together and already outside.
"You look a bit shitty, no offense." says Giulia.
"Saying 'no offense' after saying the rudest thing ever does not make it less offensive."
"See you didn't get much sleep last night." Lea says, she knows me too well.
"Yeah, I was doing a lot of thinking... and feeling, I guess."
"Want to talk about it?"
"After training?"
She only nodded, walking next to me towards the field.
We stayed back after training, with the excuse of training penalty shots.
"hm, it's not that simple to get out."
"Is it about Y/N?"
"How'd you know?" I ask, lips parted a bit shocked.
She simply laughs, which feels a bit like a mock. Making me twist my brows questionably.
"You're really are oblivious about it! Klara was right!"
"You guys were talking about us?"
"Yeah, at Syd's the other day! Y/N had just defended you, and you basically shut her down. You do that all the time. Every time she tries to hit on you actually."
"She doesn't hit on me! I'm pretty sure she only sees me as a friend. That's exactly what I wanted to talk about."
"As a friend?" she said in an outrageous tone. "Your joking right? She religiously does your hair every game. You want to drive her everywhere and won't take a no for an answer, which is fine because she never puts up a fight anyway. She literally said she will marry you. She looks at you, like you hung up the moon and the stars?!
You go out everyday after training as 'friends' but have never actually bothered to invite your other friends. I think you really only got bothered once she invited someone else to come a long, because you knew this isn't a 'just friends' things.
You are bothered because she invited Ana to do something you consider to be extra friendly. Wondering 'what if she is doing romantic things with someone else?'.
Am I right or am I right?"
I felt tears come to my eyes. She described what I felt, but couldn't understand what it was. And I was angry in a way, with myself, for taking so long to notice.
"No need to cry babes." she said coming to hug me. "We cry when we have feelings that aren't reciprocated. You're so lucky, that girl is in love with you. And I really think she would like to hear how you feel."
I nodded quietly. After a couple minutes, in silence we go back inside.
Walking in, Y/N was sitting peacefully on her phone.
"Hey, what are you still doing here?" she looked up at me.
"Just waiting for you, so we can go for a snack." with the same kind smile she always had, on.
"I'll be quick in the shower."
Walking into the showers I was met with a grinning Lea.
"I told you."
Sitting in the usual spot we always did, I noticed for the first time the way she look at me. And maybe, just maybe the twinkle in her eyes, that I noticed very so often, was a sign of her adoration, that I've read wrong all along.
"You were crying..." it wasn't even a question, more of an statement.
"Not too much. I realized, I might have nothing to cry about."
"How's Ana settling in?" I cowardly change the subject.
"Good, I think she's really getting along with the new girl that arrived this week. Tainara, I think that's her name. It's nice to see, I know we didn't have much in common either.
Just didn't want her to go through what I did many times. Of arriving somewhere and feeling lonely and having a hard time making friends."
"I think it's lovely that you think so much about others. Wish I was more like that."
"You are one of the most considerate people I know."
"I'm so sorry."
"What? Why are you saying this?"
"Because I haven't been considerate with your feelings. I have made many mistakes, turning you down. I was unfair, but I swear it was never intentional." she reached across the table to place one of her hands on my cheek, holding it affectionately, as I lean on it.
"I know. That's the only reason I'm still here. You may have denied with words but your actions never lied." She caressed me softly.
"Do you really think I will be a cute granny?" she looked at me questionably.
"I will always think you're cute." and like it did many times before, her words made my stomach turn in excitement.
"Good. Because I want to grow old with you. I love you Y/N."
"I love you, Lena."
Like, share and request! 🩷
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bbrissonn · 4 months
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐫𝐲𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝
☄. *. ⋆ synopsis: 4 times ryan's friend wouldn't leave the two of you alone, and the one time they did
☄. *. ⋆ warning: slight swearing, not proofread
☄. *. ⋆ disclaimer: this is my first time writing a 3+1 type of fic, so if it's shitty sorry
☄. *. ⋆ wc: 2.5k
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ryan grinned as he walked into a small cafe right off the edge of campus, spoting you right away in the same corner as always. he had just gotten out of his only class for the day, and he could not wait to hold you in his arm again.
"hi, baby." he mumbled with a smile as he leaned down to kiss your forehead. you looked up from your book at his presence, a smile of your own appearing.
"hi, bubba." you smiled as he sat down next to you, letting one of his arm fall to the back of your chair. you leaned your head onto his shoulder as a reflex, hanging him his coffee. "how was class?"
"teacher made gabe improv in front of everyone, you really missed something, babe." your boyfriend laughed as he let his eyes drift to your notebook in front of you. "exam soon?" he questioned, he knew you only took color coded notes when you had an exam approaching.
"monday at like 8:30." you groaned, closing your books so all your attention was on the freckled man next to you. "i'm dreading it already."
"you're gonna do great, like always, love." he whispered, placing a kiss against your temple. you lifted your head from his shoulder, looking up at him with a smile before pressing a peck to his lips.
"okay, yuck." you heard someone exclaim from behind you, making you and ryan pull apart. your eyes fell into a couple of his teammates taking seats next to ryan.
"what do you want?" your boyfriend asked, pulling you a little closer to his side as one of your hands fell onto his thigh.
"that's no way to talk to your friends, leno." will smirked as he patted the boy on the back.
"dude, seriously, we're a bit busy here." ryan said through gritted teeth. his teammates just looked at him with innocent looks, making ryan a little angry.
"it's fine. i need to go to class anyways. i'll see you late, ry. bye, boys." you said, placing a hand on ryan's thigh, hoping it would calm him down, before packing your bag and making your way out the door.
once ryan was sure you were gone, he smacked his best friends behind the head, making all of them groan.
"you guys are the worst."
"what'd we do?" gabe knew he was pushing the limit, but he had never seen his best friend act like this because of a girl before. they all found it so cute how ryan was such a menace on the ice, getting in everyone's faces, always being in the middle of a scum, but he was always so gentle with you.
"we've barely spent time together because of hockey, and the one minute we get alone you guys just have to show up?" ryan mumbled underneath his breath as he started standing up from his spot.
"come on, leno. we're just messing with you." aram said, which only worsened the freckled boy's mood.
"i'm leaving."
you threw your head back, laughing at a story ryan was telling you about one of his classes this week. it was monday night, meaning date night. the two of you were currently sitting in a movie theater, waiting for the movie to start. you each had your own drinks, but shared the same popcorn, mainly because ryan insisted on it.
ryan had been away for the weekend because of hockey, meaning the two of you had barely seen each other in the last five days. of course, you always face timed or texted whenever you could, but nothing compared to spending quality one on one time with each other.
"i missed you." ryan mumbled, throwing his arm around you shoulder and bringing you close to his side. you smiled up at him before pressing your lips to his cheek.
"missed you more, ry." you answered with a smile and ryan leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. there were maybe three other groups in the room with you, a family of four, an old couple, and a group of friends about your age. it was pretty silent, only for the small whispers within the groups.
you and ryan were in your own little world, you sat in the back corner of the room, everyone else choosing the middle of the room to sit. no one around the two, truly having being able to just focus on each other.
of course, all of that quickly ended when almost all of ryan's team walked into the theater, their eyes obviously looking for the two of you. they quickly made their way over to the two of you once the captain spotted you.
"i'm gonna kill them one day." ryan let out a frustrated sigh. he had made it very clear that tonight was only for you and him, granted he made the mistake of telling the guys which movie you were going to watch, where, and at what time.
"let me know when you wanna do it." you mumbled as the guys started sitting around you.
"hi guys!" will said sitting behind the two of you and reaching for the popcorn between your bodies.
"no." ryan was quickly to pull the bag away from his friends reach, making the blond frown.
"that's not nice." gabe intervened from besides the blond boy.
"why do you guys always have to just ruin everything? i told you it was just me and y/n tonight."
"are we not allowed to come enjoy a movie as a team, ryan?" drew said from besides the boy.
"you couldn't have picked any other movie? it had to be this one? at this cinema, seriously?"
"it's a very popular cinema, ryan." cutter said, smirking at his teammate. you rolled you eyes, your boyfriend doing the same, before shushing the boy since the lights were starting to dim.
thankfully, the boys were quiet while watching the movie, which surprised you a lot, well for the most part. they would whisper between each other whenever one of them did not understand what had just happened in the movie, and of course had little reactions every time the two of you interacted. some of them even going as far as gagging whenever you leaned your head on his shoulder.
"where're you guys going?" will asked as you and ryan quickly left the movie theater once the movie ended.
"far away from you guys." ryan said harshly before quickly hurrying the two of you out of the cinema, and quickly making your way to his car, where he was fast to drive off in the direction of your dorm.
you cheered loudly as your roommate scored yet another goal, ryan cheering as well from besides you. the two of you were among few in the crowd for the women's lacrosse game, the only other people in the stands being family and friends of the players.
you had came to almost every game this year, always ready to support your roommate, and now best friend. ryan had started coming along after the two of you dated, the games being another way the two of you could be alone.
the two of you should have figured that these games alone would not last long once the guy realized the two of you disappeared every time there was a game, but you choose to ignore it. probably one of the reasons why you were both so frustrated when some of ryan's teammates joined the two of you in the stands.
"seriously?" ryan called out, dropping down to his seat, a slightly frown on his face.
"are we not allowed to come cheer on our school?" drew said with an innocent smile.
"and you had to do it here?" you spoke out, shocking the guys a little. ryan was always the one who protested, never you. you always just stayed quiet, not wanting to say things you would later regret, but you had enough.
"i mean seriously? you guys never come to these games, but since we do, you guys wanna start coming too? you never go to the movies, but when we do, you suddenly want to as well? do you not have anything better to do in your lives than bothering us? it's pathetic." you said, anger filling your veins, before grabbing your bag and making your way to the bathroom, leaving all the guys dumbfounded, even your own boyfriend.
"shes' right, ya know. you guys are annoying. it was funny the first couple of times, but you're taking it too far. i mean, we barely get to spend time together, and when we do you guys just have to ruin it all the time. sometimes she doesn't even want to hangout with me because she knows you guys are just gonna show up and ruin everything. so, please, just leave us alone." ryan said, before getting up and following after you.
your boyfriend walked around the stadium for a bit, before eventually hearing some sniffles coming from one of the bathrooms. "Y/N?"
"in here." you confirmed, and ryan was quick to make his way inside, he did not care if there was anyone else in there, he needed to make sure his girl was okay. "oh, baby." he whispered when he saw a tear rolling down your cheek, quickly bringing you into his chest.
"i'm so tired of them, ry." you whispered into his chest, letting out a sigh of frustration.
"i know, hons, me too." he said softly, one hand rubbing down your back while the other landed on the top of your head, softly combing through your hair.
"i'm sorry i snapped at them like that." you said after a couple of minutes of silent, the two of you just holding onto each other. this was probably the longest the two of you had been able to hug each other for weeks without any of the guys interrupting.
"don't be, y/n. they're assholes... and it was hot. very hot." he giggled, making you look up at him only to see him smirking down at you. you knew that look all too well, making you roll your eyes.
"ryan." you warned him, smiling slightly, which only made his smirk grown bigger. the two of you had not been able to be intimate with each other in a long time, and after all, ryan was just a teenage boy.
"your rooms empty." he whispered, bring his lips down to yours. you took a deep shaky breath, trying your best to control yourself. "and the game's not even half way done." he added, letting both of his hands fall lower and lower on your back.
"promised the girls i'd meet up with them after." you mumbled as ryan attached his lips to your neck. you had grown close to the other freshman on the lacrosse team, finding your own little friend group.
"they'll understand, baby." he whispered against your neck as he brought your bodies even closer together. you were about to say something when his phone started ringing loudly from his front pocket, making him groan into your neck.
"what?" he grumbled as he answered the phone, making you let out a sigh. "no, i don't want to go to dinner with you guys. i don't care, will. well, tell eamon that i can't make it. then, i'll do suicides, i don't care. whatever, bye." he argued before letting out yet another groan as he hung up the phone.
"what was that about?"
"stupid team dinner or whatever, i'm not going."
"ryan." you said sternly. you had made it very clear throughout your relationship that missing team events to hangout with you was not something you were okay with.
"it's not an official one, babe. the coaches aren't gonna be there, they don't even know it's happening! eamon can't expect all of us to just stop our lives to go to dinner with him. someone of us have more important people to go on dates with." he said, his voice going from angry to soft at the end.
"you're an idiot."
"you love it."
"mm, i do." you smiled before finally connecting your lips together.
"hide." ryan whispered loudly, hiding his face with the menu in his hands.
"the guys are here!"
"what?" you exclaimed before turning around to the door, quickly spotting a small group of hockey players. some of them were quick to spot the two of you, smiling before following their host. "you'd tell them we were coming here?"
"no! i picked a different restaurant just so they wouldn't know where we are!" ryan said, quickly looking at his friends before hiding behind his menu again.
"ryan, idiot, they already saw you, there's no point in hiding." you said, grabbing the menu from his hands.
"oh." he said before the two of you looked over at them again. you saw a couple of them about to get up, before someone of the freshman said something, quickly making all of them sit back down. the next second, ryan's phone dinged, a message from jacob appearing on his screen.
sorry, though you guys would be going to the same place as always. we won't bother you, enjoy your night
your boyfriend read the message out loud, shocking the two of you slightly. you both looked over at them again, only to find none of them looking over at you, instead focused on the menus. then, ryan's phone rang again.
also i think drew's scared of y/n now
ryan laughed as he read the message in his head, before turning his phone so you could see it. you giggle slightly, a small blush taking over your face.
"i guess we're both menaces now." ryan smiled, making yours drops.
"absolutely not." you gasped, making your boyfriend laugh out loud. surprisingly, the boys kept their, leaving the two of you alone for the whole night. but not without sneaking a couple of pictures of the two of you, which they later sent to ryan. they did not even bother the two of you when you walked near their table to leave the restaurant, none of them even looking up at the two of you.
when the two of you made it back to his dorm, you talked for almost an hour at how you could not believe they had somehow managed the be in the same room as the two of you and not bother you guys. it felt great, it truly did, to finally have some time alone with ryan, some real quality time where all you had to focus on was each other.
and you were soon very thankful that found out it would not be the only time the two of you would be left alone. of course, the guys still popped out every now and then, but if one of you ever gave them a look, they'd be gone the next second. especially if they came from you.
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stanfordswifey · 18 days
"I'll be here for you, my love"
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Ford Pines x reader
You've been in the hospital for 5 years straight, your cancer developing and spreading. The tumor you had ignored had now developed and evolved, spreading to your organs, causing your stage 1 liver tumor to evolve into stage 4 metastasis.
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Just yesterday the doctor walked into your room quietly, it was unusual. She had some news to break to you. "I'm afraid you only have a couple more days left. I've told you this before but its any time now, i'm sorry." You smiled at her, noticing the tear falling down her cheek and frown mentally, keeping a fake strong facade. "It's not your fault. I'm glad you tried your.best and never gavs up on me." Your hand curls into a ball under the sheet, doing your best to sray strong. The doctor left soon after, leaving you alone in the room with only your thoughts, your brain wandered 'will i tell ford?' 'Will he be okay?' 'I hope he's going to be fine without me'
You stared mindlessly at the ceiling, thoughts and memories rolling around in your mind like a film for a movie, you curse at the solidarity of your life, eventually falling asleep. You felt pathetic, worthless even, knowing that your husband too busy to even worry about you.
(You eventually fall asleep and wake up the next day)
It was another dreary day at the hospital, the sight of white boring walls and minimalistic decor making you lose your sanity by the minute, not having anything to suppress the agonizing pain you felt in your body.
-ford's pov-
"It has been a while since I last visited them at the hospital"
He murmurs, to no one but himself.
You've been gone for so long, off he visited you time to time, but ultimately focusing on the portal more and more to distract himself from worrying about you too much.
As he was working on his portal, his phone suddenly rang, causing him to jump at the sudden sound, rolling his eyes as he pushes himself away from the table (yk those chairs w wheels he basically just rolled over to the phone LMAO).
He accepts the call, ruffling his hair in frustration.
"Ford Pines here, who is this?"
"Ah, sorry, I'm doctor may here, what is your relationship to (reader)?"
He hums, fidgeting with a machine part with his fingers
"I'm their fiancé, what's wrong?"
The doctor clears her throat on the other line,
"I'm sorry to tell you, their tumor has started to spread to numerous other organs, I fear they don't have much time left.."
Ford feels his stomach drop, his hand loosening.
"I suggest you get them out of the hospital and just spend time together, I'm afraid there isn't much we can do now. It's best to spend time while they're still here"
"..I see, thank you doctor."
The call ended, he immediately drops his phone and covers his face with his hands, tears falling down. They really couldn't do anything now. He didn't know what to do.
That night he spent his time sobbing, thinking of ways to help you, looking for a cure, a remedy, anything to help you, he failed miserably.
After a couple hours of thinking it over and breaking down he decided to pick you up from the hospital and spend time together, if you couldn't be there for the entirety of his life, atleast he'd be there for yours.
Hi hi!! This was shitty! I havent written anything for a while T~T please do send me some ideas/requests or if I did anything wrong plz do comment it down, also English isn't my first language so It's not perfect, this will be like 2 or 3 parts? I dont know yet but I will update :33 thank you again for reading <33
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Playing with his Hair
Chris x reader, 1st person, reader POV
TW: shitty manager
Summary: you've had a long day. Everything was way more difficult than it needed to be. Chris asks you to come over when you get off of work for a gaming stream.
I hate my job. Honestly, I wish I could quit. Most of my coworkers don't even do their jobs, preferring to dump it onto me and my couple close work friends. I know Chris wouldn't mind if I quit and depended on him until I found a different job for a little while, but I would just feel so guilty about it. He's never say it, but I can tell he's under a decent amount of stress trying to keep up a specific appearance for the triplets' fans. I wish all three of them would take a break and just focus on destressing for a little bit.
Nevertheless, I have about twenty minutes left in my shift before the next person gets here to take my place and I can clock out. The diner I work at is incredibly slow at the moment, so I pull my phone out behind the counter and check the time. Well, "check the time." Really, it's just to see Chris on my lock screen. His name pops up in my notifications. I unlock my phone and click on the little box.
Chris 💖: hey doll, I know you're at work, but do you want to come over after you get off? We're doing gaming stream. You can spend the night?
I grin at his message. He's so sweet. I shoot him back a thumbs up since my manager is approaching and slip my phone back into my pocket.
"Bad news, Kaitlyn is running late, so you'll have to stay late." I hate this man. I hold the string of curses in and respond calmly instead.
"How late are we talking?" I lean on the counter in front of me.
"I don't know exactly. Probably at least an extra thirty minutes past your clock out time." His leans across the counter, putting his face near mine. "That isn't an issue is it?" It sounds like a question, but I know better. I know John better than that. No, if I complain I risk my job.
"That's fine." It's not fine. The time moves slowly. At one point I swear the clock starts moving backwards. Eventually, Kaitlyn runs in, her hair messy and her face tired.
"I'm so sorry, babes." She says to me quickly. "I had no idea you were the one stuck here with John. I'll make it up to you, I swear."
"You better." I say lightly, mostly joking. "I'm out of here. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers though." I say as I walk towards the back to clock out. I bump into John. "Kaitlyn just got here, so I'm going to clock out now." He rolls his eyes at me, but says no protest.
I get into my car after clocking out and pull my phone out. I shoot Chris a text.
Me: sorry I'm running so late, Kaykat was late 😭😭 I'm heading over now.
Chris 💖: okay ma, I'll have fresh clothes waiting for you <3
He really is sweet. How did I get so lucky? I start my car and pull out of the parking lot. The drive goes by quickly and before I know it, I'm pulling into the familiar drive way. I park my car, and let myself into the house.
"Honey, I'm back from hell!" I call out. I make my way down to Chris's room when I get no answer. He's not there, but some of his clothes are laid out on the bed. He's laid out one of his hoodies and some sweats. It just seems a little hot for all of that. I grab a shirt from his closet, one that's been worn soft and open the drawer he had kindly donated to hold my growing collection of clothes at his house. I grab a pair of shorts, then change my mind. I grab a pair of his boxers and a pair of black thigh high compression socks. My legs are already aching from that shift, so I'll need the support. I set it on his bed and go to his bathroom. I take my make up off and let my hair down before going back into his room to change.
Once I'm changed and I've deemed myself suitable for public sight, I head upstairs to the room they always stream in. I can hear them yelling from down the hall. I softly open the door and slip in. Nick and Matt are busy yelling at Chris for dying.
"You're done! No more playing until you can stay alive for longer than five fucking minutes!" Nick yells. Matt takes over on playing the game. Chris turns around and spots me.
"Baby!" He rushes me and pulls me to his body. "I missed you!" He brings me to the couch they kept in the room against the wall.
"I missed you too. What are you guys playing?" I ask, sitting down. Chris takes my legs and puts them over his lap, sitting close to the rest of my body.
"Skyrim." He answers, taking one of my aching legs into his hands and begins rubbing. I let out a hiss. "You okay, doll?"
"Yeah, just a long ass shift. So fucking tired of John." I express to him.
"Tell him to fuck off." He makes his way up my leg, working his magic hands to ease the aches throughout my leg.
"I'd like to keep my job." I roll my eyes at him.
"Really? I heard there's a position open for my stay at home cutie. Pays seventeen kisses, twenty hugs, and unlimited cuddles and hour." He switches to the other leg.
"Really now? What about health benefits? Huh?" I try to keep my voice steady through his beginning ministrations on my other leg. From the look on his face, I didn't do a great job.
"You got me there, doll." He finishes with both legs after a few minutes and leans his upper body to lay on mine. This just so happens to put his head perfectly within range of my hands.
I reach one hand up and burrow it into his hair. I place my pointer and thumb on the outer sides of his nap and begin rubbing small circles into his skin. He groans softly.
"Baby, let me take care of you." He protests.
"No, this is what I want to do. I want you to lay here against me and let me play with your hair. Please?" I throw out a pout. He huffs.
"I'm making you something to eat in a little bit." He squints at me.
"Okay, monkey." I say, driving both my hands into his hair. I rub circles across his head, then I switch to lightly tracing his scalp with my nails. He lets out the smallest whine.
I start gently moving his hair around, running my hands through it and pulling them up before slowly releasing his hair so it drops back down to his head. He practically whimpers at the sensation. "Fuck ma, feels good. You're real good at this." He moves against my hand. I giggle. In my opinion, there's nothing more relaxing than playing with my favorite boy's hair.
"Good." I say. My stomach growls loudly.
"I think it's time I go make you something to eat." Chris perks up. My shoulders drop. "Don't worry, doll. I'll carry you, and you can continue playing with my hair once you've eaten." He places a wet kiss on my cheek.
"Okay, okay." I sigh. "Come on." He smiles brightly at me. God, how did I get so lucky to have such a sweet boy?
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𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥...• 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Jude and the reader talking late at night because they barely got to talk during the day. They talk about the most random things, laughing at each other shitty jokes And stuff. Neither wants to hang up because they love to hear each other’s voice (they don’t confess they like each other just yet. I’m trying to make this a little series)
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: none tbh
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is short. There will be more parts but I won't make it a long series. If you have ideas then lemme know
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 800+
I'll be working on my Jude Masterlist
✿﹕ ︵︵✧₊︵︵ꕤ₊˚︵ ૮꒰˵• ᵜ •˵꒱ა ﹕ɞ
The silence was loud in your room as you laid in your bed. Your eyes were glued on your phone sitting beside you, waiting for it to ring at any minute.
Almost every night you would get a call from Jude who is your best friend and has been since the age of 15. You both were miles and miles away from each other.
Ever since he left for Germany a few years ago, you were empty without his presence. He was one of the first people to ever treat you like a human in school. That’s what made you grow so attached to him.
You didn’t want Jude to be so far away from you, but you sucked it up and dealt with it. You knew his career was important and you were always going to support him and never get in his way. You were only his friend anyways.
You were sure you both were going to drift apart but to your surprise you both didn’t. Jude made it his mission to call you and text you when ever he could. He never let you believe you were forgotten in his mind.
The phone rung snapping you out of the daydream you were in. You wait a few seconds So it didn’t seem like you were sitting and waiting for his call before picking up.
“Hi Judy.”
“Hi love, how are you?” you heard the deep, relaxing voice ask you on the other side. You smile to yourself at the word love he always called you and relax into your bed.
“I’m good. Happy I can hear your voice.”
“Good.” You heard Jude chuckle on the other end of the phone. Your stomach filled with butterflies at the sound. You don’t know what was coming over you but he always made you feel like this.
Jude began to tell you about his day and you telling him about your own. That conversation between you both went on for a good hour before it switched to another.
“I miss you.” Jude said making your stomach flip. It’s been a couple of weeks since he last saw you. He came back to Birmingham for his birthday and of course you were there. You didn’t know it but you were the highlight of his visit home.
“I know. That’s why we’re talking.” You laugh. You shut your eyes and wait for Jude to speak.
“No, that’s not what I meant y/n. I mean I miss you. I miss having you here with me being my biggest cheerleader. I’m happy to be following my passion but I miss having you around like the old days.”
Your eyes open at his words you weren’t sure what to say right now but your heart was fluttering in your chest. “oh” you exhaled. “I miss that too.” You say softly into the phone.
“Anyways, no more sad stuff. Me and jobe were fighting about this earlier. Who would win in a fight a lion or a shark?”
You snorted. “Jude really?” “I’m serious. Jobe was thinking so hard about it but I don’t get it. Why would a shark and a lion be fighting?”
You laughed. “Yeah that’s a good point. Jobe always comes up with weird stuff to bicker about.”
Jude hums agreeing with you.
You look over at your nightstand looking at the time. It was currently 12am. Later than Jude should be awake.
“Jude, it’s late. We need to end this call.” It hurt saying that but you had to. “Y/n, it’s fine. We can keep talking.”
“Jude you have to train tomorrow. You need to sleep and I won’t argue with you.”
You heard Jude sigh on the other side. “fine but at least stay on the phone with me love.”
A small smile filled your face. “Ok, fine. Good night Judy.”
Jude said goodnight right back. You both feel into silence and before you knew it you had fall asleep. Jude on the other hand was still awake.
He was up thinking of a way to tell you how he really felt for you. It took him a while of being away from you to realize he loves you in a way that was more than platonic. being away made him come to his senses. You were the one he wanted more than anything in the world he just didn’t know how to tell you that.
“Y/n.” Jude whispers. When you don’t respond Jude exhales. “Good night love.”
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cringe-but-proud · 8 months
Can you do a story were you date Sirius so he can actually Date Remus and reg don't know and likes you and gets jealous
If you can thx you <3
I didn't think I'd like writing this as much as I did lol.
Regulus Black x Fem!Reader
Some Warnings: Technically a modern AU, a bit of cursing, mentions of a bad home life, jealous Reg, sort of angsty???
A/n: I made this new Year's themed even though new years has passed 🤗 Cause y'all can't stop me 🤬🤬🤬 This is DEFINITELY my longest fic yet. PLEASE DON'T LET IT FLOP GUYS.... My requests are open btw
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Ah, winter break. It was something everyone at Hogwarts looked forward to. Well, almost everyone. There were those who didn't get to go home to their families and some who wished they didn't have to go home to their families.
One of those people was a friend of yours, Sirius Black. He often avoided talking about his home life, but you knew it wasn't good. And you knew going home for the holidays could be hard for him. So, when it was the day before winter break and the two of you had a moment alone, you asked if there was anything you could do to make the break easier for him.
"I need you to be my girlfriend."
Seven words you'd never expected to hear from your best friend. Your best friend who was in a gay relationship, nonetheless.
"What?" You asked in bewilderment. "No!"
"Wait, wait, wait. It's not what you think." Sirius put his hands up as if to show his innocence. "I don't really want you to be my girlfriend. I just need you to pretend. Please."
"Because," he explained. "My parents have started to get... Suspicious about my total lack of any girlfriend. And I may have told them that I was dating you.... Y'know, to throw them off my track..."
You stared at him. "You told your parents we were dating?!" You repeated, clearly upset at him.
"I know, I know. It was a shitty thing to do, and I'm sorry." He says. "But, if I didn't give them some sort of excuse, they might've found out about me and Remus!"
You were still upset, but you could understand why he did what he did. "So..." You crossed your arms. "You said I need to pretend to date you. What is it exactly that you need me to do?"
"Over the break, I need you to come over for a couple days. My parents will meet you, get to know you, blah, blah, blah. And then, you'll never have to speak with them again. If they ask about you after that, I'll say we broke up."
You really weren't a fan of having to fake date your best friend. You also weren't a fan of having to meet his parents who you'd only heard negative things about. But... You knew how happy he was with Remus and you would hate for his parents to find out about the two. You sighed. "You're lucky we're friends."
"Is that an agreement?" He asked, a grateful smile on his face.
"Yes. But, you'll be forever in debt to me."
"Fine by me."
The next day, while on the train to 9 3/4, you and Sirius mostly just planned for you having to meet his parents. You decided that you'd arrive the day after Christmas, stay for news years eve, and leave new Year's Day.
A lot of the train ride was spent establishing some basic facts about your "relationship". How you'd met, your first date, what your wedding would be like (which was strange, but Sirius assured you that his parents would ask about marriage), and some other details.
Soon enough, the train ride was over. Your winter break was fine. You enjoyed getting to see your family, but you were quite stressed about seeing Sirius' family. Part of you wanted to call the whole thing off, but you knew that was out of the question. You had to do this. For Sirius.
The morning of December 26th was a cold one. You wished you'd had more protection against the cold, but the formal attire you were wearing could only do so much. Sirius had told you to bring nice, formal clothing for the few days you'd be there. You were a bit worried you'd still be underdressed, though.
You took a deep breath and knocked on the door to the literal mansion that Sirius lived in.
After a few moments, the door opened. Regulus black stood on the other side.
"Hi." You greeted, trying to politely smile at him. He didn't return the gesture. He did the opposite he gave you a look of... Annoyance?
"You're here for Sirius."
You couldn't tell if it was a question or a statement, so you just gave a nod.
He stepped aside to let you in, his eyes trailing over your attire, making you feel nervous. "He's in the living room with mother and father." Regulus said before walking off.
What a strange interaction. You and Regulus weren't close, by any means. But, you never thought he disliked you. You thought the opposite was true. Whenever the two of you did interact, he was always quite nice.
You tried to shrug off the interaction, but you just couldn't. Even when you were next to Sirius, meeting his parents for the first time, the way he'd acted toward you was on your mind.
The worst part of your day was dinner. You were worried about everything. How you were eating, how you were sitting, the way everyone was looking at you, the way Regulus was looking at you.
"Y/n," You were broken out of your thoughts by Walburga's authoritative voice. "I want to know how you and Sirius began seeing each other."
You nervously glanced over to Sirius who gave you a forced looking smile. You looked back to Walburga. Gods, she scared you. "Well, it wasn't too long ago." You said, trying your hardest not to break eye contact with her. "It was late September. He told me since we'd known each other for so long, he thought we'd be a good match."
Sirius nodded along. "We went on a couple dates, turns out we really like each other." He said.
You glanced over to Regulus. He was glaring at you. You didn't break eye contact and after a moment something else flashed through his eyes. Something softer. Sadness?
"So," Walburga broke your attention away from Regulus as you looked back to her. "Are you serious about your relationship with my son?"
"Very." You replied.
"Do the two of you plan on marrying?"
You swallowed. "As soon as possible."
You heard silverware clatter as Regulus abruptly stood up. "I need to be excused." He said lowly.
Walburga raised an eyebrow. "You've hardly eaten." She stated. There wasn't any concern in her voice like you'd expect. It was a blatant statement.
"I know." He says. "I'm done."
His mother gave him a disapproving look, but didn't object.
Regulus stormed out of the room. You couldn't help but frown as you watched him leave.
The next few days were a bit uneventful. Most of your time was either spent in the guest bedroom you were staying in, or talking with Sirius. You were still confused by Regulus' attitude toward you. You knew his and Sirius' relationship was a rocky one. But, you didn't think that affected what he thought of you. He'd known you and Sirius were friends, and he still treated you kindly. But, now that the two of you were pretending to date, he had a problem with it? It didn't make any sense!
It was December 31st now. You and Sirius were sitting in his room, eating lunch while sitting on the floor.
"I was thinking-"
"Oh, God."
"Shut up, let me finish." Sirius chuckled, playfully hitting your arm. "I was thinking about going to a party tonight."
You furrowed your brows. "Where?"
"James and his family have a new years party every year. I'm sure they wouldn't mind some extra company."
You thought about it. Honestly, you weren't really in the mood for a party. Plus, if his parents caught you sneaking out, your heart would probably stop. "I think I'll sit this one out." You said after a moment.
"You sure?"
You gave a nod. "Yeah, I'd rather stay in. I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun without me."
"Oh, I will."
You smacked his arm.
The clock read 11:39. You were alone in your guest room sitting in your bed. You had your laptop open in front of you as you watched a broadcasting of one of the many new Year's events that were going on tonight. You were absentmindedly looking at the crowded city streets displayed on your screen when-
"I wouldn't be using that while having the door open." Regulus said. He stood in the doorway, arms crossed, looking from you, to the laptop, and then back to you.
"Why not?" You asked.
"My mother doesn't approve of us using muggle technology." He said. "And I doubt she'd be okay with her son's girlfriend using it."
You sighed. "Right... Girlfriend."
Regulus raised a brow at how you'd said that. "What are you watching, anyway?" He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.
"A new Year's parade."
"... Could I join you?"
You were surprised at that. After how cold he'd been acting toward you over the past few days, you'd assumed the last thing he'd want to do tonight is spend time with you. But, you weren't against the idea of not being alone when the new Year started.
"Sure." You replied as you moved over on the bed to make room for him to sit.
The two of you watched the parade in silence for a few minutes until Regulus spoke. "How come I had no idea you and Sirius were dating?" He asked.
You glanced over at him. "What do you mean?"
"You said the two of you had been together since late September." He said. "How come nobody knew about it?"
You subconsciously began to fiddle with the fabric of your shirt. "I don't know." You shrugged. "Guess we weren't shouting about it from the rooftops."
Regulus didn't break his gaze away from you. After a pause, he spoke. "I never would've guessed you liked him in that way."
You didn't know how to reply to that, so you just shrugged again.
Regulus was still looking at you, even though your gaze was focused on the screen in front of you.
He paused. "What made you fall for him?" He asked.
You thought it was an odd question. When you turned to look at him, he looked sort of sad. "He..." You trailed off.
Regulus looked at you expectantly. You were trying to come up with something, but your mind was blank.
"You do like him don't you?"
You looked away nervously. You began to wonder whether or not he'd even care that your relationship with Sirius was fake. If he really was upset about you dating Sirius, then wouldn't he like to know that it was all just pretend?
"Y/n." He said your name and you were pulled away from your thoughts.
"He's not actually my boyfriend." You blurted out.
Regulus paused. "What?"
"He asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend. He didn't want Walburga finding out about his actual relationship, so-"
"It's all fake?" He asked.
"All of it."
"You don't like him?"
"Not like that."
You swore you saw a sliver of a smile creep on to his face. "That's... Good."
You tilted your head. "Is it?"
"I mean..." He shrugged. "I just... I guess thinking you'd gotten with my brother was making me upset." He said.
"Because..." He hesitated. "I like you, Y/n."
You felt your heart skip a beat. Fuck, that actually explained a lot. You couldn't believe you hadn't realized sooner. You felt your face heat up. "Seriously?"
"Yeah." He sighed. "I was jealous. That's why I was acting so... Weird. Sorry for being such an asshole to you."
"That's alright." You paused. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? About your feelings, I mean."
He shrugged. "I didn't think you'd feel the same."
Honestly, you'd always found Regulus quite attractive. But, you figured there was no way he'd ever like you back, so you let go of that silly crush a while ago. But, this? This was making all of those feelings wash over you again.
It was 11:59 now. You could hear the commentators of the parade excitedly get ready for the countdown.
"I feel the same." You said, watching as a blush creeped on to his cheeks.
His eyes seemed to sparkle at your admission. "I..."
You heard the countdown to the new Year begin.
"Can I kiss you?" Regulus asked softly. You nodded.
He leaned closer.
Your tongue darted out to wet your lips.
His hands came up to cup your cheeks.
He closed his eyes. You closed yours.
Your lips met in a soft, romantic kiss. He brushed some hair out of your face and Gods, his hands were soft. You couldn't believe you'd ever managed to stop liking him.
When you pulled away he sighed contently as if that kiss was all he'd been needing his entire life.
You whispered something to him before pulling him in for another kiss.
"Happy new year."
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aroacewxs · 4 months
sharing some of my rui headcanons :]
i mentioned this in that rui gender poll from a while back, but i am personally a believer of any/all pronouns rui with gender that cannot be labelled whatsoever. i think he'd generally consider and present himself as male, but doesn't have many strong preferences about it. doesn't actively make the effort to dress "femininely," but he'd probably fuck with long skirts if given the opportunity!
and all of you know how much i base my personality off of this by now, but. aroace rui :) aroace rui who has always understood romance as a concept, a trope. he can pick up on romantic cues, but purposefully chooses to pretend they don't exist. the mere thought of him experiencing romantic attraction fills him with so much disgust he has to distract himself for hours. i'd ramble a bit more, but then we'd be here for too long..
i think he'd have really good sleight of hand! he's always had an interest for things like card/coin tricks, and picked up more after learning from kaito :) he always has a little trick or illusion up his sleeve and occasionally performs them for kids at phoeniland or just on the street!
despite having really good dexterity with his tools and tricks, he is terrible with sewing and needles. tsukasa has tried everything in his power to teach him, but nothing stops him from accidentally pricking himself.
incredibly susceptible to cold temperatures. is usually wearing a couple more layers than necessary
doesn't get sick often, but when he does, the illness hits him like a TRUCK. it takes him at least a week to recover. he's huddled up in blankets like a poor and frail victorian child, and he can barely work up an appetite. the kicker: he doesn't realize he's feeling Bad until somebody points out how horrible he looks. and that's when it settles
always needs something in his hand to fiddle with! super super good at spinning his pens and pencils (sleight of hand), and is often found twiddling with his longer strands of hair. he also has a bunch of miscellaneous screws and trinkets and trash in his pockets that he keeps to fidget with.
rui has intrusive thoughts (projecting).. most of them come from his deep fear of hurting others and anxiety regarding social perception and safety
this is already kind of canon i think but. whenever rui ever makes the effort to actually clean his room (shocking), he almost always gets distracted by something he finds, and soon enough, cleaning is no longer of his concern.
shitty handwriting. he CAN write neatly, but he just chooses not to
i think he'd be really good at game pigeon word hunt. and sudoku. and crosswords. all the word puzzles. and it pisses tsukasa and nene off a lot. emu is his worthy rival
sensitive teeth. can't bite into ice cream...
this is a given, but aside from theatre, i think he'd be super into other performance arts like ballet. he'd be really intrigued by how storytelling can be completely reliant on visuals and motions with no words and lyrics. ballerina rui au is also something i've brewed in my brain a while ago but the logistics are funny
his opinion on mint chocolate ice cream: taste is perfectly fine but he doesn't appreciate the chocolate chunks at all
weird sock collection. he will die if he doesn't have a funky pair of socks on his feet at all times. aside from when he sleeps probably
lots of unfinished word documents.. he's had a few aspirations about writing an actual novel instead of a script, but the ideas are like ping pong balls in his brain that interfere with his other priorities so he never actually gets much writing done.. one day he will though
that's all i can recall for now.. i'll make more soon if i think of more! this is also a humble request for any other rui headcanons you may have that aren't mentioned here.. hehehe
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jazminrhode1 · 1 year
Heyyyyy Jaz, I love your writing sm (I'm sure you hear that a lot). If you do have time can you plz plz write something where the reader has a crush on Matt but, he has a gf? Take it how you want tysm xx
If I Can’t Have You Matt Sturniolo x Reader One Shot
Summary: You’re friends with Matt, you have a crush on him but, he has a girlfriend.
Word Count: 1294 words
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The hardest pill to swallow was that he wasn’t yours. Matt had started dating his girlfriend 6 months ago and you had slowly been distancing yourself. You felt horrible. He was happy and you couldn’t find it in yourself to be happy for him.
You had almost run out of excuses as to why you couldn’t come around anymore. You knew that made you a terrible friend but, your heart couldn’t stand seeing him with her.
She was perfect and perfect for him. She was funny, she was kind, she was beautiful, she was patient and she even liked Pokemon Go. If Matt had a list of traits that would make up his perfect girl, she checked all the boxes.
You wished there was something to hate about her. You wished you could find a reason to validate your feelings. There weren’t any. The truth was that you missed your shot. You had spent almost every day with him for the past 2 years and nothing ever happened between you. Not a longing glance, not a stolen kiss, nothing.
Chris had invited you to their birthday party. You wanted to say ‘no’ but, all your friends were going and it was surely going to be a lot of fun. You figured there would be enough people there to keep you from bumping into the happy couple and, if not, you could always hide in the bathroom.
As you walked upstairs with your besties in tow, you realized that there were way more people here than you had anticipated. A couple of people you knew, mostly people you didn’t - maybe this was going to be fun.
Nick pulled you into a hug at the top of the stairs. “When the fuck did I last see you?” he yelled over the music. He introduced you to a few of his friends - he was in his element.
“Hello, stranger,” Chris said as he walked towards you. “I nearly forgot that you existed,” he joked as he gave you a hug.
You scanned the room, as you always did, looking for Matt. You used to make a B-line toward him but, now you were hoping that he wasn’t there.
“Can I get you a drink or something?” Chris asked, gesturing to the fridge. You shook your head as you looked around.
Chris grabbed your shoulders with his hands and shook you gently. “What's going on? Will you try and have some fun?” he asked playfully. There were times he annoyed the shit out of you but, he had a softer side too.
He didn’t know how you felt about Matt, no one did. He initially thought you and Matt had a fight, then he thought you had a secret boyfriend you weren’t telling him about. Regardless, he missed you and whenever he did see you, he always felt like you didn’t want to be there. You didn’t but, it was never because of him.
“I am having fun,” you lied. “It’s your birthday. Go hang out with people, I'll be fine.”
Chris placed a friendly kiss on your cheek as he made his way over to Nate. You started to regret even coming. Who were you kidding? You were a fucking buzzkill. You considered sneaking out and getting an Uber home but, that would have been really shitty of you.
“Y/n”, she shrieked as she came around the corner hand in hand with Matt. Your heart jumped into your throat as you did your best to match her enthusiasm. She pulled you into a hug, “Oh my god, it’s so great to see you. I'm so glad you could make it.”
The worst part was that she really meant it and your attempt to return the sentiment flopped. You caught a second of confusion flash across Matt’s face before it was replaced with a smile.
You crossed your arms across your chest as you said, “Happy Birthday, Matt. This party's awesome.”
Matt’s eyebrows shot up, “Don’t I get a hug?” he asked, confused.
As he pulled you in you couldn’t ignore how awkward you were being. You tried to relax but, before you could, the hug was long over.
You tried to pull your shit together, today wasn’t about you. Today was about three of your best friends and you’d do good to remember that.
“Let’s cut the cake,” Nick said as everyone gathered around the table. Chris draped an arm around your shoulders as he squeezed in between you and Nick.
“I’m just so grateful that you’re all here to celebrate with us,” Chris said.
“Me too,” Matt chimed in as Nick nodded in agreement.
As Matt and his girlfriend stood next to you, you could feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of your head. “Everyone get in for a photo before we cut it,” Nick said as he set up the camera on a tripod.
Matt moved in closer, placing his hand on the small of your back. What once would have given you butterflies made you feel sick at that moment.
As time passed ever so slowly, you could see your bestie and Nate engrossed in conversation. You were pretty sure something was going on between them and if you were going to wait for her, you would be here all night.
You sent her a text to let her know that you were going home, grabbed your bag, and rushed down the stairs. You felt awful not saying goodbye, but you were sure they’d understand.
As you reached for the door, Chris appeared at the top of the stairs. “Y/n,” he yelled over the music, “are you leaving?”
“Sorry, I couldn’t find you,” you lied as he made his way down to you.
“It was great seeing you,” he said, “I’ve missed hanging out,”
You nodded sheepishly as you pulled him into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re in my life,” he said. Your heart lurched in your chest. You knew what he meant. Whatever was going on, he was still going to be your friend.
You kissed his cheek before sliding out the door and making your way to the corner. Your Uber was 5 minutes away and you just wanted to get out of there.
As you stood under the street light wishing you stayed home in bed, you heard footsteps coming up behind you. You knew exactly who it was and you didn’t want to turn around.
“Y/n,” Matt said as he finally made it to where you were standing, “You’re leaving?”
You turned to face him, forcing a smile, “I’ve had a headache all day that I just can’t seem to shake,” you lied. Well, it was partly true.
He buried his hands deep in his pocket as he rocked back on his heels. You stood in awkward silence for what felt like an eternity.
“I miss you,” he blurted out. “I don’t know what I did but, can we fix it? ‘Cause I would really like to be your friend again.”
That was all that you wanted. You felt awful that you let your feelings get in the way of your friendship with Matt. The thought of third wheeling with him and his girlfriend made you sick but, wasn’t it better than not seeing him at all?
“We are friends,” you replied. A smile spread across his face as he pulled you into a hug. Less awkward than before but, still not quite the same.
It hurt to think that you couldn’t be with him in the way that you wanted but, you knew deep down that you couldn’t live without him. If that meant breaking your own heart just to keep him in your life, that is what you were prepared to do.
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princedesnuees · 6 months
CALL ME MAYBE — gn!reader x jaehyun.
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pairing: gn!reader x jaehyun. genre: hurt/comfort, angst, smut. summary: you work as a phone sex operator. naturally, one of your customer wants something a bit specific... warnings: phone sex. words: 1.5k
It is your duty to take care of your customer during the allotted time. This is your job as a phone sex operator, after all. The call time is determined by the amount paid. Some customers just need twenty minutes. Sometimes much more. Maybe all day. Maybe the entire night. You don't mind, you like doing this. What just was for spending time changed into a real full time job. Everybody says you're made for this. And you would be a liar if you say that you're not good at satisfying your phone correspondent.
It's late at night. You've just ended with an old man. The lonely kind, not really interesting, quite sad actually. But you had nice time. At the end, he sounded happy and thanked you before hang up. Mission accomplished.
And now, what?
You don't have time to think. The phone's ringing.
You pick up, comfortably seated in your chair. Usually, it's you who starts the conversation. And you were willing to do so, until a voice rises from the receiver.
As usual, it's a man. You smile against the phone. What a soft, deep voice you hear.
"Hey baby… How you doing?"
"Not really good."
"Oh… Would you like speak about it?"
Other usual part of your job: the therapist side. You are used to listening to your customers complaining about their life, what's going on, what weighs on them. And it's a side of this job you truly like. Get to know someone. Their past, their present. What they went through. Their dreams, their fears. You can imagine every details just by closing your eyes. And in all these stories, all you have to do is listen and comfort them in a very special way.
"My wife left me."
"Baby. I'm sorry…"
"Don't be. I was never there for her."
"How do you feel?"
"In a shitty way."
"Need me to reassure you a little…?"
"Yeah. That's why I phoned you. They say… You're a good listener."
"And I will. Do you mind telling me your name?"
"Call me Jay."
"Jay… What a sweet name."
"I'll pay for one hour. Maybe more."
"Alright, Jay. I'm all yours. What do you need tonight?"
"Someone who can… help me to make the pain go."
"You feel really, really sad about what happened, don't you…"
You listen closely, and then hear like a sob. Of course, it must be awfully difficult.
"You were together since a long time?"
"Almost five years. I've been… dumb. Y'know. Too much taken by my career. Money, fame, all that stuff. But now… It just doesn't have sense anymore. I realized it too late."
Sadness is blending to his voice.
"Baby… Everything will be okay. Don't blame yourself. You did your best." You whisper on a reassuring tone.
"I even wonder if she cheated on me. No. I know she did."
"Don't think about it. Think about yourself and your well-being. I'm here for you baby. Just ask me something that could bring you joy. Anything I can do."
"It's been a couple of weeks I didn't cum, you know. I can't anymore. That makes me sad when I try with someone else, and I don't like to do it alone. Watching porn doesn't do anything to me. I even feel disgusted."
"Okay, sweetheart. Do you want me to talk, to help you cum?"
"… Yeah. I want."
"Are you sitting comfortably?"
"I'm on the ground of my kitchen."
Oh. That's unusual.
"Everything's okay, baby?…" You want to be sure.
"Yeah. I was… cooking when I started to feel bad. Really bad. My wife used to prepare diner before I got home. It reminded me her, while she was cooking. That's stupid, I know."
"Not, it's not. Jay, don't think your feeling are stupids. They are important, and so you are."
"Would you like to stay here?"
"Yeah. Don't want to go upstairs. It's okay. The tiles are warm now."
And then, you hear a soft laugh. Really, really soft. Almost inaudible. But that makes you smile.
"Fine, Jay. Let's start. Remember, this is your moment. You can ask me whatever you want or need."
"Relax yourself, baby… I'm here. I'm with you. Imagine me, standing by your side. You're not alone. I can hug you if you want. Do you?"
"I'm here, my arms around your waist… You can put your head on my shoulder, close your eyes…" At this moment, your voice was akin to that of a mother soothing her child. A gentle, nurturing voice, one in which everyone would like to take refuge. This is the way you do. Comforting your visitor the time they come to you. "There… How do you feel, baby?"
A long silence responds. But you're not worried. Some people need this time. Time that life didn't grant them. And you were right. A few seconds later, his voice arises.
"I… feel good…"
"Can you feel my hand on your hips, right now? Can you… feel… my warmth enveloping you?"
You listen, carefully. Each sound is an important hint of your customer's mood.
"Jay… I'm sure… you have… a wonderful body… Don't you? Because I can sense it just by touching you."
"Touch me more."
"Where do you want me to touch, baby?"
"Go under my shirt."
"Alright. I'm here, right now… Do you feel it? My hand on your body… It's warm, Jay…"
"Yeah… Warm."
"Can I go on your thighs? I promise, I'm not heavy… And… this will be… more pleasant."
"Go on."
"Aah… It's been… a while since… I went over a man like you…"
You hear him moaning, proof that he begins to feel really relaxed. Perfect.
"You know… Since I am all yours… Would you like to… try something with me?"
"Can we put off this belt? Let me do it for you… There…"
His breath is heavier. You don't have intention to stop.
"Hey, Jay… Don't you feel… too tight…?"
"I… I'm… I try to… caressing… myself…"
"That's good… Do it at your pace, baby, okay?… What are you thinking about…?"
"You. Your pelvis… against mine…"
"Hmm… This is exactly… what I do… Can you feel me… rubbing gently on you…?"
"Yeah. I… fucking feel it."
Your smile is wider. Maybe you've started to caress yourself, too.
"Jay… Is that a big, generous and warm cock I can feel beneath these pants…?"
"Yeah, that is. Oh my god… It's harder and harder… Hmm…"
"Touch it."
"It's been a while you didn't use your pretty cock, Jay… But don't worry because… Tonight… This will change. And I can assure you… That you're well-endowed. To be honest, I've rarely seen a beautiful cock like yours during a while."
"Shit, this is… Aaah… Take it in your hand."
"And I'm doing, baby. There… Just under your underwear… There it is… Hello, beautiful one…"
You can imagine the size wobbling in your little hand.
"Look, I can't even take it in one hand… And you're not this hard yet… Jesus…"
"P-put your goddamn…"
"Hmm ? My…"
"You're goddamn lips."
"Baby… You want me to suck your big dick?"
"Fucking do it."
"There I am… My lips all over your tip… Like this… Hmm… Your… delicious… huge… cock…"
He's moaning louder each second. This is astonishing how his voice can be this deep. You've never heard this kind of tone before, this is arousing you in your chair. Thighs closed, you're trembling like a leaf.
"Jay… I'm gonna… swallow it… entirely… Is that okay for you, baby?…"
"Don't ask: go for it. Eat it. Make it disappear inside your little mouth."
"I'm coming, baby. Let yourself go, I'm going to devour your lovely cock. My tongue wrapped around your pretty veins… Do you see me? Going up and down… Tongue lapping your dick, like a thirsty bitch… Hmm… God, you have such a wondrous taste…"
There you are. Your slow, erotic tone who made fall so many men before. It's not difficult to imagine your client masturbating himself like a damn one. You almost can hear him doing so. His wonderful cock you are sucking until the last drop.
"Fuck… Fuuuuu…. I… Aaaaah… This is… so… fucking good… Haaan…"
"Yeah baby? Do you want me to go faster? Let me do…"
"I… I gonna…"
"Your little whore is going to swallow everything until your balls are totally empty, you know that, Jay…?"
"H-… Oh my…! Hmmm… AAAAH !"
And there are the fireworks. Your man's voice explodes with magnificence. You let him enjoy this moment. His moment. A slight smile on your lips covered by his generous cum. You clean up the little mess by one movement of your tongue.
"Is this good, baby…?"
"Hell… Yeah… I… 've just… stained myself."
"You must be lovely. I'd love to see you, right now…"
"Fucking Christ. I had so much in my balls."
"Do you feel better, now?"
"Fuck yes. Much better."
"Can I lick your cum?"
"Come here, honey."
Oh yeah. You were going to find him soon as expected.
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Oceans of time
One night, Laddie asks David how he became a vampire. The tale that he tells is one of love and betrayal and a hurt he could never quite overcome.
A Dracula A/U
Part 2 Part 3
"How did you become a vampire?"
Laddie laid in his bed, his old stuffed teddybear held tightly in his arms. David looked up from where he was sitting, not responding. The cave was silent. Dwayne, Marko, and Paul had gone out to feed, leaving David with what he called 'baby-sitting duties'. Not that he truly minded it, no. Laddie was - as far as kids go - a good one. He listened, he didn't lie, and he obeyed the rules. Now, however, Laddie had decided not to. Maybe it was because of the warmth of the cave, the summer-heat still caught in its walls. Maybe it was because he had too much sugar that evening, or maybe it was because he was just not tired. No matter the why, David needed to answer, or else the kid might never shut up.
"Why do you ask?"
Laddie shrugged. "I'm just curious."
David couldn't help but grin, shaking his head. "You need to sleep."
"I won't be able to until you tell me. Please, David? Please!"
David sighed, looking at the kid. "Fine. But don't expect a happy story. It isn't."
Still, Laddie smiled. He moved over, laying closer to the wall so there was enough space for David to sit comfortably. "If it gets too sad, Mr. Teddy will cheer you up. He always cheers me up when I'm sad."
"No need," David looked at the stuffed animal - or what was left of it. He supposed the bear was once a light brown colour, but now it was closer to grey. He really had no desire to come close to that thing. "It was a long time ago. There were six of us."
"Who are the other two?"
"Don't interrupt me, or I won't tell you a thing."
Laddie nodded, zipping his mouth close.
July 1897, Santa Carla
"Will you be careful out there?" The young girl asked, sitting next to a phonograph. The song - well, it was hardly that, it was more white noise than music - played quietly. David looked at the girl. Her glasses lay on the table, and just by the way she held her head in her arms, he could tell she was dealing with yet another headache.
"You know I will be. I've got a reason to come back. You wouldn't last a day without me."
A small smile played on the girls lips. "It's not my fault that we can't afford the right glasses."
"Nor is it mine. I'll try and bring some fruit with me today, alright? And if possibke ill try and get some new glasses to try. Maybe we'll be lucky this time. "
"David? Please tell your boys to be careful too - and tell them to come home? I do miss their company."
He sighed, giving his sister a soft kiss on her forehead. What she called home was nothing more than a small kitchen, an even smaller bathroom, and just a single bedroom. There was hardly enough space for the two of them, but somehow, she swore she could make it work for their little makeshift family.
"No need to worry about that, Mia. I'll be back before dark."
With those words, David left the house. The sun was still rising. He knew it would be a long day. His - no matter if you called them friends, gang, crew or something else, it never felt quite right - brothers and he had taken to a life of petty crime. Sure, a couple years back, they had tried to do honest work, working in the factory or the coal mines, but eventually, they all realised that they did shitty work for even shittier pay. So now they stole, gambled a bit here and there. They had a benefactor, a man willing to pay them for their crimes. Steal some papers from the governor, plant some evidence at the pub - whatever Mr. Max demanded, they'd do. He paid well, and that's exactly what they needed. They did what they could to survive, and this definitely helped.
They were good at that, surviving. Quick on their feet, changing plans on the spot, being able to predict outcomes - they were good. They'd managed to stay out of the hands of law enforcement, and the one time they did end up in jail, their good friend Lucinda was quick to break them out. She called it paying bail, but they didn't really care about the technicalities,
"Have you heard? There's a shipwreck down by the beach. If we're quick, we can see if there's some loot." Paul grinned as he showed that mornings newspaper. They'd met up down the harbour. Marko had stolen some bread and shared it with the boys. David sat on one of the crates while Dwayne scanned the crowds. Early mornings meant drunk people stumbling over the docks, trying to make their way home. They were easy targets and often wouldn't even remember what they'd been robbed off.
"What kind of ship?" Marko took the paper, looking at the photograph. "Seems quite big. Could be something." He showed the picture to the others, not bothering with the specifics of the article.
"Won't any survivors come knocking?" Dwayne looked at Paul, who just grinned. "Nope! There were no survivors. That's what they say anyway. Only a dog that ran off, the second the ship stranded."
"We should check it out," David nodded, following Paul to the beach. It wasn't often that a shipwreck ended up on their beach. Ships like these would carry cargo, and possibly something that was worth a fortune.
As promised, there was a shipwreck on the beach. The whole thing was broken apart, as if something unnatural had ripped the wooden boards away from each other. If they hadn't been told that it had been a ship, David was certain they would not have recognised it as such. As they moved through the ship, exploring what was left of the now empty rooms, they came to two conclusions.
One: There was nothing to loot. Two: There were some very strange marks on the doors and walls. As if someone had tried to fight something off.
"There's nothing here," Marko spoke up after they sweeped the place. "We should go, maybe Max has something for us."
With the uneasiness they felt on the ship, none of the boys were too saddened to leave. There was something off with this place, and none of them wanted to find out what it was exactly.
As they met up with Max, outside the hospital, David realised that this was indeed going to be a long day.
"Sorry boys, nothing new today." Max was about to turn around, entering the hospital again, when David spoke up.
"Seriously? It's been six days. We need some fucking money."
"You better watch your tone," the man gave him a stern look, "there many that would kill to work for me."
Knowing this would get them nowhere, they decided to try their luck on the streets. That's how they spent their day, trying to figure out who they could steel from and, most often, succeeding. At the end of the day, they had made three pounds stealing from the rich. It was enough to pay rent for another week and to buy food for the next couple of days. David grinned - Mia would be happy.
"Oh, I'm so glad you're here!" Mia opened the door, noticing that her brother had brought home the others. "I've got so much to tell you!"
"What happened?" Dwayne sat down at the kitchen table, opening a bottle of gin. Marko had grabbed five glasses, while Paul helped Mia to a chair. She was still not wearing her glasses and had in the five steps it took to get from the front door to the kitchen already bumped into something twice.
"Lucinda stepped by today. She's back in town," Mia explained. Lucinda had always been a friend to the boys. They had met a long time ago when she had saved them from a prison sentence. Ever since they had been close, even if she was richer than they could ever dream of being. "She said that a European doctor had arrived and that he's trained in anything to do with the eyes."
"Mi, love, we can't afford new glasses." Paul ran his hand through her hair.
"I know - but that's not the point! She is engaged to him, and she's going to ask him to see if he can do something about my eyes as a favour. Isn't that just great?"
"It sounds too good to be true," Marko said, and Mia noticed his tone immediately. She quieted down a bit.
"You think it's a scam?"
"Dangerous, at least. I wouldn't trust him."
"Lucy also offered to talk to him about maybe getting eye surgery, if that's possible in my case." She said it softly, already guessing how her brothers would react.
"That'd be experimental then, right?" Dwayne looked at her as she nodded.
"Absolutely not!" David slammed his cup down on the table. "You will not get fucking surgery of we already think this whole thing is sketchy in the first place."
Mia sighed. "I know. It would just be nice to also help out, you know? Before I got fired-"
"You were hurt every single day by your boss. Don't worry about it," Paul pulled her close, letting her lean against him.
David looked at his sister. "Sorry, kid." He grabbed the money they'd collected today out of his pocket. "We can afford some food the next couple of days, though."
And with that, the whole conversation was forgotten. Mia and the boys made plans for dinner, and David went off to pay the rent.
1987, Santa Carla
"Where's Mia now?"
Laddie looked at David, who sighed as he lit a cigarette. "She's gone."
"Oh. Why did she want that eye surgery? It sounds scary."
"It is, especially back then, She was nearsighted. She couldn't see for shit. The glasses she had weren't right, and we couldn't afford better ones. She got headaches, so she never wore them. She was always bumping into things," he smiled at the memory, "So, after a while, she began looking into other things that could help restore her sight."
"Could they?"
"God no. Glasses were what she needed. We stole them quite often, but none of them were right for her."
"What happened next?"
"Lucinda stepped by. And then both she and Mia got sick."
August 1897, Santa Carla
"He is so perfect," Lucinda giggled as she poured Mia some tea. They were sitting in the garden of Lucinda's estate. Well, her parents' estate. "Just last night, he said he'd be with me forever. Isn't that romantic?"
"Quite so!" Mia smiled. "When will you get married? Will you get married? You also had an offer from the governors son, did you not?"
"In a fortnight, obviously you and your brothers will have to be there - I simply won't get married without them there. And yes, I did - but honestly, Wolfram is an idiot. He wouldn't know how to open a letter if I didn't instruct him. So, I have decided that Doctor Holmwood was the best match."
"Why? So you can show how much richer you're getting?" Dwayne walked in, a teasing grin on his face. He grabbed a chair and moved to sit at the table.
"Absolutely!" She smiled. "It is weird, though.."
"What is?" Mia reached for her teacup, cursing under her breath as some hot tea spilt over her fingers when she hit the cup too hard. She knew she should have worn her glasses - things would still be fuzzy, but not as much as they were now. But then she had to deal with headaches - and those were worse.
"Ever since I got engaged to him, I have been having nightmares. The strangest dreams, really."
"Aren't you just worried about the wedding?" Mia offered, while Dwayne asked what the dreams were about.
"I'm always sleep walking, all the way to the cemetery. And once there, I'm being haunted and hunted, taunted. It's horrifying. And just yesterday, I had the exact same dream, but this time, some monster grabbed me by the throat and actually bit me."
They were silent for a moment. "When did they start?"
"When we arrived in London, I think. I just hoped they'd stop once we were back home."
"How about you sleep at our place tonight?" Dwayne looked at Lucinda. "Maybe it will stop the nightmares."
"That would be lovely." Lucinda smiled brightly. "I'll go home and grab some stuff, and I'll be there before dinner." She smiled at Mia, taking her hand as she was about to speak up. "I'll make sure to bring some food along, don't worry."
That night, after dinner, Mia and Lucinda went off to bed. They'd listened to the stories the boys told, about running from the cops and getting a new assignment from Max - apparently there was a new Lord in town, and they needed to figure out who he was. The girls stepped into the bed, after making sure that the boys would be alright.
"We'll manage," David looked at Mapia. "Just make sure the two of you get some sleep, alright?"
Mia nodded, and after chatting for a bit, both girls fell asleep quickly. Only a few hojrs later, the boys did the same. The house was quiet. No one moved. No one spoke.
So, they didn't notice that they'd forgotten to lock the window. They didn't notice how it slammed open, a dark figure standing on the windowsill. They didn't notice how that same dark figure moved forward, bending over both girls. They didn't notice that the dark figure only had eyes for Mia, longingly stroking her arm, but deciding to leave her untouched for now. He could always claim her later. Now, it was time for his first conquest. It was time for her to join him.
It wasn't until early morning that Mia awoke. "Luce?" She asked sleepily as she felt a heavy weight on her stomach. She blinked, sitting up. As she moved closer, she couldn't help but scream. The body next to her was ice cold. The throat was ripped open. The whole bed was covered in blood. Lucinda had been killed. Brutally murdered. And she just slept through it, not able to help one of her dearest friends.
"Mia, what -" David pulled his sister away from the bed, holding her tight as she cried, upon seeing the massacre on the sheets. The other boys entered the room just as quickly, immediately moving to see if they could figure out who had entered the room. They needed to know who had done this.
"You're alright, love," David led Mia to the small bathroom, making sure that all the blood was washed off of her body.
"Is she - is she dead?"
David nodded. Mia closed her eyes, sitting down on the edge of the bathtub, trying to even her breathing. "How did I - how could I sleep through that? She - "
"Mia, look at me," David kneeled down so he was at eye level with her. "There was nothing you could have done."
Mia nodded quietly. He knew she didn't believe him, but he'd repeat it over and over until it got through.
The rest of the day was chaos. They had to call the police, Lucinda's family, her fiancé. People came and went. Pictures were taken of the crime scene, and every one of them was questioned. At the end of the day, Mia had no tears left to cry, and the boys felt just the same. That night, the house was quiet, them softly talking about their times with Lucinda. How she helped them out when they got in trouble with the law. How she was the first and only person to ever catch them red-handed - they had tried to pickpocket from her after all, even after she had saved them from jail. She had smiled and just given them some money. She had always been like an older sister to them, taking care of them when needed and always being there for both the good and the bad. She had brought humour, charm, and insights into how to best steal from the rich - and now she was gone.
1987, Santa Carla
"So, was she killed by a vampire?"
"That's how he changed her. We just didn't know that at the time. We also didn't know what we would become eventually, or we would have never done what we had done."
"What did you do?"
David shook his head. His cigarette had turned into ashes, and he heard the other boys returning. "I'll tell you tomorrow. You need to go to sleep now."
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Sweet past - ch.3
Summary: You meet Ellie for the first time and see Sarah again after three years.
Pairing: dbf!Joel x reader
Warnings: mention of death, foul language, angst.
AN: This will be angsty for a while, so buckle up... And a slow burn soooo.... :D
Masterlist Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Source: Pinterest
“You are aware I'm 15, not 5?” He knew this was how she would react. Typical Ellie. But he knew that if he hadn't called, she would have given him hell for not letting her know he wasn't coming back for the night.
“I am just letting you know, kid.” He sighed and sat down. “I'm not sure what time I'll be back."
“That bad?” There were so many differences between her and Sarah; however, one thing that they both had in common was how emotionally alert they were. 
“She's forcing herself to be strong." He sighed and closed his eyes. “She's always been like that. I don't want to push her. We got time, you know?” Ellie hummed, and Joel smiled softly at the teenager. When he discussed you with the girl, she was excited to meet you, but it was also her intention to tell Joel not to push you if you didn’t want to talk. She, after all, knew perfectly well what it was not to want to talk about things.
“Make her that omelet you always make us when we have a shitty day." He chuckled softly, but his heart skipped a bit at the protectiveness in the girl's voice, despite not meeting you yet. “I'll be fine here, so take care of her. Say hi from me.” And she was gone. Joel sighed, laughing quietly to himself. Every teenager is the same.
Joel Miller wasn't a man with all the answers. Far from it, most of the time he didn't really know what he was doing. Whether it was with Sarah, Ellie, or now with you, what he does know is that he will do whatever he can to take as much pain away from you as he is capable.
He never considered himself an aggressive man, either. Normally, he tried to be calm and steady, trying to think as logically as possible. It's not that he never took part in any fights. He was from Texas, after all, and Tommy was his brother. But even when the fights did occur, they were the last possible option. He tried to always follow his head rather than his heart. Emotions were never the answer for Joel.
He tried to take logical steps when he heard about Sarah being bullied in primary school; he didn't kill her first boyfriend, who broke her heart; and he definitely did not punch every couple out there that rejected Ellie. And yet, he got physical with his best friend the second he hurt you. Something broke in Joel that day. He tried to get his friend straight after his wife died, but he never felt like he had a right to do anything. Sure, he was the family's friend, but that was it. 
He has hated himself for that since then. He hated that he didn't do anything sooner. He blamed himself for your leaving. If he had done something sooner, maybe your father would have woken the fuck up and you would not have to go through so much pain. And yet all he did was punch his best friend after he dared to lay his hand on you.
He stopped at the entrance to the kitchen, seeing you staring into nothingness. He knew you were suffering the same kind of pain he did. If not even bigger, after all, Joel was able to see your dad's change. He has been here with him for the past three years. He didn't blame you, and he wasn't even sure if he could ever truly understand your pain. This was why he decided that he would make sure that you would not have to live through it anymore.
And so he hugged you and let you lean on him. He has taken care of you like he wanted to since your mother died. This is why, when you asked him to stay, he did lay next to you, letting you use him to repel all the nightmares.
You weren't sure you remembered when the last time was when the smell of someone else's cooking woke you up. What was also surprising was the fact that you felt like you had a good night's sleep. And it hasn't happened in a very long time, for sure.
You frowned, not really remembering how you got into bed or why the hell you slept with your clothes on, but this wasn't really important now. Your stomach was pulling you into the kitchen, where that amazing smell was coming from. And what you noticed was something you thought you'd never see with your own two eyes.
“Is the world ending?” He turned, raising his brows at you. “Joel fucking Miller in the kitchen. Cooking!"
"Keep running that smart mouth, and you won't get anything.” You raised your hands in the air in surrender and walked towards the coffee machine, but he stopped you, pointing at the table. “I got it; sit down. You still drink orange juice after coffee?” You nodded, blushing softly at the fact that he remembered. “You taught Sarah that, and now I always have to have that fucking juice at home when she visits.” He grumbles, and you can't help but laugh. A sweet, quiet laugh he adores so much.
“It's healthy for you!” You tried defending yourself, thanking him when he got your coffee. Already with milk and sugar. Your heart skips a beat at the thought that he knows you so well.
“That shit has more sugar in it than whatever the hell Sarah drinks at Starbucks.” You rolled your eyes but smirked while drinking the juice. "Trouble,” he muttered, pushing the plate with an omelet on it. “I make it for girls when they... well, don't have the best of times in their lives.” He noticed you blinking rapidly, not to let the tears fall, and all he wanted was to drag you into his arms and never let go.
You were a family, after all. 
“It's actually amazing!” You exclaimed and happily devoured the breakfast.
“Stop sounding so surprised. I needed to learn how to cook someday... “ He mumbled, and you raised your brow at him.
“Does that mean you can cook anything else?”
“Shut up and eat your omelet!” You chuckled at that, and he forced himself to ignore the skip of his heartbeat at the sound of it.
The silence was just right. There was no awkwardness there, and he was surprised to feel natural. Domestic in some way, but he liked it. He wanted you to be comfortable with him, and this moment showed that despite the time difference, you haven't seen each other, he is still someone special to you. Or at least he hoped for that.
“Joel?” He tilted his head, hearing a change of tone in your voice. He was happy to see you ate everything off, but something was weird about the air now. All of a sudden. “I want this to be small. Just family. Just us…” His eyes widened for a second, but he nodded, taking your hand in his. “I will take care of everything; will you let me?” Even at times like that, you were considerate of him and his feelings. “I want it done as soon as possible. It may sound awful, but the longer I wait, the more I can't live with myself thinking that…”
“It's all up to you. It was your father, sweetheart. I will help you if you need me, and stay away if you want to do it all by yourself.” You nodded, and deep down, Joel thought there was something more bothering you. But Ellie's voice nudged him not to push it.
It took three days to make everything work. Apparently, when the whole ordeal isn't big, this can be taken care of by hand. You didn't know if it was something your dad would want, but you didn't really have anything else to give. You decide to bury him next to your mother so they can be together forever. After all, you assume this was what he really wanted.
You were in your kitchen, preparing food for tomorrow when you heard your name called from the house entry.
“In the kitchen!” you yelled back, cleaning your hands. You turned around to welcome Joel but stood there frozen. There, in the middle of your kitchen, stood a teenage girl. She couldn't be more than 5’3”. Her auburn hair was tied in a ponytail. Intelligent, pale green eyes were staring at you. There was some mischievousness in them, but also softness that reminded you of Joel a bit. Her fair skin was decorated with freckles and a scar on her right brow. She was a beautiful girl. “Hi!” You finally said, smiling softly at the girl. You cleaned your hands onto the apron and extended it towards her.
“Hi! I'm Ellie," she introduced herself, grabbing your hand. A small, awkward smile appeared on her still-a-bit childish face. “Joel assumed it would be better to introduce myself before you know..."
“Ellie!” Joel growled at the girl, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
“It's fine!” You chuckled, pulling her down to sit down at the table. “I'm happy to finally meet you.”
“Really?” She sounded surprised, and you frowned, hearing the actual surprise in her voice.
“Of course! After what Joel told me about you, I couldn't wait to finally get to know  you." Her eyes shone with innocent happiness from your words, and from the corner of your eyes, you could see Joel whispering a very quiet ‘thank you’. “I am preparing some food for tomorrow. I'm happy to get some rest and eat something. You guys hungry?”
“Starving!” Ellie groaned loudly.
“You're always hungry!” Joel scoffed, taking his phone out of his pocket. “Is Chinese fine?” 
“Let me pay, Joel. You paid for the pizza, and you did the shopping for me.” You were about to take out your card when his hand landed on yours.
“Put that away, before I get mad.” You raised your brow at him in a challenging matter, but let it slide. This time. You will get him for that the next time.
“So tell me, Ellie, how is Mr. Grumpy doing?” Seeing the mischievousness in her eyes and the smirk, you knew you would find common ground with the teenager very quickly.
“How are you holding up?” You still cannot believe how much Sarah has changed in the three years since you last saw her. She wasn't a teenager anymore. She was a young woman, a student. You didn't know her mom, but the more you looked into her eyes, the more you saw Joel in them. 
“Been better. But hell, it's been worse as well,” you shrugged, leaning your head on her shoulder. The ceremony was over. It was short, but it was nice. The pastor prepared a nice speech, and you were surrounded by family. Your small family. And there was something in you that made you happy that your parents were together again.
You have never seen anyone as in love and happy as they were while together. You always laughed that they acted like those teenagers in love. It was sickly sweet. You envied them for that. 
“Tired.” You added after a while, and Sarah held your hand, rubbing it softly. “I'm not sure I'm even hungry.” She chuckled, especially when Joel went to the kitchen to heat up the food, taking Ellie with him. You were sure he kind of felt that it would do you good to spend some time with Sarah. Just Sarah. 
“You did well for all of this," she murmured, leaning her head on yours. Sarah loved you like a sister. Despite the age difference, you were always close. When you left, you still asked her how she was doing, but something was different. It's like that situation with your father has completely shifted the way you were. And despite all this, you still managed to stay the same kind-hearted person she remembers you for. “What's the plan now?” She felt you tense for a second, hoping she didn't spook you too much with that question.
“Since your dad called me, nothing was really going according to plan.” You sighed and straightened, pulling your head off Sarah's shoulder. “I took two weeks off from work, hoping that it would all work out, but..."
“There's still time then,” she interjected, shrugging, making you raise your brow. “It hasn't even been a whole week yet. Give yourself some time.”
“You sound like Joel; you know that!?” She laughed at that, looking at her dad, who was saying something to Ellie. “How are you with that whole Ellie situation?” She smirked at your change of topic, but let it slide. You were never truly good at opening up.
“Ellie's a spitfire, but damn, it's hard not to love her, you know?” You smiled at that, happy to hear that Sarah wasn't feeling left out in all of this. “Not to mention, I like to know that the old man isn't alone when I'm at uni, you know."
“He's not that old, you know!” She looked at you and sighed, rolling her eyes. “He's not even 40 yet.”
 “He will be this year." You chuckled at that and shook your head. “Can I be honest with ya?” You nodded, and she smiled sadly. “I don't know if ya want to hear it or not, but your dad and my dad... they were able to make up. Your leaving was like a slap in the face for your dad, and he got his shit together. But despite all of this, I always felt like Dad was bearing some heavy burden on his shoulders. I asked him once what it was, but you know him," you hummed, frowning slightly. “I think he feels guilty for what happened. I feel that as well.” You turned around to Interject, but she put up her hand, asking you silently to let her finish. “I always thought that I couldn't do anything because I was a kid. I was a stupid teenager, but I realize now that I was just afraid of seeing you fall apart. As long as you were standing tall, I thought everything was OK. But I now understand that we, as your family, should have done something sooner. If I feel that way, I can't imagine what that stubborn mool feels.” She took your hand and looked at you with teary eyes. “So I will ask you for the last selfish thing. Talk to him. Have the conversation you two probably need but have tried to avoid. If there is anyone who can take that burden off his shoulders, it is you. And he is the only one who knows you and sees the true you. So promise me that you both will talk."
“You, Sarah Miller, are the least selfish person.” You squeezed her hand and smiled encouragingly, hoping it would ease her mind. “I'm sorry that we made you worry. I never intended for this, whatever that was, with my father to have such an impact on you two. I guess I was trying to ignore the fact and didn't want to see how it would have affected my father's best friend.
“I didn't mean..." you chuckled softly at her awkward tone.
“I know you didn't. You just made me realize that saying goodbye to my father is not the only thing I need to do.” She smiled and nodded, looking back, when you heard both Ellie and Joel arguing about something. The tired look on his face made you chuckle. Unaware of Sarah's gaze traveling between you and her dad.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 months
Have you ever had that type of friend where you feel like you're the one carrying the friendship and the moment you stop trying you and this friend wouldn't see each other anymore? Jimin saying that if he didn't go to the US when he did the show wouldn't have happened doesn't surprise me. Remember the whole dance video thing last year and how Jungkook acted like the other members wouldn't want to do it with him when we all know they would've if he just asked?
I think he's that type of person that never initiates anything, he's just always waiting for other people to start things for him. I mean, he's even like that with his carrer. The fact that as early as beginning of 2022 Jimin was already working on his album, but a whole year after that by the beginning of 2023 and Jungkook still didn't seem to have any plans. If it wasn't for SB he wouldn't even have released an album.
I was thinking that I don't know how Jimin has the patience for him then I remembered my younger sibling is the same way where I always have to be the one to seek them out. So I get it Jimin, is that older sibling life. Which is fine when it's your sibling, but if this was my boyfriend there's no way I would let that shit slide. And that really sums up their relationship to me: Mostly fine for a friendship but shitty for a romantic relationship.
You've made several points.. especially the one about the dance challenges which I hadn't thought about now these days, but I remember that when he said that I wrote about how he was obviously lying and he didn't even ask the members to make a video with him. He just didn't ask them, the way I'm 10000% sure he never texted Jimin personally, or "formally" invited him over. I mean, not while he was on live.
The night JK went live and fell asleep with the camera on he said he didn't have anything to do the next day. If I recall correctly it was the same night he went to the theatre with wooga, then went back home and passed out drunk.
That same night Jimin was posting Instagram stories from his home, watching Hoseok and Yoongi videos. If I recall correctly, the next day he went to visit Jin with Hoseok. Later, he said they'd gone to see him because both him and Hoseok had that day off.
If you're in touch with someone you'd know if not only one but two of people who are supposedly close to you are going to meet another friend. He could've gone visit Jin as well.
People think all that started in March 2023 when it had been happening since long before. August 2022, Jimin spent like three weeks in the USA? Then he flew back to Korea and that same night, Jungkook was out eating with some people. So for the people who think they're dating, Jimin's away for like a month and his boyfriend doesn't get dinner with him when he arrives? Before world cup openings ceremony too, Jungkook went bowling with Taehyung. Around those same days they were together at the paradise hotel.
So Jungkook has time to hook up with women at his home, but not to grab dinner with Jimin?
I really can't fathom the level of self deception those who believe they're boyfriends must be putting themselves through. It's not 2+2 at this point, it's 2+2+2+2+2+2 like. There are so many factors.
I also found these posts, I took screenshots because I have to click everywhere on my phone to add the link and this is easier. But these are from March 3rd 2023.
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I also remember briefly bringing up Tom Holland and Zendaya, you know, a real couple. And how they were seen together more times than jikook were seen together in two years, and Tom and Zendaya don't even live in the same continent lol. I think I got some anons trying to lecture ME on queer people and how to live like a queer person in a gay relationship, compared to disgusting heteros like tomdaya.
Anyways. I really don't think I'll reply to more asks about this because it's so repetitive. There really isn't much to say. They aren't dating each other, they're just very dear friends, obviously.
Finally.. Does anyone have the screenshot of Hoseok's ig story on his birthday last year? I'm almost scared I might've dreamed it because I can't find it anywhere but I'm sure he posted a picture of a cake or flowers? and tagged Jimin, as if Jimin had brought those to him the night of his birthday, after the live in the company.
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authorxxxxxx · 1 year
Hey! It's me again, I'm not sure if you still write for bayverse but if you do can you please do something (headcannons or actual fics, whatever you want) about either just dad! Optimus or the autobots finding the reader asleep on their work table or just finding out the reader hasn't slept enough in a few days. Thanks in advance! It can be any gender you want.
Pair : Bayverse!dad!Optimus Prime x gn!reader
Summary : School was really hard on you these days and with the winter exams coming you were trying to keep up with all your homework . You were experiencing insomnia and tried to keep it as secret as possible , until your dad found you dead asleep in your desk.
Tw : just the shitty education system , insomnia , but in general fluff at the end .
Words : 4k
Edit : I know that this is short and it's maybe not as good as you would want it to be , but I'm having a really bad writer's block and a lot of things have been happening lately . Anyways I hope you liked it and again thatn you always for you love and support .
It was currently 02:34 a.m. and Optimus was searching for you in the whole entire base .
He was starting to get worried after Rachet told him that he hasn't seen you in the past couple of days .
The Autobots had a lot of things that they were dealing with and Optimus was trying to keep up .
The young ones were not cooperative at all and Rachet and Ironhide were starting to get tired of dealing with them .
Optimus was feeling disappointed at himself for not spending more time with you and he knew that at this time of the year every student was trying the hardest .
After a few minutes he finally found you .
Dead asleep on your desk , laptop open with your homework , paperwork all over the place , a black pen on your right hand , your mouth slightly open with salive drooling .
He smiled at your image but at the same time , he felt so bad .
Awful .
He cursed the education system and immediately cursed at himself .
He was feeling guilty .
" Y/N wake up , it's not good for you too sleep like this . " He said to you while slightly tapping at your shoulder .
You slowly woke up from your slumber feeling too tired an unable to do anything .
" Thanks for waking me up . I need to finish this real quick and then I'll head of to bed . You should go and rest too . I'm fine . " You replied , but you were not getting out of this situation that easily .
" If you don't go to bed immediately I will pick you up myself " He said back to you and with that you stood up going to your bedroom , with your dad following you close .
" I will finish the homework for you , but you need to go and get some rest . Sleep . The exams will finish tomorrow , but you need strength for that . So go now , get some rest . " He said while turning his back to you , ready to leave .
" Dad ? Thanks . Thanks for being supportive . Goodnight . " You said to him .
" I love you and stop being so hard on yourself . " He said to you last and with that he left .
You said a quiet I love you dad back and closed your door .
Optimus was right .
Sleep was all you needed .
You finished your last exam feeling finally relaxed and relieved .
" Dad thanks again . I got an B+ on math thanks to you . " You said to him while sitting at the base .
" It's my pleasure Y/N , just remember that that you don't have to be so hard on yourself and everything will be just fine . "
You discussed about many different things , until the other Autobots came to sit with you .
" Hey Ironhide I got a B+ on math thanks to dad . " You said happily to the old bot .
" Are you serious right now ? " Ironhide asked making you fell bad .
" Optimus are you stupid ? A B+ ? " Ironhide said to your dad making all the other bots laugh .
" It was Y/N that wrote exam . Not me . I just helped . " Your father answered making all the bots laugh again .
Let's just say that everybody had a great time .
You were looking at everyone being grateful for all your friends , but more grateful for Optimus .
More grateful for you dad .
And you thought I love you dad .
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loveackermannn · 2 years
☰ FOREVER AND EVER. –.ೃ࿐ 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧. – (! mentions of post-war from s4 ! also i recommend listening to this song when reading ! or any of the songs by that artist, it really does fit this drabble a lot and i wrote it to that song ! very soft and mundane. okay that is all, i hope you enjoy < 3)
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i want to take care of post-war levi so bad..
he deserves it after all he's been through, showered with lots of love and kisses, pampered on his bad days, cooked for when he comes back home from a long day at the tea shop.
but deep inside, he feels as though he shouldn't be treated this way. he's afraid of the burden he's caused you to deal with such a broken and unfixable man like him – but you're not going anywhere and you've made that very clear.
"it'll only be trouble for you. please don't," he says softly as you continue to change the bandages around his healing leg. it had been months since the war ended, yet the recovery process has taken much longer than he expected. now, here you were, on your hands and knees, discarding of bloodied gauze when you should be out there living freely like you've always wanted.
but the truth of the matter, is that this is where you wanted to be, for the rest of your days.
"it's not at all, my love. stop talking like that," you gently scold with no malice and levi could only clutch tightly onto his hand – the one that reminded him of what he once lost. this was quite the habit he's picked up and everytime your eyes glanced down to his lap, you wasted no time in placing your own palm over his. soon enough, you could feel the tension escape from his grip, relaxing the moment your skin touched his.
he was so physically deprived that he had begun to forget what it felt like to actually feel wanted and needed. and not the kind of want and need where he had to kill for an end goal – to be wanted and needed by you was all he cared about. he loved it, indulged in it even.
though, a part of him refused to be granted such love and care from one person, let alone by you.
"i can't help it. you don't have to be with me, you know that right?" just as you always have done, your hand met the tops of his hands, soothing his worries with just a simple touch. your thumb drew messy patterns across his scars and callouses – never hurried.
"but i want to. this is no obligation for me, you're stuck with me for a really long time. i hope you're okay with that."
guess there's no stopping you there.
you hear him inhale slowly, as if readying himself to speak again, "but we won't do many things that other couples get to do. we'll be confined to this shitty cottage for a while.."
"that's okay with me. i'd rather be here with you than anywhere else."
"but you wanted to travel. you always talked abou-"
"that can wait. trust me, we have all the time in world to do all of that. the world will still be here, even when we're grown and wrinkly," you chuckle as you flick your finger against the point of his nose.
he didn't hold back his snort at you gesture to lighten the gloom on his face – you always knew what to say.
"yeah, i'll be all old and stuck in my chair. you'll have to wipe my ass when i can't do it anymore," he says flatly, but amusement was evident in the hues of his eyes and on his face. he really did love seeing you smile at his dumb, silly jokes.
"of course, i'll do that for you," you rest your cheek on the plush of his thigh and you feel his hand come up to meet the back of your head.
"i was joking."
"well, i wasn't"
"that's digusting, come here," without effort, he lifts you in his arms and planting you onto his lap – and you were quick to want to squirm off, but he didn't let you go anywhere.
"levi! i wasn't done changing your bandages," you frown as your efforts deemed useless in his secure hold. you couldn't resist anymore and you mentally noted that he didn't hiss out of pain like he used to.
"that can wait. it doesn't hurt as much, you're fine," he says while burying his scarred face in the crook of your neck. small breaths exhaled onto your soft skin and you didn't stop yourself from threading your fingers through the raven locks of his hair.
"i just want this to last a little longer."
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