#i'll do you justice one day cowboy
spader7 · 4 months
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it's ghoul hours
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I feel bad for Starlo.
Star has a point, idk what the four were ticked off about, there is like 99% chance everyone willingly participated in the trolley problem, based on what we've seen of his behavior thus far it's not like Starlo to be that big of a jerk/drag them by force/yell at them to do it. Ed's words:
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he does it because Star asks NICELY
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clearly jealous
It genuinely seemed like a fun time/fun roleplay, especially since every day is the same. Like, the five are supposed to be a rowdy and adventures bunch, what exactly did Starlo do wrong, I'm genuinely confused and curious. Except taking a big liking in Clover (his posse should know that this is a big moment for him, according to Blackjack they've known each other since high school and had the same liking for westerns. So they were basically a nerd gang.) Starlo was kind, patient and considerate towards Clover the whole time, even warned Mooch about them not being bandits, taught Clover gun safety, wanted to bring his posse along for a fun time, thanked Ace for telling him about getting Clover a new hat...
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Sure, at first he only liked Clover for being a human, but as Ceroba says, that changed and he grew to genuinely care about them, plus I can't help but think Star saw himself in Clover and that's part of the reason he was so proud of them all the time even when they messed up (I'll talk more about this at some point)
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What exactly made Ace want to leave the gang? He even said how he doesn't mind "getting run over by the fake train"
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he's so nice. says sorry for forgetting the safety goggles even when he was scatterbrained due to his excitement. I love him so much
The only real "faults" (I'll call them temporary faults) I saw in Star during the Wild East section was that he was even more enthusiastic and more proud than usual. But how couldn't he be when he met a member of the species that he has admired for so long because they have real cowboys and sheriffs on the surface (who are seen as brave heroes who deliver justice, while Star canonically feels like a nobody farmer). His posse should have realized Clover wouldn't be there forever and just let their boss enjoy himself with his "deputy who'd have to leave sooner or later anyway"(or be more patient with him/ask him why he feels this strongly towards Clover/if there's a deeper reason for that). His friends including Ceroba just turn their back on him so quickly instead. The moment he's gotten the chance to feel valued for once and put himself first and not have to take care of this whole town and everyone in it and live his dream of meeting a real human, suddenly "his personality is damaged?"
Star's literally built this whole town, organised everything, he worries about everyone, Ceroba (plus was the one to give her emotional strength before and after Clover's sacrifice), Kanako, the monsters, his family, struggles with feelings of worthlessness yet never wipes that smile off his face, always does his best to be hopeful and optimistic and make others laugh, gave his posse a nap time so they don't become exhausted, gave Ceroba a free home, didn't act upon his feelings towards her and was a 110% supportive, caring friend instead. THAT'S who he is. He's the papa bear of this friend group, the glue holding everyone together.
He was just *really* excited. Y'all know he's insecure and just wishes to escape who he is and yet y'all blame him for liking Clover so much. Yeah, the four are very clearly jealous. But why won't the four of you control your feelings for a while? As mentioned, Clover WILL HAVE TO LEAVE EVENTUALLY. They won't be Star's "deputy" forever (the kid who's just as into westerns as he is, who values justice just as much, who also values doing the right thing. Someone he clearly felt understood in the presence of, whom he loved; just look at the way he talks about Clove during Showdown). Star seems genuinely confused of what he did wrong poor guy just wanted to live his fantasy for once and feel important:
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Even at the beginning Moray's like "oh no Martlet is upset" Mooch replies "don't be a buzzkill nothing exciting ever happens around here" and Ray's like "Yeah you've got a point"
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If you all agreed to have a little fun with a human who will very soon leave forever why is Starlo's enthusiasm such a big problem? If the posse weren't into this after all (unless they were simply too jealous which could have been solved with a honest talk and a little patience) why are you doing this "rowdy" job with Star in the first place? Do you want your boring routine day to day life so much back? Or just for Clover to leave (which they will soon enough)? You, western enthusiasts, literally met a real human, A HUMAN FROM WESTERNS YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PASSIONATELY INTO (clearly not as passionate as Star but passionate ENOUGH to understand where he's coming from).
... okay.
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ultraviolet-cello · 8 months
Aw man. Today's the last day of @tristampparty and I am surprisingly sad about it. I'll be catching up the days I missed at some point, but I've chucked all that I've written, including today, into a google document and I apparently wrote 7.5k words over the course of episode 6 to today.
That's! A Lot!
I really wanna thank everyone who reblogged and gave me their additional thoughts/commentary, and special thanks to Revenantghost for organizing this whole thing! you do good work for this fandom i am giving u a gold star
With that, here we go into Episode 0 - High Noon at July. CWs for pregnancy discussion and a less detailed than last time but still present analysis of sexual assault and transphobia, marked with a [CW] Ofc, spoilers for Trimax and Tristamp
Cowboy kid Knives is something u can pry from my cold dead hands but it's also,,, I don't watch a lot of westerns, but the way Knives describes it seems like he likes the high action and justice. Which yea. yeah.
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A lot of ppl interpret Vash then saying that he doesn't like that sorta stuff as him having always had pacifistic tendencies but I don't really read it that way? I just see him being rather similar to Trimax Vash - chill kid with his own interests and hobbies and Knives being the very oversensitive kid so outshines him initially.
Regardless of version of Trigun (except 98. 98 didn't know shit about knives lmao), Vash and Knives have always started off wanting to coexist and be peaceful; it's just how they reacted to it later that differs. In this case, Knives wants to stand up for his friends and make a peaceful world through that, and Vash is more passive in that he just wants to have faith in humanity.
Not to mention they are kids. Young, idealistic kids. This is pre-Tesla, they don't know the extent of how horrible the world is. The loss of innocence and subsequent breakdowns relating to The Horrors is yet to come.
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[CW] Mmmmm they really don't make the pregnancy imagery subtle now do they dfgkjdfjk
I also think there's like - merit in also interpreting Knives as trans. Not Just because i think he's also very trans coded (A lot of his breakdowns and story arcs have reflections in how some trans men overcompensate masculinity in a Bad Way. That's a very small subsection of trans guys btw but I am speaking from experience. I got better tho). Anyway it makes the fact that Knives is disregarding Vash's bodily autonomy very much Worse if you take the male plants are trans analogy into it.
He's so far gone that he's willing to do to Vash what would be the worst thing to be done to him; Violating his body to rebuild and make him a perfect independent ("remind him of biological reality"), physically overpowering him ("taking the aggressor, commonly masculine role in sexual assault") to do what he wants. Disregarding the wants and needs of the Plants ("women +fem-presenting ppl that he originally set out to protect because he knew their experience and wanted to help and still has that trauma from witnessing that trauma")
Ofc that's just a reading of the scene, but I quite like it as a trans guy because that makes a really good villain with trans themes/motifs! I hate him so much (affectionate)
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No, no she doesn't. Meryl is making a choice and she's gonna damn well stick to it! She's been given agency and she's gonna spend it in the most eldritch horrific scene that someone on that planet could spend it lmao. Well, no Knives takes most eldritch and horrific. Meryl's second tho
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Okay this fucking scene drives me INSANE. This is a memory, clearly, but it's one that's being tampered with. Vash asks Knives if they can get along with humans, and then Knives immediately messes with the memory to make sure that he says that he'll protect Vash no matter what. But that is very clearly not what was originally said, so... What did he say? What was present day Knives so desperate to cut off?
I've talked about the narrative being biased against Knives a lot, but something I haven't talked about is that Knives kinda tries to contribute to that narrative a lot. He wants to seem like he never cared about humans, he wants to seem like he always planned this and was going for justice ever since he was a kid. He tells Vash the Tesla incident was just a small grain of sand, he uses Luida to tell everyone he wants to kill Rem, he's unbearably cruel to Vash to make his point. The only difference is that he wants to be right.
So he doesn't let us see what the kid version of him says, because that would contradict the narrative he's built for himself.
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I really wanna give props to Studio Orange here for both the design and way they modelled the wing here, that's a really difficult task when the guy you're putting a wing on has a tight as hell bodysuit. But the anatomy holds up surprisingly well!
Also many people have pointed out that the plant mech looks a lot like Rem, and Knives staring into the face of a Plantish representation of his mother that is created and controlled subconsciously by his brother and saying he was rejected is. It sure is a scene!
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ONCE AGAIN. INCREDIBLE EFFECTS. I also would like to once again point out the angelic motifs of Knives' design here.
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Also Vash saying this is SO important because Meryl!!! is so important!!! I see a lot of people brush Meryl's space in the story off and it Enrages me because Meryl is one of the most important people to Vash. Aside from our frontline yaoi soldier Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Meryl has one of the most tangible impacts on Vash's character.
When Vash is in his breakdown in Trimax, Meryl is the one to kneel at his side and believe in him; When Vash is having his god awful horrible mindscape time in Tristamp, Meryl does the same. When Meryl is kidnapped in Trimax, Vash instantly jumps out of a window in the chance of getting her back. Vash trusted her enough to fire the ion cannon in the sand steamer episode. He immediately went to July the moment she and Roberto were kidnapped.
Meryl has so much faith in Vash and she's insane for that, but Vash recognizes her and that faith pays off in giving him the strength to carry on. He heard her voice, too :]
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Also oh to be floating slowly down to the floor while you're a meter away from a cube with the power of an atom bomb while someone named Millions Knives is summoning millions of knives in front of u. Meryl has guts, man.
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And now that Vash has gotten his gun back, he's back to using it as a tonfa! (check I think my analysis of episode 7 for more on that). Watching for the swing blocks, the forearm guard, and thwacking the knife tendrils out of the way
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This fight scene has soooo much love and care and detail in it I love it so much actually. From seeing Vash's bullets to all the expressions and beautifully detailed firing, there's so much detail in a quick space that you really have to slow it down to see everything.
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Seriously how strong is Knives to be able to have a feasible chance again Vash's prosthetic - and Vash matches him! Also the chomp
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Now something that I have the shakiest of theories on is that after summoning The Cube, Vash starts moving in a far more controlled manner, he stands still when reloading, he has his movement flurries and then stands still to aim. Which uh. Studio Orange works in 3d, but those are 2d animation techniques. He's moving like 98 Vash.
There's a lot I admire about Studio Orange's use of 3d (I am a mid-tier 2d artist lmao) but I love love love that they're able to get all these really nice, creative camera shots that would be impractical in 2d (all those overhead shots, for example, have a chance of turning about bad/looking weird in 2d, and puts more strain on animators, but 3d you have the models from every angle already. 3d isn't easier by any means, but it does have its strengths)
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Also. how Did Wolfwood get over here, dare I ask. mans climbed a tower in just a few minutes what is Wrong with him
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Also a nice detail, Vash usually has perfect trigger discipline, but he falters here against Knives, probably because he's been already shooting, but hey, he's stressed. I'll give him a break.
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I also appreciate exactly how superhuman Wolfwood is now. Tristamp Wolfwood is on a different level. Like 98 Wolfwood is just some (attractive) guy, Trimax Wolfwood has a lot of gory body horror going on and a subtle kind of endurance/strength, but Tristamp Wolfwood just jumped off a very tall building holding a grown woman and the Punisher and was fine.
Oh hey, same symbol on the tower as was on the sandsteamer and on Vash's wanted poster - symbol of July, probably
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Very horribly, Knives probably did just save Vash's life here. But also the rest of July's life (though ofc he just extended the timer)....
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I'm not quite sure When Vash started using plant bullets, but he's definitely using them now. Also the nails on his prosthetic are a nice touch!
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THE FLYING SAUCER STRIKES AGAIN. I wonder if that's gonna be the basis of the Ark, if that's the route season 2 goes.
I also. Was that allI the Plants collected that escaped in this, or were there a bunch still running in July that get obliterated too? Did Knives inadvertently cause the death of more plants? I mean, when Knives gets revived in Trimax he definitely causes the death of at least 2 plants (there are a couple of bulbs in the background of the blast radius, plus the one that was used to revive him... she uh. Didn't look like she was doing so hot)
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Vash's little speech is always so,,, intense. He has such a strong sense of character and it's admirable how well he sticks to his morals despite it all.
On a more body horror note, Knives can survive a long fucking time trying to grab The Cube. In Trimax he gets hit with the angel arm and practically disemboweled instantly, but Tristamp Knives can take over a minute of just like. being right in the direct path of fire. They're really gonna have to work to reconstruct him. Good luck, Legato!
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^ I made that long ago and needed to use it somewhere dfgkjdfg
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And ofc I have to bring up Eriks :] I don't actually have too much to say abt him. Studio Orange strip this man and make him bark like a dog next season or we will riot
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And that's kinda. It.
Man I have had such fun over the last 12 days, I've really discovered a love for analyzing and theories and putting that out there and chatting with people about Trigun :] I should do this more often lmao but I do want to get back to drawing. I'll find a balance, then!
Thank you all for coming, and Wow if you made it this far I must be doing something right lmao.
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6 Songs - Garrett
I was tagged a few days ago by @dandelion-bride for the 6 Song Ask Game.
So meet Garrett, a human(?) sorlock. I don't typically write about him directly, he's more of a figure who haunts my Durge's past and present. I typically associate him with folkpunk. He'd hate my choices and be mad that I didn't pick out Wagner or Debussy.
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Picrew here (the picrew isnt part of the game, I just don't want to keep reusing the same terrible screenshot)
I've also done these for The Inevitable Pre-Tadpole (Keres) and Post Tadpole (Rune).
Tagging @vialae @theameba1436 @picathartidae @pantsbutfancy @magmethius and anyone else who is interested
1) An event that defines your character's past
Haunting by The Pogues
For weeks and weeks after, with nerves a disaster Nowhere near that road would I go And from dusk through the night, I would shake with the fright Of the tree that had haunted me so
Flamerule 1477. The lyrics themselves aren't directly correlated to the events themselves, its more about the way that it's written like someone telling a story in a bar about a single terrifying moment that irrevocably changed them as a person. The exact same events when viewed from another perspective would be encapsulated by Mitternacht by E Nomine and is a fic I'm slowly writing.
2) How your character sees themselves
Wonderlust King by Gogol Bordello
I traveled the world Looking for understanding Of the times that we live in Hunting and gathering first-hand information Challenging definitions of sin
Always moving, never staying in one place. Question everything. Find the answers to lost questions. Another apt one would be Michael Martin Murphy's version of Streets of Laredo, if you view him as both the dying cowboy and the man listening to the cowboy's story.
3) How others view them
Selfish Man by Flogging Molly
Walk around me, not before me I'll pretend not to ignore you But I'll compromise if I realize You can do something for me
Admittedly, he probably views himself this way too. He's very self aware.
4) Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
Fairytail of New York by The Pogues
Anyone familiar with this song: "Ooooooh. 😐"
Garrett is married, but estranged is putting it politely. Posting a lyrics version of the song instead of just a snippet because the transformation of sentiments is why I picked a Christmas song to define his marriage. The lyrics take a drastic shift at 2:14.
5) A major fight scene I'm choosing to interpret this as his personal boss fight music.
Rose Tattoo by The Dropkick Murphys
A ship that always stays the course An anchor for my every choice A rose that shines down from above I signed and sealed these words in blood
I'm taking a more ominous interpretation of the lyrics. Instead of reminders about treasured memories, when in relation to Garrett it's more of a threat that he will not forget and he will not forgive.
6) End credits song
The Hand You Reach Out Is Empty (As Is Mine) by Ramshackle Glory
We're egalitarians with empty hands Is it justice to split up the dust? We are damned and we'll never earn trust And so we'll betray everything that we can
This was the first song I added to his playlist. Everything about this song encapsulates him perfectly.
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osleeplessflowero · 8 months
hi!! i JUST finished reading your cowboy!stretch x reader oneshot on ao3 and i absolutely loved it, would you mind making a continuation of it? probably with them riding a horse. thank you so much for writing that i love it so much!!! :D
// HII omg!! I'm so happy you liked the oneshot, that one was super fun to write! I'd be more than happy to write a continuation. Hopefully I do your request justice! (Especially considering it's my first one!!)
🧡You can find the first oneshot Here. :)🧡
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❤️ Reader has They/Them pronouns, and their SOUL type is up to you! 🧡 Country AU! Cowboy skeletons my beloved.. 💛 This takes place in a Crossover universe, so common fandom nicknames will be used!
It's been a few weeks since you met that dashing skeleton, Stretch, at Grillby's. After taking a few days, you worked your hardest and finally managed to fix up that old barn. Now she looks good as new, and you..need to find something else to do.
You sit in your house, kicking your legs back and forth as you lie on your stomach on your couch. Some random show plays on the tv in front of it you recognize, but you're not really focusing on it since you're facing your left scrolling through your phone. Nothing really sticks out to you, searching for something of interest before you see a little notification pop down from someone. You miss it the first time, pulling down the top of your screen and realizing it's from Stretch.
You sit up abruptly on your knees, shifting to face the tv and letting your legs rest on the wood floor. It's always nice to see what he's up to.
honey enthusiast🍯 - now -> heya, what are you up to?
You - now <- nothing much, just watching tv and dying of boredom lol ive got nothing to do now that the barns all fixed
honey enthusiast🍯 - now -> you could come over to me and my bro's place, it's just us here today
You - now <- rsally? *really?
honey enthusiast🍯 - now -> rsally
You - now <- stfu
honey enthusiast🍯 - now -> lmaoo but yeah im fr could show you the animals and stuff
You - now <- bet uh idk where you live tho
honey enthusiast🍯 - now -> i'll send you the location or i could just come get u if u want
You - now <- i think ill drive there i wanna remember the way in case i come over again :)
honey enthusiast🍯 - now -> alr sounds good to me lol i'll wait at the front gate for you sent attachment
You hop up from your seat on the couch, petting one of your dogs who'd decided to lie down in front of the couch and walking into your room to change.
"Okay, he..he lives on a ranch?? Well, I guess I should've gotten that from the cowboy getup, huh? I should probably wear somethin' I'm okay with gettin' dirty.." You browse through your closet, picking out some casual clothes that'll keep you cool and comfortable in the summer heat.
"Time to go." You walk out of your room, playing some music from the stereo in your living room and giving your dogs some pets before bidding them goodbye. You walk out to your truck and climb inside, turning the key and beginning to drive to the location you set your GPS to. A few familiar songs play while you make your way down several sets of roads. You promptly bop your head to them, lip syncing some of the words.
You knew you were at the right place the moment you saw it. The house was huge based on what you could see from the gate as you drove up to it, plenty of land surrounding it with fences up to keep any unwanted visitors out. You see a familiar shade of orange pop up as the skeleton opens the gate, walking over to your window and leaning his arms on it.
"howdy. glad you could make it, didn't get lost did you?" "Nope, got here a-okay. This place is massive- are you guys loaded or something?" You ask, flabbergasted. He chuckles at that, looking back at the house. "well, it just kinda happened when we exchanged monster currency for human currency. so I guess you could say we are." "Jesus." "you can go ahead and pull up wherever, it doesn't matter." He stands on the step just below your door, holding on. You smile at the action, driving further in and parking in a spot next to someone else's car.
He jumps down onto the ground and lets you get out, closing the door behind yourself and locking it before jumping down too.
You hear a faint "Hello!" in the distance as someone runs over, grinning wide. A skeleton, a pretty large one at that yet shorter than Stretch. His attire is pretty similar to the former, only his is buttoned up much more neatly and is blue rather than orange. Stretch's top button is currently loose, exposing a little bit of his sternum. You also notice how the two stick to one color scheme, Stretch sticking with orange and this one sticking to blue specifically.
"you're in luck, they just got here." "Yes, I'm Not Late! Hello, There! I'm Stretch's Brother, Blue. We Live Together Close To Some Of Our Friends." "It's nice to meet you, Blue. I'm.." You tell him your name, and the two of you chat about this and that before Stretch steals you away to show you around. You both walk around different parts of the ranch before you decide to go and visit the animals, saying hello to each of them promptly.
"You have so many horses-" "like. ten of them." "JESUS-" You pause, looking towards one, before turning back to him with a smile.
"..what?" He raises a brow, smiling as well with crossed arms as he observes you. "..Can we ride one?" "..you want to ride one?" "Yes- please-" "i mean, yeah, i don't see why not. though, we'd probably have to ride together. are you okay with that? if not, i can figure something out." "I'm okay with that. Won't bother me." "alright, just gimme a sec."
You wait patiently as he goes to get a proper saddle, walking over to a few horses and letting them smell your hands so they know to trust you. One in particular takes a liking to you, a black horse with a stripe of white from its muzzle to its forehead. It nuzzles its nose against the side of your head until Stretch returns, smiling as he walks over.
"somebody's attached. no, you can't bring the horse home with you." "Aww-" You fake pout, before smiling and gently petting its head. "but, you can come back to visit." "You bet I will." A determined look crosses your face. "you wanna ride this one?" He points with his thumb. "Yes- if they are okay with that, of course."
He nods, and after a few seconds the horse is saddled and ready to go.
"so, you're gonna have to sit in front of me. is that alright?" "Yeah, that's fine." "alright, cool."
He helps you get up onto the horse first. It's a bit of a strange sensation at first, but you gradually get used to it. He then climbs up and sits comfortably behind you and the saddle, gently taking hold of the reins. Feeling his arms around your waist has you feeling a bit flushed, your face heating up a bit as you hope he doesn't notice.
"comfortable?" He speaks calmly so as to not spook the horse, his head just above your shoulder. A shiver goes down your spine accompanied by an anxious smile. "Y- ..Yeah, I'm all good." You mutter, cursing yourself internally for stuttering as you hear him chuckle behind you. You don't realize at first when the horse starts to move before you snap out of a daze, looking ahead with a smile.
You feel..safe with his arms around you, even as you're very flushed. You can just blame it on the heat if he asks. What you don't know, however, is that he seems to be fairly flushed himself..a bright shade of orange lightly making its way over his cheekbones. He keeps his lazy smile as he looks over you, making sure you're alright and comfortable.
Blue has a cheeky grin as he watches you both ride around the field, leaning his arms on one of the fences.
His hold on your waist tightens a little when the horse picks up its speed, causing your face to heat up even more before that feeling is overcome by excitement. You cheer as it runs, carrying you both around.
This continues for a little while before both the two of you and the horse become tired. Stretch slides off and helps you jump down, guiding the horse back to where it can rest.
"That was fun! I wouldn't mind doing it again." "..maybe you can, next time you come over." "Yeah." You avert your eyes, your face admittedly still a little flushed. You can't fully bring yourself to meet his gaze until he reaches up to get some grass out of your hair.
"i wouldn't mind." He smirks, his eyes relaxed as he looks at you. You clear your throat. "Yeah, uh..looking forward to it." You smile in return as Blue walks over to greet you both.
"Why Don't You Guys Come Inside? I'd Love For You To Stay For Dinner. We Can Talk More!" He suggests with a friendly smile. You look over briefly at Stretch for a moment before turning back to him.
"Yeah, I'm cool with that. I'd better get home before dark, though. I've got dogs waiting at home for me." "you have dogs?" Stretch perks up, curious. "Yeah, two." "i wanna pet 'em-" "Well, maybe you can visit me next."
He grins as Blue guides you both inside, gently closing the door behind him.
Part 3? Ao3 Link:
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thewolvesof1998 · 11 months
Weekend WIP Game
Tagged by @wikiangela @jesuisici33 and @daffi-990
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more)
1. WIP List:
Love list Buddie
Motorcycle fic
Buddie MMA Rivals AU
Someone to be Gentle- Buddie fic
For you mi amor, I choose death/Buddie Mafia 
Librarian AU/Let me check you out
The heatwave fic
You make bad day infinitely better
Buddie rodeo/Alright Cowboy, Go Get 'Em
Vampire/Werewolf Buddie/Halloween fic
Only the already bad can be influenced/Crop top and short shorts fic
Street racing/Fast and Furious AU
Buddie- You belong with me fic
Buck & Eddie wedding- Something wrong in the village
Awkward Sex Buddie
Post lawsuit- I'll Call Your Mum fic
LA Zoo tiktok guy Buck 
Buck gets dumps, gets drunk with Eddie and thinks they slept together fic 
Don’t go where I can’t follow fic
sword buddie pt. 2/ Under the Guise of Violence 
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
So technically Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em is sitting at 17,852 words but most of that is chapter 1 and 2 which I’ve already posted. Unpost WIP is Buddie MMA Rivals AU ( I don’t mind if we fight, If you make me bleed) which is sitting at 4,681 words, plus a few thousand more in planning.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Buddie MMA Rivals AU has 9 chapters planned, others might get longer like For you mi amor, I choose death/Buddie Mafia or Street racing/Fast and Furious AU but I haven’t planned them out yet so I’m not sure. 
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
I’m really enjoying writing Only the Already Bad Can Be Influenced/Crop top and short shorts fic it’s so ridiculous and I’m enjoying writing something so silly. 
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Post lawsuit- I'll Call Your Mom fic Definitely, in fact, I haven’t even started this fic because I know it’s going to be a tough write and I wanted to be in the right headspace myself before I tackle the tough subjects that are going to be in it. It kinda scares me, I don't want it to send me into a depressive spiral but I also know it will be kinda cathartic so 🤷🏻
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Librarian AU/Let me check you out and You make bad day infinitely better because I'm writing them from someone else's idea. Like don't get me wrong I love the ideas but I'm constantly doubting if it's what they had in mind and if I'm actually doing it justice.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I don't usually get my fics beta read (not that I'm against it.) But I'll probably get my angst fics that deal with hard topics a sensitivity reader to make sure I'm dealing with them with respect. I do send snippets to @eddiediaztho and we've brainstormed a few ideas for some of these WIPs.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
Oh yeah all of them at some point and most of them atm.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
No major oc, just a few names here and there especially in Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em because none of the fire fam are in this fic so I had to create some characters to be in Buck and Eddie’s life. 
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
I don't know I write a lot of smut. I suppose it depends because in sword buddie pt. 2/ Under the Guise of Violence and For you mi amor, I choose death/Buddie Mafia I'll probably be writing kinks I haven't before but I really want The heatwave fic to be super sexy like all the feel and just filthy sex (think @forthewolves vibes).
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Post lawsuit- I'll Call Your Mom(Noah Kahan) fic deals with Buck's terrible headspace after the lawsuit and something he tries to do to end it all or Don’t go where I can’t follow fic in which Buck is dying and Eddie is begging him to stay. Both will have happy/hopeful endings because that's something I need.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
Either You Make Bad Day Infinitely Better or Someone to be Gentle- Buddie fic I think both of them really take the time to get into Eddie's head and what he's thinking and feeling. Also, Chapter Two of Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em explores Buck and his insecurities (sprinkled in between the smut of course).
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em because of the Rodeo and the time I put in researching rodeos and bull riding. However I also like the more subtle setting of You Make Bad Day Infinitely Better- Eddie's child's home; the backyard, their childhood hideout and his old room. The setting plays a big part in the story so I tried to pay a lot of attention to it and make it as detailed as possible.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
Probably the ones that I've had to research a lot for so Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em and Buddie MMA Rivals AU. Also, all the artwork I've done/doing of Rodeo Star Buck.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
Ohhh Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em because it's the longest fic and my first multi-chapter fic.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
No, but I do turn some dreams into wips.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that that your other fics don't?
Street racing/Fast and Furious AU probably because it's based on a movie and I haven't done an AU based on another story yet. And it's going to have street racing which will be interesting to write.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
Buck gets dumps, gets drunk with Eddie and thinks they slept together fic is going to be silly and goofy and I can't wait to write it.
19. 9. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
No, but I do want to eventually, I'm still getting used to writing Buddie and fanfiction in general.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs
So I was right, no one was able to guess what WIP my Out of Context Line was from! It's from Someone to be Gentle- Buddie fic which is a 5+1 fic: Five times Buck is gentle with Eddie + One time Eddie repays his gentleness. It's based on my poem of the same name! The snippet is from the first chapter called To Hold Me While I Cry.
tagging (no pressure): @wildlife4life​ @eddiebabygirldiaz​ @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire ​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @forthewolves @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @eddiediaztho @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherbuckley @hoodie-buck @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammy-souffle
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taggedmemes · 1 year
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ OXVENTURE PRESENTS: DEADLANDS / ch7 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'they tried to hang him, but unfortunately for them, he's already dead.'
'not my dynamite!'
'why would you take a pack of cards away from a prisoner?'
'in fairness, it would be pretty suspicious if i was skilled at digging out a bullet from my own shoulder with my finger.'
'how about getting a condemned man his last meal?'
'i would like all of my jerky back.'
'i was already executed once today.'
'if we're going to die i don't suppose it matters if we do vomit!'
'i guess i'll eat the snake bones as well.'
'it was a terrible crime. i was cutting my lawn and i cut it too short...'
'we're planning a jailbreak, so...'
'let me know when we've got enough to form an ant battering ram.'
'i think that's a reasonable thing for ants to do.'
'there's nothing about this plan i don't like.'
'of the prisoners you spoke to, which did you like the least?'
'you wanna kill this old guy? i'll do it!'
'oh my god! he's been skeletonised by ants!'
'it sounds like they're playing your tune.'
'proper old-fashioned movie cowboy punch.'
'escape is going well, is it?'
'i wasn't using those legs anyways.'
'did i ever tell you about my wedding day? rained, it did!'
'i'm only three days from retirement!'
'i prefer my food to be as fresh as humanly possible, so i bring it live, then...'
'that's nominative determinism, that is.'
'it could be very bad for you if i get out of here.'
'but murder would be a no-no.'
'do you want to see a card trick?'
'half of it /is/ on fire.'
'still getting used to this whole undying thing.'
'how on fire would you say i am?'
'are there any more bottles of that delicious looking embalming fluid?'
'does it have any negative consequences for you?'
'yeah let's go! i mean, what the hell.'
'TNT? shovel? rope?'
'i've got a strong intuition that i should take this six-fingered hand.'
'that is definitely the most illegal-looking thing in here.'
'justice is cake.'
'how could a statue also be cake?'
'is this a gouging situation?'
'get back in your cell!'
'beans is right, you owl hoot!'
'i'm gonna maybe try and shoot him in the head?'
'stupid little beard...'
'what's the vibe? vibe check.'
'it's not really a card trick, it's more of a magic spell powered by demons.'
'no one's ever let him into a position of authority.'
'as soon as you let it out, it's going to be scratching to get back in.'
'he is now smoking like an old broken car.'
'i deputise you!'
'the shouting is fine, the shooting less so.'
'i'm fairly certain that this thing - and i know this is rich coming from me - is not natural.'
'i have a real urge to hang this man.'
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deltaswap2442 · 3 months
Underswap take redesign pt 2
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Dogamy-Lesser Dog role. I sniffed right into you human. Prepare for a snoofing of sneefiness
Dogeressa-Greater Dog role. (Are you a small human or...a little puppy?)
Icepop-pants-Nice Cream Guy role. Start an ice cream business in Frostown they said! There's good business there they said! You'll make something of yourself they said! Well there go my dreams of being an interpretive dancer! Hope you're happy mom!
Smiley Meal Guy-Burgerpants role. Oh Napstabot is a great boss! Just wish the customers were as nice... It doesn't help that I'm the only one working here.... B-but- gotta stay positive!
Gerson-Snowdin Shopkeeper role. Wahaha! Welcome to Frostown traveler! Come and take a rest but don't get too comfortable! If ya stop moving for too long you'll turn from a human into a snowman! Wahaha!
QC- Gerson role. Greetings wanderer. I'm QC but back in my Royal Gaurd days they called me the Mace of Justice. But then I had to retire early to raise my family. And now they have their families and I'm old and got too much time on my hands. So I started selling some of my junk I've collected over the years
Flowey-Temmie role. Howdy! Welcome to the Flowy Shop! Hehehe! Don't I know you?Catty-RG 01 role. Oh my gawd! You're like a human. Guess I gotta kill you and stuff lol
Bratty-RG 02 role. Oh I totally got this. Reach for the sky dork cause...cowboy and junk.
Tubular Dude 01-Catty role. Like OMG! Napstabot's music like totally slaps dude! Do you think they will like sign my butt?
Tubular Dude 02-Bratty role. ...bro...no one wants to touch your butt but me...
Gaster-River Person. *He signs out "Beware the person who speaks in rhyme"*
Superdog-Annoying Dog role. Duh duh duh duh! Superdog!
Mikeal-Asriel role. I'm so happy to be back to a monster kid again... Can you hear me Frisk? It's your old friend... MIKEAL DREEMUR!!
Mikeal Dragon of Hyperdestruction-Asriel God of Hyperdeath role. When we're done playing together I'll just reset the timeline and do it all over again!
Mikeal True Dragon of Hyperdestruction-Asriel Absolute God of Hyperdeath role. Why won't you just give up! Let me win! Let me wiiiiiin!!!!
Frisk-Chara role. Welcome to my special hell. I'm what they call Frisk... The monster that appears when called for.
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dragonofeternal · 1 year
Tagged by @setsuntamew
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
D_Punisher: yo spiky [Finding Hope Like Bleeding Cowboys at Destiny's Crossroads, Trigun] (this one's a bit of a special case since this is the first line I wrote in the fic, rather than the first line overall, lol)
Wolfwood’s tan hands danced through the battered deck of playing cards, cutting the deck in half and then riffling the cards back together with a single hand. [Cards Before the Storm, Trigun]
The suns beat down on the endless sea of sand, momentarily blinding Wolfwood as he wheeled his motorcycle out of the Eye of Michael’s compound and into the endless world. [Twin Suns, Trigun Stampede]
Master Knives’s breath is hot against his throat, and Legato revels in the sensation. [all your little dooms, Trigun]
"Can I go home yet?" [Collective, Trigun Stampede]
The first time you laid eyes on him, the world was quiet in a way you had never known until then. [clear, Trigun]
“Hey don’t you wish you could get rid of that mole?” [SHARP TEETH, Persona 2]
“Would you mind coming with me? I’m a bit nervous about going in with such a dangerous criminal unarmed.” [Enduring Justice, Persona 5]
8/15 Evening >>You opened the fridge... Inside, there is a lovely little bento. [Check the Fridge?, Persona 4]
It's a lovely day in the Metaverse, and you are a horrible crow. [It's a Lovely Day in the Metaverse, and You are a Horrible Crow, Persona 5]
I like how much Wolfwood dominates like half the Trigun samples here XD Twin Suns and Bleeding Cowboys are even a combo of Vashwood and Millionsummers and YET....
And uhhh I'll tag.... @arahith @ciaran @ehyde @nomette @renxhakuryuu UMMM I KNOW I KNOW MORE PEOPLE WHO WRITE BUT MY BRAIN IS CHEESE a;slkdjf so please whoever wants to do this or say that I tagged them please go right ahead a;sdlkfj
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eoieopda · 1 year
I saw your BTS x Hozier post and I wanted to know if you can do Seveenteen with Taylor Swift lyrics <3 Thank you!
asdfgjkl this was so hard, hahaha. i haven't listened to much taylor swift, so i hope i did this some semblance of justice!! 🥴
seungcheol: new years' day (reputation)
i can tell that it's gonna be a long road / i'll be there if you're the toast of the town, babe / or if you strike out and you're crawling home
jeonghan: cowboy like me (evermore)
you're a bandit like me / eyes full of stars / hustling for the good life / never thought i'd meet you here / it could be love
joshua: don't save me (reputation)
my name is whatever you decide / and i'm just gonna call you mine / i'm insane, but i'm your baby
junhui: willow (evermore)
head on the pillow, i could feel you sneakin' in / as if you were a mythical thing / like you were a trophy or a champion ring / and there was one prize i'd cheat to win
soonyoung: gorgeous (reputation)
you should take it as a compliment / that i got drunk and made fun of the way you talk / you should think about the consequence / of your magnetic field being a little too strong
wonwoo: ivy (evermore)
oh, i can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland / my house of stone, your ivy grows / and now i'm covered in you
jihoon: cardigan (folklore)
and when i felt like i was an old cardigan / under someone's bed / you put me on and said i was your favorite
seokmin: dress (reputation)
i’m spilling wine in the bathtub / you kiss my face and we're both drunk / everyone thinks that they know us / but they know nothin'
mingyu: long story short (evermore)
and he's passing by / rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky / and he feels like home / if the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go
minghao: you're on your own, kid (midnights)
everything you lose is a step you take / so, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it / you've got no reason to be afraid
seungkwan: maroon (midnights)
"how'd we end up on the floor, anyway?" you say / "your roommate's cheap-ass screw-top rosé, that's how" / i see you every day now
vernon: delicate (reputation)
is it cool that i said all that? / is it chill that you're in my head? / 'cause i know that it's delicate
chan: mirrorball (folklore)
when they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns / i'm still on that tightrope / i'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me
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Current watchlist (August 15, 2023)
Time for a little update because I've been watching some stuff including Barbenheimer and I need to inform y'all that this might become an Only Friends brainrot blog
Currently watching : Till the End of the Moon (ep 34, I am so close to the end yet so far, I love the show but all the twists have somewhat tired me), Neon Genesis Evangelion (ep 8, my roommate got me into it and it's beautiful but painful, like everyone promised), La Pluie (ep 12, wtf happened there I do not like the direction this is taking I hate the characters now), Avatar the Last Airbender season 2 (ep 1, really I've just finished season 1 and I've loved it), Only Friends (ep 1, need I say more ? It's going to be so good, my expectations are high) Edit : as of tonight, The Warp Effect (ep 1, I needed another show by Jojo to wait while Only Friends air and this is shaping up to be very fun and refreshing)
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Just finished : Bed Friend (that one was on pause for a while, the show had its good moments for sure and it's annoying ones), Triage (I like the concept, wasn't convinced by the chemistry), Hidden Love (binged the 25 episodes in one day, this Chinese show is so damn cute, made me cry and smile), I-LAND (watched only 3 years late but hey I'll be ready for season 2 ! Still not an Enhypen Stan but definitely in love with a few members haha)
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Movies recently watched : Blanquita (4*, terrible look at sexual violence by the powerful against the marginalized in Chile and the true story of trying to seek justice), Oppenheimer (4*, clearly a Hollywood movie and not a documentary, but a very good movie), Barbie (3*, a fun time, I actually laughed a lot and very good for what it wants to be)
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On pause : Tomorrow (the friend I was watching it with got me into I-LAND so that was my main focus)
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To watch : Good Omens season 2 (I want to so bad but I'm scared of the emotional damage), Heartstopper (still haven't watched though I'm sure I'd love it), Drag Race France season 2 (I have somehow not started), Love me if you dare (I tried to watch this TW-drama back when it came out in 2015, I found it boring and dropped it but people keep raving about it), Strange Way of Life (the new Almodovar movie seems to be about gay cowboys and violence with Pedro Pascal, need I say more)
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Whumptober Day #5
Quote: You better pray I don't get up this time. Prompt: Pinned Down Pairing: Hangman PagexNolee Angle (OC) Mentions Of: The Blackpool Combat Club, The Elite, The Dark Order Verse: Cowboy AU
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Everyone in the world knew of the group of men who called themselves The Elite. Maybe it was the tales of their exploits or maybe it had been the wanted posters that once lined town boards. Either way, tales and posters had greatly exaggerated the truth and Nolee Angle had learned that when she had begun the relationship with the man who called himself The Hangman, Adam Page.
Maybe it wasn't the romantic relationship that the saloon girl had always dreamed of, but the traveling outlaw had always made time for her. It had started more physically, but with each visit, the duo had fallen more and more in love. It wasn't long before they had staked their claim on their own little farmstead. Adam traded a life of crime for ranchwork. His old friends were traded in for a new group of former criminals turned religious lot called The Order.
That hadn't stopped the lawmen from coming and when they did, it had been with the worst the law had to offer.
Nolee's half-sister Angel was the daughter of the town sheriff, but even worse, she was married to a man by the name of Jon Moxley. Jon was a rugged man, rough in all sense of the word. He worked as a bounty hunter along with a group of men who called themselves the Blackpool Combat Club, founded by railroad baron William Regal. William had employed men who all had a longing to rebuild the world in their image, even if it wasn't one of justice.
Claudio Castagnoli had come to the new world looking for somewhere to belong. After moving west, he had found that spot while working for the railroad. That's where he had met both Mr. Regal and a young man named Wheeler Yuta. Wheeler was the adapted son of law clerk Drew Gulak. Wheeler had looked for his own place in the world and finally found it on the rails. The last member was Bryan Danielson, a soft spoken but dangerous former lumberer.
William Regal had helped these men to become dangerous, hunting bounties and running their own farmstead. The latest bounty, judging by the dust cloud Nolee could see from the porch, were The Elite.
Nolee stood from her chair on the porch, hand wiping against her apron, "What are ya'll doing here?"
"We know he's here, Nolee," Angel spoke softly as she got off of her horse, "just let us in and-"
"No!" Nolee protested, blonde ringlets bouncing with the shake of her head, "Angie, he's changed! I promise he-"
"I told you that she wouldn't allow us inside, Angela," Claudio spoke as he placed his hands on his hips, "we would have to get past her if she were home."
"She'll do the right thing, Claudio," Angel took a step forward, towards the porch in an effort to talk to her sister, "Won't you, Nolee?"
"I am doin' the right thing!" Nolee shouted, stepping between the bounty hunters and the front door. She closed her eyes as she felt the door behind her open and who she could only assume was her beau.
"Now what's all this?" came Adam's thick accent.
"Adam Page, yer under arrest," Jon spat as he moved towards the porch, his hand on his pistol. "Now you gonna come quietly or-"
Adam moved to stand in front of Nolee, his eyes narrowed and his hand on his own pistol, "Nolee, get in the house..."
"Adam, I ain't gonna leave ya," Nolee protested, gently putting her hand on his arm, "Please we can-"
"You should listen to your husband," Bryan spoke up, plainly, "Things could get messy out here. Wouldn't want you to get hurt."
"Lay one hand on her an' I'll blast yer brains out," Adam snarled as he stepped off the porch. Almost as quickly as he had stepped off the porch, Claudio Castagnoli had tossed his lasso around Adam's neck, pulling until the tall blonde was on his knees. He tried to fight to get the lasso from around his neck, but Claudio placed a foot in the center of Adam's back and pulled even tighter. He sputtered and choked as Wheeler bound Adam's hands.
Nolee tried to rush to help her beau, but Angel grabbed her sister, stopping her from getting too close, "Angie...Angie please! He..."
"I can't Nolee! I'm sorry, but I can't..." Angel tried to soothe her sister.
Jon smirked as he knelt in front of the kneeling Adam, a hand tilting his head up to look in his eyes, "Yer gonna get us a damn good bounty."
Adam spat at Jon, "You better pray I don't get up this time, Jon. Cause when I get outta this? I'm gonna show you why they call me The Hangman."
0 notes
shimmeringlights44 · 2 years
Strawberry Wine
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part two
warnings: sexual content, fem receiving oral, mentions of alcohol
minors DNI
word count: 3k (she's hefty omg)
AN: hiiiii!!! here's part two of my beloved cowboy!Austin series!! I hope you enjoy and I will link part one here if you want to go read that one!
The summer days were passing by. Later in the month Momma started inviting him to dinner with us. Getting to see him in a more natural and recurring setting helped me feel a little more comfortable around him. He seemed reserved but interested in talking to me. 
I usually tried to avoid any one on one moments with him as I'm still trying this ‘me myself and I’ thing. It never failed though he would always find a way by me, finding a reason to come in the garage when i'm there or pulling weeds by the pond when i'm out sunbathing. I can't lie and say I didn't like the attention but he made it so hard to truly avoid him. 
This particular morning his truck was gone so I figured I could go get some alone time in the garden.
I padded to the garden and gandered at my towering sunflowers when I felt a somewhat familiar presence behind me. I turned around to find Austin looking around at all my flowers when he asked-
“How big are they supposed to get?” I think he just wanted a reason to talk to me. 
“Uhhh well they're already about 6 or 7 feet so I think they're pretty much done. I'm just waiting for the heads to finish opening.” “Should be any day now huh?” “Yea…” 
With a chuckle he asked “Well I-.. I was wondering if you'd like to help me paint your shed over there. I managed all the dirty work but it sure could use a pretty girl's touch on the paint.”
 I couldn't tell if he was being sweet or trying to genuinely flirt with me. Playing along I decided to say
 “So, you think I'm pretty?” 
He smiles and says “I do, so will you help me or not?” 
So was I supposed to just gloss over the fact that he called me pretty? Okay.
 “Oh, yea sure!” I started marching over to the shed ahead of Austin to try and hide the giddy smile forming on my face.
I came upon the shed, it looking almost brand new at this point.
 “You really out did yourself Austin! It hasn't looked this nice since daddy first built it.” I said while reminiscing on the memories of helping him put it together. 
He rubbed the back of his neck and said “Well, I'm glad I could do it justice for y'all. Now, your momma told me you specifically wanted ‘Ruby Red’ paint-”
“And that's exactly what you got!!” I exclaimed while opening the cans. 
I picked up one of the cans and grabbed a brush while saying “Well let's get going!”
 I decided to start on the front of the shed while Austin took the right side. I was focusing pretty intently on the brush strokes when once again I felt those blue eyes bore into me from around the corner of the building.
 It was endearing but still a little off putting. 
Not peeling my eyes from my work, I asked “Can I help you?” All I heard after that were some weird coughs that made me chuckle. 
After a bit of silent work I decided to go to the same side as Austin. 
Why not?
As I walked over he gave me a little smile and I shot one back. We worked for a little while before his voice broke the silence.
“Do you like to go dancing?” After thinking for a second I responded.
 “Uh I wouldn't say I'm too good at it but I enjoy it when I get to do it.”  With a gulp he asked “Well uh…Would you like to go dancing.. With me?”
 “Uh-” I dropped the brush in my hand from the surprise his question caused me. I Quickly bent down to pick it up and wavered 
“Uh yea I, I would like that.” My cheeks burned with nervousness. 
He grinned at me, his pearly whites flashing before he said “Okay, I'll pick you up at 8 tonight.” 
 We worked in silence again for another 20 minutes before I decided to end the day. I left him to clean everything up after I ran inside to make sense of what just happened.
Is this a date? Maybe? It's only a date if I make it one.
I kinda want to make it one.  
That evening I showered and barely managed to eat dinner on account of my nerves. I told momma Austin had invited me to go dancing with him and she didn't seem too surprised. She just told me to be safe and to have a good time.
 I was gonna try to.
I decided on a black dress that made me feel empowered and a pair of black cowboy boots that had been dying to be worn. I did my favorite style of hair and make up and surprisingly felt good. 
Still very nervous, but good.
Checking the clock on the wall it was just about to hit 8pm. I figured he would be right on time only coming from a couple hundred yards away. 
I walked outside to find him pulling up in that old yellow ford of his. He got out of the truck and looked me up and down.
 “You look mighty fine this evening.” He said with a smirk. 
This man I swear.
 I walked around to the side of the truck for him to open the door for me and said “Well you look mighty fine yourself.” 
He really did though. He closed my door and I took the opportunity to check him out as he walked to the driver side of the truck.
He had on a long sleeve jean shirt with the sleeves rolled up a bit and his chest peeking out. I could see a bit of his chest hair now.  Paired with light wash jeans and some alligator skin boots. And topped off with the nicest cream Stedson hat I'd ever seen. 
He had to know what he was doing. 
After he hopped in his truck the smell of his cologne hit me. I squeezed my legs together in reflex, and hoped he didn't notice. He turned the radio on softly and started driving us down the road. It was quiet but it was nice, it didn't feel awkward. 
After a little time we pulled up to the honky tonk and I started getting excited to see where the night would take us. It was loud and rowdy but it seemed like the perfect place to really break the ice with him. 
Following Austin inside he led me to the bartop and pulled out a chair for me to hop into.
Such a gentleman. 
He walked around to sit by me and asked me what I'd like to drink.
“Uh I guess a dirty shirley!” I half yelled back to him trying to converse over the music. “Alright” He flagged down the bartender and got our order in.
I started looking around the bar taking in my surroundings. The dance floor was full of people dancing and swaying to the music. I smiled to myself at the thought of everyone having a good time. I felt something cold and wet hit my hand which prompted me to whip my head back around. I looked over to Austin with a smile and thanked him for the drink. 
We sat together just drinking for a little while. He had a glass of whiskey, neat. I wondered what that said about him. 
We chatted about the bar and the people here and laughed at the expense of some of them. At this point in the night I started to feel a little more loose and warm from the liquor. It was around the beginning of our third drink when things got exciting.
Josh Turner’s ‘Why Don't We Just Dance’ started playing throughout the dance hall. I couldn't help but tap my foot along as this was one of my favorite songs. I felt Austin's eyes on me again, burning, with a want I could really feel. He placed his hand over mine on the bar and grabbed it. I finally caved and looked up at him, his eyes looking quite lustful with a blush creeping onto his cheeks and ears from the alcohol. 
Now, im not sure if it was the liquor giving us both courage, or the amount of sexual tension between us that prompted us to finally act on our needs.
He pulled me from the barstool with a haste I've never known onto the wooden dance floor. He laid his hand on my waist and I let out a gasp when he pulled me closer. So close in fact that I was straddling his thigh. Really straddling his thigh.
He held me so tight while he started whirling us around the dance floor. Leading me in every way. I've never felt so enamored before, so in a trance with the way this man was moving my body. He had to have felt me on his thigh, moving it ever so slightly as we two stepped. It felt so good. 
I was having so much fun giggling and laughing under the boom of the music, having the time of my life. I looked up to see Austin smiling at me when suddenly the song came to an end entirely too soon. As tradition calls for, he spun me around slowly then dipped me. 
“I've never danced with anybody that way before. it -.. It was amazing!” I said basically out of breath. 
We were on the floor standing still but oh-so-close to each other. I could practically feel his breath on my face. 
“I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad I had the might to pull you out here.” he said with a lick of confidence. 
All of a sudden, Tennessee Whiskey starts playing. 
As the song started, the lights went down and the DJ said  “We're gonna slow it down for you lovers out there tonight.” 
I looked up at Austin expectantly. Wondering what his next move would be.
His eyes trailed down to mine and with a small smile he grabbed my hand and placed it on his heart. He wrapped his arm around my waist once again. This time softer… as if I was delicate.
He started moving us in a slower movement, prompting me to lay my head on his broad, strong chest. In this moment I felt so safe, so cared for, by the ranch hand. 
I'm pretty sure I was drunk to be having these thoughts. I had to be.
 Drunk on Austin.
As I was caught up in the smell of his chest I could quietly hear him start to sing along to the song. 
You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey
You're as sweet as strawberry wine
You're as warm as a glass of brandy
And honey i stay stoned on your love all the time
His deep husky voice sent goosebumps down my spine as we swayed to the song.
The night started to come to a close shortly after that last dance. He led me out of the bar to his truck once again. 
This time, on the ride home I sat close to him, thankful for no console in his old truck. He threw his arm around me as I leaned into him. The whole ride home his thumb rubbed my shoulder. 
The drive was entirely too short for my liking. He had pulled us up to the main house and I sat up to look over at him. 
I bit my lip and said “I had the best time with you tonight Austin. I didn't know I could have so much fun.”
“I did too y/n… I-... I was wonderin if I could ask ya something?
“Yea what is it?”
“I was wonderin if it'd be okay if I got to know ya better. Tonight I got a taste of you, and I'd like more of that.” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, nervous.
He wants more of a taste… of me? His words sent that oh-so-familiar feeling down into the pit of my belly. 
Not being able to help myself, I leaned into him and whispered “I think I would like a taste as well.” 
My words caused his breath to hitch in his throat.
I watched him lick his lips, my mouth watering at the thought of connecting with them. Then I looked up to see his eyes already on mine. With haste he closed the distance between us, grabbing my face and latching his lips to mine. 
He tasted so sweet with a hint of jack daniels.
His hands slowly trailed down my body feeling all that he could when he swiftly pulled me on top of him, sitting me in his lap. I took the opportunity to knock his hat off and tangle my hands in his hair and pull. I heard a soft moan emit from his throat. He squeezed my ass in approval, making me sigh in pleasure.
I could feel his bulge growing, his jeans getting tighter by the second. He released another moan after I grinded down onto him
“God you taste so good y/n.” He said between kisses. His hand reached up to my jaw, slightly pulling my head back, exposing my neck. 
He moaned into it saying “I'd love to taste you elsewhere…” 
Holy shit.
“We can't here, but I know where to go.”
I peeled myself off of him and jumped out his truck before grabbing his hand and leading him back behind the house. I stopped at the shed to grab one of the thick blankets we kept in there for the winter  before continuing further away from the house.
 I settled on the other side of the pond thinking it was far enough away from the house where we wouldn't be interrupted. He helped me spread the blanket out before laying down and pulling me to the ground on top of him in the process. 
I straddled his lap on top of him, kissing him passionately before he pulled me away.
“Are you sure this is okay baby? I don't wanna be making you uncomfortable now.” he asked with sincerity in his voice.
“Absolutely, I think I've been wanting this for a long time.”
He smirked at me before pulling me in for another kiss. I started dragging my hands down his body, trying to feel every inch of him. I lifted his shirt up to touch the taught skin underneath. As I felt around, my hands wandered down to the buckle of his jeans when he suddenly flipped us over.
“Uh uh baby, tonight is about you.” he cooed into my chest leaving kisses all around.
He breathed down my body, leaving a trail of goosebumps. When he got to the hem of my dress his eyes flicked up to mine, pleading to continue. Granting his wish I smiled and started pulling my dress up.
I could hear a deep hum of pleasure come from him as he undressed me, noticing I decided to skip a bra tonight. 
“God y/n… you’re gorgeous. Have been since I first laid eyes on you.” he said against the skin of my belly. His hands caressed the outline of my shape, landing on my thighs. 
“I've never been a man of many words so Ihope I can show you just how I feel tonight” he practically whispered onto my heat.
My eyes rolled into the back of my head at the thought.
“Please Austin, I want you” I moaned at this point. 
At the sound of my words he moaned into my underwear, it getting wetter and hotter underneath. He planted a kiss on my pussy before coming up to latch onto one of my breasts, his fingers twisting the nipple of the other one.
He’s barely touching me and I feel like cumming, he’s too powerful. 
He decided to leave a few marks before trailing his mouth south. He looped his fingers into the sides of my panties and slowly pulled them down my legs and threw them to the side. 
I looked down at him. He was almost drooling onto my core. He looked hungry. His now dark eyes flicked up to me one last time before I tangled my hands in his hair and pushed his mouth onto my pussy.
The feeling of his lips on mine was euphoric. 
Laying on his stomach he looped his arms around my thighs keeping me in an iron tight grip. He lapped at my juices and welcomed the sweet taste they brought. 
I knew I wasn't going to last long.
“Au- Austin .. slow- slow down!” I pleaded with him, but that just caused him to continue, adding a finger inside me. 
The feeling of his long finger pumping in and out of me sent me over the edge. Everything became hot and my orgasm washed over me in waves. Hearing me moan through my climax, he continued to pump and lick me bringing me to tears.
I pulled his hand from me, wincing from the empty feeling it left. He sucked on his finger, drawing every last drop of me he could. 
As I twitched, recovering, he crawled up my body to kiss me again, allowing me to taste myself on his lips.
“ Austin-“ 
“I know baby, I know.”
After laying with me and kissing me, he helped me get dressed and walked me back to the house.
“I wanted to thank you for everything tonight. I've been a little apprehensive around you, but I'm so glad you asked me out. I'm ready for more of you.” I said, gazing up to his beautiful blue eyes.
“I'm glad I did too. I've never met anyone like you.” he said back to me looking almost puzzled.
“Well, I hope not.” I coyly said with a smile. 
Since deciding to leave the night on a sweet note, I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning inside to revel in the night I'd just had.
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Chapter 1 (Losing Family)
Being a twin isn't easy, but being a Dutton and the youngest is hard. Not to mention when you have a degree in Criminal Justice, but became one of your dad's livestock agents for Bailey Elsa Dutton that’s just her life. Her and Ryan started casually hooking up no strings but then we both caught feelings for each other it was game over once they confessed one night. The only family member that knows is Lee since he caught them making out in the barn just before sunrise. Other people are suspicious since they all know that she is Ryan’s girl. He had been protective over her from the moment they met, but Bailey didn’t mind it; she liked having someone in her corner. But this is a Yellowstone story so let’s start at the beginning well kinda of the beginning 
Bailey was walking with her dad to, she was going with Lee to the Rez because of some cattle that ended up on the land there, Jamie was trying convince there dad of something 
Bailey POV
I was kinda listening to what Jamie was saying to our dad, but I was more watching the field in front of me I could see, remembering a time when me and my twin would run wild around the yard, our mom chasing us around, sometimes dad would join in the fun. But after her death everything changed, I still remember that day. I then watched as Lee walked up to us “Your not coming dad!” Lee yelled over the chopper “No I got a meeting in Bozeman.” Dad said, throwing out the rest of his coffee “Why don’t you take your badge with you today. Take a rifle with you too.” He said handing the cup to Lee “I mean they won’t give us any try of over strays.” Lee said, I patted my brother’s shoulder, “I’ll be in the truck waiting.” I said before walking towards the truck, I got in and looked out the window, I saw Lee coming back to the truck “So why do we need our badges?” I questioned as he got in the truck “For the ranchers rinsing with us.” Lee said getting in, I hummed in response to him
"Why?" I asked looking at him
When we got to Reservation, I could already see the big fucking mess, Emmet didn’t make things better but neither did Monica’s brother “Whatever happens next to you first.” Lee said hold the gun to Monica’s brother, I looked up and saw my twin son m a horse “That mother fucker.” I mumbled under my breath, I shook my head and walked back to the truck, because I knew if I stood there I would end up on Rez land and crossing a line, I the next morning I walked down stairs, and saw my older sister walking outside "If it is the favorite." Beth said when she saw me "Fuck off." I said walking into the kitchen, I was in no mood to deal with her bitchy ass today, Grabbed a banana and went outside and down to the round pen to watch the cowboys well mostly my boyfriend "Hey, Bailey." Colby said when he saw me, I gave him a half hearted smile “You look pissed." Ryan laughed, I kinda laughed because he hit it on the nail “I am.” I said nodding my head and walked off  
Monday evening we started getting ready to go get cattle back from the reservation. I got the truck with Lee. Once we stopped I opened my truck door, "Hey, be safe." I said opening the truck door and looking at Lee "I will if you are." He laughed opening his door, I walked to the horse trailer and saw ryan already bring my horse out “Thanks.” I smiled at him as I took my rains from him "Hey, we both get home tonight." He said before kissing my cheek "I love you." He said smiling "I love you too." I said smiling at him,"Hey love birds, let's go." Lee yelled making us both turn our heads we rode “Will hold here.” Lee said holding up his hand, soon were riding into to get the cattle, everything went to shit real quick. as everything happened, we were told to fall back with the cattle we did have I was next to ryan "We got to get the Fuck out of here."Ryan said to my brother “We ain’t going anywhere with out our beef.” Lee said to him, there was still fire happening hitting the ground behind us  "Ry, I'll see you at the ranch," I said noticing my brother leaving, and turning my horse “Bailey, be careful!” Ryan yelled after me “Always.” I said looking back at him "You want them back, come and get them." Lee yelled with his gun held up, next I heard a gunshot and saw Lee fall off his horse “LEE!” I screamed, I wasn’t close engoh, but i saw someone standing over my brother as i grabbed his horse. I jumped off mine as I saw someone kick the person down, I ran over and noticed it was Kayce. I could see the other guy getting up,  I ran over to him, just as Kayce was taking out Lees side arm, I watched Kayce shoot the man before he could get a shot off soon enough. I ran over to my brother that was on the ground “Lee, no wake up please wake up.” I said tears running down my face, I looked up and saw my brother kill the man I watched my brother kill someone “Kayce?” I questioned, as he walked back over  “You don’t say anything, Bailey.” He said looking at me, this Kayce scared me, I nodded my head Kayce slid on his knees next to Lee “Kayce he’s gone.” I cried, me and Kayce both sat there “Kayce who killed our bother?” I questioned “Monica’s brother.” He sighed we both cried over the lose of our brother, before i got up and grabbed my horse and Lee’s “Kayce.” I said looking at him, the ride back I was holding back tears, kept looking between my brothers “I won’t get?” I questioned Kayce “Dad won’t do it to you.” Kayce said “I witnessed it, that makes me an accorsy to whatever the fuck i witnessed back there.” I yelled “I will keep your damn name out of it Bailey.” He said, when came to the ranch it was already early light, I finally realized my best friend was gone and let the tears fall finally Third Person 
“Get me four mounted agents and four agents on ATV’s out there right now.” Jamie said to someone, before going back to talking on his phone, Jamie walked up to his dad “All right, state police are sending a chopper out to look them." Jamie said walking over to his father, John saw two horse coming up, and walked off  "Tell them to hold off. I found them" John said walking over to a horse, Jamie then also saw what John saw John got over too his two youngest kids, Kayce was off of Lee’s horse and waiting  “Give me the reins. Go straight to Jamie. Tell him everything while it’s fresh, allright" John said to Kayce. Jamie saw his two younger siblings coming and walked over to them. But Bailey wasn’t about to talk so she walked away Ryan saw Bailey and ran over to her "You hurt?" He asked hugging her, but also looking her over she shook her head and hugged him back, Ryan held her and let her cry “Wheres your hat?” He questioned, she shrugged her shoulders and grabbed the back of his shirt “Bailey what happened?” Jamie asked “Jamie I know she needs to tell you what happened out there, but from the looks of it was traumatic.” Ryan said to his bosses son “Jamie, I’m not going to talk about it.” She said looking up from Ryan’s chest, at her now oldest brother “Ryan take her inside.” Jamie said nodding towards the house, Ryan took upstairs to her room “Bailey get changed.” Ryan said smiling, Bailey nodded but as she changed, she heard the chopper taking off and she knew her brother was gone, going home to his wife and kid, she fell against her wall and Ryan came running into her room “Bailey, talk to me.” Ryan begged her as he grabbed the sides of her face 
Bailey wasn’t talking to anyone she mostly sat on the porch or was inside the main house. The only person she talked to really about shit was dead, her twin didn’t care that she was hurting inside. On the day of the funeral, Bailey put on all black left her hair down and curled her brown hair, and put on her black cowgirl hat. Ryan was by her side the whole time, he was holding her hand, he rubbed his thumb on the back of it and did the same on the way back to the house. “How are you holding up?” He asked her “Both my brothers left me.” She said letting go of his hand 
A week after the funeral, I wasn't talking to anyone unless it was for work, not even Ryan. I'm like my twin. I shut down with emotions. So here I am throwing myself into work. But Dad finally had enough of it and called me into his office, I walked into his office and stood by the door "Bailey Elsa Dutton, tell me what the hell is going on?" He asked crossing his arm over his chest, I shook my head “Bailey Dutton.” He said sternly, I sat down in one of the chairs "I watched my brother die in front of me. I'm not okay, no one is after that. My best friend is not talking to me because he cares more about his wife's family than us. I watch my fucking older brother die in front of me. So yeah I'm bottling up emotions because the only person I could talk to is dead and the other one doesn't care." I shouted, "You should talk to one of us and not bottle things up, Bailey." He said getting up and walking towards around and sitting on the edge of his desk "You won't brush me off if I want to talk to you?" I asked looking up at him "No you are my baby girl." He said kissing my head, i stood up and hugged him "I'm going to go find someone that I need to talk to," I said pulling away, I walked towards the door "Ryan is probably worried since you have been avoiding everyone, even him." My dad laughed "What!" I said shocked looking at him "I know what happens on this ranch." He said looking at me
I walked out of the office and ran to find him but couldn’t, I stopped trying to think of anything to say but couldn't, I had to tell him how I felt about him
I sent a message to him 
Me: Meet me in the barn in Cheyanne's stall in 10
My Cowboy: Okay
I ran to Cheyanne's stall cleaned it and put Cheyanne's in the pasture before grabbing my blanket I keep in the tack room. I heard boots coming towards the stall "So the horse stall." Ryan laughed walking towards me "Yeah sorry, I don't know why I always have serious conversations here, ask any of my siblings." I laughed sitting down "Wait a serious conversation, like are we?" He asked worried sitting next to me  "No, Oh my Gosh, I don't want you to think that's what this is." I said grabbing his shoulders "So then what is it?" He asked “I’ve fallen for and you probably don’t want to date the bosses daughter.” I said looking away from him, I felt him gently grab my chin "Hey look at me, the whole world could end tomorrow and I wouldn't care because I have you." He said cupping my face I leaned into his hand and closed my eyes, I felt him kiss the top of my head "Now tell me what's been going on with you." He said worried, looking over my face "I watched my brother die in front of me and there was nothing I could do." I said with tears starting to forming in my eyes "You saw who killed him?" Ryan asked looking at me
I just nodded my head leaning into his chest before crying into his shirt "Hey look at me." He said softly I looked up at him "Hey it doesn't matter, I'm not going to question you or Kayce." He said looking down at me "I love you for you." He said cupping my face. It was also the first time either of us had said the three little words "You love me?" I asked looking at him "Yeah I love you." He said before kissing me “So now what do we make this official I mean we’ve been what fucking each other for six months?” I questioned “First let me as your dad.” He said before kissing me again “It was very nice knowing you Ryan.” I laughed “You don’t think?” He questioned looking at me “Nah he cares about my happiness too much, I know we haven’t been discreet around each other.” I said smiling “And I’m still breathing?” He questioned laughing “You good at what you do.” I said patting his chest “Been doing it since I was 18.” He laughed 
Taglist: @bellarkeselection @kitty-marie725 @hcwthewestwaswcn
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
hi i have come to be feral here is my proposal:
Ian works at the cowboy bar where they have the mechanical bull I don't know if those have specific names, the saloon? idk man i'm english.
Mickey is there for Mandy's bachelorette party under EXTREME duress. He does not want to be at a bachelorette party but he's just come out and all of her friends have adopted him and want him to come and get white girl wasted with them and cut loose and have some fun because he deserves it and you know them White Girls love a token gay.
He gets very drunk and decides he should ride the mechanical bull.
Ian, the health and safety conscious member of staff that he is, tries to stop him but they get into it a bit and Mickey's like try and stop me tough guy. And Ian doesn't want to get into a fight with him but he also doesn't want to hurt himself so he gets himself up on that rope and hovers for a bit. but Mickey's a big damn flirt and he keeps taunting Ian and being all sexy and stuff but also he is pretty drunk so he's a bit floppy while he's doing it and eventually Ian just gets down there with him and then...you know the rest.
i had no idea that my day would include a cowboy bar au, but i do NOT HATE IT ONE BIT!
alright, for those who are highly confused, please see this scorcher or a video that howl shared & i melted over!
there are not enough words in the english language (your native tongue, after all) to tell you how into this idea i am.
mickey would hate the whole fucking thing, especially because the White Girls would be insufferable with gay "save a horse, ride a cowboy" jokes. but yeah, then he DRINKS. heavily. which obviously backfires because then he's just horny as hell & that bull looks GOOD ENOUGH.
plus, like, cocky mickey wanting to show off his skillz? YES PLEASE.
my question is: does mickey see ian earlier in the night? & is the bull kiiiind of to get his attention? OR is he already on the bull & then ian's all up in his business & throwing off his groove & mickey's like, i'll show you!!!!????
i would like to read this in full whenever you're ready to write! if only just the bull part.... i think you could do it real poetic justice with the way that you'd write the rolling of hips & the way that they just run their hands down & around each other? & switch the hat back & forth?????? PLEASE.
howl, it's too powerful. we need it.
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doitwritenow · 4 years
I'd ask all 35 of the ask game, but I feel that might be a little too much. Instead, I'll choose: 2, 5, 6, 7, 12, 23, 29, 31, 33, and... oh that's way too many. Uhhh, feel free to not answer some if you feel overwhelmed. If not, go ham! I'd love to read more about your writing/writing process. :)
Oh WOW thank you! These are so fun. Hm...
2. Why do you write fanfiction?  Recently answered this one! Here’s what I said: I write fic because of the spaces between the lines of a story. The gaps and unanswered questions in canon encourage me to come up with deeper mechanics, more complicated lore, and complex character motivations in order to explain. Sometimes, one of those pieces will click into canon so well that it becomes inspiration. And then there’s nothing else to do but write! Lol. Stories are so wonderful because of what we can do with them, individually and all together, and I really like being a part of that. 
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of? While EoI is kind of my magnum opus, I really really adore Sunrise Loves To Go Down. Something came together in that fic, some tone and some thread of style, and I am immensely proud of how it turned out. I started writing it when I had been evacuated from my house due to a wildfire, lying on a hotel bed and typing on my phone in the middle of the night, and so it felt different to write than my other works. Maybe that’s why it feels different to read, too.
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily? Easily? I have to say dialogue. It’s often my favorite part of any scene, and I love the way it determines tone and establishes character. Though it’s not my absolute favorite part of writing, I dance through dialogue scenes feeling like I’m on a caffeine high. Of course, lots of times getting dialogue right is a lot of work, but there’s an ease to it that some things don’t have. 
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most? Hnnnngk the answer is pacing. It’s pacing. I struggle to pace things. I do enjoy long projects and feel proud of my ability to commit to them, don’t get me wrong. But I’d love to get better at structuring a plot to allow for the same tone without needing an overly generous amount of words. My go-to answer with pacing is always ‘write more’, but I don’t think that’s always strictly necessary. I want to be able to use the other tools in my arsenal to tell a story that’s just as complete but even more gripping.  Me: *challenges pacing to a death battle* Me: *dies*
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about. Okay so a friend and I were laughing about how funny it could be to write about what happens to Odin after Loki sticks him in a retirement home on Earth. The Mystic Artists would obviously know he was there, what with all that cosmic threat sensing bullshit, and things would devolve from there. Like, can you imagine? The Adventures of Odin Allfather and the Home for Elderly People. Series of one-shots. Each titled something like: Odin vs. Thursday Bingo. Odin vs. His Roomate. Odin vs. the Grumpy Wizard. Odin vs. the Craft Store. And slowly other characters start to show up. Ned’s grandma is in the same nursing home, and he and Odin hit it off, so obviously Ned introduces him to Peter. Stephen comes to check up on him occasionally and Odin stages the most dramatic escape attempts of all time with no real intention of going anywhere. Now I dislike Odin in canon but how comical could that be I’m serious--
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? I like prompts and challenges, but generally I work best with completely independent ideas. I can’t force my one-shot muse, so whenever it strikes I buckle down and write there and then. So yeah, prompts and challenges are really fun, but the inspiration has its own plans for my hapless self.
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out? Comfort zone? What comfort zone? Lol. I suppose I do have bounds of what I’m willing to write and share, but they’re not particularly limiting. Each story I write extends the limits of what I’m used to; I try not to hesitate. And most of the time, I like where things end up! 
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them! OCS YES I DO HAVE OCS THANKS FOR ASKING. Most of my Marvel OCs show up in EoI or were created specifically for it. But I have some other lovelies floating around, my three favorites being: - Silas Ewyn, a necromancer detective. He’s basically a vigilante archeologist, using his abilities to interact with bones to solve the mysteries of foul play victims. Silas doesn't care about politics or reasons; all he cares about is facts and bringing voices back to the dead. In the lawless Roughs (yeah, he’s a cowboy, fight me) he takes that justice back into his own hands. Though he doesn't kill, he'll go to great lengths to punish perpetrators, and he always takes a bone of the murder to bury with the bones of the victim to ensure the victim gets their justice in the afterlife, too. Which bone depends on the severity of the murder. During one of Silas’s investigations, however, he was murdered himself. Oops. But he woke up three days later with his soul rattling around in an entirely different body with no memory of the event. The only way for him to discover the truth is if he finds his old bones and solves a whole new murder... His own.  Anyway I love him and I could talk forever about the truth behind his murder and all the details of the Roughs and everything but we’ve got a limited amount of time and I still have to tell you about: - Sohcahtoa and Pemdas! If their names look like math acronyms, that’s because they are. Sohcahtoa and Pemdas are kind of children’s comic book characters in my mind? Sohcahtoa is a superhero; she travels through the Sciverse bringing people together and solving scientific and mathematical problems between others who are concepts come to life. With her meter-stick sword and her protractor throwing star, she’s a force to be reconed with!  Pemdas is her trusty sidekick. He’s a cuttlefish with immense knowledge of operations and formulas, and Sohcahtoa keeps him in a cube on her belt. Pemdas checks her math and gives her any theorems or formulas she might need.  Lol I’m a nerd next question.
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process? Just want to say: I’m not some sort of warlock, I promise! The reason I can post so consistently for EoI is not always because I write consistently; it’s because I have a cushion of chapters between what I’m writing and what I’m posting. Sometimes I’m completely barren of words and I can’t write for days on end, and sometimes I just fly through things in hours. But all that inconsistency balances itself out in the end and keeps the chapter cushion intact, so my readers get to see only me looking like I have everything under control. I’m just as chaotic as you, I promise.  (Prophets is not like this with the chapter cushion. I am a bad girl when it comes to Prophets. XD instant gratification is my arch nemesis.) 
Anyway! This was super fun Ish. Thanks for the ask! 
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